#Gorge Floyd
ungodlybliss · 6 months
floyd lawton from villains united/secret six i love you dearly
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alwek · 7 months
Why are you so pressed over a tumblr blog getting nuked? As if that doesn't happen to many regardless of gender identity
Why Gorge Floyd? Sometimes, a person just ends up becoming something bigger.
I've followed Rita for a while now, and I watched as she kept slowly losing it over all the lies people kept spreading about her. I watched her fight to prove her innocence week after week, doing everything by the book, following all the rules, and still getting banned.
Predstrogen is one tough bitch. And now that she can't defend herself I refuse to be quiet about it if I can do anything.
Imma stay mother fucking silly.
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attapullman · 7 months
The Perfect Pink | Robert "Bob" Floyd
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Summary: While bartending for Rolling Acres Retirement's Valentine's Party, you encounter a pink-cheeked man and his cherry-loving cousins.
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: all fluff with alcohol mentions
A Note From Mo: Here is my Pink Lady fic for @thedroneranger's Pick Your Poison event to go with this gorg moodboard! As a part-time mixologist and full-time Bob Floyd lover, this was such a fun concept to play around with and has inspired me to come up with more pink drinks. I've never been a Valentine's girly, but I fully believe this pink-cheeked WSO could convince me otherwise. To everyone who reads this, I love you bunches and bunches, all 365 days in the year!
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It’s so pink. Horrendously. Abysmally. Pepto-bismally. PINK.
When you agreed to tend the bar in a pinch, a few bundles of carnations and candy pink paper hearts were your guess for the evening’s decorations. But when you showed up to Rolling Acres Retirement's Valentine’s Party holding a crate of soda water and a handful of shakers, your senses flatlined with the amount of pink covering every surface.
Petal pink tablecloths straightened over round tables; a small bouquet of magenta carnations attached to each folding chair and incensing the recreation hall of the retirement home. Heart-covered paper plates and folded napkins set up at each place setting, glittering confetti sprinkled around the tableware. The ceiling isn’t even a reprieve, a rainbow of fuchsia and rose and flamingo and blush balloons filling up every available inch of space.
Suzette on the front desk had complimented your dusky pink sweater - an appropriate choice for the holiday - but set against this backdrop you feel like another decoration. An oversized bauble that also makes cocktails and pours cheap wine.
And now, standing behind this makeshift card-table-turned-bar covered in bubblegum crepe paper, your brain might explode in a cloud of hot pink smoke. Counting out pours and trying not to slice yourself making garnishes is a struggle keeping up with all these orders. While the average age of the party goer may be eighty, they drink more than the 21st birthday bash you bartended last weekend. You’ve been here all of an hour and Mrs. Moscovitz has already downed three fuschia cosmopolitans.
While disappointed you don’t have more romantic Valentine’s Day plans - though, when have you ever had a date on this too pink day? - it’s fun to see who’s turned up to celebrate. White-haired couples are swaying on the makeshift dance floor, every shade of pink and red in their attire. Bridge groups and knitting circles are excitedly chatting at their respective tables, gossiping over who is in attendance and with whom. Even the staff have wide grins splitting their faces, enjoying the festivities that break up the bleak winter. It’s the least you can do to spend the holiday providing beverages for this crowd.
The best part is the families. While romantic love is thick in the air, so is platonic love. Family members of all ages have come out to spend the holiday with the residents. Mr. Gordon’s daughter and her family have driven hours to catch up over pot roast and sparkling cider while his grandson plays trucks over a pile of chocolates he snuck from Suzette.
Orders have slowed down and your eyes keep glancing over to Ms. Floyd’s table. The entire clan has showed up for dinner, dancing, and to take home a batch of her homemade snickerdoodles. Multiple relatives are taking up two entire heart-sprinkled tables. Your focus is mainly on the second table for too far from you, where the grandkids have been relegated to play cards and swap candy hearts to pass the time.
“Why don’t you go ask the pink lady for more cherries.” God, he’s cute. The only guy in this place near your age and his attention is stolen by a pair of toddler girls obsessed with the cherries in their Shirley temples. 
You divert your eyes quickly when you realize he’s talking about you and your pink sweater. The girls giggle shyly, the high pitched squeals of glee as they convince him to go up instead. Fiddling with shakers, wiping down the counter, you try to stay busy as you physically feel him approach the converted bar and your trembling hands.
“Hi!” His smile is thin and nervous and his cheeks are pink, blushing from his little cousins and their antics. Also because you’re much prettier up close and he’s wearing a shirt he’d never normally be caught in if his grandma hadn’t picked it out. 
