#I am open to tips on how to improve
distressedwalnut · 9 months
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madcom background practice! I'm seeing a lot of mistakes but it's a start-
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worstchosen · 8 months
mini oc sketchdump
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honestlywynter · 5 months
Stop Obsessing Over The Void And Subliminals (kinda rude rant)
as a person who started interest in the loa in late 2020 discovering subliminals. LOA is simple, idk why it took me 4 years to understand. manifesting is easy.
if you have struggles with manifesting. don't panic imma help you from being like me 😜.
1. Realize you are in control
Stop STOP and i mean fucking STOP. Giving the void and subliminals so much fucking power and bitching about it " OH MY GOSH i didnt enter the void wtf am i gonna doooo 😪 " or " THE SUBLIMINAL SAID 5 Seconds and it would work where is my SP? "
like gorl u sound desperate as fuckkkkk lol
but heres how we change this. first the problem is YOU. why the fuck you depending on some tool? thats like me depending on my feet to make my decisions and getting mad when my feet dont say shit back to me. LOL
but no you just need to strengthen your self concept. you can do this BYYYYY
- repeating affirmations during the day
- changing your thoughts
- Rampages
- &&&& Drumroll pleaaaaseeeee .... 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁
Sleep affirmations. they slip into your consciousness at night :)....At the end i will link my FAVORITE VIDEOS, for the self concept.
oh shit you thought this was gon be long huh? no bookie its just two things. better your self concept and start manifesting. NOW i am gonna some tips.
stop giving the 3d power when you make the 3d...
you start your day saying " oh i have my ideal body im soooo freaking happy i finally did it, like i been x pounds for everrr and i love my body "
and then the second you look in the mirror you like " damn bruh i wish i had my ideal body "
cause like why tf did you just ruin your fucking manifestation, why did you fucking react????
When you look in that mirror this is what they mean by " old story ".
Instead, look in the mirror and close your eyes and imagine your ideal body, or just deny it. " who the fuck is that in the mirror, gorll ik thats not me cause i got my ideal body ive had it since 1823 "
dont let your thoughts rule u, u rule them. if you are in public and think " omg they looking at me cause think im big" NO dont do that...
instead say
" Girl they looking at me bc i got my ideal body, and i been had it since a baby in da tummy ahh"
exactly change that mindset. thats it. all you have to do is catch yourself, improve your thoughts and your self concept will be thru the mf roof. So den you can manifest in a snap of a fingerrr. period thats the magic 🪄 sauce bookie. also dont say will say have cause you already have it bookie bear ;)
im open for questions and i am open to telling what ive manifested WITHOUT some dumb ass void or subliminal lol.
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dilemmaontwolegs · 10 months
Not A Verstappen: A New World {1}
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x fem!driver!reader x Lando Norris Summary: With the season over it's time to turn over a new leaf as you start your next adventure outside the Red Bull family. Warnings: 18+ only, sexual themes, fluff, periods, blood, vomit WC: 2k F1 Masterlist NAV: Sibling Rivalry One || Two || Three NAV: Gridlocked One || Two || Three || Four || Five || Six || Seven || Eight || Nine NAV: A New World One || Two
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Christmas Eve 2022 “I could get used to this,” you murmured happily. The sun was warm on your skin, the waves gently rocked the boat and you were with your favourite people in the world. 
“What, unemployment?”
You dared to open your eyes against the bright sunlight just to glare at Max as he stood on a paddleboard a few feet away from the edge. “Relaxing, you asshat.”
Lando rolled over at the disturbance but his eyes didn’t open before he settled back on his side and draped an arm over your stomach. “She’s got a job,” he mumbled half-asleep. “Lady of the House.”
“Lady,” Max snorted. “Good one.”
You sat up and stretched before getting to your feet, much to Lando’s displeasure. “Water looks nice.”
Max scanned the beautiful blue sea, spotting Charles kitesurfing where the wind was stronger beyond the lee. “It’s a little cold.”
“Even better.” You ran and leapt from the back of his boat, tackling him around the waist and knocking him off the paddleboard and into the frigid water. You were laughing as you resurfaced and found Max looking like a drowned rat as he tried to scramble back onto his board. 
“Fuck off,” he shivered as you shook the board everytime he got on it, Lando’s loud laugh upsetting the gulls that hung around hoping for scraps. 
“Nuh-uh, not until you admit I am a Lady.” You grabbed the board again and shoved it about. “Earthquake!”
“Sweetheart, stop harassing poor Max.” 
“Poor Max?” You echoed as you gave him one last push before tipping your head back to float on the surface. “I can’t believe my mum’s favourite child isn’t even her own.”
“I don’t have a favourite,” she said as she set down a tray of baking at the outdoor table, P quickly following as she smelt the fresh cookies.
“You should, since you only have me, your numero uno.”
She rolled her eyes at your dramatics and you wondered if that's how you looked when you did the same thing. “Come and eat, honey. Now that you have no job there’s no need for those strict diets.”
You pulled yourself up the steps off the back of the boat and Lando held your towel open for you, wrapping it tightly in his arms so you were bundled inside. “I have a job,” you said with a laugh as Lando’s drying tickled you.
“That’s not a job,” Max reminded as he stepped onto the boat and dragged the paddleboard onto the deck.
“Obviously. But, seriously, you are looking at an Aston Martin pilot.”
“That’s a bit of a risk,” Max said with a frown at the news. “Lance’s father is always going to put him ahead of you.”
“Well as long as he doesn’t try to kill me then it’s already an improvement,” you said with a small laugh.
Max sat heavily on the padded bench and dropped head in his hands. He was still struggling to accept that Jos had tampered with your brakes and taken the fuse for the water pump before your last race. He had been obsessed with having the Verstappen name on the winners trophy. 
