#I am genuinely curious if this is common knowledge or not
acesgroupchat · 8 months
My toxic trait: sometimes (frequently) when Brennan Lee Mulligan says a bird fact, I think "that's not a very good bird fact literally everyone knows that."
And then I remember that I have duck-based Christmas traditions. So my experiences are not universal.
I still think the chickens-swallow-rocks thing is common knowledge tho so! A poll:
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Your Father's Son - Curufin x maia!reader
For the first time ever, Curufin wishes he wouldn’t resemble his father so much.
Words: 1.3k
Tags: Curufin has a bit of an identity crisis, fluff, reader is a Maia of Aulë
A/N: I genuinely never thought the day would come where I write a fic for this guy. Honestly don’t care that this is probably not really canon compliant, this version simply speaks to me so much more. Since it’s pre-oath, I imagine the daddy issues just hadn’t taken on their final form yet. Guess I can still sneak this into @doodle-pops underrated character event 👀
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Whenever Curufinwë and his family visited the Halls of Aulë, his father really lived up to his name. The fire of his fëa glowed in his eyes and filled his voice with an insurmountable passion, captivating all who listened, as he described new projects and techniques he had come up with. His mother always stood next to his father, beaming with pride at her husband’s accomplishments and occasionally chiming in with remarks about her own craft.
Today was a truly remarkable occasion. His father stood at the centre of the hall, holding an intricately crafted box in his hands.
“Thank you for so graciously receiving me and my family, Lord Aulë,” his deep voice boomed across the room. “Today, I am here to reveal my greatest creations yet. Behold.” He opened the box and produced three brightly gleaming gems. A collective gasp went through the hall and excited whispers broke out amongst the present Maiar and Elves.
“The Silmarils,” his father continued, “imbued with the light of the Two Trees themselves.” Curufinwë watched with pride, as his father was immediately swarmed by curious onlookers, hoping to gain a closer look at the Silmarils and ask him all manner of questions about the creative process.
He spotted a familiar face in the crowd and a pleasant tingle spread through his body. You wore an expression of pure awe, eyes glued to his father’s spectacular creations. How he wished you would look at him like that. He would gladly rip the Silmarils from his father’s hands to offer them to you if that’s what it took.
Sometimes he wondered if his feelings could ever be reciprocated. The Valar and Maiar seemed so close and yet so far away and to his knowledge, Maia and Elf couples weren’t exactly common.
Your eyes met and you offered him a happy smile, making your way over to him. “It is lovely to see you here, my lord,” you said with a polite bow.
“The pleasure is all mine,” he replied, taking your hand to ghost his lips across the back of it, delighting in the surprised blush on your face.
“What your father created … breathtaking. We’re all honoured to be in the presence of such a master craftsman,” you gushed.
Curufinwë’s smile almost bordered on smugness. How else could anyone feel in the presence of the greatest of the Eldar? He knew how much work his father had put into creating the Silmarils. How much of his fiery fëa had flown into them. All the sleepless hours slaving away in the smouldering forges had more than paid off.
“Oh, I almost forgot! Your mother showed me one of the new hair brooches you made for her. It was stunning, you truly are your father’s son. With all the talent you inherited from him, surely there are creations rivalling the Silmarils in your future.”
Curufinwë felt an unexpected pull in his chest. You truly are your father’s son. Words he had heard more times than he could count and that he normally perceived as the greatest of compliments, but somehow it felt different when they came from you. Was that all you thought about when you looked at him? How much he took after his father?
He should be honoured, like he always was. Who else but him could even dream of holding a candle to his father’s genius? And yet …  I’m more than just my father’s son, his mind told him, but he immediately suppressed that ridiculous complaint. He clenched his jaw and gave you a smile that didn’t reach his eyes.
“I pray you are right.” His façade could never hope to deceive the perceptive Maiar.
“Are you all right, my lord? Did I say something to upset you?” you questioned but he only shook his head silently and took his leave with a grumbled Please excuse me.
He didn’t know how many corners he had turned when he just so happened to find himself in front of a mirror in an empty hallway. He recognised the frame’s design immediately – it was one of the first crafts for Aulë he had helped his father with. He could still vividly remember the pride he felt when his father had praised his diligent work and how he had begun to chase that high ever since. For as long as he could remember, nothing had mattered as much to him as gaining his father’s approval.
Curufinwë stared into the mirror, watching his father’s piercing gaze stare back at him. His face contorted into a scowl, just like his father’s did, when in the presence of his blasted half-brothers.
He tentatively reached up to loosen the pins that held his hair in place, watching it cascade across his shoulders and back like liquid midnight. No matter how much he wrecked his mind, he couldn’t think of a single hairstyle that his father did not favour as well.
“There you are,” your voice suddenly appeared next to him. He tried to hide how startled he was as he turned to face you.
“You followed me?”
“I wanted to make sure you’re all right,” you said timidly, as if debating whether or not to regret your action. He couldn’t give you an honest answer, so he remained silent.
After a while of uncomfortable silence, he spoke up. “Is he all you think about when you see me?”
“My father.”
“What? Of course not-“
“I have talent of my own, you know. Everyone always says how alike we are. How grateful I should be, to have inherited his skills. But-“ His breath quickened, and he turned his back to you, running his hands across his face in frustration. I’m more than just my father’s son. “I don’t want you to think of me like that. Not you, of all people.”
You moved to stand in front of him and took his hands away from his face, holding them in your own instead. For a moment, Curufinwë thought he saw something akin to genuine affection in your eyes, but surely his mind was deceiving him.
“Who says that’s what I do?” you said tenderly. “I adore you for who you are. Your father-“
“You adore me?” he interrupted you in disbelief. A sudden realisation seemed to dawn on you, as if you hadn’t meant to use those words.
“Well, yes, of course I do,” you floundered, “A great deal. You are an amazing craftsman in your own right and the passion you show for your works is most certainly your own. I love when you come to me to show me new ideas, I … could listen to you for hours.” You bit your lower lip and looked away, your statement hanging heavy in the air for a moment.
Curufinwë swallowed strongly and then took hold of your chin to turn your face towards him slowly. “I … adore you, too,” he confessed and felt his heart swell as your eyes lit up with joy and your lips curved into a smile. “There’s only one opinion I value more than my father’s when it comes to my craft. Yours. Sharing my ideas with you is one of my greatest joys.”
