#I DONT LOOK at anything to do with the other players and their backstories
flashhwing · 1 year
I need to confess something so I’m gonna put it in the tags and hope that nobody who Knows will see dhsksj
#THIS ISNT BAD OR DRAMA OR DISCOURSE OR ANYTHING this is me being like teehee I did something I’m not supposed to#anyway my latest dnd group is like a subset of an existing discord#so our dm created a thread so he can talk about campaign spoilers with the rest of the server#without us players seeing it#but secretly ………….. I check the tag regularly#IM CAREFUL THO about things#I only look at spoilers that pertain either to myself or the campaign at large#I DONT LOOK at anything to do with the other players and their backstories#(okay I did see ……….. one thing I’m not supposed to)#(but I PROMISE I can keep the secret! I can act like I don’t know!)#AND LIKE OKAY TO BE FAIR ALSO a lot of what I’ve seen is stuff that’s like. well I do not know what this means because I don’t have context#or like ‘here’s an npc that is blorbo’#and since it’s a pre written module that I haven’t read but others in the thread have#the dm doesn’t expand on it so I don’t know what they’re talking about anyway!#and there were a few things I snooped on they went and later told me about privately anyway so y’know what. that’s fine dhsksjsh#I’m just a nosy person who enjoys spoilers okay and I don’t think I’ve done anything that’ll ruin things for me#OR ANYONE ELSE because despite appearances I CAN keep a secret#(okay the thing I know about another character would’ve been a really interesting reveal if I didn’t know)#(but since I do I can consider it. dramatic irony! for me and me alone mwahahaha)#delete later
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WIBTA for leaving a DND campaign abruptly?
Some backstory: I had joined a DND game about 5 years ago right after breaking up with my toxic ex at the time. Me and my ex were both trying to be cordial at this time and ended up both joining a DND game run by a mutual friend.
In our first session, I had noticed my ex made her character be a parody of me that she made look like an awful person. She then kept dm-ing me during our sessions to tell me how to play my character better and other general backseat gaming stuff.
Very quickly, maybe about a month in, I contacted the DM about leaving the campaign due to wanting to distance myself from my ex. She was very upset I wanted to leave and offered to kick my ex from the group instead. I declined saying it would only cause more drama. The DM agreed to let my character go off at the end of the activity we were gonna do that session so it would make sense story-wise.
But this departure did not happen. after that conversation she vague-posted onling about how people dont want to be her friend. She then purposefully kept extending this part of the plot, just so I wouldnt leave the game and could realize it could still be fun. I told her outright I could not do this anymore after 3 more additional sessions and telling me she'll get to my character's exit soon. I always felt like an ass to the other players in the game for leaving them abruptly but I could not do it anymore.
Fast forward roughly 4 years, the DM tells me she is going to make a new campaign and would like for me to join since my ex was no longer in it. I agreed as I had missed playing DND a lot.
For the past year or so I have been in this campaign and it can be fun at times but I still feel out of place. This new session is a direct continuation of the previous campaign's storyline and regularly references it. Now, as far as I know my ex's character has not been referenced at all but I am constantly reminded of this situation whenever they mention a character's name I don't remember (because honestly I don't remember her characters name nor do I want to). I know I said to not bring her up around me but I don't quite trust this friend to keep her word. Simply because I don't think she ever remembers anything I tell her out of a place of... just not caring.
The DM and I just don't quite mesh that well. I don't really like her DM-ing style of making it up as the session happens. I don't like that she will constantly decide what my character is doing, even if I ask to do something, she tells me to roll to see if i can, i can get a nat20 and she will still decide what my character will do next based on what she thinks is funnier to her but makes my next action harder to accomplish.
I have dm'd her to talk about the progression of my character arc (after she constantly implys in session my character is the comedic relief and doesnt have any character development) and she'll go ooo and aaa (literally all she would say) but never actually implement anything I recommend.
I kept saying to myself it will get better in time. I have voiced my wants for my character, and they are ignored. In session, my character actions are essentially decided for me no matter how I roll the dice. It feels weird to be around half of the party bc they spent 4 years in a campaign with my ex who played a parody of me. esp hard after the DM keeps making me be the comedic relief even though I keep trying to play more seriously. other players constantly joke about how my character is gonna be the one that gets them all killed etc because of actions I dont necessarily decide.
Now as mentioned before, DM is also known to vague-blog about how "her friends secretly hate her" at any moment as well. This has happened before after I tried to "real talk" with her a handful of times over unrelated topics too (even if she initiates this conversation)
Given everything above, I want to leave this DND game after giving it a try for a year (really giving it an opportunity to improve). We left off with my character running off alone to get supplies for the party. I was thinking I could make a statement saying I had some personal things come up and I need to leave the game abruptly and leave it to the DM to decide what to do with my character.
Now I feel like I may be the AH because: I am leaving the game abruptly for a second time technically. I would contact the DM on how to make it make sense for my character to depart, but I feel like she will do the same thing as before with the previous campaign and keep putting it off, especially after ignoring my character growth ideas for a year in this current campaign. I also feel like I may be the AH because in character my group does need those supplies, but there is nothing stopping the DM from controlling my character to deliver supplies within the first 5 minutes of the next session.
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brainrot-stitch · 3 months
AHAAA I FINISHED IT WOAHHH i usually don't finish art things omg...
Anyways current sabre design!!! (It will probably change bc I can NEVER make up my mind on any design ever sob)
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Anyways some headcanons below cuz I feel like yapping :3
-rainbow totally would have gotten him and sabre friendship necklaces (yk the matching kind with magnets that come together n all) and after knowing lucas for a bit he woulda made friendship bracelets !!
-like that one person I reblogged said, he's such a mad scientist he's so silly omgg
-i love the reincarnation au SO MUCH its literally fire but in normal headcanons I think he used to be part of the creed and an assasin and ermm
Basically I headcanon his whole assassins creed series was basically his backstory before starting to do research on these 'steve' entities
-when nervous/anxious his footsteps will be completely silent out of habit from the whole assassin thing, and he'd obviously do it when purposefully trying to sneak (he has probably scared rainbow or Lucas multiple times by doing this..)
-I'm not sure weather to headcanon that his wings were damaged by a steve really early on in the steve saga (like before rainbow could speak or maybe when dark was still pretending to be blue) or if it was smth that happened when he was still an assassin but it's one of those!!!
