#Gryfindor Tower
handledwithgloves · 6 months
thinking about drarry x borrowers eighth year au
where theyre paired together for a potions experiment and harry, without supervision, messed up the potion by adding the wrong ingredient and started throwing in random stuff until it looked similar to what they needed then both harry and draco drank it to test it out turning them very small then they go on an adventure exploring hogwarts, fighting rats, and trying to find someone who could help them lol
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the0doreslover · 1 year
Hi do you still do requests if so i have an odd one for you.
Ravenclaw reader has a headache and asks for a remedy from one of the Gryffindors, Fred gives her a Potion in a bottle that she drinks all of it. It's not until her second lesson that she starts feeling funny, she realized it's a combo of LSD and water so she trippin. She normally quite shy and reserved. Realising she cant concentrate she skips her lessons and stays at the tower where's she meets Theodore Nott and is giggling like a child. He finds it amusing and she confesses he situation.
chemical romance
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it may of been the fact that you hadn’t been sleeping very well for the past couple of nights but you woke up with a splitting headache, causing you to wince in pain at every slight movement you made.
You had just about made it out of bed and into the great hall when you took a seat at whatever table was closest.
you ended up on the gryfindor table surrounded by some of your friends
“you look like shit” ron laughed
“thank you ron, always so sweet”
“what’s going on with you?” hermione asked genuinely curious for her friend
“my head is killing me” you explained
“freddy don’t we have something for that?” george asked his brother with a smile
“are you talking about our new and improved headache remedy” fred replied a bit to animatedly
“i’ll honestly take anything”
“anything?” they asked at the same time making you regret your statement
“don’t do it y/n you can’t trust them” harry piped in
“thanks for your concern harry but i’d literally take slugs if that got rid of this headache”
“if you want we can give you slugs as well” george smiled
“don’t test me”
after breakfast you followed the twins to their dorm and sat quietly on george’s bed while you waited for them to cure you
a few minutes later they came out with a bottle, after pouring it into a cup you were shooed out of their dorm
“so i just drink this?”
“yeah, drink you won’t know what hit you”
you were about to ask what they meant by that before you saw the door being shut in your face
“well, thank you” you shouted at the door hoping they could hear.
wasting no time you quickly gulped back the liquid and started walking to your class.
Potions, one of the most long lessons in your timetable.
you were currently trying to brew a sleeping draught with seamus finnigan while also waiting for your medicine to take effect.
once snape assessed your potion you sat back down and closed your eyes for a second
“hey y/n what are you doing after classes?” you heard seamus ask you
opening your eyes you froze at the change in scene, your vision started going fuzzy, you blinked a few times to try and fix it but instead it made it worse. Now things were breathing?
you couldn’t focus on what seamus was asking you, and instead were just trying to understand what was happening to you.
“i was wondering if you would like to hang out?” his voice echoed like a loud microphone
you looked down at your hand and watched as it left a trail as you waved it. Looking back up remembered a book you read last year on muggle-
those ginger twits gave you drugs.
luckily for you it wasn’t that high of a dose but despite that you still were finding it hard to concentrate on anything.
“so what do you say?” seamus asked again while that question rung in your mind sounding quite odd
you laughed, not on purpose, you swear
“you don’t have to? no need to laugh at me” he grumbled
you quickly shot up attracting some eyes of other students
“sir i need to leave” you said with a smile looking at a random student who looked a lot like snape.
“i’m over here miss L/n, what is the reason?”
you tried your best to locate where he said that from and quickly thought of an excuse
“i’m not feeling well!” you laugh and accidentally said to loud before giving up and quickly grabbing your things ready to shoot out the door.
snape had just about excused you, not believing your situation as you laughed in his face, once you had been allowed to go you wandered the hallways shouting insults aloud
“stupid weasleys, that’s illegal!”
“how dare they give me drugs”
“i’m going to kill them”
despite your anger you couldn’t stop yourself laughing
you shortly found yourself at the entrance of the astronomy tower.
finding no point in going to your next lesson you went up the stairs.
you found looking at the floor quite interesting to be honest, the way the tiles were moving was quite calming to you
you were still grumbling insults towards the twins when you got to the tower
“you alright?”
you jumped at the voice and quickly looked up, despite your vision being a bit off you could make out the face of the slytherin, Theodore nott.
“yeah” you laughed
you both started at each other in awkward silence before you burst into laughter yet again
“did i say something funny?” he looked amused
“not you” you smiled
“this is the most i’ve heard you say in all the years i’ve shared classes with you”
“haha very funny” you said trying to be sarcastic but ending up laughing your ass off “i’m sorry, i really am sorry”
“no way” he said, his eyebrows raising and mouth turning up into a grin
you of course could barely make out the objects around you
“what?” you asked
“you’re on drugs!” he said and this time it was his turn to laugh
“no no no” you said trying to keep a straight face but failing miserably starting a chain of laughter between the two of you
“i cannot believe this! Y/n L/n is on dr-”
you quickly shot forward and tried to put your hand on his mouth, but ended up covering his eyes
“no one can ever know this” you whispered while he nodded
“what did you take?” he asked
“i…. don’t know?” you grinned
“you’re funny” he replied
“trust me, i’m not i’m only interesting right now because i’m on drugs… wait am i going to become a drugaholic? shit i’m a drug addict!” you panicked suddenly not finding the situation funny
he sat down leaning against the railing while you followed.
“you’re definitely in the panicking stage but don’t worry i think you have to drugs everyday to be a drug addict” he smiled “you’re fine”
you smiled back and almost forgot, you were actually talking to a slytherin!
almost forgot
“i shouldn’t be talking to you” you said turning away from him
“oh yeah? why’s that”
“you don’t like my friends” you answered
“can’t i not like you’re friends and like you?”
“it doesn’t work like that” you said looking back at him now
“why can’t we make it work?” he said softly
“you know i have barely been able to see your face this whole time” you laughed changing the subject
“why’s that?” he asked
“your blurry”
you both bursted into laughter again
“we should go somewhere else, there’s a class in here next”
“we? no i’m going to sleep this off, have fun going somewhere else” you said beginning to walk away. You felt him grab your hand, turning to face him he smiled
“for the record i always found you interesting”
he let go then walked right past you
you watched his figure go down the stairs and stood frozen for a minute
“wait theodore! i can’t go down these stairs, i could just about go up them, i’ll fall and die!”
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lamemaster · 5 months
From One World to Another
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Request: Please spin the wheel for Aegnor 🛐🥺
Pairing: Aegnor x Reader
Genre: Hogwarts au (yaaaay)
AN: Thanks for requesting 🥹I am befuddled by how well this fits (What in the Hell is Happening Event) Last day tmr
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"The mudbloods are at it again," Celegorm snorted, a sneer twisting his perfect features. Aegnor rolled his eyes and glanced out the window, where you stood under the shade of a towering oak with your friend.
You were lost in one of those strange dances the humans called TikToks, your movements surprisingly graceful despite the odd rhythm.
Aegnor couldn't help but admire it. Unlike the elves, bound by tradition and cautious with their magic, humans like you embraced life with reckless abandon.  He longed to understand that world, a yearning that gnawed at him despite his upbringing.  A world he could only glimpse through stolen glances at the strange glowing device you called a phone.
Elves, with their long memories and deep respect for tradition, found themselves drawn to Slytherin.  Though some outliers existed, like Elrond, a Ravenclaw scholar obsessed with elven lore, Slytherin's green banner often fluttered above elven dwellings.
Humans, with their fleeting lives, burned brighter.  Gryffindor, the house of the brave, housed the vast majority.  But there were exceptions – a cunning Hufflepuff pioneer known for his loyalty to his coven, and a Ravenclaw witch whose fascination with magical flora rivaled any elves. 
This Gryffindor bravery, however, wasn't always viewed favorably by the elves.  Many elven elders often scoffed at their recklessness, a stark contrast to the calculated actions favored by his people.
Dwarves, with their insatiable thirst for knowledge and mastery of craft, naturally gravitated towards Ravenclaw. Their halls echoed with debates on engineering marvels and the secrets hidden within the earth. 
Finally, the Hobbits found a home in Hufflepuff. Their love for community, loyalty to their kin, and dedication to the simple pleasures of life resonated deeply with the house known for its badger sigil.
