#Gosh even for five seconds to be called pretty and taken care of
castle-dominion · 1 year
c4x13 an embarrassment of bitches I have actually seen this one before! I didn't realize that! I also didn't really like it all that much & got it mixed up with another episode of another show but idk which.
boring ew lmao as if who cares lmao who cares
buttons is nonbinary Castle is right, be safe AC: We were going to take your Ferrari and hook up with some boys we met on Craigslist. buttons dutton lmao they are SO nonbinary RC: Please don’t call me that.
the girls are fightingggg
nice red coat on becks there autism or smth
Yeah keep the dog out of the room but dogs are the silent witness. ryan lookin pretty today as always. Purple shirt, top button undone but wearing a tie
this man is upset lol What was he into? On the take as in bribes? it's a dog... Ok this was funny: Just look at that mutt. XP Now back to my Max. UwU Now the mutt. XP That’s all the proof I need.
Oh gosh this lady is... something. Why'd she take a vid tho?
Next day? Different clothes it seems.
RC: Even more perplexing, why in almost every photo is she posed like this? *Castle strikes a ridiculous “sexy” pose in front of the paparazzi and they flock to snap his photo.* Paparazzo: Hey, that’s not Jason Bateman. Paparazzi: awwwwww
Love the music.
Reggie Starr: You two must be the, uh, soft drink people, right? KB: Actually, no. "We" are NYPD. We’re here to speak with Kay Cappuccio. RS: Oh, my bad. Uh…why don’t you just grab a squat right over there? KB: Excuse me? RS: Phoebe will bring you a goji berry juice. KB: You know what? I think I have a better idea. [Beckett steps forward into the photoshoot.] KB: Everybody, take five. RS: Whoa. Hold on a second. Kay Cappuccio doesn’t have five to spare. RC: How about 15 to 20? [That catches Reggie’s attention.] RC: And that goji berry juice sounds delightful.
Little dogs are just like that. RS looks sus there KC: Fine. We didn’t talk about anything, because he was already dead. KB: You found the body? KC: Yeah. KB: And you didn’t call 9-1-1? KC: No, I did as soon as I got into the limo. No harm, no foul, right? KB: You fled a crime scene. KC: All right. (chuckles) Have you heard the phrase, “There’s no such thing as bad press”? Having your picture taken with a dead guy is the exception. [idk if that is true, dead body doesn't seem so bad.] I have to be so careful with my image. My image is all I have. RC: Yeah. No, we were just talking about that.
Kate is pretty, turtleneck with a blazer. Rick is pretty, grey shirt with a blazer. Ryan is pretty, dress shirt+tie with a sweater. Espt is kinda grungy but I like it well enough. lol underdog? *hits espt* *espt looks at him bc "nobody touches me"* dr barker? Really? Lanie coming up with the doggo! They all look so happy to have the dog up here. RC: Or…we could keep him here at the precinct. I mean, we could use a mascot. JE: I thought that’s what you were. *dying laughing* RC: Thatwhat’s that? What’s that, buddy? Esposito’s sense of humor fell down a well and can’t get out? JE: ??
LP: Then you better find out what kind of food he eats, because he’s not touching the stuff I put out. KB: Well, there’s gotta be some food for him at Francisco’s place. Who wants to make a run for it? JE: To go get dog food? KB: [all three sort of at the same time] JE: Castle RC: Ryan KR: Esposito JE: *looks at ryan in betrayal bc they could have teamed up to send out castle* Ok the filipinos are right when they have that up hand down hand game that I don't understand. It's like evens & odds which is a game that I DO understand. Everyone puts in their hands & on three they put out a number of fingers, usually one or two. The odd one out is the winner. In this case they would be the loser though. Then once you eliminate that person you can do rock paper scissors. It works with three people or more but it might need a few rounds. You will always get rid of more than half of the people when playing odd one out. settle it like men lol. They don't count tho, rock paper scissors shoot. Espt: Snip
How did they not know who they were talking about? lmao She might still be a doctor! Yeah! Let the canine therapist talk to the dog! KB: Of your time, sure.
Becks has some crazy hair rn
RC: Tell me…did Francisco ever observe you during your sessions? PB: No. He waited outside. Why? Because either he was paying you too much or he had a pet play kink
Nice especkett is heading out here, love it. Espt has a nice scard rn btw. rly love it.
Oh no Growl right back at them bro.
Girl dogs are scary af running like obelix & asterix.
lmao dog breeding? srs? it was honest work <3 that guy passed away recently. the bug finder that ryan found
It could have been ANY time this morning ryan didn't specify.
Wow music. Wow people. Wow her walk. Ryan & espt's mouths lol. Royal sad. Booty. Ryan's device. Ooh & the way he picks it up nice nice.
ew dogs. RC: Tell me, does the phrase “corporate espionage” mean anything to you? KC: No RC: KC: No, seriously. I have no idea what it means. Why is ryan interrupting so awkwardly?
JE: Dude, look at that outfit. Where is she gonna put a wire? RC: Well, if I had to be creative, I’d guess— KB: RC: That’s rhetorical. KR: We went into the tech room [Ohhh so they have a tech room that's probably what that room with the tv is!] to isolate the frequency that the bug was transmitting on, and we found, uh, well… JE: Show ‘em. KR: All right. *turns on TV to get a good view of boobs, like real bazongas*
KC: Oh, well, I mean, it’s not just any celebrity video— I mean, TMZ’s offered, like, a million bucks for the first naked picture of me. JE, being horny: You ask me, that number’s on the low side. KB:
KB: And then there might be a trail that leads back to the guilty party. So we’re gonna have to find somebody to pull all those photos-- JE: I’ll do it. RC: Got a little case of, uh…puppy love there, Esposito? <3 they love making fun of him RC spotting royal in the conference room: Aw. Looks like Esposito isn’t the only frustrated dog in the precinct. Who closed him up in there?
*starts rubbing her hand intimately* GIRL This reminds me. When they had the murder suspect amnesiac they let him crash on the couch. The dog tho is going home with castle or beckett. Then later espt takes home that kid. & we finally get to see his apartment.
KC: I never thought I would say this, but I am so sick of looking at myself right now. I can’t even imagine how you must feel. JE, enjoying looking at pics of pretty women: Don’t worry about me. WHY are they going thru the pics so SLOW? Wow there's humanity here now. Weird. She's all depressed bc she feels talentless. You can be talentless tho bc skills are things you can build. ofc it takes more work bc talents just come naturally & skills take time & effort but shush.
Hyatt is such a name. I remember he sent a dead body to brackenreid once & john almost opened up the chest. Espt is being really protective of kay rn. Bro chill.
My dad's cat has a grease spot on the window from where her cat tree is & she puts her face on the window. it's so adorable. RC: Who’s a good boy, huh? Who’s a good boy? Is Marcus a good boy? No, he’s not a good boy. He’s a bad boy. Man has a bit of a lisp that makes it sound like he's shitting here not sitting here lol Could be dog trafficking, not necessarily drugs
Ah he's a US customs agent lol. Get ryan on the job he was a drug cop. Should have given him the hella fancy coffee
Beckett's on drugs lol Essence of poppyflower ohhhhh These are real narcotics, they are from poppyseed or smth. Not all street drugs are narcotics & ppl tend to forget that.
omg ryan is wearing a blue suit (kind of striped) with a pink shirt & no tie omg y'all I might be a lesbian. (Yes I'm only half woman, yes I'm also half man, yes he's also a man, but he's the kind of guy lesbians say are attractive even if they are not attracted themselves. Like I find him cute as a lesbian. Not as a straight girl not as a gay boy not as a straight boy but as a lesbian. it's complicated shut up.) Oh & while we're at it espt has a nice jacket too & it looks good on him, it has like the leather jacket looking bit (probs polyester or vinyl, tho in some lighting it looks almost denim) & then the fabric sleeves, I love it. Oh esposito is so sad that she's the one.
KB: So, we have reason to suspect that our killer was wearing your perfume. KC: Well, that’s impossible. It wasn’t even out yet. I’m the only person that had it. KR: Does she realize she just incriminated herself? JE: I said she was nice. I didn’t say anything about smart.
Looking thru the window like that? v sus. HOLY MOLY well as soon as my little bro is gone I am watching that fight scene again & posting the clip!
KB: Yeah, and, um, you know, I was wrong about something, too. Turns out having a mascot in the precinct can be pretty useful. Me: You mean rick or royal?
All the cops watching them fight over royal KC: Oh, yes, Lolita and I need a big strong man around the house, JE:
AC: You said, you’d be the one who’d wind up having to feed it, and it was hard enough remembering to feed me every day. RC: Yeah, I…I don’t remember that last part. AC: It was subtext. Barely. theyre so cute: So…this dog you want o get, you know, for me…this wouldn’t be an enticement to come home from college more often, would it?
Maybe I hadn't seen this one before. Regardless, it was fun enough.
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unholyplumpprincess · 2 years
Oh my goshhhh-uhhh
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
My Kind
Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)
Warning: Swearing
Genre: Fluff, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: Having been chosen by the gang to be a guest streamer on today’s stream of Among Us, it’s safe to say Y/N’s super excited but also a bit nervous. The whole of her anxiety gets lifted off her when she meets someone with the exact same vibe as hers - yeah you guessed it.
Requested by @monizzle96 Hi dear! Thank you so much for your wonderful request! I’m so terribly sorry it’s taken me so long to write and post it but here it finally is! I hope you come across it and read it and if so I hope you enjoy it! Love, Vy ❤
This has to be the fiftieth time I’ve checked my setup in the past twenty four hours. But no, I’m definitely not nervous, what are you talking about. Pshhh. Nah, being nervous isn’t in my brand. Plus, what do I have to make me nervous - a group of famous streamers inviting me onto their stream to play Among Us with them because they enjoyed my own streams? Ok yeah, that’s a pretty good reason. Not gonna lie, I almost chucked my phone out of excitement when I received that DM from Toast, telling me they’d picked me to be their guest streamer for today’s date. My stomach was doing somersaults for a good forty-eight hours following that text and then the anxiety slowly started setting in fueled by the expectations they probably have of me.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not inexperienced in the streaming field, I’ve been a streamer longer than some of the members of Toast’s streamer gang actually. But I never managed to garner that big of a following which I’m honestly quite ok with. I have a modest - ok, maybe larger than modest - following consisting of incredibly loyal fans which I will never stop being grateful for. They are all so respectable of me, my privacy and my boundaries. They know the main rules: no shit-talking in the chat or in any of my comment sections, no bashing other YouTubers in my comments/chat, and most definitely not asking for a face reveal. Fun fact: I didn’t even set up that last rule, they all just collectively know not to ask for it. 
I’ve been keeping my brand pretty low-key to avoid garnering some unwanted attention - some of which I’ve already experienced on certain social media platforms following the full body pictures I posted on there - face not visible of course. I tend to also have my webcam on, facing towards my hands working away on the keyboard sometimes when I stream. I don’t know why people obsess over faceless content creators’ hands, but I appreciate the enthusiasm - it also drives me to do a manicure every now and then which ain’t so bad, self-care and all that you know.
Now, back to the subject of my ridiculous nervousness.
You see, it has layers.
I’m nervous of ‘preforming’ underwhelmingly and I’m nervous of what my own fans will think of the person I will become during this stream. They know me as a super chill and laid-back person, which I am by the way, but they might think I’m putting on a show if I exhibit any nervous gestures/vocabulary. I highly doubt they would, but the possibility is not letting my mind rest. And now that it’s about ten minutes till the stream starts, I’m getting doing my best to calm my nerves.
They are all just people. You know they are super chill too. Just be yourself, that’s why they invited you, because you are yourself on all your streams. They liked you for your personality, humor, maybe even your gaming skills. So chill the hell out and be yourself, damn it!
Easier thought than put into action that’s for sure.
I start my stream five minutes early just so I can vibe with my viewers for a little while before I have to meet the gang. My fans always have a way of injecting me with confidence, they remind me of where I was when I started and how far I’ve come. How much I achieved when I thought I’d be nothing and no one, someone the algorithm would simply overlook. But then they entered my life and I entered theirs and it all became much better than I ever thought it would get to be. I rarely tell myself ‘good job’ for the milestones I’ve reached or the hard work I’ve put into my content, but that’s probably cause I orient myself based on that quote from the movie Whiplash: ‘There are no two words in the English language more harmful than good job’ - simply put, I’m never satisfied with what I do and I always strive to do better. My fans, however, make sure I don’t go overboard with it - always serving as a reminder that I’ve done plenty for myself and others. And that’s what makes an amazing fandom, one I consider family.
Whoa, when did those five minutes fly by?!
Ah shit, here we go. Deep breaths, Y/N you got this.
“Hello!“ I say as I enter the Discord call, subconsciously biting my lower lip, grateful the camera isn’t capturing it. However, I make a mental note to keep my hands steady cause that’s the one part of me people can actually see and the last thing I want is for them to see how much my fingers are trembling.
“Oh hi, Y/N!“ Toast is the first one to greet me, “Welcome to the stream! Thank you so much for accepting our invitation.“
“Thank you for having me and inviting me, Toast. This is a huge deal for me. You guys are basically YouTube legends, this is unreal to me.“ I reply, cringing immediately afterwards because of my fangirl rambling. Great way to make first impressions, Y/N. Bravo.
To be fair, they already have an impression of you. Quit stressing.
Aright, you’ve got a point, me.
“Oh please, we owe all that to our fans. We’re really nothing special. All streamers are almost completely alike, we all owe where we are to the people who helped us make it there - our fans. We’re no legends.“ Toast says, bringing a small smile to my face as well as a light pink blush to my cheeks, “And from what I’ve seen, you yourself have quite the following. And your fans seem to adore you.“
“And I absolutely adore them.“ I chuckle, “They mean the world to me. They are the reason I’m here today.”
“Then we have to give them a special thank you, don’t you think?“ The teasing, familiar giggle, widens my smile - it’s Rae, “Nice to meet you, Y/N! I’m Rae, and, no cap, I’m quite a fan of your content. No joke, I binged your entire series of Resident Evil 7 as soon as I found your channel when Toast said he’d invite you.“
This rattles me a bit. I can hardly believe it - am I really receiving a compliment from an A-list name in the streaming world? My fans must be hella proud of me right now. A quick glance at my chat confirms that they indeed are. That in and of itself fills me with joy and newfound confidence.
“Oh Gosh, thank you so much Rae! That means the world to me. You’re all so sweet.“ I reply, lifting my ice cold hands to cool down my burning cheeks, my lips spread into a grin, my stomach filled with butterflies.
“Oh please, we have some real savages around here.“ A male voice, seemingly Charlie’s scoffs, “Don’t overlook us please.“
“Wait, we do?“ A deep voice, one I immediately know the owner of speaks up, “Who? How come I don’t know about that?“
I can’t help bust snort, “Nice to meet you, Corpse. Sarcasm central, I see.”
He laughs, “Just returning it to where it’s due. Nice to meet you too, Y/N. Sick Outlast series, by the way.“
Ok, wait, I have two A-list streamers complimenting my content. Ok, I’m bound to crack open a few beers to celebrate later cause OH MY GOD.
“Thanks! I’m a horror junkie so I’d be lying if I said I haven’t binge watched all your story-times. Personal favorites are the deep web ones, they fascinate me.“
“Oh, you’re one of my kind even more than I expected, huh?“ He replies, the tone of his voice changing, raising a bit due to what I can only describe as excitement and enthusiasm. “I’ve had people tell me it’s twisted, but I really like seeing the lengths to which the fucked up human mind can go to. Like, the shit I’ve read is insane! Some stories I didn’t narrate cause I would’ve probably had my video taken down, it was that messed up.“
My eyes widen, sharing the same excitement at the thought of digging deeper into this phenomenon, “Careful, Corpse, you’re walking a dangerous line of tempting me to deep-dive on Reddit in search of those exact stories.”
“No need.“ Corpse says, his tone now taking up a bit of a cocky note, “I still got them all saved, I can send them to you no problem.“
“Please do! I seriously gotta read them now. If I can’t sleep afterwards, I’m blaming you, Corpse. Just FYI.“ I say, giggling slightly, finding myself all but completely comfortable now. I wonder where all that anxiety went? 
“Blame fully taken. Given that I’m not much of a sleeper, I’ll keep you company whenever you think there’s a killer hiding in your closet or fear a red room pop-up will appear on your computer screen.“ He replies, chuckling.
“Um, that’s oddly specific.“ Charlie comments, “Been there yourself, buddy?”
“Perhaps.“ Corpse wheezes, getting a laugh out of me too, “I will neither confirm nor deny.“
“You know what, I’ll just private message you my number so if you see it call you at some ungodly hour, you don’t freak the fuck out. Sounds good?“ I ask, already prepping to type it out and send it to him. 
“Perfect. Wait...“ he pauses for a second, sounding puzzled for a second, “You don’t have mine.“
“Oh, do I not?“ I reply with a sinister tone - thought to answer the question, I of course don’t have his number.
“Oh, do you?“ He sasses me right back. “If so then you don’t need me to send it to you. Cool.“
Ah, shit
“Wait, no! I-I need to confirm it’s the correct one!“
Damn, never did I think I’d be complimented by some of the most important streamers on this platform, but to get a number of theirs too? That’s a whole another level that will take me time to process. But I’ll do that another time, right now, I have to kick these people’s butts in Among Us and later I have some deep web stories to read.
Turns out, all it takes to get comfortable in a new surrounding is someone of your kind. And Corpse is definitely one of my kind.
@maat-the-prescriptive  @simonsbluee  @save-the-sky  @itsminniekat  @hacker-ghost  @bi-andready-tocry  @imtiredaffff  @jazzkaurtheglorious  @hereforbeebo  @fandomgirl17  @chrysanthykios  @maehemscorpyus  @loraleiix  @letsloveimagines  @annshit  @i-cant-choose-a-username-help  @enigmaticmaze  @divine-artemis  @waterlilypat  @idontknowwhatthisisfam  @evi-ka  @classyandfabulous00  @redperson58  @lilysdaydreams @solowheein  @mythicalamphitrite  @axen-gers  @luckygirl144  @nj01  @buddyemily   @the-albino-lioness  @stardream14  @gdhdkfnn  @nomadicgypsyy  @preciousskye  @fluffysuicideunicornsworld  @o-kaelin  @manacharlotte  @awkward-youtube-trash  @lolalee24  @bonky-beerns  @meme-lord-and-savior-sebastian  @strawbrinkofdeath  @teenloves  @tams0527  @browneyespinkhair  @starstruckllamapuppy  @daisychains012  @y0ulooked  @tinytacosuitcaseflap @supernatural-is-my-only-life  @jula-pauline  @melodykitty  @just-that-bi-girl  @crazybutconfidentaf  @lowellshade @alphakees  @bellero  @weallneednamjesus  @starryhanji  @boiled-onionrings  @husherstan  @fockingwhore  @melaningoddessthings  @prettypastelpetals  @haleypearce  @godwhyamiawkward  @y-napotat  @daisychainyoonmin  @little-miss-rebel3  @free-wheelin-bi-sexual  @redmoon261 @darkacademic2  @wiseflamingoqueen  @into-the-end  @namikhai-i  @nastiablr  @thelittleplantlover  @mirktuan  @dont-hyuck @jjk-bunny  @vintagegothlover  @easygoingtheatre  @itsrandombooklover  @miiaivi  @emmybaybee  @befourgolden  @jjk-is-my-shit  @eternalteaaars  @spacebadgerx  @princesslunalight  @acequinn14  @samm48  @misselsbells06 @simp-lykawa  @fo-love  @marishimomura-blog  @therealglenncoco  @cinnamonbun332  @killtherandomness  @sanshinexxxsan  @fee-btheweeb  @press-lay  @cathleenpotgieter16  @jazzydoesstuff  @moonlxghtbay  @forestrain2000  @hyunjinhugs  @blood-of-fandoms  @lovellylies  @ukiyolixx  @simpforhpcharacters  @chrisdylan17  @parkerjisung  @pedernille  @theodonyous  @wineandionysus  @malfoystilinskii05  @morbid-x  @coryisagee  @jessewa26  @scoobydooluver97 @mindintheskies365  @raeanneinwonderland  @indecisive-empanada  @gluttonypalace  @loriane2503  @btsiguess-kpop  @khaoticbunny  @lucidlycactus  @smiithys  @rottenroyalebooks  @kpopgirlbtssvt  @fangirl-tc27  @fr0z3n-1  @notmesimpingfortechno  @shotarosleftpinky  @kunoi-chan  @idk-whats-wrong-with-me  @yikeroonie  @goldenstarofthunderclan  @poetry-and-tea  @ama-do-writing-stuff  @wishbonewolf  @emeraldxhope  @t0xick1tty  @kusuinko  @speakyourselfloveyourself  @sophia902103  @lo-manburg  @classsykittykat  @dmgama  @depressedpuppythatneedscoffee  @btsiguess-kpop  @akaashi-baby  @gun-jong-simp  @geschichtenfee  @yerapotato-wp  @browneyedgirl365  @thysagclub  @sparklycloudnight  @helloatomicshadow  @queentorresstuff @vtte @val-gal  @lucy-bunny17  @aaliyahh0  @katluckybear  @boyleanti  @straybids  @franchesca-791  @cosmicstorm19  @averyisbackinthetrashcan  @aomi-nabi  @xlanawriter  @allensimpsforcorpse
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ladyeliot · 4 years
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Fragile [2/3]
Part One
Based on The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Summary: Who would have thought that fate would bring you face to face with your father's killer? 13 years old, an orphan girl who was taken under the protection of the United States, who was educated to serve the nation and who was now assigned by the CIA to guard what was once one of the most dangerous men in the world.
Warnings: Mentions of murder, psychological problems, violence.
Word count: 3981
A/N: Post Endgame. Sorry for my spelling and grammatical mistakes, English is not my native language, I am learning.
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The city of sin is empty, and so are you. There is no one around you to judge you. The rhythm of their heartbeat seems to take over your body, it seems to lure you into the darkness, into which you have already entered. You have been alone for so long that you can barely remember when you felt a caress. The lights seem to blind you as they fall on your skin through the window panes, you can't see clearly where you're going, or what your next move is going to be, but there's something that grabs you, that compels you to kiss his skin. You look into his eyes, offering yourself, inviting him to love you. You look around you, drowning in the night, but there he is, the only person who can ignite you with a caress.
The Japanese restaurant across the street from your building was the place selected for the date that Bucky had worked so hard to set you up with, but after you saw him show up on your doorstep with the most charming bouquet of orange tulips you'd ever seen in your life you didn't care where he planned to take you. The place was quite popular in the neighbourhood, so that night most of the tables were packed with diners, a fact that seemed to make your companion uncomfortable as you walked into the establishment.
"Would you rather we went somewhere else?" you asked when you saw his gaze sweep over the place.
"No, it's fine," he stepped forward, heading to a free table that was quite far away from the others.
"You know, I don't remember ever having tasted Japanese food," you said, sitting down across from him. "I guess you'll have to walk me through this."
A complicity intensified as Bucky flashed a smile, lowering his gaze in response to the comment you had just made. Your eyes lit up, creating a visual conformity as he raised his countenance again and focused his eyes on you. It was at that precise moment that you discovered that beneath the blue mantle of his iris were small greyish flecks. You had arrived in this place almost three months ago, in this Brooklyn neighbourhood full of charming Asian culture, and you had never felt more at home than you did at that moment. You knew every detail of the life of the boy sitting in front of you, every detail that the government had wanted to give you, but you realised that you didn't really know anything about him at all.
It was a long two minutes in which you spent inspecting the person in front of you. He was wearing a black denim-style jacket, a black T-shirt that seemed to match the jeans you remembered he was wearing, and of course his black leather gloves, the ones you assumed he wouldn't take off all night. You rested your elbow on the table and dropped your chin into the palm of your hand without taking your eyes off his for a second. Bucky's jaw was slightly stiff, his lips were pursed waiting for you to say something and his expression was highlighted by a frown. You held it in for a few seconds until again your mouth curved up in a smile causing laughter to erupt from within you, causing a blush to rise up Bucky's cheeks.
"What's wrong?" he asked doubtful of the cause of your smirking laughter.
"Nothing," you said sincerely, shaking your face as your laughter died down and you took the menu of dishes in your hands. "What do you recommend?"
