#Getting ready for the twists and turn
diamaker-moon · 2 years
Saving What's Left — Chapter Four
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Marinette flinched at the sound of destruction, rearing her out of her trance. She looked to where the sound came from and could see a part of the Akuma. She lept to her feet and starting running back.
Before reaching the main battlefield she quickly ducked in an alleyway and transformed with the ladybug miraculous.
"WHERE IS SHE?!" The Akuma screamed.
Just as the Ladybug heroine landed on a nearby rooftop near the Akuma, she heard lithe footsteps behind her. She didn't dare to look back but kept aware of the person behind her, and is preparing her body to battle in any case.
But before she can throw her yo-yo to trap whoever is behind, the person passed her like a shadow, breezing right past her. Her eyes followed their footsteps only to see a cloaked figure easily jumping from one building to another towards the Akuma.
After one swift move around the Akuma, it appeared in front of her. As she look at the figure, she couldn't see a way to know a part of their identity. A black hooded cloak covers their whole body from head to toe and a black faceless mask in their face.
The figure was extending their hand towards her and saw the Akumatized objectb in their hands.
She cautiously reached it, the moment her fingers grasped the object, the person moved once again but this time disappearing from her sight.
Looking down at the object, she couldn't help but feel a tinge of sadness in her heart. She did her job of de-akumatizing the object, and releasing her cure to the sky and have the ladybugs fix and heal the destruction that occured.
Marinette looked at the object once again and back to the de-akumatized villain, before leaving the object on the ground near the victim and disappeared from the crowd.
——— •• ◆ •• ———
Going back a few moments during the fight with the Akuma, Adrien Agreste was busy turning his school bag upside down to see if he had placed the ring of destruction inside it. Much to his dismay, it wasn't there. He was growing anxious as he continuously heard the raging Akuma outside of the school and could not find the miraculous.
"Where is it?!" He growled inside the empty classroom.
Thousands of scenarios have been running around his mind; most of them are about his freedom and his lady.
Being the hero, Chat Noir is a way for him to escape the forced reality given to him by his father. He wanted to please his father and have him be proud of me, that's why he accepts to be a model despite his awkward personality in dealing with a mob of fans.
Alongside the fame of being a popular model, is the social clingers. Those who value reputation and wealth above all else.
Suddenly he felt his surroundings stop shaking and when he looked outside the window, he saw a cloaked person infront of his bewildered lady.
'Who is that person?!' He thought angrily.
He then saw Ladybug do her thing and clean up the mess left by the Akuma. He deemed it safe enough to go out and saw his classmates around the 'Akuma of the day'. Juleka Couffaine.
He stepped closer to them in order to hear the conversation.
"Juleka, what happened? Why were you suddenly akumatized?" Rose gently asked her.
While the others were silent and waited for her answer.
"We, I, messed up. She was right. Everything was a lie…" Juleka mumbled.
Her response was silent enough but loud enough for them to hear.
Adrien suddenly felt a bubbling pit of anxiousness inside his stomach for whatever reason. The moment he heard the young Couffaine's answer, he knew it will not end well.
Juleka looked up and her gaze immediately landed on Alya's pair of eyes before continuing.
"Marinette was right, Alya. Everything about your new 'best friend' is a lie. A big fat lie. And you are not a journalist, you're nothing but a paparazzi." She said coldly.
Adrien heard a lot of gasps around him and saw the amount of disbelief in Alya's eyes.
'Oh, boy.' He thought.
——— •• ◆ •• ———
Unaware of their surroundings, the cloaked person returned to the scene and observe the class from a distance. Their intentions were unclear to the mass, but they have their goals. And no one will be stopping them from reaching it.
Their gaze was as hard as steel.
If a person looks in their eyes at the moment, they will feel fear and terror. As if they are facing death himself.
Looking to the side, the person saw another point of their goal. They had seen two points of the goal as of now, the bug and the guy. There is only one left.
When they arrived in Paris, France, they were shocked at the amount of power that was covering the whole city. And facing the bug face-to-face, was a different experience.
They looked back at the group of students that are now in a current staring match.
They sighed deeply before turning around and leaving.
For them, no amount of ancient power will get in the way of their goal. Not even the power of the miraculous.
——— •• ◆ •• ———
Beyond the world of reality. There are three beings that were watching the world move as if the three watchers are security guards and were only watching a feed from different cameras.
But it was far from it.
Their slightest interference can change everything. Now that a new variable had caught their attention as it tries to get closer to their points.
"Are we sure about this? Involving her means taking everything from her. Even the smallest item will be taken."
"Yes. We have no choice. Our decision does not matter. If it is for the better of the world, then we should not have any objections or doubts."
They looked back to the person they were talking about. And at that moment they knew, they could only do so much, and thus everything left will be upon her.
——— •• ◆ •• ———
T A G L I S T:
@demonicbusiness @imtallerthanyou @vixen-uchiha @chocolatecatstheron @arcticfox847 @autisticamerican @lady-bee-fechin @trippingovermyfeet @dancinglifeboat @celestethegoddess @eventhedarkestlightshines @fandom-trapped-03 @hikari55ttva @lovelyautumnsunflower @iglowinggemma28 @ravennightingaleandavatempus @robyalix @kanamexzeroyaoifangirl @doglover82 @a-star-with-a-human-name @pasteile @celestial-slytherin-blog @mewwitch @kanamexzeroyaoifangirl @its-maemain @artisticarson @fantasylover-92 @ravennightingaleandavatempus @seraphica @naruwitch @coolspidermanmusicflower
p.s: Haii, this is a gift for both the 200 followers and a Christmas gift to all! It's been quite a journey, especially after a few of my hiatus. So hope everyone has a happy holiday! I think the next chapter will be up next year XD
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egophiliac · 16 days
I think the theme is more loungewear than straight-up pajamas, but hey, I'm not complaining! (and -- look, we still have the groovies, I'm not giving up hope for animal kigurumi until I gotta)
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fregget-frou · 2 years
Yuu oc and Grim!!
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I love my two blue glow hair people
Some stuff about them:
His name is Stire with they/he/xe pronouns, gender really isn’t a concept they grasp well.
They’re around 18 years old with baby face so people sometimes think they’re as old as the first/second years.
Headcannon Yuu with actual magic back in their realm, but as they’re soul isn’t compatible they can’t use any of it, only keeping some moderate strength and their glowy under hair.
Stire is inspired by the ferryman, the belief that a hooded figure(usually a skeleton of sorts) will take you to your afterlife on a small boat over the River of nyx in exchange for 2-3 coins over your eyes and/or tongue. They worked pretty closely with ghosts and souls so they’re right at home at ramshackle.
They are very quiet and have a very ghostly vibe to them, often scaring people if they don’t announce themselves when they enter a room. Ze once scared the aduece duo so bad through a reflection duece gave them a black eye
ADORES grim, but they don’t gush a lot. Very matter a fact and takes grim very seriously and gets very excited when he does something new.
Autistic, struggles greatly with facial expression and vocal tone(same.) very oblivious to underlying meaning of words and take things matter of factly. Can’t tell when xey are being used until someone tells him he is. Ruggie takes their food a lot…
Likes architecture and gloomy things, so Ramshackle, Diasomnia and Ignihyde are their preferred place of resident as it’s usually dark, cold, and quiet-ish. Very sensitive to stimulation so they like cave like environments that they’re used to. They despise Scarabia because it’s so HOT and BRIGHT.
Their eyes are sensitive to light, with very pale almost grey irises so xey usually hide them under bangs or sunglasses.
Cold all the time, so frigid hands, giant sweaters, warm drinks are a must.
Gargoyle obsession, along with sculpture in general. Malleus and Stire often just infodump at each other and it’s just
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Yes malleus is Autistic/adhd
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good-beanswrites · 10 months
In one of your answers about lcsys a few days ago you mentioned that you weren't sure how closely Jackalope monitored their calls (re: trying to do investigations over the phone) and it occurred to me because you mentioned kazui calling hinako that she appears in both half and cat so he could contact her in person and they could talk a bit and even pass each other papers if they were sneaky enough. I don't know if anyone else would be willing to do that (the resources available to people like shidous wife and mahirus ex boyfriend would be limited anyway) but it could be another route if you wanted to make call monitoring strict
Anon I love that thank youuu >:0 There really is so much potential with this! 
They might not have committed careful, premeditated murders, but they sure are getting a knack for sneaky crime now. Speaking in code over phone lines, passing notes in between filming scenes, sneaking away to a private area to talk (though never knowing how much of the facility is monitored). Some of their loved ones may not have the skills/connections needed, but the prisoners sit together after getting their scripts to plan out who they’ll be able to make contact with and when.