A pang of longing twisted within Aegnor. He yearned for a glimpse into your world, a world documented on those strange glowing rectangles humans called "phones."  He knew it was a forbidden desire, an act frowned upon by most elves. Only his Uncle Feanor, a surprising and rare elven Gryfindor dared to dabble in such human contraptions.
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Sitting in the back row, the only sliver of sunlight stubbornly fighting its way through a cracked window was Snape's nemesis. Aegnor sighed, flipping through his well-worn textbook filled with elven script that seemed to dance before his eyes.
The acrid scent of burnt Bubotuber pus mingled with the sweet aroma of gillyweed, a constant reminder of the strange concoctions brewing around him
Snape's incessant droning about cauldron safety did little to alleviate his growing boredom. Suddenly, a cacophony of crashing metal and sputtering flames erupted from across the room, followed by Snape's scathing pronouncement, "Five points from Gryffindor!"
Aegnor winced, his gaze briefly flickering towards the source of the commotion.  There, you stood, exiled from the Gryffindor table amidst a chorus of giggles.
You were a whirlwind of Gryffindor red and mischief, your hair escaping its usual braid.  Without a moment's hesitation, you marched towards Aegnor, a mischievous glint sparkling in your eyes.
"Mind if I join you guys?" you chirped, settling down on the empty stool beside him before he could even formulate a response. 
Before he could stammer a response, his sister, Galadriel, cut in with a frosty, "How about no."
Aegnor felt the urge to glare at his sister. He stole a glance at you, half-expecting you to wilt under Galadriel's icy stare. 
Instead, you met her gaze with a playful glint in your eyes, a barely suppressed smile tugging at the corner of your lips. "Cool, glad that we agree," you replied shaking his hand. 
A sheepish grin spread across your face as you leaned closer to Aegnor, your voice barely a whisper. "Mind sharing the textbook?" you pleaded, a hint of desperation lacing your tone. 
Your own copy lay abandoned on the desk, its pages marred by a splatter of what could only be some sort of disastrous purple goo. 
For a moment, Aegnor felt a flicker of surprise, a jolt of something akin to shyness as you invaded his personal space. He wasn't used to such casual closeness, especially not with someone from Gryffindor.
He stole a glance at his sister, Galadriel. Her lips were pursed in disapproval, a silent reminder of the boundaries he was teetering on.  
But something, perhaps the endearing lack of inhibition in your eyes, won him over. With a barely audible sigh, he shifted the book closer to you, his voice a low murmur as he mumbled the instructions Snape had droned on about mere moments ago.
And that is how his world collided with yours. Reforming itself for the eternity of his life.
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marauderswolf22 · 2 years
Sirius: *drunk after christmas eve in the gryfindor tower*
Remus: how did you do that, there was only water!
Sirius: i don't know too!
Sirius: it's stronger than me!
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jpg-of-dorian-slay · 1 year
ok my love for remus lupin knows no bounds BUT LISTEN. yes sirius was a disaster but remus was just as chaotic as he was. i don’t want to hear any more quiet studious good boy remus things NO. yes he liked reading but he would ruin books, bend the spines, dog ear them, the works. he’s sarcastic as all fuck no one is safe. he comes up with the best pranks partly bc he’s smart partly bc he’s petty and vengeful and the other marauders are in awe of his mind but also mildly terrified. ALSO he’s not conventionally attractive get that out of here. is he the cassanova of gryfindor tower? yes without a doubt. is he hot? NO well like yes he is but he’s just a funky looking guy with massive scars and rumpled hair and he’s lopsided idek how a person can be lopsided but he is. there is something distinctly off about him that everyone is drawn to and half the castle is just in love with him. he’s prone to fits of rage, not very often but he will punch a bitch. sirius likes to say that they’re punk but they are NO SUCH THING. it’s their boyfriend, their tea drinking book reading boy friend who’s the punk. he’s also insnaly oblivious hust in so many ways. god i love him but pls pls hes such a moron, such an utter disaster, i just want to shake him.
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malachitezompofficial · 11 months
Thunder Struck (H. Potter x Oc)
In which Jacqueline Williams falls in love with Harry potter on a thunder struck night.
"The sky matches your forehead" she points out laughing
"Just shut up and kiss me" he responds laughing
0.1 (Thunder!)
It was a rainy night in the Hogwarts castle as Jacqueline Williams walked to the Astronomy Tower. Usually, it was just her there as she day dreamed about a boy in her charms class. He is popular, well liked, and to be quite frank famous to much of the wizarding world. He has messy brown hair and round glasses, which were always dirty. His lightning scar on his forehead stood out. Not to mention, he belonged to the house of Gryfindor. His name was Harry James Potter.
The girl sighed as she began to walk up the steps of the very tall and lonely tower. No one was supposed to be there tonight sense it was a rainy and foggy night so class was canceled. She smiled as she looked up to see she  was already almost up the stairs.
That's when she noticed a boy sitting at the top of the tower alone and looking quite distraught. He two had messy brown hair from what the girl could see sense she hadn't been able to see his face yet. He was facing away from her as she walked over to him.
"Oh um scuse me am I interrupting you?" Jacqueline questioned as the boy turned around and was in fact Harry Potter
"Oh sorry no um care to join me?" he asked rather awkwardly
"Yeah that'd be nice" She responded with a kind soft smile feeling like her body was floating she walked towards him
"I'm Harry" he said with a goofy smile which made her heart skip a beat
"I'm Jacqueline we have charms together" the girl said smiling back hoping she didn't just make a fool of herself
"We do! You're the girl who's bloody brilliant, " he said as if it was so obvious
"Oh, thank you, Hermoines, much better than I am, however," the girl laughed sheepishly, not expecting to be complimented by a guy she liked this entire night was strange yet oddly enjoyable?
"Suppose so" he said turning his gaze back to the rain
Jacqueline sat down next to him and looked off into the distance as well. If you looked close enough you could see small bits of lightning off in the distance. It was quite far out but it was decently loud.
"Thunder!" Jacqueline exclaimed happily to herself
"Mhm" Harry responded with a yawn looking quite tired
"You tired?" Jacqueline asked concern washing over her voice like a wave to a beach
What a stupid question to ask of cource he's tired Jacqueline thought to herself
"Yeah but I'd like to stay and talk to you" Harry said softly smiling as his head dropped slightly
He was clearly going to pass out at any moment from exhaustion and Jacqueline didn't have the arm strength nor desire to carry a sleeping Harry back to Gryffindor dorm.
"Why don't I walk you back so we can talk a little bit and then you can go to sleep" Jacqueline tried to compromise
The boy thought for a moment before nodding and agreeing and getting up. The girl followed and they walked down the Astronomy Tower together.
"So why did you wanna keep talking to me" the girl asked nervously as the pair wandered the halls her curiosity getting to the better of her
It wasn't everyday you get to talk to the boy you daydream about especially when that boy happens to be someone you may or may not have a crush on. Full disclosure she totally did.
"Your rather cute and it's not everyday you meet cute girls at the top of the Astronomy tower" Harry responded yawning once again sleep transparent and intertwining with his voice
Jacqueline blushed with wide eyes as they arrived at the Gryffindor painting. This was possibly one of the best moments of the year. Or her life for the matter as she never imagined getting the opportunity to talk to Harry. Let alone receive compliments it felt as though her dreams were mixing with reality.
"I'll see you tomorrow Jacqueline" Harry said stating the password and making his way back to his dorm for the night
Jacqueline smiled as she made her was to Hufflepuff dorm. She climbed into her bed not bothering to change falling asleep soundly as she dreamed about tonight's event.
Harry Potter called her cute
A/N I have more to add but I'm not sure if it'll be requested or not 🤷‍♀️
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another try…..
no warnings! I’m just trying to make a fanfic that’s not all smutty and angst-y (idk if that’s a word)
Who could’ve thought that a 5th year gryffindor, part of the golden quartet, be in this position? Except you knew how, you stayed behind in the library to cram some last minute studying for Snapes exam. Trying to not give him a reason to fail your O.W.L, when a sudden tall shadow towered over you and said “libraries closed, out, “Madam Pince, you thought with an eye roll.
