#I WAITED until for rent came out to play this part of the story
natolesims · 5 months
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Anyway, Tiana moved out!!
It's still a small home, but now with enough space to fit a double bed at least. Yay! Our girl still has some things to unpack, but she feels proud of herself so far!
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rootedinrevisions · 13 days
One of Them Girls: Part 2
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Part 2 of One of Them Girls! This was a story that I wrote about a month ago. Hope you guys all enjoy it! Many more parts to come!
Tyler's truck rolled to a gentle stop in front of the house you rented with your roommate. The rain had let up slightly, but a fine mist still hung in the air, adding a sense of calm after the intensity of the night. Tyler turned off the engine and looked over at you, a soft smile playing on his lips.
"We're here," he said quietly, almost as if he didn't want the night to end.
You nodded, feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement fluttering in your chest. "Thanks for the ride," you replied, your voice equally soft.
Tyler got out of the truck and quickly came around to open your door. He held out a hand to help you down, his touch warm and steady. You both walked up to your front door, the porch light casting a gentle glow around you.
"Thanks again, for everything," you said, looking up at him.
Tyler's smile widened. "Anytime. I had a great time tonight."
You both lingered for a moment, neither wanting to break the spell of the night. As you reached to take off the hoodie Tyler had lent you, he gently placed his hand over yours, stopping you.
"Keep it," he said, his voice firm but kind. "I have plenty of others."
You hesitated for a moment, but his earnest expression made you smile. "Alright, thanks. It's really warm."
"It looks good on you," he replied, a playful glint in his eyes.
Finally, Tyler took a small step back. "Guess I should let you get some rest," he said, though he didn't seem eager to leave.
"Yeah, I should get inside," you agreed, even though part of you wanted to stay out there with him a little longer.
As you turned to unlock the door, Tyler's voice stopped you. "Hey," he said, waiting for you to look back at him. "Can I call you tomorrow?"
A smile tugged at your lips. "I'd like that."
Tyler's eyes brightened, and he took another step back. "Goodnight, then."
"Goodnight, Tyler."
You watched as he walked back to his truck, giving you one last wave before climbing in. You stayed on the porch until his taillights disappeared down the street, then finally turned to go inside.
You turned the key in the lock as quietly as possible, pushing the door open just enough to slip inside. The house was dimly lit, and you hoped your roommate had already gone to bed. Her room was right off the living room, and you didn't want to wake her.
But as soon as you stepped inside, you were greeted by the sight of her sitting on the couch, a blanket wrapped around her, and a cup of tea in her hands. She looked up, a mischievous smile spreading across her face.
"Well, well, well," she said, setting the cup down. "Look who decided to finally come home."
You sighed, a sheepish smile tugging at your lips. "I thought you'd be asleep by now."
"And miss hearing about your night with Tyler Owens? Not a chance," she teased, patting the spot on the couch next to her. "Come on, spill."
You kicked off your shoes and walked over, sitting down beside her. "It was...interesting."
She raised an eyebrow, clearly not satisfied with your vague answer. "Interesting? That's all I get? You were out with Tyler Owens, and all you can say is 'interesting'?"
You laughed softly, shaking your head. "Okay, okay. It was more than interesting. It was actually a really great night. We talked, danced..."
Her eyes widened with excitement. "You danced? With Tyler Owens? Oh my God, tell me everything!"
You gave her a play-by-play of the night, from Tyler's initial approach to your game of pool, the dance, and finally the ride home. She listened intently, hanging on to every word.
"And then," you continued, "he walked me to the door and told me to keep his hoodie."
Her eyes narrowed playfully. "Wait a minute. Did you kiss him? Because I feel like you might be leaving out some juicy details here."
You blushed, shaking your head. "No, we didn't kiss. He almost did, but the bartender called last call and interrupted us."
She leaned back, looking satisfied. "Almost kissed, huh? That's still pretty hot."
You nodded, feeling a warmth spread through you at the thought. "He asked if he could call me tomorrow."
Your roommate squealed, pulling you into a tight hug. "I'm so happy for you! I knew something good would come out of tonight."
You hugged her back, feeling grateful for her support. "Thanks. And thanks for waiting up for me."
"Of course," she said, pulling back and giving you a serious look. "But now, you need to get some sleep. Tomorrow's a new day, and who knows what it'll bring."
You nodded, feeling a mix of exhaustion and excitement. "You're right. Goodnight."
"Goodnight," she replied, still grinning.
As you made your way to your room, you couldn't help but smile. Tonight had been unexpected, but it felt like the start of something new. And you couldn't wait to see where it would lead.
The morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow across the room. You reached for your phone on the nightstand, the screen lighting up with a new message. Tyler's name flashed on the screen.
Tyler: Hey, Good Morning. Had a great time last night. Want to meet up later? I know a place with the best breakfast tacos.
You stared at the message, your mind still foggy with sleep. A small smile crept onto your face, the memory of the night before making your heart flutter. You wondered if it was just a friendly gesture or something more. You quickly texted back, trying to sound casual.
You: Morning! Breakfast tacos sound good. Where and when?
You set your phone down and buried your face in the pillow, letting the warmth of the blanket envelope you. Your roommate's voice echoed in your mind, teasing you about last night, and you couldn't help but blush at the thought of Tyler's smile and the way he held you close.
The phone buzzed again, pulling you from your thoughts.
Tyler: How about 10 at Joe's Diner? See you there.
You grinned, feeling a rush of excitement. You weren't sure what this meant, but you were ready to find out.
You stretched and got out of bed, the promise of breakfast tacos and seeing Tyler again urging you to start your day. After a quick shower, you stood in front of your closet, staring at the rows of clothes, feeling more indecisive than usual. You rifled through your options, pulling out a few different outfits and tossing them onto the bed.
You tried on a pair of jeans and a casual top, but it felt too ordinary. A skirt and blouse seemed too formal. Finally, you pulled out a sundress—a light, flowy dress with a floral pattern. It was a bit nicer than your usual attire but still comfortable and not overly fancy. You slipped it on, feeling a little more confident as you looked in the mirror.
Just then, your roommate walked by your room and paused, taking in the sight of clothes strewn across your bed.
"What's going on in here?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. "You never stress about what to wear."
You turned to face her, smoothing the dress nervously. "I have a... uh, breakfast date with Tyler. I just wanted to look nice, I guess."
Your roommate's eyes widened with a mix of surprise and excitement. "A breakfast date? With Tyler Owens? And you didn't think to tell me?"
You shrugged, a sheepish smile on your face. "I wasn't sure if it was a date date or just a friendly thing. But I figured I should make an effort."
She grinned, stepping into the room to give you a once-over. "Well, you look great. That dress is perfect. Not too fancy but definitely cute. He's going to love it."
You blushed, grateful for her encouragement. "Thanks. I hope so."
She winked at you. "Just be yourself. He obviously likes you for who you are."
You took a deep breath and nodded, feeling a little more at ease. "Yeah, you're right. Thanks."
With one last look in the mirror, you grabbed your purse and phone, ready to head out and meet Tyler.
You arrived at the diner, your heart fluttering with a mix of nerves and excitement. As you parked your car, you spotted Tyler already seated at a table by the window. He looked relaxed, wearing a casual button-up shirt and jeans, his cowboy hat resting on the seat beside him.
Taking a deep breath, you glanced down at your lap, trying to steady your nerves. Was this really happening? You were about to have breakfast with Tyler Owens. Shaking off your doubts, you got out of the car and started walking towards the diner entrance.
Tyler noticed you as soon as you stepped out. A smile spread across his face, and he stood up, making his way over to greet you. His presence, confident yet warm, made you feel a little more at ease. "Hey there," he said, his voice cheerful. "Glad you could make it."
You smiled back, feeling a bit shy but pleased by his warm greeting. "Hey, Tyler. Thanks for inviting me."
He tipped his hat slightly, a playful glint in his eyes. "Wouldn't miss it for the world. Ready for some breakfast tacos?"
You nodded, the excitement bubbling up again. "Absolutely."
He extended his arm in a gentlemanly gesture, and you walked together into the diner, feeling a sense of anticipation for what the morning would bring.
As you both settled into your seats and placed your orders, the conversation began to flow more easily. Tyler started by sharing a bit about his life on the road.
"You wouldn't believe some of the things we see out there," Tyler said with a chuckle. "Just last month, we were chasing a storm in Oklahoma, and we ended up in this tiny town with the friendliest people. They insisted we stay for their annual pie-eating contest. I swear I've never eaten so much pie in my life."
You laughed, imagining Tyler in the middle of a pie-eating contest. "Did you win?"
He grinned. "Second place. Turns out, storm chasing doesn't prepare you for competitive eating."
The waitress brought over your breakfast tacos, and you both dug in. The conversation shifted to your life in the small town.
"So, what about you?" Tyler asked between bites. "What do you do when you're not wrangling farm animals?"
You hesitated for a moment before deciding to open up. "Well, I've always loved writing. I used to dream about being an author, maybe even a journalist. But I didn't think I had the way with words to make it a profession. So, I stayed here, helping out on the farm while figuring things out."
Tyler's eyes lit up with interest. "Really? That's awesome. What kind of stuff do you write?"
You felt a bit shy but continued. "Mostly short stories, some poetry. I've started a few novels but never finished them. It's more of a hobby than anything."
"I'd love to read some of your work," Tyler said genuinely. "I bet you're better than you give yourself credit for."
You smiled, appreciating his encouragement. "Maybe someday. What about you? Any hidden talents besides storm chasing and pie-eating?"
Tyler laughed. "Well, I used to be pretty good at rodeo. Did some bull riding back in the day. That's actually how I got into storm chasing. Had a near-miss that made me rethink my life choices. Figured chasing storms was a safer bet than getting thrown off a bull."
You raised an eyebrow playfully. "Safer? Really?"
He shrugged, grinning. "Safer might be the wrong word. More exhilarating, for sure."
As the meal went on, you both shared more stories and laughs. Tyler told you about his favorite storms and close calls, while you talked about your favorite books and the stories you've written. The conversation flowed naturally, making you feel more connected with each passing moment.
As the meal went on, you both shared more stories and laughs. Tyler told you about his favorite storms and close calls, while you talked about your favorite books and the stories you've written. The conversation flowed naturally, making you feel more connected with each passing moment.
As the meal began to wind down, you decided to address the check. "You know, Tyler, you paid for my tab last night. I think it's only fair I take care of breakfast."
Tyler shook his head, a mischievous glint in his eye. "No way. This is on me."
You crossed your arms playfully. "I insist. It's only fair."
He leaned back, smiling. "You're not going to win this one. Southern gentleman, remember?"
You laughed, knowing you were in for a playful argument. "We'll see about that."
As you got up to use the restroom, you shot him a determined look. "Don't you dare pay for this while I'm gone."
Tyler just grinned. While you were away, he motioned to the waitress and handed her his card. "Run the check on this, please. And make it quick."
When you returned from the bathroom, you saw Tyler signing the check, the waitress already having run his card. You threw your hands up in mock frustration. "Tyler!"
He looked up, feigning innocence. "What? Just keeping my promise."
You shook your head, unable to keep from smiling. "You're impossible, you know that?"
Tyler stood up, offering you a hand. "I've been called worse. Ready to get out of here?"
You took his hand, feeling a warmth spread through you. "Yeah, let's go."
As you both left the diner and walked towards your car, a sense of reluctance settled over you. The breakfast had been delightful, and the conversation had made you wish the morning could last longer. Despite your enjoyment, you knew Tyler likely had other commitments, maybe a storm to chase or something equally urgent.
You reached your car and turned to him, trying to mask your disappointment. "Well, I guess this is goodbye for now," you said with a small smile. "Thanks for breakfast, Tyler. It was really nice."
Tyler smiled warmly, his eyes reflecting the same sentiment. "I'm glad you enjoyed it. I had a great time too."
You hesitated for a moment, then added, "Can I give you a hug before you go?"
Tyler's expression softened, and he looked like he was about to respond when he paused, a thoughtful look crossing his face. "You know, instead of saying goodbye now, how about we extend this a little bit? I was thinking..."
You looked at him with curiosity. "Thinking about what?"
He gestured vaguely towards the town. "There's a farmer's market happening today. Maybe we could check it out together? I'm sure it'll be fun. They have all kinds of interesting stalls and food."
Your eyes widened in surprise and delight. "A farmer's market? That sounds great! But I didn't think you'd have time for that."
Tyler shrugged, his grin widening. "I'm a bit of a sucker for local markets. And besides, I'd love to spend more time with you if you're up for it."
You felt a wave of happiness and relief. "I'd love that. Let's go!"
As you both walked towards the farmer's market, the morning sun started to warm the air, making everything seem a little brighter. You chatted excitedly about the different stalls and what you hoped to see, feeling a renewed sense of joy at the unexpected turn of events.
Tyler glanced over at you, his smile reflecting genuine pleasure. "I'm really glad we did this. It's been a while since I've had a chance to just wander around and enjoy the day."
You nodded, sharing his sentiment. "Me too. It's been a while since I've had a morning like this."
As you approached the market, the vibrant colors and lively atmosphere welcomed you both, setting the stage for a perfect continuation of your day together.
As you and Tyler arrived at the farmer's market, you were immediately struck by the vibrant array of colors and the cheerful buzz of activity. Tyler led the way, and you followed eagerly, taking in the sights and sounds around you.
The first stall you stopped at featured an array of beautifully crafted leather goods. Among the collection were journals with intricate, handmade leather covers, each one adorned with unique designs. Your eyes lit up as you perused the selection, your love for writing and books shining through.
Tyler noticed your interest and leaned in to comment, "These are some impressive journals. You look pretty captivated."
You smiled, running your fingers over the soft leather of a journal. "I love these. There's something so special about a handwritten journal, don't you think?"
Tyler nodded. "Definitely. I can see why you'd be drawn to them."
As you continued to browse, you couldn't resist the temptation to pick out a journal that you particularly liked. Tyler watched with a grin, clearly enjoying your enthusiasm.
Next, you wandered over to a stall filled with baked goods and mini pies, the sweet aroma wafting through the air. You couldn't help but smile at the sight of the freshly baked treats displayed before you.
Tyler chuckled as you took in the array of pies. "Looks like you've got a sweet tooth."
You laughed and turned to him, recalling your earlier conversation. "I guess you could say that. Hey, Tyler, want to grab a homemade pie? Remember, we were talking about that last night."
Tyler's eyes sparkled with amusement. "I'd be up for that. But only if you promise not to make me share it with Boone."
You playfully nudged him. "Deal. Let's see what they've got."
After choosing a couple of mini pies, you both continued to explore the market, chatting about the different stalls and enjoying the lively atmosphere. The morning sun bathed the market in a warm glow, making everything seem even more inviting.
Tyler and you wandered through the various stalls, each one offering its own unique charm. You found yourself laughing and enjoying the day more than you had anticipated, savoring the simple pleasure of spending time together.
As you and Tyler reached the end of the farmer's market, Tyler noticed a serene little pond with a walking path meandering around it. The water sparkled gently in the morning sun, and the scene was so tranquil that it almost seemed like a hidden gem amid the bustling market.
"Hey," Tyler said, glancing at you with a smile. "How about we take a break and sit on that bench over there? It looks like a nice spot to relax and enjoy the view."
You looked over at the bench by the pond, appreciating the thoughtfulness of the suggestion. "That sounds perfect," you replied.
Tyler led the way to the bench, and you followed, feeling a mix of contentment and anticipation. As you reached the bench and sat down, the gentle breeze from the pond carried the soft scent of blooming flowers, adding to the peaceful atmosphere.
Tyler settled beside you, and for a moment, you both simply enjoyed the serene view. The sun's rays danced on the water, and the occasional ripple added a soothing rhythm to the scene. You glanced over at Tyler, who was staring at the water with a thoughtful expression.
"This place is beautiful," you said softly, breaking the comfortable silence. "I'm glad we came here."
Tyler turned his head to look at you, his eyes meeting yours with a warmth that made your heart skip a beat. "I'm glad too. It's nice to have a break from the chaos."
As you continued to talk, the conversation naturally slowed, and you found yourselves drawn closer together. Tyler's hand, resting casually on the bench between you, brushed against yours. The touch was light, almost accidental, but it sent a shiver down your spine.
You looked at his hand, then back at him, and found him gazing at you with an intensity that made your breath catch. He shifted slightly, his face inching closer to yours, as if drawn by an invisible force.
Just as you began to feel the electric tension between you, Tyler leaned in, his eyes flickering between yours and your lips. You could feel the warmth of his breath on your face, and the world seemed to narrow down to just the two of you.
But just as his lips were about to meet yours, a loud voice pierced the intimate moment. "Last call for coffee!" the vendor from the market called out, abruptly ending the peaceful bubble you'd been in.
Tyler pulled back slightly, a mix of surprise and disappointment in his eyes. He cleared his throat and gave a sheepish smile. "Guess that's our cue to head out."
You nodded, trying to hide your own disappointment while feeling a flutter of excitement at what almost happened. You stood up from the bench, feeling a bit dazed but happy.
Tyler offered you a hand to help you up. "Shall we?" he asked with a playful grin, and you took it, feeling the warmth of his hand lingering on yours.
As the two of you make your way back towards the parking lot, the sun casts a warm, golden hue over the small town. The conversation flows easily between you, and Tyler's thumb gently rubs the back of your hand, making your heart flutter. The connection between you feels natural and comforting.
When you reach your car, you turn to Tyler with a hint of disappointment. "I guess this is where we say goodbye," you say softly, trying to keep the sadness out of your voice.
Tyler looks at you with a mix of regret and curiosity. "Do you have any big plans for the rest of the day?" he asks.
You nod, a smile tugging at your lips. "I've got to head over to the farm and help with some animal chores. You're welcome to come by if you want."
Tyler's eyes light up at the invitation, but his phone rings, breaking the moment. He glances at the screen and sighs. "It's my crew," he says, sounding conflicted. "There's a new storm system forming, and we need to chase it."
You can see the internal struggle on his face, and you give him a reassuring smile. "It's okay. I understand how important this is to you. Go do what you need to do."
Tyler hesitates for a moment before nodding, his expression showing how much he wishes he could stay. "I promise I'll come back to visit once the storm's passed."
You both linger for a moment, the goodbye feeling more significant than you'd expected. Tyler gently takes your face in his hands, his eyes searching yours. He leans in and presses a soft kiss to your cheek.
You give him a playful grin. "You missed."
Tyler's eyes widen slightly, and a mischievous smile spreads across his face. He runs his tongue across his bottom lip, clearly intrigued by your boldness. Leaning in, he meets your lips with his in a tender, lingering kiss. It's as if time stands still, the world narrowing down to just the two of you.
When you finally pull apart, Tyler's gaze remains locked on yours, a genuine smile lighting up his face. "I'll be counting the hours until I see you again," he murmurs.
With a final, meaningful look, you both part ways, each carrying the warmth of the kiss and the promise of a reunion.
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mio-actuallywrites · 10 months
The World You Once Loved Pt 4!
1300+ words
What Sorta adventures will you go on now, Prefect?
not proofread, will most likely come back tomorrow morning and add some small parts/edits.
As soon as you entered the kitchen 10 pairs of eyes of familiar were on you as you soon almost got tackled to the floor. 
“I’ll just… leave the house I guess…” Oboko mumbled as she grabbed her coat and left, but you could care less. 
“Prefect!” Was all that you could hear before you interrupted them, curious why… or how they came. 
“Hey guys, it’s nice to see you but… why or how did you come here?” Suddenly it was all silent. 
“… WAKASAMA WOULD BE PROUD OF YOUR GROWTH!” Sebek suddenly yelled… probably to avoid the question. 
“But seriously… how?”
“It was Ace.” Was all that Epel said before all eyes suddenly moved to him. 
“Well… Uh… so…” Ace froze up before slowly continuing, “I sorta said Tokyo Japan… because.. I just wanted to see what happened?!” 
“Are you telling me it took almost a goddamn year for Crowley to find me away home but it took 2 FUCKING MINUTES?!” After your sudden outburst you saw a moving bag on the counter… and something black and furry was coming out… wait was that GRIM?
“MWAHHH HENCHMAN I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!” Grim suddenly launched himself at you as you felt him hug you close. 
“Grim… “ you mumbled, suddenly feeling bad for your outburst, perhaps hugging Grim calmed you down, after not feeling or seeing him for a while and finally being able to was really comforting.
“So what are you guys gonna do now?” 
“Can’t we join your house until we find a way back?” Grim replied. 
“Uh first off all, I have 2 roommates, second of all therel is barely enough room for us 3. Third off all it was your guys fault you came here.” You finished, crossing your arms.
“But don’t you have a Ramshackle-like place here??” You heard someone ask, but you didn’t play any mind to it. 
“I mean…” you responded thinking of an idea. 
“HUMAN YOU MUST TELL US NOW!” Sebek quickly responded. 
I mean, you might have had enough money to rent a small home, for the most a month. After all those hours being a barista you must have gained enough money, for plus the dorm you live in is paid for by the school, so your able to right?
“Uh… have you guys ever heard of Air bnbs?”
Let’s just say at around 3 AM, a group of teens? Young adults walked into a hotel, because you couldn’t book a air bnb for the next day, so here you were using (wasting) all YOUR money on them. Hmm maybe Crowley was smart bribing you maybe you could use those tricks and use them against certain someone’s. 
Anyways after checking in to the hotel and minus 11,364.38 yen, you finally had got a rest for the night. 
You might be questioning why did it take 3 hours
To find a hotel? Well, you had to drive 3 fucking hours to figure out where to stay, and you had to buy them food. So, while they ate all happily, (minus grim as he was forced into a bag while you all ate) you were over there moping about all of your savings being used on something like this. 
Back to the hotel, you shared a room with Sebek while Ace and Deuce shared a room, and Epel and Jack shared one. Grim, he was also with you but somehow he gave you his spot on the bed, but forced Sebek on the couch. (What did you expect?)
After arriving to your hotel room you couldn’t bother to do anything else to sleep, you were already tired at this point so you basically fainted when you hit the bed. However, the thoughts still haunted your brain on how they came here. 
Sebek,  still most likely pissed for getting the couch himself, was fumbling with the TV remote, trying to figure out how to work it, and what it does. 
Grim, who knows what he was doing, you couldn’t bother by how tired you were. 
However next door, you could hear the murmur of Ace and Deuce, sharing stories from their exploration of Tokyo, and what they noticed on the way to your home. They promised you to tell you tomorrow, however you were nervous to hear what chaos they were up to. the laughter from the 2 close friends echoed faintly through the thin hotel walls, while Sebek was still trying to figure out how the TV works.
As you lay there, thoughts swirled in your mind questions about how or why they came. Now you couldn’t care about all that money you spent. You cared about how they came/why they did. While it took Crowley 8 months to figure it out. 
The thoughts of your brain slowly died away as you let sleep take over you. 
Just as quick as you fell asleep, you were suddenly awakened again, you grabbed the phone next to you which read the time of 9:32 AM. 
You sighed as you looked over to see Sebek sleeping on the couch with Grim under the covers of the bed, curled up in a ball. (Which he would never admit to doing however.) 
With a stretch and a yawn, you reluctantly got up and went to the bathroom, got changed and did whatever you did in the mornings. 
After getting ready, you woke up Sebek and Grim, after they both got up, you went to Ace and Deuces room and knocked, after a few knocks and calling their names, Deuce opened the door, looking all ready, while you saw Ace in the background still getting ready. 
“Let’s meet at my room at 10:45? Okay?” You asked, still having to get over to Epels and Jacks room. 
“Yea that’s fine.” Deuce responded. You nodded and went off to find Epel and Jack. 
However once you got to their door, you saw Jack open it. 
“So we meet at your room at 10:45?” He said awaiting your response. 
“Yea… but what… how did you know..?”
“I guess it’s just my wolf senses…” after hearing that response you sighed… perhaps sooner or later you will have to explain to him not saying that in public… due to a certain *thing* called furries. 
After returning into your room and awaiting the others, you thought about what would happen today. 
You were sure that today would be hectic, but you were kinda excited. To be able to spend the day with your old best friends?! And this time at your world?! You couldn’t ask anything better! Hopefully though, no chaos ensures. (However you were sure it would happen… due to the nature of your friends.)
So as you await for the others… you couldn’t help but think how the others back at Twisted Wonderland are handling
right now, if you were correct it was…. 20 hours here so 10 hours back at Twisted wonderland, would they notice the group went missing…?
“Hey Sebek what was the time when you guys came back at TWST?”
“8:15 AM!”
“What do you mean you can’t find Ace or Deuce?!” A certain red head almost yelled… this was the ?? Time they snuck out or don’t come back to the dorm this WHOLE school year. (Keep in mind it was the first semester.)
“It is off with their heads when they come back! And they even bother to skip classes!?”
The red head looked back at the light gray octopus. 
“Well maybe if you could make a deal with me I’d actually help more.”
“What do you say Riddle?” 
A pair of twins followed behind them, talking amongst themselves also wondering what could of happened. 
As the front Twokept talking? Arguing about the missing 2nd years, and figuring out what the hell happened to them. 
Soon they entered the mirror room (forgot what it’s called lmao) and where right in front of the mirror, still trying to figure out what happened before they suddenly were in a different place. 
A dark entity watches from behind… smirking in amusement
“I can’t believe my plan is finally working… after waiting so long… I’ll finally be able to….”
They kept mumbling to themselves, smiling happily as they spun around casting spells all over the place, with a huge smirk placed on their face.
Hey guys! I’m so sorry a month has went by with no update I think I hit writers block! Anyway happy thanksgiving!! I hope you all have had a nice week! Also feel free to send in requests just no NSWF!!
(I really should make my rules lmao)
Tag list:
@twistedcece @nothingfuninthislife
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americasass81 · 11 months
Embracing The Darkness
Warnings 18+ for the following:- Non-Consensual Sex, Dubious Consensual Sex, Character Deaths, Violence, Blood Exchange, M/F Smut (Penetrative Sex, Gun Play, Blowjob, Teabagging, Knife Play), F/F Smut (Fingering, Oral, Spanking, Squirting), Restraints, Implied Squirting.  This is a dark story.  Seriously do not read if any of this upsets you, the warnings are there for a reason.  Feedback is welcomed and any mistakes are my own.
By proceeding you are acknowledging that you are over 18 and are consenting to the content below the cut.
Pairings:- Steve Rogers x Original Female Character, Tony Stark x Original Female Character, Natasha Romanoff x Original Female Character, Maria Hill x Original Female Character, Clint Barton x Original Female Character.
Author’s Note 1:- This is my submission for @jtargaryen18 Halloween Challenge 2023. Having chosen the prompt below, I just had to include a little nod to our beloved Jamie with my original female character as well as using the same costume from my previous Halloween fic in this same challenge.  Yay recycling.  Anyway hope anyone who reads this enjoys it 💖
Challenge Prompt:- (The Halloween Costume Comes to Life: Remember that episode of Buffy?  You rented a costume and when you put it on, that’s who you are as long as you are wearing it.)
Author’s Note 2:- Since this story switches between the present perspective and memories (italic text) I really hope it makes sense.
Author’s Note 3:- As always, all images have been found through google search.
Synopsis:- Accepting an invitation to Tony Stark’s annual Halloween party, what will you do when an unforeseen interference with your costumes causes far reaching consequences for you and all of humanity?
Total Word Count:- 9,565
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Opening your eyes to find yourself dangling off the couch at a rather awkward angle in the entertainment room, the chill settling on your skin might have been enough to have you reaching for a blanket if there was one in sight.  Unfortunately there wasn't.  What was evident to you however as you straightened up was the utter mess lettering the room in every direction.  Bottles piled on every available surface.  Clothes discarded with no evidence of the people they once belonged to.  A shoe tossed aside carelessly with no one to claim it.  It was worse than a pigsty.
Righting yourself on the couch now as you tried to figure out exactly what was going on and how you had ended up in this condition, standing up brought a whole new element to your experience however.  One you most certainly weren't prepared for.  Rising to your feet and making it a whole two paces, a sudden queasiness found you running towards the nearest available container as the contents of your stomach spewed forth before your eyes into the waiting plastic pumpkin and filled you with a terror you had never felt before.
For what came up was red.
Continuing to vomit until all the offending substance had been expelled, you now stood staring at the liquid and knew beyond a shadow of a doubt exactly what it was ... it was blood.  But how could that be?  Having heaved up everything and definitely identifying the taste of copper in your mouth, you should at least be unconscious or near death with the amount you had expelled, but you actually felt fine.  In fact, no part of you was in pain and you had never felt better.  So what then was going on?  If as you now suspected that all was well with you and the blood you just heaved up was not actually coming from within, where then did it come from and worst of all, how did it get inside you?
Walking out of the entertainment room now and heading off to the kitchen to fetch a glass of water to remove the horrid taste from your mouth, you began to think over how you had ended up here when an odd thought suddenly struck you ... where the hell was here?  Looking around you suddenly now as you tried to figure out the answer to this question, the state of the place here too troubled you also, but at least you recognised it beneath the mess.  This was the Avengers compound.
Searching through your memory now as you finally reach your destination, a cool glass of water trickling down your throat and a wayward glance at all the decorations visible around the place at least brought the reason for you being here bursting to the surface.  Tony Stark threw a party.  But in typical Tony fashion this was no ordinary party.  This was his now usual Halloween costume party and being The Avengers P.R. consultant your presence was requested.  And you just had to dress up as a vampire princess.
But what had any of that to do with all of this and what had happened to your costume?  Oh sure parties were messy and a Stark party was notorious for being a wild experience, but he always employed people to clean things up.  This had clearly not happened here.  In fact the opposite seemed to have occurred.  Finishing up your water now and taking stock of the t-shirt and boxers shielding your modesty, you now took in the state in this room too and discovered some things you had not previously noticed.
While well lit with electricity, all the windows were covered over and the substance spattered on the walls and other areas which now caught your attention was definitely blood.  Add to that the fact that you couldn't remember most, if any, of last night and you now had to wonder if it was possible that you had survived some horrific event.  Refilling your glass now to steady your nerves as your hands shook from this new information, another glance off to your left however alerted you to the presence of someone's leg.  It seems you weren’t as alone as you thought after all.  Slowly moving towards it now to see who had partied too hard here, the glass slipped from your hand and shattered the silence all around you however as the owner of the leg came into view and a shroud of darkness lifted from you to reveal how your night here had started.
🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛 -START OF MEMORY #1- 🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛
Zipping up your costume, buckling the belt in place and slipping your feet into the knee high boots, you had to admit this party couldn't have come at a better time.  Thoroughly exhausted and seriously in need of a good time, no one knew how to throw a party quite like Tony Stark and you were more than ready to let your hair down.  After all the problems created in New York and Steve all but crippling the U.S. intelligence and security services, being P.R. consultant for the Avengers was nowhere near as glamorous as it had once seemed.  In fact it was your living nightmare.  But at least you were good at your job which kind of made this your reward.
Grabbing your jacket then and driving to the compound, you were still a tiny bit unhappy with the lateness of the event, but you figured Tony knew what he was doing.  After all, he had told you as much when he handed you the invitation personally amid your complaints that five minutes to midnight was no time to kick off one of his shindigs.  At the very least you argued that he should consider the effect such a late hour would have on people's constitution, to which he gleefully replied that sacrifices had to be made in the spirit of debauched revelry.
Sighing at the time upon realizing that Tony Stark would never let anything get in the way of a good party, you took the invitation, promised him you would indeed show up and securing your costume here you were ... stepping through the main doors of the compound ten minutes before the appointed time.  Removing your jacket now and grudgingly discarding it upon the first pile of clothes you came across, you marveled at the wondrously spooky scenes all around you until you reached the entertainment room and was blown away.
Noticing now all the superheroes decked out in costumes that most ordinary people wore every Halloween, a smile actually graced your features when at the same time some Stark and Avenger employees' costumes caught your attention.  They had come as their favorite heroes.  Stepping through these doors now and finally feeling the buzz of the festivities all around you, you might have questioned the mild dizziness and funny sensations now taking place within your body if not for the image that greeted you by the bar.  Talking discreetly to Sam and Bucky while decked out in a suit that most definitely could have come from Tony Stark's closet, you would have suspected that Steve had shown up as some businessman if not for the piece visible just through the opening in his jacket.  The man was packing some serious heat.
Staying silent now and moving quietly along the outer perimeter as mist unknowingly formed around you and concealed your activities from the party at large, you finally reached the bar only for Sam and Bucky to swiftly move between you and the man that had captured your attention.  It seemed they perceived you as some type of threat and perhaps they were right.  Smiling now however at their response while trailing his eyes up and down your exquisite form, it seemed their mob boss friend did not hold the same assessment of your skills and waving his flunkies aside, stretched his hand out to beckon you closer.
Moving forward now with a grace you had not previously known, you took the offered hand and waited to see what the man would do.  "Steve Rogers, head of the New York Mafia at your service," he introduced before leaning forwards and placing the most tender of kisses against the back of your hand.  "And you are?" he then questioned as he straightened up and his blue eyes locked with yours.
"Jemisha Targaryen, vampire princess," you replied with a smile while embracing the roleplaying game Earth's first Avenger seemed fully engaged in and the man now whispering your name like a prayer in response would have been enough to stop your heart had that not already happened.  Not that you had even noticed.  Alerting a passing waiter now for drinks and taking you to a quiet closed off corner, a considerable amount of time passed in his splendid company until a walk through the compound found both of you alone in the kitchen trying to find any excuse not to become intimately acquainted with each other.  But the excuses never materialized.
Smacking his lips against yours as if a lifetime of intimacy had passed between you, Steve reluctantly pulling back for air gave you the perfect opportunity you needed to get familiar with the man before you.  Admiring again the suit that enveloped his frame so ideally while also exuding that air of danger a man in his position should possess, it pained you to peel him out of it, but it had to be done.  Returning to your lips now as the jacket lay discarded while your nimble fingers swiftly opened his crisp white shirt, Steve now moved both of you to the couch and seating you gently upon the back, dropped to his knees on the floor before you.  Gazing down on him now with lipstick smeared from his attention, you now wondered what he had planned as his gun appeared before your face and an inquisitive look from him told you some action from you was now required.
Looking quizzically now between him and the metal object that could quite easily do you irreparable harm, it seemed his patience finally ran out as the man below you finally spoke.  “Well come on sweetheart, this baby isn’t going to lubricate itself.  Time to put that mouth to work.”
Shocked now by what he had planned as his other hand pushed aside the crotch of your bodysuit and toyed with your folds, your hand reaching out to raise the gun towards your mouth shocked you even more.  Apparently you wanted this too.  Placing your mouth now over the barrel and mimicking events that were still to come, Steve’s fingers and tongue getting acquainted with your intimate area did more than an adequate job of getting you ready before he decided enough preparation had been done.  Delighting now in the feelings he was creating as he slowly and carefully manipulated the metal object into your pussy, you would have enquired if the thing was loaded, but he never gave you the chance.  Reaching in as far as it would go and satisfied with your compliance when you finally nodded for him to continue, Steve now rose to his feet and resumed kissing you again as his hand, the gun and your hips worked your pussy into a frenzy that not only triggered your first release of the night but also catapulted you and Steve over the top of the couch and onto the kitchen floor behind the island unit.
Beyond amazed now that you had landed as you had and not caused the gun to fire, you thanked Steve for his obvious control the first chance you got.  Laughing next when New York’s Mob Boss finally stopped assaulting your mouth and gently removed his weapon from your core, the aftershocks should have kept you satiated but it seemed you wanted more.  So tossing the gun aside now and tackling Steve to the point where you were now in charge, you quickly unbuckled his pants and reaching it to remove his package, smiled in satisfaction when no extra clothing was discovered.  The man it seemed was ready to go.  Moving your bodysuit to the side again as Steve had previously done, slotting his cock into you channel now and moving atop the still fully clothed mob boss as his massive rod pounded your cervix over and over again, your second orgasm of the night ripped through you now as your fangs buried themselves deep in Steve's neck.
Placing your hand over his mouth now to silence his screams while his hand reached out uselessly towards his discarded weapon, your hips, thighs and fangs kept him in place now and a satisfied moan left your lips as the last of his life's essence flowed down your throat while his phallus released one final load against your shuddering walls.  Looking down at his almost lifeless body now as you finally detached your mouth from his battered neck, you knew the world could not handle his loss.  Slicing your wrist then and placing it against his lips, you reached out with your powers and coaxed the man beneath you to accept the final gift you offered.  Remaining like that just long enough then for his pupils to give the spark of evidence that signal the change would take, you now separated yourself from him and leaving him there, returned to the party.
🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛 -END OF MEMORY #1- 🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛
Returning to Steve's rumpled and discarded body now, your mind tried to reconcile what you had just remembered with what you were currently seeing and feeling, but things just weren't syncing up.  Reaching forward then to check on the condition of the super soldier, the memory of the blood you had just discarded stopped you dead before your hand even touched his skin.  This had to be a dream.  A very bad one at that.  Changing your mind now and rushing from the room to see if someone else could explain what had happened here, you next found your way to the indoor pool while Steve slept on, oblivious to the changes that would soon signal his transformation.
Opening the door here now not all together surprised to find this place relatively untouched given that Tony usually closed it off during parties, a sticky spot touching your foot did cause some apprehension however given what you had just experienced.  Raising your foot now to check out the offending substance, your heart now skipped a beat when your fingers touched your sole and came away red.  Something gruesome seemed to have occurred here too.  Moving farther into the room now, the image of Natasha's body laying in the center of the room decked out in the robe of the goddess Athena would have tricked anyone looking in here to believe that she was lost in peaceful slumber.  But you knew different.  As did the bloodstain lingering atop her left breast which triggered another memory flow.
🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛 -START OF MEMORY #2- 🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛
Righting your bodysuit and walking back towards the party now to find Natasha, dressed as the goddess Athena, heading in your direction, the image of Steve beginning his undead journey forced you now to ignore what you had become in favor of deflecting the redhead from discovering your secret.  Smiling at her now as you stood before her and asked her why she had chosen the goddess Athena as her costume, her eyes still traveling towards the kitchen as she confessed to being the wisest of all the Avengers told you that a greater distraction was still needed.
Locking your eyes with her now as you allowed your hypnotic skills to take you over once more, five minutes later and the pool room hid your activities perfectly from those individuals like Natasha/Athena that might discover what you were up to.  Coaxing her farther into the room now as you engaged the lock behind you, a hunger you had never felt before took hold as your eyes feasted on her ethereal form.  She was beyond beautiful.  Moving forwards now at a speed you never imagined possessing and coming to stand behind the redhead, you wrapped your arms around her waist as your lips came to nestle against her ear.
"Tell me beautiful, has anyone told you how divine you look?  Godhood totally becomes you," you uttered before your mouth then moved lower and your tongue snaked out to lick a stripe along her neck.  Delighting in the squeal that left her lips now and the thrumming you felt pulsing in her veins, you would have sunk your teeth into her right there if your body still wasn't hungry for something else.  Something far sweeter.
Moving in front of her now while simultaneously lowering her body onto the floor, the chill of the tiles beneath her might have caused her to rethink what you were proposing if not for the hold your powers still had on her.  Spreading her legs open now as your lower body moved between them, you placed your lips quickly against hers before moving down her body with the promise of giving her an experience she would never forget.  Looking up at her now with a smirk as you lifted up her robe and discovered her naked underneath, you couldn’t hold yourself back any longer as her exquisite aroma called out to you.  It was almost like her own super power.
Laying down flat between her legs now and placing them over your shoulders you would, before this activity was over, be extremely grateful that your current state did not require you to breathe.  You could stay here all night.  Latching your lips onto her intimate folds now as your tongue darted out and savored the taste of the first woman you had ever touched in this way, you would have questioned where your skills and knowledge came from, but you didn’t really care.  And it seemed Natasha/Athena didn’t care either.  Writhing and moaning beneath you now as her body tried both to pull away from you and also move closer, her nectar flowing from her and flooding your mouth was beyond distracting.  It was something you couldn’t get enough of.  Sweet and slightly salty at first, the seconds after her first orgasm subsided and the flavor changed.  Delicious now in a way you couldn’t quite describe, each release brought more and more of this delightful substance to your senses until she finally couldn’t give you any more and squirted out her last powerful release.
Satisfied now with your accomplishment as the goddess of wisdom, craft and warfare lay in a blissed out pool beneath your still wanting body, you moved yourself up hers now and tried to get her to focus what little consciousness she had left on you.  “So beautiful, are you ready to experience that final high that will forever ruin you for all mortal beings?”
Trying to focus now on your words as her body still shook from the experience you had just given her, an imperceptible nod of her head was all the confirmation you were going to receive.  Smiling in triumph now as your fingers returned to her oversensitive core and began manipulating her walls once again, your lips resting against her newly exposed breast gave little indication of what you had planned.  At least until your fangs slid home.  Suckling the life giving liquid from her left breast now as your fingers turned her screams of terror into screams of pleasure, her final spasm as the liquid leaving her body became little more than a trickle told you it was time.
Removing yourself from her breast and pussy now as her life signs began to dwindle, you now sliced open your neck and bringing her mouth towards your essence, urged her to accept this final gift.  Claiming her last ounce of strength then, she followed your gentle prodding and now you stood over your second victim of the night wondering how long it would take for this unique creature to embrace her new reality.  Not that you would be here to witness it.
🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛 -END OF MEMORY #2- 🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛
Shocked again now by what this memory showed you you had done, yet still not believing it, you now looked around the room in the hopes of finding something to cover the evidence of yet another Avenger you had managed to dispatch.  Failing in this endeavor however and deciding that the clothes you wore were nowhere near good enough, you argued with yourself silently before at last accepting you had no other option.  Gingerly reaching forward now and apologizing to Natasha both for what you had done and what you were doing now, you carefully removed her robe and straightening it out, covered her body from head to toe before leaving the scene of your latest crime.
Standing out in the hall now as tears streamed silently down your cheeks, you took a moment just to feel the loss of these two fallen heroes before wondering what to do next or more precisely what you might find.  Walking away now from the changing body of the Black Widow and moving farther into the depths of this revered building, a quick glance into Tony’s lab and a voice in the back of your mind told you to go inside.  But you didn’t want to.
Fearing now what awaited you beyond these walls, your mind was made up however.  Raising your hand now and placing it on the keypad, you hoped Tony hadn’t sealed this place off to everyone except himself.  Listening intently now for the buzz that would signal success and still somewhat surprised once you were accepted, you cautiously took one step at a time inside before the sight you now feared the most greeted you here too.  Lifelessly stretched out on the floor in front of his beloved orange Audi R8, the two familiar spots visible on his wrist only because you were looking for them  told you everything your memory would soon reveal.  You had encountered him too.
🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛 -START OF MEMORY #3- 🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛
Finding yourself back in the entertainment room again, you picked up a drink from the tray of a passing waitress before heading off to the same corner Steve had first taken you to.  Sitting down now and taking a sip of the cool beverage, you didn’t exactly dislike the taste but it seemed something else was calling out to you.  Closing your eyes then and reaching out with your powers, you honed in on the smallest noise, smell and sound and began to filter through them for some tasty morsel until the presence of two warm hands resting on your shoulders opened your eyes to the arrival of someone your body craved more than all others.  He was here.
