#How to practice positive discipline techniques
all-about-parenting · 4 months
Nurturing Tomorrow's Leaders: Positive Parenting Advice for Every Family
In the journey of parenthood, the approach we take can profoundly shape the lives of our children. Positive parenting is not just a philosophy but a commitment to fostering healthy relationships, nurturing self-esteem, and guiding children towards becoming confident, compassionate individuals. In this blog, we'll explore essential positive parenting advice that can empower families to create nurturing environments where children thrive.
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Cultivating Connection through Communication
Effective communication forms the cornerstone of positive parenting. Listening attentively to our children's thoughts, feelings, and concerns fosters a sense of trust and mutual respect. Encourage open dialogue, validate their emotions, and engage in active listening to strengthen the parent-child bond. By creating a safe space for communication, children feel valued, understood, and supported in expressing themselves.
Setting Clear and Consistent Boundaries
Boundaries provide children with a sense of security and structure, guiding their behavior and decision-making. Positive parenting involves setting clear, age-appropriate boundaries and enforcing them consistently with love and empathy. Rather than focusing solely on punishment, emphasize teaching moments and encourage positive reinforcement for desired behaviors. Consistency and predictability help children develop self-discipline and understand the importance of responsibility.
Practicing Positive Discipline Techniques
Positive discipline is about teaching, guiding, and redirecting behavior in a respectful and non-punitive manner. Instead of resorting to harsh punishment or criticism, focus on positive reinforcement, logical consequences, and problem-solving strategies. Encourage cooperation by offering choices, using praise and encouragement, and modeling respectful communication. By fostering a collaborative approach to discipline, children learn to internalize values, make responsible choices, and develop self-regulation skills.
Nurturing Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence plays a crucial role in a child's overall well-being and success in life. Positive parenting involves nurturing emotional intelligence by validating feelings, teaching coping skills, and modeling healthy emotional expression. Create opportunities for children to identify and label emotions, discuss strategies for managing stress and frustration, and practice empathy and compassion towards others. By prioritizing emotional development, children build resilience, empathy, and self-awareness, essential qualities for navigating life's challenges.
Fostering a Growth Mindset
Encourage a growth mindset, emphasizing the importance of effort, perseverance, and learning from mistakes. Instead of praising innate abilities, focus on acknowledging hard work and resilience. Encourage children to embrace challenges, view setbacks as opportunities for growth, and celebrate their progress and achievements along the way. By instilling a growth mindset, children develop resilience, optimism, and a belief in their ability to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.
Positive parenting is not about being perfect but about being present, empathetic, and intentional in our interactions with our children. By cultivating connection through communication, setting clear boundaries, practicing positive discipline, nurturing emotional intelligence, and fostering a growth mindset, parents can create supportive environments where children feel loved, valued, and empowered to reach their full potential. Together, let's embark on this journey of positive parenting, shaping tomorrow's leaders with love, compassion, and guidance every step of the way.
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theambitiouswoman · 1 year
40 Tips For Becoming More Disciplined 📌💡🚀📝
Know what you want to achieve soon and in the future. This helps you know where to go and stay motivated.
Do the most important things first to save time and energy.
Have a daily plan that includes work, rest, exercise, and learning.
Make big tasks smaller so they're not scary, and you can see progress.
Use methods like the Pomodoro Technique (working for a while, then resting) or blocking time to get more done.
Notice when you're avoiding work and make yourself start.
Control yourself from getting distracted or doing things just for fun.
Say no politely when you can't do more things without getting stressed.
Stay healthy by eating well, exercising, and sleeping enough.
Keep learning by reading, taking classes, or trying new things.
Check how you're doing with your goals and change plans if needed.
Tell a friend or mentor your goals so they can help you stay on track.
Keep your spaces tidy to help you focus better.
Learning discipline takes time, and it's okay if things don't go perfectly.
Think good thoughts about yourself instead of bad ones.
Imagine doing well to get motivated.
Mistakes are chances to learn, not reasons to give up.
Be happy about even small successes to stay positive.
Listen to advice from others to get better.
Be ready to change your plans but keep your main goals.
Try mindfulness to concentrate, be calm, and know yourself better.
Write about your progress and plans in a journal.
Turn off things like social media when you work or study.
Think about things you're thankful for to stay happy.
Do quick tasks right away instead of waiting.
Spend time with people who help you and make you want to be better.
Let others do tasks that you don't need to do, so you can focus.
Get better at handling problems without giving up.
Picture doing well to stay motivated.
Drink water to think clearly and stay healthy.
Have a special place to work or study to help you focus.
Wait for bigger rewards instead of quick ones.
Keep things simple, both around you and in your mind, so you can concentrate.
Listen to advice without feeling bad about yourself.
Use apps and tools to manage your tasks and time.
Reading helps you learn and think better.
Decide what's good enough for you and stick to it.
Believe you can get smarter and better with practice.
Do creative things to stay imaginative and interested.
Listen carefully to others to be better at talking and understanding.
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astrobaeza · 29 days
2024 Paris Olympics: the astrology of a gold medalist and star athlete.
disclaimer: I am not glorifying struggle or pain in any way shape or form. these are @astrobaeza's personal opinions and observations.
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✦ mars in first house / mars dominant / capricorn mars : a first house mars or being mars dominant makes for someone who is openly energetic, driven, passionate, and physically vital. mars is exalted in capricorn, making for someone who naturally has a lot of drive and energy and physical strength.
✦ mars in fire sign + mars in fire house (1st, 5th, 9th) : (1st covered above) Mars in the 5th house gives someone a lot of energy and passion related to hobbies and fun, including something like sports. similar to mars in first or aries, it makes for someone who has a lot of energy. the fire houses give drive and energy, as they are good houses for your mars: mars in the 1st adds aries qualities, mars in the 5th adds Leo qualities, and mars in the 9th adds Sagittarius qualities.
✦ mutable placements, especially sun and rising (gemini, pisces, sagittarius) : makes for adaptability, agility, resilience, ease in things like training for improvement. can perform well in a variety of sports. there is an ease of embracing new techniques, training methods, and other strategies for performance enhancement. fast learning and integration of teachings. strong communication skills that builds interpersonal relationships prevalent in athletics like athlete to coach, athlete to athlete, referee to athlete and so forth. for example, both Suni Lee and Simone Biles are Pisces suns and gemini moons.
✦ 12h placements : 12th house placements makes for someone with ease in the foundational things of being an athlete like recovery and healing, mental resilience, strong intuition and decision-making skills and focus. this also makes for someone that has a spiritual drive to succeed, seeing athletics as their calling in life. for example, muhammad ali, the pro-boxer, was known for his spiritual teachings and dedication towards the islamic faith. this is why you will see a lot of very spiritual and religious athletes, athletes that openly renounce "their God" when they win.
