#He will build huge houses and never play again
nichi-pm · 1 year
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All the characters I like play minecraft in my heart
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readychilledwine · 5 months
hii!! i’m in love w your writing!!❤️❤️❤️ can i please request one where it’s azriel x reader. Feyre sees azriel wearing a ring on his left finger and asks,
” i’ve seen you wear that ring forever azriel, what does it mean? ”
” it’s my wedding ring ”
and her jaw drops bc she didn’t know he even had a lover.
” who is she? do i know her? what is she like? ”
he smiles faintly and says
” her name is y/n, she’s my mate and wife and she isn’t a warrior like us, she works at a library downtown. you don’t know her, only rhys and cassian do. we have a house in the outskirts in velaris. she is very sweet and i love her more than anything, our daughter is- ”
he nods and tells them all about her, he asks if feyre wants to meet reader and their daughter and feyre smiles and nods. He asks reader in the mating bond if it’s okay to bring her, nyx, rhys and cassian to dinner. reader says yes and azriel tells feyre he’ll pick them all up tonight before leaving to help his wife prepare. Reader meets feyre and become friends instantly, nyx and their daughter become friends aswell.
” how did i not know this?? this makes so much sense now. How he never sleeps here and he’s gone for days sometimes but not on missions. ” feyre asks rhysand.
”don’t worry i didn’t know for a long time either, Az is a very private person, he is extremely protective of his family. i’m glad he told me at all. either way he’s still a mystery sometimes, i learn new things about him all the time and i’ve known him for over 500 years” rhys says and laughs knowing your perfect for his brother 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️😭🥹😍
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Warnings - none
A/n - I played with this for a while, rewrote it several times, and then made something that met in the middle of what came to mind, but still stuck with the request. Hopefully, you love it, dear 💜
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Feyre had been in Velaris for 5 years. 5 long years and she had yet to figure out why Azriel kept a simple black band on his left ring finger at all times.
The two of them were on the couch, Rhys across from them, as they looked over maps of a few of the Illyrian Camps that had been recently renovated. The new cabins, mess halls, and dorms were a huge success, and figuring out the same layout for the remaining few was a huge topic of interest for the three smaller camps.
She glanced at the ring one more time before tapping it. Rhys and Azriel both looked at her, brows raised. "So, not magic," she muttered to herself. She tried spell cleaving it, "And not a ward or shield."
Azriel blinked at her, brows knit in silent question. Rhys had his hand over his mouth, hiding his amusement. Leave it to his wife to provide entertainment without knowing it was needed. "I-" she sighed. "You wear this ring all the time. I'm trying to figure out why."
Both of the males chuckled. "Probably the same reason you wear your wedding ring, Feyre Darling."
The High Lady made face, tapping the ring again. "Don't be ridiculous, Rhys. I would know if Azriel was married."
"Evidently not, my love."
Feyre and Azriel held eye contact, the male then going back to the maps. "Since I have extensive time in Steppes Peak, I think it would be easiest to move the mess hall here, at the base of the mountain, maintain the warroom in the carved out cave, and build better dorms here," he pointed to an empty part of the map.
Rhys nodded, drawing it out on the empty map he had. "I'm sure y/n will agree with whatever you say."
"Okay, stop." Feyre crossed her arms, pouting slightly at the two of them. "Azriel isn't married, and making up some name to make me feel stupid isn't kind."
Azriel sighed. He leaned back while dropping the scent ward he kept on himself at all times. He watched as her face fell. He knew his scent, chilled air and cedar, was the predominant one in the mateship, but now a soft floral scent, something like lavender and warm honey clung there softly.
"I've been married for longer than you have been alive, Fey." Azriel patted her hand. "I have a daughter older than you and another younger than Nyx."
He watched as her face fell, a small amount of hurt flashing across it. "Why didn't you tell me?" She paused, looking at the sleeping heir in his craddle. "We could be having play dates. I could have a friend who understands."
Guilt settled into his face as he pulled her into him. "I torture people for living, sweet sister. I execute people on your orders. I imprison people with a flick of your wrist." He tilted Feyre's head up. "Y/n has no combat training and refused to learn. She likes to sit at home writing poetry, baking, and cuddling our children. I do not bring her around or introduce them to anyone to keep them safe." His face held the ghost of a rare smile. "I think I've brought her to meet Rhys and Cassian once."
Rhys nodded. "I've met her once here and several times behind your back in town. Especially after my first niece was born."
Feyre kept her gaze on Nyx. "He could have a friend," her voice was distant.
Azriel stood, placing a kiss on her forehead as he did. "I'll be right back." Rhysand's smile grew wide. Folding the maps and putting them away. He moved to the liquor cabinet, bringing down one of his more expensive wines.
Azriel reappeared with you and both daughters in tow. Your oldest ran to Rhys, jumping on him and holding him tightly, her wings fluttering with joy as she did. "Hello, Amara," he nuzzled into her hair. "Missed you so much, baby girl. Cassian is on his way."
He walked with her in his arms to the table, setting the wine down and then carried her over to Feyre. "Would you like to meet your aunt?" She allowed Rhys to set her down and turned toward Feyre.
There was little question she was Azriel's. She was the beautiful artists dreamed of painting. Soft classic features framed with inky black hair that fell in gorgeous curls. "Feyre, this is our niece Amara. She's 56. She was my favorite suprise when I got home from the mountain."
She smiled shyly, keeping close to Rhysand. "Hi."
"Hi," Feyre didn't know what came over her, pulling the Illyrian female close to her and holding her. "I'm so excited to meet you."
Amara wrapped her arms around Feyre, returning the gesture. "Me too. Mom and I have been BEGGING dad for a while. But you know how the bats are."
The door slammed open, rushed loud footsteps and a panting filling the hall. "Where's my baby?!"
Amara pulled away from Feyre, smiling softly before moving away from all of them. She was rushed by Cassian, lifted up into his arms as he spun her.
Feyre looked to her side, noticing Azriel next to her, holding a swaddled bundle. "This is Iris. She's a month younger than Nyx." Azriel wouldn't look away from his daughter and her peaceful sleeping face. "I fear the day she loses her chipmunk cheeks."
Feyre looked around the room, trying to find the reason this was happening and felt her heart shift when she saw you, arm wrapped around Rhysand's bicep, looking at Nyx.
You were wingless, long dark hair braided back. Soft leggings and a sweater that was a few sizes too big covering your frame. Cassian had moved next to you, bumping you with his arm and smiling down at you. "He's so beautiful," your voice was a melody, a soft echo that brought calm to the room. "And so sweet. Look at those rosy cheeks."
Rhysand pulled you away, moving you back to Feyre. He handed you to Azriel, arms out expectedly. "Don't make me command it."
The shadowsinger placed his youngest in Rhysand's arms, hands shaking despite the trust between them, "Be careful with her. Please." Rhys nodded, moving over to Cassian. "Feyre, this is y/n, my wife and mat-"
Feyre didn't allow him to finish, hugging you instantly, tears lining her eyes as she did. "Please tell me we can be friends and cry about our babies together."
"I didn't realize that would even be a question. Of course we will be friends, and of course we will cry about all of the things. Our mates don't get it. Cassian, though, Cassian will join us."
The warlord stuck one finger in your direction. "Let me love them in peace, y/n."
You leaned into Feyre, "Has he cried while holding Nyx yet?"
She nodded. "Oh yeah. Big illyrian baby."
"The worst, aren't they? Rhysand, did you want me to make dinner?"
The High lord looked at Azriel, a small look of guilt on his face, "Please."
You squeezed Feyre's arm, kissing Azriel as you moved towards the kitchen. "You know where to find me if she needs me." He nodded.
Azriel moved to Cassian, watching like a hawk as the general snuggled the small babe in his arms. Amara was sitting by Nyx a look of love and adoration on her face as she sighed.
"She's perfect for Azriel in every way," Rhys stroked Feyre's hand. "I was nervous at first too when he brought her home. I was even more nervous when his fears manifested in the form of being deeply private with her. But she is perfect for him."
Feyre nodded, watching as Azriel glared as Cassian due to the loud squeak his baby had just let out.
"His girls are beautiful." Rhys hummed in agreement. "Y/n is beautiful."
Feyre moved to Amara's side, sitting next to her and smiling as her niece started asking questions.
She didn't realize it until now, but this was the missing piece. The part of the puzzle that had sat empty despite every thing around it being done. You and your girls were that lost center.
Now she just had to convince Azriel to keep bringing you around.
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General tag list:
@hnyclover @glitterypirateduck @slytherinindisguise @mischiefmanagers
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cultrise · 9 months
⚝ CONTENTS NSFW, rough sex (consensual), reader gets manhandled, a little dumbification, degradation, hobie has a frenum & a lorum piercing ᵎᵎ wc 2.5k
ᵎᵎ check the mlist for kinktober here !
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24 days, 18 hours and 4 minutes have passed since you and your now ex-boyfriend, hobie brown, have broken up.
life being hobie’s girlfriend wasn’t always pink. he didn’t like to open up that much, you often felt like he kept secrets and he always ignored any problems that arose in the relationship. and even though you loved each other, even though the relationship was great overall and the sex was amazing, the last straw was finding out that hobie was none other than the vigilante ‘the prowler’, which was hunted down heavily by police.
it all happened when you came across a box of interesting gadgets and designs, detailed schematics and tools to use for building them. now sure, you had some suspicions for a while about what hobie’s actual job entailed but hearing it out of his mouth was like getting stabbed. it wasn’t necessarily the information that he was indeed the prowler that gutted you, but more-so the absolute audacity of this man to put his life at risk and lie to you about it.
it all ended up becoming a huge fight that lasted for hours, time in which you insulted each other to the bone, yelled until your lungs gave out and threw everything you could get your hands on at each other. you were devastated. sure, your relationship might not have been perfect, but how did hobie expect for you to trust him if he couldn’t trust you with a part of his own identity? the summary of the fight resulted into you two breaking up in an ugly way and having the worst meltdowns possible because of it.
now, after so many days, you had finally tricked yourself into believing the outcome was for the best. you had stashed every item that had ever belonged to hobie into a box and placed it into the corner of your closet, saying you’ll throw it out when you get the time. obviously, that never happened, as you always found new excuses not to. you were sure you hated hobie.
and in retrospect, hating him was better than acknowledging how badly still loving him hurt. you dreaded the nighttime because you knew the moment you cuddled up in bed you were met with memories and dreams of him that would just not leave you be. even his pillow had lost all scent of him.
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you entered your apartment with a sigh, tossing your keys on the couch. it had been a long day, with a long shift at work and even though your stomach was rumbling and your house was a mess, the only thing on your mind was slipping out of those clothes and get into bed. as you removed your jacket you heard the sound of footsteps against the floor. you looked around, panicked. no.. must’ve been coming from outside? until, you hear it again.
you quickly grab a knife from the kitchen, holding it in a trembling hand as you make your way to the source of the sound: your bedroom. as you step in you see a tall, shadowy figure going through your closet and you raise your hand, to strike. with a sudden shift you feel a hand go to your wrist, a tight grip making you drop the knife to the floor. you were about to scream before one large hand dropped over you mouth and you felt the familiar scent of cigarettes hit your nostrils.
“what the fuck, woman? are ya’ insane?” hobie half-yells as he takes a step back, letting you take the information in. he was there. in front of you. in your room. he looked,, awful. “what the fuck are you doing in my house?” you say between grit teeth as his face softens and he sighs “i uh.. came t’.. get my stuff” his eyes trail to the prowler mask that lay on your desk.
“you could’ve called. i thought i was getting robbed!” you cross your arms as his eyebrows furrow “i did. y’blocked my fucking phone number!” oh yeah. you did do that. oops. you play with your fingers anxiously “right..” hobie says with a big breath as he turns around to the closet “okay, maybe stop going through my stuff?” you place a hand on his shoulder, pulling him away. hobie watches you with wide, confused eyes.
“i wasn’t? i’m lookin’ for my stuff because i know this is whe’e you keep your shit! stop making a fuss out of anythin’ “ he groans as he turns again “oh, i’m making a fuss?” “oh great, there we go” hobie scoffs as you grab him by his jacket “you listen to me. you don’t get to come to my house uninvited and start bitching. now move over so i can give you your shit and leave. i’m sick of you” you push him to the side with a hiss, starting to look for his box of things.
hobie rolls his eyes, trying not to let his demeanour drop. he didn’t come over with the thought of getting back together, even if it was permanently on his mind. but hearing you treat him like that.. it hurt. he sat himself down on your chair, propping his legs up on the desk as he waited.
after a short amount of time you pull the box out, placing it on the table with a loud bang “there. it’s all in here” hobie gets up and starts going through it with pursed lips “is this?…” he asks wide-eyes as he takes out a studded bracelet with your initials on it, his first ever gift to you “yeah.. it is.. i have no use for it anymore so feel free to give it to someone else” you cross your arms, not meeting his stare.
hobie did not consider himself a sensitive person at all. yet in that moment it was as if glass shattered into his toracic cavity and pierced through his every muscle “give.. give it to someone else?” he scoffs in disbelief “i gave this to you” he says as he holds a hand out, trying to see if you’re going to take it or not. you shake your head after a few moments of hesitation “no. i dont need it. and in case you havent realised it yet, i hate you. so please, be on your way” you gesture to the door.
this time, hobie is overcome by rage “say tha’ again?” your eyes finally meet his, watching them get darker “what? that i hate you?” you almost feel hobie’s patience snap in half “you hate me now, d’you?” he spits out. you, however, hold your ground “yeah. i do. i think i made myself pretty clear” a hand flies to your wrist once again, pulling you closer “i think you need to stop lying to y’self”
you try to pull yourself away from his grip “hobie! let go!” the man just towers over you, his presence now more intimidating than ever “no. i am sick and tired of this bullshit. you hate me tha’ much? then why haven’t y’thrown this shi’ away?” he points to the box of things, making you bite down on ur lip “you want t’play that game? fine. y’re nothing but a liar” he hisses as you turn to him, in shock “i’m the liar?! me?! after all of the years you have lied to me about being the prowler?!”
hobie lets out a low chuckle as he moves away from you “you still hung up on that, huh?” “still hung… hobie, the main reason of our breakup was the fact that you lied to me! you led me to not be able to trust you, do you even hear yourself?!” hobie’s hand grips at the table, the veins on his arms pulsating. “i did that to fucking protect you! y’think i liked leaving secretly every night to patrol the streets just so i make sure y’re safe?! no! but i did it anyway. fuck…”
you blink at him in bewilderment. your lips part, but no sound comes out of your mouth as your neck goes dry “you want to say y’hate me? fine. go right ahead. i can lie like tha’ too” you had never seen him so angry before. your hands tremble as you try to reach for him, not because you’re afraid, but because you don’t know what to say. “hobie..” you choke out his name.
