#Harry just sprayed him with a water gun
running-in-the-dark · 7 months
I don't think I've mentioned how much I love Dan Fielding yet today, so: I love him I love him I love him
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unlimitedhearts · 10 months
Some more Harry Osborn headcanons (Parksborn/Super Hero Boyfriends Edition) pt. 1
Harry keeps an electric toothbrush and a normal toothbrush in his bathroom for when peter sleeps over. The electric is to brush his teeth, the regular is to brush out tiny stains in his suit
Every time Peter displays any Spidey powers in plain clothes, Harry is the most turned on hes ever been in his life.
Agent Venom compliments Peters fighting style yin and yang style. Peters on the ground hes in the air, peters in the air hes on the ground.
Kobold fights exclusively in the air. Peter takes the fight high, he takes it higher.
He has (more than once) begged Peter for them to go to a convention in the others costume.
He convinced Peter exactly once and immediately regrets it when he finds out how much the Spidey suit chafes.
For real he once saw Peter flip over the side of a small building and grab onto its face in just a t-shirt and jeans and he thought about it every night for three weeks straight.
The EMF is Harrys primary job, while Spider-Man is peters. But hes constantly recording all meetings and such that his Co-CEO would need to know and makes Pete catch up on work in his home time
(Small Peter headcanon, hes more grateful than ever to have someone as supportive as Harry of his second job and loves that he goes out of his way to keep him on track.)
Harry always sprays himself with a touch up of his cologne before crime fighting. He likes it when criminals are like "whats that smell?" Before getting sucker punched.
Unless its hard drugs or designer drugs, harry never busts a non-violent narcotics sale. Non-violent drug offences is not something hes going to enforce.
As agent venom he uses venoms shape shifting abilites to make little water guns that he uses to do web shots. He thinks its funny
(Peter does too)
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hannahhook7744 · 1 month
Stormbringer Crew Incorrect Quotes (Part 5);
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Harry Hook: You fight like my sister!
Luke Tremaine-Westergaard, being a smart ass: I've fought your sisters. That's a compliment!
Barnaby Teach, son of Black Beard *Jumps out of nowhere* We meet again!
Hannah Hook: I saw you three hours ago!
Hannah Hook: Hello Captain Beardless.
Hannah Hook: And I told you to pick on someone your own age.
Hannah Hook, drunk on soda: I'm telling you man, she digs ya.
Luke Tremaine-Westergaard, also drunk on soda, groans: Another graveyard joke?
Hannah: Shut up, we both know you thought it was funny.
Luke: And we both know you have a thing for the prince of Arendelle yet you haven't done anything.
Hannah: Don't throw stones in glass houses.
Luke: That's not even how that saying goes!
Darcy *stares at all nine of her siblings, who are gathered in the 'med room' suspiciously* What do you want?
Alex, playing with a knife: You gotta help us doc, we've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas
Darcy: Help you with WHAT?
River Le Beak, holding his beanie to his chest as he stands on a sinking rowboat: Looks like we've shivered our last Timbers, mateys.
Hannah, shooting him a disgusted look: I'm revoking your pirate card.
River, gasping dramatically and hugging Luke: No captain! Please, anything but that!
Luke, playing along: Not the pirate card! What are you gonna do next? Give us the black spot?
Skia, glares with water up to her ankles: if she doesn't, will.
Zee, five inches are on the dock: You guys know you can just step onto the docs right?
All *shushes her*
Zee, looks to Peachy and Remi: would it be a mutiny if I tossed a cannon ball in their rowboat to make it go down quicker?
Peachy: YES!
Remi, grabbing his guitar: Oh there once was a row boat that went to sea, that got on the wrong side of a pirate named Zee~~
*Dodges rotten tomato*
Joy Foxworth, pointing at Tulip with a squirt gun: You've yeed your last haw!
Tulip, pointing back at her with own squirt gun: No I haven't, partner.
Hannah Hook, baffled from the tree, forgetting she's supposed to be hiding: WHAT LANGUAGE ARE YOU GUYS SPEAKING?!
Peter Pan, sprays her with a water cannon filled with something that is not water causing her to fall out of the tree: COWBOY!
Random AK: Having Vks in Auradon is all fun and games until they're on the opposing dodgeball team!
Kyle White: That sounds like a skill issue to me.
Hannah, confused: What are you referring to?
Amira: Aziz said you told him a story about your childhood—
Hannah, realizing what she's talking about: Oh I stabbed a kidnapper with a fork when I was three.
Hannah: Yeah, hasn't everyone nearly been kidnapped at one point?
Amira: NO!
Hannah, not believing her: Oh sure. Next thing you're gonna tell me is that there isn't a Creeps Peak and Cannibal Cove everywhere-
Hannah: And that not everyone gets death threats as children-
Amira, eye twitching: Stay here, I need to go take my Tiger for a walk to Beast Castle.
Hannah*laughing* That's a funny joke Amira- hey where'd she go?
Tulip Rossi, Zee Snoops, Evie, and Luke Tremaine-Westergaard: SURPISE MAKEOVER!!
Hannah Hook, running: NO NO NO NO!
Hannah, half asleep and looking through her spy glass: SWOGGLE MY EYES IT'S MERMAIDS!
Moxie, amused: Describe 'em.
Hannah: There's a tan one with a gold and black tail that looks like sequins and one with a blue and black tail and an afro, a buoy grave, and a baby one-
Rian Frankenstein-Van Helsing, not even bothering to look up from his marine biology book: That's just Misty, River, Shania, and Toby, captain.
Hannah, embarrased: Oh.
Hannah at 3am: Do you guys think other types of bending exist that were forgotten to history? Like bone bending?
Luke at the end of the bed: I think that's just breaking bones.
Drizella, who came to check on Luke: When on earth did you get here?
Hannah: about 11?
Luke: Hey Darcy, are you Christmas? Because I wanna marry you.
Luke: I'm guessing that's a no until I propose in a non corny way?
Darcy, nodds:
Hannah off screen: I told you she was gonna say no if you did it that way!
Luke: SHHH!
Kyle, in a silly voice: Yarr, I be a pirate, maties. Arrrg!
Hannah, looking at him as if he just shit in her cereal: I can't belive you've done this.
Moxxie laying on a beanbag: Christmas gets so much harder the older you get. What do you want for Christmas? I don't know! Financial security? To not almost die for a week? Socks? I don't know! What about you guys?
Rian: I want to be as smart as I was before I got brought back to life.
Eduardo Frollo: My father dead.
Parker McLeach: A gun.
Hannah: To be normal.
Haul Bjorgman: My depression to go away.
Hook: Okay which one of you gave my daughter a real golden sword and who taught her slang?
Hades, drinking out of a gauntlet: She won a ship, I thought she deserved a reward.
Hook: Did you teach her the slang?!
Morgie: What slang did she use?
Uliana, amused: And how does this slang relate to the sword?
Hook: She named it the nut slicer!
Hades *does a spit take*
Persephone *chokes on her cereal*
*Meanwhile elsewhere, Maleficent can be heard cackling*
Hannah, near tears: Alex I did something terrible!
Alex, the son of Helga Sinclair and Hades: Don't worry, I have a shovel! *Taps ground with shovel*
Hannah, vaguely terrified: Wait what? What do you think I did?
Alex, a mad glint in his eye and a wild smile on his face: It doesn't matter because no one will ever find out.
Kidnapper: We have your son.
Haul, confused: I don't have a son.
Kidnapper: Then who watering and talking to my plants while blasting heavy metal music?
Haul: Oh my god you have Noah. His siblings are going to kill you.
Kidnapper: Hey buddy don't you threaten me.
Haul: I'm not threatening, I'm warning-
*A loud crash rings out over the phone followed by glass breaking, swearing, and screaming*
Darcy: Hey Haul.
Haul: Hey Darcy, Hannah told me to tell you and the guys to be at the ship tonight because we're having a party.
Darcy: Will be there.
*Phone hangs up*
Haul: Well I did warn them.
Olivia, Gaston's daughter: In hindsight, having an abusive parent is funny because it's like 'Daddy why you have beef with me, I'm literally three years old and I love you'.
Eduardo, Frollo's son: Ugh, don't remind me. One time my dad yelled at me for drawing too loud.
Luke, confused: How do you draw too loud?
Darcy: I've got a date with destiny and it ain't gonna end with a kiss.
Noah, confused: Who's destiny?
Darcy: It's just an expression, brother.
Hans: We have a front door you know.
Hannah, who came in through Luke's window like normal: I know.
Hans *sighs*
The kids in Hannah's crew: I wanna be just like you when I grow up!
Twenty year old Hannah, suddenly getting flashbacks to every dangerous thing she's ever done *spit take*
Hannah, internally: NO GODS, PLEASE. GODS NO!
Elara's birth parents *try to take their daughter back after abandoning her on the barrage and causing her to grow up on the isle*
Hannah, pushes the elf girl behind her and glares: SHE'S NOT YOURS, SHE'S MINE!
Hannah *shooting up in her bed in the middle of the night and accidentally knocking Skia, Luke, and River who she was having a sleepover with out of it*
Luke: OW!
Skia: Hey!
River: Hannah, what the hell?
Hannah, getting horrible flashbacks to her family's partners violent attempts to flirt: HAVE MACON WEST AND OLGA HEARTS BEEN FLIRTING WITH ME THIS WHOLE TIME?!
*Momentarily silence followed by a loud explosion of noise as the other three question if that is the case*
Hannah: When I was younger I used to set toilet paper on fire and flush it down the toilet for fun and only stopped because I burnt the seat.
Eduardo Frollo: Again, weird but not a sin.
Luke: One time when I was a kid the toaster caught fire, so I went over to my dad who was arguing with my grandmother and tugged on his sleeve for six minutes till I had his attention and calmly told him the toaster was on fire.
Hannah: Oh yeah I remember that. He was all like 'WHAT? AHHH!' and your grandma asked why we didn't say anything lol.
Kyle: why do you remember that?
Hannah: Oh I was there.
Kyle: ?
Hannah, fondly sighs: Good times.
Lady Tremaine, impatiently: And if I wanted to sit around all day going nowhere, I’d be a teacher!
Luke, fed up *hits the gas and starts driving recklessly* Got it.
Lady Tremaine to Luke: You’re not fit to be king of … name a place
Luke: and you're not fit to be a mother, let alone a hair stylist.
*five minutes later*
Luke runs and hides behind Drizella: MOM! GRANDMA'S TRYING TO KILL ME!
Lady Tremaine, regarding Luke: My third biggest fear: He brings home a whore and says, ‘We’re married!’ Oh, and the whore has bangs.
Darcy: I'm literally right here.
Lady Tremaine, drinking: And I wish you weren't.
Darcy: And I wish you were dead but we can't all have what we want.
Luke: Your point being- *freezes in horror*
Hannah *staring at him wide eyed*
Haul: Uh... What's wrong?
Luke: You know, when I was little I used to pretend you weren't my grandmother.
Lady Tremaine: Me too.
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wordywarriorwrites · 1 year
Calendar Girl - June
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Series Masterlist: Calendar Girl Joel Miller Masterlist Author: @wordywarriorwrites​ Summary: The story of how Joel Miller falls in love again, told over a series of months. Series Warnings: NSFW. Smut. Language. Violence. Discussions of rape and consent. Alcohol consumption. Age-gap.
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Nightmares plagued him.
Played non-stop in his head, like a macabre movie that presented the highlights of his worst fears, biggest mistakes, and deepest regrets. Sarah. Tess. Ellie. Their faces were featured all too frequently in an endless loop of horror and heartbreak. Most nights, he’d wake up in a cold sweat and shake it off.
On the nights he couldn’t? A copious amount of booze usually did the trick.
But then, the dreams of you – once a blissful respite – had also morphed into night terrors.
You – tortured or dead at the hands of a QZ guard, bandits, or Fireflies. You – beaten and raped by Wesley. You – bloodied, broken, and lifeless in his arms. In his nightmares, Joel failed to protect you, and the pervasive helplessness paralyzed him until he’d wake himself up screaming, often with Ellie at his bedside, looking as terrified as he felt.
Then, he started sleepwalking.
He’d come to one night in the foyer – propped up against the front door fully dressed, with no recollection of having gotten out of bed. Another night, Joel had woken up outside Ellie’s room, stood like a sentry just beyond the threshold. When he returned to consciousness on your back porch, with a stolen gun from the armory across his lap, he knew he’d fucked up. The idea that he’d jeopardized your safety, that he could’ve hurt you, Ellie, or some innocent bystander – that had kept him out of bed entirely.  
Just past sunrise, on day three of no sleep. He’d been at the barn for a few hours already when his little brother decided to pester him.
“You’re wound tighter than an eight-day clock,” Tommy observed, head tilted curiously. “Wanna tell me what’s going on?”
Joel grunted and kept on shoveling the shit pile in front of him, “M’fine.”
Tommy lifted his hat and ran a hand through his hair, “You sure? Haven’t seen you at mess in a couple weeks. Hank says you’ve been doin’ double-duty here, and I found out this morning you’ve signed up for night patrols?”
“Just makin’ myself useful,” he insisted.
“Look, Joel, I’m not trying to mother hen you,” Tommy replied as he shuffled his feet. “But you look like shit. And you don’t need more work – in fact, I think you need a break.”
Joel jerked his chin up, “You ain’t my keeper, Tommy. And you sure as hell ain’t the one to tell me what I do or don’t need. So, just mind your fuckin’ business, alright?”
Tommy snapped. He snapped back. They both shouted about forbidden topics and things best left unsaid. Harsh words turned into flying fists that attracted a crowd of onlookers. Joel had been running on fumes, but still managed to put his little brother flat on his ass more than once. Tommy – younger and a bit less sleep deprived – had always been a scrapper, and popped back up on his feet each time like a damn clown bop bag.
Joel reared his fist back, “Self-righteous-dickhead!”
Tommy ducked, “Stubborn-fuckin’-asshole!”
Blood flowed from Joel’s mouth and nose, and his knuckles screamed in protest with every hit that connected. A cut above Tommy’s eye trickled down his cheek, and even his sloppiest swings managed to land and hurt like hell. The number of spectators grew and got louder – as if the fight was for their entertainment and not something to be concerned about.
It ended when someone broke through the throng and sprayed them with ice-cold water from the very same hose Joel had used to fill the troughs not ten minutes before the brawl had started. Ellie had doused them, and after he and Tommy were separated, Joel noticed she hadn’t arrived alone. You, a few other town leaders, and a very harried Maria, with a yowling toddler on her hip, had flanked her. After the mob had quieted down and been dispersed, an explanation was demanded of them.
Tommy shrugged and shook his head, “Just a disagreement.”
“Brothers fight sometimes,” Joel volunteered just as nonchalantly.
Maria scoffed and stomped away. The other leaders followed. Tommy trailed after them. Ellie seemed both bemused and mollified, and after she turned off the hose, she gave a thumbs-up and declared she was headed back to bed.
You – all bleary-eyed, in your raggedy pajamas and unlaced boots, sporting some serious bedhead. You hadn’t said anything – just rubbed your eyes and motioned for him to follow you, and he did without hesitation or backtalk. It wasn’t until Joel was hunched over your kitchen table, a glass of preferred numbing juice in hand, that you finally spoke.
“Eat,” you grumbled as you placed a plateful of food down in front of him. “All of it.”
Chicken sandwich. Homemade chips. Fresh apple. It had all gone down like sandpaper, but it filled his too-long empty stomach, and he supposed that was good enough. When he finished, you put the plate in the sink and jerked your thumb toward the stairs. Joel limped along, with you right behind him, and you herded him into the bathroom for a long overdue shower. He emerged ten minutes later – stench-and-blood free, with a towel cinched tight around his waist.  You muffled a yawn, pointed to a bedroom across the hall, and he knew by the state of the rumpled sheets that it was your bed he was being directed to get into.
You kicked off your boots. Closed the curtains. Shut the door. Climbed in and patted the space next to you, and if he’d been in any other state of mind, he would’ve balked. He also had plenty of reasons to be wary – his sour mood, the nightmares, his nakedness. You’d ensconced him in your home, and though he’d willingly and silently obeyed your every reasonable request, it somehow felt as if he’d been put in some sort of timeout.
Joel should’ve been insulted. Pissed off. But the room was quiet and dark, the pillows and blankets smelled like you, and when you tucked yourself up against his back and made him the little spoon, he just fucking caved and melted into the mattress.
“Don’t deserve you,” he slurred.
You kissed the nape of his neck, “Ya’ got that right.”
No chastisement. No questions. Just your soft voice and gentle touch. Joel closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, he discovered he hadn’t moved an inch, and his stiff muscles indicated he’d gotten quite a bit of uninterrupted shuteye. He rolled onto his back and there you were – aglow in the lamplight and sat up against the headboard with your nose in a book.
“Time is it?” he rasped as he stretched.
You glanced up from the page, “Late.”
“At Maria and Tommy’s. She’ll stay with them while you stay here for a few days.”   
Joel acknowledged your answer with a squeeze of your knee. He had no doubt that you’d run interference for him with Tommy, Maria, and the other town leaders. He also bet you’d cajoled an undoubtedly disagreeable Ellie into staying at their place simply for his peace of mind. He wanted to thank you for everything, but you spoke up before he could.
“So, I hear you’ve been dancing with the devil in the pale moonlight?”
He chuckled lowly and stared at the ceiling, “Yeah, somethin’ like that.”
You closed your book and placed your hand on his chest, “Look, I know you’re not one for talking about how you feel –”
“That’s for damn sure.”
“But short of tying you to the bed –”
“Ooo, kinky.”
You laughed and whacked him on the chest, “Seriously, Joel.”
He grunted. Threw an arm around your waist. You let out one of your infamous, long-suffering sighs and changed the subject. You asked him if he was hungry, and when Joel petulantly answered, “yeah,” you snorted, and offered to make him something.
He burrowed his face against your stomach, “Just wanna hold you.”
“Alright, ya’ big baby,” you muttered playfully.
You shifted, and Joel cracked an eye open to watch you place your book on the nightstand. Once you got comfortable, he rested his head on your chest, and soaked up the warmth of your touch as it moved along his head, neck, and shoulders. You both hummed at the exact, same time, and when you giggled, he grinned, and squeezed you tighter.
“You know you can tell me anything,” you whispered. “No pressure. No judgment.”
Joel nodded slightly, “I know.”
A stretch of contented silence. His uninjured hand, unable or unwilling to remain idle, moved all on its own. Delved beneath your shirt and cupped your breasts. Mapped your waist and hip. Spanned the plush flesh of your tummy. Roamed over the outside of your thigh. Strayed and squeezed and caressed aimlessly until you whimpered and breathed his name.
“Please,” you begged lowly. “Please, don’t stop this time.”
Joel propped himself up on his elbow and grasped your chin, “I won’t.”
He pressed his mouth to yours. Parted your lips with his own. Deepened the kiss and tugged your lower lip with his teeth. The threadbare elastic of your pajama pants was a godsend – it gave way easily to his impatience – and it wasn’t until he shoved them and your underwear past your knees that he slowed down and searched your eyes.
“Show me, sweetheart,” he murmured, mouth pressed tight to your ear. “Show me how you like to be touched.”
You let out a ragged breath. Guided his unworthy hand between your legs. Dipped his fingers into your arousal, and then, maneuvered them up to your clit. Soft and slow at first, and then, firm, until your hips moved in tandem. Joel was so fucking turned on by the sound of your pleasure that his cock dripped onto the sheet like a leaky faucet. You eventually directed his fingers down, and Joel watched as they disappeared inside of you.