“I don’t really know what to say,” you replied, but the smile on your face never faded.
“You don’t need to say anything. For now, let’s just … I don’t know. Come to terms with these feelings. And forget about my embarrassing insecurities,” he mumbled the last part and felt his cheeks heat up, hoping it wasn’t too noticeable.
You laughed and nodded. “I’d like that.”
A small part of him wondered if this is how his father had felt, when he discovered his mother’s mutual feelings, but he silenced that part immediately. Not now, idiot.
He shook his head, and a  relieved smile graced his features. Maybe the Maiar weren’t so far away after all. Maybe – just maybe – he didn’t mirror his father as much as everyone told him.
Coming from you, he chose to believe it for now.
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 1 year
Your post about dinosaurs and birds was very interesting and I like feathered dinosaurs and I think it's cool that birds are dinosaurs but what really annoys me is when people say "birds are dinosaurs" to be pedantic and tell you that you're wrong for saying dinosaurs are extinct ?? Maybe this is not something that's happening broadly lmao but I've had people tell me birds are dinosaurs specifically to correct me when I mention that dinosaurs went extinct. Isn't it obvious that im talking about t rexes and brontosauruses when I say that and not chickens ? Am I just being dramatic ? I'm being silly with this ask but am also genuinely curious
well, that's the thing. dinosaurs aren't extinct. and when you say they are, you're just perpetuating a very incorrect worldview
like, it's a clear correlation. Thinking of dinosaurs as extinct, first and foremost, stems from that outdated idea that (classical) dinosaurs were sluggish evolutionary dead ends doomed to die, and that we mammals (especially humans) just naturally took our place when they went extinct
when what actually happened was dinosaurs were extremely successful animals, and a large portion went extinct because of a freak space accident, and some of them still survived
and are now doing better than ever - better than mammals by leaps and bounds
so, yeah, sure, it's obvious what you're talking about. but people correcting you are doing so because the words we use matter, the way we talk about things matter, and continuing to distinguish between mesozoic and cenozoic dinosaurs (or, worse, "nonavian" and "avian" dinosaurs, which isn't even a real distinction) just upholds these old ideas of the supremacy of cenozoic life, etc.
like, the life that currently exists wasn't destined to be here. we all got ridiculously lucky - both to survive that asteroid, and to exist at all.
also, even if YOU know that there are still dinosaurs, tons of people don't, even though it should be common knowledge at this point. so there's that level of sheer irritation to consider as well.
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atschoolunfortunetly · 11 months
A Very Long and Very Rage Written Rant about people talking about the FNAF Movie because I am seeing some takes that make me want to bash my head into a wall.
Very quickly an apology to my followers on here that followed me for Sonic. I would post this on my main but if you read my username I don't really have the time to do that right now. Very sorry for clogging up your TL.
Anyway, I am about to use very aggressive and targeted language. I am not hating on anyone specific but I am going to be saying sentences like "Are you dumb? Why are you like this?" Tumblr is my void and I am going to scream. I know some of the things I say may not be common knowledge. However, in this rant, I am going to pretend that it is. I am going to swear a lot. I am going to be talking about fist-fighting people whom I disagree with.
Just know that once again, this is a rant. Not a "please stop saying blah blah blah blah." I am not going to go out of my way to attack people. Which is, once again, why I am screaming here.
With that out of the way, it is time to scream.
OH MY FUCKING GOD SOME OF THE THINGS YA'LL ARE SAYING. I have never felt the urge to rip through my fucking screen and grab some of yall by the throat. I want to bodyslam you onto the ground and pummel you to death.
Let's begin with a recent complaint I saw about William having no motivation in the movie and how they should have given him his motivation, let me tell you something bud.
They did. They did give him his motive. However, this is a 2-hour movie and they didn't dive into it. It's almost like they're making a second movie or something? OH WAIT THEY ARE! THIS IS THE FIRST MOVIE! THEY ARE ESTABLISHING ROLES!
They want you to grasp from this movie that:
William is a threat.
Mike is doing his best and is not going to pick up on everything.
Abby and the missing kids are, indeed, regular-ass kids who aren't going to understand fully the situation they're in.
Vanessa is a traumatized individual who wants to please her father and was manipulated into helping him because, you know, THAT IS HER DAD.
They are setting up the basics so people know what to expect from the next film. They will, most likely, be going into William's motives then. But as of right now, they are setting the roles that each character is going to take.
I don't know how some of yall ain't getting that because it is the most clear as day thing to me but that may be because I am aiming to be a writer down the line.
Time to aim at the other complaint I've seen which is that Vanessa is an Afton complaint. All I have to say to that is, whoah, it's almost like the movie takes place in an alt-universe from the games. And even if Vanessa is an Afton in the games who gives a fuck? She isn't Williams's direct child if that's the case and it just ties her in with the old characters. A popular thing I have seen a couple of times is that sometimes people portray Gregory as an Afton. So what's so wrong about Vanessa being an Afton. I am genuinely curious here? What's wrong about her being an Afton.
Some of yall come up with the most stupidest ass complaints I swear to god.
"But Micheal is meant to be the Afton-" Tell me how that would have worked in this movie. Tell me how Mike would not have recognized his own father if he was William. Also, I like that the movie implies that his dad is probably Henry.
"How does it imply that?"
I don't know, why don't we look at the career office scene again where William reads Mike's last name and recognizes it. He wants to tie up his loose ends.
And Mike? Mike is a loose end.
It just makes sense and it goes into the last complaint I saw about the movie.
The "I always come back line doesn't make sense," complaint.
If I am fucking right about the fact that Henry is a Schmidt in the movie then that means William has always been a part of Mike's life. He has been haunting Mike since he took Garret, he influenced Mike to get a job at Freddy's, and he was the reason why Mike met Vanessa.
When he said he'd come back, he wasn't talking about coming back from the dead.
He meant it as he'll come back and make Mike's life a living hell.
Anyway rant fucking over, yall pisses me off. Good day.
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Hey! big fan of your blog and knowledge :)
I was hesitant to ask this question on twitter cuz ppl there are easily offended and I am of different culture and genuinely curious to know a non-biased opinion without offending anyone.
why catalan is considered a language not a dialect since it is very similar to spanish?
