#He doesn't need to eat/drink to live either but just does it occasionally so he can enjoy food again
I just want to say that i love your drinky bird narrator!! also, i have a question if you dont mind, what is the liquid that’s inside of the narrator? im just curious-
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Hate to disappoint but it's just plain water with red dye added.
Although he doesn't need it and it can be emptied out of him with no adverse effects, it will anomalously replenish itself until his belly is once again 1/4ths full.
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not-goldy · 6 months
The more people bitch about Jikook, the stronger and closer they get. Its like seeing your kid date someone you don't like. The more you bitch and moan, the more they develop this us against the world mentality and before you know it, they're eloping. It really doesn't cost a thing to be respectful of their bond. If you were, we wouldn't be here every year hearing the same tired old fanservice excuse. Like are you bitches blind? Tae told you Jk was basically living in Jimin's room. Jimin is telling you that and you see it. They are together eating, chilling, staying for rehearsals, together in their bedrooms, off camera, on camera, in their cars, up each other's asses all day and you wonder why your favs aren't being shown. Cause they aren't hanging out like you think, that's why. Like how do you expect Jk to squeeze in five minutes for your fav, when he's up Jimin's ass and marking is territory in his room all day? Like he ain't even on facetime with whatever partner outside of BTS you have him paired with either and making room for her or him. How can they have room, when its all occupied by Jimin? This isn't about shipping. Its about two people who MUTUALLY AGREE to spend all their time together and you wanna cry. Instead of sucking it up and just being happy they have each other.
And Jikookers were called crazy when we said the reason Tk were hanging out was because Jimin was busy like hell and Jennie was touring. Now that Jimin's schedule isn't so hectic. Where is JK now at this very moment and who has he been pinning for and with now vacationing for months? Jimin. Going around telling lies that your favs are the closest, cause they occasionally hang out like once a month. Jk told you from his own mouth, I don't keep up with Tae, when asked where Tae was and that was like 4 months ago. He loves Tae. He enjoys hanging out with him and his friends. No one can say he doesn't. But if given the choice, he's gonna wanna be with the one he's attracted to and THE ONE HE IS IN LOVE WITH and the one who can give him what he needs if you catch my drift and that is Jimin. Get a clue already.
It's the ow ah eiish they feeling in their chest for me
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But it's also the way I don't care bout much these days 😂only God knows.
Jikook is real. In this day and age no one can convince me otherwise. Whatever anyone says and does it goes right above my ear like a lost air plane 🙃
Tuktukkers are senseless
Anti's have lost the plot
Doubters are just dumb and corny
Anyone who thinks they know anything bout Jikook post solo is playing themselves for fools we ain't know shit. We've been made. Jikook made us out. They pulling the strings like the masters of chaos they are.
Some said I drink too much these days- you ain't shit.
If I come for!!! No! Like fr IF I COME FOR YOU!
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arttrampbelle · 9 months
Ok now for some actual good shang tsung food for y'all.
*cracks knuckles*
Shang tsung bathing hcs x reader.
Here is some bathing hcs. Aka. What they do in a bath,showers,cleaning themselves,relaxing,grooming and preening themselves type of hcs.
Cw:nsfw,fluff,maybe some angst?
Hcs below cut cuz of nsfw content.
Reader is gn ( i try to make these gn if i can)
Shang tsung bathing hcs:
Shang tsung prefers showers if he is just needing to clean up. Because one,it's healthier and easier for him. And two he just likes to take quick warm showers most of the time. However it doesn't mean anything. He sometimes with do either or hot,warm,cold. But he prefers warm
Shang tsung will do baths if he's trying to relax or soak or take his time. Especially if he's with you.
He loves the feel of the warm water next to you. He finds it peaceful.
He definitely does the works tho. Bubbles,oils,salts,soaks,etc.
And after a bath he also definitely either body oils up or body butters himself.
He loves smelling good. And loves you smelling good too.
If you need privacy and don't wish to bathe with him. He will respect that too
As for himself if he needs privacy he will tell you right away beforehand.
Shang tsung will drink wine and bathe. He prefers dark reds buuuut occasionally he'll have a white dry wine or even a sweet wine. Especially if you are with him. But shang already loves the sweetness you bring in your company. The wine just doesn't do justice on that. ;3
He will also eat fruit in the bath. Like this man is the definition of luxurious and living deliciously.
As for grooming habits. He likes to keep himself well trimmed and groomed. He shaved almost completely. But if he wants to leave a bit of hair. He'll leave a lil treasure trail if anything. His balls are smooth tho. A nice trimmed beard too.
Shang has and will fuck in the bath. If you want a quickie it's in the shower. But if you want him to play,take his time,and enjoy every inch of you? He'll fuck you in his private bathing quarters. (Yes his bathroom is modernish. He's not a damn heathen ok you weirdos. Lol. Maybe a bit looking like a 70s/80s/90s Chinese gothic dad vibe but hey. It's modern enough).
He feels this is one of the few times he can let his walls down. You'll get to see a very very somft shang tsung. If The sorcerer trusts you that much. You are lucky af.
He loves to bath you. He doesn't mind receiving in return. In fact he loves being pampered (spoiled lil shit he is. But we love him) but he prefers to actually pamper you more! Besides he loves washing your hair or massaging your scalp. Washing your beautiful body. Taking care with every single touch.
He will even dry you off. Never lifting a single finger. Wrapping a robe or a large towel around you. Picking you up bridal style. Carries you to your shared bed. May or may not finish loving on you there. Depending on your moods.
But either way. Shang loves bathing time with you. It's a very simple but sweet moment.
Shang's sweet side. Is his best side. And you're the lucky one to ever get to see it 💖
Hopefully you guys like these. Sorry if its short and not as organized as i usually try to do it. But it's on the fly while i have the spoons to write.
But i hope this gives you some good food.