He’s much cuter at this distance as well. Sandy hair combed neatly, one small strand slipping out behind his ear. Friendly cerulean eyes framed by golden wire spectacles, similar to the ones several of the ex-military men at Rolling Acres are sporting. His thin lips falter slightly as he takes in how well the pink of your sweater compliments your skin. God, he wishes he wasn’t wearing this shirt.
You spring into service mode and grab a fresh cocktail shaker. “What can I do you for?”
“I’m technically up here for some cherries.” You dutifully nod, hoping to hide the fact you’ve been watching him converse with the toddler girls in their matching baby pink dresses most of the night. You make a small dish of cherries up and push it toward him, shaking your head when he attempts to pay. “The thirty-eight cents of cherries is a small expense for a night those two will talk about for weeks. They’re on the house.”
He grabs the dish with a smile, but realizes he now has no excuse to stay by the bar. And while he loves his cousins, he’s on leave for a few more weeks and you’re really pretty. A few extra minutes wouldn’t hurt. He extends his hand with a timid smile. “I’m Bob.”
You reach out and shake his hand back as you introduce yourself, hoping the condensation coating your fingers isn’t too noticeable. He immediately commits your name to memory, happy to replace “The Pink Lady” with a name as fitting to you as yours.
He moves out of the way as a woman in a magenta scarf orders a round for her bingo group. Bob watches as you whir into action, pouring liquors and counting off ounces. The delicate way you garnish each drink so the owner feels special. Your gracious smile when a tip is stuffed into the heart-shaped velvet box provided to you for tips.
When the line at the bar dies down, he sidles back up to your makeshift station. Bob notices the way you eye the decorations warily, still adjusting to the deafening pink of it all. He drums lightly on the blushing pink tablecloth, catching your wide-eyed attention. “Everything all right?”
“Uh, this place is too…pink?” you laugh, gesturing to the overabundance of rosy hues surrounding you. For possibly the first time all night, Bob realizes that while you were the only pink thing that had his attention, it is suffocating in the recreation hall. 
“Yes, yes it is,” he chuckles right back, eyes soaking in the offending decorations. There’s a comfortable air between the two of you, and he decides to push his luck for more time with The Pink Lady.
Bob clears his throat, pulse thrumming through his body. Tonight is his one and only chance to land a date with the pretty bartender.
“So, to go with the theme, what is the pinkest drink you can make me?” He wiggles his eyebrows, his best attempt at flirting. A hint of a giggle escapes as you purse your lips, contemplating his challenge. 
“I can make you a pink lady.” 
He narrows his eyes. “Is that a real drink, or have you named it after yourself?”
“It’s real, I promise.” You’re all smiles at his attention as you combine the gin, applejack, and grenadine with a splash of lemon juice. He really could watch you work for hours.
As you reach for the last ingredient, his eyes bug out. “Is that an egg?” He’s a Navy man, his normal bar only has cocktails with two ingredients. Since when did eggs go in cocktails?
“When you dry shake an egg white it creates this nice foam, adds to the drink.” While he wants to come across as open-minded and cultured, he’s hesitant. “If you don’t like it, I’ll make you something else.”
He’s bewitched as you pour the perfectly pink drink into a plastic coup, the creamy white foam rising to top it off. A cherry balances the rim, one that won’t be stolen by his mischievous cousins. As he looks between the freshly poured drink and you, he swears your cheeks are the same happy pink.
You push the drink toward him, excited to share something new with a customer. Always a gamble as a bartender, but worth it when you expand someone’s palate. He gives you a tentative smile, unsure if he’s going to like it, but he really wants to impress you. In return, you give him an encouraging nod, completely unsure of how this will go. He takes a sip, the frothy mixture coating his tongue.
As far as he’s concerned, the drink is named after you. Not too sweet, not too tart, a divinely balanced combination of flavors in a perfect pink concoction. Bob is convinced you would taste just as good, especially with a cherry. The thought makes his brain blank.
“Do you like it?” Your hopeful eyes are endearing. He wants to brush the strand of hair from your cheek and assure you that he likes it, that he’d like anything you made him because you made it. But you’re practically strangers so he stumbles over his words as he promises it’s delicious. 
The bowl of cherries for his cousins still in his hand, Bob stands to the side of the bar and sips his tartly sweet drink, casually keeping up conversation with you as you serve other patrons. You’re glad for the company, enjoying the way he asks about your technique and mutters out the few things he knows about wine from conversations with his aunt. Despite the fact you’re working, it’s the best Valentine’s Day you’ve had in years with this bespectacled man watching you tend bar.
He’s just so cute, blushing his own special pink hue when your eyes connect while you shake up a few martinis.
