#Harry Potter in german
itsagrummel · 10 months
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just a normal day on german twitter with this tweet by El Hotzo
Harry Potter:
arrogant celeb
goes to a posh school in a castle in England
did not learn something proper
needed 7 books to kill the villain
normal dude
works at a mill in Lusatia
based apprenticeship as a miller
1 book, quick work with the villain
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shiftingtomydrs · 6 days
I just found out you can only go to hogwarts if you're from the uk or Ireland... well there goes me living in Germany I guess, gonna have to move my family to the uk now 🙄🫡
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lemongrass77777 · 2 months
the way the movies deprived us of newfie Padfoot…
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denmark-street · 9 months
Look at this:
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Coming in 2024 in Germany.
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black-occamy · 4 months
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Goodest Gryffindor boy.
Progress vid below 👇
Without the scarf, scarf was added separately xD
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dernisseznirp · 2 days
Egal, auf jeden Fall erlaube ich hiermit allen auf Tumblr mich zu duzen.
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made-by-moon · 7 months
I need a fic where the marauders argue over what kind of alcohol is the best. Remus would state that whiskey is superior, although he secretly enjoys sweet wine/drinks much more (Pads knows that, gives him a side eye). Sirius and James, at the beginning, would both say red wine, but when James starts to praise his mother's homemade sangria, they would end up screaming at each other like their life depends on it. Just when Lily or other responsible individual was about to break them apart, Peter would say that beer is the best. They all stare at him silently as if he grew a second head...after that they all agreed to never bring this subject up again.
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raven23anna · 9 months
Two days ago I remembered Krabat existed and now I remember how this book had me hooked as a teen in school. The story just sucks you in and I remember being amazed, enchanted and horrified at the same time. I'm amazed that a book like this exists. The analysis options are seemingly endless. There's so much symbolism to umpack. And Wikipedia said Otfried Preußler was processing his time in the Hitler Youth in Krabat and every word I'm thinking how and where? Like what does the magic stand for? What is Lyschko's role and meaning as a snitch ? What's with the war against sweden? Also it's only men in this story and I'm thinking about how that is also important somehow? It's almost like a fraternity kind of situation, with all the rituals involved and I never thought about this but working in manual labor kinda does this to you? Also the dualism between women only communities and men only communities and the dualism between christianity and black magic? Also thinking about work and work communities, the themes of fair work conditions, but also how working closely together can give you a sense of belonging...also the benefits and detriments of strict hierarchy in work communities/organizations. As a person who worked in a kitchen as an apprentice in the hundreds year old german apprenticeship system I appreciate the vague villinification of the boss and the weird emotional dynamics at play. Also how his trauma with the death of his friend resulted in pain and suffering for his apprentices? This book can be interpreted in a socialist way and in a non socialist way, it has so much to say about morals, culture, colonialism, society etc. It has so much to say about emotions, relationship and life, how to handle emotions as a man in a men only setting and how NOT to. It's just not brainy at all you just kinda get it? And it's literally just the german Harry Potter??? And I don't understand why just because of it's simple writing we only read it once in seventh grade and not later because the analysis options are fruitful and endless. I'm literally so impressed by the depth and sheer viceral quality of this book.
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Guess who's attempting to pull through this years inktober again 😬 (I'll finish last years, believe me I will)
But I thought: this year I'm really going to draw in my little self made sketchbook whilst on the train. Not overthinking just going with the first impulse !
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That's why we ended up with this :) 😂 ... soGAR GoYLE ...
Well I hope you will enjoy this journey nevertheless! 🌻💚
Have a fantastic weekend !🐝💚
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bagerfluff · 8 months
Gryffindor = Orange Cat
Slytherin = Black Cat
Hufflepuff = Golden Retriever
Ravenclaw = German Shepherd
Reblog if you agree
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Hufflepuff: *shows Slytherin a joke about Germans*
Slytherin and Hufflepuff: *at the same time* Did you send to him?/Should I send it to him?