“Okay….. I’m going” you grumbled as you packed up your things. You left the library and felt Madam Pince’s glaring eyes staring you down. As you made your way to the gryfindor common room you felt as if there still was eyes staring you down, you could feel a chill creep up on your neck. As you turned into the final corridor you got pull aside into an old broom cabinet by a pair of strong hands. You struggled to get free and got pushed into the wall, your eyes met the mysterious pair of brown eyes staring back at you. “What are you doing?” You asked Mattheo…
“You‘ll see” He replied
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sketchguk · 10 months
It is so cold today so I started wondering, how would gryfindor soonyoung and hufflepuff mingyu react to mc falling sick ? what are the differences in the way they react, and how would mc react to them caring for her? sorry if you are not taking questions on the au anymore ! hope you are feeling warm today <3
Hope you're staying warm !! I, on the other hand, have gotten sick :'( I need a doting partner to take care of me !!! Where is my mingyu, where is my soonyoung !!!
Mingyu is such a natural caretaker. If mc is sick, he is instantly in the kitchen, cooking her favorite soup. He'd sit by her bedside and spoon feed her, even if she stubbornly refuses. Mingyu would constantly tell mc to rest because she simply cannot sit still. She has to revise, do her homework, practice her spells, return to work at the library, water her plants because who will take care of them if not her?! But rest assured, Mingyu has it all covered <3
He's already made a copy of his class notes and set it aside on her desk. He tabbed all of her references so that she could use them for her assignments and practice her spells for another day. It didn't take Mingyu much begging to get Wonwoo to cover her shift at the library. In exchange, he just needs to clean the dorm and cook his dear roommate dinner every night for the next week :-) He would gladly do it all over again to ease the workload off of mc!! Anything for his bestie !
As for the plants, Mingyu rarely steps into the greenhouse because he's... dare I say... a bit too large to be in such a cramped space knowing how clumsy he is. But he's committed. He took mc's herbology notes and diligently watered her plants accordingly
She is so impressed with everything Mingyu has done for her. Of course, she's even more smitten. If her face is getting a bit warm, then blame the sickness!! Mingyu is quick to act because he'll grab a glass of water to make sure she's hydrated. He'll even wet a towel and dab it across her skin to reduce her temperature
Mingyu would stay the night to make sure there's always someone to take care of her. He'd climb into bed and wrap his arms around her to keep her warm :-( She gets flustered because she feels snotty and gross, and her crush is barely an inch away !!! She doesn't want him to get sick !! But he doesn't seem to care as he pets her hair and hums her to sleep, reminding her that she's still the prettiest girl in the world
Soonyoung is... well, he's Soonyoung. He doesn't know how to cook. He barely knows how to boil a pot of water. He isn't studious like mc, so how could he possibly be of help to her? But what Soonyoung doesn't know how to do, he makes up for in spirit
He'd fly to the ravenclaw tower, hovering outside her bedroom. He'd drop off a treat with a sweet note (probably something punny with a tiger drawing), knock on the pane glass, and duck away just to see her reaction in the shadows. Mc knows that she shouldn't have ice cream and chocolate, and Mingyu definitely advised against it. But they're her favorite! How could she refuse?
There's a smile on her face as she takes the treat and closes the window. But moments later, there's another knock on the glass and another treat left behind (with another sweet note)! Surely, Soonyoung's pockets are full of snacks. Thankfully, she entertains him and accepts his gifts before finally begging him to show his face and just come inside because it's cold!
Soonyoung's goal is to make sure she's happy and smiling even when she doesn't feel her best. So he plays games with her and tells her funny stories that she missed from class. Soonyoung even offers updates on events that she missed like the student union bake sale (it's not the same without her cookies) and his latest quidditch match (he searched for her in the stands, but she wasn't there). She promises that she'll go to the next game when she feels better
It's well into the night, and mc is half asleep. Soonyoung thinks it's best to return to his dorm. But mc protests with tired eyes. She tells him that he doesn't have to go so soon (he's been there for hours). It leaves Soonyoung feeling giddy :) He doesn't wanna go either, yet he tucks her into bed, pushing her hair out of her face. And he climbs out the window once again, flying back to the gryffindor tower. He keeps himself up all night just replaying the memories <3 and the way she flashes her pretty smile
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zukoinmypocket · 1 year
i think people foundationally misunderstand the whole casanova of gryfindor tower thing. like it’s supposed to be ironic, because really remus has weak game and mid pussy.
(it’s okay tho people who don’t understand this are just bad at reading and interpreting)
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starrose17 · 1 year
The location of the Forbidden Forest in Hogwarts Legacy is my only gripe with the game. It is not between Hogwarts and Hogsmeade, you should not have to walk through the winged boar gates to get there. Outside of those you can apparate, you can't do that in the forest because it's supposed to be in the grounds of Hogwarts. In the books Harry can make out specific people going in and out of the forbidden forest all the way up in Gryfindor Tower, he certainly wouldn't be able to do that in the layout of the game.
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celebtrust · 2 years
Lego harry potter years 1 4 ravenclaw common room
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Professor dumbledore - In Dumbledores office in a dark magic box Ron (cardigan) Found In: The Face of the Enemy - Use a dark character on a chess piece Ron (tuxedo) - In the area where hagrids house is, go right down a long path and open the silver gate,in the next area make up the planks and ron is at the end of them. Ron (girl disguise) Found In: Out of the Dungeon - Need a character with a book to do this one, open the cabinet near the start of the level Ron (slytherin disguise) – Found In: Crabbe and Goyle - shoot the box at the back of the room near the big fish bowl Ron (brown jacket) - Go behind Hagrids Hut and Move the mushrooms using WL Ron (sweater) Found In: Follow The Spiders Ron (pyjamas) - In the DADA room WL 4 torches on the wall Ron (hogwarts) Go to the Gryfindor tower and its in a chest right near the exit door in the boys bedroom Hermione (ballgown) - In Madam Malkin's Robes in Diagon Alley, use WL on the shirts near the clothes racks Build the Lego pieces with WL, then hit the cabinet with X Hermione (cat) Go to the area that leads to the bathrooms go to the left of the corridor and use hermione on the tablet. Hermione (grey hooded top) In the Owlery build the stairs to get her Hermione (blue top) In Divination in a dark magic safe Hermione (red hooded top) Found In: The Shrieking Shack - Theres a chest in the 2nd area that you have to blast open to get this Hermione (hogwarts) In the Owlery before you use the time turner, in the record player Harry (tuxedo) - In the back of Madam Malkin's Robes in Diagon Alley, go near the right curtain to open it. Harry (pyjamas) – Found in: The Restricted Section Harry (slytherin disguise) - Found In: The Face of the Enemy - In the flying keys room, on the bottom there's a cabinet with a silver lock. Harry (girls disguise) Found In: A Jinxed Broom - By the second Lego stacking section, go to the far right then pull out Scabbers.(Crookshanks is too big) Drop off the ledge a bit then run left under the platform. Harry (quiditch) - Courtyard with broomsticks from the left of the Clocktower Courtyard dig up 5 holes on the pitch Its in the secret room at the back, get to the top part and hit the multicoloured flags Harry (maze task) - In the DADA class room with the two mirrored wardrobes, upstairs left hand side (of the area with the classrooms) the first one up the stairs. Harry (lake task) - Found In: 'The Black Lake' - After going through the first pipe, go all the way to the left and hit the chest. Harry (dragon task) - Found In: The First Task Harry (hogwarts) Found In: Out of The Dungeon - On the far right just before the bathroom, there's a desk with a lock. Harry (blue shirt) In the area just before the great hall youll find it on the right side behind the staircase WL - Wingardium Leviosa - The purple one. Please if you are copying our work credit us as its hard work As ive now done the game im going to be writing a character location guide, if you know where people are please PM and i will add them to the list and hopefully we wont need so many threads! THEY ARE IN BUYABLE ORDER.Ĭredit also goes to myself, Osakamitsu, Trash Man and jpg30.
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writing-wh0re · 4 years
Pure Mindless Vandalism Chapter One -
Likes are great but feedback is golden - Open to all feedback, I know there is room for improvement.
Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader (Slytherin energy) 
Word Count: 960
Warnings For Series: Smut 18+, Violence, Hints Of Abuse (Parental + Umbridge) Both Female and Male Receiving Oral, fluff, angst, mild jealousy. 