“Fuck, sweetheart,” he groaned as you rocked yourself against his hand. “I could come right now just lookin’ at you. God damn.”
You moaned. Kicked your pants away. Spread your thighs wider and took his fingers to the second knuckle. A steady, in-and-out glide, and Joel followed your lead – swiped his thumb over your clit and brushed his fingertips against the soft, spongy spot deep inside of you that made all those soft noises you’d expelled morph into telling cries.
Joel licked into your slack mouth, “Feel good?”
You nodded frantically, “M’gonna come.”
“Look at me, sweetheart. Show me your eyes.”
Half-mast and pupils blown – you looked at him beneath your lashes as you fluttered and clenched. Joel encouraged you as you reached your peak. Soothed you as you came down from the high. He’d always found you breathtaking, but post-orgasm? You stunned him, and he stared at you in wonder as he slipped his fingers from you and sucked them into his mouth.
“Fuckin’ beautiful,” he growled.
You cursed. Pushed him onto his back. The taste of you lingered on his tongue, and he felt so fucking alive as he watched you peel your shirt over your head and straddle his waist.
“I want you, Joel,” you insisted.   
Joel sat up and grasped the back of your neck, “You got me, sweetheart.”
You took him in hand. Guided him inside. Joel had fantasized endlessly about what it would be like to finally have you, just like this, but nothing could’ve prepared him for the reality of it.
His face, cradled in your hands. Your eyes, bright and focused on his. The roll-and-sway of your hips and the tight, wet clutch of your sex, and the way you twined your arms around him so possessively. You made love to him as if he weren’t some broken, old man, and that was it.
He was yours.
Next Chapter: June - Part 2
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squadxx4392 · 1 year
Harry: *hitting Draco on the head* I want chicken nuggets and fries and sprite
Draco : *rubbing his head* oW-
Hermione : I want a chocolate milkshake and a large fry
Draco: I want to go home *gets out*
Theo : Wingardium Leviosa; FUCKING HELL
Pansy : Because you're never escaping! Now then, I want twenty nuggets with Honey Mustard to dip, a sweet tea, a large fry, and a mcflurry
Ron: Fine leave walk home no one likes you not even Harry shoo shoo
Harry : I will stab you in your sleep, Ronald. We share a room. Draco, istg if you get out this fuckin car-
Draco: *tearing up*
Ginny : Why are you crying-?
Blaise: God damn it Ronald. Look what you did you ginger prick.
Draco: Harry dOesnt Like meee 😢😢
Harry : *Giving Ron a death stare* wait- Love that's not TRUE- RONALD BILLIUS WEASLEY ISTG-
Draco: *crying 😢*
Luna : *fed up* EVERYBODY SHUT UP!
Draco: *sniffle* *cry cry* *sniffle*
Hermione : Ronald apologize. Right fucking now.
Ron: No he was being a spoiled brat
Blaise : Fine. No McDonald's for you, then
Blaise : You really are pushing your McDonald's privileges
Pansy: He hates road trips with lots of people that's why he wants to leave -
Ginny : Nobody's going anywhere, we're leaving after we burn a few houses down. Hurry up and order, we're on a tight schedule here, Blaise!
Blaise: Draco, do you want anything?
Draco: *currently still crying*
Draco : *sniff* I want a large sweet tea and a mcflurry
Draco : *sniff sniff* make it four mcflurry's
Harry: Jesus Ronald, apologize.
Ron : Fine! I'm sorry, Draco!
Draco: *still crying 😢*
Cashier : What the- okay, what are you getting?
Blaise : uh yeah give me *gives all orders bc I'm not typing that shit*
Blaise: Damn and I thought my boyfriend was fat *handing the food to Pansy and Draco*
Ron : I'm not fat! Prude
Blaise: Yeah the way Draco and Pansy eat I shouldn't be calling you fat
Draco: *cries more* Now I don't feel like eating 😢😢
Hermione : Eat your mcflurrys! Blaise, drive! Get to the first house! Draco gets first burn down!
Blaise: *speeds to the first house*
Draco: *slowly eating mcflurries*
Harry : Here's the gas and here's the matches! Burn it down, babe!
Draco: *pours gasoline and lights the house while eating a mcflurry* Fire
Hermione : No no no, you're saying it wrong! It's FIYAHHH not Fire!
Draco: *walks towards it*
Blaise : Wingardium Leviosa; DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY!
Harry: He'll be fine, he likes watching closely at the things he burns down
Harry: Reminds me of Bellatrix ngl-
Luna : No he was about to jump in the fire!
Draco: So pretty, I could just touch it
Hermione : *spraying Draco with a water gun* No! Bad ferret!
Draco: *gets really close staring at the flames*
Draco : *reaches a hand out to touch the fire*
Luna : ACCIO DRACO MALFOY! God damnit, Draco! Don't do that! Get in, I hear the cops coming! BLAISE DRIVE!
Blaise : *starts driving 300 mph*
Draco: *opens the door*
Draco: *jumps out*
Draco : *zooms into his seat*
Neville : *ties him down to the seat where he can't move at all*
Harry: Okay was tying him down necessary
Ron: *mumbles* Stop acting like you like him we all know you don't Harry 🙄
Blaise : He's tried to jump out the fucking car SEVERAL TIMES! YES IT WAS NECESSARY!
Seamus : *materializing from thin air* SHUT UP RONALD *disappearing into thin air*
Luna : Did I smoke too much weed- wtf-
Ginny: What in the world-
Hermione : Shit I need to lay off the weed-
Harry: *unties Draco* Be good. Understand.
Draco : *attempts to jump out again*
Harry : NOPE *ties him back down*
Draco : FUCK
Ron: This is why Harry doesn't like you
Dean : *materializing out of thin air* SHUT UP RONALD *disappearing into thin air*
Neville : I am going to fucking kms, istg-
Ginny: Oh it's just Dean and Seamus
Ron: Anyone else want to slap Draco
*Somewhere in Hogwarts*
Severus : Yes
Remus : Absolutely
Sirius : Of course!
Severus: Lucius let's Draco do all sorts of stupid shit mainly burn himself
Friend : NEXT EPISODE HOE!!! 😔
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321spongebolt · 8 months
If my OCs were used in "Lego Dimensions" (Part 1/"Animaniacs")
While I previously blogged about which properties I'd like to see in "Lego Dimensions", I wanted to take this opportunity to discuss my OCs from some of those franchises I previously mentioned in terms of how I would see Year 3 if "Lego Dimensions" didn't discontinue.
For Wizard Waldo, I pictured that he would come in either a fun pack or a team pack (if you wanted to pair him with Background Singer, whom I will get to later.). Either way, Waldo would be one of those playable villains similar to The Wicked Witch of the West ("The Wizard of Oz") and Lord Voldemort ("Harry Potter"). Waldo could also have a flying monkey build similar to the Wicked Witch's, but with the fur being brown and having golden chest plates as part of Waldo's pets' armor.
Illumination (With his scepter)
Super Strength
Silver LEGO Blowup
Melt Ice
Water Spray
Hazard Cleaner
Underwater Hazard Cleaner
Mind Control (From his scepter)
Magical Shield
Cursed Red LEGO Objects
Parseltongue Doors
Apparate Access
(This is all I can think of for what abilities Waldo would have)
Wizard Waldo with Yakko Warner
Yakko (Scared): Oh no, Waldo!
Wizard Waldo: Don't be alarmed, Yakko. I'm not gonna hurt you. Not yet, anyway.
Wizard Waldo with Wakko Warner
Wakko: I'm still not afraid of you, Waldo!
Wizard Waldo: Well, I'm afraid I don't really have a choice but to join you.
Wakko: So, you'll spare me?
Wizard Waldo: Don't push it.
Wizard Waldo with Dot Warner
Dot: Why are you here, Waldo? Aren't you gonna kidnap me?
Wizard Waldo: Not this time. I came here to form a truce.
Wizard Waldo with Background Singer
Wizard Waldo (Outraged): I can't believe this! Me working with my sworn nemesis?
Background Singer: Touché, I was just about to say the same thing about you.
(This is all I can think of for what Waldo's interactions would be)
Wizard Waldo with The Wicked Witch of the West
Wicked Witch: You lost something of yours too? Don't go copying my style, pal! On second thought, we do have a lot in common.
Wizard Waldo with Unikitty
Unikitty: If you spent more time singing, you wouldn't feel so "Wicked", witch.
For my heroic "Animaniacs" OC, I wanted Background Singer to be more grounded since he doesn't want to reveal that he's a wizard to his friends. He could come in a team pack paired either with Dot Warner or Wizard Waldo, or just give him a separate fun pack. His vehicle build would be his motorcycle, which has a sidecar built-in for an additional player to ride in.
Acrobat (Like Ethan Hunt and Wyldstyle, Background Singer can double jump.)
Glide (With his microphone umbrella opened)
Grapple (With his microphone grapple gun)
Rope Swings (With his microphone grapple gun)
Target (With his microphone gun)
Super Jump
Uniform Changing (Becomes rageful and rips his suit off to reveal his muscular build)
Super Strength (When his abs are revealed)
Super Strength Handles (When his abs are revealed)
Background Singer with Yakko Warner
Yakko: Singer! I'm so glad you came along for the ride.
Background Singer with Wakko Warner
Background Singer: So, you up for another adventure, Wakko?
Background Singer with Dot Warner
Dot: Thanks for coming with me, Singer.
Background Singer: Anything for the love of my life.
Background Singer with Aang
Background Singer (Excited): No way! You're the Avatar? I have so much to ask you.
Background Singer with Willy Wonka
(NOTE: This line is more of what Background Singer would say to the Johnny Depp Willy Wonka as opposed to the Gene Wilder version.)
Background Singer: You wanna know about my dark past?
Background Singer with Unikitty
Unikitty: Oh, you like to sing? So do I! We should sing a duet someday.
Background Singer: You know, remind me of Dot. Have you seen her?
Background Singer with Emmet
Background Singer: ♪Everything is awesome. Everything is cool, when you're Background Singer.♪
Background Singer with Master Splinter
Splinter: Anger is self-destructive. Ninniku Seishin is the ability to endure insults with patience and humility. You cannot be a true ninja until you master it.
Background Singer: I'm not a ninja, but thanks.
Background Singer with Lord Voldemort
Background Singer: Looking a bit pale, Waldo? Sorry, wrong wizard.
(This is all I can think of for what Background Singer's interactions would be)
Wizard Waldo and Background Singer © 321SPONGEBOLT (Me) for "Animaniacs"
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fangirlfics · 4 years
Never Should’ve Let You Go (Harry Hook x reader)
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My first Harry Hook x reader!!! I don’t know if anyone’s even going to read this but it was fun to write. :)
summary: y/n returns to the Isle of the lost to help save Ben with the vk’s and Lonnie, she tries convincing Harry to go back with her with no success and after that she thinks that she’ll never see him again. Months later Harry successfully jumps through the barrier with Gil to find Auradon under a sleeping curse. 
word count: 2,314
 “Hey, can you pass me that book?” y/n asked Harry, he threw it to her watching as she packed for Auradon. y/n was one of the vk’s that had been chosen to attend Auradan prep-to say she was excited was an understatement. It was her dream to go there.
“You goin’ ta miss me lassie?” Harry asked with his infamous grin.
“Of course, who else is going to call me lassie?“ She asked, imitating his accent while saying the word ‘lassie’.
Harry chuckled before dropping his smile “How long is this goin ta last?” He asked. The truth was he was scared of being separated from y/n for so long-terrified even, she was one of the few things that made the isle more bearable-but he’d never admit it. He was too prideful. He was pretty sure that he was in love with her.
“It’s only for a little while.” She told him, getting closer to the boy. “There’s a plan to steal the fairy godmother’s wand and take down the barrier.” She whispered, “We’ll see each other soon.” 
“hmm” He thought, wrapping his arms around y/n pretending to think. “Ok, don’ you keep me waitin’ too long.” He told her resting his forehead against hers. He tried to kiss her but y/n pecked the corner of his mouth before backing up. “Always a tease.” He complained, making y/n laugh. 
“I’ll see you soon.” y/n said once more but before she could leave, Harry caught her wrist, pulling her back and planting his lips on hers-capturing her in a passionate kiss. 
“Don’t be gone fer too long.” He told her, bringing her into a hug. 
“y/n! Get down here already!“ A voice came from downstairs.
“That’s my cue.“ she said kissing Harry’s cheek. She backed up, holding his hand and let go once she was a few steps away. “Don’t miss me too much.“ She joked.
“I’m more worried about you.“ Harry shouted back once she was out the door, he smiled to himself when he heard her laugh-secretly wishing that he could go with her. 
(days later)
“Harry y/n’s on tv.“ Gil shouted, pointing to the small screen behind the counter. Harry had just walked into Ursula's Fish and Chips, but once he caught a glance of y/n on the tv he walked over quickly to watch. “Oh the wand!” Gil exclaimed with a mouth full of food, “didn’t you say that-”
“Shut ye mouth!” He snapped, raising his hook in the air. ‘This is it’, he thought. Once Mal grabbed the wand. ‘The barriers coming down’. 
Then Maleficent showed up and the vk’s changed their minds-betraying their parents trust and crushing Harry’s hopes. 
And the rest of the isle kids were still stuck on the isle.
(present time)
y/n stood behind Mal watching as her friend and Uma argued. Her eyes scanned the pirate ship-recognizing a few faces before seeing Harry with Ben on the plank. “Mal, whatever you do it’s gonna be a lose-lose, there’s gotta be a better way!” Ben’s voice rang out. Harry and y/n made eye contact for a moment before she turned away. 
In truth Harry felt betrayed-y/n had hurt him more than anyone ever had. She had promised before that the wand would be taken and the barrier taken down, but it seemed that she had changed her mind-choosing to stay with her friends and have a perfect life in Auradon-dooming Harry and everyone else that was still stuck on the Isle. “Silly king!” Uma yelled out-ripping Harry away from his thoughts-“You? Give me? You're gonna give me a chance? Well, not a chance!”
After a little while longer the wand had been handed over and turned up being a fake-that’s when the fighting between the two sides began. y/n was on the ground with a pirate pointing their sword at her-when the sword was knocked out of their hand. Jay helped the girl up, pushing the pirate off of the ledge and into the water. “You ok?” He asked and she nodded, taking the sword that he held out to her. “I know this is hard for you.” He told her-referring to Harry, “try to stay up here.” 
Well she had tried, but she was now closer to the ship than she had intended-trying to get to the exit where her friends were. “y/n!” Harry’s voice came from behind her. She looked over-spotting the pirate struggling to get out of the water.
“y/n come on!” Mal shouted from somewhere behind. 
y/n ignored her friend, reaching down to take Harry’s hand and help him back onto the wooden dock. He looked up at her and the two stared at each other for a moment. “Come with us.” y/n said out of nowhere, making Harry chuckle. “I’m serious.” She pleaded. 
“I’m not leavin’ Uma and Gil behind.” He told her before sadly adding “not like you left us.”
Her mouth opened in disbelief, “Harry I-”
“y/n!” Jay’s voice rang out, “come on!”
y/n looked back to her friends. “Stay.” Harry said, taking y/n’s hand. “Stay with me.” His blue eyes were pleading and this was the most vulnerable y/n had ever seen the boy. She put her other hand over his, squeezing it. 
“I can’t.” She whispered.
“y/n!” Jay called again.  
“Harry you can come with us, Uma and Gil and everyone else too. Come with me..” She begged holding his hand, he let go looking down. “Please.” y/n whimpered-feeling tears well up in her eyes. “We can have a better life in Auradon-a happy life please....I love you.” That was the first time either of them had said that.   
He silently watched her for a moment, looking at the ground-he didn’t have to say his answer.
y/n’s eyebrows furrowed as she bit her lip. “Harry...?” She asked with a breaking voice, “Harry.”
“Yer friends are callin’ ye.“ He croaked. “Just leave-it’s what yer good at.“
“y/n!“ It was Carlos’s turn to shout her name this time. y/n looked back to her friends then to Harry-debating what to do. A purple color bomb came out of nowhere suddenly-blocking everyone’s vision. When it cleared y/n was gone.
Harry had lost her a second time. 
(months later)
“Don’t worry Jane, I’m sure Carlos will be here.“ y/n told her friend, putting a hand on her shoulder. “He’s probably just running late.” 
Jane glanced at her friend, offering a nervous smile. 
Carlos however was going back to the isle with the other vks, but y/n of course didn’t know since she arrived extra early to Jane’s party to help with decorations, and the vk’s were in a rush to get Hade’s ember. 
“I just don’t don’t get what’s taking him so long...“ Jane said with worry, “are there birthday parties on the isle?”
“um..“ y/n glanced at her friend “if by birthday party you mean eating stolen cake with dirt and flies then yes...“ She chuckled, making Jane giggle as well.
“um y/n?“ Jane asked staring up the hill.
y/n looked to where Jane was starring, gasping when she saw a pink mist covering the place. It started to make it’s way down to where the two girls stood. “Don’t let her see you!” y/n warned her friend upon seeing Audrey. 
“The enchanted lake! Come on!” Jane told y/n, taking hold of her wrist and pulling her towards the direction of the water. 
“I don’t know how to swim.”
“It’s fine-we just need to get deep enough to bend down into the water.” Jane reassured her. y/n nodded, submerging into the lake. They waited a few moments until Audrey disappeared before coming back up.”Was that Audrey?” Jane asked with a mix of confusion and worry.
“With maleficent’s staff.”
“And the crown!”
“We need to warn people!” y/n told Jane, getting out of the water.
“Let me just fill this water gun up with the lake water. Who knows, we might need it.”
“Knowing the vk’s, they’re probably on top of this already.” y/n told Jane-who had just finished filling up the water gun. “Come on, we should go look for them.”
The two wandered around the woods for a while before making it to Evie’s cottage, “Let’s check here.” Jane told y/n, she nodded in agreement.
With a bobby pin from Jane’s hair, y/n picked the lock after nobody answered the door. “I think that Doug was here-“ The door opened, revealing Audrey standing in the cottage-scepter in hand, with Chad beside her. On instinct y/n swung the door open wider-hiding Jane from Audrey’s view. “Audrey you don’t have to do this!” y/n told the girl, staying put, “just wake everyone up and I promise-”
“Promise me what?” Audrey snapped, “There’s nothing you can possibly offer me that I want!”
“Audrey.” y/n said carefully “I don’t know why you’re doing this, but you can fix it.”
“I don’t want to fix it!” She hissed, “I’m having the time of my life.” She added with a laugh, “you on the other hand, won’t be so lucky. Chad let’s go!” She boomed.
“Wait Au-” but it was too late. Audrey hit the scepter against the floor board and began to teleport. “Sweet dreams...” Her fading voice cackled.  The same pink mist from earlier surrounded y/n, making it’s way to her. 
“y/n!“ Jane called out, taking a step closer.
“No!“ y/n yelled, throwing her arms out to stop Jane from getting to close. “don’t waste the water on me-“ Then she fell to the ground asleep and the pink mist disappeared. 
“y/n!“ Jane yelled, rushing to her friend’s side. She looked around in a panic wanting to cry. She took a deep breath, closing her eyes and stood up. “Don’t worry y/n.” She whispered, “I’m going to drag you into the house and then find everyone else.” 
It didn’t take long for Jane to lay y/n on a couch. She had just carefully laid y/n’s head on a pillow when she heard a roar coming from the woods. She had followed it and found Carlos, Jay two other boys she didn’t recognize, and Ben in beast form. She didn’t have to think twice before spraying him with the water from the enchanted lake. After a happy reunion with Carlos Jay spoke up, “Jane do you know where Audrey went?”