I have a friend who lived in girona since childhood and she told me that, based on her knowledge of the country I was born in, that the difference between catalan and spanish is much less than the difference between some of the so many dialects we have in my country and we never considered any of them a language per say, just different dialects based on where you live. Some of them are even grammatically different and it is practically impossible to understand unless you were exposed to it in movies, tv shows, etc..
I asked this question to a spanish coworker once and his answer seemed a bit biased tbh, there is also badosa’s answer from that interview who claimed catalan not being a language as itself but I have noticed the controversy it created and did not understand why.
TIA and apologize in advance as well if I unintentionally said something rude or inappropriate up there.
haha, thanks anon! but don't ask this question of aitana or her parents! 😂 catalan is its own language and catalunya could be its own country! (as for paula badosa, quina vergonya!)
so i am not a linguist but you have asked a question that people who have been studying languages have debated forever. there's a common phrase that “a language is a dialect with an army and a navy,” which shows how politicized it can be.
but catalan is considered to be an independent language, not a dialect of spanish. it's similar to spanish because catalan is also a romance language, meaning they all share the same roots, just like portuguese and italian too!
let me ask you: spanish is very similar to italian and portuguese, so to you would italian and portuguese be dialects of spanish?! if i go to italy, i can basically get around even though i don't speak italian because there are lots of similarities between italian and spanish. however, i would not consider italian to be a dialect; rather it comes from the same ancestor language.
i view dialects in this way. if you are saying something, and i can understand you speaking the language without any problems, then it's a dialect (like mallorquin is a dialect of catalan). but if not, then it's a separate language. for example, if i go to sevilla and start speaking in catalan, then i don't automatically expect locals to understand what i am saying, even though they speak spanish there.
and beyond spanish, there are some similarities between catalan and france (another romance language!), but i definitely wouldn't consider catalan a dialect of french.
example: how to say the word "please"
catalan: si us plau
french: si vous plait
spanish: por favor
example: verb "to eat"
catalan: menjar
french: manger
spanish: comer
we can say the word gràcies for thank you in catalan, but we often say mercès/merci too.
so yeah, based on the various influences on catalan, i would not consider it a dialect of spanish. rather, it's a cousin of spanish, just like italian and portuguese because we all share the same roots.
hope this helps!
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hajikei · 1 month
Also i loved reading your gender and sexuality headcanons for the sdra2 cast, do you have any for the dra ones? (+ if you wanna elaborate on the trasnfem setsuka one i'd enjoy listening, i hadn't seen anyone have that kind of hc for her before so i'm curious on the thoughts behind it)
Hello! Thank you for the question! I’m sorry this took so long, my draft for it disappeared and I haven’t had time to remake it.
Admittedly, I’m not as passionate in DRA as I am for SDRA2. I have minimal notes this time, but hopefully this can suffice! Like last time, the content below the cut contains spoilers!
Kiyoka Maki - Cisgender Heterosexual
Ayame Hatano - Cisgender Lesbian
Kanata Inori - Cisgender Heterosexual (But the Inomori shippers are convincing me otherwise.)
Teruya Ōtori - Cisgender Pansexual (Same as SDRA2!)
Kinji Uehara - Cisgender Heterosexual (Locked in the closet and is NEVER coming out.)
Akane Taira - Cisgender Bisexual
Mitsuhiro Higa - Cisgender Heterosexual
Kizuna Tomori - Cisgender Questioning (She met a girl that made her reflect on every dating decision she’s ever made.)
Rei Mekaru - Cisgender Asexual (Maybe demiromantic as well?)
Haruhiko Kobashikawa - Cisgender Heterosexual (Was probably bi-curious at some point, though.)
Satsuki Iranami - Cisgender Pansexual
Yamato Kisaragi - Cisgender Heterosexual (I never got to the point he was introduced in the game, so I don’t know his character too well.) 
Mikako Kurokawa - Cisgender Lesbian 
Kakeru Yamaguchi - Cisgender Bisexual (Bi panic as a person.)
Yuki Maeda - Cisgender Heterosexual (Different from his SDRA2 counterpart!)
Utsuro - Cisgender Aroace (I know it’s a common headcanon for villains, but I genuinely cannot imagine him having romantic/sexual feelings towards anyone.)
Tsurugi Kinjo - Cisgender Something (I’ll be honest, I don’t know where to place him. I have a lot of different ideas and my mind can’t decide on one. ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ )
Also, explaining my headcanon!
(I have a TLDR at the bottom if you want to skip.)
Originally, I headcanoned Setsuka as bisexual. To me, she just wanted good vibes and a great connection with someone - she couldn’t care less about gender. (Also because I was a huge Setsukei shipper back in 2018.)
But after seeing her older design for Chapter 6, I got HEAVY lesbian aunt vibes from her. Then it started changing my brain chemistry for her entirely. (Cool butch older sister, no further comments.)
As for the trans headcanon, I rarely see any trans butch headcanons and wanted to represent that in one of the characters! 
It took a lot of time figuring out the headcanon could work, and I have some general details about it:
I don’t see it as something she’ll talk about casually - only with people she’s close to and knows it won’t change their opinion of her. She’s not ashamed of her identity - just cautious of negative responses.
I also imagine she figured out her identity at a young age, and since then, has had a lot of time to learn little tricks on how to feminise her features, figure, etc. 100% will give you advice if you ask (doesn’t matter if you’re a trans guy either, she’s got a wide range of knowledge.)
TLDR; The trans butch sister who’s there when you need her. ^v^
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oneinathousand · 10 months
I'm halfway through Gravedale High and I think I get the gist of it, so here are my random thoughts about it:
Of all the celebrity cartoons, this is one of them. Joking aside, this probably is legitimately one of the better ones from this time period. I am not distracted by Rick Moranis's presence, and I'm glad he's not going full nerd as in his usual typecasting. I keep expecting to see a Ghostbusters or Little Shop of Horrors reference, since this show sure does love its pop culture references, but so far, they've had the restraint not to do it in a direct way except for one of the background characters in one episode looking like a terror dog, but that could be a coincidence. I guess I'll find out eventually if they actually do make a reference.
I can't watch a lot of it in one sitting because if I try, I know I'll be filled with homicidal rage at all the constant catchphrases and verbal tics and schticks that every character has.
Gotta love how the creativity of the main cast ranges from "Personifying the trope of zombies as commentaries for consumerism with a wealth-obsessed, literal mall zombie" to "what if creature from the black lagoon but surfer".