Warnings for Chapter: Smut 18+, fluff, Umbridge (because she deserves a warning).
Spells Used In Chapter: Imperius Curse - makes target obey every command. 
KEY: y/n (your name) y/l/n (your last name) y/h (your house)
Message me if you’d like to be tagged in the series! 
“Darling, you have to keep quiet.” Fred whispers as I bite my lip to keep my moans in. “God you feel so good wrapped around me.” He praises as I keep my legs hooked around his waist, my head falling back against the bathroom mirror of the prefect's bathroom. 
“I’m close Freddie.” I whimper as Fred starts to rub my clit, causing him to hiss as my walls tighten around his dick. 
“Excuse me!” Umbridge bellows as we both freeze. “Disgraceful!” Umbridge continues as Fred and I quickly adjust our clothing to shield ourselves from the worst person to ever exist. “What do you two think you’re doing?” Umbridge asks as I jump off the sink, having composed myself and fixed my clothing. 
“I’d feel really uncomfortable having to explain sex to you.” I say as Umbridge raises her wand at me, Fred covering his mouth as he chuckles at my response. 
“You’re a disgrace to your family Miss Y/L/N, sleeping with a blood traitor.” I tense at the blood traitor remark, noticing Fred’s jaw clench, narrowing his eyes as Umbridge smirks knowing she's hit a nerve with both of us. Before we can make further comments she giggles. “Detention for both of you, disgraceful and disgusting. Off to bed, now.” Umbridge states, still having her wand held towards me. 
“Can’t think of a spell? Unfortunate.” I spit as I walk past her. 
“Imperio!” I hear Umbridge cast as Fred pulls me against him by my forearm. 
“She’s not a bloody puppet!” Fred yells as he laces our fingers together, running out of the bathroom with me. Fred and I run through the halls of Hogwarts, Umbridge calling after us drawing attention to the situation as we run faster. We round a corner as I halt to a stop as I grab a fistfull of Freds sweater, kissing him hard as he kisses me back.
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
“No, stay in my dorm with me.” Fred says quickly as I toss up his idea. 
“You’re only making this worse for yourselves!” Umbridge screams as I hear a second pair of footsteps. “Run after them you imbecile!” We hear Umbridge yell to the second person as their footsteps begin to run. 
“Filch.” We say in unison recognizing the slight hop in the run. 
“Fine, I’ll be a Gryfindor for a night.” I smirk as Fred smiles, grabbing my hand and pulling me behind him as we run to the tower. 
We make it inside Fred’s dorm, as we attempt to catch our breath, waking up both George and Lee in the process flicking on their lamps looking at us.
“Where have you two been?”
“Y/N? Why aren’t you in the Y/H dorm?” Lee asks as Fred and I stifle laughter, still panting from our little exercise trip. 
“We’re screwed.” 
“We screwed.” Fred winks as I blush shoving him lightly.
“Care to explain dear brother?” 
“Well, we snuck out to the prefect bathroom for some privacy.” Fred starts as George looks at Lee and wiggles his eyebrows. 
“But Umbridge caught us before the finale and questioned us.” 
“To which Y/N sassed her and then umbridged attempted to cast the Imperio spell on her.” 
“And Freddie helped me dodge it and well we ran away.” 
“Oh and we have detention.” 
“Probably for the rest of our schooling lives.” 
“Merlin, all that just happened?” George asks as we both nod in unison. 
“But you both thought it would be a good idea for Y/N to be here instead of her dorm?” Lee questions as I pinch the bridge of my nose in slight annoyance.
“I didn’t really consider any consequences Lee, Umbridge made Filch run after us and it was a split second decision.” I shrug as George shakes his head.
“Honestly, you’re perfect for my brother.” I smile wide at George's compliment as Fred pulls me into his side, kissing my head. 
“We need to sleep, we have our quidditch game tomorrow.” George says as I nod, forgetting Fred had that. 
The boys turn their lamps off as Fred quickly changes into his pajama pants, I look him up and down, biting my lip as he smirks shaking his head, handing me his long sleeve pajama shirt. 
“Keep it in your pants darling.” Fred whispers as I roll my eyes, quickly changing as I hear Fred whisper a ‘fuck.’ 
“Keep it in your pants darling.” I whisper getting in Fred’s bed, cuddling into his side as he kisses me, sliding his hand down up my leg, cupping my lace covered heat as I softly gasp. 
“Shh, we don’t want to wake them do we.” Fred whispers almost too softly for me to hear. I feel my eyes flutter as I bite my lip, turning to hide my face in Fred’s neck as he plays with my wet swollen clit. 
I run my hand down his bare chest, toying with the waistband of his pajama pants. 
"Not me darling, let me focus on you." Fred whispers as I whimper into his neck as he continues to rub circles on my clit. 
“You’re such a good girl, staying this wet for me.” 
"Fuck, Freddie." I moan as Fred shushes me. 
I feel my body tense as I softly bite down on Fred’s neck, earning a moan from him as I come undone, causing tingles to rush over my skin as Fred slows his circles. 
"Merlin, I love you." Fred whispers, kissing my forehead. 
"I love you too."
"Go to Y/Ns dorm next time, for the love of Merlin." A sleepy George groans as Fred and I laugh, hearing snores come from the furthest side, indicating Lee is asleep. 
"Sorry George." We say in unison as a deep sigh fills the room. 
To Be Continued….
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lilyharvord · 3 years
Do you in red queen univeres is like harry potter. The silvers are like the pureblood family. Mare is a newblood like being a muggles born witch and Julian is more like Dumbledor or the Weasley what do you think?
I'm gonna say the universe itself does seem to lend itself to those categories! Or sub-catagories! It also very easily lends itself to a Hogwarts AU! PREPARE FOR AN AU UNDER THE READ MORE
I mean, Mare seeing her favorite big brother Shade receive a super pretty envelope from this strange school saying he is a wizard and is being offered a position in that school? Going to Diagon Alley with her family and Shade picking out a owl, and old faded robes cause he family really can't afford anything else. Then her hugging him tightly as he has one foot on this strange train and one foot on the strange platform that they had to run through a brick wall to get to?! Holding his hand through the window and running along side the train as he promises to write her every week before she runs out of platform and has to stop as the train pulls away and he is waving and smiling wildly at her. Her little hand slowly falling from her wave to be by her side and she wishes desperately to be on that train with him? ONLY TO RECEIVE HER VERY OWN PRETTY LETTER THE NEXT SUMMER? She gets to do the whole process! And she has all these fantasies about what it will be like based on the letters Shade sent her all last year. She wants an owl, or a salamander, or something like that. And she want to play the strange quidditch game he mentions. She wants to run up and down staircases that change. When she gets on the train with him, she practically pulling out of her mom's arms, and almost forgets to hug a very upset Gisa goodbye.
On the train, Shade tells her all the details, introduces her to his friends: ketha (a second year like him), Ada (a sixth year), and Farley (a second year that Mare is incredibly intimidated by until she sees Shade heart eyeing her every two seconds).
They tell her about the houses. Shade is more than proud to be sorted into Hufflepuff even though Farley teases him about it and Ada only smiles at the whole thing. But they all get quiet about Slytherin. It's not a house you want to be in, Shade says quietly. Mare doesn't quite understand. Cunning? what's so bad about being that? Smart and quick witted? Hell, there's nothing wrong with it.
Then she meets them. The Slytherins. And she sees why she shouldn't be a part of that House. But then she meets the strange, dark haired, blue eyed boy at the back of the group with her, who tries to sit in a boat alone until Mare clambers in behind him, cursing the fact that her socks got wet and they're going to be gross and her shoes will squelch while she walks. He seems a little uncomfortable around her big personality until she introduces herself, and he smiles and shakes her hand, quietly introducing himself as Maven. Nothing more. Mare doesn't mind, loads of people don't give their last names.
Then she's in the Great Hall, underneath the Sorting Hat, Shade smiling at her like a fiend from the Hufflepuff table while Maven is already sitting at the Slytherin one, slouched and looking just a bit upset. (It's not what you think y'all. it's because CAL's a Gryfindor, and their dad was too and he still wants to get his fathers love, and he pretty much just CEMENTED the fact that he won't get it now.) Mare sees him, and the Sorting Hat huffs and says, making friends already? Mare frowns and then thinks back it: he's lonely. And the hat laughs before saying: loyal then, hufflepuff might do you well. She makes a face and it laughs once again when she thinks: I can do better than that. And it seems to nod in understanding before standing upright and announcing SLYTHERIN. Maven sits up taller as Mare leaps down from the stool and runs to him with a big, shit eating grin on her face. Shade goes a little pale in the face but smiles at her nonetheless. It's his baby sister, and if she's happy, he is too.
