rcsewcrld · 2 years
hi, can I request a Tyler Galpin x Fem!reader (romantic)?
Basically, reader is in the hospital due to an attack from the Hyde (she doesn’t know Tyler is the Hyde). She wakes up to find Tyler has been with her the entire time and stuff, saying how he found her unconscious. He says sorry, and reader is like; “what are you sorry for?”, to which he just responds with “not being able to protect you” (but we both know that’s not what he’s sorry for exactly). The whole time, Tyler just seems really guilty and stuff, and that makes reader worried, but he waves it off as nothing and just tells her how he’s glad she’s okay. That’s it really, sort of angst + fluff ifykwim. No Hyde revelation (yet). Thank you!
𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐧’𝐭 𝐡𝐲𝐝𝐞 | t. galpin x f!reader pt. 1
1.7k words
contents: angst, fluff, swearing, slight gore, other characters platonic x reader, more parts coming, kind of want to do a happy ending?
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It was cold, dark and foggy in the forest the night that y/n had decided to take a walk. She felt like clearing her head as the past few weeks had been hectic. The girl felt at peace in the forest. She felt tranquilly alone, the leaves crunching beneath her feet, getting lost between the array of evergreen trees. The moonlight shone through the branches, highlighting the cracking bark.
y/n was thinking about her friends. How lucky she felt to have them. Xavier, Enid, Ajax… even Wednesday was her friend, having warmed up to y/n a few days ago, with slight persuasion from Enid, of course.
y/n’s head swivelled at the sudden sound. After a few moments she shrugged it off as a natural occurrence.
y/n now knew she was certainly not alone. Her head whipped around frantically, goosebumps crawling up her arms and the hairs on her neck standing up. A low growl emitted from behind her. Slowly, as to not further encourage whatever beast she had come across, she pivoted on her heel. She could only hope that it wasn’t the famous ‘monster’ that had been killing outcasts and normies alike, left right and centre.
To her dismay, the creature she met eyes with was difficult not to meet eyes with. Wide eyes bulged out of either side of its head, pupils pinprick small. Claws sharp, teeth bared, the creature pounced at her and knocked her to the floor. It lingered above her for a moment or two, as if contemplating its next move. Then, y/n let out a blood-curdling screech as it raised its claw and brought it down on her, leaving a large gash on her stomach and ripping her uniform shirt. Her eyes widened as she looked down to see vermillion seeping into the once pure white fabric.
Before the creature could go any further with injuring her, its head turned, as if it had been called and it ran off frantically. y/n attempted to cry for help but couldn’t get a sound out. Eventually, her eyes gave up on her, breaths shortening and only heaving from her lungs. The last thing she remembered was a tall, human figure approaching her and repeating her name, before it all went black.
“Ty?” y/n attempted to sit up before she noticed the various tubes and machines that were connected to her. Oh, she remembered. Her boyfriend looked over to her in relief, “Oh my God, y/n, I’m so happy you’re awake, baby. I need to call a nurse.” He explained, pushing the button on the wall that would alert the staff. “Do you remember what happened?” He shuffled his chair impossibly closer to her hospital bed, his hand remaining in her limp one. She simply nodded in response, not having much energy to speak. The girl looked up at her boyfriend, meeting his eyes. When she looked into them, she noticed something. A strange look that only someone who had known him for a while would be able to identify as unusual. The couple’s moment was interrupted as a nurse came rushing into the room, the teens’ whipping around to meet her eyes.
“Oh, thank goodness. We thought something bad had happened. Are you alright, honey? We’ve bandaged you up and you seem stable so a day or two and you can head back to Nevermore.” She explained. y/n nodded again. “Why am I not in the Nevermore hospital?” She asked. The nurse sighed, “Legal reasons. Your parents wanted you in a place where the professionals are less likely to be witch doctors.” y/n nodded hesitantly. “Okay. Are my friends allowed to visit?” She attempted to sit up more, Tyler moving his hands to help her. The nurse nodded, “They’ll be able to now that you’re awake. I’ll make a call to Principal Weems so that she can inform them.” y/n smiled for the first time at the though of seeing her friends. The nurse left to make the call.
“Are you sure you’re okay, babe?” Tyler asked, positioning himself on the edge of his girlfriend’s bed. She nodded meekly, “I’m okay. Just a little worn down. Are you?” “Just tired. I stayed here the whole time.” “Who found me? How’d I get here?” “I found you when I was walking through the woods to clear my head. It was terrifying. I’m so sorry.” He bowed his head in what appeared to y/n as sadness but what was truly guilt.
“What’re you sorry for, babe?” She gently reached a hand up to cup his face. To his surprise, he leaned into her action of affection. He shrugged slightly, “I dunno. That I wasn’t with you. I could’ve saved you from whatever did this.” y/n shook her head frantically, “No, no, Ty. This isn’t your fault. You wouldn’t have been able to do anything to that… monster. The thing is I’m safe now. Ty, are you sure you’re okay? You look a little pale.” She raised her hand from his cheek to his forehead, inspecting his temperature.
“I’m fine. I was just worried. I’m just glad that you’re okay.” y/n couldn’t quite figure it out but she felt that something was off about her boyfriend. She felt that he was being sincere but that look in his eyes she had noticed earlier, before the nurse arrived was something she’d never seen in Tyler before. However, despite being unconscious for the past 12 hours, y/n had soon grown tired. Tyler noticed her drooping eyelids and gently helped her lay back down. Sweet, she thought. He tenderly stroked his hand over her face, shushing her to sleep and when she her body fell limp with fatigue, he placed a kiss on her forehead with a gentle hum.
Light snores rose from her slightly open mouth as he whispered something that no one else would ever hear, with an immorally bitten back smirk.
“You have no idea what’s coming.”
y/n sluggishly blinked open her eyes and absorbed her surroundings. The near excruciating bright white of the horizontally placed hospital lights above her head made waking up a more treacherous job than in already was with her injuries. She shuffled back on the bed, noticing that Tyler had left, most likely for a shift at the Weathervane or school. Her mouth was dry from sleep, glancing at the clock she noticed she’d slept for three hours. She scanned the table at her bedside, not a single glass of water in sight. With no other choice, she pressed the button for the nurse to come rushing through the door.
“Yes, dear?” The same nurse from earlier asked. “Could I get a glass of water, please?” “Why of course. Your friends are in the waiting room. Would you like me to send them in?” y/n immediately perked up and shuffled into a higher seated position. She bit back a huge grin and replied, “Yes, send them in.” She was gone for a few moments before seven of her friends adorning their Nevermore uniforms came barrelling through the door, followed by a monotone Wednesday who entered calmly and closed the door behind her.
“Y/n!” “You’re alive!” “Tell us everything.” “Are you okay?”
“Guys!” Xavier mediated, the rest of them shutting up. “I’m okay, guys.” She smiled up at them, fiddling with her fingers. Bianca took a seat at the foot of her bed, Yoko by her side, “Where’s that loser normie boyfriend of yours, then?” y/n rolled her eyes playfully at Bianca’s description of Tyler, “I think he had work. I don’t know, but he found me in the woods and stayed with me until I fell asleep a few hours ago. He must’ve left during my nap.” She explained.
“Hang on a sec… Tyler said he found you in the woods?” Ajax asked, leaning against the wall closest to her bed. y/n nodded. The group all shared looks and y/n noticed a sceptical, wide-eyed Wednesday. “Wednesday, I know you always look like you’ve seen a ghost, but… you look like you’ve seen about twenty!” y/n observed. Wednesday shrugged, “It’s nothing.” She deadpanned.
“What’s going on, guys?” y/n queried, worried. “The thing is, y/n, love, it was Xavier who found you in the woods. Not Tyler.” Enid confessed. y/n looked to Xavier in confusion. “I was leaving my art shed when I heard screaming not to far into the woods. Then I saw you on the floor, called an ambulance and they took you here.” y/n’s brow furrowed, “Why would Ty lie about that, though?” She brought a finger up to her lips and chewed on her nail in deep thought. Divina brought her hand up to y/n’s knee and stroked it comfortingly. “I’m sure he had a good reason.” Kent encouraged weakly. A million thoughts were running through y/n’s head at once.
Was Tyler cheating on her and wanted an alibi or something? Was it something deeper than that?
“I have to go.” Wednesday spoke out of nowhere. y/n nodded, thinking nothing of it. Wednesday was a strange girl and her mysterious disappearances during important moments were nothing new. As Wednesday exited the room, y/n noticed Bianca’s little sigh of relief. y/n understood why Bianca wasn’t keen on Wednesday. She showed up out of nowhere, showing her up in almost every class and stealing the attention of her ex-boyfriend who she still liked. It wasn’t something that happened everyday and it wasn’t the most pleasant experience after a heavy break up. Although Xavier and Bianca were broken up, they were still friendly with one another and could stand to be in the same room if it was for the sake of their friend.
“Are you alright, y/n?” Enid asked. y/n shrugged, “I guess. I wish I could get these stupid wires off of me, I just wanna go back to school. Back to normal.” “You will soon. Now all you can do is rest. Visiting hours are up in a minute, so we better go. Get well soon, the nurse said you’ll be back in school later tomorrow.” Yoko smiled as everyone got up to leave.
“Bye, y/n/n.” “Bye!”
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a/n: tysm for this request, it was so fun to write! i’m defo gonna do a part two so if the original requester (or anyone else but the original requester would be great) has any ideas for pt. 2 that would be much appreciated! the angst is coming, i promiseee!!!!!! also, what do you guys think should be y/n’s reason for being in nevermore. i think i’m gonna go with her being telekinetic or psychic!
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ornii · 2 years
Can I ask for a Wednesday Addams x Male Reader where he's a normie at the school but when Wednesday finds out Thornhill sent the Hyde after him, she finds him standing over a thoroughly ass-whooped Tyler? Just absolutely thrashed him and his only explanation is 'He found out.'
This Definitely sounds like if a Young Bruce Wayne grew up in Nevermore. Cause prep time of course, but he definitely sounds like a Young Dark Knight.
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Her Dark Knight
If there is one thing Normies despise, Is their own fraternizing with a Nevermore student, that is unfortunately how this dreadful tale began. It was at around one year to the date that the death of Mother and Father weighted heavy on (Y/n), as their murder was still fresh in his kind, but unbeknownst to many he began a plot of revenge to take back his life against the one to deal the fatal blow against his family, as there will be hell to pay.
(Y/n) Wayne entered the robust coffee shop at the rain, using a black umbrella he covered himself from said rain, entering the establishment he placed it away and walked calmly towards the counter, avoiding any contact with anyone who would even eye him, he stopped at the counter to Tyler, who was still there, oblivious to his presence; it was until he turns around and gets scared by the sudden appearance.
“Holy!— uh, Hey.” He says sheepishly and (Y/n) keeps a oddly calmly demeanor.
