#I adore the Uncharted series
targaryenluvs · 4 months
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pairings: luke castellan x daughter of poseidon!reader, percy jackson x sister!reader
summary: four months of keeping percy in the dark were over, you could only hope he’d understand your reasoning for keeping him there. or the one where percy finds a polaroid of luke and a girl eerily similar to his sister, donning not a lot of clothing.
warnings: suggestive content/photos, poor percy’s eyes, arguing, confrontation, makeups, hugs & motherly reader, protective percy
a/n: the end has come 😭 i’ve absolutely adored writing this series and i’m glad it’s here sad it’s here and sad it’s over.
taglist: @songofthesun @gayforyelena @taloulalila @honeydanny @7s3ven @sssi-nr @percabethtears @gr1mes-cc @2hiigh2cry @10ava01 @ahh-chickens @fangirl-swagg @anotherblackreader @midmourn @lovelyforesst @urfavpogue @lilacspider @mysteris-things @whoreyzontal @lunalixya @dangelnleif @wordsarelife
part i, part ii, part iii, part iv
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iv. uncharted waters
luke’s mouth was currently held hostage by your hand, tightly clamped over his as you waited for the kids to pass by. you were currently hidden behind large rocks in the pond, and half-naked. “if you lick my hand i swear i will drag you under the water, and you know i can.” you whispered to him. luke’s amusement was no where near yours, you could tell by the fact that he jabbed your side which caused you to shout.
the two campers turned at the sound of distress, eyes frantically scanning the area, before turning around and continuing their way back to camp. “that was close.” luke grinned whilst you hit him, “that was all your fault! now come on, before the sun sets.”
“why, is my girl scared of the dark? don’t worry i’m right here baby.”
“am not!”
“are too!”
“am not!”
“are too!”
“you’re so annoying luke.” the two of you made your way into the cold, clear waters. the day had been pretty busy and the idea of swimming before showering all the paint and grime was nothing but appealing to you. but your peace would only last so long around your boyfriend.
“what’s that shark movie y/n? and what does the music sound like?”
“jaws? and the sounds like, dun-a, dun-a.”
you should’ve seen it coming. luke repeated the sound, as you closed your eyes and faced the sun, he waded through the water before you looked his way. he was gone.
“luke? luke where did you—,”
you screamed as luke came up from below you, tipping you face first. “what the hell!” as much as you loved to hear luke laughing all you wanted to do was drown him. “it’s one thing to mess with me above ground, but in the water?” luke’s grin was wiped off as a wave came from behind. “wait hold on—,”
it was officially your turn to laugh as luke resurfaced, gasping for air. “not cool.” you covered your smile with both hands, “kinda cool.” you murmured as he made his way to you, hands around your waist as you looked up at him. “you think that was funny?” you meekly nodded as his hand tightened, another wrapped around your neck to draw you in.
the night was fast approaching and the two of you were currently laying on the shoreline. “i knew i brought this for something.” he whipped out the camera, “you look perfect as usual, would you do me the honour of modelling for me?” you grinned, “of course.”
luke wouldn’t stop staring at the picture, the whole way back to camp. so instead of allowing him to ogle the photo the whole night you tucked it into your jean shorts. claiming the decision to be for the greater good.
if there was one difference between you and percy, it was tidiness. he wasn’t terrible but he wasn’t as obsessive as you. so imagine his surprise when you passed out, towel, shorts and swimwear laid around. “kids these days, i tell you.” percy muttered as he picked up the clothes to be washed the next day. but as he did, a certain polaroid fluttered to the floor.
“what the?” he turned it over, and then had a heartattack.
“ow! why on earth are you shouting? and no swearing.” you groaned out loud. percy stomped his way over to you then waved the picture in your face, “what on earth is this? huh?” you snatched the picture from his hand before sitting on it, “nothing, what’re you talking about?”
percy clutched his head, before dramatically flopping down on his bed, “i think my eyes need to be rinsed.” you rolled your eyes, “stop being so silly, it’s a cute photo. just not a lot of clothes.” percy quiickly sat up, “exactly! and some guys hand tucking your hair behind your ear. i didn’t even know you were dating someone y/n, let alone taking weird photos.”
you’d been caught out, it was bound to happen sooner or later so you might as well tell him. your feet hit the floor before moving over to him, “i’m sorry i didn’t tell your perce, really. i just— i didn’t want to freak you out. i wanted you to continue getting adjusted to camp and all before i told you anything about it. it happened recently, and i didn’t mean for it to but feelings… are the one thing you can’t control. i’m sorry, i really am. and i’m so grateful i have such an amazing little brother who feels like he needs to protect me but you are my little brother. i’m eighteen, and more than capable of making my own decisions.”
percy didn’t want to understand what you were saying. he wanted to go find this guy and let riptide work it’s magic. but annoyingly enough, everything you said did make sense. “fine, i won’t go maiming tonight. i’m still mad you kept it from me, don’t you trust me?” your eyes teared up at the notion, “oh god no! i mean, yes, yes i do. i trust you with every bone in my body and that’s why i knew you’d try and hurt the poor guy. you’re so incredibly strong that you’d send him packing perce.”
percy’s lips twitched, a grin forming, “i am pretty amazing arent i?” you wrapped an arm around his shoulder, “that you are brother, that you are.” he hugged you so hard that it knocked you both back onto the bed.
“i guess i won’t hunt him down today.”
“thank you percy.”
“there’s always tomorrow.” he muttered.
“no perce!” he smiled up at you before wiggling out of your arms, “who is it huh?” you covered your face before sighing, “luke.” percy’s shoulders dropped, “stuff tomorrow.” he charged out the door as you ran after him, “no wait!” coincidentally the two of you rammed right into luke, “i heard shouting, i was concerned. are you okay y/n?” you smiled as he percy huffed, “no yeah, forget about the 12 year old you pummelled over viciously. continue focusing on my sister please.”
“he knows, i told him.” luke’s eyebrows raised, the reasoning behind percy’s jabs and stare revealing itself.
“you’ve got ten seconds castellan.”
“for what?”
“to run.”
“what did i do?”
“that photo didn’t take itself.” percy pulled out riptide, tapping it against his other hand as you stood behind him, watching luke laugh. “he’s, he’s kidding right?” you shook your head, “he’s giving you a head start castellan, i’d advise you to take it.” luke’s smile dropped as he began to step back, “i… you’re kidding.”
“ten, nine, eight—,”
luke’s shoes collided with the floor as percy shrugged, “countings for losers.” you reached out for him but it was too late, “cheater!” luke kept looking back as you sat down infront of the cabin, you officially had two idiots to look after.
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holybibly · 2 months
This is a little preview of my new series and yes, bunnies, this is a whole series from me. I hope everyone is ready for an erotic dystopia?
Decadent dystopian erotica with majestic dragons - second teaser for today
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Glass House Ateez x reader
Everything changed in an instant. 
The king was dead, and thousands of dragons took to the burning skies. The old world was over, and a 'new age' was in the making—an age of gods and monsters. 
A thousand years ago, the fires of revolution blazed across the face of the world. Dragons—the creatures of ancient legends and children's fairy tales—reduced the once prosperous world to ashes in a matter of minutes. Rivers of black blood coursed through the veins of the streets, flooding the cities and lands in their wake. The sky was a blaze of purple flames and electric shocks. The church was reduced to rubble, and the royal family was executed in a public display. In the eyes of the dead, the unspoken horror in front of these majestic creatures remained forever, and in the sparks of the flames, they shimmered like precious sea stones. 
There was a bitter smell of burning flesh and ash in the air. It was the smell of dreams on fire—the smell of a future in decay. 
It was the beginning of the end of ancient life. The beginning of a new world. The Age of Immortality has begun. 
All the legends turned out to be true; dragons did exist. They had always lived close to us, lurking in the velvety darkness of the night, waiting for the hour. Waiting for the hour to come when the power would be in their hands. Dangerous, unbridled, wild creatures of magic and the elements, predators at the top of the food chain. They had come into the world to rule, not to obey, and now, at long last, their time had come. 
The world was at anarchy. Dragons were killing, raping, and enslaving races and lands as if it were an amusing child's game. They drank blood as black as the night from golden bowls, and they ate our succulent flesh as our bones cracked under the pressure of their razor-sharp teeth. They would hold orgies in the midst of the torn corpses and revel in their omnipotence. Those were the days of darkness. A time of terror, when the very word danger was a synonym for life itself. And so it went for several years, until the ultimate power fell into the clutches of the deadly Children of the Night, the oldest of all dragons. 
The majestic Hala. 
Eternal as the moon itself and deadly as the uncharted depths of the ocean, they inspired burning terror in all who encountered them. To their people, they were nothing more than a myth, a legend written on fragments of tablets. Forefathers, ancestors—they had hundreds of names, but each one inspired more fear than the last. They were predators among predators, bristling with animal dominance and primal, unbridled sexuality. They exuded power and sinfulness. They were the ones who defined the rules and set the boundaries of what was permissible. 
With the arrival of Hala, a new phase in the history of the world began. 
Humanity was enslaved, and dragons became the dominant species. As the years went by, the human population began to decline rapidly, with fewer and fewer humans, until "our" species reached the status of gatherers. Angelicus Nova, or Angel Stars, was what we came to be called. Human existence took on a strange religious orientation; we were worshipped, idolized, and adored, but despite all this, humans remained nothing more than a rare exchangeable currency, nothing more than an expensive trinket that was prestigious to own and could be broken with a flick of the wrist. 
The human being also became one of the ways in which money flowed endlessly. These institutions were known as "glass houses." Gateway to heaven. They would be the equivalent of strip clubs or luxury escort houses if you and I were in the old world. The rules were the same: "Look, but don't touch." Girls and boys were expensive pieces of family jewelry that rested under the glass of fancy display cases. Our masters showed us off to the greedy eyes of the world with all the pride and ostentation that dragons have. 
In spite of their possessive, animalistic nature, dragons were nothing more than swaggering bastards with inflated egos and delusions of grandeur.
Humans could be anything as long as dragons owned us—a muse, an innamorata, a nymph, an angel, a siren, or even a goddess—but like everything else in the universe, we came at a price. 
The 'glass houses' were only in operation at night. During the day, all the 'jewels' rested and tidied up after tiring hours of contemplation of the world through the bluish glass of the display window. Nice, obliging workers in starched white collars were busy with the cleaning, scrubbing the baroque decorations of the vetrines with great care from a mixture of sperm, drool, and other secretions. You looked at it with an almost reverent awe, finding it disgusting to the point of bordering on the pornographically beautiful. 
You could see it as real art—crude and original, but art nonetheless. There was something particularly mesmerizing about it, almost hypnotic, about the way the thick, pearly sperm dripped slowly from the golden flowers. 
Of all the glass houses that ever existed, "Eros" was the most beautiful. It was the jewel in the crown of the New Empire, and you were its goddess. There were rumors that the Hala themselves were customers of 'Eros'. But rumors were only rumors. If they were ever to visit your 'home', you would know about it, for they would be where all men ended up—at your feet. 
You were content with the life that you were living. There was no tragedy and no misery, no abusive family or abusive peers, no bullying and harassment at school—no, you had it all great. You were born here at Eros—the growth and blossoming of a beautiful flower. Your whole life has been within the confines of glass rooms and silk sheets, but unlike your dreamy friends, you weren't in need of rescue. 
Your name is Aphrodite. Born in the radiance of the Creator. A goddess among goddesses, carved out of marble and mother of pearl. Your hair falls to the ground in waterfalls of pearls and silk. Your eyes are the eerie silvery moonlight in half-darkness, the deadly attraction of jewels in velvet lashes. Your lips are the succulent, juicy, forbidden fruit that every man would like to taste. The pain of your kiss is going to be the last pleasure of life. 
You are not a delicate, pure lily; you are not a passionate, fiery rose; you are a narcissus reveling in the crystal of mountain waters. You love yourself to pain, to death, to despair, and in all the New Empire, there was none more beautiful than you. 
Original sin. The primordial beauty. You are desire in all it manifests and begins to manifest. 
The naked goddess, clad in snow-white fur like armor, is the goddess of love and ecstasy. 
You've never been conceptualized; you've always been enigmatic. 
