softsoule · 4 months
The Wolf and The Rabbit P2.
Warning: This is my first story I'm not a writer never wrote or published anything before but I thought I would make this story so please don't criticize me too much. I hope you all enjoy that do read this!
*Pairing: Cha Hyun-Su x Reader Part One Part Three
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"Not until the wolf has its snack." Those words were all your body needed to gain the strength to run.
You struggle to get to your feet, your legs wobble. He watches you in amusement. You bolt towards the door, going as fast as your feet can take you, but its not fast enough. He's hot on your trail, not breaking a sweat; it's almost as if he's not even trying.
The debris from the dilapidated building causes you to trip and fall. You try to get up, but your legs defy you. You scream out in frustration, and you begin to crawl forward, creating space between you and this wicked beast, but it's not enough.
You hear his laughter bounce off the walls; it echoes. This is fun for him—the game of wolf and rabbit. The game you so desperately don't want to play, but it's too late; you've already entered the devil's playground.
The monster is ascending upon you; he's unnervingly close.
"This is it. This is my end." you think to yourself.
"Where do you think you're going, little rabbit?" he asks.
He suddenly dashes towards you, and in a split second, you are lifted and slammed against the corridor wall. You scream in pain; you're almost sure he's broken something. The pain is unbearable. Your eyes sting with hot tears.
You wail and beg, "Please don't hurt me; it's me, Cha Hyun-Su. I know you're in there." you plead.
Your pleas fall on deaf ears. The monster eats it up; your sorrow, your desperation, and your fear makes him hungrier. He wants to hear you cry and suffer even more; he wants you to feel so hopeless that you beg him to put an end to your suffering. Your pleas and wails do something to him more than killing does. It fills a void he never knew he had.
He lays his head in the crook of your neck and almost purrs as he deeply inhales. Your scent, your fragrance of fear, is one unlike anything he's ever smelled. It smells so aromatic, like jasmine. You squirm and cry out, desperately pleading to be set free.
He wants to hear more of it; he wants to hear you beg him and plead for mercy. He wants you to worship him. He wants to own your body, mind, and soul. He wants you.
"Shh, little rabbit," he coos. His lips are now leaving tender kisses and nibbles on your neck.
"Please" you beg. "Please, what?" he asks.
Your body starts to tingle as he now starts to brush against your hips. "P-Please let me go," you stutter. He hums. "What does the wolf get if he lets the rabbit go?" he asks.
"What do you want?" you breathlessly ask. Your mind now clouded almost forgetting about the pain your in as his kisses and love bites now trail from your neck down to your chest. He suddenly stops releasing you from his trance.
He lowers his face to yours and whispers "You".
Overwhelmed by the multitude of emotions your feeling, you try to respond but your cut off by the force of his lips crashing into yours.
You squirm and struggle to break free from this devil of a man, but his lips are so enticing. The taste of him on your tongue so sweet like the forbidden fruit he is. Your body caves in falling victim to the monster you so desperately wanted to flee from.
Ignoring the pain in your side, you toss your arms around his neck to deepen the kiss. He roughly sticks his tongue in your mouth, you pull him in further allowing him to dominate you.
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celosiaceo · 3 months
“You Shall Not Murder”
Characters: Leander, Hyacinth (Unnamed MC)
Word count: 3000-4000 words
Tags: blood, descriptions of violence, mild gore, death
Scratching at the muscular hand clasped over their mouth, Hyacinth tried to scream for help, knowing none would come. Dragged down the cold damp stairs by the hair, they stumbled against the grip. Once they tried to bite the strong hand that almost strangled them, Hyacinth got thrown into the opposite wall of the cellar. Leander approached slowly while they heaved for air, coughing as they tried to scrape themself off the floor.
“All bark no bite. For someone with the gall to carve all those spells on my door, you go down easily, Hyacinth.” Leander clapped the dust off his gloves, watching as flakes of dust descended from the walls and onto the fallen priest. “Much too easily. I could humor your audacity again, I had for way too fucking long, but everyone’s patience runs out eventually.” He loomed over Hyacinth’s crumpled figure, his eyes glowing in the shadow of his frame over the orange lamp.
Hyacinth was almost certain they heard a crack or two when their back and shoulder hit the wall, but they were too disoriented to know for certain or feel much pain. At the moment of the collision, their vision snapped to white, and now was blurry while they tried to scoop themself back up.
While making pitiful attempts to return the air knocked out of their lungs, Hyacinth stared up at Leander with half-open eyes. They could only discern the green glow that his eyes emitted even in the darkness, his words only being half intelligible past the ringing in their ears. Hyacinth tried to say something in return, but could only wheeze and let out a choked cough while pushing themself up by the arm.
“You seem just so insistent on fucking up my every plan, squirming in the way like a pathetic goddamn animal. Look at yourself. One kick could end you. And that’d still be overkill.” Leander growled, his expression staying void of emotion despite the clear rage in his voice and how the leather of his gloves stretched over his clenched fists. Hyacinth managed to sit, and were now taking heavy breaths with their chest and shoulders moving in wide frantic motions to cover for their greedy need for air. “Come on. Get up, you little freak. There’s no more miracles left to keep your miserable ass alive.”
Hyacinth stumbled up while leaning their side on the wall. They stared into Leander’s eyes with horrified desperation, clinging onto hope with delusional determination. “You… Blas…phemer…” Hyacinth croaked, wobbling while they tried to stand on their own.
Leander only chuckled. “Best start praying now, priest.” With a firm step forward, he crushed Hyacinth into the wall with his forearm pressing into their chest with his elbow and fist pinning the priest’s arms in place and rendering them immobile. They gasped for air just before Leander’s other hand would clasp around their neck. It’d barely take him any effort to snap Hyacinth’s neck into two if he wanted to, but no, he wanted their death to be slow. He wanted the priest to try to plead to be forgiven for everything they’ve ever done to foil his plans and destroy his ambitions. He wanted to watch life drain from their eyes. But not even this detrimental and thoroughly hopeless situation dissuaded Hyacinth from fighting for their life.
As much as they could, Hyacinth thrashed against the much stronger arms. Tears streamed down their face, the priest was getting dizzy and their limbs felt like they were being stabbed with thousands of invisible needles, their vision blurred into static with colored shapes floating across it. Leander only scrutinized their suffering as if it were an entertaining display, like a spider watching a moth thrash in its net.
“Give up now, priest. Didn’t you yourself say you deserve a slow death? Why’re you struggling?” Leander questioned with venomous amusement. His eyes hadn’t shifted from staring into Hyacinth with an overwhelming power. Hyacinth stared up at the ceiling, tears soaking their face while they kept wriggling beneath Leander’s arms.
“Not by… a sinner’s… hand…” The priest croaked, digging their nails into Leander’s forearm, since that’s as high as their hands could reach. Hyacinth could barely feel their legs while flailing them around as much as possible. Despite not believing that they’ll be saved, Hyacinth tried to fight for their life. Just so the Gods won’t judge them for sinfully becoming willing to give up their life in their last moments.
“Beggars can’t be choosers. And wouldn’t a sinner deserve to die by fellow sinners? Isn’t that what you are? Do you think you’re suddenly better than me? Don’t flatter yourself. We’re cut from the same cloth.” Leander mocked, making Hyacinth’s back sear against the wall as he raised them off the ground by the neck. They cried out, eyes squeezing shut. A tremor broke out throughout Hyacinth’s body, limbs trembling as if they were outside in the middle of a blizzard. The static clouding Hyacinth’s eyesight broke out into stars and flickering specks of white.
“I’m… so… much… weaker” They wheezed, kicking their legs in the air while feverishly gasping against the crushing pressure over their neck.
Leander laughed biliously, otherwise not moving a muscle. “So? It is what it is. The world’s unfair. Woe is you. Are those your last words? Shitty choice.”
“No… chivalry… in killing… the weak… fraud…” Hyacinth prayed to the Gods that Leander’s ego was the right button to push to keep them alive. It was the only button of his that the priest knew, since it was precisely what put Hyacinth in danger with Leander specifically. Everything was going dark, Hyacinth’s whole body felt numb, as if their soul was beginning to depart from their body.
Leander’s expression twitched with anger, his eye gave a dangerous glint. Is this where he tightens his grip and Hyacinth dies to the crunch of their vertebrae?
Suddenly, Leander pulled his hands away and Hyacinth fell back to the moist floor. They coughed for breath violently, ragged breathing desperate to come back to normalcy as their body starved for air, hot blood rushing back to frozen limbs.
“You want this to be a fair game? You know what? Fine. Go ahead. Show me what you’ve got.” He stepped away and stared Hyacinth down with infuriated amusement while parting his arms almost as if to offer an embrace. The glow in his eyes flickered like a prideful flame. Hyacinth figured that by playing with his food Leander could delude himself into feeling charitable.
Hyacinth’s body shook in resemblance of a seizure, but they tried to fight the convulsions to get up. After a minute of silence and hungry breaths, the priest pulled themself with their side leaning against the damn wall. They still couldn’t look into the green eyes, feeling like Leander could devour their soul if they dared to challenge a glance.
“I’m waiting. I have no doubt that you have what it takes to even us out.” He smirked with a smug air around him. Leander’s wide frame stood in the sickly orange light of the lamp now, blocking the only way out of the cellar. Hyacinth had no choice but to try something that’d most likely end up a pathetic display.
Suddenly, the dimming light was snuffed out, undoubtedly by Leander’s magic. Only the two cold emeralds glowed in the dark aside from a few cracks in the ceiling. The air burned through Hyacinth’s lungs while they tried to calm down their raging heartbeat and come up with anything remotely rational as their head was beginning to get swarmed with darker thoughts. The priest could barely think in the first place, frozen in place with only the thoughts of somehow running out of the dark cellar. Hyacinth couldn’t fight Leander if they tried, completely hopeless against the much more muscular man who was also tremendously more versed in the battle-adapted magic than Hyacinth could hope to be.
Was this the end of it, then..? Was this a dead end? Did Hyacinth have no way out of this except maybe making an embarrassing display of themself before embracing death? Were they just buying time for their last prayers before they’d stand before the gods’ Divine Judgement..? On second thought, maybe this was a fitting end for Hyacinth after all, no matter how much they wanted to disagree with Leander. Maybe the priest didn’t deserve a chance to cure themself and absolve their sins as much as that would be possible. Perhaps it was finally time to come to terms with their inevitable death and succumb to the cruel serpent eyes of a blasphemer. For him killing someone so weak, especially an obstacle in his hubristic plans, was nothing. Maybe if Hyacinth gave up, death would come quicker than they deserved.
But then, in a moment of clarity, Hyacinth had a realization. Alas, there was one other option. Leander seemed to fail to notice the ritual knife that was well hidden in the barely visible pockets of Hyacinth’s thick robe. And he couldn’t possibly notice it now in the darkness. Their thoughts began to immediately go to the crude blade that was their ritual knife, and immediately Hyacinth went pale. No. They couldn’t deface the very knife that was forged for them, the knife that they consecrated in extensive rituals with their own blood, the knife that signified their connection with the divine through magic… Murder in itself was one of the greatest sins one could commit, but committing such with a sacred knife? The gods would send them straight to hell for such an insult upon them. If in the past Hyacinth was possessed by rage and never directly got blood on their hands or their knife, but it would all be different this time. This time, they’d be coming to the decision themself, there’d be no one else to blame. Hyacinth gulped, their knees wobbled in terror. A whole life could be used as an incredibly powerful catalyst to a spell, which would turn the killing into an offering to the gods. But would it not be just as insulting to present them with such a rotten soul for their past blessings?
They must’ve begun to space out due to indecisiveness, eyes welling with tears of horror, as Leander angrily sighed and stepped closer. “Well? I’m waiting. Don’t test my patience. Go on or tell me you were wasting my fucking time again.” His voice was firm, his patience was clearly running thin. Hyacinth gasped for air even though they were no longer choked, torn between the priestly urge for a deservedly slow death and the human instinct of self-preservation despite the weight of unabsolved sins on their shoulders. “Useless fucking bastard. All this time you were wasting my time and money, but I kept forgiving you. I was being kind of you and this is how you fucking repay me? Wasting your second chance to make your death less pitiful?” They remained still, breathing faster while contemplating. Hyacinth could die and end up paying for all their sins in hell for the rest of eternity. Or they could persist and live, only to carry such a heavy sin if not an entire insult to the very gods they’re worshiping until they die, and end up with even more sins weighing their soul down into the nether.
“Why’re you even here, huh? You killed someone with that curse of yours and made a run for it not to face the consequences? And what for? Just to stalk and beg the doctor for forgiveness instead of praying to your gods? I bet they’re disappointed in you. One shitty priest you are, Hyacinth.” Sarcasm kept pouring past Leander’s lips with pure venom dripping from his voice. Hyacinth's hands began to shake with anger. He now stood so close that Hyacinth could hear Leander’s breathing.
The glow in his eye flared in a hubristic certainty of their failure. Leander provoked them and, in doing so, felt invincible. He was always the one in power. He always prevailed. He always got what he wanted. He always walked out of the water dry. He was immune to consequence. Immune to guilt. Immune to satiation. Immune to divine punishment.
Hyacinth’s eyes darted up to his, an eldritch rage began to rise like a flood of fire in the yellow-red eyes. Leander further opened his arms while a near demonic grin twisted his lips, the expression for once reaching his eyes.
“О Пресвятые ангелы, О великие Боги, О Богоматерь, я надеюсь ВЫ сможете простить мой грех…”
“Saying your last prayers? Good. Let’s get this shit over with, you’ve taken up enough of my precious time with your nuisance of an existence—”
The thick high-quality fabric of Leander’s shirt bloomed with blood as it got pierced by the crude, almost dull ritual knife. It blindly squirmed through the muscular with a struggle, but Hyacinth barely felt the strain on their bony arms now. Leander’s eyes for once widened with shock, a pained cry ripping its way out of his throat.
“What— what the fuck are you doing—” Leander growled and swung an arm at Hyacinth in the dark, only for them to lunge just beneath the hit and rip the knife out of his stomach. Leander inhaled sharply, staring at Hyacinth’s silhouette with disbelief and shock, except this time their eyes mirrored the prior blankness of his instead of the typical fear. Just as he stepped back and gripped at the bleeding wound, Hyacinth swung from below and into his shoulder, the momentum easing the blade in just below his collarbone. Leander keeled over as Hyacinth wriggled the blade out, his breathing choked when he began to frantically cough for air. His glowing emerald eyes acted as beacons, not letting Hyacinth lose their target. Leander made clumsy attempts to knock Hyacinth off, but the darkness aided the priest in avoiding most of his attempts even in the narrow space. “What the fuck has gotten into you?” Leander mumbled in irritation laced with fear and stumbled back, only to trip over the stairs and fall over the cold stone. Hyacinth stood over him, silent. The priest’s grip on the knife whitened their knuckles while their face was tense in blank rage. Like the day their curse was revealed, an incomprehensibly deep fury took over their whole entire conscious being.
Just as the first hints of blood sprouted onto Leander’s lips, Hyacinth fell over him, stabbing the knife into his chest. He gripped their throat again. “You can’t kill me.” He croaked, and tightened his grip over the priest’s neck. Hyacinth coughed and heaved, struggling with pulling the knife out again. Once the metal parted room his skin, Leander made a hurt bloodied wheeze, and put all their effort into stabbing his arm instead.
“Молчать, богохульник.” Hyacinth mumbled against Leander’s scream, their voice devoid of its usual stutter and quietness. Blood spilled like a fountain from his pierced arm, spraying most of their face with the crimson that matched Hyacinth’s robe. Leander, blinded with pain, writhed and attempted to punch them again or kick his legs and get them off, now dizzied with blood loss, only for Hyacinth to take the weakened punches and not reduce their violent vigour at all, the pain not registering. They stabbed into Leander’s chest, the knife nestled somewhere below his collarbone.
Leander’s eyes became hazy, the absinthe greenness infusing with death like with dissolved sugar. The spark of the emeralds began to fade out in its entirety, the ubiquitous glow of the poisonous orbs was dying out. And Leander himself felt it too. “Please… we can… talk…” Leander coughed, only more blood dripping down his chin while he tied to collect himself. Hyacinth ignored his pleas and kept stomping out the fire by planting more and more stab wounds into Leander’s chest over and over, until they couldn’t feel their arms. By then the begging and foolish self-preservation attempts and any noise from the mage had long died out, but the light of the lamp slowly came to life again, only to reveal Leander’s lifeless body.
