paimonial-rage · 5 months
Ask meme - 6 and 9 for the dragon men (zhongli and neuvillette) please!
This took so long I am so sorry, but here we go!
[Character Analysis Ask Meme]
What is Neuvillette's biggest insecurity?
Neuvillette’s biggest insecurity is not something he's ever tried to hide. Anyone that has spent enough time with the Iudex has probably heard him mention it before. Simply put, Neuvillette doesn't understand the emotions of humans very well. He never has and sometimes he doubts if he ever will? How many times has this flaw of his costed him dearly in the past? How many mistakes has he made? And how many are there yet to come? How he dreads the thought.
What can’t you trust [Neuvillette] with?
To chase after you - Iudex Neuvillette is many things—polite, kind, intelligent—but he is not a man without faults. Only a few know him well enough to realize he holds many regrets upon his shoulders, majority that were never his burden alone to bear. Should you ever become the source of one of these regrets, you can surely expect to know. With somber eyes and a weight upon his shoulders, he will apologize to you. But don’t expect anymore than that. Not understanding human emotions is not only his weakness, but a prison. He will not attempt to make things up to you nor will he try to make things how they used to be. You’re best off where he can hurt you no more, even if that means he will be left alone to the rain.
What is Zhongli's biggest insecurity?
Who knows lol.
What can’t you trust Zhongli with?
With mora - As knowledgeable and talented Zhongli is with many things, it is a surprise to many to hear that businessmen don’t exactly enjoy making deals with him. How can they when contract discussions always leave them with the [shorter end of the stick]? How many [unforeseen business expenses] do they end up incurring in such a short amount of time? In the end, they always lose more than they gained. What they don’t know is this unfortunate occurrence happens with any Mora dealings with the man. But what can you expect for someone that, by contract, has the Traveler liable for all expenses during his outings with them? It's simply best to leave all matters of mora out of any relationships with him.
With your heart - If there's one thing true about Zhongli, it's that, while he may withhold the truth, he does not lie. So when he speaks of a person warmly, they can very well believe his words to be true. That being said, it is important that one does not mistaken his warmth with depth. One cannot simply entrust their heart to him and expect his in return. How could anyone hope to understand the weight of many a millennia, after all? So while the desire may be cute, it'll never be something he would even consider to reciprocate.
#genshin impact#genshin x reader#zhongli#neuvilllette#zhongli x reader#neuvillette x reader#character analysis ask meme#my writing#i am so sorry this took so long anon i have no excuses#not the happiest with these set of responses either#neuvillette’s insecurity answer is severely lacking#it’s so obvious that it feels too easy but like#the reason why i feel that way is because the answer doesn’t answer WHY tha5 is his biggest insecurity. WHY does it matter to him so much?#the obvious answer is that it is because he cares about humans but why??#the answer i came to is that deep down he wants to be accepted by humans which is why he seeks to understand them but i am not sure#granted that’s just my gut answer. i need to do way more research but i already left you waiting too long#as for zhongli like….. ugh#my first answer for what you can trust him with was a cop out but like!!!#that’s because my second answer is like something i talk about alllll the time when i talk about zhongli OTL#i have a whole series surrounding it orz#i didn’t think anyone would want me to talk about it again so i came up with the cop out answer#but the cop out answer was such a cop out i ended up typing my original idea haha#so you get two answers that are kind of mediocre. i’m sorry. ;v;#all of my other answers for him would be more humorous#you can’t trust him with: common sense… bringing appropriate party cups… arriving to events on time#tho there’s no proof for it you gotta admit that he gives off the vibes of someone tha5 is chronically late to everything#and as for his insecurity like… typically old and ‘spiritually actualized’ people are of the hardest to analyze in terms of insecurities#he has no chinks in his armor#i will be working on your next ask though! hopefully it takes less time ;v;
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betterthanbatman1 · 8 months
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Screaming crying sobbing shrieking punching kicking yelling bawling weeping LOSING MY FUCKING MIND
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br1ghtestlight · 1 month
the weirdest feeling is knowing that im trans for like uhhh almost a decade now but i didnt transition until later so i still feel like a baby trans person. BUT im not even a baby anymore. more than a year on hormones. i think im just regular transgender now
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malleleothreesome · 6 months
I'm so late to this but thank you so much Knight!! 🖤💚🖤💚 I'm so happy you enjoyed Blindfolded Malleus... I was so excited for you to read it, and I'm very happy it lived up to the hype and anticipation!!! Truly, I am so honored and grateful that you would re-read something so long 🥹 it amazes me how supportive you are!! I hope I can continue to write things that you enjoy! One day in the [regretfully] far future I swear to you that I will put out an Idia fic just for you hehehe. I'm so overwhelmed by the amount of things I am excited to write, but I guess that is a wonderful problem to have! I only wish I had more time in the day to write, but alas, such is life. Why the fUCk am I writing so formal right now daiohssadoi;hdSAO not me saying BUT ALAS. SUCH IS LIFE????? It is so.
