#I am a very normal person outside of these books I swear
gogandmagog · 1 year
What's your favorite vignette or chapter from TBAQ?
(My beaten and battered copy; this book groans audible complaints at me when I pick it up.)
Just one? 🥺🥺🥺🥺 I’ve been thinking about this since you asked it, and am still scrambling for a decent answer. I think I had an easier time ranking the Blythe kids. This whole book is so 🤌🏻, it’s total art. Someone, somewhere, maybe it was on goodreads, once essentially said that TBAQ is so good for Anne fans, because it’s like getting to spend a whole day with someone (someone you dearly loved) that passed away many years ago. And I think that totally rings true but ALSO, how often is it that readers get such thorough insight into the ‘ever after’ part of the ‘happily,’ where we see war (+ it’s aftermath of wreckage) and sorrow and death try to poke holes of darkness into joy, and then witness a whole family persist bravely into life together, with their aching memories. In the second part of TBAQ, the Blythes (Baker-Meredith-Fords) demonstrate what it is to carry on, even with such sharp wounds of the heart. They’re resilient. We see laughing, we see crying, we see guilt, and we see the embrace of what was inevitable. All this NOT EVEN beginning to mention the humanity and comedy and peculiarities of the Four Winds community around them (we’ve got ghost stories, grudges, canon pyjama references, various character crushes on both Doctor and Mrs Blythe, as well as their daughters, people annoyed with the Blythe’s influence, illegitimate children, middle life marriages), that Montgomery writes so well it’s visceral. TBAQ was my gateway drug into other Montgomery books, and it made me actually ashamed that I hadn’t read anything else of hers before that, because it was a discredit to her that I hadn’t.
I’m going to cheat a little and pick;
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Anne was a million years ahead of her time with this poignant and true sketch. And meanwhile, Gilbert McJokeyPants, probably feeling a little bit called out by these lines for yes, having always wanted to be Anne’s first and only (which, thanks to TBAQ, we know he is), and despite not being the subject of the poem (Anne says this was written at Redmond, which was prior to their engagement), decides he doesn’t much care for it. BUT, he still puts his hands in harms way to rescue the ‘nonsense’ from the flames, because to him, Anne’s work is still Anne’s work.
Honorable mention: (for the lol’s)
ANNE, trying to laugh; “Would you marry as quick as that if I died, Gilbert?”
DR. BLYTHE, really laughing; “Quicker if Susan would have me. Isn’t it about time for supper?”
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Of course it’s this. Like… of course it is. It’s sad for the very obvious reasons (Walter always ‘stirs the deeps’ for me, especially when he’s gone), but then it’s extra sad because we’re, timeline wise, steady on to WWII and the overall feeling is… what was all the sacrifice of WWI for? The one thing worse than WWI itself was the stripping the achievements (the cause, the reason) of the sacrifice of soldiers (those that lost their lives, and didn’t). To make it all fruitless? It’s an actual abomination. A blight on every soldier’s memory. To see a whole new generation suffer the same fates and ultimate consequences… utterly maddening. And it broke my heart all over again to read Anne (she’d be around 80 here) saying she’s glad, for his sake, that Walter didn’t make it back to see the continued nastiness of the world. I don’t quite believe her. 🥺 What’s more? That she’s only shared this poem with Jem, likely because he is, as he says, a ‘tougher brand.’ Excuse me pls, I’ll just be over here UGLY CRYING.
NOWWW, if you ever have the time, I would also love to know your favorites!!!
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mindfulstudyquest · 3 months
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❥﹒♡﹒☕﹒𝘀𝘁𝘂𝗱𝘆 𝘁𝗶𝗽𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗮𝗰𝘁𝘂𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗺𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗺𝗲 𝗽𝘂𝘁 𝗺𝘆 𝗮𝘀𝘀 𝗼𝗻 𝗮 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗶𝗿 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘀𝘁𝘂𝗱𝘆
organization: i know it's the most trivial advice in the world, but i swear it works. before doing anything, i take my planner and review everything i have to do, i divide the study by subject, amount of things to study and review spaces for exams. realistically, you can't expect to do it all in one day, but a good plan could almost allow you to sleep at night!
a clean workspace: i can't fucking concentrate if there's a mess aroud me, i get distracted easily, even by dust, so before i start studying i always deep-clean my desk. i know that not everyone can afford a personal and quiet place to study in their houses, so try to find yourself a small angle where you can really focus.
go to study in a library / café: i didn't believe it at first, but it's actually useful. if you have the opportunity to go to a library or a café after school ( or near your house ) do so. being surrounded by people who are studying like you really helps to focus, you'll be less inclined to get distracted and procastinate. i would feel uncomfortable using my phone in a library with other people who are doing their work while i'm sitting there scrolling on tumblr.
breaks: ik ik, not very blair waldrof, hermione granger, spencer hastings, rory gilmore of me, isn't it? but is it worth it. sometimes i end up having really bad headaches from studying and, even if i keep studying, the quality of my work decreases significantly. breaks are fundamental. i would not recommend using social networks for your beak, because they litteraly drain your attention, rather do your skincare, prepare yourself a snack ( eating is important! it's what makes you focus ), read 10 pages of your book, dance a little bit in your room, do stretching, go outside and buy some mint chewingum, something like that.
EAT!: girls, boys and theys, we know. i honestly think that almost every person that craves academic validation ends up developing a sort of eating disorder. it's not even the food, is the fact that you are too busy studying that you forget to eat, ignoring stomach cramps, or the fact that you didn't get that answer right and now you don't feel like you deserve the lunch. i understand bc i AM like this, like you. but think about it: you need to do it in order to survive ( but this is secondary to the grades, right? ) and to keep your brain active. you can't walk around with blurred vision because you haven't eaten or drunk for fourteen continuous hours. i swear that eating like a normal human being helps you to keep going.
sleep: same thing as eating, but with our terrible sleeping schedules. i know that school is toxic so we end up finishing our homeworks at 2 am everyday ( if we're lucky ) but when you have the chance, take a nap and recover.
repeat things as if you were explaining them to someone: this is litterally the fastest way ever to learn fundamental concepts when you're studying. imagine that you're talking to a friend that doesn't know anything about the subject that you're studying and try to explain the topic to them. finding simple words for a difficult topic will help you understand it thoroughly, on this basis you can then build an articulated and more academic speech. repeat things out loud, doesn't matter if you look crazy, you already are <3
check and organize your notes the same day: i never have time to take proper notes in class, so i review them as soon as possible, with the lesson still fresh in mind. it really helps me understand the subject and makes the further study much easier.
watch youtube videos: youtube is my favourite class. sometimes teachers are dumber than students and you, who don't have a degree in that subject and are tackling a topic for the first time, don't understand a damn thing. ofc not!! sometimes professors are terrible at explaining stuff, but fazal from pakistan isn't. i passed my physics class with a 10/10 thanks to an indian guy on youtube. documentaries and yt videos are a simple and nice way to understand better topics and do insights for extra credits.
delete social media: i'm gonna do another post specifically for this.
"STUDY!" wallpaper: last but not least, the dumbest yet the smartest advice, set as lockscreen a white / black / whatever background with a big fat "STUDY!" written on it. everytime you're about to pick up your phone and procastinate the wallpaper will scold you.
hope this was useful or at least fun to read byee
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cameronspecial · 7 months
Before The Last Petal Falls (Part 4)
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: Substance and Alcohol Use, Talk about Addiction, Swearing and Toxic Relationship Signs.
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 2.1K
Summary: Y/N takes the first steps to move on and she finds Rafe in a compromising position.
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The Outer Banks isn’t famous for their food selection, so Y/N decides to take Cole to The Wreck. “This place doesn’t look like much, but a family friend owns the place so it’s good,” she promises to Cole, walking through the door he holds open for her. He nods and places his hand on the small of her back, “It’s okay. I like the mom-and-pop vibe of the place. It’s cute.” Kiara spots Y/N easily and squeals. “Y/N, I heard you are back! I’m a little offended that you didn’t come sooner,” Kie tackles her in a hug then spots Cole. “Oh, he’s cute. I approve. I’ll give you the back seat near the window. It’s the most romantic one.” She wiggles her eyebrows suggestively. Y/N laughs at the girl’s comments. The couple is led toward the table and he lets her sit on the booth side facing the front door. “The hostess here is very friendly. I like her,” he jokes as he settles into his seat. Y/N roars with laughter, “Yeah, that’s Kiara. We’re friends. She can get a little excitable.’ Cole chuckles with her. “So what should I eat?”
Y/N smiles at him and points on the menu to her favourite meal. “I love the po’ boys. I normally go for the oyster one, but the shrimp one is good too. Fun fact, these were only supposed to be a special item for the summer menu, but I begged Kiara’s parents, who own this place, to keep it on the menu and I guess I am a very good negotiator.” Cole looks over the choices and nods, “Ohh, that does sound like it would taste good. And you are a very good negotiator, I heard the story about how you negotiated with the people at one of your Canadian venues to have a poutine bar at the signing.”
“Wow, you heard about that? I did do that because who wouldn’t want a poutine bar at their first Canadian signing? The poutine was good in case you were wondering. One of the best decisions I made on the tour. Right after giving out free devil horns and angel wings at each venue. It was so fun seeing everyone wearing them in person and on social media. So how’s work going?” 
“I’m slowly making my way to the top. I would do even better if I could get a certain OBX native to sign on with us.”
“Oh, so that’s the real reason why you wanted this date. I see how it is.”
“I’m joking. I’m joking. You know that. It really is going well, though. The fact that they trusted me to scope out this place is a good sign.”
“So if they do open up an office here, would you be the one to come here?”
“Uh, yeah. I would probably be the one to do that. Have you ever thought about moving back home?”
“Uh, I love this place, but I don’t think my forever home is here. My whole life I’ve dreamed of living in London. Ever since I went to London with my mom when I was younger to check on the publishing of one of her books. It was absolutely magical and plus, I’m already setting up shop there a little more permanently with my bookstore.”
“Right, I heard about your bookstore. I hope I’m going to be on the guest list for the grand opening.”
“Of course, you’ll be first on my list. I promise.”
The rest of the date is spent joking and talking about various things. She honestly had such a good time with him that she forgot that their first date so many years ago was not a great start. It made her forget that she once couldn’t get the idea of Rafe outside of her head. Maybe it really is time for her to move on. 
Why she keeps letting Mason drag her to different places is beyond her. She doesn’t want to be at Kelce’s party right now. She hasn’t had a chance to see him yet since she came back but this is not how she imagines their reunion. “Y/N, I was beginning to think you didn’t want to see me,” Kelce yells over the music, giving her a big hug. Y/N returns the hug, “It’s good to see you too, Kelce. Nice party.” “You don’t really mean that, but it means a lot that you are here. Even if I know Mace brought you here.” Y/N shakes her head and lets Kelce get back to greeting other people. She moves towards the kitchen to get some snacks and something to sip on. Mason ran off to talk to friends, so she makes small talk with people she knew, who passed through the kitchen. 
With all the sipping she does, nature starts to eventually call and she makes her way to the upstairs bathroom in Kelce’s room. She knows only his closest friends would dare to go up there. She enters the closed bathroom without knocking because she wasn’t expecting anyone to be in the bathroom. However, she is surprised to see Rafe in there already. She is outraged at the activities she finds him doing up here all by himself. Rafe is leaning over the counter with his nose dangerously close to a white powder substance. He quickly bolts upright and uses the back of his hand to wipe the powder residue around his nose. “What the fuck are you doing?” she yells with anger. The last time she had seen him, he had given up weed because he knew how she felt about drugs. She couldn’t believe he escalated to something stronger.
When she found out about Mason smoking weed, she wasn’t thrilled, but she did research to find out that there was a low risk of drying from a weed overdose. It gave her some peace of mind, but she made both Mason and Rafe, once she found out he picked up the habit too, promise her that they wouldn’t try anything else. They agreed because they knew how terrified she was of losing some after she went to a funeral for one of her mother’s friends, who had died of an overdose. Even though they broke up, she could not believe that Rafe would go against the promise he made fifteen-year-old her. “This is none of your business, Y/L/N,” he spits out, moving in front of the counter, subconsciously, to hide the drugs from her. 
“Rafe, you broke your promise. You and Mason both promised me that you wouldn’t do anything other than weed.”
“Don’t worry, Mace isn’t doing this shit too. He doesn’t know that I’m doing it either. I just needed something to make me forget.” 
“Right now, he is the last thing I’m worried about. What could you possibly need to forget about so much?” Her anger turns to concern as she can see the pain hidden in his eyes. She may not like that he is now doing the drug, but she is slowly piecing the puzzle together. The steps she takes forward are small, as though she is approaching a fawn, because she fears he is going to run from her. He lets her place her hand onto his bicep as he looks at her with blown pupils. “Like you need to ask that question,” he grumbles, moving out of her reach. “No, I guess you don’t. But you aren’t allowed to come back after all these years and pretend like you care.”
“Rafe, I’m not pretending. I really am concerned about you.”
“Don’t lie to me. You don’t care about my feelings. Because if you did, you never would’ve come back. You never would’ve stopped talking to me. And you never would’ve broken up with me.”
She begins to feel frustrated and attacked in this conversation, which causes tears to fall down her cheek. “Really? I broke up with you because I care about you. I sacrificed my future with you because I cared for YOU!” 
Rafe shakes his head and lets out a low chuckle. “No, you sacrificed our love so you can stop feeling guilty.” He doesn’t say another word as he pushes off the counter he was leaning on and storms out of the room. Y/N sits on the toilet and lets her tears stream down her face. 
She couldn’t stay at the party any longer, so she called Cole and asked him if he could pick her up. He was there about thirty minutes later in a rental car. She gets in without a hitch and he immediately notices her sadness. “Are you okay?” Y/N gives him a tight-lipped smile, “Can we go somewhere else first, please?” Cole nods and starts the car. He takes her to a McDonald’s parking lot. She feels a pain in her chest at the memory of the last time she went to an OBX McDonald’s with a boy. “Thought you might be hungry, so how about I get us something to eat and then you can pour your heart out to me after?” he promises, getting out of the car and into the establishment.
A few minutes later, he jogs out of the restaurant with a bag and tray in his hand. He puts the paper bag on the dashboard and hands over a McFlurry first. She gives him a questioning look, “Dessert first?” “As I like to say, it all ends up in the same place, so why does it matter what you eat first,” he says with a massive grin on his face. Y/N giggles and digs into the frozen treat. She eats some more of her ice cream before talking, “Rafe is doing cocaine.”
“Rafe… as in your ex, that Rafe?”
“Yeah, I saw him doing it at the party and we got into an argument. He knows how I feel about drugs. I can’t believe he would turn towards it.” 