"I don't know," he said repeating your same gesture and hiding his face behind the paper.
"I thought you were a regular," you commented ignoring the variety of dishes and put the menu down so you could look at him again. "What about the nigiris?"
"The truth is that whenever I come here it's always Yori who decides what to eat," he commented pulling the paper away from his face leaving you to stare at his uneasy countenance again.
"Wow... do you think we should call him for dinner recommendations?" you whispered making Bucky blush again as he chuckled.
"I think we can manage," he commented looking back at the list of dishes.
But really your attempt to make a varied selection of Japanese cuisine was in vain when the young waitress approached you both and you decided on a random selection based on the most curious names you had found, so that after she left you were once again alone in front of each other. You noticed that in those long weeks that you had unexpectedly coincided Bucky had never made a comment about his past, it was obvious that he took it for granted that you knew who he was, everyone seemed to know who he was.
"Can I be frank with you?" you asked, playing with the small vase in the middle of the table.
"Please," he replied, giving way to your question.
"Don't take this the wrong way, but you seem nervous enough to have dated girls before, you know," you commented in a delicate tone avoiding scaring him away. "Is this your first date in... this long?"
Bucky's nostrils flared as he averted his gaze to the side and took a breath.
"Well... yeah, you could say that," he replied turning his focus back to you as his fingers played. "I've been trying... God, what's the name of the app?"
"Tinder?" you suggested arching an eyebrow.
"Yes, that," he nodded as his eyes widened in surprise. "It's crazy, that's not meant for me, it's like how am I going to find someone there? I don't know."
"I know," you laughed at his facial expression. "I tried it once, but I had a bad experience."
"What happened?" you inquired curiously as the waitress brought the first dishes to share along with the two beers you had ordered.
"I was supposed to meet a blond guy, curly hair, strong build, light eyes, about thirty or thirty-five, supposed to be British," you began as you took a sip of your beer. "All right, I was in the bar waiting for him to arrive, obviously we were meeting in a public place, we said to wear specific clothes so we could easily recognise each other, although I thought it was a bit absurd as I had seen pictures of him. By the time a completely different guy from the description I just gave you stood next to me, wearing a red tie and introducing himself as Matthew, I picked up and left."
"Are you sure that app is legal?" he asked when you finished telling the story.
"Sometimes I ask myself the same question too."
The atmosphere seemed to envelop you over the course of the dinner, Bucky tilting his face whenever you recounted any of your experiences, which were yours, not the character you had created to conduct your research. The comfort was so pleasant inside you that you even felt guilty on several occasions that he didn't know who you really were, a CIA agent sent to keep him under control. Even though it would have the worst consequences for you, for your career and you could never be willing to throw it all away, at least you had never been willing or thought about it until now. Although it had also been a long time since you'd felt like this.
"So...?" you arched your eyebrows with a lopsided smile, waiting for his honest answer.
"A hundred and six," he replied finishing his second beer.
"And I was complaining about the guy who showed me up on that Tinder date, because he was fifty-three," Bucky ducked his gaze somewhat nervously, as you shrugged. "You really are a fascinating guy, Bucky Barnes."
Those words were the most sincere thing you'd said since the night began, plus they brought with them a fresh batch of knowing glances between the two of you, where seconds ticked by, no one said anything and the din of laughter and surrounding conversations seemed to subside above you. You discovered that you weren't curious to find out if everything in those documents was true or not, if he really was the monster they were trying to make you believe. What really mattered to you and why you were curious about him, you wanted to find out for yourself who he really was, his experiences, his future plans, if he was lost, if he was afraid, you didn't want answers to the morbid questions they used to ask him, you wanted to know Bucky Barnes, not the Winter Soldier.
That was the first time you had ever been on a date, with all its letters, rarely had you reached dessert before you had slept with the guy in front of you, rarely had you felt so comfortable chatting with someone, rarely had you laughed so much and stayed until the place closed.
"You're in the 21st century, do you know that women can pay for dinner and we can buy if we want to?" you said approaching the bar and taking your wallet out of your purse.
"Please," he determined almost in a plea as he pulled his wallet out of the back pocket of his trousers.
"All right," you raised your arms, heading for the exit door. "I'll pay for the drinks.
As you stepped outside you could feel Bucky's eyes on you through the glass of the restaurant as he was waiting for the extra money/change. It was a pretty cold night in March, but no one really seemed to care because it seemed like everyone had gone outside to enjoy the Saturday night. You heard behind you the tinkling of a little bell and Bucky was perched next to you, putting his hands in his jacket pockets.
"Well, where..." you started to say before a voice cut you off.
A whistling sound coming from somewhere near you tried to get your attention, but it wasn't until you looked up that you saw a tiny face peering through a window on the first floor of your building.
"Hey!" you exclaimed, tapping Bucky's chest and pointing at Yori who was waving at you.
"Oh gosh..." commented Bucky raising his hand in greeting.
"How was the date?" your neighbour asked raising his tone so he could reach you.
"Great Yori!" you exclaimed trying to let him hear you from the first floor of your building. "Bucky is such a gentleman! They don't have men like that these days!"
You didn't see it, but your companion had no idea where to put himself at that moment, his hand on the back of his neck and his uncomfortable glances around as he blushed gave him away. You raised your arm to wave goodbye to Yori who was saying goodbye as he said something, but it barely reached your ears. Bucky simply nodded showing an awkward smile on his face.
"Come on," you laughed tugging on the lapel of Bucky's jacket causing him to start walking aimlessly.
"Where are we going?" he asked walking beside you.
"I don't know," you shrugged without stopping walking. "I'll remind you that I'm just a tourist, I've been in New York for three months and I've barely left the neighbourhood. But I think you know it a lot better than I do," you bumped his body with yours in a friendly way.
"I don't agree. You may be a tourist in New York, but I'm a tourist in the 21st century world," he commented, hitting you back with his elbow.
"In that case... let's discover New York together," you smiled, and he smiled back, letting you know that he was enjoying the evening as much as you were.
"There," your companion raised his chin, gesturing slightly towards the narrow building looming above you.
"There?" you asked, arching your eyebrows in surprise at what he was telling you.
"Fourth floor," he continued speaking without looking at you, resting his eyes on the place he was describing. "It was a tiny flat, I could get from the kitchen to the bedroom by just jumping up and down. If I opened the window at night, the smell of mozzarella from Nicollini's came in. It was an Italian restaurant," he paused thoughtfully, perhaps wistfully. "Wow... I didn't come here until now."
You stood parallel to Bucky, his eyes seemed to appear brighter than usual, the light from the streetlight allowing you to take in every feature of his face. You were silent for a couple of minutes while he seemed to be distant from the place, obscured in his thoughts, in his past. The time you had spent with him had not allowed you to see him like this at any time, he used to keep his emotions very much in check, not allowing anyone to glimpse them, only letting you see the shame or confusion when he spoke to you.
"So... when was the last time you were here?" your volume was soft, trying not to interrupt him too much, but upon hearing your voice, he fell into your presence and began to pace.
"Maybe... in 1943, just before I left for Europe," he cleared his throat, undoing the knot that had formed in his throat.
It was in that precious moment that you realised how hard and complex his situation must really be. Bucky Barnes was all alone in the world, all his knowledge of his old present was of little use to him now, it might be the city where he grew up but nothing was the same anymore. He also had to live with his legacy, the legacy HYDRA left him. Silence flooded around you, however, it was not a complicit silence, it was an uncomfortable silence, caused by the situation you had just lived.
"My father died when I was thirteen," you didn't know why, but that confession came from inside you, Bucky turned his face and focused his attention on you. "My mother had abandoned us when I was five, so when my father died I was all alone."
"I'm sorry," Bucky whispered making you realise he was really sorry when you looked at his face.
"It happens," you shrugged. "I guess that makes us feel luckier when we find someone we connect with."
That was the first time you looked away blushing as you met Bucky's smile, but he kept his eyes fixed on you. The two of you had made your way to an aimless spot, letting the night fall on you by the riverbank.
"Answer me something, when was the last time you enjoyed the New York night?" you said looking at him, as behind him you could see a wonderful view of the island of Manhattan.
"New York night..." he said looking down thoughtfully. "Well, I remember the last night I spent in New York, my best friend Steve and I went to see The Stark exhibit along with two girls," he turned his gaze to the horizon, "Connie and Bonnie, I think their names were."
"Your girlfriends?" you asked curiously delving into the story.
"Not exactly," he laughed looking at you, "it was like a double date, but they weren't our partners. Those times were more complicated, you know," you nodded and waited silently for him to continue the story. "I had planned for the four of us to go dancing, but Steve was not very receptive, he had other things on his mind, so I ended up going dancing with the two of them by myself.
"Wow, what do you know..." you arched an eyebrow causing Bucky to blush with laughter, gazing at the lights coming from Manhattan. "That means you're quite the expert dancer."
"Not exactly, I mean, maybe in... in the past, it's possible, but..." he didn't know how to express himself, his words were hindering him.
"Show me," you interrupted taking him by surprise.
"Uh?" he asked stopping his steps and frowning.
"Come on, it's time for me to be the one to get out of your time. I have no idea how to dance..." you pointed out, making him understand that you didn't know how to dance in a couple. "Please."
Your companion took a breath as you presented him with the palm of your hand inviting him to take it right in the middle of a small riverside park. Bucky was hesitant but your lower lip bitten by your teeth and your pleading eyes made him definitely decide to hold your hand and accept the challenge. The triumph was depicted on your face, which made it easy for Bucky to oblige by flashing you a smile.
"You're really testing me tonight," he murmured, slowly approaching you.
You first felt the roughness of his leather gloves as his left hand took yours to mark a closer position. Your bodies were close, too close, you could hear his raised breathing and see the mist of your breath connecting. Bucky gently placed his hand on your waist, but nothing else happened, you looked at each other, with a very uncomfortable smile.
"This is weird," he muttered, wrinkling the expression on his face.
"Why?" you looked around you, it was lonely. "There's no one."
"I know," he looked up. "There's no one, there's no music."
"Sing," you said quickly with a laugh, making Bucky laugh too as he shook his head. "I would, but I don't know any songs of the time."
"I don't plan to sing," he decreed without barely moving an inch away from you.
"Then use your imagination," you whispered lowering your gaze for a second, meeting his neck at eye level.
As if time had rushed backwards you were caught in a completely different place, the yellowish light of the street lamps above you and behind you a Manhattan skyline set the perfect mood for the moment. The hand that was perched on your waist began to subtly exert pressure, guiding you to imitate the movement of his feet that he had begun. Embarrassed by your clumsiness you quickly lowered your gaze to his feet to try to imitate what he was doing more accurately.
"Look at me, don't look at my feet," he sentenced with a small laugh. "Look at my eyes."
And you did, so much so that you did, letting yourself be enveloped by their blue, making you blush because of the proximity to them. It was strange, perhaps it was much stranger to you than it was to him, as you bit your lower lip hard trying to escape the awkwardness and embarrassment. How could a moment that could look completely ridiculous from the outside feel so intimate on the inside?
"When was the last time you danced with a girl?" you whispered, trying to keep the situation not too intimate.
"I think it was in London," he replied without stopping his movements. "When I was on leave."
But as he finished his answer you again found yourself under those piercing blue eyes trying to maintain eye contact with you. Again you caught your lower lip between your teeth, thinking of a new question to ask him. Bucky had taken control of the situation, something you weren't used to, and that made you feel alert, he knew it, for the first time he seemed to be in control of the situation, and that was your fault, you had given it to him when you said to teach you to dance.
"Are you alright?" he whispered in front of you with a half smile to which you nodded forcing a smile.
Just as you finished your nod you felt Bucky press harder against your waist and pressed his body against yours leaving your forehead pressed against his cheek. His scent wafted into your nostrils, drifting into your brain, projecting a pleasure that made you close your eyes and let yourself be completely carried away. You accepted that you wouldn't last an hour in the 40s in a dance hall, the second you'd fall at the feet of any young man like Bucky. You didn't know if it was your imagination, because right now you had entered an alternate universe, or if Bucky was humming some tune, but you heard it, you heard how your subtle movements had music.
"And..." you parted your lips, pulling your forehead away from his cheek, trying to formulate a question that didn't come because you felt the melody stop, realising that it was Bucky who was asking it.
His face with a sweet smile on it paralysed you, making you come out of the bubble that had been created around you, feeling guilty for the situation that you yourself had provoked. What the hell were you doing? He was your mission, everything was getting out of context, it had gotten completely out of hand and you needed to stop it as soon as possible. You shook your face, trying not to be too rude to him, and you broke the proximity between the two of you. Bucky didn't understand what had happened, because within a second the happiness was wiped from his face, showing some concern for your actions.
"I'm sorry," he said, raising his hands subtly by way of caution. "If I've done anything inappropriate..."
"No!" you exclaimed shaking your head smiling at his apology. "It's just... I think we should get back, we still have a long way to go and I wanted to get up early tomorrow."
"Of course," the disappointment you saw on Bucky's face almost broke your soul.
The walk home was too stealthy, and that made you uneasy. You couldn't stop replaying over and over the moment in your mind, the feel of his hand on your waist, the proximity to his body, your scent, and the warmth of your forehead against his cheek. It was torture, because on the other hand you felt extremely guilty for violating all the clauses of your job by entering into this kind of relationship with Bucky. It was suffocating, you felt almost breathless inside. Firstly, you should have started by refusing the proposal to go out for dinner, and secondly, if you did go out for dinner, you should have gone straight home, no dancing and no further conversation. In the midst of all these thoughts, you arrived home.
"Please," he said, offering you first the way into the building.
"Thank you," you mumbled without looking at him.
The walk to the third floor began, you had never realised that there were so many steps and so steep until you reached the door of your house, it seemed like a climb up Mount Everest and the worst thing was that Bucky lived right in front of you, on the same landing. You amused yourself rummaging through your purse for your house keys, avoiding having a conversation until you arrived right in front of the door.
"Well..." you started to say by way of an awkward goodbye.
"Again, if I've done anything to upset you..." Bucky repeated again with a gesture of concern.
"Really, Bucky, it's been... great," you concluded, smiling kindly at him. "I promise."
"All right," he ducked his face, not entirely convinced by your answer. "So, good night Susan."
"G-good night Bucky."
Susan? Of course, that was you to him, all a lie.
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reidyoulikeabook · 4 years
Champagne Problems
#Request: could you write something based on ‘champagne problems’? creative license is yours and go ham however you see fit but i was thinking reader breaks things off between her and spencer seemingly without warning etc etc
Summary: You and Spencer had been together for almost 2 years. So when he asks you to marry him, that’s got to be a no-brainer, right?
Warnings: Angst, a lot of angst. Minor mentions of threat, blackmail, violence and drugs.
Word count: 2k
A/N: Writing this hurt my feelings. Badly. Just the idea of sad Spencer destroys me. That having been said, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy writing it. Anyway, as always, requests are open!
Spencer hasn’t moved off the couch in at least 8 hours. He hadn’t slept. Not since you’d left.
He’d been agonising over the proposal for months. He’d consulted Morgan, who’d said, “Pretty boy, you could ask her over coffee on the jet and she’d say yes. Don’t worry so much about making it perfect.”
Garcia, who’d squealed, bouncing in her seat at the thought of another BAU wedding, “Oh my gosh! You have to make it beautiful! Amazing! You two are finally gonna get married! Is she pregnant? Not that she has to be just, my god, this team has a reputation for shotgun weddings.”
He’d briefly considered asking Rossi, who had surely proposed enough times by now for him to be classified as an engagement expert. Hotch would probably have had some sage advice, and Emily well...he wasn’t exactly sure what her advice would have been, actually. He might have wound up asking them if what J.J had said to him hadn’t been so helpful.
“Do whatever feels most authentic to you. Neither of you are fans of a big show, you’re not ‘fly a blimp over Quantico’ people. Just, do something that feels right.”
So he’d done that. Spencer loved the solace of your apartment. It’s where you spent the vast majority of your date nights: ordering in fancy takeout, watching shows, sometimes just sitting and reading together in the bay window. If Spencer had a glass or two of wine, he could sometimes be coaxed into dancing.
What felt right to him was this: the apartment bathed in the glow of the fairylights he’d put up earlier, supported by the gentle golden light of the colour changing lightbulb he’d purchased especially. The record player prepared with your favourite album. A chilled bottle of wine resting on the table, next to a bouquet of fresh flowers contained in a crystal vase he’d had to demolish half the spare bedroom to find.
He was more than a little nervous, as he posted himself up at the dining room table to await your arrival. He couldn’t stop the train of thoughts: what if she says no? What if she doesn’t want me?
The only thing that helped stifle his nerves was thinking of how the others had reacted when he’d told them. What Morgan had said. Then he trails his mind back, to all the times he’d felt so insecure, so unworthy of your love. You’d never failed to remind him that he was the best thing to happen to you. That every insecurity he had was actually just a quirk about him that you loved. Your love poured into him, filling a lifetime of holes made by other peoples criticiques and mockery. He took a deep breath. He would be okay. This would be okay. You loved him. God knows you’d told him that enough times.
“What’s all this?” You ask, coming through the door and shrugging the laptop case off your shoulders.
“I just thought, since our anniversary is coming up and we could get called out on a case...I thought we could celebrate early. On a night we know we have off.”
“That’s really thoughtful,” You say with a smile, “I can’t believe you did all this Spence.”
He stands, crossing the room to help you take your jacket off, “You deserve something special.”
“Good job you’re something special then,” You say, allowing him to lift the jacket off your shoulders, leaning in to peck his cheek as he does it.
Moving away from you to hang your jacket on the coat hanger, he feels the anxiety start to climb again. He’s imagined the scenario a million times in his head, played it out. He knew he’d be nervous. But nothing, no run-through in his mind could have prepared him for the anxiety he feels as you take your seat at the table.
“Shall I open this?”
“If you don’t mind.”
“Spence you got the fancy one,” You say, a question in your voice that he pretends not to hear.
“Well it is for our anniversary, can’t buy the five dollar bottle to celebrate two years together,” He says, taking his seat opposite you.
“Two years huh?”
“Yep. Well, currently one year, eleven months and fifteen days, if you take a month to mean thirty days.”
“That’s gone pretty fast.”
“Actually it’s pretty widely agreed by psychologists that as we get older our subjective perception of time speeds up. There’s no real consensus on what exactly the cause is but it’s thought that it might have something to do with the expansion of our neuron network and the greater distance signals have to travel which slows down our processing time.”
You laugh, “Well that’s a very scientific way to tell me we’re getting old.”
“You’re not even thirty.”
“Not far off.”
“Well I’m sure I’ll think you’re just as beautiful at thirty, and fourty, and fifty, and-”
You cut him off, laughing again, “Is there a scientific theory to support that or are you just spitballing here?”
“This is all me.”
Something about the way he says that sounds so vulnerable that it makes your heart ache.
Spencer’s a little nervous, but not anything close to massively alerting you. You decide to chalk it down to just Spencer being Spencer, mostly out of not wanting to dwell on it too much. The evening passes in exchange of old memories, light teasing as you recall how long it’d taken him to summon the courage to kiss you for the first time.
He’s trying to work out when. When you head to the bathroom, he decides it has to be when you come back. Before he loses his nerve. He swallows another sip of wine for courage, smiling at the thought that he’ll get to introduce you as his fiance at work tomorrow.
Entering the room, you spy how he’s smiling to himself. You have half a mind to ask him what he’s thinking about, but he interrupts you before you can.
“Wanna dance?” He asks, having wandered to where the record player sits, covered in a thin layer of dust.
“Yeah. Dancing sounds good.”
Flicking the needle down, that familiar song starts playing.
You make your way over to where he stands on your living room rug. He puts one arm around your waist, keeping your other hand in his. You move in time to the music, letting him twirl you around with ease.
“I have something to ask you,” he murmurs, spinning you again so you come flying to rest against his chest.
Your head rests just under his chin, and the dance slows down to a gentle sway.
Your heart is pounding.
“I-I had this whole speech planned,” he says, softly, "But I think...I think I just want to ask you now. I think you know how I feel about you. How much I love you. So I wanted to ask you, if you want to marry me.”
You drop his hand. Stepping back, you scan his face. Seeing the panic, the questionning, the confusion.
“Spencer I-I can’t. I can’t do that.”
Confusion flickers across his features, eyebrows furrowing, lips pressing against one another. He tries to keep the tears from filling his eyes but he can’t. They glint with all the hurt. With his worst nightmare realised. You’re just stood there, statue-still. Staring at him with something he can’t figure out. Horror? Shock? How could it be either of those things. His chest heaves, he flounders. Even when he imagined this, he never planned what he’d say next. What he’d really do if you said no. It dawns on him then. He never really believed it would happen.
“W-Why?” He finally chokes, taking a step towards you only to promptly feel another kick to the gut as you, in turn, retreat.
“I just...” You trail off, mouth opening and closing, “I just. I just can’t.”
He doesn’t get the chance to puzzle out what the look on your face is. It’s imperceptible. Before he can think of anything else to say, before he can even begin to comprehend the way his world just shattered, you’re gone.
He thinks he hears a quiet, “I’m sorry,” as you scuttle out of the apartment door and disappear.
At some point, he makes it to the couch. It goes dark around him, the batteries in the fairy lights die at some point. So he sits illuminated in only the light of the lamp.
Eidetic memory allows his brain to become a theatre. Showing only one film: The Time You Said No. Dropped his hand. Stepped back, as if you were wounded, injured. The confusion in your voice. How it shook, broke, when you said ‘I-I can’t.’ How you just left. How you promised you’d never leave and here you were, slipping out the apartment door without a second look. He’s not even analysing. He just sits, replaying the night in his head. Hot tears slipping down his cheeks everytime he gets to the part where you leave. He doesn’t wipe them. Just starts again.
He’s vaguely aware of a phone ringing beside him. Picking it up, he sees it’s 7:52am, which means he’s going to be late for work. There are several missed calls. He would check to see who they’re from but he doesn’t really care.
Will you be at work?
The thought almost makes him want to go. It dawns on him then that he has absolutely no idea where you are, and somehow that’s worse than knowing you left. He scrambles for the phone, picking it up and dialling your number. It rings, from inside your jacket. The jacket you left on the back of the chair.
If he goes into work and you’re not there...he bristles at the thought. Nausea rises in him, his forehead starting to feel clammy with a light sheen of sweat as he processes: he has no idea where you are. For the first time in two years, he has no idea where you are and no way to find out.
Then it hits him. This might just be his life now. He has to run to the bathroom and vomit.
You’ve fucked it up. You’ve fucked it up and you know it the moment you get out of your apartment building and into the freezing cold air. There’s no way to explain it.
You’d received an email this afternoon. It was footage of Elle. You’d been home late because you’d had to go to Hotch, who’d spent the afternoon nervously pacing. Various agents, increasing in status each time, had flooded the office.
There was no way of knowing, right now, who’d sent the email. Or what they could see. What they had access to. How could you accept a proposal from Spencer when you knew that doing so could put him in jepoardy? What if they had something on him?
The entire team had looked the other way while you’d helped him to wrangle the dilaudid addiction and get himself back on his feet. That time pained you to think about. But there were so many things that a person could get their hands on. How could you say yes to taking your relationship further when everything was so off-balance right now?
You should have told him. No matter about Hotch or Strauss swearing you to secrecy. You should have told him. Shame rises, deep in your gut, at the monumental fuck-up you’d just made. If it hadn’t been this afternoon, if you hadn’t been on edge already, if you’d had the time to think about things. You would have responded differently. If you’d just had some more time.
But you’re here now. Wondering, how exactly you could explain that you’d done this because you were worried someone might hurt him.
How can you say you were protecting him, when in doing so you destroyed him?
Taglist: @sassiest-politician @takeyourleap-of-faith
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mcwriting · 3 years
Lost in Rome
hello, friends! Ever since "La Vita Dolce," I've wanted to write something else involving Italy and at least one Italian phrase, and so this lil story was born! Hope you all enjoy!
Ship: Tom Holland x Reader
Word Count: 1488
Warnings: mentions of drinking, vv slight language
You had been walking around Rome for what felt like an eternity.
(It had only been like 30 minutes)
You knew the bar was right near Piazza Navona, but you'd only been to that part of the city one other time, having been staying south on the other side of the river in Trastevere.
You felt embarrassed knowing you were dragging your friends around the city without much of a guide, but you were too stubborn to admit that you were actually lost.
