#Hayley Potter
enha-stan · 8 months
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⤷﹒ ☁️ ﹒✮﹒Harry potter : [ universe ]
. + • . ° FICS ° . • + .
Harry james Potter
1.) When he hates you but then learns to love you - @hollowdeath (angst , fluff , smut )
2.) Injured - @hollowdeath (angst , fluff )
Slytherin guys
1.) poker games - @everdreamofme
Mattheo riddle
1.) A monster's promise - @anawritez-posts (dark)
2.) Sleeping with a prefect - @papercorgiworld (angst , fluff , smut )
3.) Height difference - @bookishdreamer28 (fluff)
4.) For you - @mrsbarnesblog (fluff)
5.) I still hate you - @theosbaby (smut)
6.) Love potion - @multific (fluffy?)
Tom riddle
1.) Little dove - @theostrophywife (smut)
2.) Skeleton - @tomriddlehyperfixataion (dark fluff) (pt2 of a work )
3.) That asshole - @enha-doodles
4.) Patience , please and thank you - @fatesundress (smut)
5.) Marked - @doremimosasol (toxic , suggestive)
6.) Disgust when you care - @your-nanas-house (platonic twin brother Tom)
7.) Blood on loves altar - @tomriddleslove (angst)
8.) Cheated - @tomriddlehyperfixataion (smut)
9.) Hot mess - @lenoraslament (suggestive , bit of angst)
10.) Bestfriend's brother - @lexamiele (suggestive)
Theodore Nott
11.) Repent - @tomriddleslove (suggestive)
1.) Poison paradise - @theostrophywife (smut)
2.) The target on your back - @minichrismd
3.) Brat dynamics headcanon - @finalgirllx (smut)
Lorenzo Berkshire
1.) Bad idea right ? - @mrsriddles-blog (smut , a bit angst?)
Draco Malfoy
1.) One of your girls - @pottersmiracle (smut)
. + • . ° SERIES ° . • + .
Tom riddle
1.) World burns - @anawritez-posts (ongoing)
Draco Malfoy
1.) My own mudblood - @spearmintsmut (smut- ongoing )
Mattheo and Lorenzo
1.) Better than revenge - @amongemeraldclouds (ongoing)
( I'll be updating this every once in a while <3 )
Divider credit - @kimjiho1 <33
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ohhiplumbob · 1 year
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userlaylivia · 3 months
disclaimer: in case you don't read tags I forgot a few of my faves like malia tate, diana meade, faye chamberlain, rebekah mikaelson, elena gilbert, caroline forbes and etc so I'll probably make a part 2 after this one closes so pls don't ask why this or that are there lol there's only 12 options lol I might make a male characters one but I don't have as many fave male characters so lol
tagging some people: @maya-matlin, @tudorgirl, @nessa007, @laylakeating, @tophsazulas, @makeyouminemp3
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adastraarts · 6 months
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The one, the only, Nymphadora Tonks! Inspired by a picture of Hayley Kiyoko, but she ended up looking more like my aunt so now Filipina Tonks is my official headcanon (note the tattoos lol)
[Ref under the cut :)]
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Moodboard of Katie Bell x OC.
Face-claim: Hayley Atwell.
Requested by: anon.
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oscarisaacasimov · 5 months
After All This Time
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tamietora · 11 days
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Hayley Marshall and Raphael Splinterson
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qvnthesia · 1 year
We (Never Really) Live: Moonlit Great Lakes
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Cami has known Niklaus since she was seven. He was bright as the sun was in some of New York’s infamous scorchy summers — full of anger tempered by the compassion and love of Ansel’s upbringing. She was momentary as the moon, her head stuck in the books that had a home in her house’s library thanks to her uncle.
Now, Cami was fourteen — fiery, sharp, some of the best students in her year, and one with secrets so many it would invite gossip in surprise and danger lest she let them loose. And Niklaus was… he was confident, he was the harbour of safety and comfort in the storm surrounding her life. He could get her secrets out of her without even trying because, well… she had gone from wishing he looked at her all the time to having fallen for him in a time where another complication was the last thing she wanted.
Day 14 of AU-gust: Wizards & Witches.
read here
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gif credits to @danielslaw
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roger-americandad · 2 years
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stistilinskii · 1 year
castles crumbling is so after 1981 sirius black
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elhaz92 · 1 year
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What are Luca and Gail’s futures like? Are there any big changes in their lives after they graduate?
This is something I've really struggled with deciding, and so I actually very much appreciate your asking because it gives me an opportunity to stop dawdling and really iron out the details.