Hyacinth stood up at long last, their posture somewhat shaky from exhaustion. Their shoulders rose and fell with ferally deep breathing. Hyacinth’s knife, robes, arms and face were all soaked with Leander’s blood. The puddle of dark red flowed over the cellar's wooden floor from under the body. The soles of the priest’s wooden sandals became submerged into it too, and yet all Hyacinth could do was stare. Observe the lifeless mangled body of the blasphemer with his eyes glassy like tumbled gems, but never truly take it in. Their yellow-red eyes seemed dull, blank, dead like Leander’s despite the seething rage that was still somewhat searing their flesh from the inside.
Reaching into their robes, Hyacinth got out a small crude wooden tablet, and carved a sigil into it — a dianthus, a baptisia, a hyacinth and a lily within an 8-pointed star. The scratches in the wood were laced with the red, an offering to the Gods. After engraving the divine forgiveness and protection spell into the wood with reddened lines, the priest dipped the tablet into the blood, the lines of the engraving soon getting filled with the vital catalyst. After wiping off the excess blood, Hyacinth stuck the tablet back into their pocket along with the knife, and stepped over the limp corpse to get out of the basement. Hyacinth’s expression didn’t even twitch all the while like it was an unpainted mask, which depicted neither the outrageous tragedy of the murder nor the gleeful comedy of the weak winning against the strong despite all odds.
The priest took off their sandals after making their way up the stairs, now they were in the back room of the Wick. The party was still loud, Hyacinth could hear the music and laughter even louder now than before. Without a second thought, they slipped out of the tavern through the back door. The priest washed the blood off the soles of their shoes in a puddle and slid the sandals on again, deciding not to do anything about the soaked robes since blood stopped dripping off of them. Hyacinth quickly wiped their face, the feeling of dried blood cracking over their skin reminding them of its presence. The small alley in front of them split off, a distant turn to the left just before the alley’s dead end, and a nearer turn to the right. Hyacinth didn’t particularly care where to go, all they knew was that the stench of alcohol was making them sick, as was the smell of rust all over them, so they needed to leave.
[Head for the closer turn]
[Head for the further turn]
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yanderepalace · 3 years
Pleeease please please do a Yandere Kokichi x fem! reader non con !
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warnings: noncon, nsft, 18+
note: this so probably my most requested post ever so I hope you enjoy :)
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Falling asleep in captivity wasn’t easy. Staring at that same damn ceiling every night until sleep comes to allow you some momentary peace from your suffering.
Therefore when you fell out of conciseness, you fell hard. And much to Kokichi’s dismay, waking you up was always a struggle.
The more he prodded and poked at your unconscious form, the more you just tossed and turned. He was getting irritated, selfishly irritated that you won’t awake for him at his beck and call.
This went on until, unfortunately for you, you woke up. Waking up with the dark figure of your captor looming over you is not exactly the most comforting thing to open your eyes to, so you were understandably a little shaken up.
Your eyes were still groggy from your deep sleep you didn’t pick up on Kokichi’s giddy words. The only thing you felt was fear and dread. Even after all this time, it’s hard to get used to being in a constant state of fight or flight, or just fight in your case, being chained to the bed and all wasn’t getting you anywhere.
Kokichi’s knee met your sensitive flesh under your panties as he pressed against you, making you squirm under him. His intentions being made clear. You knew this day would come sooner or later.
You knew you didn’t have much of a chance of getting out of this situation but the least you could do is fight and discourage him from going any further.
Raising your trembling hands up to push, scratch, shove, whatever you could do, but just like always: Kokichi always wins.
“Nice try Y/n.” His fingers wrapped around your wrist and pinned it against the bed as he giggled at your misfortune once again.
His body was done waiting and demanded to give it what it wanted. Your shorts soon being tugged down by slender fingers along with your panties.
You squirmed and squealed all you could but your arms were firmly pinned to the bed under his iron clad grasp. You felt the hopeless sinking into your chest as you could do nothing to stop him from doing whatever he wanted to you.
“I don’t care what you want, if I say it’s going to happen, it’s going to happen.”
Throwing your panties to the other side of the room arrogantly.
The tips of his fingers made contact with your entry way, expecting to tease you about how aroused you actually were but there was nothing for him to make fun of as you were obviously unaroused.
The leader scoffed in disappointment, like it was big inconvenience for him that he’d have to prep you himself.
Soon feeling his gnashing fingernails forcing their way into your entrance. Your vision of his looming figure now blurry amidst the tears filling your eyes, the pain was unbearable. Your survival instincts kicked in and you began to fight with everything in you. Kicking, struggling, screaming and begging him to stop.
You could see his anger visibly growing, he was doing you a favor after all. He’s trying to make it comfortable for you and this is how you treat him?
Kokichi growled as he pulled his fingers out with a scowl. “Hmph, fine! If this is how you wanna play it!”
He pulled down his white pants with one hand. Already being in a compromising position, it was easy for him to put his cock inside without much of a fight.
The first entry was the worst. Kokichi slipped in easily enough. His eyes closed, and he let out a soft groan from behind his lips. Slipping inside of you for the first time, he was in heaven.
You however, did not share the same privilege. Your abdomen cramped and your walls burned against the unwanted friction.
It wasn’t the easiest on his side either. It was a struggle to push it in with no lubricant to ease the way inside. He definitely wasn’t complaining about the tightness though, he struggled to contain the urge to start thrusting in and out at a speed of his choosing.
“Nishishi, you’re a virgin, aren’t you?”
You paused your sobbing for a second to hold back the bile in your stomach, you were a virgin after all, but how did he know. When he said he knew everything about you, you just assumed he was lying.
Of course, he knew, he really did know everything about his darling. Everything.
“It’s a shame you had to lose your virginity like this.” Kokichi said like you two were just having a casual conversation while he was defiling you.
“I could’ve made your first time special y’know~” The liar said without seemingly genuine disappointment.
“But yet here you are having your purity stolen by your supreme leader himself.” His arrogant persona returning once again.
He looked at your grief-stricken face. “What? Is it not what you imagined? Nishishi.” You had nothing to say in return. Is this really what your life had come to.
Sooner or later you succumbed to the burning pain and stopped struggling. Succumbing to him, he grinned knowing he had won as he thrusted away clearly enjoying himself. Letting a moan or a giggle slip out of his mouth every now and then. Leaving kisses and love bites up your neck as you cringed at the sensation.
The pace quickened as you hear the disgusting sounds of his flesh against yours. You didn’t know if you wanted to throw up, sob, or scream. God, how you hated him, he didn’t seem bothered in the slightest, even though he claimed to love you. His pale hands gripped your hips, your flesh going in between his fingers from his iron grip as he continued to thrust into you time after time, chasing his own high.
Unfortunately for you, the pain still hadn’t numbed out. You stuck laying there under his body weight unable to move, where you were forced to endure this torture and humiliation of being taken against your will.
With nothing else to do, you turned your face to the wall, hoping to escape from this painful reality even for a second as the tears streamed down your cheeks.
All you could do is wait for the torment to end.
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Oooooo I’ve got one. What if Bella’s scent trigged actual lust instead of blood lust. I’m thinking the logical answers gonna be that Edward screams WHORE and skedaddles off to Alaska and whines about how he’ll never find a mate but what if he stayed y’know
I can't believe we've already answered this.
Well, sort of.
Alright, Bella, you've been demoted to sex pollen, I hope you're proud of yourself and the many porn fanfics you could inspire in some other universe.
Bella the Sex Pollen: Teenage Nightmare
Bella arrives in Forks and Forks is weirder than she expected. Everyone keeps awkwardly squirming whenever they're close to her and she's pretty sure she spots guys' hands wandering towards their pants. There's even been a few tents there.
Bella doesn't want to know.
Forks is officially filled with gross hicks.
Bella goes to Biology, she has high hopes for beautiful Edward Cullen. Her hopes are--not quite dashed when Edward excuses himself to the restroom two seconds in. Bella feels like the world's ugliest loser and has herself a good cry when she gets home.
Edward, on his own end, has no idea what just happened. He theoretically knows what lust is, he's seen lustful thoughts from others, but he's not an empath and he's not all that much of a sexual creature himself. Sudden onslaught of horniness is not something Edward typically deals with.
As a result he has no idea what the fuck is going on.
He just knows that he suddenly has an erection in the bathroom. He stays there and wills it to go away (which eventually it does). He doesn't relate it to Bella Swan's scent, she's not even on his radar right now.
As a result, Edward doesn't flee to Alaska. Instead, Carlisle wishes he could flee to Alaska as Edward and he have the "So, you had an erection in the middle of class and fled to the bathroom and now you want advice on how to surreptitiously masturbate/keep the tent in your pants down" talk.
Edward is filled with confidence after this talk. This was a fluke, a fluke called Edward finally growing into a man, and if it does happen again he now has lots of useful advice from the various men of the household on how to handle such urges (yes, I'm sure this was as terrible as we're all imagining).
Edward is prepared.
Edward is not prepared.
Everything's fine until Biology and Bella Swan, and then, right on cue, Edward is filled with SUDDEN LUST.
He flees.
Bella is resigning herself to her fate (school was not better day two and it seems that half the school is avoiding her and the other half of the school is trying to sit weirdly close to her with these gross looks on their faces). Edward fleeing, she just accepts it at this point, it's just par for the course. Bella must suffer in silence.
Well, now Edward's freaking out. There's clearly something very wrong with him. He's not simply a man but a lustful wretch perhaps not too different from those he hunted.
You can guess where this is going...
Edward never finds out that Bella is the source of SUDDEN LUST. Edward instead concludes that he has a very powerful sex drive and I imagine shortly goes to the Denali to learn the ways of sleeping around with willing participants and fulfilling his urges.
This may or may not result in some poor girl getting pregnant.
You ask what would happen if he stuck around but I... really don't think he would. He'd never connect this with Bella Swan and would think something instead was wrong with him. Even if he stayed in Forks, I imagine he'd become a hopeless NEET who would descend into searching for the perfect Waifu to help with his sudden burst of sexuality as he cannot be seen in broad daylight.
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yandere-daydreams · 4 years
Is it alright if I request some YanTuber? Pretty please? I just really loved the idea. It can be an OC of yours! Thank you so much.
With the number of concepts I’ve done about Yandere YouTubers, it’s about time I actually get around to, y’know, writing something. I hope this suffices, if only as an introduction. I think the formatting on its own is enough to disqualify this from being a real one-shot.
Title: Livestream.
TW: Kidnapping, Bondage, Non-Consensual Drug-Use, Isolation and Slight Victim Shaming.
‘They’re so pretty!’
‘I wasn’t expecting an actual person… This is getting a little too real, isn’t it?’
‘Finally. I thought this was going to be another prep vlog.’
You kept yourself focused on the bright screen, despite the way the white lettering on the dark background stung at your eyes, a headache forming deep in your temple as you tried to read the comments appearing at the side of your captor’s display, coming too quickly and too mindlessly for anyone to ever properly keep track of. You didn’t move, didn’t blink, you wouldn’t breathe if you didn’t have to, you were sure of it.
Your stalker, your kidnapper, your captor, Kane, as he’d asked you to call him, had sat you down an hour before and explained that you had to stay on your best behavior, for the sake of his fans. He’d already spent most of the ride back to his secluded, woodsy cabin going on about his ‘passion project’, about the hundreds of thousands of people that’d been looking forward to seeing you for months, now, your gagged mouth and your sedative-addled mind making it impossible for you to interrupt his rambling. He’d said that he wanted to make a good impression, that you’d just have to smile and sit pretty for a while while he gave his subscribers the good news. You didn’t even have to say anything, just wave to the camera when he tells you to. Just behave.
You’d asked why you shouldn’t scream. It was going to be live, you knew that much, and nothing could stop you from flailing and yelling and crying until someone called the police. With a patient smile, he’d kissed your forehead and told you that, if you were going to be stubborn and make a fuss, he was sure there’d be plenty of time to do something graphic and unpleasant before the authorities found a home so hidden by the forest. He’d made a video on the importance of finding a private place to keep you, and he promised to show it to you, sometime.
You hadn’t said much of anything, after that.
‘They look so sad.’
‘Kane, you should tell them to cheer up!’
‘This ARG sucks. The actors can’t even pretend to be happy to be here.’
“Hey, don’t be too harsh,” He chided, speaking not to you, but the screen, to the thousands of people watching you squirm in his lap, one of his arms looped around your waist and the other idly tapping melodies into the tabletop. “It’s been a big change for us, and I don’t think my angel got a lot of sleep last night.” He sighed, shaking his head, absent-mindedly running his fingers through his short, dust-colored hair, the same shade of tan as his paling freckles. “It’s one thing to say you’re going to drive five hours straight with someone tied-up in your backseat, but I didn’t think I’d be so worried. I feel like I found an excuse to stop every five minutes and make sure this one--” There was a nudge to the back of your shoulder, edging you towards his screen. “--hadn’t died in their sleep.”
Kane pulled you a little closer, letting your back settle against his chest as he let out a slow, nervous laugh. The lights in the room were dim, all candles and oil-lanterns, but you could almost make out a dull blush coating the skin of his cheeks. For a moment, you wondered if he was camera-shy, but whatever sympathy you might’ve felt was quickly discarded as he continued. “It was my first time using a tranquilizer on another person - or, a person I cared about keeping alive, I mean. My hands were shaking so badly, I didn’t know if I’d be able to find a vein. It was easier on the practice dummies. The poor thing took an hour to stop bleeding, too.” Another sigh, another kiss, this one to the top of your head. You flinched away from the gesture, but Kane didn’t seem to care, only going on with a renewed sense of affection. “Don’t worry, though, I took care of it. You’re alright now, aren’t you?”
You shifted in your seat, his repetitive beat soon being pressed into your hip, instead. “My wrists still hurt,” You managed. “The handcuffs don’t really help.”
‘What an ungrateful fucking bitch.’
‘I’d let Kane stab me as many times as he wants to.’
‘I need a handcuff reveal!’
“And I need a pair nobody’d be stupid enough to try and break,” Kane countered, his hand finding its way to the back of your collar. With a low grunt and a half-hearted effort, you were hauled backward, forcing to settle closer to his waist than his thighs as he took you by the forearm, gently guiding your hands into frame, along with the restraints he’d been generous enough to use. It was a clunky, heavy contraption, the surface more rust than steel with chain too short to help you do anything useful, but it served its purpose. You couldn’t thrash, couldn’t struggle, not unless you wanted an infection your captor could ineffectively and lovingly treat. “It’s a little old, but I didn’t really plan on needing it. There’s a nicer pair in our bedroom, but that’s not the kind of content that keeps me monetized.” He paused, allowing himself a small smile. “Someone a little overwhelmed, so I’m just trying to make sure they don’t get into anything they’re not supposed to. They were so mad when they came-to… I guess they’ve never really been an outdoorsy type of person.”
You couldn’t stop yourself. You weren’t sure you wanted to, not when another one of his adoring fans seemed to speak up every other second. “It’s not like I wanted to leave the city.”
“You didn’t,” He admitted, shrugging carelessly. “But, you’re going to like it. There aren’t as many creeps out here, and no one’ll try to tear us apart, not when so few people know where we are. I was really careful about that, I’d be surprised if anyone even knows your gone, yet. And if you don’t come around…” His eyes flickered towards his camera, towards the chat, more alive than it’d been all night, buzzing with dozens of different thoughts and theories and debates as disjointed as debates could be. He seemed to revel in it, in the controlled chaos, his eyes lighting up as he addressed his loyal, fiery, dependable following. “You’ll help me out when the time comes, right, guys?”
‘Definitely, as long as you promise to record it!’
‘Why wait? The brat looks like they need a reality check.’
‘I want to see them bleed.’
You felt yourself go still, the shock less severe than the dread that accompanied it, the numb awareness that even if you screamed, even if you cried, even if you begged, half the people watching wouldn’t believe you and the other half would rejoice in your suffering. Kane didn’t seem to feel the same hopelessness, though, not as he leaned against your shoulder, his lips pressing against your back and his voice dropping into a tone only you could hear. “See, baby?” He whispered, the edges of his teeth ghosting over your skin.
“It’s just like I told you, they’d do anything to make sure we’re happy together.”