Haruka’s sister makes a super fast appearance in AKAA, when she comes on set to film her scene someone slips a note in her pocket telling her to call a woman named Hinako with the police department and deliver a message. Hinako and the other connections listed investigate Es and Milgram, then send their findings in a message to the Kirisaki household. When Shidou visits them on his Triage trip, she passes him the information. He leaves her with any additional questions and findings to send to Mahiru’s ex before he leaves, sneaking the message into the facility. When arriving to film I Love You, her ex brings another note inside the facility disguised within his script he’s been told to look over. Mahiru has to stall some of the scenes to make filming last long enough for the others to interpret the information and form their next plan of action. Once they give her the ‘go,’ she’s able to put on a perfect performance and send the man home with a letter to Hinako. Hinako shows up to produce Cat with even more findings. This time, they send her home either with plans to investigate further on her own, or repeat the process with someone appearing in Deep Cover. They’ll have to hold out throughout the third trial, but hope what they’ve discovered/kick started will be enough when they leave. 
And, jailbreak attempt or not, I just realized they would likely end up getting close on their own! Hinako and Mahiru’s ex especially because of their similarities, but everyone would feel connected by this strange experiment. Even with limited investigation skills, they could search up the other prisoners and reach out to their families. There are conflicted feelings of sympathy and shame from the stable families, but it would make sense they’d get to talking with each other. Fuuta is horrified when the experiment ends and he leaves to find his sister is best friends with Mikoto’s. Muu’s parents are insistent about avoiding direct contact to protect their reputation, but they offer money and help to Haruka and Amane in their moving of homes. Shidou’s wife has set up playdates between her kids and Yura. (When we find out more, Kotoko and Es’ families are in the mix too :’))
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jrueships · 1 year
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this is so gay
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merakiui · 2 years
Ah! That was so good with sneaky Azul sabotaging Riddle's crossword confession! Ooh! But now, can we get the response? Surely, as time passes, Riddle will wonder why you've not answered his confession. And i feel like he'd somehow get the story from you without you suspecting. Azul ruined his romantic gesture, so it's only right that Riddle attempt to ruin his little date. Right?
>:) the rivalry saga continues!!! for those who wish to read what started it, here is that post.
What makes it worse is that you probably catch Riddle in the hall a day or so later and thank him for the fun crossword. Innocently oblivious as ever, you tell him it was an enjoyable way to pass time even if the end result was complete nonsense, to which Riddle becomes very confused. Did you not get the message? Are you trying to joke with him? Oh no... Did he accidentally send you one of the rough drafts instead of the actual final crossword?! You tell him that you had some difficulties with it, and he's about to suggest you visit Heartslabyul so that the two of you can complete some beginner's crosswords so you might be able to re-solve the crossword he mailed you. But then you tell him you enlisted help, and normally Riddle wouldn't mind it if the contents weren't the secrets of his heart! To make matters worse, you went to Azul of all people!
Now the picture looks clearer. Azul probably worked alongside you to solve the crossword, but knowing how he operates he probably caught onto the message way before you did and intentionally obscured the meaning so that it would prevent you from knowing the truth while making Riddle look foolish in the process. Riddle isn't normally a vindictive person hellbent on revenge. If someone breaks a rule, he administers punishment fairly and swiftly, nothing more and nothing less. But when it comes to Azul, he finds himself at his worst.
Azul really thinks he's going to have his "kiss the girl" moment with you on his date, but he is in for it once Riddle learns of it. Though knowing Azul, he's probably going to make the twins keep a close eye on the locations he takes you to just to ensure a certain strawberry-scented nuisance won't interfere. Riddle knows this, and so he decides that two can play at that game. Perhaps it's impolite to act so childishly, but Azul has thrown the dice first. This is war now.
Riddle asks Cater if he's ever wanted to crash a date. The first thing Cater says in response is: "Whoa. Since when are you so daring? Who poured bubbly in your tea?" The next thing he says (when Riddle's glare and stern posture indicate that he is, in fact, quite serious and not at all buzzed) is: "Sure. Why not? Whose heart are we breaking today?"
The plan is to trail you and Azul on your date into town so that he and Cater can conveniently run into you. Knowing the twins will likely be lurking somewhere out of sight, Riddle has resolved to use Cater as his excuse just in case they start asking questions. He would never stalk you and Azul; he's simply running some dorm-related errands with Cater! For a while, Riddle and Cater watch you and Azul as the two of you go in and out of shops. Nothing seems to be happening. It really just looks like two friends hanging out. Riddle thinks it might not be a date after all while he and Cater take refuge in a coffee shop, which is situated across from the store you and Azul are currently in. While Cater snaps photos of Riddle's pastry for his Magicam, Riddle verbalizes his ponderings.
"Do you truly think they're here as friends? It doesn't look like a romantic outing to me. But then... Well, I can't say for certain because dates are...unfamiliar territory for me."
"Why don't you go ask?" Riddle turns so swiftly to glare that Cater can't hold his snicker in. "Kidding, kidding." He peers out the window at the storefront, spying you and Azul at the register. He exhales deeply, as if this is all exhausting, or maybe he's just trying to think of a suitable answer to his question and is turning up blank. "I'm not really seeing any fireworks."
"Fireworks? Is there... Are fireworks meant to... Does that normally—" Riddle shakes his head with a huff. "What are you on about?"
"A connection, I mean. Like a spark. It just looks like they're chilling."
"Azul was certainly chilling when he ruined my crossword..." He crosses his arms over his chest with an offended scoff. "I'm sure he had the time of his life ruining my hard work."
"Why don't you just ask (Nickname) in person? Can't hurt to shoot your shot. If you wear your heels, you might even be tall enough to make the basket."
A biting retort rests on the tip of his tongue, but it never leaves his mouth because you and Azul are leaving the shop. Though Riddle is highly against sitting improperly, he slumps in his seat so that you won't spot him as you pass the coffee shop. He notices you and Azul aren't holding hands, but the both of you do have plenty of bags. He's spoiling you. Of course he would. Riddle corrects his posture once he knows the both of you are gone and drags Cater out just as he's finishing the last of his bitter coffee.
"For the record, my heels do not serve that kind of purpose. And shooting my shot—I will do no such thing."
Cater playfully rolls his eyes and allows himself to be tugged along. "I think you're just scared, so you wanted to confess in the most roundabout way possible. That right?"
He opens and closes his mouth speechlessly as he walks, unable to come up with a response. Of course he's scared! Who wouldn't be when trying to confess to their crush? But there's more to it than simple nerves and fear of rejection...
"I do hope you enjoy painting roses, for that will be your designation if you continue to—one moment. They're going to the docks!"
"Ooh, a sailing date. That's super cute and super cammable! A win-win all around."
You cannot be serious, Riddle thinks. However, he is dedicated, and so he walks with more determination in his gait. You and Azul have rented a small sailboat to take out onto the water, and one might assume this is where Riddle draws the line. But he did not come all this way just to let you fall prey to a romance trope, so he hastily rents a sailboat with Cater, who is more than happy to split the fee so long as he can get lots of cute photos for Magicam.
And now Riddle finds himself in a sailboat, a safe distance from you and Azul, while Cater eagerly snaps selfies and photos of the landscape with mounting enthusiasm. At least one of them is having fun... Riddle realizes this would be the perfect spot for a confession, and when he sees Azul take your hands in his he's raising his magic pen and readying a spell to knock the boat sideways when—
"Heya, Goldfishie and Snapper! Fancy seein' you here." He whirls to find Floyd hanging onto the side of the boat, scaly arms glistening under the sunlight. "Whatcha doin' all the way out here?"
Cater startles, nearly dropping his phone, and exhales a laugh that's part amusement, part relief. "Floyd, hey! Geez... You came outta nowhere. Nearly gave me a heart attack."
Riddle feels his lips curling into a frown. "Floyd."
Riddle lowers his pen. Of course Floyd would be here, and where Floyd is Jade should not be very far.
"Good afternoon, Riddle. Cater. It's a very fine day for sailing, wouldn't you agree?"
Right on cue.
Riddle turns to look at Jade, who smiles so amiably at him. "I don't suppose you're playing chaperone for Azul's little outing?" he snaps, folding his arms over his chest.
"Oh?" He raises a brow, submerging himself to hide his wicked smirk.
"Did you come out to chaperone?" Floyd asks, and now Riddle's looking at him again. Floyd giggles. "Azul thought you might get in the way, so that's why we're here! We saw you followin' 'em. It was a real funny sight."
Riddle reminds himself to stay calm. It's times like these where he has to keep a level head before someone loses theirs.
"Ah, you knew the whole time?" Cater deflates a little. "Guess nothing gets passed you guys."
"Not a thing," Jade concurs while Floyd circles the boat lazily. "Although I must admit my expectations for you were rather low. To think you'd act just as Azul had predicted..."
His hands curl into fists, his grip on his magic pen impossibly tight. Floyd's teasing does nothing to help, nor does Cater's casual surrender or Jade's irksome chuckles. Before he can stop himself, he's raised his pen and attempts to hit Floyd in the water. The fire never scorches Floyd, for he dives under with an echoing laugh, and that seems to be the imaginary whistle announcing the start of a fight. Floyd rocks the boat and Cater grabs onto the sides to steady himself as it tips, tips, tips—nearly upturning altogether—before it comes back down with a noisy splash. Riddle almost falls overboard, but instead he slips onto his rear in the belly of the boat.
Normally, he's not one to start fights. But this is a special situation; he can be a little rebellious for now, if only to focus on his main task: stopping Azul's confession. Luckily, the commotion seems to have drawn your attention, for Riddle sees you look over for a moment before his attention is stolen by Floyd and yours is graciously redirected by Azul.