“Uncle Bob!” There is no mistaking who is calling him over. Two identical heads pouting as they motion him over. His time with you is up. He gives you a sweet smile, trying to memorize every inch of your face, before motioning his hand filled with cherries in their direction. You bittersweetly grin right back, smile lingering as you start on Mr. Nickerson’s two merlots as you watch his broad shoulders walk away.
Oh, how you wish he would come back.
Because it’s a retirement home and not a frat house, by ten the party is wrapping up. You’ve exchanged shy glances with Bob a handful of times, but his family has taken up most of his attention with Navy questions and inquiring when he’s going to visit next. He barely registers the event is over before he’s rummaging through his mom’s handbag with his last attempt at salvaging the night.
You’re cleaning up your supplies when the Floyd clan walks past, all waving good night to you and the staff, thanking you all for a great Valentine’s night. The girls thank you for their cherries, a stem hanging from one’s lip. 
Staggering at the end of the crowd is Bob, his cheeks flushed and palms tingling. He stands in front of your table, rocking on his heels, working up his courage. You give him a warm smile, thanking him for his company, and he completely melts. As he holds up his occupied hand, he hopes this works.
“Forgot to slip this in earlier.” His smile is tense as he jams a few dollars through the absurdly small hole in your improvised tip box. You thank him before both blurting out awkward goodbyes. As he catches up with his family, a pang rings through your chest. Disappointed he’s gone, never to be seen again. 
Bob Floyd, a Valentine’s mirage you will remember fondly.
Once all your things are packed, you square things up with Suzette with your pay for the event and a promise to stop by to visit the residents later in the month. You schlep everything to the car, a mixture of emotions painting your face in the rearview mirror as you make your way back home. The weight of defeat keeping you from bringing anything inside except for that damn tip box you’re hoping will cover groceries for the week.
You pry open the velvet lid and are met with the best surprise.
There, at the bottom of your substitute tip jar, underneath all the singles the elderly stiffed you with, was a scrap of cheap rosy pink napkin. You unfurl it to see neat chicken scratch handwriting, the pen poking through the fabric in spots as he worked to write out his message with a phone number beneath.
I’m here until the 27th. Drinks on me? - Bob
Now that you think about it, maybe you do like pink.
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taglist: @berryvanille @bobgasm @bradshawsbaby @cosmoeticss @creatchie8 @drxgxnslxyer @hangmanapologist @hiireadstuff @jessicab1991 @just-in-case-iloveyou @kmc1989 @maryelizabeth13 @petersunderoos96 @rhettsluvr @roosterforme @seitmai @sweetwhispersofchaos @topherwrites @xoxabs88xox @yuckosworld
join the taglist
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wafflesex · 11 months
After translating, I choose to believe Jade and Floyd’s Platinum vignettes reveal their love attachment styles.
Jade takes his time gorging himself then leaves behind the bones, picked clean.
Floyd holds on tight, takes painful little nibbles, then keeps the scraps under his bed until they rot.
Meanwhile, Azul lets go of Nothing, but everything he keeps always has its purpose.
It’s ugly but it’s poetic and reminds me of merfolk myths saying they like to horde shiny and colorful objects.
Perhaps, in a way, Octa hordes each other.
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hungry-eel · 8 months
The Gluttony showcased in Octavinelle (reupload)
Before I begin with the main content, if you see this and notice that it may possibly seem familiar, that’s because it is. I originally uploaded this onto an old and abandoned secondary account, where around the time I was still in a bit of denial of my stuffing interests. I decided to polish and RE uploaded this analysis onto here because one, it honestly suits this account more, and two, I want this to reach its intended target audience that this blog revolves around, I hope you enjoy this analysis, and with that, let’s get back to the regular scheduled program. —
Hello! I hope you are all doing well! In the past, I have mentioned that Octavinelle is the embodiment of gluttony, and that I would elaborate on that statement more. Well, this is the post where I elaborate on the statement.
Please be aware that although I am going to try and show some cannon proof, at least for this first part, this is still overall just something silly that I enjoy talking about, and having dumb fun with. This is something that doesn't have to be taken entirely seriously, nor is this a statement that I am trying to prove as absolutely true. It just happened to be that I found some cannon connections from my observations.
Be prepared for spoilers from here on!!!
