#I am good
squash1 · 4 months
the raven cycle is looking at the lines in your hands, the lines in your grandmother’s hands and seeing tree roots, seeing rivers, seeing the veins of leaves. interconnected. separate, but together.
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mari-lair · 2 months
I have deleted my twitter
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killer-c0ck · 2 months
Dear Tumblr
I'm not sorry for barking at homeless people.
But I won't do it again..
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(Picture not mine)
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smittenskitten · 11 months
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After seeing the lord dude guy from scent of time I was about to complain hope they don't end this being a dream in the LAST episode
But from the very beginning, no no this is a story the writer is writing 😂😂😂
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serpulalacrymans · 6 months
rip noah 😔
he was a fine specimen. he did well.
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x-selfcare · 3 months
✨Realization: I am so valuable and not everyone is allowed to touch my soul or my body✨
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beemintty · 26 days
so, devil, i hope you’re proud
they call me by your name because i am good.
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king-o-rat · 1 month
I never thought I'd make it this far. By age 9, I was convinced I would be dead or forgotten by now. Now I have to ask myself the hard questions that I never thought I would have to do. In the words of Uncle Iroh, "It's time for [me] to look inward. To ask [myself] the big questions. Who am [I] and what do [I] want?"
I have no idea what I want and I barely know who I am, but I'm getting there. I'm realizing the path I first set out on might not be for me. There are so many things to discover in this world, and I'm not ready to pick just one. My ideas, my morals, my worldview, they're all just an amalgamation of thing that have stuck by my side for years, and they're telling me not to define myself in such small ways as 'Good with Technology' or 'Good at Math'.
I have new places to see. I have new things to love. I have all the time I want to scratch my itch. To grow obsessed with whatever I set out to do. And I just know that when I find it, when I scratch the itch, I'll be great at it. Not because someone told me so, but because I believe I am great.
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starbuck · 10 months
not to be dramatic, but i honestly do feel like i’ve re-learned self-love.
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lotuscommunity · 2 months
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Perfect doesn’t exist!! Humans are always changing and evolving every second, hour, and day. All that matters through all of this is that you are trying your best to be the best you and you are happy with that version of yourself. I’m trying my best every day to be the best version of myself and that may look different depending on many things…
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No matter how my best looks I know I am always trying to be kind and loving!!! Even though sometimes I’m not happy with my mood or how I may have acted or what I have done, I tell myself I’m doing the best I can today because I really am and some days it’s easier to be the person who I want to be and some days it’s harder.
Remember to be kind to yourself and try to learn to accept that sometimes you won’t always act or do things that align with who you are or who you want to be. You can only learn from that, grow, and be better.
You are worth it!!! 💛🪷
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windsongs2 · 2 months
I'm a Christian, my child is a transgender woman (born male became female.)
I accept her fully I believe the God loves all cuz that's what the Bible says if you read the Bible it says Jesus loves all not just some of the people but all.
In today's world where groups hating another group and this person hate this person. it's really sad because that's not the way God wants.
read the Bible there's nothing in there (and I've read the Bible many many times) that says to hate transgenders, hate gays hate lesbians, hate people with purple hair and so on. but it does take he says love everyone.
My daughter's choices are between her and God and Jesus.
I raised my daughter to know God I took her to church, we did the VBS, Sunday school and listen to Christian music and when she became an adult she knew what was going on.
It doesn't not make me a bad parent because my daughter chose to be a transgender. It does not make me a bad person
And it does not make her a bad person for being a transgender person she's a good person, she cares she loves, she knows right from wrong and she makes me proud.
I will love her to her dying day or to my dying day.
there's nothing that will keep me from loving her.
she may never want to talk to me That's okay I still love her.
and I do pray for her NOT that she'll turn back to the person I knew growing up, that is a boy. I PRAY that she is happy, healthy and to know I love her. I also pray that she will find Jesus . Cause Jesus loves all... The body you have it is just a wrapping paper.. what's important is what inside.. that's what Jesus is concerned about .