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cuquitalocita · 4 years
all you do is pine- percabeth
AN: i didn’t really like the ending to this one but i wrote something finally! also i just love modern percabeth can’t you tell? 
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“Uh… five?” Annabeth throws her pencil down in frustration, the sound echoing around the almost silent library. Across from her, Rachel bites her lip to keep from laughing and the look Annabeth sends her has the girl pulling Annabeth’s paper to her side of the table. 
“Ah, I see what you did. That’s a six A, not a nine.” Annabeth glares at the red ink now covering her paper and curses her dyslexia for making college so much more difficult than it should be. Annabeth had handled high school just fine, moving across the country a few times, but other than that, no issues. But freshman year of college was kicking her ass. 
“How am I supposed to pass this class if I can’t even read the problem correctly, to begin with?” Annabeth complains. The heads of her friends at the tables around her turned to her, offering sympathetic glances saying they understood how awful their dyslexia could be. 
“Maybe you can just light Professor Brunner’s classroom on fire,” Leo supplies from where he sits next to Calypso doing physics homework. His girlfriend slaps the back of his head.
“That’s arson, Leo,” she reminds him. 
“So what?”
“So it’s illegal, genius.” The voice of her best friend has Annabeth sitting straighter and Percy drops into the seat next to her, looking perfect as ever with his messy black hair and green eyes. “Last I checked you can’t vandalize a classroom.”
“How would you know Jackson?” Annabeth pipes up. “If I remember correctly, senior year of high school you vandalized Mrs. Dodd’s room.” Percy grinned at her, the memory flashing through his eyes, and the two burst into laughter. 
If there was anything that made college easier, it was having her best friend next to her to suffer through it all with her. She and Percy had grown up together, living in the same neighborhood since middle school and being best friends ever since. Annabeth couldn’t be more grateful that they both managed to get into the same college.
She just wishes she wasn’t in love with him.
Never in a million years could Annabeth have predicted she would fall for her annoying, clueless neighbor. Yet here she was- hopeless. 
Annabeth turns, sticking her nose back into her math textbook to keep him from seeing the red that now dots her cheeks. She catches Piper’s eye from the table next to her and the girl raises a brow. Annabeth shoots her a warning look and Piper sighs audibly.
“Well I don’t know about you guys, but I’m over this. I’ve gotta meet Jace for date night- so see you around losers.” Piper leaves Annabeth with a knowing pinch of her shoulder and she grips her pencil tighter.
“We’re out too,” Leo and Calypso say grabbing their bags and standing up. “Date night waits for no one.” The library quiets down until it’s just Rachel, Percy, and Annabeth. Annabeth glances up to see Rachel and Percy looking at each other, a meaningful look in both of their eyes as if silently speaking to each other, just like she and Percy often did themselves. 
Annabeth bites down on her jealousy. 
“Oh gods,” Rachel mutters. “I’m late to tutor Octavian.” All three of them visibly grimace at the mention of the blonde idiot and Rachel scurries out of the library.
“Well,” Percy sighs. “Looks like it’s just us again Wise Girl.”
“What’s changed?” She smiles down at her paper. At that moment a text appears on her phone from Hazel.
>> Hey, can’t make movie night tonight, Frank just surprised me with dinner and a movie!!
>> Aw, that’s so sweet :) No issues, next time for sure
Annabeth groans and places her phone down. Percy shoots her a questioning look from behind his laptop screen. 
“There go my plans for tonight. Hazel’s out.” Annabeth glances at the clock, figuring it was time to return to the apartment she shared with Piper to finish up some homework. 
“Hey, why don’t we do something?” Percy’s voice is awkward when he asks and Annabeth can’t help but think how he sounds just like he did when he was twelve. She turned to him, her curls bouncing in her ponytail behind her. “We haven’t had a movie night since this semester started. Everyone’s out on date’s so let’s have a friend’s date. We can even order takeout.” Percy levels her with a kind smile and Annabeth tried not to melt on the spot. 
“I’d love to Percy, I really would. But this project is kicking my ass and-”
“Come on, Annabeth,” he whined. “Pleeeeeeeeease? I’ll even fight the spiders in your apartment for you.” Annabeth’s resolve had cracked at please but she smiled anyway. 
She rolls her eyes affectionately, hoping this wasn’t a mistake.
“Come over at six, Seaweed Brain. And don’t even think about coming without food.”
Percy shows up late, unsurprisingly, and Annabeth is in front of the TV with a physics textbook in her lap when he walks in sporting the key to her apartment she had given him months ago. 
Annabeth opens her mouth with a quick insult but Percy cuts her off.
“Before you say anything about me being late- I brought you pretzels.” A box of chocolate-covered pretzels falls into her lap a moment later and Percy collapses onto the couch next to her soon after. Annabeth tries her hardest not to lean into him or inhale his scent. It’s easy to think that seawater would smell disgusting. Like seaweed and dead fish. But Percy’s always made it smell good.
“So what are we watching?” Percy asks as Annabeth flips her page. Before she can grab her pencil again, Percy’s hand is over hers, ripping it away and chucking it across the room. Annabeth gapes at him.
“What the hell, Percy? I was using that.” Percy shrugs, opening a bag of popcorn he brought and shoving some in his mouth. 
“Not anymore you’re not. Movie night, Wise Girl. Remember?” Annabeth arches a brow and a slice of satisfaction courses through her as he turns a slight shade of gray in nervousness.
“You do realize I’m a forensic science major right?” That as well as architecture. “I could kill you and hide the evidence. No one would ever find the body.” Percy grins, visibly relieved that she’s joking, and relaxes his shoulders. He grabs her textbook from her lap and places it on the ground, grabbing her hand that held the pencil and lacing his fingers through hers instead.
Annabeth shoots him a questioning look and pushes down the blush that’s threatening to pour over her cheeks. 
“Gotta make sure you don’t grab that pencil again.” Percy shrugs, putting their hands on his lap as he turns his attention back to the television. At this point, Annabeth is trying her hardest not to combust. So instead she rolls her eyes and puts on Finding Nemo, Percy’s favorite movie. With as much as Annabeth claims to hate it, the way Percy voices each of the characters every time he watches it makes her laugh. 
Percy doesn’t say anything as the movie starts, not even to ask why she’s playing a movie she doesn’t like, and the two friends drift into a comfortable silence. 
Halfway through the movie, Annabeth is itching to get off the couch. Percy has started playing with her fingers instead of just holding them now, and Annabeth doesn’t think she can handle this much longer. So as Percy is voicing Squirt’s voice cuter than even the original actor can, Annabeth stands up, taking her hand away from Percy’s and ignoring his frown, and grabs her phone, pretending someone’s calling. 
“It’s uh… Luke,” she stutters out. Annabeth runs out of the room before she can register the look that flashes over Percy’s face at the mention of the boy from her physics class. The door to her room is slammed shut before she hears Percy’s response and Annabeth hangs her head in her hands. 
“Gods, Annabeth! What’s wrong with you? This is Percy!” 
Yeah, the Percy that you’re in love with. 
So Annabeth pulls herself together. She walks over to her bathroom and splashes a bucketful of freezing water over her face.
“Pull yourself together, Chase.” 
When Annabeth walks back out of the room, Percy is on the phone talking to someone. Annabeth realizes he hasn’t heard her door open and she can’t help but lean against her door frame to watch him for a moment.
He really is handsome, she can’t help but notice. He had gone from a cute kid to a handsome guy, and it was starting to keep her up at night.
“I don’t know Rach,” he was saying, and Annabeth fought down the swell of jealousy in her chest. She liked Rachel- she really did. What she didn’t like was how interested she seemed in Percy. The looks Rachel would shoot her when she was talking to Percy didn’t help either. “I just-”
“Percy, I swear to all the gods. If you don’t make a move soon-”
“I can’t just make a move Rachel. She doesn’t feel the same way and I’ve ruined years of friendship.” Rachel sighs from across the line and Annabeth doesn’t think she’s breathing. When Rachel speaks again, she’s clearly frustrated.
“Percy, Annabeth is hot. You have to have noticed that by now.” She states it as a fact and Annabeth holds back a snort. And then she realizes that the conversation is about her. Percy and Rachel are talking about his feelings for her. Annabeth thinks she’s going to faint. 
“Yes, Rach. I know she’s hot.” The statement sends a blush to her cheeks and Annabeth fights to stay silent as she watches her best friend squirm. 
“Right, and sooner or later, other people are gonna start noticing too. If you don’t say something soon, she’s going to move on, and you’ll really lose your chance.”
“She’s already gone,” he sighs defeated. “I think she’s into that guy Luke from her physics class.” Annabeth wanted to scream. Did he really think she liked Luke? What a Seaweed Brain. 
“God Percy, you really are an idiot, aren’t you? All you do is pine over this girl, and if you haven’t realized she’s pining just as hard for you, I don’t know what to tell you.” 
“Rachel, she’s my best friend. She would never-”
“Like you back?” Annabeth’s voice shocks him so much that he hangs up the phone and drops it on the ground. “Think again, Seaweed Brain.” Annabeth tilts the corner of her mouth into a small smile and comes to sit next to him on the couch. 
“A-Annabeth!” he stutters and Annabeth loves the blush that appears on his cheeks. “You- I- when did you- wait what?”
“You’re not seriously saying you didn’t know I’m in love with you.” Annabeth thinks she might be blushing, but she really doesn’t care anymore. Her best friend likes her back. 
“You’re what? But I’m in love with you.” Her heart stutters in her chest.
Annabeth’s laugh brings a grin to Percy’s face and she can’t help but brush a kiss to his cheek.
“Funny how that works, huh?”
“Person A and Person B are friends and neither of them have a date for Valentine’s Day, so they decide to order takeout and watch a movie together. At some point, hidden feelings are revealed.”
yeah i love them... 
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scarlets-maximoff · 3 years
Yay! I'm glad writters are taking prompts for these characters! A dynamic I really like with Harkximoff is Wanda missing Agnes but feeling guilty about her control over her (and conflicted about her feelings) or a fic about Agatha and Wanda sharing dreams/nightmares while she's stuck in character.
heyy!! thank you so much for prompting me! i did something like a character study on agnes but the dreamsharing plays a big part on it! i left the ending kind of open so you can come up with your own ideas of what will happen next! i hope you like it, anon, and thank you yet again for the prompt
agnes dreams a lot.
it's not always the same dream. sometimes she sees buildings destroyed and people dead and bleeding on the ground, their blood losing its rich red color to crimson, almost purple — purple — tones. other times there are trees, pine trees and fallen trees and so many shades of green and dirt, so cold and humid beneath her feet, that agnes begins to think — after she wakes up with a start, sweat and tears down her face and her cheeks — these specific dreams are the ones she likes most.
because it's peaceful. despite there being red shadows all around her, dark and warm like thin copper that bleeds from her mouth when she bites it too hard, she likes the peace and quiet of the woods. forest of dreams, she calls them. no one hears it, though. people on westview don't want anything to do with her. but she still greets them on the sidewalk every morning and her lips are fixed into a smile so big and so painful and she can't stop smiling, scarlet darkness clouding over the corners of her mind-
agnes dreams a lot.
sometimes wanda is there too. agnes misses her something fierce. so those dreams are always welcome, even when they're filled with suffering that's not hers and so, so much sadness and hopelessness that agnes screams until her throat is raw but it is not her screaming, it's someone else and something inside of her shouts let me out-
dreaming about wanda is like a balm to her. the woman is always making tea and the kettle whistles so loudly that agnes' ears buzz for the rest of the day. even when she's awake.
wanda never notices her in those dreams. her green eyes pass over her like agnes wasn't there — she isn't — and they stop and stare into space. wanda's hair is much longer than it was when they last saw each other. it falls down back in soft auburn curls and it reaches the base of her waist.
agnes likes watching wanda.
she likes watching the swaying of her hips and the way her shoulders shake as she cries and tears down every single thing in sight. she likes watching those sparky — it wasn't real, nothing in it was real — balls of energy flying from wanda's hands. in those dreams, agnes tries to urge her feet to move so she can follow wanda around this tiny cabin of hers, but she can't.
not when wanda enters the only bedroom of the cabin. she can't follow her there. and agnes-
agnes would follow her anywhere. but wanda doesn't want her to.
so she doesn't.
it's when she goes to sleep the next night that something strange happens. the dream is different from any other before. she dreams about purple — magic, my magic, mine, mine–
purple permeates the air around the forest she's at. there's a stake at the middle of the meadow and disembodied voices echoing in the shadows. there are bodies too. full of worms crawling out. agnes tries not to gag when she spots one right by her feet.
there's a woman at the stake, she notices. black hair like hers and violet dress like the shadows around them. the woman's chest heaves with painful breaths but agnes doesn't know how she's aware of it.
she does not know why she feels so sick and angry and furious by looking at her.
agnes comes closer. one foot after the other, just like wanda tells her to.
wanda doesn't tell her anything. does she?
her hands are trembling. the forest is too quiet and the voices stopped their chanting. agnes steps closer and closer until they're at arm length. the woman doesn't move if not for the up and down of her chest.
"miss?" agnes has never tried to speak in her dreams before. it wasn't necessary. "are you-"
stained fingers wrap around her throat. lift her up. agnes tries to fight but to no use, her own hands not being able to make the woman budge an inch. she squirms and her eyes start to blur and this woman just squeezes harder, agnes can't breathe, she can't and she is happy-
"goodbye, neighbor."
agatha wakes up. lilac madness in her eyes and violet anger, strong and seething, swirling in her hands. she sits up in bed and breathes deeply. no spell trapping her inside her own mind, no script for her to follow.
no more nightmares that weren't hers.
but, like agnes, agatha would follow wanda anywhere. and she would find her.
i will.
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0vorenation0 · 4 years
Work Smarter, Not Harder
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Cole was the college quarterback for the Panthers, he worked his whole life for a shot at being a college quarterback and then play professional. All he worked on was his body and his arm, so he could throw the ball down the field. Cole was a badass quarterback his first year he already took his team to state. Cole was an ass tho, always such a bully and a jerk. He would mess with Paul the nerd of the college, Paul was very smart. He was already gonna be valedictorian, but Cole always saw him as a push around. He would mess with him throw balls at him and make fun of the way he dressed.
One day Paul was walking through the gym to get to his geometry class when Cole stopped him. “Hey Paul get your ass over here, I need u to do my homework” Cole asked but Paul knew it wasn’t a question but a demand. “Fuck off Cole I’m not doing ur homework anymore fine someone else.” Paul said as he stood up to him. Cole shocked and angry grabbed Paul “Listen to me u little twerp I’m gonna come by ur house tonight and if my homework isn’t done I’m gonna best ur ass, now get on before I take u in the locker rooms and shove ur head in the toilet” Cole let go of his shirt and pushed him away. Paul cowarded in fear and anger and went on to his dorm.
When Paul got to his dorm he threw his bag on the ground and jumped on his bed. He grabbed his pillow and screamed “FUCK YOU COLE”. He got out Coles homework and finished it, but Paul wrote all the wrong answers so he would look like a fool. As soon as he was done he heard a knock on the door, it was Cole and he busted in. “Hey fuck face is it done?” Paul responded “hey it’s done, here” Paul handed him the work. “Good job, here my calculus work” Paul snapped and stood up and with ungodly strength he punched Cole right in the gut. Knocking the wind out of him and he collapsed on the floor.
Paul calmed and looked at his hands, he was shocked and stared at his hands. The strength seemed to come out of know where. After the punch another side of Paul came out. Cole managed to pick himself off the ground in anger and tried to swing at Paul, but Paul dodged it. He grabbed coles arms and twisted them behind him and held him to the bed. Paul was enjoying himself and he finally began to realize the more he touched Cole the stronger he got. He felt a twitch in his pants and noticed he was hard and his hard on was massive and startj g to hurt in his jeans.
He let loose his jeans and his massive cock swung out and hit the ground, his cock was easily ten times the side of his normal size. He felt powerful and felt an emptiness inside his cock. Almost a hungry feeling, he grabbed it and started to rub it, all of this was so strange. Cole kicked and squirmed to break free of Paul’s grip and Cole turned his head and saw the massive cock growing hard. Cole freaked and said, “PLEASE down fuck me, Paul, I’m not GAY!!!!” Paul had no plan to fuck him but his cock was craving something else them an ass. It craved and entire man, Paul let go of Cole. Cole turned to punch Paul again but he dived it again and his hand went passed his head and straight into the massive cock.
