#Hozier heavily influenced this one
milkywaydrabbles · 1 year
He Who was found in chains, set free. | V.
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Cross posted on Ao3 here!
“I’m glad you enjoyed the dress.” Alucard spoke, almost sheepishly. Like he was embarrassed. He was. You smiled, focusing on washing the cookware from dinner. “It’s very pretty.” You mused, rinsing one off to give to Alucard, who was in charge of drying. “I can’t believe you managed to find something in my size.” He stayed quiet for a while. He wasn’t sure if it was...appropriate, bringing up. Given your circumstances. You didn’t mind the silence though. It beat any yelling that would have normally taken place back in Gresit. 
“...My father used to bring home garments for my mother. From his travels. She used to tell him ‘it doesn’t matter if it’s my size or not, if it’s a beautiful fabric bring it, I'll adjust it’.” He chuckled, reminiscing on times past. “She had an extensive collection, I’m glad I guessed correctly.” You hummed, rinsing off another. 
“Where are they now? Traveling?” You didn’t pay much attention to your own question, simply living in the docile moment. Being able to actually clean without someone telling you you’re pathetic, or useless, or to do something else. 
He blinked, turning to you in shock. “Do you not know?” Word seemed to travel quickly, he was surprised.
“...Know what?” Oh no. You’ve asked a terrible question, haven’t you?
“...My father was Dracula.” Your stomach was in your throat. All of those paintings you saw around the house--all of the portraits of who you assumed to be Dracula. His father. And the beautiful woman you saw must have been his mother. Which means, all the paintings of a small babe in her arms must have been....
“Oh, oh Alucard, I’m--I’m so sorry, I didn’t know.” You sounded panicked, ceasing your washing. He shook his head quickly, not wanting to guilt you. “It’s quite alright.” He spoke so surely.
“No.”  You whispered, looking down at your hands. “You had to--Oh, I’m so sorry. That must have been so awful, no son should ever have to fight with his own father.” 
Alucard wasn’t expecting that. You continued. “I know everyone feared him, I know he was practically the vampire king, but, he was your father. And you had a family. No one should have to go through such a tragedy.” You looked up at him with glassy eyes. You were crying.
Alucard had no idea how to respond to you. Everyone had always thanked him for killing off evil, always a good riddance. Even after knowing who he was in relation to Dracula, they didn’t bother for any kind words or condolences. The closest he ever got was a quick consolation from Sypha after burning the corpse of his dead father. The thought alone makes him shudder. And now he you are, a complete stranger, who had awful parents that cursed you and threw you out for some coin, just for being a witch. A stranger that gave him compassion, a stranger that wept on his behalf for his tragic tale. 
God, that alone could have brought him to his knees in tears.
“...Thank you.” He cleared his throat, pushing back the strong wave of emotion he had been feeling. “That’s....very kind of you.” 
Dinner was cleaned up fairly quickly and quietly after that conversation. You did your best not to overthink the interaction. Had you been too pushy? Maybe he felt uncomfortable. All these negative thoughts came flooding you, and even though you knew he would have said as much, you couldn’t feel like you did something wrong. You bid him a good night, and scurried off to the library. You weren’t done for the night, there was so much more reading to do. 
You yawned for the umpteenth time within the hour, rubbing your eyes raw of sleep. You hadn’t a clue what time it was, but you were so sure it was well into the night. You had been perusing different books now, wanting to learn about different topics, you couldn’t even choose which one. You started a book of herbology, and marked it where you left off. Then you started a book about the human body, that one was so difficult. You marked off a page, wanting to get back to it.  Maybe Alucard can teach me about this. You nodded to yourself, placing all the books you had been reading in a neat pile on the desk. You wished you had some paper to write down notes. It was difficult remembering everything, but you did your best anyway. After another yawn, you decided it was time for bed. 
You went back to your room as quietly as you could, in fear you would wake him. Getting ready to retire for the night, you had decided that you would continue to pay his kindness back, starting bright and early in the morning.
Alucard has woken up the same as he always does, bathing and dressing for the day. He was going to train with his sword first, as he usually does. But, on the way to the ballroom he had been using for combat practice, he heard rustling in the kitchen. That’s odd, he mused, it’s barely light outside. Maybe you couldn’t sleep, or wanted a snack. That was the sensible part of his brain. Or maybe she’s plotting against you, ready to poison you, trying to get a knife to kill you, was the more...manic part of his brain. He steadied himself, trying his best not to think the worst of you, and continued on to the kitchen. What he saw honestly made his heart stop. 
You had been back in your old clothes, except your hair was up, with a piece of torn off cloth from your skirt, eyes focused and brows scrunched over the stove. You had been slowly stirring some red sauce, placing the spoon down and cracking a few eggs in. Alucard looked around and saw some fruits from the market he had recently visited cut up, and smelled fresh bread in the oven. Had you...been making breakfast for him?
“Oh!” You startled, almost burning your hand on the iron pan over the fire, and turned around to look at him almost with shame. Had he said that out loud? “I’m sorry, Alucard, I just...thought it would be nice if you woke up to breakfast. I didn’t know you’d be up so early.” You yawned, sleep evident in your voice. Dark circles under your eyes indicated you hadn’t slept much. And he figured, when he past the library last night he saw a small light from the cracked door. What surprised him the most is that you were able to get up with such little sleep, let alone start cooking a meal. 
“What are you making?” God, that was rude Alucard! He tried to track backwards but you answered him polite as always. 
“It’s something I read in an old cookbook back in Gresit...He had to pretend to be a kind man to save face in front of everyone...So sometimes the elderly woman a few houses down would come get me and teach me to cook. This was a recipe in the book, from Africa I think...i’m sorry, I don’t remember the name.” 
The name didn’t matter, not to him, not really. But the fact that you had memorized facts about the food and the recipe itself was astounding. You spoke again. “It’s almost ready, if you’d like to eat. I just have to set the table, and wait for the bread. A few more minutes, I think...” Alucard was already a few steps ahead of you, grabbing dishware and cutlery. “Don’t worry, I’ll set the table. You’ve cooked a meal, and I’m very grateful for that.” You could feel the heat rise from your neck, embarrassed from his words. You decided not to mind them very much. 
After a few more minutes of finishing up, you had brought over the rather heavy pan onto the table, with cloth in between so as to not tarnish the wood. (Alucard asked if he could do it for you, and you stubbornly rejected it. It’s fine, not so heavy! Liar).  Finally, the bread was brought out to the table with a delicious aroma. Alucard has always baked fresh bread, but something about the way you baked it made it smell more delicious than ever. You cleared your throat, feeling rather awkward, before cutting into the bread. “This, ah, is meant to be a family meal. Shared, in the pan, I’m sorry for assuming that was okay--”
“It is, okay. Don’t worry.”
You stuttered for a moment, before plating some bread on a side plate for Alucard. “It’s meant to be eaten almost like a dip, so the bread is a good way to have the flavors soak up. I hope you enjoy it.” 
To say you were absolutely terrified of his reaction was the understatement of the century. You plated for yourself, trying to stall so you can look out of the corner of your eye as he dipped the fresh bread into the hot pan. 
The taste of the breakfast was nothing he’s ever had before. The acidity of the tomatoes were so sharp, but it was wonderfully balanced out with the eggs that were cooked to perfection. The yolk was still runny, but the whites weren’t undercooked. He couldn’t believe the spices and seasonings came from his pantry. He’s never used them in such a way, but it worked so perfectly and balanced. It was a strong dish that can stand on its own, but didn’t overwhelm his senses. He could eat this for days. The bread alone was phenomenal. And it’s bread. But yours was...well it didn’t taste like it was made out of pure survival. It tasted homemade with love, and enjoyment from cooking.
Or maybe it was just because someone had cooked for him, for the first time in a while. He scratched that thought out, it was actually delicious. 
“It’s not perfect,” you spoke. “It’s missing a big ingredient, difficult to find here in Europe, the elderly woman had a stash of it away in her house. Said she would travel in her youth.” You smiled at the reminiscence. “ But I hope you like it.” You bit your lip, dipping your own piece of bread into the dish. 
Alucard went back in for another slice of bread to dip some more, trying his best to not make a mess of himself and the table even though he’s so sure he looks like a kid again with how animated he’s acting. He spoke your name, with a laugh. 
“This is the most delicious breakfast I think I’ve ever had.” 
You almost preened at the compliment, if you were a bird you’d ruffle your feathers. (And Alucard was so sure he could see it in his mind anyways). 
“I’m so glad you like it.” You breathed out, and continued on with breakfast as normal. 
The day went on, with you studying and asking Alucard for help, and then night came.
And then the next day came and went.
And then the rest of the week came and went. 
You woke up on the seventh day, more sluggish than usual. You didn’t want to go. You had grown very fond of being in a safe shelter. Alucard had given you more dresses and skirts to wear each day, with a nightgown so you can comfortably rest (he apologized profusely after realizing that he never gave you pajamas). And now today was the day you had to leave.  You wouldn’t take advantage of the kindness he has shown you. 