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Azul ~
As of right now, the Azul we have currently doesn't seem to be all that much of a glutton (when it comes to food). However, something else that is also a highly crucial part of Azul’s character was how he was an ex-glutton. Azul goes out of his way to avoid going back to his old roots and maintaining a slim figure, often trying to eat a restrictive and balanced diet. Although Azul has the desire to maintain his health and slim figure, he still does not enjoy the process, and especially preferring fried foods over health foods. He still doesn’t like when others pressure him to eat a lot, even if it’s with his favorite foods, but will still seize any opportunities that he can to enjoy his favorite foods, weather it’s birthdays or other private occasions. Azul is also very well equipped in knowing how to run restaurants as his grandma ran a restaurant, and runs a restaurant himself currently, that being the Mostro Lounge.
Azul’s incessant want to create new contracts as well as the consistent desire for power and control, can also be interpreted as a form of overindulgence on Azul’s end; no matter how much power he has over those he is controlling, it is never enough for him and he always wants more of that power.
In Azuls Birthday Boy card, his groovy art has Jade handing him a plate of chicken and also has a couple of home screen lines asking what we were implying when we were giving him food.
Floyd ~
Floyd has his own personal knack for food, as he enjoys snacking, and indulging in various amounts of his favorite foods such as takoyaki and candy. Even the shelves in his room is lined by snack bags that he uses to have midnight snacks. Floyd has also mentioned in his birthday boy vignette, that he likes to play food games with Jade where they try the most outlandish food combinations possible. Whenever Azul comes back during any of these games, they would try and eat all of the evidence. There was also a brief moment in Treys lab coat vignette where according to Jade, he had to look for more strawberries as a result from Floyd gorging on their current strawberry supply.
Jade ~
Now with Jade, he is an entirely different beast in it of itself! I have always been fascinated with Jade in the sense that when you first see him, he would be the last person you would expect would have a large appetite, especially as he always appears to be very poise and classy, but the more you look into his character, the more clear his tendencies become and its so hard to not see. Because of such there is much more to talk about with Jade than with the other two characters.
Here is a list of canonical things that Jade has done already.
Jade loves to heavily indulge in his hobbies and passions especially when it comes to mountaineering, terrariums, cooking, and his fascination with mushrooms. When it comes to mushrooms in particular, he both enjoys eating mushrooms himself, and finds pleasure in watching others indulge in mushrooms as well (showcased in Jade’s Labcoat Vignette).
In Book five, Jade mentions to Grim that primarily goes to the mountains to search for food. More specifically to try and harvest edible plants and organisms. During which Grim asks, "So basically, you just go to the mountains and scavenge for grub?" and Jade responding with, "Heh heh. I certainly wash and cook what I find, but generally speaking, yes."
There are two notable Home Screen lines where Jade mentions about his eating. One with his PE uniform where he mentions how he has to eat before working out as he lacks energy efficiency. The other one is with his Birthday Boy where one of his lines states, “Are you surprised by how much I eat? Heh heh, I get that a lot. It's why I'm so tall.”
It is hinted and shown throughout various Home Screen lines and vignettes that Jade likes to try many various types of unique foods, either out of interest and/or to create new recipes for the Mostro Lounge.
Legitimately almost all of the harveston event! Just in his event vignette alone he ate over five servings with Sebek and even afterwards wanted to grab desert. Even Sebek, who is also a pretty hearty eater, even admits that Jade has eaten more than him. Jades and Sebeks escapades are just as prominent in the main even itself where Jade is tasked by Azul to try as many unique dishes as possible so they can be added to the mostro lounge menu. Jade proceeds to try out different kinds of foods at the vendors, and in the celebration the night before the game, Jade and Sebek were tearing through the buffet.
In addition, here is some other moments that revolves around Octavinelle in general.
At the very end of the Beans day event, Jade and Floyd have an exchange on how they were craving shawarmas.
Jade and Floyd generally point out how little Azul eats and occasionally tease him about it as well. In the Halloween event when Azul comments on how watching Ruggie eat gives him heartburn, Jade replies by saying, "I believe you could put him to shame if you felt so inclined."
In Jade’s Halloween Vignette, Ruggie mentions on how Jade and Floyd are well built for Apple bobbing as they are tall with pointy teeth.
Both of the tweels have mentioned at least once that they eat a lot because they are so tall or that they are growing boys.
A question that I have heard often is why say Octavinelle in particular? Besides, there are other characters that also showcase gluttonous tendencies, some may even more so than most of the octatrio.
I say Octavinelle in particular as it is the only dorm where all of the students exhibit the traits in one way or another, as well as serving the aesthetics of the dorm, with its lounge being a restaurant. Octavinelle is also the only dorm where this topic had at least a bit of a curtail point in its Book, that being with Azul’s backstory and how he used to be chubby and an ex-glutton.
Here is a small list of some of the headcanons that I have that circle around the topic. I might add more headcanons to the blog as I go, and if anyone else has any headcanons of their own, feel free to share them with me.