"Maybe we should've gone to Bar San Calisto again. It was cheap and close but noooo. I just had to look up a 'best bars in Rome' list" you thought as you continued to trudge on.
Not only were you lost, but you also didn't have the ability to look up where you were going, since you'd decided to go cheap and not buy an international plan or a vpn, choosing to only using wifi so you'd "stay in the moment."
That moment seemed stupid now that every marble wall and cobblestone street started to meld together in your brain as it continued to darken.
A trip to Rome was something you'd been wanting to do for years, so when your university offered up the chance to go study abroad for 4 weeks, you immediately began scrounging up the funds to go, even scoring a scholarship based on the fact that you'd taken Italian classes in school.
You'd only been there a week but thankfully had bonded with your roommate before even going, having struck up a conversation at the informational meeting the semester before. Since then, you had also bonded with those in the room next door, them sticking to you as their translator.
Finally, you couldn't take it anymore, stopping.
"Okay, look, guys. I'm really sorry but I literally have no idea where we are," you admitted, feeling guilty. Everyone else smiled.
"That's okay! This place is beautiful! I'm sure we'll find it eventually," your roommate, Olivia, said.
"Yeah. Didn't you say it was at Piazza Navona?" Aaron, one of your neighbors, asked. You nodded. "Well as long as we can find that, then we're basically there!"
After some wandering, your group found itself in the square in front of the Pantheon, which was a step in the right direction, but you were determined to actually find the right place.
There was a hotel right there, so you quickly stepped in to ask the desk worker to point you towards the Piazza, who explained that it was only a couple streets East of where you were.
Relieved, you and your friends quickly walked that way, breathing out a collective sigh when you walked into the giant open square, looking around at the familiar structures from the second day of class when you'd toured the area.
"Sooo... where's this bar?" Aaron's roommate Joseph asked.
You all circled the square from the inside and out a couple times, not seeing any signs with the name "Bar del Fico Roma" anywhere.
Dread started to wash over you as you realized the website must not have meant the bar was actually on the square, but was somewhere nearby. You felt stupid for not screenshotting the website page or, you know, actually looking it up first.
"Fine, that's it! I'm marching up to the next person I see and asking where this darn place is. We've made it this far!" you said, exasperated.
The first thing that caught your eye was a group of people who looked close to your age, talking in a small group. They were pretty well dressed, typical of a young Italian, so you immediately started over towards them, expecting them to be the most helpful in giving directions.
"Wait, y/n!" Olivia protested, but you ignored her, walking between a shorter boy and taller girl.
You couldn't help but sigh out the words as you started speaking, placing a light hand on the boy's arm.
“Scusa, potresti dirme dov’è la-" "Excuse me, could you tell me where the-"
"Sorry! I don't speak Italian!" the boy answered in a British accent, turning to face you with hands in surrender.
You both seemed taken aback when your eyes met.
Tom Holland?
"Um, oh what was the word for sorry in Italian again?" the actor in front of you asked, looking to one of his many Spider-man costars around you. Before one could answer, you blurted out one for him.
"It's 'mi dispiace' or 'perdonami,' depending on how you want to say it," you started, realizing how stupid you probably sounded to be teaching a world famous actor Italian words after accidentally infiltrating his conversation.
However, Tom was more shocked by your American accent. Your eyes still widened as you realized what was actually going on.
"Oh my gosh, what am I saying, um. I- I'm so sorry. We're just trying to find this bar and got lost and-"
"Which bar?" he asked in return. You furrowed your brows and looked at him funny, wondering why he would care. He seemed to take notice. "It's just that, we're also headed to a bar and can't seem to find it, either."
You chuckled at the situation, baffled.
"Well, um, it's called 'Bar del Fico Roma.'"
Tom's eyes widened.
"Hey, that's where we're headed!" Jacob Batalon cut in, making you look at him and the rest of the actors in surprise. You could see your own friends shock from your peripheral.
"No way! Really?" Joseph said for you. The group nodded.
"I just got it pulled up on maps," Zendaya said, holding up her phone. Realization suddenly hit that she of all people was the one who you had been standing next to this whole time.
You and your friends all gasped incredulously, amazed at your luck after spending all that time lost.
"If you want, we can show you the way," Tom offered.
"What? No, no we couldn't impose like that," you began, knowing your friends were probably internally screaming at you.
"Oh come on," Tom responded. "We're all going to the same place anyways, not like we won't see you there. It's barely a five minute's walk."
"Seriously, y/n. Do you really want to go around asking more locals for help when we've got it right here?" Olivia asked, raising a good point.
"Alright, fine," you started, rolling your eyes. You turned back to Tom. "You know what they say, 'when in Rome.' Seriously, thank you. All of you. You're definitely saving our asses."
He chuckled as Zendaya began leading the way. Though the sun had set, lights throughout the roads and emanating from various shops lit the way.
Without meaning to, you fell into step with Tom, easily matching his gait as you crossed through the bustling piazza.
"So what brings you to Italy?" He asked. "You don't quite sound like a local."
"We're studying abroad through our university. Unfortunately for me, these goons keep following me 'cause I speak the language," you joked, causing Olivia to slap the back of her hand to your shoulder.
"Ah, I see. I was definitely confused when you went from Italian to American in an instant. Y/n, was it?"
"Yes! Yeah, that's me. And you're obviously Tom Holland."
"You better remember that later, he tends to forget his own name after a few drinks," Zendaya called back to you, causing the group to laugh.
"Hey! That was one time!" Tom defended himself. "Not my fault I was going through a breakup!"
He turned back to you.
"Don't listen to them. I'm quite fun to drink with. You should see for yourself."
"Is that some sort of offer..?" you questioned playfully, tucking your hair behind your ear.
"If everyone's alright with it, I figured you all would join us at the lounge. I'm more than happy to pay for a round or two," he winked.
The group was approaching the bar, and any anxiety you'd had about finding it finally quelled when you could see people outside laughing and drinking as they enjoyed the summer night.
"Hmm... I don't know..." you sing-songed, looking up at the sky.
"Dude are you crazy?" Aaron exclaimed, causing the others to argue in agreement with him.
"Okay, okay. Of course we would be happy to join you for a drink. Thank you."
Both groups cheered in approval.
"The only thing I ask in return is a little lesson in Italian and, if all goes well, a pretty lady's number at the end of the night," he said smoothly, giving you a look.
The others looked between you with wide eyes, surprised at his open flirting. You couldn't help but smile and blush before replying.
"I think that's something I can manage. Now come on, your first lesson will be in ordering drinks," you said, grabbing his hand to lead him in what was about to be the best night of his life.
And yours.
A/N: Okay fun fact I thought up this concept immediately after publishing La Vita Dolce and just... never wrote it? The entire work was actually written around the one Italian phrase I used haha.
Anyways... Hope you all enjoyed as per usual and feel free to hmu anytime about anything :)
Send a message or ask if you’d like to be added to my permanent or series taglists so I can verify you’ve been added!
@jackiehollanderr, @one-big-fangirl, @agentnataliahofferson, @spider-babe, @justafangirlduh
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oddsnendsfanfics · 4 years
Unraveling Over the Holidays
Genre: Fan Fiction
Pairing: Henry Cavill/OFC
Warnings: Fluff. Implied Pandemic world we live in
Rating: G
Length: Drabble
Disclaimer: a strict work of fiction, I own nothing except the original characters and the plot line. In no way am I affiliated to any of it.  
A/N: Inspired by the need to write more Henry and Nell, along with Henry’s latest IG post and here we have it. 
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Henry Cavill Master List
“Almost have it, Wild Boy.” Henry announced looking into the abyss of the computer they were attempting to build.  This was their second this year, a true feat. Rarely did Henry and Ivan get the time to break down and rebuild their own systems. It was a welcome hobby, keeping them busy when there wasn't much else to do these days.
They had been working away on the project since breakfast. Frustrated mumbling and grunting seemed to be the only sounds coming from the other room. Nell listened, checking in on them from time to time, waiting for them to finish. Today was the day they were going to finally trim their Christmas tree. After days of waiting, it would finally be a sight to behold. Or as much a sight to behold as they could manage. All in all Nell felt that she decorated a pretty damn fine looking tree.
It was shortly after lunch, when Nell began to get annoyed. When she'd brought in a plate of sandwiches and asked her husband and son if they would be done soon, both had told her that they needed ten more minutes. Three hours and one boasting Instagram photo later...
“Dad, I think I have this backwards.” Ivan furrowed his brow staring at the piece that he was attempting to put in.
“Let me look.” Henry moved to take a closer inspection.
Not wanting the break anything, risking a costly repair. Ivan was learning fast and enjoyed working with his hands. More than that, he really enjoyed the uninterrupted time with his dad. “Not backwards, but the next slot over.” Instructing his son how to put the piece in properly.
Neither of them seeming to notice or care that Nell had drug out their boxes of Christmas decorations. Outside, she and Henry had strung lights in a few bushes and around their garden early in the month. Wanting to get it done in case they got an unexpected cold or worse. Inside Nell had put up her favourite battery operated candles, the old fashioned looking ones that stood in the windows. Every window in the farm house had a candle display. The kitchen had lights and a few decorations, the sitting room, the office, and even the bathrooms were ready.
All they needed was to get the tree decorated. Presents under a naked tree was plain wrong.
“Henry, Ivan.” Nell tapped her foot on the floor, her arms folded across her chest. Huffing at the two of them. She should have known better than to let them tear apart that damn computer this morning.
“I think she saw.” Ivan wasn't doing a very good job at whispering, his mother could hear him on the other side of the room. Nell rolled her eyes. Of course she had saw the photo, over 3,000 people had saw that photo and it had only taken five minutes.
“What is it, darling?” Henry leaned back in his chair, glancing over his shoulder at his wife. Smiling sweetly, his usual trick when he wanted to attempt getting out of something.
“Tree.” She gestured to the tree behind her.
“What about it? Is it too dry? Ivan, didn't I ask you to water that this morning?” Shaking his head, Henry glanced at his son.
“I did, dad.” Ivan huffed, holding the light at the perfect angle to see inside the box.
“Guys, can we please decorate this tree? It's been here since Sunday.”
“We'll get to it.”
“When? It's already Friday. Henry, we have had this in here for nearly a week. A naked, boring, lackluster tree.” Lecturing, Nell rubbed her temples, “Christmas is in a week! A week! This is the latest we have ever left the tree.”
Setting down his manual, Henry pushed his chair away from the desk, standing to observe the tree. He hadn't thought it was that big of a deal, they had gone last week and picked out the tree, Henry wasn't sure that this would be the final spot for the Christmas icon. Something Nell would assume was an excuse.
He should have taken the photo from the other side, oops. Had he not mentioned the bare tree to the world, his wife likely wouldn't have been making such a deal about it. Until now, Nell had been avoiding it as much as him and Ivan.
“Do you want to do it today?” Wrapping his arms around her waist, he kissed the back of her head. “The wild boy and I are more than happy to let you take over.”
If she wanted to decorate the tree, by herself, it would have been done hours ago.
“Nice try, but this was to be a family activity.” Nell furrowed her brow, huffing. “Why can't you stop fiddling with that damn box for twenty minutes?”
“I love you, Mrs. Cavill.” He knew exactly how to win this battle.
“Not working.”
“Worth a try,” Henry shrugged giving her a kiss on the cheek. Squeezing his arms tighter around his wife, he groaned. Caving to her whim. “I'm going to make us some cocoa, then we can get this tree decorated. Wild boy, help your mum get the decorations out, please.”
“Uh, no.” Shaking her head, Nell escaped his clutches. “I am going to make the cocoa,” gently tapping the tip of Henry's nose she grinned, “You and Ivan can untangle the lights. I have been asking you all week, get to work.”
Laying on the floor by the tree, Kal boofed and yawned. He had heard her asking multiple times over the week, but what could be do about it? Stretching, he stood cautiously to keep his wagging tail from smashing the tree. Nell really hated picking pieces of Christmas tree from his fur. Following her to the kitchen, he hurried when her steps approached the treat cupboard.
“You'd help me, wouldn't you bear?” Spotting her shadow, Nell smiled, tossing him a biscuit. “Honestly, those two are more and more difficult every year. I feel like I'm raising two children sometimes.”
Oh lovely, here she was, in the middle of the kitchen talking to the dog. Whatever, at least Kal would listen to her gripe. Pulling down a mug and two tumbler glasses, Nell set the kettle to boil and then picked up the bottle of Johnnie Walker that had appeared on the counter a few days ago. Likely a gift from someone.
One candy cane hot cocoa and two whiskey and rosemary sours, at the ready. In the other room, Nell could hear Ivan and Henry singing along to I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas. Loudly Ivan belted out the line about the hippo being a vegetarian, Henry swaying back and forth as he laughed and unraveled the lights. To Nell's credit, when she had put away their Christmas decorations the previous year, she had done a much nicer job than Henry.
“Looking good, gentlemen.” Complimenting their work, Nell smiled handing Ivan the cocoa. “Yours is on the tray,” she kissed Henry's cheek. “I decided to make use of the Johnnie Walker.” She winked.
Taking his drink, Henry smiled. “It's your bottle,”
“Mine? Did you buy it?” Nell sat on the floor beside Ivan, working at picking out more decorations.
“No, it came the other day. Some guy dropped it off, did you not read the card?” Henry laughed, joining his family on the floor. Nell shook her head. “Hold on,” He stood back up, groaning a little.
“Mum,” Ivan spoke pulling out another bundle of lights, “when the tree is done, can I watch a movie?”
“You don't want to help dad finish with the computer?” Sorting the other items in the box, Nell sat back on her heels reaching for her drink.
“I guess, but I think I'd like to watch a movie with you. If you have time.”
“For you, wild boy, I have all the time in the world.” Nell leaned over giving him a kiss on the head. Wrinkling his nose, Ivan brushed his hand over his dark curls, resetting them the way he liked them. “Which movie did you want to watch?”
“I don't know, we can find one.” Ivan worked away at the strand of lights, getting them ready to go on the tree, when Henry came back in. His mother wasn't tall enough to read the top, which meant his dad would have to start the lights.
Decorating the tree with his parents, the three of them, felt a little odd. For as long as Ivan could remember there was always a huge production to decorating their tree. This year was quiet, like most things throughout the year. They would be video calling family over Christmas Eve and Christmas Morning, instead of having them there in person. They were supposed to spend Christmas with the Stewart family this year, as sad as Ivan was to miss his trip he understood.
“Here you are,” Henry waved the small card around, crossing the floor to hand it to Nell.
One the outside was a fancy script, containing her name in gold lettering. Opening the small card, the kind one gets with a delivery of flowers, she admired the generic looking winter scene.
“To Nelly & Superman, Merry Xmas. May 2021 be better than whatever dumpster fire this is,” she read out loud, chuckling at the sentiment. “Love always, JPS. It's from Jordan.”
“How lovely, didn't he send one last year as well?”
“He did, but he sent that really nice Riesling.” Nell confirmed. Since Jordan hadn't been able to make it for the wedding, he'd sent the gift instead. “Along with the Ardbeg, for our wedding present.”
Henry nodded, he remembered drinking both vividly. Although he didn't get much of the Ardbeg, because Nell had deemed it off limits to anybody who wasn't her. Past and present gifts sorted and settled, Henry stood up with the first string of lights in hand. “I think it's time we get these on, what about you?”
“About time.” Sticking out her tongue, Nell pulled out the tinsel and a box of ornaments. “Gosh, Cavill, you have been taking forever.”
“Can't rush perfection, my darling.” Henry smirked, attaching the first string of soft white lights to the stout tree in the corner.
“Is that why we took so long?” Ivan teased helping his mother carefully lift ornaments from boxes.
“Of course.” Henry nodded, excusing his procrastination.  “You know, I do love this tree.”
“It is a lovely tree. It's the perfect size.” Nell agreed with her husband. “I'm glad that we didn't go with a monstrous tree this year.”
Henry and Ivan had a habit of going for the biggest tree in the lot. This year, Nell had put her foot down, demanding that they pick something reasonable.
“I thought you liked a big, thick one.” Snorting, Henry paused to watch Nell's reaction.
“You, stop.” She wagged her finger at him. “Wild boy, can you go over to that blue storage bin and get the crystal star, please?”
The tree topper had been a gift from Henry's parents, the first year she and Henry had “unofficially” lived together. Nell had used it every year since, upon Henry's insistence that she kept it. Their first Christmas married, last year, his mother had wanted to gift them a new one. Politely Nell had declined, saying that she loved the one they had. Although, she was more than happy to accept the matching ornament set that went with it, as a late Wedding present.
“I love this star,” Taking the carefully wrapped box from Ivan; Nell placed it safely out of the way of Kal and Cavills.
“Lights are on.” Henry happily announced, clapping his hands together. “What's next?”
“Tinsel and bows.” Ivan sprung up with a card of tinsel, waving it wildly at his father. “Can I help?”
“What if I put on the tinsel, while you tie on the bows?”
“Deal.” Ivan nodded grabbing the gold and silver bows that Nell had made. They would soon be in need of some new bows. “Mum, momma, mum.” he bounced, “Want to help?”
“Sure, you take the gold and I will take the silver?” Standing to join Ivan and Henry at the tree. Nell took the card of silver bows, carefully tying them on to the boughs of the tree.
Over the next half hour or so, their tree began to come to life. The soft colours adorning the vibrant green really stood out in the otherwise neutral room. Laughing and teasing one another, Henry grabbed Ivan around the waist, spinning him – a safe distance from the tree – while Kal danced around them barking excitedly. Nell watched them with joyful delight, after the year they had endured it was nice to see her husband and son still keeping their happiness.
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nct-lian · 4 years
nct 2020 reacts to the “visions of you” trailer
warnings: murder, use of knives (stabbing), blood
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the video started off with nct’s group greeting, introducing themselves and saying what they’d be doing in the video
the video started off with nct’s group greeting, introducing themselves and saying what they’d be doing in the video
“today we will be doing what, shotaro?” taeil pointed to shotaro who was sitting comfortably beside him
“uhhh we’ll be watching lian noona’s new dramas trailer!”
all the members then clapped and cheered, happy she was acting again
johnny cut in and said that lian was sitting behind the camera on her phone and that she was also there
lilizens are crazy and he knew the members would get hate for “leaving her out”
xiaojun, who was seated in between mark and jungwoo, took the initiative of putting his finger on the mouse to see how long the video was
“wah—! this is the longest trailer ever, it’s five minutes long!”
a chorus of “woahs” and “welp it must be interesting then” sounded through the studio and it made lian laugh behind the camera
everyone else there after that: pls she’s so cute
“would anyone like to summarize the drama briefly?” taeyong scanned the room, looking for a member who volunteered
sungchan raised his hand up high, offering quickly
“okay well it’s about a student who gets murdered, but stays in the world as a ghost and falls in love! right, noona?”
lian beamed and gave him a thumbs up from behind the camera when she saw that he was looking for her approval
“yes! good job, channie :)”
“let’s watch it, yes?” jungwoo hit play excitedly, already anxious to watch it
the trailer started out with soft music playing in the background, a pair of friends skipping through the hallway of what looked to be a school
the camera panned over to their front profiles, and it showed park mikyung (lian) and what people found later to be “kim minji,” her best friend
lucas shouted out, “예뻐 !! (pretty)” when he saw her smiling brightly
she laughed quietly, careful not to disrupt the viewing, yangyang following after her
it was dark outside, and it was clear the two friends are heading out of the school after night classes
when they both exited the front doors of the school, a couple other students waved goodbye with a smile, “bye mikyung! and minji, too”
“ahh~ she’s the popular girl” lian could pick up what shotaro said in japanese and nodded
taking the camera off of the best friends, it went over to a boy who seemed to have been looking at them from afar, almost hidden away behind a wall
the mysterious boy mumbled, “just you wait, mikyung-ah” and chenle had to slap a hand over his mouth in order to hold in the loud ass gasp trying to escape
“minji, i’ll call you tonight! i have to get home, my mom is probably waiting” mikyung could be seen giving her friend a hug and walking away from campus and onto the sidewalk
she gracefully flipped the straightened hair out of her face, pulling her phone out of her backpack along with her earbuds
“play taemin-sunbaenim!!!!!!!!” haechan suddenly yelled, the group chuckling afterwards
it was like haechan predicted what would happen, as they then saw that she chose to play a shinee song on her walk back home
though the fun was cut short as the members watched the screen closely, mikyung stopping in her tracks as she slowly turned her head to look behind her
“omg she hears footsteps, MIKYUNG BE CAREFUL” yuta raised his voice
she swore she heard footsteps, but shrugged it off anyway and continues walking, bopping her head slightly to the beat
mikyung began hearing the footsteps come closer, and everyone watched as she picked up her pace in walking
it wasn’t long before she turned her head around again, but this time she saw the same boy from the school
the members gasped out loud, yelling at mikyung to run and that it wasn’t safe there
mikyung didn’t run, though, and she just stared at him
“ahh- mikyung-ah- i was just heading home, are you heading home as well?”
she could only nod at him and wave goodbye, but she waited until he was out of view and in front of her so she could go back to her home while feeling safe
the rest had happened so quickly, mikyung running as fast as could to get back to the safety of her household
“FINALLY- RUN MIKYUNG” yangyang cheered
the trailer had skipped over to her finally entering the apartment she lived in comfortably with her mom, but her mom hadn’t seemed to have gotten home yet
she took off her backpack and walked into her room, taking out the contents and spreading them across her desk neatly
she dropped the backpack onto the floor and walked back to the kitchen to get some grapes to eat while waiting for her mom
“gosh why is this so scary?” hendery piped up, watching as mikyung washed her grapes and put them into a bowl, heading into her room for what they assumed to be a late night study session
a time lapse of mikyung writing down notes and flipping notebook pages took over the screen, and now an empty bowl could be seen sitting in the sink
a ring went off, startling renjun a little bit
the members all clung onto each other, the trailer gradually getting scarier and scarier even though there was almost nothing happening just yet
after the ring sounded, mikyung looked over her shoulder and saw a faint shadow hiding behind one of the curtains that had covered the sliding doors of the apartment
“OH MY GOD SHE’S GONNA DIE-“ jisung shouted
mikyung let herself gasp, hastily feeling around her body to check whether or not she had her phone on her, and to her luck at that moment, she did
she pulled out the phone and hurried to enter minji’s chat room, typing as fast as she could, mikyung sent a simple text that said, “call 911. i need help”
the floorboards creeked behind her, and she knew whoever was behind those curtains was coming closer and closer
if she didn’t start moving now, there was an incredibly high chance she could literally die right there right now
mikyung put her phone back into the pocket of the skirt that came with her school uniform and tried to run, but something griped around her waist before she was able to escape what was once her safe place
she grunted, feeling the grip tighten
“i’m terrified” mark’s eyes widened at the scene playing out in front of him
mikyung wanted to scream, she wanted to let her neighbours know she was in danger, but a hand covered her mouth before she could do so
“ah, mikyung-ah.. if only you knew the consequences, hm? if i can’t have you, nobody can.” and with that, the same boy from the school, the same boy who stopped her on her way back home, plunged the knife into her back with no hesitation
he let his hand uncover her mouth to hear the cry she let out as she fell to the floor, blood oozing out of the open wound in her back
the boy chuckled to himself, removing the knife from her back to increase blood loss, but he didn’t stop there
he continued to stab her, creating another wound in her back and one in her stomach
he left her there to suffer, exiting through the glass doors in the kitchen and carefully walking down the steps that led to the street outside the apartment complex
the gloves he was wearing to mask any fingerprints from being discovered were taken off and thrown in a trash bin, along with the knife he used to kill mikyung with
the focus of the camera however was no longer turned to him, but was back in the now quiet kitchen of mikyung’s home
her body was still on the floor, a pool of blood now visible from underneath her
it was seconds later that her eyes closed and her breathing stopped, her face going emotionless
park mikyung was dead
all the members had frowns on their faces, not being able to see her in such pain even though it was all fake
a sniffle was then heard from the back row of the members, the boys in front all turning to look behind them
“johnny, are you crying?!” taeil shreeked
“you’re NOT crying?!” he wiped his eyes and sniffled again
“oppa! don’t cry!” lian shouted at him from behind the camera
he shook his head in retaliation, “this is so sad! what a cruel world we live in.”