J.P. doesn't seem to be any kind of monster in particular, Peter Lorre parodies are just their own Halloween species lol
Vinnie may be the Fonz as a teenage vampire, but it was very big-brained of whoever the character designer was to give him black nail polish in 1989-90. For all this show's problems, the character design for the most part is not one of them, even with how dated many of them are fashion-wise they're still very charming.
Sure, I ship Vinnie and Reggie. Before I watched this show, I assumed it was just typical shipping of best friend characters, but when I got to the famous ear-scratching scene from episode four, I was like "yeah okay I can see where they're coming from".
Of the main cast, Sid is probably my favorite because everything about him is so hilariously dated above all the rest, which is saying something: The rapping, the baseball cap, the pattern on his shirt, the random impressions... he's so lame that he circles back around to being funny. And apart from the irony, an invisible kid becoming a class clown so people won't ignore him anymore is one of the more genuinely creative concepts here.
Oh, but speaking of Sid, who's voiced by Maurice LaMarche... It was pretty awkward to watch Sid whenever he talked about his dreams to become a stand-up comedian, knowing what I know about what happened with LaMarche's own desire to rise up in the stand-up world on the same month that Gravedale High coincidentally premiered in. I don't know if this is common knowledge, but I won't go into it here because this post is supposed to be about a silly cartoon. If you're curious and can handle emotional matters, go read about it on his Wikipedia page under the Career section and see the events leading up to him becoming a full-time voice actor after September 1990.
Anyway, this is one of those cartoons where you can see a lot of potential, but since this came before or at the same time as other more ground-breaking cartoons like Ren and Stimpy or Tiny Toons, you get the feeling Gravedale is still shackled by 80's cartoon trappings despite its occasional dark jokes and pop culture references. If I were to make a new version, with or without Moranis, I would go for something a little edgy to make it stand out from Monster High and other shows of its ilk, do for horror what Clone High does for teen shows, either in a PG or TV-14 way.
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Hi! I really enjoy reading your posts, you seem like a knowledgeable and witty person, so I hope it’s alright to ask you a question about one of the eras of history you’ve mentioned an interest in. Specifically, the golden age of piracy.
In recent years especially, and especially online, it seems like there’s been a reframing of our view of the era—I’ve seen many people express that it was essentially marginalized people “getting back” at their oppressors, and was almost a (admittedly dangerous) progressive utopia-on-the-sea for queer people, people of color, people from impoverished backgrounds, et cetera., where such things weren’t punished like they were by conventional society. And although I am decidedly in favor of marginalized identities rising up against oppressors, I am curious how much truth there actually is in that view of piracy and pirates.
Of course, if you have neither the time nor inclination to answer, don’t worry about it, that’s completely fine! Thank you for your time in reading and I hope you have a lovely day
It's not really my subject or era, but that definitely sounds like an oversimplification. Kind of like the shift from "Vikings were ruthless, mindless killers" to "Vikings were super-progressive and perfectly in line with modern leftist beliefs" on certain parts of the internet. It has kernels of truth, but so does the reverse attitude.
Piracy was a career choice. And like with any career, people chose it for multiple reasons. Many probably chose it for the money, for adventure, or because it matched a certain skill set they had. Some did take it up to get back at a certain oppressor, like Grainne O'Maille with the English or Jeanne de Clisson with the French. But that wasn't the only motivation- nor, I suspect, the most common one.
It's often cited that many pirate vessels had a more egalitarian system for dividing up profit, lodging complaints, etc. than fishing ships, merchant ships, navies, or other legal seafaring enterprises. And from what I've heard, some of them did! Whether that was true for all of them...well, it's quite hard to establish absolutes in history, so I'm willing to bet the answer is "no." I also suspect that, while a blind eye will often be turned to things society frowns upon in situations of necessity, it was only genuine acceptance some of the time and, well, nececessity alone the rest.
Anyone care to chime in, who knows more about the subject? My main area is social history of 19th-century England and the U.S., focusing on women's, queer, and dress history, so I'm definitely not the person to weigh in at length.
(The most recent Fun Fact I learned about pirates is that Blackbeard and Stede Bonnet were actually in their 20s-30s when they met. Bonnet, in fact, didn't live past age 30, or Blackbeard past 40. They Dad-ified those men, and honestly, for a highly fictionalized story, kudos on that. Please do not ask me more about OFMD; I have never seen it.)
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sporesgalaxy · 1 year
Not mad saying this or anything and feel free to ignore me I don’t control you but I just wanted to say as someone who has actually seen Oppenheimer (and trust me it’s a long movie with a heavy subject and a lot of loud noise so it’s not for everyone and I’m not gonna say everyone has to see it) and Barbie I wanted to say Oppenheimer really isn’t military propaganda it is very much about the indifference of the government and military towards death in pursuit of power and the evils of atomic weaponry. Minor spoilers but the movie just straight up ends with saying the invention of the bomb destroyed the world (while showing warheads and military weapons) it’s very much a film that paints the government and war and invention of the bombs in an extremely negative light and of course being about a man who actually existed it isn’t perfectly accurate to how he may have felt but I do think its worthwhile to watch if you can handle the subject matter and a long movie like that because I felt like it was the first movie about a war in a long time that actually doesn’t glorify any of it. Sorry for long ask I’m passionate about film and I feel like people are forming these opinions without any real knowledge of the actual film itself while just deciding since it’s about war it’s bad. It isn’t for everyone and I would never say you HAVE to see it because like I said it’s a heavy subject but it IS a film I actually recommend for those who can handle it.
Also yeah the Barbie movie is definitely gonna sell a lot of dolls Mattel wouldn’t ok it otherwise but by itself it is very worth watching and really a beautiful film about existing as a woman and the intentions behind Barbie vs what she became and a bunch of other important and beautiful things.
Sorry to write an essay in your inbox like I said I’m very passionate about film and I kind of just wanted to like. Share that Oppenheimer is in fact not pro military or war and if someone watches it and thinks it was in favor of any of the events depicted I don’t think they really understood the film or even paid attention to it because it was pretty on the nose about how bad stuff was.
Again feel free to delete or ignore or whatever you do. you don’t have to publish this or do anything other than I hope read it. And again I’m not mad or vindictive towards you I just have strong feelings about movies.
Ah, I knew I was being reductive in those tags calling them "both propaganda" but I had just woken up and considered it close enough. Apologies all the same.