You have been the object of worship. Your beauty has been sung in songs, and your love has been professed in a thousand languages. "Eros" was the site of visits from the mightiest and most powerful dragons of the New Empire. They all crawled at your feet, stroking their thick, greased with their cum cocks, greedily as they burned your skin with their golden gaze. They licked the deceptively thin glass of your display case with their long, sometimes split tongues, leaving muddy streaks on the perfect surface of the glass. The mighty and great dragons, unaccustomed to humiliation and submission, urinated like bitches in heat at the mere sight of your bare shoulders and long neck covered with diamond serpents, their eyes shining like stars in the twilight of your silken chambers. They would drip their sperm onto the icy marble floor until it collected in small, glistening puddles, and then they would lick it up as if it were the sweetest nectar in the world. Ambrosia in the truest sense. 
Behind the glass walls of Eros, they were dominators, predators, and the rulers of this world through fear and pain, but here in this garden of Eros, they were nothing more than whores—shameless and needy. Slaves to your beauty, desperate to please you. 
Their moans are always a delight to you. The moaning of your name. 
The scenarios have been repeated to the point of being painful. Sugar-sweet subs with outstretched tongues and pretty, tear-stained faces. Dominant alphas with sweat-glistening skin and eyes rolling with pleasure.
Dragons fucked other dragons; orgies and bacchanals were staged; they were subjugated and subdued. They growled, moaned, squealed, and purred; some were fucked like a port slut, and some were licked for hours until they passed out from hyperstimulation. Some masturbated in front of your window, enjoying the fact that you were there to watch them, and there were others who would spend their heat and ruts in front of your window. 
The list could go on and on: bondage, darkphilia, breeding, voyeurism, humiliation, objectification, and breathing games.
You were saturated with this game. 
There were so many ways in which you could spend your evenings in the company of others. It was all designed to excite you, to make you beg, and to make you plead. Each of your visitors secretly hoped that one day you would strip off your luxurious furs and assume the position that was right for them—submissive, naked, and ready to accept whatever it was they were giving you. 
It was an act of power; it was a position of strength, but here you were the strength. You were power. 
No one would ever have the temerity to lay a hand on you. Goddesses are always untouchable.
You entertained yourselves by teasing them, mocking them, and fanning their flames of desire and passion. Dragons are creatures that are very dependent on their emotions and their desires; they feed on their power and their magic, but when they do not get what they want, it burns them from the inside; it breaks and crumbles them, like a cookie that has been bitten.
It was delicious, but you were full. Thank you, next.
You never denied that you were a sadist; you had a taste for pain; maybe it was a kind of revenge for the destruction of your family; maybe not. They came to you for that feeling; the dragons wanted to be punished and tamed, and the feeling of pain made them cum harder. As they say, Orgasm is a little death.
You could play this game for hours on end, letting the fur expose your boobs and pressing it against the cold glass as you went. It was magnificent—tall and plump, as if it had been milked with milk—with pink nipples the color of magnolia blossoms. There was something animalistically seductive about it—an appeal to their natural reproductive instincts—that evil thought of possible pregnancy. Their whimpering made you laugh, and the sounds they made were so sweet—desperate pleas and long, long moans.
"Let me taste you; I want it so much. I was a good boy, such a good boy."
There were other days when you would let your hands run over the bare skin of your thighs, leaving long red streaks that stood in erotic contrast to the silk of your pale skin. You smeared the clear, shimmering liquid of your juices along the line of your neck, in that most exciting place for dragons, where their teeth locked in a mating mark, as if branding their mate in the most perverse of affiliations.
"Tell me I belong to you; please say it. I'll do anything you don't want. Own me, use me; I want to be your toy.".
Sometimes other girls would be brought into your shop window to put on an erotic show. Exquisite nymphs and rosy-cheeked Lolitas would explore your tender skin with their soft, wet tongues, leaving traces of hungry kisses, until at last their lips would close on the most intimate spot between your thighs.
On days like this, the whole of 'Eros' would shake with furious, jealous growls and thunderclaps. Dragons were terrible possessive, and even though the "scene" itself would excite the hell out of them, the jealousy would burn through their veins from the inside out, like a deadly poison.
"You belong to me, and only to me. You are mine, mine and mine alone. I will tear this girl apart, and we will fuck in her blood until there are no more conscious thoughts left in your pretty little head, until you remember nothing but my name.".
But no matter what their words were to you, you didn't have a care in the world. Nobody would dare touch the goddess, and if they tried, they would not only lose their hands but also get killed.
That was the law of the New Empire—all the people who were left were protected and sheltered in an incredible way. There were very few of you, and if there had been any harm to even one of you, it would have been a real tragedy.   Only once has there been a breach of that law, and the consequences have been terrible. No one wants a repeat.
In any case, your life in the Garden of Eros was a pleasure. Maybe it was some kind of perverse way of looking at the world and love, but you didn't have any desire to change anything; everything was great.
Have you ever wondered if there might be another version of you out there? Perhaps, somewhere in a parallel universe, humans would still exist as the dominant species, their countries and cities would be prosperous, and you would be living a different life—a normal one. There, in that other universe, that other Aphrodite—no, not Aphrodite—you would have an ordinary name, not a divine one, something cute, something sweet, and always with a hint of shyness. It is probably there that you would have experienced your first love, that you would dream of a prince who would take you off into the sunset, and that "and they lived happily ever after." You would have been embarrassed to talk about sex, and you would have blushed horribly if his fingers had been in your knickers. But you weren't her. And she wasn't you. You don't want to be saved from sinning; you want to become one of them. You want to experience forbidden pleasures. You want to subjugate and dominate.
You're not in need of a prince; you've already had a king, or rather, eight kings. The day will come when everything you have ever dreamed of will come true, even if you haven't met any of the Hala yet.
You want power; you want to sit on a golden throne in a castle high up in the sky, and so it shall be. They say that love is a great strength, but they fail to mention that it is also the greatest weakness. And you, like no one else, know how to use it to your advantage.
This is not a pink fairy tale. There are no rainbow ponies pooping rainbows and eating fairy dust. No, this is a rotten world. It is full of debauchery, violence, and sex. You could say, "Come and rescue me. I'm waiting for  you," but no, you have to rephrase it as "I'm waiting for you to crawl on your knees and lick my heels, and from that moment on, I will own you.".
Yes, that sounds much better.
It's already eight o'clock; time to get ready; you're leaving soon.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the most famous glass house in the New Empire. Tonight we have wet aesthetic cunnilingus as our main course, and for dessert, a mind-blowing orgasm. You have a choice of starters. Drinks are on the house. We accept cash and checks. If you wish, you can leave a tip for one of our "jewels.".
Our hope is that your time at Eros will be an unforgettable experience.
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hana-no-seiiki · 5 months
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⟣┄─ ˑ 𝐈. ✧ yandere! idol! oc (jisoo han) x superfan/manager! reader
✧ tw/cw: yandere themes, reader is also yandere at the start, mentions of anxiety and self harm, honestly idol life is its own tw
[ series masterlist ]
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“Oh gosh (oh gosh) this is so crazy. I’ve fallen in love again.
I trip so easily.
Adore new things, they sparkle.”
“Why are you so obsessed with him?”
“Dunno, just am.”
Your entire life revolved around Yesterday’s Dawn’s ace, Eve. The idol who had been in everyone’s lips. Whose name had been heard throughout nations you’ve never even heard of.
He was your sun, the reason you had the energy to wake up every single day, the light of your life.
Every waking moment you spent it either thinking of him or offering your services for name.
It was normal for you to spend hours looking at his schedule, knowing where he was, being around him most times, or staring at media of him.
Somehow, you were able to land a job as his manager.
You were finally closer to your god.
But you swiftly find out that no man should be likened to one for only disappointment can be found in such a path.
Eve was a lot more . . . burnt out than you expected. A lot less passionate and energetic than he was in camera if not irritable.
It was normal for him to harass workers when they didn’t meet a standard he imposed, as such, after the first few weeks of your employment everyone that you were with have already been fired, quit, and/or paid to keep their silence on the matter.
Yet your feelings for him only stayed; as your employment with the company. Your meticulous and proactive nature as a fan site owner allowed you to take much of the workload he threw at you.
The little admiration you have left for the man kept you standing.
And if only you were a little less stressed you’d notice his scarlet eyes providing stares of amusement, bewilderment, and growing affection.
You never complained (at least, in a place where he could hear you).
Whenever he asked for impossible items or schedules you’ll simply grin and work things out in your little way.
You adjusted to his turbulent temperament as quickly as an experienced pilot in a stormy sky, a sailor of uncharted, dangerous waters.
You were brilliant. Reminiscent of his times as a trainee.
Bit by bit he started lessening your workload. Allowing you to rest. Hell, even giving you his coffee if he didn’t want it. He never gives away his coffee.
You acquiesced to many of his whims but were never a pushover. Always doing your job perfectly. Keeping him in line.
He would have fallen for you already, had he not been in love with someone else.
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“Peek-a-boo! It’s only love when my heart quivers.
All my friends yell at me, they say I have a problem.
I’m fine fine fine fine fine fine!”
“ For this comeback period, [L/N] will be assigned to Hayate instead. Eve will have his senior’s manager work with him instead.”
You were assigned to another member around Spring.
Yesterday Dawn’s most hectic time of the year aside from fall as the group’s concept was as the name suggested, focused more on nostalgia and times of youth.
You were relieved.
You never thought you would have been able to say that after being separated from Eve, but now it was the only thing you had on your mind.
No more late night calls about wanting coffee but throwing the leftovers at you the moment he was sick of the taste, no more work being thrown at you and taken away at random moments, no more working around his schedule so that he’ll have time to meet that dear senior of his in private.
You were free.
Hayate was known to be the harsher one in the fandom, but much like Eve his image was a bit different from his actual self.
Sure he was demanding, but he was fair. He wasn’t controlled by whims and impulse. You were finally able to do your job properly til the end, and you didn’t always feel a judging stare from him like Jisoo would always throw at you.
You were finally able to smile.
However, you see, being a manager for another member did not mean you would completely be free of your original client.
Hayate and Eve worked quite closely, and as such, you’d often help with Jisoo’s requests even if you weren’t obligated to.
Eve immediately saw the change in you.
You were, a lot more bright. Less haggard. Your voice less hoarse. Relaxed.
You were already getting along better with his group member than you ever did with him.
Eve wasn’t really the type to show his anger actively. He was always more, passive.
The senior he was head over heels for was slowly forgotten as he’d spent countless of hours pouring his feelings into his music. What was supposed to be a bittersweet spring album turned out to be one of sour regret and frustration.
Of course, it was still a hit. It even scored him a collaboration with the senior he oh so wanted to have their eyes on him. But all he could think of as he went to bed early in the morning was the way you’d laugh whenever Hayate spoke to you.
Hmph, the guy wasn’t even funny.
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“Hey you, do you wanna play a game? I already know what you want.
Close your eyes and count to 10. Don’t matter anyways
Cause I am going to find you.”
“Did you hear? Jisoo got his first scandal. Apparently he bullied a bunch of students during high-school.”
“Wasn’t he . . . homeschooled?”
Causing scandals was easy. Dealing with scandals was not.
All Eve had to do was talk to some people, had a few pictures edited and voila, chaos.
It was amusing really, his company superiors would ply him with reassurances and sweet words; telling him that everything will be fine and dealt with while his pr managers dropped down like flies trying to prevent the flames of hatred from spreading too far.
All of them, hopelessly unaware.
All but his stupid senior.
“Why are you doing this now, Ji?”
They always looked down at him almost. Like he was a petulant child that needed to be coddled or scolded depending on their mood.
“We should focus on the track.”
And like he expected, you were brought right back to him. As you should be.
The heads figured out that you were the only one capable of handling the shitstorm without falling into the hands of alcohol or other substances in grief.
And as they expected you did.
After all, you had a timeline of his entire life in a canva document. Even if it was only mentioned once in a concert interview before they went famous. You were an Eve superfan.
All you did was confirm the fact that Jisoo got homeschooled by contacting his parents and teachers, and the rest was easy. You even reactivated your fansite for such an occasion.
If only you hadn’t.
Maybe then Jisoo wouldn’t have a definite reason to pursue you.
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“You’ll never get this concept, you might as well forget it
Just play again, bet it all, roll the dice
Eve thought he was doing well in terms of romancing you.
Ever since he found out about your fansite instead of feeling disgust and horror he felt . . . great, amazing even. A high the stage could never give him.
Of course, you two were destined.
It was only his duty to protect you as your partner, to spoil you, dote on you.
Even if you don’t realize your intertwined fates yet.