✦ mars pluto positive aspects : almost like having a scorpio mars, this makes for someone with a powerful drive to compete and win. can translate to having stores of energy ready for use at any given moment, strong intuition for quick decision-making, and a strong desire for improvement and transformation. this also makes for an athlete that can positively impact others / be a role-model through their own hard work.
✦ personal planets in aquarius and the 11th house : makes for a good team-mate and someone with a strong understanding of how groups work. someone who's well-liked by the public, could make for a strong "team captain", pointguard, QB, etc. the 11th house also indicates long-term goals and gains, and being a professional athlete takes pretty much a lifetime of dedication and practice. this could also make for someone who can be ahead of trends in the athletics-adjacent matters like team image and bonding routines.
✦ positive 6th house placements : the sixth house pertains to daily routines, work and physical health. a well-placed and aspected personal planet(s) makes for someone who excels in activities that require discipline and routine like athletics.
✦ cardinal t-squares : the integration of "tension" or "difficulties" in the natal chart through planetary aspects can make for someone with a unique skill set appropriate for athleticism: determination, ability to overcome obstacles, diligence, endurance, mental fortitude, and emotional strength.
[ credits @astrobaeza ₊ PAIDSERVICES ₊ masterlist ₊ tips ₊ gif by @buffyann23 ]
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doumadono · 10 months
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A/N: this small thing drew inspiration from a recent conversation I had with my wonderful @indignant-alpaca, delving into the common struggles faced by students across various disciplines. Despite our diverse fields of study, we all encounter similar challenges sooner or later. Drawing from my own experiences, I decided to craft a variation focused on enhancing the learning process, using one of my favorite characters, Bakugo, as a source of inspiration 💣
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In class
Be actively involved in class discussions and activities. Katsuki would assertively participate, ensuring he grasps concepts firsthand.
Treat each class as a competition to stay engaged. Challenge yourself to excel, just like Bakugo's competitive spirit drives him to be the best hero.
Don't hesitate to ask questions when you're unclear. Katsuki would demand clarity, and you should too! It's a proactive approach to understanding the material.
Observe and analyze the teacher's explanations and demonstrations. Katsuki assesses his opponents' moves; similarly, analyze the "moves" in your lessons for a deeper understanding.
Take dynamic and concise notes. Katsuki strategizes in the heat of battle, and your notes should capture essential information for later review.
Approach your study sessions with intensity and focus. Katsuki's training is high-intensity, and your studies should match that energy.
Divide your study time into focused blocks for specific subjects. Master each "arc" before moving on to the next, just like Katsuki hones specific skills.
Work on problem-solving exercises regularly. Katsuki tackles various challenges, and you should too. Practical application reinforces theoretical knowledge.
Utilize interactive study methods. Katsuki learns by doing, and hands-on activities or simulations can enhance your understanding of complex topics.
Plan your study sessions strategically, focusing on high-priority subjects during peak concentration times. This approach mirrors Katsuki's tactical approach to hero battles.
Channel your inner hero by immersing yourself completely in the subject matter, just as Katsuki immerses himself in his battles.
Break down complex topics into smaller components for in-depth understanding, similar to how Katsuki analyzes quirks of his opponents to identify their weaknesses.
Learning attitude
Cultivate a hero's mindset. Set ambitious goals and view your studies as a heroic journey toward self-improvement.
Develop resilience in the face of challenges. Katsuki faces setbacks but emerges stronger. Treat academic difficulties as opportunities for growth.
Believe in your capabilities. Katsuki exudes confidence, and a strong belief in your abilities can positively impact your academic performance.
Be flexible in your approach to learning. Katsuki adapts his fighting style, and similarly, adapt your study techniques to different subjects or challenges.
Regularly reflect on your progress. Katsuki analyzes his battles for improvement; evaluate your academic journey to identify areas for growth.
Learning, Bakugo-style, means embracing the fact that doubters will always exist, no matter your achievements. Instead of seeking external validation, channel that energy into mastering your skills and gaining knowledge for your own growth. The focus should be on personal improvement and the satisfaction that comes from overcoming challenges, rather than proving yourself to others.
Periodically review past material to reinforce your knowledge. Katsuki often reflects on his battles to improve his combat strategy. Apply this concept to your studies for a solid foundation.
Test yourself regularly to identify weak points. Katsuki constantly challenges himself in battles to enhance his abilities. Use quizzes to gauge your progress and strengthen areas where you struggle.
Develop mental resilience to overcome setbacks. Katsuki faces defeats but bounces back stronger. Treat failures as stepping stones, learning from them to improve and move forward.
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honeytonedhottie · 11 months
prepping for the next year⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🫧
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welcome to a brief guide on prepping for the next year in ur life to be fruitful <333
REFLECT - take the time to look at where u are right now, look at the habits that you've picked up and engrained into ur life, then depending on where u wanna be, decide which habits to keep and which habits to get rid of. make a list if u want a visual representation
start HABIT STACKING. habit stacking is a technique that was mentioned in the book "atomic habits" which i highly highly recommend. so basically the concept behind it is starting a habit that'll trigger a domino effect of positive habits. "a technique where u form new habits by pairing a new desired behavioral change with an already existing behavior you routinely do"
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EXAMPLE : in the morning the first thing i do is i brush my teeth, my brain knows that as soon as i've finished brushing my teeth, i'll reach for my head-band and cleanser and begin to wash my face. the action of brushing my teeth created a domino effect because ik that after brushing my teeth -> i wash my face
GOAL SETTING - think about ur dream life, how it feels, looks etc u already know how to manifest, if ur on my blog or around this side of tumblr chances are u probably know about law of assumption and how it works. take some time to learn and apply it so that u can manifest ur dream life. and who you wanna be (build that SELF CONCEPT)
DAY-TO-DAY - make sure that ur prioritizing ur health above all and knowing what will you be doing on the day-to-day basis? what do u want it to be like, what is ur ideal quality of life? think about habits that'd align with it. for example if something u wanna experience in ur day-to-day life is energy in surplus then you'd look at ur habits and think "am i sleeping enough" or "whats my diet look like"
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YOUR CIRCLE - take a look at the people that u surround urself with, their characters, their aspirations and habits and if that aligns with the life that u want for urself. for example if ur constantly surrounding urself with someone who is lazy or toxic, you'll subconsciously be influenced by their laziness and toxicity. the saying "you are who u surround urself with" is so true! surround urself with like-minded people or people that you'd want to be with in ur dream life.
some things to practice to improve urself :
self discipline (its like a muscle, the more u exercise it the stronger it becomes)
hydration (drink some water <333)
thinking consciously (thinking from the wish fulfilled = ur manifestation coming into fruition)
reading (or listening to audio-books if reading isn't ur cup of tea)
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stellarwhisper · 6 months
Random Astrology Observation and Astrology Blog Tips
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Capricorn placement in the natal chart's fifth house sounds like it would relate to someone who enjoys long-lasting, slow-building love stories with hints of luxury, power dynamics, and secrets. Stories with age gaps or secret identities, as well as historical or gothic romances, may pique their interest. They may have an exquisite sense of quality in everything from jewelry to bouquets, and their tastes may include great wine, romantic music, and decadent delights. They are respectful, consistent, and thoughtful in partnerships, and they may have a strong sensuous side mixed with a need for control or submission in close quarters.