Staying perfectly still now while trying to rein in the impulses that came with your new body and seemed to be wreaking havoc everywhere you went, your eyes lit up when Tony vaulted the back of the couch, flopped down beside you and locked his piercing gaze with yours.  But this wasn’t the Tony Stark you knew.  Sitting beside you now in the blue and black racing suit of his Formula 1 team with the word STARK emblazoned diagonally in large white letters on his chest, the confidence he displayed in most aspects of his life seemed somehow magnified now …  and it was completely directed at you.
“Well, well, well Jemisha, look at you all decked out in practically … nothing,” he greeted with a smirk as his eyes roamed over your very scantily covered body while his fingers glided up and down along your closest thigh.  “You hoping to have it off with a race car driver darling?”
Looking over him now while simultaneously trying to fight the sensations his fingers were awakening again within you, a woman coming up asking for his autograph and practically throwing herself at him awakened something more primal and darker in you.  It was something that screamed of jealousy.  Calling on your powers again this night, you suggested she walk away and bother someone like Thor before rising from the couch and pulling Tony up with you.  You needed him away from here.  Leading both of you then through the compound , you waited until Tony opened up his personal lab before using your considerable strength to push him inside as the door closed behind you.
Laughing now as Tony actually seemed surprised by your eagerness, this surprise was soon magnified almost tenfold when asking which car you wanted to take for a test drive, the billionaire found the wind knocked out of him when his back came in contact with his vibrant orange Audi R8.  Composing himself now as the air returned to his lungs and he attempted to raise himself up off the front of the vehicle, you kissing him deeply before peeling open the zipper on his racing suit stopped him cold.  This he wanted to experience.
Placing your hands on his thighs now, you winked up at him as you sank to your knees between his outstretched legs.  Removing one hand then, you withdrew him from his boxers and smiled at the gasp he released as your hand gave a firm squeeze before placing your lips gently against his tip.  Leaving them there then and doing nothing else as Tony waited above you, you now threw your head back and laughed with unbridled glee when Tony finally whined at you to do something before he combusted.  Thinking then of all the things you could do to him, you now patted his thigh with the hand still resting there before moving forwards once again.
Taking Tony in your mouth again, you now began a steady rhythm of licking and sucking his cock as your free hand wrapped itself around his shaft and started twisting back and forth along his impressive length.  Taking more and more of him into your mouth then while Tony egged you on, the longer you manipulated his rod, the less your hand was needed so you now moved it down to fondle his sac as you tried not to gag on his sheer girth.  Almost choking now as your hand squeezed and caressed him while drool and saliva dripped from your chin down his racing suit, the man above groaned once more in protest when your warm mouth left his pulsating phallus.  But you weren’t done with him yet.  Not by a long shot.
Placing both of your hands back on his thighs now and moving your head forward beneath his shaft, his firm hands reaching for your head stopped you momentarily as his wide eyes locked with yours.  “Jemisha, are you doing what I think you’re doing?”
Leaning towards him now and kissing him again while this time nipping his lower lip enough to draw blood, you then removed his hands and pushed him back against the car once more as your mouth descended back towards his balls.  Wrapping your lips around one now, you hollowed out your cheeks and vigorously began to suck as Tony gasped, moaned, cursed and generally came apart above you.  And this reaction only increased when your mouth emptied and began the same treatment of his other testicle .  And it fed your confidence.  Soon robbed of the ability to form any coherent words at all and barely capable of holding himself up, his hand reached down now to stroke his shaft in the hopes of ending his torment and hastening his release.  But you weren’t having any of it.
Slapping his hand away now and biting his sac just enough to cause him pain, your mouth and hand returning to his cock filled the room with sounds you wished you could listen to forever.  But hearing them now would do fine.  Employing your supernatural skills now, you licked, kissed, nipped, sucked and squeezed in all the ways it seemed that drove Tony wild and just as you felt his heart quicken that extra beat, you swallowed him whole and drank down everything he had to give you.  Literally.
Lodging him snugly in your throat as deep as he would go and thankful once more that you no longer had to bother with the pesky task of breathing, you waited just long enough for Tony’s whining to start again before sinking your fangs into his package.  Washing down his cum with the life-giving liquid that had just previously been supplementing the organ now feeding your being with everything that was uniquely Tony, drinking slow and deep of this savory bouquet now, Tony came out of his orgasmic haze just long enough to realize what you were doing.  And he was no longer happy.  Trying to detach you from him now while also about to scream out for help, you now released him, stood up straight and facing Tony promised him he could live forever if only he was brave enough to take that final step.
Nodding as much as he could now given his lack of strength as his heartbeat began to fail, you brought his lips to your neck and slicing across it watched in satisfaction as he latched on without a second thought.  Drinking freely from you now until you feared for your own survival, you gently pulled him from you and kissed him one last time before dropping his body back onto the car.  Walking over to Tony’s workstation now and dropping down onto his chair as his lifeless body slid to the floor, you took a few moments to recover from his feeding and work yourself towards completion before standing back up and walking towards the door.  Giving one final lingering look behind you now before exiting the lab and leaving behind the body of a man you so admired in life but cherished even more now in death, all you could do was smile at the thought that Tony Stark’s last living blowjob had actually changed his life.
🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛 -END OF MEMORY #3- 🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛
Leaving your memory of the previous night behind you now and returning to the present, you knew now reaching out to Tony would reveal the same result as Steve and Natasha.  All three were dead at your hand.  Looking around the lab now for anything that would hide the body from view, a portable workstation seemed to be your best option and so pulling it forwards a weird thought suddenly hit you … you missed your vampire strength.  Eventually placing it in front of the Audi and finally satisfied that no one would see what had transpired here, you now left the lab and actually welcomed the isolation that greeted you outside the room.  You needed somewhere quiet to think.
Walking through the compound now in a complete daze with no idea of your destination however, you soon found yourself outside the gym with the horrible feeling that your costumed alter ego had visited her brand of destruction here too.  Contemplating going inside to investigate or simply walking away and keeping the possible memory of events here locked away where they could never torment you, you instead waited a heartbeat before twisting the lock and heading inside.  And you were glad you did.
Looking every bit as pristine now as it always did when the Avengers and their employees were not dripping sweat everywhere, you actually sat down now on the nearest bench and released a grateful sigh of relief.  Nothing supernatural had happened here.  Taking a few moments now to relish in this small victory and perhaps let go of all the tension you had been holding onto in anticipation of yet another death to come to terms with, you eventually started to feel more like yourself and so rising from the bench made a beeline back towards the door.  That is, until the faint echo of laughter grabbed your attention.
🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛 -START OF MEMORY #4- 🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛
Kicking the door closed behind you as Maria Hill pulled you deeper into the gym after finding you wandering around the compound, you couldn’t believe this was really happening.  Admiring her from afar for her gorgeous looks and ball busting attitude, the idea that she would actually find you interesting was a complete surprise.  But this?  Watching her now in her maid’s outfit as she skipped across the gym floor and climbed her way into the ring, her perfectly toned ass on display as she bent over and manipulated her body through the ropes had you practically creaming yourself.  Damn, you couldn’t remember seeing anything sexier.
Delighting now in this thought, as well as the laughter emanating from the woman currently teasing you as she winked at you before straightening up, you let all caution and pretense fall away and taking to flight, landed softly in the ring just as Maria righted herself.  Much to her shock and awe.  Removing your adjustable collar now as Maria glanced around between where you had been and where you were now, a girlish giggle you never imagined her capable of creating took you by surprise as you closed the distance between you before placing your lips against hers.  Kissing her deeply then before burying your nose in her hair and inhaling her scent which hinted at her excitement, both of you burst out laughing as she tripped over herself and caused both of you to hit the canvas.
Relishing in this opportunity now as she seized the initiative for her lips and tongue to devour any of your flesh they could latch onto, you quickly remembered what you were and the powers you possessed.  Which meant this treatment could not stand.  Tossing her gently off you then and using your incredible speed to move both of you to the nearest accessible corner, you next removed one of the drapes from your costume’s belt and made short work of tying Maria’s hands to the ring post.  Smiling now at your handy work as she tried unsuccessfully to free herself, your body resting against hers stopped her suddenly … as did your words.  “Such a naughty girl I have here thinking she can take the lead with me.  What should your Queen do with her maid who’s forgotten her place?” you whispered against her ear as your hands began to roam underneath her maid’s outfit before pulling her panties and allowing them to snap back into place.
Yelping slightly now at the sting left behind by this action, you might have taken pity on her if she had only chosen the words she uttered now more carefully.  “Oh come on Jemisha, you know you like it when I take charge.  Waiting for you one could die of boredom.”
“Jemisha?  Did you just call me Jemisha?” you asked incredulously as you tore her skirt from her now before continuing.  “When did I ever give a lowly maid such as you permission to call me by my name?  Seems someone’s looking to be punished,” and with that you reached around her front and snatching the duster from her apron, brought it down on Maria’s ass numerous times as the brunette cried, shook and pleaded until suddenly the sound you longed for most left her lips.  And oh how delightful her moans were.
Untying her now before lowering her back onto the canvas again, you now kissed her tenderly before moving your hand down her trembling body to completely remove her panties that gave away the effect your actions had on her..  Naked from the waist down now and dripping slick between her thighs, you allowed her to retain the top part of her costume as you then tore open the crotch of your bodysuit to give her easy access.  Laying on your back now and sitting Maria on your face, you waited now until her mouth descended to your pussy before letting your powers take control.  Floating towards the ceiling now and trapping Maria between it and your own body, she might have been panicked by the scene unfolding if she wasn’t currently occupied elsewhere.  Devouring her now as she too began to eat you out, orgasm after orgasm rocked through both of you and threatened to consume all that you were, but you had other plans.
Removing your mouth from her pussy now as she continued to dine on everything you had to offer, you gently began to kiss along her thigh until you felt her pulse thrumming beneath the surface.  This was what you craved.  Nibbling a while longer now as your fingers entered her again and worked her closer to one last, powerful orgasm, right when Maria bit down on your clit did your fangs pierce her thigh and puncture her femoral artery.  Drawing out her blood now that was so much sweeter as your fingers continued to eke out her release, the warmth flowing through you was still an interesting contrast to the cooling body above you.  Maria Hill was not much longer for this world.
Grudgingly removing yourself from her now and carefully turning around to face her, you kissed her swiftly with lips moistened by her blood before bringing your nail across your neck and allowing all that you were to transform her into a creature like you that would now call the night her own.  Lowering both of you back down to ring floor then as your wound closed and your blood stopped flowing, you picked up Maria’s legs and dragging her body towards the apron, lifted her down onto the ground before raising the side canvas and placing her safely underneath.  Dropping the canvas back down then to shield her body from prying eyes, you left the gym now in search of your next adventure before morning’s light ended the party and whatever fun this was.  Which is what happened now it seemed.
🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛 -END OF MEMORY #4- 🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛
Deciding this time however to forego confirming that your memory of what transpired here was real in favor of what your eyes now focused on, the drape off your costume dangling where you’d tied Maria’s hands was confirmation enough.  So you accepted where she was, along with the horror of what had happened here, without looking any further.  Reaching out now instead and running your fingers along the fabric as you pictured Maria once more squirming in pain and pleasure as her duster colored her ass a glorious shade of red, you standing behind her suddenly crystalized in your mind as a wayward thought suddenly struck you.  You had woken up dressed in the clothes you now wore.  Which didn’t belong to you.
So where then was your vampire princess costume?
Thinking now on where you had been so far and where you, in your normal frame of mind, might be most likely to strip off your clothes, the guest quarters Tony had set up for you here at the compound seemed the most obvious destination.  Leaving the gym now and taking the elevator up to the living floor while trying to figure out how you were now decidedly human, the elevator doors opening and alerting you to your arrival would furnish you with this answer and a whole bucketload of extra information however as you now walked down the hall towards your room only to stop suddenly when you noticed Hawkeye’s door slightly open.
Which was extra proof that something wasn’t right.  Even here among their colleagues, no Avenger would ever leave their room door open.  Unlocked?  Maybe.  But definitely not open.  Unsure now of whether or not you should trespass and also mindful of what you might find given all the surprises the compound had already dropped in your lap, a voice in your head told you to put on your big girl pants and see if death had left its mark here too.  And as you pushed open the door that’s exactly what you did.
🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛 -START OF MEMORY #5- 🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛
Watching Clint walk ahead of you, swaying slightly with his axe resting on his shoulder, you couldn’t help but smile a little.  He really seemed to be enjoying the night.  Decked out in a lumberjack outfit that showed off muscles you never really noticed him having before, the closer you got to him the more you had to admit that there was something about this rugged side of him that just turned you on.  Then again maybe it was just the night that was in it and whatever this costume was doing to you.
Looking at your costume now and reminding yourself why you were still prowling around these corridors, the images now of the rugged woodsman tickled your fancy once again and altered your plans for now.  Seizing your opportunity now with Clint's inebriated state and no one else around, you waited just long enough for him to open his door before slipping beneath his stumbling form and helping to hold him upright as any good friend would do.  Mumbling an incoherent thanks that you could just about make out until his head turned towards you and acknowledged who you were, a triumphant smirk graced your features as he perked up a bit and managed to speak clearly.  “Come on in honey, let me taste a little darkness.”
Pausing momentarily now to look into his bloodshot eyes, Clint staggering closer into your personal space however unleashed two more powerful weapons against the part of you that told you it was wrong to take advantage of him in his current condition.  His scent and his blood pulsing beneath the surface.  Delighting now in your hesitancy and swirling his fingers along your shoulder, he now moved his lips against your ear and tried once more in slurred speech.  “Please honey, I know I can make you come like no other.”
Smiling to yourself now as you thought about what he said in conjunction with all the fun you had participated in so far this night, you wanted to inform him what a bold statement this was.  But something stopped you.  Giving him the once over again while he raised an eyebrow in response as if to say well what’s it to be, that little voice that made its presence known throughout the night intervened yet again.  It was time for another romp it seemed.  Looking along the corridor now in both directions before reminding yourself of your earlier appraisal of the man beside you, you figured if he was willing to offer himself up, drunk and all as he was, who were you to refuse.
Taking the initiative then and walking him into the apartment, the door closing and locking in your wake didn’t even reach the level of a warning as Clint’s lips latched onto yours before your back hit the nearest wall.  A bit taken aback now by his forcefulness as he always struck you as the more timid of the Avengers, or at the very least lacking any real passion in the romance department, the surprises kept on piling up when he reached down into his boot and produced one hell of an impressive hunting knife.  Seems he wasn’t as intoxicated as he had led you to believe.
Trailing it along your neck now as the sensation and sense of danger released a flood of arousal down your thigh, the blade moving lower and lower towards your flower brought a look of disapproval you never knew him capable of creating as Clint now dropped to his knees and discovered your secret.  The crotch of your bodysuit told him you had already been breached.  Tutting loudly now as he rose back up to meet your gaze, the blade grazing across your chest with a bit more pressure now than its previous trip along your neck made you wonder what he had in mind.  But you wouldn’t have long to wait to find out.
“Guess someone’s been a naughty vampire princess tonight.  You want to tell me who’s been all up in this precious cunt Jemisha?” he asked and before you could even form any kind of witty response, the blade sliced your bodysuit just enough for Clint to gain access to your tits since your pussy was already open to him.  Latching firmly onto one of your nipples now as you tried to get the upper hand in this situation, you ended up losing the battle however when Clint dropped his hand towards your lower body again and this time found his way to plunging the handle of the knife into your unprepared pussy.
Screaming out now from the shock of this unexpected penetration since you were nowhere near wet enough despite the slick already waiting, you might have wondered how he achieved this task without slicing his palm open, but to be honest you really couldn’t focus much on this question at the present time.  Continuing to work the knife handle in and out of your core while his warm mouth suckled on your breasts as if he could somehow draw nourishment from them, your eyes actually rolled back in your head as a powerful orgasm rocked your body and made you acknowledge that maybe he was right.  He could be your best yet.
Coming down from your high now as Clint continued to assault your breasts while teasingly withdrawing the knife’s handle, his other hand coming up to caress your cheek revealed a strong leather glove you had totally missed before.  How the hell had that happened?  Unsettled now by this total lack of awareness on your part but also putting it down to the fact that he totally caught you unawares with his drunk woodsman performance, you wondered what he had planned now as he took your hand and led you to the bedroom where your tender body hitting the soft sheets covering the bed actually felt nice for a change.  After all, this was the most softness you had had this night.
Gazing at your ethereal form now while giving the impression he could read your mind, you actually laughed a little when Clint informed you that while anywhere would do to get things started, a bed was the only place a vampire princess deserved to be ravished.  Honing in on this last word now as Clint removed his boots and crawled onto the bed next to you, you swiftly remembered what you were when he reached out, removed two of the remaining drapes hanging from your costume and made to tie your hands to the frame of the bed behind you.  But that could not be allowed.
Misting away from him now as a powerful wind materialized out of nowhere and slammed him into the very position you had just vacated, coalescing back to yourself before a wide eyed Clint left you in no doubt.  He had not expected this.  Smiling seductively at him now as the wind you commanded held him in place, you contemplated using these powers to keep him there, but where was the payback in that?  Here he was a mere mortal, with no extraordinary powers either in his normal life or the existence gifted to him this night, and he had dared to tie you down.
You.  The monarch of the night.  The queen of darkness.
Hell even the great and arrogant Tony Stark hadn’t pulled a stunt like that.
Becoming more furious now the longer you thought about what Clint had attempted, picking up the same costume drapes that he had attempted to use on you, you now moved forwards and tying each of his hands in place, gazed into his equally furious eyes before speaking.  “Seriously Clint, did you really think you stood a chance against me?  Shame on you,” you added with a disappointed tutting sound before grasping his chin and kissing him harshly.  Checking out his position and costume once more now before getting to the real fun, you did however decide that his arrogance warranted playing with him a bit first.
“Look at you all strung up for me now.  Bet you’re sorry you didn’t use the sharper end of your knife on me now baby.  Or better yet your axe,” you laughed now before placing your legs on either side of his right thigh and sinking down on it.  Moving back and forth along it now as you watched him pull against the restraints, you smiled triumphantly when reaching out and squeezing him through his pants caused him to curse you out before his head shot forwards and attempted to connect with yours.
Too bad for him that you were faster.
Displaying the fury of your race now that he would behave like this when you were so close to completion and had planned to get him off too at some point, you now decided some form of punishment deserved to be leveled against him.  Reluctantly removing yourself from his thigh then, you also alighted the bed and picking up the knife discarded by his boots you returned to your previous position and watched Clint’s look of anticipation morph into one of fear.  This was dangerous territory now.
Forcing him to look into your eyes now before compelling him not to make a sound, you next cut open his top and began placing shallow cuts all over his chest and shoulders.  Licking the blood from each one then before moving onto the next as he thrashed beneath you, you meticulously worked your way down his body and upon reaching his hips, smiled up at him through blood stained lips just as the knife slipped under his belt and cut it open.  Impressed now with the edge on the weapon, you might actually have admired the strength of his gloves to have protected him from slicing his palm earlier if time was on your side.  However that was not the case.
Noticing now that Clint’s pallor and demeanor was beginning to change as a possible result of his many, many wounds and accompanying blood loss, you swiftly removed his cock from its confines and actually had to marvel at what was revealed.  The man turned out to be very well endowed.  Tossing the knife to the side now and placing your hand around his substantial length, you quickly got to work getting him to full mast before moving your pussy over his rod and sinking down.
Gasping a little now from the feeling of fullness you hadn’t naturally experienced that night, you took a moment to appreciate what he now brought to the equation before your desire for release got the better of you.  You needed to come on this cock.  Bouncing on his package now, your head thrown back in pure ecstasy, you wished you had let Clint scream in passion along with you, but it couldn’t be helped.  The last thing you wanted now as you skimmed your fingers over his blood stained chest and chased your own orgasmic bliss was some man with an inflated sense of his own importance telling you all the ways he would make you suffer for what you were doing to him.
As if he had that kind of power.  As if any of them had when it came to you.
No, focusing back now on the feelings building within you as Clint’s breathing began to falter, you worked yourself over that last hurdle and released your arousal around his cock as your walls began to milk him of everything his mortal body had to offer.  And then you took more.  Releasing him from your compulsion now, you asked him quickly if he wanted to live and when his reply was a haggard, coughed out yes, you leaned forwards towards his wrist and sinking your fangs deep into the veins, drained him almost completely before reaching for his knife again.  Dragging it across the top of your chest now and urging him to drink, you held him in place just long enough for a slight flush to return to his cheeks.
Removing yourself from his rod and bed then, your next task was to take stock of the environment around you.  With Clint still secured to the bed and well on his way to an undead existence, your sole focus now could shift to you.  Gazing from the drapes still wrapped around his arms to the costume from whence they came, it was easy to see how the night’s activities had taken their toll here too.  Now lamenting the fact that your deposit was well and truly forfeit thanks to you and Clint, you searched through the immediate area and coming across an extra t-shirt and pair of boxers belonging to your latest victim, took one last look at the man in question before returning to the living room and closing the door behind you.
Peeling off the remains of your costume then and redressing in your borrowed attire, you sat down swiftly on the couch now as a wave of dizziness hit you again for the second time this night.  Recovering in practically the blink of an eye and ignoring it now as you had earlier, you then headed out of the apartment but not before picking up Clint’s axe, placing it atop your shoulder as he had done and returning once more to the party downstairs.
🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛 -END OF MEMORY #5- 🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛
Which was exactly where you had woken up.
Standing in the living room now and walking towards the room your memory had just confirmed would contain one more dead Avenger, the same memory you had just revisited still could not prepare you for the shock of finding Clint laying on the bed where you had left him.  Covered in blood with his costume cut open and his cock still hanging out after you had finished with him, the clothes you now wore missing from this room sent a chilling shiver down your spine.  But that was the least of your problems given that Clint had begun to stir.
Walking towards the bed now under the impression that your eyes were playing tricks on you, the drapes snapping as Clint’s body broke free and reached out to grab a hold of the person responsible for his current condition might have been enough to give you a heart attack if the bedroom door hadn’t at that very moment filled with four more bodies that now brought a whole new wave of terror crashing down upon you.  Your victims had awakened.
Flanked by his three colleagues now as you fought and raged against the man at your back, something in their demeanor however indicated you were in more danger than at any previous time in your young life.  Tony, Natasha, Steve and Maria standing before you.  Clint at your back, his arms locked around you.  All five heroes you had fucked, fed from and summarily dispatched and now with blinding clarity you knew where all that blood had come from.  It was theirs.  Conflicted now between figuring out how their transformations had stuck while yours had not, a far greater realization made its presence known however as Maria turned and locked the door before all four former heroes blocked your only exit.
This was retribution.
No longer possessed of the powers bestowed upon you by whatever occurrence had caused your costumes to come to life, the vampires now circling the bed as Clint held you tighter would have been a frightening experience under any circumstances but these were your creations and that thought frightened you even more given that you had no control over them,  Or so you thought.  It seemed to your relief that your natural curiosity proved somewhat powerful enough to halt their plans however as you blurted out the memory that now crystalized within your mind.  “Oh my god, the blood on the walls?  That was you.  But how?”
Tossing you back on the bed now as Tony nodded in your direction, Clint joined the others and five pairs of red eyes made you wonder if your outburst had angered them, but as the red faded and Tony spoke you breathed a welcome sigh of relief.  However temporary.  You may have bought yourself some time.  “Of course it was us darling, you left us to starve after all.  Not very nice of you I might add.”
“But how?” you asked again, remembering finding each of them exactly how and where you had left them.  Which you now reminded them of.
Exchanging knowing looks, this time it was Maria who was only too happy to inform you that they rejoined the living while you were passed out on the couch in the entertainment room.  Feeding their hunger then on those that Tony had hired to clean up the place, it seemed only right to return to their final resting places and wait for you to discover the devastation you had unknowingly created.
Shocked now at this revelation and what it had meant for the eighteen people who had suffered as a result of your choice in costume, you wanted to ask what had happened to the axe that had been part of Clint’s costume but looking at the five creatures undressing before you now, the answer was as clear as a cloudless sky.  They had removed it from your presence during their killing spree.  Knowing now that they had watched and waited until all the memories of what you had done to them had been recovered, you could only hope they would show mercy and dispatch you quickly once they satisfied their lust as they now joined you on the bed and proceeded to show you all the ways they intended to repay you for condemning them to eternity’s dark embrace.
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shallow-between-stars · 4 months
Hi, um, yes! Hello!
So, uhh, it's been seven years. I recovered my account about... a month ago and that was an ordeal, then did nothing with that for a bit, then lurked for a bit and am now posting.
Short answer: Life.
Long answer: Life, pets, work, and a side of what I think was HORRIBLE BURNOUT.
I didn't really notice I was pulling away from Tumblr, but I kinda did, which is absolutely my bad. Then, y'know, shit happened.
I got back from China in... 2017... promptly lost my job, ended up with a new job I loved for a company I hated, worked there for five years or so. Had to people, like, a lot.
My job was entirely dealing with people. Mostly people under 12. And my poor, introverted soul really struggled with that most days and came home, crashed on the couch and slept. When it wasn't school term, it was holiday care, when it wasn't holiday care it was school term. I was responsible for a lot, including making sure a daily average of 30 kids didn't hurt themselves.
And, y'know, about a year into that, my father (who I love a lot better at a distance) and I had a conversation (started by me) about my moving out of the family home. Mum and Dad basically refused to let me rent and (I'm showing my upper middle class, here, sorry) bought me a house that I am slowly paying them back for.
Yes, I know, and I am so very grateful for their support.
My dad and I shopped together and picked out a (unbeknownst to us) house-flipped 30 year old property with a great back yard and some small things that needed fixing, and I packed my bags and over the course of a week, I moved in.
And then I did what every responsible new home owner would do and waited until I moved in and was settled before making any more drastic life changes.
...Yeah. I'm lying.
I got two dogs. Ranger, who is the end result of putting all your points into Charisma and Constitution and using Wisdom as a dump stat, and Rogue who went the Int/Dex route but forgot that constitution exists. Seriously. I had her a week and she nearly died from -eating chicken.-
(She's allergic, we have discovered in the interim. She's also five now, arthritic and incontinent, the very definition of THE BEST DOG WITH SHITTY HEALTH ever. I'd say she's the living embodiment of 'adopt, don't shop', but the other dog's adopted and has an almost 1:1 ratio of "years alive" and "windows broken because he got scared".)
So. I worked a shitty job for five years (and through Covid, my job was considered an essential role which meant I worked straight through the pandemic, with children, which was low-key terrifying), and then in an episode of "nepo baby" a friend of my mother's got me a job at a high school for kids with behavioural issues where I worked for the better part of last year teaching EAL/D to refugees. I loved the kids to pieces, but as you could probably tell from the 'refugee' part of that sentence, these kids came with very heavy stories and my heart was broken for them more often than not.
Anyway, due to a contract kerfuffle at the end of last year I found myself out of that job, but my boss stepped in for another episode of "nepo baby" and sourced me a -new- job with a friend of hers working at a different school, where I am now. Still teaching high school, still teaching EAL/D and still loving every minute of it.
Anyway, I'm writing again, which is great, and something that I haven't managed to do consistently for years (See: HORRIBLE BURNOUT) and am excited to be -almost- ready to post some new content to my sadly neglected AO3, where the last thing I posted was about... two and a half years ago and at the tail end of Covid.
Surprising no-one, the content I have most recently written is Kal and Bull.
Surprising probably a lot of people, I still haven't played Baldur's Gate 3, but I've got three weeks of holidays in about a month so maybe I will play it then? Maybe?
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atierrorian · 2 years
The Start and the End
Part 2 Scaramouche x reader series "I'm glad I've met you [Name]" "I'm glad I've met you too Kuni"
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Heya!~ So glad you can come back and read this chapter again! I am so so glad you came decided to read this! Now are you ready for the part 2 of this story of where 2 puppets had fell in love with each other? Well then sit back and relax! (Ps I also recommend reading part 1 first!)
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"I don't have heart" "Then may I be your heart?" [Name] kept walking and walking and along the way they encountered Hilichurls, luckily they managed to defeat them and besides they were a good dummy for them to practice their vision anyways.
[Name] just kept walking along the path hoping to get somewhere else new. [Name] suddenly saw something in the distance and decided to run forward to it! It was a bridge. To Liyue Harbor.
[Name] crossed the bridge and saw some of the buildings in Liyue Harbor, and there were dogs as well to greet them or try and play with them.
[Name] walked and was awed by the new environment around them and was having such a fun time in Liyue. They did have Mora since the Sages gave them to buy stuff from the people in Sumeru, so they decided to buy some food in Liyue, even tho they don't need to eat they can still taste it, and they always wondered what all the other Nations foods tasted like.
[Name] bought a Liyue cuisine called "Lotus Flower Crisp" it looked tasty! [Name] happily took a bite out of the food and was astounded of how it tasted! [Name] Happily took more bites of it and trying to savor the flavor in their tongue, it was too delicious for them! After they were done eating with it they decided to find a place to stay, Or at least rent somewhere.
Although they do not need sleep, they do like to take a nap tho so they decided to ask some people around where they can rent somewhere. In the end they did found a place to stay for a bit and continue their Journey of exploring Teyvat and unravel the mysteries in Teyvat.
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[Name] has been in Liyue for quite some time now and exploring the places it had, but they decided it was time to explore somewhere else now! Of course that doesn't mean they won't be sad about leaving their friends behind but like they said before I could always just visit them again! [Name] decided they wanted to go to Inazuma since they always wanted to go there before since they heard it was Beautiful Nation filled with Sakura petals and something new to them. [Name] walked to where the decks were and heard someone say that they were going to go to Inazuma. [Name] went to where the person that said that they were going to Inazuma, they asked if they could hop on board. They said yes and [Name] did hopped on board and was excited to see and learn new things around them.
After waiting for quite some time they finally set sail to Inazuma, although they haven't been to Mondstadt yet but they'll go to it later because they have always wanted to explore Inazuma first.
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Finally they were now at the docks of Inazuma and hopped out of the ship and thanked them and gave them a few Mora and now decided to venture into another new environment around them. [Name] was now in Awe of the new surroundings around them and the beauty of it, but they heard that their Archon was quite.. Ruthless. Welp as long as they don't do anything wrong or quite bad It's going to be alright!... They thought.... and hoped.
They have no started to explore Inazuma and met some animals and people on the way, of course their attire was really different so some people had ask them where they came from, of course they would always answer their question and bid them goodbye. [Name] picked up some Sakura petals and decided to decided to make it into a flower crown, they collected some sticks and other Materials and made the crown now. [Name] made 2 in case if they met a new friend that they would feel like they would have a special bond with.
[Name] kept walking until they have now made it to Inazuma City and some of the dogs started to swarm [Name]. [Name] patted them all and started to go inside of the City of Inazuma now. The first thing [Name] did was to buy a cuisine in Inazuma of course, not only do they want to explore Teyvat and it's Secrets but also all of the Nations Cuisine as well. [Name] bought the Tricolor Dango since they liked the Aesthetic of it and it looks tasty as well. [Name] ate the Dango and it tasted so divine!! They kept eating it until nothing was left but the stick they threw the stick somewhere and decided to buy another for later. They kept exploring and encountering some Hilichurls again and practiced on them again. There getting the hang of their Vision now, and they can protect themselves more and not being that vulnerable for monsters to attack them and etc.
They also Encountered some Domains on their way as well. They kept walking until they heard a cry of someone near a Domain and they decided to investigate the crying noise of someone.
They kept following the noise until they found someone on the ground crying.
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Part 2 done! Anyways this is short as well but like eh-
Just glad that this is now going to be posted now lmao.
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myloveforhergoeson · 1 year
hey there! i was wondering - how have you already written such a LONG fic in only so few chapters? did you extensively plan this story ahead of time? make a beat sheet? please reveal your writerly ways 🙏 i struggle even reaching a decent word count for a single chapter 😭
hi!! oh my gosh thank you so much for your question!!! the first question about that's all she wrote ever!!! i have kind of a long answer for you; please find it under the cut
so, the idea for thats all she wrote came to me in november of 2021, and that was the first month that i ended up putting words on a google doc and creating roxy as a character. until a few months ago, this fic was just a silly little thing i could write in my free time so i had accumulated quite a few chapters just from writing whenever i felt like it! i never actually intended for this to be something i published until i had a friend who wanted to publish their own fic in a different fandom and we thought it would be fun to do together. so, i haven't actually written 75k words since the beginning of march, i've been slowly chugging along since the end of november 2021. as of now, since i've seriously began to write to make sure i can meet my every two week posting mark, i'm now writing the very last chapter of the first season - so I've got 17 full chapters written and i'm about 1/4 of the way through the last one (which i'll probably have to split up bc its already super long)
as for the extensive story planning... that is certainly one way to put it. i'm pretty acquainted with the first two seasons of the show, so as i remembered more and more plot points that happened i would just figure how to fix roxy into them and write it down in my notes app. i had major milestones (a plot point in the 7th chapter i cant spoil, a plot point for the dance episode i can't spoil, when she gets together with james... all the way until the end of the big time movie!!) in my head and worked from there. if i knew a major plot point was coming up, i did my best to kind of build the story around that as well as the main plot of the episode. it's kind of hard to explain, but yeah extensive story planning in the way that this story lives in my mind rent free and i love the little character i have made. it's kind of like a beat sheet, but it mostly lives in my brain. honestly, the worst part is writing something in my ideas note and then coming back to it like three months later and having no idea what i meant - for instance i'm trying to figure out what "Mona Lisa, when the world comes down aar finale, obvious westlife" means right now... probably something about the title of the chapter, but maybe i meant i wanted her to play mona lisa by the all american rejects on her guitar... maybe she was listening to obvious by westlife bc she loves '90s boybands... i don't know... we'll have to wait a few chapters to figure it out
when it comes to word count, i don't really have a goal or a cap, but most of the story is already written for me - i do follow most of the main plot and dialogue, just adding in spaces for roxy to exist both on her own as a character and in relation to her band :) a lot of the gags in the show are visual too, so i have to take extra time to make sure i'm able to write that out. plus, the world they live in isn't really fleshed out in the show and that drives me CRAZY, so i like to put my own spin on what i think different parts of the palm woods or rocque records look like... in the 7th chapter i think i went a bit crazy and invented the entire plot of the varsity vampire movies... plus i have little scenes that i either wanted to include in the episode from the get go so the readers can learn more about roxy and her thoughts/feelings about her crazy new life or that i just thought would fit within the episode. i'm really trying my best to give her her own character plot lines and motivations outside of the band, especially outside of james, to make sure she's just as fleshed out as the guys characters are!
tl;dr: i've had literal years sitting on this fic and lots and lots and lots of time to think about how i want it! if you have any more questions/comments/one-shot ideas please do not hesitate to send them my way :)) thanks for your support, i hope you'll like what i've got coming up!
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Misread Fates Chapter 4: The Gossip Gang of Dragon Besieged Town
Every Thursday in west corner of Kingstown, three friends get together to play a game. It’s a tradition.
Whoever arrives at the tavern first buys the drinks and has them all set down at their favorite table, the best table. It’s the one up against the wall, close enough to the fire to keep warm and far enough away from the minstrel to hear each other talk.
The game is simple. Each friend puts three coins in the center of the table, takes a drink, and when they’re all gathered together, the stories begin. Each tells the most interesting thing that happened to them that week, one right after the other.  At the end of the night, they use their leftover brain cells to drunkenly argue who had the best, most interesting story. Whoever wins gets to take home all the coins in the center of the table.
None of them were above lying, but none of them were above calling bullshit either. Anyone who got caught in a lie had to put another coin in the center. Receipts and trinkets and eyewitness accounts pulled from other patrons at the bar were all used as proof of their telling.
Tonight, Johanason, a big burly man who towered over the other patrons and made his chair creak with strain was the one to buy the drinks. But Gertrude, a woman in her 50s with grey hair, rough overalls and dirt under her fingers, was the first one to break open the tales.
“I have a story to tell you of the most useless, reckless young lout I’ve ever encountered.”
Her hair was fighting for freedom from its tight bun after a long day’s work on her cattle farm. She took a long deep swig and put her elbow up on the table.
“This git buys a cow from me. Tells me his family is starting a farm. As you know, I’ve been having a hard time, and I need the money. So I give a decent cow and I make him pay through the nose for it. But before he goes, I told him about our town’s little issue, “
The three exchanged significant glances.
“I didn’t want him to lose the cow after I made him pay so much. I tell him, that, wherever he’s going, he needs to get that cow sky cover, get it under a barn, rent an inn anything, just don’t leave it access to the open night sky. And he nods, smiles, and leaves. Then he comes back a few days later, and guess what he’d done.”
She gave a short, sarcastic smirk while her eyes communicated full rage.
“You might as well just throw that money on a well. He was calm as you please when he came back. It was like he was pretending he hadn’t messed up in the exact way I warned him about. But I assumed he learned his lesson and I don’t want his family to suffer, so  I sold him another.  And I asked him ‘You’ve learned your lesson now haven’t you? You can’t leave that cow out at night. Just wait until early next morning to take that cow home.’ I even offered to rent out part of my part of my barn to him. And he just nodded and said ‘thank you for your offer but I have to get this home quickly, I can’t stay here’ and in that moment I just knew he was going to do it again.”
“Idiot,” Mordecai mumbled under his breath
“ Exactly! I came home late after fixing a fence and I saw him. He was standing on the edge of the field, just in the tree line of the forest while the cow stood in the center. The beast came and swooped down and scooped old Bessie up in his claws while he just stood there doing nothing. When it was all over he just ambled off into the woods. I don’t know what he expected to see or do. Maybe he thought I was stealing my cows back in the middle of the night and scamming him. I don’t know. I told him what he needed to do, it’s not my fault he didn’t listen.”
She gave a derisive snort. This was one of those stories she told less for the desire to win the competition, and more for the need to vent.
“These out-of-towners don’t know the fount of wisdom we provide”, said Johanason,
“Damn straight”, said Gertrude, “Mark my words, he’s going to come back for another cow in a few days' time, and he’s still not going to admit  that he was wrong, or heed my warning. I need the money but it feels wrong to just throw cows to the dragon. And he had some packs around it neck too, so the idiot probably lost some of his own stuff that he brought, as well as my cow.”
Mordecai waited a few beats to see if Gertrudde had anything else to say. When he was pretty sure it was safe he put his three coins in the center of the table, and then rolled up his sleeves stained with various unidentifiable fluids.
Mordecai was the town medicine-man for both livestock and people. He had messy hair and long fingers
“I’m afraid I also have a small tragedy to tell. I met a man who was going through the same nonsense we are.
He came into my shop just a few days ago. He told me there was a fire-breathing griffin going after the grain in his town, eating it in some parts and burning others. But it hasn’t attacked any humans yet so the royal family hasn’t sent anyone to help.”
They gave a collective groan, the familiar taste of refused aid and bitter frustration, fresh on their tongues.
“Anyway a group of men and women in their town are gathering to go fight it soon, so he asked me how much burn salve I could make quickly. He was knowledgeable; he brought some of the rarer ingredients that I’d need to make it.
I've been brewing batches all week. He already took some but he’s coming back for more. He also asked if I had any paralytics or anything that could be used to give an animal a strong sleep or quiet death. I gave him the same stuff I gave Gertie when one of her bulls went mad.”
Gertrude nodded, “That was a sad business.”
It had been a good and healthy Bull that she’d raised herself. She’d been relying on him to make a lot of healthy calves and she hadn’t wanted to put him down, but he’d stopped eating and was trying to gore the other cows. It needed to happen.
“I don’t know if it’ll work on a Griffin but I gave him all I had. I hope he was telling the truth because I gave him enough to kill an entire town.”
Mordecai had meant that last part as a joke, but his face went white as he realized how true it might be.,
“Oh all things bright… I didn’t think about that until now. What if he was lying? What have I done? He looked so young and earnest, I didn’t think about that- I should’ve checked him more”
Gertrude snickered.
“Maybe the burn salve was for when the villagers came after him with torches.”
Mordecai stared into the corner of space between the table and the floor.
Johanason clapped him on the back, “I wouldn’t worry about it too much. You tend to be a pretty good judge of character. I, for one, am hoping he was telling the truth. You helping a mass murderer would be far too exciting, and I’d hate to waste my gossip for this week.
Johanason's eyes lit up with mischievous glee.
“I heard Widow Lawrence and Judge Thomas getting down and dirty with each other.”
“LIAR! Gertrude shouted, “ There’s no way. We can’t get through two weeks without them starting some unnecessary spat about community morals or where to hold the next town meeting. They’ve hated each other for years!”
He straightened himself up,
“You know me. I tend to keep a pretty consistent work schedule. I do most of my smithing in the morning when the light is brightest so that I don’t ruin my eyes when switching from the forge to the anvil, and I tend to hammer hard and keep the fire at full roar so that I don’t have to listen to their early morning arguments.
But this week, I had a young man come into my shop to ask a little about the local history. I don’t like to interrupt my work schedule but he had the coin to make it worth my while. So I was willing to stop my hammering to answer his questions.
This means I got to hear some very sultry whispering where I usually hear angry shouts. They must’ve been using my hammering to hide their activity for years. I don’t think they noticed I stopped. It was the funniest thing I’ve heard in so long. Their language doesn’t change a lot. He’ll still used a lot of his uptight legalese, and she still called him a filthy, spineless, moral-less cad but it took on a very different tone.
The customer I was serving noticed too. The youth was just bright red and he was asking questions about any random thing to avoid focusing on the things that we were all hearing, from the leathers I was wore while doing my forge work to the family helm I have on my wall to the owner of the old mines.
He regretted that last question because I had to point out that the owner of the mines was the same man we were listening to in the alleyway. “
Johanason broke out in a grin, his teeth shining through his coal-black beard.
“I’m never going to let this go. You see if that judge ever charges me for drunken disorderly behavior again. I’m excited to see if I can bring up phrases they said to each other in normal conversation, just to watch them squirm.”
Gertrude cackled,
“Please do, Blessed Spirits know I need the entertainment.”
Between them, Mordecai sat stared at his mug, leg bouncing. His face was still pale. Johanason’s face dropped as he looked at his friend.
“The idea of that young lad being a murderer still bothering you?”
“Yeah, I’m sorry it is. It would just help to get a second opinion on him, see if anyone else met him or thought he was suspicious. It would give me peace of mind. I think he was carrying one of your crossbows, one of the ones you make with Hester sometimes. Do you recall a young out-of-towner coming in to buy one? He would have had messy brown hair, and maybe a long coat with too many pockets?”
Johanason looked a little taken aback, “Yeah, actually, that was the young lad I was just talking about. He had scars across his palms, and a small notch in his ear- I think he said his name was Braun?”
“Wait was it Bruin?” Interjected Gertrude, “I remember the scars across his palms. That’s the same idiot I told you about.”