You put your old clothes back on after one last bath (god you were going to miss that) and folded up the clothing he has lent you nicely. On the bed. You made your way down to the kitchen, Alucard immediately greeting you with a smile, and then he noticed what you were wearing.
And his smile dropped.
“You’re wearing your old clothes.”
You nodded, trying your best to smile. 
“My only clothes. I have to leave today. I’m very grateful for the knowledge you have given me, and words can do no justice as to how I feel now that I can read better! You’ve been very kind to me, Alucard. And you’ll have my word, just as I said. If you don’t mind, I just ask for a loaf of bread so I can bring with me, then I’ll be on my way honest.”
Alucard couldn’t disguise his disappointment, though you thought he was just finally happy to be getting rid of you. 
“Where will you go?” Why don’t you stay here instead? 
You shrugged, looking around.
“How will you stay safe?” You’re safe here
Another shrug, picking at your nails again. Your bad habits coming back full force.
The silence was entirely too loud for your liking, deciding it was time to leave quickly. 
“Thank you, I think it best if I leave while it’s still light outside.”
You turned around to leave, and in an instant he was in front of you, with an indistinguishable emotion behind his eyes. “You don’t have to go, you know.”
You furrowed your brows, confused. “Isn’t that what we discussed? One week’s time. It’s been seven days, I’m sure of it. I counted.” 
“You can stay, it’s safer for you.”
“I can’t continue to be a bother to you, Alucard.”
“Please.” The emotion turned into pain, voice desperate. He whispered your name. “I don’t want you to go...please, won’t you stay here?” 
You were taken back by his sentiment. You’ve never, not a day in your life ever had someone want you there. You’ve never had someone ask you, beg you to stay. 
You’ve never had someone look at you like Alucard looks at you. 
“Please.” He repeated, a hand taking a hold of yours, to stop yourself from picking. You gasped, but don’t pull away. You stayed quiet, the two of you simply staring at each other. You released a breath you didn’t realize you were holding.
“....If you’re sure...I would like to stay. I would like that very much, Alucard.”
“My name is Adrian.” 
You blinked.
“I thought your name was--”
“The rumors call me Alucard. The...the legends call me ‘The’ Alucard, which is even more ridiculous.” His face scrunches for a moment. Then it softens. “But my mother...my mother called me Adrian.  That is my given name. I haven’t...ah, used it, in quite some time. It’s easier to be known as a rumor.” But I think I would like it if you used it.
“...Adrian.” The way you spoke his name made butterflies erupt in his stomach. 
“I would like to stay, Adrian.”
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brummiereader · 1 year
We have come to the end of Y/N and Tommy's whirlwind of a love story. I want to thank each and every one of you for your likes, comments and reblogs, i have been overwhelmed by the support you have given this series. I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments, if you enjoyed the last part, if it ended how you thought it would, etc. Thank you once again, you are all truly amazing!
A Ghost Of A Man (PART TEN)
Summary: Both in their separate times Tommy and the reader come to terms with being apart. Will they ever find happiness again? Will they ever find eachother again?
Warnings: Language, supernatural themes, suicidal thoughts
Authors note: The letter to Y/N is heavily influenced by the song "Francesca" by Hozier. A song I listened to nonstop while writing this final part.
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I could do it, he thought to himself as he stood in his office looking out the window. Right here, right now. She'd find me in the abandoned building, then we could be together, reunited, just like before. He imagined to himself as he turned around to look at the gun lying on his wooden desk, he was so tempted. It had been exactly thirty days since he last saw you, thirty days since he broke your heart along with his own. He was alive yes, but he felt dead, incomplete, empty, more than he ever had. Grazing his hand over the barrel of the gun he breathed in sharply, closing his eyes only to see your face staring back at him, haunting him.
"Y/N..." he said quietly, as he began to pick up the gun.
"Thomas Shelby!" Polly shouted as she barged through his office doors, anger on her face. Dropping the gun, Tommy turned around away from her.
"Tommy, you need to stop this!" she said approaching him. " You can't do that to her" she added as she walked around his desk.
" What difference does it make? She's not here Polly" he tried to make sense to her as he grabbed his coat, storming off out of his office. Watching her nephew walk out the door she took the gun from his desk emptying the chamber as she watched the bullets fall one by one onto the floor below her.
" Not yet" she said as she placed the gun back into his desk draw, only to see a letter addressed to you in Tommy's hand writing. A small smile formed on her lips as she adjusted her coat. What had Polly not told Tommy that night?
Sitting in the large chair by your bedroom window, you looked out at the view. Closing your eyes, you wondered what Tommy was doing, was he moving on? Was he even thinking about you? Your life was falling apart, you had dropped out of Uni, you and your roommate were barely talking, you hadn't visited any family in weeks. The only thing you did do, was go to work and come back. That was your new routine, you hadn't even gone back to the abandoned building nor had you visited the old lady. Covering your mouth with your hand you bolted up, running to the toilet. This was the fifth time this had happened in three days. You leaned into the toilet as you threw up for the second time that morning. " This is all your fucking fault Tommy" you said under you breath as you stood up, walking over to the sink to wash your hands. Splashing your face with cold water you looked up at your reflection, you looked a mess. Hair unkempt, dark bags, swollen eyes. Drying your hands, you then threw the small towel at your reflection in the mirror, a satisfied huff leaving your mouth as you walked back to the chair to sit In front of the window once again.
Thirty days, Thirty days since you had last seen him, your heart ached just thinking about it. Clutching the locket around your neck, you closed your eyes as you thought about him, longing for him. He didn't love you, he said it himself right there in that cemetery, cold and heartless he broke your heart in two, and like everything else that had been going wrong, here you was six weeks pregnant, carrying his child. Oh yes, you had forgotten about that part in the throes of passion as Tommy brought you to your high. Too consumed in his own pleasure, Tommy forgot to do one thing...pull out. You almost fainted when you took the test a week ago, you didn't think it was possible. Clearly, even time travel didn't interfere with the unavoidable result of unprotected sex, how could you have been so stupid? Burying your head into your hands you sobbed at the situation you had found yourself in, your life was a mess, alone and pregnant, desperately longing for a man that didn't love you back.
"Fuck!" You shouted as you stood up trying to recompose yourself, " I need to get out of here" you said aloud as you began to dress yourself.
"Tommy" John said as he handed him the book with the weeks takings.
"Leave it there" he said turning to look at his brother as he drank a glass of whiskey. Standing around, John watched as his brother poured himself another.
" You can go" Tommy motioned with his hand to the door as he slammed the bottle down onto the desk .
" Tom..." John said sighing as he walked closer to him. " Why don't you just go make things right with her" he asked his brother.
" Can't do that John, can I now. She's gone far away, far far away " he said as he downed his second glass of whiskey.
" Never seen anyone look at someone the way Y/N did with you" he said as he headed for the door, turning the tooth pick in his mouth.
" And I went and fucked it all up" Tommy mumbled under his breath as he leaned back into his chair, another glass of whiskey in his hand, as he pressed the other to his forehead, the unavoidable heachache beginning to pound in his temples.
Walking aimlessly along the path, your eyes spent of tears, with no destination in mind you walked and walked. Loud trucks passing by caught your attention as you finally looked up. "ROAD BLOCK, DEMOLITION" in capital letters were written across a large triangular panel in front of you. Great, you thought to yourself as you tried to figure out where you was. Continuing down the street you suddenly realised...you was back, back at the abandoned building. You watched as construction men secured the area as a large truck with a bulldozer drove down the road. Panic rising in your body, you climbed over the small plastic fence, racing over to the building.
" No no no, NO!!. What are you doing?" You shouted at the workmen as you ran to the metal gates.
" You need to leave the area love, it's coming down" a man approached you with a clipboard.
" Wha..what!? No you can't do that" you shouted at him in desperation.
" Only following orders" he said as he whistled for the truck to come forward. " We're ready!" he shouted to the driver. " Come on love, you gotta go" he said as he guided you away from the fences. Without thinking you turned around pushing him out the way as you raced to the wooden doors.
" Oi! You can't do that, someone fucking go get her!" the man shouted to his colleagues in frustration.
Sprinting up the old wooden stairs you hurried to Tommy's office closing the door behind you. Running over to his desk, you stopped as you pressed both your palms onto the old rotting wood. "Tommy..." You cried as you called out his name. Walking around his desk you held onto your stomach, tears streaming down your face, as you sat down in his leather chair. Resting your arms on the wooden frame you looked around the room waiting, wishing that at any moment Tommy would appear and hold you in his arms once more. Wiping away your tears you looked down at the desk in front of you, noticing one of the draws slightly agape, you opened it further as you furrowed your brow. Lying there in the old wooden draw was a letter, a letter addressed to you. Picking it up, you sniffed back your tears as you rubbed your blurry eyes. Gasping you brought the letter closer to your face as you suddenly recognised the hand writing. With your heart rapidly beating in your chest, you frantically opened the letter.