He rises on unsteady legs, runs a hand through his windblown hair, and prepares for battle.
Somehow, with all of his shots and the twins' expert dodges, as well as the waves that are stirred up, which continue to tip the boat, and Cater's attempts at pacifying the situation before he drops his phone, the excitement has brought his sailboat closer to you and Azul. This leaves him with the perfect range. Just as Azul's looking at you sincerely—just as he cups your face to prevent you from looking elsewhere—Riddle raises his pen, ignoring all of the chaos around him, and makes his last spell count, hurling the enchantment directly at the side of the sailboat. He hears it hit its mark and the alarmed shouts from you and Azul as splashes follow suit, but he doesn't see it because next thing he knows Jade and Floyd have tired of this little game, bringing their tails down upon the water to create a strong wave that knocks the boat over, sending Riddle and a distressed Cater into the sea.
He breaks the surface with a gasp, treading water while Cater keeps one arm raised high to save his phone from the water's reach. The twins have slipped into the shadows below, and when Riddle clings onto the upturned sailboat to steady himself he notices you and Azul are in the same predicament. A smug smirk tugs at his lips, growing wider when Cater's holding onto the boat to survey the damage. You're currently in Floyd's arms, while Jade helps a very disgruntled Azul onto his back. Victory brightens Riddle's features. He'll deal with the repercussions after he basks in this win.
Cater rests his head onto the smooth surface of the boat, his phone still held high. "New Riddle, who dis?" he jokes through a tired chuckle. "I'd totally capture this moment with a selfie, but I can't risk it!"
Though he's soaked through to his very bone marrow and will most likely have to pay for damaging the rental sailboats, it is a good day to be Riddle Rosehearts.
Now the score is as follows:
Riddle - 1
Azul - 1
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mistress-light · 1 month
I don't know what it is, but cutting an avocado is so satisfying?asdkasujdhsad
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philosophiums · 3 months
the way i want to go to bed right now.... unreal
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windor-truffle · 3 months
*chants in increasing volume* ghost AU ghost AU GHOST AU GHOST AU
#dolphin noises#wips#I love me a good ghost AU 😭💜🎉😁#Timeline-wise I'm thinking maybe Cedric succeeding in his coup and Asbel arriving at the catacombs too late#Asbel passing right by ghost!Richard like a reversal of that iconic richass shot in the opening~#initially only Sophie can see his spirit due to her own enhanced capabilities#and Asbel can see him when they're all 3 holding hands a la Friendship Pact 💙💜💛#but ghost AUs are pretty much inherently tragic since someone's already dead#and if you play this one right you don't even need Lambda. One malevolent spirit is plenty 🙃#Asbel feels guilty for being unable to protect Richard in time but gets a chance to redeem himself this way#by helping Richard with his unfinished business that keeps him from moving on#Initially it's to ensure that his kingdom is not left in Cedric's hands (and maybe get a little revenge)#but Richard's own resentment twists him into wanting to take back EVERYTHING he's lost including things he simply can't get back#Richard's nature turns vampiric as he needs more and more eleth to sustain his continued half existence eventually targeting the valkines#And Asbel who had been so ready to give anything to help Richard realizes his beloved friend is crossing a line. people are getting hurt.#Thus the theme of the story shifts from 'protecting the will to live' to 'learning when to let go'#Poor Asbel having to learn this lesson first. That the best thing he can do for Richard is stop indulging his tainted wishes#and instead grieve together w him over what could have been then move on. It wasnt fair it wasnt kind but neither is what Richard's doing#it's basically the canon story except instead of saving richard and bringing him back it's saving richard and letting him go#it's angsty and bittersweet AF which is how you can tell it's PEAK dolphin AU 😅 themes of grief and loss and loneliness#helping someone who's lost themselves to obsessive love#'cause that's where Richard's anger comes from. the loss hurts so much because he cared so much. he wanted to fix the world then LIVE in it#dammit this is a half-baked idea and im already weeping 😭
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heavenbarnes · 5 months
thinking about your older bf!simon that cannot cope with being far from you.
when you’re in the shower, he’s sat on the lid of the toilet on his phone (watching those rug cleaning videos) enjoying your faint singing under the stream of water, the smell of your body wash on the cloud of steam- ready to pass you a towel or get your back.
when you’re at your desk, working from home or studying, he’s just on the other side of it reading the paper with one outstretched leg tangled with both of yours. he’s dead quiet when you’re on a call, just happy to be around.
when you’re doing laundry, collecting the clothes in the hamper and crouching to stuff them into the washer- turning around and accidentally colliding with a thick wall of muscle.
“sorry, love”
he steps aside but you can hear his soft footfalls as he continues to follow you throughout your home.
when you’re both watching something on the couch, what starts as his pinky locked with yours turns into his arm around your waist. that turns into your head on his chest, which culminates with you falling asleep in his lap with his cheek on your head and soft snores emanating from his lips.
when you grocery shop, you push the trolley but his chest is to your back, arms either side of you and hands clasped over yours on the handle. you can thank his military training for his uncanny ability to tell exactly when you’ll stop walking.
when he wakes up in the middle of the night, on a rare occasion when you’ve managed to slip out of bed without him realising, he’s immediately in a panic calling your name.
“in here, my love”
as soon as his heart settles, he realises the bathroom light was probably a dead giveaway. you’re taking a wee, you’ll be back in a minute.
that doesn’t stop a sleepy simon from leaning in the doorframe, shielding his eyes from the big light as he waits for you to finish up.
even on the short walk back to bed, you can feel fingers twisted in the back of your shirt- almost like you’re leading the way.
minute you’re both on the mattress, you’re being wrapped up in his arms, slotting you perfectly into the curve of his front- almost like you’re made for him.
(and you are)
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luna-azzurra · 1 year
Good Traits Gone Bad
Empathy turning into manipulation
Imagine a character who is deeply empathetic, someone who genuinely feels and understands the emotions of others. At first, this makes them incredibly compassionate and kind, always there to lend an ear or offer comfort. But over time, this empathy begins to shift. Instead of just understanding how others feel, they start to use that understanding to manipulate those around them. They know exactly what to say to get people to do what they want, twisting their caring nature into a tool for control. What once was a beautiful gift becomes a weapon, used to bend others to their will without them even realizing it.
Confidence becoming arrogance
Think of someone who exudes confidence—someone who knows their worth and isn’t afraid to go after what they want. This kind of self-assuredness is magnetic and inspiring, drawing people in. But sometimes, this confidence can grow into something darker. The character starts to believe they’re always right, that their way is the best and only way. They dismiss others’ ideas and opinions, thinking they know better than everyone else. What was once a healthy self-esteem turns into arrogance, pushing people away as they start to feel belittled and unappreciated.
Ambition turning into obsession
Picture a character who is ambitious and driven, always striving for the next big achievement. Their dedication is admirable, pushing them to work hard and aim high. But ambition can have a dark side, too. Slowly, their drive becomes an obsession. They start to focus solely on their goals, willing to sacrifice anything or anyone who stands in their way. Friends, family, and even their own health fall by the wayside as they chase success at any cost. What was once an admirable quality turns destructive, consuming them completely.
Loyalty becoming blind devotion
Loyalty is such a beautiful trait. A loyal character is dependable, someone who stands by the people they care about no matter what. But loyalty can also become dangerous if it goes too far. This character might start to overlook red flags or harmful behaviors, sticking by someone or something even when it’s clearly detrimental. They become so blindly devoted that they lose sight of their own well-being and moral compass. What starts as a positive trait turns into a kind of self-destructive stubbornness, harming them more than helping.
Courage turning into recklessness
Imagine someone who’s incredibly brave, always ready to face challenges head-on and stand up for what they believe in. At first, this courage is inspiring, giving them the strength to overcome obstacles and help others. But sometimes, courage can cross a line. It turns into recklessness, making them take unnecessary risks without considering the consequences. They start to believe they’re invincible, putting themselves and others in danger because they’re too focused on proving their bravery. What was once a powerful strength becomes a dangerous flaw.
Determination becoming stubbornness
There’s something admirable about a character who never gives up, no matter how tough things get. Their determination helps them push through difficulties and keep going when others might quit. But when that determination turns into stubbornness, it’s a different story. They refuse to change their minds, even when all the signs point to a different path. They ignore advice, dismiss alternative viewpoints, and stick to their course out of sheer willpower, even when it’s clearly not working. Their once-praiseworthy persistence becomes a source of frustration for those around them.
Optimism becoming naivety
Someone who always looks on the bright side, no matter what. Their optimism is contagious, lifting the spirits of those around them and helping them see the silver lining in every situation. But if they aren’t careful, this optimism can morph into naivety. They might start ignoring real dangers or fail to recognize when they’re being taken advantage of. Their rosy outlook makes them blind to harsh realities, and they become easily deceived or led astray, all because they’re so focused on seeing the good in everything and everyone.
