#I already have the wips but will i finish them
ghostofnoir · 1 day
WIP Snip
Thank you for the tag @faiell *I’m still thinking about yours. What a gift you are 🥹
An excerpt from the slowest writer on earth. Who is grinding out this long WIP one overwritten paragraph at a time 💪🏻 Sharing is so vulnerable!
Draco turned to face Harry. Harry did the same.
“Don’t look at me like that,” Draco whispered, a hint of vulnerability seeping through. Harry could feel it ache in his chest.
He didn’t know what the look on his own face betrayed; maybe Draco thought it was pity. But Harry thought it might be closer to the look of a man who knew with absolute certainty in that moment that he was fucked. He couldn’t help but let his eyes roam over Draco’s face as he took him in fully, standing face to face. The flickering picture lights bounced the saturated colours from the painting Draco stood next to onto his pale skin, highlighting his sharp angles and dipping into his hollow, concave shadows.
“You know, I’ve never seen you outside of London,” Harry mussed as his eyes roamed, as if Draco himself were a newly unearthed classical portrait to be appreciated for the first time.
“You haven’t seen me in almost a decade.” Draco unfolded his sleek black coat from his arm and pulled it on. The collar stood high and stiff on his neck, elegant and impenetrable, softened only by the plaid cashmere scarf he layered. The scarf’s varying shades of grey brought out his silver, midnight-misty eyes and made them more poignant. Harry realised then that they were a singular colour that he had never witnessed on anyone else. “Do you find I’m easier to tolerate on foreign soil?”
“Draco, I think I can help you–”
“Help me?” Draco scoffed. “There’s a reason people go untraceable, Potter. You shouldn’t have even been able to find me in the first place.”
“I also shouldn’t have been able to defeat Voldemort,” Harry responded calmly without missing a beat. Draco didn’t flinch at the name, which was at least refreshing. “Or be one of the few known Wizards in history to have resisted a powerful Imperius Curse before I even finished puberty. Or mastered the complex nature of wandless magic by eighteen. Or have an eight-year-long seamless Curse Breaking record, never once having broken my hold over volatile dark magic, but here we are.”
Something flashed in Draco’s eyes. He opened his mouth to say something. Harry had no doubt that he was about to be on the receiving end of a scathing retort to what Draco had probably perceived as Harry’s inflated ego, in need of being brought down a few notches. He had just simply stated the facts though, and that had been the shortlist.
Instead, Draco frowned, put his head down, and withdrew a pair of black leather gloves from his coat pocket. Harry watched, transfixed by Draco’s refined hands gripping the supple material. Even Draco’s veined knuckles somehow managed to be attractive. A single onyx-stoned gold ring was the only thing that disrupted the slender lines of his fingers, catching Harry’s attention like an alarm and bringing him back to the moment.
“Why did you go untraceable, Draco?”
“To be left alone.” His voice was flat as he carefully pulled on his gloves. “I thought that should have been pretty obvious, even to you. But if it wasn’t, it is now. And it might be a hard concept for you to grasp, but you need to respect that.” He dropped his hands by his side and turned to walk away.
“Go back to London, Potter,” he added without turning back; his long strides had already taken him halfway down the corridor, his voice echoing in the cavernous room behind him.
“But I’ve already booked my stay,” Harry called after him.
Harry stood and watched Draco’s tall, stark figure disappear like a phantom through the museum’s back doors into the frigid January afternoon.
Tagging to share if you like @dracoandthehounds @romaine2424 @greattemptation @roseharpermaxwell @drarrymyheart @starquestingfordrarry @fluxweeed @garagepaperback @apricitydays-lazynights @hoko-onchi-writes @elskanellis @gotoemopunk @annanother-thing -and anyone else who would like to join 🤍🤍
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hebuiltfive · 3 days
WIP Wednesday
This is a small snippet from the prompt piece I'm still working on for @idontknowreallywhy (sorry it's taking so long to finish!) It kind of... spiralled out of control, and the build up to how we get to the actual prompt has taken me a lot longer to get to than I originally thought it would... Three chapters and almost 10,000 words worth in fact... but it's coming along. Slowly but surely. I promise!
“You have not been kidnapped.”
“No? Then what would you call it?”
Alan shuffled himself into a sitting position. He glanced curiously around the room, at the various other beds that lined the walls, all neatly made and crisply white, sterile. Then, he observed the machines that were stationed beside his bed. It appeared to be monitoring his vitals signs and made a soft whirring sound, reminding Alan of an old fashioned computer’s fan. Wires connected him to the machine from his chest with electrodes. Testing them, he tugged on the wires softly
“Please desist from interfering.”