Jade is the complete opposite of Azul regarding food and dieting. While Azul tries his best to eat healthily, with moderate portions, Jade eats the most unhealthy foods out of the trio and eats the most out of them as well. Jade also likes to taunt Azul with that fact as well.
Floyd is the kind of character who would most likely eat anything even if it seems inedible.
Jade and Ruggie like to often join together just to try out many different kinds of foods together, similar to what happened in Ruggie's School uniform vignette, and Jade's harveston vignette. There would also be times were I would joke that Jade, Ruggie, and Sebek would band together just to have food.
I like to imagine that the Coral Sea is like a dog-eat-dog world, and along with this, the tweels have to rely on hunting other live fish for their own survival. When coming onto land, the tweels had to learn that they shouldn't hunt for animals publicly.
Whenever there are instances where Azul has to leave the Mostro lounge for an extensive amount of time, Jade and Floyd would keep trying to take advantage of that time to play their game where they eat weird food combinations (mentioned in Floyd's birthday vignette).
Thank you so very much for reading my essay rambling on a topic that, to be frank, is overall goofy and silly. If there was anything that I missed or forgot to mention feel free to let me know. Otherwise, I certainly had a lot of fun making this, and I hope you found some entertainment or even some insight from this as well!
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dotster001 · 2 years
The Other...Goldfish?
Summary: Floyd x gn!reader After finding out about two of Floyd's exes, you are feeling a wee bit insecure. So you decided to confront a certain goldfish!
Sequel to The Other Shrimp
Sequel requested by @lunavista
Riddle jumped about three feet in the air. When he’d entered his room for the evening, you were the last person he’d expected to be sitting on his bed. But you needed answers.
“Sevens! Prefect what are you doing in my room?” he stiffened, and began peaking around the room. “Wait, your boyfriend isn’t here, is he?”
You scowled. “No, your ex-boyfriend isn’t here.”
Riddle’s face turned the color of his hair. “Who told you? It was Cater, wasn’t it. I’m going to behead him so hard he won’t be able to use magic ever again!”
At that, it became clear that the jealousy you had had over Riddle and Floyd’s "relationship" was ill founded. Despite how often Floyd spent his day squeezing Riddle, he was making it very clear he wanted no part of it. And now he was about to behead Cater. It was time to come clean. 
“No one told me! I just recently…found out. And I’d recently met another one of Floyd’s exes and she was gorg….”
“Eldoris right?” Riddle groaned. “Yeah, she’s gorgeous. So you were already feeling insecure, then found out about me, a powerful honors student who your boyfriend still hunts when he’s bored, and felt worse, am I right?”
“How did you…”
“She tried to get back with him while we were dating. And of course…insecurity. I understand, even if I’m not with him anymore,” Riddle sighed and rubbed his temples. “But you should also understand that he has eyes for no one but you. And before you question me, it’s different from when we were dating.”
“How?” you said, feeling a little pouty that Riddle seemed to have read your mind.
“Well, we were like a garbage can on fire. He liked that I was,” he hesitated, then barely above a whisper, “tiny. And he liked that he could easily squeeze me. But he realized he could do that when we weren’t dating so…Anyway, he is clearly always entertained with you, and his eyes are always bright when he talks about you...he's enamored. Don't tell him, but I'm happy he's found someone like you.”
“Thanks Riddle." You hesitated for a moment, not sure if you should ruin the moment.
" And why did you date him?” you asked, still not understanding how a relationship like this even started.
“Ugh, well,” he blushed and turned away from you, before saying, “Trey and Cater said I was “a touch starved baby freshman on his own for the first time.” and I guess that makes sense.” 
“But before he starts spreading lies, I broke up with him!” he suddenly stopped looking embarrassed as he scowled at you. “I’m too mature for someone like him.”
He froze as though realizing what he’d just implied.
“Not that you’re not mature! You’re one of the most mature people I know, it’s just…”
“OOOOOOH SHRIIIIIIIIIIMPYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!” you heard from somewhere in the Heartslaybul dorm.
Riddle visibly panicked. “Get out of here before he comes after me!” he hissed to you, but you were feeling bitter about him implying you weren’t mature, so you just continued sitting with a smug smile.
His eyes widened, and he rushed to his bed, grabbing your wrist and attempting to pull you off the bed. You had dug in your heels as Floyd entered the room.
“Goldfishie, have you seen…SHRIMPY!” Floyd practically threw Riddle to the side as he ran up to you and squeezed you in a tight hug. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you! You promised you’d wear my jersey to the game tonight, but I couldn’t find you anywhere!”
“I was just chatting with Riddle,” you wheezed, as you watched RIddle attempt to sneak out of his own bedroom. 