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So as a Polish person, I both love and hate Polish! Ice as a headcanon, but my grandma is half-Italian and somehow this manifested into Italian! Mav so here we go (spoiler: there's a lot of food involved):
Mav's mom was first generation Italian born in NYC, lived in Staten Island until she married Mav's dad - her family was from Bologna
Mav, despite the hero worship he had for his dad, was mamma's boy
she could speak Italian well and did so around the house but never taught Mav, and what little Italian he could speak, he forgot once she died and he wasn't around the language
she, however, left him their family cookbook, entirely written in Italian, and so recipes are the only text he can understand without googling a lot
after he retires, he wants to take some Italian lessons with Ice
as mentioned in one of my post's tags, the few words he remembers and are still natural to him are pet names; he calls Ice caro (dear??) like his mom called his dad, mio angelo, tesoro (sweetheart/honey??) and when Bradley was small and he was tired, he'd call him bambino
He also uses sei un raggio di sole (you are a ray of sunshine) sarcastically when Ice is grumpy -- it's a phrase his mom used when he was grumpy as a kid
he couldn't say 'I love you' to Ice for some time so instead, he'd say ti voglio tanto bene and then eventually moved to ti amo and then to English
he actually really likes to cook, he just needs to cook for someone - he was taught that cooking is a sign of love so he likes to cook for their family, but not just for himself
Bradley couldn't eat nutella for years b/c Mav's homemade nocciolata was so much better. Ice could literally kill for his nocciolata-filled bomboloni and ricotta and strawberry jam crostata
Slider often 'visits' them to get their leftovers and had once asked Mav to make him aubergine parmigiana and shrimp risotto as a birthday present
Mav makes Ice tiramisu as a pick-me-up when he needs to leave for long
Mav loves wine but it must be complimentary with the meal
he makes his own pasta and if you're in the kitchen while he's making it, he's going to use you to roll or knead the dough for him
when Carole was getting sick but still staying at home, he'd make batches of ravioli, tortellini, tortelloni, mezzelune, cappelletti -- any stuffed pasta that could be frozen and then quickly boiled -- so Bradley would have dinner when Carole was having a bad day
he refuses to ever make fettuccine alfredo as a rule b/c it's boring and its american, and will never make meatballs to serve with spaghetti, but Ice broke him and he now finally can do the americanized marinara sauce
their house has plenty of jars -- homemade pesto (3-4 different kinds), a mayo-sized jar of oregano, thyme, rosemary, a jar with grana padano in the fridge and a whole shelf filled only with different kinds of oil, cooking wine and vinegar, and a little garden with fresh basil and, once they moved to San Diego, tomatoes. Ice has to remember to water it when Mav is away in the summer
he does the stereotypical arm waving and shoulder shrugging while talking but only when he is either worked up or tired
they also have that one special kind of plates, white with blue and yellow decor and sunflowers on the main dish plate
As a bonus, Polish Ice headcanons:
Ice's mom emigrated during WWII but his dad was second gen born in the US -- she was from Gdansk
he can cook pretty well, especially polish recipes, since he often helped her cook at home
he, however, hates cooking. But he will absolutely stress-make pierogi if he can, usually a huge batch of like 50 or something
he did hand over the polish recipes to Mav - the only thing is, Mav refuses to make bigos for him (b/c he'd need to make his own sauerkraut and it stinks)
he drinks his vodka neat, in a glass, not as shots, adds coke if he's going for a 'light-drinking night'
he occasionally goes to mass at a Polish church - he, usually, doesn't understand most of what's being said but his mom used to take him to one each Sunday and it's now a form of comfort
His favorite childhood meals were placki ziemniaczane (potato pancakes) with mushroom sauce and pyzy (type of dumplings) with plums, which Mav can now make in his sleep
he's never attempting to learn Polish
but he wants to visit Gdansk and the Polish seaside once every few years
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hmshermitcraft · 11 months
Jimmy didn't take his breakup with Scott very well at all. All the jokes about the being husbands really made him feel like they were going to be forever, hell he'd even began daydreaming plans about their wedding, picking all the flowers from the shop he works at and making mock bouquets.
After Scott ending things, Jimmy was an absolute mess. Neglecting everything from himself to his equipment at work. He absolutely could not afford to replace the flower fridge he broke so he desperately started looking for someone to repair it instead. A 500$ repair fee is better than a 5,000$ replacement after all.
And that's how he met Tango, the odd but interesting repairman he found. Tango enjoys taking things apart so a simple fridge fix wouldn't be a problem... if he could just focus on the work and not the incredibly cute blond that's casually making the most beautiful bouquets tangos ever seen. -🌺
Tango's honestly glad to be working on something that isn't trying to talk back to him. Everything has to be smart nowadays, yet they make the way to fix them harder and harder. The only challenge with older stuff like this is replacing parts. He's not a regular at the scrap yard for nothing - anything he can't repair and sell, he likes to dismantle and clean the parts up.
This fridge is easy.
So, why does he find himself lingering and trying to work slower? The answer to that is easy, if he'd just admit it to himself.
Jimmy works around him quietly. He's polite, asking Tango if he'd like a drink, anything to eat (Tango declined.) He lights up when talking to the occasional customer that walks in. He must have forgotten Tango's there, though, because he deflates the moment that door swings shut.
Something's clearly bothering the guy. Tango doesn't like to pry into customers' lives, but... He doesn't really want to leave this one either.
So he asks about the shop. He asks about the flowers. Jimmy loves talking about the flowers, and Tango gets a hint of the joy that feels right for him. Once the conversation is flowing, Jimmy asks Tango about his own job as well. He listens attentively as Tango explains what he's doing. Tango even stops when Jimmy has to tend to a customer, waiting for him to get back.
When he's finished, he gives Jimmy his number. If he ever needs anything else.
He hopes Jimmy understands the meaning behind the words.
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random Chuuya thoughts
he is ambidextrous, right hand preferred (prolly another one of his "I need to be more normal" clicks, since being right-handed is far more common). this is most likely an acquired skill (or not, I'm unsure myself)
add.: his arms surely are strong enough to use them both to shoot, IMO, and that's just generally a very useful skill, knowing who he is
he likes mellow and chill stuff in general. music, food, but NOT clothes, even though he sticks to a classic style. he needs some sense of tranquility in his life, and he diligently seeks it. he does not mind spicy stuff, though. I mentioned it in one of my fic drafts when Koyo gives him Turkish delights for his birthday
green and white teas are his favorite. like I said, be more chill. but he does drink coffee, more out of necessity than anything else. prolly just black, nothing fancy
he's really smart about his food; the man has a taste, and the taste is excellent. he knows how to combine stuff and how to do it right (unlike Dazai, who only eats to survive and can go multiple days with no complete meal at all, mostly due to his character and lifestyle)
add.: Chuuya doesn't bake, but he knows other recipes for sweets. I do think however that he's more into traditional Japanese kitchen than any foreign, even though he knows how to cook some of that too. I think Rampo would enjoy his cooking, speaking of sweet stuff (an idea of Dazai coming to the ADA with a box of homemade sweets and not responding to any questions is hilarious, esp. since everyone knows this moron doesn't cook anything much or fancy)
you know who's the one to choose the wines and what they come with for the Executives table. and any other occasion.
morning exercises yayyyy (wish I did those too.....)