To ascertain the ruler of your fifth house sign:
1. Examine your birth chart.
2. Determine which sign is in your fifth house. Children, romance, creativity, and enjoyment are all ruled by this house.
3. Once you are aware of the sign, ascertain which planet rules it. Every sign is governed by a certain planet. As an illustration:
- Mars is the sign of Aries.
- Venus is the sign of Taurus.
- Mercury is the sign of Gemini.
- The Moon rules Cancer.
The Sun rules the sign of Leo.
- Mercury is the sign of Virgo.
- Venus is the sign of Libra.
- Either Pluto, the modern ruler, or Mars, the classical ruler, rules Scorpio.
- Jupiter is the sign of Sagittarius.
- Saturn is the sign of Capricorn.
- The ancient ruler of Aquarius is Saturn, whereas the current ruler is Uranus.
- Jupiter and Neptune is the sign of Pisces.
Saturn is the ruler of your fifth house, for instance, if Capricorn is in it.
It can be informative and empowering to understand your personal energies and how the daily forecast affects you. You may manage life with more clarity and alignment if you understand the cosmic energies at work and how they connect with your own natal chart.
We can examine the intricacies of your astrological chart in a consultation, investigating the potential effects of the present planetary transits and cosmic energies on various aspects of your life. We can find insights and techniques to assist you take advantage of the chances and difficulties that are offered to you, whether they have to do with relationships, careers, personal growth, or any other area.
To arrange a consultation, please feel free to DM me or leave a comment below. Together, let's unravel the secrets of the universe and make sense of your future! ✨
The Moon is in Aquarius ♒️ on Friday, January 12, 2024, encouraging us to embrace creativity, individualism, and forward-thinking thoughts, while the Sun is in Capricorn ♑️, grounding us with its practical, disciplined energy. This combination of airy Aquarius and earthy Capricorn energies encourages us to think forward while embracing tradition, making it an excellent day for networking, strategic planning, and teamwork on creative endeavors. It's a time to fulfill our obligations while also looking for fresh viewpoints and methods to accomplish our objectives.
Leo in the 10th house indicates a predisposition to excel professionally and assume leadership positions, especially in industries that value individuality and creativity, like the entertainment sector. When Leo Mars and Leo Pluto are paired, passion, self-assurance, and a need for respect and recognition are highlighted even more. This combination points to a person who is self-assured, captivating, and unashamedly themselves—someone who commands attention and makes an impression wherever they go.
Without a doubt, the secret to improving your knowledge and appreciation of astrology is to continue to be committed to studying and having fun with it. There's always more to learn and investigate whether you've been studying astrology for years or are just getting started. Accept the path of introspection and cosmic research, and don't allow anything stop you from following your astrological passion. Continue to interact with the rich tapestry of information that astrology has to offer, keep an open mind, and maintain your curiosity.
The following advice, viewpoints, and recommendations should be considered when perusing other astrological blogs:
1. Different Viewpoints: Look for blogs that present various angles and interpretations of astrological ideas. This can challenge your preconceived notions and help you grasp things more fully.
2. Critical Thinking: Astrology can be a useful tool for direction and introspection, but it's crucial to approach it with skepticism. Examine the material offered in the blogs and think about how it compares to your own insights and experiences.
3. nteractive involvement: Seek out blogs that promote community forums, Q&A sessions, or other forms of interactive involvement. This can present chances to engage with like-minded people, exchange ideas, and pose questions.
4. Credibility: Take into account the bloggers' experience and standing. Seek for writers who can express their thoughts wisely and with clarity, and who have a firm grasp of astrological principles.
5. Ethical Practices: Watch out for blogs that make extravagant promises or claims, including guaranteeing the exact date or outcome. While acknowledging the limitations of astrological interpretations, ethical astrology appreciates the intricacies of the human experience.
6. Ongoing Education: View astrology as an ongoing educational process. Remain inquisitive, investigate various astrological subfields (natal, predictive, mundane, etc.), and be willing to expand on your comprehension when you come across fresh data and viewpoints.
7. Integration with Other Modalities: Examine the ways in which astrology can be combined with other modalities, such as holistic wellness techniques, psychology, or spirituality. A more comprehensive and comprehensive understanding of astrology's function in personal development can be obtained from blogs that examine these intersections.
Always follow your gut and select blogs that have a personal connection for you. As you continue to explore and learn more about the intriguing field of astrology, have fun!
Examining astrological blogs can be a fruitful path full of learning experiences, relationships, and chances for development. Discover a plethora of astrological content, whether you're looking for personal experiences, in-depth research, or daily horoscopes. Please explore, interact with many viewpoints, and take pleasure in the wealth of knowledge that astrology has to offer. Please let me know if there are any particular subjects or inquiries you'd like to learn more about, and I'd be happy to make some recommendations!
Jupiter in Scorpio can bring a strong combination of deep transformation and expansive vitality. Scorpio is linked to intensity, depth, and metamorphosis, whereas Jupiter is connected to development, expansion, and opportunity. When these energies align, it may signify a time of deep introspection and outward development.
Scorpio's transforming power is amplified when Jupiter conjuncts Pluto. This feature may indicate a period of rapid personal development during which you experience profound changes in your psychological, emotional, or spiritual states. You may be drawn to explore the depths of your mind in order to reveal desires, fears, and hidden realities.
Global or societal changes may also be indicated by Jupiter conjunct Pluto on a larger scale, especially in areas pertaining to wealth, power, and control. There might be an emphasis on exposing corruption, overthrowing repressive structures, or delving into sensitive subjects.
All things considered, Jupiter in Scorpio—especially when it is conjunct Pluto—invites you to welcome the process of rebirth and metamorphosis. It inspires you to face your innermost wants and concerns and to use change as a tool for both individual and group progress. Now is the moment to bravely, honestly, and with a willingness to delve far into the unknown, examine life's mysteries.
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pineappleciders · 1 year
ayo can i request a male (or gn if you prefer) adult reader adopting tweek, butters and kenny? bc i love those kids but they all deserve much better parents than the ones they have in canon.
masc adult reader adopting tweek, butters, and kenny (and a bit of karen)
A/N: i've never gotten to do a male reader b4 so i'm glad you asked!!!! these r kinda separate to keep it simple, also reader is referred to as dad :)
TRIGGER WARNING: SA and abuse mentions, drugs (obviously)
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tweek tweak
first things first, you start weaning him off the coffee. you still give him smaller doses for awhile just to keep him stable and with no withdrawal
if you send him to rehab, he'd definitely be a little scared. so you pack his backpack and lunch and pat him on the head and send him off, telling him to text you if he needs anything
he's always coming into your room in the middle of the night gripping his pillow and pulling his hair.