Protectiveness turning into possessiveness
A character who is naturally protective of their loved ones, always looking out for them and ensuring they’re safe and happy. This protectiveness is heartwarming and makes those around them feel cherished. But when protectiveness goes too far, it can become possessiveness. The character starts to feel like they own the people they care about, becoming overly controlling and jealous. They start dictating others' actions, justifying it as care, but it’s really about their need to keep everything under their control. What started as a caring instinct turns into something suffocating and unhealthy.
Altruism becoming self-neglect
Think about a character who is incredibly selfless, always putting others' needs before their own. They’re the kind of person who would give you the shirt off their back, always ready to help, always there for everyone. But this selflessness can go too far. It turns into self-neglect, where they completely disregard their own needs and well-being. They keep giving and giving until they have nothing left, leading to burnout and exhaustion. Their altruism, while beautiful, ends up harming them because they don’t know how to set boundaries or take care of themselves.
Honesty becoming brutal bluntness
There’s a lot to be said for a character who is straightforward and honest, someone who tells it like it is and doesn’t sugarcoat the truth. People appreciate their transparency and trustworthiness. But when honesty turns into brutal bluntness, it’s no longer a positive trait. This character starts to disregard others' feelings, using their honesty as an excuse to be harsh and tactless. Their words cut deep, hurting those around them, all in the name of being truthful. What was once refreshing candor becomes a source of pain, as they lose sight of the importance of kindness in communication.
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shotmrmiller · 21 days
your superior finding out about the secret praise kink you didn't know had a name because you'd always been called an over achiever, a goody two shoes. never gave anyone any trouble, nose burrowed in a book since you had knobby knees and a library card.
you'd thought it normal that the apples of your cheeks burned when praised after giving your teacher the drawing you'd made for them the night before. that heat spread from the center of your chest up when your first boyfriend/girlfriend whistled at the sight of you outside of uniform. that warmth settles in your belly when you get a pat on the back from your platoon leader firm enough to force the air out of your lungs because you'd disassembled and cleaned a glock with the ease of a professional.
apparently it wasn't.
after weeks of training with the fabled task force, weeks of sharing elbow room with the team, weeks of soaking up the dizzying praise from the captain ("did real good out there, eh? can always count on you." you didn't question the throb betwixt your thighs, taking care of it with a cute little bullet like you've always done since joining the military)
you're confronted by the worst of the lot. ghost catches you in a break room, your back to him, hands clutching a cup of coffee that's more sludge than liquid, its warmth barely seeping through the styrofoam.
his figure fills the doorway, shoulders nearly brushing the frame. your first thought is that his brows aren't twisted together and he lacks that cold, blank look in his eyes so your death isn't in the nearest of futures. the second is that when he's not fully covering his face, the outline of his jaw is quite visible, looking sharp enough to cut.
then he crosses his sculpted arms over his chest, seams straining against the expanse of his muscles, head tipped to the side.
he moves with the keen curiosity of a predator sniffing around a newborn fawn, gaze intense yet inquisitive, assessing your every detail with a menacing interest.
"you ever gonna tell me you've a praise kink, bird?" the question sends a chill through your veins before turning into a fiery rush as it races at twice the normal speed.
praise kink? no. surely not. doesn't everyone like to receive compliments?
"sure. i don't mind gettin' told i've an impressive cock but that's bed talk. you look ready to bend over 'nd show us how slick tha' pretty cunt can get over a rufflin' of hair and a couple of empty words."
that has you positively reeling, fingertips cracking the cup in your hands, pulse on your neck fluttering. you feel a cornered, skittish animal, ready to flee lest your life come to an end in his maws.
but as usual, the cruel man more creature than person, twists the knife he's dug into you with a certain ruthlessness only he can muster.
"so be good for me, eh? love your praise? earn it."
you've always been an over achiever, proven once again by the way you take him to the root in one long, broad stroke with any complaints at the sheer size of him resting firmly behind your clenched teeth.
"tight little thing, spread open over me like you were meant for it. for me." he runs a gloved thumb over your swollen bottom lip. "there's tha' look. drivin' me bloody insane when you gave kyle tha' molten gaze. none o' tha' now, yeah?"
he creeps his ungloved hand down to circle your pearl with the spit-slick pads of his fingers, drawing in a sharp breath when your walls flutter and constrict around his cock at the feel of something other than your toy giving you the relief you need after a hard day's work.
"bloody fuckin' 'ell."
ghost claims a fistful of hair, pulling you closer to him, his breath warming the stinging, throbbing mark he bit onto the delicate skin of your neck. the shuffling of feet right outside the door snap you out of your daze, fingernails sinking into the bulging muscle of his chest but he has none of it.
he uses your hair to direct your focus back onto him and even though he'd only given you a leading tug you felt some strands of your hair come off with a pop.
"easy. can't see your pretty face when i'm fuckin' ya if your lookin' away."
your expression twists into what you hope is bliss when he bucks his hips, your whimper drowning out his groan when he hits on something new.
something you want him to keep hitting.
"exactly like i'd thought."
everything else blurs together after that, and only when you're back in your room using a warm cloth to clean yourself up do you remember the other things he'd rumbled.
(inside o' ya, make you mine-)
(-get 'bout bein' with anyone else-)
(-ll to myself-)
you touch your tender pussy with gentle fingers at what he'd said in the end.
(leave tha' f'me, he swipes your hand away, i'll get ya there, pet.)
if price's compliments take a nose dive off a cliff you don't notice because you're getting your daily fill of them and ghost after dinner every night. kyle keeps them to one word and soap likes to tempt fate as always.
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imaginedisish · 1 month
Unchained Melody (Logan Howlett x Fem!Reader)
A/N: Get ready to cry again. Here is the *what if you and Logan went to a wedding together* request. Heavily inspired by "Unchained Melody." That is such a Logan song and you cannot tell me otherwise. ENJOY!
Summary: You and Logan decide to go to Rogue and Remy's wedding together, but you don't know what together means. Logan helps to clarify...
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI!!! SMUT, thigh riding, oral (f!receiving), fingering, unprotected PIV (wrap it up!), softdom!Logan, praise kink, cocky!Logan (literally), multiple orgasms, aftercare, Logan will do anything for you, afab!reader/f!reader, reader wears a dress, reader has hair (length/color/texture not described), feelings, so fluffy and cheesy, cursing, Scott is a little shit, def some grammatical errors, I think that's it.
Word Count: 4,452 I wanna dance with Logan
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Maybe this was a mistake. You look at yourself in the mirror, turning around and around. You scan your face, check your hair, and smooth out your dress. Everything is in its right place. But, maybe, just maybe, this is all a mistake. 
You and Logan—somehow—came to the decision that you would go to Rogue and Remy’s wedding together. As in…
And yet, you weren’t entirely sure what together truly entailed. Was this going to be a date? Or were you two simply going as friends? Friends friends friends. That god-awful, misery-inducing word you’re all too familiar with. Its meaning and restrictions haunted you as you got ready, and they’re still plaguing you now. You are so incredibly sick of being just friends with Logan. You want more—want him, all of him. But you can’t tell him how you feel—you can never find the words or the courage. 
So, you’re simply going to the wedding together, unlabeled out of fear of getting an answer you don’t want to hear. 
You slip on your heels, straightening out your gown one last time before heading towards the door. You take a deep breath, nervous beyond belief. You twist the knob, pulling the door open. 
And there he is on the other side, fist clenched like he was about to knock. Logan. He’s wearing a black suit, a bowtie tied perfectly at his neck. You watch as his Adam’s apple bobs in his throat. “Hi,” he husks, his eyes trailing up and down your body. He smiles softly as he meets your gaze. He shakes his head in awe. “You look beautiful.” 
“Oh, please I—” But he cuts you off, his hand reaching out to rest in the crook of your neck. “Really, you look beautiful. You always do.” Your breath hitches as his hand slides down your arm, his fingers intertwining with yours.
You take a deep breath, suddenly overwhelmed by the contact and Logan’s words. “You look really great too,” you choke out, a slight tremble in your voice. “Perfect,” you say, and Logan tugs your hand, guiding you out the door and into the hallway.
Rogue had told you the wedding would be small—just her and Gambit’s closest friends and family on the grounds of the institute.  
Logan leads you down the stairs and out the back door of the mansion. The first thing you see are flowers; an absolute abundance of flowers. There are lilies and irises, asters and chrysanthemums. Daises, tulips, every single flower one can imagine—adorning tables, white tents, and planted in pots and boxes. It’s beautiful—a rainbow of colors and fragrances. The lawn has been transformed into a secret garden. 
Logan guides you down a cobblestone path toward a trellis covered in vines and wisteria. Surrounding the trellis on either side are rows of white, wooden chairs. You and Logan walk to the front row on Rogue’s side of the aisle and sit down next to Storm, Charles, and Jubilee.  You wave as you sit down. “You look amazing!” Jubilee shouts, reaching over Charles and Logan to get a better look at your dress. 
“You look beautiful too, Jubes,” you say, motioning in her direction. Logan sits back, slipping his hand from yours and draping his arm over your shoulder instead. Jubilee notices the movement, her eyes flickering between you and Logan, a small smile playing upon her lips. She winks at you and settles back into her seat. 
