wibble-wobbegong · 2 years
i don’t think i’m popular enough to start a gate but if i could i would literally create an entire post explaining all of mike’s death tags and how his intrinsic connection to dnd shows that his character’s death in the opening dnd game literally proves he’s going to “die” so people TALK ABOUT IT
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hollowfyshunsuikubo · 10 months
Personal AOT HCs
AN: My best friend started me on this anime purely because they thought I’d like Erwin. They were right of course but the lore elements are cool too. (Please take this peace offering before my very long Bleach x reader ily)
Featuring: As many as I can fit.
Contains: NSFW, Crack, fluff, a lil angst
Hange can sleep anywhere. Like. Anywhere. Moblit has found her sleeping in/on: tables, roofs, a horse, a wild horse, a tree, in a hole, on the stairs, upside down from her ODM gear, and once in Levi’s office.
Onyankapon tries so hard to be a Cool Uncle but ends up coming off like a Weed Fuckboy Chill Cousin. He's also really good at chess.
Erwin liked to adopt little stray cats. HQ was always full of them- little kittens, Mama cats, grumpy old street veterans with ear nicks and scars. He loves them hard enough for them to miss him when he's gone.
Levi hated the cats but sometimes pet them. In his grief after Erwin died he sent them all away to good homes. A tiny little kitten remained hidden in Erwins old room and ate scraps for two months before Levi found it. He kept that single one. It has blue eyes.
Sasha has an incredibly high metabolism, which is why she eats so much. She needs protein and carbs constantly. If she got enough, she'd be twice as strong and Reiner and would benchpress Mike for fun.
Connie shaved his head until some girl mentioned he'd look hot with soft curls. THEN he started growing it out a little.
Jean is so devoted to Mikasa he doesn't sleep with anyone else. Well, there was that really weird night with that guy, but that doesn't count... right.
Eren is both so homophobic and so ally it's hard to tell that he's bisexual.
Armin has the biggest library. Erwin, for some random reason, left him all his books. Levi didn't contest that. In some books, Erwin even left little annotations- speaking even though he is gone. Armin flips through the pages often, wondering if the Commander he didn't know so well would have ever seen him as a son, if he had lived.
Yelena doesn't know who's right or wrong, a lot of the time. She agrees with Eren, people should pay. But the lives that will be lost... is war really worth it? She sits up at night with a drink and a cigarette glaring at the moon, wondering if her ideals are placed in the wrong people. But never once does she defect or speak out.
I'd like to think in their vulnerable moments, Mikasa and Annie sneak out together after the Rumbling. They sit under the stars and train for a little. They end up covered in bruises. Annie admits she's sorry. Mikasa admits she is too. They keep fighting, because what else is there now?
Historia cares for her child, but can't look at her daughter. She sees to much of what she wished she had, too much of a life she was denied. She loves her little daughter, but can't help but resent her too. Historia is scared she'll end up like her mother, and pushes all of it down.
Before he died, Beretoldt thought about how his life was going to save another person's life, but in the back of his mind he wished he could see his parents one last time. He was, after all, only a child.
Reiner went to therapy, once. He cried and cried and cried. He hasn't gone back, but his mind feels better. He can finally sit down and put his life into reasonable order. He misses Porco, oddly enough. He misses being told the truth and seen as just a man.
Annie misses the feeling of her Titan. If you asked her, she'd say it's like a puzzle piece is missing, a warm embrace ripped from her. Her crystal was the last thing from her Titan that felt like a home. She'd say it's like missing the skin of your back because you peeled it off. She'd say it's a longing. But she doesn't talk, not often now.
When Eren and Mikasa fucked off to Switzerland, they had a ball of a time. Mikasa got really good at cooking, Eren finally learned to chill the fuck out, and of course: geese. Lots of geese.
Floch, weirdly enough, unlike Jean, has a lot of sexual experience. The girls he sleeps with says he's a damnable bastard in person, but actually kind of sweet in bed. Sure he's rough but he makes sure they like it. He has four bastard children and he's very, very proud.
Sasha and Connie would sometimes just fight with long sticks. Hey Siri, play "Duel of The Fates" I should write for Star Wars they got really good at it.
Eren and Floch had a one night stand. Yelena walked in on them halfway through and laughed so hard they stopped. It's never happened again, but Yelana likes to hint at it.
Zeke often just fucking. Sits there. He'll just be brooding and he'll zone back in and what the fuck it's been three hours why didn't anyone tell me. He likes his beard as well, he doesn't like to shave it because he's got a bit of a baby face, and he even has a comb specifically for grooming it. He gets bitches too. He's a big fan of pussy eating btw. Really, really big.
Historia knows what a strap is. No she will not tell anyone but they KNOW it was Ymir. A bad influence even after her goddamn death.
Gabi wakes up screaming some nights, begging for it to stop, begging to be able to go back, to not do what she did. Falco tries to comfort her, but some nights, all she can say is "I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm sorry Sasha." Connie, sometimes, hears this. He gets... Angry. And sad too, knowing that Gabi was just a kid, indoctrinated and brainwashed, and that her regrets equal his own.
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loveandleases · 9 months
I can’t believe no one’s asked for the ABCs for G! So that’s what I’ll do pretty please 😅💚
Ask and you shall receive! Below the cut~
Kara ABC
Isaac ABC
Ardent ABC
A = Aftercare - G is really good at aftercare, honestly, it comes from them being a veterinarian. They have the absolute best bedside manners. MC will actually have to talk to G to get them to realize oh wait, this isn't their job. If MC and G are a bit rough, they will soothe MC's bitemarks/bruises etc., with a balm. Rubbing over each spot softly and kissing them each tenderly.
B = Body part - Their hands. They have some scars on them from some animals at work, but it just reminds them that everyone needs help sometimes. Even the mean ones. Their favorite part of their partner is the nape of the neck. They find it very sensual.
C = Cum - They like to see their partners come on them, especially if it's on their lips~
D = Dirty Secret - When MC and G were still getting to know each other in Uni, and G was very much in rival mode. Always arguing with MC, especially in class. G had veery much got turned on by it and masturbated to the thought of MC. In fact, G would go on to provoke MC even more after that.
E = Experience - They're quite experienced. G in the relationship phase would never mention their past experiences, but now...yeah G is all for it. Especially if it makes MC feel something.
F = Favorite Position - The seashell!
G = Goofy - Not really goofy. G is much more serious in the moment, especially for an MC who decides to be the more dominant one. G will be flustered, conflicted, then sudden realization how much they like it.
H = Hair - G has a small dusting of black hair, female G keeps it trimmed in a small inverted triangle.
I = Intimacy - Very romantic. Especially with MC. It's like seeing them for the first time all over again. It becomes something they want to remember, every motion, every moan. Every taste of one another.
J = Jack Off - G really likes to edge themselves for a while before climaxing.
K = Kink - Edging, hair pulling, mutual masturbation, and most importantly the sound of their partner.
L = Location - Their office, it's one of the places that is the most comfortable for them. Also, they would love to do it on Chris's bed. Revenge ya know?
M = Motivation - MC. A partner that is a bit of a brat, or someone tugging on their hair while kissing their neck.
N = NO - They will not have a threesome. Nope.
O = Oral - Prefers to give, but that is only because our icey babe gets so flustered when someone is going down on them. It's one of the things that flusters them and knowing someone can see them blush, no.
P = Pace - They prefer slow and rough/sensual. Especially if their partner is moaning in their ear...they might become much faster then.
Q = Quickie - Not a fan, but understands if it is something that happens because too busy.
R = Risk - Not really, but it's because G is a cautious person for many reasons, including MC.
S = Stamina - They get pretty tired after work, so 1 time, but if they had the day off, going to be doing it at least 3 times. Especially makeup sex.
T = Toy - They own none. Though they wouldn't be against MC using them.
U = Unfair - Other people they wouldn't tease. MC specifically, so much teasing it would get to the point that MC would have to make G stop by begging.
V = Volume - So very loud. Also, very whiny. It's possible MC can even hear G when their occupied.
W = Wild Card - Ex-G has very much said MC's name when having sex with someone else. They don't want to talk about it, especially not with themselves.
X = X-Ray - Male G is working with 7.0 inch and quite a bit of girth. Both female and male G has a small birthmark just above their groin.
Y = Yearning - They don't yearn a lot...okay maybe they do but not for anyone specific!
Z = ZZZ  - About 10 minutes after, less than that if aftercare isn't needed. They will be curled up against MC head pressed hard against their chest.
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atsoraasayoma · 7 months
I often wonder sometimes about the zero two ending. I get hung up by the Takari ship that does not sail yet still I see more and more evidence of a relationship just falling short of getting to a romantic stage.
I follow the anime, the audio shorts, the movies, and I piece it together and still to this day I am baffled.
I don’t think I have seen Takeru go all out for anyone else except Patamon.
I have never seen him so comfortable with anyone but Hikari. They can be agents of chaos, tell wild stories, or just have this air about them that makes you think they are up to something but they really aren’t and just want you to believe that.
The way he acts around her is noticeably different than anyone else.
That being said, despite my refusal to do so I have to ask myself an all important question:
What other girl could he possibly vibe with even more than Hikari moreover fall in love with?
We’ve seen his interactions. He can smooth talk all he wants but only she can see through him and play his game. She can weather his emotions, keep him focused like how we saw in the zero two movie, and even laugh with him and making everything so much more brighter.
Now,let me ask the reverse.
What other guy could Hikari possibly vibe with even more than Takeru moreover fall in love with?
We’ve seen her voice blossom over the years. She slowly grows more assertive but still keeps her feelings locked tight. But even though she can’t say them for whatever reason, her actions show a deep bond of caring. I will say that, when it comes to her, Takeru in a way was a mentor.
He was always a bit of a jokester, and this trait of his passed on to her the more she was around him. She somehow could get on the same wavelength as him and go along while suppressing her emotions. But, she did grow more comfortable over time with that. She grew friendships with the zero two crew, but instead of Takeru being given the same treatment, that is, the same space of friendship-he is still closer to her than all the others. Heck, even her DNA digivolving partner Miyako!
