#High-stakes rescue mission
mapecl-stories · 11 months
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defensenow · 4 months
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hiddenone10 · 1 year
Extraction 2: Intense Action and High-Stakes Thrills Return
Extraction 2, the highly anticipated sequel to the adrenaline-pumping action film, has arrived, captivating audiences with its breathtaking stunts and captivating storyline. Directed by renowned filmmaker Sam Hargrave and starring the charismatic Chris Hemsworth, this action-packed sequel takes viewers on a rollercoaster ride of intense thrills and gripping moments.
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right, dont know if this makes sense but lets say reader (any gender really idm) was a god who had seen the ups and downs of hualian and had always been there for them but despite the mutual feelings between the 3, none of them confessed.
the thing is that, jun wu (ew…) had become obsessed with reader (since they stuck so much by xie lians and hua chengs side, they got noticed by jun wu) and left his obsession for xie lian behind and one day after planning so for many years, jun wu captures reader and theres no word of reader for days, weeks even yet jun wu acts as normal.
would hualian tear up the whole place, get revenge, rescue reader then make sweet love to them? up to you! you dont have to write ab this request btw:)
Rescue Mission
HuaLian x gn!reader
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Ignore grammar mistakes
Slight OOC
Slight misinformation
You, Hua Cheng and Xie Lian have spent centuries together
But despite this you've never told them your feelings
And unknown to you, they've never told you their feelings either.
So you're all single but like, everyone else knows you guys are sort of together.
Other people know not to fuck with you when Hua Cheng has obviously staked his claim on you and Xie Lian
Except for Jun Wu, he doesn't care one bit.
Hua Cheng can't have the both of you so Jun Wu decides to obsess over you instead🤷
While Hua Cheng and Xie Lian are deep-rooted in their past, you're a little newer.
You definitely haven't spent 8 centuries with them
Plus how can he not notice you when you're stuck by the strongest martial god, and the strongest ghost king.
It's hard not to put a light on you
Jun Wu's obsession starts there. A small prick of intrigue
None of you would have guessed that he would've gone so far
After years of planning, and years of getting closer and closer to you his intrigue and obsession grows
So he finally takes you
Hua Cheng is on alert within the first 2 hours you're missing.
Maybe he's overreacting, maybe he's not.
You've always stayed by Xie Lian's or his side
And if you leave by yourself you would've told them.
When A whole day passed Xie Lian tries to assure Hua Cheng that you can take care of yourself and you're probably just on a mission
He's trying to make himself feel better too.
When three days pass Hua Cheng and Xie Lian think you've gone missing.
You would never do this to them, you would never make them worry
Hua Cheng has the ghost city on high alert and the ghost realm is already looking for you.
Xie Lian does what he can't in the mortal realm, giving people your description and hanging up drawings of you.
He also does what he can in the heavenly realm, after all a god going missing is very important
Especially when it's a god of the upper court like you
The upper court is in a slight panic. No one knows where you are and a lot of people in the upper court are your friends. So of course everyone's a bit in disarray when none of them have heard from you in three days
Not Feng Xin, Mu Qing, Pei Ming, Ling Wen, nor Shi Qingxuan.
You have so many friends, so many people that love you and yet you're not with a single one of them have you
So where are you?
A majority of the upper court brings it to attention to Jun Wu only for him... To act like nothing's wrong
He says gods are frivolous and curious, you may have just gone out alone.
There's no cause for worry he says
But everyone is still wary, especially Xie Lian
When he tells Hua Cheng what happened it doesn't go well.
With you gone missing and Jun Wu playing it off it doesn't take long for Hua Cheng to be blaming the emperor of your disappearance. Whether it's out of spite or genuine thought he doesn't know.
When a week passes Hua Cheng gives up on searching through the ghost realm
Not as in he gave up on you but as in he's breaking into the heavens to search for you instead.
You think Hua Cheng can't find you?
You'd be silly.
Xie Lian doesn't encourage it but he doesn't stop Hua Cheng either.
And maybe he slips some details about the emperor's palace. On accident of course.
Hua Cheng doesn't care to tear through the heavens as he did before for Xie Lian.
He tears through lower court gods and upper court gods who refuse to give details about your whereabouts, and who won't help him.
It doesn't take long at all for Hua Cheng to get into the main palace.
Especially when most of the upper court gods have gone missing...
Coincidentally enough all your friends aren't in the heavens to protect it
Feng Xin and Mu Qing on a mission, Shi Qingxuan out with the earth master. And the security of the heavens, Pei Ming? Apparently he's gone too.
