#I am keeping my fingers crossed that we at least reach The Hollow Boy
alexiethymia · 2 years
I WAS ONLY ABLE TO FIND OUT NOW THAT MY FAVORITE GHOST HUNTER FOUND FAMILY BOOK SERIES JUST GOT ADAPTED?? It was utter perfection. It felt like I was reading the books. The utter domesticity. George was adorable. Locklyle was perfect. The casual hand holding and forehead touches and cradling of faces. It manages to be heartbreaking at times how much they have such married couple energy not because of how they bicker but because the world they’re in has aged them prematurely and it’s like they’ve already had their silver years and golden years together. Him just casually buttering her toast for her?? Tenderly treating her wound?? He was outright looking at her lips in that scene! We always knew he was do-or-die for Lucy but seeing this series outside of Lucy’s POV makes it adorably apparent how besotted with her he is, and that struggle of wanting to let her in clashing with his suicidal tendencies was portrayed with so much angst. Netflix may have its problems, but it has also brought my favorite YA novels wonderful adaptations. I already got Six of Crows and Lockwood & Co., so here’s to hoping for A Darker Shade of Magic too. To add, as long as I’m wishing, I’m hoping The Raven Cycle gets one too.
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luimagines · 3 years
Hey, could we get the boys kissing the reader please?
If the reader gets to give the boys kisses, it's only fair that they get kisses in return!
Fair warning, these are more or less platonic.
Content under the cut!
“Twilight I think I died.” You blurt out one day.
Twilight stops what he was doing and tilts his head on your direction. “Run that by me again?”
“This is all a dream isn’t it?” You gulp and pull your hair a bit to feel something. “Did I die? Am I dying? How do I know you’re real?”
Twilight pauses and puts his things down. He walks toward you and puts his hands on your shoulders. “What on earth are you talking about?”
“Before I met you, I got hurt...bad... And I had a dream.” You say.
Twilight then bends down and kisses you nose.
The action stuns you and you blink in an attempt to process the absurdity of it.
“Did that ever happen in your dream?” Twilight bites his lip to keep himself from smiling. This was supposed to be serious- you might have been having a crisis.
“No?” You answer with a small child like shake to your head.
“Then you’re not dreaming.” Twilight answers simply.
“Is that how that would work?” You reply.
“Do you want it to?”
“Yes.” You nod and walk with Twilight to help him out with his earlier chores. “I don’t like thinking of the alternative.”
“It’s you’re dreaming I’m sure our group is more than wiling to find ways to induce your awakening.”
“Like what?”
“Throw you off a cliff? Set you on fire? Get the cuccos nice and angry-”
“I’ll take your method over that thank you very much.”
“It can’t be that bad.” You roll your eyes and put your hand son your hips. “Why do you hate it so much?”
“It’s the principle of the thing.” Wind explained. “If I went back home and they found out I did this, I would never be able to live it down.”
“Would you do it for a Scooby Snack?” You ask instead with a teasing grin on your lips.
“I don’t know what that is.”
“Is that a yes or a no?”
“Please don’t make me.” Wind whines. “I’d do anything.”
“If it’s any consolation, it’s not my idea either.” You sigh and cross your arms instead. “But the faster we do it the faster we can get it over with. It’s not like we have to talk about it ever again.”
“No please-” Wind gets onto his knee, saying your name and crawling to you that way. “-You’re my last hope. Don’t let this be the end of it.”
“Now you’re just being dramatic.”
Wind grabs your hands places a clumsy kiss on your fingers as he pleads. “Can’t it be anyone else? Please! Please, please please please please!”
“Oh my goodness! OK! I’ll go talk to Time and Twilight and see if we can get Legend to do it or something.”
“My everything hurts.” You whined and rolled over, grasping your side in a vain attempt to relieve the pressure there. “Was I stabbed? I feel like I was stabbed.”
“You were, in fact, not stabbed.” Hyrule kneels by your side and lifts your hand to access the wounded area a bit better. “But you did land really harshly on the rock below us. So try to take it easy for a minute, ok? We’ll have you fixed up in no time.”
“Who is this we you speak of?” You sigh as the pain lessens and take a deep breath, trying to sit yourself up. “I just see you.”
“Yeah, Wild is on his way over, so it’s about to be we.” Hyrule snickers.
“I see... Thank you ‘Rulie.” You smile a bit and loosen up your muscles. “How did I even fall to begin with?”
“Bad bomb placement.”
“Ah.” You say, as if that answers your question. “Well that explains everything then.”
Hyrule looks up at you and sees your face. “You’ll be ok.”
“I mean I hope so.” You shrug and Hyrule leans in to place a small kiss on your forehead.
“Magic enhancer. Good for one extra minute of healing time.”
“You’re a dork.”
“You love it.”
“I hate this.” You groaned as you walked through the dungeon. “Why are we here again?”
“Because we have a mission to clear the darkness and this is a hotspot. We clear this area and then we can move on to the next until we’re all done.” Warrior shrugs, fully understanding the sentiment but not wanting to ruin his reputation.
“This suuuuucks.”
“I knoooow.” He snickers.
“You’re making fun of me but I know you feel the same way.” You tilt your head back and look at him by shifting your eyes.
“Yeah but you don’t see me complaining.”
You groan louder in response, purely out of spite at this point and shove him slightly by the shoulder.
“Is there anything I can do to make it better?” Warrior asked teasingly.
“I want a sick prize at the end.”
“I can wager in a kiss.”
“Not from you.”
“No?” Warrior laughs louder and spin on his heel, walking backwards as he talks to you just a little ways ahead from where you are. “Am I not worth enough?”
“I have only the highest of standards.” You deadpan. 
“I’ll have you know that my kisses are completely worth it.” Warrior twirls his hand upwards for fan fair.
“Doubt it.”
“I’ll prove it.”
“Doubt it.” You grin.
Warrior rolls his eyes but lets you catch up to him before leaning over suddenly and kissing on your hair line.
“Cheap shot.” You snort and push him away. “You’ll have to do harder than that. I bet the prize at the end is cooler anyway.”
“Tough crowd.”
“Time, would you be a dear and help me out with one little thing?” You called out, fighting one of the knots that kept your bag to Epona’s side but Twilight was no where to be found so it’s not like he could help you.
Time looked up and saw you struggling with the bag and the rope that held it in place. An amused smile crossed his face and he got up to make his way over to you.
You huff and stomp your foot when it refuses to let go just in time as the man himself makes it to your side. “What seems to be the problem?”
 “I can’t get my bag out!” You whine. “Twilight does such ridiculous knots and I can’t figure it out.”
“Let me see.” Time rolls his eye and steps into your space, checking at the problem in front of him.
It was way more complicated than Time would think Twilight would purposefully do. It looked staged.
Luckily he knows his pup well and managed to get it untangled with seconds.
“How?” You frown and pout. “How did you do that? I thought I would have needed to get my knife or Legend to get rid of the spell.”
“Twilight doesn’t like spells or magic in general.” Time smirks and sees the opportunity in front of him.
You reach out your hand to take the bag with a sigh. “Yeah, yeah I know. Thank you, I was getting frustrated.”
Time grabs your hand with his free hand, bringing it up his lips and places a kiss on your knuckles. “A hero’s work is never done.”
“A-ah.” You blush with wide eyes. “Right.”
“I have no idea where to go from here.” Wild sighs and places his hands on his hip, keeping the wooden spoon angled away from his clothes.
“What’s up? Need help?” You stand up and walk toward him.
“The stew needs something. But I don’t know what.” Wild huffs and chews on his lips as he thinks.
“I don’t know. Maybe?” He picks up his slate and takes the rock out, chipping small pieces off before stirring to dissolve it.
He brings the wooden spoon to his lips to taste it but he doesn’t seem satisfied with the result. “It’s better but not enough.”
“Can I try?” You offer and move closer to the pot.
He sighs and gives you the spoon with a bit of the broth. It’s delicious as expected but he’s right. A bit lackluster.
You smack your lips together and move it around on your tongue and try to figure it out. “Maybe Goron spice? Not enough to feel obviously but anything spicy tends to heighten existing flavors.”
Wild thinks about it before going through with your suggestion. He stirs for a hot minute before his eyes light up at the taste.
He spin to you with enough force to startle you, but before you can move away he grab your face with his hands and brings you forward giving you a whopping kiss onto your forehead. “That’s just what it needed. Thank you!”
You wobble for a moment when he pushy you away but you smile regardless. “You’re welcome.”
“And here we have the best of the rest, Mr. Fancyprance Mcfickle Bottom.” Legend knelt to the ground after speaking and place a kiss on the back of your hand.
“I take it back. We’re doomed. We’re never going to be able to sneak into the gala.” You lament and take your hand out of his gasp.
“How dare you doubt my acting skills.”
“Can you at least try to take this seriously?” You stress. “This is a big moment for the kingdom, if one thing goes wrong tonight, we’re all going to pay the price.”
“It’s not like any one going to die if we don’t do well toni-”
“Did you not read the note?” Your stare widens. “I can’t believe you. There’s going to be an assassination attempt. It’s why we’re even going to begin with!”
Legend pauses as he considers your words before sobering up and standing taller. “Alright. From the top. This is what we have to do.”
“Thank you.”
“Ok, I have no idea where you’re taking me, but it better be good because I’m a lot less graceful when I’m blindfolded.” Four said over his shoulder as you guided him through the underbrush.
“Just trust me.” You grin. “You’re going to love it.”
“I hope so.”
You giggle and continue to push him ahead. “Ok, wait here I’ll be right back. Don’t take it off just yet.”
“You are so lucky I trust you.”
“Good.” You dash off and grab a small parcel that was hidden in a hollow tree truck.
You run back to him and pull his hand in front of him, placing it gently on top of his palms. “There. Open your eyes and open the box.”
Four grips the wrapping and takes the blindfold off with one hand. “What is it?”
“A gift silly!”
“Ok, yeah, but what’s inside?”
“Open it and find out!”
He smiles and gently rips the paper that covering the little box, eyes widening as he recognizes the design within. “How did you get this?”
“I save up for it. It’s a thank you.” You bite you lip and take a small step back. You’re beginning to feel a little flustered by his reaction even if you think you have no reason to be.
Four drops the paper wrapping and opens the box. “You got me this?”
“Yes. I thought we established this.”
Four beams and doesn’t even open the box all the way before he runs at you and practically tackles you over. “Thank you!”
“You’re wel-”
Four take the breath to plant a big ol’ smooth on your cheek, silencing anything else you were going to say.
“Thank you thank you thank you!” 
It’s the happiest you’ve seen him.
You can’t even get your thoughts together before he give you another hug and dashes away from you to enjoy his gift.
Or brag about it to the others.
You wanted to avoid that, which is why you brought him all the way out here beyond the camp...but you can never really tell what he’s going to do next.
You smile regardless and touch the spot on your cheek.
At least he likes it.
“I have no idea how you do this Sky.” You gulp and lean over marginally over the edge. “I hate free falling. How is this a fun thing to do?”
“It’s not so bad when you can trust your loftwing to catch you.”
“I don’t have a loftwing. You keep using that word and I have no idea what you mean.”
“You’ll be fine anyway. The water will catch you.”
“That’s not remotely as reassuring as you think it is.”
“You’re over thinking it. Stop thinking.” Sky laughs a little as he gets closer to you.
“Easier said than done.”
“Trick yourself then.”
“A distraction would be a good start.” Sky hums.
“And how to suppose I distract myself?” You deadpan.
Sky shrugs before leaning over and giving you a kiss on the cheek. It stuns you enough that freeze on your spot and Sky takes the opportunity to spin you around by your shoulders and promptly shoves you off of the cliff side.
He dives in right after you when he sees your head pop out of the surface, laughing as he goes.
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Just so I could call you mine part 2 - Aaron Hotchner x fem!reader
It's finally here! I'm sorry for the wait, I've only really been able to write at night - my day's have been kinda busy at the moment. But it's finished. It's quite long so sorry about that. I hope you guys enjoy it as much as you enjoyed part 1:)
Also (following a theme here) this is loosely based off of the song 'Enough for you' by Oliva Rodrigo
* = time skip
Warnings: Swearing
Word Count: 3503
It had been a month since the argument. Well, I say argument, but I think downfall of the one thing that made me want to get up in the morning would be more accurate. After I’d broken down on Emily’s shoulder that night, she took me back to her place. The whole time I was there, part of me kept wishing for the phone to ring and for it to be him. It didn’t feel real. For the first few days I clung to the shred of hope that he might pull me aside at work to apologise, tell me he was wrong and wanted me back. But seeing as this is my life, that opportunity never came. We hadn’t spoken since that night. Even on cases, he would find ways to avoid talking to me. I can’t say I blame him, he’s a shitty man. And when shitty men do shitty things, they tend to run from it.
I walked into the bullpen laughing with Garcia. All the girls had really looked after me and I couldn’t be more grateful.
“Hey there pretty ladies” Morgan said, sauntering over to us.
“Why hello there handsome. Here to make us yours?” Garcia replied playfully.
“Only if you’ll have me.” Morgan bantered. Garcia just laughed before heading to her cave.
“So how are you gorgeous?” He said throwing his arm round my shoulder.
“I’m doing good. In desperate need for coffee. Don’t get me wrong I love Garcia but after only 3 hours of sleep, her bubbliness this early on has taken it out of me” I explained as we headed to the coffee machine. Derek dropped his arm and stood next to me, allowing me to make my drink.
“Only three hours huh? You having trouble sleeping?” He asked, crossing his arms over his chest.
“No, I just choose to run on as little energy as possible.” I retorted sarcastically, prompting an eye roll from him.
“You know what I meant.”
“Yeah I do, it’s just” I sighed looking down at my coffee.
“Hey.” Derek nudged my arm slightly. “What’s on your mind?” I chewed at the inside of my cheek nervously before answering.
“I guess I’m still adjusting to sleeping by myself.” I admitted. Derek nodded, wearing a sympathetic look on his face. “It’s so stupid, I should be over this by now. I mean I am over him but it’s just certain things like…ugh I don’t know. It’s just stressful.” I ranted.
“It’s normal baby. You went from, what was it nine months?”
“Eleven.” I corrected.
“Right so you went from 11 months of having someone next to you all the time, to suddenly nothing. It’s bound to take some getting used to.” He reasoned. I knew he was right. But something about the way Hotch had essentially picked up where he left off with Haley made me feel so stupid for still being hung up over him.
“Come on, let’s go see if boy genius can tell us something fun.” Derek joked as we walked back to our desks.
The day was almost over, and we’d had no cases, which allowed us to sort through old case files and tidy things up. As boring as that may sound, it was actually a nice break from the horrors we see on a daily basis.
“Right.” Emily said, stretching back in her chair. “I think I’m gonna head out.”
“And leave me here with the men?” I replied, pretend fear laced in my voice.
“I’m so sorry honey. You can do it I believe in you” Emily joked. The boys just swapped an annoyed look. “Sergio awaits me, so I’ll see you all tomorrow.” She said collecting her things.
“Bye Em.” I called after her. But just as she was about to leave JJ rushed into the bullpen.
“Emily stops where you are.” Emily groaned and turned around.
“Jayje I swear to god if you tell us we have a case, as much as I love you, I will be hurling my bag at your head.” Emily said. JJ just laughed at her.
“No, it’s nothing bad guys, but Rossi has invited us to dinner.” She said smiling. The way she looked at us made it seem like she was looking for some type of reaction.
“Okay? Something special about today?” Derek asked.
“Yeah that’s nice of him and all JJ but I’m really tired. Sitting in a crowed Chinese restaurant really wasn’t really what I planned to do tonight” Emily replied. JJ sighed.
“Fine. I mean if none of you want to come back to Rossi’s mansion for a bite to eat then I get that. Have a nice night with your cat Em.” JJ turned to walk away but at the sound of us all scrambling out of our seats, she turned back and laughed.
“Screw Sergio I wanna explore this guy’s house.” Emily said walking over to JJ.
“God you lot are so nosy” She joked as we all walked down to the parking lot.
“What do you expect? The guys a mystery so if there’s an opportunity to snoop of course we’d take it.” I chuckled.
“I just wanna see if he has a first drafts of his books lying around. I can almost imagine how much he left out.” Reid piped up.
“Of course, that’s what you wanna see pretty boy” Derek said patting Reid on the shoulder. We all hoped into our separate cars to go home and change before re convening at Rossi’s.
The night was going great. It was so nice to be able to just take a night off – eat, drink, chat – without the stress of a case looming over our heads. Not to mention Rossi’s house was incredibly impressive. I mean if I could somehow make this man my sugar daddy and inherit this place, I’d be on it in an instant. Aaron was here, which didn’t surprise me. But what did is how relaxed he was. I’d seen it all the time when we were together but somehow seeing it tonight felt strange. Almost as if he’d dismissed the whole situation.
“Okay I wasn’t that bad guys.” Emily protested, snapping me from my thoughts.
“You told Spencer you were going to kill him if he didn’t stop being so loud.” Hotch said.
“That’s understandable on a hangover.” Emily reason.
“Em, I was just turning the pages of my book.” Spencer replied laughing. Emily spluttered over her words, but nothing came out causing the rest of us to join spencer. Suddenly the doorbell rang out. We all looked around confused.
“We’re not expecting anyone else are we?” Garcia asked.
“Um” Aaron cleared his throat.
“I think I might know who that is.” My heart sunk as he got up and walked to the door. Everyone swapped a look, trying to catch my eye but I just starred ahead of me. He wouldn’t have actually invited her. Right?
“Hey honey.” Her voice travelled through the halls causing my heart to not only sink even further, but completely shatter in the process. At least at work I could block out the fact he was with her but now he was just rubbing salt in the wound. Emily finally caught my gaze and shot me a supportive look. I just nodded, offering a tight-lipped smile. Eventually the pair of them came back.
“Hey guys, you know Haley.” Hotch said, looking slightly uncomfortable. Everyone greeted her politely enough, but it didn’t take a profiler to feel the shift in the atmosphere.
“Let me get you a chair.” Rossi said, going to stand up. “No, it’s fine, I’ll just sit here” She stated before promptly positioning herself in Aaron’s lap. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. I couldn’t watch this. The seven of us sat in a cripplingly awkward silence for a few moments before JJ finally spoke up.
“So, um Haley, how’s jack doing?” She asked politely. “Oh, he’s doing great. Very happy to have his daddy around a lot more now.” Haley responded in a smug tone. As she spoke, she glanced over at me. Clearly noticing my appearance, she threaded her fingers through Aaron’s hair. I averted my gaze, opting to study the details of Rossi’s floor. I heard Hotch clear his throat, almost as if he wanted her to stop. “
I’m glad he’s happy.” JJ replied.
“So am I. Before it was just so hard what with his job and, well – other arrangements – Aaron barely had time for his own son you know. But luckily that’s all been dealt with now.” Haley leant forward and I heard her placing a kiss on his cheek. I couldn’t take this anymore; she was clearly taunting me and as I much as I hated giving into her games – this was so much worse.
“Excuse me.” I said, standing up and heading towards the garden. It took everything inside of me not to break down right then and there. But the minute I reached the garden I lost it. The tears streamed down my face as I tried to quiet my sobs. My heart ached. It felt like everything was crashing down around me. My chest felt hollow. I thought I was over this, over him. I could feel my knees growing weak under me so opted to sit by the edge of the pool, in the hopes to grab some sense of normality. It was a nice night out. It was summer so still warm, but there was enough of a breeze to keep it bearable. I’m sure if looked up I would’ve been able to see the stars, but I was transfixed on the water. Suddenly I heard the back door open. I didn’t turn around, not wanting to face whoever it was.
“I’ve always wanted a pool.” Emily’s voice came from beside me. She sat down, placing her legs in the water next to mine. “I’d love to have this house too.” She stated taking in her surroundings. “What do you say, wanna take Rossi down together and claim all this for ourselves?” She asked nudging my arm. I let out a stiff chuckle but didn’t say anything. Emily took a deep breath before she spoke.
“I’m sorry you had to sit through that” Her voice was sincere. “I don’t know if Hotch invited her, or she just rocked up, but it was out of order either way.” I nodded not trusting my voice right now. “You should know, the rest of us were just as angry. Derek left a few moments after you. He went into the kitchen, but he didn’t come back. I had to send Spencer after to him just to check he wasn’t tearing the place up.” She said light-heartedly. That gave me some comfort, to know I wasn’t being overly sensitive. She let her words hang in the air for a moment and we enjoyed the stillness of the night.