Floyd pouted, “I came looking for you to wear my jersey, and you’re talking to another man? Rude.” He tossed you over his shoulder and began to leave, passing Riddle on the way out.
“Oh, and Goldfishie!” he turned back around and gave him a mischievous grin, “If you ever want to share Shrimpy, just let me know!”
Before either of you could yell at him, he’d sprinted away, laughing like a maniac with you still over his shoulders.
Tag list- @shytastemakerthing
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pillarsalt · 7 months
if trans women are being murdered at rates similar to police brutality toward black people then why can’t they use trans women as comparisons instead of “gorge” floyd
trans community stop appropriating other groups' oppression to legitimize your own challenge (impossible)
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@sharkinablanket here's jade, he's one with the mountain now
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then floyd who was being himself or whatever and look where he ended up
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the gorge masterlist
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coffee4jordan · 2 years
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Finds from fanfic research (The Little Mermaid 1989, Alice in Wonderland 1951, Alice in Wonderland 2010, Disney wiki):
-Ursula accidentally kills Flotsam and Jetsam in the movie so WOW
-Disney wiki refers to Ariel’s cave of treasures as a “grotto” so I’m thinking “Ashengrotto” is a play on Ariel’s stuff getting destroyed by her dad lol
-Jetsam and Flotsam’s powers come from their eyes so I headcanon that Floyd’s signature spell comes from his eye like Jade’s does, but I need to replay the part where his spell is explained
-Floyd gorging himself on strawberries for a shortcake the Mostro Lounge was making could be a reference to a children’s book where Flotsam and Jetsam decide to ruin a garden by eating all the flowers and get stomach aches
-Jade’s ability only working on vulnerable people may be a reference to the eels plotting to offer Ursula’s deal to Ariel at a time when she’s vulnerable, i.e. after her cave is destroyed by her dad
-Ursula eats shrimp so that’s how Floyd sees MC lol
-(not about TW) Eric doesn’t even consider that Arielle might’ve lost her voice even though she insists he met her and he thinks she’s familiar, prime himbo behavior
-Headcanon that Azul doesn’t like dogs because Max doesn’t like ‘Vanessa’ (Ursula) and she kicks him at the wedding
-(not about TW) In the movie they didn’t find a way to destroy the contracts, Eric just kills Ursula, damn
-(not about TW) Is Eric really not going to ask any questions?
-Riddle’s backstory with his mom could be a reference to Alice having an older sister that tries to tutor her and wants her to be proper. Obviously Alice isn’t the Queen of Hearts but everything in Wonderland comes from Alice’s imagination so it’s partially stuff from her own life
-(not about TW) Is the white rabbit a drug addict? Why are his eyes red?
-Alice says the “drink me” potion tastes like a cherry tart.
-The mad hatter tells ‘riddles’ (“why is the raven like a writing desk?” like shut UP, it’s not a riddle if you don’t know the answer)
-That one Deuce chat where he says Ace pranked him by saying his clock was two days slow is something the mad hatter said to the white rabbit
-It’s weird that Trey is Riddle’s vice housewarden because ‘Tre’ is one of the cards that loses his head (Ace, Deuce, Tre). I would think his name would be different and he’d represent the heart or spade cards which were more loyal.
-Riddle saying “speak up and don’t twiddle your thumbs” (or something) during lessons is a reference to the Queen of Hearts telling Alice this when they met
-Riddle’s horse is named Vorpal which is the name of the sword that Alice uses in the live action movie. It’s originally from a Lewis Carrol poem called “Jabberwocky”
-I just noticed Riddle and Floyd’s pet peeves basically describe each other lmao
Some stuff is redacted for reasons lol. No I did not watch the entirety of all of these movies, I just skimmed them, especially Alice in Wonderland 1951 because it disturbed me 😓
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femenaces · 7 months
“Why Gorge[sic] Floyd?” is the like the evil brother of “ever watch zootopia?”
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rowlfthedog · 1 year
There are more in there. I know I missed people, but I stopped once I noticed I got past a hundred (Zoot makes 102). I stuck these in an alphebatizer real quick, but I could not think of a Muppet for X...