" My dearest Y/N,
I write this letter in hope that one day you will read it. Until that day, it will stay here in this draw waiting for you. I never meant what I said that night, I do love you, I love you more than I have ever loved anyone. I wanted you to live, and in desperation I said the unthinkable, breaking both our hearts. I pray you forgive me for my cruel and bitter words, I never wanted to hurt you. I remember you once asked me why I wouldn't move on, what it was I was waiting for. I was never waiting for something Y/N, I was waiting for someone, and that someone was you, it has always been you. I would do it all over again for you, If I could hold you for just one more minute darling, I'd go through it all again. I Love you Y/N, and one day I will find you again and hold you in my arms forever, finally. Until that day, I wish you nothing but happiness and that all your hopes and dreams are answered,
Yours always, Tommy x"
Clutching the letter to your heart, you stood up as tears stung your cheeks. Opening the office door you was met with with the same construction worker you had pushed past.
"Right out" he said annoyed "We could call the fucking cops, you know" he continued as he ushered you out the building.
Stepping out onto the road you walked across to the other side of the street in a daze at the words you had just read.
"Y/N?" you heard someone say beside you, as you turned your head.
" Its you!" you said as you approached the old lady, wrapping your arms around her in a tight embrace as you sobbed into her shoulder.
" They're knocking it down" you said as you pointed back to the abandoned building.
" I know dear, come on, come with me, you shouldn't be here in your condition" She said as she walked you along the path to the bus stop.
Twenty minutes later, you was sitting on her sofa with a warm cup of tea in your hand.
"Why are you knocking the building down?" You asked her, scared that the only place left that you felt close to Tommy, about to be destroyed.
" It's time for the next chapter dear" she said looking at you with sympathy.
" But Tommy..." You said, desperately looking at her.
"Tommy's no longer there" She replied, concern in her eyes at your distraught state.
"But he left me this letter in his desk draw, it had been there all this time" you said handing it to her as you sniffed back your tears. Opening it, she smiled as she read Tommy's loving words.
" Why didn't it work, why did I have to leave?" You questioned her as she handed the letter back to you.
" It did work my dear, only it was not completed" she said knowing you could only be talking about one thing.
" But I did everything the way you told me to" you said looking at her confused.
" I know" she smiled as she patted your hand. " You traveled only as a visitor Y/N, I wanted to give you a choice my dear, wanted you to be able to come back, to know what you truly want, with no influence from anyone" she added as she looked into your eyes.
" I..I wanted to stay" you cried, as the elderly lady moved closer to you, wrapping you in her arms. " I need to go back" you said as you wiped your eyes. Holding you in front of her, she tucked your hair behind your ear as she gently nodded her head.
" And that you will" she said, smiling softly to you. " You won't be able to return Y/N" she added, as she looked at you for confirmation. "Once blood is given, it's a binding seal" she said turning your hand over as she traced a line down your palm." Your life line" she said as she pointed it out. "Once you cut through that line, your life in this time ceases to exist, it can't be reversed. It's a choice you need to make with great thought" she explained as she looked at you, anticipating your response
" I'm not living anymore, I feel like a passenger just passing through, not feeling anything, just going through the motions of life" you cried, at the realisation of how empty you felt. " And now there's this letter... I need to go back, back to Tommy, I...I need him to be there, for us" you said as you rested your hand on your stomach. Smiling to you she placed her hand over yours.
"You and your daughter will be with Tommy" she said as a tear formed in the corner of her eye. Tilting your head at her words, she let out a small chuckle.
" Oh my dear, you still don't know who I am, do you?" she said as she reached her hand out to your locket, opening the once jammed necklace with ease as she turned it around to face you.
" My grandfather she said as she pointed at Tommy in the small black and white picture, my mother she said as she pointed at the baby in his arms...my grandmother she said pointing at the woman beside him. Eyes wide you took a closer look at the old photo. There you was looking down at the small baby nestled in Tommy's arms, as he lovingly smiled at you.
"Oh my god .." you said as you looked up at the elderly lady in front of you, tears trickling down her cheeks.
" ...I've known you my whole life" she said with a tearful shaky voice. Reaching out you gently pulled her into your arms.
"' I see it now" you said as you placed your hand on the side of her face. " You have his eyes, and my face, how could I have not noticed" you said shaking your head.
" We often dont notice the things right In front of us" she answered placing her hand over yours. You told me the stories when I was a child. I believed you, I always did. I would have a role in bringing you and Tommy together. I waited for you, for you to go to that antique market. I knew you would be there, because you told me. Aunt Polly taught me the rest, she gave me this necklace before she died" She said as she held onto the black Madonna around her neck.
"She was there at the cemetery, when I went to Tommy" you said looking at her amazed, now understanding how everything had come full circle, all the little pieces fitting together perfectly like a puzzle, everything happening exactly when it was supposed to.
" Yes, in spirit she was there, guiding you forward" she smiled, as she held tightly onto your hand.
" She knew I was coming?"
" Ohh" she chuckled as she looked over to her cupboard full of pictures. " She would do, I told her" she giggled like she was a young child again. " Look" she said as she pointed to one of the photo frames on the old wooden furniture. Standing up you walked over to it.
" It's me and Tommy... on our wedding day" you said as you brought it over to the sofa sitting back down beside her. "This is the photo you put away when I first came here" you said as you looked down at it, your fingers brushing over Tommy face.
" Well, I think that would have been too much of a shock if you would have seen that, don't you?" she smiled, chuckling.
" Nothing shocks me anymore" you laughed along with her. "You know, you have never told me your name?" you queried, as you placed the photo frame down onto the coffee table.
" It's Y/N, after you" she replied as she placed a hand on your knee.
"Y/N" you said smiling to her. "God... this is crazy! " you laughed grinning from ear to ear.
" Us Shelby's never do anything the easy way, we like to complicate our lives" she chuckled as she looked down at the picture frame on her coffee table.
" Come with me" you asked her as you placed your hand on her arm.
" I can't my dear, I have lived my life I can't go back. But yours, yours has only just begun"
For the rest of the night you stayed with the old lady in her Watery Lane home. She told you stories of her childhood, of her mother, of you and Tommy as you both sat there laughing and crying, enjoying your time together as a family. She insisted on going with you the next morning to the cemetery, to say goodbye for one last time or as she put it, to say hello again two decades later. That night as the elderly lady slept you sat at the kitchen table with a pen in your hand. You was going back, but first you needed to say goodbye. You wrote one letter to your boss, one to your friend and the final to your family. You couldn't bring yourself to say goodbye in person and with the full moon beaming over the night sky, you had little time left .You explained in each one that you would be going away indefinitely. You couldn't for obvious reasons explain where you would be going, and why, but you tried with great struggle to write the words you needed to say in hopes that it would comfort them after your departure. Exhausted you went up to Tommy's old bedroom. Laying down on the bed you looked up at the ceiling as you placed a hand on your stomach, gently caressing it.
" Tommy, we're coming to you" you said, eyes slowly closing as you drifted off to sleep.
Laying on his bed Tommy couldn't sleep, his guilt was consuming him. Why did he have to say what he said that night? Leave you thinking he didn't love you, that he didn't want you to stay? Had you found his letter, did you forgive him? He closed his eyes only to see your face once again, memories flooding back to him of how you would smile at him, how your eyes lit up when you would make him laugh, how your lips felt when he softly embraced you, how you felt under his body as he slowly brought you both to your highs. You was to torture him for the rest of his life, never letting him forget, never letting him move on, no matter where he looked he would see you, forever there, a punishment for what he did. Sitting up he brushed his hands through his hair.
"Fuck" he said standing up, as he walked over to his coat and hat. Walking out his Watery Lane home, out into the cold crisp air of the night, with no where to go he walked endlessly through Small Heath, with only one thing on his mind, you.
"This should fit you perfectly" the elderly lady said as she pulled out a long sleeved cream dress that buttoned up all the way to the collar bone, tailored to fit as it delicately flowed down to the knee. "Some shoes" she said pulling out a pair of small black kittens heels. " These used to be my clothes" she added, handing them to you a smile on her face.
" They're perfect "you said as you left her bedroom, heading to the bathroom to get dressed. Brushing your hands down the dress, you stood there in front of the mirror as you looked at your reflection. Could you really do this, leave this life forever?
" Oh my, don't you look beautiful" she smiled as you walked down the stairs into the front room. " Come, we must hurry we don't have much time" she added, handing you a light brown coat she had found. As you was walking out the door you turned around, looking back at the three letters sitting on the kitchen table. Your heart felt heavy with guilt. You was about to leave everything and everyone you had ever known, you prayed they would only understand.
Holding onto your arm, you both walked up the old cemetery path. Memory's of that night flooding back to you as you tried to hold back your tears. Looking around the old cemetery, you made your way up to the top. It was nearly spring, small flowers had started to cover the once empty grass, a thick fog laid low to the ground, obscuring you view as birds chirped happily, welcoming the new season. Each step you took, nerves built up in you stomach, you was scared, scared to do this alone, forever binding yourself to 1922, never to come back.
"Are you sure you cannot come with me?" you asked as you turned to face the elderly lady at the top of the path.