“No but y/n-”
At the mention of y/n, Harry’s head snapped to look at her. “ye know y/n?”
“...Yeah.” Jane nodded, “she’s my friend.”
“That’s Harry and Gil.” Jay told Jane and she nodded.
“What about y/n?” Carlos asked.
“She’s under the sleeping curse.“ Jane explained, “Audrey showed up out of nowhere and cursed her before leaving!”
“y/n’s under the sleepin’ curse?” Harry almost yelled. Normally he didn’t act emotional, but he was worried now.  “Where?”
“At Evie’s cottage.” Jane said, “come on.” The group made it to Evie’s cottage with no trouble, finding the girls there too. They had their short reunion and Mal ran into Ben’s arms. Harry however went straight for the door. 
“Where is she?” He asked almost losing his temper. Uma knew exactly what he was talking about and nodded her head towards the cottage, leading the way.
Harry froze for a second after seeing y/n fast asleep on a couch. He creeped forward-as if a sudden movement would disturb her. “I should’ve been here.” He whispered, kneeling down beside her. “I’m sorry-I drove you away and now yer-”
“Hey Harry.” Gil called from the doorway. 
“Can’t ye see I’m havin’ a moment?” Harry yelled to the boy.
“Well yeah but...why don’t you try kissing her?” He asked.
“An’ why would I do that?” Harry asked looking up aggrivated. 
“Well you know..true loves kiss.” Gil told him with a smile as if it were obvious. “Uma said it works every time.”
“It does.” Uma said from beside Gil.
“Well it won’t work this time.” Harry whispered.
“Why not?” Gil asked confused, “don’t you love her?”
“Course I love her!” Harry snapped, looking back down at y/n. “But she’s gotta love me too, and I doubt she does after how I acted-I hurt her.”
“She hurt you too, but you still love her.” Gil said. 
“Why don’t you just try?” Jay asked.
“I can’t.” Harry told the boy, “what if it doesn’t work?” He closed his eyes-he didn’t think he could bare it if it didn’t work.
“She loves you.” Jay told the pirate, “I don’t know why since you’re kind of a jerk-” he stopped talking when Harry glared at him. “But she does and I don’t think she’ll ever stop.” 
“If you don’t try you’ll never know.” Uma told him, patting Gil’s shoulder as a hint to leave.
Once they were alone Harry looked down at y/n sighing. He pulled a strand of her back with his hand, softly caressing her cheek. “Please work.” He whispered. He leaned down closing his eyes and pressed his lips against hers softly.
Nothing happened. 
Harry looked away sadly, “I’m sorry lass.” He said-about to cry.
But he didn’t see her eyes flutter open. “Harry?” y/n asked confused, Harry’s head snapped in her direction and his mouth opened in shock before a smile formed on his lips. 
“y/n!” He exclaimed, wrapping his arms around the girl. “It worked!” 
y/n hugged him back laughing, “what-what are you doing here?”
“I jumped through the barrier before it closed.” He laughed resting his forehead against hers. “I love ye y/n, more than anything.”
y/n smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck again, “I love you too.”   
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cricketchaology · 3 years
cold, kind, and lemon eyes
this fic includes violence, including descriptions of wounds and gun usage. if these things are triggering to you, please proceed with caution!
in a way, it’s human instinct to fight against the bonds. it’s an abstract thought, passing in and out of harry’s mind between winds of panic and a daughter he might not see again, he might never apologize to. it’s hard to think over the hollow static of the busted earbud nestled against the drum, the screaming of his heart, the thoughts all blurry and loose-lipped. his wrists are raw against the rope, not quite budging.
the men are gone now, but they could be back any moment. with guns, or knives, or hammers- with a ransom request if he’s lucky, and death if he’s not. worst come to worst, they’ll flay him open and leave him there for the dogs.
needless to say, if you told the mr. wilson of a dozen years ago that being consumed by wolves would be his fate, he’d laugh in your face over a glass of chardonnay. and maybe in a different world, harry might find the contrast funny.
instead, though, he finds his stomach sinking as feet pound down the hall, fast approaching in a way that screams a threat. his entire body aches at the thought, anticipating fresh blows that he isn’t sure his already worn skin can take. the shadow in the window looms over like a reaper, stretching across the concrete and dancing at harry’s feet as the bulb flickers, dying out over the guard's shoulder.
the shadow covers the whole window, leaving harry in the darkness of the cell for a moment, and he curls in on himself, fighting the innate desire to cry as the figure of death comes upon him. he closes his eyes, shivering weakly as the air in the room chills, the footsteps closer.
“hey, get up,” a voice is saying, and harry feels weightless when the gruffness of it registers. because it’s eliot, it’s eliot , and his rough fingers are working a fresh comms piece into his ear, are quickly unknotting the ropes so harry can move his hands again, and he hadn’t even realized how numb they’d become till the blood blew back into them.
“eliot,” harry mutters, because what else can he do? the relief is so intense that his thoughts white-out, becoming a silkscreen of escape, of tomorrow morning’s and sunsets he was saying goodbye to. because eliot got him, eliot always gets him, and he knows this and he should never have doubted it. but it’s during this thought that the guard wakes up from his blackout prematurely. that he gets on his comms and calls for backup, fast arriving. unaccounted for guns arriving at the scene as eliot tries to coax harry back into coherence.
before harry registers the sight of fresh men in the doorway, eliot’s head is turning to the click of the gun. he’s too late- the bullet rings true into the concrete room and lodges itself in the wall just right of harry’s head, though not before ripping through eliot’s shoulder. the spit-spray of blood blasts across harry’s skin, and he winces, blinking the red out of his vision and rubbing at his mouth wildly, unable to think, to help. his now unbound hands go to his hair, tearing, and to his tie, pulling. panicking.
“mr. wilson, get it together!” sophie is calling in his ear, and if he were a better grifter he would be certain of all the fear laced beneath the calm-construct of her voice. he can hear parker shouting eliot’s name, can hear breanna whispers, “oh god, oh god,” to something he’s sure she doesn’t quite believe in. he can hear eliot’s panting breaths two-fold, once in the room across from him and once in the earbud, amplified and so, so much worse up close.
a second shot rings out, and harry finds himself slowly able to push himself up the wall, crawling till he’s standing on uneven feet, trying to speedrun the regaining of his sea legs. sophie begs for a visual from breanna who’s fighting tooth and nail with the security systems. the guard is down, has been down for some time, and eliot is taking on a fourth- no, fifth? sixth? it’s not clear enough for harry to count the bodies as they hit the floor- armed militia man with nothing but his fists. the last one- third or fourth or more, maybe- goes down the same time harry rights himself, rushing across the room to get close to eliot who means safety, means stability.
it’s wihh horror harry realizes that eliot is bleeding. the shoulder of his shirt is soaked through, and his side isn’t faring better. the material of his jeans is torn with a long laceration, a knife that found its way deep into the meat of his thigh and harry shudders to think of the way eliot’s fingers probed into his own wound, feeling for the blood flow to make sure it didn’t strike an artery. the guns lay discarded on the ground now, unloaded and sprawled amongst the downed men. eliot is shucking off his shirt, tying it around his thigh gracelessly as his left arm lags, his breaths thinning. “eliot,” parker is hissing into their ears, the desperation in her voice laid so thickly with love that the two meld into one. “eliot, answer me, or i’m coming in.”
“no,” he’s biting out through clenched teeth. “there’s too many. no one else comes in. i’ll get us out.”
“eliot,” sophie’s voice comes in, uncharacteristically nervous. “i’ll get us out,” eliot repeats, his voice shakier by the second. “breanna, you got a visual? i need you to lead us out of here. you got that? away from guards.”
“yeah, yeah. got it. i got it,” she says, and for a second harry doesn’t believe her. the sound of eliot’s breathing distracts him in the lull between breanna’s assurance and her answer, her saying “go right out the door, then head down the hall until you see the janitor's closet. turn left after that, and you should be at the exit.” “any guards?” eliot asks, and breanna hesitates. “come on, we don’t have time. any guards?”
“one more. armed.” she mutters, and eliot nods, making eye contact with harry that means trust me. means i’ve got you, i’ve got you.
eliot reaches back, takes harry’s palm in his bloody hand. it’s a sticky sensory nightmare than grounds harry, pulling him out of his own head as eliot takes them out the door and down the hall, each of his steps less certain than the last. he intercepts the last guard, practically halfway to the ground when he unequips her with what looks to be sheer muscle memory, the muzzle of the gun gripped tight in a shaking hand. he drops the gun, fingers lost and limp and it takes everything in harry to think to sling eliot’s good arm around his shoulders before he drops to the ground just like the guard.
they hobble out the doors more so than walk out them, the pale shoulder of harry’s suit growing redder by the second, like a rabbit shot on the snow. absently, he realizes he doesn’t have any idea where the van is- he doesn’t even think to ask, just keeps running, keeps moving, dragging eliot into alley after alley in an attempt to put as much distances between there and here as he can. he doesn’t stop until eliot loses consciousness completely, becoming deadweight against harry’s side and they wind up crashing into a trashcan, street-light shielding them from the overwhelming dark.
it’s then that the adrenaline drains, harry’s body going limp against the brick of a building he can hardly register the color of.
the peace of unconsciousness doesn’t last long. instead, eliot jabs his elbow bruise-deep into harry’s ribs, muttering, “christ, wake up, man.”
the words feel distant, like the crackle of the earpiece is a stone cracking water-surface rather than a friend directly beside him, begging him to get up. he blinks cautiously, clearing his field of view as much as possible. the alley is dismal and dark and still. the pitter patter of a rat's claws provide ambient sound, the dripping of gutter. his back is cold against the brick, pulling him instinctively to the hot furnace of eliot by his side, still whispering and-
eliot. eliot, still bleeding , his face pale and eyes bloodshot. one of his arms jabs at harry incessantly, begging for attention, while his other clutches at the wound in his shoulder, his side. almost on instinct, harry moves his body, shucking off his suit jacket, the colors of which have moved from beige to beiger, meat-marred. he passes it to eliot who takes it, pressing it against his bleeding side. if it comes away redder than it already was, harry doesn’t know. he can’t bare to look.
“you good, man?” eliot asks, and harry laughs loosely in that crazed way he did that first day, fists clenching at his side with the weight of it. “no,” he huffs out, half hysterical. “no, of course not- not at all.” “okay, well,” eliot mumbles, his head clacking back against the brick wall, brow christened with sweat. “you’re gonna have to be, cause i’ma bleed out if we can’t get outta here.”
somehow, that snaps harry out of his stupor, a fresh jet of panic rushing through him.
“what about-” “comms are out, somethin’ must’a happened while we were down. i dunno what. must’a,” he grimaces, shifting slightly, “someone must’a found the van or somethin’. we’re outta range.”
“okay. okay,” harry says, though his breaths only come faster. his hands are shaking under eliot’s eye, watchful as always despite his waning consciousness.
“harry, you gotta breathe,” eliot says, reaching out with a hand, the digits surprisingly icy against harry’s skin, holding his wrist. his fingers probe the hollow of harry’s wrist, finding the pulse and eliot begins to breathe in sync with it. the contact is grounding though eliot’s palm is sticky with still drying blood.
slowly, harry regains his composure, inhaling with eliot’s even counts even as his voice grows fainter. it’s a familiar technique- one he remembers his daughter using before her fifth grade spelling bee. the memory floods him with something- mourning, maybe, but maybe determination too, that human desire to survive rising in him.
“okay, i’m good. i’m good.”
eliot studies him for a long moment, keeping his breathing at that even metre and harry realizes distantly that it might be partially to cope with the pain. helping harry, though, was certainly a conscious choice.
“where’d you learn to do that?” harry wonders, hoping eliot will understand the question.
eliot adverts his eyes for a moment, weighing the vulnerability of his next statement. “hardison has anxiety attacks, sometimes,” he says simply, and harry can tell no further questions will be allowed. a beat passes, the quiet of the city street outside overtaking them. cars drive by, though sparsely populated, and the laughter of drunk friends is far away. its so discongruent with the bloodied, shaking figure of eliot that harry almost becomes sick to his stomach. “okay,” harry lets out, “okay. what do we do now?” “we needa... get back in range of the comms. get somewhere they can find us, but not somewhere where someone calls the cops. the thugs got ties to ‘em, ’s how we got made in the first place. if they get me sent to a hospital, that’s it.”
“that’s it?” eliot glares at him, his lips twisted. harry swallows thickly.
“yeah. that’s it.”
it’s not that eliot is especially heavy- really, he’s lighter than harry might’ve expected a man with that much muscle to be. rather, its that harry hasn’t eaten in three days, and his limbs are still working to regain their independence after being strapped back for so long. his legs can barely support himself, muchless the weight of eliot spencer, living legend, who is dripping blood from god only knows how many wounds.
“are you okay?” harry asks, and eliot hides behind the curtain of hair currently falling past his face, his head hanging low on his neck as though keeping it up requires too much energy. still, he nods tersely, and harry knows it’s a lie, but there’s no point in pressing now.
they hobble across the alley, pausing every few moments to regain strength before dragging each other a handful more steps. eliot tells harry to leave him, to go ahead and get help, but harry won’t even entertain the idea.
“parker would throw me off the roof for real this time,” he parses through inhales, “if i came back and didn’t have you with me.”
if eliot laughs, harry can’t hear it over the sound of the blood rushing in his ears.
they make it to the mouth of the alley, the lips of which kiss the sidewalk, spilling out into the city street. it’s quiet, almost uncomfortably so, as eliot brings a hand to his ear, fiddling with the comms to no avail. he mumbles something quietly, a misplaced damnit, hardison, before lulling slightly, becoming heavier against harry’s side. “are you gonna pass out again?” harry questions nervously, but eliot shakes his head, gritting out a weak, “nah.”
they start down the sidewalk, sticking to the shadows granted by the awnings against the gentle moonlight. the city streetlights are weak, weepying a yellow that never quite reaches their heels as the dredge down the way, calling the rest of the teams names repeatedly and begging for connection.
the seconds slip by slowly, and harry has no clue how much time passes between the alley mouth and eliot halting, his heels digging into the asphalt. he’s turned his head to the threat before harry has even processed there might be one. eliot pushes himself away from harry, getting himself back to his full height and sparring harry a glance, just long enough to say, “run.”
“what? eliot-” “i said run!” he shouts, shoving harry aside and placing the bulk of his body between harry and the gun. he’s charging before harry can completely catch himself from falling, rushing across the sidewalk with a speed harry didn’t realize a human being was capable of.
it’s human nature to flee when given the opportunity. harry isn’t a fighter- never has been. he prided himself on years of carefully not choosing a side, of never being in the fight, instead finding the loophole out of it.
it’s human nature. fight or flight. harry hits the ground running.
when the hiss of the comms in his ear forms into the shape of static, he knows he’s going in the right direction. he follows the lead, reading the lines and what hides between them, until the crackle turns to whisper, and whisper into word. “eliot? harry? god, oh god,” breanna is saying- sobbing, almost, into the earpiece. “breanna?” he asks, and he’s certain he heard her, not because she responds but because her incoherence suddenly shifts into a wet gasp of relief. “harry? harry, where’s eliot?” parker demands, and harry hesitates. “he- he stayed behind. he was fighting someone, and he told me to go and i-” “you listened to him?” parker cries, a rage to her voice that harry has never heard before, and he swallows, nodding weakly before remembering she can’t see him.
“yes- yes. but he’s hurt and i- i can’t help him, you need to-” “calm down, mr. wilson,” sophie says, like it’s simple. “get us to you, first. where are you?”
the world spins around him, the colors dulled and hard to grasp. he can’t get his eyes to focus, the wind whipping at the short hair on his head and he tries to suck in thin inhales of the icy air.
“i- i don’t know, i-”
“harry, please,” parker begs- and it’s begging, it’s begging , and he hates the sound of it in her voice so much that the vertigo almost swallows him whole. instead, he grabs onto it- imagines it like an anchor he can hold onto, her grief that will destroy him if he can’t fix it. his eyes land on a sign, the lit-up letters flickering in and out desperately. he has to squint to piece them together in the right order.
“there’s- there’s a restaurant called marleen’s, i’m right by that. is that-”
“i got it,” breanna announces, and he can hear the pounding of her keystrokes through the comms. “we’re just seven minutes out.” “hold tight, mr, wilson. we’ll be right there.”
the tires of the van screech upon arrival in only three minutes, and he’s unsurprised to see parker tumbling out of the driver’s seat. her jaw is set, her hand clenched around the taser that harry has heard tales of. sophie is not long after, nor breanna, and the intensity radiating off the three in waves is enough to nearly knock harry off his feet. “where is he?” parker shouts, light on her feet and before him in seconds. he points weakly behind himself, and she disappears into the night as fast as she appeared.
sophie comes upon him then, her spindly fingers brushing over his face dutifully for a moment before she ushers him back to the van, breanna staring awkwardly as she holds open the doors.
“are you hurt?” sophie asks, and he cannot even begin to think of the answer. his entire body aches, but he’s not bleeding. as she pulls out alcohol wipes, beginning to brush the red out of his eyes, he realizes she can’t tell- she doesn’t know most of the blood isn’t his.
“eliot, he-” “parker will get him,” sophie tells him, something unplaceable in her voice. “he’s okay. it’s okay.”
harry finds himself nodding, though he isn’t so sure he believes her. he allows her to clean his skin, unearthing bruises that were buried beneath a sea of red as she tuts her tongue. breanna does say anything, but the fearful way she looks at harry reminds him of his daughter watching him walk out of the doors of their family home for the last time. he flinches, and sophie pulls her hands away abruptly, not knowing she did nothing wrong.
a weak grunting echoes from outside, and breanna thrusts open the doors. the city is dark behind parker’s back, the hollow light crecenting her as she pulls a limping eliot along. his face is twisted into an eternal grimace, teeth worrying over his lip in an attempt to silence his groans. one of his legs drags behind, his good arm cupping his side where blood overflows, draining between the slits of his fingers and to the ground, a quaint drip, drip, drip. it makes harry’s stomach ache, the dread of it all.
sophie extends her hands, helping parker hoist eliot into the van. he’s barely conscious, and sporting a rapidly swelling-shut eye and bleeding nose he didn’t have last harry saw him. a wave of nausea rushes over him as they settle eliot on one of the benches, breathing heavily as sophie gets back into the driver’s seat. the car peels away from the curb, leaving a spray of loose rocks dislodged in its wake as they leave the city, escaping to the temporary home base they acquired for this job.
harry lets his head thunk back against the metal wall of the van, closing his eyes so he doesn’t have to see parker begin stripping eliot of his shirt, the red pooling down him and onto the floor. so he doesn’t have to see breanna, too young for any of this, though he can still hear her ask half-desperate what she can do to help.
he imagines being elsewhere. a beach day in cape-cod, a gala at the grand. he imagines the life he used to lead, blissfully unaware- or intentionally obtuse- of the blood raining in city streets, instead focused on the glass of pinot grigio in his hand. he imagines that peace of being blameless as eliot drifts, parker frowning down at him. as breanna pretends not to cry, and sophie drives.
eliot doesn’t wake up when they arrive at the safe house, and it scares everyone. sophie and parker lift him, taking him to a different room where they can tend to his wounds safely (and out of sight). it leaves harry and breanna standing in the doorway, ambling around the living room absently. there’s nothing they can do, really. nothing but wait.
he settles on the coach, head in his hands, and breathes to the sound of her pacing, short strides back and forth, across and across and across the room. she’s humming slightly, a tune he doesn’t quite recognize but doesn’t hate. eventually, she wears herself down, sitting at her computer and plucking away at the keys in a way that speaks to her distracted mind, the usually hundred word per-minute speed nonpresent, slowed to a dozen.
sophie reappears from the room, her brow furrowed but otherwise unmarred. harry stands to greet her, much like a waiting room wife to a doctor, rife with anticipation. breanna swivels her chair much the same, though neither of them breathe a word, waiting. “eliot will be fine,” sophie says, and harry all but wilts with relief. “but we’ll take time off so he can heal. a month or two, maybe. he’s down pretty badly.”
sophie pauses, momentarily glancing over harry in a way that, if he were a greater man, might embarrass him. instead, he swallows down the look of pity, the way her eyes drag over him with grief.