"dad, the gnomes! t-they're back, AGH!"
"tweek, i thought we went over this..."
it can be a little difficult to calm him down sometimes, so you two practice breathing exercises in case you aren't there to help him
he carries around a little card keychain that you made for him with comforting words and grounding techniques. he carries it everywhere and attaches it to his bookbag!!
you put the coffee pods on the highest cupboard shelf so he can't reach them. he hasn't tried to reach them (as far as you're aware)
you try to smooth down his hair and brush it out but it somehow always pops back up. also his hairline is fucked. so are his teeth. he's a little fucked up in every way but you love him anyways
butters stotch
with butters, it's apparent that negative discipline is not the route here. you instead opt to use positive reinforcement when he obeys and does stuff right
you're not a pushover by any means, but you are a lot less strict than his biological parents.
he gets a little confused sometimes when he doesn't get shouted at or blamed for something he didn't do. like he walks in the door expecting to get yelled at but you just hug him and ask how his day at school was
he's really glad he can actually have friends over now. his friends are always commenting on how cool his new dad is compared to his old one
butters has learned to not talk about his trauma and past. he was always taught to bury it deep down and never mention it to anybody. so when he randomly blurts out how his uncle molested him at dinner, he's confused when you look horrified
he loves to play sports in the backyard with you!!! his old dad never really spent time with him, so he has the absolute time of his life playing ball with you. it becomes one of his best core memories
he likes to draw with crayons a lot so he always draws pictures of you and him like under a rainbow or something and you always hang it up on the fridge. you're quickly running out of room for his art
kenny mccormick
as soon as he gets home and you give him the OK to eat he is eating everything in your house
turns out it's really difficult for a 9 year old to properly grow on a diet of frozen waffles and dust bunnies. you're shocked when you're preparing his bath and he's a lot skinnier and shorter than the other kids
honestly if u adopt him then you have to adopt karen too. and kevin if you want. but preferably karen.
nothing makes kenny happier than knowing she's sleeping in a warm bed with a full stomach. it's just a bonus that he is too!!
like butters, he loves to play sports with you. specifically catch and baseball. he also forces you to play barbies with him and do a high-pitched girl voice
loves to fall asleep in your lap/in your arms. like he'll fall asleep mid-piggy back ride and just snore on your shoulder
always flexing on cartman that now that he isn't the poorest kid that cartman is now. cartman hates u for it
always wants a sip of your morning coffee and waits for karen to finish her food before finishing his. it's a force of habit and it's kind of sad but also really sweet
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coven-of-genesis · 1 year
How to read a birth chart part 2
Click here to read 'How to read a birth chart part 1'
Analyze chart patterns: Look for patterns within the birth chart, such as stelliums (clusters of planets in the same sign), T-squares, grand trines, or yods. Chart patterns provide valuable insights into the individual's inherent strengths, challenges, and potential life themes.
Consider planetary dignity: Explore the concept of planetary dignity, which refers to a planet's strength or weakness based on its zodiac sign placement. Planets in their own signs (domicile) or exalted positions tend to express their energy more harmoniously, while planets in their detriment or fall may face challenges in their expression.
Assess the chart's elemental balance: Examine the distribution of the four elements (fire, earth, air, and water) within the birth chart. A balanced distribution indicates a well-rounded individual, while an imbalance can reveal areas of focus or potential challenges in certain elemental energies.
Explore harmonic charts: Utilize harmonic charts to delve deeper into specific areas of life, talents, and potentials. Harmonic charts, such as the progressed chart or the Navamsa chart in Vedic astrology, provide additional layers of information and insights into various aspects of the individual's life.
Study the asteroids: Consider incorporating the asteroids into your analysis. Asteroids like Chiron, Juno, Vesta, and Pallas Athena add nuance and depth to the interpretation, revealing specific areas of healing, relationships, career, and wisdom.
Use astrology software or online resources: Take advantage of astrology software or online tools that generate detailed birth chart interpretations. These resources can provide additional insights, especially when you're just starting or need a different perspective on certain placements or aspects.
Combine astrology with other modalities: Expand your approach by integrating other modalities, such as psychology, mythology, numerology, or tarot. These complementary disciplines can offer different angles of interpretation and provide a more holistic understanding of the individual's chart.
Study famous birth charts: Analyze the birth charts of well-known individuals to gain insights into how astrological placements manifest in real-life scenarios. Studying the charts of celebrities, historical figures, or people you admire can deepen your understanding of astrology and offer practical examples of chart interpretation.
Seek mentorship or join astrology communities: Consider connecting with experienced astrologers, either through mentorship or participation in astrology communities and forums. Engaging in discussions, seeking guidance, and exchanging insights with fellow practitioners can greatly enhance your skills and broaden your perspective.
Keep learning and practicing: Astrology is a lifelong journey of learning and exploration. Continuously study astrology books, attend workshops, and engage in ongoing self-study. Regularly practice chart readings, reflect on your interpretations, and refine your techniques over time.
Remember, the interpretation of a birth chart is a deeply personal and intuitive process. As you gain knowledge and experience, trust your own unique insights and interpretations while staying open to different perspectives. The more you practice and engage with birth charts, the more refined your reading skills will become.
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boredbakedbeans · 1 day
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i cant overstate how important this panel is to me, how important this line is to me, how important it is that takeda is saying it and that he's saying it to hinata.
takeda famously does not know much about volleyball as a game. he saw a group of boys who loved a sport and wanted to support them as much as he could. he organized practice matches and buses and tournaments, but he didn't know the plays or the techniques or the positions, and he knew he couldn't coach them. that's why he asked ukai to coach. takeda learned, of course, but still--he couldn't know as much as ukai, whose grandfather was a famous coach, who raised the little giant. takeda doesn't know volleyball, and next to ukai, he especially doesn't know volleyball.
but this line. takeda confidently, firmly, matter-of-factly, tells hinata what volleyball is. takeda DOES know volleyball. he knows it better than anyone, better than any of the players, better than ukai, because he has seen it as a complete outsider. he was there for every practice game, (almost) every argument, every injury, every bus ride--not as a coach or a player, but as their mentor, as something completely detached from the game. first and foremost, takeda is a teacher at karasuno. he has seen every player outside of the volleyball court. he has seen them as students, as mentees, as boys. takeda has seen first hand how volleyball, how this sport, how their team, follows every player outside of the gym. his lack of volleyball experience is what allows him to see so clearly the impact that volleyball has on each player, especially hinata-- takeda sees firsthand that none of karasuno, HINATA ESPECIALLY, ever really stops playing volleyball. ever.
it's with this knowledge that he tells hinata what volleyball is. THIS IS STILL VOLLEYBALL. this: hinata, sitting on the bench, so feverish he can barely stand. that is still volleyball. volleyball is not just the game on the court. volleyball is the injuries and the training and the practice and the food and the effort and the people and the friends and the rivals and the family.
haikyuu translates to volleyball, but volleyball is not just volleyball. haikyuu is not just volleyball. it is a manga about growing up, about finding something you love to do, about meeting people who push you to be better, about discipline and hard work and also rest. it is about defeat and acceptance and triumph and friendship and love and failure and success. it is about the stages of life that make you who you are, even if you never return to the people, to the sport, to the place--they will always be a part of you. it is about a culmination of moments like these--moments that force you to be present, to accept, to appreciate the happiness and the pain, and to move on. haikyuu is volleyball and this is still volleyball!!!!!
