#Honestly though? I do want Yellow and Dark to meet. And I want Yellow to shape Dark to be a better person
styck-figure · 8 months
🕷Dark: Who do you want to have an evil arc? What would happen?
You know who I really want to have an evil arc? Yellow. She's my favorite unhinged scientist /j
I'd like Chosen to have a bit of a villain arc. A complicated one. One that comes from trying to fulfill Dark's legacy. One that comes from being so angry towards Alan, despite everything. One that comes from unresolved plots and pain and so many other little things. An arc that shows just how little we understand The Chosen One.
I want Chosen to choose violence, and learn how to be forgiven for it. (And I want them to realize they can learn how to forgive too, but that they don't have to, either. AVA/AVM is Redemption and Forgiveness The Series, but I'd like to see a slowburn forgiveness or a simple tolerance arc bgjdsksbdgksb).
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dearest-nell · 2 months
morning person
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s. harrington x reader, 2.8k
summary: a snapshot into the morning routine of steve harrington, now that the two of you have moved in together includes: established steve x reader, domestic fluff, steve is a busybody. warnings: literally none except i am still incapable of proofreading properly
a/n: honestly if anyone has any requests i would love to hear them, or just want to chat about this show that has ruined my life, because i'm spiralling into obsession over here.
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People who complain about mornings have obviously never spent one waking up beside Steve Harrington, this you’re sure of. Because if they had, then they would know there was nothing in the world so deliciously saccharine than that drowsy, softened look on his face as he blinks the sleep away from mingling eyelashes, his lips curving upwards into a dreamy sort of smile. This isn’t even the first time he has awoken this morning. 
Steve Harrington is a morning person – an early riser, a dawn greeter, a restless child on christmas day. His body clock is set as the sun begins to kiss the horizon, his eyes blinking open into a dark, cool bedroom. New. This bedroom is new. He is still getting used to it, this apartment, a dingy one bedroom located just a few blocks from the rougher side of town. It’s a far cry from the mansion he used to live in, small and outdated and a little worse for wear, if he were to say so himself, but it’s home. It’s home because it’s his, and it’s home because it’s yours. You rent it together, bills strung haphazardly from paychecks of jobs you’d both rather live without. Steve doesn’t mind that he still works at the video store, not when it lights up the lamp on his bedside, or cooks the pasta on your shitty gas top that flickers every so often. He needs to call the service guy, now that he thinks about it, but it’s too early to matter. 
He can feel the heat of your body pressed in beside him, curled in on yourself, face buried into the pillow now folding creases into your skin, shoulders rising and falling in a steady rhythm. You have never been a morning person, he learned rather early on. You’re delirious, and grumpy, and still so beautiful despite the glare in your eyes when he used to wake you, and now, he knows to let you sleep. His impatience to rouse you, to kiss you and touch you is an urge he’s learned to swallow, so he pauses for a moment simply to stare, to smile to himself at the way you mumble in your dreams. 
He has the time, he thinks, considering it’s still dark out, and his shift at the store is not due for half a morning away, so he lets himself linger, tucked into the warmth of bedsheets as he works up the courage to leave it. He knows he needs to, that he’ll feel better if he does, that the routine always pays off even if it means parting from you. The air will be chilly outside, but he needs the cold to clear his head. His morning run is his time, after all. It gives him the solitude to consider, to plan, to unwind. 
He slips from the bed, careful footsteps walking a still unfamiliar path through the bedroom, boxes stacked against a near wall still unpacked from the move. His sneakers are in the wardrobe, well placed for a quick pick up, though he hasn’t accounted for his discarded shirt rippled right in his path. He trips, stumbling slightly, cursing himself as the thud that resounds as heavy feet meet the floorboards. He turns with a cringe, hearing you stir, though you do not rise as you wriggle deeper into yellow linens, disappearing beneath the comforter. 
He’s quick to dress, not wanting to risk another incident and the wrath of your disturbed sleep, slipping out into the living room to tie his shoes, still half asleep and blinking blearily. Despite its flaws, he likes this apartment more than he thought possible. There’s a passthrough between the kitchen and the living room that lets him talk to you as he cooks, you hanging over the bench to smile at him, pressing kisses into his shoulder when he dares to come too close. There’s a strange nook that sits in the wall by the door, one that now holds your keys and bumble bee umbrella, though neither of you are too sure why it was built in the first place. There’s a flat expanse outside the bathroom window that you want to build a flower box into, though Steve is yet to determine how, since neither of you are particularly good at D.I.Y. He loves this second hand couch Eddie found on the curb, loves the strange, abstract art piece Will designed for you both as a housewarming, loves the ceramic clown that Robin stole from an overpriced giftshop to hide in one of your moving boxes, now settled in the bookshelf beside an array of half read novels between you. 
He’s building a life here with you, and Steve is trying his best to remind himself of it every chance he get. There will be Christmases spent in these walls, games night drinks spilled on this carpet, and so many I love you kisses pressed to smiling cheeks beside that front door – he hardly knows how to contain the excitement for it all, even as he ties his laces. 
The morning is colder than he expected, but Steve has never been one to check the weather even now, even after he caught a cold from a raining run one morning, taking himself straight to work rather than home to you to shower. He figure’s he’ll wing it, deal with the consequences as they come, and enjoy the way you dote on him as he whines and groans in his flu like delirium days later. Cold, but not raining, he knows he’ll be fine this time. 
He’s been planning out this new jogging route as he goes, still learning the maps and turns of each new lane. He’d never been to this part of town much before the move, but he’s starting to acclimate one run at a time. It’s not too far from Hawkins, after all. It still feels like a familiar place, but it’s closer to the community college to save you the travel time. Steve’s a visual learner, after all. It gives him the roadmap that he’ll need to plan out his week. He’s taking himself the long way just to jot down the layout; the farmers market, the hardware store, the cafe with the good coffee. He waves to the people he passes by, few and far between, trying to appear friendly. He doesn’t know yet the culture of this community, but he’s eager to make a good impression. He recognises the old man who runs the news agency, stops to chat as they talk about the community centre. Steve’s agreed to volunteer for the refurbishment, he’s hoping it’ll help you both settle in, and you’ve promised to bake up your best batch of pastries to feed the hungry husbands as they work. Steve’s not yet a husband, but he’s planning on changing that in due time. 
The sun mingling with the clouds by the time he departs again, his pace quickening through midtown suburbia to take him home. The paperboy is tossing rolls at the doors, barely breaking on his bike as he passes house after house. Steve moves onto the road to avoid any collisions, shaking his head as the teen wheels off past a corner. He hasn’t even thought about his week yet, he realises, and his pace drops in consideration. There’s a stocktake coming up at work that will take more energy than he has to give, his parents are due over for dinner later in the week (he’s hoping they’ll cancel), and Robin has booked him tickets to some kind of gig that he’s certain he’ll hate. He mentally notes the checklist – things to buy, things to do, things to clean – now able to see his lot clearly without the buzz of a busy world around him. His days run smoother this way, alone, soles beating against the pavement. It starts him on the right foot. 
He’s out of breath when he arrives back on your block, panting heavily without the grace of a water bottle. He knows he should have brought one, but there’s no point stewing on it now. His thighs ache as he climbs the staircase, three flights of stairs his least favourite part of coming home. He can’t imagine hauling groceries up this stairwell is going to be an enjoyable weekly endeavour, but for the price of rent, he’s willing to make the effort, even with a slightly busted knee. 
He’s a little louder than he wants to be as he eases open the lock, slipping into a slightly brighter apartment than when he left. He doesn’t think you’re awake, but he takes pause to slow himself down, turning into the kitchen instead of the bedroom. Steve clicks on the faucet, hanging his head below the tap to let the cool water run directly into his mouth. He lacks grace as he guzzles down half a litre, droplets trickling down his cheeks and chin into unclean dishes from the night before. There’s urgency, he decides, in this drink. No type for a cup, no time to pause. He pulls away gasping, wiping a cupful of water across his sweat slicken face, unable to suck enough breath into his lungs. He leans back against the benchtop, eyes pressed skyward to focus on slowing himself down, letting his heart rate drop back to a blissful pace. 
He knows he should shower, but more than anything, he’s aching to get back between the sheets with you. It’s funny how he still misses you when you’re not within reach, even for an hour, even when he knows you’re still wrapped up tight in the comforts of his bed. It feels wrong to love a person this much, like he shouldn’t be made to feel so much, so deeply, every passing minute of every passing day. But he does. He knows he’s not the first to feel such a love, but he thinks he might be the only one regardless, because no one else has you. He thinks it’s strange that everyone in the world isn’t aching to be by your side, that hearts all over the town aren’t skipping beats at the wideness of your smile, the curve of your shoulder, the tickle of your laugh. This love must be special, then, because how else can he be the only one so enamoured by you. 
He forces himself into the shower, the water not yet warm even as he sinks his head beneath the stuttering stream. The pipes are old, though a cold shower bothers him far less than it bothers you. He’ll be out quicker this way. He is less thorough in his cleaning than he thinks he ought to be, scrubbing furiously at his body with the loofah you bought him, scraping sweat and red streaks into a now fading tan. He’s seeing the sun less these days in the dead of autumn, but he’ll make it up later. Right now, all he is focused on is climbing back into his bed, his skin stained with a citrus scent embedded into the new soap you had bought. It’s not his usual brand, but he thinks he likes the change anyways. It reminds him of summer picnics with you, fingers digging into orange peels, juices dribbling down his fingers until he tears out slices one by one. The scent lingers, filled with your orange flavoured kisses and sun streaked highlights burning into his mind, and yes, he thinks, the change isn’t so bad. 
He shuts off the tap, yanking his towel from the rack to pat himself dry, hair shaking out like a puppy dog with rambunctious excitement to be on his way. He doesn’t bother to redress, dropping the towel to the floor without focus, padding back towards your bedroom. You’re exactly how he left you, though a little more illuminated in the morning light. You’ve wiggled out of the blanket again, one foot kicked out to the side to regulate your body temperature, one hand reaching out towards his side of the bed. You reach for him in your sleep sometimes, and he hates the idea of not being there for you when you do. 
He clambers into bed his eagerness betraying his stealth, expert hands lifting your arm up for him to slide under, hanging it securely over his waist as he settles into the warm dip of the mattress. Your body responds instinctively, rolling into him with a groan, still not quite awake, though he can tell you’re not so far off. He runs fingers through your hair, trying to stave off your inevitable waking for as long as he can manage. Your alarm isn’t due for another hour, and he wants every second before that  spent just like this.
He doesn’t mean to fall back asleep, but sleep takes him anyways, his eyes blinking shut under the hypnotic pattern of your breathing beside him. He’ll wake up again groggier now, but there is nothing to be done to change it. He tugs you in closer, rougher in his sleep, his neediness permeating his unconscious mind until you’re pressed square against him. The movement spurs you awake, slowly and unintentionally, though it takes you a moment to understand why. 
There he is, your man, your darling boy, mouth hanging open with quiet, rumbling snores, arms wrapped around you in a protective lock. He’s never looked more beautiful, even with your eyes out of focus, one closed and pressed into the fabric of your pillowcase. You can smell the soap, feel the softness of his now cleansed skin beneath your curious fingertips, and you know he’s already been out of bed. He tries his best not to fall back asleep, but your smile curves wider to be blessed to see it. There’s a jealousy in you, after all, that he gets to watch you sleep so often. Times like these are rare, when you awaken first, and you’re greedy in your enjoyment of them. You’d take a picture if you thought you could reach the camera, but the moment would spoil, you were sure. You commit it to memory instead, every dip and curve and freckle and hair burned into your head until it’s all you can see. You want his face to be a fading image that blinks to life behind every close of your eyes, an after image repeating itself well into the day when you’re far away from him. 
He is so lovely, and you are so in love. 
The alarm breaks the two of you out of your reverie, your body jolting at the surprise of it. Steve is slower to start this time, groaning a drunken sort of sound as you slam your hand down on the rattling clock. His arm tightens around you, dragging you until your body is half wedged under his own, your giggles drowning out into muffled chuckles as your face burrows into the crook of his neck. 
“I fell back asleep.” He mutters, closing his eyes with a sigh. 
“I know.” You coo back, adjusting the curve of your back to a more comfortable position, tangling legs between his own until you’re thoroughly wrapped. 
“You sound awake.” He mumbles back, squeezing at your waist with unmasked affection. “Were you up?” 
“Yeah.” It’s an airy sort of confession, made to match the tender strokes of fingers reaching to scrape lovingly at his scalp. “Just watchin’ you sleep.” 
“Perv.” He teases, kissing at your hair, mouth hungry and missing your skin entirely. He lights up as you giggle, his head lifting with heavy blinks to gaze down at you, hair pressed upwards into a lopsided mess. You do your best to pat it down for him. “You like what you see?” 
You crook your head to the side, focusing your gaze in a tender expression. “Something like that.” His brow arches curiously, leaving you to laugh again. “I love you, you moron.” 
His smile widens, head dropping to nuzzle his nose roughly into your cheek, lips catching on your jaw every so often with exaggerated noises of enthusiasm. “Love you too, baby.” 
There is silence for a minute, nothing but his lips dragging affection across the planes of your cheek, his hands wandering underneath the fold of your bedshirt to press fingertips into fading stretch marks across your hips. You’re worried he’ll fall asleep again, and you know you don’t have the heart today to wake him a second time. 
“You want breakfast? I can make jam on toast?” 
He hums a happy sound, though does nothing to release his grip on you. “Yeah, okay. Gonna have to escape me, though. Can’t make my arm move.” 
He pretends to try and shuffle his grip, putting on a little show with a pout when his hold does not dislodge. You roll your eyes, brushing the pad of your thumb against his brow bone. 
“Five more minutes, then.” 
Steve was back asleep within three.
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cameronspecial · 10 months
Hey could you do one where rafe x reader have sex for the first time. Virgin!reader. SMUT!!
In the morning she wakes up and can’t move her body because she is so sore. 🥰 “I can’t get up”
He carries her to the bath they have together.
Do You Want Those Things?
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: HARD SMUT and Name Calling During Sex
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 2.6K
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Y/N wasn’t planning on losing her virginity today, but it all happened so fast. Rafe always thought his girlfriend was innocent when it came to sex. It didn’t bother him. He knows she isn’t waiting for marriage, just the right person. He respects her choice and doesn’t push her, letting her come to him if she ever feels ready. The boy didn’t think his girlfriend was interested in anything sexual; she reads most of the time for heaven's sake. All her thoughts must be so pure. Right now, she rests between his legs, back pressed against his chest. Her focus is on her book while he just listens to the sound of the music. When her legs first move, Rafe thinks nothing of it. She must be trying to get comfortable. Yet the second time she readjusts her legs, he notices how the movement is actually about creating some pressure between her legs. This surprises him. She’s never gotten this worked up with him around and he wants to know what is getting his innocent girlfriend so wet. He concludes it must be what she is reading, so he looks at the page and reads the words on the paper.
His eyes widen at the practically pornographic words. He never would’ve suspected that this is what his girlfriend likes to read and it’s driving him crazy that he isn’t the one bringing arousal to his girl. He doesn’t want to push her to do something she isn’t prepared for, but he needs to be the one to make her pussy wet. “Do you want those things done to you, Princess?” he whispers in her ear. Y/N freezes in his hold, uncrossing her legs and looking up at him with doe eyes. She knows she has been caught and honestly, she considers taking up his offer.
They love each other. She knows it. He knows it. She trusts him, so what is stopping her from feeling the pleasure she craves to read about? She closes her book and flips herself in his hold. Her chest presses against his and she can feel his hardening length pressing against the area just above her vagina. Her need for a release increases at the feeling. She nods a little, “Yeah. Rafe, I want you to make me feel good.” Rafe grins down at her, resting his hands in the dip of her back, just above her bum. “Is that right? Do you want me to be nice and sweet with you? Or do you want me to bring your fantasy to life and fuck you as he does to her?” he questions. She knows it is her first time, but she desires to recreate the impurities written in her book. “Fuck me like the little whore I am.” Rafe couldn’t possibly get harder at her words. Before he gives in, he needs to make sure she knows this isn’t a locked-in commitment, “Okay, Princess. I need you to know though, that if you ever want me to be gentle instead, you say yellow and if you want to stop at any point, you say red. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Rafe. Now, please, make me feel good,” she pleads with want dripping from her voice. A dark glean crosses over his eyes and he flips them over so he is on top of her. All she is wearing is his shirt, so her hardened nipples are peeking through the thin material. He needs to feel the skin of her breast against his bare skin. His hands meet at the neckline of the already fraying shirt and she gasps as he rips the shirt apart. She feels an ache between her legs at what just happened. His lips meet her right nipple. His fingers play with the other. Her head throws back at the feeling of his warm tongue circling her bud. Her hair threads through his hair, “Please, Rafe. I need you in me.” 
He removes himself from her skin with a shake of the head. “I’m sorry, Princess. Not yet. I need to make sure you are nice and ready for me and then I can fuck you like the little slut you want to be,” he promises to her, moving down her body. His eyes land on her lacy pink underwear. The pretty little bow at the top makes it feel like it’s the wrapping of a gift for him. He tears her underwear off of her body and throws it into the trash. She won’t be needing those again. He sits up and brings his fingers to her mouth. He forces his index and middle finger into her mouth, using her own saliva to get his fingers ready to penetrate her vagina. His big fingers shove to the back of her throat and she gags a little at the feeling. “You wanted to be treated like a whore. This is what they get,” he growls into her ear. After a few seconds, he pulls his fingers out of her mouth with a string of saliva connecting the two still. He brings his hand down between her legs and shoves them into her hole. Not checking to see if she is wet enough to handle two fingers yet. Fingers aren’t a foreign feeling to her, but his are definitely different from hers. Y/N knows Rafe thinks she has never done anything remotely sexual. He is wrong though. She wasn’t immune to her own sexual desires and had masturbated many times before.
This is a new feeling though. She is being shown a new side of intimacy when it comes to fingering, even though his movements are fast and rough. The first moan she lets out is when he curls his fingers to meet her G-spot. Rafe’s teeth nip at her ear, “Those beautiful sounds are all mine. No other man is going to get to hear you like this, Princess. I’m going to be your first and last. You got that?” “Yes, Rafe. I’m about to cum,” she cries out. His movements stop, causing her to complain. “My slut cums on my cock when I tell her. If you don’t, then you get punished.” He pulls away from her, ordering her to take off the ripped shirt while he gets up to take his clothes off. He is left in his boxers. His dick straining to be released and touched by his girl. 
He points down to his crotch, “Come here and show me what you can do with that mouth of yours, Princess. Show me how much you want me.” She doesn’t know what she is doing, but she scrambles onto her knees in front of him. Her hands eagerly tug at the waistband of his pants. His cock slaps up against his stomach and she stares at it with a little worry. How was all of that going to fit inside of her? From what she’s read, she knows she needs something to lessen the friction, so she spits in her hands and wraps them around his shaft. She starts moving her hand slowly up and down. “Like this?” she seeks his approval and he nods with his head falling back. He ruts into her hands and she figures he needs her to go faster. She speeds up her movement, but he takes her hands off of him. He takes his cock in one hand and moves it to her mouth, pushing it past her slightly opened lips. He doesn’t ease into her mouth; instead, he thrusts until she can feel him hit the back of her throat. She knows she needs air, yet all she wants to do is make him feel good. 
She lets him thrust into her mouth, drool forming at the corner of her lips and her eyes pooling with tears. “Look at you taking me like a good girl. You feel so good,” he praises. He continues his thrusts until he feels his release is imminent. He pulls her head off of him even though her lips itch to stay wrapped around him. “Tsk, tsk. I know you want more, Princess. But the only place that gets my cum is that sweet pussy of yours. It’s what he does to her in the book, isn’t it?” She manages a small nod as she pants for air. “Then that’s what my princess deserves. I’m gonna show you how much better I am than him.”