I'm actually taking a TWELVE DAY vacation from work starting on the 22nd so I might actually do a little request event where people can send me like kink prompts or something. I think that'll be fun!
Okay and FINE I'll do some fluff prompts too for the fluff people but please don't judge my fluff too harshly, I'm still learning!!! For some reason smut just comes naturally dhaDSAHIDDASijdsan I'll start gathering some prompts and we will do a little ask game or something.
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📣 By the way FELLOW HONEST THIGH RIDING ANON if you SEE this first of all, ONCE AGAIN: I wish to express my undying devotion to you and your exceptional thought process. I am positively frothing at the mouth over your request and I am PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE I am finally making good progress and it WILL be out soon. We WILL make him cum in his pants. We WILL make him cry, whimper, and moan.
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#sorry knight i took over your ask to make a desperate PSA for my hero: fellow honest thigh riding anon#ILYSM KNIGHT THANK U FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#does my millennial show when I key smash#as someone born in 96 i am actually right on the cutoff for millennial and gen z#so i choose to identify with whoever is getting the best press at the time#just kidding im sorry gen z i can't relate to yall at all...#i still like ugg boots and my hair will forever be side parted#most of my millennial cringe comes from being a tumblr user between 2010 and 2014#it is engrained#the cool thing about getting older (young people heed my words):#i am unbully-able (and one day you will be too)#you simply cannot make me feel bad about doing things i like to do and enjoying things that make me happy#take pride in what you enjoy and don't let societal norms stop you#also you don't have to worry about getting bullied anyway because adults literally don't do that to each other#everyone in their mid 20s and beyond have learned to stop caring about what other people do for their own enjoyment#because like... lets be real... seeing and learning about what makes people happy... is super cool. the world needs more happiness#this is also a call out: if your friends or online spaces make you feel bad about your interests... gtfo of there#thats not the norm. curate your spaces for what makes you feel good!!!#your 20s are shit enough without so much negativity during the times you are supposed to be relaxed and surrounded by loved ones#this post was made by ugg boot gang#‧͙+ ̊*・༓☾ Erica Answers ☽༓・* ̊+‧͙
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dariadraws · 1 year
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@flitwickslittlebrotha hello and happy holidays from your @aftgexchange buddy! all your prompts were super fun so it was genuinely hard to choose which one to make, but in the end i went for Andrew/Kevin slice of life, so please enjoy this little snapshot of a nice, relaxing post-game afternoon. sorry this is a little late but i hope you like it!!
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hannanodaa · 2 years
hello again😅👋 srry it’s been wild these past month or two for me but I finally remembered that I have Tumblr and I’m here again 🙈🙈
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gemharvest · 1 year
Idk who it was but whoever said smthn along the lines of "Ekurei would be just as (if not more) popular as Serirei if Ekubo were human", I feel that more and more every day.
