wooahaes · 21 hours
svt - coming out as bisexual [hyung line]
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pairing: non-idol!svt hyung line x fem!bisexual!reader
genre: some are angstier and hurt/comfort, others are fluffier.
warnings: reader coming out as bisexual. cheol being anxious, misunderstandings. reader having several moments of thinking this would end a relationship (present in several drabbles). some drabbles has reader having known for a while, others have reader having realized it recently. implications of reader having bad past experiences with coming out to people (ex-boyfriend in shua and jihoon's). food mentions (cake in joshua's, vague dinner mention in jihoon's). mentions of exes (both ex-boyfriends and ex-girlfriends).
daisy's notes: happy pride :) no taglist on these because idk how many ppl off of it would care haha also might do the maknae line once i have ideas lol i already feel kinda repetitive with these since there's only so many ways to say 'i love and accept you' yknow?
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choi seungcheol
seungcheol remembered your text from earlier: i have something i need to say. can we meet up soon?
which, as much as he hated to admit it, sent his mind into overdrive. it was vague enough that it could be plenty of things. you were sick, your friend was sick, your family member was sick, you were moving, you'd killed someone, you actually hated him and this was all some stupid bet... anything. so seungcheol waited in the park ten (okay, fifteen), leg bouncing restlessly as he waited for you. everything was okay, right? as long as you were safe, he could live with whatever thing came next.
but you greeted him nervously, a bit quieter than usual. the moment he went to take your hand, you'd jumped, and apologized with this flustered look on your face. yet you didn't take his hand, instead tucking them into your pockets as you set off along the park pathway. this sealed the deal: you were going to dump him.
he just wished you'd do it already. instead, you'd been casual enough in talking about whatever came to mind. you'd asked about him twice now (clearly feeling out whether he'd cry if you dumped him or if he'd hold himself together), asked about kkuma, asked about work... so seungcheol reached forward, catching you by the hand.
"if you're going to break up with me, it's okay. you can say it already."
immediately, you jerked around to face him. "oh my god. is that what you think this is?"
"yes?" he stared at you, and then shook his head. "no? you're acting strange, and i've been worried ever since i got your text this morning..."
you slowly exhaled a deep breath and then took his hands in your own. "i'm not breaking up with you," you said. "i..." you trailed off for just a moment, then swallowed hard. "seungcheol, i'm bisexual."
he said nothing at first, just staring at you as his mind just processed what he just heard. you're...?
"it's okay if this changes things," you said all too quickly, as if you were always prepared for him to say nothing or to react badly. "i get it. not everyone is okay with dating someone like me. it's not like there's someone else, but i kept thinking and—"
seungcheol took your face into his hands, just to stop you. "thank you for telling me," he said, voice soft. "i know this was a really big thing. but it doesn't change anything." he paused, and then let out an awkward laugh as his head dropped forward. "i was terrified something bad had happened!"
thankfully, it just earned an affectionate snort from you. "i'm sorry! i kept rereading my text and wondering if it was too serious. i'll do better next time i have something to tell you—"
"ah, don't coddle me—i'm ruining your moment now," he lifted his head so that he could look at you. "really, though... thank you for telling me. it would never change the way i look at you."
"i know." your voice was quieter now, so tiny as you gave him a shy smile. "that's why i wanted to tell you." you cupped his cheek with one hand, bringing him in for a soft kiss. "i want to be myself with you. and... i had to tell you, y'know?"
he could understand your reasoning. something bloomed in his chest. pride for you, first: coming out could be hard, and he was glad you felt safe enough with him to do so. and then a soft love, sweet as could be, that you wanted to be your most authentic self with him. the same way he wanted to be himself when he was with you.
yoon jeonghan
jeonghan's body was warm against your side, head resting on your shoulder as the two of you were enjoying your little movie night together. the smell of popcorn filled the air, the bowl haphazardly resting in his lap. the lip of it pressed into your thigh, and all you could focus on was the way your heart was racing a little. you rested your head against jeonghan's, shutting your eyes for a moment.
better now than never.
"i think she's really pretty," you said when the actress was alone on screen for a moment, your tone as casual as could be. an innocent enough comment, but one that would let you maybe gauge whether to keep going from here.
jeonghan hummed in agreement. "she is, yeah."
well, shit. that didn't tell you anything. but... with a deep breath, you pulled away from jeonghan to pause the movie. he sat up a little, watching you curiously for a moment as you turned to him. "jeonghan, i'm bisexual."
at first, he said nothing as he just watched you for a moment. "oh?"
already, your mind was going into panic mode. "shit, i--listen, i know how that sounds coming out of nowhere, but i--"
jeonghan's hands found your own quickly, and he squeezed them. "sorry!" he said it quickly, intertwining his fingers with your own so that he could press his palms flat against yours. "sorry. i... i should have reacted better." he just sat there, holding your hands for a moment. "i love you. but was that a test?"
"it... might have been."
he snorted a little. "you're so cute," he said. "but thank you for trusting me with this." he paused for a moment, "can i ask how long you've known, or...?"
ah. a scary question. "not long," you confessed. "i dunno, i just... one of my friends is bisexual, and she was talking about it a couple months ago, and a lot of the stuff she said kinda resonated with me? so i just... started questioning how and why and everything, and..." you pulled your hands free from his. "i just figured out that i wasn't as straight as i always thought i was."
his gaze softened. "oh. honey..." he reached forward to brush back a stray strand of hair from your face. "does she know?"
you shook your head. "you're the first person i've told, actually."
immediately, he drew his hand back as he stared at you. "... really?" and when you nodded, he leaned forward to kiss your cheek. "i'm honored you trust me so much, then," he giggled. "i love you. is it okay if i have questions?"
"just about how out you want to be," he said. "i won't tell anyone without asking, but... we'll talk about it later, okay? i want to support you however you need me to."
something melted inside of your chest at how soft he was treating you, voice so gentle. you'd fallen for the silly antics of jeonghan before you fell for how tender he could be. being around him was like being bathed in sunlight (sometimes after being doused in a water balloon thrown by him). you just snuggled in close as turning the movie back on, pressing a tiny kiss against the side of his neck.
joshua hong
joshua had been watching the way you moved about your kitchen with a new sense of nervousness to you. but he was used to it: baking was a hobby of yours he fully enjoyed reaping the rewards of, even if it meant seeing you a little nervous before he tested a new recipe for you. if it wasn't him, then it was your roommate, vernon, who would taste test. but he liked having the privilege of being your boyfriend and always asked first if he was free. you toted a cake toward the dinner table, knife clutched in your hand, and slowly set it down as carefully as you could.
"so what's this one?" he looked up at you, smiling a little. he loved seeing how flustered you'd get over this sort of thing.
"you'll see."
that was enough to throw him. since when did you not gush about whatever new recipe you'd found...? he watched the way you were hesitating.
"maybe this is stupid," you mumbled to yourself, clearly not intending for joshua to hear.
he reached up. "do you want me to cut it?" he stood up to stand next to you. "i can cut my own slice."
your hands were shaking. effortlessly, you let go of the knife when joshua pulled it from your grasp. without a word, you just sat down, watching intently as he gauged how big of a slice he'd get for himself.
and then he saw pink first, the cake crumbs giving it away. as he pulled out the slice, he was met with three colors: a pink top later, a purple middle layer, and a blue bottom layer, held together with purple icing between them. joshua wasn't an idiot: he'd seen pride flags before. he'd seen the bisexual one, too.
"... is there something you want to tell me?" he asked softly. "or is this for someone else?"
you shook your head. "it's for me." you had shut your eyes, lips now pressed firmly together. how afraid were you right now...? without a word, joshua pushed the cake away from the edge of the table, slice and knife and all. and then he kneeled down beside you, taking your hand into his.
"hey. i'm right here," he said. "i'm not going anywhere."
and then you were crying, all at once. joshua rose up to wrap his arms around you, letting you bury your face in his shoulder. was he the first person you'd ever told...? or had you really been that scared that he'd react badly? he just kissed the side of your head, holding your securely in his arms.
"i baked the stupid cake because if you reacted badly, i'd just go eat cake with vernon," you babbled through your sobs. "we still have to save him a slice of the stupid cake. but i kept freaking out because what if--" you hiccuped, "what if you left me?"
"i wouldn't," joshua hugged you a little tighter. "it doesn't change who you are, silly."
"doesn't it?"
his heart ached a little at that. had it changed you in someone else's eyes...? no matter. joshua still saw you as yourself, just with a little something new for him to file away in his brain for you.
"it doesn't," he reaffirmed. joshua drew back so that he could see your face again. "so... there's a really good cake sitting right here," he nodded toward it. "you wanna share it?"
it was a stupid change in topic, but the weak laugh it earned from you was enough to do the job. "yeah," you pecked his lips. "let's eat some cake. ice cream's in the freezer, shua."
wen junhui
jun liked to consider himself a good listener, especially when it came to you. he liked to sit back and just listen to you talk about anything and everything, whether it was your interests or the things that pissed you off or even about your work day. today, he'd been holding your hand, listening to you go on about some conversation with a friend.
"and i told her that i thought it was a dick move, you know? i mean, who fucking cares what he thinks? he's an ex-friend for a damn good reason."
jun, admittedly, had lost the story by this point. one of your friends had been in some fight, maybe? and said ex-friend had reached out to say something that pissed both you and your friend off. he wasn't sure what it was yet, but you seemed a little more fired up than usual.
"i don't know, like... who fucking cares? he's a sexist dick as it is. did he really need to add biphobia to the mix? like, who fucking cares that i'm dating a man? it doesn't mean i'm any less bisexual. it's like people don't actually give a shit when bisexual woman are bisexual if it doesn't visibly look--"
... wait a second.
"you're bisexual?" jun spoke before he'd thought, and he watched the clueless way you looked at him.
"... wait, i didn't tell you?"
jun just shook his head. that was the kind of thing he'd file away in his head as vital information in order to support you. how many times had you talked about this that he didn't realize...? fuck, how shitty of a boyfriend was he?
you just blinked at him for a moment. "jun, i was dating my ex-girlfriend when we met."
oh, shit, that was your ex-girlfriend...?
"oh." jun felt the heat rising to his cheeks. "i'm sorry, i didn't realize that--"
"no, don't," you waved a hand. "she really hated skinship so we were never touchy, which..." you raised your connected hands. you always reached out to take his hand every chance you got. "... is a huge reason why we didn't work out. i could have sworn..." then you trailed off. "oh."
"oh?" he parroted back at you.
"i really never told you." with a hum, you shrugged it off. "well, now you know. does it bother you?"
he shook his head immediately, "no! no, it's not--i just--"
"jun," you pulled your hand free, turning to face him. "don't get upset, okay? you didn't know because i didn't tell you. i don't need this to be a big deal, okay? i'm bisexual. it doesn't need to be some big thing, y'know?"
he nodded, taking in your words fully. if you didn't want for it to be a big deal, then he would let the issue rest. "okay. but... just so you know," he said, lowering his voice, "i love you."
you giggled, leaning in for a quick kiss. "i love you, too, silly."
kwon soonyoung
soonyoung liked seeing the life you lived before you met him. the two of you had curled up on the living room floor of your parents' house, his head resting on your shoulder as you told him old stories about your life. the amusement parks that you used to go to with your parents, old family dinners and get-togethers, the years you did theater in high school...
"oh!" you had flipped a page and spotted a picture of yourself surrounded by your friends. you had painted cheeks (pink, purple, blue in three close lines on both cheeks), and your arms wrapped around friends with their own painted flags on their cheeks. beads hung from your neck in various colors, all of you grinning at the camera. your dad was squished into frame, too, bearing a shirt that offered parental hugs. "mama took this one at my first pride event..."
soonyoung perked up a little. he'd gone to pride once before to support some of his friends. but he didn't dress up the way you did.
"ugh, it's so cheesy," you rolled your eyes. "i just came out to them as bi a few months earlier. i know i'm lucky, because they took it really, really well... but they'd been so goofy about it." you snorted. "i think they both still have the shirts."
"mhm?" he watched you. "i'm glad they support you."
"you could come, too, if you wanted." you snuggled in. "your my partner. you're supportive...?"
"very supportive," he giggled. "you don't have to take me if you don't want to."
"no, i do," you turned to him. "my parents are straight and they still came to support me. some people are always gonna have issues with it, but as long as you're being respectful then literally no one cares. and those who do usually just go home and bitch on social media about it," you shrugged. "you have a bisexual girlfriend to support. that's reason enough if you want to come."
"i'd love to," he wrapped his arms around yours, snuggling back in. "if you want me there, i'll be there."
you just smiled to yourself. he didn't have to say it any further, but the message was loud and clear: i see you and i accept you and i love you.
jeon wonwoo
"are you alright? you're quieter than usual."
the click of the turn signal filled the car for a moment as you watched lazily out the window. the two of you were more introverted, and after a few hours of socializing, you were the one who would usually recharge a bit in the car while wonwoo drove aimlessly. eventually, he'd ask if you were ready to go home (usually after he'd grown ready to be there, just to gauge where your energy level was). but the two of you usually talked a little, or listened to music and sang along. little things that weren't draining. not that being with wonwoo drained you in any way; he was the exception to how draining socializing could be.
"mhm." it was half-hearted, but you weren't sure what else to say. the two of you had been together this long, how were you supposed to just say you'd realized something about yourself lately?
"okay." wonwoo reached over, giving your thigh a gentle squeeze. "if you want to talk, i'm still here."
the car ride continued in silence for a bit longer. you fiddled with the radio at one point, growing a bit more restless with your thoughts. wonwoo had always been understanding. hell, the two of you would read books by queer authors and discuss them--if it was an issue for him, it would have come up long before now. but it was different, right? being for gay rights and actually dating someone bisexual? it had to be different. hell, you weren't even sure if you were--maybe you were just pretending, and this was all starting to feel stupid and maybe you were--
"honey?" wonwoo's voice was soft and so, so concerned. "you've turned the radio on and off five times now. what's wrong?"
... had you done that? that sounded oddly right. it was easy enough to bump the knob, listen to the radio, and then decide silence was better... only to change your mind again. "can i tell you something?"
he looked over, and then paused for a moment. "let me pull over."
"you don't have to--"
"it's serious, isn't it?" he looked at you. after you gave him a shy nod, then he continued, "i want to give you my full attention, then."
soon enough, he'd pulled over onto the side of the road. you floundered a bit, rambling until wonwoo took your hand in his own for a moment. he ran his thumb over the back of your thumb, slow and steady, and it made you feel grounded.
"it's okay," he said. "you can tell me anything."
so with a deep breath, you pulled yourself together. better to rip the band-aid off. "i think i'm bisexual."
wonwoo watched you carefully for a moment, and then slowly nodded. "okay." he held your hand in his own. a moment later, he quietly asked, "is that all?"
you shyly nodded quickly, face growing warmer by the second. "i'm not telling you because i want to open the relationship or anything," you said. "i just wanted to tell you."
he nodded. "okay," he squeezed your hand. "then thank you for telling me." wonwoo leaned forward, kissing your forehead gently.
an odd sense of uncertainty seemed to swirl in your stomach. he just... accepted it? that was good, but part of your couldn't fully believe it. you'd heard horror stories of relationships going south, of shitty partners becoming ex-partners because they tore their partner down. yet wonwoo just held your hand, running his thumb over your knuckles, and thanked you for telling him.
"is there anything i can do to help you figure it out?" he asked quietly. "i... could look into books, if you wanted to read about it. or--"
tears welled up in your eyes, and you found yourself laughing. "oh my god," the words spilled past your lips. "you're so cute."
wonwoo's eyes widened a little. "i'm... cute?"
why had you been so nervous? the uncertainty was dissipating little by little. it was wonwoo, one of the smartest and most polite men you'd ever met--let alone dated.
"you are," you leaned forward to peck his lips. "but... thank you," you smiled at him, looking at him so tenderly. "for accepting me."
he shyly smiled at the thanks. "you shouldn't be thanking me," he said. "it's the bare minimum." but he squeezed your hand one more time. "let's go home."
with him, you already were.
lee jihoon
"you said there was something you wanted to tell me?"
you had been ever-so-slightly off ever since jihoon met up with you outside your usual coffee shop. but the moment you took jihoon's hand in your own, his worries had been set a little bit at ease... until he realized you were dancing around whatever topic you wanted to bring up to him. he'd let the issue go for a bit: if you wanted to tell him something, you'd tell him when you were ready.
except that had been earlier. the two of you ended up catching a movie (his heart sped up a little when you rested your head on his shoulder, snuggling in happily), and then grabbed dinner at a local restaurant. now it was just the two of you, walking down a semi-empty street, with you rambling about the latest book you'd read.
you turned to him with a hum. "hm?"
"just..." jihoon squeezed your hand a little. "that's why you wanted to meet up. you said you wanted to tell me something."
your smile faltered for a second, twitching slightly as you averted your gaze. "right. yeah. there was something..." but you turned back to him, forcing a smile again. "it's not important."
"is it?" jihoon prodded slightly. he knew you well enough, despite the fact you hadn't been dating all that long. "are you sure?"
your smile fell again, and you let out a sigh. "okay." you squeezed his hand gently, "i just... i dunno. i'm nervous to say it out loud. my ex dumped me over it, and... i really like you, jihoon. but if i don't tell you, then i feel like i'm lying to myself and pretending to be someone i'm not, so..."
jihoon said nothing, just waiting patiently.
you stopped, turning to face him fully as you took both of his hands into your own. "i'm bisexual. i've known for a really long time, but i don't really broadcast that knowledge until i know i can trust someone. and you're... you're really sweet, and i like you, but i need to know that i can be myself around you."
you trusted him? jihoon felt his heart race a little in his chest at the implication. "thank you for telling me," he said, the words a little stiff and stilted as he tried to calm himself back down. you really liked him. you trusted him. the words kept running through his head. which... was really good, because he trusted and liked you, too. you'd been kind enough to take the relationship slow when he asked for it.
"you aren't mad?"
"why would i be?" he gently squeezed your hands, just to reassure you. "i..." his voice dropped a little lower, just to keep this between the two of you, "i really like you, too. and... and i'm glad i get to know you like this."
you just leaned forward, pressing a lingering kiss against his cheek. "i am, too."
and with his sweet acceptance, you fell a little more in love with lee jihoon all at once.
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teddybeartoji · 2 months
im talking he’s shoving that stupidly thick tongue down your throat, messily licking into your mouth in the SLOPPIEST KISSES EVER !!!!
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pierregazly · 4 months
always the prize, always the winner ꨄ logan sargeant smau
logan sargeant x pop star!reader
in which logan is actually pretty okay with being known as the biggest pop star in the world's arm candy. who would complain about that, really?
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liked by logansargeant, lilymhe, oscarpiastri, and 4,539,209 others
yourusername back doing what i do best!! (watching this handsome man get asked solely about me in interviews and then singing songs about it) (ps i love you) (pps yes that is a song)
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logansargeant why are you so obsessed with me?
logansargeant im not complaining btw cause like... never stop?
logansargeant but also pps cant wait to hear it 🤍
yourusername just for this attitude you're the LAST to hear it now (handsome)
username still never gonna understand how LOGAN SARGEANT bagged ms ma'am but okay! 🤭
username a couple mutually obsessed with each other? (gag) (obsessed)
oscarpiastri i get asked questions about you too?
yourusername yes and your one word answers are SO riveting.
username why is no one talking about the SONG??? PS I LOVE YOU???? im going to throw up
username it's going to be the most disgustingly loving obsessive song ever and it's all about this american MAN
username never seen a man luckier than logan sargeant
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logansargeant has posted a story
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tagged logansargeant
liked by logansargeant, oscarpiastri, alex_albon, and 3,201,326 others
yourusername nothing makes me happier than running into you in the most random of places. always there when i need you most 🫶🏻
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logansargeant i would meet you in the middle of a croc swamp if i had to
logansargeant not a snake pit though, you're on your own for that one kid
yourusername you're on your own kid... what a song title 🤭
alex_albon we have a race next week??? in australia??? why are you in america
logansargeant 🤫
username god these two make me sick!!! (affectionate)
username if they ever break up... imagine the album ugh. i need it
username maybe let's not wish a breakup on anyone??? especially these two?? wtf
lilymhe begging u to release the songs even if they're about logan
yourusername they're actually about you?? 🫶🏻
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tagged logansargeant and yourusername
liked by username, username, username, and others
ynupdates during an interview before the melbourne gp this weekend, logan gushed about finally getting to see yn after a few weeks apart, and when asked if she'd be attending any of the upcoming gp's all he did was smile and say 'she could be here right now, but i'm not going to be the one to expose her?' - so, if anyone is at the melbourne gp be sure to keep your eyes out!
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username oh he SO flew to san fran so she wouldn't have to fly to australia alone.. king energy??
username i know he always says he's the winner but that man would walk through hell for her so idk
username omg omg im gonna be at the gp this weekend!!! i'll keep an extra eye on everything and anything william's
username imagine going to a FORMULA 1 RACE and running into THEE pop star yn
username logan it's your weekend to get some points!!! impress your gf, be the prize and the winner for once!! (at least get points)
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yourusername has posted a story
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liked by logansargeant, username, username, and others
logansargeant not you posting my garage but not even coming to see me??? hell is a place on earth and it's where i am right now
yourusername literally my words every time im away from you??? go win points love u my handsome lil eagle man <333
logansargeant gross <3
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liked by yourusername, alex_albon, oscarpiastri, and others
logansargeant LFGGGGG!! first points of the year, and a 5th place finish at the melbourne gp!! let's go up from here!! honoured to have had my best friend here, always gonna be a winner when you're involved angel 💗
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yourusername literally wreck my plans, THAT'S my man
yourusername so fricken proud of you handsome!!! knew calling you my lil eagle man would win you some points
yourusername love you so much pls
logansargeant love you more pretty <3
williamsracing that's OUR shared comfort american man. it's all up from here!
username LFGGGG
username RAH RAH WTF IS A KM 🦅
username 🦅🦅🦅
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tagged logansargeant
liked by logansargeant, lilymhe, oscarpiastri, and 12,320,433 others
yourusername in honour of my boyfriend, my new album 'lover' will be out 24.03.14 - an ode to the man who has shown me how you can be a prize and a winner all in one. logan, i love you more than anything. always.
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logansargeant and to think i always said it was a joke when i asked you to write an album for me.
logansargeant i love you to the moon and back, i know i've heard every song but i can't wait to hear it again. you're the best ever
yourusername god. i'm so lucky to be known as yours lo 💗
oscarpiastri if anyone asks me about this. one word answers only. riveting.
yourusername riveting?
oscarpiastri riveting.
username I KNEW IT
username god this is gonna make me feel so single. i literally can't wait.
ynnation love songs for the ages, we know it. an icon, and congrats to logan for getting his first points of the year!!
username this is SO for all the logan haters, ain't none of y'all ever gonna make our girl feel the way he does!!!