For a moment there was silence between the three as they rearranged the puzzle pieces of their stories together. The hustle of the bar filled the noise around them.
“Mordecai,” Said Gertrude, “The paralytics you gave him, would they have filled two, average-sized satchels that could’ve been put around two different cows' necks?”
She held up her hands to indicate the size of the satchels
“Yes. I do believe they would have.”
“Quite right.”
“That’s stupider than I expected. That’s unbelievably stupid. He couldn’t have been more than 20, and there was no one else with him. It’s larger than two of my barns put together.”
“No wonder he didn’t tell us,” said Johanason.”
“Maybe he’s meeting up with a group. He couldn’t have gone in alone, why would he go in alone?” asked Mordecai.
The friends’ rising discussion was interrupted by a loud bang and rattling of the bar. Somewhere up in the mountains, something had exploded.
 A few hours earlier
 Everything ached. Sleipnir awoke to something small moving around his cave. It took all his will just to open his eyes and see a brown, human-ish-looking smudge in front of him. His head pounded. His eyelids felt like lead. Every muscle, every bone in his body felt rusted and covered in dust.
Something was wrong with that last cow he ate. It was diseased or something, perhaps half-dead and rotting on its feet. It must’ve been going around. This is the second time it’d happened and he hadn’t fully recovered from the last.
His tongue felt heavy in his mouth as he spoke.
“Go. Away. I am not in the mood to deal with your kind right now. Leave before I eat you.”
“Why have you not switched hunting grounds?”
“Come again?”
Sleipnir felt half feverish and delusional. Had he not just told this human to go away? Why was it still sitting there talking to him?”
“Dragons eat magical creatures. It's what gives you a wealth of power to fly and heat your internal furnaces, and yet here you are eating cows. I can point you out to regions that have better stock for you. There’s no need for you to starve like this.”
Sleipnir's eyes rolled “Oh, great a book-learned human.”
Sleipnir spat a lazy ball of fire toward the human-ish blob in front of him. He saw double as it rolled out of the way. The motion made his head ache, and he struggled to focus his eyes as he watched it scramble away into some crag of his cave.
Ugh It wasn’t dead. It would keep talking and moving and making noise.
The force of his irritation motivated Sleipnir to slowly lift himself and shake himself off. The motion shook the cave around him and made rocks fall from the ceiling, but it did not make the human fall from its hidey-hole. He could hear its voice bounce off the walls as it continued to speak.
“I was just really hoping to come to a peaceable solution. That way I wouldn’t have to try and kill you. You have all this gold lying around. If you just paid the farmers for their cows they wouldn’t starve and I could leave.”
Even in Sleipnir's sorry sore state, that made him laugh.
“You, tiny bird, kill me? What would you do, peck out my eyes? I have nothing to fear from you. And I see no reason to part from my gold.”
That wasn’t entirely true, at this moment, the gold did annoy Sleipnir. It was something extra to move through as he walked across the floor, and it shined in his eyes, worsening his headache. Sleipnir peered into every crag he knew of to find the human. He felt something hit his face. Did this human have arrows? Why? What did he not understand about unpiercable scales?
“It’s not me you have to worry about, really, It’s the royal family. They have a fate for slaying monsters, and I have one for bringing a hero to slay a monster once I fail. If they fight you’re kinda doomed destiny-wise.”
“Why would the royal family care about me? I haven’t touched any of their precious humans.”
“Excuse me?”
“Human, where do you think all this gold came from? Oh, some of it's from past victories; castles I raided and villages I burned and scavenged many, many years ago. But, a good lot of it is very recent payment from the Queen of Langdon herself. For services rendered. It’s very simple. I eat all the magical creatures in this land, and I don’t touch any humans and she pays me.
That’s why I haven’t- how did you put it- ‘moved hunting grounds’? I like living in a land that gives me tribute in gold in return for eating what I like. I’ve grown quite fat and happy here. I’d hate to leave.”
“So the cows?”
Sleipnir shrugged his mountainous shoulders.
“I ran out of magical creatures.”
Sleipnir grew tired of looking into every crag one by one, and he slashed his claws against the walls, opening up every tiny pocket in the walls there could be. He watched the human, clearer now, tumble out and run into one of the old mining tunnels.
Oh for the love of-
It was a long tunnel that he couldn’t quite see down. He spat fire into it. His flame was still weak.
“I hate to break it to you, but if they sent me in that deal is probably off.”
Oh great, it was still alive. Must’ve been hiding behind a turn, he’d have to stick his neck in there. He spoke as he snaked his head slowly into the tunnel.
“Is it? They sent you here all alone, human. That’s not a recipe for success. That’s not even a recipe for you getting a decent scratch on me. Perhaps this is their way of permitting me to move on to human fare. Perhaps you’ll be the first of many young fools sent in one by one to feed me while they wait for magical creatures to return to the land. Who exactly is being betrayed here? Have they even shown their face to you?”
Somewhere in the far dark of the tunnel, he heard a small voice say, “I’m going to have to kill you aren’t I? There’s no other way.”
“Human, I assure you, I am currently trying to give you another way.”
There was a small boom and a crack as the wall in front of him exploded as he was about to turn his head around a corner. Jagged shards of rock dug into his right eye and made him rear back.  
He screamed and pulled his head out of the tunnel. This human was dying tonight.
Sleipnir pulled his head out of the tunnel and listened. He could hear the human running towards the entrance of the cave, trying to leave. It was too late for that, Sleipnir had offered and the human had denied him it died tonight.
He caught up to it before it could reach the night air at the mouth of his cave. It shot firey arrows up at his eyes as he dove at it, clasping his jaws around it.
Sleipnir wanted to enjoy his victory but he was distracted, by a gentle, almost unnoticeable sizzling noise above his head.
He looked up to see barrels in a small, tucked away mining tunnel in the rock above, the image a barrel filled with explosive. Behind it, was another and another and another, as far back as he could see into that tunnel, and the one next to it, and the one he’d never noticed before to the left of it.
“Really? How long had that been there?”
It was the last thought Sleipnir had before the ceiling of his home fell in on him.
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Sweatpants low around your hips, a pair of biker shorts underneath for when you got too hot in the rented warehouse space. Luis clapped his hands and shook his head, the band fell apart and the sound died out before you could even take the microphone out of its stand.
“What on earth did I fuck up in those two seconds?” You laughed, a playful glare at your choreographer when he came closer to your mark on the floor. 
“Nothing, nothing,” he promised. “But if we’re going with the change in the setlist that you mentioned the other night we’ll have to rework the end of this.”
You nodded--your musical director was over near the makeshift sound booth and seemingly too distracted by whatever a soundtech was pointing at. A problem for later. Luis agreed with a smile. “Can someone jot that down as an issue to address at tomorrow’s run through?”
An intern with a clipboard nodded quickly and you smiled, looked down to the floor and lined up your toes to the blue tape that Luis had laid down a few weeks ago. 
You leaned into the microphone, your voice echoing through the rehearsal space when you smiled. “For the eighth time, if Luis can let go and just see how we do.”
Your band laughed, the lights dimmed a little and you heard the count through your in-ears. 
The opening verse was easy enough: stay in one spot, bounce to the beat until the pre-chorus hit and you were set to pull your mic from the stand and head down the catwalk out front. Which, for now, was simply a six-foot wide lane marked by neon pink tape on the black floor. 
You did as you and Luis had planned, headed down closer to the sound booth and smiled at Mia when she looked up from her phone. It was Wednesday, your third day this week in the giant warehouse somewhere West of the city. Things were coming together: choreo, the band, the lighting cues and video graphics that would play on the giant screens overhead. 
Tomorrow would be a dress rehearsal, everything moving in the right direction now that wardrobe had been finalized and the band had their last fitting a few days prior. So you shook your hips and made a funny face at Mia, your eyes trailing over to the corner of the space when a door opened and a familiar face took in the sight of the whirring and buzzing and overall rocking in the room. 
He had a baseball hat on, smiled over at you when your eyes met. 
You fell out of step for a second--something Luis would be sure to mention later when he gave notes--but were quick to fall back into the beat when you clipped your microphone in a new stand at the end of the pretend catwalk. A guitar tech appeared, magically, as planned, and helped slide a guitar strap over your shoulder before you played along with the band.
Jason, who had now found a spot beside Mia and watched you bounce along with the music, adjusted the hat on his head before he clapped his hands together once the song was finished. 
Mia did the same but you leaned into the mic. “Applause is not necessary for that trainwreck.”
Luis pressed the button on the mic pack on his hip, letting his voice carry out into the big room. “Couldn’t agree more--let’s take five, okay?”
He walked a few steps over and you handed the guitar back to the tech who was waiting to fetch it. “Okay--so, don’t forget that you need the mic to be back in the stand before you get to the second verse, you don’t have all day to get down here.”
“I know,” you breathed out, a quick smile when you glanced over to where Jason stood. “I was mildly distracted during that one.”
Luis looked over his shoulder, rolled his eyes when he noticed the new audience member. “Oh my god,” he teased. “You’re crazy and unprofessional.”
“Can we make that take five a take ten?” You offered your pleading smile, one that Luis had been seeing for the last ten years in your career.
“Fine,” he groaned. “But only ten!”
“You’re the love of my life,” you told Luis, a pinch to his side when you headed towards Jason and Mia. He hadn’t said for sure if he’d show up and say hi, mentioned last night that he might get out of filming early and wouldn’t be too far from the rehearsal space. 
He smiled when you approached, Mia looked between the two of you when you told him: “You’re gonna get me fired.”
“Me?” He asked, a finger at his own chest when Mia stifled a laugh.
“Yeah--can’t keep my focus on the dancing and shit when you show up mid-song.”
“Oh, boohoo,” Mia chided with a smirk. “You guys are disgusting.”
“Fine, then we’ll go be disgusting in my dressing room,” you rolled your eyes at her. Jason fell into step behind you, you took a gulp from the water bottle that Mia had been holding for you as you led him out of the big room. 
“You realize that they can’t fire you, right?”
“Sounds like you know it’ll be your fault if they do,” you eyed him over your shoulder. 
You pushed open the door, a small room with a couch and a makeup counter that was currently stocked with water and snacks. He stepped inside, took a look around the room before his eyes landed on you. 
“You looked really good out there.”
“Thanks,” you walked over to the counter and hopped up. “We’re still ironing out the smaller details but we have all of the songs choreographed and we start with full wardrobe tomorrow.”
He smiled, you took another swig from your water bottle. 
“No, like, I mean you looked hot.”
“Oh,” you made a face, feeling anything but in your sweatpants and sports bra and with the probable layer of sweat over your forehead. You reached for a bag of cheez-its, tugged it open. He watched with a smirk as you threw a handful into your mouth. “I wouldn’t say this is my sexiest outfit.”
“You don’t have a least sexy outfit,” he flirted, a few steps closer. 
You chewed and let your eyebrow quirk up. “Are you trying to have sex with me right now?”
“Well--I mean, I wouldn’t say no to a little afternoon delight.”
“Oh my god,” you laughed, hopping down from the counter. “I smell. I’m sweaty.”
“I don’t smell anything,” he laughed.
“You’re not close enough,” you warned, a sidestep towards the couch. “I only have ten minutes.”
“I’m eating cheez-itz,” you held the bag up and dangled it in front of his face.
“Save the rest for me for when we’re finished,” he smiled, another step towards you when you giggled and gave in. His lips were on yours and his left arm snaked around your waist, you tossed the snack aside and smiled against his mouth. 
“I don’t think this door locks,” you told him.
“Extra risky,” he pulled his head back and looked over to the knob. “I like it.”
You shoved at his chest, pushed him down onto the couch and straddled his lap when he looked up at you with wide eyes. 
“You have to be quiet,” you nodded. 
“I am quiet,” he said, a look of mock-offense on his face. 
You pressed another kiss to his mouth, a soft whimper from between his lips before you pulled away again. 
“Really?” You laughed. “Because you’re already being too loud.”
“I can’t help it that I just want to fuck you,” he said with an innocent smirk, hands already creeping up to the elastic band of your sports bra. 
You could feel him growing beneath you, you buckled your hips against his just to watch him squirm. You slapped his hand away from your bare skin, tugged your bra off yourself as he smiled at the sight of you. 
He pushed his mouth against yours quickly, your fingers fumbled with the hem of his shirt as he leaned forward to provide better access as you pulled it over his head. Layer by layer you giggled as he tossed your clothes across the room, a look of ecstasy on his face when he pushed into you on the couch. 
“This is definitely your kink,” you breathed out, a smile as he kissed your face. “Almost public sex.”
He laughed, rhythm as his hips knocked into yours. “It is not!”
“SNL, now here,” you reminded.
“You’re awfully chatty for someone who said this sex had to be quiet,” he teased.
You rolled your eyes, felt the friction of your skin against his as he pumped into you and pressed another wet kiss to your mouth. “Not my fault that you feel so good.”
“Yeah?” He asked, voice low and breathy as he sped up. 
“Yeah,” you smiled up at him. 
“You feel even better,” he flirted, a kiss to your jawline when you let out a whimper of pleasure. “Does that feel good, baby?”
“Mhm,” you tugged him closer, let your legs tangle with his as you arched your back. 
“Are you gonna cum for me?” 
Too much adrenaline in your body for words, another whimper as you chased the high of orgasm, breathless and desperate for release when he moved harder and faster against you. 
You giggled into his shoulder when he followed close behind, a moment of reprieve when he smiled down at you joked: “I think you have some more ass shaking to do out there.”
As if on cue, a knock on the door, Mia’s voice was muffled from the other side. “Luis is gonna come in here himself if you don’t get a move on!”
Jason’s eyes went wide. “Told you so.”
You stole a glance up at him, across the table as Mia dozed a few seats over. The cabin of the jet hummed when you looked back down at the book you were trying to focus on. 
The air shifted in the room, a cool breeze through the doors before…
Another glance up at him. Computer on his lap, airpods in, apparently he was having no trouble focusing. 
You sighed, looked down at your book. The air shifted in the room, a cool breeze through the doors before…
A third glance, this time his eyes flickered up and he pulled an airpod out, a smirk on his face when you offered a guilty look. 
“I’m nervous,” you whispered, lips curling up in a smile when his eyes went wide. 
“You? Nervous?”
“Yeah,” you laughed a little, voice still quiet to avoid alerting Mia to the anxiety that was climbing up your throat. “Just a little.”
“For The Grammys?”
“Yes,” you rolled your eyes.
He tugged the other airpod out, shut his laptop and adjusted in his seat. “Why on earth are you nervous?”
A shrug, you shut your book and tossed it onto the empty seat beside you. “I don’t know. Last year was way different, way less of a spectacle.”
He nodded. “You also went solo last year--and the years before that.”
You smiled a little. Was it weird to bring him? Weird to walk the red carpet with him by your side as if your relationship wasn’t already a hot topic on talk shows or tabloids alike? 
“I don’t have to come,” he echoed the same sentiment he’d been saying from the start. 
You asked him one night over a glass of wine, sat on the couch when Mia sent an email about your penultimate dress fitting. Of course he could go, of course the internet would lose it’s shit but Kailyn offered reassuring words: it’s a big night, you deserve to have your person there. 
So he found a suit and accommodations were made, but now the reality of the weekend was setting in as you sat--30,000 feet--over the East Coast. 
“I want you to be there,” you nodded. “I just want people to be nice to us.”
“Well,” he let his head tilt to the side. “We don’t have a lot of control over that. And I, personally, think the focus of the night should be celebrating you.”
You let your head rock back and forth, hoping that if you pretended to believe him, you’d start to feel it in your bones. 
It wasn’t your first Grammys, wasn’t your first time being nominated in the Big Four either. In 2011 you took home Best New Artist, in 2013 you won Album of the Year for the first time. It happened again in 2017, and there were a few smaller awards in between. 
Which is exactly what Justine reminded you when you sat in her chair on Sunday afternoon. A bathrobe, under-eye patches, an extra large coffee, and--on top of that--a knot in your stomach. 
“You’ve won eight Grammys before,” she commented, “but you’re shaking like a leaf and I need you to hold still.”
“I can’t,” you laughed a little. 
“Then I’m taking this away from you,” she snatched the coffee, placed it on the bathroom counter out of reach. You let your shoulders sink in disappointment, her voice much quieter when she asked: “Wanna talk about it?”
You cleared your throat. Mia was running around like crazy, Cara was somewhere out in the living room of your suite. Jason was doing this thing where he came in every ten or fifteen minutes, asked if you needed anything, then went back to pacing the suite or distracting himself with his phone. 
“I just want it to go smoothly.”
“The awards or bringing a date?”
You laughed a little, she rubbed moisturizer on your forehead and smiled. “Both,” you admitted. “But the latter in particular.”
“Fuck anyone who hasn’t gotten on board with it yet,” she said simply, eyes scanning over your face absentmindedly when she reached for another bottle of something. 
“No, I know,” you agreed, a quick exhale and a nod. “You’re right. It’s not like I’ve never dealt with this type of shit before on a big night and—“
She pulled away from you, brush in hand when her eyebrows knit together. “You are so anxious you’re talking yourself out of it.”
“What do you mean?”
She shook her head, opened the primer she held and dabbed some on a pallet. “That’s, like, stage four anxiety for you.”
“What is?” Mia popped into the bathroom, phone in hand as she hung your dress up on the back of the door. 
“Nothing,” you made a face at her. No. No way did Mia need to get all keyed up because you were all keyed up. 
“She’s freaking out.”
You shot Justine a look. Thanks for nothing. 
“No I’m not.” 
Mia’s eyebrows lifted and she eyed you for a second. She glanced over to the coffee that had already been confiscated, then put a hand on her hip in suspicion.
“I’ll be fine.”
“Do you need something?”
“No,” you shook your head quickly, embarrassment washing over when Justine kept brushing your cheeks. A moment of silence.
“You seem like you do.”
“I’m alright,” you tried to sell it, a smile in her direction. 
She let out a sigh, one that said she wouldn’t fight you on it before she looked back to her phone. “Well, it’s almost five, have you eaten anything since lunch?”
“You should have a snack.”
“I’m not hungry.”
Justine tucked her chin towards her chest. You? Not wanting a snack? Something was up. 
Mia gave you another look: you’re being ridiculous and we both know it. After a deep breath, you looked up at her: “Can you bring Jason in here and can we have a minute?”
Justine dropped her stuff on the counter and smiled over her shoulder. “Not to rush you, but I’ll give you 10 minutes.”
Mia smiled and followed her back to the living room of your suite, she reappeared with a hand on Jason’s shoulder after roughly thirty seconds, barely enough time for you to slow your heartbeat. 
“Hi,” he greeted, a concerned smile when Mia shut the door behind him. He hadn’t started getting ready yet, still in a sweatshirt when he scanned your face. 
“Hi,” you offered a smile.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” you shifted in the makeup chair. “I just wanted to talk to you about something.”
He came closer, leaned against the counter and crossed his arms over his chest. “What’s up, baby?”
“So,” you exhaled. “Sometimes, before events like this, I get kind of freaked out.”
He nodded. 
“And sometimes, when that happens, I take something to help with anxiety.”
A smile, “okay. What do you take?”
“A beta blocker—propranolol, I think.”
He nodded again. “You should take it today.”
“Yeah, Mia and Justine seem to think so.”
“I trust Mia and Justine,” he laughed.
“You don’t think it’s fucked up?”
“That you need something to take the edge off before the biggest night in the music industry? No.”
You smiled a little, looked down at the fresh coat of nail polish that had been swiped on this morning. 
“Taking it will help you feel better. You should do whatever is gonna help you feel better.”
“Okay, alright,” you relented. 
“Why are you against it?”
“Cause I wish I didn’t need medication to handle my anxiety.”
He shrugged, leaned forward to press a kiss to your forehead. “There’s nothing wrong with that.”
A knock on the door. Justine poked her head through. “I lied, I’m back, I heard laughter so I figured we were all good.”
Mia came in behind her, orange bottle in hand before she shook it and smiled.
“Let’s take some drugs!” Jason teased. 
You rolled your eyes, popped one and swallowed after Justine finally gave you your coffee back. Mia held out her open hand, taking it again before she smiled. 
“I don’t know about you,” she smiled, “but I feel better already.” 
You stepped up onto the red carpet riser, Jason’s hand steadied you but he stayed behind. Laverne extended her arms, it’s so good to see you! before the man behind the camera gave her a signal, you smiled when the light above the lens lit up. 
“Alright, look who I have here with me--you know the party has started when Y/N L/N arrives on the red carpet! Y/N how are you feeling tonight?”
“I’m pumped!” You laughed. “This is the hardest part, the carpet, honestly!”
“It is,” she nodded, “you’re right. But at least you have a very handsome date with you tonight! Jason Sudeikis, I see him back there, are you hiding him?”
“I’m not,” you laughed, looking at him over your shoulder. “I’m not hiding him, he’s hanging back though, look at him.”
“Jason get up here,” Laverne smiled. “Come say hi to the people at home!”
He laughed, stepped up beside you but was careful to avoid the train of your dress.
He gave her a hug, “it’s so lovely to see you!”
“It’s lovely to see you!” She beamed, “and this is your first event as a couple, congratulations! We are so excited to see both of you, we love you so much!”
“Oh, thank you,” Jason nodded, an arm snaking around your waist. “I’m not cool enough to come to stuff like this,” he leaned in when Laverne held the mic up to him. “This is my first Grammys, so I’m living it up!”
“Your first?” She asked.
“My first!” 
“And it’s your millionth!” Laverne smiled at you. “You’re a regular here.”
“Which is amazing in and of itself, I’m just happy to get to celebrate a lot of talented and wonderful people.”
“And we are dying to know, what are your after party plans tonight?”
“What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas,” you laughed. “Which means we might end up asleep before midnight, truthfully.”
“No Vegas chapel wedding? No wild night?”
“You never know,” Jason shrugged, your eyes going a bit wide at the remark. 
“You never know,” you agreed. “Anything can happen!”
“Well thank you so much for saying hi to us! Y/N, break a leg tonight, I’m sure we’ll see you holding some awards on your way out. Have so much fun tonight, guys!”
You hugged her again, stepped back down to the carpet to find Mia and Kailyn with smiles on their faces. 
“She made a marriage joke,” you whispered to Kailyn, who’s eyebrows shot up at your words. “Implying we could get married in a chapel here.”
“A la Sophie and Joe,” she nodded. “Interesting.”
“Are you talking about the chapel joke?” Jason leaned in and smiled. 
Kailyn looked up at him. “Let’s keep it tame tonight, okay, guys?”
“Hey, I would do it if she would--”
“No you wouldn’t,” you laughed, an eye roll as Mia tugged you further along the carpet. 
Photos and friends as you made your way towards the theater, you introduced Jason to music industry execs that wished you luck on your nominations. You were seated at a table in the front and after glasses of champagne were delivered, Mia and Kailyn briefed you, found their seats out of camera view, and bid farewell. 
Maybe it was the fact that he was sitting beside you, simultaneously calming your nerves and sparking anxiety in your chest. You nursed the champagne in front of you, laughed when he leaned over and whispered jokes in your ear. 
The first time your name was called you sprung up with excitement, Camila Cabello pulled you into a hug before you climbed the stairs to the stage, Best Pop Vocal Album. You thanked the producers, the engineers, the people who answered your anxious calls in the middle of the night as you finished it in London last spring. 
Ushered backstage by headsets and clipboards, you returned to your seat and he hugged you, a proud smile on his face when Mia bent in front of your seat, 90 seconds until the commercial break was over. 
“Do you need another drink?”
“I’m good,” you told her, waving at a familiar face a few tables over. 
“Bathroom? Might be a good time--”
“I could use the bathroom,” Jason leaned forward and told her, a guilty look on his face. Mia laughed and led the two of you out of the event space, hallways and signs on the walls pointing people in the right direction, stage, performer dressing rooms, bar, red carpet. 
Walkie-talkies beeped when he took your hand in his, following behind Mia as you wove through crew and photographers and fancy dresses. Once you re-emerged from the bathroom he was waiting a few steps over.
“Where’s Mia?”
“She went to find someone to take us back--she had to find Kailyn.”
“Okay,” you nodded, a quick glance around the busy hallway. 
“Hey,” he said, pulling your attention back. “I’m proud of you--that was so fucking cool.”
“Thanks,” you smiled up at him. “It’s always a blur.”
“I know--you kind of black out in those moments.”
“I always get so anxious giving speeches,” you admitted. 
“You sounded like a pro,” he reassured. “Almost like it was your eighth time doing it or something.”
“Seventh,” you corrected. “If I win anything else it will be eight.”
“My apologies,” he teased.
“I won’t win anymore though,” you shook your head.
He smiled a little. “Sounds like anxiety talking.”
You didn’t reply, once again got distracted by the bustling of people all around. 
“Hey,” he reached for your arm. “If you need something, you know, to take the edge off--”
Your eyes went wide and you stifled a laugh when he wiggled his eyebrows. 
“Did you bring a joint?”
“No,” he looked at you like you were crazy, pulling something out from his interior breast pocket. “It’s a weed pen, I’m not classless, Y/N.”
You rolled your eyes and watched as he brought it to his lips, a smile as he inhaled and then held his breath for a few moments. Too busy in the hallway for anyone to notice.
“I don’t think I’m going to win Album of the Year,” you shook your head. “I think I’m done for the night.”
He narrowed his eyes at you, let out his inhale and coughed. “You just want to smoke weed.”
“I also mean it--I don’t think I’m going to win. Have you seen the nominations?”
He nodded, “you’re going to win it.”
“No I’m not,” you reached for the pen. 
His eyes got wide, watching as you brought it to your lips and did exactly what he’d just done. “If you go up on that stage high and accept an award I am going to lose it,” he stifled a laugh. 
“Hey,” Kailyn hissed behind you. “What are you two doing back here?”
You had already taken an inhale, turned quickly to see her with a guilty look on your face when you exhaled quickly, but probably too late. You let out a cough, tried to avoid her eyes.
“Nothing,” Jason said quickly. 
“Oh my god,” she looked at the pen in your hand. “Did you just do that?”
“Yes,” you admitted. “Because I’m not going to win Album of the Year.”
“You don’t know that, Y/N--are you serious? You’re gonna be stoned now? Jesus--”
“Hey, hey,” Jason held up his hands. “It’s fine, she’s fine. You’re fine, right?”
“I feel fine,” you nodded, another laugh threatened to escape when Kailyn gave you an evil look. 
“Helps with anxiety,” Jason reasoned. “She needed it.”
“Look at me,” Kailyn grabbed your wrist. “Short and sweet, if you win, okay? Do not get wordy or talkative. Short and sweet.”
“Short and sweet,” you nodded obediently. “Got it.”
“Go get back out to your seats,” she rolled her eyes. 
“Yes ma’am,” you saluted in jest. She pointed in the direction you needed to go, watching with wide eyes until you fell into step behind another woman with a headset. Jason followed, leaned down to whisper in your ear: as if we’re the only ones here on something. 
He followed you back to your table in the front, smiled at you when an announcement came over the speakers, cameras rolling in five, four, three…
You pulled your chair closer to his, cheered for the presenters and winners and watched in awe of your colleagues as they performed songs you wished you wrote. It was easier now, just a bit, to relax and let go and sip from your champagne flute that was always full. 
Another commercial break towards the end, you chatted with John Legend before the same warning announcement sounded. You hurried back to your seat only two tables over, Jason pressed a kiss to your cheek when you sat.
“This is about to be the best moment of my life,” he watched you, a smug look on his face.
“Because you’re going to win this and you’re going to go up there stoned--”
“I’m not going to win,” you laughed, shook your head. The music filled the room, cameras buzzed overhead and Dolly Parton stood in the center of the stage with the final envelope of the night in her hands. 
“The end of the night is always so fun,” she said into the microphone, the crowd applauded her presence but nervous silence fell over the room. “Especially here in Vegas, where the end of the night is really just the beginning!”
You laughed, reached for your champagne and took another gulp. You weren’t going to win. No way.
“And I’m lucky enough to be here tonight and to announce the winner for Album of the Year, here are the wonderful nominees.”
Footage rolled on the big screens: snippets of songs and clips of video and then, finally, yours. The montage made your heartbeat climb, Jason stole a glance at you from the corner of his eye and you did what you had been trained to do for years. Smile graciously and watch with intent as she opened the envelope with her perfectly painted nails. 
“Oh this part always makes me so excited,” she squealed, ripping it open and looking down. “The winner is….Y/N L/N!”
Jason was on his feet before you were, a look of shock that you tried to hide, a smile when he wrapped his arms around you and kissed you on the mouth with force. 
“Holy shit!” He said, “go get up there!”
You headed for the stage, a hug to Lady Gaga when you passed her table and a hug for Dolly when you tried to slow your pulse. A woman in a black dress handed you a golden trophy, you walked up to the microphone and looked out at the crowd.
“Oh my god,” you laughed, “I really thought I was done for the night after the last one.”
The audience cheered and laughed, you swallowed the nerves and remembered what Kailyn had said: short and sweet. 
“Thank you so much to the Academy, this is always such a special one to win. Thank you to my team, everyone at my label, to Max and Laura who produced this album with me, to Chris, my manager, to Kailyn and Mia, my parents and my brothers--who would kill me if I didn’t thank them. Thank you to the nominees, who make such amazing music that I seriously did not think I’d be up here right now, to my boyfriend, to my friends, yeah--wow--thank you so much!”
You were ushered off camera as the music played, a whirlwind of excitement and stimulation as you stepped over wires and under platforms backstage. Mia and Kailyn magically appeared, smiles on their faces when a woman in a headset congratulated you but tugged your elbow to lead you out of the way. 
“I heard you’re stoned,” Mia laughed, a glance up at you as she followed behind. 
“My speech was fine, right?!” You looked at her and then Kailyn, who smiled despite still offering a disapproving glare. 
“That man’s a bad influence on you,” she giggled, snaking an arm around your waist. 
He was waiting in a green room with champagne, production crew and other members of your team buzzed around as a few friends stopped by to squeeze you in celebration. Tugged in different directions, the notorious red carpet poses after the show ended, trophies in hand as you grinned.
An afterparty with more liquor before you finally ended up in the backseat of an SUV. “I’m proud of you,” he said, a hand on your thigh when Mia scrolled on her phone in the row ahead of you. 
“I can’t believe I accepted a Grammy high,” you shook your head. 
“I told you he was a bad influence,” Kailyn turned around and offered a smile. 
“I am not!” Jason defended. “She took the pen right out of my hand!”
Mia rolled her eyes. “Well, we had a wild night, so, let’s just be glad it ended on a good note.”
“Does this mean no chapel wedding?” Jason looked over to you with a smirk. 
“Hmm,” you went along with it for a second, he winked and egged you on, presumably to see what type of reaction the two of you would get. 
“You would seriously go get married right now?” Mia turned around and looked at both of you with wide eyes. “No family? No friends?”
“No ring,” you held up your hand and waved it in Jason’s face. 
“I wouldn’t put it past them at this point,” Kailyn laughed. 
“We can rain check tonight,” Jason rolled his eyes. “Give me some time to get all my ducks in a row.”
“Deal,” you smiled over at him. “Rain check.”
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tag list: @golden-hoax @fineelineee @baueoud @westcoastrry @missing-you-like-war @trulymadlykiki @caplikeme @tiredbuthappy @whymyparentscheckmyphone @tedlassostan @tegan8314 @yourgoldengirls @loganrwebb @rubberduckingaro @flannelplanet @15christyxoxo @stankface @outofthecradlex @moonlightspencie
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hellfireslut · 2 years
Okay hear me out,
The OC and eddie are enemies since like 5th grade. One day she finds a part time job that helps pay rent and that part time job is in a band. She already has an electric guitar at home so she decided to be the guitarist, but the only problem is….. she doesn’t know how to play the electric guitar. She took the job thinking “oh how hard can it be?” Well it was alot harder than she expected. They had a gig in less than a month and she was freaking out because she is supposed to go practice with them but she comes up with excuses every time. She then remembers that the only person she knows that plays the electric guitar was eddie munson. She hated just the idea of interacting with the guy. She had no other choice but to ask him to help her, at first he turns down the offer, but after alot of convincing from mike and dustin he finally agrees. They go back to his trailer and he gave her his guitar instead and said that hers was no good. She sat in between his legs and his hands “wrapped” aroundher to reach his guitar that was in his lap. there was alot of tension and while she is playing his hot breath is on her neck. Then they start talking and he eventually starts pressing kisses on her neck of course she freaked out and asked what was he doing and they started fighting and they finally confess their love to each other all these past years and they make out endo of story.
Electric Enemies - part 1
paring : eddie munson x fem!oc
word count : 2.7k
summary : as requested above
a/n : i’m sorry i haven’t been posting, i’ve been working on this story for daysss | reblogs are greatly appreciated, as well as replies!
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September 5th, 1986, Gas station
Valarie had been late on rent for the past 3 months, constantly finding ways to scurry up a sum of money before the end of the month. Her landlord had complained to her many times, trying to evict her as well. She had been fired from her last job at Family Video, where she worked with her best friends Robin and Steve. Valarie had been taking small jobs around town, trying to stick with one for more than a month, ultimately failing. While out at the gas station yesterday, she saw a poster for a band in of a new member. She ran toward the poster, looking for a phone number, her eyes wandering along the photo. At the bottom of sheet 4 tabs hung, with a phone number attached to them. Valarie snatched the perforated piece of paper from the poster. She walked out of the store on to the street, looking for a payphone. She picked up the phone from the hook, inserting a quarter, and punching in the digits from the piece of paper. Ringing came from the phone as she waited for someone on the receiving end to pick up, her head resting on the glass wall of the booth. On the final ring, a voice spoke roughly through her ears, the man behind the phone cleared his through before saying,
“Hey, what’s up?”
Valarie’s head shot up, clearing her through as well before responding back.
“Oh, hi, I was calling about the band looking for a new member, I found an advertisement at the gas station on Jefferson.”
“That’s great, we’ve been looking for a new member for months, ‘you play guitar?”
Damn it. Her first instinct was to place the phone back on to the hook and pretend she hadn’t called, but she desperately needed the money. All of her past jobs hadn’t paid enough for her to keep up with her rent. Her last job at Family Video ended abruptly, due to her and her best friends goofing off during every shift. This new opportunity could be a stable occupation for her to finally pay her rent on time. Valarie already owned a guitar, that had been collecting dust in her closet for the past 3 years. She had purchased it in hopes of teaching herself how to play it as a way to pass time. After 2 weeks it remained in her closet, until today.
“Uh, yeah, since I was young.” she lied. Her voice shook in embarrassment as the man on the phone spoke.
“Great! Our old guitarist quit last week, so we’ve been looking for someone to fill in. When are you free to meet up with the rest of the band?”
Just hang up the phone Val, and find somewhere else to pick up a job. Her hand slowly moved toward the hook, wanting to hang up before he spoke again.
“Hey, you still there?”
Her voice softly shook, placing the phone back up to her ear.
“Yeah, sorry, I’m free tomorrow, if that’s alright?”
“Sounds great! We practice at that old bar down on Southwest street, how does Wednesday sound?”
“That’s fine with me, see you then.”
Before the man on the phone could respond, Valarie slammed the phone on the hook, letting out a ghastly sigh. Her head dropped to the concrete sidewalk below her. She reached for a cigarette and her lighter in her jean jackets pocket. She placed the cancer stick between her lips, lighting the open end. She took a large drag, inhaling sharply. Plumes of smoke shot from her nostrils as she began crossing the street. Her boots dragged across the pavement lazily, rain beginning to drip onto the leather. She looked up as dark clouds began to cast above her, her pace picking up to evacuate the storm that was brewing.
September 5th, 1986, Valarie’s apartment
Valarie tangled with her keychain in her pocket, finally turning her house key in the lock, pushing open her front door. She threw her bag on the couch, immediately darting for her bedroom. She flopped onto her bed, her groans muffled by the pillow underneath. Valarie flipped on to her back sitting up on the edge of her bed. Her head turned to her closet door that was half creaked, a black void illuminating from inside. She walked over to the doors, pushing them apart. She reached up to pull the chain of the light. On the floor of the closet laid her suitcase, along with bags full of her clothes and shoes. On the top shelf sat her guitar. The ruby color reflected off the lightbulb, into her eyes. Her feet pushed up on to her tippy toes, grasping for the neck of the guitar. She stared at it in her hand, look at all the dust that had collected on the body of the guitar. Her hand glided across the strings, a dissonant sound being produced. It needs to be tuned. She sat on her bed, the guitar resting in her lap. Her hand twisted around the tuning keys, trying to produce a pleasant sound while strumming. Valarie leaned her head back in frustration, realizing that this was going to be more difficult than she had anticipated. She didn’t know the first thing about playing guitar, not even the proper way to hold one.
“Fuck it, I give up.” she said, throwing the axe down. She got up and began pacing around the room. Tapping of rain drops began to fall on to her carpet. She looked up to find a large crack with water seeping through it. Jesus Christ.
September 7th, 1986, Valarie’s apartment
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Valarie sat on her bed, plucking at the strings of her guitar, trying to make out a tune. She had been ignoring phone calls all day, trying to ignore the fact that it was Wednesday. She had agreed to meet with the rest of the band members today, them expecting her to have some experience with guitar. The ringing became louder and obsessive as the day continued, causing her to take it off the hook, keeping it on a busy signal.
“Focus, just focus.” she strummed the first 2 chords, her hand releasing on the second one. Her hand sprung back in pain as the string snapped on her finger. She threw the pick across the room, standing up from her bed. She placed the guitar behind her, slamming her head into her pillow. A loud and agitated groan left her throat, tears following behind. The ceiling began dripping profusely, the thumping sound syncing with her heartbeat. Valarie looked up to the ceiling to see the crack had doubled in size. She went into the bathroom, grabbing the white bucket from the shower. When she went back into her room, a dark stain had damped her carpet. She placed the bucket underneath the crack, the water now dripping louder.
“God, I gotta get that fixed.” she said walking towards the phone. She wiped the tears from her eyes as she dialed her landlord’s number. She softly wept, waiting for him to pick up.
“Hey Val, what’s up?”
“Hey Sean, I’ve got a big crack in my bedroom ceiling, do you think you could fix it?”
“How big is the crack?”
Valarie sighed, looking up at the ceiling, her hand on her forehead.
“It’s pretty big, I think it’s from the storm a few days ago.”
Sean sighed on the opposite end of the phone, writing could be heard on Valarie’s end.
“I can take a look at it later, is 5 good?”
“Yeah sure, thanks-.”
Without a goodbye, Sean hung up before Valarie could finish. She scoffed, placing the phone back on the hook. The phone rang immediately after. She couldn’t ignore it this time. She picked up the phone nervously.
“Hey, is Valarie there? She was supposed to meet us for rehearsal today.” An unfamiliar voice spoke through the speaker.
Valarie fake coughed into the phone exaggeratedly. She sniffed through her nose a couple of time before responding.
“Yeah, I’m here, sorry. I couldn’t come in today, I don’t feel the best.”
“Oh, what’s wrong?”
Valarie looked around, trying to come up with a excuse for her absence. A bird flew past her window, giving her a idea.
“Bird flu!” she accidentally shouted “I’ve got bird flu, so I don’t know when I’ll be able to rehearse with you guys.”
“Bird flu? Isn’t that extremely rare?”
Her eyes shot up, trying to make up a lie quickly before they became suspicious.
“Yes! Extremely! That’s why I don’t want to come in and spread it to you guys.”
“Well that’s very thoughtful, but we’ve got to rehearse soon, we have a gig in a few weeks and we’ve got to learn these songs.”
Shit. A gig? She rolled her eyes back.
“Well, I’ll try my best to come in soon. Thank you for checking up on me, bye!”
“Bye Val-.”
She slammed the phone back on the hook, sliding down the wall, her knees up to her chest. She placed her head in her palms, starting to cry.
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A knock on the front door woke Valarie from her nap, a coarse whine falling from her throat.
“Come in!” she yelled from her bed. She sat up on her bed, her legs crossed.
Sean walked through the front door, headed for Valarie’s bedroom. When he entered her room, his face shifted, his eyebrows furrowing.
“Valarie, you look terrible.”
“Yeah I know, I feel asleep with my makeup on, just fix my damn ceiling.”
“Keep talkin’ to me like that and I’ll leave it.”
Valarie looked up at him, deadpanning him. He rolled his eyes, putting down a toolbox.
“So, how’ve you been, I haven’t seen you since you broke your toilet.”
“I didn’t break it, I clogged it, and I’m fine.”
“You don’t look fine, and neither does this crack Val, this is going to cost a pretty penny.”
Valarie scoffed at his comment, standing beside him.
“Nice joke idiot, it’s not even that bad.”
Sean turned his head to her, then back to the ceiling.
“Yeah it’s not the crack, it’s starting to mold. It’ll cost more to get the mold removed than to repair the crack.”
Valarie turned to him, her face slightly shocked.
“Sean, you know I don’t have that kind of money to get that done, I could barely pay to unclog the toilet.”
“Then call me when you can, I can’t do it for free just because we’re friends.”
“You totally can do that, you just choose not to.”
Sean leaned towards Valarie, gaining some height on her as he tilted his head down. His mouth formed into a smirk. Valarie’s eyes squinted, confused at his motions.
“There’s many different ways you could pay me, not just in money.” His hand lifted her jaw.
Valarie smacked his hand from her face, pushing him backwards.
“Like I’ve said before, not gonna happen.”
Sean softly chuckled, picking up his toolbox.
“Well until you get some actual money, neither is that roof getting fixed.” He pushed beside her, walking out the front door. He slammed it shut, causing her eyes to squeeze shut.
“God, he’s such an asshole.”
Valarie huffed, walking to the kitchen. She sat on top of the countertop thinking to herself. I need to learn how to the play damn guitar, so I can finally get some cash. I can’t teach myself though, Jesus, who else knows how to play guitar.
Only one name crossed her mind, causing a shiver to travel down her spine. No, absolutely not, don’t even think that Valarie. There’s no way you’re going to ask Eddie Munson to teach you how to play guitar. He’s probably still fighting for his life in highschool. God but he’s the only person I know who could actually help me, if he still doesn’t hold a grudge from 5th grade.
Valarie ran to her bedroom, looking under her bed from her stack of yearbooks. She grabbed one from 1984, the year she graduated, and one of the many Eddie failed. She flipped to the back page of signatures and goodbyes. Names and phone numbers of former classmates filled with colorful markers crossed her eyes. Her hand scanned the paper, looking for Eddie’s phone number. The illiterate and sloppy handwriting stood out to her as his.
Thanks for a horrible highschool experience, Eddie
“Well at least he was kind enough to sign it.”
Underneath his phone number was listed faintly, almost as if he had wrote it then erased it afterward. Valarie picked up the book, holding it to her chest as she dashed into the kitchen. She sat on top of the counter, picking up the phone off the wall. She read the numbers from her lap, squinting to see. She pressed the numbers into the keys.
She dialed the numbers, her hand began to shake as the ringing began. A scruffy voice sang from the speaker, causing her to place the phone back on the hook.