So Hua Cheng can basically walk through the heavens to get to Jun Wu.
Hua Cheng doesn't feel bad for ripping the palace apart to find you.
And he does find you
Locked away in one of the far rooms, puzzles beyond puzzles. He just broke through them though.
When he finds you he's relieved you have no wounds, and that you're relatively okay despite being taken away for a week
Shaken up from being taken away from the people you care for most.
Hua Cheng would kill the emperor right there if Xie Lian didn't make a clear emphasis on just getting you home.
That doesn't stop Hua Cheng from setting fire to the heavens though
Once you're brought home, it's a lot of hugging, tears, and a lot of questions about what happened.
You cry and tell them that you were scared simply for the fact you would never get the chance to tell them you loved them.
They most literally freeze in their spots and are like "??? For real?"
Once all the I love you's pass Xie Lian and Hua Cheng cling to you
Taking you into bed and worshipping you on the sheets.
You've had a busy week, you deserve to be taken care of and that's exactly what they do.
After that they'll never let you be alone again
One of them is always at your side.
Especially Hua Cheng
The silver butterflies become a common sight in the heavens anytime you or Xie Lian are around
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queerfables · 5 months
911 often makes me think about Stargate. It draws on a lot of the same ingredients that made those shows compelling to me, especially the found family team bonds in a setting of constant high stakes danger.
I have this half formed Stargate: Atlantis fusion idea that keeps floating around in my brain, where the 118 is a specialised extraction team whose primary mission is to provide support and rescue to other gate teams in distress. They become informally known as Gate Team 911, which Rodney snarks about since this is allegedly an international mission until John points out 911 is the emergency number in Canada too. And then Teyla wants them to explain exactly how emergency calls work and Elizabeth has to introduce her to Maddie Buckley in communications who actually used to be an emergency dispatcher, and who just so happens to be the sister of team 911's Evan Buckley.
I don't know I don't have much more than the basic concept but I love the idea of the 118 doing basically the same thing they do in this universe except now they're exploring the galaxy while they do it.
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sunnyvalentine · 2 months
Wishlist for Star Trek: Prodigy season three episodes:
- GwynDal date ( bonus if it features Maj'ero too )
- The Prodigy takes Ilthuran on a joyride to show him some pretty nebula and visit some friendly alien species and pretty planets
- Jankom character episode
- Bonding episode from Maj'els POV, where she gets to spend time with the others and gets to know them on a private level beyond 'Wesley told me I need to be here, so that's what I do' ( bonus if it involves telepathic conversion between Maj'el and Zero, with Maj'el asking questions about the others and Zero pouring all their emotions from s1 into their answers )
- Gwyn sends out an away team with Dal in charge and something bad happens, someone comes back hurt ( preferably Dal ) Ohhhh, the angst.
- Gwyn absolutely acing a diplomatic mission
- Gwyn absolutely failing to command during some quick-thinking, high-stakes mission and needing either HoloJaneway or Dal to take over. ( preferably Dal, who just wings it easily ) Angst 2.0||
- The Prodigy helping out Fenris Ranger Seven on some rescue mission. ( Bonus points if they have to call in Captain Chakotay and the Voyager-A to help )
- 'A day in Murfs life' The episode just follows Murf doing things, and the whole plot happens in the background while Murf just eats stuff, hangs out with Bribble, and does his Murf-things
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cynicalrosebud · 6 days
K9 Hybrid AU: Worldbuilding
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Introduction to K9 Hybrids:
K9 hybrids are advanced beings created through genetic engineering, combining human and canine traits to produce highly specialized operatives. They are used in various high-stakes military and law enforcement scenarios due to their enhanced abilities and training.
General Traits (All Hybrids):
Ears: Upright, pointed, and large like those of a German Shepherd, these ears give the hybrids an alert, intelligent appearance. They twitch at the slightest sound, expressing focus, curiosity, and sometimes emotion depending on the situation.
Other Shared Traits:
Muscle tone: All K9 hybrids would have muscular, agile bodies designed for combat and speed.
Eyes: Sharp, focused eyes, either amber, brown, or even striking blue in some cases.
Tail: Bushy, expressive tails that wag when happy or alert when on high alert, also reminiscent of German Shepherds.
Claws: Hybrids have sharp, long claws that require maintenance. Generally strong enough to kill but delicate enough to conduct daily tasks.
Teeth: reminiscent of the Shepherd, the canines of the hybrid are stronger and more elongated than their human counterparts.
Breed Influences:
Y/n: A hybrid, characterized by agility, intelligence, and skill above her class.