you don’t even realise when hobie takes ahold of you, pushing you to a wall and kissing you like he’s starved, attacking your lips and biting them every chance he gets. you don’t take long to wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him in even more as your teeth clash together. his hands roam your body, fingers finding their way to the zipper of your jeans before he pulls them off. you break off the kiss, lips parted and face flushed with need as you follow suit and take off your top and unclasp your bra.
hobie watches you as you do so before scoffing “hate me but are quick t’get undressed the moment i get handsy? fuck, this is such a joke” he grunts before picking you up with ease and throwing you on the bed, flipping you on your stomach and climbing on top. you’re so wet. you shouldn’t be this wet. anyone else would be absolutely terrified with the way hobie was acting. yet you knew him too well, you knew his frustration came from missing you so much, from you telling him that you hate him when you clearly didn’t.
his hands grab at your hips as your face gets pushed down into the mattress and you moan the second you feel his bulge press against your clothed pussy “hate me, yeah? you’re nothing but a needy slut, lookin’ fo’ attention” his hands travel to your breasts, pinching at your nipples. your body shudders at the feeling “p..please, hobie– “ “please? please what?” “i need you” “do ya’?” a low chuckle “ain’t that funny”
he moves one of his hands to you panties as he slowly drags them down to reveal the mess underneath. your arousal drips down your thigh “fuck me, y’re so fucking dirty. a dirty liar, that’s what y’are” hobie growls before inserting two fingers into your cunt. you grip at the sheets, a long moan dropping from your lips as you raise your ass up even more so he can go deeper. unfortunately for you, that doesn’t happen, as hobie’s fingers suddenly leave your pussy and he watches as your hole clenches around nothing, in desperation “she wants me so bad, doesn’t she?” he purrs as you whine.
with a tug at your shoulders he lifts your upped body up, making you turn around to face him “clean this shit off” he gestures before you obediently suck on his slicked fingers, looking up at him. hobie lets out a sharp breath as his dick strains against the fabric of his boxers “you hate me?” he asks when you’re done, before grabbing your jaw and pulling you closer “nah.. i hate you” and he turns you around, pushing your head back into the mattress as he slips his pants off.
soon enough he slams into you, fingernails digging into your hips as you moan in the fabric of your sheets “hob.. hobie.. ahh.. oh god!” you scream as you try to adjust to his size. it had been a long time since you had fucked him and taking him all at once was a bit hard to do. but you were so aroused you couldn’t think straight, you wanted him to fuck you so bad it quite literally hurt “strugglin’ t’ take all of me in? missed this cock, did you, you slut? fuck.. i hate you” he mumbles as he goes faster, his lips stuttering at every stroke.
you soon become to fucked out to even think as hobie’s tip pressed against you g-spot just right. you move a hand between your legs, pressing two fingers to your clit as you try to get off, moaning into the sheets “look at you, tryin’ t’get off like a little slut. wann’cum that bad?” you whine as your digits drag over your puffy clit, your insides being absolutely destroyed with hobie’s pace and the way his piercing’s rubbed against your gummy walls.
“it’s too much, hobie… please” you manage to get out as he lets out a low chuckle “you’re begin’ me now? y’can take it” and you realise he’s right, that it would’ve been so much more painful for him to pull out at that moment and leave you there, hot and bothered, unable to pleasure yourself the way he did. and you knew the reason that hobie didn’t pull a stunt like that was because he was close, maintaining his pace as he starts to fuck up his words.
“such a.. f..fuck… such a dirty whore.. i hate you.. mhm.. i hate you so much” he groans as he throws his head back, adam’s apple bobbing up and down “say you hate me” hobie says as he slaps your ass, the sharp sting making you whine “i… i hate you” another slap “say it properly” “i ha… oh god, hobie!” you scream as you feel yourself come closer to orgasming. another slap “properly” tears stream down your eyes as, with a final rub to your clit you cum all over his cock, ruining your sheets.
hobie looks down at you as you drop limp on the bed, panting and too fucked out to utter proper words. he watches as your mouth opens but no words come out and he smirks “pathetic, ain’t ya’?” you bite your lip as you close your eyes, the words finally escaping your swollen lips “i love you” and hobie’s eyes widen, his pupils dilate and his heart thumps against his chest. you raise yourself, propping your upper body on your palms as you push your ass back, fucking yourself into his cock. the action catches him off guard, making him let out a guttural grunt of pleasure.
“want you to cum in me” you look back at him, begging him to keep fucking you. it doesn’t take long for hobie to comply to your demands, this time, staying silent. you try not to think of the nature of his silence and the reasons for it as his hips snap into yours. his strokes quickly become uneven and hobie parts his lips, staggered breaths coming out from between them.
“shit..” hobie moans as he grips your hips again, body shuddering all over as he shoots his cum inside of you, watching it drip from your pussy as he pulls out. you turn your whole body around, your back pressed against the bed as you caress his cheek with one hand. his eyes close slowly while you caress his cheekbone “i’m sorry” you whisper as his eyes open again, deep dark eyes staring into yours. and suddenly, his whole expression goes all soft, eyes closing again “so am i”
“i love you, hobie” you repeat your former affirmation as he caresses your waist and pulls a blanket on top of you. his lips find their way to your forehead, applying three gentle kisses “i love you too”
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© cultrise | don’t steal, copy or translate my works.
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authorhjk1 · 4 months
Can you please make a smut about MINA getting laid by some rich white guy after the fendi event.
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Connections are everything. That's what Mina found out throughout the last couple of years. As along as she has friends that are up high enough, she can get anything. A better contract with JYP, her own house, a car, power, all of it.
And how does she become friends with those important people? It's simple actually.
Mina can't hide her smile as she walks towards the big building in front of her, cameras flashing while she waves.
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It really is easy to make all those rich guys listen to her. It doesn't even take that long.
Throughout the event, she lays eyes on a guy who seems to be the most important man in the room. His suit looks really expensive. Her plans are disrupted though. Mina sees his wife hanging onto his arm.
A smirk plays around her lips before she takes a sip of the champagne. Since she is a huge introvert, people never pay much attention to her at these events as long as she doesn't speak too much.
But she can use that to her advantage. His wife looks way older than her. And Mina knows how pretty she is herself.
It really doesn't take long. She catches his eyes once. A couple of coy glances in his direction. A longer stare across the room that takes a couple of seconds. A seductive smile. A bite on her finger.
And here she is now. A couple of minutes later. In one of the rooms upstairs. The man's hands on her waist, his wife forgotten.
Mina feels how his lips travel along her neck. She let's out a moan as she tilts her head back.
She tried to justify her actions when she first started this. She told herself that she is only doing this for money and favours. But after a while, Mina liked the idea of some stranger fucking her. At an event where everyone else is oblivious.
"Let me see your cock."
Mina kneels on the carpet in front of him, giving him another seductive glance, before she starts to undo his pants. The man strokes her hair, encouraging her to take his cock into her mouth. It's not the biggest she's had, but it's more than enough to have fun with.
Her lips part as Mina starts her blowjob. Her hands are at the base of his shaft, slowly stroking him. He keeps his hand in her hair, occasionally pulling her a little further onto his cock.
"I'm usually not a woman like this."
She gives him a coy smile.
That's what she tells all of those guys. She found out that she can get even more favours like this. The men think they are something special to her.
He smiles down at her in disbelief.
"My parents are very conservative. I promised them that I would stay pure until marriage. But when I saw you..."
Mina's words trail off as she resumes her blowjob. She can feel how the man gets even harder at her words. She tries to hide her smile as she keeps sucking him off.
"How are you so good at this?"
He asks, while he feels how Mina's tongue glides along the length of his shaft with every bob of her head.
"I'm a natural, I guess."
She keeps up this fake innocence, knowing that this will be even more beneficial.
Mina can feel how this whole thing makes her pussy wet. Sucking off some stranger at an event. His wife downstairs. All of it makes her horny as fuck.
"You wanna put it in?"
He is surprised. He thought, Mina would only give him head.
"I-I'm really needy."
No one can resist her coy smile. Especially if she is on her knees with a cock in her hand.
"Of course."
He helps her up, before letting his hands roam all over her dress. Mina sighs again as she feels his lips on her flawless skin. He kisses her shoulder, before he slowly pulls off the straps of her dress.
The top is now bunched up around her waist, exposing her tight midriff and her white bra. He doesn't know that Mina is wearing a push-up bra. She came prepared, ready to entice her next victim with her ample chest.
"Please hurry. We have to be downstairs soon. I don't want to be caught."
Mina is wet enough already, she doesn't need further stimulation. She let's her dress fall onto the floor, staying true to her own words.
He can't help but admire her slim figure. His wife hasn't looked this fit for a couple of years now. And Mina also looks a little younger. A little less experienced.
All of it drives him further into her trap.
He pushes her white underwear to the side, exposing her pussy.
Mina lets out a moan as he let's his fingers glide over her lower lips. He notices how wet she is. Her folds glisten with arousal.
The young woman leans against the wall behind her, the man leans down to kiss her lips. He plays with her pussy for a couple of moments as the two of them exchange a heated kiss.
Mina begs, asking him to fuck her. To forget about his wife. To cheat on her.
A lewd moan escapes her mouth as she feels his cock graze her pussy lips. Another one leaves her lips as he pushes inside of her.
He can't believe how tight Mina is. It makes his desires for her even stronger. He needs to fuck her. Hard.
Pushing further inside, he almost loses control, her walls hugging him almost painfully tight.
"Please... Please be gentle. You are so thick."
He smiles at her words, slowing down a little.
Mina stares up at him, her head resting against the wall as he slowly moves in and out of her pussy. Her hands find his shoulders, while his are holding onto her waist.
For the following minutes, the room is almost quiet. Except for the occasional moan from Mina and the man's groans. They either engage in a lustful kiss, or place their lips on each other's bodies.
Mina can feel how his grip on her waist becomes stronger over time. How his thrusts turn more powerful and deep.
Her legs quiver in response, his cock grazing her walls with every move. He stretches her out really well. Mina closes her eyes, enjoying this dirty feeling. This lewd moment.
It doesn't last much longer though.
"I-I think I'm close."
Mina opens her eyes again, feeling the man's cock twitch inside of her.
She starts to act innocent once again.
"W-Where can you cum so that no one notices?"
His low groan confirms that her magic is working.
"Maybe your pussy?"
It's a bold move. Mina manages to make herself blush.
"Wouldn't someone be able to see it, if it runs down my legs? And maybe even gets on my feet?"
"Aren't you gonna wear your panties?"
Mins nods, knowing he is only moments away from blowing his load.
"But I think it's too risky."
She lets a finger run along her lips.
"I'd rather swallow your cum."
The look on his face almost makes her laugh. He tries his best to keep himself together, lazily thrusting in and out of her, hoping he could postpone his orgasm as much as possible. But her last words finally trip him over the edge.
His cock slips out of her and Mina immediately kneels down again. Her face on the same height as his cock once more.
"Please cum in my mouth."
She sounds so innocent, while her words are laced with lust.
He can't help himself but thrust into her mouth. Her warmth welcomes him, her tongue working on his shaft.
He finally cums down her throat a couple of moments later. Mina feels his thick load paint her mouth. The saltiness makes her moan around his cock.
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Mina smiles into the camera. As if nothing happened. But she can feel the lack of panties underneath her dress. She gave them to her new 'friend'. A sign for him to give her what ever she wants.
She can still taste a small hint of his cum on her tongue. Her smile is genuine. She is excited to go home.
Sorry for the long wait, I hope this is what you had in mind.
For everyone else who plans to send in requests, please feel free to write more than just a sentence. Not because I lack ideas, but because we have different thoughts in our minds. I might interpret parts of your request wrong, or at least different. So please don't be disappointed, if these turn out differently from what you had in mind.
Thank you for reading.
Stay healthy!
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wlntrsldler · 3 months
college! fratboy!luke situationship
mdni; this is for my fellow ksig!luke truther @starswillow
the idea of staying on campus for the summer almost made you want to reject the research position you were offered by one of the labs in your department, but the stipend, free housing and meals were too good to turn down. you didn’t necessarily want to go back to the middle of nowhere indiana to live with your parents for three months, which was the only other option you had, so you stayed while all your friends said their goodbyes and went off to start their summer travels or internships in big cities. 
you had a plan– you were going to go to lab, go eat, and head straight home. you were going to use the summer to recharge from the stress of your first year in college. you didn’t plan to run into luke castellan, who was re-taking a class in the lab next to yours because he fucked up his final experiment so bad, even the professor couldn’t figure out what he managed to do. and you definitely didn’t plan to fall into a situationship with the newly pledged ksig brother, but here you were. 
it started out innocently enough. his class ended the same time you took your lunch hour and he’d see you walking out with the rest of the future college drop-outs like him to the dining hall. luke had never seen you around before, after all the school was huge and it seemed like you’d be in classes that he was too dumb to even attempt. for fuck’s sake, he failed chem 101 and you were working in the lab of one of the most respected, tenured professors on campus. it wasn’t fully his fault, at least that’s what he told himself. he’d been sheltered away at a k-12 school in the middle of montauk for all his life and college was his first taste of independence. maybe he went a little overboard sometimes with a party every weekend, joining a fraternity, and serial dating so much that he virtually had no time to do his assignments. 
around day four of running into you, luke decided to approach you. his opening line was a simple, hey, were you in my stats class last semester? again, he knew you weren’t in his class, but he needed an opening to talk to you. you turned around, blinking up at him in confusion because you didn’t take a single math class last year, and shook your head. he shrugged and introduced himself anyway. 
it became a routine after that. if you got out on your lunch break before he did, you’d wait by the benches next to his lab. if he got dismissed from class before you, he would lean against the outside wall of your lab and play mindless games on his phone until you emerged. lunch hours turned into dinner requests to late-night study sessions when you found out he was struggling with chem. (his assumptions were right– you were too smart for him. you’d skipped the first two introductory chem classes because the placement test all freshmen took showed that you were way ahead of the curve.)
steadily, luke’s grades got better, mostly because of you, the two of you spent more time together than apart, and your original plan of using the summer recharging was turned on its head.