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authors notes
this was so self-indulgent bc i haven't written in forever but im going through a logan phase. i hope you all love it 💗 i also lost my tag list so pls enjoy regardless ily
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tsxkkis · 11 months
# iwaizumi hajime - won't let go
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a/n = i'm not the best at writing hurt/comfort type of stuff, but i hope this piece is alright ^^ also we love iwaizumi on this acc sm he's the man fr.
summary = after an argument, iwaizumi needs to apologize.
warnings = one swear word, argument, idk what else.
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the sound of rain hitting the ground came from behind your window, being the only thing disrupting the silence inside. the storm was getting heavier with each passing hour, taking you and many others by surprise, since the last few weeks have all been sunny and warm. luckily you didn't go outside today; or the day before, or two days before, or ever since the argument.
the last thing you expected, in this type of weather especially, was to hear a knock on the door. you didn't order anything, and your parents were supposed to come back from their trip on sunday. so who could it possibly be?
you slowly opened the door only to be met with the tall, dark-haired boy, his clothes soaking wet from the rain, hair sticking to his forehead.
"what are you doing her-"
your words were quickly cut off by the boy, his eyes locked on the ground in front of him before his head went up, his focus now on your face.
"i'm sorry."
you were used to the fact that iwaizumi didn't show much emotion on his face, but you also knew one other thing. his eyes would always tell the truth. and right now, as you stared into them, you were positive about how genuine his words were.
"iwa, we can't go on like this if you don't trust me."
he knew you were right. after all, that was the most crucial part of a relationship; trusting one another wholeheartedly. and iwaizumi trusted you, there was no doubt of that. but something was different that day.
maybe it was the fact that he was mad after losing the match. maybe it was how jealous he was at the smile you gave to the karasuno members, how you celebrated with them after they won. but all of those things just rubbed him the wrong way.
he knew that you were their manager, but you were also his girlfriend. and something made him feel betrayed that day.
"maybe we shouldn't continue this, then."
his words felt like a knife going right through your heart. you could feel your eyes getting watery the very moment they left iwaizumi's mouth. as you looked down, trying to hold back the tears as well as thinking of what you should say back to him, you heard kiyoko, one of your fellow managers, calling you from the other side of the hall, since there was a team meeting before the next game.
you turned around and left, without a word, wiping away the single tear that managed to slip and roll down your cheek, assuring your friends that yes, everything is okay.
oh, what a lie that was.
you didn't see him since last week. in the meantime, karasuno managed to win the final and secure their place in nationals, and as happy as you were for your team, you couldn't help but shake the sadness away after what happened between you and iwaizumi.
"come inside. you're gonna catch a cold." a deep sigh left your lips as you gestured for him to enter the house, closing the door behind him. you quickly turned around heading towards the bathroom. "you're soaking wet. i'll grab you a towel."
"please, listen to me first." iwaizumi's voice sounded desperate as it echoed from behind you, his hand reaching out to gently grab you by the arm.
"not until i'm sure you won't get sick." you looked at him for a spare second, and he decided not to stop you. he waited patiently in the hallway, reaching out to take the towel you handed him the moment you stepped out of the bathroom, along with a hoodie and pants for him to change into.
his hoodie and his pants. ones that he left in your house on purpose, ones you always used as pajamas when the nights got cold.
as you stood there in silence, watching iwaizumi dry his hair, you couldn't help but realize how awkward it all felt. it was never this way between you two; you could spend hours without speaking, just spending quality time with each other and it just felt right. but now, after the argument it was different. and you didn't enjoy that at all.
"i'm sorry. about what i said after the game." he took a deep breath, looking up at you, his words disrupting the silence. "i was just, jealous. and mad. i was mad after losing that match, and it made me even more furious to see that you were so, happy."
you didn't bother to interrupt him, letting him explain everything.
"i know you're their manager, and you felt happy your team won. i completely understand that. it would be weird if you weren't cheering them on. i just couldn't help but feel bad." his eyes were glued to the floor, the overwhelming feeling of shame taking over him. "i know that i fucked up, really badly, and there's nothing to excuse what i said that day." iwaizumi could feel the tears starting to form, but he did his best not to let them spill, a shaky breath escaping his lips. "i just need you to know that- that i don't feel that way. i don't think we shouldn't continue this thing that we have. because i love you. i love you too much to lose you like this, to lose you because of my stupid actions."
your eyes widened at his words. there it was.
the first time he ever said those words.
you took a step towards him, your hand reaching out to gently lay down on his cheek, a small yet warm and gentle smile gracing your face.
"it's okay, hajime." your words sounded so soothing to him, you're voice calming and soft, even though millions of emotions were going through you that moment. "i accept your apology. i just couldn't help but feel hurt by your words that day, you know. i think it's quite understandable."
he looked up at you, nodding in response, as his hand instinctively went up to yours, thumb trailing little circles on the outer part of it.
"and, one more thing." he had a questioning look on his face, his head tilted to the side as he heard your words, your body moving just a little bit closer to him. "i love you too."
a shy smile appeared on his face, his fingers interlocked with yours as you stared at each other, both happy inside that this situation was over with.
"it's still raining. you can stay here until it stops, if you want."
iwaizumi squeezed your hand, his smile noticeably growing as he heard it.
"i would love to."
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taglist: @ox1-lovesick @moonswolfie @wyrcan
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solitary-bones · 22 days
so dndads live show St Paul! idk how much of this is a spoiler for anyone else going to shows so I'ma cut here!
we had!
- so many gay people in the audience that as I was walking in to the venue I said to my friend damn this is like a pride parade and a bunch of gay people in front of me were like TRUEE
- a live performance of both! dead and gone and rocks rock! it was so incredible. Beth and Will both POPPED OFFF!!!!!! they were so cool oh my god. and Freddie fucking shredded it on the electric guitar it was so sick.
- silly St Paul themed dad facts plus Ron just uhh thinking all manual labor is called a hand job.
- the people royally fucking up the dice roll (not my fault I was in the balcony I cannot be held responsible)
- the people absolutely manifesting the complete improv prompt as the live show topic. and all of the cast going into mourning over it (will fell to his knees on the stage so dramatically it was so funny)
- the cast deciding to do a DND game with their characters! Starring: Will Campos as Henry oak as Mr Chris (later Dr Chris), by the book health inspector! Matt Arnold as Darryl Wilson as Darryl, ex football quarterback now accomplished priest searching to remember all 10 commandments! Beth may as Ron stampler as Nor Relpmats, doctor (the best health inspector of them all)! and Freddie Wong as Glenn Close as Glenn The Closer, weed enjoyer moonlighting as a health inspector relying on his gut! Anthony Burch as Patrick as Patrick the shit (among other characters)!
- the audience not being able to stop being horny when giving suggestions for what their location, bad guy, and theme were gonna be (bdsm dungeon, just a guy from the audience named Patrick, and a 10 commandments dildo)
- an abundance of flashbacks and one single flashforward
- butt spanking competition to get past the second door (it is a bdsm castle ig)
-mr Chris tests to see if the floor has been cleaned recently and thinks it hasn't. Glenn the closers gut says it's fine but Mr Chris says if he tastes some of what's on the ground he'll be able to tell better. Glenn the Closer bites his fingers and Mr Chris is into it.
- Mr Chris finding a dead cockroach on the ground and revives it using CPR and mouth to mouth (Anthony is the cockroach and also when will tried to fake the mouth to mouth yelled DO IT PUSSY so yeah they actually kissed like twice at least) and revived it to ask about the cleanliness of the floor and found it not very.
- none other than paeden bennets on the second level, who Darryl proceeded to obliterate with a holy football. I'm not lying (not before asking how Patrick the DM knew about their friend Paeden who was long dead and us getting a lively npc on npc scene by Anthony of Patrick meeting Paeden and getting punched in the balls and saying "I'll never forget you")
- Test by the health inspectors to see if the blood of paeden would get cleaned up. all of the soots from spirited away came in with little mops to clean it and cleaned all the party. Glenn rolled to see if he's into it and got a 9 but the crowd gave inspiration and he got a 6, which is 69 so he was and wanted to stay there forever with the soots. Henry as Mr Chris used his persuasion to get Glenn the closer to leave the soots by saying that whatever they're doing he could do it better. because apparently they're ex lovers now. (Anthony yelled something about Will wanting to kiss another boy)
- Flashback reveals that they were highschool sweethearts but were going to health inspection schools on opposite sides of the US and were talking about how their relationship would progress from there when Mr Chris' secret lover barges in and informs them that they're pregnant and he's the father! Glenn the Closer gets upset and asks what happened and Mr Chris proceeds to another, extremely graphic, flashback where Ron the doctor commentates the uhhh conceiving of said child. and Glenn is understandably upset at the graphicness of this explanation about being cheated on. They end with bitter words, stating they're now nemesis in health inspection.
- Nor asks Mr Chris how long it's been since he saw his son Patrick. (not since birth lmao)
- they go up to the final level, find Patrick using the commandment dildo, on the 8th one I think, and upon seeing his absent father run in and ask "are ya winning, son!?"gets extremely turned off. he understandably asks what he's doing there after being absent his whole life. Mr Chris explains that he's finally ready to be back in his life, with his husband Glenn the closer, and his newfound belief in Christianity from Darryl the priest who's really good at football.
- Flashforward to Mr Chris and Glenn the Closer living together and apparently "they're bougie enough to have their own priest" so Darryl lives with them too. Nor comes to visit and we see the commandment dildo hanging above the mantle.
and that's that on that.
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adventuringblind · 6 months
Flowers in your throat
Lando Norris x Reader x Oscar Piastri
Genre: Angst
Summary: the problems of unrequited love
Warnings: hanahaki disease, blood, coughing
Notes: idk what this is... Does anybody wanna spam my inbox with things to write over break? Logan is on the list, but I'm blanking on ideas for the boy T_T
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Flowers. Beautiful things that each have their own meanings. One that even color plays into.
Beautiful amd deadly things, these Flowers. She can't even stomache the sight of them anymore. Not when they are the source of her current misery.
A misery she has yet to understand. Is one not enough for her? Will Lando hate her for loving more then just him? Is she really that greedy?
Her driving had suffered because of her lack of focus. She's coughing over the radio now and her engineer has started to notice. Her trainer even more so with how sick she looks.
She doesn't want Lando to find her like this. Maybe she doesn't even like Oscar and this is because of the loving looks and gentle touch he's been sharing with her boyfriend. Is she jealous? In a way yes, but she wants that from both of them. She coughs up another petal at the thought.
Hopefully Lando isn't awake. She'd been on the floor of the Hilton bathroom for at least an hour now. Her mind running through all her options. How she might be able to fix this.
Death is the easiest option in the long run. The surgery would hurt Lando as she would struggle with any kind of love afterwards. Oscar loving her back is another, but again, how would Lando react?
She'd yet to even open up to him about the idea of polyamoury. To scared from past encounters and getting hurt. Easier just to ignore anything else. The words of her last partner rings through her ears. 'It's either one or the other' but never both. How can she have such a love for two people to the point it's killing her?
The door creaks open. She panics and tries to hide from Lando's worried gaze. He still ends up on the floor with her.
"Please talk to me."
"I can't. You're going to leave me."
"Whatever this is, we'll figure it out, okay? But we can't even begin to work on it if I have no idea what's going on." And he's right. For as chaotic as he is, Lando has always wanted to work through things together.
"I'm not - well - before I start I should say I love you dearly with every fiber of my being."
"Is this a break up?"
"No!" She shouts a little to loudly and quickly. Lando looks a bit startled but calms we he sees just how panicked she is. "I don't want us to break up - I just know that you won't want me anymore."
The thoughts of Lando leaving her flood her mind. Having to watch him and Oscar be teammates while she watches from afar. Her body wracks with coughs again as another petal comes up, pretty but splatters in red.
"Is that-?"
"Hanahaki, unrequited love."
"But I do love you so then..." He takes a moments to process. "It's not me is it?"
"My parents always told me my heart was to big." She inhales shakily. "It's Oscar."
"Since when? How long do we have before-" He doesn't finish the sentence.
"A have a few months left maximum. I'm already two months in."
"I'd already been fond of him before that but watching the two of you smile together like that." Tears slip past her eyes as she tries to stop the burning in her chest. "I'm so sorry and I understand if you leave. It's not like you signed up for this."
"I'm not leaving you. I don't care who else you love as long as I'm here with you. Plus, it's Oscar, I'd be lying if I said I don't have any feelings for him." Lando Admits with a shrug.
"I know you love me, too much, probably. If this is what loving you means then I'll be here every damn step."
She throws herself into Lando's arms, curling into the warmth of his body. And for the first time on two months, she cries in relief.
On the other side of things, Oscar isn't fairing any better. The constant scratch of his throat has started in August. Over the summer break when he had to bare witness to Lando and his girlfriends pictures.
He couldn't tell who he was more jealous of, or if he was jealous at all. Both, he was jealous of both because he wants to be with both of them. It's illogical, he thinks, that he should want two partners so desperately. They are committed to each other, why would they want him as well?
Lando is once again on the podium his female counterpart part there to congratulate him. Eyes shining as they smile at each other. The itch in his throat is to much. It burns in his chest as his lungs try to fight for air.
He runs back to the garage after getting weighed. Just in time to collapse onto the floor of his driver's room. Petals fall from his lips. Beautiful and soaking in red fluid.
He's still struggling to breathe when his door flys open. Logan amd Liam swim in his vision and ears. They drag him off the floor and get him upright again.
They clean him op and sit with him until Kim comes to get him for debrief. The older male looks horribly concerned. Lando also looks at him with something he can't pinpoint while sitting through the meeting. It's enough to make his chest burn again just knowing Lando is even looking at him.
Logan and Liam come knocking at his door that night. They want answers and rightfully so. He tells them, coughing on the bathroom floor while doing so.
"Have you talked to them?"
"No, why would they want me Lo?"
Liam hands him more water and pratically forces him to drink it. "Have you seen the way they look at you?"
And no, he hasn't, only how people say he himself looks helplessly in love.
How would they look at him now? In disgust? Maybe pity?
Shame he may never find out.
Another hard race. Las Vegas had messed them all up in some way shape or form. She couldn't breathe knowing Lando had crashed to hard. She coughed an entire petal up during the yellow flags just thinking about how he must be feeling.
She's been coughing up whole flowers recently. Tonight was no exception. Lando, despite being on heavy painkillers, was desperately trying to help her through a few larger ones.
She was barely eating anymore. Couldn't breathe. Her teammate had even noticed the drastic change in her appearance. Max and Christian had both been on her case. Third seemed so far away now as Lando tries to get water down her throat.
"I don't want you to die."
"And I don't want to live without love."
Lando manages to pull himself off the floor to answer the door. Mumbling about how it's probably Jon making sure he's alright.
She can hear the familiar voices of Oscar and Logan through the thin walls.
Oscar sounds rough. She blames it on the long race he had. He'd looked so tired coming out of the car, hands running through his hair.
Her lungs burn again. It's more so this time. Her entire body is on fire. She can't even cough properly and wails as she has to pull out whatever is in her throat.
A stem. One with thorns.
Lando is frantically pleading with Oscar and Logan for something. Oscar is also coughing. Enough that is worsens her own.
She coughs again. Another stem feels like it's tearing her open from the inside. She wails at the stinging pain. Panic overcomes her as it seems to never end.
The door swings open. Lando and Logan drag in a coughing Oscar.
He's in the same boat as her. He's been suffering this whole time.
"Logan who is it?! Please, I need to know." Lando is begging now. The sight of what's happening can't be helping his nerves.
"It's you two, both of you I think. He didn't say exactly."
She tunes out anything else. It's them. He is feeling this because of them. She coughs up the rest of the stem and the burning starts to fade.
But then the exhaustion hits. She wants to tell Oscar everything. Enough so he doesn't have to cough up thorns like herself.
She passes out before she can.
Oscar wakes up in bed. One that definitely isn't his own. He tries to sit up, but his body is depleted still. Noticeably, his lungs feel lighter then they have in months. The ache in his chest has lessened, but his love for the two is still there. If this isn't the work of a surgery then-
He sits up frantically, searching for something. Someone, more like. A hand on his shoulder pushes him back down.
"Relax, we're still here." It's Lando and his partner is on the other side of Oscar. She's dead asleep and rightfully so after what he witnessed her cough up.
"Where's Logan?"
"Asleep on the couch. He didn't want to leave you."
"And you - do you and her - are we?" His words are broken. He can't think properly.
"Caught feeling a while ago, mate. Her before I realized myself. She loves hard, enough to cough up flowers, apparently." Lando crawls into the space between Oscar and the female. Oscar, in his sleepy haze, latches onto Lando. He feels better being apart of whatever cuddle pile this is.
He falls back to sleep so easily. Only to be woken up later by a few frantic coughs. Lando is immediately trying to get the female out of bed and to the sink. She claims she's fine and it's confirmed by the lack of petals.
"It's from what the thorns did." Her voice sounds wrecked. Oscar tries to get up to help only to be pushed back again by Logan. Curse his exhaustion.
The American gets everyone water. Oscar is grateful for it as it soothes his still sore throat.
"So does this mean you three are going to be together then?" Logan raises an eyebrow.
"If either of them say no after this, I'm throwing hands. After the hell they've put me through I will force them to cuddle if need be."
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python333 · 10 months
task force 141 reacting to [reader] telling them corny jokes during a mission — python333
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synopsis just as the title says, tf141 reacts to you telling them some corny dad jokes during a mission!
relationships platonic!taskforce 141 & gn!reader.
characters cap. price, soap, ghost, gaz.
warnings 2nd person pov [you/yours/yourself], usage of c/n [code name/call sign], bad jokes.
note ME AND MY 23 FOLLOWERS ARE STRAIGHT CHILLING RN. i love all of u. anyway gaz is in this one!! yippee!! i thought about ghost and his jokes in that one part of one of the cod games idk ive never played them i watch other people play it but you guys know what im talking about. i also just figured out that i should probably specify gender neutral reader for my fics?? so i'll start doing that! ANYWAY enjoy!! this is all fluff and has some classic tired parent & hyper toddler energy in the first part :}
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➥ insert exasperated sigh here.
➥ he will let you keep telling him jokes, however he will only respond to them with a simple, tired, “Uh huh. Good one. Very funny. Nice one.”
➥ tired dad energy.
➥ the first one you told was okay. he laughed at that one. the tenth one? please, god, just stop talking and put him out of his misery.
➥ he wonders how you know so many jokes, and then wonders if you got them all from ghost.
➥ if you did get them from ghost, trust that he will be telling the man himself all about how you constantly told him bad jokes over comms.
➥ if you just happen to know all of these, he won’t be surprised.
➥ he’ll put up with all of the jokes, for your sake, of course.
➥ the first time this happens, you’re both on a pretty insignificant mission compared to other ones you’ve done.
➥ you’re both talking over comms, just making sure you’re both okay.
➥ that’s when you started your attack.
“Captain?” You’d asked, listening as Price hummed in acknowledgment of you talking, “Wanna hear a joke?”
You could practically hear his hesitation, before he responded with a tentative, almost scared, “... Sure, [c/n].”
A delighted grin split across your face as you asked him, “How does dry skin affect you at work?”
He thought for a moment before asking, “How?”
“You don’t have any elbow grease to put into it.” You heard Price give a small chuckle, and decided to ask, “Wanna hear another one?”
Price’s second mistake of the evening, “Sure.”
“Where do boats go when they’re sick?” You asked, still keeping a lookout on your surroundings on your end while focusing on telling your Captain shitty jokes.
“Where?” Price asked.
“To the boat doc.” It took Price a moment, before he huffed out a small laugh and muttered just loud enough for you to hear, “Jesus, that’s terrible.”
Without warning, you tell him another one. He asks why, when, how, or what, whichever was appropriate for the joke you told, and slowly but surely his questioning tone became tired and exasperated. You don’t know why, but somehow his miserable tone made you even more motivated to tell him corny jokes.
“Do you just… memorize all of these?” Price asked in the middle of you telling a new joke, sounding almost astonished.
“Yes I do. Just for these missions, I do,” You answered confidently, smiling when Price sighed. You continued on with your joke, and even though Price didn’t respond verbally, you still told the punch line. You had repeated this for at least ten minutes, all of those minutes appallingly slow to Price, the poor man having to endure your bullshit for such a short yet such a long time. At the tenth minute, the only thing that stopped you from continuing was Gaz’s voice coming on over comms and interrupting you, telling everyone else on the mission that they could head back to the rendezvous point. Price, relieved at the interruption, gave a thankful sigh and you could hear him getting up from his spot before he muted himself.
You sighed as well, yours a direct opposite of Prices, full of disappointment, but you let it go. Besides, you’ll always have more opportunities to terrorize Price with your jokes on the ride back to base!
➥ he has the same reaction he had with ghost telling him corny jokes.
➥ he’ll call your jokes terrible, but will still laugh at them somehow.
➥ will 100% put up with your jokes, will laugh every time, even if his laughter slowly becomes more and more strained, he’ll laugh.
➥ tells you some jokes back, but after your 4th joke, he gives up and accepts his fate.
➥ he will suffer for your entertainment, guaranteed.
➥ he will be sure to remind you of how terrible your jokes are though!!
➥ he’s honestly impressed by how many jokes you’ve memorized.
➥ he’ll happily support you doing this to other people, no matter how much it damages his soul when you do it to him.
➥ the first time you do it to him, he starts getting deja vu from when ghost did it to him.
➥ “Oh, God, no’ ye too,” he’d groan playfully the moment you start telling him jokes, getting flashbacks.
➥ enjoys your jokes, even if he would do anything for you to shut up, he still enjoys them.
You and Soap were camping out in the same spot—atop a roof of a tall building that was just tall enough to give you a view of practically every other building in the area as well as the ground. It was cold up there, the air so cold that every time you’d exhaled, your breath turned to white condensation before fading into the clear sky.
It was fair to say that you and Soap were fairly bothered by the cold, so you really had no other option, you just had to start telling your jokes. How else could you warm the both of you up? Sure, it wouldn’t do anything physically, but mentally? It was sure to practically melt Soap’s brain.
“Soap?” Soap hummed and looked over at you, “Wanna hear a joke?”
Soap smiled, and decided to humor you, “Sure. Joke ‘way.”
“Why couldn’t the bike stand up by itself?” You asked, turning fully towards Soap. He didn’t bother to think before asking, “Why?”
“Because it was two-tired.” It took him a moment, but eventually he huffed out a small laugh and nodded.
“No’ bad,” He’d hummed, “Want me to say one?”
“Go ahead.”
“How did vikings communicate with one another?” Soap asked, turning fully towards you in turn.
“By Norse code,” Soap had said with a grin on his face, clearly proud of the joke. You laughed quietly at it.
Without asking, you tell another joke. “Why did the bed wear a disguise?”
“It was undercover.”
Soap chuckled and turned back down to the ground, assuming you were done. But, oh boy, did he assume wrong. You told another one. He asked for the punchline. You delivered. You told another. He asked again. You delivered, again. Can you recall just how many jokes you told that fateful night? No. Does that make the memory any less funny to look back on? No.
Soap’s expression slowly turned to one of misery, his laughter becoming strained and slowly coming to a stop, the light in his eyes fading away as God himself seemed to appear behind you and reassure him that it would all be over soon. God, how he wished that were true.