He pulls her to stand up and pushes her onto the bed on all fours. His hands rub the skin of her smooth, round ass and he can’t help but give it a harsh slap. This causes her to flinch forward in surprise with a moan. “You like that? My little whore likes to be spanked,” he laughs, giving her another hit on the butt. He keeps spanking her until a red print in the shape of his hand blooms across her skin. At the last slap, his hand rests on her butt cheek, giving it a squeeze as his other hand lines himself up with her hole. She can feel the tip being teased against her and she tries to force herself onto her boyfriend’s length. Rafe lets out a low chuckle, “Damn, my princess is desperate to feel me.” With that, he slams into her at full force. The stretch she feels from him being inside her hurts and feels uncomfortable, but he doesn’t give her time to adjust. He does as he promised her and thrusts into her as hard as he can. He pulls back so his tip is the only thing left inside, snapping his hips back against her ass in an instant. At this pace, she can’t keep staying up on her hands and drops down to her elbows. This causes a delicious arch in her back, which provokes Rafe to place his hands on her hips to bring her down on him harder. The pain starts to ebb and pleasure creeps in between her legs. This is when her quiet whimperings start to turn into screams of pleasure. “God, Rafe. This feels so good. Keep going,” she yells, feeling confident enough to start meeting his movement without any help.
“Yeah? Am I making you feel that good? Look at you, my sweet little virgin acting like a freak on my dick. Is that how good I am? I’ve corrupted you?” he questions with an edge of arousal to his voice. “Only sluts like to be fucked without any emotions. Without facing each other.” Y/N wants to reply but can’t seem to find anything else that wants to fall off of her lips except for her breathy moans. The building pressure in her lower stomach has returned and she is focused on chasing that feeling to her release. “Aww, is my princess speechless? How does it feel to be cock drunk for the first time?” he teases with a slap to her ass. He can feel his climax is nearing and he wants to bring her to the edge at the same time. Normally, his stamina is way better, but the newfound intimacy he gets to have with the woman he loves and the previous ruined orgasm shorten his abilities. 
He needs more skin contact with her, so he brings his arm under her armpit to bring her back up to his chest. His hand goes up to her opposite shoulder to lock her against him. He can feel her tightening around him. “Is my little whore going to cum? That’s it. Keep getting tighter around me so that I can show you how good you are making me feel,” he demands. She can only groan at his remark. His hips stutter as his semen comes out of him and flows into her. He places his head in her neck, so he can give her soft kisses. He slows down as he lets them come down from their high and collapses on top of her. He rests on his elbows so his full weight isn’t on her. He slips his dick out of her with both of their fluids following. She turns in his arms with a sleepy look in her eyes and cuddles into his neck. He wants to get up to get her to the bathroom, but sleep takes them before he can 
Y/N awakes to a different type of ache between her legs. One that makes her question if she’ll be able to stand or even walk. She wants to stay in bed with Rafe; however, her bladder is calling for the bathroom. Plus, the dried-up cum in between her legs is in great need of being washed off her skin. She doesn’t want to wake Rafe because he looks so peaceful, so she tries to get up by herself. She makes it a few steps toward his bathroom, looking like a spinning top about to collapse, when she falls to the ground with a thud. Rafe immediately bolts up and looks toward the source of the sound. He sees his girlfriend on the ground and concerns flood him. “I can’t get up,” she complains, reaching for his help. He scrambles out of bed and scoops her into his arms, trying his best not to keep how turned on he is by the sigh of a slight bruise forming on her hips and bum. He doesn’t want her to feel obligated to help relieve him of the growing tension in his stomach now that their sexual relationship has begun. 
She softly asks him to set her down on the toilet and he does so once they get to his bathroom. He lets her take care of her business while he gets a bath drawn for them. She finishes up and waits for Rafe to take her to the sink to wash her hands. This is all down in comfortable silence. They can clearly see how tired the other person is from last night. Rafe has a million questions running through his head, except he knows they need to wait. He gets the bath bombs and bubble solution from under his sink and drops both into the tub. They watch as the warm water slowly fills up the tub. The water reaches up almost to the brim when he stops it. His hand pushes past the bubbles to check the temperature of the water. It’s perfect. Hot and on the verge of turning warm after a few minutes. He picks her up and sets her into the tub. She does her best to sit forward as she observes him getting in behind her. The water spills over the edge but neither of them cares. The towel on the floor can handle that. He brings her to rest against his chest. 
“I didn’t go too hard on you last night, did I? You didn’t use either of the safe words but I should’ve double-checked while I was doing it,” he starts to worry. “It was your first time. I should’ve gone slower and been more gentle. I’m sorry, Princess. I just wanted to give you what you wanted.” He can feel her head shake against his chest, “I’m okay, Rafe. Don’t worry. It hurt a little bit at first, but I did say I wanted it to. You made me feel so good. Thank you for being so amazing last night.” His fingers laces with hers. “You’re welcome, Princess. All I want is to serve you.” They sit in the tub for an hour, just spending the intimate moment together and taking care of each other’s needs. Y/N couldn’t have asked for a better first time with the man she loves. 
Taglist: @loves0phelia
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loved-reid · 3 months
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You’re So Golden [s.r]
Spencer Reid x fem!reader
Summary: Reader admires Spencer Reid.
Warnings: Admiring someone? Having someone as your sun, I honestly don’t know, if anyone sees anything let me know immediately! :)
Note: I love this one, it’s nice and short and it’s kinda inspired by “Golden” by Harry Styles. :))
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The yellow pale file folders were almost covering her view of the boy in front of her, only his dark hair and eyes visible.
The stacks upon stacks of case files were almost overwhelming to her, but every once in a while looking up to see his hazel eyes moving frantically along the papers assured her it wasn’t all that bad. For he provided some calmness to the activity, just feeling him nearby would ease her anxious nothings.
Her gaze would mostly stay too long upon his face, his pink lips she died to kiss one day, and his hands-
His middle finger was laid out on the paper, quickly scrolling down the text provided before he shut it, moving forward to the stack in front of him and grabbing another one, making a loud smack when he replaced the previously used file.
If she got lucky she would spot a tongue sighting, peaking out from in between his lips as he concentrated.
She found herself laughing at his infested expression, even more so at his raised eyebrow as he looked at her, features replaced with confusion.
His voice was almost innocent, eyes sparkling with oblivion, not having a single clue on why she thought the situation was humorous.
She shook her head in response, her laughter slowly dying off as she did so. “I don’t know how you do this kinda stuff, Dr. Reid.” She questioned, closing a file before putting it back and finding another one to look through.
He scoffed out a chuckle, his own majestic laugh bubbling out of his chest, producing a noise she wanted to hear as much as possible; which would be all the time.
“I surprisingly kind of enjoy it, find it very therapeutic, actually.” He answered, obviously moving on to another file even though he just grabbed one for what felt like two seconds ago.
“Therapeutic you say? How?” She wondered, a look of ridiculousness flooding her features.
He nodded, eyes now looking at the stack in front of him. “Yeah, just sitting here with you and reading, nice and calm, I would say.”
She found an unexpected flush spread to her cheeks at his comment of being with her, being calm with her presence near him. Her heart stuttered, lungs stopping for a couple seconds as the blood rushed to her head, brain trying to comprehend what he spoke just seconds prior.
“You’re calm around me?” She practically squeaked, sounding like a bird calling from the trees. She felt like a love sick idiot, cheeks flushing and flooding with redness at a single comment.
He nodded again, hair bobbing. He looked up this time, hazel eyes meeting hers. His eyes didn’t need sunlight to shine, for she always seems to see some sort of rays within them doing all the work. In fact, she didn’t need the sun, for he was her sun.
He kept her warm and happy, giving her all the light she needed in her life. And she loved him for that.
She loved Doctor Spencer Reid; and no shade or thunder clouds could change that. His light would forever shine upon her skin, browning it in just the right way.
He looked at her, eyes keeping her warm. “Why of course I do, why would it be otherwise?”
She shrugged despite the repetitious flutter of her heart, trying to look like the comments didn’t just make her become a stuttering mess. “Don’t know, I just feel flattered, that’s all.”
The admission was blurt out but once it was out there, she couldn’t take it back. Not that she wanted to, for she felt like he had to know that she was grateful for the statement. Grateful that he was comfortable around her.
“Flattered?” He repeated, a confused curve on his lips. “But I didn’t day anything flattering.”
She laughed, moving the file stack that delegated them so she could look at him. A light purple button up covered his figure, along with black trousers, doing his legs wonders. The sleeves of his shirt were rolled up to his elbows, a watch decorating his wrist.
He looked almost edible, and she couldn’t help but what a taste.
She shook the thought off as quickly as it came, shaking her head to do so. “Yes you did, you said you’re comfortable around me, therefore I feel flattered.” She explained, looking at him earnestly.
He smiled soft, reaching over and touching her hand gently, despite his dislike of germs and physical touch. The contact was brief yet meaningful, his fingertips brushing hers ever so slowly, hands rubbing over her knuckles a couple times.
“Well I’m glad you’re flattered by the truth.”
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Determination (Platonic)
Part 1 Part 3 Shanks beast pirates
Tagged: @peachsuka28 @emptynessinmyworld @badluckinfrench @j-s-l-m @tigerfang-rage @madokamagicaa @rymtea
Please give some suggestions of others y/n has met on their journey in the comments. I wanna see who else people want them to befriend/meet
I plan to later on do an entire thing for marineford. Be prepared for that and more stuff about y/n’s devil fruit
Once again this is non linear. Partially cause it’s easier that way and cause y/n has lived so long that their memories are kinda jumbled/they don’t really perceive time anymore (I kinda focused on that in this)
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At some point in your eternal journey you began to write down your adventures into a small notebook
It’s leather bound with bright lettering on the front
A custom clasp in the shape of a star to keep the soft yellowed pages tight together
Sometimes you read it when out at sea with nothing to do but letting the wind guide your way to place of new and old
Before tucking it away into the pocket of Roger’s coat
Old ink of a dark navy blue stands out on the paper
Stark against the light yellow
With your feet dipped in the salty water of the place you called paradise you pull it out once more
Content in relaying over memories and people you’d once met
Let’s see who we have in store for today
Waking up on Marineford of all places after dying was certainly not on your list of islands you wanted to visit
An island dyed white and blue with golden accents sprinkled throughout the crowds of marines that walk through the area
The headquarters sat at the very top, loud and proud on the crescent moon shaped island
Honestly you very much contemplated just jumping into the sea to end up somewhere else
But as you stood at the very edge of the bay , leaning a bit forwards as the sapphire blue waves crash against the old stone walls
A hand grasps your shoulder
Turning around your met with the sight of a marine you had vaguely remembered Garp talking about
Sengoku, the Buddha
Your eyes trail upwards past his face to the pelican sat atop his marine hat
It stares down at you as does the marine who looks at you with concern
Especially since he sees no fear in your eyes along with contemplation
You had seriously thought about jumping into the sea all Willy nilly
It wasn’t even accounting the fact you may have a devil fruit
He quite literally drags you into the base, you don’t really complain since he gives you crackers
Similar ones to Garps favourites though a different brand
He sits you down, trying to get as much information out of you
It…isn’t successful
Your just chilling in his office, eating, looking around and giving the vaguest answers ever
Like he asks you about the island your from and you respond “a summer island a long ways from here. A place where fruit is plentiful and the corrupt hands of society do not touch” or some shit
He’s too stressed to deal with that type of shit so he doesn’t push further
Garp has been in his ass as of late along with the fact he’s worried about Rosinante
So his solution is to for now allow you to work as a delivery person for letters and documents
You actually quite enjoy it
Meanwhile this poor man is stressing over the fact that there is seemingly zero leads to any parents?
He’s just gotten somewhat unclear reports about a child on a raft drifting from island to island
Someone who reportedly has a track record of befriending the most unlikely of people
His migraines are getting worse at this point
You come to like the somewhat stern marine, oftentimes talking to him once done delivering letters and such around base
Most conversations are on ethics, morality and life
It’s odd but the way you talk about it seems as if your a weathered person who had seen more than the eye can see
Something in him leads him to feel as if your older than you looked
And then you somehow end up doing the most child-like thing and that feeling momentarily goes away
It’s weird and conflicting
But something he comes to get used to
In a lot of ways you remind him of his adoptive son
You have his smile and kindness that you extend to others even if they had sneered at you in the halls
The energy to complete a job no matter how big or small
A pension for somehow ending up in some sort of danger, though now it’s not from having two left feet
It’s from a lack of spacial awareness and not having any care for your safety
You’d think after such a long time seemingly on your own there would be some sort of fight or flight instinct
But from what he could observe there was absolutely none
It leaves him scared
He grew to care for you
See you as someone he’d take in within a heartbeat
But despite that and the offers he gives you of a home with fresh meals and someone who would care for you
You decline every time
Your tired from going to place to place yet you decline all offers of a stable life
A child should want some sort of stability, yet you throw that to the wind
He supposes that your burning determination and self sufficiency are good factors but a child your age shouldn’t have that
You should be carefree and going on a whim
But instead as he looks in your eyes he sees the tired visage of someone who had long lost their innocence to the world despite the laid back nature you show
It’s sad, it leaves him sometimes awake wondering what exactly you had been through
Maybe it was marines, it would explain your apprehension at first around him
Hair standing on end despite the lax facade you put up
Eyes looking at him with caution like a frightened and cornered cat. Calculating how to best go about the situation
The way in which you discuss with him about justice and what it meant
He digs more and finds scraps of nothing
Meanwhile as all that happened you were blissfully unaware of his spiral of worries
Just focusing on your job as you memorized the headquarters and marine procedures
You had nothing else to do plus it could come in handy
Along with that you befriend some of the few decent marines
One of which you spend quite a lot of time with despite Sengoku complaining about the smoke smell that hangs off your uniform…and the second hand smoking risk
Not like it can kill you quick so you don’t really care
You listen in on a lot of juicy marine rumours
There is quite a surprising amount of it
Despite your comfortable happiness here it’s merely an afterthought
You know you can’t stay here long
It feels as if it betrays Roger and the many other pirates you had found yourself in the company of
You desire freedom and marines are in direct opposition of that
But with this experience you find growth in your views
Marines weren’t all bad. They served the purpose of keeping order, something naturally needed in the world
But they are overstepping, wanting entire control when there needs to be a balance of both order and chaos to keep things in line
Plus you met a few that you’d otherwise consider good people in a system they thought would do good
You can’t fault them for that, not when so many sought out with good intentions
Secretly you prepare your leave, your boat already having washed up in the bay a few week back
Your not sure why but it always seemed to show up where you were
Maybe another aspect of your devil fruit? You don’t know it’s full capabilities but don’t question it
You’d rather let life do what it does best and put things in order if the stars align
At this point your prepared to leave but hold out for a bit longer for Sengoku’s sake
But then you delivered to him a letter whilst he was having a meeting with a fellow marine
Even before you enter the room you can recognize Garp’s boisterous laughter
Despite his now more apparent age from time he’s still eccentric and buzzing with excitement
As you enter the room you keep your head down and caps brim tilted as to shadow your face
Sengoku notices this but doesn’t voice it aloud as Garp laughs about something
He barely gets a image of you before your out the office
Heading to the small room designated as your own as you write a letter saying goodbye
You can’t stay, can’t risk it
Sengoku arrives a couple hours later completely exhausted from Garps usual rambling
He’s not sure how someone can go from business to about his grandsons
He has your dinner in hand, apparently you never showed up at the mess hall
His voice and knocks are responded with silence
Worry gnaws away at him, the feeling of something being wrong apparent more than ever
the door creaks open and your not there
What he’s met with is an open window with sheets cascading down the wall and a note
He runs to the pier despite knowing your not there
It’s there he takes time to actually read the note
A thank you but an explanation about how you must leave. Head off towards yet another adventure in the grand world you called home
Tears cascade down his cheeks as he reads it
They do not get better when it tells him that you would always remember his kindness
And that he taught you something valuable to viewing the world
Heading back to his office he thinks back to his son once more
Something finally coming to mind
He swears he remembers Rosinante mentioning someone similar to you as a childhood friend
The only person him and his brother had as children
He shoo’s off that thought though
They were dead
His son watched that firsthand
But because of that he knows that Rosinante would want to know of you
He takes the picture he took of you in the delivery uniform and placed it in a letter
He’d have his son look into perhaps finding you
Or at least extending a helping hand if he hand found you adrift at sea
He’d stash away the reminders of your stay lest he get an earful from Garp
Speaking of which, the idiot hero of the people seemed more alert for some reason. Just saying he was on the look out for an old friend…odd
Kid pirates
They find your ship as your drifting at sea
You were fishing at the time, passing the time plus trying to get some potential food
And then you see this giant ship pull up near yours
Your not really scared though a bit surprised cause you recognized that Jolly Roger
You’d heard a lot about this crew, but you didn’t know who was the captain
Seems like your question will be answered
Staring down from the side of the ship is someone with fiery red hot hair and someone wearing a mask with an equally wild mane of golden locks
For some reason though the red head looks familiar
Extremely…ohhhh you knew him
Oh shit you knew him when he was a kid
And now he’s grown up (you’d hadn’t even realized it’s been that long) and your still as young as you were back then
With no possible explanation to write you off as a different person
Before you can do anything your lifted out from your ship via a metal bracelet on your arm made of wire and screw
Curtesy of Kid all those years ago who stares at you with a mixture of confusion, shock and anger
His crew is watching with batted breath wondering what he’ll do
“I’m guessing you want an explanation”
“No shit”
“Captain let’s take this someplace private”
With that the two take you to his workshop, a place similar to the one he had growing up
Yet it’s now not just a shack
Around the room there’s metal scraps and almost completed projects scattered around
It smells of iron, rust, determination, stubbornness and oil
All of which you’d come to associate with the red haired captain you now sit across from
And of killer who you now recognized despite the mask
You don’t have much of a choice to tell the truth
Especially since you know for a fact both would be able to tell if your lying
Kid is angry, perhaps not at you but for the circumstances of your life
It’s no wonder that even as children you were a bit odd
Staring off into space as you’d say some weird cryptic shit
But it also explains the sadness as well
The few times he caught you silently mourning something or someone in the dead of night
His anger fades though and becomes something else when you mention you didn’t know the years had flown by and he was grown up now
It scares him
You hadn’t realized the large passage of time from when you left that one night to now
When you admit that your even a bit shaken and confused but shrug it off
That really fucking terrified him especially when you begin to recount some of what you’d done in that time
For so long he and Killer assumed you died but perhaps you had something worse than that
You’d lived through so much
Through bloodshed and war
Through loss and grief
Countless deaths of not only the people you’d formed a connection with but yourself
Pain was now a meer concept to you
He sees how strong you are (and he heavily respects that) but at the same time how close you are to the breaking point
When Kid cares for someone it’s akin to molten steel
It’s burning brightly and protectively forming a hard barrier towards it and danger
There are a few people he’d ever stick his neck out for to protect (that being his crew and Killer)
And one of them is you, the only other person in his childhood that ever stood through thick and thin with him
By god will he ever admit it through words but with actions
And his actions are subtle as hell to those who don’t know him
On deck as his crew are rowdy he makes sure to keep out and eye for you, especially considering how your prime bumping into material for being so short
Luckily for him though your usually on someone’s shoulders or being playfully tossed around
Despite how clashing the rest of the crew’s personalities are from your own you fit in. Your calmness allowing you to go with the flow of their escapades
It’s not really surprising to him, but there are a few of the crew who comment about it
There were a lot of ways to describe you but he thought the best was the eye of the storm
A peace and calm within the swirling winds of danger and chaos
Bringing a calm breeze and momentary warmth
It’s easy for him to notice but his men are more content
Happy as you indulge in games with them or give a break from the hecticality of life at sea
This is of course all good and nice but Kid is somewhat huffy when you spend too much time with them
When this happens killer usually gives you a signal so you go spend time before kid ends up destroying something
One of his favourite pastimes with you is having you help with his tinkering
Sitting in a small chair made of metal and scrap as he works diligently
During these times he doesn’t talk, just listens as you tell stories or stay silent with him
It’s therapeutic in some way
Especially since the only background noise is the clanking of metal
Sometimes you ask about his devil fruit power and he shows off
Making you oh and ah about the versatility of what he can do
It makes something in him swell with pride especially since you look at him with awe
Just as he did as a kid when you told stories of pirates
During the late nights in which his crew are asleep you both talk
He digs deeper into your stories and gets madder and madder when more and more of your life is exposed
Most of your responses when hearing the truth is pity but his is anger
A weird but validating reaction that makes your long died out anger ignite a little
He lets you punch, scratch and scream to let it all out. Encouraging you to do so
Sometimes you swear you can see a brightly shining star in him. His determination for something that burns like a furnace used to heat up metal to bend to his whim
Killer is much like kid in the fact that he’s worried about and cares but he goes about it a much different way
He’s the only voice of reason on this ship
And he’s honestly glad to have someone else who’s level headed
As much as he loves his captain and crew it can kinda get annoying sometimes when he’s the only responsible person
Your at least not jumping to set the ship on fire every 3 minutes unlike some people
Hearing your situation now makes a lot of sense when thinking back to when he and Kid where young
There were a lot of inconsistencies and things that didn’t make sense
But now they do on the fact you were a seemingly immortal traveler
It makes him upset like Kid though
Your situation wasn’t fair
Your life wasn’t the dream your once made it out to be
Sure there are moments of happiness dispersed through the cold harsh waters but it took you dying in horrible ways to get there
You didn’t see that but you felt it’s affects
The occasional times he’d have you help cooking and then you’d blank out
Be stuck in your mind till he snaps you out of it and you explained how you were once eaten
It’s terrifyingly eye opening to how the world treats someone like you
A kind and calm soul who only wants freedom amongst the waves
Yet though they are sometimes treated with kindness there is also cruelty
Like Kid it leaves him angry
Upset on how you let yourself be treated in such a way along with brushing it off
Not only that but it’s also concerning
How you endure the worst things he could imagine yet it seems to be an afterthought
Until he finds you in the middle of the night staring out at the darkness with a certain look in your eye
There’s not much he nor Kid can do but he promises himself he’d try
Try for your sake to actually value yourself
Killer on the ship is the cook amung other duties as well, but cooking is his favourite
He has you help out as a second pair of hands
To be honest he doesn’t trust anyone else on the ship to cook without accidentally (or purposefully) poisoning someone so he usually does it alone
It’s the only time of peace on this madhouse that he calls of home
And it’s nice he gets to share it with someone
He assigns small tasks for you to do on the account your still a kid (despite how much you protest and say your literally older than him)
Cutting vegetables, grabbing ingredients, taste testing and stirring are your main priorities
But occasionally he has you help with other things as long as he can keep a close eye on you
He knows for a fact if you hurt yourself you wouldn’t tell him and brush it off
And by god he doesn’t need you to die of something stupid just cause you didn’t care to tell him
Unlike Kid he’s not afraid to verbally give affection
It’s just in private moments that he prefers it
Soft thank you’s and moments in which he admits he had missed having you around
The logical side of him knows he and Kid can’t convince you to stay but the emotional side tries anyways
Showing you how happy you could be if you stayed here
How the crew saw you as their own
How much safer you’d be rather than just drifting from place to place
It’s a loosing battle but one he tries anyways cause he cares
And he knows Kid cares despite the fact he tries to deny it
Cause Killer knows Kid
Seen how the red haired captain had been more motivated as of late
How much happier he is
The fact that when you bring up leaving the red haired captain locks himself in his workshop for the night to try and distract himself
He wishes you’d see how much you affected people, affected them
Cause despite what you thought of yourself your able to do the impossible
You leave a real impact on those you’d met even if it was for a short time
The crew sometimes pester him for answers on how he and Kid already knew you but he doesn’t budge
That’s a private matter that only you could disclose if you so wanted to
But for now he just says you were friends beforehand which gets some confusion
Speaking of the crew, he watches as you interact with them
Quickly somehow worming your way into their hearts as you did his
Watches as you play poker and they teach you how to cheat at the game or sing shanties while they drink
He may or may not have gave a few a good knock on the head for letting you take a few sips
(Kid hides the fact he gave you some as well)
He carry’s you off to bed and sneaks you some sweats he snagged at a port
Even allows you to brush and braid his hair in private
Kid once walked in and laughed his ass off about killer going soft
And then the two had a playful fight
Meanwhile you sat there laughing
It was like old times
As always you eventually leave but not before the crew throws a large party in your honour (and partially to drink the feelings away)
Before you set off again kid gifts you a bracelet made by him and a small piece of paper
To always find them if you needed their help
You smile and set off, not knowing how the crew stares with ignorant hope you’d turn around
Your not sure how but somehow you ended up in a desert with absolutely no idea of what island this was
Naturally you decided to lay in the sand and wait to die so you’d wake up somewhere else
But a few hours into that a shadow obscures the harsh sun that had been glaring at you for hours
A man, black slicked hair and elegant clothes with a golden hook for a hand
Beside him is another man, what you assumed to be a bodyguard of sorts
“Hi what desert is this?. I’d like to know where exactly I am before I die”
Yeah they definitely didn’t expect that for an answer
But with what you said you seemed to intrigue the hooked man
“Alabasta. What are you doing out here in the first place alone kid?”