“I just thought.” I began, my voice rough from crying. “That maybe it wasn’t real. Maybe they weren’t actually back together you know?” I turned my gaze towards Emily. She understood. That was one of my favourite things about her. No matter what the situation, whether she’d experienced it herself or not, she was always so deeply empathetic that it helped.
“Listen, nothing I say right now is going to make this any easier. Sure, I could sit here and tell you what a douche bag he’s being” I smiled at her words. “But I know that wouldn’t change anything for you. So, I’ve just come to let you know that we’re all here for you. Take as much time as you need, and when you feel comfortable, come back and join us inside.” She said squeezing my hand.
“Thank you Em. For everything.” She just smiled before standing up and heading inside. By this point I’d stopped crying. You know that moment of calm you experience right after you’ve stopped crying, just before the headache or tiredness kicks in, that is probably my favourite feeling. Which sounds somewhat depressing, but everything just feels so at ease in that moment. Unfortunately, I could not bask in it for long as I heard the back door slide open once again. Thinking it was Emily I called out to her.
“Please don’t tell me I’m going to come in there and see you forcing Rossi to sign us into his will.” I joked, turning around. But instead of being greeted with my friends’ heart-warming chuckle, I saw the man who’d caused this little escape to the garden. It was Aaron.
“Hotch.” I said surprised, scrambling to stand up.
“Hi.” He replied. He looked nervous, relentlessly fidgeting with his hands. It wasn’t normal.
“Why are you here?” I didn’t bother trying to make small talk. What would be the point?
“Um, well I…I just wanted to…” His voice trailed off as he looked to the ground. “Can we sit down?” He asked after a moment. I nodded and made my way over to the beautiful table Rossi had. Aaron sat down but didn’t say anything, just starred ahead of him.
“Are you going to talk or what?” I said bluntly. He looked surprised at my tone but cleared his throat before answering me.
“I just wanted to check on you.” His voice was low, almost as if he didn’t want me to hear what he was saying.
“Check on me?” I replied clearly irritated.
“Yeah I mean you just took off back there, so I wanted to make sure you were okay” He said literally looking anywhere but me. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. He’d spent a whole month doing the most to avoid talking to me and now, not only he dangles his happiness in my face , but he also has the audacity to ask if I’m okay?
“Yeah I wonder why that is?” I shot back. Hotch went to reply but I cut him off. “No no let’s think about it. What could have possibly made me leave? Was it the fact that Derek telling a story? Nope that doesn’t seem to be it.” I said sarcastically. “Oh, maybe Spencer was rambling about something random? No doesn’t sound right? Gosh I just – I don’t know what it could have been. You got any ideas” I continued. Hotch starred at me, annoyed by my games but not enough to reply. “Wait I remember, it was the fact that my ex-boyfriend just wanted to shove the fact that he’s moved on and obviously didn’t give a fuck about me or our relationship further down my throat!” I concluded, standing up to leave.
“That is not fair.” He called after me. I stopped in my tracks, the anger growing inside of me.
“What? What about that is unfair to you?” I replied folding my arms over my chest.
“For you to say I didn’t care about our relationship” he said, his voice laced with annoyance. I scoffed at his words.
“Really? I think it’s perfectly fair considering how you’ve acted. It’s clear that you have no respect for me or what we were.”
“Just because I spend more time with Haley now doesn’t mean that I’ve just disregarded our entire relationship.” He sounded exasperated.
“Spend more time with her? Hotch she was practically fucking you on the chair in there.” I yelled. I’d tried so hard not to lose it but his lack of understanding right now was getting too much for me. “I loved you so much. I gave everything I had into that relationship, and you’ve thrown it all back in my face over one twisted story that your wife decided to spin.” I ran my fingers through my hair trying to calm down. The last thing I needed was for the rest of the team to hear this. Although I didn’t care if Haley did. That bitch. “I don’t know what I did wrong to make you choose her. Maybe I just wasn’t as interesting as her, but you could not have cared less about someone who loved you more. She dragged you down, manipulated you into believing it was your fault that she fucked those other guys. Or when she made you feel bad for choosing to stay in a job that literally makes the world as safer place for people like her or Jack. All I ever wanted was to support you and be there for you to lean on. I wanted to be that one person you could turn to when you felt like the world was crumbling down and you would feel okay. I just wanted to be enough for you. Because that’s what you were for me.” I ranted. Unfortunately, this time I’d been unable to hold back my tears, but I was hoping the darkness of the garden would hide that. Aaron looked crushed, almost guilty. Part of me hurt to seem him like that but another part reminded me he deserved it. I’d say he broke my heart, but he broke much more than that.
“You were that to me too.” He mumbled. His voice was so quiet I wasn’t sure I’d heard him. Clearly noticing my lack of response, he continued. “You meant so much to me and I can’t tell you how painful it’s been without you.”
“Doesn’t really seem like that” I scoffed. He sighed before walking over to me.
“Listen the thing with Haley-“
“If you’re about to tell me why you’re back together with her, please don’t. I can’t handle that right now.” I begged.
“No listen. We aren’t together.” His words took me by surprise.
“The night everything kicked off, I’m not going to lie – I did believe her. I mean when she told me that you’d told JJ everything about the divorce, yeah I was mad. It took me so long to open up to you about that, you know the insecurities and the fact I thought Jack was going to resent me or not want me in his life. I trusted you and you just threw it out the window.” I starred at him in shock, unable to speak. Hotch being who he was picked up on my reaction. “What is it?” He asked.
“I can’t believe that’s what she told you.” I said utterly blown away by the fact that Haley was able to lie about something so huge with such ease.
“What do you mean? Are you trying to tell me that’s not what happened?” He sounded apprehensive.
“It couldn’t be further from the truth. She called me to ask where you were and when you’d be home. She must have thought I was lying because then she called JJ. JJ told her she knew she’d rung me and then she hung up.” I explained. Hotch looked just as confused. “I would never tell anyone those things Aaron. No matter how much you hurt me.” He didn’t reply. He looked so torn. “I tried to explain that to you on the night, but you weren’t listening.” I spoke. That caught his attention.
“I know I just felt so betrayed I guess it blinded me.” He replied. “The only reason I’ve stayed as close with her as I have recently is because she was going to keep me away from Jack. I know she had no solid grounds to hold that to and we could have taken it to court if it had gotten that bad, but fathers hardly ever win full custody. I didn’t want to risk it.” He explained. I nodded.
“I understand.” I got it. Jack was his world. And losing him might have just broken him. “
I can’t begin to explain how sorry I am that I let her get between us. I should’ve known, I-I should’ve trusted you.” He rambled. He begun pacing back and forth.
“Hey.” I reached out a grabbed his arm. “Yes you should have trusted me, I’m not going to act like what happened didn’t hurt. But you’re not a mind reader Aaron. You believed the first story you heard. I get it.” I reasoned. Tentatively, he reached out and took my hands in his, rubbing gentle circles with his thumbs.
“I missed you. Everyday.” He whispered.
“I did too. I loved you.” I replied softly. His gaze caught mine.
“Loved?” He asked his eyes wracked with worry.
“Part of me still does. I can’t just shut those feelings down. But what you did broke me. And I don’t want to risk that happening again.” I confessed. He nodded.
“I guess I’ll just have to prove myself to you. Because trust me, you’re all I want. And I’ll wait however long you need me to.” He replied. I smiled up at him and wrapped my arms around his neck as his arms travelled to my waist. Maybe we would get back together or eventually just drift apart, but right now I had my best friend back. And that’s all I cared about.
Tag list: @jhiddles03 @rexit-mo @gothicwidowsworld @donttellanyoneireadfanfiction @llilithsdaughter @azenpal @captainrogers-19 @ijustwannaread2k19 @spngirl05 @stiles-argent24 @joyofbebbanburg @romanogersendgame
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jae-yoonie · 3 years
So your bio said requests open so imma request. Can you do a fluffy first time with Mark where obvsiously the readers virgin skin breaks and bleeds a little and Mark is like panicking like omg i killed her i hurt her and so on but the reader explains to him that like it is all normal and that she wont die.
Cherry Sweet (M)
Pairing: Mark x Reader
Genre: Fluffy Smut
Word Count: 2230
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“This movie sucks,” you groaned as you let your head plop onto your boyfriend’s shoulder.
“I’m sorry, I thought it’d be good,” Mark replied defensively, “The ratings were high.”
“It’s not your fault, I’m just disappointed,” you pouted.
“Did you wanna do something else?” he suggested since it was unlikely that you were gonna sit through the rest of the movie.
“Let’s just stay here for a bit and cuddle,” you replied as you snuggled into his chest.
“Okay, I like that idea,” he hummed as he pulled you close and rested his head on top of yours.
You enjoyed having these pure, wholesome moments with Mark and found the sound of his heartbeat rather calming, but for some reason, whenever you guys were physical for long periods of time, your mind would always end up drifting to dirty thoughts. The two of you had been sexual before, but a lot of the time, you tried to control yourself so you wouldn’t give him the wrong idea; you loved him more than words could express and it wasn’t just for sexual gratification.
You hadn’t gone all the way with him yet, but you couldn’t deny that the thought had crossed your mind more times than once. Since Mark never really mentioned much about sex to you other than making dirty jokes, it was hard for you to bring the topic up to him. He was a boy, but no matter how hard you thought about it, you just couldn’t convince yourself that he thought about it as much as you did.
“Mark...” you mumbled nervously, finally growing desperate enough to attempt having a conversation about the topic with him.
“Um… have you ever thought about… it?”
“About what?”
“Y’know… ‘it’…” You could feel your stomach folding into knots as you thought about what you should say next. You didn’t want to say it out right, but at the same time maybe it wasn’t a good idea to assume he’d know what ‘it’ meant.
“It?” he asked again, urging you to sit up before throwing you a concerned look, “What do you mean? If there’s something bothering you, tell me.”
“Er… well…” you started, breaking eye contact with him, “It’s just… uh…”
“Is it bad? Am I doing something wrong?”
“No! Not at all! It’s… ugh…” Out of frustration, you cupped your face in your hands and tried to calm yourself down so that you could start over and try again.
“Hey…” Mark said worriedly as he pulled you in for a hug, “I didn’t mean to upset you, sorry… you can tell me when you’re ready to.”
After taking a moment to collect yourself, you briefly looked back up at him before pressing your lips against his. You came to the decision that asking him verbally was too difficult, at least in that context, so you would ask him through actions instead. It’d been a while since the last time you’d done anything sexual with him so you felt it’d be okay to let things escalate a little bit today.
As you continued to move your lips against his, one of your hands found its way down to his stomach, slowly drifting lower and lower down his body. Before you knew it, your fingers slid right over the waistband of his sweats and landed right on his crotch, the feeling of his already hardening member under your palm making your core ache with desire.
He let a moan slip into your mouth as you started to stroke him over the thin material of his pants, his hand going to your waist and pulling you closer to him before he broke the kiss, letting his head fall back against the back of the couch.
“Is this the ��it’ you were talking about earlier?” he asked breathily, as you continued to palm at his erection.
“Um well… possibly…” you trailed off, the movement in your hand starting to cease as you lost confidence amidst the topic that Mark had suddenly resurfaced.
“Are you scared to talk about ‘it’?”
“Maybe a little…”
“Why? It’s normal for couples to talk about these kinds of things. So what was it you were trying to ask me?”
“Um… okay,” you started, taking a deep breath before continuing, “Have you ever thought about… having sex with me?”
“Are you kidding me?” Mark laughed in disbelief, “Of course I have! All the time! What kind of boyfriend doesn’t think about that?”
“I don’t know… you never mentioned it before…”
“Well, I didn’t wanna be the one to initiate it or pressure you into it, so I figured it’d be safer to wait until you told me you were ready.”
Suddenly, you felt embarrassed that you were so worried over something so dumb, but at the same time you were relieved. You were thankful to have such a loving and considerate boyfriend who’s been patiently waiting for the ‘okay’ from you, but now you kind of regret waiting so long to bring up the topic. Communication is important in a relationship and you shouldn’t have been so scared to express how you felt.
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you pressed another quick kiss to his lips before speaking with a new burst of confidence, “I’ve been ready.”
Mark only smirked in response, carefully laying you down on the couch before getting your permission to remove shorts and panties. He was gentle as he removed each article of clothing, and once he had full access, his thumb went straight to your clit, skillfully rubbing over the sensitive bulb how he knew you liked it. “You’re so wet already,” He gawked as his other fingers wandered down to your wet folds and teased your entrance.
“I’m always wet for you,” you muttered before taking your lower lip between your teeth, brows furrowing as Mark slipped a finger into you and curled it up against your g-spot. Occasionally between curls, he pumped his finger in and out of your slick lips and when you least expected it, during one of those moments he surprised you by sneaking in an extra finger. “Mark!” you moaned out, toes curling and fists clenching at the newly intensified sensation.
“Are you sure you’ll be able to handle the real thing? I’m only using two fingers right now,” he teased before leaning down and pressing his lips to your forehead.
“S-shut up! I— can—” You struggled to make out between breaths, “It f-feels— good—”
With the combined feeling of his two fingers thrusting into you, stimulating your g-spot and his thumb continuing to toy with your clit, it wasn’t long before he had you shaking beneath him as you tried your best to fight back your oncoming orgasm.
“Cum for me,” Mark whispered as his fingers continued to work wonders between your legs.
The sheer sound of his raspy voice resonating in your ear was enough to push you over the edge, pleasure erupting throughout your body as you hit your first climax of the night. When you finally opened your eyes, Mark had quite a pleased look on his face as he hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his sweats and briefs, pulling them both down in one go. Your mouth watered seeing his erection spring free, the tip already glistening with his essence. He gave himself a couple pumps before positioning himself to your entrance, nervousness etched into his features as he looked up at you for approval before proceeding.
“Wait,” you interrupted as you reached down to grab his cock, gently urging him to scoot closer to you, “It’s my first time y’know… a little extra lube might be a good idea.” With that, you took him into your mouth, hollowing your cheeks as you slid your lips down his length.
“Fuck,” he cursed at your unexpected advance, “Don’t make me cum before we even start though.”
You hummed in acknowledgement, unintentionally adding to the sensation you were already giving him and forcing a throaty moan out of him. He only let you continue for a little longer before he withdrew himself from you, repositioning himself to your entrance again.
“You’re sure you want to do this?” he asked, reaffirming that you meant what you said earlier about wanting to go all the way.
“I’m sure,” you replied confidently, giving him a small grin for extra assurance.
“Have you been taking your pills regularly?”
“Yes, I have!” you chuckled, “Are you stalling? Don’t tell me you’re more nervous than me.”
“Of course I’m nervous! I wanna make this a good experience for both of us… it’s a lot of pressure…”
“Don’t think about it too much. If you’re too stressed you won’t be able to enjoy it as much” you cupped his face in his hand as you spoke, “I’m nervous too, but we’ll figure it out together, okay?”
He gave a small nod in response, taking a deep breath before slowly trying to ease himself into you. “Oh my god, you’re... so tight… A-are you okay?” he asked, noticing that you were wincing a little.
“Mhm…” you nodded quickly, “It just hurts a little… but it’s normal...”
“Okay… just… tell me to stop if it hurts a lot okay?”
You nodded again, smiling lovingly as you looked up at him through half lidded eyes. The moment you’d been fantasizing about for so long was finally happening and you couldn’t be happier. You knew it’d be a little bit of a bumpy ride given both of your lack of sexual experience, but the fact that it was with the person who meant the world to you and understood you more than anyone else was what made the experience so perfect.
“Oh my god,” Mark gasped, quickly snapping you out of your thoughts, “Y-you’re bleeding…” When you looked up at him, his eyes were wide and he was completely frozen, like a deer in headlights. “What do I do? Oh my god… I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to, I was just—”
“Keep going,” you interrupted him as you wrapped your arms around his neck, “We agreed that I’d tell you to stop if it hurts a lot… and I didn’t tell you to stop.”
“B-but… you’re bleeding?!”
“And it only hurt a little! It’s normal, don’t worry about it. I promise I’ll tell you if something doesn’t feel right.”
“You sure? This just seems so—”
“I’m sure! You’re doing a great job so far, Mark, stop worrying so much, okay?” You felt the tension in his body dissipate once you pressed a soft kiss to his lips, your chaste gesture finally convincing him that you were really okay. After what felt like forever, he continued to cautiously guide his full length into you before slightly retracting and snapping his hips again.
“You feel… amazing, by the way,” he puffed as he continued to meticulously control each of his movements.
“So do you… but go faster,” you begged, wrapping your legs around his waist for increased proximity.
“I’ll cum if I go faster,” he smiled at you playfully.
“Shut up,” you giggled, lightly slapping him on the shoulder.
Soon after, he complied, his pace gradually starting to pick up filling the empty living room with the sounds or raw sex, the coarse moans falling from both of your lips muffled by bare skin slapping against skin. “Y’know…” Mark started, his voice shaky as he tried to speak between pants, “I was only half joking earlier.”
“Ah— it’s okay, I- I’m close too,” you struggled to speak over how good he was making you feel. Maybe it was the adrenaline or maybe something else, but you didn’t even realize when the initial pain you’d felt had gone away; you just felt like you were on cloud nine and your whole body was buzzing with anticipation as your peak quickly neared.
As Mark chased his own high, he didn’t dare let down the quick and consistent tempo he managed to maintain up until that point, especially knowing how close you were to cumming. In no more than a minute and a handful of thrusts later, a second and more intense explosion of bliss filled your body making your back arch off the couch and toes curl as you uncontrollably fisted at the back of Mark’s shirt.
The feeling of your walls pulsating around him brought him to his climax shortly after you, leading him to quickly pull out and lift up your shirt just enough for him to release his hot seed onto your stomach. He hung his head as he hovered above you, taking a moment to catch his breath before reaching for some tissues to clean up the mess he’d made.
“Why didn’t you cum inside of me?” you asked wearily as you watched him gently wipe up the last of the sticky substance.
“I was too scared to risk it,” he admitted, tossing the used tissues into the nearest trash can, “Especially for our first time.”
“You’re lame,” you mumbled jokingly.
“That’s what you say after I make you cum twice?” he scoffed as he squished himself onto the couch to lay down next to you.
“Thank you for always being so considerate of me,” you mumbled as you snuggled into him, “I love you.”
“Of course, I only want the best for the best girlfriend in the world. I love you more.”
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Northern Exposure | Bucky // End
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Warnings: non consent sex and rape (series); violence, creepiness on part of our boys, predatory behaviour, Bucky’s an asshole, they’re all too lonely and too desperate, mistaken identity, spanking, binding, death, mentions of brainwashing.
This is dark! fic and explicit. 18+ only.  Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Pairings: Sam Wilson x Reader, Steve Rogers x Reader, Bucky Barnes x Reader, A Bad Time x Reader
Series Synopsis: You’re a nature photographer stationed up north but the arctic isolation comes to an unexpected and unpleasant end.
Note: I'm gonna be away dealing with lots of personal issues but will see yall when I get back and look forward to it.
Thanks to everyone for their patience and feedback. :)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 Let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply or an ask! Love ya!
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You were dazed as Steve pulled the tee shirt back over your head. He sat you in the same chair he made you fuck him on and you stared at your palms as he moved around. Your body didn’t feel like yours. You bent and unbent your fingers as you tried to feel anything but the buzzing rawness in your core. A plate clinked loudly on the table and you raised your head.
Steve pulled up a chair around the side of the table, his knee almost against yours as he sat, “you have to eat.”
You blinked at the dry looking chicken breast on yellow rice with overcooked corn and peas. He took the fork and you reached for it and he quickly batted down your hand.
Confused, you parted your lips and he cut into the chicken. He scooped up a forkful and held it out to you carefully, his hand cupped under it to catch any spills.
“It’s hot, blow on it,” he said.
You felt hollow and your brain could only think of the food as the scent made your stomach clench hungrily. You blew carefully on the fork and let him slide it into your mouth. He repeated it, again and again. Each bite was easier and despite the odd texture of the food, you didn’t mind the taste.
When the plate was cleared, he set down the fork and unfolded the paper napkin. He wiped your mouth, his finger tickled your bottom lip and he hummed. He handed you the bottle of water and leaned back as he watched you drink.
“You gotta keep your energy up,” he said, “it’s our fault. We’ve neglected you.”