-hes an avian.. heh... if u couldn't tell from the ref sheet.. but NOT a chicken!! The chicken jokes are just bc of the hoodie and bc his feathers look a lil similar :3
-he has like 2 of the same chicken hoodie he'll wear most often but still has some normal outfits AND assassins outfits and weapons he keeps away (most are green or have some sort of green in them heh.. I might draw that later)
-ok ok ok I have so many eye headcanons it's so hrggrrrrh the main one tho is one I snatched from the reincarnation au and that's that he doesn't have eyes!! Bc of an injury or sum and he js says he has sensitive eyes and the bandana fabric is see through up close.. but he can still see bc he's a player and the way players work is weird. Other headcanon, green eyes. Other headcanon, brown eyes. Other headcanon, heterachromia green and brown eyes. Other headcanon pure white eyes. Other headcanon code eyes. Other headcanon (gets hit by a bus)
-if we r going with the reincarnation au for the eyes, I feel like only rainbow and Lucas would know, if we're going with the others, I'd say rainbow, Lucas, Alex, galaxy, and maybe the guardian (I forgot if that's what he was called or not) would know. If we're going with the code eyes, then only lucas would know
-not sabre specifically but I feel like steves in general wouldn't be very used to or know but about blood/gore stuff, bc they're more used to being destroyed/poofing, and later on being destroyed through a machine. Being actually killed by a sword or something of the sort they are not used to seeing, and are very touchy on the subject
-on that note I imagine if there's like a steve that's immune to most or all other steve powers and or machines that they're trying to get rid of and arguing on what to so abt I imagine sabre being like "oh 1 sec I got this" and boom that mf DEAD 😭
-and they'd b like 😰
"Guess we're gonna have to kill this guy sabre" "damn"
-ermmm silly billy activity...
-I feel like he'd know a lot more than the other steves on things like the nether and end (not end city tho that's a whole other mc headcanon I don't feel like yapping abt rn) bc those are the dimensions players have access too and steves usually dont.. so they'd b like "WTF SABRE WHAT R U DOING THAT IS A LITERAL HELLSCAPE WITH LAKES OF FIRE AND MONSTERS WEVE NEVER SEEN BEFORE FYM U CAN GET 'NETHERITE' THERE" and he'd b like "well don't go in the fire then and it anything attacks u kill it ig" (not actually sob.. I feel like only he and Lucas would go there bc most steves r hindered greatly by lava and the only ones we've seen that aren't are bad guys if my memory is correct)
Ermm I have more but I'm eepy and can't remember so those r for another day!!!
Don't post my art to other platforms without my permission pls x3
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Why Pokemon Legends: Z-A Should Not put any focus on AZ:
I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion but with the Pokemon Legends: Z-A announcement and all the discussion about it. for some reason so many of you can only talk about AZ. and honestly i hope we get nothing about him.
i hope he doesn't appear at all, if hes mentioned its about the history of Kalos and he never interacts with the player.
AZ's story is over, we got his backstory, his lasting effects on Kalos, and reunited him with Floette. there is nothing left to his story arc. his major role was being the explanation for how Team Flare got a super weapon. that's it. AZ has so much presence in the fandom even though he appears like 3 times in game and thats enough. hes not a major player in the game! he's a sad dishevelled man, cursed because he did genocide cuz he thought it would somehow get him his floette back. and by the end of the game he's repented, his superweapon is destroyed for good this time, and he reunites with Floette.
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please note how broken up this man is that he finally reunited with his beloved pokemon.
AZ is only ever brought up when people want to discuss their wild fan theories or to salivate of "The Lore" as if AZ's actually done anything that wasnt dealt with in X&Y. Did his super weapon make the Area Zero crater? no because the Area Zero crater in 6 million years old -did you not go to the history class? What was AZ doing for 3 thousand years? after he got imortality he mostly moped and wandered cuz mass genocide didnt get him his Floette back. what happend to Kalos in that time? Kalos moved on? most of this "Lore" is either obvious, addressed in universe or absolutly not game changing! In my opinion: any poketuber talking about how AZ should info dump about what he did during his 3000 year mope are idiots who want a history textbook more than they actually want a pokemon game. and their reading comprehension sucks.
this is a bit of a tangent but i gotta get this off my chest: some of this focus on AZ is because some fans only want the opportunity to catch his unique floette. because you people are weird and must have everything for yourselves, i guess. I find it strange and bizzare that so many people are desperate to take this man's partner pokemon at all. like why? cuz its a unique floette? i don't really get it. I've seen so many pokemon youtubers who are desperate to talk about how they hope PL:Z-A will let them catch Floette and im sorry but do you(these poketubers) not understand pokemon? pokemon is about bonds and friendship and you want to break this one up because he has a special pokemon? have you people been watching and playing the same Pokemon i have!?
... anyway.
moving on, PL:Z-A is going to be focused on Lumiose City, on either its construction or some other aspect of it. AZ should not be involved at all, first its cuz AZ is still in his moping phase pre X&Y and will be until the events of X&Y. secondly because Lumiose is a modern city and AZ only affected changes during his reign as king, yanno 3000+ years ago? and thirdly, its called pokemon legends: Z-A. not ZA like some people keep reporting, the hyphen is important.
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its not just AZ backwards, its an acronym Z-A. whether Z-A stands for Zygarde is up in the air, i mean the font choice points in that direction but who knows. either way i dont think PL:Z-A is gonna be about AZ at all and why would it Lumiose is about looking to the future and the trailer highlights this, why would they spend time looking to the ancient past in the game that in all likelyhood is gonna be about innovating and advancing into the future! and AZ is characterized by clinging to the past and not moving on!
In conclusion, I hope AZ doesnt appear in Pokemon Legends: Z-A, his story was complete in X&Y and theirs nothing to expand on that would be actually interesting to the majority of players.
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morgandoesstuffsig · 1 year
Hello! I have this idea/request for sagau loosely based off of me and my friend’s dynamic where there are two separate creators. Like, not two reader clones or smth just two separate people, either of them can be reader, or both??? Idk, just do whatever you want with this idea :)
They both play genshin, and both of their accs r self aware. One of them is a whale who has all the characters and plays everyday. However, they dont know much about building characters because their fav part of the game is the lore and knows a lot abt it and always talks while playing. The other is a f2p that plays for several weeks straight before taking along break, and only has their fav characters (COUGH wanderer COUGH) and they are the type to never speak AT ALL while gaming. They also have more of a meta player mindset while building their fav characters and doesnt care for much for the lore.
I just like to imagine how the genshin cast would react to them in coop, especially for the first time. Just seeing one of them rant to the other about the lore or seeing one of them one shot all the enemies. And imagine two if the same characters from the different accs meeting each other.
absolutely love the idea of two wanderers as that silly little fucking spiderman meme
also there's scaramouche instead of wanderer for now for the plot
DOUBLES! ft. scaramouche and albedo
c.w // spoilers for sumeru quest and scara's backstory, heavy(?) angst in scara's part, pet names BECAUSE I CAN!!1!11!! GRAHH
start under cut
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"What are these talent levels?? Why'd you crown Albedo's normal attack? It's the most useless in his kit- you know you should've leveled his Skill, right?" You said, while you looked at your friends Albedo- it honestly hurt to look at.
"Uh.. Yeah, I totally knew that.. I just was.. testing it.. out..?" Your friend mumbled into their mic, obviously lying.
Meanwhile, in one of your worlds, two Albedos were silently watching the other.