So, for her to find someone more than him, I don’t think I can see it. Maybe it’s because we have not seen the spouses of the non Digidestined, but in my mind I am still not convinced they were not together in the epilogue.
But then you wonder, why would Takeru leave out that detail at the end of his nonfictionnovel-the last few minutes of the zero two epilogue?
Just why? I still can’t think of any reason aside from respecting her privacy/life since she is a teacher. But if their was something it would have to be a dam good reason.
Anyways I can hear the strong rebuttal of ‘they were never together in the epilogue. get over it. That’s why.’
And to that I say IF that’s the case, why do they always frame it otherwise? I mean, at this point, you would think they would have grown at least a little distant, but they still seem close, if not closer than ever!
So I ask you, really, what does this really say about them?
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aita-blorbos · 5 months
AITA for committing dubious surgery on my little brother?
God I don't even know where to start with this. I guess I'll start by establishing the characters. Me (currently 20), my little brother A (currently 11) and my dad.
My family is... well it's always been a little weird. We never met my grandfather (my father's father) but my father spoke very highly of him and his experiments. He was a doctor. My father is also a doctor.
When my brother was around 7 (so 4 years ago) he got really sick. Really really sick. It's a genetic condition my family is predisposed to. It's terminal. Around this time, I started studying really hard so I could also become a doctor and maybe help my father find a cure.
We ended up moving to where my grandfather lived. He died very shortly before we got there.
Honestly I wasn't expecting much from his experiments but they were... honestly terrifying. He had a local nature spirit (who used to be regarded as the town's god) chained up and it was providing energy to the entire town. But the spirit was alive and looked just like a normal human! It was awful.
My grandfather had been researching these spirits. Since some of them are immortal, he waa trying to see if he could take advantage of that.
Well my father got the idea into his head that this could help my little brother. He started obsessing over it. Our mom left us because of his obsession. My brother's condition got worse and worse. When he was 10 he slipped into a coma and my father freaked out. He decided he had to save my brother then and there and. Well. This part is really hard to talk about.
Since I was studying to be a doctor, he had me help him with a surgery that would combine my brother with one of these nature spirits. And. I did. I feel awful about it. My hands were shaking the whole time and I probably messed it up. It was my first time ever doing surgery (I was barely out of high school!) The spirit was a lower level one but it was still alive and it could still feel pain. I don't know if it being combined with my brother killed it but I feel like I killed it. It's blood is on my hands.
But the surgery worked. My brother is still alive. But lately he's been. Really different. It's almost like he's a different person, like the spirit took over some part of him. Sometimes he stares at me like he doesn't know who I am. Sometimes he growls at me or bares his teeth. His canines have gotten sharper. He yells at our father a lot. He looks different too. He's becoming more foxlike. (The nature spirit took the form of a fox) Sometimes I look into his eyes and it's like looking at a wild animal. I don't recognize him at all.
I'm just. I'm really scared. Did I sacrifice a spirit to get my brother back, only to not even achieve that? My father's mental state is deteriorating, I have no idea how to reach our mom, and I can't go to anyone else in town.
Have I messed up really badly? Is my brother upset about the surgery? Does he hate me? I'm so scared he does. He's the most important person to me. I'm so scared I can't go back from this. AITA?
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darlingpwease · 11 months
Hello! I was wondering what do you think might happen a transmigrator!reader catches the attention of mo ran or chu wanning, when all they want to do is have their favorite ship clear up the miscommunication issues they’ve had over the course of the novel world? I would think they are wondering if the plot is going sideways and if they should really be worried.
hello~! thank you for idea!!! to be honest, this is one of my favorite tropes, so I'm not even going to look objective and will indulge myself and what I see hwhwhw~
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with any attempt to interfere in their relationship, there is a very high probability of greatly changing them, no matter what this intervention will be. however, if you are soft and implicit, trying only to help them understand each other, it will be more likely to be ignored — Mo Ran is stubborn and not the most emotionally attentive person, which sometimes makes you want to openly say that he should go and do something (and it's not a fact that he will do, even if he agrees, he is more of a "yes, yes, I heard you (and then does everything in his own way)") type, while Chu Wanning is very fixed on his feelings and they are very sensitive and vulnerable.
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especially if you influence CHU WANNING — although he looks cold and distant, like a wild cat, it would be wrong for you to forget that those wild cats who were forced to survive on the street, in hunger and cold, will never allow themselves to be thrown out of a warm and cozy home when they find a corner. and the fact that CHU WANNING is overwhelmingly monogamous and seriously the type who can carry love with him all his life, regardless of reciprocity or what his love will do, makes everything only worse — because his soft, defenselessly vulnerable emotions do not even lie under the "armor", but rather are constantly open to anyone, who decides to poke and see. He does not know how, is not able to cope with his emotions inside, preferring to let them gurgle and remain locked until he simply explodes, breaking down, finally expressing everything he feels, feeling a moment of freedom, only to lock them up again.
at the same time, only by influencing his emotions, you can make him open up, because "romance" is the sphere of feelings, and it is here that you will constantly stumble upon his sore and weak points, as if you took an axe to trim the edges of a flower for its better growth. most baby animals have a habit of "yelling" to make it clear that something is wrong with them, but CHU WANNING cannot do this, even if he wants to, which requires even more careful handling than with a porcelain vase, since one wrong movement, word or look, and he immediately locks himself in his cocoon, as if hoping that this way he will have time to protect himself from the even more serious harm that you, in his opinion, will invariably inflict on him.
therefore, you will still have to open this cocoon, break through the walls, use all your intensity to see what is hidden, scratch your hands on the thorns and let the nettles sting your skin to be able to reach him — but by the time you do, this... wouldn't be the best solution. of course, now you have power over his feelings — "please listen to me" where he really listens because emotionally open to you — but an attempt at separation will be perceived with hostility, resentment and even aggressively.
have you been knocking for so long to talk about something else? have you made your way to him to try to "help" with another? you said his feelings were 'valuable', so why are you trying to get rid of him now?... does he look like a rag doll that you can pull from side to side?
his will and perseverance can only be overcome by his death, his emotions are as fragile as butterfly wings — and the fact that he never takes his body into account, while ready to listen to others' opinions, but it is impossible to force him to change his point of view, makes everything even more difficult.
the biggest mistake would be to think that if you leave him alone, then everything will be fixed — the biggest grief and pleasure of CHU WANNING is emotional dependence on someone who is ready to warm his eternally cold personality, but this also makes him afraid of being abandoned, which makes him even more needy-like and overbearing when trying to "transfer" or try to "help" him in his relationship with Mo Ran. he never does what he doesn't want, but when he wants something, then all his power is directed to getting that something or someone.
when he is emotionally vulnerable, open and warm, allowing you to touch his soft and vulnerable heart, he will make sure that you do not go anywhere and disappear, and that you take responsibility, and given how strong and loyal he is, this is almost a hopeless situation. of course, he doesn't force — at least, most of the time, because to allow yourself to force you means to admit that he is so desperate and even worse than he thought of himself, which he will never allow, — but the kind of way one of your favourite character becomes even more depressed and closed, even if CHU WANNING does not express it openly and behaves pointedly coldly, makes you doubt whether you should have tried from the other side...
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MO RAN does not switch easier and easier at the same time — in fact, he is closer to the type of "I like you, let's get married", but despite the fervor and passion that you can feel, he is emotionally "cold".
he is not interested in showing his emotions, he is not interested in "parsing" what he feels (until these emotions become muddy) and is not interested in "parsing" other people's emotions. He is not as emotionally manipulative as Shi Mei and does not need emotional care like Chu Wanning — he does not live in a world of emotions, but all of them, and although you understand that it was worth helping Chu Wanning rather to solve most problems with words through his mouth, MO RAN can also make everything easier.
at the same time, it is easier for him to switch to interesting impulses and strong reactions — and it is much easier to lose interest and find new ones. he is closer to the image of a butterfly who is interested only in nectar and other butterflies, but does not pay attention to the "dirt" of the world and is not interested in emotional fulfillment, following the physical impulse of sexual attractiveness.
most likely, your attempts to make him emotionally smarter will be like teaching an old dog a new trick, but MO RAN himself will definitely be interested in these attempts and get closer, and, unlike Chu Wanning, you never know what stimulation he reacts to so fervently that he almost pursues you, persuading you to go with him or following him, flirting and bringing you food or hugging, constantly penetrating your physical space. of course, he nods when you talk about Chu Wanning, but the more you communicate, the higher the chance that he will react irritably or aggressively, starting to get exhausted from how often you talk about shizun and are clearly trying to weave something. Mo Ran is not as strong-willed and domineering as Chu Wanning — he is closer to "hard democracy", determined not just to go and do, but to force you to go along with him — but even more suffocating and clingy, not hesitating to be intense and hot if it gives him what he wants, and he is looking for something in which MO RAN can completely dissolve and become a part, satisfying all the impulses in search of "that" feeling, which makes it even more irrational and unpredictable, especially when you are trying to do something that is clearly it is not focused only on him, while MO RAN exactly craves mutual fixation, no different from the spotlight of a lamp that shines only on you and longs that you will not hide or try to put someone else, but shine.
you can try to ignore it, but it will be a huge mistake — MO RAN'S attempts to "merge" closer to the mating dance in animals, and the fact that you do not reject and do not accept causes even more fire and pressure. MO RAN is not so... 'aggressive', even with the behavior of the spoiled son of the lord of the city, but he is very charismatic and charming and knows what you need and do not need to say to present himself from the best side or convince you.
and, in fact, when you try to leave after all these twirling and dancing, it will be quite awkward. MO RAN is close enough to the natural, "animal" side of himself, and although he is not the most empathic, he is a huge possessive and easily considers you "his", especially when the fixation becomes stronger, and your attempts to escape cause only a desire to strengthen, hook, break through to where you do not allow him, almost bite you not because he's angry, but because he doesn't understand how else to keep you.