Gaz: A hybrid, exhibiting loyalty and calmness. He has a stocky build with water-resistant fur in a dark brown shade. Amber eyes.
Soap: A hybrid with high energy and problem-solving skills. He has a compact frame and longer, shaggy fur styled in a mohawk. Piercing blue eyes.
Training and Roles:
Training: K9 hybrids undergo rigorous training that combines canine instincts with human tactical skills. They are trained for specialized roles including search and rescue, combat support, and reconnaissance.
Roles: In the field, they perform tasks such as tracking, handling explosives, and engaging in close-quarters combat. Their training is tailored to their individual traits and abilities.
Role: Handlers are human operatives responsible for directing and supporting their hybrid partners. They form strong bonds with their hybrids, relying on them for missions and personal protection.
Ghost: A handler known for his tactical expertise and stealth, working closely with his hybrid partner, Soap.
Alex: A handler who specializes in close-quarters combat and field operations, partnered with his hybrid, Y/n.
Price: A seasoned handler with experience in high-risk missions, working alongside his hybrid partner, Gaz.
Society and Integration:
Military and Law Enforcement: K9 hybrids are highly valued in military and law enforcement for their specialized skills and capabilities. They are integrated into elite units and teams.
Public Perception: While hybrids are respected for their abilities, they also face challenges related to prejudice and discrimination. Efforts are ongoing to ensure their fair treatment and recognition.
Physical and Biological Features of Military K9 Hybrids
1. Physical Features:
1.1. General Appearance:
Description: Military K9 hybrids possess a robust and athletic build tailored for rigorous military tasks. Their physique is strong and agile, combining the endurance of canines with the physical attributes of humans.
Size: They vary in size based on the breeds used for hybridization, typically ranging from medium to large.
1.2. Fur:
Description: Their fur (what we refer to as hair when on a human head) is designed to be both functional and durable, suitable for various environmental conditions. They usually have short to medium-length fur that is dense or wiry, offering protection against the elements while remaining manageable.
Colors: Fur colors can include black, tan, brown, and gray.
1.3. Ears:
Description: All military K9 hybrids have German Shepherd-like ears—erect, pointed, and highly expressive. These ears enhance their auditory abilities and contribute to their keen sense of hearing.
Functionality: The mobility of their ears aids in directional hearing and effective communication.
1.4. Tail:
Description: Their tails are long and expressive, contributing to balance and communication. The tail is used to signal various emotions and intentions.
Functionality: The tail's movement helps convey feelings from excitement to alertness.
1.5. Eyes:
Description: K9 hybrids have large, expressive eyes that reflect their intelligence and sensitivity. Eye colors range from brown to amber, and their vision is adapted for both day and night operations.
Functionality: Enhanced visual acuity supports tracking, surveillance, and various field activities.
1.6. Body Structure:
Description: They possess a lean yet strong muscular structure designed for agility and endurance. Their body is optimized for physical tasks such as running, climbing, and other demanding activities.
Functionality: This structure supports their ability to perform effectively in diverse environments.
2. Biological Features:
2.1. Enhanced Senses:
Description: K9 hybrids have heightened sensory capabilities, including acute hearing, superior olfaction, and enhanced night vision. These traits are inherited from their canine genetics.
Functionality: These enhanced senses are crucial for detecting threats, tracking scents, and conducting surveillance.
2.2. Adaptations for Performance:
Description: Their biological systems are adapted to support high physical performance, including efficient oxygen usage, excellent muscle endurance, and a high metabolism.
Functionality: These adaptations enable sustained activity and quick recovery from exertion.
2.3. Specialized Training Response:
Description: Hybrids have an inherent ability to respond to training commands and signals, reflecting their combined genetic heritage. They are driven to learn and perform specific tasks.
Functionality: Their responsiveness makes them versatile and effective in various military roles.
2.4. Health and Recovery:
Description: Hybrids are susceptible to certain health issues common to both canines and humans. Regular medical care and monitoring are essential to manage these risks.
Functionality: Ongoing health checks and specialized care are necessary for their well-being and operational readiness.
2.5. Reproductive Features:
Description: The reproductive systems of hybrids are compatible with both human and canine genetics, allowing for the continuation of hybrid traits in future generations.
Functionality: Breeding programs focus on maintaining desired traits while ensuring the health and viability of the hybrids.
2.6. Communication:
Description: K9 hybrids use a combination of vocalizations, body language, and expressions to communicate. Their vocalizations can range from barks and growls to more nuanced sounds, while body language includes tail movements and ear positions.