'Why is there another me? I could've swore I killed Dorian.. but he also has a star mark. It looks exactly like mine.' They both thought to themselves.
Eventually, one of them spoke out.
"Who are you?" Albedo said, staring at the other blankly, the smallest bit of confusion and fascination only seen if you truly tried to look for it hard within his eyes.
"I am Albedo."
"I am also Albedo. Are you sure you're really 'Albedo'?"
"Are you sure you're Albedo?"
This went on for a while.. neither of them were like this usually, but the other just wouldn't give up. Both were persistent when curiosity had peaked, and this just got very interesting.
end : 1/2
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"...well, that was one hell of a boss fight.." You mumbled under your breath.. you had barely managed to make it out of Scaramouche's boss fight alive-- half of your characters were dead, and the others were barely hanging on by a thread-- you truly need to thank the ancient Genshin cooks for Sweet Madames and Chicken Mushroom Skewers..
"It sucks that Scara really thinks that about himself. I mean, sure, he was abandoned by Raiden, but not because he was weak or anything. It's really because she just didn't want to control every aspect of his life, but there are of course, better ways she could've done that. You do have to understand that both made mistakes that lead them to where they are now, and..." You went off on a ramble, and unbeknownst to you, a certain purple-haired boy was listening to everything that spilled from your lips.
Everything he's ever known and believed in-- it was all just.. just a misunderstanding? He felt hopeless all of a sudden, he felt like falling.. and he did.
That's when you looked back at the screen, suddenly knocked out of your rambling state and (semi)yelled out, "Oh shit, ain't nobody gonna catch him?!" ...and nobody did. You silently flinched at the sound of the impact-- even through a screen, you could tell that hurt horribly.
"Oh no, poor darling.." You mumbled sympathetically as you read each and every word stated and said during the 'quest,' just like you did with each and every other one. You knew all of this yet you still felt so sad for the poor puppet Scaramouche. He really didn't deserve any of that, you thought to yourself as you wished you could've done something, or that you could do something.. if only it weren't through a screen.
Scaramouche hated being pitied, but maybe.. maybe if it was you, he didn't mind, and maybe he felt a small sense of pride because it meant in some way, and at some point, you cared for him.. and that filled him with more joy than either of you realized, and much more joy than you ever will even think.
end : 2/2
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puhpandas · 9 months
Do you think that Cassie's dad should/could be the protagonist in help wanted 2?
In my opinion there is definitely a possibility of it happening but what doesn't makes sense to me is that how he is gonna tie in into the story other than him wanting to know where his daughter went.
From the last 3 games of the new FNAF timeline every new protagonist is added but I feel like they shouldn't add every new protagonist in every new FNAF game Steel Wool makes because that will probably confuse a lot of things.
If he's gonna be the new protagonist they better make him right or I'm not gonna like him at all.
ill really dislike if they make him the player in help wanted 2. the only reason i could look past it is if in exchange, the only reason hed be the protag is to give more insight on the other characters without anything having to happen to them. that would make sense, but i would still be upset i think
its not really that i dislike cassies dad, a lot of people do and its fine if you do, but i just dont see why he would even be a protag. the only reason were considering it as a possibility is because mainstream fnaf theorists/twitter users latched onto him. theres no indication that he'll even be involved in the story outside of giving Cassie some backstory/development, but theres really no telling
since help wanted 2 will have security breach minigames, and im pretty sure ruin minigames as well, with the ruined animatronics, if i had to guess i think Cassie will be the player. Vanny!Cassie has a good chance of being canon, and with help wanted 2 being AR based like the VANNI mask is it would make perfect sense. not to mention how help wanted 1 was also about being corrupted by the exact same mask, with the same exact themes. a cool callback for the new vanny. but also it would happen so soon after ruin that its hard to believe it would continue that fast
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yourplayersaidwhat · 2 years
BAG DEMON! A.K.A. Introducing an new party memebr in the middle of a villain monologue
Backstory: Starting a new campaign with a party that was together for some time, sadly minus a player. New player’s character comes from the Feywild and needed a way to get her to the party, that as a warm up exercise were hunting down a vampire in the catacombs beneath a city. Said vampire being a PC’s father. The banter between them while the poor vampire was trying to monologue and was ignored was amazing. (DM as Vampire) Va'Kelith: But I will have my vengeance!!! (PC 1) Xavier Tesler: “Enough of this! Tonight you sleep in hell you dog!” (PC 2) Va`Shera: “Vengeance?” (laughs), “You are so agressive dear Father, will you not answer my questions?” (DM) Va'Kelith: Maybe I should… After all the knowledge will be useless to you, once I trapped you just like you trapped me, here in these forgotten tunnels, buried alive… buried alive… DM: The vampire start his monologue when something happens. Va'Shera feels a great source of heat practically on top of her. PC 2: Va'Shera readies herself! DM: The heat source is apparently your bag of holding that starts smoking and even glowing red hot. PC 2: Va'Shera opens the bag and looks inside. DM: As you do the bag explodes, tearing itself apart, its contents spilling around you. PC 2 (ooc): oh ffs… I lost a damn Bag of Holding? PC 1 (ooc): Dont worry I have one! I’ll carry your tampons! DM: The explosion dazes you temporarily, but other than that you are fine. You barely have time to take this into account, when a ball of lighting starts growing, where the bag used to be right in front of you. It forms a sphere, roughly 6 feet in diameter and then dissipates in just a second. Lighting arcs across the room from the sphere right before it dissipated. And when it does so, there is a figure in front of you. The figure is unarmed and unarmored. (PC 2) Va`Shera: “What the hell?” (New Player/PC 3) Erevanne: “Hello!” (PC 2) Va`Shera: “What the FUCK!” (Looks at her with wrath) (PC 4) Vimak Stonehand: (Vimak stops moving) “Who the hell are you!” DM: Vampire looks annoyed at the interruption. (PC 3) Erevanne: “I am Erevanne and I need your help, urgently!” (PC 4) Vimak Stonehand: (Looking at PC 1) “Boss should i kill it?” (PC 2) Va`Shera: “You owe me a damn bag of holding!” (PC 3) Erevanne: “What!?” (PC 5) Lucan:(looks around blandly) “Perhaps we should focus on the Master Vampire and its minions first?” (PC 4) Vimak Stonehand: (Directed at PC 1 and pointing at PC 3) “Boss the devil spawn is talking!” (DM as Vampire): Va'Kelith: “WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!?!?!” (PC 5) Lucan: “Shush you, dont you see us adults talking?” (PC 1) Xavier Tesler: (at PC 3) “Who are you?! BAG SPAWN!?” (PC 4) Vimak Stonehand: “This demon shall taste my hammer, even if it comes in the guise of an elf!” (PC 1) Xavier Tesler: “Do not harm the Bag Demon Vimak! It seems friendly for now!” (PC 4) Vimak Stonehand: “But Xavier I never get to smash a demon, its aways undead or orcs or something…” (PC 1) Xavier Tesler: “We will find a rock, write demon upon it for you to smash later.” (PC 4) Vimak Stonehand: “Aye not many goliaths can claim to having slain a rock demon, but not many could claim victory over a bag demon either…” (PC 1) Xavier Tesler: “Can we discuss this later? Vampire needs staking.” (PC 5) Lucan: “Now that this is mostly handled.” (he points out towards Va'Kelith) “Anything you want to say?” (he pauses) “Something productive at least?” (PC 1) Xavier Tesler: “Be careful what you say filth, I’m writting it down. Be poetic.” (DM as Vampire) Va'Kelith: (having had enough of his monologue interrupted) Enough of this foolery! Minions! Attack!!!