I'll talk about Gail first, as that's much simpler, for reasons I'll get into down the road. Her trajectory has always been one that was destined to do a u-turn. Unlike Luca, it wouldn't have mattered who Rakepick actually killed, because she was aiming for Ben. The moment she took a shot at Gail's brother, Gail was done with Rakepick and done with R. Nothing could win her back, though they certainly tried and Gail may have had moments of doubt. In the end, Gail believes in the establishment (trading her loyalty to R for her loyalty to Dumbledore and The Ministry) but she's loyal to her values above all else. She has a lot of integrity.
So she's going to go down fighting if she has to, and Gail is the kind of character I could almost see dying in battle, going out in a blaze of glory, taking a dozen R agents down with her and protecting/saving her friends. I could see her lighting a flame on her wand, glaring at Peregrine, and making the building they're both in explode. She'd do it. However, we all like happy endings here, and Gail has so much to live for even if she doesn't think about that.
I've given this a lot of thought and I still can't really decide between Talbott and Badeea for her end-game love interest. Maybe she starts out getting involved with Talbott, but later on in life, maybe in her 30s or something, the two of them separate. Only for her to go and live with Badeea. Maybe. Either way, I can see Gail and Talbott both entering the Auror Program. Gail passes muster and becomes an Auror, either through talent or a free pass from having already worked for Moody...but I'm not at all sure that Talbott is admitted. I've talked about this before but I think that could go either way, and we know he has a fallback when it comes to Healing. He might also decide to switch careers later in life if he finds that hunting Dark Wizards just isn't to his liking.
Either way, Gail is a person who gives herself over to conflict, diving head first into danger because she doesn't know anything else and it just feels normal for her. Safety would induce anxiety, as sad as that is to say. She is the warrior that has never known peace. But she wants to. She needs it, she just isn't ready to accept it, not in her youth. Though she is still drawn to people who provide that sense of serenity, even if she can't place her finger on why. Either way, if she eventually quits the Auror Office, I could see her going into the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, or even doing something as mundane and simple as working a shop with Badeea.
One thing's for certain - no kids. She's not the nurturing type and she never will be. Her upbringing was far too fucked up for her to have any confidence in her ability to raise a child, even if she had any desire to do so - which she does not. She's too easily annoyed. But she's also caring, and she does make for a good leader. In my original concept of the story, she eventually became the Leader of R, and worked to make them better from the inside out. That could still happen but it would basically be an AU. Among other things, that fateful night where Rakepick fired a killing curse at Ben would need to have just, like, not happened.
Ah, speaking of Ben, this relationship grows more tumultuous the older they get. Initially, they'd still be very close, as thick as thieves, but as Ben becomes "New Ben" I think it would get tricky. Gail loves seeing Ben come out of his shell and it brings them closer, but also, he's rebelling. She's always been the "leader" of this friendship, the one with all the control, and he's now exercising his independence. Gail wouldn't know how to handle that. She'd be both impressed and resentful. She would grow more used to it and they'd adapt to each other's needs, especially if Ben became an Auror too, and he might. But when Gail has her second turn-around, and realizes what she needs in life (This would be the point that she steps down from running R, in that AU) when she resigns as an Auror, I think her bond with Ben might become more strained.
But ultimately, Gail's not going to have a peaceful death. She's not going to live to old age. Even if she eventually frees herself from that kind of life...she just can't stay away. She's a chaotic person and she has the ability to help, so she will. Always. She'd be on call or if nothing else, she'd show up if the Aurors needed help. Same goes for the Order of the Phoenix. Same goes for (a reformed) R. She doesn't turn her back on people. She doesn't walk away. Gail was never going to pass away in her sleep at age 99. Sorry, but the more I think about it the more I'm sure that Gail as been fighting this battle her entire life, a battle that never ends until she loses. And she can't fight forever. She's been the last one standing in many conflicts, but sooner or later, it will catch up to her. Well, that sure was cheerful. Let's talk about Luca now. Here is where things get awkward.
Ever since Y6CH18, Luca's future has been in flux.
The initial concept of their character revolved around their loyalty to Jacob and love for him. This is what fueled their search for him, what motivated them to charge into danger when they are otherwise not the sort of person who would ever do so. Gail is the warrior, and Luca is a healer by nature. But for Jacob, they'll do anything. This is also the reason Luca was drawn to people like Tulip and Merula. In them, Luca is unconsciously reminded of Jacob and thus finds familiarity and safety. The chance to resume their "caretaker" role, as they don't know how to function without it.
