villa-kulla · 2 years
What do you think Howard would have done if Lalo had died in the laundromat, like what happened in the show?
He was going out on his sabbatical and all, but he would never get that call from Lalo and probably would be able to find out that Gus was still alive and thriving in ABQ. Would he just be sad, and keep his distance from the city?
How dare you make me think about the death of characters in my otp, who are in fact, only an otp by virtue of their both being dead lmao.
Omg. Dear god. WELL. The plan (had Lalo not been shot and had his ‘come to Jesus’ moment and crawled away to die with Howard cue “you’re my guy”/”matches your shoes” love confessions + driving off into the sunrise together) was for Lalo to just go straight back to Mexico , enemy out of the way, cartel prince again, maybe missing Howard more than he thought, but able to compartmentalize and move on. And Howard was going to stay out of town for an indeterminate period of time to take the heat off, and honestly I don’t think he made it much farther than that in his head. All he knew was that he needed to get out: out of his job, his marriage, and his town. He would have holed up in some hotel a couple states over and called in regularly to check his messages both at home and at work, because Lalo said he’d check in just to let him know he was okay. Then he could make his decisions, figure out what to do with this fresh start, and move on. That was the PLAN.
But imagine Lalo dies and Howard keeps calling. And keeps calling. But there are no messages, no letters, not even a quick note. Howard wonders if Lalo just went clean break on him and feels temporarily huffy to not get so much as a “goodbye”. But even though Lalo was a lot of things, he was always honest with Howard, and if he said he’d reach out, he’d reach out. So Howard starts fearing the worst, calling all his contacts in Albuquerque, reading up on police raids, getting more and more paranoid. And eventually he finally does what he’d been avoiding, and calls the Pollos restaurant, and asks to speak to the manager.  And when he hears Gus’s unmistakable voice, Howard just slowly hangs up and starts to cry, because if Gus is alive, then Lalo must be dead. And suddenly, cutting all his ties and starting fresh doesn’t feel as exciting and hopeful as it used to, because Lalo’s dead.
So Howard drives back to Albuquerque, hollow and grim, and starts closing up shop properly, but with less excitement than the first time he was going to get out of dodge. He quits his job officially, the divorce is finalized, and Howard wanders the streets like a ghost, no idea what to do now, which is stupid because it’s not like he and Lalo were going to end up together anyways, but somehow knowing he was out there helped, gave Howard direction and inspiration, and now that he’s gone, everything he embodied to Howard - fun, danger, passion, adventure - is gone too. But then one day as he drives aimlessly around town he winds up parked at a red light, stopped next to a laundry. Howard thinks of the laundry he sent Gus to, and stares through the window, and watching the machines inside spin and spin and spin gives Howard an idea...he can finish what Lalo started. 
Fring is a dead man.
(can't make the read more work, warning that what follows might not go well for Howard.....but YOU STARTED IT WITH THIS TALK OF DEATH </3)
Howard starts planning, and he’s certainly not able to raid a fortified laundry guerilla style, like Lalo. But he can play to his own strengths, and sniffs out all the benefits and charity dinners in town, donates money to all of them, plays nice, circles the rooms with a glass of wine in hand, but eyes always sharp, until one day he gets lucky because across the room he sees him. Fring. Howard follows him into a deserted hallway, Lalo’s pistol tucked up his sleeve, and he’s almost at Fring’s back, swinging the gun up, when of course he’s slammed out of nowhere by two bodyguards, and drops the gun, and Fring turns around, knowing Howard was following him and says “Were you hoping to kill me, Mr. Hamlin? The last time I saw you, you weren’t nearly so obvious about it.” And Howard just spits out “Where's Lalo? What the hell did you do with him?” Gus just picks lint off his sleeve like “I’m not in the habit of leaving loose ends. Which brings us to what I should do with you.” And hearing it confirmed, or as confirmed as it could get, Howard just breaks down on the floor of whatever fancy hotel they’re in, and Gus motions for his guys to release him and steps towards him and says, “This is your only warning”. And he picks up the gus Howard tried to use and puts it in his own pocket and coolly says, “This isn’t your world, Mr. Hamlin.” And it’s like being stabbed in the chest, because Lalo had said that to him the last time they saw each other, but out of care, not as a threat, and it’s like Howard can still feel Lalo’s fingers brushing his jaw as he said it. He watches Gus leave through blurry eyes, but then his eyes narrow in cold satisfaction, because he’d never planned on shooting Gus here, didn’t even think he’d get close, knew he’d lose his gun, but that’s fine because inside Lalo’s gun, he’d put....A TRACKING DEVICE. Howard never knew which laundry Lalo was talking about, but now Gus or one of his goons is bound to go there, and Howard can FOLLOW.
Howard has a project now, he’s a man on a mission, and that mission is bringing down Fring. He has some vague plan to collect evidence on what Fring is doing, turn him over to the authorities, and if that doesn’t work, well, like Lalo told him, “there’s always a good reason to kill someone”.
But...unfortunately for Howard, more experienced men than him have tried and failed to take Gus down. And while Howard’s plotting goes undetected longer than anyone could have guessed, he’s simply not a criminal, and it’s really not his world. And maybe after a couple months of investigating Gus, and getting closer and closer, one day while he stakes out the laundry, the black bag comes down over his head and he’s knocked out.
He wakes up inside the superlab, bag yanked off his head, hands tied behind his back, kneeling on the dirt floor of some huge room. He’s facing Gus, and this time Gus is leaving nothing to chance, a cavalry of guys behind him all staring at Howard to make sure he can’t try anything. Gus says “you had your one and only warning to stay away, Mr. Hamlin. Any final words?”
It’s the end. Howard knows it’s the end. He failed to avenge Lalo, but he doesn’t have to fail Lalo’s memory. He asks himself what Lalo would say in this position, and he looks up at Fring and grins and says “Yeah. Lalo was right. Eres un hijo de puta and your chicken tastes like shit.” And when Fring steps forward, snapping open a knife, and cuts Howard’s throat, it’s so sharp and quick it doesn’t even hurt, and Howard collapses to the ground, slowly growing cold, wondering how the hell he got here, murdered by gangsters and about to die in a hole all alone.
That’s when Gus steps over him and yanks Howard’s head back to make him die faster, and hisses in his ear “Your lover died right here, exactly like this.” And Howard looks up at him, eyes wide, and Gus delivers his coup de grace and says “he’s buried under you right now.” He expects this to break Howard once and for all, but Howard just lets out a gurgling choking laugh because Lalo’s here? He’s with Howard? Can he feel Howard’s blood seeping through the dirt, trickling down to meet him? He’s here and Howard isn’t going to die alone after all, and suddenly Howard doesn’t feel so cold anymore, and he laughs again and then can’t stop laughing, and Gus takes a step back genuinely rattled because it’s like he’s looking at Lalo's ghost, laughing on the floor of the superlab while drowning in his own blood, staring up at Fring, face still fixed in a challenge. This Hamlin guy isn’t looking at Fring anymore though, because he’s turning his face to the dirt like he’s resting it on someone’s chest, blood spilling into the ground, eyes slowly closing, smile lingering, until he’s utterly still, gone now, somewhere else with someone else, and now Gus is the one who’s forgotten and alone, still alive to see another day, but no one left on earth who’d care either way. Covering his sudden crushing depression with disdain, Gus orders “get rid of him” and walks out. And there’s already a 6x6 patch in the ground where the soil is still loose, and they’re nothing if not efficient, so they redig the hole, not deep enough to see what might be left inside, and throw Howard in too, his face grey but still with that unsettling smile. And as they pour the dirt back over him, the last thing to be covered are Howard’s hands, cut loose now and curled into the dirt, cold and still, but almost like they’re reaching out to someone. And in the dim light of the superlab, where shadows dance on the walls and death is always close by, it's easy to imagine that only a couple metres down, someone is reaching back.
So yeah.
Apparently that's what I think would happen.
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mumatsi · 2 months
Bill Cipher was in my weird dream last night so I documented it at 3 AM through these sketches!
Have fun reading this absolute fever nightmare 0.0
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(Start Text)
So, I was in a "carnival" but I was also part of an organization tasked with a very important rescue mission. But I didn't wanna be there and felt guilty for some reason
Then we were in a capsule thing and normal people thought we were part of the carnival. So no one suspected anything.
Depiction of capsule: (Image) Red lights, white + silver walls. Watch guard of the team. Nintendo switch he always played. TT switch.
We had a switch with the ability to reset time back to when our capsule had first arrived to the carnival. We needed to rescue the "timeline" here because an entity was going to destroy the world here through the carnival somehow. For some reason the carnival had Poppy Playtime themed rides IDFK why.
Suddenly my head turned towards a dark hole leading into a tunnel attraction. And something ripped the fabric of reality.
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Tunnel depiction: (image) rip in reality
It was far away from me but in full view. It looked childish but things felt scary once the rip appeared.
I am not even joking, the entity that came out of the rip was BILL CIPHER. I knew I was obsessed with GF but I never thought something this random would happen?? It was kinda exciting!! :D
(Image) "sup I'm in ur dream" "omg!"
Too bad becase he was so fucking scary in the dream I couldn't even get excited! He moved so fast and was silent the whole time.
(Image) My Teammates DIED.
I suddenly ran to the switch inside the capsule and activated it by holding it for 3 seconds, idk how I knew to do that.
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(Image) playing games on nintendo. holding switch.
When I went in, guard guy (GG) was plsying games. I asked what was going on and he took off his headphones to say "The entity came before us, hold the switch so we can restart the mission" then went back to gaming. I held the switch, it all went white, and...
It reset. We were all alive. Nobody was aware. When I tried to say it, they did not care. GG told me to "call him for resets instead of running back to the capsule everytime" EVERYTIME?? That was going to repeat???
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The same thing happened more than I could count. We tried to detect the anomaly causing the entity but in the end Bill showed up and I had to call GG for a reset, each time. My teammates died a lot but I didn't. Each reset seemed to change my teammates. All of them except for me and GG. Then I finally figured it out.
(Image) "As long as we keep people away, we're safe."
Going near the tunnel is what really triggers his appearance.
I tried to tell them but they knew something I didn't, I was untrustable.
(Image) "DON'T LEAVE!" "LOL nope."
They went in. I couldn't scream as THEY died too.
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(Image) !? ?!
I called GG for a reset. But it didn't happen... Again and again and again. He was not answering. WHY???
(Image) "Bzzt!! Bzzt!!!" "Zzz"
He fell asleep. He didn't hear my calls through his headphones. He was too busy on his slacking off that he tired himself out.
(Image) "NAME." "oh."
Then I heard my own mom's voice call me. Very mad and low.
(Image) lol
Before I knew it, I got thrown so hard that all my bones broke and reattached in less than 2 seconds.
Bill said "You're weird!" very happily, I took the chance to recover and run for the switch.
(Image) "I know how weird you are!"
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I ran in, Bill laughed and made no attempt to stop me. I couldn't look back as the door closed behind me and the red lights turned back on.
I started holding the switch, also tried talking to GG but he was unresponsive.
(Image) *click* "GG?? u ok??" "......"
3..2..1.. it all went white.
Then I woke up. Idk what that was but I wanna go back. What happened to GG? Why was Bill Cipher there too?? Why the hell was the carnival Huggy Wuggy themed??? Idfk. It was AWESOME!!!
(Image) "WTF. that was EPIC..."
(End text)
Yeah... If you read all of this, thanks! Let me know what you thought because I am still very confused about this dream.
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formulaorange · 6 months
2024 Spring Anime
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Kaiju No. 8 This series started the same time as SpyxFamily and I've been waiting years for it to be animated. It's a series I was instantly hooked on. The animations in the teasers were incredibly sus but I'm glad to see it's pulled together. This is a must watch for this season. Noteworthy On-going Shows: Delicious in Dungeon - Episodes 13-24 A Character based comedic fantasy that honestly has me hooked. New Seasons:
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Demon Slayer - Hashira Training Arc I can't believe we're already here. I think this will be one of the last 2 or 3 seasons of the show. This is one I'm not sure what to expect in terms of story but I'm looking forward to it regardless.
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That Time I Got Reincarnated As a Slime - Season 3 One of the Og's is back baby. This is one of my all time favourite shows, one of the original fantasy/isekai series. This series gets better and better and I'm so hooked to each character. 100% biased opinion but if you haven't seen this, go check it out.
