jasonpenni · 1 year
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sorry for going on hiatus for so LONG been dealing with personal shit but i should go back to posting regularly - heres some yuri
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sakumira-agashi · 9 days
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Omg I just realized I never posted these doodles from my modern college AU. Technically this is for the epilogue for one of my fics but I think it can pass as an AU on its own. More info under cut
In this AU, Rody and Vince are soulmates from their previous life (the universe we know) and found each other in the current time. Rody never dropped out of college and continues to pursue his Hospitality degree, is in a band and is lowkey popular with people who love his music.
Vince is still studying Culinary (he can taste here, purely because I don't want him to suffer anymore lol) and Manon is his best friend. They met because she failed miserably at making a souffle, Vince offered to help and they became close that way.
And I realized this makes this my 4th dead plate AU. I'm so cooked
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claudiaeparvier · 1 year
I did not think that I would be so gung-ho about Lady Danbury and Lord Ledger’s relationship but here we are…
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If I see one more "My coven is Claudia" post in my twitter/tumblr/instagram feed during this period of suffering I'm going to coven my way out of the window because I've got too many reasons to cry already.
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armysonemeu · 1 year
I think it's beautiful to me that Vex and Keyleth support each other and trust each other unconditionally and there are various moments in Campaign 1 where this happens. It really shows how much faith they have in one another and that there is a strong bond between them which isn't just there because of their love for Vax. If you'll notice Keyleth is the first person Vex comes to rely on (after her brother) and this can be seen how much she relies on Keyleth for spells and how she strives to be a good person and hates disappointing her. On the other hand, Vex is very much someone that Keyleth gains confidence and power from and she is spurred to act and take decisions by Vex's confidence in her. They genuinely do love each other (platonically or romantically whatever) and I think if there was such a thing they would truly be the best candidates for soulmates.
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daddyhoothoot · 11 months
I swear if Ed and Stede aren’t back together and happy at the end of the finale I might actually lose the last thread of sanity I have.
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bisexual-panic · 11 months
it hurt so much that after episode 2 where we see Loki and Sylvie combing their powers to become more powerful together to them using their powers against each other in episode 3
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starwarsite · 2 years
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AU : Cassian and Jyn survived Scarif ; they’re going for a drink right after being rescued. It’s a sad bar back at the rebel base. They’re both grieving but they realize how close their last adventure has brought them together.
Thank you @mostthingskenobi for sparkling this somehow and providing excellent « research » pics for references of Diego Luna smoking a cigarette !
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tiddie-taylor · 1 year
These guys have so much potential to be the cutest couple ever
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Season 4 Lumax was actually heartbreaking. Seriously, all I wanted was for them to be happy and go on their movie date, but no they couldn't give me that. Instead they sat down and were trying to decide what would hurt me the most.
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robbothebobbo · 2 years
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I love them so much <3 <3 <3 first time doing fully colored drawings in awhile I’m pretty proud of it honestly ^^
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Can anyone recommend me some good sns fics?
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cluelessayna · 1 year
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wip of lilly and nis being in loooovvveeeee uwu
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thetimetraveler24 · 5 months
Not me getting frustrated when a fic tagged as a slow burn is actually a slow burn.
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Abby let’s Cassidy meet her FNAF movie friend!
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The shifting Earth beneath us
Here is a piece that I created for the 15th Merlin anniversary!
It is a follow on from In my weariness I still hear you singing in my mind which was written many years ago now and could do with a rewrite 😅 and for those of you on ao3 here is The shifting Earth beneath us on ao3. Hope you enjoy 😊
Gwaine awoke with a start. This was the fourth time he had woken up. Gwaine was a fool to think that he would get any semblance of sleep after what he’d been through, waking many times dripping in sweat after hardly any sleep at all. He would be the last to admit it, but the night terrors were so bad this time, that his face was wet with tears. The light had finally faded so this time he had woken up to darkness, which made recovering from the awful dream harder.
He decided there wasn’t much point trying to sleep again just yet. The hunger was still present, so he wiped his face with his bedclothes and sat up slowly. He reached over and took a sip of the stale water left in the cup from earlier, then a slice of bread. He took small bites, remembering what Leon said about eating slowly. Gwaine was glad he did, because that one slice of bread filled his stomach. He couldn’t eat anything else, even if his stomach hurt and his body ached. His mind was still plagued with visions and memories of what he went through.
Gwaine swung his legs over the side of his bed, and he tried standing. It took a few attempts, but he managed it and he wobbled over to the window. He looked over the courtyard, which was lit up in the moonlight. How long had it been since he last saw that view? At least a week, probably longer. Gwaine vowed he would never take this sight for granted, as he never know when it would be the last time he saw it.