the members all laughed at that, somewhat understanding where he was coming from
“i’m going to be traumitized for life after this.” doyoung said
off camera, johnny received a tissue from a staff member, allowing everyone to continue the viewing of the trailer
jungwoo hushed the little side conversations, telling them they still had two minutes left of the video
everyone settled down and stood still in their respective seats, full attention back on the laptop sitting at the front
sirens were going off like crazy, mikyung’s lifeless body still laying there in a pool of blood
by the time paramedics arrived along with a swarming line of police cars, as well as minji herself, there was no saving mikyung
the cries of minji could be heard even though the camera wasn’t focused on her
it was devastating to watch
montages of other clips then played out, a scene of an incredibly sad, middle-aged woman was shown sobbing in front of mikyung’s picture at her funeral
dressed in a black hanbok, she bowed down to her daughter’s picture that was surrounded in white flowers and banners that wished her peace and happiness in the afterlife, crying for her to come back
“i’m about to cry too-” taeyong said, feeling bad for the woman
the scene was soon over, a new and happier one playing instead
it finally showed the second main character, son eunsang, quietly walking down the hall and looking for a water fountain
mikyung was walking on the other side of him and looked over to see what he was doing
she got a little closer, thinking nothing of it because, well, she was a ghost
but she stopped in her tracks when she caught eunsang looking back at her
she waved a little to see what his response would be, and to her surprise, he bowed
“can you see me?” she questioned, and she gasped when he nodded his head
that was the end of the clip, but another one followed in its tracks
“yah, don’t walk through me!” mikyung yelled, eunsang walked right through her body in order to get away from the conversation that they had (which wasn’t included into the trailer)
a couple of the members laughed at that, but the rest remained invested in the video
more tiny little scenes went on to play after that, light-hearted moments between the two main characters left the members smiling fondly
but it was one scene in particular that had them all clapping for eunsang and cheering him on
a group of boys, seemingly popular, had been teasing eunsang for only god knows what, but they had also mentioned mikyung
they were saying things like, “you look rather upset after mikyung died. did you like her? eunsang, did you like a dead girl?”
different angles of the shot had shown mikyung standing beside him, some didn’t. but after she had seemed to have enough of the stupid conversation topic, she brought out her hand and slapped one of the boys’ books onto the ground
her being a ghost, nobody knew how the books had fallen and his sidekicks took a step back
they started to think eunsang was some sort of wizard
eunsang smiled down at her and followed in her footsteps, throwing a punch at the same guy who had just stood back up after picking up the fallen textbooks from the floor
jaehyun finally spoke up after that, “wAH! hwang inyeop is so cool!”
the rest of the members agreed with him and all started clapping, “THAT’S RIGHT EUNSANG. PROTECT OUR LIANNA” they cheered
after that, there weren’t too many other clips that were worth pausing for. just cute moments, and a few angsty ones to get viewers excited for the series
the trailer ended with a loud bang, a big logo of the title displayed out on the screen with the release date right below it
the voices of lian (mikyung) and inyeop (eunsang) had both read out the title in sync
and with that, he trailer was over
the members all did one final synchronized clap, applauding the amazing acting skills they were able to see
“that was so good! any final thoughts?” taeyong took the lead
hendery raised his hand, “i’m so excited for this. when it comes out, i’ll be waiting for it to finish so that i’m able to binge watch it :D”
a couple of the other members nodded their heads, agreeing and saying that it’d be better to wait so they’re not left on a cliffhanger
more sweet commentary continued for a couple more minutes before the filming process began to get too long, so they had to finish it off quickly
“wait! lian, come say something!”
lian, who was behind the camera, looked from her phone and went over to the group of boys
she took a seat on jungwoo’s lap and began speaking
“hii~ i’d just like to say that i hope you guys are looking forward to “visions of you” !! inyeop-oppa and i worked really hard, and we wish for you all to enjoy watching it~ please give it support when it comes out, and have fun watching the trailer if you haven’t already! bye bye~”
after she said goodbye to the camera, the boys all did as well and the video came to a close
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hooniee · 4 years
   — ꒰‧⁺ maple tree*ೃ༄
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↷ ni-ki x reader ⋯ ♡ᵎ 
↷ genre: fluff | romance⋯ ♡ᵎ
↷ warnings: not proofread! | none! ⋯ ♡ᵎ 
↷ synopsis: almost getting squished by a freshman boy falling out of a tree, might have made your monday morning turn around ⋯ ♡ᵎ  
↷author note: hi guys! this is for @enhypenwriters​ event! strangers to lovers <3 this was one out of three i wrote and this was one i wasn’t satisfied with but it was a cute idea (or at least i think so!) please enjoy! ⋯ ♡ᵎ
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .*
monday morning was unmistakably not on your team. from your charger being broken and leaving your phone dead to your wicked idiot brother consuming the last slice of toast, you were not a festive person. 
"i'm heading out idiot, don't be late," you shout at your brother who just replies with an 'okay!'
rummaging around your jacket pocket, you pull out a granola bar that was half-eaten from the other day and scarfed it down. 
definitely a bit stale, but you were appreciative nonetheless.
you arrive at the bus stop and take a seat, enjoying the scenery. one of your favorite destressers in the hectic mornings.
arriving at school, you hasten your steps with five minutes remaining.
'mr.kim is going to mark me absent for the seventh time this month.'
fortunately, this was the only good thing going for you today.
you exhault in relief and take out your materials for math class as you mentally adjust yourself for the long day ahead.
this day couldn’t get any more tiring.
from an exhausting morning, your lunch period comes to rescue you from starvation.
you head outside to your usual place beneath the maple tree in the courtyard, with your sandwich and chocolate milk.
taking a mouthful of your sandwich, you draw out the scarlett letter from your bag to relish in the meantime
profoundly absorbed in your book, you didn't recognize that a boy is sitting on a tree branch right overhead you. 
he didn’t mean to stare down but it was the first time he had seen you.
he would admire you from a distance until mother nature said ‘no’
there was the familiar sound of a snapping branch and you managed to glance up and duck it just in time to see a mop of blonde tresses right next to you.
the blonde hair boy instantly rose up and dusted himself off, clearing his throat, pretending that nothing had happened.
you were still flustered at the out of the blue fall. you place your book facing down, marking the page where you left off.
“a-are you okay? that was a pretty high fall,” glimpsing at the maple tree and back to him.
you have never seen this guy. he was tall and lean with milky skin and blond hair that touched his harmonious brown eyes.
the gaze he held on you was interesting.
navy blue nametag, an underclassman
“don’t worry princess, i’m alright. i've had worse” he returns with a wink.
a simple wink was enough to send a rush of blood to your cheeks.
'what a flirty freshman, wasn't he just embarrassed a couple of seconds ago? 360 change'
“if anything hurts, just go to the nurse. please be careful,” you say instantaneously, attempting to flee quickly.
he doesn't need to see the powerful blush on your cheeks that won’t leave.
a tug of your wrist sticks you in place. he spins you around to confront him but the grass appeared to be more appealing.
there's a moment of silence before he asks. “...are you blushing?” 
your brain was internally smashing your head against a book.
“no i am just not used to a freshman guy falling from the sky. don’t flatter yourself, i have standards.” you spit out.
"i didn't even mention anything about myself, i just asked if you were blushing," he smirks at you, feeling boastful.
how did you just betrayed yourself?
“whatever! now if you don’t mind, i’ll be going now. i’m late.”
neglecting your book and food, you hastily grab your bag and head out to your following class.
he chuckles to himself, finding your flustered demeanor adorbale. he looks down at where you sat.
"hey! you forgot your-" the freshman exclaims but you had left and no traces of your silhouette could be found.
he bends down, plucking your book and analyzing it for any name.
'you would definitely be back for this' he thought to himself.
peeping at your un-opened chocolate milk, he looks around before snagging it.
"free milk for me," he hums to himself.
you, on the other hand
you aspired to punch yourself for three purposes.
one, you forgot your food and you were perishing.
two, your book was gone
three, that damn freshman.
you were too ashamed to show your face infront of him. not when he caught you profusely blushing from a wink.
for the next few days, you dodge your usual spot and lingered in the library instead.
that method came to an end because you didn't realize how many OVER affectionate couples occupied the library.
you had mentally battled with yourself, forgetting to pay attention in classes.
'there was a chance he wasn't going to be there'
'but there's also a possibility that he'll be there"
you decided to convince yourself that he wouldn't be there. you craved not being shoved in a cubicle and have couples make out in your favorite book isles.
the next day you head to the maple tree and before you sit, you glance at the encompassing areas.
you didn’t see any traces of a lanky, blonde boy near the tree or IN the tree.
and assuming the coast was clear, you relax.
the previous book you were reading was nowhere to be seen so you brought a new book, frankly in love
you plug in headphones to tune out and you immersed yourself into the book. after a few minutes, your earbud comes out or more specifically, taken out. 
you look up and nearly screamed. the freshman boy was dangling off the tree with your right earbud in hand. barely an inch away from your face.
this was the closest anybody has been to your face and you tried not to make any sudden movements.
“what are you doing?” you furrow your eyebrows at the boy hanging. he flashed you a radiant smile that put the sun out of business before jumping down, landing smoothly.
your cheeks became warm again, grasping that you were gradually falling for this freshman you didn't know the name of.
“sorry! i just wanted to talk to you” he cheekily said, “nice blush” 
“that's fine i guess? AND i'm not blushing, i was just startled,” you avoid eye-contact.
he playfully rolls his eyes before extending his hand to you with your book.
"i believe this is yours?" the boy returns you the book you rummaged for.
your eyes widen, realizing that he had the book the whole time.
"oh my gosh! i was looking for this everywhere," you blurted.
you look at him and he smiles.
you fall back into being stiff. you had never been this anxious under someone's gaze until you met him.
this time, you tried to kindle a conversation.
“why do you want to talk to me?” you ask curiously.
you had never had someone excited to talk to you like this. you were wishing that his interest was genuine.
he pauses to consider a bit, placing a finger to his chin.
“you’re interesting and i want to get to know you more, toto” he hums and you're perplexed by the suddenly calling.
'toto? that's new'
“toto? that’s not my name, why are you calling me that?” you tilt your head.
you didn't know what was weirder, the nickname or the freshman aspiring to get to know you.
“don’t worry about it,” he smiles, 
"why are you alone out here? shouldn't you be eating in the canteen?” he settles next to you.
for the first time, you locked eyes with him and it was dangerous. you could get lost in his eyes if you gazed for too long.
“because i want to, what is with the Q&A? are we playing twenty questions?” you sneer.
this freshman recognized how to push the right buttons to make you flustered at the precise moments.
“maybe, or is it a date?” he answered
you just choked on your own saliva and you hoped he didn't catch that.
it grew quiet and he stared at you with a fixed gaze. feeling awkward, you shove the other earbud into his ear.
he flinches from the abrupt contact but loosens and smiles, recognizing the song that resonated from your earbuds.
“toto, is this she’s in the rain by the rose?” he gasps.
it shocked you because not many people know this band.
“yeah, you know the rose? this is my favorite song from them” you flash a smile, feeling content.
'something in common, maybe he's not so bad'
you both softly sway together, occasionally bumping shoulders.
"nishimura riki," he says.
you didn't catch what he said, "hm?"
"nishimura riki is my name, but you can call me ni-ki," he smiles at you.
"(y/n) (l/n), (y/n) sunbae to you," you laugh.
"what if i called you mine instead?"
[the nickname toto, came from tomato! the reader blushes easily and ni-ki is quick to notice, rebranding her as toto <3]
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ciggylungz · 4 years
Miss Ginger
Miss ginger
Blurb night- 2.5k
(request: can you plz do something about Harry being all soft with his kids?)
Harry had always been a family man. Ever since he was a little boy he dreamed of having his own family, couple of kids, a nice family home with a big back garden for the little ones to run around in and him and his wife to attempt to grow some fruits and veg and maybe a few sunflowers or daisies. Simple, modest, pure and quaint but most of all, happy.
The day Harry met Y/n he knew she was special. She had this aura that he wanted to wrap himself in like a blanket. A laugh as pretty as song birds in the morning, a heart of gold, quick wit and full of talent. He knew she was going to be his wife someday, and he swears the day she said yes when he got down on one knee his heart grew 3 times its size.
The pair planned their wedding to be an intimate, beautiful event and with the help of Harry’s lovely mother Anne and Y/n’s combined work they were able to pull it off. They had decided to invite their parents and siblings, their closest friends- which included Harry’s former bandmates who made sure to embarrass the newly wed man during their best man speech- and all of Harry’s god children as well as their parents.
Harry wasn’t shy about crying when he saw his bride walk down the isle towards him, her dress was a simple silk fitted gown with delicate trimming of lace. Y/n chose to wear the same pearl earrings her mother had worn at her own wedding and a diamond necklace Anne had gifted her for the occasion. He really couldn’t help the waterworks making their way down his face as he took in her beauty, he stayed weepy through the entirety of their vows a huge smile across his dimpled face when he finally lifted the vail over her head giving her the first kiss as a married couple. She was his, and he was hers and the pair couldn’t be more smitten for each other even as they stand where they are now nearly 4 years into their marriage.
Over the last 4 glorious, joyful years of being fully committed to each other, sharing a surname and living as a unite the pair had welcomed 2 beautiful children into the world. Alfie who was nearly 3, he was conceived only around 6 months into their marriage yet they couldn’t have been more elated to find out they were expecting. The second was their little girl Rosana that they affectionally called by her nickname ‘Rosie’ and she was now coming up on 10 months old, she was starting to become increasingly mobile already such a bubbly happy little girl who had her dad wrapped around her tiny chubby finger.
Harry was currently on a break, just finishing his first solo tour finally getting some downtime to be home with his family and he couldn’t be happier. He loved every part of fatherhood, he enjoyed getting up in the morning and starting the little ones routines. First Harry would go downstairs, putting a kettle on while taking some breastmilk y/n had pumped from the fridge to warm up, when both of those were taken care of he’d migrate back upstairs into his sons room where he’d usually find his little guy sitting up in his new big boy toddler bed playing with one of the various stuffed toys on his bed as he waited patiently to be gotten up. Harry adored the way his son would perk up when he walked in, opening the toddlers curtains to let the sunshine in giving him a nice morning cuddle before taking him to the bathroom to change out of his pullup into his new big boy underwear since y/n and Harry are finally reaching the tail end of potty training their first born. It had been a struggle, yet every time their little boy danced around with a sticker on his shirt for going on the potty it was worth every bed wetting incident, and all the terrible two’s tears that came with the teaching. After he had him changed, he tried his best to tame the boys hair. The little tyke inherited his fathers chocolate curls unlike his sister who wore a head full of ginger ringlets.
After all of the hygiene tasks were complete, he’d serve the boy his breakfast, steeping his wife and him a cup of tea using the remaining warm water to heat the breastmilk in for when Rosie decided to greet the day. Harry didn’t mind giving his girl a bottle feed so his wife could get a little extra sleep in the mornings, opting to nurse during the day and before bed pumping whatever’s left to hold Rosie over till her mother wakes up.
Unlike some people, when Harry heard the baby monitor start to go off with the cries Rosie gives when she first wakes up he smiles instead of groans. He didn’t get angry when his kids cried, he was actually good at reading the cry’s instead of getting frustrated which always helped calm it down quickly and his little girl would always have a little cry when she’d wake up and think she’s all alone.
As soon as her daddy opened her nursery door the little girl stood up in her cot, balancing herself by gripping the railing to get a good look at who was coming towards her. once the morning light was shining in from Harry opening her curtains the tears stopped and a sniffling nose and big gummy grin was shining on her face, a contagious smile at that.
“Good morning sunshine!” the man raised his voice a few octaves, a big grin on his face as he picked her up from her bed giving her a nice hug as he swayed back and forth. “Did yeh have a good sleep, miss ginger? You look very beautiful this morning my girl, always take your shirt off when yeh sleep don’t ya’ silly girl? I get it girlfriend, sometimes you gotta let it breathe babe. C’mon think it’s time for a nappy change and a bottle hmm?” the little girl giggled at her father, bouncing in his arms and babbling incoherently whilst her dad cleaned her up and got her ready for her morning feed.
Harry set the baby in her bouncer, putting the milk into her bottle checking the temperature on his wrist before giving it to the still topless baby. It was easier to just leave it off during the morning snack, she was a rather messy little girl since she always wanted to hold her own bottle now often letting it dribble onto her tummy as she removed the nipple from her mouth to babble at her father. She always had a lot to say, even if no one but her knew what she was on about, no one had created a baby talk translation app yet so until then her passionate rants wouldn’t be understood.
Alfie was at an age where he wanted to be independent more, he reminds everyone how he’s a big boy, whenever he puts his own dish in the washer or screws the top onto his sippy cup by himself. Both his parents found it absolutely adorable and humorous as well.
When Harry heard the pitter patter of his wife coming down the stairs around 45 minutes after he’d got the kids up, a soft smile etched itself onto his face. He swears every time he sees her, no matter what state she’s in he still finds her breathtakingly gorgeous. Angelic even. Even when he had pulled Alfie out of her as she pushed, he still found her beautiful. Nothing would ever change the love and attraction he felt for his wife.
“Mornin’ love, sleep well?” the man brought his wife into his arms, giving her a warm hug and a kiss on the crown of her head. “Mhm, thank you for gettin’ up with the kids so I could get a few extra minutes of rest. Love yeh h.” she stood on her toes to peck his lips, this far into a relationship and being parents a slightly morning breathy kiss didn’t bother them in the slightest. After you’ve changed some ungodly diapers, smells don’t affect you the same anymore.
“no problem, had an easy morning Alfie was good about brushing his teeth and me and Rosie had a nice cuddle. She woke up shirtless again, I’m starting to get her vibe think I might start just being half naked all the time.” Y/n chuckled at her husband, sipping her tea slowly before responding. “At least it was just her top this time, last week when I got her up she had taken everything off. Had to do an extra load of wash after that one. Silly little girl.”
The couple could fawn over their kids for an infinite amount of time, but a thud from the living room disrupted their banter. The two wore matching raised eyebrows while venturing into the room, being met with the sight of Rosie’s bottle tossed at the wall and the girl herself holding her feet up with her little hands in a split position while still strapped into her bouncer chair.
“Hey missy, throwing things isn’t nice. C’mon time to get dressed, can’t have nakey babies crawling in the garden can we? Neighbors might think we aren’t watchin’ after yeh well enough.” Her mother unstrapped her, bringing her to her chest to kiss her cheeks, her father deciding to chime in, “I think with that chubby tummy and those chunky thighs they’ll know our girl is more than taken care of.”
y/n bounced the baby in her arms, cooing at her and mocking Harry’s words with a baby voiced ‘is that true?! Rosie are you a chunky lady?’ which got them a chorus of baby laughs from the infant.
 Once y/n got both of her little ones changed as well as herself cleaned up and changed for the day, she took them back downstairs where their father was sitting on the couch glancing between his phone and the tv screen as he shoveled some cereal into his mouth.
Alfie made a b-line for his dad, excited to show him the outfit his mother had dressed him in for the day.
“Daddy! Daddy look! I got clothes on, mummy says I look handsome! Look I got turtles on my socks, daddy look!”  the little boy was over the moon about his clothes. Y/n had chosen some toddler size sweatpants, Alfies favorite t-shirt- a Gucci one Harry had got him which his wife thought was insane to dress a messy 3 year old in a 250 pound shirt, but their son loved it because his father wore the same brand- and some socks with little turtles as the print on them. It was going to be a pretty chill day at home so there was no need for fancy clothes.
“Oh my gosh! Bud you look very handsome, look at my dapper boy! Gimme five, big guy” Harry held his palm in the air, his son jumping to smack his much smaller one to his fathers, beaming from all the praise he’d gotten from his doting parents.
When Harry looked over at his wife holding his daughter his smile got even bigger. There stood his beautiful bride, clad in a pair of his black socks she liked to steal, some comfy adidas sweats and a t-shirt Harry had given her years ago. Her hair was in a sloppy bun, lips slightly shiny with some lip balm and only one earring in since Rosie had snatched the other stud from her right ear and tossed it somewhere Y/n too caught up in her children to even remember to take the second one out even after 2 weeks going by now.
His daughter was in a yellow polka dot onesie and her hair was in a little whale spout on the top of her head. His girl’s looked stunning in even the simplest of clothes, they were his angels and he adored them.
“And look at you girls! Little red head, you look dashing in that onesie! Red carpet ready my girl. And you miss yummy mummy, are stunning today. C’mere I want kisses from my ladies don’t be stingy.”
Y/n couldn’t help but laugh at her husband, even when she looked like she lived in a alley behind a gas station he still made a point to make her feel beautiful. Of course, she adored the way her husband talked to their baby girl too, they had a long talk while she was pregnant with her where Harry vowed to always build up their daughter from infancy till the day he died. No matter how old she is, what she was wearing, if she was covered in gunk from the sandbox or in her future prom dress, he promised to always let her know she was beautiful and loved. Harry never wanted his kids to feel any less than supported, validated and loved.
 It was around 1 in the afternoon when Rosie woke up from her first nap, nursing while Y/n and Harry sat together on the couch playing with Alfie and his blocks. The family had a quick bite to eat, hanging out just enjoying each other’s company. Y/n handed their daughter to Harry for him to burp her so she could refill Alfie’s sippy cup and grab both her and Harry some water.
After distributing the beverages she sat on the floor, playing with both her kids and holding Rosie up by her hands so she could dance around in her mothers grip. She loved to dance, she was always on the move crawling full speed everywhere and always squirming whenever she heard her fathers music.
Today the little girl had more in store for her parents, taking them both of them by surprise when she hoisted herself up to cruse holding onto the couch before looking right at her mother suddenly taking her first steps towards her.
Harry and Y/n both gasped, eyes wide and mouths showing huge grins while starting to cheer their baby on waving their hands and praising her whilst the baby took wobbly steps to her mom flopping into her chest before she was lifted in the air and spun around, excited cheers from the entire family as they celebrated her milestone.
“You’re walkin’ now Rosie! My big girl! Oh my gosh I’m so proud of you princess!”
Y/n tossed her into the air gently, catching her then setting her back on her feet letting her walk to her dad who was now in full blown celebration mode hands waving in the air while he cheered. His little girl toddled towards him, squealing as he scooped her up and kissed all over her face.
These were the moments he dreamed about his whole life, and he swears the dream didn’t even compare to the reality now. He’s never been happier.
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nxrthmizu · 4 years
Tumblr media
Prompt: ‘First Kiss’ 
Pairing: Daminette
Words: 1,562 Words 
The first kiss. 
The first, special moment when two souls meet and use a wordless action to express their feelings for each other. Alternatively, it could be a completely spur-of-the-moment, thoughtless, and immediately regretted in the next moment. 
Because that’s what then fifteen-year-old Marinette’s first kiss had been like. 
Oh, she had regretted it the moment their lips touched, because she knew instantly they were two puzzle pieces that were clearly not meant to fit. She had stumbled backward, staring into Luka’s hurt, guilty aqua-blue eyes. 
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have taken advantage of the situation like this, I don’t know what I was thinking...” Luka’s smooth voice immediately erupted into an endless line of apologies. If Marinette was a normal-functioning human-being, she would cut him off and kiss him one more time, because who in their right mind would turn down a perfect, adoring, affectionate potential boyfriend like Luka? 
Only she wasn’t in her right mind. 
She knew it was eventually going to drive her to her breaking point. Adrien had come to her, time after time, asking for advice on how to woo Kagami. Any other girl would’ve refused to help instantly, steering clear of the repetitive heart-break that would’ve resulted from the blonde model’s constant onslaught of questions. 
Why did she have to be so soft-hearted for him, again? 
“Do you think she’ll like white or dark chocolate more?” He asked with a hopeless smile on his lips. 
She fumbled for an answer, mind drawing to a blank. She had mumbled a random, probably completely irrelevant and unbelievable excuse before running off like a coward, she thought to herself. Before she knew it, she had broken down crying in a park, sobbing the build-up of her pain and anguish until her breath caught and she had to stop to breathe. 
The moment she heard her name roll off his tongue, she wanted to kill herself for the heart-break she had been causing a particular blue-haired guitarist. He persisted in caring for her, even after she had told him that she couldn’t find it in her heart to love him. He deserved so much more, especially since he was... Well, he was Luka. 