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definitelynotshouting · 9 months
Try #2 wording the Hunger AU questions I want to ask, let's see if this one also ends up with me giving up and giving tidbits instead. XD
The quick, TL;DR version: I'm curious about the characters' backstories before fic's canon/Hermitcraft canon.
The very long version: MCYT fandom is in this weird ambiguous area where you *technically* have access to a lot of info from the content creators' IRL lives and their past SMPs/Let's Plays/etc, but how much of that factors into any one fic's canon changes depending on the author. Each author has different levels of how much "canon" (SMPs, Let's Plays, etc) they've had time to watch, how familiar they are with IRL stuff, how comfortable they are incorporating IRL stuff into their fic, whether everyone is a basic player or whether you have players who are avians or vexes etc., or a variety of other things. Each fanfic author has their own version of canon, and none of them are really wrong, because canon itself is kind of fluid.
Originally, I started asking a bunch of little questions (Are Scott and Jimmy exes? Does Grian still have a biology degree, or something like it? Is Scar still afraid of snakes (and if so, does that fear of snakes also mean a fear of worms)? How close were Grian and Mumbo pre-Hermitcraft (because fanfic and IRL episodes seem to often have different opinions on that)? Does Pearl still turn things upside down if they're in a virtual world where Australia presumably doesn't exist?) However, as I was looking at these questions, I realized it wasn't so much that I wanted like concrete answers to each one, so much as like ... I wanted more of an idea about the characters backstories. Right now, we're very much in Grian's head, and he's not exactly in a good enough headspace to be thinking that much about his own pre-Watcher past, much less anyone else's past. I assume it will be awhile until the fic gets into a place where we can find out some of this info without it feeling awkwardly jammed in, so I just kind of want a better idea of where each character (or at least, Grian + Grian Retrieval Squad) is coming from.
Like, you mentioned all Hermits except for Joe and TFC were spawned, not born, but as examples to show what I mean: how old were Grian & co when they spawned? Did they spawn in a single player world (which I think is implied from how you said single player worlds are formed around players, correct me if I'm wrong) or a multiplayer world? Did they have anything like caregivers/guardians/non-blood-related family when they were younger? What was their first multiplayer experience like, and how'd they find Hermitcraft? What education did they have? What led them to becoming redstoners (Tango and Mumbo), builders (Grian, Scar, and Pearl), or admin (Xisuma)? How did Grian meet Mumbo and/or Pearl? (Reminder, these are just examples of the type of info I'm curious about, not looking for each one to be answered specifically.)
So yeah, basically, not really any specific questions so much as "character backstory info please? *puppy dog eyes*"
OHHH MAN i will fully admit i havent done a ton of research into cc histories and previous smps etc etc-- i know some stuff thru fandom osmosis, but i dont know a lot of details (hence why i find your tidbits really neat!!!!!) and so unfortunately i dont have,,, the most detailed or even semi-detailed answers for this rn 😭😭😭😭😭
I can however offer that i do tend to sorta cherrypick and meld some irl cc stuff with the characters sometimes as almost easter eggs??? So like with the Mumbo and Grian stuff, i'd want to sorta glance at the dates on those irl eps vs the dates of the Evo eps and base backstory stuff of that!!! Basically in short, i'd need to actually do a bit more research and figure out how i want to incorporate things before fully committing to anything just yet!!! Im sorry i dont have a better answer for you 😭😭😭💀💀💀💀
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i am so sorry for the amount i am about to send you. general 5, 8, and 9. story specific 1, 5, 10, and 11? you dont have to answer all of them lmao
zeke’s story will never be at full potential without the durge stuff and you didn’t ask for any durge related ones so i will just pretend that he’s still the most specialest bhaalbabe ever just as a companion lol. i’m gonna excuse this self-indulgence by reminding myself that i heard that default durge was supposed to be a companion early in development? anyways.
5. Are there any instances where your Tav can permanently leave the party, depending on player character actions?
surprisingly it would be pretty hard to get rid of him once you invited him to travel along with you. i wrote a little fic about this scenario a while ago and he’s just a massive self-centered dick when you recruit him but he’s also so insanely confused. not even mentioning the memory loss, he’s a sheltered, paranoid, stressed to hell and back guy who’s being exposed to a new environment and he’s clinging to anything that makes his confusion a little easier—zeke doesn’t know a life without being led by someone, so even if he thinks your leadership is lofty he’ll probably stick around for a while at least, even if you don’t exactly want him around, like a cockroach infestation.
8. What do they say when the Player Character asks them to stay in camp?  How about when the Player Character asks them to come adventuring again?
“Pah, y-you think you and your sorry excuse for a brain up there would survive for A SECOND without my expertise? S-Suit yourself. “ *looks away from player pouting*
“Aha, aha, look who’s here again! Knew you’d crawl back to me. Yes, I suppose I could consider coming with you… Just say the words ‘You were right, Zeke.’ and my mastermind is at your side again. He-Hey! Wait! Don’t leave! For fucks sake, I’m right behind you…”
9. Does your Tav have any escalating conflicts with one of the other companions, like Lae’zel and Shadowheart’s knife-fight?
oh god of course. it’s zeke hello. first off we have karlach.
act 1: i think after you’ve traveled with them both for a bit and have beaten the “paladins”/she has revealed her backstory, you get a scene in which you approach zeke like usual but see that his eye is completely blue and bruised, and if you press him he says “that brute devil attacked him for merely trying to have a conversation with her. his fault really, for assuming that she’d be good at anything but mindlessly bashing people’s heads in” (wild statement to make with 6 cha lol) if you then question karlach about it you find out that he was actually incessantly pestering her with questions about her past, completely disregarding her trauma or or discomfort. (this is because his like brain like. tingling? at the gortash mention but he doesn’t know that yet so neither does the player)
act 2/3: so, i haven’t used karlach beyond act 1 yet because i attacked the grove with zeke, so i can’t include anything about her personal quest, but i think they’d sort of. hesitantly grow together over act 2, only for that to get shattered on the big reveal tm at the coronation. there’s so much that can be said about this and i’m already rambling like crazy so i’m gonna summarize: karlach gets super duper fucking pissed, but also is probably smart enough to notice how gortash hurt zeke, not how he hurt her but not any less cruel, when zeke’s mental health starts to deteriorate after reuniting with him. so you can keep them in the party for a while longer together—until zeke straight up tries to murder karlach for being a threat to gortash in a weird panic attack induced mania. he will not have anyone steal his kill. you can either kill him then, let him kill karlach, or knock him out and send him away, but you cannot keep him in your party if you don’t kill karlach.
