#HC and also okay that is cool but why doesn’t it make sense? and wait is it the other direction oh no it doesn’t make sense
shaunamilfman · 10 months
More Random HC’s cause I’m waiting to go into work :)
- Unironically LOVES shirts that are/have the same energy as “women love me, fish fear me”/“Big dick is back in town” etc. she wears them more often than you’d like
- She lives off of Mountain Dew, Red Bull and hot Cheetos, that’s all she packs for lunch everyday and you have to drop off water and a snack for her at practice so she doesn’t pass out since she barely takes care of herself
- was one of those girls that had a thing for the Onceler from the Lorax
- She was def apart of the 2012 tumblr culture, (superwholock or whatever it was) one of those girls that would get a tattoo off of one of the YA books they read, hunger games, Harry Potter, stuff like that
- Either really knows how to play American football and is super invested in the NFL, or does not know anything at all “What is a down?”
- Is SO CLINGY (Derogatory) sure you thought it was cute at first until she gets up at 5 am for her morning practice and wakes you up too so you can “brush your teeth together”. It gets even worse when she’s sick, shes the hugest baby when she’s sick and you know if she gets sick you’re bound to get sick a week later because she’s plastered to your side
- Legit loves anything you get her, even if it’s kind of a joke. Stupid $2 tourist T shirt? You got it for her so she loves it, childish Spider-Man socks, thinks they’re cool as fuck. Just overall very appreciative and excited to recieve anything from you
- I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; She’s absolutely good at all the fine arts; she can draw well, she definitely can play the piano and violin, bc her rich parents paid for her to have lessons, etc
- She definitely also did some nerdy shit like take taekwondo until she was 14. Idk why I can just imagine this girl in like that white martial arts gi, doing like punching exercises.
- I don’t know if this makes sense but the kind of gf that when you guys go out to eat, you’ll both be quiet/not talk so you can eavesdrop onto people’s conversations and talk about it in the car on the way home
ugh no nat is such a loser she so would. she shows up at your house wearing this
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asking her when the last time she drank water was and she's really got to think about it. she gets so shy if you like cook her something though omg
Misty would have crushes on the weirdest fucking cartoon characters and shit I swear. she pulls you a picture of megamind and you're like "... okay"
superwholockian misty i know that's right. misty has like collectors editions of the Sherlock books. she has like an original printing displayed in her living room fr
Misty def had one of those shirts like "heading off to the shire to become a jedi because my hogwarts letter never came."
i take that and I raise you Jackie being super super invested in the NFL but still does not know how football works. she's into the vibes she's just competitive as fuck. you look over and she's googling what a halfback does.
also Jackie totally follows a soccer team obsessively. she has like 5 jerseys and so so much merch. she even buys you some so she can make you wear it. she's so excited whenever there's a game on. she's def screaming at the ref for making a bad call
jackie's dramatic ass makes you sit in the bathroom with her as she showers. your just sitting on the sink with your head against the mirror barely able to keep your eyes open and she's excitedly rambling on like she's on fucking crack.
also i feel like jackie is such a morning person. you're half an energy drink in and barely awake and she's bouncing off the walls at 6 AM
she definitely gets you sick whenever she gets sick for sure. she's expecting princess treatment squared when she's sick. omg you thought she was needy normally?? your ass is not ready.
Van is so fucking sentimental bro she has a whole box dedicated to little things you gave her, even if it was just something you randomly handed to her lmao
artist lottie has such a hold on me tbh I love it.
martial arts lottie def got a participation trophy and a pat on the back i can not see her being good at it lmao
oh no fr shauna is such a hater she loves doing hater activities with you. jackie's talking about jeff or something and yall are like 😒🙄. she always looks straight for you when stupid shit happens.
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Things the hq boys secretly love pt. 1
WARNINGS: language, some suggestive content
CHARACTERS: Iwaizumi Hajime, Suna Rintarou, Bokuto Koutarou, and Sakusa Kiyoomi
part 1 , part 2
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• when you use his body wash, cologne, shampoo, etc. basically anything that makes you smell like him.
• makes him go absolutely feral inside.
• started one day when you ran out of your own body wash and you just used his instead. so when you went to hug him after your shower and he got a giant whiff of his body wash clinging to your figure? oh boy, he was done for.
• "sorry hajime, i forgot to buy more body wash yesterday so i just used yours, i hope that's okay."
• "yeah, it's fine."
• iwaizumi hajime is indeed not fine.
• he's all cool and collected on the outside, but internally he's losing his mind and thinking some not so safe for work thoughts.
• he starts doing things like: buying the larger bottles of his body wash, putting your body wash behind his or on a higher shelf, giving you clothing doused in his cologne, one time he even hid the new bottle you'd just bought for a few days before he "miraculously" found it.
• don't get me wrong, he absolutely loves the way you smell and all of your products, but there's just something about you smelling like him that gives him an odd sense of pride and makes his heart race.
• he never directly tells you he likes when you smell like him, but he'll drop little hints like saying "you smell nice" and "i like the new body wash you're using."
• "haj, this is your body wash?"
• when you film and take photos him instead of the other way around.
• he's literally always filming and taking photos of you, even has a whole album that consists purely of content of you. so when you decide to start taking revenge by doing the same, suna's heart soars.
• you even created his own little folder in your phone and he thinks its absolutely adorable.
• but that doesn't mean he isn't a little shit about it
• will 100% pretend to hate and be annoyed by it, but deep down he finds it endearing. not that he'd ever admit that.
• you'll catch him doing something subconsciously or just plain stupid. really anything you deem adorable and want to save and cherish for later.
• you even caught him dancing around while he was cleaning once.
• when he catches you filming he just stops whatever he's doing and his face settles into this deadpan expression. he’s all pouty and you'll let out this little giggle that melts his heart (but he's gotta keep up his "over it" act)
• mf is just like "cut the cameras. deadass."
• if you catch him doing something embarrassing he's not afraid to chase you down and tackle you in retaliation.
• gripes about you deleting it (which you always refuse to do) and then five seconds later will be like "...can you send it to me?"
• he may act all huffy about it in the moment, but he absolutely loves that you cherish these moments with him so much that you want to document them.
• when you crash boys night.
• you try not to do it too often because you respect his free time and his friends. but every now and then you'll come home a little earlier than planned or need to bring bokuto something he left at home.
• every time without fail, bokuto perks up with excitement and invites you to hang with him and The Boys™️ despite your intrusion.
• you've always thought he was just being nice because you're his s/o, but he genuinely wants you there.
• he loves that you make an effort to get to know his friends. it shows him you care about his personal life and those he's closest to. he really does want you to get along with his friends and vice verse
• at first his friends are a little dismissive of you, but they warm up to you pretty fast. they all secretly have a little soft spot for you after seeing how happy you make bokuto, but that doesn't mean you're exempt from teasing.
• kuroo flirts with you every now and then just to push bokuto's buttons.
• all of this also extends to when you invite him out with your friends.
• the fact that you also want him to get to know your friends and be part of that region of your life warms his heart.
• all of your friends love him of course, they think he's adorably hilarious. plus, they see how happy he makes you, so he's got their approval.
• basically what i'm saying is please invite this sweet boy out with you, and don't feel guilty about crashing boys night. he loves that his friends are becoming yours and vice versa.
• when you never fail to ask for consent before touching him (besides the obvious consent you both ask and give before nsfw acts).
• you're very aware of his germaphobia, and ever since you met him you've always been extremely respectful with his boundaries, even after the two of you started dating.
• the first time you asked was when you first met him. "is it okay to give you a hug?" "no."
• he was floored when you didn't even seem offended by his short and cold response. you just gave him a smile and an "okay!" and then moved on. uhh, why are his cheeks suddenly heating up?
• however, once he got more comfortable with you in your relationship, he told you that you didn't have to ask to hold his hand, cuddle, or give him a hug or a kiss. it was a big step for him and it didn't go unnoticed by you.
• but he can't deny that it warms his heart that you still ask.
• sometimes you'll look at him with raised eyebrows and he'll give a little nod of consent. other times you'll just pause your actions and wait, allowing him to make the first contact. but most of the the time you'll just straight up ask him.
• "is this okay?"
• "that's fine love, but you know you don't have to ask every time? you're my s/o after all."
• "yeah, i know."
• this man is putty in your hands
• he'll keep telling you that you don't have to ask anymore (he doesn't want you to feel awkward around him) but you assure him you don't mind and continue to any ways.
• he won't admit it, but he secretly loves that you still do. it shows him you respect his boundaries and care about him enough to put aside your own wants for his comfort.
A/N: i plan on having several more parts to this hc, and i already have a few other boys planned, so let me know who you want to see next!
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cas-rivaille · 3 years
Hi! Can I request a obey me hc where the MC is a leader of a very big mafia gang in the human world?
YES !??!?
(ahaha this def isn't the plot of one of my scripts where i run a mafia gang because i thought it would be cool and it's amazing you requested this)
tags: mentions of weapons, mild swearing, protective brothers and datables (i didn't include luke because it's a mafia gang thing and he's precious child and i want abt to put him in harms way)
a/n: i also didn't write the thoughts for dia, barb, simeon, or solomon because i honestly couldn't think of anything i'm sorry
MC as a Mafia leader in the human world
When you came to the Devildom, you were in another world, rendering everything in the human world useless. You spent so much time trying to adjust, that your life in the human world was almost forgotten.
It wasn't long before Lord Diavolo announced you would be going on a trip to the human world. Suddenly you remembered everything you would go back to. If only you were aware of the chaos that would unfold. When you got to the human world, in your town you previously lived in, there was maybe a minute of peace before chaos erupted.
Once you stepped out of the alleyway that Diavolo teleported the group of you into, nearly half the people on the street turned and looked at you. Some of them ran, others pulled out their phones and made calls, and about four or five came rushing towards you asking where you'd been.
You recognized the men that had the gall to come up to you, they were some of the more high ranking commanders. However, your second in command was not among them. The brothers protectively stepped around you, not knowing who these people were. Clearly that was the wrong move.
In an instant the street was clear of citizens and there were members of your gang with their weapons drawn or their hands near their weapon. Diavolo stood behind you, glaring at the men in front. Simeon and Solomon were on edge. The atmosphere was tense. Barbatos was the first to speak.
"I'd advise you stand down," He spoke with a hum in his voice to the men in your gang.
"I could say the same to you," Said a voice emerging from the other side of the street. Slowly the person walked forward. It was your second in command.
"Who are you to be acting like this around our commander ? They disappeared four months ago and show up again like nothing ? Forgive us if we're a little curious," Your second spoke in a teasing manor, eyeing everyone carefully.
Lucifer -
- commander ?
- who ? mc a commander ? of what ?
- who are these people and where did they come from ?
- *protection mode activated*
- the only reason he's not in demon form and ready to attack is bc diavolo is here
- looks at all his brothers and makes sure they understand exactly what he means with one look
- this man is next to dia full on ready to fight
"Who are you calling com-"
You interrupt Lucifer.
"Everyone stand down, this is all just a bit misunderstanding," You say as quickly as possible to stop any conflict. Everyone directs their attention towards you.
"Commander who are these people ?" Your second asks.
"They're my friends, there's no need to be hostile. Everyone stand down," You say, looking around at all the people. They immediately lower their weapons, some of them even holster them. Your second on the other hand, known for standing up to you, doesn't lower their weapon.
"All due respect commander, but I won't stand down until I know they aren't a threat," You second looks you dead in the eye. You sigh. You then direct your attention to the boys surrounding you.
"Guys, back off a bit please. I'm fine. They aren't a threat," You say, tired.
The brothers ease up a bit, but you can still see the tension in their muscles. Diavolo, Barbatos, Simeon, and Solomon stood behind you protectively still, but also stepped back.
Lucifer steps forward and makes eye contact with you.
"What's going on MC ?" Lucifer asks.
"Okay so, gang this is Lucifer, Mammon, Levi, Satan, Beel, Asmo, Barbatos, Belphie, Solomon, Simeon, Barbatos, and Diavolo. Boys, this is my gang," You say while pointing to everyone and talking as fast as possible.
Mammon -
- he eased up on his defensive stance, but he never let your hand go
- as to be expected because you're HIS human
- anyways
- gang ??
- what do you mean gang ??
- like a club or should he be running
- very confused boi but just wants to protect you no matter what
Mammon squeezes your hand lightly. You look at him.
"What do you mean gang ?" He asks.
"I- uh.. well you see, it's exactly how it sounds," You respond.
The confusion on Mammon's face only grows.
"I am the leader of a gang. Here in the human world?" You say while shrugging your shoulders.
The boys all look at you like you've grown a second head.
"You run a gang ?" Mammon says after a moment of silence between all of them.
"Is that so surprising ?" Your second asks.
Leviathan -
- surprising ??
- surprising ??????
- the same mc that would stay up until two am playing animal crossing with him ?
- the same mc that bought him plushies of his favorite characters ?
- mc who would cosplay with him
- how could someone who makes sure he takes care of himself and basically babies him but on a friend level, be the commander of a gang ?
- lowkey thinks it's badass because he is the grand admiral of his own army
- gets distracted and starts fangirling over you
"How long have you been the commander of a gang?" Levi excitedly asks.
"Two years, before I went to the devildom that is," You respond, slightly bouncing off Levi's excitement.
"The what?" Your second asks, interrupting.
"The- oh. Wait a minute," You say and turn to Diavolo.
"Am I allowed to tell them ?" You half whisper to Dia.
"If you see fit. This situation is entirely new to me," Dia half whispers back. Barbatos leans in and joins the conversation.
"I sense utter loyalty to you, MC, if you trust them then I advise we should too," Barbatos speaks quietly.
You turn back to your gang.