"No my dear, It is only you that can go back. Go to him Y/N, he needs you, he always has" she said as she pulled out a small pearl handled knife, whilst you took out Tommy's pocket watch from your coat. " Do you remember the words I told you last night" she asked as she handed you the knife.
"Yes" you said as a tear started to fall down your cheek. " I'm going to miss you" you said as you held her one last time.
" It's only goodbye for now, only for a little while" she said as tears formed in the corners of her eyes. " Go to him " she said letting go of you, as you stepped away. Wiping your eyes you looked down at the pocket watch, turning the knob back one last time to 19h22. With the knife in your hand you slowly cut the inside of your palm cutting the life line in half, wincing at the sting of the pain. Facing the old lady you smiled to her once last time as she stood there, tears falling down her cheeks. Smiling back, she held onto the black Madonna around her neck, blowing you a loving kiss, she said goodbye. Closing your eyes you thought of Tommy and said the words.
"Send me back I choose this life, I've shed my blood with this pearl handled knife.
I've traveled already through time and space, my haven back in my loves embrace.
Now here my words as I end this spell, I love you all but I must say farewell "
With that a flash of light separated you and the elderly lady as you fell back onto the ground. A force swept through you as you felt the ground spinning beneath you sucking you in as you lost consciousness. Mere seconds later you bolted up from the ground, grasping your throat, breathing heavily as you tried to steady yourself. Standing up you looked around the cemetery, as the morning fog began part. And there is was, Small Heath 1922 sitting there like it always had, like it had never left. You was back. Grabbing the pocket watch from the ground you placed it in your coat pocket as you ran down the cemetery path, sprinting as fast as you could to Watery lane.
Frantically banging on the door next to the betting shop, you called out Tommy's name.
"Tommy! Tommy..."
" Y/N...what the fuck?" John said as he opened the door in just his briefs.
" Tommy, where's Tommy?" You said urgently as you looked behind him into the living room.
" His not here" he said half awake as he rubbed his eyes in confusion.
"Well where is he?" You said as you looked up and down the street panicked.
" I dunno, he left in the middle of the night, what are you doing here?" sighing you put your hands to your face as you began to cry.
" Y/N" Polly said pushing her nephew out the way as she grabbed onto your hand taking it away from you face. " His down by the cut, near the boats" she said urgently ." Hurry" she added letting go of your hand as you ran in that direction.
" How the bloody hell do you know that ?" John asked as he turned to his Aunt. Folding her arms a knowing smile on her lips, she walked away with a small chuckle.
Sitting on an old wooden crate by the canal, a cigarette in his mouth, your black ribbon from you hair in his hand, Tommy laced it around his fingers, holding it tight as he enclosed it into his hand. It had been in his pocket everyday ever since, the only thing he had of yours to remember you by.
Taking a drag of his cigarette he heard a voice in the distance, ever so quietly approaching him with every second. Squinting down the path, he tried to look through the thick fog, then he heard it again.
"Tommy..." his heart quickened at the sound of your voice. Turning away he threw the cigarette onto the ground. How long would you torment him, his mind constantly playing tricks on him. You was gone, never coming back.
" Tommy..."
He heard again only closer. Standing up he looked through the smog once again.
"Tommy!" It was you, your voice right here, right now.
" Y/N!" He shouted back as he ran through the smoke as fast as he could . And then as if he eyes were playing tricks on him, he saw you, running towards him clear as day as you collided into his arms, crying as you held onto him. His heart just about ready to explode, his emotions too much, he buried his head into your neck as he cried along with you.
" I came back" you said as you let go of him, tears streaming down your face. "Your letter" you sobbed as you held onto his arms.
" You did" Tommy cried as he cupped your cheeks. " Y/N, I'm sorry...I'm so sorry" he said as he placed his lips onto yours, his tears falling onto your cheeks. Was this real? Was this happening? He thought to himself as he pulled away, to see your face smiling back at him.
" Fuck" he said as he sniffed back his tears pulling you into his chest, his arms wrapped around you as he held you tightly against his body.
" Never thought I'd see the day Thomas Shelby would cry " you laughed as you wiped your tears away.
" Well" he said as he cleared his throat " You've had me feeling all types of things sweetheart" he said with a small laugh as he let go of you holding you at arms length, soaking in your face.
"You really came back " he said looking at you brushing your tears away with his thumb.
" We came back" you said as you took his hand placing it over your stomach.
"We?" He said confused, only for his eyes to quickly widen at your confession.
" Fucking Hell" he laughed in astonishment as he caressed your stomach. " Life's coming at me fast" he joked, as you placed your hand over his.
" Would you have it any other way?" you said smiling up to him.
" No" he said shaking his head as he cupped your cheeks. The whirlwind that came rocketing into his life, never giving up on him, was now here beside him forever, finally. " I love you Y/N Y/L/N" he said gazing into your eyes.
" I love you Tommy" you replied as he lowered his head down to your face, pressing his lips softly to yours. Content in each others arms, finally together, you stood there by the water as one at last.
Twenty one years later...
"Tommy hurry up" you called out to your husband as you frantically put your shoes on.
" I'm ready Y/N, been ready for an hour " he said looking down at his pocket watch giving you a cheeky smile. Walking over, he held you In front of him. " They're not going anywhere, love" he said staring into your eyes as he pressed a kiss to you lips. " Come on grandma" he said taking your hand as he led you out of the house to the car.
"My darling" you said sobbing as you approached your daughter, laying in the large bed of her home, her newborn child bundled up in a white embroidered blanket, peacefully asleep in her arms.
"Oh my goodness, Tommy look" you said reaching for your husband's hand as he greeted his son in-law.
" Well would you look at that " he said holding the small of your back as he smiled down at the small baby in his daughter's arms. Taking the newborn into your embrace, you gently rocked the small bundle as tears welled in your eyes.
" We named her after you" your daughter said as you gently cupped your granddaughters cheek.
" Baby Y/N..." Tommy said smiling to you, as he watched the joy spread across your face. Walking over to the large bedroom window, your first grandchild safely in your arms, you looked out at the gardens In front of you.
"Feel like I've met her before " Tommy said approaching you from behind, as he stroked the small baby's head.
" Thomas Shelby..." You said rolling your eyes at your husband's obliviousness. If he wasn't going to make the connection now he never would. Kissing your cheek, a gentle stroke to your hip, he walked back over to his daughter as you looked down at the little baby in your arms.
" My sweet girl, I have waited so long to see you again " you said quietly as tears fell onto your cheeks. " It was you that brought me and your grandad together, you alone" you smiled as she held onto your finger.
" A love story that defied all things. And you my darling girl, you were the leading lady"
The end.
Tag list: @theshelbyclan @babayaga67 @sysymei @nataliewalker93 @cherryslyce @globetrotter28 @jyessaminereads @meowtastick @kathrinemelissa @casa-boiardi @ohmygodsebastianstan @ultimatreality
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saintarthur01 · 8 months
✩Writeblr Intro✩
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✩About the Author✩
Hello there ! I am Arthur and I am a writer who decided to make a separate blog just for my works and such. My main blog is @saintv0id if you are interested for whatever reason. I go by either Arthur or Void on here whichever is fine. I go by she/her and am also demiromantic
I like anything fantasy and fiction, and other such things like renaissance festivals, the medieval and renaissance periods, I like collecting bugs and bones, and I love musicians like Hozier, Tamino, Florence, and Noah Kahan
✩About this blog✩
• This blogs purpose is for my writings/stories and whatever relates to them, like OC intros, lore revealing, or really whatever takes place in my world
• I am open to any asks, questions, or msgs, or even recommendations if ya wanna know anything or submit something, please do so
• All stories and writings on here are all within the same world/universe that i have built, they are all connected one way or another
✩About how my stories work✩
• Again all of my stories take place in the same world, which I have called Allra, so all of my stories together will be called The Chronicles of Allra
• If you are interested in the basic lore and history behind Allra, I will soon have a post up with all the info, I will add the link here once updated and completed
• Allra is heavily influenced and based around Norse mythology, although all characters and lands are original, they are inspired by the norse mythos and the norse mythos are even implemented into the world’s history somewhat
• Some stories will be multiple parts and others will be just short stories involving random characters within the world and some will have a bigger impact then others
✩About my WIPS✩
Prince Killer:
• Genre: Fantasy & Adventure
• Warnings: Murder, hints of emotionally abusive family (will update if the list expands)
• Tropes: Magic, found family, retelling with a twist, major angst, royalty, fighting against prophecy & destiny, morally grey MC, family rivalry, major symbolism
• Main & Side Characters: Locke Ambrose, Caradoc Ambrose, Kailen Skaesun, Elwin Ambrose, Toke Ambrose (There’s more but those 5 are really the ones that need to be noted)
• Summary: In a world that was reborn after the events of Ragnorak, history seems to repeats itself as the King of Konunheim hears word from one of his trusted prophesiers that his son, Caradoc, will die by another’s hand by a simple arrow made from a harmless plant and if this were to occur the world may break out into another war and destroy itself. Assuming his last born, Locke, may be the killer due to his certain ways and dislike of his brother, he demands for his punishment and a way to keep Caradoc safe. While the other nine courts are splitting apart over the idea of a apocalyptic war, the two brothers now have to find a way for one of them to be pardoned and the other to not die while also preventing a war, and maybe even find out if Locke actually has intentions to kill his brother and follow through with prophecy or keep Caradoc safe…
(other works are in progress, I will update this list as I work on them more)
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leaves-fall-down · 1 year
Hate to say it but the overlap of "has a fanbase that heavily values their writing abilities" and "has a fanbase that deliberately detaches/miscontrues/borderline insults/fetishizes the singer's identity and inspiration from their artistry in an effort to pretend the music is closer to what the fans think they should be" venn diagram is not only just a straight up circle, but has taken over many of the same musicians and the fandoms overlap with each other to such an extreme extent that it sometimes becomes exhausting to consume any of their music as independent artists and then discuss them, let alone seeing how a lot of these artists have a "collective" fanbase that treats them all so bizzarely. Like do y'all not see the pattern with how you always feel some need to focus on certain "nicer" aspects of musicians' identities and entirely disregard others, or be all weird about it when you do acknowledge it? I'll provide examples, hopefully you'll see what I mean.