it began as the typical college fling. putting hundreds of hormonal teenagers in a confined space was a recipe for disaster. your summer consisted of fooling around with luke in the quiet of your dorm, the backseat of his car, and on occasion, the bathrooms in the chem building when one of you was feeling needy during the day. you’d heard your friends' stories of their hook-up culture experiences and you’d been sexiled by your roommate one too many times for your liking, but you never saw the appeal of it back then. but luke sauntered into your room for the first time when you invited him, with thoughts of things other than understanding covalent bonds in his mind. 
you weren’t blind. you knew there were attractive people on your campus, but you’d never felt physically attracted to any of them, until luke castellan, backpack slung across one shoulder, with a backwards boston red sox cap on, gray sweatpants, and black compression shirt on. the silver chain he always wore around his neck wasn’t tucked under his shirt like usual and the diy beaded bracelet he had on his wrist was a perfect contrast to his tanned, veiny hands-- and you knew you were fucked. 
luke fucked you on the uncomfortable university, twin-xl mattress, drinking in the pretty sounds you were making while his cock deliciously pistoned inside of you. all his notes and books were long forgotten on the floor of your dorm while his hips snapped against yours, teeth nipping at the skin of your collarbone while he groaned the filthiest things in your ear that had you blushing and tightening around his cock. my brilliant girl, but so dumb around my cock. you like that, baby? you take me so well, my best girl. 
and all you could manage to do was babble out incoherent sentences that usually ended with you panting out his name, the only thing you’d remember through the fog in your mind. luke. luke. luke. 
he loved it. he loved hearing his name leave your lips, all raw and hoarse, like how he knew his back would look with all the scratches you clawed into his skin. he’d pull out, against his primal urge to plant his cum so deep inside you, and finish on your sternum. then, he’d take his two fingers, scoop up his cum, and watch your greedy tongue suck around his digits with your big, fucked-out, eyes staring at him as if you worshipped him. luke wasn’t selfish either, in fact he was giving, which came as a shock to you. 
he’d spent hours lapping at your aching pussy, eating you out until you were pulling him off with a whine from multiple orgasms, or until his dick was standing at attention again because he couldn’t imagine a hotter thing to watch besides seeing your face contort in absolute pleasure because of him. 
the pillow talk and after-care were amazing too. he wouldn’t leave immediately after your long nights together. sometimes, he’d stay in your dorm even when you left to go to the lab for the day. when you came back, your room was pristine. luke would make your bed and clean up the sticky residues from the night before, just to mess it up again a few hours later.
he never shared with you was that he was in a frat that was notorious for having situationships that never amounted to anything but that. so imagine your surprise when you decided to give into your friends’ insistence and attended the first party of the school year at the ksig house and found luke castellan at the dj booth with his ksig shirt on, surrounded by pretty girls with red cups in their hands. he had his arm thrown over the shoulder of another boy, chris rodriguez, as he screamed out the lyrics to love me by lil wayne. 
when luke's eyes spotted yours in the crowd, his face broke out into a mischievous smile as he raced down the stage to grab your hand. he led you upstairs to his bedroom, deadbolting the door, and fucked you like it was summer again.
it wasn't bad for your first situationship.
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die-pink-maus · 3 months
Some Canon/Not So Canon König💋HeadCanons💋 (NSFW Included • MDNI)
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AN: These Are Just my thoughts and opinions of what I imagine König would be like IRL. I divided everything up into sections and there is a whole section dedicated to NSFW headcanons, so PLEASE…MDNI this is for the adults. Also, there is great mention of the words “wife” and “girlfriend” as I write this from the perspective of a woman.
Likes, Reblogs, & Positive Comments Are Greatly Appreciated 🫶🏼
Some MORE Canon/Not So Canon König 💋Headcanons💋 HERE
Enjoy! 💋
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🪖General Personality/Physical Appearance🪖
♡ Contrary to popular belief, I don’t think König is 6’10, he’s definitely gigantic but I would put him at around 6’5 - 6’7.
♡ Also contrary to popular belief, I do genuinely think that social anxiety and overall insecurity is something he grows out of overtime. While overcoming all of this was no easy feat, he’s learned to be more self assured and makes sure everyone Around him knows that he is HIM. His confidence really shines through in his duties as Colonel and his physical capabilities. Some may view him as cocky or arrogant, but he’s just really proud of the work he’s done on himself 🤷🏼‍♀️
♡ He’s definitely a HUGE nerd, but he wears that shit with pride. He loves reading classic literature, is great at math, and probably plays dungeons and dragons. Definitely spends hours on end finishing puzzles and building shit for his cats 😂
♡ Muscular AF. Huuuuge muscular arms, toned chest and defined thighs. I don’t think he has “washboard” abs, you can see them mainly when he flexes, his tummy is a bit soft 🥰 He goes to the gym at least 5 days a week
♡ Despite wearing a mask, I think König is more than likely very handsome. Strong jawline, chiseled facial features, a perfectly imperfect smile. He’s probably got an old school charm about him, the kind that can make a woman weak in the knees with just one look, especially with those eyes 😮‍💨
♡ 100% a cat Dad. Most likely has an unhinged orange cat and a black cat. In general I think he adores animals and spends most of his free time with his cats
♡ Veeeeeerrry good with money. Has been saving since he joined the military and treats himself and his girlfriend or wife to many luxuries. He 100% loves to spoil the people he loves and has prepared so that they never have to want for anything.
♡ Comes off stone cold until you get to know him, but it’s mostly because he has RBF without his mask 🤣
♡ Tells like…really bad dad jokes that he can’t finish without laughing hysterically, and his laugh is so insane that it causes others to laugh
♡ He’s definitely happiest at home. He’s an introvert, but can and will go out and socialize if he needs to. Prefers a gathering at a friend or family members house as opposed to a bar or club
♡ Loves his Bier. Will usually have one after a long day of training recruits while he watches some random show he stumbled on while flipping channels.
♡ If he gets drunk everyone knows because he will start going on and on about how much he loves the people he’s around, which is something they don’t hear too often, if at all, unless you are his wife or girlfriend
💗In a Relationship/Family Life💗
♡ Again, lol, contrary to popular belief…I think König would be more attracted to a woman with voluptuous curves. Not too petite and not too curvaceous, but somewhere in between.
♡ König would be the best boyfriend ever…but he’d also be stubborn af.
♡ When arguing with his SO, he’ll often get frustrated easily and kinda shut down, but once he takes a few minutes to himself to think things through, he really enjoys communicating and having an open dialogue about whatever you were fighting about
♡ CUDDLES GALORE. He wants to be all over his girl at allllll times. Not really one for extreme PDA, but behind closed doors he cannot seem to get his hands off of you.
♡ Loves when you cook for him, and loves to cook for you. Loves it even more when you cook together!
♡ Expensive gifts for absolutely no reason at all. Will literally stand behind his SO as they browse their favourite stores online and take mental notes of the things you say you like. Don’t be surprised when that $2000 hand bag you adored shows up at your front door.
♡ Is an incredible father. Prides himself on being a hands on dad. Will do practically anything for his children, and teaches them German at a very young age. Ensures they are well equipped to handle the bullshit life may throw at them, but tries his best to prevent any of said bullshit from coming their way.
♡ Never yells at his wife or their children. Generally hates conflict and will do what he can to resolve anything.
♡ His wife/girlfriend is the most important thing in the world to him. He would do anything for her, and anything to protect her
♡ 100% scary bf privilege. You can go out and do whatever you please and no one fucks with you because they know König is only a call or text away and he can and will get rid of you without anyone even noticing
😈In the Bedroom😈
♡ Remember when I said he was gigantic? His height isn’t the only thing I’m talking about 😩😮‍💨🤭 That man is blessed and highly favoured.
♡ He’s at least 8 inches hard, uncut, and veiny. He doesn’t shave everything off, but he always ensures he’s well groomed.
♡ He loves making love to you, but he loves fucking you even more.
♡ Passionate as fuck. Worships every inch of your body from head to toe.
♡ He loves to tease his SO. Spends as much time as he can getting to know just what gets her hot. Watching every jolt of her body as his lips suck on certain spots. Listening to every moan and whimper as his fingers grope and squeeze her soft flesh. He wants you to be so wet you’re practically begging to take every inch of his massive cock, and even then, he won’t give it to you until you ask for it in German 🤭
♡ Could spend hours eating your pussy. Wants to make sure you cum at least 5 times before he even thinks about getting himself off. He will eat you out any time, anywhere — bedroom, laundry room, kitchen counter, you name it
♡ Loves the look on your face when you see him in uniform. He knows it gets your heart racing, and he loves fucking you with his sniper hood on.
♡ He adores the look on your face as his long thick rod stretches you open. The widening, glossy eyes, your mouth hung slightly open as his hardness fills your tight wet pussy.
♡ He loves talking dirty. “I know you like that.”, “is this what you wanted?”, “good girl, look at you taking this fat cock so well”, “such a good little slut”
♡ He loves getting rough, so long as you allow it. He loves choking you while he’s balls deep inside you, grinding his thick tip against your cervix as you let out small breathless moans
♡ Loves watching how small you are beneath him, loves watching your tits bounce up and down as he ploughs his cock into you over and over
♡ Loves watching your ass jiggle as he slams into you from behind, your hair wrapped around his wrist as he fucks you mercilessly
♡ Loves fucking you in front of a full length mirror so you can see how pretty you look taking his long fat cock
♡ Loves cumming inside you or in your pretty little mouth, on your knees while you look up at him and swallow his seed like a good girl 😍
♡ Provides the BEST aftercare. Takes a nice warm bath or shower with you, carrying you off back into bed once you’ve dried off. Plenty of cuddles in those big strong arms of his, and lots of head/cheek kisses. Whispered praises of how amazing you are, and how much he loves you. Will bring up some of your favourite snacks or chef up an entire meal for afterwards
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jinuaei · 2 months
I can offer you an idea of ​​yandere alastor.. What would it be like if alastor as a child knew the reader... Like I imagine alastor as a child not knowing how to act properly like a human, and the reader as a good best friend helping him seems more human (and not because the child reader is scared of him) ... Actually, what would happen?
Wrote this instead of working on my finals hope you enjoyed it!
Yandere! Alastor x Childhood friend! Reader
Warning: Animal death, blood, its YANDERE
WC: ~1.5k
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Charlie dragged the whole hotel for another ‘trust’ session, this time, she had the great idea for the sinners to share stories from when they were alive. Granted, some of them were eager to share, namely Nifty and Angel Dust, Husk would share some here or there, although it's mostly due to Charlie and Angel pushing him to. Alastor on the other hand kept quiet during the whole ordeal, until the topic of childhood friends came up.
“I had a childhood friend once, such a sweetheart. Wouldn't leave me alone to play with others!,” Alastor let the statement linger in the air, casually sipping on his coffee. 
The other members of the Hotel look aat him with mouths agape, shocked and surprised at the fact that THE Alastor, Radio Demon, Dealmaker, HAD FRIENDS? Moreover, a childhood friend?? Someone stayed friends with him since they were children???
“Don't look at me like I am incapable of having proper friendships, and no, you cannot ask them about me as a child because they're simply not a sinner! Oh imagine my disappointment when I didn't find them down here,” his eyes glazed over in slight rage as he thought about how you weren't here.
Very disappointing that I will never be able to hold my beloved again. What I would do to be able to chain them to my side once more…
“Well don't leave us hangin’, whose this sweetheart of you’s?,” the white spider interjected.
He tells them your name, sighing dreamily as he starts to reminisce about the times you were together when you were children.
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You were the child of one of his momma's clients, a bubbly little thing, always eager to play with him regardless of how cold he is to you. 
His momma was your family's personal tailor, and by God were you a spoiled little thing. Every week you would ask for 2-3 outfits to be created for you, although it looked more like costumes than everyday wear but he doesn't complain, as long as your family treated him and his momma with respect.
Nonetheless, he refuses to be close to you, considering you as a bother, but of course, he would never admit that to you, lest he wants his momma to get in trouble. 
He hasn't always looked forward to when his momma brings him to your house, namely due to you clinging to him every time you meet. There's one thing in your mansion that he’s quite fond of though, once he manages to escape from your grasp, he sneaks into the woods behind your house, gazing at all the wildlife roaming around your property.
One time, he found an injured bird crying close to him, it tried to get away from him but he eventually caught it in a tight grip, it chirped and cried but Alastor just gripped tighter and tighter until, pop! 
Blood trailed down his hands and onto the forest floor below, unbeknownst to him, he had a huge grin on his face, too pleased with the mutilation of the poor bird. A gasp resonates behind him and he quickly drops the bird, face stilling at the fact that he got caught.
When he turned his body to you, your eyes were full of tears staring at his hands that he didn't bother to hide. He prepared himself to hunt you down to make sure you wouldn't tattle on his momma but your next words made him stop in place.
“Are you okay???” you rushed to his side, pulling out a handkerchief and started to wipe off the blood coating his stained hand.
In response, the child looked at you aghast, stupefied at the concern you were showing, marking yourself vulnerable to the predator towering over your much shorter build. He could kill you if he could, he can lie and tell your parents that a bear found both of you and killed you, that he tried to save you but was unable to. But then again… as you fret over him, a thought passes through his mind. 
You are too kind for your own good, just like momma. Don't worry I’ll protect you.
Alastor raises the now somewhat clean hand, and he notes how you didn't even flinch at it, and just looked at him with your wide, innocent eyes. The hand lowers to pat you on the head, ruffling your hair a little bit.
“I am fine, I tried to save a bird but it was too hurt to be saved,” he shows off the bird, face devoid of any emotions.
You frowned at it and suddenly went on your knees and started digging a grave with your hands.
Alastor furrowed his eyebrows and questioned what you were doing, you responded with, “I’m digging a grave for the birdie, I don't want them to die without a proper burial.”
The boy helped you after a few moments of silence. Once you were done, you clasped your hands together, covered in dirt and blood,  silently looking at him to do the same. Look at you, as a child of a rich man you shouldn't be on your knees covering yourself in filth, but perhaps he should indulge his angel for a little bit. 
As you started praying he couldn't help but let the bitterness consume his mind. God wouldn't care about frivolous things like this, prayers do nothing, if it did, how come he and his momma are still at the mercy of that monster of a man he calls his father?
You offer your filthy hand to him, gazing at him with a smile that could rival the sun. Perhaps the only good thing that God has done, is sending down an angel for him to play with.
“You should smile more, you look very pretty,” he raises an eyebrow at that, startled by your bluntness. Admittedly, he can feel himself flush at your compliment.
“Do you like it when I smile?” he hums, taking your hand. Both of you started to walk back to your manor.
“I do! Mommy always said ‘you’re never fully dressed without a smile’ and that's why I always smile!”
“Then I'll smile a lot for you,” he tried to smile, but it looked more like a grimace.