uugh yikes. shart time!
these bitches are also fighting tm. zeke in the early days essentially sees her as a rubik’s cube to solve, a way to distract himself from his own memory loss by seeking recognition in hers. so while his pestering of her is out of genuine interest, it’s certainly not any less annoying.
zeke also has a complicated relationship with shar. he can get behind the “shadows” aspect, loves those as a stalker, but he has the chronic need to solve mysteries, uncover secrets, know everything, so sharrans are obviously not to keen on him lmao
1. How does your Tav advise the player character when it comes to the Dream Visitor?
zeke is incredibly distrusting of. well. anything really, so he will advise you to be wary, but he is also smart enough to realize that what they’re saying about them being the only reason they’re protected from the absolute is most likely true, so he tells you to keep them around for as long as they’re useful.
5. How do they react to the Player Character taking their first tadpole power?
asks you how it feels to be one step closer to squid town, then dismissively waves his hand and probably makes a comment how it’ll be fine: there’s not much up there to burrow into anyway. if your approval with him is high he’ll still say that line but sound notably different—louder, more venom, stuttering a lot more, trying to overcompensate for his clear worry for you.
10. How do they react if the PC licks the dead spider in the Gauntlet of Shar?
wants a bite! zeke is a full body investigator, meaning that he’s not above licking and sniffing everything that seems even mildly intriguing to him lol
11. What do they say if the PC tries to force them to go up on stage with Dribbles the Clown?
you don’t get approval or disapproval, when you first prompt him to go he remarks something along the lines of “of course you’d pick me! not like the audience would cheer for any of the other losers in our party” but when you actually force him he’s really nervous lol “o-obviously every good comedian re-rehearses their jokes before! wh-what? no i can improvise, it’s just- well- i’d be at an obvious disadvantage…” and so on lmao
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rwbytales · 10 months
RWBY Search & Rescue: Island Maturin
RWBY Tabletop RPG Homebrew Story
OK so there were a few people who liked or commented on that post i made so i figured I would put it here so i dont have to do everything seperately persay, and tag everyone who said something!!!!
Plus I really like this so I'd love to properly have it down somewhere to go back and reference or if anyone else is interested in something or using stuff or anything!
I'm super excited and I'm gonna start with the premise of it and stuff and like if yall wanna hear more or the details up to what i have or have questions id love to know cause it'd probably help me. Eitherway this was a lot so ima put the deets under readmore!!!!
@eviltomb @caeruleum-feniks @utallige @a-d-h-dragons
So to start, I came across this Unnofficial RWBY TTRPG Rulebook Some things I either didn't agree with and wanted to change, or wanted to make certain things easier to find for player reference/ character creation, of which is outlined here if you're interested in seeing. (This was also a character sheet i found i had them use for reference to make the character) Most of it is changes to dust, potential for Team Attacks to do better and deal more damage, as well as a Team Leader for flavour who gets bonus Initiative and can give a small bonus call for a full team attack.
I also worked with each person to create a custom Semblance based on what type of skill or power they wanted to have, and adjust aura capacity and semblance use to actually require aura as well.
I did basically give them unlimited ammo, they just needed to reload as needed, and only had limited # of dust colors available to use based on what could reasonable be used by them and their backstory, so I made sure they would have to manage some sort of resource in someway, which did work out in my favour in the end.
(I recorded all(my 1 shot was 6 sessions so i called it a chapter instead) of them since it was my first time DMing a tabletop game and wanted to be able to reference it. and I want to transcribe them eventually into more of a story format)
So for premise(this was not created this way but ended up during/after creation of the story because my team wanted to continue and was interested in playing more)
But I settled on a timeline because I dont want to have anything to do with current RWBY really, so some thigns have taken liberty and there may have been minor adjustments to events in the timeline, granted we never got exact dated anyway, just general timeframes.
So basically, this first story takes place after the party team has graduated. I'm imagining Hunstmen Academy is basically 4 years of school, the last 2 years could be... kind of part time? Because you are more so in the field than in school itself, sometimes going to other continents/schools or extended missions with veteran huntsmen or something meaning you would be gone for quite a while as well, you're just below freely licensed hunstmen, and often are treated as real huntsmen, especially when accompanied with veteran huntsmen, whether that treatment be good or bad.
One of my favourite things abouyt RWBY is how everything is pretty much based off mythology, fairytales, or just fiction media in general, so I wanted to try to add in as much of that as I could to my story.
The first Piece I want to give is this
Search and Rescue: Mission Log
It was what the player characters would know about the mission and situation going on, basically this would be the reference they can look at at any time IC to check whats up or whatever.
BASICALLY before Into too much detail the overall thing for it
An island suddenly shows up near the shores of Anima, near the kingdom of Mistral, mysterious disappearances near the beach just days before the island showed up. Numbers of grimm increasing, causing more unrest in the nearby towns.
There are near forgotten fairytales of islands that disappear and reappear, that move and then never seen again. This island though, has been there for 7 days, through the fog and storm. Unmoving, unchanging. 
They've sent curious hunters, team SIOC(Sirocco) out the day it arrived to investigate, but 3 days after have lost all contact with them.
Now 7 days after the island appeared, and 4 days after contact has been lost, missions have been revised and they've called for a search and rescue on the island.
Players team, PMAV(Primavera), then accepts the mission and is flown almost an hours time to the island where they have to realize they should have thought about a landing stratagy if they haven't already and get yeeted out of the airship.
If you can't tell by the name, the island itself is actually a giant grimm tortoise, this thing is huge, it is ancient, and has a grimm forest on its back. Looking at it, you can't tell really. There is a heavy dark mist that surrounds the thick forest once you get close enough to see, and once in the forest, the canopy is so thick between that and the mist, you can't hardly tell night from day.
There are pools of grimm on it's back, causing new grimm to be birthed from them constantly, meaning there is always a threat, and many new grimm that they come in contact with. ( I found cool looking oc grimm on deviant art or made stuff up for them to make it different, but also had known rwby grimm as well)
The mysterious island, while also being a world turtle, (this being named for Stephen Kings work), it's also going to double as the Black Forest, where many fairytales were said to take place.
To allude to this more, I did decide to add in a.. rendition of Salem, obviously taking the place as the witch, as she has been called many times. I did kind of reuse the thought of Hansel and Gretel, because I most of the cast of RWBY seems based off stories in the black forest and didn't want to reuse any of those.
So I have, Cwrell & Margarite Katad, twins that take their place in this sense.