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and, to be honest, touching them both with the intention of "helping" can cause huge movements, including changes in the balance in the relationship. although at some point you will begin to realize that the plot is wrong, there is little you can do about it — they are both stubborn and unyielding, and both are among the strongest cultivators. their relationship is quite "fixed" and in some sense stable, as long as they are not touched, but it is enough to move one figure so that the consequences are incredibly destructive. even attracting the attention of one can significantly change the dynamics, and imagine what it would be like if it were both at once — not necessarily romantically, but in the form of a close relationship.
MO RAN is more uncontrollable and does not have the same "obviously" soft spot; rather, his fixation is more related to the appearance of something that makes his life brighter, and your care and kindness can easily affect him. his whole life was, to put it mildly, not very good, and to have someone around who supports him, cares and pays attention is... it's unbelievable.
CHU WANNING, on the other hand, longs for a soul that will understand what he has "inside" and will always be with him, accepting him as he is, and this is what makes him more stable and healthy, but the increase in dependence on you also makes him more restless from the thought of what you want "exchange" or "get rid of" him. and the most important and huge problem begins when his will works not against his fixation, but for it — and this can easily appear if he begins to feel that this is the only way he can keep you.
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pacifymebby · 2 years
how about headcanons of them comforting you after your family dog/horse/pet dies
Love this idea so much because im a sucker for hurt/comfort <3
🌿Makes sure he is the one that breaks the news to you. Does it when youre alone, just the two of you so that no one sees you crying.
🌿Cant say he fully understands your pain when your favourite horse breaks his leg in a race and has to be shot but he finds it touching that you care so innocently for all creatures. And he knows how much you adored that horse.
🌿The only person more upset is Curly so that tells him something about the level of care you have for that horse.
🌿Lets you cry on him, holds you and shushes you and reassures you that it was for the best, the poor boy needed to be put out of his misery, and Tommy did it personally so you can be certain it was done right and properly.
🌿Hes sad too of course, hates it when a good strong animal like that gets hurt. Doesnt like killing horses, feels wrong in his blood but he is strong for your sake and puts on a brave face.
🌿Anticipates the way your temper turns and lets you take all your anger out on him.
🌿"You bastard Tommy you bastard, you should never have let him race, its your fault hes gone now, your fucking fault..."
🌿"Horses need to race angel, its in their blood... Youd be cruel to keep him locked up just because you loved him... He was a good horse and he lived a good life..." "A fucking short life thanks to you," "Aye love, it was short,"
🌿 Allows you to cremate the horse and won't let anyone else tell you you're being silly. Takes you somewhere to build bricks around the ashes, somewhere in the wild so that your horse can run free through the wildlands like he should have been allowed to do in life.
🌿Definitely thinks twice about letting you get so attatched to any other horses he biys for racing.
🐻Wonders why the fuck he ever bought you the damn dog. If he'd known your heart would break like this when he died he'd never.
🐻Hes a big softie himself so of course he understands why you're so upset. He's upset!!
🐻 Makes a tear in his shirt sleeve, its a mark of respect not only for the dog but for you because he can see that youre grieving the death of a best friend not just a pet.
🐻 In the same vein he recites the Kaddish for you. The house is dark and he lights a candle. Holds your hand in his whilst he speaks softly and you mark the death together.
🐻 "See my dear ziskeit this is a very sad day and you and me are both heartbroken right but its important we remember... Its important we remember what a lovely little bastard our y/p/n was right... And he was, a lovely little bastard..."
🐻 Sits down in his arm chair and pats his lap for you to come sit in. Rocks you gently whilst you cry, doesn't stop talking to you, even when he realises that maybe you need some quiet just to cry, "Right now probably what we need just now is some quiet, a nice quiet period of reflection probably... Yeah that feels right... Quiet"
🐻 But youre glad he doesnt stop talking, the sound of his voice is soothing and youre grateful to him for staying with you all the whole youre grieving.
🐻 After a little while he shifts you out of his lap and tells you to be a good girl and follow him. He takes you to the bath and fills it with hot water for you then tells you to get in. He hums to you whilst he washes you inbetween telling you all these little stories about your deceased wee pup. He talks to you about all your fond memories and recites them like a little stories until he has you smiling and sometimes even giggling through your tears.
🐻 Makes sure you still eat something that day, makes you tea and sits with you until he's sure you've drunk enough.
🐻 "Its important see little ziskeit that i look after you right now while you're under the weather... Its important you stay looked after so, I'm gonna stay here with you i think... Until i think you're feeling better alright..."
🐻 And he really does, he stays by your side until hes sure youre alright and he can trust you to remember to eat and drink and look after yourself without him. He doesnt go into the office for a week and when Ollie tries to call about business he sends him away.
🐻 "have some respect treacle, don't you know there are more important things in life than peaky fuckin blinders and bread..."
🍂 Again, the big sook is almost as upset as you are... But he won't show it. He puts on a front to the family and his friends, tells em he doesn't see whats so bad about it, was just a fuckin animal.
🍂 But he loved that dog just as much as you did so deep down he understands your pain.
🍂And although hes no good with emotions and he doesnt know how to deal with girls crying and all that, even though that sorta shite makes him awkward he really tries for you.
🍂 It doesnt exactly come naturally but it does come easier than he was expecting it to. When you come to him so clearly trying to hold back your tears and be brave he opens his arms for you immediately.
🍂 "come 'ere darlin, come to arthur there we are sweetheart there we go,"
🍂 Hugs you to him and holds you close, swaying with you softly as he strokes your hair and presses a firm lingering kiss to your temple.
🍂 Doesnt bother giving you the speech about death being natural and if anyone tries to dismiss you with a "crying over a dead dog when half the countries still mourning sons..." arthurs going to struggle to hold in his over protective temper.
🍂 "Know its sad sweetheart but you'll feel better eventually, just give it time and you'll be right as rain, promise..." gives you gentle encouragement between kisses.
🍂He loved that little creature too so he is full of fond memories which he reminds you of, gets you sharing stories about the little mut with him until youre much calmer than you were.
🍂 Dries your eyes with his shirt sleeves, holds your face in his palms and gives you reassurance and encouragement.
🍂 "There she is, theres my sweet girl, let me see that brave little smile eh," "good fuckin girl,"
🍂 Waits a little while until your grief has subsided before he brings a new little puppy home... This time he brings home more than one...
🌼 John boy loves animals right especially dogs and horses because you can train them and play with them. He can't quite understand how you became so attatched to the house cat you brought for catching rats and mice.
🌼 Hes actually a little surprised by how upset you are when it passes. He should have seen it coming though. He had been off form for a few weeks, letting mice take the piss out of him and run riot around the house. John had even mentioned getting rid of him but you'd told him to do no such bloody thing.
🌼 "You get rid of that cat John Shelby and I swear to god I'll get rid of you!"
🌼 So he hadn't gotten rid of him and it turned out he didn't need to wait very long for the poor thing to pass.
🌼 When he comes home from work to find you sitting at the kitchen table with a tea towel scrunched in your hand, your eyes shut and tear stains on your cheeks, he almost thinks somethings happened to one of the kids.
🌼 But then he realises whats the matter and sighs.
🌼 "He's died has he?" its not exactly a very tactful way of broaching the subject but then this is John isnt it... When you let out a sob he sighs again, walks up behind you and bends to wrap his arms around your shoulders from the back. "Spose you're feeling a bit heartbroken are you petal?" he kisses your head and lets you turn to bury your face in his chest.
🌼 When you really start crying he picks you up and carries you off to the living room to sit with you cuddled up to him on the sofa.
🌼 Can't believe the cheek on you when you tell him to get his shoes off the furniture but hes secretly pleased to hear your sharp panicked tone because it draws you out of your sorrow for a moment.
🌼 "We can get another cat love..." "They wont be the same!" "Aye a know flower i know, but we'll get another anyway..."
🌼 Asks you if the kids know yet and you tell him no, you were hoping their dad could tell them, he smirks and shakes his head, "Shoulda known I'd have to be the one to break their hearts... "
🌼 Sheds a tear of his own and can't believe it... "Bloody hell whatre you like woman, youve got me crying over it now as well!"
🌼 He keeps smiling for you and tries to make little jokes until youre smiling too. He isn't going to let you dwell in your sorrows, hes going to actively try and cheer you up.
🌼 Does his best to distract you from the death, talks to you about other things. Also gets the kids to be involved in cheering you up. "Why don't you make a little play up for mummy, reckon she'd love that eh?"
🌼 Doesnt mind making a fool of himself acting in the kids play with them. Anything to make his flower laugh.
🍀 He knew it was a bad idea letting you tame that little fox but it had kept you distracted when he was making deals with Tommy Shelby and so it had been convenient for him to let you nurture the little thing.
🍀And he had to admit it was sweet to watch it eat out of your hand and brush up to you like a cat. It was a cheeky little thing and Bonnie had taken to it himself too.
🍀 Some of the other lads at the settlement had teased him about it, "your girls gone soft lad.." "Aye soft in the head like..." "It ain't natural... Its a wild animal..." these digs had been pissing Bonnie off, but he hadn't paid them any real bother, "so let her be soft, whsshht the lot of ye... 's good for a woman to be soft sometimes..." he just laughed them off until one of the lads started talking "stupid"
🍀 "You ought to put a bullet in it, before she gets too attatched..." "I'll do nothin of the sort you cruel bastard... And neither will you!" it was a real threat, and it should have struck the fear of god into the lad but boys will be boys and so, one day when Bonnie comes back from the city to find you unconsolable and in tears he knew exactly what had gone down whilst he was away.
🍀 "Hush my little dove, hush now an come here" he sighs wrapping his arms around you, nestling you into the crook of his neck. He burries his nose into your hair, cant hold onto you close enough. "Shhh dove," hes so gentle and sweet to you that youve no idea the anger burning inside him.
🍀 He holds you and hushes you until youre exhausted from crying, it hurts him to see you this way and not be able to do anything to take the pain away. Youre completely devestated and all he can do is sit back with you, shut up safe inside the vardo, leaning back in your bed holding you close to him.
🍀 He plays with your hair and draws little patterns over your back whilst you cry. Doesnt tell you everythings alright because he doesnt see the point in lying to you, youre not alright.