“Woke up here. Was waiting to die”
Admittedly crocodile was just gonna save you as to make his imagine of being the hero of this country even better but now you’ve really got him interested
Even Daz was somewhat surprised and intrigued by your comment and lax attitude towards death (even your own)
So as he takes you back to the city, taking in the fame that came with it, he decides to “look after you” until your parents come to claim you
As any kind Samaritan would do
Your calling bullshit on that but amuse his words anyways
At his casino he talks to you as he does paperwork and take mysterious calls you leave the room for
While your curious you respect his privacy which he seems to appreciate
Crocodile is a peculiar man
Someone of specific interests and a golden viper-like tongue that leads to fools eating out the palm of his hand
You can see that though, quite easily actually
Eyes looking past the hand he holds out to the hook he hides behind his back and goons just behind the corner
He honestly applauds that you see it
In his words your “a smart kid.” Which you assume is something he doesn’t say often
Much like an oasis in the scathing sands of the desert
Your conversations with him are much more personable rather than focusing on his clearly defined goals and plans
That isn’t your business to divulge in, but his character is up to your judgment
He’s obviously not a good person but half of the people you’d called friends were criminals and killers alike
Sure some had morals but there’s still a stated fact that they had taken lives in pursuit of their goals
Roger included
You’d be a hypocrite to think otherwise
Talks often involve subjects of death and the goal of freedom
And what freedom meant in this world that was quickly having it taken away
Crocodile is tinged by death much like the lingering smell of his cigars
It follows him like a plague, like sand stuck to your clothes after getting wet
Yet despite that it’s a clearly interesting topic to him especially since you disregard your own safety
He’d seen it in the desert and at his casino where you nearly got shot by an angry patron
You don’t care about your own death
But when it comes to others it’s a different story
It’s interesting to him
Why were you so selfless in the fact you’d carelessly throw your life away for someone else’s
In this world it’s one only won by the selfish
He’s a prime example of that
At his core he knows he’s selfish, his goal is an example of that fact
Yet despite how foolish it is to not be selfish…with you it’s admirable
You don’t have some sunny and innocent view on the matter. You know it’s a loosing game yet you pursue it anyways
Perhaps it’s more foolish in that way but you don’t care
Not when you have the freedom to choose and make those choices anyways
Freedom matters to you more than words can describe and he relates
It is freedom that let him make the course of his own destiny
Changing who he once was to the person he is now
Now comfortable in his own skin and confident in his abilities and identity
Perhaps it’s cause you had your freedom taken away at some point but you relate in some way
Not having the choice in a matter and suffering due to it
He doesn’t go into full detail on the matter but you have a knowing look in your eye and a semblance of deep respect because of it
It makes a part of him feel light and airy
Despite all the clearly scummy aspects of himself that are as clear as day to your eyes….you respect him
Some still deeply insecure part of him curls up at that and wants to cry
You respected him
That’s something he’d always wanted
It’s not motivated by fear and greed but true respect for the hardships he’d been through to get here
Worry curls up in his gut, swirling and violent like the sands storms he creates
Shit, he’s attached
What’s worse is that you’d wormed your way into the others hearts as well
Even Daz has to admit you grew on him
Your a lot like a cancerous sore. Growing and spreading to a new part of the body
Yet he can’t will himself to cut you off
And neither does his inner circle
It complicates things but at this point he accepts it after a brief moment of reflection and thought
He hadn’t thought of trying to find your parents and had the posters taken down
Now fully intending to keep you as his own
He doesn’t ask you on the matter, just slowly begins the process
Decorating your room to your preference
….which was very hard considering you didn’t have one and settled for the bare minimum most of the time
Yeah it’s a bit of a challenge especially since your beginning to catch on real quick
It’s kinda easy to tell when someone goes from “I’m keeping you around for entertainment” to “I’m keeping you around as my kid now”
While you appreciate the offer and effort you don’t particularly like your freedom being impeded upon
“You know that’s hypocritical right?”
“Yes but when have pirates ever been people of their word?”
“Touché…but I’m still not happy about this”
As this happens he begins to dig deeper to who you are
Intent on figuring out if you had parents and if he could perhaps…get “custody” to put it broadly
But that becomes a challenge when there’s seemingly nothing about you except for vague whispers across the sea
A legend
A story
A song
It’s old, going back to the days of Roger and references to before that as well
A tale of a star that never really died
It’s forgotten to many but to a few it still lives on
And he has the vaguest idea from the description in the song that it’s you
But for awhile it’s a mere speculation
Until you end up dying in front of him from a deal gone wrong
Despite the fact you knew the bullet would pass through his body you instinctually throw yourself in front of him
The bullet piercing your chest
A deafening silence filling the moment between him and his inner circle of baroque works
And then chaos
Their swiftly dealt with, the perpetrator personally having their body liquids drained within mere moments
And then he’s at your side as Bentham does their best to stop the bleeding
Despite the fact your bleeding with a piece of led stuck in your chest your unfazed
Shrugging it off as “pain is a concept to me at this point”
It makes him angry, sad and determined all at the same time
Angry at the fact you must’ve experienced so much pain that something like this is nothing to you
Sadness that you’ve went through this before
And determination to stop it from happening again. To have the ability to protect you
“Let it be known that when you come back I’ll be looking for you”
“So you know?”
“Had some connections…found an old story but you just confirmed it”
You giggle lightly at that, not even wincing as you cough up some blood with your laughter
They all watch as your eyes fade of their light and then after that your body breaks into sparkling dust
Crocodile is a selfish man, one driven by ambition and greed
It’s funny you think he’d let go someone he considered to be a diamond in the rubble
One that shone as bright as a star in the sky
He extinguishes his cigar under his boot, grasping the small bits of starlight in his hand before it slips through his fingers like sand
He chuckles, how ironic
In the world populated by the greedy he intends to be king
And a king guards his treasure especially something that is as priceless as you are in this world
“Watch out kid. You’ve gotten me attached and there’s no undoing that now”
Boa Hancock
For a brief time you had spent a couple months or so as a celestial dragon’s slave
It was by complete accident that you were kidnapped and subsequently sold
But in that time you’d come to learn more of the politics of the world
Specifically the inequality of rules for nobles from the world government
You don’t spend much time as a slave but it’s torturous
Permanently scaring your mind with the pain of being branded as property
Seen as an object that can be broken
In your time there though you remember 3 girls
That time is a blur in your mind but you remember giving your limited food to them
The group being taken aback by the kindness as you explained you’d be fine
It went on like that for awhile
You never got their names but you gave them yours
They were sisters, the one with black hair being the oldest of the trio
It was a friendship made out of desperation
Of knowing that none of you were alone
The eldest of the group is one day forced to kill you for the pleasure of the sick bastard who had branded you all
She’s sobbing
He’ll kill her sisters if she doesn’t
You tell her it’s ok, that she must do what she can to survive and keep them alive
That death didn’t scare you
Her devil fruit turns you to stone within an instant but not from romantic love
It’s from the love of a friend
Of someone who’d cared for her and her sisters enough to give up your own for them
For her to keep them safe
The statue crumbles and she’s left sobbing
Gold floats from the grey dust that scatters around her
She thinks back to some of your last words
She had to be strong for her sisters
Make sure they get out of here lest your sacrifice be in vain
She’d be strong so she can protect
Just as you protected her and them from a violent fate
Even through the scar isn’t there anymore you scratch at your back
Remembering the pain of that seal
You can’t remember who the symbol belongs to anymore
Other than then being some type of royal
The cycle begins again
You met him during your brief time at marineford
One of the only Marines whom you found to actually be good
Not just seeing things as simply black and white good and bad
Sure, he had a job to do and accomplish but he at least had a sense of morally grey justice
A well weighted scale so one side is not preferred over the other
It’s because of him that the smell of lingering smoke now leaves a sense of comfort to you
Admitting this to him makes the rather gruff man go completely red
Much like the lot end of those cigars that he loves so much
Despite how own duties he’d help you deliver things at the base
Having his smoke help carry letters across the island within minutes as to give you a small break
Speaking of which, he basically forces you to have mandatory breaks from work
Oftentimes literally dragging you off to go get something to eat
You have the feeling he has a soft spot for kids but vehemently denies that fact
(The way he buys you ice cream and lets you sit on his shoulder says otherwise but ok)
Another thing supports this fact is that he grows quite concerned at your complete disregard for your safety
The man has a panic attack every time you make an odd comment about “do you think I’d die from this height or shatter my legs” and “could you theoretically give people cancer or kill them via smoke blockage in the lungs?”
You can’t convince him that you had a happy childhood before this
Sengoku not being able to find your parents makes this thought worse
You didn’t know him for very long but you hope to one day run into home again
Charlotte LinLin
Somehow you ended up at an orphanage after someone found you asleep and adrift at sea
It most cases this would’ve been a blessing
To you it was an annoyance as they left you at a place for the abandoned and mourning
A reminder of where you might have ended up if you haven’t ate your fruit
Hadn’t taken the reigns of fate in your hands and steered it towards the endless blue sea
Immediately you want to leave the moment you can, especially since you get off vibes from “mother caramel”
That woman is up to something real bad
You can feel it deep in your bones
But you end up staying when you meet a peculiar girl
She’s young but not little, she towers over you like a giant
Puffy pink hair kept in two buns and freckles cheeks paired with a large toothy smile
She’s an interesting character, so like always you end up staying
Her name is Linlin, someone with monstrous power yet is innocent to a frightening degree
She has a kind heart yet doesn’t realize her strength
Something you try to help her with
Linlin is ecstatic to have you as a friend especially since you don’t seem out off by her size
You stay by her side, more specifically on her shoulder and tell her stories that make her eyes widen in curiosity
Telling stories of other races, showing her that the other children who aren’t human aren’t needing to be fixed like she initially thought
Their all perfect
She’s still a little confused but she gets the gist of it
Another thing she doesn’t get is discrimination and thinks it’s stupid
She expresses a dream of a place where everyone can live in peace
It’s a beautiful dream but one that is far fetched, yet you can’t help but tell her to go for it
Because there’s no harm in trying
Mother Caramel seemingly assigns you as Linlin’s impulse control
Seemingly since your the only one who can actually make her listen when she’s blind from rage
As much as you don’t like the old woman, she’s got a point
Linlin is a hurricane if made angry and you’re the key into keeping it at peace
She seems to note that to herself for some greater reason
In the end you didn’t know Linlin for very long but she seemed to hold you in such a high regard she deemed you her “bestest friend!”
It’s nice
But like all things they come to and end
But surprisingly it’s by her own hand
At her 6th birthday everyone had come together to make her sweets knowing she loved anything sugary
She was in tears, grin so wide you thought it was big as the red line
She ate and ate
Until there was no cake left
But like in those blind rages she didn’t see
She didn’t see there was nothing left
Didn’t notice what she now began to eat was the rest of the children sitting nearby
Mother caramel
And finally you
Eventually she woke up, finding herself alone and confused
Glitter flowing up into the sky
Years later you hear about some island meant to be a utopia for all people
It reminds you of that little pink haired girl
But that can’t be, you heard the pirate behind it was a maniac
That couldn’t be the innocent girl you met and became friends with
…how did you die that time again?
All the deaths have merged together or you can’t remember which death went where
For all you know the one where you got eaten was that one
But that can’t be
From what you remember Linlin was kind if not naive
She couldn’t
The cycle begins again
For awhile you stayed at an island that specialized in baked goods
And that served as a calling for the famous pirate known as “big mom” and her children
The island was not yet under their…”protection” but was being negotiated with as of when you visited
And on that island you found yourself at a bakery buying sweets to your hearts content
Specifically donuts
The one where we’re apparently particularly good
And honestly it’s been awhile since you’d treated yourself to a good meal
Soooo you splurged a bit and bought them all
And that leads to an odd meeting when you run into the giant of a man with a pink tattoo and fur lined scarf covering the bottom half of his face
The chefs cower as they tell him that their all out of the sweet treat
Despite the evident frown he doesn’t look as if he’s about to trash the place like the chefs are making it seem
He simply seems disappointed and a bit sour
Despite how everyone is clearly afraid of him you poke his arm making him look at you
“We can share if you’d like. I don’t mind”
From the mortified looks of everyone in the room it’s evident everyone is half expecting him to flat out obliterate you on the spot
But much to their surprise he seem to think it over
“If you see me eating I’ll kill you”
“Aight, that’s fine with me. We can eat back to back, then I won’t see you”
The bakery is left silent as you leave with the pirate
They prey your alright
Just as your promised you eat back to back. He creates a small house of mochi as you put down the donut box and you both eat
It’s peaceful and nice
He half expects for you to turn around but you don’t
You don’t even seem to consider it as you happily eat and engage in small conversations
It’s odd being asked such mundane things like “how was your day?” And “what do you do for a living?”
Let alone by someone who isn’t currently shaking in fear
….it’s nice
You let him have the last donut much to his surprise
He enjoyed this much more than he thought he would
So he comes up with an ultimatum
“I’ll be too busy to buy them before they sell out…would you be willing to buy them and then we do what we did today?”
“Sounds fun to me.”
He leaves with a warm feeling in his chest
Not even his siblings treated him in such a relaxed manner…it was refreshing
The next day ticks by and he finds himself awaiting for the meeting to be over
He stops himself from tapping his foot but his irritation occasionally seeps out
It goes to help speed up conversation though and then he’s free
Like the day prior you both meet at the same place
He insists on paying you back but you refuse
It’s confusing but he doesn’t make a comment about it
In the grande scheme if things this is such a small thing but it begins to mean the world to him
He’s only intended to stay here for a week yet he dreads that final day
So much so that he finishes business early
When you go to the shop you find that their already sold out much to your displeasure
You go to tell the sweet toothed man you befriended and find him already with the confectionery
You eat back to back once more for the last time
Enjoying the donuts that bring him momentary relaxation and relief from the pressure to be the prefect son
The perfect big brother
It’s nice
And for once he feels as if he was his true self around someone
You hear him cry but don’t turn around out of respect for him
Instead you just offer him more food and gently pat his arm
A small “thank you” falls from his mouth and you smile
You thank him in return for the pleasant company
He wonders if this is what is mother experienced when having her “bestest friend” all those years ago
The one story that him and all his siblings had heard growing up
About someone much like yourself
He leaves the island with a smile beneath his scarf and a noticeable better mood
His siblings ponder about what happened but he doesn’t speak a work of it
This was a treasure he’d like to keep to himself
For some reason his mother has a knowing look
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Btw wanted to thank you all for liking this so far. I was honestly kinda scared to actually post for one piece but I’m glad people are enjoying my content for it. I recently got into the show and wanted to write about it cause I love it so much.