KOUYOU TAUGHT HIM HOW TO USE A SWORD i'm sorry i can't live without a fencing man. he knows how to use a katana and I bet you he did (and probably still does) some simpler fencing
I'm sorry guys that I'm back to being a 12yo me But his cologne is either musk (white or black), sea breeze, or something usually considered feminine. I can't fight myself on that matter and neither can I decide, so I'll let it be occasional
I don't think he still drives a motorbike in canon, but I do believe that he TRULY wishes he did, so I'll write the man on his poor bike. finding a hidden bomb is surely easier on that thing. sorry kouyou no rides for your pretty dress
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Do you have any burping/stuffing headcanons for Thoma from Genshin Impact?
Okay just so everyone knows, I'm going to have to split this into a couple posts because I've literally gotten like 6 asks asking about Thoma burps or belly canons and it would just be too long to do it in one post. So this one is first since I already alluded to it in this ask.
As I mentioned there, I think that Thoma absolutely is a big eater and big burper. As that video shows, he's practiced at eating weird foods and lots of it with it causing lots of gas in his belly.
Thoma is also a Mondstadter, and while he says he doesn't live up to his heritage and doesn't like to drink, I don't think it stops him from having an occasional drink. And just like their Archon, I think a lot of populace of Mondstadt burps loud and often. I think that Thoma has a lot of this built in even if it's not alcohol. Though I also think part of the issue of him drinking, is that Thoma is a light weight and gets drunk very easily and doesn't want to lose his manners. It might be fun for him, when he's very homesick for Mondstadt, like he's claimed, that one of the things he does is has a night out drinking a bunch of beer (probably with Ayato or Ayato actually plans it since he does very much like to stuff his retainer).
On the day to day, I think that Thoma usually tries to suppress his burps and covers them politely but they happen often. He's often snacking though I also think because he's used to eating, Thoma might get hunger burps. Just being hungry enough, with air in the stomach, that when you have stomach growls, it actually makes you burp.
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I do think that Thoma can burp on command but often doesn't need to because he usually has some kind of gas build up. He's kind and good natured and tries to be good mannered, but if there was time his strength was called into question or either of the Kamisato siblings wanted him to burp, he would do so and do it STRONG (This is often. I also think that Ayato gives him belly rubs like a stress ball which only makes the burping worse).
Most of Thoma's burps are medium strength despite his attempts to silence them, but when he is mid meal or trying to release some pressure to his gut, Thoma's belches are forceful, wet, and loud. Most of the time, his burps aren't airy or fake sounding, they are ones with real power behind them that can shake rooms and astound those around him if they are not prepared. If he's in the middle of an eating challenge and making room or worse lets out an unintentional burp, Thoma might release one that's so strong that it comes with spittal that he just can't stop.
And if any of this when he's actually drunk (which is probably pretty easy) then be careful because it's going to be a loud night with Thoma not even aware of what he's doing. He might swear after a particularly long and hard belch like "Fuck...that felt good," just to express his relief.
This probably isn't the end of his burping, but needless to say, Thoma is burper and you might be deaf from it by the end of a night if you aren't careful.
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gugf · 2 years
Roy headcanons at last! No funny this time, only edge. Because HE'S SAD.
- actually, really responsible and effective. the sole provider of food, electricity and other goods because dream/dollhouse logic
- i imagine him being not especially tall, but very slender, nearly distrophic, cause I doubt he eats well while he is literally living in the walls. that's why he always hungry
- only emotions he expresses are anger and sadness
- well aware of his reputation
- probably has an incomprehensible level of trauma
- as a parent he's good only in keeping the child alive, emotional support and communication it's not to him. he can't? he doesn't think he needs to? probably a mix of both. not like he doesn't care, but he's really bad at letting his son know that.
- neurodivergent. he must be. probably somewhere on the spectrum like every other character in this show (let's face it)
- with that in mind i like to think that he stims through breathing
- no pride, no self-esteem. an apple from the tree, after all (landed in the exact same spot)
- occasionally steals meat and eggs. of course he eats them raw. of course with shells, why are you asking?
- might be also eating himself, like drinking his own blood, or consuming his own flash. he is a cannibal, after all? and if i feel especially edgy, i can say that his fingers are cut to the bone, and in fact the whole body is covered in some sorts of scars. he doesn't really take care of himself at all. even his wounds are completely opened, at most, he will lick if decides to drink blood. i mean, he might get his ankle scratched through and he won't even notice, and will go where he was going
- has a mannequin in his basement to practice parenting skills. its not really working. the most he does it's throw it some food, or something interesting. sometimes he hugs it
- i don't think he can talk "normally" (at least not for a long period of time and still making sense). most if the time he communicates through very vague body language
- and by really vague body language i mean that  quite often it can come off as rude, even if he is trying to do something good. like, i think he can definitely grab by hair or squeeze one's hand so hard that it almost turns out. he killed this whole family alone, don't forget
- but he can also be incredibly malleable. like so much, that you can just grab and push him out without any difficulty, as red did in transport. most likely it depends on the severity of the situation. i even think that if you take him by the hand and try to lead him somewhere, he will just fall, and you will have to drag him along the ground (asshole)
- his voice can sound either like the one from silly sad duck, or like hagane miku depending on a situation
- i don't think that he ever was in control. a little bit of it he could have is completely gone in a tv show. i mean, if he is important, than why does he appear in the void?
- I think he was originally supposed to be a teacher-like being, but something had gone very wrong
- bites
- stinks
- sleeps on a piece of cardboard
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waiting-on-a-dream · 5 months
𝚃𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚕 𝟹 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚍𝚞𝚌𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚎𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚍 𝚑𝚊𝚕𝚏 𝚘𝚏 𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚛𝚜
Prisoner 006: Sasaki Yui
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General info
Physical changes: Her hair remains at a light grey shade, having paled after her guilty verdict for the first trial. She's taking care of herself now and styles her hair more often. Her eyebags aren't as prominent and her face looks better due to her resumed skincare.
Behavioral changes: Due to her innocent verdict, she's more cheerful and friendly, returning to her trial 1 demeanor with a hint of tiredness. Himiko's presence has made her simultaneously happier and more anxious, causing her to have some occasional mood swings.