Much to his own surprise, Alan did so. He dropped the wires from his grip and glanced up at the white ceiling. He wasn’t sure where the Disembodied Voice was coming from, or exactly who the voice was, and so he directed his next line of questioning to the pristine tiles above his head. “Where am I?”
“You are in MediBay—”
“Yeah, I kind of figured that one out already. I meant where am I? What is this place?”
The Voice did not reply. For a brief moment, the only sound echoing through the room was the machine to his left.
Alan rolled his eyes. “Fine, if you won’t tell me, I’ll find out myself.”
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tgmsunmontue · 1 day
(20th - 22nd September)
1, 2, A, B, C, D, H, K, L*, Q - give me up to three (3) and I'll give you a minimum of 250 words on each. Tracking words here.
Not everything on my pinned WIP list is something I will work on - I limit it to 10 so there's a higher chance of something getting finished and posted. 👌
Finish the Soulmates fic (still trying...)
Update SoS
Update StT
Sagas of Solitude 11/21 - IceMav with side Hangster AU - angsty Nepo!Baby (Last updated 2nd September)
Season to Taste 12/? Celebrity Chef Bradley and Naval Aviator Jake Seresin (Last updated 13th September)
A) Upon which our souls touch - 5/? - Hangster Fantasy AU (Last updated 26th August)
B) Famous and cat fishing that isn't cat fishing because online relationships are rife but...? (Tumblr idea)
C) To wake, perchance to dream - 4/? - Hangster - (Last updated 1st September)
D) IceMav with unknown about children because the US Navy is evil and produced offspring because of genetics being a THING. (Tumblr ramblings)
H) From the top 2/? - an Ice/Mav epistolary fic where Jake and Bradley matchmake them, not realising exactly who it is they've matched together. AU divergent ish. (Last updated 23rd July)
K) Caring, Keeping and Collecting Transformers - A Guide - 7/?Transformers cross-over (Last updated 31st August)
L) Hangster Sports Team AU with Hangster being ex-es and the trade deadline coming in hot and Bradley being traded in and all hell is about to break loose... Ramblings *OR I can expand on the Goalie Bradley Bradshaw turning up to play in the beer league...? Tell me which one you prefer... I've got enough going on in my head for both and it's hockey season next week baby!!!
Q) Hangster Bingo of the Soulmate variety for which I have already written 9k.
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bizarrelittlemew · 11 months
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calling it right now that season 3 starts like this
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jade-len · 9 months
i think it'd be funny if someone transmigrated as xin mo. the goddamn evil sword. instead of taking it seriously, they just really fucked around with bingge. and, somehow, ended up having the opposite effect of what it's supposedly rumored to do.
picture this: bingge, on the quest for revenge and power, comes across the almighty xin mo. this demonic sword killed everyone that dared to even try wielding it. and, the few who were lucky enough to have it by their side, eventually succumbed to the swords' will.
it is said that the sword is unlike any other, that it etches into your head and eats away your brain, until eventually it consumes you whole. it whispers, speaking in lust, greed, and hatred. it slowly beckons the wielder into giving in to the worst part of themselves and feeds off of pure sin. but to him, it is no matter; luo bingge will surely tame it.
and then he gets to the sword.
demonic qi practically oozes from xin mo. the aura surrounding it makes every part of luo bingge scream, "run; get away, away from that monster." his gut prods at him, begging bingge that this is probably a really bad idea. it's a little terrifying, how even luo bingge, the determined, vengeful demon, is now getting second thoughts about wielding xin mo from just being in its presence alone.
but luo bingge is too, a monster. so he ignores the screams of plea; pushing every thought of doubt in the back of his head, and tightly grips onto the handle. the world around him seems to spin and shake, tumble and crack, from the amount of force bingge needs to use in order to pull the sword of sin out of its place.
when bingge finally has it perfectly fit into the palms of his calloused hands, he hears whispering. he knows that the sword has accepted him as its new host.
the sword's language crawls up to him, as if it were feeling around his body and mind. checking every nook and cranny for it to settle into bingge's form, truly becoming one with the embodiment of sin. the words flow through his brain like a tragically broken guqin, a melody that holds him in a frighteningly familiar trance - all while simultaneously eating away at his brain in the worst ways possible, akin to a child and their favorite snack. it seems to beckon something, but even with luo bingge's impressive hearing, he cannot make out any words from the tone-deaf musical notes xin mo sings.