Soon enough, you were both told over comms that you were able to safely make it back to the rendezvous point, and Soap couldn’t be happier.
He let you tell him more jokes during the walk over there, of course, and made sure to tell you how awful they were, but still endured them for your sake.
➥ it’s like he’s been preparing for this moment his whole life.
➥ he’ll put up with your jokes and will tell you a joke back every single time.
➥ at some point you guys will probably use a joke on each other that the other one told you.
➥ he actively enjoys the joke-telling.
➥ he probably tells the first joke and that’s what triggers you to tell him your own.
➥ he’s annoyed soap, gaz, price, and a few others with his jokes, yet you’re the first one to go back and forth with him.
➥ every time you tell him one he’ll make a mental note of it and remember it for annoying people on future missions.
➥ probably thinks some of the jokes are genuinely funny but still knows that it annoys people.
➥ if you tell him a corny joke related to ghosts, he’ll probably laugh more.
➥ i am aware that that is pretty corny in itself but look at the title man what did you expect.
➥ he’ll probably tell some jokes about your [c/n] to you back.
➥ he’ll know when you’re reusing a joke and calls you out on it.
➥ “Does this require more creativity than you expected, [c/n]?”
➥ [in a perfect imitation of matpat’s voice] i find his jokes delightful! [in regular voice, now whispering as if scared i’m going to get caught by ghost saying this] i’m lying. he’s my fictional father figure so i am very much obligated to enjoy his jokes.
”[c/n], how copy?” You heard Ghost’s voice crackle through over comms, and pushed the PTT button on your small ear piece to respond.
“Copy, doing just fine,” You responded, “Little bored, if I’m gonna be honest.”
“Oh really?” Ghost breathed out, sounding amused. You could hear some gunfire on his end, and the wind his his earpiece making the annoying whoosh noise you hated. Just a few moments later, Ghost spoke up again, “Y’wanna hear a joke to ease your boredom?”
“Sure,” You’d hummed, looking around to make sure you were still safe to just stay where you were and chat for a moment.
“What do you call a boomerang that doesn’t come back?” Ghost asked, his voice dry and sarcastic. You thought for a moment before shrugging—even though he couldn’t see you—and asking, “What?”
“A stick.” Ghost delivered. The stupid joke made you huff out a small laugh and mutter under your breath something about how good it was, and even though you couldn’t see him, you could practically hear Ghost’s self-satisfied smile.
“Another?” Ghost offered.
“How about I tell one?”
“Alright. Go ‘head.”
“How do ghosts stay in shape?” You asked, listening to Ghost’s amused huff on the other end of the line, like he knew where you were going with the joke but decided not to say the punch line for you.
“They exorcize,” You responded, grinning, proud of yourself for thinking of that one.
“That’s not bad,” Ghost hummed, “Not bad at all.”
Ghost stayed quiet for another moment before asking, “Where do fish keep their money?”
“In a river bank,” Ghost said, his smile almost audible in his words.
“Nice one, L.t,” You breathed out, laughing quietly.
“We could do this all night,” Ghost mused, oddly happy at the sound of your quiet laughter, a little rustling audible on his end.
“Is that a challenge?” You asked in response to his musings, to which Ghost responds with a simple, affirmative hum. You think for a moment, before asking, “Why can’t a leopard hide?”
“Because he’s always spotted.”
Ghost hummed, mentally writing that one down before asking, “Why did the scarecrow get an award?”
“Because he was outstanding in his field,” Ghost delivered. With each joke you cringed more, and yet you kept responding with the same bullshit. The two of you went back and forth with the shitty jokes, eliciting responses from each other like, “That’s a good one,” or, “God, that’s awful.” It really had no in between, it was one or the other.
Eventually, and just in time because you were beginning to run out of jokes, Price’s voice crackled through over comms, letting you both know that everything was now under control and gave you both the coordinates for the rendezvous point. Before you get up from your spot, you can hear Ghost asking Price, “Wanna hear a joke?”, and Price’s quick response of, “I’m good”, the quick interaction making you laugh quietly.
“He doesn’t know what he’s missing out on,” You muttered, voice full of amusement.
“Damn right he doesn’t,” Ghost huffed out, chuckling quietly when Price groaned and muted himself.
➥ he just gives up and accepts his fate.
➥ i’m actually in full belief that he’ll just let you tell jokes and won’t even respond.
➥ if y’all are in the same spot, he’ll just stare at you in astonished silence, wondering how you know all of this and also wondering if he’ll make it out of this alive.
➥ i think he’s lovely, i also think that he would just let you do whatever.
➥ it’s like an older brother participating in his younger sibling’s tea party with their stuffed animals and bright pink plastic tea cups and fake tea.
➥ he considers taking out his earpiece but then realizes that that’s a bad idea so he just suffers through it.
➥ surprisingly, it’s easy to focus on his tasks even with your voice in the background.
➥ he’s only heard of ghost’s shitty jokes, and thinks that this might be worse, somehow.
➥ i mean, it’s not like he can’t ignore it, but he feels kind of bad that he does.
➥ he hums every now and then to remind you that he’s listening but he’s too caught up in pretending to listen to actually listen.
➥ when the mission’s over and you eventually stop telling your jokes he realizes how quiet it is without your voice in the background laughing at your own jokes.
“Why do bees have sticky hair?” You asked, this being about your twentieth joke of that evening. Gaz hummed in response, tone questioning, and you delivered the punch line, “Because they use a honeycomb.”
Gaz didn’t pay much attention to any of your punchlines, really just letting you get all of this out of your system, figuring that if you didn’t do it now it’d happen to some poor soul later. He accepted his fate early on, the moment you told your third dad joke, he knew it wouldn’t end. Call it a sixth sense of his, knowing when you’d be persistent in your quest to annoy every member of the 141, but he just knew.
“Where do surfers learn to surf?” You asked, giggling quietly at your own joke, despite the punchline being stupid. Gaz didn’t even respond, yet you still delivered, “At boarding school.”
Gaz considers taking his earpiece out for a moment, then thinks again and decides it’s probably better not to, knowing Price’s voice could crackle through into the earpiece and let you both know to head to the rendezvous point. Sighing quietly, he continued to look around him, scanning the area as he walked around, making sure no enemies were left alive. Your voice still hummed in the background, the sound becoming more normal to him and less distracting.
“Why did the tourists feel disappointed after seeing the Liberty Bell?” No response from Gaz. “Because it wasn’t all it was cracked up to be.”
“What do rabbits need after getting caught in the rain?” A small, questioning hum. “A hare dryer.”
You continued to tell your jokes, and in the middle of one, Gaz interrupted.
“Y’know,” He started, “If you didn’t already have a call sign, we’d be calling you Jester.”
“I’d love to go by Jester,” You laughed quietly, lightly, “I feel like it’d be more fitting.”
“Probably, yeah,” Gaz chuckled quietly, about to say something else before Price’s voice came through over comms and let you both know to head over to the rendezvous point. After you stop telling your jokes and mute yourself, Gaz can’t help but notice how quiet it becomes.
He got a bit too used to your voice, it seems. He muted himself and sighed, pulling up the coordinates to the rendezvous point and heading over there.
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erikahenningsen · 2 months
Hey idk if you’re taking requests but can I just get some Janis fluff what ever your preferred ship is I’m just in a desperate need for boyfriend Janis lmao
Janis hasn't seen Regina at school all day.
Granted, it's only second period, but Janis would usually see her around. Most days, Regina drops by her locker before homeroom to say hi before classes separate them until lunch.
By fourth period, Janis is starting to get worried.
Janis 'Imi'ike: hey are you at school?
A few minutes pass.
Regina George: no
Janis 'Imi'ike: are you okay?
Regina George: i'm sick
Sick? Regina never gets sick.
Janis 'Imi'ike: what do you mean?
Regina George: wdym what do i mean. i'm sick. ill. a flowing snot faucet.
Janis snorts.
Janis 'Imi'ike: gross ❤️
Regina George: tell me about it
Janis 'Imi'ike: i'll stop by after school and bring you some soup
Regina George: don't you dare
Regina George: i look awful
Janis rolls her eyes and loves the message, just because it'll annoy Regina.
That afternoon, armed with soup she picked up from Panera, Janis makes the requisite small talk with Regina's mom before going up to Regina's room. She knocks on the door gently, poking her head inside.
Regina is reclined in her bed, propped up on about a million pillows. She scowls at Janis.
"I told you not to come," Regina says, her voice nasal.
"You look like shit," Janis confirms. That isn't to say that Regina doesn't look beautiful—she always does, even now. But she also looks miserable, nose red and chafed, skin pale, hair hanging limply against her shoulders. It makes Janis's chest ache a little bit, like it always does when Regina's upset or in pain.
"Thanks so much," Regina deadpans. "Seriously, Jan, I don't want you to get sick, too."
Janis just shrugs. "I'll take my chances." She holds up the Panera bag. "And I brought you soup."
Regina smiles, just a little bit. "You didn't have to."
"I know," Janis says, setting the bag on Regina's nightstand. "In fact, you told me not to."
Regina's face shifts into a grimace for a moment before she sneezes, which then triggers a brief coughing fit. It's almost impressive. When it passes, Regina lets out a little groan before blowing her nose forcefully.
"Aren't you so glad you came?" she asks Janis sarcastically, and Janis laughs.
"Always," Janis says, and climbs into the bed next to Regina. She presses a hand to Regina's forehead. It's warm, and her palm comes away clammy. She subtly wipes it off on Regina's comforter.
"I think you're dying," Janis tells her seriously.
Regina lets out another little groan and sniffles. "Any way to speed it up?"
Janis scoots closer and Regina gratefully rests her head on Janis's shoulder.
"Unfortunately I like watching you suffer," Janis tells her, and Regina sighs.
For awhile they're quiet, save for the sound of Regina's labored breathing. Janis is starting to get a bit hot, Regina's body heat more intense than usual, but she has no desire to move away.
"Jan?" Regina says quietly.
"Can you..." Regina pauses. "Can you stroke my hair?"
Her voice is hesitant, soft. Regina isn't a super touchy-feely person, especially not at school or other public places. She's emotionally clingy but not physically, so any time Janis just gets to hold her, she savors it.
"Of course," Janis whispers, starting to run her fingers through Regina's hair, still silky soft despite being a bit damp with sweat.
She's not sure how long they sit there like that, but she eventually realizes that Regina's breathing has evened, and she's fallen asleep.
As gently as she can so she doesn't disturb Regina, Janis lifts her free arm and snaps a quick selfie. Just for her, to remember this moment.
And, well—if it works in the future as blackmail material, that's just a bonus.
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devilishchaos · 9 months
THE { } AND | Rúben Dias Imagine
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Rating / genre: interview?, conversation
Pairings: Reader x Rúben Dias
Summary: Y/N and Rúben play a card game and answer questions about each other. Basically admiration to one another.
Warnings: not really an Imagine; first pov; mention of death; it's fluff I think, like it's soft and brings Y/N and Rúben together idk I'm trying something new
Word Count: 1 475 words
This is a work of fiction. The story, names, characters and incidents either are product or the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
Walking into the room I admired the set that the crew had put together. I went around the table that was in the middle and sat down in a chair on the left, while Rúben sat beside me in a different chair, to my right. 
“You ready?” he asked me after we were mic'd up and ready to go, then grabbed my hand, knowing that I get nervous when someone is filming me. Although I knew what I was getting myself into when we decided that we were going to start dating. I mean this kind of stuff comes with dating a celebrity right? 
“Are you okay with doing this?” 
“Rúben, I am here. If I wasn’t okay with any of this I wouldn’t be here, no?” 
“Okay baby, let’s do this!” He smiles. 
“Okay guys, you know the drill. Y/N will ask Rúben the questions off her cue cards, Rúben you will ask Y/N the questions off your cue cards and you have to answer the questions about the other person. We begin rolling in 3, 2, 1..” the director said and the cameras began rolling. 
“Hello guys, it’s Rúben here. I am here with Y/N, my girlfriend..” 
“..and today we will be playing THE { } AND card game in this creative studio, exploring human emotion, intimacy and connection.” Rúben said and looked in my direction, which meant that it was time for my line. 
I took a deep breath and just said it. 
“Each one of us has their cue cards. Mine consist of questions for Rúben, Rúben’s cards consist of questions for me to answer. And we will be answering them in front of you guys. Who is going to start first?” I looked at Rúben and he suggested that I do. 
“Okay. First question Rúbes. Describe the moment you realized you could trust me.” I read the question out loud and placed my card on the table. 
“Okay, so..just when you were there for me, I mean, without me asking, without anything..just how much I could tell you loved me by the way you handled me when I didn’t know what was going on, what to do and which direction to take.” Rúben answered and here we were on the first question and there were tears in my eyes already. “There's that. My turn. What does my love feel like? ” 
“Oh wow..” I was taken aback “..what does your love feel like? Hmm..your love is intense and hard..you love hard to the point where I’m like “Let me breathe.” but at the same time it’s so warm and..safe. It makes me relax. You know?” and he just nodded his head. “What is a pain in me you wish you could heal?”  
“The loss of your grandfather..” the moment he said that sentence, it felt like the air had been sucked out of my lungs because he knows how I feel about that. 
“I really do. But I know I never could heal it. What I want you to do is to heal it yourself, because no one can heal your pain..I know this was before my time. Before me and you got together, so I can’t tell you he died of his sickness nor that he wasn’t murdered by accident..but baby there’s nothing that you could have done to help him, you’ve seen his state..” Rúben stopped for a second and reached for my face to wipe a couple of tears because by now the tears were falling freely. Then he continued 
“I don't think anybody comes back from losing someone that they love deeply. But if I could, I'll take that pain away. I'll take your pain because I can deal with that pain. You understand what I’m saying? Because you already know how I deal with hurt. I don't let it kill me because I think that's what you're supposed to do. You're supposed to take your lessons, whether it’s good or bad, whether it’s a loss or a gain. You just gotta take it and learn how to live with it, because that's yours and it's never going to go away. But I just want you to learn how to live with that wound without letting it consume you.” 
And with that I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding and started fanning my face a bit. God, I was probably red as a tomato in the face. 
“You good? Should we continue?” Rúben asked me with concern. 
“Yeah, yeah..I’m good. Ask me.” I gave him a smile. 
“When do you feel closest to me?” 
“When we cuddle.” I let out a giggle “I mean it’s a specific type of a cuddle. So like during the day if we cuddle it’s usually on the couch or on a chair outside in the garden. And most of the time it’s you laying down and me attached to you like a koala or something, and I put my head on your chest and yeah. I love that. But I feel closest to you at night or after a hard time that I was going through, with work or uni, when we spoon..and I am the little spoon..and I just I don’t know what is it but my head fits perfectly on your shoulder and it’s so comfy..you embrace me with both hands and your head is really close to mine..it’s the best, honestly.” 
“Really? I didn’t know that. We should do it more often.” 
“Yes. So Rúben, how am I most like you and how does that scare you? What a great question.” 
“It’s very simple. You are indefatigably honest. You reek of integrity and that scares me I guess, because that’s a holy grail for me. I can’t stand the emotional cowardness that people showcase these days.”
“The same goes to you, babe.”
“Okay. Y/N. When do you worry about me the most?” 
“Well, when you’re being too harsh on yourself. When you’re struggling or going through a hard time with work, family or me. Makes me feel helpless..and on that note it’s going to sound cliche but also when you go on the pitch. I feel like that implies to everybody who has such dynamic jobs. But like it’s not you who I am concerned about..well it’s you but what I mean is you are probably the most diplomatic person that I know. And I know you, and I know you would never start shit first. You know what I mean? It’s the other players that I don’t trust, because I’ve seen horrific things happen out there. You are usually the first one to try to stop a fight or whatever, but I am afraid that someone would purposefully hurt you or injure you, or try to provoke you. These thoughts alone make me anxious. I sometimes can't wait to hear the final whistle, no matter if you're losing or winning, if there are more than five yellow cards given - I'm on the edge the whole time and I want it to be over with..Well would you look at this Rú, last question. When do you think I need you most and are you there?” 
“A tough one. Hmm..I think you need me most when you are not feeling well. Mentally, emotionally and physically. I think I am there. I feel like I am there, If I can be there I am. And even if I almost can’t be there, I find a way to be there with you. Through whatever it is that you're going through. And it’s hard because you require alone time. And I respect that and I give it to you, well I try to but I know you..you'll most likely overthink everything and knowing that you are restless and in distress makes me go crazy..Now, your last question Y/N. When are you the most in love with me?” 
“Oh my God..when you are surrounded by family and friends. Doesn’t matter if your parents come to visit us in Manchester or we go to Portugal. That’s when you are completely relaxing. As I said before, you are very intense, passionate, responsible, serious and just about your business in your day-to-day lifestyle. You are on the edge 24/7 trying to do your best everyday and seeing you with your family absolutely melts me. You get more soft, you get to chill and rest, loosen up a bit, and let go of any negative energy. Recharge your batteries, you know what I’m saying.” 
“I love you, Y/N.” 
“I love you, Rúben.” 
“Well, there you go guys. This was me and my lovely girlfriend answering these great questions that I feel like brought us closer to one another. Hope you enjoyed it, we sure did. And I guess I will see you soon. Have a great day. Bye, guys.”
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suengmi · 1 year
ot8 skz prompt!
you cry when they barely raised their voice at you (but not in a too angsty way, they were just playing around w you) and they comfort you
also HAPPY LATE BDAY 🎉 (im gonna rob you for all ur seungmin and jisung pcs)
hehe thank you anon!! i went to see moulin rouge live and just had a kpop trade day/night with my bestie i was like "i'll swap u any of these two lee knows... for that mingi"
BUT YOU CAN'T HAVE MY SEUNGMIN ONES I'LL FIGHT YOU BARK i got like 26 different seungmin ones with 11 doubles... it's not enough, funnily bangchan is actually my ult in skz alkjsdlaksjd leave me alone seungmin got me WHIPPED
ANYWAYS!! warnings under the cut, i added pics for comedic effect. idk why my writing always goes humour, anyways i worked v hard on this!! and as always,i messed around with the prompt a did a few hurt!skz/you raising your voice at them hehe enjoy!!!
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in alphabetical order
all non idol!au, all gn!, as always kinda proofread and lapslock
you're laying on the couch, nose stuffy and filled with tissues. you were always sensitive when you were sick, your head feeling like it's spinning and your body betraying you anytime you tried to stand up. chan was always a caregiver, he loved taking care of the people he adored. not one day went by where he didn't ask if you needed help or needed anything, you could always reassure him that his presence was enough, much to his scoffing.
☆⌒ヽ bangchan
warnings/other: living together, established relationship
you needed help to go to the shower, the steam would probably help. plus, you hadn't showered in two days due to how sick you were.
"babe?" you called out, voice weak.
"baabe?" you squeaked once again, trying to lift yourself from the couch. "baaaaabe?" and nothing, but you can hear him tip toeing around somewhere, the clunking sound of a bottle hitting the bathroom floor.
"babe!" you half yell, still trying to push your self from the couch.
chan rounds the corner, eyes frowning as he taps on the side of his headphone, "what?!" he screams at you, eyes scrunching and brows furrowed.
you burst into tears, suddenly feeling like you're in trouble for wanting help. "i'm sorry, i didn't know you were busy." you can barely speak, voice raspy and quiet.
"what?" he speaks again, pulling his headphones to rest on the back of his neck. this time his voice more gentle. he sees the tears forming in your eyes and immediately comes to your side. "what's wrong?"
"don't yell at me." you say through tears, hands coming to rub your eyes.
"shit," he curses, rubbing the sides of your arms, "sorry, i had my head phones on, i was running you a bath."
"oh," you sob, still letting yourself cry your hands dropping to your lap, "i thought you were angry at me."
"oh my god," he says pushing your messy hair out of your eyes while wiping the last of your tears. he sighs, "i just couldn't hear you silly."
"i've run you a bath, do you wanna have one together?" he stops and gives you a sniff, "you need one."
you frown, using the last of your strength to push him away, but it fails. "yes please..."
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you're balls deep in your game, you've never been so focused on a game in your life. it's the final battle fight of the last of us 2, you wipe away tears at the scene before you folding out, feeling conflicted as the characters fight in the water.
☆⌒ヽ felix
warnings/other: living together, established relationship, cussing
"ahh!" you yell a bit too loud as you feels more tears form, "this is fucked up, fuck you both, fuck off this is so unfair."
"what did you say to me?" felix says, turning from his pc to look at you. "did you just tell me to fuck off?"
"what?" you turn to felix, eyes back darting back to the screen for a moment, still in the middle of the battle.
"what the hell? why did you tell me to fuck off?" felix says as he scrunches his nose, clearly upset and confused. "what the fuck?"
"no! oh my god, no." you scrambled to pause the game, getting to your feet to stand by felix, "no, no, i was talking to the game!"
"you lyin'?"
you roll your eyes, "why would i say that to you? ellie is fighting abby, and i'm telling them both to fuck off, not you!"
"oh," he says, pleasantly surprised, "valid then."
you press a gentle kiss to his forehead, he looks up at you still kinda upset. "baby, if i were to ever tell you to fuck off it'd be because you ate the last of the bread."
he smiles, eyes crinkling into moons, "oh that's true."
"you wanna watch?"
he scoffs, "god no, i already cried at that a month ago. hell no."
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"get back here!" changbin screams, running across the field to catch you.
☆⌒ヽ changbin (LMAO THE PIC)
warnings/other: new relationship, play fighting
"no, no!" you yell back, a grin on your lips, you dart around the edge of the tree, seemingly hidden (well, you think at least.)
dating changbin had been a whirlwind, he was kind, funny, silly in the best ways and so cared for you like no one had. it had only been a month, but you were so damn in love with him, even though you were still getting to know him. everyday you were excited to find out more about him, it was never enough.
there's a silence in the air, your eyes dart around the edge of the tree. after a moment or two, a voice screams suddenly, "got you!"
"ah!" you scream, feeling hands aggressively wrap themselves around your waist. you had always been a scaredy-cat, any loud sound would startle you and send you into a frightened mess.
"all mine!" he said as he pulled you to the ground, arms still wrapped around your waist.
you feel trapped, his large arms wrapping around you. you can feel the anxiety in your chest, flight taking it's hold over freeze.
"changbin! that really scared me!" you cry out, but he's relentless.
"too bad, i win!" he chuckles loudly, pushing you to lay on your back, his muscles bulging as he pins you there. he slowly loses his smile when he meets your upset scowl, mouth turned down at the sides.
"baby, no-" he says searching your face, "i'm so sorry, was that too much?"
"yes," you say in a low tone, wrapping your arms around his neck. "i get startled easily,"
"i didn't know, i'm sorry." he apologises again, lifting you up to deepen the hug. you melt into his frame, enjoying being engulfed by your boyfriend, though pocket sized, he seemed much bigger than you in moments like this.
this is your chance to get him back, you smile into his neck before pressing a sharp bite down on his collarbone.
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usually, hyunjin was the patient one.