Abby Cadabby
Apollo Pajanimals
Baby Bear
Baby Natasha
Baskerville the Dog
Big Mean Carl
Bobo the Bear
Boober Fraggle
Cantus Fraggle
Convincing John
Cookie Monster
Count Von Count
Cowbella Pajanimals
Denise the Pig
Dodos from Follow that Bird (all 4 of them)
Dr. Teeth
Dr. Van Neuter
Edwin Pajanimals
Floyd Pepper
Fozzie Bear
Frank Oz Muppet
Gobo Fraggle
Gonzo the Great
Grover Monster
Guy Smiley
Happy Yellow Creature
Henrietta (The Chicken)
Hugga Wugga
Iggy Wiggy
J.P. Grosse
Java Again (baby)
Jim Henson Muppet
Joe the Janitor
Johnny Fiama
Julia Autism
Junior Gorg
Kermit the Frog of course
King of the Universe
Lenny the Lizard
Lew Zealand
Ma Bear
Mahna Mahna
Mean Mama
Miss Piggy
Mokey Fraggle
Muppet Newsman (That is his name)
Nephew (Rowlf’s Nephew)
Oscar the Grouch
Prairie Dawn
Queen of the Universe
Red Fraggle
Rizzo the Rat
Robin the Frog
Roosevelt Franklin
Rosita Monster
Rowlf the Dog
Sal Minella
Sam Eagle
Sclrapp Flyapp
Scooter the Gofer
Skeeter the. Twin Sister
Snowth 1 from Mahna Mahna
Snowth 2 from Mahna Mahna
Sprocket the Dog
Squacky Pajanimals
Summer the Penguin
Swedish Chef
Sweetpea Sue Pajanimals
Telly Monster
Uncle Deadly
Uncle Traveling Matt
Wembley Fraggle
Yolanda the Rat
Yorick (the All-Consuming Skull)
Zoe Monster
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maythearo · 2 years
Jamil Viper was found at the streets of Pernambuco, enjoying the Carnaval and dancing frevo! In a exclusive interview, he said his favorite food is acarajé and coxinha
Jokes aside, I really like the idea of Scarabia duo, Octatrio and Savannaclaw enjoying Brazil! And I really like that Malleus would use something similar to that Hawaiian shirt he bought in the Yasmina silk event (I really don't know what that shirts name, I just know its the same as the Genie in the end of Aladdin). And I also love thinking about Jamil using traditional São João outfit (mano, ele com uma camisa xadrez vermelha e preta... Oh homem lindo).
I want to claim Jamil as Brazilian, but I can't-
Do you have any HCs like that?
And omg you opened comissions!!!! I'm so happy, even if I don't have money for it, IM STILL VERY HAPPY FOR U FOR A REASON I CAN'T EXPLAIN, I DON'T KNOW WHAT ELSE TO SAY!
- The BR Jamil Simp Anon
First of all, you're so sweet, thank you 😫 and second ANON LEMME TELL YOU SOMETHING YOU'RE MAKING MY BRAIN GO NUTS CAUSE I WANNA DRAW ALL OF THAT, AS A GOOD BRAZILIAN ARTIST WOULD! Also hello Jamil bbygirl what are you doing here in Brazil haha twirls hair twirls hair
Omg I'm thinking on the spot rn of some good br headcanons, and I completely agree with you, out of all the dorms, Scarabia, Octavinelle and Savanaclaw would definitely vibe the most in Brazil. Hold on lemme breath in before I shove all my hcs into this post hold on. Eng speaking mutuals and followers I will hold yall hostage to listen to my insane rambles ok here we go
First and foremost, I just know Ruggie is brazilian 100%, and I think we can all agree to that, he's our boy 🙌 he would absolutely drag Leona and Jack around, getting them to try a little bit of everything whenever they get the chance. The hyena boy would pile a bunch of stuff on Jack's arms saying "You HAVE to try this snack- wait have some caldo de cana too... OH you can't forget this piece of candy-" and last thing you know Jack is just buried under pounds of little treats and trinkets.
I personally visited very little States here, but at least around São Paulo and Rio, one of my favorite things to do is to browse those classic, super pretty handmade jewelry they sell on the beach, decorated with crystals and stones, and I just want to get them all even though I might not even use half of the stuff I buy. But anyways, Leona doing that. Leona getting tererê de cabelo to go with the braids. He's gonna spend so much money with clothes and accessories and he's gonna look stunning doing it.
Btw btw I'm obsessed with a store called Atame (@/voudeatame on ig) they have the most brazilian jewelry and clothes ever and the designs are gorge, I should draw Leona wearing something inspired by that someday 😭
Bro if there's anything we all learn in major tourist spots is that you gotta be smart with prices and everything, keep an eye out to not get scammed, unfortunately... But you know what, Octavinelle is just chill with that. You think anyone can scam AZUL? That's impossible. Anyone tries anything with the octatrio, the person is just gonna get scammed back. Jokes aside, I picture Floyd wearing the good ol havaianas, shorts, and maybe #those glasses wherever he goes, Jade might even go along with it every now and then, why not.
