mrmeeps3654 · 2 days
Thinking about Doug Eiffel from Wolf359 and I think I know who I wanna be when I grow up. Dudes he’s got some issues but he’s king.
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Another really interesting thing that the show is doing is literally saying, "not ALL gods." (That convo between Annabeth and Hephaestus was something else. Leah is so talented, holy shit. Rick made a really good choice with her).
Like on one hand, we have gods like Athena, Zeus and Ares that simply do not care. Their kids are there to bring them glory at most. They won't save them - not in a way that actually helps the kid. They barely give them attention. They look at them like (unwanted) tools.
And then we have gods like Poseidon and Hephaestus (and Hermes if they stick to the book) that have redeemable features? Like Poseidon paying child support and saving Percy in the river and sending the sea spirit, and Hephaestus who actually listened to Annabeth's pleading and chose to save Percy's life. (And Hermes sending Luke indirect signs/gifts, sending Percy to talk to Luke for him, and constantly paying attention to Luke & crying/mourning Luke as revealed in tlo).
I gotta say. I like the variety. They're fleshing out that the gods are all toxic together, but individually, a few of them are good to their kids/demigods. Don't get me wrong, they're still heavily flawed, but you can see how Percy can stand on their side against Kronos, and chose to fix the broken system instead of tearing it all down.
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all-was-not-well · 4 months
There's something about the fragments of backstory we get in The Lost Hero.....
When she finds a goddess putting her son at the center of a divine fire, Esperanza Valdez burns her hands pulling him out of it, and screams for the goddess to leave them alone.
When the same goddess tells Beryl Grace to sacrifice her son to save her own life, she does so without question.
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Concept: A show styled like the Office but it's Mount Olympus with the Greek Gods and the Camera Crew are a few select Mortals. We could call it Keeping up with The Olympians.
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mydairpercabeth · 2 months
RIP, Leo Valdez. You would have loved Cowboy Carter.
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0lympian-c0uncil · 5 months
Gods reactions to you asking them for pads (Idk i'm bored)
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Hades (he is confused)
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Artemis (she get's them just doesn't respond)
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Hephaestus (He's also confused)
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I feel like some of these are wrong so idk
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rhapsoddity · 3 months
Oh, I straight up beg you to show how Hyphaestus would look in civilian clothing 🙏
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hes just a lil guy
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bio--hazardous · 6 months
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Okay, but like, were the gods watching on that tv show of theirs while Percy and Annabeth went through the tunnel of love?
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overusedtoothbrush · 5 months
idk what it is but when i saw hephaestus i immediately thought “THAT is leo valdez’s father?!”
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swura-b2x · 23 days
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satoshy12 · 4 months
Since more then 2000+ almost all Wars were starts Athena
The camp learns about a millitia war in US.
Annabeth:" I Thought Ares can't do this anymore!" Mr. D:" It was your mother, she is doing all the War work for more then 2000+ years or so. Ares is having barely any time for Wars."
True Ares and Aphrodite date post her Divorce take most of his time, but the whole World is still in War, because of Athena.
Annabeth:" You are lying!" Chiron:" I didn't want to tell you about this, as the old Generation had the problem because of it. (While the Wars and similiar and similiar). Athena starts like 90% of the wars in the World and 10% is Enyo."
Mr. D:" And best part it's a war because they named the Library Minerva Library."
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newrealityworld · 3 months
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Here we finally have my finalised designs of the divine children of Zeus, Hades and Poseidon.
I wanted to combine their sacred animals into their designs, though some have the sacred animals of their parents because they didn’t have any themselves.
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My head canons about Drew Tanaka:
1. Her father is a child of Dionysius. I mean she does give the vibes of the wine aunt.
2. She has siblings. And not like other children of Aphrodite. Her father has other children.
3. Her father was an actor when he met Aphrodite and fell in love with her and had Drew. When he found out that she was a goddess and just disappeared into thin air he was furious.
4. He wanted revenge and that attracted Nemesis. And thus her 1st brother was born. (in my AU his name is Ethan, I love this name) He made him even more angry and he was petty as hell.