“You're doing it wrong! It's like this,” you show off your smile, toothy and wide.
He tries again and ultimately fails, you pout at him cutely when he failed, and he couldn't help but smile, genuinely smile at that. In response you shout out ‘like that!’, and start vibrating in excitement that you managed to make him smile.
It was almost nightfall when you eventually managed to get home safely, albeit covered in dirt and grime. What greeted you both were your father, stressed beyond belief, and his mother, on the verge of tears. They both rushed to you guys and hugged the both of you, fretting and scolding at how worried they are, they asked you and Alastor what happened and you, being the loudmouth you are, told them the story that you know.
Both adults are relieved to hear that you both are safe, they rushed you to clean yourselves up. Ever since then, Alastor has been looking forward to every visit they had to your house. And every single visit has been a learning moment for him, day by day he learns what you like and what you don't like. 
You like gentlemen? The next time you meet, he offers you his arm to hold. Do you like poetry? He memorizes your favourite poems to recite whenever you're bored. Do you like food and cooking? He begs his momma to teach him her infamous Jambalaya and other comfort foods to cook for you.
Alastor molded himself to become your ideal man, the most perfect gentleman that ever existed in your life. But then…
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“Then what...? But then what??” Angel exclaimed when Alastor trailed off with a cliffhanger. Everyone leaned towards him, captivated by the story he shared. He smiles cryptically, but still doesn't respond.
“Oh well, it seems like it's almost supper time, I should work on it, wouldn't want to be late for dinner hmm?”
Everyone collectively groaned at the cliffhanger, they wanted to know what happened after, but they couldn't complain much lest they want to be part of Alastor's radio broadcast.
Alastor turns away from them, humming to himself as he walks towards where the kitchen is.
But then you had to die as a saint. You had to marry that disgusting excuse of a man you called your husband, and now he killed you. My beloved, was I not enough? Was I not perfect for you? You would have been safe if you were with me… Don't worry, I made sure that ‘husband’ of yours regretted ever hurting you. May this be an offering to my angel.
A haunting scream pierces through hell, amplified by the speakers scattered around the pride ring.
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Support me here so I would be more likely to write more fics 🤭
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bucknastysbabe · 1 year
What do they know?
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 1,306
Tags: Pnv!sex, rough sex, outdoors SEX, exhibitionism-ish, Big Dick Bucky Barnes, getting absolutely railed on vacay 10/10, college!au, undernegotiated stuff but they work it out, praise kink, sweet sweet idiot babey Buck, Steve isn’t a virgin but is also an idiot with the rest of the quartet
A/N: This jumped out the ether whoopsie doodle I needed to pretend I actually got to do spring break in college. Don’t play collegiate tennis
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Bucky had you pinned up against the side of the house, only hidden by a shower curtain. With his cock shoved deep inside of you, throbbing and hot. One of his huge arms was cradled under your ass to hold you up. It almost made you cum right there thinking about his strength.
Bucky had you pinned up against the side of the house, only hidden by a shower curtain. With his cock shoved deep inside of you, throbbing and hot. One of his huge arms was cradled under your ass to hold you up. It almost made you cum right there thinking about his strength.
But you had to be quiet. Although everyone knew you two were missing from the house. Actually, Bucky had made it his personal goal to fuck you in the most inappropriate places on the spring break trip. You didn’t know about this exhibitionist side of the usually shy member of the friend group.
He moved his hips slightly, thick member dragging against you maddeningly. You stifled your moan, a thin whimper coming out instead. He had your cunt split in half— another fact you weren’t aware of until Bucky decided to ask you out. The guy’s dick was huge, veiny, and should be immortalized in dildo form.
The brunette was grinning ear to ear, blue eyes dark with lust. He cooed, “That’s a good girl- we don’t want anyone to hear do we?” You bit your lip and shook your head, eyes fluttering shut. Bucky tapped your cheek with his other hand, chiding, “No, no, look at me baby.” He pulled out some— the tip of his cock dragging against your sweet spot.
Trembles ran down your thighs, another quiet whimper falling out. You tucked your head into his beefy shoulder, panting, “C’mon, stop playing Buck.” He laughed meanly in return, fucking back into you with a wet slap.
“If I stop playing you’ll start screaming again,” he said all casual, like he wasn’t balls deep inside your pussy.
You were frustrated. It wasn’t enough, you were throbbing and achy and Bucky had been toying with you for about thirty minutes now. He even turned the shower off so you really had to be quiet. Steve was around the corner on the porch, you could hear his footsteps.
Hot tears welled up in your eyes, you blinking instinctively. Bucky stopped smiling, his thick brows knitting together in concern. He carefully pulled your gaze back to him with a big hand wrapped around the side of your face. Your boyfriend asked, “Hey, wait, what’s wrong?”
You whispered, more of a quiet warble, “You’re being mean.” Another annoyed tear ran down your cheek, Bucky swiping it away. He pressed a couple of kisses to the side of your face and whispered, “I’m sorry baby, shit, do you wanna cum now?”
You nodded deliriously, mouth falling open to chant little ‘pleases’.
“Okay, okay, fuck, you better cry for another reason,” Bucky sighed, pressing his forehead to your own.
He slid in and out slowly at first, the obvious noises of people fucking out loud. It made you blush to hear him inside you, begging to turn the shower back on. Bucky cursed but obliged. Once the droplets were raining onto the ground again, the brunette began to roughen his pace.
Your arms around his neck stiffened, nails digging into tanned flesh. His cock was back impossibly deep again, battering against your g-spot and grazing your cervix. You’d never had that happen before and it was causing an intense sensation to build between your thighs.
“Bucky- Bucky, oh my god!,” you whined into his pink lips. He pressed them against your open mouth, swallowing up your noises eagerly. His other hand dropped down to your ass, slapping his hips harder and harder. You felt like a ragdoll, unable to do anything but take it.
You babbled into the hot kisses, scrabbling desperately at his back. Bucky moaned softly, “God you feel so good, being so good, fuck,” his eyes closed before he praised, “Best babydoll ever.” You gathered enough wits to kiss the sweet boy back at that.
More pressure built up in your lower belly from his fucking monster dick catching every sensitive spot in your cunt. He was all fast shallow thrusts now, so much friction your eyes rolled up. Your breath was coming in hitched sobs, calling his name on every other breath.
Bucky’s breathing was ragged against your open mouth, blue eyes blown wide. He grunted with exertion, beginning to twitch inside of you. He crooned against your lax lips, “I know baby, I know, it feels s’good don’t it?” His honeyed tone struck you hard, you mewling pathetically, tears welling up once more.
“C’mon- know you’re close pretty girl.”
You couldn’t take it anymore. Bucky dug his hips in deep, striking your innermost walls just right. You wailed his name, unable to bite back the overwhelming ecstasy. Bucky clamped his hand down on your mouth with a surprised gasp. He growled into your ear, “Goddamn babygirl you can’t do that to me- shshit!”
Bucky sought out his release, gasping and straining for purchase as your cunt milked him. You blubbered behind his hand, orgasm crashing down like a ton of bricks on you. The brunette twitched and whined your name so, so sweetly as he emptied into your pussy.
The pair of you didn’t move for what seemed like an eternity, sucking in breath under the stream of the outdoor shower. Bucky slid out of your abused cunt— both of you wincing. He let you down gentle, steadying you with those big hands. Your legs were shaky and like a newborn foal with the way you stumbled and leaned into Buck’s broad chest.
He smiled down dopily, eyes soft. Bucky rumbled, “Well there’s no way they don’t know what we were up to— you okay babydoll?” His thumbs circled at your waist, a reassuring gesture. You nodded and rasped, “Yeah you ass. You’re carrying me to the bed.”
He grinned widely, teeth shining as he laughed. Your boyfriend peered around, grabbing the earlier discarded swimsuits from behind. Bucky teased, “Almost forgot,” he bent down to help you slide on the one-piece, “I want you to tell me if you’re not okay, promise?”
You nodded, pulling a strap onto your shoulder. Bucky pulled on his trunks, you almost sad to see him clothed again. Pressing a kiss to his still-pulsing neck you replied, “I will- honestly jus’ never been fucked like that.”
“No? Never?”
You shook your head, “Nope. Either drunk hookups or plain missionary where I didn’t cum.”
Bucky’s eyes lit up possessively, him sealing his lips over yours with a soft lick. He pulled back and gushed, “No way- so I’m the first who made you cum?” You rolled your eyes and palmed his softening cock.
“Hard not to with this thing,” you said with a wink, “But yes, Barnes, you are the one and only.”
Bucky kissed you again, smiling helplessly. You wrapped tired arms around his waist and returned the favor. Both of you pulled back and hollered when the shower curtain jerked open with a SCHINK.
A smug Sam and blushing Steve stood on the other side, Nat peered from around the corner from the deck with a knowing look. Sam boasted, “Told you! They been in there way too long!”
Natasha added, “Seriously Steve you’re too pure for your own good!”
Bucky glared at Sam, shoving the fellow junior in the chest. His other arm was still clung tight around your frame. You deadpanned, “Did y’all really have a bet going on?” Steve sputtered, “Yes- look- dammit!”
Clint’s voice came in next, “Did Steve figure out Barnes was plowing our goody-two-shoes?”
Bucky made a face and an annoyed scoff. You started laughing deliriously, frankly high off the rush of the orgasm. Rogers shook his head and returned to the porch along with a cackling Sam. Bucky palmed the back of his head, sheepishly giving you a look. You playfully tugged on his wet hair.
“You’re still gonna carry me right babe?”
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norrisleclercf1 · 2 months
Paul Aron
Long distance relationship
Y/n surprises him at home either the help of his brother Ralf and they spend the day together - all fluff
A/N: My first time writing for Paul, hope everyone loves it, he's such a cutie
"Thank you so much for doing this Ralf," Your boyfriends brother smiles at you brightly, knowing that Paul has done nothing but talk about how much he's missed you for the past 2 weeks. F2 was on a huge break and he was back home in Estonia visiting family.
You couldn't visit due to staying for university and exam season. "If it gets him to shut up, I'll do this a thousand times," He jokes and you laugh with him. "Has he really been that bad?" You ask, you knew Paul was missing you alot, the phone calls and facetime calls proved that.
"He's down baddddd, oh god he never stops talking about you. Which I mean I love my baby brother is happy, but I need him to stop bothering me, Y/n." You laugh even harder as Ralf helps you get into the car.
"Speak of the devil," Ralf shows you the phone and answers the call, quickly putting it on speaker. "Ralffff, she's not answering." Paul whines and you quickly cover your mouth to stop the snicker from escaping. "Jesus man, get yourself together. She's probably busy studying." Ralf groans, like this wasn't the first time he was having this talk.
Putting the car in drive, Ralf takes you to where Paul is. "Yeah, but she always answers me, even if I wake her up." Ralf gags, clearly hating this so much. "Paul, she's probbaly busy, let your girlfriend breathe for once." You listen, and smile as your phone vibrates and you see a text from Paul asking if you were okay and not to study to hard, to take care of yourself.
Ralf keeps talking to Paul and you think about how much you miss your boyfriend and seeing his dorky smile, fluffy blonde hair, and his arms around you. It made you choke up just a little bit. Pulling up to the house you smile seeing the familiar building. "Hey, Paul think you could come help me with the groceries?" Paul groans but hangs up.
Ralf snorts, and watches as the buildings door opens and Paul looks up, stopping as he sees you in the car you wave. "OH MY GOD!" You giggle hearing the muffled scream and push the door open as your wrapped up in strong arms, goofy smiles, and fluffy blonde hair.
"You're here, oh, you're actually here." Paul laughs and pulls you even closer, you soak up the moment. Ralf smiles, and grabs your bags letting you two have a moment. "I've missed you," He whispers and you play with the ends of his hair. "So I've heard," Paul pulls back and groans. "You heard everything?" Nodding your head, your boyfriend blushes making you laugh and hug him again.
"That's okay though, cause I missed you just as much."
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harrysmimi · 1 year
Boo-Boo Away
Synopsis: One where Harry's left alone with two kinds under two as his wife rests on a sick day
Dadrry Fic
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Harry loves his family.
Without help he was loosing his mind. All of his family is sick from flu. It really started from him, then his wife got sick one of the the kid is breastfeeding.
Bea, the twenty month old and Maeve the two month old were grumpy and moody since last night. Both the parents stayed up to tend to their kids. But YN got even more sick this morning, and she was advised to take rest by her doctor.
Been given birth just two months ago via C-section has already taken a huge toll on her. So, Harry took it upon himself to make YN take a nap and the littlest was all fed and bundled up and fast asleep as well.
Maeve was being difficult to put to sleep, it took him all of a hour and half just rocking her to sleep but it was worth it the moment she fell asleep and he put her next to her Mumma on her bed. She seems to be a little too young to be sick but she's doing the best out of three of the ladies.
Bea could walk, sprint even, so she followed her dad around the house with her blankie dragging behind her as he did the chores. He'd warned the little girl that she could trip and fall with her blankie dragging behind her.
"Princess you will trip like that." He tried to have her hold her blankie in a way she wouldn't fall, bundled up in her arm. But she threw a tantrum. She was adamant to drag it around with her. "Okay, okay, you can have it as your wish." He surrendered.
He placed all of Maeve's clean laundry in the basket as he ran another batch of both the girls clothes. He took the basket out To the kids' room. None of them slept in there, they both liked to sleep in their parents bed. Maeve especially, she is already bonded with her Mummy where as Bea always wants Papa with her.
"Papa." Bea called for him, showing him a toy she's been obsessed with lately. It was a yellow Lego building block. She showed him asking him to go play with her with the building blocks.
"That's so cool, baby." Harry engaged in little conversations with her. She went back out to the living room. "You're still obsessed with that one?"
"Mhmm." She nodded.
Both YN and Harry have been used to help by their Doula, who helped them both everything as YN healed from giving birth and the parents focused on bonding with their new baby. It was the same when Bea was born. But now that they're both on their own, the chores have become more challenging.
Especially for Harry today. He had to place each of his steps carefully, not wanting to kick his toddler like a football on accident.
As Harry placed the basket of clean laundry in the kids' room he walked out to a living room scattered with toys. They weren't just just limited to the play area but everywhere in the living room.
Harry wanted to cry.
But he left it at that, he doesn't want Bea to cry, and wake up her Mummy and little sister by that. He'd let be on her own until he's done with the dishes.
The little green eyed girl walked upto him again to show him a scribbly drawing of hers. Harry gave her some encouraging words as she walked back out.
She was still dragging that blankie around the house.
