sitting-on-me-bum · 4 months
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In 2022, two jaguar cubs were born at Parque Nacional El Impenetrable in northern Argentina. The 320,000-acre preserve opened in 2017, but hiking trails, glamping sites, and tourism programs have recently made the area easier to explore.
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nando161mando · 3 months
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Please explain why cancelling $1,900,000,000,000 in student debt is a "handout", but a $1,900,000,000,000 tax cut for rich people was a "stimulus"?
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ifreakingloveroyals · 16 days
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Through the Years → Felipe VI of Spain (2,726/∞) 30 November 2021 | In this handout image provided by the Spanish Royal Household, Garbiñe Muguruza, King Felipe of Spain and Queen Letizia of Spain are seen at the official reception to the tennis player Garbiñe Muguruza after her victory at AKRON WTA Finals 2021 in Guadalajara, Mexico, at the Royal palace in Madrid, Spain. (Photo by Spanish Royal Household - Handout/Getty Images)
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dndsettingsinfo · 1 year
(Strixhaven) Arcano-Botany Papers: Lesson 1 by PaintedLive
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livingsand · 1 year
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Pencil drawings I made in 1986 or '87 as handouts for 'The Mauretania', an adventure for the Call of Cthulhu rpg (second edition - published in 'The Asylum & Other Tales'). I modified the adventure quite a bit, as published adventures usually need a bit of bodging. These were essentially images I handed to players when they experienced certain events within the adventure. I also used the same approach when running homebrew adventures.
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sad-gay-cowboy · 2 years
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1-50thofabuck · 10 months
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A handout of a book the PCs found sitting open, like so, on a table towards the beginning of my previous Mystara campaign. It was a guide to flesh golem creation.
There was a note on the inside front cover which referenced a character from the campaign prior to that, which took place roughly 20 years later, the campaign this was made for being a sort of "prequel." The original campaign took place during the AD&D Mystara post-WotI circa 1021, and the second during the regular D&D Gazeteer era circa 1000. This handout then contained a little "easter egg" that told the players how their future group's arch enemy learned to make flesh golems. They never figured out who V.F. was, despite it being cheesily obvious.
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ringo-stalin · 1 year
Hey tumblr - we don't talk much... I guess I prefer to let my feed do the talking.
But I'd really appreciate your help: I've suddenly become unemployed, and lost the best job I ever had as the shop failed to weather the storm of rising costs of living and unreliable suppliers.
If you can spare a few coins to tip me, I'd be hugely appreciative.
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storyvoice · 1 year
Positive Traits Handout
This handout is a quick way to start the conversation in groups. I have folks circle the 10 traits that they (think/feel) have. Than I ask them to put them in a numbered order (1 to 10), best to worst. One day someone suggested that they had way more negative traits so…. I started asking folks (after they shared the positive traits) to write their negative traits on the back. Most of the people…
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aunti-christ-ine · 2 years
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ifreakingloveroyals · 9 months
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Through the Years → Catherine, Princess of Wales (967/∞) 23 December 2023 | In this undated handout image released by Kensington Palace, Catherine, Princess of Wales meets Ray Travasso and brothers George (12), and Henry (10) (Ray is a music therapist from the East Anglia Children’s Hospice (EACH), who has delivered music therapy and support to the family after Henry was diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy at 18 months old) ahead of the airing of ITV's "Royal Carols: Together at Christmas" in London, United Kingdom. Royal Carols: Together at Christmas will be shown on Christmas Eve at 7.45pm on ITV1 and ITVX. (Photo by Handout/Kensington Palace via Getty Images)
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dndsettingsinfo · 1 year
(Strixhaven) Arcano-Botany Papers: Lesson 2 by PaintedLive
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marywoodartdept · 16 days
First Week Back!
Esther #animation blogger is back in the studio and kicking off the semester with creativity! She had a blast designing a fun flyer featuring a rambunctious #cat for her first #Illustration assignment. Ready for an exciting fall! #MarywoodArt #ArtStudent
I hope everyone reading had an amazing first week of school! Even though I already find myself missing summer time it’s nice to get back to having a proper routine again! One of my first few art assignments this week was to create a handout for my General Illustration I class. The assignment was quite helpful as it introduced us to creating work for potential clients and what we should keep in…
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storyvoice · 3 months
Handout: Anger Words
Anger groups are usually straight forward …. OK, no group is like that. They each have their own dynamics which are dependent on many factors.I used to work as a float at a hospital and would walk onto a unit to facilitate a group of (usually) adults with a mix of diagnoses none of whom I had ever met before. In those situations I usually keep it very basic and thus very safe.The list of words…
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educationalscraps · 6 months
Although Holden's hunting cap does not seem important or significant to the story Catcher in the Rye, it is actually a huge motif, and tells a lot about the person who wears it. The hunting cap symbolizes Holden's feelings and his unique yet contradictory personality. When he wears the cap he seems to be seeking attention, and wants to stand out. He is being his true self because he likes the hat; although many find it ugly and unfashionable, but Holden bought and wears it anyway. He puts it on while he is in his dorm, and the taxi cab, and while walking to the train station. However, Holden doesn't wear the hat all the time, and when he takes it off he is usually insecure at the time, and out in public. For example, he takes it off before he goes into the Hotel after arriving in New York, because he doesn't want people to "think he is a screwball". He also takes it off when the train arrives, and when people start emerging. By putting the hat on and taking it off, it shows how Holden is rather hypocritical. He doesn't like phonies, or people who conform and pretend to be something their not just to be popular, and yet he does the same thing. He wears the hat and says he doesn't care how he looks or what people think about him, but then he takes it off when he goes out in public! I think Holden is a very complex person, and he does have lots of issues. I understand that Holden wants to be himself, but he is afraid that if he is himself all the time, then people won't like him, or think he is weird. He desperately seeks companionship on a deeper level, yet he doesn't seem to be able to connect with anyone because he 'conforms' around people.
The red hunting cap has already come up a lot in the novel. The red hunting cap is a noun that is also a motif because it means more than what it is. The red hunting cap symbolizes Holden's individuality. He wears this hat when he doesn't care what people think of him, and helps him remember his individuality. For an example Holden wears this hat when he wanted to get Ackley to leave his room, probably trying to make it so he will leave, but also to show off that he doesn't care if Ackley thinks he is weird. On page 53 you see something very interesting. It is a conflict of feelings that Holden is feeling. He puts his hat on, because at first he doesn't care what anyone thinks, but then he take it off because he doesn't want to look too "corny."
During the course of the novel you can notice a pattern, of Holden's dependency on cigarettes. The first time you start to see Holden wanting a cigarette is right before Stradlater's date with Jane, who is also the girl Holden loves. This time Holden depends on cigarettes just to calm him self down. Then when Stradlater gets back from his date Holden lights up other cigarettes to anger Stradlater. In this case Holden is also depending on cigarettes because he uses it to make Stradlater mad. Later in the novel Holden meets up with Morrow's mother while he is alone on the train. Holden uses cigarettes to start up a conversation with Morrow's mother by asking her if she would like a smoke. So once again Holden use cigarettes as a crutch, because he is lonely and needs someone to talk to. These incidents also show that Holden is some what insecure of him self, that is probably the reason he depends on cigarettes.
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