“clean up, mr. wilson. then we’ll tend to you, too.”
it’s a new experience, the way the blood looks rushing down the shower drain. it’s dried to the skin, takes scrubbing to remove. some of the flakes stay whole rather than dissipate into the water, and he watches them fall from his skin and go away to nothing. his body is sticky with sweat, and it takes several lathers to get him even remotely feeling clean. he’s not sure he ever will, not with the ghost of eliot’s blood still haunting his cheek, omnipresent. he doesn’t think he’ll ever forget the way the spray felt against his skin. still, when his fingers are so pruny he doubts even the team could lift a print from him, he cranks the water off. the steam does a good job disguising him; he can barely see his own feet through the thick plumes of it. he pulls back the curtain, a rush of cold air hitting him and-
“parker! what are you doing in here?” he exclaims, instinctively pulling the curtain again to shield him from her eyes, although she covered them with her hands when he exclaimed.
“eliot told me to talk to you,” she says simply, muffled through her wrists. “tell me when i can uncover my eyes. i- i didn’t think about it. sorry.”
harry sighs, reaching carefully out from the shower to grab a towel even as she keeps her eyes covered. he dries himself off quickly, slipping into the joggers and shirt that sophie handed him earlier. they don’t fit quite right, clearly not his. they’re eliot’s, he realizes, with a dull pang in his heart.
when he finishes dressing, he lowers himself onto the toilet lid, looking at parker as she keeps her eyes dutifully covered. her breathing is even, but even so, he can hear the gears turning in her head.
“eliot’s up?” harry asks, not knowing where to start. parker nods, her hands bobbing up and down with her head.
“he was in and out for a while. he’s resting now. he told me to talk to you.”
“what about?” “he said i need to tell you how i feel, because you won’t know that i’m not mad at you if i don’t. and he’s right, i know that. just sometimes eliot does the thinking for me and tells me what’s going on in my brain.”
harry furrows his brows, still perplexed by the complexities of the team's relationships. he’s almost jealous he wasn’t around to see them fall in love with each other, parker, eliot and hardison. a beat passes, parker still on the counter, her legs crossed on a space that seems too small for anyone to sit on. “can i uncover my eyes?” she asks, voice small, and harry fumbles.
“oh- yes, yes, sorry. i didn’t realize you were-” “it’s okay.” she pulls her hands from her face, revealing slightly blood-shot eyes, her nose red from tears. “i don’t blame you. for eliot getting hurt, i mean.”
harry flounders a bit at that, ringing his hands in his lap.
“i left him, though. he came to save me and he got hurt, and i let it happen. and then i left him. it’s- it’s my fault, parker, i-” “no, it’s not,” she says, and she’s glaring at him like she did hardison when she found out he was leaving. it’s not a look harry enjoys being on the receiving end of.
“it’s not your fault because eliot told you to leave. it’s what he wanted you to do, and you listened to him, so if i wanna get mad at someone for that it has to be eliot. but i can’t get mad at eliot, and i can’t get mad at you, cause i would’ve done it. maybe not now, but ten years ago i might’ve left him to die if i had to. you were scared; you weren’t thinking straight. i get that.”
she sighs slightly, eyes glued to the tile. harry sits, waiting for her as she thinks, rolling thoughts over in her head. eventually, a distant smile graces her lips.
“we can do things the others can’t,” she says, not quite meeting his eyes when she looks at him. “and that doesn’t make us bad. it makes us… us.”
though he feels like he’s missing part of it, as he often does talking to parker- and the rest of them, for that matter- it settles something in his chest. he breaths out, the hollow of his lungs lightening. she smiles at his gently; gentle in a manner harry doesn’t think he’ll ever deserve. he smiles back, hoping it reaches his eyes. with that, parker springs from the counter, leaving him alone in the bathroom with nothing but his thoughts.
later, when he goes to see eliot, he is still hesitant, though certainly no more than he’d be without parker’s conversation. the dim lighting of the room barely kisses the wooden walls, framing a semi-conscious eliot. he’s been stripped down to a pair of black shorts, his chest and side swathed in bandages. they crawl up this legs too, appearing in patches along his arms. simply put; he looks like shit. still, he rises upon seeing harry, sitting up carefully. one side of his face is swollen, almost unrecognizable.
“hey, man,” eliot grumbles, shifting uncomfortably in his seat. “you good?”
“shouldn’t i be asking you that?”
eliot shrugs, flinching at the pain spurs in his shoulder. he readjusts, his head lulling slightly as he blinks against the sleep trying to overtake him. “nah. parker talk to you?” “she did.” “good,” eliot says, looking at harry seriously. “i ain’t mad either. you get that? i get hurt sometimes. ain’t anything to lose sleep over. i went in to help you because you’re important to us.”
“i’m not a good man, eliot,” harry mutters, not quite able to meet eliot’s gaze. “me either. that ain’t what it’s about. can’t get your soul back if i let you die, now can you?”
“...no, i suppose not.” “we all got roles to play. your’s is to not get kidnapped next time, got it?”
harry can’t help the laugh the barks out of him, a hand going to cover with mouth. it gets a hearty smile on eliot’s lips. it’s a look harry thinks he’d like to see more of.
“alright,” eliot says, still smirking as harry’s laughter trails off. “get outta here. i’m gonna sleep for a week.”
“alright,” harry says, heading towards the door. “rest well.” “you too,” eliot mumbles, half asleep already.
harry feels a smile pull at his lips, a sense of peace filling him. it’s only human nature.
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buckyscrystalqueen · 4 years
Meant To Be: Part 10
Pairings: Past Machine Gun Kelly x Reader, Opie x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, drug use, cheating
Word Count: 4,935
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9
A loud screech directly in front of your face jolted you from your nap, followed by toddler strength slap to your cheek, and a second screech.
“Child, what the actual fuck?” You groaned as you opened your eyes and watched Opie try to wrestle Gage into a diaper while your son continued to screech, laugh his butt off, and squirm with all his might to get away.
“Sorry. He is just not having anything of it...”
“Gage Michael!” You barked as you threw the blanket off of you and sat up. “This is not naked baby time! Naked baby time is after your bath...”
“Oh... um... I kinda had to spray him down?” Opie said hesitantly as he looked up at you. “You were out, and I heard him giggling so I was gunna take him outside to play on the swings so you could sleep a little more, but he was covered in shit, and... well I didn’t really know what to do so I just hosed him off in the bath and used the towel...”
“Then let him go for a bit.” You sighed with a nod. “It’s fine. Saves me a step before bed, but you should have woke me up. You didn’t have to do all that.”
“Yea, well you looked tired as hell.” He said as he set the clean diaper down on the coffee table as you both watched your son take off too push his dump truck popper toy around your living room, as happy as can be in his birthday suit. “And the kid fucking reeked.”
“That happens.” You laughed as you stretched your back out. “Time’s it?”
“Four thirty.” He said as he moved his foot out of the way for the toy. “And I’m just gunna fucking do what I should have done a decade ago and see if I can take you both to dinner tonight. My treat. I know a place by the beach, we can sit, and watch sunset if that’s not to late for him.”
“You don’t care that I literally just got out of a relationship and am currently knocked up?”
“OK one, does it look like I care, and two, can you really call that a relationship or just a toxic partnership?”
“Look, he may be a toxic, cheating, drug addicted scum bag, but he did give me two children and a lot of good memories, too.”
“And I respect that. But let me ask you this. Is the life you had with him the life you really see yourself raising your kids in long term?” He paused for a moment to let that question sink in, before he crossed his feet on the floor and leaned forward to rest his arms on his bent legs. “Look, you know me well enough to know I don’t fuck around with women I’m not serious about. I also know you well enough to know that you don’t like being alone. And I know that if you don’t move on, you’ll go back to him, and I couldn’t live with myself if I waited around for you to see your own self worth only to lose you to him again before that’s happened. So, I’ll ask again. No expectations. You wanna go to dinner tonight?” You groaned and covered your face with both your hands as you fell back into your couch.
“I hate that you know me so well!” You whined as you sat up and looked over at him with a shake of your head. “This better be the best mother fucking restaurant in the fucking world cause I’ll be really fucking pissed if our first date sucks...”
“It’s food truck city. You’ll have plenty of options to pick from and they’re all good.”
“The fuck is food truck city?!”
“It’s by the beach.” He repeated with his eyebrow raised. “How have you not seen it when you go to the beach?”
“Because I don’t go to the beach.” You giggled with a shake of your head. “I had a pool in my back yard...”
“OK, get the fuck up.” He laughed as he got off the floor with a giant smile on his face. “We’re fixing this problem right fucking now. I’m gunna go grab my other shorts from the truck and I’ll help you get your little nudist into a suit after. This is fucking ridiculous.”
“God, just as dramatic as ever!” You called out as you stood up to grab your child. “Come on, bubba. Opie’s gunna show you what the beach is all about.” With surprisingly very little coercing, you got your son in a swim diaper and a bathing suit, packed a small beach bag, and changed into a suit yourself in under twenty minutes. You let Opie drive your car so you didn’t have to move the car seat and so you could cover your kid in sun screen, and just when you were about to ask him about parking, he pulled into a house a couple blocks from the beach.
“Is this your place?” You asked as you leaned forward to look at the stunning house.
“Buddy of mine married a doctor.” He said with a shake of his head. “I use his driveway and save myself the parking fees as payment for photographing his wedding for half what I usually charge.”
“Do you have to go up...?”
“Nah, they’re both at work.” He said as he got out of the car with you and pulled open the back door to get Gage. “I already called him.”
“I got the stroller.” You started as you put the beach bag on your shoulder, but he shook his head.
“I got him.” He said as he shut the back door and moved Gage to his shoulders. “See, that view is much better.” He said over your son’s peels of laughter. “Can you carry my camera.”
“Oh, my God please do not drop my kid!” You laughed as you shouldered his bag and nervously reached up to keep Gage in place.
“Really? You think I’m gunna, what? Drop him on his head or something?” He laughed as he looked over at you, before faking a worried look and lifting Gage’s leg a couple inches. “Whoa... whoa!”
“Harry Winston, don’t even play!”
“She remembers the full name.” He chuckled as he lead you down the street. “Impressive.”
“Shut up.” You huffed as you whacked his arm and glanced up at your son again, who was curiously looking around at his new view of the world. “Wait, stop for a second.” You said as you grabbed his arm and pulled him to a stop beside you. “He’s in awe right now.”
“It’s a pretty good view from up here.” He teased as he adjusted his grip on Gage’s legs. “Like right now, I have a killer view of this gorgeous pair of tits.”
“You’re unbelievable.” You laughed as you took a couple pictures of the two of them. “All I get is a beard.”
“That’s cause you’re short.” He pointed out as the three of you kept walking down to the beach. You gasped and fake pouted for a moment as he laughed at his own joke, but when he pouted his bottom lip out at you, your heart skipped a beat.
“Is it bad that I wish you hadn’t listened to my brother?”
“Our worlds would be a lot different, that’s for sure. I never would have moved to this hell hole town.”
“And I wouldn’t be bringing ten tons of emotional baggage with me.” You sighed as you crossed the road beside him.
“I’m not afraid of a little baggage.” He said as you stopped at a corner to cross the main road. “Especially when I know the girl carrying it. Not the girl she’s been trying to be, but the real deal, Southern born and bred, trash talkin’, gun shootin’, hunting in camo instead of going to church on Sunday morning girl.”
“You’re gunna make me start cryin’ again.” You pointed out as you followed him to the first of roughly a half dozen food trucks by the beach.
“Well, you can’t pick out something to eat if you are, so I suggest you stop and pick something.” He said as he took Gage off his shoulders and put him on his hip. “What about you, little man? What sounds good to you tonight? Uh huh. Yea, I think so, too. Uh huh...” A smile spread back across your face as Opie listened and chatted with Gage, pointing out different colorful things for him to look at and talking to him as if he was his best friend and not a one year old.
“Oh, my God. Fried Okra.” You said as you stopped in front of the second to last truck with a shake of your head. “I haven’t had fried okra in years.”
“Fried okra it is.” Opie said with a smile as he stepped over and got in line. “What else you thinking? Their southern mac is pretty spot on, too.”
“He’ll definitely like the mac.” You said with a nod as you stayed close, but far enough away to see the menu on the side. “Fuck, I don’t know. I want a little of everything.”
“Then we split a bunch of shit.” He said with a shrug. “My favorite is their shrimp and grits or their biscuits and gravy...”
“OK, you’re making the pregnant girl even more hungry than she was five minutes ago.” You laughed as you moved back over to his side. “But I’m down to splitting a couple things.”
“We’ll take one of everything for Opie.” He requested the second he walked up to the window. “No kick for the kid on the side of grits. And a beer, a large sweet tea, and what for little man?”
“I’ll do a water and a fruit punch for him. He’ll like that.”
“Alright bud, can you hand her the money?” Opie asked as he handed Gage a fifty, turned him toward the counter, and pointed at the lady. “You gotta share. Can you give it to her?” She ‘aww’ed’ at your son as Opie gently pushed his hand toward the window so the woman at the register could reach it, and he cheered for him when he let go of the payment, which made your pride and joy laugh and clap his hands excitedly.
“He’s adorable.” The woman said as she got Ope’s change.
“He’s his mother’s son in the looks department, that’s for sure.” Opie said with a glance over at you. “Keep the change, hun.”
“Thank you so much! We’ll call your name when it’s ready.” With a nod of his head, he put his hand on the small of your back and led you over to a half empty group of stone picnic tables. He grabbed one closest to the sand, and sat you down on one side of the bench facing the water to hand you Gage.
“Hey.” He said softly before he went back to get the food. You hummed and looked up at him as you situated your son on your lap, and he smiled for a half second before leaning down to kiss you. “Didn’t feel like waiting until the end of the date.”
“You are just trouble, mister.” You said as you reached out and grabbed his shirt before he could walk away. “I like it.”
“Oh, I’ve always been trouble.” He growled as he leaned down to kiss you again. “And you better fucking love it.”
“I do.” You confirmed as he turned and walked back up to the truck to get your food. You set up what you needed for Gage and looked up at Ope as he set the full tray of food down on the table. You both got an absolute kick watching your son fall in love with butter grits, and surprisingly, not the homemade mac and cheese you expected him to love, but you both about died laughing at the horrified look he made when he tried and quickly spit out the okra.
“It’s an acquired taste, bubba.” You laughed as you gave him some more grits to make it all better. Just like Opie had promised, there were no other expectations from the date, other than to just enjoy your evening. He took care of the bags as you helped Gage explore the new environment; snapping a few photos of quick range of emotions the child felt as he stood in sand for the first time, and documenting his sheer joy at the cold waves of the Pacific Ocean. And then his up close presence changed to one from afar as you played as a mother to a little boy, who didn’t also have to keep an eye on your troublesome ex for the first time in a long time.
You took your time building a small sand castle by the shore line just so Gage could smash it all down when you were finished, and you taught him how to chase after the seagulls like all little boys should do. You helped him pick out the best shells to bring to Opie as gifts, who put them all in his pocket as if they were his new prized possessions, and showed him how to gently return a starfish to the water where he lived. You sat in the shallow water with him standing between your thighs to get him to laugh every time a wave washed over your laps, and pointed out the surfers and the setting sun, which he was not that interested in, until he finally just collapsed in your arms in sheer exhaustion and passed out. 
“You wanna take him home?” Opie asked as he sat up and put his camera away when you walked over with Gage fast asleep on your shoulder.
“In a little bit.” You said as you used his shoulder to sit down in the sand beside him. “I haven’t sat and watched the sunset in years.” You glanced over at his nod and took the towel he was handing you to wrap your son up. “Will you stay tonight? I don’t want this night to end yet.”
“Absolutely.” He said with a nod as he draped your towel over your shoulders. “It’d make my day ten times better.”
“Mine, too.” You agreed as you leaned over into his side with a sigh, realizing for the first time that this date didn’t feel forced the way the one and only date with Colson did. “Thank you.”
“Any time, sweetheart.” He said softly as he scooted closer and wrapped his arm around your waist. “Any time.”
“Wait, you’re back?!” Your old agent, Shawn, nearly shouted. “Like back, back. Like taking work...”
“I’m back.” You said over him as you made breakfast for you and Opie while Gage babbled incoherently to his French toast stick pieces and cut up grapes. “But tell who ever that I’m sixteen weeks pregnant. But I don’t give a shit if it’s TV or a modeling gig or what, I just need something.”
“OK, you said sixteen weeks pregnant?” He clarified as he took notes, when a phone call beeped in on your other line.
“Yea, just hit four months.” You confirmed with a nod as you looked at Colson’s ID picture. You ignored the call and hit a quick text letting him know you’d call him back, which only made him call you back immediately anyways. “So not super showing yet, but if you squint, you can see it.”
“OK, I know for a fact Inked wants you.” He said as Colson called back yet again, which made Opie reach out to send the call to voicemail for you. “Inked has wanted you for months, I just didn’t know whether you wanted to come back after everything or not.”
“Yea, I wanna be back.” You sighed as you served up breakfast plates while a splash of regret washed over you. “Just don’t wanna think about my past shit anymore. Trying to move on, you know?”
“Right, of course. Well, let me make some calls. I know people have been in touch the past two years to see if you were taking jobs or not, but I gotta see if too much time has passed...”
“Just tell them I’m down for anything but porn.” You said as Colson called back a fourth time. “Keep me posted, I got another call.” You handed Ope his plate and hit answer with an annoyed growl. “Dude, I am on the fucking phone!”
“Yea, well when I see fucking pictures of my son and my girl at the beach with some other guy  first thing when I get off the fucking plane, I’m gunna blow your shit up ‘til I find out what the fuck is going on!”
“I’m not your fucking girl anymore, Kels!” You shouted back as you threw your pan in the sink. “That was your mother fucking choice. And I made a choice based off your stupid fucking choices, too. Now can I eat my breakfast in peace...”
“Where’s my kid?” He demanded over the sound of his car door slamming shut. “I wanna see my kid.”
“He’s eating breakfast, I’ll FaceTime you...”
“Tell me where my Goddamn kid is now, or I will put out a fucking warrant for kidnapping!” He shouted over you, which made Opie jump to his feet when he saw the sheer rage flash in your eyes.
“Mother fucker, I will drag your Goddamn name through the fucking mud if you so much as think of putting a warrant out on me ever again, do you hear me, bitch?! Don’t you fucking dare threaten me...”
“Easy...” Opie breathed in your ear as he stood against your back and took the second frying pan from your hand while Gage started to scream. “Easy, baby girl. You’re pregnant...”
“Tell me where my son is, and I won’t fucking have to!” Colson shouted back as Opie gently grabbed your wrists and crossed them over your stomach. Your whole body started to shake as you fought the conflicting feelings in your mind, and you teared up as you took a shuttering breath to respond.
“555 Whipper Willow Court.”
“I’ll be there in 30.” He barked before hanging up the phone, and you instantly dissolved into tears.
“I hate him.” You sobbed as Ope lowered you to your knees on the vinyl plank wood floor.