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goldnhourwrites · 9 months
Combined Headcanons (just for fun!)
continuation of my Heartsteel College AU headcanons post!! feel free to use this for shipping purposes or whatever, I tried to put them in some kind of order by person!
Sett and Yone had to take a physiology class together once and Sett brought a bunch of homemade cookies at the end of the term. Ever since Sett learned Yone was a permanently exhausted pre-med student he has made an effort to bring food to office hours/study groups to share with him
K'Sante and Yone took an 8AM lecture together once and bonded because they were the only two people who were ever both on time and fully awake for it
Ezreal shows Yone the coolest places to take walks on campus when Yone needs a break from work, like cool public artwork and parks he’s found nearby
Yone enjoys reading the poetry Aphelios publishes under his pseudonym, even though Aphelios doesn’t know it
Yone longs to be more involved in the music side of campus and Aphelios encourages him to pick up an instrument again. Yone goes to every orchestra, jazz band, and choir performance he can
Yone has gone to one of Kayn's band’s shows and occasionally listens while Kayn practices guitar
Alune works at the café where Yone gets his coffee most mornings
Yone and Alune also study together occasionally since Alune’s bio classes sometimes overlap with Yone’s pre-med ones, and they share notes when they take the same class
Sett and K'Sante met by always being at the gym at the weirdest times (like 6AM before a practice meet) until they each went "hey, I should learn this guy's name since I see him 3 times a week"
Once they’ve become friends, Sett and K'Sante start going to each other's home competitions and hyping each other up
Ezreal has gone to a party at Sett's fraternity where Sett practically had to carry him out at midnight for being too drunk (he didn't drink a lot, he's just a lightweight)
Sett and Aphelios didn't really "meet" before Heartsteel, but Aphelios goes to Alune's a capella performances and sometimes he sees Sett there during crossover/multi-group events
Sett and Kayn spar for fun sometimes because Kayn used to do martial arts before college, and they occasionally trade fighting techniques from different disciplines
Sett will model for Alune's fashion projects. He knows a bit about how to sew, so he'll occasionally help her with tailoring things
Ezreal and K'Sante will act for Alune if she needs someone for a video or photoshoot
K'Sante met Ezreal by asking him for help with a source for an anthropology project while Ezreal was working as a librarian, and Ezreal kept offering him more and more books to use
K'Sante and Aphelios have crossed paths in the music department while practicing after classes. K’Sante learned a bit of sign language so he could talk with Aphelios more easily
Kayn doesn't dance with a group, but he likes going to the dance shows and finds out that some of his favorite dances were K'Sante's choreography. Eventually, after Heartsteel forms, K’Sante teaches Kayn how to dance hip-hop (they both love it)
Aphelios has had to help Ezreal find his way out when he got lost in the computer science building while he was looking for a cool new study spot
In return, Ezreal has had to wake Aphelios up because it was midnight and he’d fallen asleep in the library and Ezreal needed everyone to leave so he could close
Ezreal and Kayn both joined the parliamentary debate club their freshman year and immediately hated each other's guts. They often sided against each other for the sake of getting to argue with each other and not because they actually supported the positions they were debating
Ezreal and Kayn have become partners in crime by repeatedly seeing each other in places they're not allowed to go ("You're not supposed to be in here!" "Neither are you!"). They occasionally cross paths in places neither of them should reasonably be able to get to (like the rooftops of a tall building) via Ezreal’s teleportation and Kayn’s wall-phasing and have agreed to not tell on each other
Alune and Ezreal were in a play together once. They’re both the right amount dramatic to get along with each other, and Aphelios met Ezreal when Alune was hanging out with him after a rehearsal
Kayn and Aphelios have both made things in the jewelry studio - Kayn making spiky silver earrings and rings and Aphelios making delicate necklaces
Aphelios and Kayn took a painting class together one term and saw each other in the studio often. They still occasionally see each other at figure drawing sessions
Kayn plays a bunch of video games and will always playtest Aphelios's game projects and give him feedback
Aphelios and Alune live in the same area of campus and are often seen walking home together. Alune is trying to teach Phel how to skateboard, but he’s committed to biking everywhere
Aphelios and Alune always go to each other’s performances (with permission), since they both have a bit of social anxiety and it helps to know someone is in the crowd supporting them
Alune and Kayn have been to a skate park together and Kayn is teaching Alune how to skateboard
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sensualnoiree · 3 months
astro notes: daily transits 6/21
Friday presents a dynamic mix of optimism, creativity, and emotional intensity. The day begins on a hopeful note with positive lunar aspects and a productive Mercury–Mars sextile. However, uncertainty and confusion creep in during the afternoon, requiring careful navigation. The evening’s Full Moon in Capricorn highlights the need for discernment and boundary-setting, particularly given the influence of Neptune.
Key Influences
Sagittarius Moon Trines Chiron (3:40 a.m.) and Eris (7:59 a.m.):
Healing and Courage: These trines bring a sense of optimism and potential for healing, making it a good time for addressing past wounds with courage and confidence.
Brainstorming and Creativity: The positive lunar energy supports brainstorming and creative problem-solving.
Mercury–Mars Sextile (9°12' Cancer–Taurus):
Productive Communication: This aspect enhances our ability to communicate effectively and take action on our ideas. It’s a favorable time for making plans and implementing strategies.
Mental and Physical Energy: The sextile provides a boost to both mental and physical energy, aiding in productive and focused efforts.
Mercury Semi-square Uranus:
Novel Ideas and Anxiety: While the Mercury–Mars sextile encourages productive thinking, the semi-square to Uranus can introduce anxiety and restlessness, making it challenging to settle on a single course of action.
Unconventional Thinking: This aspect can bring sudden insights and unconventional ideas, but also a sense of instability and unpredictability.
Moon–Neptune Square (3:58 p.m.):
Short-term Confusion: This square can cloud judgment and create confusion about the best course of action. It’s important to avoid making major decisions during this time.