Functionality: Effective communication with handlers and other hybrids is crucial for coordinated operations and emotional bonding.
These features ensure that military K9 hybrids are well-equipped for their roles, blending the best characteristics of both canines and humans to excel in demanding military environments.
K9 Hybrid Personalities and Needs
1. Personality Traits:
1.1. Loyal and Obedient:
Description: K9 hybrids are known for their strong sense of loyalty and obedience to their handlers. They form deep bonds with their human partners, often displaying unwavering dedication and trust.
Needs: Regular interaction and bonding time with handlers are crucial. They thrive in environments where they feel valued and trusted.
1.2. Intelligent and Adaptive:
Description: Hybrids possess high intelligence and adaptability, enabling them to learn quickly and handle complex tasks. They are often used in specialized roles that require problem-solving skills.
Needs: Mental stimulation through training exercises, problem-solving activities, and engaging tasks are essential to keep them sharp and satisfied.
1.3. Energetic and Driven:
Description: K9 hybrids have high energy levels and a strong drive to perform tasks. This trait is particularly evident in roles that require physical exertion and agility.
Needs: Regular physical exercise and opportunities to channel their energy are crucial. They benefit from vigorous activities and training sessions that keep them active and engaged.
1.4. Sensitive and Observant:
Description: Hybrids are often sensitive to their environment and can pick up on subtle changes or signals. This sensitivity makes them excellent at detecting threats or changes in their surroundings.
Needs: They need a stable and secure environment where they can feel safe and confident. Consistent routines and positive reinforcement help maintain their emotional well-being.
1.5. Playful and Curious:
Description: Despite their serious roles, many hybrids have a playful and curious side. They enjoy exploring and playing, which helps balance their work and downtime.
Needs: Opportunities for play and exploration are important for their overall happiness. Enrichment activities and toys that stimulate their curiosity can help keep them content.
2. Physical and Emotional Needs:
2.1. Regular Exercise:
Description: Hybrids require regular physical activity to maintain their health and energy levels. Exercise helps them stay fit and manage their high energy.
Examples: Daily runs, obstacle courses, and training drills that challenge their physical abilities.
2.2. Mental Stimulation:
Description: Engaging in tasks that challenge their intelligence and problem-solving skills is vital. Mental stimulation helps prevent boredom and keeps them sharp.
Examples: Puzzle toys, complex training exercises, and tasks that require critical thinking.
2.3. Social Interaction:
Description: Positive interactions with handlers and other hybrids are essential for their social development and emotional health. They thrive in environments where they feel connected and valued.
Examples: Bonding sessions with handlers, group training activities, and socialization with other hybrids.
2.4. Proper Nutrition:
Description: A balanced diet tailored to their specific needs supports their overall health and performance. Nutrition is crucial for maintaining their energy levels and physical condition.
Examples: High-quality, specially formulated food that meets their dietary requirements.
2.5. Health Care:
Description: Regular medical check-ups and prompt attention to any health issues are necessary to ensure their well-being. Hybrids need access to veterinary care and specialized medical attention when required.
Examples: Routine vaccinations, dental care, and treatment for injuries or illnesses.
2.6. Rest and Recovery:
Description: Adequate rest and recovery time are essential for maintaining their physical and mental health. Hybrids need periods of downtime to recuperate from training and missions.
Examples: Comfortable resting areas, relaxation time, and time off from intensive activities.
2.7. Safe and Secure Environment:
Description: A secure environment where hybrids feel safe and protected contributes to their emotional well-being. They need to be in environments where they can trust their surroundings.
Examples: Secure kennels, safe training areas, and stable living conditions.
Understanding and addressing these personalities and needs ensure that K9 hybrids remain effective, healthy, and content in their roles. Proper care and attention to their unique traits are essential for their overall well-being and performance.
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Spy/Team Leader whumpee shrinks themselves for a high-stakes intelligence mission, but something goes wrong and they get caught
- Normally they give their enemies a hell of a fight, but now all it takes to restrain them is the weight of a hand, or even a single finger, and it's frustrating
- Whumper has to build a doll-sized interrogation set. While they feel ridiculous, it's worth it to watch their enemy struggle
- Needles instead of knives, a glass of water instead of a tank, a breadboard and a battery instead of expensive electrocution equipment... maybe whumper should invest in a shrink ray
- Not to mention the dramatic difference in size and strength. Where whumpee would normally be full of insults and banter, they seem a little too scared of being crushed to say anything too dramatic
- Whumpee is freed by a stranger, but still unable to get to their normal size until they reach their base. Despite being rescued, they still don't feel safe
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starlightshadowsworld · 10 months
A lot of shows and stuff try to convince me that insert group are a family.