"Okay so the reason I vanished for four months is because I went to 'hell' as an exchange student. Now I realize that may sound crazy, but these guys are all demons," You say while roughly gesturing to the brothers, Dia, and Barbatos, "He's an angel," You say and point to Simeon, "And he's a human, but immortal, I think. I don't really know Solomon is the textbook definition of an enigma," You say while waving at Solomon in gesture.
Your gang stares at you, bewildered. The person next to your second starts laughing hysterically. Your second glares at him but the laughter doesn't stop.
Levi, knowing exactly how it feels to be laughed at and not believed, starts talking.
"Need proof ?" He asks. In the blink of an eye he's in his demon form.
Your gang steps back, eyes wide, their hands near their weapons.
Satan -
- there's no way satan isn't dragging you back to his room after this to talk about your gang
- thinks it's attractive as hell, MC in a position of power ? that's the stuff
- takes a moment to register why levi is in his demon form, but feels his wrath and changes too
- steps closer to you
- he's still mad you never told him, but he won't take it out on you
- honestly just wants to know the truth
After Satan changes too, the rest of the brothers join in
Except Lucifer, who looks very displeased. Diavolo laughs at Lucifer's discontentment. Satan smirks as well, knowing he made Lucifer angry.
Your second is the first to speak.
"Okay what the fuck," Is the only thing said.
"MC did explain that we're demons, were you listening ?" Satan asks coyly.
"Right then. So it's actually true ?" Your second asks, looking at you.
"Yes, why would I lie ?" You say back.
There is a moment of silence. No one moves or says anything.
"So I take it this means we can't tell anyone ?" Your second asks.
"No, you cant. But I know you're all more than capable of keeping secrets," You laugh a little. The atmosphere lightens up. Your second laughs with you.
Asmo -
- your laugh is so adorable to him
- not the time thoughts
- he also thinks it's attractive you run a gang
- admires how you were able to change the atmosphere and how these people listen to you
- will totally tease you and call you commander
- joins in on lightening the mood
"Right then, how about we all go get a drink and discuss the events of the last four months over dinner ?" Asmo says.
"Is there even a restaurant big enough to hold all of us ?" Satan asks.
"Yeah, we can use the base," You say.
"Of course, it's still the same as you left it commander," Your second joins in.
"Then it's settled, let's go !" Asmo smiles.
Beel -
- definitely not opposed to having food
- is a little hurt you didn't tell him, but ultimately understands
- he wants to hear about your adventures
- wonders if he can spend more time with you to hear about said adventures
- does this mean you can fight ?
- if so can you train with him ?
"Does this mean we get human world food ?" Beel asks, looking at you.
"Yep !!" You respond.
Beel changes out of his demon form with a smile on his face.
"I'll also show you guys our base of operations and give you a tour. I can also show you where I used to live too !!" You say excitedly.
The other brothers change out of their demon forms.
Your second starts to walk and lead the way to the base. Everyone follows.
Belphie -
- to be honest he doesn't care you're a gang leader
- he just wants to sleep and spend time with you
- if those two things coincide then good for him
- he does think it's cool tho
"So, you're gonna tell us everything right ?" Belphie asks.
"Yes. I'll tell you guys about my life here and then I'll tell my gang about my life with you all," You say.
"Good, as long as things get cleared up," Belphie says and yawns.
- cas :)
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genshin-hours · 3 years
Ooh! Welcome back! Hope you've been well and taking care of yourself. Don't forget to do so, okay?
As for my request, would it be alright for HCs of Antonio, Wu Chang and Andrew with a S/O who always rescues or at least tries their best when rescuing and usually the last to go out in matches because they want to make sure everyone who can get out gets out fine? Hope this made sense.
Thank you for the hard work!
antonio, wu chang, and andrew with selfless, rescuer s/o (gn reader)
this is a cool ask! and tysm darling I appreciate it 💖 I hope you're taking care of yourself as well. and you're welcome ty for the lovely ask. hopefully this is good!
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this poor man hates going against you
he tries so desperately not to hurt you, and it physically pains him everytime he sees you bodyblocking for your teammates while on half health or attempting dangerous rescues
if he finds you, he will definitely miss you on purpose or play cat and mouse with you until he finds someone else and then leaves you to chase them
it pains antonio to down you when you come barreling in for an impossible rescue
no matter if you're about to win or lose, you're always out last, waiting for everyone at the gate
he hates it because it forces him to make a choice
he will swing, and he often hits you on detention, and if your team has already secured a tie, it will pain him, but he will chair you usually
sometimes he will just carry you out the gate with a kiss on your forehead though
however, if you're one of the last ones left, he will just gently hold you and look for the dungeon
antonio knows how it pains you when you're the last one left even though you've done everything you can to help your team
antonio will spend time with you in the match, telling you that you did a wonderful job, and you played well
if your team wins, he will walk around with you a little bit and chat, taking you to the other gate and walking the long way
if it's a bad match and you're hurt, he will do his best to patch you up after the match and kiss your scrapes and cuts better
always reminds you to stop sacrificing yourself so much, and that while you're the rescuer, you have to realize it is futile sometimes
he is very proud of how strong and determined you are though, and he admires you for your spirit :)
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wu chang
fan and xie have different opinions about this
xie admires your courage, but he wishes you would be more careful
he admires how well you bodyblock and how clean your rescues are sometimes, definitely praises you about it later
but, he sometimes chastises you for bodyblocking on half health or attempting to rescue on detention
he hates having to down and chair you, and it pains him even more when nobody comes to rescue you and he must send you off with a gentle kiss
even though you guys are together, he isn't going light on you, though he isn't as bad as fan
he might accidentally miss you or hit you much lighter than he hits the others on your team, but he is still playing the game fairly
he sometimes sighs when he sees you struggling to make it to the gate because you stayed behind to help someone, and it hurts him to down you, but it has to be done
xie is alright with giving ties, but he will seldom let you go if 2 or more of your teammates have already escaped
sorry, love, but you're getting the chair 💔
fan on the other hand will make an intense game out of the match
works harder to chase and down you, but it's only because he needs to get you out of his mind
he won't chair you, just leaves you in the corner or at the top of the hospital and tells you to stay while he hunts your teammates
he definitely gets irritated when you pull off so many rescues and bodyblocks, and he gets upset when you attempt a futile rescue when you both know you're not making it out
also makes him mad when you stay outside the gate too long waiting for someone, and if you block his hit on your other teammate so that they escape, he is chairing you no question and scolding you
fan almost never gives ties, sorry 💔 but sometimes xie will coax him into letting you go out the dungeon (thank him later for that)
they both admire your courage but they wish you would stop sacrificing yourself so much
xie loves seeing how caring you are for your teammates, but fan doesn't understand
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andrew is ultimately confused by your behavior
he is a rescuer himself, so he wonders why you offer to rescue even before your teammate is put on the chair
andrew gets upset when he sees you getting downed alot, and it pains him to see your scrapes and bruises
he gets super worried when you leave the safety of the gate in an attempt to rescue someone across the map or help someone get to the gate, and he often will follow you for backup
andrew is skittish but when it comes to his s/o he will follow them anywhere
if you're body blocking for someone, ready to take the hit, he will jump to take it for you, urging you to run to the gate as fast as you can.
andrew is surprised by how clean your rescues are, and he is definitely blushing when you come to save him
send him a wink and he will melt on the chair
when it's his turn to rescue, though, he will bodyblock like hell
nobody is touching his angel >:(
he admires how strong and brave you are, and he admits he could never be that tough to stay behind
andrew tends to your injuries afterwards, kissing them carefully and begging you to let him do the sacrificing next time
he knows you'll keep being selfless and staying behind, so expect him to follow you
and expect your team to whine at you when you both get downed accidentally because he tries to protect you lmao
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animeomegas · 4 years
Omega!Kaidou Headcanons
Anon:  Ooooh can you do omega kaido hcs?
(Aww, I love Kaidou, he is baby. I just finished all my uni work for the week so I jumped to write this! Enjoy!)
Warnings: N-sfw under cut, mpreg, talk of insecurities.
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Kaidou is quite an insecure omega. Especially as a teenager.
Honestly, he has probably tried to masquerade as a beta before, and wished many times that he was an alpha like his younger brother and sister.
A lot of his façade as the ‘Jet Black Wings’ is a defence mechanism because of his insecurities and him being an omega fuels that.
Kaidou can be wary around alphas he doesn’t know, so it’s likely that you were friends first and romantic a long time afterwards.
When you are finally mates/almost mates, you see a completely different side to Kaidou.
He is incredibly touch starved. He loves cuddles and pets. He’ll take any affection you dish out. He especially loves resting his head on your lap or on your shoulder.
Kaidou wants to be an author when he’s older, and he has never had anyone support his dream. When you offer your support for him, he falls in love with you right then and there. That’s when he knew he wanted you to be his alpha.
His scent is light and flowery, with a hint of citrus.
Kaidou purrs a lot without realising and it always embarrasses him when you point it out. He purrs everytime you scent him, croon, cuddle him, etc. 
Kaidou is a very sweet omega who is a dedicated and loving mate and parent. 
As a teenager, Kaidou never gets to the point where he likes his nest. 
He wants a super cool nest! A combo between a ‘secret lair’ style and a ‘pinterest’ style nest.
He wants a room dedicated to his nest, preferably with a hidden entrance. He wants a super powerful colour scheme with cool posters but he also wants fairy lights and pastel blankets.
Kaidou has lots of cuddly toys but he gets embarrassed about it and won’t admit it. 
In fact, cuddly toys are his favourite courting gifts to receive, but he will always pretend that he think toys are for little kids, but you can see how tightly he cradles the toy, and if you scent the teddy first, you can even hear him purring. 
As an adult, Kaidou really wants his dream nest, but he feels guilty spending so much money on it. It’s up to his alpha to encourage him. 
When he has pups, they think his nest is the coolest thing ever, and they tell all the other kids at school because it has a hidden door! And beanbags! And a mini fridge! And it’s way better than your omega parent’s nest!!
Kaidou is very protective of his nest. He only lets you and his pups inside. No one else. He doesn’t even like when someone figures out where it is in his home.
This causes some conflict because he would love to give birth in his nest, but he would never be able to invite a midwife or doctor inside. 
You clutched a small bat plushie in you hands as you walked into your classroom. You had bought it for Kaidou on a whim yesterday on your way home from school. This was hardly the first time you had given him a courting gift, but this was the first one that had your scent on it. 
“Holy shit.” You whispered to yourself. “You can do this, don’t be nervous.” 
You saw Kaidou immediately. He was sitting on top of his desk, chatting with Hairo and Nendou. You huffed. You would have preferred him to be alone but you guess that couldn’t be helped now.
“Hey, Shun...” You started, awkwardly sliding up beside him.
He startled slightly, a blush settling on his cheeks.
 “Oh! Hey... Everything okay?”
“Yeah, I, um.” You pulled the bat toy out of your pocket, shoving it vaguely in his direction. “This is for you.”
Kaidou gently took it from your hands, eyes wide. He turned it over, running a finger over the fake fangs. You saw the moment he realised you had scented it. He looked up at you in shock before turning and sniffing absentmindedly at the toy, purrs beginning to sneak out. 
You puffed up in pride. Watching your intended mate accept and enjoy your gift with such fervour filled your heart with joy. 
“HA HA!” Interrupted Nedou. “Kaidou’s purring!”
The purrs stopped immediately, Kaidou turned bright red, shoving the toy into his bag. 
“I AM NOT! Shut up!”
The two began to bicker, Nedou laughing over Kaidou’s agressive denial. 
You were vaguely embarrassed that Kaidou’s friends had seen you give him a courting gift, but mostly you were pleased by his acceptance of your first serious courting gift. Giving someone your scent to put in their nest was a big deal after all.
Family + pups
When you decide to court Kaidou, he will try and keep you as far away from his mother as he can. Unfortunately, this doesn’t last long, because his mother just orders him to bring you over and he can’t say no to his terrifying alpha mother.
Kaidou is unbelievably nervous throughout the whole meeting. He knows his mother will order him to end the courtship if she doesn’t approve.
His mother’s opinion depends a lot of how well spoken, intelligent and ambitious Kaidou’s intended alpha is.
If you have good grades, can match her successfully in conversation, and are preparing to apply to a good university, she will adore you. 
(it’s best just to lie if you aren’t those things).
Kaidou’s mother is a very hands on grandparent when the time comes. She always take your pup(s) when Kaidou is in heat and you in rut. She also helps pay for tutors and arranges academic help for all her grandchildren.
Kaidou wants at least one pup but no more than three pups. 
He is such a sweet parent. 
He never, ever makes fun of his pups. He always treats their problems seriously and loves them for who they are.
He’s the kind of parent who jumps at the opportunity to support his kids hobbies. Writing, martial arts, painting, cooking, whatever they love, he makes sure they can do it. 
Kaidou makes an excellent stay-at-home parent. He loves spending time with his pup(s) and working on writing the book he wants to write.
Family cuddles are a scheduled weekly event. He is distraught if, when his pups get older, they don’t partake in the family cuddles every week.
It took Kaidou quite a few tries to get pregnant, and he ended up getting very stressed about it, thinking something was wrong with him. Luckily, it eventually happened for you both. 
When he was pregnant, Kaidou didn’t have many symptoms, but he was very tired and hungry all the time. 
He needed help to do most things because he was so tired, but he felt like a burden, so didn’t ask for help. This changes in his second pregnancy (if he has one). He needs to have help with your other pup(s) when he’s pregnant because he’s too tired to look after them fulltime.
It would make more sense for you to wait until your first pup was in school before trying for a second one, just to take the pressure off of Kaidou somewhat.