Tamino is an Egyptian and Lebanese man, at the same time he is Belgian, and that influences his art and it's so weird to just focus just on Persephone and his more "western" songs, or compare his nose to just a bunch of western white men. Hozier is Irish and inspired by Black American musicians who make political music and it's weird when you guys pretend he's just the fairy bog boy, which tbh you also likely wouldn't be saying if he was from Pennsylvania or Manchester or whatever, you're absolutely doing it with him because he is Irish, plenty of other artists write nature themes and don't get that weirdness put on them, you're doing it because he is Irish. Ethel Cain is a Southern American and writes from that very specific experience and has religious themes that influence her music and isn't just some "backwards" "hick" "redneck" (in a derogatory, insulting sense) girl that a lot of you clearly view "people like her" down south as. Måneskin has written in English since the beginning of their career, clearly takes inspiration from English and American musicians, and isn't entitled to write in Italian just because you think they should or because their native language ~fascinates~ you as an english speaker. Mitski often writes from a very VERY obvious perspective of being an Asian American woman and yet so many of you pretend that her songs about that experience are innately applicable to all of womanhood when they clearly aren't. They just aren't. They are about her experience as an ASIAN AMERICAN woman.
There are other artists y'all do this sort of shit to too (mainly Black ones!!) and it's absolutely annoying as shit to see that you can't just appreciate their identities for what they are and still need them to be closer in proximity to you and your identity or needs to "fulfill" something for you as an outsider, to the point of being delusional about the fact that this is all first and foremost their music and that it operates with their identities and they're all fantastic writers because on various levels they're being vulnerable about their identities and selves. That's not to say you can't pull your own meaning from the songs they write or whatever, but when discussing the artists themselves a lot of you are showing your asses with how you view "people like that" and how even though you're not being weird or bigoted in an obvious, deliberately mean sort of way, a lot of you still have shit to unpack and look at before you engage with them and their stuff. I mean Jesus christ even the most surface level understanding of erasure, fetishizing, and sterotypes can show what y'all are doing subconsciously, I'd hate to see how you talk about these people's identities when it's someone you don't see as both a product yet (parasocially) a friend, but is instead someone you hate.
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i wonder what music artists they would listen to!
i know DAMN well that Sorcha would listen to Lana del ray, Saorise would listen to chapell roan and i think that Rilla would listen to Laufey
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GOODNESS, this took a while. Both Baji and I are ardent music lovers and aficionados, so music is veryimportant to us and to this story and these characters. So I wanted to make sure I got everything in order before answering these asks! 
Sorcha loves jazz and music that’s heavily influenced by soul and movement, so she loves hip-hop, pop soul, R&B, club music - stuff that’s sexy and feminine and full of confidence, like Janelle Monae, Rihanna, Beyoncé, HER, Doja Cat, Billie Eilish. 
She’s absolutely a Lana Del Rey fan, also loves Amy Winehouse, Paloma Faith, Clairy Browne, April Smith and the Great Picture Show, Laura Mvula. For more old school stuff she goes for Irma Thomas, Nina Simone, Peggy Lee, Julie London. 
Rilla loves fun energetic pop that she can dance to but also makes her feel free to - Kesha (the Rainbow album was DEEPLY important to her), Doja Cat, Dimie Cat, Sabrina Carpenter, Chapelle Roan, Olivia Rodrigo, Brittany Spears. She loves Laufey for a softer, romantic vibe, and even though she doesn’t listen to a ton of alternative she LOVES Molotov Jukebox. 
Also, girl ADORES Dolly Parton. She’s dressed up as her for Halloween, loves her endlessly. She got into Kacey Musgraves too, but Dolly has her heart. She likes some of Taylor Swift’s stuff, but she’s definitely not a die hard Swiftie. 
Lorcan unironically adores Kesha, very happy to jam with Rilla whenever their girlie’s music is on. In general he loves music that would be perfect for a barroom brawl - Dropkick Murphys, Flogging Molly, IDLES. Loves rock in general, especially Def Leppard and AC/DC, the Clash and the Black Keys. Likes Gaelic Storm and the Beatles for softer moods. 
Brig listens to a lot of metal and punk and rock music - she and Lorcan would definitely jam to AC/DC and the Black Keys. Also loves blues music, definitely a fan of Johnny Cash. Also likes Gin Wigmore a lot. 
Luella loves soft indie core songs and groups - the Wailin’ Jennys, the Oh Hellos, the Crane Wives, the Jane Austen Argument, the Hush Sound, Brandi Carlisle, Cat Power, Paris Paloma. She and Rilla both love Laufey. She listens to Florence + the Machine and P!nk when she wants to feel empowered. 
Locke is also into soft indie, lots of underground bands no one has ever heard of but have very intense poetic lyrics - Hozier, the National, Cigarettes After Sex, Florence + the Machine, Nicole Dollanganger, the Oh Hellos. There’s a lot of overlap between him and Lu, actually! He also loves viola music, he plays it and it’s a very healing, therapeutic passion of his. 
Regal…whoo boy, his taste in music covers such a wide and diverse spectrum. He loves operas and classic musicals, very much a devotee to classical music by artists like Debussy and Puccini and Bizet. One of his absolute favorite songs is “Danse Macabre”…
He’s a virtuoso with the piano and has described himself as his own favorite musician. 
But he does like some more modern music, he’s just VERY snobby about what he wants to listen to. Marina and the Diamonds (“Bubblegum Bitch” is a favorite), Queen (he is very fond of Freddy), Voltaire, Fish in a Birdcage, the Real Tuesday Weld are some examples.  
Bogdan is even more a snob than Regal, and stays away from most modern music. He’d much rather focus on composing his own music than polluting his ears with the dreck that passes for songs nowadays. Sorcha has her work cut out with him, but she’s more than up to the task…
Casimir, sadly, probably doesn’t listen to a lot of music because of his injury - it’s too much stimulation and he suffers from horrible headaches to begin with. Not all music does it, but too much stress and sounds would very likely trigger an episode. It’s incredibly tragic because music is such an important and treasured facet of his and Bogdan’s culture…
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cowgurrrl · 1 year
okay I know I started my last ask off with shut up but please don’t I want ALL the rockstar joel thoughts
I thought you’d NEVER ask
- I definitely think he’s got some punk/classic rock influences because he would’ve been around the right age to catch the beginning of the new wave/riot grrrl/queercore movement (which is another thing I could talk about for hours) but I don’t think he’s necessarily punk or classic rock despite his music having that similar grit
- And how could it not with that deep voice!!
- I see him as like a Hozier or Phoebe Bridgers type of performer where you go to the concert and you’re just mesmerized by their presence and voice
- He’s had the same band for quite a while because he struggles with change and he loves his band so much
- When they go on tour, he makes sure their partners and children can be accommodated if they want to come and if they can’t, he makes sure to have plans in place in case anybody needs to go home suddenly
- RARELY aware of just how hot he is as if he isn’t all broad shoulders and strong hands and big smiles like GOD
- One show, the cameraman pans from his fingers strumming his acoustic guitar up to the stoic, concentrated look on his face and the stadium damn near loses it and he doesn’t understand why
- “DILF of the year” according to an entire twitter thread dedicated to his best looks
- His name in your phone becomes DILF of the year
- I feel like rockstar Joel would be tattooed like not heavily but a few pieces here and there (probably a couple for Ellie and Sarah)
- Every tour, Joel commissions young artists of color to design tour merch and it always slays
- One tour, he has Ellie design a shirt but doesn’t tell anyone it’s her
- Plays ACL every year because he’s a Texas boy through and through
- Loves to bother you at work
- One time when you’re at a fan convention or something similar, he somehow gets the microphone and says, “I have a question, actually” and the entire hall erupts into applause and cheers as he just stands there with a dorky smile on his face. Your cast mates laugh at the situation as you sit there, turning bright red because everyone is looking at him but he’s looking at you
- On a late night show, you get asked about on-screen kisses and you know Joel is watching so you laugh nervously and shrug, “it’s work, you know? There’s nothing romantic about it.” “And what does Joel think about it?” “He knew what I did when we started dating so I don’t think he cares much.”