She's very happy. Slytherin isn't all that bad. Maven's her friend and he's a very good one. He's smart as a tack, and knows all these neat tricks to get through work. But its when they go out to fly on the brooms where they differ finally. Maven is... not a fan of being off the ground. Mare... she could live up there. She tries to get him interested but he jut won't have it, preferring to bury his nose in books and study. (Mare wonders why he wasn't sorted into Ravenclaw like Ada, but she shrugs it off).
It's one day when they're all out walking and that girl Evangeline starts teasing some kid and throws his whatever in the air that things finally get interesting for Mare. In a very impressive showing of skill, she catches this tiny object while flying. IMMEDIATELY, the captain of the Slytherin team wants her as his Seeker. Its UNHEARD OF everyone argues. NO FIRST YEARS allowed! But it's vetoed, and Mare is allowed to play. Shade is more than proud, puffing out his chest, and forcing her to walk around with him so he can introduce her to his class and everyone as the youngest Seeker in years.
It's after she is sneaking out of the Gryffindor tower one night, having stayed to talk with Shade and Farley who is finally losing some of her Ice Queen exterior and even cracked a smile at one of Mare's jokes, that she almost gets in trouble. She is sprinting down the stairs of the tower when she runs smack into someone so they both end up tumbling down the stairs and hitting the back of the Fat Lady's portrait when they land. She stumbles over apologies, trying to grab her things in the dark (and pocketing one or two of his by accident), when she looks up. She's seen him before, she know she has, but can't remember from where. Plus, it's a little dark and she can't see him all that clearly. He's sitting there, tie undone, and shirt all messed up from falling, and rubbing the back of his head where it hit the back of the portrait when he looks at her. HE knows her. This the girl who is the youngest Seeker in years! They blink at each other, and she tries to take off, but he grabs her wrist, keeping ahold of her as he says: Thief! when he realizes she grabbed a few of his things. She looks down at the mess of things in her arms, and then frowns at him before saying, No! These are my things! he pulls out his wand and book from her hands and she's like: okay, well, those aren't mine, but whatever. And he smiles at her as he stands and she's suddenly craning her neck to look up at him, and LORD ABOVE what did he eat as a child?! She squints up at him, still trying to place him when he shifts his things to his other arm and holds out a hand for her to shake. She looks at it, and then takes it slowly. His grip is so warm and comforting, but not sweaty like some of the other boys her age. He shakes her hand and introduces himself as Cal, and THEN Mare knows who he is. This is Maven's brother. The older one, the perfect spitting image of his father who is the "Perfect Son." Maven always sneers just slightly when he says that, and now that she has met this Cal, she knows Maven is right. Turning up her nose at him, she spins on her heel and leaves, completely uninterested.
Okay she lied, she was a little more interested than she let on. She sees him EVERYWHERE after that. He raises his brows at her in the Great Hall, and even smiled and said good morning Mare when she walked by with Maven to Charms one day. After that day, Maven gets really sullen, and tells her that she shouldn't talk to him, that he's trouble. He's a third year, in line to be Prefect and Headboy at some point. She doesn't want to get mixed up with wet blanket like that. She agrees, but something about him, his eyes, the gentle smile, and way he'd looked at her the first time he saw her makes her heart do a little jig every time she thinks about him.
Before she knows it, its the first Quidditch match, and she's set to play. She steps out in her beautiful green and black uniform, and while she's in the tunnel adjusting the straps on her wrist guard with her teeth, someone laughs behind her and says: there is a better way to do that. She looks up, the laces half in her mouth, and a tiny bit of drool running down her chin to see Cal leaning against his broom. Of course he plays Quidditch, she thinks with a scowl. What perfect son wouldn't? He takes her wrist though and ties the guard gently, pulling the laces perfectly through the loops. Maven tried to help her with it this morning but gave up when he couldn't do it. Her face burns with embarrassment but he doesn't notice, or at least, he pretends not to notice. When he finished both wrist guards, he shoulders his broom and with a wink says, "eyes up and head up, dont want to take a Blunger to face on your first day." He strolls away after that, and Mare stands there, watching his shoulders as he leaves. How does a thirteen year old boy manage to look like that?! Shaking it off she steps on the pitch but... that's all she remembers. She takes a nasty blunger to side of the head and falls to the pitch floor. When she wakes up, the entire Slytherin team is around her and so is half the Gryfinddor team, Farley is grimacing as she takes in the situation, and Cal is leaning over her, shielding her from the son. She frowns up at him before saying, "you didn't say they moved that fast." He snorts to hide a laugh as the medics take her off the pitch. Good news? She learns later in the Infirmary, they won! When she went down, Cal, the Keeper moved as if to go to her and they were able to put the Quaffle in to get the final point! Her captain claps her on the back, and she tries not to puke when the movement jars her head.
The year ends uneventfully, and she waves goodbye to Maven as she disembarks and he leaves with Cal. A woman with matching icy blue eyes and stark, ash blonde hair frowns at her as Maven smiles and waves his own goodbye. She pointedly ignores Cal's title wave goodbye.
The next year is much of the same but there is a... current in the air, a charge that wasn't there before. Something is happening, something dark in the world. Shade and Farley go to Hogsmead and talk about it, but Mare can't go yet. She sits in a hidden alcove of the Astronomy tower, watching the world outside with her books open before her. Maven is quieter this year, but there is a strange new confidence and glint in his eye. It worries her. He is not the boy she waved goodbye to at the beginning of the summer.
One day while studying, she hears footsteps and looks up to see Cal pausing along side her. Her stomach flip flops when she sees him. The summer did wonders for him. Somehow, he is more attractive. She didn't even realize that was possible. And she REFUSED to admit that she thought about him a few times... well more than a few times... over the break. He smiles at her and before she knows it, she's leaning toward him to talk. She asks why he's not at Hogsmead and he grimaces before saying he is struggling with Diviniation and has to take an extra class on it every week. She laughs, and the smile he gives her when she does laugh turns her stomach to molten lava. He helps her out of the windowsill and they walk to the Great Hall together. Maven intercepts them before then, his eyes narrowing and darkening when Cal waves goodbye and heads on his way. Mare nudges Maven with her shoulder and teases him saying: are you worried I might like him more than you? Maven glowers at her, and she softens before taking his hand and promising him that Cal is "a complete and utter moron, who she could never like." It seems to relax him, but not completely. Again, Mare worries. He was never concerned about Cal or any of this before.
The year works that way though. She slowly get closer to Cal. They have this strange unspoken agreement to meet at HER windowsill once a week and then walk along the ground by the lake. One day, in the winter, she forgets a thick enough coat, and is shivering in her sweater until he shrugs off his cloak and drapes it around her shoulders. She blinks in surprise, before smiling and thanking him. It's far too big on her and drags on the ground a bit, but its warm and it smells like him. Which she is terrified to realize she kind of likes.
She starts spending time in the Gryffindor tower too, getting closer with Shade's friends, and sometimes, Cal is there too. He's not really a staple (he and Farley don't really get along, something about her calling him a Pure Blooded Hypocrite), but Mare finds she likes when he is around.
That summer is terrible. Maven doesn't write her as much as he promised. And the world is getting Dark™️. There are strange disappearances on the TV. Things are getting weird. Shade gets secret letters from Farley that he hides from her. When they go back to Hogwarts, things are... different. There are guards, there weren't Guards before. Maven looks more gaunt and haunted. Even Cal doesn't seem as cheery anymore. They're walks around the lake go from once to twice to three times a week. He tells her about his side of the Wizarding World, and she learns about a group that is known as the Death Eaters (who serve a mysterious Dark One that wants to eliminate the muggle population and the mud bloods). Mare frowns when he says that word. He says it quietly, like its something bad. She's not sure why, it's a word. When she asks Farley about it, her friend's face hardens and she tells her it's a nasty term that Pure Bloods use to describe the people like them. The ones who come from non magic families.