🍀 Sings to you quietly to sooth you. He knows you wont let him go until youre asleep but when youve finally drifted into sleep he rests your head down on the pillow, tucks you beneath your blanket and leaves you quietly with a kiss to the head and a promise to be back soon.
🍀 Now youre safe and soothed hes time to do what he'd been desperate to since he'd realised what had happened. He finds the lad whos stupid actions have caused you so much hurt. When he finds him laughing with his pals about what he'd done, re-eneacting taking aim and shooting, a switch flips in Bonnies head.
🍀 "Fuckin proud of yourself are ye? Like making girls cry eh?" he grabs him by the shirt collar and shunts him up against the trunk of a tree. "reckon its your turn to cry now eh lad?"
🍀 When he gets back to your side he has a bruise or two but the other lads looking much worse. You're crying in your sleep and he slips in beside you wraps his arms around your body and tangles his legs with yous.
🍀 Kisses your shoulders and the back of your neck, hushing you back to sleep as gently as he can.
🍀When the lad had shot the little fox he'd presented it to you like some sort of prize, so you have its body wrapped in an old shirt of yours. The next morning Bonnie wakes you before the sun is up, he wants to take you somewhere to bury it before anyone else can wake up and follow you, or say anything to upset you.
🍀Helps you build it a little marker out of stones and waits with you whilst you say your goodbyes.
🍀 "Sorry Bon, i know its fuckin silly of me crying over a wee fox..." "Hush Dove, I don't think youre silly... Its good to care about these things, I love that you care about these things..."
🍀Is very gentle and kind to you all the time but over the next few days he is extra cautious to be soft and tender with you.
🐀Pretends he isn't bothered by the passing of your pet parot but in truth he is. Hes going to miss that "cheeky fucker" which used to insult him every time he came through the door.
🐀Lets you cry but does tease you about your crying, hes teasing you because he's never had to comfort someone about something like this before and he doesn't really know what to do.
🐀Does daft little impressions of it, telling you in a parot voice "Don't cry little mouse," "Chin up,"
🐀Kisses you, holds your hand, tells you he'll help you bury it if you like.
🐀Secretly takes some feathers from her when youre not looking, gets them framed in a beautiful gold photo frame for you and surprises you with it one day.
🐀Tries to do the same as John and distract you from your sorrow rather than encouraging you to be sad.
🐀Takes you to a man down at the docks who says he's got a fair few pretty birds if you'd like to take a look. Lets you spend all the time in the world looking at them all until you settle on the one you want to keep.
🐀Lets you get a pair of them, regrets it when they both learn insults.
🐀But in the end he doesn't mind if every time he walks through the door they call him "silly fucker" "little bastard" because it makes you laugh and after so long of seeing you sad, he's glad to see you smiling.
🐀Asks Bonnie for some advice on how to talk to girls when theyre crying because he needs to be prepared for next time something upsets you that much.
☘️Tries to offer you another, doesnt understand why you slap him for that.
☘️ Really lacking in empathy on this one. Actually asks you what youre so upset about.
☘️ So you slap him again and that seems to knock some sense into him.
☘️ He grumbles to Finn and Bonnie about it saying he thinks you've gone bloody nuts, Finn laughs at him in disbelief and Bonnie just shakes his head. "Shes gonna leave you if youre not careful," he warns with a smirk, "Bloody stupid you aren't ye,"
☘️ So after hes had several people call him a fucking idiot he realises hes been a bit of a fool and that he needs to change his ways pretty sharpish.
☘️ Buys you flowers and some pastries and takes them to your house.
☘️ "Know i owe you an apology love," he says as he offers you his open arms for a hug, "seems I've been quite the fool eh,"
☘️ Now he comforts you, he makes you tea and sits and listens to you reminicing about the dog you loved so much. He listens to you intently and actually learns something about love and caring for innocent creatures.
☘️When you cry he kisses your forehead and wipes your tears with his thumbs. Does his best to comfort you but is still quite formal about it. Seems he can't quite shake off his stifd upper lip middle class up bringing.
☘️ Realises how innocent you are and feels guilty, he also feels an urge to protect you from future harm so at first when you express your desire for a new puppy he is hesitant to go along with it. He doesnt want you to get hurt again.
☘️ After yet another conversation with Finn and Bonnie he realises he doesn't have a choice but to "let her have the bloody dog,"
☘️ So he surprises you with a new puppy one day when Bonnie tells him it's definitely been long enough waiting and this time round he tries to care for it and love it it just as much as you do...
☘️ That is impossible though.
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hetalia-club · 1 year
Little America and Canada sibling interactions that I head cannon. These are mostly things I have written out in some of my fictions. Because only siblings can write sibling relationships properly.
and I don't think Hima has a sibling based on how he writes them.((It works for all genders but do keep in mind that I head cannon America as Nyo!America when I write because I feel like America should be a girl. Wrote it with male pronouns because he is canonically a boy but just know in my heart and writings it is Amelia.))
1.When seeing each other at world meetings the both stop what they are doing no matter if they are talking to someone or heading someplace and they have a pretend lightsaber battle. Or if England is around they use bad British accents and pretend it's a real sword fight. Calling eachother 'daft' and 'wankers'.
2. They get the giggles really bad during serious speeches and will look at each other and make faces or hand gestures from across the room.
3. They will send each other 'meme commentary' during other countries speeches. For instance if someone is talking about global warming Canada would send America something like this.
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And then America would have to suppress an ugly laugh with his face turning red as he pretend to be choking on something he was drinking.
4. America and Canada will often call each other at random times, say one stupid made up word or moan and just hang up the phone. Especially if they know the other is talking to their boss.
5. Canada's ring tone for when America calls him his this rendition of the national anthem
6. Sometimes America and Canada will get to meetings early and move each others name tags to share seats with people and take a chair away. America has entered the meeting many times and plopped down in Germany's lap and started to get out his briefcase pretending like he didn't see him. Germany used to get mad but it has happed so much that he almost expects it. Sometimes the name tag isn't even there and Germany will see America and pat his lap and whistle for him like a dog then America will get a running start to jump in his lap. (Because idc what anyone say Germany is not serious all the time. His best friend is Italy he knows how to take a joke).
7. Sometime England will chew them both out for acting like children during world meetings. And as he is lecturing them. whoever he is not looking at directly will look at the other and make a face like this.
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making the other have to cover their mouth or bite their lip to suppress a laugh. and England will whip out a. "Oh so you think it's funny do you? I'm a comedian am I?" and then the other will be like. "That's mad rude dog, he's trying to talk." And then that turns it into a "Why can't you act more mature like your brother..." talk and as soon as England looks away from them they are back to making faces.
8. Never ending just rude ass hateful targeted insults that they will lie in bed and think about all week trying to figure out what they meant by it. not "You stink" or "You're ugly" no more like "You're built like a tooth pick." "You smell like a middle school locker room" "You dress like a kindergarten teacher" "You stand like a serial killer" "Your hair is greasier than a McDonalds fryer" "Your skin feels like a gravel road" "Your breath straight smells like a rest stop bathroom" "If you continue to stand near me and breathe my air I am going to kill myself" "Your forehead is shinier than a bowling ball" and the second someone else will agree with one of their insults they both turn it back on them 1000x worse. Because siblings can insult each other all day long but once someone else does it, it's on. "Ruining their self-esteem is my job"
9. face timing each other and they just stare each other down for a long amount of time in silence before the one who started the call just hangs up.
10. Of course fighting. Holding each other down forcing them to say "France" instead of Uncle while the other screams and thrashes like a caged wild animal. Threatening to spit in the others face. Throwing things and hitting the other in the head and then they chase each other around while the other one runs for their actual life saying "I'm sorry, 'I'm sorry!". Holding the other down and not letting them up until they lick the floor or eat a piece of their hair or an entire live snail shell and all. England will 'attempt' to break up their fights if he sees them but mostly will just watch in amusement with a cup of tea. If the other will try and hide behind England he will swiftly dodge out of the way.
11. Just wordlessly looking at eachoterh saying "Shut up! god you're so annoying" when the other hadn't even said a word yet. "Stop looking at me you're such a freak".
12. Calling each other at 2 am and saying 'want to go to tims, starbucks, tacobell, mcdonalds, 7/11, walk around Wal-Mart' you get the picture.
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coffee-ig · 2 years
Yandere Family Madrigals
TW: Yandere themes
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Oh, well this is going to end up way badly-
It won't depend if you are related to them by blood or they have adopted you. You are their family and they are your family right?
First of all you can contact with people other than them but they should approve of those people or they can be the family's friend.
Did I mention that as a family they are way more overprotective than single. They somehow know what you are doing and what you are not doing. They know your hobbies.
Dolores can hear everything so don't ever try to hide anything from her.
Isa has always been the center so she expects a lot of attention from you. She would want you to give her as much as attention you can give her and no one else.
However, if you are not impressed by her manners or such then she would use her powers and make flowers grow whichever you like.
She will also see this is as a competition to have much more attention to herself rather than her cousins or siblings.
Camilo will shapeshift and make you laugh. He can always put up a smile on your face by doing random things. Sometimes he will shapeshift into strangers and do weird actions which will make you laugh so hard that your stomach will start hurting.
Louisa does not want any attention or such but she wants to feel loved and useful to you in any situation. She is also very comforting as compared to the others in the family.
Now comes Bruno. First of all when he had been hiding himself all those years ago he would still communicate with you.
He will talk through tunnels or walls also there are a few holes so he might even watch you over too. If he notices that something is wrong he will immediately tell it to Dolores or there are chances that Dolores would have heard what had happened with him.
Antonio loves playing with you he will even make you meet the animals which you have ever wanted to observe. They can be wild or be pretty tame for Antonio it is just a slice of cake.
Mirabel thinks that she is not enough for her friend because she does not have any gift rather than her siblings or cousins who do have gifts.
After Bruno is back to family he will spend more time with you. Even though he knows a lot about you and will never get bored of you.
However, he did fear that you might hate him, after all everyone hated him so why wouldn't you hate him?