- Oh my god does he love crashing set when he’s not supposed to
- Leading to countless people on social media pausing your newest project and circling an otherwise unassuming extra and saying, “is that Joel Miller?!”
- Just one of the nicest guys in the industry
- One time he brought a little girl on stage because she had a sign that said her dream was to be a rockstar and he straight up gave her the guitar and brought her and her dad backstage
- Has stopped in the middle of a song to break up a fight happening on the floor
- Helps fans up when paparazzi pushes them out of the way for a shot (and yells at the photographer while he’s at it)
- Just an all around great guy
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(Plus a lil fun insta story I feel like actress!reader would post in response to that reporter lmao)
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alltimefail-sims · 11 months
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I actually understand exactly where you're coming from. I find myself checking the wiki for more info on sims in TS4 and leaning heavily on other people's interpretations sometimes whereas I have a very clear understanding on who sims from TS2 franchise were. And what's crazy is that even the more popular sims in this community are popular not necessarily because of who the sims team "intended" them to be, but because of the fandom's interpretations/ability to fill in the plot holes.
One thing the sims team is going to do every time is give us some underdeveloped, half-baked townies!! (Although for some reason, in my opinion, they really delivered with the Horse Ranch townies for some reason?!)
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This is a really interesting question! I think Mortimer listens to mostly wordless music: classical/baroque music/traditional Spanish-influenced instrumental music. Bella would also love instrumental music with traditional Latin/Spanish influence, but I think Bella also enjoys lyrical music/pop music with a good beat as she is a vivacious firecracker who is full of life and the life of the party imo! If they're listening to music with words (Bella does this more than Mortimer), they're probably listening to music sang entirely in Spanish/music by Spanish-speaking artists nearly every time. In fact, I personally think the Goths would speak Spanish mostly at home as well because I've never seen any of them as white people (yes this includes Mortimer!)
As for Cassandra and Alexander, I imagine they both enjoy alternative music in general - early 2000s pop punk is a shared love, and this is mostly Cass having an influence over her baby brother because he was a kid when those bands were popular haha. I could see them both screaming the words to any song off of MCR's "The Black Parade" album. But that's about as far as their similarities go: as they get older the differences in their personal tastes of music are more prevalent.
Cassandra loves classical/instrumental music like her dad. She also loves death metal and screamo, the more avant-garde the better (if most people would find it weird, niche, wild and/or loud, she enjoys it.) I don't listen to this kind of music, so I don't have an example off the top of my head but as a little bonus: I think Yuki Behr turned her onto Baby Metal lmao.
Alexander, on the other hand, likes a wide variety of music. I think he's probably the biggest "music lover" in his family who kind of just enjoys different stuff all across the board. He learned how to play piano through classical and baroque music, but he's not listening to that in his free time: he finds it far too rigid/restrictive. His favorite kind of music would probably be alternative rock that leans more indie/acoustic/folk like Hozier or Lord Huron. I think he enjoys some pop music, so long as it has good lyrics. He also was in drama club in high school and I think he enjoys several musicals! I also see him especially into stuff from the doo-wop and Motown era: anything between the 30s and 60s, and that's why I always say that Stephen Sanchez's music reminds me of the kind of music Alexander would make due to its spanish/doo-wop/pop fusion. (Listen to his new album "Angel Face" and you will get what I mean! I actually would consider Stephen Sanchez's singing voice/songs to be my Alexander Goth's voice claim!)
But those are just my personal takes and how I play them!
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I don't have a ton of my own headcanons about Jesminder! I think her and Arun probably cause bisexuals to panic as they're both stupid hot!
All jokes aside though, I think they're criminally underrepresented townies. Jesminder has always struck me as this multi-talented person who lights-up-every-room and has that special kind of vibe that you can't put a name on - she just is charming, drawing people to her. I don't think she's a talker so much as she's a listener; she's wise and when she speaks it's because she actually has something to say (she doesn't just talk to talk). I think because of this, I imagine that as a bartender she has had many people confiding in her/asking her for advice lmao. She's the kind of person that calls you sweetheart and then will drop the most provocative, to-the-point rhetorical question or advice on you and it will change you forever you know?
And Arun is just like this super sweet hipster tech guy who probably drinks kombucha, rides his bike to work, and loves his wife like crazy and can't wait to be a dad. He has no idea how he bagged this woman but he is not about to question it in case she realizes she could "do better" (they're annoyingly in love though and she does not like when he jokes like that lol).
Someone needs to make a story that focuses on them because I think they seem to be an adorable couple with a lot of potential. I just think they're neat! (djservo's "Bros" story with Joaquin and Sergio has given me some Arun and Jesminder content but I need more!!!!)
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emsuemsu · 8 months
Shuffle Your On Repeat 10 Times!
Thank you for the tag @valoale 🥹💖 my music taste is really fucking basic and heavily influenced by tiktok nowadays, especially my on repeat list. Felt like sharing a few words about these songs so this became a short novel sorry about that (not sorry)
The Last Dinner Party - Nothing Matters
This is my current song obsession number one. It bangs so fucking hard. And you can hold me/like he held her/and I will fuck you/like nothing matters?????? I’m SCREAMING
Hotel Ugly - Shut up My Moms Calling
Vibes vibes and vibes 😌
Steve Lacy - Dark Red
Similar vibes to the previous song, I’ve been blasting this for ages now
Hozier - Like Real People Do
Hozier my beloved. Not my favorite of his but a very loved song and I can’t believe it’s been 10 years since it’s release what the hell
cassö, RAYE, D-Block Europe - Prada
This scratches a specific part of my brain so well, I’m criminally in love with raye it’s not even funny anymore, she’s so fucking talented, I don’t know what I want more to be her or to be with her
Frank Ocean - Lost
Straight up vibes again. Can’t listen to this song without screaming the chorus. Takes me back to summer and sunshine
Paperi T, Pariisin Kevät - muuttolinnut, rantahiekkaa,
The only Finnish song on the list and boyyyy what a song 🥹 I nearly had a stroke when this song was dropped, Pariisin Kevät is such a precious band for me and Paperi T is a genious
Noah Kahan, Hozier - Northern Attitude
I’m feral for Noah Kahan. Like it’s not even healthy anymore how much I love him and his music. And this fuuuccckkiinngg song. Hozier does something for my rotten soul, and as a person with a northern attitude this song is essential to my lore
Jack Harlow - Lovin On Me
My guilty pleasure song of the moment. Or what the hell I’m not even guilty about it, a certified banger
Surf Curse - Freaks
This is straight from tiktok and makes me feel many feelings
Getting over my internet social anxiety (is that even a thing) and tagging @hoko-onchi-writes @pocket-lin @poljupci and @soliblomst I'd love to see yours, no pressure though 🥹
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laufire · 2 years
I was tagged by @blairwaldcrf to do this (ty!)
Pick any five OTPs and choose just one song you associate with each.
I’m just going to choose a few ships that have been on my mind. Also, tbh, the song choices are heavily influenced by a.) what I’ve been listening to recently; b.) a very sui generis sense of humour. I’m not sorry.
-Eleanor Guthrie & Max from Black Sails. Mirel Wagner’s “What Love Looks Like” was the first that came to mind. PERFECT for their breakup, IMO (“this pain I breath / has poisoned me / dreamt a dream / now I’m spitting bitter tears”). But. I won’t lie. Immediately afterwards I thought of Donna Summer’s “Bad Girls” , which I’ve been listening to on a loop this week. Err. Take it as a pre-show established relationship thingy that highlights a messed up, rarely talked about aspect of their relationship? (“hey mister, have you got a dime / mister, do you want to spend some time, oh yeah / I got what you want, you got what I need / I’ll be your baby, come and spend it one me”).
-Lyra Silvertongue & Will Parry from His Dark Materials. I’m going to pick Hozier & Karen Crowley’s “In A Week”, Because (“we’ll lay here for years or for hours / thrown here or found, to freeze or to thaw / so long, we’d become the flowers / two corpses we were, two corpses I saw / and they’d find us in a week / when the weather gets hot / after the insects have made their claim / I’d be home with you, I’d be home with you”).