Both: *starts laughing*
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lunastar92 · 1 year
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347-emeraldbitch · 2 years
Fleur: Bill! Percy is my favorite brother in law!
Bill: Okay, why.
Fleur: His name is French! I do not need another reason! Besides did you know he speaks French! I’m so happy.
Bill: OF CoURSE he does. I cannot be out over-achieved by my little brother! Who does he think he is!?!
Percy: Keep up old man!
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So I'm currently reading "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" again and I haven't read it again since it came out back in 2003 (it is very possible that I read it in 2004). And it's...I don't actually have words for it, it's extremely wonderful. Probably partly thanks to the fact that I didn't particularly like this book much, I don't know why. It was always my least favourite of the series so far and I didn't like the movie either, so I don't remember much of it. Which turns out is splendid, now that I get to read it again! You can take that as an offer to see that even the things least liked have their time to shine and can one day be extremely beloved too, perspectives change. :)
And so I had a MAJOR mind-blown moment today as I read only through the second chapter. I'm reading it in German obviously and boy, I'm so moved by how good the translation is. It's absolutely amazing and makes the magical world just so touchable. 💜
So I had to find a way to give you the English text of what I mean so that it is more accessible to people of different languages. It's in chapter 2, "A peck of owls". Maybe other fans have already noticed this and written many pages about it but I only saw it today and was like totally "WOAH!". 😃
I'm putting a screenshot here:
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Harry assumes that she's talking about his parents but now that we've read "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows", we know 'The Prince's Tale' and we know that Snape actually told Lily about the dementors because she asked him. And Petunia was eavesdropping behind a tree.
I was completely blown away by this, not only the fact that it was already included in the beginning of the 5th book, years before the 7th was published (and maybe written). Maybe 'The Prince's Tale' was one of the chapters that J.K.Rowling had finished earlier, maybe it was already written quite in the beginning of the series. But also the fact of how incredibly cleverly she included that and how congruent it is with the story of book 5 and the bigger picture. And how mighty cleverly she lead on with the story "[...] but Aunt Petunia ignored him." It is totally in character and no one, including me, gave that any second thought back when reading the book. But imagine Harry had asked further or if Petunia had addressed his remark at all. Harry would've known that Snape knew his mother as a kid and the whole story would've taken a VERY DIFFERENT turn.
I'm just totally amazed by this storytelling and I love how closely we scrape different timelines here that we as readers are aware of to some degree. 😀
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groenendaelfic · 1 year
Snippet #6 - Muggle-born Prince Wilhelm’s first accidental magic
Crown Princess Kristina is informed about the existence of magic the week after she turns eighteen.
It’s a bit of a shock, but she’s always been rather pragmatic and so she simply nods and familiarizes herself with this new aspect of her duties as best she can. She visits the Ministry of Magic, meets with the Magical Council, learns what she needs to know, and gets on with business.
Thirty years later she returns home from a long day of meetings and royal engagements to find her sons’ nanny wringing her hands and insisting that Kristina needs to come see her youngest right now, but unwilling to explain why.
Kristina is tired and has little patience for vagueness or a toddler’s antics, especially when Birgit is much better at calming little Wilhelm down than she herself is, but the other woman was chosen for her unflappable nature and no-nonsense attitude as much as she was for her qualifications and German skills, and so Kristina sighs and acquiesces. She knows Birgit wouldn’t bother her unless it’s really necessary and no one else can help.
"Is he having one of his crying episodes again?" Kristina asks, hoping for the answer to be no.
Wilhelm has always been a fussy baby, clingy and quick to upset, nothing like Erik, who smiles every time she comes to see him and never has any trouble entertaining himself or playing with others.
"It is best if Her Majesty comes and sees for herself," Birgit says, her accent stronger than usual.
Kristina sighs and makes her way to what is decidedly not the nursery.