“I know, sweetheart.” He said with a nod.
“I need to find a lawyer.” You gasped as you stood up quickly and grabbed your phone. “Fuck, I gotta get ahold of that guy before he does.”
“OK, well I’m gunna head out for a bit...”
“No, please stay.” You said as you looked up at him with a desperate shake of his head. “He’s never hit me before but that doesn’t mean he hasn’t hit walls near me when we’re both going at it.”
“Then I’m not going anywhere.” He stated simply with a single nod. “I’ll clean up little man and take him out back while you call, OK? We got time.”
“Opie...” You said as your phone call to the lawyer that did your custody case with your mom started to ring through on speaker. He paused to turn around to look at you as you started to tear up again. “Thank you.”
“Of course, baby girl. I’d do anything for the three of you.”
“Adam Gracey’s office, Nicole speaking.”
“Nicole, it’s (Y/N) (Y/L/N). I need to schedule an urgent appointment with Mr. Gracey today to file for primary or even full custody...”
“I’m sorry Ms. (Y/L/N), Mr. Gracey is leaving today at...”
“It can’t wait.” You interrupted as you took the call off speaker and put the phone up to your ear with a shaky hand. You took a deep breath, knowing there was no other way than then truth you had tried so hard to manipulate in your favor just a month before in this situation, and exhaled forcefully. “We’re going through a horrible break-up and I don’t trust my ex around me right now, and I’m pregnant with our second. And even though I got clean two years ago, I’m worried he’ll try to use that against me to take my kids into an absolutely toxic environment without me in it to protect them from his lifestyle because he still uses drugs. Please... please, I’m begging you. I need to get the paperwork in before he does. Please. I know how this looks right now, but please...” Nicole stayed silent on the other end of the line for a moment, before you heard your lawyer’s voice faintly in the background.
“I remember them. Call the jet and push it back to four. Tell her to be here at one on the dot, or I’ll have to leave...”
“Oh, thank God.” You gasped as relief washed over you and took a giant weight off your shoulders. “Thank you, I’ll be there on time, I promise. Thank you so much.”
“We’ll see you at one, Ms. (Y/L/N).” Nicole said with a smile in her tone before she hung up to answer the next call.
“Does that smile mean you beat him to the lawyer?” Opie asked as he came out of the downstairs bathroom with your de-syruped son.
“He’s squeezing me in at one.” You said with a nod as you looked over at him. “You got him for a minute?”
“Yep. We’re gunna go out and swing a while, right little man?”
“I’ll be out in a minute.” You said with a nod. After locking the front door so Colson couldn’t just walk right in, you ran upstairs to double check the safety net of cash you had been squirreling away since you found out you were pregnant with Gage. It was small, considering it was mainly just all of your paychecks from working at the farm stand for a few months, some money your dad had secretly gave you when you dropped him off at the airport, and what was left in your savings account when you moved back home, but it was better than nothing since your current bank account didn’t look much better after renting the house you did. 
The weight that had lifted moments before settled right back down on your shoulders as the thought that, even if you were to get custody, you wouldn’t be able to keep your head above water for very long without work crashed down, and made you wonder if it would just be easier to go back to Colson to avoid what was about to come. But that thought was temporarily pushed aside when your ex started to ring the door bell incessantly between his angry pounding.
“Jesus, this man.” You growled to yourself as you put your money back in it’s hiding spot and headed down stairs to get the door.
“Who the fuck is here?” Kels demanded as he walked right by you without a glance.
“Friend from back home.”
“Where is he?”
“Jesus, asshole. Can you fucking chill out for one minute. No stop.” You said as you jumped in front of him before he could go upstairs. “This ain’t your fucking house, Kels. It’s mine. You’re not just helping yourself to roam about my house...”
“Move.” He said as he reached around you to grab the latch of the baby gate, and with your close proximity to it, you got pushed out of the way a couple feet when he swung it open forcefully.
“Hey!” Opie shouted, making your ex freeze as the former handed you your son and moved to stand in front of you. “I don’t fucking think so.”
“You the fucking prick that thinks he can move in on my fucking girl?” Colson asked as he stood up to his full height, which was the exact same as Opie’s. “Yea right.”
“No, I’m the fucking man that’s stepping up to treat her better than you could ever fucking dream of, boy.”
“Oh the fuck you are.” Kels said as he pulled back to knock Opie out in his rage, but your childhood friend grabbed his wrist before he could even come close to connecting with a simple smirk.
“Smile, mother fucker.” Ope said as he gestured to his side at his DSLR camera that you didn’t realize he had set up on the table by the door when you were upstairs. “You’re on candid camera. Judge’s love violence.”
“Wait, what... you filed for fucking custody?!” He shouted as he ripped his hand back and looked at you in total shock. “You’re fucking serious.”
“Colson, I’m not gunna take your kids from you.” You said with a shake of your head as you held Gage tightly to your chest. “But I don’t trust you to be alone with them.”
“Oh, I’ll see you in fucking court then, bitch.” He said with a nod. “All because you think I slept with some girl I didn’t even touch. Looks like you’re the slut here, shackin’ up with some new guy...”
“That’s enough.” Opie said loudly before you could say anything incriminating on camera. “Are you here to see your son or what?”
“No, my son needs to be home where he belongs...”
“Not without a court order.” You said with tears in your eyes and a shake of your head. “Or until you can pass a drug test.”
“Oh, because you have the moral high ground on that one. I’m not the one that overdosed when I was pregnant.”
“And you’re also not the one that’s stayed sober since then either.” You said evenly, hating that you had to use things you were sometimes guilty of yourself against him. “We have a swing set out back. Do you want to spend time with your son...?”
“Nah, I’ll be back with a court order to take him home real soon.” He said as he yanked open your front door. “And a fucking restraining order to keep Lurch here away from my kid.” You jumped when he slammed the door behind him, and Opie instantly reached back and picked up his camera.
“Take this to your lawyer today.” He said as he stopped the video and handed you the whole camera. “Just hit this play button twice and it’ll play back the whole thing. I’m gunna have a buddy of mine that owes me a favor- tech kid, he’ll put up cameras for the next time he comes back...”
“Ope, I can’t ask you to do that...”
“It’s no big deal...”
“It’s no big deal that I can’t afford!” You hissed back as you bounced Gage in your arms to get him to stop crying. “I’m fucked here unless my agent calls back. I will either be able to afford a good lawyer and be homeless by the time Colson finishes dragging this out as long as he can because he knows I’m broke, or I get a shit lawyer I can afford and I lose my kids. So I can’t afford some fancy cameras to make my case, all I have is my word against his so I’m probably just better off dealing with the cheating to keep my kids safe...”
“OK... OK.” He said as he locked the front door and stepped over to you to pull you and Gage both into a hug. “Listen, I’m not fucking around when I say I’m in this. You need help with bills, I can easily move in, because I live in a studio apartment paying month by month, and I hate the place. Shit, I’ll even sleep on the couch if need be. (Y/N), I moved out here to help you years ago. I just... well I lost you for a minute there, but now that I’ve got you back, I’m not letting you or your kids go. 
I’ve known since the day I fucking met you at that stupid middle school dance that we were meant to be, and I don’t give a shit what you’re going through right now, same as I wouldn’t have cared if I had been able to save you when you were using. I’m here for it, just like I should have been years ago when I saw how bad you were with using, and years before that when I saw the start of your down slide at my graduation. I know it’s messy and fucked up, and confusing as hell right now, and even if you just see me as a friend at the end of the day, let me help you. Let me help get you on your feet after everything you have been through until you are able to finally see the woman that I know is hiding under layers of make up, ink, and choices that were made for all the wrong reasons. Let me help you love yourself again. Let me help you be the mother I saw at the beach last night, who is willing to kill herself to make sure her babies are safe and sound. Let me help you, because I know you won’t let anyone else do it for you.”
“Opie.” You cried into his chest, which made him carefully tighten his arms around you in a way that didn’t squish Gage.
“I’m here.” He said with a nod as he leaned down and kissed the top of your head. “I’m not going anywhere. Not for anything.”
Part 11
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responding to the free answer question on the threatening description quiz,
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with every hell event, yvette gets stronger.
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sadly i have never seen Pac Man and the Ghostly Adventures BUT this is a compelling enough argument that im going to now dislike the show on behalf of you. corporate meddling strikes again.
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bai yongxi doesnt have time to be in a fighting game. he's too busy being gay and raising his daughter.
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so would you say that. w
ould you say that its taken. a lifetime
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no i dont know anon. please, share with the rest of the class why it would be a bad idea to main lunar in a fighting game.
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worm on a string!
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one time i saw a trending quiz with the preview line of "which harry potter character would smell you" & i was like haha thats hilarious. what a great premise for a quiz. BUT the whole title was "which harry potter character would smell you in their amortentia"
it was tragic.
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i got the whole suit because i love christmas an unhealthy amount even though i didnt particularly like the outfit itself. and now look at us, almost 2 months later, with a useless suit & a haunting christmas song that wont go away.
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scrambled eggs are the best form of egg. i put salt, pepper, onion powder, garlic powder, and red pepper flakes in mine.
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I knew it was only a matter of time before someone did this, but I was still caught off guard.
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you’re welcome. however, i must inform you that those options are mainly there because a good majority of the player base also has no idea who any of the characters are.
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theres a joke here somewhere about how you have to select all the other answers first and then the option to choose that type of event will pop up.
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probably like a minimum 2000 diamonds. maybe 1500 if you have really good luck.
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The egg is the organic vessel containing the zygote in which an embryo develops until it can survive on its own, at which point the animal hatches. An egg results from fertilization of an egg cell. Most arthropods, vertebrates (excluding live-bearing mammals), and mollusks lay eggs, although some, such as scorpions, do not.
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If we’re taking the Blood Curse into account, I think the best choice out of everyone on the list would be Shade, considering he’s the only one who wouldn’t be affected. If we’re talking about the whole Love Nikki cast, the optimal character of choice would, of course, be Rupert, who had a birth defect rendering him immune to the Blood Curse.
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1. even if he has a gun, it doesn’t matter. he can’t use it because he doesn’t have thumbs. that’s just basic cat anatomy.
2. is momo immune to the blood curse
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wanting me to make a serious quiz is kind of like getting upset that a clown sprayed you in the face with the flower water squirter instead of engaging in a debate with you about the economy. i could make a serious quiz, just like a clown could discuss the pros and cons of capitalism-- but would that be a very sad sight indeed.
and to the wide array of messages saying things like
nikkimi canon
kaja nonbinary
gay rights
nikki is gay
i say this:
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I didn’t know
Harry’s pov:
“Yeah, I quite like that idea lads, I mean its a good way to get our name back out there and celebrate everything we’ve done over the years.” Louis nodded and grinned while looking around the table.
“Yeah I agree, I like that it gives the fans something because I know they are expecting a lot.” 
“Well Liam, I wonder why that is. I mean it’s not like you told them there was going to be something big happening or anything..” 
The guys were all sat around a table discussing the 10 year anniversary as well as a possible reunion. Liam and Louis were bickering about it and Niall was busy on his phone scrolling through fan theories of what fans thought would happen on July 23. Harry was also scrolling through his phone, but he wasn’t paying attention to the conversation at all. You were on his mind. He was thinking about your date the other day. How he had finally, after years of being friends, gotten the courage to ask you out. He was thinking about the way the sun hit your face in the cafe that morning. How you had gone on a 20 minute rant about why she could never find matching socks and therefore had chose 2 completely random mismatched ones to wear. Harry had known you for almost 3 years. He had always loved being around you but a year ago is when it really hit. Every time you walked in the room his heart would speed up, his hand would get sweaty and his attention was glued to you. He loved your smile, the way you blushed when he complimented your outfit, the way you bit your lip when you were contemplating an answer, and especially the way your eyes lit up when you were goofing off and messing around. 
“And then Harry will fly in on a bike and spray the fans with water guns...” Louis noted looking over at Harry. 
Harry’s attention snapped back to the table and he shook his head. “Sorry what?”
“Are you even paying attention to the conversation Harry?” Louis teased.
“I got distracted.” 
“By that girl again? Did you finally ask her out?” Liam laughed.
“Yeah, we had a date the other day.” Harry smiled thinking about it again.
“Look at ya, you're smitten with the girl, what's her name again, (y/n)?”
“Yeah, (y/n)...she’s amazing.”  
“What makes her so amazing then?” Louis questioned.
“She’s just such a good person, and she beautiful, she's always herself-”
“Always herself?”
“Yeah, like on our date she told me she didn’t like tea.”
“Who doesn’t like tea?” Liam asked, his mouth falling open.
“She doesn't, but I don't even care.”
“If I didn't know any better Harry, I’d say you were in love.” 
Harry dropped his head, his smiling growing. “I am...I think I have been but the other day kind of made everything better. I mean just being around her makes me feel all like giddy and warm. It’s something I haven't felt in a long time.”
“Well did ya tell her that?”  Niall asked with a smile.
“No. No of course not. I don’t want to scare her away.”
“Well does she seem ta feel the same way.”
“I don’t know....I can’t even tell if she thinks the date was a date or just like a friends thing...”
“Oi you better clear that one up then Harry.” Louis said with a pat on his back. 
Your pov:
You were laying in bed when your phone buzzed. You picked it up with a smile as Harry’s name popped up. *Care for a visitor this afternoon?* Harry had been hanging around a lot more lately and you had to say you were enjoying it. Though you were a little confused. After almost 3 years of being friends, he never seemed to want to hang out all this much but the two of you had hit it off the other night at dinner. You quickly answered his message sending *of course, come over anytime*  before jumping out of bed and cleaning up. Harry was one of your best friends, so you didn’t really care how clean the apartment was, but you did want to look somewhat presentable since Harry always looked amazing. You settled with a casual outfit and pulled your hair back into a pony tail. Harry has said that he was only 10 minutes out so you wandered downstairs to wait. 
After only 5 minutes of waiting Harry was knocking at the door. He smiled and held out a small bouquet of flowers with a grin. “I never come empty handed.”
“Wow these are amazing, thanks H.” you smiled and took them from his hands, leading him inside to grab a vase. “You had a meeting with the guys today right? How was that?”
“It was good, uh we got some stuff taken care of and ideas were thrown out. I’m not sure what we are going to end up doing but it should be exciting.”
“I’m sure the fans will love anything you put out there.”
“Yeah, they seem to be very supportive.” Harry laughed and smiled at you. “Uh there was something I wanted to talk to you about...”
“Oh yeah?” you looked up surprised. “What’s that.”
“Well....there’s this girl....and I uh...I kind of like her a lot...” 
You couldn’t help it. Your heart dropped a little. You never expected Harry to like you but for years you had hoped by some miracle that things would work out between the two of you. Hearing Harry talk about another girl and how he had feelings, hurt almost as bad as when he said he was dating Taylor Swift... “That’s exciting...” you tried smiling but weren't exactly the happiest.
“Yeah, she's amazing. I mean she's absolutely beautiful. She’s funny, and she thinks I’m funny...”
“You are funny.” You grinned nudging his shoulder.
“She uh, she’s smart, and loyal, and dedicated, and works hard...”
“Wow quite the stunner then is she?” Ugh, do I have to listen to him go on and on about this girl.
“Yeah...she also uh always wears mismatched socks....”
“Hmm...what a weirdo.”
“And uh she doesn’t like tea....” 
Wait a second- you looked over confused. “That’s crazy...I wear mismatched socks and don't like tea either.”
Harry just grinned and nodded. “Yeah...because the girl I’m talking about is you.”
“Wait what?”
“I really like you, actually I really think I’m falling in love with you...”
You opened your mouth to talk but nothing came out. You just stared at him confused. There was no way he liked you. There was no way he found those things about you attractive.. “What?”
Harry blushed and shook his head. “I’m in love with you...I have been for a while...I just didn't know what to say..”
“You're in love with me?”
“Yes.” Harry laughed softly.
“Yeah...is it that hard to believe?” Harry looked nervous and you didn’t want that to happen.
“I mean yeah kinda....I thought we were just friends.”
“Oh.” Harry put his head down disappointed and you shook your head.
“No. No. I didn’t mean it like that. I just meant that I thought you only wanted to be friends...” You laughed and smiled bigger. “I mean I’ve kinda been in love with you for a while.... I just never expected this to actually happen.”
Harry laughed and nodded. “I know the feeling. I never expected to fall for someone who doesn't like tea.”
You moved in closer to him, pressing your lips to his. Butterflies flew all over your stomach, leaving goosebumps up and down your body. “Tea is overrated..”
Harry kissed you back and laughed against your lips. “I’ll change your mind.”
Just a short blurb for a request I got.
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Commission - Harry Hook x reader -Forget me not
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commission from @musicarose​
For the Oneshot is the Reader the sister of Mal and the girlfriend of Harry Hook. Reader doesn't want to go to Auradon because of Harry. Mal enchants her sister so that she forgets Harry and comes to Auradon. Later Mal and the others don´t tell her the truth about Harry either. Harry and Reader meets again and he's pretty angry with her When Harry realizes that she can't remember him, he tries to release the curse.
“and you assume I want to go why?” you muttered, brushing your lilac hair back, scowling at your sister and mother.
“(y/n), dear, my little devil” your mother ‘cooed’, reaching out and tracing her finger down your cheek “this is a huge opportunity! Why, in only a day's time, you could be ruling the world alongside me and your sister~!” you rolled your eyes, standing from your seat and pushing past your mother.
“yeah not my thing, ill just stay here while malsy goes to do your dirty work~” you cheered in a falsetto, stepping behind your sister and patting her shoulders.
Your mother's face settled into a scowl “this is because of that pirate boy, isn’t it? Now (y/n) you have no room for love in your life” her eyes glowed green, trying to intimidate you.
But, unlike mal, you weren’t afraid of your mother. You sighed, turning and walking out of the castle.
“(y/n)~” your mother cooed, you paused, you didn’t like the tone in her voice “if you don’t go~ I’ll have the goons take care of harry~”
Your heart froze, images of harry being drowned, hurt, killed by your mother's goons set a fire off in your eyes.
You snarled, turning back around and letting your magic flow, your eyes glowing (e/c) “don’t you fucking dare”
Your mother smirked, and you were reminded of who your mother was, the mistress of all evil, the woman-no FAE who was willing to kill your love just to get you to cooperate.
“then you will go to auradon, nick that wand and free me, is that understood?” she cooed in a ‘sweet’ voice, one that made you want to punch her.
“ugg” you groaned “yes, fine”
“I win~” she cheered, walking back inside the castle, you shook your head, racing off towards the docks.
Mal glared at your disappearing form “now Mal~” she turned, seeing her mother holding her spellbook “I have another task for you” maleficent opened the book, showing Mal a certain page.
The Enchantment of Forgetfulness
“Harry im sorry” you pleaded, gripping onto his jacket sleeve “shes forcing me, she said she would kill you if I didn’t go, im doing this for us!” Harry huffed, falling back into a chair, rubbing his face.
“I understand lass” he muttered, peaking up at you “I just don’ wan’ ye the go” you sniffed, kneeling down in front of him.
“I don’t want to either, id rather stay here with you, or for you to come with me, but the invitation said only me, my sister, Evie, Jay, and Carlos.” Harry sighed, leaning forward to kiss your forehead.
“then promise ta come back fer me love” you smiled, leaning up to capture Harry's lips.
You pulled away, grabbing Harry's hands and gripping onto them tightly “I promise”
You gave a sad smile to Harry as you opened the door to the limo, mouthing ‘ill be back’ he gave a sad nod, waving you goodbye, Uma by his side, smirking at you and giving you a salute.