Her mind was screaming against her actions, but she collapsed into his arms anyway, crying out her sorrows. His hand patted her back comfortingly in a steady rhythm, soothing her in ways no one could. 
“I’m sorry, Luka...” She murmured quietly, hiccuping and still trying to find her breath after her fifteen-minute-long breakdown. 
“Don’t be.” He told her softly, fingers caressing her cheek and making her meet his eyes. 
The next thing she knew was that they were kissing. And then she was pushing him away, and there was so much hurt and guilt staining his eyes, but she just couldn’t find it inside her to love him. 
“I’m sorry.” 
Damian’s first kiss, on the other hand, had been of a similar affair. He had been fifteen then, in the period in which girls would lust after him restlessly, shamelessly, and without any thought towards how annoyed he was getting. He dreaded the day called ‘Valentine’s’... It was when the girls were at their worst. Someway or another, they all mustered u enough courage (Or stupidity) to approach him in hopes he would accept their... Crushes. 
“Don’t look so upset!” Jon chastised. “If you don’t want to eat the chocolate, you can always give it to me.” 
Damian rolled his eyes at his best friend’s antics, ignoring the buzz and annoyance the school corridors brought to him. As expected, there was a pile of chocolates and pink-themed gifts waiting in a pile by the side of his locker. 
“Take it, Jon. Take it all.” He told his friend nonchalantly. “Eat until you get diabetes. This whole stash can last you for six months.” 
The green-eyed teen clicked his tongue in annoyance, yelping in surprise. As he turned, the girl who had called his name lunged at him, furiously pressing her lips on his. On instinct, he shoved her away roughly, dropping to the floor and knocking out her legs. The girl squealed, taken by surprise. 
Students all around started to whisper, as they do, while Damian tugged out a tissue from his bag pocket, wiping his mouth furiously. “Jon, you wouldn’t happen to have a sanitiser, do you?” He snapped, anger and disgust blazing in his eyes. “I’ll have you know that I can sue you sexual assault.” His tone was venomous, and he relished in the pure terror in her eyes. “Let’s go, Jon.” He said coldly, turning on his heels without another glance at the girl, who had started crying as everyone else in the corridor either offered her sympathetic looks, laughed, or just rolled their eyes at her sheer stupidity. 
Five years after their individual first kisses, Damian and Marinette met for the first time, in the business class of Gotham University. 
Fortunately for the two of them, their first kiss together did not involve a girl crying. Instead, it went more along the lines of this: 
“Where are you going, Damian?” Bruce raised an eyebrow at his son, who was trying to be discreet while sneaking out, and was actually failing at said sneaking out. 
Before Damian could make an excuse, Alfred the great saviour popped out from the kitchen. “Master Damian is going out to meet his friend for a study date, I believe.” Alfred offered helpfully. “Master Damian, I have prepared some cookies for you and your friend to share.” 
Bruce spluttered. “A study date?” He screeched. Okay, maybe he did not screech, but he was surprised. 
“Yes, Master Bruce. Damian had been courting Miss Marinette for two months.” Alfred nodded with a proud tone in his voice. “You’re going to be late if you stay any longer, Master Damian.” He reminded helpfully, the green-eyed young adult excusing himself with a blush on his face. 
Bruce stared at Alfred, gaping. “Two months?” 
“My dad found out today.” Damian supplied helpfully, munching on one of Marinette’s macarons as the two of them mulled over Marinette’s various colour-coded notes and Damian’s typed and printed ones for their upcoming test. 
“That’s nice.” She hummed, popping one of Alfred’s cookies into her mouth. “How did he react?” 
“He screeched.” Damian scoffed. “Like you said he would. Here’s your ten bucks.” 
Marinette grinned triumphantly. “I told you he would screech!” The bluenette laughed victoriously, the green-eyed boy watching her fondly as he rolled his eyes good-naturedly. 
“Yeah, yeah. You win this one. I’m betting that once my brothers find out, chaos shall ensue. Once they find out, I’m going to hide you underground because trust me, it’s not going to be pretty.” He grimaced. “I’m surprised I managed to hide it this long.” 
“Alfred knew from the very beginning.” Marinette reminded him, flipping through one of Damian’s printed notes. 
“Alfred doesn’t count, he always knows. You can’t hide anything from Alfred.” Damian dismissed.
Marinette stuck her tongue out at him. “Just admit that you’re bad at hiding things from Alfred.” 
“I am not! It’s just that it’s really impossible to get anything past Alfred!” He defended. 
“You’re just being a sore loser.” She teased, laughing when he threw a stack of notes her way. “Now you’re playing dirty!” 
Damian made a face. “I just gave you ten bucks!” 
“That’s completely irrelevant!” 
At this, Marinette tackled Damian to the ground, pushing him down. They were already seated on the wide, open floor of Marinette’s apartment’s attic, surrounded by fluffy cushions and blankets, so their landing was soft. That wasn’t what they were concerned about, though. 
“Um.” Damian coughed awkwardly, not daring to move as he observed how Marinette was pinning him to the floor, one hand on either side of his face. A blush erupted across his cheeks. “Um.” He said, slightly louder this time. 
Marinette rolled her eyes. “Oh, shut up.” She swatted at him playfully, the male taking his chance to turn the tables, throwing Marinette off him and pinning her down. 
“What a game changer.” He mocked, dodging the light slap Marinette aimed at him. “Gosh, you need to improve your aim.” 
“Yeah, yeah.” 
Silence fell in the attic, only the brief flapping of paper heard in the attic. Damian stared into the swirling, blue eyes of his two-month-long girlfriend. If there was one thing that had changed once he started dating Marinette, after the bluenette muttered up the courage to ask him out after their six-month-long, playful, constantly-throwing-insults-at-each-other friendship, it was that he started doing things without contemplating the results like a chess game. In a good way. 
In the same way, he pressed his lips to hers without thinking. 
When he drew back, both their faces were flushed, red painted across their cheeks. “There’s no hiding this one from Alfred, either.” He muttered after a moment, rolling off the bluenette when she burst into a laugh. 
“Cause you’re horrible at hiding things from him, just admit it~” She teased in a sing-song voice, laughing as he lunged towards her, tickling her sides. “Stop! We have to study for our- Test!” She laughed in between her words, bluebell eyes twinkling in happiness. 
Both their individual first kisses had not exactly been... Smooth, but to say that they were satisfied with their first kiss together was an understatement. 
@how-to-fuction-properly​ here’s your second request! Sorry it took so long :) 
- Cady 
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Love Doesn’t Do Encores Ch16 Battle Gym Leader Opal
You did NOT want to get into the flying taxi! Even when the kind middle aged man in the flight suit and goggles let you pet the pretty friendly corviknight and assured you it was perfectly safe you did NOT want to get into the flying taxi!! Of course your Drizzilie didn't seem to care about anything and had jumped into the awaiting metal carriage and seated itself into one of the seats available and curled up to lay down on it as Gloria climbed in as well and had a firm grip on you as she tried to pull you into the cab with her.
"Y/n! C'mon! Don't be a wee lil baby!," she grunted as she tried to pull your struggling form into the cab with her. But you effectively blocked yourself from coming in with one heel dug into one of the steps and a hand firmly placed on the outside. After you had gotten yourself to eat and then downstairs to the outside of the inn, the cab was already ready and waiting for you two. The corviknight and it's owner even perched on top of it watching awkwardly waiting. "I'm not walkin' days ta Glimwood Tangle in this bloody heat!"
"I think I'd rather take my chances with the sun- ACK!?" That was it. Your hand finally slipped and you faceplanted half your body onto the floor between the two seats. And you immediately scrambled when you felt something grab at your legs. "GLORIA NO!!"
You two fought against each other as you were losing and yelled at Gloria who was quicker than you thought she could be as she wrestled the rest of your fleeing body inside the cab as you continued to physically and verbally protest and within the scuffle somehow managed to slam the door shut behind the two of you, yelling the word 'GO!!' and not too long after you felt a lurch as the cab took off. You let out a bloody curdling scream and clutched onto the seat your drizzilie sat upon smashing your face into the seat from the force of the take off and cutting off your scream only after a second of it leaving your mouth, half your body still on your knees on the floor as Gloria sighed and plopped herself into the seat across from you as the wind whipped through the windows. Acting like vents and while the wind was warm it most certainly wasn't the grueling heat you two had been traveling in. You remained face in the seat for a little while longer clutching onto it, your stomach felt like butterflies were in it, your feet felt awfully light, and you were kinda starting to regret eating that waffle before the two of you left. .......After a few more moments of just staying in that death grip position your Drizzilie gave a questioning noise and tapped the top of your head.
"Y/n you're perfectly alright. Just sit in the seat there instead of lookin' like you're prayin' to Arceus himself," Gloria encouraged.....You didn't respond for a hot second before she watched as your body shook as you weakly pulled yourself from the floor, trying not to get sick and pulled yourself onto the seat to face her. Pausing for a moment before with a click you scrambled for the seat belt and hastily threw it around yourself before gripping the sides of your seat next to your pokemon. Pale as a ghost. "See? It's not so bad!" She turned and stuck her arm out near the nearest window as her hair blew around her face as did yours. "And feel that air! It's great! Look at the view-"
"HEY!" You managed to pull yourself together enough to shout at her and shakily point a hand to her. "A-Arms, legs, and head INSIDE the taxi cab at all times!! And p-put on your seatbelt right now! W-We might hit some wind turbulance or something!"
"What? But I've done this before. It's perfectly safe."
"HEY! I-If I'm going to agree t-to ride this thing all the way to Glimwood Tangle then you're going to wear a seat belt all the way there too! There's no getting around that!....Speaking of which." Your Drizzilie made a sound of protest but didn't fight back when you pushed it back against the seat next to you and buckled it in as well. "Much better. Now you."
She rolled her eyes but complied. "Fine fine. I'll put the bloody thing on." And she began to do so.
"Thank you. So how long until we reach Bellonlea?"
"A whole two days and a night. It would've taken much longer ta get there by foot and there ain't no train running to or from Glimwood Tangle since the entire place is a national wildlife preserve as well as there ain't too many places like it in the world."
"...What do you mean?"
"It's a fifty square mile forest of giant trees so big and growin' so closely together that it blocks out the sun. It's full of these glowing giant mushrooms that light up everythin' in there 'n there's a whole slew of pokemon from dark to physcic to ghost....But mostly a bunch o' fairy type pokemon. It's why the fairy type stadium is located there."
You nearly felt sick to your stomach again. You had to sit and ride on this thing who knows how high off the ground for a two whole days and night?! ".....Well great."
"Oh relax, Y/n. Once we get in ta that big shady place from the sun it'll be worth it I promise."
"Where did you even get the money to pay for this trip? We used the last of it at the inn."
"Remember how Gym Challengers are paid a bit once they win a gym battle? I had enough ta pay for two people to be flown there don't worry." She looked back out the window. "Let's just relax n' enjoy the trip."
"Body stays inside the cab!"
Relax? It was easy for her to say! She was used to this!! Thus began your nerve wracking over the next two days. Gloria attempted to distract you and calm your nerves by having her rotom fly between the two of you and showed her uploaded battle against Allister from the Gym League's official sight. That helped a little bit as you two talked about Allister and the Gym battles that Gloria had had thus far, and you ended up rewatching them all including the ones you missed. Milo, Nessa, Kabu( Your Drizzilie looking the slightest bit proud of himself as you watched again this time without the panic or worry), Bea (you were surprised Gloria won against her actually. And you had a sneaking suspicion still that she might've won easily against her and Milo due to being worn out by the incoming of multiple trainers), and Allister again. Recounting that she had five gym badges thus fair, four needed to compete in the finals at the end of December, and was half way there already. This stop would hopefully make it five badges by the time of your departure. By the time it was night you all had the driver stop and take a rest for the night, you SO GLAD to be back on none moving land again with jello legs and shooting a glare to Gloria when she giggled at your predicament. Rinse and repeat. Pitching a tent, as the driver slept in the cab, and then the next morning you all packed and were off a second time. This time you didn't HAVE to be pulled in by Gloria but it still took a lot of coaxing and Gloria mentioning how much money she already paid for this trip to get you back on. But Gloria found out that meant you wouldn't budge unless she buckled up as well. Safety first after all. The second day went pretty much the same as yesterday lovingly distracting yourselves by talking a lot and looking anywhere but outside and down to keep your nerves down as well. During this time Gloria decided it'd be a great time to glue whatever pictures she had left over into her dex book as you two talked, apparently she planned on using the same lense on her camera to take pictures of the pokemon you both came across while in the Glimwood Tangle, and then showed you her small collection of League Cards so far. You weren't sure how she managed to balance a hobby of collecting multiple things on this trip but glad she was having fun and enjoying herself so far. Ultimately it reached the second night and you two (with her having to convince you) agreeing to flying through the night in order to reach Bellonlea by morning. It's safe to say sleep did NOT come easily to you that night when it eventually did come. The Moon replacing the sun and stars replacing the clouds. You weren't sure when or how you were able to fall asleep still buckled into the seats, but you must've been too tired to stay awake. The next thing you knew was that you were jarred awake in a panic when the entire cab was shaken like some rollar coaster upon landing on some path! Your Drizzilie chirping out in panic as it bumped in shook and even Gloria had clutched her seat for stability on your decent. Thankfully SOMEHOW NOT crashing but you two did end up a bit shaken from the experience.
"I'm so sorry!," a man's voice called out and you guessed the driver must've hopped off the bird pokemon because not a second later you saw his concerned self in the window looking at the three of you. "Is everyone alright? We were cut off by a flock of wild spearow outta no where!"
".....I'll let you know when I find out where my stomach flew off too," you mumbled back clutching your seat and still half asleep brain processing what had just happened.
"She's fine," Gloria assured rubbing her head, "Are we there?"
The man nodded and it was only when you finally dared to look out the window yourself you noticed that the cab was set down in the BIGGEST shadows from trees you had ever seen. Gloria was quick to unbuckle herself(thank gosh. You were glad she was buckled in for that fun fair ride-) and run herself out of the cab and after a moment you slowly followed. Legs feeling like Jello and SO GLAD to be on ground that you almost collasped to the grassy fields below you. When you looked up however is when you realized how small you actually felt. Before you was the BIGGEST DENSES TREES YOU HAD EVER SEEN!! THEY WERE LIKE SKYSCRAPERS WITH HOW BIG THEY WERE!! Their branches and leaves entertwined so much that the inside completely blocked out the light right inside the inner workings of the forest inside, and on the inside of the darkness you could make out lots and LOTS of different glowing lights in the shapes of mushrooms within there as the path you all landed on continued off into the darkness. And in front of the entrance to this forest was two large lamp posts that at the moment remained unlit. This was it. The Glimwood Tangle.
"I'm afraid this is as fair as I can take you ladies to Bellonlea." You blinked to the Driver as your Drizzlie stumbled out to walk over to you. "The trees are too tight nit to fly through and it'd be too dangerous to risk that."
"That's ok," Gloria assured him. "Would you mind waiting for us here? This shouldn't be take more than a couple hours if we're lucky."
He nodded. "Sure. Corviknight could use the break anyways after the long night we had."
She smiled before turning away and waving. "Thanks! We'll be back soon!" She walked past you towards the entrance to the forest and after blinking you followed. "OH! This is gonna be great!"
"Uh huh. And how are we not supposed to get lost in there?," you asked walking away the feeling of you as a violently shaking jello someone tossed to the floor with your pokemon at your side. "It's pitch black in there besides all those mushrooms but I dunno if that's gonna be enough to keep us from getting lost."
"Don't worry. I checked my regional maps before we got here. As long as we stay on the main dirt road and not go off onto any of the hiking trails or other paths leading to someone's house, we should be totally fine. And the main road is always the biggest one, so all we gotta do is stay on the biggest road and we're there...buuut it'll take us a bit to get to Bellonlea. It's dead smack in the middle of the forest and this place is pretty big."
"Y'know I think as long as we stay out of the hot sun I'll be perfectly fine. Just make sure the both of you stay close and no wondering off. The last thing I need after a ride like that is a sour stomach from worrying over you."
As you two entered leaving the taxi behind, it didn't take too long for it to get dark really fast. And it was like you two were traveling at night even tho you were absolutely sure it was daytime. You all marveled at the colorful glowing mushrooms along the path being your only source of light as you all traveled and casting dancing shadows within the dark as well across the trees. It was really beautiful but also in a way scary like when you all saw those ghost pokemon in the middle of the night. More than ONCE you had to smack one of the smaller glowing shrooms out of your drizzilie's hands before he could eat it. Maybe pokemon could eat these things, but you weren't about to risk finding out and unintentially making himself sick or worse. At the five minute mark the entrance you came through had completely disappeared from view, and at the ten minute mark the larger path shrank before splitting off into two different directions and you two had stopped...And you turned to Gloria who didn't look too sure where to go before pulling out her phone again as you stood there.
"Well so much for following the bigger path. Which way do we go?," you asked.
"Accordin' to the map we goooooo..." Gloria paused for a moment lifting a hand before pointing to the left, "That way! And then we go straight when we hit the second set of paths."
You two had continued down the path she pointed out with her phone out and she continued taking pictures now that you two began seeing a few pokemon. Usually some small imp looking pokemon she mentioned were called impadimps, a couple hatenna, some tea cup looking thing called a sinistea, some mushroom looking pokemon, and quite a few others as you two walked. Eventually coming across to the second set of pathways and continued to walk down the middle pathway as the map said to go....Although you began to have an off feeling as you walked. Almost as if you were being watched but that was ridiculous! There was pokemon all around you probably watching as the three of you walked on the pathway so of course you'd feel like you were being watched. But neither of you were aware of the larger figure moving from the brush over towards the both of you as you walked.
"So where do we go from here?," you asked watching a couple impadimps as they laughed and bounced on a mushroom as you walked, "And how long have we been walking anyways?"
"Lost count after forty five minutes. But accordin' ta this thing we take another left up ahead and that should lead us straight to Bellonlea!" The bushes up ahead of her rustled out as someone peeked out.
"Oh good. I'm kinda getting tired of walk-"
"FUGAAAA!" Before you had even finished talking the person in the bushes jumped out at you from the middle of the path spraying you two with a shower of leaves from the poor plants. Pokemon scattered as Gloria let out a scream and your Drizzilie let out a panicked chirp diving behind your legs. In an instant, Gloria was yanked from in front of you as you shoved her behind you from the crouched form, arms raised in a 'I'm going to get you' like way with a wild look in his eyes. "FUGAGAGA!! I'm a pokemon! Have a battle with me!"
Startled the two of you wide eyed stared at this messy looking man who had literally appeared out of NO WHERE....before you looking to the petrified looking teen peeking out from around your back. "Hey. Are you ok?"
"......Define 'ok'."
The man held up a hand with a crazed smile and spoke before you could speak again. "Listen for a second. Scorbunny and sizzlipede are different species, but they're still both pokemon! Scorbunny and I are different species just like sizzlipede and I are different too! If you think about it that way there's no problem with calling me a pokemon. I don't mind!," he explained/rambled on much to the terrified people in front of him.
"What?," Gloria eventually spoke after a silence, "Did you hit your head there, Lad?" She asked before ducking behind you again as he snapped to her. You were starting to feel very uncomfortable now and cringed with every word the man spewed from his mouth.
"What? You don't have to worry about me! Even I know it's pretty lofty logic. I...I wanted to become a pokemon once," he rambled on staring off into space at nothing..and you two exchanged an uncomfortable look.
"Uh..W-Well good luck with that-," you tried to defuse inching with the two behind you over towards the right around this crazy man.
"Hey! I've got it!," he giggled happily to himself, "A change of fashion style could change the way I feel too! Basically if I can make myself feel the same way a pokemon does, it'd be like I became a pokemom. Don't you think?!" The three of you froze as he snapped to you again. By now you were ready to just push this guy over and making a run for it if it'll mean to get away to safety. He suddenly pointed at you. "YOU! Would you please put on some clothes with a fiery spirit that embodies my burning feelings?"
....And you stared.....Was this middle aged crazy man asking you to change right here and now!? The man at your silence hummed and glossy eyes looked up towards the darkened tree canopy mumblng something about fire types..when your brows rose as an idea hit you. "....Gloria." Said freaked out brunette blinked up to you as you slowly leaned your head towards her but kept staring at the man who mumbled off to himself. You weren't risking taking your eyes off this creep for a second. "Listen to me very carefully. Reach into my bag and hand me the blue shirt with the arcanine printed on the front. Once he's distracted we'll make a run for it." She didn't answer you but by the way you were lightly forced to lean back and someone quickly opening your bag she didn't have too. After a moment longer a blue shirt was thrown over your shoulder as you grabbed it. OH! You hoped this would work. "Oh wow!" In an instant he snapped to you and your flinched...before slowly holding the shirt out. "What's this I found?"
"What's this? Is that-?" He snatched it from you and you quickly whipped your hand back as a result from his face actions. Curiously he opened the shirt and his crazy eyes widened more as he saw the arcanine printed on it. And he chuckled. "I feel like I've completely become a pokemon! Wearing a hot fire styled outfit can make you feel different! I feel like I've become a Fire Type pokemon!"
The man blinked as you both bolted. You gripping Gloria's hand for dear life as you both scrambled in fear to get the heck out of there. Your poor Drizzilie fearfully scrambling at your feet as the three of you ran as fast as you could down the pathway towards the next crossroads.
"W-WAIT! DONT YOU WANT TO BATTLE ME!?," the man called out after you.
You didn't answer and you didn't stop. Pumped full of panic and adrenaline telling you to get AWAY from that crazy guy. You both ran and RAN until you came to the third way the path split and stopped to catch your breath. Eventually you also released Gloria's hand when she gently tugged at you to let go and you did. Silence filled the air as you two just breathed for a moment, often glancing back to make sure the crazy guy didn't follow you. At one point you looked to Gloria who pointed in question towards the left path you needed to take to Bellonlea before you nodded your head and the two of you two slowly went on your way again still looking behind you in case the guy showed up. It was better to keep moving and get out of that area as soon as possible before that guy found you again. With a new tired feeling in your guts, you two made to continue on down the pathway deeper and deeper into this strange forest right out of a fairytale. You might as well have been walking for a good hour or more at this point when you all finally turned and there it was. Among a whole bunch of mushrooms, some of which being the BIGGEST you had seen thus far, was the unmistakable shine of the metal stadium through the trees, along with a lot of houses scattered around and that same pink pokemon center. The town of Bellonlea. And already there were a few people walking about as you could barely make out thanks to the lights in their houses and the glow from the mushrooms. Hopefully none of them were the weird man you had encountered back on the trail.
You pointed. "There it is! Guess your map was right after-" You had paused and blinked upon looking back to Gloria who was again digging through her bag. "What are you doing?"
She smiled holding up the old looking letter from her bag although it was slightly wrinkled from being in the bag for so long. "Don't ya remember? Allister said I needed ta return this letter ta whoever Frank is as soon as possible."
"Well...yeah. But I thought you were going to challenge Opal." You started walking as she did into the town.
"I am, but this seems really important for me ta do if even Allister thinks I should." She gestured around to the town of small fairytale houses you all couldn't stop admiring. "Plus there's not too many cabins 'ere. We should be able to find this Frank really quick."
"Well, let's ask someone. It'll be faster than knocking on doors at least." She agreed and you both walked up to the nearest person. A small little boy with brown hair and jeans playing with what you were assuming was his impadimp, but both looked up as you walked up to him and stopped. "Hi there" You greeted with a smile and wave. "Sorry to bug you but do you know if there's anyone named Frank who lives here?"
The boy blinked at you both. "Frank?" You both nodded at him. "Only one person in Bellonlea has that name. That's my granddad's name."
"Oh really?" His grandfather?? Why would a little girl write a love letter to someone's grandfather? But the boy nodded yes. "Could you tell us where he is right now?"
He turned and pointed to one of the cabins closest to the stadium. "In there with my sisters."
You smiled and waved at him again as Gloria immediately began walking in that direction. "Ok thanks!" Increasing your pace to catch up with her, the both of you walked up to the door and before you could say anything Gloria had already knocked loudly on the door.
There was a pause for a moment as you both looked at one another, then not a moment later footsteps approuched the door as you two looked back at it, and a man who looked to be in his early sixties and cap opened the doors to the two of you. And Gloria smiled. "Hi! Is there a Frank here?"