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animestsstuff2 · 2 months
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ProHero Hawks x Fem Villainreader
Part 5
Master list here!
Content warning: blood, bruising!
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“H-Hawks!” His head turned as he spotted your bright white wings in the dark sky. A small smile settling on his face as you landed on the rooftop beside him. You sat down on the ledge, dangling your legs over with him.
“Hey Angel, whatcha’ up to?” He asked, staring ahead at the city, ignoring his increasing heart rate and warm skin.
A routine now settled between you both ever since the first night Dabi requested you go out to find Hawks. A routine that you both enjoyed but hated. You loved being able to just be out, to just stretch you wings and see things without Dabi hut hated why, hated how you would be made to ask Hawks specific questions, hated that this pro hero wasn’t a good guy. He couldn’t help you.
“Any crime tonight?” You asked glancing over at him and ignoring your own beating heart. The feelings that were settled deep in your stomach refused to leave and only grew. It hadn’t been long into this routine. A few more days before it would end but something about Hawks drew you to him.
“Nah, pretty quiet night” He yawned, tipping the remnants of his coffee can into his mouth. “What about you Angel? Anything nee in the League?”
“No, not really- well, actually we are mean’t to be leaving this city soon” Hawks feathers bristled as he shifted his earphones around his neck.
“Yeah? Forgot about that actually. Dabi mentioned it a while ago” He lied. His head turning to you as he smiled softly. Your heart skipping as your cheeks darkened.
“Y-yeah? We are heading to Deika city” You stated dumbly, very dumbly.
“Deika city! Thats the one Dabi mentioned though he never said what for. He did want me there, do you know why Angel?” Hawks prodded, you shook you head softly.
“No sorry Hawks. I don’t know why he wants you there but I know its because All for One has left something for Shigaraki to help him” Hawks just nodded cooly. Your mind elsewhere and missing the click of his phone.
“Hmm thats okay Angel. I haven’t heard from Dabi in a while y’know. You think you could mention to him about meeting up?” Hawks asked. His head turning back to gaze down on the city.
“Yeah sure! Um, do you have a place in mind? Or just want me to say to Dabi to contact you?” You asked feathers flittering behind you as the wind picked up.
“Hm? Just ask him to contact you- oh! I know. You have a cellphone yeah?” Hawks asked now turning back. You opened your mouth but the words stuck to your throat as you tried to conjure up a plausible lie.
No hawks! I do not have a phone actually! Dabi keeps me against my will and therefore i am unable to contact anyone.
But before you could force a lie out his headphones beeped. He flicked his visor down which now had a screen displayed and stood up sliding his headphones on and turning to you. He waved a quick goodbye and shot through the air not wasting another moment. You stared in slight awe at the swiftness of the Pro-Hero.
You were still out. You weren’t ready to go back yet nor did you want to. Your wings lazily kept you afloat in the air as you looked at the lit up city below. You wanted nothing more than to drop down and venture through the streets, window shop all the closed boutiques and grab a snack from some 24hour store but Dabi would kill you if you dared.
You scanned the sky before you. You were honestly hoping you’d see Hawks again, especially since Dabi wasn’t happy that you hadn’t got much information out of the hero yet. Your hooded eyes darted about once more. A yawn breaking your lips apart when a flash of red zoomed by.
Your eyes widened and your wings flexed as you followed the red flash that was slowing down, staggering and almost looked to be falling. You moved quickly, wings soaring against the air as you dropped to the red and yellow blur that was Hawks.
You seen now, seen that his wings were small barely there and definitely unable to support himself. His face was bruised and bloodied. His clothes torn. Your hands reached out and grabbed at his jacket. The weight of the pro almost caused you to fall with him but you pushed through, flexed your wings further and flapped harder.
His eyes widened as much as they could with the swelling skin at the angel above him—you, Angel. You had saved him from plummeting to his death. He watched you struggle and forced himself to wake up, to help you as much as he could. The last of his feathers left him, plumes falling away and zipping round to you.
A gasp left your lips as they filtered in with your own and gave you strength. The feeling was foreign and odd as you could almost feel the connected tether to each individual red plume. They clung to your white ones with support and allowed to you lift both Hawks and yourself. It took some struggling but you were able to pull him against your chest. Your arms wrapping tightly around his chest and under his shoulders.
“Heh—you really are an Angel huh, savin’ my life like that” Hawks mumbled against the skin of your neck where his heavy head rested.
Your cheeks burned at the feeling of his mouth on your skin. His hands lazily came and wrapped themselves around the small of your waist hugging closer to you.
Hawks knew he shouldn’t. He knew he could hold somewhere else, grab your arm or just keep his hands limp but he wanted to. These feelings that swelled in his chest, caused his heart to quicken, stomach to flutter and worst his bottoms to tighten. He could let them out just this once. After all he was technically hurt, technically not in a right state of mind.
“U-Um..You’re hurt! Hawks—where do I bring you?” You asked. The obvious answer was a hospital but you couldn't go there. You couldn't be seen. You sucked your lip between harsh teeth as you waited his reply.
You wanted for his response, wings flapping slower now getting used to the support from Hawks feathers and no longer feeling as though you were going to drop any moment now. Hawks brows knitted together as he felt his chest grow tighter.
Definitely a broken rib
"My place-ju-just bring me to my place" You nodded with firmness and took off. Hawks giving you muffled directions as your fingers curled into his back whilst you flew through the air.
You eventually found his place. A penthouse apartment. You landed on the roof as Hawks instructed..well more like fell on the roof. The minute your knees touched the ground you buckled unable to hold him up with just the strength of your legs. Hawks coughed at the abrupt landing and you immediately fumbled to get him back up
A string of apologies leaving your lips as you hooked his arm around your neck and positioned yourself under his arm to carry him in. Hawks only shushed you with a laugh but you could hear the strain behind it. You found his living room and gently set him down, turning the lights on. Finally getting a good look at the injured hero.
"H-Hawks you should really go to hospital!" You crouched down on bent knees before him. Your hands flying in all directions as did your eyes, unsure what injury to tend to first. He only rolled his eyes and set his head back on the sofa, spreading his legs with a sigh.
"M'alright Angel. I don't needa go to a hospital, just a few scratches" He reassured as he pulled his glove off and carded his fingers through his hair, pulling it back from his face. He put his avian eyes on you, taking you in from where you kneeled before him.
He couldn't deny how pretty you looked right now, even with only half your face showing. He just knew under that silly mask were pretty pink lips all chewed up with worry, worry that consumed your face as your brows wrinkled and eyes creased.
His hand moved before he could think to stop it. His rough thumb hooked round the top of your mask and tugged. It fell without much effort. Your lips parted and eyebrows raised as his thumb continued to smooth over your cheek. Your heart beat flooded your ears, stomach fluttered. His thumb moved just slightly down to the edge of your pink lips. You didn't mean to, it wasn't intentional as your tongue dipped out to wet the dry, cracking skin.
His eyes narrowed and his chest swelled. His skin bubbled with warmth and skin prickled as he hooked a finger under your chin and dragged your face forward. He wanted you up here, up on top of him.
You both wanted each other..until, until you realised--no, you shook your head, snapping yourself from his memorising eyes and looking away. Dabi's threat overriding what you truly wanted. Your quirk always putting him first and now.. now
You felt like you were going to be sick.
You snapped yourself from the fizzy of thoughts that bubbled in your mind and fell back onto your bum away from his hand. Your hand coming to slip the mask back up as you stumbled up. Hawks seemed to snap out of whatever it was he was under and tried to get up with you but fell back down and almost immediately the overwhelming atmosphere that consumed the both of you had disappeared and your concern returned to his injuries.
You looked around and spotted his kitchen, walking over and finding his kettle. You quickly boiled some water, found a clean washcloth and bowl. You checked under the sink and luckily found a medkit, bringing it all back to the coffee table before him.
You grabbed the warm, damp cloth and took a seat beside him. Your eyes fixated on anything but his as you gently pressed the cloth to the open wounds, cleaning both dry and fresh blood from his face. Your lip jutting out a bit as you found yourself annoyed someone would want to disfigure such an attractive man.
No--stop, don't think that. Hawks is not handsome.
He stayed silently as he allowed you to press and prod at his face. Your delicate fingers moving his face as you pleased, cleaning, wiping and disinfecting; which did sting a bit. You were eventually somewhat pleased and cleaned everything up, coming back to stand in front of him swinging your arms slightly as you still avoided eye contact.
"Thank you" Hawks low voice made you jolt a bit as you finally glanced at his eyes. They were tired and hooded as he stared back at you. A small ghost of a smile on his face.
"Y-You're welcome, anyone would have done it" You mumbled, grabbing your arm with your hand and once again turning your head to look out the large glass wall. The sun was beginning to rise.
"Maybe they would have but i'm glad it was you" His statement caused your cheeks to tinge pink as a smile broke out under your mask. Hawks liked how your eyes crinkled, at least he knew you were smiling.
"D-do you want me to call anyone? A friend..or, um- girlfriend?" You couldn't help but add that in. You were curious, thats all nothing more.
Just curious, you didn't care if he did or not. It wouldn't matter or change anyt-
"Girlfriend? No-" he laughed a bit, hand flexing up to his chest "no girlfriend unfortunately"
He eyed you a bit watching as your brow quirked ever so slightly. How your eyes widened just a bit and pupils dilated. Hawks wouldn't mind having you as his little girlfriend.
He shut his eyes at the thoughts that rushed to him and suppressed a groan. He already spoke to his doctor about these stupid primal needs that were getting in the way of his rationality but the only advice from his doctor was..
"Well, unfortunately Hawks science hasn't developed anything for people with your type of need. The best thing we have found is to just give in and find someone suited to it. It helps it pass quicker"
His cheeks burned and you noticed the sudden redness of his face, reaching a hand down. You pressed it to his cheek, catching him off-guard-when did he close his eyes? He looked up at you, seeing your brows knitted again in worry as you quickly walked off and shortly came back with a glass of water for him and some tablets.
"Take these. Do you want me to bring you to your bedroom?" You asked and Hawks glanced at the rising sun. He'd get no sleep in here with those big windows. He nodded curtly and reached a hand out.
You repeated your earlier actions, allowing him to lean on you as he guided you to his bedroom. The curtains were already drawn as you sat him on his bed and took a step back, placing the cup of water on the bedside table.
"I'll be alright, y'can go y'know" he reassured you with a small smile. You eyed him warily as he began to, well, struggle to take his top off. Pausing and wincing every few seconds as a sharp pain shot down his chest.
"Let me help you into bed then ill go" Hawks had no time to protest as you grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it the rest of the way off. A little to roughly for the weakened man and he tipped back blindly reaching a hand to grab something.
That something was you. His fingers curled tightly around your wrist and dragged you down with him. The bed caught you both with a bounce as he let out a staggered groan from your sudden weight on his definitely broken rib. You quickly pressed your hands to either side of him and lifted yourself so you were face to face with him.
"Are you crazy? Hawks I could have hurt you more!" You scolded him, completely ignoring just how close you were. Now laying between his spread legs
He just rolled his eyes at you and choked a laugh. You quickly stood back up and crossed your arms.
"Right thats it, i am leaving and I want you to rest" he waved a lazy hand at your retreating figure.
"You sound like a doting girlfriend Angel!" He yelled after you and your cheeks burned. "Gonna need my feathers back too!"
You stilled as what felt like sand bristling through your feathers caught you off guard. One by one his red plumes wriggled themselves free from their snug positions between your own plumes. The feeling was odd and sent a tingling feeling down your spin as you pushed the glass door open to the balcony and looked at the bright sky.
A sigh leaving your puffed cheeks as you jumped from the ledge and spread your wings out. Dabi was going to kill you. He always expected you back before the sun broke free.
You did not want to imagine the anger that was etched across his marred face. You knew how he would act. He was definitely already in your room, possibly trashed it in a fit of anger before sitting calmly on your bed. The only sign he was in any way furious would be the tap of his shoe. A tell tale sign that his patience was wearing thin.
You chewed your lip as you thought of an excuse, some lie to tell him. If you were able to believe the lie yourself. Your thoughts so caught up in your growing anxiety you failed to notice the tiny red plume that wriggled its way further into the fluff of white feathers, hiding itself.
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itzmshadow · 3 months
Okay guys I'm doing something different I have a story that's been collecting dust and I want to share it with you guys cause I just love yous guys sm
Also just don't judge I was prolly sleep deprived when I made it- (I love writing I'm trying to get back into it though so-)
Also adding a headcannon here before we start- time steve uses those really cutesy nicknames like dear and honey just because he is defintly that silly (nicknames reserved for Sabre only❗️❗️)
Enjoy please
'It was getting pretty dark wasn't it' Sabre thought to himself after finishing some notes for a future meeting that's happening in a couple days with the other leaders about random problems that are happening around the kingdom.
He looked around his room that was slowly being covered in light shades of orange yellow and reds as the sun set further across the horizon he looked around and realized that his room was way too quiet.
Him and time shared a room so there was usually a ticking noise from the clock mask time wore on his head or from the pocket watch he keeps in his coat pocket but now it's just silence which made Sabre worry about time. Times an adult he shouldn't be worrying about him but he can't help but be worried. That's just how he is, he's normally always tense, he's scared of anything loud and sudden, he's scared that time is going to find every single one his flaws and end up hating him or believing that he is still apart of the darkness.
He laid his elbows on the table in front of him and laid his head in his arms to overthink everything that could be happening right now outside of this safe comforted bedroom.
What if sol broke out of jail and started a riot in the middle of the kingdom  where time was trapped in the middle of the crowds slowly being trampled- or what if there was a sudden seige and since he wasn't in the actual castle part he wouldn't know to defend the castle until its too late and the leaders end up kicking him out because he wasn't there to help them-
His spiraling was interrupted by something touching his shoulder making him jump up and hit his head on whatever was behind him- behind him something was behind him.
He flies around in a panic ready to fight whoever was trying to get to him only to find the same person he was just worrying about holding his nose in pain.
"Time!" He runs up to him and raises a shaky hand to try and help only to take a step back in fear of hurting him again. "I'm- im sorry time I thought you were something else I hurt you I'm so sorry"
Time finally raised his head after checking if his nose was bleeding, it wasn't it just hurt like hell, and took a step forward to grab Sabres shaking hand and hold it up to his face so Sabre had to look up at time.
"You didn't hurt me, I'm the one who snuck up on you, which was a mistake on my part, it wasn't your fault you were thinking and I inturuppted" time pulled Sabre closer to him.
Sabre shakes his head, "no I'm I should be over this, sol is in jail and there was no reason for me to freak out like I did I'm sorry"
Time lifts Sabres hand and kisses it, "Sabre dear, I know you didn't mean to freak out but out of all people I think you deserve to, your so strong its honestly sometimes kind of scary" time softly laughs at that as does Sabre.
"You put up all these walls to protect everyone around you when everyone around you wants to protect you, you've taken care of us for so long let us take care of you" time lifts Sabres head to look him in the eyes and smiles softly then leans in to kiss his forehead.
"I love you darling, I hope you know that" Sabre nods and sniffles as if he was just crying, he was but you wouldn't catch him dead before he admits that, even though time knew.
"Cmon have you eaten anything today sabre?" The brunette shakes his head and Burries it in times chest shaking his head. "M not that hungry" time nods and slowly pulls Sabre towards their shared bed setting him down. " since it's been a hard day I'll let dinner slide but your getting loving time made breakfast tomorrow, alright?"
Sabre laughs and nods then leans into times chest who sits behind Sabre and slowly leans back until his back hits the bed and soon Sabre is just laying on top of him as time plays with his hair.
" I love you Sabre and I want you to know, no matter what happens I'll be here for you and take care of you the way you have taken care of everyone else"
The two lay together like that for the time being until Sabre eventually fall asleep on time steve making the older smile down on him.
The two stayed like that with time running his fingers through Sabres hair and he ended up falling asleep holding onto to Sabre.
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thedreamwraptwriter · 2 years
Tenth Doctor x Reader; Eleventh Doctor x Reader; 14th Doctor x Reader (David Tennant Version)
Prompt: inspired by the song Snap by Rosa Linn. The Reader deals with the aftermath of being the Doctor’s companion and unrequited love. Also, with the announcement of David Tennant’s return, I had to include his “14th” Doctor in this as well! 
Word Count: 5490
Warnings: brief mention of depression (nothing in detail)
Note: [Y/N] = Your Name; [D/N] = Dog’s Name. I apologize in advance about the Dalek section as I am not overly familiar with their history and am basing them/their lore off of the couple of episodes I’ve watched. 
It's 4 AM
I can't turn my head off
Wishin' these memories would fade
They never do
I rolled over in bed, restless, unable to sleep. Visions of space, a smiling man, and a blue police box swirled in my head. It felt like a dream, one that was just out of reach, and yet so raw and real at the same time. It had been six months to the day that the Doctor, a time travelling alien from Galifrey, had left. Six months since he decided I’d never see him again. Six months.
               The darkness outside reminded me of my own smallness in the universe. As a human, I was one of the most delicate species across the cosmos – and yet the Doctor somehow made me feel bigger than life. When I was with him, I was whole. We’d traveled all over the universe – from dangerous planets to places more beautiful than I could describe. The Tardis became my home. The Doctor became my life.
               “[Y/N]! Come this way,” the Doctor’s chipper voice rose over the crowd of people around us. I looked up from the tapestry I was admiring and locked eyes with the Doctor. He sported his brown trench coat and modern looking suit, standing out like a sore thumb amongst the busy medieval market. I smiled and made my way to him. He took my hand, the warmth spreading from my fingers right to my heart. 
            “I’d like to show you something,” he said, gently leading me through the throng of shoppers. 
            “Is it a famous historical figure?” I asked, jokingly.
            “We already met one of those today! I can’t go around having you meet every important figure and confusing the history books,” the Doctor chuckled, looking over at me. 
            “Honestly, at this point I think we’ve done enough time travel to confuse every history book in the world,” I responded, only half-kidding. 
            The Doctor shrugged, laughing. His eyes crinkled and I smiled up at him fondly. How I loved him. 
            “Anyway, [Y/N], I wanted to show you this,” the Doctor helped me climb up a small embankment and pulled me to his side. I was so close to him I could hear his twin hearts beating in tandem.
            “Oh my – Doctor this is beautiful!” 
            Before me was a huge field of wildflowers, surrounding the giant castle overlooking the kingdom. Flowers long gone in my day stood bright and tall in the morning sun. Pink, yellow, and blue hues rippled across the fields as the breeze blew so slightly. The castle, a massive and elegant building, stood solemnly in the distance. It was like a fairytale. 
            “Isn’t it just lovely?” the Doctor said.
            “It looks like a storybook come to life!” I exclaimed. Though I had seen many incredible sights with the Doctor – from other planets to history-changing events, little things like this always made me pause in awe and admiration. The Doctor figured this out and now, every place or time we stopped in, he made a point of pausing with me to admire these views with me. 
            “A storybook with a beautiful princess,” said the Doctor, giving my shoulder a small squeeze. I blushed, looking away and trying to calm the nerves in my chest. I had to remind myself that no, he was not a human man, but an alien who was extremely old – romance was forbidden. Even then, I couldn’t stop the thundering in my chest.
End Flashback
Turns out people lied
They said, "Just snap your fingers"
As if it was really that easy for me to get over you
I just need time
            Click. Click. Click.
            I sat, absentmindedly typing away on my laptop. It was quiet in my office today. Most people were working from home, which left me with plenty of in-office tea. Though I enjoyed working at home too, that sometimes seemed to make my mind wander far too much, so I volunteered to come in more often than my colleagues. The job itself was fairly easy – a simple data entry job that consisted of me filling out spreadsheets and attending a meeting here and there.