A member of staff is waiting at the door, as if they’re guarding it, and Kristina has no idea how to take this. Birgit is not supposed to leave her charges unattended, or at least not Wilhelm, who is still young and has trouble sitting still and staying put when told to, and most certainly not when something is wrong.
The door is opened only as much as is necessary for them to walk through, and the sight which greets Kristina is most unexpected.
There are butterflies flying in the air, almost dancing around little Wilhelm, who is sitting on the carpet, his back towards the door.
He is not paying them any attention, does not come running up to her asking for a hug, and that, too, is most unusual. Instead he is busy cuddling a vaguely familiar looking dog—the small and yappy kind—and making gleeful happy noises.
Kristina blinks and turns to Birgit, waiting for an explanation.
Losing ones temper is never helpful, doubly so when one is the Queen and has a reputation to uphold, but she’s tired and it’s been a long day and she’d really like to know how a dog—if that’s what the long haired squirming carpet can even be called—got into the Royal Family’s private wing at Drottningholm and why it hasn’t long since been removed.
It can’t be because Birgit fears Wilhelm throwing a tantrum. Birgit is very good at handling those.
Birgit doesn’t immediately speak, as if she expects the presence of the dog to be explanation enough.
It most certainly is not.
"It … it jumped out of the painting," she says, waving at the life-sized painting, the one which prominently features a white Phalène sitting on the lap of one of her ancestors, its dark head and floppy ears adoringly staring up at its mistress.
Or rather it featured, because right now the lap is empty and said dog—because it is the same dog—is licking her youngest’s cheek and Wilhelm giggles, his small hands buried in its fur as it wriggles around, very much alive and three-dimensional.
She wants to tell Wilhelm to stop, because that’s unhygienic, but doesn’t. She can’t handle a hysterical Wilhelm on top of this, and maybe magical dogs—because that’s what it has to be, right? Accidental magic?—don’t have germs and have ideally no need to be house trained.
She really hopes it’s not. The idea of an adult member of the Royal Family having magic and strengthening the ties to the mostly independent and separate magical world might not be unwelcome, especially one with such close ties to the future King, but the thought of having a magical toddler at home, one as overly emotional as Wilhelm, precious as he otherwise is, is very much not.
She’ll have to notify the Magical Council, have someone from the Royal Swedish Academy of Magic come over both to test Wilhelm and to check if there isn’t something or someone else who might be the cause for this.
Maybe the paining was enchanted and Wilhelm somehow activated it … or something. One can always hope.
"The, ah, the butterflies were there first. I don’t know where they came from," Birgit adds, now back to helplessly wringing her hands.
Right, the butterflies. Which were definitely not in the painting before.
"Or rather … His Royal Highness was clapping his hands and then suddenly they were there, and they haven’t left him since."
Kristina swallows. This does not decrease the likelihood of her son having magic, quite the opposite.
She looks at him again, cooing and babbling at the dog in his lap, as if it were a person and not a … not a …
Well, it’s all a bit of a shock is what it is, but she’s always been rather pragmatic and so she swallows again and nods, already drafting messages to the Magical Council and the Head of the Academy in her head. So Wilhelm will take a seat on the Magical Council instead of having a career in the military. The public will have questions when the time comes, but as long as he still fulfills his duties as a working royal she can live with that. Maybe it'll even prove useful.
"Doggie," Wilhelm squeals, while the dog runs circles around her son, tail wagging and a new butterfly appearing with every clap of his hands. "Doggie, doggie, doggie."
They better be able to come immediately.
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nesmeraldasims · 2 years
✨ Die Sims 4 Harry Potter Legacy Challenge 🔮 (Base Game kompatibel) | Regeln & Ablauf
Dein Sim lebt mit seinen beiden Eltern in einem braven, konservativen Vorort. Ihr/Sein Vater war ein berühmter Sportler, bis er eines Tages einen Unfall hatte und aufhören musste. Dein Sim tritt jetzt in seine Fußstapfen, ist sehr sportlich und man erwartet Großes von ihr/ihm.