Why am I talking about all this? Because of the age-old writing prompt: Figure out what means the most to your character, and then take it away. Luca's backstory is written around the inevitability that they will eventually lose Jacob forever and have to accept that loss. In my original concept, Luca had to watch Jacob die, in roughly...the middle of Year 6. What's more, he was killed by Farah - Luca's mother, in a #PlotTwist betrayal...are you seeing the problem? Yeah, Y6CH18 came along and wrecked everything. Because it was almost perfect, but the details are wrong, and it changes the whole story.
Rowan is one of the most important people in Luca's life, but they're not like Jacob. Not like Tulip, Merula, Beatrice, or Skye...chaotic people that Luca would look out for, and try to rescue. No, Rowan is like Penny and Chiara and Orion. They're the one who looks after Luca. Losing them instead of Jacob should be a minor change, a detail...but it just isn't. It's so much more. Not helping is that Merula is the Hogwarts Mole, which does permanent damage to her relationship with Luca and the Trouble Trio in general. Luca's future has been thrown into disarray and uncertainty.
So essentially, the "Rowan Lives" AU is even more essential to plot out here, as defining Luca's future in a world where Rowan is dead and Jacob is not...is difficult to conceive. If Jacob's dead, Luca still has their support system in the form of their friends from Hogwarts. The Circle of Khanna, even if they aren't named as such, would be there for them. Rowan would be there, as would Tulip and Merula. These are the people that Luca is closest too. But if Rowan's gone, if Merula is the mole...oh boy, I need to think about this.
See, Luca does love Merula. Even in timelines where there's no shipping between them, Luca will still always love Merula in some capacity. It's just who they are, it's how they were written. Luca's character is, among other things, an interpretation of every single pro-Merula choice one could make in-game. But even they have limits. When they find out Merula is the mole and she asks if they forgive her...they don't say yes. They say, "It will take time." Because losing Rowan breaks Luca. So does losing Jacob, but the difference is, I know what losing Jacob will do to Luca. Rowan? Even I'm not sure how that affects them moving forward. But between that and Merula's betrayal, and how the two are irrevocably linked by R being responsible for Rowan's death...everything Luca knew is wrong, and the support system they acquired at Hogwarts now feels permanently tainted. See, I'm analyzing how Luca would handle this, and I don't like it. I don't like this timeline for them. Losing Jacob works, he was unhealthy obsession for them, that they needed to get over. But losing Rowan just...sucks.
I'd imagine Luca and Jacob would have to do some work on their relationship as adults, and Luca would need to learn to see Jacob as he truly is. That would take time. Originally, it was going to be a #RebuiltPedestal where they idolized him in youth, grew to doubt him during his disappearance, and then felt horrible guilt after his demise. A similar trajectory played out with Rowan. MC's distance from them was interpreted as Luca suspecting them of being R, but once they were Imperius'd and it became clear that they weren't, Luca felt horrible, apologized, and reconciled with Rowan to only grow closer than before. But with Rowan living on borrowed time, I instead feel the need to throw the entire rift in the trash. Luca would probably reach some kind of parting of the ways with Merula, maybe, and this level of maturity would reflect in their newly established boundaries with Jacob. They'd stop being a doormat for their loved ones. Meanwhile, someone would need to fill the hole in Luca's heart that Rowan left behind, albeit in a different way.
So who is Luca's new best mate? Not Tonks, I mean, what, do I really want Luca to go through that again? Not Penny either. I love her but I'm a little salty that the game has essentially tried to do this itself, so no. Ben? Nah, they were never that close. Chiara? It is a strong possibility. Luca and Chiara are remarkably similar. I could actually see Luca ultimately finding happiness with either her or Talbott, since both of these characters are written so well when it comes to shipping them with MC. But I think the most likely character that Luca would become best mates with is Beatrice, especially once she graduates and they can actually hang out. (Though they'd also write a lot.) Beatrice could also be Luca's eventual end-game love interest. ("Eventual" being the key word here. I'm talking like, when they're in their twenties.) Alternatively, they could just wind up with Tulip of course, but if The Trouble Trio breaks apart, I'm not sure it could come back together unless all three were present...