Cole tried to pull his hand out but it was stuck from the suction, he moved his other hand towards his hand to get a better grip but then his other hand was sucked in. He looked up at Paul who was both grinning and had his eyebrows raised. Paul was so confused about how this was happening but his inner dark mind wanted Cole to suffer as he suffered. He actually wasn’t guilty at all watching Cole plead for his life as his forearms were sucked in drawing his head closer and closer with every pulse of his cock.
Coles's head was inches away from the cock slit that was going to suck him in when Paul grabbed his hair and pulled up. Their eyes met and Paul spoke “this is for the worst year of my life u arrogant bastard, u made my life hell u dick. No one will no where ur stupid slef went, I hope u become a nice big load. I hear ur friend jack just came out as a gay sub maybe I’ll go meet him and blow ur cummifed remains into his ass. This feels so good knowing that I will have the last laugh, goodbye fuck face” and with that Paul lines his head up and Paul’s cock grows and expands over Cole's head.
The quarterback's body is slowly sucked in, every pulse of Paul’s cock takes in more and more of Cole. There’s was no escape for Cole now as he enter halfway inside the nerds cock. Paul could feel his cock slowly Glide and slide over ever slab of muscular ab. The jock worked his whole life for his body and he was about to be reduced to nothing but cum. He slide off Coles pants and underwear, Paul was surprised to see Coles ass and the object lodged inside it. Deep inside Coles asshole was a massive pink butt plug, Paul laughed and took a picture. “I’m gonna show all ur friends that u were a closet gay and that u liked getting fucked.” Paul pulled out the butt plug and threw it on his bed and slapped Coles ass as hard as he could.
The massive cock pulse big time and sucked in Coles ass and cock, Paul could feel every wiggle, squirm and fight that Cole made. Cole desperately wanted out and tired as hard as he could to squirm out but it was hopeless. Every attempted was like quicksand it just sucked him more and more, he slipped from the pre-cum covers fleshy walls. Soon to be his prison, Cole could feel himself getting pushed in from Paul. What was once pleading and begging turned into hatred and rage. He kicked and fought the whole way in and with that Paul pushed his legs and feet in. Cole was sent down the massive cock util he entered a large room, Coles head had entered the nerd's balls.
He slowly slide into the cum filled balls and curled into a ball, Coles anger turned to hopelessness and shame. He began to cry and wimpier like a little bitch, Paul rubbed his balls as he felt Cole squirm in them and sat down on his bed. He began to stroke his cock and felt the churning process begin. It wants long before Cole was completely turned to jizz, the poor Cole once a jock and the star quarterback turned into nothing but a load of jizz in a nerds balls. Paul was close and felt strange, not like a climax strange but a growth strange.
He absorbed all of Cole, and his muscles were distributed throughout Paul. He was no longer a nerd but a massive jock with muscles and pecs and abs. He smiled and jumped up still jerking his cock. He looked in the mirror and marveled at himself he was a stud and so hot. And once he saw himself he felt himself hit the climax, Paul felt his Balls tighten, and then she shot his laid out onto everything. He fell over and suddenly lay up in bed.
He looked down at his hands and they were still small and twinkish, he jumped out of bed and looked in the mirror. He was still a nerd and looked down at his underwear. They were covered in cum, “what it was all a dream, NO it felt so real that can’t be.” He beard his door get hammered and ran to the door and opened it, it was Cole look for his homework. “WTF U IDIOT I’ve been knocking for five mins didn’t u hear me. Where’s my work, and why are u covered in cum u gay boi.” Cole went over and pushed Paul, and saw his work on the bed. “ ahhh hear it is, u are good for one thing. Ewww, fuck Man ur cum is all over it WTF.” Paul still shocked that it was a dream and grabbed Coles's arm. Then he felt it, the ungodly strength he had felt in his dream. Paul pulled bakc his fist and ................
(Thanks to Louis or @masterlouistf for the pics and help!!!!)
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xfruitea · 5 years
I’m sorry, Sehun
Fandom: BTS
Pairing: Mafia Boss! Taehyung x Female Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Smut, Sex, Torture, Fear, Dom!xSub!, Explicit Language (Not that much lol)
Summary: You can’t sleep, so you go to Taehyung. You pretend to fall asleep in his lap, while Taehyung tortures another guy (I’m so sorry Sehun). After that you have sex.
Word Count: 2k
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Y/n’s pov:
It was currently past midnight and for some reason I just couldn’t fall asleep. It’s been roughly 7 months since the great mafia boss Taehyung and I became a couple. It’s still kind of hard to believe that he, the most powerful mafia boss, loved someone like me, a shy little girl.
Ughh, I’m bored.. I can’t falls asleep anyway.. might as well pay Tae a visit.. 
I made my way through the big, empty hallways expecting Tae to be still working, like he was always was. I opened the door carefully, revealing myself in my cute pink pyjamas.
“Who is- Oh, what’s wrong, babe? Why are you still up?” His deep and stern voice changed immediately as he saw me opening the door slowly. This is something I loved about him, his soft side, which he would only show to me. His eyes turned gentle, worry showing in his eyes. 
“Uhmm, it’s nothing special.. I just.. For some reason I couldn’t fall asleep..”
“Aww, my baby girl, come here. You want a hug?” I made my way to him, shyly nodding in embarrassment. He stretched his arms out for me and placed me right on his lap. I made myself comfortable, snuggling my head onto his well-built chest. I closed my eyes, trying to enjoy this sweet moment we shared until I heard a deep sigh leaving his mouth. I looked up at him, our eyes meeting. 
“Are you alright, Tae?” I knew he was stressed, his day had been pretty shitty and it didn’t seem to improve. He had been tracking down someone, who was deeply indebted to him. I don’t know the details as he tried to keep me out of his business as much as possible.
“You know how it is, problems just keep stacking up every day. It seems like I have to do every fucking thing myself.” 
I smiled at him softly, hoping I could improve his stressed mind of state somehow, until an idea popped up into my head. I cupped his face with my petite hands and planted a sweet kiss on his plump lips. I wasn’t the only one making a move, Taehyung started to put his hands on my butt, giving it a slight squeeze. My hands went from his face up to his hair, dishevelling it continuously. I could hear his heartbeat increasing, alongside with mine. The kiss wasn’t rough, it was rather a passionate longing after the other, making this a romantic little make-out. I savoured every minute of it. His taste ever so refreshing and addicting. Once parting our lips, his hands went up and under my lose t-shirt grabbing my boobs softly, massaging them gently. I giggled, enjoying this moment to the fullest. We continued this for another few minutes as I felt myself getting sleepy. I kissed his cheek one last time before nuzzling myself back onto his chest, signalising I was ready to take a little nap. Taehyung kissed my forehead and told me to rest. As I was at the edge of falling asleep, I heard a slight knock. My eyes stayed closed, trying to fool Tae into thinking that I was now fully asleep.
“I’m sorry to disturb you, boss, but this is urgent.. We found the guy. He’s in the main hall.” Hobi, his main assistant and good friend of mine, informed. I could feel him tense up beneath me. Who did he mean? What happened? There were a ton of questions I wished I could ask, but I knew Tae would never answer them.
“Bring him here. Now.” He ordered, anger boiling up inside of him.
“Yes, sir.” A few minutes had passed and the door opened and loud noises could be heard. I opened my eyes as little as possible to get a grasp of the whole situation. I saw two of Taehyung’s men hold down another guy, which I assumed was the guy Hobi was talking about. Hobi came closer to Taehyung’s desk and I closed my eyes, hoping he wouldn’t notice me being awake.
“Make him shut up, my princess is asleep.” I tried to keep my cool and not get bright red, as I couldn’t believe he would just burst that out in front of everyone. His voice was dangerously low, I could tell he was very aggravated. 
“Yes, sir.” Taehyung was very strict, he liked to keep everything efficient. Only short and necessary answers were permitted in his presence. 
Suddenly I couldn’t hear anything anymore so I opened my eyes again, curious as to what was happening. I didn’t like the whole business he was working in, but I had to know for once, what exactly he was doing and why. They tied him to a chair and put a cloth in his mouth.
“Sehun, do you know how much trouble you have caused me? We gave you a shit load of money and you haven’t done your job. Do you not know that I’m short tempered? Where is our fucking intel?! I’m only going to tell you this once. Either you die here tonight or you tell us what we paid you for!” He raised his voice with every sentence he spoke. I looked to the guy, Sehun, and saw that he shook his head. 
“I see. You’ve made your choice. Don’t think I’ll let you die so easily.” He warned. His deaths were known to be terrifying. He made sure the victim suffered to no end. He suddenly shuffled around in his seat, rubbing me gently to see if I was fully asleep or not. I pressed my eyes shut as tightly as possible, praying he wouldn’t find out. 
“Hoseok, start.” He ordered. In that moment I opened my eyes once more, watching Hobi go over to get a purse. He opened the purse, revealing various tools, that had only one purpose to them, to torture. I knew I wasn’t going to like this, but I had to see it all for myself. Sehun looked terrified, he knew Taehyung wouldn’t go easy on him. Hobi took out some pliers from the purse and positioned himself in front of Sehun’s hands. Sehun began to squirm in his seat, attempting to escape, even if he knew it was hopeless. I was feeling very uncomfortable and I had to force myself to keep watching. Hobi neared his tool to one of his nails and ripped it out remorselessly, blood splashing out of his wound. Sehun jolted in his seat and let out a muffled scream, feeling the pain take over his whole body. It was a terrible sight and I wanted to escape this scene so badly. Hobi didn’t stop there and continued ripping out each and every one of his nails. The volume of Sehun’s voice only increased, tears streaming down his face, heart pounding, nose running. Taehyung was dead silent, watching the scene before him. His body didn’t seem as tense now, in fact it seemed kind of relaxed. Was he not in any way affected by all of this? How many people has he tortured like this? The only sound filling the room were the noises that came from Sehun, who couldn’t escape this cruel fate. Sehun, who was fully covered in sweat, had not finger nails left, he closed his eyes in hopes of this being the end. A sudden vibration rang through my whole body, when I realised that Taehyung let out a low chuckle. It sent shivers running down my spine, this was the first time I was afraid. Afraid of Taehyung. I knew he did this to people, but I didn’t think he was this ruthless. 
“You don’t think this is the end, do you?” Taehyung seemed amused by his reactions. I felt tears building in the corners of my eyes. I don’t know how long I  could go on like this. 
Don’t cry now. You’ve got to stay strong. This will be over in a bit, I hope. I just simply can’t stand this any longer. My heart rate increased and I couldn’t keep up this act a whole while longer. 
Hobi cleaned the pliers with some alcohol, placed it on a small table, went back to the purse and grabbed a knife this time. Sehun gasped at the sight and still had some strength to show his resistance, even though it was clearly futile. I had the urge to straight up stand up and run away. Hobi now ordered the two men to turn Sehun on his backside and to keep him in that position. Sehun struggled as much as he could with no luck. The cloth fell left his mouth so his pleads became much more louder and clearer. 
“You know, there’s this old method I’ve been meaning to try. Apparently it’s called ‘Blood Eagle’, it was used by the Vikings. You’d cut open the back of the victim and expose their lungs by twisting their ribs outwards to make them look like wings.” Taehyung was enjoying himself dearly. No. Please, don’t. I beg you. I can’t do this anymore.  “N-No, please, d-don’t- I- Please!” Sehun screamed for his life. He didn’t want to die right here, not this way. 
I snapped. This was all too much for me, too overwhelming. Tears started to uncontrollably flow down my face. I began to cry right then and there.
“Y/n? Wha-” He pulled me up to his eye level and cupped my face. I was petrified. I couldn’t even look him in the eyes.
“P-please, stop this..” It was the only thing I managed to say in my state.
“You weren’t sleeping? It’s alright. I’ll stop. Please, stop crying, princess.” He looked at me gently, hugging me, holding me as close as possible.
“Take him away.” He ordered the three of them to take him somewhere else. 
Soon enough we were the only ones left. The silence was suffocating, the only thing left to hear were my quiet sobes. Taehyung still hugged me, not saying a word. I wanted to say something. I needed to say something, I just couldn’t find the right words. Should I apologise? Would he be mad at me? Do I just not say anything?
“I’m sorry you had to witness that, princess.” He started to pet my back gently, trying to comfort me.
“It’s fine.. Actually.. I was awake the whole time.. I wanted to see for myself what you were doing. You always kept me away from these things, not telling me anything. I’m sorry for deceiving you..” I still couldn’t get myself to look him into his eyes.
“You shouldn’t have done that. This is exactly why I kept you away from these things, my business.” He scolded me, but I deserved it.
“I know.. I’m sorry..” I felt guilty now. And awkward. What do I do now?
“Just what should we do about this?” He said in a joking manner.
“What do you- AH” I was about to ask what he meant, when he suddenly put his hands inside my panties, playing with my clit. My head fell back as he continued to do as he pleased, moans escaping my mouth. 
“I think you should be punished, sweetheart.” He smirked at me with that gorgeous face. My face turned a bright red. 
He was already hard himself, took off my shorts, alongside with my panties and pushed me onto himself with one powerful push. I moaned out his name, which he adored. He started to fuck me relentlessly, making my mind go blank, unable to even remember the event that had just occurred a few minutes ago. He placed one hand on my hip, helping him get deeper inside me.
“Tae- ah”
His other hand lingered on my tit, playing with it. This time, he kissed me roughly, dominating me completely. I was about to-
“BOSS!” Hobi came running inside, without even giving a warning. 
“SEHU- OMG! I’M SO SORRY!” I was so embarrassed, I tried to cover myself in Tae’s arms. 
“HOBI WTF!” Tae was mad. He put his arms around me protectively. Hobi turned around.
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nev3rfound · 5 years
lost but not forgotten : l.l
brief summary: being a mortal who fell in love with loki, and dealing with the aftermath of him being gone and raising his child alone 
word count: 1.9k requested: yes, by @hopeless-lovex0 and girl I am sorry for how long it’s taken me to write this. but I hope it was worth the long ass wait warnings: none that I’m aware of? maybe hinting at endgame spoilers but idk 
* masterlist of sorts *
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It wasn’t supposed to happen, it shouldn’t have been a possibility. But as you learnt in a painful way, life decides to throw everything at you and see how you react. 
You were a mortal, for starters. A complete nobody with any significance nor needs to be noticed by anyone. You were a normal person who just happened to be in the wrong place at a perfect time. 
Neither of you would’ve said it was love at first sight, it was more pure bewilderment as you wandered into the building lot due to misdirections from your phone. One thing you hadn’t anticipated seeing was a man appearing in a cloud of smoke surrounded by a series of aliens holding a glowing sceptre. You really weren’t in the right location. 
Loki had taken you captive but quickly realised despite being mortal, you two were rather similar. You were an outcast of sorts, not one to be missed if he were to kill you on the spot. He liked your wit, the face you didn’t care if he was a God, he still looked stupid in that outfit. 
And that was when it all began, you and Loki during his unaccounted years. 
If only anyone knew he was hiding out on Earth, living with you in a small countryside location. Loki was slowly learning what it meant to be human around you, how delicate you were under the barriers you held up. He knew he was falling for you, and regardless of how long he might have with you, how long it could be until someone found him, he knew he wanted to spend his days with you. 
Which is exactly what he did. Day in day out. Wandering around the countryside, you sang whilst he watched your passion thrive as you would smile to him, catching a glimpse of his smile in response. 
What the two of you had wasn’t perfect by any means, but it was enough for you both to be happy. And as the years went on, Loki was growing more worrisome about his home. 
It wasn’t a conversation either of you wanted to have, but you had no choice. Asgard wasn’t going to be safe for long without Odin and with Thor gone he was left with few options. One was to let them all suffer, see how they’ll live out their days on Asgard as it falls to its demise. Or, the more painful choice was to leave you and be the King his people needed. 
When Loki left you were broken. You gave up everything for him, but he didn’t have a choice and you tried to understand, you truly did. 
“Oh my sweet, Y/n.” He whispered into your hands as he lifted them to his lips, kissing them softly as his eyes remained on yours as tears continued to cascade down your cheeks. “I want you to take this,” Loki placed a small locket in your palms. 
It was a small stone, black as the void he was leaving you in. You didn’t want it, but he insisted you needed it. 
The truth of the stone was more painful than you wished it to be. You refused to believe it, that the glowing was true. Loki had told you countless stories of him faking his death, disappearing without a trace and you convinced yourself that was happening. 