“I can. I mean, I don’t condone it but I can understand why. When I was doing my A-levels, my brother died and I turned to alcohol. I know the pull he feels towards anything that could make him forget,” he begins to explain. “It isn’t healthy how we choose to forget about our problems, but I know how much he must have been hurting to decide to use the drug. You have to understand that he isn’t doing it to hurt you though, he’s doing it because a part of him is hurting.”
She can see the vulnerability in Cole’s eyes and reaches over the centre console to give him a hug, “Thank you. It made me feel better, but I just can’t help but feel guilty about being the one to cause him the pain.”
“I know, but I also know that you didn’t mean to hurt him. Whatever reason you have for breaking up with him, you thought you were doing the right thing. And this may come off as a little selfish, but if you didn’t break up with him, then we wouldn’t be in this car right now. So I am very grateful for that,” he whispers, bringing his face closer to her. She smiles at him and closes the gap between them. 
Rafe had made the poor choice of driving while he was high; all he was focused on was getting back home and away from her sad expression. His family was away for the weekend, so it was only Blythe waiting for him to get back. He enters the house with a loud bang coming from the front door. He stays at the front entrance and paces around the room. His hands run through his hair, tugging at the end of the strands. Blythe comes down the stairs wearing just his t-shirt, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.
“Baby, what’s wrong? Is everything okay?” she asks, walking over to him. He turns at her with angry eyes, “Everything is fine, Blythe.” She places her hand on his bicep and rubs it soothingly. “Really? You don’t seem to be.” 
Rafe harshly yanks his arm out of her touch, “I said that I’m fine, Blythe. Geez, why do you have to be so nosy all the time?” His words hold so much venom that she doesn’t miss it. She goes up the stairs and turns back towards him halfway up. “I can see you are hurting right now, but it is no excuse for you to take it out on me. Come find me when you are done being so angry.” With that, she continues back upstairs to their bedroom. Rafe lets out a scream and punches the door near the archway that leads to the family room. He stares at the hole his fist left and makes another one beside it. 
Taglist: @sublimepenguinpeach-blog @gillybear17 @f4ll-for-you @winterrrnight @maggiecc @magicwithaknife @loves0phelia @jiarapamuk
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enhais · 2 years
Yandere mafia Wonki
They're rivals and both of them like you
You're a normal person and student
So can you make a fic about them fighting over you for a long time but after many discussions they decide to share you? Or one of them gets you — your choice 😁
mafia, yandere!wonki - shared
content: yandere mafia members jungwoo and niki x normal student fem!reader
word count: 892
a/n: this is definitely not my best work, but it is something. as usual, this is only my opinion/vision of them as yanderes, nothing else!
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you had no idea your father was caught up in the mafia world until two hefty men stormed into the library and grabbed your arms. “what are you doing?! let me go!” you fought and kicked your feet, but to no avail — they were much bigger and stronger than you. the two men got you out of the building, leaving your books and notes behind, and sat you down in a dark vehicle.
after what seemed like an hour of quiet and bumpy roads, and you yelling and thrashing in the back, the car stopped. “hello?? could you please tell me where i am or who’s behind this?” you were frustrated, to say the least, as they completely ignored you. the men got out and put a blindfold over your eyes before you could see anything, as well as tying your wrists together, and as a survival technique, you began to scream your lungs out in hopes they would find you annoying. you acted like a total child; screaming, stomping your feet against what you could identify as gravel, refusing to follow them willingly… the men didn’t care, anyway, and threw you over one of their shoulders.
you entered some sort of house and everything became quiet. well, quieter than it already was, isolating you from the outside world. it felt like a bigger house because you could hear steps echoing from afar. you were then placed on a cushion, a couch, maybe? and you could feel another presence entering. they were close to your face as you could feel a slight breath on your skin, and before you knew it, the blindfold was off. it took a few seconds to get used to the light, but when you did, you were met with an admiring expression. “she’s beautiful, thank you.” the man in front of you caressed your cheek for a moment before crouching down and resting his hands on the couch beside your legs. what the hell was happening. “now, i know you’re wondering what you’re doing here, and it’s quite simple, really.” he began, “my name is yang jungwon, my father is the leader of a highly respected group and has given me some instructions as your father didn’t do what he was told.” you furrowed your brows, my dad?? jungwon continued, “not only that, but i’ve been watching you for some time. i had to do the background research of your father a couple of years ago, when he first came to us, and i just-“ he paused and took a breath, “i fell in love. with you.” you could swear that you felt your heart stop beating for a split second. he untied your wrists and took your hand in his, “but i’m not the only one who finds you irresistible…”
he explained about another man named niki and that, even though he would much rather keep you to himself, he had to share you with him. niki and jungwon were in the same group a few years back, their fathers were very close, but something happened and niki had to take a bullet for jungwon, so now jungwon has to pay him back. by sharing you. he kept explaining that “niki will come by later, he’s a bit… busy, these days.”
and his words were true. when darkness entered the skies, the gates opened, and a man dressed in a black suit stormed in. “where is she?” his voice echoed through the house. you had been given a room by jungwon for privacy, which you were very grateful for, but you still couldn’t wrap your head around the situation. niki’s steps were heavy and became louder and louder the closer he got. he didn’t bother to knock, and walked straight in, “y/n…” your name left his lips and he looked at you like a child looked at their dream toy, “niki?” the man smiled brightly upon hearing his name, “i’m happy to see you.” he took a seat beside you on the bed and, out of instinct, you moved away, “you don’t have to be scared, i- we care deeply about you. and this isn’t your fault, no, we’ve planned this for some time now…” he reached out to touch your arm only for you to draw back. niki sighed and continued, “it just so happens that your father disobeyed mr. yang at the right time.” your chin began to wobble. you wanted to go home. “oh, baby, don’t cry. you’ll be fine. and if you’re worried about the rest of your family, i promise you we haven’t touched them.” tears filled your eyes, blurring your sight, “so, i’m not- i’m not allowed to leave, or what’s going on? i- i don’t understand.” niki cooed at your weak form, “no, baby, you’ll stay here for the time being. we haven’t really talked about it, me and jungwon, but i think if you’re good, you can still go to school, hm?” his hand went up to caress your head, his thumb moving up and down, trying to calm you down, and this time you let him.
jungwon entered not long after your little talk, “everything alright?” you looked up at him with wet eyes and sniffled, “i want to go home… please.” he immediately crouched down and grabbed your hand, “angel, this is your home now.”
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gyubaseone · 10 months
seok matthew. one call away
❛ i just wanna be with you. ❜
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pairing — seok matthew x f!reader
genre — angst with fluff at the end !
synopsis — even if it feels like the world is crashing down, matthew will always be there.
warnings — none i think.. lmk if there is anything ! third person pov, not proofread.
word count — 946
notes — literally stuck in my parents room because the ac isnt working and it ruined my train of thought 😭 TRYING TO WRITE NOW I SWEAR. also new format.. how are we liking it ?? + i wrote this at 3 am.. probably alot of mistakes which i will fix in the morning 🫠
★ ( please fill out this form to be on my taglist ) ❕
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y/n's whole life had been falling apart ever since she stepped foot outside of her shared apartment with her boyfriend, seok matthew, hours ago.
if being stuck in traffic and waking up late wasn't enough for her, y/n's boss had fired her earlier that day as well.
it had been for multiple reasons; the company being overstaffed and the work was slow but her being late that day just threw her boss over the edge he was barely hanging onto.
normally y/n wouldn't feel so overwhelmed, but with the recent closing of her lease and sharing an apartment with her boyfriend, she's been very stressed to say the least.
her being financially unstable after just moving in with her boyfriend was her biggest worry. y/n's second worry was breaking the news to matthew and seeing the disappointment on his face.
what if he broke up with her then and there? what if he left her on the streets to rot? what would she do without him?
matthew was like her sun. he was always there for her and cheered her up at her worst moments. even the times where she insisted that she was fine and just wanted to be alone, he could read her like a book and know just how she felt.
it was ironic. the only person who understood her complex emotions was the person she was trying to avoid at that moment.
y/n found herself at a beach minutes away from their apartment complex, not daring to enter the place where she knew matthew would be. that was the last thing she wanted to do at that moment.
she just wanted to sort out her thoughts alone, sitting on the gravely sand. there was just this feeling inside of her that craved the comfort of matthew and his warm hugs, but y/n knew she would just burst into tears the moment he appeared in front of her.
"what's got you so deep in thought?" a voice spoke softly, sitting down besides her.
y/n could recognize that voice from a mile away. even without her facing him, she knew it was matthew. no one had that soothing, relaxed voice as sweet as his.
"how'd you know i was here?" y/n asked, not turning her head to face him just yet, trying her best to not break down in a matter of seconds.
"you always come here when you feel down," matthew answered, basking in the rays of lights beaming on him. "i figured something was up when you didn't respond to my million texts."
"just needed some time to think," y/n remarked, looking down at her hands as she played with them to distract herself.
as moments of silence passed by, she felt matthew's warm hand press against her cold cheek to lift her head up and face him. once her eyes met his, y/n couldn't help but shed a few tears while he smiled at her.
"what's wrong sweetheart? you know you can tell me anything right, hm?" he comforted, using his thumb to wipe her tears away before stroking her hair behind her ear.
"we don't have to talke either," matthew assured, pulling her closer to lean on his shoulder, "we can just stay like this if you want to."
he pulled away from y/n for a moment, admiring her face with a smile on his before leaning in to press a kiss on her forehead then leading down to her nose before pressing a short kiss on her lips.
"i love you, okay?" matthew rubbed his hand against her head, giving her an endearing look like he always did before pulling her back into a hug.
"i got fired from my job," y/n admitted, nuzzling her head closer to matthew's neck to stop the tears from flowing down her face.
"that's their lost then," matthew said with a slight frown on his face, his brows knit together. "how can they let go of someone amazing like you?"
"we can get through it, i promise," he asserted confidently, pulling y/n closer to him as if she couldn't get any closer, "maybe we can go on a vacation too.. just the two of us, away from everything for a bit."
"matt, you have a job," y/n pulled away from him with a slight smile on her face, feeling slightly better after her boyfriend's comforting efforts.
"i have sick days i can use," matthew replied, putting his hands on y/n's cheeks to squish them together, "i just wanna be with you. i don't care about anything else."
"and if you ever feel like this again, don't be scared to talk to me," matthew leaned closer to her face, admiring y/n's beauty for a moment.
"i'm only one call away," he smiled, leaning in for another short kiss on y/n's lips before pulling away only to lean in once again. "i just can't get enough of you."
"oh shut up," y/n pushed him away playfully, attempting to cover her rosy cheeks.
"what, i can't love my girlfriend?" matthew frowned cutely, supressing a kiss onto her cheek before swiftly moving to her nose; ending up kissing every inch of her face.
"stop, it tickles!" y/n laughed out, her hands scattering in an attempt to push matthew away brefore eventually giving up.
"i love you, matthew," y/n muttered, looking into his shimmering eyes for a moment before looking towards the sunrise.
"i love you too, y/n," matthew responded, pressing another kiss onto her cheek while his arms wrapped around her waist to pull her closer.
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© gyubaseone — please refrain from copying, translating, reposting or claiming my work as your own.
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sugurushimura · 1 month
may i ask aizawa and ide for the character opinion bingo? :3
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character opinion bingo!
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i really like aizawa! i honestly think his character arc is one of the best in the entire manga, maybe even second to light's, and his relationships with the rest of the task force are all really fun. seeing him grapple with his conflicting duties to his family and his job & the kira case is really fascinating especially considering how differently he approaches this issue in the second arc vs. the first arc. so is seeing him slowly come to terms with the fact that light is kira and realize that pretty much everything he's done up until that point was useless at best and playing into kira's hands at worst...
i also think he's hot in the second arc in particular (i swear to god obata draws the whole structure of his face differently), and, unrelated to his hottness, i think it's unfortunate that i normally see him portrayed as just That Angry Cop in fanon. nevertheless, mandatory cop bastard spot.
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ide is my favorite task force member and also my favorite dn character in general outside the yotsuba group! i felt more strongly about him a few years ago, but i do still like him a lot. he's got a very strong, singular personality as the only task force member who's committed enough to stick around but then quits over a dislike for L's method, and i think it's cool that he continues to investigate kira off-screen even if we don't see it until the end of the yotsuba arc. i especially like his character in the second arc, though, where his by-the-books approach is juxtaposed with matsuda's carefree attitude, and we see ide come out of his shell some because of it. in general his relationship with matsuda is super compelling, and his relationship with aizawa is possibly even more so. that shit is kind of crazy tbh. i also love his leopard-pattern pants.
i usually see him ignored in fanon, sadly. i would kiss him mainly for the humor of it all, and i am once again putting him in the mandatory cop bastard spot.
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5chatzi · 2 months
Okay I'm going to send you some partly-solicited recs for queer literature and classics because I have a decent amount of exposure to both~~
My qualifications include a degree in English and now being halfway towards my MLIS lol this is what I was made for
For queer lit, sometimes it depends heavily on your own orientation, like bi people want to read books with bi representation, etc. But those preferences notwithstanding, here are some generally quality titles:
Zenovia July by Lisa Bunker: A trans girl solves a cyber crime. Mystery, YA, contemporary setting, trans rep
The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune: a gay man who lives a boring government-worker life travels to an island in order to monitor the family of magical children who live there. Fantasy, found family, adult fiction (it has some kid's book vibes but does contain mild sexual content and mild swearing), gay representation.
Ace by Angela Chen -- nonfiction, part memoir exploration of what it means to be asexual, for the author personally and for society generally.
Last Night at the Telegraph Club by Malinda Lo -- a Chinese-American girl in 1950s San Francisco comes to terms with being a lesbian. Historical fiction, adult fiction (or might be YA?? There is what I'd call mild sexual content), lesbian representation, AAPI representation
Jeanette Winterson is a queer author whose work I generally like!(don't have specific title recs though) (I have read The Passion, and she has a couple biographies shelved in the queer library in which I volunteer. The Passion is not very explicitly queer from my memory but it is very good regardless.
For classics, here are titles that I personally Actually Enjoyed Reading and found relatively accessible:
To Kill a Mockingbird (and I also like the film-- I should have added that to my answer to your ask)
To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf is my absolute favourite classic novel, but I won't pretend it's for everyone, or that it's especially accessible. It's written in a heavily Modernist style that involves a quite lyrical, non-linear plot. But the prose is breathtakingly gorgeous and it has a really moving anti-war message.
Also, Orlando by Woolf as well, and this one is also queer! Features a genderqueer/trans/otherwise gendernonconforming character.