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– Third trial trailer
Maybe milgram admits people who believe they were responsible for someone's death instead of actual involvement.
– Character voice trailer
Himiko, MOVE!
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𝙼𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚌 𝚒𝚗𝚏𝚘
DECO*27 song cover: Once Upon a Me ("This song comes off as happy but it’s kinda sad you see… The me in the mirror I looked at yesterday, though she wanted to change, somehow she looks the same today.)
Non-DECO*27 song cover: Kanjou deceive by Loar ("The smallest happiness → jealousy・inferiority complex, through a series of bad events." This line describes her so well I'm gonna cry)
Prisoner 007: Shigeru Rin
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General info
Physical changes: He's grown his hair out long enough for his dark purple streak to return. He's also dyed the tip of his longer lock of hair dark purple as well for fun. His eyebags aren't as prominent anymore.
Behavioral changes: He's finally getting more sleep now that he doesn't get nightmares anymore, and is more friendly towards the innocent prisoners when he leaves his room. He mostly stays in his room now to talk to Renho... Perhaps to an unhealthy degree. He's accidentally skipped a few meals because of this, causing Noa to have to visit his room and remind him to eat.
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– Third trial trailer
I don't feel like eating when I'm around her. She doesn't need to eat, so I don't either.
– Character voice trailer
Renho, no! RENHO!
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𝙼𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚌 𝚒𝚗𝚏𝚘
DECO*27 song cover: Love Words Ⅱ ("Right now I want to thank you for all that has happened, I want to thank you for what the future holds as well. Though that’s all I’m really trying to say here, not able to say it all that well, I’m sorry for hurting you and then bursting into tears." I changed up his crime a bit to solidify his motive and now just thinking about him makes me want to curl up in a ball and cry.)
Non-DECO*27 song cover: Shinitai chan by Switch ("I don’t wanna disappear while my feelings still haven't reached you.")
Prisoner 008: Watanabe Noa
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General info
Physical changes: Her appearance remains unchanged.
Behavioral changes: With Benjiro's presence, she's gotten happier, to the point where she's stopped drinking. She continues to be friendly and helps the rest of the prisoners.
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– Third trial trailer
He would have wanted me to live happily.
– Character voice trailer
*heavy gasp, wet gurgle*
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𝙼𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚌 𝚒𝚗𝚏𝚘
DECO*27 song cover: Neo-Neon ("E.g. I don’t know everything about you. E.g. I can’t be your ideal person. Does that surprise you? Didn’t you expect that?" Just had the thought that she might have feeling guilty often during her time with Benjiro... Why do I this to myself.)
Non-DECO*27 song cover: Haine to kleine by Niru kajitsu ("May this world become far dirtier than it is now, forever. I wonder if I’ll be able to get used to it then." There's a theory that the hotel in this song is a metaphor for depression. There's alcohol in it too.)
Prisoner 009: Miyahara Kiyoshi
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General info
Verdict: GUILTY
Physical changes: His hair has grown longer and he has eyebags now. His left eye was injured after the fight with Daisuke, causing him to have to wear an eyepatch. Other prisoners have remarked that he often looks exhausted now, staring off into space blankly.
Behavioral changes: He ignores everyone's attempts to talk to him and stays in his room all day. Mayumi treats his eye and brings him his meals, but her attempts at conversation remain unsuccessful.
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– Third trial trailer
He just wouldn't stop talking.
– Character voice trailer
That's what scum like you get.
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𝙼𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚌 𝚒𝚗𝚏𝚘
DECO*27 song cover: Winter cleaning ("These memories that start bursting forth...where the heck do they come from!? I clean and clean but just can’t stop remembering." The lyrics...aren't so nice when you put them into the context of murder.)
Non-DECO*27 song cover: Fixer by nuyuri ("I just can’t help but wish that someone would take my place living this life from tomorrow on." All the lyrics of this song fit him so well. omg like Daisuke! /j The colour scheme of the MV is so guiltycore too <3)
Prisoner 010: Okura Mayumi
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General info
Physical changes: She cut her hair short and tends to wear it in a bun nowadays. The rest of her appearance remains unchanged.
Behavioral changes: She isn't as silently angry as she was during the second trial. She's allowed to help out with meals now and goes out of her way to treat Kiyoshi's eye. She is strangely the only innocent prisoner that doesn't see her victim in her room. She also hasn't given up on trying to find out more about milgram.
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– Third trial trailer
I can't fathom why someone would want to hurt innocent people.
– Character voice trailer
You'll fit right in with the rest of them in hell.
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𝙼𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚌 𝚒𝚗𝚏𝚘
DECO*27 song cover: Dummy Dummy ("Yet the longer I search for that answer, the more I want to kill the version of myself who laughs with others." DECO*27 songs that aren't about love are few and far between.)
Non-DECO*27 song cover: C’mon, Just Praise Me for Living, Please! by 100kai Outo ("I wanna be someone stable. Why is it just so hard everyday?" This song may not give off her vibe, but damn do the lyrics fit her way of thinking for the past few years.)
𝙰𝚞𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚛 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚜:
The song Keep out by mafumafu really suits Rin. The same goes for Suicide by suisoh for Noa.
Haruto's non-DECO*27 song cover for trial 3 is A Living Hell Within A Dream.
𝙿𝚒𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚠 𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚔𝚜:
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spaceorphan18 · 1 year
Do you think Kurt talks about his sex life to Mercedes because she’s made it clear she’s waiting to be married and religious so I can’t imagine him telling her all about how Blaine gets him off?
He probably does to Rachel and Santana but I’m not convinced he does to anyone else? Maybe Elliot?
And I’m just not convinced he’d want to know all about their sex lives either? Maybe to gossip with them and Blaine but not the actual mechanics of it?
Oohh this is an interesting question, Nonny!
I don't think Kurt talks with his friends as nearly as things like fanfic might suggest. And I think you're correct in your assumption that while he'll gossip about everything, he's not going to get heavy into actual mechanics of what's going on.
I think, during the canon years, Kurt has a hard time even talking to Blaine about it. Sure - he enjoys it, and wants it, and they're definitely having it. But he seems to have a hard time articulating that it's an important aspect of their relationship. And I think they do a lot of things intuitively over having outright conversations. I think that does change with age and experience, but during canon, I think Kurt more so wants to experience and feel it over talk and discuss it.
(Blaine's a whole other can of worms which deserves its whole other post...)