“God, you dumbass!”
She redialed the numbers, listening for the ringing once again. The same scruffy, and familiar voice spoke.
“Hey, this is Eddie, right?”
“Jesus Christ, you’ve gotta be kidding me, I never thought I’d have to hear your voice again.”
“Don’t play dumb, I know your voice, Val.”
Valarie began twirling the cord of the phone anxiously, her breathing became heavy in the speaking.
“Eddie, I promise I’d only call you if it was an emergency, and this sorta is.”
Eddie scoffed through the phone, by his tone though she should she it, she knew he was rolling his eyes.
“Eddie, say something, you can’t still be mad at me.”
“You’re the one who hated me, always complaining about everything about me. I’m sorry I didn’t meet little miss perfect’s standards.”
“Eddie, that was in middle school! Get over it, we’re adults now!”
“It wasn’t just middle school, you and your art friends made fun of me until senior year.”
“Which senior year, your first, second, or third?”
Valarie instantly regretted the snarky remark after she said it, letting out a deep sigh.
“What’s the emergency, Boyd.”
Valarie took in a deep breath. Complaining to Eddie Munson about her financial situation was not something she ever thought she’d do.
“I took a job in a band as a lead guitarist, but I have no idea how to play guitar, and I was hoping you could possibly teach me?” she rambled swiftly, hope he couldn’t hear the desperation in her voice.
Eddie laughed abruptly, the sound causing Valarie’s face to turn red. He finally spoke after laughing for a while, catching his breath.
“So you’re telling me, you want me to teach you the one thing you used to make fun of me for, telling me I’d never get anywhere being a burnout guitarist.”
“I only said those things because I was 16! We were both kids, kids say dumb things. I don’t think that way about you anymore Eddie, I promise you.”
Eddie laughed once more, this time she could tell he was getting a kick out of her pain.
“I don’t care what you think about me now sweetheart, it’s not going to happen. How’d you even get my number anyway?”
Valarie paused before responding back.
“… My yearbook.”
“God you are desperate, goodnight, Val.”
“Eddie wait-.”
Her voice was cut off with the slam of Eddie’s phone, hanging up on her mid sentence. Her voice cracked out a hoarsely moan, her face falling into her hands. She began crying deeply, as the old emotions she had for him rose again. They had never fully dissipated from her heart, but recovered once she heard his voice again.
“God, I still love him.”
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vinnieswife · 3 years
Such a Brat
Vinnie Hacker x reader
Warnings: smut,spanking ,p in v,degrading kink,chocking kink,praising kink,and I think that’s all :)
Author’s note: hehe I have this on my drafts for months😩 it’s pretty long btw
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|| Covid-19 does not exist in this story ||
I'll put you on stage, it's a Friday night, we're in Los Angeles, the city of parties, a couple of hours ago Aaron called to say he had a party in a house that they had rented between him and Troy.
"Y/n we are late"
"Sorry, I couldn't find my phone."
You ran down the stairs while Vinnie was waiting for you at the door of the house, you both got into the car.
Vinnie drove off and started driving home, it was a short drive, no more than 10 minutes by car. At one point Vinnie put his hand on your thigh drawing your attention, you quickly turned your head towards him looking at his profile, how well His jaw was marked, as one of his hands controlled the leather steering wheel and as the other had a firm grip on the gear lever, you came out of your trance at the sound of his voice pronouncing your name.
"Y/n". "Huh?" You say a little bit confused "I wasn't listening, what do you say?”
He sighed, "I want you to behave at the party, no flirting just to see how well I can hold out, because I swear I'll fuck you on Troy's couch in front of everyone."
"Not even a little?"
"Okay I promise, I'll behave"
"I hope so, I don't want to have to punish you tonight"
We got to the party quickly due to the absence of traffic, Vinnie parked the car in the courtyard of the house, so lying was huge, it had large windows from which you could see people dancing. "Go Aaron if he has been riding it well"
Vinnie laughed at your comment "let's go in"
I ring the doorbell of the house, when the subject opened the door for you to pass first "what a gentleman"
"Just for you madam"Vinnie smile's
As soon as the smell of alcohol and weed entered your senses, you began to move around people, until you saw Maddy at the kitchen counter.
"Oh my God Y/n!"
You both hugged each other smiling. "I've missed you so much"
"And / n have you seen me yesterday"
"Different time zone, that's the explanation"
"We live on the same street" she laughed
"Don't ruin the moment Krum”
Vinnie greeted Jordan and Troy as Aaron came towards you.
"What's up, man"
"Wowowow the infamous Y/n  Y/l/n is here, I don't think you would come out of your burrow", he laughed, rubbing her head, disheveled.
"Be proud that I'm here" you laughed. Vinnie smiled at you from across the room to which you responded by drinking from your glass, smiling back, earning you a shake of the head on his part.
// time skip = 2h //
We had already been at the party for a long time, it was around 2:45 aM, most of the people had already left so we were only left with Maddy, Jordan, Troy, Aaron, Avani, Anthony, baby J,Dezi, Vinnie and you .
"Hey hey hey what if we play a game"
"I don't like your games Troy" Avani added
"Come on it will be fun, it is normal I promise, no striptease or lap dances"
"I'm signing up, what does it consist of?" You said.
We were y'all sitting in the living room, one sofa facing each other, with a tea table in the middle."Okay, the game consists of releasing our best compliments to flirt, eh, how does that sound?" Troy was excited
Aaron started laughing "then don't complain when you lose"
"Okay Anthony you first"
"Eh, okay mmm give me a sec ... oh okay I have one, Avani did you born on October 10? Because you are a 10/10 "
Avani smile and she gives Anthony a kiss on the cheek.
"Aaww" y'all say
"That was so cute I want to cry" baby J says.
"Who's turn now?" Dezy ask.
"How about we use a bottle, then it'll be random and more fun," Vinnie said, getting up from the couch to grab one of the bottles off the floor.
Jordan turned the bottle around making it point towards you.
"Oh I see where this is going" you looked at Jordan "you're a ch-"
"I'm sorry Y/n but Dezi and I have to go, my mother has called blabla bla something about these hours" baby J interrupted you, looking at his mobile with the text message.
"Okay J see you guys tomorrow" you all said goodbye, Avani and Anthony left just 10 minutes ago, so there were only Troy, Aaron, Jairdan, Maddy, Vinnie and me left.
"Your turn Y/n don't skimp" Aaron smirked.
Okay, Vinnie had been teasing you all night, putting his hand on your thigh, pulling it closer and closer to your core, whispering all the things he could be doing to you, or unzipping your dress little by little, forcing you. to turn it up every time, it's time for you to try some of your own medicine.
"Vinnie, you have a pretty dick but I think it would look prettier in my mouth" you smile at his surprised face.
Troy and Aaron start screaming and jumping in the sofa until Vinnie clears his throat, raise his eyebrow and say: "I'm sorry doll, would you like to repeat that?"
"I think you hear it perfectly the first time" you answered in a bratty tone.
"Huh Y/n I think that if you don't stop someone is going to rail you when you get home"
You were joking for a couple more hours, right now it was 3 aM an hour when you were all tired of dancing, singing and being an idiot, Vinnie and you decided that it was better to go home, Vinnie carried you in his arms, he leave you on the ground while he opens your car door helping you to enter, when you were already inside he climbed into the driver's seat, starting the car.When you two get home, he don’t waste any second to grabs you by the thoat. "You such a disobedient little brat," he shouts, pinning you lovely against the wall. "It's only because I want to get a reaction out of you," you confess loudly in his face,
but look down when you realize what you have actually exposed. "Still a brat," he says lifting your chin so your eyes meet before placing his hand around your throat,
"and brats deserve to be punished," he concludes.
You clench your jaw to hold back your grin. "Go to the bedroom I will be there in a minute," he says realizing his grip on you and stepping away from you. You quickly race to the bedroom and hop on the bed waiting for him to join you. When he doesn't come after a few minutes you get up and look outside the bedroom. "So eager to me to punish you," he teases as he walks down the hallway to you. You blush and stay quiet. “Be a good whore and come here” you walk faster to go by his side.He guides you into the room and you sit on the bed, waiting for instructions.
“Turn over for me whore, oh and remember your safe word” he says removing his jacket. "Is this okay?" He asks. You nod and then kneel on the bed. He carefully pulls your underwear down to your knees, and throws your skirt the other way to reveal your bare ass.
"Count." He commands and whips his hand across your butt. A whimper escapes your lips followed by a quiet “one."
"H-how I have t-to count?"
"I don't remember giving you permission to speak baby"
"As you do not shut up, it will be 5 more"
“Count to 15.”
You cried out softly when you felt the stinging sensation flow through your lower area, reaching out to grip onto vinnie’s other hand while the other was busy inflicting harsh slaps against your ass.
“O-One!” You managed to stutter out in between.
Tears start running down your red cheeks,little sobs escaping your mouth.
Vinnie paying no attention to your cries and whimpers whilst they continued to spank you with no hint of mercy.
Your ass already red and bruising up from the fierceness of their slaps.
“F-Fourteen!!” You cried out into your dom’s pant leg, nails digging into their skin without any realization of it.
"I didn’t hear you" he slaps you butt harder
Finally, “Fifteen!!” Screeching out, Vinnie stopped their torture against you and gently massaged your sore ass.
"You are such a good girl for me don't ya?"
When he finishes with the spanking,his hand start caressing your sore butt,giving it a few kisses.
“You such a good girl Y/n”
“Please Vin”
“Not my name love,say it right”
“Please Sir”
“Please what?”
“Please fuck me” He grabbed you by the waist standing up, unbuttoned your skirt and untied the buttons of your shirt, while distributing kisses down your neck, making you moan softly, his hands would travel to your butt giving it a strong grip, making you moan at the sudden movement.
"Lay down"
You quickly got into bed, you saw how Vinnie started to unfasten his belt by placing it on the nightstand, then the button of his pants and followed by this the zipper, his pants fell to his ankles, leaving him in boxers and only with his shirt, his arms went up to the back of his shirt, removing it from his body, no matter how many times you had seen Vinnie without clothes, you would always stay engrossed, walking his arms, his torso and what his underwear hides with your eyes.
"Do you like what you see princess?"
"Yeah, uh ... I mean... I" you stammered at your sudden response.
"Sshhh enjoy it, because this is all yours"
Vinnie climbed onto the bed, placing himself on top of you, one hand by your side of the head and the other giving gentle caresses to your waist, you take them from his fingers leaving chills on your skin.
His eyes maintaining visual contact with yours, although every so often his eyes observed your lips, he slowly descended until your lips touched, but there was still no kiss.
"Vin please, Kiss me, I just want you to-"
His lips cut your sentence, moving slowly but making force on yours, his tongue danced over your lower lip asking for permission to enter your mouth, you clearly let him open your mouth, his tongue danced with yours at a smooth but passionate pace,Vinnie bit your lower lip earning a moan from you, then he grabs your wrists placing them over your head.
His kisses traced your jaw, biting lightly, filling your neck with marks and slight bites, it was going down even more, leaving behind red and purple marks. "Wrists now"
You quickly placed them in front of you, holding them together, waiting for Vinnie's next move.
He took the belt that had previously been removed, passing it over your abdomen, up and down, he sat on the bed,gently tying the belt around your wrists, making a little force at the end earning a gasp from you, he put the strap on the hook on the headboard, making sure it wouldn't come loose.
He reach your breasts, he leave several kisses on the fabric and around it, he look up keeping eye contact with you, asking for permission without speaking, you nodded giving him permission.His hands traveled up your back looking for the clasp of your bra, quickly undoing it, Vinnie slid the bra straps slowly down your shoulders leaving soft cheeses there, detaching the piece of fabric from your body. For a few seconds he just stared at your breasts, causing a big blush to sprout from you.
His lips instinctively latched onto your nipple, his tongue traced circularly around it, his hand traveled to your other breast, pinching and twisting the now hardening bud that he has in between two of his fingers,your head fell back onto the pillows, biting your lip to suppress a moan. "Vin please" his lips parted from your nipple, he left a couple of kisses between your breasts before making eye contact with you "Yes princess?" "I need you" "where? Here?~ Y/n use your words" he whispered twisting your nipple between his fingers, causing a shaky breath to escape from you "I want you to touch me Vin" "your wishes are my orders" His kisses rose again up your collarbone and neck, spreading purple marks on your hot skin.
He ascended through your jaw, and finally reached your lips starting a make out session, one of his hands descended to your panties caressing your clit on the fabric "Sir please" "oh you are such a good slut for me, don't you? "
You nodded, when he tightly grabbed your throat making you look at him, oh God the game had started, "when I ask you, you answer, do you get it?" "Y-yes Vin" you said with a ragged breath.
His hand lowered again to your privacy, this time making a little more pressure making you close your eyes and throw your head back, he grabs your jaw making you look at him “eyes open slut, I want you to watch me making you cum ”you hardly can keep your eyes open at all the pleasure he was giving you.
He began to kiss you again, his tongue dancing with yours, you felt the movements in your clit stop and you opened your eyes to look at him, his other hand also moved towards your intimacy caressing the waistband of the panties, suddenly his hands grabbed both sides of the piece of cloth by breaking it in half.
You opened your eyes suddenly "Vin! They were my favorites "
"I promise I'll buy you some new ones," he said between kisses.
You where exhausted for cumming several times, you were a terrible mess, Vinnie delicately touch your exhausted body “one more time?” You not wanting to disappoint him nod shyly, “you are such a cute toy,so needy to be used by me,right love?” He whispers with a devilish smirk.
“Aww, look at my pretty little girl begging for my cock. Ah, ah, you know better.”
“You love it when I stretch you out baby. Admit it, you love it when I ruin this pretty little body of yours…”
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watchmegetobsessed · 4 years
Floating Through Space - Harry Styles
a/n: im literally bursting from excitement over this, i’ve been working on this fic for so long and im pretty satisfied with how it turned out so i hope you’ll like it too! pleas please PLEASE don’t let this flop bc it means a lot to me 🥺 the song featured in the fic is obviously an existing one, i linked it into the right place so you can listen to it and get the vibe of it, that song is what inspired the whole story so i recommend giving it a listen! leave your thoughts and reactions, i can’t wait to read what you thought about the fic!!
pairing: Harry x Famous!Reader
warning: drug use, smut and everything thats wrong with patriarchy lmao
word count: 25.7k
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This dressing room is no different than the other one thousand you’ve been to. The plaster on the wall is all cracked up, the red bricks peeking from under it in the corner, the dusty couch looks like it’s been through hell and just sitting on it would probably give you STDs. The mirror on the wall is cracked, the few water bottles you’ve gotten are not even cooled, they’re a warm room temperature. The glorious life of a musician, right?
Moments like this you question why you didn’t just choose to be the obedient daughter and became a surgeon like your parents always wanted you to be. You’d have a steady future and a nice income, a decent career instead of having to perform at a different bar every other night for nicks and pennies that barely cover your rent at the end of the month. But that wouldn’t be you. Wearing scrubs, smiling at patients, throwing out your dignity along with your dreams, you wouldn’t have been true to yourself if you chose that life. Besides, you’d still be in school, barely nearing the halfpoint of your education if you decided to go along with your parents’ plan and it’s clearer than daylight that the school system is just not for you. It would be pure torture if you had to sit in classes for a decade just to work a job you never even wanted.
Looking around the small dressing room you cast your eyes over your band that consists of three people. It’s a temporary set up from three guys you met along your way, all of the struggling musicians as you and you saw the as opportunities. Places would rather have a band play with several men in it than just put one single woman on stage and pray for the best. It’s the sexist part of the industry not enough people talk about. You can’t even count how many pitying stares you’ve gotten through the years when you stated that you want to make a career as a solo female singer.
“Honey, you ain’t making it without at least one man behind you,” is what they’ve always told you. So you’ve gotten yourself three until you could stand on your own two feet without a male backup. You’re using them just as much as they are using you. They were already a band when you joined them, the lead singer just disappeared to thin air with her boyfriend and left them incomplete, so you joined forces to navigate your way together in the depth of the music industry, looking for that big jump everyone is dreaming about.
Standing in front of the cracked mirror you fix your eyeliner, checking yourself once again. Your thrifted checkered suit looks radiant on you especially with the neon green see-through top underneath, showing off a black bralette. It’s a male suit, hanging a little baggy on you at places, but you still feel like you’re pulling off the look. Your thick eyeliner makes your eyes appear even bigger than they already are and your hair is in an unruly mop of curls, making your appearance complete.
You’ve received tons of critiques over your outfits, but they are the only thing you are not changing on yourself.
“Don’t wear men’s pants.”
“You’d look better in a dress.”
“Why do you look like a guy?”
“What a shame to hide such a gorgeous body in clothes that weren’t meant for girls.”
Each and every comment is burned into your mind forever and you’ll never stop fighting against the judgment women has to face for not being the conventional beauty all females are expected to be.
There’s a knock on the door and the person behind it barges in without waiting for an answer. The tall, bald guy rushes in, looking a little stressed, but that’s kind of the normal for the owner.
“I’m not sure how to say it, but… you are not performing tonight,” he simply states and your anger sets in faster than ever. You’ve had gigs get cancelled, but not minutes before going on stage. However, he is still not done with his little informative speech. “And your instruments need to be used by another band tonight.”
“What the fuck?” Trey, the drummer jumps to his feet. “No way I’m letting someone else play my drum set!”
“You’ll get half the money if you let it happen,” the owner answers.
“Wait, what band did you find minutes before start?” you ask in complete shock.
“There’s this group celebrating a birthday in the VIP section and some boy band is apparently with them. Birthday girl requested to have the stage for them.”
“And you’re just cancelling on us that easily?” you snap.
“Not that I have a choice. If I don’t do it they are leaving and I’m losing a big amount from the night. Sorry guys, but this is strictly business.”
“I can’t fucking believe this,” you laugh bitterly, staring up at the ceiling. This would have been a great chance for all of you, you’ve been trying to get a gig here for months, knowing that a lot of people from the industry fancies it, you might have caught someone’s eyes, but it’s definitely not happening now.
“Are you letting them use your stuff or not?” he urges, hands on his hips as he looks at the four of you impatiently.
“But what about our gig? We’ve been on the waiting list for months, when can we actually perform?”
“Uh, I don’t know. We’re pretty booked, maybe sometime in the summer?”
“Summer?” you gasp in disbelief. “It’s fucking February!”
“Are you lending them your stuff or not? I don’t have the time for your little tantrum!”
“Yeah, if we get the money they can use it,” Connor, the bass guitarist answers before you explode right then and there. The owner walks out with that, leaving the four of you behind, forgotten and humiliated.
“I can’t fucking believe it,” Trey groans, plopping down on the couch, covering his eyes with his tattooed arm.
“This is fucking bullshit,” you scoff under your breath, reaching for your bag to grab your pack of cigarettes you keep in it especially for cases like this, whenever you are about to go around and punch every living thing in the face in your reach.
Kicking the backdoor open you lean against the cold brick wall as you light the cigarette and start puffing vigorously, trying to get as much nicotine into your system as possible. You notice a group of guys standing near you in the alleyway, laughing on something, having a great time, oblivious to how hurt and angry you are feeling just a few feet away. You hear frictions of their conversation and it’s clear they are British judging from the accents that are hitting your ears. You finish your cigarette pretty fast and immediately reach for another one even though you know you shouldn’t have even smoked that first one, but you just can’t help it. It’s either the smoking or you’re going after the owner and kick him in the balls for being a bitch.
“Oi, can I ask for one?”
Glancing to the side you see that one of the guys has approached you, smiling at you warmly he nods towards the pack in your hands. Nodding you hold it out for him and he takes one. Before he could even ask for the lighter, you throw it at him and he catches it easily.
“Thanks,” he nods, holding the cigarette between his lips before lighting it and passing the lighter back to you.
“Lou, you really shouldn’t smoke,” you hear one of the others speak up as the rest of the group slowly joins you and the one you just helped out.
“S’fine, don’t act like me motha’,” he shrugs, taking a drag from the cigarette.
“At least not before we go on stage,” the blonde one shakes his head at his friend and your eyebrows shoot up.
“Oh, so you’re the band that’s gonna play?” you ask with a forced smile, already feeling your blood boiling. Who the fuck they are and why do they deserve to steal your gig?!
“We’re just playing a couple of songs,” another speaks up shrugging his shoulders. “No big deal.”
“Glad it’s no big deal to you, because it would have been to the band that was robbed from tonight because of you,” you spat at them, clearly surprising them with your harsh reply.
“I assume you are part of that band, right?” the on with the curly hair speaks up, his green eyes burning down at you.
“Nice job, Sherlock,” you groan, taking another drag from your cigarette.
“You could play with us,” he offers, the others nodding in agreement.
“I don’t need your pity,” you scowl at them. “Bringing me on stage to try to make yourselves look like the good guys is not necessary. I’m just fed up with people like you.” The truth is coming out of you easier than ever. All the years on injustice is seemingly erupting from you, pouring down on these five.
“People like us?” the dark haired one asks with a confused look.
“Yeah,” you nod with a bitter chuckle. “Five conventionally hot guys grouped together for a band, making every girl between the age of ten and thirty scream just by a wink. I don’t know where you came from, but I’m betting my head that you’ve had it easier than others.”
“It’s not nice to assume things when you don’t know anything about us,” Curly speaks up, tilting his head to the side.
“Oh, I’ve seen enough not to care about what’s nice and what’s not,” you chuckle shaking your head as you take another long puff from your cigarette and throw the butt to the ground, stepping on it. “Who are you even? Some Back Street Boys 2.0?” you ask, folding your arms on your chest, earning a heartfelt laugh from the blondie.
“I kinda like her,” he smirks around his friends. “We’re called One Direction, you haven’t heard of us?”
“Not even once,” you shake your head.
“That’s kinda humbling,” the one with the cigarette smiles. “We’re from the UK. I’m Louis, that’s Liam, Niall, Zayn and Harry.”
“I would say it’s nice to meet you, but it would be nicer if you guys didn’t just take my gig and lessen me with half my paycheck,” you smile at them sweetly before rolling your eyes.
“Wait, what? They’re not paying you because of us?” Liam asks.
“We only get half the money for lending you our instruments.”
“Let us pay the other half then,” Harry offers right away, but you just laugh at him.
“It’s not about the money, Prince Harry,” you smirk at him, tilting your head to the side. “It’s about justice. How is that air that you just waltz in here and take our time and chance? What if there’s a producer out there who would have liked our music and offered a record deal? What if someone would have taken a video of us performing, put it up to YouTube and it would have gone viral? I assume you never had to go through this phase where you have to beg for every minute on stage so you can at least earn enough money to pay rent. You don’t seem like the type of band who had to perform in smelly bars four times a week for a ridiculous amount of money.”
They stay silent and you know you were right.
“I’m not saying you had it easy, but I’m sure you have no idea what it could have been. And I’m fed up with men walking over others just to have what they want.”
“Look, it wasn’t our intention to ruin your gig. Have your set with your band and then we’ll play a few songs too after that,” Liam offers, but you shake your head.
“No, we weren’t supposed to be just your opening act and it’ll turn into that. So have a nice evening, enjoy your showtime, I’m out.”
Pushing yourself away from the wall you walk back into the building and grabbing your stuff from the dressing room you move out to the bar area, desperately needing a drink.
Sitting on the last stool at the bar you ask for straight tequila and two vodka shots knowing it’ll do the job for the evening and pulling your phone out of your bag, you open up Google. Searching the name One Direction you’re met with quite a few hits and you start scrolling through them, reading about the five boys you just had an encounter with. Just as you thought, they didn’t start off as a traditional band, having put together at a talent show just three years ago, getting such a major push so early in their career, they have no idea how struggling it is to make it in the industry. They surely had their fair share of ups and downs, but they will never know what it’s like to sweat blood and tears for your dream when everyone just wants to drag you down and tell you you’ll never make it.
The shots and half of the tequila is gone, your band joined you to at least get wasted as you watch the technicians set the stage for a band that’s not you, but gonna play with your stuff. Sitting on the stool you’re having a fairly good time thanks to the alcohol when you spot Harry making his way towards you in the crowd.
“Aren’t you supposed to be getting ready backstage?” you ask with an eyeroll as he joins your little circle, the guys eyeing him curiously. Ignoring your comment he pulls out a piece of paper handing it to you. As you unfold it you almost want to throw it back at him.
“This is to make up for what you lost tonight,” he says nodding down at the check in your hands.
“I told you I don’t need your money,” you firmly answer, but Trey grabs the check from your hands.
“But I do!” he snorts. He is such a pig.
“Let us do at least this one thing for you. We really do feel bad for taking your time and the offer to come on stage with us still stands.”
“No thank you,” you shoot him a fake smile before downing the rest of your tequila, the drink burning down your throat. Looking back at Harry you keep your eye locked on him as he watches you intently. He is a good-looking guy, you have to give that to him, but the circumstances you’ve met under just made it impossible for you not to hate him for the privileges he is being handed every day while you fight your way through life.
Harry sighs in defeat nodding as he licks his lips. For a split second, guilt takes over you for the way you’ve been acting towards him and the other boys, but then you remember that you don’t even know him. For all you know, he can be a royal asshole with the face of an angel. You can’t let guilt chew you and spit you out, you have to keep your guards up.
“Alright. We really are sorry. I’ll… see you around,” he nods before turning around to walk away.
You watch them perform their biggest hits, the whole place going crazy over the impromptu One Direction concert they just got for basically free. The VIP area is going crazy over the boys and with each sang song, you feel yourself getting more and more hopeless about your future as a musician. Here you are on a Saturday night, robbed from a job you’ve worked hard for, watching five British boys take your place on the stage that’s supposed to be yours tonight. You catch Harry’s eyes quite often while he is on stage, he keeps glancing in your way, a hint of guilt glistening in his green irises as he sings their songs with perfect vocals. You can tell he feels bad for the situation and you didn’t make it any easier on him or any of the boys, but you’re not really one to beat around the bush. They deserved to know what others in the industry below them have to deal with every day. It’s not always as glamorous as people might think and you’re the living example of that.
You don’t stick around for long after the boys are done on stage, you help your bandmates pack their stuff and head home before Harry or any other members of One Direction can find you.
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Walking past the news stand that’s on the corner of your street, you stop upon seeing your own face smiling back at you from the cover of People Magazine, the title catching your attention.
“Grammy nominee Y/N Y/L/N shares her secret to her one of a kind fashion style.”
Grabbing the magazine off the stand you pay for it and continue your way home, holding the copy to your chest with a warm feeling in your heart.
It’s been only a week since the nominations have come out, but it still feels like a dream. You didn’t just get nominated in the category of Best New Artist, but your album Hands of Power got nominated as Best Album and your biggest hit of last year, Sleepless is running for the title of Best song. Three nominations the first time earning a spot on the list. Not bad.
Just as you walk into your place, your phone buzzes, the ever so smiling face of your manager staring back at you from the screen.
“Hey!” you sing into the phone, holding it to your ear with your shoulder, taking off your boots as you walk further down the hallway.
“Are you home already?”
“Yes, just arrived.”
“Great, I’ll be there in ten,” she announces and ends the call. Chuckling you just shake your head, dropping the phone to the coffee table before you move to the bedroom and change into something more comfortable. The flared jeans looked fire on you today, but you rather wear something looser when you’re at home.
You barely have the time to start the water for a tea when Taylor storms through your door using her keys you’ve given her some time ago. She is wearing all white that looks fantastic with her almond skin tone, a knitted sweater tucked into a maxi skirt, paired with strappy heels, she is always so elegant and perfectly dressed for whatever occasion.
“I have knee-shaking news, girl!” she announces as she throws her purse to the couch before joining you in the kitchen.
“I’m going to be the next Bond girl?” you joke smiling to yourself as you get two mugs from the cupboard.
“Better than that!” she cheers. “You are going to perform at the Grammy’s, baby!” she screams throwing her hands into the air as your jaw drops to the floor.
“You’re not just kidding with me, right?!”
“I would never play such a dirty joke with you. It’s one hundred percent true, I had an hour long phone call with some bloke today and they want you.”
“Yes!” you scream in excitement, jumping up and down like a child that just got a pack of candy. “I’ll make the Grammy’s my bitch!” you cheer, making Taylor laugh.
“Alright, Miss Dominatrix. We still have a lot of things to discuss and there’s one more thing about the performance.”
“Oh God, is this the part where you say something that ruins it completely?” you sigh in defeat as you take the kettle and pour the water into the mugs, dropping a filter into each.
“I don’t think it ruins it,” she shakes her head, but you have a feeling you won’t like what she has to say. “They want it to be like a… joined performance. You’d start off with Sleepless, then it would kind of mesh into your partner’s song and they would end it with one of their own songs.”
“Okay, that doesn’t sound bad,” you nod.
“See?” she smiles warmly.
“Do we know who I’m going to perform with?”
“Harry Styles.”
You almost drop both mugs the moment the name is mentioned, but you manage to get them to the kitchen island and slip them to the counter, Taylor giving you a questioning look at your wide-eyed expression.
“Uh, I’m not sure that’s… gonna work,” you clear your throat.
“You’re not sure your duet with the biggest male artist can work? Why is that?”
Licking your lips you try to find the right words to say it, but you’re not even sure why you got so shocked over it. Probably because the last time you saw him, you were still nobody, playing gigs at no name bars and he took your spot on the stage with One Direction. It’s weird, but since you’ve finally made it in the industry, you haven’t crossed paths with him and this would be the first time you meet after seven years.
“I’m not sure if he remembers it, but we’ve met before.”
“You and Harry?”
“Yes. I was playing with The Gambits years ago, it was before I started putting out covers on my own. We were supposed to play at this bar but they cancelled on us, because One Direction was there that night and someone wanted them to play instead of us, so we lost the gig. I had a pretty… harsh conversation with him and the band, basically telling them that their pretty man privilege is what ruins the careers of talented women.” “Oh Jesus, Y/N. Why haven’t I heard of this before?” Taylor sighs leaning on her elbows on the countertop.
“Not that it’s something that would just come up in a conversation,” you shrug. “And as I said, he might not even remember it. It was a long time ago.”
“I know you are all about your rebellious past, good for you, but sometimes you’re making my job really fucking hard,” she sighs, grabbing her phone, already typing a message to God knows who. “Starting beef with Harry Styles before you even made a name for yourself? Who does that?”
“It’s not beef!” you protest. “I just gave them my piece of mind.”
“We’ll see what he thinks about it. I have to make a few calls,” she announces before walking out, already on the phone with someone.
Sitting on a stool, staring into your mug you think back at the time you met him. It feels like a lifetime ago when you were fighting to stay afloat, trying to make through the days, barely hanging on a thread. You didn’t know that five years later you’d sign your first record deal as a solo artist and seven years from that night, you’d be a Grammy nominee. It was a long and challenging time for sure with way more downs than ups until you finally got on track and you’ll never forget where you came from. Not when even as an acknowledged artist, you still face judgment and hatred no matter what you do. Being a solo female singer sometimes feels like harder than being president of the country and there are just so many things that need to change in the world of music, you will never stop fighting for girls that are in the same shoe you once were.
Through the years you’ve followed the career of the boys, especially Harry’s. You read about Zayn’s parting, their so-called hiatus and how they all went solo soon after. Genre-wise Harry’s work is what stands the closest to you, and you’ve witnessed all the backlash he has faced during his time in the spotlight. The shaming for whatever women he chose to date, his choice to get into acting and the way he has been dressing. People just don’t seem to understand they can’t have control over any of these and they’ve tried to bring him down one too many times, but he has been thriving lately, anyone can see that.
Your mug empties out by the time Taylor returns, taking her previous stop at the kitchen island.
“Alright, I set up a meeting with Harry and his manager for tomorrow. They still haven’t decided on the performance and apparently, Harry would like to meet you before giving his answer.”
“Oh God, he remembers me,” you growl under your breath.
“Or maybe he doesn’t and just wants to meet the person he is supposed to perform with. We can never know. We’re meeting them at his manager’s office at eleven tomorrow.”
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One night is enough to make you go crazy over such a small thing as meeting someone. It’s not like you are nervous to see him because of who he is, it’s more about knowing what he thinks about you after all these years, in case he remembers you. He saw you as a struggling artist at rock bottom and though your encounter didn’t last long and he didn’t know you on a deeper, personal level, you still fear that he remembers and thinks that you’ve lost yourself over the years.
Authenticity has been a huge issue in your life. Early in your career, everyone wanted to change you. The way you dress, your hair, the style of music you write, nothing was good enough as it was, they wanted you to become someone else, someone who was not you. You fought all attempts until the right person came through and accepted you as yourself, but a tiny voice in the back of your mind kept telling you that they succeeded, that somewhere along the fight you did lose yourself and became what you always feared to be.
Meeting Harry is like meeting a piece of your past and having to face what you’ve become. It’s going to be like a mirror right in front of you and what you’ll see might not be what you expect.
Wearing your bright red dungaree with an oversized vintage shirt and a pair of white sneakers, you definitely don’t look like you’re dressed for a business meeting, but when did you ever? Pushing your hair back with a pair of cat eye shades, you leave a little earlier, knowing well traffic is horrible in these hours. You arrive to the office building just minutes before eleven, Taylor has already texted that she has arrived and which office you should come to. When you finally find the door you’ve been looking for, you take a moment to yourself before knocking.
“Come in!” a male voice calls out and you walk in. Taylor is sitting on the sofa that’s pushed against the wall on the left, a man is sitting behind the enormous desk and then there is Harry, standing by the window, his hands hidden in the pockets of his black slacks, and old Rolling Stones t-shirt hanging loosely on his frame as his eyes meet yours upon your arrival.
“Hey, I would say I’m sorry for being late, but I’m actually exactly on time,” you smirk, closing the door behind you. The man stands from the desk and walking around he meets at the front, holding a hand out for you.
“Perfectly on time,” he smiles warmly. “I’m Jeffrey Azoff, nice to meet you.”
“Y/N Y/L/N. Nice to meet you too.”
“And this here is Harry,” he motions towards the man who has stepped closer and as you look back at him, you’re met with a blank expression for a moment so you can’t figure out if he remembers you or not. But then, a tiny smile tugs on his lips as he holds his hand out for you.
“We’ve met before, right?” he simply questions, and your eyes flicker over to Taylor in a kind of “See? I told you!” manner before you look back at Harry and shake his hand.
“Yeah, we have,” you nod. “A long time ago.”
“Congrats for your nominations,” he smirks, his hand letting go of yours and your let out a soft chuckle.
“Well, thank you. Back at you.”
“Alright, why don’t we start this discussion? We have a lot to go over,” Jeff suggests and you sit beside Taylor while Harry stays near the window, as if he is trying to soak up the sunshine coming through it that’s painting his skin a golden shade.
The concept is simple. The performance would be a mashup from Sleepless and Harry’s song Golden with an exciting and fresh way of mixing the two songs together in the middle, making your song flow into his in a smooth and effortless way. The songs sound compatible and you already have an idea how to mash them together for the transition, but you can’t help but feel doubts over the performance.
“What are your concerns exactly?” Jeff questions.
“Not to come off too harsh, but why is my song the first one?” you ask, earning a few puzzled looks. “If Harry finishes it off, he is going to be the one people will remember more and he’ll get the applause as well. The riffs in the songs allow them to be switched, how come it’s not me who comes second?”
You can see the shock on Jeffrey’s face at how straight-forward you were about your concern and that you even dared to speak up about the issue. He clearly hasn’t had to face anything similar before and when he glances at Harry you follow his gaze as well, but instead of shock, what you see on his face is amusement. He is smirking, tapping his fingers against his chin as he stares back at you.
“She has a point,” he nods and you take a deep breath. For a moment, you really thought this is going to be the part where you are thrown off and Harry makes the performance only his.
“I, uhh—this is what’s been requested,” Jeff answers and you tilt your head.
“Okay, can we make a request to change it?” you simply ask, eyeing Taylor next to you who is typing on her iPad vigorously, taking notes of everything that’s said. She is already used to what you’re like, she is not even surprised you came up with the prompt to change.
“Hold on, so just because you want to be second, you get to be?” Harry questions, but he doesn’t come off as harsh, it seems like he is entertained by the conversation. “Does this mean I don’t deserve to be the second one?”
“That’s-That’s not what I meant,” you answer, taken aback from his accusation and you hate to admit, but he is right. You addressed the issue, but it doesn’t mean he doesn’t deserve the spot either.
“Alright, so then we need to seek a solution that benefits the both of us,” he offers, walking closer from the sunlight and you follow his every movement.
“We could do some kind of medley? Do an ultimate mashup from more songs and have more smaller parts split between us, finishing it together,” you suggest and he nods.
“That could work, but I have something else on my mind.”
“And what would that be?” Jeff asks, a little lost about the situation as he watches the two of you exchange ideas.
“We could write a song together, a duet, and perform that instead of our solo stuff.”
“What?” you snap right away. “You want to write a whole new song just for the Grammy’s?”
“Why not?” he smiles carefreely. “We have almost two entire months to do it, albums have been written in shorter periods, I’m sure we can handle just one song. And I think a collaboration would be a hit for the both of us now.”
You look at Taylor who just stares back at you, ignoring the panic in your eyes.
“Don’t look at me,” she tells you. “I can see the collaboration working, it could be a huge hit.”
“And what, we’re gonna release it as a single after the show? Whose song is it going to be? I don’t have an album coming up until next year, do you get to have it on your third one then?”
“We can put it out as just a single. No one has to have it on any albums,” Harry replies. “If we released it after the show, it would be just the right timing. Neither of us had any new songs out in a while.” Clenching your jaw you’re trying to find a way out of this collaboration, though you’re not even sure yourself why. Taylor sees right through you, knowing well you’re planning your escape, but she has other plans apparently.
“Y/N, let’s have a few words outside,” she pushes herself up and pulls you with her. Once the door is shut behind the two of you she starts right away. “What the fuck is your problem? The song is a huge thing, it would be an instant hit with him on it!”
“Why do I need a song with him to stay relevant?” you question, folding your arms on your chest.
“No one said it’s about that. But we both know it would be a great push to your name that Jordan has stomped over not so long ago, calling you a Feminist Nazi.”
“Don’t even fucking mention him!” you whisper yell, refusing to even think about that trashbag of a man that ruined your life with his fake accusations.
“Look, I know what you are thinking, that you’ll be seen as just an object next to him, a pair of boobs and nice legs, but that’s not his brand. He doesn’t need you to be sexy next to him, he is known for his honest and real works that go farther than just twerking and being a hoe. We both know he produces meaningful music, so why are you so against it?”
“I just… I-I’m scared to work with him,” you finally admit and it’s the first thing today that surprises Taylor.
“Scared? Thought you’re not scared of anything,” she huffs.
“I never said that,” you give her a look. “Harry met me when I was nobody, it was just me and my big mouth, trying to find my breakout. What if we start working together and he sees that I completely lost that version of myself? I would feel like a liar, an impostor.”
“You are overreacting,” Taylor sighs. “You’ve changed on your way here, but I doubt you are that far from the girl he met before. I know we didn’t meet just a few years after, but I can assure you, you’re still that big-mouthed pain in the ass who fights every norm in the industry like no one else.”
You know she is right, she is always right. Taylor knows you too well, that’s why you love working with her, but sometimes, her honesty throws you way off, especially when she is stating the truth.
The two of you rejoin the two men in the office and they both look at you with anticipation as you fold your arms on your chest and move your gaze over to Harry.
“I would… love to work on a song with you.”
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When you agreed to work with Harry you didn’t think you’d find yourself heading over to his house a few days later to have a writing session, but he offered right away that day in the office and Taylor accepted it before you could protest. You’ve had a day filled with meetings and fittings and now you’re rolling up his driveway after punching the security code in that he shared with you over text.
You’ve exchanged numbers on the spot and just like that, you’ve become one of the few people on this world that could contact Harry Styles anytime they want to.
You chose to be casual for the occasion, wearing a pair of black sweatpants and a white hoodie, you like to be comfortable whenever you’re working on new music and Harry’s presence won’t change your ways about that. You’re not sure what to expect, if you’re being honest you’re still afraid of being alone with Harry and do such an emotional thing together as writing a song.
The front door opens just as you get out of your car, grabbing your bag from the passenger seat. Harry walks out wearing a pair of shorts and a green hoodie, looking like he hasn’t left the house all day.
“Hey, you found the address easily?” he asks smiling as you walk up to him.
“Yeah, everything went fine.”
“Do you want something to drink or eat maybe?” he offers as the two of you walk inside. If you’re being honest, you’re starving, the last time you had anything to eat was between two meetings around ten, but nothing since then, just a granola bar. But you’re a first time guest, you can’t just eat up his fridge, like you’re old pals, right?
However, Harry can see right through you.
“You haven’t had anything in a long time, right?” he softly asks and you purse your lips, feeling awkward already and you haven’t been here for more than two minutes. “I can make you a sandwich, if you’d like.” “Harry, no need, I—“ “No need, but I want to. Come on,” he nods at you, making you follow him into the kitchen. “So, who would have thought we would be here now, huh?” he smirks at you as he gathers the ingredients and starts working on your food while you sit on one of the stools at his kitchen island.
“Not me,” you admit chuckling. “I kind of didn’t think I would see you again, I mean, personally. I was seeing you a lot on TV after that.”
“Now might be a good time to confess that, that night wasn’t the last time I saw you.”
“I went to one of your gigs a few weeks later. Stayed at the back, I just really wanted to see you play.”
“And what did you think?” you ask tilting your head to the side. Harry smirks, his eyes meeting yours before they return to the food under his hands.
“You absolutely smashed it. And I felt even worse for taking your time away that night. The people were robbed from a mind-blowing performance and had to see five annoying guys clown on the stage,” he laughs making you chuckle too. “I wasn’t surprised when your name surfaced a few years later. Knew you’d make it at one point.” He joins you at the island and slides the plate in front of you with a warm smile.
“Thank you,” you mumble smiling shyly before you start eating and only after the first bite you feel just how hungry you’ve been. “Now that we are at it, I want to apologize for the way I talked to you guys back then. I feel like I was a bigger asshole than I should have been and the whole situation wasn’t entirely your fault.”
“No need to apologize,” he shakes his head. “You were absolutely right. We had no business being on stage that night and what you said actually made us think about where we came from and appreciate our career more. You were right about having it easy at the beginning. We never had the phase where we had to push our way to the top like other artists, our first days were broadcasted on TV, giving us the biggest push ever.”
It’s good to hear he is not holding grudges against you for whatever went down in the past. You eat in silence while Harry types a response to a message on his phone before turning it with the screen down to pay his full attention to you.
“I actually just messaged Niall that we are working together and he is losing his shit over it,” he chuckles softly.
“You guys still talk?”
“Yeah, sometimes. Not all of us thought,” he adds, pressing his lips together.
“You miss being with the band?”
“It’s… good to rely on someone in certain situations. As a solo artist, you only have yourself and that’s about it. But I think you already know that.”
“I never really liked being in a band,” you admit.
“How come? I think you fit in well with The Gambits.”