She finds solace in Quidditch, she even goes out when Cal offers to show her a few tricks, and that time... it is strangely magical. She finally gets to go to Hogsmead, and spend time with Shade and Farley there. They have a new little group, a taller fifth year named Tristan is added, Ada is with them, Ketha, and a couple of others. Shade tells her to go off and find something to do one time and she ends up spying on them. When she does, she overhears them talking about the Dark One, that they are back and that is the reason so many Muggles are dying and disappearing strangely. That Hogwarts might not be safe anymore. She confronts Cal about it one day, and he stops dead in the snow, spins on her and says never to talk about it. That the Dark One is dead, has been dead for year and that she should never mention them. She is taken aback, he's never seemed so concerned to desperate before. So she drops it. But things get worse over christmas break.
When she returns, Maven is almost cold with her. She tries to tease him like she used to, but he just isn't having it. She clings tighter to him, worried that things are not going well at home. She knows his mother isn't great, knows his father is an asshole. She can't understand how two people like that managed to make someone like Maven, and someone like Cal. But she tries her best to be a friend for Maven. She can't help but get closer with Cal. Something about him draws her in, and keeps her.
One day at Hogsmead, she runs into him (literally, again). She slips on the ice and he catches her, his hands grabbing her hips and pulling her close so she has to grab the front of his coat and cloak to keep herself upright too. They look at each other for a long time, confused and full of butterflies before she spots Maven at the other end of the bridge. She was supposed to meet him at the sweet shop but was running late. His eyes narrow ever so slightly at what he sees, and Mare pulls away from Cal glaring at him and adjusting her hair when he blinks in confusion. She turns on her heel and leaves without a word, taking Maven's hand in her own as she passes him and dragging him along.
That summer, something changes fundamentally in the world. The world actually gets even Darker. Shade gets more worried, and Farley starts showing up at thier house. Mare know they are seeing each other. But she keeps it to herself. When they go back to Hogwarts... there are Guards on the train. She walks down the hallway and runs into Cal on his way to his compartment. The train rocks as she is trying to pass him and she ends up in his arms again. She's fifteen, and he's seventeen, old for a sixth year. But in his Prefect uniform, he looks quiet attractive, and somehow he got MORE attractive over the summer. The flutters that had once been nothing but tummy flutters when she was elven/twelve are now full blown butterflies in her stomach. She would never admit it, but she had a dream about him over the summer. About his hands on her hips and the stone wall of the Gryffindor common room rubbing against her back as she pinned her to it. She doesn't pull herself out of his arms right now though, there is something comforting about being in his embrace right now, when the world seems to slowly falling apart around them. He lets her go, a falsh of something in his eyes before he smiles at her and says, safe travels.
When they get to Hogwarts, she knows there is something wrong with Maven. He looks like a corpse, his eyes are dark and his features are sharper than usual. She tries to get him to smile for her, but he can't seem to muster much. So one day, out of desperation, she kisses him. He melts finally, and she melts with him, burning like Icarus when he got to close to the sun. They become... a thing for lack of a better term. He clings tightly to her, pulls her away from Farley and Shade and her friends, pointedly makes sure she doesn't spend time with Cal to the point where he actually seeks her out one day, and Maven jeers at him until he leaves. It scares her, he was never hostile, never a person like this. When she talks to him about it, he raves about things she doesn't understand. An In fact, he seems almost angry with her. She can't understand, she tries to get it out of him halfway through the fall, and he turns around and calls her a nasty Mudblood, jeering at her about the fact that is lucky he even considers her a friend. It breaks her heart, shatters it into a thousand pieces. She didn't kiss him just because it might make him feel better. She kissed him because she wanted to, because she thought it felt right (she also did it because a secret part of her hoped that kissing him would make the dreams about Cal stop.)
She stops hanging around him, the other kids like him and the other Slytherins embrace him instead, folding him into their group, while she starts to gravitate to Shade and Farley again.
they go home for Christmas, and the world tilts completely on its access. There is horrible accident that kills a number of families, and Shade immediately packs a backpack that night to go see Farley. Mare forces him to take her with him. When they get to Farley's, everyone is there, all the people Shade has been friends with. She learns they are forming a group, the Scarlet Guard, to defend themselves. The Dark One is coming back, and they will be ready.
When they return in the spring, the teacher for Defense Against the Dark Arts does not prepare them right. Mare feels like a child being handed a pair of children scissors to solve a grown up problem. She talks to Shade about it, and the group agrees. They need training. It's then that Mare does what cements her fate with Maven. She seeks out Cal. He is not looking too great either, there is something haunting his face and when she finally walks up to him one morning on the lawn near the lake, he looks at her suspiciously. She doesn't know why but she ends up curled against his side, sobbing. He's taken aback at first, and then soften, wrapping an arm around her while she tells him everything. With a tight jaw, and a nod, he agrees to help them training.
They form a secret group, and they start training. It's then that Mare starts to realize that perhaps she likes Cal more than she lets on. he's a good teacher, a very good one, and whenever he holds her hand and guides her wrist through a complex spell movement, she feels her face heat up. He's a sixth year, seventeen and on the cusp of greatness it seems. His OWLs were outstanding, he is set on the path she knows he wants. They train together privately. On a nondescript day like any other, she stays after to talk to him, and when she does, he kisses her. It turns her into a pool of liquid mercury, and when he breaks it off and gently caresses her cheek with his thumb she knows she is doomed.
They leave for the summer, and she writes him daily. He writes back, telling her about things happening at home. There are issues, his father is stressed, his step mother is being cagey, and Maven... he's not himself. She worries, Shade is a sixth year and she's just a fifth year, but the world feels like it is resting on their shoulders.
When they come back to school in the fall, Maven confronts her. He found the letters she wrote to Cal. He accuses her of a number of things she is horrified by. Cal steps in to push him back, and in a horrible moment, Maven draws his wand and puts to Cal's throat. The brothers stand like that for a moment, and Mare with her hand on her wand fears who she will have to point her own wand at. But Maven drops the wand, and that is that when he storms off.
The Scarlet Guard grows in number. And then it happens right before they leave for Winter Break. The earth shattering, horrible truth. The Dark One returns, and no where is safe. Hogwarts is under attack before anyone knows what is happening. Mare is fighting through the halls, throwing out hexes and charms she never thought she would have to use. She battles her way to Cal, who takes her hand and pulls her close. The Aurors arrive but they are not enough. Shade, Farley, Mare and Cal storm the upper tower. Cal makes them stay below in the hidden crawl space because Maven is up there and he can hear his father. When he gets up there, it is not what he thinks. Mare and Farley and Shade watch from below in horror as Elara uses the Imperius Curse to actually turn Cal on his father so he kills him. When that happens, the truth is revealed. Elara is the Dark One, or the new chosen Dark One among the Death Eaters. Mare storms up the steps before Elara can kill Cal, using the one spell she knows might end the duel. But Maven steps in and they end up dueling. With tears steaming down her cheeks, she tries to fight him off. But he is not fighting to stun her, he is fighting to kill her, to put her out of commission. She is disarmed, and in a horrible moment, thinks he will kill her. Elara is cooing at him to do it, to punish her for loving his brother instead of him. She pleads with him silently, begging him with her eyes not to. His lips twist as he struggles with the decision. It's too long, Shade and Farley get up the steps and force Elara and Maven to appirate away.
The world cracks open like an egg as war spills out after that.
HOLY SHIT THAT WAS LONG. ANYWAY, ENJOY EVERYONE. I'm not going back and rereading this so whatever you see is what you get XD
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ilikefandom · 3 years
Eight Months
Request: Severus is doing crazy stuff to cope with Lily’s death and Y/N is starting t worry taht he would go insane?
Requested by: Anon
Genre: Fluff and Angst
Synopsis: (Y/n) hasn’t seen Severus in eight months
Pairing(s): Severus Snape x Fem Reader, Lily x James (mentioned)
Warnings: Greif, angst, sad
It had been eight months. Eight whole months and (Y/n) was starting to become concerned. Severus was her best friend and it was so unlike him to write to her every few months. 
She had been swamped with work at St. Mungo’s and couldn’t seem to find the time to write to him and ask. So, after a twelve hour shift at the magical hospital, (Y/n) changed into some muggle clothes and made her way to Spinner’s End.