The night’s peace was broken by a tentative knock at your bedroom door. You startled slightly, starting to sit up, Kaidou also stirring in your arms. The door handle turned slowly, the silhouette of you oldest son was revealed, along with the quiet sound of sniffling.
Before you could even process what you were seeing, Kaidou had yanked himself out of your arms and thrown himself towards your crying pup. 
“What’s wrong? What happened?” Kaidou panicked, hands flitting over your pup as if to check for injuries. 
“Nightmare.” Your pup whined, beginning to sob and he held his arms out for a hug. 
Kaidou whined with him, quickly and firmly pulling him into his embrace. Kaidou then stood up, cradling your pup in his arms, rocking him back and forth. 
“Why don’t you sleep with us tonight, pup?” You said, voice still heavy with sleep, gesturing for Kaidou to get back into bed. It was freezing after all.
Kaidou didn’t need any more prompting and slipped back under the covers you were holding up for him. As he settled down, your pup quickly grabbed at your shirt, holding it tightly in his fist. You brushed your hand over his tiny one before settling your hand on his back, rubbing up and down to help soothe him. You could no longer see his face (it was buried in your mate’s chest), but you could still hear his sniffling. 
“What was your nightmare about, sweetheart? Must have been scary, huh?” You asked as Kaidou began scenting the top of your son’s head. 
“Yeah. W’s scary.” Came the muffled voice of your pup. 
In lieu of a reply, you pulled both him and Kaidou more closely against your chest. 
“Nothing can happen while you’re here with us, okay. You’re safe.” You kept rubbing his back as he finally started to settle. Eventually, his breathing evened out and he relaxed fully against you and Kaidou, his grip on your shirt loosening. 
“I feel so useless when he has nightmares.” Kaidou admitted, breaking the hush. “I can’t protect him from them.”
You shifted slightly to look him in the eye. 
“You’re protecting him right now, my love. This is what he needs from you and you’re so good at it. You’re such a good parent, Shun.” Kaidou blushed faintly.  “I fall in love with you all over again everytime I see you with our pups.”
Kaidou smiled slightly, resting his head against your shoulder. 
“I just want him to be happy.” 
“I know.” You replied, placing a kiss on his head. “Me too.” 
You started to drift off to sleep as silence descended on the room. 
“Thanks.” Kaidou murmured. 
Too tired to reply, you squeezed him lightly with your arms. It saddened you that your amazing parent of a mate still felt insecure four years into parenthood, but you were just going to have to keep telling him otherwise until he started to see himself as you saw him. 
N-SFW under cut (ft. Slightly!Older!Kaidou)
Kaidou always, always needs after sex cuddles. It helps relax him, quiet his insecurities and is equally as enjoyable as the sex in his opinion.
Kaidou is a big subby baby, and he needs cuddles for his aftercare or he can feel very rejected.
Do you remember the episode where Kaidou came last in every event of the physical fitness test, but came first in flexibility? Kaidou is extremely flexible and he loves to show it off in bed. He’s very proud of all the positions he can bend into. 
Kaidou loves dressing up in lingerie. He feels pretty and confident when he’s wearing lace lingerie. He looks best in pastel blue (it matches his hair), but honestly, he pulls off all pastel shades very well.
Along a similar vein, Kaidou finds it very embarrasing but very hot to look at himself in the mirror while you have sex. It requires a lot of praise though, as he can be quite insecure.
In heat, Kaidou is absolutely shameless. He will beg and plead and whine and nuzzle you to get you into his nest with him. 
Kaidou is weak to hickeys on his neck, especially around his scent glands. He doesn’t give many hickeys, but he is prone to leaving scratch marks on your back and shoulders. 
This man is very sensitive in a lot of areas. His nipples and the inside of his thighs are very soft and particularly sensitive.
He hates pain though. He is neither a masochist nor a sadist and thinks that pain has no place in love making. 
Kaidou likes a little bit of roleplay but he’s way to embarrassed to bring it up. You have to wait until you’ve been in a relationship with him for years before he feels comfortable enough to bring it up. He is interested in teacher/student and master/slave style roleplays. He enjoys playing the part of someone else, because it makes him feel more comfortable in embracing his sexuality outside his heat. 
“I’m-I’m coming out now. Don’t laugh, okay?”
You shook you head fondly. 
“I’m not going to laugh at you, baby. You always look gorgeous, don’t forget that.”
The bathroom door opened and Kaidou shuffled out, clad in the new pastel blue lingerie set you had ordered for him last week. 
You lost your breath just looking at him. 
He was wearing sheer knee socks with little bows, held up by the garter belt sitting snugly on his waist. On top, he was wearing a lacy bralette, completely see through of course. Your favourite piece however, was undoubtedly the little blue panties. You could see the fabric bulging, straining against his erection. Looking a little closer, you noticed a small damp spot. You grinned. For all his complaining, he certainly enjoyed this a lot. You haven’t even touched him yet. 
Kaidou shifted under your hungry gaze, feeling a little like your prey. He shivered at the thought. 
You moved to kneel on the ground before him, pressing wet, open mouth kisses over his thighs and tummy. Kaidou steadied himself by gripping onto your shoulders. You could feel his nails making small grooves in your skin. 
When you reached his chest, you began to suck and bite at his nipples through the lacey fabric, delighting in his moans and whimpers. He was always so sensitive for you. 
“So beautiful.” You panted, breathing heavily against him. 
“M’ not. Not beautiful.” Kaidou denied, eyes clenched shut.
You growled in response, biting him lightly on the shoulder. 
“Don’t you dare. You’re breath-taking, Shun. Stunning. Gorgeous. Perfect.” You emphasised every word with a suck or a bit on his neck. You wouldn’t stop until he learnt to love himself as much as you loved him. 
“Okay, baby, get on the bed. We have a long night ahead.” You made a point to crash your hips into his.  “I’m going to show you how beautiful you are.”
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utakoi · 4 years
Office Yandere HCs
Pairings: Assistant!Izuku Midoriya, Investor!Shoto Todoroki, Chauffeur!Hitoshi Shinso x Boss!Fem!reader
Summary: Ever wonder what it would be like to be the boss of some office yanderes and basically have a harem? Well, look no further, cause here it is!
Warnings: smut !!18+ ONLY!! (spunking in food + masturbation + dirty thoughts + oral), yandere themes (noncon)
A/N: Bc my brain kept me up at night with this concept and has made it’s final decision on turning a one shot I was in the middle of writing into a series, I decided to write some messy hcs to take a lil breather from long works (evn tho this is kinda long already). Also, if you think this is the last you’ll hear about office yanderes, no no no, I have some other thoughts for other characters
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Assistant!Midoriya Izuku
He is over the moon to hold a position that’s the closest to you
Out of your entire yandere office harem, he gets to spend the most time with you
He also definitely has an advantage since he practically schedules your entire day
For example, Shoto constantly tries to schedule one-on-one meetings with you in the guise of it being a matter of business, but Izuku cock blocks him by filling your day with a bunch of other events in order to make the meetings as short as possible, and sometimes, even cuts them out completely
He doesn’t like doing it often tho since he knows you can get too stressed with too much going on so he reluctantly has to give away some time for you to meet with the other yanderes (he’s still kind of a sweet and considerate bby as a yandere)
Will not give you personal space
Stands close to you during meetings, constantly visits your office to work (even tho his personal office is right next to yours), etc etc
Even if you don’t ask him to, he will fetch your meals and give you snacks throughout the day because he wants to take care of you and show how sweet he is (also because he wants you to imagine how good of a boyfriend he’d be if you just gave him a chance)
Now let’s get to the part that just popped up into my mind and inspired this entire post: if he can hide his cum somewhere in your food, he will do it
That coffee he gave you that tasted a little salty? Izuku spunked inside it.
The sandwich he bought that seemed to have more mayo than usual? He spunked in that, too
Whatever you think doesn’t taste right, it’s definitely because of Izuku
// // // // //
Izuku is thankful for his job because of two specific things: he gets to interact with you for most of the day and his office has a built in personal bathroom.
If he were to be forced to use the regular employee restroom, his lewd acts would have been exposed immediately by anyone who happened to walk in; he was never the best at holding his moans and grunts while jacking himself off after all.
In the privacy of his own bathroom, he could be as loud as he wants with both his breathy, pleasure-ridden voice and the slick sounds of him stroking his lube-covered cock. In fact, he’s even trying to be as loud as possible. 
Since your office is right next to his, there’s a small chance that you may be able to hear him through the walls. He can visualize you entering his office, concern decorating your features, wondering what he could possibly be doing to make such noises. If you were to open his bathroom door, you’d be met by the sight of Izuku sitting on the lid of the toilet, his hand vigorously pumping up and down his shaft. 
And he wouldn’t stop.
He’d just keep going, all the while staring at you right in the eye. He wonders what you’d do then. Would you just stay frozen at your spot, being unable to take your eyes off of him? Or maybe you’d get on your knees, completely turned on and ready to have a taste of his cum? What if you were actually more dominant than he thought and you’d just dig your heels into his dick, punishing him for slacking off his job by not letting him find release?
Fuck, any of those scenarios would be fine by him. 
Unfortunately, as he gets close to reaching his peak, you don’t come into his office at all. That’s alright, though.
He’ll just settle with spunking into your coffee, for now.
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Investor!Shoto Todoroki
Needs your attention
Like I said earlier, Shoto will keep trying to schedule meetings with you in the guise of it being a matter of business 
really, he just wants to spend time with you
During the meetings, he will also try to convince you to fire Izuku so that he can get rid of who he deems as someone deliberately keeping the two of you apart (which, for once, is a pretty spot on theory from Shoto)
Will try to spoil you with gifts and make excuses or pass it off as a casual thing so you don’t reject it or deem it as inappropriate for a workplace relationship
The beautiful bouquet of flowers? He was buying flowers for his mother on the way over and  the flower shop had a 2 for 1 deal so why not?
These gourmet chocolates? A fellow business partner of his gave him a box as thanks for his investment. Unfortunately, he’s allergic to one of the ingredients, but it would just be a waste to throw them out, no?
This exquisite diamond necklace? weLL-
You get the point (also, these gifts are definitely inspired by romance movies he saw his sister watching while growing up cuz oof he did not know any means of romance until he met you)
He aims to schedule his meetings with you around lunch time so that he has an excuse to treat you for lunch
He loves providing for you AKA he loves providing for you and showing off how he has the means to take care of you (much like Izuku)
If you were to become his wife, you wouldn’t have to work another day in your life
You can just stay at home and relax
Maybe you can even cook him breakfast and pack lunch for him before he works
That’s basically his dream
He wants you to stay home, waiting for your sweet husband to come back from work
Basically, he’ll take care of your every need, and he means EVERY need
// // // // //
It’s one of those nights again.
Shoto can’t sleep because he’s plagued by thoughts of you. Today, you weren’t able to meet him for lunch because you already had a flood of other appointments to attend (he was willing to bet his entire fortune that it’s because of your stupid assistant’s scheduling that you weren’t able to make it). 
So, needless to say, he was pent up. He can only hop that you fall in love with him sooner. Did his charms just not work on you? Do you not like the cool stoic type? Maybe he just wasn’t giving you the right gifts. Were they not expensive enough to impress you? Not expensive enough to show he could provide for you?
He knows he can take care of you so well. You would never have to work another day in your life. You can just stay home, surrounded by luxurious gifts and servants who’ll be at your beck and call while you wait for his return. 
And once he actually did come home after a long day of work? You’d be bathed in affection. Kisses, hugs, cuddles... and more.
You’d want him just as much as he wants you, right? 
His poor wife, lonely and deprived of the one person she loves for such long hours. He’s got to show that he’s sorry for neglecting you. 
Pushing you down onto the bed, he’d run his hands all over your body, massaging your shoulders, pinching your hardening nipples, brushing over your sensitive thighs... And since he’s also quite needy, he’d be grinding down his still-clothed cock on your pussy, showing off that he’s missed you, too.
Shoto doesn��t even think he’d have the patience to take off your clothes. He’d just keep dry humping you, desperate for his own release. The thin cloth preventing the both of you from making actual skin-on-skin contact would make such great friction. He can practically feel it now.
... And yup, the feeling was definitely not just from his imagination. Without even needing to glance down, Shoto already knows that his thoughts of you has caused him to pop a boner. 
Hopefully, a quick jerk off session can tire him out enough to fall asleep, but with how much his hard cock throbbed, he doubted it.
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Chauffeur!Hitoshi Shinso
2nd most envied out of your office harem for his job (he’s right next to Izuku)
Why? Well 1 - he gets one on one time with you daily and 2 - that one on one time is him and you in an enclosed space
Sure, he may not get as much time with you as the others, but he sure makes the best use of it
He’ll be chatting you up, getting to know you personally in order to make the atmosphere less awkward between the two of you (tbh, because he gives off standoffish and cold vibes, y’all are gonna be kinda tense when he’s just gotten his job as a chauffeur)
and he does it so discreetly
He’ll start the conversation of lightly, talking about the weather, how busy you’re going to be that day...
and then somehow it just transitions onto friendlier and more personal topics such as your favorite places to eat, what hobbies you’ve been trying out lately, etc
And he uses that info to his advantage
If he senses that you’re feeling stressed or down, he will drive you over to your favorite places and remind you that you should relax
But not only does he get brownie points for that, but would you really be so mean as to make him wait for you while you eat a meal or walk around the mall when he’s the one who’s trying so hard to cheer you up?
Of course not, you’re going to invite him and thank him for considering how you’re feeling
And if not, well, that’s okay, too, he understands (so long as he gets his brownie points)
As the boss of your own company, you’d often be asked out to meetings or social gatherings that involve drinking
Shinso’s always there whenever you get shit faced, and happily so
You’re drunk and you’re not gonna remember it the next morning, anyway... so why would he waste such a golden opportunity?