Doch plötzlich wird dein Sim unerwartet schwanger…
Bestreben: Bodybuilder:in Merkmale: aktiv, Bro, Chaot  Karriere: Sportler:in
Erstelle einen Teenager (m/w/d)
Lebe mit deiner Familie in Willow Creek
Erreiche Level 10 der Fitness Karriere 
Dein Vater hat das Merkmal: Düster
Habe einen One Night Stand mit einem Fremden und werde schwanger davon bzw. schwängere jemanden
Ziehe mit deinem Baby in einen anderen Ort, weit weg von deiner Familie 
Du hast kaum mehr Kontakt zu deinen Eltern 
Hab eine beste Freundin oder Schwester die dich unterstützt 
Bekomme mindestens 1 Kind
Reich der Magie: 
Hab einen One Night Stand mit einem Magier / einer Magierin! 
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Jede nächste Generation wird bei der Geburt zufällig ausgewählt! (mit einem Würfel oder Zufallsgenerator aus dem Internet)
Wichtig: Wenn eine Generation ausgelost wird, verschwindet sie aus dem Zufallsgenerator
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"Bist du geschwind im Denken, gelehrsam auch und weise, so machst du dich nach Ravenclaw, so wett ich, auf die Reise" 
Schon als Kleinkind ist dein Sim sehr neugierig und will immer neue Dinge lernen. Dein Sim ist sehr ehrgeizig und kreativ und will unbedingt Klassenbeste:r werden. Als Teenager lässt sie/er sich dann aber doch ab und zu ablenken doch für eine feste Partnerschaft, hat sie/er keine Zeit. 
Bestreben: Renaissance Sim UND/ODER Zauberkunst & Hexerei Merkmale: Genie, kreativ, Perfektionistisch  Karriere: Astronaut:in oder Schriftsteller:in
Hab einen Raum bzw. Haus in blau
Hab eine Bibliothek in deinem Haus 
Werde Klassenbeste:r 
Erreiche Level 10 in Geschicklichkeit
Erreiche Level 10 in Logik
Erreiche Level 10 in Raketenwissenschaft 
Erreiche Level 10 deiner Karriere 
Du hast keine Zeit für einen Partner:in bis du eine junge Erwachsene / ein junger Erwachsener bist
Du gründest einen Lern und Leseclub mit deinen besten Freunden
Lerne deine/n ersten offiziellen Partner:in auf der Arbeit kennen 
Bekomme 1 Kind von ihm / mit ihr
Du heiratest nie
Dein Wissen und deine Karriere stehen immer an erster Stelle 
Reich der Magie: 
Lerne ALLE Zaubersprüche und Zaubertränke! 
Hab einen Raben als Begleiter 
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"In Slytherin weiß man noch List und Tücke zu verbinden, dafür wirst du hier noch echte Freunde finden"
Dein Sim ist der geborene Anführer und schafft es, dass alle nach seiner/ihrer Nase tanzen. Schon als Kleinkind wickelt sie/er alle um den Finger und bekommt alles, was sie/er will. 
Bestreben: Meister:in des Unfugs UND/ODER Erfolgreiche Abstammung  Merkmale: ehrgeizig, Snob, selbstsicher  Karriere: Geheimagent:in ODER Verbrecher:in 
Hab einen Raum bzw. Haus in grün
Hab als Kind zwei beste Freunde, die alles für dich tun
Mobbe mit deinen Freunden ein anderes Kind (auch als Teenager)
Heimlich bist du in das gemobbte Kind verliebt 
Das Kind hat eine Besonderheit zB: Äußerlich, Muggel, Armut, Okkult, …
Erreiche Level 10 der Schelm Fähigkeit 
Erreiche Level 10 in deiner Karriere
Heirate einen reichen Sim nur wegen seinem/ihrem Geld
Hab 2 Kinder mit dem reichen Sim
Fang eine Affäre am Arbeitsplatz an
Dein Ehepartner stirbt auf “unerklärliche” Weise
Komme im Alter mit deiner Kindheitsliebe zusammen
Bleibe dein ganzes Leben lang mit deinen beiden Freunden befreundet
Reich der Magie: 
Hab einen Schädel als Begleiter 
Lerne ALLE Zauber der ungezähmten Magie
Das 1. Kind wird die nächste Generation!