I don't think that Mercedes's religion or more traditional nature is what holds her back from talking about sex with Kurt. First of all, when you're friends with a couple, you don't particularly want to know how they're getting off with each other. (Or at least I don't.) I think Mercedes is perfectly fine not knowing what goes down in the bedroom of any of her friends.
And Kurt doesn't really go to her for sex advice (I don't think he goes to anyone, really, but more on that in a second). But I do think he will go to Mercedes about general relationship and emotional advice. That's the type of help she offers freely, and I think that's where they are in terms of their friendship.
[As an aside - I think Mercedes would more likely go to Blaine for advice on guys over Kurt -- just because I think Blaine is able to have a more nuanced and emotionally open conversation about it. I feel like there's an interesting fanfic there... hmmm...]
With Rachel - I think it's a lot of her oversharing things he probably doesn't want to hear. I mean, I can just see her at length talking about the time Brody went down on her after eating chili peppers and her vagina felt funny afterwards, and he can never unhear that story. But Kurt's less likely to divulge more intimate facts about himself. Because that part of him is more or less something for he (and Blaine/his partners) alone. Though - occasionally, I can see him throwing out a fact just to shock her and prove he isn't as boring as he seems.
Santana's an interesting one. I think the two of them, out of spite or the challenge, will try to out do the other -- especially during a drinking game like 'never have I ever' or something ridiculous. She probably does know more dirty facts about him than anyone else (besides his partners) and she'll often offer unsolicited advice whether he wants it or not or like Rachel, divulge way too much about her own sex life.
She'll also be the one to go to if a) he needs quick advice on medical treatment of something or b) wants to venture out into something kinkier and wants to find an adult toy store.
But I don't think it's a constant thing - and Santana always enjoys it when it comes up because it is so rare.
I think out of everyone on the show (whom he isn't sleeping with) Elliott is probably the person he's having the most serious conversations with. (And I'd say even then - it's in a post-canon world.) Elliott is both male and gay - which does factor into it. Elliott also has a maturity about him - and is a safe place where Kurt could be like - hey, I was having trouble with this in bed or, hey have you guys ever tried x,y, or z? And I think Elliott would be both honest and open with an answer - making Kurt not feel judged for asking and actually offering solid advice.
Great question, Nonny! :)
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sparrowhero · 2 years
could i pls request platonic older sibling figure! reader and shinsou hcs? older sib reader is a similar to shinsou but slightly more chaotic and eccentric
You're his sibling, you'll always be his sibling, and he loves you: you look out for him (mostly). You're pretty similar, even if you didn't have the same parents. But GOD he can't take you anywhere!! He's at that age where he considers himself basically grown and he doesn't need you to EMBARRASS him, which you do, even if all his friends think you're pretty cool.
Denki and Monoma both call you by an older sibling title no matter how much Shinsou says it's not necessary. He is a little proud that his friends think you're cool (will never admit it until many years later, though). Since the two of you are so similar, it means you can end up butting heads and bickering, but they just think it's really funny how you resemble each other.
Depending on how much older you are than him, he will either pretend he doesn't know you at school if you pass by or just barely mention that he has a sibling. If someone asks because they found some physical similarities, he'll say he does, but prior to that: you are living two completely separate lives. Acknowledgement only if you have to hand over lunch money or someone forgot their gym clothes at home.
He takes his aspiring heroism career VERY seriously and greatly appreciates whatever helpful advice or support you can give him. It's probably the one thing you would never tease him on, though the two of you trade barbs while he practices at home. If you're significantly older, he tolerates you a bit more if you tease, but he often goes "You're not mom" (regardless of gender) if you tell him anything like to clean his room or something.
Since you're a little bit weirder than he is, there are going to be a lot of times he raises his eyebrow and goes "what?", but he remembers the kind of off-the-wall shit you occasionally say and uses that to get you stuff for your birthday or other holidays. Every year, it's his birthday gift that makes you laugh and smile the most.
During holidays, you guys actually hang out a lot more. A lot of reading in the same room together without talking, and if you've got the extra cash, sometimes the trip to the Cat Cafe and a lunch out is on you. You gotta spoil your little brother who's been working his ass off at school, yeah? He tears up a little bit when you take him out for whatever he wants as a celebration for his entrance into the Hero Course.
The first one to comfort you after a bad day, no matter what he says. Brings dinner and a snack to your room and offers to listen and let you talk it out. He isn't the best with words, and you aren't either, so it's usually just him patting your shoulder and trying to get you to drink some water and eat.
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eldritch-spouse · 2 years
Hey hey hey, time for Hoodie Anon's Bullshit power hour! 🎉 don't worry it's not super chaotic this time tho (I'll come up with some more hell for you later but it is 551 AM when I'm sending this and I need to SLEEP)
How would the clergymen react with an s/o who wants to be with them but sets like a few hard (reasonable but definitely deal breaker) boundaries for their own mental health? Like...
With Morrell? Well, you'd better not slaughter anybody in front of me, I will cry. And yes, while I will absolutely eat and be thankful for the stuff you make me to eat, please do not tell me if you use humans as ingredients, at least not until much later on so I don't immediately vomit.
With Santi? Bitch, it's fine you fuck people, it's your job and you need to eat, but if you do that in our bed I'm gonna sleep on the couch for the night or some shit (only not making YOU do it because you can overpower me and...y'know, you were here first). Don't be surprised if I still have sex with you after I learn about this, that does not mean you've been forgiven for that.
Patches? You wanna stalk me? Good, great, all about it, whatever makes you feel more secure. I will absolutely be sweet with you outside the bedroom and super kinky inside of it. But you ever get violent with me while you're in your more feral state and I WILL either yell at you or give you the silent treatment later on.
Krulu? Kinda the same thing as the Morrell bit, to be honest, at least the slaughtering part since he doesn't...make...y'know, people food. Also, unless I experience some sort of traumatic event, please don't alter my memories. That would be a really shitty thing of you to do, and I'll probably find out that you did it at some point or another, so then we'll BOTH be upset.
Grimbly? Be cute and adorable, snuggles are wonderful, and drink my blood if you must but if you ever do that shit without warning, I will swat at you like a fucking insect and....again, cry. Like full on sob and get very scared, and not in any sort of fun/kinky way.
Just as some examples lol
[551am? You're on the next level Hoodie, I don't even know how to access that hour!]
Oh boundaries boundaries- A word which most yanderes simply cannot grasp, right?