Footsteps sweep through the grass as people find their chairs. You struggle to ignore the warmth of Logan’s arm around your shoulder and the way it makes you feel—the soft circles he’s drawing into your bare skin. It’s like he needs the proximity, needs the touch. 
You can feel Logan lean in, his lips at the shell of your ear. “You are the most—”
“Wow,” a familiar voice interrupts Logan. You turn your head, and there’s Scott, with Jean just a few steps behind him. “Didn’t expect that.” He raises his brows and cocks his head to the side. 
“You need something, bub?” Logan asks, annoyance and irritation heavy in his voice. 
Scott swallows nervously as Jean chuckles behind him. He shakes his head and sits down next to you. “Nope, I just…” He trails off, looking towards the trellis. 
Logan leans forward, his arm still around your shoulder. “You just what?”
Scott throws his hands up, feigning innocence. “Nothing, absolutely nothing.”
Logan leans back, squeezing your shoulder gently as he settles into the seat. You turn towards him, catching his gaze. You need to ask him what this is, even if it’s clear to him. It’s obviously something to everyone else. You part your lips, finding the courage to finally ask Logan what you two are. “Logan,” you whisper so only he can hear. “What is—"  
But the music starts up, a whimsical rendition of “Can’t Help Falling in Love,” filling the air as Hank walks down the aisle, stopping underneath the trellis. Next is Remy, in a cream-colored suit. He grins from ear to ear as he trails down the aisle, nodding to Charles as he steps under the arch. And finally, at the end of the aisle is Rogue. Her dress is bright white, lacey, and tight. She walks down, her bouquet of lilies of the valley and baby’s breath in hand. 
She meets Remy’s side, and the music stops. “Friends and family,” Hank starts, smiling widely at the crowd. “We have gathered here today for the marriage of two people who should have been married long ago.” The crowd chuckles as Hank goes on. “But it is always better late than never…”
He continues, talking about their story, their love. Hank—naturally—finds a few Shakespeare quotes to scatter throughout his speech. It’s incredibly cheesy, but it’s beautiful. And, as Remy and Rogue exchange vows, you can’t help but well up. Their admiration and passion for one another is so undeniably clear. They’re committed, a team, partners until the end. 
“I will always love you, chere,” Remy says, slipping the ring onto Rogue’s finger. 
A single tear slides down Rogue’s cheek. “And I will always love you, sugar,” Rogue says, placing the ring in her hand onto Remy’s finger next. 
You look up at Logan, and you notice that he’s looking down at you. There’s something in his eyes, but you can’t quite place it. He tugs you closer, his thumb still stroking your shoulder. 
Hank sniffles. “With the power vested in me by the State of New York, I now pronounce you husband and wife,” Hank says, his voice shaky, his eyes glossed over, holding back tears. “You may now kiss the bride!” 
Remy wraps his arms around Rogue’s waist, and he dips her, his lips capturing hers. Everyone stands, clapping and cheering. You and Logan stand too, his arm falling from your shoulder, leaving you feeling cold despite the summer heat.
But as Rogue and Remy walk down the aisle, Logan’s arm wraps around your waist.  Rogue’s smile widens when she spots you, her eyes flitting between you and Logan. She laughs knowingly. Finally, she mouths to you, and blows you a kiss. The couple finishes their walk down the aisle, and they head into a nearby tent.  
Given that this is Rogue and Remy, the party starts right away. Music blares from the tent, and you can see the happy couple hitting the floor. You recognize the song immediately: “Take on Me” by Aha. Jean drags Scott across the grass to join them. Jubilee and some of the other kids trail behind. Charles, Storm, and Hank head over together. 
You look at Logan and smile, grabbing him by the hand and tugging him towards the tent. You can’t remember the last time you saw everyone this happy. It’s rare that you get to let loose, to have a good time. It warms your heart to see all the students dancing, to see them having a normal childhood experience. 
“Come on!” Jubilee calls. “Come dance!” She’s twirling around, dancing with Kurt and Morph, sparking her signature fireworks every now and then.
You squeeze Logan’s hand and pull him towards the dance floor. You’re shocked that he doesn’t drag his heels, that he doesn’t protest or tell you no—he lets you tug him onto the floor. You turn to face him, swaying to the synthy pop. Logan lifts his arm, twirling you around, laughing as you spin back to him. He grabs your other hand and bounces with you to the music.
“I didn’t know you liked dancing!” You shout over the song as Logan spins you again. 
He smirks, chuckling softly. “I don’t!” He shouts back, pulling you in and out to the beat. “But I like dancing with you.” He draws you in closer, letting go of your hands as his arms wrap around your waist instead.
You can feel the heat rising to your chest, spreading up your neck. The song fades out, and a much slower one starts up. “Something” by The Beatles echoes across the lawn. Rogue and Remy take the center of the floor, and everyone steps off, watching from the side. Logan guides you off the floor and towards your table, his hand in yours again.
“They’re beautiful,” you murmur. You see the way Remy looks at Rogue, the way they move as one, fluid unit. “Don’t you want something like that?” You ask, your gaze finding Logan’s. He has that look in his eyes again—all soft, relaxed, happy. 
Logan nods, squeezing your hand. “I think I’ve found it already.” 
Your lips part as you rack your brain for the right thing to say, your breath catching in your throat. It’s everything you’ve ever wanted—the words you’ve been waiting to hear. “Logan I—”
But Jubilee is grabbing your hand as the song changes. “If you’re not gonna dance with my girl, then I’m stealing her!” Jubilee calls out to Logan, pulling you onto the floor as “Can’t Take My Eyes off You” by Frankie Valli rings out. 
“Jubes,” you protest. “Logan and I were actually talking about something kind of important and—”
“One song?” She begs, frowning, putting on her best puppy dog eyes. You look over at Logan, and he’s still standing where you left him, smiling widely. Dance with her, he mouths, arching his brows expectantly. 
“Fine,” you say, still looking at Logan. 
Jubilee cheers, taking your hands in hers, spinning you around. You jump with her, screaming the words. Logan watches from his seat. He loves the way you move, the way you shake your hips, the way you throw your head back and laugh. He can see how much fun you’re having, how happy you are. He can’t keep his eyes off you, can’t help but be mesmerized. And he knows—just by watching—that he wants to be with you forever. Longer than that. You’ve changed him, made him different. And all for the better. 
You look over at him, his arms crossed against his chest as his eyes follow your every move. He’s smiling widely, clearly getting a kick out of you. 
“He loves you, you know,” Jubilee says, twirling you. “I mean, just look at how he’s looking at you!” Jubilee smirks, nodding towards Logan. Her eyes widen. “I think he’s coming over here!”
“Jubes…” Logan chides as he steps closer to the two of you. “Think I can cut in?”
“I don’t know Logan,” Jubilee says sarcastically, grinning ear to ear. “We’re having a great time.”
Logan puts a hand on your shoulder. “I’d like my girl back now.” 
My girl. His girl. 
Jubilee lifts her hands, stepping away from you as the song fades out. “Fine,” she says, pretending to be heartbroken. “Guess I’ll just have to give her up.” Logan steps between the two of you, and you lean to the side to peer at Jubilee as she walks away. She catches your glance, thrusting two thumbs up, mouthing a You got this! as she wanders to her seat. 
“Unchained Melody” by the Righteous Brothers starts up, and Logan wraps his arms around your waist, tugging you into his chest. The sun is setting in the distance, a honeyed glow washing across the lawn, painting the tent and the dance floor in golden light. Logan sways you from side to side, and you let your head fall to his shoulder. 
His lips find the shell of your ear. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispers so that only you can hear. 
“Lo, before, when we were watching Remy and Rogue…” you pause, lifting your head to look up at him. 
The corners of his mouth turn up. “I meant what I said,” Logan rasps. “I want you.” He presses his forehead to yours. “Just you.”
“I want you too,” you say, your voice soft and breathy. Logan holds you tighter, his lips just inches away from yours. You can feel his breath fan across your face. 
“Wanted you the whole time,” Logan husks, rocking you gently as the song plays out. “You’re all I ever think about. I can’t get through a day without seeing you, without talking to you.” He pauses as the music grows louder, the strings and piano echoing across the dance floor.
Woah, my love, my darling I've hungered, hungered for your touch A long, lonely time And time goes by so slowly And time can do so much Are you still mine?
“You feel like home,” he says, his eyes glossing over. “I’ve been alive a long time, and for once in my life, I finally understand what that word means. It’s you. This is what love is supposed to feel like.” He pauses again, taking a deep breath, his jaw working. “I love you, so goddamn much.”
“I love you too,” you confess. “More than anything.” 
And then his lips are on yours, and suddenly everything is nothing. The people around you are gone. Your problems have long melted away. Every ounce of pain and every second of suffering you’ve ever felt—that he has ever experienced—are forgotten. It’s all warmth and comfort, languid and slow, but passionate. He’s taking his time, tasting you, savoring you. It’s perfect. Beyond perfect. 
His lips part from yours, and he looks down at you, taking you in, committing the moment to memory. “Pretty girl,” Logan mumbles, tugging you off the floor as the song fades out and a pop song starts up. “What if we slipped away for a few minutes?” 