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My Hero Academia - Season 7 This is one that I haven't caught up on the anime for so I'm not 100% where we are but I'm pretty sure it's about to get real dark. I think lots of people have put this show on the backburner or have dropped it entirely. But I really have to say we're starting to head into some of the peak of the series. It gets much darker and more serious and starts to shift from the original shonen high school style.
Additional New Seasons: Mushoku Tensei - Season 2 Cour 2 I won't lie, this arc honestly doesn't look very appealing to me. That said, I have faith in the writers and will be watching and updating if it picks up. Both of these shows from 2008 coming back were not on my bucket list but here we are: Spice and Wolf - Looks to be a re-make of the original series Black Butler - Public School Arc - New continuation of the og series Also: The Misfit of Demon King Academy II - Part 2 The Irregular at Magic High School - Season 3 Laid-Back Camp - Season 3 New Noteworthy Shows:
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Wind Breaker A new series about a delinquent who moves to a school where it's all about being the strongest and beating each other up. Honestly it reminds me a little of Food wars but if it was actually about fighting instead of food lol. The animations look stellar, I'm actually pretty excited to check this one out. ( I'd also say it looks completely different to Tokyo Revengers so I wouldn't compare the two.)
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Mission:Yozakura Family A newer shonen jump series about a kid who tries to integrate with a mismatched family of spies. Looks like a lot of fun and has a similar vibe to some old school SJ series.
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Go! Go! Loser Ranger Why does this look so good. This series genuinely looks so cool, the animation look out of this world and the story looks killer. From what I can gather it's a guy who always plays the villain and is sick of his role. The story shows the heroes as villains and gives me a bit of Invincible vibes. (This is a Disney+ exclusive) The Fable I've heard that this is one of the most legendary comedies. I know there's a few live actions for it on Netflix but I haven't had a chance to check it out. I feel like the trailers don't seem to get anything across so this'll be one I'll follow up on.
Going through the extra shows is now the bane of my existence. I want to go back to before all the isekai light novels were being animated. After doing this I feel defeated that some of these look half-decent. Whisper Me a Love Song Wholesome girl's love series about figuring out what kind of love they feel for each other: 3 Episodes The Many Sides of Voice Actor Radio 2 girls who's offline personalities are total opposites, their rivalry in a brutal industry. Looks like it could be a fun slice of life series: 3 Episodes Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night Looks like a really well done series about a group of girls forming an anonymous idol group: 3 Episodes
I Was Reincarnated as the 7th Prince so I Can Take My Time Perfecting My Magical Ability The animations actually look amazing from the trailer and this series could be cute: 1 Episode An Archdemon's Dilemma: How to Love Your Elf Bride I think this might be a guilty pleasure show. I like the idea of the awkward romance between these two. Likely wouldn't reccommend this for a normal watcher: 1 Episode Grandpa and Grandma Turn Young Again Animations and concept look fun: 1 Episode Notable OVA's: Code Geass: Roze of the Recapture A prequel to the original series. The animation looks just like the OG and I'm so stoked that this is coming out.
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suckerforcate · 2 years
Hiiiii I love your Brienne of Tarth stories. U was wondering if you could write an x reader where it's after the ending of GOT and the council is established where Tyrion has somehow convinced all the council members (except Sam of course) to go to a brothel or out of town special show and Brienne meets the reader there as the reader is a dancer and they kinda fall for each other at first sight ig if u want to. Thank you❤❤❤❤
Pairing: Brienne of Tarth x Reader
Word Count: 1191
Warning: NSFW, 18+, fingering, masturbation, eating out, queening
A/n: hope you like it!<3
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"Oh, come on. That's so primitive and why do you even want us to come, we're women?" Arya was absolutely not convinced by Tyrion's idea to go to a brothel. She thought the whole concept was humiliating to any woman. But all the man in the round were excited and no one really listened to Arya's words.
"Brienne, can't you support me?" Brienne looked at Arya and just opened her mouth to say something as Tyrion interrupted.
"Oh, my dear Arya. We all know Brienne plays on our team here." He chuckled and Brienne was silenced immediately.
Arya and her sister overruled, they went to a brothel the same evening. It was quite dark inside and the air was thick. They all sat down and directly woman approached them, dancing around them. Some were even bold enough to sit down on the men's laps. The sisters talked about how absurd they found this, the man had fun and Brienne just sat in the middle, quietly. She really didn't know what to do and had nothing to say either.
She let her eyes roam through the room, stopping as she realised that you watched her. You had spot Brienne in-between all the people, because she looked so absolutely lost. Like she really didn't want to be here. Brienne's breathing hitched as she understood that you were approaching her. Eyes on her at all time. You were smitten by her. In all the years you had done this, no one had ever caught your eye like this.
Brienne couldn't deny that she found you very beautiful, attractive even. Still she would have never had the courage to address you.
You approached her, never stopping your hip movement and the dancing. You felt her eyes on your waist. You had to smirk at that.
She did like what you did. Her eyes wandering over you. But as you came closer and sat down on her lap, she stiffened. Surprised by your actions. Still she laid her hands on your waist, just to hold you and prevent you from slipping of course.
You gently ran your finger over her lip and pulled her bottom lip down a little. She opened her mouth as if to say something, but no words came out. So you spoke instead.
"You look quite lost, I hope you're not bored. But if you are, I could change that." Your voice was deep, seductive even.
"Look, Brienne has also found herself someone." Tyrion spoke, winking at Brienne. He turned to you and spoke.
"Take her with you, I'll pay for it." You politely nodded and stood up. Reaching out for Brienne's hand. She took it and let you guide her through the mass into a room at the back. As the door closed, it immediately became quieter. The door shielding most of the sounds.
You hadn't quite realised how tall she was, when you dragged her behind you. Now seeing her stand in front of you, having to lay your head back to see her, you were speechless. As you had first seen her, you hadn't been able to look away, mesmerised by her beauty. But this, it made her so much more attractive.
"I don't even know your name."
"Brienne." Brienne. You liked the sound of that. But even more than that you liked the way her lips looked. You had like the way they felt under your thumb, you would really like to feel them on your lips.
"Can I kiss you?" Brienne looked startled, overthrown by the pace this was evolving in.
"Not, if I don't know your name first."
"(Y/n)" Brienne nodded and mere seconds later her lips crushed onto yours. This felt so different to all the other times you had done this. It didn't feel like a job, like something you wanted to get finished. You could have kissed her for the rest of the evening. You wanted to bathe in her touch. Brienne felt similar, she wasn't, by all means, one to throw herself into feelings or something like this. She didn't really understand what was going on herself. She just knew, that she was completely under your spell.
"Take me to the bed." You gasped as she suddenly picked you up and carried you, your legs swung sound her waist. She put you down and crawled onto the bed, sitting between your legs. She planted kisses all over your neck, before gently brushing the thin fabric you were wearing off you. To her surprise you were completely naked underneath. She lightly stroked over your naked breath, making you groan out. She kept on kissing you, gently, full of caution. So much more thoughtful than all the man you were used to.
You started undressing her as well, which took a bit longer than it had with you, considering that she was fully dressed. As she was naked on front of you, you couldn't keep yourself from staring.
"You're beautiful, Brienne." She blushed at that, absolutely stunned that anyone could look at her with so much desire in their eyes.
"Sit on my face, please." You looked at her, she thought you were joking at first. But your face was completely serious.
"What? No, (Y/n) I'm too heavy, I'll crush you." You gently pulled her into another kiss.
"You won't, I promise. Please, I really want this. I want to taste you." Brienne blushed even harder, you had to say she looked really hot like this. All worked up and cheeks red.
Slowly Brienne climbed on top of your face. Right before lowering herself, she looked at you again, concerned. But before she could say anything, you rested your hands on her hips and pulled down. The moment your lips met her wet core, she moaned. And you would have sworn, that it was the hottest thing you had ever heard.
You started running your tongue through her folds, warning another moan. Fast you began licking and sucking on her clit, wanting to hear more of those delicate moans and wanting to pleasure her.
As you increased the speed and her moans grew loader, you felt your own pussy throb. Hearing her aroused you immensely. So you took one hand away from her hips and let it wander between your legs. Slowly you started rubbing your clit, while still eating her out.
"Oh, (Y/n). Please, it feels so good." You moaned against her centre, not being able to hold it back anymore. You could feel Brienne was close, her thighs tightened around your face and her groaned became breathier and louder.
"(Y/n), yeah, I-...ahh" with that she came undone on your face. She climbed off of you and licked her lips as she saw your fingers still rubbing your clit, desperately wishing for release. She sat down between your legs and pushed two fingers inside of you, making you moan more. You shut your eyes, moaning uncontrollably. A few moments later you came, absolutely exhausted. Brienne slowly pulled her fingers out of you and laid down next to you.
You both felt that this would not be the last time you saw each other.
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mrclairdycat · 1 year
I was planning to draw a Welcome Home short comic showing how Wally and Home first met but, since I know my ADHD won't let me finish it I've decided to show y'all the scenes I wrote for it :)
"... Where am I?" Shot where you see Wally, he's in complete darkness. He doesn't look scared, he looks curious and confused.
"Hello Wally, Darling," Home says. The scene is from Wally's POV and you can only see Home's eyes in the dark.
Now he comes out of the dark and you can slightly see his silhouette, mostly his head and eyes, stiletto shoes and arms: "I was waiting to meet you."
Wally looks at him, confused. Home notices and says: "Oh, I'm awfully sorry,"
You can now see him in his full body as he emerges from the dark. "We've never officialy met me before, have we? But I've seen you..."
He gives him his hand. "My name is 'Home', nice too meet you." Wally says: "... Home? Like my home?"
"Yes, the one that protects you, takes care of you, watches over you as you sleep... That home, your home, figuratevely and literally. I'm your home, your teacher, your mother, your father, your friend or your God, whatever brings you the most comfort." This scene is from Wally's POV, so you see Home from the bottom up as he holds your hand.
Same scene, but Home tilts his head slightly: "We're in your dreams right now, it's the only place where we can meet like this, eye to eye, away from anyone's elses eyes...  You see, I can see and know everything, but they don't want that. I have to be discreet, for your sake."
Now you see them in third person, with their profile. Home is holding Wally's hand from both sides. "Everything?" Wally asks, slightly tilting his head and looking at Home curiously. "Yes, as an example I know that you feel lonely right now. You want friends, don't you?" Home asks.
Shot of Wally. He looks slightly sad, disturbed.
"Oh, you poor creature..." Home says as he puts his hand on Wally's cheek. You see them in third person again, Home slightly got down to get on Wally's level (since he's taller than him) and his head is closer, he's looking at him, but Wally is looking down. His hand is also tinted in black now.
"This must be so hard for you. I can only imagine if humans were born like this, without no warm bigger creatures to hold them, already knowing concepts, feeling things, but denied to be aware, to know where they are, what they are..." the scene is now from Home's POV. They still have their black gooey hand on Wally's cheek, who is now looking at him, looking more curious and confused than disturbed. After all, he has no idea what a human is, he doesn't know what Home is blabbering about. You can also slightly see that his cheek is tainted with its black goo.
Headshot of Home, with focus on his eyes. "But worry not, Darling. I'm here for you and soon there will be other people for you, too. Neighbours, friends... lots of them," he says to comfort him.
Third person shot again, but this time it's closer, kind of like a headshot. They're also looking directly into each other's eyes (in a creepy way, not in a romantic way). Home head is also closer and, for that, he's more bended down than before. He also still has his hand on Wally's cheek. "Do not forget though, Darling: I'm your first friend, your first neighbour. I'm the only one who you can truly trust, the one who's been there for you when you were all alone... You will remember that, right?" he asks.
Scene with focus on Wally. It's still third person, but it's way closer, kind of 3/4 view. You cannot see Home from this point of view. "Yes. I am glad to have you as a friend, Home," Wally replies as he looks at him, maybe add the reflection of Home into his eyes.
"Good to know," Home says. In this scene he turned his hand away from Wally's cheek, now you can truly see how its tainted with black goo.
Scene from Wally's POV: you're seeing Home from the bottom up again. He then speaks: "I promise you I'll take care of you, Darling, and if you listen to me enough, one day..."