Morell is mostly fine with you not wanting to see the butchering process. As much as a part of him feels disappointed that you want no involvement, he can understand some peeps are just squeamish! He's very glad you're willing to eat on your own, even if you know the ingredients are... Different. Because otherwise, the mushroom monster would have to resort to underhanded tactics to get some good food down your hatch.
Oh honey, Santi would fuck you exclusively if he could. But chances are that he can't, because you won't handle that much sex, or Santi constantly fishing for "snacks" throughout the day. You need a break, naturally. But worry not, because Santi completely agrees with you. The moment you two share a living space, no meal of his is setting foot there. The Clergy is full of rentable rooms anyway, and even if it wasn't, most of his clients are down bad enough to lick the floor if they have to.
Patches is so very amused that you'd let him stalk you. Just like that? Huh. Then maybe next time he'll just follow you into your home without the cloaking device then. You said he could! Nonetheless, dullahan fit Patches is not likely to direct senseless aggression at you. That would only happen if you were to deny him too much, shun him, refuse to love this side of him as much as you love regular Patches. Then, then things would get ugly. He's a package deal and you're going to have to work with that.
Grimbly's not above nibbling. He really isn't, he's going to chew a little. You don't need to swat him to get him to stop, but you it's definitely acceptable. While the bat monster dreams of your blood and maasy occasionally get brave enough to try something at night, he will mostly respect your wishes when you're awake. Though denying him this too much will lead to the vampire sucking his other meals dry. And coming back to you a bit sick because, much like a fucking mosquito, he gorges himself almost hard enough to burst when he's distraught. You can always rely on blood bags, even if they're not as tasty.
With Krulu my friend, you're just fucked. Sorry to say, but your boundaries are second place to the siadar's will. You don't wish to see people die at his hands? What a pity, dear chosen, but you are not to shy from your lord. Ever. If Krulu feels he has to alter your memories, he will. No ifs or buts, they will either be locked from your conscious mind or erased altogether. He can even make filler memories. You're better off accepting these possibilities than trying to bicker with a god. Trust that he's doing what's best for you, lamb. You cannot be squeamish, that is not acceptable for a vessel. And if he rids you of memories, then trust that those only ever hindered your duties.
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bravevolunteer · 10 months
𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐋: fox... unsurprisingly— beyond using the mask as a scare tactic, foxy was genuinely his favorite animatronic ( and if i'm self-indulgent, couuulddd have been inspired by him, but- ) and he's always like the animal itself. was probably also that kid who thought wolves were cool as hell ngl HGFHDHG
𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑: i don't even think he knows this but he'd like before the storm irises and bat flowers ( emo ass )
𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐓: firewood, gasoline, the air after it rains
𝐂𝐎𝐅𝐅𝐄𝐄: he's not that picky honestly— will not hesitate to drink black if need be/he just cannot be bothered to do anything else, but he'll usually have it with a simple milk and sugar. will also sometimes just get straight up espresso shots.
𝐓𝐄𝐀: doesn't really drink tea, if he does he'd probably go for something spiced, like a cinnamon type. maybe with honey because it reminds him of what his mom would make when he got sick but that's embarrassing JHDFGHJKK
𝐃𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐊: ... he was probably an energy drink guy ESPECIALLY in his teens, okay battery acid
𝐀𝐋𝐂𝐎𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐈𝐂 𝐁𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐆𝐄: again, not picky— he can stomach pretty much anything: beers, shots, mixed drinks, whatever. he can sometimes be put off by the smell of whiskeys, but he can stomach it fine, with that said he was for sure a fireball guy lmao
𝐅𝐎𝐎𝐃: ... so i've already talked about how he doesn't have the BEST diet, it's a good day if he cooks himself a real meal period. definitely gets a lot of takeout, but also he's content if he makes himself a good sandwich... any meals that remind him of better times when he was a kid is when he has a preference for homecooked
𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐓: ... this might be more of a snack but of course my instinct is to say popcorn. it's a comfort after horrible shifts when he can still eat okay HGFKGF he's also a cookie guy i think, cupcakes and ice cream Not Allowed
𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐋𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆: when he's younger? for sure his stupid "tank tops" aka shirts with the sleeves he cut off himself— he thought he looked cool. into adulthood he does keep a leather jacket that he really likes. bonus: he ALSO likes his piercings and a couple rings as accessories
𝐋𝐄𝐅𝐓 𝐎𝐑 𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐃: left handed, tried to train himself to be ambidextrous as a kid because he got frustrated over smudging paper and failed ( pov william, probably Could teach himself if he hasn't already, finds this really funny )
𝐒𝐋𝐎𝐏𝐏𝐘 𝐎𝐑 𝐍𝐄𝐀𝐓 𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆: mostly neat! it's not perfect or anything and can be a little scrawly but it's very readable
𝐂𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐍 𝐎𝐑 𝐌𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐘 𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄: messy... always had a pretty messy room as a kid / teenager, and while he DOES try to put some effort in occasionally.... he is depressed AND lives alone ( in complete isolation post scooping ), he doesn't really have much motivating him to keep his place clean. if he's living with someone, he will try more, but old habits die hard
𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑 𝐈𝐍 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐑 𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓: the thing about this is it's assuming he has a schedule like a normal person LMAO— he does struggle with the drive to do so making that already the first factor to handle. when he doesn't work night shifts, he'd usually shower at night. when he does, his regular system will be get home, either pass out or Sit And Deal With That, and THEN shower bc ew gross yucky restaurant.... so that would make it more like afternoon i guess!
𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐔𝐀𝐆𝐄: quality time and acts of service— he is so prone to isolation and self sabotage that allowing himself to spend that meaningful time with someone is not only what he needs and won't let himself have, but a display of how much he cares for that person. michael's never been good at verbal communication, so he will tend to show his love through actions: doing things for others, defending/protecting them, helping instead of hurting. as for receiving? of course all options good but he is especially deprived of words of affirmation and physical touch ( though this very much hinges on comfort levels )
𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐕𝐄 𝐈𝐍 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐀𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐓 𝐒𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓: no— he has with struggled concepts related to fate and inherent qualities, but that's more in the personal sense, he's not interested in the idea of love at first sight. has everything to do with the fact that the idea of someone seeing the worst parts of him and loving him anyway appeals to him.