“Hello Tyler, the usual.” He said and hands him a platinum black card.
“Black, two sugars.” Tyler says taking the card and swiping, as he hands it back, (Y/n) notices something from the corner of his eye, a shadowy figure sitting at a table, rather indulge in whatever Nevermore has to offer he takes his coffee and leaves, as he exits back into the rain, his eyes turn to the window and he gets to finally spot the figure, a girl who seems so out of place, Wednesday Addams. His eyes meet with hers for a moment but it was only temporary before he walks off. That was the first time he met Wednesday Addams unofficially. The next time was much more, intimate.
During the Celebration of Nevermore, a statue erected in brass was shown, and funded by the Wayne family. You were unfortunately forced to attend from your butler’s request and the town. Standing there was more than boring it was agonizing. But something really livened up the celebration as Nevermore students gather, an explosion! The Statue itself, the water supply was changed with gasoline and the explosion ignited the statue ablaze, students ran and city officials were beside themselves. You stood there, watching the flames, until your ears catch the sound of a cello playing “Paint it black” so beautifully, turning around you notice who it was once more, Wednesday playing so vigorously. Her attention turns to You, as she sees your body perfectly backdropped by the flames dancing in the background. You knew that she had something to do with it, and you weren’t the only one.
“This is a…very Sensitive situation.” Weems said to you, as you stood in her office arms folded.
“A.. sensitive situation? Someone blew up a statue.. any idea who?” You ask, and Weems tries to save face.
“Well.. unfortunately there is, one person—“
“Wednesday Addams.” You say and Weems stops, coming to a quick realization you already knew.
“I’d like to speak with her.”
“I’m afraid I cannot—“
“You’ve allowed more… unless you want the school itself to pay for the statue.” You respond, Weems was in a deadlock.
“…You get ten minutes.”
“That’s all I need.”
Wednesday enters the room via the Authority of Weems, and to spot (Y/n), waiting.
“Took you long enough to show up.” He says, and Weems leaves, annoyed.
“What do you want?” She said and (Y/n) looks around the room.
“Did you know that my Ancestors, and my father, Thomas Wayne helped fund Nevermore and it’s activities? It’s a well known idea that the Wayne’s are an ally to Nevermore and all it’s Body. So, when one student decides to blow up the statue we’re erecting, an issue arises.. I think you know where I’m going with this.”
“I haven’t the faintest clue of your implications, my hands are clean. I suggest you turn your attention to your own, Normies aren’t always as accepting and vomit inducingly open as you seem to be.”
“You see, I had considered that, Nevermores never been as liked as I wish It was… but you, you stand out as much as you don’t want to, it’s obvious you’re hiding something.”
“And what would give you that impression?”
“I am the worlds greatest detective.”
“You’re a Teenager.”
“.. I’m Nevermores Greatest detective..So.. Ready to tell the truth?” He said, Wednesday stares daggers at him for what seems to be forever. Until she finally speaks up.
“Do you know a man named Rowan who went to Nevermore?”
“I cannot say that I do, why?”
“He was murdered two weeks ago and everyone seems to be under the impression he’s alive, but I have evidence to prove he’s dead and it’s all a cover up, his broken glasses were still there when I returned to where he died. He has no visible injures when I encountered him the next day.. doesn’t that seems suspicious?” Wednesday elaborates the tale to (Y/n) who rubs his chin.
“It’s… Hm.. I See, let’s say I believe this, but why cover this up?”
“To avoid a Scandal, the police and Nevermore are both complacent in the coverup.” Wednesday says and (Y/n) calmly walks up to her.
“Okay, you’ve convinced me, I know Jericho isn’t the best place and unfortunately, I believe they’d do something like this, so I’ll assist you, partners?” He says offering a handshake. Wednesday reluctantly shakes his hand.
“Partners.” She responds, with the deal made, the two depart and the investigation began. (Y/n) assists Wednesday in discovering the truth of Nevermore of Craackstone and most importantly, Tyler and Thornhill, and more importantly just what Tyler was.
(Y/n) awaits in the forest after messaging Tyler to meet him, which he arrives, a bit late.
“(Y/n)” Tyler said and he turns to face him, dawned by the moonlight and forest.
“Good, You’re here…”
“Yeah you Uh, Never really call and I was surprised you had my number.”
“I don’t, I just needed to ask around, and someone had it, thankfully it didn’t take long for you after almost killing Eugene.”
“Yeah I… what?”
“Don’t Play dumb, it was you, it was always you, the Hyde… the same hide that killed Thomas and Martha Wayne..” he says coldly, his voice growing in anger, Tyler’s fear slowly changed to annoyance.
“And you thought that, bringing me out to the forest in the middle of the night was going to help you?” Tyler said and (Y/n) faces him.
“Why? Scared vengeance is going to come and haunt you?”
“No… I get a chance to put the Wayne family in the dirt finally, it was your dad that cut Hyde’s out of Nevermores class, and how my mother ended up.. how she was, I see this is revenge.” Tyler said and (Y/n) watches as he transforms into the Hyde, the towering monsters Lanky and malformed body lurches towards (Y/n).
“Luckily, I had time to prep.” He reached into his pocket and hurls small black pellets, it hits the chest of the Hyde and do nothing, they suddenly bursts and explode into black dust clouds, blinding the Hyde for a moment, he swings the gas away and steps out, and sees (Y/n) running, he gives chase after the young man who’s set traps all around the first, he leaps over one and the Hyde runs straight into a snare, wrapping his leg and hanging him upset down, Tyler swings around trying to figure out where he is, suddenly a punch comes from behind, hitting him in the back of the head, he spins to swing to see nothing there. (Y/n) pelts him with punches and kicks that Tyler can’t predict anymore, one good punch to the throat catches him off guard, he was able to grab (Y/n) and toss him into a wall. Tyler claws the rope to get himself down and sees (Y/n) stand up and run again. He gives chase again to another trap. (Y/n) crawls into a log and Tyler does as well, using his claws to attempt to tear into the log, but what he saw was a small black device, which opens up to a painful high pitch sound. The ringing hits his ears and he reels back, holding his head. The ringing in his ears makes it impossible for him to hear.
(Y/n) crawls on top of a branch and leaps off, he lands on the shoulders of Tyler and jams something into his neck, the Hyde howls and grabs him, and slams him into the ground, he stumbles back as he begins to revert back to a more human form. (Y/n) sits up, and walks over to Tyler.
“An agent to nullify your transformation was hard to make. But it was worth it.” (Y/n) cocks back and rocks Tyler with a punch, slumping him down, he picks him up and begins to Ruthlessly beat Tyler to a pulp, he hurls him into a tree and kicks him while he’s down. Tyler throws measly punches that (Y/n) dodges, and continues his own assault.
“You attack Innocent students… murder innocent people… kill my mother and father, and you plan on executing Wednesday as well! You and Thornhill may be Normies, but your variations on the same egotistical cult are the same, monstrous power hungry monsters who wish to see people die for your own grotesque image… but in the end, all men like you eventually die.” (Y/n) drops Tyler down and grabs a heavy stone, and lifts it above him to crush his skull. Tyler can only laugh.
“Yeah… kill me, prove that you’re just as bad as everyone thinks the Wayne’s are…” he said though a bloody smile, deep angry breaths escape from (Y/n), and he just tosses the rock to the side and knocks him out cold, and hogtied him.
“You’re right, im not the Monster everyone thinks I am… you’re going to spend the rest of your life in prison.” He says, his attention was cut off suddenly by Wednesday approach.
“(Y/n)! I need to speak with you, Tyler—…” Wednesday stopped talking as she saw Tyler on the ground, a look of confusion and, pleasure was on her face.
“I found out and took care of it.” He responds and walks over to her, and hugs her.
“I’m… glad you’re safe.” He said, and for the moment Wednesday was taken aback, and slowly wrapped her arms around his lower back into her own, awkward hug.
“I.. I’m glad too..”
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teresalace · 11 months
"I won't cry for you" - Yandere Tyler Galpin x Female Reader PART 3
•Part 1 •Part 2
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Words: 1699
Warnings: Mentions of torture, psychology, dysfunction yet healthy family relations if you squint.
Show: Wednesday (2022)
Summary: You've graciously or stupidly, granted Tyler a phone to call his father for whatever reason he had while you went to call yours for assistance. And since you weren't fully knowledgeable about Hydes, you contacted the only person you knew, who wasn't in prison, that had that knowledge. Your father, Alvin Gates.
• •
🥺 Sorryyyy this took forever a lot of months, planned to post this at February but got sick and many stuff happened, preparing for an interview :--D but am back in my writing mojo!/kinda, HAPPY HALLOWEEN) AND I HEARD season 2 is coming omggg I'm excited
"Well, well, well~ If it isn't the sweet consequence of my actions with your mother." A voice unmistakably grouchy speaks, sounding jovial with every word out.
A quick glance to your locked bedroom door before you finally said a response into the cellphone.
"You sound well, father." You mildly greeted, a tinge of a smile in your voice. To think it's almost only been a month since the last call.
"Yeah yeah it's been a while but cut the chitchat, sweetie, what do you need helping with?" You could imagine an eyeroll as your father said, always cutting to the chase.
"About Hydes." You spared no other detail and maintained calm articulation. Not that you needed to be careful with him, thankfully.
For more precaution, it's better if not even your own father knows about Tyler being in the house. You didn't want things to get out of hand.
"Ah- what about them? Did something happen that isn't supposed to–" Suddenly silence overtook the line, a thoughtful humming until he spoke again. "Don't get yourself into any unfamiliar territory, kid. That's suppose to be your mother's speciality."
So he noticed, of course he did. Better leave that to his wandering imagination than spoil your plan. A very non-existent plan at the moment.
"I don't plan to. Father, I was just curious since I kept hearing about them." True, that wasn't a lie in the slightest. "I was wondering if you'd know anything about them."
Surely he must know something.
"Hmm, you heard it from someone, no doubt. . . Alright, alright. What do you want to know exactly, kid. I'll tell ya as much as I can afford to." Sounds like mother has been keeping tabs on him.
"Hydes obey only one master, their own, correct?" You continued when father hummed a helpful tune, "would it be possible to sever the ties between a Hyde and its master."
A pause in-between your father's breathing left you suspended.
"Well. . . Got bad news for you kid, I don't know any available methods for that." He sighed gruffy like he felt bad, "sorry but can't help you with the whole severing business. It's set in stone, pretty much."
"I see. . . " You massaged your temples, disappoinment rising inside you. But you couldn't just accept this answer easily, stubbornness seemed to take hold in your heart. For what reason? You couldn't figure out.
"However–" A hoarse chuckle emerged from your cellphone. "It's not entirely impossible to say there aren't other ways of solving that problem. I'm sure you can get some creative ideas from their origins, kid. Only one thing is set in stone, Hydes only serve one master."