The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins is very long, but it's a mystery, and I found it engaging. The section narrated by the character Marianne is the best, and I headcanon her as asexual or possibly a lesbian.
The Color Purple by Alice Walker is what I would call poignant, and it's fairly short. Be warned that it contains some SA content, racism, and AAVE dialect that could be hard to understand.
Macbeth or Twelfth Night or King Lear are my favourite Shakespeare works to recommend. But with Shakespeare, it's better if you can see a film or live performance, since just reading the script can be difficult to follow.
Little Women!!! God, I love Little Women. Honestly not sure how that wasn't the first one I thought of.
Oh thanks so much for the thorough response!
I’ll admit most of these are wildly outside my normal genre, but I’m always willing to try new things.
I have read Macbeth in school but it’s been ages and I am pretty sure I’ve read Little Women but I can’t remember it would have been a long time ago. Oh and To Kill a Mockingbird. I think everyone has read that in school but don’t think I’ve read it since.
I’m gonna write them down and check them out and see how it goes. I pretty much exclusively read non fiction so should be interesting 😅
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bluntfriend · 2 years
Are they night owls or early birds?
ANY WARNING: Just mention trouble sleeping. Some swearing.
A/N: I swear I am not dead... just trying to get back to writing. I kind of went ghost of a couple of months... and I am sorry. Wasn't my intention. But I had some personal issues going on... couldn't write for a while as a result of it. I am back now! And I swear I am working on the two requests I received. Both are going to be posted very soon so watch out for that. And I am also working on other headcanons and imagines that I am very excited to share with you guys. This one has been in my google docs for too long and decided to finish it today. I really do appreciate the patience :)
I hope you enjoy this boring headcanon lol.
DIRECTOR JACK BRIGHT: Hmm... night owl considering how much work he gets done during the night. But that isn't to say that he doesn't get anything done during the day. Because he does. But he just prefers doing more work at nighttime since he can't easily fall asleep. And he needs something to do until he feels sleepy. It is a bit weird too because it is like he gains so much energy during nighttime. He would be finishing projects, documents, and some leftover paperwork that his assistant left for him to do. (Which are months late btw). While binge-watching some Netflix series. Will probably order something to eat online... (if a store is open and he is hungry). And reply to late e-mails. He wouldn't even feel himself getting tired or worn out until like three in the freaking morning. Then he would finally fall asleep. However, he would only sleep for a few hours before waking up for work.
*Also, Bright would sometimes fall asleep but then wake up again and has a hard time falling back asleep... and he hates it! Because he feels so tired... but just can't sleep... it is like his mind wouldn't let him rest. He was once concerned that he was affected by SCP-966 but realized that it was just his insomnia like usual.
DIRECTOR ALTO CLEF: Early bird. He likes to wake up early in the morning like at six (which is pretty normal) however he can't wake up earlier than that. That is hell for him lol... He also has trouble sleeping yet always wakes up early in the morning... which is quite impressive tbh...
DOCTOR CHARLES GEARS: He can be a bit of both. But he is definitely leaning more towards a night owl due to his difficulty staying asleep as well. He does suffer from insomnia too. Gears has grown accustomed to it by now so he would spend his night reading a book or reviving files until he feels sleepy. But there is also a part of him that wakes up very early in the morning despite his restless night. Like at five and he is ready to start his day.
DOCTOR ICEBERG: Oh definitely a night owl. He is the one making so much fucking noise in the kitchen during the nighttime trying to make himself a simple sandwich...
DOCTOR BEN KONDRAKI: Another night owl. He enjoys staying up late in the night when everyone else is already asleep. He will probably go outside to the porch and smoke a bit... take a walk if he is in the mood for it. He does really like taking night walks since there aren't people outside and he hates interacting with people lol. A walk without talking to people and just enjoying the night sky would make him very happy tbh...
DOCTOR AGATHA RIGHTS: Early bird. Even if she stayed up very late last night she is still going to wake up early the next day. It is kind of like a habit of hers.
SCP-073 (CAIN): Definitely an early bird. He wakes up very early in the morning as well and gets things done. He doesn't even need an alarm clock to wake him up either. He just wakes up early...
SCP-076-2(ABLE): He isn't an early bird or night owl. But sort of in between... Like there were days when he would wake up early and is very productive. He gets things done like his older brother. And doesn't seem tired at all. But then there were other days when he would stay up really late. Doing whatever keeps him busy instead of sleeping because he isn't sleepy just yet. Those are the lonely nights when his mind wouldn't shut off and he needs a distraction until he feels tired. In addition to that, he also likes taking short naps throughout the day. It doesn’t matter if he slept early or late last night. He still wants his naps. And he is going to take his naps. He is like a cat when taking his naps too. He can literally fall asleep anywhere, on a tree, chair, couch, or table. All he needs is a quiet place and he is all set. He sometimes prefers taking naps with a small blank and pillow when on the couch. He doesn't use the pillow to rest his head but instead likes holding it in his arms while sleeping. And he would cover the blanket over himself completely.
AND DO. NOT. WAKE HIM UP. He is going to be very annoyed and just glare at you if you dare to wake him up. So, just leave him to take his nap. And besides, he is a bit of a heavy sleeper so it is going to take some effort in waking him up. Aside from that, Able is.... cute when he is sleeping tbh... like oh my god this man just looks so comfortable AND CUTE! HOLDING ONTO HIS PILLOW TIGHTLY! JUST SNOOZING. Idk it is just heartwarming to see a guy that can literally tear you to shreds sleep so peacefully and look cute. A rare sight if I am being honest lol.
Bonus: His S/O would probably be tempted to take a picture of him when he is napping. They can if they want to. But they have to make sure that they don't let him see the picture on their phone later on. He would literally demand them to delete it lol...
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kimhargreeves · 2 years
Deal With The Devil- Katana Man x Reader
Summary: You were the daughter of a powerful Yakuza until you're father was killed. Now you're seen with the Katana Man wherever you go, since both your families agreed that someone would look after you. You seem like a powerful woman doing your job, but Katana Man finds you weak when he knows that you aren't entirely powerful since you have a weakness, and that weakness is him.
(A/N: Why is literally no one writing on Katana Man?! The internet has disappointed me when I am craving for him, anyways I'm here doing gods work, or should I say the devil. Anyways, I am still not sure if this'll be just a one shot or turn into a short book. To any fans reading this, please let me know and thank you. Oh and one last thing what name should I use for Katana Man? Since it's kinda hard not giving him a name since reader will mention him a lot. I was thinking of a name like Kyo but let me know.)
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"Let us pray for our fallen comrade, he wasn't only a comrade as we all knew..he was family. Both our Yakuza family have remained together through generations. Let us remain that way."
I remained silent and heard the last of the prayer  being done by my father's best friend, together they went through hell together, but today my only family member is gone. I remained with a stoic face and rested my hands together and continued to pray as I closed my eyes, I continued to fight back the tears.
Many men were inside the comfort of my home. My father's large home should I say. We all bowed our heads and slowly stood up. I glanced over at the picture of my father with candles lit around it and his ashes inside an urn.
He wasn't the only one we were all morning though, my father had gone out on a mission with his men, all were killed...
"I'm sorry for your loss, miss (Y/N)." People would say when they would see or make their way to me.
Most of them knew about me ever since I was born. I was my father's only and well loved daughter, I was quite spoiled when little, still was as a grown up..I was all my father had. I should feel upset, I mean I am...but all I feel is empty inside.
I made my way outside of the house and into the beautiful zen garden. I stood by the pond and watched the koi fishes swim around until they all soon began to disperse when droplets of rain began to fall on the pond.
Quickly it started to rain but it didn't bother me  in the slightest. I crossed my arms over my chest shivering just a little and that's when I felt the rain stop hitting my skin.
"You're going to get yourself sick." I heard a strong voice behind me.
The man behind me held an umbrella above me, I glanced back quickly and noticed him getting very wet, though it wasn't much of a deal since the large trenchcoat protects him.
I simply continued looking away and heard a small sigh coming from him. "My grandfather is deeply sadden by your father's loss. Your grandfather followed my grandfather and so on. You are now the only remaining member of your family."
Those words began to sting. I was about to tell him off until I turned around to look at him and saw him bowing a bit.
"My grandfather ordered me to take care of you, that was your father's last wish as well. From here on out, I am yours to serve and protect." He stood up tall and saw his stoic expression, but I swear I could see a glint in his eyes when he looked down at me.
In no time I began to recruit new men and make a name for myself an underground Yakuza group. I had many men come and go in a short period, some took me seriously and others didn't and would fawn over me or mysteriously disappear.
Today I decided to take things slow and rest. My personal bodyguard thought otherwise. It's been a few months since my father's was murdered but I've slowly started to live a normal life, or as normal as it can be.
I insisted on going to a new cafe that had opened up, I was told to not go but I could get scary at times, though that didn't seem to intimidate the tall man with black hair and sideburns.
"This is sooo delicious." I sighed as soon as a waitress came over with a strawberry milkshake and a few slices of pie and cake.
I opened my eyes and saw the man seated right in front of me simply hum. I poured and reached over for another straw and placed it inside the glass cup I was holding.
"Don't you want to try some?" I said blushing staring up at him.
"I should have stayed with my grandfather." I heard say to himself when he pinched the bridge of his nose. "If I do will we finally leave?"
I nodded my head and saw him take the drink from my hand and slowly drank a bit. "This is too sweet for my tastes."
I rolled my eyes. "What? You prefer alcohol and cigarettes, right?"
"Exactly." He placed the milkshake down and I felt his eyes on me when I began to drink. He scoffed and i noticed look away. He's getting angry again.
"Can I have the check please?!" I called out to a waitress. The poor man and woman who took our orders tried to get everything we didn't eat properly placed in boxes, both of them found my friend scary.
Thought the looks he was giving to them didn't help. He held the boxes in one hand when we stepped outside of the cafe/diner and saw a few people avoiding our path and not looking at us.
"I wish we could've stayed longer." I pout and reached out to grab his arm and held onto him, I felt tiny compared to his tall form.
I'd often grab his arm to try and get a reaction from him, it one time worked when he simply looked at me, giving me a warning look but said nothing, from then on I would do it every now and then but he'd do and say nothing about it.
Before when I was properly getting introduced into the whole Yakuza world, I would often see him with his grandfather and my dad planning and doing whatever needed to be done.
I never properly spoke to him that much when we met him, we would simply exchange a few words or looks. I never found him attractive until recently, I only saw him as a scary and intimidating man that would do whatever would be necessary for his family.
We got inside the car and I sat in the passenger seat with him next to me. I stopped him from starting the engine since I wanted to stay with him for a while longer.
"We're family, right? Would you do anything for me?" I asked. He looked directly at me this time.
"That depends on what my grandfather would say. Just know this, if you were to betray us I wont hesitate to kill you." He spoke determined.
I scoff getting annoyed by his rudeness and bluntness. "I know you're lying. Why did you murder those men who talked badly about me then? I simply ignored their words and moved on with my life but you-"
"Your father wouldn't have agreed with you."
"But he isn't here anymore. I make the orders now." I said sternly and glared at him now. I balled my hands into fists and felt my face paint red when he looked at me again.
He quickly looked away and threw the cigarette he was smoking away. "You're weak, (Y/N). I know what is going through your head and it isn't working, and it never will. The life of a Yakuza isn't finding love..."
"The stutters, blushing, the touches. It won't work. A Yakuza boss has to be powerful and strong, you aren't either of them. I'm simply protecting you because my grandfather ordered me. You have weaknesses and one of them is-"
"Just stop." I demanded glaring as I felt my eyes stinging from fighting away the tears.
It's scary and it hurts. I did grow to find him attractive and nice under his very cold exterior. His determination and protectiveness was what made me fall in love with him.
Now he knows how I feel about him. I still remember the time I truly began to see him differently and it was when we were on a mission, one of our rival gangs had gotten me, tied me up and blindfolded me, it wasn't long after I was rescued and was held close by him when he began to fight the me, that's when a bomb went off and we were thrown outside a window.
He had shielded me from the fall. He was badly hurt so I took care of his wounds even when he refused many times. I took great care of him and   took the tiny shards he had deep into his skin and patched him up.
The next day in return for him protecting me, I gifted him a handmade katana I ordered just for him. That day I almost shared my first kiss with him before he backed away...
I sighed and held back my feeling, now maming it seems like I didn't care and that he was right.
I don't like having contracts with devils, but having him around feels like being committed to one. Having a deal with the devil himself.
"I'm sorry, you are right. Let's not talk about this, okay? This was unprofessional of me anyways what kind of person would I be to be with someone like you?"
I joked and turned to look and him and was irritated when I saw him scrolling through his phone and looking at it. What the hell?!
"Hey!" I snapped at him and shouted, "Did you hear a word I just said?!"
I hummed to myself and furrowed my eyebrows together confused when I saw him staring deeply into his phone. "My grandfather is..dead?" I heard him ask himself.
I reached for my seatbelt and quickly placed on me, as soon as I did he turned the car's engine on and he began to speed through the streets and we made it to his family's house and saw his grandfather's men waiting for him outside.