"... I'll let you see," he affirms. This time the scene is from Home's POV. He's doing two sort of 'ok signs' with his hands to make them look like eyes and from his POV you can see they're outling Wally's eyes. "I'll give you my eyes: my special little gift, just for you. You will see people you've never seen before, that don't look like you, new friends that your neighbours aren't able to see. If you collaborate I'll promise we will even find a way to bring them all here, so you can have an infinite amount of friends."
Same scene, but closer. The focus is more on Wally's eyes as they're outlined by Home's hand, which is now dripping with black goo because of gravity. Wally is staring, not saying anything, but Home knows he wants this, that he's agreeing to his plan.
Now scene from Wally's POV: Home is slowly retreating back into darkness. You can see his body less as it is consumed by the dark. "I have to go now. I'll always be there, though. I can always see you... I'll talk to you too, some way, make you sure you don't feel lonely..."
Now you can only see Home's eyes in the darkness. "Goodnight, Darling."
Complete darkness.
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decarbry · 2 years
I'd love to learn your thoughts on the rest of the bnha cast, particularly the main characters! Could you list your top 10 and share why you like them?
THIS WAS SO TOUGH I had to go through a complete character list to make sure I didn't miss anyone and I'm still not satisfied
Honestly BNHA does so well with character variety I love so much of the cast, tho it does fall into the pit of "there are too many characters and story threads to finish them all or even mention them ever again", do not talk to me about Shinsou
Anyway we're ignoring Aizawa, Yamada, and Eri because I think everyone already knows that they're my least favorite characters /s
10. Overhaul - probably one of the worst people in the show tbh but I really loved anytime his character was on screen?? he was such a calm but simmering threat before he was actively violent and honestly his voice acting in the dub imo was REALLY special. the whole organized crime angle is also one of my vibes in storytelling so I really enjoyed his character. plus his character design is *chef's kiss*
9. Tokoyami - he's a bird man with a dark passenger that acts like a puppy sometimes what's NOT to love -- I'm actually going to cheat and tie Tokoyami with Bakugou here because I had second thoughts. Bakugou's pivot in his relationship with Midoriya was one of my favorite character development moments and felt so well-done and earned that he's definitely in my top 10
8. Mirio - BEST BOY! Togata is just so positive and wholesome and selfless, every time I revisit his clash with Overhaul I sob my eyes out. I wasn't on board with his pivot in eye design at first but once I got to know him I fell for him HARD. There's literally no downside to this guy but at the same time that's ALRIGHT! Rather than it being obnoxious it's done in a way that I find flawless. like he still has weaknesses but he's composed so well as a character
7. Amajiki - how can you not love this poor anxious guy?? he's very relatable and anytime he pushes through his head to succeed in his goals I just want to scream and hug him. plus his quirk is amazing and I could NEVER because I'm such a picky eater
6. Kurogiri/Shirakumo - THE POWER OF ANGST no but partly it’s his relationship to our two favorite UA teachers but also Oboro seemed like such a GEM and I want to know him as he was and I have such high hopes for where the story is currently headed… Kurogiri himself is such a cool reflection/twist of his original personality that I find myself trying to read into every appearance he makes. Save him please
5. Shigaraki - kind of more superficial to begin with because his motivations were never SUPER interesting to me but his character arc has been a joy to watch and YES I know villains and heroes alike in this story have great writing that make them sympathetic but. for me Shiggy is one of the most obvious. like he can't be forgiven because he has done SO much damage and taken SO many lives but he really is the perfect hybrid example of when heroes fail those around them, and when villains influence those around them. also his path from childish gamer tantrum child to legitimate terrifying threat was a slow burn that feels earned. I think he was also my favorite early character design, specifically his full-hand costume he wore first at the USJ
4. Shinsou - dude's personality aside he's impressively ambitious and I really feel for his circumstance, I kinda took to him like Aizawa did? i was really invested in his path from the start and really would love to see him achieve his goal. i just want to see what he'll doooo. he was a major part of why I enjoyed season 5. hopefully he makes an appearance in the manga to help with current events but I'm probably just wishfully thinking
3. All Might - i usually never like the "superman" character in most things but Toshinori is imo the best-written of them and he has such a great character arc. i want all the best for this man that gave and is giving so much to the world, all at the cost of himself
2. Dabi - HONESTLY these last two can be interchangable. Dabi's character design is probably my favorite in the entire story. it's simple but iconic and very visually appealing even though it's. dead and burned skin LMAO. i'll be brutally honest, tho Todoroki is a great character and Endeavor is definitely trying, that whole family drama is kinda disinteresting to me (but is getting better)(which I hope continues since it's the opinion of some of the more... vocal readers that it's all that carries the later story and if that's true I want to REALLY enjoy it, y'know?). i'm thankful for Dabi because his existence in the story finally has my ears perked towards that thread and I really appreciate his drive even though the intention is to destroy hero society
1. Hawks - I'm going to repeat myself: CHARACTER DESIGN. the moment I saw Hawks I was like. in love. I really like spy storylines in general but I get easily drawn to characters that are outwardly charming, friendly, a bit obnoxious, confident, and know exactly how to appear in order to communicate their intentions. But then deep down... soooo many secrets. Plus, aside from Hawks' tragic family story, his tie to Endeavor as his idol is an extreme positive for Endeavor's character arc in my eyes. Hawks' tragedy doesn't end there though, because in a world of government-sponsored heroes he is perhaps THE MOST government-sponsored, and though they were the reason he had the resources to get to where he is, it's a weakness that has him kind of leashed, and I find that really sad. then we have his ruthlessness, which no matter how you feel about what happened to Twice, is sometimes necessary when it comes to saving the most amount of people. Hawks being the one to take that final action cemented him in my top 3
Honorable mentions for the rest that fall into the black hole of spots 11-20:
Midoriya, Bakugou, Tsuyu, Nana Shimura, Kaminari (just a dumb, lovable lad), Midnight, Kirishima, Mirko, Ryukyu, Monoma, Honenuki, Fatgum (challenging Mirio for best boy placement), Endeavor
Honorable honorable mentions for character designs I just LOVE:
Thirteen, Snipe, Sero, Kuroiro, Mandalay/all of the Pussycats tbh, Majestic, Mr. Compress, Geten, Moonfish, USJ Nomu, Rappa
Honorable honorable honorable mention for this dude that doesn't appear enough to qualify for the list but still deserves a shout-out:
Yokumiru Mera, please let him sleep
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lilolilyr · 1 year
Tagged by @banashee to post 10 of my favorite comfort movies and then tag 10 people, thanks! <3 just had a look at yours again after writing mine, we agree on LotR :D and adsfg I really need to watch Rocky Horror one of these days (I've seen it live before, but never the movie I think?? Oupsie xD fast ne Bildungslücke!)
1. Lord of the Rings (whole trilogy but if I have to choose one then Return of the King)
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Comfort movie: battles and darkness and Winning
2. Racing Stripes
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(The film's in colour but it looks like this is the only gif I can find when I type in the title lmao)
One of a handful of taped movie me and my sister watched on repeat as a kid. Big nostalgia
3. Chestnut: Hero of Central Park
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I can't find a gif for that one at all, but it's another cute kids movie I used to watch A Lot and still sometimes return to for the comfort of nostalgia and safety
4. Monte Carlo
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I love all those silly switcharoo films, also the princess switch and its sequels etc, but Monte Carlo was the first one I watched and I still love to watch it for some mindless destress entertainment xD
Ummmm okay what else we got, I can't actually easily think of comfort!movies, I've got a whole bunch of comfort TV shows that come to mind, and movies I love but that aren't exactly /comfort/... *Goes through my Ao3 fandom list* no nothing clicks nothing clicks... Oh!
5. Pitch Perfect
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Just the first one tbh, I mean the others are fun too but this one's a comfort film for me!
6. murder, she said
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I adore Miss Marple, and this version of Miss Marple specifically! I've watched this one so many times :)
7. The Parent Trap
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It's cute. Okay? It's cute xD and I've probably watched this version at least as often as the German one I'll add next, probably bc this one was on TV more often? Idk, I couldn't actually say which one I like more
8. Charlie & Louise
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Again no gifs on here, but I adore this film! Also as you can maybe tell I'm actually running out of ideas and the Real comfort would be reading the book version of Das Doppelte Lottchen that both this and the parent trap are loosely based on xD my mom still has an old hardcover version and I've always adored that book, wished I had a twin whenever I read it as a kid!
9. Pride and Prejudice
Alright so th Colin Firth series version is better and the YouTube Lizzie's diaries or what it is is the best anyway but we're doing movies here and the Keira Knightley version Is definitely a comfort film for me so here goes
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Ok so there are Definitely pride and prejudice gifs somewhere on tumblr. It just won't show them in the search results for sommme reason. Seems to be because it has the word 'pride' in it, because whenever I type that it switches to the 'create your own gif' error image. @staff what's up with that? Latent homophobia again?
10. Kyss Mig
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First wlw film I ever watched, I still remember watching it (on mute, with English subtitles, there's no German or English dub anyway) in my parents' living room when I was 12 or so, with the computer display turned away from everyone else, actually pretending to be on tumblr (the rule was we had to be at least in the same room for evening family time even if I was uninterested in whatever movie or sports the others were watching but I was allowed to be on tumblr) and trying not to show any reaction to the screen bc at the time I had no idea what my parents' stance regarding LGBT ppl was (parents, tell your kids when you're okay with them being gay, bc they might be and they won't just Know that you're okay with that!), and idk I've had friends tell me it's not their fav film and maybe it's mainly the nostalgia for me but I still absolutely adore this movie and have rewatched it many times
Tagging my mutuals, friends and collaborators <3 @toboldlynerd @lavendelhummel @squishmittenficfan @purlturtle @mimi-mindless @asstraightasau-turn @katieswain123 @verajasmijnart @artax-risen @bookgirlfan only if you want to do it of course! :) & pls lmk if you'd rather I didn't tag you in the future!
Edit: looking at old posts in my 'movie tag' and 'comfort movies' tags now like omg! Of course! Mr&Mrs Smith, Lara Croft, Mean Girls, Carol..... Also I only just thought of Miss Congeniality! Adsfghjkl I really have 0 memory sometimes!
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Watching Con O'Neill's Filmography Day 8- The Last Seduction II (1999)
Warnings: Women in lingerie, on-screen clothed sex, drug use, phone sex, violence against a pregnant woman, voyeurism/public sex acts, gore, gun violence, murder, blood, stabbings, etc.
I did not bother to watch the first one, though I've only seen good things from people online. Again, it doesn't feel like I've missed anything by skipping to Con content.
As always, live reaction below the cut, review overall at the bottom.
Quick message before we start. We've all seen the gifs of what Con does here. He has a weird short 90s haircut and acts in what could be described as soft-core porn. We're both going to pretend we didn't see each other here, seeing this shit, right?
I didn't see you, you didn't see me.
Good. Now, let the show begin-
Opening logo reminds me of my school mascot, not a good start.
Joan Severance, you deserve better. I don't know who you are, but please get another agent.
I actually love the opening font here for some weird reason. It's all swirled, and silly.
That attorney looks like Patrick Bateman from a distance, honestly, that would be great. This movie couldn't afford Christian Bale in the 90s.
I know the point of the movie is that she's hot. So I'm getting it out now. She's hot. The all-black style is a type of mine, and I'm not mad.
Smoking is bad for you. At least she's considerate, actually throwing out the cig...Nvm, she's an asshole. Not so hot anymore.
This takes place in Barcelona and our main cast will be Brits? Sounds about right.
Did she put on lingerie in the hotel, then take it off, and get dressed to go meet someone?
I hope Con got a good vacation out of this at the very least. If this was filmed in Barcelona. Which- (Editor Me can't find anything about this movie, I'm assuming just establishing shots?)
F.U.2 is a fun bar name. Real Izzy vibes
(my brother called his 90s shaved look 'adult Greg Hefley'-Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Honestly, I can't unsee it)
Is this his 3rd character that meets the protag at a bar (Scarborough Ahoy, maybe Dancing Thru the Dark if that wasn't a diner)? That's a pattern.
The hesitation over calling Con a gentlemen is funny
TROY FENTEN okay, that's a name. sure. let's just move past that.