// // // // //
Shit, you feel great on his body.
Currently, Shinso is living out one of the best moments of his life. He’d come to pick you up from a drinking session with some investors and was ecstatic to find you drunk out of your mind. Hell, you could barely even slur out your orders for him to drive you home. Now, you’re pressed up against him as he holds you up and guides you to the car. 
Testing out the waters, he cheekily squeezes the flesh of your ass. If you were conscious enough to reprimand him for it, then he could easily just apologize and pass it off as an accident since you were stumbling around so much. 
And if you didn’t mention anything... well then, that was the single indicator he needed to know that you wouldn’t remember anything once you woke up in the morning. 
To his delight, you barely reacted to his touch and even let out a high-pitched giggle at his actions. As quickly as he possibly could, he opens up the back of the limousine and pushes you inside. You plop down onto the seat with a huff, completely inebriated. 
You don’t even register when Shinso crawls in and nudges himself in between your legs. 
When the door slams shut, you flinch a little, prompting Shinso to massage your thighs in an attempt to soothe you. He gazes at you lovingly as you look down at him with your dilated pupils. Fuck, you look way too innocent and adorable for what he’s about to do. 
Quick with his hands, he pulls down your waistband and completely exposes your sex. Before diving into his meal, he places light kisses that trail from your calf all the way up to your thighs. He wishes he could leave marks on your skin, but he wouldn’t want you to panic the next morning when you see clusters of purple and blue spread out all over your legs. 
He eats you out like a man starved, slobbering all over your pussy. All the while, you’re making such cute noises for him. When you gush all over his face, he’s happily lapping it all up, trying not to waste a single drop. 
Once you’ve come down, he dresses you back up as if nothing happened, which, in your mind tomorrow, nothing did. 
Shinso hesitates when he’s about to slide the panties back onto you. Maybe he could get away with just a little souvenir?
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zukuist · 4 years
crushing [hcs]
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“how the bnha boys would act like if they had a crush on you”
includes : todoroki shouto, bakugou katsuki, midoriya izuku, kirishima eijirou
your name is shortened to y/n, you have a powerful quirk
notes : i’ll be posting two times today just because it’s the end of 2020 :)) also i didn’t really proof read so.. sorry if there’s some mistakes
todoroki shouto
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man’s kinda clueless about his feelings at first
like.. “why does my stomach feel funny?? and why is my quirk acting up— wait.. maybe i’m sick.”
no shouto, you’re just pining over y/n
shouto’s a quiet person overall,
but ever since his feelings towards you became clear
he’s been trying hard to keep up a conversation
but don’t get me wrong, shouto won’t be as talkative as your regular extrovert
however— he’ll be trying his hardest to inquire things about your quirk, what you ate, etc
it’s a sign that he cares a lot, y’know?
it is canon that shouto loves to share his food with his friends to cheer them up
so this guy’s always sharing his food with you (regardless if you’re happy or not)
man’s very observant of you— and if anyone asked his opinion about you,
he could talk for days :)
it’s a subtle change to the unfamiliar people, but to his closest friends
they can tell when he’s pining over someone,
so yeah.
you’ll be the one to make the first move though
bakugou katsuki
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it doesn’t really feel like anything changed
because to the public eye, katsuki acts like.. himself.
loud, and explosive
and at first— katsuki tried to deny his feelings, because “shit like that will get in my way” don’t take it personally.
but he likes you a lot more than he’d ever anticipate??
so for you.. the sudden change of heart is there alright.
the first change is just him staring at you constantly,
because he doesn’t really know how to talk to you softly like how he’d want it to be
at first, he’ll only stare at you whenever your back is turned on him
but if you catch him, he won’t be afraid to stare at you— looking or not
the next thing is that bakugou’s words slowly become nicer
after training, he’ll just smirk and say “you’re not bad, dumbass.”
but c’mon, they’re still quite mean
the last part is just him secretly looking after you.
if you’re paired up with him during training (like in that one ova where they were in an underground mall)
his eyes will be trained on you
“just to make sure you don’t do anything stupid”
the bakusquad’s gonna tease him for those changes
but he’ll still deny those raging feelings
he’s a tsundere, change my mind :)
midoriya izuku
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okay so.. this is going to be really complicated
this man will be so blushy, and timid at one time
then he won’t shut up for another time
like.. he’s so comfortable around you?? but not at the same time??
he’ll be so blushy and intimidated by your beauty like..
“do i deserve to be around such a wonderful person?”
but he’ll also be oddly talkative, because you make him feel comfortable with himself
that literally didn’t make sense?? but oh well
similar to shouto, if you ask izuku’s opinion about you
he’ll never shut up omg
he’ll just go on a word vomit
especially to his mom lol— izuku only has to hope that you don’t accidentally come across his mom
because his mom will just gush about how “izuku talks about you all the time!”
his notebook has pages and pages about you
not just about your quirk— but also about your interests,
he thinks it’ll come in handy one day
also, his feelings towards you are very obvious?
the dekusquad notices right away, rip 🧎‍♂️
kirishima eijirou
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you’d assume this lil shark will be all confident and upfront with his feelings
actually.. no, not really.
he’s very friendly in general, but if you walk into the room—
he’ll just stop for a few seconds just to admire all of your features
with his cheeks literally red
his love language is probably the act of service, please change my mind
so that means he’s going to help you every chance he gets
(but if you really have the situation under control, then he’ll let you be.)
hmm.. eijirou coming to the terms with his feelings is probably by accident?
eijirou’s probably talking to mina about you
saying stuff about how you’re so cool, and he just loves being around you
then mina just randomly goes
“maybe you like them ;)”
and kiri’s just like
“😳 maybe?”
bakusquad as his wing woman/men? yes.
but in reality, kirishima’s really insecure— he just knows how to hide it well
but eventually, he’ll overcome that—
and he’s just determined to prove to you that he’s worth it (that is, if you accept)
take good care of him :)
©️ izukulie 2020, bnha|mha belongs to horikoshi kohei. do not pass off my work as your own ❕
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smallblip · 4 years
Okay, but (sorry for my english) I just really love modern hc where they perform as the band No Name during their school festival (their identities are already known and that people know they belong to one of the most famous group in the school /with nanaba and erwin/).
Levi’s the face of the group and almost half of the fans have him as their bias but they really thinks he’s asexual or bi or even gay since they never knew anyone who had been his girlfriend and he doesn’t seem to be that person to be involved in any romance.
But then he surprises everyone when during their performance, he just grabs hange’s ponytail and kissed her deeply.
And people were just like—oh, shit, wait, what.... levi just—kissed his friend....his....friend.....Hange....the Hange
Then the crowd went wilder and even Levi’s fans just gasped with excitement because—damn that’s hot!
Even Hange herself were surprised but she couldn’t do anything since levi’s grip was too strong, lost in his own world as he ravishes her with kisses as if he doesn’t give a shit about everyone watching them
she doesn’t even know how long it lasted.
Then there’s Erwin in the crowd, capturing every moment with a camera because he’s the only one who wasn’t surprised about this
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Stop the presses!
“Breaking news! Levi Ackerman frontman of No Name is having an illicit love affair!”
“It’s not breaking news if everyone already knows...” Porco rolls his eyes. Connie groans. Great. Now Porco is in his shot. The school’s journalism club is essentially him and Sasha with her phone’s camera. They do not have the skill nor the budget to edit him out.
“Who’s he dating then?” Sasha shoots back.
“Heard it’s a girl from another school.” Porco shrugs.
“Heard he’s gay...” Reiner offers.
“You just want him to be gay...” There’s sniggering and Reiner wants to punch Porco, but he’s a man of discipline, so no violence before breakfast.
“It’s just a rumour! He isn’t dating anyone! Levi’s too cool to date.” Eren says, gagging at the mention of the word. A literal child.
“Who would wanna date him?” Mikasa scoffs.
“Everyone in the school apart from you, Mikasa...” Petra says, “he’s dreamy...”
Connie urges the discussion on, Sasha capturing all of this. This is the best content they’ve gotten all week. “Come on! There are no bad answers!”
“Maybe he’s dating a fan?” Bertholdt says.
“Maybe he’s dating Hanji... They do seem rather close?” Pieck says, and the silence and scowls are intended to shame her. Connie looks at the aluminium foil on Pieck’s head. Right. The Signs movie screening organised by the conspiracy society is today.
“No bad answers except that one...” Connie says.
“You’re the talk of the town again...” Mike says, “they were discussing you on the school’s YouTube channel.”
Levi tsks. He doesn’t know why Mike bothers with that crap. It’s a pretty high quality production... he had justified, but there’s nothing high quality about Sasha’s shaky hands and Connie’s head covering half the frame. Everyone knows Mike enjoys the gossip, and there’s no one that enjoys it more. Except maybe Erwin.
“Do tell! Who is the enigmatic Levi Ackerman dating?” Erwin teases. He knows he’s not getting anything out of tight-lipped Levi. But it’s still worth a shot. Also worth seeing how annoyed he can get. Plus it’s not like they don’t already know.
If the canteen hadn’t been so goddamn full, Levi would’ve relocated long ago. Then again, his lunch groups hasn’t changed since his first day at school. The routine works.
“I’m sure you boys would be the first to know...” Nanaba chuckles. She had been the first to know and frankly. Levi’s inability to confess has been getting stifling. The only thing that really breaks the conversation though? Hanji tripping and landing face first on the table, lucky for her Levi moves her tray out of the way, saving her lunch, “watch it four eyes!”
“What did I miss?” Hanji asks, eyes already gleaming at the possibility of new knowledge.
“We were just talking about Levi’s illicit love affair.” Mike says. This is getting interesting.
“Awww Levi! You didn’t tell your ol’ pal Hanji that you were seeing someone?”
The rest of them exchange looks. God she’s so goddamn oblivious.
“Eat. We’ve got band practice before class.” Levi says, fingers already working to peel Hanji’s orange for her.
Nanaba winces. So goddamn oblivious.
“So we enter school today and Sasha what do we see?”
“Merch!” Sasha pops in front of the screen and does jazz hands with Connie.
“In the lead up to the big No Name concert, everyone’s donning their best No Name merch! First, let’s speak to the best in the game, Armin Arlert.”
Armin fidgets awkwardly, “ahaha I’m just a fan who just happens to make high quality merch.” Modest for someone earning big bucks from his enterprise.
“Ah... And you have competition this year!” Connie says into the microphone, which is really just rolled up newspaper.
“Well... The quality of my work speaks for itself...” Armin smiles sheepishly at the camera, but there’s something insidious in his eyes. Armin has to admit having sole monopoly over No Name merchandising in school has gone a little stale. Surely a little competition will spice things up.
“So Zeke, care to tell us more about your entry into the merchandise game?” Connie asks the bearded boy. Who has a full grown beard at their age? Connie makes a mental note to insert “sells bootleg merch” in the little panel that runs below Zeke’s interview. The whole school is also pretty sure Zeke had been behind the whole oregano debacle last year- someone had been passing oregano off as weed and selling it to the younglings.
“What’s there to say? Mine’s cheaper.” Zeke winks.
“So, satisfied customer. Why did you choose to buy Armin’s merch over Zeke’s?” Connie asks.
Pieck glances down at her Hanji shirt, “Armin got Hanji’s nose right.” She smiles.
In the background Armin and Eren are yelling at one another.
“How could you Eren! I thought we were best friends!” Armin says. Maybe the competition spiced things up a little too much.
“It was cheaper Armin! So much cheaper!”
Eren is wearing the ugliest shirt in school so, is it really worth it though?
“We are absolutely not blowing our budget on a confetti canon!”
“But Levi!” Hanji whines, “you already rejected so many of my ideas...”
“May I remind you that your previous ideas include a guillotine on stage, you repelling from the ceiling-“
“A tiger...” Mike adds and Hanji shoots him a look, traitor...
“It was two tigers...” she mutters under her breath. “Aww Levi you never let me do anything fun!” She pouts and Mike watches as Levi’s resolve slips an inch. There’s nothing more disgusting than the weakness of a man in love. Mike rolls his eyes. He had told Erwin if he wanted in on the action, he should join their band. There’s just so much to see that Mike has honestly had his fill. Or maybe he’s just saying it. Damn Nanaba was right, he enjoys this more than he’d care to admit.
“If you shut up through the next five songs, I’ll buy you dinner.”
“What about me?” Mike huffs.
“Deal!” Hanji shouts triumphantly, “and if you let me sing the chorus with you on this next song at the concert I’ll buy you dessert!”
“Almost as if I’m invisible...” Mike mutters.
“Fine... Deal... If you can hit the notes that is...”
“Ohhhh snap!” Mike says, and Levi turns to him for a high five. Mike smashes a beat on his drums. Hanji deadpans.
Ba dum fuckin tiss indeed.
“So it’s two days before the festival and the big No Name concert. Today, we’ve got a special treat for you. Roving reporter Jean Kirschtein will find out more about Levi’s love affair, straight from the horse’s mouth!”
Jean shoots Connie a dirty look. But the pun had not been intended. Connie mouths a quick apology before continuing, “but first, a word with the people closest to him-“ Connie nudges Jean towards the general direction of Erwin, Nanaba and Mike. Remember you owe me Jean! Connie whispers harshly when he senses his friend’s hesitation, now go!
Jean groans once more. God his reputation was going to take a hit. He’s vice captain of the soccer team for God’s sake. He doesn’t need this.
“Erwin Smith! A word? Uh... Thoughts on the rumours surrounding Levi Ackerman’s love life?” Jean asks. “Erwin Smith, football captain, history club president, student council treasurer, overall overachiever, and Levi Ackerman’s friend” appears on the screen. They all know if anyone’s likely to spill, it’s going to be Erwin.