. . .
Eve always hovered over you.
Usually managers took shifts with watching over the idols. Half of your time was supposed to be spent planning rather than overseeing his activities.
Yet you seemed to have a never ending babysitting responsibility.
Your past self would have committed several war crimes for the sake of this opportunity. But after a year or so under his ‘care’ you found yourself slowly veering off into the type of insanity you didn’t like falling in.
You felt a bit like Andy from the original Devil Wears Prada book, only that your resentment simmered slowly. Forming into a hideous red sludge of exasperation whenever he randomly wanted to take a vacation. Forcing only you to come with him. Which meant an even bigger workload, and even more people to talk to for flights, schedule conflicts, reservations and all that.
You snapped.
It was a calm afternoon.
The sun was burning you alive as Eve insisted you two would go on a ‘beach date’ for some summer fun.
He shoved a drink in your hand.
And you just broke down.
Tears fell from your eyes, your breath shallow.
You asked him if this amused him. If your suffering was funny to him. If making you fall over just to get his demands on time made him feel fulfilled as a person.
And before he could answer you ran.
A week after that your schedule was finally normal.
Eve kept his distance. Not just from you but from everyone.
You knew of his anxiety attacks and depression before. But seeing those up close and personal scared you.
Things only get worse from here.
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“So it’s too late you’re in the game now. If you keep up might not lose it.
The jungle gym of fun, like hell yeah
Makin the moon fall down down down.”
Eve spent most of his ‘hiatus’ watching your posts of him. Edits, fanfictions, photography, fancams.
Of course, it wasn’t to see himself perform again. He already did that on a regular basis to make sure he kept himself up to the standards of an idol.
It was to see your captions.
Your fanatic raving made him feel . . . loved.
Your previous thoughts on his performances made him feel complete. Like he found a missing piece of a puzzle he kept trying to put something else to fill it in.
Another part of his hiatus was spent preparing for his graduation. The termination of his contract.
It was clear you didn’t love him as an idol anymore. It was his fault really. He couldn’t see how he was hurting you with his work and desires.
If there was another thing he can thank his idol work for was the amount of money he had saved.
Now, he had a new home built far away from civilization. It was completely soundproof. The bed he ordered was custom made, tailored to your preferences this time rather than his. Food stocked to the nines. A few instruments here and there so he could compose even while retired.
He can always make a new song, a new life for you two to enjoy together.
“My voice, my body, my soul. It had always been yours. I just didn’t realize it.”
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For more EVE content check out the #hns.eve tag 🩵
Lyrics are a mix of translations from the og song and Mitch Joseph’s cover.
©️ hana.no.seiiki - yun | 2024
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watermelonsugacry · 1 year
i would adore to learn how/when y/n meet mitch! your posts make me so happy!
Choose Your Words
A/N: in celebration of SINCE 2010 turning 1 on Tumblr, here's how the two best guitarists in the world met! 💚
SUMMARY: After almost a year into One Direction's hiatus, Harry craves being in the studio again to make some music. After inviting his best friend and former band member, YN, onto his team, they spend the next two months in Jamaica as they make an album, uncover hidden feelings, and explore uncharted territories. (3.5k)
GENRE: 1dbandmember!yn
SINCE 2010 masterlist // Jamaica series // Previous song here! 🌵
SIDE-NOTE: italicized is voice over commentary (I wrote this kind of like the Behind the Album documentary) bold are things Harry actually said irl
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“So what did you say his name was again?” 
Today marks the first day of the official writing session for Harry’s new album. The last of the team had just finished flying in the day before and settling into their new home for the next two months. 
Much like her time in the band, YN being the only female in this team was given her own room to stay in for their stay in Jamaica. With only a couple of hours in the land of paradise, she’s already traded in her skinny jeans for shorts and her leather jackets for open button-up shirts with tank tops underneath. 
Harry is just too excited to wait any longer. YN could tell how much he’s been holding it in and he has been itching to be back in the studio to make some music. After everyone’s taken naps to overcome the jet lag, it was time to get into the home studio to bring Harry’s ideas to fruition. 
The two of them haven’t experienced writing an album like this before. They were always on the road whenever they recorded, putting down some vocals here and there in a mini van minutes before going on stage to perform to a stadium full of people. They’ve never had the chance to set a month or two aside to solely focus on creating such a magic piece of art. Despite already getting in the studio to get started working on the album, it already feels like a vacation.
But before they could even get started, she had to ask about the last member of Harry’s team that she wasn’t able to meet before making the trip overseas. 
“Mitch. Mitch Rowland. He was Ryan’s roommate.” Harry answers as YN takes a sip of her smoothie she made earlier that morning. Her and Harry walk side by side down the hallway on their way to the built-in home studio. The house they were staying in was absolutely beautiful. It was just sitting off the coast so almost every window in the house had a view of the beach. It has a lot of open space in each room, a spacious backyard and a patio area for get-togethers, but YN’s favorite part of the house is the home studio. She can’t wait until hers gets done by the time they get back from their trip. 
“Wait, what happened to the other bloke that was supposed to come in?” 
Harry takes the cup from her hand and takes a sip for himself, “He bailed.”
“Just like that?” YN raises her eyebrows in surprise as he nods around the cup. “Well shit. Is this new guy legit then?” 
“Ryan said Mitch has been working at a pizza shop for the last couple of years and that they’re pretty good friends.” She nods along before being handed back her cup. “Met him about a week before we came out here and he’s pretty fucking wicked at the guitar. He’s pretty stiff competition compared to you.” 
“Har, har,” YN playfully rolls her eyes at his teasing but the compliment simultaneously inflates her ego and gives her tummy butterflies at the same time. The feeling in her stomach only increases as she watches Harry rake a hand through his new haircut.
Only a week before they need to take off to Jamaica, YN and Harry take the trip back to Holmes Chapel to a very excited Anne. The woman never fails to extend a warm welcome—especially towards the young lady who her son’s been secretly in love with since he was a teenager.
They stay by the doorframe of Anne’s small kitchen and (despite YN’s few attempts to talk him out of it) watch as Harry gets ready for his first haircut in almost two years. He takes off his shirt since he doesn’t feel like plucking the hair off of the fabric, leaving him in his pajama pants. The two women watch as he gets his long locks tied back in a low ponytail and YN can’t help the giggle that tumbles out of her lips.
“What are you laughing at?” Harry can’t help but chuckle as well. As much as this transformation is needed in order to transition into this new chapter in his life, there’s no denying that he’s feeling anxious as well.
“M’nervous! I can’t help it,” YN beams, tightly linking her arm with Anne’s.
“You want to cut a bit of it off?” Harry offers.
“Like hell m’gonna to be partly responsible for this crime being committed in front of me eyes.”
The people in the room laugh at her playfully offended tone and Anne pats her hand reassuringly to the young woman’s arm. YN’s had her fair share of hair transformations over the years. For Harry, his long hair has always been her favorite. She remembers the day he told her he planned on growing it out with the intention of donating it and the day he asked her about some ways he could keep his hair out of his eyes—introducing his love for headscarves and small clips. She remembers when she had a real shitty day and he let her braid his long hair to cheer her up...only for him to keep them on for the show they had later that night. She loved to card her fingers through his hair and watch his eyes fight to stay open.
Right as the hairdresser begins to grab at the low ponytail and brings the blades of the scissors to his hair, YN playfully covers her eyes and digs her face into Anne’s arm, “I can’t watch!”
“I was the one with the long hair. I’ve had it for so much of One Direction that cutting it off just felt like starting afresh.”
YN’s eyes peek through the gap in between her fingers as she watches the deed be done. Harry also has a hand over his eyes and playfully groans out in pain. 
She snaps a couple of pictures of him initially getting his hair trimmed before leaving to the living room to let him have his haircut in peace and have a chat with Anne. And once it was officially over, Harry only adds to the anticipation of his new haircut reveal when he tells her to cover her eyes.
“Hurry up, H. M’already all worked up.”
“Okay, okay,” She hears the sound of wood—presumingly the coffee table—scraping against the floor before he takes a take on it to be in front of her. “Open your eyes, love.” 
Her eyes make their way up from the two birds on his chest up to his head.
“Huh,” She smiles contently at the sight in front of her. Harry’s hair no longer reaches below his shoulders. The curly curtains that once framed his face have been removed. His newly short locks don’t seem as curly as it used to be but they both know it’s still there. Harry’s hair is styled in an upward motion and all she wants to do is run her fingers through it.
So she brings a hand up to do just that. She combs her fingers through the top of his hair and she’s slightly surprised that his hair is not long enough for the action to last longer. Her gaze moves down to his eyes and sees him waiting for her approval. 
“Is that a good ‘huh’?” He asks when she hasn’t said another word.
“It’s a good ‘huh.’” She tilts her head to the side as she continues to stare at him and a smile of his own creeps onto his face. She’s definitely going to miss his long hair, but on the other hand, she thinks his new look suits him as he starts a new chapter in life. And if she’s being completely honest with herself, he looks so fucking handsome.
When he sees her eyes continuing to bounce around the top of his head and around the rest of his face, he playfully pushes at her knee, “Stop or else I’ll get conceded.”
His chest swells when he sees that gorgeous smile of hers only become that much brighter, “Oh I think you’re way past that.” 
“I was about to personify my hair but I decided not to,” Harry huffs out a smirk from his seat in front of his interview chair. 
“M’excited for you to meet him though,” Harry says, rubbing his hands together. “Getting a lead guitarist is just the beginning for all this, y’know? Like it makes this that much more real.”
It’s really exciting to see Harry so excited about his music. Going from being in the band for five years and putting out an album a year was tiring to say the least but the fact that they were making music that they loved balanced out some of the stress. Now as an upcoming solo artist, it was inspiring to see him as passionate about music as he was when she first met him all those years ago.
“Well let’s stop wasting time then and let me go see how wicked this guy really is.” YN smiles and reaches for the door handle but before she can touch it, his hand covers hers. She blinks up at him as he brings their joined hands to his chest.
“You think talking to me is a waste of time, lovie?” Whether it was the teasing look in his eye or the way he smirks at her with his dimpled cheeks, but it has her mind going blank without a witty comment to fire back. Yet this is how they’ve been for years: making jokes that were borderline flirty, causing the other person to smirk or playfully roll their eyes in fake annoyance, acting like one another’s actions didn’t have an effect on them when it utterly and wholeheartedly did. Since they couldn’t do anything about it with the strict restrictions of the no-dating rule in the band, there was no harm or foul with these kinds of conversations.
Now everything is different.
They aren’t in the band anymore.
These stubble comments and questions left them searching for the truth behind each word that pushed past the other’s lips. Did the other person actually mean what they said or was it just them being how they always are? 
At a loss for words, she furrows her brows with a rigid shake of her head, “N-no, I-I mean—”
“M’joking darling,” An amused smile graces his face from seeing her all flustered and tongue-tied. It’s a rare sight so whenever he’s able to catch her off guard in this way, he relishes in it.
YN pulls her hand away from Harry’s with an eye roll and a scoff, trying her best to play off a cool demeanor, “I know tha’.” 
Despite her efforts, he continues to smirk down at her before twisting the door handle and pushing the door open. 
“After you,” Harry extends a hand out towards the room. With one last look at him, she enters the room with the rim of the cup to her lips to hide the heat creeping its way up to her cheeks. She sees two of the producers, Tyler and Alex, messing around with the buttons on the panel and in a light discussion. 
She also sees a guy in the recording room through the window above the huge studio console. His long hair covers his face as he looks down to tune his guitar.
“Is this him?” She asks, feeling Harry behind her. 
Tyler turns around and gives a quick nod, “Should we let him know we’re ready for him?”
YN cocks up an eyebrow with a hand lazily resting on her hip, “Let’s see what he’s got.”
Given the good girl persona that One Direction’s management forced upon her during the majority of her career, no one would really expect her to look so intimidating. Sure, there’s always going to be some slight intimidation for the fact that she’s a member of one of the most famous bands in the world, making music that quickly lands them at the top of the charts, putting out new music, and performing to sold-out stadiums almost every night—but she’s been so prim and proper externally that some people wouldn’t think twice to write her off as anything else.
As the last year of the band progressed, more and more of her personality began to shine through to the outside world. She’s a harsh critic and doesn’t like to sugar coat shit—especially if it comes to a big project like this for one of the most important people in her life.