-Caroline Forbes & Klaus Mikaelson from The Vampire Diaries. I’m specifying that one show, and focusing on the early days, because TO had a progression that definitely doesn’t fit the song that came to mind LOL: Alanis Morissette’s “Uninvited” (“like anyone would be / I am flattered by your fascination with me / like any hot blooded woman / I have simply wanted an object to crave / but you, you’re not allowed / you’re uninvited / an unfortunate slight“)... yeah xDD
-Bela Talbot & Dean Winchester from Supernatural. I keep thinking of them thanks to, of all things, this gifset of Lilah and Wesley in Angel (which is also making me want to rewatch the season 4 finale and cry about it, btw). I’m faaaar better at coming up with solo Bela songs than with Deanbela songs, I can’t lie xD (some of them work for both of them since the similarities are there, but not exactly for their dynamic iykwim). But, I mean. I don’t think I can’t resist picking Siouxsie and the Banshee’s “Face to Face”. It’s the Batcat song! ( “another life, another time / we’re siamese twins writhing intertwined / face to face, no telling lies / the masks slide to reveal a new disguise / [...] / and you’ll never know / you’ll never know / you’ll never know”).
-Laila Rose & Darius Calantis from The Essence of the Equinox (see rec post here!). Florence & The Machine’s “What Kind of Man” popped into my head immediately. Although, in my mind, it’s Darius singing it <333 (“and with one kiss / you inspired a fire of devotion / that lasted twenty years / what kind of man loves like this / to let me dangle at a cruel angle / my feet don’t touch the floor / somethings you’re half in and then you’re half out / but you never close the door”).
I’m tagging... @missbrunettebarbie @equusgirl @nectargrapes @grapecaseschoices @bellamygate @homosexualslug @peresephones and whoever else feels up for it!
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luminousdryad · 4 days
Unearthed (TBFD #1) aka my wip~
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comparable titles: Arcane, Final Fantasy VII, Avatar the Last Airbender, The Dragon Prince, Raya and the Last Dragon ; Spirited Away and Grave of the Fireflies also possible ; influences of Adventure Quest Worlds ; inspired by Noli Me Tangere/El Filibusterismo, the Japanese-American war that took place in the Philippines, and the 1972 Martial Law
Aurarea is under martial law as spirits of nature are at unrest, with the Regiment expanding their ZOIIE project for technological advancement across the land and as the territorial disputes at their borders grow increasingly violent.
Amidst all this, three years of drought has depleted their resources. At the threat of her family's farm being replaced by an energy wellspring for ZOIIE, a farmer girl seeks one of seven ancient Dragons to undo weather's curse and protect the balance of nature...as a wild Storm brews in the horizon.
themes: decolonization, immigration, environmental preservation, spirituality/faith vs. religion, right vs. good, how the past affects the future, generational trauma, war and its lasting damages, the past coming back to haunt us, truth always prevails whether it is good or bad, the privilege of freedom, deconstructions of tropes rather than straight up subervsions, and more
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(art by me)
what you can expect:
many, many dragons
Southeast-Asian coded main leads (however this is not meant to be rep because this is set in an entirely different world)
shy, gentle, but determined eldest sister FMC with flowery Earth magic, a lover of nature and friend to the spirits and who will do everything she can to ensure a good future for her siblings (vibes: Luna Lovegood, Fluttershy, AURORA, a mix of Tifa Lockhart and Aerith Gainsborough)
her parents: alive and very loving, but they're not perfect
her grandmother, with whom she has a complicated relationship with, who lived through the previous war where she lost her entire tribe, and is now bitter and jaded (but loves her family regardless)
cocky, highly intelligent, people-smart golden boy MMC with Light powers who's a jack of all trades, trickster and debater type who's a Guard for the Regiment, but has a heart for the people (vibes: Tony Stark, Jacks OUABH, Finnick Odair)
childhood friends to ??? slowburn
synthesis of spiritual/elemental magic and technology
heavy on world lore
some possible unconventional depictions of elemental magic
nontypical weapons, if you're like me and you're getting sick of fantasy FMCs always having daggers
heavy symbolism, philosophical discussions, and focus on psychological aspects
in-universe poetry, songs and other stuff
other trivia
heavily inspired by + references various mythology, fairytales and folklore
autistic/adhd FMC and adhd MMC, both aspec. No spice.
do NOT take this in an incestuous way but they're very Artemis/Apollo coded in terms of vibes and symbolism
I got frustrated with how they handled Hama's character in The Puppeteer in ATLA so I made the FMC's grandmother to write an entire storyline dedicated to being a victim of war and having to make certain choices to survive–that gave birth to this entire story
POSSIBLE CONTENT WARNINGS: physical abuse, religious abuse, discussions of SA, blood and violence
songs from the playlist:
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babbieblabs · 2 months
Introduction! ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶
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t*rfs and other crap like that are never going to be welcomed here.
Also, I write fairly graphic things (like g0re, psychological horror, etc), so if you are uncomfortable with that, don’t interact! (but, i do not draw those things, nor will i share drafts of such on here!)
I am also a minor, so if you’re also uncomfortable with that, feel free to block me or just don’t interact!
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You can call me Babbie! For short, I go by Babs or Ani (like Animal lol). You’re more than welcome to call me either!
If you couldn’t tell, I absolutely adore Animal the Drummer! The reason behind this is because I have a super old puppet of him that was my Dad’s when he was first born (the puppet is like almost 50 now), and he’d given it to me. Long story short, the character reminds me of him, so that’s why he’s so near and dear to my heart <3
I love Ethel Cain, Hozier, and Florence + the Machine. Their aesthetics, lyrics, and instrumentals heavily influence and inspire my writing, and the vibes I attempt to put into my works. I do listen to all genres! I think any and all music is beautiful and special in their own ways, and each should be celebrated <3
I also am really into Psychological Horror, Murder Mysteries, etc. I take a lot of inspiration from these kind of movies for my works as well!
My favorite things to read are realistic fiction stories! I’m not the biggest fan of fantasy, but I’m always open and willing to read suggestions, no matter the genre :)
I don’t write smut or anything like age differences or inc*st, so do not request that please! I am very uncomfortable with it. Other than that, you can always request things! But please note that it may take a while for it to be posted, as I am busy with completing my long fic.
Fic Masterlist
Long Fics:
Avarice — slod/slozac/wowp
Necrosis is our Nemesis — deadpool & wolverine
One Shots:
Can You Hear How the Stars Scream Our Names? — slod/slozac/wowp
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jazzyjazzin · 2 months
oh lord, franchaela angst incoming.
first of all, I would like to apologize to franchaela nation for cheering on tumblr user jazzyjazzin in her mission to excise her misery through writing (I found myself merely a spectator and not an active participant at the scene of the crime! pinky promise!) 😇
I saw that you posted the final chapter of wle so I'll be running to read that and I'll probably tell you my thoughts on it after! AHHH I'm so excited!!
as for your daisy jones and the six comparison, I don't find it insulting since the only thing I know about it is that it was adapted into a tv show, right? and that it was heavily influenced by fleetwood mac? afaik, delta rae was heavily influenced by those legends so the connection was already there. as for more song recommendations, I'll see what I can do ☺️, I fear I'll somehow fumble my streak, but I'll do my best! hahaha (happy your mom liked the tunes too!!)
for new tunes, how about 'green eyes::siena' or 'foreign language', which are both by nothing but thieves? they're british indie rock, I think.
I feel you on the whole hunting for songs in playlists with similar sounds and the whole discussing lyrics after listening to a full album. you clocked me with the whole hozier rec 'cause I've listened to every single one of his albums. 😂
I'll give the new billie album a try! haven't listened to much of her since her first ep came out but I'll remedy that. I did like yaeow's song so I'll check them out as well. I already added valerie broussard to one of my playlists so you're not wrong about me liking her sound lol.
talk to you later! I'm off to read the latest update. 🥰
I’m already working on it right now 😈 though i’m building on intro and pining atm, not as much angst. and they don’t need an apology, i, myself, am not going to be sorry at all. 😂
Yes! i was also going to say fleetwood mac too in the reminder. i might go through the daisy jones and the six album again and see if any fit for the playlist. you should listen, it is actually fantastic and i wish they were a real band 😭😂 also no pressure on the recs, only if they come and you feel like sharing them of course!
i’ll be checking these out for sure 🥰
yeah i figured you would have lol. i was also going to rec royel otis but i realized i only saved the one song so i wasn’t actually sure about the albums entirely.
I’d specifically seek out songs like “The Greatest” and “Wildflower” outside of “Birds of a Feather” just a fantastic album that i’ve been a bit obsessed with lately.
I hope you like it! have fun! ☺️
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unsafe-chikku · 4 months
Once my day off comes up something on my to do list is to make a comprehensive list for myself of musicians of color that inspired/are similar too the white musicians I already listen to a lot.
I’ve been thinking about doing it for a while but after reading a lot of posts specifically from black bloggers on the frustration of how folks treat black musicians, so after thinking on all that, feel like it’s important for me to do this.
It’s not like, right, I think, for me to go on passively enjoying the white version of what was made by or heavily influenced by people of color, particularly black musicians, without at least acknowledging and learning about the roots.
I’m not sure what the actual ratio is bc I’m more of a casual music listener, but I do know almost all my current top artists on Spotify are white, and I’ve seen several posts pointing out that folks like Hozier and Will Wood, for example, take a lot of inspiration in their work from current and former musicians of color in their respective genres.
I’ll also be trying to do more of a deep dive into rap, since I only really have listened to one or two albums from that genre.