It wasn't until he heard a thud and a loud cry that sent him running outside. Bea had fallen down the two little steps which separated their kitchen and living room. She never missed those, it was definitely that dang blankie. Her cried were loud enough to have her sleepy Mummy get out to see her.
"What happened?" YN came running out too, her tired eyes just daring to shut closed again.
"Hey baby," Harry cooed as both the parents gathered around the toddler. "Did you get hurt?"
"Yes." She nodded as she cried, "here." She pointed at her knee which was obviously red.
"Can you move you leg for me?" YN asked and the girl did, "good baby. And again?"
"Hurt." She sniffled. "Hurt."
"I know baby, but we have to move your leg a little so it won't hurt as much." Harry assured her and made her bend her knee a couple of time carefully but apparently it still hurt.
"Boo-Boo away." She leaned onto her Mummy who was closer to her as her dad inspected her knee, "Boo-Boo away!"
"It's alright, see," Harry placed a delicate kiss on her joint and looked at his wife. "Kiss Boo-Boo away, Mummy." And her mummy did too.
"Why don't we go take a nap? With May-may too." YN suggested, "your Boo-Boo will go away after."
She usually just moves on, but given the toddler is sick her tiny body must already be aching already to add to her injury. Harry picked her up like a little doll she is and walked them to the master bedroom.
It was also when Maeve started to wake up all fussy too. It was hour past her feeding time, Harry didn't even realise that. But YN picked her up immediately and brought her to the bed. She lied down the baby as it was the most comfortable position to feed her. Harry placed Bea on the other side.
"May-may no!" Bea cooed as she gently stroked her sister's head. "Mumma, May-may hurt?"
"No, baby she's just hungry." YN explained, "why don't you just lay down, hmm? Cuddle with May-may and Mummy."
Bea lied down on her dad's side of the bed immediately. Making him jealous just as fast. He could use a nap too, he's been up all night and hasn't slept for even a blink. Since yesterday morning.
"Hey, you wanna join us?" YN asked as he was making his way around their bed to go out and finish up all the chores.
"I've got dishes to wash," he shared.
"We can do that later, take a nap with us." YN pressed so he can take some rest too. And he's just recovered from a flu. "Come on!"
"Okay, okay." He walked back to his side and lied on his side.
It was bit crowded with two babies, but it's cosy. Maeve sleeps in the cot kept in her parents room because she's just too small to be on her own. And her older sister likes to sleep right in between her parents on their bed. It is warm and cosy and safe feeling. But when she's in mood she'll demand to sleep in the nursery, in her own bed. And there also another crib in the parents room where Harry would eventually move Bea too. Especially when she's kicking her dad in stomach and face there.
Bea scooted closer to her dad, using his bicep as her pillow she buried herself in his chest for cuddles. It was quiet. Bea asleep and Maeve still having her milk.
The littlest one was drifting in and out of her sleep there, it was so adorable as she smiled and tiniest dimples popped up on her chubby and fluffy cheeks. And she go right to sucking onto her mum's boob until she was breathless. A hungry, hungry little human she is.
"She's running a marathon." Harry whispered and chuckled softly. He doesn't want Bea to wake up. He moved her to the crib carefully.
Only so her fever doesn't go up with her warming up too much. And they can't turn up the AC too much as all of the girls have cold too. He picked up the baby when she was done eating too, and burped her before she was back in her cot too. He sighed seeing how peaceful both of their babies were sleeping. Finally getting the rest they need.
"Now come here, will you?" Now his wife was demanding his attention. And he obliged. He pulled in closer to his chest there.
"You know I love our babies, but I miss our time alone." He shared.
"Awh!" YN cooed, "we can have alone time after they've recovered from flu."
"Mhmm." He sounded tiredly, "hate to see them that way. Bea has been to grumpy since last night."
"Give her a break, she's still a baby." YN chuckled.
"I know, I know." He nodded, "I'm just jealous they get all your time now."
"They get all your time too!"
"Well..." He laughed, "touché."
"Yeah!" YN got all defensive.
"Once you're all recovered, we're gonna it a good few days, the kiddos can go live with my mum for the weekend and we can go to our villa." He layed a rough plan knowing well it could go wrong anyday, anytime.
"You know both of them haven't been to our home in Italy yet?" YN reminded him.
"Need to get their passports sorted then we can take them there for Christmas, yeah?" He suggested, "till then you and I can have some us time there."
"Yeah we can." She smiled. "I love you."
"And I love you more." He placed a kiss on her forehead.
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@vrittivsanghavi @buckymydarlingangel @sweetwritingfanficfriend @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @sleutherclaw @melllinaa @michellekstyles @sunshinemoonsposts @marialikescherries @japanchrry @onlyangelrain @supersanelyromantic @haarrrys @originalsoulcollector @harrysgirl-1d @lomlhstyles @im-an-overthinker @moonys-star @blackbookwhore @tenaciousperfectionunknown @stilesissaved @allthelovehes @novalunosising @sunshinemoonsposts @harryssky1 @dear-mylove @sofia-faustina @stylesfever @reputationolivia
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auras-moonstone · 11 months
someone requested this but i lost it😫😫 the request asked me to write a story about reader being a streamer and jack and her meeting through one of mason’s streams. i hope you like it! 💖
locked up in your arms — jack champion
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word count: 1,581
pairing: jack champion x streamer!fem!reader
summary: y/n’s crush gets exposed during her stream with mason, but luckily he feels the same.
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Y/N HAD STARTED HER TWITCH CHANNEL PURELY FOR FUN, NEVER EXPECTING SO MUCH PEOPLE TO START FOLLOWING HER. She did pretty much everything—reactions to movies, music, chatting, occasionally gameplays. People were instantly drawn in by her charm, kindness and sense of humor.
And Mason Gooding had been one of them. He absolutely loved her channel, so when he saw Y/N was a huge fan of the Scream movies, he didn’t hesitate to reach out and asked her to do a stream with him. She, of course, said yes. The viewers loved their dynamic, and their shared streams became something they did weekly.
“You have gotten so much better at this game” Mason said as they finished playing Dead By Daylight.
Y/N grimaced “Sure, I still suck. I mean, my gaming experience starts and ends with the Sims”
Mason laughed, and was about to respond when the sound of his phone interrupted him. “Jack Champion just texted”
The girl gulped, hoping that the mic didn’t catch that. To say she had a crush on that actor was an understatement. Her face turned a dark shade of red, and prayed that it wouldn’t be that noticeable through the camera.
“He says, Mason tell the people I say you’re a sussy baka” the streamer read the text, trying not to laugh.
“Did he just say sussy baka?” Y/N pressed her lips together.
“Don’t make fun of my boy!” Mason warned her.
“I’m not! I thought it was ador- hilarious” holy shit she almost said he was adorable.
“And tell Y/N the Sims is a great game, and I bet she builds beautiful houses” Mason continued.
“I do build beautiful houses. Thank you, Jack!” she said, glad the stutter didn’t come into play.
oh god y/n is about to go into cardiac arrest
hey! don’t expose her lmaooo
girl is crushing hard
didn’t we know she had a crush on jack already??? have you seen her scream 6 reaction???
omg yes she totally thirsted over him for two hours straight.
Mason bursted out laughing at the comments. “I need to see your Scream reaction holy shit. Why did no one ever tell me?”
“They’re exaggerating” they weren’t. “And drop it! You’re not seeing the reaction”
“I so am” Mason said. “In fact, why don’t we react to your reaction?”
“Why don’t we end the stream and never talk again?” she frowned, acting annoyed.
“You’re so adorable!” he laughed. Mason actually thought she and Jack would make an excellent couple, and he was so going to make that happen. “Anyways, that was the end of an eventful stream. Now we gotta go, Y/N needs to put ice on her cheeks”
“I hate you” she said as she ended the video call.
Mason texted her a few minutes after the stream ended.
hey ur not mad at me, are u?
no, i’m not. i just am a little bit embarassed
now everyone knows about my crush
did jack say something? pls tell me he was not watching the stream anymore.
i don’t know. he didn’t say anything, so maybe he left before you exposed yourself
very funny
anyways he’s going to find out. people are for sure sending the clips 😫😫
why are you so worried?
it’s not like you’re going to meet him.
no i know
but idk, i don’t want him to think i’m a weirdo
for having a crush??
don’t be silly. he won’t, jack is the sweetest guy on earth.
okay fine
maybe you’re right
i’m overthinking as always :)
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MASON ALMOST LET OUT A SCREAM OF EXCITEMENT WHEN THE TEXT ARRIVED. He had been pretty much hopeless about his plan, so he was caught off guard when Jack told him he was going to LA that weekend. Now, there was one last thing to do.
hey y/n/n
hey mason what’s up?
are you free this saturday??
yeah why?
devyn, jasmine and jenna are dying to meet you, so they told me to invite you :)
we’re doing a picnic!!
yess i’d love to!
you’re so weird
thank you
see ya on saturday
Mason couldn’t shake the smile off his face as he opened the group chat he had with Jasmine, Jenna and Devyn.
she’s coming!!!
the ship is about to sail!!! 🚢
she’s going to hate me but it’ll be worthy
i still can’t believe how red she turned during the stream. she’s absolutely adorable
okay but can we talk about how smiley jack was when we showed him the clips???? he’s down bad too
that’s why i’m doing it. i wouldn’t if i weren’t sure they are attracted each other.
i can’t wait till saturday😫 they’re going to be so cute!!!!
he’s going to kill her with adorableness with his dad jokes
he already killed her with the sussy baka thing. i can’t believe he said that. he’s lucky he’s pretty
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Y/N, AT THE SAME TIME MASON WAS TEXTING ON THE GROUP, OPENED THE MESSAGES APP. She had a huge smile on her face as she texted.
he really thinks he’s being a mastermind 😭😭😭 it’s so funny
i know 😭 i bet he’s planning everything on the gc with the girls. he has no idea. i feel powerful😎
you are so cute 😫 i can’t wait to hug tf out of you
cute? so, in your scream reactions you call me hot and say you’d be lucky to have been one of my victims and irl you call me CUTE? 🙄
you’re not ethan landry, jack
he’s top 1 on my love of my life list
what place am i in?
THIRD?? who’s second? 🥺
taylor swift
oh yeah. should’ve figured.
well, to make you feel bad, you’re in my top 1.
i don’t feel bad at all, jack
oh… well okay. i am totally fine being in your top 3, tbh. at least i made it.
NOW i feel bad😫
i really want to hug you, like the thought of it brings me butterflies
just a couple of hours left ❤️❤️
we have two entire days alone before we meet with the group
i can’t wait to see your pretty face in person🥹🥹
stop being so sweet when you’re not here😫😫
i’ll see you in exactly 8 hours :)
good night gorgeous 💕
night pretty boy 💖
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Y/N STOOD IN FRONT OF THE METAL STAIRCASE, WITH A SIGN THAT SAID LOVE OF MY LIFE #3. She offered Jack to pick him up from the airport, so there she was, waiting anxiously for her boy.
She couldn’t believe it was actually happening. They had been talking for a while now—he sent her a dm only a few days after the stream, and had been talking non-stop ever since. Both of them have been open about their feelings for each other, as they were pretty obvious, and they basically acted like a couple. Even though that had never met in person, until now.
Jack’s heart stopped when he caught sight of the beautiful girl with the sign, which made him laugh a lot. He pushed through the people, muttering quick so sorry’s until he reached her. Y/N was looking up at him attentively, as if trying to take in every detail about him. The sparks in her eyes made his stomach go crazy.
“You’re real” he breathed.
“I mean, there’s this theory that we are actually characters in some big videogam-“
Jack grabbed her by the cheeks to pull her close to him, so their foreheads were touching. His smile could literally light up a whole town “You can tell me all about your interesting theories, which you know I love to hear. But right now I’m deciding if I should kiss you or hug you”
“In that order, please” she said, completely wonderstrucked by his close presence.
And so they kissed. Y/N found out Jack was a slow kisser, which she absolutely enjoyed because she never wanted that magnificent kiss to end. And Jack discovered Y/N was very touchy—her hands wouldn’t stay in just one place, but she explored every inch of visible skin.
“Now I want my hug” she said after a couple of seconds of trying to recover her breath. Jack threw his head back laughing before embracing her in the so awaited hug. “Yup, never leaving these arms” she squished her cheek against his chest.
The grip around her shoulders tightened “Thank god, cause I didn’t know how to tell you that you’re now forever trapped in here”.
“Um, could you please move?” one old woman said.
Y/N sighed as they pulled away “Taylor Swift was right when she said forever is the sweetest con”
“I’m sorry. You two are really adorable but I want to get home already” the woman said.
“No, it’s okay. We’re sorry” Y/N smiled kindly.
“Let us help you with your baggage” Jack offered, taking one of the suitcases while Y/N grabbed one of her bags.
“How long have you two been together?” the woman asked as they walked her to a taxi.
“Oh-uh…” Y/N wasn’t sure what to say. She wanted to think they were together even though they never said the word ‘boyfriend’ and ‘girlfriend’.
“Three months” Jack spoke up. “We live in different states, but we talk everyday. We never made it official, but in case you were wondering, and this is for you too Y/N/N, I feel that we are a couple”
The woman looked at Y/N, waiting for her answer. The girl smiled brightly, feeling the weight of her heart evaporating “I feel that way too, Jack”.
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kairoot · 4 months
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PAIRING : heeseung x f.reader ➖ GENRE : angst, 80s au, high school au ➖ REQUESTED : no ➖ WARNINGS : lowercase intended, pet names, break-up, no happy ending, swearing, let me know if I missed anything! ➖ WC : 1.6K
SECTION SONG: the color violet by tory lanez
.˚ *꒰ঌ ✦ ໒꒱ * ˚. —
apologizing was hard, but accepting an apology you didn’t believe in also proved to be difficult. there were not enough fingers on your hands to count how many times heeseung had apologized for causing you trouble.
whether he wasn’t communicating or distancing himself randomly. but his biggest issue was keeping his promises.
that was definitely something he lacked in your relationship and it was getting old. he’d fill your head with all these fantasies, sweet talking you until it was time to actually act on what he’s saying.
you used to believe him, getting your hopes high when he would tell you things but disappointed when they wouldn’t come true. now, you wouldn’t even bat a lash at anything he was saying. cause in the end it would never happen.
you sat on the bleachers in the gym, watching everyone dance around with friends or their partner. your chin rested in your hand as you thought to yourself. staying at home with a cola in your hand and watching full house play on the television screen seemed like a much better idea. you wondered why you didn’t go with that choice rather than believing heeseung when he said he’d be joining you that night.
a few guys had gave you glances, showing that they were interested and some even came up to you, but you were in no mood to move around. and even though you planned to end things with heeseung, that didn’t mean your loyalty wouldn’t remain.
before you could let your eyes wander anywhere else, one of the large double doors of the gym flew open. your eyes widened as your boyfriend entered the building, hair and suit soaked from what you assumed was rain.
his eyes hurriedly scanned through the huge crowd of high schoolers, hoping to spot you somewhere on the dance floor.
your feet had began to move down the bleachers before you could even think about it. you scrambled to the drink section hoping that he didn’t catch sight of you.
a sudden feeling of anxiousness washed over you as you poured the red beverage into the matching cup. you gulped it down, trying to rid the dryness in your mouth.
a hand on the small of your back was the reason your drink almost came back up, the sound of your coughing was heard in the small area.