The elders are slightly better though.
Now Pepa is ready to flood almost all the village for you. She won't hesitate twice if someone or almost everyone in the village shamed you for reasons. She won't tolerate anyone doing bad to you.
On a better note she loves you a lot like a daughter/son.
Julieta will make sure that you eat properly and are in a better health. Julieta will also be the most comforting person in the whole family. You can always rely on her.
Felix and Augustin help you settle in very quickly they make jokes here and there. They know when you are feeling sad and when you are feeling better.
The family love you a lot and will always protect you. Just don't get on the bad side and don't ever try to leave them.
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ihvcmplnts · 5 months
I hate the direction Poppy Playtime has gone in the past year. (Part 1)
Does anyone else hate the direction Poppy Playtime has taken this past year? and also not excited for Chapter 3? It really hurts me as I LOVED the first two Chapters! they felt really unique and special! I rarely get into new things, and when I do it's never as strongly as this!! So this may end up a little long, but I'd really appreciate it if people read this and understand the way I feel about this! (Especially you, MOBgames/MobEntertainment!)
Before I get into this, I have to admit that I'm terrible at writing, so this may be a little messy, but I'll try my best. Right, so there are many things I adored about Poppy Playtime: Chapter 1 & Chapter 2. We'll start with one of the things shared between both Chapters: Gameplay.
The gameplay in both Chapters is basically like this: Start Chapter -> do puzzles -> encounter living Toy -> do more puzzles -> encounter Toy again -> Toy chases you -> Toy dies -> End of Chapter.
I LOVE this formula! it works really well and is what the core of the game is: A cute, colourful & sometimes creepy puzzle game! (Too many games try to play up the horror aspect. the fact that these Chapters are cute, colourful puzzle games first, and creepy second, is something I really liked, as I'm personally not a fan of games trying to be "scary". games that try to be scary almost never are, and the thing with things that ARE scary? scares fade over time. creepy things though? those tend to stay creepy and linger in the mind for a long time! so yeah, creepy is miles better than scary!)
Next is the story. One thing I've noticed with many games over the years, is they try too hard to make a complex story. it always ends up feeling like things are forced in purely for "lOrE" and getting theorists to talk about it. this just completely ruins the story. see FNAF as an example. originally the plot was just "Man wearing yellow rabbit suit kills kids and stuffs their bodies in Animatronic suits, causing the children's souls to haunt said suits" nothing too complex here. very easy to understand. this was good. I liked FNAF a lot between 1 and SL. I think SL tied up the story perfectly. after that though, things started to change. now we're at a point where theres books that are apparently somewhat tied to the games? and games made after SL just don't fit in with the story previously told. it just seems very confusing to me and honestly puts me off the series. its just too complex at this point, so much so that I have zero desire to get back into the series. people just need to remember: simple is best! now back on topic: Poppy Playtime's story.
Poppy Playtime's story in the first two Chapters is simple. obviously there are two parts to this, so on to the first part: The Player's story - The Player, a former Playtime Co. employee, recieves a tape, and a note that states that the other employees, who disappeared in the factory 10 years ago, are actually still at the factory somewhere, but no-one has been able to find them. so the Player decides to go to the factory to investigate.
The second part - The Toys story: Toy Company finds a way to make living toys through the use of poppy flowers. minus Poppy herself, who seems to act more human, possibly due to being older and picking up on human behaviours, the living toys are like animals. Playtime Co. tries to teach, train & tame the toys. some, like Huggy Wuggy, are tame from the start, and some, such as Mommy Long Legs, are mostly tame, but also need a bit of training. then there are others who are more like wild animals that cannot be tamed. with the events currently taking place, many of the Toys, having been abandoned for 10 years, have reverted back into wild animals due to lack of socialisation and food. they're forced to eat their own kind in order to survive.
(Just a note I'd like to add is that one of my favourite things about Poppy Playtime is that the world inside Chapter 1 & Chapter 2 feels plausible. everything in those two feel like things that could happen in real life. The Toys being created, and the Toys themselves, with the way they act and the way they move. it's so good!!)
The second part of the story is facinating to me! a story of creating life that doesn't naturally exist, and the process of teaching them about the world they're in, and the roles they're given. it's SO unique and refreshing! the Toys being real, living beings, and not just a bunch of humans or human souls trapped inside a body that's not theirs was AMAZING!! Humans actually being the monsters in games is WAY too common, and honestly extremely boring. definitely a trope I am absolutely sick of. I know many others feel the same. genuine monsters are just SO much better! (more on this later)
Next thing I'd like to mention, which will be short: The look of the games.
I LOVE the look of both Chapter 1 (OG) & Chapter 2!! they look unique and have an amazing aesthetic. from these, you can easily tell what game you're looking at! cartoony, with a bit of realism. I've never liked realism myself, but the cartoony style with a hint of realism seen here really works!! its just a shame they ruined Chapter 1 a bit with the update they put out a few months back.
I also LOVE the Toy Factory setting!! normally factories in games are really ugly and unappealing, but Poppy Playtime Chapter 1 & Chapter 2 managed to make a factory that is adorable and colourful!! seeing the character art and colours everywhere makes it so appealing! with those and other things like the way the pipes on the walls look, and just how cartoony it all looks, including the machines seen in both chapters, the factory itself looks like a giant toy! it's wonderful and magical and I cannot praise it enough!
Now I'm going to focus on the things I liked about both Chapters individually.
Chapter 1: Short, to the point. a great intro for the game. Huggy may have had little screentime, but what he had was perfect. he was basically "tutorial monster", which really worked for him. his role has been fulfilled. overall, just a nice little experience. 10/10 experience for the original Steam version.
Chapter 2: A longer, more story-driven Chapter. All of the Toys in this one were great in the roles they were given, but of course Mommy Long Legs stood out. I absolutely LOVE Mommy!! her playful, childlike personality was always so fun, and she's utterly adorable!! I love that she talks! it made her so much more interesting, really adds to the cuteness of her character, and is the sole reason why she was also a bit creepy. The minigames of this Chapter were great fun! and the green hand is cool! I miss the red one though. :( red and blue go better than blue and green! anyway - Chapter 2 really is amazing, and basically took what we had in Chapter 1 & made it so, SO much better!! 10/10!! honestly, Mommy alone makes Chapter 2 deserve a 10/10 score! she's THAT amazing!! (I also LOVE that Mommy is the baby of the living toys!! it's so cute! I hope it stays that way as being the youngest really suits her!! she's very cutesy, has a somewhat child-like personality & way of speaking, and is the smallest of the bigger toys, so its perfect! I like to imagine she's like a little sister to other toys like Huggy & PJ! and I think there's enough reason to think she may have been close to those two in particular, especially Huggy, which I really like as those three are my favourites! Huggy, Mommy & PJ were the original Playtime Trio too. I miss that group so bad!! I'd love to see merch of just those 3 together! a blanket would be the best thing!!)
Next: Toy Designs The designs of the main cast of toys (Huggy, Mommy, PJ, Bunzo, Poppy, Kissy, Candy, CatBee, Bron & Boogie) are all great in that their designs actually look like toys that could exist in real life! Huggy, Mommy, PJ & Bunzo are easily the stand-outs. they're the ones I think look most plausible, and most interesting. Mommy's design is by far the best! super cute & pretty. she's absolutely a toy I would've LOVED to have when I was a kid. she and PJ feel very nostalgic to me as they actually do look like the sort of toys that were about from my childhood! I haven't got anything more to say about Huggy or Bunzo, but they're just great designs! I also don't have anything else to say about the other main toys - Candy, CatBee, Poppy, Kissy, Bron & Boogie. again, just great designs! Candy in particular I have a soft spot for. she's cute!
I will say though: Huggy's & Mommy's designs were totally butchered in Project: Playtime. Ugly and no longer look plausible as actual toys. (same for Bunzo's design at the end of the Easter comic, and now Kissy & Poppy.) not sure why they ruined them so bad in that game. they should've left them alone! I was REALLY hoping they didn't use them again, especially not in the main game. The person who made the redesigned models completely missed the point of the characters: they're meant to look plausible as actual toys, be cute, and in some cases a bit uncanny. also the inspiration for certain characters is lost in the redesigns. The GrabPack also looks bad. more on all this later. probably in a separate post.
I keep hoping they'll change them back to their original designs in the spinoff, (and now the main game) as it is one of the major reasons I've been completely put off of ever playing it. because they look so horrible!! actually, there's a LOT about Project: Playtime I don't like. Its actually the reason Poppy Playtime started to go downhill for me, due to it making so many changes, retcons and just not making sense. I'll get to that in a bit. first though: The Chapter 1 update.
My main issue with the update is it made the game too dark, which really ruins the experience. how can a game be enjoyed properly when you can't even see anything? it just completely changes & ruins the atmosphere, which is sad. I have other more minor complaints about the update, but I won't bother with those here.
I REALLY hope they don't update Chapter 2. or at the very least, visually. I understand if they want to add subtitles like Chapter 1, but Chapter 2, just like the original version of Chapter 1, is perfect as it is. I'd be so devastated and heartbroken to see Chapter 2 ruined. It's very important to me.
also, I really hope they bring back OG Chapter 1 someday.
I'm probably forgetting something, but for now I think I'm done with the stuff I loved & liked. now onto all the crap that I feel is ruining the game, starting with what started the decline: Project: Playtime.
Project: Playtime, as previously stated, is definitely what started the massive decline in the series. it made so many awful, unnecessary changes & retcons to the main game. I'm surprise I haven't seen as many people as I thought I would talking about all the issues it (and Chapter 3) introduced. here's a list of the changes & retcons made in this game:
1.The living Mommy being made before her toy. So she only had a matter of days to bond with the other living toys, the ones that she was so attached to? and the staff only tried to train her for a few days before deciding to move her elsewhere so they could condition her into tolerating & looking after or guiding kids with the hope it MAY calm her down? such a stupid retcon that makes no sense. I figured they'd at least try working on her behaviour for a couple of years, or heck, even just a few months, before trying this method! also I'm pretty sure its impossible to create toys, and send them to stores in less than a month. (If anyone is confused: Mommy's toy came out 2nd of February, 1991. this means that with Project's retcon, which states the living Mommy was also created in 1991, was made somewhere between 1st January 1991 to 1st of February 1991. it just doesn't work!!)