Erwin’s eyes light up, he’s finally going on the channel he watches religiously with Mike. There’s so much he can contribute, so much gossip to share, so much insight. Maybe they would even invite him as a panelist on their show. The sheer power! He looks at Nanaba and she frowns at him and shakes her head. Ah damn it! He knows she’ll tear into him if he divulges too much.
“That’s strictly on a need to know basis.” Erwin grins.
“Well... Can you give us anything at all?” Jean asks. Please for the love of god he needs to pay Connie back somehow for setting him up on that date with Mikasa. God is generous but he can easily take it all away.
“We have good, solid guesses, but other than that... No... We can’t confirm anything...” Erwin answers, but not before glancing at Nanaba. She’s nodding. Good, that’s a good answer. Ambiguous enough to keep people wanting. Erwin is relieved. Jean isn’t however, he’s now certain that his debt is going to be rolled along a tab he will soon never be able to pay.
“Oh and the history society’s having quiz night next week, be there or be square!” Erwin plugs.
“Nerd!” Nile yells from across the hallway and Mike chortles.
It doesn’t take Jean long to find Hanji, after all she’s president of the biology club, so why wouldn’t she be in a lab elbow deep in a vat of something Jean doesn’t want to know the name of. It’s her kingdom with a whopping total of four subjects.
“Hanji Zoë, I’m here to ask for the latest on Levi Ackerman’s love life-“
Hanji Zoë- the school’s resident oddball, the genius herself, in the flesh, eating a checkerboard cookie. She looks up at him and there are crumbs on her face.
“Oh! Hi Jean!” Hanji looks up momentarily, “that’s easy, Levi’s in love with me.” She winks at Jean and chuckles. Jean’s jaw drops, surely she’s kidding. Hanji’s known for that after all- her quick wit and dismal personal hygiene. He chuckles awkwardly. “Yeah... Okay...”
“See you at the concert?” She beams at him and he replies enthusiastically. Is she kidding? Everyone’s gonna be there. But Jean remains strategic, he leaves right before she gets the chance to talk his ear off about joining her club again. “Shoot... There goes another one...” she says under her breath as he exits the lab.
Jean bumps into Levi when he’s leaving the lab, odd, what’s Levi doing here, no matter, Jean has a job to do.
“Levi Ackerman! Care to comment on the recent rumours surrounding your-“
“No.” Levi interjects and heads off.
Jean flips the camera so he’s in it, “well, that’s the scoop. Back to you Connie and Sasha.”
“It’s the day of the festival! But really the whole school is buzzing with anticipation for the No Name concert!” Connie announces into his makeshift mic.
“Will there be another accident on-stage this time? Will Levi Ackerman reveal more on his secret romance? Is there even a secret romance to begin with? More importantly, will Porco Galliard finally pay for his own food at the festival?”
“Hey!” Porco whips his head around to glare at Connie, “did Reiner get you to say that?”
Connie shrugs, “we’ll find out after these messages...”
The concert is a blast, from a spectacular entrance (choreographed, no doubt, by one Hanji Zoë), to Mike’s drum solo, to Levi’s vocal riffs. But there’s an anticipation of another sort- will Levi Ackerman finally address the rumours of his love affair?
“My Levi-Hanji senses are tingling Nanaba...” Erwin says mid-concert. As the self-proclaimed expert on school gossip, there’s no gossip sweeter than that which surrounds his two best friends. Nanaba thinks it’s an overstatement of his abilities.
But Nanaba feels it too- the electricity in the air, “i think it’s finally happening!” She says, nothing short of a vision.
Levi announces the last song for the night, and he makes his way over to Hanji during the last chorus.
Sasha’s cameras are rolling. She holds her breath, for what she doesn’t know, but she feels it coming, call it director’s intuition if you will.
Hanji looks at Levi and beams past the bandages over their eyes, now upgraded to a material they can actually see through, ever since that one accident with Hanji trying to execute a stage dive completely blind. It’s not fun explaining to the ER nurse how you managed to fracture your arm in so many locations.
Hanji’s expression changes to one of confusion when Levi closes the distance between them. This isn’t part of any plan. Her lips part in a gasp. The crowd falls silence, breath collectively held in anticipation. It’s happening. The most significant and exciting moment of their young lives.
What in the name of Maria, Rose, and Sheena!
Levi grabs Hanji by her ponytail and crashes his lips into hers. She forgets how to function, her guitar now hanging limp and forgotten. But her arms find their way around Levi’s neck. It’s just Mike on the drums now, roaring with laughter.
“Hell yes!” Mike exclaims and it’s captured by one of the mics, joined by Nanaba and Erwin at exactly the same time. There’s a flash from Erwin’s phone, there, immortalised in a photo forever. He knows it’ll come in handy one day. For blackmail or for a future wedding montage. Either is fine.
What just happened?
Connie’s jaw is hanging.
“Levi Ackerman and... and... Hanji Zoë?” Connie says, more for his own benefit than for his audience. Because this is Hanji they’re talking about? The Hanji Zoë? Resident evil genius, overall weirdo, oddly magnetic and popular amongst both the boys and the girls, Levi’s childhood friend Hanji Zoë? The answer had been staring them right in the face! Levi at the biology labs, Levi glowering at her, the bickering, the chemistry on and off stage.
Connie whips his head over to Pieck, and she winks at him, told you so!
“I don’t believe it! Stop the presses! Levi Ackerman, frontman of No Name, in love with the brilliant, the magnetic, the one and only... Hanji Zoë!”
Hanji is kissing Levi back with fervour, until they’re both blushing and giddy, the music long forgotten, and when everyone is done gawking, the crowd erupts in violent cheering. Who would’ve thought emotionally constipated Levi, Levi whose private life has been kept a secret for so long, safe from the prying hands of the school press and his loyal fans, would choose to make an announcement like this. What a night! What a spectacle!
“I guess that’s all for tonight folks, and what a fantastic and surprising evening it has been!” Connie laughs, “I’m Connie Springer, and you heard it here first!”
The confetti canon goes off. And Hanji watches with uninhibited joy as confetti rains down on the stage.
“So... Tigers next time?” Hanji says, unwrapping the bandages from her face, her eyes glazed over and more beautiful than anything Levi has ever seen. He scoffs, pressing another kiss to her lips for posterity.
“Don’t push it...”
(A/N: prompt so good I had to write a mini fic! Thank you anon💖💖💖)
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floofyflowers · 3 years
Can I request Naib and Martha(separately) with an S/O that laugh when they’re afraid? Like maybe they’re coming to save their S/O from the chair and they saw them laughing on the chair
Hope this is not too confusing
this made sense ! i'm also really sorry, but these headcanons are short :/ i did my best to make them longer, but they're still pretty short.
but, eeeeeee first req for naib and martha, really excited !!
naib and martha with gn!s/o that laughs when they're afraid - hcs
cw: none
naib subedar
going off your prompt of them going to rescue you, to see you laughing on the chair, he initially doesn't really acknowledge it. like, he's aware that you laughed, but it doesn't process fully until after rescuing you or after the match
even then, he probably won't question it much
that is until a few more occasions where he finds you laughing during you would think to be rather terrifying, and then he finally picks up on the fact that you laugh when you're scared
tbh, he doesn't really notice it after he realizes nor does he really say anything about it
but, if you ever find yourself laughing out of fear, no need to be afraid, naib's here for you !
martha behamfil
as she goes to rescue you, she does take note of how you're laughing and raises an eyebrow
she's like "..?" but is more focused on rescuing
doesn't ask what you were laughing about or why, but probably doesn't notice the pattern as quickly as naib did
unlike naib, she will most likely ask and when you tell her, it'll be like an "oh, okay :)" moment
if you're alright with it, martha'll probably tease you a little bit, but just small, playful things and nothing serious
tbh, neither of them really make huge fusses about it
them: you laugh when you're afraid? cool ig
also them: wait why're you afraid don't be scared i'll protect you-
something to add is both are probably interested in why you laugh when you're afraid. albeit a coping mechanism or whatever, both are curious, but don't actually ask or say anything out loud about it.
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ooffies · 3 years
ɪᴢᴜᴋᴜ, ʙᴀᴋᴜɢᴏᴜ, ᴛᴀᴍᴀᴋɪ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛᴏᴍᴜʀᴀ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀ ꜱ/ᴏ ᴡʜᴏ ɪꜱ ꜱᴇʟꜰ ᴄᴏɴꜱᴄɪᴏᴜꜱ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ᴅɪɢɪᴛᴀʟ ᴀʀᴛ
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Anon asked: hi!! this is my first time doing an ask- i LOVE youre writing sm and i enjoy everything you make ^^ so i was wondering if you could do hcs for Izuku, Bakugo, Tamaki, and Shigaraki with an s/o who does digital art, but they're kinda self conscious about it cuz they think their art is bad- And like- the characters didnt realize how good their s/o is until they look at an art piece that was left on the screen of the s/o's tablet/computer while they were away from it and are just FUCKING AMAZED- and are just "Why didn't you tell me you were this good-" and maybe even request a piece from them-
Hopefully that made sense- if you dont have time to do it or anything, thats absolutely fine! Anyway- i hope you have a great day/night! Stay hydrated <3
Izuku, Bakugou, Tamaki, Tomura x gn!reader (separate)
A/n: Ahhhh thank you so much anon that's so sweet of you to say! This is my first time writing for bnha so it might not be great but I still hope you like it! :)
A special thanks to @raes-ramblings for editing this!
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Izuku was already aware that you liked drawing
Sometimes you’d show him a quick sketch or two
He’d still encourage you and be your #1 supporter when it comes your art, even though he’s barely seen it
It happened on regular day, classes were over and all the students were settling down and relaxing
You had asked Izuku to go grab your sweater from your room because you were to lazy to get up from the comfortable and very cozy couch in the commons
Once he finished rummaging through your closet  and was about to head out he noticed you left your computer on so he went to turn it off for you
Once he saw your art on the screen his eyes went as wide as saucers do to shock and awe
He was absolutely enticed by the art on the screen
Runs down the common room to gush to you about how amazing he thinks your art is.
He still is very much your #1 supporter and will always shower you with compliments 
He definitely knew you drew but that’s all he really knows since you never do it in front of him or show him your art
He doesn’t ask about it either because once again he barely knows about it
It was a Friday evening when it happened
You were in your dorm peacefully drawing as you listened to music/podcast or watching a video/show/movie
Without a warning (or even a knock) your door burst open, almost breaking off the hinges
There stood in the doorway was the culprit of your almost broken door, looking at the your poor door and checking to see if broke (because he didn’t want to face the wrath of Aizawa)
He began to stomp towards you but stopped in tracks once he saw your computer screen
He looked at it for a few seconds, his eyes squinting a bit as he was processing the beautiful drawing on the screen
After a few minutes of silly arguing and someone down the hall yelling shut up, he began throw out the compliments and praise
He may not be a super vocal supporter like Izuku but he still is your #1 support 
He’ll just chill with you while you draw, you two just vibe together 
He will always ask to see your new art no matter what, he’ll even ask if you ever finished that piece, ect.
He definitely knew that you drew but didn’t say/ask much since he knew you are self conscious about 
He definitely still supports you saying even though he’s never seen it he sure it’s gorgeous 
It happened very casually compared to the others
It was just a regular day and you two were chilling in your dorm room. You decided to watch some youtube and you pulled out your computer.
Little did you know, you had your program open.
You panicked and moved to slam your laptop shut, but before you could he grabbed your hand gently
“W-wait, that was so cool! I didn’t know you could draw like that!!” 
You started to blush and stutter and he started to do the same after his sudden burst of confidence came to an end 
You both started laughing in the amidst the embarrassment 
After that he became someone you were very comfortable sharing your art with
He also starts to ask you about it and what you’ve been working on
You two will hangout in you're room and relax together while you draw
Didn’t know that you can draw at all
So you’d often go draw in your room for hours on end he got a bit annoyed
He didn’t know what you were doing in there and it bothered him
You could be taking an insane amount of naps, you could be taking a super long bath, you could be playing video games,...... you…… you could be cheating on him……..?
He got up and began rushing to your room, his mind still wondering down the cheating rabbit hole
He slams the door open causing you to let out a blood-curdling scream and throw you pen across the room
“OH MY GOD WHY DID YOU THAT ARE YOU OKAY?” you asked, you throat still recovering from your scream
He looked at the pen on the ground to the computer screen then to the pen again
You got up from your seat and walkover to him, placing your hand on his arm and rubbing it soothingly
“Tomura babe what’s wrong you’re worrying me” 
“Oh you were just drawing” he said slowly wrapping his arms around you
“Oh y-yeah I was ahaha…..” you said with a nervous chuckle cause it just hit you that he SAW your art
“It’s really good”
He supports your art and always compliments you whenever you show him a new piece, he’s someone you’ve become comfortable sharing your art with
He was also super excited when he saw your artist glove (if you have one) because it looked like his quirk cancelling glove. He’ll hold up one of his hands to yours and say “Look we’re matching” with big, stupid, goofy grin 
But you never truly learned what was bothering him that day and it still kinda bugs ya
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kirieshhhka003 · 3 years
Hey! Can you write some hcs about the Bucci gang after a quarrel with their S/O, who got really upset? How would they act and how would they try to resolve?