“woah, take it easy on the ‘punch’, maybe?”
there he stood in front of you now, showing off his intoxicating grin. you would’ve fell all the way into his arms if you didn’t have morals.
you avoided his gaze, staring down at the empty cup. you couldn’t bring yourself to look at him and say those words all at once.
“hey,” the tip of his finger came to lift your chin, doe eyes looking back into yours.
“you okay?”
you nodded, still looking up at him, feeling a bit vulnerable under his stare.
“c’mon.” he smiled again, starting to lead you toward the dance floor.
“no.” you pulled your hand away from his, remaining in your spot at the drink table.
heeseung looked at you once more, a concerned expression spreading over his features.
“i can’t do this, heeseung.” you placed your cup to the side, finally bringing yourself to look at him.
“what.. what do you mean?”
he’d hoped you didn’t mean what he thought you meant but you did. everything that heeseung had put you through caused you anything but happiness.
“you know what i mean.” you sighed.
“baby, you don’t really mean it.” he gave you a half-hearted smile, his hand coming to caress the side of your face.
“as much as i’d hate to admit it, hee.. i do. i mean it.”
for a moment, there was only the sound of music blaring and people cheering around you. heeseung seemed like he couldn’t bring himself to say anything so you continued.
“to be honest with you, this relationship hasn’t brought me much happiness and i think that should change.” you removed his hand from your cheek as it came to rest at his side.
his body tensed up as your words seeped into his brain. this was the talk he knew that was coming but never wanted to hear.
“and i.. i just can’t continue like this, hee. not when you can’t even keep your promises.” you tried to be transparent with him but careful not to hurt him either.
“y/n, i’ll do better i-“
“will you, though? or is that just what you’ve told me the last couple of hundred times?” you tilted your head slightly.
“you know, i had to get a ride from jen and her boyfriend because you clearly forgot about tonight.” your hand came up, gesturing to his damp appearance.
he sighed, shaking his head, “look, baby, you know i didn’t mean to..”
“you never do, do you, hee?” you asked, rhetorically.
once again, he couldn’t answer to your words and could barely look you in the eye.
you took one more glance at him before walking off to another corner of the gym.
heeseung felt his eyes burning as he took the cup you were drinking from and took a sip from it.
after realizing he couldn’t stand being in the same place he had his heart broken in and with all the love songs playing, he took long strides toward the double doors he came in, now exiting through them.
the rain still came down like pellets on him as he struggled to find his dark tinted car.
he stumbled toward the door, unlocking it and sliding in the drivers seat. the engine started as the key entered the ignition and he pulled out of the school parking lot, already doing 90 in the rain.
heeseung wasn’t angry at you, per se. actually, he was quite frustrated with himself. he didn’t blame you for breaking up with him. it was his own fault that his heart got broken and that you couldn’t have the happiness that you deserved.
★ ★
milan’s note: LOL no joke this sucks ik.. i havent had the chance to write a longer fic in a while and this clearly shows but i wanted to try something new! first sentence prompt by @creativepromptsforwriting
TAGLIST: @haechansbbg @contyynishimura @sasfransisco @kgneptun @jungwonderz — message or comment to be added
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6ix9inewiturmom · 3 months
Crying on your birthday
Summary: You’ve been best friends with the triplets since you were born and your boyfriend of 2 years broke up with you on your birthday and chris confesses his love to you in an interesting way;)
Warnings: Smut!! P in V, Dom!Chris, Sub!reader, choking, hair pulling, use of Y/N, unprotected sex (wrap ur snickers), Oral (fem reviving), fingering, cursing, alcohol consumption, cream pie, cursing, lowkey possessive chris?, (lemme know if i forget anything)
A/N: not requested but i had this idea cookin in my head for a WHILE!! this is a long one so be prepared!!
:¨ ·.· ¨:
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i’ve known the triplets since i was born. our moms were best friends since they were 9, Marylou and My mom went to college together and even had me at the same time Marylou was pregnant with the boys. i’ve thought nothing more then the triplets as my brothers, but chris… Christopher owen.. that boy has his ways with me about ever since we hit puberty together and learned we didn’t have the same body parts, now we never showed each other we liked each other so i never knew he liked me back. marylou always told me she’d seen me with either matt or chris. once matt started dating i KNEW i was never his type.. not in the slightest. nick and i were always just besties, once he came out it made more sense why he never attempted to “flirt” with me, so we were strictly just best friends or siblings. but chris? oh no he was a huge player, he treated me like a sibling but there was something about the way he “joked” with me i knew it was something more, but none of us ever talked about it so i ignored it, and just assumed that’s his way of joking. i’ve been dating my boyfriend, Cooper, for 2 years now, things were amazing, the triplets and their parents, were super supportive of me and him considering how we were raised as siblings. my mom liked him but i knew she never loved him.
today was my 21st birthday, i was actually about to have my ‘first drink’. at least to my parents knowledge. the boys and i would always sneak alcohol behind mine and their parents back all the time from the ages of 15-19, that was till they got themselves a house in boston, and i got an apartment close by in boston as well.
i spent about an hour and a half getting ready. i wore a black tight dress with little pink bows connecting to my middle breast, pushing my breast up and against each other making them look nice. with the dress i put on some thigh high leather boots with a slight heel on them.
cooper had finally texted me saying he was at my apartment to drive us to my venue i had booked for about 300 people. i knew my 21st had to be huge. i walk
down my stairs of the building leading to coopers car, but as i’m walking to him i’m expecting his usual flirty compliments such as, ‘hey sexy u come here often’, ‘can’t wait to rip that off you tonight’, ‘gimme a twirl lemme see that ass’, but strangely, it’s like i was a ghost to him, i ignore it thinking he just had a bad day at work or something.
“Hey coop! you ready” i say getting in the car closing the door smiling.
“hm? oh yeah i’m ready” he shoots me a fake smile before flipping his phone over face down and under his thigh slowly backing out to drive to the venue.
he’s never done that before? why did he hide his phone like that? why under his leg? i wonder so many things in my head but im not gonna let it get in the way of my birthday.. not happening, been waiting on this day for YEARS, today was about me!
the drive was silent and lifeless, never in the 2 years we’ve been together had our drives ever been less then filled with laughter and jokes, or blasting music and singing along to our shared playlist together. i plug my phone up to the aux cord and start playing our shared playlist thinking maybe i could lighten the mood but that doesn’t work. hes distant and it’s irking me, but again i brush it off cause its my birthday of all days.
i text chris a simple text telling him i was close to the venue hoping he’d be there and not take his princess ass his sweet time. as we pulled up to the venue i’m all smiles and giggles and as im walking towards cooper to hold his hand as im walking into the place he drops my hand, ive officially had enough of this i stop in my tracks.
“nu uh what the fuck is ur issue, first u hide ur phone, next ur completely silent, and now u drop my hand?” i slightly yell trying not to cause a ruckus infront of the venue
“just not feeling the party mood Y/N” he says almost uninterested in my feelings
“cooper marshall?? not in a party mood?? i don’t believe it.. not for a second, u literally have ‘party monster’ tatted on your thigh.. you NEVER turn down a pary, specially for your GIRLFRIEND of 2 YEARS, might i mention” i yell pretty sternly at this point not caring who hears
“yeah Y/N i’m not in a party mood, it’s not that hard to believe.. plus ur too clingy sometimes expecally when you can’t take a hint when someone’s upset you’re still fucking attached to me at the hip, i’m not always feeling you” again uninterested in how i feel
“Cooper what the fuck? i’m too ‘clingy’ where is this coming from?” using air quotes to emphasize my words.
cooper rolls his eyes “Y/N you’re causing a scene at your party you so desperately wanted to have, let’s just go” he attempts to grab my hand to drag me inside.
i drop his hand “no, your not just gonna ignore whatever issue you have with me, ESPECIALLY on my fucking birthday cooper”
again he rolls his eyes “i’m not doing this Y/N”
my eyes widen “doing what exactly? the party? me? what?”
he sighs before running his fingers through his hair “everything Y/N.. just leave me alone, don’t text me, don’t call me, just don’t worry about me and have fun at your pitty party”
my jaw dropped, if my jaw could break, my jaw would be in hell for how low my jaw hung. “your seriously breaking up with me?”
he presses his lips together and nods “yeah i guess i am i would say im sorry but im not.. bye sav-“ he stops abruptly before trying to fix his mistake of calling me the wrong name “bye Y/N”
tears start forming in my eyes “you were cheating on me? now ur breaking up with me on my fucking birthday? i truly thought better of you..”
he turns around “it’s not like you probably aren’t fucking chris behind my back anyway, it’s only fair” he shrugs
tears streaming down my face trying to comprehend what he just said.
“fuck off cooper” i storm inside the venue and as i walk in im greeted by the three same face people i grew up with.
“i uh- we uh-“ matt starts
“yeah we- you see” chris try’s to save matt
“oh my god you guys are fucking idiots.. Y/N we saw the whole thing.. what they’re trying to say is we’re sorry” nick finishes his brothers sentences and brings me into a tight bear hug.
i sniffle into nick as matt and chris both hug me, i pull away softly.
“i-it’s okay.. let’s just party, there’s 300 people here for me, i’m 21, finally we’re all 21 together, let’s just party and get drunk” i say promoting a half assed smile
“love ur attitude Y/N but let’s actually have a good time! also you look wayy too hot to be crying on your fucking birthday” nick says with his positive energy he always promotes
“you do look good sassy” chris says with his infamous smirk.
‘Sassy’ a nickname chris gave me when we were 8 and i was starting to get into my personality being sassy and not taking bull shit from anyone.
“thank you bubbles” i say with a smile. bubbles was a nickname i gave to him when we were 5 cause he was the bubbliest boy of the three.
about an hour went by, i lost count of how many drinks i consumed that night, on average id say about 8-10, i was the drunkest here, my words were slurring, i was full on shakin ass on the air, and my vision was blurred.
“oh chrisssy pooh” i slurred as chris came up behind me helping me walk around.
he chuckles “hey sassy, you’re a little
too drunk”
“whattt” i act shocked in my drunken state “nu uh, am not”
maybe these were my drunken thoughts but his smile could lighten up hell, the way his cheeks puffed up as he smiled, the way his blue eyes sparkle.
“mhm sure, why don’t we get you in the van and take you home and call it quits hm?” nick follows chris and holds my arms up to try and attempt to hold me i lean towards chris almost falling down as he caught me like one of those corny romantic movies.
i glaze into his eyes “you’re so pretty Christopher”
he laughs and picks me up and carrys me bridal style “oh yeah you’re done for love”
i nuzzle into his neck as nick, matt, chris and i walk to the van smiling like a kid in the candy store.
i randomly start busting out into drunken laughter as chris attempts to buckle me in “you wanna know something funny? cooper told me that i was fucking chris behind his back? pft he’s like my brother”
chris laughs and closes the door on the passenger back seat as nick takes the front passenger side and runs to the driver back seat to sit next to me.
“CHRISSY” i say a little louder
“i’m here sassy” he places my head on his lap and starts playing with my hair like he used to when we were kids.
i look up at him as his blue eyes glisten against the moonlight shining into the car window as matt drives to the triplets house “your so sweet to me.. can you braid my hair”
he looks down at me and smiles “yes i can” he takes my head and turns it to the side and starts french braiding my hair like i taught him years ago.
i softly hum before drifting off to sleep until i was woken up to chris carrying me to his bedroom and i groan as he sits me down on his bed “mm chris-“ before i could even warn him im running to the bathroom and puking up every ounce of alcohol in me.
“Y/N??” he says barging in the bathroom immediately holding my hair back to help me and rubbing my back softly saying ‘it’s okay sassy’ ‘i’m here’
i finally stop puking and am just leaning my back onto chris’ chest as he runs his fingers in my hair “you feelin any better”
i softly smile “i’m pretty much sobered up now”
“you ready to get into bed? you can wear some of my clothes and stuff since you weren’t prepared for anything tonight given the circumstances of your recent breakup- oh my god im sorry i shouldn’t have mentioned that im so-“
i cut him off “chris it’s fine, i promise, if anything im already over it… i know i shouldn’t be but i pretty much am” i smile turning my body to face him now
he returns the smile at me “good, let’s get you up and changed” he helps me up off the cold bathroom tiled floor as he guides me to his bedroom and lays out a pair of ‘Fresh Love’ sweatpants and one of his ‘Lyrical Lemonade’ T-shirts for me.
“here you go sass, i’ll be outside the door just let me in when your changed, you can throw your clothes in that hamper over there and i’ll wash em in the morning” he states before attempting to walk out of the door
“Wait chris” i stop “please don’t leave, it ain’t like we used to bathe together” i continue adding a small smile to my face
“okay.. but i’m turning around” he chuckled using his pointed finger to point at me
i smile at him “okay okay..” he turns around and i take my shoes off putting them to the side carefully and taking my dress off leaving me in my bra and underwear which was a matching orange set with little to no coverage on either my breast or ass, i was gonna suprise cooper with tonight but since coopers no longer in the picture it’s just another set in my collection. i throw on chris’ clothes which were a little too big on me but alas they were comfy.
“okay goober you can turn around now” i laugh and he slowly turns around and walks his way to me grabbing my hand and spinning me around like some disney moving looking at me up and down.
“my my my, i thought you looked beautiful in that dress but my clothes looks 10x better on you” he chuckles
i’m a giggling mess “oh stop it chris, you’re just fuckin with me”
he shoots me a smirk “eh maybe i am, maybe im not..” his voice trails off almost nervously
chris? nervous? never, i’ve warned his clothes thousands of times and never once has he showered me with affection the most id normally get is ‘i better see that hoodie back in my closet’ jokingly of course.
but alas a blush creeps on my cheeks giving away i liked his compliment, i can’t deny ive always had a thing for chris, i USED to only look at him as my ‘brother who’s not actually my brother but is my brother’ but that was before i knew what boys actually were. chris and i had/have never hooked up before, granted we were each others first kiss because we entered middle school together and Marylou gave them a talk about girls that somehow interested chris and he wanted to ‘get some practice’ as he says. but we were 11, we never kissed again cause we thought it was awkward, that was until i had my first date and didn’t know how to make out, chris, the player of course, was the one i ran to to teach me. cooper knew how close we all were, i told him i’ve only ever kissed chris twice but it meant nothing, it’s not like we hooked up before.