But life wasn’t fair, life was cruel and as the neckless glowed on your neck you knew you were truly alone in the world. 
Then again, life does enjoy throwing challenges when you least expect them. 
“Shush, come on, you’re okay.” You whisper into his head as you bounce him up and down, swaying from side to side as you hum a lullaby. “Please don’t cry, baby.” You kiss his delicate head, how small he is in your arms as he coos in your embrace. 
This was Loki’s parting gift, something you never anticipated being a possibility. You had spoken about a family, but it was a sensitive subject. Loki wasn’t sure if being a Father was something he’d be good at. He thought of himself too evil to be a role model, and you were too kind to tolerate his behaviour. But even now, he still manages to surprise you.
Placing your son down in his cot you twirl the small mobile around his head, watching as his eyes light up at the sight. “And this planet here is Asgard, where your Daddy came from all those years ago.” You tell him softly as you think back to that day. “I shouldn’t have been there, and neither should Dad but it just,” You trail off, unable to finish your sentence as a sound echoes through your house, through the garden outside and beyond.
Silence falls until your son begins to scream. “Hey no no,” You pick him up as you walk outside, seeing cars crashing, a plane falling in the distance and lights going out in the city. “what?” You mutter as you hide your sons face in the crook of your neck, fear overtaking your body. 
After hours of sitting, watching the news stories you couldn’t believe what you were seeing. Half of the population was gone, just vanished into thin air. No one knows if they’re dead or missing, but all hell was breaking loose. 
Glancing to your left your son remained fast asleep, blissfully unaware of everything that was happening. You knew it couldn’t be good, whatever was happening they had to be involved. Loki always said they would be in the end, somehow they might be the cause of it all. 
“Well, guess we’re going on a trip, kid.” You mutter as you turn the TV off and head to your bedroom, packing everything you knew you’d need. “Time to meet your Uncle Thor,” You uneasily laugh to yourself, never thinking this day would come. “gotta make your Daddy proud, kid.” 
Arriving at the place Loki had told you about you felt unnerved. You knew there was a high chance you weren’t going to get in, that even if you do Thor might not even be there to help. But this was all you had left, Thor was the only family you and your son could potentially have.
“Who are you and why do you have a baby?” A voice booms as you glance down at your son in his buggy fast asleep. 
“Is Thor around?” You ask and someone laughs lightly whilst you remain still.
“What? He knock you up or something?” The voice continues to laugh to himself whilst you fake laugh in response.
“No, his brother Loki did, actually.” You state bluntly and the laugh stops. 
Before you can ask anything else, the gates open. “Come on in.” 
As you arrive inside of the compound, a figure walks toward you hesitantly. “So, you’re the girl Loki kept hidden away?” The man asks you as he lowers his glasses, taking a good look at you and your son. 
“What’s it to do with you?” You raise an eyebrow, but he merely slips his glasses back on, motioning for you to follow him. 
“You’re the reason Loki went MIA in the first place. We were looking for him for years after the attack on New York. Thor was completely lost. But he knew Loki must’ve found something worth hiding for,” The man glances back at you and your son. “and I guess he did.” He finishes with a smile as you enter a large room as a Man stands by the window. “Thor?” The man calls out as the tall, muscular God turns around. 
His hair is short compared to what Loki always described. He almost seems human despite the two different coloured iris’ as he focuses on you. “Thank you, Tony.” Thor states as Tony walks out of the room, leaving the three of you in silence. “You’re Y/n?” Thor asks quietly as he remains by the window, looking at your necklace. 
“Yeah, and you must be Thor.” You respond nervously as you fiddle with the bars on your sons buggy. “Loki told me a lot about you.” 
Thor laughs to himself. “Oh, I’m sure he did. But he told me a lot about you too, Y/n.” 
Lifting your head up you can already feel your eyes becoming glossy. You always believed you were Loki’s secret no one could know about. But then again, he always did find a way to surprise you. 
“When Thanos captured us he told me before he,” Thor trails off, not wanting to finish the sentence aloud. Instead, he merely motions to your locket that still glows green. “and he told me of this woman on Earth. A strong, brave woman I had to protect if he wasn’t going to make it.”
“Was it Thanos?” You ask as a tear rolls down your cheek as Thor lowers his head, nodding ever so lightly. “Was it, was it quick?” You whisper as you envisioned his death countless times, never knowing which would be worse. 
Thor merely nods, still struggling to comprehend his brother really isn’t coming back this time. “But he loved you, Y/n. He truly loved you.” Stepping forward, Thor kneels down in front of your son. “And this? Is he?” A small smile forms on Thor’s face as you nod. 
“This is my son, mine and Loki’s little boy,” You laugh quietly as you wipe your eyes. 
You never thought you’d see this sight. Thor smiling as your son begins to wake up, stirring in his buggy. “What’s his name?” Thor asks you with bright eyes. 
“His name is Frank.” You reply and watch as Thor’s smile drops instantly. 
“You’re telling me you named a demigod, Frank?” He asks, unable to comprehend the choice in name. But as soon as he notices the smile on your face he lets out a sigh of relief. 
“Of course not, I’m just messing with you,” You nudge Thor lightly as you lift your son from his buggy, as his eyes open and see Thor for the first time. “his name is Vali.” 
Thor reaches out as Vali grips his whole hand on Thor’s forefinger. “Hi Vali, I’m your uncle.” Thor mutters to your son as he smiles brightly. “You would’ve loved your Dad. Although he was a nightmare, he was family. And you’re my family too,” Lifting his gaze up from Vali, Thor focuses on you. “and you too, Y/n. I know Loki is gone, but I promise I’ll look after you both.” 
“Thank you, Thor.” You mumble as Vali squirms in your arms. “Would you like to hold him?” 
Looking at you with wide eyes, you smile encouragingly. “Only if you’re sure, Y/n.” 
“I’m sure.” You reply as you gently pass Vali to his uncle, watching as his eyes widen in the God’s arms as he garbles to Thor. “See? He’s talking away to you now.” You laugh lightly at the sight, knowing how much Loki would’ve loved to see this. 
“I’ll always protect you, Vali, you and your Mum are all the family I have and I’m not losing you too.” Thor sways from side to side with Vali in his arms. “Family look out for each other, no matter where we are.” 
Maybe life has got a plan for you, even if it isn’t in the direction you expected it to be after all.
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golddaggers · 5 years
untouched || prologue
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pairing: mainly alpha!thor x omega!reader, but others might come along. 
warnings: okay, so this contains descriptions of violence, assault, swearing and some dialogues i cannot believe i brought myself to write. well. i also feel like thor should be a warning, have you seen the chest on that man? hahaha. 
a/n: hmm, okay. so this is new. i’ve been cooking up some new series about him and i needed to get this whole alpha thing out of my series, so bear with me. fasten your seat belts, bunnies, you are in for a bumpy ride with this one.
word count: 2,4k+ (don’t get disappointed, it’s intended to be short) 
song to this chapter: blue jeans by sofia karlberg
The incredibly warm, summer day was nearing its end, pink clouds enveloping a descending sun now so close to kissing the horizon, when the peacefulness of a huge property, far from the city, the home of the most powerful, elite-like pack of werewolves of California, was broken by suffering screams. Ones that showed nothing but fear, that would scratch the very soul of any person listening to them - like a puppy dog cry.
After so many years of being tossed around like she wasn’t worth a penny, coming from a poor family made sure she had a series of setbacks throughout her life, she should be prepared to this day, when higher ranked werewolves would decide to take a claim of her. The worst of it was that she couldn’t do anything but comply, her legs showing no strength whatsoever to run from those two men. Slip away from their dirty grip. Her only hope was that someone would show up and take pity on her.
Highly unlikable, she thought bitterly, sobbing and complaining when one pulled her hair back, exposing her neck. A shiver crawled her skin, her insides twisting in utter fear. Only Alphas could take claim of an Omega like her, only them could bury their teeth deep into the soft nub on her neck - their awful smells, however, revealed they weren’t it. Nonetheless, no Alpha would take interest in an Omega that had been bitten by a Beta. They were scorned.
“Please.” She whimpered, two distinct laughs being heard. “Don’t do this.”
There was a sour taste in the back of her mouth, a sense of guilt washing over her. If she had just stayed at home none of this would have happened. These men wouldn’t have preyed on her and brought her to be- Ugh. She didn’t want to think about it, tears staining her cheeks continuously, head growing heavier and aching like there was no tomorrow.
They had shoved her inside a van, one driving and the other making sure she was well-behaved in the back. Blood dripped down her face along with the tears, a stinging cut just below her eyebrow. Her body was in no better shape, her ankle hurt like she had sprained it, arms tingling due to the strength they used to bend her to their will. Anyone who saw her in that state would never recognise her as the same sweet girl who would bring flowers to the elderly or feed the homeless.
A spark of courageousness shot through her, who squirmed under the taller man’s touch, finally fighting to break free. The one in front of her had his deep, honey brown eyes pierced on the girl, a malicious, wicked grin that made even the tiniest muscle on her body tremble in a dread she could never fathom feeling before. Her mother taught her when her body began to develop, she couldn’t be more than twelve years old at the time, that men would see her as an easy way to relieve some tension and that not always she’d enjoy that.
“Oh Louis, look at that, puppy is a tough one.” The one gripping her from behind, her wrists tied together with a tight rope, said, tightening his touch around her arms, squeezing so tightly she yelled in pain. “You are an insignificant little thing, don’t you know that by now?”
“You don’t have to do this.” She struggled to voice, shaking. Her tone was pleading. “I won’t tell anyone, just let me go. Please.”
“And who would care about you, puppy?” Now it was the one in front of her who had spoken, a long, skinny finger running down her neck, puncturing a hole on her skin with his sharp nail. “Don’t you know that your only purpose is to be fucked? Mounted by strong men and carry more pups than your belly withstand to make sure our species go further?”
“Please…” It was a hopeless, pathetic weep. “I-I haven’t done anything. I’m not even on Heat.”
“We need to get over with this, Johnny.” Louis’ tone was stern, ignoring the girl altogether. “If our boss catches us here, he’ll have our heads.”
Using nothing but a rough pull, she was thrown on the ground, howling in agony. Were the people inside the house deaf to what was happening to her? Didn’t they care at all? It was obvious she had no worth to those rich, snotty people, still, she didn’t take them for the cruel type. Apparently, she was wrong because no one was coming for her. Nobody would save her.
The Johnny guy sat down on her hips, his weight nearly crushing her bones, and ripped off the soft fabric of the shirt she was wearing, letting out a disappointed smack of lips when he caught the sight of her beige bralette. That didn’t stop him from kneading her breasts, squishing them with much more vehemence that it was necessary.
Louis crouched forward, holding her arms down while Johnny slid down to take off her jeans. In that second, despite not having any spiritual beliefs, she prayed for God to help her. Prayed that they wouldn’t abuse her in such way. She wasn’t deserving of it. She wasn’t a saint, but she was a good person. A good daughter, regardless of everything that had happened. Regardless of the fact her father was as far as a good parent as it gets. Oh, if he was here, he’d renounce you for letting yourself fall into this situation.The word of what they were doing to her would never creep into her mind without bringing a pained quiver.
“Why me?” She questioned, more to herself than to the men above her, noticing the sand prickle her back, thighs, feet, pretty much every bit of her body when she was fully exposed to them. 
“You smell real fucking good, Omega.” Johnny murmured, milliseconds before being thrown away off of her.
She looked up confused as to who had been responsible for finally releasing her from that torment. The girl felt delicate, skinny arms wrap her in a motherly hug while a woman whispered that everything was going to be okay now, that they were going to take care of her and she shouldn’t worry. Loud growls startled her, who shrunk into the woman’s embrace - Unaware to her, Natasha Romanoff had been in her shoes before, so she knew how fragile it could make women feel to be in such state and she was happy both her and her boss had got there to help that poor Omega.
Whoever was up there in Heaven, the girl thanked for sending those people to her aid. Out of pure concern, Natasha propped her up, noticing a limp while they walked inside the huge mansion stacked in the middle of the property she had been forced inside, leaving behind the chaos. Once the fight was out of her sight, she felt a little bit better, suddenly calmer as a sense of peace hugged her. It had to be that beautiful woman, the one with bright red curls and a nice, welcoming smile. She had to be exuding calming pheromones to help her through the fear she was reeking off.  
Meanwhile, Natasha guided her through the house, the girl’s senses were floating back and forth, which rendered her completely to that stranger, although she sensed that particular woman wouldn’t hurt her at all. It was only when she was sat in a nice couch, the leather feeling particularly good under the flesh of her thighs, that she came back to herself, sight, smell, taste… The red hair let off a strong azaleas and orchids odour, a perfect mix of them. It felt nice as she inhaled her scent deeply.
“Hey, you,” She smiled tenderly, “I’m Natasha, by the way. How are you called?”
She mumbles her name unsure, unexpectedly acknowledging what had happened to her in the last hour. From her kidnap to her being rescued. It was an experience that forever would be tied to her brain.
“Alright. Would you like some tea? Or maybe water? I’m going to get you some clean clothes in a bit.”
“Don’t-” Her voice shakes, dying out after, “-Don’t leave me alone, please.”
“I won’t,” Natasha puts a strand of her hair behind her ear, the trembling of that poor thing’s hands not going unnoticed, “You’re safe here, feisty one.”
“I’m not feisty at all.” Face dropping to her chest, she feels the most vulnerable she’s felt her whole life. “It’s my fault. I let those guys-”
“Don’t say that. It’s not ever your fault, darling.” Cutting you off, Romanoff is serious when glaring at you, “I’ll wait until my Boss comes around. He’ll protect you while I’m gone, okay?”
“Please, no. I-I, I don’t feel safe, what if he too thinks I’m just a toy to-”
“Natasha?” A deep, masculine voice calls one of her saviour’s out, his tall, imposing frame causing her to shift uncomfortably, shoulders recoiling, “Is she okay?”
“Hmm, she just needs a shower and clothes.” The woman replies, hand warm against her cheek. “Care to watch her while I fetch her some tea?”
“Yes, of course. Is she okay with my presence though? It can’t be easy to be around males after something like that.”
“She’ll be fine as long as you keep your distance, Boss.”
At first, she feels a nagging sensation at the pit of her stomach when he walked inside, the long, blond hair falling in dishevelled locks on his face, which was also covered by a thick layer of hair, a beard that elicited respect. His blue eyes caught her attention too, the sympathy in them brings out a comforting sensation. Still, what steals all of her focus is his scent. It’s like fresh green leaves moist in the garden, petrichor, morning dew, thunder, lightning… That alpha smelt like a thunderstorm.
“You smell good,” She suddenly says, unable to hold herself back, not quite perceiving as to why her inhibitors were so low. Normally, she was a pool of quietness, never speaking unless she was spoken to, the only exception being when she was around the elderly women she usually took care. 
He chuckles, taken aback by her bluntness.
“You smell good too, little wolf.”
The nickname warms her up, his presence making her feel free and careless. She knew he was probably doing the same as Natasha, providing her with fresh calm pheromones. In the back of her mind, she took back what she had thought, that they weren’t nice people. In her entire life, she had never had anyone who nurtured her like that. It was refreshing to be treated decently.
Wearily approaching her, he stood at a certain distance, but close enough for her to be staggered by his size. He was big, shoulders broad enough to fit a small child on top of them, his biceps and thighs also very much thick. Even his feet had a size that possibly made hard to find shoes. She doubted ever seeing someone as enormous as him before.
“Can I…?” She nods briefly and feels his weight push down the cushions of the couch. He stares at his large fingers for a while before raising his gaze at her. “Are you cold?”
“A little bit, yes.” There’s a hint of bashfulness when she answers, it’s shrugged off quickly when he strips from his large jacket and drapes it around her shoulders. In doing so, he sees himself forced to picture anything to block the sight of her nudity.
Something about wearing his clothes triggered her, his fragrance filling her up, it was so overwhelming she had to close her eyes, enjoying the euphoria it provided. She wasn’t sure as to why that particular smell came so strong on her, like a shot of whiskey, burning down her nostrils.
“What happened to you, little wolf?” Thor questions, after sitting back again beside her.
“I-I…” The stuttering makes him regret asking about it. His emotions are easily caught by her, his scent changing slightly. “It’s okay. They… They grabbed me when I was walking home, pushed me inside a car and brought me here. I couldn’t… I couldn’t move, I swear.”