Father's bold hint sparked a lightbulb in your head. Their origins.
In the first place, what caused Hydes to bond an undying loyalty to their masters was–
"Sorry for not being alot of help, kid, I'm out of time for the day. Take good care of yourself, will you."
"I will." A buzz of excitement slowly crept over you as an idea began running through your mind. "You were very helpful, dad, thanks. You take care too."
"Mm sounds like you found an answer eh?" He sounded genuinely happy, making you feel much more sturdy in this new plan.
"Not exactly but I should be on the right track." If Tyler would go along with it.
"Mm so you're going to try any attempts, I see. Hah– it's hilarious how similar you and your mother's thinking is!"
Again with the comparisons. You rolled your eyes, "Goodbye, father."
"Alright alright, see ya kiddo. For now." BEEP. BEEP.
The call was over already.
.  .  .
You turned off the burner phone, picking out the block of battery from the back and saving it in your other hiding space for another time. Now you should check on Tyler, you can't afford to trust him so easily especially when his father's a sheriff. 
Quietly you went out of your bedroom, closing the door slowly so as to not make a sound. You headed down the stairs in a casual, fast pace to quickly see his state of mind.
But it's likely he isn't planning to screw himself over... Your assumption was most likely made correct when you came to see Tyler sitting slumped on the couch, his face buried deep in his hands. 
Sweeping your gaze across the living room and floor, the burner phone you gave him was nowhere in sight… Mentally noting to check the trash bin by the kitchen before you stomped down the stairs and made yourself known.
Tyler's eyes peeked up first from the gaps in-between his fingers like the leafy venus flytraps back home ever so often tempting you to closer inspect. To place your finger in there, to feed. 
He waited on your next move.
Your arms folded, hiding your hands twitching on their own for a tweezer. "Did you have a good talk?" 
What else could you really say without sounding too interested in him. 
"It was something…" Tyler did a small shrug, less energy than he's shown before, voice dulled by the cover of his fingers. "Could've gone better. I wish he didn't hang up so fast."
"What did you talk about?" Might as well see how much information he was willing to give.
A small sigh, Tyler slowly revealed half of his distraught face. "Not a lot. He wasn't interested in what I had to say… Told me to be careful." Strange of the dutiful sheriff to say but then again you didn't know what kind of father-son relationship they had.
"How are you feeling?" One of mother's favourite lines growing up that you've somehow adapted into your vocabulary. It seemed the most appropriate.
You continued watching Tyler's tensed form with a safe but short distance away, the coffee table acting as a possible shield in between you and him. Incase he raged.
But there was none.
There was something in his usual silence this time that irked you. Like he didn't fully trust you. 
You approved of that, as he shouldn't. Mutually. Especially if things ever go wrong because of him, you were ready at a moment's notice to abandon everything to do with him. 
"I… Hate him." 
The pause went on for however many tensed seconds before Tyler's hands fell onto his knees.
"Sorry sorry, I know I shouldn't be saying this… I mean I can't say I don't miss him." 
"You can say what you want. I don't mind," you said flatly, genuinely meaning it. His expressions stiff, he looked mentally pent up, thoughts practically steaming out from his ears.
"No, it's fine. You've done a lot for me already, I owe you." He grinned brightly, the dark cloud looming over from before gone in an instant, "for that phone call too."
"Sure," it wouldn't be bad to have a Hyde indebted to you.
Tyler checked the ticking clock on the kitchen wall, "I guess it is getting late… See you in the morning?"
You nodded. "Night, Galpin." 
"G-Good night! Have a good sleep." He smiled dopey, waving briskly while walking backwards to the foot of the stairs before jogging up to his bedroom. So naturally at home.
Just how eager was he to get back in his room?
 That wasn't his usual way of walking, what could he be looking forward to or hiding in there… Or he could just be relieved of stress after that talk with his father, maybe that brought about his new behavior.
Your suspicions were beginning to sound far-fetched even to yourself but then again, there was always that silver of possibility that he could be planning to rebel against you. 
So you moved fast towards the kitchen sink, tiny spikes of uneasiness pulsing through you, turning the facuet on and letting the water run loudly as you went to look into the trash bin.
Expecting to look down into a void of nothingness.
The large black plastic bag sleeved over the edge of the bin looked loose and puffy. Clearly you didn't do this, your meticulousness wouldn't allow such a lazy set up. You pat down the puffy areas, flattening the edges to allow better access in seeing what trash had been collected.
Shiny peices of black metal greet you at the bottom of the pit, tiny and almost powder-like glitter in the kitchen light. What previously used to be a burner phone now looked like the result of being in someone's clenched fist. Useful monsterous strength… if he could actually get it under his full control.
Whatever anxiety crept inside your heart disappeared as you contently spun on your heel and turned off the kitchen faucet. 
A small appreciation for Tyler as thanks to him, there's less work for you now.
You wondered why you even felt 'anxious' at all, it must've been the slight stress of knowing he could've screwed things up for you. And himself. Now that makes sense, of course since it's not as if you actually knew him personally even back in town. 
Feeling much more at peace, you headed towards your own bedroom, adjacent from Tyler's. His room barely made any noise except for the few inaudible mumbles and the faint use of his shower and the light peeking through from underneath his door. 
You never noticed before but he always had the lights turned on in there. Well, it's not as if you were the one paying the electrical bill. It was nothing noteworthy.
Once settling in your own bed and underneath your blanket in the cozy dark, sleep came easily… Until your brain jostled an interesting observation your very eyes must've slipped. 
In the trash bin, there was no sight of the small black piece. The memory card. 
The sim card. 
Despite his questionable actions, you chose to sleep, thoughts racing alongside a strange excitement building up in you. 
Oh what are you up to, Tyler Galpin.
Time was ticking. Neither on his or your side. He just didn't know it yet.
In the following morning you received a misscall from an unknown number. Father. He never contacts you first. There's nothing he needs that you could provide. It must be about the Hyde. 
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rilakeila · 2 years
tyler galpin x reader where he continues to trick her even after revaling himself for wednesday at the police station? just begging for some angst !
when he has nickels for every time he manipulates someone from the addams family. he only has two nickels, but funny it happened twice..
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word count 2.05k | pairing tyler galpin x reader | show wednesday (netflix) | warnings manipulation, unhealthy relationship/situationship(?), don’t romanticize stuff like this, minor implication of suggestive content, but like rlly it was just making out | author's note i think my stack of scenarios that have to do with tyler, it’ll be called something like tyler-tinted glasses or something like that. | character notes reader has the power to be able to play the past memories of hers and anyone’s as long as she puts her mind to it in front of her and visible to anyone in the room, like if u watched anastasia, when the past memory of dance during once upon a december. she can pause a memory and inspect much more deeply for hints about something. she also doesn’t like doing it to someone else’s memory due to invasion of privacy | i dont write angst well lol
—HAPPINESS is what you thought you would be feeling. well, it has been what you have been feeling for the past couple of months. that was until you realized that your barista crush happened to be two-timing with your cousin. with wednesday’s lack of being in touch with her romantic feelings or whatever feelings she was having, you had no idea what was going in her head until she acts upon something. it explained the nights with the unresponsive texts and no shows from tyler. even if he would reassure you the next day that he was just busy studying or taking closing shifts at weathervane, there was just something not right. 
funny enough that you trusted him enough to take his word. there was no reason to not trust him, usually comes through in every date planned for the exception of the standups. staring at the ceiling of your dormitory room, the blank ceiling started to form words taunting of your own thoughts. your mind swallowing the ability to think straight about whether the feelings that developed between you both were true. you knew yours were true, barely letting many people come through. there was something about tyler that just connected with you. yet, he also connected with the one person who shows no interest in anything or anyone, for that matter. maybe, he can be some psychopath that somehow gets through two addams family members. 
remembering all of the many sleepless nights as you wondered why he would be gone. maybe him being the hyde was the truth on why he skipped out on dates. you always went through your recollection of memories in your bed. you vividly remember when tyler missed a late night sneak out the first time, the cold shoulder that you had given the morning of at weathervane. no text message as to why he missed it. the reassurance that his father was still awake in the midst of the night and could not leave to avoid suspicion. you simply nodded, understanding as he slid you your favorite drink and pastry while sitting in front of you on his break. knowing that his last words from that memory was “i’ll make it up to you. tonight, i promise.”
watching from your bed, knees curled up to your chest, no clue as to why you felt so… upset. he apologized. the next was not him missing, more so just acting out of the ordinary. the usual movie date in the crackstone crypt was just a common occasion of your late-night sneak outs. his phone had starting ringing, usually it would not be an oddity for someone to call at a such late night. he paused the movie, saying that he had to answer the call. maybe it was an important call, and you did not stop him. bits and pieces were only heard about meeting at some place with an unknown female caller ending with a ‘bye, love you.’ confusion written all over your face. never once in whatever type of relationship you had, “love you” was not said at all. you never heard him say that, not even to his dad when he bid tyler a goodnight when heading off to bed during your facetime calls. confronting him about what he had said out of curiosity, and he replied with ‘you misheard, i said see you. it was one of my classmates from that group project.’ it was followed with a kiss. though with the time built together, tyler easily reads the expressions of your eyes and eyebrows. relief not settling with you after his reassurance. but he knew what to do, he knew you enjoyed the affection from him. he cradled you in his arms as he continued the movie, occasionally making jokes about the horrendous quality of the movie and giving small pecks, eventually capturing your lips into his and melting any curiosity left that ran through your mind. his last words ended with “you’re the only one i want, i promise.”
so many promises that you continued to realize, too dazed about how he made you feel. how he adored you. how he understood you. but you missed all the warnings. though there is one collection of memories that stood out from the rest since it was the beginning of your trust in hin hanging on the line. waiting restlessly as you waited for tyler at your chosen date night spot which was hanging out in the storage room of weathervane, you eyed your phone seeing that it was an hour past. you figured to go back to nevermore, seeing that he was never going to show. if he was late, he would never be late past 5 minutes. upon reaching your dormitory, thing was slowly tapping on your desk, awaiting upon your arrival.  eyeing the sides of the space, taking a seat in front of him, you watched him retell what just happened; something about enid, tyler, and wednesday checking out the gates mansion. ‘thing, you know how I feel all about this.. monster hunt. if wednesday wanted me to come, she would have asked. tyler would have said something, too. don’t give me that attitude, thing. there’s nothing up with tyler. sure sure..’
you watched yourself turn towards your closet before watching thing crawl off wherever he wanted to be. thing was right, there was something untrustworthy with tyler. if there had to be one person you really could trust, it was thing. you sped through the memory, resuming the next day when tyler facetimed you, well attempted to facetime you as you found refuge in crackstone’s crypt. ignoring his countless calls, you watched the streamline of text messages flooding in from him with apologies and asking you to pick up your phone. additionally, enid was texting you about how crazy wednesday truly was and ranting about her feelings, something along the lines of what went down. thing was too busy conversating about tyler and wednesday including what may be some sort of relationship they had, only for him to stop and quickly crawled away.