☆⌒ヽ hyunjin
warnings/other: living together, established relationship
he would always happy to wait for you when you were getting ready, always be okay with you needed to run back inside and pee because you would probably forget and always, he would always wait for you to tell him what you wanted or how you felt, never pushy once.
you were upset, getting fired from your job. it wasn't your fault, just the reality of the job market right now. 'no more funds.' they had said. you were floundering., wallowing in self pity (and rightfully so.)
when hyunjin arrives home, it's ten oclock at night. you're sitting on the couch, balled in a blanket. the lights are off, black smoke seeming to surround your nest of pillows, the only light on your face was from the tv.
"hey beautiful-" hyunjin says cheerily before being met with your tired eyes, black rings around the bottom. "what's wrong?
"nothing." you scoff, hiding more of yourself.
"babe-" he says softly, kicking his shoes off and dropping his bag. he comes to your side immediately, hands rubbing up and down your side. you say nothing, shifting away from his touch.
he sighs, "you wanna tell me what's wrong?" he seems tired.
"no." you say lowly, turning up the tv volume.
"are you... sure?"
you say nothing as you kick him with your foot, still wallowing and watching the tv.
"fine, be like that." he scowls, voice slightly raised as he shakes his head. he shuffles to the kitchen counter, gripping the soda left on the bench top. he takes a sip, looking back at you, clearly annoyed. "i'm not in the mood."
hyunjin was never one to raise his voice, never had he done that to you. he patience seemed to have be worn thin this time.
"no i didn't-" you sigh, trying to gather your words.
'i have bad days too you know, it's not just you."
you sit up, blanket falling down the back of you. he's right, he's always right. "that was not cool, i'm sorry."
you look over him with sad eyes. he's now leaning over the counter, hands digging into his scalp.
you get up from the couch, readjusting the blanket over yourself as you shuffle to his side. you bump your head into his shoulder, looking up at him with wide eyes. "i love you."
"i love you too," he sighs, leaning his head on yours.
you sit like that for a moment before he speaks. "i got fired."
"no way same."
you both look at each and laugh in disbelief, how on earth did this happen?
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jeongin was so cute, so damn cute. he reminded you of how cute he was every time he did, well, basically anything. but sometimes, he was really secretive. you didn't know why, until you had come to his house the first time. you hadn't been together long, but you were over joyed when he invited you over for dinner.
☆⌒ヽ jeongin
warnings/other: fresh relationship, not smutty but heavy descriptions and mentions of hentai lmao, pg i guess
"bone app the teeth!" he chimed, placing down the bolognaise he had made. it looked and smelled delicious, and you loved the cute frog bowls he had put them in. it made him that much cuter.
"eee! it looks so yummy." you squealed, "wait gotta pee."
"okay, down the hall to the left" he said plopping himself down, proud of his masterpiece. he sat up, making sure to clarify. "oh not the second door, the first one!"
you didn't hear the last part as hurriedly made your way down the hall. you looked at two doors, two seemingly the same. 'i think he said the second?'
you open the door in a hurry, being met with a large pillow of an anime woman, giant boobs out and her legs parting in display. you just stand there in shock, taking in the sight before you.
"helloooo." you said curiously, stepping into the bedroom. on the light stand there was a figurine. her boobs were seemingly wet, the short skirt she had lifted up behind her, thong busting out. a few more adornments, mostly lewd plastered the room.
"babe?" he called out as he walked down the hall. his eyes met with your curious ones, a smirk slapped across your face.
"babe!" he yelled, pulling you back by your arms. "i said first door! why didn't you listen!?"
"ow!" you said in surprise, feeling a lump of guilt building in your throat. he had never yelled at you before and it scared you. "i'm sorry i didn't hear you."
he sighed shaking his head, "i told you not to go in my room!"
"stop yelling at me..." you mumbled, wincing away from him.
quickly he pulled you out of his room, accidentally slamming the door behind him, it made you jump.
"jeongin-" you started but the lump in your throat grow. "i just got the wrong door, don't yell at me."
you stood in silence for a moment before he spoke up, rubbing the back of his neck, an unsure grin on his face, "i just didn't want you to see yet, i'm sorry i yelled."
you turn back to him, eyes tracing his face. he'd been caught. "theeee hentai?" you smirked, standing on your tippy toes.
jeogin's face burnt red, ears tingling with embarrassment. he scrambled to say something, but nothing came out. just splutters of words.
you laugh, "do you seriously think i'd be upset about that?"
"i don't know..." he says under his breath, looking everywhere but you.
"hm," you ponder, finger on your chin, "i don't know how i'd look in a thong, i might not have the ass for it."
jeongin looks like he's going to burst, his expression surprised and embarrassed by your words.
you sigh, taking his hand in yours, "it's fine but don't ever yell at me again, okay?"
"okay..." he says looking to the ground, feeling stupidly sorry for his actions.
"besides," you begin, smiling at him, "maybe you'd look better in a skirt and thong."
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"wake up!" is all you hear as you jolt upwards, your forehead sweaty and breath heavy coming from your chest.
☆⌒ヽ jisung
warnings/other: living together, established relationship, mentions of nightmares and knives (not bad i promise lol)
you had a nightmare, which didn't happen often. the dreams you usually had were just an information dump of your day mixed in with people you had thought about, but this felt real, the feeling of fright still tingling in your body.
you look over at jisung, his eyes sleepy but still looking at yours.
"hey, you okay?" he speaks, voice raspy.
"no!" you yelp, busting into tears, still feeling shaken by your nightmare. "you were following me, telling me you were going to kill me! why were you yelling?"
"what?" jisung says in a confused tone, hand coming to your shoulder to stable himself.
you shrug his hand off, "you were going to kill me, why would you do that?"
"what are you talking about?" he mumbles, sitting half upward.
"in my dream," you begin by taking a deep breath, "you were chasing me with a knife, it was so scary."
"i'm... sorry?" he says, still so confused, "i didn't mean to?"
"oh," you breath out, tears slowly stopping. "i still cant believe you'd do that. i'm... damn."
"i'm sorry i tried to kill you in your dream. it was wrong of me...?" he mumbles again, eyes trying to find sleep.
"yeah, yeah it was." you breathe out, "don't do that again."
"okay... i won't." he sleepily sighs, his body falling back to the pillow. "i can't believe... i did that, what a ...dog act from me. asshole."
"absolute dog act, you dick." you finish before you feel your body laying back, waiting for sleep to capture you.
"so wrong of me, i'm such an idiot." he mutters, his lips pressing against the pillow, already falling asleep.
you scoff, eyes slowly closing your tiredness overtaking you. "damn right."
aussie slang: dog act if you don't know lol
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"c'mon, just let me see." you yell through the crack of his changing room, attention turning from your phone. "i'm sure it's fine."
☆⌒ヽ lee know
warnings/other: close friends who like each other, uh lee know half naked??? spicy lee know, play fighting
"it's not." he says from the change room. you can hear his sighs through the curtain, frustration in them whenever he tries on another piece.
"do you need help?" you start, sliding yourself to the other side of the bench in front of the changing room.
"no!" he fumbles, dropping another item.
you sigh, hand slipping to grab onto the curtain, "i'm coming in!"
you're instantly met with his crotch, boxers tight across his hips, and you can see that. yes, the outline of that. your brows raise, certainly surprised with the view in front of you. his boxers had the kittens on them, cute little kittens of all colours and a pink background. you loved it, you can't deny.
"uh..." you start, not knowing what to do. you'd liked lee know for a while, so you can't say you're entirely horrified. you slowly raise your eyes to his, confusion and annoyance on his face.
you just sit there, his eyes burning into yours, just both staring at each other before he pushes on your face, leading you to fall back off of the bench. "don't do that!"
"ack!" you fall back yelping back hitting the ground with a thud, "i'm sorry i just wanted to help!"
he raises his voice slightly, anger present in his tone, "yeah, well i'm fucking naked!"
you feel bad, you've pushed a boundary and you didn't even realise you had been edging on it. "i'm sorry." you choke out, feeling bad for invading his privacy. you were close but not that close, yet.
you just lay there, ashamed of yourself for what you did, not thinking about his boundaries. after a minute he comes out, you're still laying on the ground in defeat.
he purses his lips in anger as he grabs the side of your ear, wrenching it towards him.
"ah shit!" you screech, laughter behind your words, "i'm sorry! aha i'm sorry! stop it!"
"you done?" he says through his teeth, still pulling on your ear.
"haha yes! it tickles and hurts!" you giggle, mouthing ouch a few times. he gives you a final tug before he finally let's go of your ear.
you get to your feet, rubbing the side of your ear. you both walk in silence before he halts you, eyes glaring into your own.
"if you wanna see me naked just say so, at least i can put better boxers on."
it was your turn to go red in the face, but you smirk instead, hiding your face, "i like those ones."
"really?" he questions, pondering your words, but seems impatient in his tone. "i'll wear em for you this weekend then, you staying over or not?"
you nod hurriedly, instantly agreeing to his plans.
"aw," he stops, clearly enjoying your agreeance and the new realm of flirting with you, "cat got your tongue?
you smack him on the arm, "stop!"
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"do these look good?" seungmin asks, raising the brown frames to his face. no, no they don't. they absoutely don't. you try to hold in a laugh, your hand coming to your mouth.
☆⌒ヽ seungmin lalsdjka that pic always gets me
warnings/other: established relationship, seungmin thinks he's funny
"umm... maybe?"
he sighs, raising them a bit. "how about now?"
"uh," you begin, trying to hold in your laugh, "sure?"
passive aggressively he throws them back on the rack, turning on his heel to walk to the next section. you follow behind him, you can sense he's getting frustrated trying to find the right sunglasses. his vision wasn't the best without his glasses, so he needed your help trying them on. no contacts in today.
"hmm," he ponders, picking up anther pair. they're so ugly, rectangle and frames way too dark. no one would suit them, that's probably why they're on sale.
"um... maybe?"
"you already said that!" he says, frustration in his voice. "if you're not going to help, just leave."
you feel kind of hurt at his tone, but continue to follow behind him. you can't help but feel the anxiety in your chest, he wanted your advice but never listened anyways so you thought it best to be quiet.
suddenly he turns to look at you, feeling the awkward tension he's created. he throws his hands in the air. "what?!"
"hey don't yell," you start, wincing a bit at his words, "i just don't think those suited you..."
he takes the sight of you in, realising he's upset you, "shit- i'm sorry baby, i'm just annoyed i can't find a good pair. this is so hard."
you grab his hands and bring them to your chest, your eyes looking up at him, "thank you for apologising, you don't gotta be so mean."
he bends down to press a kiss on your lips, it's gentle with apology laced in it. he takes in a sharp breath before leaning back, "okay, which ones?"
"circle, definitely."
he turns to face the other section, hand gently melding to yours. the pair he picks up are just as ugly as the others.
"no," you begin interrupting him. you let go of his hand and pick up a dark circle frame pair of simple sunglasses, "these one's."
"really?" he questions, brows raised.
"just try them."
he sighs, bringing the frames to sit on his ears. "yes or no?"
"oh definitely, these are the ones. you gotta trust me."
he pouts and rolls his eyes, "oookay."
a/n: i had so much fun writing this!!!! hope you enjoy!!!!
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telvess · 7 months
I was hanging out with a little girl who fucking coughed on me and now I'm sick...
Usually I'll drink a shot of vinegar, ginger honey, cinnamon and cayenne pepper... but i don't have access to than rn...
And in my sick/ half sleep haze I was thinking about how our diverse cast of hot men would take care of sick s/o using natural remedies
So Shiva, jataka, Buddha, (it might be the same because India idk, I guess Thai for Buddha)
Loki (Celtic/Greek idk)
Kojiro (Japanese)
I need some ror men..
Need medicine...
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I hope your sickness was short!
RoR: How do they take care of sick s/o (Shiva, Jataka, Buddha, Loki, Sasaki Kojirō)
Shiva has never been sick in his life, so he freaks out a bit when you get sick. Not the most helpful companion you can find. At first he asks what to do, but if you are too weak to speak, then… oh well.
Shiva doesn’t leave his realm, so he doesn't know any natural, human remedies that could help you. He keeps you warm and sits next to you the entire time. He remains vigilant. Even he pretends it’s nothing, his wives can tell he genuinely worries.
Once the worst is over and you start to look more alive, Shiva does his best to keep you in a good mood. Say a word and he will even dance for you.
What’s surprising, no matter how hard you try, you can’t infect Shiva. He basically cuddles you, feeds you, and helps you change clothes all the time, and yet all the germs seem to ignore him.
Jataka was sick himself, he knows it all too well. As soon as he notices the first symptoms, he is very caring. Even if it’s just a flu, he doesn't downplay it.
He prepares for you an ayurvedic drink. Depending on your symptoms, he will choose the right recipe. He makes sure you drink all of it, so don’t even try to argue. It’s a waste of time, this man is too stubborn.
Jataka provides everything you need, he even brings you a book to read or he reads to you himself. He is cautious and keeps his distance, but that doesn’t stop him from being very strict: he makes sure you drink enough water and that you’re warm.
Every time he checks if you have a fever, he caresses your cheek with his finger before moving away. It's the only physical thing he can do right now to show you his affection.
His first reaction is to tell you to lie down. It doesn't seem to bother him, because it’s just the flu. He had it when he was human, it’s not a big deal, especially if you have everything you need right under your nose. But secretly it eats him up inside, to the point where he can no longer eat sweets. So he shows up on your doorstep with his very casual attitude and starts asking questions. He checks if you’re hydrated, if you have a fever, if you need anything.
Buddha was born in present-day Nepal, so he follows ayurvedic… a little. He knows it’s not 100% effective, but he still finds some methods solid. He would make you brew containing honey, tusi leaves and lemon juice, and force you to drink it. It’s the best for the flu in his opinion.
He sits at the proper distance, eats his sweets and talks to you. He isn’t the worst companion you can get. Isn’t the best either… Do you know how good this candy is? Oh, right, you don’t, because you can’t taste *smirk* Don’t waste your pillow trying to hit him…
Let’s be honest, Loki probably isn’t the best person to take care of a sick person. At first, he acts annoyed when you announce your condition to him, but after awhile when he sees you struggling with the easiest tasks, he begins to worry. Seeing you in such weak shape makes Loki a little, a bit… soft.
From what I’ve researched, the Nords believed that sickness was an attack of malignant spirits (often ancestors) on the body. Loki obviously knows better what’s going on with you, but I wouldn’t be surprise if he mentions this fun fact to you. He was probably the one who sold people this nonsense in the first place. Let's just hope you're not hallucinating…
Loki prepares you tea with honey and entertains you with his new diabolical plans of how to mess with humans. He doesn’t even need you to be active in the conversation, but it's nice to see you smile or snort from time to time.
Loki doesn't follow any rules (i.e. keeps his distance, washes hands) and he will probably end up sick as well. Guess whose fault it is? And guess will have to take care of him? AND guess who won’t lie in bed and rest but spread germs everywhere? That’s right…
Kojirō Sasaki
He is the sweetest guy you could have by your side right now. A little clumsy, but he has got a spirit.
Considering how observant Kojirō is, he'll probably be the first to notice the symptoms. Even if you deny it, he will prepare for the possibilities ahead.
Sasaki would prepare for you hachimitsu-daikon - it’s Japanese form of cough and throat syrup, made from honey and Japanese radish. Kojirō would make it for you just like his mother did when he was a child.
Kojirō doesn’t mind missing a few days of training, you’re his priority. He is with you as long as you need and entertains you with stories from his life. He can read you something until you fall asleep.
He makes sure you’re hydrated, always brining you fresh water or preparing ginger tea called shoga-yu. He doesn’t try to make you anything else, because he is terrible at picking herbs and might accidentally poison you.
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wonwoosthetic · 10 months
series masterlist
kpop masterlist
word count – 11.6k (I love how I wanted this to be short)
a/n: I already explained what this is in a previous post, so I won't bug you with that here too, I just wanted to say thank you for your input on this and I really hope you enjoy it ˙ᵕ˙ thank you for all the love and continuous support, I love you all very very much!
some recent mimiwon moments i've been thinking about A LOT 🌷 Minnie
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Everything in [brackets] is text is added text and commentary in the “video”
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[a lot has happened]
[a lot of time has passed]
[and a lot has apparently happened in the mimiwon dorm bc we are being FED VERY WELL]
[you know me, #1 mimiwon supporter, fight me on that if you want to]
[some of these might be a stretch, but leave me alone and enjoy the show]
[sometimes you gotta be delulu when no one tells you what's the trululu]
[and the trululu for me is this video]
Weverse LIVE 230811
Mingyu was watching the newest Going Seventeen episode on his iPad, the voices of his members ringing through the speakers in the apartment as he chuckled at the screen in front of him. The sound of footsteps in the background made him look up, turn his head to the right side and chuckle at what he saw. Quickly, the camera was flipped to show the new episode of the BOOmily outing when the members had to sing a song they had heard the night before.
[suddenly so secretive🫣]
The comment section suddenly filled up:
"Is Mingyu not alone?"
"I thought all of the members lived alone, but I can hear whispers..."
"There are more people, right?"
"Do you still live together?"
"Pls show Minnie"
"Why did you flip the camera? :("
[I swear to God, I heard a kiss]
*sound gets replayed, just a little louder*
[alright look, might just be fabric rubbing against fabric or sth else, idk, but let me be delulu]
A few seconds later, after a few more giggles in the background, the camera showed Mingyu's face again. His head was still resting on the back of the couch.
"Guys, look who just came," he spoke out loud before moving his phone further away from him to show the girl who had taken a seat next to him on the couch, looking very comfortable with her head tilted to the side and her knees up.
[ugh i hate happy people]
"Hi everyone," Minnie spoke softly, waving to the camera. She turned towards Mingyu, "I was wondering why you were watching Going Seventeen."
"Carats said it's a funny episode, and look at me!" He pointed at the iPad. With one quick look, the girl started giggling and patted his upper arm, "Yeah, well... that's what you look like after waking up."
[IMAGINE getting to see that face every single day]
[girl, you're the luckiest bitch in this universe🫶🏼]
"Wow..." Mingyu shook his head.
They both looked down at the screen in his lap before the girl opened her mouth again, her head now leaning on his shoulder.
[they're making me so sick, but I love them so much😭]
"It was surprisingly cold that morning."
The rapper hummed in agreement. "But it was a lot of fun too." Getting a nod from her in return.
Minnie rubbed her eye and went to cover her mouth as a yawn escaped her, making Mingyu turn his head slightly to look at her. "Are you tired?"
"A little bit."
[it took so many years for them to soften up to each other and now we're getting scenes like this?!]
[i mean, don‘t get me wrong, I love them bickering around, but I never knew I needed them to be like this so badly]
"Should we read some comments to wake you up?" His question made her chuckle. "Should we slowly end the live?" He wondered. "I'll come back. You wanted to do a live soon, right?" He directed his last question at the girl.
[i need him to talk to me this softly]
[since when can mingyu speak so quietly and slowly]
[well, he can]
[but only for MINNIE apparently]
"Yeah, but I have to think about what I want to talk about. Jeonghan's always eating in his lives, and the conversations he has come really easily, but I don't know if I could do it like that. I want to do something else maybe."
"Look," Mingyu pointed at the display on his phone, "Carats are saying they'd even watch you eat in silence."
[i'd watch that girl look at a white wall for HOURS, you don't understand]
[or actually, I think mingyu would understand me]
[whipped mf]
Minnie couldn't help but to giggle. "But that's weird. Just eating and not talking... We'll see." And ended her statement with a shrug.
[no, it's not weird]
[PLS we love stuff like this]
Suddenly, both of the members' heads turned to the side in synch,  
[in synch even off stage]
[this is what happens when you live together, huh?]
stopping for a second before chuckling at the same time. 
[we all saw it, right?!]
*repeats clip*
[who made them smile like that?]
[don't worry, I already have the answer for you]
[i found this on twitter:]
*shows the clip again, this time with a raised volume*
[someone said 'balli' right?]
[pls tell me i'm not imagining it]
The girl raked her body up from the slouching position she was in as the rapper focused back on interacting with their fans, saying goodbye to them.
[she was so quick to get up]
[everything for jeon wonwoo, i understand]
[oh i so 1000% understand, girl]
"Bye, be well," he spoke in an unnaturally deep voice. Out of the blue, Wonwoo copied him, making the female member turn her head to the side once again, laughing at the older rapper as he continued to repeat Mingyu's exclaims.
[yeah, alright, we get it, mingyu's not the only one whipped]
"Bye," he waved into the camera as Minnie stood up to stretch her back, only for her to lower her head, peaking in from the top of the screen to wave as well.
"Bye, Carats. Have a good night, eat well and sleep well. Byyeeee"
[i just typed out mingyu's thoughts, you're welcome]
The rapper tapped around on his phone, trying to end the live when the distant female voice in the background spoke quietly, 
"Can‘t we just go to sleep?"
[didn’t Minnie say, she hates aegyo… well… not when it comes to those guys apparently]
[we will be debating this in the comments, see ya there]
[Going Seventeen] EP.78 Everything Possible In The White Zone #2
[this episode was made for mimiwon, convince me otherwise]
After they discussed Vernon's approach to the game, they decided to play another round, this time trying to find a different member.
First, Seungkwan proposed to let him be the person to find, but every member had a different idea of who it should be.
"We can't play 'Finding Joshua' because he doesn't read his messages," 
Woozi commented, making the room errupt in laughter.
[not mimiwon, but i laughed out so hard]
The group went back and forth until S.Coups made the final decision.
"Let's go with a member that's loud in the group chat, like Minnie."
"Me?" She suddenly sat up straight from her lying position close to Wonwoo's feet.
Dokyeom laughed as he nodded, "Yeah, you."
"Let's go with Minnie, she writes a lot," the leader finalized. 
[Opposite of Joshua]
Everyone seemed to agree, but Mingyu who sighed through his teeth and shook his head,
"Ah, I think Minnie's writing style is too unique, it'll be easy."
"Pff," the girl scoffed, "If you think so."
[i needed the bickering old married couple back, i'm so happy]
"Yeah, it might be easy for you, but not for the rest of us," Dino commented, pointing at the other members.
[DINO, tell us what you know👀]
[my guy, what are you keeping from us]
[share it with the group😬]
"No, Mingyu's right, I think we'll find her quickly," Wonwoo suddenly spoke up too.
[Oh there we go, the other husband]
[yeah go on and support your little couple]
"Jeez, alright," the female performer sighed with a chuckle.
"Let's see," Seungkwan's voice echoed through the room, having the last word before they created a new anonymous group chat.
"Who would enter as 'Taylor Swift'?" Hoshi wondered as they went through the names that were now in the chat.
[the queen she is]
[queens supporting queens]
[mothers supporting mothers]
The maknae of the group laughed out loud, "Oh, that would for sure be Minnie!"
[again, not mimiwon, but he knows her so well, it's so cute]
[i might have to make a video on dino and minnie]
[have you seen them?!]
[cutest siblings ever]
"I'm not THAT predictable!" The girl argued back.