Either way, Luca and Jacob aren't as close in adulthood, but Luca still cares for him and is there for him. They'll also be there for Merula if and when she's in need, but they won't lay down on railroad tracks or otherwise disrespect them-self for her sake. Again, boundaries. They'll eventually find happiness with...someone. (Could be another OC at this point for all I know, I'm so damn fickle.) But what about their career? I've gone back and forth a lot between them studying creatures and them going into Healing. Given how Chiara, Penny, and Talbott were all hinted to be able to work at St. Mungos, I think they'd be drawn to working there as well, but keep in mind, in the timeline where Rowan dies, they'd feel a degree of distance from their school friends. On the other hand, I don't see them traveling the world to work with creatures unless Tulip and Merula were there with them, and that trio isn't likely to survive the Hogwarts Mole twist. One thing I do like about Healer Luca is that, given the addition of Sirona Ryan to the Potterverse, it opens up a lot of possibilities for what it could mean to Transition using magic. Suppose Luca, a Trans Healer, specialized in helping young trans mages reflect who they are inside on the outside?
One more thing, Luca absolutely becomes a parent. Perhaps they have a biological child with their partner at some point, but at least one of their kids will be adopted. (And they may only have one, who knows.) Luca has parent energy, they just do. They would be excellent at it and while it isn't something they ever gave much thought to, they would rise to the occasion flawlessly and not even feel that much anxiety about it. Luca is actually a very good teacher as well, but they never considered taking a teaching job at Hogwarts even if one opened up, as unlike Harry, they're not so fond of their old school. (Also, the only subject they'd even want to teach goes to Hagrid canonically, and he deserves it.) Unlike Gail, Luca is going to grow old with their family and friends, unless they have a Steve Irwin style death involving some unfortunate incident with a creature or something. It's possible, but Luca just has the energy of someone with a mundane and quiet death.
Didn't I say I would force myself to nail down the details? So much for that...
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userlaylivia · 1 year
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marlsswrites · 3 months
Summer camp AU part 2!!
July 2nd <3
Doctor - @jegulus-microfic - words: 924
Previous part
They walked in total silence, and Regulus was fine with that. It was about a five minute walk through the woods, onto the cobblestone path and towards the entry gates, where they would greet the kids and show them their cabins. Easy.
But Potter didn’t seem okay with the silence, he was doing as told because he got told to shut up multiple times by Regulus. His hands were toying with the gold chain around his neck, he kept ruffling his hair every few minutes and chewing on his lip nervously.
Don’t ask Regulus why he payed so much attention to the Potter boys mannerisms, he just did. No further questions.
After another minute, Regulus felt something sharp and rough catch on his ankle, a vine.
“Fuck!” He hissed as he fell to the floor, James stopping in his tracks and rushing over to him. God, his stupid cute savour complex makes Regulus feel sick.
His ankle was throbbing, he winced as he moved his ankle to the side. “Shit, are you okay? Do you need a doctor?” The older boy panicked, offering Regulus a hand to pull him up. “Can you stand?”
Regulus grabbed James’ unusually soft hand, feeling the coldness of his golden rings as he pulled Regulus from the floor.
Letting out a breath, Regulus examined his foot, it looked quite bad, but that was just from the thorns that sliced his ankle. He seemed to be able to walk fine.
“It’s okay-“ He winced. “I think.” He took a few steps forward, showing that he could walk. The concerned look didn’t wipe from James’ face as he did so. “Really, it looks worse than it is.” He walked towards the brunette, twisting his ankle round a few times and offering a slight smile to show it.
God, he’s going soft.
“Are you sure?” He sweetly spoke, tilting his head to the side.
Regulus nodded and hummed. “Yeah, don’t worry.” He reassured, it was slightly sore, but he could deal. The last thing he wanted was to have James Potter babying him all day.
The frown finally left James’ face, replacing it with a satisfied smile that looked much better on his face.
Regulus hit his head against the tree behind him, he thought kids started to get quieter when they hit 13… apparently not.
“Where’s Hannah?” One of them spoke loudly.
He huffed out a loud breath, James giving him a helpless look.
“I’m here!” Someone else hollered, presumably Hannah.
“Spider!!” Another one squealed.
“Wimp!” A fourth voice shouted.
Pushing himself away from the tree, he cupped his hands to his mouth and yelled. “Everyone shut up!”
Silence dawned on the group, 20 pairs of eyes landing on him. “I think you’re supposed to be a bit nicer.” James spoke with a wary smile.
“Well it worked didn’t it Potter?” He challenged, the other man shrugged and started to talk.
“Okay! I’m James, this is Regulus,” He pointed towards Regulus, who gave a tired nod. “Today we’ll just be getting you settled into your homes for the next few weeks…”
Regulus zoned out as James explained the rules of the camp, he let himself admire James for a moment. The way the sunlight turned his skin golden, his hair shining on the sun and his smile wide matched with his sunny bright eyes.