“I believe you.” Kindness and understanding drip from his voice. He has to refrain the urge to wrap her in a soothing hug, the fear stench bothers him more than it should. “Have you ever encountered them before?”
“No, never. I don’t really know anybody around, I’ve arrived only a couple of weeks ago.” Tears stream down again as another wave of guilt hits her. “I should have just stayed home. It’s my fault and I’ve brought issues to your pack, I’m really really sorry-”
“You have absolutely nothing to be sorry about.”
He’s just inches away from her and, although she should feel frightened, she allows him. Being around that strange man it’s plain nice and easy, like walking or speaking. Thor has a pinching curiosity flooding his brain as he inhales this Omega’s scent, which gets him high and, once more, he finds him holding back the will to hold her. It awfully weird how his instincts just tell him to take care of that girl.
“Are you feeling any better?”
Natasha’s voice snaps the both of them out of their frenzies, both splitting like a bolt of electricity imploded on the couch. It doesn’t go unnoticed by the red hair, who quirks a brow at her superior. He knows he can’t be involved with anyone, not now when they were so close to a war, it would be unfair to him and anyone in the middle.
“Yes, thanks.” The red hair puts a cup of tea between the Omega’s hand, to which she gains yet another praise of appreciation. 
“Hmm, that’s good, little wolf.” Thor mumbles reassuring. “Make sure she is well settled, okay, Natasha? And give her some food too.”
“Yeah, sure, Boss.”  
He turns to the door, ready to leave, until he hears a hesitant breath, her scent stinking of doubt. Fuck. Since when do Omegas out of Heat affect him so much? Right that second, all Thor wanted to do was rub his face on her smooth neck, teeth the soft nub he noticed unmarked and make her his. Wipe out this awful arousal that got uncomfortable inside his pants.
“Wait.” It’s barely a whisper. “You never told me your name, Alpha.”
“Oh, I’m sorry.” Swallowing thickly, not wanting to reveal the extent of his intoxication by her, he turns his head only. Catching the puzzling glare Natasha gives at him. “It’s Thor.”
“Okay.” She smiles shyly. “Thank you, Thor.”
“Yeah, you’re welcome, little wolf.”
And as he leaves the living room, his only thought is that he has to find out so much more about this little wolf. 
tell me what you thought of it!
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myaekingheart · 5 years
42. Anxiety
read the scarecrow and the bell on ao3
index | from the beginning | < previous | next >
Trigger warning for some very serious panic attack imagery. 
               Storms raged in the night sky overhead. Kakashi’s warm, steady breath hit the back of her neck as she laid in bed beside him, watching the lightning illuminate the sky overhead. It was nearly three in the morning, and she couldn’t sleep.
               Her heart was pounding in her chest, and she kept repositioning her legs in hopes that hitting patches of cold in the sheets would calm her down. Kakashi had been acting questionable lately, and in these late-night hours it was starting to really weigh on her. Just that evening when she had arrived for dinner, he shoved her out of the doorway in a panic, then rummaged through his apartment for five minutes before letting her back inside. He was hiding something, and she was too afraid to ask what.
               Another clap of thunder struck the sky and she clenched her eyes shut tight, hyperventilating. Her fists clutched the sheets and for a moment she was positive she was going to throw up. She opened her eyes and the room began to sway as if she was on a ship. She swore she could feel the weight of the air between her body and the ceiling looming over her, caught shadows shifting across the floor.
               She didn’t want to wake Kakashi. He had been working hard, training those genin of his, and deserved a peaceful sleep. However, she felt her throat tightening up. She needed fresh air, whatever the cost. She shifted out from underneath his grasp, staggered to the window, and swung it open. Rain poured inside, the wind whipping at her now-soaking hair. She grabbed the windowsill with a white-knuckled grip and struggled to breathe.
               “Rei, what are you doing?!” Kakashi asked, leaping from bed. There was a panicked look in his eyes. He quickly shut the window and shifted her away. She gripped her shirt, her knees trembling beneath her. “What has gotten into you? Rei, what’s going on?” Kakashi asked. She tried to speak, but her mouth refused to form the words. By now, her entire body was trembling.
               It had been years since Kakashi had seen her this distraught and quite frankly, it terrified him. His mind raced back to the first night he had seen her suffer. They were just children, merely 5 and 3 years old. It was one of the many cherished nights he had spent in the Natsuki household while his father worked. They had defied Hana and Yuruganai’s insistence to go to bed, instead staying up in the dark racing around Rei’s room playing ninja. They would leap across the bed and laugh until their sides hurt, but something sinister was starting to creep out of the shadows.
               Kakashi leapt up and attacked, caging Rei within his arms as she squirmed and giggled. “I win” he announced proudly. She shook her head as he lifted himself off of her, and they sat on the floor catching their breath. The room was beginning to grow hot, and Rei could feel her stomach cramping. The first thing Kakashi had noticed was her hand. As it sat on the floor beside her, it began to tremble uncontrollably. He looked to her face to find she was growing pale and her chest was rising and falling rapidly as if she was struggling to breathe. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?” he asked. He knew sometimes he could play rough. He tried to be gentle with her, knowing how small and young she was. He never intended to hurt her; after all, he had sworn to do the very opposite.
               She shook her head rapidly. “N-no, I-I’m okay…” she replied, though the waver in her voice, the breathiness of it, was unconvincing. She drew her knees up to her chest, dug her nails into her calves. Kakashi’s heart raced in his chest. Regardless of what she said, something was definitely very clearly wrong. And then all of a sudden, she dry heaved and drew her hands up to her mouth.
               “R-Rei!” Kakashi panicked, leaping to his feet. A million worst case scenarios shifted through his head. “What’s wrong?” he insisted.
               She whimpered and sucked in a deep breath, trying not to gag again. “I-I don’t know…!” she replied. A lump lodged itself in her throat, and he suddenly feared she was about to start crying. “’K-Kashi, I feel really sick…”
               Kakashi had a decision to make. He could either alert her parents of what was going on and risk the both of them getting in trouble, which would certainly make Rei’s condition worse, or he could try and treat her himself. The only issue is that he had no idea what was wrong. What if something inside of her had broken and she was going to die? He couldn’t stand the thought. He knelt down beside her praying she could give him a solid answer. “Where does it hurt? I want to help you.”
               Rei stared at the ground trying to figure out what, exactly, hurt but answers were evading her. When she couldn’t figure out how to respond, she became even more stressed and wailed in defeat. “Kakashi, I’m dying!” she screamed.
               “No you’re not, Rei!” Kakashi insisted. He lifted her to her feet and guided her into bed, whipping the sheets back and then tucking her in tight. He grabbed the tiny trash can in the corner of her room and pulled it up into her lap in case she was going to throw up, then climbed up to sit cross-legged at her feet. “You’re going to be fine, Rei. Do you want your parents?”
               She considered this for a moment. Her mother, certainly, would be kind to her but her father? She didn’t know how he would react. Besides, she didn’t want Kakashi to leave her. She didn’t want to be left alone. She reached out and snatched his hand, squeezing it tight as she shut her eyes. Her entire body was trembling now as if there was an earthquake inside of her.
               “R-Rei…” Kakashi murmured as she squeezed the life out of his hand. He could care less. All he cared about now was whether or not she was going to be okay.
               He remembered the chaos that ensued when he decided to finally wake up her parents. He had promised her he would be right back, and she yelled at him to be quick, desperation coating her voice. He hated leaving her, but this was getting out of hand. Her parents needed to know. He knocked on the door, frantically calling their names, telling them Rei has an earthquake inside of her. They rushed to her aide, her mother racing to her side to try and calm her. It’s just an anxiety attack, she’s going to be fine Hana had reassured them. Yuruganai stood in the doorway with a terrified Kakashi. He looked down sternly at the boy, asked him What did you do? Kakashi’s heart broke. He had only tried to help her. He never meant to hurt her. He just wanted her to be okay. Hana spent the night at Rei’s bedside, with Kakashi curled up on the floor. He had awoken early that morning to Hana kneeling beside her daughter, her head on the mattress and Rei’s tiny little hand clutching hers. Kakashi still remembered their conversation in those early morning hours. Thank you for waking us up, Kakashi. Thank you for keeping an eye on our daughter. This is just something she’s going to have to get over, but she will be fine.
               And now here he was roughly twenty years later, and she was suffering yet again. Was it something he had done? Something he had said? His mind raced with possibilities. She clapped her hand over her mouth and gagged hard, her knees nearly giving out on her. He whipped around to grab the trash can, held it up to her in case she was going to be sick. She gasped for breath, shoving the trash can away. “I-I’m fine…it’s j-just a panic attack. D-don’t worry about me” she insisted.
               Don’t worry about me? How could he not? He shook his head and guided her to the bed, sat her down on the edge. “Not possible” he replied. “I’m always going to worry about you.” She rolled her eyes and then, just like when they were kids, her hand jutted out to grab his and squeezed it hard. She never considered herself a particularly strong person but tonight, her grip was deadly. “What do you need me to do?”
               She didn’t ask for much, just a glass of water and some light. He ran to the bathroom down the hall and filled her up a cup, making sure it was extra cold just how she liked it, and handed it to her. She took a tiny sip, then set it on the bedside table. In those panicked moments, she seemed so small, so vulnerable. She stared off into space with intense focus, trying hard to regulate her breathing. He let her hold his hand and squeeze it as hard as she needed to, rubbed her back in hopes of calming her down. For a while, she seemed like she had things under control. Her eyes began to grow heavy as if she was going to fall asleep, but then she would snap awake and lose it again. An endless cycle, pure torture.  
               She gripped his hand hard and a sob broke past her lips. “K-Kakashi…” she whimpered, as tears began to roll down her cheeks. “I hate this…I hate this so much.”
               “Everything’s alright” he whispered, continuing to rub her back. “Slow your breathing down.” She sobbed again, feeling defeated and hopeless. There was no way she could do this.
               “I just want to be okay, I just want this to be over” she cried.
               “I know” he replied. “I’m so sorry…”
               “Shut up” she snapped. “It’s not your fucking fault. I just…just overthink.”
               “Well whatever it is that’s worrying you, it’s not important right now” he said.
               Rei shook her head. “It doesn’t matter” she whispered. Her eyes glanced at the clock and her heart leapt into her chest again, struck her with another shot of anxiety. “I-I need to get to bed b-because I have work in the morning, b-but the more pressure I put on myself to sleep, t-the worse it gets.”
               “Then don’t think about work” Kakashi replied. “Stay up until dawn if you have to. It’s okay. I give you permission if that’s what you’re after. And I’ll stay up with you.”
               “B-but you have work…” she protested. Kakashi shook his head.
               “I’ve gone into work after all-nighters before, I can do it again” he said. “It’s not important. All that matters right now is making sure you’re okay.”
               God, she didn’t deserve him. She sobbed again, then squeezed her eyes shut tight. She was losing control of her breathing. The room was swaying. The air was too dense, too heavy. The rain pounded in her ears. “I can’t do this” she wailed.
               “Everything is fine, Rei” Kakashi insisted. “I need you to look at me.” He had considered using his sharingan on her already, and it wasn’t the ideal choice. He knew it would never be as simple as knocking her out and then everything would be fine. Her anxiety, as he understood it now, was chronic. It would be irresponsible of him to promise her a quick loophole when he knew he wouldn’t always be accessible to her. She hesitated a moment before slowly locking eyes with him, and it pained him to see the genuine terror in her face. She almost expected him to use the sharingan,  truthfully, despite being unsure if she even wanted him to. Instead was met with a kind, reassuring gaze. “I want you to breathe with me” he said, then began a rhythmic pattern for her to follow with. She felt like an idiot sitting there on the edge of his bed hee-hee-hoo-ing with him like she was one of those expectant mothers in a Lamaze class, but even more than that she hated that it was helping.
               By sunrise, she had finally passed out in his arms. He was terrified of moving her but once he was confident she was dead asleep, he laid her down in bed and tucked her in. He glanced at the clock, knowing he would have to start getting ready for work, but deep down he desperately did not want to leave her. He feared that throughout the day she might wake up and spiral again, and he wouldn’t be there to help her. He waited until as late as humanly possible to get dressed and head out, but made sure to leave her a fresh cup of water and something light to eat on the bedside table for when she awoke, and the summoning scroll for Pakkun. Even if he wasn’t there to help her, he hoped his steadfast pug would be a sufficient alternative. He zipped his vest up and fixed his headband to his forehead, and the glint of that gold statue caught his eye through the dresser door cracked slightly ajar. He glanced back to his sleeping girlfriend and thought about all of the things he had been considering as of late. If anything, the previous night only further cemented his opinion: he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. He was fully prepared to. The only question now was whether or not she was prepared. He thought back to the prior evening, his moment of panic when she arrived and he had yet to hide that statue. The abruptness of it all, the suspicion, was undoubtedly what tipped her over the edge. He hated that it was his fault, though he knew he needed to keep this a secret from her. She couldn’t possibly know what he was planning, even though he didn’t have much of a plan in mind himself. He couldn’t think about that now, though. As much as he loved her, and as desperately as he wanted to commit to her fully, her severe anxiety the night before reminded him that perhaps it was better to step back and wait after all. He brushed the hair from her face and kissed her gently on the cheek. He could force himself to wait. What was another couple months? They had their entire lives left to be married.
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zenpasta · 7 years
The Silence of Sipatu
          Helkee Posala doesn’t wander too far off in the forest, as she plans to soon return to Sipatu, her glass house full of greenery. She knows Sipatu to be the safest dwelling she could find, but now she can’t help but to stroll a little deeper into the woods, some curious chill drawing her in. She marvels at the height of the aromatic evergreens, the brightness of the dandelions, and the inviting darkness of the tree-shaded path before her. The farther she roams, the denser the foliage becomes, and the sunrays beaming through the treetops grow sparse.
          She feels the presence of Sipatu tugging her back toward Herself, as though two long threads are tied to her sixth ribs on either side, drawing her all the way back to Sipatu. Maybe the tugging is by the Morning Glory Vine, one of her beloved plants, who simply wishes Posala to stay safe within the safety of Sipatu.
          Even stronger than that pull, though, are the chains of Notaku.
          Notaku is the greenhouse who opposes Sipatu. Despite the pain that Notaku always inflicts upon Posala when she finds herself there, she is bound to him. She feels this bondage now, as though the manipulative Kudzu Vine is yanking ice-cold manacles that bite into her ankles and drag her toward Notaku. With every step the strain against her feet lessens, while the threads in her ribs wind tighter around and around each bone, weaving guilt into her chest.
          Once she arrives at the door of Notaku, the resistance around her ankles lessens, but still cuts. She takes in the view before her in misery and dread. The structure of the arboretum is identical to Sipatu’s, but that is where the similarities end. Sipatu resides in a clearing where sun shines through Her plants, Her windows are clean and shining, and the Huata, the living flowers inside, are pleasant-natured and aglow. On the contrary, Notaku is veiled in darkness and woe, his windows shrouded in ice and dirt thrown around inside by his mutinous plants, the Lokni. His climate is perpetually cold and damp; his windows are fogged up with condensation so thick that she can’t see inside.
          As Posala crosses the threshold, the guilt in her chest restricts her breathing, but she ignores it. The interior is just as chaotic as she knew it would be. Dirt is strewn across the floor, the Briars have doubled in size, knocking over pots of flailing Lokni and twisting around the stinking fruit-filled saplings. The vicious weeds reach up between the moist stones and deliberately bite at her feet with her every step, snarling as they do so. The Lokni surrounding her cackle in delight as they watch.
           Posala shrinks under gloom and fatigue, her energy sapped by the despondency of the atmosphere. Letting out a shaky sigh, she begins to clean up the turmoil around her, in spite of her freezing limbs and lack of strength. She sweeps out the dirt, throws the broken pottery shards out into the ivy outside, and rips out each and every snapping weed from the floor until her hands are raw and bleeding. She reorganizes the plants back, making sure each shrub is located by the correct watering tree necessary for it to vegetate.
           Hours later when her slender muscles have almost no life left to give, she stops in the doorway on the way out, quickly glancing around to ensure her completion before fleeing into the night. Notaku’s manacles do not reappear as she trudges home, as she has fulfilled her duty and will be left alone. For now.
           When she is finally able to return to Sipatu, Posala wilts under shame as she enters, shrinking herself as small as possible.