(Gretel means Pearl, Margarite also shares that name meaning, with Cwrell meaning Coral, thus giving the twins names that have relations to eachother, while still being able to allude in someway to their OG tale and bring colors to mind. Then their last name Katad, meaning animal skin/leather, pulling from the last name commonly associated with Hansel& Gretel, Leiderhosen which are a type of leather garments.
Pearl, actually has the ability to create physical illusions pretty much, which are more stable if they are placed over a physical object(disguising an object as something is more stable), thus allowing her to make a tent look like an oddly placed cottage in this oddly placed island.
Cwrell,has the ability to track via semblance/aura use. So they can see remnants of colored aura left behind in locations where it was lost or used, and can use it to track where to go/where others are.
They are clearly, instead of working against the witch, are working as the witch direct underlings. I have ideas for backstory thoughts on the Katad twins but idk if itd been too much or something
Eventually, while they are on the island for a few days searching and such, they do come across the twins, who try to trick and attack them as they seem to be getting too close, or causing too much of a ruckus for Salem's liking.
But upon finding human remains and such scattered around and questionable abandoned tents and such, they end up finding out via a lost scroll they hacked into, that there seems to be a reason people were being taken and not just killed. It's hard to tell because presumably the scroll belonged to a member of team SIOC, and the notes and such are scattered and don't make sense. Like someone was scared, they didn't know what was happening, they were in a rush. Without more information, the most that can be gathered is that people were being experimented on, and newer grimm were more focused on taking people as opposed to just killing them. The experiments done looked gruesome, and there was mention how they could hear the pain and screaming at night and during the day echoing through the trees.
Eventually, in the end, they came across a claring with many grimm pools, flashes of bright silver light flashing and screaming almost in unison with it and all. They see a woman they never heard of, who we know as Salem.
An encounter starts as the team doesn't seem the woman is up to any good, which doesn't work out well as she just.. stands back up and continues, a large Praying Mantis-eque grimm, that towers nearly twice as tall as the people, the shape of its head and the main part of its body looks very earily human, moreso than any other grimm seen before., basically a fight ensues between the grimm, with salem there, and basically salem/her grimm pet kill the players at that point, in the spirit of teams unknowingly going against a big bad evil immortal lady that cant be killed and being killed because they didn't know
Basically, Salem was trying to create Grimm experiments using humans and such, all of them being horrendously failed experiments of varying degrees and such. None of them worked, but all seemed very very painful and brutal and inhumane. All done in different ways dependant on what hasn't worked before.
The sucessful experiment that the players come across, is a very special one for 1 reason that seperates it from every other one.
She used the Silver-Eyed huntress from team SIOC as the base this time, and something about that specific trait meant she was able to succeed at creating a grimm hybrid. This basically serves as the Prototype of The Hound, that we met in Volume 8 of RWBY.
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dirtreally · 4 months
just finished yakuza 7 and I Didnt Like It. I know that game went through hyper dev hell but if its still tonally representative of like What Yakuza Da Game Series is then it is completely insane to me that anyone takes it seriously. If someone told me that the kiryu games were meaningfully different other than being action games i literally dont think i would be able to believe them
- this is like level 3 trillion misogyny its insane. Beyond the female jobs being all shit like Idol and Femdom BDSM Woman while the male jobs are like Nornal Ass Job Guys its fuuuucking crazy that ichibans backstory is that he was raised by hookers in a soapland but he still somehow finds a way to make it about some guy who owns the soapland
- everyone always memes about the substories being Freakin Chungus Epic but other than having like a few funny moments the like vast majority of them are like cocomelon tier experiences AND IT DOESNT HELP rhat every one of them ends with the player character doing a fuckinggggg quip.
- i like that ichiban is meant to be the worlds biggest loser and friendship guy but i dont feel it cuz so much of the games shit revolves around him only and the other guys kind of just hang around for 80% of the thing so i donttttt buy it when he keeps talking about the friendship city lifestyle. I dont think the game is committed to frirndship city OTHER THAN THAT SHIT WITH NANBA!!!!! which gets resolved with Oh It Turned Out To Be Fine Anyway Cuz The Gangs Were Woke The Whole Time SO WHATS THE POINT!!!!!!
- i dont know why anyone would play any of the minigames more than once granted that they are all either just Funny To Look At But Dont Do Anything (the cinema sleeping one which i unironically fucking love but could not be bothered to play multiple times) to Actively Insipid Mobile Game Ad Shit(dragon kart and also the business one). I feel like if you 100% this game you have some kind of problem
- evwry time they do the thing where ichiban says like "heh.... youre trying to define everything in black and white.... but it turns out that some things might actually be grey, huh?" I wantttttt to killlllllll myselfffffffgfg
Final rating 5/10 its fine this shit is just soap operas for gamers and fujoshis. I think the moment i like. Solved this game in my head was when they revealed that ichiban's patriarch guy shot him in the heart but also shot him in the heart in a specific way where he ensured that ichiban would still live. Despite being shot in the heart.
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wrdn-tabris · 1 year
idk if u posted about it before but what r ur hopes for dragon age 4? and what do u think about the leaks? 👀
i havent seen much of the leaks other than some combat which: looks VERY exciting. i cant wait to actually get to fight some. it looked like in the leaks that they were fighting against darkspawn and im a big grey warden fan so thats exciting to me
BUT? HOPES? DREAMS? just that its good LMAO
id like to travel to the anderfels, antiva and nevarra if possible, with tevinter as a starting point. i would love to actually get to see weishaupt
plus i know its probably not possible since the past two games plus all of mass effect has speaking protags, but i would love for the player character to be silent. go back to that. its so much better imo
i dont want to see the inquisitor either, since imo the inquizy is the weakest protag but then again im a ‘dragon age origins is the best game in the series’ truther and a ride or die for the wardens.
SPEAKING OF THE WARDENS i want to see thtem again. i wanna know whats going on. i just miss them, i want anything about them thats not iust making them into the bad guys like how some of it was in dai.
id also love to see origins also implemented again. at least a mission of your chosen player race with a unique backstory or mission or whatever that helps you become invested again before they end up in the events of the main game. just a prologue, i beg of thee. (also city elves but anything save of your elven pc being a slave i dont wanna see that)
i dont think its really a secret tht i dont care much abt solas but i am very excited to be in thedas again i miss it
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buntress · 9 months
danny canonically (well, canon enough, it was a remark from the developers) has npd right. and I have hpd and bpd and they share a lot of symptoms, being cluster b personality disorders and all. so I can proudly say
that man has awful identity issues. he spent so long pretending to be other people for praise, attention and safety that he has no idea who "Danny Johnson" is at all. sometimes he isn't even sure he's actually human. he likely dissociates a lot. he only really thought about it a while after he got taken by the entity, seeing there isnt anything to do outside of trials hes likely been in his own mind most of the time.