Thank you for your request, my lovely anon💚
Bucci Gang after a quarrel with S/o
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Bruno Buccellati
Bruno is not a dispute person at all, he’s a leader of mafioso group, he’s a capo, he meets hundreds of people daily and it’s necessary for brunette to be able to resolve any kind of conflicts
If Bruno understand that it’s impossible to circumvent a quarrel with S/o, he tries at least to do it as quiet and less aggressive as possible, to minimize both S/o’s and his own stress that this dispute causes
Mafioso gives S/o a little time to gather their thoughts and to calm down a little. Bruno also uses this opportunity to think about everything a few times and then approaches his beloved, wanting to resolve this argue now and not leaving it just like that. They’ll have a long talk, that leads to lounging on the couch and watching S/o’s favorite movie
Leone Abbacchio
It’s no secret that Leone has a really sharp tongue, and his offhandedly spoken words cause quarrels the most. Sense of tact? - No, never heard of it. Even when Abbacchio tries to settle the conflict - somehow blonde manages to make it even worse
If he’s wrong - Abbacchio will calmly admit it and apologize afterwards, but if he knows that it’s S/o’s bad, silver-haired won’t even try to prove his point of view. He’s in relationships with an adult, not a bratty child, S/o should learn how to deal with their emotions and to resolve all disputes composedly
Leone won’t fret over putting up with S/o, if they don’t wanna talk to him - okay, it’s their right. Blonde is open for a conversation all the time and he can wait for S/o to cool down. As mentioned above Abbacchio dates an adult, and he doesn’t want to deal with a snotty child
Guido Mista
This man can’t keep his mouth shut, and when the dispute has been started - he won’t be the one who stops it. Mista will continue to argue, trying to prove his point of view, interrupting S/o and not letting them wholly voice what they think or want to tell
Guido needs some time to cool down and settle down his emotions, only then he starts to understand what was going on and who actually is wrong and who’s right. It’s not a big deal for him to admit his fault and apologize afterwards - he may be stubborn, but not egoistic
If it actually was his mistake, Guido won’t screw around and try to make amends by taking S/o to a restaurant or going for a shopping. He fucked up - he makes it up. If it was S/o’s fault - an apology is more than enough, it’s actually more likely that Guido will forget about their quarrel the following day
Narancia Ghirga
Narancia is pretty bad at verbal conflicts, that’s why he usually uses physical force, but hell no, he won’t lay a finger on his beloved! And if they start to argue Narancia feels so helpless and vulnerable that he simply starts to cry. It’s not like he throws a tantrum, but S/o can see him sneaking in to wipe the tears off of his eyes
It’s hard to deal with Narancia after a dispute - he acts like a real snuffy resentful child, not wanting to talk to S/o. In this case they are an adult and he’s a kid that needs love and attention. It’s never takes much to stop him frowning and open up. Ghirga will try to explain what upset him this much, but he never succeeds at expressing his thoughts distinctly
Brunette is bad at comforting others and he’s a little clueless about what he’s supposed to say or do, so he simply decides that bringing his upset beloved some snack or sweets is the best way to cheer S/o up. He then just cuddles them up and shyly mumbles apologies in their ear
Pannacotta Fugo
Due to Fugo’s short temper and incredible stubbornness him and S/o often have fights and argues, and S/o seemed to get used to it. But one of their ‘little disputes’ got out of control and everything went totally shitty, with lots of screaming and even tears
After Fugo cooled down and his thoughts became clear, blonde understood how much he fucked up. And S/o’s sulky face and total ignorance of Pannacotta only proves mafioso’s theory
This man is so stubborn and egoistic to admit his fault. He can’t be wrong, he has smart-ass brains, it’s impossible for him to make any mistakes! But after a week of being dumped on by his beloved Fugo starts to realize that he was guilty. Blonde waits for an opportunity to start a conversation and to finally apologize for being such a jerk
Giorno Giovanna
Pretty much like Bruno, blonde is nothing of a dispute person, he actually tries to avoid any sort of quarrels and conflicts if possible, but when those happen Giorno gets really nervous and stressed
If S/o feel bad after an argue, they can bet that Gio feels way worse, and the fact that this quarrel also upset his beloved doesn’t ease his anguish in any way. Blonde feels guilty, even if he’s not, and it lays a huge weight on his chest
It’s more likely that Giogio will make the first move, approaching S/o from behind and snuggling up to them. Blonde gently rubs circles on their back and shoulders, saying “We should never argue again”. It looks like Giorno tries to comfort S/o, but it’s actually one of the ways to soothe his own worry
Masterlist | Smut Masterlist
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How about the V3 boys, (the ones who died) with a s/o whos the Ultimate Spirit Medium/Necromancer and they call the spirit of the dead character? I just wanna see some scenarios/hc's of that, if u could do it that'd be gr8! If not thats okay, i understand ^^
hey everyone, long time no see! sorry for sort of vanishing for a while, i’ve been super busy with school and my job and kind of lost interest in danganronpa for a little bit,,,, but i’m back and i’m gonna try my best to get through the requests in our inbox and maybe even try and finish a few more of the october prompts (if you guys would still be interested in seeing those!!).
anyways, sorry for the long wait on your request, anon! this was one i had started a few months ago back when i was writing regularly and i finally buckled down and finished it!! i decided to do all the v3 boys (except kiibo because uhhh hes a robot) instead of just the ones who died in canon to avoid spoilers for anyone who hasn’t finished the game yet!! i apologize if some of these seem repetitive i sorta started running out of ideas by the end lmao. i hope you enjoy, anon!
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warnings: mentions of death/dying (obviously), general angst
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚:*✧・゚:
Shuichi Saihara
— to say the least, Shuichi is a little shaken up now that he’s gone and you’re... well, not.
— he always told you he’d stay by your side forever, and he feels guilty. he feels like he broke a promise
— but... you talk to him again that first night. you say his name and look straight at him. can you see him? no, it couldn’t be... right?
— of course, once he puts all the pieces together, it all makes sense
— you’re the ultimate spirit medium, for goodness sakes! of course you can see him and speak to him the same way you would any other living person
— after a while, Shuichi stops feeling so guilty for leaving you. partially because it doesn’t feel quite like he’s abandoned you, and also because you reassure him that he didn’t do anything wrong by dying
— i mean, come on, it’s not his fault he got killed! how could you ever hold that against him?
— still, it takes him some time to come to terms with everything.
— though he loves you, he still finds it sad that he can never speak to anyone else ever again. at least, not without your aid.
— but as long as he has you by his side to help him cope... he knows he’ll be alright
— after all, he loves you, and you love him. and that’s enough to give him the strength he needs to keep from falling apart.
Rantaro Amami
— he's still very protective of you, despite the fact he’s merely a spirit now
— he’s always right by your side, no matter what.
— even when you aren’t able to take a moment to talk to him, or even look in his direction, Rantaro is right there
— if he were still alive, the way he now follows you around all the time may seem obsessive and creepy, but you actually appreciate it
— nobody else can see or speak to him but you, which makes his constant presence comforting, in a way
— Rantaro isn’t able to touch you in the same way he could when he was alive, but nonetheless, he still tries
— he’ll try to place his hand atop yours, or wrap his arms around your figure, but he always just passes straight through you
— you find the chill that blossoms on your skin where he touched you comforting; it’s a reminder that even though he’s gone, he’s still there with you
— it breaks his heart that he can’t truly be with you, but he tries not to focus on his own problems too much
— after all, your happiness is much more important to him than his own; you are his priority
— you’ll have to remind him that it’s okay for him to be sad, and that he shouldn’t bottle up his own emotions to be there for you
— he’ll want to keep being the person to take care of you, and watch out for you, but he needs you to be that person for him
Kokichi Ouma
— you didn’t really think Kokichi would start behaving himself just because he’s dead, did you?
— honestly he uses the fact only you can see and speak to him to his advantage
— good luck trying to keep your cool around other people while he’s off being a clown right in front of you
— but of course, he’s not all fun and games
— i mean... he’s dead. and that sucks
— he probably won’t show it, at least not right away, but he doesn’t like the feeling of separation between you two
— sure, he’s still around, but not like before. before, he could surprise you with a kiss or a suffocating hug, but he just can’t do that anymore
— it hurts. really bad.
— but he knows he’ll be okay. he know’s he’ll get used to it someday, as long as he has you with him to cheer him up when he gets especially sad
— you’re his sunshine, and he may not show it, but he needs you. so don’t leave him all alone, okay?
Gonta Gokuhara
— lets be honest... Gonta has the hardest time of the bunch adjusting to being nothing more than a spirit
— you’ll likely have to give him a lot of comfort. he’s confused, and he misses being able to be with you for real :(
— the hardest part for him is no longer being able to touch you
— he longs to feel your lips press gently against his cheek, to lay in your lap as your hands comb through his hair... he’d give anything to hold you in his arms again...
— unlike Rantaro, he’s not content with merely passing through your body when he makes contact with you
— it just... upsets him. it’s a cruel reminder that his life ended, and that he will never get to hold you, kiss you, and just love you the way he could before his life ended
— be patient with him, please... he’ll adapt eventually... but it could take a while
— just make sure to remind him how much you love him, he’ll need a lot of reassurance and comfort from you
Kaito Momota
— surprisingly, Kaito adapts to the situation pretty well
— if he is struggling with any sort of major emotions, he’s doing a stellar job of hiding it from you. and you hate that
— you don’t totally believe him when he says he’s okay, or when he tells you not to worry about him
— you know him better than that. it doesn’t make sense to you. he just died for crying out loud! he can never follow his dreams, never have the future he always wanted with you
— and you don’t understand how he can just shrug all that off and continue being your boyfriend like normal
— you confront him about it one night. he’s laying on his back, hovering beside you as you read (Kaito loves being able to float around in midair. perks of being a ghost, right?)
— "how can you be okay?" you blurt out suddenly. he looks at you, confused.
— you continue, asking all the questions that had been gnawing at you for days, and when you finally finish, he just laughs
— "of course i’m upset. but it’s a man’s job to protect the ones he loves! and being there for you is much more important than staying upset about this." he explains
— you can’t help but feel a little stupid. he’d always put you first, always prioritized your needs over anyone else’s, even his own. and he wasn’t about to stop just because he died
— fortunately for you, he isn’t upset with you sort of asking him why the hell he wasn’t a huge, depressed mess.
— in fact, he thinks it’s really sweet that, despite the fact you should be worried about yourself so you don’t end up joining him in the afterlife, you spent your energy fussing over him
Korekiyo Shinguji
— with Kiyo, not much changes. at least, not on his end.
— he’s very fascinated by the mere notion of being a spirit and has the time of his life unlife getting used to his new body
— at first you’re happy for him. i mean, it’s good that he’s not struggling, right? shouldn’t you want him to feel okay? you wouldn’t want him to suffer in sadness like you, right?
— but he’s so enthralled with his new state of being he... almost forgets to check up on you
— and even when he does spend time with you, it almost feels like all he does is talk about himself and the new things he’s discovered about being a spirit
— it’s frustrating, to say the least. you know you didn’t truly lose him, but it feels like you did
— when you finally tell him that you feel like he’s changed, he’s confused
— when Kiyo hears you say how much you miss him, how you feel like he’s so different now, he’s kinda just like ???????
— how could he be different? it’s still him, don’t you know that?
— after a long night of reflecting while you sleep (not needing rest is one of the many perks of being a spirit), Kiyo realizes what he’s been doing wrong
— you used to love when he’d talk to you endlessly about his work, his research, etc.
— but now, when he’d ramble on for hours about new things he’d learned thanks to being a mere spirit, it was just another painful reminder to you that he was dead. that he was gone.
— the moment he gets a chance, he apologizes to you. it’s a bit of an emotional moment for both of you, being the first time either of you have confronted the end of Kiyo’s life head on
— he tries to hold you, but all you feel is an icy chill where his flesh would have met yours, but oddly enough... it doesn’t make you feel worse
— you’d anticipated another tsunami of your own tears after Kiyo’s body passed through yours, but it’s comforting, albeit in a morbid way
— he’s gone, but you haven’t lost him. and you’ll never lose him; he’ll remind you of that every day if he has to
Ryoma Hoshi
— man, if you thought ryoma’s attitude and general outlook on life was depressing before, you’ve got a big storm coming
— for a long time after his death, he’s very... cold. to everyone and everything
— he’s upset. but not because he’s dead, but because he can’t protect you anymore
— being there for you, to defend you and keep you safe, had become his raison d’être, so to speak
— he knows you can still see him and talk to him. he’s not stupid. but he pretends he doesn’t hear you at first. part of him thinks that if he shuts you out long enough, you’ll come to your senses and realize you should be upset with him
— but you never do. despite what he thinks he deserves, you never turn on him, never give up on him, never stop loving him
— with time, he’ll come around and start learning to cope with his own death, and the fact you outlived him
— and you’ll be there with him every step of the way (whether he likes it or not)
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Touch starved/ hurt reader - hcs or scenarios the turtles? Reader super cool regarding friendship, like funny and open etc etc, but if someone tries to do anything that implies a bit more regarding romantic stuff they are kinda like oop- no. Reader is kinda jumpy and just freezes when someone’s they like does any kind of affection ( blushes a lot, try to run away and avoid those situations) people have taken them for granted which has make them a bit cold and defensive in that area- they want to be more affectionate ( which they know deep down it’s what they crave) but it’s kinda they are a scared / angry cat? Please, hope this makes sense, thank you
( also regarding looks and gender I think you can go with they/them so everyone can see a look but if themselfs in the scenario, and if you are going to any kind of skin ship, make the reader extremely defensive over their arms and tummy pls, I do love hugs but if anyone touches my hips I’ll try to get away so fast omg sbbtjfjdkdksn and I will just close off momentarily, I absolutely hate it, I’m more on the heavy side ( talk and chubby ) and if anyone’s touches the “giggly” parts I get extremely upset ( because of how ppl havemade fun of it over the years) and I think the boys would be very “??? What?” To that reaction cuz they didn’t think it was some thing bad to have? ( like a more soft and chunky/chubby body) because they haven’t been exposed long enough to society’s judgment or beauty standards ( I mean they know about! The ones who would have read more about it maybe it’s Leo and Donnie, but what I mean maybe they have never experienced something like this - themselfs irl) Eitherway this ask is already so long omg I’m sorry and thank you, if it’s too much you don’t have to do it, have a good night/ day!)