You put the bottle down and shrunk in on yourself. It was all fucked. The more you sat there across from this man, the more your chest felt as if it would collapse. You lowered your head again and traced the line of your palm with your thumb.
“You need to sleep, I know Sam didn’t let you do much of that,” he said, “admittedly, I was selfishly impatient,” he stood and you watched him cross the room. He took the throw from over the back of the couch and looked over his shoulder at you, “come on. You should at least try.”
You didn’t move. You hung your head and swayed slightly. Everything around you was blurry, the air felt fuzzy, and your skin pricked with terror.
“Don’t call me that,” you hissed, “I’m not… not that. What you’re doing--”
“Over here right now,” his tone was stern and unyielding, “don’t make me repeat myself.”
You clenched your jaw and glanced over at him. His hand was on his hip as his eyes bore into you and the vein in his forehead made you flinch. There was a tenuous wire wound tight between his good side and his bad side.
You rose and ambled over to him clumsily. Your thighs rubbed together painfully and the effort made your pelvis ache. He grabbed your shoulder and guided you down onto the couch. He threw the blanket over you and tucked in the sides, his hands crawled over it and he felt your curves through the warm layer.
“Oh…” he retracted his hand and stood straight as he poked his tongue out and watched you, “I…” 
You turned onto your side and tried to ignore him. Sleep might be your only escape from that hell.
“Are you…” he hesitated, “I came in you. Are you on… something?”
You sniffed and rolled so that your back was to him. You whimpered as your thigh hit each other and pulled the blanket to your chin. You wanted to vomit up all the food he’d just fed you.
“I need to know,” he touched your shoulder, “if you’re not--”
“I have an implant…” you mumbled.
“Implant?” he repeated.
You stared at the back of the couch. Was he really that stupid?
“They put it in your arm. It’s good for a couple years,” you shrugged, “don’t worry, you’ll only be hurting me.”
You heard him swallow. He was quiet and his footsteps trailed softly away from you.
“I’m taking care of you,” he said, “you’re lucky I am because Sam doesn’t give a shit and Bucky would sooner throw you out in the snow.”
You didn’t answer. You covered your head with the blanket and closed your eyes. You were so exhausted, so sore, so worn out that you could only think of sleep. You wanted to forget about the man behind you and the two others wandering out on the tundra. You wanted to pretend for the little time you could that everything was normal.
The door woke you and sent you back into a spin. You huddled under the blanket and nestled further into the cushions as the boots clomped and a heavy dragging scratched the floor. You focused on keeping even breaths as the lock buzzed back into place.
“This was at her door,” a knock on wood followed Bucky’s voice and you could guess that your weakly crate of groceries had arrived, “it’s gonna be a while before anyone knows she’s gone.”
“Shh,” Sam hushed.
“She’s awake,” Bucky spat back, “I can hear her heart going.”
You cringed and slowly sat up. You looked over at the men as Steve helped Bucky pull the lid off the crate. Sam smiled at you and unzipped his jacket, “how are you doing, baby?”
“Fine,” you murmured and pushed yourself into the corner of the couch and folded yourself up beneath the blanket.
“Real milk,” Bucky declared as he pulled out the carton, “and bread.”
“Who brings all this?” Steve asked as Sam unlaced his boots, watching you as he impatiently undressed.
“The depot,” you answered.
“The depot? And they know you’re up here?”
“They get my money and they bring up what I order,” you grumbled, “I doubt they care as long as they’re paid.”
Steve nodded and shared a look with Bucky. Sam rounded the couch and sat beside you, he played with the edge of the blanket as you kept as far from him as you could. The other two kept sorting through the haul.
“Go back tomorrow, get the radio,” Steve said, “and we’ll have her place another order.”
Bucky looked at him quizzically then continued reading the side of a can of chili, “and why should I do that?”
“We’ll have her check in with her boss, tell them she’s safe,” Steve said, “she is, really.”
“No,” you said, “I won’t, I’ll--”
The can barely missed you and bounced off the wall. You looked behind you and eyed the dent as you pushed yourself up on the arm and the blanket fell away from you. You shook as you faced Bucky.
“You can’t trust her,” he said as he turned back to Steve, “you both know that and now you want to give her a radio--”
“Baby,” Sam grabbed your ankle and drew you back down onto the cushion. His arm snaked around you and he caressed your cheek as he held you to him, “it’s okay.” He tensed and peered over his shoulder, “do it again, jackass, and it’ll be thrown right back at you.”
A low growl followed and then the rustle of the groceries. A silence pervaded the bunker and made you shiver. Sam lifted the blanket over you again and held you tighter. He rocked you as he placed your head on his chest.
“You just gonna let her sit around on the couch all day? Lay on her back all night as we’re out there--”
“She’ll cook,” Steve asserted, “won’t you, sweetheart?”
You didn’t respond as you listened to Sam’s heartbeat and inhaled his scent. His touch made your skin crawl but his strength made you stay.
“I can take care of myself,” Bucky insisted.
“What the fuck is your problem, man?” Sam snarled.
“You know what the problem is,” Bucky retorted, “you fuckin’ know.”
“Buck,” Steve warned.
“He gave me bad intel,” Bucky’s boots hammered towards you, “just so he could have his little plaything.”
Sam slid you away from him and stood to stand chest to chest with his fellow agent. You gaped up at them as Steve came close and put his hands on their shoulders.
“Enough,” Steve warned.
“No, I could have killed her because this asshole lied, I could--”
“And you offered to kill her anyway,” Sam pushed Bucky, “so what the fuck’s the problem?”
“This is a mission, not a vacation,” Bucky sneered, “Hydra is still out there, Ursa is probably laughing at us right now--”
“It’s about the mission?” Sam challenged, “really? You didn’t care three days ago when you tried to run back Stateside.”
“Shut up,” Bucky snapped.
“You shut up, man,” they shoved each other at the same time and Steve got between them.
“Hey, both of you,” he pointed at them and looked from one to the other, “stop. Right now.”
Bucky roiled and Sam glared back at them as the other man barely kept them apart. One wrong move and it would be a full blown fight.
“You know what will happen, Steve,” Bucky’s voice cracked, “you know I can’t control it.”
“Only if you keep holding back,” Steve lowered his voice and waved off Sam, “she’s good, she’s obedient.”
“She’s scared,” Bucky said, “and that means she’s unpredictable.”
“Then help us, help us train her,” Steve said.
“No, I can’t,” Bucky shook his head, “not-- last time--”
“We’re here now, we won’t let it happen again,” Steve coaxed as Sam retreated, “but you keep doing this and it will.”
You stood slowly as Sam went to the crate and reached in. He took out a chocolate bar and smiled. You crept along the wall and a floor board gave away your movement. All three men looked over at you.
“I… need the bathroom,” you breathed.
Steve nodded and waved you on. He turned back to Bucky and grabbed his arm. He lowered his voice as the latter’s blue eyes peeked over at you. You couldn’t hear what he was saying but the way Bucky stared made you tremble. You scurried away and hid inside the bathroom.
You inhaled as your nerves bounced off each other. You listened through the door and your blood chilled.
“It’s different,” Bucky said, “if it was Ursa, she’d deserve it.”
“You won’t hurt her, that’s not you,” Steve argued, “she’s a good girl.”
“He doesn’t care,” Bucky gritted, “he doesn’t listen.”
“Bucky…” Steve sighed, “there’s no him, only you.”
“I can’t,” Bucky said, “not yet.”
Two more days, you thought it was only two. They passed slowly but in a blur. Your time was marked by the little chores given to you by Steve; you cooked the meals, blending your farmer’s haul and their military dry freeze rations and you tidied up to keep yourself busy and try to evade them. It didn’t matter, your work could wait until they had their pleasure.
A routine was put in place. You ate with the men and when they left in the morning, you slept until the afternoon, then you got up and cleaned and cooked. When they returned, you ate again and after supper, Sam or Steve took you into the bedroom. By the time the others retired, you were settled under the arm of your respective tormenter.
The fourth morning was particularly chilly. Sam and Steve woke up early and whispered in the dark. That night, you’d been trapped against Steve’s hot body but despite that, Sam bent to kiss your cheek. Steve placed a folded shirt in the empty spot beside you.
“You can wear that today,” he kept his voice low as the other super soldier continued snoring, “me and Sam have to go out on the ice. We’ll be back late.”
You nodded and looked past him to Bucky’s sleeping form, a lump in the dark.
“He has his own work but it’s early still,” Steve assured you, “he doesn’t like the water but we need two men.” Steve bent and rubbed your cheek, “just keep your head down and he’ll be gone before you know it.”
You were quiet as they left. You heard them readying in the other room and the heavy front door of the bunker signalled their departure.
You laid in the dark and thought of the third man. You could still recall that ominous conversation and the fire in his eyes every time he looked at you. You quivered as you thought of how he avoided you, stalking along your peripheral like a predator. Salivating but hesitant.
You couldn’t figure out what it all meant. You only knew that it couldn’t be good. Whatever scared Bucky about himself terrified you even more. Sam and Steve even seemed reluctant to push him too far, as if afraid they would trigger something uncontrollable and that fed your fear further.
You didn’t want to be there when he woke up. You sat up and pulled on the long sleeved tee. You crossed your arms and stood, keeping your head down as you stepped between the bed. A sudden movement in the dark made you flinch and you realised the snoring had stopped. Bucky caught your wrist before you could get to the end of the bed.
You spun back to him as he sat up and clung to your arm. You stared at him through the black as his metal grip squeezed tighter. You shook and tried to pull away.
“They’re going to keep you,” he said quietly, “nothing I can do about that.”
“Please, let me--”
“I don’t want to kill you,” he continued, “I only said it because I hoped it would keep it from happening. That they might leave you there so I wouldn’t.”
“I can’t help it,” he pulled you until your knee hit the mattress, “I try not to go that far but--” He yanked until you fell forward across his legs, “he wants you.”
“Not me,” he held your hip as his other hand rubbed your ass, “the soldat.”
He lifted his hand and struck your ass. You cried out and fought as you tried to push yourself up. He grabbed the back of your neck and wrenched you up, getting to his knees as he turned and forced you flat across the bed.
“They never let them live,” he whispered as he straddled you, “they made me kill them but if I didn’t fuck them, they couldn’t control me… him.”
“I don’t know what--”
“Maybe… maybe I can try…” his lips brushed your own as he bent over you, “I hear you with them and I want to try.”
“Bucky,” you touched his metal hand as it stretched along your throat, “please, you can let me go-- you can--”
He squeezed until your voice turned to a wisp and you rasped loudly as you tried to breathe.
“They’ll find you even if I do,” he said, “or make me find you.”
“Pl--” you coughed and grasped his fingers as your eyes watered.
He pushed off of you suddenly and you gasped for air. He grabbed your ankles and you yelped as he dragged you off the bed. Your back hit the floor and knocked the wind out of you. You sputtered as he pulled you through the door. The light of the front room shone in halos in your vision and he stopped in front of the low table before the couch.
He let you go and jabbed you with his toe, “don’t move.”
He retreated and you rolled onto your side. You sat up and glanced at the door. He opened a drawer and you stood shakily. He was going to kill you, he said so himself. You didn’t think about it long as you raced to the door and tried to twist the handle. The pin pad beeped and you tried to force it. You grunted as you heard him behind you.
The beeping grew louder and kept on. The alarm made your ears ring as he hauled you back. He forced you onto the coffee table, flat on your stomach as he tore your wrists down to the legs of the table. He wound a zip tie around each and moved back. You kicked out and he caught your ankles, bending your legs around the side of the table to bind them too.
You straddled the table, your chest heavy against the wood as he moved to disarm the alarm. His tee shirt fluttered to the floor as he tossed it in front of you. He chuckled darkly and paced around you as he toyed with the elastic of his sweats.
“This is what Hydra did, they tied the women down, had a special device for it,” he reached and tickled your spine, “but this will do.”
“Please, why--”
“They did what they could… the doctors in Wakanda. They tried to get it all out but… there’s things you can’t shake,” he slapped your ass and the whole table jolted, “those things are often what you need most.”
He spanked you again and your skin burned from his vibranium palm. You whined and let your head hang over the edge of the table.
“Please, it’s not too late, Bucky,” you begged, “you don’t want this--”
“I can’t be like them,” he interrupted, “I can’t be nice.”
“I’m going to break your jaw if you don’t shut up,” he smacked your ass and rounded the table again, “you can’t blame me, they wanted you.”
You gulped up air and shook your head. You heard the rustle of fabric and he kicked away his sweats. He went to the foot of the table and bent to grip it one either side of you. He sat on the wood between your legs and kneaded your thighs.
“They think you can fix me,” he rubbed your ass and slapped it with both hands, “but they don’t know.”
He gripped your hips and lifted himself. He held himself up with one hand on the table and felt along your ass as he bent his legs over yours. The table felt brittle beneath his weight. He pushed down your folds with his fingers and shoved two inside of you. He pulled in and out until your body slickened for him.
He tutted and dragged out of you and up to your ass. He spread your wetness around your tight ring and hummed.
“They haven’t touched this, have they?” he taunted and poked his finger against your hole.
You clenched your teeth as he pushed inside and you whimpered as he reached his knuckle. Even as little as that hurt and your body quaked from the intrusion. He pulled out as pressed two fingers to your ring. He forced them both inside and fingered your ass slowly as you groaned in agony.
“This will be just for me,” he rasped, “they can have your cunt.”
You pulled on your wrists until the plastic cut into your skin. His hand sped up and you tensed around his fingers. He groped your ass with his other and hummed.
“You’ll only make it worse,” he said, “not that it really matters to me.”
“You said-- you didn’t-- want-- to-- do this--” you puffed through the pain.
“I never said I didn’t want to fuck you,” he snickered.
“It hurts… Bucky--”
“I told you,” he pushed deep until his knuckles met your ass, “shut up.”
You swallowed your voice and he moved free hand up under your arm and leaned over your. He slid his fingers out of your ass and guided his tip along your tight ring. He held his breath as he pushed inside of you just a little and you exclaimed. He stretched you painfully as his metal fingers framed his dick as he eased further in.
“Fuck,” he groaned, “oh fuck,” inch by inch, the pain intensified and when he was his limit, you were sobbing.
His hand grazed your shoulder and he gripped your throat as he pressed his body flush to yours, his legs bent beside your ass. He rocked atop you as his other hand came up to meet his other. He encircled your neck and squeezed as he kept his hips moving.
He purred and his hot breath tickled your scalp. Through all the pain, you felt a plucking, deeper than anything before. You coughed as his fingers twined and he choked you harder. He sat up and pulled your head up as he kept his hands around your throat. He arched your back painfully as your arms strained against the ties.
He jerked his hips roughly. All patience was gone as he tilted into you rampantly and panted hungrily. Your eyes rolled back and your tongue lolled out as you wheezed, barely breathing as his fingers got firmer and firmer.
“This is it, doll,” he snarled, “this is how it ends… every time.”
He pounded into you and tremors of agony rolled through your body. Your eyes closed as your mouth grew arid and bitter. Your head throbbed as he sped up, flesh clapping so loudly it was all you could hear. Your body spasmed as you felt the strength leaving you, as the air drained entirely from your lungs, and sand filled your limbs.
Your head sagged over his hands and you bit your tongue without feeling it. Your body spasmed as he didn’t let up. You surrendered to the darkness as it closed it and promised to dull the torture, to end it all. Your body went limp over the table and the heat of his flesh and the roughness of the wood faded away.
You sank into the endless abyss and welcomed its embrace. It was over, all over. You were free.
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skiller0dani · 4 years
Don’t Stray | Diego Hargreeves
M A S T E R L I S T TUA Masterlist
smut requested requests info
lmao last few days have been wild. If you guys have been keeping up with the Five discussion you’ll know what I’m talking about. anyway, you guys are welcome to message me if you have any other thoughts regarding that. love you all xx
it’s short. and it’s also shit. hahahahahaha why am I bad at everything 
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You didn’t mean for it to happen. You doubt that would matter to Diego, that doesn’t change that it happened. 
You slept with someone other than him. 
You didn’t cheat though because technically you and Diego were never together. You just occasionally fooled around. You guys had never directly talked about not being with other people, it was almost an unspoken rule. He fucked you and nobody else, and you did the same. Except last night you did something you never thought you would do and Diego was going to be pissed. You laid on your back, smushed next to Luther on the small bed. You figured normal people would feel awkward about having sex with their best friend, but you and Luther weren’t normal best friends. Despite smoking together you and Luther hung out a lot, in fact he’d already seen you naked before you slept together. You felt comfortable around him, he honestly was just a big softie. 
The joint you stole from Klaus was laying burnt to the end on Luther’s nightstand. Klaus was going to kill you for stealing that while he was sleeping. You pull your pants on as Luther stirs slightly, his eyes opening as you shrug one of Diego’s shirts over your head. “Diego is going to kill me.” Luther groans as he rubs a hand over his face. You chuckle as you lean down to press a kiss to his forehead, “yeah probably.” You agree as you toe into your boots before sending him a wink and tiptoeing into the hallway. You yawn with a stretch as you carefully close the door behind you and just when you think you’ll make it to your room safely- “my last joint. You had to take the last one.” Klaus huffed just as you reached for the door handle to your room. 
The angry look slides off his face and a wide grin of realization dawns across his face, “did you just sneak out of Luther’s bedroom? Oh Diego is going to absolutely lose it.” Klaus laughs, clapping his hands together. You quickly slap your hand over his mouth as you drag him into your room. Klaus laughs against palm, his eyebrows raised accusingly as you close the door. “Trying to bang all the Hargreeves boys? You’ll have to wait a few years before you jump Five though.” Klaus teases after you release him. You shake your head, “it wasn’t like that-” You try to explain but Klaus just continues to chuckle to himself. 
“Are you telling me you didn’t bone Luther last night?” He asks, with his hands on his hips. When you sheepishly look down at your lap Klaus smiles while clapping. You don’t even try to stop him as he spins out of your bedroom, maybe you would have had a chance of convincing him not to say anything if you didn’t steal his last joint. You fall back against your mattress, already mentally preparing yourself for Diego’s wrath. 
You expected him to at least say something, but hours later and there’s still nothing. No calls, texts, nothing. Was Diego giving you the silent treatment? There was no way Klaus didn’t tell him already. Beginning to go insane in the silence you yank your door open and head down to the Library, hoping to find Diego. He uses the animal heads for target practice, as if he even needs target practice. Your palms are sweaty as you turn down the stairs, your breath hitching when you hear the familiar sound of Diego sharpening his knives. You swallow a thick lump in your throat before crossing the threshold into the library. Diego keeps his eyes on the blade in his hands, even when you move to stand in front of him. 
“Diego, I’m sorry. I know you’re probably upset about what Klaus told you-” You start but you’re cut off when Diego shifts his gaze from the knives in his hands to you. “Klaus didn’t tell me anything. But clearly there’s something you should tell me.” He says, his suspicions being confirmed by the look of horror on your face. The color drains out of your face and from the bar you hear Klaus muffling his laughter, dick. You swallow a lump in your throat as your fingers play with the loose strings at the hem of your shirt. “Oh uh n-nevermind actually-” You laugh nervously as you turn around but before you can get away you feel his hand clasp around your wrist. “Y/N.” His voice is hard and stern and as you turn around, he’s crossed his arms with an annoyed look in his eyes.  
“I slept with Luther.” You blurt, and the silence that hangs in the air after your confession has your palms sweating. Diego’s eyebrows raise as he turns away from you, his shoulders tense. You nibble on your lower lip, glancing over to send a glare at a giggling Klaus. “Klaus, brother, won’t you give us a minute please?” Diego asks, his voice unsettlingly calm. Klaus nods with a salute, leaving once he’d grabbed various bottles from the bar. Once Klaus had exited the room, Diego pulled the doors closed. “Sit.” He says, his back still to you as he locks the doors. You immediately sit on the couch, every nerve in your body tingling as Diego turns to face you, his jaw clenched and an angry look in his eyes. “I thought we had an agreement, you and I.” He says, crossing his arms as he takes a few steps to stand over you. You swallow as you drag your eyes up his body to look him in the eyes. 