This randomly reminds me of Ace cause his casual outfits definitely exclusively consist of that + a random football team shirt. I couldn't care less about football but listen. Corinthians. Simply cause he's annoying and that would be very in character of him (É MEMES, NAO ME MATEM CORINTHIANOS)
Have you ever noticed how Trey looks like the twst version of Zé Carioca. Let that sink in.
Thinking about Malleus, don't you think he would love to visit historical towns and monuments? There's so much history in our architecture, he'd find most fascinating I'm sure.
I just know Jamil and Kalim would absolutely own the dance floor in carnaval, like. No dobts about that. Kalim specially, would love to participate in any bloquinhos de carnaval if he could. Sounds exhausting for me to even be amongst a single one, but okay Kalim, get it I guess 💃 Scarabia and Brazil we share vibes!!!!!
You mentioned the São João fit, and I also thought of Epel, that boy invented Festa Junina, fr. He throws biribinha/estalinhos everywhere to piss off Vil. Also Jamil oh homem perfeito c é doido, n é possível uma coisa dessas.
São João stalls under the management of Octavinelle and it's hell on earth
Sam would open a famous lojinha de 1,99 for sure, I will not elaborate. Oh also whenever I stumble upon frog shaped reco-reco I think of him, I think he would sell them idk idk
Ruggie will show Kalim those brown colored glass plate sets every grandma got in their houses, and tell him they are indestructible.
"Jamil, Jamil! Check this out! Ruggie says these plates NEVER break! Oh we need to have them in Scarabia, pleeaseee!"
"What do you mean they never break? No, Kalim don't-"
Kalim throws it to the floor, it immediately shatters in a million pieces. "I think it hit a weird angle, that must be it."
Idia = alanzoka
Me @ Jamil:
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alwek · 7 months
"I don't know any other names with remotly comparable situations. I'm open to suggestions" Then why make the comparison in the first place 😭 You seriously comparing some white dude getting banned from social media with police brutality and racism as if they're even remotely the same thing like tf is wrong with you
But if you HAVE to compare, why not with any of the trans women who are apparently getting "killed all the time" ? Unless you can't name a single one because...
What do you want from me man, I described it how I described it. I had to describe a situation to someone and I did it the best way I know how. I'm not in touch with people who get killed in america, i don't pay attention to people who get martyrd for a day then forgotten about because I can't possibly keep up.
Gorge Floyd was a situation I thought applicable to describe they way I felt about Ritas ban. Rita, who is a woman btw, not "some white dude" and even then the whole point of the comparison was to say people who get attention for being hate crimed don't choose for that hate crime to get them attention.
Gorge Floyd was MAJORLY hate crimed and the situation blew up.
Avery Predstrogen was MINORLY hate crimed and the situation blue up.
Yes, one is more extreme, but I don't think it wrong to find them similar just because one of them was a worse hate crime.
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bungusofficial · 10 months
Don't cry, Gorge Floyd's killer stabbed and seriously injured in prison, ok?
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coffee4jordan · 2 years
!!!Trey Labwear Vignette Spoilers!!!
I was just going to make a post about one part but there's so much to unpack here. I'll try to cut it down but I screenshot almost the whole thing so bear with me:
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Hey, Rook, what does this mean?? Does he mean that Trey coddles Riddle to the point where Riddle won't develop emotionally which is part of the problem in Book 1? But whose heart is being broken??
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Can someone please make fanart of Floyd gorging himself on strawberries and subsequently having to stand in line outside a patisserie at 5am regretting everything? Preferably with some girls in line giggling at him thinking his girlfriend must've made him do it?
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Do Rook and Jade think Trey and Riddle are dating??? They are so shocked that Trey doesn't think Riddle would prefer his homebaked tarts???
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That's not a 'maybe' as in 'it might be that way but it also might not be that way', that's a maybe as in 'you're right but I have something else to say on the topic', he's literally confirming that that's true.
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This part kissed me while stabbing me with a knife. He's basically confirming that Riddle is his main priority but he doesn't think it's in a romantic way. #areyousureaboutthat?
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Is Trey even aware that there are other people at this unbirthday party? Lmao
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I put this dialogue through the fanfiction filter for fun lmao
I had to make this post on my computer because my phone was not having it with all the pictures. Anyway, let me know what you think, if you agree, if you disagree, if you think I'm chronically online which would be fair, if there's something I didn't mention that you want to bring up because I really had to cut this down. Uh, good luck on your pulls lol :)
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nightmaremp · 2 years
This is from my Twitter account.
Whenever I see Floyd’s old design, it reminds me of PA Gorg from Fraggle Rock.
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