So as she takes a seat on the leather sofa chair with Harry sitting on the arm rest, she puts one leg over the other and crosses her arms over her chest with a neutral expression on her face. Harry might say that this hippie looking guy is a good guitarist, but YN needs to see that for herself.
“I was a bit skeptical about Mitch at first, m’not gonna lie,” YN lightly laughs in her interview chair. “I mean, v’seen a lot of talented guitarists so far during my music career so I was mainly looking to see like, ‘what’s so different about this guy?’” 
From the first note that the guy behind the glass riffs—as cool as it was—she keeps from showing her thoughts and brings her cup to her lips. Harry pinches at his bottom lips as he watches for her reactions; needing her approval for something as vital as this racks his nerves like no other. 
As Mitch continues to play, Harry sees the way YN begins to slowly move her head to the pretty melody. Her eyes scan the spot on the floor in front of her as she listens closely to what’s being played and the infamous crease in between her eyebrows appears.
“But the moment he started playing, he just...” She shakes her head with a smirk. “...he blew me fookin’ socks off.”
Mitch does a really cool riff on the guitar that has the four of them in the room whoop and shout in amazement.
“Woah!” Harry stands up from his seat and lifts his arms in the air. 
“Holy shit!” YN lets out a laugh, putting her hands to her temple in disbelief. “Are yeh fookin’ kidding me?”
The next thing she knows, Harry’s removing his pink button up, crossing his arms across his torso and removing his shirt to place it onto her lap behind him. The two producers in the room soon catch on and start laughing hysterically at the sight before them.
Harry then proceeds to shimmy out of his tight, black jeans, leaving him in his tiny briefs, and sticks his arms in the air. YN places her index fingers in the corners of her mouth and blows out a loud whistle both for Mitch's guitar skills and Harry's undressing.
The two of them don’t waste another second as Harry takes her inside the recording room to formally introduce her to the newest member of the team.
“Mitch, this is my best friend YN. YN, this is—”
“Mitch fookin’ Rowland,” YN smirks, taking his outreached hand. “S’nice to meet yeh, mate.”
“Thanks, same here,” Mitch gives her a shy smile. “Harry’s told me a lot about you. He told me you’re a musician too?” 
Trying not to be thrown off by his innocent tone, YN glances at Harry at Mitch’s unexpected comment but she’s quick to bounce back, “I am, yeah. Nothing too major though. Play a bit of guitar as well.”
“Yeah, and by ‘a bit,’” Harry throws a hand on her shoulder. “She means she’s practically married to it.”
“You have to show me some of your secrets then,” Mitch motions to the guitar that’s still pressed against himself.
“Sure, but before that, you gotta show me how you did that one riff earlier,” YN says as she’s already reaching for one of the guitars she’s brought for the trip and throwing the thick strap over her shoulder.
It’s strange to meet someone who hasn’t known their band. YN can’t remember the last time she met someone where they didn’t know her name and her success prior to being formally introduced. Since she was sixteen years old, she began to feel like everyone knew everything about her: her feelings, her background, what she was fucking thinking just because they read something in some sleazy, tabloid article. People had preconceived notions about her but with Mitch, it’s the complete opposite. It was an uncomfortable experience at first, but then YN fookin’ loves it.
“The thing with Mitch is that since he had no experience with being in a recording studio and YN having the same, if not more, experience with songwriting and that sort of thing, it really connected us in a way where the three of us sort of, balanced each other out,” Harry explains, before pitching at his bottom lip with his thumb and index finger. “We had each other to lean on and work this out together and the three of us wrote the majority of the album together.”
“The first song we wrote together was Ever Since New York,” YN recalls as she pushes a strand of hair behind her ear. “Knowing from personal experience, the best form of therapy and venting out yeh feelings is in songwriting so...that song was just waiting to come out of Harry.”
A major part of creating music is being vulnerable. It’s an intimate experience to write songs, especially with other people, in letting other people see your hurts, your feelings, and the kinds of thoughts that can keep you up late at night. It’s one of the reasons why YN and Harry are as close as they are. It took some time to get used to it at the beginning of their careers together, but they let each other see the deepest parts of themselves. They tell each other things that they’d be embarrassed to tell anyone else with no fear of judgment; they’ve created a safe space in one another...well, as safe as one can feel when they’re secret, deeper feelings for their best friend.
Ever Since New York came to life fairly easily; songwriting can be that way when writing from life experiences. After finalizing some of the lyrics about Harry’s sick father with YN and working out the chords with Mitch, the next they knew he was laying down the vocals for the song. 
As everyone gets to work in the studio, YN finds herself reverting back to her old demeanor in the band: sitting in the corner of the room watching as the four male producers work their magic in front of the huge console of buttons and sliders. Not that she minded all that much since she was hired as a songwriter, there was nothing in that kind of job description for her to be with the other men producing Harry’s songs.
She knew her place without being told and she’s had years of experience in learning how to be okay with that...but that didn’t stop her mind from dreaming about being up there, moving various sliders, typing away at the desktop computer, and helping fix vocals as they appear in their zigzag form on the screen.
As if hearing her thoughts behind him, YN’s head perks up when Tom—better known as Kid Harpoon—spins around in his seat and beckons her over with a nod of his head.
When Harry comes out of the recording booth, a smile spreads across his face when he sees YN sitting in a swiveling chair with everyone else, clicking away at the desktop mouse as Kid points to the screen. She nods to whatever he’s saying and highlights the recorded vocals to make the needed adjustments.
When Kid sees Harry come up to them, he pipes up, “H, you didn’t tell me we got another producer on our team.”
“Oh, no s’nothing—” 
“I thought you knew,” Harry says in-matter of fact, interrupting YN before she can finish. When she blinks up at him, he nods over to the computer screen. “Wanna show me what you’ve got so far?”
She gives him that smile that has been making his knees weak since he was sixteen years old. “Okay. Okay, yeah. Um, so here’s a bit from the first verse you did earlier...”
As she shows him the work she’s done, it takes him a second to make his eyes stop bouncing around her profile. She speaks so passionately about her work, her eyes lighting up like a kid in a candy store. The way her plushy lips push and pull with each word has him wanting to reach out to run his thumb over her bottom lip.
After all these years, how has his feelings for her not gone away? 
He thought maybe this time it would be different. They’re not in the band anymore...but with her being hired on as a member of his album-making team, they’re practically co-workers once again. 
Harry pulls his eyes away from her face and looks at the computer screen in hopes to drown out those intrusive thoughts. He just hopes this doesn’t affect their work...shit.
Next Song Here! 👻
@wobblymug @be-with-me-so-happily @ashtongivesmebutterflies @kiwiskiwiskiwi @darlingdesire @obsesseddd @hopefulwastelandcreation @cacapeepee @breezie-b00 @harrysfolklore @theekyliepage @sunshinemoonsposts @nervousspiderling @tbslonelyhes @tenaciousperfectionunknown @harrystylesrecs @certified-nalayak @itsjustsel @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof @gviosca @behindmygreyeyes @twobluejeans @allisonxmcu @theemeraldbutterfly @jean-love @marvellover-sam @b-reads-things @reveriehs @rach2602 @thurhomish @perrypughstyles @luvonstyles @mxltifxnd0m @teamspideyman @c00chiemonster @juiceboxrry @s8tellite @folklorehrry @illicithallways @claramllera @eunoiaax @hoya122 @nichmedder @sleutherclaw @gloriousmoneyrascalbiscuit @harianaswhore @vrittivsanghavi @vc55bughead @futuristiccroissantlampsludge @onecrazydirectioner @valluvsu @itsgabbysblog @awkwardbisexuall @rosehel @sucker4angstt @isalove @diorchives @mrshiddlestyles02 @fdl305 @tiaamberxx
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aifanfictions · 8 months
Write a story about Kakashi falling in love with single mother who has daughter 🌷
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A Blossoming Love
In the bustling streets of Konohagakure, a village steeped in history and tradition, Kakashi Hatake was a man who had long walked the path of a solitary ninja. Behind his ever-present mask was a sense of mystery that intrigued those who crossed his path. He was a master of his craft, respected by many, but his heart remained a realm uncharted by love. Kakashi never imagined that love would come knocking at his door in such an unexpected way, but that was until he met (Y/N).
(Y/N) was a single mother, a woman of incredible strength and resilience. She possessed a bright smile that could light up even the darkest of days, and her heart was filled to the brim with love. It was a love not just for her precious daughter, Sakura, but for everyone she met, friends and strangers alike. They had recently moved to Konohagakure, looking for a fresh start, and life had not been easy for them.
As a single mother, (Y/N) juggled the responsibilities of parenting and making ends meet. She had a grace and charm that were hard to ignore, and her life was filled with a quiet elegance. Her daughter Sakura, with her bright eyes and pigtails, was the center of her world, and their bond was stronger than any storm they'd weathered.
One sunny day, Kakashi was strolling through the bustling marketplace, his solitary nature pushing him to seek the comfort of anonymity amidst the crowd. He was on his way to pick up some groceries when he heard a burst of laughter that caught his attention.
Following the sound, he discovered a small crowd gathered around a makeshift stage. At the center of the attention was (Y/N), dressed in vibrant colors that contrasted with the traditional ninja attire. She was performing a series of magic tricks, making colorful ribbons appear out of thin air and coins disappear with a flourish. Kakashi watched in awe, captivated by the joy on Sakura's face and the grace with which (Y/N) moved her hands.
After the performance, Kakashi approached (Y/N) with a small smile hidden behind his mask. "Impressive," he said, his voice carrying a note of genuine admiration. "You certainly have a way with magic, (Y/N)."
(Y/N) looked up, her eyes meeting his one visible eye. Her own eyes held a mix of surprise and warmth. "Thank you! I do what I can to make Sakura smile. It's been just the two of us for a while."
Kakashi was drawn to her warmth and humility, and it intrigued him. "It's clear you love her very much," he replied, the corners of his eyes crinkling in a small smile behind his mask. "And she adores you."
(Y/N) blushed and looked at Sakura, who was now happily playing with a group of children who had gathered around her. "She's my world," she said softly, her voice filled with a blend of love and pride.
As they chatted, Kakashi discovered that (Y/N) had moved to Konohagakure for a safer and more stable life for Sakura. She had faced many hardships but remained resilient and hopeful, and this resilience was a quality that Kakashi admired deeply.
Kakashi found himself returning to the marketplace more frequently, not just to see (Y/N) perform her magic tricks but to spend time with her and Sakura. Over time, he began helping them with groceries, escorting them home safely, and offering his assistance in various small but thoughtful ways.
The more they got to know each other, the deeper Kakashi's feelings grew. It wasn't just (Y/N)'s beauty and grace that drew him in, but her unwavering love for her daughter, her kindness, and her resilience in the face of life's challenges.
One evening, under the glow of the setting sun, Kakashi finally mustered the courage to confess his feelings. They were sitting on a park bench as Sakura played nearby. "You know, (Y/N), I've enjoyed getting to know you and Sakura," Kakashi began, his words measured and sincere. "I've come to care about both of you deeply."
(Y/N) turned to him with a soft smile, a blush gracing her cheeks. "Kakashi, I feel the same way. You've been a wonderful friend to us."
With Sakura's playful encouragement, they decided to go on their first official date. Kakashi took them to a charming park where Sakura could play to her heart's content, and they shared a picnic under the shade of a large oak tree.
The date was filled with laughter and heartwarming moments, and it felt like the start of a beautiful journey. Kakashi's mysterious and solitary existence was slowly transformed by the presence of (Y/N) and Sakura. He found himself stepping out of the shadows, and his world became brighter with every passing day.
Their love story continued to blossom, and Kakashi, who had always been an enigmatic ninja, found his heart opening up to (Y/N) and her daughter. He marveled at the strength and resilience (Y/N) displayed every day and adored Sakura's infectious laughter. With each passing day, Kakashi's love grew stronger.
As the days turned into months and then years, Kakashi, (Y/N), and Sakura formed a beautiful family. Kakashi embraced the role of a loving father figure, and the three of them shared countless cherished moments, from Sakura's first day at the Ninja Academy to picnics in the park, cozy evenings at home, and the joyful celebrations of holidays.
Their life was filled with love, and every day was a testament to the power of their bond. It wasn't just a love story; it was a story of family, resilience, and transformation. Kakashi's heart, which had long been concealed beneath the mask of his stoic nature, had found its true home with (Y/N) and Sakura.