You slid into the limo, leaning back against the plush seats. Minutes later, your sister and her friends started screaming, Jay pulling you close and ducking you into Carlos’ side.
“hey!” Mal snapped, tapping the remote on the seat, grabbing the driver's attention “did-did this little button open the barrier?”
“no” he droned “that opens my garage, this-” he held up a golden remote, a single button in the middle- “opens the magic barrier and this~.” He pressed a button above him, closing the black sliding barrier, blocking him from our site.
“huh,” Mal smirked, tapping her remote on her palm “nasty I like that guy~” you rolled your eyes, turning your head slightly, looking at the slowly disappearing docks.
“Hey (y/n), mom said to do one more thing” you hummed, not taking your eyes off hooks ship.
Thoughts, beliefs, ideas, truths, images
You froze, you knew those words, after being bored and flipping through your mother's book “Mal wha-“ you couldn’t move, jay looking sad and guilty, Carlos leaning forward and hugging your waist, Evie was pale, reaching out to Mal, seemingly try to stop her.
All of these you hold onto tightly
What I now mention, you will release.
Harry Hook
The world went black, as Harry's face disappeared from your memories, his voice, his laughter, his smile.
Your promise.
You ducked behind a pillar with jane, watching Audrey with your mother’s scepter spread a pink smoke around. A sleeping spell, you looked to jane, nodding at the lake, she smiled, sneaking into the water and wading out to a deeper part of the lake.
You cast a shield around you, kneeling behind the pillar, keeping out of Audrey and Chad's sight. As the smoke passed over you watched as Audrey disappeared, the green/pink glow of the scepter taunting you.
You were going to kill mal for the bullshit she put you in.
You sighed in relief as Jane popped up, you speed-walked over to help her out of the lake, squinting as when the water touched your skin it felt…weird…like it was trying to wash off an enchantment.
But that was impossible, as you had no enchantments placed on you? You shook it off, casting a quick dry spell on jane, jogging up to catch her as she walked away from the lake, talking to ben on her phone.
“no ben stay were you are! Audrey has the scepter and put everyone to sleep! Im going to find mom!” she hung up, nodding to you and leading you into the forest.
Sooner or later, you ran into jay and Carlos, two other boys, and…a huge hairy…beast?
You sighed, cracking your neck and letting magic build up in your palms, sending a lilac energy blast at the beast, it screeched turning to you.
You knew those eyes “ben” you muttered, dodging as he leaped toward you, creating a shield and surrounding him, yelling to jane-
“dose him!”
She nodded, spraying him with a water gun she had filled his enchanted lake water, ben shrunk, the fur disappearing…mostly.
You smirked, lowering the shield, snorting and Jay walked up and helped Ben over to a log.
“(y/n)?” a new voice muttered, it was thick Scottish, a male obviously, and it seemed like he knew you? You turned, seeing a….really handsome dude holy shit?
You tilted your head, looking at him up and down “do I know you?”
He had a look of betrayal “yeh….wha’ it's me! Harry, don’t act like yeh don’t know meh!” what started as a broken voice delved into anger, his face flushing red and hurt in his eyes.
“We spent years together, and then you go to the classy princely stuck upland of bore-adon, and yeh decide to just forget all about me! Yeh PROMISED!” He screamed, tears lining his eyes.
The blond boy, Gil gastons son, pulled the dark-haired boy back, looking down at the ground in sadness “i-im sorry” you stuttered, holding up your hands, backing away slightly “I don’t know who you are, really!”
“she really doesn’t dude” Carlos spoke up, a sad look on his face, Harry glared at him, confused.
“what do yeh mean pup” he growled, trying to wrestle out of Gil’s grip.
“as soon as we exited the barrier, Mal used a memory spell on her….to make her forget you, Maleficent ordered her to”
Harry dropped to his knees, a tear trailing down his face “wha-“ his voice cracked, looking over to you, who was rubbing your hand where the enchanted lake water had hit you earlier.
“Mal” Harrys voice set in a  growl “Mal did this, Mal-Im going teh kill ‘er” you blinked, you had never met him, or so you thought, but he seemed to have a deep…care? For you.
“well,” Jay spoke up “that will have to be after all this mess Mal, Uma, and Evie are waiting for us at the castle, we need to get there fast”
Ben nodded, looking between you and harry, he could see in Harry's eyes, that he cared deeply about you, maybe even loved.
You glanced at harry as you passed by him, you could feel a soft stinging in your heart…something inside was telling you to just jump into his arms and kiss him senseless.
But what would be weird, so you didn’t?
You sighed, Audrey was defeated, and your sister had finally admitted to the memory enchantment she had placed upon you when you originally left the isle.
Harry sat on the other side of the hallway you were in, playing with the silver hook he always held.
“so” you started, harry sitting up straight and eagerly looking to you “mal placed a memory spell on me, in which she removed all my memories og you, which apparently we were together and I promised to return to the isle for you…im sorry” you finished, Harry shook his head.
“no no no lassie” he stood, crossing the floor and kneeling in front of you “its not yer fault, mal idd this ta you, you ‘ave nothing to be sorry fer” you smiled, reaching out and cupping his cheek
“you're so sweet…how did I ever let mal make me forget you” you mumbled, giggling as Harry kissed your palm.
“lass?” Harry asked, looking up at you through his lashes, his ocean blue eyes sparkling.
You tilted your head, nodding “yeah?”
“can” harry stuttered, swallowing harshly “can I kiss yeh? I wanna try somethin’” you bit your lip, millions of possibilities going through your mind.
“yes” you whispered, gasping as Harry leaned upward and passionately pressed his lips to yours.
A pressure released a flurry of pictures, voices, feelings, came rushing back.
Harry…your Harry! You let out a loose sob, Harry pulling back, looking alarmed “shit lass” he panicked, scrambling back, but before he could get too far you leaped at him, tackling him to the floor.
“(Y/n)?” he asked confused, wrapping his arms around you.
“Harry” you sobbed “my hooky!” Harry let out a loud burst of laughter
“yeh remember!” he sat up, sliding you into his lap and buried his face into your neck “yeh remember!!”
“I love you harry!” you pressed multiple kisses to his cheek, giggling as he kissed your neck.
“and I love you (y/n), so much”
---the end~--
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aggresivelyfriendly · 4 years
Day Twelve
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Hi darlings, I hope you are all well! Stay safe and LOUD! If you need a little break, here is something to read! Love to you all, and my boo @dirtystyles for being my friend and beta!
Reblogs are love!
Day 12: The One With The Request
"Babe?" Harry called from the door.
Elise barely heard him from the inside of the shower cubicle. Her shower cubicle.
"Sorry, love!" He cooed when he opened the door and she jumped. His voice did little to calm her racing heart. "I didn't mean to scare you."
She turned her head to look at him, keeping her naughty bits pointed at the shower head instead of in his line of sight. "It's alright. Now I don't have to workout today thanks to this adrenaline rush."
"You were gonna work out with me today?" He was pouting.
"Well, no." She laughed despite feeling slightly uncomfortable, him fully clothed and her naked as the day in the shower. "But it sounds better than I knew I was gonna be lazy, doncha think?"
He smiled for her. "I thought I'd missed an opportunity. Any way I can convince you?" He settled his thumb into the waist band of his sweatpants and his large hand covered most of his bulge. Harry was a morning person. He liked getting up early, well early for quarantine. And he -liked- mornings, the last two days had taught her.  While she'd always thought of sex as a night time activity, at least for normal people not sneaking around, she was learning the different flavors to pleasure, the soft glow of morning, playful delights of afternoons, and intense connection of late nights. Of all these, Harry seemed most interested in slow rolling morning fucks.
She'd snuck away this dawn to shower by herself before he roused. He had effectively wiped her nerves, well any and all negative things, from her mind last night after their Friends marathon. All of the thoughts that had invaded after his comments about finishing all ten seasons in three days got to her. Elise was glad he really only turned to look at her face when he asked if she was hungry, before making them sandwiches, on the remaining bread, and smoothies. Afterwards, she'd laid on his chest and he wasn't able to see that her mind was not on the televised shenanigans, but that they had an expiration date. Once the show was over, they were too.
They had always had an expiration date she supposed, from that sneeze, but things had changed for her. Elise had been developing more than a crush on him since the minute they crossed his threshold. She knew it was more when he'd joked about shaving his head, the curls, just to see the online response and her brain had commented, hot. Harry without his curls still totally appealed to her. She was sunk. And then, they'd cuddled, and flirted. And that was before they got to the kissing and the cavorting.
Did cavorting cover what they had been doing? He'd had her on multiple flat surfaces by this point, and the stairs had been too long to make it up them the night before. Her neck was not thanking her. And his bed. The hours they'd whiled away in bed. All the eye contact and sweet nothings meant something to her.
She'd woken up hazy and high. The love he'd made, and she had no other way to describe it, to her last night was different than the slow and precise focus on her pleasure the day before, the bread making shenanigans and the couch fumble and stair fuck.
He'd been patient like the morning one, and silly like in the kitchen, and insatiable like on the sofa, but he'd been all of them simultaneously and worshipful too.
Elise was smiling when she woke up. Their heads were on the same pillow, his bigger body wrapped around her and creating a buffer from everything outside. All the nothing outside. Even emptier after this. He had shut off her worries last night, but doubled her fear of loss doing it.
Elise now had something to lose.
Once she'd truly woken up, she needed some distance. Either she was gonna have to detach and take this for what it was, a 14 day  fever dream, with the last three being particularly fanfic worthy. Or she was going to have to have a conversation with Harry about what came next.
Elise was not sure which was more terrifying. She supposed she had opportunity for the talk now, though she was not sure she could feel more vulnerable.
"Right." Harry suddenly said and shucked his shorts off like a husk of corn.
"What are you doing?" She noted his dick was flaccid. Which made her feel sad and relieved. A brain scrambling or the intimacy his hard cock led to was more than she could cope with while she found her words.
"Well I was going to get in the shower with you. If that's ok?" God, why did he always ask!? It put the ball in her court, and she was horrible at sports, and it made him more wonderful every time.
"Um, I'm kind of sore." She was. If she was honest.
He palmed himself, he'd chubbed up a little by now. "Honestly, I'm assuming from the color of your skin, I'm gonna have some shrinkage from the scalding—"
"You could use it." She grinned.
"You want my dick to be smaller?" God, his damn face.
She shrugged. "Might help with the soreness."
"But not the orgasms." He pointed like a gun.
"I'm confident you would find a way to use it well."
"Ah! I'll take the implied compliment!" He squared his shoulders and bloomed, his dimples filling up with negative space and his jaw getting more geometric. "Now, can I come in?"
"Yeah, why are you standing in the cold, dork?" She couldn't resist him. Did she really want to? Out of fear?
"Dork! Alright, onto the name calling portion of the morning!" He curled up to her back. "Don't hold back, tell me how you feel."
She laughed and stood with the showers spray on her front and Harry's solid warmth on her back.
"Really," he said a moment later, in the vicinity of her neck. "Tell me how you feel."
"You get shy in the morning." He kissed her ear. "Talk to me. It's important."
"I'm nervous." She would have jostled her shoulders up and down, but his weight was on them.
"I can tell. Am I that intimidating?"
"No, not anymore." She revolved in his arms and wrapped hers around his middle. The bread pudge offering a handle.
"Don't be nervous. Just relax and tell me what you're thinking." He tilted her chin up to look at him. "When you can."
She came up on her tippy toes and kissed him then. It led to a lovely make up session that proved how water did not cause permanent shrinkage. She raised her eyebrows at the presence between them. Elise was way more open by now, but Harry just said, "it'll go down." And kept kissing her until the water went cold, a pruny feat with such a large water heater. She hadn't talked though. She was working up to it.
"C'mon. Let's go downstairs. I want to cook you breakfast."
"You want to cook ME breakfast?" He said and google eyed at her. "Should I be scared?"
"Terrified!" She laughed and set about making French toast with the shop bought bread they had abandoned for his homemade loaf.
She still was scared, but he made her forget. He always made her forget her fears. She was gonna have to find some time alone to come up with what she was gonna say, how she felt exactly, so she could tell him. That was way scarier than anything else, but she was gonna pull up her big girl panties, cover them in the security of real clothes and then talk. No matter how scary, she had to do some emotional lifting here too. And despite her misgivings, she knew she was safe.
Even if she didn't get the answer she wanted, that this was her new address, and Harry was crazy about her, and they were getting married as soon as she could meet Anne.
Ok, well, that was a little crazy and not what she wanted either.
The relationship, or dating, and maybe meeting Anne someday in the nearish future did sound pretty amazing though. Getting to be with Harry sounded like a life she didn't know she wanted. Couldn't dream up.
But, if he said, "I like you, but we should take this as what it was, the beginning of a beautiful friendship with some delightful fringe benefits," and then eyed her up and loved her goodbye, she would be ok. And she would have been honest with somebody and they hadn't turned her away or ignored her. In fact, this time would be healing. She'd shown all her Dorian Gray style invisible scars and been accepted. Elise would have gained something, a chance at the future. Acceptance, the opportunity to forgive herself.
Just not everything she wanted. But who got everything they wanted? And once you got it, was it a dream or a curse?
Maybe she got to have it right now because this was ephemeral. A half life of some sort where time and decisions didn't stick.
In any case, whatever he said, the point was naming what she wanted and then being open and honest about it despite the outcome. She needed to do that.
Her decision was made once she had clothes on, and through the French toast she whipped the hell out of to get the fluffy edges she liked. Through his smile and extra extra moans of enthusiasm. Their couch make out session and his tongue between her legs, "it'll help the soreness."
It didn't, not necessarily, but it didn't hurt, and it distracted her from the high wire act she was performing. Her need to tell him, and supreme reluctance to at the same time.
All she could compare it to was being in Costa Rica three years ago and standing on the edge of the waterfall. She was the last one to jump. Well, her mother had  entirely sat that day out. Derided them for even wanting to go. Her sister had made a show, but she'd been a swimmer and liked everybody looking at her on the ledge of the rock in her bikini. Her dad faced down guns, this wasn't scary to him. They'd both gone before her.
It was scary to her. It was exhilarating too. What was beneath the water? Would she come out clean? A different person? Braver?
She'd desperately wanted to blithely hop off with a pirouette, a flounce or show on her way to absolution. She hadn't. Of course, but she done it, held her nose and closed her eyes as she jumped. But she got to feel the rush of the air around her and the chill of the water's embrace. Clean.
Her heart pounded in that familiar rhythm while she lay on Harry's couch with him and through the take out.
"Harry?" She asked. Elise had found all of her courage bundled up, thrown it in a kerchief over her shoulder to prepare for this talk. It was time.
He didn't respond. And she wasn't sure she could do the talking looking at him. She stretched up from her chest pillows and planted her face above his birds. "Harry?" She was closer to his neck now. Hopefully he would hear her.
Then she heard him let out a piggie snort.
Oh, he was napping. She should have known, he hadn't moved his hands down over her ass or made a comment about anything, or suggested they do something like make a huge obstacle course or try the Murph challenge in at least 5 minutes. A still Harry was a sleeping Harry.
Well, she supposed that meant the talk was out. Elise retreated to her room to read.
To worry and freak out, and lose her nerve. Who knew she was so good at multitasking? She chuckled at herself as she read her 6th chapter.
"Hey babe." She looked up from where she was sat in the window to see his post nap face, lined from the unsatisfactory pillows on the couch and swollen. His eyes ringed with fluid like an alien baby. "Where'd you go?"
He walked all the way in and sat on the bed, her bed.
"You predictably fell asleep, so I came to read so I wouldn't disturb you." She closed her book, but kept her body away from him.
"You don't disturb me." He casually threw out. He stretched, she watched, of course, and caught sight of the lush planes of his hips. "Why're you in here?" He said after a little shiver.
"Um, well, ya see, my things are in here and it's my room." Elise tried for blithe and bonny.
"Hmmm, we should move your stuff into the master. It's more comfortable—"
"Than the couch?"
"Well, obviously." He rolled his eyes and reached for her hand. She was mirroring his postion without deciding to turn to him. "It would be easier if you just had your things in with me. You'll be sleeping in there anyways."
"Will I?"
He made a weird face at her. "Not if you don't want to, but I really wish you would." He turned her hand over and traced her palm. "We don't have to have sex, if you don't want to. But, I'd like you close." Then he looked back up at her with the full power of his green tractor beam eyes and slow blinked in his hypnotic way.
Wait, why wouldn't she want to have sex. "Why wouldn't I want you?" She let slip.
He grinned shyly. "If you want me, all you have to do is ask."
"And if I'm not brave enough?" She was not brave enough for the rest of this conversation today.
"I think you are brave enough, you just have to let yourself be, but if you aren't," he stood up and pulled her gently to him, "then just kiss me, like this—"
His illustration was thorough, and varied and moved down her neck and under her top.
They hadn't done it on this bed before.
"I've never had sex in here." He commented when he was pulling down her shorts and withdrawing a condom from his pocket as he pushed his down.
"That's convenient." She pointed at the skin in his fingers. She was gonna ignore the other comment.
"Seems like it was good planning on my part." He shrugged.
"You planned this?" She was being brave, and climbing up to straddle him. He was heavy and full in her hand.
"Hoped." He put his hand to her mouth and she wet his fingers like he liked. He spread the saliva over the head of his cock and then dipsticked her, petting her clit until she writhed. "You ready?"
"I don't know, you tell me." She placed him at her entrance, and slid down until the pressure prevented her. She wasn't sure she'd ever be totally ready for him right off the bat. His hands caught her hips and helped her inch off and in until she was resting on his laurels. Her head fell back.
"Yeah, you're ready." He smiled. His hands stayed on her hips, occasionally plucking at her nipples or caressing her back and ass while she set the pace. Rocking up and down on him like a boat making its way to the harbor. The waves got rougher and Elise leaned forward to go with them. His hands offering more help as she surfed her way to shore.  She leaned back when her destination was within reach and his thumb found a rhythm over her wet crux that helped her go the last bit of the distance.
"Harry!" She cried and lost her rhythm, was pulled under the waves and brought to the horizon. He rolled them over and lifted her leg up over his shoulder to maneuver her to his own end. His weather was rougher and had she not already come it might have been too much. As it was, she gripped his shoulder and went with him, shaking and pulsing while he stilled and filled her.
"Oh Elise." He said into her hair. He pulled back and gave her a hazy look. The soft smile that played on his lips was one she'd never seen before. He looked like a warm bun. He kissed her mouth once more and buried his face in her neck. Elise knew his propensity for falling asleep, had seen it in action. She did not want to become glued to him, well, not really. She'd thought about entwining their fingers like when she twisted up paper clips as a child, so they'd never come apart, but that had been a fantasy. You didn't want to be that close to anyone all the time she reckoned. Even if you loved them.
Holy shit! HOLY SHIT!  Did she just think she loved Harry. Did she love Harry? Could you love someone so quickly? Her hand was in his hair still. It had stopped moving and she was afraid she might have jerked at it. Woken him. He seemed content though, heavy and sleepy. She ran her fingers through his downy curls, for the pleasure of it, like pressing on a bruise, she redoubled her masHer lips drifted down to kiss the top of his head. Elise was about to wiggle away from him to freak out. She needed to freak out. Fuck! Three days?!? She had three days to get over it. And now the conversation she had been psyching herself up for was much scarier.
Harry's breathing wasn't even and deep, and she was starting to worry about the condom full of spunk inside her. Just as she was about to make her move he startled her. "Arghhhh!" Was what came up when he lifted his head and his body away, wilting away from her.
"Jesus! You scared me!" He gave a nervous chuckle.