The man hummed looking the two of you girls over for a moment. "You're looking for Frank?" You both nodded. That'd be me yes. Can I help you ladies?"
Gloria held up the letter to him. "A girl in Hammerlocke asked us ta give this to ya."
He blinked in surprise at the letter. "What's this? You've got a letter addressed to me?" He reached out and grabbed the letter from Gloria, and the two of you watched as the elderly man opened it. "Now who could be sending me letters." He went silent for a moment as he opened the letter, held it up to his face, and scanned the words on it..before he smiled. "Oh! Why this says it's from Paula! That does take me back ages."
"Oh. So you two do know each other!"
He chuckled. "Paula was the name of a girl I spent all my time playing with when I was a young lad. She fell ill. Didn't tell me though. She kept it a secret just how sick she was. We ended up having a great row of it...then I moved away not long after that fight. I never met her again after the day I left."...Illness? The flashes of how sick the little girl looked flashed through your mind and when you looked at Gloria, who could see that the connections must've hit her too cuz she looked a bit pale. The man looked up at you two semi sadly. "How was she? Did she look well? Dear old Paula."
"I uh-....Well she looked...well I guess," you managed to force out awkwardly.
The man nodded. "That's a comfort to hear. I thank you both very kindly for delivering me this." He smiled again looking down at the letter. "For you've brought me back a piece of my youth. ...Do you have a dear friend in your life? Make sure you treasure those dear to you while you have them close."
You nodded before signaling to a lightly spooked Gloria that you all should go. "Y-Your welcome. Have a nice day, Sir." He smiled and nodded to the two of you before going to close the door as the two of you turned around. You felt a little spooked yourself. Both of you had just managed to step onto the path leading to the stadium too when-
"...Thank you..." You both froze at the young girl's voice. "..for delivering my letter...."
.........Both of you slowly looked to one another......before you pointed to the gym. "To the stadium?"
"TO THE STADIUM!," Gloria agreed grabbing your arm and already making you two speed walk towards the building. As you both quickly approuched, neither wanting to acknowledge what had just happneded, you were more surprised by how they managed to find a big enough space between the tight knit trees to build it. Gloria letting go of your hand the closer you both got to the stadium and it's entance. "Why don't you go on ahead and go around and to the seating area then?" She suggested as she stopped in the doorway. "I'll just go ahead and go do the gym challenge. Oh. After this I'll need ta stop by the center and move some of my new wee ones inta rotomi boxes."
You nodded. Sounded like a plan to you. After all you were wanting to get away and distract yourself from the goosebumps forming on your arms. "Alright. You be careful now." She nodded before turning and with a whoosh sound the door opened for her to enter, and you turned to your bored looking drizzilie. "C'mon. Let's head in through the side doors and get a good front row seat. Ok?"
He rolled his eyes and groaned but followed you anyways as you turned and began walking around the giant stadium. To make a long story you walked around the giant stadium and found the entrance leading into the stadium for people to access the bleachers, and went inside with your drizzilie right behind you looking bored as always. The regular flight of stairs you usually encountered with these stadiums lead up, and up until you both reached the enormous stadium insides that you were used too. With rows upon rows of seats but besides you and your pokemon there was at most maybe twenty other people besides you that you could tell. Must be due to Bellonlea being such a remote and small town. But hey! This gave you a great chance to get a front row seat to a battle for a change and experience it at least once. Still following you, your Drizzilie walked behind you all the way towards the very first row facing the giant grassy field and joined you as you sat down with it taking up a seat next to you. Perfect! Now all you had to do was wait!........And wait...........and wait........And wait some more. You hadn't realized how long it would take for you to wait for Gloria to finish the gym's challenge, but that's alright. You didn't mind waiting. It gave you a long chance to rest your feet and for your Drizzilie to fall asleep leaning it's head back on the seat. And you chuckled at it's snoring. .......And waited even longer with a sigh. Until FINALLY with what seemed like forever somone came onto the field. You didn't even notice it at first bored out of your mind, with your head leaning in your hand until you just happened to look up at the screen and perked right up seeing someone. HEY! It was the same elderly lady you and Gloria kept running into! It was Opal. And at this very moment she was slowly making her way across the field, until she got to the very center, and turned to face the middle and closing her eyes. As if waiting for someone. And it didn't take too long for you to find out too. Gloria came jogging onto the scene out from one of the openings onto the field and you perked right up as she walked right over across from Opal who finally opened her eyes to her. You watched as they exchanged a few words, before jumping at the announcer's voice.
"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!! THE GYM BATTLE BETWEEN GYM CHALLENGER GLORIA AND GYM LEADER GLORIA SHALL BEGIN!! BATTLERS PLEASE TAKE YOUR PLACES!!" Both turned, Opal more slowly than Gloria obviously, before walking to their places on the field. Before turning to face one another. "POKEMON AT THE READY!! FIRST ROUND MATCH BEGIN!!"
In a flash of bright light both ladies sent out their pokemon. Gloria her raboot and Opal a weezing. And Opal was first to make a move when, fast for an old lady too, she slammed her umbrella to the ground and the wheezing puffed up it's cheeks like it was about to puke and suddenly it began spatting out purple glowing balls at the raboot. The move was sludge if you remember right. In an instant the rabbit pokemon looked panicked and began hoping about in weird poses and sometimes belly flopping to avoid the oncoming toxic attack thrown at it. Until Gloria pointed and gave it an attack. Then it was a whole new ball game as the raboot used that same technique you recognized she used back when battling Kabu. Using the quick attack of the raboot to boost it's speed as it turned it body and began charging at the weezing who amplified it's sludge attacks just as quick as the raboot was running with the flames at it's feet. Kicking something towards the weezing like a soccer ball player would before with a mighty bound it launched itself into the air, and kicked the flaming rock ember move at bullet speed towards the weezing. And no sooner than it did when a giant sludge ball hit it directly as well. With a cry of pain the small bunny pokemon FELL to the ground hard onto it's back. And didn't move. Meanwhile the rock launched at the weezing went straight into the larger mouth and the reaction was instant. It doubled over. In fact it went straight down to the ground almost at the same time as the raboot when the poison attack hit it head on. Your eyes widened as you leaned forward from where you were sitting. The weezing was unable to move besides shaking a bit and coughing from the flaming rock that went into it's mouth, and Raboot stayed there laying on the ground...until it got up. The poor thing looked like it was in pain forcing itself to sit up, and then eventually stand wobbling on it's two shaking feet. Shaking it's head and then facing the weezing with a look of determination in it's eyes. At least it did before the weezing was gone within a flash of light back into it's pokeball by Opal.
And in more bright lights appeared two pokemon with the ability to fly. Opal sending out a togakiss and Gloria a corvi-......A CORVIKNIGHT!? SINCE WHEN DID SHE GET A CORVIKNIGHT!? The VERY large and black pokemon gave out a mighty roar at it's opponent. A shiver running down your spine. You still didn't forget how you arrived here after all. Opal was first to make a move again as she pointed and the togakiss sent out what looked like giant orbs of rocks. Ancient power?? Gloria did nothing at first and the corviknight screeched out an annoyed or perhaps painful reaction as the rocks shot out at bullet speed head on collided with it. But the BLOODY giant bird didn't even land from it's flying in place position, jut shake out it's feathered head and looked to the togakiss. Before bright light slash marks were made at it. Hone Claws! Was she planning on using the same technique she used against Hop? Well you found out when the corviknight let out a shrill cry that seemed to finally wake your sleeping drizzilie as it spread it's wings and with one beat of it wings launched itself into the air, before doing an entire circle upside down and with it's beak glowing launched itself right towards the togakiss who it turn made it's wing like appendages glow and with a shrill bolted right towards the corviknight. They were using steel wing to combat the drill peck!! But who'd win in this clash. Or at least that's what you thought would happen. To be honest what happened next was so fast you couldn't believe it unless you were sitting right there to watch as the corviknight out of no where extended it's GIANT sharp claws, and like an eagle completely SNATCHED the togakiss right out of mid air, encasing it comepletely in one of it's feet. Startled the togakiss could do only one thing at the moment. Shrill cry in panic as the corviknight parachuted using it's wings as it flew overhead. Opal must've been as surprised as you as you all watched the heavy duty bird pokemon, landed on the very edge of the feild with the yelling togakiss in its claws, stumbling a bit with landing on one leg, then simply while still holding the togakiss, placed it on the ground outside the boundary lines.
"SECOND ROUND MATCH OVER!! TOGAKISS IS OUT OF BOUNDS!! GYM CHALLENGER WINS SECOND ROUND!!" You watched as the corviknight ruffled its feathers before giving a few chirping noises, and walked it's way back over towards Gloria who waved at it. The togakiss looking rather spooked and shocked sat there for a moment....before flopping over onto it's side. And you frowned at it. Poor thing. You felt it's pain. "PLEASE READY YOUR POKEMON AS THE THIRD ROUND BATTLE IS ABOUT TO BEGIN!!" In a flash of light both pokemon disappeared off the field and you hope the poor togakiss would be alright after that. "POKEMON AT THE READY!! THIRD ROUND MATCH BEGIN!!"
Although things were looking really well for Gloria so far. She won two rounds! Two more pokemon entered the field. Gloria's roselia and Opal's mawile. Oh boy. Gloria better watch out for those giant jars. In fact it didn't look too good at all when the thing use steel guard! That means it's defenses rose greatly. And Gloria pointed. The roselia used what you recognized as it's famous stun spore attack as it darted towards the mawile at lightning speeds, roses already tingling with electricity as the mawile turned to face it's upcoming attack as the grass pokemon threw it's roses out in a move to shoot at it- When the GIANT MAW engulfed it entirely. Stunned, you and your Drizzilie watched as the mawile gave a shrill as the stun spore kicked in and it's body was enveloped in electricity. Before with a grit, it raised the maw the roselia was still encased in, and SLAMMED IT down onto the ground multiple times. SLAM!! SLAM!! SLAM!! The sickening sounds echoed throughout the mostly empty stadium as you grimaced and could only watch as with a final slam the mawile stopped...it's body giving a spark every so often..before it's giant maw opened and the poor roselia fell out unconcious.
"THIRD ROUND MATCH IS OVER!! ROSELIA IS UNABLE TO BATTLE!! VICTORY OF THE MATCH GOES TO THE GYM LEADER!!" You sighed slumping back into your seat. Oh well. Couldn't win them all. Well she won two out of three rounds anyways so that was good enough to get a bad- "PLEASE PREPARE YOUR POKEMON FOR THE FINAL ROUND!!" Your eyes popped back open. Final round?! You mean there's more than three rounds!? "POKEMON AT THE READY TO DYNAMAX!! FINAL MATCH MAY BEGIN!!"
You leaned forward as you watched. Red energy forming around their wrists for the dynamax bands and you breathed. Here we go. Both held pokeballs the size of watermelons glowing red, and with incredable strength on Opal's part. Both tossed them into the air. And then came the shaking of the stadium as you held onto your seat as they appeared. Opal's alcremie as it was huge and.....and......looked like a giant decorated cake you'd find at a wedding or fancy party. Huh. Didn't remember that. On the other hand with Gloria, out came her corviknight. Her GIANT. Black. Menacing looking. Corviknight. Which gave a giant shrill cry of it's own that made your otherwise bored looking drizzilie yelp in fear and LEAP into your arms knocking you back against the seat for a moment. Not that you could really blame him really. You had bad experiences with this type of pokemon after all. And you could guess why Gloria would choose her corviknight. Raboot was most likely still affected by that poison attack from the weezing and even if he could still stand, he'd be crushed easily from being weakened. And roselia was most likely still passed out from mawile's body slamming. Corviknight would be the obvious choice since he didn't seem to be too affected by how easily he took down the togakiss and being a flying and steel type pokemon, he would be the most durable against a dynamaxed alcremie. Opal lifted her umbrella again and slammed it back down and the now dynamaxed alcremie made it's first move. You had too look away fromhow bright it was as the corviknight let out a shrill eagle like cry of pain as light enveloped it ending with a burst of stars but that big chicken was still flapping by the time you even looked back up, the wind from it's massize wings making you squint against it. It was bad enough the entire place shook as you held onto your petrified drizzilie and seat to not get knocked off. Instead more bright light danced across the sky infront of it, Hone claws. Before the thing let out a loud caw of protest as what you could only discribe as a huge pink light in the shape of a kiss mark and pink marks danced around it's head. What the- OH! That must've been alcremie's Draining Kiss move! Although unluckily for it it didn't seem to be very affective towards the bird brain. Another giant eagle cry pierced the air making your ear hurt and two black jet streams poured from it's wings. You watched as the dark jet streams poured like snakes from it's wings and in that move you had seen it use before when battling Milo encircled the poor pokemon. Encasing it with a dome of black before exploding in a blast of black. The alcremie crying out in pain as is tilted towards the ground. The pokemon went out in an explosion that sent dirt clouds flying up everywhere as it timbered glowing brightly through the dust clouds as it magically shrank down within it's own mess. You all watched with baited breath as the clouds spread out and covered the famous gym leader as well, Gloria's bird pokemon glowing a bright reddish color before beginning to shrink down until it was back to it's normal size. Normal being big enough to carry off a whole elephant. And you slammed your eyes shut at the shaking and the dirt that flew up everywhere with the gust of wind blowing it everywhere. ....You coughed and waved your hand in front of your face to swat away any left over dirt from your face as the dust clouds slowly settled on the field in front of you. Gloria was doing the same with the giant bird pokemon standing right behind her and Opal was merely standing there with a calm expression as if a giant pokemon didn't just fall over and shrink behind her...speaking of the alcremie, it was no where in sight when the dust settled other than the rubble it left behind in it's wake. Did that mean-
You sighed in relief, leaning back against your seat from all the tention that you had been feeling throughout this entire experience. Gloria and Opal in the mean time walked over and met somewhere in the middle of the field most likely talking, and you took that as your que to stand and slowly lower the lightly spooked drizzilie to the ground off your lap.
"Come on," you said starting towards the stairs as it blinked and followed you, "Let's go wait for her outside." You had made your way out of the stadium and walked the full way around the stadium towards the front of the Bellonlea gym to where the door was located and Gloria would soon walk out. And that's where you waited with your Drizzilie patiently until you turned your head at the whoosh sound of the door and smiled upon seeing the excited face of Gloria jog out excitedly. "Hey! There you are! Took you a while to get to the field."
"Hey. It's not my bloody fault," she protested with a light frown, "Opal's challenge was ta battle three of her employees n' answer questions at the same time! N' then she even asked me stuff during the battle!! I'm lucky I didn't exhaust my pokemon fully before the actual battlin' began! I swear she just does that to wear ya down before battle...OH! N' I ran inta Marnie again."
Your brows rose at that little tidbit. "Really?"
She nodded. "Yep. Ya probably didn't see 'er since you were already headed off to the entrance ta watch me."
You nodded in agreement. "Yeah. That is probably why I didn't see her leave." You then looked around with a raised brow suspiciously. Did that mean Team Yell was also around here as well? They usually weren't far behind if Marnie was involved. You hummed before turning to Gloria and pointing the way back towards the pokemon center. "Well, how about we head back to the pokemon center and get your pokemon checked out then head back to the cab?"
As much as you didn't want to ride that taxi again, you weren't too comfortable staying now that there might be Team Yell on top of that crazy man from the woods running around. Luckily Gloria was already wanting to get her pokemon checked out and it didn't take too long for you two to get to the pokemon center for her pokemon to get patched up. Thank god Nurse Joy was a miracle worker with these kind of things. It only took about ten minutes for her to heal up Gloria's pokemon and another five minutes for Gloria to comb through her rotomi boxes to add a few more pokemon she required before the two of you were able to leave the pink building and head back towards the way you two came in.
"So, do you know the way back out?," you asked glancing at Gloria. She hummed with a nod holding up her phone to you. "Good. If we run into that crazy guy again we'll have Drizzilie spray him down and make a break for it. Hopefully we won't run into him again."
"Hold on now." Both of you paused, blinking before looking behind you and low and behold right there walking slowly up towards the both of you was none other than Opal herself once again.
"Ms. Opal?," Gloria asked confused, "What are ye doin' 'ere?"
"I've got a few errands to run in Hammerlocke," she explained, "Care to join me for the journey?" Both of you blinked before looking at one another in a mix of confusion and surprise. "If you're headed for the next gym stadium you'll need to get to Hammerlocke too after all."
"Next stadium?"
"Oh right. We can take the train to Circhester from Hammerlocke!," Gloria mentioned and your mood soured a bit at the memory of Raihan hitting on you. You had to go back there??
"I surely do hope you wouldn't mind if I caught a ride back with both you young ladies. And as thanks I wouldn't mind covering the tab for the ride over there," Opal offered, "If you wouldn't mind of course."
"Are ya kiddin? With pleasure!," Gloria answered with a wide smile and nod and you sighed.
"Excellent. They say two's company after all." Two? Counting Drizzilie there was four of you taking this trip back now. She began slowly moving towards the exit herself. "Come along now. If we want to start before nightfall I suggest we leave now."
"Sure." You made to go after her but paused. "...Wait. How long will it take to get back to Hammerlocke from here?"
"Not very long with the taxi," Gloria mentioned following the older woman, "About five days and even faster if we fly one or two nights."
You groaned but followed after them. This journey just keeps getting better and better.
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cleverhideoutchild · 3 years
Why hello! This is my scenario and dialogue prompts list.
If you want, you can give me a maximum of 3 prompts. Then give me a character or two from either of the three fandoms I'm writing for, and then a genre. I'll see what I can do.
I might add more prompts later. I got most of this from google btw, the last section are purely my ideas. If anyone want to use it go ahead and reblog it.
You can clearly see that most of my ideas are for angst fanfics-
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Request : Closed
Before requesting, please read the rules.
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Dialogue Prompts
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"That was my favourite cup.”
“Is there a problem here, gentlemen?”
“What on earth happened in here?”
“You’ve caught me at a really bad time.”
“Hang on. Where’s the baby?”
“What have you done now?”
“You’ll never guess what (character name) told me last night.”
“Ma’am, I’m afraid I’ve got some bad news. Please, sit down.”
“How – how did you find me?”
“Excuse me. Excuse me! Yes, you. You’re sitting in my seat.”
“I don’t think it can be repaired.”
“Ouch, that must’ve hurt.”
“Quick! It’s going to explode!”
“Well, this is new.”
“Let’s hear your side of the story.”
“I don’t know what happened, officer.”
“There’s blood everywhere.”
“Right, who’s drawn the short straw this time?”
“I don’t even hate you. That would imply I cared.”
“There’s no point running.”
“How are you feeling today? A little better, hmm?”
“This is going to be way harder than we thought.”
“Was that a scream?”
“Do you ever hear noises in the night? Like scratching in the walls?”
“Don’t move.”
“I’m your biggest fan!”
“I love you! No time to explain – gotta go.”
“When did you last see him? Think! This is important!”
“Oh man, I’ve had the worst day ever.”
“This isn’t what it looks like, I swear! Okay… it’s kind of what it looks like, but just give me a chance to explain.”
"I hate you sometimes."
"What are you? Some kind of weirdo?"
"Get out."
"I love you."
"Where the heck did you come from?"
"Oh, my hero."
"Can you hug me tight, please?"
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“I’ll take that as a compliment.”
“That’s the first time I’ve heard anyone call it that.”
“Woah, back up. You’re losing me.”
“Stop yelling!”
“Well, that’s not a very nice way of putting it. But yes, I suppose you’re right.”
“Okay, I think we do need to call an ambulance.”
“Oh my gosh, are you sure? Like, sure sure?”
“You must have misheard me.”
“Actually, I think this is the wrong way…”
“It’s taken me fifty years to get here. I’m sure as hell not giving up now!”
“Believe me, my dear, no-one regrets this more than I do.”
“Didn’t your mother ever tell you not to talk to strangers?”
“Don’t worry. I hated that wallpaper, anyway.”
“No. Hell, no. Absolutely not.”
“If you could just set it down – very slowly – and then back away.”
“I’ve never actually liked chocolate.”
“I find it very hard to believe that, I’m afraid.”
“That’s a very … bold … thing to say.”
“And you can’t think of any other reason?”
“Shut up.”
“I’m going to give you five seconds to take that back.”
“You’re wrong. That’s not what happened at all.”
“Hey. Look at me.”
“Apologise. Right now.”
“I’m sorry. That sounds awful.”
“Do you maybe think, in retrospect, that this was a terrible idea?”
“Good. I meant it to hurt.”
“That’s not very nice.”
“So hang on, let me get this straight.”
“Actually, I think you’d find that most people have a pretty massive problem with that"
"A horrible decision, really."
"How do I even manage to ended up with you."
"So... You still like me, right?"
"Words can not describe how much I love you."
"I love you too, silly/dummy/idiot."
"I'll be your saviour!"
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“You know… you really don’t have to.”
“When she looked back at me, I thought, in that moment, that everything could be okay.”
“Did you really think you’d get a second chance?”
“Ugh! It’s like I’m cursed or something!”
“Hey, stupid. He likes you.”
“Hmm. well, I guess that’s broken.”
“… Do you think it’s dead?”
“He was right! We have to apologize!”
“I’ll never be able to look at roses the same way again…”
“No… We’ll never make it in time. We’re too late.”
“Whatever you do, don’t press that button!”
“Don’t you worry about a thing! I’m a pro at this.”
“I like her. Like, I really like her. But… She scares me a little.”
“Okay, that’s… a fun… idea. But here’s another idea! How about… we don’t do that.”
“You need to stop. People are going to think you’re weird or something.”
“What he don’t know… won’t hurt him. You can keep a secret, can’t you?”
“Sir… I don’t understand. Why are you doing this?”
“What makes her so special? What does she have that I don’t?”
“I don’t want to ask them! You go ask them!”
“Sometimes, life deals you a bad hand, but just like with poker, you can still play your cards right and win.”
“Wait, you can hear me?”
“We have to hurry. They’re coming!”
“Hey… We need to talk. Can you come down? Please…?”
“I have to say… You look different in person.”
“But… I thought you were dead.”
“You are no longer useful to me.”
“It’s time for you to repay that debt you owe me.”
"Shut up."
"Please stay."
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"Time/Life/Luck/Fate is against us."
"Why is there blood everywhere??"
"Stop talking won't ya."
"Go ahead and sleep, I'll follow you soon enough."
"There's blood on you!"
"I'll see you soon, love."
"I'll always love every version of you."
"The sunset/sunrise/stars/moon is beautiful, arent they?"
"I'll always find you. Again. And again."
"I'll wait for you 'till the end of time."
"Don't go..."
"I love you- believe it or not."
"I love you, and nobody can change that. Not even you."
"I'll hold you 'till you fade away from me."
"Look, lanterns!"
"Trust me."
"Do you even love me?"
"Goodbye, love."
"In another life, perhaps."
"Remember to come back."
"I promise."
"You liar."
"I don't even know who you are/I am anymore."
"I see... You've changed."
"Geez, who hurt you?"
"Hug/catch me!"
"Would you like to hear a little tune/song/story?"
"The thunder won't hurt you, don't worry."
"I'm here."
"Please don't take them away from me..."
"Did you kill someone again?"
"Don't make me mad."
"Happy birthday/anniversary/(other holidays)."
"I'm sad, and you're laughing. Really?"
"Wake me when the cat can talk."
"Why are you staring?"
"What are you looking at?"
"Nothing, you're just really pretty."
"I'm looking at my future."
"Will you wait for me?
"Babe put the weapon down, I got good news for you!"
"Let me love you."
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Scenario Prompts
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'A and B are lovers in every timeline, but B kept dying in each one of them. Everytime they both got reincarnated and met each other, A got their past memories back and will try to prevent B from dying again. But each time they somehow manage to fail.'
'In this world, everyone is given a specific scent. Including A and B. Every morning they wake up, they smell their soulmate's scent. Everyday they tries to distinguish each scent just incase their soulmate is there.'
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kiwibirbs-library · 4 years
Show Me Off
a/n: lol but like he would I can’t be convinced otherwise also fun fact my heart was beating like crazy while doing this cause like... AHHH
Pairing: Torru Oikawa x fem!reader
Warning: lol it might be suggestive but like not really
Summary: when you and some of the team are out at a party and you ex walks in, you want to be sick. Your boyfriend however has a better idea.