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mickmundy · 1 year
sniper's loft bed headcanons pls 👁️👁️
omg.,., ehehe.,., i’m soo glad you asked this is something i am Not at All Insane About.,., ehee.,., and i actually think its probably for the best that i elaborate on this here since there really isn’t a graceful way to fit posts like this within a fic SKDFKSD so!! let’s get to it! starting off by saying i’ve been in and out of motorhomes, trucks with camper shells, vans, etc my entire life (though i would be doing it a lot more in my adult life if i could find ways to not have Every Bug On Earth eat me alive ;_; gwah!) so i guess i’m just a little biased for what i see In My Mind. i have yet to sketch out/floorplan out sniper’s van layout itself In My Mind but let’s just keep it vague enough to say it’s nothing flashy, but it’s cozy and Aged and… lived in! i’ve talked about it before in one of my Many headcanon posts but i think he was always taught that he doesn’t need material things and while i wouldn’t say he’s a hoarder by any means, i think he tries to convince himself everything in his home has a Practical Application just so he can justify hanging onto it! i think sniper is v sentimental and the stuff he chooses to keep might be a little “unconventional” by average standards (ie he doesn’t have lots of photos of his family, but kept his mum’s handmade quilts and his dad’s old knife and hunting rifle. also presses flowers and would keep the eggshell of when he and medic first ate breakfast in bed together, etc) but i could ALSO make a whole other post about just little knicknacks i think you’d find in sniper’s home at any given time HEHE… but i’m doing my best to stay on track so!!
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i’m going to preface this with IM SORRY for the “pinterest looking ass” photos to describe what i’m talking about but just use this as a Basic Jumping Off Point. Not as the Literal Visual. work with me here… so i think sniper’s bed has LOTS of pillows and blankets. if you’ve ever slept in one of those loft bed camper van beds you’d know that those walls are cold and hard and don’t really hold heat in all that well! i think the blankets are a combination of furs he has (though he rolls up and stores them when its hot out), sherpa/wool, knit blankets and quilts, etc. all of different sizes and weights. whatever makes him comfortable! pillows are extremely worn in (as are the blankets; you could find lots of mends on them!) and comfortable just the way sniper likes them. i think he has so many layers because he sleeps naked and likes to be able to adjust what parts of his body are covered and what parts aren’t. he’s the king of sticking one of those loooong legs out of the covers, or having only his tummy covered and the rest of him exposed, etc! he likes being able to change things quickly to suit his needs. this is also great for draping something over his shoulders when he’s laying out on top of his van at night watching the stars or sitting in a lawn chair feeding hoots!
the space is small, so i think he’d also have a “nightstand” which really is just a “coffeetable book” (ie a big-ish hard cover book) of some subject he’s interested in that he’d keep pressed against the “long wall” of the camper that has just a battery-powered plastic lantern (for reading before bed ehe) on it, a worn-out old book of poetry or some kind of book he’s read a thousand times that he likes skimming before bed (this is not to be confused with the Utility Books he reads at others times about survivalism, gun cleaning, etc. this is a Wind Down Specific book), and aheh, when he starts really falling for medic, something else too… but i’ll discuss that later in my fics! ;-) if i’m being really self-indulgent i think he also has a stuffed animal from his childhood that he’s still hung onto all these years, but he keeps him stored away safely in a pillowcase because he doesn’t want it getting lost or damaged! :’( also he’s just a huge cuddlebug imo, so he likes having things he can Grab or fling his leg or arm over in his sleep (pillows, bunched up blankets, etc)! the space is small but he makes it very homey! HEHEHE
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oatbugs · 10 months
whenever i think/talk abt a "you" it's at least 5 different people usually