and then, it is clear. the land around him settles, and everything is still. xin mo itself seems to be.. content. at least, that is what luo bingge believes.
the language of this wretched sword reflects the state around these two monsters.
luo bingge expects it to demand for bloodshed, for the erotic ecstasy of multiple women, for bingge to steal the last of the finest gems of these horrible, vast lands.
instead, he hears this:
"yoooo damn that shit was crazy. did you see what i did there? man, you know, it feels so fucking good to get out of the dirt. hey, do you know if people can like, feed their swords or something? i'm kinda craving something spicy. we never know, in this wack world! wait, don't hold me like that, buddy. it'll make things real awkward."
but luo bingge is determined to get his revenge, so he puts up with the swords' constant rambling about.. whatever the hell it's thinking.
"wait, dude, did you seriously fuck a dying girl? that's wild. yeah, like i know she was dying but it doesn't sound like you wanted it. yo, listen to me, consent is very sexy."
"HAHA hey, dude, sir, man. you wanna play some 'i spy'? we don't have anything else to do. no? too bad, we're playing it. i spy a loser who doesn't wanna play i spy. hint: he's holding me right now."
"okay i know i'm supposed to be this super evil sword and beg to be used - woah that sounded real wrong - but can you at least clean me when you're done killing shit? if you don't, i'm gonna refuse to respond to you and you'll look like a dumbass trying to wield me."
"i can't hear you lalalalalalala you're not being very it girl right now lallalalaalalalla-"
somehow, this is worse than if xin mo was actually eating away at his brain.
weirdly enough though, as luo bingge starts spending more time with this weird ass, seemingly possessed sword, it starts to become more of a.. comfort to have it by his side than pure annoyance. he finds himself responding to it more, like, actually having full on conversations with it. it puts him at ease, wielding xin mo. the hatred doesn't consume him, instead, it seems to soothe the burning rage (and, admittedly, just replace it with small irritation) that holds onto his darkened heart.
xin mo is actually quite kind and caring, for a sword that's supposed represent and be the literal embodiment of sin. sure, it is a hassle to have it cooperate with him sometimes, and it does just ramble on and on about the most random things ever, not giving a single shit if bingge was in the middle of sleeping with maidens and slaying those who get in his way. for the first time, bingge feels so comfortable around something.
it's.. odd. what was supposed to be the turning point in his life, a big step in his plan for revenge, is now something akin to an... acquaintance. not like mobei-jun, or any of the women he's come across, but an actual, dare he say, friend.
sometimes, he finds himself thinking all of this delusional. is this what people were driven mad by? perhaps they simply could not handle dealing with a talking sword. he understands that xin mo was undoubtedly unbearable to be around at the beginning of their alliance, but it has never actually beckoned for blood, power, and sex. if anything, it does the opposite.
maybe he's the delusional one. maybe this is xin mo's way of getting to him.
maybe, xin mo should be considered a thing. the thought feels terribly laughable, as if he were witnessing a person horribly explain themselves. it also makes his teeth grind together in pure agitation.
"hey, you know, you didn't deserve any of the things they did. it wasn't your fault, binghe. the fact that you're half heavenly demon doesn't make you a monster, or any of that wild stuff.. uh, i'm here for you, okay? i know you don't really like talking about all of this or opening up, but i just want you to know that you can.. talk about it. it's not like i can tell anyone else, anyways.
hey- shit i didn't mean to make you cry! wait, wait it's okay to cry! you need to let it out anyways, i promise it doesn't make you weak. there, there. i don't have any hands, so me patting you on the head with my handle will have to do. there, there.. everything will be alright, you'll be okay. i'll be here every step of the way, even if you want to get rid of me."
xin mo, the demonic sword, is more of a person - a good person - than anyone he'd ever come across.
...and then bingge and the xin mo transmigrator become besties or he falls for the damn sword. knowing him, he probably doesn't even know the difference between platonic and romantic attraction anyways. maybe bingge gets a plant body for xin mo using airplane's wack writing. idk i typed all of this down in one sitting.
(plot twist: it's not that the transmigrator xin mo had the opposite effect, it was literally just a placebo effect. luo bingge thought that, and thus it actually did help him lmao)
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sapphic-terror · 1 month
headcannon - Tyler totally kisses Kate’s scar.