engulfed into a warm embrace from behind, tyler’s head dropped into your shoulder. you watched as you tried to push away, knowing that you never wanted to and enjoyed the warmth. yet, you were disappointed. and he knew. he knew why and he knew how to fix it. he knew how you would come crawling back with knowing what to say and the endless amount of physical touch. face burning and heart racing as you raced through the memory, knowing that the scattered kisses across your neck was followed with another empty promise, ‘i promise I love you, just you.’ the words calmed you, and the wavering trust died with the curiosity, knowing that he loved you and only you. and which the memory ended with thing being scarred and ensuring to give him endless amount of his favorite hand lotion and massages.
though, you really should have listened to thing, perhaps you would not have had caught the two at crackstone crypt in what would have been your own date with tyler, giving her the same picnic with a movie date night idea, designed with the fairy lights and the old cinema. though, your timing was impeccable as you hid around the corner, seeing that his dad and few of his police coworkers got there first. that was the first time you had truly started avoiding tyler, but you also avoided wednesday, then again, it was a rare occasion of seeing her unless she needed your help with something such as rushing over when thing was heavily injured.
you have avoided them both until wednesday banged on your door, explaining what her vision about tyler had entailed. you listened and agreed to help her out, but it was just to see if she was correct. she also did not leave the details out that she had kissed him since it was what sent her into her vision. you did as she asked, and you knew what she was going to do. just as stubborn as she is, you knew you could not prevent whatever she was going to be doing. chaining him to the chair, you wanted to stay and see if this was the truth. but you couldn’t. 
“whatever you do with him, don’t kill him,” and you left, heading to your dormitory. your thoughts were running as fast as your heart was the entire way back. dreadfully entering your room, you could not lay on your bed. pacing around the room, you wanted to yank your cousin’s hair out. why couldn’t you stop her? feeling anxious, the vibration of your phone alerted you. quickly reaching into your pocket, you read the messages from bianca,
wednesday is getting expelled i heard. tyler’s dad didn’t press charges.
since the previous night and bianca’s texts somewhat calming you down, you were pacing in the morning in your favorite spot within the woods, seeing that wednesday has been expelled. principal weems forbade you the night before to communicate with your cousin, preventing any plans that potentially follow through since you did help wednesday chain him up. you were in the nicer part with a random bench you found with tyler, you usually sat down and read a few books until you needed to head to class or your extracurriculars, but for now you could not. a branch snapped and you turned around, seeing tyler. you halted in your paces, not knowing whether to hug him or scream at him. so, you stood there, waiting for him to say something.
but he didn’t. he came closer and you knew what he was going to do and took a step back.
he scoffed, “you believe her, don’t you?”
you didn’t, but what about the times he missed, the mystery person, what about all of the unanswered questions. there was nothing rather questionable about tyler. what you perceived, he was a normie or so, you thought. wednesday presented his mother’s files to you, which pointed that there was a possibility that he was not as normal as he made himself seem to be. he was sweet. caring. observant. attentive. all he wanted was the best for you, just as you would want for him. you know you were safe in his hands.
he stepped much closer than before, closing the gap between you both. tyler enlaced his left hand with yours, using the other to tilt your face to look at him. you wanted to use your power, look through his memories to settle it all, but that breaks all the trust that you would have with yourself. you looked at him, face full of adoration mixed with concern.
“but i know you kissed her. you took her on our picnic night at the crypt. i saw your dad, letting you both go. plus, you left me several times and gave me empty promises. what about those? and.. and that phone call during that night in the crypt.” you tried to not meet his eyes, but his grip was strong, making sure you maintained eye contact with him. 
“that was nothing. the kiss, she’s crazy. sure, i saw her at weatherhaven, but she’ll make anything up. just as she tried to pin the monster on me. and i assure you this is not an empty promise,” he cradled your face with both of his hands. “i just wanted to show her a good birthday, you know how she reacted during the surprise one we did with everyone else. you are mine and i promise that i am yours.”
he gives your forehead a kiss, sealing the promise. just as it usually happens, relief washes through your body, finally being able to settle. and as every time he will always hug you, knowing that he is there and will be there.
the overthinking dies down. tyler was and is perfect. he understands you and loves you just as you are. everyone messes up, and that is okay. he holds you, caresses your back, just as he does when you are having a session when you question him and his undying love for you. a monster cannot love. but tyler can. and he can never do wrong.
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tequiilasunriise · 2 years
Okay more screaming about Wednesday specifically THAT moment during the final ep:
Enid walks out of a forest, covered in blood and wounds from her previous battle for her life. Enid was shown to be (incredibly justifiably) afraid of creepy shit like exploring spooky ass mansions or going in the woods, but homegirl did not hesitate to RUN through those dark, murder-filled woods in order to find Wednesday. I believe her wolfie form was triggered by not just the powerful blood moon, but also her deep sense of protectiveness over Wednesday. Like, she literally JUMPKICKED Hyde!Tyler’s ass when he was choking out her moon even though this is her first shift and she has no prior experience with controlling her wolfed out state. That’s…. Pretty fucken gay and the fight scene was pretty fucken AWESOME with how visceral it got. Apollo really looked at the ao3 fics we were pumping out and said, “Bet.”
Furthermore, the fact that Wednesday instantly recognized Enid in the midst of all of this adrenaline rushing and shadowy scenery? How Enid initially snarled at Wednesday but seemed to pause and calm down a little upon recognizing her ? Calming down to the point where our beloved ray of sunshine got distracted mid-fight and gave Tyler an opportunity to strike back? Also super fucken mega gay behavior, like yes Enid my darling that’s your girl I know you were so worried over her bUT MY GOD FOCUS ON THE SERIAL KILLER RIGHT BEHIND YOU BABYGIRL I KNOW THIS IS YOUR FIRST SHIFT BUT GODDAMN!!!
I will never shut up about the Hug Scene™️ and its buildup. Enid stumbling out of the woods all blood covered and even though she’s in Ajax’s arms she isn’t like, “Thank god you’re safe” or whatever. No, she takes one look around and immediately asks in a soft, shaky voice, “Where’s Wednesday?” AND THAT TINY MOMENT OF DISTRESS ON HER FACE WHEN NO ONE ANSWERS HER. ARGH. EMMA PLLEASSEEE YOURE FEEDING US SO WELL. When Enid sees Wednesday walking out she a) is the first one to even recognize Wednesday’s silhouette against the fog b) HER IMMEDIATE RELIEF IS SO PLAIN TO SEE ON MY GOD c) does not hesitate to pull away from Ajax and fucken sprint into Wednesday’s arms.
Gods, that just emphasized the sheer gravity of this moment SO MUCH, after so many attempts to hold her moon close Enid finally says, “FUCK IT” and goes right in because fer all she knew Wednesday could have been dead by now. The way she tightly embraces Wednesday before pulling back with so much relief and T E A R S, my god Emma you understood the assignment so well. Wednesday’s wide-eyed stare shifting into equally intense passion as she suddenly pulls Enid back to into her arms and they just CLING to each other with amazing shots of how emotional their expressions are. So fucken full of love and relief and wanting. I especially love the way you can see everyone in the background smiling at the pair. Shit dude, even Ajax shared a knowing look with another student, like even HE knows that Wenclair reigns supreme. The whole school be approving of Wenclair fr fr they witness this devotion-filled hug scene and collectively go, “Yeah, those two belong together. We ship it.”
The hug was so fucken tender. My god. It was a choice made by both of them, a choice both Enid and Wednesday made with equal fervor. They didn’t need words anymore, Jenna’s phenomenal acting gave Wednesday a longing stare that said it all. The way Enid’s hands spread across Wednesday’s back as she clings close, Wednesday’s eyes squeezing shut as if she’s just begging for this moment to last without any visions to get in the way. The final shot of the two embracing with her heads tucked so firmly into the crook of the other’s neck. Seriously, I’ve read some VERY top tier Wenclair fanfics, but none were as so potently, “Fuck… I almost lost this. I almost lost her” as the canon Hug Scene™️. I was losing hope for any Wenclair goodness that could balance out the sheer throw up that was Enid and Ajax making out, but the Hug Scene™️ literally broke into my house, dragged me outta my bed by my scruff, and went about beating the living shit outta me in my own kitchen at 5 am in the morning and it was AMAZING. Wenclair Slowburn Truthers rise up, because my god do we have a solid foundation to work with.
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yanpotatowriter · 2 years
Hi! Is it okay if you do Yandere Tyler x Reader X Wednesday? Since both of these characters are dark I think being yandere suits them.
Of course!! I agree actually both of them could be yanderes in the show with how they are written!! Join the discord server: https://href.li/?https://discord.gg/gvqt2E9sDy ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Tyler is very jealous, and he hates whenever someone is talking to his obsession but when Wednesday entered his and his obsession's life, he realized that he was alright with her being in their lives but when she tried to take his obsession away from her, he lost it.  He turned into the Hyde and tried to kill her that night but Wednesday being Wednesday survived and quickly realized that he was the Hyde, but she also noticed that whenever her obsession got close near the Hyde, the Hyde was protecting her obsession and with that she knew that Tyler had big enough feelings for her obsession that the Hyde is refusing to hurt them. So Wednesday came up with a compromise, she would not tell a soul that he was the Hyde, and he would share his obsession with her.  It was a win-win situation for both of them as Tyler could do whatever he was as the Hyde knowing his identity was protected by the very same girl who vowed to other people to find out who the Hyde is.
When Wednesday got Xavier arrested Tyler made sure that Wednesday’s order was ready for when she walked into the Weathervane along with their obsession waiting with their own order in a booth. The two yanderes also fell for each other and in turn also got jealous and possessive of the other, Tyler confessed to Wednesday who his master was, and they killed Thornhill before she could continue with her plan, so Weems did not die and Wednesday became his new master. When they both work together they can get a lot done behind the scenes as people pay more attention to Wednesday, so Tyler will be able to blend into the crowd and get done what needs to be done. They both heavily stalk their obsession however Wednesday is the only one who will fess up when asked about it, and even then she doesn’t say that Tyler does it too as he specifically asked her not to. They both hate lying to their obsession, but Tyler is more willing as to have their obsession see him in a positive light rather than be disgusted by the thoughts that plague his head and the actions he has done. Whenever someone tries to flirt with their obsession they both quickly intercept and Wednesday will give Tyler later the command to kill them, both not caring about committing murder, but they now make sure that the bodies do not get discovered as then the cops will be tipped off over the fact that they have the wrong person in custody. They do sometimes want to spend alone time with their obsession and get annoyed whenever the other interrupts that alone time, but they will talk it out, well rather Tyler will do the talking while Wednesday makes blunt remarks with no remorse. 