Emotional Sensitivity: Neptune’s influence heightens emotional sensitivity, making it easy to feel overwhelmed by the moods and needs of others.
Moon Ingress into Capricorn (4:09 p.m.):
Ambition and Long-term Goals: The Moon’s entry into Capricorn shifts the focus to ambition and long-term planning. This is a good time to set realistic goals and work towards them with determination.
Grounded and Practical: Capricorn’s energy helps to ground the emotional intensity of the day, encouraging a practical and disciplined approach.
Full Moon in Capricorn (6:07 p.m.):
Illumination and Intensity: The Full Moon brings issues to light and intensifies emotions. It’s a powerful time for reflection and realization.
Boundary Challenges: With both luminaries square to Neptune, personal boundaries may be weak, making it easy to absorb others’ emotions and needs. It’s crucial to use discernment and protect your energy.
Integrating the Influences
Morning Optimism and Healing:
Embrace Positive Energy: Start the day by embracing the optimistic energy of the Sagittarius Moon trines. Use this time for healing and courageous action.
Brainstorm and Create: Take advantage of the supportive energy for brainstorming and creative thinking. Collaborate with others to generate new ideas and solutions.
Midday Productivity and Novel Ideas:
Communicate and Act: Utilize the Mercury–Mars sextile to communicate effectively and take decisive action. Focus on productive and goal-oriented activities.
Manage Anxiety: Be aware of the potential for anxiety due to the Mercury–Uranus semi-square. Practice mindfulness and grounding techniques to stay centered.
Afternoon Confusion and Grounding:
Navigate Uncertainty: During the Moon–Neptune square, avoid making major decisions and take time to reflect. Recognize that confusion is temporary and will pass.
Shift to Long-term Goals: As the Moon enters Capricorn, redirect your focus to long-term goals and practical plans. Use this grounded energy to stabilize and organize your efforts.
Evening Full Moon and Boundaries:
Reflect and Realize: The Full Moon in Capricorn is a time for deep reflection and realization. Consider what has come to light and how it impacts your goals and ambitions.
Set Boundaries: With the influence of Neptune, be mindful of your boundaries. Avoid taking on others’ emotions and focus on maintaining your own emotional health.
Practical Applications
Morning Practices:
Healing Activities: Engage in healing activities such as journaling, meditation, or spending time in nature. Embrace the positive energy to address past wounds and build confidence.
Creative Brainstorming: Collaborate with others on creative projects or problem-solving sessions. Use the optimistic energy to generate new ideas.
Midday Focus:
Effective Communication: Use the Mercury–Mars sextile to communicate your ideas clearly and take action. Focus on tasks that require mental and physical energy.
Mindfulness Practices: Manage anxiety from the Mercury–Uranus semi-square with mindfulness practices such as deep breathing or grounding exercises.
Afternoon Strategies:
Reflect During Confusion: During the Moon–Neptune square, take time to reflect and avoid major decisions. Use this time to gain clarity and insight.
Set Long-term Goals: As the Moon enters Capricorn, focus on setting realistic long-term goals. Plan and organize your efforts to achieve them.
Evening Reflections:
Full Moon Rituals: Perform Full Moon rituals such as reflecting on your achievements, setting new intentions, and releasing what no longer serves you.
Protect Your Energy: Be mindful of your emotional boundaries and practice self-care. Avoid taking on others’ emotions and focus on maintaining your own well-being.
follow for more astro insights like this and support me over on yt @quenysefields or instagram sensualnoiree
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theambitiouswoman · 1 year
How to Stop Procrastinating by Managing Your Emotions
Procrastination happens when we delay doing things, and it's often connected to our emotions. Feelings like being afraid to fail, feeling worried or stressed, getting bored, or lacking motivation can all contribute to procrastination. To stop procrastinating and get more things done, it's important to learn how to handle our emotions better.
Break the task into smaller, more engaging sub-tasks.
Find ways to make the task more interesting or challenging.
Set a timer and work on the task for a specific amount of time, followed by a short break doing something enjoyable.
Feeling Overwhelmed:
Prioritize tasks and focus on one thing at a time.
Break the task into smaller, more manageable steps.
Delegate some parts of the task if possible or seek help from others.
Use tools like to-do lists or task management apps to stay organized.
Practice deep breathing or mindfulness techniques to calm yourself.
Challenge negative thoughts and replace them with more positive and realistic ones.
Start with the easier or less intimidating aspects of the task to build momentum.
Set realistic expectations and remind yourself that it's okay to make mistakes.
Focus on past accomplishments and successes to boost your confidence.
Seek support or feedback from others to gain reassurance.
Remind yourself of your skills and capabilities to tackle the task.
Use positive affirmations to counteract negative self-talk.
Embrace the concept of "good enough" rather than seeking perfection.
Set realistic and achievable goals for each task.
Recognize that mistakes and imperfections are part of the learning process and growth.
Break decisions into smaller steps and make one small decision at a time.
Set a time limit for making decisions to avoid overthinking.
Trust your instincts and make the best decision you can with the information available.
Apathy or Lack of Interest:
Find aspects of the task that align with your values or long-term goals.
Break the task into smaller, more manageable parts and focus on completing one at a time.
Reward yourself for completing the task to make it more appealing.
Stress or Burnout:
Practice stress-reduction techniques such as meditation, exercise, or spending time in nature.
Break tasks into smaller steps to reduce the feeling of overwhelm.
Prioritize self-care and take breaks to avoid burnout.
Feeling Uninspired or Creatively Blocked:
Engage in activities that stimulate creativity, such as brainstorming, mind mapping, or seeking inspiration from others' work.
Start with a simple and basic version of the task to get the creative juices flowing.
Collaborate with others or seek feedback to gain new perspectives.
Fear of Success:
Identify and challenge the negative beliefs or fears that may be holding you back.
Visualize the positive outcomes of completing the task successfully.
Focus on the benefits and personal growth that come with success.
Break long-term goals into smaller milestones to track progress.
Practice mindfulness to stay present and patient throughout the process.
Remind yourself that progress takes time and effort.
Lack of Confidence:
Celebrate your past accomplishments to boost your confidence.
Seek support and encouragement from friends, family, or mentors.
Focus on building specific skills related to the task to increase confidence.
Avoiding Discomfort:
Acknowledge that discomfort is a natural part of growth and improvement.
Break tasks into smaller steps and tackle the more challenging aspects gradually.
Remind yourself of the long-term benefits of facing discomfort.
Overestimating Future Motivation:
Practice discipline and commit to starting tasks even when motivation is low.
Set specific deadlines for tasks to create a sense of urgency.
Establish a routine that includes regular work on the task to build consistency.