“We do.” You say softly, your voice sounding hoarse and shaky. Diego hums as his eyes narrow, never once breaking your gaze. “So then what was it hm? He got a bigger cock then me? Is that it?” Diego asked, his voice still calm. You quickly shake your head as you try to stand up. Before you can stand Diego places a hand on your shoulder to keep you sat. “What? No of course not.” You explain nervously. Humming to himself Diego clenches his jaw, he’s definitely angry. “Did he make you cum better then I do? You gonna fuck him again?” He asks, a sharp edge to the tone of his voice. You shake your head, your palms still shaking. “No Diego I won’t, I’ll never fuck anybody else ever again I swear.” Diego suddenly grips your chin and forces you to look up at him. 
“No, you won’t.” He snaps, releasing you and reaching for the buckle of his jeans. You feel heat simmer in your stomach as Diego yanks his zipper down, the bulge already evident. You immediately reach into his jeans to pull out his hard cock. Diego doesn’t say anything and merely raises a brow. You lean forward and immediately wrap your lips around his cock, taking him all the way down your throat. Diego groans as winds a hand into your hair to help push your head against him more firmly. Your hands are on his hips, and your jaw is slack. Diego isn’t normally like this, he’s usually a gentler lover. You hollow your cheeks and Diego’s eyes flutter shut as his head hangs back. His hands soon yank you off him when you feel him tensing up. 
Diego yanks you to your feet before turning you to bend you over the arm of the couch. Your chest is heaving as Diego keeps you pressed to the couch as his shaking hands reach forward to yank your pants down. You tilt your head to look over your shoulder at him. Diego’s jaw is clenched and an angry look is in his eyes as he looks at you, before pushing all the way inside you in one languid thrust. You cry out as he begins to thrust into you hard and fast. You screw your eyes shut as your nails dig into the fabric of the couch, you’re practically hanging on for dear life. Diego’s hand slides up your back to grab at your shoulder to thrust into you harder. Your mouth hangs open as silent moans fall past your lips, you feel your high quickly approaching and as your toes begin to curl and you’re teetering on the edge- Diego pulls out. He pushes you back down onto your knees and quickly pushes his cock back into your mouth and with a few sharp thrusts he’s cumming down your throat. 
Your pussy is throbbing as he pulls away and turns for the door, “Diego, seriously?” You’re panting and the frustration from your lost orgasm overwhelms you. Diego doesn’t bother tuning to look at you as he strolls out of the library- yeah. He’s pissed. 
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ofcowardiceandkings · 5 years
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UH WHOA not only am i posting art but theres so much of it lmfao
ive been meaning to do this for mmmm a long time, and i decided to get it cleaned up so i can present folks with my homebrew/headcanon/thingy for the d&d playable races !! i know ive missed a few off but these are ones ive seen more of over all in my own travels in Nerd Game lol
ive only DMed one thing so far (our lost mines of phandelver adventure was a total blast but oh boy the shenanigans) but im like ... drowning in it all, have been for a loooonng time since i first played Neverwinter Nights when i was like 11, i just didnt have a party to mess with yet lmao (fingers crossed our schedules get sorted so the campaign goes ahead soooooonnn).. so ive been developing some of these various homebrewy headcanons for uh over half my life
getting them all together in one place like this was unbelievably fun !!
gonna yell under the cut for a bit about it more but very shortly i’ll be opening for d&d character / item / creature commissions so watch this space or pop me a message to get in a queue <3
these headcanon things are half based on “that looks cool” and Sciencing. a lot of the more humanoid in some way races ive really pulled on human ancestors a lot, as well as muscle development in different sports. And Animals, because ye
i haven’t included humans in this mammoth endeavour because we should all know what a Human People looks like, and their proportions aren’t any different in the world of D&D i run at least lol similarly, because they’re an exact intersection between humans & either elves or orcs, the half-species arent included on here either [shrugs] i WILL talk about them some here though !!
i might eventually update this with some npc generators ive made using my own descriptors and headcanons >.>
ELVES av height; 5′6 | heads-high; 8.5 generally long limbed, with fine wispy hair, elves senses are very heightened. helping in this, their eyes are almond-shaped with slightly narrow pupils, their large radar-like ears are very mobile, and the underside of their noses are covered in a lightly damp pitted leather. part of their ability to maintain grace with an elongated frame, aside from longer springy feet, is aided by a tail built somewhat like a horse, with a skirt of hair down its length, only with a slightly longer bone to it than would be seen in the typical pony. excepting a very light dusting on their lower limbs, they typically have very little body hair. sometimes their skin shimmers, or freckles sparkle.
GNOME av height; 3′6 | heads-high; 6.5  gnomes are almost like diminutive elves with a few key differences. their hair tends to be wild if left alone, but is often styled wildly anyway. set rather low on rounded but long faces, their large almond eyes are keen, and small hands very nimble. it’s not sure if its due to their close environments or frequent encounters with accidents in experiments, but their skulls are surprisingly hard, and they possess small horn nubs made of bone and coated in keratin. their small petal-shaped ears are set low and point outward, and are able to move a little to catch sound. they may look fragile due to their size and build but they are pretty hardy and more than capable.
HALFLING av height; 3′ | heads-high; 6 a very hardy but soft and welcoming folk, halflings are built for walking and surviving well, often coming from a semi-nomadic tradition. they typically have round faces with stronger jaws and soft round eyes, and their large ears are pointed upright. their figures easily get a little curved and chubby, especially when they have easy access to decent food, in preparation for harder times and the odd period of hunkering down for some downtime, say in poor weather. truly the most functional part of a halfling is their short powerful legs with big fairly flexible hard feet, and lion-like tail for balance, both insulated by hair.
DWARF av height; 4′3 | heads-high; 6.5 dwarves are accustomed to life in tougher terrain, typically with large parts spent in the ground. their broad frames are also squat down with thick short limbs, for huge power and for life in tunnels. wide feet keep them steady and sensitive to significant seismic energy in the earth, and wide hands aid in their work and the feel of the rock. their large round ears stick outward and are slightly mobile, large noses help condition the air, and high-set eyes with huge irises aid their vision in darker spaces and the ability to peek over things without being fully exposed. their skulls are also very thick just in case of falling rocks. all dwarves are very hairy and grow beards, taking pride in keeping and styling it.
GOLIATH av height; 7′6 | heads-high; 10 a totally different variety of rock & mountain people to dwarves, they do share a few traits. a goliath’s thick limbs are long with a big reach and huge stride, with big hands and feet for steady movement. as well as being hugely tall, they are broad, especially in their shoulders, with a long neck elevating their head further. their facial features tend to be very sharp, but long. they have little to no body hair, and they often dont grow head hair either, but decorate their skulls with tattoos. as they get older, the upper surfaces of their body develop pebble like growths under the skin, often in similar patterns to their habitats.
FIRBOLG av height; 7′6 | heads high; 9 firbolg typically live in deep forests but are actually a giantkin - although not too unbelievable given their huge height and thick build. large parts of their body are hairy, nearly furry, and their head hair is thick and wild, and they often have facial hair too. their large heads have long thick noses with an almost bovine leather to their top lips, and wide set eyes. their fluffy ears are very mobile, but when relaxed they drop and point downward. their nails are thick and sturdy, aiding in being even more dexterous while being so big. sometimes they are covered in layers of clothing, but they possess a tiny goat-like tail.
DRAGONBORN av height; 6′6 | heads-high; 8 dragonborns diverged from true dragons in the ancient past, likely due to a strong magical influence of some kind, but not so long ago that the bloodlines of dragons are absent from the race of dragonborn. (the illustration shows the typical head-shape and placement of ears, each bloodline has its own features). their chest is still very round like an animal, with deep chest muscles, a slightly less mobile shoulder, and short upper arm. their 4 clawed hands and feet somewhat resemble that of a true dragon, but smaller and a little less dangerous. the length of a dragonborn’s tail can vary from just the length from hips to floor, or up to their full height, and as well as being very useful for balance and dexterity, can be used for fighting. different bloodlines can interbreed, with it being a matter of chance which line is present in offspring (although metallic is more dominant over gemstone, and chromatic over both ... (ah yeah gemstone, ill get to that soon))
AARAKOCRA av height; 5′ | heads-high; 8.5 as an avian species, especially one capable of flight, the aarakocra’s bones are hollow, making them on the one hand very agile but a little fragile. their large wingspan nearly brushes the floor, and their wings attach high on their back, through to a deep avian keel. their arms have a long forearm, which is covered in bird-like scutes, and their 4 clawed hands are still remarkably talon like which quite short palms and very mobile thumbs. their legs are very long and powerful, and backed by a typically wedge shaped tail. more often than not, their physical appearance takes after raptor species of birds, but different populations can trend towards many different appearances, including parrots and waterfowl.
TABAXI av height; 6′6 | heads-high; 9 tabaxi are an unusual sight in many places still. their cat-like bodies are very flexible and suited to their athletic climbing lifestyle. their long hands and feet have very a powerful grip, and they can retract their front claws. their long feline face is something like a cheetah or a clouded-leopard, with large highly mobile ears, large eyes and a strong nose. 
av height; 6′6 | heads-high; 8
orcs are very powerfully build, with heavy muscles and thick bodies overall. compared to other humanoids they can look a little gorilla-like. their short legs are usually a little bent to carry weight better instead of busting knees when locked. their course wiry hair grows profusely all over their body. their strong nails often grow out a little pointed. their large thick heads have high heavy brows and protruding lower jaws, short round noses and low bud-shaped ears which stick outward. the lower jaw and sometimes upper contain tusks, sometimes multiple tusks, which are greatly cared for and very impressive.
HALF-ELVES av height; 5′6 | heads-high; 8.25 a half-elf’s build will be somewhere between human and elf, often inheriting something of an elf’s eyes and nose leather, shorter elf ears, and maybe a small tufted tail something like a rabbits
HALF-ORCS av height; 6′ | heads-high; 8 a half-orc’s build will be somewhere between human and elf, often inheriting something of an orc’s skin colour and dark and profuse wiry hair, shorter orc ears, and some small tusks.
GOBLIN av height; 4′ (stood straight) | heads high; 5.5 bat/cat-like ears, nose something like bear/cat, domed head, arms/legs same length, sparse wiry hair, claws, short digits, lithe but very strong and hardy
HOBGOBLIN av height; 5′3 (stood straight) | heads high; 8 bat/cat-like ears but pinched at the base, nose something like bear/cat, very domed head, arms slightly longer than legs, claws, sparse wiry hair, quite broad
BUGBEAR av height; 7′ (stood straight) | heads high; 7.5 bat-like ears, long domed head something like a lion/bear, arms very long, nearly totally covered in thick fur, big tusks and often fangs, very bear-like hands/feet, big claws, very broad
TRITON av height; 5′2 | heads high; 7.5 lithe but well muscled, quite streamlined for a humanoid, frilled ears, pretty flat face, fins on limbs/back, “hair” is tendrils/fins/etc, short strong legs & long arms, long webbed fingers, long flipper feet, gills along front/side of chest
YUAN-TI PUREBLOOD av height; 5′9 | heads high; 9 domed angular faces, lips are not humanoid, triangular eyes, scales, quite flat nostrils with sense pits following along underside cheekbones, very little cartilage in ear, some may have cobra hoods extending out of ear instead, very tall and thin with small hands/feet, reptilian claws
CENTAUR av height; 7′ | heads high; 10 fairly stocky pony body (usually about 4′10 at withers), very muscled front end, long neck & sloping human-shoulders, long faces with long broad noses, prominent lips, horse-like ears sticking up and out, their whole scalp can grow hair but shaved sides are common, can grow hair nearly all down human-spine
KOBOLD av height; 2′6 | heads high; 5.5 almost alligator-like head & eyes, tiny nub horns, quite animal-like chest, arms/legs same length, thick stubby tail same length of body, 4 digits with stubby claws, lithe but strong for their tiny size
KENKU av height; 4′ | heads high; 5.5 corvid features, deep chest but no keel, longer arms than legs, 4 digits with talons, hands human-like but scaled, wedge-like tail half of leg height, not-quite fully bird feet.
LIZARDFOLK av height; 6′6 | heads high; 7 iguana-like, egg-shaped head, neck wattle, line of back spines varies in height, long arms and legs, very reptilian hands and feet with long claws, elbow spikes
GRUNG av height; 3′ | heads high; 6.5 large heads, neck leads nearly directly into torso, super flexible, very long limbs, triangular body, short upper arm, shorter thigh, large hands/feet, 4 digits
LOXODON av height; 7′6 | heads high; 5.5 large head, trunk as long as torso, short legs / long arms, huge bones under thick muscle, thick skin, 4 digits with thick nails, large hands / rounded cushioned feet, v e r y broad and thick build, small tail with tuft at the end, 
TORTLE av height; 7′6 | heads-high; 7 thick wrinkled skin encased in huge shell, stooping posture with neck extending forward, very long arms & short legs, 5 digits with reptilian claws, boxy head, heart shaped from above with features set far forward, tail to balance stoop
MINOTAUR av height; 7′ | heads-high; 9 powerful build with thick bones, typically well muscled, bovine head on thick neck, often very large horns, fairly long tufted tail, big hooved feet, broad 4 digit hands with thick nails, hair length varies
listen this was a lot easier in the edition i first encountered lol anyway, until anything else comes up in extra material im just applying a few square & rectangle venn diagram rules
a useful word; planetouched. i dont really know why WotC seems to have dropped that term for at least 5e (i missed 4e entirely) but it refers to a “mortal native outsider” with lineage or influence from a plane other than the material, so “a material plane native creature with non-native plane influence, which can die”
GENASI height depends on material plane parent the result of a material plane / elemental pair (usually genies). they usually take after their material parent in build and broader features, but their elemental heritage comes through in features like magical hair, bright coloured eyes, unusual body temperatures, innate magics, etc.  genasi can interbreed with themselves, and the crossing of two elements can produce some interesting results (im working on that :>)
TIEFLINGS height depends on material plane parents this is the first of the squares & rectangles, and tbh its basically canonical. a tiefling is the result of a material plane humanoid being born with fiendish* influence. the word ‘tiefling’ refers specifically to a human with fiendish influence, but is also an umbrella term for ALL fiendish planetouched creatures. these DO have some names mentioned in the play material ! fey’ri = elves, tanarukk = orcs, wisplings = halflings, maeluth = dwarves, etc. so all fiendish planetouched are tieflings, but not all tieflings are human-based. the fiendish influence can be dormant for years or just string along for decades. AnyWay, all of them have horns, most have tails, odd skin or eye colour, and others can have all sorts of extraplanar features. *(fiends are another venn diagram thing in D&D, its an umbrella term for both demons and devils) 
AASIMAR height depends on material plane parents aaand this is the second of the squares & rectangles, the not-strictly-canon one. okay duplicate what i said about tieflings, but make it about celestials not fiends, basically lmao. aasimar is an umbrella term, but also a human/celestial planetouched specifically! unlike the above, since its my homebrew concept i dont have other words specifically for other races’ celestial planetouched, but i’ll get there watch this space lol EnyHoo, they all tend to have a strange glow about them in general, but usually in their eyes, and maybe hair especially. it isnt uncommon for them to have a kind of halo around themselves, or glowing glyphs/runes/sigils on or around them either. while MOST dont have full wings, a dusting of feathers isnt unusual. the features of celestials can vary a lot more. for example, unicorns and leonals are actually celestials!
aaand the slightly odd-ball;
WARFORGED height depends on build purpose these are an interesting case, as warforged are actually constructs, brought into this world by the fusing of organic muscle (like wood or leathery material) to an inorganic shell (like stone or metal), imbuing a life-giving fluid of some sort to act like blood, and bringing life to it by a powerful ritual - a unique glyph etched into their heads. as their name suggests they are usually created to become soldiers, or other army positions, although they could be suited to other purposes. unlike most constructs, they are fully self-aware and have a mind on par with humans. they do not need sleep (but require rest) and they also do not naturally reproduce. if they live longer than their purpose, then they are turned loose to deal with the world as they wish. as they are MADE they can vary greatly depending on who made them, and for what exact purpose - although they tend to have beak-like mouths, and 3 digit hands and 2 toed feet.
AV. HEIGHT CHART FROM LEFT TO RIGHT !!! human - elf - dwarf - gnome - halfling - orc - goliath - firbolg - dragonborn - aarakocra - tabaxi - kenku - hobgoblin - bugbear - yuanti - triton - kobold - grung - lizardfolk - tortle - centaur - minotaur - loxodon
oooboy that was a lot of waffle :L
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padsnprongs · 3 years
we always talk about sirius and james’ friendship, but what about sirius and lily’s?
lily taking a while to warm up to him, because she thinks he and james are one and the same, but also because she doesn’t trust him, considering his heritage
but she soon comes to the realisation that he is constantly trying to prove everyone wrong, to prove that he is nothing like his family
she sees the way the muscles in his jaw flex whenever someone calls him ‘mr black’
she sees the way he helps a scared, lost first year to find her class
she sees the way he stands up for a muggle born who is being bullied by his own ‘friends’
she sees the way his hands tremble and he quickly excuses himself every time a letter from his parents arrives with the post
she sees the longing glances he throws at the slytherin table, where a younger but practically identical version of him is sitting, shoulders hunched, laughing uncomfortably and looking as if he’d rather be anywhere else but there
they’re the same longing glances she directed at her sister during her summers back home
she knew the pain that sirius was going through, and she was the only one who understood it
as hard as they tried to understand, his three friends were only childs; they would never know a sibling’s love, nor the hollow emptiness that can never quite be replaced
she also knew how it felt to be the outcast in the family, to constantly feel like you didn’t belong, like no one quite wanted you there
And that was why she found herself following Sirius out of the great hall one dark winter morning, after noticing the way his face dropped as he read the signature on the envelope of his most recent letter.
Clutching a letter of her own, written with slow, curly writing that would never portray the shocking message it held, she excused herself from her friends’ conversation and hurried after the quick-footed boy, through corridors, up stairs, past statues, until she was rapidly running out of breath.
Finally, he reached his destination: the Astronomy Tower.
Stopping in the centre of the room, she watched as he strode over to the balcony and leant his elbows on the railing, sighing as he turned the letter over in his hands and gazed out over the Scottish mountains, still blanketed in the darkness that comes with a winter morning.
Debating on whether or not she should join him, she decided against it as she stood still, trying not to alert him to her presence.
'What are you doing, Evans?' he eventually asked in a tired voice. Lily's eyes widened as she realised what he had said. 'Erm, I don't - I'm not - nothing?' Sirius sighed as he turned around. With a jolt, Lily saw that his eyes seemed to be glistening slightly, but she didn't acknowledge it. 'You know, you're not as discreet as you think you are. I've known you were following me since you tripped on that statue.'
'So what?'
'So, what do you want?' He asked with a tired chuckle. 'I figured you were gonna walk over and start talking to me, but you've been stood in the middle of the room for the past ten minutes,' he added, with an eyebrow raised.
Lily felt herself turning red. 'I, erm... I don't know. I saw you rush out of the hall just now, and... I noticed that you do it every time you get a letter in the post, so I just-'
'Wait. Have you been watching me?' Sirius frowned.
Looking down, she replied, 'Well, I mean, I guess? I don't know, I was worried about you. You seemed upset. And I didn't just wanna go up to you and ask, because... well, let's face it, we don't exactly talk, Black.'
Her eyes barely flicked back up in time to see the boy's slight flinch at being called by his last name. Despite this, he chuckled. 'As far as I recall, you've said multiple times you don't want to talk to any of us.'
Lily's mouth curved into a smile, which didn't quite reach her eyes, but she didn't reply. Instead, she walked over to Sirius and imitated the position he had been in a few moments earlier: elbows resting on the rail, eyes flitting over the mountain peaks, the letter from her sister dangling precariously from between two fingers, as though she didn't quite mind whether she dropped it or not.
Turning around, Sirius silently mirrored her stance.
'What's that?' he asked carefully, his chin jerking towards the letter.
Lily didn't look at him as she replied, 'letter from my sister.'
Sirius' head turned to stare at her. 'This is the same sister that was on 9 and 3/4 with you?'
Lily nodded, her lips pursed.
Sirius remembered that girl. His mother had dropped him and his brother off at the platform, before nodding sharply, turning on her heel and leaving, without so much as a 'goodbye'. With a farewell smile at Regulus, who had already been engulfed by a crowd of Slytherins and had completely ignored him, Sirius had wandered off, looking for Peter, whom he had seen disappear into the hubbub earlier. That was when his eyes landed on a family of redheads, all hugging each other tearily. Evans, he thought, grinning. But then, he noticed another girl, who looked eerily similar to Lily, but was standing slightly apart from the huddle, a scowl on her face as she crossed her arms. Standing on his tiptoes to spot Lily through her parents' arms, Sirius noticed the wary glances that Lily was throwing at this girl, and tilted his head as he tried to figure out what was going on. But he didn't have long to contemplate, as just then he was ambushed by a small, grinning boy, already clutching a box of Bertie Bott's. Shaking his head, Sirius had pushed this strange, glowering sister to the back of his mind, and completely forgot about her, until now.