            I stopped typing for a moment, staring off into the distance. It had been a year since I’d seen the Doctor. My wonderful, incredible Doctor. It’s funny – even though I knew it was a year for me, for the Doctor, he could jump into any part of my life and it would seem like just a second. Time was so confusing now. Was a year really so long? 
            I went back to typing, hardly noticing what I was doing. I had gotten this job a couple months ago after my parents begged me to try to do something with my life. After the Doctor had dropped me off, I spiraled into a depression. I felt nothing and everything at the same time. It was paralyzing. I wallowed for months, unsure of how to continue. I’d just been traveling through space and time, for goodness’ sake! However, as life began to move on without me, I realized that I couldn’t sit in my flat all day with nothing to show for it. My friends carefully pulled me back out into the wider world again, treating me gently and acting like I’d just experienced the worst break up of my life. In fact, they had met the Doctor a few times. To allay suspicion, he introduced himself as my boyfriend (though that made my heart race just thinking about it) and now that he was no longer coming around, they assumed (rightly so) that we’d broken up. Pretty accurate, I suppose.
            “You’ll be able to get over this hump,” said one of my friends on a particularly difficult night for me. “Life is full of mysteries and heartbreak, but I know you - you’re strong. And you have us.” 
            I was forever grateful to my friends for sticking by my side. It must have been odd – the Doctor had dropped me off during a time that was just a couple of months after he’d shown up in my life, so my friends probably thought I had fallen in too deep with a guy I’d known for a short time, even though to me, I’d known him for years. I smiled wryly. What a mess this was. 
            “Hey [Y/N]! Did you want to join us after work today for dinner?” one of my coworkers called from across the office, pulling me out of my reverie. “Boss said she’d pay!”
            I thought about it for a moment. It had been months since I’d gone out, much less socialized with a large group of people. I suppose I was feeling brave today. I smiled at him. “Sure, why not.”
            Trying to re-learn how to live a ‘normal’ human life was hard, but I was trying. Though I missed the Doctor more than life, I knew that my time as his companion was over. One step at a time. 
Snapping one, two
Where are you?
You're still in my heart
            “You look incredible, [Y/N]! I think you’ll definitely fit in,” the Doctor said, nodding in approval. I looked down at the huge, puffy dress, wondering if the Doctor needed his eyes checked. A large, powdered wig perched atop my head like some massive vulture. The Tardis hummed in approval, and I felt even more ridiculous. If the Tardis approved, then I knew I looked positively ludicrous.
            “Doctor, I know that this period of time involved this type of – fashion, but you don’t need to lie to me,” I grumbled, trying to keep the wig from toppling to the ground. “You can just tell me I look like an overstuffed cupcake.”
            The Doctor laughed. “You’re too much! I’m being serious – I think you look perfect.” 
            I rolled my eyes. “While I appreciate you, I also refuse to believe you.”
            The Doctor chuckled and walked over to me, poking my nose and smiling. “You always look perfect, sweetheart.”
            “Stop buttering me up and let’s get a move on,” I said, crossly. 
            “As you wish,” he said, bowing and holding out his hand as we started towards the Tardis’s exit. 
            I took his hand, trying to balance the wig and giant dress, while also attempting to be graceful. We managed to get outside – the Tardis had parked in an alleyway in 18th century Paris. I saw ladies in very similar attire as me walking about in the main road, their giant wigs seemingly glued to their heads. I envied how smoothly they walked across the cobblestone streets.
            “See, [Y/N]? You look like a French elite,” said the Doctor. “Told you that you look perfect.”
            “Well they look lovely, but I – whoa!”
            The heel of my shoe caught on a loose area of the cobblestone alley and I went tumbling. The wig, dress, and the many layers of undergarments went flying. The Doctor, caught off guard, came tumbling down next to me. We both hit the ground with a resounding oof.
            Panting, I laid there a moment. The wind had been knocked out of me. 
            “D-Doctor are you o-okay?” I gasped.
            I heard some grumbling and movement next to me. “Don’t worry, I’m good, it’s all okay,” he grunted. “I think your dress broke most of my fall, in fact.”
            “Oh so now I’m just a pillow for when you fall over?”
            “A very nice pillow, yes.”
            I laughed, though it came out more as a pained grunt. Pretty sure I landed on my tailbone – that would be sore for a couple days for sure.
            “Can you help your pillow up, please? I think I’ll change – era accurate fashion be damned for this trip,” I mumbled. 
            The Doctor jumped lightly to his feet. Surprising considering how far he’d fallen just moments ago. He held his hand out to me. 
            “Come on there, let’s get you changed up and then we can explore,” he said cheerily. “And I promise to never make you wear anything quite so… cupcake-like again.” He winked and I groaned.
            “You never cease to amaze me,” I said, grabbing his hand and getting on my feet. The wig lay forgotten on the cobblestone street. “It’s like you know exactly how to make me feel better and worse at the same time!” 
            He smiled, kissing my forehead. “It’s the power of the Doctor!” 
            I smiled back at him. “A special power indeed.”
End Flashback
Snapping three, four
Don't need you here anymore
Get out of my heart
'Cause I might snap
            It was a cold winter day. I was wrapped up like a little present against the cold. My puffy jacket, hat, and scarf were working overtime. My dog, a little corgi, shuffled ahead of me. I held on to her leash, keeping my hands shoved deep in my pockets. My parents had gotten her for me about two years ago, right after my first-year anniversary at my job. I was so excited – she was just the spark of joy I needed. 
            “Come on, [D/N]! I know you love the snow, but it’s freezing out here,” I said as she stopped to sniff another light post. “Let’s get ourselves home and warm, shall we?” 
            [D/N] looked up at me and wagged her tail. Though it was cold outside, my heart warmed me fully just looking at her little face.
            “Ok, fine, you can sniff a little longer,” I laughed, giving her a little more lead of the leash.
            [D/N] started to dig intensely in the snow, her face almost completely covered. I shook my head in amusement. Dogs were so silly sometimes.
            “Right, I’m sure there’s something really interesting in there, but I think you should probably stop digging on public land,” I said, giving her leash a little tug. 
            Suddenly, [D/N] popped out of the snow, a book in her mouth. 
            “What’s that you have there?” I said, kneeling down and carefully taking it from her. She wagged her tail and smiled at me, proud of her find.
            I looked at the cover. The Angel’s Kiss was embossed on the front.
            “Huh, The Angel’s Kiss, eh? Looks like one of those weird romance novels,” I joked to [D/N]. “I suppose we can put it on that bench over there. Hopefully someone can find it again.”
            “Excuse me! Excuse me I think you might have my book…”
            A cheerful voice suddenly rang out in the quiet winter air. I turned around to see a very tall man walking up the path. His hair was brushed over to one side of his face and his bowtie was slightly askew. 
            “Oh, this romance novel is yours?” I asked, holding it up and fully facing him.
            I noticed him do a double take, his face clouding over for a second, before the serene smile returned. “Ha, it’s no romance novel, but yes, it is mine. Well, kind of, I suppose,” said the stranger, reaching out for the book hurriedly. “But I can take it off your hands now.”
            I was startled by his sudden reach and the book fell back into the snow. “Oh, what’s the rush? Perhaps it is a spicy romance novel,” I said, half-joking. The man looked at me again for a long moment, before saying quietly, “No it isn’t,” as he leaned down and picked the book up from the snow. 
            “Thank you very much,” he said, and quickly turned away back up the path.
            As I watched him walk away my brow furrowed. He seemed so familiar to me. Though I didn’t remember ever seeing him before, there was something about him… I couldn’t quite put a finger on it.
            I looked down at [D/N]. She sat patiently, looking at me. “Well, I suppose my imagination can get out of hand sometimes, can’t it?” I said. “Come on, little one, let’s go.”
            As I turned away, back towards my flat, I heard a woman’s voice cry out “Doctor! Where have you been?”
            The Doctor? No, surely not here, not now…
            I whirled around. The man I’d just been speaking to was standing with two others now, a little farther down the path. A woman with red hair and a brown-haired man. The woman was tugging at the book I’d just handed back to him. Perhaps I’d misheard, maybe it was a mistake…
            “Doctor, what’s wrong? It looks like you’ve just seen a ghost,” said the woman.
            No, I hadn’t misheard. The familiarity, the odd comfort – it was the Doctor. Indeed, it wasn’t my Doctor, at least not as knew him, but it was still the Doctor. A rush of emotions hit me. I felt anger, sadness, pain, and hope all at the same time. Had he forgotten me? He didn’t seem to recognize me at all. And he had two new companions? When he’d left me, he swore he’d never take another person with him again – what was this hypocrisy? Was I not good enough?
            I felt my legs begin to move without me. I wanted to sprint to him, to demand answers, to figure out what was going on. Why did he look so different? Why did he act like he didn’t know me – was this another one of his kind? No, he said there were no Time Lords left. My brain was spinning. Four years. Four years. And he chose to show up now. Right as I was starting to feel whole again.
            “Doc –“ I began, but then, as though on cue, a massive gust of wind suddenly stirred up, causing the snow to dance into the sky and obscure my vision. I covered my eyes and quickly grabbed onto [D/N] to ensure she didn’t get lost in the gust. 
            The snow settled and there was no sign of the three figures. Still holding [D/N], I ran over to where they had been, hoping against hope I’d see one of them or the Tardis hidden amongst the bushes. Nothing. I blinked back tears, feeling an overwhelming sense of sadness and heaviness descend on my chest. I’d always wanted to see the Doctor again, but this felt wrong. He had new companions. He didn’t acknowledge me. He even looked completely different. The bubbling of emotions in my chest suddenly ripped through and I wailed in anguish. This feeling felt as fresh as the day he left me.
I'm writing a song
Said, "This is the last one"
How many last songs are left?
I'm losing count
            I was shaking with fear. The Doctor stood in front of me, his arms spread to protect me. I could see his body quivering just a bit, but his voice held steady as he tried to reason with the Daleks in front of us. 
            “You don’t want to do this,” he said. “She is innocent – “
            “Exterminate.” Said the robotic voices, ignoring him. 
            “D-Doctor please, you need to g-go and save the others,” I whispered. “I can’t move and there are others who need you right now – please.”
            “Don’t speak, [Y/N],” he commanded. I could hear the fire in his voice. “I will protect you.”
            The Daleks had their blasters pointed at us, slowly closing in. I felt sick. This was all my fault. I had accompanied the Doctor on this mission to rescue some space travelers who had been captured by the Daleks. The Doctor tried to make me stay in the Tardis, but I insisted. Instead, all I’d done was gotten hurt and now the Doctor couldn’t continue with the rescue mission. I tried to stand but hissed in pain. A large gash on my leg prevented me from being able to move comfortably.
            “Don’t move, [Y/N], I don’t need you to be more hurt than you already are,” said the Doctor, his voice stern. Almost angry, I thought.
            I looked around wildly, wondering if somehow, I could help distract these beasts. We were pressed up against a wall, cornered. I felt the wall behind me. It was smooth metal. Hardly anything – wait! My hand hit a large bolt. It felt loose. I carefully began to untwist it, hoping to not draw attention to myself as the Doctor continued to speak to the Daleks. 
            Buy me a few more seconds, Doctor, I thought.
            Bingo! The bolt came off in my hand. Summoning all my courage and strength, I chucked it hard at the Dalek closest to me. It hit the dome of the robotic and it short-circuited. The other Daleks were momentarily distracted, so I grabbed the Doctor’s hand and pushed myself to move as quickly as I could despite the searing pain in my leg.
            “[Y/N]!” the Doctor yelped, surprised. “You’re brilliant.” 
            “I try to be,” I panted, concentrating on not falling as we made our escape. The Doctor grabbed me by the waist and half-dragged, half-carried me through the Dalek ship. 
            “Listen to me, [Y/N], I am going to get you back to the Tardis. Do you understand?” he said as we made our way back to the Time Lord’s ship. I nodded, weakly. On a normal day I’d protest, but with my leg and the mess I’d already caused, I accepted his judgement quickly.
            We made it back to the Tardis in one piece. The Doctor quickly got me inside and sat me down against a wall. He then typed something into the ship’s main interface.
            “Protective force field,” he said, without looking up.
            After he was done, he quickly came over to me. He gently grabbed my chin, raising my eyes to meet his. “Listen to me, [Y/N],” he began, his voice the most serious I’d ever heard. “You need to stay here, you need to stay safe, and you will not leave the Tardis. Do you understand me?”             I nodded; eyes wide. The Doctor was rarely this serious. 
            And with that, he left me there. The Tardis hummed nervously, and I did my best to patch my leg up as best I could. I hated sitting around while he was in danger, but I knew in this case I’d be nothing more than in the way. 
            It felt like ages, sitting in an empty Tardis, anxiously hoping the Doctor was going to come back to me in one piece. My mind started to race. What if the Doctor came back injured? I’d never treated him for any wounds before – would I know how to? What if…he didn’t come back? I’d only operated the Tardis a handful of times and wasn’t sure if I’d be able to escape. I pushed that dark thought out of my mind. He was the Doctor! Of course, he’d come back. 
            I jumped as the Tardis doors swung open and the Doctor plus four spacemen came tumbling inside. The Doctor was furiously scrambling to the controls, shouting commands, and telling everyone to hold on. The chaos outside the Tardis swiftly disappeared as the ship started to whirl and we were off.
            The breath I didn’t realize I’d been holding was let out. The four spacemen huddled together, looking forlorn. I remembered the Doctor saying there had been eight. 
            “[Y/N], are you ok?” the Doctor was by my side, arm wrapped around my shoulders. “I’m so sorry you got hurt like this and I had to leave you. So sorry.”
            He looked at my leg, which was still seeping blood from under the bandage I hastily wrapped around it. I smiled wryly at him. “Just a scratch.”
            He shook his head and did not smile. I saw him gently touch my leg, though at this point the adrenaline that had been coursing through my veins was beginning to wane. The Tardis was getting darker and I felt my head start to fall to the side,
            “[Y/N]? Hey! Stay awake, [Y/N]! Stay with me. Please, stay with me!”
            I could hear the Doctor’s panicked voice but could not muster the strength to open my eyes again. I fell into a cloud of darkness, the world fading away.
            I woke with a start. Disoriented, I looked around the room I was in, vision blurry. My mouth felt so dry, and my head was pounding. 
            “[Y/N]? [Y/N]! You’re awake, good god, you’re awake,” the Doctor’s voice burst through the haziness and once again he was by my side. “Sit up slowly now, you’ve been asleep for a while.”
            “Sleep? What?” I mumbled, still trying to get my bearings. “Where am I? What’s going on?”
            “We’re in the Tardis,” he said. “Your body has been recovering from that wound on your leg.”
            I blinked a couple of times to get the Doctor into focus. His eyes were lined with worry and his hair was more tousled than usual. He looked haggard.
            “You look terrible,” I murmured. The Doctor shook his head, giving me a weak smile as he handed me a glass of water.
            “Happy to see you too,” he said quietly. 
            As I drank the water, the Doctor studied me intensely. His gaze burned my skin and I shifted uncomfortably under this scrutiny.
            “Doctor?” I began with uncertainty. “What’s wrong?” 
            The Doctor looked away, running a hand through his hair. He seemed to be steeling his nerves. Was he going to berate me for how I caused a massive problem on the Dalek ship? 
            Suddenly he snapped his head back to me and smiled widely. “Nothing, nothing at all, [Y/N]. Just glad you’re feeling better. Your leg wound should be all healed up after I cleaned and treated it. Since we’re parked near your flat, I figured you could get some rest in your own room once you finish your water.”
            Confused, I stared at him. Just moments ago he was incredibly somber and now he was acting as though nothing was wrong. I continued to sip my water, brow furrowed as I studied the Doctor. There was something up with him, but I decided not to press it for now.
            About a half hour later, the Doctor asked me if I could stand. I did so, carefully, noticing that my leg didn’t pain me any longer, but I still favored it. I was definitely sore.
            “So, how does the leg feel?” asked the Doctor. “Up to take a little walk?”
            I groaned as I stretched. “Fine, a little walk. After I get some things from my flat I want you to take me to the nicest alien spa there is in the universe.”
            The Doctor made a noncommittal noise and simply turned his back to me. “Come on, [Y/N], let’s go.”
            He guided me out of the Tardis. We walked a short way to the entrance of my flat. The Doctor got us in using his sonic screwdriver as I’d left my keys in the kitchen. As we entered the flat, I could tell there was some energy in the air that I could not quite put my finger on. There was something the Doctor wasn’t telling me. 
            “Doctor,” I said, suddenly turning around and staring at him straight in the eye. “What are we doing? What’s going on?”
            The Doctor avoided my gaze. “Can we please sit down in the living room to talk, [Y/N]?” 
            I frowned but obliged. As we sat down together, his hand resting gently on my knee, the Doctor looked me straight in the eyes and said, “[Y/N] you need to stay here now. This last trip I almost lost you, and I can’t lose another person.”
            The words seemed to echo in the empty flat, bouncing off the walls and assaulting my ears. 
            “Sorry, did you say stay here? As in, you’ll leave and not come back for me?” I asked, trying to understand what he was telling me. 
            The Doctor looked down. I felt his hand squeeze my knee slightly.
            “Yes. I promised myself that if one of my companions ever got hurt, or was close to getting terribly injured, I would never, ever, lead them to danger again,” he said. “And you, [Y/N], are the most important person in my life. Seeing you almost – seeing you pass out in my eyes I just – “
            The Doctor’s voice hitched. Instinctively, you reached out to comfort him, but he stopped your hand, gently lowering it back down away from him. “I refuse to be the reason you get hurt. I do not deserve to have a companion. You will be my last, [Y/N]. I hope you know how special you are to me”
            “N-no, don’t say this. You haven’t even asked me if this is what I want,” I choked out, tears welling in my eyes. “When we first met you said that we’d go everywhere together. You can’t just throw me away like trash.”
            The Doctor shook his head vehemently. “You are a treasure, [Y/N]. A treasure worth protecting. A treasure worth keeping far away to protect.”
            “Doctor no, I’m not delicate, I can help you – “
            The Doctor stood up suddenly. He didn’t look at me in the eyes as he said, “Goodbye, [Y/N]. Please stay safe. And don’t wait for me.”
            I grabbed for his hand, but he brushed it aside as he marched out toward the door of my flat. 
            “Stop! Doctor! DOCTOR!” I shouted, going after him. He paused for a moment in the entrance of my flat, and I hoped against hope he would stop. He turned to face me, a pained expression on his face. His mouth formed the words:
            “I love you.”
And he was gone.
Since June twenty-second
My heart's been on fire
I've been spending my nights in the rain-
Tryna put it out
            “Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday, dear [Y/N], happy birthday to you!”
            I smiled, surrounded by my friends and family as they sang to me. My birthday hat sat askew atop my head and a modest cake sat in front of me, the birthday candles glowing. 
            “Go on, blow them out and make a wish,” said my mum. 
            I thought for a moment, then blew out the candles. Ten years older. How time flies.
            “Well are you going to tell us what you wished for?” one of my friends asked, grinning. 
            Chuckling, I said what I repeated every year, “But then it wouldn’t be a real wish, would it?” My wish was silly – childish even, but I wished to see the Doctor one more time every year. At this point, it was a tradition I had to keep. The only soul who knew was [D/N] because she never judged.
            My friends and family shared the evening together, laughing, joking, and enjoying each other’s company. I endured the usual teasing of ‘when are you going to get a man? You can’t just work forever!’ and my mum and dad joking (with a hint of truth) about how [D/N] would be their only grand-pup. I was used to it by now and it didn’t bother me anymore. Yes, I threw myself into my career. It paid off as I was doing quite well for myself. Unfortunately, my job didn’t really give me a lot of time for dates, but I did try. It just seemed I was very unlucky in the dating scene. Nothing ever worked out. They all simply didn’t fill a void that seemed to constantly be in my heart.
            “You know, [Y/N], I have a new coworker who is super cute. I bet you guys would get along,” said one of my friends, whipping out her phone and showing me a picture. “Look he’s just your type!”