Interesting to know that the film apparently isn't pro-war! I am much more interested in watching it for myself knowing that, although I'll admit my curiosity is not entirely in good faith. I'm interested in the history of WW2 and the Cold War and there are a lot of easy stumbling blocks and common points of oversimplification and misrepresentation, even for anti-war media. I'm curious to know how much nuance the film really manages to take into consideration in this regard.
I have heard from critics of Oppenheimer who did watch the film that it made no mention of the Navajo people who were radiation-poisoned for generations because of the nuclear testing in New Mexico. I think even if the film is anti-war and anti-weaponry, this oversight was a mistake that wastes compelling support for the anti-war argument, and undercuts itself in doing so.
I apologize again for misrepresenting what I expect from the Barbie movie. Interviews with the director and advertisements have made it clear that the movie aims to have a feminist message, which from what I have seen will probably be a strong and philosophically sound argument.
Still, there's a counterargument to be made that this ultimately serves as another example of a brand capitalizing on values-based marketing (i.e. the Gilette razor ad ["short film"] about toxic masculinity bring uncool). I think that addressing it that way is more than a little reductive, but I genuinely assumed that this was the reasoning behind pairing Barbie and Oppenheimer in memes (besides their clear tonal juxtaposition and shared opening day).
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house-of-lovin · 1 year
am I crazy or is everybody very focused on R’s exes? Very interesting asks at first but now I don’t really see very much questions here that aren’t about that ? Come on bros what about the other kinds of relationships in R’s life ! I’m so curious
(Just my assumptions, I say think a lot sorryyyy)
At what age did R meet Link? I know he’s her best friend and he’s known her since before R had her legal separation from parents at 18!
Also does Link ever feel like he’s more of her caretaker than her best friend ? I know he cares about her but I was just wondering if part of the reason he doesn’t leave even after she’s so difficult is because he feels like he owes R so it’s not necessarily always out of love. (I remember you mentioning R employing him and he brought up how all the money is sent to provide for his grandma)
I know R is close to J’s family now but who is she closest to and why? I can imagine J’s family being the kind of people to wanna care for R as if she was one of their own.
I’d personally assume it’s J’s parents! It sounds as if R’s never experienced a genuine paternal nurturing presence before (I know there’s been mentions about Link being that but I see his presence as brotherly) and J’s family is so family oriented, because of the lack of knowledge they have about R’s family that’s something they’d recognize immediately; R doesn’t talk about her family much.
I would guess they naturally slipped into that role for R, R and J’s parents love language seems to me as if it’s acts of service and quality time for not only giving but receiving. I can imagine there’s things they do for R that catch her off guard
R not mentioning she’s hungry because she doesn’t wanna be a bother but her stomach grumbles. Nat asks R about the last time she ate, R’s response makes Nat concerned so she not only tells R that she needs to eat more but makes her some food. Nat tells R that she has to sit at the table and wait for the food but it’s just so she can talk to R, in passing Nat mentions what she’s making is something her own mom made for her family and that she loves making for her family.
Ed asking R if she wants to go for a drive sometime after she fixes the car. For awhile they’re just aimlessly driving around and getting to know eachother a little better, Ed tells R about the memories each spot they pass by has.)
I think they’d be able to sense these aren’t common occurrences for R and her own family because of how caught off guard she is and how R beams with appreciation of it afterwards, they get to see the little soft kid in R whenever that happens and I think it’d make them a little sad that so little seems like so much to R.
I think because they’re parents they’d see the three consistent people in R’s life Link, Jake and Liz as people who are only there because they work for R (even if it’s not true). To them R really has no one in her corner and she’s been facing everything and everyone with no consistent genuine support from anyone, I’d think this is why they’d be more worried than angry/disappointed about the headlines she’s been making lately. Because to them even if it’s true it’s always been R against the world and thats too much for someone to handle on their own, of course she’d break eventually- she’s never been given a proper chance to breathe.
hope you’re having a lovely day :D
love answering questions like these!
I imagine Link and R grew up in the same neighbourhood, so they'd have met in elementary/primary school.
Interesting take about Link feeling like R's caretaker. I don't really see that tbh (although yes, R is very difficult) this is a friendship that's lasted probably 20+ years (or close to).
Idk if you guys have ever had adult friendships that started when you were very young and lasted into adulthood but those friendships are HARD TO BREAK. It doesn't matter how much you fuck up, that person will always be there for you. (it's a very special kind of bond)
My bsf and I have been friends for like 13+ years and best believe we don't always agree with each other's actions/decisions but that person is... your person. (in chapter 7, Link refers to himself as R's person.) No matter how much they fuck up, you'll always be there for them. I think I lowkey based R and Link on me and my bsf LOL.
I agree with your analysis of R's relationship with J's family and her parents.
I would imagine when R and J are finally dating, she'd be SO close to J's parents. THEY FOR SURE WOULD TAKE R IN AND MAKE HER PART OF THE FAMILY 🥹
J's dad taking R for a drive🥹 (yes for me)
J's mom feeding R cause R probably can't cook, too busy yk (ANOTHER YES FOR ME)
I like how you said they'd be more worried than angry about the headlines... I can def see that👀
(we're gonna see more interactions with R and J's family dw. I dont want give anything away but 👀)
THANKS FOR SENDING THESE ANON! So fun to answer and I love how deeply you thought abt your questions (v refreshing to answer something different lol)
hope you're having a lovely day babes♥️
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femmefatalevibe · 2 years
Hi! I’ve just found your blog and I absolutely love it. I am entering my 20s and have never had positive female friendships in the past (always delegated to the DUFF, never had friends who were particularly interested in my personal life and would only turn to me for advice or if they knew I could give them something). I am deeply introverted. My only friend is my boyfriend and I don’t want to fall into the trap of depending on him for all my friendship. I have a bit of a tough time making friends at my university because it’s a very prestigious classist institution, and many of the girls I’d initially made friends with alienated me once they found out the neighbourhood I live in and where I’m from. Do you think you have any tips on how I can make sustainable, and meaningful female friendships; ways in which I could foster sisterhoods? Thank you in advance❤️
Hi love! Thank you so much. Finding meaningful, reciprocal friendship is not for the faint of heart, so validating your experience here.
It's great that you recognize the need for platonic relationships/connections aside from your partner (too many people fall into this trap!). Remember that if anyone judges you for something as superficial as where you live, those people don't deserve to be your friends anyways.