Okay, so this is a few years down the line, they’re an established couple and marriage is this distant but not far thing, the important thing is they’re happy and content and okay and that’s a rare thing for people like them. Over the years everyone’s slowly healed, Kate got therapy, Javi got therapy, they actually talked and slowly dealt with everything. So, she eventually starts wearing shorts more and more often. The scar is still this big reminder of everything that happened, but she’s slowly learning to accept it. Then, Tyler starts doing this thing where when the two of them are together, (Kate’s watching the news or reading and his head is in her lap, just cuddling her because that man’s love language is gifts and touch) he presses a kiss to her scar. At first she doesn’t even notice because it’s a quick barely there thing, like it’s a subconscious movement almost.
And then Kate notices, and she notices it happens so damn often. Like Tyler’s barely aware and at the same time it’s almost worshiping, like it’s second hand nature to love the thing that for years she hated with a passion. And he just keeps don’t it, and brushing his fingers against the scar, and staring at it with this barely concealed awe and she doesn’t not get it.
So Kate finally snaps and asks him why? And she’s really asking, why do you love the worst part of me, because the scar to her represents her failure and how it lead to her friend’s deaths. Tyler just stares at her, because to him it is so simple and easy he stopped questioning it years ago, because it means you survived. And he’s really saying, because it means you’re here and alive and I got to love you, I got to be loved by you.
And he’s really saying, your survival is beautiful and I love you for it.
(Somebody steal my computer and phone, I have so many thoughts about these idiots.)
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waveoftheocean · 1 year
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06.10.23 happy birthday iwa-chan!! sorry for inflicting paperwork on you for your bday but at least you have oikawa to help (coughdistractcough) you 🥰
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rainbowwyrm · 6 months
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My favorite scene from Clown's recent Makeship commercial
[ID: A digital artwork of Wally Darling and Barnaby B. Beagle standing in the vacuum of space, surrounded by floating debris and three colorful planetary bodies. The black background depicts countless tiny stars that are all arrayed in different colors. Wally conveys an inquisitive expression with his finger pointed towards his mouth. The speech bubble above him reads, "How did we get up here, Barnaby?". In response, Barnaby is seen shrugging his shoulders with his usual smiley expression. The speech bubble above him reads, "Beats me, kid!" as if in a whimsically aloof manner.]
Reblogs are appreciated!
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artisyone · 1 month
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next sticker debuting in my shop…✨✨
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madin-writes · 5 months
i ship nico and leo SO MUCH
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tremendously-crazy · 3 days
(reading my own fanfiction) wow, this is so good, I wish the author would write more
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i had ideas for an entire galladay roleswap au that i just. completely forgot about. oh my fucking god. and when i say roleswap i mean *everything* gets swapped.
penacony is a land of elation, the most wonderous entertainment one could ever experience; if you can afford it, that is. it's a land blessed by aha, where you can forget your struggles and even become someone else entirely, if that's what you want. people think the joy associated with it is unceasing, but it's truly only temporary, and aha is fond of violent and chaotic ends for THEIR own amusement, and so gallagher knows people shouldn't rely on THEIR benevolence.
he is who people believe is closest to the elation in penacony. he's not a masked fool, and he hardly acts like how people would expect him to. he's not grandiose or over the top. he's simple, down to earth, but he makes sure everyone's stay is as best it can be, he creates miracles within the dreamscapes, and people view him as someone perhaps specifically chosen to spread joy and happiness to those who visit penacony.
in truth, though, he works for the enigmata, taking on mythus' duty of undoing all that's been set in stone by the likes of the erudition and finality. some people who come to penacony deserve no sympathy, but there are many who come out of desperation, trying to find some hint of a better life, a different life, where they can be happy. it will never last, the elation will always have to fade away eventually, but can't he try to give them a better ending once it does? if he can erase and obfuscate and rewrite enough, can't he change enough circumstances in their lives for the better?
sunday, on the other hand, is now the security officer plotting behind the scenes. halovians are a natural choice for security; the effects of elation can have some negative consequences, and it already has a reputation for inspiring criminals and terrorists across the universe. should someone find themselves straying from the joy they should be feeling and threatening to turn a sweet dream into a nightmare, they can be psychically nudged back into compliance and docility. plus, it's said that this psychic gift also makes halovians themselves immune to elation, or at least better able to ignore its effects, though that's neither confirmed nor denied.
he's still the adoptive son of the "dreammaster", but in a roleswap, gopher wood and mikhail would also be switching roles. the watchmaker would be the more well renowned leader of penacony, with gallagher or micah set to inherit his role if they haven't already. so sunday, still a follower of the order/harmony, is the one who's upset with how penacony is run, how the ideals it was founded upon have been twisted. how someone he looked up to has been forgotten, cast aside, treated like a traitor to penacony.
he may also be a memetic entity or smth. don't worry about it. also yes, this does mean siobhan and robin swap roles. i haven't thought too much about them, but sunday would be the one to "kill" siobhan and robin would unfortunately be relegated to the role of minor character which sucks bc i love her. but i also love siobhan and she deserves to have her time to shine tbh. i think robin and siobhan should be lesbians <3
anyways. dialogue snippet time!!