“ma?” chris attempted to get my attention but i was LOST in my thoughts about wanting to kiss chris’ soft lips again… was it wrong to want that?
“hm? oh yeah sorry i was uh just thinking” i laughed my nervousness away
“about what?” he said walking over to his bed, i followed sitting next to him
“nosey.. but mostly just us as kids.. i still think it’s funny cooper thought we hooked up, but it brought me to the memories when we were 11 and had our first kiss” i giggled softly
“OH I REMEMBER THAT ONE” he exclaimed “we were in my bedroom at the old house and” before his attempt at telling the rest of the story i joined in
“we didn’t talk for 3 days because we thought it was weird” we said in unison
we both laugh but slowly we just start looking at each other in a not so friendly way.. more of a romantic way, now i know i just broke up with my boyfriend of 2 years and the last thing i should be doing is looking at chris wanting his nice plump limps on mine.
before i knew it chris’ lips were attached to mine but i didn’t hesitate once, i immediately kissed him back but what was weird is that he pulled away… i thought i would have pulled away.
“i-im sorry i shouldn’t have done that” chris attempts to apologize
“no you should have… i know im recently single but… i want you to kiss me again…” i attempt to make him feel better the thought of his lips on mine and everywhere else on my body just came flooding down and creating a sense of heat in between my legs
chris leans in using his hand to caress my cheek before pressing his lips on mine this time in a more passionate manner, but with a hint of sexual desire in his lips, he wanted this just as much as i did, maybe more.
i softly moan into his lips as his hand travels down to my hips and up and down my upper thigh before slowly pulling away
“is this okay…?” he looks nervously down at his hand on my thigh
i nodded but that wasn’t enough for chris
“i need to hear you say it ma, tell me if i can do this” he looks at me deeply in my eyes.
“yes chris, this is perfect” i smile
“god i’ve been waiting for this my entire life” he kisses me again while using his hand to move into the waistband of his sweatpants i had on and taking off the pants laying me down on my back and pulling away from the kiss to admire the orange set of underwear i had on.
“such a whore for wearing such slutty underwear like this like you’re asking to be fucked…” he growled placing himself in between my legs and pulling my underwear to the side and admiring the glistening from my wetness coated on my pussy almost drooling and using his finger to collect my wetness on his finger.
“fuck you’re dripping…” his finger was drenched in my arousal he took his finger in his mouth to have a taste and his eyes lit up with desire and hunger for me “cooper would be shitting himself… i bet you’ve never been this wet for him eh? only for me?” he states cockily
“mhm” i smiled and nodded before adjusting myself to take off his shirt i had on showing him the rest of the matching set i had on, both being in his favorite color and little to no coverage for my hard nipples.
that’s all it took and his mouth was attached to my clit placing open mouth kisses on it eating me like his life depends on it, eating me like a gun was placed to his head for his last meal.
a loud moan escaped through my lips as my jaw when open “chris!” i yelped “fuck you’re too damn good at- at this” i state with a shakey breath.
he moaned against my pussy sending a vibration through my body feeling his smirk against me, he lifts up to speak “i bet ur sorry excuse for an ex couldn’t treat this pussy like it deserves” he smirks
“shut up christopher and use that mouth for good use” he didn’t look to happy
“i didn’t say you could speak back to me” he lightly slaps my clit, causing my hips
to jerk forward and a soft whimper let out my lips.
“oh? you like that?” he slaps it again and another whimper softly comes out me
he dips his head down in my legs again adding a finger and curling upwards to hit my spot just right and my toes began to curl and my back arching off the bed and moans leaking from my mouth, he adds another finger curling both upwards with ease.
“oh- oh chris!” i hum softly “d-don’t s-stop please s-s-so close” my legs tremble lightly
“don’t plan on it ma” he muttered against me occasionally looking up at me supporting myself with my elbows dug into the mattress, head thrown back, with my nails twisting the sheets between my fingertips
“fuck chris i’m ab to cum” i moan out
“do it, be a good girl and cum all over my fingers” he spits moving his body upward to watch me come undone on his fingers his eyes piercing in me keeping his fingers curling up at a constant speed
“mpft- FUCK” i cursed a constant string of ‘fucks’ and ‘chris’ as my legs tremble even more and i came absolutely all over his fingers as he slowly pulls them out with a huge grin and licking my cum up on his fingers
“mmm fuck you taste amazing.. i’ve waited a long time to taste you and i’d have to say it’s the best thing that’s touched my tongue” he grins
i roll my eyes playfully trying to come down from my high “now let me suck tour dick or you fuck me into tomorrow, ur choice” i smirk
he hums softly “now i’d love to watch you suck me off but tonight is all about you sassy, so we’ll save your mouth for another night” he shoots me a wink
“there’s gonna be another night?” i ask smiling and cocking my head to the side.
“i hope you didn’t think this was a one time thing.. im gonna need your pussy in my mouth every night” he smiles pulling his pants down and his boxers down in one swift motion and taking his shirt off leaving him bare… my jaw dropped, his dick is huge… thick and LONG… the sweatpants don’t do him any justice.
he obviously catches me staring “you like what your looking at sass?”
i nod HARD… it’s so much bigger then coopers…
“good” he smirks leaning over me and pressing a passionate kiss on my lips before lining his dick up with my entrance and sliding in with ease inch by inch, i pull away moaning as he bottoms out and starts thrusting his hips at a steady pace to begin with
“oh my god, you’re so fucking tight.. and wet… fuckk” he leans his head back beginning to thrust into me a little faster
“mpfh- h-harder chris” i moan out
his hips immediately went harder hitting my spot every time again. he grabs my neck softly choking me as i’m a bigger moaning mess then i was on his fingers.
“i bet cooper could never fuck you like this… he wouldn’t know what to do with a pussy like yours” chris whispers almost growling in my ear while pounding into me causing the bed to repeatedly hit the wall
“oh chris” i groan out arching my back
“i can fuck you better then that sorry peice of shit… mmm” he groans in my ear
a loud pornographic moan escapes my lips as his tip kisses my cervix over and over again leaving my legs shaking violently beneath him.
he flips me over so my back is arched and my ass is in the air, he begins thrusting in me at a domestic pace as if he can’t control himself with me anymore he’s groaning to the point it’s almost a whimper as my ass repeatedly clapping on his pelvic bone.
“Fuckkk chris… i can feel you in my fucking throat… you’re so deep” i moan out
he lets a HARD smack on my ass before grabbing a wad of my hair and lifting me up to whisper in my ear
“you’re such a dirty whore” he says nibbling at my neck leaving dark circles on my neck “you’re mine now… no one else’s” he grunts “mine to mark” thrust “mine to fuck” thrust “mine to destroy” he lets go of my hair and pressing my head into the mattress “mine” thrust “mine” thrust “mine” my moans turns into whimpering as i become overstimulated
“c-close” i choke out, i could barely form a coherent sentence.
“mmf- me too ma… just keep taking me like a good girl you are” he groans throwing his head back, maintaining his constant hard and rough thrusts.
my legs now fully numb and shaking violently, “c-cumming” i whimper out as im releasing all over his dick leaving a white ring of cum on the base of his dick.
his thrust became sloppy as he paints my walls with his ropes of cum and slowly pulls out trying not to hurt me he rubs my lower back as i turn over and lay on my back.
“hang on ma, lemme go get a towel to clean you up” he exists the room and i hear nick from downstairs cheering
“YESSSS FINALLY YALL HOOKED UP!!! IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS ONE!!! but next time be quiet or wait till we’re not here yall freaks!” nick yells causing a smile to appear on my lips as chris walks in with a warm rag to start carefully wiping my legs and carefully rubbing my pussy off trying not to hurt me.
“happy birthday sassy” he smiles at me as we’re now laying down next to each other bare, skin to skin.
“thank you bubbles” i smile over at him.
“where does this leave us Y/N?” his smile drops into a nervous expression
“let’s just cuddle and we’ll talk about in the morning okay? i’m too tired” i smile at him reassuringly
he kisses my forehead bringing me closer to his chest “thank you” he whispered
“mhm” i mumbled falling fast asleep with the real man of my heart next to me.
IDK HOW TO FEEL ABOUT THIS ONE??? it’s a long one but i had fun writing it! ALSO ILY GUYS!!! lemme know how yall enjoyed this one!!
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vanfleeter · 4 months
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Summary: Going on a platonic date and being mistaken for being a couple, but things might just change. Characters: Jake x Fem!Reader Warnings: 18+ as always. Language. Fluff. Light Smut. Kissing. Heated make out. Angst (if you squint really, really hard). Allusions to sex.
Valentine's Masterlist
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It wasn’t anything out of the ordinary for Jake to invite you to go to dinner with him. It was usually when he wanted to get out of the house after going completely out of his mind.
So here you are, standing outside your apartment building and waiting for him to show up. And just on time, when he’s usually running late, his car pulls up to the side road. He parks it and gets out to open the passenger door for you.
“Oh how gentleman of you.” You giggle as you climb up inside.
“Don’t get used to it.” He smirks before shutting the car door and jogging back around to his side.
“So..” You say, breaking the comfortable silence in the car. It was never awkward between the two of you, if anything the you two enjoy the silence and just soaking in each other’s presence. “Uh… You already had this planned?”
Jake nods his head. “Had it planned since the new year. It’s a nice place, it's kind of hard to get reservations.. I didn’t want to cancel so I thought why not ask my best friend to join me?”
“Aw, how thoughtful.” You say, making him chuckle. “But you should know, I-”
“-Never liked her.. I know,” He smirks.
“Well..” You shrug your shoulders. He laughs and turns on the turn signal to make a right turn at the intersection.
Parking the car in the lot of the restaurant, he gets out and comes around to your side to open your door. “You know you don’t have to do that.” You say.
“I’m being polite.” He says as he closes the door when you get out.
With his hand on the small of your back, he guides you through the open door of the restaurant. The simple touch from him on your back sent a warm feeling through your middle, making your heart race just a little more than usual.
“Good evening!” The hostess smiles. “Do you have a reservation for tonight?”
“Yes,” Jake responds. “It's under Jacob Kiszka.”
The hostess hums as she looks through the book. “Yes, Kiszka. Party of two. Right this way.”
As she leads the two of you through the restaurant, Jake glances over at you, a small smile tugging at his lips as he watches your eyes grow in size as how fancy this place is. You don’t go to places like this. Your idea of fancy included cooking at home with a small glass of wine, maybe two if you were feeling yourself. This was way over what you’ve been to.
“Here we are.” She says with a smile, placing a couple menus down on the booth table. “Your waiter will be over soon to bring your drinks.”
“This place is insane..” You say, still looking around the room. “There’s chandeliers here, huge ones.” Jake smiles from across the booth as the awe still clouds your eyes. “And there’s a live jazz band?”
A young man walks over carrying a couple glasses and an expensive bottle of wine. “Compliments of the chef for the happy couple.”
“Couple?” You question.
Jake’s face falls but he quickly plays it off by clearing his throat and flashing the waiter a smile. “That’s very kind,” He says. “Please give him our thanks.”
The waiter pours the wine before retrieving a notepad and pen to write your orders. With Jake’s insistence on you getting anything you would like, you end up ordering a steak with all of the sides and he ends up ordering the same thing.
Once the waiter is gone, you reach for your wine and take a drink. “I’m sorry about that,” Jake awkwardly laughs. “I forgot I had put a note on the reservation that I’d be bringing my girlfriend–not knowing that we’d..break up..before this..”
You give him a warm smile and shake your head. “Don’t apologize.. Besides, free wine? I won’t turn that down.” You say with a giggle and take another drink of your wine. Hearing the music change, you can’t help but smile again when you recognize what song is being played. Standing up from the booth and receiving a confused look from Jake, you hold out your hand to him.
“It’s just a dance,” You say. “They already think we’re a couple, why not play off of it?”
He reluctantly slides out of the booth and straightens his jacket before taking your hand in his. You weren’t sure if he had felt it too, but there was a slight jolt of electricity as your hands connected. To which you chalked up as static after he ran his hands over his suit jacket.
That’s all it is.
Just friends.
Friends who are apparently having dinner at a fancy restaurant, dancing like a couple because that’s what the whole restaurant staff believes you are.
His hand rests again on the small of your back, but that’s as close as he will let himself get to you.
“Jake..” You say. He hums in acknowledgment, looking down at you. “I’m not gonna jump your bones should you decide you want to get closer.”
“Oh uh..” He clears his throat. “Okay.”
Stepping closer to close the two inch gap between your two, his pelvis rests softly against yours and his hand slides from your back to your other hip. He bravely pushes closer until he can feel your chest rising and falling against his suit. The contact alone sends a blood rush to his cock and he’s praying-to whatever higher power is out there-that you can’t feel it.
He hasn’t ever been this close to you–and that doesn’t include hugs.
He can feel the sweat perspiring on his palm and his heart begins to race. Little does he know that you’re feeling the exact same way. Even the flood of arousal between your legs.
When the song finally ends, you quickly excuse yourself to the bathroom, claiming to touch up just a little before the food comes out. He stammers a little before nodding his head and giving a soft ‘okay’ and a smile.
Stepping into the bathroom, you head straight for the sink and rest your palms against the edges. Taking in deep breaths, you work on calming yourself down, easing your heart rate and your nerves.
Once you feel calm enough, you straighten out your dress and run a hand through your hair and walk back out to the dining area. Approaching the table, you find that your food has already been brought out. Jake had yet to touch his food, him stating that he wanted to wait for you.
“It’s only been a minute since they brought it out,” He says.
“Oh, wonderful.” You slide back into the booth and retrieve the cloth napkin to spread over your lap. “This looks amazing.” You say before taking your fork and knife and cutting off a bite.
Dinner continues to go smoothly, small talk taking place between bites of food. A few laughs shared, mostly over stories of his brothers, to which you don’t mind. As your plates are cleared and you both agree to dessert, the waiter comes back with a single dish with a single slice of chocolate cake with a scoop of vanilla ice cream nestled beside it.
They still believe that you’re a couple. But just like the wine, the dessert is free, more compliments of the chef.