           “I’m sorry, Sipatu,” she whispers, looking down with her chin on her chest, hands in fists clenching her black hair. “I had no control. Why didn’t you save me from him?” As her tears roll down her cheeks, she is anointed with Sipatu’s warm presence blooming in her chest and spreading over her body, deep into her bones and her soul. She knows, in this moment, that she is not at fault for her burden.  
▪ ▪ ▪
           Weeks of peaceful normality pass, and Helkee Posala thrives and flourishes throughout the days alongside the Huata, her floral and herbal companions. She dances with her Vines and sings in harmony with the Hyacinths to Sipatu. She tends to the ripe fruit, the Blueberries, Peaches, and Oranges, among others. She is sure to cultivate the rhythmic cycle of the watering trees throughout the aisles of verdure. The plants of each family are grouped together, hundreds of different types lining the three long tables that stretch the length of the conservatory. The Roses thrive most when watered by the Apple Saplings, while the Daffodils are at their best with the Willows. She stands on the tables, adjusting the Morning Glory Vine that covers the glass ceiling and walls for the sun to fall on or be obscured from each plant according to their needs. Before, during, and after her gardening, she spends unmeasured time in reverence in the presence of Sipatu.
           One morning Posala wakes in her bed at the end of the greenhouse. Sunshine lands on her russet skin, adding a richness to the already-warm temperature of her home. She feels the faint prickling of something cold on the backs of her ankles. Though she tries to ignore the need to go outside, she already knows it will happen. Today. Though she longs to stay with Sipatu, she does not understand her own actions, for she does not do what she wants, but she does the very thing that she hates.
           Posala hears her fear knocking on the door. Has the Kudzu come this far? She tries to ignore it, not daring to speak to Sipatu of it. Knock, knock, knock. It is relentless, filling Posala with fatigue and hopelessness. After trying her best to care for the Huata without thought or feeling, she reluctantly heads toward the door without saying a word to Sipatu. She feels Sipatu’s sadness as a chill through her bones, and shivers as she slips out the door.
           She nearly collapses under the sudden weight of Notaku’s demand on her shoulders. She desires nothing more than to turn back, but it is too late. The shackles are firmly clamped around her ankles, promising relief and belonging if she only follow that cold, dark path one more time. She knows by the butterfly wings fluttering in her sternum that she is being deceived, but she swats the thought away and continues toward her grave.
           Notaku appears to be in a worse state than usual now. Several panes of his windows are cracked and frozen fog is slowly seeping through the glass. Unable to escape, she enters the greenhouse and all of her senses are immediately assaulted. The stench of rotten fruit is permeating, so strong that it makes her light-headed. The Briars now reach the ceiling, almost doubling her height. Broken pot shards are strewn everywhere, and the weeds have grown back taller, stronger, and angrier. They bite into her legs and throw dirt in her face, writhing around like spastic serpents.
           She senses Notaku’s vulgar delight as a loud throbbing in her temple, and she scowls, disgusted with herself for returning once again. “Will my suffering never end? Why do you bring me here?” she cries, shouting up into the ceiling, where she sees Kudzu menacingly twisting toward her. As she screams, one of Kudzu’s tendrils plunges into her throat, gagging her as it curls around her body, squeezing tighter and tighter the more she squirms. The watering trees are pouring down hail, pelting her body with a flood of bruising sting after sting. Dirt-filled tears stream down her face, unable to make a sound. The surrounding Lokni make an uproar, shrieking in their pleasure at this sight.
           The attack goes on for hours, days maybe, Posala doesn’t know. Kudzu gradually loosens its grip, finally letting her go just before she is fully dead, and rests back on the ceiling where it resides. She crawls out the door as quickly as she can. Her bare legs are welted and gaping open in some places where streams of blood trickle down, staining her skirt as she drags herself home. Though the bites sting, they do not compare to the invisible force cutting into her ankles, commanding her to reverse in her tracks. She doesn’t look back, fearing the Vine may be snaking up behind her.
           Helkee Posala enters the shelter of Sipatu. Instead of the sanctuary she once took refuge in, she is now greeted with musky, stale air and the sight of shriveled plants. Her Huata are dead.
           Tears welling up in her eyes, she slowly walks the lengths of the aisles of her once-blooming garden. The Tulips. Foxglove. Jasmine. The overhead Vines once full of Morning Glories, all shriveled and colorless. She raises her hand to her mouth, unsuccessfully covering her sobs. Undue guilt pours down her face, drawing her to her knees on the icy stones beneath her.
“Sipatu, Sipatu, why have you forsaken me?” Posala weeps.
           Sipatu is silent.
▪ ▪ ▪
           Helkee Posala wakes in her arid, empty house. Her skin is raw, bruised, and crusted with blood and dirt; last night there wasn’t a single watering tree to clean off with, and now in the morning nothing is different, despite the yearnings of her dry throat. Through the lifeless grey vines, she sees that outside the sky is downcast and raining. She is alone, for the first time she can remember. All she has left is Notaku, and her ankles are so sore by this point that she can’t think of a reason not to go. Seeing no other options, and with some small distorted form of hope, she trudges back to her perpetrator.
           The windows are clear of all moisture this time. Inside, all is still. The Lokni everywhere are wilting, even the weeds barely acknowledge her. Maybe they just misplaced their watering trees again. She is frantic, looking through them for what could be wrong. But everything is in its correct place, and the watering trees are dry. Convinced there is something she must do, she tries moving the trees around, despite knowing that it won’t help.
           By her ankle she feels heat, not cold. One of the weeds is aflame. Good riddance. She is unbothered. Until the flame spreads to the next weed and the next, until it reaches the Briars and the plants up on the tables. Posala shrieks, terrified. She is quickly surrounded by walls of fire all around her. Just as she resolves to let it engulf her, to just be done with everything, with Notaku, the Lokni, the Huata, and even with Sipatu Herself, she stops. She doesn’t know why. She feels that she is tempted beyond what she can bear. But she thinks that maybe with the temptation there is also a way of escape, that she may be able to endure it. She stands still, waiting for the inferno to overcome her.
           But the fire finally dies away, and the hair on her head is not singed, and her clothes are not harmed. There is nothing left; not a single Lokni, table, or pot shard. Every surface is covered in ash, adding yet another layer of grime to her skin. Posala’s frigid loneliness deepens; she feels it as little holes nailed through the center of her palms. But rising above the sadness she carries is a small glow of belief, just the size of a Marigold seed, that there may be one day again when she can taste and see that Sipatu is good.
           When Posala arrives at the shell of Sipatu, there is a narrow river flowing through the forest, stretching through the middle of the clearing and passing the front of the greenhouse. She slakes her thirst and rinses her skin until it is clear again.
           She goes home. Inside is still and fruitless. She wanders the length of the tables, sweeping up the dead petals and leaves and watches them drift away down the stream. When she is almost finished, she moves one last pot aside to clean under it, and finds a Huata, alive, thriving, and new. It is a Hyssop. She realizes she no longer carries shackles on her ankles.
           Though she lives in heartache, Helkee Posala slowly begins to understand the silence of Sipatu. Despite the lull in their communion, she thinks maybe it was Her who broke her bondage to Notaku, and realizes that even in the most dismal of places, Sipatu is there, protecting her.
           Little by little, day by day, she unearths the truth that her bond to Sipatu is not dependent on what Posala feels – but on what she knows. Her belief in Sipatu’s goodness is not sensed anywhere in her body nor in the air around her, but now she knows that a never-ending sensation isn’t what she needs to connect her to Sipatu. It is the knowledge of who Sipatu is and how much She loves her that Posala clings to in the midst of confusion.
           So even though she feels abandoned, she knows that she is not. Some days there is proof, a Pear here, a Hydrangea there, and some nights she goes hungry. But she gradually learns that sometimes she has to speak her beliefs over her feelings, like a Japanese Maple waters over Strawberries.
           She is sorrowful, yet attempts to rejoice always. She continues to live in her quiet sanctuary, tending to her slowly-sprouting Huata, without stain or reproach. She petitions to Sipatu for their breath to be restored, and waits with faith for the day when comes the blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of Sipatu.
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waveswordswhispers · 7 years
Joker Game Secret Santa
@marrylissa I was your secret santa! I hope you like this ^_^
Prompts: Gender bender/Modern AU
Summary: The woes of being the girlfriend of a veterinarian technician.
Otherwise known as: in which Tazaki keeps bringing home animals from work and Kaminaga suffers
I. Spring
“It’s hatching season,” Tazaki calls hurriedly over her shoulder as Kaminaga shuts the door behind herself, hunched over a small ball of fluff she’s carefully feeding with a syringe. “The shelter is overrun at this time of year.”
“So are we,” Kaminaga murmured, eyeing the other two small birds shrieking angrily in the makeshift nest sitting beside Tazaki. It means uninterrupted screeching for weeks to come, and Kaminaga thinks she should’ve bought earplugs in preparation since in hindsight, she should’ve known Tazaki had been bound to pick up on some fosters eventually. “Please don’t tell me you’re going to be-“
“Up all night?” Tazaki finishes for her. “I mean maybe not all night but most of it? They need frequent feeding.”
“I’m going to die, and so are you,” Kaminaga tells her bluntly. She has no idea how Tazaki’s going to handle her shifts at the shelter on top of the new chicks, Kaminaga herself personally cannot function properly without a decent amount of sleep. Then again, Tazaki’s always found a way. Sometimes it’s not through entirely healthy and human ways, but she finds a way. Somehow.
“We are not going to die.”
“That’s what you always say,” Kaminaga grumbles as she strides over to drop a kiss onto Tazaki’s forehead while Tazaki gently sets the chick down next to its siblings, picking up the next one, reaching for the next syringe.
“Shush,” Tazaki murmurs, gently cradling the baby pigeon (Kaminaga calls them naked birds to annoy her), “and go check on Tatsumaki and Kage for me? Please?”
Kaminaga balks at the thought of checking on Tazaki’s two pet pigeons that she’s certain have a stupid grudge against her for no good reason.
“They’re going to poop on me. And bite my toes. And yank out my hair.” She lost at least nine strands of hair last time and she still hasn’t yet managed to scrub out the stain of poo out of her favourite sweater.
Tazaki shoots her an incredulous look.
“They wouldn’t do that. They’re angels.”
“They are not.”
Tazaki is biased and the pigeons are demons waiting for the perfect opportunities to strike.
“We’re going to die,” Tazaki rasps as she rolls out of bed, her alarm for six a.m. signalling her two hour reprieve is over. “I’m going to die.”
“Do they ever stop… Making that atrocious noise?” Kaminaga buries her head under her pillow, biting back a ‘I told you so’ as the pigeons scream for food, a migraine coming up as she realizes she’s going to have to deal with screaming kids with less than four hours of uninterrupted sleep.. “Why pigeons? You couldn’t pick anything else?”
She knows she’s made a mistake when Tazaki pauses, her grin only serving to make her look slightly insane with her tired face and dark eye bags. Maybe she is insane.
Kaminaga herself is already halfway there.
“Well I mean… I could’ve picked the skunks.”
Kaminaga chokes on air.
“I’ll keep that in mind when we go for the next round of fosters-”
II. Summer
“I thought I told you to keep the pigeons,” Kaminaga hisses through the barely cracked open door, warily eyeing the thing in Tazaki’s hands. “That’s a rat.”
“I’ve told you, it’s an opossum,” Tazaki corrects offhandedly, using a dropper to feed the ra-opossum water. “And it’s just dehydrated. It’ll only be a few days.”
“It’s a rodent. I hate rodents.”
“You hate cats more. To think of it, there was a very nice tabby up for fostering too-”
Kaminaga throws the door open, nearly shrieking. She dislikes rodents, but she hates cats even more, thanks to Hatano’s demon cat that has left more than its fair share of scars on her. Both physically and mentally.
“You wouldn’t dare!”
Tazaki laughs a bit evilly, cocking an eyebrow and goddamn, she looks hot, hair thrown carelessly into a messy bun, bright (and evil) smile dazzling but-
“I’m allergic! You know I’ll die!” Tazaki looks unconcerned, lifting a shoulder in a careless shrug.
“Psh, don’t be dramatic, that’s Miyoshi’s job. You’ll live.”
“You’re evil.” Kaminaga tries her best to look intimidating, immediately retreating when Tazaki holds the ra-opossum, up, making a move towards her.
Tazaki blows her a kiss, winking.
“I’m magical, you mean.”
Kaminaga can’t argue with that.
III. Fall
“Another… Another rat?”
“If you can’t tell the difference between a rat and squirrel, we need to book you an eye appointment as soon as possible.”
Kaminaga facepalms, taking Tazaki’s bag from her, holding the plastic bag containing Tazaki’s scrubs as far away from herself as possible. God knows what Tazaki’s gotten covered in today.
As she reaches over to ruffle Tazaki’s hair, Tazaki shifts away, ducking her head, shaking it.
“You might want to wait until after I shower, I don’t think I’ve gotten all the dog pee out yet.”
Kaminaga immediately clasps her hand back to her chest, grimacing as the scrubs brush against her pants. She’s burning those pants, she’s heard of the horrors that Tazaki often carries on her scrubs and there’s no way she’s touching clothing contaminated with anyone remotely from the inside of an animal.
“How in the name of God did you get-”
Tazaki’s smile is innocent but holds a sense of foreboding, and Kaminaga immediately cuts off her question because she’s heard more than enough horror stories.
“If you really want to-”
“I don’t. Go shower.”
As Tazaki relaxes, the squirrel (a rodent so it being called a rat isn’t far off) tucked in for the night, Kaminaga tries to braid the mess Tazaki calls her hair. The raven black locks are long and constantly tangled into each other, the knots that Kaminaga encounters enough to give her nightmares.
“Your hair is a disaster.”
Tazaki hums softly, leaning into Kaminaga’s touch, eyes shut.
“You should get a haircut. Or, you know, comb it?”
“No and no.”
“Then let me comb it.”
“Absolutely not.”
When Kaminaga makes a desperate noise, Tazaki bats her hands away from the comb.
“You posses the fineness of a turtle, actually no, that’s an insult to turtles. I will not have you yank out my hair.” Kaminaga makes another undecipherable noise that Tazaki can only interpret as offended.
“Please?” Kaminaga tries again.
“Hands away from the comb, Kaminaga.”
IV. Winter
Winter means sitting in a car at the edge of the woods in freezing cold temperature, praying that frostbite stays away while juggling cups of scalding hot coffee in an attempt to warm frozen fingers.
Kaminaga jumps and screams, nearly spilling the coffee when someone taps the window.
Tazaki snickers tiredly as she slides in, cheeks rosy red, eyes bright with exhaustion, the strands of hair that have managed to escape her hood tipped with frost.
“Fox in a trap,” she murmurs without Kaminaga prompting. “It’s pretty nasty, and it might lose a leg but it should pull through. It’s a fighter.”
Kaminaga shoves a coffee into Tazaki’s hands, starting the car while cranking up the heat. She’s still dying because it’s too cold, too cold and she needs to warm her hands or else someone is going to get into a car accident.
“That’s great but why am I here?” She curses as cold air shoots out of the vents because she forgets that the car needs to warm up first.
“Because I left my car back at the shelter and you love me.”
Kaminaga yelps as Tazaki shoves her hands down the back of her neck, ice cold hands making her squirm. By the time she’s managed to wrestle Tazaki’s hands away, Tazaki’s gloating as she flexes somewhat warmed up fingers again.
“I really wonder about that sometimes,” Kaminaga grumbles.
“You are the worse,” Kaminaga groans, shaking Tazaki weakly. “When did you replace Miyoshi to become the fox?”
Tazaki is holding two pigeons, doing her best to look innocent.
“We are not getting two more. You have seven of them already.” Kaminaga tries to be firm but Tazaki’s puppy look is really getting to her.
“But Kaminaga, Yoshi and Hinoka have been here for months.”
Kaminaga blinks.
“No,” she tries again, knowing it’s futile because if Tazaki’s already named them, the pigeons are going to end up at her house within the next week one way or another.
“Only if…” Kaminaga tries to get something out of this hopeless situation. “Only if you cut your hair to a more manageable length.”
Tazaki balks for a second.
“Absolutely not.”
“You can take home the other two pigeons I see hiding in your sleeves,” Kaminaga cajoles, and Tazaki snickers, the two lumps in her sleeves wriggling guiltily.