'I'm guessing you're not on the best of terms with her?' he asked, unsure whether he was overstepping.
Lily chuckled softly, but there was no humour in it as her lips curled upwards in disgust. 'You could say that.'
Sirius furrowed his eyebrows, contemplating what to reply. Eventually, he settled on, 'me too.'
'You too what, Black?'
Sirius brought his hand up to rub at the back of his neck, before awkwardly replying, 'um, just Sirius, is fine.' If Lily thought this was strange, she didn't mention it, instead acknowledging his request with a raised eyebrow and a nod of her head. 'And, er, I meant that I also have a sibling that... I guess I'm not on the best terms with, recently.' His sentence ended with a whisper, as he almost seemed to regret sharing this information, previously unknown to anyone, even Remus, with her.
Despite his obvious nervousness at what her reaction might be, Lily merely nodded in understanding. 'Regulus, right?'
Sirius glanced over at her, only to see an earnest, genuine expression staring back at him. 'Yeah.' he said, smiling wistfully at the thought of his baby brother.
'Petunia.' Lily supplied, with a tilt of her head.
'Um, what?'
Lily laughed. 'My sister's name. Petunia. I know your brother's name, so I figure it's only fair that you know my sister's.'
Sirius tilted his head in thought. 'Petunia. And Lily. What, did your parents have a thing for flowers or something?'
Lily nudged him with her shoulder and quirked an eyebrow, answering, 'what, did your parents have a thing for stars?'
Sirius let out a laugh, before nudging her back. 'Touché.'
Lily grinned, studying him with a tilt of her head. 'You know, you're not quite as arrogant and... self-centred as I originally thought, Bla- um, Sirius.'
Grinning, Sirius replied, 'no no, I definitely am, Lily.'
Shoving him again, she reached over and carefully removed his parents' letter from his hands. Turning them both over in her hands for a second as Sirius watched, she paused, and quietly asked, 'do you want to keep this?' with a quick look at Sirius.
Sirius, staring at the two letters, shook his head. 'No.' he whispered, with a sad smile.
Lily shrugged, before leaning off of the railing and tossing the letters, one at a time, out over the landscape like frisbees.
'Not our problem any more.'
Sirius chuckled softly, shaking his head, but glad to be rid of the weight that letter had carried.
And there they had stayed, watching as the sun rose over the mountains and painted the sky with brilliant hues of pink and orange and purple, before retreating back to the common room, bumping into each other and laughing the entire way back.
And so began an easy friendship, but also a connection that neither of them could find with their other friends. They understood what the other was going through, at least in terms of nasty letters from home, and siblings seemingly lost. Every so often, whenever one of them received an unwanted letter in the post, they would sit on the common room sofa together, long after everyone else had withdrawn to their beds, in comfortable silence by the fire, before one would take the other's letter, tilt their head in a silent do you want me to stop?, and then cast the unwelcome envelope into the flames, watching as it curled around the edges, disintegrating into ash.
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gamequeenanya · 3 years
Nico Collabs With Thomas: The Boyfriend Tickle Challenge! (Switch!Thomas, Switch!Nico)
Summary: Thomas and Nico try a special challenge for a video - answer a question wrong about the other person, get tickled! Who will get flustered? Who will be giggly? And who will win this challenge? 
Nico had asked Thomas if he could guest star on the show sometimes. He'd said sure! For their first collaboration, Nico sat next to Thomas in his room as he read off various ideas they could do.
"Here's a good one: The Try Not to Laugh Challenge!" Thomas said. Nico giggled.
"Seriously? My giggly boy Thomas has to try not to laugh?" He teased, wiggling his fingers. Thomas giggled, letting out a snort too.
"W-whatever!" he whined.
As Thomas read through the list of YouTube challenges, Nico kept teasing him by wiggling his fingers towards Thomas' sides, snickering quietly. He'd occasionally poke them too. Finally, after about five minutes of it, Thomas had enough. He turned around and tackled Nico to the floor.
"Okay, Nico... you win. How about YOU try not to laugh for ten minutes, okay...?" Thomas grinned mischievously. Nico gulped, knowing he was doomed.
Thomas tickled under his chin.
"Wait Thomas!" He said, resisting. "It's supposed to be you not laughing!"
Thomas seemed to change into Janus as he turned his head a little and got a smooth silky voice. "Plans change sometimes, sweetheart."
Nico struggled a little and found he couldn't get free.
Starting at his armpits, Thomas softly ran his fingers back and forth in the hollows. Nico squealed and thrashed about, shaking his head.
"Aw, you're failing already!" Thomas said. "Don't worry though. I'll go easier on you."
His touch got lighter, making the sensations more tingly and torturous.
"Hehehehehheheeee!! Please!!" Nico cried. Thomas paused, grinning down at him.
"Please what, Nico...?"
Nico shook his head. "Stahahahhaaap!"
Since they hadn't come up with a safe word yet, Thomas played it safe. He pulled away, leaving Nico to pant on the floor.
"Have we learned our lesson...?"
Nico huffed, sitting up and crossing his arms. "I'm not talking to you." He straightened his glasses, noting his cheeks were hot.
Thomas just sat there, satisfied to draw this out as long as he could.
Spoiler alert: Eventually Nico did talk with Thomas again, and that time they did make an actual video.
"The safe word is banana." Thomas said.
"No," Nico replied, knowing where this was going.
"That way when I don't say it, I can say, 'Orange you glad I didn't say banana?'" He giggled.
Nico sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Thomas, I swear..."
After that was agreed upon, they set up the camera and got ready to film their video.
They'd discussed the video beforehand and decided Thomas should go first. Nico got out some cards with questions written on them.
"Hi everybody!" Thomas said, doing his super happy smile. "Today, I'm joined by my boyfriend Nico! And we will be doing the boyfriend tickle challenge!" He laughed a little at saying that. Everyone could tell he could hardly wait.
Next to him, Nico grinned, holding up a card.
"First question, Thomas. And no cheating! ... What colour is my underwear?"
"What?!" He said, completely taken by surprise. "H-how would I know that?!"
Nico chuckled. "Just kidding! Here's the real question! 1. What's my favourite type of rock?"
"That's an easy one," Thomas said. He hesitated. "It's igneous, right?"
Nico sighed in defeat. "Yep!"
Thomas grinned, pumping his fist. "Yes!"
Clearing his throat, Nico went to the next question.
"Now then... What's my favourite hairstyle for women?" Nico said, thinking he'd have Thomas stumped.
"Uhhh... All women are beautiful regardless of how they style their hair!"
"A very Thomas answer! I'll give you half a point since it's technically correct! The real answer was beehive!"
"Dang!" Thomas said.
Nico lightly danced his fingers on Thomas' sides.
"Eheheheheheee!" Thomas wiggled in place. Nico giggled along. This was fun!
Giving Thomas a bit of a break, Nico moved on to the third question.
"Alright, number three, the big cahooney, your chance to prove yourself once and for all as the ultimate boyfriend!" Nico said. He checked the card and blushed. "Okay, no, we're skipping that one." He flipped over to the next card. "Ah. We're skipping that one too."
Thomas chuckled. "Are they really that inappropriate?"
"No!" Nico cried indignantly. "These are all family friendly questions!"
"Let me see."
Nico shook his head. The next thing he knew he was wrestling Thomas on the ground.
"Hehehey, no! Get away!" He shrieked. Thomas tried to reach the cards in his hands but he kept them high over his head. A quick tickle to the armpits, and Thomas had the cards in his hands. Nico covered his blushing face. "Oh gosh!"
"Hmmm... Question 3: Innie or outie belly button? I'm pretty sure yours counts as an outie." Thomas said, lifting Nico's shirt to check if he was correct. "Yep!" A gentle boop, and he pulled his shirt back down. Nico giggled. He wrapped his arms around himself, big smile never leaving his face. Oh gosh, what if Thomas' camera recorded all this? And it probably did. Thomas turned to the next card. "Oh, and worst tickle spot?" He giggled. "Pretty sure it's your right foot!"
Nico squeaked. So Thomas had been paying attention! "Okay, okay, you win!"
Thomas helped Nico up. He paused his teasing for a second. "Hey, Nico? If you're uncomfortable we can stop. We don't have to post this to YouTube if you don't want."
"You mean it?" He said. Looking away, he smiled nervously. "I mean, I was enjoying the game... But it does seem kind of embarrassing to show to the whole world, you know? Can we keep it, um, just between us?"
Thomas nodded, eyes sparkling with sincerity.
They turned off the camera and put it away. But the game wasn't finished yet.
"Your turn now, Nico!" Thomas teased, grabbing his own set of cards. Nico sat in his chair and tried not to squirm. "Okay, first question... Which celebrity does my dad look like?"
Nico twiddled his thumbs, thinking desperately. He didn't know! "Uhhh, uhhh, Jeff Goldblum?"
To his surprise, Thomas nodded. "Good! Next question, what nickname have the fans given to Logan's tie?"
"Tyler." Nico said without hesitation. Thomas nodded again.
"Alright, last question... You're doing great so far, don't worry..." He smiled reassuringly at Nico. "Now, this should be an easy one. What's my favourite cartoon?"
Nico blanked. There were so many cartoons Thomas had talked about over the years... But which was his favourite? He stressed and thought over it for many minutes before Thomas told him his time was up.
"Wait wait waaaaait!" Nico cried. "W-what was your favourite?!"
"To be honest, you could have said any of the ones I mentioned in my videos and it would have counted. I love them all equally!"
"What?!" He squeaked. This time Thomas gently scooped him into his arms and began scratching his sides. "Eheheheheheheheee!"
"Awwww!" Thomas said, smiling at how cute Nico was.
"Unfair!" he whined.
"Oh, that's not unfair, Nico... this is!" He put Nico in a tickle hold and massaged his hips.
Nico screamed with laughter! "HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAA!! THOHOHOHOOMAS!!"
Next, Thomas reached around to tickle all along his back.
Then he lifted Nico's shirt up and blew raspberries on his belly button.
"I'd like to see you try!" He said, giggling. Thomas danced his fingers all over Nico's stomach, avoiding the hands trying to fight him off. Well, for a few seconds, at least.
Nico managed to flip their positions and grab Thomas' wrists. He grinned down at him. "Surprised...?"
Thomas blushed, fully accepting of his fate.  
And Nico sure got his revenge! He skittered his fingers along his neck, making Thomas giggle and roll on the floor. He pulled his shirt up, and skittered his fingers all along his stomach. He blew raspberries on his belly button.
"HEHEHEHEHEHHEEHEHEHEHEHEEE!!" Thomas practically flailed. Nico swirled his fingers along both of his sides, making him wiggle back and forth. "HEHEEHEHHEHEHHEEEE!! NIHIHIHIHIHICO!!!"
"Yes, Thomas...?" Nico said, pausing.
Thomas panted, and looked up at Nico with starry eyes. He kept giggling for a long while. "Ahahaha... Hahahahaa... Ahahaaahaaa..."
Nico helped him sit up.
"O-Orange you glad... I didn't... say banana...?" Thomas said with a grin. Nico rolled his eyes.
"Yes, Thomas. Yes, I am..."
Nico stayed with Thomas for the rest of the evening, wondering how he could ever come up with a pun to rival that one.
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simpleserendipity · 3 years
Birthday Boy | Luke Hemmings | Mature
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Pairing: Luke Hemmings x Reader (established relationship)
Warning: smut, dirty talk, unprotected sex, and like over stimulation if you squint
Word count: 2,004 words
You smiled to yourself thinking about what your boyfriend, Luke, wants to do for his birthday. Last year there was a big blowout birthday bash that quite frankly got out of hand really quick. This year he begged for no-fuss over his birthday but, you want to make this year special anyway. You stepped out of the shower in your shared bathroom, before you wrapped yourself in a towel and put a towel on your head to hide the curlers before you walked from the bathroom to our room. Luke sat on the bed wearing nothing but a pair of shorts, looking at something on his laptop.
"Baby?" I hummed, "What do you want to do today for your birthday?" You asked him, looking through the clothing, hoping he wants to go out to dinner at least because you want to wear that red dress he really loves. Even if he didn’t want to go out, you still have a backup plan for a good night in.
"Stay home." He answered, not even looking up from the laptop.
"Well then what do you want me to get for you?" You hoped maybe he'd give me an idea for a good gift, even though you already had something in mind. 
"Nothing," He answered, laying on the bed after setting the laptop aside, "I don't want anything..."
"Nothing?" You turned around pretending to be shocked by his answer since it wasn’t news to you that he hated gifts, he would always rather buy you something than getting something from you, "Not a single thing?"
"Nope." He just watches me standing in front of the closet.
"Not one thing?" You put your hands on your hips.
"I just want to spend the evening with you." He answers bluntly, seeming disinterested in talk of his birthday. You roll your eyes because your usually bubbly boyfriend wasn’t like himself.
"Alright," You turn back to the closet, "Go downstairs and I'll be down to make dinner in a little bit." He does as he's ordered because he can never say no to you and he heads downstairs. You wait until the bedroom door is shut before you turn back to the closet, you dig to the bottom of the closet, searching for the little red box. You pulled the red box out and opened it slowly. Inside the box, there were two pieces of red lace lingerie, something you knew would accentuate all your best parts. You knew that this would be a perfect gift for him. You dropped the towel around your body to the ground, kicking it to the side. You pulled the towel from your hair as well. You had put your hair in curlers before the shower, covering them up as a surprise. The combination of the curled hair and red lace was sure to have him wrapped around your finger.  You slipped into the lingerie and went over to your vanity, you pulled the curlers out slowly, one by one. Then you shook your head out.
"______?" My sweet boyfriend called up the stairs, "Are you coming?"
"Give me a minute, baby." You giggled at his impatient demeanor.
"Alright." He huffed from downstairs.
You posed in front of the mirror, checking yourself out to make sure every piece was in place. You smiled and skipped down the stairs, but when you got to the bottom and pretended like nothing was going on, "What do you want to eat baby?" You went into the kitchen, climbing to sit on the counter with your legs crossed.
You watched as your boyfriend sauntered into the kitchen, "I was thinking-" He stops dead in his tracks, just looking at me, "_______..."
"What?" You looked at him innocently, "Is something wrong?"
Luke walked forward to me, "What are you wearing?" He looks me up and down.
"This?" You played with the strap of the top teasingly, "It's just something I bought." You looked back at him, "What? Do you like it?"
"Yes." He walks forward, uncrossing your legs to stand between them.
"You like it?" You placed a hand on his shoulder.
"I like it," Luke couldn't keep his eyes from roaming, "It's nice..." He muttered, putting his hands on your thighs, moving them up.
"I know you said you wanted nothing for your birthday," You used your freehand to trail your fingers up his chest, "But I still got you something anyway..." You stopped when you got to his collarbones.
“You are so good to me baby…” He leaned in and connected your lips. He licked your lip asking for entrance and you eagerly accepted. The kiss quickly gets messy between you two. Then we finally separated and a string of saliva connected your lips.
"Don't say a word. Don't do a thing." You ordered, "Go upstairs and lay on the bed now." He stepped back from me and nodded, listening to your every command. You loved how easy it was to get Luke to do as you say.
You nodded as you watched your boyfriend head out of the room. You slid off the counter, waiting a few minutes before heading upstairs. You went up the stairs slowly, stopping outside the door, your heart racing and your body heating up with anticipation. Your mind was racing thinking of the feeling of his calloused hands on your body or lips on yours again. You waited a few minutes until you heard the soft moans from the other side of the door. You knew Luke was touching himself the moment you heard the first sound.
 "_______, can you not listen to orders?" You snapped at him as you stepped into the room, seeing Luke lying back with his hand on his cock.
"I'm sorry," He retracted his hand right away, "I'm sorry baby.." Luke trailed off, biting his lip, and looked away from your gaze.
“Listen, it may be your birthday but I am still in charge,” You murmured, "Well since you would rather touch yourself than wait for me," You moved over to sit on the bed, looking at him, "Continue..." You gestured to him.
"_______," He whined, "Please touch me." He rolled his head back into the pillows.
He sat up looking at you, "Please touch me," Luke begged, "Please."
"No." You ignored his pleas once more as he continued to stroke himself tortuously slow. You sit there watching but only for a few moments, “Okay,” You huff, “I guess since it’s your birthday, I’ll let you off easy just this once.”
You slid off the bed and knelt in front of him, he shifts to sit on the edge of the bed. You run your hands over his thighs slowly for a moment, “Please _______,” The whines get louder as your hands neared slower to his dick, “I’ll do anything.”
"I can't help myself, Luke," You say as you lick the tip slowly, enjoying every moment of the teasing, his reactions were the hottest thing you’ve ever seen, "I just can’t help myself when you react the way you do."
"Fuck," he groans as you take him further into your mouth, "Keep this up and you're gonna get it later, _____." He friends dominance for a moment as you continue to work your mouth across his length. As you go down he takes one hand and tugs at your hair. You bob your head up and down, eliciting such loud sounds from him.
"Luke," You pull off all the way and his hand comes away from your hair, "Do you want me to continue?" You look up through your eyelashes.
“Fuck yes I do, _______.” He sighs.
“Then I don’t want to hear a sound.” You said right before returning your lips to around his cock. His hands clamped down on the sheets beside him. This was one of your favorite things to do because you knew that every time you go down on Luke, he can’t keep quiet. You loved watching him squirm and try not to let out a sound. He bites his lip quite hard, trying to avoid making a sound, knowing you’ll stop if he does. You smile and go back to sucking him off. You felt his grip on your hair tighten and he pushed your head down. You were gagging around him and your eyes were watering. You hollow your cheeks and took him all in, you could feel how close he was based on how tight his hand was on your hair and the shaking of his legs.
You pull off right before he could finish, “What the fuck, _______.” Luke looks down at you upset. You pushed him onto his back, crawling up to straddle his hips, grinding against him softly.
"Do you forgive me now?" I giggled as you continued to grind yourself against him, the lace adding just the right amount of friction. You leaned your head back as you ground against him, letting out a loud moan. You were done having your fun so you decided it was time to let Luke have his fun.
"You were such a good girl, sucking me off like that." He nods, “Let me make it up to you.” His hands find the hem of your underwear, slowly dragging down the sides. You lifted yourself for him to slide them off but he gets impatient, ripping them off. He tosses the shredded remains to the side.
“Luke those were fucking new.” You groaned.
“You said it was my birthday gift, let me do what I want,” He bites his lip and looks at you. He ignored the eye roll from you, "God I love this," He puts his hands on your hips again. You lean down to kiss him, then you move down his jaw, neck, and down his chest. Your fingers ghost over him again, "Don't stop there ______." He smirks, “Ride me.” He demanded.
You gripped his cock at the base, lining yourself up before slowly going down. You start to lift yourself again, only for Luke’s hands to find your hips, holding you down. You groaned at the feeling of being so full and looked at him again, "Please..." You whined.
"Please what? Use your words baby." Luke says with a cocky grin on his face, most likely getting back for the way you were acting earlier.
"Please fuck me," You pleaded, "Please let me move!"
"If that's what you want," He pauses, letting go of your hips, "Go for it." His hands left your hips and went behind his head. He smiled as your hands found his chest, using his chest as leverage to bounce on his cock. You threw your head back as you kept going up and down on him. The room was full of nothing but the mixed sounds of you two.
"You feel so good." You moaned as Luke reached under you and started to rub your clit.
"_______.." Luke groaned your name in between thrusts, “You’re so tight baby I’m not gonna last.”
“Fuck me either,” You agreed, picking up your pace, “Please Luke…” You weren’t sure what you were begging for but you continued anyway. Luke’s hips snapped up to meet yours, making you cry out.
“Do you want me to pull out?” He groaned as you clenched again.
"No..." You stammered out in between breathy moans. 
“Really? Holy shit it is my birthday.” He chuckled slightly as he continued to meet your hips with every thrust. You both finished and rode out your highs. You let out a big sigh before you collapsed on his chest, not bothering to pull out. Luke laid there with you on his chest, playing with your hair. You looked up at him and grinned at him with half-lidded eyes, "Happy birthday Luke." You saw a slight smile form over his lips, "I love you,"
Luke leans down and places a sweet kiss on your lips, "Thank you," He lies there, playing with your hair just a little bit more, "I love you."