The clothes Gwaine was wearing were still damp from sweating from his dreams, so he took off his tunic and trousers gently, dropping them in a heap at the end of his bed. He took a clean outfit from his wardrobe and put them on. The effort it took was a lot, and he sat on the end of his bed afterwards. The blood pounded in his ears. Gwaine took deep breaths, holding his head in his hands and resting his elbows on his legs. In. Out. In. Out.
Gwaine’s mind flickered to a happier memory from the night before. Percival had kissed him. Gwaine wasn’t sure if it was a spur of the moment thing, more out of relief than anything more, but it had been something that helped Gwaine fall asleep, initially at least. Percival had been gentle and kind and respectful of what Gwaine had been through. It felt right. It was what Gwaine needed.
How Gwaine longed for some company again.
He leaned over at took another cracker from the plate. It was a little chewy, but beggars can’t be choosers, and he ate it, slowly again, with water. He took the last one. He already felt a little stronger. He waited a few minutes after eating to make sure he hadn’t eaten too much, then stood up, put his boots on and headed for the door. Gwaine felt more stable on his feet. Maybe this was a sign.
Gwaine didn’t really know where he was going, he just knew he didn’t want to be in his room when he could walk around. He didn’t want to stare at a ceiling unable to sleep. He didn’t want to be kept somewhere. Not again.
He enjoyed walking the corridors at night. The only light was from the torches hanging from the walls, and when he reached the outdoor parts of the citadel, the moon bathed him in its light. Gwaine stopped for a moment, tilted his head towards the moon and closed his eyes. He breathed deeply. This was something he had really missed.
It was summer, and the air was still quite warm, despite there being no cloud cover. Gwaine decided he would head to the field near the keep, which overlooked the lower town. It would let him see the stars clearly, and let him be rid of the troubles of the last week for a few moments, at least.
As Gwaine rounded the corner, it revealed the square of grass, and a figure was leaning over the wall at the end. Gwaine froze, his heart raced. The irrational part of his brain was in overdrive, convinced it was one of Morgana’s men waiting for him, to finish him off, but then he shook his head, and steadied himself, taking deep breaths whilst he closed his eyes. He leaned back against the wall whilst he collected himself. He couldn’t let this stop him getting the freedom he so desperately craved.
Come on, let’s go, Gwaine thought to himself, and he headed outside.
In this low light, he couldn’t tell who it was leaning over the wall, but it was someone tall. Someone who had huge arms and short hair. Someone who heard Gwaine approach and turned to see who was joining him.
Gwaine’s breath caught in his throat, but he kept moving towards Percival. The other knight kept facing him, and leaned back against the edge of the wall as Gwaine approached.
The two knights were face to face.
“Didn’t think I’d see you at this time. Thought you’d be out for the count.” Percival smiled at Gwaine.
“Turns out my mind won’t let my body rest,” Gwaine said, quietly, and he stood next to Percival, leaning over the wall and he looked out over the lower town. He heard Percival turn around to join him.
Gwaine watched a couple stumble out of The Rising Sun, hand in hand and they stumbled down the road together. A patrol of guards passed them, and the couple bowed a little comically, almost falling over. The guards laughed, and continued on their duty. Both groups disappeared from view.
“Can’t wait for another night back in there, when this is all over, and we have all recovered.” Gwaine knew alcohol really wouldn’t help him in his present state, but he was craving the happier times and the friendly atmosphere over the ale.
“Gwaine,” Percival began, still looking over Camelot, “You went through something awful. If ever you need someone to talk to-”
“Thank you, Percival,” Gwaine began, cutting the knight off, “but this is something I just need to work through. It will get easier.” Especially with a good ale, Gwaine added mentally.
“You are incredibly strong to even say that,” Percival spoke softly, sincerely. “If you change your mind…” Gwaine nodded at him. The mutual respect was so solid.
They stood in silence before Gwaine moved, sitting down, then lying on the grass. He interlinked his knuckles and lay them atop his stomach.
“Gwaine?” Percival frowned at him.
“The stars are so beautiful,” he said with a small smile on his lips.
Percival went and joined him, lying beside him. “Yes, they are.”
They lay for a few moments in quiet reverence for the moment. The only sound they heard were occasional footsteps in the castle passing nearby, or the wind blowing slightly through the trees.