As Kakashi, (Y/N), and Sakura embarked on the journey of life together, they faced challenges and triumphs, but their love was the unshakable foundation that kept them strong. Sakura grew into a bright, kind-hearted young girl, and Kakashi was there to support and guide her at every step.
Their days were filled with shared laughter, quiet moments, and the warmth of each other's company. Kakashi had found not just love but a sense of belonging that he had never thought possible. He had found his place in the world, beside (Y/N) and Sakura.
And so, their story continued, an enduring tale of love, family, and the power of resilience and kindness. The mysterious ninja with a hidden past had become the devoted partner and father who cherished every moment with (Y/N) and Sakura.
In the end, their love story was a testament to the fact that love can be found in the most unexpected places and that it has the power to transform not just individuals but entire lives. Love had finally found Kakashi Hatake, not in the shadows or the battlefield, but in the laughter and warmth of (Y/N) and her sweet daughter, Sakura.
With love, laughter, and Sakura's radiant smile, their hearts entwined in a bond that was even more magical than any trick (Y/N) had ever performed. And in their embrace, he discovered a love that was timeless and enduring
, a love that could weather any storm, and a love that would only grow stronger with time.
As the seasons changed and the village of Konohagakure transformed with the passing years, Kakashi, (Y/N), and Sakura continued to build a life filled with love, laughter, and unforgettable memories.
Kakashi, the once-mysterious ninja, found himself transforming not only into a loving father figure but also a devoted partner. He showed up for every school event and cheered Sakura on in her training, even if it meant sitting through countless hours of lecture and practice. Kakashi's pride in Sakura's accomplishments was evident in his smiles and words of encouragement, and it meant the world to both (Y/N) and Sakura.
(Y/N) and Sakura, in turn, brought a newfound warmth to Kakashi's life. The solitude he had embraced for so long gave way to a loving family that he cherished more than anything. (Y/N)'s kindness and grace had a way of brightening the darkest corners of Kakashi's heart, and Sakura's energy and enthusiasm were a daily reminder of the joy that life could bring.
They celebrated birthdays with homemade cakes and beautifully wrapped presents. Sakura was known for her artistic talent, and she often crafted personalized cards for special occasions, each one a treasure that Kakashi kept tucked away.
Holidays were a particularly special time in their household. With every passing season, the family's bond grew stronger. On Christmas, they decorated the tree together, and Sakura hung ornaments with Kakashi's help while (Y/N) prepared a delicious holiday feast. Easter brought egg hunts in the park, and every spring, the cherry blossoms in Konohagakure served as a backdrop for their family outings.
The annual Konoha Festival was a highlight, and they never missed it. They would stroll through the bustling festival grounds, playing games and savoring street food. Kakashi's usually unreadable face would light up with amusement as Sakura tried her hand at every game, always eager to win a prize for her family.
Summer vacations often included trips to the nearby beach, where they built sandcastles, swam in the ocean, and savored the simple pleasure of being together. Kakashi would watch from a distance as Sakura's laughter echoed along the shoreline, and he couldn't help but smile, knowing that he was part of a family that brought so much happiness into his life.
Kakashi, (Y/N), and Sakura's bond was not just limited to the light-hearted moments. They supported each other during life's challenges as well. When Sakura faced the trials of the Ninja Academy, Kakashi was there to offer guidance and training, sharing his vast knowledge and wisdom. And when (Y/N) encountered difficulties in her work or personal life, Kakashi was a pillar of strength, always ready to lend a listening ear and a shoulder to lean on.
But perhaps the most touching moments were the ones shared in the quiet spaces of their home. Kakashi, the man who had once hidden his emotions behind a mask, now felt comfortable enough to reveal his true self to (Y/N) and Sakura. He read bedtime stories, helped with homework, and sometimes, they'd gather in the living room for movie nights, with Sakura picking the films and (Y/N) preparing popcorn.
In those precious moments, as they sat together on the couch, Kakashi felt a sense of completeness he had never known. It was a love that enveloped him, cradled him, and gave him a sense of belonging he had long yearned for.
As the years passed and Sakura continued to grow into a remarkable young woman, Kakashi watched with pride and affection. She was strong, kind-hearted, and just as determined as her mother. Sakura had a fierce love for both (Y/N) and Kakashi, and she held them close to her heart, knowing that she was blessed with a family that was more special than anything she could have ever imagined.
The love that had blossomed in the midst of the bustling marketplace had grown into something beautiful and enduring. Kakashi, (Y/N), and Sakura had built a life filled with love and meaning, a life that was a testament to the power of resilience and the transformative force of love.
Their story was one of family, of love, and of the enduring bond that can be found in the most unexpected places. Kakashi had not only found love but a sense of purpose and belonging that had transformed his life in ways he could have never predicted.
And so, the man who had once been a solitary ninja with a hidden past had become a loving partner and father who cherished every moment with (Y/N) and Sakura. With love, laughter, and Sakura's radiant smile, their hearts were entwined in a bond that was even more magical than any trick (Y/N) had ever performed.
Their story was a testament to the fact that love could change the course of one's life, that it had the power to transform not just individuals but entire families. Kakashi had finally found the love he had long searched for, not in the shadows or the battlefield, but in the laughter and warmth of (Y/N) and her sweet daughter, Sakura.
And with each passing day, their love grew, a testament to the fact that love, like the cherry blossoms of Konohagakure, could blossom and endure, bringing beauty and joy into their lives for years to come.
NOTE! This story was generated by OpenAI
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scifimagpie · 10 months
Writeblr intro
Last Updated: Mar 2024 So, I realised I hadn't actually written one of these, and I had to fix it!
Name: Magpie, or Shelle, or Michelle.
Pronouns: she/her or xe/xer/xis.
Who: both a writer and an editor!
The Writing: I’ve been publishing since 2011, and I have a bunch of free and paid anthologies I’ve organized, but these are my most important/favourite works.
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Except for The Meaning Wars series, all of my books are set in Canada!  
The Meaning Wars (complete; And The Stars Will Sing, The Stolen: Two Short Stories, The Meaning Wars, Poe’s Outlaws, A Jade’s Trick, The Meaning Wars Complete Omnibus)
Similar to: Becky Chambers’ A Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet and Ruthanna Emrys’ A Half-Built Garden
Vibes: Space opera! Found family! Mature (30s) protagonists! Best friends! Sapphic and queer m/f romance elements! Friendly space raptors! Space pirates! A beach episode! Antifascism! Colonization (and inequality issues)! Fighting stuff with democracy and direct action!  
The Underlighters (Book 1 of The Nightmare Cycle; Book 2, Monsters and Fools, is complete and in edits. Book 3, The Foundling City, is a current WIP!)
Similar to: Jean DuPrau’s The City of Ember, Neil Gaiman’s Neverwhere, the Fallout series
Vibes: Coming of age/new adult themes. Spooky monsters. Post-apocalyptic. The importance and warmth of community. Friendship. Struggling with teen problems. Polyamory. Nightmares. Mental health issues. Trauma. Hope. Recycling.
After The Garden (Book 1 of the Memory Bearers Saga; Book 2, Within the Tempest, is also one of my WIPs)
Similar to: Margaret Atwood’s Oryx and Crake, The Wachowski sisters’ Sense-8, the Fallout series
Vibes: Found family. Gentle romance. Polyamory (m/f/m). Superpowers without superheroes. Sinister cults and religious extremism. Reincarnation. An alternate future. Adorable giant spiders. Silk-weaving and fiber arts. Post-collapse societal reorganization and politics.
The Loved, The Lost, The Dreaming: A Horror Anthology includes an alternate-ending version of The Underlighters, the novella A Shot of Vodka, and a dozen or so genre-crossing short stories. All of them have spooky elements.
Similar to: Neil Gaiman’s Smoke and Mirrors, Roald Dahl’s Skin and Other Stories (this is not an endorsement of antisemite Roald Dahl; I am antifascist)
Vibes: Underground living. Spooky dolls. Abandoned houses. Queerness. Sinister fey. Nightmares. Lovecraftian eeriness. Here be monsters.
Bad Things That Happen To Girls (Book 1 of the Memory Bearers Saga; Book 2, Within the Tempest, is also one of my WIPs) Possibly my most underrated work, this New Adultish story is a standalone novella about trauma and what happens when life breaks down.
Similar to: Emily Danforth’sThe Miseducation of Cameron Post and Miriam Toews’ A Complicated Kindness
Vibes: Broken family. Abusive mother. Being queer in a small city. Religious trauma. Forbidden cross-cultural love. Teen heartbreak. Coming-of-age. Sisters.
The Hell series (Unpublished WIPs; Dark as Hell, Uncharted Hell, Hope in Hell)
Similar to: Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag, Andrej Sapkowski’s The Witcher series
Vibes: Grumpy/sunshine romance! Mature protagonists! Queer f/m romance! Thriller elements! Immortal pirate! Marxist/anti-billionaire politics—with a billionaire protag! Lovecraftian ocean horror! Historical fantasy elements! Lots and lots of boat stuff!
Prairie Weather Trilogy (Unpublished but complete, in submission; Chinook Phase, Tornado Warning, Brushfire)
Similar to: Douglas Couplands’ Jpod,Nick Sagan’s Idlewild trilogy (without the sci fi stuff), Love Actually, Heartstoppers
Vibes: Aggressively Canadian! Found family! Cozy academia! University! Set in the early 2010s! Queer romance! Ensemble cast! Aggressively queer, diverse, and inclusive! Coming-of-Age/New Adult issues! Friendship! Drama! Sex work-positivity!             
The Editing: I've been a professional freelance editor since 2013, with Top-Rated status on Upwork (a freelancing website) and several hundred books under my belt. (I don't know how many things I've worked on at this point. I've lost count!) Primarily into sci fi, fantasy, horror, and literature (and associated subgenres); enthusiastic about #ownvoices and all kinds of diversity/marginalised representation in fiction.
You don’t have to go through Upwork unless you want to; DM me if you’re looking for an editor who’s knowledgeable, enthusiastic, and gentle. I’m also budget-friendly!
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Age: in my 30s.
Queer?: yes. Also poly! Happily married to two people; also have a girlfriend. Not looking for more partners.
Disabled?: yes.
Languages: English mostly, but some conversational Spanish (rusty), scraps of French, tiny bits of German and Irish. All my writing is in English, though.
Location: Southern Alberta, Canada. (Texas + Kansas + Colorado = Alberta, more or less.)
Other hobbies: Knitting, making jewelry, playing Dungeons and Dragons (and other tabletop games), singing, reading (obviously), learning stuff; playing cello, clarinet, and violin
Interests: Jewelry, gems, metalworking, fiber arts, queer issues and social justice, environmentalism, drinking quite a lot of tea (usually black; I like an assam, Ceylon, or breakfast blends, though Golden Snail absolutely slaps when I’m in the mood for it, and I love Earl Grey Cream as well)
Other internet profiles: *Website * Mailing list * Magpie Editing * Amazon * Tumblr * Mastodon *Facebook * Medium * Twitter  * OG Blog* Instagram * Paypal.me * Ko-fi
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Hi! Long-time follower here ig lmao. I'm moving to Chicago next week, any recommendations for stuff (to do/eat/see/go, etc.)?
oh lol this is such a huge question! and it also depends which area you're moving to. ummmm if you like theatre, there's a TON, more than i can keep track of tbh. but if you want something cool and late-night, the neo-futurists is a very Chicago thing to do. i think the two most famous regional theatres in chicago are the goodman and steppenwolf. they both do great work, and they're a good starting point. also shout out to the court theatre, blank theatre company, theatre wit, trap door theatre, a red orchid theatre, and lyric opera. i've adored at least one show from each of these companies (and they all do VERY different work).
in my neighborhood (andersonville), check out the bookstores women and children first, and uncharted books. and if you like thrifting, check out brown elephant. (i'm also addicted to going to tuesday night piano karaoke at elixir in andersonville lol. if you end up going sometime, there's like a 50% chance i'll be there)
the chicago symphony is where i spend most of my evenings these days tbh (the promo code "student" will get you a ticket discount lol)
the art institute is just as good as you've heard. the MCA also rules.
some of my personal favorite live music venues are: SPACE in Evanston, Old Town School of Folk Music, city winery in the loop, and constellation. i like these venues because they have chairs and i'm tired of going to concerts where i'm constantly bumping into twinks with $12 white claws, but also because they program great music at relatively affordable prices.
if you like dancing/nightlife, i like sidetrack, queen on sunday nights at smartbar (amazing djs), a diy queer drag party called boots (they're on instagram), and berlin (berlin is where the cool queers go, and has arguably the best drag in chicago--keep in mind it does get a bit crowded and claustrophobic). (NVM, BERLIN WORKERS JUST ANNOUNCED THEY’RE ON STRIKE, SO DON’T GO THERE LOL). the drag competition on thursday nights at charlie's is also a fabulous time.
oh and if you like going to movies, you have to check out the gene siskel film center (the best programming in the city), the music box (the COOLEST movie theatre in the city), and facets. be sure to look into the series (serieses?) that these theatres program—they do a lot of fabulous screenings of older movies, and also some great film festivals. i also go to the alamo drafthouse a lot for convenience, even tho they piss me off. but they do sometimes have cool programming.
that's what i got off the top of my head!!! congrats on the move, i love chicago and i hope you do too!!!