You shrug, chewing on your bite slowly. It’s probably not the best time to admit that you prefer working on your own, when you’re about to get into a duet with him.
“I uhh… I always imagined myself being a solo artist and I just couldn’t stay with the guys too long, especially when I got my record deal.”
“Why?” Letting out a long breath you lick your lips looking at him.
“I would have never made it in a band with three guys. It would have always been about which one I’m sleeping with, who am I having an affair with or if I’m lesbian because I’m not hooking up with any of them. This is just how it goes for women.”
Harry stays quiet, taking your words in as you finish the sandwich that was literally lifesaving. You wash the plate even when he tells you to just leave it in the sink, and once that’s done, the two of you move over to his little home studio in the basement of his house.
“So, where do we start?” you ask, making yourself comfortable in one of the armchairs while he grabs an acoustic guitar and sits on the one next to you.
“How do you usually start writing?” he asks scratching his chin before he rests his hands on the body of the guitar.
“Well, most of the times I write when I’m pissed about something,” you huff and Harry smirks at you.
“Nothing pissed you off lately?”
“Not enough to make me write a song,” you point out. “See, this is one of the reasons why I was hesitant to write a song with you. It doesn’t come that easily for me.”
“And what were the other reasons?” You shut your mouth at his question, you weren’t expecting him to pick it up, but apparently, he listens more than you thought.
“It’s… a long story.”
“And we have all the time,” he smiles slyly. “But of course, don’t feel pressured to share. I just thought it would be nice to get to know each other more so we can work together easier.”
Harry starts strumming his guitar gently, playing random riffs as you watch him, chewing on your bottom lip. Taylor asked you to try and be more open than you usually are and though part of you wants to keep the wall high between you and him, something is telling you to try and reach out to him.
“I didn’t want to do it, because I didn’t want to be seen as just a pretty face next to you. In duets between a man and a woman, females are often seen as just an object, a sight for the eyes but not as serious artists. I worked hard to be taken seriously and I was hesitant about collaborating with you even though your music is not necessarily what I should fear.”
Harry looks back at you with an unreadable expression and you feel like he is judging you for standing up for yourself. Your fight for yourself is often mistaken as “being a bitch” or “being too sensitive” and the amount of times you’ve been told to just chill is upsetting.
“Well, good thing then that I won’t write music about twerking,” he then finally speaks up, a smile breaking his blank expression.
“But you do write a lot about sex,” you point out with a smirk.
“That I do, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be sexist at the same time.”
“You’re right,” you nod smiling.
 The writing process turns out to be harder than you thought. You’re not specifically inspired and Harry is the person to just throw things around until he finds something he likes. The two of you put together is kind of chaotic as you try to come up with something useful.
Two hours later you have a raw version of a melody that could serve as a chorus, but nothing else, no full melody, no lyrics. And if you’re being honest, you don’t like that chorus that much either.
“It’ll be fun to just stand on stage for three minutes and do absolutely nothing, because we couldn’t write anything,” you groan, sliding lower in your seat, rubbing your face with your hands.
“It’s literally our first session and we have plenty of time, Y/N. Don’t stress about it.”
“I don’t know how to do that.”
“You don’t know how not to stress?”
“I literally haven’t had a stressfree day since about 2007, so no, I don’t know.”
“You can’t chill even when you smoke?” he asks and you give him a puzzled look. “What, you smoke, don’t you?”
“Cigarettes? I put it down in 2015.”
“No, I’m not talking about cigarettes,” Harry chuckles softly. “You don’t smoke weed?” You shyly shake your head. “Really? I would have sworn you’re the type to relax with a good joint. Want to try it?”
“What? Now?” you ask with wide eyes.
“Why not?” he shrugs and walks over to the little side table in the corner of the room and reaching into it he simply pulls a little plastic bag out with three joints in them.
“Are you just casually keeping joints around your house?”
“I don’t really smoke them, they make me feel sleepy. But some of my friends like it so I keep a few around,” he explains as he takes one out and puts the rest back. “You want to try?”
“I-I’m not sure… I have to drive back home.”
“You can stay for the night, I have three guest bedrooms,” he shrugs before his eyes meet yours. “Again, not trying to pressure you, I’m just offering.”
“Are you gonna smoke?”
“We can share one if you want. I would recommend smoking one by yourself for the first time.”
“Okay,” you nod shortly as you watch him tip-tap the joint a little, rolling it between his fingers before he takes it between his lips and reaches for a lighter. “Wait, shouldn’t we do it somewhere outside? The smoke is gonna get stuck in here.”
Harry stops, thinking about what you said and he nods. Grabbing the guitar he asks you to follow him and the two of you move up and out to the terrace, sinking into his lounge chairs. You bring your knees up to your chest, hugging them tightly as you watch Harry light the joint and take the first few puffs. As he exhales the smoke he holds the joint out for you and you take it, hesitantly putting it between your lips as you inhale for the first time. You can’t help but scowl at the taste, the whole act of smoking feeling strange after years of smoking your last cigarette. You keep it down a little before puffing the smoke out and passing the joint back to Harry.
You keep switching until you make it past half of it and you finally start to feel the effect of it. You feel light, like you’re floating in the pool that’s in front of you, you can almost feel the water touching your skin yet you’re still dry.
“How are you feeling?” Harry asks, blinking at you with hooded eyes.
“I’m feeling… fine,” you chuckle softly as you take the joint from him and drag from it again. “Do you do other drugs?”
“I’ve done shrooms a few times, not often though. I’m not trying to pick up an addiction,” he smiles softly, running a hand through his hair. “Have you done anything?”
“No,” you shake your head. “Didn’t have the money for it before and then didn’t have time later. But I never really felt the need either.”
“And you said you put down the cigarette as well?”
“Yeah. I knew I had to do that sooner or later, it was starting to change my voice and I couldn’t have that.”
“That’s what we always told Louis, that his voice will turn to shit if he keeps smoking,” Harry chuckles softly, dragging from the joint before he passes it over to you, not much left of it.
“Did he ever stop?”
“I think he put it down when his son was born, but I don’t know if he started again.”
You give the joint back for him to finish it and you watch him put it out in the ashtray before he sinks down in the lounge chair, closing his eye for a bit, breathing steadily. You find it amusing how you can still see the guy that handed you a check years ago at that bar, trying to make things right, but he also looks like a completely different person at the same time. He is more mature and open in his mindset and just the way he approaches things in general. The Harry you met seven years ago was still searching his way, but the version lying next to you now is a lot more confident in who he really is.
“Want to take a picture?” he hums keeping his eyes closed.
His eyes peel open and turn to face you, a smug smirk on his lips.
“You’ve been staring at me. Take a picture, it lasts longer.”
“You are way too full of yourself,” you scoff and pushing yourself up from the lounge chair you walk over to the edge of the pool, mesmerized by the way the light is dancing on the surface.
You never really thought about what weed would feel like in your system, but it feels oddly tranquil and relaxing. In a way your body feels a little strange, like it’s not even yours, but you also sense everything very… loudly.
“You alright?” you hear Harry’s voice coming from behind, the tapping on his feet signaling that he is walking closer to you.
“Yeah,” you nod without taking your eyes off of the water.
“Do you want to go for a swim?”
“What?” you breathe out turning to face him.
“Do you want to go in?” he rephrases his question with a small smile.
“I don’t… have a bathing suit,” you answer and the moment the words leave your mouth they feel so ridiculous even when you were just stating the truth.
“Okay, but you are wearing underwear, aren’t you?” he smirks. “Or I’m completely fine if you want to go in naked,” he adds smugly.
“Shut up,” you chuckle. “Can you… maybe give me a pair of shorts? I’m fine without a bra when I come out but I would rather have my underwear on dry.”
“Sure,” he hums and turning around he jogs back into the house while you stay right there, staring at the water again.
With each passing moment you get calmer, the outside world and everything in life that’s not happening right in this moment eases into nothingness, your mind numbs in the best way possible.
When Harry returns he is wearing a pair of yellow swimming shorts, two towels are thrown over his shoulders and he has a pair of white shorts in his hands.
“This is the smallest thing I have, I think it’ll be fine,” he comments handing you the shorts.
“Thanks,” you nod before he shows you the way to the closest bathroom where you change out of your clothes leaving them in a neatly folded pile on the counter, you put on the shorts that are a little big on you, but once you’ve tied the strings it seems to be staying up steadily. Your simple black bra is not showing more than what a bikini top would, so you feel fine walking out in your attire.
Harry is sitting at the edge of the pool, his legs moving around in the water. His head lifts hearing your steps and he smiles at you, standing up when you arrive.
“Fits fine,” he nods, taking a look at the shorts.
“Yeah,” you chuckle.
Walking over to the steps you dip your feet in first, testing the temperature before you start going in further, Harry following you right behind. Just as you expected, the water feels smooth against your skin, warmly caressing and swallowing your body as you get in, the surface reaching your chest. You let your arms move around, feel how the water runs through your fingers, it’s amusing and you enjoy it probably more than you should. It’s just water, but right now it feels like a pile of clouds.
“I know I suggested to smoke and then swim, but please don’t drown into my pool, I won’t be able to talk myself out of that,” he chuckles, easing him into the water until it reaches his neck.
“My life is in your hands, Harry,” you smirk at him before you follow him and let the water swallow your whole body up to your neck.  “This feels so nice.”
“Yeah? You like it?” he smirks.
“Mm, like I’m… floating through space.”
“In a sense, you are floating in the water,” he chuckles. “You don’t feel sick, right?”
“No, I’m fine,” you smile at him shortly.
You move over to the edge of the pool, laying your arms to the side, holding yourself up so your legs could float in the water. You watch Harry dive under and swim across the pool, reaching the far end before he pushes himself over to you.
“When I went to see you perform there was a song I really liked, but I never found it anywhere later.”
“Which one?”
“The chorus went like… Crashing and crumbling, I’m fighting for my breath, Today won’t be the day I’m meeting death…”
You suck on your breath, surprised how well he remembered the lines even after so many years. He recalled them perfectly, even singing the melody a little with them.
“I never recorded it in studio,” you admit quietly.
“Why not?”
“Because it felt too emotional and I didn’t want it to be just out there.”
“What was the name of the song?”
“It’s called Till I Die. I wrote it when…” You take a deep breath, feeling heavy just by talking about it, but something is urging you to share it with him. “I left from home right after I graduated high school, broke contact with my parents completely and I had a few very rough years, trying to just… keep myself alive, I guess.”
“Can I ask why you left your parents?”
“We had very different visions of what I should become. And I didn’t intend to live the life they imagined for me. My parents are very… traditional, my career in their eyes is just some kind of circus when I’m the clown on the stage. They don’t take any of it seriously and they made it very clear at the beginning that they don’t want me to become a musician. I was supposed to become a surgeon, my dad is one and my mom is in criminal law, they both worked very hard to get to where they are, but they don’t think that’s exactly what I’m doing as well.”
The last person you shared it with was Taylor and though it feels odd to open up about these old wounds again, but having Harry as the one listening to you just feels right.
“You haven’t talked to them since you left?”
“No,” you shake your head.
“And they didn’t even try to contact you?”
“Well, I made sure they couldn't. Changed my number first thing I set my feet outside the house and I never left them any of my addresses. I know it sounds cruel, but I didn’t want to do anything with them after the shaming they put me through when I told them I don’t want to become their perfect little daughter. They told me that I could consider myself disowned from the family if I dare to even write a song.”
“Woah, that sounds really tough.”
“It was,” you nod. “I wasn’t asking them to support me in any other way apart from just being there for me. It’s not like I wanted to spend the money the put aside for my tuition to buy guitars and tour the country, I just wanted them to… accept who I am, but apparently, I asked for too much.”
You feel tears forming in your eyes, but you wipe them quickly. It’s been long since the last time you let the thought of your parents, you’ve been good at keeping these feelings bottled up and in the deepest end of your mind. It’s not like you’re going around and just share your trauma with anyone you meet, but it felt comfortable to share it with Harry.
“I’m sorry about that. Everyone should have a support, especially in our job.”
“I had… myself,” you chuckle bitterly. “Became pretty good at relying only on myself.”
“I’m guessing it’s another reason why you prefer working alone, right?” he smiles at you softly.
“You could say that,” you nod into the water.
“I know it’ll sound cheesy, but… if you ever want to talk, I’m here,” he offers.
“Oh, are we becoming friends?” you ask chuckling.
“We’ve known each other for long enough to be friends, am I right?” he smirks, splashing some water in your way.
“We met a long time ago, but that doesn’t mean we know each other. Everything I know about you is from articles and gossip sites and I think you can only say the same thing,” you point out.
“Okay, then let’s get to know each other.”
“What, do you want to play 21 questions now or something?” you huff.
“Damn right,” he smirks.
And that’s exactly what you do. Swimming around in the pool you ask each other questions, some are funny, some are more serious and you slowly start to get to know each other, seven years after meeting for the first time, but in a way it feels like it’s been just last week when you were talking in the alleyway.
The weed soon dies down in your system, leaving you incredibly tired and it’s only then you realize it’s already past one am. Pulling out of the pool, you both grab a towel drying yourselves up before making your way back into the house.
“The guest bedroom next to mine has a bathroom so I think that’s the best one. I can give you something to sleep in if you’d like,” Harry offers as you follow him down the hallway.
“I think I’m fine in my sweats, but thank you.” He shows you the room, tells you how to change the AC if you feel too cold or hot and then bidding goodbye he is about to go to his own room when you stop him.
“Thank you for… today. I know we didn’t get far with the song, but… I liked hanging out with you,” you admit with a shy smile, leaning against the doorframe.
“Don’t worry about the song, it’ll be fine. And I liked it too. We can make it a regular thing, if you want. You can come over, we’d chill and try to cook up something for the song.”
“I, uhh… Yeah, that sounds good,” you nod, he shoots you a smile before turning around and disappearing in his room.
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The morning doesn’t turn out at all any awkward, especially because you don’t get to stay around too long. You have a meeting at eleven so you have to leave in time to go home and get changed before that. Harry makes you coffee, which is lifesaving, the two of you sit at the terrace as you drink it and you arrange to meet in two days to try and have another, hopefully more successful session for the song.
You genuinely enjoyed your time with Harry and to think that you didn’t only smoked weed for the first time with him, but also opened up about your parents, you feel a kind of connection forming and you can only hope you’re not gonna regret it later.
You move on with work after leaving from Harry’s that morning, you have some fittings for upcoming photoshoots and an interview scheduled, so there’s not much time for you to sit around. Tonight you’re supposed to meet Harry again at his place for another session and you feel buzzed about it. You meet Taylor for lunch, sitting on the terrace of your usual place she is talking you through everything that’s coming up the next week, just like you always do so then you can put work aside and have a real chat.
“So how did the writing session go?” she asks, digging into her salad that she always asks with extra chicken.
“The writing? Not so well. But we had a good time,” you truthfully admit.
“Good, good! You’re finally making friends!” Taylor grins, satisfied with the news. You just roll your eyes at her, turning back to your food right when you notice that your phone has been blowing up with notifications.
Huffing you grab it from the table with the pure intention of muting it down completely, but then you see that several people have texted you the same link and it bugs your curiosity so you open one of the messages and tap on the link.
“You have got to be kidding me,” you groan, feeling your rage already pushing up your spine, clouding your vision in red.
“What?” Taylor snaps, reaching for her phone out of reflex.
“That fucking asshole dragged my name again!”
“Who? Jordan? That fucker never learns?” Taylor hisses, her thumbs vigorously typing on the screen immediately.
“Someone asked him about me on Twitter and he dared to call me a lying bitch! I can’t fucking believe this man!”
You and Jordan worked together on a project a while ago. You were supposed to write lyrics to a song he was composing and it was meant for an upcoming popular Netflix show, so the anticipation around the song was huge, especially when word got out that Ariana Grande might end up singing it. During your time working together he very blatantly tried to hit on you, which you politely shut down, because one, you didn’t intend to date someone you were working so close with and two, you just simply weren’t into him. However, he couldn’t take rejection the way a mature, almost thirty years old man should. It started off very subtly, but once you’ve had a chat with him to stop posting obnoxious and suggesting things about you on his social media, because it’s making it hard for you to be taken seriously as an artist and that people will just see you as another celeb which you don’t want to be, he just completely lost his shit. He called you different names on Twitter a few times, the worst were Feminist Nazi and a cock teasing slut, and he just somehow never fails to mention that you lied about your intentions with him, when you were clearer than daylight that you didn’t want a thing from him other than work.
When you realized he isn’t going to be stopping anytime soon, you took him to court, dragged his ass in front of the judge and won the case, which ended with him having to pay you thirty thousand dollars and he was ordered to clear all his platforms from your name for good. You really thought that taught him a lesson, especially because against your will, the case got some publicity and he ended up making headlines about the fault accusations he made about you, but it seems like he didn’t have enough.
You wouldn’t worry that much about his new tweet, knowing that he is the one lying, but the trials took a toll on you. It was at the beginning of the time when you were making yourself a name and even though you won, his accusations stung for some people and some even thought him to be the victim. You fell out of two brand deals and an important interview in the upcoming months which was a major setback and all for what? Because a man couldn’t accept rejection? The sad part is that if it would have happened the other way around, he wouldn’t have had to suffer any effect of it, people don’t tend to question a man’s words when he is showing this charming and nice persona to the public. If you accused him the same way you would have been dragged and titled as a sour crybaby and Jordan’s life would have carried on the same way.
The peaceful lunch soon falls through as Taylor turns on her beast mode to at least get the tweet down as soon as possible, already contacting the legal team you worked with before. It has to be against what you agreed on at the end of the trials, he can’t just go around and drag you again without any consequences.
In just about twenty minutes, the tweets disappear from Jordan’s feed, but you know it was already late the moment he posted it. If something gets out on the internet it never goes away, there are probably hundreds if not thousands of screenshots floating around that will preserve his words forever.
You part ways Taylor as he heads to an immediate meeting with the lawyers you worked together previously, she tells you to try not to worry about it, but you can’t just turn it off in you, that’s not how it works.
Making your way home you keep riling yourself up about it, thinking about what it’s gonna cause you this time, what opportunity is going to be taken because a man has called you a lying bitch, even after winning the previous trial against him that proves how big of an asshole he really is.
Changing into a casual attire you head to Harry’s place a little earlier, hoping it’s not a problem you get there an hour before you were supposed to. Arriving you’re a little taken aback seeing that there is another car parking on the driveway that’s not his and you immediately regret coming here, but before you could leave, the front door opens and Harry walks out. You couldn’t have left without noticing, the security system must have signaled your arrival when you punched the opening code in.
“Hey, everything alright?” he asks instead of questioning your early arrival.
“I uhh—I’m sorry for being early, I could go—“
“Don’t be silly, come on in!” he waves at you and you walk up the stairs. “Two friends are here but they were just about to leave soon,” he explains as you walk in.
“Sorry for crashing the party,” you let out a soft chuckle.
“The more the merrier,” he smiles. “You seem a little stressed, everything okay?”
“Yeah, I just… It’s nothing,” you shake your head.
“Oh my God, is that who I think it is?” you hear a woman’s voice from behind and turning around you see a smiley brunette walking towards you, a shy looking guy following behind her.
“Sarah, this is Y/N. Y/N, this is Sarah, my drummer, and that wanker over there is Mitch, my guitarist.”
“Nice to meet you.” Shaking hands with both of them you realize they look familiar from pictures you’ve seen from Harry’s tour.
“I saw that ugly tweet today, that guy needs to be kicked in the balls,” Sarah sighs with a sympathetic smile, Harry’s ears perking up.
“What tweet?” he asks, eyes switching between you and Sarah.
“Oh, just… Jordan Wells thinks it’s fine to drag people with absolutely no truth behind his words,” you answer with a tight-lipped smile.
“Jordan Wells? The name rings a bell,” Harry hums.
“He is a music producer,” Mitch chimes in.
“I think he was supposed to write for 1D one time, but the deal fell through. Guess we didn’t miss out on anything,” he jokes and it brings a genuine smile to your face.
“You surely didn’t,” you comment under your breath.
You chat with Sarah and Mitch for a bit before they decide to head out, but Sarah asks you to come around sometime they are hanging out and you gladly say yes, wanting to know her and Mitch better, they seem like great company and even greater musicians, it’s always good to meet people who are like you.
As Harry walks his friends out you make yourself comfortable on the couch, reading Taylor’s texts about the update on the recent actions, she has gotten in contact with Jordan’s team and legal steps will be taken if Jordan doesn’t show any sign of improvement in the very near future.
“Hey, want something to drink? Wine or beer maybe?” Harry walks in as you look up from your phone.
“Wine sounds fucking fantastic,” you breathe out earning a soft chuckle from him. You follow him into the kitchen and watch him get a bottle of white wine with two glasses. “I hope Sarah and Mitch didn’t leave early because of me.”
“Oh, not at all. They knew you’d be coming over and would have left around this time, so don’t worry about it.”
He joins you at the kitchen island with the two glasses handing you one and you take a sip from it with a satisfied hum.
“So, want to talk about this Jordan ordeal?”
“There’s not much to talk, really,” you shrug. “He is a jerk and I just can’t seem to get rid of him and I didn’t even date the guy…”
“What did he do this time?”
“Oh, he just casually called me a lying bitch on Twitter, so that’s fun,” you let out a fake laugh, raising your glass before taking a big swig from it.
“Not that creative, if you’re asking me,” he jokes making you laugh. “It’s a very plain choice of words.”
“Yeah, not as good as his best which was calling me a feminist nazi.”
Harry almost chokes on his wine as you say the words, coughing a little while you watch him with an entertained smirk.
“That’s… an interesting way to express his opinion about you,” he answers diplomatically.
“Right? I was thinking about getting a sign of it, like a Live, Love, Laugh one, in the middle of my living room.”
“Would be a wonderful touch of décor,” he smirks. “Alright, I have a proposal for today’s session.”
“Shoot it.”
“You seemed to enjoy your weed experience the last time, I thought we could give it a try again, but we would try to write this time as well.”
“You want to write while smoking?” you ask raising your eyebrows at him.
“Only if you want to. I just thought it would relax you a bit, might even come up with some interesting ideas for the song.”
“Are you trying to turn me into an addict?” you narrow your eyes at him and he just holds his hands up innocently.
“Told you, no pressure,” he smirks angelically.
“I feel like I’m not even coming here to work but to meet with my new dealer,” you chuckle making him laugh. “Okay, we can… give it a try.”
 An hour and one joint per person later the two of you are lounging in his living room, he is sprawled out on the loveseat with a guitar on his arms while you are curled upon the sectional, fumbling with the strings of your hoodie.
“We should just… fucking steal a song,” you snort, finding your comment hilarious.
“Which one were you thinking about?” Harry smirks your way, his fingers gently strumming some random melody on the instrument.
“I really want to have a Madonna song to be mine,” you sigh dreamily.
“You’re a fan?”
“Oh, I grew up on her. I have an elaborate choreography for Hung Up,” you snort.
“You need to perform it for me.”
“No fucking way,” you laugh shaking your head. “Not even weed can make me dance for you.”
“Come on, I need to see that choreography, you can’t just hint it and then never show it to me!”
“Nah, not happening,” you laugh, sliding lower down in your seat, your head resting against the armrest of the couch.
You listen to him play the same melody over and over again with your eyes closed and though you really like what you are hearing, no words are forming in your mind that could serve as lyrics. Your phone buzzes on the cushion next to you and grabbing it you see a text from Taylor.
Taylor: Lawyers are on the case, we’ll have more tomorrow, don’t stress about it too much. Night! Xx
Sighing you drop the device back next to you, covering your eyes with your arms.
“You alright?” Harry softly asks.
“Nah, I just want to… disappear,” you sigh, tired of this fight you’ve been fighting for way too long.
“Is this about Jordan? He is a fucking ass, most people know it.”
“But not everyone!” you snap throwing your hands up. “And that fraction that still believes that he is saying the truth is enough to ruin my life. I’m fucking fed up with the injustice women have to face because of the patriarchy we are forced to live in!” Pushing yourself up you run a hand through your hair, hugging your knees to your chest. “It’s so fucking upsetting, like everything I do goes straight down the drain because of one little thing and I’m stuck with trying to rebuild my whole future plan.”
From a sudden urge, you move down to the floor, lying down on the fluffy rug that runs under the couches and the glass coffee table. It feels nice, kind of grounding to lie flat on the floor, especially because your senses are all messed up again because of the weed, but in a good kind of way.
“You worry way too much on longterm things. Try to stay in the moment a little more,” Harry tells you, putting the guitar to the side so he can move his feet to the floor, leaning onto his knees. “You can’t control this much what happens in the future, you should only care about today. And today, you’ve done good, you made it through another day, you did what you had to do and that’s it. Stressing about tomorrow or the next week or next year is just way too much to deal with all the time, twenty-four-seven, three-six-five, that’s just no way to live.”
Lying on the floor you stare up at the ceiling seemingly blankly, but your mind starts to swirl over what he just told you. The worlds are running around, mixing and mingling until something starts to form, making you gasp.
“Grab the guitar,” you tell him, sitting up abruptly. He pulls his eyebrows together, but does as you told him to, holding the instrument on his lap as he waits for you to instruct him more. “Play that… that melody you’ve been playing, but a little faster.”
He turns his attention at the guitar, trying the strings out a few times, feeling the melody under his fingers before he starts playing it just how you asked as you slowly start to sing the lines you have just thought about.
“You made it through… another day, you made it through another day… You did it, let’s celebrate…”
The lines fit perfectly with the melody he has come up with and the more you sing, the wider his smile grows as you move along in the forming song.
“Some days you feel you’ll break, but you made it through another day, yeah, you did it, let’s celebrate…”
“Don’t fucking stop!” he chimes in, never stopping the riffs, trying out new things as you go, slowly perfecting it together with the lyrics.
“Twenty-four-seven and three-six-five, you made another day, you made it alive! Made another day made it alive!” You sing loud and clear, completely lost in the melody Harry is playing, the lines just flowing out of you, like a dam has been taken down and now everything washes over you at once.
When the chorus is about to come up however you run out of ideas, your eyes meet Harry’s and he sees that you’re stuck. His eyebrows knit together, tongue runs along his lips before he starts playing the melody of the chorus and takes over the singing as well.
“So today, baby, remember it’s okay! We’re all floating through space, today, baby, remember you’re okay! We’re all floating through space…”
He plays a little with the lines, repeats them, tries a few times before he stops singing, you are now standing up, watching him end the melody, neither of you saying a word as he room grows silent. A sudden urge drives you to go closer and you sit back down to the floor in front of him, your eyes casting over the now silent instrument on his lap. Looking up your eyes meet his and you feel like the air is kicked out of your lungs.
You’ve heard so much about moments when you feel yourself pulling towards someone, when it’s like a magnetic field but you never actually experienced it until now. Staring back at Harry you feel that pull everyone has talked about and you finally understand what they were trying to say. It’s like there’s a string coming from your chest that’s connected to him and he is tugging it without even doing anything.
Reaching forward he tugs a loose strand of hair behind your ear, his fingers dancing down the side of your face as you catch his eyes wander down to your lips. Sucking on your breath you feel the moment, you know what he is thinking about because you think about the exact same thing. Kissing him. You are desperate to find out what his lips feel against yours, what he tastes like, what it’s like to have him so close to you.
“You want to kiss me,” you whisper and it’s not a question, more like an observation.
“I do,” he admits with a soft smile, but doesn’t move closer. “Can I?”
“I don’t think it’s an appropriate thing to do in our situation,” you breathe out, though you don’t agree with the statement fully.
“You think too much,” he chuckles softly, leaning closer just a tad bit, but there are still a few inches between the two of you. “Do you want to kiss me?”
“Yes,” you admit.
“Then we should just do what we want to,” he suggests with a small smirk and he looks ridiculously handsome with his dimples and shining green eyes that are glued to you.
“And then what? We’ll just go on like it never happened or there’s going to be more happening? How are we supposed to—“
You don’t get to finish, because Harry closes the distance between you and him and presses his lips against yours, swallowing the rest of your stammering speech. Whatever doubts and hesitation you felt just a moment ago, it all vanishes into nothing as you melt into his kiss, his lips caressing yours gently, softly capturing them, savoring and tasting you with caution, giving you the chance to pull back anytime, but nothing in your body can make you stop kissing him in this moment.
His palms cup your jaw as you push yourself up, slowly making your way to straddle his lap after he has blindly put the guitar to the side, hands coming to rest on his shoulder for leverage. His other hand grips your waist, pulling you close until your chest is pressed up against his, lips never disconnecting in the kiss.
Kissing him feels like second nature, like it’s not even the first but the hundredth time, but on the other hand, every touch and tiny sparkle is so new and unusual, you’ve never felt like this before.
Harry slowly pulls back, pecking your lips a few more times before he stops, nuzzling his nose against you in an adorable and innocent way that brings a smile to your lips.
“Doesn’t it feel good to just do whatever you feel like doing?” he asks with a soft smile, making you laugh.
“Kind of.”
“Nothing has to change. Or something can, it’s up to you.”
“You are so upsettingly cool and respectful,” you blurt out chuckling and it makes him laugh, his head falling back against the back of the couch.
“I’m sorry, I guess?” he smirks with a shrug.
“See? Respectful!” you grin, your hands moving up to cup his face. The pad of your thumbs gently tap against his dimples that are showing thanks to the wide smile on his lips right now. You can’t stop yourself from leaning down and kissing him again, even though your rational side is trying to make you stop. You just can’t, his lips are screaming to be kissed and who are you to deny that?
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You’ve been running errands all day. Following an early meeting you ran to your favorite vintage store to get another armchair for your living room. Then you went grocery shopping because your fridge has been ridiculously empty the past two days and later you had a quick fitting for a few outfits you are supposed to wear in the near future. You’ve ran into a few fans too, having small chit-chats with them, taking photos, so it’s been a busy day.
It’s been a week since you and Harry have kissed and despite your fears, it hasn’t been awkward at all. He didn’t bring it up, but you don’t feel like he is pretending it never happened, which is kind of a great balance. He is giving you just enough time and space to figure out what it really meant to you, because quite frankly, you have no idea.
Obviously, you find him attractive. You’d have to be completely blind to say that he is not handsome and just simply good to look at. You’re attracted to him and not just to his looks, but to his whole persona.
It’s just you’re not sure it’s a smart idea to start anything with the man you’re working with and though you know Harry is nothing like Jordan, part of you is still scared the whole thing will happen all over again if you get involved with another man from the industry.
Workwise, everything is going well. You’ve successfully finished the song you started that ominous evening and have started recording it in Harry’s home studio, working some more on the melody, bringing a lot more into it than just a single guitar. What more, you’ve been coming up with new ideas for other songs, lyrics popping up in either your or Harry’s head and you just keep sharing them with each other, saving them for later once the song for the Grammy’s is done.
Heading back to your place you get a call from Harry, his smiley face appearing on the screen of your face as you accept the call and his accent fills the car through the speakers that are connected to your phone through Bluetooth.
“Hey, hope I’m not calling in the middle of a meeting,” he greets you and you can tell he is smiling.
“No, I’m just on my way home. What’s up?”
“I’m meeting with Sarah and Mitch for dinner tonight, thought you’d like to join us.”
“I wouldn’t want to intrude on your time with your friends, I feel like you’ve been spending all your time with me.”
“But I like spending time with you,” he chuckles softly, a blush making its way to your cheeks at his words.
“Are you sure you want me there? What about Sarah and Mitch? I crashed your last meeting with them as well.”
“You didn’t crash anything, Y/N. And I’m positive I want you there, I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t. And just so you know, Sarah asked if you’d be joining us, so I assume they wouldn’t mind it either.”
“Oh, well, okay then. Send me the time and place.”
“Wonderful!” he beams, his enthusiasm making your chest warm.
By the time you arrive home he has already texted you the details and you have just one hour to spare before you have to head out. You opt for a quick shower and an outfit change, switching up your ripped mom jeans and simple t-shirt to one of your favorite jumpsuits. It’s a little baggy, but the waist is cinched in with an inbuilt corset, giving the whole fit a very interesting twist.
Arriving at the restaurant Harry has texted you the address of, the waiter escorts you to the terrace at the back that’s a lot more secluded and you feel yourself relaxing that you probably won’t get photographed. Harry is the only one who is already at the table, sitting with his eyes fixed on his phone, but he immediately puts it aside when he sees you approaching, a wide smile stretching across his face.
“Hey! You look amazing!” he greets you pulling you into a quick hug.
“Thank you,” you smile shyly. He is wearing a pair of brown slacks, a simple white shirt tucked into it, a knitted cardigan thrown on, a typical Harry outfit. “And thanks for the invite,” you add as you take the seat next to him, assuming Sarah and Mitch would like to sit next to each other.
“Don’t even mention it. We’re friends, it’s really nothing. I’m glad you could make it.”
The way he called you friends is giving you mixed feelings. Part of you is happily jumping up and down at the fact that he considers you as a friend, given how you don’t have many of those. It’s been hard opening up to anyone since you’ve made a name for yourself, you’ve ran into occasions a lot when people wanted more than just your friendship from you and it made you rather closed off when it comes to making friends.
On the other hand, you can’t help but feel a little disappointed. Is that all you are? Just friends? More importantly, is that all you want to be, or more?
Sarah and Mitch arrive soon after, joining you at the table and the waiter takes the orders before leaving the four of you alone. It seems like they genuinely like it that you’ve joined, so you can enjoy the evening a little more relieved.
Sipping on some amazing wine, you eat and talk and you feel like you’ve known these people your whole life. You especially like Sarah, she is so open-minded and funny and you think they make a great couple with Mitch who is obviously more closed off, but it’s obvious how much he worships his girlfriend.
Sometime in the evening, when you’ve already had two glasses of Chardonnay and you’re feeling a lot more relaxed and comfortable, you move closer to Harry without even noticing, leaning against him gently and his hand rests on your knee, giving it a soft squeeze under the table, making you want to move even closer to him to feel more of his touch, to get more of him.
Neither Sarah, nor Mitch questions the two of you being a little cozier and you’re thankful for the safe and stressfree environment they are providing, not making you overthink what you do, just letting you enjoy the moment.
At the end of the evening, you can’t shake the thought that you don’t want to say goodbye to Harry just yet. He pays for everyone’s dinner, leaving a generous tip for the waiter and you stay back at the table while Sarah runs out to the restroom and Mitch takes a quick call from his father, leaving you alone with Harry. His hand is still resting on your leg, a little farther up, but still in a very safe zone in the middle of your thigh.
Turning to face him your eyes meet his, his green irises glistening in the soft lighting and he looks so beautiful, you just want to kiss him again.
“Do you have plans after this?” you find yourself asking.
“Not that I know of.”
“Do you want to come over to my place?”
“That sounds like a nice plan,” he smiles at you warmly and you just know that if you weren’t out in the public, he would have leant in for a kiss and you wouldn’t have stopped him.
When Sarah and Mitch return all four of you head out and they don’t question when you follow Harry to his car. They say goodbye and Sarah makes you promise to join them some other time too and you happily say yes to the invitation.
Not much is being said on the way back to your place, he plays some music quietly as you navigate him through the streets.  
“Welcome to mi casa,” you smile as you key the two of you into your apartment you’ve been living in for the past few years.
It’s nothing luxurious, just a tad bit bigger than what one person would need as a home. You would have been fine living in your previous home you lived in before you’ve gained fame, but you needed a much bigger closet so you were forced to move. It’s a two bedroom apartment with one big bathroom, an open concept kitchen and a spacious living room. And of course, a closet as big as your bedroom. It’s the perfect size and you haven’t even thought about buying a bigger place just because you can, it would be a waste of money and space. The interior is very much vintage with all your mismatched furniture and colorful walls, but you think it’s quite cozy and just the ideal space for you.
“Would you like something to drink?” you ask, walking into the kitchen to get yourself some water.
“Some water would be great, thank you.”
Filling up two glasses you hand him one as you lean against the counter, silently eyeing each other. It should be clear to him that you had intentions with asking him to come over, especially after being your cozy with each other during dinner, but you’re a little lost in what you should or even want to do. You just know you want him close.
He drinks up his water, his eyes meeting your gaze as a small smirk tugs on his cherry lips.
“You want to kiss me,” he states, using the exact same words you used the night when you kissed for the first time.
“I do,” you nod, feeling a little breathless.
“Then do it,” he simply answers, making you smile.
“Cool and respectful, as always,” you grin at him as he moves closer, stopping just a few inches away from you, your feet almost touching. Reaching up his fingers gently caress the side of your face and you feel yourself already melting under his touch.
“You’re beautiful,” he murmurs, a shiver running down your spine at his words. You close your eyes for a moment, giving yourself the chance to pull out of it, but you realize you don’t want that, not even the tiniest bit. Opening your eyes they meet with his gaze before you move closer, closing the distance between you and him, lips meeting in a warm and chaste kiss.
Though it grows a little hungrier, you can tell he is still holding back a little, giving you the chance to stop whenever you want to, but you don’t intend to. Pushing yourself closer to him, your arms curl around his neck as his hands grip your waist, your tongue meeting his as you deepen the kiss and melt into his embrace.
Pulling back you grab his hand and head to the bedroom, going back to kissing him the moment you reach it. You easily slide his cardigan off his broad shoulders, pulling his t-shirt out of his pants before taking it completely off, throwing it somewhere to the side. You smirk against his lips, hands wandering down his naked chest and you can’t push down a moan as you feel the warmth of his chest muscles under your touch.
When you feel him try to blindly figure out how to get you out of your jumpsuit with not much luck and this clears your head for a moment to realize what is about to happen. Pulling back your gaze meets his and he stares back at you with caution, ready to stop whenever you tell him to, but that’s not what made you pull back.
“Harry, I…” “We don’t have to do anything,” he softly tells you, his fingers dancing down the side of your face until they reach your chin and he pulls you in for a delicate and slow kiss.
“I want to,” you whisper. “It’s just that… I want you to know that I’ve never… I’ve never been with a man before.”
Searching in his eyes you look for any sign of what’s going on in his head wishing you could just simply read his thoughts.
“You’ve never been with a man?” he asks, seemingly not as surprised as you expected him to be. You nod, licking your lips, waiting for any kind of reaction, a part of you expecting to be upset, though you know he has no right to be mad at you for any of it. “Do you want me to be the first man?” he then asks, with a loving and warm smile as his hand on your hip pulls you against him playfully.
“Then help me get you out of this jumpsuit, because I can’t figure it out for my life,” he chuckles making you laugh too.
You show him where the corset opens and then get you out of it with joined forces, finally leaving you standing in just your underwear. Harry’s gaze runs down your body, a look of hunger and passion shining through his green irises as he pulls you close again, kissing you with a lot more vigor this time.
Soon enough, his slacks slip to the floor and you climb to your bed, Harry following closely, climbing on top of you before rejoining your lips. Your knees open up wide for him, allowing him to sink his hips between your thighs, his crotch meeting your heated center, a moan slipping out your lips when you feel his erection rubbing against you through the material of your underwear. He kisses his way down your jawline and neck, gently sucking on the soft skin, peppering kisses along your collarbones before he reaches your chest. He easily unclasps your bra and slips the straps down your arms before getting rid of the barrier that’s been keeping him away from your naked chest.
“Fuck, Y/N, you are so damn beautiful,” he breathes out shakily, before his lips wrap around your right nipple, his hand cupping your other breast. You keep whining and whimpering as you feel his tongue swirl around your nipple before his mouth moves over to the other breast, giving it just the same amount of attention.
He kisses down your stomach, glancing up at you as he hooks his fingers into the elastic of your panties silently asking for your permission to go further, still so respectfully looking out for you. As an answer, you lift your hips up so he can easily slide the material down your legs and throw it to the side.
“Oh fuck!” you moan when his tongue and lips press against your bud, playing with it oh so perfectly, making you shudder. If you didn’t think Harry was perfect, his tongue work is now surely making a statement on that.
With every lick, kiss and suck he pushes you closer to your release that’s nearing in a fast pace like never before. Reaching down you lace your fingers through his chocolate curls, tugging on the lightly, making him moan against your core. You’re not sure how long you’ll last, but you want to cum with him inside you, so you pull him up, lips meeting again as you still taste your own juice on him. It’s heavenly.
Without breaking the kiss you reach down and into his underwear, palming his fully hard cock, earning a satisfied growl when you wrap your hand around him. The feeling is quite unknown, you’ve only once had to face a penis before, it happened back in high school when you were still figuring out what sexuality meant to you. Gave a wobbly and quite short handjob to a guy from the grade above you, never even talked to him again. The experience left a major effect on you, never even got close to being intimate with a man, but being with Harry now is putting everything into a whole new light.
“Do you have a condom?” he mumbles against your lips, clearly just as excited to carry on as you are.
“Yeah,” you nod and let go of him, rolling to the edge of the bed so you can dig into the drawer of your nightstand, successfully finding the little silver packet. Tearing it open you hand it over to Harry and get back to your previous position as you watch him kneeling up, rolling the condom on carefully. Your lips part when your eyes fall on his cock, seeing now how big he really is. Harry catches your eyes and leaning down he kisses you softly.
“Tell me if it hurts and I’ll stop, okay?” he kindly tells you, but you smile at him coyly.
“You might be the first man I’m with, but your dick won’t be the first thing to be inside me,” you answer with a smug smirk and it brings an amused look to his face.
“You are so fucking hot,” he murmurs, pressing his lips against yours in a hard kiss as he settles himself back between your legs.
Though you really tried to sound confident the other moment, you still feel a little nervous about it and Harry senses it right away. Holding himself up on one arm he cups your face in his other, kissing you slowly, taking his time with his lips, as if he is trying to make you forget about everything else but his lips.
“Are you still sure about this?” he softly asks, looking for any sign of hesitation in your eyes, but there’s none.
“Yeah, I want this. I want you,” you nod and reaching down between your bodies, you take him in your hands again, positioning him to your center.
Harry captures your lips in another passionate kiss as he pushes into you slowly, filling you up inch by inch. You gasp at the sensation, feeling a little tight around him, but not in an uncomfortable way.
“You alright?” he asks once he is almost fully in.
“Yeah, go ahead,” you breathe out with a small nod. He pecks your lips and slowly pushes all the way in before he starts to move out and then slide in again, picking up a not too fast but still firm pace with his movements.
You gradually get used to the feeling of him sliding in and out of you, it’s surely a whole different experience than using a dildo or any kind of toy you are used to. The thought that it belongs to him is bringing you a sense of intimacy you haven’t felt in a long time.
Wrapping your arms around his shoulders you dig your fingers into his hot skin that’s coated with a thin layer of sweat as he keeps moving, slowly picking up his pace as you both get closer to the endgame.
“Harry, faster, please!” you plead, legs coming to wrap around his waist so he can thrust in deeper, making you go completely nuts from the way your orgasm is already forming in the pit of your tummy.
He obeys without a second thought, slamming into you faster and harder, making you continuously moan his name, the room is filled with moans and panting, the slapping noise of his hips meeting yours.