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cypris-thalsian · 3 years
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I posted 367 times in 2021
60 posts created (16%)
307 posts reblogged (84%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 5.1 posts.
I added 23 tags in 2021
#cricket - 8 posts
#music - 3 posts
#youtube - 3 posts
#cypris - 2 posts
#hahaha - 2 posts
#if we're being honest - 1 posts
#story - 1 posts
#ava - 1 posts
#the fire-starter and her daughter - 1 posts
#cy-dance - 1 posts
Longest Tag: 33 characters
#because i could see cy doing this
My Top Posts in 2021
What if it was the fire-starters son?
"What if it was the fire-starters son? I'm not sure I catch your meaning. What if my daughter was a son instead?" Cypris pondered the concept, "It's really hard to say. If I had to guess he probably would not have found his way back to me as she has. Likely followed closer in his father's footsteps, been schooled differently. Or he could have seen things as she had."
"If you mean of Dorian, Only time will tell with him. Percival doesn't seem to think he's cursed as he lacks certain traits of my own and Ava's. It may very well be, dove, that its a women only trait. If it were passed to the men, I'd be dreading the toddler stage far more than I do."
@captzexx thanks for the ask!
6 notes • Posted 2021-08-10 23:31:03 GMT
"What's something you've always wanted to ask me to try—but assumed I wouldn't like?"
Cypris hummed with bemusement. “You sure you want -me- to answer that?” Brows rose as she leveled a pointed gaze on the warlock.  There was a roll of her shoulder with a haphazard shrug before simply stating, “Pegging... Any hinted motions that might have lead to it were redirected. It’s not for everyone. It’s not so much something I’ve wanted to ask for but there is the occasional urge to be on the giving side for a change.” Cypris chuckled, her gaze held on Percival for any likely reaction or lack thereof.
@thalsianiii Thanks for the ask XD
6 notes • Posted 2021-05-17 02:07:03 GMT
23. Who is better with kids?
Gonna vote Percival. Mainly because I’m pretty sure he has more patience than Cypris. And he’s more likely to read a parenting book or find advice while Cypris wings it. Though she has a tendency to be more logical.
6 notes • Posted 2021-08-15 19:54:21 GMT
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Percival looked over the little infant.
"It's so tiny," he commented as he inspected it closely.
"Ten fingers, ten toes, one noes, two eyes..." Percival counted all the bits.
"And... it's a boy! It's definitely a boy!" He praised with giddy excitement.
"We made a boy Cypris. A teeny tiny boy!"
( @thalsianiii )
11 notes • Posted 2021-07-02 20:48:15 GMT
The Summons, (DWCreunion/afterlife)
"Josalora Adombrare..." The name rolled off the captain's tongue with a fantastical irony that came with seeing the other woman cross the loading plank. "I thought we'd agreed to keep our distance."
Cold eyes scanned the deck and beyond before coming to rest on her former compatriot. "We both know our paths are more mingled than not. You're not truly surprised, are you? Been hearing peculiar whispers and thought the least I could do was pay my respects." The ghost of a grin curled beneath deceiving kindness.
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A lip curled as a leather-bound heel pressed into the damp board of the deck. "Not surprised. No. I assure you, however, dove, that your respects are not required. I suggest you get to the bit where you need a favor."
Jos reached into her satchel procuring a small wrapped gift which was placed idly on the ship's rail. A trio of steps carried her further onto the ship as if to make herself at home. "Who's to say I'm not here to do you a favor. We both know you're getting bored in that cottage. Truth be told I'm a little surprised you've chosen to spawn with that... I am surprised. That's all that truly matters."
A hollow laugh sounded. "It's not often that happens anymore. So I come in a charitable mood." The cool grin turned to find Cypris.
Unphased by the insinuated insult, Cypris kept a droll gaze on the deathwitch. "I'm really not in the mood to go rounds with you, Jos. Out with it or get off my ship."
Reaching back to the satchel, this time Josalora withdrew a scroll extending it out. "All work and no play makes for a very boring day. Takes years off your life you know. You're probably running thin at that rate." Pale brows popped up in a teasing wag. "I could help you with that."
Snatching the scroll, Cypris santered away from the witch that she might glimpse the scroll with a modicum of peace. Blood runes she'd not seen in some time-stained the lining. A hollowness not unlike the witch's own sank against her fiery core. Unfurling the scroll further still exposed the etching of a map. A tired voice answered the witch over a shoulder. "I'll need a day to finish the supply reload and finish a few things here."
"Done." Josalora chimed with a thinning smile. "I'll be back in the course of two tides. We're going to have so much fun. Just like old times."
See the full post
14 notes • Posted 2021-09-21 03:22:46 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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animefan-overran · 4 years
Stormed In (Palletshipping)
“W-well this is just g-great,” Ash shivered, as he stepped into a hollow semi-dry cave. “I’d say we’re going to be stuck here for at least a couple of hours, or until the storm dies down a little…” he looked up to the sky that was now flooded with storm clouds, and shook his head in disbelief. Just an hour ago, the weather was absolutely beautiful, with not a cloud in sight. “Geez, what a mess we’re in.”
“Well, Ashy boy, we’d be back at the lab by now if you hadn’t insisted on observing all of those Pidgey back on route 2,” Gary nagged, crossing his arms.
Ash rolled his eyes a little. How could he be this lucky. It was just a couple of weeks ago that he had decided to come back to Sinnoh partake in pokemon research, and today was supposed to be his ‘perfect’ first day. Instead, it was all but perfect. It all started when he woke up to his sickly Pikachu with a case of electrical overcharge. This both forced Pikachu to stay at the Pokemon Center, and caused Ash to miss the morning meeting where the all the new researchers got paired up with one another. Ash was happy to hear that he could still tag along in a quick day research assignment with a senior researcher, but his excitement quickly died when he found out that his partner was none other than Gary Oak. The same Gary Oak he just so happened to know since he was in diapers. The same Gary Oak that for some unknown reason, has always talked down to him.
“Well, it’s not my fault that a storm decided to sneak up on us on our way back to the lab,” Ash snapped back.
“Sure, blame it on Mother Nature, typical Ash!” Gary taunted, a hint of playfulness in his voice. For some reason beyond him, he kind of enjoyed seeing Ash get all flustered.
Actually, to say that Ash was flustered was an understatement. Instead, he was quite fed up with Gary. Ash turned away from Gary, deciding not to react. He started to trudge further into the cave. He thought he might as well explore what kind of pokemon live here.
Gary took notice of Ash’s inactive response, and frowned. As much as he liked seeing Ash squirm, he also knew that he could be a little overpowering at times. Although Gary felt like he couldn’t help it when it came to Ash. There was just something about him that made Gary’s heart feel confused about his true feelings for the younger boy. The only way Gary could think of defending himself was through teasing.
“Hey, Ash. What are you doing now?! You’re just gonna get lost, and then I’m gonna have to come find you.” Gary laughed.
Ash rolled his eyes before looking back at Gary “I might as well see what pokemon live in this cave. Just stay there. I don’t want to be around you!” Ash yelled back not caring anymore about his manners.
Gary sighed as he watched Ash wander further down the cave. I did it again didn’t I? he thought to himself If only I could just figure out how I feel about Ash, then maybe I could just be honest… No, what am I thinking?!? I can’t do that! There’s no telling what Ash will say or do!!!! Gary looked at Ash again, who was almost out of sight All I know is that I want to keep watching him…
Just as Ash was about to disappear from Gary’s line of vision, Gary impulsively started to walk further into the cave, following Ash’s trail. I just want to see what he's gonna do Gary reasoned with himself, as he picked up his pace. Being the quick mover that he is, Gary caught up with Ash in a matter of 30 seconds. It wasn’t until he was within 10 feet of the younger boy that Gary decided to start tiptoeing closer.
Gary’s secret pursuit only lasted for a couple of minutes before Ash finally turned around and spoke up “Geez Gary, I know you’re following me. Why don’t you just leave me alone! You don’t have to follow me around just for another chance to tell me that you don’t like me, ok?!? I get it!!” Ash shouted out.
Hearing this made Gary’s blood pressure rise. How did he know that I was following him?!? Gary asked himself. Then again, I guess we are in a cave, so sound travels… Well…I guess there’s no going back now Gary shrugged.
“Um, yeah. Sorry A-ash,” Gary stuttered out, suddenly nervous. “I just um.” Gary gulped fighting to form a cohesive sentence.
“Well, spit it out!” Ash said, somewhat annoyed at his so-called partner’s actions.
Gary breathed in, reaching deep inside to find his courage. He smiled as he stalked closer to Ash “Look Ash, I just really wanted to keep watching you.” Gary said earnestly.
Noticing that Gary was starting to get closer, Ash started to step back further and further. It’s not that he was afraid of Gary or anything, but more like that he wasn’t sure quite was going on.
“Oh, yeah?” Ash stammered slightly “W-why is that exactly?!?” Ash felt the heat rising in his face. “I thought you disliked me.”
“Why Ashy, I wish I knew the answer to that. I wish I knew exactly why everything you do drives me crazy. It makes me feel… weird inside, so I resort to teasing you.” Gary spoke with genuine emotion as he continued his advance.
As the day would have it, luck was not on Ash’s side, and before he knew it, he found himself trapped between the cave wall, and his rival.
“Woah, Gary… are you alright?” Ash quivered, slightly concerned. Never before had he seen Gary like this. “What has gotten into you?”
“Honestly, I’m not sure anymore,” Gary laughed as he finally closed the space between him and Ash. “Maybe the question should be, what have I been holding in,” He pinned the younger boy against the wall, and slowly brought his lips to his ear. “Sometimes I feel like I’m going out of my mind whenever you’re around. You ignite a fire inside me, Ash… it gives me jitters… explain that to me.” Gary murmured, his voice dropping lower with each sentence.
“Well… uhhhh,” Ash tried his best to reply, but any words he tried to form fell to wordless anticipation. However, amidst his uneasiness, he found himself enjoying their position, maybe a little too much for just being rivals. He could feel a tingling sensation circling through his knees, which rendered them unsteady. In fact, if Gary hadn’t been holding him up, he surely would have fallen by now. A new heat began rising in the raven haired boy’s body. A once angered ferver was now mixed with a sensual warmth, a deadly combination of emotions that made the blood rush to his face. In this moment, he was definitely grateful to whatever God that he was in a cave. If Gary were to see the blush he was sporting, he would undoubtedly never live it down. “M-maybe, you like-” Ash shuddered.
“Like what?” Gary cooed, as he breathed in Ash’s heat, his body practically attached to his.
“Not what… who…” Ash hummed weakly, unsure of how much more of this he could take. An ever growing lust for the older boy was festering inside of him. He needed Gary, and he needed him soon.
“I guess you’ve got me, there Ashy boy.” Gary whispered seductively. He could feel the sweat from Ash’s clothes start to seep into his. Ash tried to hold in a moan as best he could, but accidentally let some of it come out. This only made Gary’s craving for Ash stronger, and he wasn’t sure how much more he could hold back. He wanted Ash all for himself, to claim him as strictly his. He was fairly confident that Ash felt the same way, after all he wasn’t running away was he?
“Gary freaking Oak,” Ash moaned using the rest of his energy “You’re good at teasing me, and now’s no different. Is that w-what you want me to say?”
Gary gasped in shock of Ash’s bluntness, but was grateful for the hint. From there, Gary wasted no more time. Within seconds, his mouth found its way to the side of Ash’s neck. The reaction was almost immediate as Ash let out an appeased groan. The butterflies in the younger boy’s stomach were up and flying once again, as in a second flat, his hands made their way to Gary’s bottom, pulling them closer. Taking some charge, he slipped his hand underneath Gary’s boxers, and started to slide his fingers lightly up and down Gary’s opening. The two boys were now grinding against one another, in a desperate hunger for the other.
Gary made quick work with his hands, as they crawled under Ash’s shirt. His fingers roamed up and down Ash’s torso several times, before finding rest on Ash’s hard nipples. Taking the mounds between his fingers, Gary started to twist them. The motion was soft and sweet at the start, but the more Ash whimpered, the rougher Gary got.
Ash groaned as his free hand roamed to the front of Gary’s body, quickly finding the older boy’s hard on. At the same time, Ash grasped Gary’s length, and inserted two fingers in Gary’s scorching hole. Ash began pumping slowly on both ends, which made Gary hiss in deep pleasure.
“Damn, Ash,” Gary breathed “Harder, faster!!! Please!!” Both boys were starting to grow tired, but they both couldn’t stop their pace. After all, they were only getting started.
Ash started to pump as hard as he could, which made Gary rock his head back and his hips forward. For a couple of seconds, it was safe to say he was putty in the younger boy’s hands. Regaining some composure, Gary bounced back, and finally crashed his mouth onto Ash’s. Their tongues frantically fought for dominance over the other. Deciding to play dirty, Ash squeezed Gary’s length just enough to make the older boy gasp in shock. This was all Ash needed to overtake Gary’s tongue, and enter his mouth. Ash smirked, quite pleased with himself, as he took Gary’s bottom lip between his teeth, and lightly sucked.
Gary shook his head, appalled at Ash’s actions. “Now Ash, you know boys who don’t play fair get punished” Gary growled as he hastily spun Ash around, so that the raven haired boy was in the “little spoon” position. “It’s a good thing I’m here to teach you a lesson or two,” Finding his second wind, Gary started to vigorously grind against Ash, and within seconds Ash fell into pleasured silence.
Unsatisfied with Ash’s level of volume, Gary picked up his pace. “C’mon Ashy boy. Don’t fight it. I want you to scream out my name, tell me what you want” Gary firmly demanded.
Ash’s eyes rolled to the back of his head “g-ggARy, please, I NEED YOU INSIDE ME PLEASE” Ash shouted hard of breath. The gyrations Gary produced were going to be enough to push Ash over his edge right then and there, but he had to hold out for just a little bit longer.
“See? Was that so hard? Now, you were a bad boy, Ash. I’ll have you know that I could just stop everything right now, but lucky for you, I’m feeling nice today. Strip down” Gary commanded, and Ash quickly complied. Gary also unzipped his pants, and whipped out his fully lengthened member, lightly pressing it against Ash’s entrance “Is this what you need Ashy?” Gary smirked.
“GOD GARY, YES! PLEASE FINISH ME OFF!!!” Ash yelled at the top of his lungs, on the brink of insanity.
Happy with the response, Gary finally shoved himself into Ash with all his might, extracting a gratified trill from him. “Geez, Ash. Too bad I can’t see you very well. I’d bet you look so sexy right now with me inside of you,” Gary grunted, starting to pump back and forth.
Ash let out another string of soft groans, and bucked his hips back and forth to help Gary reach his G spot. “Damn it, Gary, I’m really freaking close!”
Taking notice of Ash’s encouragement, Gary started to pump harder and faster. Sweat beaded the older boy’s entire body from head to toe as he kept pumping. It wasn’t long before his quick and structured movements became sloppy and careless. “Hold on, Ash! Just a couple more,” Gary said with three lasts thrusts, before he finally pulled out. Both boys screamed out for the other as they reached their climaxes, their bodies moving as if they just got electrocuted.
At last, both boys found themselves coming down once again. The once cold air in the cave was now hot and humid. A comfortable silence hung in the air, as both boys put their pants back on.
Fiddling with his zipper, Ash let out a small giggle; Gary looked over his way. “What’s so funny?” he asked the younger boy.
“Oh, it’s nothing…” Ash said coyly. “It’s just… promise me that we can do that again sometime?” Ash blushed
Gary smirked as his hand caressed Ash’s chin, pressing a quick peck on the raven haired boy’s lips. “Oh we definitely will. After all, we’re research partners aren’t we?”
****THE END****
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4kominato · 4 years
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A/N: So basicallyyy, this is a recycled kpop fic that I felt was fitting for my best boy, Nori, so here we are 🙂 FIRST DAIYA FIC WOOP! ~ kuri
Prompt: first time where fem!reader bleeds making bf!Nori worry
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Pairing: Kawakami Norifumi x Fem!Reader
Genre: Smut (M) ~ SEXUAL CONTENT
Word Count: 2,233
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“This movie sucks,” you groaned as you let your head plop onto your boyfriend’s shoulder.
“I’m sorry, I thought it’d be good,” Nori replied defensively, “The ratings were high.”
“It’s not your fault, I’m just disappointed,” you pouted.
“Did you wanna do something else?” he suggested since it was unlikely that you were gonna sit through the rest of the movie.
“Let’s just stay here for a bit and cuddle,” you replied as you snuggled into his chest.
“Okay, I like that idea,” he hummed as he pulled you close and rested his head on top of yours.
You enjoyed having these pure, wholesome moments with Nori and found the sound of his heartbeat rather calming, but for some reason, whenever you guys were physical for long periods of time, your mind would always end up drifting to dirty thoughts. The two of you had been sexual before, but a lot of the time, you tried to control yourself so you wouldn’t give him the wrong idea; you loved him more than words could express and it wasn’t just for sexual gratification.
You hadn’t gone all the way with him yet, but you couldn’t deny that the thought had crossed your mind more times than once. Since Nori never really mentioned much about sex to you other than making occassional dirty jokes, it was hard for you to bring the topic up to him. He was a boy, but no matter how hard you thought about it, you just couldn’t convince yourself that he thought about it as much as you did.
“Nori-chan...” you mumbled nervously, finally growing desperate enough to attempt having a conversation about the topic with him.
“Um… have you ever thought about… it?”
“About what?”
“Y’know… ‘it’…” You could feel your stomach folding into knots as you thought about what you should say next. You didn’t want to say it out right, but at the same time maybe it wasn’t a good idea to assume he’d know what ‘it’ meant.
“It?” he asked again, urging you to sit up before throwing you a concerned look, “What do you mean? If there’s something bothering you, tell me.”
“Er… well…” you started, breaking eye contact with him, “It’s just… uh…”
“Is it bad? Am I doing something wrong?”
“No! Not at all! It’s… ugh…” Out of frustration, you cupped your face in your hands and tried to calm yourself down so that you could start over and try again.
“Oi…” Nori said worriedly as he pulled you in for a hug, “I didn’t mean to upset you, sorry… you can tell me when you’re ready to.”
After taking a moment to collect yourself, you briefly looked back up at him before pressing your lips against his. You came to the decision that asking him verbally was too difficult, at least in that context, so you would ask him through actions instead. It’d been a while since the last time you’d done anything sexual with him so you felt it’d be okay to let things escalate a little bit today.
As you continued to move your lips against his, one of your hands found its way down to his stomach, slowly drifting lower and lower down his body. Before you knew it, your fingers slid right over the waistband of his sweats and landed right on his crotch, the feeling of his already hardening member under your palm making your core ache with desire.
He let a moan slip into your mouth as you started to stroke him over the thin material of his pants, his hand going to your waist and pulling you closer to him before he broke the kiss, letting his head fall back against the back of the couch.
“Is this the ‘it’ you were talking about earlier?” he asked breathily, as you continued to palm at his erection.
“Um well… possibly…” you trailed off, the movement in your hand starting to cease as you lost confidence amidst the topic that Nori had suddenly resurfaced.
“Are you scared to talk about ‘it’?”
“Maybe a little…”
“Why? It’s normal for couples to talk about these kinds of things. So what was it you were trying to ask me?”
“Um… okay,” you started, taking a deep breath before continuing, “Have you ever thought about… having sex with me?”
“Are you kidding me?” Nori laughed in disbelief, “Of course I have! All the time! What kind of boyfriend doesn’t think about that?”
“I don’t know… you never mentioned it before…”
“Well, I didn’t wanna be the one to initiate it or pressure you into it, so I figured it’d be safer to wait until you told me you were ready.”
Suddenly, you felt embarrassed that you were so worried over something so dumb, but at the same time you were relieved. You were thankful to have such a loving and considerate boyfriend who’s been patiently waiting for the ‘okay’ from you, but now you kind of regret waiting so long to bring up the topic. Communication is important in a relationship and you shouldn’t have been so scared to express how you felt.
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you pressed another quick kiss to his lips before speaking with a new burst of confidence, “I’ve been ready.”