"I scared you! You woke from the dead on top of me and I scared you?" She joined in his laughter.
"The dead? I wasn't even asleep! I was listening to your heart rate." He bussed her lips and pulled off the condom, tied it. "It got all crazy. And they aren't serious when they call it a little death. It's more like a little life right? I mean it's the engine of life and such, is sex."
He was on a ramble. "I'm too fucked out for you to be this philosophical." Elise sighed.
"Well, you know what I mean?" He looked at her.
"Nobody ever knows what you mean!" She laughed, but she actualll did get him here. Why a little death when it was the act that made life? Made you feel most alive.
"Anyways," he rolled his eyes. "Your heart got all crazy, so I figured we needed to get moving, or you needed to poo or something."
Her face conveyed her disgust. "Harry!"
He laughed at her response. "Go to the bathroom, then I have a very serious choice for you! Scrabble, or the hot tub."
"I'm not playing Scrabble with you! I know you're a ringer."
"Naked hot tub it is!" He celebrated.
Elise thought of her nethers and reconsidered. "Tell me more about Scrabble."
She shouldn't have even bothered giving herself a choice.  Elise wound up in the same place. She wasn't sure she would be able to walk tomorrow; she winced when he pulled out, but stayed atop her caging her body in.
"Let the record show, I won!" Harry smiled down at her, a bead of sweat rolling down his nose.
"I won at Scrabble." She was offended!
"Yeah, maybe." He put his nose into her neck and took a big inhale. "But I won at life."
She felt like a winner too.
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acefrogmonarch · 5 years
HC pt. 2
Some of these might have been on the other HC but if it is, don't worry there's is a lot of new ones.
Take this as canon to my story. Season 3 in MLB. It didn't happen but I'll acknowledge some things and change a lot. Like a lot.
Them as vines!
The only time Tim has used bruces money was to buy a hoverboard to go around the house saying whatever they had for lunch or dinner. In the simplest form of that meal.
"We are having Chestnut bisque for dinner." Tim is the first one to know and he gets to his hoverboard and gets a ladle. "We got Soup!" His hand has a motion of scoping up some soup as he rides.
Damian recording as Todd drives, singing, and blasting white girl music.
Dick was going to surprise Damian by taking him out of school for the day, his phone was already in his hand because he didn’t tell him before. He spotted Damian, just in time to see him throw Jon against the lockers.
Tim has a set of keywords that activate the law and order sound. Any speaker around him is put up in the highest setting and blast it through the air.
Ace doesn’t let Tim touch anything Damian has. For one week Tim hasn’t touched the bat computer. He’ll never forgive Ace.
Ace accidentally biting bruce’s dick. It was the first dinner with Marinette and they all wanted to make a good impression. They were all eating dinner and Bruce, mid-bite just makes a noise.
Marinette looks over and he’s looking at Damian, who was also mid-bite. "Dog.” It’s all he says, its chaos after that.
The boys scramble to look under the table. After they do, they can’t stop laughing and Marinette doesn’t move from her spot.
Okay, I want to clear this up for my self, Marinette found out that Damian was robin on accident.
Marinette and Damian didn't interact at all but he has been seen outside of school waiting for somebody. Lila had this 'grand idea' to set them up together. Alya, the 'master' setup. Dragged a delirious Marinette to Chloe's hotel.
"Come on Mari, it's a sleepover!" Marinette couldn't handle this. Just before she had texted Adrien that she was going to Chloe's place for a "sleepover". But Mari didn't believe it. It was 2300 and her 'bedtime' they knew not to bother her. She already took her medicine and it was kicking in.
Alya opened the door and shoved Marinette in, stumbling back, she fell on her butt. Looking around she saw the bathroom light on, but immediately noticed how small it was to Chloe's usual room.
Stumbling to look at her she couldn't help but drag to the bathroom. Opening the sewing kit in there and sticking a needle in her inner thigh. She woke up and carried it around.
"What did you do this time Lila." Groaning as she got up, she limped out to the foyer in time to hear someone open the window.
Turning around She found Robin, mask in hand to be Damian. Damian, on the other hand, didn't understand how this could happen. He was supposed to be alone in his hotel room. Why was Marinette here? It doesn't matter gotta 'fix' this.
At first, Damian attacked her to keep her silent but once she attacked back, they were at a stalemate.
They kept up with each other for hours.
Marinette slipped into the night, leaving him as people knocked on his door. For months, they didn't speak, nor did they meet up as their alter-egos.
Mari actively went out of her way to ignore him. She was furious at him and Damian couldn't care less about her feelings, only mad that he couldn't threaten her to keep his identity secret.
It wasn't until Nightwing talked to Mari. It wasn't until Chat Noir went to fetch him for a bad fight with an Akuma. It wasn't until Ladybug had revealed to be Marinette.
"you know, with someone having a superpower of 'Luck'. You sure make a mess of yourself."
"Whatever. You know my secret and I know yours. Do what you will with it."
They get closer once everything was resolved. Damian got better at handling people, Mari went tougher on people. Slowly falling in love, over the years.
But that's a story for another time.
Before reveal maybe year 2 to 3 italics are in English or another language if it isn’t in English, I’ll clarify
How Chat Noir and Selena first met. “Did you steal my look?” Chat grabs his tail looking her over and he dramatically throws his tail in disgust. “No kitty cat, you stole mine.”
Selena doesn’t realize that she’s been on Marinette’s roof for months. But she does notice how the same ravenette helps kids and kittens in need and sneak some snacks if they look often enough. She’s okay in her book.
The first time Marinette and Selena meet, she was on her balcony caring for her plants. Spray bottle of water on her hand, she hears a heavy ‘thump’ on her roof. Calling out Marinette points her bottle as a gun, just in case. “Chat?”
Selena pokes her head through and sees this small little girl look at her. “This was supposed to be an easy job” Confused, Marinette tilts her head slightly. “What was easy?” Marinette barely began studying English, now she’s thankful that she’s taken the subject seriously.
Marinette was about to be mugged the second time they interact. Chat Noir had been on patrol while Catwoman was on her way to another job. “Hey, there little lady.”
That stopped Catwoman in her tracks. Looking over in the opening of the alley, low and behold, there’s Marinette. Clutching her purse for dear life. Perched on the building behind the mugger is Chat Noir.
They both jump at the same time, noticing each other as they nod in understanding. Before they reach the ground, Marinette already has the mugger on the floor, groaning in pain.
Yearly road trip!
At first, it was the fair or occasional Carnival just outside of town but once the boys grew in numbers and added their interest, they started to fight who’s turn it was yearly.
When Damian joined, it was Tim’s turn and like the year before they got ready to go to another cluster of conventions in L.A. for weeks
Jason would suggest Disney world but always go to Universal Studio for Harry Potter.
Dick goes to stupid places that are weird, like the “Worlds Biggest Yarnball!” Other than that he takes pictures of food in his mouth and post it on Instagram. One moment he’s in New York City with a rainbow Bagel. The next he’s in Canada eating Timbits.
Yes, that’s an actual food item in Canada. They look like doughnut holes but better.
Go soccer baseball! (It's kickball to you, Americans.)
Anyway back to HC.
Babs doesn’t go half the time, but she always down when it’s her turn and she goes all out. Babs mostly goes for the tech conventions but once Dick, Tim, and Steph saw drone racing in Dubai.
They always went to Dubai after that. Damian thinks the drones are mini helicopters and get fascinated by them. He’ll never admit it.
They bribe Lucas to make a custom Duck boat if Lucas gets to go one time. “Y’all are white rich kids, but take me some time.”
Babs decked it out with Video games on the bilge (lower layer of the boat) while where the girls stay on top of the fantail.
They take the road trip very seriously. And literally. They drive. Everywhere.
In the open water, Babs keeps a bucket of chum to throw in the water to attract sharks. The first time it happens dick and Jason ‘freak out’ and reenact Jaws. Tim gets annoyed very quickly, he just wants to play video games. Bruce always stayed in at the wheel.
He can't choose between the boys and girls so he stays there. Once Marinette joined she switches constantly but once she's tired, she stays with bruce to nap.
Steph would go to places outside of the US for Instagram worthy food. Like Dragons Beard in China and Jiggly Cheesecake in Japan.
Cass likes to visit quiet places. Like the renovated Opera house turned Library. No one argues as much on her trip, and they enjoy the peace and scenery. Templo Expiatorio del Santisimo Sacramento, Mexico has been on her list but she always spots something else.
Marinette wants to go to Milan, Italy for Fashion week but she doesn’t plan the trip, the rest of the batfam does. They get her to spill where she would go if she ever got the chance.
They also don't tell her until they show up at the Bakery doorsteps. Honking in a custom Duck Boat, there's Dick Grayson, hanging out of the side yelling “Get in loser we’re going shopping.”
"I won't even attempt to try this much effort with anyone else, just marry me instead, Mari. Don't let me indulge to stand another second of insufferable humans." This is how Damian proposes.
Damian having a mild innocence.
Like not knowing what tampons or pads are used for, and asking Bruce about it. Bruce panics for a solid minute before answering. "I'll tell you later." He doesn't.
Jason and dick don't think it's true so they tease him. Dick tried to be subtle by saying Steph was on 'her time of the month.' Jason bulldozed through saying she was stocking up on tampons.
"What are tampons used for." They tell him it's to cover women's vagina. He'll never admit to them that he thought they were to cover battle wounds.
Damian is very weirded when he finds out that Dick or his father having sex with a stranger.
 "You're not supposed to do that." Is his immediate thought.
"Dick, stop having sex with her if you don't plan on marrying her!"
Damian promptly leaves the room. "Where are you going little D?”
Stomping away, "To plan a wedding." He slams the door.
The first time Marinette tries to cuddle Damian, he freaks out.
"Woah, Angel, wait till marriage." Marinette just looks at him confused.
"What do you mean???? This is perfectly fine before marriage."
"Not in my culture!"
Jason and Dick weren't afraid of Marinette before. But ever since 'the Kitchen™" incident' they haven't walked in when she visits.
The Kitchen™ incident as followed.
Sleep-deprived Mari! & Tim! Mari still had ingredients out, she was making coffee cake for them since Tim asked for some "fre sh a voca do" for their desert.
M: Could you put the Ingredients away?
T: What dog? When did we get the dogs in here?
M: What?
T: Did you not say dog?
M: I thought you said you wanted to eat a dick.
T: What?! Mari I don't eat ass.
They were surrounding the island, both were crouched
M: You're not getting my milk.
Tim was moving his arms around and flipped over the island and grabbed the milk, he ran out with Mari following him.
M: No my MALK!!
Damian walked in much later to see where Mari was.
T: Do you know the muffin man?
D: The Muffin Man?
T: The Muffin man
Mari left to find Dami and heard that as she was coming in.
M: Shes married the muffin man.
Damian promptly forgot why he wanted to find her in the first place and leaves. Just silently going "wtf"
They would laugh so much they laid down on the floor, once the timer beeped, Marinette stumbled her way to the oven, accidentally stepping on Tim as well.
Why do they do that?! Both dick and Jason didn't wanna witness any more of this weirdness.
Every time, anybody in the bat fam is hurt, there is a speaker nearby with the CoD 1 zombie 'Game over' soundtrack. Ready to play. It's why common crooks stop hurting them because they can't escape the sound.
Tim did it on accident because he was sleep-deprived but he just kept the algorithm.
His usual response when attacks don't hurt him is. "Mothertrucker dude, that hurt like a buttcheek on a stick"
Jason and Tim mess with Penguin, once penguin caught on that they were only attacking at dusk. He started calling them Dusk Boys™.
"God damn dusk boys. Get off my lawn!"
Mariette witnesses it and coined the term, "Dusking it up." whenever someone was a little shit.
Damian got a kazoo one day, someone 'gave' it to him as they ran away. "It's a social experiment!" More like throwing it in his face. Once he got home he played it. Marinette was visiting for a while.
He showed her first and Tim was with her in the living room, eating cake. After he played it, they both went batshit crazy. Once they aren't sleep deprived, Damian 'serenades' Mari with the kazoo. It's during the next patrol and its right after they beat up another criminal.
She was very surprised and so was everybody else. 1 they are usually so profession about this and not announcing their presence or joking around. It's why she got so much done with him. 
2 She kind of enjoyed it???
Marinette finds herself in Dick.
Since everyone went to the pair to vent or find advice. Marinette sees them struggling and slows down with them. Taking things from scratch, be it subjects they struggle with or talking about people.
Dick can relate because not everyone is willing to talk to others besides Dick. They share tips on how to help. Mari gets ideas on how to talk to others about self-love and dick gets advice that he is doing all he can and more. 
Jason and Mari patrol together and spar together too often. Like when they both don’t want to hold back. Afterward, they get ice cream.
Mari never takes credit because she doesn't want to seem like a brat. But she also doesn't want to turn people down because she loves to help.
So she does her work, invites them in and hangs out with them and doesn't shut them out. She sets a group chat for people struggling in math and science. She also has a weekly get together for emotional support, "It doesn't matter what it is, just say it!" She invites Chloe one time and they have deep conversations about family issues and attitude issues.
Monthly shows.
Mari, Adrien, and Dick sing (ABBA) and dress up, they just call it a show. But once Mari does parkour and acrobatic moves they go on the tightrope.
She doesn't push dick and always uses the net, once dick explains why he didn't want to go in the first place. They take it slow. Explaining moves on the ground and different verbal signals to call out for a new movie or stop.
"I played you like the cheap Kazoo you are." Damian when he gets played by Mari in a game. It was Risk.
They are all instruments. Every single one of them. But their price is on a very wide range. It all depends on their mood.
Some are cooking supplies. "What a tool." No one in the mlb crew likes it.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
survey by ohsh1t2wksl8
Why might you get rid of an old family heirloom? I have the tendency to be a bad hoarder tbh, but I can imagine having no problem with throwing an heirloom out if I find out something particularly disgusting about the original owner, like if they were extremely racist when they were alive or were serial killers or something.
What is something that kids spend most of their time doing? Ooh, I haven’t been a kid nor have I hung out with kids in a while. I do know a lot of them like asking a series of questions, which I mostly find adorable. All my cousins did this with me when they were younger.
What is something that you might only do once a week? My family and I watch Sunday mass weekly. I’m not into it, but I don’t have a choice.
Why might a person wake up at 2:00 AM? Nightmares. I know this happens to me, at least.
What is something you might eat with a hamburger? I usually eat mine with French fries. But some restaurants serve burgers with onion rings, which is even better.
Name something that you haven’t done since high school gym class. Ran in an oval. That’s how we were made to warm up then, but in my college PEs we were never required to do so and stationary exercises usually sufficed.
How much would you tip a waiter or waitress for good service? Tipping isn’t required where I live and the whole calculating for the 20% bit is a completely foreign concept here. That said, I usually give a P20 tip as thanks in every restaurant I dine at; but if the service was exceptionally good, I’d give either a P50 or P100, depending on how much money I have left.
Who is your favorite character from the television sitcom, “Friends”? I think I’ve answered this recently but my answer will never change - it’s Chandler, for damn sure. Monica’s a really close second, and she was originally my first favorite until I realized Chandler is way too hilarious of a character that it would be almost an insult not to rank him 1st. The rest of my rankings go Rachel, Ross, Joey, then Phoebe.
What is something you can buy for only $1 or less? For P50, I can get myself a couple of ballpens.
Name a native Spanish-speaking country. Mexico.
What is a liquid in your kitchen that you hope no one ever drinks? Canola oil.
What is something that breaks down frequently? Me...hahahahahahahahahahaha but another answer would be the public trains that we have. Those have never been reliable and in pre-Covid days it was common to hear news of the LRT/MRT breaking down and passengers being forced to walk all the way to the next station. Of course, unsurprisingly, the government never really did anything about it, and with public transport being indefinitely halted due to Covid it’s now mostly a buried issue.
What is another name for “book”? The first guess that came to mind is publication, but now that I think about it it’s a bit of a broader term compared to book.
Name a famous wizard. I’m gonna go with the obvious because I’m not too familiar with this genre anyway: Harry Potter.
Name a piece of furniture that might be handmade. Tables! My grandpa hand-made our present living room table. :) It’s made out of wood but my mom spray-painted it black to fit more with the atmosphere she wanted for the house.
Whose name might you have tattooed on your body? I would have initials tattooed on me, but never names. That said...can’t really imagine anyone’s initials deserving a permanent spot on my skin. Maybe my kid’s/kids’, should I have my own in the future.
How long is an unbearable commute for you? I don’t commute. But as a driver, I will start getting pissed if I find myself on the road for 2 hours straight especially if my destination isn’t even too far away.
What is something that you always need to leave plugged in? The electric fan is turned on 24/7, unless I’m not in my room.
What is a sport that you’ve always wanted to play, but never got a chance to. Ooh, this is honestly hard to answer because back in high school we were given the chance to try out a bunch of sports - futsal, baseball, soccer, basketball, volleyball, badminton, table tennis, and even gymnastics and cheerleading. Name it and we were probably briefly taught it. And some sports I tried out on my own time, like beach volleyball and ultimate. Hmm...OH wait we never covered tennis!!! and I’ve always wanted to try that.
What is a fruit that you might eat in the morning? Hard pass.
What beverage do you most commonly drink with breakfast? I either have food accompanied with water, or just coffee with no food. I never have coffee if I’m having food for breakfast as I don’t like how that could affect the taste of my food.
Name a type of gun that doesn’t shoot bullets. Do water guns count? Haha.
Where is a place that you might not get cell phone reception? Underground parking lots. I’ve definitely gotten in trouble before for missing out on my mom’s texts and calls because I had been hanging out at a mall’s underground parking area.
Who might you send a selfie to? Angela, but I never really do that anymore. I used to, though, back when we still regularly sent each other Snapchats.
What is a plant that someone might grow themselves? My grandma keeps a lot of horsetail plants at my childhood home.
Name an item in or on your bed every night. I sleep beside my phone as I need the background noise from YouTube to lull me to sleep.
What type of vehicle would you not want to hit while driving? I’ve driven beside Porsches and Ferraris before, which has always made me quietly panic lmfao
What part of your body typically has an ache? I’m starting to get regular headaches after my shift. My shoulders and lower back also hurt more often now. Definitely time to invest in a comfy work chair.
Out of your work shift, how much time do you spend doing “actual work”? Hmm, not sure what actual work means butttttt on weekends, I’ll check in on work stuff for a total of maybe around 30 minutes just because I hate being far away from work for a long time haha.
Why might a person be running? They forgot something in their car and need the thing immediately.
Name an older actor who has been in lots of movies. Bette Davis.
Where is somewhere that you might need to use coins? Riding the jeepney. Or any public transport, really.
What material might be used in building a house? Concrete.
What is a metal that a coin might be made out of. No idea. I’ve long thrown my chemistry/physics lessons out of my head, lol.
Can you name a country that starts with the letter A? Azerbaijan.
What is something that comes out of clouds? Rain.
Name a food that would roll if you accidentally dropped it on the floor. Lumpia. And it is also a type of food I would have no problem picking back up regardless of where it lands. Lumpia is life hahaha.
What is something that comes in a glass bottle? Wine.
How long do your New Years resolutions typically last? I don’t make those, exactly because they never last with me.
What is something that you would hate to see floating around in your bathtub? I’d hate to be sitting in a tub filled with water that was already dirty before I could even settle in it.
About how many pages is the longest book you’ve ever read? I never finished either, but it’s either Les Miserables or Gone with the Wind.
Name something that Kentucky is famous for. Outside of KFC, which I’m pretty sure I heard somewhere that its first franchise actually opened in a different state, I have no idea.