“O-okay,” you stutter as Logan guides you past your table and out of the tent. The bass of the music echoes across the lawn as you and Logan wander hand in hand toward the mansion.  
He pushes the back door open, leading the two of you inside, and immediately pins you against the wall. “This okay, sweetheart?” Logan asks, holding your hands above your head, his fingers wrapping tightly around your wrists. 
“Yes,” you breathe, your chest heaving against his. He closes the gap between you completely, his lips pressing to yours. It’s hurried now, hungry and frantic. His knee nudges between your legs, spreading you open. You can feel the fire burning in your core—the growing ache. 
You squirm underneath him, your arms fidgeting against his hold, longing to reach out and touch him. “Wanna make you feel good first, princess,” Logan soothes, his grip on your wrists tightening. “Let me take care of you.” You can’t help but grind down on his thigh at his words. 
“Lo,” you whine, searching for more friction. “Please, need you.” Logan swallows your moans with a kiss, his lips melting against yours. “I know, darlin’. I need you too,” he coos. “But I like watching you get off on my thigh,” he says cockily. “That feel good?” He pushes his thigh harder between your legs as you slide up and down. 
“Y-yes,” you stammer, rolling your hips. “N-need more.” 
“I know, sweetheart, I’ve got you,” Logan whispers, leaving a trail of kisses down your jaw to your neck, softly biting that sweet spot underneath your ear. “Gonna make this pussy feel good.” He lets go of your wrists as he slides down your body, hiking your dress up above your hips as he kneels in front of you.
Logan yanks your panties down your legs, leaving your core bare in front of him. “Wanna taste you, pretty girl,” he husks, his breath fanning against your heat as he settles between your thighs. 
“Please,” you beg, his face just centimeters from where you need him most. His palms splay across your inner thighs, squeezing and nudging you open. You look down at him, hunger, desire, and desperation darkening his half-lidded eyes. “Lo—”
And then he’s licking a long stripe through your folds, his tongue flicking your clit. You shudder underneath his touch as he does it again, his tongue pressing harder this time. 
“Tastes so fucking good,” Logan mumbles against you. “Knew you’d taste perfect.” He pulls your clit between his lips and sucks, his teeth grazing the bud lightly. Your knees buckle at the sensation. 
Logan pushes your legs further apart, one of his hands sliding up your thigh and toward your center. It’s teasing, achingly slow as his fingers finally reach your folds, toying with your slit and spreading your slick. He laps at your clit, and he’s desperate, ravenous, his mouth swallowing you hungrily.
He teases your entrance with two fingers—gentle compared to the way his teeth graze your clit, to the way he’s sucking every last drop you have to give him. You part your lips, ready to beg for him, but he’s thrusting his long fingers inside you—down to his knuckles—only to pull out and pump back in again. 
You moan his name, your back arching off the wall, your thighs trembling as he fucks into you. Logan smiles against you. “That feel good, pretty girl?” He asks, his fingers pumping in and out of your entrance at a rhythmic pace.
“S-so good, Logan,” you say, your voice shaky and uneven. His tongue flits out, flicking your clit before his lips wrap around the bud. He sucks again, harder this time, longer, his face buried deep inside your cunt, like he needs this. Needs to feel every inch of you. To explore you. To remember you. Your heart thunders in your chest as he thrusts in and out, his fingers hitting that sweet spot deep inside every time. 
Your walls flutter around him, squeezing him, taking him deeper. Logan laughs against you, the vibration rolling through your body in waves. “I know you’re getting closer, pretty girl,” Logan whispers, lapping at you between sentences. He looks up at you under those dark, hooded eyes as he plunges into you. “Let me get you there, wanna taste it when you come.”
You flutter around him again, his words threatening to spill the heat building at the bottom of your belly. “Lo,” you whimper as he brings a third finger to your entrance. 
“That’s it, pretty girl, say my name,” he demands, shoving the third finger deep inside on his next pump. 
“F-fuck,” you stutter, your legs shaking as you chant his name. Logan Logan Logan. 
“So fucked out that I’m all you can think about, huh?” Logan teases, edging you closer along. You moan in affirmation as Logan laves at you, stuffing his fingers deep inside. “So fucking beautiful,” he praises. “Doing so good for me.”
“L-Lo,” you choke out, clenching down around him. “I’m so close.”
You can feel yourself coming undone, melting into nothingness as he rams into you, sucking your clit roughly. “I know, princess. Let go for me, wanna feel you come on my fingers.”
Your hips buck and your legs tremble as you fall apart. Your orgasm crashes into you, pleasure coursing through your veins. Logan works you through it, his face still buried between your legs. His tongue laps at you softly, his fingers pumping slowly until they stall inside you. 
His gaze meets yours as he pulls his fingers out of your cunt and brings them to his mouth. His lips wrap around his fingers, and he sucks, savoring your release. He pulls his fingers out with a pop as he stands up. 
Logan presses his forehead to yours. “You know, there’s something else I want,” Logan says, his voice deep and raspy. “I’m not done with you yet.” He cages you in, a hand on either side of your head. 
“W-we need to be careful,” you stammer, nodding towards the door. “Someone could come in and—” Logan cuts you off. “Locked it the second we came inside, sweetheart,” Logan whispers, grabbing your dress and bunching it up around your waist. “No one’s coming in here. It’s just you and me, princess.” Logan pushes his hips into yours, and you can feel his erection straining against the fabric of his slacks. “Need you, darlin’.”
You wrap your arms around Logan’s back. “Need you too,” you pant. Logan’s lips find yours, crashing down needily, starvingly. He swallows your moans, one hand still collecting the fabric of your dress while his other tugs at his belt. He throws it to the floor with a clink and works at his button and zipper, pulling his pants and boxers down his legs. He hoists you up, one hand gripping your ass tightly, pushing your back against the wall for leverage.
“Fuck,” Logan curses, his hand guiding his cock to your entrance. Everything is rushed and frantic. He needs to be inside you, needs to feel you, needs to be as close to you as possible. His head slides through your folds, spreading your slick. “Wanted this for so long,” Logan huffs, his tip slipping into your slit. “My girl.”
With one thrust, he sinks himself deep inside you—down to the hilt. You’re suddenly so full, so whole. “Yours,” you answer as he pulls out and thrusts back in, somehow deeper this time. He’s everywhere and he’s everything. “All yours.”
Logan curses under his breath, panting your name as he sets a brutal pace. “Mine,” he growls between placing open-mouthed kisses to the crook of your neck. “All fucking mine.” His free hand slips between your bodies, finding your clit and drawing tight, rapid circles around the bud. 
You dig your nails into his suit jacket as he splits you open. You want to feel him—to feel his skin, his chest pressed against yours. But this will have to do for now. 
“Next time,” he mumbles, knowing exactly what you’re silently asking for. “You can have more of me next time, okay sweetheart?”
Next time. The words replay in your head as he fucks into you, taking everything you have to give. He knows you so well, already knows every curve and inch of your body, knows your dreams and desires. You fit, like two puzzle pieces, like magnets finally drawing together. 
His thumb brushes your clit soothingly before pinching roughly, sending a jolt of electricity up your spine. Logan thrusts in and out, his hips snapping against yours, the sound of skin against skin echoing throughout the foyer. 
“Feels so good, pretty girl,” Logan groans. “So fucking perfect, so tight.” Your walls flutter around him, and he grunts as you squeeze him. “Taking me so well.” 
You’re already close, every thrust bringing you to the edge, every flick of your clit sending you spiraling. It’s all too much. And it’s all because of him. 
“Lo,” you whine, his hips rocking into yours, his cock dragging along your walls. “I’m so…” You trail off, squeezing him again, taking him deeper. 
He moans your name, sinking inside you and pulling back out. “I know, princess, me too,” he murmurs, his pace faltering, his hips sputtering. “Come on my cock, wanna feel it,” he pants. “Wanna feel you. Forever.”
And then the tension snaps, heat spilling out of you as Logan thrusts again. He’s throbbing inside you, close behind. Pleasure pulses through your body, wave after wave. You wrap your legs tighter around Logan’s waist, keeping him close as he spills inside you, filling you up. He chants your name, his forehead pressing to yours, looking deep into your eyes as he comes undone.
Your chests heave together, sharing the same breath. His cock is still inside you. Everything is calm. Quiet. “So perfect,” Logan breathes, his lips finding yours again. “So fucking perfect.” He finally slips out of you and sets you down on the ground, keeping your dress bunched up around your waist. 
He leans over to the side, grabs a paper towel from a conveniently placed nearby roll, and sinks down to his knees. He’s cleaning you up, taking care of you, wiping away the mess spilling down your legs. He pulls your panties back up and kisses each of your thighs before standing and tossing the paper towel into the garbage by the door. 
He presses a chaste kiss to your forehead, letting your dress go. He fixes each of your straps, straightening them out, and smooths out your dress. “Beautiful,” he praises, swallowing harshly, as if he’s holding himself back from reaching out and taking you again. Part of you wishes he would.
But he bends over and pulls his pants and boxers up, tucking in his shirt, zippering and buttoning his slacks, and securing his belt back in place. He’s still a little disheveled—sweat on his brow, his hair out of place. But he looks perfect. He looks just like him. 