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hanna-water · 2 years
Part 5 “I’ll Be Fine”: Talk about Popculture, Druck and Gen Z Popkultur Festival Berlin 2022, wednesday 24.08.2022 with Eren M. Güvercin, Nhung Hoang, Naomi Bechert (social media team during s5 – s6, writer of s7 and s8) Moderated by Aidan Riebensahm Naomi: (talks about how Gen Z gives her hope for the future and how the generations should work together to improve things. Then she says that millenials have kind of paved the way for Gen Z.) Eren: uhm wasn´t this also the generation before you, like your parents? Aidan: I wanted to add that actually. This were developments that took hundreds of years. And now things are finally progressing. Without putting all the pressure only on you because our age difference is not THAT big, right? Nhungi: I think that older generations also had a lot of similar demands but I think what is different is that we have been indoctrinated with this catastrophe-fetish. We get told “tomorrow the world ends.” all the time and then we say “shit tomorrow the world ends, then lets make the best out of it.”. And we try to solidars..... solidarise “damn shit”. (everybody laughs because she sweared) Aidan: “shit?” It´s ok I will allow it. Naomi: I`ve been told worse. Aidan: Eren said I witnessed ´68. (everyone laughs) Eren: I did not say you witnessed ´68 that was only a comparison. (laughs) Nhungi: yeah well, and because of the internet there is a lot of gun powder and we will try to change something. Eren: I think it is not like…. sometimes I think that our generation thinks too much of itself. And then I read about very interesting history, for example white boys (or wild boys?) 1920, google it. So many heavy things have happened even 100 years ago. Nhungi: do you remember? (to Aidan) Everyone laughs Eren: I think its important to think about who paved the way for the activism today. Aidan: (talks about how older generations were more forced to adjust and the younger generations are confident to just do their thing.) Naomi: (talks about how it is more normal nowadays to stand behind your values and the role of social media to encourage discussions) Aidan: How do you calm down and get the pressure off when everything is getting too much? Can you collect a few things? Nhungi: My best advice is to just go offline and go outside. See real people, learn to know real people, interact with them because what is shown on the internet and on your foryou page is not the reality. Its not what defines our society. I myself can easily lose myself in a rush of negativity, self-hate and negative thoughts when I don´t have a 15 minutes timer set up. And then I just turn everything off for a moment, go outside, talk to people, drink a coffee, meet my friends and its basically the best you can do. Its partly an avoidance strategy. Because then I don´t have to deal with those topics. But for me its like, how do I create a room for myself so that I can take this information in with a healthy mindset? Eren: I agree. I am more the type of person who likes to stay at home and does nothing. Turning the phone off, using no media in general and read a book and chill with it. Aidan: What are you currently reading? Eren: (laughs) recently I finished “21 lessons for the 21st century” by Yuval Noah Harari and now I start with “Feuchtgebiete” by Charlotte Roche (apparently the english title is “Wetlands”). laughter from the audience Aidan: I wrote a paper/essay about that in 8th grade. Naomi: That’s such a millennial book actually. Aidan: yes totally. Eren: I am fully excited. I am on page 1. Naomi: (talks about going to places in the nature to calm down) Eren: Or Falafel Halloumi. Around the corner of where I live, there is a Falafel restaurant where I just know, I can go there if I am not in the mood to do anything or if I have too much on my mind. Nhungi: support your locals! Aidan: support your local Fallafel Halloumi! Ok we will open for questions of the audience now.
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jamilelucato · 2 years
smut henry creel please?
A Match Made in Lab
show: Stranger Things (season 4 spoilers)
pairing: 002!reader x Henry Creel/Vecna/001
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summary: when you and Henry escape on the 4th of July and things happen to be a bit... romantic.
a/n: maybe this isn't as smut as you expected, sorry, but it is what I can do as I am a very shy person (I swear!); for those of you who are asking for this fic part 2 stay tuned because it's coming!
tag list: @perssepeony
You were friends. After all, there wasn't much choice for a friendship when you grew up in a lab with only a boy your age and a bunch of scientists. Yes, yes, they hid your existence and gave your number to somebody else, but they did that later because in 1964 Henry Creel was number 001 and you, [y/n] [y/l/n], were number 002, the only subjects in Hawkins National Laboratory. 
“So,” he whispered when you two were together doing some recreational activities in the room that later on would be painted and called “the rainbow room”. “I have a plan.”
You looked around, but the guards were too far, close to the doors and the cameras weren't able to catch sound back then. 
“Tell me more.”
He smiled beautifully. His hair was growing back again, slower than yours because they kept trying to shave him every month. But you, after four years of tests and buzzcuts, they decided to allow you some growth, at least to the shoulders. Henry had heard some of the female scientists claiming for you, something about “allowing a girl her femininity”.
There was no need for femininity in the lab, you thought but there was no use in saying it.
“I think we can… through the vents,” he said, explaining a plan you two had been trying to achieve from the moment you realized you were allies and not enemies. The word he was not saying was “escape” because if anyone there heard it, you and Henry would be dead.
And so he kept the explanation going, but he only used chess metaphors, for it would be easier to hide the truth. 
The next day, you went on as normal, being the perfect children for the doctors. The secret was that at midnight, when security was reduced and the scientists were home, you two would be escaping through a secret passageway Henry had found.
There were flaws to the plan of course. A security guard could not stop you — they were there for the outsiders mostly — but a late-night doctor could if they were fast enough to see you two. Besides, someone would enter your rooms at one a.m. and the alarm would be sounded. So, you two had to be fast all of the time. And the powers needed to be on point because they were your only weapon.
But all your worries didn't matter. Once Henry’s hands were holding yours, nothing could stop you and soon you were out. Out.
In the dark, sure, but still out.
“We did it,” you whispered, for you were still afraid.
Henry looked at you, focusing on your eyes and you felt your hand being squeezed. 
But there wasn't much time for nice touches. He said he had used his mind powers to map out the territory, but he wasn't very bright at it, not as good as you, so it took you some time to grasp the reality surrounding and find the best way to civilisation. 
“There,” he said, pointing at a gas station. “We'll need to get some clothes if we want to head to town.”
You agreed with him. The store had only one worker, so it was easy to knock him out and get what you two wanted. Henry found himself a white t-shirt and a pair of khaki pants while you got a black white-dotted dress just tight enough. 
Once you had finished changing, you handed Henry your gown which he burned, so it could be left with no proof. 
“The dress looks nice on you,” he said, looking you up and down. You felt your cheeks turn red. It was a weird feeling.
You had read about it, before the lab and even when in the lab. They allowed you some books, not any title — it had to be approved and “appropriate” — and not all but most of the readings mentioned love. In autobiographies, the scientists would always happily marry a pretty lady and in the fictional ones, the protagonists always had a romantic interest. It was love, they called it. Magical, unique and beautiful. 
But when stuck at the lab it never felt like that could happen to you. Of course, Henry was there, and he cheered you up just enough to survive, but the place wasn't a romantic one. Besides, you feared he did not know what love was. He always mocked your readings and had no interest in them, and he lived in the outside world even less than you had. He got in the lab in 1959 and you in 1960.
He reached for your hand as you made your way out of the gas station and headed to Hawkins. It was a long walk but you two managed because of adrenaline, excitement and the chance to have real unsupervised conversations.
“Look,” you said, “the city looks bright for midnight.”
Henry looked straight ahead, seeing the town that suddenly appeared and it indeed looked rather lighter.
“Perhaps today is a festival?”
Your question remained unanswered until you two reached downtown, where the party was loud and full. You even felt undressed compared to all the men and women, fancily dressed.
“Fourth of July,” pointed out Henry, answering your question as he looked at the big flag being waved by a white man of large bones.
You knew when you were younger your parents used to celebrate it, but there was no memory of the happiness you were seeing (and suddenly feeling as well) around.
“Come on,” he tightened his grasp in your left hand, “let’s get some hotdogs before they stop selling them.”
“Henry,” you couldn’t help but smile. “We have no money.”
“No, but we have you,” he smiled too. “And who’s best at implementing memories in people’s minds?”
Again, your cheeks reddened.
“I mean, it’s not like I have competition,” you said, jokingly for he had been practising the arts of the mind as well but he was not half as good as you.
He pretended to be offended but laughed it off.
The night was like that: funny and silly moments of you two, while you watched the whole of Hawkins celebrations and sooner than you’d like, people were going back to their homes and most of the lights were out.
“We should get out of here now,” Henry said, getting up from the sidewalk where you two were sitting. “The lights are out and now we’re easily found.”
You stared down at your feet. You were so tired. After putting the guards to sleep and having to do so much walking, your legs hurt and so did your mind. You looked up again, back at Henry, with pity eyes.
“Can’t we find a place to stay? For the night?”
He wasn’t gonna say yes. It was dangerous and reckless. At that hour of almost dawn, the alarm was probably already on and people probably were hunting them down, he was sure. But he understood her point and he only wanted to make her happy.
Henry knew he didn’t deserve to get out of the lab and he was fine staying there, but you didn’t deserve it. You didn’t deserve the life of a rat.
“Ok,” he sighed. “But it has to be a quick sleep. Four hours top.”
You agreed with a nod and grabbed his hand. You knew he would find a place for you to stay so you just let him do the job. He liked to use his powers, way more than you.
When the place was found, both of you had to settle down on a bed made of cardboard and some torn cloth, as it was the only thing available in the back of a practically abandoned factory.
You turned from side to side, unable to close your eyes. Even if the discomfort was great, it wasn’t the lack of a pillow that kept you awake.
It was him.
Henry was your best and only friend, so you guys used to hang out in the lab together, but everything looked different outside of it. There, on the cardboard bed, he was no longer 001 and you were no longer 002. Somehow, the dynamic seemed to be that of a boy and a girl, and at least your hormones seemed to be in full bloom.
You turned around to face him. Even though his eyes were closed, you knew he wasn’t sleeping. His back was against the weathered wall of the factory, and he was leaning his head forward. He looked like he was sleeping, but you were smarter than that.
“Henry?” you whispered.
He opened his eyes in your direction.
“Sleep, [y/n].”
You pressed your lips together and didn’t respond. But you didn’t sleep either.
“Just say it,” he said, sighing. “Say what you want to say, [y/n].”
“It’s actually something I wanna do,” you said, getting your back up from the floor. “I saw a couple doing it and… and I wanted to test it.”
“It’s not dancing, is it? I’m not going to dance right now,” Henry said, in a serious tone, but you knew he was joking.
You looked at him through your eyebrows, a look of compassion, but also of seduction, or at least, that’s how you felt when you faced him before doing what you wanted and feared.
Henry swallowed hard. Nothing in his body indicated that he knew what you were about to do—after all, he didn’t open his arms to wait for you—but perhaps something natural and instinctive asked him to stay alert. He looked at you, his brows furrowed and his lips slightly parted.
You took a deep breath before pushing yourself forward and touching your lips to his. You’ve never done this before, and perhaps you both never would’ve if you hadn’t escaped the lab.
It was just a brush of lips, an invitation. Then you pulled away, lowering your gaze to your lap. In yourself, a feeling of accomplishment but also of shame. What if he didn’t want that? What if it had been horrible for him?
“I don’t…” you started to say, but you didn’t have the chance to finish, because Henry’s lips had come back to meet yours; this time with more passion, more desire and more force.
He was pressing all of him against you, and from then on everything seemed to happen driven by lust and instinct. You didn’t really know what you were doing, as it was both his and your first time and you didn’t have access to much of that content.
It certainly shouldn’t look pretty to an outsider, but it was incredible to Henry, who felt a tightening of pleasure from his lips to his legs, almost electrifying. It’s better than good, you thought, as he nibbled on your lip, forcing you to open them. His tongue slowly entered your mouth, searching for your own tongue.
Needing some support, your hands reached for the back of Henry's neck, and stayed there, as your fingers tangled in his blond hair, which grew soft.
Both of your breaths were heavy and you both needed a few seconds apart to recover. Somehow, even though you were exasperated, you weren't tired — on the contrary, you were awake; your whole body and hair were.
The kisses and caresses continued, and you tested a kiss on each other’s neck, a caress beyond the bend of the waist. It was no longer cold, and suddenly you were overcome by the need to remove your clothes. The little skin that was in contact was insufficient for the size of the desire you both felt. You just knew you needed more.
“I need you to kiss me,” you told him breathlessly.
He smiled, pulling away from the crook of her neck. “I’m kissing you,” he said.
“Yes, but…” you sighed, mortified. “I need you to kiss me somewhere else.”
Henry looked up to meet his, and he frowned.
“A bit… lower,” you cleared your throat.
He smirked and obeyed, lowering his lips to your cleavage and after a few sighs of yours, he lowered even more. But he didn’t stop at your belly. Oh, no. Now that the dress was gone, he kissed you in a secret place, one that only the female doctors (and yourself) had seen before.
It just felt natural.
Your hand reached for his member, a part of him that your anatomy lessons at the lab were not enough to teach you the power it had. It was different from the few things they shared. It was hard and big, and well, very interesting to look at. You just wanted to touch and when you did it, Henry let out a groan.
“What are you doing?” he asked, but there was no anger in his voice. He seemed to be hanging by a thread.
“I’m touching you,” you answered, biting your lip.
“You don’t have to just because I’m kissing you,” he said.
Oh, you thought; maybe he did know more about “this” than you. Had he been reading different books? Were the scientists teaching him different things they were teaching you just because he was a boy?
Or had he learned that with his father, back when he was just 11 and a good family boy?
“I want to,” you said, hardening your grasp on his member.
He gulped. “Okay,” he let out, before closing his eyes and tilting his head back.
You didn’t do much, for you didn’t know how to do much.
At some point, you felt very open, both bodily and mentally, so you just asked him, “Henry? There’s more than this, isn’t there?”
He stared at you. “Yes.”
You liked him because he never lied to you.
“Can you show me?”
“I’ve never done it before,” he said. “I haven’t even kissed anyone before. You are my first, [y/n], you know that, right?”
You nodded.
“I can do it, but it might hurt you. It was what I learned in bio class anyway.”
You tilted your head. “So we had separated lessons.”
He smiled, with pity. he knew you liked to learn. “They said they weren’t classes for the ladies.”
You rolled your eyes, jokingly, and he giggled, hiding his face at the crook of your neck. You passed your hands through his hair.
“Now?” you suggested, in a whisper filled with desire.
His hands were everywhere, his fingers on your skin, his leg nudging its way between yours. He was pulling you closer, rolling you on top of him as he slid onto his back. His hands were on your bottom, drawing you so tightly against him that the proof of his desire burned itself into your skin. You gasped at the intimacy of it all, but you couldn’t do much because his lips were back kissing yours.
His mouth moved to your ear, then to your throat, and you arched beneath him as if you could somehow curve your body closer to his. There wasn’t a manual available, so you were kind of lost in what to do, but there was no way you could have remained motionless, no way you could have stopped your legs from wrapping around his. Whatever this was, building inside of you —this tension, this desire—it needed release, and you were starting to grow impatient for the moment. You wondered if it was the same for Henry.
He pushed forward, just an inch or so, but it felt like you were swallowing him whole. Henry’s hips began to move, unable to remain still when he was so obviously near to a climax. You looked like an angel beneath him, and every time you grasped and gasped, he felt closer to heaven, even if he did not deserve it. He finally let himself go and gave in to the overwhelming desire surging through his blood.
“You are beautiful, [y/n],” he whispered as if only then he recalled he could speak.
You smiled.
And then it came. A sound from your lips, sweeter than anything ever to touch his ears. You cried out his name as your entire body tensed in pleasure, and he came right after, for you two were such a match that it didn’t even need to be rehearsed.
“It didn’t hurt,” you said, suddenly overwhelmed. “It was good.”
He smiled.
“It was good for me too.”
For a minute there was silence, and neither of you spoke, for your chests were rising and falling too fast, and the bliss of being in each other’s arms was enough.
You didn’t even realise when you fell asleep until you woke up.
You were in his arms, but it was easy to get up. Your heart raced as it realised what was happening. There were lights everywhere, and even though there was nobody over you, you felt like you were surrounded.
“Henry,” you nudged him. “Henry, wake up.”
But he didn’t hear you.
“Henry, wake up!”
You pushed him.