"people like to say that penacony's head of security is like a dove cause of your appearance, but it turns out you're more of a magpie, isn't that right? a damn thief of a bird, fitting since you're always taking things that aren't yours." "i've never stolen anything from penacony, much less from its leaders. out of the two of us, you're the one who'd know a thing or two about stealing." "me? you'd better watch your tongue, birdie." "you stole my father's legacy, you clipped my wings, you forced me to play this part, now you wish to silence me? how could you not be the one here who knows the most about taking what isn't theirs?" "your father was nothing but a vulture, stealing the scraps from those who actually put in the work and wanting to claim that he helped build penacony from the ground up, and when that didn't work, he didn't hesitate to switch sides. and you're turning out just like him." "impossible. you're impossible, you know that?" "oh, i'm impossible? no, no, i'll tell you what's really impossible. actually being able to spread the order's influence on penacony, that's what's impossible. do you really think that anything could bring penacony and its guests away from the clutches of elation?" "you seem to think so, working ever so diligently as a minion for the enigmata. following in mythus' footsteps as you try to erase the past; your attempts to overturn truth are futile, it's incredible how shortsighted you must be to never once grasp the fact that all your efforts will only ever be in vain." "you seem awfully confident there, little birdie. you think your precious order could do much better? these people, the fools who willingly come here to stake their whole lives on mere entertainment, will never know what order is like- and that's not even touching on the fact your aeon is dead and gone. unless you want to end up just like THEM, i'd suggest you leave now. go, before i have to force you out." "no. no, no, you won't, gallagher. you know why? because the order has just as much a chance of succeeding as the enigmata does. everything that we see here; everything from ourselves to penacony itself, it doesn't actually mean anything at all. because in the grand scheme of things... all that this is is just fate playing a cruel joke on us."
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aashiyancha · 1 year
And here is my plot summary doodle leading up to the end of act 1
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To any newcomers interested in reading some more rf5 doodles, here's the masterpost
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retellingthehobbit · 1 year
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I redrew the old title page of my Hobbit Comic adaptation! It's fun to see how my art style has evolved since the first chapters :3
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titus-androgynous-87 · 10 months
Tristan and Isolde but it’s a Femme Knight and Butch Prince
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forcedhesitation · 5 months
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*wheeze* slowly, but surely, working on art of them all
#bg3#myart#wip#I want to make every tav/companion pairing I have a dedicated. fancy piece.#these started with a concept for a wyll drawing that was very...storybook! inspired.#I would have been done all the linework for these two pieces by now had my weekend gone better :/#I was violently unwell for...about a week and a half? chronic illness bullshit. had started to feel better friday of last week...#...unfortunately fate had it that the weekend ended up being particularly stressful. so the pain returned anew.#it was. somewhat better today. but still not enough for me to really be productive in my free time :(#I will try to complete the linework tomorrow if all goes well. I really would like to start colouring them!#I have delightful colour schemes chosen...#gale/illamin piece has already been sketched in a notebook. once I finish these two- I will begin lining theirs!#illamin's connects to cadence's because they're intertwined like that. but I have yet to finish planning out cadence's piece.#I've gone back and forth on who I should romance with him...the thing with any of the companions is that they are all written to be-#-immensely compatible with each other. so writing a tav FOR a specific companion is a bit hard. often the tav could fit with any of them.#hell. I'm STILL working out details of jantar and corydalis' story & characters. because I can't be normal about this.#that aside- I DO have other. finished pieces...finally.#well. I had some long before... but I didn't want to post them because I wasn't happy with them.#so I went and finished new stuff that I DO like.#4. technically 5 drawings. all horror/horror adjacent in theme.#my extremely detailed hux painting is also NEARLY done. after months upon months of work.#and I continue to slowly chip away at the big scifi themed dbd piece I've had in progress.#I really never run out of things to draw and it's a bit torturous because I never have the time or energy to draw everything...
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