Percival spoke up and pointed to the sky. “Can you see that shape in the sky? It looks a bit like a huge spoon.” Gwaine followed Percival’s finger. It took a few moments, but he saw what Percival was referring to, and nodded. “Take the two stars on the right side, they point up to a fainter star, can you see?” Again, a few moments after Percival spoke, Gwaine nodded again. “That star doesn’t move ever. The other stars move around it. It always points north,” and with that, Percival lowered his hand slightly, pointing north. “So if you’re ever lost on a clear night, this star will help you find your way.”
Gwaine turned to look at Percival. “How did you learn that?”
Percival lowered his hand and turned to return Gwaine’s gaze. “My mother taught me that when I was younger. She taught me a great deal.” His gaze became sad, and Gwaine noted something.
“You’ve never spoken of your mother before.”
Percival turned to look back at the sky. “It’s not the easiest thing to talk about.”
Gwaine waited in silence, not pushing Percival to continue.
“Cenred killed my family.”
Another pause. Percival continued.
“It wasn’t long before I met Lancelot. Cenred ransacked my village. He razed it to the ground and my family along with it.”
Gwaine unlaced his fingers. “I’m sorry.” He reached down and took Percival’s hand in his, interlocking their fingers.
“I was out hunting with a few other men in the village. When we returned, Cenred and his men were long gone. Our house was destroyed, with my parents and my sister were inside. It took so long to find them in the wreckage that was our home.” Percival sniffed softly. Gwaine didn’t look, giving the man some privacy, but he rubbed Percival’s knuckles with his thumb as the other knight wiped his face with his other hand.
Percival continued. “Our village lost everyone apart from those of us who went hunting. After the pyres burned out and we drank ourselves sick, we went our separate ways.” A brief pause, and Percival gently squeezed Gwaine’s hand. “I moved around, became the strong man that people wanted, and that’s how I met Lancelot. He saw me pulling a cart out of the mud and came to help, before he realised I didn’t need it.” He smiled softly at the memory. “With him, it was the first time I felt true happiness since my family died.”
Percival was pensive. He didn’t let go of Gwaine’s hand.
The pair lay there for a while, the warm summer night keeping any chill away.
Gwaine was curious. “Were the two of you ever…?”
Percival snorted softly. “No, it was never like that. Lancelot brought joy back into my life, and he meant the world to me.” Percival squeezed Gwaine’s hand again, and Gwaine squeezed back. “I miss him.”
“So do I.” Gwaine let go of Percival’s hand in favour of turning on his side to look at his friend. “Thank you for telling me this.”
Percival turned to look at him. Gwaine wished they had lay down closer together, but a small nod from the taller knight was all he received. They both returned to look at the stars. Gwaine noticed that the longer he looked for, the more stars seemed to appear. The spoon and the guiding star were beginning to disappear into a cluster of stars in the sky, hardly intelligible as a pattern anymore.
Gwaine heard Percival yawn. “You should go to bed. There will be a lot of rebuilding work to do tomorrow.”
Percival sighed. “I’d rather stay here.” He left the sentence hanging and Gwaine didn’t fill the space.
Silence enveloped them. Gwaine slowly shifted, moved across the grass to be lying side by side next to the taller knight. As much as he too needed sleep, he didn’t want this moment to end. He felt very peaceful and very safe, and that was something he craved to last as long as it could. He struck up another conversation.
“What happened after you left Camelot?”
He heard a deep exhale beside him. Gwaine couldn’t recall a time he had heard Percival speak so much. When it was the group of them, Percival was mostly quiet, only saying a few words mostly, even quiet by the campfire. This was a conversation Gwaine would not take for granted. Percival cleared his throat before he began his tale.
“We found Elyan in the woods, which was a help as Arthur was slowing us down. Merlin heard the horses coming after us and we ran. We were thrown off our feet by magic, I can only guess it was Morgana. When I came round, the others were gone. I thought they had been captured, and knew there was nothing I could do. I had failed to protect my King.” Percival puffed out his cheeks.
“When I woke up, it was dark and everyone else had gone. I thought Arthur and Merlin were still with Elyan, but clearly they weren’t, so I went through the forest alone. It wasn’t great, I came across some bandits but steered clear, my head was mashed after a day alone and only my memories for company.” He exhaled. Gwaine waited. “It was dark before I came across someone. It was Rosie and her little girl. I couldn’t remember the child’s name but I rescued her from the dorocha and ever since I’ve seen Rosie out and about and she would always talk to me. She is lovely.”
“I remember her. I think her daughter’s name is Lily,” Gwaine offered.