#ive been thinking about how you separated the star of david into triangles and taught me about the equilibrium about as above so below#are we in equilibrium? ive been thinking about the star of david and the rest in peace beneath it#fuck the fascists and fuck how they took you and fuck how theyll take everyone. am i good at analysis?#it turns out weve all been lying a lot. it turns out the person weve all lied the most to was ourselves.#ive been thinking about your 5 journals and a whole week of crying just to realise our sin. you felt like a nucleus inside a fuzz of#electrons and i felt like the fuzz of electrons. we caught a ribbon and followed it past the point of discomfort#this is how you breathe so that you dont die and this is how you breathe so that you do. on your own terms.#i am going to be a good architect. i am going to be a good engineer. i am going to be a good neuroscientist. i am going to be good.#i reserve the label for being a let-go-of-labels person. i am going to be the one who lets go of identifiers#and make it my identity. how do you achieve constant bliss? separate the nucleus and the fuzz.#suffering from the impact of the self and the self-image، you told me about the bliss of separation.#okay. let them hate the cloud. youre inside of it all. i am nothing. this is not a label for the self. mereology is a lovely thing.#baby you are ripping through all these spiderwebs just to live. this is part of the normal developmental process. i am surrounded by people#who throw sums of millions out of their mouths like any other lovely word. i cant stand the thought of your loss#except only in theory. ive been thinking about the bird with the broken wing in florence and how we stood around it until#two friends picked it up and took it home in hopes of nursing him back to flight. ive been thinking about how we are designed to care#for each other. tomorrow you will have your dreams crushed. the day after you will keep going. we are sharing#in the wonders of being perceiving beings. isnt that enough? why do you need to perceive the monstrosity of your own soul? is it#because i love you? is it because you love yourself? you love yourself enough to allow yourself to feel the terrible corners of you.#you can finally stand on your own. you can only stumble forward until you walk for the first time.
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jrueships · 11 months
isaiah hehe
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#THOMAS?? THOMAS!!!!!!#i LOOOOOVE isiah but not in a like cutesy heehee my tiny angel 🥰🥰 who did no wrong bcs mj is BIG MEANIE 😠😠!! way#i think he is a calculating little cretin who tries rlly hard to seem the angel to save face but in reality#is very much. not mr angel face#like he started off as a hero for chicago and detroit and then mj came and took everything away from him#including magic LOL#so now hes kind of like the unfortunate never meant to be hero villain who sort of embraces it until it goes too far#and rlly honestly misses being lauded in a heroic light so hes desperate to do anything thatll turn the tables but hes already dug his grave#with his actions and the season has already been cancelled early so a redemption arc is practically impossible but he cant understand that#bcs hes part of the show and not the one behind it despite all his thinking b4 as the hidden little puppet master#IDK i just LOOVEE all the sick kinda irony surrounding him like i looove ironic fates for ironic people it's just soo Interesting to me#i wouldnt call him Pathetic or helpless.. bcs thats what he wants u to think so he can keep in the secret advantage#BUT... hes rlly not as put together as he pretends to be. so u have this weird balance thats also a Liiittle off kilter#if u shift ur glance a certain way..#idk LOL it's like watching a coiled spring like. is it all gonna set off. or not. hes just. ugh. so fascinating to me#i looove writing him but also no one cares abt old ppl so i have to keep my delusions to myself 😭#BUT I LOVE EXPANDING ON THEM SO THANK U FOR THE CHANCE#ted tumbunity things#zeke the freak#he is a scrungy but elegant goblin. best i can describe him is that evil little girl from cats dont dance LMFAO#and bill is the big butler that he punches and breaks his hand on
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alfi-always-writes · 1 year
ranting in the tags, to be deleted later, will be sad, please carry on :)
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bibleofficial · 1 year
after basking in the glow of my pettiness - writing on the mirror ‘would an adult leave their nail clippings on the shared vanity’ 4 my brother - karma got me, bc i accidentally knocked a fucking cactus onto my bed