Harry buries his face into the crook of your neck, kissing and sucking on the soft skin, definitely leaving a mark, but you couldn’t care less. You just grab a handful of his hair, shutting your eyes closed as you feel yourself nearing the end.
“Harry, I’m gonna cum,” you pant, barely hanging on.
Instead of stretching it out and trying to play with you, Harry clearly wants you to combust. Reaching down between your bodies his index and middle fingers find your clit and he starts circling on it, adding that little extra you needed to fall over the edge.
Moaning and whimpering under his massive body, your orgasm washes over you in waves, bringing you such an intense satisfaction you’ve never felt before. He keeps up his thrusting and just a few moments later his movements fall out of his rhythm and mumbling your name over and over again, he gasps as he rides his high while you’re still trying to catch your breath following your own.
With a heaving chest Harry rolls off of you, gets rid of the condom and throws it to the small bin you keep next to your night stand and then lies flat beside you as you both just silently stare up at the ceiling, very much in the best kind of after sex haze.
“How are you feeling?” he then asks, rolling to his side, his hand coming to rest on your bare stomach. Turning your head to the side you crack a smile at him.
“I feel like I’ve just been properly fucked,” you bluntly answer, making him laugh wholeheartedly. Rolling to your side his arm falls to your waist as you scoot closer, your face only a few inches from his. He is so pretty up close, his features never fail to amuse you, hard to believe he is a real human, lying right next to you.
He closes his eyes a little, letting his head sink into the pillow as his fingers delicately dance up and down your side and back. You feel like you owe him to say something, dropping a major detail about yourself in a heated moment.
“I had two girlfriends,” you speak up, his eyes fluttering open to your words. “The first one was when I was eighteen, we dated for almost a year, then I briefly dated a guy, but it was barely just a month. And I had my second girlfriend when I was twenty. We were together for two years.”
“Are you still friends with them?”
“I still talk to the second one. Her name is Mila. We broke up because she moved to Spain for a job for a year and we didn’t want to do long-distance. Then we just… grew apart, but we still talk sometimes. She lives in Atlanta now, she has a girlfriend and she told me that she is planning to propose soon.”
A soft smile tugs on your lips as you talk about her. She was an important person in your life in a time that was truly challenging. Mila supported your dreams, she went to a lot of your concerts and she was the first one you called when you got your record deal even though you weren’t together anymore. She has seen you go from performing in dodgy bars to rocking the stage of arenas.
“Congrats to her,” Harry smiles through tired eyes. Reaching up he tucks your hair behind your ear before leaning closer he envelopes your lips in a soft kiss.
“We really shouldn’t have done this,” you hum, though you can’t wipe the satisfied smile off your lips.
“Why not?”
“Because we work together.”
“So what? We aren’t allowed to like each other?” he smirks cockily.
“You like me?”
“Thought I made that pretty clear,” he chuckles rubbing his eyes. “But yeah, I do like you, Y/N. A lot.”
“I… like you too,” you admit shyly. Leaning in he kisses you again before pulling you to his chest as he lies on his back.
“Can I stay the night or you want to throw me out?” he hums closing his eyes. Chuckling your snuggle to him, making yourself comfortable, enjoying the warmth of his body after so spending so many nights alone in this bed.
“You can stay, but you have to behave.”
“Oh I will behave my best, don’t worry.” A chuckle rumbles through his chest as you both fall silent and soon enough, drift off to sleep.
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You wake up tangled in the sheets, but no one else is lying in bed with you. Blinking the sleep out of your eyes you look around and though there’s no sign of Harry in the room you spot his clothes on the floor. That’s when you hear the pots and pans clinking somewhere outside and you smile to yourself. You pull a t-shirt on with a pair of clean panties before heading out, finding Harry in your kitchen, wearing your pink fluffy robe and nothing else as he is making what seems to be pancakes.
“I don’t remember hiring a chef,” you joke walking closer, sliding a hand down his back as you lean against the counter next to the stove.
“Good morning,” he smiles. “I really wanted for you to wake up but I was afraid my growling stomach might wake you up,” he chuckles as he flips the pancakes in the pan with the spatula.
“Found everything you needed?” you ask, walking over the fridge to grab the orange juice.
“Yeah, you have a neatly organized kitchen,” he hums. “Sorry for snooping around though.”
“Don’t worry about it.” Pouring the juice to two glasses you hand one to him which he thanks softly before placing the golden pancakes to the plate on the counter and pours another bunch into the pan.
Sipping on your juice you watch him move around, making breakfast in your robe and you can’t help but smile at the sight of this fine man in your kitchen. Harry catches you eyeing him and he cocks an eyebrow at you.
“What’s gotten you so smiley?” he asks, his voice still a little groggy and husky.
“I just… really want to kiss you,” you shrug placing the glass to the counter.
“I think we are over this whole asking for permission thing,” he smirks, stepping closer he leans down and kisses you gently, tasting like orange juice and something sweet, he has probably ate one of the pancakes. His hand that’s not holding the spatula finds your waist, the t-shirt bunches up on your side as he pulls you closer, deepening the kiss before you hear sizzling coming from the stove.
“Whoops, not trying to burn the place down,” he chuckles as he turns to the pan and flips the pancakes. You wrap your arms around his waist and kiss his jawline before stepping away from him to set the table for breakfast.
“Do you have any plans this weekend?” he asks over breakfast.
“I have a meeting with my label on Saturday, but nothing else.”
“I’m having a few friends over Saturday evening, kind of a late Grammy nomination celebration. Want to come over?”
“Yeah, that… sounds good,” you nod smiling.
“I was thinking that maybe you could spend the night and then we can finish recording on Sunday.”
“Alright, I’m in.”
Harry takes a quick shower after breakfast before heading out, promising to call you later and though it still feels a little odd that he says goodbye with a kiss, you very much like this new setup between the two of you.
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Friday evening Taylor is over at your place, she loves helping you sort out promo stuff you get sent all the time, especially because you let her take whatever you don’t want, half her closet was meant to be worn by you.
Sitting on the floor with boxes surrounding the both of you, you’re digging through them with a bottle of wine, some 90’s music playing in the background, it’s a nice and relaxing evening.
Your phone lights up with a text on the coffee table and you already know it’s from Harry. You haven’t stopped texting since he left from your place just a few days ago.
Harry: Do you think it’s a look for the Grammy’s?
He attached a photo of himself in all denim, looking very much like 2001 Justin Timberlake at the AMA.
Y/N: Should I match and pull a Britney?
Harry: Is that even a question?!
“Okay, who’s the girl?” Taylor asks, making you tear your eyes away from the phone’s screen.
“Last time I saw you smiling like this at your phone you were talking to that girl you met at that award show. So who is it this time?”
“It’s… not a girl,” you admit, placing your phone back to the coffee table.
“Oh, did a guy finally manage to sweep you off your feet?” Taylor gives you an amused look, genuinely surprised to hear that this time it’s a guy that has you wrapped around his finger. “What is his name?”
“Harry,” you shortly answer and see her eyes widen.
“Wait, is it… Harry as in Harry Styles?”
“Yeah,” you admit with a soft chuckle.
“Oh my God, I knew I could feel some sexual tension between you two at Jeff’s office!”
“There wasn’t any, what are you talking about?”
“You didn’t see it because you were too busy trying to blow off the duet, but it was radiating from him.” She gives you a look, putting the sweater she’s been examining to the side. “So, how are things? Are you guys an item, or…?”
“We didn’t label anything, he just said he likes me and I like him too. And he… spent the night the other day.”
“Wait, what? Spent the night as in—“
“Yes, we had sex,” you confirm blushing.
“That’s like huge! The first man you’ve been with!”
“I know,” you chuckle.
“How was it?”
“Fucking amazing,” you truthfully admit with a sigh. “I didn’t think it could be this good with a guy. Maybe it’s just because it was with him.”
“He surely looks like a guy that takes good care of his girl. So what’s gonna happen? Are you guys together?”
“I don’t know. He doesn’t seem to care about names and labels, he just likes to do whatever he wants and if I’m being honest it’s kind of refreshing. We are just… enjoying whatever we have.”
“That sounds very liberal,” Taylor chuckles. “But I’m happy for you. You’ve been alone for way too long, I think he might do good to you.”
“I really hope,” you nod with a sigh.
“How is the song writing going?”
“We’re finishing up recording on Sunday. I’ll send it to you when it’s done and we can start all the paperwork and everything.”
“Amazing, you are doing great, Y/N, I’m proud of you,” she smiles and climbing over she wraps you in a tight hug.
“Thanks, Tay,” you smile at her. “Alright, now do you want these lace socks or should I burn them?” you ask holding up a whole pack of them, making her laugh.
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Harry said it’s just a chill get together, nothing fancy so you decide to wear a khaki maxi skirt with a shirt tucked into it that was a gift from a fan, your first album’s name embroidered to the front. It’s one of your favorite pieces and you like wearing things your fans make you, gives the whole fit a plus.
Arriving to Harry’s place you spot that there are a few cars already parking on the driveway. You leave your overnight bag in the trunk, grab the bottle of wine you’ve brought and head inside. Unlike every time you’ve been here, the silence is now switched up with soft music and chatters, quite a few people lingering around the house already.
Just as you walk farther inside, Harry appears on the stairs and his face lights up at the sight of you.
“Hey! Did you just arrive?” He jogs down the rest of the stairs and walking up to you he pulls you close for a quick kiss without hesitation.
“Yeah. I know you said not to bring anything, but I hate coming to parties empty handed,” you chuckle softly, holding the wine bottle up.
“Thanks. Have you eaten? Jeff is grilling outside, but help yourself with anything.”
“I’ll be fine, thanks.”
“Sarah and Mitch are already here, but come on, let me introduce you to a few people.”
Harry takes your hand, lacing your fingers together with his. He drops the wine off in the kitchen before joining all the other guests. It’s really not that many people, just about thirty of his close circle. Musicians, people he has worked with and stayed close with, people he has known for long. Everyone seems welcoming and open, many already know who you are and it’s always a good conversation start, so there are not many awkward silences, especially because Harry is always near you, making sure you feel comfortable around his friends and it means a lot to you.
“Hey, everything alright?” Harry asks, when he finds you in the kitchen, refilling your glass. He walks up to you, placing a hand to your waist as he kisses into your hair.
“Yeah, your friends are nice,” you smile at him.
“I know, that’s why they are my friends,” he smirks, so full of himself. “Want to hear something interesting?”
“I was talking to Adam and our song came up and then out of nowhere I referred to you as my girlfriend.”
Seemingly he is testing the waters, trying to see how you react to the title, even a little afraid of what you might say, but it doesn’t scare you.
“Yeah? That’s interesting indeed.”
“Are you okay with it? I wasn’t really thinking about it, just slipped out.”
“It’s fine,” you smile at him softly.
“You don’t have to call me your boyfriend, call me whatever you want. It’s just a habit of mine, I guess,” he explains, popping some nuts into his mouth from the little jar on the counter.
“Alright,” you nod. Harry stares back at you for a moment before a smile stretches across his face and leaning down he kisses you shortly before taking your hand and walking back to the living room with you.
The last guests leave around midnight. After bringing your bag up to his bedroom you start cleaning up while Harry walks out the last couple leaving. You start loading the washer and put away things you’ve cleaned before.
“Oh, thank you for cleaning, but you don’t have to. I can take care of it later.”
“It’s nothing, I want to make myself useful,” you chuckle softly as you start the washer. Harry comes up behind you, his arms wrapping around your waist as he kisses into your neck.
“I have other ideas for that,” he murmurs, his nose nudging the side of your face.
“Yeah? What kind of ideas?” you teasingly ask, closing your eyes when you feel his hand slide under the waist of your skirt, moving down your abdomen until it reaches your core.
“Fun kinds,” he chuckles lowly. His other hand turns your head so his lips could meet yours, you’re still pressed up against him, melting against his chest with your back just right, like you’re two puzzle pieces.
“Fuck,” you breathe out when his fingers wander into your underwear and they start doing their magic. “Harry!” you whine, reacting intensely to his actions.
“I fucking love hearing my name from your pretty mouth,” he growls, kissing you hard before his lips part from yours and he starts bunching up your skirt.
You don’t protest, in fact, you lean forward, grabbing onto the edge of the counter as he pulls down your panties and you hear the zipper of his pants. Glancing over your shoulders you see him pull out a condom from his pocket and you can’t push down a laughter.
“Did you keep that in your pocket all evening?”
“Wanted to be ready when I finally got you all for myself,” he smirks, pulling his cock out of his boxer briefs, rolling on the condom.
His hands come in contact with your hips and ass cheeks, giving them a light squeeze before you feel him lining himself up with you. His palm slides up your back as he pushes into you, both of you moaning at the fulfilling sensation.
“Fuck, baby, you feel so good,” he breathes out as he pushes all the way inside before starting to pull out.
“Go hard, Harry. Please!” you whimper as he starts thrusting into you. Harry lets out a growl and slams into you, making you gasp at the harshness of the movement, but that’s exactly what you wanted.
The kitchen is filled with the noises coming from the washer next to you and the slapping noise of Harry’s hips meeting your ass with every forceful thrust he makes. His ring clad fingers dig into your hips, probably already making them red, but you couldn’t care less. You hold onto the edge of the counter, but then you move one hand to cover his on you, needing to touch him in some kind of way.
Leaning forward Harry kisses your back between your shoulder blades through the thin material of your shirt and you moan his name when he hits the perfect spot inside you.
“Shit, Harry! I’m g-gonna cum!” you gasp, perking your ass up more so he can go as deep as possible.
“Let go for me, baby. Come on!”
“I want to cum with you.”
“Yeah? Then hold on for a little longer, I’m almost there.”
You try your best to keep everything inside you under control, your orgasm is really on the edge and you can only hope he is nearing his end too.
“Harry! Please!”
“Fuck, okay, okay, cum for me! Let me feel you!” he moans and his words bring you the release.
You clench around him, moaning and whimpering and it finally pushes you into his bliss too. His thrusts slow down but they are hard and go deep, helping you ride the last bits of your high.
He pulls out and gets rid of the condom before wrapping his arms around you, pulling you up from your position so he can kiss your lips.
“How about we take a shower while the washer finishes?” he suggests, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“Mm, good idea.”
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Once the song is fully finished you submit it to your label after an agreement that it should come out through yours, but it wouldn’t be tied to your or Harry’s upcoming album. Everyone seems to love it, Taylor is over the moon when you show her the final version and Jeff is just as happy about it. Having only three more weeks left until the Grammy’s, you send them your request to perform the duet instead of the medley they asked. Their answer comes the next day and they are more than happy to have you premiere your new duet at the show. Everything seems to be on track.
Following a rehearsal for the Grammy performance, you’re staying over at Harry’s, just eating takeout and having a lazy evening after a whole day of working. You’ve put on a new Netflix movie, but every time you look at Harry you feel like his mind is somewhere far away.
“Want to share what’s on your mind?” you ask softly, not wanting to be pushy, you’re just trying to be there for him.
“I’ve just been thinking.”
“About what?” He looks up at you, clearly hesitant whether he should share it with you or not.
“About what you said about your parents.”
“Oh,” is all you can say. Pausing the movie you turn all your attention to him. “What about it?”
“I was just talking to my mom the other day, she is coming here for the Grammy’s and I thought about how you… won’t have your parents there with you.”
“There’s a reason for that.”
“Yeah, but then I thought about how you said you haven’t even let them contact you since then and that maybe they’ve changed their mind about the whole situation. You’ve clearly proved them wrong with building yourself a career, maybe they can now see that what they did was wrong.”
You remain silent, chewing on his words. You’ve been great at not thinking about your parents these past years, it feels weird to have a conversation about them out of nowhere. Harry takes your silence as a warning sign, though that’s not the case.
“You know what? I’m sorry for bringing it up. It’s not really my business, I shouldn’t have brought it up, sorry,” he shakes his head.
“What… would you do if you were in my place?”
Harry looks at you, surprised you are willing to continue the conversation. His hand finds your thigh and he gives it a gentle squeeze.
“I think it might worth a shot to just… contact them. See if they want to maybe get in touch again.”
“And what if they don’t?”
“Then… you know you made the right decision leaving. I know it’s scary, but I think you should take a chance.”
“I’ll… think about it,” you nod shortly.
“Take your time, do whatever you feel comfortable with.” He pulls you into his arms, pressing a kiss to the top of your head as you get comfortable in his embrace before starting the movie again.
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Two weeks before the show you are headed to a fitting with Harry, your matching sets are nearly done, but they needed you to try them on and make sure they fit just perfectly. True to your and Harry’s extravagant fashion, this performance won’t lack any over the top fits either. It was clear from the beginning that you would be matching, but you made it clear that you want to bring it to the level where you’d be wearing the exact same outfit, so now there are two sets of suits in the making, the pattern of the whole two piece is recalling a kind of space vibe, blues, purples and black meeting in the colors with hundreds of embroidered stars and planets littering the fabric with additional crystal stars to make it even more extra. It’s truly one of a kind, especially paired with the sheer, tulle shirt you both will be wearing underneath.
“We look fucking great, babe,” Harry smirks as the two of you stand next to each other, examining yourself in the floor-to-ceiling mirror on the small podium.
“We really do,” you smirk, satisfied with how the performance is coming together. It’s gonna be the perfect way to celebrate both your first Grammy nominations, a huge milestone in your and Harry’s career as well.
Grabbing his phone he quickly takes a picture in the mirror of the two of you, pulling you to his side as you smile into the camera through the mirror. Then you leave him alone on the podium as they are pinning his pants to make it the perfect size. Stepping to your bag you fish your phone out and reading just the first few words of Taylor’s last message she sent about ten minutes ago, you feel all blood rushing out of your face. Tapping on the notification you start reading.
Taylor: Please don’t lose your head, but we are dealing with this.
She attached several articles and you start digging through them.
“Is Harry Styles dating his new duet partner?”
“Harry Styles cozied up with Y/N Y/L/N at dinner with friends.”
“Can we expect some hot make out sessions at the Grammy’s from Harry and his new beau?”
And then there’s the absolute worst.
“Is Y/N Y/L/N going to take Harry Styles to court too?”
“Shit, shit, shit,” you mumble under your breath, vigorously typing back to Taylor to take them down. Two pictures have been leaked from the time you had dinner with Sarah and Mitch, it’s so odd because it’s been weeks since then, where were these pictures all along? Not that it matters, all you want is for them to be gone.
Against your better judgment, you go online and check your social media even though you know you shouldn’t snoop around now that it’s out there. No surprise, you and Harry are trending, but the reactions are very much mixed.
The impact of your case with Jordan is still major. It doesn’t matter that you won, people are still questioning whether he said the truth or not and now they are afraid you might drag Harry down just like you did with Jordan. That you are just trying to use his fame to get more attention and then ruin his career, making a victim out of yourself again, because apparently that’s what you’ve been doing.
You’re not only being dragged, but all of a sudden, nothing is about the music and the art you are making, people just want to know if you’re fucking Harry Styles or not. A lot of the times you’re not even named, only referred to Harry’s new lover or what’s worse, his hookup. You’ve lost all the credit you worked so hard for and for what? Because you dared to have dinner with a man?
“Baby, what’s wrong?” Harry asks walking up to you. Your eyes snap up at him and he immediately sees the shock and anger in them, setting panic in him as well. “What is it?”
“The fucking… pictures,” you hiss handing him your phone so he can see the articles for himself. He scrolls through them with furrowed eyebrows, his teeth sinking into his bottom lip before handing the phone back once he has gotten to the end of it.
“Let’s finish this up and head home, okay? We’ll figure it all out.” He presses a kiss to your forehead and you nod, trying your best to keep your anger at bay while the designers finish up on the outfits.
An hour later you walk into your place, talking on the phone with Taylor, discussing the situation though there’s not much you can do at this point. It’s all out, the pictures can’t be taken down. She suggests to just keep quiet for now, she’ll call Jeff to see what could be done as damage control.
Throwing your phone to the bed you feel your whole body shaking from the anger, it’s agonizing to know there’s nothing you can do to stop it.
“Hey, it’s gonna be fine. We’ll figure it out,” Harry speaks up, trying his best to calm you down, but it’s not really working this time.
“Stop saying it, you don’t know that for sure. I can’t believe this bullshit is happening all over again,” you breathe out shaking your head.
“Yes! I’m being fucking dragged for something I shouldn’t be.”
“People will always have controversial opinion on everything, you can’t get them all to like you.”
“It’s not about liking, Harry!” you snap. “I couldn’t give a damn about people liking me, but they discredit my work. Have you read those articles? I’m seen with a man and suddenly, I’m not even seen as an artist anymore. I’m not even my own person in some of them, just a girl who is linked to you. How is that fair?” “It’s not, but stressing yourself about it until you’re sick is not gonna help anything,” he retorts in a firm voice.
“So I should just sit around and so nothing while watching all my work go to shit?”
“Nothing is going to shit! This is how it goes, there’s always something people talk about but they will forget about it in a week. That doesn’t take anything away from what you’ve proved through your career.”
“Now that’s a lie. Because if they did forget about things in a week, they wouldn’t be bringing up the whole Jordan thing now. I dared to stand up for myself against a man and look where it took me to! I’m the drama queen, the lying bitch who likes to ruin men for apparently no reason and they see me as a threat when it comes to you too. People are talking about how I’ll take you to court as well, they think I’m just using you even though they know nothing about me! And the worst part is that it wouldn’t be like this if I weren’t a woman. Whatever happens, however we react to the situation, it will never have the same effect on your career than it will have on mine.”
“So what, you’ll just live your life without ever doing anything that’s gonna upset people? There will always be someone who’ll judge whatever you do, you can’t do anything about that and if you let them get to you now, they’ll know they can mess with you easily.”
“So I’m just supposed to ignore everything? And not do a single thing about it? It’s easy for you, you’ll walk away from this without a scratch on your name, because you are a white man who can do no wrong in the eyes of the world.”
“Okay, now you are being mean for no reason.”
“I’m telling you the truth,” you retort. “And you know what else is part of the truth? That I’m not even having it the worse. There are women who are even more targeted because of their religion, their skin color, their nationality or sexuality and people don’t even realize how hard it is for any of us. I’m sick of the injustice we have to live with just because of our gender!”
“I do acknowledge the problem on hand, I’m aware of it and I’m all for doing against it, but we are not gonna solve it instantly, it’s a long process. Sometimes we just have to pull back a little, be smart about things.”
“They will never stop about this,” you shake your head, stubbornly clinging onto your opinion. “I won’t be seen as a serious artist anymore, just some girl who was linked to you. It’s fucking done, over.”
“Y/N, what are you trying to say?” Harry asks with caution.
“Exactly what you are thinking about,” you reply with a bitter laugh. “I can’t be a respected artist if I’m with you.”
“That’s not true. It will die down, they will see that you are more than just who you’re dating and everything will be fine.”
“What’s not fair is that I have to work for it to be fine while you are still the same artist you were before it all blew up. Don’t you think it’s unfair?” you call him out and part of you knows you’re being mean and unnecessarily rude to him, but you just can’t control it any longer. You need to let it out and unfortunately, he is the one who is here to take the blame.
“It is, but what are you expecting me to do about it? Release a statement asking people to only talk about my dating life to make it equal? What can be done is that we try to fight this together, show them that you’re more than just a woman who is linked to a man in any kind of way.”
“Yeah, like realization is just gonna hit them,” you snap. “I’m at a turning point in my career, Harry. Whether I win a Grammy or not, this time is going to have an impact on my future. If I’m seen as just a girl linked to you, I’ll never make it. I’ll be forgotten and dragged again and I can kiss my career goodbye.”
You know you were way too harsh, but it’s what you think to be the truth. You didn’t fight your way to this point in life just to be seen as a man’s girlfriend rather than the artist you truly are. And right now, you can’t see yourself get out of this situation without letting go of Harry.
“Y/N, please don’t let this ruin what we have. We can get through this, you can’t let them control your life this much. Who are they to tell you what to do? That’s not the Y/N I know, come on!”
He tries to step closer, reaching out for you, but you take a step back, wanting to keep the distance between the two of you.
“I would prefer to be alone now,” you sternly say, folding your arms on your chest, closing yourself off from him as you don’t even look at him, because if you did, you know you would break.
“Y/N, please don’t do this, we—“
“Alone!” you snap, cutting him off.
He stares at you, hoping you might change your mind, but you’re quite set on this. He knows you well enough to know you won’t budge anytime soon. He lets out a shaky breath and slowly turning around, he heads towards the door as you’re already fighting your tears back. He stops right before he is about to walk out.
“I’m really sorry, Y/N,” he quietly says before walking out, the door shutting closed behind him.
The sobs start immediately and you fall to the ground, tears soaking your cheeks, already missing him more than anything in your life. You really thought it would be different this time, that things might get better, but you were naïve.
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The next two days go by in a blur. The whole fucking internet is filled with those damn pictures of you and Harry, nothing has been about any of your Grammy nominations or even about your music, you’ve officially became the woman Harry Styles is dating.
Harry was titled as a Grammy nominee in every goddamn writing that surfaced, he was completely credited for his work while you could be happy if your name was written correctly. With every new article, your faith in having the career you worked so hard for lessened until you felt hopeless. You’ve officially became a dumb celebrity, just a woman who was known to be dating a man in the industry.
On the evening of the second day you have enough. You just read yet another degrading piece of you that was clearly written by a man, they once again talked about your case with Jordan, joking about history repeating itself and you swear you could scream and throw a tantrum like a baby at how useless and helpless you feel.
You put your laptop to the side and reach for your phone, dialing Taylor’s number.
“Hey, how are you feeling?” she asks right away, knowing well how hard these past days have been. She came over the evening you sent Harry away and tried to comfort you, but nothing could help you that night.
“Hey, I want to ask you to do something and not try to talk me out of it.”
“Oh God…” she sighs, already knowing you’re about to do something stupid according to her.
“I don’t want to perform at the Grammy’s.”
“What? With all due respect, are you fucking stupid?”
“I’m not stupid. But I don’t want to do it.”
“Well, this has got to be the most ridiculous move you’ve ever tried to pull. Why do you want to throw such a huge thing away?”
“I can’t… sing that song with Harry. If I stand on the stage and sing with him… I just can’t do it, Tay.”
“Of course you can! Suck it up! I know you miss him and it fucking sucks what’s happening, but you have to do it!” she tries to convince you, but you’ve already made your mind up.
“No. I’m not doing it. Please let them know that it’s going to be just Harry performing.”
And with that, you end the call.
Taylor knows better than to try to fight you, she doesn’t call back though you know she wants to murder you right now probably, but she’ll come around, she always does. You make yourself a tea hoping to relax your nerves with it though you know nothing can help you now. You wish you had someone to rely on, someone you could talk to right now, but usually Taylor is that person to you and lately Harry has been your support, but you can’t call either of them. The rest of the people you consider friends… they are just not that close to you. You’re left alone, again.
As your gaze wanders over to your phone, a thought pops up in your mind that makes your hands sweat. You think back to the conversation you had with Harry about your parents and you can’t shake the urge off to finally make that call.
“Fuck it,” you breathe out and grab the device, opening up the contacts until you find what you’ve been looking for. Your thumb hovers above the call button for a while before you finally tap on it and start the call. It rings four times before a voice speaks up on the other end.
“Hi mom,” you reply and hear a gasp from her at your voice.
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There’s less than a week left until the Grammy’s. For your own sake, you haven’t been online outside of answering work emails, you just can’t deal with the shit show your life has become on the internet.
You haven’t left your home unless you really needed to go somewhere, did most of your meetings over the phone or videochat and postponed a fitting as well. You’ve officially caved yourself up in your apartment and you are not planning on leaving anytime soon.
Taylor keys herself in, she hasn’t even mentioned that she might drop by, but you’re not surprised. She is probably here to try to bring you out of this pity party you’ve been holding for days. When she sees you lying on the couch in sweats and messy, unwashed hair, she sighs, shaking her head.
“You really need to pull your shit together, Y/N.”
“I’m fine,” you mumble, pulling your fuzzy blanket up to your chin.
“No, you’re not. This is not the bad bitch I know.”
“Bad bitches have bad days too.”
“This is not a bad day, you look like a fucking zombie. This is not what a Grammy nominee should look like days before the big show.”
“Doesn’t matter, it’s not like I’m performing or anything,” you shrug, but the look in Taylor’s eyes make yours go wide. “Taylor, I’m not performing, you informed them about it, right?”
“This is why I’m here,” she sighs walking closer, sitting on the other end of the couch. “I never cancelled on your performance.”
“I told you I’m not doing it!” “I know, but I was hoping you might come around. But you seem to be still acting like a stupid bitch, so that didn’t happen. However, I’ve gotten an interesting email today.”
She pulls out her phone and opens the email before handing it over to you. Shooting her an unhappy look you start reading.
Hi Taylor!
I got your email address from Jeff, wanted to write to you myself. I’ve officially pulled out of the Grammy performance so it’s going to be only Y/N in it. We are also working on a statement to release over the whole ordeal and my lawyers have been after the bigger gossip sites to get the articles down. I want Y/N to have the Grammy experience she deserves and I know it can’t happen with me in the performance. Tell her that I’m sorry for ruining it for her, she deserves so much more. I’m sorry she was brought into this.
I hope to see you soon, take care!
With parted lips, you look up at Taylor who is smiling softly at you.
“He… pulled out for me.”
“He did. Talked to Jeff on the phone, they have already let them know Harry wouldn’t be performing, they will make it official tomorrow.”
“But he deserves this just as much as I do. He is a nominee too.”
“Well, seems like he values you more than his own success.” Taylor lets out a long sigh and scooting closer she places a hand to your knee. “Look, I know you’re upset about how the media treats you just because you were seen out with Harry, and I know that you’re afraid of getting labeled as just the girl he dates and not get taken seriously as an artist, but you can’t let them stop you from living your life how you want to. There will always be judgment, there will always be men who are worse than trash and want to bring you down, but you are stronger than that. Pushing Harry away and being alone for the rest of your life is not a solution. What you can do to put them to their place is give them a big fuck you, date the hottest man in the industry and continue being the bad bitch that you are, fighting against the way you are being treated. Speak up, show them who they are dealing with, share your truth, like you always do! But you can do all of this with Harry by your side. You deserve to be happy and he makes you happy, don’t make yourself miserable because we live in a world where men are still placed above women. Fight for the change but don’t forget to think about yourself as well in the process.”
You feel the tears sting in your eyes. The weight of this past week is just way too heavy to carry, but Taylor is right and you are realizing that you’ve made it harder for yourself. The sobs come before you could stop yourself and Taylor pulls you into a hug.
“I know, I know. It fucking sucks, but you can’t let them win,” she soothes, running her hands up and down your back. “Show them how big of a bad bitch you are and get the man too.”
“You think Harry still wants to be with me?”
“I think that man would be on his knees for you in a heartbeat if you asked,” she chuckles pulling back. “Statement about the performance will be released tomorrow. That’s how long you have to figure it out,” she tells you with a knowing look before leaving you alone with your thoughts, however you don’t have to think long what you have to do.
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You have not been the only one these past days took a toll on. The fight the two of you had left Harry completely drained, angry and helpless. He hated that he was the reason you weren’t credited as the talented artist that you are and he couldn’t stop thinking about ways to make it better. That’s when he came up with the idea of pulling out of the performance.
Now he is ready to spend the remaining days until the award show hidden from the world, not even leaving the house. Everyone close to him knows he is better not to be disturbed now, so he is quite surprised when the security system lets him know that someone has arrived.
As you drive up to his house you spot him immediately, stepping out the front door with a shocked look on his face, probably expecting you to be the last person to be there at the moment. You wipe your sweaty palms against your thighs as you walk up to him, feeling anxious to see him and talk to him, especially after the last conversation you had.
“Hey, I’m sorry for coming here without calling or anything…” you shyly start, stopping in front of you.
“Don’t be silly. Come… Come on in,” he clears his throat inviting you inside.
You’ve walked through this front door so many times in the past almost two months, but this is the first time you feel so odd, standing out, like you have no place in here and it’s all thanks to yourself.
“Do you want something to drink? Are you hungry?” Harry walks past you but then turns to face you, talking to you with such warmth and kindness, even after how you acted, putting blame on him for something he has no control over. It completely breaks you and can’t stop your eyes from watering as you look at him. You really hoped you’ve run out of tears in the past days, but it seems like that’s not the case at all.
“Harry, I’m so sorry,” you breathe out shakily and you step closer to each other at the same time, he envelopes you in his strong arms and you fist his shirt at his chest. “I know it was none of your fault, I just got so desperate and afraid that it might ruin what I worked so hard for.”
“I know. And you were right about everything. Everything you said was true and I’m sorry you have to deal with it.”
“Yeah, but it wasn’t right to be mad at you just because you have different privileges, it’s not like you can change who you are. So I’m really sorry about that, and also for pushing you away when you were just trying to be there for me. I was so stupid,” you breathe out, wiping the tears sliding your cheeks down away.
“You just panicked, it’s okay. Don’t apologize for wanting to protect yourself.”
Resting your forehead against his shoulder you wait for your sobs to die down before you look back up at him. Reaching up he tucks a loose strand of hair behind your ear, smiling down at you warmly and that smile alone ensures you that you are exactly where you are supposed to be, with the right person.
“Taylor showed me the email you sent her,” you bring it up, clearing your throat.
“You deserve it all to yourself so people can see how amazing of an artist you are.”
“I’m not doing it without you,” you shake your head stubbornly. “We wrote the song together and we’re gonna perform it together or else I’m not doing it either.”
“Y/N, you know if we step on that stage together they are gonna twist the whole thing and make it about something else. I want you to have this opportunity for your career without me ruining it with just my presence.”
“Fuck them, if they take it as something it’s not. They are not gonna take the chance away from us to perform our song. If they are such fucking dumbasses that they make it all about what’s between us, that’s their own personal problem. If I need to, I’ll go on a Twitter rant and tell them this myself. I want you on stage with me or else I’m not doing it either.”
Harry breathes out through his nose, pressing his lips together as he stares back at you, probably realizing you are dead serious about pulling out of the performance and he is right. He doesn’t even know you were the first one to cancel on it, you’d do it again without hesitation.
“I guess we are performing then,” he cracks a small smile and throwing your arms around his neck you pull him down, lips smashing against his, the kiss mingling with giggles and smiles.
Harry wraps his arms tight around your waist, pulling you up from the ground as he spins you around, making you squeal as you hold onto him.
“I have to call Jeff to call the Grammy’s not to post the statement,” he hums against your lips and he pecks them a few more times before letting go of you to quickly make a call to his manager.
You move over to the couch in his living room as he talks to Jeff, who is luckily very understanding about the sudden change. Hugging your knees to your chest you watch him pace the floor, exchanging a few more words with the man on the phone before ending the call, his gaze dropping to you again. Sitting beside you, he kisses your temple, dropping an arm around your shoulders as you lean against him, head resting on his chest.
“I called my mom,” you drop the bomb suddenly and you can feel him tense up for a moment, probably shocked by your words.
“You did?”
“Yeah.” Lifting your head your gaze meets his as you carry on. “She was… very shocked to hear my voice.”
“I bet,” he hums. “What did you talk about?”
“I just… asked how they are doing and told her that I’ve been thinking a lot about them. She sounded genuinely touched by it and said I’m always welcomed for dinner or lunch if I’d like to see them.”
“That’s amazing! See, I told you they would love to hear from you!”
“Yeah,” you smile at him softly. “I think I want to go over sometime after the Grammy’s.”
“I’m sure it’s going to go well.”
“Would you please come with me?”
Your question catches him off-guard he seems surprised that you would want him there, but then his expression softens as he leans down and kisses your forehead.
“I would love to, if you want me there.”
“I do,” you nod.
“Then it’s settled,” he smiles warmly as you lay your head back to his chest, his fingers gently dancing up and down your arm and for once in your life you finally feel settled, like everything is going to be fine.
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Highlights of the 63rd Annual Grammy Awards: Y/N Y/L/N blows up stage with new hit duet
The killer duo surprised us all with a brand new duet titled Floating Through Space, performed it together on their big night. Wearing matching galaxy themed suits, Y/L/N and Styles have closed off the evening with probably the most success, the latter winning two out of his three nominations, receiving the award for Best Music Video and Best Pop Vocal Album with his latest album, Fine Line, while Y/L/N was titled best new artist, becoming a Grammy winner early in her career.
Tabloids blew up earlier this month when the two singers were photographed cozied up at dinner with friends, speculations started about their possible romance, but Y/L/N has made a clear statement on the question with her red carpet appearance before the award show. Wearing a head to toe black Gucci gown paired with a dramatic cape, the message “I’M AN ARTIST, ASK ME ABOUT MY ART” painted onto it in red, making a bold statement about her opinion on the way the media has been treating the star.
Both singers remained silent on their alleged romance, but proved to be the best of their time with their joined performance with their new emotional duet. Following the song’s debut on stage it was released to the public as a single right away, taking over all charts with its overwhelming success.
Listen to Floating Through Space now on Spotify and Apple Music!
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Your knuckles are turning white from the tight grip on the steering wheel as you stare up at the home you grew up in. It looks almost the same, sometime through the years you haven’t been around your parents have painted it a light blue color from the paste yellow, but it’s still… the same.
Turning to your right you look at Harry who is smiling at you warmly as his hand reaches over and squeezes your knee gently.
“It’s going to be fine. I’m sure they’ll be happy to see you, you’re still their daughter.”
“That’s not what they told me the last time I was here,” you whisper, feeling your throat closing up.
“We all say things in the heat of the moment. Seeing how happy they were about this lunch proves that they regret what happened.”
Nodding you take a deep breath to get ready for whatever is going to happen. Leaning over the console you pull Harry in for a kiss and it calms your nerves a little. Getting out of the car he takes your hand and squeezes it to let you know he’ll be right by your side all along. As you walk up to the front porch a sense of strong nostalgia washes over you.
You didn’t have a bad childhood, your parents provided you so much growing up, it’s sad to think what it has become. In a way you feel more anxious than walking the red carpet a week ago for the Grammys even though you’re just meeting your parents, but this is a turning point in your life that needed to come sooner or later.
“I’m right here, baby. It’s going to be fine,” Harry murmurs, kissing your forehead before you ring the doorbell, feeling weird that you come here as a guest, not as someone who belongs here.
You hear footsteps approaching on the other side, two frames appear through the clouded glass of the front door and then it flies open, pushing all air out of your lungs, clinging tightly onto Harry’s hand. There’s a moment of silence and just staring at each other before the tiniest smile tugs on your lips.
“Hi mom, hi dad.”
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Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed it!
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bowandcurtsey · 2 years
Congratulations for 1k followers! I'm so happy for you, and you deserve all of our love♡ I hope many more people discover your account and fall for your stories like we do.
Can I request for a part 2 of Langris falling for Commoner Reader? And I was actually the one who requested that, and I really loved it so much♡
Thank you so much for all your hard work, I love you so much and I wish more blessings comes your way! Thank you so much for making my day brighter whenever I read your stories, I love you and have a great day!♡♡♡
Part 1
Hello bby, thank you for coming back to request again! Thank you for loving my work! ♡
Langris Vaude x F! reader
It only took 5 days for Langris to come back to you with good news. 5 days. You've heard of so many cases where commoners make a report and they wait for months for news. But yours? Less than a week.
It only took 1 day for Langris to get the guy to confess to his crimes AND write the detailed report to submit. The vice captain personally interrogated the man, aka Carlos, one to one. When he left the room, man was shaking and nobody knew what Langris had said or done.
The next day he went to the magic parliament and got this case to be escalated with evidences that this man was a repeated offender. The team helped him with this one; he made them run a back ground check on the 2 men in 6 hours.
Within 3 days the magic parliament came to Langris' office early in the morning, telling him that the court for this case would be scheduled in two days.
And here he was, standing outside your shop with you, breaking the good news. He watched as your face brightened up from the tiring day and your lips curled into this sweet and beautiful smile.
"oh my god," you exclaimed excitedly upon hearing the good news, "thank you so much, my mom and I appreciate this so much, Vice Captain Langris!"
His heart uncontrollably raced in his chest and he felt giddy from happiness like a kid getting his favourite candy. But of course, the cool and suave Langris had to play it cool, "it's a small case. How are your injuries?"
"Er.. I'm feeling much better now!" you beamed at him.
"Don't over work yourself, you're on light duty as told by the doctor, " he narrowed his eyes at you, "see you at court in 2 days."
"I'll try to, we're a little short on manpower during this busy season, plus now that we have to close 2 days later to attend court, we have to work doubly hard to cover for the rent.." you suddenly thought about the losses you'll make for that day, on top of the losses from the other day.
"tch." he sighed out loud, shaking his head as he walked into your shop.
"Hello Vice Captain Langris," your mom greeted him warmly, "thank you for the other day."
He shrugged and nodded politely to your mom and took out a bag of yuls, "how many more bowls are available until you're out?"
"oh! We still have a good 100 bowls to sell son, order as much as you want for your team, it's on the house!" your mom offered, thinking he wanted to grab dinner for his team.
"Give me 100 bowls to go then." he placed the bag of coins on the counter, "then go and rest for the day. Just put everything in a huge pot, I'll bring it and ask someone return it tomorrow."
Your mom and you blinked at him.
"What?" he snapped at the both of you, "if you don't have such a huge pot then just give half of it to me, no worries. Then pack up for the day after the current customers are done eating."
"N-no.. we do have a big pot.." Your mom was flabbergasted, "It's just no one made such a big order before..."
"Also, I'll book down your little restaurant tomorrow.." he paused awhile, thinking of an excuse, "It's Alec's birthday so I'll let them celebrate. Give me the bill to book down the restaurant for an entire day."
"Erm.. No one has done this before either.." your mom looked at Langris dumbfounded.
"Alright, just charge me as per the sales you make for a busy day then." Langris shrugged. "Is 3000 yuls enough?"
You tugged at Langris' sleeves from the side, "can we talk for a minute..?"
"What is it?" Langris questioned the moment you both were out of your mom's hearing.
"You don't have to do this for us..." you quickly said, "we owe you too much."
"Then just heed the doctor's advice and not over work yourself."
"But I can't be selfish and rest while my mother slogs herself out!" you suddenly cried out, "it's just what us commoners do, slog out our lives because we're not rich and cannot afford to rest unless we're dying and bedridden."
Langris raised a brow at your sudden outburst.
"We can never repay you for all your help.." you lowered your head.
"Who said anything about repaying?" he scoffed.
You glanced up at him, your gaze meeting his, who was staring intently at you.
"I'm a magic knight, a vice captain at that, isn't it my duty to serve my citizens? And can't I just buy 100 bowls of noodles to treat everyone in the Golden HQ for their hard work for the past week?" He continued with his white lie so you wouldn't feel bad.
"Also, is it wrong to book down a restaurant?" Langris looked into your e/c eyes, "since you said you owed us a favour so I thought booking your restaurant would be best, isn't it?"
You pursed your lips. This man said nothing wrong. Maybe you really thought too much into it. Maybe a small part of you had a little wishful thought; that maybe the Vice Captain of the Golden Dawn was interested in you.