2.While on the subject, Mommy's personality. part of her profile in Project states "Mommy is best described as a spider-like psychotic murderer who kills for fun." I have multiple problems with this.
To start, I don't see how she's spider-like. Sure, there are some references, but her design is clearly human, and her personality is more cat-like with the way she watches & plays with the player.
Next, how is Mommy psychotic? sure, it was obvious in Chapter 2 that Mommy is mentally ill, the way she behaves and speaks feel like a young adult, who acts very child-like. but looking at what I can see from a quick search of psychosis, most of the symptoms don't seem to match. I thought her illness was either because her handler(or whatever they call the person/people who takes care of her) didn't treat her very well, (which, along with being taken away from the toys she loved, also caused her to hate humans) or just a random, made up illness that would never be explained.
Also, it called her a murderer. how is she a murderer? as far as we're aware, she's only killed Bunzo and some of the Mini Huggies, which could be justified. bear in mind the main game establishes two things: 1.The toys are starving due to a lack of food, and 2.There appears to be multiple different sides, or groups, amongst the toys. Mommy could've made a deal with Bunzo & the Mini Huggies where she'd spare them and find food elsewhere if they killed the player, or maybe they'd share the player's corpse, as I'm sure it would be plenty for all of them. as they failed, and she was starving, she could've chosen to eat them, so of course killed them. in regards to "sides", it seems to me that there are at least two or three different sides that the toys are on. Huggy & Mommy seem to be on the same side, as there's quite a lot out there that suggests the two are close, and also that they both seem to dislike Poppy. Poppy herself seems to be on her own side, though it wouldn't surprise me if she was secretly working with the Prototype. speaking of which, Prototype seems to also have his own little group. but again, wouldn't surprise me if Poppy's on his side. people wonder why Mommy didn't kill PJ. there are multiple possibilities, though the ones I think apply: He's too big for her to kill as he's much larger than her. he could also have been part of her group, and her friend. It also could just be that she didn't get time or was too focused on finding the player, but I doubt that. I think its possible that Mommy could've killed Bunzo & the Mini Huggies because they were of a different group, though I find that unlikely as they live where she lives, and she set the Mini Huggies free. It could've just been pure rage, but even if that was A reason, I think food is probably the main reason she killed them. I wouldn't call her a murderer for that. It was simply survival.
It also says she kills for fun….. No she doesn't. In Chapter 2 she clearly doesn't want to personally kill the player, as she has them play games with other toys in the hopes that one of them kills the player instead. it was only when she was out of options that she went after the player herself. It's true that she threatened to kill the player during her intro scene, but I'm sure that was purely to scare the player into playing her games. So yes, she DID want the player dead, and she may have wanted to watch it happen, but she still didn't want to actually do the killing herself! and to be honest, even if Mommy DID decide to kill the player herself instead of having other toys try first, I still wouldn't say she's a murderer, or that she kills for fun. We know the player was a member of staff as Mommy recognised them. Mommy hates the staff. if she was actually treated poorly, and I bet she was, especially with her "conditioning", killing the Player would both feel like vengeance for how she was treated, and give her food to eat. So yeah, Project's info is false. I really don't know why they wrote it that way.
I won't delve too much into it here, but I also don't like the nonsense abilities made up for the characters in the game. The Steam page also lists how the characters play incorrectly, but that's a topic for a different post.
Other things I don't like are: 1.The change in art-style. I can't pinpoint exactly why it looks so different, but it looks bland and ugly. though at least it still looks cartoony, so I'll give it credit for that.
2.The locations. they don't make sense and do not fit in the world. though I don't think they were meant to be canon, which is good, but I think creators should take care with spin-offs in making sure they fit in with their main series.
3.Boxy Boo. I think his design is bad. he doesn't look like a toy Playtime Co. would make, and doesn't look plausible. He just doesn't fit into the world. he also lacks the "cute" look of the other toys. his name is also awful, but just "Boxy" would've been fine. He honestly just feels like a rip-off of both Huggy (combo of eyes, sharp teeth, furry.) and Mommy. (stretchy, even if done differently.)
I also HATE his fleshy mouth. He's a toy! why is his mouth fleshy?? I could say more, but I'll leave it there. I may delve more into his design in another post.
This game is also the thing that introduced two things to the series: 1.The Bigger Bodies Initiative (BBI for short) & 2.The possibility that some of the living Toys are made using human parts. some people also think that its suggesting that the Toys are actually not just made from humans, but ARE the humans they're made from. PLEASE NO. (more on this in a bit.)
The first of the two, the BBI, is just so silly to me. I hate the name. it sounds stupid. and the whole need for a special title for certain bigger toys, when there was no need for the smaller toys or previous bigger toys doesn't make sense. also the game suggests that Boxy was the first living Toy created, but that doesn't make sense either. Prototype was suggested to be the first of something due to his name. I have an idea of what it is, but I'll be saving that for later. Next, its heavily implied that Poppy is the first ever living Toy. why another "first"? what else could he be the first of? the only thing I can think of is he's the first that used human parts. though the game seems to have retconned Huggy & Mommy into BBI experiments too, which I do NOT like.
This leads me into the next one: that some Toys are made using human parts.
I HATE this!! it's SO unoriginal and boring. it was far more interesting with them all being created using only poppy flowers! (and I'd assume lab created blood. though it could also be the poppy flowers mixed with some sort of water to make it look & function like blood)
The whole "The Toys are humans" thing is even worse!! it doesn't make sense and it completely ruins the characters and the plot!! it also completely removes any creepiness from the games! how is it even the slightest bit creepy if the Toys are just a bunch of people?? pretty much everything given in the first two chapters basically said that the Toys were exactly as they're presented: Living Toys. stuff outside the game also heavily suggested this. If the Ch1 & Ch2 Toys are people now, it's definitely a massive (and awful) retcon! one that, again, makes NO sense whatsoever! The Toys being simply just living toys trying to adapt to and navigate a world they weren't naturally made for is so much more interesting! I'll be talking more about this in a bit as I'll be talking about all the evidence for both sides.
Actually, I'm going to make a part 2 of this post to go over other things in more detail. I've spent hours writing this out and I'm so tired. so I'll leave it here for now, but I'll try to get part 2 up soon. I'd love to post it today, but I think its more likely to be within a couple of days or so. maybe longer. we'll see. anyway, if anyone had read all this, thank you! if anyone does read this and agrees with anything I've said here, please feel free to add your own thoughts on what you agree with as it's always nice hearing from others who share opinions. :) or alternatively, make your own post about your thoughts on the series! or both!
Just quickly going to add: I'm VERY disappointed in the Console version of Chapter 1. I was hoping for a normal port of the OG Steam version with the Steam picture for the console menu icon. this version doesn't look very good and the icon used for it is hideous!! bring back the iconic steam picture you cowards!!
I also have much to add about Chapter 3 aswell, such as:
1.The Smiling Critters have a bad design (why 8 identical designs with minor differences though??) and also don't fit in. (Especially the bigger ones)
2.How ugly the game and characters look.
3.The new hands are bad and again, don't fit in.
4.The fact that CatNap seems to be confirmed to be a human, which is a massive retcon for the series.
Also a couple of other things related to both Ch3 & Project:
1.How MOB have clearly lost sight of what Poppy Playtime was meant to be & what made it so special.
2.How MOB clearly doesn't care about pleasing actual fans and are only trying to pander to haters, and their clique of Discord users/Partners In Crime members/a particular set of theorists.
I've probably forgotten something, but I tried my best. I wish I could've posted this months ago (and also in complete form) but things kept getting in the way. Any questions? feel free to ask. bye for now.
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alexis-royce · 1 year
R - A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships
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Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)
I've never quite been able to get into 40K, but I really really like listening to Livebait talk about it, and seeing his models and cosplay.
I think that Tsush and I did initially play New Vegas because of you Lev, so that's one we've ended up fully adopting.
I've got a pal who is really into Fromsoft stuff and I like hearing them infodump about their ships; it's great hearing about petty little asshole people in the middle of all that grandiose majesty.
Watching the arcs of several musical acts and actors through Megan's reblogs is great; utterly wild to see her little blorbo actor Pedro Pascal become just the biggest star ever, whenever I see him I think "Oh that's Megan's funny little man"
I miss having the energy to follow a couple dozen webcomics, but I'm trying to be more clear-headed and aware of indie VNs in development, because I miss knowing about other folks' OCs. I'll never remember all the lore, but sometimes it feels like I can only remember the OCs of people who commission me frequently, and while that's nice, I hate that it's due to money and not just hanging out and vibin'. TmT
(Also special thanks to everyone who has said that Lupin is now their fandom-in-law because of Tsush and I, that's great, everyone should be vaguely aware of the monkey man, he lurks in the fabric of every anime and many cartoons)
O - Choose a song at random, which ship or character does it remind you of
Okay, opening my music folder, scrolling and clicking at random…
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jemgirl86 · 1 year
Oh. Ohhhh. Between seeing the Teachers Off Duty podcast come under fire for those IEP comments, and seeing more and more people suddenly start to stitch that teacher with practically a million likes on Tiktok who recorded her student (what looked like to me, without the student’s knowledge, but that’s a whole other kettle of fish) saying she’s going to kick her ass while she talks to the girl in an obviously faux soothing voice, and pointing out that a few things about that video don’t seem quite right at all, I’m feeling just a tad bit vindicated.
Nobody wanted to rock the boat online, or acknowledge gray areas or nuance, because it was Shit On Kids O’Clock, but as someone who enjoyed school, but still remembers school very very well, and has been in a school recently, you were never going to convince me that the problems happening right now were 100% the fault of “bad” kids and their “terrible” parents, lmao. Please. It’s like everyone had a fucking lobotomy or something. Yeah, there are teachers who really want to teach, and there are teachers who really want a job with the summer off. Tf. Are people new here? You think everyone in the military is patriotic too? Baby, they just wanted a job and some good health insurance. Please be for real right now.