Thinking back to the time she had met Severus, as a terrified third year, bumping into the disgruntled fifth year, spilling her books all over the floor. He had stopped and helped to pick them up. Giving her a slight smile, before he disappeared into the courtyard with his friend, Lily. 
She had followed him out into the courtyard and saw how the four Gryfindors had tormented him and during the scuffle, a sickening crack had echoed throughout the closed yard. (Y/n) rushed to Severus as Lily screamed at the Marauders for hurting him while (Y/n) pulled her wand and pointed it at Sev’s broken wrist.
Whispering a healing charm under her breath (Y/n) fixed Severus’ hand and the surrounding tissue. He had looked at her, eyes wide, as she smiled at him, helping him stand. 
Through the years, (Y/n) and Severus had become closer, even when he left Hogwarts, two years before she did, they remained close and wrote to each other almost every day. He wrote to her when his mother died, when his dad died, and when he received the invitation to Lily’s wedding.
That parchment was soaked with tears and ink blots. She cradled that letter to her and she felt the pain that Severus felt when he had read that invitation. She felt it every day she read Lily’s name in the letters that he had set her. She felt it in the way that he would cry on the parchment, the same way she did, imagining herself in Lily’s place in life.
When she had graduated from Hogwarts and began her career as a healer, she began to hope that, once the war was over, Severus could love her the way he loved Lily. 
On a dark Halloween night, the war ended, but not the way that (Y/n) wanted it to. Lily and James Potter had died and their son, Harry Potter, had defeated Lord Voldemort. She was pained to hear that the Potters were dead, but relieved that the wizarding war was over. 
It had been eight months since then and (Y/n) couldn’t think of anything else to do, but visit the man she had loved since forever. As she pulled her cloak closer around her shoulders she reached the door that she had seen for summers beforehand.
Pausing for a minute to catch her breath she rapped on the door with a closed fist. 
For two and a half minutes she stood there, alone. An eternity before a tall, dark haired, man towered over her in the doorframe. 
“Severus,” (Y/n) whispered, “are you quite alright?”
The Slytherin alum scoffed, leaning on the side of the door. “Does it look like I’m alright (Y/l/n).” He hissed.
“No, you look awful.” (Y/n) shot back and, seeing the hurt in his eyes apologised.
Severus waved his hand, allowing the younger witch to step inside. “No need to apologise. You speak the truth, (Y/n).”
“Severus, how long has it been since you cleaned your house?” (Y/n) asked cutting him off. She brought out her wand and flicked it. The dust disappeared and the room tidied itself up, as did the rest of the house, as it shuddered a bit with the force of the magic. 
Severus huffed out thanks and made his way to the armchair near the fireplace. (Y/n) followed and sunk onto the couch opposite the chair. “When was the last time you went outside Severus?” She asked as she picked at a loose thread on her sweater.
“Why do you make a point of asking stupid questions?” Severus sneered before picking up a copy of the Daily Prophet and opening it, hiding his face in its vast pages.
“I ask because I care about you, Severus.” (Y/n) said, tilting her head.
A few moments of silence echoed in the room and (Y/n) shifted in her seat. “I know you loved her Severus. But I think it’s best if you…”
“What? Let her go?” Severus interrupted, crossing his arms across his chest. “How can I bear to do that?” 
(Y/n) sighed and gripped her face in her hands. “Accept that she’s gone, Severus. And accept the facts that you know, she didn’t love you in that way.”
Tears were pouring down Severus’ cheeks as (Y/n)’s words hit him. “And I suppose you know everything about unrequited love then!” He shouted, anger blazing through his tears.
(Y/n) looked back up at him, tears streaming from her eyes as well. “I think I do, because I loved you, for years, and it was always, Lily this, Lily that, Potter has stolen her from me, blah blah blah!” 
Severus was taken aback as she looked at him, eyes ablaze, spilling the feelings that she had bottled up for years. “I loved you and you didn’t love me. You loved Lily. I know you never loved me, so I told myself I would be the best friend that I could be. Maybe it’s the grief over her dying that you can’t get over yet, because if you died I would be tearing myself apart, like you have tried to do.”
“(Y/n).” Severus said, “Please.”
“I know the reason I came over here was to see that you weren’t dead!” (Y/n) spat, silencing Severus in shock.
“(Y/n)?” He asked, surprise cutting through any anger that he may have felt.
“I knew you might do something stupid in your loss, trust me, I’ve seen so many people do stupid things at my place of work. But don’t you dare tell me, for one minute, I don’t know anything about unrequited love.”
With her rant over (Y/n) took a deep breath. “So don’t do anything stupid, I don’t wnat to live on this Earth without you.” She, once again bundled herself in a coat and left the house into the cool July night.
Severus, still speechless, sank further into his chair, tossing the paper into the fire he relaxed once more, the clean room leaving a trace of lemon. “She loves me?” Severus asked himself into the open air of the room. A smile gracing his face for the first time in over a year.
Author’s Note: I hope you enjoy this one shot readers! Please request, ask questions, reblog and dm if you want to roleplay! I’m always open to questions as OCs as well as myself.
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dranza · 4 years
Race you
Draco x Reader
Getting a little closer to Draco. Its a slow burn!
Word count: 1804
Warnings: I dont think so, please let me know if you notice any.
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“Hey y/n. Y/N?” A deep whisper calls at me from the desk behind.
I had come to the library in my study break to get away from all the noise and actually be able to concentrate on my charms essay. I had a whole week to do this but low and behold I was having to rush it in my final break before its due. Trust me to try and cram 3 pieces of homework into an hour and a half. I had already been distracted when I saw Draco walk into the library a little while ago. As he slowly walked through each aisle, browsing the books, a soft knot in his brows as he read through a few pages. He had me stuck in a daze. I was glad when he passed to sit behind me, out of sight, making me finally able to focus on trying to get this bloody essay finished. 
“Y/L/N!” his whisper was more direct now, one sharp order for me to turn to him. 
“What?” I shoot back at him, I can get rather irritable when I'm studying, but as my eyes catch him all my frustration leaves me. 
Draco sits with three books open in front of him, one hand twirling a quill between his fingers and his head resting in the palm of the other. His grey eyes look up at me and he pouts. “What were the three water-related constellations Professor Sinistra pointed out in the last lesson?”
“Errr…” I give him a sorry look, I haven't even started to think of the astronomy homework yet.
“I’ve got Pisces and Eridanus but I can’t, for the life of me, remember the third.” He flips through the book closest to him in frustration. 
“One minute…” I pull out the notes I had borrowed from Hermione and scan through to the constellation names. “Only Hermione is actually able to read her rushed scribbles. Errr, Cetuh? Cetus? ” 
Draco sits up with this information and grabs at one of his books. “I swear I read through that. C-E-T-U-S?”
I nod in response. 
With his fingers gripped tightly around the quill he hurriedly copies out a sentence from the book and dramatically bounces his hand off the parchment as he adds his final full stop. “Perfect. That's me done then.” He sets his quill into the ink and leans back in his chair. His long arms stretching up over his head for a few seconds and then releasing them with a loud sigh. “How much have you got left?”
“I just need to proofread my charms paper. Then I’ve got arithmancy and then astronomy, so not much!” I reply sarcastically and then throw my hands to my face letting out a frustrated, but quiet, squeal. 
“I can help... if you want.” 
I slowly let down my hands, eyeing the white haired boy, shocked that he would be willing to waste his break to help me. “Really?”
Draco chews at the inside of his mouth, “I mean, only if you want, it's just that I’ve already done it so.” A smirk begins to form on his lips. “Of course not suggesting that you wouldn’t be able to get it all done in the next 45 minutes. Look at you, you've clearly got it all organised and planned out.” With a nod of his chin he signals towards the messy piles of notes, parchment and books I have on my desk. 
“Hey!” I giggle, “It's an organised mess ok.” 
“That's exactly what I'm saying.” he stacks the books on his table into a neat pile and drags his chair to seat himself opposite me. Taking the parchment from my hand he slides a pot of ink towards me. “Here, I’ll finish reading this for you and you get started on the Arithmancy Worksheet.” 
I smile at him as I accept the ink and flip open my Arithmancy book, scanning over the contents table.