"Cat got your tongue?" the sharp tongued Langris was back, "now can I get my noodles?"
Langris put down a huge pot on the desk with a loud thud. Everyone looked at him with the commotion he made.
"Noodles. Give it out to everyone, including Captain Vangeance. It's for the hard work in the past week." Langris simply said as he disappeared into his office again.
Every one stared at each other and the huge pot sitting on the desk in the middle of the office. Since when was Captain Langris so nice? They thought to themselves as they helped themselves to some noodles.
"Alecdora!" Langris called for the member into his office.
"Yes sir?" Alecdora came in holding a bowl of piping hot noodles.
"Bring some members to y/n restaurant tomorrow early evening. I booked the place. Don't create a mess and clean up after yourselves. Bring a cake and say it's your birthday. The food is on me. Leave the place by 830pm sharp."
"H-huh?" Alecdora was still trying to process what his Vice Captain just told him.
"Just do as I say, get out." he waved the man away as continued his paper work.
2 days later, you were well rested and recharged thanks to Alecdora and his team coming in so late in the day and leaving so early.
You and your mom saw Langris waiting for you at the entrance of the magic parliament.
"We have a prosecutor that will help you, while that idiot probably has his own defence lawyer. He'll lose 100%, so you just have to answer truthfully at whatever questions they ask you later on." he explained.
You were the victim and your mom was a witness. So Alecdora helped to bring your mom in to register while Langris brought you to meet your prosecutor.
"Don't be nervous, brat." he tried to console you, "you have 'worry' written all over your forehead."
"Stop teasing me!" you exclaimed, cheeks burning from embarrassment.
He stopped suddenly, standing very close to you all of a sudden. "As long as I'm here, you won't lose. Don't worry. I always keep my promises."
You heart was almost about to stop as you felt thousands of butterflies in your stomach.
"Th-thank you, Vice Captain Langris.." you spoke softly and shyly now. It was Langris' turn to have heat spreading across his face.
"What can I get you after this case is over?" you really wanted to do something for him for all his work, "I'll try to do anything you ask or get anything you want if it's within my means!"
"well then, since you insist..." a smirk crept up Langris' lips, "I want a date then. A day off. I'll bring you out."
He watched as you flustered, thinking about how cute you were.
"if you win the case later on, you'll be compensated handsomely, I believe.." he pretended to stroke his chin, although he had already studied and put in a proposal for the amount to be compensated to you, "you'll then have a good amount of money to hire someone, so you'll be free to go on a date with me, won't you?"
"Well, you don't have to if you don't want to," he tried hide his hurt feelings and turned away, continuing the walk to the prosecutors' office.
"Y-yes I'd really love to Vice Captain Langris!" you quickly said before catching up with him, "if you don't mind being seen on a date with a commoner.."
"Tsk." he rolled his eyes, "have you not heard me clear enough? As long as you're with me, I won't let anyone bully you."
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kingsuckjin · 4 years
Golden- JJK
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💛 Pairing: (almost entirely)Jungkook x reader, (basically none)Seokjin x reader
💛 Rating: 18+
💛 Genre: friends to lovers but like fluffy but also like very sad.
💛 Summary: After see your boyfriend Jin cheating on you at a bar and realizing your shared friends have been working together to hide it from you, you storm off into the parking lot to cry. Jungkook sees you out there and tells you the truth about everything, or what he wants you to believe is the truth.
💛 Words: almost 16k
💛 Warnings: CHEATING!!! “only one-bed” cliché but I love it, drinking, oral sex(m&f), protected sex and unprotected sex, dirty talk, overestimation, vaginal fingering, love kink?, too much smut, uhhh Jungkook is a bit of a stalker.
💛 Note: listen, I just wanted an excuse to write a gratuitous amount of Jungkook fluff and smut and I also love hurting. I thought I should throw in, these two characters are not actually in love, there are reasons it moves so fast, but it's not love.
❤ also a very big thank you to @btsaudge​ who beta read this whole thing for me, she’s not only a god tier beta reader but a god tier writer too ❤
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“Where are you?” Jin was supposed to be home an hour ago. He had been doing this off and on for the past few months. You’d be lying if you hadn't wondered if things were beginning to fall apart later. You knew Jin would never do anything he wasn’t supposed to, especially not with the other guys there. You knew he was probably just having fun and part of you felt awful for wanting to keep tabs on him, you didn’t want to ruin his time by pestering him the whole time.
You paced as you waited for a reply but none came.
“Is Jin okay?” You sent to Namjoon now and he replied pretty quickly.
“Yeah, I’ve got an eye on him. We’re just over here at Gold’s bar telling old stories.” 
“Thank you.” You replied. You knew Jin could be a handful after having too many drinks but entrusted them with him.
You tried to sit back down and open your laptop up only to just blankly gaze at the screen. You were bored. Writer's block had hit you hard and you just didn’t feel like writing right now. You missed Jin tonight. You thought about the trip you had saved up for with the money from your last book. Sleepless hours were poured into making that book special all because you and Jin had shared a dream of vacationing in Hawaii together. All of your money went to it, every cent besides the shared rent, you wanted to surprise him and you just couldn’t find the right time to do it. He was a lawyer, not the best yet, so he had many sleepless hours too. You both deserved this trip.
You wondered for a moment if you dressed up and showed up if it would make him happy, especially if you finally told him about the trip tonight. You figured if you waited until he got home he would just pass right out and you wouldn’t get the chance. Again, you didn’t want to bother him with his friends, but then again he had spent many nights with them drinking and you were sure there were more to come, one night of you showing up couldn’t hurt.
You closed your laptop and went to your closet to find the black dress he loved so much on you, you only got it out for special occasions, and one of these days you planned on wearing it when he proposed. You knew him proposing was coming, he had been talking about it here and there lately “After we’re married…” or “when I make you my wife…” this was how life was supposed to go and you thought you couldn’t have picked a more relaxed person to share life with and you did your best to match his laid back attitude.
You got an Uber to Gold’s bar, it wasn’t a long ride, just long enough to make you further worry about ruining his time tonight. 
The first person you saw was Taehyung sitting at the bar with a pretty lady, obviously flirting like the ladies man he was. 
You tapped him on the shoulder and when he turned he seemed surprised to see you for a moment.
“Where’s Jin?” You asked over the music that was playing slightly too loud and it just wasn’t your taste in music anyway.
“I saw him over there.” He pointed to a corner of the building, and you saw him alright. You saw past the people and even passed the girl pressed into him, both leaned on the wall. 
“What are you doing here?” Came another voice.
You looked away from the scene and at Yoongi. Your eyes felt wide and your mouth fluttered open and closed. You didn��t know what to say or to think, or what was happening. Were you tired? Were you seeing things? Had your sweet and kind boyfriend just been making out with another woman with all of his and your friends here to witness it? You were confused? Did they all know something you didn’t?
You turned back around, afraid you would see the scene again, but you didn’t. There was no one against the wall. The place was dim, maybe you had just thought it was Jin.
“Want a drink?” Yoongi offered.
All you could do was just nod. 
Your eyes kept scanning the faces of people to find Jin, you were so lost and set on finding him that you were surprised to see the shot in front of your face Yoongi had gotten for you. You took it, you had no idea what it was even as it burned your throat.
“Looking for Jin huh?” Yoongi asked and sat down at one of the stools at the bar before patting the seat next to him.
“Well he’ll find us, I think he’s around here with Namjoon somewhere, might’ve gone to throw up.” 
“Yeah.” You replied but still felt nervous. Another shot was brought to both you and Yoongi.
“Was-was he pretty drunk when you saw him last?” You asked.
“He always gets pretty plastered, you know that.” 
“Sweetie!!!!” It was his voice.
You turned in the stool to see a smiling Jin coming in your direction, arms stretched wide. “What are you doing here?” He seemed happy and pretty drunk and he leaned over, wrapped his arms around you, and placed his cheek on your head. 
You felt relieved he wasn’t upset you were there.
“I’ve missed you all night.” He kissed the top of your head.
“God, you’re loud when you’re drunk,” Yoongi muttered to him.
When he released your smile that had grown from his embrace and hug faltered.
There was red lipstick on his neck.
“Jin what happened?” You asked, your hands had become sweaty as the scene you had witnessed earlier flashed through your mind.
“What do you mean?” He still wore a big smile.
“Jin, you have lipstick-“ you couldn’t finish your sentence. You turned to Yoongi just to make sure you weren’t going crazy and he had turned back away to face the bar.
You could feel your pulse thud hard as your brain further tried to rationalize it but to no avail. He must’ve caught on because he wiped at the place on his neck where your gaze was fixed. Your eyes flickered back to his nervous-looking brown eyes that were always so full of joy and laughter, the ones that always felt like home to you. Everything about this situation felt so wrong like a nightmare, you felt sick. This couldn’t be your Jin, it wasn’t your Jin, it was some strange cold stranger pretending to be him, but the more you looked at him the more you realized you were wrong. You felt tears well in your eyes and knew your strong front was beginning to dissolve and break apart like paper in water. 
That was it.
You took off for the door, you looked back and saw Jin trying to stumble after you, but Taehyung had stopped him.
You were left in tears in the parking lot, you felt your phone go off in your hand but your brain was in too much of an anger and hurt haze to care. You were looking for a place to break down, anywhere, but you sure as hell weren’t planning on going back in there. Your whole relationship with Jin was flashing through your mind and it felt like your heart had been burned, burned with the image of him and someone else the way her lipstick has been burned onto his neck.
You began to sob as you walked around parked cars. You were caring less and less who saw you break down. You felt so alone and exposed especially when a man sitting on the hood of his car began to stare.
“Y/n?” The voice questioned. Through your tear-blurred vision, you could see the screen of his phone light up his shocked-looking face.
“How’d you get here so fast? I just-“ he stood from his seat on his car hood.
“Seokjin cheated on me.” You sobbed in the ugliest crying voice you had ever heard come from yourself.
Your fists grabbed the material of his jacket and you hurried your face in its collar.
His hands went to the middle of your back and hugged you silently for a moment. It just felt so good to have someone comfort you when everyone else seemed not to care or ignore you altogether. Even if it was awkward Jungkook.
You recalled the time where he once showed up at your University and just wanted to hang out for seemingly no reason. The whole two hours he was with you, he stayed silent. You thought he had wanted to visit you because you were friends but it left you wondering if he was ju9st trying to kill time or something. You also remember Jin not being too happy about it when you told him, maybe Jin wasn't too understanding back then.
“He was kissing someone else and I-I-“ you trailed off into a series of gaspy hiccups.
“I know.” He sighed.
“What?” You took a step back but still didn’t release him.
“Your phone. Check your phone.” He instructed.
You unlocked it to see a lengthy text from him. It was hard to read it and stay focused, you were shivering out of school or the chill in the air from this dress. You skimmed it but you shook worse the more you stood there. Attached were two pictures of Jin and the woman kissing in the same way and position that you had seen them.
You looked up at Jungkook with tears streaming down your cheeks, your lip quivered, your body shivered and he looked down at you with sorrow knitted into his furrowed brows.
“I’m sorry. They had always told me not to say anything, that it wasn’t my business, that I’d make you both unhappy if I-“ 
Your teeth were still chattering as you looked up at him.
He took his coat off silently before draping it around your shoulders. You fed your arms through the armholes that were way too big on you.
“Come on, let’s get you… let’s get you warm.” He went around to the passenger’s side and opened his car door. You didn’t resist, at least you could break down somewhere private.
You held your head in your hands as you sobbed over the sound of the engine and heat warming the car. He sat there quietly, not saying anything at all, but you didn’t blame him for it, he had always been awkward with people, especially you, but at least he seemed to care more than anyone else tonight.
You cried until only your hiccups remained. Your head rested against the headrest as you looked out the windshield at the night sky, it was starless.
“You- you uh wouldn’t want to go home would you.” It was a statement, he knew you wouldn’t. “Is there- somewhere I can take you? You could come with me… if you want.” 
“I don’t know, I don’t know if I want to be anywhere, but I can’t go home.” You stated knowing you weren’t making complete sense.
“We don’t have to go to my house just yet, we can do anything you want… but I do understand if you want to be somewhere where you can just be sad.”
“I don’t want to be sad.” You sniffled once more and wiped at your face “I don’t want to be anywhere sad. I wanted to have fun…”
“I know somewhere we can have fun.” 
Before you could answer he was pulling out of the parking lot.
It was quiet for a while as you just looked out the window.
“I know what it’s like you know.”
You turned to look at his face as he drove, lights every so often passing over his face.
“You’ve been cheated on too.” It wasn’t a question so much as a sad statement that came from your mouth. 
“That’s what made me want you to know so badly. It tore my heart out and sometimes I wish …I never would’ve found out, it hurt. I know it hurts.”
“I’m so sorry Jungkook.” You whispered. Sometimes he was weird, but you knew he had always had a good heart. 
“Sometimes things like that just happen, it doesn’t make it hurt less, but it does help to know you’re not alone… that and getting shit-faced.” He joked making you let out an amused puff of breath as you felt yourself smile just a little.
“Are we going somewhere with alcohol?” You asked.
“Of course. It’s on the house tonight.”
“You’re a good one Jungkook.” You replied.
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You looked up at the big neon bowling ball and pins at the top of the building as you sat in the parked car.
“Bowling?” You asked and looked down at your dress. He was such a weird person.
“Just trust me.” 
So you did trust him, after all, it was better than being at home alone or worse, at home with Jin.
When you walked into the bowling alley it was dark, but there were laser lights and strobes and glowing lights and music played loudly but not as near as deafening as it did at the bar. It seemed like you were the only two here, besides one older guy playing alone at the very end lane.
You took a seat at a table at the opposite end and simply just waited, but the more you were alone with your thoughts the more what happened played through your mind. 
How long had Jin been cheating on you? Had he knowingly been cheating on you while talking about you being his wife someday?
You felt tears sting your eyes again, it was harder to hold them back this time.
Jungkook came back with an entire pitcher of beer and a plastic cup he sat on the table before he looked at you.
You tried to shield your crying eyes. You felt stupid crying at a bowling alley you weren’t even bowling at.
You heard the sounds of him pouring beer into the cup and you heard the cup scoot across the table.
You put your hand down, picked up the cup, and downed it.
“I know it’s hard not to think about, and I know it hurts. You shouldn’t be so embarrassed about crying.” Somehow he was able to read you “we’re pretty much the only ones here.” 
“I know, it just feels so strange crying in such an open place. I’m glad I’m here though.” 
He looked to be thinking about your words for a moment before ducking down in the seat and disappearing under the table.
“Come here,” he asked from under the table as you poured more beer in the plastic cup.
You followed him down under the table miraculously without spilling your drink.
He gave you the biggest, sweetest toothy smile and you couldn’t help but return it. You felt like a child playing hide and seek. 
He began to sing along to September by Earth Wind and Fire that played throughout the bowling alley, even physically reenacting the words just to make you laugh. Behind him, past the table were the prettiest lights. You felt so comfortable, warm, and safe in his yellow jacket.
“Are you okay?” He asked with slight concern.
“Yeah.” You snapped out of it and took another drink of your drink before offering him some.
“No, I have to drive. I got it for you, it’s all yours.” He declined.
“Thank you, for all of this.” You told him “it has made me feel better, I owe you so much.” 
“Don’t mention it.” He shrugged and you couldn’t help but notice just how sturdy his shoulders looked, and his thick tattooed upper arms.
His eyes were just as big and sparkling as when you had met him in high school. You tried to think back on the exact point you met him but you couldn’t remember.
“Jungkook, when did we meet, do you remember?” You asked him curiously.
“Mhm. I remember.” He gave you a nod. “We were all at Seokjin’s and we were setting up monopoly but had to wait because he was waiting on someone else. When you walked in the door I…”
“You just stared at me the whole time, I felt so unwelcome.” You laughed as you remembered.
You looked over at him to see him looking down and playing with one of the chunky rings on his fingers with a shy smile, his shaggy dark waves threatening to obstruct your view of his sheepishness. He was no longer that quiet and shy bowl-cut boy, well, in a sense was, but not to you anymore. He had tattoos all over him and long hair, his ears had a few rings in each. You wondered how someone so sweet could look like that. He was a paradox all on his own and you simply just never understood it, maybe that’s why you had felt like he was a little weird.
“The funny thing was, I had never seen you at school before that, but I saw you everywhere after.”
“I remember the same thing happening.” You replied as your mind went to seeing him in the halls and recalling the little waves he would give you. It made you smile recalling him then and looking at him now.
“You’ve always been so good, Kook.”
His reply was a shy scoffing noise before thanking you.
You noticed the cup you held was empty and looked down at it.
“Want me to get you more up top?” He pointed up and you nodded. He took your cup and told you to stay put as if you might be planning on crawling away. You felt safe here under this table with him, it was like your feelings couldn’t find you as long as you hid under here with him.
He bumped his head on the way back down making you burst out into laughter.
“You think that’s funny you sadist?” He joked as he smiled big and you continued to laugh at him “is that what it takes to make you laugh?” He teased as he handed you your refilled drink. “You know what would be hilarious? Me walking out here and getting hit by a car. You would be in tears with laughter.”
You still laughed but shook your head.
“You know what I think?” He lifted a brow at you “I think you’re drunk.” He accused you.
“No, definitely not. No way.” You denied but both of you knew it was a joke. Everything seemed to lag just a bit and you felt so silly. Your confidence was through the roof and every time you looked at him your heart raced. 
“I think you’re drunk.” You accused him back.
“Me? How? I haven’t drank anything all night.” His warm smile never ended and you swore he couldn’t take his eyes off of you.
“I think you’re so drunk that you think I’m drunk.” 
“No no.” You continued with your play fight. “If I was drunk could I do this?” You simply just took another drink of beer.
“Yes?” He chuckled. His laugh alone was enough to make your stomach feel like it was jumping into your throat.
You don’t know what got into you, you don’t know why you did it, but you reached forward and placed your hand on his knee.
There was silence for a moment as he looked down at it. He picked it up and he didn’t quite hold it but took it in a weird handshake way and let your conjoined hands be somewhere in the space between you.
He looked at you and smiled.
“I’m cutting you off. No more drinks for you.” You couldn’t tell if he was joking, or he was hinting for you to stop, your drunk brain had no idea. Instead of trying to figure out if he was rejecting you, you turned his hand over in yours and looked at his hand tattoos and rings, running your hand over each one. You had once heard his tattoos were for his family, but you didn’t know. You let go of his hand and held his arm as you examined those too, some had words you’re drunk brain couldn’t comprehend the meaning of.
“What’s after this?” He asked as he let you look over his skin.
You thought about it.
“I don’t want to go home.” You knew that much. “And I have no friends except…” actually you didn’t have friends anymore.
“My house it is then.” 
“I don’t have to if- I wouldn’t want to…”
“It’s alright, I don’t mind. I just want to know you’re safe and not in pain… unless you’d feel too uncomfortable.”
“I trust you.” You locked eyes with him. It was the truth, Jungkook had never hurt anyone ever that you can recall. He hadn’t even been mad at any of the others, even when he should’ve been sometimes. If you were bothering him he never would’ve said it, and knowing that made you feel worse, it made you feel like you were.
“I don’t think you’ve ever been to my house, but I have to warn you, it isn’t the best, I’m just a currently jobless IT guy. Kinda lost my job last week.”
“I’m so sorry Kook. I don’t mind, at least it’s not with Jin.” You finished off what was in your cup, he hadn’t been too serious about cutting you off the drinks.
“I’ll be back.” He let you know before crawling out from under the table.
You went to get out from under the table and the moment you stood all the drinks hit you, you held onto the table for stability as you sat back down at your seat. The pitcher of beer was gone so you had either finished it or he had taken it. Your brain was no longer thinking about Jin thankfully, but unfortunately, it was stuck on Jungkook and the way he looked at you and how his hand had felt in yours. Your breath felt shaky about going home with him, not because you were unsure, but because to you that had to mean something. You tried to separate yourself from your drunk mind and realized you didn’t want to push his boundaries when he was being so kind. You were drunk and he wasn’t and you knew he had morals that you just didn’t right now. You shouldn’t hit on him again, but then again he let you hold his hand, didn’t he? Did he? Would you even call that hand-holding? He hadn’t pulled away but that didn’t mean he wasn’t trying to be nice and that didn’t mean he was uncomfortable. You felt bad about doing it, but the drunk and hurt part of you wanted something, some kind of closeness with anyone so the hurt could be replaced just for now. It was all wrong of you.
Your brain spun as you looked off into nothing at all of the dancing colorful lights of the bowling alley. Maybe Jungkook wanted to take advantage of you, maybe he saw this as an opportunity, and as wrong as that sounded you would’ve been okay with that. Your mind stuck to that idea like a fly stuck in honey.
“Ready?” He asked as he held out his hand for you to help you out of the seat.
You stumbled a bit as you took your first few steps but he grabbed you around the waist.
“Careful.” He said so gently and so patiently but it did nothing to ease your turbulent thoughts and feelings. As he held your body like this, it made you want to hold him back, but you fought the urge. He was just helping you get to the car so you didn’t fall flat on your ass.
He buckled you in murmuring a quiet apology for seemingly no reason.
His car smelled of him. It was funny how you never noticed before he had his own scent, it was a bit like cinnamon or some kind of spice and fresh laundry. It hung all around you, on his coat, the fabric of his car, and even on your hands from touching his. 
You looked at him as he drove, the whole time, and if he noticed he hadn’t said a word about it. You felt fully wrapped in him and yet you ached for more, more than just this casual friendliness.
“Do you promise to tell me if I bother you… in any way at all.” Your mouth blurted out.
“I promise.” You watched him smile at your odd request. “You never have bothered me yet.”
The reassurance was what you needed for your mind to feel content for now.
The silence was comforting after all the music and crying and drinking and all the things you had seen tonight. You almost fell asleep, almost.
The keys jingling and a car door closing woke you up. You looked around to see apartment buildings just as Jungkook opened your side car door. You unbuckled yourself.
“Do you need me to carry-“ 
You got to your feet on your own but grabbed for his arm.
“Wait.” He announced before getting to his knees in the parking lot.
He took your leg in his hand and took off one of your heels before taking the other off. He then put an arm under your leg and one on your back before you were horizontal in his arms.
“There are steps up here. I didn’t want you falling in those shoes.” He commented as he carried you and your shoes. You wrapped your arms around his neck so he might have an easier time.
“Would you laugh if I fell down the stairs?” 
“Only for a second.” He teased
“You sadist.” You snorted.
The way his body and muscles felt against you as he packed you up the stairs to his apartment door made you more lightheaded than all the alcohol you had tonight.
He put you down to unlock his door but his hands went back into you to help you walk through it.
He flipped on the lights to reveal his apartment.
His living room area consisted of a mattress on the floor with dark blue sheets and a blanket, it faced a big TV on a stand with game systems and even a computer tower.
The headboard of his bed was the bar that separated the tiny kitchen from the living area.
To the far side were two doors, you assumed one was a bathroom and another door that looked like it slid open could be a closet.
“Quaint, right?” He asked.
“It’s very you.” You said as you breathed the scent of him hanging all around you.
“I was thinking you could have the bed and I could sleep on the floor.” He commented.
“Haven’t you been sleeping on the floor anyway?” You joked. “It’s a big bed, but it also could be a couch. So I could have the couch and you could have the bed. I don’t see any other way around this.”
“You’re okay with us both sharing…?” He asked as if you hadn’t already been thinking about it before you found out the only place to sit or lay in here was his bed.
“Do you mind?” You asked.
“Uh uh.” He shook his head and took off across the room. You wobbled on over to his bed and had a seat. You watched as he slid the closet door open.
He threw a pair of pajama pants and a white t-shirt behind him onto the bed before pulling out more clothes he kept in his arms.
“The bathroom is-“ 
You cut him off by pointing to the only other room in the apartment. You picked up the clothes and he asked if you needed help getting in there but you shook your head.
You had to hold onto the sink as you dressed in the foreign fabric of his clothing, but even though it felt odd, you still felt comfortable. You did your best to drunkenly wash your face before coming back out. The room was dim, and the Netflix home page was the only light. He was in the tiny open kitchen half of the room in grey sweatpants and a black shirt setting a glass of water onto the island.
“Drink.” He pointed and you did as he asked but could only stomach half the glass. You were sure to thank him for his kind gift of water before you went over to his bed on the floor and got in.
“Here.” He placed a remote on your torso before crawling into the bed himself.
But you didn’t want to watch anything at all. Being next to him was enough entertainment for you.
You looked over at him, hands comfortably resting behind his head, waiting for you to pick something. 
You passed the remote back to him by placing it on his stomach and found his open side too inviting for you not to want with all of your heart.
You rolled onto your side and scooted closer and closer until you put your head on the place between his armpit and shoulder. He didn’t stop you from laying on his chest. He turned the tv off making the room go dark before he let his arm fall around you and cradle you.
You laid in silence a moment.
“Tomorrow is going to be better.” He whispered but you were already drifting from the closeness and peace you felt for now. You took a deep breath in and held his scent in your nose for a moment so it would permanently brand into your brain.
“You smell so good.” You muttered already half asleep.
You heard yet another amused scoff come from him and felt the little laugh on his chest under your head.
“Go to bed.” He joked.
And you did, as you listened to his rhythmic heartbeat, beat after steady beat, unfailing and never letting you down. There was always another right after the last.
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The quiet click of a door woke you. You could see sunlight flooding through your closed eyelids, you could feel the warmth in the bed and on your skin. As you laid there you could hear other little sounds, straining to be quiet but failing.
Your eyes opened and you were disoriented for a moment.
You sat up but realized the noises were coming from behind.
“Jungkook?” You sleepily let out as you winced at the bright light coming through the sheer curtains from behind the tv.
“I’m sorry if I woke you up.” You heard his apologetic voice. 
“No, it was just time to get up.” You grunted as you gave a stretch hard enough your bones cracked.
“Want some cereal?” 
You both casually sat in the bed eating. He had given you a massive bowl of cereal you felt obligated to finish. He was fully dressed while you sat there still in his pajamas.
“You want to stay again today?” He asked bluntly as his eyes focused on whatever anime he had turned on.
“I couldn’t Jungkook, you’ve been so kind and I just-“
“I don’t mind.” He shrugged and crunched up another bite.
“Why?” You decided to ask but he shrugged again.
“Having someone here is kind of fun. It’s like a sleepover I guess.” 
He was so childish in the oddest ways, it was kind of charming. You began to remember all of your thoughts from last night and thanked yourself for not trying too hard to make him uncomfortable. He pushed back his hair with his hands before taking another bite of the colorful cereal. He had the heart and empathy of an angel, even with the tattoos on his hands that he ate his kids’ cereal with.
“Then what are we doing today Kook?” You asked.
“You need clothes. Also, do you know how to skateboard?”
You felt those two things in the same breath were a bit odd but that was just him.
Before long, you found yourself in a cheap store grabbing whatever would fit you and you could wear in public and not feel too bad about it.
“Why’d you ask if I could skateboard?” You asked as he pulled out of the store parking lot. You had already gotten dressed in the bathroom and were ready for whatever weird thing he wanted to do.
“Do you?” 
“No.” You shook your head.
“Wanna learn?”
“I’m going to teach you how Yoongi taught me when I was sixteen.”
“How did he teach you?” 
“He taught me not to be scared.” Was his only reply, and you accepted it. You liked the element of surprise he added to everyday life, you liked how he didn’t take a lot too seriously. You admired that. Your life with Jin had always been work amongst jokes now and then but it hadn’t felt fun, even when you were both young. You felt like you could probably learn a lot from Jungkook.
“Let’s get some food first. It’s almost dinner time, are you hungry? You kept a while and all you’ve eaten today was cereal.” 
You paid for lunch. You got some fries you picked at between watching the wind blow through his hair as you ate outside at a little burger place. He stuffed his mouth full with every bite. A mess of tomatoes and condiments would drop from the burger and onto the wrapper in his lap.
“What’s something you’ve always wanted to do?” You asked him.
“Hmmm.” He thought with a mouthful. “Maybe live in a better house.” 
“That’s it?” You couldn’t help but laugh at the simplicity of what he desired.
“Yeah.” He smiled and wiped his mouth. “You?” 
“I wanted to live or at least visit somewhere warm. I was supposed to go on a trip to Hawaii with Jin, it was a surprise… I wanted to live there one day but he has to work here.” you felt yourself falling back into the heartbreak.
“You don’t need him to go to Hawaii. You could move there now if you wanted and no one could hold you back.” 
“Yeah.” You agreed but it sounded sad.
“You afraid of being alone?” He asked a question that hit you too hard. 
All of your adult life and even your teenage years all you knew was Seokjin, you had always had someone there, your parents or Jin, you had never really had to be alone or think of a future with only yourself until now.
“No.” You lied. There was a strange quiet.
“I’m sorry if that-“
“You should come with me to Hawaii.” You blurted out fully interrupting him.
“Do you want that?” He questioned as if you hadn’t thought it through, and you hadn’t but that didn’t mean you didn’t mean it.
“Yes. Do you?” You were so afraid of him saying no and you didn’t quite know why.
“It’s not like I don’t have anything I can just put on hold for… however long. It’ll be fun. I’d like that.” 
The conversation felt like something more to you somehow, like some secret agreement was just made.
“We should do this before it gets dark.” He commented “ready?” 
Your fries were cold and you had been just waiting on him to finish eating.
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You took at the top of the street on a hill with him after walking a block from where he had parked and dragged a skateboard out of the backseat.
“This is where Yoongi taught me to skateboard, he pushed me down here.” He pointed to the steep road that luckily wasn’t too busy.
“And you’re going to push me down it? I’d kill you.” You crossed your arms disapprovingly.
“No, see, you’re going to push yourself down it. If you sit on the skateboard it will be easier and you probably won’t fall, it will be fun.”
“Your idea of fun gets crazier and crazier.” You pointed out.
“Sit, I’ll stay behind you.” 
“No, because it’s going to pick up speed faster than you can run as I’m going down the hill.” Your brain had already torn the scenario apart and your chances of getting hurt were probably around one hundred percent. Even though you knew that you sat down on the skateboard.
“Okay, now just look down, get a feel for it, take it in.” He instructed as you looked down at the steeply sloping road below.
“Jungkook this is dangerous.” You commented.
He stood behind you and wrapped his arms around you in kind of a hug.
“You’re okay, nothing bad is going to happen to you, alright? I’m right here.” He whispered and you nodded. “Close your eyes, keep them closed.” 
You did as he asked you could feel him wheeling you closer and closer. Put your feet down to stop you from going just yet. I’m going to let go, you’re going to count to ten and without opening your eyes, you’re going to push yourself. Stay as still as you can even if you’re scared. Only open them when I have you.”
Your breath shook, but you gave him confirmation.
“Count.” He said as he released you.
You slowly counted, the nerves in your stomach growing the higher each number got. You gripped the bottom of the board with both hands and when you got to ten you used your legs to push off before tucking them back onto the board.
You let out a scream as you felt the speed at which you were falling, you could feel tears in your squeezed closed eyes.
He caught you by the arm. It was all over before it had even started.
You were breathing heavily and clung to his jacket.
“You’re safe, you’re okay.” He assured you and helped you to your feet.
You were at the bottom of the hill and your heart was racing with your eyes still watering. 
“Are you crying?” He grinned.
“JUNGKOOK I COULD’VE DIED!” You slapped at his arm but he dodged it only making him laugh more at your annoyance.
“Look! You did that by yourself!” He commented with proudness.
“I could’ve died.” You repeated.
“But you didn’t.” He still wore a grin.
The sunset filtering through his dark hair, his laughter, and him trying to escape you chasing him by walking backward felt oddly beautiful. His skin looked a shade of golden like this.
You pulled on his jacket to pull him in, you thought about kissing him, everything in you told you to preserve this moment. Would he let you? Would he let you at least hold his hand again?  but instead, you wrapped your arms around him.
“Today is better, thank you.” You squeezed him. Your arms stayed around him for as long as his stay on your back. It was a while that you both just stood there hugging in the street like dumbasses.
“What do you want to do now?” He asked as he released you “you’ve put up with me all day so it’s your turn to pick.”
“Honestly,” you both began the trek back to his car. “I just want another drink.”
“Understandable. Let’s stay home and drink tonight, it will be easier.” He suggested.
“I would rather.” You agreed you interlocked your arm in his as you walked, and again he let you. You wondered for a moment why he was letting you be this close to him and touch him so much, but he never initiated it. You decided thinking about any of that was not for the best and you let it go.
You stopped at a liquor store and got more vodka and snacks than either of you would ever need for one night.
Before you started drinking you both took a turn having a shower and he started some laundry. Everything was so casual with the both of you, eating chips on the bed while he beat your ass at a fighting game three times in a row, he did let you win three times after that to make up for it. The loser had to take a shot and now you each had three.
“Last one. You’re going to win and I’m going to switch games.” You announced as you picked your character. 
“You don’t know if I’m going to win.” You could hear the smile in his voice. You knew it was either he won or he let you win, and he let you win yet again.
“Don’t be such a hero.” You laughed as he had to gulp down the fourth drink of vodka. His nose wrinkled at the taste.
“Let’s just play something both of us have an equal shot at winning. Since you’re good at video games it can’t be that.” You decided. You thought about what you could do that didn’t require much skill if any. You scooted closer to him on the mattress on the floor so you could face him, knee to knee.
“Got it. Hold up five fingers.” You told him and did the same.
“I know this game.” He said holding up five tattooed fingers.
“Good, loser takes three shots.” You made up the rules and he nodded in agreement. You scooted in closer and he faced you. You were going into dangerous territory with this and you knew it, but let it go under the guise of: this is just for fun.
“Put a finger down if you’ve ever gotten black out drunk.” You said and he put a finger down and you didn’t.
“Put a finger down if you’ve thrown up in public.” He said and neither of you put a finger down.
“Put a finger down if you’ve ever… eaten something off of someone’s body.” You watched as his finger stayed up but you put yours down.
“Are you trying to lose?” He laughed
“We’re even.” You pointed out.
“Not for long. Put a finger down if you’ve ever had public sex.”
You put a finger down.
“Put a finger down if… you’ve ever… let someone win in a game.” You laughed as you brought up earlier and he put a finger down.
“Put a finger down if… you’re y/n.” He grinned.
“You know what? Just give me the damn three shots, I forfeit.” You sighed knowing that it was time to play dirty in every sense of the word.
“I’ll take three with you.” He decided. Of course he would, he was the kindest man ever. You could’ve already guessed he would say that before he even did.
You took them together and only let yourself grimace after the last one.
“Again, I’ll start this time.” He announced, screwing the cap on the vodka. You could hear him slur his speech just a little.
You both held up five fingers once again.
“Put down a finger if you’ve ever had a pregnancy scare.”
Neither of you put down a finger, but the questions were beginning to get a bit more heavy. He seemed to have the same idea as you.
“You’ve ever had someone cum inside of you or came inside of someone without a condom.” You were stepping up your questions now but neither of you were putting fingers down.
“If anyone has ever gone down on you for more than thirty minutes.” He asked but again you both still had five fingers. “Wow, that really sucks for us.” He muttered.
“If you’ve ever had a thing for someone in your friends circle.” You announced. Slowly but surely you both put down a finger. Your drunk beau was ignoring the little voice in your head screaming at you to stop. Jungkook was your friend, a friend who might even have the same feelings as you did right now.
“If you’ve ever thought about kissing someone in your friend circle.” He asked and put a finger down and so did you. You felt like you were both edging towards the inevitable and dangerous with questions like this, but you couldn’t shut your mouth.
“If you’ve ever thought about fucking them.” Your own question made you swallow as you both put a third finger.
“If you’ve ever thought about what it would be like to be in a relationship with them.” He asked quietly. Your fourth fingers went down together.
There was only one left and it was your turn. You both knew now you were talking about each other, but it was hard to believe. You were scared it wasn’t you, maybe he was into guys too. You just had to ask, you had to.
Your eyes locked. You felt nervous. He looked nervous as he bit at his lip between those two front teeth you were becoming so fond of seeing when he smiled.
“Put a finger down if…” it was hard to speak, you had to swallow down the knot of nerves in your throat and take a deep breath before continuing “if the person we’re talking about is each other.”
His pointer finger curled down and so did yours.
 “For how long?” You asked.
“From the start.” He admitted. “But you’ve never felt that way.”
“I do now.” You leaned in. At least now you were sure how he felt, or at least you thought.
He stopped you by placing a hand on your arm.
“I don’t want it to be like this.” His voice was so quiet it was barely above a whisper.
You sat back and waited for him to explain.
“I don’t want it to be… I don’t want to be a rebound. I think friendship comes before feelings anyway and that’s why I did this. I don’t want to kiss you while we’re drunk, I don’t want you to regret anything.” 
“Oh.” You let out. 
“I can’t do this when you’re drunk and sad and trying to fill a void, that wouldn’t be okay of me to do. I want… I want more than that and you just got out of a relationship… or maybe you didn’t yet… but I can wait until it’s all over, I feel like that’s the right thing to do here.”
You sat there a moment as his drunk words registered in your brain. For just a second you wished you weren’t drunk so you could try to tell him how you were feeling but decided to give it your best shot anyway.
“I like you. I’m sorry I was so blinded by Jin all these years that I couldn’t see you liked me because if I hadn’t been maybe we both could’ve been better off. Maybe I could’ve had more days like this with you, hundreds more where we just do crazy things, where we could just sleep on a mattress on the floor and still feel happy and content with life. Jungkook if I would’ve known you felt this way and I would’ve known how life could be, at any point, then I’d probably be the one cheating. I want you. I want you and it’s not just because I’m afraid to be alone, you make me do things I never would’ve done. And your heart, your heart is made of pure gold. I want us both to just forget everything before now, everything we’ve been through, not because it hurts but because it just feels like it should’ve been us all along. And if you only knew how many times I’ve had to stop myself from kissing or touching you today when I was perfectly sober and perfectly happy…”
“I want that. I’ve wanted that.” He seemed like he was talking to himself more than you.
He was now the one leaning forward and your face got stuck in his pull.
Your lips met very gently and your eyes drifted closed so you could lose yourself in it.
His tongue wasn’t at all rough or demanding with yours, but it was needy.
You climbed into his lap and not a minute passed between that time and the time he was helping you fall backward, settling himself between your legs so effortlessly.
Your hands ran under his shirt slowly, creeping up until his shirt bunched prompting him to sit up and take it off.
You could feel him hard between your legs but there was so much fabric separating the both of you that it became frustrating to buck into him.
“I can’t fuck you.” He decided to your dismay. “But I just want to feel you.” 
You let him slide your shirt off so your bare chests were pressed together as mouths continued to move together in new ways every second, patternless unlike his heartbeat but exciting like the things he made you do.
He yanked the blankets up around you both and let himself grind into you slowly as you whimpered for more.
Your mouth went to his neck, sucking at his skin passionately and listening to the beautiful moans he made for you. You could’ve done this to him all night, just taste his skin and let his spit intermix with yours, but he decided to bite off even more.
His head sunk and he took a nipple in his mouth. The feeling went right to your throbbing and needy clit.
“Oh god fuck me.” You breathed “please just let me closer. I need more.” 
He pinched at your nipple softly between his teeth and you gripped his shoulder.
“I’m so wet, I don’t think one ever wanted anything mo-“
His mouth left your breast and yanked his pajama pants off of you and took off the ones he was wearing as you finished kicking off yours.
You were both down to your underwear now though you wished it was less.
While you weren’t going to force him to do anything he didn’t want to, it sure seemed like he wanted to do this.
You felt him reach into his underwear and adjust himself before rutting into you again with a groan.
Your hands freely moved across his skin, feeling goosebumps that had risen under your touch.
You knew that you were so wet at this point that it had to leak through the fabric of both yours and his underwear, you knew he felt it.
“Is there anything I’m allowed to do? Kook, you’re killing me.” You whined.
“I don’t have condoms.” He commented.
“I get a birth control shot but I understand if you don’t want to…” you trailed off.
“I don’t know what I want to do… I- but I think I have an idea. Let’s take the last of it off.” 
He seemed nervous as you both kicked off your remaining two pieces, and then you were bare for each other.
“You’re not a virgin right?” You asked from the way he was acting so nervously. 
“Oh. No, no. I- Uh I just feel like it’s wrong still... like I’m not supposed to. This can’t be happening.” He reached down between the both of you again.
“Nothing has to happen-“ 
“I’m so hard.” It was a whisper of a breathless whine that interrupted you. His knuckles brushed your folds and you realized he had his cock in his hand, pumping it slowly.
“Why the fuck are you so unbelievably hot?” Tumbled from your mind and fell from your mouth.
“You need to be seeing things from my view right now.” He looked over what parts of your body he could “dear god.” 
He finally released his cock and let it fall between your folds. He gave a thrust and felt the weight of his cock slide against your clit because of the wetness.
You didn’t expect him to shove his fingers into you, but that alone was enough to nearly make you cum from all the teasing he had put you through.
He pulled them out and held his sticky thoroughly coated fingers in the air.
“Oh my god.” He whispered quickly and shakily. 
You had never, ever been this wet in your life. You could hear the sound as he spread your juices and his pre-cum over his cock and brought it back to place it between your folds.
He came back down and every time he thrust how his slick cock rubbed your clit over and over.
Moans and whines escaped both of you but it just wasn’t enough for you to imagine him plowing into you, you needed to feel it.
“Oh god, I bet you would feel so fucking good inside of me. I’d cum for you so fast.”
You had earned a soft groan from him, he was losing it.
“I want to fuck you so badly. I want to cum all inside of you. Neither of us had ever done that before, can I?”
You felt him shift the head of his dick to your entrance.
“I will beg you, please do it.” you closed your eyes in a prayer that he actually would.
“Fuck.” he let out as he slipped into you, you took every last inch of him. 
He was already sweating and grunting before he had started thrusting, but after he started jackhammering into you, there was a new look and feel about him. His damp strands hung loosely, his nose crinkled as he hit his lip with the force he was putting into each thrust.
“I’m going to cum.” you announced not even a minute in.
He grabbed one of your legs, threw it over his shoulder, and was pushing hard. Your body bounced at the force, your head bumped the kitchen Island that was his headboard until he dragged your body animalistically lower on the bed.
“I wanna- I wanna hear you.” he panted. 
“Don’t stop- that- keep doing that,” you instructed. He was short on breath and a sweaty mess.
“Go on, I've got you. I've got you,” he assured you, keeping the pace of his hips the same.
Your orgasm crashed into you all at once like a semi-truck through a small building.
You felt like you had just gone down that hill again. Your heart was racing and you knew he was too.
You pulled him into your lips messily as your brain melted into a blissful spice and laundry scented puddle.
He mounded loudly against your lips as his body moved against yours.
“Coming.” He whispered his next few breaths were sharp, pumping into you a few more solid times, you could feel his cum spill into you as his sweaty forehead pressed into yours.
When his hips stilled, there was only the sound of rough breaths, he kept his eyes closed for a moment and swallowed hard.