Okay first of all I love you and I would die for you. You are a perfect human being and there is literally no one else like you. Your body does a damn good job of keeping all of your organs in place and that's what matters. If anyone tells you different you rock their absolute shit.
And don't worry, I understood the request perfectly so no worries on that, I've got a similar body type except I'm really short. But I'm also super defensive over being touched or having those parts of my body perceived, so trust me when I say you're not alone. We be vibing with this together.
Now to the writing!
TMNT Headcanons
Boys reacting to a touch starved/defensive reader
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Look man, our boy here is body positivity central, he thinks you look amazing and he wants everyone to know it
As far as you two go he's your best friend, your homie, your main man
So of course he's gonna wanna show you off, why wouldn't he?
He doesn't think you'd have a reason to not be okay with it, you've always been playful with him and his brothers
So obviously there's some widespread confusion once Casey gets tossed into the mix
All Mikey had done was reach behind him and snag you by the waist to pull you over
That was all
The words "and this is my best friend, y/n" never got the chance to leave his mouth
He was definitely not expecting you to squeak out in protest and scramble away from him as fast as humanly possible
Your face was burning red and you were clutching your sides, desperately trying not to bare your teeth in defence
Mikey couldn't help but feel heartbroken
Was there something wrong with him?
You sent Casey an unenthusiastic wave before turning on your heel and basically running out
Leaving a very confused orange turtle behind you
When he finally managed to catch up to you later you rushed to explain why you'd reacted the way you did
You couldn't stand his expression when you explained that no- you didn't think he was disgusting and no, he hadn't done anything wrong.
But he did seem baffled at you telling him that it was because you hated being touched there.
"Look Mikey, I've got no problem with the whole contact thing but you gotta give me a warning or something before you go around grabbing me. Okay?"
He was 100% fine with that
Anything to make you comfortable
But you both got to the point of being able to laugh at your reaction to the turtle trying to hold your hand
"Seriously Michaelangelo, I have a reputation to maintain. How am I supposed to do that when you're giving me feelings?"
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It completely baffled him
By all accounts it didn't make sense
You threw around compliments like you were playing hot potato and for whatever reason you'd always find someway to playfully flirt with him
But the second one of his brothers suggested something other than the innocent friendship the two of you had you would shut down completely
And coincidentally those types of comments were made at the most inconvenient times
Nothing screamed awkward more than you going stone cold and standoffish over a piece of pie
Bubbly and excited one moment, tossing around those positive affirmations to your favorite people
And staring murderously at an inanimate object the next
You were like an unsolvable rubix cube to him
But he was determined to figure you out
You didn't appear to be busy, just sitting on the haphazard bunk in your makeshift area with a book in your lap
The others had gone out on patrol and you weren't sure where Splinter was at that particular moment which left you and Donnie holding down the lair until they got back
The perfect time to approach the subject
"Hey y/n? Can I ask you something?"
His voice always got a little louder when you were alone, less afraid of being overheard. You looked up with a smile
"Fire away Dove."
His cheeks flushed in surprise
"uhhhhh... whydoyounotlikeme?"
You set your book down and leaned forward to stare at him
And he did, god he did, he did it at the speed of sound of course, but you caught every word
let me tell you, this boys heart broke for you when you told him that you did like him
you really really did
but the thought of being romantically involved with anyone made you shut down
Donnie assured you that it was fine
he'd wait for you as long as you needed
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Look, Raph knows a thing or two about being self conscious
out of all of his brothers he's the one who worries about his appearance the most
but you- holy shit he thinks you're the most amazing, perfect human in the world
so when he finds out that you hate being touched and that thinking about relationships makes your skin crawl he doesn't know whether to genuinely cry for you or punch someone in the mouth
both is okay
You'd always been very bold with your words and sometimes you'd even joke that you couldn't even tell when you were flirting with him
it just slipped out
and hearing that even though you could pull that off as easy as breathing and compliment all of them endlessly but you struggled to be comfortable in your own body?
that was a lot to unpack in one sitting
but the longer he sat with you and listened to you talk him through it the more he understood
sure, it was horrible
and he wouldn't likely stop thinking about hurting the people who'd done this to you (there'd be too many to count)
but you had a way of making him understand things
it was his favorite thing about you
"Uh- you know y/n, I uh- personally I think you look great. Like- all the time."
plz insert awkward finger guns here
there, your playful smirk was back and you were wiggling your eyebrows at him
"Awhhhh... is that Raph I see having feelings?"
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he'd done enough listening and reading to know how society treated people who it thought was different
and he hated that you'd had to experience that for most of your life
when it came down to it and he saw that you had become particularly hard on yourself he took it upon himself to check in with you
that's how you'd started meditating with him
and you'd found it quite relaxing if you were completely honest
Leo told you that meditation was the best way to connect with your body and understand it
you hoped that in time you would understand what he meant by that
but the positive affirmations were doing something, so you'd take it
he'd always encourage you when you couldn't yourself
and always jump to your defense when the others got a little to out of bounds with their words
you still would noticeably flinch when touched without warning
they were all working with that
and he still found himself saddened that you'd recoil back into your protective walls if anyone mentioned anything inherently romantic
but you were coming around
and he was endlessly proud of you for that
Alright I hope I was able to get down what you were thinking. This one definitely took the most contemplating out of any of the requests I've gotten so I hope you like it!
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(by someone with adhd so if this post is a train wreck, it's cuz I'm flying on the adhd mood) (also it kinda changes to adhd luffy hcs by the end xD)
Okay first, poor planning? Check.
Hearing only half of what has been said?/Watching someone speak to you and hearing them talk but not processing a word of it? THE ADHD MOOD
Plowing ahead with things because there is only NOW and LATER and LATER is NOT SOON ENOUGH
Forgetting things easily? Check ✓
Forgetting names/faces or having a hard time connecting them? ✓
Making weird connotations? (Marco → pineapple is completely valid)
Okay wait that blank face he makes when he doesn't understand? Not because he stupid but because his brain has skipped from point A to point 39.6 E and he lost track of the conversation and has **nO IDeA wHAt is HAPPeNInG aNyMoRE**
Some things brain just doesn't want to process!?!? OKAY!? OKAY!!
OH SHIT WAIT WHEN YOU KNOW YOU CANT ARTICULATE YOUR THOUGHTS CUZ TOO MANY AT ONCE SO YOU SAY NOTHING AT ALL?!?!?! (whenever luffy just does his thing without explaining because people can figure out what you’re doing better while you do it rather than take too much time to try to explain it)
Okay I think he probably plays with his hair/fingers/toes etc because FIDGETING WITH A FLEXIBLE RUBBERY THING? PERFECT
Perhaps slight sensory sensitivity, with the open vests/shirts and shorts more often than not? somethings just don’t sit right on your skin, and maybe temporarily can be okay, but eventually it overstimulates :/
Reading? Not stimulating enough, so no patience for it
However, loves if someone reads a cool story to him (robin or usopp probably)
Things slip his mind all the time
Technically notices lots of little details, but typically doesn't put much energy into it when unneeded so it doesn’t register/he doesn’t point it out?
his best way of wearing himself out/creating that good old dopamine is DOING LOTS OF STUFF! fighting? exploring? pirating? sailing? adventure? if he doesn’t get the proper amount in every day, he is going to be up ALL NIGHT LONG
Getting lost/bad with directions? Yeah, understandable, retention is hard sometimes, esp if it isn’t your FAVORITE THING
Happy bouncing/rocking/shaking? YES HE DOES DO THAT
Does the no filter count as an adhd thing? i should check, i feel that on a spiritual level. you just,, say stuff and forget to think about how it comes across to everyone else because YOU KNEW WHAT YOU MEANT WHY WOULD IT BE INTERPRETED OTHERWISE?
Song/phrase stuck in head 24/7? It probably shifts between sea shanties and cool phrases he's heard someone say recently ("I'm gonna be king of the pirates!" is probably is on replay for at least 3 days everytime he says it)
Someone tells you their name and it is *FWOOSH* in one ear out the other before they have even finished introducing themselves
*Goes to do the one thing* *accidentally does something else* *accidentally does a different thing* what started as luffy going to get the tackle box ends as luffy trying to clean the boys cabin
Hard time making good habits!
Knows how to do lots of things but bad at telling people about it, so people think luffy is dumb when really explaining things in a way taht makes sense to neurotypicals is hard sometimes
(this has been a list made in no particular order that will likely be added onto with specific examples in the future but not now because well this is enough of a train wreck right now that I doubt anyone who isn't adhd will be able to make any sense of it however I ain't gonna attempt to make this legible in any form rn)
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Jane Foster’s child
Jane Foster x child!reader
Thor Odinson x Foster!child!reader
a/n: no not a foster child, jane foster’s child 😌 also im so super glad you liked those!!! hope these are just as good!!! and im genuinely so sorry these took so long
prompt: anonymous: “Hey! I just read the Tony Stark x Potts!child!reader HC and I loved it! Would you do the same but with Thor and Jane? ❤️”
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no babysitter = go to work with mom
dr. selvig gave you a rubik’s cube to keep you entertained
“fuck that! here, y/n, you can play my DS” -darcy
“can you not swear in front of my child?” -jane
you thought tonight would be boring, but then your mom and darcy collectively hit a homeless guy with a car!
“holy crap, we’re all going to jail!” -you
“don’t say ‘crap,’ y/n! we need to get him to a hospital!” -jane
ngl this dude was kinda funky
darcy used her taser and your mom covered your eyes, but you still peaked ;)
ride to the hospital
“don’t touch him, y/n”
“sorry, doc”
and the very next day you guys stole him 💕
“mr. thor, where are you from?”
“i am from asgard! it is much different from this realm, but your’s is adequate, i suppose”
you could see the way your mom looked at him, though
he ate all the pop tarts >:(
she gave thor her ex boyfriends clothes
“yeah, donald was a real ass—” -you
“don’t say ‘ass.’ darcy curses too much” -jane
“sorry, mom...anyways, donald forgot to pick me up from soccer practice like, a dozen times. he sucked” -you
“this ‘donald’ doesn’t seem like a very good man...also, what is ‘soccer?’” -thor
you grabbed a soccer ball and tried to show him how to play but there was some other stuff the *scientists* had to take care of
you were a regular at izzy’s diner (well, mom was) and they always made you cute pancakes in different shapes!!
“ah, it’s a smiley face! that’s adorable!” -thor
“yeah! they like to surprise me whenever i come in. they’re pretty awesome” -you
*your mom literally beaming at how good thor is with you already*
you and thor were drawing on paper placemats
and then he broke a glass and you started giggling hdhshshs
but he had to leave
“no, thor, please don’t go!”
“i hope to meet you again one day, little one. hopefully fate sees it through”
no time to be sad bc ur mom’s lab got hijacked by the government
“hey, no fair! that’s my diary!” -you
“sorry, kid. there are constellation drawings we have to observe” -coulson
“aw, you draw constellations? wait, not now. you can’t just take all our stuff. especially that! that belongs to a child!” -jane
“sic ‘em, y/n!” -darcy
“don’t listen to darcy, y/n” -selvig
chilling in the trailer and missing thor bc he was the most interesting thing to happen to you and your mom in a while
and you wanted her to be happy even tho he was kind of crazy
“hey, mom? do you want to watch the stars tonight like we used to do? we could make s’mores?”
“that sounds like a great idea, baby! i’ve gotta go take care of some science stuff, so i’ll pick up some s’mores stuff while i’m out. love you!”
yeah she went to go see thor and he kinda got arrested but your mom came back home so you could watch the stars!
“so, do you like thor?” -you
“what? what makes you say that?” -jane
“it’s cool if you do, i think he’s awesome. a little weird, but at least he’s nice”
then thor and selvig came home and selvig was drunk as a skunk
*poking him while he giggles and tells you about thor*
“i wish your grandfather could have met that guy! he would have loved him...i wish you met your grandfather, too” -selvig
thor inviting you back outside
“i’d like you to teach me more about this ‘soccer’”
by the time you guys were done, it was 3am and you were too pumped to go to sleep
so thor told you stories of his home and battle and family
you didn’t want him to stop, you were fascinated by it all
and uhhhh yeah then earth kinda had some vikings show up
they told you that you’d “make a fine warrior one day”
and then yall got attacked by a ????? a what??? a destroyer???????
“get y/n out of here now! they shouldn’t have to see this!” -thor
you were still nearby and saw thor become thor again
after he was done fighting the destroyer, you ran to give him a hug
“that was awesome! can i hold your hammer?”