Nori only smirked in response, carefully laying you down on the couch before getting your permission to remove shorts and panties. He was gentle as he removed each article of clothing, and once he had full access, his thumb went straight to your clit, skillfully rubbing over the sensitive bulb how he knew you liked it. “You’re so wet already,” He gawked as his other fingers wandered down to your wet folds and teased your entrance.
“I’m always wet for you,” you muttered before taking your lower lip between your teeth, brows furrowing as Nori slipped a finger into you and curled it up against your g-spot. Occasionally between curls, he pumped his finger in and out of your slick lips and when you least expected it, during one of those moments he surprised you by sneaking in an extra finger. “Nori!” you moaned out, toes curling and fists clenching at the newly intensified sensation.
“Are you sure you’ll be able to handle the real thing? I’m only using two fingers right now,” he teased before leaning down and pressing his lips to your forehead.
“S-shut up! I— can—” You struggled to make out between breaths, “It f-feels— good—”
With the combined feeling of his two fingers thrusting into you, stimulating your g-spot and his thumb continuing to toy with your clit, it wasn’t long before he had you shaking beneath him as you tried your best to fight back your oncoming orgasm.
“Cum for me,” Nori whispered as his fingers continued to work wonders between your legs.
The sheer sound of his raspy voice resonating in your ear was enough to push you over the edge, pleasure erupting throughout your body as you hit your first climax of the night. When you finally opened your eyes, Nori had quite a pleased look on his face as he hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his sweats and briefs, pulling them both down in one go. Your mouth watered seeing his erection spring free, the tip already glistening with his essence. He gave himself a couple pumps before positioning himself to your entrance, nervousness etched into his features as he looked up at you for approval before proceeding.
“Wait,” you interrupted as you reached down to grab his cock, gently urging him to scoot closer to you, “It’s our first time y’know… a little extra lube might be a good idea.” With that, you took him into your mouth, hollowing your cheeks as you slid your lips down his length.
“Oh god,” he gasped at your unexpected advance, “Don’t make me cum before we even start...”
You hummed in acknowledgement, unintentionally adding to the sensation you were already giving him and forcing a throaty moan out of him. He only let you continue for a little longer before he withdrew himself from you, repositioning himself to your entrance again.
“You’re sure you want to do this?” he asked, reaffirming that you meant what you said earlier about wanting to go all the way.
“I’m sure,” you replied confidently, giving him a small grin for extra assurance.
“Have you been taking your pills regularly?”
“Yes, I have!” you chuckled, “Are you stalling? Don’t tell me you’re more nervous than me.”
“Of course I’m nervous! I wanna make this a good experience for both of us… it’s a lot of pressure…”
“Don’t think about it too much. If you’re too stressed you won’t be able to enjoy it as much” you cupped his face in his hand as you spoke, “I’m nervous too, but we’ll figure it out together, okay?”
He gave a small nod in response, taking a deep breath before slowly trying to ease himself into you. “Oh my god, you’re... so tight… A-are you okay?” he asked, noticing that you were wincing a little.
“Mhm…” you nodded quickly, “It just hurts a little… but it’s normal...”
“Okay… just… tell me to stop if it hurts a lot okay?”
You nodded again, smiling lovingly as you looked up at him through half lidded eyes. The moment you’d been fantasizing about for so long was finally happening and you couldn’t be happier. You knew it’d be a little bit of a bumpy ride given both of your lack of sexual experience, but the fact that it was with the person who meant the world to you and understood you more than anyone else was what made the experience so perfect.
“Oh my god,” Nori gasped, quickly snapping you out of your thoughts, “Y-you’re bleeding…” When you looked up at him, his eyes were wide and he was completely frozen, like a deer in headlights. “What do I do? Oh my god… I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to, I was just—”
“Keep going,” you interrupted him as you wrapped your arms around his neck, “We agreed that I’d tell you to stop if it hurts a lot… and I didn’t tell you to stop.”
“B-but… you’re bleeding?!”
“And it only hurt a little! It’s normal, don’t worry about it. I promise I’ll tell you if something doesn’t feel right.”
“You sure? This just seems so—”
“I’m sure! You’re doing a great job so far, Nori-chan, stop worrying so much, okay?” You felt the tension in his body dissipate once you pressed a soft kiss to his lips, your chaste gesture finally convincing him that you were really okay. After what felt like forever, he continued to cautiously guide his full length into you before slightly retracting and snapping his hips again.
“You feel… amazing, by the way,” he puffed as he continued to meticulously control each of his movements.
“So do you… but go faster,” you begged, wrapping your legs around his waist for increased proximity.
“I’ll cum if I go faster,” he smiled at you playfully.
“Shut up,” you giggled, lightly slapping him on the shoulder.
Soon after, he complied, his pace gradually starting to pick up filling the empty living room with the sounds or raw sex, the coarse moans falling from both of your lips muffled by bare skin slapping against skin. “Y’know…” Nori started, his voice shaky as he tried to speak between pants, “I was only half joking earlier.”
“Ah-- it’s okay, I- I’m close too,” you struggled to speak over how good he was making you feel. Maybe it was the adrenaline or maybe something else, but you didn’t even realize when the initial pain you’d felt had gone away; you just felt like you were on cloud nine and your whole body was buzzing with anticipation as your peak quickly neared.
As Nori chased his own high, he didn’t dare let down the quick and consistent tempo he managed to maintain up until that point, especially knowing how close you were to cumming. In no more than a minute and a handful of thrusts later, a second and more intense explosion of bliss filled your body making your back arch off the couch and toes curl as you uncontrollably fisted at the back of Nori’s shirt.
The feeling of your walls pulsating around him brought him to his climax shortly after you, leading him to quickly pull out and lift up your shirt just enough for him to release his hot seed onto your stomach. He hung his head as he hovered above you, taking a moment to catch his breath before reaching for some tissues to clean up the mess he’d made.
“Why didn’t you cum inside of me?” you asked wearily as you watched him gently wipe up the last of the sticky substance.
“I was too scared to risk it,” he admitted, tossing the used tissues into the nearest trash can, “Especially for our first time.”
“You’re lame,” you mumbled jokingly.
“That’s what you say after I make you cum twice?” he scoffed as he squished himself onto the couch to lay down next to you.
“Thank you for always being so considerate of me,” you mumbled as you snuggled into him, “I love you.”
“Of course, I only want the best for the best girlfriend in the world. I love you more.”
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demisexualemmaswan · 4 years
the story can resume (2/???)
A/N: "I'll definitely update in October," I said to myself two months ago. I tried to write but I admittedly struggled a little bit with writing this chapter. Hoping you'll enjoy this chapter! Also, I thought Henry was going to bet he sole narrator and then the muse decided otherwise. Hoping you’ll enjoy Emma and Killian’s perspective too! 
Summary: “The story can resume. … I will return. Find you, love you, marry you and live without shame.”An unfortunate misunderstanding caused by secrets and naivety forces a young couple to be torn from each other far too soon. It’s up to Henry Nolan to put the clues together and right the wrong he has caused his sister and the man she loves most.Inspired by the book/film Atonement for the Captain Swan Movie Marathon.   Tagging: @kmomof4 @hollyethecurious @teamhook @jarienn972 @dreameronarooftop15 @captain-emmajones @klynn-stormz @snowbellewells @csalltheway @captainswanmoviemarathon @captainswan21 @xsajx @lonelyspectator12 @yasbio2015 @mariakov81 @xarandomdreamx 
[Read on Ao3] 
“And he burnt the manuscript?” Killian asked angrily, digging another hole in the ground for the new shrubbery.
“He tried to,” Emma sighed from where she was lounging on the grass. “Apparently it was rescued from the fire with only a singed back cover and enough emotional scars to almost keep Henry from writing ever again.” She closed her eyes, tilting her face toward the sun. “Was it a mistake for me to leave, Killian?”
Her voice trembled and it stopped him in his tracks. 
“I...I can handle it when father gets like that. It’s been this way for ages, and he’s never understood Henry. I should’ve stayed here to protect him.” She slung her arm over her face to stop him from seeing her tears. He could tell by the way her chest hitched a little bit. “At the very least, by now they would’ve married me off and I could do something they’d actually be proud of.” 
“Emma,” Killian murmured, putting the shovel down. He furtively glanced around to make sure no one was watching him before he sat beside her. “Emma, love. You would’ve hated being stuck here. As awful as those gits were to you, I know how much you relished using your mind the last four years. You’re brilliant in so many other ways that your father is an arsehole for being unable to appreciate. There’s no point in sacrificing your happiness for everyone else’s. You deserve to be just as happy as any of them.” 
He reached out to touch her and then thought better of himself.
Killian glanced around again to make sure that Emma was the only one who had heard him. If he was to be honest, he had gotten quite used to the freedom that had come with being at Oxford. No one scrutinized their every movement, he could speak his mind to Emma, and she could  speak hers in turn. If anything, their time away from the manor had solidified their ironclad friendship. When they were taking the train home, Emma curled into his side as she slept, the nightfall cloaking everything that they had wanted to hide from each other, everything they’d wanted to ignore. But daylight had thrown everything into a sharp relief. 
Their stations, and Emma’s family, would never accept him as being more than the servant boy that they found on the street. Which would’ve been perfectly fine, if Killian had not been ardently and devotedly in love with Emma. He had no idea if she returned his feelings, but he fancied himself the keeper and protector of her heart. 
(He had other feelings toward Emma that he would only act upon when he was alone, as he pictured the hollow of her throat, her hair tossed back and what she would feel like around him.)
He would just have to simply resume the task in secret. If anything, it made him feel like her knight, championing himself for her, promising himself in all things to keep her heart safe. He was quite sure Emma would break his nose again if he ever verbalized his feelings, either sort of his feelings. She was a tough lass and she certainly didn’t need to be rescued. An incident in a bar at Oxford involving one Neal Cassidy and a broken foot  certainly proved that to all and sundry that Emma Nolan was not to be trifled with. 
But Killian did not mind building his best friend back up when she felt knocked down. She was fierce and brilliant, but it did not change that she needed to be reminded of this when the world knocked just a little too harshly. 
“I’m supposed to be picking flowers,” Emma muttered, finally drawing her arm away from her face. Her eyes were dry, if a little red. “David’s coming home today. For a visit. Did you know?”
“Aye, I’d heard,” Killian murmured. “A very reliable author informed me.” Warmth and amusement flooded his tone and Emma chuckled softly in spite of herself. “He’s bringing the fiancee. Mary something.”
“Mary Margaret. And two friends: Walsh Ozman and Graham Hubert,” Emma sighed, her green eyes flickering up to him. In the sunlight, he could see the golden flecks that were found in both Henry and David’s eyes, but they made her eyes look all the more striking. “Apparently they’re both extremely eligible bachelors.” Her voice hardened and her eyes narrowed. 
“Well, you can always break their noses and send them running,” Killian said serenely, standing up and getting ready to return to the yard work. 
Emma rolled onto her side and looked up at him, a smile playing on the corners of her lips. “It didn’t scare you away,” she reminded him softly.
“And it never will,” he promised, heading over to the wheelbarrow and shovel again. 
Emma’s hand reached for him as if to call him back and then she seemed to think better of herself, her fingers neatly folding in on themselves. “Thank you,” she murmured softly. “I don’t know what I’d do without you, Killian.” She came up beside him for a moment and rested her chin on his shoulder, her arms ensnaring his waist. 
He tilted his head slightly so he could look at her over his shoulder. “You’ll never have to find out,” he promised softly, his lips so close to hers that it wouldn’t be out of the realm of possibility to just turn around and kiss her. 
For a moment they shared a breath, simply looking at each other. His eyes searched hers, desperate for some sign that he could do what he’d wanted to do for the last four years. Her gaze never broke from his, and he could’ve lost himself in the green of her eyes forever. She leaned in a little closer until a yell from the house distracted them both. 
Emma pulled away abruptly, her breath rattled. Though he had not kissed her, he felt like his lips were buzzing with the anticipation of the act. “I need to go get the flowers,” she rasped, immediately turning on her heel and all but fleeing back into the house.  
“Emma!” Killian called after her, racing to try and grab her hand, to get her to explain, to get her to tell him what the hell that just was. 
But the honking down the lane signified the return of Liam with the car and the arrival of David and their guests. 
And then one car became two, signaling the arrival of Emma’s cousins and Killian sighed. It was going to be a very long day.
“But I don’t want to act out your stupid old story!” Jack protested, folding his arms over his chest. “This is horrifically boring! Hardly any violence in it at all!” “I agree, I want there to be some action! I think it’d be rather exciting for Leon to be stabbed at the end and I am an excellent stabber!” Nick added excitedly.
“And I am very excellent at falling over and pretending to be dead!” Jack exclaimed. He leapt to his feet and Nick pretended to stab him. Jack held onto his chest and staggered before falling over, pretending to be dead. “See, Henry?” the boy asked, his voice muffled by the floor. 
“No one is getting stabbed!” Henry protested hotly, crossing his arms. If he had known that casting his cousins in the reading of the story was going to be such an arduous task, he wouldn’t have done it at all. They were every bit as opinionated and bossy as they ever were, and any sympathy Henry had for their plight was long gone in the wake of their atrocious behavior. “If you want a part with stabbing then you can write your own story.”
“Let’s go swimming!” Jack cried, springing up from the ground.  “It’s too hot and I don’t want to write or read any sort of story! It’s summer and I shan’t do any school work while I’m here!”
“It’s not school work,” Henry short back.
“No school! No school!” Nicholas chanted.
“Let’s go for a swim!” Jack cried.
“But then we won’t be prepared for--” Henry started, but the uproar of the twins drowned out his protest as the two bolted out of the rooms, racing to see which one could find their swimsuit the fastest and which one could do the biggest cannonball off the docks. 
“Just a half an hour break, Henry.” His cousin, Ava, had only sat back during the whole exchange with a little smirk on her face. Even when she spoke, there was still a condescending edge to her tone that had Henry crossing his arms. “I’m sure you can manage that for your guests, can’t you? It’s what Uncle Leopold would want.” 
Henry’s shoulders slumped. “Yeah, go take your swim,” he muttered, looking at the floor. “I’ll just be up here waiting when you guys get back.”
“Will you rewrite Arabella’s last scene so that she faints?” Ava asked, tapping her cheek. “I’m a wonderful fainter. My drama teacher at school says so.” Henry just nodded mutely. “Good boy,” she said snidely before flouncing out of the room. 
WIth a sigh, Henry sat back down at his desk, pressing his forehead to the wood. There was a moment where he briefly considered tearing up the whole thing and letting his cousins off the hook. But he was sure that it would come back to haunt him someway.
No doubt Ava would complain that Henry wasn’t being courteous to the guests and had destroyed the book because it wasn’t going his way. And then Henry would get a long lecture which certainly would feature the phrase “man up” several times over.
Besides, as much as he wanted to, he was sure ripping up his manuscript would only prove his father right and greatly disappoint Emma. He was more afraid of the latter in that regard that the former and so he set it aside. 
Still, there was nothing that said he couldn’t write a revenge story about his cousins very quickly. That he could shred up so that it would never see the light of day, and it would make him feel more amiable toward his cousins upon their return from their swim.
After quickly adding in a line at the end to indicate that Arabella would faint, Henry began work on his project to let out his frustrations. In this story, he was much braver, all but shouting at his cousins. In this story, his voice roared like a lion when he took back his manuscript from his father and his father kowtowed to his interests. And maybe in this story, he was just a little bit better at math. There was nothing quite like getting lost in a story, as the world around him seemed to fade away. His bedroom no longer seemed to exist, but instead a world of evil queens, werewolves and monsters. He was quite entranced in his plot when a shout drew him away from his writing. Going to the window, he saw Emma and Killian standing by the fountain. Their father’s favorite vase was beside Emma, full of flowers. Henry was too far away to hear exactly what they were saying but he could hear Killian’s voice shouting at Emma. His sister stood stock still before she brusquely began shimmying out of her dress leaving her only in her chemise. Henry ducked away from the window, his heart pounding against his chest. What had he just seen?
Had Killian told her to do that?
Emma, after leaving Killian in the garden, had walked back into the house to get the vase. Her cheeks burned with how close she and Killian had been, though she tried to convince herself that it was just because it was hot outside.
She only had a moment’s notice to pull herself together as the twins came barrelling down the hall.
“I can jump farther than you!” “Well I can swim faster than you!” “Goodness, what’s all this about?” Emma laughed, watching Jack and Nicholas chase each other around the table. 
“Can we go for a swim, Emma, please?” they pleaded in unison, still chasing each other in a circle.
“Yes, of course you can go for a swim!” Emma laughed. “Go on! Race to see who can get there faster!” The boys giggled and went tumbling out of the house, shoving each other as they went. She smiled fondly for a moment before she went back to find the vase.
She picked her father’s favorite vase, knowing that he would want to show it off proudly on the table, and at least if she’d picked the right vase it would be a small recompense for whatever damage she was liable to do later on in the evening. 
Closing her eyes and counting to three, she took in a few deep breaths still trying to will the heat in her cheeks away.
“Why are you so flushed, cousin?” Ava asked suspiciously from the door. 
Emma’s eyes flew open. “Because it’s the hottest it’s been all summer,” she replied. “And I’ve just been in the garden.”
“With Killian, I’m sure.” Her cousin responded, then took a considerable pause before adding, “I’m sure your father would be very interested in hearing about that.” 
Emma did not appreciate the tone that her cousin was taking.  She stepped closer to Ava, just to remind the other girl she was a little taller and a little older. 
“A reminder to you that this is my house, and I am to go where I please,” Emma replied firmly. “And if Killian happens to be working while I’m lounging in the garden, then there’s nothing wrong with that. If anything, I’m sure my father would love to hear how committed Killian is to the upkeep of the estate.” 
She brushed past Ava before turning around and adding, “It would do you well, cousin, to be more gracious to your hosts. You may be a guest, but don’t think I don’t know about the money that’s gone into keeping your family’s indiscretions quiet.” 
“Are you threatening me?” Ava demanded.
“I wouldn’t dream of it,” Emma replied with a thin smile. “I’m just reminding you that you could certainly practice a little more gratitude. After all, your reputation hangs quite precariously and if you fall out of my father’s favor, then you might actually have to work for a living, cousin.” She tilted her head and added, “Perhaps Killian might be able to teach you about gardening. He’s quite good at it.”
She began to walk away, but Ava was determined to have the last word. “At least I’m not a good-for-nothing like you!” Ava shot back, folding her arms over her chest with a pout.
She stopped in her tracks, turning around to face her cousin. The remark didn’t sting coming from her cousin. She heard it so often that the remark barely made a mark coming from anyone. “Was that meant to insult me?” Emma laughed, the sound high and bitter. “You’ll have to do better than that. I already know I’m a good-for-nothing.”
With that, she walked back out into the garden. Killian straightened up when he saw her, but didn’t dare approach. He went back to his work, watching her out of the corner of his eye. Emma picked flowers while she waited for Ava to stalk past them and follow her brothers. True to form, Ava flounced past them with her nose in the air.
“It’s an excellent bouquet you’ve picked, love,” was the first thing Killian said to her, after a few moments of heavy silence. 
“Yes, I think David will like them a lot,” Emma said, trying to keep her voice bright. “I just need to grab some water from the fountain.”
“Well, that works out for me. Your mother wishes me to water the rose bushes by the fountain. I’ll come with you.”
Emma and Killian walked side by side to the fountain, the only sound passing between them the rattling of the wheelbarrow at first. 
“You’re not a good-for-nothing,” he said quietly to her. “You have to know you’re…”
“I am, Killian,” Emma said quietly. “But you’re sweet for saying I’m not.” Her sigh was heavy. “Knowing me, somehow I’ll have picked the wrong flowers or the wrong vase too.”
“Well, let me water them for you,” Killian offered gallantly when they arrived at the fountain. “So that you can say you didn’t mess up the watering.” He wrapped his fingers around the handle of the vase.
“No, I’ve got it.” She tugged the vase closer to her.
“I insist, love.” He tugged it back to him.
“It’s watering a vase. I can do it.” A firmer tug and a firmer tone.
“Emma, it’s fine!” His handle broke off of the vase and fell into the fountain. His eyes met hers and he shrugged. “Oops.”
“Don’t ‘oops’ me, Killian Jones!” Emma demanded, running a hand over her face. “That was my father’s favorite vase. He’s going to kill me.”