It all comes down to the last bite of chocolate cake. You both lock eyes with each other and he smirks, readying his fork. “Bring it on, Jacob.” You say. And so the fight begins for the last bite. Of course he wins. He giggles and stabs the piece with his fork but instead of stuffing it into his mouth, he leans across the table and lets you eat it off his fork.
Again the rush of arousal floods to his cock again as he watches your lips close around his fork and take in the piece of cake. He gulps and pulls away and places his fork on the table.
For fucks sake, Jake. Pull yourself together. She is your friend. Your best friend.
The waiter comes back with the check and Jake hands over his card to pay for the dinner.
“I really enjoyed tonight,” You say as you unlock the door to your apartment. “Thank you for inviting me.”
“Well it would have been pretty awkward to go with Josh,” He chuckles. “But you’re welcome.”
You smile and push open the door. Do it. Just ask him. “Do you, uh.. Do you want to come in?” You ask. “Unless you think it’s too late.” You quickly add.
He smiles and shakes his head. “I’d love to come in.” He says. Stepping inside, you hold the door open allowing him to come inside.
He instantly makes himself at home by slipping off his loafers and leaving them by the door and hanging up his suit jacket on the coat rack. He plops down on the sofa and crosses his legs on the coffee table. Slipping off your heels, you walk over to the couch to join him.
“I think the perfect way to end this night is by watching a movie.” He says as he reaches for the remote. You agree and snag a blanket off the back of the couch and cover the both of you.
As the movie ends, you both get up from the couch to stretch. His left arm swipes around your waist and pulls you into him. “Hi..” He smiles.
You smile back. “Hi..”
He takes in a deep breath before uttering his next words. “I’m about to do something that could potentially ruin everything but it’s a risk I’m willing to take because all night I’ve been dying to know..”
“To know what?”
He takes your face in his hands and plants a kiss on your lips. It took you by surprise initially but you allow yourself to lean more into it, both figuratively and literally as you press your waist against his body.
“How soft your lips are..” He chuckles when he pulls away.
“I..” You’re unable to form any words. You sigh at your inability to do so and he nods his head.
“You don’t have to say anything.” He says, his head dipping. “That was probably not the right call.” He clears his throat and pulls away before swiping his keys off of the coffee table.
“Woah, wait..” You grab his wrist, pulling him back and pressing your lips back onto his. “It was definitely the right call.” You kiss him again and wrap your arms around his neck.
He grabs your hips and pulls you as close as your bodies could possibly get. His one hand rests on your hip while the other tangles within your hair. Your lips move in sync as your tongues battle one another.
Wrapping his arms around the back of your thighs, he picks you up and lays you on the couch. He rests himself between your legs, hovering over top of you before diving in to attach his lips to your neck. You can feel his now hardened length rub against your center and arousal begins to pool again in your underwear.
As he continues sucking and now licking at your skin, you work to undo the buttons on his shirt, exposing his chest and torso. His skin is already starting to glisten with sweat. You press the palms of your hands against his chest, feeling how it expands with each breath and moves fluidly with each movement he makes.
He moans against your neck, the vibration tickling your skin and making you giggle. He smiles against you before pulling away only briefly to shimmy off his shirt and toss it to the floor. He starts back on your neck again before moving down to your collarbone and eventually down the exposed skin of your chest. He teases the valley of your breasts with a gentle sweep of his tongue and kissing back up to your collarbone and coming back to plant a kiss on your lips.
Being a little risky, you slide your hands from his chest and down to his crotch where you gently cup him in the palm of your hand. His breath hitches in his throat and he looks at you, his eyes darkening and a smirk appearing on his face. He grinds his length into your palm, creating the much needed friction he’s been craving to satisfy the aching feeling in his cock. But he moves back, pulling you with him.
“Everything okay?” You ask.
Jake nods his head. “Yeah..” He runs a hand through his hair. “But if I don’t stop myself now, I’ll want to take you right here.”
“Would that be a bad thing?”
“No! No, it wouldn’t be a bad thing but…” He sighs. “Y/N, listen.. Tonight did not go as planned for either of us.. I didn’t see myself coming home with you, or kissing you. Nor did I see myself doing this.”
“Oh..” You shift your legs on the couch and drape them over the edge before planting your feet on the floor and moving to stand up. “Now I just feel confused..”
He looks up at you from the couch, his brows pulling together. “All I’m saying is that tonight was not at all what I had planned..” He stands up from the couch. “Something definitely shifted tonight.. I felt when I picked you up.. Seeing you in this dress–I don’t know, it showed you to me in a different way. Normally I’d look at you and think of you as just my best friend. But not tonight. Tonight I looked at you in this dress and my heart stopped. All fucking night I was a sweating mess and goddamn nervous to be around you.”
Reaching out for you, he pulls you back to him and presses a delicate kiss to your lips.
“I so badly want to fuck you,” He says. “But I also want to make love to you.”
“Make love to me, Jake..”
Walking your fingers up his bare torso and up his chest, you watch as a smile slowly grows on his face. His eyes flutter open and he looks down at you. “Hi..” You say with a smile. He chuckles and wraps his arm around your shoulders to pull you closer to his body.
“Hi..” He responds before kissing you. “Tonight was perfect. I’m glad that I made the decision to invite you out tonight.”
“I’m glad you did too.. Or else I’d be here–alone… I never liked Valentine’s Day.”
“Eh, it’s okay..” He shrugs his shoulders. “You haven’t missed out on much..”
You giggle and turn over so that you’re resting on top of him. “You, Jacob Thomas, are a beacon of light that I get the pleasure of seeing every day.”
“Will you be my girlfriend?” He blurts out.
You smile and eagerly nod your head. “I thought you’d never ask.”
tag list:
@watchingover-hypegirl @losfacedevil @ignite-my-fire @ohgodthefeeling-gvf @writingcold @jaketlove @mackalah @lexii-nv-c @em-gvf01 @katiegvf @joshkiszkaenthusiast @takenbythemadness @jakekiszkasmommy @objectsinspvce @gvfmarge @heckingfrick @bluemeadows77 @laneygvf @sacredmachine @jordie-gvf-admin @gvfpal @killerqueengvf @jaketlover @jordinlkiszka @alwaysonthemend @hellowgoodbye @anythingforjtk @hi-hi-hello11 @anthemofgvf @gretasfallingsky @songbirds-sweet @wildbluesorbit @klarxtr @stardustsecret @sunandthemoontwinflames @everyglowinthetwilightknows @sinsofstardust @sparrowofthedawnsworld @josh-iamyour-mama @dannys-dream
Want to be added to my tag list? Reach out to me! :D
(also if I missed you, please let me know!)
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howtotwirlaknife22 · 1 month
Hesh dating headcannons (NSFW & SFW)
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Hesh is one of the best guys you could possibly ask for as a boyfriend let be real.
He’s respectful, he’s smart, and he even knows how to crack a joke or two that has you gasping for air laughing.
He knows how to get crafty and build things. You need a new bookshelf because the one you have doesn’t hold all of your books? Don’t worry, he’s already on it. You have a picture you need framed? He’s building you a custom one with a cute message written on the back of it from him.
He loves to go on dates like the movies, walks in the park, going out for dinner at a new restaurant, camping, and even things like mini golf are fun for him. He just likes to get out and do things.
He especially loves it if he can bring Riley on those dates.
Which is another thing, you should be a dog person if you’re going to make a relationship with him work. Riley is his #1 wingman and he brings him with him EVERYWHERE.
That’s actually how the two of you met.
You were eating lunch in a park, sitting on your little blanket when you heard some rustling behind you. You turned around and saw a huge German Sheppard sniffing around in your picnic basket.
At first, you were a little intimidated because you didn’t know who’s dog it was, but then you saw a man running towards you and calling out for the dog. You’d be lying if you said the man wasn’t incredibly handsome.
He apologized as he leashed the dog again, explaining to you how the dog had gotten off his leash while he went to the restroom and how he must have smelled the peanut butter in your sandwiches. The next thing you knew, you were both exchanging laughs and phone numbers.
Hesh is such a supportive boyfriend. He’s the first to tell you how proud he is of you, and he encourages you to keep chasing after your goals.
Hes also amazing at providing comfort to you. After what he’s been through, he knows how tough life can be. But he’ll never judge you for anything you’re upset about. Whether that be a sad animal video you found online, or something more serious like losing a job or failing an important college class. He’s there to give you a hug and tell you that it’s okay, that there are always other options and ways to fix it.
Do NOT let this man into a kitchen for anything that requires more than 5 ingredients. It will either end in the house almost burning down or a mess all over the entire kitchen. Boy cannot cook to save his life.
Somehow Riley got a long stripe of frosting down his tail in the process of him trying to make cupcakes for your anniversary.
Speaking of anniversaries, he doesn’t forget any of the important dates you guys have. He remembers your birthday, your anniversary, your plans for Valentine’s Day, and he even remembers your family members birthdays.
He’s definitely the type of guy to treat your father with respect and charm your mother.
“I see where ____ gets their good looks from!” When your mother laughs, he raises an eyebrow. “I actually meant him.” And he points at your father. Your mother laughed even harder and your father shook his head at you. You just rolled your eyes and smiled, knowing how much of a goof your man was.
Now onto the dirty stuff…
Hesh is a passionate lover, he takes his time with you in the bedroom and would never make you feel bad if there was something that you didn’t want to do.
The second he sees discomfort in your face he immediately stops and checks in on you. When you confirm you’re okay he kisses you on the forehead and slowly starts up again.
When he’s really in the groove of things he’ll have his hands by your sides as he’s pumping in and out of you at a steady pace, letting out grunts and huffs as his eyes take in your gorgeous body under him.
He loves to play with your breasts, rolling your nipple between his thumb and index, and sucking on the other. He sometimes bites down a little as well, cheeky bastard.
He’s a little too shy to ask you for it, but he’d love it if you sat on his face. Especially if you’re on the thicker side. Suffocate this man, please.
Speaking of, his favorite positions would be missionary, against the wall, or even lotus. He just loves to see your face, he loves to see your expression as he’s pleasuring you. He does like to tease you a little, so he imitates the faces you make just to see you get flustered. This always makes him chuckle a little.
He’s not one to be super serious in the bedroom. He’ll tease you a little just to see you blush and laugh. He sees this as a way to break down walls, make things easier to work around.
He’s not against shower sex, and you often have to fight him off of you before you get ready for work because he’s always wanting to shower with you (he almost always makes you late when he does).
He’s a pretty decent size, he’s about 6 inches long with a slight upward curve. He’s girthy as hell too. His balls are truly impressive though. They’re very full and tight, and they’re the keys to getting him off fast.
He’s hairy, but he tends to manscape pretty often. Lots on his chest, arms, and legs. He has a nice happy trail and he knows you love it, so he loves to stretch in front of you.
He’s also very strong, and he loves to flex in front of you and hold you up whenever he can.
Okie that’s all I have for today, requests are still open so lmk if you want me to write :) 💌
Edit: I didn’t add my frickin tag list 😭😭
My b ya’ll and lmk if you wanna be added to it 🙏🙏
@blacktacmopsi @forsworned @tokillamockingbird427 @milkteaarttime
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cringe-but-proud · 6 months
Would you do a 1610 miles morales request where he and the reader became close at visions and she figures out he’s Spider-Man so he tends to go to hers when needing comfort/help so one night after patching him up, they end up sharing a bed cause he’s too hurt to go home and they’re both flustered and cute cause they clearly like each other?
Miles Morales x Fem!Reader
Warnings: light swearing, mentions of pain/injury, reader and miles share a bed (NOTHING SPICY 😑)
A/n: First non-second person POV fic on here. As always, my requests are open 🥳
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Tonight had been pretty rough for Miles. He had gotten in a pretty bad fight with some guys that were trying to rob a jewelry store. He had stopped them, which was good, but his entire body felt sore.
So, like always, he made his way over to her apartment.
This had become a sort of regular thing for him to do. His best friend, Y/n, was one of the only people who knew about his secret identity, and so, he went to her whenever he was in need of some quick first aid.
Miles swung over to the familiar apartment building and knocked on her bedroom window.
After a short moment, Y/n opened the window for him. She scanned his disheveled state while helping him climb through the window. "Wow, you look like shit." She commented.
"Thanks. Good to see you too." Miles replied as he pulled his mask off and let it fall to the ground.
She laid a towel on her bed before he sat down (Y/n was very serious about Miles not getting blood on her sheets) and grabbed the first aid kit that she kept in her room.
"Rough night?" She asked as she got out some of the medical supplies she'd be using.
"Yeah. I'm alright though."
She began disinfecting the wound and a comfortable silence fell over them. Miles always liked coming over to her place. Even though he was almost always injured or hurt when he came over. He liked how cozy her room was, he liked that she always had music playing, and he liked that she was always too focused on patching him up to notice him staring at her.
After about 30 minutes of tending to his wounds, she finished with a relieved sigh. "You're lucky I like you, dude. If anyone else asked me to do something like this I'd tell them to never talk to me again."
Miles chuckled and looked down at the floor. "Uh... Thanks?" He tried standing up, but winced.
"You alright?" Y/n asked, looking back at Miles as she put away the first aid kit.
"Yeah... Just a little sore." He said as he sat back down on her bed.
"You gonna be able to make it back home?'
Miles thought about it for a moment. He didn't think he had the strength to swing or even walk home right now. "Uh..."
"If you need to you can stay the night." She tells him
"Of course, man." She smiled softly. "It's not a big deal."
To Miles it was a big deal. Staying over at his crush's house? Huge deal.
But, he had to play it cool.
"Uh... Yeah, alright." He shrugged, trying to act nonchalant about the whole thing.
Y/n had given him some of her oversized clothes for him to sleep in.
There was a brief argument over the sleeping situation (Miles didn't want to kick Y/n out of her own room, but Y/n wasn't gonna make an injured Miles sleep on the couch) they decided to just share the bed.
No big deal. Two friends sharing a bed. Totally normal. No big deal.
Miles settled into her bed, back turned to her as he stared at the wall.
The two of you exchanged a brief 'good night' and then it was silent.
Miles was wide awake. The position he was laying in was uncomfortable, but he didn't dare move. The minutes passed by like hours and he wanted to look at the time, but he couldn't wake her up.
Little did he know, Y/n was feeling the exact same way. Wide awake, unable to move, and unable to speak.
Somehow, against all odds, after what was probably at least 2 hours of still, dead silence, they both managed to fall asleep.
If they thought falling asleep next to each other was awkward, then the dilemma of waking up cuddling each other was going to be absolutely unbearable.
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