TAGGED BY: @moondevours TAGGING: steal from me i am so tired
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ruvviks · 2 years
🤡🧳 🗺️🍳💖 and a bonus of 🎲 for both cassidy and ronan <33
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🤡 - what’s something dumb they’re embarrassed about?
cassidy gets very easily embarrassed about pretty much anything. he believes that when he says something a bit out of place or something he shouldn't have said he has ruined Everything for himself and he takes this very very seriously unfortunately LMFAO it's kind of like. "enjoy your meal" "you too" situation but he truly just believes he has to die now SHGFJDHJDGF
🧳 - what countries have they been to?
cassidy has never left night city much further than the badlands :// he would love to visit other countries but. it also terrifies him LMFAO he would need to hype himself up so much. and then he'd get homesick </3
🗺️ - what languages do they speak?
cassidy knows english, spanish, italian and sign language :] he uses sign language pretty regularly when he's overwhelmed or on bad sensory days and also occasionally speaks spanish with luna! italian is something he's just known all his life though he doesn't really know why. it's just a language they spoke at home sometimes. but he can't remember much from his childhood since he got into a coma at some point in his life so he can't remember the fact his father is part italian LMFAO it's fine he'll figure it out
🍳 - how well can they cook?
answered here!
💖 - how and how often do they try to impress their partner(s)? how and how often do their partner(s) impress them?
cassidy really needs validation basically at all times but also isn't one to actively go looking for it because it makes him feel bad :/ he doesn't want to like. inconvenience others or act too needy. especially not with his partner. so the only times he would want to impress them is when they need to do Something and cassidy seems to be the only one who's able to do it, he'll get very !!!!!! about it because he also loves being helpful. making himself useful. AND he gets to show off his skills. that's the only kind of scenarios he's actively doing it
on the other hand, he is essentially in constant awe of his partner, everything about them makes him !!!!!!!!!!! all the time and he finds many new things to love about them every single day. which he also writes down in his notebook by the way. very important to mention
🎲 - [random question] coffee or tea?
coffee! though you can barely call it coffee anymore he puts so much sweet stuff in it LMFAO imagine the sweetest starbucks drink you can think of. That's his order. yeah
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🤡 - what’s something dumb they’re embarrassed about?
ronan gets embarrassed about a lot of things but also either forgets about it very quickly or goes "wait i don't care actually" and that fixes him. he DID however eat shit once because he tripped over his own feet because he was too busy staring at john (when john has already joined the resistance. this makes no sense to the people who don't know about my canon but just trust me please) and nick is still bullying him for it many years later LMFAO
🧳 - what countries have they been to?
ronan has never left the united states and given the state of the world he probably never will </3 it's fine though he would probably die in another country. idk how he would do that but he seems like the kind of guy who would fucking. find a way SGHFDGHDFJ
🗺️ - what languages do they speak?
ronan speaks english and spanish!
🍳 - how well can they cook?
he's decent enough? nothing special but also not bad at all, he's very good at like. eyeballing things. just doing something and it works out. he's like "i don't know how long i have to cook this for but i'm gonna go ahead and assume it's [...] minutes" and somehow he's always right
💖 - how and how often do they try to impress their partner(s)? how and how often do their partner(s) impress them?
ronan knows it's not easy to impress john so he probably. wouldn't even try LMFAO he's just a guy <3 living his life <3 though when john actually does end up impressed ronan goes !!!!!!!!!!!! and he secretly wishes it would happen more often but. well. he doesn't put in any effort also because he knows other people around him would be 🤪 [affectionately] about it and he is not going to deal with the facking circus <3 SGHFJDHGDFJ
john impresses ronan regularly but he's not doing it on purpose. the fact that he joined the resistance. actually rolled up his sleeves and got to work. and didn't run away despite having many chances for it. that already made ronan go !!!!! because he had 100% expected john to just Flee. but he stayed. much to think about
🎲 - [random question] how comfortable would they be wearing a skirt or dress?
very much so >:^) ronan has bigger things to worry about so clothing = clothing to him and he Knows he would look good in a dress so why not wear one right. only problem is he still manspreads like the whore he is so. well. i mean. i'm not complaining but. sir. hello
oc asks!
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links-destiny · 2 years
Hey Link-destiny what do the sinister six in your au do in their free time when they’re not out fighting spider-diamond, robbing banks, or committing any crimes? Do they have any hobbies?(Even villains need a break once and while)
I haven't thought about this before, but these questions are really helpful for me to think about answers on the spot and developing them later on. Thanks for the ask! :]
Rhino paints in his spare time. On the walls of his room, he has hanged paintings. He's not exceptionally skilled, and the paintbrushes do need to be handled delicately lest he snaps them in two, but he enjoys being able to create things rather than just being seen as some heavy wrecking ball.
Also poetry! Do you think binge-watching and quoting from rom-com movies is all he does? While his English may be awkward at times, he does have a way with the written word if he could just find a way to carefully put them on paper...
Doc Ock is chronically in the labs, either plotting with the likes of Tinkerer, checking up on the actuator tech, or spending time with Vulture like they're an old married couple (even though they're not together and secretly pining over each other-).
Aside from that, he doesn't really leave any time to not think about the Syndicate and how to defeat Diamond Spider. It would usually be up to the majority or individual members of the group to pull him away from working, so he can just relax and actually eat a full meal for once.
Vulture bird watches. Oh, how obvious is that? But he does enjoy quiet activities because the base is often the opposite, whether the members of the Syndicate are causing infighting or messing around, Toomes prefers to not always be around that.
Occasionally he checks in on others. He was an ESU professor before becoming the Vulture, so he might spend time talking and getting updated on the lives of his past students, making sure they stray away from Oscorp and the likes. He does the same with the Syndicate, because while they all may have their own faults, it doesn't mean they don't deserve a good support system in the process of their criminal activities.
Electro listens to hyperpop and plays video games. Imagine he lost against another member of the group, but then whoops, it seems like the electricity is acting up today, so technically Electro didn't lose if it wasn't on the record.
He has tried stepping outside the base in his free time considering his aversion towards wearing a complete mask, but things didn't really go so well. These incidents lead him grounded to the base, and with Max being a struggling extrovert, he usually decides to hang around those who can tolerate his brightening presence such as Rhino and Vulture.
Shocker goes to bars around the city for fun, to drink until he's properly drunk, playing pool and darts, possibly in that exact order until someone drags his ass home while he whines and complains about them being a complete buzzkill.
He also hangs out with Mysterio and Tinkerer who for the most part both insist that he takes the time to learn ASL. While it's less than ideal, wanting to just have fun and not having to memorize hand movements to communicate, the two aren't going to let up considering the member, Sandman, is selectively mute.