Once it’s made to my satisfaction I’m gonna share it on here. I’ll probably go genre by genre of my own most listened to, so it’s gonna be very tailored towards my own tastes, however I’m the kinda tumblr guy that still kinda likes electro swing (it’s the whole soundtrack for mad rat dead and that slaps!!) and is obsessed with lemon demon, so I think my tastes are fairly “tumblr” basic.
I’ve seen some (extremely fair)frustration from people of color on here, especially black folks, about how everyone leans on them for recommendations. Hopefully this can help get ppl off their back with something I was already thinking about needing to do in the first place.
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mcrvmance · 10 months
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CONTAINS: sfw, nothing worth noting :)
NOTES: I’ve had this saved in drafts for quite a while now and I’m tired of seeing it there—might edit these
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✩ Genres: Soft Rock, Singer/Songwriter, Lo-Fi
☆ Artists: Fiona Apple, ABBA, Queen
☆ Songs: Getting Down The Germs, Age of Consent, Mr. Brightside
Harvey is constantly playing music. In the clinic, while he does paperwork, working out… it’s all day, everyday. Based on a headcanon I saw, Maru introduced him to Lo-Fi and now it tends to be his go-to music station to play at work. Plus his patients seem to enjoy it too, bringing a with it a calming vibe. He’s an anxious person and gets stressed out easily but music is very therapeutic to him.
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☆ Genres: Metal, Hard Rock, Alternative Rock
☆ Artists: KoRn, Alice In Chains, Nine Inch Nails
☆ Songs: A.D.I.D.A.S, Closer, Rocket Queen
Shane has a lot of feelings that are undealt with. Loud, aggressive, angry music is usually his go to as well as some slower songs about heartbreak. He’s incredibly horny too :)
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☆ Genres: Alternative, Punk, Hard Rock
☆ Artists: My Chemical Romance, Ghostemane, Taking Back Sunday
☆ Songs: Cute Without the ‘E’, Sound Effects and Overdramatics, I’m Not Okay (I Promise)
Sebastian identifies as being emo which is shown a lot through the music he likes. He feels incredibly alone and misunderstood - his father abandoned him at a young age and he doesn’t get along with his stepfather, he’s criticized for spending his days in his room, no one understands his passion for coding. He just wishes he could escape to the city and leave it all behind. His music offers him the validation that he can’t get from anyone else.
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☆ Genres: Alternative, Punk, Rock
☆ Artists: Nirvana, Green Day, The Misfits
☆ Songs: In Too Deep, Mrs. Robinson (The Lemonheads), Disorder
The music Sam listens to shape him as a musician. Bands like The Misfits and Nirvana heavily influenced what his band sounds like. Sam is usually happy-go-lucky so his music gives him the opportunity to express other emotions he keeps suppressed.
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☆ Genres: Alternative, Singer/Songwriter, Classical
☆ Artists: Hozier, Pearl Jam, Mother Mother
☆ Songs: When The Sun Loves The Moon, Black, Northern Downpour
Elliott romanticizes life… and he’s just romantic overall! He’ll definitely associate a song with his love interest. He’ll turn on music in the background while he reads or writes, whether to set the mood or ease his excited mind. It fills the lonely silence of his cabin along with it.
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☆ Genres: Lofi, Hip-Hop/Rap, Pop
☆ Artists: 1nonly, Shiloh Dynasty, The Weekend
☆ Songs: My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark, Bad Idea, My Girl
Alex needs music to accompany him while he works out. Chill music like Lofi to play in the background while he concentrates, or Hip-Hop to pump him up. He might even listen to music while he reads to help manage any anxiety he might feel.
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— want to request something? you can do that here!
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Suddenly- but heavily influenced by Hozier songs, Ethel Cain (specially) Good Omens and Hannibal (ofc) and Neil Gaiman's writting in general - i've been feeling the need to revisit my religious upbringing.
I'm protestant, evangelic/pentecostal, or i was. I can't relate to much of religiou imaginary and symbolism in media, because those are in majority catholic so it's pretty removed from the bases of my beliefs (or lack of them therefore).
But Good/Evil or good/bad, right/wrong, virtue/sin. These endless debates? These are what i know, these are all i've ever known.
I killed God, yes, i killed it. Inside of me, i turned myself my master, no one owns my inner thoughts, no one deserves my utmost devotion if not myself. No God that i've never seen deserves blind faith. No Satan or Demon that isn't that much worse than the next man deserves unfounded fear.
So in this i based my faith, the believe in thing that are yet to be seen.
But now, consuming so much religious based (pro, cons, the vaguest hint or just the objective aesthetic of it and its symbols) i feel the need to reclaim something from religion. Even a killed God can haunt their worshipper.
All this to say that if a person sees me wearing religious related clothing pr accessories, PLEASE!, believe i am being so unserious and deeply ironic with it.
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shattersstar · 3 years
hi! for your consideration: ‘on his knees’ from the sept prompt list with our boi jason todd? ✨
on his knees + jason todd
a/n: i rlly was hoping someone would send me this prompt for jason and you did!!! were connected i stg 😤 anywayyy this ended up being heavily influenced by it will come back by hozier. feedback is always appreciated !
getting home to you was ritualistic. a series of steps to follow and jason moved through the motions with ease. he could feel it in his shoulder blades, the ache that spread there and called him home to you. it was like his body just knew when to end the night, when another hour fighting, interrogating and leaping from rooftops would be an hour too much. he could feel the release in his chest when he’d finally give in. lean into the feeling and go home.
some days he’d be across the city, limping to his bike and barely making it back to you in one piece. other days, like tonight, he was only a few blocks from your apartment, soaring across rooftops and landing with purpose. he always took a moment to catch his breath, steady the shaking of his hands and find his way to you.
you were awake, there was a deep longing in his bones that told him so. he carefully slipped through the living room window, television turned down low, but illuminating the space nonetheless. jason slipped out of his boots and tossed his helmet aside. he didn’t try to be quiet or hide—normally he’d duck into the bathroom, wash the city off his skin and stitch himself up. jason was good at the lonely routine. tonight though, he wanted you.
it was seven long strides for him to reach the door of your bedroom, three to reach your bedside before dropping to his knees. jason couldn’t carry the weight anymore. you barely had time to greet him before he was pushing open your door and kneeling next to you. jason’s head hit the mattress as soon as you pushed yourself up. “what’s wrong?” your voice laced itself with concern, and his heart lurched.
—don’t you hear me howling, babe?—
“just tired.” he muttered into the comforter.
“that’s all?”
“can’t get up either.” he added, craning his neck up at you and offering a toothy grin. a smile softened your features as you slipped out from under the covers. you carefully moved to the floor, sitting with your back against the bed as jason relaxed into the ground.
with gentle hands you reached over, pulling the domino mask from his face. jason hadn’t even known he was still wearing it. you let your hands slip to his shoulders to take off his jacket. jason complied, making soft sounds as his tired joints moved. you found buckles and zippers with practiced ease. you worked through his layers of armour, almost breaching the scarred skin underneath.
you weren’t able to access all his gear strapped to his body as jason slumped awkwardly into the bed. you moved to your knees, fingers curling around his frame like tendrils of love. it made him pliable, moving onto his tailbone, until his back rested against your bed. you were gentle with his legs, slowly helping jason stretch them out. he groaned low in his throat as the aching muscles shifted, awakening again after long blissful minutes in your tender care.
he sat sprawled out in front of you, and without missing a breath you carefully swung your leg over his and sat on his thighs. jason let out a low sigh that felt a little to charged for his distant state. his hands were resting on the bare skin of your thighs, shaking, but there.
you unclasped his chest piece, removing the protective layers of kevlar before finally resting your hands on his chest. your hands were hot, burning in a delirious kind of way. you ran your hands over the bruises, one particularly nasty one near his shoulder. “it looks like someone tried to curb stomp you.” you muttered.
the first words nearly spoken in twenty minutes and they made jason chuckle. he rasped out a laugh, head falling back at your mix of surprise and irritation.
“that was pretty close to what happened.” he shrugged, making you hum. your fingers skirted the bruise before you shifted your weight. your body wasn’t resting against jason’s anymore and a whine bubbled up his throat. he pulled his head off the mattress while you only shook your head. a ghost of a smile hung on your lips as you carefully removed the holsters from his legs before reaching for his belt.
your eyes flickered up to his, asking a wordless permission. when jason’s face didn’t contort in anger, or his body tensed, you proceeded. it was a bit uncoordinated, but you managed to slip off his tact pants and toss them along side the rest of his clothes.
he was reaching out before you could settle anywhere else, but his lap. you nearly yelped as jason pulled you against him, arms wrapping around your waist and nose pressed to your pulse. you took a moment to recover, letting your arms wind around his shoulders.
it was dizzying, how he needed you. how you were kind and loving only to him. it was something a shade too possessive for either of you, but jason couldn’t care. he’d be at your doorway every night, longing for you until you stopped letting him in. but as you held him back, fingertips tracing soothing patterns on his tattered skin, jason somehow knew neither you or him could stop loving each other.
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