Anyone who has been watching and reading the constant complaints of teachers online, should’ve been able to tell that maybe half of it was legitimate and half of it was fucking sinister, and it concerns me that people couldn’t. I don’t mean their complaints about what they’ve been allowed to teach, I mean these near constant complaints, filmed in their classrooms, sometimes with students heard in the background, talking about how awful those same students are. None of this seemed weird to anyone? A video with 300K likes, 400K likes, filmed in a classroom, with a teacher crying, telling me how a 10 year old threatened them, and the comments telling them to call the police… none of this feels insane to anyone else???? A lady calmly filming a high schooler threatening to beat her ass, and her first thought is to post it to Tiktok - that’s not odd to anyone?
Smh. Idk… just I’m glad the the podcast guests accidentally told on themselves. Nothing will probably really come of it, but at least some people might wake up.
I have so much respect for teachers, but we cannot pretend that the current state of classrooms, not education, but classrooms, is the result of all kids just being feral animals now, and a bunch of teachers getting on TikTok, using it as a diary where they do just that, and talk about how much they hate their students is wild to me.
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ryqoshay · 2 years
Contact Names
Primary Pairing: ShikiMei Rating: G Words: 408 Fandom: Love Live Superstar Parent Fic: N/A (for now) Time Frame: Sometime during S2 of Superstar Event: Promptober 2022 Event Source: Idol Fanfic Heaven channel on Discord Prompt: Cattywampus
Author’s Note: Primary entry for Oct 5th
Summary: Mei sees something strange on Shiki’s phone
“Ne, Shiki.”
“Yes, Mei.”
“Did you see the latest pictures Natsumi took of us?”
“I have not.”
“Here, let me send them to you.”
The two girls were spending the afternoon in the science clubroom since idol practice had been cancelled due to the weather. But that was fine, Mei figured. Shiki could get overwhelmed by the hustle and bustle of the idol club… and perhaps Mei could as well sometimes. Either way, a nice relaxing time with just the two of them was just what they both needed.
Still, not to lose out on idol time altogether, Mei had decided to scroll through the pictures Natsumi had recently taken.
Shiki’s phone pinged and she picked it up.
“There’s a really good one of you, Shiki.” Mei said, standing and moving behind the other girl. However, in doing so, she noticed something odd. “Ne… Shiki…”
“Yes, Mei.”
“What is Cattywampus?”
“Your contact name.”
Mei furrowed her brow. “Let me rephrase that. Why is Cattywampus my contact name?”
“It suits you.”
“And why does it suit me?” Mei could feel her frustration growing. “Just what the heck is a Cattywampus anyway?”
“Cattywampus. Adjective. Meaning askew or awry. Positioned diagonally or cater-cornered.”
“So again, how does that apply to me? Are you saying I’m askew?”
“Yes. Particularly your vision. However, one may also use the term to refer to how you react to seeing certain insects, e.g., stag beetles. Additionally…”
“Wait, hold on…”
“The term could mean savage or destructive, or refer to a wild beast.”
“So I’m a wild animal now?”
“Your idol icon is a paw print.”
“Yeah, but…”
“Still, I suppose Mei is too cute for that.”
“C… Cute…”
Mei knew Shiki knew her distaste for being called cute, yet she continued to do so. However, maybe… just maybe… Mei was starting to like it. Maybe. Just a little. And only if Shiki said it.
“Would you prefer Kittywampus?”
“Wha?” Mei balked. “That’s just subbing Kitty in for Catty. Am I a cat now?”
“Mei does have cat-like eyes.”
“I do?” Mei had never thought of her eyes that way.
“They are very cute.”
Of course, Shiki would say that. Mei sighed. She was already losing steam.
“Whatever. Just… just don’t show anyone else that, alright?”
“Very well.” Shiki agreed.
Mei then leaned over Shiki’s shoulder to touch the link she had sent. “Here is the pic I was talking about.” Back to focusing on idols.
Author’s Note Continued: I guess I’m writing Superstar fics now. Never mind that I’m still on episode 10 of Season 1 and have only seen clips of 2. Mind you, the YouTube algorithm learned very quickly that I was intrigued by the interactions between Shiki and Mei, so I’ve probably seen most, if not all of their interactions so far.
I’m sure as I start actually watching Season 2, I will start getting more ideas and will eventually start a collection for Superstar in the vein of HtHaH, HL and TA. Which of course means figuring out where in the timeline to include them. And then decide if I should retcon them into UW; I already have a few ideas for working them into PoH.
As always, so much to write, so little time...
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sosaysthenarrator · 2 years
Moxie (Stranger Things OC)- pre season one
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Moxie is the weirdo of Hawkins. A teenage girl who randomly started appearing around town one day, no home address, no school records, no family. Most people just see her doing odd jobs for anybody willing to give her work. But many townspeople keep their distance from this wild child.
Moxie has never been one to follow the rules of polite society: willingly tells people when they’re being stupid, not one for small talk and pleasantries, talks about the most random things, and can never seem to be still for long. It gives the impression of an erratic and antagonistic stranger to the rest of the town. Something that Moxie will play up when around people she doesn’t like.
Rumors spread around about her, especially around the high school. Some say she was raised by wild animals, others say she escaped from the psych ward, and even a few say she’s a crazy Russian spy. All in all Moxie is seen as an outsider to most people in Hawkins.
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But to those Moxie is close to they see a very different girl. She cares far too much for the people she like, will do absolutely anything for them. This high level of compassion also brings out her protective side, will literally fight for those she loves. If it came down to it she would rather herself be killed than anyone else. She’s responsible and calm under pressure.
Moxie is probably the closest to the Byers family. She started out being an occasional babysitter for Joyce since Moxie would do it for nothing but food and a place to sleep. She quickly became a regular helper in the household, doing a lot of the chores while Joyce and Johnathan are busy. She loves to listen to Johnathan talking about photography or Will talking about DnD.
Through watching over Will, Moxie became close with his friends as well. Since she (somehow) owns a car Moxie will sometimes drive the boys around town, she secretly loves doing it. She even has a walkie-talkie in case they need an emergency ride
If Moxie isn’t at the Byers’ house, she can sometimes be found at the Munson’s trailer. Eddie claims that freaks need to stick together, but Moxie thinks it might partially be because she brings food with her. Still she can’t complain about a place to sleep and some good company.
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But many times Moxie would rather sleep in her car, not wanting to be seen as burden to the few people who actually like her. Especially on warm nights when she can just lay on the roof and look at the stars. It’s times like this where she can finally just be herself, not the town Weirdo, not the guard dog, not the caregiver, just the broken child she really is.
Moxie is more compassionate than she wants to admit, she can’t turn away from someone in pain. She was never really shown compassion as a child so she shows it to others instead. She would never want anyone to feel like she did, like no one cares. Wounded? First aid is in the trunk. Need to vent? She’s all ears. Close to tears? She’s not going anywhere.
If Moxie was being honest with herself, she hates being the weirdo. She wants to go to school and mingle with people her age. She wants parents who make curfews and ground her when she comes home late from a party. She wants a big group of friends and maybe even a boyfriend? She wants normal. But Moxie isn’t normal, she wasn’t even born normal.
So Moxie watches the sky and tries to calm her nerves. Something’s wrong, she can feel it.
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Music she would listen to: I Want To Know What Love Is - Foreigner/ Shout - Tears for Fears/ Jessie’s Girl - Rick Springfield (tell no one)
Modern music that fits her: Girl Anachronism - The Dresden Dolls/ Why’d You Only Call Me When You’re High - Arctic Monkeys/ I’d Rather Be Me - Mean Girls 
(Thanks for reading all this! I’d love to hear your feedback. any questions? any ideas? Who should she be shipped with? *wink*. Anyway I hope to maybe write a bit about her involvement in season one next)
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takalzuoom · 2 years
Hi! I really enjoyed your headcannons about Leona and Riddle as reader’s besties. Can I please request best friends hcs for Vil and Malleus?
Omg I’m writing this in English
But I’m so glad you enjoyed the riddle and Leona scenarios 🙈
Oh my god i literally loved writing this like- this is probably one of my favorites to write, i’m sorry for the wait but tysm requesting 🙈
May have overindulged in malleus… 😺
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oh my god
Even if you're nice i can immediately imagine the plastics
With you vil (and sometimes) rook, you're unstoppable and cause people to have nightmares
In order for you to even be seen together, you have to have pride in your appearance, But if you have opposite aesthetics,i think you’re gonna have to be pretty tame cause if you get a little too … wild, he’ll literally bully you💀
But other than that- he's an absolute menace- like he’d absolutely throw away your lunch, look back at you and smile saying ‘you’ll thank me for this later’
You never knew what happened to it, but once you see it sitting prettily on his vanity, you know the gesture meant a lot to him
Okay listen- you literally become his emotional support friend
He won't go anywhere without you😭 that's only if you’ve been friends for super long and know him- like really know him
(Your relationship reminds me of me and my sisters, her constantly calling me into her room to hang out while she does whatever with hair and makeup while I’m on my phone talking to her)
Though some people point out that you're basically his assistant, you both know that's just chatter as Vil trusts you immensely.
Cause he’s someone who solely believes that you should do important matters yourself, but he’s let his guard down and let you lighten his load a bit
(That’s an unspoken indicator that you values you far more than you’d ever know)
The industry is hard and you can’t trust anyone- so knowing youre there in his corner, or even there in general relaxes him a bit, though its very uncomfortable at first
He may appear to be a diva, but even he sometimes gets caught up in his head.
While i dont see him skipping meals, he will calorie count
And if it’s a bad day / week, I can see him freaking out if even one minisquill of pigment is out of place. He’ll probably throw his things on the floor and grip at his hair as he refuses to cry.