Who would you call first after getting engaged to tell them the news? I can imagine it would be Angela.
Can you name a country with a lot of ice? I dunno. Finland maybe?
What color underwear might you wear for a special occasion? Black.
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drainflyclub · 4 years
High Score
By M. M. Sheridan
The blood always smelt the worst. Not the times that they shit themselves, or had sat in their own piss in fear. Not the sour burnt smell of spent ammunition. No, the blood smelt the worst, as it settled in between the grout on the tiles and sprayed onto the painted walls. That rust smell which left a taste in the back of your mouth, coated it in something that wouldn’t wash out with toothpaste or water or whisky. Frank swallowed a few times and the taste got worse. There was a lot of blood. 
A twenty minutes ago a young man, looking agitated, ran into his local elementary school and unloaded several clips worth of bullets into the bodies of the children there, and a few teachers too. And himself, he guessed. A few had been dragged out by responding officers and thrown in ambulances, some would probably not make it. Others walked out in shock, or wailing, or throwing up, running awkwardly toward their tearful parents and the police who had that usual pained look on their faces. A lot more were lying in crumpled heaps around the building, going white and red under the strip lights. The shooter joined them in death, the same as them now, just a husk on the floor with a hole in his head, pumping blood through the lino, soaking into the concrete, into the foundation, then eventually into the dirt. 
“How many?” One of the officers near him asked. 
He stood up, “No idea. This room alone, maybe ten, fifteen, not including that piece of shit.”
Frank walked out of the class and down the hall past several more bodies being checked by paramedics, pointlessly. One was balled up between lockers, two were missing parts of their heads or face. He pushed through a side door into the fresh air of the outside, listening to the screaming of sirens and journalists clamouring for quotes. He fell against the side of the building and put his head in his hands. Third one of his career. His clothes smelt like blood. His hands smelt like blood. 
“What the fuck do you mean?” 
“There was an active shooter at Letztelektion Secondary. Maybe still active.”
“Shit, how?”
“Just get there.” 
The radio was barely audible over the siren singing and her own blood pumping in her ears. Detective Sauer was heading toward the school not as an officer, but as a parent. Out on a normal follow up call and then the radio came to life. Fuck fuck fuck. Please, please, please. 
The police cordon was already up, special forces were stood around the building, a few with their rifles guiding kids out, searching them one by one at the entrance. Her mouth dried up. At least if they were calm the shooting was over. She ran over to one of the on scene officers.
“Is the shooter neautralised?” 
“Yes, shot by the special forces while running out the back of the school.”
She wanted to thank God but she couldn’t yet. She eyed up the children, panic rising in her stomach. 
“I need to go in.” 
The officer nodded and waved her through. 
The power had gone out in the school, probably to get the alarms to turn off. It was quiet, most of the children already evacuated. Sauer breathed through her mouth and stopped herself heaving. Mrs. Roth’s classroom. Mrs. Roth’s classroom. Mrs. Roth’s classroom. She jogged down the hallways glancing at all the classroom doors, shoes echoing off the tiles, click click click click click. The door was open, no, splinters of a door frame and a cheap lock on the ground. Broken. Oh fuck, oh God no. Mrs. Roth was lying on the floor at the front of the class, a red puddle behind her back and three red dots on her chest. She felt her breath catch and realised she was already crying. Stepping between the desks, slowly, painfully, torturing herself. Please, please, please. And she was there, her blonde hair wet and dyed crimson. She was on her knees and grabbing her cold hand, limply pressing it into hers, she felt her throat growing tighter and something animal coming out, but she heard no sound. 
Harry pulled his jacket in as he walked up his drive. The wind was bitter as hell this time of year, and he shrugged off the idea of going hunting. All the birds and deer would be daft to go out in this weather, and so would he. 
He sat down for breakfast with the letters he picked up, thumbing through the bills and spam. Not even fleeing to the wild countryside had managed to stop this shit getting through. He left them in a pile and opened the newspaper while he let his toast and tea get cold. 
“Bloody hell.”
Front page, shooting at a German school. Twelve dead including the shooter. He shook his head and wondered why someone would do such a thing. He kept reading, no details of the gunman, except he was as student. What a waste, what a huge waste. So soon after the two shootings in the US earlier this year. Stories like this made him feel particularly wretched since he’d had children, but he couldn’t stop reading. Eventually the text ended and he moved onto another story, something about social media, so he skipped it, and read a particularly boring article about economic problems in Europe. 
His son came downstairs, and Harry looked at the time. 10:30. Hell, when would he start acting like an adult? 
“Morning Sam.” 
He didn't say anything back, just grunted. A perpetual teenager, nearly twenty and still jobless, educationaless. Give him time, give him time, his ex-wife had always told him. Well, she didn’t have to live with him. 
“Going to do some job hunting today?”
Harry knew he hated that question, not quite sure why he asked it again but feeling some parental duty to do so. Sam responded with a glare and took a bottle of orange juice upstairs. Yes, that was par for the course, standard procedure. Why hadn’t he had these problems with Jen, she’d grown up alright, moved to the city, managed to grab a solid job doing something techy. He didn’t much fancy spending his retirement babysitting, but it seemed more like that every day. Oh well, maybe we just needed to give him time. Yeah, sure thing, that was what the lazy shit needed. Time. 
“Close the fucking door mom!” 
That goddamn bitch, didn’t she respect his privacy at all? That was the third time she’d just burst in this week. Didn’t she understand knocking? Dumb bitch. 
He shook his computer mouse and woke up the screen, jumping straight online. He stuck on some music and cracked open a warm beer sitting next to his bed. He perched on the end and started clicking around. Holy shit, a new shooting - US, wow, 36 dead and nearly a hundred injured. Hell. 
Time to get to work, then. He clicked the link in his bookmark bar and logged in. His inbox was already full so he took a few minutes clicking mindlessly through the endless abuse and praise, news alerts, spam. He clicked off it and went to create a new post. Few things to update today, the tables needed another bump and a new stickied post needed to be put up. What a hassle, he’d only started this as a joke, something to do to kill time. Oh well, he supposed he needed something to do, the trailer was cramped and the site barely generated enough money for beer and pizza. Better this than being bored. 
This didn’t feel as good as Jaewon had hoped. If anything he felt a little bit ill. He looked down at his hand and pulled off his gloves. They were shaking, hard. He reached up and pushed his fringe out of his eyes. When he pulled them back he saw they were smeared with red. It made him heave a little bit. No, this wasn’t fear, it couldn’t be, I’m brave, I’m brave. This is adrenaline, surely. 
He looked down at the ground, a flower of blood sprayed out onto the floor and wall in front of him. That cunt wasn’t looking so pretty now. Still, he didn’t like how brutal it all looked. He pulled a plastic bag from under the teacher’s desk and draped it gently over her mutilated face. He nearly got up but realised her short dress had come down. He started sweating. Why not? He reached out to feel her breast, pulling it a little out the fabric to see it better. Still warm. His cock stirred a little bit. Ah, the good times we could have had. 
He shook his head and stood up, now was not the time. Heading out to the door, he stretched his neck from side. Gotta warm up. He checked his gun, nearly out of bullets. Should have dumped less into her he guessed. Too late now, he supposed, it was time for his big show anyway. 
Jaewon kicked through the front doors of the university and held his gun high, firing it into the air. 
“Nop-eun jeomsu! Nop-eun jeomsu! Nop-eun jeomsu!”
He screamed until the police’s bullets tore through his lungs and brain, dropping him dead on the steps. 
Frank sat at bar. It wasn’t even four in the afternoon yet and he was already buzzed. It had been a hard day, but maybe the easiest decision he’d ever made. 
“You can’t do it, Frankie.” 
“Sorry Don.” 
He felt a little lighter for the first time in years. He hate to let down the guys but he had to look after himself, the sleepless nights were getting too much, and his work was suffering. Best to quit, do something else. Maybe private investigation work. Or he could train at the academy. Not right now though, right now he wanted to drink. 
The last shooting set him over the edge. Couple of high school kids, boyfriend and girlfriend. Wasn’t even in his jurisdiction but the guys came to him for help after hearing about his work at the elementary school. Shitty stuff, fucked up. They’d been laughing the whole time, got it on the security tapes, which he sat through and watched the whole damned thing. Boyfriend had lived, girlfriend had shot herself first, and he chickened out. Cowards, both of them. They wanted his advice on questioning them. 
It was too painful for him though, he wrote a small report on his advice, emailed it over, and spent the next two weeks unable to sleep for more than an hour or two a night. He still remembered some of the kids’ names, and they went through his head as he pictured the bodies. At the start of the third week, he walked into his bosses office and slapped his resignation on the desk. It was an easy choice. Harvey. Ellie. Leo. Bobby. Harper. Gracie. Miles. Hm, he was remembering less now. He ordered another drink hoping to forget the rest. 
Obsessed wasn’t a word Harry liked to use, but he was probably obsessed. It started with that article on the German school shooting. Eventually curiosity got the better of him and he needed to know the name of the shooter. Then he needed to know what his family was like. Then his home life. School life. Love life. 
First it started as professional insight. His psychiatry degree was now hanging uselessly on the wall, so why not put it to good use and try to find out what made this man, no, this child, work? Then he found himself gathering news articles online, putting them together in a spreadsheet. He had dreams of coming up with some great breakthrough, maybe a way to spot shooters before they did what they did. Pipe dreams of course, the last pipe dreams of an old man, so he let himself fantisize. Then why not help other people? Soon he’d bought a domain and set up a website, looking at shooting cases, gathering information on motives, details of the event - old ones, new ones. He started getting a little bit of traffic, people wanted more, old policemen, students researching, sometimes just morbidly curious people. So he did more. He even contacted police involved in the case to see if he could get some additional details, but he never made it very far. One call to an old US based detective seemed promising as he did consultancy work, but Harry was told he’d retired and couldn’t get any further. Oh well, no harm. 
Hunting season had been a bust and he had crawled back to his office to work on the site like most mornings. Maybe look at re-formatting the layout to make it easier to search for information. He also had to start work on that Korean shooting, heavy stuff. It was still fresh but maybe he could scour social media to get some leads. He checked his email to see if any complaints or comments had come in, and to his surprise there was one new one, sent from someone calling themselves hanna66. The email’s subject was two words, “High Score”. 
Detective Sauer was no longer human. Her daughter was dead. Her husband had left. She had no other children, no family she wanted to speak to, no pets. What she did have was rage, burning blinding rage somewhere deep inside her, wrapped in apathy. The rest of the world seemed pointless now, everyone walking around doing mundane bullshit like heading to work, or shopping, or going to eat out, or walking through the park. What was the point? None of this appealed to her now. She only had a single thing on her mind and that single thing was Elise. Elise at two years old, laughing at the crunchiness of the leaves in Autumn. Elise at six years old, screaming as her foot touched seaweed for the first time. Elise at ten years old sitting with her on a ferris wheel, cheering as she stuffed her face with candy. Elise at twelve years old crying because she’d gotten in trouble for kissing a boy. Elise at fourteen years old lying dead with a hole in her head, her pretty hair stained.
She let the image sit in her head and turn her stomach. Trying to ignore it, sleep it away, shake it off, nothing worked. It was burnt there forever. She instead had a little blog where she wrote about Elise’s life, what she dreamed she would do, what she wished she could tell her, what she hoped she would be like today, how much she dearly, dearly, dearly missed her. 
When she wasn’t writing, she read a lot about school shootings. She’d found a few websites and forums dedicated to them. Some she liked more than others. Some were crass and seemed to treat the events like pornography, making jokes or commenting gleefully how terrible it was. Some were professional, like a little site which analysed the shootings after they happened. She often read the entry on Hans Richter. The little bastard who’d taken her beautiful little girl away from her. She would read it until she was shaking and crying from the anger. Bullied at home. Alcoholic father. Nothing that gave him the right to do what he did, not that anything could justify it. She would stare at the screen and wonder why why why. 
“You’ve got to stop torturing yourself like this.” Her husband would say.
“You don’t understand! I have to know why!” She would cry back.
“Why do you have to know?” “I have to. I have to do it for Elise. You don’t get it. You don’t care” 
“Hey, she was my fucking daughter too!” 
“Then fucking act like it!”
Sauer was feeling particularly down. It was one of those grey days that dragged on endlessly, so she booted up her computer to do a little blogging, get out her thoughts and feelings. Oh, what’s this? The blog was gone. Damn internet, oh no, oh fuck. She wasn’t good with computers. Where was it? She clicked around a bit. Nothing. Damn, damn, damn this machine. She looked through her drawers, the address was written down somewhere. She pulled them out one by one, digging through them fast, scattering papers everywhere. She clicked around more on the screen but still couldn’t find it. Fuck fuck fuck. Not like this, I can’t lose my Elise again. No, no, calm now. She figured she could search for it. She searched for Elise. 25 million results. Okay, okay. Hans Richter. Still millions of results, mostly news articles. Elise Sauer. Fewer news articles now, and then her blog halfway down the page. Thank God, she sighed and went to click on it. Just under the link was another one, HIGH SCORE - HANS RICHTER - VICTIMS. What was this? She hadn’t seen that before, and she clicked, almost by impulse. 
A list, a list of names. Eleven names. Eleven names with pictures next to them. There, near the top of the list, her little girl, Elise, name and photo, and a comment by the side.
This tasty little blonde bitch thought she could outrun ‘LITTLE DICH’ RICHTER but he managed to gun the cunt down. She’ll be sucking cock in the afterlife now.
No, no, no no no. Sauer was wailing, pushing her chair back as if to put as much physical distance between her and the screen as she could. Why? Who would do this? Who would say that? She turned her face away, tears rolling down her face, mercifully blurring her eyes. 
She was in the kitchen for hours, pacing, sometimes crying, sometimes cursing. She could see the website was still open on her computer in the living room, but didn’t dare look further. What could she do? Send a message to the website to get it taken down? Call the police? Smash her PC? All of the above? After several drinks she was calm enough to consider going back and closing the website, but first she had to let them know how disgusting they were. They had to know how she felt. 
She tried to ignore what it said about Elise, and tried to find an email address so she could send them a plea to take it down. She couldn’t find one. The more time she spent on here the worse she felt, angrier and angrier. Her teeth were grinding, now more in frustration at this damned website. She hit return at the top of the page. It was a full page on Hans Richter. She hadn’t seen it before, odd. She scrolled down a little bit, a full picture of Richter sat alongside a Bio section. She read it before she even realised she was doing it. 
HANS ‘LITTLE DICH’ RICHTER tried out for the high score at his secondary school in Germany. DEAREST HANSY had a perfect opportunity to take the top spot, low security, packed classrooms, and his daddy’s illegal rifle. But ‘HANS ON DICH’ fucked it up like the virgin faggot his was, killing himself after only taking the lives of eleven cunts and sluts, not even touching the top twenty scoreboard. DICKTER blew his load early like the pussy he was, and even in death he disappoints. 
She couldn’t look any longer. Who was saying this? Who would be so cruel and heartless? She copied down the url on a little piece of paper and then wrote it out in an email to some of her former police colleagues. “Investigate this. This is sick.” She wrote. She went to turn off the computer, but stoppeed just before pressing the button. She needed to tell her husband, surely? If not him, then who? She needed to tell someone, she needed someone to tell her how fucked this was, someone had to make sense of it. She sucked on her thumbnail. Well, maybe someone could? She had no idea why the name came to mind but it made sense. She went back onto her browser and found that psychiatrist’s website. She took down the email and sent a link to him as well. 
High Score was a goldmine. Seriously fucked up, but Christ did it ever provide an insight. Harry had spent several hours already going through the threads. It was pretty simple, there was a top ten board on the front page that showed the most kills by shooter. The site seemed to make fun of everyone, shooters, police, victims, in a grotesque way. Everyone was a target and deserved it. Slurs all over the place. Each shooter had a profile, filled with information. Harry searched for the Korean shooter's name.
He clicked. 
GUK ‘THE GOOK’ JAEWON only saw one thing with his slanty little eyes - revenge. ‘GUK THE CUCK’ was tired of his big dicked classmates getting all the primo-puss around his university so…
Harry stopped reading. What the fuck was wrong with these people? He scrolled down a little, there were sections on the victims, all thirty of them, all still as crude. A little lower was a video of him screaming and being shot by the police. Harry hadn’t seen that before and reminded himself to look a little later to see what insight it might give him. 
A little further down was a section called ‘POSTS’. It was a screenshot of a comment posted on the forum side of the site. Whoever posted it said it was Jaewon’s post, claiming he was going for the high score and posting details of time and location. Below it were comments spurring him on or calling him out as a fake. The details did line up, Harry thought, but maybe that was a coincidence, or maybe to give the site some sort of fucked-up credibility. 
He saved the page in his bookmarks, making a note to come back for his research, and decided to check out the forum side of site, see if it really could give a better insight into the minds of these twisted people. Clicking around, all the posts were similar to the ones Jaewon put up. 
I’m going to do it - stay away from Ringfield High tomorrow. Check the news
With replies telling the guy to kill himself, or urging him to do it and take as many “cunts” or “sluts” with him as possible. Harry looked up the post date, but it didn’t correspond with any shooting in any high school, nor any school with the name Ringfield. Hmm, maybe it was just all bravado. He clicked through a few more postings, more of the same, warnings of an imminent mass shooting, cries to do it now and kill as many as possible, fantasists writing out mastabatory material on how they would kill their parents and bullies and religious figures and classmates. Maybe this was all just some sort of sick roleplay on a shock site? Why anybody would spend their time making fun of murder victims was beyond Harry, but he supposed there were darker corners of the internet with even darker people populating them. 
A post caught his eye while scrolling. 
watch the news, scotland cairnraggen primary. Going for the high score Got a rifle and ready to kill cunts before they grow up to be bigger cunts lol
No, but that was... Odd. He looked at the post time.
An hour ago. 
A fear came over Harry, something primal screeching from the soles of his feet to the top of his head, almost a seizure, a pure shot of adrenaline and cortisol hammering its way through his arteries, veins chilled to a stop by ice. A premonition, a psychic force, a raw spike of information into the mind that something is wrong and that you are missing that something. A slow burning fear, the sharp spike of embers. The view of disaster from afar, neck leaning like rubber sideways to see the car accident, the what if, the why them, the fear that something terrible is happening and you’re somehow connected. A single turn of the cog. 
He looked up at the clock. 11:36. 
He hadn’t seen Sam yet this morning, he wondered...
Harry was on his feet and dizzy. 
“Sam! Sam!” He shouted, stumbling through the hallway to the stairs. 
“Sam!” He shouted again up the stairs,
 “You up? Sam?” 
Nothing, absolute silence. 
Something in his mind was blocking the full picture from being seen, a sort of daze in front of his vision as he took each step as fast as he could, which under his weak knees felt like hours. He burst through Sam’s bedroom door into darkness. The bed was crumpled up and the curtains were still drawn. Nobody inside. Fuck, fuck, fuck. 
Harry grabbed at his hair and nervously chewed his lip. His head was clouded with pure adrenaline, fear, the urge to run away, to do something, anything, but he froze. 
Harry noticed the blinking light on Sam’s computer, and was drawn to it like an insect, letting the electricity pull him in. He shook the mouse and the screen lit up. The website was still up, and the words on the screen were damning.
Posted by YOU
Harry nearly threw himself down the stairs grabbing his phone and coat, tripping out the front door as he pulled it over his shoulder. Three steps out he had already called 999. Before a voice picked up he froze. Someone was speaking on the other side of the phone, but he wasn’t listening. Coming up through the valley, through the woods and the icy fog, echoing up the road, was the sound of a million sirens crying, and the faint smell of rust. 
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