he may act buddy-buddy with them as a sort of second nature but he's really insecure with himself and so manifests it as hatred for other killers. (it may also be the 'canon' reason ghostface players tend to be very chill with survivors, despite him being a misanthrope. he feels safer with them because he has the cloak of superiority and being a threat with them which he doesnt have with the killers ykyk) after all he's just an average guy with a knife and knowledge on stalking, hes not overly strong without the entity's help, or tall, or supernatural in any way. to him his "backstory" isnt even bad as any of the other killers, to him at least. (it definitely was, man was literally groomed to be a murderer by his dad. but your trauma never looks as bad as the other people's you know)
also hes FTM and was 3 years on T up until he got taken by the entity (his body time kinda paused after that so he didnt revert to being feminine dw). he still has a set of tits and a coochie because in his words "surgery recovery is a waste of time, it will get suspicious if ghostface goes silent for 6 whole months" :3 he's happy with his body though... mostly. anyway thats the reason he's always hunching during trials. cant wear a binder during a chase thatd be inconvenient (please imagine a ghostface coughing and wheezing and begging the survivors to wait for him now. thank you)
he's still silly, a little clumsy but its one of the things he's less insecure about tbh. an all serious ghostface is not fun and not what wes craven would want.
anyway I need him to get a therapist so bad. bbygirl dw you wont lose your spark the spark in question is you dissociating for hours at a time on your apartment bed having a barbie movie moment like "what was I made for..." therapy will help you babygirl I promi-
to share my own while i am at it Teehee (i love him so much)
I def agree on the dissociation and fucked up sense of identity, mans is a messed up lil fuck and def needs to go see an entity ordered therapist. I personally def put Danny on the aro spectrum (i dont think ace personally, aroallo moment imo) though i think more on the demi or greyaro side, and if any of the survivors are ever like, flirty he just stares at them and slowly shakes his head because oh no babygirl one thats a bad idea to try and do and two you are not the person my brain has made an exception for thats for fucking sure
(I'm demiromantic myself so I describe it like that bc im basically aromantic until my brain makes an Exception(tm))
Alsoalsoalso very down for him not being friends with the other killers bc hatred and lowkey jealousy but I think he looks at the legion kids and is like "Cool, I'm your uncle now." because they're the only ones like him at all, just normal dudes even smaller than he is because theyre basically just fucked up teenagers so he feels a slight kinship and he definitely doesn't play favorites at all (this is a lie Suzy is his perfect little baby and he goes full cool uncle mode with her 100% all the time)
Also Also because self shipping noises when/if a survivor or killer (im using survivor mostly bc that's where I see myself self insert wise) does catch his interest in a romantic he genuinely just fucking panics and doesn't know what the fuck to do about it. He fumbles with them a lot and suddenly most of his smooth and cool dude exterior? Gone. Vanished. Fumbling even more than usual and it makes him SO MAD so he just.......threatens them a lot and hooks them a lot because fuck you stop making me feel things i hate you but also please just like hold my hand or something what the fuck
When finally the survivor is like DUDE WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR DAMAGE and blows up on his ass he's like IDK MAN YOU GIVE ME BIG FEELINGS AND I DON'T LIKE IT COULD YOU STOP MAYBE????
anyways when that shits sorted I imagine it being a mutual (healthy) obsession thing where Danny treats his partner like they're the entity incarnate and partner does similar for him and everyone is disgusted by it but at least everytime partner is around in trials he's nice to them so like they can't complain.
If it was a killer though they would become absolute terrors and no one would be safe ever. Skip through the moldy corn fields holding hands kinda shit. Absolute fucking idiots.
(Also at one point he tries to give partner a bouquet of flowers except it was like 4 dandelions and a leaf and he ate one of the dandelions)
Anyways I love Danny Johnson I am kissing him on the mouth
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bear-momma · 3 months
Hiii ^_^
I jus found ur blog n u seem nice n like u know how to give advice
Do u have any tips for online caregivers? Or any activities for an online caregiver and little?
I’ve been finding it hard to regress lately n when I do it’s involuntary n just sad, n my cg is still learning, he’s trying his best, so he’s been looking for activity’s we can do together that aren’t drawling or watching a movie cus those where out go to’s
If you both have access to a computer, there are a lot of co-op video games you could play! Anything from normal two-player puzzle games (like snipper clips) to more open-ended multi-player (like minecraft or terraria, both of which are also available on mobile!). Video games are great distractions during rough regression.
I know you mentioned something other than drawing, but what if you both worked on a piece together? Like the trend on tiktok right now where people swap art every five minutes. You could use an online multi-user canvas to draw together. The only downside is that this may require a drawing tablet, which isn't readily available to everyone.
Your CG could read books to you over a call, or a video chat to share the pictures with you. You could show off your stuffies, and make up names/backstories with your CG's help!
Becoming pen-pals could be fun. You could write physical letters to one another and mail them once a week. Decorate them with stickers and drawings, or anything at all! (Keep in mind the cost of mail, though. Stamps only cover a certain weight for envelopes, so dont go too crazy 😂 or just use extra stamps.) If the physical part isn't available, you could try digital pen pals with emails. But there aren't as many stickers that way 😂
Create puppets of each other using construction paper and glue, then decorate them however you like. There are lots of arts and crafts things that aren't coloring or drawing!
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loueeeeeeee · 2 years
current campaign of dnd game im in
this is all from my point of view (Essi) and from what scant details i can decipher from the other players talking amongst themselves about what they did when i wasnt there.
        the first session includes me, Essi Assi, and Bellum. Each of our characters dont know about the existence of the other and have arrived at this town from separate directions, ill get more into their backstories in other posts. we both traveled for about a month and both met up with weird giant white 4 armed monkeys and also passed weird ruins that were impossible to damage even a little bit
        upon arriving at the town, Essi starts looking for his friend that told him to meet him in Alderfey, upon doing some traveling in the city and figuring its built like the resident evil umbrella corps logo. i happen upon Bellum harassing a guard because Bellum is trying to get into the center city that is off limits for us both.
        Essi notices two things about Bellum, 1 is that his entire figure is covered in road leathers and 2, he has zero social skills and doesnt know anything about social norms. Essi comes to help Bellum but sadly Essi is really not much better at all, Essi’s conversations are one sided for most of the time and he is very blunt and unknowing about the finer details of the civilized word he is now in.
       after getting nowhere with the guard with Essi’s help, Bellum leaves and Essi follows Bellum to his confusion, i announce to him that i feel like we are already friends and he decides to go with it resident evil umbrella corps logobecause the concept itself is alien to him. we travel around the city and by talking to Bellum, Essi figures out that Bellum wants to make some gold. Essi decide to follow along to help him out with his quest and to further the friendship of Essi and Bellum.
       i talk to bellum about how to get gold and i tell him that i heard how to get by in the world is to take on adventures and to go dungeon delving in this world to get riches and glory, i have never done such a thing yet but i am going off from stories ive heard from learning how to be a bard and learning songs to sing to other people. unfortunately doing the tactic of advertising out abilities (my persuasion and Bellum’s strength) does not help at all, Bellem even did some flexing in the background and the townsfolk did give us money, it was more for out performance and less about hiring us as adventurers.