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daydreamtofiction · 2 years
The Feature XVIII // Benedict Cumberbatch x Reader
Series Overview | Previous Part | First Part
Chapter Summary: Mending a relationship seems all well and good in theory, until you realise it's going to be a lot harder than you thought to stick to Ben's new rule.
Chapter Word Count: 2.7K
Chapter Warnings: Morally-grey reader, strong language, sexual themes and discussions, frustration, rejection. Readers must be 18+
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'He wasn't you'? God, what the hell had this man done to you?
You'd never been the type to let men hold the power in your relationships; to afford them the satisfaction of knowing they had you in the palm of their hand. It would be like giving someone a gun, pressing your forehead against the barrel and telling them to shoot. Suicide. So you'd always preferred to be the one with your finger on the trigger.
But no man had ever had a hold on you like this before, no man had ever been able to make you feel so vulnerable by doing nothing but simply adore you. It was uncharted waters, and you'd somehow found yourself sailing blindfolded without a compass right into its terrifying waves. 
He wasn't you. Had you really just said that? 
He smiled down at you, the kind of smile that bloomed slowly until it crinkled at the corners of his eyes. "God, you're just crazy about me, aren't you," he teased. 
"No," you replied stubbornly. 
"Sure. You forget I heard everything you said to my front door. I don't know why you still insist on denying it." 
"I'm not denying anything."
A laugh rattled in his throat. "Now you're denying denying things..." 
You rolled your eyes and stepped away from him. "Where's your boiler?" 
"Over there." 
You walked across the kitchen to the door he'd pointed at, the one you'd always assumed led to a pantry or utility room or something equally as fancy. But instead, you opened it to find the boiler sitting inside a dark, dusty cupboard. 
You could feel Ben's eyes on you from the other side of the room as you looked at it, humming thoughtfully to yourself as you moved a few dials and fiddled with the pipes, pretending to know exactly what you were doing despite not actually having a clue. After a moment, you found the reset button, smiling triumphantly as you pressed it down with your thumb. 
"Try switching the heating on now?" you said. 
He pressed a button on the thermostat, and within seconds you heard the boiler rumble to life, the entire house groaning and squeaking as the cold pipes began to thaw. 
"Oh yeah," you said smugly, closing the cupboard door and turning towards him. "Just call me Quinn the handyman." 
He shook his head with a smile and made his way across the kitchen. "Thank you very much, Quinn the handyman. Would you like a cup of tea for your efforts?"
"Please. It's tiring work, you know." 
You watched him quietly as he moved around the kitchen, filling the kettle and taking two mugs from the cabinet. You felt your heart flutter as he brought himself face-to-face with you, placing his hands on your waist and looking down at you with a smile. You tilted your head back to look up at him - waiting, anticipating - but instead of a hug, or a kiss, or a 'Quinn I was wrong, let's have sex right here, right now on this counter', you felt him gently move you aside. 
"Sorry, you were in the way," he said as he reached for the tea and sugar canisters behind you. 
You let out an unimpressed huff and folded your arms over your chest. But instead of rising to it, he simply began to whistle to himself, ignoring you with a smirk as he pulled a spoon from the drawer and glided past you to the fridge. 
"Oh," he said, his disappointed face illuminated by the stark white light. 
"The milk's off." 
You glanced into the fridge, sighing at how empty it was, the sad couple of jars sitting on shelves, the bottle of mustard and carton of definitely-curdled milk in the door. 
"Are you okay having your tea black instead?" he asked as he closed it and walked back over to the kettle. 
You paused, thinking for a moment before speaking quietly. "You were gone a long time."
"Eh, I've done longer stretches away from home. Tea? Black?" 
"I meant you were gone for a long time." You looked up at him. "Y'know, absent, disconnected, done." 
He glanced down to meet your gaze. "I was never any of those things." 
"Well I really wish I'd known that. It would have saved me a lot of grief."
He poured the boiling water from the kettle into the two mugs and handed one to you. You held it close, letting the rising steam warm your cheeks as you watched the teabag floating near the surface, the water slowly turning a deep amber. 
"Why weren't you?" you asked.
"Why wasn't I what?" 
"Done. With me." 
His brow twitched as he considered your question, shrugging slightly as he leaned back against the counter. "Because it just didn't feel done." 
You let out a heavy exhale, a slight laugh.
"I'd gotten myself so worked up about tonight," you said. "I was convinced it was going to be so awkward and sad and uncomfortable between us. I really thought this was the end. But instead I'm standing here in your kitchen, you've made me a cup of tea and we're talking like everything's fine." 
"I'm sorry," he replied, a hint of sarcasm in his voice. "We can argue if you really want to? I could shout, slam a few doors..." 
You rolled your eyes, shaking your head with a soft laugh. "That'll just turn me on."
He scoffed in amusement, picking up his own mug and taking a sip. "You're weird."
"Weird… or charming?"
There was a part of you that thought he'd created his 'no sex' rule just to punish you, to teach you a lesson. You thought maybe he would just refuse to sleep with you for a few days, tease you, turn you down, prove some kind of point about building 'healthy foundations' before inevitably giving in. But two weeks had passed since he'd put this new rule in place, and he still hadn't broken it. 
You'd fallen into a routine that, with anyone else, would have bored you to tears. But with him, it was comfortable, wanted, so normal it was easy to forget that his life beyond your relationship was anything but. He would spend almost every free moment he had with you; you would eat together, watch television together, talk about everything and nothing all at once. You would cuddle, kiss, sleep in each other's arms, everything except that. 
And you were really starting to miss doing that.
You were lying on your couch, flicking through channels on the TV when Ben wandered back in from the bathroom. He walked over and collapsed dramatically on top of you, his body draped over yours, face buried in the crook of your neck. 
"You weigh a ton," you said breathlessly.
"Sorry," he mumbled. "It's all muscle." 
"Oh is that right?" you laughed. 
You continued to channel surf as you ran a hand through his hair, glancing at the time near the bottom of the TV screen. "Hey, it's coming up to 7pm, shouldn't you be heading off?"
"Oh, I don't think I'm going to go."
You furrowed your brow in confusion. "But isn't the whole event like... in your honour or whatever?"
"Yeah, I'm just not in the mood."
"Ben." You sat up slightly beneath him. "You've been nominated for a bloody oscar, how can you not be in the mood to celebrate that?"
"I'm just tired," he groaned, lifting his head to look at you. "All the press and campaigning and flying back and forth I've been doing, I just need a night off from it all. Plus it's not an actual event, it's a dinner thing with my management. I'm sure they'll still have fun without me."
You stayed quiet for a moment, chewing the inside of your cheek in thought. "Well, since you won't be going anywhere tonight... Do you want to stay over?"
He grinned slightly. "Yeah, sure, why not." 
You smirked as he shifted his weight, propping himself up with his hands either side of your head until your faces were close enough to touch. You titled your chin, making him come down to you, his lips meeting yours in a soft kiss.
You reached up to cup his face in your hands, deepening the kiss just enough to hear a sigh leave his parted lips, his body beginning to melt into yours. You smiled, letting your tongue sweep into his mouth, your hips rocking slightly beneath him, pushing your luck. But just as you expected, he broke away, quelling the fire that had been growing between you with a flurry of pecks on your cheek, a playful nudge of his nose against the side of your head.
"I suppose I better give them a call and let them know I won't be able to make it," he said as he began to get up.
You sighed at the absence of his body from yours, the lack of warmth and weight, like taking pressure off a wound. Yet instead of blood, it was frustration that began to seep out of you. You watched as he left the room, his voice turning to a murmur as he disappeared into the kitchen talking on the phone. 
You wanted him. So badly that even the most mundane things had started turning you on; the way he looked when he wore glasses, the way his throat bobbed when he swallowed, how he hummed aloud while reading, twiddled a pen between elegant fingers. Even now as you sat on the couch, the television playing in the background, you couldn't seem to focus on anything besides how flustered he was able to make you, even as he stood in another room. 
You got up and made your way to the bedroom, closing the door quietly behind you so he didn't hear it. You knew this was a ridiculous idea, yet still you went into your dresser and took out your nicest set of lingerie, laying it on the bed and taking your clothes off quickly.
There had been several times over the past two weeks where you thought he might give in, like the time you innocently undressed for bed and caught him eyeing you over the top of his book, or when you less-innocently climbed in the shower with him one morning, a growl leaving his throat as you ran your soapy hands over his naked body. But each time, he would only almost��falter, almost forget, almost give you what you so clearly craved. Almost.
You slipped on the delicate underwear, hoping that this would be the night you finally surpassed 'almost' as you examined yourself in the mirror. It was a beautiful set, all lace and satin and intricate embroidery, so revealing you'd actually chickened out of wearing it when you first bought it over a year ago, leaving it to sit untouched in a drawer ever since, like a weapon you were saving for the right battle. You made your way towards the door, stopping as your fingers grazed the handle to take a deep breath. Confidence, Quinn, you thought. He's just a man. 
He was still in the kitchen when you stepped out of the room, you could hear him talking on the phone, using his professional voice and doing his professional laugh. You wondered what your professional voice sounded like, or if you had one at all. Maybe you should get one, you thought.
There was a draught in the hallway, raising goosebumps on your exposed skin as you hurried back into the living room. 
"Fuck sake," you muttered quietly, rubbing your hands vigorously over your body. "No goosebumps. Goosebumps aren't sexy."
You sat down on the couch, shifting positions until you finally settled on one, just in time to hear his footsteps slowly approaching. The sound making your breath shake, stomach fluttering gently. 
Just a man. 
"They're still going ahead with the dinner," he began from the hall. "I told you they wouldn't c-" 
He stopped in the doorway, eyes falling on you immediately.
"I could've sworn you were wearing clothes when I left," he said. 
"Yeah." You breathed out a laugh, holding your pose on the couch. "They… fell off." 
"Ah, I see. That's unfortunate." 
"Is it?" 
"Well, not for me. I imagine you must be cold though."
Another soft laugh escaped you as you extended your arm, beckoning him over. He obliged, making his way across the room until he was able to place his hand in yours. You tried to pull him down, but instead he pulled you up onto your feet, shaking his head with a slight smirk as his eyes trailed your body.
"What?" you asked, feigning naivety. 
"Nothing," he replied. "You look very nice." 
You rolled your eyes and placed a hand on the back of his neck, pulling him down into a kiss. He accepted it with a quiet hum, the sound was warm, rich, resonant, igniting something deep inside you, like your body was remembering every single time he had ever made that sound.
You took one of his hands and placed it on your waist, encouraging him to touch you, to let his fingers explore the places that had been so starved of him. He was restrained at first, only letting his fingernails lightly graze your bare skin as he continued to kiss you. But he slowly closed the gap between your bodies, his touch growing more eager as his composure began to wane. You could feel his palms roaming your back, your waist, your hips, gripping you firmly and pulling you flush against him. 
"Quinn," he whispered against your lips.
"You know we're not going to have sex..." 
You pulled back slightly and looked up at him, staring at him in silence as the heat drained from your body. "You're a fucker." 
He exhaled a laugh through his nose. "It's not that I don't find this... incredibly sexy. Because trust me, I do. It's just better if we wait a while, take things slow, be s-"
"Sensible," you interrupted, mocking his voice as you walked away. 
"Hey, you agreed to this too." 
"Yeah, before I realised how unbelievably fucking horny I was going to be!" 
He followed you into the bedroom, standing in the doorway and watching you in amusement as you picked your clothes up off the floor.