'FAGS FROM A FAG'. Oh, this is going to be a movie. You know, most straight movies from this era didn't even have queer characters. But in Con's bad movies, they're added so Con can bully someone. The bad Con movies just make him a homophobe. I'm connecting these dots-
Again, the whole 'Have you been in love?' thing. Dancing, This, 3 steps to heaven. There's a pattern. In an interview for 'Telstar' Con said Joe Meek was obsessed with writing puppy love in all his songs, when this fucker can't escape 'longing' in his own career.
This looks like the start of a porno. (kinda?)
This is a weirdly subservient foreplay? The taking orders, voyeurisms, etc...Odd? Well, at least we know Troy is willing to go down on someone, which is something that will surely affect the plot.
Don't undo a condom wrapper with your teeth.
What is that position? She's braced up over the arms of a chair. Seated on the floor would be more comfortable. For both of them!
Who says 'frisky' in day-to-day life.
I WANT HIS WARDROBE(Editor Me, it's literally just a suit. I don't know, I'm easily impressed). The Gomez and Morticia look to their outfits is great.
How do you run a sex phone line surrounded by people in the same room. At least he employs everyone and anyone, icon.
Real 'ugly' people can tell when you're flirting with them to get shit. We're trained from middle school age for survival. Also, that travel agency guy is hiding a British accent poorly.
(This is the point where my brother (he's 18 don't worry, I have a brain) wanted to watch, so we restarted. He's seen Dancing, OFMD, Vengeance, and Telstar. He's a trooper and being their for my Con O'Neill phase. The bullying of Con commences.)
My favorite comment of his was "I hope this guy gets shanked in Barcelona" after his sexist line about women. Valid.
OH MY GOD. That computer design is awful, Graphic Design is my passion, indeed
Just tell her exactly how the business runs. That's a smart idea you won't regret later.
(About him being able to be on any call) That's a consent violation
"Dumb bitch." Okay! Ew
This seems like a shit place to work if he can just casually stand and watch over you perform like that
(about one of the phone people using company time to talk to her boyfriend) Could he have a system to block calls from people who don't pay or suspicious numbers? Why didn't he just do that?
HE JUST PUNCHES A PREGNANT WOMAN? (blood on her face, not on her fists) Okay? Like, why would anyone stay?
("naughty boy.")WHY IS SHE INTO THIS? Red Flags? NAHHHH
SHE JUST TRIED TO KICK I PIGEON! ("Pigeons may be flying rat's but you're the real skum of the city" - My Brother Everyone)
'This is the woman incels think exist'-Again, he's just rocking it tonight
Oh so 'he's falling in love' WHY? Why do you do these roles CON! So far she has let you fuck her, been kinda dodgy about anything with her past, and rude.
Okay the older couple not yelling at them, but stealing a peak made me laugh.
IS THAT A CLOCKWORK ORANGE MANIQUINE IN THE BACKGROUND (yeah, he has mannequin wall art. No, it's never mentioned)
Good, he got blue balled, deserved for being a bastard.
Why is she doing all this? Just to get a sliver of the profits?
(While he's buying drugs from a seller, he gets in all close.) Con shouldn't be allowed to smile like that at men in sniffing distance while playing a homophobe.
It's a good thing he's high, and not clearly able to see how badly she's lying/bluffing. It's not even a convincing performance, like...why?
I don't like him saying good girl, not at all. Which is surprising for me. I'm proud of myself for not thinking Con acting like this is hot.
(She just kind of leans over, unzips his pants, leans in, and goes for it. Awkward pan up to his face) Was he commando? Was he already hard? So many questions.
(At a strip club) What's with that pole? Her hand goes around half of it! Thick as a telephone pole!
Why did she even come to this bar for info? OH, she's buying a gun.
This isn't hot, like, at all. It's just gross.
(bastard gets stabbed with the straw)GOOD FOR HER
She did just walk past people, covered in blood.
This false phone call thing is somehow isn't gay. Sad.
-Catching yall up, it's been 10 minutes and nothing fun has happened. She shows Troy the tape. He somehow doesn't hear that she entrapped a guy and got him in jail. They set up a trap for blondie who was threatening her life.
Troy saying sexist shit only to immediately get shut down is so funny.
the hitman from earlier isn't going to fight blondie cause he expects to fight a man, not a woman, right? Yep, called it.
Based body guard
I-what was that fight? Just a few punches then overkill?
(Body guard gets shot up)What did he do to deserve that man?
Can no one hear a gun going off?
What do you mean by 'that looks nasty'? She looks fine.
So Troy gets semi-framed? Like, he was a piece of shit, but still, that doesn't solve anything really. The business might stay afloat but since none of the people know how the computers work, or can reroute funds to their pockets, what's the point? They just lost their jobs! Same with the bar.
The two leads smugly flirting and smoking it's not gay at all actually, they're enemies! (banging my head into a wall) WHEN WILL IT BE MY TURN
Why does this Troy get called a 'naughty boy' so often in this movie. We should bring this energy to all his roles...especially Izzy-
So she just gets away with it? That's a shitty ending, I didn't even like her in this movie. I barely tolerated Troy, but I wanted her to get caught.
The movie just...ends.
Writing: 3/10 Sloppy, I couldn't follow why our characters were doing what they were doing half the time. Also, there were points where the writers realized we might be starting to like Tony, so they just made him do/say something shitty. Like a marvel movie making a villain have a good point, then making them kill a bus full of children. Just so we know who to root for. Who was our protagonist? I will remember this movie for the (somehow stylish look at the time) 90s Con, and the weird sex scenes. Again, I love a strong female lead but she just didn't do anything fun.
Cinematography/Editing 5/10: Nothing memorable, nothing subtractive. Meh. It was, in fact, a movie.
All actors besides Con: 4/10: Forgetable or just bad. Again, it's not their fault, it's the writing. I didn't know who the story wanted us to root for. So I'd start to like a character just for them to do something confusing or shitty. Again, it's obvious they were trying. I hope these people got to work on something better.
Con: 6/10 He can't save a movie. He is having the most fun here, which isn't saying a lot. Troy is Con's most homophobic character in his filmography to date. Con plays him all bark with no bite. It's fun to see him play a totally irredeemable jackass. Again, the whole 'falling in love' plot was introduced and kind of dropped, but I'm glad they didn't really commit to it? Troy is way worse than Angel (from 3 Steps To Heaven), Angel was fun in his shitty behavior and stayed consistent in the story. Here Troy's an abusive dick. I was having fun until he punched a pregnant lady for shock value, then it was hot/cold the whole film. Good performance, shit script.
Overall 5-6/10 Not a strong recommendation, his worst film by miles. If you go in knowing it's shit, however, you can have a great time! I did! My brother and I got to watch a shitty movie and just take it for what it was! If I was watching this alone it would be a 4/10. It's no 'The Room', thank god, but it's nothing groundbreaking.
There are two POV characters and the story couldn't make me care about either of them. The setting felt like it could have taken place in London, Seattle, or Amsterdam. Con was fun, but this movie is really only worth it if you want to see Con play a homophobic weasel of a man.
Only higher than the projects he was barely in. (Link should be updated for those who want to rerank anything, ill post it in the comments if needed)
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I hope everyone has an amazing holiday season. This time of year is shit, but you're already this far in!
@ivegotnonameidea Thank you so much for your recommendation and assistance!
I would love to hear everyone else's opinions on this shitty film!
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maguro13-2 · 29 days
Atra : So I told Mika that I want you have a baby with him. So I told you and now I did, and thanks to you, we have a kid now.
Kudelia : Awesome and what happened to Barbatos when it was dismantled?
Atra : Oh, I'll never tell.
Kudelia : What did you put in the machine?
Atra : It's a secret. I'll tell you how it really happened.
Mikazuki : Well, this is my last stand. I may not win and might lose to a dark gritty show, but when my son lives on, I will have my revenge.
*Barbatos gets decapitated*
Julieta : The devil is defeated!
Julieta : Eh? What's that noise?
Barbartos : Mark my words! But I'm getting the last laugh! SELF DESTRUCT SEQUENCE ACTIVATED! PREPARE TO BE BLOWN TO SMITHEREENS IN 5...4...3...2...!
Julieta : ...OH, SH***T!!!
Julieta : *comes out of the rubble* That d*ck! Who's idea was it to put a special detonator that causes the robot to Self-destruct!?
Rustal : Perhaps I take it too wisely, that I misguided that Augus and didn't he say that he has a son raised by two of his female comrades.
Julieta : He has a what!? *growls*
*hears something falling over*
Julieta : Eh? *screams* AAAAAAAH-!
Rustal : Oh, why did we even think about killing the hero?
Suzaku : That's my idea of killing my bro! That's how a man's failure taste!
*scene changes back*
Atra : So yeah, Barbatos was meant to self destruct and let Mikazuki had the chance before he was killed off the show. But hey, at least he delivered the baby boy to us. So we have a kid now.
Kudelia : ...Right. Well, at least we have each other, two girls and one kid. Wonder what's gonna happen to us by now?
Iok Kujan Ghost : Hey, girls! Check this out! Since you two are the only ones left that is now same-sex married couple, we've all became ghosts and decided that we're gonna haunts these fools for whatever they did in the wars. Can you believe that?
*IBO Male characters are ghosts*
Kudelia : Guys. How long have you been watching us, did you all turned into Ghosts?
Akihiro Atland Ghost : Yeah, we do! We're gonna haunt those suckers to death and get our revenge! We told you, we have souls in hearts and bodies, we can do whatever the hell we want, we're ghosts of being dead and Mikazuki right can see his son from over here!
Iok Kujan Ghost : Isn't this the coolest? We're all Ghostly dudes here and we will haunt the people that did us for real!
*Vacuum sound*
Iok Kujan : Hey, what are you doing?!
*Gets sucked into the Poltergust*
Iok Kujan : WOAAAAAH!!!
Elie : Try better not take it from him, he does not even know how to shut up.
Akihiro Atland Ghost : Good, well at least he's out of the picture.
Mikazuki Augus Ghost : Guess this means, that I'm gonna be with my family for a little longer.
Elie : [To Mikazuki] Also, If I had a kid like these two, I just found out male characters that makes female characters can asexually reproduce science babies, Asshole.
Mikazuki Augus Ghost : *with painful realization* Crap. You're right.
Dina : At least we got a kid and we live on a farm.
Joel Ghost : [To Mikazuki] Well, bud. I know how you felt this way. Well, look at the bright side, at least you're a family man now.
Mikazuki Augus Ghost : Ah, you're right about that. I am a Family Man.
Orga Itsuka Ghost : You are, same thing from this guy. *points at Guile*
Guile : Oh, I am relieved that I lived to see this day.
Akatsuki : After my dad's death, I now decided to take his place instead. So much of my mom and...my stepmom. Wow, just wow. Oh Good, I get it. What was I'm doing here? I wasn't paid to be part of the script.
*SMW SFX : Iris out*
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survey--s · 10 months
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1 - Who was the last person to knock on your door? Were they there to see you?  A delivery driver - she had a parcel for my husband.
2 - Have you left the house yet today? If not, do you have plans to leave the house later on?  We're pretty much snowed in but I've been in the garden to play with Archie a few times. It's so surreal. We have about a foot of snow outside and all the roads in/out of our town are totally blocked off.
3 - What’s your favourite brand of chocolate? What type of chocolate bar from that brand is your favourite?  Lindt or Milka. I like the red Lindt bars or the plain Milka. I used to love the strawberry one but you can't really find it here very easily.
4 - Have you ever met someone in person who you first met on the internet? Do you have plans to do that anytime soon? Yeah, my husband and a few others too - both friends and dates. I have no plans for that anytime soon, though.
5 - What was the last thing you used a blender for?  Either to make soup or a smoothie.
6 - Have you ever got into an argument with a stranger on social media? Do you remember what it was about?  I like to call them healthy debates lol. And probably all sorts of things, to be honest. It's an easy way to pass the time.
7 - When was the last time you cracked your joints? Is that something you do often?  Just now, and yeah, multiple times a day.
8 - What time is it right now? If you weren’t doing a survey, what else would you be doing right now?  It's 5.40pm and well, not much as we're snowed in and there's nowhere to go and nothing to do. It's also pitch black outside.
9 - If you had ten minutes to run around an empty supermarket and fill your trolley for free, what’s the first aisle you’d go for?  Anything long-lasting - probably soft drinks, toiletries, canned goods.