#stream#i’m#u know what i was fucking right i don’t care#i knocked it at 1.06a & it is now 1.43a literally im using a folded towel as a pillow ALSKALSKALSKLAKSLA like#now i’ve got to do SO much laundry & fucking vacuum i’m going to end it all#BUT OH MY GOD ???? MY BROTHER IS FUCKING RIDICULOUS UR ALMOST 24 HOW DID U NOT FUCKING CLEAN UP UR NAIL CLIPPINGS#JESUS FUCKING CHRIST ????? WHAT IS WRONG W U !!! HE CANT EVEN FUCKING CHANGE THE TOILET PAPER ROLL WHEN HE FINISHES IT OH MY GOD !!!!!!!#like ‘why doesn’t he have a girlfriend’ mum look at this#U LOOK AT THIS#this is what u got#bc i’m going to kill myself#i want to smoke soooooooo bad but it’s ok bc i’ve chugged a glass of wine & then remembered i can get high & now i’m chillin#1.47a & livin the dream#if i start looking at myself & my surroundings i will have a breakdown#like omg at the fucking meeting on friday we had coworkers that graduated come back for what reason idk it was nice to see them but they’re#like ‘if u want. a gap year or 2 before grad school go ahead like u should do that’ & im like mama …#i’ve been in school for like 6.5-7 years …. like + minimester + summer courses 😭😭 like break ?#if i took a break i literally would not go back to school#like ALSKALKSLAKSLAKALA#& i need to fucking apply to grad schools still FOR THIS FUCKING FALL#like y’all ….#i’m going to KERMIT#like i-#i’m also just toyin in my head like#y’all what if i just fucking go to japan#like#it’s so unhinged like do u speak japanese ? no i fuckign do not but i DO know that u can get languages courses (intensive) for good prices#so i know i could learn japanese#like bro#why not
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infectvd · 1 year
Like . . . Ellie was so convinced that her life would have no meaning unless she sacrificed herself, but then here comes Joel, this gruff survivalist who had given up on life altogether, who loves her so much and sees so much worth in her that he wants to show her that she is worth so much more alive and that her life is truly one worth living. He teaches her guitar, he teaches her to swim, he shows her movies, he takes her to a museum and gives her the chance to experience her dream in her own imagination. Ellie may have made life worth living for Joel, but he ended up doing the same for her, even if she didn't realize it at the time.
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sleeping-cliche · 2 months
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Here is my second favorite music box of my lot, tune wise (Though it shares a tune with another). I'm mostly certain it plays Love Story by Andy Williams (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtfly9kCzNY - Sorry for the shitty 11 year old video; I could not find a better one with the exact tune.)
It's the sort that will pause if tilted. The governor* is flat and metal. The key is the same plastic as the sides and has an interesting, flat shape. It is entirely a brassy colored metal, save the key and box. There are few marks: "FU(?)JI | JAPAN" on the drum; "WACO | PRODUCT OF JAPAN" on a sticker on it's bottom; "DON'T OVERWIND ->" on the key; "JAPAN" on it's bottom.
An additional piece of hardware is used in the stopping mechanism, a sliding weight which inhibits the governor. It is connected interestingly to the comb's two screws. There's also extra material around the drum's free side. There is also an intentionally cut comb tooth.
It has some damage on the outside plastic but none reaching the box itself, which plays with little extra effort. If jostled, it will often play after stopping. (Might need oil on the governor spot.)
I cannot safely remove it from the container (as I do other boxes), and do not intend to try.
Here is what some of the parts do. You probably know already tho V
1: *Called the Governor. Well, the circle is around the whole assembly, but whatever. It's a sorta fan looking thing which regulates the speed of the music by air resistance. As a sort of 'side effect', it will also pause the music if stopped.
2: Don't think it has a name, because it's different on a lot of boxes, but on this one it's a sliding weight. When you tilt the box, it moves into the way of the governor and stops the music. Tilted back, it frees the governor. It is held in place by the governor's assembly.
3: This is what I called the motor, but it's just the Clockspring. Exactly what it says: inside is a coiled bit of flat metal that powers the box, and is connected directly to the key.
Unlabeled (and much more commonly understood):
Drum, cylinder, etc, which is the big thing with pins on it. That's the music sheet, and will strum the ...
Comb, which is the comb shaped thing with teeth and the only thing that will produce the sound. Fun fact: If you look on the side, you can see varying thicknesses on the teeth. That makes the sound a little deeper, and makes the comb more compact. If they were all the same thickness, the comb would have to be longer. Bonus! If you unscrew it, then you will have a very hard time getting every note to ring the same way as before.
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furfog · 3 months
well i only died once on day 1 of the server
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