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altf4d3lete · 8 months
Femslash February Day 10
Day 10: Love is Devotion
Word Count: 1.1k
With Thing securely in her hands, Enid started running into the forests that surrounded Nevermore. There was only one thing on her mind. Wednesday.
She felt nauseous thinking about what could have happened to her already. It had been how long, maybe an hour? Two? Since she’d been kidnapped. Tyler and Thornhill could have done anything in that amount of time. 
This was a bad idea. She knew that it was. After all, what was she going to do against a Hyde? How was she supposed to protect Wednesday when she couldn’t even wolf out? Her lungs were already burning as she sprinted through the trees, trying desperately to remember the way to Crackstone’s crypt. She’d figure out what she was going to do when she got there.
Why couldn’t someone else have come? Someone more useful. Someone who knew how to use their powers and could use them efficiently. Maybe it would have been better if Ajax had tagged along. Better than a werewolf who could only use her claws and couldn’t even shift. 
She could see it now. Stepping in front of the Hyde to try and stop him from killing Wednesday, only to be torn apart herself. Enid slowed down at the thought, biting the inside of her cheek. She wondered if she should go back and ask for more help. The thought sat in her mind for a moment before she made a decision. She’d do whatever it took to save Wednesday. Even if that involved her being hurt in the process.
Enid began running again. It was smooth sailing for a few minutes, before she looked up and saw the full moon, a pale red, peeking through the trees. She felt something snap in her body and cried out, falling to the ground. Thing went rolling.
Enid groaned, able to feel the bones in her body reshaping and reforming, her skin stretching to accommodate them as she grew fur along her body. Her nose extended into a snout, her ears stretching into points. Shock passed through her body, electrifying her mind as she realized what was happening.
“Thing! It’s happening!” She called out, speaking around the pain that she was currently feeling. Her limbs began lengthening as she grew to be twice her size. The whole process took about thirty seconds.
Once she was finished, she settled down on all fours, turned her head to the moon, and howled.
She’d be lying if she said it didn’t feel amazing. If she ignored all of the pain it took to transform, it felt incredible to finally free a primal part of herself, one that she hadn’t been able to access for so long. Her instincts were finally able to be released.
In this form, she was easily able to pick up Tyler and Wednesday’s scent. She could smell that prick from a mile away. Coffee beans, a faint whiff of wood. And then there was Wednesday’s. Ink and new paper. Easily traceable.
Enid began running, following Wednesday and Tyler’s scent. In this form, she had a fighting chance against Tyler. Maybe she’d even be able to take him down. Either way, she was ready to do whatever it takes. She was ready to fight for Wednesday. To kill for her, even.
As their scent got stronger, this primal urge, this need to protect Wednesday began getting stronger. She could feel it in her chest, growing with each passing moment. She had to save Wednesday. She had to protect her. There was no other option for Enid.
She jumped through the brush, her eyes settling on the Hyde. He had Wednesday pinned to a broken tree, his arm raised, ready to slice into her and leave her in the dirt like he had with the rest of his victims. Enid refused to let that happen.
She tackled him, her force sending the both of them tumbling multiple feet. She threw him into a tree, landing on her feet, the satisfying crunch bringing pleasure to her. That was when she whipped around, snarling, and her eyes landed on Wednesday.
Enid immediately stopped growling, her eyes visibly softening. Wednesday looked utterly shocked, confusion in her eyes as she stared at the werewolf that had just saved her life. “Enid?” She uttered softly.
Enid’s heart leapt in her chest. She felt an urge grow in her, an urge so strong that she had to do everything in her power to resist it. She wanted to go to Wednesday, wanted to completely envelop the girl, wanted to make sure that she would never be hurt again. She had such a strong urge to protect Wednesday from anything that could cause her harm.
She huffed softly, raising her head in a show of acknowledgement. Her eyes were trained on Wednesday. She wanted to never leave Wednesday’s side again. No matter what happened between them or around them. She wanted to stay with Wednesday, wanted to be the one to keep her safe.
Wednesday’s eyes suddenly shifted to something behind her, a flash of concern crossing her face. “Enid.” She said firmly, urgency in her voice. A warning.
Enid didn’t turn around quite fast enough, only turning to see a large arm swinging her way. She found herself sent flying, but she managed to land on her feet, sliding across the broken leaves and sticks. Her claws dragged through the ground, slowing her down.
She raised to her full height, snarling at the Hyde standing in front of her. At this boy who had taken Wednesday and manipulated her, who had hurt her both physically and mentally, who had erased all of the progress that Enid had made with Wednesday in terms of opening up and being vulnerable to people.
And all she could feel was pure hate.
What he did to her was unacceptable. What he did to her deserved punishment. He deserved to be on the ground, gasping, wondering how he had gotten himself in that situation. He deserved to be locked up, to be hospitalized and chained to the bed. The more primal part of her thought that he deserved worse than that. A predatory instinct was growing in her, one born out of the need to protect Wednesday.
In her peripheral vision, Enid could see Wednesday take a few steps back, then turn and run back towards the school. She turned her attention back to the Hyde. Good. Wednesday got away. Now it was just the two of them. Enid saved Wednesday, and now Wednesday would save the school.
Enid snarled, running towards Tyler. She would make him pay for everything he had done to Wednesday. She would make him bleed. She would make him suffer, the way he had made Wednesday suffer. 
And she would enjoy every last second of it. And once Enid saw Wednesday again, Wednesday would know just how much Enid cared. And she would know just how much Enid would do for her.
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pinkydevil16 · 2 years
Tyler Galpin x reader: Bunny
Tyler had staked his claim on Y/n the moment he'd met her, decided she was his bunny, his innocent bunny to nurture and protect. When he was younger he'd thought it was because he saw her like a sister, but when he grew up he realised he didn't want her to be his sister, he didn't want her to be a friend, he wanted her to be his. His dad thought it was a cute crush, happy he had friends other than the trouble making boys he hung around with, a sweet girl who made him do his homework and helped out his mum aswell. Tyler changed quickly when his mum passed away, he became meaner for a while, bullying an outcast until Y/n found out. She'd threatened to stop being his friend and that had snapped something inside of him, wanting to slam her against the wall by her throat and demand she take it back, instead he fell to his knees and cried into her stomach. Y/n's heart breaking as she pet his hair, hugging him close and apologising for being so cruel to him, he's just lost his mum and then she threatened to leave? How cruel of her.
Then he met Laurel, and he realised what had snapped that night, the night Y/n threatened to leave him his hyde had claimed her, not as a master, but as his property. Laurel showed him he could have anything he wanted, showed him how to manipulate and how to kill, she thought it was all for her, and maybe at first it was but Tyler knew every kill made Y/n run into his arms. Afraid of the creature in the woods, and Tyler was more than happy to walk her home, cuddle her whilst she talked about her day, working at the police station with his dad meant she knew a little too much but he liked it. Liked how she told him everything, his dad's pretty little secretary, he'd gotten his bunny the job by manipulating his dad and why wouldn't his dad want his son to be happy? So he ignored all the warning signs, made a few jokes about Tyler's nickname for Y/n, bunny, an odd nickname since Y/n wasn't an innocent bunny, she was funny and sparky but to Tyler she would always be that innocent girl he'd met. Didn't say anything when Tyler pushed over a boy who asked Y/n out, told the kids parents Tyler hadn't meant to, covered up his sons behaviour.
Y/n sat on the counter top of the weathervane, Tyler wiping down a few tables and chatting to the patrons, his eyes always coming back to Y/n as she swung her legs. She'd finished work, the Sheriff letting her go early before it turned dark, knowing Tyler would walk her home or she'd stay the night if she worried about Tyler walking home alone. Tyler smiled as he walked towards Y/n, pushing her legs open to slot himself between them, Y/n smiling up at him as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
"Do you want a new drink bunny?" Y/n hummed to herself for a moment, leaning back then nodding with a wide grin, Tyler's hands holding her upper thighs tightly as she moved, refusing to let her move an inch away from him. Tyler gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, slowly moving back so his hands grazed along her thighs, a tease he loved to do to her, watching as she tensed her thighs unable to press them together. He'd kept her his innocent bunny, any guy who came near her was quickly scared off by him or they tried to stop her being friends with Tyler which she didn't like either. Tyler flitted around behind her, typing away on her phone with her legs crossed on the counter, only a few customers left as it was almost closing, dark outside and everyone feeling the fear of whatever was in the woods creeping into their bodies. Tyler came round with her drink, Y/n uncrossing her legs allowing him to slot between them once more, her hands coming to grasp the drink, taking a quick sip before letting a small moan escape her lips. Tyler drinking in the noise, adjusting so he wouldn't be pressing against her thigh, not that she ever noticed when she cuddled up to him. 
"How was work?" Y/n placed down her cup, moving to play with Tyler's hair as she thought over his question before sighing.
"Long, another body was found out near Nevermore, i can't believe we've got some creature or animal or whatever attacking people. Your dad's really worried about it, and you, i know he's bad at showing it but he does worry about you working so late." Tyler wanted to sneer at the thought of his dad caring, he only said it to Y/n since he wanted to seem like a good guy, he'd hidden his whole past from him and then basically abandoned him when his mum died so why should his dad start caring now. Instead Tyler nodded, grasping Y/n's hips and pulling her into him so he could drop his head into her neck, her arms coming around him as he played into her sympathy.
"I can close up early if you're scared bunny, we can stay at yours and make a blanket fort?" Y/n smiled, kissing his shoulder with a nod, Tyler grinning into her neck, laying a kiss under her ear, hearing her breath stop. His hands tightening on her hips, he wanted to rock into her, mark her neck and make her cry out but he was patient, she was in the palm of his hand but he wanted her to beg for it. 
30 minutes later and Tyler was locking up, Y/n hugged close to him with his jacket around her shoulders, the cold chill setting in as well as the dark streets. Very few people walking home from work, and a police cruiser driving through the streets on patrol, Tyler placed the keys in his pocket and wrapped Y/n under his arm. The walk was quick, her apartment not far from his work and with the chilly air Y/n was lightly pulling him closer until she saw her door, parting from Tyler to open it quickly,  both of them rushing in to keep the heat inside the small apartment. Tyler helping Y/n out her coat, hanging it up with his as she flitted through the apartment checking all the heating and flicking the kettle on for a hot drink to warm them back up. Tyler followed behind her, both their shoes discarded at the door, her body leaning against the counter trying to reach her hot chocolate, Tyler pressing against her as he grasped it just above her hand. Y/n smiling as she turned in his arms, reaching for the box but Tyler held it out her way, a smirk on his face as he and Y/n fought for a moment before she gave up. Huffing Y/n crossed her arms, leaning against the counter allowing Tyler to hover over her. Patting his cheek he spoke.