10 - Aside from Tumblr, what websites do you visit the most and why?  Facebook - just because, I guess.
11 - Has COVID had any impact on your Christmas plans this year? What’s going to change or be different to normal?  No, COVID isn't really a "thing" anymore. I mean, I know it still exists but everyone just treats it as another winter bug rather than anything that needs to have separate rules.
12 - What’s your favourite flavour of cake? Are you any good at making that kind of cake?  Carrot cake, coffee & walnut or Victoria Sponge. I can bake but I don't really enjoy it as it creates loads of mess and washing up lol.
13 - Do you prefer sweet or sour candy? Sour.
14 - What colour is your favourite fruit? Is this a fruit you eat often?  Pink and not really, as they're so expensive. I do buy frozen raspberries sometimes but they don't taste the same.
15 - Is your favourite restaurant an independent place or a chain? What is it that you love about it so much?  They're all independent places. I just love the food I guess, and the atmosphere and service.
16 - Are you genuinely a fan of Starbucks or do you think it’s all hype?  I like it. We don't have one anywhere near us, though.
17 - Do you own a Christmas jumper? What design/pattern does it have on it?  Yeah, one has penguins and the other has beagles in Christmas hats.
18 - What’s your favourite fit/style of jeans?  Dark skinny jeans.
19 - What was the last non-essential item you spent money on?  Candles.
20 - Are you currently under any COVID-related restrictions where you live? Are people generally following the rules?  No, there haven't been any restrictions here for over two years now.
21 - What did you last leave the room you’re in to do?  To go for a wee and to check the weather. It's still bloody snowing.
22 - Have you ever read any self-help books? Did you find them useful?  No, they're not really my cup of tea.
23 - What’s your favourite programme on the Food Network (if you watch it)? If you don’t get that channel, what’s your favourite food/cookery show in general?  Restaurant Impossible but only the early seasons. I'm not really a fan of the later ones for some reason. I also like Worst Cooks in America but I'm not sure what network that is.
24 - Do you still watch cartoons?  I watch The Simpsons but again, early seasons only.
25 - Who do you know with the most number of siblings? Would you ever want to live in a huge family?  Both my parents were one of six and Mike was one of five. Personally I always wanted a brother but I'm happy enough as an only child. I find the idea of big family gatherings really stressful, haha.
26 - Are you a fan of garlic bread? YES. I’m just a huge fan of garlic generally. <–Same. I put it in everything. <--- haha, yep.
27 - Do you own any personalized clothing? What’s the reason for getting it?  Nope.
28 - Is anyone else in the same room as you right now? What is that person up to?  No, Mike is upstairs watching a movie with Toby. The dog is asleep next to me and the other cats are in the box by the radiator.
29 - What colours are you wearing right now? Does your wardrobe contain a lot of those colours?  Grey, black, red and cream and yes, I guess so!
30 - Do you like adding condiments to your food? If so, what are some of your favourites?  Yeah - I don't have a favourite as it depends what food I'm eating.
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
Okay first of all, you can tell I'm not Scott OR Stiles, because it took me until seeing Rhys with the burn bandages in the hospital bed to realize that RHYS was the one the Nogitsune possessed, and it took me until she said "Eichen House", plus the accompanying visual, to establish that the Eichen House is on the same plot of land as the Oak Creek Internment Camp was. XD
That's so freaking sad, and I feel so bad for Noshiko, because in a rage over what had happened to Rhys, she invoked something even worse, and she regretted it instantly, and now there's no coming back from that. And the fact that he said "coup de foudre" right before he died I CAN'T. :( :( :(
The f*cking looks and emotions and lines in the rest of those sequences I CANNOT.
Okay since we're here, starting with Scott, Kira, Ken, and Noshiko.
The fact that Kira looks over at Scott when her mom says it can mean "love at first sight" just SENT ME omg. And then on top of that, the way they keep exchanging looks, and she keeps looking at him for comfort, and he keeps nodding and encouraging her along, and then when he looks at her in just utter awe and amazement and pride when she manages to put the sword back together (also as an aside, Kira's bad*ssery and sass with the "I just found out your 900 years old. I don't think I'll ever trust you again." we love her. <3 <3). And then, after all of that, Noshiko, having been angry at Scott's presence and bitter at the idea of wolves to begin with, ends with looking at Scott with "And maybe seek out a wolf to help you." I CANNOT! I LOVE SCIRA SO FREAKING MUCH!! WHEN DO THEY KISS?! I WANT THEM TO KISS!!
And then, in all of this, Noshiko only further confirms that, as far as she's concerned, the only way to save Stiles is to kill him, and Scott is having NONE of that, and the LINES, dude.
"Sometimes, history does repeat itself, Scott." "Only if you don't learn." "But sometimes even then, fate conspires against you."
I mean, D*MN.
That said, I am obviously with Scott in not killing Stiles, and I fully support this plan, which is why I love, with every fiber of my being, the anger and determination in his face when he says "There's a way to save him. There has to be." Because that is his BEST FRIEND, his BROTHER (Noshiko even admitted that herself), and the last thing he will do is resort to killing him. Never in a million years.
And then we have our little group of four. First of all, that transition was EPIC, going from the sword lighting up to the chess board. I was all for that, OMG.
Secondly, that whole sequence was so good. Everyone working together to figure out Void Stiles' message, but Noah being the one to ultimately break it down and acknowledge that there's more to it than meets the eye, because he's RIGHT. The Nogitsune is a trickster, not a killer, and there HAS to be more to it than just wanting to trap them and kill them.
"All we have to do is come up with a new punch line."
And then that ENDING. The transitions. OMG that set-up was terrifying, but so f*cking beautiful and well-done.
With Noshiko narrating as it goes through her flashback of hiding the Nogitsune in the nemeton, and then the transition to Scott, Stiles, and Allison coming out of the tubs after their sacrifice, and all the little clips of the nemeton falling apart until it eventually released the Nogitsune, all leading up to Stiles in the loft, with his dad opening the door behind him.
"They let the demon out of its cage."
And Void Stiles turns, and Dylan's got that extra little darkness in his eyes that shows he's not the Stiles we know and love, and you get...
"Hi, dad."
And now we immediately watch the next episode because I cannot possibly leave off on that.
Let's f*cking go, because I'm ready (but also so not ready) to see how all of this goes horribly wrong, since we're still two episodes away from the finale...
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(I feel like they're gonna find a way to somehow parallel this exact scene, but then alter it somehow because Scott and Kira will NOT repeat history and kill someone they care about, and I can see the integration of that being so cool and I'm honestly so excited. <3)
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kakubun · 3 years
boo boos
about: where bonten gets patched up by you.. eh except for a minoorrr error
a/n: i hate writing bonten because it's so damn cliche and "you're the only one i love" type of bs but it's addicting🔫🔫
warnings: mentions of blood and violence, chapter 189-206 spoilers‼️‼️, kissing in kakucho's part
tag tag: @rindousarus, @lucylikesbluehairedmen
(lucy idk who you like in bonten but here you go😭😭)
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obviously sanzu is the type to be careless and he sometimes would scratch his face whenever a bastard had a chance to touch him but he easily kills them off
most of the times (would say 3 times), he would be high and it's a completely wrong time for him to be sent off to a mission but he lives the risks of being high so he'll just take whatever the hell mikey gave him
it would be a lot more messier execution and blood would stick and drip down his face while rindou and ran asked him to wash off the stains of his face (no sanzu, doesn't matter if it's the results of your hardwork after pill popping and killing idc)
he eventually does clean off the grime on his face and felt a stinging sensation on his cheek, he touched up everywhere on his face and the scar was lined on the left of his cheek
he sighs with a grin and pressed the wound again and again, feeling the burn of the scar opening and closing
he hums as he slid into your private room to find anything to patch him up or maybe you.. if you could
he peeked from the door way and you were writing down.. who knows? whatever you were writing down was long forgotten when you looked up cause you felt a precense and immediately rushed to sanzu
"cmere you idiot" it's the shocking way to find out, you the partner of sanzu being the bigger person than him. the other members of bonten just watches sanzu being nagged by you like a mother a lot of times when his wild ass doesn't do things right and perhaps one of them let a snicker escape.
you grabbed onto his face gently but quickly pushing him onto a chair and he whistles like a tease to your concerned actions and you grumbled under your breath because of your wreck of a husband. you stopped going through the medkit and paused to look at him, he knows you wanted to pop a question so he tilted his head yo let him know what is it.
"um.. are you okay with hello kitty bandaids?" it was reasonable for him to laugh very loudly because you looked so nervous when you couldn't find any normal bandaids and you didn't say anything when you wiped a clean rag over him. well until he stopped laughing.
"i don't want to make you look like a fool infront of the other members, you clown"
"what are you a kid, why do you even have hello kitty bandaids in the first place hm~?" you told him with a smile threatening to grow on your lips that it was ridiculously cute that you had to buy it. don't waste your chance before it's out of stock <33
so he agrees,
one of the many things that his sweet partner can intoduce him is wearing hello kitty bandaids that fits his hair colour
he DOES NOT give two shits if any of bonten were to make fun of him, he doesn't care if he had to be called preschooler or that you were sending him to school but all that matters is to be showy with his glamarous bandaids that he had so he could remember that sweet expression on your face when he decides to wear them
it's completely okay if you called him extra because you know this man has the audacity to ask if you had hello kitty bandages if his arms bled
"sanzu, do you think this is a fashion show" you deadpanned at him when you see him sneaking on bandaids on his face, to what show you? because you know damn we this fool is wasting precious stuff during the time he won't need it.
he slowly starts peeling off another one when you start scolding him, giving empty threats on how you'll wrap him up in bandages to bury him later and the time you turn around again is where he quickly pushed the sticky bandaid on you.
"there, we're matching!" he points at the mirror or better he shifts you towards the mirror by grabbing your waist and loosely hugging it when you look at the glass when both you and sanzu had the cute bandaid on both your noses.
perhaps you shouldn't rub your temples and stress about this a lot because your husband will not take this seriously.
this was a boss we're talking about so mikey had to intervine because this smart group of asses are actually breaking into bonten's bank, carefully taken care by the haitani brothers
the boss got held at gun point before the last few seconds of his breath to get him to spill but mikey got impatient and accidently killed him too soon
mikey gripped the gun in frustration that his fingers could form a bruise with how hard he's holding it, an unfortunate turn of events had happened when the windows in all the rooms got smashed in by the other members of the sleaze he killed and managed to land a kick on his head
sanzu dealt with the problem quickly, blocking mikey from the enemies slinging the katana he had lazily on his side with a crazed glint in his eyes threatening the other members from getting way too close
the kick was unnessarily strong for no reason that mikey wobbled to his knees to the sheer impact the feet of the slain man (sanzu specially killed) could effect him so much
kakucho swiftly lead mikey out of the room whilst shooting down any person running in
mikey settled in your shared bedroom as he informed sanzu and kakucho to put him in the room whenever anything serious occured because he atleast wanted to see his beloved when he wakes up
the soft plush pilliows greeted his head as his half unconscious form laid on the bed before his eyes gave up and met darkness (like his impulses‼️‼️)
the taps of a wet cloth made him jolt out of his slumber and you panicked, telling him it's just you and you were just taking care of him while he's asleep. his head hurted when he shifted to look at you and you gently told him to rest when he feels bandages wrapped around his head.
he sensed your worry when your lips trembled on the face of his skin when you pecked kisses all over him and he couldn't help pulling you over into a hug which you squeled when you stumbled out of your chair.