“Come on, Henry now’s not the time.”
When you heard sounds — people, probably your doctors coming closer — you decided to use your powers on his mind, to see if you could wake him up from his subconscious.
“Wake up, Henry, please,” you prayed, but there was no reply. He wasn’t dead, you could feel his heart and breath, but for some reason, he could not wake up. Had he been using his powers to cover you two before he fell asleep? That could explain his tiredness and inability to wake.
Deciding he wasn’t gonna wake up, you tried to get him up with your own strength, but you were never much strong. Neither of you was. You tried, oh, God, you tried, but he didn’t wake and he didn’t move.
You grasped your dress. It was too late to come up with a plan. You could hear Dr Brenner loud and clear. if you escaped alone, maybe you could make it.“I love you, Henry,” you whispered in his mind and then you left, running for your life and your freedom.
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chifuyusfingers · 3 years
Tokyo Revenger boy's Reaction to you hide that you’re in the Hospital from them, and they find out.
_Mikey | Baji | Chifuyu | Kokonoi | Mitsuya | Sanzu | Shinichiro | Izana | kazutora | Kukucho | Ran | Rindo | Inui_
M i k e y
Mikey would be on a warpath once he found out you were in the hospital.
But when you woke up, he had worn himself out from being angry.
You would wait for him to wake up, and when he did he would be startled to see you awake.
He would ask you so many questions: “You’re awake? Are you okay? Do you hurt anywhere? Do you want me to get a doctor?” Mikey wouldn’t express anger directly at you until after you were discharged.
But he would stay with you as much as he could, and would hardly get any sleep because he was so worried about your well being (even though you weren’t going to stay for that long).
C h i f u y u
Chifuyu would be extremely worried about you. He noticed you were a little sick lately, so when he heard you were in the hospital,
it was a worst case come true. He would instantly go to the hospital and would pick a fight with anyone who tried to deny him entry to visit you. You would wake up and he would be sitting with his head in his hands.
When he noticed you it was instant fretting over you. When you assured him you were fine and that it was something minor, he would sigh and lean back in his chair.
“You think I care that this is something minor? I care that you are here in the hospital and I knew nothing about it! Tell me if you aren’t feeling well and we come here together! But please… Don’t hide this from me.” Chifuyu may get a bit emotional and would tear up.
You would have to soothe him and promise to tell him. He would stay with you in the hospital for the day you had left there, and wouldn’t sleep– both from worrying about you and to make sure you were sleeping alright.
B a j i
Baji would be sitting on the edge of the bed staring at you when you woke up.
His number one concern would be how you were feeling and if you were in any pain. You assured him that it was nothing serious, and he just didn’t seem satisfied with your answer.
“If it was nothing serious, then you could have told me about it. Even if it was something serious, I would like to know this sort of thing. Your health is important to me, so please don’t hide this from me. I think I almost passed out from the shock.”
You would apologize to Baji and said you didn’t want to bother him. “It would bother me so much more if I didn’t know until after the fact!”
You would apologize and acknowledge your mistake. Baji would visit whenever he could find time, and more often than not he would bring you a snack or two in when he came.
K a z u t o r a
Kazutora is the type who would be a bit restless when he arrived. When you woke up he would be asking the doctors what was wrong with you.
When he noticed you were awake, he would direct all of his questions to you. Any attempt to calm him down wouldn’t go well at all.
You would have to talk him down from his anger, and once he was no longer angry, all that was left was worry for you. “How could you not tell me you weren’t feeling well? Why didn’t I tell you to go to the hospital?”
You would have to assure Kazutora that things like this happened and it was your fault for not checking yourself in sooner. “That really doesn’t make me feel better… Nothing will make me feel better until you get to get out of here.”
You would have to mess with Kazutora in order for him to finally crack a smile, albeit a small one. Kazutora would keep you company for the day or two you had to stay in the hospital. He would argue with the doctors if they tried to kick him out, and if they succeeded he would simply sneak back in later.
Shinichiro would be crying when you woke up. When he heard your voice, he would instantly race to your side as if it was the end of the world.
He would hug you and you would have to repeat over and over how it wasn’t as bad as it may look.
He wouldn’t say much but would try to listen to you. Shin wouldn’t have to say much to you for you to understand that he was deeply hurt, by your decision to not tell him.
He would wear that on his sleeve. Once he stopped crying, he was relieved that it was nothing major and felt silly for crying so much. You would feel bad and promise to tell him how you were feeling truthfully from now on.
He would pick you when you were discharged and wouldn’t leave your side the entire day. “I want to make sure your a hundred percent.”
M i t s u y a
Mitsuya would be silently reading when you woke up. He would glance at you and continue to read his book.
You could feel the anger steaming off of him and were too scared to say anything at first. He scared you out of your skin when he asked, “Well? Aren’t you going to say anything?” You would begin to apologize for not telling him about the hospital, and he would seem slightly confused.
“Oh… I guess I should be upset about that too…” You’d ask why he was upset if not for that reason, and he would say he was mad at himself. He should have forced you to come to the hospital the instance you were sick.
You’d insist it wasn’t his fault, but he would continue. “No, it was my mistake for not saying what I thought. So I think I’ll have to be much more forward with you from now on.” It sounded scary to you. Mitsuya essentially would come when he could, and would give you the silent treatment for the next several days to come.
S a n z u
Sanzu is much more stubborn. I feel like he would be tempted to visit you a lot, but he would be too angry to do it.
You weren’t willing to tell him that you were in the hospital to begin with, so why should he visit you? He would find himself standing outside the door, unable to enter.
In the end, he would call you from outside the door and scold you over the phone. “Next time, we can go to the hospital together… Just please don’t do this ever again.” Sanzu would believe that you didn’t trust him enough to tell him this, and you apologized if you came off that way.
You would say that you knew he would panic, and that would cause him to open the door and argue with you in person. You would laugh as he scolded you. He would stay with you and glare at you every once in a while. He would also help you when you were discharged.
K a k u c h o
Kakucho is very lost when he finds the news. He doesn’t know what to do when he sees you in the hospital bed and is just lost.
He seems out of it till he hears your voice. He comes back to life and yells your name. He asks you several questions and if you didn’t answer him right away, then he would hit the button that summons a doctor to answer them.
He would cause chaos in his own caring way, and you would have to scold him for causing disarray at a hospital.
Leading him to scold you for hiding this from both of you. Essentially, the remainder of your visit would become a bickering fest between you two with no clear resolution other than your discharge.
From then on, if you so much as sneezed in front of Kukucho he would grab his coat and drag you to the hospital to get it checked out.
I n u i
Inui was concerned about your health before the hospital, but once he heard you were in there? He was in full on mothering mode.
He would bring you food and nag at you to eat and take care of yourself the entire time. He wouldn’t touch much on the fact that you hid the truth from him, and would be so much more concerned about your well being. That said, once you were healthy, prepare for an earful from Inui.
“You can’t just wait until you’re about to pass out to go to the hospital!! That’s crazy talk!” Inui would now give you a look whenever you coughed in front of him, a look that read: “If we go through what we did last time, I swear I’ll go insane–”
I z a n a
Izana would fight a lot of people. Since he came in angry, the hospital was reluctant to let them in.
The doctors would tell him he had to do something, he wasn’t going to be happy go lucky doing it. He was fuming just sitting beside you in the hospital. You’d expect that he would direct that anger at you once you woke up, right? Wrong.
He would actually be caring at first and ask about how this happened and how you felt at the moment.
But once all of those “formalities” were out of the way, then he would direct that anger at you. “How could you hide it until you are in the hospital!? Do you know how worried sick I was to hear about this? Don’t ever do this sort of thing again!” Izana would always turn a little serious from then on when he saw you and asked how you were doing.
R a n
Ran is in full on nag mode when he finds out you are in the hospital. You don’t have to be awake for him to start nagging.
The instance he opens your hospital door and sees you asleep, he would start nagging. “I swear to GOD, you must be out of your mind if you thought you could hide this from me forever! AH! So help me when you wake up I swear I’m going to give you an earful, just you WAIT!” Essentially, Ran would hype himself up so much that when you finally did wake up, he wouldn’t have much to say. So? He would play it off as if he was angry and shove a tangerine at you.
“Here! Eat IT!” Ran would sincerely worry about you and help you at discharge, and would take you to hospital upon hearing a single cough.
R i n d o
Rindo is another one to be silently angry when you first wake up.
He would ask you how you were feeling, and you’d say you were fine. “Is this the truth, or am I going to turn around and find out you really aren’t?” You would feel guilty and apologize.
This is one of the few times that Rindo would seriously scold you. It truly hurt him when he had to find out from his brother that you had wound up in the hospital. After you were discharged, Rindo would be lost in his own thoughts. It would take a little while, but he’d be back to normal if you gave him some time.
K o k o n o i
Koko wouldn’t really know what to do. He would be angry at you and himself, worried about your well being, and concerned with how you would feel seeing him.
He had all these thoughts going through his head as he waited for you to wake up. When you did, he wanted to be tough and stand by himself.
You shouldn’t have hid it from him. But he was just so relieved that you were okay that his facade melted away almost instantly. He just so glad to see you okay and well and that it was nothing major. Koko would realize a lot from worrying about you– like how much he cares about you and your well being.
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fallinfl0wers · 3 years
hello!! c: I loved prompt 18 and so I was wondering if you could write something with childe, diluc and kaeya ​​(separately) where your s/o is very excited for the date that was arranged, the reader gets dressed and puts on his/her best clothes, but then after waiting a long time for her partner, she realizes that he won't show up. Maybe after returning home find the character sleeping or doing something else? angst/hurt with comfort attempt pls? 😭
When he stands you up, and then apologizes
summary: you had both agreed to this date, you even planned it on advance so that it wouldn't interfere with his schedule together! ...so why isn't he here? includes: childe (19 bullet points), diluc (21 bullet points), kaeya (19 bullet points) format: bulletted headcanons + small dialogues warnings: reader being stood up, also i think this turned out to be really gender neutral? i think i didn't really use gendered words... thank you for your request! i hope you like it >< i'm still not very good at writing kaeya, so i hope this was okay;;
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Truth be told, you were already expecting this to happen. Deep down.
But that didn't make it hurt any less.
You both had planned it with months of anticipation, too. He promised you he'd be here.
But here you were, coming back home after being stood up. You had waited for him for hours, and he never showed up.
So you were back at the winery, and he wasn't even there. The maids told you he had to attend... some business outside.
Just great, you thought as you entered your shared, empty room and put on some more comfortable clothing. He forgot about it.
When Diluc gets home late at night and goes to your room, he's greeted with you snacking on some cookies and reading a novel.
"Love?" "Oh, you're finally home. Hi."
Diluc feels guilty. The reason why he hadn't gone to your date was because he had received yet another threatening letter from the abyss order and had to take care of that as soon as possible.
It really wasn't his intention to stand you up!
Even if you know about his vigilante duties, he feels hesitant on telling you this.
He feels like it sounds like an excuse even if it isn't and he has proof.
So he kneels down next to the bed while you keep giving him the cold shoulder, hurt, yet trying not to show it to him.
"I'm sorry, love. I really am. I promise you this will be the last time something like this happens. Please let me make it up to you."
And making it up he does.
For the rest of the month, he clears his schedule as much as possible to spend time with you.
Whatever you want to get or do, he will get or do.
You want to eat your favorite cake? He'll get the maids to bake it for you.
You want to visit Liyue, you say? He can take you there and get you anything that catches your attention, from a simple dish to the most expensive of jewerly and outfits you could want.
He's awkward with his words, but even then he tries for you and tells you how precious you are to him, how much he loves you and how sorry he still is he sometimes can't spoil you and spend time with you how you deserve.
More than anything, though, he spends quality time with you and does acts of service for you besides the multiple gifts (since you probably rejected a lot of his offers to get you things). That's how he tries to make it all up to you.
He promises he'll be more careful from now on.
And he kept that promise, since in the next big date you organized, he was there an hour early with a bouquet of your favorite flowers, waiting for you.
You were never stood up again.
Normally, you wouldn't blame him or be too hurt when this kind of thing happens.
You understand he has a very important position within the Fatui and that means he can be sent on important, urgent missions at any time and he can't complain or go against his orders.
You respect his work, you get it and all.
But this time what hurt you the most wasn't being stood up, it was the fact that he didn't show up the next day, or the next, or the next, or the next after that.
He practically disappeared for two months without any notice and without sending any kind of letter or message.
A lot of the usual agents you'd see working at the bank and you knew worked under his command weren't there, and the few who were had no clue where he went.
You were both angry, hurt and worried sick.
You waited, and waited, and kept on waiting.
And the night he finally came back home, fortunately unharmed, you literally tackled him with a hug with tears in your eyes.
"Uwah, you missed me that much~? Wait- it's not the time for this! I'm- I'm sorry, alright? I'm sorry I couldn't go to our date that day, it really wasn't my intention to-" "S-shut up! I- Do you know how worried I was?!"
He was thinking about your date the whole time he was away on that long, long mission.
Ajax can be a lot of things, most of which are bad things, but he would NEVER break a promise.
So he feels extremely guilty for breaking that one promise he had with you :(
If you thought Diluc could start to get overwhelming with gifts and attention, you have yet to see what Childe is willing to do to earn your forgiveness.
You WILL be treated like royalty, whether you want to or not.
He will spoil you rotten with everything he can. Food, gifts, travels, physical affection, adventures, theatre plays, concerts, art works, books-
Say the word and he will give you whatever you want. No need to hold back! He loves spoiling you, don't feel guilty for anything.
Hell, he would even let you beat him up without defending himself if you were really that mad at him.
"Okay, do you remember what we say in Snezhnaya about pinkie promises? If we break one, we can be thrown in the ice. Do you want us to go to Dragonspine so you can throw me in the ice or something?!" "A-ajax, we don't need to go that far!!" Or maybe you do, hmm...
Overall he's very apologetic and feels a bit disappointed in himself.
He never wants to break your trust, so he will make sure this won't happen again!
The Cavalry Captain is a very busy person, even if it sometimes doesn't look like it.
You know it, you've known it from the very start.
But it doesn't make it any less humilliating or painful to leave on your own after waiting for him for hours just for him not to show up at all.
You go back home and, after having cried for a while, you go to sleep on your own, locking the door from inside and keeping the key with you.
So when Kaeya went back home, he couldn't enter the room to sleep.
This man literally forgot about your date, sorry.
He just got so busy early in the day- he was practically overworked the entire day and couldn't get out to go to your date.
In fact, he was so tired at the moment that he feel asleep the moment he sat down on the couch.
So the apology would wait until tomorrow, when you would finally get out from the room to have breakfast.