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The night was going amazing. It was one of the numerous high school parties that Oikawa takes you too. This time even better as the other third years got to join you both. There was colorful lighting, plenty of room for once, really good food, and great music. 10/10 in your book compared to all the others hes taken you too.
All five of you were taking in the kitchen, Iwaizumi, Makki, and Mattsu making fun of yours and Oikawa terrible dancing as he spun you around the island. You just laughed and continued, to happy to really care. He was giving you that look, the one that just screamed how much he admired you.
Hes been giving you that look since they all picked you up and he held the car door open for you cheekily. He bowed saying something along the lines of ‘your chariot princess’ while the others gagged.
You did look like a princess though. You were wearing a pair of comfy heels and a short dress that complemented everything about you, your hair curled and up. Rip Makki though, who had to sit in the back with you and Oikawa as he doted on you.
You laughed as Oikawa pulled you up from an over dramatic dip.
“If you two wanted to dance so much then stop ruining our vision and go out there!” Iwa semi yelled sarcastically, tilting his head to where a majority of the students were. You giggled as Oikawa put a hand on his heart and wrapped the other around your waist, pulling you into him.
“Iwa-Chan! I know your jealous of my amazing relationship but really?” the playful tone mixed with his hand being thrown on his forehead made you snort. Iwa had a vein in his head that looked like it would burst any moment too. You quickly kissed your boyfriends cheek and said you were going to the bathroom, giving a look at Makki and Mattsu that said they were their problem for now, and darting out before they could argue.
You searched down the hall for the bathroom, finally finding it and stepping up to the mirror. You gave you hair and dress and quick fix before exiting again. You happily walked down to get closer to the kitchen before stopping dead in your tracks.
What was he doing here?
In the middle of a big group of guys was your ex. He had been horrid, always tearing you down and belittling you when you dated, even a little afterward. It took so long to build your confidence back up after him. It had taken so long for you to finally be ok with yourself after him. And there he stood, laughing with those guys like it never even happened. You swallowed, suddenly feeling a little sick, and turned back to head to the bathroom again. You were almost there when your shoulder was caught.
Oh lord please no, please no.
“Hey babe, Iwa was being mean so I came to find you. You doing ok?” Oikawa’s voice was like an angles singing in that moment. You turned and hugged him, knocking some of the breath out of him. “Oh gosh I knew you would miss me but wow,” he laughed a bit, cupping your face. You smiled but he saw the barely there tear the had surfaced in your eye.
“Hey why were you crying?” He asked, flipping the worried switch up to 110. You forced a small laugh.
“Oh I wasn’t. Just something surprised me,” you waved him off. His eyes widened.
“Was it me?” He asked, tilting your head up to him. You giggled.
“No Torru, it wasn’t you,” you smiled and patted his chest.
“Ya now I know somethings up. I’m babe or hubby not Torru. So what’s wrong hmm?” He smiled at you, still clearly worried. You sighed and pointed straight behind him. He was right, he always could see right through you.
He turned to look at the large group of guys. His eyes widened when they drifted over him. “Oh gosh he’s here? Ew,” you snorted at his reaction. He turned back to you with a mildly disgusted look on his face. “Why did you date that slime ball again? I mean really I’m glad I was able raise your standards,” he smiled a bit at the end, happy he was able to make you laugh.
“Ya but now I don’t really know what to do. He’s in the way of the kitchen,” you sighed. You looked up to see a devilish smirk plastered on your idiotic boyfriends face. “Oh no, I’m not agreeing to this. Whatever it is it’s dumb I already know it,” you raised your eyebrows at him. He just laughed a little before hooking an arm around your waist and walking down the hallway.
“Torru Oikawa. What. The. Fuck. Are. You. Doing?” You haistly whispered at him.
“Don’t worry we’re not gunna go back to the guys just yet,” he leaned down to you a little as he went to the large group of people opposite of the kitchen. If he ever cared to looked, you could easily be spotted by your ex. You gave him a questioning smile. “Aww come on babe. Don’t you trust me?” He smiled at you, walking a bit away before making a scene about asking for a dance. You laughed.
“Yes but not in the slightest right now,” you took his hand and he quickly pulled you in and spun you around. You both laughed as you danced, people taking notice and making a small circle for the couple that were show dancing. He spun you again to the music and did the same dip from the kitchen, this time following it up slightly lifting you up and spinning around after.
Honestly this was the power he had on you. This miraculous ability to make you forget about what’s around you and just live. It astonished you everytime, though you would never admit it to his face. His ego was already big enough.
As the song ended the kids around you clapped and he jokingly bowed, making the fangirl a go wild. You laughed as the circle disappeared and he pulled you to the edge of the crowd.
“Well what was that for?” You smiled.
“Well one to get this out of you,” he poked your cheek as he set his other hand to your hip and swayed you both the the beat. “And two, that was just the attention grabber,” he winked. Your eyes widened when you realized you were standing in full view of your ‘issue’ from earlier. Oikawa leaned down to you ear, kissing it slightly yes but more to give you a small look at his face.
He looked absolutely shook.
“You little shit,” you tried to sound serious, failing horrible may I add, as he straightened and looked down at you. He smiled and laughed. He knew he was. After all he was the king of petty and revenge.
“Aww yes I know. But to be fair it was either this or I texted the guys to come too and just beat him up,” he shrugged a bit. You rolled your eyes.
“Mad dogs not here babe, no ones getting beaten up but you.” He paused, looking slightly offended before brightening.
“Yay! I’m babe again! Turro is dead!” You let out a loud laughed, quickly trying to cover your mouth as some people gave you both a look. He just smiled and tilted your head up to kiss you. Another reason not to tell him what he could do to you, he already knew well enough.
“Ok I think we’re good now! Let’s go back to the guys and mess around in there! As much as I love to socialize I have a feeling we might be swarmed but fangirls if we stay to long,” he smiled at you. You tip toed up and kissed his cheek.
“Thank you. It feels nice to make him know I’m happier and better off now.”
“Show me off anytime my’lady. I’ll be your arm candy anytime,” he laughed, taking your hand as you both came up to the entrance of the kitchen.
Of course that was when you hand to pass mr. Issue’s little group however. He still had the same f-boy attitude that you remembered when he called out to you, seemingly shrugging of the shocked face he wore moments ago.
“Hey darlin. How you been?” He asked. Your smile dropped when you looked at him. You looked him up and down, making a chill run down his spine. “Should I take you away from this pretty boy and show you a good time?” The way he said pretty boy made Oikawas jaw tic slightly. You however squeezed his hand as your gaze further darkened.
Oikawa will forever remember what you said next, and by far will always bring it up to you for the rest of your lives.
Keeping your slightly disguised face on you looked at him straight in the eyes and said “do I know you?” His mouth hung agap at you as you both held the gaze for a second. You shrugged and rolled your eyes, looping you arm with Oikawas before walking past the boys and into the kitchen.
As you walked in Makki was clapping while Mattsu was on his hands and knees laughing.
“I HAVE OFFICALLY HAD MY NIGHT MADE!” Makki cried as you smiled and rolled your eyes. Iwa looked as if he was tried and failing to hold in his laughter. You flipped your hair with a fake smug face on.
“That’s right. I’m amazing!” You laughed as Mattsu struggled to stand and breath to give you a high five.
“Thank you for that memory. That will be the story I tell our children when they ask what their mother was like as a teen,” he said dramatically, once again putting on a show as he kneeled and kissed your hand.
“Oh my god Torru. NO!”
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You’re Still My Favourite Star
Pairing: Dean x Reader 
Summary: It’s hard to read people when you’re stuck in your head. Both Dean and Y/N are lost in a battle with themselves, afraid to lose the other. Don’t worry, they figure it out eventually.
Word count: 5669
Warnings: what warnings? Probably like fluff and angst.
A/N: Okay okay okay so this is the first fanfic ever really written let alone posted so do what you will with it and enjoy… I guess. I hope to post more but no promises. Let me know what you think. See you on the other side. Unbeta’d all mistakes are mine!
The pranks had escalated. She feared for her life at this point. Maybe the glitter was a step too far. He had given her a three-second count down and she took advantage, running as fast as she could as she shrieked for Dean to save her. Naturally, Dean pulled out his gun and took stance to protected her. Ready to kill what ever was coming after her, he spots her smiling from ear to ear. She practically jumped into his arms as she giggled. Dean couldn’t help but smile. He’d had a crush — that’s what he chooses to call it because if he admitted to loving her he wouldn’t know how to act around her — on her since the day they had met. He had only grown fonder of her the longer she stayed with the Winchester’s. She clung to him as he chuckled holding her against himself, smiling wildly.
“What’s going on?”
She turned her head and noticed Sam marching over to them, a dangerous smirk on his face, pacified by the glitter on his eyelashes and lips. She faced Dean and in a teasing matter proceeded to explain.
“Dean I don’t have much time. I threw a glitter bomb at Sam and now he’s gonna kill me you have to save me, Dean, we have to get outta here.”
He looked over at Sammy only to laugh before she hit his chest.
“We have to go now!”
“Oh gosh you’re right we gotta go now. Y/N he’s gonna kill you lets go.” He kept up the life or death act as he took her hand and pulled her towards the car before both consecutively hopping into Baby and driving off, leaving Sam in the rear view mirror, arms in the sky.
Y/N and Dean laughed for a solid five minutes before Y/N stopped abruptly.
“Wait, Dean, we ditched Sam he’s gonna be ultra pissed!”
“Nah he’ll be fine he’s probably just gonna hot-wire a car and drive back to the motel.”
“Guess that means we can’t go back to the motel then huh. If Sammy’s there. Might die.”
Dean chuckled and side-eyed her as he drove. She looked up at him through her eyelashes. There was glitter on her cheek, probably from the process of making the glitter bomb. With her sitting in his passenger seat, her hair a little wild from running, a smile decorating her face, and her left leg tucked up under the other, hands between them, she faced him. In that moment Dean felt a surge of confidence, acting more like his cocky self he is around other girls. Generally, he’s more shy around her, taken aback by her confidence and goofiness.
“I guess you right sweetheart, can’t go back there now that Sammy is gonna get you. That leaves you and me and Baby. Where we going.” A smirk adorned his face, accompanied by a wink he sends her way making her smile wider.
“Stop at the next pullout big boy. I want to show you something.” Dean nearly choked on her reply. Not only because of the words she used but because of the way she said it. A hushed sexual voice really, that affected Dean more than he’d care to admit. In a split second, she’s herself again, giddy and energetic, a stark contrast to the sensual act she pulled mere moments ago.
“Do I even want to know”
“Of course you do. We’re stopping at the next pull out so I can show you something you rarely get to see. Or at least I think you rarely get to see it.”
“Do I get a hint?”
“Absolutely.” She paused before finishing “Not.”
She laughed at her own joke and pats a hand on his chest in a reassuring manner.
“Oh come on Dean it’s nothing bad. And nothing you haven’t seen before. Just not often. And that was funny. Relax a little. Just ‘cause our job is heartbreaking and difficult doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy the time we have when we aren’t on a case. You gotta learn to relax. Take a breath. Smile a little. You’ve got an excellent smile, Dean. Use it once in a while.” She was tickling him to get him to smile and it had worked despite his better efforts. She was the one person who could put him in a carefree mood and it scared him. Terrified him to no end that a single human being could make him that happy. But she did and she didn’t even have to try. All she had to do is look in his direction, call his name from down the hall, nudge him in passing, wish him goodnight on her way to bed. His life had an incredibly bright light that bounced around, was loud, and unconventional with her temperament. More commonly described as a child, Y/N didn’t care about anything or anyone’s opinion, simply chose to be unconditionally happy. Dean had fallen into an easy pattern with her. She was the one he’d go to with his nightmares and dark thoughts. The one he’d ask to join him on a supply runs just for some company or a drive down an empty road for some space. Essentially, she was the one he had an un-discussed relationship with. Little did she know Dean had been dating her in his head since they met. ‘She has a boyfriend’, that is if you asked Dean for her number or name at a bar.
“There! Right there, Dean! Stop right there!”
He chuckled pointing at the spot she’d chosen.
“That’s not even a pullout!”
“Yeah but it’s perfect just pull over Dean no ones around!”
He did as he was told putting Baby in park on a gravel patch in the middle of the open interstate.
“Okay, now what.” He asked, pulling the keys out of the ignition and carelessly chucking them onto the dash. Dean threw his arm over the bench and turned to her, eyebrows raised in a questioning manner. She didn’t say anything, opting for action rather than explanation as she hopped out of the sleek impala. When Dean didn’t follow she dipped her head back in the passenger door with a wavering bitch face.
“Get your ass out here. Oh and turn the music back on.”
Dean grew a crooked grin and huffed out a laugh before reigniting the stereo and getting out of the car himself.
Y/N was staring up at the sky, eyes shimmering with moonlight and a smile laid softy upon her lips.
“Look.” She told him, holding out her hand to him blindly, which he eagerly took. She glanced at him quickly as he approached her.
And so he did. Just as she said, what he was now gazing upon was nothing he hadn’t seen before, though he was only now realizing how much he’d missed them. She hadn’t let go of his hand and he hadn’t, by any means, suggested she do so. After a minute or so he’d walked back a smidge breaking Y/Ns focus from the night sky and bringing it to him. She watched as he sat on the hood of his esteemed Baby and invited her over with a glance, or rather a nod to the spot next to him. She graciously accepted, sitting closer to him than he’d expected, resting her head on his shoulder. Dean tugged her closer, putting his arm around her and pulling her back so that both of them were comfortably leaning against the windshield looking up.
“Is this what you wanted to show me.”
“Is this not enough. What’d you think I was gonna show you?” She asked with a smirk, looking up at him. Dean didn’t answer, instead smirking in return.
“Dean Winchester, you didn’t!?”
Deans smirk grew to a laugh as he pulled her closer kissing her forehead.
“Of course not sweetheart. No, I thought you were finally gonna show me how you got your beard to look like that ‘cause I mean mine is nowhere near as nice as yours.” He touched her chin.
“Hey! I don’t have a beard!” She giggled profusely, but he had settled down, watching her laugh for as long as he could.
“No, but you’ve got some glitter on that pretty face of yours.” He said as he touched her nose.
“Oh ya I was saving it for later,” She replied sarcastically  “you want some? Here.”
She gathered the glitter from her cheek and smeared it on Deans in a warrior fashion.
“‘We want a touchdown, We want a touchdown!’.” she giggled again making Dean’s heart melt for the 78th time in 2 hours.
“There now we’re matching. Only yours is cooler.” She had painted the glitter on his cheekbones as though he was watching the local unicorns win a football game.
She looked him in the eyes trying to gauge his reaction to her youthful behaviour, only to be met by stunningly green eyes that bore into her soul, a gentle smile on his face as he watched her intently. He hadn’t noticed he’d been staring and she didn’t say anything to deter him. Alternatively, in the heat of the moment, one may say, Y/N leaned over him and placed a tender kiss on his waiting lips. She hadn’t planned this by any means, though she had dreamt of it quite literally. He was her superhero fantasy in a way, or at least that’s how she would describe him. She had never dared allow herself to imagine Dean Winchester kissing back at all let alone in the tentative fashion that was the heaven she currently found herself in. His strong hand cradled her delicate features as he kissed her in return. Before he even had the chance to comprehend the situation she had pulled away and gotten off the hood of the car.
“Oh, gosh, Dean I’m so sorry I just, I don’t even know what that was, I’m so sorry I really didn’t mean to I promise.” She turned to him gracefully touching her lips where his lay mere moments ago. Dean was unsure what to say. He wanted to tell her it was okay. More than okay. He wanted to beg her to do it again. But she had promised him she hadn’t meant it leaving him to waver in his confidence. Maybe she really hadn’t meant it. Maybe she felt pity for him. Dean closed his eyes in sadness and anger. Running his hand through his tousled hair he said the only thing he could,
“It’s fine sweetheart, really.”
“So I haven’t gone and ruined our friendship in one fell swoop.” Y/N was breathing heavily desperate to fix what she believed she had nearly lost with a single stupid action.
Dean could feel his heart tighten in his chest, his eyes grew watery as he struggled to get his next words out.
“No, we’re just fine, don’t you worry about that.”
There was a pause before Y/N spoke hoping to alleviate the tension.
“Maybe we should just head back, hey Dean? Sam’s probably wondering where we went anyway.”
‘Stay with me. Be with me. Kiss me again, but this time don’t pull away, don’t apologize. Let me hold you again. Let’s look at the stars together and you can point out all your favourite while I watch your eyes scan over the sky. And then when you turn to me asking what my favourite star is, I’ll tell you I’m holding it. Tell you my favourite star is the brightest one I’ve ever seen, tell you that you are my favourite star, my favourite good morning my favourite goodnight. Favourite smile, laugh, voice, hug, hand to hold.’
Instead, he turned back to the car and got in without a word. If only he could bring the words in his head to the tip of his tongue. If only he could tell her the truth. Y/N knew they were going to have to talk about it but she feared the outcome of the conversation. Expecting Dean to never want to speak with her again. She had ruined the only relationship she had ever truly cared about.
The drive back we sparse of noise, save for the Zeppelin tape playing quietly on the stereo. Neither had dared make a sudden movement such as to turn off the tape, both relishing in the lack of conversation. Y/N had stolen a few glances at Dean noticing his big glossy eyes, wanting to explain herself and apologize once more, but refrained from doing so. It hurt her to see him this way though she didn’t understand. When they arrived at the motel, Dean parked Baby in front of their shared room, cutting off the engine. Neither one nor the other moved from their spot in Baby’s upholstery. Dean sat with his hands in lap staring down at them, too afraid to look Y/N in the eyes fearing that if he did he’d lose control; either kiss her without hesitation or break down and cry all the tears he’d been holding back. Both options were ones he’d like to avoid, and so without a word, he began to reach for the door handle just as she spoke.
“Dean, I’m really sorry, can we just forget about it please?”
“Would you stop apologizing!” He’d scared her, he could see it now as he’d turned to her with his outburst. Y/N had slumped down in her seat leaning against the door, arms over her body in hopes of shrinking and sheltering herself. Dean’s rage and unanticipated movement had shaken loose the tears that had been desperately clinging to his eyes. Sam opened the door to the motel emerging in his PJs no longer covered in glitter. The minor distraction had allowed for Y/N to slip out of the car and past Sam into the room.
“Dean? What happen, did I cock-block you.” Sam was laughing at the situation missing the tension between his brother and the girl he knew Dean had loved since she had burst her way into their life. “I heard the car pull up but no one came in so I came out to check and—“ Dean didn’t answer his little brother, shoving passed him into the room after locking Baby up for the night.  
The rest of the evening was filled with questioning glances from Sam and in return; angry and sad one from Dean and Y/N respectively. Dean took the couch mostly because he had already fallen asleep on it as had Y/N on the bed. When Sam was sure his brother was lost in his slumber, he proceeded to wake the girl that lay on the bed across from him. As she stirred he whispered at her pulling her from rest.
“Y/N? Wake up. We need to talk.”
Those words startled her awake, calling for Dean, thinking he was the one waking her to tell her that she couldn’t stay with them any longer.
“It just me Y/N relax. What happened to you guys, you ran off like a pair of giddy kids and came back the complete opposite. Explain.” “Sam, really, nothing happened. It was a stupid little mistake, I wasn’t thinking and made a mistake. It was an accident and now Dean is thoroughly pissed with me. I’ve tried apologizing but he yelled at me not to, so there isn’t much else to do. Tomorrow he’s gonna tell me to leave and I will. I don’t want more conflict than I’ve already conjured.”
“Okay first off; you’re both children, I don’t know what you did but considering no ones dead or injured he’ll get over it. Secondly; he’s not kicking you out ‘cause if he does I’m going with, just to prove how stupid he’s being, so that won’t happen, you don’t have to worry about that. And thirdly; would you just tell me what you did so I can better assess the situation?”
“I kissed him. We were looking a the stars and I — I looked at him and he was smiling at me and he looked happy and the feeling of him being happy in that situation, with me in his arms just the two of us, not a soul to be seen, it was overwhelming and I leaned over and kissed him without even thinking of how he might not want me to. About how we’re friends and I could ruin everything we have. I immediately jump off and apologized though, I thought I could still save that sliver of friendship I hadn’t destroyed but I was too late.”
Sam was chuckling as he hung his head shaking it.
“Sam it’s not funny. I can’t lose him, I can’t lose either of you.”
“He is such an idiot. Y/N was it spur of the moment, or have you liked him for a while. I wasn’t just a one-time thing was it.”
“That’s not the point Sam, I sacred him and ruined everything…”
“Scared him; yes, but he’s afraid of flying so that’s nothing special, ruined everything? Never, at least not with a kiss. And… that is the point, isn’t it, you like him that why you kissed him… I’ll talk to him”
“No! You can’t! If you do he’ll know I told you and that would just make it worse. Like I’d rather talk to his brother than him.”
“Don’t worry Y/N, I’ll just ask him what happened I won’t mention anything you told me. Promise. Go back to sleep, we can deal with this in the morning.”
With that, she laid her head on her pillow and did her best to drift back into the sleep she had been pulled from.
When Y/N awoke the next morning, Sam was only just putting on his running shoes. She glanced at the clock and groaned in response to the early hour.
“Morning Y/N.”
“Morning Sam.” She replied as she flopped back onto the bed. “You going for a run?”
“Yeah, should be back before he wakes up so…” He nodded in his brothers direction, huffing out a laugh at the uncomfortable-looking position Dean lay in.
“I’ll be fine Sam, don’t rush.”
Sam only nodded in acknowledgment waving at her as he closed the door behind him. Y/N took the morning slowly, inching out of the bed as quietly as she could to prevent waking the sleeping body. Y/N strode over to the coffee machine and set it up, turning it on only to jump and the loud noise it made. Her heart was racing as she bent over, bracing herself on her knees doing her best to calm her breathing. She instantly remembered Dean and looked over to see him tucking his gun back into his folded pants on the coffee table next to him.
“Sorry, Dean…”
“I told you to stop apologizing.” He sat on the couch rubbing the sleep from his eyes, sniffling a little. He glanced at the clock groaning at the early hour. If she hadn’t had just been startled she would laugh at the similarity of their actions which in turn would have made Dean happy because when she’s happy, he’s happy. But she didn’t.
“I was saying sorry for waking you up, not the k— not last night.”
“Right. Sorry…” Dean looked around the room noticing his brother wasn’t around to be a buffer. “Sammy go for his run?”
“Yeah, left maybe ten, fifteen minutes ago?”
“Great.” Y/N could only hear his word in a sarcastic tone making her think the worst. Dean got up as Y/N finished up making the coffee, making his way to the bathroom. He passed her in only his underwear and shirt, such were his PJs, jeans under his arm, running his hand over her shoulder and back, a customary occurrence with the two of them, though she had been on edge ever since the kiss, making her flinched under his touch. It didn’t go unnoticed as he looked at her. She opened her mouth to apologize again but before she could get the words out he snickers with a hand dismissing her ’sorry’ as he walked away. Dean entered the bathroom looking himself in the mirror momentarily. Cursing himself under his breath. He put on his pants and went to reach for the cups that were usually supplied at a motel only to remember that they had been placed by the coffee machine outside. When Dean opened the door he hadn’t expected to see her crying at the table with her cup of coffee, in fact, this was the first time he had ever seen her cry. She was always happy, always smiling or laughing, and most often both. It broke through the shell he had built up by trying to ignore her. Instantly, Dean rushed over and called for her, kneeling down next to her chair.
“Hey! Y/N, what’s wrong? What happened? Are you hurt?” As if Sams timing had a grudge against the eldest brother, the long-haired goon walked it all hot and sweaty from his run. Noticing Y/N right away his first reaction was to blame his brother given what Y/N had told him the night before.
“Dean, what did you do to her!?”
“What did ‘I’ do to her!?” He got up, facing his brother, his hand still on Y/N shoulder as she watched the brothers interaction. “Why do I always, always get the blame!” With that Dean grabbed his jacket his keys and his boots, walking out without even putting them on. Seconds later the sound of Baby turning over engulfed their ears followed by burning rubber, then silence. Y/N got up and followed Deans actions grabbing her jacket and boots though she put hers on before marching out to god knows where.