        after that went poorly, me and bellum explore the city further, i teach him about personal bubbles to further his social skills and we investigate the stone rings that people are able to walk through and disappear through, nothing happens when we go through and after bellum barges into a random persons house, i decide it is high time to find a place to sleep for the night, Bellum leads me to a tavarn called Flanagans that has food and a place to sleep, i discover that he is working there as a waiter and that the room he is paying for from working is the pantry that he just stands inside for sleep
        my character essentially figures out that this bellum is probably not a living being, i later learn that he is basically a warforged man who has no memories beyond a month ago, and his main goal is to find out more about himself and his place in the world.
cont on part 2
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chouchen · 2 years
okay here i go nerding again: the 3 main pages i assume youre talking about are pretty much as you said. the first is all about story; the main storyline, the open world story, the chronicles that are like backstory for some of the characters etc. (except the material stages to the right, one coop and one single player, they are basically your dailies) the second is pretty much all the abyss gamemodes. in fact, the first one on there was at some point called abyss, now its superstring dimension (for me at least, it might change as you level up but i wouldnt know). that is pretty much the main way you get crystals, and was one of the only two ways to get them for free until recently. you go in, you fight everything as fast as possible for higher points, and the higher you are on the leaderboard, the higher you get in the global rankings and the more crystals you will get. you get a set amount after completing each stage, and a larger one depending on how well you did compared to the others on your leaderboard. it resets i think 2-3 times a week, so way more than genshins abyss, but yeah its pretty much the same reason it exists. the other one is memorial arena, which, as the name might suggest, is an arena. its much closer to the actual abyss spiral as far as gameplay goes, and is also played for crystals, and some other very nice materials that can be exchanged for character fragments in the store, even S rank ones, so be sure to check that out! now, a third one has recently been added, called elysian realm. its still pretty new, and by far the most fun. its also for crystals, also very challenging, but its the only singleplayer one, and gives a fucktonne of first time rewards. it resets every week, and gives a key for a new character to unlock every week as well. it is very hard to do though, i can only do it fully with only one character i have to be fair, but you can set the difficulty after youve done all the set stages and get more money the harder youve done it. kinda like those genshin events that send a wave of enemies at you, and you have to set the difficulty and different disadvantages for yourself for higher scores! except it gives you buffs after each wave. its kind of complicated to explain, you need to like know your characters and know what you need most for them in terms of buffs, but its still by far the most fun one out of the 3, and theres a lot of rly cool characters coming out bc of it, like the very next one called pardofelis! (and some other even cooler ones that are redacted and we dont know of them yet bc were good and noone ever leaks anything... actually, honkais way of betas are a lot less secure than genshins, as the china servers get everything exactly one update earlier, so its pretty easy to figure out whats gonna be next if you just look it up lol, it also helps with planning ahead, esp for lil old f2p me) andd the last one that can be confusing is universal mirage. that one isnt for crystals, or competitive at all, its for crafting materials. crafting is way fucking harder in this game bc things need so many more resources, and you cant get many of them at all, but while its a pain to do it, if there is something in there you want, and you dont wanna pull for it in gacha, you can technically just get the materials to make them in there. its real fucking slow though. aaand the rest are just one time challenges! char trials and deep archives are there to give a one time gift, and then theyre just kinda take up space, so not much else to talk about. and the event page, wouldnt you know it, contains the event content. OKAY, so, about gacha: honkai's gacha system works way better in my opinion. theres a lot more banners to choose from first of all so lets start with that. dorm supplies are this games starter banners, one for characters and one for gear. that said, they are just as useless. there for the exact same purpose of free shit as they are in genshin. after that there are the expansion supplies. that is the featured chara banner. after that is the focused supplies, each for a
different set of featured gear. event supply is too long to explain, its event supply, it changes too much for me to explain all the kinds of em just in here. and theres also ELF supply, for the ELFs, that exist in this game also (can you tell ive never got a single one of them) the rates work like this: way better than genshin, in my humble little opinion. so, first of all, characters. there is a 100% chance you will get the featured character on your pity. none of this 50/50 bullshit. in fact, the game outright tells you how much you have till then. the guarantee for a featured char always starts at 100, but i think thats still better than a chance of getting someone you didnt even want at 90, and resetting your pity completely. so, if you pull for someone, eventually you will get them, no bullshit, no counting down your pulls by going back and checking because it outright counts for you in the corner. you also cannot get gear from the char banners, (except for dorm supply) which should sound obvious, but alas... the counter also carries across banners just like in genshin, so dont have to worry about that. one A rank every ten pulls as well. okay, equipment banners are a little more complicated, as there are more of them and work slightly different. so, when a new valk comes out, her gear comes out with her obviously. that is on its very own banner though. the focused banner will still exist, and will still have the same gear, but it will work differently. the actual featured weapon and stigmata supply will have a 30 guarantee for the weapon or one of the featured stigmata. it will work the exact same as any other banner with its one good thing every ten pulls thing, same chances, same everything, but it will have a guarantee counter. as i said, the normal focused supply will still be there, and one of them will still be the new gear, but that one will not have a guarantee meter. which means, well, you will have no guarantee to get everything. the larger rates will still be for the set you want, but there is absolutely no guarantee for anything there. all random. so, why does it exist then? other than the fact that after the main gear supply ends, it will be the only place it will be available in ever again, im not sure. im not big brain enough to math it out. maybe if you had like 3 more pulls till the 10 on that one from before, you can still try and get something at the guaranteed 4 star and hope its the one you wanted. thats what i do anyway. SO, IN A NUTSHELL: pity is at 100 instead of 90, but there is no 50/50 for characters, guaranteed something nice every 10 pulls anyway, gear supplies are a bit more sus, but there is still a good chance of getting what you want if its featured with the 10 pull guarantees, and the pity on gear banners only exists sometimes (usually when a new char comes out, or bc of an event), usually 30 pulls for a stigmata set piece or the weapon (or 60 for the weapon actually, that happens too sometimes). also, good to know for the future, there is this thing called EXPA select and FOCA select. that is i think in the event one, and that is the best one in if you want a specific char or set, as you can select who or what you wanna get. chances are the same, but the guarantees only carry over for characters, not the gear. still, very useful if youve been wanting someone for forever and they just never showed up, but they change very fast, like every 3 days or sth, so its best for whales i guess, esp for gear. THATS ABOUT IT! if i left sth out, or explained sth poorly, do ask anything, i know so many dumb things about this waifu game
thank you for this explanation, i got everything about the abyss and stuff ^^
now my question is about the gacha, i've been doing random wishes (sorry for my genshin vocabulary) and i've been getting random valkyries. So are the limited valkyries...not limited ? like after their banner they're in the gacha forever ?
second question not related to gacha or abyss, is it worth it to farm fragments to upgrade a valkyrie you already have ? i think it's the equivalent to constellations in genshin but i don't know if it's really that good D:
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