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azura-tsukikage · 1 year
Witchcraft and psychology:
there can be a connection between witchcraft and psychology, particularly when it comes to understanding and harnessing the power of the mind and emotions in magical practices. Here are a few ways in which these two fields can intersect:
Mental Focus: Both witchcraft and psychology recognize the importance of mental focus and intention. In witchcraft, practitioners often use visualization and concentration to manifest their desires. In psychology, techniques like mindfulness and positive thinking also emphasize the power of the mind to influence outcomes.
Emotional Energy: Emotions play a significant role in both disciplines. Witchcraft often involves working with emotions to fuel spells and rituals. Similarly, psychology explores how emotions can impact behavior, well-being, and decision-making.
Understanding the Self: Both witchcraft and certain branches of psychology encourage self-awareness and self-exploration. Witchcraft may involve practices like meditation and journaling to connect with one's inner self. In psychology, therapy and self-help methods aim to increase self-awareness and personal growth.
Symbolism and Archetypes: Witchcraft often utilizes symbols and archetypes in rituals and spellwork. Psychology, particularly Jungian psychology, also explores the significance of symbols and archetypes in the human psyche. The two fields may overlap in their use of these universal symbols.
Ritual and Healing: Rituals in witchcraft can serve both practical and psychological purposes. They can provide a sense of structure, comfort, and healing. Similarly, psychological therapies and rituals may be used to address emotional and mental well-being.
Energy Work: Some practitioners of witchcraft work with energy, such as the concept of auras or chakras. Psychology also acknowledges the role of energy in terms of psychological well-being and balance. Some individuals may find that combining elements of both enhances their personal growth, empowerment, and understanding of themselves and the world around them.
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geeta1726 · 6 months
thank you so much for answering my previous ask! can you also share your insights on how i can activate my mars conjunct pluto in 9th house as i have saturn (3H) opposite mars which seems to block and hinder the mars pluto conjunction energy can you provide some remedies for this? thank you so much!!
Certainly! Activating and harnessing the energy of Mars conjunct Pluto in the 9th house can be a powerful endeavor, especially considering the opposition from Saturn in the 3rd house. Here are some insights and solutions to help you navigate this dynamic aspect configuration:
Understanding Mars Conjunct Pluto in the 9th House: Mars conjunct Pluto suggests intense and transformative energy, particularly when it occurs in the expansive and philosophical 9th house. This placement can signify a strong drive for personal growth, a passion for exploring profound truths, and a desire to make a significant impact on the world.
Identify and Address Saturn Opposition: The opposition from Saturn in the 3rd house may pose challenges related to communication, learning, and mental processes. Saturn's influence can manifest as self-doubt, limitations in self-expression, and obstacles in the pursuit of knowledge. Recognizing these challenges is the first step toward overcoming them.
Develop Mental Resilience: Cultivate mental resilience and discipline to counteract Saturn's restrictive influence. Practice positive affirmations, visualization techniques, and mindfulness exercises to strengthen your mental fortitude. Focus on building confidence in your abilities and overcoming self-imposed limitations.
Embrace Transformation: Embrace the transformative energy of Mars conjunct Pluto by delving into deep introspection and shadow work. Explore your subconscious patterns, fears, and desires to uncover hidden motivations and sources of power. Use this awareness to initiate profound personal transformation and empower yourself.
Channel Energy Constructively: Direct the intense energy of Mars conjunct Pluto into constructive outlets, such as pursuing higher education, engaging in philosophical studies, or advocating for social justice causes. Channel your passion and drive into activities that align with your values and contribute positively to society.
Seek Higher Knowledge: The 9th house is associated with higher education, spirituality, and philosophy. Invest time and effort in expanding your intellectual horizons, exploring spiritual teachings, and seeking wisdom from diverse sources. Engage in deep philosophical discussions, embark on spiritual retreats, or pursue advanced studies in subjects that inspire you.
Practice Mindfulness and Self-Care: Incorporate mindfulness practices and self-care routines into your daily life to maintain balance and equilibrium. Establish healthy boundaries, prioritize self-care activities, and engage in activities that nourish your mind, body, and spirit. Regular meditation, yoga, and spending time in nature can help you stay grounded and centered amidst challenges.
Seek Guidance from a Mentor or Counselor: Consider seeking guidance from a mentor, counselor, or spiritual advisor who can provide support and insights tailored to your unique circumstances. A knowledgeable mentor can offer guidance, perspective, and practical strategies for navigating the complexities of your planetary configurations.
For more information, you can get an accurate information with the help of Kundli Chakra Professional 2022 software.
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workout updates:
i missed 4 days of working out this week and although i obviously regret it, i realized that beating myself up about it wasn't going to change anything and the only thing that would is if i put on my shoes and did a workout which is exactly what i did. 40 minutes of speed walking/cardio with aerobics and i felt great afterwards. it was one of my fave workouts to date and will probably be one of my go-to cardio workouts for the time being. i'm still new to exercising so my body doesn't consider it a habit yet but i know that every time i do it, i'm building that discipline.
some reflections on my workout journey so far:
this takes time. be patient and remember this is a lifestyle change not short term.
unless you're in an environment that is supportive of the changes that you want to make, be prepared to fight against your environment. a good example is someone that wants to eat healthier but is surrounded by people that are constantly ordering unhealthy take out, sitting on their butts day in and day out or even worse, is negative about the positive changes that you're trying to make in your life! until you can get out of that negative environment and into a more encouraging one, you have to come up with ways to overcome/fight it or it will stop your progress.
for me personally, exercising is the best way for me to relieve stress and anxiety.
if you're just beginning a fitness journey or trying out a new style of exercise that's different from your norm, it is SO important to choose instructors that teach PROPER form. as much as i love the aesthetic of some of these fitness girlies on youtube, if they're not talking about proper form in their videos i don't even think about doing them until i know for sure that i have my form down. and you can't tell if you're doing it right just by looking at someone either, it's best to follow someone that's calling out the fundamentals of that technique, reminding you of your posture, what your stance should be like, how it should feel as you're doing the move and most importantly what you should NOT be doing.
changes i'm going to make to my fitness plan:
as of right now i'm still sticking to my 2-2-2 schedule:
2 days of upper body 2 days of lower body 2 days of cardio (1 day of rest)
for upper body i'm going to start off with 15 mins of cardio that focuses on the tummy and the core. i'll finish with about 20 mins of strength training with hand weights.
for lower body i've decided to not use weights at all and i'm going straight barre and pilates because pilates is THAT girl and barre is her best friend lol. personally, there's something very feminine about those kind of movements, especially elongated leg lifts - even though they're incredibly challenging lol
for cardio i will be doing my typical fast walking with light aerobics. for the time being i'll most likely do the 40 min workout i mentioned earlier.
i've also decided to begin dancing again as a way to begin re-discovering my femininity. i won't be doing anything crazy just practicing 1 or 2 sensual moves a day. this will be something of a "second" workout [of the day] which will most likely take 15 mins give or take so nothing strenuous just something i can do that will help relieve the stress that's built up during the day and that will also help root me in my femininity. win-win.
i will post another update in about a week!