If I were in your shoes, here are the ways I would go about finding friends:
Find social activities involving your interests: Join or attend a club meeting about a skill, field, or cause you care about (think a painting class, social justice club, women in business/tech, etc.) to surround yourself with like-minded people. Having a common interest increases your chances of clicking with these people.
Strike up a conversation in class: Nothing bonds people together like the monotony of a lecture, meeting, or going through a deck. Consider making a comment about the class or offer a genuine compliment to get the conversation started.
Immerse yourself in online spaces: While it's great to have friends to socialize with IRL, social connection is social connection at the end of the – whether it's virtual or in-person. Join some relevant Facebook groups, Discords, Reddit communities, etc., and follow like-minded individuals on TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, and Tumblr, to get started. You never know who you will connect with once you put yourself out there!
Here are more socializing tips for making friends, too:
Get Curious To Connect: Follow-up questions are your best friend if you get nervous and anticipate a wave of social anxiety. These questions have a dual benefit: You’re allowing others to indulge in subjects or experiences that resonate with them and helping to guide the conversation. Listen to ways that you can branch off into related topics, mutual interests, and shared emotions or experiences. Ask relevant questions to keep the conversation flowing and demonstrates your interest and desire to connect with the other person. There’s no quality more charming than making others feel special and understood. This interpersonal skill allows you to connect with others without feeling like you need to fill up air time or be more vulnerable than you’re comfortable. It can be especially helpful to remember this advice when conversing with a stranger, authority figure, or someone else you want to impress without looking inferior (teacher, boss, industry leader, partner’s parents, etc.).  
Read & Develop Interests/Opinions:  Expanding your knowledge base provides an entry point to more people, engaging conversations, and opportunities. It’s easier to speak to people when you have some understanding of relevant topics others are discussing around the table or are of interest to the person in front of you. Take time to read about and study topics you’re interested in. Stay on top of cultural topics (movies, music, books, TV shows, etc.) and news within your chosen industry (or one you’re hoping to break into), different destinations you’ve been to or want to go to, favorite products, etc. Develop some robust opinions (don’t share those on hot-button topics like politics and religion) on these subjects and current events. Having the ability to listen to others' perspectives on a topic with an understanding of the subject matter and dive further into the topic with a distinct POV makes for an engaging conversation (and a potential new connection). 
Learn The Art of The Follow-Up: If you hit it off with someone, exchange contact information (social media, phone number, email – depending on the context of the situation and level of initial connection). Send them a relevant message at some point over the next few days to stay connected. Try something related to the conversation – like an article on a topic you discussed, or a recommendation for a coffee shop in the area. Or, get more personal if you’re comfortable, and ask how a meeting went, if they ended up liking a certain show, movie, or book, or whether they want to grab lunch at that place they mentioned they love. Remain thoughtful and interested without looking desperate. People want to what know others are thinking about them as long you’re not obsessive.
One More Friendly Reminder:
Different Friends Can Serve Different Purposes: Have your class friends, going to lunch or weekday meals friends, going out friends, and then your genuinely close friends (if you find 1-2 of these types of friends, that's plenty and very lucky!). Don't be afraid to spend most of your time alone. As long as you have some social interactions and put effort into this area of your life, remember that we all have solo seasons or days. Think of this time as an opportunity to reflect, work towards your goals, and spend time with yourself to discover what you really enjoy and want in life.
Hope this helps xx
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neoncat666 · 10 months
hello i am insane about the suckening if you would like to theorize and talk about it with me 👍
Tumblr media
yeah you could say im really normal over it. vague spoilers for ep 1 and 2 and more direct spoilers about ep 3
Mind you my knowledge of vtm is very limited due to the last time i even thought about it was years ago and i didn't even play it but oh my god they really got me researching on shit again and ive never wanted to see their character sheets sooo bad
i'm obviously a big fan of Arthur but like i remember when they first introduced shilo i genuinely thought it was a timeskip after emizel fuckin died and thats why they mentioned how similar they looked only to be shot out back with them outright saying theyre related and everyone has made that connection except shilo. theyre relationship facinates me so much cause they emphasize how "identical" they look so its not just a brotherly relationship but a twin relationship as well but also what the fuck lmao??? im excited to see where that goes
speaking of brothers what the fuck Arthur has (had he's probably dead now) a younger brother ??????? and on my second listen through I realize that Charlie explicitly mentions fire along with blood for the nightmare so somehow Arthur lost his younger brother that may or not be related to fire and blood and literally has nightmares every night. somehow for a loner Arthur has a weird amount of ties to other characters /j but like the fact all these characters have being seperated from their brother/family in common is kind of funny. but it also kind of brings into question on if this loss will affect arthur and how he treats the boys. he's made it clear that he's not going to actively stop them from doing stupid shit and getting hurt but he still tried to make sure that they weren't to be targeted during this supposed ambush that seems about to happen. he cares for the vampiric rules enough but also is actively fighting against vampires in general. like its easy to say he wants them alive since he's responsible for emizel and they're both the queen's sons but he's also said he doesn't care what happens to them so im curious and what he full motives are. like more of a meta thing but grizzly making sure he focuses more on the scent of an animal to feed from rather than a supernatural because emizel was right there was something. arthur says otherwise but he wants these two to stay alive whether so he can use them or not cause it seems that he has a group or even just a person who can help him if things get worse around here anyway but he doesn't just let it happen. i also wonder who this new person he's more focused on is cause it could be a few people and i wonder who the person he originally came for is too
also i keep saying arthur n deacon are toxic yaoi and when we met magnus i said that arthur now has doomed yaoi so good on him
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greypetrel · 1 year
Sera and Solas for the opinions meme? c:<
Ooooooh you asked me to spill the tea!
Thank you for asking about the elves, I'm glad they can rest together hating on each other in this ask. uwu
First impression: *starts singing Anarchy in the UK* Beside that, I didn't like her all that much at first. I liked her points of view, but playing as a Lavellan... At first it was a "Yeah but why you're so hostile". She grew on me like moss.
Impression now: I love her your honour, she's such a nuanced and complex characters, and with Dorian one of the most caring people around Inquisition, if you spend the time to build a good relationship with her. Her point of views on politics are genuinely good and much more rooted in reality than Solas' (for obvious reasons)
Favorite moment: Her whole set of reactions in Trespasser. The way she notices Inky is feeling all but well but still does her best to cheer them up and remind them that there is an after that they can shape how they want, she's there to help. The way she's genuinely worried sick for you and is there to help... It was the moment she became a ride or die for me. Also all her banters with Dorian. All of it.