"sleep with me love" he kissed you back on all the places you touched him with your lips to calm down the hurting beats of your heart when you see him writhing from the danger he put himself in, you held his face which he tiredly nodded to your thoughts which were all concerned for him.
you're worried if the head injury's bad, nah don't he shakes his head if you ever think that, he just needs to bask in the comfort of his love.
hours passed as mikey fell asleep in your arms, relaxed by your side when he wakes up but eventually he had to talk to the other bonten members for them to fill him in on any news
he reluctantly gets up because he wanted to still admire your sleeping face, the serene peace you were in as your chest slowly bumps on his arm when you breathe in and out when he shifts away made him feel bad but he had no choice
this was sonething he worried about and he didn't want to happen but he felt your fingertips on his back when you reached for him to stay
"mm.. mikey, your face.."
he touches his face feeling baindaids on it and he got on his knees to stare at your lips and to hear what you wanted to say
"um.. we ran out of actual bandaids from the last time you got hurt but i found my rabbit bandaids but i don't know if you want to go out to the others like.."
you stopped rambling when he puts his head down to laugh quietly to how worried you got, he shushed you to not get so concerned and he looks in the mirror to see the bandaids plastered on his cheek. he waved at you before going and shut the door noiselessly.
there's no need to be scared of his public image or whatever, mikey nonchalantly wore it around the members, he didn't mind if they let out an amused sound of them when the feared leader of bonten walks around with cute rabbits plastered on his face.
even he couldn't keep a grin from slipping out.
they had divisions and they were given to kakucho and sanzu, mikey's trusted men
they supervised their own divisions and trained them with the basics they need to know in bonten, also giving the excuse to watch out for any spies or 'traitors'
with that the two had the time of their lives.. minus kakucho, sanzu was going crazy on his men and if you glanced quickly, you wouldn't notice how hard sanzu was on his men
there were times that sanzu might've just played all of them and kick their teeth out instead of doing warmups with them but kakucho's a lot more responsible while sanzu was respected in fear, everyone respected kakucho because of his strength and level headed behaviour
the division each took turn with kakucho, sparring with one another eventhough it might've taken a whole day because he wanted to see how capable they are without dreading that their lives would be in danger if he took his eyes off one of his men
let's just say some of them were really aggresive
while kakucho would applaud them for this to be absolute beasts in beating the hell of out of him in the session, he still tasted spite from getting pushed back and forth but he kept cool and thought this as a process for his patience
by the end of the day, everything's dismissed and sanzu would look at him with a toothy smirk because of how much damage he endured
sanzu calls kakucho reckless as he spits at him to clamp his mouth shut before a gun goes in it as bruises and scratches were on his face, the same with sanzu who liked the pain and took a while to patch up
kakucho looks in the mirror to see how bad it is and to how bad he flinched, he gets twitchy
he thought of you, he didn't want to hurt your feelings and see you glare at him in sadness on how rough things were at the headquarters when he trained so he tried his best to get rid off any visible marks on his face
it was time for him to go back so he bowed to mikey, a sign for him to leave and trudged home to see you again
it was at dead of night, clock nearing 1am when he greets the safe home an "i'm home" and he hears the television on, he slowly walks into the living room and placed a hand on the couch to pull himself to it to see you wrapped up like a burrito and snoring a little.
he smiled to himself, his lover leaving the movie they loved playing and accidently falling asleep which made him frown a bit when he realizes that you were probably waiting for him to reach.
he patted your shoulder and whisperes that he's home and asked for you to hold on when he carried you in his arms and hugged you tighter when you were all warm but your hands cold when he felt it sting against the back of his neck. he planted you on the cold sheets of the bed which you stretched like a cat to look up at him and he hisses at you not to get up so quickly when you held his face.
you smashed your lips on him which he didn't expect and he felt himself heating up to how straightforward you are, you missed him so much although it's been a day. you cursed at him for being an idiot for hurting himself all over and rested your forehead on his and he feebly says his apologies.
"but you're my idiot, c'mere" his ears red when you got off the bed to open up a medkit and he tells to stop and you were not having it and you grabbed his chin for him to look at you while he squirms a little when you also have to observe his face to look at his state.
you dragged to the shower and though he hates how troubled you were when he's hurt, he finds it endearing when you start bossing him around. he really needed someone to pull him out of his roughed up state with a little scolding.
also a bonus that he's also a simp for you so it's two good things in one to obey.
after the warm shower and the scrubs you did to each other, he felt relaxed while you threw yourself on the bed in sleepiness but you had to deal with some things first.
you straddled his lap while applying the bandaids on his face and he squints and looks closely at it, they were small [animal/s] dancing around on the bandaid and he left out a soft chuckle that made your heart leap.
"these [animal/s] are like you" you lift an eyebrow while pressing it down on his jaw and he explained on how you were the bigger person than anyone and 'ferocious' you were but he knew that you cared deeply about the people you love.
you lightly smacked on his cheek which made him yelp, if that wasn't the cheesiest bullshit he spewed then you didn't know anymore, kakucho has his face recognized as the respectable bonten 3 but he still had the heart of a boy holding his gifted new puppy.
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adatheromcomaddict · 3 years
How You Meet the Cullens + Jacob
Hi! I've decided I'm going to put some of my stuff from Wattpad, over here. If you want to see my Wattpad, its the same username as I have here. Anyway, this is how you meet the Cullens, + Jacob. Probably intended for female readers, but it could mostly go either way... I think. And I do have the girls as well in here.
Edward Cullen:
Edward and you met at school. Of course.
"Um, excuse me?" You asked a small girl, with short brown hair.
She turned around, revealing her pale white skin, and beautiful golden eyes.
"How can I help you?" She asked.
"I was wondering where Mr. Molina's classroom is?" You replied.
"Oh, yes. I can show you the way!" She grabbed your hand, and pulled you down the halls. (Wow, this is turning into an Alice preference)
"Thank you!" You said, when you two arrived at the classroom.
She pointed inside the room, towards a beautiful boy, with golden hair, and dark, dark, eyes. He glared at her, with his hand over his mouth. I turned to look at her, and she winked back at him.
"Uh, thank you. Oh, I never got your name." You said.
"Alice. Yours?" She asked, still smiling.
"Well, Y/N, looks like you'll be sitting next to my brother, Edward, in there." She waved, and skipped away.
I walked inside the class, towards the boy, and sat down. He looked away, took a deep breath, then turned back to me.
"Hi, um, I'm Y/N. You're Edward, right?" I asked.
"Yes. I-I am." He seemed like he was in pain or something.
Jacob Black:
I had lived in the outermost part of Forks for as long as I have lived. (Sounds like a wedding vow)
We were right next to the border of La Push. Therefore, I go to the school in the reservation.
(I have absolutely NO clue what the school is like there, so I'm making it up)
But, I didn't really talk to anyone. I had a few friends from down in the more central part of Forks, Bella Swan was one of them. She recently moved here full time. I hadn't seen her since I was little.
There was this one kid named Jacob who I had met a couple of times, mostly when he played with Bella snd I while our parents went fishing or whatever.
But, since Bella was going to school in Forks, I decided I would try and re-connect with this Jacob, to see if I could hang out with him.
So, I asked around one day at school for what classes he was in, and found out that he was in one of my classes. How did I never notice? Oh, just me and my oblivious self. (Sorry, if you're like- not oblivious?)
Well, I found him one day.
"Jacob, right?" I asked him.
"Oh, yes, oh, oh! Y/N! Hi!" He seemed to be a very nice boy.
"Yes, it's me. Um, I haven't talked to you in years, I'm surprised you remember my name." I explained.
"I'm surprised you remembered mine." He laughed.
"So, uh, I"m kind of wondering if you want to like, hang out or something. Anywhere works. I just need some company." (Bella who?)
"Sire! You could come by my house today after school and we can catch up. Do you like cars?" He asked.
"Depends." I laughed in response.
"Well, you can come help me too. I like to re-build them."
"Sounds like a plan."
Emmett Cullen:
(for this one you are a vampire already, and yes I basically stole Rosalie's life. Also, if I get facts wrong, don't come for me, just tell me *kindly* and I will fix it)
I became a vampire in 1920. Two years after my brother Edward, and one year before my mother Esme.
I'd been a vampire for 15 years already. How time flies
One day I was running through the forest when I heard screams coming from a small patch. I sprinted towards the place, and saw a boy, probably 20, getting attacked by a bear. I shoved the bear off of him instantly, and bit into it, getting it's blood.
I remembered that the boy was watching, and was probably shaken up, not to mention, he was most likely dying. I turned back towards him, wiping a small bit of blood off of my lip, and said,
"Hello, I'm Y/N Cullen."
"E-Emmet. How did you do that?" He asked, very weakly.
"I have my ways. What hurts?" I asked.
"Everything." Of course-
"I'll be right back. Don't move." Not that he really could. I sprinted back to my house. I opened the door, and Carlisle, Esme, and Edward turned towards me.
"Y/N? What is it?" Carlisle asked.
"There's a boy, Emmett. He got attacked by a bear. He's very weak. You need to turn him Carlisle."
They all sprinted into the woods, and I led them towards where Emmett lay. He was still there, but weaker.
Jasper Hale:
(you're a vampire)
Jasper became a vampire in 1863. (I think)
He was telling me his story.
I had recently been turned into a vampire by Carlisle, after he rescued me, and I hadn't really met the rest of the family yet. (You can make up why you had to become a vampire)
When Jasper had finished the story, I said, "Wow."
"That's all I could get out. His story was just, wow....
I forgot, Edward could read my mind. I only remembered when he chuckled after I thought that.
I gave him an internal glare.
Bella was sitting in the corner, with him.
"So, Y/N, tell us your full story." Jasper smiled.
(Sorry, his is kind of short..)
Carlisle Cullen:
It was my first day working at the Forks Hospital and I needed some directions.
I walked up to mid-height man, with blonde hair, and very pale skin.
"Hello, sir?" I asked him, and he spun around.
"Yes, Ms. Y/L/N?" He asked.
"H-how do you know my last name?" I asked in response.
"I heard someone talking about you coming, and you're the only new face around here. We don't get them often." He smiled, and my heart fluttered. Good thing he wasn't like a super-hearer or anything. {;)}
"Well, uhm, I was just wondering where the surgical ward is?" He pointed towards the left, and I smiled slightly, walking away, and quietly looking back at him after I was sure he couldn't see me.
Alice Cullen:
(You had already seen Alice before, but never interacted with her much, like most of the students)
I was walking around in the forest, when I heard footsteps.
"Hello?" I called out.
"Y/N!" A girl replied, I noticed it was Alice Cullen.
"Oh, hello, Alice." I was a bit confused to how she knew my name, but to be honest, I knew her's too and that's a bit strange. But, everyone does talk about the Cullens.
"What are you doing out here in the forest?" She asked me. I didn't have a valid answer. I could say "Just felt like taking a stroll..." or "Oh, I'm working on my steps." but, none of those were true, I really didn't know what I was doing here.
"Uhm, working on my steps, and taking a stroll....??" I questioned myself.
"Oookay then. Would you like to come with me? I can show you some of my favorite spots to relax." The way she said relax made me think she wasn't relaxing, and probably meant running around and exercising. Just what I needed.
"Sure, sounds great." I smiled.
Rosalie Hale:
Everyone that lives in Forks knows about the Cullens. Even the people in the reservation.
There's the three boys, the goofy one, the silent one, and the constipated one.
Then there's the two girls. Alice and Rosalie.
I've talked to Alice, we've said hi.
But in general, I know nothing about Rosalie.
All I know is she is incredibly smart, beautiful, and did I mention gorgeous?
I've never had the guts to talk to her. Maybe it's that I'm a wimp, or maybe it's that she is very intimidating. Probably a mixture of both.
But today, I got lucky, and didn't have to talk to her. She talked to me.
I had noticed her eyeing me a few times, and I never knew if she was looking down on me, in a bad way, or if she was interested in me. Both ways scared me.
Today, she came up to me.
I was sitting at the lunch table with Angela and Jessica, and the new kid, Bella.
"Y/N, can I talk to you really quick?" She asked.
"Uh, uh, yes, yes, sure." I stood up quickly, and while walking away with her, I turned towards Angela and Jess, and they smiled and winked.
"So, what did you want to talk about?" I asked.
"Well, I wanted to know... did you want to hang out sometime?"
"Like, a date...?"
"Uh, yeah. Like a date." She smiled and we both laughed.
"Sure." I smiled back.
Bella Swan:
Apparently, today Chief Swan's daughter is moving to the school.
I'm looking forward to it, I want to make more friends.
I was standing outside, waiting to see if I spotted her, when a big, orange-red truck pulled into the parking lot.
It must be her! I've never seen that truck before.
I ran up to it, when I saw people laughing at it. Whatever, I think it's cool.
She climbed out of her truck, and I probably startled her, standing there.
"Hi! I'm Y/N Y/L/N. You're Chief Swan's daughter, right?" I asked.