"I mean, at this point I feel like you're just punishing me for what happened at Christmas," you said. "You're using sex as a weapon and that's not fair because I use sex as a weapon and we can't both use sex as a weapon because that's like a double negative and besides, it's my thing and I'm notoriously bad at getting a taste of my own medicine-"
"Okay, first of all, I'm not punishing you," he said, calmly interrupting your rant with a slight smile in the corner of his mouth. "This is killing me too. But we needed to step back, to get on the same page before reintroducing… that." 
You pulled on your t-shirt and let out a huff, turning to face him. 
"Secondly," he continued. "I don’t know what you mean by 'using sex as a weapon', but it stops now, because that’s not going to fly with me." 
"Clearly." You lifted the hem of your t-shirt and gestured to the lingerie beneath it. 
He rolled his eyes, pivoting on his heels to leave the room. 
"You know I'm getting a lot of mixed signals here," you said as you followed behind. "You won't fuck me, but you'll happily kiss me and touch me and tease me and press your dick against my back when we spoon at night-”
"Okay," he said simply. "That's a fair point. I'll stop." 
"I didn't say I wanted it to stop…" 
"But you said it was giving you mixed signals." 
"Yes because I’m obviously clutching at straws." 
He let out a throaty laugh, walking back into the living room and throwing himself down on the couch. "It's been a little under two months, Quinn. Try two years. Now that was torture." 
"But the difference is you chose to abstain. You could've gone and got sex whenever you wanted." 
"So can you." He shrugged.
You narrowed your eyes at him, standing with your arms folded in the middle of the room. "So you're saying if I really wanted it, I could just go out tonight, pull a guy and sleep with him…" 
"Yeah. But I know you won't do that." 
"Because you said it yourself, they're not me," he said with a smug smile, purposely teasing you. 
You gritted your teeth to hide your irritation, but it was unmistakeable. 
Just a man, you'd told yourself. God, how wrong you were. This man had never been just anything. 
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*Reader Tag List: @blondekel77 @evelynrosestuff @bakerstreethound @annesthaeticc @aephereal @sharp-cheekbones-locked @sherlux @veryladyqueen @graciebear47 @allurenia @jamerlynn @cottagecore-cat @aysamuka @thegardenerofeden @cumbercatchmebaby @inspirationalandrandom @turkisherlockian @swds @weepingdreamerpanda @elzabethann @childofgod215 @briecantopme @lovecleastrange @jaspearl31 @paola-carter @greatburger @azu21 @xourownsidee @hunterofshadows04 @asgardianprincess1050 @teddycrimson @sherlocksgirl91 @oliveoilthoughts @hai-kbai @shjl15 @bloodyxsaint @charleighsblog @stephenstrangeaddictions @omgstarks @sleutherclaw @bisciwri @theevilsupreme @druggedbyfiction @gwoods123 @classickook @coffee-d0t @strangeobsessed @januarycolor @strangeions @lonadane @downtownshabby @diabaroxa @stllbrln @thealleydog @cakesandtom @irisbutterfly @coffeebeing @lexlexigogh @mun7on @svntnpldis @lilyroseluthor @belan-the-dilf-hunter @blxckdragonfly
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daincrediblegg · 8 months
OMG imagine my surprise when I look at the tags of the uncharted concept art u relogged and find out u used to have Sam as an f/o. Way back last year I watched an entire playthrough of Uncharted: A Thief’s End which resulted in me being ABSOLUTELY smitten with the character of Sam Drake, binge reading a bunch of Sam x reader fics and then here I am being reminded of that today !!
HEY NO KIDDING!!! small fucking world but YEAH MAN YEAH!!! I FUCKING ADORE SAM!!! Like honestly I fell so in love with him like god damnit... Uncharted 4 had a lot of pathos in a way that I feel like the others lacked in some way or another (hot take but I didn't grow up with the series- I only really dipped into it when I finally got a ps4 a few years ago) and seriously. I have not forgotten him. Really makes it only that much more of a shame that the series won't be back (probably) because seriously. He had so much going on I wanna see more of him! LIKE!!! HE'S SO COOL!!! HE'S NOT JUST A DUMB THEIF!!! HE'S LIKE SUPER SMART AND KNOWS HIS HISTORY GODDAMN WELL!!! HE COULD BE A PROFESSOR BUT HE ISN'T HE'S BEEN IN PRISON!!! I fucking love him. And also he's just further proof of my adoration for older fucking men. He's a dream. (and actually- I used to have a couple stickers of him on my old laptop that I just got re-printed with my terror sticker set I got recently! would've put him on my water bottle but he's too big 😭😭😭😭)
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kiichu · 2 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
not tagged by anyone, i just found it and wanted to do it :3
How many works do you have on ao3?
What's your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
According to Ao3: Zero Escape, Legend of Korra, Gotham, Dangan Ronpa, Daredevil, Skyrim, FNaF, Frozen, Hazbin Hotel, Life is Strange, Logan, MCU, Nope, Saw, Spider-Man, Squid Game, The 100, FATWS, The Jungle Book, The Walking Dead Game, The Wolf Among Us, Uncharted, Animal Crossing, Zom 100, Ace Attorney
Top five fics by kudos:
Out on a Limb
Smoke and Mirrors
Electric Sheep
Do you respond to comments?
For the most part! Sometimes I don't really know what to say in response, but I appreciate every single comment I get. Like, I adore them all.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
(spoilers lmao) It's a tie I think, between Out on a Limb (in which Troy does die, but he saves Clementine and repays his debt, being remembered for the good choice he made in the end) and Electric Sheep (Dio and Luna's fates are left ambiguous, it's unclear if they're alive but at least they're together wherever they are)
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Any of the fluffier fics tbh, but a special mention for Taken by Storm. It's the last fic of the Nope series, and it shows that the gang is recovering from their ordeal and have hope for the future.
Do you get hate on fics?
I mean, I've seen offhand comments on Twitter, but honestly I haven't gotten any hate on Ao3 at least. :)
Do you write smut?
A tiny tiny bit. It's very rare. But we have Stay Classy for a direct smut thing, with like two other fics having references to sex. It's not really something I like to read or write, and have to be in a ver specific mood to write.
Craziest crossover:
I don't write crossovers haha.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Oh god I hope not. Or maybe I do, maybe I want my old deleted (see also: gone forever) fanfiction.net fics to resurface somewhere.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes!!! Electric Sheep is being translated into Polish. Here's the link: Elektryczne Owce :]
Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Nah. Not my thing.
All time favourite ship?
Dio/Luna. Always always always <33
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I... dunno. I have a few that probably won't ever see the light of day, but I'd rather make that decision and leave it at "everything might one day get posted, but I don't know".
What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm pretty good at descriptions, and putting out my best work possible. The latter is a result of my OCD not letting me post something without passing a very strict self-imposed "quality filter," but still. It does show in the final product, stressful as it is to get there.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Sticking with something. Sitting down and writing. Also making more happen in scenes, with more dialogue.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I've tried to pepper in some Russian in both Out on a Limb and it's just blood under the bridge for the Russian characters, and also some Spanish in Vencido, but it's all Google translated haha.
First fandom you wrote in?
Yu Yu Hakusho :]
Favourite fic you've written?
It'll probably always be Out on a Limb. I worked so hard on it and I reedited it all and made it into a book through a website (I own the only copy so it's not illegal or anything).
I'm tagging anyone who wants to do this!! :]
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peridotglimmer · 4 months
Character ask game: 4, 6, and 14 for Diana Burnwood?
Hi Ninja! Y'all know how much I adore Diana huh? 🥰
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
I already answered period drama/historical romance to @myth-blossom, so I'll pick something different now: the Uncharted game series! Diana is fit, she's smart enough to solve the puzzles, and it would be fun to see her out in the field. Just uh, bring a gallon of sunblock for her poor English complexion.
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
Oh, multiple things. For one, I grew up among aristocracy. I spent my youth being both my parents' plus ones at parties, fundraisers, sponsors' dinners... I don't miss it though.
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
Just one? [squeaks] um, I think "old money" sums her up nicely.
send me a character + questions!
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botebot-10 · 1 year
43 similarities between Crash Bandicoot and Sonic Boom!
1. They both have a minigame in which the main character works out with their strong buff friend! Both Minigames are button mashers too, and reward you with some sort of victory animation and collectables!
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2. Both Crash 4 IAT and the Sonic Boom 3DS games reward you for collecting things and completing specific tasks within the stage! They are all gems/crystal inspired too, which is pretty cool!
3. Both Crash and Sonic have a smart and adorable siblin sidekick!
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4. Both have legends of an ancient civilation that was supposedly very powerfull! While Crash didn't directly confirm it, I'm pretty much convinced they were the ones leaving those mysterious ruins!
5. Some of the developers of Crash's original trilogy also worked on Sonic Boom Rise of Lyric! One of the artists, Bob Rafei, even founded the studio that would pitch it! Take a pinch of salt with the following, But I heard some of those devs later worked on the new Crash games!
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6. Both Crash Mind over Mutant and the 3DS Sonic Boom titles allow you to enter your house, even if its just to access bonus content!
7. Uka Uka and Cortex have a very similair dynamic to that of Lyric and Cortex! Uka and Lyric are both ancient forces that manipulate a scientist (Cortex/Eggman) to free them and do their bidding!
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8. Both Sonic Boom and Crash Bandicoot have a controversial Beat 'm up title with 2 player co-op!
9. Cortex and Eggman both got depressed at some point when realizing they were never able to beat their nemesis.
10. The Crash n' burn prototype made by Big Red Button features very similair environment design to Sonic Boom Rise of Lyric! This is likely because Big Red Button were the developers behind Boom, and were reusing assets to speed up prototyping!
11. Both Crash Bandicoot and Sonic Boom feature iconic crab enemies
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12. Both Sonic Boom and Crash Bandicoot have an overdosis of Jungle stages! Some of these games have atleast 4 different jungle worlds, some even are JUST jungle worlds!
13. The villains of both series are humans with a PhD in mad science
14. Both series take place on tropical islands!
15. Crash Bandicoot and Sonic Boom are both "Semi-consistent" timeline! The wrecked robot from titans remains there up to Crash on the Run, where you recycle its parts to make helpfull machines! HypnoBot returns as a villain because it feels Tails treated it very poorly..
16. Both Sonic Boom and Crash Bandicoot feature death routes/challenge rooms!
17. Mojo in Titans and Orbs in Sonic Dash 2: Boom are very similair in appearence!
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18. Both Crash Bandicoot and Sonic Boom have been on an "indefinite hiatus". While Crash made an impressive comeback since, I'm afraid I can't say the same for Sonic Boom..
19. Sonic Boom and Crash Bandicoot are both written like cartoons! Crash Bandicoot takes heavy inspiration from Looney Tunes, while Sonic Boom tries to be more like a cartoon sitcom like the simpsons!
20. Both Crash and Boom offered an endless runner mobile game that use elements from their franchise (crates and collecting for Crash, enerbeam and combo from Boom) to improve and innovate upon the experience!
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21. Both franchises feature worlds that are inhabbited by regular animals, anthropomorphic animals, and on more rarer occasions, humans!
22. They both have an evil dimension with purple sky!
23. Speaking of dimensions, Team Sonic and Team Bandicoot have both traveled through different dimensions and time periods before!
24. Both Crash Bandicoot and Sonic Boom tend to refrence Uncharted time to time because their original developers worked on that project too! Crash Bandicoot tends to keep the refrences to social media posts, but Sonic Boom went as far to refrence it directly in its redesigns!
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25. From what I heard, the original plans for the Sonic Boom brand would be a more expirimental branch to try new stuff for the Sonic franchise, which were quickly axed when RoL happend.. Either way, these plans sound very similair to the PS2 crash line-up to me!
26. Both Amy and Crash Bandicoot have a spin attack ability!
27. If the Crash of the Titans shorts are to be believed, then both Crash Bandicoot and Sonic Boom have a village on their island!
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28. Both Sonic Boom and Crash Bandicoot devs put in lots of effort in on getting characterization right! Some even confirmed this in official interviews!
29. Another similarity between Sonic Boom and Crash Bandicoot is that both main characters live in a very small house near the beach!
30. Both series had their main protagonist team up with the main antagonist several times!
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31. Sonic Boom and Crash Bandicoot games tend to have their plot written around gems and crystals! Chances are that you will have to collect these before the villain does!
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32. Boom and Crash both try to diversify their content by adding gimmick stages! Some of these concepts are nearly 1:1 concepts!