Mingyu turned around to glance at her. "We'll see about that."
"We'll see about that," she mocked him. "I bet you're 'Minnie Mouse', very creative," joking about his possible username, making him roll his eyes.
[did she really just call the creator of the bittersweet logo, the editor of the going magazine AND the artist of woozi's lockscreen NOT CREATIVE?!]
"'Pledis #1 Facecard' is really good too," Minghao commented, followed by a giggle.
Minnie grinned. "That's a personal attack on Mingyu though, isn't it?" 
[pls give this man a break minnie]
[he's suffering, but it's so cute]
Her grin washed from her face the second a pillow hit her face.
[that smack was PERSONAL]
"Let's ask about her idol," Seungkwan suggested.
"Idol?" The second oldest wondered in confusion.
"But idol as in role model, everyone should know this," the youngest main vocalist added as the other members agreed.
Suddenly a round of laughter filled the room as they went through the messages. The chat showed pictures of mostly Taylor Swift, one of a 15-year-old S.Coups and one of a gif of Jun in his Limbo MV, when suddenly somebody sent in a picture of the Pledis CEO.
[that was FOUL]
"Who sent this?!" Minnie couldn't stop laughing, throwing herself onto the floor.
[i love that she's laughing at her trauma]
[same ngl]
As if that wasn't enough already, the next picture sent was an older one of Woozi in the green practice room.
"Oh, this is Minnie for sure!" Wonwoo exclaimed proudly.
[mh, tell 'em]
"Woozi-hyung? No, I think Han Seongsu-nim is a bigger idol to her," Vernon stated, making everyone laugh harder.
[why is he rubbing salt in the wound HAHAHAH]
"Alright, so you sent in that picture then," the girl pointed at him, making him shrug with a mischievous grin on his lips.
They started debating when Hoshi made a clear statement. "Minnie usually has really old and embarrassing pictures of us on her phone." But Mingyu had something different to add,
"But she's the only one that would send in a moving image." 
[did he graduate from uni with a degree in 'analysis of minnie's texting' bc me thinks so]
To which the other members agreed with hums and nods. The girl stayed quiet in the back.
[i knew he was right, right then and there]
"Wonwoo knows how to do that too," the female performer debated.
[love her brining him into this]
[she needs her emotional support hubby]
"Don't try to make us now think this isn't you!" Hoshi's loud voice echoed through the room. She raised her hands in defeat.
"Doesn't she have a unique writing style, though? Let's ask something where she can write something," the youngest threw into the room.
"Do you want us to write entire stories like her?" Wonwoo wondered, chuckling when he saw the glare Minnie sent his way.
[he's a menace but we love him]
[also: i would pay for a novel message written by minnie, so wonwoo should be thankful, he get's them for free]
"Suddenly, you're complaining about my long messages? At least I reply!" She argued back.
[well, there we go, throwing him under the bus]
"Alright, alright, let's ask something like that," Minghao agreed, "That might make it easier."
"Okay, what about dinner recommendations?" Jun asked the rest of them
"Yeah, that's good!" Jeonghan answered him, followed by the others.
A few seconds later the first messages started flying in.
"Whoever Choi Seungnie is-" Seungkwan couldn't even finish his sentences as he started laughing, rolling onto the floor. "You're really holding a big grudge."
[QUICK INTERRUPTION: CHOI SEUNGNIE?! hella cute and the fact that it was cheol made me cry🥹]
"It sounds a lot like younger Minnie," Mingyu commented. "'Forget dinner, just let me go out to meet my friends' Who the hell are you meeting up with?" He directed the last question at the girl who looked at him in shock.
[we get it, you're jealous]
[it's okay, i'd be too]
[but i think that's what happens if your girlfriend is the hottest woman on earth tbh]
"That's not me! I wouldn't text like that!"
He nodded, "I know, I know," smiling to himself as he knew exactly.
As her fingers furiously tapped on her screen, a mumble escaped her lips. "I know exactly who this idiot is."
After the last question had been asked, every member had to make their final guess on who the real Minnie was in the group chat, and so the discussion began.
"She's probably the one with only the heart as a username," the leader stated.
"True, she uses that a lot," Dokyeom agreed with him, followed by Vernon who nodded along as he gave his opinion.
[yes, they know her well, BUT there are two people that know her even better]
"But 'Pledis #1 Facecard' used the same emojis. Either she didn't even try to hide it or that person imitating her is really good." The other members nodded. Everyone but the '97 Liner rapper, who interferred,
"But 'tulip' tried a bit too hard to sound different. It was kinda unnatural."
[did he just insult her]
[careful mingyu]
"Yeah, but wouldn't Minnie be better at pretending like that?" Hoshi turned the conversation around again.
"Or," Seungkwan interrupted, "That's EXACTLY what she wants you to think."
"Woah..." Woozi chuckled, "Finding Minnie is more complicated than I thought."
"She's smart, so it's definitely hard," Jun added.
[i knew i was in love with a smart woman]
Joshua glanced at the members with a proud smile, "I'm confident that Minnie is the one with the 'Pledis #1 Facecard'. Very humble."
Minnie giggled in the background.
"Yeah, I think so too," Minghao pointed at him. The rest of the members stood behind the statement, only leaving Mingyu quiet as he shook his head - that being caught by the second oldest member.
"Alright," Jeonghan quieted them down, "Let's just ask them to reveal themselves and then, if it's not Minnie, we can check 'tulip'."
"She's for sure that," Seungkwan mumbled to himself, "It has to be."
"Alright, who was it?" Dokyeom asked with a big smile on his face, turning around to face the group.
Everyone went quiet for a second before a sly grin formed on Wonwoo's lips, "Me."
[i. knew. it]
[i'm so proud of him too, ngl]
Different exclaims, one louder than the other, bounced off the walls as they found out who the real culprit was behind the name.
"What?! I was SO sure it was Minnie," Hoshi gasped, "Wow... that was amazing."
"You impersonated her really well, hyung, woah..." Dino complimented him.
[nah fr though]
[like... the next student who graduated university along with mingyu in the same course]
Wonwoo chuckled, "Thank you, thank you." 
"Wait, but who was 'tulip' now?" Joshua suddenly wondered.
Minnie giggled, "Oh, that was me."
"I KNEW IT!" Mingyu jumped up, "I told you guys! Why didn't you believe me!"
[i mean... what am I supposed to say]
[y'all are seeing this too]
[I don't even need to comment this, just watch them]
"Ugh," Vernon ran a hand through his hair, "We really should've listened to Mingyu-hyung."
[Going Seventeen] EP.81 TOUR SEV SEV #1
The screens showed the table where 11 out of the 14 members sat, slowly zooming into the beloved trio on the left side. Mingyu, Minnie, and Wonwoo were sitting next to each other.
They had just finished their call with Dokyeom and were falling back into a regular conversation.
"But why are you reading webtoon right now?" Mingyu suddenly wondered, leaning over the girl to get a better look at the iPad in front of Wonwoo.
"Well-" Jeonghan was about to explain.
"Why are you reading webtoons?"
"He can, why not?" The second oldest defended him, followed by the female member, who smacked her fellow '97 Liner's arm.
[i can NEVER read these two]
[are they gonna be all cutey and touchy today?]
[or are they gonna be just like in the old times?]
"Exactly, why can't he. At least he's educating himself," she argued, placing her hand on top of the older man's shoulder. 
[little dom girlfriend, supporting her sub gamer boyfriend]
[we love seeing it]
The younger rapper shuffled back into his seat, his eyes locked on the girl while he crossed his arms in front of his chest, a slight pout forming on his lips.
"Woah... you're really always taking his side," he mumbled dramatically, shaking his head, and making the girl reach out to poke his cheek with her finger.
[pretty sure she had to hold herself back from doing so]
[i understand minnie]
[more wonnie than mimiwon, but look, sometimes there's more content and this was too cute not to be included]
While the entire group was discussing where to go and what type of transportation they could use to their advantage, some would've maybe missed what had happened in the background.
Wonwoo and Minnie had diverted into their own little world, focusing on something on his iPad as they pointed at it and chuckled together. 
[are they looking for another one to sit right in between them? i volunteer]
They were being half covered by Mingyu's bigger frame, but the camera still caught their interaction.
As the girl went to lean back and straighten out the sweater she was wearing, the '96 Liner's hand reached out to move a strand of hair out of her face, earning himself a grin from her.
Seungkwan jumped up from his seat, "Okay, by foot! Move on already!"
Causing the entire table to errupt in laughter, leaving a stunned Mingyu to sit on his seat.
[this was so choatic, i would've cried]
"Of course, we'd walk to nearby places," Jeonghan tried to calm down the quarrel, but everyone was too focused on the shouting of the '98 Liner.
As Mingyu was motioning to the younger member to sit down, "Don't get mad," speaking more calmly, Minnie leaned on his shoulder, trying to contain her laughter, in clear awe of the member next to her.
[my head would never leave his shoulder, respect to her]
"Seungkwan, sit down," she chuckled, still close to the rapper, patting his upper arm. "And you just move on with what you were saying."
The rapper finally finished his statement, thinking it was over and they could move on to the next subject matter, but the leader inferred.
"That's what I've been saying!"
"What?!" Mingyu mocked him, leaning forward just a slight bit, "You didn't say by foot," pointing at the oldest member, to which Minnie took his hand in hers to push it back.
"Stop that," she commented.
[this was so hot for no reason and for every reason at the same time]
Seungcheol continued his argument, "I said by foot. By foot, public transportation, and by car!"
"Okay, Cheol-" the female member started, but the leader stopped her,
"Don't protect him like that, Minnie!"
She glanced at him wide-eyed, "I'm not protecting him! He made us laugh with his 'by foot' comment, so it's all good. Yes, you said it before, but let's just move on. Let him get his screentime."
Mingyu pouted at her comment, "I didn't do it for screentime." Which she brushed off with a motion of her hands, whispering something that wasn't heard clearly, but made him and Wonwoo on the other side of her chuckle in synch.
[no words]
[they're too cute]
[that's all i can say at this point]
[again: wonnie content, but LOOK]
The group erupted into another loud discussion, leaving the more quiet members to their own as they sat back. Minghao decided to stay out of it, focusing on his laptop, while Minnie let her head fall back. Wonwoo turned to look at her, asking her something that the editors didn't put louder in the episode. His question made her sit back up straight, her face scrunching up in a way that could portray pain. The '96 Liner placed his hand on top of her head, patting it softly, letting it travel from her hair down to her back as she leaned forward again, her elbows resting on the table.
[do they know cameras are on them or do they really not care?]
[because WE NEED MORE]
[i've never seen wonwoo this affectionate]
[what is this girl feeding him]
[also wanted to include this just bc i thought it was cute]
"Leisure!" Mingyu added to the list as they went through the categories each group could focus on, to which the female performer scrunched her eyebrows.
"Leisure?" Gaining the attention of the '97 Liner next to her, who nodded. "What is leisure?" Looking up with her big brown eyes.
Before he could answer her, Wonwoo raised his voice over the rest of the group slightly, to reach the younger member on the other side. "Vernonie!" His head snapped towards their direction. "What is leisure in English?"
[the way he immediately knew to ask vernon to translate bc it would be easier for her]
[i know the bar is low, but this was cute, alright?!]
"Huh?" He wondered, leaning forward to hear the other rapper better.
"What is leisure? In English," the girl repeated.
"Oh," Vernon nodded, "Free time. Leisure"
"Aaaah," Minnie smiled at him. "Thank youuu. Leisure is really just leisure, okay." 
[Going Seventeen] EP.88 BOOmily Outing #4
After the alarm blasted across the place, everyone had gotten up, and one after the other was leaving the house to gather outside. Minnie came out through the door, a jacket swallowing her small frame as she had only taken a long pair of pants and a short-sleeved shirt to sleep in with her. 
[we all have seen this jacket before]
*inserts clip from episode one of Boomily Outing, showing Wonwoo wearing that exact jacket during the intro*
*back to cute and tired minnie*
[i guess this is just minnie priviledge]
Her eyes adjusted to the bright light while trying to find a comfortable place to settle down and wait for her turn in the game they had to play. She saw Mingyu sitting on the elevated floor in the middle of the garden and made her way over. 
[we saw her literally looking for him]
The rapper found her approaching and made some space next to him for the girl to sit down, which she gladly accepted. As soon as her bottom hit the wood, her head fell to his shoulders and her eyes closed. Mingyu would shake her awake once it was her turn.
['no place like kim mingyu's shoulder' I LOVE THE GOSE EDITORS BC YES, SAME]
[Going Seventeen] EP.89 Guess Who Left Secretly #1
[this was so chaotic and fun]
After hearing multiple doors closing, Minnie calculated it to be the perfect time to escape from her room. In preparation, she took off her shoes and placed them right next to the door before opening it, ready to rush out. However, her calculations were wrong when she suddenly came to an immediate halt when her eyes locked with Wonwoo's, who gazed at her with a grin. Her lips pressed together in a tight line and she was ready to turn around when the '96 Liner motioned for her to walk past him, making her scrunch her eyebrows in confusion, only for him to move his hand around even faster, telling her to be quick.
[he's so adorable, how can she just live with him like that]
With a quiet chuckle, she rushed past him, making sure that her steps were as light as possible, but the sudden sound of a familiar voice made her stop in her tracks.
"Call Minnie, please!" Mingyu called out.
[and there comes the devil]
The girl turned around and looked around the almost empty space, where only Wonwoo stood by the table.
"What are you talking about?" She asked, walking back slowly, trying to find an open door with Mingyu's figure - she was even more confused when she couldn't see him.
"I saw you, go back," he argued. The pout on her face made her partner chuckle. She kept her eyes open, looking closely around and focusing on every door individually, when Wonwoo gave her a soft hum, making her turn around to look at him. He pointed up slightly, letting her eyes travel around to where the makeshift build-up walls ended.
"You little-" she stopped herself from cursing, glaring at the camera Mingyu had put up right above his door.
[he was so funnily annoying with this, so i totally understand her]
[but we love it]
Sulkingly, the girl decided to stand in the doorway to her room, her arms crossed as she looked straight ahead, waiting for one specific door to open.
Right as it did, revealing the 6ft2 physique of her member, she shouted out loud, "Call Mingyu, please!"
The man sighed, "Yeah yeah, alright, I get it." Closing the door again with a smile.
A few of the members gathered around in the middle, whispering to each other.
"Kill one person, just one."
"Mingyu," Minnie immediately suggested, getting a round of chuckles from the others as they nodded in agreement.
"He's so annoying," Joshua whined.
[besties gotta stick together]
The girl didn't need to be told twice, she knew exactly what to do as she rushed over to the door of said member and locked it right away. Once she turned back around, Vernon was already waiting for her with his hand raised, high-fiving her,
"Good job," he giggled.
[he deserved it though]
"Mingyu," Wonwoo called out after he exited his room to join the others by the table in the middle, "The name of the program isn't 'Please call them'."
The girl chuckled.
[getting called out by the other husband, as he should]
"Stop laughing, Minnie and just unlock my door," was the only thing coming back from the '97 Liner rapper, but she shook her head, even though she knew he couldn't see her.
[she was so over it HAHAHA]
The female member got closer to the '96 Liner as he stopped by the table. She leaned into his side, speaking softly, "We'll leave by order of age. Okay?"
[my eyes are on you two]
"Us all?" He wondered, pointing at the others who were standing opposite of them, to which she nodded. "Okay," he answered, patting her back as she passed him, brushing her hands over his shoulders.
[it's the little things you know]
[and i don't even know how little this was bc twt went WILD]
[as they should yk]
After the second round ended, each member who was still somewhere within the building, came to the open space in the middle. They started discussing which members left when Dino noticed something,
"Minnie? Where's she?"
"Did she leave?" Vernon wondered while looking around.
Wonwoo grinned to himself, knowing that she left a few minutes ago as he had seen her but didn't say anything.
[i know what you did]
[and i love you for it]
[hubby material fr]
Mingyu suddenly shouted, "Please call Minnie!" Only a second later, the sound of a call going through bounced off the walls, making every member laugh out loud.
[and there he goes]
Before anyone could say something to her, the high-pitched voice of the female member rang through,
"You cannot be serious?! I had ten seconds left, you idiots!" Making the guys laugh even harder.
[she's so done]
"Aw, Minnie-ya come back, I miss you," the youngest of them all said to her, making her giggle.
"Well then, I'll only come back because of you, Dino."
"We miss you too!" Mingyu added, but that's when the girl ended the call, letting laughter fill the room.
As soon as she got back, her eyes quickly landed on the tallest member, "You called me, didn't you?" And only got a sneaky smile in return.
[i bet my right little finger nail that they discussed this at home]
[Going Seventeen] EP.90 Guess Who Left Secretly #2
[if you haven't watched this episode: warning, loud; if you have: have fun watching this mess agian]
Minnie saw her chance and took it. She rushed out of her room, ready to race over to the door, when another one opened revealing Mingyu, who was quick to jump into the middle of the room, blocking off the possibility of her leaving.
"Go back!" He pointed back at her door.
The female performer groaned out loud, "Who unlocked your door again?!"
[vernon babes, hate to break it to you]
"Go," Mingyu just laughed at her antics, continuing to point at her door.
The two fell into a sudden silence as Minnie tried to get closer, lowering her voice.
"Let's form an alliance," she spoke softly, extending her hands, "You let me go now, and I won't tell you."
[she... her voice... i need her to whisper into my ear like that]
"That's not how the game works," the rapper shook his head with a chuckle, taking small steps back to keep the distance between the two.
"Says who?!" The girl whined, making him laugh even more.
"You have to go back, Minnie," He tried to explain to her as she crossed her arms in front of her chest, shifting her weight onto one leg, popping out her hip.
"Alright, then you have to back too because technically I caught you as well."
Mingyu nodded, "And I will, after you went back." Earning himself a glare from the main dancer.
[they're so hot when they're both like this]
[rilled up af]
The two were interrupted by the sudden opening of a door to their right, where Wonwoo's head peaked out, both members now focused on him. The distraction gave Minnie the opportunity to brush past her fellow '97 Liner, quick on her feet as she tried to sprint towards the door. Mingyu reacted quickly, able to grab the female member by her arm just as she passed him, making her groan.
"NO! Let go!" She fell to the floor dramatically, but Mingyu didn't even budge. 
[his grip must be so tight, oh lord, my thoughts are travelling]
[imagine his grip around your-]
Minnie's feet, still without shoes on them, stuck to the floor with all her strength as she tried to pull back from the guy's tight grip on her wrist. He let her go with a chuckle, making her sigh in relief, only for him to snatch her by her ankle. 
[the way he's enjoying this...]
[that hot mf...]
[i need him to do this to me]
A loud groan tumbled from her lips.
"You're using your strength against me, and that's unfair!"
[bet you that ain‘t the first time he's done that]
By now the two of them had gained an audience, each one of their members staring and laughing at the two. Dokyeom was already on the floor too, his loud laughter filling the room while Hoshi was wiping away the tears that had left his eyes.
[love how they're all enjoying mingyu just manhandling her like this]
"Ya!" Wonwoo chuckled as he got closer to the two, "Let go of her and both of you, go to your rooms, come on." 
[sorry, i slipped]
[the athority is doing things to me, i can't help it😶]
He tapped Mingyu's shoulder, making him loosen his grip before he took a step forward, reaching out with his right hand for Minnie to grab, but she only kicked up with her leg, pushing his hand away with a smile. 
[look at her]
[she literally enjoyed this giant manhandling her]
The '96 Liner came up behind the other rapper and swapped places, helping the female performer up and brushing over her back, making sure her clothes didn't get dirty.
[and there comes the hubby material again]
"Wow, that was so dramatic," Dokyeom commented, making the others chuckle and nod in agreement.
[this fr must've been quite the scene to watch in real life]
[Going Seventeen] EP.91 Point of Omniscient Interfere Penalty #1
"Whoever does 30 squats outside gets 20 grapes!" Mingyu shouted into the room, sitting by the counter, eating his bowl of freshly cooked ramen.
Minnie didn't need to be told twice and rushed over, pushing past S.Coups who also wanted to give the challenge a chance, to the door, leading to the garden. "I'll do it!" She told them before disappearing, making sure to stay by the window.
[giving into a man that easily... minnie... i thought we were better than that]
[but then again... we are talking about mingyu here, so... i get it]
After crouching down 30 times, the girl got back inside, clearly out of breath as she found her fellow '97 Liner still sitting where she had last seen him. She approached him slowly.
"I did it," she got out, her hands on her hips as her breaths were falling heavily from her lips.
Mingyu's eyes met hers, noodles still hanging out of his mouth. "Oh, really? I didn't see it."
"W-," the girl gazed at him in shock, "You can't do that! You said whoever does it gets twenty grapes and I did it."
"But I didn't see you. How am I supposed to know you're telling the truth?" 
Minnie didn't answer him but just continued to stare at him.
With a grin, he patted the seat next to him, "Come on, sit down, I'll feed you ramen as an excuse." When she didn't even budge, he reached out to hold onto her wrist gently, pulling her in.
[why is her wrist so tiny in his hands]
[and why is that doing something to me]
[size kink go brrrr]
But she was anything but impressed by his pitty apology. "Mister Mediator!" Making Mingyu groan and throw his head back.
[mimiwon forever]
Wonwoo walked over to the couple, hands in his pocket and a smile plastered on his face. "Yeah?"
Minnie pointed at the culprit. "Mingyu's lying, and he's mean."
[gotta love a 25 year old woman calling out a 25 year old man for not giving her stickers]
"Mm," the '96 Liner hummed, "How many grapes did he promise you?"
He nodded, "Okay, I believe you. Mingyu, give her the twenty grapes." 
[oh wonwoo, can you be any more of a simp?!]
Wonwoo simply told him before passing them again and walking over to the other side of the room.
The younger rapper followed his best friend with wide eyes. "W- He's just gonna leave like that?"
"Well," Minnie grinned, "You heard him," showing him her palm.
Mingyu scoffed, "He's biased for real."
[like... he doesn't even want to]
[they're both wrapped around her finger]
[even though he's trying not to show it too much, he can't hide it]
[not from us]
The Mimiwon trio was relaxing on the wooden platform by the karaoke machine, watching the performance unit leader with smiles on their faces as he tried to sing a song he had never heard of before.
"Hoshi, I'll give you ten if you finish this well!" the tallest of them all shouted out, getting a thumbs up in return.
All of a sudden, Minnie leaned forward, placing her chin on Mingyu's shoulder, whispering, but still speaking loud enough for the microphone to catch her. "Do you want to give me five grapes?"
[she's adorable, so yes, i would give her five grapes]
"For what?" Her turned his head, making her pull back slightly as they locked eyes.
She shrugged with a smile, "Just because." But he didn't answer her, instead directing his attention back to the singing tiger.
With a pout, the girl sulked back into her place. Wonwoo chuckled at the scene in front of him.
"What's going on with you two?" He wondered.
[pls get your partners in check]
Minnie turned around to face her boyfriend. "Should Mingyu give me five grapes?"
"What for?"