When really they aren't.
And it's something Bungo stray dogs has managed to accomplish.
The Detective Agency feels like a family.
Everyone but Noami and Junichiro were against saving Atsushi until Fukuzawa ordered them too.
Saying Atsushi is one of them, he is family and that's all the reasoning they need to save him.
And I thought that's were this ends, they'll remain as coworkers.
But they don't.
Kunikida and Atsushi choose against going with everyone on the murder Mori express and it doesn't cause an argument.
Doesn't cause any divide between them.
Ranpo, the one arguably taking this whole thing the worst, is reaffirming Kunikida's ideals and that he's the best of them.
He extends an olive branch to Atsushi so he can contribute in a meaningful way and not feel like a burden.
Even against the entire Port Mafia, with the stakes this high, the Agency sticks together.
Kunikida and Dazai are constantly at each other's throats, and yet they care about each other so much.
To the point Kunikida doesn't know what he'll do without him. That without Dazai I can't even face the Port Mafia, nevermind this threat.
And the first thing Dazai says to Sigma upon his release is that he missed having Kunikida around.
Kyouka wasn't even an official member, the city was going to be destroyed and Dazai spent the time telling her that people can change.
So that she'd pass her entrance exam and could survive.
In the Manga after Fukuzawa agrees to take Kyouka in, the police Detective comes in for a job and wonders if Kyouka is the killer they're after.
Atsushi makes up a story and when that doesn't do it, Fukuzawa straight up says she's his grand-daughter.
All this seconds after she becomes one of them.
Junichiro in his first mission with Atsushi, gets injured and tries to get him to leave them behind.
To save himself.
Kenji enters his rage state after Tecchou tells him that Atsushi is going to be tortured.
Fukuzawa literally breaks his own vow to work alone, every single time he recruits someone.
They are a family.
And it's not just them.
Kouyou was genuinely worried about Kyouka leaving the Port Mafia because she knows how it ended when she tried to leave.
She doesn't want the same fate for her.
Higuichi and the black lizards essentially defy orders to go rescue Akutugawa.
Because they care that much for him.
The scene of Kouyou, Chuuya and Mori drinking one of Chuuya's expensive treasured wines after saving the city really hits that home for me.
And that's without touching on Chuuya and Dazai's relationship, both in and out of the Port Mafia.
There's a lot of jibes, a lot of insults and a lot of care and trust.
And with family being such a theme, it makes me wonder if the two organisations that fell apart, were in part because they weren't a family.
The Guild and the Hunting Dogs.
Both organisations where everyone was essentially coworkers.
Lucy was dropped the minute she wasn't seen as useful anymore, becoming a traitor when she bonded with Atsushi.
Poe didn't care for the Guild, he just wanted to meet Ranpo.
Fitzgerald had a family he wanted to save (funny how he's the strongest member) and saw anyone else as pawns.
Nathaniel... Is fucking crazy but went off the deep end because he truly cared for Margaret and couldn't exist in an organisation he believes used her.
Leaving behind Fitzgerald and Louisa, who's bond becomes a lot more than simply a boss and his subordinate.
They genuinely care for each other and it's their teamwork that allows Fitzgerald to possess the eyes of God surveillance company.
As for the Hunting Dogs, Fukuchi wanted a team of soilders and realised too late they were more than that.
Tecchou throws aside justice to find Jouno.
Jouno found what it felt to care and help others and that fundamentally changed him.
Tachihara cares for them but he found his family and his place in Port Mafia.
He was able to go of his revenge for his brother, because he had already gained what he lost. He didn't need to keep hurting and hunting anymore.
One by one they all turn on Fukuchi, a man who believes in sacrificing 500 people to potentially save thousands.
He sees them as simply pawns, a means to an end and they turn their backs on him.
Breaking the hunting dogs and his rouse apart.
The irony being Fitzgerald was doing all of this for his wife and Fukuchi was doing it all for Fukuzawa.
... Idk if any of this makes sense but yeah 😅
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mapecl-stories · 11 months
A Storm of Heroes: Battle for the North Sea
Skiper D. Schröder was a man who kept his composure even in the stormiest waters of life. As the head of the German Society for the Rescue of Shipwrecked Persons (DGzRS), he had encountered enough treacherous situations to understand that the North Sea was not merely a picturesque backdrop for idyllic coastal towns, but also a relentless and unforgiving force capable of sealing the fate of sailors in seconds.