"You know the price bunny." Y/n rolled her eyes, letting out a playful sigh, reaching up to kiss his cheek, Tyler turning his head so her lips met his instead. Y/n gasping and hitting his chest as he laughed, dropping the hot chocolate onto the counter as he caged her in laughing at her pout.
"Sorry bunny, too easy not to." Y/n rolled her eyes, grabbing the hot chocolate and turning back around and making two drinks, Tyler pressing against her back, arms around her waist and head in the crook of her neck. Placing a small kiss on her neck he parted from her, grabbing pillows and blankets before setting up the sofa to be extra comfy, Y/n joining with their hot chocolates and some crisps tucked under her arms. Tyler helping her as he settled into the sofa, his arms open for Y/n after she switched on the tv and dropping into his lap, protective arms around her, smothering her into his chest. When they'd finished their drinks Tyler pulled her to lay down, her head on his chest and blankets piled on top of them, half asleep Y/n kissed his chest mumbling a thank you for staying with her, Tyler smirking as he kissed his bunny on the head. 
Wednesday Taglist:
@celibacy-or-death @sarcastic-sourwolf @snips-501 @lilithskywalker @parkersmyth @hey-im-bored504 @1horrormoviewhore1 @peachycupotea @moonmaiden1996 @bebopsworld @betray-jaes@o-the-o-grim-o-reaper-o @ilovedeadguys @kaz-2y567 @darling-twh @90sgothik@thematicallythalia @cheezybread @arivh @kaz-2y567 @akinatrix @just-sana @manuosorioh@alohastitch0626 @snips-501 @lovesanimals0000 @trashmouthsahra @whatinthefreshhellisthis@elle4404 @pasta88love @sourbiscuit @sl-t4ym1r @whatinthefreshhellisthis @it-was-never-meant-to-be-boys @bringontheweirdworld @laneyspaulding19 @torirosalie @nushy @sophiexoxsblog@here4thefanfic @clevercreatornight @@here4thefanfic @runrabbitrun3 @bi-narystars@doingurmom69 @hanmashujisfuturewife @maystecc @hannaeditzs @yeehawbitchs @living-breathing-bibliophile @kissmebakugou @yunoguns @iovaki @paulina15 @hotgirlsshareaccounts@wonderlandco @kylobensgirl @tobylikesfire @cazza2009 @formulaangel55 @mxxny-lupin @nerd-queen14313 @let-love-bleeds-red @gloriousgam3r @venusandvirtue @emma-andrea1 @nega-omega@herejustforjj @moony-artemis @brittney69 @saltybeanp0le @wonwooen-reads @fanficfanatic204@jolenie @fl0r4f4wn @sidekickforlife @omgmywonderwall-blog @2234world @herejustforjj@serrinaisdying @cherryflavoureds-blog @qardasngan @b-tchymoon @potatosaladsunset@smileykiddie08 @sanguinesaint-kaleidoscopeeyes @spenglerslime @
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Tyler Galpin x Normie!Reader Aesthetic Board
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Looking out from the window of Weathervane coffee shop while resting my head on my palm, I look at the passersby, a mixture of Nevermore students in their purple stripe uniforms, ‘normie’ students and people going about their business. I return my gaze to the glaring screen and heave a sigh.  If only I hadn’t stopped working on the assignment last night, I wouldn’t have to sit long hours on my butt at Weathervane to get this done. I need to get this done today, reaching out for my cup and as I am about to take a sip, I notice that it is empty. Thank God I brought my water bottle with me because I hate making conversations when I’m feeling stressed out. As I am tucking the piece of hair behind my ear, which does absolutely nothing to prevent it from falling, and typing my assignments away, I notice a shadow, out of the corner of my eyes, approaching and eventually cease. The smell of jasmine tea and cinnamon hit my nostril. I look up from my work and realise that the Barista, the name tag reads ‘Tyler’, comes up to me with a cup of steaming tea and a plate of cinnamon roll. He must have delivered the order to the wrong person.
“Uhh... Hey …”
“Oh… uhm… Hi. I am pretty sure I didn’t order a cinnamon roll and a refill.”
“You’re right. Actually, these are for you. A sweet treat for the sweetest girl in the room.” I chuckle lightly and hide my blushing face behind my palms. I don’t get compliments very often and I don’t know how to react. Hearing someone say that to me makes me shy and giddy at the same time.
“I saw you’ve been sitting there for hours, and you look so stressed out with whatever you are doing. I just feel bad for you, and I notice your cup is empty.” Tyler says while replacing the empty cup with the new cup of tea and the cinnamon roll on the table.
“And I don’t normally see a Nevermore student doing their homework here- “
“Oh… I don’t go to Nevermore. I am actually a normie and go to normie school. Ha... there’s nothing extra about me, just a boring ol’ normie doing her normie assignment…but I do hang out with Nevermore kids.”
If only she knew what I am – Tyler tells himself.
“I thought I saw you with Enid coming out of the bookstore across the other day. So, I assumed you’re one of them.”
“You’re right! We went to check out this book that’s just been released. We bond over books and pop cultures, I guess those are what bring us together. But how do you know Enid?”
“Her friend, Wednesday, is a regular here and Enid often tags along. Guess that’s how I know her. Sorry for stalling you, I’ll let you finish your thing” Tyler leaves with the empty cup and returns to the counter.
While striding towards the counter, Tyler tries to control his breath and grips the empty cup and nearly breaks it as he’s trying to contain from the sweet intoxicating smell that almost wakes his primal Hyde and goes feral.  The sweet saccharine scent etches on his mind. The Hyde drives him to become obsessive towards her and determines to chase and hunt her down. Then mark her as his, to compensate the loss in his life. His innocent persona slowly darkens and morphs into that of a predator observing and preying. Let the chase begins.
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 years
Also to rephrase what i meant is wednesday x male reader who is like kiryu chan
I live for your energy my friend, I love being reminded of my love for the yakuza series (even the less favoured ones which I think was yakuza 3 I think…my man kiryu didn’t have much to do in that one other then fix peoples shit. Which shouldn’t be his job in the first place.) ichiban is my dumb baby boi, I love him so. He’s the epitome of ‘heart of gold, dumb of ass.’
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You don’t have a sense of fashion, no need to worry cuz Wednesday doesn’t have much of one either but she could hold together an outfit for herself but for someone else, not so much. Which made you an eyesore for poor Enid who has to take away that faux gold suit away from you muttering, “no, just-no.”
Other then that, you were what some would consider the strong silent type who no one should fuck with unless they wanna be punched with a bin or even a vending machine. Your freakishly strong for a guy which was an advantage for Wednesday as it meant no one would bother her if her massive guard dog was nearby, staring them down with his resting bitch face. Spoiler: it’s just your face.
Your dream was to run an orphanage, so when parents weekend comes about, you go out of your way to take the younger students who’s parents were unfortunately not alive anymore out to Jericho for the day and buy them whatever they want until the weekend was over. You were the acting older brother figure for a majority of them that even after parents weekend they’d go out of their way to ask you for advice or go with them to Jericho.
Especially when Rave’n comes and they want your opinion but you direct their inquiries to Enid instead from the last time you were left with the responsibility of telling someone how they looked. Wednesday wouldn’t admit it but your tender side for children born from less fortunate beginnings did always warm her coal heart. While you may look like a man with no care, you held the biggest heart in your chest and would bare the weight of the sky if it meant seeing those kids smile.
You also have this random male student in a Leopard print blazer, an eyepatch and a metal baseball bat that is seemingly obsessed with you and would always be raring to fight you whilst hiding in the most estranged places ever…you once found him in your dorm, wearing Wednesday’s clothes and a really shitty wig put into pigtails…what a weird guy…he’s strong and quick you had to hand him that but you felt that you fight better alone.
You’re also quite protective over the people you hold dear; Wednesday, Enid, Thing, Ajax, Bianca,Kent, Divina, Xavier, Eugene, you swore you’d protect them all when the Hyde attacks started picking up. So whenever you found yourself in a situation where the hyped seems himself to be; the sleeves are up to your elbows and your blazer was already on the floor as you prepare to give the son of a bitch an ass beating he wouldn’t be forgetting anytime soon.
You also wondered why it was that Tyler conveniently got bad bruising on the exact places you punched the Hyde or how he’d often flinch whenever you brushed past him in the street. Wednesday knew and she found it funny to see Tyler scared to death of your inhuman strength. It was entertaining and she would often drag you to weathervane just to see Tyler hold his breath and bite his tongue in your presence.
Many also considered you a leader with your cool headedness and straightforward thinking but you never wanted to be one in the first place, it just didn’t feel right for you to take that position, no matter how many times you were offered it. It wasn’t apart of your plan to become a leader and it never will be.
You made yourself a legacy at Nevermore that many would remember even well after you’ve grown old but still able to pack a fucking punch.
Overall Wednesday was glad to have you as you respected her wishes and desires more so then others because you too wish to have days to yourself and you both knew that you’d always go back to each other when company is highly appreciated.
Also nobody tears up karaoke night like you do. It’s just me stating a well known fact.
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verywolf589 · 4 months
I have a few theories regarding about Tyler storyline in season two.
A. Donovan is going to face serious jail time and it honestly makes sense. 
He knew it all along that it was Tyler but here’s the catch: I don’t think he knew Tyler had a master, remember Francoise (Tyler’s mom) Hyde out naturally by a traumatic experience (Tyler’s birth) So, Donovan obviously knew a few changes about Tyler and put the pisces together and figured out he must’ve Hyde out when he wasn’t around. He also falsely arrest Xavier, I won’t be surprised if Xavier’s father (Victor Thorpe) sue him for this.
B. It was actually Francisco made the decision that Tyler shouldn’t know he is a Hyde. 
Something must’ve happened to Francisco at Nevermore where they had to ban Hydes from the school. I think it was because of massive bullying and unfair treatment that she started hating being a Hyde, whatever the reason for, she decided that Tyler should not know he is a Hyde, I think Donovan knew it was wrong to keep a big secret from Tyler, but he also didn’t like how Francisco was being treated for being a Hyde so he reluctantly agreed with her that Tyler should never know. 
C. Tyler is probably going to be a student at Nevermore.
I honestly hope they don’t that because what does Tyler gain from being there? He has no community there, he can’t hang out with the werewolves, vampires, gorgons, sirens and psychics. He would really be an outcast among other outcasts and maybe that’s the point? To show how lonely he is in the world. I don’t know. I prefer that Tyler would have a sense of community at Willowhill, him realizing it isn’t that bad and actually getting better. 
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suchaladyy · 1 year
3 and "luck"? I love your fics so much btw!
Hiii thank you!
Prompt 3 from this list is: we have to sleep on the forest ground, so everything can be the bed, but we still sleep close, because we feel too exposed
I sprinted for 20 minutes and these are the 592 words that came out of me.