The female member placed both of her palms right underneath her chin, cupping her cheeks and tilting her face to the side with a soft smile playing on her lips.
[this could only work on them, and literally only them]
[the other members would've laughed in her face, SO HARD, you cannot even try to tell me i'm wrong]
[i know damn well i'm right]
Wonwoo nodded, "I see. Hm... I guess he should."
[... he's so weak for her]
[i need a man to be this down bad for me too]
[scratch that, i need wonwoo to be this down bad for me too]
She jolted up in excitement, smacking the other rapper's shoulder to make him turn around. "Ah, what?"
"He said you have to give me five grapes," Minnie nodded behind her, where a smiling '96 Liner was already gazing at the two in front of him.
"Woah, hyung," the younger rapper sighed, "You can't keep doing that."
[he's about to leave this relationship, i'm telling you guys]
"He's the mediator, he can do whatever he wants." 
[OH, wifey protecting her husband]
To which Mingyu rolled his eyes, already diving into the small bag that held the stickers she was asking for, keeping a glare on the girl, who provocatively kept on smiling at him.
Hoshi, Joshua, and Minnie stood up from their positions on the couch after Mingyu proposed the idea of drawing a portrait of Wonwoo, even though all three of them had already finished filling up their shirts with purple stickers. Their giggles followed them as they went to get a piece of paper each and pens. 
After they sat down on the floor, Jun decided to join them. "What are we doing?"
"Drawing a portrait of Wonwoo's face," Hoshi explained to him.
[and who's idea was that? sir simp kim mingyu]
"Wonwoo's face," he chuckled in amusement but still got ready to start his own drawing as well as he was still in desperate need of more stickers.
"I'll draw you too," Mingyu sat down as well, "I'm really good at drawing Wonwoo, we're roommates after all."
[i love how a lot of carats were starting to doubt they still lived together, so he really just had to remind everyone]
[no one's taking him away from you, don't worry mingyu]
[minnie's sharing him with you at least]
"And Minnie?" Vernon chuckled as he looked to the side, seeing the girl gaze up at the '97 Liner with scrunched eyebrows.
"Yeah, exactly," she scoffed, "What about me? You don't think I can draw him well?"
[oh minnie, you can draw him so much better, i believe in you]
"I've been roommates with him for longer," he argued back.
[why did he have to hurt her like that]
Minnie pointed a strict finger at him, "Next time I'm moving apartments, I'm taking Wonwoo with me."
[she threatened him GOOD]
[damn, that really must've hit close to home]
[wouldn't wanna be in the car on the way back to the apartment]
"Why are you three joining anyways?" The '96 Liner decided to change the subject.
[Mister Meditator is good at mediating]
Joshua turned towards him to answer his question. "Screen time, screen time."
"Plus I want to show Mingyu, I can draw you better than him," the girl added without looking up, getting a chuckle out of the Korean-American as he patted her hair gently.
Minnie stood between Hoshi and Mingyu, being third to reveal her portrait as she clutched the piece of paper close to her chest. Her turn had come.
"Okay," she started, "My backstory is... because I keep up with Wonwoo's Gameboy lives, I decided to not only draw a portrait of him BUT to actually draw a portrait of his Animal Crossing character."
"Ooh, because you're so attentive," Jeonghan pointed, making her smile.
[she's so supportive of her gamer boyfriend, i love it]
Mingyu's scoff made her eye him with a glare. "That's an excuse to be able to draw something animated. That's too easy."
"What do you know? Why are you coming at me like that!" The female member argued, kicking him softly with her foot.
[this was them almost the entire two episodes btw]
[it started off cute and ended like this, idk what happened]
"Yeah, leave her alone! Just because you don't keep up with Wonwoo's lives doesn't mean you have to be mean to her," S.Coups pointed at the younger rapper, getting a pout in defeat from him.
[big brother cheol coming to the rescue]
Younji's Drinking Show
[i SO HIGHLY recommend you watch the whole video]
[i laughed so hard]
[this girl really doesn't know when to shut her mouth]
[i was surprised they kept this all in]
[but god, i just know everything they cut out must be GOLD]
[I'm gonna need a part two btw, just in case youngji and/or her team is watching. hi.]
With scrunched eyebrows, the idol leaned forward slightly, as if that would get her to see outside of the apartment.
"Was that a bark?" Minnie wondered.
[nah, probably just carats tbh, we do that nowadays]
Unsurprised, Youngji nodded, turning back around from her place by the kitchen counter, where she had prepared more drinks for the two of them. "Yeah, one of the neighbours has a dog."
"You're allowed to have pets here?"
The younger girl shook her head with a chuckle, "No."
"Oh," Minnie joined her, covering her mouth and thanking her for the new beverages as they both sat back together at the table. "Ugh," her sigh was filled with sadness, "I should also keep a pet secretly."
"What?" Youngji laughed out loud, "Why secretly?"
"I'm not allowed," the performer pouted.
"Why? Says who?"
"My roommates," Minnie answered, 
[she's so salty about this subject, i can't with her😂😭]
and took a sip from one of the cocktails she had mixed for both of them earlier, because yes, she wasn't yet drunk enough, her drunk self told her that.
"Aaaah," the young rapper nodded, "Wonwoo and Mingyu, right?"
"That's right," she nodded.
Youngji put a piece of meat in her mouth before continuing, "You three have lived together for a long time, haven't you?"
[suspiciously long, yes youngji, pls keep digging for the sake of mimiwon supporters, thank you]
The '97 Liner nodded as she was still drinking.
"For how long?"
"Ehm..." Minnie put the glass down, her pointer running around the brim in circles. She tilted her head to the side, "...when... when did Bittersweet come out?" Turning to her right, she hoped the producers could help, to which the younger girl chuckled,
[i know she was tipsy here already, but the fact that she didn't know😪🥲]
"Shouldn't you know that? Why are you looking at them?"
"I don't know," Minnie laughed out loud, "I forget... ehm... 20...21? Yeah," she nodded, "Yeah, 2021... May, I think. We moved in together around the time that we released that. Right before- before we went to In The Soop."
[this explains so many moments from in the soop tbh]
"Aaaah, ok ok, I see. And they still don't let you have a pet after over two years?"
[and she's been begging for one for YEARS]
The idol shook her head.
"Why not? What pet do you want? A kangaroo?"
Her unexpected joke made the girl laugh hard as she hunched over the table. "Nooo, I want a cat. I've been wanting a cat for AGES."
"You have Wonwoo. He's a handsome cat too."
[youngji knows what's up]
Minnie's nose scrunched at the comment. "I know, I know, but a real cat would be really cute."
[she knows how handsome her cute little boyfriend is, love it]
"Why don't they let you."
"Well... Wonwoo... Wonwoo would want one too, but... Mingyu doesn't. I mean, he's allergic-"
"That's a pretty good reason not to get a cat, Minnie, I must say," Youngji interrupted her, filling the room with her own laughter, accompanied by the staff in the background.
[no, don't side with her]
Minnie was quick to reach out with her hands, "No no no! He can take medication for that," she brushed it off, "But yeah... they say we don't have time for one, and I know they're right, but the other members have dogs, and they're happy and I would take very good care of a cat."
The younger one nodded. "Call them."
[i literally gasped when she said that]
"What?" The '97 Liner was taken aback.
"Call them." She repeated.
"Wonwoo and Mingyu? Now? Should I?" All producers bounced their heads with excitement, 
"We need good content," making the two at the table giggle. "And the producers are really big fans."
[i mean, who isn't, let's be honest]
"Yeah, I can tell," Minnie laughed.
The phone rang for just a second before Mingyu picked up. Before he could say anything, the girl beat him to it.
"You're on speaker, just so you know!"
[girl ain't about to catch a scandal]
A deep chuckle could be heard from him. "Are you still at Youngji's place?"
"Yep," she answered, moving her phone over to the other girl, so she could talk to the speaker.
"Hello, Kim Mingyu," she greeted him.
"Ah, hello Youngji. How are you?"
"I'm very good, how are you?" But he didn't even get the option to answer as Minnie snatched her phone back up to her.
"There's something important I have to discuss with you." Giggles came from behind the camera. The staff was very much enjoying the interaction.
"Okay. And you want to discuss that over the phone... on speaker? While drunk?"
[his concerned voice is actually so cute]
She rolled her eyes, "I'm not that drunk."
"Sure," Mingyu simply answered, clearly not believing her even a little bit.
"So," she started, "About the cat-"
"Minnie, no," he immediately stopped her, making her look straight into the camera, anything but amusement written all across her face.
[she knew he was gonna say that]
[i knew he was gonna say that]
[you knew he was gonna say that]
[but damn, he really just hurt her like that]
"We've talked about this so many times."
"But you're not listening to me..."
"I've listened to you," he spoke softly to her, "I've even watched your PowerPoint presentation,"
[she did a freaking presentation]
['why we should get a cat by kim minnie‘]
[i need to see this presentation]
"but Jag-...," he cleared his throat, "Minnie-ya... we can't. You know, we don't have time for one."
[let me replay that for you]
*replays the clip*
[what are we gonna do about that]
[we knew exactly what he said, or what he wanted to say or whatever]
[... but yeah sure, i bet they're just calling each other that casually around the dorm, mh]
"Is it because of your allergy?" She wondered, placing the phone down to put both of her hands underneath her thighs.
Mingyu chuckled slightly. "I mean, yeah, that too. But I also don't have Aji or Bobpul with me-"
"Bring them! You can bring them to the apartment, and I'll get a cat-"
"Minnie, stop," he was now full-on laughing on the other side of the phone, Youngji doing the exact same on her side of the table.
[this conversation was everything to me, knowing they've had it multiple times before, but now over the phone, with a drunk minnie, WHILE BEING FILMED]
The female performer groaned, "I'm gonna call Wonwoo."
[if one boyfriend says so, you can still ask the other one, what a priviledged life istg]
[only minnie can do this]
"Wonwoo's right next to me, he's listening," the rapper told her.
"Wonwoo!" She called out, catching Youngji off-guard as she jolted up at the sudden volume of her voice.
"Minnie!" He copied her tone with an evident smile. "Do you want us to come pick you up?"
[kill me pls]
[also: yes, come pick me up. yes, please. yes. on your motorcycle, thank you.]
"What? Hell no, I'm not done here."
[she was enjoying this so much]
The female rapper gave her two thumbs up with a proud grin.
"But," Seventeen's female member continued, "You can try to get Mingyu to agree on the cat."
"You know, I can't do that. We've tried. But we can go to the cat shelter tomorrow again if you want." His proposal made the girl's eyes glow up.
[and that's how you make a woman happy]
[other men, please take notes]
[just copy everything wonwoo does]
[just be jeon wonwoo, then you're perfect]
"Yeah, sure."
"Alright, then I'll let it slide for now, I guess. I'm still sad about it though."
"I know," Wonwoo chuckled, "Maybe one day. Enjoy the rest of the time with Youngji, okay?"
"Yep," she smiled, looking down into the phone.
"And don't say anything stupid when you're already this drunk now!" Mingyu suddenly shouted through the phone, sounding more distant than before.
[oh, our boy was SCARRED]
"Yeah, just be careful, okay? Call if you need anything," the '96 Liner stated, to which Youngji looked into the camera in shock.
[same youngji, same]
[we all need a man like that]
"Alright," Minnie spoke sweetly, "I'll see you later."
Wonwoo hummed into the phone.
"I love you," she took the device into her hands again. Only another hum followed, making her frown. "Ya, say it back!"
"Yeah, I love you too. Now go back to filming," the older rapper chuckled, ending the call.
[he's suddenly so shy, what the hell wonwoo]
The female dancer handed the phone back to one of the producers behind the camera to keep it safe for the time being.
Youngji was still quiet in her seat, just looking around the room wide-eyed.
"What's going on?" Minnie couldn't help but chuckle at her facial expression.
The younger girl sniffled, "They're so cute!" The dancer threw her head back and clapped, accompanied by her laughter echoing through the room. "Oh my God... I expected them to be kind, but THEY'RE SO SWEET!"
[and she just gets to live with them AND has both of them wrapped around her finger, can you believe it?!]
Minnie nodded, "They are."
"Do you always say 'I love you' so casually?" Youngji wondered, making the '97 Liner stop for a second before she answered.
[oh, there we go]
"Yeah... I always make them say it," she gulped, "But I make all of the members say it. It's important to hear it from the people close to you, you know?"
[sure minnie... sure... yeah i totally make my friends say i love you back to me]
"Aaaah," the other girl nodded, "That's true."
"You really have an entire bedroom here, wow," Minnie peeked inside one of the doors after exiting from the bathroom. Youngji had started to put some of their old glasses onto the kitchen counter to make more room for food on the dining table. The girls were a lot more drinks in now, making it hard for either of them to walk straight as they just continued to chuckle for no apparent reason.
"I couldn't sleep here on my own," the female performer mumbled as she slowly made her way back to her seat, leaving a confused '02 Liner standing
"You couldn't? Can't you sleep alone?" She wondered, joining the idol at the table.
Minnie shook her head. "But that's because... I mean- you have to imagine... I've shared a room with someone since 2010. Ever since I became a trainee. To suddenly sleep alone is gonna be really hard," her words were lulled but still clear to understand.
"But..." Youngji rubbed her eyes gently, her eyebrows still tightly scrunched together, "So... you share a room now in the apartment too? With Wonwoo and Mingyu."
The Seventeen member opened her mouth, but closed it quickly again, looking straight ahead, before locking eyes with the other girl. "Oh... no!" She chuckled, "No, no... I meant like... alone... in an apartment... yeah." 
[yeah... mh]
[my god minnie, we love you a lot, but that hole you're digging is getting deeper and deeper]
[and we love it too much to get you out of it😭]
Quickly reaching out to get a hold of the glass in front of her.
[try playing it off as hard as you want, we got you in 4k]
"Mm... I see..." Youngji dragged out her answer as she kept her eyes strict on Minnie, who, in return, felt the gaze, making her glance over, only for both of them to errupt in laughter together.
[oh she so knows]
[do you understand me now why we need a part two of this video?!]
A voice from behind the camera, made the girls look up.
"Oh, your mum is calling," the younger rapper explained, pointing at the producer who was holding up her phone.
Minnie squeezed her eyes shut, "Aaah... I'm way too drunk to talk to her normally.... hold on." She got up from her seat and walked over to grab the device, answering it while still out of the shot.
The crew had turned off her microphone, leaving Youngji's on, so she could talk to the audience in a whisper.
"Minnie is talking to her mother on the phone, she'll be right back."
[gotta love the queen]
A cut later, the female member was back, sitting in her designated seat.
"Everything okay?" The younger one asked.
The '97 Liner nodded, "Yeah, yeah, she just wanted to talk, but I asked her if I could call her in a few hours or tomorrow, so... all good."
Youngji nodded as she filled up another round of shot glasses with the Soju the other woman had brought along to the shoot.
"What does your mum think about the members?" She suddenly wondered.
"Oh," Minnie covered half of her face as she had just put a rice cake in her mouth, "She LOVES Mingyu." 
['what does your mum thing about THE MEMBERS?']
['oh, she loves mingyu']
[love how she just bursted that one out]
And continued after chewing and swallowing. "I mean she loves Wonwoo too- all of the members, but... yeah... really likes them." 
[oh girly]
Youngji nodded along to her story. "Last year... I got to go home for my birthday, for... like a week or so and... I took..." She thought about how she should best tell the story but just continued as Carats already knew most of what she was going to say. "I brought Wonwoo along with me."
[just so we're all on the same page: we thought she went with him, right? But it was never confirmed.]
[WELL, not up until now]
[!wonwoo and minnie couple holiday!]
"Oh, why Wonwoo?" The rapper wondered, handing over the shot glass.
[that's the right question to ask]
The girls clinked their glasses and threw back the alcohol before taking a deep breath to let it settle in their bodies.
"Ehm... I just- He had never been, and... he had time, so... you know," she shrugged while Youngji kept on grinning at the female member.
 "And after we left, my mum immediately texted me 'And when's Mingyu coming?' and I was like..." she paused for a second. "Mum... you just saw Wonwoo again after... YEARS, so... let me bring them one at a time." 
['one at a time‘ but watch her only taking mingyu the next time and then not brining any of the other members]
Ending her story with a chuckle.
"Where did you stay while you were there?"
"When we were in England, we stayed in a hotel, but then we also visited my grandparents for a bit and just stayed at their house because they live in the countryside, so it was easier to just stay with them."
[for this i really have no words, it's just hella cute]
[introducing the boyfriend to the grandparents]
Weverse Live 230824
"Okay," Minnie sighed as she slumped back into the seat she had occupied earlier on the couch, her phone back in her hands so her face was seen again on the live. "I took Mingyu's iPad so we can listen to some music in the background," she explained, tapping around the screen of the device. "I'm really sorry, Carats, I almost forgot how to do these lives, I haven't done one in so long." She decided to set the phone on the coffee table in front of her, so she could have both hands free to type. "Wait," she mumbled before a lot of rustling could be heard as she shuffled forward, pushing the coffee table slightly back so she could sit down on the floor, resting her back against the couch. "There we go," she sighed happily, "That looks much better. I should've done that from the beginning."
A few seconds passed in silence.
"So," she started again, "I'm accepting song requests," and leaned forward to read the comments showing up on her phone screen. For a bit, she read through them until one caught her eye.
"Miley Cyrus' Flowers, please," Minnie nodded, "Yes, that's a good one." 
[if i didn't know she was happily living with her two husbands, i'd wonder who had hurt her, ngl]
While she already started to mumble, she typed in the name of the song, only for it to be played through the speakers in the apartment a second later.
"Is the volume okay?" She wondered, "I'll lower it a bit, so you can hear me better."
With a smile, she read through the comments, chuckling every now and then.
"'Mingyu said he furnished the apartment by himself, is that true?'" She read out loud, "Ehm... slightly, yeah. I mean..." for a quick moment, she thought about her answer, looking around the room. "I just wanted it to be comfortable... but our styles- like our... interior style choices differ a lot from each other... so... it was hard to make choices, so I let him choose a lot of the furniture. As long as it made me feel comfortable, I was fine with it," she answered with a smile and nod.
[it's so domestic, they warm my heart, it's disguting]
[i love them though]
"'Where are Mingyu and Wonwoo?' I mentioned it earlier, they went out to get food but I said I'll stay back and do the live I've been wanting to make but never have time for. So now I'll wait and chat with you guys until they're here." Minnie continued to hum to the tune of the song.
"'You don't want to do a live with them?' No, it's not that... I don't mind doing a live together with them, but... hm.... we- we usually talk about things... that we can't really talk about with Carats...," she gazed around the room suspiciously. 
[we would LOVE to know what y'all are talking about btw]
"That sounds weird, but I don't mean it like that, it's just... like the things we talk about at the monthly meetings. Just more private and... boring things... yeah." She ended it with a grin, hoping her answer was enough and it wouldn't cause too much tumult.
[i can tell you one thing and that's that she wasn't thinking about any talking when she answered that question]
"Yes!" She excitedly sat up straighter, the iPad back in her grip, "I'll add more songs, please request them now. I'm gonna put them all into the queue. That's gonna make it easier."
She added one song after the other, trying to pick out the ones she thought she'd be allowed to play.
Right as Minnie had opened her mouth again to talk, the door to the apartment opened, and the familiar deep voices filled the room,
"AAAAAH" the girl suddenly shouted, "What?" quickly snapping her head to the right. 
[i mean, we didn't hear it clearly, and I'm open for suggestions on what you heard, but know what I want to hear, so I'm staying with mine]
She reached out with her hand, ready to cover the camera when she found the eyes of the culprit entering the living room with an apologetic smile on his face. 
[let's go over this]
*clip repeats*
[not him literally outing them like that]
Minnie nodded, speaking calmly again, "You're back already."
[just survived a heart attack]
"Yeah," Wonwoo could be heard from the side. "The food was already done when we arrived."
[exactly, play it off as if nothing just happened]
"You're still live?" Mingyu suddenly spoke up, to which she nodded, suddenly getting joined by him in the shot. "Hey guys!" He called out to the live, waving his hand to greet everyone that was watching. The rapper sat down next to her, having to push the coffee table back just a bit further as he took up more space.
"We didn't think you'd still be live. We thought you might end it because we took a little bit longer," he explained, a somewhat tight smile on his lips.
"Yeah," she nodded with a chuckle, "I figured."
[kinda guessed that by your entrance]
"Are you playing your own playlist?" Wonwoo's voice got closer right as Minnie looked up, following something behind the camera while Mingyu was focused on reading through the comments.
[how he can just DETECT her music]
"No," she smiled up, "Carats just the same good music taste as me," cutely tilting her head when her gaze landed back on the screen. "Oh- come here," he motioned on her left side, "Don't you want to say hello to Carats?" Minnie asked with a teasing tone, giggling when Wonwoo got closer, leaning down to appear in the frame, waving.
"Hello everyone," he smiled.
She patted the free space next to her, "Sit down."
"No," he pointed to the couch, "I'll sit behind you." She immediately leaned forward, so the rapper could get in a comfortable position behind her on the couch, her shoulders squished in between his knees. 
[what even]
[like... he's doing this on purpose]
[you know that, right]
[he wants to show off]
The sight of it in the camera made her laugh, Mingyu joined her once he saw it too.
"I'm Wonwoo, and I have 57cm shoulders," she mimicked the deep voice of the man behind her, making him squeeze his legs together, squishing her even harder. Minnie smacked his calves to make him stop, getting a chuckle from him in return.
"58cm," he simply added, to which she rolled her eyes dramatically.
"I'm so sorry, how could I dishonour you like that?" The two men laughed at her antics.
[i need more of this]
[pls let wonwoo forever be this affectionate]
While Mingyu continued to read out loud some questions and answer them along the way, the girl turned around to look up at the older member. She found the bottle he was still holding and reached out with her hand, making 'grabby-hands' to get a hold of it. Without needing to be told twice, Wonwoo handed it over after taking a gulp from it.
She put it up to her lips and took a sip, before closing it and handing it back to him, continuing to look straight ahead.
[i know some other members have done similar things, but I personally don't just take the bottle from my friends and drink it]
"Did you close the window in the bedroom already?" The '96 Liner suddenly asked. Minnie stopped reading through the comments, subconsciously wrapping her arm around one of his calves that had now trapped her shoulder between them and the couch.
[now back to the singular use]
[this might be a translation problem, but i will go with it]
[THE window in THE bedroom]
[y'all have one bedroom or what?]
"Yeah, earlier, why?" She tried to look back at him as she wondered.
Wonwoo shrugged, "It's a bit chilly."
"Ah, but... oh, the bathroom window is still open."
He nodded, "Oh, ok, ok."
The girl got ready to get up, "I can go close it." But Wonwoo didn't make any move to let her out from his legs around her frame.
[he looks so comfy like this😭]
[minnie too]
[just too domestic, i can't]
"No, it's fine. I'll do it later." Making her go back to her original position.
"Wonwoo!" The girl made the older rapper jump by the sudden volume of her voice as she raised her head - having let it rest on his knee for a while.