            I laughed. “Oh come on, you know I don’t have time right now! Besides, [D/N] and I are doing just fine, the two of us. She’s my best partner!”
            As the party started to wind down and people began to leave, I gave let everyone give one last pat to [D/N] on their way out. Her little tail still wagged furiously, though not as energetically when she was a pup. The grey around her muzzle was beginning to show more prominently, and I made sure to give her extra attention on days like today.
            “Hey girl, don’t think I forgot about your birthday treat,” I said once we were alone. I went the pantry and pulled out a little cake-shaped dog treat. [D/N] snagged it happily and curled up in dog bed, happy to gnaw on the treat. 
            I smiled. 
            “I’ll be right back,” I said to her. “Enjoy!”
            After tossing a few more things in my trash can, I tied up the full trash bag and I headed out of my flat. It was quiet outside. Peaceful. The summer bugs sang an evening song as I walked towards the trash receptacles in back of the complex. Street lamps illuminated my path. A man passed by me, his face obscured by the darkness.
            “Good evening,” said the man. 
            “Evening,” I said back, without much thought. 
            “Headed anywhere special?” he asked.
            Annoyed, I responded, “Yes, the trash. Isn’t that obvious from the trash bag in my hand?”
            The man laughed. “You never change, [Y/N].”
            “Sorry, do I know y –”
            My breath caught in my throat and the trash bag dropped from my hands. The man stood under a street light, revealing his face to me. 
            “Doctor!” I exclaimed. I wanted to run to him, but I felt cemented to the spot. I was shocked. It was my Doctor, not the version I’d seen so many years ago. He looked almost identical to what I remembered, except that he was sporting a different color suit and looked a touch older.
            “I – you, what are you doing here?” I fumbled over my words, not knowing what to say or how to feel. 
            “I need you, [Y/N]. One last adventure for us to share,” he said. “I’ll understand if you say ‘no’, of course, but I –”
            I didn’t let the Doctor finish. I sprinted to him and wrapped my arms tightly around him. His familiar scent and warm embrace filling the empty space in my heart. 
            I heard him laugh, the wonderful sound giving me life. “I’ll take this as a yes.”
The familiar sound of the Tardis filled my ears and the Doctor, my Doctor, pulled me to his side once again.
So I'm snapping one, two
Where are you?
You're still in my heart
657 notes · View notes
captain-n-crunchies · 6 months
Pretty girl
Tsubaki x Black Reader ( we a girly girl now!)
F/c= Favorite Color
f/ch= favorite character
s/s= shoe size
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" She's a lovely girl, I wish she would see it though."
' Tsubaki, she honestly the prettiest girl I've ever seen! I mean look at how stunning she is! She has pretty hair, cute outfits, and she has the patience of God she's like Anna Hathway! But she never sees it...'
I think this as I boredly stare at the board, Steins trying to dissect some bird again and Maka trying to stop him? I dunno I just twirl my hair and daydream when Patty taps my shoulder.
" Hm? Oh, hey patty girl" I smiled at her.
"Hiiii! Me and Liz, Tsubaki, and Maka was thinking of going to the shops after classes today and I want YOU to come!" She's like honestly like a mind reader or somethings because, I was going to go to like the thrift or the shoe store because I literally have nothing to wear!
" Omg! I legit love you, I'll go! When we leaving" I open my phone and try to set alarm because Death knows I can't keep up with the time when I'm going somewhere. Patty sends me the time and where to me and we talk about random things like does Lord Death know how to do cartwheels, can aliens turn into objects, do animals try to put on clothes? Ok Soul looked at us weird when he heard me say I thought animal testing was animals rating products...
*After Classes, around 2:45 and We in our room in a choas*
I scream into my pillows, like nothings ever goes right!? I have a denim skirt that I thrifted, and I wanted to pair that with this white halter top but, it dirty and I can't wear it again because I stupidly spilled like red sauce on it! Which is confusing because it's not ketchup so what is it? I dunno so, I try a pink long sleeve but nooo its hotter than ever and I have nothing else to pair it with!
As I flip through the piles and piles of clothes I get a knock on my door, my meister/weapon is out for a family trip, so I answered and there goes pretty girl.
" Hey reader! wanted to come over before our hangout to see you."
Tsubaki tender smile graced her lips, and I smiled back subconsciously. I let her in and I sigh sadly.
" Tsubaki help me pleaseeee, which shirt pink halter with dark denim or yellow thank top and light blue jeans?" I switch the shirts put and down so she can see, and she takes a moment to pick.
" Pink top, it matches the jewelry you have"
" You're a genius!" I squeal and run to change clothes, thank Death I had just my locs in two ponytails (or whatever style you wanna wear). A spritz of perfume or 50 spritz and a twirl in the mirror and I walk out with a strut.
" I look fabulous, I look like coquette icon who Lana Del Ray? I see only Reader Del Slay!" I cockily strut around the room while Tsubaki chuckles and acts like a fan girl.
" Omg! Its reader!? Omg sign my shirt!" We both giggle at that and I grab my keys and we walk out my dorm, its 10 minutes before we supposed to meet up Patty and them so we just walk around campus talking about what we've been up too.
" So, your saying BlackStar had to go to the school nurse because he...fell off a building trying what now?"
" It's honestly still confusing to me" Tsubaki sighs pitifully, and I giggle at that. We walk to the entrance of the DWMA and we see Patty, Liz, and Maka waving at us. We walked down and we headed to our first store; 'Deathly Good Looks' it's like a thrift store but, no granny clothes a lot of vintage items and a bunch of items from the late 80's to mid 2000's. We walk around trying on sunglasses, hats, and purses and I move onto the back of the store looking for anything pink or f/c and fav/ch, as I looked around, I see Tsubaki looking at this dress with wonder..
" Ouu! Thats so pretty, your gonna try it on?"
" Hm, you think I should? I don't know if it'll be as cute on me"
I don't know but when she said that I almost tackled her, WHAT DOES SHE MEAN!? She could pull off a garbage bag and I'll want to wear it!
" What do you mean!? You'll look like a 90's baddie with this! especially if you wear some brown sandals, shades, and have a cute hair style you'll look better than the girl who first owned it!"
Tsubaki blushes at that and I wished I paid more attention to that though; I push her towards the dressing room and tell her to try it on; she takes a few minutes and when she comes out, I couldn't help myself.
I didn't even to say it! But the dress said her body was teaaa and the way she just walked out like she ain't all of us up?? Who does she think is?
" So, it is pretty? I like it" She asks looking in the mirror.
" I'll bite you" I say intense, and she laughed, the girls came over and complemented the dress on her and she changed back; we paid for our items and headed to the shoe store, since the kishin was released we've all had no late-night curfews unless you had a mission or a kishin was around, so we headed to the shoe store quick.
At the store I think I was in heaven honestly from platforms, pumps, flats this store would be bankrupt without me like I'm single handily an unofficial official owner! We look around and I show Maka some sandals that would match this dress she wore to the death anniversary, I saw some Bebe slippers and I went to see what size they we're a perfect s/s! I put them in a mini basket they have and look for more shoes today wasn't that good a lot of sneakers which I should've got if the sandals weren't telling me to buy them! Liz and Patty had like 50 carts of shoes and Tsubaki had a few items, we paid for those items after telling the twins when are they going to wear 'stripper heels'? And we headed to a nice diner close to the school.
We ordered our food I got a tiny burger and fries (if tiny means a sonic burger with a side of large fries and a triple Oreo fudge milkshake then yea girl...tiny) and we sat down and talked and gossiped about the boys, what drama was around, and stuff we've been doing. As we talked and ate, I kept staring at Tsubaki...omg that's sounds so creepy I gotta fid away with words, or is it thoughts since I'm not speaking? I don't know point still stands! But she's so pretty it's hard not too! She caught me a few times and blushed this time I saw and it's so cute I wanna bite her but, that'll be weird.
When we were done, we headed back to the dorms and said our byes, me and Tsubaki headed to her dorm since we were only one level down.
" Hey.. so, a saw you staring at me at the diner, I just wanted to see if you was ok?" ...' I'm not a spy, I'm not smooth, how could she see me I thought my side-eye was perfect! Omg she probably thinks I'm creepy and is gonna hate me!' The thoughts ran quick through my head as I awkwardly smiled and chuckled.
"Oh that! oh it was um..."
" Was what you said at the shop earlier true? Am I pretty?"
I was confused until I thought back to my she's so pretty rant...If I said it out loud then she heard which means she think I like her and I do and she's like me back now we-
" Your speaking out loud again reader"
oH...That's amazing thank youu!
" Oh..act like you've never heard that I'm sorry if it made you uncomfortable! bUT-"
" I like you too reader...a lot actually
" You saying i'm bad? Ok girl thank you!" I say now giggling and twirling my hair, see I knew I gotta all the girls like I'm Nick Cannon with this!
Tsubaki goes on to tell me she didn't think she was as pretty as I made her to but, it broke my poor heart because she so gorgues!
" Tsubaki girl, I can't lie good, nor I can't say if someone is ugly or beautiful because I have my flaws but you! Your like so pretty it hurts! I look at you and your aura and the way you act entranced me, the way you care for your friends all the time you're so tender it makes me blush anytime you have a concern over me! If you don't feel beautiful then I don't know what I am!"
Tsubaki stares at e during my rant with wide eyes and when I was done a tear fell down as she hugged me tight..
" Thank you..Thank you so thinking that reader..."
I hold her and tell it it's all true, we walk to her dorm and she stops.
' So, are we a thing now? It's fine if-"
" So we married now?" we said at the same time, we both laughed at that.
" So..we girlfriends?
" Yea! I guess so!" I said all giggly now, Tsubaki smiled at me and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek as a bye.
" Bye Sweets see you in class"
" Bye bye Prety girl!" I said walking away with a wave.
Pretty girl, My pretty girl
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A.N: (I finished! OMG THIS THE CUTEST THING I'VE EVER THOUGHT OF! Like y'all don't know how Patty and her was my soul eater crushes before anyyyy one! But let me know if you like this and I can write more for her because she so bad!
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reploidbuddy · 6 months
Now that the character designs are back up in Welcome Aboard the Maria and the first 2 chapters of At Hope’s end, here’s part two of the art that was inside the fic B)
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Here is the Emerald art that was scattered across the fic once they found the emerald featured inside it!
While I'm at it though I think I'll explain them a bit further because they are a Concept™. Basically I wanted each crewmate to be "attached" to the Emerald that represented them most or ended up being the Emerald where they have a very important moment/issue happen.
So uuuh I'll put the reasons under a cut since it's highkey spoilers, I just feel like gushing about them fjbdjc
Amy’s gets the first green one because if it wasn’t on her card reading, positive interaction with Megs and her "can we keep him" attitude, they wouldn’t have thought of bringing him along and that would have changed everything I won't lie.
Tails gets the clear one because it's the first that was found with his Emerald Tracker, and it's honestly their best tool throughout the entire story.
Shadow gets the fake/dark/cursed emerald due to his stop-at-nothing attitude towards getting them, which has blinded him more than once, but especially in this case since it's the only time he’s ever brushed off Amy’s readings.
Rouge gets the yellow since while they're hunting for it and Shadow’s bedridden, it’s the first time she realized that getting her share of the treasures left a bittersweet taste in her mouth with the thought she might have to be the captain. Also that she was willing to finish his quest for him.
...I don’t think Knuckles’ needs an explanation considering his entire arc with Silver :p
Sonic gets the dark blue since it’s the one they find in Soleanna and he's the entire reason they're there in the first place, and his willingness to help Elise (while respecting his own boundaries) is what allows them to get the Emerald in the end. Took off his ring finger there metaphorically because he does NOT want to marry, he has all his fingers in the story fjdncn
Blaze gets the light blue because it’s during that time that she has to make a very important decision with her principles vs helping Shadow and it’s generally the Emerald that brought the most turmoil in her
Omega’s red because he makes his very first completely irrational decision and shows he cares a lot through it
And Silver gets the purple because it’s when he truly started to understand what his powers were about after his talk with Knuckles, and it’s thanks to this that they had close calls with Gaia’s Shadow instead of just straight up dying like 5 times (and the turquoise star under him represents what all this allowed him to do with Knuckles during the climax <3 a bright turquoise star) Kinda fun that the first crewmate Shadow and Rouge meets ends up being the last one to have his Big Moment™ that was an accident but a happy one
I kept them all in their og outfits because I didn’t want a "cut" between them but didn't want to spoil the (then undesigned lmao) future outfits
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celestialaviva · 7 months
I'm curious, what relationships headcanons do you have for the Alan Becker characters?
For example, what is the relationship between the Hollow Heads/Color Gang? Or do you have any ships?
Sorry if I'm annoying, I'm just really curious!
You're alright!
To be honest with you, I mostly consume AvA/M content than create my own headcanons ^^;;;
That is to say, I don't think too hard about mine? They just. Float around, and come up whenever I draw something and I just go, "Ah yes. That is them."
I don't ship anyone and mostly see the CG as best friends who live together like a family. Not totally siblings but just. Just found family? It's very hard to describe but here's some duos:
Orange and Green - I see them as creative rivals. Also kinda see them as the responsible ones of the group- even though I actually headcanon Orange to be younger than the four, he just has responsible one vibes lmao. They're said to be close since they're the first to make contact with each other, and I imagine Green was at first responsible (sort of) for Orange for a little while in the beginning until Orange became confident and comfortable enough around the group. I feel Orange interacts with Green the most in the group because of this.
Green and Blue - They hang around each other a lot, and that kinda makes me think that they always did even before meeting Orange. Minus Orange, they seem to be the ones with eyes for detail in the group, so they likely bond over that too sometimes. They look after each other often, checking in on each other. Green's impatience and Blue's pacifism clash sometimes, but they almost always seem to be on board with each other's ideas.
Green and Yellow - They like to one up each other especially in competitions. I feel they annoy each other the most and are spiteful of each other. But, I can see them just having each other's backs anyhow. Chill when chill, unless either one of them disturbs the peace, yknow for fun. They are both mischievous for sure.
Yellow and Blue - I love this duo in canon! Even in the very early episodes, I've always loved that they seem close. Blue often being the emotional one and Yellow often being the one trying to comfort them. I don't know man, I see them as soft towards each other? But not afraid to mess with each other either.
Red and Yellow - Prankster duo. They enable each other's curiosity and terrible ideas. Though, I do think Yellow wouldn't always be on board. It's funny to me Yellow is more cautious while Red just goes straight into situations so Yellow unfortunately has to deal with that.
Red and Blue - I don't see them often together but I always find them so wholesome. They compete over little things, push each other playfully, and awe over cute animals. They're just. They wholesome
CG and Purple - I love the idea of Red and Green being the friendliest towards Purple. I mean, that's true in canon too, with Green especially. Blue and Purple would bond over plants. Yellow and Purple would bond over code, and be competitive with each other as well. With Orange, Im not sure? They're okay with each other I guess?
CG and Mango - Neutral, Im guessing. They're forgiving of a grieving old man/lh but would certainly not forget about the entirety of s3. Now whether or not Mango and Purple live together, I honestly do not know. I do like to think Purple is welcome to stay in Mango's home but they just go elsewhere often, whether to stay in minecraft or do some temporary job.
For the Hollowheads:
Chosen and Dark - They were best friends, and then fell out due to a misunderstanding. I don't really want to believe Dark is truly dead, but Chosen would unfortunately believe that. Angst™. Tbh I actually don't have much for them unless canon tells me more, so this is all I have.
Chosen and Orange - Siblings. I've always liked the idea Orange looks up to Chosen, and I guess Chosen would kinda be uncomfortable with that. And then AvA 6 ep 1 happened, so now Orange knows Chosen is a dork. A very caring older sibling dork. Who kidnapped and endangered him- but still.
I unfortunately have nothing for Victim. (Canon and Fanon)
This is messy, and I apologize profusely
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writersmorgue · 2 months
You know all those time travel fics where little Izuku meets Pro Hero Deku? Last chapter got me feeling some things.. like.. his little self looks up at him, all gleaming eyes and boyish wonder and Pride and Hope, asking if he's a quirkless hero. And what is he supposed to say?? If he just says yes, then will that change his first meeting with All Might? Even if he still meets him the same way and saves Kacchan, will he just decline when offered a quirk?? What will that do to the timeline? Will All For One still be defeated? Will more people die? Even if Mirio can manage it as second place successor, having One For All all but guarantees an early grave for anyone who isn't quirkless.. and what will that mean for him? He only has all the support gear and public support to be a quirkless hero because he HAD a quirk and lost it saving the world, and Kacchan led the efforts to lift him up after.. but if he just says "no, sorry, you need a quirk" what will that change?? What will happen if his hope is killed too early? What will happen if he gets his hopes UP too early? Is it too much to tell him he gets a quirk eventually? Is it too much to tell him he gets it from All Might? Could he tell him more than that? What would his younger self do if he learned he would get a quirk and then lose it?? Is it more heartbreaking if he knows how it ends or if he goes in blind?
He stays silent so long just thinking that little Izuku gets nervous and says nevermind he's sure it's too complicated and dangerous to reveal information about the future and Deku just starts flashing through every traumatic memory he has knowing his little self is gonna go through every one...
my take on this! (read on ao3)
(warning: manga spoilers)
The road Izuku's on looks familiar. Asphalt cracked and faded Izuku remembers the particularly well hidden speed bump that he ate shit on when running late to school one day.
He remembers in his 2nd year at UA when they re-did the entire thing and added a bike lane with fresh white lines.
The kid standing in front of Izuku, with heavy scabs on his legs because after he fell off his bike he didn't stop picking at the wounds for months and ended up with a huge scar-
The kid standing in front of Izuku, with wiley green hair, wide eyes, dark freckles from a childhood spent exploring outside, and a healing split lip.
The kid's bright yellow backpack slides off his limp arm.
"I- What-"
Izuku knows this must look strange. He knows the kid is smart, knows he's figured out by now that they are one and the same. Of course it's hard to accept when this older version of you is much taller, much stronger, somehow even more covered in scars.
His nose is crooked from when Kacchan got a good hit, and Izuku was too embarrassed to go to Recovery Girl. His suit is wrinkled but new, his work shoes feel sharp on his feet. He still hasn't gotten used to wearing them.
His tame green curls, tired eyes, and dull freckles from hours spent in front of a screen.
His bright yellow backpack hangs on his shoulder.
"Hey," He says smiling at the kid.
"Are you- are you me?! I mean-" The kid's eyes are almost bugging out of his skull, "I'm you?"
Izuku nods.
"You're... older. Are you going to work?"
Even though Izuku will concede that he's older than this literal child, he can't help but be slightly offended.
"I'd say about eleven years in your future."
The kid makes an alarmed sound, jerking his chin back subconsciously like he does when he's trying to keep his mumbles in.
"What do you do... for work?"
Izuku considers telling him, but honestly he doesn't know what kind of effects it will have on his life. And he doesn't want to explain how he failed at being a hero, so now he teaches new ones instead.
"Sorry, I probably shouldn't tell you. I don't know how this quirk works." He smiles sheepishly, watching the kid's face fall.
"Oh, right," He scuffs his sneaker on the ground. "I just thought maybe you could give me-" a reason to keep going "-some good news."
Izuku smiles, "I know. Trust me, I have a good life. I'm happy." Sometimes.
"I have friends," That I never see.
"-and I like my job." I'm lucky to have one.
The kid nods, unsatisfied but not willing to push it. "Good, that's good."
This conversation feels more like one he'd have with his estranged cousin than his younger self. Christ.
He can see the words rolling around on the kid's tongue, liable to spill at any moment.
"Can I be a hero without a quirk?"
Izuku pauses, considering his options. If he tells him yes, will it throw off his entire future? All Might had told him no originally, so maybe he should do that, but even though he loved All Might like a father it would be different coming from himself. It would undoubtedly hurt more, knowing that Izuku knew for sure.
But truthfully, Izuku couldn't be a hero without a quirk.