"Uh, yes. Bella Swan." She stuck out her hand, and I shook it.
"So, do you want to know anything, anything special?" I asked.
"Um, I'm not sure...." She said, tucking her hair behind her ear. (Ugh, a classic Bella move)
"No worries. Let me show you to your first class." I smiled, and took her hand, pulling her down the hallway.
Esme Cullen:
I was walking around town, alone. A kind of dangerous move, since there have been so many mysterious attacks lately.
I was looking through random stores, when I noticed Esme Platt, (we're just saying she isn't a Cullen because I guess they aren't married...????) Carlisle Cullen's old friend. (I don't even know how to write this...)
"Hi, Esme." I said.
"Oh, hello, Y/N." She smiled.
"How have you been?" I haven't seen her in a while. We've talked a few times.
"I've been good, how have you been?" She replied.
"I'm great. We really should catch up sometime." I said, trying to be subtle.
"Yes, we should. Do you want to go to lunch tomorrow?" She asked.
"Of course! Where do you want to go?"
"Don't worry about me. I won't eat much anyway."
So, yeah, that's it. I'm aware that these aren't perfection, bur they were fun to write so, yeah!
I will be posting a lot more now since I'm getting really into writing again ;)
Thank you all for reading, (not that a ton of people are going to read this lol)
And yeah, see you soon! :3
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In celebration of the Animaniacs reboot's second season coming out soon...
I'm going to list a few things I think the reboot does better than the original show so far (not including technical things like animation quality or sound quality, that's not a fair comparison). Here we go:
1. There's a "Here's the show's namey" variant every episode now rather than re-used lines (like "Pinky and the Brain-y"). I totally get why the original show re-used lines (although by season 3 they do so way less), but it's just really cool the a new and unique one every episode now.
2. Yakko's role as big brother seems more apparent now. He was always the leader in the original show sure, and he clearly did care for his siblings, but there wasn't really a sense of authority there. The Warners, either alone or together, always did their own thing. The fact that they weren't all (physically) the same age didn't really matter in most episodes, and often only apparent due to their (kind of inconsistent in the original-I SAID I WOULDN'T TALK ABOUT THE ANIMATION) height differences. Now, in addition to him being the leader, there's multiple episodes where Dot/Wakko will ask Yakko for permission to do stuff, like keeping the bunnies as pets or to watch TV.
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It's a cute touch, a nice little reminder that "Oh yeah they're not triplets".
3. The PG rating has allowed for edgier jokes/language. Characters can say "Hell" now, Pinky almost said "bull-(you know what)" and Wakko almost said "motherf-(you know what)", then there's these:
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It's dark but I think it's funny darn it 🤣.
4. Less mediocre segments. I've said it before, I'll say it again, the Warners, Pinky and the Brain and Slappy carried the original show. I also enjoyed Rita and Runt and Minerva Mink segments, but they were cut from the show after season 1, so that sucks. Every other segment on the show I consider kinda okay/mediocre/bad 🤷‍♀️. A lot of characters would've worked better as recurring characters within segments where they're not the stars. Honestly their absence is a positive in my book, while watching the original show I often found myself thinking "Man I wish this show only had the Warners, Pinky and the Brain and Slappy segments in it". I know Slappy isn't in the reboot but that's not a deal breaker for me (the other two segments are a lot more popular so I understand prioritising them). If no Slappy also means no Katie Kaboom, I'm good.
5. More heartfelt moments - outside of the Rita and Runt segments (as in there's a higher ratio of them, not trying to compare how heartfelt they are). In the original, pretty much the only segments that had heartfelt moments consistently was Rita and Runt (Rita's song about humans, "Smitten with Kitttens", "Puttin' on the Blitz", etc). This is fine, it's a comedy show; but it would have been nice if some of the characters that got a lot more screen time than those two (the Warners, Pinky and the Brain, etc) had some too, especially since there are no Rita and Runt segments past season 1 anyway.
I know before the reboot there were quite a quite few heartfelt moments related to Animaniacs-the climax of the Pinky and the Brain Christmas special, Dot's fake out death (spoilers for a movie from over two decades ago-yes it's that old get over it) in Wakko's Wish...basically all of "One Flew Over the Cuckoo Clock". But most of those aren't actually in the original show, only one of them is. Wakko's Wish is a non-canon (I swear "Animaniacs" and "canon" are two words that don't mix but you get my point) movie and Pinky and the Brain series is a spin-off. If we're talking exclusively about the original series that ran from 1993 to 1998, then only "One Flew Over the Cuckoo Clock" counts really.
Maaaaaybe that one moment in Taming of the Screwy when Scratchy tells the Warners to leave...but it was really quick and not taken that seriously (it kinda just felt like build up for a punchline) so I think that one's a stretch (although it was a little sad).
Meanwhile the reboot already has caught up to it (in only 13 episodes as well) with two moments; Brain's backstory in "Roadent Trip" and Yakko's panic attack in "Fear and Laughter in Burbank". They're both taken seriously, last over a minute and say something pretty interesting about the characters involved. It's just nice to see characters other than Rita and Runt be allowed to have emotional moments (again, within the actual show). It's on-par with the original in this regard despite having 86 less episodes. And there's probably more heartfelt moments to come!
6. The Warner's fangs:
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They make them look a little more feral! 😁 Very fitting, I wish they had them originally now. I also appreciate that they (usually) don't have gaps in their teeth anymore. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE their TMS designs, but I honestly prefer the Warners with no gaps in their teeth.
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7. The PatB segments. Just in general, overall I like them more than in the original show (I'm comparing them to the ones in the original Animaniacs, I'm not talking about the PatB segments in the spin off series, Pinky an the Brain). Not only are they more creative, with ideas like Future Brain and Julia, they also do the running gag thing less. What I mean is, in the original show their segments sometimes would have a running gag they do over and over within a segment, to the point where it becomes obvious that gag is how/related to how the plan is gonna fail. Some examples of segments that do this are "Bubba Bo Bob Brain", "Spellbound" and "Brain Meets Brawn". Now of course we know they're gonna fail, but trying to guess how they fail or the surprise how how they fail is one of the fun parts of their segments. Their segments are already quite formulaic, so why add to that? The reboot so far pretty much only did this once in "Close Encounters of the Worst Kind", so that's good.
8. More variety in terms of musical genres. Most of the songs in the old show are of the old-school Broadway type of music. There's a lot of orchestral music, a bit of jazz. Many songs just add lyrics to pre-existing music. Which is good, 'cause those songs are good. But I appreciate the reboot adding some other genres in there, like pop and hip hop. They're NOT what you'd expect an Animaniacs song to sound like, but they're still amazing! (like The Cutening song or Yakko's rap).
9. The Warners' morality. This one's really important. Ideally, the Warners should act like karmic tricksters. Yeah they can be annoying to anybody, but are generally harmless and actually pretty friendly if left alone/aren't being mistreated. Once someone actually provokes them though, they won't hesitate to humiliate, harm and drive insane their "special friend". This is explained well in "The Sound of Warners" (credit goes to clownmoontoon for the video):
Sometimes the Warners don't even need to be the ones being provoked for them to go after someone for being a jerk, like in "Morning Malaise", where they call out a radio show host for being rude to their guests, or in "Dot's Entertainment", where they call out a parody of Andrew Lloyd Webber for placing blame onto his actors.
But then in seasons 4 and 5 of the original show they start bothering people and legitimately harming people who literally weren't being rude to them at all. Some examples of this are "Anchors Awarners", "Acquaintances", and "Back in Style":
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I guess I can understand in "Back in Style", they were mad about being sold off to other studios against their will, but they took it out on actors who probably had no say in the matter.
Thankfully, in the reboot they seem back to normal, once again only intentionally humiliating and/or harming people who actually provoked them, be it hunters ("Good Warner Hunting",) cocky athletes, ("Gold Meddlers"), rude conductors ("Here Comes Treble"), etc.
...and I think that's all I got. There are other things too but they're smaller points not really worth mentioning. I do like both series the same but wanted to praise the reboot specifically given that I have done multiple posts analysing the original show.
Season 2, here we come!
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batlingsstuff · 4 years
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✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
hello! this is my first time doing headcanons, and i just want to clarify some things:
sadly, i won't be doing requests because i'm busy af with school and i dont want to dissapoint anyone, but you can drop some suggestions and i would think about it! it would be really nice :)
also i won't be writing romantic headcanons for minors or those who are uncomfortable with it, but i can do platonic headcanons for them! ^^
i won't be doing nsfw headcanons either, because i'm uncomfy with sexualizing real people and just writing nsfw in general :)
also, please tell me if someone is uncomfortable with fanfics and/or headcanons and i will erase that part as fast as possible, thanks for passing by! - batling
✦ means platonic
✦ characters : ranboo, tubbo, tommy, philza, techno and jschlatt
♥ means romantic
♥ characters: quackity, wilbur, nihachu, dream, george, sapnap, eret, karl, fundy and bbh
(y/n) : your name
(n/n) : nickname
(p/p) : pizza place
✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
“As he read, I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once.” – John Green
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♥ Quackity
oh boy
i just have two words for this one: pure chaos
he will punch you with a pillow if you try to sleep
and you will be MAD at this
grabbing a pillow and hitting him RIGHT IN THE FACE with all your strenght
he'll probably fake cry about it, saying that you hurt him
after a while of pillow fighting, you guys got tired and plopped into the bed, snuggling into eachother and just enyoing the comfortable silence before drifting to sleep
♥ Wilbur
you two will probably blast hamilton and scream the lyrics till the neighbours wake up and you get angry knocks at your door
and you will laugh at that, lowering the speaker's volume and telling him to lower his voice aswell to avoid your neighbours calling the police
then you'll eat snacks and talk about anything that pops into your mind, laughing at the most silly jokes
he will sing sweet songs to you, making you fall asleep to his calming voice
summary: fluff
♥ Nihachu
you and her will bake pastries at a very late hour
she REALLY enjoys baking with you bc she thinks it's a great way to spend time with you
all this girl wants is to spend her time by your side, doing particularlly anything like streaming, baking, playing games and going outside for a walk and/or shopping
once you finished baking, she will kiss your cheek multiple times. that's her way to tell you that you did a great job :)
you'll spend the rest of the night cuddling, eating your pastries and watching some random movie, commenting about how bad it is and laughing
♥ Dream
this bitch will speedrun the sleepover
is it possible to speedrun a sleepover? maybe
you'll spend the rest of the night probably playing uncharted 3: drake's deception in his old ps3
after a while, you guys got bored from uncharted and went to his pc to play amnesia: the dark descent
there are 2 options:
you will be scared as fuck and will avoid looking at the screen when you think something bad will happen or when some body will come out from a drawer
or you will be totally chill with it, laughing hard when clay pisses his pants for real when he encounters the gatherer
you named the gatherer 'bob' :)
♥ George
he'll take you to the rooftop
and pushes you so you fall to your death
i mean
he gets blankets and pillows so you can stargaze together
he'll teach you the constelations while pointing them, excited about every single one of them
"look (y/n), that's the ursa major!"
he'll have hot chocolate prepared too, so you don't get cold while stargazing
you try your best to not fall asleep on the rooftop
but eventually fail
when he notices you're asleep, he stops talking about the constellations and carries you to your bedroom, giving you a goodnight kiss and leaving you in your bed so you can have a peaceful rest
♥ Sapnap
hey mamas
i don't know what sapnap will do in a sleepover so i will just improvise B)
you will watch anime together
not any kind of anime, like that romance-comedy bullcrap
no fuck that
you will watch the classy angsty anime like madoka magica
you will fucking cry because of literally anything that happens to the characters
"(y/n) why are you crying it's just a show"
the last chapter made you fucking cry harder
yeah you will basically watch anime with him, cry about it and he will comfort you and bring you a glass of water so you don't have a terrible headache after it
♥ Eret
you two will plan a picnic in your yard
yes your yard
he'll bring a ton of snacks and you'll buy a few drinks
you two spend the rest of the picnic talking about your future and enjoying the snacks
then, he'll make you stand up and will teach you how to dance tango
and of course you will mess everything up
and you even stomped on his feet accidentally, making him wimper
but he brushed off the pain and laughed at your concerned face
after calming down his laughter, he gave you a passionate kiss and hugged you tightly
i love eret ok
♥ Karl Jacobs
this man.
this man is the definition of sweet
you'll spend the night cuddling and making cute pet names for eachother
he will definetely give you a great back massage if you're stressed
then he'll start writing love letters full of things he adore of you
and you'll do the same for him
after that, you will share your letters and just snuggle and smile at the sweet things you guys wrote for eachother
he will deffo shower you with kisses when he finishes reading your letter, telling you that you're the nicest person on earth
and that he loves you so so much
♥ Fundy
i'm a huge fundy simp ok
he will bring his piano to your house and you guys will compose a melody together
he will let you sit on his lap while you play the piano/keyboard with him
fundy will basically teach you how to play basic piano songs
you asked him if you guys could play megalovania together
he said no :(
but still you got to play nice songs together without messing up
and when you got the hang of it, he snuggled his face in your neck and kissed you there genly
and when you got tired, he started playing very calming songs and you fell asleep in his lap, snuggling into his chest
he gently carried to your room and will sleep beside you putting a fair distance so you can have a comfortable sleep!