You saw no glimpse of him, and assumed he just wasn't home right now.
But as you were making breakfast for yourself, he appeared seemingly out of nowhere and hugged you from behind.
"Hello there, darling... I'm sorry for yesterday, I suddenly got all this work piled upon me. I know, I know it sounds like an excuse but I swear it isn't. I'm just- I'm sorry, sweetheart, I really am."
He goes on to explain everything that happened to him the day before and apoogize over and over again.
He feels so sorry :( He was so stressed and overworked, it really just skipped over his head.
He asks you how would you want him to make it up to you.
He will do about everything you want, no matter what it is.
He, too, would let you hit him for a while if you were feeling mad enough to do it.
He's going to be practically glued to you for the rest of the week- or even the next month if he can!!
He will get very touchy and vocal about it too... Overall, Kaeya is going to be really clingy with you.
You might need to tell him to stop if it gets overwhelming, otherwise, he's going to keep on doing it!
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iceprincessviviane · 3 years
Eyes in the darkness
Paring: Yandere!C!Technoblade x BookwormEnchanter!Female!Reader
Type: Romantic (Technoblade is yandere). Trilogy - part one. Next part.
Warnings: swearing, possessivness, yandere, angst, injury, sugestive content, threats, blood, silly jokes created by me.
Summary: Technoblade was watching Y/N for some time, trying to stay in the shadows. Unfortunately voices and thoughts won against the logic and he want her now on his side forever.
Author's note: Inspiration from a lot of things, but especially: Hades and Persephone, Beauty and the Beast. This used to be oneshot, but I changed my mind, ut will be trilogy. English isn't my first language, so sorry for any mistakes.
Words in red colour are Technoblade's voices.
Words in blue colour are Y/N thoughts.
Y/N didn’t know when was the last time she ran for her life. Probably during one of the pillagers attack on the village or maybe in the Nether. But none of them was that type. Now she was being chased by something way much more dangerous than besties. At the moment, she’s being followed by the Blood God himself. Despite the aching and pain of her muscles and her throat feeling dry from gasping for air, Y/N was still asking herself how did on earth this happen?
Y/N always loved books and reading, she came to Smp two weeks after Foolish arrival. Actually her friendship with him leaded her here. They exchanged the letters and she was interested in staying somewhere for a while. After some time, she decided to come. Her divine friend already started to build his summer home and had few buildings done. She stayed there for few couple of days, they decided to build something for herself. She already have met most of Smp members including Dream Team, Bench Trio and rest, but owning home, place for stay was good idea. Sometimes Y/N liked to be alone. Eret allowed her to build something behind his castle, it was always nice to have someone close.
It took time before she ended house, it was cozy one with big field in front, farms, cellars and most important - library with enchanting place. It was huge, biggest part of the house with plenty of regals and reading spots. Y/N loved to spend there time and collectin more books or texts. Foolish had a lot of ancient scrolls or manuscripts and liked to share them with her. They could spend hours discussing about their favourite ones.
Books caused that Y/N met Phil, because he was the second person on the Smp, which had great collection from centauries. Shark god took her at trip to Tundra. Y/N was excited to meet such person and nervous too. Happily, everything went all right, Technoblade wasn't that time in home, so they had chilling conversation. Winged man was very curious about her skills and enchants. Of course during his travells and lifespan he met enchanters, but didn't paid much attention to them. Now, he could meet one in chill ocassion. Their three had a lot of talking, giggling and being wholesome. Phil promised to borrow more interesting books and Y/N said, that she can give some enchantments.
When Technoblade came back he immediately felt, that Foolish was there with... someone else... someone new. It smelled like pine and old paper, very nice. Phil told him about visitors and Y/N, he ignored it a little bit, but voices... voices liked this smell a lot.
'So strange.' 'Which woman can smell like that?' 'Where is she living?'
Y/N was peaceful person with no intention to harm anybody, staying in her place. She stayed in positive relations with almost everyone, providing needed enchantments and helping caused, that a lot of members were friendly to her. Y/N liked to hanging out with Bench Trio, although they were sometimes so chaotic. Usually she went mining with Ranboo, when it was needed, cutting trees with Tommy for his buildings and staying in Snowchester with Tubbo. That is why she came with almost everyone, when Tommy and Tubbo were in Dream bunkier fighting with him. Discs were just items, but... Dream's obsession, it was dangerous and teenagers were her friends. After that a lot of things changed. Putting him into Pandora's Vault was meant to protect them, but she was getting cold shivers each time she looked at black walls of prison. Knowing that everyone could be locked there...
After Egg's influence grew stronger she tried to find some infromations about it and how could ghe possible defeat it, but that took time. Foolish and Phil were so helpful handing their ancient texts, to make research. Suddenly with crimson vines everywhere, Smp became less safer, at least she felt it that way. More members were busy with their business and stuff, they finally could do them, when Dream was locked. For example Foolish agreed to build big mansion for Tubbo and Ranboo, which got platonical marriage and Tommy started his hotel. Meeting Michael was so wholesome and funny, little zombie piglin started to like her and at each visit she read him fairy tales and stories.
Y/N decided to not think about bad sides of Smp, just being busy and tried to help, if someone needed it. Before Doomsday wandering around could be dangerous, especially for La'Manburg citizens, because Dream and Technoblade were unpleasant for them. Now she enjoyed visiting almost everyone everywhere. After a few visits, she could tell that something was wrong, Y/N couldn't tell what, but it was almost like being watched, blaming Egg and vines was her answer for that, but actually why? Why did it do that? She would never joined their side. Never ever. Sometimes she spotted the Phil's corws, but that wasn't a s surprise, birds were telling him a lot of informations around the Smp. Easy way to know almost everything.
Y/N was heading to her house, stepping at Prime Path. In opposite direction she spotted Quackity, slowly walking by from prison direction, which was surprise. She smiled softly to him and he smiled back.
"What's up?" Big Q asked when got closer to her.
"It's good I am coming back home, need to eat and get some nap, and you?"
"I... ended some buisness." His face stiffened and his look became more serious.
Y/N nodded little unsure about his changed emotions. Suddenly she spotted that his sleeve is covered in fresh blood.
"Are you hurt?" She asked worried.
Quckity looked at his shirt as surprised as she and frowned, he checked axe which hanged down from his belt.
"I guess so then, but I don't know where did that come from."
"Let me take care of this." Y/N suggested with warm smile. "My home is closer than Las Nevadas."
After a few moments he nodded in agreement. They together headed to her place. Weather started to become stormy, dark cloud covered the sun, threating to start raining.
Then went inside, but when she was closing door, feeling of being watched hit her with dubled strength. House was in the spine forest, but fenced and had a gate. In filed were some farms, trees and small garden, but everything seemed to look normal. Big Q sat on the couch in living room and Y/N brought bandages, water in bowl and even healing potion. He rose sleeve, wound wasn't long, but deep, something cut his arm, probably weapon.
"It doesn't look good, but you will be okay." She said after looking at cut.
"Good." He sighed with relief.
"What did make it? Do you have an idea?"
Big Q looked dead in her eyes and remained silence. Of course he knew what, but he didn't even noticed the wound before leaving the prison. Well, someone will pay for this.
"Maybe working at Las Nevadas, you know... I am still building there." He spoke after a while.
"Oh... ye you have right, but be careful next time." Y/N suggested and started to work on cut carefuly. Starting on cleaning, then gently bandaged it.
"Thank you." Big Q said after seeing the results.
"No problem, just don't walk around with untreated wound." Y/N giggled softly.
He stood up and moved his eyes on windows. Black clouds didn't go away, even became worse.
"I will go now, weather is getting worse, I want to be in home before storm." Big Q said with soft smile.
"Of course, see you next time."
After he left, big storm came, darkness fell upon the Smp, rain and wind were too strong, for coming outside. Y/N decieded to take a chance and nap. She baked some cookies and sit down on a couch with another book, which Phil borrowed her. Only the torches gave light, sometimes thunderbolt stroke and filled room with unatural blue light. Drops hit hardly, making loud sounds, but Y/N was too much into a book. Two hours has passed and slowly night was coming. She moved eyes to meet clock, yep that was supper time, put the book away and up, Gods thr storm didn't let go. Y/N watched for a while outside, then go to kitched. She grabbed blanket and wrapped it around her posture, damn there were cold.
Again feeling of being watched kicked in. She was alone at home, that was sure thing. Outside was deep dark and behind the windows was the wall of the water. Y/N bite her lip and shook head, it was just her imagination, a feeling which stayed for no reason after putting Dream into Pandora's Vault. She took an kettle and suddenly was seeing something in the corner of the eye, something red and unusual in the spine forest. Her figure frozen when she moved back eyes. Deep in the dark, around sprouce trees in the line of forest, Y/N spotted pair of shinning, red eyes, high above the ground. They were locked at her figure.
'This has to be spider... or something else...'
Right after this thought, ceature turned back and disappeard in the darkness, cold shiver went down at Y/N spine. What was that? And why it was here? At least she was safe in home...
'More.' 'Training is boring, let's find someone to fight.' 'We demand blood.'
Technoblade sighed and stopped, voices today were very, very loud. That was why he decided to train, but during it, they became even worse. He hid sword and walked into home. Phil wasn't here today, he had to do something, but didn't bother to tell him what it was. Blade went back to home by his old path through the forest. His training place was near the cottage, but still hidden from common people. All members of Syndicate knew where it was. First of all he need to take shower. When cold water touched his skin, he felt like even his bloodlust became less, quiet hiss left his lips. He earned some chafings this week. Next, he changed his clothes to common and made a cup of tea, then sit in the kitchen. Immediately his thoughts went to Y/N.
Somehow voices were acting diffrent around her and he even found himself acting that way. They were focused around Y/N and he was more calm, like just her pressence was comforting him. Technoblade remembered their first meeting, it was common day, when someone knocked on the door. He opened it and rose his eyebrows in surprise, outside was standing fragile woman, without any armor and only with trident on her back. They shared awkward eye contact, when suddenly she introduced herself as Y/N. Of course he saw her couple of times, but it wasn't officialy. Y/N has known who was he for sure, she swallowed hard and looked down with shyness. Phil yelled across the room, that she could come in. Ah yes... she loved to read books and his old friend was borrowing her them a lot. Technoblade again felt the spine and old papers smell, for him, it could stay here forever. After short visit, Y/N took books, gave back book of enchantment and left.
Techno's curiosity has increased, when he heard about her more. She was peaceful, friendly soul, completly opposite of him, maybe that was, why he felt so... diffrent around her and voices too. Piglin hybrid enjoyed watching her from the distance, in the shadows, but lately... lately it wasn't enough. Now he wanted to breathe at Y/N scent, holding her close and pressed soft kisses at forehead. He was under voices pressure so long and now his salvation was so close. But what would he make it? As longer he has thought of that, a diffrent ideas came to his head. She was delicate creature, he had to get plan at all. Techno knew almost everything about her: hobbies, traditions, friends and fighting skills. Phil told him a lot about enchanters, they could make enchanting books after years of studying and had magic talent sometimes. As they knew, Y/N could enchant books at any spell, so she had to studied a lot. Technoblade sighed and grabbed his cloak, time to keep an eye on few things.
'Let's not go quietly!' 'Let's go quiet as grave...' 'Blood for the Blood God!'
That was busy week, Y/N could only one time saw Foolish and Phil, but whole Smp seemed a little bit diffrent... luckily she was able to go on mining trip with Ranboo and Eret visited her with a couple of books, which were about Smp. Now was afternoon and sun slowly started to set, she was heading to her house, where waited for her snow fox, which she found in Snowchester. Cute, little ball of fur stole Y/N heart immediately. When she finally stepped inside, Snowflake - that how she named it, ran into her squeaking high.
"What happend my little one?" She knelt down and pet it's head.
Fox looked at her with big brown eyes and squeaked once more, then jump into her arms.
"Oh oh oh... are you afraid of something?" Y/N hugged Snowflake and looked around. Everything in home seemed normal, door was closed, in a field same, animals were quite nervous, but everything was good. She frowned and stepped inside, then put fox into basket with small blanket.
"I will bring you some berries, you will like it for sure." Y/N smiled gently.
Unfortunately, she didn't have any at this moment in home, Snowflake was there only for three days, so she couldn't make berries farm so fast, because she had to set up a space. Luckily, she lived around coniferous forest, so didn't even hesiatate, Y/N just grabbed backpack and went outside. Sun was lower in the sky, but still it was warm and brightly. Birds were humming quietly and around was quite quiet. Berries bush weren't so far, she founed some, but in order to make supplies, decided to find more, then plant them around the house. It would spared the time and work.
"Y/N." She heard deep, lazy voice and immediately turned at it's direction.
The Blade was standing under big sprouce tree with satisfied grinn on his lips. Eyes locked on Y/N figure, which completly froze at the sight of him. She have never been with him alone, in tundra always Phil or Ranboo were around, now it felt... strange and risky, she still remembered what happend to La'Manburg citizens.
"Technoblade." Y/N spoke softly, being careful to not crack her voice, despite building feeling of fear. She noticed, that piglin hybrid under his royal, crimson cloak was wearing armor, probably not his best one, but still enough to win fight. Part of hair made into bun, rest were freely in his back and shoulders. From his belt was hanging netherite sword and netherite axe was sticking out from behind. She spotted, that his weapons were a little covered in blood, same as his sleeves and parts of shirt. He was killing monsters right? Or just hunting? Uncomfortable, awkward silence reminded between them, only forest noises distrubed it from time to time.
Voices were too loud today, too agressive, too greedy, killing monsters and pillagers wasn't enough, Quackity has already tasted his steel, well he deserved that after showing up in Y/N home. He had so much fun with him, but after that he needed some rest, comfort and calm. That is why without even thinking too much Technoblade went straight to Y/N house. He hoped, that everything will change, that he finally will has some break from voices, violence and killing. Of course he liked his way to be... but yes sometimes, you have to make a nap.
"Are you wounded?" Y/N asked quietly breaking the silence. After all, if he needed help, she would help him, without hesitation.
Technoblade's grinn became more sinister, he put hand on sword hilt and slowly tilted his head on right side.
"This isn't my blood." He said without caring at all.
"Oh, that's good then..." Y/N whispered, but he could hear that.
Piglin hybrid studied her posture, she had only trident at her back, backpack in left hand, no armor, no more weapons. Poor little girl, that's not how you are going outside your home, she was literally unarmed in his eyes.
"So... what are you doing here? Alone? In the forest?" Technoblade asked and moved closer to her.