“Matches her mother’s,” Percival said, a smile on his lips. He continued, “She brought me back to the camp where I saw Leon. The warmth it filled me with, Gwaine, I can’t express it. Seeing someone I knew so well filled me with so much relief. I told him what had happened so far, and Leon showed me their makeshift camp. It felt strangely familiar, living in such close quarters. It reminded me of home, of my family.” A pause, and Gwaine made shapes with the stars as he waited for Percival to finish. Gwaine wouldn’t rush his friend.
“We were planning on a way to find the King, but with so few soldiers and weapons we felt useless. It was a few days on when Leon woke me, before sunrise. He’d seen Merlin, and asked for us to all meet him in a clearing just down a small channel from the camp. And we did.” Percival turned towards Gwaine and their eyes met. “There was a sword in the stone, Gwaine. Did you ever hear about the legend?” Gwaine shook his head. “It was just as you would expect. You hear about a sword lodged in a stone, no one knows how it got there, no one can pull it out, and then Arthur stepped up. He tried, you could see him shaking with effort. Merlin spoke to him in a way I have never heard him speak. He spoke to Arthur like he knew every part of him, and he spoke to him as if the rest of us weren’t there. It felt like I was watching a moment that should have been in private.” Percival cleared his throat and looked away.
Gwaine processed what Percival told him. Merlin must have been with Arthur this whole time.
“And Arthur just, pulled the sword out of the stone.”
Gwaine made a surprised sound and looked at Percival.
“Gwaine, I wish you were there to see it. It was the most incredible thing I’ve ever seen.” Gwaine could hear the emotion in the other knight’s voice. “Arthur is the true King of Camelot and I would ride into the mouth of Hell for him.”
In the distance, the sky was lightening with the approaching dawn, and Percival’s face was slightly silhouetted against the dark blue. Gwaine reached over to put a finger underneath Percival’s chin. He turned Percival’s face towards his and leaned in. “So would I.” Gwaine kissed Percival gently. He tasted the tears Percival shed for his family. He tasted the devotion for their King. He tasted the raw emotion and belief that finally, everything was okay again. They broke apart. Gwaine wiped the tear that had spilled onto Percival’s cheek.
“And all the while, you’ve been suffering here.”
Gwaine laughed softly and brushed his thumb over Percival’s cheek. “Ah, don’t think about that. You’ve painted quite a picture of what I’ve missed, I almost forgot I wasn’t there.” He smiled at Percival. He dropped his hand and again reached for Percival’s, hoping the urgency wasn’t apparent in his grasp. “It sounds almost magical.”
“It may well have been. After all, Arthur pulled a sword from solid rock. There must be something to do with magic involved.”
“It proves he is our King. Maybe it’s in his blood, or something.”
Percival sat up with a start and looked down at Gwaine. “You think Arthur has magic?”
Gwaine sat up slowly, propping himself up on his elbows before sating, “Well, he could have, but he clearly doesn’t know about it.”
The pair laughed together. It felt good, like the world was returning to rights.
“And after that, we made a plan to enter Camelot and fight Morgana and Helios, which clearly worked, and we found you.” Percival finished his story in a less than dramatic style, which Gwaine was grateful for.
The sun was rising and he was tired. The first light of the sun hit the castle walls and the golden rays made everything look even more majestic, including Percival. Gwaine leaned forward, rested on his knees and cupped Percival’s face in his hands. “Thank you for saving me.” He leaned down and kissed Percival more deeply than before, and Percival matched it. He turned around and pulled Gwaine closer, his hands shaping and moulding Gwaine’s body into his. Gwaine’s legs straddled Percival as they drank each other in.
The distant sound of voices pulled them apart, but Gwaine rested his forehead against Percival’s.
“I would ride into the mouth of Hell for you, too,” Gwaine spoke into Percival’s mouth.
“And I you,” Percival whispered in response.
They stayed there for a few moments before Gwaine let go and stood up, a little unsteady as the lack of food and lack of sleep caught up with him. Percival did the same, and placed a hand on Gwaine’s back to steady him.
“Let’s get you inside.”
Gwaine looked at Percival. In the glowing golden light, he looked radiant. Not even a yawn could mar the beauty of Percival.
“Come to bed with me?”
Percival looked down, a knowing smile on his expression and shook his head.
“For sleeping only, I need it as much as you do,” Gwaine started, “I might sleep better when I know someone is keeping me safe.” Gwaine cocked his head. “And not just anyone.” He smiled.
Percival quickly lost whatever argument he was going to give Gwaine, and nodded.
“I’m so glad to have you, Gwaine.”
Gwaine’s breath caught in his throat. This is what he had wanted for so long, someone wanting him, someone being happy to know him. Tears started to well up in his eyes, but he blinked them back. In return, he offered Percival a smile and squeezed his hand.
“Let’s get some sleep.”
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