[again, no words, just cutey thoughts]
"Huh?" He wondered, putting his phone to the side.
"'What was the last book you read?' a Carat asked," she explained to him, continuing to look straight ahead, taking a quick glance over to the other man who had the iPad and had started drawing something, making her smirk.
"Ehm..." Wonwoo tilted his head to show he was thinking, "What was the book you had on the nightstand?"
[not even YOUR nightstand, just THE]
[imma be sleeping on the highway tonight]
"Me?" She pointed to herself, slightly looking up, yet not being able to see him fully. He hummed in response.
"Diary of a Murderer," she told him and the people that were on the other side of the screen.
The rapper nodded, "Then that. I quickly breezed through it when I saw it."
[sharing books is a love language in itself to be fair]
Out of the blue, Minnie smacked Mingyu's upper arm gently. "I told you to read that," before doing the same to Wonwoo's leg. "I didn't think you'd like it." Directing each sentence to each one of them.
"I'll read it once you're done," her fellow '97 Liner assured her with a smile, followed by the sound of him placing his hand on something, almost imitating a slapping sound.
[they got mingyu to read now too]
Minnie was focused on answering a question, getting surprised by the delicate touch on top of her head.
[so checking out if my toaster is waterproof in the bathtop right after this video]
[how are these people calling me single THIS hard]
"I'll go prepare the food. I'm getting hungry," Wonwoo told her, his voice low and gentle as he stood up after the girl shuffled her body forward, ducking her head, so he wouldn't accidentally smack her with his knee or foot, even though he still had his hand on top of her hair.
Mingyu sighed, "Yeah, I'll help you," following his member out of the shot.
"Well, Carats," the girl spoke, "I think that's my cue to go. It was very nice talking to you and I promise to try and come on here more often. Maybe more alone," she added the last part with a whisper.
"What's wrong with us?" the younger rapper whined, making her chuckle as she waved into the camera, the voices of the two men filling the silence as they also said their goodbyes.
[and that's my cue to go and watch more compilations to continue feeding my delulu self]
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Minnie x Members Content (open!)
official poly!mimiwon poll (open!)
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Taglist: @shrynkk @chaebb @lunarxsun @hoe4wonwoo @kimhyejin3108 @soobzao @billboard-singer @cosmicwintr @zwiehe @alixnsuperstxr @angie-x3 @smooore @allthings-fandoms
187 notes · View notes
appocalipse · 4 months
how about cracked compass + antique lock and key set with eddie munson? hear me out, but i'm thinking a historical AU and they're both servants at the same house/manor/castle (thinking kinda downton abbey energy with the servants drama). maybe she's carrying a tray or something and spills it everywhere (idk maybe it's food, maybe its something tiny like a jar of beads) and eddie swoops in and takes the fall so that she doesn't get sacked (because he's been working there a lot longer) makes up some story about how it was his fault and stuff. yup, that'd be the moment you fell stupidly hard for him... imagine all of the pinning? the staring at him when he's not looking? AH!
lea, you have such a beautiful mind 🥺♥ i tried my best but unfortunately, i've never watched downton abbey, so it's probably not exactly what you wanted :( hope you'll still enjoy it anyway, thanks for the lovely request 💗 | 4.3k words
visit amy's flea market ♥
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The vase goes clattering to the floor and you watch with a desperate and frenzied heart as it hits the stone and...shatters instantly.
In a mix of dismay and panic, you reach to the floor where the delicate craftwork is broken into countless jagged and shattered pieces along the smooth white tile. Upon attempting to save the poor vase, you accidently slash your palm open on one of the sharp corners, and though the wound gushes blood, you don't seem to care. You think maybe if you gather all of the pieces and put them back together in their proper place, it may still be fixed, may still be saved, if you—
"Have you- Christ! Sweetheart, what...what happened?"
Startled, you look up to find Eddie running down the long and winding stairway, his chest rising and falling as if he'd just run a mile. He quickly makes his way over to you, crouching down on the floor, his dark eyes scanning your body for any signs of injury.
"Are you hurt? Oh God, there's blood," he breathes, and before you can reply, he's reaching out to take your wounded hand in his and inspect it closer.
The feel of his fingers against your skin sends a tingling sensation up your spine, but you shake the feeling away and focus on explaining yourself. "I...I was just passing by and...I tried to grab it, but it fell, and—I didn't mean for it to—"
"Hey, hey, shh, it's alright," Eddie murmurs, and without hesitation, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a clean handkerchief. He wraps it around your bleeding hand and ties it tight, his movements gentle and careful. "I'll talk to Mr. Harrington about it, okay? It's not your fault."
"I—no. It was all me. Don't...you shouldn't get involved, you'll end up getting in trouble too."
Eddie smiles softly, his dark eyes sparkling as he looks up at you. "You're sweet, but...it's okay. I've been a servant here for a longer time. I know how to deal with this. You don't need to worry, okay?"
Unable to form words, you stare at Eddie and wonder why he's being so kind to you. It's true that the two of you have grown close over the past few years—close enough that you'd even consider him your friend—but still...this isn't his fault, and he shouldn't feel the need to take the blame for you.
"Eddie, I—"
He blushes and drops his gaze, reaching out to gently brush a stray lock of hair away from your face. "Go clean up, okay? I'll handle it."
And with that, Eddie carefully picks up the broken shards of the vase and disappears down the hall.
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For the next days, you can't seem to stop thinking about what happened. The guilt eats away at your insides, twisting and turning until you feel physically sick. Eddie had taken the punishment for you, from what you've heard — a severe deduction from his pay and the threat of getting fired, along with extra cleaning duties.
You had tried to protest, to tell Mr. Harrington that it was truly an accident and that you could handle the consequences yourself, but Eddie wouldn't let you. He'd taken on everything, saying that the vase had slipped off the pedestal as he was cleaning it, and that he'd been the clumsy and careless one, leaving you in the clear.
You hated it.
It was the reason you couldn't seem to sleep, couldn't seem to eat or even breathe. Every waking moment was haunted by the memory of his soft and understanding voice, the warmth of his fingers against your own, the smell of his hair lingering in the air long after he'd gone, like a ghost haunting your thoughts and—
"God, sweetheart, you look terrible," Eddie says one day as you make your way through the castle corridors. "When was the last time you had a good night of sleep, huh?"
You blush, self-consciously touching your hair and wishing you looked even a fraction better than you did. "I-I'll pay you back, you know. I promise."
Eddie frowns, tilting his head in confusion. "Pay me back?"
"For...for taking the punishment for me. I'll do double my duties, and with the extra payment—"
"Woah, wait...you want to do extra work so you can...give it to me? What? That doesn't even make any sense. I didn't take the punishment so you'd repay me for it, you know."
"But it was my fault," you argue. "And it's only right that I—"
"How's your hand?"
"I don't...what?"
Blinking in confusion, you look down to where your hand is neatly wrapped in gauze. You had accidently re-opened the wound a few days back while running some errands for your lady, but it had mostly healed by now, though it would surely scar.
"Is it feeling better? That was a nasty cut," Eddie asks, moving closer so he can reach out and inspect your palm. He takes your hand carefully, as if you're made of glass, gingerly unwrapping the bandage and scanning the sensitive skin with his eyes. His touch sends an electric buzz under your skin, a longing unfurling in your belly that you force yourself to ignore.
"Oh, uhm, yes. I'm fine," you reply, trying to calm the sudden rush of heat that's flooded your cheeks. "But—Eddie, please. If you won't take the extra payment, then please, just let me do some of your chores or—"
"No. Why would I do that?"
"Why would you not?!"
Eddie laughs, shaking his head and giving you a crooked smile. "Sweetheart, I told you—I did what I did because I wanted to. Because I'm your friend and...I like seeing you happy. Seeing you upset over this whole thing is worse than a month's worth of cleaning duties, honestly."
You frown, biting the inside of your cheek and staring down at the polished tile beneath your feet. "Still, it doesn't feel right, you taking the blame and...punishment for me. I can't stand the thought of you getting in trouble because of something I did, especially when it's...it's not your fault, and you shouldn't have to—"
"I don't think of it as punishment."
"You don't?"
You look up, watching as Eddie's chocolate eyes seem to sparkle in the dim light of the candle-lit hallway. "I've been here longer than you. It would've been much worse if you'd taken the fall."
Eddie's fingers are gentle and warm against your own, his calloused hands brushing over your palm with a feather-light touch. You watch as he carefully wraps the gauze around the wound again, his brows furrowed in concentration as he secures the fabric tightly.
"I think you're being too kind to me," you murmur, feeling your heart race as he brushes a stray lock of hair away from your face. "I don't deserve it."
Eddie chuckles, shaking his head and stepping back with a sigh. "What if I have an ulterior motive?"
You frown, tilting your head in confusion. "Ulterior motive?"
"Mhm. What if I'm only doing it so you'll see how good I am and fall madly in love with me? Hmm?"
You blush, unable to form words as Eddie grins mischievously. "I—you—what?"
"Kidding, sweetheart, I'm kidding," Eddie says with a chuckle, reaching out to gently pat your head. "I'm just trying to make you smile, that's all."
"Well, you're very good at it."
"You think so?"
"Yes," you breathe, surprised by the sudden sincerity in your voice. "I'm glad we're friends, Eddie."
"Me too, sweetheart."
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After that night, you couldn't seem to get those stupid words out of your head.
Eddie had been joking, of course. The two of you were close, but he didn't have feelings for you. Of course not. Not like that. How could he? How could someone as sweet and handsome and wonderful as him like you of all people, when there were so many other girls who were prettier, with more money and manners than you could ever hope to achieve?
You sigh and return your focus to where you're meant to be helping your lady get dressed, dutifully lacing the ties of her corset and giving them a good tug.
You know that he'd meant it in good fun. Know that he had most likely forgotten about it as soon as he'd said it—but for whatever reason, you can't seem to.
It's so annoying.
You love Eddie. He is your friend, of course. And while you both had never broached any territory close to a romantic relationship, you aren't stupid or blind. You aren't oblivious enough to the way his dark eyes seem to linger on you for a little too long. To how he holds the door open and gently touches the small of your back whenever the two of you are walking through the castle or descending the grand staircase.
God, you could go on and on and on about him.
"Miss, you seem rather distracted," your lady remarks, causing you to flush with embarrassment. "Did you tie my corset too tight, by chance?"
"Oh—I'm sorry, my lady," you reply, shaking yourself from your thoughts and adjusting the laces once more. "There—how is that?"
"Much better."
After helping her into her dress and pinning her hair into place, you follow her out of her chambers and down the corridor to the grand staircase, where a few other servants are already waiting for her. Tonight you and most of the other servants will finally have some time to yourselves — the family you serve is going to be attending a lavish dinner party with many other high-class members of society.
They're going to be gone for most of the night, and though usually you'd look forward to this sort of thing, you can't seem to muster the same excitement as usual.
You just aren't...feeling it tonight.
You sigh and make your way down the stairs, where the front doors have just opened and your lady and her husband are now heading out to their carriages. Once they're all gone, the rest of the servants will enjoy their rare free time as well, either staying in their quarters or heading into the town. Maybe that's what you should do, you think; go into town and distract yourself from your confusing thoughts about a certain valet, now that you have the luxury of time on your hands and no expectations of anyone.
"Miss, you seem a little flushed. Are you feeling well?" Eddie asks mischievously, stepping up behind you and reaching out to brush his fingers against the back of your neck. "You don't have a fever, do you?"
You jump, startled by the sudden touch and turning to look up at Eddie with a huff. "Don't do that."
"Do what?"
"Sneak up on me like that. You scared me half to death."
"Oh, did I?" Eddie asks, and the corners of his lips twitch upwards into a crooked grin. "Sorry about that."
You roll your eyes and try to suppress the sudden butterflies in your stomach. God, how could you have let yourself fall for someone like him, anyway? He'll be the death of you.
"Is there something on my face?"
"Oh, er...no," you murmur, suddenly feeling very flustered. "I was just lost in thought. I suppose you're also staying?"
Eddie makes a confused face, tilting his head in an adorable expression of perplexity. "Where would I go?"
You frown. It seems unlike Eddie to not find some sort of adventure in the rare and little free time you're given; he's always the first one eager to ride out to town and spend a free evening gambling and drinking with his friends, but this time, he doesn't seem eager to go anywhere at all.
"You...don't want to head into town with the others?" you ask, unsure of whether or not you're prying too much. "I heard the pubs are having a sale on ale and—"
Eddie sighs, running a hand through his curly dark locks and shrugging his shoulders. "Eh. I'm not in the mood, I guess."
You tilt your head, intrigued by his sudden change in behavior. Usually, he's the life of the party, the one who brings a room together with his energy and humor, but now, he seems almost...dejected.
"Eddie, is everything alright? Did something—"
"Fine," he replies a little too quickly, his voice sounding strained. He gives you a forced smile and reaches out to gently touch your shoulder. "Just tired, that's all."
You frown, unconvinced. "If there's something bothering you, you can always—"
"Sweetheart, don't worry, okay?" Eddie murmurs, his dark eyes sparkling in the dim light of the entrance hall. He leans closer, his fingers gently grazing over your cheek, and for a moment, your breath catches in your throat. "Promise."
Before you can say anything else, he's turning on his heel and heading towards the back staircase, his valet uniform swishing behind him as he goes.
You blink, your fingers lightly touching where his hand had been moments before. The sudden brush of his skin had sent electric shocks throughout your body, a heat building up inside your belly that you can't seem to get rid of.
"Excuse me," one of the maids whispers as she walks by, startling you from your trance. "I need to clear this hallway."
"Oh, um...sorry," you reply, flustered. "I'll get out of the way."
By the time you reach the servants quarters, most of the staff that had received permission to go out has already left. Most of the doors are closed, and the sound of chatter and footsteps and laughter fades out into the distance as you head towards your bedroom and gently shut the door behind you.
Your share your room with three other girls, but none of them are anywhere to be seen now.
Thank God.
You sigh, the dull roar of your thoughts finally starting to quiet down as you sit at your small desk and lean your head against the back of the chair.
You can't stop thinking about what had just happened.
Can't stop thinking about the sudden flirtatious behavior and the way Eddie had brushed his fingers against your cheek with a gentleness that made your knees buckle.
With a long, exhausted sigh, you rise to your feet and slowly start to unpin your hair from its tight bun. You replace your uniform with a simple cotton dress, comfortable enough for a night of light reading and...
A knock at your door jolts you from your thoughts.
"Hey, uh...sweetheart?"
You pause, blinking in confusion and taking a few tentative steps towards the door. "Eddie?"
It can't be.
"Yeah, it's me."
"Is something wrong?"
Eddie chuckles softly on the other side of the door, his voice sounding muffled by the heavy oak. "No, nothing's wrong. I, um...I found a jar of wine in the pantry that Mr. Harrington doesn't know about. Thought you might wanna join me?"
You bite your lip, a wave of nerves rushing through your body as you slowly reach out for the door handle. He shouldn't be here and you definitely shouldn't open the door.
But some things are easier said than done.
You carefully turn the knob and pull it back.
He looks downright sinful, his valet uniform unbuttoned at the collar, a few loose strands of hair falling over his forehead, dark eyes sparkling mischievously in the dim light of the hallway.
He holds the jar in his hand, the liquid sloshing around inside and giving off a slight spicy aroma that you can almost already taste on your tongue.
Male servants like Eddie are strictly forbidden from coming anywhere near the women's quarters, and if someone were to find you, it would be a hell of a lot of trouble for both of you.
"I—are you insane?" you whisper, unsure of whether to shut the door in his face or let him in. "If the housekeeper—"
"Come on, sweetheart, live a little. It'll be fun," Eddie murmurs, stepping closer and leaning forward so his face is level with yours. "Trust me."
You stare at him for a few more tense moments, your heart racing and your palms sweaty against the cool brass handle of the door.
Finally, you swallow thickly and step back, making room for Eddie to come inside.
As soon as he crosses the threshold, you shut the door quickly and lean back against it, waiting for the sound of footsteps or yelling or anything that would indicate the presence of another servant or staff member.
"Chill, sweetheart," Eddie murmurs with a smirk, carefully opening the window a crack and lighting a match to ignite a few candles. "Nobody's gonna come looking for us. Everyone's gone."
"Mrs. Byers is not, no," you argue, crossing your arms over your chest with a huff. Most of the time, you like the housekeeper; she is the closest thing to a motherly figure in your life right now. But she's also incredibly strict when it comes to rules. "She's probably somewhere lurking, as always."
Eddie chuckles softly, winking playfully in your direction. "Well, then we'll have to keep it down."
"Oh, for God's sake. Just open it already."
Carefully, Eddie pries the cork off the jar of wine and takes a swig, a grin playing on his lips. He takes a few steps towards you, holding the bottle out for you to take.
"Want some?"
"It's bad for your liver."
"Everything in life is bad for your liver," Eddie replies, tilting his head to the side. "C'mon, sweetheart. It's good."
You glance down at the bottle, taking in the sweet scent of dark cherries and spices, the bright purple liquid swirling around inside like a whirlpool.
You reach out, your fingers brushing against Eddie's as you take the jar and lift it to your lips, taking a sip.
The taste is unlike anything you've ever experienced. It's sweet and tart and spicy and rich, all at the same time, with an intense burst of flavor on your tongue that you never thought possible.
Feeling your skin warm, you hand the jar back to Eddie and watch as he drinks deeply, his eyes sparkling in the soft glow of the candlelight.
"Are you sure no one will miss this?" you ask, glancing down at the bottle and wondering how expensive it might've been. "What if Mr. Harrington finds out?"
"He won't. Not if we don't make too much of a fuss," Eddie replies, his voice growing softer. "I bet nobody's even thought to look for it. And besides, he wouldn't know it was us anyway."
You cross your arms, raising a challenging brow as you sit on the edge of your bed. "How can you be so sure?"
"There's plenty of wine in the cellar," Eddie counters with a grin, putting his hands up as if he's surrendering. "I didn't steal all his wine. I merely took one that was already there."
"Don't take anymore."
"No promises."
The nickname sends a rush of heat to your cheeks and you shake your head, fighting a smile as you smooth the fabric of your dress.
He takes a swig of the wine, never taking his eyes off you, and leans back against the wall, the familiar scent of him drifting towards you like a wave of summer air.
"It's good, isn't it?" Eddie asks, cocking his head to the side. "And you're, ah...you're really pretty tonight."
You roll your eyes and try not to look too affected, pushing the stupid fluttery feelings back down into your stomach and stomping them out like tiny little sparks. "Are you already drunk?" you ask, chuckling.
"Pfft, no."
"Then why are you suddenly talking nonsense?"
"It's not nonsense," Eddie protests, his ears turning red. He shakes his head and moves closer, setting the wine jar down on the desk and rubbing the back of his neck. "I think you're...really great, sweetheart. Really amazing. In every single way."
"Uh-huh, sure."
You look away, pretending to be interested in something else so that Eddie doesn't have a chance to read the emotions on your face and pick up on all of the pent-up love for him you've stored inside for the last months — love that is, you've decided, better off locked up tightly in the chest in the corner and never spoken aloud.
He looks different in the soft and sultry orange glow of the low-burning candle, though — his curls illuminated by the light, his dark eyes sparkling, his soft lips curved into a gentle smile.
Eddie sits down beside you, and the heat of his body radiates outward and dances across your skin like the waves of a flickering flame.
He smells clean and warm and fragrant, like soap and fresh laundry.
You lean closer, looking up at him through your lashes and watching as he nervously wrings his hands together.
"You know," Eddie murmurs, smiling gently. "You make my life a lot more interesting than it used to be."
"Are you suggesting I cause you a lot of trouble, then?"
"Not at all," he replies, laughing softly and looking back up at you, his expression softening. "More like...just makes me wanna keep coming back to you, over and over. Even when I don't have to. And especially when I need someone to talk to."
You bite your lip, butterflies fluttering in your stomach as you let his words sink in. "Is that why you're here right now? To talk?"
He blinks, his tongue swiping out over his lower lip as his gaze drops to your mouth. "Are you drunk, by any chance, sweetheart? Be honest."
"Why would you—"
"Because I'm about to kiss you, and I want you to be sober."
His words come out breathless, his eyes flicking up to meet yours as your lips part in surprise.
"I am...not drunk," you reply, holding his gaze and leaning closer, your hands tingling from his sudden proximity. "I'm entirely in my right mind. Definitely."
He grins crookedly. "Really?"
"So, if I did..."
Eddie's voice trails off as he inches forward, his eyes lidding slightly as he moves closer and closer and...
He stops, his nose inches from yours, and the tips of his long fingers gently brush over your chin, lifting your face up to meet his. "This okay?"
"Yes," you manage, your voice hoarse, barely more than a whisper.
His lips are soft when they finally brush against yours, gentle and warm and inviting, and you inhale sharply, feeling yourself go weak in the knees.
He tastes like spice and cherry, and you reach out to grip his shoulders, pulling him closer and deepening the kiss, your head spinning as he kisses you back with equal fervor, his hand gently cupping the back of your neck to keep you steady.
You gasp softly, his teeth grazing over your lip and sending a shock of electricity through your core, and you reach out, your fingers gripping the fabric of his jacket as you hold onto him for dear life.
"Fuck," Eddie breathes, panting softly as he finally pulls away. "God, that was good."
"It was," you whisper, looking up at him and biting your lip. "Worth the wait."
"Wait, what?" Eddie asks, raising a brow.
You blink, realizing you'd said that last part out loud and instantly wanting to crawl under the bed and die. "Uhm...nothing."
"Oh, please," he murmurs, smirking. "Tell me more. Did you have to wait a long time for this to happen, sweetheart? Hmm?"
"Absolutely not," you reply a little too quickly. "Forget I said anything."
"Nope, not letting you get away with that. What are you trying to hide, huh? How long have you been harboring secret feelings for me?"
"You're ridiculous."
"Am I?"
You lean back, your body screaming in protest as Eddie gently pushes you back onto the pillows and straddles your hips. He's heavier than you realized, and his fingers are calloused from years of work, but the mere thought of him touching you sends goosebumps up and down your arms and legs.
"Do you like me?" he whispers, his lips brushing against your neck and sending sparks down your spine. "Hmm?"
"Eddie, we—"
"Please, just...just tell me. At least let me hear you say it."
He pulls back, his eyes searching yours as he waits for you to answer. Your heart is racing, blood rushing through your ears and making you lightheaded and dizzy.
"I...no," you whisper, grinning when he raises a brow and scoffs. "Fine. Maybe. Only a little bit."
"Okay. More than a little bit. Maybe...maybe, I even love you, alright? Jesus. There, I said it."
Eddie's jaw drops, his pupils blown wide. "What, seriously?"
"Oh, alright, get off of me. I'm done with you."
"Hey, no, wait, wait, wait, I'm sorry," he breathes, grabbing your wrists and pinning your arms above your head. "Don't—don't go anywhere."
He chuckles, his warm breath fanning over your lips and making you weak in the knees. "What?" you rasp, struggling against his grip, stubborn in your attempts to stay mad.
"You love me, hm?" he muses, smiling brightly and making your heart skip a beat.