The way he spoke these words, made Y/N shiver inside, outside, she grabbed her backpack harder. Surely there was nothing to worry about, she has never done something wrong to him or Philza, she wasn't dangerous or wanted to has any power. Techno is probably just passing by. Suddenly he was so close, now she could for real see the height diffrence, for the gods sake, her head reached around his breastbone. Y/N looked up only to meet piglin hybrid's burning gaze.
"I... I was collecting berries for my snow fox. Something scared her, so I thought that she will calm down after getting some and I ran out of them..." she suttered and swallow hard.
"How sweet." Technoblade commented and his smile widened.
"So... you are just passing by?"
"Not really."
Sudden grip on her chin caught Y/N off guard. Technoblade forced her to look straight into his eyes. His face stiffened a little bit, she hissed quietly, when claws touched harder gentle skin. Then she realised... Blade's eyes were red and she heard, that it could glow in darkness. Her skin became pale and pupils widened. It was him, that time during a storm, he was watching her...
"What are you doing?" Y/N asked quietly, without any clue, what was going on.
'She is so innocent.' 'We love her scent.' 'Let her know.'
"I have something to tell you." He leaned and immediately her scent hit him harder, resisting to take deep breath wasn't that easy.
"What excatly?"
"I was watching you for a while Y/N. Belive me or not I found that interesting, because your pressence is calming for me, I can fall asleep while listening your voice and push away my violence behaviour, when you are around." He stroked her cheek by his thumb and smiled haughty. "I am always getting , what I want and I want that so badly, you can't even imagine."
Y/N shook head and made few steps back, leaving his grip, couldn't belive what she just heard. That's impossible.
"I don't know what to say... I can admit, that I had strange feeling of being watching but... I blamed the Egg..." She looked deep into his eyes, trying to put everything together. "What do you mean, you are always getting, what are you want? How am I suppose to understand that?"
"Listen sweetheart, we can do this in two diffrent ways: good or bad. If you choose first one, fine politely you will go with me. Second way? Well I can be very convincing, when I want to." Technoblade frowned.
None of this options was good for her. Y/N sighed and her shoulders dropped. She couldn't do anything literally...
"Come on princess. I can take care of you, I promise, you will be happy." He gave her his hand, but gripped sword hilt harder.
Y/N always avoided the conflicts and argues, never has started any, that was easier and better way to live. She could take care of her interests, powers anf friends by being supportive or neutral. Technoblade's behaviour made her shiver and feel sick, there was no guarantee that he will keep his words, even if it were sweet and promising. Y/N knew that fighting him was pointlees, he were ten thousand better than her, she didn't even have armor or second weapon. But surrender just like that? Without any resistance? She always was determinated, miss 'you can always find a way, solution'. Not a chance.
"I think I have better option, which lay in the middle." Y/N smiled gently.
"Well, tell me then." Technoblade rose his eyebrows with curiosity.
With one smooth move, she put backpack on and immediately started to run. The Blade's pupils widened, he burst out laughing.
"It will be funny."
She has known, that she needed to lose him in forest. Going to home wouldn't help, because door or gate couldn't stop Blood God. Lost him and then ran away from Smp, at least her current living location. Y/N realized that she couldn't even ask for help anyone. Probably Technoblade would come after her friends, helpers, so that was it. Y/N versus The Blade, she was on her own.
'How did she dare to run away from us?!' 'Chase her, catch her.' 'Faster, faster, faster!'
It seemed like running away from Tommy for fun, came in handy and long trips with Ranboo caused her to move fast through forest. Y/N nimbly jumped over obstacles and avoid rocks or roots. Her pace wasn't the fastes, but she could hold it for pretty long time. She wasn't thinking a lot, just tried to run away as far as she could.
'Don't look back, don't look back, it will make you slower.'
Hiding could be good idea, but not now. As long as he was close, she couldn't stop at all. Breaking through the forest was only hearing noise, soon, she heard her heavy breathing. Heading to unknown direction wasn't so wisely, but Y/N had no choice. After a few minutes, she stopped to catch breath. Around was sudden so quiet, cold shiver went down at her spine. Too quiet.
"Already tired?" Technoblade's voice surprised her from left side.
She turned head, just to see him leaning against the tree. In his right hand he held sword, didn't even look like he was running.
"You can't outrun me little one. A lot of people tried, now they are dead." He aimed sword at her. "We can end this farce here. I am not mad, honestly, you made me smile a little bit."
"You will have to catch me, if you want me going with you." Y/N said and then continue to run away.
"Oh I will princess, that's what predator does to the prey."
Y/N started to feel really tired, muscles aching, throat dry from gasping for air, hair dispelled and cheeks red. She ran for a while, but now had to stop. Technoblade immediately appeared in her field of vision. He was walking carefuly, but still looked intimidating.
"Don't come closer!" She released a cry.
Piglin hybrid stopped about eight meters away. He leaned sword against the ground and looked at her with curious gaze.
'Here she is, our reward.' 'Let's finally take her with us.' 'We like that sound.'
"I think, I just caught you." A little grinn appeared on his lips.
She looked straight into his eyes. Her gaze full of fear met a calm and determination. Y/N didn't even want to think what would happend, if he fulfilled his desires. Gods sake, she was free human being, none could take her freedom, she didn't ask for this. In an act of desperation, with the last of her strength, she used her powers. Feeling of warm through fingers and energy drained from her veins, but then burning light. In Technoblade's towards direction flew literally fireball, but he was too skilled for this. He made a dodge and looked at Y/N with mix of proud and shock. She dropped to her knees, struggling to stay conscious, despite the pain at her whole body and tired mind and unclear vision. Technoblade immediately was with her, he knelt down and support her, by putting arm around her waist. Y/N leaned back against his chest, fatigue prevailed over reason.
"Enough for today princess. You run out, if you will keep resisting." He whispered calmly.
"Please, please... please I don't want this, I want to go home." Her voice was cracking, tears strimming down at her cheeks.
"Hush darling, everything will be all right."
Technoblade's body radiated warm, his tone suddenly was so calming and sleepy. She wanted to close eyes so badly, but still fear was too big.
"You are safe, nothing can hurt you I promise."
After this words Y/N gave up and lost consciousness. Sun went down and shadows became longer and darker.
Phil careful closed the doors, then walked quietly down. Technoblade sat in kitchen with cup of hot tea, he immediately looked at his old friend, his eyes were worrying.
"Y/N is good, she lost consciousness, because was too tired. You said that, she used her powers."
"It was literally fireball, but I dodge that easy."
"Well, now we know about her powers at least... interesting, what you are going to do, when she wake up?" Phil asked and sat in opposite site.
"I know, that you are not glad about this, but I will figure this out. She won't cause any troubles." Techno's voice became deeper.
Winged man sighed and looked at his friend. He knew what he was going through, when voices became louder and demanded blood, each moment of silence or when they were quiet, Technoblade cherished and tried to make it worth. Phil couldn't be angry or mad for his friend about that deed, but... he was torn.
"Come on spit it out. I can see that you want to tell something important." Piglin hybrid said slowly.
"We were through a lot of shit, we know each other for almost ages and we blew up the nation for gods sake, kidnapping isn't the worst thing you have done, but..." Phil started and looked at Techno. "I wish you best and everything good, but I don't know how will I act around. Y/N has come to me for books, we were talking about stuff, I gave her cookies and tea. How will I explain, that I am supporting your decision? And I am always on your side." Phil said aloud his worries.
"I will give her time to get used to. After certain amount of time Y/N will understand." The Blade was lost in his thoughts.
He was so greatful of his friend statement, but still a little bit unsure. This case shloudn't affect on their relationship or Phil's life. Honestly Technoblade belived that his pressence will comfort Y/N at least, as he said they were close and enjoyed each other company.
"Someone will notice her disappering. What then? And Ranboo is visiting us a lot." Phil sighed a little.
"I've got this, trust me."
"I trust you with my own life." Winged man nodded.
Sunlight kissed her skin gently, when it showed up on window. Y/N felt softness under herself and on her back. Quiet sigh left her lips, when she opened eyes. In the room was very bright, but for sure it wasn't her room. Immediately cold shiver went down at her spine. Still weak, she tried to lift herself, because she was lying on stomach. Bed was big, with good beddings and pillows.
"Don't move, you are still weak." Technoblade's voice was soft, but loud.
Y/N bite her lip and then lifted head. He was standing near the bed and observing curiously, looking completly diffrent. White, linen shirt and high waisted, leather trousers, hair braided tighly. In this version he was... more open and accessible, not so scary.
"Where am I?" She asked slowly and rolled at her back with quiet hiss. Muscles still hurt and throat was dry.
"In my house, in tundra safe and..." He cut off, while noticed that Y/N is trying to get up. "What did I say?" He stepped closer and sat on bed.
She sat unsure on mattress, just to met Technoblade here, he gripped again her chin, as in the forest and forced her to look at him. This time it was more gently.
"Darling please..."
"You can't take my freedom!"
His eyes darkened immediately and Y/N regreted her words. She swallowed hard, when Blade looked deep into her eyes.
"Of course I can and I will, if you don't behave good. If you didn't notice, you aren't chained or tied, but pretty comfy in my bed." He said slowly with threat in his voice. "Think about it."
Technoblade released her and got up. She looked down thinking about situation, yes he didn't tied her, but still it wasn't good case. Y/N just wanted to be free, do stuff which she want and meet friends. Maybe Smp wasn't perfect, but still now it was her home, there were a lot of wars or argues, but she still had house and persons which she cared about and this was mutual, now everything was unsure.
"I am just afraid... " Y/N whispered quietly.
"As I said earlier you are safe here, you are safe with me. Nothing can hurt you." Techno grabbed bowl with soup and came back. "Here, eat, you need to recover."
"Thanks." She smiled weakly to him, took bowl and started to eat slowly.
'Good girl.' 'She will behave for sure.' 'We can teach her a lesson.'
Y/N was napping for the rest of the day, Technoblade gave her one of their books, so she wasn't bored. Probably tomorrow or next day she will stand up.
The sound of closing doors, caused her to closed book and put it away. Piglin smiled gently and took off his shirt suddenly. Y/N eyes became big.
"Wait wait wait..."
"Calm down princess, I am just going to sleep, nothing else." Technoblade smirked for her panic.
"So... where shloud I move?" Y/N asked looking around the room.
"Nowhere. You are staying here with me."
Immediately her cheeks went slighty red. She looked at him curiously. His pink skin seemed gentle from the distance, a lot of scars marked his chest and arms. Some of them little, some of them large, the biggest one was through both sides of chest. Technoblade released his hair and came closer. Y/N moved to make him some space. He laid down, she followed his steps but remain distance.
"Goodnight." She said and turned back from him.
"Goodnight sweetheart."
He blow up torches near the bed and silence fell upon them. Not even a five minutes passed, when Y/N felt sudden grip on her waist. She froze, Technoblade hugged her and pressed kiss on her shoulder.
"What are you doing?" Quiet whisper left her lips.
"Snuggling and cuddling." He whispered softly.
Y/N couldn't help, she giggled quietly. Techno took this as premission, her back touched his chest and second hand slowly stroked her hair.
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voiceless-terror · 3 years
I am so completely enamored with Danny as jons ex and I would be forever in your debt if you finished that
i wasn't expecting people to like this idea so much, its definitely one of my weirder ones xD since im not sure when i'll get around to actually finishing it (if ever) you can have a very rough chunk of it instead. you'll have to forgive any mistakes, im not up to editing it.
In a surprising show of athleticism, Jon ducks under Sasha’s chair before the specter of his past manages to see him.
Sasha swears at the action, backing up in her chair and peering down at Jon in bafflement. “What on Earth are you doing, Jon?”
Instead of answering her question, he backs up even further, tucking his feet out of sight. He thinks Sasha’s umbrella must be under here, and judging from the sharp point currently jabbing at his thigh, he probably broke it. “Is he still there?” he hisses, tilting his head to avoid bashing it into the desk.
“That- that man!”
A pause. “Tall, dark and handsome?”
Jon’s turn to pause. “I suppose you might call him that,” he replies stiffly. And it’s true. The man, from Jon’s brief, panicked glimpses, is at least six foot, with thick, dark hair and a bright grin.
And he looks exactly like Jon’s ex, Danny Stoker.
He’d done an almost comical double-take after a cursory glance; at first he’d thought Danny was the new hire, but this man was more angular, like a sharper, leaner version of his ex. So no, it couldn’t be him.
That didn’t stop him from diving under the nearest object, ergo Sasha’s desk. Not the wisest of decisions, considering his throbbing side, but he’s never been known for grace under pressure.
He’s not exactly sure why this fight or flight mode’s been activated- he and Danny had parted on fairly good terms, each recognizing that although they cared about the other, they simply weren’t compatible in the long term. They’d dated for a little over six months when Jon was a freshman, and he’d fallen hard.
Danny had been his first real relationship, and Jon was shocked that someone like him even looked his way. Impossibly handsome, incredibly fit, desired and envied in equal measure, and he dated scrawny, shy, insecure Jonathan Sims; the rumor mill went wild. They’d met at a party, and not even a good one. In a brief moment of liquid courage, Jon managed to insert himself into a group and fit in one snarky joke that sent Danny into stitches, the rest of the partygoers following his lead. For one second, Jon felt like he truly fit in, like he was someone worth knowing.
Danny had a way of making someone feel special. Big, romantic gestures, surprising him after class, taking him on little expeditions beyond campus. Jon didn’t drive, still doesn’t, and Danny wanted to show him the world outside of their privileged little campus.
But, like all of Jon’s relationships, it came to an end. Jon wasn’t ready for such overwhelming affection (didn’t think he deserved it, quite frankly), and Danny needed someone who could handle his fast-paced lifestyle. Jon was not that man. They broke up amicably, even if Jon shed a few tears in private, saw each other on campus a few times. Danny tried to reach out more than once, just as friends, but Jon’s never been able to handle more than one relationship at a time, and by then he’d met Georgie.
But now it seems the past is unavoidable, and standing near the circulation desk. Well, now walking in his direction, if the steady footsteps were any indication. Jon’s heart begins to hammer in his chest as it hits him that he is, in fact, hiding under a desk because a man who sort of looks like his ex is in his general vicinity. Coward.
“‘Lo!” God, even the voice is similar, if not as deep. “Tim Stoker. Reporting for duty.”
Stoker. Tim Stoker. Jon startles, slamming his head against the desk with a yelp.
Somewhere in his spiraling thoughts and throbbing head he remembers- Danny had a brother. An older brother that he adored. This must be the famous Tim- Danny made him out to be a saint, and though Jon never met him, he felt some fondness via Danny’s descriptions. But Tim’s going to have no fondness for him, especially considering Jon’s current position, hiding in pain under his coworkers desk.