On this fateful day, Skiper Schröder had once again assumed his duties, without realizing that he was about to face one of the most challenging trials of his life. The news of the collision between the two cargo ships, "Polesie" and "Verity," in the German Bight had reached him at the DGzRS control center, and his brow furrowed deeply as he learned the dramatic details.
Conditions out there were relentless: waves reaching up to three meters, poor visibility, and gale force six winds. Skiper Schröder knew that his crews were in a nightmare. However, he also understood that they were trained and motivated to confront any challenge. These men and women were risking their lives to save others, and that drive compelled them, even in the most adverse conditions.
"Conditions are challenging," Christian S., the DGzRS spokesperson, said as he coordinated the crews on the rescue ships. "The sea is as fierce as a beast today."
A young rescue swimmer, Max, spoke to Skiper Schröder over the radio. "Skiper, we have visual contact with a life raft. There are survivors on it, struggling through the waves."
Skiper responded, "Hold on, Max. We're almost there. You are our hope."
The search for the shipwrecked had begun, and Skiper Schröder could sense the tension in the air. Rescue ships and helicopters combed the sea, while the sonar plane searched for signs of the missing seafarers. The crews on the life-saving ships were in constant communication, coordinating their efforts and keeping hope alive.
"We must find these men, Skiper," Petra, an experienced sea rescuer, said with a trembling tone in her voice. "We cannot fail."
Skiper placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder and calmly stated, "We will find them, Petra. Do not give up."
Meanwhile, divers prepared to explore the sunken ship "Verity" in the depth of 30 meters. The chance that the missing crew members were trapped inside the ship's hull existed, but the conditions were exceedingly challenging. The frigid water temperature turned the rescue operation into a race against time.
"Divers, you are our last hope," Skiper Schröder declared to the men as they prepared for their perilous mission. "Bring our seafarers back safely."
The sun had long set, and a relieved call came over the radio. "Skiper, we've found them! They are alive!"
Skiper Schröder could hear the joy in the diver's voice, and a smile spread across his face. "Well done, men. You are heroes."
Ultimately, the missing seafarers inside the sunken cargo ship "Verity" were also located and rescued. They had been trapped in a small airshaft, waiting for a miracle. Their survival appeared to defy all odds.
When they were finally saved, relief was evident in their eyes. One of them, an older seafarer named Karl, with tears in his eyes, said, "You've saved our lives; I'll never forget you."
The sunrise the next morning marked the end of this dramatic rescue mission. The DGzRS crews had triumphed over the merciless North Sea and the forces of nature. Skiper D. Schröder could take pride in his team and their dedication.
The tragic collision of the cargo ships had transformed into a story of heroes. The rescue teams had turned the impossible into reality, and the missing seafarers had been saved. This was a triumph of human will over the forces of nature, a tale of courage, determination, and teamwork that would be etched into the annals of the DGzRS. Skiper D. Schröder knew that they were ready to confront any new challenge that the unforgiving sea might throw their way.
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h50europe · 4 months
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911 AU - I'll light the match to taste the heat (Buck/Eddie/Tommy)
Tommy and Eddie embark on a perilous and clandestine mission with high stakes. Meanwhile, Buck, their dedicated husband, grapples with overwhelming worry and anxiety as he fearlessly carries out his duties as a firefighter. He also juggles caring for their son, Christopher, with the support of his friend, Carla. Buck's escalating anxiety becomes a source of tension for the rest of the team until a routine day takes a dramatic turn when a bank heist spirals out of control. Amid the turmoil, Christopher and Carla, among other unsuspecting customers, are held hostage. In a bold and daring move, Buck defies protocols, takes matters into his own hands to rescue Christopher and Carla, and promptly gets suspended. It doesn't take long until the whole team shows up at Buck's doorstep.
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docgold13 · 4 months
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Heroes & Villains The DC Animated Universe - Paper Cut-Out Portraits and Profiles
Captain Atom
Nathaniel Addams had been a captain in the United States Air Force.  An accident during an experiment resulted in his being transformed into a sentient being composed of nuclear energy.   With the aid of a specialized containment suit Addams was able to resume a more human appearance as well as protect those around him from radiation poisoning.  This transformation bestowed him incredible super strength, high speed flight and energy absorption and manipulation.  Now known as Captain Atom, he used his newfound powers to act as a super hero.  