“I’m sure he won’t,” Killian replied. Emma took a step forward to yell at him. “Careful!” he shouted. Her feet had barely brushed the jagged edges of the vase and she stopped, frozen for a moment. Realizing that the handle was still in the water, she quickly stripped down to her chemise and dove in to fetch it. She winced when she felt the jagged edge of the broken piece cut into her hand, but she still held on when she came up for air.
“Emma, your hand! It’s cut!” Killian exclaimed. “Let me help.” “It’s fine,” Emma replied, fully aware that she was dripping with water and her chemise was essentially see through at this point.
“Let me help,” Killian insisted again, gingerly taking her hand in his own.
“So now you’re going to a gentleman?” she asked, trying to keep her breath from hitching at just how close they were standing to one another. 
“Goodness only knows what’s been living in that pond and if we have to cut off your hand, I’ll never hear the end of it,” Killian replied. “And I’m always a gentleman.” He took a bottle out of his pocket and gently began pouring it on Emma’s hand. “Ah!” she hissed. “What the hell is that?” “Rum,” Killian replied, closing the bottle and  taking her hand back in his. “And a bloody waste of it too.”
“What? Are you drinking on the job?” Emma asked, raising an eyebrow. “Hardly, but it makes for an exemplary disinfectant,” Killian replied. He took a handkerchief from his pocket and began wrapping it around her hand. Using his mouth to secure it, he very gingerly tied it in a knot to secure it in place. “There.”
“Thank you,” she said breathlessly, the hairs on her arms standing up.
“Is that all your hand is worth to you?” he teased, pulling back. “Perhaps some gratitude is in order.” He tapped his lips playfully, and Emma rolled her eyes.
“That’s what the thank you was for,” Emma retorted, her eyes shining with mirth. “Besides, it wouldn’t have happened if you had just let me fill the vase.” Killian quirked an eyebrow at her, and she smirked at him, knowing full well that he had blushed when pretty girls looked at him at Oxford. “Please. You couldn’t handle it.”
“Perhaps you’re the one who couldn’t handle it,” Killian taunted, popping the ‘t’ sound in ‘it’.
Emma stared at him for a moment before grabbing him by the suspenders and yanking him toward her. Her mouth slid against his and she desperately pressed into it for more. His arm hooked around her waist while his other hand went to her hair, trying to draw her in closer. She couldn’t help but moan as their lips slid together and he pushed back as if he could never get enough. When they broke for air, she was still clinging to his suspenders. They were sharing a breath, and though Emma couldn’t see Killian’s face--when had she closed her eyes?--he sounded as wrecked as he felt. Then, with a horrified spring of guilt, she realized that this was her best friend, and by kissing him, she could’ve compromised his future and his esteem in her father’s eyes.
“That was…” Killian started, the wonder still in his voice. “A one time thing,” Emma said frantically, pulling away from him. She gathered her things together and headed back into the house, leaving Killian there alone. 
It broke her heart to leave him there, but she couldn’t put his future in danger. 
The kiss made her realize that he meant too much to her for that.
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homesteadchronicles · 4 years
KINGDOM COME: Writing Excerpt (”One Way Onward”)
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So, guess what? Ya boi moved out of his parent’s home and into his own apartment this past week! Emotions abounded, which resulted in this. What better way to process change than through your characters, right?
In honor of my move, I wanted to present you all with an excerpt you would not have read otherwise. While this event happens mid-canon, the travel sequence itself is skipped over. As such, you get a glimpse into an overlooked moment in the midst of the story, have a chance to see through the eyes of a non-POV character, and you get to hear my a cappella pipes! I hope you all enjoy.
E X C E R P T   D E T A I L S 
PROJECT: Kingdom Come CHARACTERS: - Nadielle Sincairn: Norian Spymaster, wife of Elyk and mother of Oeden - Oeden Sincairn: Norian bellringer-turned-priest’s apprentice, son of Nadielle - Elyk Sincairn: Norian Knight Commander, husband of Nadielle SETTING: - Inside a carriage on the road to First Haven in Selhearth, the nation’s capital and the neighboring kingdom of their snowy homeland, Norire. CONTEXT: - The Sincairns are on a carriage ride headed for a worldwide festival, the events of which Nadielle believes will tear her son from her forever. The Way of the Sealed God awaits him in First Haven. Recognizing the sign of the times, she wishes for one last moment of comfort with her only child.
To the unknowing eye, the carriage escorting Nadielle and Oeden Sincairn from their home in Norire to the Havinic Convention would have become a common sight. Merchants, innkeepers, highwaymen: all manner of folk welcomed the traffic, what with half the world on their way towards their continent’s capital at once. None could resist the call of a festival.
Nadielle, however, had never followed the path of men. She tread the Way of Seals - and none could call its roads kind. By dawn, her son would follow in her bloodied footsteps.
The time to turn back had long since passed.
Nadielle knew: the tie between them loosened more by the minute, each moment lost a reminder of their imminent separation. Destiny had set a noose about her son’s neck and pulled it taut each turn of the moon. The apocalypse would have roped him into its approach eventually, had Oeden not tightened the knot himself.
Why, she mused, must I have made a boy as stubborn as me?
Could she even call him “boy” anymore? All baby fat had faded from his face, once-plump skin fading into haunted hollows. The youthful lilt of his lips had sunken from prejudice she could not protect him from. Even his hair had grown half as much as him!
At least his chin steered clear of stubble. Had that too betrayed her, she could envision the catastrophe to follow: Oeden, eyes arched and arms crossed, standing opposite his father. Elyk, blade raised in determination, would trim every last lock from his son’s throat…only to nick the skin and start a feud. It wouldn’t be the first time they’d fought.
And it won’t be the only sword at his throat, a memory reminded her. How could she forget? Nadielle did not need the Timekeeper’s Seal to know the clock counted down to Oeden’s endangerment. It ticked in time with her heart.
A sword might one day rest at his throat, but until then, it made its home in her soul.
Ignorance, at least, still graced Oeden. For now. Revelation would visit him as soon as their ride arrived. But here, he was just her baby. Just her boy. Just hers.
Hers to hold one last time.
Nadielle reached across the carriage and clung to Oeden’s hand. The unexpected contact caused Oeden to rear back, fearing an unforeseen vision. When no portent of tragedy showed itself, he eased into her touch. “What, did we hit a bump?”
“The only bumps I see,” she said, with a waggle of her fingers, “are under your eyes! You need sleep.” Nadielle patted the space beside her. It was not a request. “Come on - better rest while you can.”
Oeden cocked a brow but did not otherwise protest. He stuffed himself into the cramped confines of their now-shared seating until a pool of flame-kissed hair coalesced about her feet. The bells on his chains rung out as he laid his head in her lap.
How she wished she could silence those bells forever.
“You’re hiding something,” Oeden noted. He need not question her: the Spymaster of Norire preferred to keep clandestine at all times - even from family. Even still, he searched her face for a secret he could not find.
“Can’t a mother want to hold her son?”
“Can’t a son want to hold his mom accountable?” His eyes abandoned their hunt. They sought the ceiling instead. “Neither of us have ever been the touchy type.”
“True,” Nadielle agreed. But only one of us regrets it. She threaded her hands through his hair and imagined each strand was a wisp of fire. If she let it burn the wagon down, would it keep them from the coming maelstrom? “You’ll understand one day, when ‘am’ becomes ‘was’ before you’re ready. Then, you’ll remember this moment, and cling to whatever still is.”
Oeden scoffed. “Well, I ‘was’ at home and now I ‘am’ going to a convention - one you will also be at, might I add. Does the clinginess come on the ride home or…?”
“It will not come at all if you keep flapping that mouth of yours,” she corrected. It will not come at all either way. “Aren’t you supposed to be napping? How can you rest when you keep disrespecting your mother?”
“You know I can’t sleep.”
I know. Nadielle had endured a lifelong nightmare, but nothing compared to the terrors in her child’s mind. And I know why.
“Not without a lullaby, you can’t!” Nadielle countered his snorted retort with a cluck of her tongue. “Don’t doubt your elders - my mother passed this song onto me, before I left home, and now it will guide you on your Way, too.”
That caught Oeden’s attention. “You never talk about Grandma.”
“I never want to,” she admitted. “God willing, I’ll never have to again. But I am willing to make an exception: for your last night with me.”
Whatever discretion Oeden carried surrendered to his curiosity. One longwinded exhale later and his entire form stilled. He awaited his serenade.
When you walk away Will you walk the Way? When you cannot stay Will you go astray?
For the wolves ahead devour sheep And the nightmares hunt you as you sleep Although you I can no longer keep I pray that you walk the Way I pray you won’t walk away
Oeden peeked open an eye. “Is this supposed to soothe me or scare me?”
Nadielle hushed his sarcastic inquiry. The Way would bring him both, she knew, but he need only know the warning for now and await the blessing to be. 
When you walk away Will you walk the Way? If you leave my home Where now will you roam?
For I’ve kept you safe here in my arms Far from the world that wished you harm When wanderlust has all but lost its charm I pray that you walk the Way I pray you won’t walk away
Each completed lyric eased the limbs bundled into her lap. Oeden’s breath evened with every beat, even as Nadielle’s hitched in her throat. This song plucked at heartstrings she assumed had long since snapped inside of her. How out of tune she was with her own heart’s cry.
But only the benediction remained. If her son could not hear it, she prayed that God, at least, would heed it.
May Waymaker see and Seal you When you set forth from His throne May you follow in His footsteps Until His Way becomes your own Until His Way becomes your own
I pray that you walk the Way I pray you won’t walk away I pray, I pray the Way
The mournful lament continued until its lyrics ushered Oeden into a still-troubled sleep and its sentiments sent Nadielle into a hushed, heaving grief. The only noise left to soothe them came from the coachman. His whip did not wait for their wailing to relent. It did not anticipate another needed night together. It drove them on, and on, and on. No matter what.
Nadielle would have hated that sound, if its absence did not herald the end of her world.
Thank you for reading! This both pained and pleased me to write.
If you would like to listen to a recording of Nadielle’s song, performed by yours truly, please click here! Fair warning: I am not a songwriter, nor is the a cappella track particularly well-mastered. But it’s all for fun, right?
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eunsoyi · 4 years
dear moon
kpop songfic series #1: bokuto koutarou
warning: this is a bit long lol & angsty
dear moon, my moon
i can’t get any closer
like the moon i can’t reach
even with fast-paced walking
"i’m sorry." he muttered and lowered his head. i smiled sadly and brushed his hand with my fingers. my chest was burning in pain, as if it was going to explode any time soon. but i didn’t cry. i didn’t have the strength to do so. i kissed his knuckle and replied, "it’s okay, koutarou."
the next day, i did not show up at the stadium, much to my parents’ surprise. "aren’t you going to support your best friend?" they asked. i shook my head and covered my body with my blanket, pretending to be asleep. every bit of person in my school is probably there right now, cheering for fukurodani. no, they’re cheering for bokuto kotarou, the volleyball club’s ace, a volleyball superstar, my best friend.
my best friend who just rejected me.
i gathered the strength to stand up and open the television and at least watch the game from the comfort of my own living room. i stared at it for a few minutes until i heard the words "fukurodani’s ace does it again! an amazing straight shot!" as the camera pans to his jumping backside.
"he’s going to be a big hit soon, don’t you think, y/n?" my mother asked. i just nodded in response as i felt tears form in my eyes.
oh moon, like moon
why won’t you go away?
i try to turn away and run
but you’re like the moon that follows me
i sighed as i texted ‘i’m doing fine’ to my parents for the nth time this week. my college roommate kept laughing at me for having overprotective parents, and i just responded with a deadpan chuckle. two years into university and i already want to quit if not for the hefty amount of money that my family is paying for my tertiary education.
"bokuto beam!"
i stopped myself from looking at my roommate’s laptop. i’ve been hearing his name ever since we graduated high school, and it’s like a noise that frustratingly kept ringing in my ear to the point where i want to cut it off. my roommate was a big msby fan, and from what i’ve heard, kotarou had been scouted and became a professional player for that team.
not that i care.
every after a stressful and tiring day, she’d pop in one of msby’s games and squeal like a hungry pig. "you can use earphones, you know?" i said with a hint of annoyance in my voice that i failed to suppress.
"jeez, okay." she glared at me and finally, the room was at peace. but i couldn’t shake off hearing his name from the muffled speakers of her earphones, so i decided to take a breather.
the august night was cold, as expected, since fall is approaching rather rapidly for my liking. i sat down on one of the benches at the park in front of my dorm building and gazed at the stars.
i hated the stars.
despite being so numerous, they look so terribly lonely. the distance humans see between them was a ruse, as they were literally light years apart, a distance none of us can really fathom.
is it coincidence?
i jumped up immediately and locked eyes with a familiar white-haired boy, wearing a big jacket and a sports bag clung on his body.
"koutarou.." i managed to squeak out.
the moment we met eyes,
"it really is you." he smiled and gave me a hug. the hug was very brief for me to react, but i can still feel his arms linger on my back. i felt even more pathetic than i did when i confessed to him that night.
"yeah. i heard you’re doing well." i smiled, sat back down, and ushered him to sit beside me to which he happily obliged.
i heard a low voice
talking to me
"i am." he whispered. his eyes reflected the night sky, and they were the most beautiful things i’ve ever seen. as i looked deeper, i realized they were hollow, dark, very different from what his fans have been seeing. it was almost empty. lonely, even.
my hatred for the stars grew.
oh moon, my moon
i’m not trying to hold you
i know you’re too big for me to hold
i rarely saw koutarou after that. we finally had each other’s contact details after two years of not seeing each other, and he has been constantly texting me, but i haven’t given him a decent reply.
"what’s keeping you from doing so?" akaashi keiji, one of my high school friends and kotarou’s right-hand man, asked as we were eating out for ramen one night.
"i don’t know." i mumbled and twirled my noodles, msby versus another team i don’t know booming on the restaurant television.
"you’re still hung up about that night? i thought you’ve moved on." keiji raised his eyebrow.
"i have."
"then just properly talk to him."
"i can’t."
"why not?"
i sighed and crossed my arms, looking at the television which showed koutarou’s joyful cheer as he scored a point against his opponent.
"i’m not good enough."
the next week, i found koutarou sitting on the same bench i sat the day we met again. when he spotted me, he gave me the biggest, brightest, almost blinding smile i’ve ever seen.
"why are you here? aren’t you busy?" i asked while sitting down beside him. he chuckled. "i’m a volleyball player. the only thing i do is train and play."
i giggled. "fair point."
we talked for a good hour with canned coffee in one hand and a hot pack on the other. i did not pay attention to the cold, october air. the only thing i could see was the man beside me, radiating the brightest energy i ever felt, and the view of the empty park.
if only time would stop, and we’d stayed like that forever.
oh moon, my moon
i’m not trying to have you.
everything went by so smoothly, i did not have time to think things through. it became unspoken tradition between the two of us to meet in that park every weekend and he’d treat me to canned coffee, much to my dismay.
“don’t you get paid for being a professional athlete? why is it always canned coffee?” i jokingly said. he frowned. “isn’t spending time with me enough?”
yes. it was more than enough. i wanted to yell that out to him, but i couldn’t. i rolled my eyes in response and pretended to be annoyed at the canned coffee.
“y/n..” he said in such a serious voice. i hummed in reply, gulping down the drink in my hand. “do you still like me?”
i stopped myself from spitting out the stupidly sweet liquid in my mouth. i coughed, choking on my drink. “what?”
“i like you, y/n. a lot. i realized this when i saw you again.”
i did not respond and stared at the ground. my mind was blank. what should i say? what was i supposed to say? i haven’t thought about this, at all.
“can we date?” he broke the silence.
in hindsight, i shouldn’t have said yes.
the fact that you’re so dazzling
is because i’m too dark of a night
agreeing to date bokuto koutarou was a mistake.
we decided that i’d move in to his apartment, to which i happily did. the first few months were okay. we did the things couples usually did: kiss, hold hands, go on dates, whatever there is to name. however, despite being his girlfriend, i did not attend any of his games even if he forced me to. i told him that i’m not a fan of crowds, and i assured him that i am supporting him from our apartment, and he just let me be.
on our first year of dating, i decided to go to one of his games as a surprise.
i was sitting on the bleachers, blending in with the tremendous amount of fangirls and volleyball fanatics in the crowd. after the game, i whipped out a box of homemade chocolates and the bouquet of flowers that i bought and tried to approach him, but before he even noticed my presence, he was surrounded with different types of people: journalists, agents, managers, teammates, fangirls, fanboys, children and elderly alike are asking for his autograph and his picture.
i left without saying a word.
after that day, i got intensely busier. i prepared for my thesis, i was stressing myself with different laboratory subjects, and i got hired as an intern in a research lab. koutarou, on the other hand, kept getting commercial deals and busied himself with tournaments and games. we barely had time to see each other, and when we did, we’d sit in silence, a silence so deafening it almost made me go crazy. whenever i’d see him, his eyes would be hollow, the same eyes that were presented to me when i first saw him again.
i attempted to work things out, if there were actually things that needed working out. but we both couldn’t find the right time to do so. it was either he or i who’d go home immensely exhausted and go straight to sleep.
the relationship was going nowhere.
is it coincidence?
on your white face,
“koutarou, can we talk?” i finally said once he got home.
“i’m very tired, y/n. can we do this tomorrow?”
this conversation again. i was honestly so sick of those words. i kept my calm and tugged the sleeve of his shirt.
he sighed, dropped his sports bag, and looked at me in the eye. “what?”
“this relationship.. it’s..” i stammered, trying to find the right words to say.
“it’s getting pretty exhausting, huh?” he smirked and leaned on the doorframe.
there’s a shadow stain
that doesn’t suit you
“wait.. what?”
“i’m tired, y/n. goodnight.” koutarou whispered, kissing my forehead and headed towards the bedroom, closing the door behind him.
i’m waving
it’s how i call you
there’s a loner here
who resembles you a lot
a week later, kotarou and i broke up.
i asked why. i knew the answer, i just had to hear it from him.
“i was lonely.”
i smiled sadly. “i was, too.”
he gave me a week to clear out my things in his apartment, and to be frank, that was the most stagnant yet most painful week of my life.
i was wrong about him in so many ways.
in the years i’ve known him, i’ve looked at him like a star, more specifically, like the sun. he was so warm and bright that it made me frustrated. i thought i was nothing like him. i thought we lived in two very different worlds: him living in a place of happiness and stardom while i lived somewhere damp and boring.
but the times he showed me the real him, the bokuto koutarou behind closed doors, those empty eyes..
we were two peas in a pod.
instead of making each other happy, we were each other’s catalyst to our own descent.
i gave him one last kiss on the cheek and bid him farewell. i moved back to my dorm, much to my roommate’s surprise. “hey, y/n, did ya miss me?” she cheekily remarked.
“you wish.”
i wished that were the reason.
i met up with keiji very soon in our usual ramen shop, and i didn’t even need to tell him what happened. he found out through kotarou. apparently, he was actually planning to break up with me months before but couldn’t find the courage to do so.
“you know, it’s a waste.” keiji said, slurping his noodles.
“what is?” i asked, tilting my head in confusion.
“i honestly thought the two of you were perfect for each other.”
i sighed. “that was actually the opposite of what i was thinking.”
keiji looked at me with those pitying eyes that i hated so much. “are you okay?”
i’m not doing so well
“i’ll be fine.”
my only moon
as much as i can’t reach you
till the night grows deep
keep that silence with the white light
i stared at my thesis once more, which was binded and published. i felt tears welling up my eyes. my roommate hugged me, yelling and crying that she’s proud of me and whatnot. my parents who were on video call were sobbing as well. my phone notifications were blowing up with different message of congratulations.
i finally graduated. my thesis finally got published. i am finally an employee in the research lab i worked as an intern in. my family called me lucky for being so successful early on. i disagreed and just laughed it off.
that night, my roommate celebrated by buying beer for me as a treat. we stayed up all night, laughing and drinking. she got too drunk and finally fell asleep. i immediately went to get some blankets and pillows to tuck her in the couch.
“congratulations msby black jackals for winning the spring tournament!”
i stopped in my tracks. i didn’t realize she was playing another volleyball game in the time we were talking. i found myself staring at kotarou’s cheering figure. i closed my eyes, trying to suppress my tears.
i took the remote and turned the television off.
so i won’t sleep again tonight.
this was the first time i ever cried while writing. dear moon is my favorite song that was written by iu (i suggest listening to her version of the song bc it’s so good as well). hope you all liked this despite the angst!
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