Tazaki brightens up, seeming to consider while the deal while the two pigeons that she’s been hiding in her sleeves poke their heads out, cooing softly.
She still looks unsure and Kaminaga leans forwards, wiggling her eyebrows.
“Think of the birds, Tazaki.”
A couple of Tazaki’s coworkers walk by, rolling their eyes knowingly and Kaminaga hides a smirk.
She has her weak spots, Tazaki has hers.
“Okay,” Tazaki chirps, nodding her head. “Deal.”
Kaminaga feels like she’s finally gotten a victory, however small.
“I thought. I said. Four. Pigeons. Only.”
Tazaki freezes, five pigeons tumbling from her hands, hair cut up to her chin, looking tame for once, a guilty expression pasted onto her face.
“But Kaminaga,” she starts in a pleading tone. “This one has always been bullied and I couldn’t just leave her.”
“You see her everyday,” Kaminaga deadpans, already knowing the pigeon is staying. What comes in doesn’t go out. A thing she’s learned after a couple hard lessons.
“She’s so small. And cute. She holds my heart in her cute little feet.”
Kaminaga resists the urge to facepalm. “You say that every time,” she shoots back desperately, eyeing the little black pigeon with splashes of white hopping around at her feet. It is kind of pretty. And cute.
Tazaki pulls another puppy face and Kaminaga feels like she’s been suckerpunched because the short hair makes it ten times as effective-
“I suppose, you’ve already signed the adoption papers. And you’ve bought the necessary supplies. And you’ve also spent months bonding with her already,” she sighs defeatedly. Tazaki nods so Kaminaga deflates, running a hand through her hair tiredly.
“Fine. What’s her name?”
Tazaki shakes her head, bending down to scoop the pigeon up, holding it up to Kaminaga’s eye level.
“I was hoping you would name her.” Tazaki sounds hopeful and gleeful, nearly bouncing up and down with excitement.
Kaminaga grins. There’s no way she’s going to let such an opportunity go to waste.
“Then… Tsundere.”
Tazaki chokes on air.
“I ta-”
“No take backs,” Kaminaga teases, ruffling Tazaki’s hair. “I’M JOKING, I’M JOKING!” she quickly amends as Tazaki’s left hand slams into her ribs, delivering a painful jab.
“Another name,” Tazaki demands.
Kaminaga clutches her side, shooting Tazaki a dirty look before looking at the pigeon again.
“Well, you are a very pretty girl, just like the woman who brought you back,” she winks at Tazaki as Tazaki rolls her eyes. “How about… Miyoshi?”
Tazaki chokes again and nearly drops the pigeon.
V. Aftermath
Sakuma is shaking with laughter as Miyoshi puffs up, eyes narrowed into slits.
“I am better than a bird.”
“Actually, I think the bird is smarter than you,” Tazaki shoots back, petting pigeon Miyoshi. “Aren’t you,” she coos, and pigeon Miyoshi bobs her head up and down.
“She’s married to the pigeons, not me,” Kaminaga complains, scratching pigeon Miyoshi’s back gently. “She talks with them more than she does with me.”
“Jealous?” Tazaki taunts, placing a kiss on pigeon Miyoshi’s beak.
“Where’s my kiss?” Kaminaga bypasses the question completely, Tazaki ignoring him in favour of placing a kiss on Yoshi’s head. “Tazakiiiiiii.”
Fukumoto and Odagiri look up from where they’re feeding the other pigeons as Hatano and Jitsui struggle to keep a hold of their cat.
“I hope you’re not getting any more birds,” Fukumoto comments offhandedly, eyeing the half empty coop. “These are quite a handful already.”
“We’re not!” Kaminaga announces confidently. “Right, Tazaki?”
Tazaki refuses to look at Kaminaga.
“Right?” Kaminaga presses. “Right???” Her voice gets higher and more desperate as Tazaki shifts, suddenly very interested in pigeon Miyoshi’s feathers.
“Um… Right,” Tazaki answers unconvincingly.
VI. Epilogue
“This. Makes. Thirty. Five. Pigeons.” Kaminaga eyes the gray pigeons Tazaki has in a firm grip, shaking her head resignedly.
Kaminaga doesn’t even bother complaining too much anymore. It’s a cycle that’s bound to happen.
“This one is a little sadist. Takes pleasure hopping onto people’s head to yank out hair. Loves biting until you bleed.”
“I’m calling this one Jitsui.”
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thenugking · 7 years
30 Days of Dragon Age OC Challenge Day 30!
Day 30: Free Day!: Is there anything about your character you wanted to say but didn’t? Their favorite outfit? What their Pokemon team would be? Which Hogwarts house they’d be in? Tell everyone about it! (Can be anything at all, serious or not!)
I didn't know what to do with this but I decided to just talk a bit about my three favourite moments for them all. Or three of my favourites, it was very hard to pick. Many of which I've already talked about before, oops. But it felt like a nice thing to finish the meme off with.
The start of the Zevran romance; when she feels suicidal and goes off to pick herbs with him alone, hoping he'll kill her and thinks she's being subtle but Zev is Well Aware this is a suicide attempt. When Zev isn't sure he wants to live himself, but he doesn't want to see someone else feeling as terrible and worthless and self hating as he is, and just finds himself trying to make her feel better. And they talk and begin to open up to each other and just really enjoy being in each other's company and they both make a real friend when they've both alone for so long, and both end up wanting to be alive right now. It's a lovely moment that begins their relationship, and both of their recovery arcs and I just love these two damaged, hopeless people saving each other. I love them.
The end of DA2. Isaline's in the Gallows for months before then, secretly working to destabilise the templars and teach mages to fight them, but appearing powerless to the templars and not feeling as if she has much more than she's showing. If she fights back too early, that could backfire and have a negative affect on every mage in the Circle. And then the Chantry blows up, and the templars run round in panic, and she smiles and fucking destroys them and calmly walks through the Gallows tossing aside every templar who tries to stop her and is a terrifying unstoppable force. And then as the fight against Meredith begins, and Cullen has a Convenient Last Minute Change Of Heart, she turns to him in a wave of magic and tells him to run and he does. And she follows, blasting countless spells at him as she calmly lists his crimes, and all the mages he's hurt. She tells him this is justice for all of them, for every mage, but most of all, it's for her. And she kills him. And I love that she's able to put herself first there and to finish him for every time he's hurt her and finally be free of him. And I just really like mages fucking killing that noodle.
When she comes back from Here Lies the Abyss and her daughter Sindony runs to her in such excitement to show her that look she can do magic now. It feels like the final part of her recovery; it no longer hurts so much to think of when she developed her magic herself, and her fear and shame about it, and the way her parents abused her. How can that memory have a hold over her now, when her  own daughter's here showing off her own magic, so proud and happy? Now that she has children to raise and love and give a better life than the one she had. Maybe magic's still not fully accepted in Thedas, but they've come so far from her own childhood, and there's a world where her daughters are able to grow up loving themselves and loving their magic. And that is so, soimportant.
It's maybe not as serious as Isaline's (I mean. It's really not as serious as Isaline's) but one of my favourite Corinne moments is the scene in Mark of the Assassin, when Hawke and Tallis are trying to get into the Chateau and Hawke can give a funny overdramatic speech about how they saw someone wearing the same outfit as them, and it is the most terrible thing that could possibly happen, and they simply must get inside at once. Except that when Corinne does it, she is 100% deadly serious. There's someone wearing the same dress as her and it is the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to her and could ruin her reputation. The jewel is nothing compared to this. I'm really proud of how I made Corinne so unlike how Hawke is "supposed" to be, and this scene I feel kind of sums up the difference really well.
The Chantry Boom. When Sebastian tells her Anders needs to die and she breaks up with the love of her life. I just adore the moment when she realises romantic love is not the most important thing ever, when she realises she has to stand up for something for herself, when she chooses her friend over her partner. It is such a big deal for the girl who's written a dozen novels where people sacrifice everything for true love, who wants to be a fairy tale princess and live a happy ending with her handsome prince. I'm so, so proud of her. And she's able to wipe the tears from her eyes and hug her friends, who are still here, who still love her, who are still important, and go and fight for what she believes is right. Because she's not just the prince's princess anymore, so it's time to take control of her own destiny at last.
Crashing Josie's wedding. It's not the most deadly serious scene, it's a Terrible cliche, but it's so Corinne. She knows it's a cliche, she loves the drama of it, the fact that she's realised there are things more important than romance doesn't mean she's not still an utter romantic who wants to kiss in the rain and ride off into the sunset with her love or, you know, crash a wedding to declare her love. But doing that is still brave and important and how she feels is still serious. Corinne's never made the first move in a relationship before and she thinks it's awfully rude to actually interrupt a wedding and she's only just fully come to terms with the fact that she's into women and her last relationship ended with her and her husband ignoring ways in which they clashed For Love until they ended up declaring war on each other's cities, and now she's approaching love with a wiser, less rose-tinted perspective and she's scared of what that means for the relationship. But she knows she loves Josie, and even if there are things more important than that, her love is more important than her fear. And she gives the most sweet and sincere declaration of love to Josie and Josie runs to her and kisses her and they do the -pick-josie-up-and-twirl-her-round thing, and Otranto tells everyone to clap because he's great and it is Best Romance Scene. It just makes me really happy.
Being cured of Tranquility. She goes to the Conclave with the group of templars that she's been a slave to for the past three years, just because it's useful to have a slave around. One of them decides he wants a quick fuck before the Conclave starts and leads her off to find a back room. He hears a commotion, and the Divine calling for help, and bursts in to see what's going on with his Tranquil behind him. He pulls out his sword, instructs his Tranquil to grab the thing the Darkspawn just dropped. And Estella picks up a ball of Fade and it reopens her connection to it and everything she's ever felt comes rushing back and she's standing there staring at one of the men who's spent the last several years abusing her and raping her and treating her like a thing and she can do magic again. The templar hears the noise she makes as she grabs the orb, part yell of shock, part gasp of amazement, part snarl of anger, part shout of joy, and turns in confusion. He sees her face full of an overwhelming amount of emotion, and lightning sparkling at her fingertips and has a moment to feel terrified before she kills him.
Later on, Vivienne tracks down the two templars from the group that weren't at the Conclave when it exploded, and ran in the chaos. She has them brought to Skyhold's dungeons to await Estella's judgement. Estella is surprised and suspicious, because Vivienne talks like Circles are good and tells Estella she's wrong about everything and steals her furniture and snaps at Estella when Estella sets her furniture on fire in retaliation. But Vivienne says they should face justice for abusing their power, and Estella wants to look the templars in the eye and watch them squirm, and she wants them to not be alive any longer. She goes to see them alone, with Bull waiting outside the dungeon so she can call if she needs help. The first sneers at her, reminds her of all the abuse and degradation she suffered, however well she's doing now. People may see her as a Herald, but she's a mage, she'll always be nothing, is she really pretending to forget that before she was a Herald, she was a slave, a pet, an object? But whatever he says, he has no power now, and he still screams as she kills him. The next one is terrified, and begs her to forgive him, to spare him, tells her he's sorry. But he was never sorry before. Estella watches him beg, tells him to do it more. Kills him anyway. She comes out of the dungeons shaking, she hugs Bull, and runs to find Amelia and holds her tight and reminds herself she's safe now. She goes to Vivienne later, and tells her what happened and thanks her. Vivienne is disappointed she didn't put them on trial, let the world know their crimes, that templars like this will not be tolerated any longer. Estella understands, but she couldn't have dealt with a public trial, with seeing them again in front of other people. Vivienne understands that. They sit together for a while, and try not to talk about things they'll fight over today, and start to wonder if maybe they could be friends.
When the Breach in the sky seals up, and whatever disaster people wanted zir to solve this time is apparently averted, Hawke decides that maybe it's time ze and her husband and kid stopped hiding out in the Anderfels and finally reply to the letters saying The Inquisition requests their presence. So Hawke and Anders and a child they rescued from the Gallows go South, and are escorted up to the main hall, and Anders is almost knocked over being suddenly and enthusiastically hugged by someone he last saw standing in the Gallows courtyard with no expression on her face, unable to feel anything near enthusiasm. They talk about what they've been doing the last seven years, and about mage rights, and Estella eagerly tells Anders everything she's been doing, and how they're going to have a mage Divine now, and Anders is amazed and delighted that the Herald of Andraste everyone in awe of is a mage. The people in power finally care, and there are mages in power who can change things. It's really important and meaningful to Estella to have Anders there at the end; he inspired her to fight, and was the first one to really change things. Her hopeless crush is gone by now - and she tells him about it and they laugh about it - but he's still one of her oldest friends, and her hero. And Inquisition ends with the two of them happy and hopeful for the future, and yelling "For mage rights!" off the top of Estella's balcony for all of Skyhold to hear, and it's a really good ending.
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gothic--fairy · 7 years
Fic about Magnus comforting/worrying about Alec while go by through his bond breaking in 2x20 please!!
A Broken Bond
Malec Drabble #9
Magnus was still trying to find a reason for the strange demonic behavior when he heard Alec scream. Or, perhaps, it wasn’t really a scream. It was a struggling release of breath, as if a large hand squeezed Alec’s lungs and knocked all the air out of him. A painful exhale that made shivers crawl all over Magnus’ skin.
“Alexander,” Magnus turned around, watching Alec bent over the table, supporting himself with one hand while the other pressed against the Parabatai rune under his shirt. “are you okay?” 
Alec didn’t answer right away. He was breathing heavily and it seemed there wasn’t enough oxygen in the room, his knees buckling under the weight of pain coursing through his body. He looked up, but his eyes were blank, hollow, gone to a place no one could ever follow. 
“His Parabatai rune.” Izzy spoke up as Alec lifted his t-shirt, soft strokes of black ink slowly catching on fire and tormenting his soul. 
“It’s..” Alec tried to say, but failed as another wave of suffering cut through him, realization making his features turn desperate and dejected. “..Jace.”  
And he screamed, his legs finally giving up under him, falling to the ground. Magnus was next to him in an instant, steady hands on his shoulders, as he writhed and squirmed in pain. 
It was the first time Magnus has ever felt this hopeless. Watching people you care about gradually disappear was one thing, but seeing Alec getting lost in the tormentous despair as the rune on his hip washed away and faded every second was far worse.
“Alexander..” he called, reaching for Alec more firmly.
“I.. I can’t feel him.” It was a voice of a broken man, a helpless whisper sounding in between hurtful intakes of air. “He’s dead.” 
The hand keeping Alec up couldn’t hold him anymore, but Magnus was there, bringing his arms around him. He could see Alec’s emotionless expression, not because he didn’t suffer anymore, but because it was a kind of sorrow which leaves you without a single tear, an empty shell broken into millions of shards, spilled and never to be brought together again.  
Even Izzy came closer, weakly reaching for Alec’s hand, unable to tear her gaze away from the silvery scar on Alec’s hip. Magnus pulled them both closer, feeling the muffled screams and sobs as Izzy pressed herself on his shoulder and the gentle trembling of Alec’s breaking heart against his chest.  
He didn’t know what to do. There was nothing that could be done. Not a spell to repair a soul, not a word to mend what’s been shattered. 
“Alexander?” he tried again, seeing Alec’s expression change, morph into a stiff, numb mask of a soldier. 
“We need to go.” He said without a trace of anything but cold calmness. “If-if Jace is.. Clary might be in danger, too. We have to find her. I.. I can’t lose anyone else.” 
They stood up, Alec immediately pulling out a map of Idris, trying to find the most probable place, where Valentine would complete his plan. Izzy’s hand were still shaking as she and her brother worked in a sync Magnus has never seen before. Both of their faces were stern and rigid, only Alec’s eyes gave away his true emotions. 
Stepping forward, Magnus created a portal as close to the Lake Lynn as he could. Just before they walked through, he reached out and held onto Alec’s hand, their eyes finally locking at last. Maybe, if he squeezed hard enough, a part of his strength would pass onto Alec, help him and let him know Magnus was there. Maybe, if he tried long enough, he wouldn’t have to lose him to the unbearable grief of a broken bond.  
Here it is! Though, maybe it didn’t turn out as comforting as I intended? Oops. It just seems I’m a type of a person, who can write about heartbreak way more easily than about happy moments. Is that even healthy, hh? 
Hope you enjoy it! ;)
Read on Ao3. 
Prompt Me/Ask Me. 
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