I don't wish that if that's going to make her unhappy, if that's going to stress her out and if that's going to make her have problems. I don't wish that.
I want her to be who she is today a beautiful loving person
She wants me to go to therapy with her so she can discuss all the things I did wrong I did things wrong.
I was single parent when I've been married to an idiot ex-husband I was still single.
he didn't want to do anything with her I had to force him to do stuff with her.
All he wanted to do was hurt her.
All he wanted to do is make her feel bad and I tried so hard not to let that happen.
But as best as I could do there were times where I wasn't there to help her.
It wasn't my fault It wasn't her fault, The blame totally lays on the ex-husband.
I didn't have much money to give her everything that a child should have. I ran up credit card debt so she could have good Christmases, so she could have food and clothing.
I ran it up that so much I couldn't pay it off which left me with bad credit for years. luckily for me I had a father who came along and paid it off for me. God bless him cuz for that him I would be in jail
I wanted so much to get away from this guy (my ex) when my daughter was small but I didn't make much money, My ex husband made more money than me.
And I knew there was a very good chance that if I divorced my ex back then that he would get the child not me.
that he could provide my child with a stable future and a house
I couldn't at that time and sometimes it cried myself to sleep because I couldn't help My daughter. I wanted to get us both out of the situation we were in, but I stayed because I knew that if that monster abuser idiot ever got a chance to keep her, that she would have been so much worse off than she is now.
she would have been abused more there wouldn't be a life for her really and I couldn't stand that thought. so I stayed with the abuser so I let him hit, me I let him yell at me, I let him do whatever he wanted but I protected my daughter from that.
there was only a couple times I couldn't be there and I regret those times even now. it breaks my heart but I also knew I did the right thing cuz I did not let her go through that alone and I was knew that she was better off then without me.
anyway she wants me to see a therapist with her so she can tell me everything I did wrong.
Why don't I?
because I Went to a therapist when I was four or five or six years old. My mom took me to one, I looked at the guy and I hated him before even stepped through those doors and had a talk with him or whatever
I hated him I didn't know why that I really hated that guy she took me there because she thought I was lying too much. I was a kid, kids lie especially when they think they're going to get in trouble duh
So after a couple months of no progress My mom decided not to take me.
I remember one time coming out of his office he was carrying me and I so much hated that I mean every nerve every cell in my body wanted to kill that guy and I didn't know why.
I was crying so much and I think he told my mom the reason i was crying was cuz I stubbed my toe or something stupid like that
Well after a couple more months I heard my mom and dad talking about that this guy.. this therapist had lost his license probably put in jail .
Why? Cuz he was caught sexually abusing the boys in his care.
yeah I hated the guy before I met him. I have such a extreme good intuition about people that when I was young I knew that person was evil.
My family never talked about it never ask me if I remember being abused, never asked me any questions.
they just didn't talk about it and that's what they do.. they don't talk about what happened. It just goes under the rig and they act like nothing's happen.
Am I damaged because of that maybe.
The only damage I really know of is I will not go to therapist. I don't care if it's online/offline or anywhere I don't believe in them, I don't like them.
therefore this gal is never going to one. I don't care what you say I am like ___ years old and I've been doing good all my life I don't need a fucking therapist now at my stage of life.
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polteergeistt · 3 months
good timezone dearest husband of mine how are you :))
I crave fountain. I want to built a fountain.
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mrrcasuallycruell · 3 months
nicoooooo i missed sending you parks&rec memes
hope you're well
u can send them all to me now 🫡
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mikoriin · 7 months
im so sorry im gonna be a hater for a second but....i think one piece girls are so ugly....
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lavenderslug · 5 months
im listening to square hammer by ghost whilst getting high in the car before i go inside the hair salon to hype myself up and it's doing wonders i must say
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