Without taking his eyes away from the piece he is reading, Draco mumbles a quiet “46.” 
I drag my finger to number 46 and there it is, the exact topic I need. “I knew that.” I whisper with a cheeky grin.
He lets out a deep, breathy chuckle, tilting his head to the side, “Ofcourse.”
I speed through the question sheet, looking up at the handsome boy in front of me now and again as he tries his best to be discreetly correcting some mistakes on the sheet he is reading.
I sit my parchment to dry and move onto the Astronomy worksheet. This is also something I should be able to speed through. Although the names can tend to escape me, constellations have always been so interesting to me, also I have Hermione’s notes so I can’t really go wrong. 
Draco places the finished paper onto the desk and rests his elbows on top of it. “You know, for someone who stays up all night and leaves their work till the last minute, you sure as hell have managed to write a brilliant essay.” Sliding his chin over his fingers until he finds a comfortable spot to rest it, he smiles at me. 
I lift a single brow at him. “Oh please… I saw you crossing out and adding stuff to it.”
“I didn’t say you were a good speller. Bloody hell, you were adding and taking away the wrong letters left, right and centre.”
I let out a hearty laugh and exaggerate on his point. “Yeah, I rarely manage to spell anything but my name right.”
“But what you’re actually saying is quite an interesting perspective. Contrary to what I’d heard, I believe you're not just a pretty face are you?” 
I try and fail to stop the blood rushing to my face. “Thankyou Dray.”
“Dray?” he tilts his head, frowning but amused. “What, two syllables just too much work for you?”
I click my fingers and point at him jokingly. “Yes… also I think it suits you, it’s cute.” I shrug.
Draco shakes his head taking in a sharp breath, now it was his turn to try and hide a blush. Leaning over me, he reaches a book from his desk. From it he pulls out the book mark (a pressed stem of eucalyptus) and begins to read.
We sit in an easy silence while I finish the last few questions. 
The both of us look up as Madam Pince walks up to our desks signaling to the clock. “Do you two not have a class to get to?” 
“Shit.” I mutter under my breath as we begin clearing our things. We only had 5 minutes to get to the highest tower on the other side of the castle for astronomy class.
After promptly sliding all his stuff into his bag, Draco waits patiently for me to messily stuff my bag with the scraps of parchment, books and quills I had spread all over the desk. I look up at him as I finish and he holds his arm out, gesturing towards the door. “After you.”
We exit the library and I notice just how long Dracos legs are, his strides are probably double mine. “Ok, I know we're in a rush but my tiny, little legs cannot keep up with you.” 
He looks back at me with a cool smirk and begins taking longer strides. “Not my problem y/l/n.”
“Hey!” I jog a few steps to catch up to him and playfully elbow his side.
He stops abruptly, looks me dead in the eyes and then caught in a laugh he shouts “RACE YOU!” He speeds away, catching his bag as it slips from his arm and throwing it over his shoulder.
“WHAT? NO!” It takes me a second to get over my initial shock and I race after him. 
I keep my eyes fixed on his snowy hair and as we weave through the other students and I start catching up to him. 
We run through the courtyard, me just a few steps behind him. “Come on slow coach!” he calls out to me as he spins to see how far behind I am. “Oh shut up Malfoy!” I retort, laughing as I skip over the legs of some 1st year girl laying on the grass.
As we turn into a hallway Harry and Ron are walking towards us. “What are…?” Harry begins to question but Draco cuts him off.
“Excuse me gents.” he blurts out as he shoots between the two Gryfindors. 
“Eee. Sorry boys, see you in potions!” I follow his lead, leaving both of them confused.
We get to the end of the hallway and Draco turns to the left. “Uh-OH! You sure that's the way Dray?” I shout in his direction as I turn right. 
He u-turns in the middle of the corridor and sprints after me. “You just got so lucky!” 
“You've been in this school for how many years now?” I tease him, approaching the Astronomy Tower stairs. 
“You cheeky git.” he cackles as I turn around to stick my tongue out. 
Our breathless laughter echoes through the circled staircase, wrapping me in a blanket of joy. This is a moment that’ll get stored, not in my mind, but deep in my heart. I try my best to run through the pain forming in my thighs but Draco soon catches up to me. We get to the top of the stairs and I let my back fall into the wall. “Oh my goodness, I’m never running again in my life.” 
Draco places one hand on the wall to steady himself and the other on his face, squeezing at his cheeks. “AAA HA HA!” he shouts, his voice husky from the rush “Stop laughing, my face hurts.” In that moment, he is a vision to behold. His broad chest rising and falling heavily as he catches his breath. His robe hanging off his shoulders, pulling back his shirt and the gaps between the buttons revealing flashes of his bare skin. The afternoon sun, golden over his face.
I snap back into reality as Hermione calls our names sternly from the classroom door. 
“Coming.” I answer her and turn back to Draco who gives her a nod. “All that and we’re still late!” 
“Still, not bad for your tiny, little legs.” he smiles down at me and shifts a strand of hair from my face. 
“Pretty bad for your long legs though.” I let out a silly giggle. “I can’t believe I actually won.”
He frowns. “Pfft, you got lucky and it’s a draw.”
“Nope, I win!” I wink. He tries to protest but I press my finger to his lips, “Shhh.” as I step backwards into the classroom.
Hope you liked this, I loved writing it.
If you want more here is the masterlist!
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eglerieth · 3 years
Harry Potter meets Teddy
For all you potterheads out there, do you agree that we need Harry/Teddy parenthood content? Right now I’m just picturing after the battle of hogwarts when he wakes up in his bed in gryfindor tower he’s called down to the common room.because someone is asking for him through the fire and he comes down and it’s andromeda. She looks like someone ripped her heart out and was holding it hostage. “Is it true?” she asks hollowly. “are they really...?” Harry feels a dead weight drop over him as he remembers and now has to break it to a grieving mother. Slowly he nods and tries inexpertly to comfort her. Andromeda asks him if he wants to see Teddy for the first time. He refuses, feeling that he’s not in the right frame of mind to greet new life when so many have died, including Teddy’s parents. Andromeda leaves. After a few while the weaslys come in, a few at a time, and the mood in the room drops even lower. George is inconsolable and everyone else is in shock. Percy blames himself. In their grief, a scathing and personal argument starts up, and Harry starts to leave, thinking that he shouldn’t be privy to what was clearly a family matter. But George asks him to stay, and no one argues with this. In their hearts he’s one of them. But after a few minutes he can’t handle it anymore. The grief, the pain, the muddled mix of emotions, it was too much after everything. He hastily excuses himself and desperate for some semblance of life or happiness that didn’t make light of the casualties, he finds himself running in the direction of hogsMeade. a few yards beyond the rubb filled entrance hall, a helpful thestral gives him a ride the rest of the way. The moment he passes the border of hogwarts, he disapparates to the Tonks house, and in a trance, knocks on the door. Andromeda opens up, and again there’s a brief moment where he th she’s bellatrix, but it quickly passes. She seems edgy , like she doesn’t know what to do with herself. It reminds Harry of how Hagrid was when Buckbeak was sentenced to death. Still she manages to lead him to a room in the back where a small cradle lies. Teddy is awake but qujet, seemingly unaware that he was now an orphan. Hesitantly, Harry reaches down and picks him up, noticing that the blue hair from the picture had since turned scarlet. Unsure of how to handle a newborn, he starts murmuring to his godson. “Hello, Teddy. My name is Harry. We haven’t met before, but I knew your parents. Your father was one of the greatest people I ever knew. But they’re gone now.” Teddy looks up at the dirty, sweaty, scarred man holding him. He gurgles quietly, but Harry thinks he sees a a kind of inteligenc and understanding in his eyes. Suddenly he’s overwhelmed by a wave of pity and love. He holds the child tighter against his chest. “ I know what it’s like to live without my birth parents, and only ever hear stories. To always wonder what could have been. But Teddy Remus Lupin”- his voice grows brittle- “I swear to you, I will never let you grow up the way I did. I will always be there for you.” He repeates his promise again and again, eac time getting quieter and more powerful, until finally tears start streaming down his face. For a long while, he stands there clinging to the one promise of new life in a world of war and death. And he starts to realize, with a beautiful being like this, maybe, eventually, they could all heal, and lupin would be proud to see his son grow up.
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