Idea for a story: Anything expanding what we see of her character, really. Anything. Little things, her learning to cope and interact with an Inquisitor who is a mage and/or a Dalish, she spending time with the Chargers and finding the family she always lacked. Cookies experiments. Flirting with Dagna. Anything. Some expansion over her War Table mission and having Cullen saying "Do you know what, I'll do it. I'll send soldiers to hold drills as loud as possible under that noble's windows. Yes.".
Unpopular opinion: She's one of the most emotionally intelligent characters around. She is closed and abrasive, sure, but show her you care and are sincerely interested in having some kind of relationship with her and BOOM. Don't know how unpopular it is tho, LOL. And: she and Solas could actually get along and have more similar opinions that they would admit. It's just that Solas is not a people person (he's 24/7 screaming internally, there's no mental space for much else) and approaches her in the wrong way.
Favorite relationship: I'll say three. She and Dorian gives me life, you see the prince and the pauper going on and learning to live together and finding points in commons and enjoying each other's company. She and Cullen. I am sure Cullen is the one who has the most fun in the Red Jenny missions (not that he will admit it), and they are both commoners and simple people at heart. She sees right through the hard shell of pretending he's a serious knight of course no no he's the expert here, uh-uh. He's totally at level with the other advisors. She is there to take him down a notch. Also. She and Solas. Listen. They share quite some opinions. Sera is more rooted in the actual reality of things, while Solas just has theoretical knowledge. They say the same things and have a lot of things in common (both are solidly against the establishment, both renounced to position of richness to just go and play hobo, both are artists and imaginative. He's a marxist, she's an anarchist, but as above: she's rooted in reality, he isn't). Solas just chose the wrong way to approach her and doesn't know how to fix it, and she's not making a step towards him either.
Favorite headcanon: She's the little girl that got the painted box from the Warden in Denerim.
First impression: I was heavily influenced by @karmicblackhole, who is the friend that brought me into the saga and my number one Solas authority. So I got to know him in theory before and came knowing who he is exactly. I was curious when I first play to see him finally in game.
Impression now: I like his character A LOT. Wouldn't romance him, I recognise the fascination but personally there's a "You're not like other girls" theme that is really not my cup of tea. Again, if you're not here from 5 minutes you all know I love him as a platonical friend figure, I love his character and I'm firmly convinced he may be your local trickster and obscure character... But a villain? Evil? No. Not at all. Man is going on of pure inertia screaming internally. And also he's the worst liar around Skyhold. Worst of them all. I sniffed there was something weird with Blackwall, but at least Blackwall doesn't let slip things about his past that don't add up with the story he told you and disapproves when you call him out.
Favorite moment: The last cutscene pre final battle when he's there panicking and asking you advices about how to deal with horrible mistakes. The façade cracks a little and he's just... A scared person not knowing how to fix his mess. Also the way he treats you in Trespasser if you had a positive relationship with him during the game. He's a cuor di panna, he's very tender, he's just so horribly bad at people.
Idea for a story: I am pondering from months on a short ficlet about him going back to watch the Inquisitor as time goes by. Because yes he may be resolved... But he's bad at plans. Also DadWolf, but I'm drawing/writing it. Basically, anything that lets him find something he may use to stop running in circles in guilt and self-commiseration and learn that hey, it went how it went that's ok.
Unpopular opinion: He's not a villain and he's not evil. I can see why people think of that and he's in that grey zone that's grey enough that he can easily fall in both parts... But in my opinion he's not. He's just panicking HARD and starved for human contact. Again, I can see why people treat him as a villain... But I think we saw him only up to the middle of his narrative arc. It would be like judging Cullen stopping at DA2 before the final battle and the mutiny. You can but we're all missing the second half of it. I may be wrong in my opinions and I read some great fics that has him as the villain. He could double, again, I just like to think that people are fundamentally good.
Favorite relationship: As above. Him and Sera. Him and Varric co-parenting Cole gives me life. I recently brought him on a mission with Blackwall and they had the funniest banter ever, BOTH sweating profusely and lying. x°D
Favorite headcanon: He's a huge softie and hugely touch starved and it will take very little to bring him back to the good side. Also, I'd love to see him... Doing something to the Veil and actually making elves mages. Also, he's a terrible hugger, but will appreciate being hugged greatly.
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scribble-dee-vee · 5 months
Dale 💄🎈🧣
Hey nonny!! Ty for the ask <3
(Based on these questions, I have a sneaking suspicion that you're someone with more than a passing knowledge of this character,,,, in which case I am v flattered. If you DON'T know my terrible lil guy, then you may just be a bit psychic. hehe)
For anyone curious, the full prompt list is over here!
Answers below cut because you got me YAPPING and they're LONG. Pls note that I have listed a few content warnings in the tags.
💄 (lipstick) - What does your oc think of their face? Do they have a positive or negative opinion? Do they wear makeup? Do they have a skincare routine? What traits do they like most about their face?
So, here's the thing: Dale is hot and he knows it. He likes to express this fact LOUDLY and OBNOXIOUSLY. A lot of this grandstanding comes from a genuine self-obsession, but he also has a complicated relationship with his body and how other people perceive him. The connection between a person's self and their body is actually a pretty major theme in Lost Letters; Dale is hyperaware of his own embodiment, and it drives a lot of his actions. At best, he can turn this awareness towards personal confidence and interpersonal gains (actively via manipulation and seduction, but also passively through social biases). At worst, he feels trapped, exploited, and overstimulated. He's constantly paranoid that people are watching him. He is extremely sensitive to texture and temperature, especially when he's upset. He's constantly bothered by how people see him and how he presents. We could talk about his relationship with blood, as a jilted descendant of the Queen who does a little violence now and then. We could also talk about his experiences with exploitative sexual relationships and assassination attempts, both of which have altered how he views his own body! But I feel these are tangents to the question at hand. In terms of his face, Dale likes his green eyes. In fact, his eyes are the ONLY part of his face that he ever tells the reader about in draft one! We learn more about how he looks through other characters' perspectives, but he's not usually looking at his face when he's looking in a mirror. He's thinking about the impact of his overall presentation and how he might alter it. In terms of makeup and skincare, Dale lives in a pseudo-Victorian dystopian fantasy hellscape with rigid gender roles – do with that what you will. (It IS really fun to think about skincare in the Diamond City, though!! I have no doubt that Dale keeps up with a meticulous standard of hygiene for his context, and certain other characters would LOVE Sephora in a modern AU.)