“Man those two better talk to each other before I rat ‘em both out.” Sam mumbled to himself before taking a shower and a coffee.
Dean drove and drove and drove for hours trying to work out a way to tell her, trying to work out her reaction to his confession. At the rate they were at now it seemed as though he was bound to lose her whether he spoke to her or not. He figured he was better off explaining himself and his reaction and lose her, then ironically driving her away with the fear of losing her. That was it, he had decided, he was going to go back to the motel and tell Sam to go for a walk so he could talk to her. With a plan in mind, he returned to the parking spot he was pulling out of earlier that day and making his way to the door dividing him from his future.
Meanwhile, Y/N walked. She hadn’t stopped, not realizing how long she had been walking until she lifted her head as her feet grew tired. She wasn’t far from the edge of town, no far off from where she had stupidly kissed him the night before. She laughed at her self conscious that had lead her here. She’d be at the spot in just under an hour had she kept walking but she was tired and rightfully so. Y/N spotted a bench in the park off the interstate and took a seat leaning her head back as she watched the sunset over the valley of kids on the playground. She’d had plenty of time to think between shops she’d stopped in to either look around and take her mind off things or find something to eat. She had established in her mind that whether she or Sam liked it, it was inevitable that she would be kicked out, if not she’d leave on her own. Y/N no longer wanted for Dean to be mad at her and so that was what she would do. She would move on, she had come to terms with that. But she wouldn’t leave without explaining herself to him first. She didn’t want to leave him in the dark anymore. As she pulled out her phone to call them for a lift — she wasn’t the biggest fan of walking back right now — she noticed the 13 missed calls from both Sam and Dean. Guilt washed over her but before she had the chance to call them back she heard the familiar purr of Baby’s engine. Y/N lifter her gaze from her phone to the tired and puffy eyes hanging out the window of the ’67 chevy. With one arm out the window he gestured for her to come over and she did. As she approached the car she held up her phone.
“Sorry, I was so in my head that I—“
“Y/N. Stop. Stop apologizing.” This time he wasn’t angry “Just stop apologizing and get in. We need to talk.” Dean was smiling shyly but his words had confirmed her notion. With shaky hands and a nearly defining pulse, she opened the passenger door and got in.  
“When I got back to the motel, Sammy asked me if you were with me and I panicked. We tried calling you but you wouldn’t pick up so I had Sammy track your phone.” Dean answered her unvoiced question as he pulled away from the curb, driving out of town.
“Where are you going the motels behind us.”
“I told you; we need to talk.”
“Yeah, but…” she didn’t want to argue with him more than she already had and so she turned back towards the open road he’d started on.  
He drove until he reached the gravel patch they had stopped at less than 24 hours ago.
“Dean I—“
“Wait just, Y/N I have to tell you something and I—“
“I need to go first, Dean. Please.” Dean nodded bracing his heart for the worst as they faced each other. It took her a minute to find the words, licking her lips when she would try to talk only to bite it back along with the words. Dean waited patiently because deep down he knew, or so he thought, how this would end, and the longer he had with her, even in the silence they sat in, was better than the anticipated ending.
“Dean, I’m sorry—“
“Sweetheart I already told you—“
“No, Dean just let me finish please I have to say this and if I don’t it’s just gonna eat away at me and I don’t want that.” Her eyes were squeezed closed half expecting another outburst half expecting herself to implode.
“Dean Winchester, I’m sorry for kissing you and making a mess of things. I know I shouldn’t have done it, I know I should have thought before I did anything stupid but evidently, I didn’t. It was impulsive. It just felt right in the moment with you looking at me, holding me against your warm body in the cold air I— you looked happy and part of me wanted to believe that I was the reason for the smile on your face and that same part of me was the one that made me kiss you. I wish I could say it was an accident but, honestly Dean, I’ve been dreaming about that kiss since about a week after we meet. I’m sorry I flinched after you touched my shoulder this morning. I just had it in my head that you were mad at me and I was already on edge Dean, it wasn’t ‘cause it was you. I was crying this morning because I thought you were going to kick me out and I really didn’t want that because you and Sammy are all I have.” Y/N was on the brink of crying for the second time today and she moved to exit the car abruptly. Dean followed her out just as fast wanting to console her but also to tell she has nothing to worry about. “I’m sorry I messed things up and I understand if you want me to leave. In fact, if I had been smart enough when leaving the motel after you this morning, I’d have brought my bag with me.” Her body shook as her tears blurred her vision of the man that stood in front of her. Had she been able to see him clearly she would have noticed his broken demeanour and the hurting expression on his face but alas.
“Are you done?” She could hear him choke back a sob and she looked up wiping her tears away with her sleeve as he did the same the one tear he let slip. All she did was nod.
“My turn then. I wasn’t the one to pull away from that kiss Y/N you were. You’re the one who freaked out right away. And then you went on saying you didn’t mean to. You know how that made me feel? Like you pitied me. Like I wasn’t someone you’d actually kiss. You were right though, you were the reason I was happy Y/N, you’re always the reason I’m happy. I wanted to tell you there and then that I love you that I wanted you to kiss me again but you — you were too concerned with saving our friendship. And I was too concerned about my own pride to tell you those things only to get rejected by the only one I’ve ever genuinely care about.” He looked down to his feet which he’d now focused on in between small glances at her or their surroundings, no longer able to hold her gaze. He knew he had to look at her now though. If anything was going to happen, it had to be initiated with eye contact. When he finally laid his eyes on her all he wanted to do was hold her, wipe her tears away, tell her everything was going to be okay. But he couldn’t, not this time, because this time he was the reason she’d been crying, though she’d stopped, and he knew that.
“You love me?” Accentuating her words as she pointed to Dean and then herself, hand still visibly shaking. He didn’t dare break eye contact as he nodded his reply and she nodded in return, processing his admission. She sniffled a little more wiping more at her eyes still nodding slightly unsure of how to proceed.
“You love me.” She said again and this time Dean laughed out a ‘yeah’ also wiping away the remainder of his tears.
“Okay, so Dean here’s the deal,” he looked at her with fear in his eyes still expecting rejection “I’m gonna kiss you again because I really want to and not because I pity you because you’re someone I want to kiss. And this time I’m not gonna pull away and apologize. Okay?” He nodded again and with shaky legs Y/N stepped forward and grabbed onto his collar pulling him closer. She placed her lips on his as her heart raced out of control. Dean kissed back instantaneously but took a few seconds to get his hand to move around her waist. The kiss wasn’t greedy or rushed rather desirous and mindful. Dean practically stumbled back taking her with him until his legs hit the car they had piled out of. Dean sat on the hood breaking the kiss to both catch his breath and to hold her closer, enveloping her in his embrace. He sat there hugging her closely as long as he could only pulling away a smidge to look her in the eyes to answer her question.
“You okay?” His eyes were on hers as he nodded.
“I’m sorry I made you cry. You never cry you’re always happy and then I come along and make you cry.” He brushed his thumb over her cheek as he whispered to her. She chuckled at him.
“You think I’m always happy?”
“Every time I see you you’re grinning from ear to ear.” He tucked some loose locks behind her ear.
“Dean, I’m ‘grinning ear to ear’ when I see you. I’m not always happy. Sure I may be more optimistic than some but I’m hardly always happy. You’re the one who makes me happy. I’m happy when you’re around.”
“Don’t sound so surprised Dean.” But he was surprised. Never could he imagine being the reason for someone else’s happiness. He looked at her and blushed.
“You’re blushing.” She smiled at him gracing his cheek with her delicate touch. Dean dropped his head to her shoulder in an effort to hid it and laughed into her jacket. Y/N pushed him back against the car and hopped up next to him leaning against him the same way she had the night before. Y/N looked back up to the sky and once again Dean watched her. She turned in his grip and looked at him, the same look on his face, smile and all, as the night before.
“You look happy.”
“It’s because of you.”
This time when she leaned over him and finally made contact she could feel him kiss back. Last time she had been too caught up in her own actions to register his response but this time she knew. This time she didn’t spring off him, didn’t apologize. She would tell him later that night that she loved him in return but for the time being, she cozied up into his body as they both look up at the sky. She pointed a few out, earning a chuckle here and there for her explanation and reasons she like those particular ones. Just as Dean played it out in his head the night before she turned to him. But what she said wasn’t what his mind had conjured up for him.
“But at the end of the day, you’re still my favourite star, Dean Winchester.”
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Lee Jaehyun x Kim Younghoon: Mistakes, Mistakes, and More Mistakes
Genre: Pure angst, The Slightest Fluff
Word Count: 3.4k
⚠️Warnings⚠️: Mentions of a Car Accident, Cheating, Manipulation, Slight Harassment, Swearing, (A lot of it) Happy ending!
"Dear Lee Jaehyun, I'm heartbroken that I have to tell you this but... I already know that you are cheating on me. It was no secret.. At the very least not well kept. Unfortunately, I also know that it's been going on for some time now. Why would you hide something like this from me? We promised to always be honest with each other but I guess that was another blatant lie. I'm going to try to make this short and sweet and not to pour my feelings out but I hope you live a good long life with your new girlfriend. As much as I want to hate you for what you've done to me, I will continue to root for you and be happy for you because I still care... and love you. I wish you the best of luck with the rest of your life, without me. Whenever you find this, whether it's years later, an hour later (after I've written this), or before you pass away. Just know I'll always be by your side.. Even if I'm not actually there. This is my last goodbye, I love you Hyunjae. Never forget me." - Jung Y/N
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It has been five years since you've last seen Hyunjae. And a lot has changed, you and Younghoon have gotten together after you left Hyunjae. Plus The Boyz disbanded, but they all still hang out every once in a while when they all have a chance. You heard that Hyunjae is still with his girlfriend, and they are planning on getting married soon. He also has 2 kids with her already. (Which you heard he regrets too) But one night, he had enough of her whining about wanting more kids so he took a walk around the park hoping to get some fresh air. Instead, he got heartache at the sight of you on the swing with Kevin, Jacob, and Eric surrounding you. 'She looks sad.' Hyunjae thought. "Please guys, just- just go away! I'm sorry but I'm not in the mood to talk about my situation with Younghoon." Right as Jacob went to reply, the rest of the group came running out trying to stop Younghoon from going near you. "Sorry Y/n," Sangyeon panted. "We tried to stop him but he ran really fast to get to you." You shook your head, "It's okay. Just please give me some time alone." Younghoon disagreed, "Listen, it's not over for me." A warm sensation that rolled down your face distracted you. You didn't know you were actually crying until Younghoon softly wiped the tears away, bringing you into his embrace. "I'm so sorry baby, I really do love you." He whispered under his breath. He's right, he does love you but he's not in love with you, and that's the problem. "Please just get away from me!" You shouted at him as you yanked your wrist back, freeing yourself from his grip. "Seriously Younghoon, don't say something you know you don't mean." You sighed heavily. The rest of the group was quiet, not saying anything nor moving an inch. You pointed your index finger at them, "I knew you all were cowards but I didn't know you were all idiots. Did you really think you could hide him cheating on me with who I thought was my best friend?.. Did you!?" You screamed the last part, your hands gripping your hair in frustration. "I can't believe you all... I can't believe all of you actually covered up his lie." Sangyeon sighed deeply, "Y/n.. I promise it was a mistake we dared him to ask her out, it wasn't-" You felt the anger rise to an unbearable point. "A MISTAKE? A FUCKING MISTAKE!? A DARE ISN'T A MISTAKE YOU-! IT'S ALL YOUR GUY'S FAULT!" You yelled before, stopping to take a deep breath. Then collapsing on the ground, tears brimming your eyes. "I'm so fucking done. I've said enough." You sniffed before getting up, ignoring your scratched-up hands and knees. "Will you at least spend the night at our place? I-It's really late! If you won't let us do that at least let us or one of us take you home." Jacob pleaded, looking extremely guilty. "No. I don't want anything from you guys anymore, you've done enough damage as it is." He sighed heavily, his hands running through his hair. Trying to rack his brain to think of excuses to get you to stay. Hyunjae felt like he was watching a drama, he felt as though he could do nothing to help. So he decided to leave you and the boys alone, being the same coward you left years ago. 
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You roamed the streets searching for a place to sit. Finally, you reached a closed restaurant with seats outside. You let out a deep sigh, feeling tears in your eyes as you remembered the night's events. 
It was just a normal movie night that you were having with the boys. You were enjoying it but something felt...wrong. It wasn't until Younghoon's phone rang several times and refused to tell you who it was that you started feeling unsettled. When you saw the boys exchange eye contact multiple times in a row, that also made you suspect them. You tried to relax and tell yourself that you were making things up in your head but as soon as he went to the bathroom, you grabbed his phone straight away. The boys weren't paying attention otherwise they probably would've taken it from you. But right as you picked it up you saw a text from 'Minju.' My best friend? He surely isn't cheating on me with her, right? But when you actually read the text, that thought changed almost instantly.
Minju💕💌: Hey sexy, why aren't picking up my calls? Poor thing, your shit girlfriend is probably making the worst love to you right now, so I'll leave you be and call later 💞 
You remember feeling sick to your stomach when reading that message. Thousands of awful thoughts went through your head. You knew that Younghoon was aware of your insecurity about him hanging around pretty girls all the time (or so you thought) but even with that, you still trusted Minju because she was your best friend and had a fiancée of her own. Wonder what happened to that... But you remember wanting to yell at Younghoon when he got out of the bathroom, instead you calmly handed him his phone and then texted him on your phone. Saying this.. 
My One And Only🥰: "I trusted you. And you, plus Minju both broke my trust. Please don't contact me ever again." 
He suddenly looked up at you in shock, trying to grab your wrist but couldn't. You quickly got up from your seat, grabbing your keys, phone, and bag. Rushing to get out the door, stuffing the others thing inside your bag. "Hey, Y/n!" Was the last thing you heard before running out of the apartment. 
Suddenly a cold presence beside you brought you out of your thoughts. "Hey there, pretty lady. Wanna come back to my home with me?" Your face scrunched up in dismay. "No thank you." He smiled before caressing your cheek, making you cringe even more. "Aw sweetie, don't be shy. Come on!" The stranger grabbed your wrist, then pulled you closer inches away from your face. You tried to push him away but he wouldn't budge. "Ugh, I said no-" He then fell to the ground. An unknown figure punching him until he was unconscious. "She said no... asshole." Your eyebrows furrowed when you heard the familiar voice. You gasped when you looked up, "Sunwoo?" He nodded, patting your head gently, then quietly asking if you were okay. "I-I'm fine, thank you.. What made you come back to look for me? I thought you guys didn't care whether I was okay or not." You spoke quietly, slouching back in the chair. "The rest might not, but I certainly do.. A-anyways Y/n, look, even though we all messed up in one way or another, you shouldn't hold a grudge for too long because before you know it something bad might happen and you won't be able to say a proper goodbye." You nodded quietly, taking in what he just told you. But, Minju and Younghoon don't deserve to have their apologies accepted. Before you could thank him for his wise advice, he got a sudden phone call. "Hello?" Sunwoo's face dropped, "They're where!? I-In the hospital?.. A-alright, I'll be there as soon as possible, thank you." He bit his lip before rapidly explaining the situation. "Come on, we need to go now!" 
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The sounds of shoes squeaking against the tile flooring made you wince a bit but you ignored it. Sunwoo quickly went up to the front desk in a hurry. "Excuse me, I was the guy you were talking to early on the phone, do you mind telling us where rooms 126 and 127 are, please?" The front desk staff nodded and got up from her seat as we followed her steps to the rooms. 'Rooms'? I thought to myself. 'There's more than one person hurt'? I chewed on my bottom lip nervously, suddenly remembering my own cuts and scrapes from earlier. "Here's the first room, the second room is right next door." Sunwoo bowed to the woman and thanked her before hurriedly opening it, revealing Sangyeon in the hospital bed with cuts and bruises, as well as more than a few casts on his body making you physically and mentally hurt. "Y-Y/n!" He panted out, as I ran to him. "Don't force it, just relax!" I spoke softly while stroking his head. "I-I'm so sorry." You tilted your head, "F-for what?" You were shaking until he grasped your hands gently. "Younghoon's situation... I promise we didn't mean to do it on purpose- well, we did but we didn't think he'd actually make the move on her, but-" You sat there absentmindedly listening, blinking slowly. "You know, you're just making it worse for yourself.." He sighed heavily, "I'm aware, I'd just like to apologize for all of it," He placed his right hand on your cheek, making some tears fall down your face. "Oh gosh no, please don't cry! You are too pretty to cry." You both laughed at his comment. "I forgive you Sangyeon... Just don't even do this again! By the way, what actually did happen for you to get into this shape-" The door suddenly burst open making you jump which made Sangyeon laugh, "Y/n! Someone wants to see you." You didn't even notice Sunwoo left the room so you were puzzled to see him at the door. "Who?" You faintly asked. Sunwoo shrugged, "You'll have to see for yourself." He smirked slightly, walking out of the room to somewhere else. You looked back at Sangyeon, asking him permission to go with your eyes, him nodding in response. "You are free to go and come back." He smiles wholeheartedly. You thanked him and quickly sprinted out the door, seeing Sunwoo go into another room, but it wasn't room 127. You furrowed your eyebrows for a quick moment before shrugging it off, speed-walking into the next room. Before you went into the room you peeked in the little hole at the top of the door. You saw a few of the boys in the room surrounding the unknown person. You sighed dejectedly before opening the door as quietly as possible, except the creaking of the door gave it away as everyone turned to you. "Heh- Hi guys..." You cleared your throat as you awkwardly waved at them. Jacob jumped up and ran to you, "Oh thank Irene your okay!" He beamed at you making you smile back at him in return. "So, who brought you here then?" Kevin questioned. You turned toward the door expecting to see Sunwoo but he wasn't there. "Um.. Sunwoo did. He said it was an emergency so we rushed here." You looked down at the ground, feeling slightly unsettled. As you were looking down you saw a note on the ground that had "Dear Y/n," written on it. You heard some shuffling in the room so you quickly stepped on the note, preventing anyone else from seeing and taking it since it had your name on it. "Y/n-ah, are you okay?" Juyeon asked gently, placing his hand on your shoulder. You nodded, looking back up at him. Before you could register everything, you saw Younghoon lying in the hospital bed. You gasped and covered your mouth, moving closer towards the door, completely forgetting about the note. "You look like you've seen a ghost, are you sure you're alright?" Juyeon’s hand that was on your shoulder was now on your waist. "Yes, I'm great! I, uh- will be right back!" You reassured them before quickly running out of the room. You searched for the room that Sunwoo went in earlier. Finally reaching room 103, you slowly crept into the room seeing Hyunjae this time. But before any anger could fill you up, you paused seeing him also covered in cuts and bruises just the same as Sangyeon (if not, worse) as well as stuck in casts and wrapped up with bandages too. He was fast asleep so you didn't want to wake him up but you walked closer, still being intrigued by him as you always were. With the door suddenly opening plus the sound of a group of voices you knew sounded familiar, you quickly ran and hid in the closet. "Do you know where Y/n went? I can't seem to find her anywhere." Whoever he was talking to must've shaken their head judging by the fact they weren't talking. "I don't know either Sunwoo, just let her be. She doesn't deserve to see any of them anyway but Jacob said that she visited them and then ran off." I gasped slightly, which almost gave away my position, except right when I gasped the door flung open. "GUYS COME ON LET'S EAT!" Eric came bursting through the door, his loud voice making me jump a little. But while they were busy talking and deciding what to eat, I was trying to figure out what to do. Visit Younghoon and set the record straight, ask Sangyeon what happened for them to all end up in the hospital, or confront Hyunjae about all of the circumstances. Since you were in Hyunjae's room at this very moment you decided on the latter. You slowly opened the closet as soon as you heard the door close. Seeing the boys right outside the room made the adrenaline rush in you. Once again you quickly made your way back to the chair that was by his bed. You sighed heavily, taking his hand in your own. "I'm sorry Hyunjae for this mess. You should've never dated me... I caused this accident, didn't I?" You looked up to see him still asleep before sighing heavily once again. You started to feel yourself getting sleepy, and the next thing you know you are passed out while laying your head on the bed. Little did you know, Hyunjae was fully awake just pretending to be asleep and as soon as you closed your eyes he started stroking your hair softly, eventually making him sleepy and then falling asleep too.
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Once you woke up, you went to get up from your seat, but you felt the warmth of his hand around your wrist. "Don't go." His voice was faint, hoarse, and barely audible, but it was just enough for you to be able to hear it. You quickly turned around to see him struggling to sit up. You quickly helped him, not wanting him to struggle "H-Hyunjae..." You choked out, not being able to say much. "I'm okay Y/n. I know this came as a shock but it's alright." He softly stroked your cheek as the tears that were previously being built up finally fell down. Before either of you could say another word the door opened, revealing Chanhee, Sunwoo, Kevin, and Changmin. You quickly stood up, trying to excuse yourself from the room except none of the boys would let you. You looked down in shame, "Listen, I know-" Changmin shoved you as he was walking toward Hyunjae's hospital bed. "Oh sorry, didn't see you there." You could sense the sarcasm of his voice from a mile away. "Changmin! Apologize, right now! I didn't become the leader only for you to treat other people like human trash." Sangyeon was now in a wheelchair with Jacob wheeling him. Jacob was shaking his head in disapproval. "He's right Changmin, apologize to Y/n she did nothing wrong." Changmin was furious, "Nothing wrong?!? She was the one that put you in that god-damn wheelchair Hyung!" Sangyeon sighed, "That was my fault for not looking before crossing a busy road, Changmin. It's far from her fault, now let's just go eat-'' You quickly stood up in shock, "You got hit by a car!?" Kevin stopped you, "Well, not exactly. He was hit by a truck, a cargo truck to be exact." Your jaw dropped to the ground. Then turning to face Sangyeon. "Did you really?" Changmin inhaled sharply, "Are you fucking serious! Y/n, you left years ago with Younghoon without telling us a single word. Then you suddenly showed up saying you had a week in Korea to come to visit us rather than finding out that he was cheating on you only to be left by yourself... Sunwoo should have left you on the street." Sangyeon got up from his wheelchair, making Jacob panic. "CHANGMIN! THIS BEHAVIOR IS COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE. LEAVE THE ROOM NOW!" You had covered your mouth in shock from everything that had just happened. Jacob brought Sangyeon back into his wheelchair, then took him and Changmin out of the room. Kevin and Chanhee called for the doctor to check on Hyunjae, and finally Sunwoo. He helped you stand up again after you fell down to your knees. "Are you okay?" He asked softly. You shook your head, "I don't know.. I think I should just go. Changmin just proved my point anyways, Hyunjae is better off without me and so is Younghoon plus Sangyeon won't have to worry about this kind of thing happening again at least!" Your broken voice gave away the fact that you were pretending to be okay. “Y/n, you don’t have to pretend in front of me, and you’re all wrong..” You tilted your head at him in confusion, “What do you mean?” He smiled softly at you, “We all care for you and Changmin is just speaking out of frustration. You know that he is never like this but either way just know, that we will support any decision you make.” You nodded, “I know what I’m gonna do.”
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Epilogue: You so clearly remember hearing the wedding bells as the small children scream with joy and the clapping of everyone else at the ceremony made your heart swell with happiness. As well as vividly remembering when Hyunjae proposed to you with your mom’s ring, it was a very emotional time not knowing how his kids would feel but he said ‘they’ll love you, I’m sure.’ You knew you made the right decision, even though Hyunjae cheated and had kids with another woman we both knew she was far from the one. Minju was the one that played both Younghoon and Hyunjae at the same time. When she was getting arrested for multiple charges, she confessed that she purposely broke us up just to get me to hate him and get his money. The funny thing is, she was getting Younghoon to be her fucktoy while Hyunjae was her source of income. It all made sense, the note that you found back at the hospital was Younghoon explaining everything he knew. It said that Hyunjae still loved you and was unhappy in his relationship, Minju was playing them both but Hyunjae was so stubborn he couldn’t believe it and also that you deserved to be happy with who you choose to end up with. So even though you managed to choose Hyunjae over Younghoon he was equally as supportive as the rest of the boys saying that we belonged together. His kids were so happy to have me as their new mother, it made me so ecstatic that they were just as happy as Hyunjae to have me back, saying that Minju was just ‘plain evil’ which always made you laugh. You knew that everything fit in place now, after all these years. You were the missing puzzle piece.
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