The Captain was one of the first heroes recruited when the Justice League expanded their ranks in the wake of the Thanagarrian Invasion.  With his power level and military background, Captain Atom was offered a senior position on the team and accompanied the League on its more perilous and high-stakes missions.  Atom's stoic, no-nonsense attitude often caused him to butt heads with the League’s younger and more liberal members (such Supergirl and Green Arrow).  Yet his selflessness and valor in the field earned their respect and admiration.  
When The Justice League came into conflict with the shadowy governmental organization known as Cadmus, Captain Atom’s Air Force commission was unexpectedly reactivated.  Cadmus was a military entity and Atom found himself oath-bound to defend the institution when Superman invaded so to rescue his detained colleague.  This resulted in a tremendous battle between Captain Atom and Superman.  Although he put up a good fight, Atom proved no match for Superman and he was severely wounded in the fight.  Angered over being forced to injure his friend, Superman insisted on taking Atom to the Watchtower for medical treatment.  
The Captain made a full recovery and Cadmus was dissolved in light of its unconstitutional practices.  Atom returned to the League and aided the team in successfully fending off the invading forces of Darkseid.  
Actor George Eads provided the voice for Captain Atom with the atomic hero first appearing in the debut episode of the first season of Justice League Unlimited, ‘Initiation.’  
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angelwhowasfound · 11 months
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What is a queen without a crown? A rebel.
Both exalted and reviled, Rosalyn Morrigan's life has never been simple. She was born both the daughter of an Arch-general of the Empire and a hostage of a conquered nation hated for its ties to a magic that once corrupted the world. Rose joins five other hostages in navigating a dangerous life as an uncrowned sovereign. She acts like the perfect Imperial Court lady by the light of day. In the shadows, she works with an infamous figure called Foxglove and their organization, the Garden, aiming to free the five conquered lands from the Empire of Eladon.
During high-stakes heists, rescue missions, and strange celestial events, Rose and her fellow hostage Antony travel across the Empire. Whispers of magic returning follow at their heels as it is clear that more is happening in the Empire than just political intrigue. Rose must take on the responsibility of her title, Queen Aspirant of Aspara, and the strange power within her that allows her to manipulate time. Juggling the light and the shadows, as well as the past, present, and future, Rose hopes her efforts will be enough to free her mother's ancestral home from the grips of Eladon. What can one hostage do in a world boiling over with political intrigue, murderous cultists, awakening magic, and cryptic gods? Only time will tell.
Available through this link! The current price is 3.99!
AHHHH! I finally published my novel yesterday! I fought back and forth about traditional versus self-publishing for a long time. I resisted self-publishing for vain reasons, but honestly, I am tired of waiting for acknowledgment from gatekeepers when I have a story I want to share. I'm taking a chance, and if nothing comes of it, at least I got the opportunity to share it at all! If you want a little more information about the story, it is an epic fantasy novel with multiple queer folks and a large focus on women within the story. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask! Thank you for even reading this bit :) AHHHHHHHHH, here I go!!!
*Edit ugh, as much as you can try to look over everything, it is very possible to accidentally use the wrong cover. Well, it has been updated, and thanks to the person who pointed it out! Jeez so embarrassing
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south-of-heaven · 1 year
Index x Fem!Reader where reader is about to be attacked in the ring and indi and dexter come save her?
High stakes || Indi Hartwell x Reader x Dexter Lumis
Summary: Indi and Dexter save you when you get attacked.
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The arena was electric as you stepped into the ring, facing off against Ember Moon. The crowd roared, and you couldn't help but feel the adrenaline surging through your veins. This was your moment to shine.
Little did you know that danger lurked nearby.
As the match unfolded, you were fully engrossed in the battle against Ember. The two of you traded blows, reversals, and near falls. The audience was on the edge of their seats, and you were determined to give them a show they wouldn't forget.
However, in the frenzy of the match, you failed to notice the ominous presence sneaking up to the ring. Shotzi Blackheart, Ember's tag team partner, was on a mission, and her weapon of choice was a kendo stick.
But, you weren't alone in this fight.
Backstage, hidden from your view, Indi Hartwell and Dexter Lumis were watching intently. Considering the fact that you and Indi had takes the tag team championship from them just the week prior, they knew this match was going to be high stakes and had been keeping an eye on the proceedings.
When Indi spotted Shotzi, her eyes widened in alarm. She grabbed Dexter's arm and pointed urgently at the unfolding situation. Without wasting a second, they bolted from their hiding spot and sprinted toward the ring.
In the ring, Ember had you in a vulnerable position, ready to deliver her finishing move. The crowd was going wild, anticipating the end of the match. But just as Ember was about to strike, a loud thud echoed through the arena.