He snapped out of it, glaring at his shoes for a while. No, we’re not doing that, he thought to himself. Fuck.
Five minutes later, the groups were splitting off into boys and girls, when a timid looking teen walked up to him, a wary look on their face.
“Uh, Regulus is it?” Regulus nodded. “I’m not a boy, or a girl… I- where do I go?” They sighed. “I’m June.” They gave a smile.
Regulus let himself smile back. “Wherever you want, it’s up to you. I’d say it’s a privilege if you ask me.” He gave a chuckle, June laughing along slightly.
“Really? So I can go with my friends?”
“Yeah, where are they?” Regulus questioned.
They pointed to someone with two blue braids hung over their shoulders in the group of girls, who looking over at them with a worried and caring look. “That’s Hayley, my best friend. I can house with her then?”
“Of course, if anyone gives you any issues come to me or James, we’ll sort it out.” He gave a sweet smile.
“Thank you so much.” June beamed and ran over to their friend, hugging her and jumping up and down excitedly, Regulus couldn’t help but smile as he watched the two.
Within all of that, he didn’t notice the man approaching behind him. “You’re actually quite sweet aren’t you?” He whipped his head around in shock, greeted with the smiling face of James Potter, who looked overjoyed.
“No I’m not.” He snapped. “And stop sneaking up on me!”
James pouted, a smile still lingering on his lips. “Why is it you’re only mean to me?”
“I’m not that mean to you.” Regulus lied though his teeth.
“Sure you aren’t.” He ruffled Regulus’ raven curls, earning a scowl from the younger boy, but there was an obvious tilt to his lips and flush to his freckled pale skin as James’ wide brown eyes locked with his stormy grey ones.
While walking the kids to the cabins, James would lag behind and check on Regulus’ ankle every once in a while. Why was he so caring? Regulus didn’t have an utter clue how to react to that, it was just… weird.
Next part
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Moodboard of Millicent Bagnold.
Face-claim: Hayley Kiyoko.
Requested by: anon.
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woso-lover234 · 6 months
Matildas x (platonic) reader- movie night
it was the 4th of November so it was basically Christmas in the young Matilda's book and somehow you had convinced the rest of the Matilda's team to have a movie day after their win against Chinese tei pei on Wednesday. The Matilda's obviously said yes and we're now all squished together on bean bags and the couches tryna get comfy for the probably thousands of movies that they were gonna watch. You were sharing a bean bag with Kyra who had her arm around your shoulders. Christmas was your favourite holiday and it was close-ish to Christmas so they decided a Christmas movie would be fine.
We started off strong with the animated and live action grinch but ran into a problem when , Kyra Sam and macca got into a fight over which one was better. You and Kyra said the new while macca and Sam said old
"The new one's better!" You and Kyra shouted
"No the old one is, it's the og" Sam said
"Just coz it's the og doesn't mean it's better!" You said and a few people around watching the arguement nodded while Alanna filmed the interaction
"Yeah it does" said macca
"No it doesn't" said Kyra who you knew didn't really care but she was gonna back you up anyways so you sent her a grateful smile
"the new goosebumps series is better than the original" you said and macca and Sam looked confused
"There's a new goosebumps series?" Caitlin asked and you immediately stood up in pure shock and looked at everyone who shock their heads saying they also hadn't watched it which caused Kyra to stand up aswell
"You guys are joking right?" She asked
"Me and y/n/n started watching the day it came out" Kyra said as you nodded your head in agreement
"Ok Christmas movies on hold we're gonna watch the new goosebumps series" you said walking over to the remote and putting it on
After the first episode you and Kyra looked around to see everyone's shocked faces.
"Better than the original so far than Sam?" Kyra asked and Sam nodded her head while you and Kyra laughed and pressed the next episode.
Once they had finished the 7 episodes that had been released and everyone complained about the cliff hanger macca said they should watch a horror movie.
"Noo!" You yelled out
"Yesss!" Macca, Hayley, Ellie, Alanna, Sam, Alex, Caitlin, polks, Emily, mini, Courtney, Mary and Clare said which meant they were outnumbered. People who said no being Kyra, Charli, teagan and you and when you realized that the four of yous groaned as you subconsciously held on tighter to Kyra on the bean bag which was situated right infront of the door to the balcony. Macca got up and tried to get the remote from you but you put up a good fight but nether the less got it ripped from your grip.