“You ready to go back out?” He asks, taking your hand in his. You nod and let him lead you outside and towards the tent. 
You find your seats just as dinner is being served. “Where’d you two go?” Scott asks, arching a brow. 
“Got a little too hot,” Logan says, smirking to himself. He finds your thigh under the table, squeezing gently, possessively. “Needed a break from the heat.”
You hum in affirmation, turning your head towards Logan. You can’t help the smile that spreads across your face. “That’s one way to put it,” you whisper so that only he can hear. 
He squeezes your thigh again, harder this time. His lips find the shell of your ear as the rest of the table starts up a conversation. “You’re coming back to my room tonight,” he husks. “Got it?” You can feel the heat rising to your chest as he separates from you. 
You nod, his hand still on your thigh. 
“Good, because I’m not finished with you yet.”
tags: @starfleetteddybear @ilysmdovie12 @prettyseaveins @spiderset @figsnpassionfruits @silversprings-mp3 @wittyjasontodd @theasiaabattoir @fanfic-writing-barbie @manipulatour @pedrohoe04 @derbygracie @honeyfewr @cosmiccandydreamer @Movhoney.
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tojigasm · 1 month
I absolutely liveee for Logan realizing he's a dom through taking care of you
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It begins small and harmless, as most incoragible things do.
Opening the door for you and leading you in with a hand at the dip of your back, ordering your food for you, playing dress up with you whenever the two of you go shopping, giving you his dog tags to wear.
Things he hadn't really even been that conscious of until it clicked for him one evening while the two of you were getting ready to go out to dinner.
He had come up to you while you were struggling with the clip of your necklace, watching yourself in the mirror.
Wordlessly, he takes over for you. Large hands encompassing yours as he guides your hands the right way until there's a 'click' from the clasp.
"Thank you, Lo," you smile at him as you turn around, moving up onto the balls of your feet to meet him in a soft peck.
He nods into the kiss with a smile, humming before he pulls away to kneel on the floor.
Grabbing your shoe from beside you, he helps to slip it over your socked feet, patting the top of his thigh before guiding you to rest your foot there.
The image alone is enough to make you shiver; Logan tying your shoes for you, running a hand through his tufts of hair before placing a kiss to both knees and tapping the top of your shoe as he stands back up.
"There y'go, kiddo." He slips a hand to the dip of your back, leading the two of you towards the front door.
There was something about the moment that you both registered – maybe unspoken but definitely understood between the two of you.
The second time it happens, the two of you are up late at night in the mansion. Invested in a movie marathon and too far deep in to quit though you both know the sun'll be up sooner than later.
Logan was spooning you on the couch, his back against the couch cushions and an arm thrown over your front, gently running up and down the length of your ribs to your hip through your pajamas.
"Y'okay?" He asks ever so often, stroking his knuckles down the nape of your neck.
You nod with a hum, turning sometimes to give each other a peck.
It's more often than not that kissing Logan innocently turns rather venereal no matter the circumstance but there's a subtle demureness to the air that both of you, drunk off eachother already, seem to abide by.
Logan cups a large calloused hand under your jaw, not squeezing or applying any pressure but simply reminding you of its presence amongst him pulling away to press kisses to the curve of your cheek and jaw.
"Hi, baby." He says softly under his breath, kissing the tip of your nose, smiling warmly when you giggle.
Similarly, it's when the two of you are at the island one night that something comes over Logan that has him pulling you from your chair into his lap.
He slides your food over beside his own before feeding you your food the rest of the night, pressing kisses to your shoulder here and there.
"Taste good?" He asks, stroking his hand down your back softly.
You nod.
And so it only makes sense that while you're beneath him, ass pressed into his hips and the girth of his cock stretching you open so deliciously that you're nearly delrious with it, that he presses the palm of his hand to the side of your head, turning you somewhat to meet his eyes.
And Jesus, you're so fucked out you can barely focus on him.
The roll of his hips pulls a broken whine from your swollen lips. Brows furrowing and lips parting at the stretch of it.
Logan keeps himself there, curved over the arch of your back and his hand keeping you steady.
Your hand that's not twisted into his pillow case seeks for him by your side, and he slips his free hand into yours, giving your hand a gentl squeeze.
"Daddys here, baby." He hums, and there's little to no sexual undertone to it – something raw about it in its sensitivity makes you keen because the both of you know it's more than just him fucking you that causes that reaction.
A shiver runs down your spine, lips parted in a silent moan.
"Y'close?" He asks, dropping his hand from the side of your head to the bed.
You nod with a hitched whine, shivering as your walls tighten around the veiny girth of his cock.
"Haa... aaa" you sob into your arm.
Logan coos from behind you, leaning down to press a kiss to the top of your head as you unravel beneath him, "There y'go, kid," his voice muffled somewhat by your hair.
He keeps his hand woven with your own, offering you a sense of stability as he fills you with a soft groan.
There's a gentle quiet that passes over his room as Logan pulls out of you and holds you to his chest. It's the type of quiet that envelopes you and feels like the heat of the sun on your skin on a spring day.
The two of you don't wake up until late the next morning, still wrapped in one another.
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chuluoyi · 2 months
my boyfriend will kick your ass !
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- fushiguro megumi x reader
it's a date gone wrong when you get into an argument with your aloof boyfriend. but will he save you when it counts?
genre/warnings: tw. street harassment, catcalling. hurt/comfort, arguments and reconciliation, protective!megumi and fluff !
note: i miss my emo boi :(
general masterlist
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“Stay back!”
This is an utter plot twist. When you came out of your apartment today, all dolled up and ready to go on a date with your boyfriend, you never imagined you’d end up cornered by two creeps in a deserted alley.
“Easy, girl,” one of the guys in front of you cackled, lips curling into an unsettling sneer. “We’re just trying to get to know you better!”
“Listen— My boyfriend is super scary, you know!” you barked, willing yourself not to shake. “Now you better not come any closer or else—!”
“Or else what?” the other creep mocked with a snort. You gripped your umbrella—now your makeshift weapon—tightly, pointing it at him as a threat.
“Or else my boyfriend will be here in any minute and he’ll kick your ass!”
It was a partly a lie you hoped sounded convincing, because how could Megumi suddenly show up and find you in this dingy alleyway... right after both of you had a petty disagreement in the middle of Shibuya's shopping district?
Oh lord, how you regretted raising your voice and running away from him earlier.
"You are late!" you scolded him heatedly as he yawned, showing up twenty minutes later than your agreed time. "Can't you at least text me beforehand? I'll match your time if you do!"
Megumi sighed, fixing you with a blank stare as he scratched his head. "My bad. I overslept. I rushed here so didn't think of it."
It was so easy for him to say, and you would've understood if it was the first time, but you had noticed this pattern over the past two weeks. Whenever you asked him out for dates, his face always soured, and he didn't bother to be on time. If you didn't know any better, you'd think he was reluctantly agreeing.
And by this point, you thought you knew better and that was really it.
Finally, you blurted out the burning accusation: "You never realize it, but it shows, you know? You never seem happy when we go out together."
He exhaled in exasperation, green eyes darkening at you. "What do you mean?"
"Exactly that."
It seemed he had run out of patience. Standing your ground, you braced for his next words. But the glare he sent your way and the words he spat pierced your tender heart more than you thought—
"You're always nagging. Can't you stop being annoying just once? What a pain."
Perhaps he was right, you were annoying him all this time and dealing with you was a pain. You could imagine it if you were in his place, but you couldn't handle the very implication that you had done so, and you screamed at his face:
"So be it then! Fushiguro, you are the worst!"
—and ran off with tears in your eyes, deserting him altogether.
You knew you weren’t exactly a model of maturity, but in your defense, it stung deeply that he saw you as annoying and a pain. What girlfriend wouldn’t be hurt by that?
Anyhow, you loitered near the Shibuya station afterwards, and at first you heard some catcalls you didn't really pay mind to. But when those two guys started whistling and edging closer, it hit you—you were their target.
You quickened your pace, turning down several corners, only to find yourself trapped in a dead end. Just how much worse could your day get?
"Aha, the girl says she has a boyfriend!" Creep #1 snickered, turning to Creep #2 with a smirk, before pretending to scan the area. "But I don’t see him?"
"Miss, I swear we’re not up to any trouble," Creep #2 chimed in, his eyes gleaming with a predatory delight. "Won’t you be our friend? You’re too pretty to be alone—this is Shibuya, after all!" he said, eyeing your legs and whistled. "And ooh, have I told you that skirt suits you well?"
These guys were straight-up perverts!
"Get lost!" you yelled, your fingers trembling as you swung the umbrella at him when he tried to close the distance. "Can’t you just leave me alone?!"
You were at your wits' end, and it was clear this situation wasn’t going to improve with them still blocking your way. You took a deep breath, trying to steady your racing heart, and decided to do the only thing you could.
In hindsight, a stupid move—
You barreled towards the two of them with your umbrella—managing to push past them. For a moment, you thought you had a chance and ran as fast as you could—
"Ack!" —until you tripped and crashed on the ground.
You rose and immediately winced, looking down at the site where it hurt the most. Oh, you had scrapped your knees badly.