33. World map design is very similair!
34. When there is no adventure on the schedule, the main protoganist tends to nap!
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35. Coco and Tails both have a similair attire, both wearing goggles and beltpouches!
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36. Boom Knuckles and Crunch both are pretty beefy characters that put a lot of effort in staying in shape! Both do lots of workouts and very clearly skip leg day!
37. Crash and Boom!Sonic both live near an native village!
38. Crash and Boom!Sonic are both troublemakers with a good heart! Basicially, they will save the day, but also leave a trail of destruction on their own.
39. Crash Twinsanity and Sonic Boom Rise of Lyric are both ambitious titles that have more concept art then actual content! I'm talking mountains upon mountains of concept art! Go look it up, its a rabbit hole you wont get out of anytime soon!
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40. Meh Burger (Sonic Boom TV Show) and Dingo's Diner (Crash 4) are two infamous restaurants that ensure you never want to eat again!
41. Its about time and Rise of Lyric had similair ambitions for their visuals: Pushing the genre futher! Unfortunately, only one of them succeeded.. :c
42. Boom Tails was going to have a bazooka at some point! The design looks really similair to the Fruit Bazooka from Crash 3!
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43. Crash Twinsanity and Sonic Boom Rise of Lyric both have some hubworlds where you can solve puzzels and get optional rewards!
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emeritus-fuckers · 8 months
how do you do, fellow queers, look how fucking professional i'm being this time, sending an ask like commonfolk/j
for the match-up re-run bc i wanna see nyx struggle with repugnant <3
1. Your identity! i'm sorry for the research nyx
i can very proudly call myself a faggot. my pronouns are they/she/he/xey/per/ghoul, but i'm slowly moving away from the "standard" ones. multigender, but they're all xenogender (ghoulgender, ghoulettegender, gooregender, chaosgender). multisexual (pansexual, asexual, lesbian, aegosexual, orchidsexual, berrisexual). aroallo (aegoromantic, desinoromantic, grayromantic, demiromantic). autistic. theistic satanist.
2. Who do you like?
repugnant. death metal racoons my beloved.
3. What do you look like?
there's a picture. i just dress more like a metalhead now. still wearing too much jewelry. i'm still short (it is a tragedy).
4. What's your personality?
i hate whoever came up with these questions (ekhem, myself).
ISTP-T, according to a quiz i did just before writing this. i'm relatively apathetic, only ever getting truly emotional when i'm overwhelmed. touch-repulsed, but touch-starved when it comes to people close to me. i'm quiet and distant around strangers, but get talkative and open with friends. i struggle with serious self-esteem issues (diagnosed depression, cheers) and i get very anxious about my friends just not liking me anymore and usually need to be yelled at to get my shit together. and then cuddled because i got yelled at. my relationship with emotions is complicated, as i only feel a very faint outline of an emotion most of the time, but i've learned to adapt to it over time and i'm pretty good at adapting my behavior so it looks like i feel a complete emotion.
when it comes to affection, i'm like a cat. i love it, but only when i want it. otherwise i will run away. i also show it in inconvenient ways, i suppose, like randomly grabbing my friends with a weird noise or sometimes (if we're really close) biting them. i feel very uncomfortable around most children, so i despise them.
5. Tell us about your interests!
i'd say repugnant, ghost and in this moment would be my top three bands to listen to, but i also like vocaloid and dolly parton. i always have to have something playing in the background or it's too quiet for me and i lose my shit. i like to read, but i much prefer to overanalyze everything and come up with ridiculous theories and headcanons to write about (i think emeritus-fuckers is proof of that). I like writing, but only stuff i actually enjoy writing, not whatever bullshit they're coming up with for uni. I can't write porn, yet people seem to think that i can, which is honestly hilarious to me.
i like making bracelets and other arts and crafts things, though i suck at it and usually it looks like trash.
i like video games, mostly sims 4 (finally figured out how to furnish it hallelujah) right now, but i like classic assassin's creed games (which means everything that came out before Origins/Odyssey bc fuck i hate these), the saints row series and skyrim too. and uncharted, too. and i guess tekken, but i'm just there for the hotties tbh.
i don't really watch movies, but if i had to pick a favorite, it would either be scream, pearl or shrek.
6. Trivia time!
i know way too much about butterflies and moths.
i have a framed attacus atlas.
my favorite food is instant cupped carbonara.
i have a dog (everyone has seen her at this point tbh).
i have a figurine of the batman who laughs and his three robins.
i love juice. especially apple-cherry juice.
i'm a terrible cook, i can make like three dishes and that's it.
i hate working under pressure and/or with deadlines.
i have a rather controversial sense of humor.
i love wearing too much jewelry.
i adore matching things, from jewelry to tattoos.
and here's a few pics of my cuddle monster.
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This post is part of the 1000 followers match up event. Entries for the event are now closed.
Your match is…Mary Goore... and DD Sars... and kinda the rest of the band...
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Hear me out on this haha, I have spent way too much time thinking about this and well you'll see XD - Nyx
So you met Mary first. They thought you looked cool so they went over to you.
You got chatting and you just kinda clicked with each other. Especially since you both have a controversial sense of humour. Mary enjoys throwing a few playful insults at you and getting all of that back and some.
You met up a few more times, enough so that you became comortable around Mary and them you. Although there was a discussion about your boundaries when you had to explain that you are like a cat, you only want affection when you are in the mood. Which of course Mary respected.
Mary after really getting to know you declared you one of their favourite ever people by lightly biting your shoulder. (This was okay as you way of telling them the same was to display your affection with a bite.)
Mary then proudly introduced you to the rest of the band. You quickly became close with all of them as to be with Mary is to be with the band. When Mary mentioned you had a dog E. wanted to see lots of pictures. He just kinda quietly sat there as you scrolled through them.
You made them all bracelets, G. got very excited by this. You said they look like trash and DD just kinda rounded on you. He firmly told you about how they weren't trash and how could you be so stupid to think so low of yourself. You just kinda nodded and then spend the rest of the day being cuddled by G.
DD does however get you. He never says it to you but its shown through his actions. He will just quitly sit and listen if you want to talk about it. He might say that you are a fucking weirdo but his expression tells the real story. He understands you and he knows what its like to have a complicated realtionship with emotions. There is a really nice companionship you two have because of this.
Mary noticed how you look at DD like you want him to sit on your face. So one night they say to you while pointing at DD "all you have to do is ask, you know, DD would be more than happy to" and then they gave you a little wink. Mary left it with you, it's totally up to you if you want to follow through on that or not...
Written by Nyx
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ofalqamar · 1 year
introductory post!
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welcome to ofalqamar!
my name is maya, and i am a mexican-american student with a love for the arts and humanities! this blog, ofalqamar will be dedicated to documenting my time as a university student, recording my studies as well as my hobbies as i navigate my 20s. 
kim namjoon described the indigo album as an archive of his 20s. i hope that this will be mine.
so get to know me down below! i’m not new to tumblr — can even be found at @theladydimitrescu for sporadic video game content! — but i am new to the study side of tumblr. don’t hesitate to reach out, as i am excited to meet new people!
all about maya
name: maya [ofalqamar] 
age: early 20s
favorite color: green
favorite film: el laberinto del fauno (2005) 
favorite season: autumn 
favorite song: black swan by bts 
acting: although i don’t have technical training as of yet, i’ve enjoyed the voice acting i have done in the past and would love to continue learning. i want to practice so that i can do film-based acting :) 
baking/cooking: i like trying new things from around the world!
dancing: i did ballet as a child and unfortunately abandoned it due to financial strain. i now plan to learn contemporary dance as well as hip-hop based movement so that i can be a dancer again. dance makes me happy 
drawing: i don’t actually know how to draw but i have the drive to learn 
music: i like to sing, and i have a decent voice that i want to improve over time (lean into my natural abilities and all of that). i also adore listening to music and analyzing music videos 
reading: i read a lot as a child and have slowly regained my love for literature as a young adult!
writing: i have a plethora of wips i am working on, including a story about día de los muertos, a star wars standalone, a star wars trilogy, a cyberpunk video game, and many more!  
books: babel by r. f. kuang, the ones who walk away from omelas by ursula k. le guin, un señor muy viejo con unas alas enormes by gabriel garcía márquez, a game of thrones by george rr martin, the hunger games by suzanne collins, iron widow by xiran jay zhao, the cat’s eye chronicles by t. l. shreffler, the hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy by douglas adams
next on the list: mexican gothic by silvia moreno-garcia, human acts by han kang, black flower by the witcher series by andrzej sapkowski
film: el laberinto del fauno (2005), knives out (2019), spider-man: into the spider-verse (2018), the green knight (2021), it comes at night (2017), barbie as the princess and the pauper (2004), your name (2016), get out (2017), in the mood for love (2000), the lady vanishes (1938), interstellar (2014) 
music: bts, nemahsis, alaina castillo, megan thee stallion, lil nas x, txt, xg, gloria groove, the weeknd
streamers/youtubers: berleezy, kennie jd, xiran jay zhao, dylan is in trouble, joeiaco, pg, coryxkenshin, binging with babish, amanda the jedi, the try guys, cari can read, moreant,  with cindy, somebros [berleezy, joeiaco, pg, krystaology, imdontai, rico the giant, poiised, jojothamofo], jazzyguns, moreant, best ever food review show, hidamari cooking
Television: game of thrones (2011)/house of the dragon (2022), beyond evil (2020), the witcher (2019), the mandalorian (2019)/andor (2022), bojack horseman (2014), undone (2020), avatar: the last airbender (2005)/the legend of korra (2012), doctor who (2005), daredevil (2015), euphoria (2019), the walking dead (2010), vincenzo (2020)
video games: the last of us (2013), gris (2018), uncharted series (2007), tomb raider series (1996), resident evil series (1996), kena: bridge of spirits (2021), spider-man (2018)/miles morales (2020), god of war series (2005), witcher series (2007), telltale’s the walking dead (2012), life is strange franchise (2015), what remains of edith finch (2017), indie horror games on steam :) 
humanities: world mythology, english language and literature, world history (with a focus on mexico + korea), anthropology, sociology, psychology
english: literature (analysis and critique, as well as historical context) and writing (primarily fiction)
film/cinema: acting, cinematography, directing, producing, and writing 
language: english (native) with a desire to learn korean, spanish (latin american), arabic, turkish, latin, ancient greek, etc.
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mockerycrow · 10 months
Who is your favourite non-Cod character?
That really depends! I don’t really have an overall favorite character from anything really, so I’ll list some non-COD characters I absolutely adore.
Assassin’s Creed Syndicate — Jacob & Evie Frye
Red Dead Redemption 2 - Arthur Morgan
Fallout 3 & 4 — MacCready
Uncharted Series — Nathan Drake, Chloe Frazer, Nadine Ross
The Last Of Us — Ellie Williams
SCP — Many anomaly entries are my favorite
Watch Dogs 1 & 2 — Aiden Pierce & Wrench
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tiny-mini-moose · 11 months
Video game questions!
What's your favorite video games?
What video game characters do you most wish to be good friends with?
What video game location do you wish was real so you could visit it?
What video game characters do you totally hate to the point you would smack them if you were to meet them?
What consoles do you use or are you mainly a PC gamer?
Ooo, gotta love those video games questions.
1) it's a toss up between fallout 4, kingdom hearts, and/Spyro/Silent Hill/Resident Evi/Gears of War/World of Warcraft. Of course I love MANY other games but those are the ones I can and do replay the most. Now, hush hush. I know you probably only meant one. 🤷🏼‍♀️😂
2) I would definitely love to be friends with American McGee's Alice and Cheshire. They are both quite badasses and they could definitely teach me a thing or four.
3) I would love for any of the places in WoW to be real. I'm sure there would be some magnificent places. Or even some of the places that Nathan Drake goes to in the Uncharted series. I definitely can't choose just one place though. There are some pretty cool places throughout all the games I play(ed)
4) Whom do I hate most? Fucking Preston Garvey or Paladin fucking Dense. They are the most fucking annoying characters when I'm playing a round of Fallout.
5) I pretty much game on anything. I have my PlayStations and Xboxes but I also have a DS, Switch, and a Wii. I have a computer that I built although it's older, it still works for what I need it too for now. I also ADORE the older consoles, like the N64 and GameCube.
I think I answered all the questions you gave me. They may not be the best but then again, I'm half asleep cause of my meds. 🤷🏼‍♀️
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