It was three days since Tyler had broken out of that armored vehicle and Wednesday had chased him down. Two days since Wednesday had found him, shifted back to his human form and shivering on the forest ground, curled up into a ball. He’d looked so helpless. It was hard to imagine, looking at him, everything he’d done. Wednesday supposed that that was part of why she hadn’t suspected him in the first place. He was a shapeshifter physically, he was one emotionally, too.
She’d found him purely by luck. In his Hyde form, he was much faster than her, and minutes after entering Jericho’s forest, she’d already lost sight of him. She continued on, trying to follow the disrupted brush, but even she had to admit that she was wandering around aimlessly. Even so, she’d continued searching for him for an entire day, until she was dirty and tired and her stomach hurt from hunger. She was propelled forward by an urgency similar to that she was compelled by when she wrote. A sense that she couldn’t stop even if she wanted to.
Tyler had looked up at her like a wounded animal waiting for a mercy killing, like he was the one who’d been given reason to fear her. His shoulder, where he’d been shot by his father, was caked in mud and dried blood, like he’d tried to stop the bleeding with whatever he could find. He was lucky he had enhanced healing, or he’d already be dead.
Wednesday had ordered him up - not as his master, but as the only person around when he was in need of help. He had no choice but to listen to her. They’d traveled for the rest of the day, though slowly due to their mutual exhaustion. Tyler was naked, having ripped out of the clothes they’d transported him in, and Wednesday had given him her jacket to cover himself with out of - well, she didn’t know what. It certainly wasn't pity. She wasn’t sure she could feel anything for him anymore. Just that same urgency that continued to propel her forward and to her family’s nearby safe house.
She knew that they had one on the outskirts of Jericho’s forests. Her Uncle Fester had stayed in it when he’d visited her father at Nevermore decades ago. Her parents had shown it to her on their nostalgia tour when they’d first dropped her off at school, so she knew the general direction it would be in. She just didn’t realize the trek would take so long.
They traveled in silence, Tyler looking too empty inside to speak and Wednesday not caring to. When night came, she wordlessly stopped and started setting up camp for the night. Not that there was much to set up - they had to sleep on the forest ground no matter what, so anything could be their beds.
However, as Tyler reclined against a moss covered tree, her jacket untied from his waist and draped over his body, Wednesday hesitated. They were exposed, she rationalized to herself. It would make sense for her to stay close to the monster she’d allied herself with - in case he tried to leave or in case something came for them.
Wednesday settled against the same tree, a quarter of the way around from where he’d chosen to sit. She could feel him stiffen, though they weren’t touching, and she ignored his eyes on her. If she leaned her head against his shoulder as she slept, he didn’t address it, and neither did she.
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willow-tree-writes · 2 years
✾Wicked Game✾
Tyler Galpin x Reader
Summary: After being locked in a cave by someone you once loved, you have to chose - submit to his evil to escape your torment, or risk your life to fight for your friends.
Request: @scoopsahoyspidey "you should do a part 2 if you have the time" I did, in fact, have the time
Author’s Note: This is part 2 to Why Her, Not Me, but this could also be read as a standalone! Also, it took me so long to get this one out because I wanted to make it longer than the other fics I've been writing recently, and I'm glad I did! Granted, it's not too too much longer, but still.
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: Mild Cursing, Mild Violence, Angst
!I don’t own this gif!
Why Her, Not Me {part 1}
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The world was on fire and no one could save me but youIt’s strange what desire will make foolish people do
The chains scratched at your wrists as you tugged on them for the millionth time.
The cave reeked of smoke and ash. Your clothes, hands, and arms were almost completely covered in soot. The fire might have covered up all evidence of Tyler’s entrapment, but that didn’t stop him from making it your prison now.
You stopped your struggle as you heard the echoes of someone entering.
“Y/N,” Tyler’s voice emerged before he did. “Got some more grub for you.” Slowly he approached you, kneeling in front of you as he set down an old-fashioned metal lunchbox.
“Tyler…” You mumbled as he rubbed his finger down your cheek. “Please let me go…”
He chuckled a little, reaching down and opening the lunchbox. “I can’t do that just yet.”
Tears started to prick in your eyes, a quiet choke leaving your lips. “This… This isn’t you…” This wasn’t the Tyler you knew. The one you cared about. “You can still make this right…”
What was it in you that still fought for him? He had hurt you beyond belief, physically and mentally. And yet…
“All of this is right.” He pushed the lunchbox up to you, making sure it was close enough that you could grab it. “Soon enough you will see.”
I never dreamed that I’d meet somebody like youAnd I never dreamed that I’d lose somebody like you
With closed eyes, you focused on the earth and plants outside of the cave. The rocks around you weren’t indestructible, but would need more force than you thought you could possibly muster to cause just a crack.
But you were surrounded by plants. The more energy you could exert, the more plants you could bring to you.
Without letting your focus falter even once, it felt like hours had passed until you could hear the cracking of rock, followed by the sight of green slipping through.
With even more focus, the vines shot down and began to attack the chains around your wrists. They entered the keyhole, twisting and contorting in order to trigger the restraints to open. Which only took minutes.
The chains fell and clattered against the cave, the metal deafening as it echoed.
I don’t wanna fall in loveI don’t wanna fall in loveWith you
Your lungs burned as you ran through the forest. You didn’t know where you were, nor how to get back to Nevermore. You just needed to get away from that damn cave.
And that you did.
You didn’t stop until your legs gave out from under you, collapsing with miles of trees, dirt, and leaves surrounding you. No person in sight.
You stayed on the ground, just wanting energy and life to return to your legs and lungs.
Crickets chirped, the wind blew and rustled everything it could, but you were only able to hear the sound of your own breathing.
And the sudden crunching of footsteps…
“Y/N…?” A girl’s voice made your head snap up, only to relax just as fast. 
“W-Wednesday…” Your voice cracked, but was so quiet it was hard to even tell. You slowly rose to your feet and trudged to her, practically falling on top of her in a hug.
You felt her stiffen underneath you, which was enough to remember her hatred for everything, but especially touch. 
Prying yourself off of her, you stagger back onto your feet. “It’s Tyler. Tyler’s the monster. The Hyde, of whatever the fuck you called it.” You rushed to explain.
“I know.” She simply responded with. Turning her back toward you, she started on a march back the way she came.
You knew to follow her.
You bit your lip as you looked up to the full moon. Why did you agree to do this?
“I knew you were a smart and powerful girl.” His voice approached you from behind, causing your throat to tighten. “It just took you longer than it should’ve to prove it.”
You slowly turned to face him, willing your knees to stop shaking. “Tyler…”
He took a step closer to you. “Has Stockholm Syndrome kicked in, or have you really changed your mind?” A smirk started to form on his face.
You shake your head a little. “You don’t have to do this, Tyler…” You pleaded.
No matter how long you stayed in that cave, whether or not it was Stockholm Syndrome, you still cared for the boy before you.
What a wicked game you play, to make me feel this wayWhat a wicked thing you do, to let me dream of youWhat a wicked thing to say, you never felt this wayWhat a wicked thing you do, to let me dream of you
You flexed your fingers out while keeping out down by your side. “I don’t want to hurt you…” The trees slightly swayed, even with no wind to manipulate them.
He chuckled, taking a couple more steps closer. “We both know that isn’t true. Deep, deep down inside you, there’s a part that would love nothing more than to wreak havoc. To help me purge the world of the people that called you a crazy plant pickney.”
You tensed up at the tormenting nickname that seemed to follow you around.
“You know what I’m talking about, Y/N/N.” He almost purred as his hand reached to play with a strand of your hair.
Your hand twitched, causing a branch from the tree towering over the two of you to fall, heading right towards Tyler.
In a split second, his hand shot up and morphed into a grotesque arm, catching the branch easily. With a light squeeze, the branch - half the size of a grandfather clock - was snapped in half.
The laugh he let out this time was inhumane. “A little tree branch? Come on, Y/N. You can do so much better than that.”
Just as after he changed right in front of you, just as his arm came swiping down to grab at you, a white wolf sprung out from nowhere and tackled Tyler’s Hyde form to the ground.
Now, I don’t wanna fall in loveNo, I don’t wanna fall in loveWith youWith you
His body tumbled to the ground, naked and covered in all sorts of cuts and completely bloodied.
Your instinct was to run to him, and you didn’t have enough time to think before your body started to move at a speed you didn’t know you were capable of. 
He laid curled up, almost hidden among the green surrounding him. He wasn’t moving. Not even to breathe.
It took you to drop to your knees, right next to his body, to see the brief rise and fall of his chest. He was still alive.
You carefully moved Tyler so that, instead of lying on his side in the dirt, he would be lying on his back on you.
“You’re going to be alright…” You whispered, wiping some blood from his face. “You’ll see - this monster isn’t you. We’ll help you. I’ll help you…”
You didn’t know what good saying any of that was. It was all just words. And after everything he’s done, he didn’t deserve it. You gave him multiple outs, and he took advantage of you and your feelings.
But until your heart stopped, you’d still give him those outs.
The world was on fire and no one could save me but youIt’s strange what desire will make foolish people do
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Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤
Curious what ur fav fics of yours are? 👀🖤🩷
Like ever?Like my five favorite fics of ever? oh boy ok lemme pull up the list
Well immediately I Bit Him so He's Mine is coming to the top of the list which isn't even done yet but is sitting rn at around 40k, is my longest project ever and officially novel length. Between the writing a murder mystery, writing a low fantasy adventure, the gothic/fairytail romance, the hyde wednesday/hyde tyler scenes, the subplots, and the fact that I'm not able nor do i want to rely on psychic visions for information, this is the most involved and exciting project I've probably ever done. Before Wednesday, I hadn't really sat down and written a proper drawn out mystery plot and this is the first where there were no psychic visions either. It's also officially longer than my Absolution novella which is not on this list just because that fic was one of the first I ever wrote and it shows. (though it is special to me because of that)
2. I'll add Wandering in the Dark because it was born of a prompt that my hs senior english teacher gave the class for a project that'd been anticipated (or dreaded depending on who you were) all semester. Basically, we all got to draw a disease (chronic I believe or at least mine was) out of a hat and then just do whatever we wanted writing a story with it. He gave me complete creative freedom. I wrote steter fanfiction which is also why it reads for someone who isn't familiar with teen wolf. I got an A.
3. My Lost Soul (Lead Me to Redemption) was my baby for a long time. It was one of the first pieces I ever wrote in a creative writing class which I then rewrote as sterek fanficiton and evolved into a whole series with Derek, Stiles, and Peter becoming the Hale Pack again. My writing style and quality drastically changes from beginning to end and there's something special about getting to see that firsthand reading this series. I'm sure it would only have continued if I hadn't lost steam for the story.