"Ahh, miss! Don't be too hasty~!" you heard the second guy's sing-song voice, and you really wanted to cry. Why did this have to happen to you?
"Don't come c-closer!" you stammered, backing away as they approached. Your whole body shook, desperately trying to think of ways to save yourself. "Or— I'll scream!"
"Whoa, whoa, wait just a minute! Why don't you just—"
You really thought you would scream, until suddenly the familiar scent of mint filled your sense and a strong arm pulled you from behind, and a broad back shielded your view from them—
"What do you need from her?" Megumi's voice boomed, his eyes glaring at the two men who had been harassing you. His breathing was ragged, as if he had run all the way here. "Fuck off."
At that moment, you couldn't help clutching his sleeve, hiding behind him further as you kept trembling. Megumi sensed it, and turned over to have a look over you—
You looked disheveled, spooked, and his eyes widened when he saw the blood trailing down both of your knees.
"Hey man, your girlfriend practically asked for it! Just look how she is dressed—"
Before you could process what was happening, Megumi had yanked the man by his collar and thrown a punch at him. You yelped and immediately got a hold of his arm to stop him further. "Megumi!"
The other guy quickly caught his friend, who spat out a string of curses, his lips bloodied from the punch.
"Fuck. Off." Megumi glowered at them, and they finally got the message, scurrying away in hurry. The moment they did, he faced you again and you finally let out a sob, throwing yourself into him. His body was warm, his heart pounding hard— yet it meant reassurance for you.
"Are you okay...?" his voice was noticeably softer as he wrapped his arms around you and returned the hug. "Did they touch you—?"
Megumi froze when he felt his chest dampen with your tears and heard your sniffles, your figure shaking like a leaf in his embrace. A wave of guilt washed over him, realizing how scared you must have been. Instinctively, he held you tighter.
"I'm sorry... I'm sorry," he muttered, his breath warm against your ear. It was as if there was an invincible knife that twisted his chest when it dawned on him what you just got into. "I'm here now, okay? You're safe now."
If it weren’t for his harsh words earlier, you wouldn’t have run off. He kept shushing you, his own heart breaking at the turn of events.
And when you nodded against him, he knew he had to make it up to you somehow.
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Later, Megumi tended to your minor injury while crouching down before you, as you sat on a bench near the convenience store where he had picked up the first aid kit.
Your eyes were swollen, your outfit was dirtied, but you ignored the curious looks from passersby. Still shaken, you kept your gaze fixed on your lap.
You recoiled when the disinfectant touched your torn skin, tears welling up again in your eyes. "Ow..."
"It'll hurt just a bit," Megumi looked up at you worriedly, seeing you struggling to hold back tears. He gently blew air on your wound. "It’ll be over soon."
Megumi noticed how you were uncharacteristically quiet. Between the two of you, you were the chatty one and he was the silent listener. But now, you were completely silent, and he knew it was definitely not a good sign.
And so he thought it was a good time to finally explain himself. With a sigh, he began. "I... was on back-to-back missions last week."
You glanced at him, both surprised and confused.
“I was so burnt out— that’s why I’ve been oversleeping lately. Sorry for not meeting you on time.” Megumi applied the ointment to your knees, and you stiffened from the sting. He blew air on them again to ease the discomfort.
"You never told me," you pointed out.
“Yeah, uh, sorry...” he winced. “It’s so... lame. I’ve been exhausted for a week straight whereas Itadori bounces back so easily. Stupid, I know.”
"You... didn't tell me because you don't want to look uncool?"
As soon as you worded it that way, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Megumi remained silent, looking down, and you knew that his silence was a definite yes.
Totally stupid. But exactly how Fushiguro Megumi was always wired. A part of you was exasperated, but also forgave him for it.
When he met your gaze again, he finally saw the light returning to your eyes. It was a relief to him, so he let out a small sigh and put on a strained smile.
"How did you find me anyway?" you asked quietly.
"You didn't pick up my calls. I was worried. And then I ran around until I heard your voice." His eyes narrowed into a frown. "Did they do anything to you?"
You shook your head, and Megumi let out the breath he had been holding, gripping your right hand in his. "I’m glad."
You brushed away the trace of tears on your cheeks as he finished applying band-aids to your knees, awkwardly fiddling with your fingers.
"Sorry for being annoying," you mumbled softly, not meeting his eyes, feeling yourself so small all of a sudden. "Will totally happen again though."
"You..." Unwittingly, he cracked a smile at your blatant remark. "Just... don’t run off again, dummy. Do it where I can see you."
He ruffled your hair gently, then intertwined your fingers with his. "And sorry... for getting mad at you too."
Your cheeks felt warm, so you looked away, puckering your lips together. "...I'm hurt. You have to make it up to me."
He hummed, the beginnings of a smile on his face. "Let's go have that shaved ice you’ve been craving then."
“Huh? You remembered! But you don’t like them?”
“You like that kind of sugar dump, don’t you?”
Hand-in-hand, both of you traversed the Shibuya shopping district together. Your eyes were still puffy, but you were smiling and talking his ears off again just like you always did.
“I told those pricks my boyfriend will definitely kick their asses,” you giggled to yourself, swinging your joined hands in joy. “And you really did~”
“What are you talking about…?”
Sometimes you were beyond his comprehension. Sometimes you were also cute beyond comparison.
And Megumi thought... he liked you the best this way.
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sweetnans · 2 months
Chaotic fem. reader/Best friend Bakugo
"I'm ready to be a mother," you stated out of nothing.
Bakugo was obviously taken back by your comment.
"Did you see something on tiktok that made you think that?" he looked at you while you kept scrolling in your phone. "You need a partner to procreate dumbass,"
"I know I need a man to procreate, but I thought that you could help me on that one," you bit your nails, showing less interest than a rock.
He left his phone aside so he could analyze you properly if you were talking seriously or not.
"I'm not going to introduce you to my side kick, He's like twenty," he tested.
"Twenty??? I'm almost twenty eight, that's still a reasonable age gap, " you gasped because his side kick didn't look like he was twenty. You thought that he would at least be twenty-three.
"No it's not"
After almost ten years of being friends, Bakugo was so used to your shit. The time that you wanted to go surfing? He laughed at your face when you didn't make it to the ocean because you were afraid of sharks. What about the time when you wanted a hamster? He said no, but you got it anyway, so when you lost it, obviously, he gave you shit about it, but after that, he was on all four looking for your little pet in the dorms.
"Fine." That wasn't your main goal, so you let it go. "Actually, I was thinking of you doing a quick hand job in my bathroom and giving me your sperm"
The silence between the two of you couldn't be more unbearable. Bakugo's eyes twisted in your direction while his cheeks were slowly growing a clear shade of rose.
"What? No!"
He was absolutely losing it. The impact of your sayings got him standing from his seat, almost panting. You and him? In his best dreams, but you didn't need to know about his secret intentions.
"Think about it. It's a great idea." You stepped out of your couch and went to his side.
"How are you going to explain that your kid has similar features with your best friend?" he flinched when you approached him. You were so close that your scent invaded him whole.
Bakugo was trying with all his heart and mind to think logically, but you, your body next to him, and your puppy eyes were making it so hard, in both ways.
"I don't know, and I don't care, I'll run away from the country, and you'll never see us again"
You were one of the best students from UA, right after him and Yaoyorozu, but right now, he was doubting if it was just an act.
"That's so clever." he rolled his eyes at you and walked to the kitchen to grab a glass of water, hoping that you would drop the subject and hop onto another like getting a bunny or going sky diving.
"I know, right? Now go in there, do the nasty job, and I'll put it inside of me, I'll even turn my body upside down so it sticks, " you jolted in joy, missing his usual sarcasm.
He almost spilled the water from his mouth to your face.
"Who the fuck told you that?" he spated obnoxiously.
"Kaminari," you shrugged.
"Are you even listening to yourself!?"
When he thought that that couldn't get any worse, you named the only person who could make him go crazy just by opening his mouth.
"I'm desperate. It made sense when he told me"
He could believe anything at this point. He was actually thinking that he was dead because what was happening between you two was a complete nonsense.
"So you are telling me this is something you've had in mind for a while?
You simply nodded, and he stayed quiet, considering everything you said. He wasn't looking for anything serious because of you. He passed for all seven stages of grief when he realized that he was in love with you and your silliness, so he decided long ago that he wouldn't date anyone because he wasn't interested in anyone but you.
"I know that look on your face," you smiled and danced around the kitchen.
You weren't looking for anyone either. Having Bakugo as a male figure in your life left the bar very high for others to match. They didn't meet your expectations anymore like Bakugo did, always by your side, laughing at your bad jokes and giving you his hand when you most needed, buying food and cooking for you, he has even bought you flowers for half a decade on valentine's day, a large bouquet of red roses every year since then.
"I'll do it," he told you, and you jumped excited on him. He grabbed you by your thighs, catching you on the fly. "Two conditions"
"Yeah, just name it," you batted your eyes at him.
"I'll take you on a proper date first, and you won't run away with my kid, got it?"
Bakugo thought that he was only doing you a favor, but he never saw coming that it only took one date to make you fall for him in the way he always wanted.
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