♥ BadBoyHalo
bbh supremacy
he will get rat ready so you can snuggle with her too :)
you guys will mainly play with rat and talk about life in general
he will call you tons of cute pet names
ofc he will call you muffin it's bbh who we're talking about
he will talk about how bad he wants to spend the rest of his life with you
after a while, he will take you to his kitchen and start making muffins together
he will guide you on how to bake 'em though
you guys had a great time making muffins and cuddling with him and rat :)
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✦ Ranboo
tall mf gives the best piggy back rides
when he gets to your house there is a 100% chance he will bump his head on the door frame
and there is a 100% chance you will make fun of him because of that
"(y/n) please stop laughing my head hurts :("
you'll give him some ice to put on his head while you two play minecraft on your ps4
you will bring snacks too and ask him if his head is better
"yeah, thank you (n/n)"
he will pull you in a hug so you can be comfy together while you play good ol' minecraft
because ranboo surely doesn't play anything besides fucking minecraft
stfu that video of him playing spooky's jump scare mansion doesn't exist
✦ Tubbo
he will gift you a bee plushie
expect a lot of (FRIENDLY) hugs from him
like fundy, you guys will play piano together
you guys are most likely to prank call some random numbers AND your friends
and you accidentally called some random pizza place
"hello! this is (p/p), may i take your order?"
you were nervous and didn't know what to say
"hello? are you there?"
'hi yes, i would like to order 7 extra large pepperoni pizzas to (tommy's adress).'
"oh- okay! uhm- they will arrive in a few hours. are you okay with that?"
'yes ma'am, thank you.'
when you ended the call, you couldn't help but burst out laughing, knowing that tommy will be so mad at you guys-
✦ Tommy
like quackity, PURE. CHAOS.
you guys will obviously stream your sleepover
doing a q&a stream :)
tubbo and wilbur will probably crash your stream and start spamming things like 'MEETUP??' and 'DIDN'T GET AN INVITE'
you guys laughed and added them to the call
'i'm sorry willlll'
you kept playing minecraft with wilbur, tubbo and quackity too since he crashed your stream like an hour later
after the stream, you got up and plopped on the mattress that was on the floor
"okay, good night big (initial)"
✦ Philza
and oh god you ADORE kristin
i'm pretty sure she's a total sweetheart
it would be like having a sleepover with your parents
only that it's less boring
you guys will watch a movie together, you will be in one side of the couch eating snacks while phil and kristin are in the other cuddling
you'll eventually bug them about it
after the movie, you fell asleep early and philza noticed, talking to kristin about it too
and wrapped a blanket around you so that you get a good rest :)
✦ Technoblade
mr. blood god teaches you the arts of the CRAFT.
yeah i mean it's techno what else does he play besides minecraft
he will play bedwars w/ u, teaching you how to pvp
"bro you kinda suck tbh"
'stfu techno'
he will comment about how bad you are, but tries to help you get better anyways
and when you do a very poggers gamer move, he praises you
and when he praises you you're all :)))
after awhile, he gets tired from watching you play minecraft and suggest watching anime
fucking weeb
i mean
other thing you guys do together in a sleepover is playing and commenting about pokemon
if you don't like pokemon get tf out of here /J
i was joking please don't leave i respect your tastes
✦ Jschlatt
ooooh boy
get ready for a session of wii training
that's all you guys will do
play wii sports and some other shit like wii music
he will laugh his ass of if you fall while playing wii fit
but he will eventually help you bc outside his funny and shouty persona, he's a really chill guy and a really nice person!
seriously like have you ever seen a theweeklyslap video?
well expect hearing amazing pep talks from him
bc this man is a legend and knows his way to words and is very good at comforting people :)
sometimes you'll rant to him about anything that's happening in your life, and he will listen to you and give you really helpful advice
and you appreciate him so much for that
✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
TYSM FOR READING GUYS, i appreciate it if you made it this far :)
i hope you guys really enjoyed these headcanons, it's my first time doing them and aa i'm a bit nervous about posting this but i'll be fine ig
also i'm sorry if there's a grammatical error, english is not my native language and i'm still learning it :) have a nice day/night, drink water and don't fuck up your sleeping schedule!!
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arson-404 · 3 years
Hello! @bubblyani inspired me to make this!
Truth | 01
Warnings: 18+, lime, blood, death, murder, suicide, depression
Fandom: Lucifer
Pronouns used for reader: she/her (reader is also AFAB)
Enjoy, loves. <3
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"Please? It'll be so much fun!"
Your friend said, putting an emphasis on 'fun'.
You sighed, rubbing the bridge of your nose. "Fine, but if either of us gets kidnapped at this club, it's not my fault."
"Oh my God, you're so dramatic."
"It's my talent. When are we going? I have work to do today." You asked, fumbling with a shirt that was on the floor of your bedroom.
"Does eleven o'clock work?"
You glanced over to the clock, reading the time.
7 PM.
You'd be done with work at around eight-thirty.
Thinking for a moment, you reluctantly agreed. "Okay. LUX, right?"
"Yay! Yeah, the owner's super hot. And so is one of the bartenders. Maya? Macie? Something with an 'a' and 'm'."
"Gosh, you thirst over everyone."
"You would, too, if you saw them! Which you will. Well, I don't know if the bartender will be there, but—"
You two talked a while, until you had to do your at-home work.
You liked working at home because you didn't really like going out to work for countless hours, but sometimes it was nice to let loose.
Like at this club you were going to go to, which you were kind of nervous about.
Your mind gave you flashbacks of one night when you just turned twenty-one and went to a club with your friends, Hørizon was the name.
The sounds of booming music made it's way to your ears, your head pounding.
"Five shots of whiskey over here!"
"Um, I- I don't think I ca..." Too drunk, you couldn't even finish your sentence, as you wobbled a bit in your seat.
A minute later, a whiskey shot was in front of you — too drunk and tempted, you grabbed the small glass, gulping it down.
Delilah's friend, Tina, paid for the drinks.
The burning sensation in your throat didn't affect you much after the many shots you took before.
Your head turned to your best friend, Delilah, -which you had just met a few weeks ago at this time-, who was selecting the first contact in her phone to call, since she was a little too drunk to dial a number manually.
"Heeeeeyy, Fionaa, we're at a club." She slurred her words a bit, giggling. You could hear the faint voice from the phone.
"Oh my God, are you drunk?" Delilah only giggled in response, too drunk to make a coherent response. "Okay, I'm assuming you're at that one club you went to last week, right?" "Mmmhm!" "Are you with anyone else?" "Errr... like, my friends."
You could practically feel Delilah's friend pinch her nose. "How many?" "Uhhh... one... two... four..." She paused. "Fourth!" She said, giggling, adding a -th to the word she meant to say.
"Alright. You're lucky you're my... friend."
And then you blacked out, waking up at Delilah's apartment on the couch, others on the floor or sharing the couch with you.
You still remember that awful hangover you had afterwards.
You chuckled at the memory, stretching a bit. After finishing an essay for your boss, revising and editing it, you glanced at the clock, checking the time.
8:51 PM.
It was definitely past 8:30, but you weren't going until eleven.
You had time to pick out your outfit, relax, and do some housework if you wanted to -which you didn't want to-.
Standing up, leaving the chair you'd been glued to for almost two hours, you sighed, making your way to the closet.
You rummaged through it, and after a little, you found an outfit you liked.
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Humming, you put it on your bed, along with your extra wallet (which had less money than your normal wallet, so when you went to the club, you wouldn't lose a bunch of money from being robbed or losing it) and some water to put in Delilah's car to sober up after the club.
You checked your phone before putting it on your charger.
Footsteps padded against the floor as you made your way to the couch to watch some of your favorite show, 'The Good Doctor'.
'Some' turned into almost three hours.
And now you had eleven minutes to get ready.
You rushed to the bathroom to do your makeup — not like anyone would see it, anyway. But you liked doing your makeup, not because you were insecure, but because you just liked trying new styles.
And you really liked eyeliner.
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(Reference picture, I think it's Niki Nihachu, but I'm not sure.)
After you were done, you shoved the makeup into your container in the bathroom, hastily going to your room, fumbling with the clothing to put it on.
After about five minutes, you succeeded, and grabbed your phone from the charger, opening your messaging app up.
Hey, you ready?
Seen at 10:57 PM.
Lilah 💖
yep. i'm already headed there.
Seen at 10:57 PM.
Don't text while driving.
Seen at 10:57 PM.
And don't respond to this.
Seen at 10:58 PM.
You turned off your phone, putting it in your pocket, grabbing your stuff, your wallet shoved in your other pocket, two bottles of water in the other hand.
A few minutes later, your door opened to reveal your friend in a clubbing outfit, her curly black hair mostly laying on her right shoulder.
She had a see-through black top with another top under it, the same color.
Delilah had a black bag, the actual bag part laying on her right hip, the strap on her left shoulder.
She had a black skirt-shorts with a red and black plaid flannel tied around her waist.
The beautiful woman also had long, black, high heeled boots, going up to under her knees, but short enough to walk.
Her tattoos were slightly visible on the lower thighs.
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(What I based her off of. Not sure who this is!)
"If I wasn't planning on making a move on that bartender — if she's there, I would try to date you, oh my God, you're gorgeous." Her lips formed a flirtatious, but platonic joke.
"Oh my gosh, you're definitely prettier, what the hell do you mean?" You smiled, winking.
"Alright, you've convinced me, I'm prettier." She said, shrugging her shoulders. You let out a playful pout, "Damn, I'm so broken."
"Whatever, you'll get over it. Let's go!" She smiled, tugging your arm, taking the water bottles and putting it in her bag so you could lock the door.
Soon, you both arrived at the fancy, famous club called LUX.
Excitedly, your friend, Delilah, got in line with you, figuratively jumping up and down with joy.
"Oh my God, you'll love it here, Y/n. All of the men, women, and enbys are definitely gonna hit on you, bae."
"Assuming I'd be confident enough to let them approach me."
She rolled her eyes, chuckling.
You both got closer and closer to the doors of the provocative strip club, you both paid your halves when you finally approached the doors.
Stepping into the building, you both smiled. 'This time, I won't drink as much.' You promised yourself.
Oh, how promises break.
Immediately, Delilah went to the bar — partly for the drinks, but mostly because she saw a particular bartender.
Giggling at the absurdity of her actions, you went to a couch, not drunk enough to have confidence to talk to people or dance — not that most of them would remember, considering how many had drinks in their hands.
You fiddled with a silver ring you had bought about a month ago, which laid on your index finger.
"Why, hello! I've never seen you here before! I would remember a face like yours." A velvet voice was heard, oddly close to you.
'Wait, are they talking to me?'
You whipped your head up, mouth parted a little.
There stood a tall, dark haired man with dark eyes, a black suit with a slightly visible white shirt under it, black, shiny shoes on his feet.
You swallowed. "Hello..."
You should've gotten drunk beforehand.
Hello, everyone! I have no clue how drinking or hangovers work, or strip clubs, since I'm 18, but I hope it's not too far off. 🖤
Sorry it took so long to get to Lucifer, it's more of an introduction to some characters in this chapter.
Also, Delilah is bisexual, and goes by she/they.
The reader is possibly bi-curious, it depends on your view of the reader. <33
Delilah may have a lil' crush on Maze and just thinks Lucifer is hot, haha
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