🎈 (balloon) - What does your character do at parties? Are they a wallflower or a party animal? Do they go with friends or alone?
Dale goes to a LOT of parties in Lost Letters, so I've gotten to explore this in some depth! Dale is neutral to the common party activities of A.) hooking up with people and B.) consuming various substances – he generally does both if it will help his social or political standing within a given group. He's part of the Goldenheart aristocracy, so parties are a natural background setting in his life. He tends to go with friends, or frenemies. He pretends to have fun, but he usually doesn't. In Lost Letters, Dale is a college student and member of the Rosehip Club, which is essentially a co-ed fraternity for rich kids. He's lifelong friends with Rosalind Lake, the Club's ringleader, and Jamie Fenway, another important member. At the beginning of the book, he meets Charles at a Rosehip Club party! (Thus kicking off the main plot :)
🧣(scarf) - What comforts your oc? Is it an item? An action? A person? Whatever it is, how any why does it comfort them?
Charles <3 For real, though, mutual comfort is a key factor in their relationship. Charles makes Dale feel protected and safe. It's superficially because Charles is an elite soldier who's always around him. On a deeper level, it's because Charles DOESN'T judge him based on political importance or appearance or history. He just kinda takes Dale at face value and listens to him???? Um the bar is in HELL but Dale has never really experienced this before. Charles provides a nice respite from his usual stressors. They spend a lot of their scenes together A.) cuddling, B.) arguing for fun about irrelevant stuff, and C.) doing tourist activities in various City locations. Lol. They would kill it at Disney World in a modern AU. Dale also likes to journal, in somewhat sinister and extremely plot-relevant ways. I GUESS that's comforting for him, lmao. I won't say much more because spoilers, tee hee.
If you read all the way to the bottom of this post, I love you sm!!!! And now you know All That about this morally deplorable blorbo. Please don't get too attached. I promise you, it's for your own good 😅
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heliosoll · 2 years
so i just found out about shifting and while i do believe there are infinite parallel universes i am a bit skeptical about us being able to shift there. don’t get me wrong i have endless respect, i’m just genuinely curious bc it sounds too good. shifting is bringing conscious into another universe, right? so if we shift to a universe where we for example speak french, wouldn’t we be fluent in french in our cr when we return back? bc it was still us, our consciousness, who experienced the language; and while i understand you can’t bring back materialistic things, you can bring the knowledge and memories bc they are a part of our conscious. yet i never seen anyone who used shifting like that, all i keep seeing is ppl be famous and stuff. i don’t understand why no one did that, considering it is an ancient practice too. if you explain, i would be beyond grateful bc i’m really interested in the idea of shifting!
It's nice that you're so curious despite being skeptical!
In order to fully answer your questions, you need to know about a couple of things! I know it can be annoying to be redirected to other posts, but I would highly recommend reading this post (please scroll down and go to the google doc), this post, and this post! The last two are short reads while the first is longer but more comprehensive. I really do recommend reading those posts before reading the rest of this one!
Something that is very important to take note of is "limiting beliefs". These are essentially beliefs that limit a person from their full potential. The question you have about languages for example is a common limiting belief in the shifting community! You 100% can bring back a language from a DR, however, some shifters believe it's not possible unless you actually learn the language there. But don't worry, tons of shifters have shifted and brought back knowledge from their DR, whether that be a language or a skill.
It can be weird to think about shifters having such different beliefs about it but the reason this is so prominent is because shifting itself is based heavily on your intentions. If one has the intention to shift easily, they shift easily - but if one has the notion that shifting is hard, it will be hard for them. If one intends to bring back a learned or fluent language, they will - but if they don't, they won't. Does that make sense? It's all based on your intentions with shifting so shifters often have very different experiences based on their beliefs!
When it comes to skepticism, don't worry, most people are skeptical, and for good reason! It can be very daunting and weird to think about the idea of infinite realities and being able to go to them. You should regard most things with a healthy amount of skepticism before going in for the plunge. With this, if you're already fond of spiritualism then I'd recommend researching Hinduism and Buddhism as those belief systems have some of the oldest records of shifting. If you aren't fond of religions or spirituality, then research quantum mechanics and quantum physics.
I hope this helped! Let me know if you have any more questions 💞
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egittae · 4 months
ooh what is this little creature | lambert & ratatoskr
Closed starter for @ourdivinehands (+1 riding)
Lambert appreciated how diverse the surface Academy was, he truly did. It was quite rare to come across a place such as the monastery, where so many people from different backgrounds can rejoice to learn and work together, with many hailing from faraway lands trying to adapt to the culture of Fódlan while also offering others their own knowledge. In the professor’s eyes, this place was special not only for its religious factor, but primarily because of this. It was a common ground for so many.
Of course, that didn’t mean Lambert didn’t find himself slightly…startled at times, regarding certain individuals he’d spot here and there. He was well aware that a handful of the students and faculty from other lands were actually not fully human, but shapeshifters of all forms. It didn’t bother him, no- if anything he found it extremely intriguing and was genuinely curious about them, but the sight still shocked him much to his own embarrassment.
Case in point, the young cleric by his side, as they finished preparations for their excursion. The girl was quite small, with big gentle eyes and in general seemed like a caring person, but she also had a bright…shiny tail, almost resembling a squirrels. And ears, also. In a way they seemed almost as if made of energy, not quite merging with her body.
Lambert had questions, but he was a polite and patient man. “I suppose you are all set? Our destination is by a lake, and the trail is quite easy to follow.” At first he expected to be assigned a student for this, but he wasn’t against conducting expeditions with those of the Church. If anything he was happy to do so, seeing as it was thanks to the Church’s aid that the Ashen Wolves were given a chance to thrive. 
“Your name is…Ratatosk, correct?” It took him a moment to remember, having only heard it twice from another cleric’s mouth. Still, the professor smiled. “I am Lambert, of the Ashen Wolves. As a refresher, this expedition is merely to document the area we are going to…but since it is such a nice place, we might as well have a picnic on our arrival. What do you say?”
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