4. This is not a fair game. I'm not even left my teen wolf list yet.
4. I suppose I'll put Have You Seen Me? because idk I just like it. I like it a lot. I like exploring Tyler immediately after the cave. I like the title and the way the summary is just Tyler's wanted poster. I like how it leads into Wednesday going to Nevermore and I like how they interact with each other and Tyler being an Addams
5. Hold Me Close and it's sister fic Pin Me Down (to be posted) will have to take place as well. I'm counting both because I love them for the same reason. I've been writing officially since 2016 and for at least as long I always knew that I would eventually write my own fuck or die/sex pollen fic and that I'd take the approach of approaching the potential trauma and very present vulnerability present in the premise. Plus, the sex marathon aspect was a good writing challenge to stretch out the sex scene long enough to actually feel like a marathon reading it. Hold Me Close's sex scene was around 3000 words. Pin Me Down's sex scene is 3455 words long.
Honorable mentions for an abandoned multi-chap from high school that I hadn't thought about for years solely because I recently went to a convention where I met a lot of local authors and talked their ears off about writing and the genres we do and our current projects (and I had plenty due to wyler week and the bingo) and this one author recognized my ao3 alias and loved the fic in question. Mark Me an Angel for the hannigram fandom which also is a good example of why you plan a basic plot/direction when you start something.
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inspired by @chaoticstupiddm, @therulerofallpotatos, and @beri-allen
Weyler Week is 6 days away, so I shall also try to do my part in hyping it up!
So obviously I decided I'd join very late (I also discovered it late so), so naturally I have finished none of the fics for it. But oh well!! It's still fun to do!! For my hype post I'll share my (possibly temporary) first sentences for each fic! (I don't have titles for them yet LOL forgive me)
Day 1's prompts is a mixture of dancing in the kitchen, college au, and poison!
“Heyyyy Bestie!”
Wednesday let out a sigh, rolling her eyes as she turned her computer chair away from her desk to face her roommate. “What do you want, Enid?”
Enid grinned at her, her eyes glinting mischievously. “So Ajax and I were thinking of sneaking to the kitchen tonight—”
“Perfect,” Wednesday interrupted, turning back around. “I'll finally be able to sleep in peace.”
Enid sighed in fond exasperation, coming to her side. “Actually,” she said, smirking at her. “I was hoping you'd join us.”
Wednesday glared up at her through her bangs. “No.”
ALSO FEATURES: Petroclair, Tyler loving baking, Wednesday being bad at feelings, shy Tyler, and Ajax and Tyler being friends
Day 2's prompts is a mixture of movie night and nightmares!
Wednesday didn't often watch movies, but Tyler enjoyed it, so she often found herself being dragged to movie nights with him, one way or another. But that didn't mean that she always let him pick what they'd watch.
ALSO FEATURES: Tyler being jumpy, someone getting sick, Wednesday's hand being in Tyler's hair, and Donovan being exhausted by them both (but being affectionate about it in his own way)
The prompt I picked for Day 3 is Holiday Decorations!
Wednesday wasn't sure how she got into this situation, but she knew it was Tyler's fault.
ALSO FEATURES: Tyler torturing Wednesday for once, Petroclair, Tyler baking again, and mistletoe
For Day 4, the prompt I decided to do was writer/barista AU! (I don't think I'm doing this exactly right lol but yeah)
Wednesday took her writing very seriously, going as far as to research whatever info she needed in person. She refused to be that type of author who didn't bother making simple things accurate. So when one of her characters had to go undercover as a barista, she knew she'd need to do some research to be sure she got all the details accurate.
ALSO FEATURES: Accidental (?) hand brushing, lots of spilled drinks and burnt fingers, and maybe some little affectionate running the other person's hand under cool water :>>
For Day 5 I got two different fic ideas based on two different prompts, but the one I'm gonna work on first I think will be Possessive Behavior!
Wednesday had finally accepted Tyler as her boyfriend, but apparently being her boyfriend came with very interesting side effects. Particularly, from Hyde.
ALSO FEATURES: Tyler trying desperately to not act like a crazy person while Hyde literally couldn't care less, jealous Hyde, and Wednesday just wanting to finish her homework
For Day 6, the prompt I decided to do was black dahlias!
There was a single black dahlia lying in the corner of the buffet table of the cafeteria.
ALSO FEATURES: Tyler being such a dorky romantic, Wednesday actually liking it, a boat, grenades, and fairy lights
For Day 7, I decided to do a mixture of hurt/comfort, memories and hands! (yes this might be a kind of painful fic)
Tyler's hands were covered in blood again.
ALSO FEATURES: Wednesday patching Tyler up, sad Tyler, and both of them finding comfort in each other (and maybe Donovan coming in to tell them there's food in the fridge)
And for Day 8, I decided to use a fic that I started a few days before I decided to join Weyler Week, currently titled Love Dust!
Tyler looked up from whatever he was preparing the moment Wednesday stepped in, his signature dopey grin plastered on his face as she sat at her usual booth.
“You're early,” Tyler observed, stepping out from behind the counter and leaning against it.
“I have a package that I need to pick up,” Wednesday responded.
Tyler furrowed his eyebrows. “Here? Hate to break it to you, Wednesday, but this isn't the post office.” Wednesday gave him a look. “They wouldn't deliver it to Nevermore directly, and the nearest post office is almost an hour away, so this was my only option.”
Tyler hummed. “Alright. Should I be… concerned about the contents of this package?”
Wednesday looked at him, her eyes glinting darkly enough that Tyler became concerned. Then she sighed. “Unfortunately not.”
ALSO FEATURES: Donovan losing years of his life because of these two, jealous Xavier, shipper Enid, Thing also being a shipper, and a lot of wholesome physical touch
And that is all :DDDD I really doubt I'll be able to post all these in time LOL but hopefully they'll be done before July 31 at the very least!!!! Weyler Week let's go!!!!
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COFFEE MEMORIES - wednesday x tyler
A little something I wrote the other day. I might use it as a start to a Wyler fic as I feel it has that potential.
As soon as Wednesday walked through the door into the small cafe she was smacked in the face with the familiar scent of coffee and it reminded her of a boy she didn’t want to be reminded of. She noticed more things than she would like reminded her of him and she didn’t know how to stop it. She felt it was the world torturing her more but she knew if she asked her mom about it she’d say how it was the world’s way of letting Wednesday know she and Tyler weren’t done yet. That their paths would cross again, as much as Wednesday told herself she didn’t want them to.
That didn’t stop her from fantasizing about the idea though. She always liked to think to herself and wonder what she would do if they met again. She’d love to torture him and get him to feel how he had made her feel. Maybe she would give him a good slap across the face like he deserved or maybe she wouldn’t turn to violence at all. That idea was the scariest one to her but it was the one she feared would be most likely to come true. She wouldn’t know how she would feel if she saw his face again but she knew it would do something to her that she wouldn’t like. She hated him, or at least she tried to convince herself she did.
She didn’t know she would find out the answer to that as soon as she looked up - there was Tyler, ironically looking as normal as ever, standing behind the counter, messing with the espresso machine. Wednesday was heavily reminded of the first day they met and she tried to push that memory away, right now wasn’t a time to feel nostalgic. Especially about him.
She decided she was going to leave a moment too late, when his eyes had caught hers across the room and his gaze made her freeze for a second. Contemplate whether or not she should leave. She ultimately decided she would, lowering her gaze from his before turning around and heading towards the door.
She just got outside when a hand caught one of her wrists and she wasn’t surprised to turn back and find it was him. He realized he crossed a boundary when she glared down at his hand and he let go. She couldn’t bring herself to look at him, not while this close. She looked past his shoulder as she waited for him to speak.
When no words came she asked, annoyed, “what do you want?”
“I-I’m sorry Wednesday. I never wanted to hurt you.”
She stared hard at the ground, letting out a breath as she asked again, “what do you want?” She knew he was going to apologize. That was easily predictable. She wanted to know what he wanted. If he wanted her to trust him again or for them to be on good terms or whatever it was he actually wanted.
“First, I’d like it if you’d look at me,” he said with a softness that surprised her. He’d been that way before but after everything that happened she knew it had all probably been just an act. But she couldn’t help to think he sounded genuine and she wondered if his goal hadn’t been to kill her from the very start, if he did ever actually like her.
She reluctantly listened, looking up to meet his eyes that were filled with obvious sadness and pain. Surely that’s not what they would look like if he had enjoyed being the Hyde and Thornhill’s plan. If he was angry to see her. Instead, he seemed saddened and conflicted and Wednesday almost wanted to pity him.
Once she met his eyes he smiled a little, though it was weary.
“Talk before I leave,” she said simply, her way of letting him know to just get to the point and she was getting impatient.
“I understand you probably hate me now but I hope I can try to prove to you that I’m not a bad person and that I actually care for you Wednesday, I always have. My Hyde is a curse I didn’t ask for and hate,” he said, his voice strained. It was obvious he hadn’t been sleeping well lately.
She did notice though that his breath smelled of coffee, like it usually always did. She was trying to stay in the moment but all the little reminders of what they used to be were more evident than ever and almost drowning the dark haired girl who claimed she had no heart.
She tilted her chin upwards a little, “Are you asking for a second chance?”
“Yeah, if you’re willing to give me one, I’d understand if not. I just want you to understand and learn that the Hyde isn’t me,” he replied. He wasn’t trying to seem forceful or desperate but there was a hint of pleading in his voice.
Wednesday contemplated for a moment. If the Hyde was different than Tyler, maybe he wasn’t so bad. After all, she didn’t know everything about Hydes yet and how they affect the person they’re apart of.
“On one condition,” she stated, if she was going to give him another chance she wanted him to at least be useful to her in some way.
He raised a curious eyebrow at her, “yeah?”
“Let me study you so I can gather more information about Hydes.”
He smiled again slightly, “deal.” He held his hand out for a handshake and Wednesday looked at it for a moment before shaking it, holding on for a moment longer than she needed to.
Immediately after she walked back inside the cafe, telling Tyler, “I’d like my quad like normal.”
“And it’ll be on the house, like normal,” he replied as he got back behind the counter and started working on her drink, smiling lightly to himself. His day had just gotten a little bit better and though Wednesday wouldn’t admit it, so had hers.
A couple moments later he handed her her drink and she said, having thought while waiting, “I should have tortured you before I agreed to give you another chance.”
Tyler let out a small laugh, though it was a nervous one as he knew she wasn’t joking, “well, I’m glad you didn’t.”
He only got a glare from the girl before she turned around and left the cafe. He shook his head at her antics, unable to stop himself from smiling even though he had just gotten threatened by a girl who would gladly follow through with her threats.
She didn’t scare him though. He knew she was mad but he also knew she wouldn’t be able to bring herself to hurt him, not now at least. A while ago was a different story. He had hope things would change for the better and that he hadn’t lost Wednesday. That was what was important to him.
He just hoped this new start wouldn’t get ruined again by his Hyde.
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