“How-how was that?” He propped himself above you on shaky arms. In the dark you could see the beads of sweat that pulled on his face and neck, his chest rose and fell and still made no move to pull out of you.
“I-“ you tried to find even a single word for the experience you had just had. “I didn’t know it could be like that.”
He let out a strong huff of a laugh and grinned down at you with the biggest and sweetest eyes that looked to search your face.
“That was something.” He agreed but looked like he had something on his mind. 
He gave you a soft kiss on your lips before he finally pulled out and laid beside you, only to have the embarrassing feeling of his cum leaking from you and down your butt crack.
You jumped up, only making matters worse, cupping your crotch as you took off to the bathroom faster than he could ask any sort of questions.
As you cleaned yourself up you couldn’t believe everything that had happened between you two. you didn’t for a second regret it, the opposite.
As you walked out of the bathroom he was standing on the floor by the bed with only his pajama pants on, holding a bag of chips. He turned to you and laughed.
“We just had sex with the Mortal Kombat music.”
You stood there naked and you couldn’t help but laugh back.
That tender time you had just had together had just been spent jarring fight music and you didn’t even realize. That’s what he did to you. When you were with him the entire world and all of your problems fell away.
You put back on your pajamas, still laughing to yourself as you heard the music still play.
“Now every time I hear it I’ll think of you.” 
“Please don’t associate us having sex with that” you laid back down and he got into the bed with you. 
He fed you a chip and you thought that was pretty cute so you took him by the shirt and pulled him into your lips.
He pulled away for a moment.
“Round two, fight!” 
You laughed so hard at the stupid Mortal Kombat joke that you snorted and he found that pretty amusing. A tickle fight broke out and of course, he got you pinned and of course, you couldn’t help but kiss him again.
A knock at the door interrupted you both making him stiffen and both of your heads turn in the direction of the door.
“What do I do?” You mouthed to him he climbed off of you and sat up.
“Who is it?” He called out.
“Jimin.” The answer came from the other side of the door.
You grimaced at each other and decided to jump up and go hide in his closet. You tucked yourself in between his few shirts and hanging pants and closed the door.
You could hear Jungkook walk to the door and open it. There were now two sets of footprints inside the apartment.
“You weren’t answering any texts and I got worried about you.” You heard Jimin's voice clearly.
“Been busy.” You think Jungkook muttered.
“Looks like it,” Jimin replied with obvious sarcasm. You wondered if it was all the snacks and alcohol on the floor, the video games left on, or the marks that decorated Jungkook’s neck that made him say that.
“You hear about what happened with Jin and y/n the other night at the bar?” Jimin asked and waited a moment “I guess he cheated on her, you were right this whole time about it.”
“It sucks she had to go through all of that. How’s she holding up?” Jungkook was playing dumb.
“I don't know, I haven't talked to her. It's Jin’s business, not mine.” 
That hurt you. You had always thought of you and Jimin as pretty close friends.
“Plus I heard she disappeared anyway. Jin is speculating she took off to Hawaii on her own. Namjoon told me he told the police everything this morning wanting to file a missing person report. He thought it was suspicious she just left all of her stuff, but the police said she hadn’t been gone long enough and they had an argument and probably just wanted to be away from him.”
“Do you think she’s okay?” Jungkook seemed genuinely concerned even though you were right in his closet.
“I don’t know. Yoongi was a little worried she got kidnapped at the bar after she stormed out. I don’t think anyone is looking for her though, I think she just wanted to get away. Also, you kind of disappeared that night at the bar too, didn’t you?” 
Oh shit. Was Jimin putting it all together? 
“I took someone to my place and she stayed a few nights. I don’t think I was there when all of this went down.” Jungkook’s alibi seemed solid, you hadn’t even seen him in the bar when you had gotten there.
“Well, I just wanted to stop by and check in on you.” 
“Thank you.” Jungkook’s reply sounded sincere.
“You should probably clean up a little, maybe get a real bed, it just looks kind of… sad.”
Jimin didn’t sound concerned, he sounded almost mean about it to you.
“Noted. Will do. Thanks for stopping by man.” Jungkook continued to be kind to him until he left.
You stepped out of the closet dumbfounded as Jungkook said nothing about the way Jimin had treated him or nearly accused him. He just got back into bed seemingly unphased. You followed after and just laid there for a moment thinking about times when they had all been mean to him at least once.
“Please don’t let them do that to you.” You asked.
“Hm? Oh. Yeah. That’s just what it’s like being the youngest. I’m used to them looking down on me.” 
“it doesn’t have to be that way.” 
“Why not?” He seemed genuinely interested in what you were saying because he rolled onto his side to face you.
You rolled onto yours to face him in the dark. Hair was in his face but he was looking at you with those big brown eyes.
“It can be you and me against the world if you wanted. If one of our skateboards went flying down a hill, we would be there to catch the other before they got hurt. Do you want to do that with me?” You couldn’t believe you had the guts to ask that but what you couldn’t believe even more was his reply.
“I want to do that with you. Let’s do that. I haven’t let you fall and get hurt yet, have I?” He grinned.
Little did he know that you already had fallen.
You brought your hand up to his face before scooting closer and placing your forehead against his
“Promise me you won’t let me fall.” You whispered.
“I promise.” His answer was instantaneous.
“Then I won’t let you either. Well just protect each other.” 
“Deal.” He replied before connecting your lips. 
As you kissed him you wondered if he felt the same about you as you did him already. He had to know that you were so scared, so terrified of being hurt again and that’s why you wanted to make this deal.
His hand slid down your body and back up causing your shirt to bunch. His warm hand made its way back down your skin again and just as it snaked into the band of his pajama pants you were wearing, a loud hum startled you both.
You were confused for a moment as the room grew slightly brighter.
Your phone was ringing on the wood floor.
You sat up, squinting your eyes as you picked up the phone and looked at the screen that was far too bright.
“Jin.” Your voice wasn’t at all cheerful.
“Are you going to answ-“ Jungkook’s sentence was cut off by the sound of you turning off your phone and putting it back down. 
“I can’t, I just… I don’t want to talk to him right now, I don’t want to feel that right now again… if ever. I saw what I saw and there’s no way he can convince me that I didn't see it or that you didn't too, we have photos. I'm not sure that I really ever want to talk to him again. I feel so… differently about him now and I don’t think there's any repairing that.”
He sat up, picked up his phone from his side, and turned it off too before you both laid back down.
“Good night kook.” You announced with Jin’s call not leaving you feeling right but not wanting to think about it right now.
“Night.” He replied as he pulled you against his body.
Although you tried to refuse your brain the opportunity of letting the thought of Jin right now entirely wreck your time with Jungkook, it was hard. You thought of all the restless nights when you stayed up working as an excuse to wait for Jin to get home from going out or working late. There were rarely nights like this where you could curl up against him, looking back on it there were no nights that you felt as cared about as you did now. A thought stuck to you, one you decided to think more on the next day. Did this all happen for a reason? For both of you? Would all of the suffering you’ve both been through in your relationships be worth it now?.
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You felt something soft and warm on your head. A kiss.
“Morning.” you felt a delicate breath of his whisper on your face.
“Morning.” You muttered. Your eyes stayed closed as you reached out for him and pulled him into you. He let out a quiet laugh as he let you drag him onto you as if he were your teddy bear.
“I’ve been awake a while, I went to the store in my pajamas and I thought you’d be awake by the time I got back.”
“But I wasn’t so you woke me up instead?” 
You felt his hands run up your sides and lift your shirt until the hem and bunched fabric sat under your breasts.
“I missed you.” 
“You missed me?” you couldn't help but smile before it was quickly wiped away by him crawling back a little and kissing the skin above your belly button.
“Mmm.” he hummed an answer before kissing just a bit lower.
“Remember the thing that we both never had?” you looked down to see his big brown eyes look up at you through a mess of dark hair.
It took you a moment with your still sleep fogged brain to realize what he was talking about.
“Hey Siri, set a timer for thirty minutes,”
The robotic voice replied it’s confirmation on his phone, but he was already yanking down your pants and you were lifting your butt so he could get them off.
He gently pushed your legs apart and laid on his stomach between them, starting to run very agonizingly slow kisses up your thigh. With every small warm kiss that felt just too close or every warm breath you felt of his, a tingle of anticipation went through your body. 
“I just keep thinking,” he placed another kiss on your thigh so close you felt his cheek brush against where you needed his mouth the most before he teasingly moved into the other leg “about how I have you right here” another slow kiss “after wanting you for so, so long.” 
His words hit you hard and you knew they were making you wetter. You had never been dirty talked so sweetly before, hell, it wasn’t even dirty yet here you were soaking wet and more than ready for whatever he wanted to do to you just minutes after waking up.
“God only knows” his lips touched your slit now and it was almost too much to bear “how many times I've imagined this.” his tongue dipped into your folds and licked from bottom to top, you moaned a little too loudly and jerked slightly as his wet muscle touched your clit.
You were so ready but his lips went back to your thigh. You said nothing as he repeated this pattern once and then twice, you began to more than look forward to when his tongue would meet your clit again, after the third time you swore you could cum on the next one, he was driving you insane with his teasing pattern, you felt like he was never going to let you have what you wanted.
“Jungkook please!” you nearly yelled as he once again went back to your thigh to start over. He froze, looked up at you through all of that hair with raised eyebrows, and gave you a smile of amusement.
“If you don't stop and just get on with it already then you'll see what I do to you.” you threatened.
“Maybe I'd like to find out.” he retorted.
“Get on with it!” you wailed loudly as you gave him a half pleading glare.
“Make. Me.” he looked you dead in the eyes as he spoke. It was enough to send a feeling that felt like electricity trickling through you. You started to get up to take control but he pulled your hips flat back to the bed with a delighted smile.
“Seriously?” you laughed.
“What are you gonna do?” 
You were growing more sexually frustrated with him by the second.
“Just wait.” you threatened again.
He bent his head down and kissed the folds over your clit. You took the opportunity to place your hand on his head and not let him up.
You felt him give a little laugh before he finally went to work licking and sucking at your bundle of nerves as your fingers twisted in his hair. A few moments later you felt his fingers slip into your wet cunt and press upwards, giving you everything you wanted all at once.
It hit you all at once, your orgasm shot through you. You muttered his name as you gripped his hair tighter and felt him moan into you making the pleasure feel that much better. Even though you had already cum, it was clear he wasn’t about to stop, his fingers and mouth were working you so passionately and quickly. You were so sensitive your legs twitched every time his mouth did something too rough with you, but it just felt so good. 
You looked down at him between your legs as you felt yourself building up again and watched his eyes shut and his head moving between your legs. You don’t know how or why you found it as hot as you did, but it was enough to make you cum again just as the timer on his phone went off.
“Fuck fuck fuck” you breathed as a blissful feeling washed over you like an oven wave
He looked up at you and as soon as he was sure you were done, he stopped. He went to wipe his mouth on the back of his arm when you demanded he take his pants off.
He looked at you with raised eyebrows and a little surprise.
“Tell it to set a timer for thirty minutes.” 
“I-oh-okay. You don’t need to do that if you-“
“Do it.” You demanded once more as you took off your shirt.
“Hey Siri, set a timer for thirty minutes.” He said as he shed himself of his pajamas and sat up.
A thought had crossed your mind to tease him as he had you, but you couldn’t do that. You loved the look of it thick and veiny, the head of it already leaking from everything he had just done to you. You wanted the feeling of it filling your mouth and throat, you wanted to please him.
You watched as his already hard cock stood tall waiting for you to touch it, and you wasted no time doing so. You leaned down only playing with the head in your mouth with your tongue at first, getting a feel for the satisfaction of him inside of your mouth. He gasped when you took him all abruptly into the back of your throat. You decided immediately that you wanted to hear more of that sound so you let your head bob before your hand joined in at his shaft to help. You didn’t start slow whatsoever. You were set on making him cum faster and harder than he ever had before, throwing out the idea of time altogether. 
He sat back on his hands to hold himself up but those began to shake too the faster you went. Spit ran down onto his balls and you thought about playing with them but you felt like that might tip him over the edge. 
He was full of open-mouth moans, ones you wouldn’t mind hearing the rest of your life to the body and cock and personality of a man you wouldn’t mind having the rest of your life.
Just as you thought about it you shut the thought down and concentrated on making him feel better.
“God, you’re so beautiful.” You made out from his moans.
You kept going and felt his hips thrust up into your face in tandem with your movements. He was close, unbelievably, but for some reason, he was hanging on. Only a moment later you found out why.
“Fuck me. I bought condoms this morning, fuck me. Please I’m begging you.”
You pulled your mouth off of his cock with a lewd noise and looked at him but he was already standing up, dick as hard as a statue to crinkle a plastic bag on the island beside you both. 
“I’m deathly scared of having children when living in a place so small and with no job…”
“Thank you.” You didn't know what else to say as you watched him rip off a packet, come back to his knees, and roll the condom onto himself. 
“But then again if I did… wouldn’t that just fuck with Jin knowing I got you pregnant?” He lifted a brow.
Something about that turned you into a complete animal. You kept onto his lap and clung to him. Your lips smashed into his as you reached between the both of you and guided his dick into your hole. 
He felt just as good and filling inside of your pussy as he did your mouth. No one has ever filled you up this well, no one had ever wanted you so much.
He thrust upwards with you on his lap. You were practically a rag doll under the grip he had on your hips.
You began to rock your hips to the steady and slow way his hands commanded them.
“Ahh god.” He moaned as he let his head fall onto your shoulder and you wrapped your arms wrap around his shoulders so that your bodies pressed together.
“I love you.” He placed a kiss on your shoulder blade and whispered into your sweat sticky skin.
Your heart stopped but your hips didn’t.
He said it. It had taken him only three days. You recalled it had taken Seokjin six months and fifteen days exactly to say what Jungkook had in only three. The both of you had figured it out in only three days.
“I love you too.” You raced to say. 
His lips caught yours as he pressed you down onto his cock hard and rolled his hips under you with a grunt.
“These have been the best days of my life with you and I want to keep it that way. I want them all to be the best.” He was out of breath, his eyes were closed and his forehead rested against yours.
“Please.” You begged for the same. “Let’s move away and just be together.”
He let out a small laugh before he smiled.
“Is this gross? This is so weird, it’s only been three days.”
“I’ve never been happier.” You stated a fact. You had thought about it and thought about it non-stop. It wasn’t just attraction, lust, or infatuation you felt for him, this ran deep, deep into his personality, deep into the way he thought and did things. Far deeper than his cock that was buried inside of you right now.
“I bet I could make you happier.” He tried to hide a prideful smile.
“Oh yeah? How so?” You couldn’t help but smile back.
“I could make you cum again.”
Before you could answer he was giving you a quick kiss before practically tossing you off of him with a grin.
He grabbed your hips and flipped you over so that you were on all fours. The tingle that you got down your spine from this gesture was unbelievable.
“Hurry up and fuck me.” You demanded but he shushed you as you felt him press into your cunt.
He had only been not inside of you for a moment but your body had missed the feeling.
You gasped as you felt his grips tighten on your hips and pull your body backward onto him. He went full speed, full force slamming into you. His balls slapped against you. You were already so sensitive, so sore and tired, but you continued to want more.
“Has Jin ever fucked you like this?” 
You had never heard his voice so rough, so teasing, so devilish. You were about to lose it.
“No.” You whined.
“Who does this pussy belong to? Who’s the only person to ever cum inside of you?”
Your arms were shaking, struggling to hold yourself up. Your mouth was slightly open and your brain was so lost that you struggled for even the most simple reply.
“You.” Managed to move from your brain to your lips.
You felt his hand reach around to your clit and begin to rub fast and hard circles. It didn’t take long after that for your brain to shut down, to make way for the orgasm that blew through you like a car explosion. Your arms gave out and your face ended up on the mattress while your ass stayed in the air for him. You felt like you had melted as his dirty talk became mutters and moans. You felt his cock get harder inside of you and spill warm liquid into the condom. 
“I’ve-“ he panted from behind you with his hips now still “I’ve never had sex that good- besides- besides yesterday.”
You’d agree, but you were still a puddle with your cheek pressed into the sheets until you let yourself plop on your side after he pulled out. You felt so high. You laid there for a moment as he took off to the bathroom. He was in there a while, so you decided to get dressed in your clean clothes that he had washed last night that resided in his closet.
You were in disbelief, your hands were shaking as you pulled on the clothes.
Did he mean it?
It had only been three days since he held you in that parking lot as you cried. You remembered the hurt you felt when Jin had seen Jin cheat on you. It was the kind of hurt that left a scar on your soul. You were afraid.
Jungkook was so beautiful and so kind and you had fallen hard, too hard. You didn’t even know anything about his family or where he grew up or if he had ever had any pets or his favorite color.
Your mind was spinning, you were freaking out.
You slipped your shoes by the door on and began unlocking it.
“What are you doing?” 
His voice stopped you for a moment.
You thought about lying. You couldn’t lie, but you sure as hell couldn’t face him.
“I-I think I should go.” You stammered.
“Can we talk? Was it something I said?” 
You could hear his footsteps slowly come closer as if he was trying to approach a scared baby deer to keep it from darting away, and that’s exactly what you felt you were.
“What was it I said? The Jin stuff or the I love you?” 
You could tell his brain was doing whatever it could to piece together why you were leaving.
Just hearing him say the words again shredded you apart.
You felt your eyes welling up.
“Hey, hey look at me, please.” His voice was gentle and now coming from behind you. You couldn’t ignore him, not when he sounded so sweet. You faced him and his eyes scanned over the tears slipping down your cheeks.
“If you didn’t mean it that’s okay, you don’t have to right now. I won’t say it again if-“
“I did mean it.” Your lip quivered “I’m just so scared.”
You watched as his eyebrows furrowed at your words while waiting for you to explain.
“I was just hurt and…”
“If you don’t want to do this-I-I knew going into this that you were hurt, and trying to heal and a relationship might be too much for you while… it was selfish of me to-”
you cut him off by shaking your head.
“no.” you sniffled “I want you, I'm just afraid of being hurt. If I was hurt this badly by Jin, I can't even imagine how badly you could hurt me.” 
His big eyes stared with crinkled brows at you for a moment until he wrapped his arms around you.
“I swear I will never ever hurt you. I will never do what he did to you. Never.” 
Your teary cheek pressed into his neck as you breathed in his calming scent. “I'm so scared of being hurt too, I know how you're feeling. I thought you would end up going back to him and I would lose you. So many things that could make you not want me and so many ways this could go wrong keep running through my head. Please remember what you said, we're here now for each other, it's us against the world. Please please please don't leave me.”
You felt his cheek rest on the top of your head.
“I won't. I'm so sorry. I don't know what I was thinking, I'm so sorry.” you sniffled with guilt and let your arms snake around his torso.
His form was becoming so familiar to you now, his scent already smelled of home, perhaps it did from the moment you had first let him hold you. Perhaps you were all his from that very moment in the parking lot, perhaps you both belonged to each other all along and just didn't know.
“I love you,” you spoke the words first this time, you felt no fear about it.
“I love you too, so much.” his hands slowly rubbed your back as you felt him kiss the top of your head.
You closed your eyes and took it all in, just you and him. You wished at that moment that you could go back and do it over. You would've picked him over anything else, and you knew you'd be so happy if you would've.
“Thank you for not letting me go.” you pulled back and looked into his eyes. “I could've really messed up just now.” 
He gave you a heartfelt smile.
“I hope you would've come back, I’d miss you a lot until you did. We're supposed to be together, you know.” he raised an eyebrow at you.
“Oh yeah?” you couldn't help the smile that spread on your face.
“Mhmm. I have proof.” he lifted a hand and held it up fingers spread. “Give me your hand”
You thread your fingers through his and he let your held hands fall at your sides.
“Now close your eyes.”
You did just as he instructed and felt his forehead rest against his.
You had just had sex but any time you were this close to him made your heart pound so hard. It was as if he had unintentionally trained your body to do this for him.
“Do you feel it?” he whispered “Do you feel that feeling in the pit of your stomach telling you that you'll never love this hard again?”
You had. You had and that's what has scared you so much.
“I do,” you whispered back.
“And can you see it? I can. I can see us moving together to the place you've always dreamed of. You'll get mad at me for being so messy but I’ll just admire you even if you're yelling at me.” 
You felt another small smile on your face as you imagined his words.
“I'll still love you even if I'm upset at you for being messy.” you let out a small breath of laughter.
“I know you will. We'll love each other no matter what because we'll be good to each other, we'll always be there to catch each other. You have absolutely nothing to worry about. Please believe me. I'm yours.”
You felt him kiss your cheek softly and you have him a nod.
Your soul felt so at ease. He had calmed your pain once again.
“If you're losing your mind in here we could just go for a walk you know.” he chuckled.
“Let's do that.” you agreed to it, knowing that he was about to take you out on another adventure.
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You laid in his lap and looked up at his jawline. He was playing a video game, but it was fine with you as long as you got this view. He would occasionally run his fingers through your hair or readjust the flower in it that he had picked and stuck in it during your walk earlier.
Sunset was pouring through the sheer curtains making his skin look so golden. You loved the way he looked at this hour, his appearance matched his heart. You felt so warm and loved even when he wasn’t directly giving you his attention. Jungkook’s cup was always overflowing for you when you were used to only a cup half full. You, yourself, had always offered a full cup, but you never got the love you had given back.
“Do you think we’ve earned each other?” you asked as you looked up feeling the urge to kiss every piece of his jaw.
He paused his game and looked down at you.
“I do. I think we're very deserving of one another… Well, I have thought you were always too good for me, but we're both deserving of the love for each other.”
“You thought I was too good for you?” you broke out into laughter. 
“Don't laugh, I still think that.” he was serious.
“Nooooo no no no.” you shook your head. “Why would you think that?”
He shrugged.
“Well don't think that.” you sat up.
“Sometimes it's hard not to, look at me, I'm jobless right now and you're self-made. I live in a gutter with a mattress on the floor and you-”
You shut him up by pressing your lips to his and bringing your hand up to his cheek.
“I don't care about any of that,” you told him.
“I'm going to make sure we live a good life.” 
“I'm pretty happy with you fucking me on this mattress on the floor and we can live the rest of our lives this way, I don't care.” you had to drive the point home for him. Having a good life for you wasn't about what he had to offer, but the beautiful way he lived it, you didn't want that to change.
He crashed his lips into yours now and sent you backward. Your tongues met and lashed together and suddenly your hands were all over each other.
“I love you,” he mumbled into your lips as you tried to peel his shirt off.
“I love you too,” you replied as his hands pushed up your t-shirt and bra.
His lips went right for your nipples and the feel of his tongue and teeth mixing on the nerves made you arch your back into his mouth. You were once again getting high on him.
“I want you to fuck me and cum inside of me.” your mouth spouted off.
He moaned against your breast and you swear you felt his body shiver.
His mouth popped off of your nipple leaving it cold and wet.
“Fucking marry me,” he demanded before his mouth went to the other one.
At that moment you would. You wanted that, it sounded beautiful to you.
“Please. Let's do it. You want kids?” 
“Mhmm,” he replied as his teeth tugged at your perfect bud. 
“Fuck let's have kids.” 
He sat up between your legs and began undoing his belt.
You knew there was no way right now, you were on birth control but something about saying it all and imagining the perfect life was really doing it for you right now.
He tugged his pants off only leaving him I'm his underwear before undoing yours and pulling everything down just enough to get his hand in.
His fingers ran over your already slick folds.
“I'm going to do this to you every damn day of my life.”
A knocking made you both freeze.
“Don’t answer it,” you whispered, pulling him into you so you can connect lips again. 
For a moment you both did ignore the knocking until it turned to banging.
“Open the fucking door Jungkook!”
It was Jin. You had never heard him so angry.
“Shit fuck no.” you whispered as you both jumped up and pulled at your clothes so they seemed normal “he knows. How does he fucking know?” you whisper yelled in panic.
“He might not. It's okay, it's going to be okay.” 
“Maybe you should call the police.” you tried to get Jungkook to hear you over the pounding at the door.
“I'll step outside and talk to him. It will be okay.” even looking as scared as he did he was still trying to make you feel okay.
You slipped back into the closet but this time you left the door slightly open and peered through the crack.
You watched as Jungkook answered the door, went to step outside but Jin pushed him back.
“Where the fuck is she?” it hadn't taken long for Jin’s eyes to examine the room.
“Who?” Jungkook was once again playing stupid.
“What the fuck is all of this?” Jin nearly yelled, pointing to the condom wrapper still on the floor and the places on Jungkook’s neck. “I know for a fact your girlfriend flew home just last week.” 
“I don't have a girlfriend anymore, Jin.” you could hear the agitation in Jungkook’s words through his clenched jaw.
“Then explain.”
“I don’t have to.” 
“No? Well, I talked to her and she said she hasn’t heard from you in three days, just like the rest of us have both with y/n and you.”
Your heart felt like it had dropped into your stomach as you now stood there frozen.
“I saw you taking photos, you didn't even try to help get the girl off of me, you just took photos. I know you sent them to her. I know what you've been telling all of the others. I know this was a setup. I know you've always been jealous of me.”
“Jin, do you know how insane you sound right now? You need to-”
“YOU KNOW I’D NEVER CHEAT ON HER, I NEVER HAVE!” Jin yelled, “So why were you taking photos?”
“Jin, I saw you kissing the other girl.” Jungkook’s voice stayed calm.
“I didn't want it, she had me pinned, Namjoon had to come to help me. Everyone has told me you've been telling them this isn't the first time I’ve supposedly done this either, explain that!”
“Look Jin, you're the cheater here! Don't come to my house and start accusing me of shit!” Jungkook finally snapped.
“YOU’RE AN INSANE MONSTER, JUNGKOOK! WHERE IS SHE?” Jin screamed as loudly as he could.
You noted how easily lying came to Jungkook.
“You know! You know because you set this up, you're a fucking stalker and I've always done my best to protect her from you. You gonna tell her how I caught you following her to her classes in college when you didn't even go there? Or how Hobi found a picture you somehow had of her in your room at your parent’s house? Where is she so I can tell her, I will tell her everything.” Jin was seething in anger with his fists tightly gripped into fists at his side.
You still didn't step out of the closet.
“Fine! Fucking fine! You want me to tell you that I fucked her? I fucked her multiple times! I came inside of her, she told me she loved me. Is that what you wanted to hear?” 
“You're sick.” Jin growled. 
“At least I'm not a cheater.” Jungkook struck right back with his words.
“You ARE! And you're a fucking obsessed freak. I swear if you ever talk to me or any of our friends again I'll kill you!” tears ran down his cheeks.
“You're the one that's fucking insane, Jin.”
Upon hearing Jungkook’s words, Jin dove at him but only managed to push him back a little.
Seokjin was sobbing, he gave up and took off out the door.
As Jungkook closed and locked the front door things were silent.
You still stood in the closet and now felt warm liquid blurring your vision and spilling from your eyes. Your body was shaking.
He opened the closet, taking you by the arm and gently pulling you out.
You covered your mouth to try to keep the break down in.
“I can explain.” 
He didn't deny it, not any of it.
“What's true? You said you wouldn't hurt me so just tell me.” you forced even your shaking voice out.
“Listen, I've never- I haven't felt the way I feel about you with anyone before, and I…”
“Oh my God.” you said as your knees now shook “It’s all true, isn't it? Oh my fucking God.” 
“I-” he went to speak but your body had gone into fight or flight and you walked past him. Your body was trying to protect you by gathering your things, but it felt too late for it to kick in.
“I love you, I always have. I can text her right now and dump her.” he was following you around.
His voice felt so distorted as you felt so out of your own body.
“You haven't yet?!” you snapped at him. “At the very least you could have already done that. If you actually did love me you wouldn't have done all of this! What the fuck is up with the talking anyway?!”
“Please don't leave me, please, I'm begging you. I meant everything I said.” he began to cry now too.
“I didn't!” you were hurting and you wanted him to hurt worse. “I was only fucking you to make myself feel better about Jin! You set this up! You ruined my relationship and hurt me! You're a fucking freak! I never want to see you again!” 
You marched to the door, very aware he had crumpled onto the floor in hard sobs behind you.
You walked, you simply just walked in the chilly night, still crying, your things under your arm. The worst part is that you did love him, you had meant everything you said to him too, but he had planned all of this. You no longer thought of him as golden, but fools gold.
You had no idea how long you had been walking, but you decided to sit down on the side of a curb.
Your hands shakily turned on your phone and texts and missed calls flooded through but you ignored them.
The first thing you did was block everyone's number. You were done, it was over, you never wanted to do any of this ever again.
The next thing you did was book a one-way plane ticket to Hawaii. 
You deserved to be happy, even if, for the first time, it was only you. Your cup had always been full of loving others, but never did you think until now that that cup could be full for only you. You wouldn't ever let anyone take from your cup ever again. What filled your cup was genuine, it was gold while all the rest held only water. 
“Tomorrow is going to be better.” you told yourself.
You weren't happy now, but you knew you would be. You could take yourself on adventures every day, you could put flowers in your own hair, and if you fell down a hill at full speed, you could catch yourself. You promised that you'd never let yourself fall ever again.
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angryschnauzer · 3 years
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Summary: After a long hot day at work and a nightmare journey home, you find your husband has a very welcome and refreshing surprise for you in the form of a full size jacuzzi in your back garden.
Pairing: Captain Syverston x Female Reader Wife (no race or size mentioned)
Fandoms: Sand Castle (Movie), Henry Cavill.
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Established Relationship, Semi Public Sex, Fingering, Oral (Female Receiving), Unprotected Vaginal Sex, Creampie, Alcohol consumption.
I do not run a tag list, but please follow @angryschnauzerwrites​ and put that blog onto notifications for future stories. All past works can be found on there or on my AO3.
It had been a long day. Work had been hot and sweaty, customers were grouchy and some even tried to pull the 'speak to the manager' bullshit, even though you were the manager. Traffic had been a nightmare, your car deciding that the middle of a heatwave would be the perfect time for the air conditioning to stop working, simultaneously with a truck of maple syrup hitting the central concrete barrier and spilling its sticky load. 
Snerk. You snorted a laugh through the sweat. Sticky load… your husband would have made a whole bunch of dirty comments and jokes about being covered in sticky loads. You couldn't wait to get home to see him, it was the fact that he had now retired from the Army and would be happily waiting for you at home every night that made each day worthwhile. 
When Sy had finally retired you'd wept tears of joy, every day was a blessing. You'd discussed what you were both going to do with jobs, your contract was up in 3 months time, Sy was drawing a military pension and had saved a considerable nest egg. He'd also taken to industrial upcycling; making lamps and coffee tables out of engines and car parts, which had been massively popular. You had to admit when you saw him in his workshop with his acetylene torch and welding mask on, cutting enormous chunks of metal in half and creating brutal beauty from the elements you were immediately turned on by the raw virility of the sight.
When you eventually pulled onto the driveway, a quick glance towards his workshop told you he'd finished for the day, and as you let yourself into your house you called out to him;
"Out here" came his slightly muffled reply, and you realised he was probably sitting on the patio out back, nursing a beer.
"I'm gonna run upstairs and take a shower, the aircon in my car has stopped working"
"Darlin, come out here first… i got something that'll refresh you"
Rolling your eyes you started to unbutton your blouse;
"Really Sy, i'm all sweaty and stinky…"
"Woman…" he growled;  "I said get out here…"
If any other man had called you 'woman' you'd knocked them out, but you knew Sy and for him it was a term of endearment. Quietly walking through the kitchen you reached the back door and patio;
"Sy…" you started to speak, but was cut short when you saw what he'd been referring to.
Sat on the corner of your patio, shielded from view by the trellis covered in Clematis blooms was an inflatable hot tub, bubbling away with your mountain of a man sat in it, arms spread out on each side as he held a beer and grinned at you;
"Told ya' i had something that'd cool you down"
Pressing your hand to the side of it you tested the water, smiling when you found it the perfect temperature;
"You bought a hot tub?"
"Rented. Wanted to see if we liked it before we made the investment. Why don't you get in and give it a go?"
"Sure, i'll just go get changed into my bathing costume"
Sy's glinted with mischief;
"Why? I ain't wearing one…"
You weren't sure;
"Its rented? Is it clean?"
"Spent all afternoon flushing the system and giving it a full wipe down, even though the rental company says they do it after each use… i know how you are with hygiene" he moved in the massive tub, moving to the side where you stood;
 "Now are ya gonna get naked or am i gonna have to rip those clothes off of ya?"
A minute later you were climbing in, work clothes hastily discarded in a pile on the patio, Sy holding your hand as he guided you into the bubbly water and you immediately let out a long low moan as the jets of water soothed and massaged your weary body;
"Oh Sy… this feels amazing…"
His massive hands cradled your torso, pulling you through the water until you were able to straddle his lap, his mouth meeting yours for a fierce kiss. As your tongues danced together he smoothed his hands over your back, massaging the day's stresses away to the point where let your head tilt back. Resting in his strong arms you let your back touch the water, smiling as the warm summer breeze danced over your breasts, before that skilled mouth was on your breasts, sucking on one nipple then the other, before he shifted and you were floating on the water, his mouth on your pussy. 
You weren’t the tiniest of girls, but you had utter trust in Sy that he could hold you up whilst eating you out. The man would easily heave around 10 foot iron beam railroad tracks to make into coffee tables, he’d pushed his truck home when the engine had died and that is no mean feat when it comes to a Ford F350. So with that knowledge safe in your mind you could thoroughly relax and let his tongue work magic on your clit as his beard tickled your folds. You came with a cry and he swallowed down your essence, before lowering you into the water and onto his lap.
As he lowered you you felt his hardness seek you out, sliding through your folds before you reached down and positioned him at your entrance, wrapping your arms around his shoulders as you let yourself be slowly impaled on his shaft. With the worries and stresses of the day easing away with each blissful bubble that popped on your skin you sought out his lips for another kiss as you started to ride him, the friction palatable as the noise of the motor covered the sighs and moans the two of you were making. Sy’s hands firmly gripped your ass, pulling you up and down on his gnarled shaft;
“Fuck… You look so fucking good riding me Darlin’. Definitely gonna get a permanent one of these installed… might get you a coupla’ white bikini’s as i’d love to see these titties through the soaked fabric, would be such a treat…” he grinned at you; “A titty treat…”
Grinning at him you squeezed your pelvic muscles, finally shutting him up so you could concentrate as you chased your orgasm;
“Sure Sy, i’ll get a white bikini… you want me to do the gardening in it too? Watching me on my hands and knees as i plant the petunia’s?”
“Woman, i’ll fucking take you from behind right on the lawn if you do that” he growled, thrusting his hips up sharply and finding your g-spot. One of his hands crept around your hip and between your bodies, seeking out your clit as he ran his calloused thumb over the sensitive nub. From the way he was bouncing you on his lap you could tell he was getting close, his teeth gritted as he tried to hold off from cumming, but with no luck. His hands gripped your hips to stop you from moving in the hope it’d delay his orgasm. You watched as his eyes rolled back in his head and his head fell back against the side of the spa, thrusting his hips up as he swore out a litany of curses as his body reached its peak before he’d have wanted to;
“Fuck fuck fuck… ah god… i’m sorry… fuck…”
Cradling the back of his head in your fingers you stroked at the short hair as you dipped your head down and pressed open mouthed kisses to his neck and shoulders. With his eyes still shut he pulled a hand out of the water and raked it down his face before looking up at you, his blue eyes sparkling;
“Ah fuck i’m sorry Darlin’... lemme see about getting you sorted…don’t get off just yet…”
He slid his hand back between your bodies, his thumb back on your clit. His other hand moved to your breasts, using his mouth on one nipple as he pinched the other between his thumb and forefinger. Writhing on his lap you could feel your orgasm rapidly approaching, Sy knowing exactly how to play your body like a guitar as you sang out your siren song that was a blessing to his ears. 
As your orgasm washed over you Sy held you in his arms, letting you ride out your pleasure as he relished the feel of your body surrounding him. Slumped in his arms you nuzzled at his neck, happily riding the waves of pleasure that echoed around your body. 
“You ok there Darlin’?” Sy purred, smoothing his massive palm over your back like a giant bear paw.
“Hmmn” you hummed, stopping mid response when you felt him shift and realised he was hard again; “Sy?”
He looked at you, a smirk on his face as he cocked an eyebrow;
“Darlin… you know when i blow my load real fast i’m ready for another round… your sweet little pussy massaged me back to full health” he pressed a kiss to your nose; “Now turn around and bend over, hand on the side… i’m gonna rail that juicy pussy from behind, see how many times i can make you cum before i shoot load number two”
Manhandling you in the water you let out a shriek as he thrust into you from behind, your walls still tight from your previous orgasm and he did exactly as promised, splitting you open from behind as his powerful thighs railed you harder than the transcontinental express. With his heavy ballsack slapping against your clit you were soon cumming again, Sy fucking you straight through it before he brought you to another orgasm soon after as he filled you with another sticky load.
As you both tried to recover from the energetic synchronised aquatics he pulled you flush with his chest as he sank down into the water, letting you lay back against his chest as your bodies were still joined. His hands skimmed over your torso beneath your breasts, cupping them tenderly;
“We’re getting one of these, right Darlin’?”
“Hmmm, absolutely”
You sat there for a good half hour, cradled in Sy’s arms as you told each other about your day, before your skin wrinkled and it was time to get out.
Later that evening Sy had driven the pair of you to the main hardware store in town that he’d rented the Spa from, and you’d ordered the parts and equipment for your very own one. As Sy had started getting deep into conversation with the sales guy who turned out had also recently retired from the Army you tugged on Sy’s sleeve;
“Honey, i’m gonna pop to Walmart next door”
“Sure thing Darlin, i’ll catch up with you in fifteen minutes”
Just as promised Sy found you fifteen minutes later as you browsed through the clothing section, and you spotted that he was swinging a small clothes hangar from his finger;
“What you got there?” you asked
Sy held it up and your eyes practically bulged out of your head; He had found the tiniest white bikini, that although was your size, was little more than three small triangles of fabric connected with the thinnest of strings;
“Exactly what we discussed… now i see ya got a bottle of tequila and some snacks, how about we head home and we can test this out?”
Grinned you nodded;
“Just one thing…”
“Yeah Darlin?”
“We need to grab a few more of those… there’s no way that is gonna survive one wear with you around”
Nodding in agreement Sy grinned, taking the basket from your hand as he wrapped his free arm around your shoulders;
“See, that’s why i married ya’, thinking ahead…”
He pressed a kiss to your hair as he led you back to the display of swimwear, grinning as you pulled out numerous other cheap pieces of swimwear, knowing full well Sy would destroy them as thoroughly as he destroys your pussy.
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honeymushroom22 · 3 years
Hi hi hi! From the prompt list The Hero with either regular Spamton or Spamton NEO?
Hello there and of course!! I gotta play my part in making Spammy the new tumblr sexy man of course ;)
In this story Spamton is like 7ft and no longer has his suit, but like they fused together so he still had the abilities of it.
Spamton Rescuing his S/O (The Hero Prompt)
Spamton has known you for a while now. He’s known of your existence long before your first encounter with him, but has never been that interested in you. It’s kind of surprising when you think about it, why wouldn’t this master deal maker be interested in Cyber World’s first lightener? Well it’s not like that matters now, because you are now what he considers his best friend.
You were roommates at the time. When you found Spamton in the trash and you couldn’t help but feel pity for the dirty man. You ignorantly took a total stranger into your home, and welcomed him with open arms. Spamton did whatever he could to help around the house, he saw it was only his end of the deal.
Spamton desperately wanted to keep up with you when it came to income. You worked at the tea shop, it wasn’t the best paying job, but it was just enough for you two to get by. When he found the time to, he would return to his own shop and hustle whatever money he could get his hands on. He payed rent, even though you said he didn’t have to. Life was good for Spamton now, he had a friend and a warm place to stay in. Nothing could be better than this.
That is until one fateful day—
You were rather late coming home one night; in fact, you were half an hour later than usual. Spamton patiently waited for your arrival, thinking you were working over time.
You rushed in and quick as your feet could carry you, slamming the door behind you, and fumbling with the keys to lock it. Spamton was more than worried, he was scared. “HEY! HEY! HEY THERE! [Friend] WHAT’S THE MATTER WITH YA?! HOPE YOU AREN’T BEING CHASED BY [[23 Sex Offenders Located In Your Area!]]” he asked. (Of course, you knew there weren’t any sex offenders in your area.)
Between your deep, staggered breaths you attempted to sputter out a answer. “No—no I…..I was just—someone tried to…oh god—” Spamton rushed to you when your legs gave and barely managed to stop you from hitting the floor in time. You clung on to his shirt for dear life, trembling in his arms. Spamton could hear your palpitating heart through your chest. The mere sight of you like this made him want to cry, you were usually such a positive and outgoing person. He couldn’t even fathom what would have gotten you so shaken up like this.
“There were…there were three of them. They were huge—I-I couldn’t!” you choked.
Spamton only held you tighter and assured you that you were safe. He could only imagine what three darkners had planned for a sweet lightner like you. The very idea filled him with rage. “[[Let Me Walk You Home Tomorrow]]” he offers as he rubs circles into your back. You only nodded in response.
The next day Spamton waited in the alleyway outside of the tea shop for you. He didn’t want to be seen by the other Addisons, nor did he want to be stationed too far away from your work place. It wasn’t long until you ran into him, literally. He grabbed you by your shoulders and pushed you a bit to ask you why you were running; however, his question was soon answered when he saw a shady group of darkners peruse you soon after. He pulled you behind him and used a wall to pin and protect you from your front and back. The darkners soon approached and taunted the two of you.
“Aw~!! Look’s like the tea human has a boyfriend to protect them now!” One spat.
“Why don’t you come face us like a true lightner? Legend has it that your kind are fierce and merciless!” Another sneered.
“Nah fellas, we ain’t here for any kinda fight. We don’t want no trouble, sir.” The last one soothed, whom was most likely the leader of the bunch.
This group was a trio of darkners Spamton had never seen before. They were tall, lean, and almost resembled silhouettes. Each of them were undoubtedly strong, and it would only take one to easily overpower you due to the massive size difference. They surrounded Spamton, but could not reach you thanks to his idea of using the wall.
“MY FRIEND HERE WANTS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU [MOTHER @$&#%’s] SO WOULD YOU KINDLY [[Proceed To Your Exit On The Left In An Orderly Fashion.]]” he warned. If it were not for the reflection of his glasses, the mystery gang would be able to see the dark eyes that were glaring daggers into them.
“Nah man, nah. Ya see, lightners are hard to come across. Finders keepers fam, we saw em’ first.” His minions snickered and closed in on the two of you.
That is until….
“WHAT THE HELL?! WHAT’S HAPPENING?!” The trio of darkners were strung up and dangling by their various limbs. All three of them were tangled in green wires that suspended them in midair. “[[Your One Month Free Trial Has Come To An End]] GO GET [@&$#%!] IN THE ASS!” Spamton snarled.
As your stalkers were preoccupied, you two took the chance to get the hell out of there and make it home safely. After that night, no one ever seemed to give toy trouble again.
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