Shotzi's kendo stick had collided with the canvas, but it wasn't aimed at you—it was a warning shot.
The crowd gasped, and Ember looked bewildered for a moment, glancing toward Shotzi, who had halted her assault. She hadn't expected her partner's interference.
That's when you finally registered the chaos around you. You saw Indi and Dexter storming down the ramp, determination etched across their faces.
Ember, realizing that the tide had turned, wisely decided to retreat. She slipped out of the ring and joined Shotzi on the outside, leaving you standing with your saviors.
You glanced at Indi and Dexter, your heart pounding from the adrenaline rush. You may not have seen the threat coming, but they had your back, and that meant the world to you.
With gratitude in your eyes, you nodded to them, acknowledging their timely rescue. The three of you stood tall in the ring, united, as the crowd's cheers filled the arena once more. You might not have won the match, but you had won something even more valuable—loyal allies who had your back, no matter what.
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whumpdoyoumean · 2 years
Maybe somewhat predictably, I am a big fan of when a team goes into a high-stakes mission where failure of some degree is all but guaranteed, where there's basically no way that everyone is going to get out unscathed.
But something that might rival that for me is when it's a low-stakes, run-of-the-mill mission. An easy op, where no one is supposed to get hurt. And then it goes wrong--intel was bad, there are baddies they weren't expecting, or there's just a series of flukes that go the bad guys' way.
Whatever the case, no one sees it coming when one of their own gets badly injured. And they aren't equipped for it. There's no back up, no evacuation plan. The up-beat (maybe even playful) attitude the team had going into the op is all but shattered as they scramble to rescue one of their own, who's as confused as everyone else is worried about the blood that's pouring from their body. It's a sobering reminder that what they all do is always dangerous, even when they aren't going up against a big bad.
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booasaur · 1 year
thank god for Cruz & Aaliyah cause the rest of 1x07 was a mess … could not take Joe’s speeches to Cruz seriously at all like hello you’re in the U.S. military you have no room to criticize anyone for terrorism or for funding terrorism…like the way Aaliyah’s dad is supposed to be the sole funder for what every terrorist attack since 9/11…be so serious. Taylor Sheridan couldn’t come up with a more realistic boogeyman for his propaganda…and that line Joe had about Aaliyah being in a burqa pumping out babies in a compound??????????? And the way Joe told Cruz to basically get over it and dedicate herself to the mission cause she doesn’t have the luxury of having emotions only for like the next scene to be Joe at home with her daughter having a heartfelt emotional moment like come on…this part wasn’t racist but it was certainly egregious. I’m so shocked Cruz & Aaliyah have been handled as well as they have. Very nervous for the finale, they’re the saving grace & emotional core of this show and hopefully Sheridan can recognize that
What do you mean, anon? The sexism, xenophobia, jingoism, racism, misogyny, Islamaphobia, the bizarre bit of anti-choice that somehow sneaked in? I mean, if you put it like that, yeahhh. :P
I've seen some people say that it's meant to actually show how both sides aren't good, but I don't know if that's really what they're trying to get across or succeeding at getting across. There are maybe SOME shades of it, but on the US side, it's shown as necessary, to fight how bad and evil the other guys are. Never mind that, yes, exactly, not only has the US hurt so many innocent people in real life, but literally what they're proposing as a very possible option IN the show is to bomb the wedding, killing hundreds of innocent people! Like, how is that not terrorism?
That video at the end, I was like, I bet real life terrorists have exactly that kind of video except of US drones on innocent people. And ONE guy funding all that is, of course, childish, so I'm really not in a place to hear people justify anything this show does as Realistic.
I honestly am also bewildered at how Cruz and Aaliyah are being done so well on this show and the only answer I have is the very depressing "it's so it can be ruined in the finale". That line of argument Joe took was RIDICULOUS. She just made Aaliyah even MORE into someone Cruz wants to rescue?? It was hilarious that even in the show, Joe's like, don't worry, I spoke to the Marine in her, she's fine, and then Cruz promptly turns off the transmitter and tries to ruin the mission.
People might be like, well then, if you think the show sucks in all these ways, why are you watching, and actually, I watch a lot of shows that I think suck in various ways! I started because of Zoe Saldana and Nicole Kidman and it being female-centric and it never stopped being that. I just didn't realize we'd have this high stakes f/f ship in the middle and now I'm even more caught. :o
Cruz and Aaliyah are absoLUTELY the heart of the show but I guess we'll see what Tay Shay wants to say about this story.
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