It's not because quirkless people are weak, no Aizawa-sensei kept his underground job even after he lost an eye and a leg. The issue lies in Izuku himself.
As soon as he lost OFA, he knew his dream of being a hero was over.
He didn't have what it took to keep going.
So instead he lives vicariously through his teenage students as the run through the halls. The ones that had to be rebuilt after Izuku's battle with Shigaraki.
Yeah, Izuku was a hero. That's what everyone says.
But now he's not.
The kid is going to start crying if he doesn't answer soon, Izuku can see the tears welling in his eyes, but he doesn't know what to say.
Fuck, he wishes he were anywhere else.
'I' what, what are you going to tell him?-
"I don't know."
I'm sorry.
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x0x0josephinex0x0 · 9 months
moonlight sonata | seonghwa
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starting off the new year with some more ateez stuff bc MAN do i love ateez. <3 summary: after a devastating loss, you find yourself on the doorstep of a vampire, begging him to change you. and he does -- just not in the way you were expecting. (vampire!seonghwa x fem!reader) genres: slow burn, modern fantasy, mild horror that will grow in severity in later parts warnings: vampires, death, blood mentioned, murder mentioned, drinking blood is kind of a thing with vampires so definitely is brought up throughout, some gendered terms i believe, mention of reader being a woman, i think that might be all, please lmk if you find anything else!
One might think, as you did, that a vampire’s house might have at least a fence.
You check your phone, trying to make sure your GPS has guided you to the right house. Honestly, it does look sort of spooky -- a shadowy wrap-around porch supports a towering black structure that juts up through the scraggly branches of trees that haven’t quite recovered from winter’s chill, the windows all black and watery-looking in the bright moonlight. But no fence. And from what you can tell in the darkness, no cameras. 
You shrug and make your way up the walk toward the foreboding, ornate door. You hadn’t meant to arrive in the blackness of night, but years of feeling next-to-nothing mean that even though you know that you’re literally arriving on death’s doorstep, you aren’t scared or even worried. The worst thing that could happen? You get eaten. And the best? He gives you what you want. Honestly, from where you sit, that seems like a win-win.
You reach the door and raise your hand to knock, then pause. It seems odd to knock, but it also seems impolite to just barge in, and even debating about it is absolutely ridiculous given the circumstances. You take a deep breath and then knock, figuring it’s better to start out on the right foot with a monster. 
It takes a few minutes for the door handle to turn, which is disconcerting because you hadn’t heard or seen anything through the pane of glass that makes up half of this Victorian-looking door. But as the door slides open, slowly, you reflexively shine your light into the eyes of the person who appears across the threshold.
As you expected, the light bounces off his eyes, making them reflect in the dark like a cat’s. “Ha!” you shout in triumph, pointing at him. “I found you!”
In one swift move, the man pulls you from his porch into the house. It’s at a speed that isn’t quite fast enough to remind you of what he is, but isn’t slow enough to be human, and as he pushes you into the wall, you suddenly feel your heart beat quicker. “What are you doing here?” he hisses, and in the dark entryway his eyes beaming yellow look even more unsettling. 
But this seems an odd thing to say upon first meeting someone. “Uh…I’m sorry to disturb you,” you begin — and you’re suddenly aware of where his hands rest against your upper arms. 
They’re warm.
This takes you aback. The only thing you can really see in the dark is his eyes, but you find yourself squinting to try and make out his face through the gloom. There was something about his voice, too. Something familiar.
He sighs, reaching over and flicking on a light switch. You blink painfully against the sudden light for a few seconds before turning your attention back to the creature in front of you.
In the yellow light of the overhead bulb, the man between whose arms you are currently trapped is not at all how you expected him to look.
Tall, yes. Pale, yes. Dark hair, hollow cheeks, otherworldly beauty? Check. You weren’t even too unsettled at the animal-like eyes that even in this light are an odd shade of golden-brown that’s closer to yellow than you feel comfortable with, but what’s tripping you up now is his expression. You’d expected a literal vampire to be glaring at you, or glowering, or maybe even smirking. Instead, he looks….confused?
He blinks at you. “How did you find me?” he asks in a smooth, deep voice, his pupils wide and his expression bewildered. 
“Um, my family were in the monster-hunting business,” you explain, and suddenly you’re a little nervous as his eyes move up and down your body. 
“I see,” he murmurs. “Well, welcome. My name is Seonghwa. Please do join me in my study.”
“Seonghwa,” you say quietly to yourself as he moves away, gliding up the stairs. You follow him in trepidation, taking in the old oak staircase as it shines in the dim light.
He sweeps behind a big desk at a room on the top of the stairs, flicking on the lamp behind him as he does. With the light behind him, his eyes don’t glow as much, and even though you know what he is, you can almost trick yourself into believing that he’s normal. 
His lips quirk into a half-smile as he watches you, lingering at the grand doorframe. “Please have a seat,” he says, gesturing at the chair across from his own.
So you enter the room, sitting slowly in the comfortable wing-backed chair and looking into Seonghwa’s expectant face. After awhile with no speaking, he laughs -- a charming sound that belies the tension in the room. “Are you going to tell me why you’re here?”
You take a deep breath. “I want you to turn me into a vampire.”
His smile hardens just a tad — almost as though he expected your answer. “And why should I?” he asks. “Or rather, why shouldn’t I just drink you dry?”
You sigh. “Would you believe that I just wanna live forever?”
He gives you a wry chuckle. “No,” he says.
“Dang. I was really hoping that would work.” You shift uncomfortably in your seat. “The real answer is a long story.”
“Well, it’s a story you’ll have to tell me if you want to avoid becoming my next meal,” Seonghwa says lightly.
“Fine,” you agree. “I told you that my family was in the monster-slaying business.”
“Yes,” he says. “Should I be worried?”
“I’m no threat to you,” you say tiredly. “Anyway, my mother recently learned that the organization we worked for had used us to neutralize ‘threats’. We thought that meant monsters — both the human sort and the non-human sort. But then we learned the truth.” You can’t help the bitterness that laces your tone like a poison. 
“How?” Seonghwa is expressionless, but those dark eyes are soft.
“When we killed a whole family in cold blood because they told us they were a cult of werewolves who ate children. We killed all of them, even the kids.” You shake your head, still remembering the smell of blood and slaughter. “When you kill a werewolf, their blood is thicker and a bit more yellow than human blood. We knew immediately we’d done something terrible.
“My mother confronted them about the problem, and was met with denial after denial. So she did her own investigating. And the dam broke. She exposed them. Centuries of corruption, maltreatment, extortion, and murder that would make the mafia look like a Boy Scout troop. And so they killed her. Killed my whole family. And only I escaped.”
“So why do you want to be a vampire?” Seonghwa repeats. 
“Because I want to make them pay,” you answer, your voice soft and deadly. “There was some prophecy…ages ago, it seems. A vampire was meant to be their downfall. It’s why they hunted vampires almost to extinction. You have no idea what I had to do to find you.”
His grin twists a bit, hinting at some internal joke with himself. “You’d be surprised at what I know.” He leans forward, resting his hands on the desk. “So. You want to become a vampire for vengeance.”
You blush. This anger -- this hatred -- that you feel is unlike you, but the pain is much too difficult to bear without the burn of it to protect you. Still, you’re a bit ashamed at how disparate your former self is with your current one. You have often wondered if your compassion might not have died with your family, leaving you completely devoid of human emotion. It’s part of the reason you want to become a monster. It feels fitting, somehow. Almost as though this is the debt you must pay for your rage.
Seonghwa ignores your shame as he stares intently at your face. “I propose a compromise,” he finally says. “If you stay with me for a year, and you still wish to become a vampire, and I haven’t eaten you yet, I will change you.”
A year! A part of you wants to protest, desperate not to wait -- but a stronger, more stoic part of you realizes what this means. He will change you in a year. (As long as he doesn’t eat you first.)
But you’re confused, too. For what reason would he want to keep you near? “Why bother keeping me around if you’re eventually going to eat me?”
“Hm,” Seonghwa says, grinning to himself. “Would you believe it if I said that I got lonely?”
“No,” you shoot back, giving a reluctant smile as you echo his words from earlier.
“What if it’s true?” he challenges.
You level him with a look, studying his face, which is earnest and almost kind in the dim light.
He is either an incredible actor, or he isn’t lying. Either way, it seems the only explanation he’s willing to give right now. So you let out a puff of air. “It’s a deal.” And the two of you shake hands, sealing the promise.
“Did you bring anything with you?” Seonghwa asks, standing up. 
“Only myself,” you reply. “I wasn’t sure if I’d survive. Thought it might be silly to haul around a suitcase only to get eaten.”
He scoffs. “Well, those clothes look ragged. I mean, I know you’ve probably had a tough time of it, but let’s find you some new ones.”
You raise an eyebrow. “Do you want me to borrow your clothes?” you say doubtfully.
“I wear plenty of womens’ clothing,” he says, “but I doubt anything I have would fit you. Your room should have suitable clothing. For guests, I mean.”
You follow him down the hall into a beautiful bedroom with a white four-poster hung with shimmering silver curtains. The moonlight through the big, flower-shaped window makes them look like your bed is cased in pixie dust. You stare around, taking in the high, domed ceiling, the soft white comforter on the bed, the door across the room that opens up to a bathroom and walk-in closet, and turn to Seonghwa in shock. “This is…”
“Do you like it?” he asks. And to your bewilderment, he seems almost…anxious. Like he’s worried about you being disappointed.
“I don’t know if I’ve ever been in a more beautiful room,” you reassure him, shaking your head at this ridiculousness -- because who can deny the irony of a monster-hunter soothing the worries of a vampire? “This is very generous for someone who might be your dinner in a few days’ time,” you point out.
The smile broadens. “I’m a gentleman. I would hope I had the decency to make sure your last days are spent comfortably.” With a small bow, Seonghwa excuses himself, allowing you to make yourself at home.
You expect to feel uneasy. You’re in a vampire’s house, for heaven’s sake. But maybe you’re too tired, or maybe you’ve finally lost all sense of self-preservation, but this place feels strangely familiar -- comforting, even. So you do what makes sense. You strip down to your underwear, discarding your dirty, ragged clothes in a heap on the floor, and tuck yourself into the sheets, falling asleep almost immediately.
“How did he do this?” you murmur to yourself, letting your hands travel over the many items of clothing in your closet. 
Because it’s eerie how the wide walk-in closet is nearly full of clothing items perfectly suited to your taste, that fit you like a glove. You’d thought it odd when you were looking through a drawer in your bedroom armoire and found a soft pink pair of sweatpants in just your size, only to discover upon further inspection that the entire drawer was full of luxurious pajamas and loungewear that you’d have killed to own as a child. A part of you wonders if he did this while you were asleep -- or if he can see the future and knew you were coming. Either option sends a chill down your spine.
It gets weirder when you finally tear yourself away from the closet and go down the stairs. There, Seonghwa stands on alert, his eyes already carefully watching your descent, his hand wrapped around the handle of a pan that is sizzling with some kind of oil. “You’re awake,” he says simply.
“Yes,” you agree, playing with the hem of your shirt. 
“How did you sleep?” he asks, turning back toward the stove and pouring some kind of batter into the pan.
“Are you...making crepes, by any chance?” you ask, ignoring his question, as you see the spread of raspberry compote, thick whipped cream, and the creamy almond vanilla spread your mother used to reserve for your birthday, set out in pretty white-and-blue floral bowls. Your favorite crepe toppings, in the prettiest dishes you’ve ever seen. Coincidentally.
“Oh,” he says, his back stiffening. “Uh, yes. I am.”
You cross your arms over your chest. “Wanna explain how all the clothes in your guest room are my size, and I wake up to you making me my favorite crepes?”
He doesn’t turn around, but he does give a low chuckle. “Well, vampires have magic beyond your current understanding, don’t we?” he says.
“That’s a bit of a BS answer,” you say, “but you’ve been surprisingly lovely, so I’ll let it slide.”
Now he does turn around, his eyes wide. “You think so?” he says, that same anxious tone from the night before in his voice. 
You narrow your eyes at him. “You really eat people?” you ask dubiously.
He shakes his head. “Common misconception.”
“I’ve been wondering about that,” you say, coming to sit at the long black table. “I know a lot about monsters. But not vampires. We were forbidden to study them.”
“So you have questions?” he asks, flipping the crepe in the pan with an expert flick of the wrist.
“Of course,” you say. “Fangs?”
“What about them?”
“Do you have them?”
He gives a big, fake smile, pointing at his canines, which lengthen as you watch. “Retractable,” he says.
“Sunlight?” you ask.
“Myth. Although I do burn easier, and my eyes are more sensitive, so I have to take sunlight in doses.”
“Do you sleep?”
He sighs. “Myth. Every animal sleeps.”
You hesitate before your next question. “Are you...undead?”
He flips the crepe onto a plate full of them, bringing it over to you so you can make up your own. After a minute, he says, “Well, I suppose one could look at it that way.”
“How do you look at it?” you ask.
“I think humanity is more like a larval stage for vampires,” he explains. “The process of changing from a human being to a vampire does require that your heart stops beating, so I believe that technically, medically, you might be considered dead. But, if the process works correctly, it starts back up again, and it’s changed into something new and powerful. I don’t know if it’s all that different from a caterpillar entering a chrysalis and becoming nothing but mush, only to emerge as a butterfly.”
You nod slowly. “I guess that makes sense.”
He looks at you -- at your furrowed brows and tired eyes -- before he asks, “does it worry you? Becoming a vampire, I mean.”
You fiddle with one of your hangnails and avoid his gaze. “I don’t know what there might be to be nervous about. It sounds like I either become a vampire, or I die. I’ve got nothing to lose anymore, so those are pretty much the two best options I have at the moment.”
“I see,” Seonghwa says after awhile.
“So,” you say, determined to carry the conversation away from your sadness. “Uh, does human food taste like dirt to you?”
“Would human food taste like dirt to a bat?” he counters.
“You’re like a bat?” you say, unable to stop a small smile from spreading slowly across your face.
He sniffs. “Vampires are just like people, but weirder. I usually liken us to a person with catlike reflexes and superhuman speed. And,” he continues, coming to sit in the chair beside you, “I quite like human food. The vampire diet is a bit complex, but I can eat anything you can. I just need human blood to survive.”
“How do you get it?” you ask him before you can stop yourself. “Uh, you don’t have to answer that.”
“I’d prefer not to,” he says, avoiding your gaze and adding more batter to the pan for another crepe.
Your heart sinks. As nice as Seonghwa has been, he is still a monster. He is still dangerous. To distract yourself from this rather irrational bout of disappointment, you ask another question. “Can I ask...how old are you?”
“I’m young in terms of other vampires,” he answers right away, seemingly grateful for this change in subject. “I was changed in 1816.”
“So how old were you when you were changed?”
“I was twenty-four,” he replies, sliding the newly made crepe onto the stack.
“So that would make you...”
“231,” he replies. “Actually, my birthday is in a couple of weeks.”
“Happy almost-232nd birthday?” you faltered, and Seonghwa chuckles.
“Do you know any other vampires?” you ask. When he shoots you a suspicious look, you giggle. “I won’t go hunting them down, I promise.”
He nods, apparently appeased. “I have a few vampire friends. I only see one of them very regularly.”
“How often?”
“Once every couple of years,” he says in an offhand tone. “Enough questions. It’s time for breakfast,” he declares, bringing the stack of crepes to you.
This information gives you pause. Years must feel so short to someone who has seen so many of them, you reason. As you serve yourself crepes, you bite your lip to keep the thousands of other questions from spilling out of you, hoping that in the coming days, Seonghwa might open up just a bit more.
“You’re supposed to spend time with me,” a deep voice says from the doorway, making you shriek and drop your book onto the floor. It lands with a heavy thud onto the dark wood slats, and you clutch at your chest where your heart is beating far too fast and shoot a reproachful look at Seonghwa, who is standing there on the threshold of the library, watching you with his strange and unsettling eyes.
“You’re startled,” Seonghwa realizes, his eyes wide, looking a little repentant. “I apologize.”
“A little warning might be nice next time,” you admonish him, sliding off the soft white chaise to pick up the book.
“Edgar Allen Poe?” Seonghwa observes, gesturing at the book. 
You shrug. “I’m living in a vampire’s house. Maybe I’m just in a spooky mood.”
The two of you stare at each other wordlessly for a few seconds before you realize Seonghwa is looking at you expectantly. “Did you -- did you need something?” you stutter.
“Yes,” he states. “I need your company. You’ve been holed up in the library for hours.”
He’s right -- you have. You can’t remember the last time you were free to just read without interruption, and the indulgence was a welcome distraction from the blackness of your thoughts. You realize that you’ve let time slip away from you. “I’m sorry,” you apologize bemusedly, realizing that he might have been telling the truth about being lonely after all. “What would you like to do?”
He perks up instantly. “Would you like to see the garden?”
Twenty minutes later, you’re outside, and Seonghwa is showing you through a still-scraggly hedge maze to what he promises is “the best part of this whole house.” 
“You’re going to love it,” he says, his eyes brimming with excitement under his thick black sunhat. “It’s just starting to bloom, but as it gets warmer, we can tend to it together.” His voice dips in volume toward the end of his phrase, and he ducks his head shyly as you round a corner into what is probably the most spectacular garden you’ve ever seen. 
He’s right -- most of the plants are still green shoots that have newly sprung from the earth. But there are a few crocuses in bloom right at the entrance of the garden, spread between other less-mature plants, and just the sight of them seems to melt a fraction of your icy heart. The rest of the garden is a sweeping array of soil and ivy hanging from stone archways, dotted here and there with a fountain or a statue. You barely realize you’re tearing up until you feel one spill over, hot against your cheek in the cool spring air, and hurry to wipe it away, only to feel a soft finger brush it from your cheekbone before you can.
Seonghwa stares at his hand, looking horrified, before pulling it into his chest in a jerky movement and turning from you to walk down a small path through the flowers. “The rosebushes,” he says, pointing feebly at the thin shrubs backing a small statue of an angel with her wings outspread. “And those are --”
“Daffodils,” you finish, kneeling to inspect the yellow buds with their distinctive, grassy leaves. It looks as though it might bloom in the next few days, but that isn’t what makes you stop here. Something about this place is submerging you in the strongest sensation of deja-vu you’ve ever had, triggered by the sight of the daffodils.
“They’re my favorite,” Seonghwa says quietly, watching you closely. “They always bloom close to my birthday, and as a child it felt like they were for me.”
You look up at him and smile. “Maybe they are.”
He smiles back. “Maybe.”
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and-claudia · 2 years
His Heir pt 18 (Darth Maul x pregnant reader)
Taglist sign-up (there have been some issues with people not fully reading the requirements for being on the taglist, so, please, read everything thoroughly)
Warnings: None I don't think, except our BESTIE Qi'ra!!!! XD
Important info: I didn't really know how best to describe the dress that Yn wears in this one in the context of the story but basically it's like the one Padme wears that looks like the sunset, but instead of yellow, and pink, and purple, it's mainly burgundy and fades into a dark grey at the very bottom. I hope that makes sense.
Word count: 2662
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I was woken up by the chrono on Maul’s bedside table. While it wasn’t my favorite way to wake up, it definitely beats being woken up by morning sickness. As the grogginess from sleep went away I became very aware that not only was I naked, I was naked and so was Maul, and my head was resting on his chest. He shifted under me and I slowly sat up, holding the plush comforter to my chest to keep myself covered. Maul sat up beside me. 
“Good morning darling.” He said, voice still raspy from sleep. 
“Good morning…” I didn’t quite meet his eyes as I turned to him. 
“Don’t tell me your all sheepish on me again.” He teased gently. 
“No, I’m just very aware of the fact that I am naked in your bed, and so are you.” I said with a nervous laugh. 
Maul let out his own small laugh, before patting my thigh over the comforter, “It’s not anything we haven’t seen before, my dear.” 