5. He decided to practice magic to get his revenge and this attracted *drum role* Hecate. And thus her 2nd brother was born.(in my AU his name is Albastor, I love this name as well) After this her father gave up and just tried to raise them as a single parent.
6. Drew is allergic to like everything. Trying to buy her something is very hard. Like chocolates, can't have pistachios or almonds in them. Clothes, don't you dare give her silk she will kill you and then die. Flowers, well you get it.
7. She is bisexual and falls in love with every single person she meets. Never in a serious way but she gets bi panic all the time.
8. The 1st time she broke someone's heart, it was a mortal boy and she felt horrible for it.
9. She dated Nyssa (from Hepheastus cabin) secretly for 3 months and then went public. She is in a serious relationship with her and is absolutely smitten.
10. She was very close to Selina. Her betrayal was a big blow to her. I don't think she hated Selina for betraying camp but rather because she left her. I think she probably felt as if Selina chose her love for Charles over her.
11. She can use a gun. Seriously I imagine that the camp is under attack and everyone is fighting. And then Drew *I don't fight* Tanaka will pull out a gun and start shooting every monster in range with perfect accuracy.
12. She is friends with the Stoll twins, Malcolm pace, Nyssa, and Katie. And she high key ships Travis and Katie.
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kitkats-and-kittens · 10 months
TW Abuse/abusive relationships
Does anyone think the Gods ever ended up in like toxic/abusive relationships?
Like obviously they’re gods and the mythology often presents them as the perpetrators. In fact the entire Percy Jackson series wouldn’t have happened had they not been exploiting and abusing their own children.
But also Gods are like immortal and they get into loads of different relationships with loads of different people.
Abusers are often victims themselves and although that doesn’t excuse their actions it does provide an explanation as to why they act a certain way since they have skewed perceptions of the world and the Gods are most definitely victims of, at the bare minimum parental abuse (and that’s on top of all the generational trauma)
But I was reading ToA and for some reason it didn’t really click for me that when Apollo admits Zeus is abusive it was like a whole revelation for him, I just assumed the Gods all knew he was a tyrant and a shit dad but clearly they don’t.
And knowing Zeus I doubt Apollo was his only victim, but if he didn’t notice his father was an abusive dick whose to say the others noticed and if they didn’t notice their own father was piece of shit then whose to say they’d notice when their partner is abusing them?
Also the fact that so many demigods have abusive parents?
I would say Percy but it was Gabe who did all that shit Sally was an amazing mom.
But still people like Annabeth or Hazel.
Jason and Thalia especially.
Maybe some of their parents changed as people because of outside relationships or maybe it was parenting itself that caused them to spiral and they eventually became worse and worse as parents despite having been amazing partners like Annabeths dad.
But still most people don’t just flip a switch and become abusive one day, people don’t change that quickly and from the time they get into a relationship to the time they have a kid which is like a couple months (if you ignore that Gods can just have kids whenever) their isn’t really enough time to suddenly pick up abusive tendencies. Most of them were probably like that for a long time before they had kids and if they’re able to treat their own offspring so badly then I wonder how they must have treated their partners.
This honestly started as an offhanded thought but now I’m genuinely curious if anyone wants to share their thoughts.
I’m just kinda wondering if Apollo and Artemis ever had a conversation about relationships and Apollo was just like.
“Yea he’d get super pissed and start yelling and throwing stuff at me, it was kinda scary sometimes”
And Artemis just looks at him like “You know that’s domestic violence right?”
And if they did get into abusive relationships I wonder how it would effect them since they aren’t exactly human. I doubt they’d be afraid since no matter what the abuser did they’d always hold a position of power over them simply because they are Gods. But emotional abuse and gaslighting is a thing and I personally believe that due to their experiences with their own parents most of the gods would be extremely vulnerable to this sort of abuse.
And on top of that most of them would have way to much pride to ever admit they were being abused in a relationship.
I really don’t know where this thought came from but I want to know if anyone shared the same opinion.
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my favorite thing about the new percy jackson show is that they just spiderversed their way to a pjo dimension and stole the whole cast and passed them off as real human actors!!
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