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GENERATION: Gryffindor 
"Vielleicht bist du ein Gryffindor, sagt euer alter Hut, denn da regieren, wie man weiß, Tapferkeit und Mut" 
Dein Sim ist schon als Kleinkind für jeden Spaß zu haben und jeder will mit ihm/ihr befreundet sein. Natürlich ist dein Sim der coolste Sim der Schule und durch seinen/ihren Mut und seine/ihre Ausstrahlung für viele ein Vorbild. 
Bestreben: Freund:in der Welt UND/ODER Witzbold Merkmale: sprunghaft, gesellig, Spinner Karriere: Entertainer:in 
Hab einen Raum bzw. Haus in rot
Hab schon als Kleinkind mindestens 3 Freunde
Du bist sehr laut und aktiv 
Erreiche Level 10 Charisma 
Erreiche Level 10 Comedy
Ab Teenager Alter: Feier jedes Wochenende eine Party 
Als Teenager merkst du, du bist bisexuell 
Du hast deinen ersten Partner/Partnerin als Teenager
Zieh als junger Erwachsener mit zwei Freunden in eine WG
Hab als junger Erwachsener mindestens 15 Freunde
Ändere alle 3 Tage deinen Partner als junger Erwachsener
Mit deinem dritten Partner bekommst du ungeplant 1 Kind ( 3 Partner ab Altersstufe junger Erwachsener)
Betrüge deinen Partner/Partnerin auf dem Junggesellenabschied
Lass deinen Partner/Partnerin am Altar stehen 
Bekomme mindestens noch 2 Kinder
Reich der Magie: 
Hab einen Drachen als Begleiter
Lerne ALLE Zauber der schelmischen Magie
Das 2. Kind wird die nächste Generation! 
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GENERATION: Hufflepuff
"In Hufflepuff dagegen ist man gerecht und treu, man hilft den anderen wo man kann, und hat vor Arbeit keine Scheu" 
Dein Sim hat ein ganz großes Herz für alle Lebewesen und will, dass es allen gut geht. Dadurch verliebt sich dein Sim aber auch ziemlich schnell 
Bestreben: Outdoor-Fan UND/ODER große glückliche Familie Merkmale: fröhlich, kindisch, tollpatschig  Karriere: darf keinen Job annehmen, darf nur durch sammeln und gärtnern Geld bekommen
Hab einen Raum bzw. Haus in gelb
Erreiche Level 10 Gartenfähigkeit
Erreiche Level 10 Kochfähigkeit
Sammle alles, was du so finden kannst: Frösche, Fische, …
Du verliebst dich sehr schnell und willst überall Liebe verteilen
Hab deinen ersten Partner:in als Kind
Hab immer einen besten Freund in jeder Altersklasse 
Freunde dich mit der ganzen Nachbarschaft an
Baue schon als Teenager einen Garten an
Führe als Teenager eine offene Beziehung
Zieh als junge/r Erwachsene/r in den Wald 
Bleib mit einer Teenager Liebe zusammen
Führe eine polyamore Beziehung mit zwei anderen Sims 
Bekomme mindestens 3 Kinder
Adoptiere ein weiteres Kind
Reich der Magie: 
Hab einen Faltterhasen als Begleiter 
Lerne ALLE Zaubertränke 
Einer deiner Partner muss ein Muggel sein
Das 3. Kind wird die nächste Generation!
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