“Pleased to meet you!” Sasha chirps, very clearly amused by the situation. “I’m Sasha James. And this-” she tugs at one of Jon’s legs, dragging him a few inches into sight. Jon buries his head in his hands and wishes he were invisible. “-is Jonathan Sims. We’ll be training you.”
“Excellent.” Tim’s voice holds the same good humor Danny’s always did, and sends a pang of nostalgia through his chest. “Er, you alright down there?”
“Yes,” Jon responds robotically, scrambling to his feet and standing behind Sasha’s chair, unwilling to meet the man’s eyes, lest he be drawn in. “I- uh, lost a pen. P-Probably left it in the copy room, I’ll just be going...there.” With that incredible performance, he fled.
And only tripped once on the way out.
So Jon’s kind of cute.
Tim doesn’t normally go for tiny disgruntled academics, but Jonathan Sims is an interesting fellow. He’s got a reputation for being the ‘problem child’ of the Research Department, awkward and prickly and always available with a snide word. He wields his books and files like a little suit of armor, and the only person he’s seen him open up to is Sasha. Besides their little conversations, Jon is all work and no play.
Except with Tim.
Sasha says she’s never seen anything like it, with one of her secret little smiles. Jon’s always staring. Usually, the man can’t hold eye contact to save his life, but he’ll spend full minutes looking at Tim when he thinks he can’t see. The first few times, Tim would turn around and smile, but that practically sent the man into convulsions, dropping his papers and jumping out of sight like a spooked cat. It was funny the first few times, but Tim pitied him enough to ignore it now. He hopes Jon enjoys the view.
God forbid he ask the guy a question. Jon will look around the room, as if waiting for someone else to answer, when it’s clearly directed at him. He’ll blush and stammer his way through every explanation, keeping a wide berth of at least two feet between them. Even when Tim wants him to look at his screen, he’ll squint from far away. Tim starting to think he smells bad, or has some sort of communicable disease unbeknownst to him.
“It’s not that,” Sasha assures him, again with that unreadable smile. “Trust me.”
Time to try something else.
He prints out his latest follow up, a rather elaborate statement regarding mistaken identities and absolutely nothing supernatural. He knows Jon prefers to look at things on paper, as screens ‘trigger his migraines’ if Tim understood his mumbles. Maybe if he can engage with him on familiar territory for the both of them, he’ll be able to hold a conversation. Tim specifically requested his help on this one.
“If you could just look it over, make sure everything’s up to snuff, that’d be great,” Tim says to the top of Jon’s head, as the man refuses to lift his own to meet his gaze. “You know how Dr. Walker is. Always-”
“Finding mistakes where there are none? I’m familiar with her methods,” Jon snorts, and Tim feels like he’s getting somewhere. A whole sentence! With classic Jonathan Sims snark! “I-I can give it a look. I’m rather busy, but -”
“Take your time,” Tim says with a dismissive wave of the hand. “I finished a bit early, so I don’t need it for a few days yet. Don’t want to put you out.”
“You’re not.” Jon meets his eyes for about ten seconds before ducking his head back down.
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lipstickstainz · 3 years
true lies - s. r. (1/15)
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
Series Summary: Spencer is furious, when you rejoin the team after a year and after you left him, when he got arrested. Little does he know, that you leaving him was the only option to ever get him out of prison.
Chapter Summary: Spencer and you have your first encounter, after you left him a year ago. Spoiler: it doesn’t go well. 
Warnings: angst, secrets, swearing I think, typical criminal minds stuff
Word Count: 2.6k
A/N: tadaaaaa. it’s finally here! my first series! tell me if you liked it! love you! gif not mine.
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The first thing you notice is the complete silence that takes over the room. The last time you had been here, it had been crowded and so noisy that you could hardly understand your own words. People had been everywhere, talking or exchanging theories, but your gaze was fixed on the desk overflowing with books. Now there are only files, carefully sorted and stacked on top of each other.The office is empty, no agents, no witnesses.  No one. You take a deep breath.
It's been some time since you've been here. Almost a year, but everything in this building is all too familiar to you. The coffee maker just waiting to be used in the kitchen. The law books gathering dust on a shelf. It feels like you've never been away.
"Y/N," a woman's voice snaps you out of your thoughts. You have to tear your gaze away from the desk in front of you, and your eyes find a tired, yet incredibly good-looking Emily Prentiss standing outside her office door, smiling at you like you just saw each other yesterday.
"It's good to see you," you say, and she wraps you in her arms after she closes the office door behind you. It feels good to finally have her by your side again; after all, you had been best friends before you left. You hug her one last time before carefully pulling away from her and sitting down in the chair in front of her desk.
"It's good to see you, too," she replies, dropping into her chair. She places her hands on the desk and interlaces her fingers. "Of course, I'd love to know how you've been this past year, but I'm afraid that will have to wait." She opens a drawer to her right and reaches for a file-your personnel file, you realize-and lays it open in front of her. "I've been informed that my request has been approved and you'll be rejoining our team," she says, smiling briefly at you. "It took a favor, but you're well worth it to me."
Your stomach tightens at the thought of Emily owing someone. You swallow the sour feeling spreading down your throat and nod at her. "Thank you, Emily."
She tilts her head and her gaze slides from your face to your kneading hands. "You're not happy with this, it seems. What's wrong?" Emily doesn't need to profile you to know something is bothering you. She knows you too well to miss the change in your behavior.
"I don't know if this is a good idea," you confess.
"And why is that?" asks Emily, but she already knows the answer. She knows what happened a year ago, and she certainly knows more than you do, because she had been here for the last year, after all. Before you can answer her, the door opens and a colorful person comes in.
"Good morning, my beautiful and strong boss," the one and only Penelope Garcia speaks without looking up from her iPad. "We have a new case that I would like to discuss with you before the whole team arrives. It's about -" When Emily doesn't answer her, she looks up and her gaze immediately lingers on you. You're surprised she doesn't drop the tablet on the floor as she rushes toward you to yank you out of the chair and into her arms. "Y/N! What a relief for my tired brain to see your beautiful face! Am I dreaming?" She breaks away from you and gives Emily a look. "Please tell me I'm not dreaming. I couldn't take it."
A smile spreads across Emily's face. "You're not dreaming, Pen. Y/N is actually back."
"Oh, how wonderful!" she squeals, pushing her glasses back up with her index finger. While she says something else to Emily, you look at her. She really hasn't changed in the last year. She's still the colorful bird of the BAU, and that's a good thing.
You notice yourself starting to smile, but then she utters the thing that erases the smile from your lips. "How's Reid doing? Have you guys talked yet?"
Emily makes a hand gesture for Penelope to drop the subject, but your expression has instantly changed when she said his name. It stabs you in the heart and cold shivers run down your spine, and only with difficulty can you suppress the tremors that want to overtake your body.
"I'm afraid the team is already here," Emily interrupts the silence and casts a glance out the window into the open-plan office. Even if you want to follow her gaze, you don't dare and your body is still in rigidity. She gets up from her chair and walks towards the door, but before she opens it, she turns to you once more. "If you need more time, that's fine. Take all the time you need. But your place is here with us, Y/N. We're your family." And with that, she and Penelope leave the office.
She's right. The BAU is your family - even if you hadn't seen or spoken to any of the family members in the last year - and walking out now wouldn't change the situation. The circumstances under which you left - had to leave - were anything but normal, and you hope that your decisions would be met with understanding, but you can't count on that. So you tighten your shoulders, push through your back, and follow them into the conference room. Your heart beats up to your neck and your hands sweat as you stop on the doorstep.
Your gaze fixes on the youngest team member, except for you. His brown curls are a little shorter than they were a year ago, and it doesn't take you ten seconds to notice that it's not the Spencer Reid you know sitting at the table. The year had changed him. Your absence had changed him.
Rossi is the first to notice you, which is because he glances over his shoulder. "Who do we have here?" he asks playfully, before rising from his chair and taking you in his arms. But you're only peripherally aware of that. Your concentration is on Spencer, who stares at you unblinkingly before jumping up and storming out of the room. JJ, sitting next to him, reaches for him, but he wriggles out of her grip and he runs past you so fast that it's easy to call it an escape. JJ smiles weakly at you before putting her hand on your arm. She doesn't need to say anything, her look tells you that she's glad you're back, but you're also aware that she wants to take care of Spencer, so you nod at her and wordlessly she follows the genius of the team.
The rest greet you with great joy, Rossi presses a kiss on your cheek and Alvez puts his arm around your shoulders, but you look out the window and see Spencer and JJ talking. His face is red and even though you can't hear his words or read his lips, you know exactly what it's about. The blonde tries to calm him down, wanting to put her hands on his shoulders to make him stop shaking, but he avoids her and takes a step back. The gesture is enough, as she drops her arms and doesn't follow him either when Spencer leaves the bullpen. You know he won't be back in the next few minutes.
Garcia tells you about the case and you try to focus on her words as best you can, but again and again your mind wanders to Spencer. His reaction to your return is understandable and you don't judge him for it. You have no right to do so; after all, you are responsible for his condition. You hope that soon there would be a quiet moment when you could talk about the past, but you are not optimistic. He pushed JJ away from him a few minutes ago, which is definitely not a good sign. You try to push the thoughts of him to the back of your mind; after all, there's a case to solve, and although the current situation isn't ideal, you're looking forward to it. It's been a long time since you've worked properly.
"All right," Emily says, snapping you out of your thoughts. "Wheels up in thirty."
"Hey," JJ addresses you as you freshen up in the ladies' room. You glance at her in the mirror and she smiles at you. "Are you okay?" You both know this question is purely rhetorical. She is, after all, Spencer's best friend. Aside from the two of you, she probably knows best what's been going on, but still not everything.
You turn around and lean against the edge of the sink. "I'm trying to get used to everything," you reply, pursing your lips into a thin line. "It's changed quite a bit while I was gone."
She nods. "Yeah, it did." She takes another step toward you. "Look, you have to give him some time, all right? This year hasn't been very nice to him. I hope you can understand that." She sounds sincere and, above all, concerned, which is why you don't resent her little speech. Of course, you're already aware of all this, but hearing it from her confirms your suspicions.
You are to blame for Spencer's condition. And there's no way you can straighten things out anytime soon.
Spencer rejoins the team only on the plane, but he avoids your proximity or your glances at all costs. He takes the seat next to Alvez, which is almost at the other end of the plane, and he is completely silent. The others, of course, notice the tension that has spread through the group since your arrival, but they all have the decency not to bring it up. But by their manner they let you know that they don't stand between you. You had been gone a long time, and they know halfway what had been going on, but they didn't take sides, and for that you are infinitely grateful.
"Alvez, JJ, Simmons. You guys talk to the families. Find out if the victims share any common traits that might connect them," Emily says, dividing the team into focus groups as usual. She glances around the group. "Rossi, Reid, Y/L/N, you go to the coroner's office while -"
"No." It's the first word Spencer has uttered since you boarded the plane. You expected his voice to be weak or to reveal any other signs of uncertainty, but the word came from his lips in a firm tone, leaving no room for discussion. Spencer looks up from the paper file and before he looks at Emily, his gaze brushes yours and at the coldness in his eyes, your blood freezes in your veins.
"All right," Emily says without elaborating. "Alvez, you switch places with Reid. Tara and I will go to the local police department and talk to the detectives. Let's catch the killer."
To say the mood on the plane hit rock bottom would be an understatement.
Forensics helps you out a bit. The victims were drugged before they died, causing hallucinations, which is probably why they self-inflicted injuries. Also, both victims have the same cut wounds in the same place. Definitely not a coincidence. Alvez has Garcia dig up some information on the way to the police station, which is why you could briefly organize your thoughts, but Rossi tells you about a new dish he'd like to cook for you sometime, and you'd been gone too long to block out your work dad. Besides, your mind would only be on Spencer and that's not moving you forward either.
"According to the relatives, none of the victims were unpopular, loners, or even depressed," JJ begins as the team gathers. You take a seat in the chair facing Spencer. When he notices, he gets up and sits somewhere else. The main thing is to get out of your sight. You sigh imperceptibly, but Luke turns in your direction and raises an eyebrow. You shake your head.
It hurts that Spencer doesn't want to be near you. In fact, it almost breaks your heart, but you can get used to that. He should go ahead and hate you. You could handle that.
The day flies by and when the team checks into the hotel in the evening, Spencer grabs one of the keys and leaves without another word. Sadly, you watch him go and Emily puts a hand on your shoulder reassuringly. Eventually, it would get better. Later on, you sit on the bed with her and tell her about the year you've been away, the people you've met, things you've experienced, but each anecdote brings you back to the one topic that makes your heart skip a beat.
"You have to tell him, Y/N," Emily suddenly says seriously, and you shake your head.
"No." It sounds almost as harsh as Spencer on the plane, but there's still some pain hovering in the air with you. "I'm not going to tell him, Emily."
"He thinks you left him because he went to prison. In his mind, you basically left him at the altar," she tries to change your mind, but to no avail. She would not succeed. You had sworn to yourself that this matter would remain a secret, something you would both take to your graves. And you have no intention of breaking that vow. "You were engaged, for gods sake" Emily's tone sharpens. "Don't you think he deserves the truth?"
"I'm not going to tell him. It's for the best."
Emily looks at you incredulously, but also knows she can't change your mind. "Best for whom?"
That night, you lie awake, tossing from side to side but unable to find sleep. You don't feel guilty about what happened. You don't question your decisions you did back then. It was the right thing to do. It bothers you because of Spencer, because of his reaction to your return, because of his hostility. JJ had asked for your understanding and you would do anything to mend fences, but you're not sure that's Spencer's intention either.
After two hours, you get up and slip into sweatpants and a sweater before leaving your room. As if of their own accord, your feet carry you down the hallway, to a destination you shouldn't be going to. As you turn into the hallway where Spencer's room is, you stop, rooted to the spot.
JJ is standing on the doorstep to his room, saying something to him before he leans down and pulls her tightly into his arms. His hair is messy, and even from this distance you can tell Spencer is leaning on JJ with all his weight. You have to swallow. How much you want a hug from him.
JJ is the first to disengage, saying goodbye to him and disappearing in the opposite direction, while Spencer stops and watches her go. There is a small smile on his face and he looks more relaxed than he did earlier in the day. As he turns to go back to his room, his gaze lingers on you. The smile disappears and his body is tense to the breaking point.
Time seems to stand still. It feels like an eternity that you stare at each other without speaking a word, but there is so much coldness in Spencer's eyes, so much pain, that you can hardly stand it and want to look away. But you're transfixed. Your hand raises of its own accord, as if in greeting, and your mouth opens, but before you can say anything, Spencer takes a step back and slams the door behind him. Only then do you realize that you've been holding your breath.
next part
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