"I take it back."
"You're not allowed to," he breathes, his mouth barely an inch away from yours. "That's not how it works, sweetheart. Sorry."
"You're very annoying."
"And you're very pretty when you're frustrated," he murmurs, brushing his lips over yours. "I...love you too, in case you didn't know."
"You what?"
"Love you," he repeats, his cheeks flushing pink. "Madly. Desperately. Quite embarrassingly, in fact, sweetheart."
You blink, your breath catching in your throat. "Really?
"Really," Eddie breathes, kissing you softly once more. "Shoulda kissed you the second I met you. Wish I had."
"Well," you murmur. "I suppose you'll just have to make up for lost time, won't you?"
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l0vergirlatheart · 1 year
Hello! Idk if your requests are open but I just wanted to get this off my head before I forget it😅
I was thinking a sagau with a creator reader who’s secretly a super-genius( iq of a gods level) who sees everything like it’s a hologram?( stuff like math, science, medical, mechanical, strategies, etc…) how do you thing they would react if they got to see from the creators perspective? Who would find it useful? Who would find it more annoying? Who would be impressed about it? How would take advantage of it in battle?
Ah, my requests are indeed open as of right now! when I first read this I thought of that one woman and the random ass math equations meme :sobs: also childe's is short 'cause idk what to do for him...
anyways, this is a cool idea!! chars. used are : Al-Haitham, Childe, and Kaveh. i love Kaveh sm :((<3
start below cut
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Oh, when Al-Haitham first saw you randomly fiddling with seemingly the air, he thought maybe something might be wrong with you. Maybe you were sleep deprived? Sick? Tired? Slightly delusional? You, of course, noticed he was staring at you and sighed.
"Stop staring at me like I'm crazy and just come over here and look." He quickly nodded and obeyed. He would never even think of taking another moment to stop. He quickly approached next to you, and then out of nowhere, suddenly a bunch of light [color] words, symbols, and numbers appeared infront of you two. He looked at them, hen back at you, and then back at them. What were these? So many equations he'd never seen before... You glanced at his confused face and suppressed a laugh.
How cute he is when he is confused, you thought, smiling to yourself. He was trying pretty hard to understand them, though it was all something only you really knew.
He slowly gained the courage to ask, "What... are these..?"
"Well, my lovely little scribe, these are all problems and formulas from which I've learned. I haven't implemented them into Teyvat at all, of course though."
'Lovely little scribe..?' He thought, his face heating up a bit. "I-if you don't mind me asking, why didn't you..?" 'Archons, did I really just stutter.. how embarrassing...'
"Well, there really isn't a reason for anyone here to learn it. I merely use it so could help me control the events of Teyvat easier. There is no need for anyone on Teyvat to learn such a thing, if they do not possess the power I do." You said, smiling at his reaction to his new nickname.
"I.. see.. That is very.. interesting." He said, trying to process it all as he glanced at you, just to see you smiling at him, and quickly looked back at the hologram. He couldn't handle it-- you were just too much for him to handle. [positively, of course. he loved the creator in a lot of ways.]
"Not as interesting as you, love."
Oh archons, you've broke him!
end : 1/3
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you have no idea how down bad I am for this man istg
"I'm surprised you've gotten the hang of this already! N-Not that I doubted you of course, but most people don't learn so quickly! N-No that I mean to say you're most people, you aren't!! B-But I don't mean to try and single you out, nor do I mean to mean to say you're the same--" Kaveh tripped over all his words, trying to make sure they weren't going to offend you at all, but he just kept poking holes in each until he heard you let out a light laugh.
"It's alright Kaveh. I know what you're trying to say, thank you. I've just got a nifty little trick up my sleeve."
...Archons, he loved your laugh. It made him feel so giddy.
"Do you mind telling me? I-I just want to se if I could use it to hurry and finish my work faster, not that I mean to use you or anything, but--"
You could sense he was about to go on another trail of thoughts, so you simply smiled and said, "It is not a trick that can be learned, it's more of a power I possess." He nodded, and internally sighed.
"...Come here, let me show you. I'll let you decided whether it's useful or not." You said, motioning for him to stand next to you.
What an honor it is, to be invited next to the Divine Creator, and how important it is... and how I get too! Ah, happy day! He thought, as he happily sped walked his way next to you. What happened next, made him feel as if he was ascending.
You carefully grabbed Kaveh's hand and guided up into the air, and as he tilted his head in confusion as a blush appeared on his cheeks, suddenly words, numbers, problems, and more appeared on thin air! They all had solutions and such, and he could understand most of them because they were the ones you two were just working on, but others had unfamiliar letters and language, with different numbers and much different ways of solving them.
"So? What do you think?" You inquired, looking at him to see his reaction. He was completely astonished. You did all of this in one day?! Not say he was doubting you or anything, but he'd never seen it before! Such complex things that took him and others so long took you merely a minute or two!
"...woah." Was all he could mutter as he stared up at the hologram.
You chuckled, and said, "There's one more thing I'd like to show you..." And you guided his hand to another part of the hologram, as if you were swiping. Suddenly, a bunch of blueprints and diagrams appeared, and he quickly recognized them. They were his future projects he had planned on! He stared at them, then at you, and then just turned red. Both because he was flustered, and because he was blown away.
You'd been thinking about.. me..? And from the looks of it.. you've been trying to.. help me?!
You smiled and squeezed his hand, and he had to muffle a little 'eep!'
...He did not do very well muffling it. You chuckled and whispered in his ear, "You're so cute Kaveh, you know that?"
God, he loved the way his named rolled off of your tounge.
[i love kaveh to a normal amount i swear..]
end : 2/3
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"What're you doing?"
"Solving formulas to see which artifacts are best for this fight." You answered, continuing to move and use your hologram.
"A fight is a fight! What're artifacts really needed for?" He groaned, dramatically.
"For you? To do more damage. Some others do better support, off-field, healing--"
"Yeah but isn't doing so much math boringgg?" He drawed out, he just wanted to fight this [boss] already!
"Do you want to win this fight?"
"..Well, yeah..!"
"Then let me check these artifacts."
He whined, dramatically. He didn't really see why you needed that stupid hologram, it was quite annoying... taking up all your attention when he's right there! Sure he can't read half of those equations, but he can entertain you more than that 'floating screen' can! That's for sure!
Though, Childe wouldn't push anymore. You're the creator, whatever you say goes.
"Aand... done! Now use these artifacts and--" You handed him the artifacts before he eagerly put them on and grabbed your hand before you could get caught up in those stupid little symbols again.
"Let's go, Your Grace!!! I don't wanna wait any longer!!" He semi-shouted enthusiastically, holding onto you gently. You smiled, and shook your head lightly, but silently laughed.
...maybe you could let it slide this time.
end : 3/3
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lvl10gojocoper · 15 days
Motion Sickness: Chapter 1
Synopsis. Slowburn-ish, Heavy angst, pining because you're losers, inaccuracies and stuff, mature language. Note: lots of plot building in the first parts :)
Pairings. Gojo x Reader
a/n: My first JJK fic or work in general. I'm a slow reader of the manga but I've seen spoilers already. Safe to say I wanna avoid acknowledging Shibuya Arc from existing and onwards. Maybe a bit (or a lot) of inaccuracies but let me cope!! + idk how to tag on tumblr so yolo.
Chp.1 Chp.2
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It's hard to breathe.
I only had one thought I could fully register at that moment. My lungs consume as much air as it could in the short moment I'm so graciously allowed.
I palm at the rough ground and watch as the asphalt's gray turns darker from his shadow. Tall and menacing. My heart beats faster when the sound of his footsteps gets louder, closer. I look up—I was right, he is close.
His face is unreadable , looking down on me. I stay looking up at him, even through the bandages covering his eyes, I know he sees me. He sees me very clearly. Neither of us choose to look away.
I grunt, forced to look down as the pressure of his foot crushes my hand under all his weight. I taste blood in my mouth. I don't know if its from any previous blows I took before or is if it's from biting my lip too hard.
Fingers slip under my chin, pulling my face up slowly to meet his gaze. "You yield now." He said with finality. He stared down at me, I assume darkly, but I hated the stupid blindfold he had on. I hated how he could read me completely while I constantly searched his face. I felt bare before him, powerless.
I roughly pull myself from his grip, "Fuck off." I hook his leg with the back of mine, forcing him to bend out of balance. Unfortunately, it allows him to knee me on the shoulder. I look up at him towering over me, for a second I feel like I found his eyes.
The second passes long enough for me to hook my arm on his calf and ruin his balance. He grunts as he falls on his back, flat and unguarded. I take the opportunity to lock him between my legs and push all my weight on his knees. I go for his face, my fist coming down to meet his cheek but he gets a hold of my wrist. I scream almost, frustration building in my chest.
He flips over almost too easily, my body now trapped between his own legs. My other fist aims at his face but he stops it with his own palm with almost no effort, squeezing then pushing both my restrained limbs to my chest. I hiss as the raw skin of my knuckles are even more crushed in his palm. He catches the way I bite my cheek to stop myself from making any noise, his grip softens. I take my chance to try and swing at him but he holds my wrists to the sides of my head.
His chest is heaving, breathing finally as labored and as heavy as my own. The bandages covering his eyes are loose like the platinum hair falling on his face. "Enough," He says.
He knew how much I hated when people told me what to do. I try my hardest to wriggle away, a pathetic attempt. He squeezes my wrists in almost a plea, still I fight it.
"You're a liar." I mutter quietly. His hands slip from my wrists, I slap and throw weak and clumsy punches at his chest. I keep punching, and he lets me. "You're such a sick fucking liar." I cursed, strained and broken.
When my hands slow down and eventually stop, he falls to the side, we both breathe. "I—" He finds the words, the lies to say, maybe. "I'm sorry."
The air is still, and the world is quiet. I stare angrily at the purple sky, almost blue. "One day..." I used to like looking at it. I waited till it turned bright blue and then search stars when they would appear, mapped out and scattered. I look to my side, searching again. I meet his gaze when he turns to me but I cannot see it. I cannot see him. My chest begins to feel heavy. That's when I realize I'll never be able to as long as he won't let me. "One day, I'm gonna kill you."
He only scowls, "You're impossible."
"...Don't you think so, Miss?"
I'm snapped back to reality when the train's inertia pushes me forward, forcing me to hold onto the handle in front of my seat. I blink myself out of it and turn, looking at the kind looking elderly man holding the newspaper. My gaze lowers down to read the headline written in bold, "6 dead, 4 missing near one of Tokyo's Red Light Districts."
I look back up at the man, he waits patiently for my answer. I blink again, fuck what am I doing. I curse at myself, "Shoot, I didn't get that. I seem to be disassociating or something," I laugh to myself, "I'm so sorry."
The man just smiles at me, "It's alright, dear. I seem to be bothering you at the wrong time."
I immediately feel bad and urge the man to continue, "No, Please. I insist, What was it about again?"
He clears his throat and flips to the page of the newspaper and shows me what had gathered his interest. "Well it's the headline. It's just, it doesn't make sense someone could do all of that then just disappear without a trace."
I nod my head as I listen to his theories, "I supposed it is a bit strange. But maybe it was more than one person?"
The man huffs, "Well maybe. They also say it could be motivated but it says here the bodies found were merely remains, scattered in a dark abandoned building. Who would leave these normal people's remains, who seem to not be connected whatsoever, if it were motivated? Seems fishy..."
He squints his eyes as if he goes deeper in thought. Just when I think he's finished, he continues. "And isn't it strange that no one had seen anything, in a place as lit up from day and night like that place in particular, surprisingly no one had seen those people go through all that. So it's just simply impossible to not catch anything, Don't you think, Miss? Or maybe that's just me..." He taps his chin in even deeper thought.
A small smile makes its way to my lips, even if it definitely wasn't the type of subject that's supposed to bring this kind of reaction, I couldn't help it. "Wow, you seem very invested."
The old man just chuckled at himself and nodded, "Apologies, It's just that, ever since I was a boy, some of these stories around Japan—Tokyo in particular—would appear in and out of the newspapers but then after a period of time, nothing would come out of it. True crime, things as such. It always fascinated me."
I agree, entertaining him with my own thoughts. Afterwards, I asked him with the same enthusiasm as he spoke with me, "Is that why you're on a train to Tokyo? To explore the stories of the unknown?"
He shook his head, folding the newspaper in half. "Oh, no. I'm here to visit my granddaughter in Asakusa. However, we may be both considered as pioneers of true crime and such. Now that I've talked to you, it'll be easier to talk to her!" He says proudly. There's a pause in the air until he himself asks, "And you, why are you here? Visiting as well? Maybe you're also here to indulge yourself in the stories Tokyo has to offer?"
For a while I think about it, and the train slows down, "Something in between, I suppose."
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dailyunstableeve · 6 months
Give me one more chance
After RE 5, Jill disappeared.
Jill Valentine x fem!reader
tw: angst (idk if tissues are needed), gore, blood, sharp objects (anything that can stab you :), ptsd
an: can't get over how hot Jill is on death island, mother Jill needs more screen time, it's not enough for me 😭😭😭 did anyone just think that Jill, Claire and Rebecca are like the power puff girls? The way their outfit colours are. Idk if anyone wrote this idea before but here's mine. Ps, my first re ff
Words count : 2.2k
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It's been years since Jill returned from a mission with Chris, and just disappeared. All she did was a postcard in your mail, telling you she won't be returning, probably never. At first, you don't believe it, even on the postcard, it's her handwriting, there's no way you could have mistaken it. You put yourself in a hopeless search for two years, you have given up, knowing that, no matter how hard you tried to search for Jill, and she doesn't want to be found, she'll dodge you before you know it.
You devoted yourself to training, non stop just to keep your mind from drifting to the days where your life was so much better when you're with Jill. You are furious about the choice Jill made and that anger inside you, helped you survive all the challenges you faced alone.
Went on a couple of missions with Chris, Leon, and the others, sometimes might end up going solo but Chris was worried sick about you. You made it back alive, no matter what, it's almost as if you wanted to prove to Jill that, even though she's not here, you made it out alive just fine.
You learn to move on, thinking your life has gone back to normal, then one day, Jill is reported to the mission, together with Chris. You have no idea about the news until you were training and heard the other soldiers talking about how the mission went, about how Jill is not good with team working, afterall, she's used to surviving by herself. You left the training room immediately just to go find Chris and give a punch on his face.
“Ow, what's that for?” He complained.
“How long has it been since your last mission?” You questioned.
“With Jill.”
The mood between you two dropped so quickly.
“How did you-”
“I was training, apparently your boys don't know how to keep their mouths shut,” you cut him off, “if I recall correctly, your mission was two days ago.”
“I just reported in-”
“I thought you were my friend, Chris!” You raised your voice.
“I was just respecting Jill, she asked me to not tell you about it,” Chris answered.
You took a second to process the information, you loosened up your expression, and looked at Chris.
“Oh god, I'm sorry,” you apologised, “I don't mean to just yell at you like that.”
“It's fine, Y/N,” Chris comforted you, “there's something you have to worry about, your next mission.”
“You worried about all the missions I went to, it's not special,” you scoffed.
“I did everything in my power to prevent this but, the high up have given out a mission that needed you and Jill to proceed out the mission.”
“What did she say?” You asked.
“The same thing.”
Sometimes, you just wanted to say how brainless the high ups are always putting their soldiers on a mission that's just torturing. At least, you won't be torture by the infected but your time with Jill.
“I'll do it, it's just like any other mission,” you said confidently.
It's not like any other mission at all.
Jill is currently sitting on the opposite side of you, getting ready. It's weird, she still looks the same as the day she left for the mission with Chris, except, the softness you used to see in her, it's not there anymore, probably because you don't feel the same way as you did before.
“Let's run down our mission one more time, shall we?” you looked at Jill, even if you don't wish to be here with her, but you still need to get your mission done.
“Yeah, sure,” she answered quickly, fully facing towards you.
“Our target is to investigate the area out, there's been multiple reports about the infecteds roaming around the area and our job is to clean it up and look for any clues that could lead to why are the infected there, it's simple, except our lives are in stake, so no reckless move, we stay together, look out of each other's six, anything that seems abnormal, report immediately, don't investigate alone.”
“Got it.”
“Good,” you nodded, then went to check up on the pilot, “we're here.”
The cold chill air brushes through your hair the moment you get off the jet, it's felt like you just walked into a horror movie except your every mission is a horror movie.
It's an abandoned facility, it's always it, because the facility has most of the science stuff to help you create a new virus.
The whole time, both of you didn't say a word because even if it's been years since both of you had a mission together, you still remember her movement, it's more that your action will follow up automatically. Everything goes smoothly, a few infections appear when you and Jill are making your way to the control room, then the experiment room, the storage, just everywhere of the facility.
“There must've been a secret room somewhere, it's impossible for the infected to keep appearing outside the area and yet we only encounter a small amount in here,” you mumbled, you don't like it, just like every other mission you’ve done.
Sometimes when it's too quiet is a bad sign too.
“We should try to split,” Jill suggested.
“Did you forget what I said just now? We stay together,” you scoffed.
“But we are not getting anywhere if we keep sticking together.”
“And I'm not allowing you to risk your life like this,” you looked Jill in the eye, she flinched a little.
Call it selfish, but I don't want to lose Jill again.
But the look on Jill's face shows that she'll stand by her idea of splitting up, it could cover more ground, but it will put the risk on high.
“Fine, we will meet back up at the spot we arrived here,” you sighed.
You watch Jill turn her back at you and walk the other direction, it gives you the feeling of how you found out that Jill had left you with just a postcard that doesn't even have a goodbye on it.
You knock yourself out of the thought and continue walking down the hallway, hoping you're able to discover something that you didn't notice just now.
You didn't find anything but Jill did, so you were on your way to find Jill. Apparently she found a hidden tunnel that's blocked by multiple tables, without letting you know, she went down the tunnel herself. You arrived in front of the tunnel only to find yourself getting crowded by the infecteds, they are getting closer to you, some are even climbing out from the tunnel. If the infected are coming from the tunnel then where's Jill?
Please wait for me Jill. You prayed as you fought your way through the infected.
Just like every times, you thought about Jill when you face upon a challenge that you believe you won't be able to get through it, you remember the rage you felt for her when she left you, and you remember the worries you have on her right now that she could be hurt and you must find her quick.
You saw your opening to slide in the tunnel and went for it. At the end of the tunnel is a hallway, dirty, but the electricity is still working, it doesn't look abandoned, it's just no one cleaning it.
“Jill?” You called, nothing responded but a few infected appeared in your sight. You clear out the infected, and manage to find Jill of all the madness you have to kill just to get to her.
Suddenly, the area's light went off, leaving a guide light on to show where you're supposed to go. You have no other option but to follow, it guides you to a huge room, where Jill is currently fighting her life on the infected that's three times the size of a normal one and Jill is badly wounded. You hold up your pistol and start shooting at it, just to find yourself stupid because normal bullets are not going to kill the monster.
You charged onwards, grabbed a long stick that's in your reach and made a jump onto its head, “no one hurt Jill,” you fired seven shots on its head, went right down for the brain. You've killed it, you did, the monster loses its balance and drops down on the ground, so did you, except Jill caught you only to lose her balance to standing after.
“Jill?” You panicked, and you noticed the huge part of her clothing was painted red, fresh red, “oh my god, Jill!” You put pressure on her wound, “how long have you been bleeding?”
“Before you arrived,” she coughed, you quickly took out the bandages you have with you 24/7 and tried to patch her up, “the one who's in charge of here is chained up in the locker room.”
“I'll send someone to get that person!” I called comms and Chris picked up, “send backups, right now!” You cried.
“Y/N,” Jill rested her hand on yours trying to stop the bleeding, “I'm sorry for everything I've done to you.”
“Shut up Jill, you better stay with me and tell me that when you fully recover!” You cut her off, “I didn't get you back just to lose you!”
“Hey hey hey, don't close your eyes now!”
“Goddammit, Chris, be quick please.”
“Jill! Don't die on me right now!”
Until Chris and the backups arrived, it was nothing but your cries for Jill to stay awake, because you don't want to lose her again. You watch Jill getting sent back first as you and Chris stayed behind to clean up the mess, Chris did recommend you to head back with Jill but you know she wants you to finish up the mission, so you did.
You took a proper shower, washing off the rotten smell of the infected is hard, after all, you went on a killing spree on any infected you saw, that's who you have grown to. Kill to serve but only when it's about the infected.
Jill went unconscious for a week, and you stayed by her side the whole time. You want the first one she sees when she wakes up is you, you are but Chris is the first she talked to.
“Has she been here the whole time?” Jill asked.
“Yes, she wants that she's the first one you see when you wake up,” Chris gently placed a big blanket on you.
“How can she be so forgiven? After all these years,” Jill looked at you who's currently sleeping on the side of the bed.
“She still loves you Jill, she never forget the day you left her, she used that to pull herself through everyday, no matter how worse the day is,” Chris left out a breath, “and I want you to know that, it's not your fault that you were controlled by Wesker and what you did after.”
“Chris, don't,” Jill stopped Chris, she doesn't want to talk about it yet.
“I'll just leave you with her then.”
“Is he gone?” You mumbled, you were awake, you didn't get up because you felt like Chris and Jill deserve some time to talk things out, “I didn't want to interrupt.”
“How are you feeling?” You asked.
“I'm fine,” Jill answered, “are you okay?”
“Yeah,” physically, you are, mentally, you are not.
There's so many questions you wanted to ask, but you don't know where to start.
“I'm sure you heard from Chris about the mission where things went bad for me,” Jill could see the question on your face, that's how much she knows you, “I didn't mean to hurt you.”
“But you did, you hurted me the moment you write on the postcard and leave it in my mails.”
“Look Y/N, I know what you heard from Chris and I know you would think exactly how Chris would too, that it wasn't my fault but I hate that I blame myself for that.” Jill tried to explain herself, “I didn't have the courage to come back to visit you.”
“So why did you come back Jill? After all these years, because you being gone from my life all these years made me think that you have found a much better life that I wasn't included in! So why did you come back now, out of all the years you could’ve?” Tears start rolling down your cheek.
You may have told yourself that you have moved on from the fact that Jill just abandoned you, you found a way to live through it but now she's in front of you. The memories you made with her flooded your mind. It made you want to yell at her, cry, scream at her, for leaving you here, when you needed her and she needed you.
“I realise that I can't hide from it forever, that I've left my girl here without a complete answer,” she gently wiped the tears off your cheek, “I'm so sorry for what I've done to you, I know that I'm not worth to be forgiven by you but please let me made it up to you, all those years that I've been gone, please give me a one more chance Y/N,” both of yours eyes meet, you can't tell how much you misses the way Jill looked at you, that's filled with love, and now it's mixture with asking for forgiveness.
“Yes,” you gently hugged Jill, doesn't want to suddenly rip her wound.
“I promise.”
an: death island has done something to me. Well, it's not really all full romance, it brings up the past and I just started it with hoping to write something that's close to call redemption for Jill. Even if she's hard on herself during the movie about what happened at re5😭 I wanna let my girl have some rest
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