He has a lot of pent up rage so 😿
You will definitely have to keep an eye on him. Don't confront him in public or else he will point out your flaws, bringing the unwanted attention to you
“Stressed? Potato are you feeling well? You don't look… heh, well as you do usually “ he gives you a once over “so go along to your dorm and catch some rest…”
You always know what gossip’s going on.
How Leona failed his last test. Or malleus cried in class. How Riddle talks to animals. You. Know. Everything.
I see him as valuing your opinion, so sometimes when he isnt sure if he likes how a shoot / a photo came out, he’ll ask you- sometimes taking your judgment other times doing the opposite
Screams at the tv 💀
Like yall could be watching cheer and when they’re at Daytona he’ll shush you any time you try to talk, or (when he knows no one is in a square radius of his room, dorms closed, windows locked, rook hunting- he’ll start screaming
Has no problem confronting people, if one of your friends block you for no reason, he’ll go up to them (when he deems fit) and ask why they’d do that
Basically an extrovert adopting an introvert if you truly think about it
He’s gotta keep you on your toes
“…What are you wearing?”
“…I thought it was cute…”
“oh… well you look like the ugly duckling who got dumped in oil and cooked alive- go change”
If you think he doesn't give you a weekly makeover and give you a proper skin care routine, you're deadly mistaken
In his free time I can see him totally helping you with potions and chemistry, and since he’s into skin care and make up he’ll just suddenly nerd out while looking at different skin care products
… close to being a Karen- has class and he’s socially conscious so he isn't
Also will help you with social media rules and social rules if you‘re oblivious about them (like me)
Will give you pep talks that will linger with you for months, maybe even a whole year as Vil knows what he’s talking about
You need him as much as he needs you, and if someone tries to tell you differently, they’ll suddenly have the worst luck 🤥
He tries to keep you out of the spotlight as 1/ he doesn't want you to get involved and 2. It’s his spotlight. So when you're out you’ll have to keep yourself disguised since he’s as conscious about his reputation as he is his skincare
Gives you the ‘boys are shit’ talk
“but you’re a guy”
“no. i’m a queen, rook is a boy”
“excuse you but i’m a man”
But over all, yall are staying best friends - forever 😈
Keeps you away from neige
matching outfits that aren’t tacky
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omg, omg my little pony didn't prepare him enough for this
In order for you guys to become friends, you’d either have to not know who he is, be paired up as partners, or talk to him as a dare 💀 (Please keep that one to yourself, cause his three musketeers will literally ruin you)
But please, he's so happy that you actually talked to him. just walking with him to class will lift his spirits, and he’ll look forward to talking to you again
And, yeah at first he’s awkward, you are too cause ‘why are people looking at me like they’ve seen a ghost’
But please. Be kind. He’s a sweetie 😿
Gives you the weirdest nicknames, ‘child of man’ being his favorite
call him mal or mal-mal and he’ll gleam with delight
But the more you spend time with him, figuring out he's more… odd, than intimidating
The people in diasomnia are blessed with actual sunshine and thats bringing his retainers through a loop becuase- what the fuck is wrong with malleus?
Sebek is losing his head and lilia,albeit amused since he never saw this side of him, wants to know what’s going on. and silver’s in one of his classes so he knows
You definitely get cornered by them💀 sorry bro but they’ll probably threaten you DBFNCOISUJGR
And when sebek literally degrades your entire bloodline and calls your mom a ‘wench’ you start to avoid malleus :(
He tries to talk to you but you're always either in a hurry or whisked away by one of the first years…
“Oh… I see”
Cue sebek, lilia and silver watching from a corner
So a week passes
…and 17 diasomnia students have ended up in the infirmary because of the constraint lighting strikes-
And three of them finally put 4 and 4 together and realize they’ve possibly made a mistake (lilia already knew this, but he just wanted to see what happens- cheeky little bastard👹)
And malleus, finally having enough comes up to you as you’re playing with grim, freezes everything in time expect you and just- talks
10 minutes later y'all are friends again and going to get lunch😻
Ignores his retainers for a day
He’s definitely a passive person. Not being able to say his disdain for things out right, but with carefully crafted words he could call someone’s mom a whore and they’d be thanking him for the supposed compliment
Honestly if people see you around malleus they’ll genuinely think he’s threatening you / holding your family hostage
“Blink twice if youre in danger”
“Why would they be in danger? Are they being threatened? If so…” 😟
But then again- scary dog privileges👁👁
Which has resorted to multiple rescue attempts from the first year squad
He’s a little jealous when they succeed cause he wants to join in on the fun too :((
You join the gargoyle research club! He asked you and since you didn't have anything going on at the time, and needed some kind of breather from… the trio of mayhem
Plus he looked so… lonely 🤥
Some times he’ll say there’s an emergency meeting and takes you out of class just to wander around the school after coaxing from lilia
He loves hearing about your adventures with the first years, loving the way your eyes sparkle and you talk animatedly about what goes on. Just.
*sighs dreamily*
Out of all of them i think it’s easiest to get into a relationship with malleus
Please do makeovers with him. Stick those saturated butterflyclips in his hair and attempt to do different makeup and hair styles on him and he’ll be so happy, on the inside, with a slight smile is on his face on the outside
Don't let sebek catch you though-
“What are you doing to the young master! Let go of him this instant!”
Extra credit points if its mlp related
(Malleus watches mlp literally fight me- yall binge it too.)
Flexes accidentally 🧍🏻
Like no, he’ll talk about how on break he went to some exotic island like its nothing you only found out that it was rich and exotic when ace and deuce look like they were about to faint when you told them he invited you
I WANNA MAKE RELATIONSHIP HEADCANONS FOR HIM CAUSE UGHUREGHF- he will secretly court you if he likes you 🧍🏻
Okay back on track, even though he’s the ‘big bad malleus’ he has bad nights too, where he just cuddles into his covers, and hides himself from the world, that was truly when you realized he’s just like everyone else. That he’s not some robot. Some kind of a golden pedestal that sebek constantly has him on
You platonically cuddle cause he’s so touch starved- he’s either FREEZING and incredibly warm. No in between.
Sebek has approached you repeatedly asking you ‘how to get closer to the young master’
And you, still. Not over him practically calling your mom a whore, tell him to just, open his eyes a little more walks around with his eyes wide the next day- GBFNVIOSEF IK HE’S NOT FULLY OBLIVIOUS BUT WHEN IT COMES TO MALLEUS, C’MON
Out of everyone, i don't think you’ll have any true fights, malleus treasuring you, one of his only friends, so he makes sure communication is there
Y’all are 4lifers. You're his ride or die.
You also help him try to talk to leona more cause he, for some reason, wants to be his friend and- oh my god the chaos that ensues
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yandere-daydreams · 3 years
Picture this: you’re a hiker lost deep, deep in the wilderness in a foreign country. Seemed like it would be a fun trip, but now you’re lost and it’s the dead of winter. Your days are numbered. But then. Someone finds you, takes you to their cabin to recover. They take a liking to you. But then as you’re ready to leave, you’re snowed in. Now you’re stuck in a cabin with a person whose language you can’t understand, miles and miles from anyone else, and oh did I mention they’re a werewolf? I imagine they’d resort to other methods to show their affection when you can’t understand their words.
tw - isolation, implied non-con, intimidation, mentions of hypothermia, mentions of animal death, generalized monster-fucking.
I think that kind of 'lost in the forest and saved by an oh-so-benevolent stranger who couldn't possibly be more than they seem' might be one of my favorite tropes. I mean, just imagine how scared you'd be, cold and alone, separated from your group and terribly, terribly lost, any recognizable landmark or trail marker blocked out by the snow, too thick for any human being to see through without the proper gear. You collapse, eventually, and you wake up somewhere else, somewhere warm, stripped of all your heavy, wet clothes and laid out in front of a raging fireplace, your quiet savior kneeling patiently at your side. They give you time to panic, to call them a dozen awful names and list off your accusations, and after you apologize and calm down and promise to listen, they explain that they found you while they were hunting, that you were already well into the first few stages of hypothermia.
They tell you that you're free to leave whenever you'd like to, but they wouldn't recommend going further than the front porch. Blizzards are worse, in the mountains, tend to last for weeks at a time, and the two of you are miles away from the nearest road, let alone the closest town. They have a heavy accent, occasionally struggling or skipping over words, but it's not a difficult message to understand. You ask them if you can stay until the storm passes, and you thank them, when they say you can.
They're nice enough, if a bit reclusive. They're used to the climate, used to the terrain, and they spend most of the day hunting, or checking traps, or doing whatever they do when they leave before sunrise and come back after dark with deer slung over their back, or a bloody rabbit, or something else that you'll hesitantly offer to skin and cook, not that they ever let you pull your own weight. It's not a big cabin, but they give you the only bedroom, insist that you stay as comfortable as you can while you're still recovering, and when you do go outside, desperate for fresh air, they make sure you're properly dressed, properly warned about the snow leopards and the feral wolves that roam the mountainside. They're protective, but they did find you unconscious, exhausted, another hour of exposure away from dying. They get to be a little over-bearing, after that.
They get to be a little strange, too. They're used to being alone, to fending for themself, and they don't seem to be used to... people, for lack of a kinder way to put it. They go days without talking, sometimes, only communicating in low grunts and other low, guttural sounds. They warn you about wild animals, but they never seem to have an issue with going out on their hunts without a gun, without a knife, even if the bodies they bring home are always bloody, always mutilated, often beyond recognition. They touch you, a lot, as much as they can, leaving a hand on your waist for a second too long, slotting themself against you whenever the two of you share the same space, slipping into your bed, at night, hovering over when they think you're asleep, letting pointed fangs ghost over your neck and staring at you with those wide, reflective eyes, too bright and too golden to be mistake for human. You feel claws, sometimes, a rough tongue on your chest, your thighs, other, worse places, less easily forgotten, and when you 'wake up' the next morning, when they come back from their latest hunt with their newest kill, you don't bring it up. You don't mention the bruises on your shoulder, the bite marks, or how clear the weather has been, lately, how many days its been since the last snowfall.
Wolves are known to be possessive, after all, hesitant to relinquish what they've already marked.
You doubt they'd be willing to give up what they already consider theirs.
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