I laughed at his comment. He was right, we had seen each other naked multiple times before. I couldn’t help that it still made me nervous. 
“Are you ready for today?” He asked gently. 
I nodded, “Yeah, I do feel like I’m going to puke and I honestly don’t know if it's just nerves or if it's morning sickness.” 
We both laughed, “Well, how about I go make us some breakfast before we have to get ready and we’ll figure out real fast if it’s morning sickness.” He suggested. 
“Sounds good to me.” I smiled at him. 
He then leaned over to grab his robe off of the ground and slipped it on over his arms before standing up to tie it. 
“Would you mind grabbing mine for me?” I asked, batting my eyelashes at him. 
“I guess.” He huffed, though I knew it was all for show. 
I watched as he walked around to the other side of the bed and bent down to get it. That’s when I saw it. There was a new dress hanging on the refresher door. When Maul stood again though he blocked my view of it.
“Move.” I said shooing him to the side. 
“Excuse me?” He asked, amused, but stepping to the side. 
It was beautiful. It wasn’t one of mine. 
“Do you like it?” Maul asked cautiously. 
“It’s beautiful, Maul… where did you get it? When did you get it?” I asked in slight awe. 
“It came in late last night after you had gone to bed. I wanted it to be a surprise.” He said. 
I carefully untangle myself from the blankets and stood up. Maul handed me my robe and slipped it on before walking over to the dress. It was a flowy dress that was ombre from dark grey, matching Maul’s suit, at the bottom to the most beautiful burgundy up top. It was mostly burgundy so I would still stand out but had just enough of the grey on the bottom to tie me to Maul. There were black gunmetal arm clasps as well as a collar on it as well. It wasn’t form-fitting and even if I was showing right now would hide everything perfectly without making it look like I was hiding anything. 
“Thank you, Maul.” I said as he stepped up beside me. 
“Of course, my dear. Would you like to try it on before we eat?” He offered. 
I shook my head though. 
“I trust you. Plus I want it to be a big reveal for you.” I said. 
Maul nodded and gave me a smile before we made our way out of the bedroom. He went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for us while I went to the living room. I flipped on the holoscreen just so it wasn’t silent. There was a knock on the door and Maul asked me to grab it. 
“Hello?” I asked, opening the door only to see Qi’ra. 
She sighed and rolled her eyes at me, “Where’s Lord Mail?” She asked. 
“In the kitchen, cooking breakfast. What do you need?” I crossed my arms. 
“I need to speak with him.” 
“If it’s Qi’ra, let her in. I’m going to get changed. Your plate is on the counter.” He called and I heard his bedroom door slide closed. 
I stepped to the side and let her in. 
“You’re here early.” She commented, looking around Maul’s quarters. 
“I stayed the night actually.” I said, walking to the kitchen to grab my food. 
When I walked back out she was still standing by the doorway to the main area. She looked so stiff and out of place here. I noted that she wasn’t dressed for the celebrations yet, instead she wore her typical work attire. 
Maul came back out now dressed in his clothes from the day before. 
“Lady Qi’ra take a seat.” He said as he walked by. 
He grabbed his own plate and took his seat at the head of the table. 
“I apologize for the short notice, I just wanted to ensure that you understand what is expected of you today.” Maul began. 
“It’s quite alright.” She said, “What exactly am I to do today?” 
I tuned Maul out as I ate my breakfast. Instead I was mentally rehersing my speech for later. 
“Lady Yn, is there anything you would like to add?”
Hearing my name, snapped me out of thoughts. 
“I was asking if there was anything you would like to add?” Maul repeated himself. 
“No, I think you covered everything. I would recommend that you go get ready before heading to the ballroom though. Once you’re down there, it’ll be hard to step away for longer than a couple minutes.” I said. 
She gave me a tight lipped smile, “Thank you for the advice.” 
Her tone contracicted her tone. She clearly wasn’t happy with my suggestion, for some reason although I was genuinely trying to help her out some. Something seemed off about her this morning but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. 
I suddenly was no longer hungry. It was definitely nerves. I stayed seated as Maul escorted Qi’ra to the front door. He came back and grabbed both of our plates. 
“We should probably start getting ready.” Maul said gently once he returned. I nodded and slowly got up. Something was going to go wrong. 
“Maul?” I called out his name quietly. 
“Yes, dear?” 
“Did Qi’ra seem… off, to you? I don’t really quite know what it was but something seemed weird when she got here. I just have a gut feeling that something is going to happen today.” I explained. 
“I asure you, darling, everything will be just fine. I know you and her don’t get along. But as far as she knows this celebration is for me and she wouldn’t do anything to mess up today.” Maul did his best to calm my nerves. 
I thought for a moment before nodding. He was right. Qi’ra was obsessed with Maul. She wanted to get in his pants just to piss me off. She wouldn’t do anything to purposely mess things up today. 
“You’re right.” I conceded, “Do you mind if I shower real quick?” 
“I was going to shower.” Maul said, clearly hinting that we should take one together. 
“Well… we are short on time. It would be more efficient to take one together, wouldn’t it?” 
“You know, I think you’re right.” He smiled at me before grabbing my hand and leading me to the refresher. 
After we showered he went off to get his suit on and I began working on my hair and makeup. The feeling that something was wrong was slowly returning. I tried to ignore it as I finished up my makeup and went onto fixing my hair. I couldn’t shake the feeling. Once I was finished I knew I had to go check it out. I tied my robe slightly tighter around me before walking out of the refresher. 
“Are guest arriving yet?” I asked Maul.
“Not for another hour.” He replied. 
“Good. I have to go check on the ballroom. I just know something is wrong.” I said. 
“Are you sure? I could go check for you.” He offered but I shook my head. 
“No, I need to go check.” I insisted. 
I slipped on some slippers before making my way to the door. No one would be on this side of the compound, too busy getting ready in their own areas so I wasn’t worried about anyone seeing me in only my robe. I snuck up to one of the upper balconies of the ballroom and glanced around to see if I could see anything that was out of palace. Then I saw it. A flash of burgundy on the stairs. Qi’ra was wearing my color for the day. 
I brought my com up to my mouth. 
“Maul…” My voice was shaking with anger, “Remember how I said I was going to end up killing Qi’ra before I have this baby?” 
“Yes… what did she do?” He asked cautiously. 
“She’s supposed to wear white today, right?” 
“Yes that is what the dresscode said. What color is she wearing?” 
“Burgundy.” I seethed. 
Maul was silent after hearing the pure anger in my voice. 
“I fucking knew she was going to do this.” I snapped as I turned and began to make my way down to the main ballroom. 
I barely opened one of the doors before yelling her name. She flintched when she heard it but turned to see me standing in the open doorway. 
“Come here.” I said through gritted teeth. 
“That’s not a very formal outfit.” She commented. 
“Shut up.” I snapped, “What are you wearing?” 
“A dress?”
“Why is it that color, Qi’ra?” I spoke to her in a condescending tone, “The Mand'alor is supposed to wear burgundy. Not you.” 
“Well it’s not burgundy. It’s maroon. I didn’t have any white formal wear. This was my nicest dress so I figured one person out of dresscode wouldn’t be that big of an issue.” 
“Go take it off.”
“Excuse me?” Her eyes went wide.
“I said go take it off. I know exactly what you’re doing. You’re wearing that so you can match Maul. It’s not going to work. I knew you were going to try and pull a stunt like this. There is a white pantsuit hanging in our office. Go change into that and hope and pray that it fits you. If it doesn’t don’t bother coming back here unless you’re in you designated dresscode. I will not have you ruin this day.” “If I don’t, then who will oversee that everything runs smoothly? Hm?” She challenged. 
“Vapex will do it. Maker knows he’d do better than you would… now go change and I’ll consider keeping this between us two. Maul is already pissed at you for suggesting firing me.” 
Her demenor changed in an instant and she was suddenly scared. 
“He told you about that?” 
“Of course he did. He was so mad. I had to calm him down. You’re on this ice. I wouldn’t suggest trying anything, less you want to fall in and drown…. Go change.” I said beefore turning around and walking back to Maul’s quarters. 
I got back and went straight into Maul’s rooms. 
“Is she changing?” Maul asked, hesitantly. 
“She better be, or I’m about to test out how well that Darksaber works.” I said. 
Maul tried to stifle a laugh. 
“Killing someone on your first day of publicly being the Mand'alor may not be the best idea, dear.” He said, walking over to where I was and taking the dress off the door for me. 
I sighed. I was just frustrated. There was a lot riding on today. 
“I’m sorry…” I mumbled as I undid my robe. 
“Nothing to be sorry for.” He reassured me and handed me the dress. 
He helped me clasp the metal neckpiece and adjust the fabric so it fell properly. I watched his smile grow as he took a few steps back to take me in. 
“Do you like what you see?” I questioned, raising an eyebrow at him. 
“Stunning.” He said. 
I walked over to the mirror he had in his room and looked at myself in the dress. 
“I look like a leader…” I said, holding my held high in confidence. 
“A queen.” Maul corrected me. 
I looked over at him and smirked slightly, “Better than a duchess.” 
“And you rule the Mandalorian people better than she did.” He said. 
“That’s what happens when you try to take warriors and make them pacifist. My people won’t be savages like Vizsla tried to make them either.” 
Maul smiled at my confidence. He knew that I had all the capability of leading my people. I was just beyond nervous as to how they would accept the news. 
“And you’ve been doing that already. I’m confident that when they find out that it’s been you all this time making the decisions for them that they will accept you as Mand'alor without a second thought.” 
I smiled at him, “Thank you.” 
“Of course, darling. Now, you should probably get some shoes on. We have to go to the armory before heading to the ballroom to meet with the MSCs and finalize their lineup so they can be announced.” He said. 
“Would you grab them for me?” I asked, sweetly. 
“I guess. If I must.” He said dramatically. 
I walked over to the bed and sat down to allow him to slip them onto my feet. I hated wearing heels. But would suck it up for a couple of hours. 
“Once the dancing starts, I’m going barefoot.” I said, and he laughed. 
“I expected as much. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you stay in heels longer than three hours.” He teased as he stood up and brushed off his suit. 
He offered me his hand and then we made our way out of his quarters and to the armory. The MSC’s old armor had been scrubbed down to remove their previous paint job of black and red for Maul. 
Everyone was waiting for us down there. We had thirteen total members. It was now my job to select one to be their leader. 
“Well, you all look nice and shiny.” I said once we were inside and the door was closed behind us. 
There was a chorus of thank yous. 
“Let’s get everyone in the order I want them in and announce who your leader is.” I announced. 
“You two,” I pointed to two of them, “You will lead everyone in.” 
“After that, I don’t really care who goes where, keep it in groups of two. Then I just need the new leader to go in ahead of Maul.” 
They all watched with anticipation. 
“Zobi, you’ll walk in ahead of Maul.” 
I wasted as her eyes went wide. The MSCs had never had a female leader, until now. She deserved it. I knew her back on Mandalore. She had changed to follow Maul without question, which I had a lot of respect for. 
“Thank you.” She said with a wide smile. 
“You’re welcome, don’t let me down.” 
Before I had even finished my sentence she was speaking again, “I won’t, I prosie.” 
I heard Maul’s com go off and waited for him to relay the information to the rest of us. 
“We should get moving. Everyone is set.” He announced. 
“You heard him, move out troops.” I siad causing them to let out a small laugh as we filed out. 
The walk to the ballroom felt way shorted than it should have. I completely blanked out as everyone walked in, two by two until Zobi walked in by herself. Maul went to enter next but I stopped him by grabbing hold of his arm. 
“What’s wrong, darling?” He asked, concerned written all over his face. 
“Maul, I can’t do this.” 
@fan-g0rl @mxkyrie @onceuponanightmareisawme @lothiriel9 @wordsfromshona @kgbtardis @wondermia69 @mh073099 @ktrivia @fifithexeno @perseny @justalittletomato @pomiotszatana @ameliachastain @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @its-me-meg @kbarnes-2001@bluusugar @happyheartsss @clairebear1621 @rljart @xxxqueenlaufeysonxxxxo @lilallybug
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betweenlands · 23 days
Writer of the Pandora's Vault essay here: your essay's really good. I do so enjoy vault-prisons constructed by their main inhabitant because of a magic book.
\o/ getting a good grade in metaposting, something both normal to want and possible to achieve! thank you, genuinely, for giving me the opportunity to do something i just kind of hadn't had the incentive to do otherwise -- your essay's great as well, and honestly would have significantly swayed me were it not for this being, well. the ghost's vault.
gotta love a vault slash prison with lava-lined interior walls used to contain a madman and their dark magic book that can bring the dead back to life! dominion and dsmp have some absolutely hilarious parallels and that's only one of them somehow. if i had a nickel for:
every red-wearing lawful evil capitalist with a scar over their left eye that intended to build a casino in the center of a giant fake desert (that would randomly have snow appear in it) only to have the place ultimately be destroyed by their own motives
every weirdly friendly ghost associated with yellow and blue that has something a little sinister going on with them
every plot-critical potions van that is literally just a breaking bad reference
every plot-critical pair of music discs (though on dominion it's not the physical discs, just the act of playing these two in sequence)
every meeting room located in the portal room of a stronghold that totally isn't going to get opened don't even worry about it that's just a cool table and nothing else
every fandom for a server abbreviating to dsmp that got absolutely exploded on september 3rd 2022 due to season finale reasons
i would have a lot of pairs of nickels.
(i would also have even more if you counted the amount of unhinged monologues from one specific given source but i don't know how many people could do The Monologue besides vikingpilot. slimesicle maybe. i did really adore mister cycle)
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Braiding Yugioh Hair Headcannons
Me writing this came to me in my dreams actually
You’re the Kaiba’s adopted sibling that’s just a year younger than the gang!
Yugi Muto:
* The only place that you can actually braid properly is those yellow bangs and it still sticks up awkwardly
* The amount of products and hairpins you have to use to braid his hair in his head and have it stay on his head is enormous
* The only way that you didn’t go broke by buying the products and hairpins was by tricking Kaiba into wanting to see yugi with his hair braided down
* Aka telling him he would never be able to get the products to keep his hair down, it works really well
* Honestly yugi was just happy to spend so much time with you despite the hectic process
* The braiding sesh was actually fun for him and Yami was so confused and amazed when he was in control of the body
* Yugi also enjoyed the shocked looks he received when others especially the gang saw his hair completely braided down
* A lot of people thought the world was gonna end lol
* His hair was back standing after 3 weeks
* 2 weeks with products in before washing it out then another week of the hair slowly rising back up
* He enjoyed his time with braids
* You tried braiding his hair without products
* But to keep it down you had to place either a bunch of clips or hair ties and it ended up giving him a headache
* “Yeah Y/N these clips aren’t going to work, sorry!”
* It was a shame too seeing as you got him dark magician hair
* So it was flying braids or spending a lot of money to keep them braids down
* Your pick
* The only time it works without product is when his hair is soaked
* But then it’s frizzy and weird when it dries, better to not do it
* At least once every 3 months Kaiba buys the products to relax Yugi’s hair in order to braid it cause you bother him for it
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Seto Kaiba:
* Don’t you dare touch my hair
* This rule applies only before work and important meetings or galas
* Ofc you can braid his hair any other time and he’ll wear it pridefully out of work
* Kaiba is weak to his younger siblings (cause they’re his only family members)
* He doesn’t wear it to work only because a whole crew of valuable people almost got fired for making fun of the braids his sibling did
* “It seems you guys don’t value your jobs huh?”
* He still comes in to work time to time with braids and clips but no one dared to j joke or laugh about it now
* Yeah he has short hair, but he grows it out just enough for you to make some braids in it
* Mokuba enjoys braiding his hair too
* You guys add a bunch of BEWD clips into his hair also so Kaiba walks around even more prideful
* He enjoys his clips
* Braiding Seto’s hair is bonding time whether it’s just the two of you or all 3 siblings
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Mokuba Kaiba:
* Braiding his hair is also sibling bonding time
* He gets his hair done on the regular though and takes great pride in it
* His hair is really messy and gets tangled easily so the braid is the best thing for his hair
* You joke often and call him Rapunzel
* A bunch of Kuriboh pins are added to his hair much to Seto’s disgust but he doesn’t say anything
* Almost threw hands at school for someone making fun of it
* “My older sibling did it for me, I bet you wish you had two cool older siblings like mine huh?”
* Despite hands not being thrown the other kid was roasted so bad you had to pick him up cause the teacher took him out of class
* “They started it by making fun of your work!”
* That kid better pray their parents don’t get laid off cause Seto is petty af
*You’re also really pissed when he cuts his hair later, but convinces him to not cut his hair as short as canon
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Joey Wheeler:
* Doesn’t like his mullet being changed
* But through the power of you and Serenity he eventually relents
* His hair is great
* You give him cornrows cause of the “Brooklyn Rage” joke to mess with him
* He likes it
* This session also cause Serenity to get her hair braided
* It turns into a bonding session between your boyfriend and his sister
* It’s really cute and he enjoys this time
* But ain’t no one catching him outside the house with the braids
* He’s got a reputation to upkeep
* But I’m the safety of his or your home he’ll gladly wear it
* Or wear it with a hat
* He only wears it at your house cause Seto refuses to make fun of your work
* Actually is kinda cool with Seto cause he also gets stuck in the hair braiding bonding time so they spend time together anyways
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Ryou Bakura:
* Have you seen his hair?
* It’s most likely Mokuba quality but fluffier
* He enjoys having his hair braided
* It’s relaxing and destressing
* Has definitely fallen asleep with you braiding his hair
* But he’s def tender headed
* So no box braids or super tight twists, plaits, or braids
* Reminds him of doing his younger sister’s hair
* And when his mother did his hair before he left to be by himself
* When he comes over for hair braiding day at the Kaiba place the staff knows it’ll be a calm day
* Man can make the situation calm af on this day
* Takes care of everyone’s hair and makes it’s hair not tangled
* Mokuba loves him cause of this reason and approves of the relationship
* Seto and Ryou works on promotional art, ads and other business stuff Ryou during the hair caring sessions
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Marik Ishtar:
* Loves his hair getting done with you
* Enjoys your hand in his hair
* Brings him great comfort as it means someone isn’t scared to touch him and actually loves him
* Reminds him of the time his father was actually nice to him and ruffled his hair and he braided his dad’s hair
* Also reminds him of the peaceful times when Ishizu braided his hair and when they did Rashid’s hair
* You bring back the sessions and he’s very happy about
* Actually the whole family is
* Always has some drink with him for this time
* Is actually part of his self care schedule
* It specifically says in his routine list:
* “Y/N braiding my hair”
* Very good family banding time
* Good job on helping bring the family back together!
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Duke Devlin:
* Has you often braid it
* Finds it fun and relaxing
* Crap ton of dungeon dice monsters and dice monster hair accessories made by Kaiba Corp specifically for him based on your request
* Speaking of which, he would also be someone to do business during the hair sessions
* But the staff knows it’s gonna be a chaotic day when he comes over
* Screws around with Seto but genuinely helps Mokuba with his hair
* Has you try to do his hair in multiple complicated styles
* His hair is silky smooth but thick af
* Sometimes he falls asleep when you card your hand through his hair before braiding it
* Loves the time you spend together doing hair and make up the most outside of cuddling
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Maximillion Pegasus:
* In this case Pegasus is your adoptive father and you’re friends with the friendship gang through Duelist Kingdom
* Hair care day is a weekly thing
* Minimum of once a week it happens but it usually happens every single day
* He wants to connect with the child that reminds him of his dear wife
* This is how he first connected with you when you were newly adopted and still shy
* Eventually you become comfortable with him but the braids are really bad
* Now we speed up to the present and you’re an expert hairstylist and your braids are immaculate
* His hair is silky smooth and thing too
* When you’re sad he comes in and it’s a hair makeover session!
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Tags: @reallyromealone @jkloserdazai @kokonoiscoconut @gaybitchfx
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