"No I don't want to." You said getting as you realised something "I don't have to be here! I can leave if I want!" You said and began walking to the door before Alanna, macca, sam and Caitlin stopped you
"Nuh uh" Caitlin said blocking the door
"Your watching it" alanna continued as if they were reading minds
"Because if you do we'll admit the cartoon grinch is better" Sam smirked and madi shook her head
"That's not enough! I already know the cartoon grinch is better" you exclaimed chucking your hands up in exaggeration as everyone laughed
"Okay, okay. Well- omg I can't believe I'm about to say this. Well watch Marley and me with you and do a Harry Potter marathon" macca said sighing, her shoulders slumping while your jaw dropped
"Wait really?" You asked getting and excited and looking to Steph who smiled at the you before looking back at macca, Sam, Caitlin and Alanna who nodded, excepting defeat. You, Kyra and Charli had been working together to try watch them films with the girls for ages and had been unsuccessful till this moment. "Pinky promise! And Kyra and Charli are coming!" You exclaimed as you walked up to all of them and tried to get your small pinky around all of their pinkies which made the rest of them laugh as you stuck the tip of your tongue out of your mouth in concentration. In the end you guys succeeded and cheered in success then you went back to Kyra as they picked the movie.
Macca and Sam ended up choosing the nun which made you glad you were atheist otherwise she would've never wanted to step foot in a church again because then nuns gave you literal nightmares. Throughout the movie you kept glancing behind you just to check nothing had climbed the balcony and was going to try and kill you. Whenever there were jump scares your face would immediately hide in either Kyra's shoulder or shirt as the older girl would rub your back for comfort.
When the movie was over and everyone began getting up to head to bed you clung to someone at all times and were constantly checking your surroundings to make sure no one was going to jump out and try kill you or your team mates (though you could live without macca, Caitlin, Alanna and Sam since it was their fault you watched this in the first place). Everyone was walking back to their rooms while you were clinging to Steph and making sure to keep in the middle of the group.
"Ok maybe it was a bad idea to watch a horror movie with y/n/n" macca said scratching the back of her neck while Sam, Alanna and Caitlin agreed.
"Safe to say she's not a horror movie gal" Alanna said and everyone laughed as you ignored their comments and were focused on making sure there was nothing out of the ordinary coming to get you.
"I'm just glad I'm not rooming with her" Sam said turning to Caitlin as she walked the opposite direction to her room while Steph walked with you and Caitlin back to their room considering you wouldn't let go of her and Steph wanted to make sure you were okay before heading off to bed herself.
"You kay y/n/n?" Steph asked as Caitlin unlocked their room and walked in with you and Steph in tow.
"I feel like and old lady is gonna jump out and kill me with her holy spirits" you said shaking slightly while Steph and Cait stifled a laugh at her choice of words
"You gonna be okay tonight?" Steph asked getting more concerned the more she looked at the paranoid teen.
"Yeah. Does garlic work for nuns do you think?" She asked no one in particular.
"Y/n/n nothings coming for you and if they try I'll protect you okay. I'm here if you need me during the night I'll stay up all night if I need to 1. Because it was partly my fault you watched the movie and 2. We don't have training so it wouldn't affect much. You're gonna be fine" Caitlin assured and Steph nodded her head along. You nodded aswell and went to hug Steph goodnight, Steph hugged you back and kissed your head before leaving the room. Caitlin patted her bed, next to where she was currently sitting and motioned for you to come sit next to her. You smiled and ran and jumped into her waiting arms and once she noticed you were comfortable she turned on the tv and found Marley and me which shocked you as you looked at Caitlin confused.
"Well I did pinky promise" she stated smiling down at you which made you break out into a grin and snuggle closer into her side "annndd" she added dramatically which made you look up at her "because I thought it would help you sleep better" she finished with a smile and pulled you closer to her to the point you were practically on top of her. This was one of the times that reminded you no matter how much some of the girls teased and made fun of you they cared about you more than they let on.
Halfway through the movie you had fallen asleep on Caitlin which was understandable considering it was past midnight while Caitlin finished the movie and actually enjoyed it though she wouldn't admit it to you she will definitely watch it with you again and you wouldn't have to bargain as hard for it. Caitlin turned the lights off, shuffled you onto the pillow beside her before moving herself to her pillow, turning the tv off after she finished all of that as she was using it for a bit of light and went to bed herself after kissing your forehead and whispering goodnight eventhough she know you couldn't hear her.
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