Mysterio of course spends a lot of his spare time scripting and practicing his illusionist persona with great devotion. Any other time, he's bothering Tinkerer or Shocker, so he can drag them away from the base and secretly attend any new showings of the plays he would love to see. Being a wanted criminal isn't going to stop him, in fact, he thrives off of the attention that his well-deserved popularity.
He does also do the occasional sketches of designs and outfits that strike his inspiration to create. While he does love the regal look his suit possesses, it wouldn't hurt to upgrade every now and then with new fabrics and equipment, presenting it to Tinkerer, so they can collab together.
Tinkerer unfortunately does not have many hobbies that don't revolve around his job. He wasn't a very outgoing person, even before getting caught up with Mysterio. He found that tech was his specialty and stuck with it so at most, he might work on a few personal projects that involve using that certain skill set.
Perhaps after meeting Mysterio face to face and working with the Syndicate, he wouldn't be opposed to joining him to any viewings of theatrical plays or staying indoors to watch movies, so he could spend time away from the labs. He's much more open to the thought of breaks unlike a certain other scientist in the group, but will still remain with a grumpy look on his face. Yes, he's not allowing anyone to assume he actually likes spending time with the ever-talkative Mysterio.
Sandman didn't have much of a life before the Syndicate. Considering he spent more of his life roaming on the streets, learning to steal from when he was still human enough, he ended up not forming that many hobbies in return.
Honestly, he'd probably walk around the base and check to see what everyone else is up to in their definition of fun, signing if he could join them to observe. He's likely to enjoy watching movies like Mysterio and Tinkerer do, sometimes mimicking the expressions and mumbling quietly to whatever is shown on the screen with small fascination, and while he doesn't understand painting, will ask if he could be Rhino's model to help him practice. Doing this and that, so he could feel more at home among friends.
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rat-loves · 1 year
cant sleep just yet so im slapping down some hcs for the bebis before i forgor 🙃 might add more later or make another post 🤔🤔
was an incredibly quiet, but clingy baby- never wailed unless he was in pain or thought hed been abandoned
wasn't much of a crier either, but when he did cry, the only real giveaway was little hiccups and lots of tears, very difficult to hear especially from another room
struggles a lot with his feelings, has no idea what crushes are or how they feel- the first time he liked someone, he thought hed been poisoned and began listing off symptoms (still did not understand even after 'the talk')
again, quiet, and honestly a little awkard, but generally mild-mannered. its hard to get him worked up over something, so he doesnt get into many arguments. if anything, he just stares at someone until theyre done talking 🙃
when he's not feeling well, all he really wants is his dads cooking and hot chocolate, but he has a hard time asking for it as he gets older, since he doesn't want to be treated like a toddler
loves spicy things, can and will drink straight hot sauce if left to his own devices
also eats alot more than most people- thinks food challenges are easy because he's practically a bottomless pit from how much energy his body processes regularly (gabe was absolutely relieved to learn nico doesn't need to sustain himself in the same way he does- feeding himself discreetly was hard enough already)
cat person, 100%!!! he does like dogs, but he thinks cats are cuter and respects that they're a little more work to befriend than a dog
shiver reaper's variant!
snow lost his mom at a pretty young age, so its just been him and his dad for a while now, but he tries his best to live up to her memory
a little gentleman! very polite, but also still a bit awkward from isolation, very open-minded and unlikely to get upset unless someone is being openly disrespectful (very yes sir, no sir type)
also very reflective! he likes to spend alot of time finding pretty places to sit and think for a while, often wonders about his mom and if shed be proud of him and his dad
likes to hum alot, occasionally sings very quietly (its mostly old love songs and little tunes he picked up from his parents- his dad probably hummed him to sleep when he was a baby 🥺)
loves vanilla things- he thinks its a beautiful and delicate flavor and doesn't understand why its considered bland
he's cold to the touch! and when he blushes, its more of a navy blue tone than anything else
practices crafting little permafrost sculptures in his down time- has a tendency to make bear figurines since they remind him of his dad more than owls do 🥺
very curious about other people, but shies away when he's approached at first- he doesn't really get lonely when he's on his own, but he does appreciate the company once hes comfortable
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pumpkin reaper's variant!
a flirty little MENACE, he is full of mischief, hence his nickname- loves to pop out of nowhere to surprise people
definitely a more social variant, loves being around people and observing crowds
considers himself a bounty hunter, but really is just looking for fights and to impress people 😮‍💨
hes half forest witch, so hes got a little power over plants, and loves to sprout seeds in weird places- especially making flower crowns in someones hair (he has been scolded for making a corn maze to the front door before)
loves soups and bread, and while he likes the smell of pumpkins, he does NOT like eating them in any variety- he cant unsee his dad's makeshift head when he tries
absolute favorite treat has to be candied apples! his top pick is granny smith with salted caramel 💕 very easily bribed with it
plays the fiddle! but gets embarrassed if he's not the one to bring it up
won't admit to it, but he loves his dad's horse. he's regularly sneaking that thing carrots and sharing apples with it ✌️
sneaks into taverns, he likes the vibe and thinks drunk people are interesting/funny (his ass is NOT old enough to drink 😒)
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a variant from an au where gabe is still commander reyes/human! he grew up in la!
a little bit flirty, but overall more sure of himself than anything- he doesn't get insecure and likes to socialize with strangers (drives his dad nuts)
he took alot of different martial arts classes as a kid, but the only things that stuck were lessons his dad gave him
very flexible! got into gymnastics and cheerleadering in middle and high school, stretches religiously to stay in top form
prefers pizza and burgers above all else, but likes to have 'dad days' where they go looking for local places and food trucks to try together
LOVES the beach, you have to drag him out of the water when youre ready to go home
his hair is naturally brown, but he wore his dad down enough to get it dyed pretty colors, takes his hair-care VERY seriously and pouts when his roots grow back in- until he realizes thats also pretty cute in its own way ☺️
he picked up babysitting as his first job and once he realized he liked being around kids he started trying to drop hints that he wanted siblings lmao
a little slower than his dad due to the size difference and what the SEP did, but still tries to join him for morning runs before school and work
a huge dog person, has been begging his parents for a dog pretty much since he could talk- desperately wants a lab/german shepard mix, and has researched extensively + made a whole presentation to get gabe on board. (he was always on board, just wanted to make sure it wasn't a phase lmao)
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