“maybe someday, little one”
then you didn’t see him for 2 years
which upset your mom a good bit, you had to help her through that episode. lots of sitting on the couch and eating ice cream together talking about how he wasn’t worth her time even tho you missed him too
but he came back! and then your mom sent everything flying bc she had an “infinity stone” inside her and thor took you two to asgard
“y/n! you’ve grown so much, i almost didn’t recognize you!” -thor
tbh you really digged the outfit they gave you, but also you were on another planet? thor insisted on giving you a tour (by flying you around)
“i do hope you’re having fun, little one!”
worrying about your mom simultaneously bc you overheard she was sick
but asgard got attacked and you and jane were confined to a room in the palace, which sucked because you wanted to see it all
but thor sent guards to bring you anything to keep you entertained
“maybe we’ll skip the mace for now, thank you” -jane
after several events that count as child endangerment, this chapter came to an end and your mom and thor finally made it official
loki called you a rodent and then saved your life so you were kinda iffy about him
about a year or two later, your mom had to travel a great deal in order to get some work done, so you were left in the care of thor, who took you to avengers tower
“oh, my girlfriend’s child is an angel! and they’re so intelligent, just like their mother!” -thor gushing to other partygoers
“yeah, thor, your ‘angel’ is sneaking drinks from the elderly” -tony
*sipping his beer* “they’re a growing teenager”
you did have an amazing time interacting with the avengers
and once they tried grabbing the hammer, you knew you had to get in on it (but you failed like the rest)
“don’t worry, my y/n, you have to be eighteen years of age to be able to lift mjölnir!” -thor
“oh, that makes sense!” -you, while thor aggressively shakes his head at the other avengers. he just wanted to make sure you didn’t feel bad you weren’t worthy yet :(
more child endangerment but really what did you expect?
thor went off world and your mom split it off w him but you did have his email so you were still in contact with him
swearing you saw odin on the street once or twice (fast forward)
and then your mom dusted and thor found you as soon as he possibly could, it was so good to see him
he took you in since you were alone now, you moved to new asgard and became prince(ss) of the new land by relation?? makes sense right
basically you and valkyrie made all the calls while thor grieved for years
but he still took care of you
“y/n, would you like to play video games with me? i think it may be a good bonding experience, what do you say?” -thor
uncle korg made you help him with fortnite while thor was asleep
you wished to wield stormbreaker one day
showing thor earth media! his favorite star wars character is r2-d2 dont ask why
he taught you asgardian recipes and you taught him...earth recipes?
when he was drunk he’d ramble on about his childhood and battle and enemies and jane and loki and hela and frigga and literally anything that came to mind
“y/n, could you please get me a beer? and get one for yourself, too” -thor
valkyrie most definitely gave you some battle training so you you blow off some steam, you were glad she taught you how to fight like a true warrior
thor wanted to teach you battle tactics so you could fight alongside him, but he never got around to it
a raccoon and bruce banner visited later on, proposing a way to get your family back, thor was an emotional wreck
his debriefing on the reality stone was tense when he started crying about your mom and everyone stared at you
“hey, don’t look at me. i don’t control the god, i just keep him company”
ending up waiting 1 second for the avengers to come back from their mission, resulting in you being stuck in the middle of a very heavy battle
“y/n, get out of here!” -thor
“don’t worry, thor! valkyrie taught me a few moves!”
“you make me incredibly proud, little one!”
“i’m not so little anymore, am i?”
“you will always be my little one, y/n. blood or not, that will not change!”
victory, but at what cost? it was a rough ride, you needed to get patched up, but your mom was finally home and thor...he decided it was time to leave earth again
“don’t worry, my y/n. i will see you again.” *tearing up* “i’m so glad i got the pleasure of raising you these past few years. i love you dearly, now go be with your mother”
you straight up wanted to bawl your eyes out right there
“well, y/n, you’re next in line for the throne of new asgard. what is your first command?” -valkyrie
“actually, i think you’d make a much better ruler than me. i’ve got to spend some time with my mother now that she’s home”
“you’re so much like him, you know that?”
staying with your mother, who was diagnosed with cancer not long after returning from the soul stone (a/n: jane getting cancer is canon in the comics and confirmed for thor 4)
“i missed five years of your life and now i’m sick, that’s just our luck, isn’t it?” -jane
she was understandably upset, but she also felt guilty
“mom, don’t beat yourself up. everything is okay, we’re still together right now. i won’t be going anywhere, i promise”
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @lokihiddles // @frostedgiantfavs // @emygirl // @lotsoffandomrecs // @johnmurphyisbisexual // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @purpleskiesstorm // @ofthedewthesunlight // @canarypoint // @zoeyserpentluck //
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ddarker-dreams · 4 years
How do all the other stands feel ab sr? I’m sure they all somewhat get along, right?
i’ve been wanting to give a longer, traditional hc style post about this!! since you’ve asked it’s the perfect opportunity to express my thoughts on it. it’s more of a combination of SR with the user and their stand, i hope that’s okay hjrktme
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Bruno Bucciarati;
Sticky Fingers is the first Stand from Bucciarati’s group that you got to see! So there’s a special place in your heart for it. By extension, Bruno was the first person to see Scarlet Ribbons. SR was very inquisitive during their initial meeting, since it’s the first time she ever saw a Stand other than herself. She was looking around a lot, and lowkey wondering where are this things bows at?? 
Though Stand powers wildly vary from one another, Bruno was able to give you a general explanation of what to expect from SR. He didn’t want to go too overboard with advice because he feels a natural fighting style stemming from your own abilities/instinct is best, especially since your Stand is created from your soul. He basically just told you to go with your gut, which at the time felt a bit frustrating... it turned out to be good advice though! 
Sticky Fingers and SR have almost opposite abilities in a way? SR can close up gaps whereas Sticky Fingers opens them up. It’s not uncommon that when you and Bruno are chatting, that your respective Stands are just kinda messing around in the distance. Sticky Fingers likes making zippers in walls, and SR tries to see if she can close them with ribbons... it doesn’t work like that, but it’s kinda endearing to see them interact with one another lmao.
Giorno Giovanna;
It’s gonna be super cute okay. Giorno in general might give the impression of knowing what he’s doing when it comes to romance, but he really is just winging it and kinda going ??? the entire time. Meanwhile, Gold Experience is going ham with SR, pulling all the stops to impress her (and you, by extension). His Stand makes flowers of a striking red color, trying to match the shade of SR’s ribbons!! Mostly poppies, tulips, and occasionally roses. 
Giorno is kinda curious how SR seems to be out a lot of the time, he’s thinking should I do the same thing with GE...? You’ll be doing exercises, and SR is there bringing a water bottle over to you. Or when you’re cooking, SR is hovering over your shoulder wanting to help out as well. She’s just almost always around, even if only in the background to explore her surroundings. It makes Giorno let GE out more often, subconsciously. 
He does ask you about it once, and you just kinda shrug and say SR likes the freedom to do as she pleases. Since she isn’t rambunctious like Pistols, you don’t see the harm in letting her roam around.  
Gold Experience wants to try making ribbons, but the best it can do is creating ribbon eels. It’s not quite the same, but it’s a solid effort. Giorno just has to stop GE from putting the ribbon eel on his head in the same way SR has a ribbon on hers. Mista was around to witness this historical event, and no, he does not intend on letting Giorno live it down. Giorno’s grateful he stopped it from actually happening though. 
Guido Mista;
Let’s just say your Stands together can be pretty chaotic. The first time you met Mista, and he realized you were a Stand user like himself, he had a very pressing question. When you showed him SR, he looked at it for a moment, as if in deep thought. 
“D-does... yours talk too?” 
Mista passed Polpo’s test only to be gifted talented, albeit troublesome little gremlins. Before he realized giving Pistols food is a reliable method of calming them down, it was a war zone. One of the mornings where the two of you had to do some standard protection fee collection, he looked like a borderline zombie. Lamenting that the Pistols refused to let him sleep, and asked if you’d please use SR to cover their mouths lmao. They were protesting the entire time, trying to convince you not to do it.
When Number Five starts crying, SR makes a little ribbon to put on his head!! It’s super cute and Mista’s heart is just leaping in his chest. Then, of course, all the other Pistols want one bc equal attention!! When the two of you aren’t paying solid attention to your Stands, you’ll sometimes spot SR testing how many accessories she can fit on the tiny Pistols. It isn’t a lot but they’re insistent on trying. 
Pistols are always trying to get SR to do crazy stunts for their entertainment. Eventually, you had to lock your refrigerator with her ribbons to prevent the Pistols from stealing your food. But when you’re busy, the Pistols keep trying to convince SR to undo them so they can snack. She actually felt bad for them once, released the restriction, and the Pistols went to town on your leftovers. : (
Mista felt pity for you though and offered to take you out to get more food!! So it all worked out for his benefit in the end. The Pistols do not take issue in reminding him of this as well, saying that they’re the reason he got to go on a date with you. :’ )
Pannacotta Fugo;
He remained fiercely adamant on keeping Purple Haze from you for the longest time. Fugo hates how his Stand practically comes out of its own autonomy whenever you’re in the vicinity, wanting to get a closer look at you. There have been a lot of close calls when you first got to know when another, leading to Fugo abruptly leaving in conversations. 
Your Stands get along well once Fugo feels comfortable enough to let Purple Haze out around you. Since SR is a long ranged Stand, she can do her cute ribbon tricks from a distance outside of the virus’ range!! Though she has a habit of trying to get closer, just out of curiosity. Fugo gets freaked out when this happens though, so she waits until he’s distracted with talking to you (a little genius)! 
Purple Haze makes the biggest puppy dog eyes at SR, which humiliates Fugo to no end. He gives his Stand intense talks when you’re not around, telling him to keep it cool, he doesn’t want you thinking he’s an idiot. But as soon as he even mentions SR, Purple Haze gets all thrilled and is like !!! So it’s ultimately counterproductive. Fugo just hopes you don’t put two and two together, over why his soul likes yours so much. It’s his daily prayer...
Fugo has an embarrassing habit of doodling ribbons on stuff he’s working on, when he starts zoning out. When he realizes what it is he’s doing he gets flustered about it, cursing underneath his breath and hoping that you don’t happen to come by and notice. Unfortunately for him, as SR likes to see what everyone is up to, she came over and saw what he was doing. After putting two and two together, she gave him a nod and a thumbs up on his doodles. Didn’t snitch to you though, so the two of them have a mutual understanding. :’)
Narancia Ghirga;
He wants so badly to impress you with Aerosmith. Narancia will whip his Stand out in your presence at any given opportunity, having it do a few flips and tricks more than necessary. Then he stares over to see what you and SR think about it... she once clapped in Aerosmith’s honor. It was all Narancia could think about for the rest of the day. 
The two Stands typically just play around with one another. Aerosmith likes to make little ribbon shaped clouds, and SR attempts making a plane shape out of her ribbons. It’s not quite the same, but she’s trying!! Narancia finds it adorable, and tries to make requests of shapes and stuff for her to make. SR does her best to fulfill the requests, concentrating hard on the task!!
Since SR enjoys making hair accessories, she’s tried to make a bandanna similar to Narancia’s for you. Though she ultimately scrapped the idea, giving you a disapproving look and fastening it back into the normal bow it normally is lmao. When you mentioned this behavior to Narancia he was like wait, what?? Lemme see! But if SR doesn’t find something fashionable, she doesn’t have any intention on doing it again. So he’s outta luck...
It doesn’t stop him from asking about it. He just can’t believe that your Stand thought about him when he wasn’t around!! It touched him in a way he never knew possible. It’s also a bit of a relief since you’re often the subject of his thoughts. 
Leone Abbacchio;
Similar in a sense to Fugo, where he didn’t want Moody Blues around you that much at first. He takes a much more serious approach to his Stand than others, since it’s deeply rooted in his past trauma. It’d actually be one of the few moments he might snap at you, should you ask to see his Stand one too many times. Not out of malicious intent, he’s just... very disillusioned with Moody Blues at first.
You two had a job which required some investigative work, the client having seemingly disappeared with some goods that belonged to Passione. Figuring out what happened with the merchandise was essentially child’s play for Moody Blues, a replay showing the full extent of the events. Abbacchio wasn’t keen on showing you his Stand, but it couldn’t be helped any longer.
Unlike the others who tended to pester him on the extent of Moody Blues’ abilities, you just complimented him. Saying that it’s similar in utility to your Stand. You willingly comparing yourself to him, and in a positive light nonetheless, kinda had him at a loss for words. 
He didn’t really offer a strong rebuttal like he normally would, so you assumed he didn’t think much of your comment. Which, of course, couldn’t be further from the truth. If you could see good in him of all people, then well... there was a lot for him to think about that night.
After this incident, he’s noticeably just a tad kinder to you in general. What you said meant a lot to him. Obviously not enough to make all his self deprecation go away overnight, but it just gave a small glimmer of hope. That maybe he can someday be better.
Trish Una;
Another person that I picture SR being especially adorable with!! After the events of Bruno betraying the boss, you and SR would be feeling hurt on Trish’s behalf. You instantly draw the parallels of living a carefree life, only for Passione/gangsters to come in and essentially ruin everything.
While dealing with the pain of rejection from her father figure, Trish also wonders if you consider her less important. Since your original job was to protect her, due to being the boss’ daughter, wouldn’t it make sense you don’t care about her now that it’s no longer your job to?
SR covers the spot where her hand was severed with a bow, even after Giorno properly heals it. Trish just looks at you confused, and you explain it’s your Stand’s way of wanting to help her feel better. That where her father had inflicted pain, Trish has the support and strength from you and herself to overcome it. 
Needless to say, Trish thinks highly over you, the feeling extending over to Spice Girl. During your meetups after everything is over, Spice Girl and Scarlet Ribbons come out and embrace one another!! Well, it’s more like SR goes for the hug, and Spice Girl is just :’) woah affection. Trish finds it a little embarrassing at first, but secretly loves and it and looks forward to it. Though she does wish Spice Girl was a tad more discreet. 
During Trish’s travels for her singing career, if there’s anything that even vaguely reminds her/Spice Girl of you, she snaps a photo to text to you. It’s mostly red hair accessories and clothing, which she of course purchases. Spice Girl misses SR a lot, so expect to receive a lot of texts asking how you and your Stand are doing. 
When Scarlet Ribbon spots Trish’s name popping up on your phone, she immediately brings it over. The Stand impatiently shoves your phone in your face, as if to say respond now!! It’s Trish, it’s important!! Scarlet Ribbons loves her a lot 🥺 especially since Trish sends her accessories...
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