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Beginner Class - Visualization 101
Ancient Craft & Occultism
Visualization 101
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Hey there everyone! Welcome back to Ancient Craft Beginner Class. In this chapter, we're going over different ways to get in touch with your personal energy in order to develop your skills with energy manipulation. It's essential to remember that everyone is different, and while someone may get it with the snap of a finger, others will struggle. This is absolutely normal, and the exact reason I'm covering several techniques! Today's focus - visualization. Don't fret if this isn't your strong suit, there will be a section dedicated for you in this lesson. ♡
Visualization Brief Overview
We have the ability to generate experiences in our brains. Instead of just wondering or engaging in fantasy, we should act on our desires. Researchers have shown that when we imagine something and when we actually experience it, many of the same neural networks in our brains—pathways for nerve cells to govern our physical bodies—are activated. Our sympathetic nervous system, which controls functions like respiration, blood pressure, and heart rate, can be stimulated by mental workouts.
Visualization serves a variety of purposes. Learning to envision goes hand in hand with establishing focus, self-discipline, an active and controlled imagination, meditation, focus, astral projection, and dream working—all crucial elements in the growth of magical ability. The act of creating a mental pattern or image and retaining it there while presenting it as a visual experience is known as visualization.
You will find that your routines are improved, more concentrated, and consequently more efficient as a result of learning to visualize. A more powerful ritual can be performed by channeling more energy and focusing the magical energy in the direction of the desired outcome. Be willing to invest energy and time to allow this ability to appear as it takes time to develop the capacity to visualize at will. Every day, set aside a block of time when you won't be disturbed and won't be too worn out to experiment with the procedure.
Do You Struggle To Visualize?
You are not alone if visualization is a challenge for you. In many of the social groups I belong to, if someone complains of not being able to visualize things, at least one person will diagnose them with aphantasia. Aphantasia is a condition when a person struggles to visualize something. They appear to simply lack a mind's eye. It is a real issue, but I believe that many people self-diagnose it and conclude that they are unable to enhance their visualizing skills.
When you have a want for something, like chocolate, you can almost taste it. Maybe you can tell by the way it tastes, feels, or looks, even when there is no sign of that chocolate. Even when you're not looking at it or holding it, searching for your phone causes you to mentally or physically hold an image of it or possibly a tactile memory of how it feels in your hand. And exactly how can you distinguish between your home and your neighbor's home? Naturally, from an inner vision you carry with you wherever you go of what it looks like (or a feeling of its general position).
Everyone is capable of and actively engaged in visualization. In order to use magic, we need to understand how to use this innate power in a way that resonates with what we want to manifest. In a metaphysical and magical sense, visualizing isn't always, well, visual, as you may have seen from my examples above. It can be based on the senses of sight, sound, touch, odor, taste, or any combination of these. The mood or emotion driving the visualization, however, is what matters most when it comes to manifesting. Get crystal clear on the emotions you want to feel as a result of your manifestation once you've decided what it is you want to manifest. Practice as much as you can and follow your gut feeling.
Visualization Exercises
You visualize when you are daydreaming or fantasizing and lose awareness of the noise and movement around you and your surroundings because you are engrossed in the scenarios in your own head. You can reclaim and control that innate capacity with the assistance of the exercises that follow.
Start by focusing on a topic that is close to your heart, such as a fantasy you have about a house you would like to build, a painting you would like to create, or the person you are in love with. Give this subject your whole attention, and take pleasure in thinking about it while seeing the house, the photo, or your sweetheart in your head. Realize that you are envisioning right now. Your mental image of the scene will probably change or vanish at this awareness. Reaffirm your grasp on it and maintain it there for as long as you can.
Sit down in your living room, family room, basement, or another place with peace and quiet after you have successfully performed the first exercise and have been able to imagine the image. Select an item in the room, like a chair, and pay close attention to it while focusing all of your thoughts on it. Be sure to pay attention to the chair's shadows, fabric's creases, and wood's grain. Now relax and shut your eyes. Try to visualize the chair in your mind's eye. Once you can do it and hold it for at least five minutes, try to practice it every day.
Close your eyes while you comfortably sit or lie down. Breathe deeply and relax your body to free your mind. There will be other images that come to mind; pick one and stay with it, not allowing any other images to interfere with the one you have chosen. For as long as you can, keep your entire brain process focused on this image. Then, let it go and end the exercise. When you can keep this image in your mind for longer than a few minutes, you can go on from this step.
This practice is a little trickier than the previous three. Visualize something you have never seen before for this practice. A fruit from Jupiter could serve as an illustration; it might be square, purple, about a foot wide, and covered with quarter-inch-long green hairs and yellow spots. Of course, this is only an example. When performing this exercise, REALLY see the target in your head. Using your imagination, you are creating a genuine item. Additionally, flip the thing over to see how it appears from both sides. How do the shadows interact with it? You can continue once you can maintain this image for five minutes.
This is the hardest; if you're having trouble, feel free to return to any of the other exercises. Hold the object from the last exercise in your thoughts once again for this practice. This time, keep your eyes open and imagine the object in all of its detail as if it were right in front of you. Even though it can be challenging at first, being able to imagine an object while keeping your eyes open is a skill that is priceless and will be invaluable on whichever path you choose. You have finished these exercises when you feel you can maintain this image for at least five minutes.
Tips For Those Who Struggle
Try to create an immersive experience with all of your senses rather than trying to "see" anything in your mind. Imagine the sun warming your skin as you envision yourself in a boat sailing on a pond. Imagine being able to smell the surroundings' fresh vegetation. Try to hear the soft sound of water running in the area. Observe the sensation of floating on water. Keep in mind that none of these hints require sight.
To open your mind's eye, you must deeply relax. At the very least, perform a quick body scan before you practice. Inhale deeply and let any tension out of your muscles. Allow your breathing and heart rate to slow down, which will lower your blood pressure.
If you can, keep a playful mood at all times. As with studying anything else, being overly serious and striving too hard will impede your development.
Don't just follow the instructions here. You generated fresh concepts? Good. Test it out. Everyone is different, and visualization can be difficult. So, if you discover that an alternative strategy yields greater results, please stick with it.
While you may not be able to see things straight away, you may find you can sense, touch, and feel them. Whatever it is you wish to envision, make an attempt to engage your mental hands, your imaginary feet, and all bodily parts. Run your fingertips over surfaces, squeeze items, stomp your foot onto the ground, dig your nose into stuff, etc. In fact, engage all your senses.
Throughout the day, practice periodically. People who naturally visualize regularly use their imagination during a variety of activities. By frequently stimulating that muscle and titillating it to expand, we seek to imitate that.
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