Apparently he hadn’t tried to kill you, he was just trying to slow you down so Max would get the points he needed to win the championship. The brakes were meant to work too well, not stop working entirely. It didn’t change the fact that your own father had nearly been the death of you. 
“That’s not funny, love,” Lando muttered in your ear, his arms tightening around you as he remembered the crash and the fear he had felt that day. 
“No, but if I don’t laugh about it I will cry, and that’s not pretty.”
“I think you’re pretty,” Penelope said with a mouthful of chocolate chip cookie.
“Thanks, P, but no one is as pretty as you,” you replied and laughed when she smiled at the compliment.
“Mouth closed when we eat,” Max reminded her with a grimace at the sight of mushed food between her teeth.
You joined her at the table, grabbing a muffin from the tray and ruffling her hair. “I’m going to miss you tomorrow but I hope you have a good Christmas with your dad.”
“Do you think Santa will find his way? My stocking is at home.” She frowned and placed her cookie down. “What if I don’t get any presents?”
“Have you been a good girl this year?” She gave you a small nod after thinking for a moment. “Then he will find you wherever you are.”
Christmas Day 2022 The palatial mansion had gone quiet as everyone went their separate ways for the evening after the banquet. There was no way any one family could have hosted the Christmas get together since there were just too many people but the island destination worked perfectly. Charles’ family had arrived on his boat while Lando’s family had flown in on Max’s plane and they were all spending the next few days celebrating the end of the year with you.
“I never want to move,” you groaned as Charles rubbed your full belly. “I shouldn’t have had that last yorkshire.”
“Maybe it was the two bowls of dessert,” he teased.
“Or the bottle of wine,” Lando added, his hands massaging your feet that rested on his lap. 
“I didn’t eat that much,” you huffed as you looked at your bloated midriff that seemed to dispute your words. “Where were you two planning on sleeping tonight? I’m sure there is a dog box somewhere on the island.”
“But then who would do this when your stomach hurts?”
You groaned as a sharp pain stabbed your abdomen and sat up. “Fuck.” Pushing off the couch you rushed to the bathroom and crumpled in front of the toilet, emptying your stomach of everything you ate before flushing the evidence away. 
“Baby?” Lando nudged the door open and frowned you as curled your knees up and groaned in pain. “You didn’t eat that much…”
“It’s not the food,” you whimpered as the cramps grew stronger and Charles arrived looking worried at your condition. “Can you run the shower?” You could feel the blood running down your thighs beneath the dress and groaned at the timing. 
“Should I call for a doctor?” Charles asked as he helped you to your feet while Lando warmed the shower. “You’re shaking.”
“I’m fine,” you said, squeezing his hand as you doubled over in pain. Lando blanched as he saw the red streaks running down your legs and you saw the panic in his wide eyes. “It’s just my period.”
“What do we do?” he asked. “What do you need us to do?”
You would have smiled at the rushed words if you weren’t being crushed from the inside out. “Hot shower, clean clothes, painkillers, pads, cuddles and death.”
“You mean chocolate,” Lando corrected as he pulled his shirt over his head and kicked his pants off before stepping into the shower. 
Charles didn’t give you the option to walk yourself in after, carrying you straight under the rainfall of steaming water. The heat saturated your dress and the water turned pink as it swirled around the drain at your feet.
“You guys don’t have to be here for this,” you murmured as you felt a hand dragging the zip down your spine.
“Silly Spitfire,” Lando chuckled as he reached for the special shampoo made for you, lathering it up in his hands while Charles released the updo you had styled for the dinner party. “We promised to take care of you, didn't we? So let us.”
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Max grunted a good morning to Charles as he entered the kitchen on Boxing Day and made a beeline to the coffee maker. Everyone knew Lando would sleep as long as he was allowed but Max frowned when you didn’t follow Charles in, his eyes lingering on the empty doorway expectedly.
“She’s not feeling very well,” Charles said as he placed his cup under the espresso maker. Though there wasn’t the comfortable atmosphere they used to share, they were on friendly terms after finding equal footing in their support of you and how your season ended. They were friends, just not best friends.
“Ah, goodluck, mate,” Max chuckled, returning to his half empty coffee and his phone he was checking the news on. “There’s some spare rooms if you need some space.”
“Why would we need space?”
“I love my sister, but you are going to be in for hell.” He winced at the memory of spending the holidays with you when you raced for AlphaTauri. “Happens every year.”
Charles snorted and took his mug with a shake of his head. “Thanks for the concern, but we’re good.”
You woke to the smell of coffee and found Charles sitting up beside you, reading something on his phone, while Lando snored softly in your ear. You had fallen asleep with their body heat easing the ache in your muscles and they were better than any heat pack you had used before.
“Good morning, ma chérie,” he said as he placed his phone down, noticing you were awake. After helping you to sit up against the headboard he grabbed a plate from the bedside table and placed it on your lap before grabbing a glass of juice. “Plain toast and iBuprofen.”
“Breakfast of champions,” you murmured sarcastically before taking a bite and smiling softly. “Thank you, babe.”
Charles kissed your temple before handing you the tablets and drink. “It’s just because it says not to take these on an empty stomach. Once Lando is awake we can get you anything you desire, even if one of us has to pop over to the mainland.”
“I’d rather just have you.” The words had slipped out before you even realised it and you shoved another piece of toast in your mouth. “Sorry, hormones.”
Lando’s dark lashes twitched where they fanned across his cheeks before they fluttered open and he stretched as he rolled onto his back. “What about me?”
You looked down at him in confusion as he rubbed his eyes. “What about you?”
“Would you rather have me too?” he asked with a lopsided smile as he used your thigh as a pillow.
“Are you always just pretending to sleep?”
“No, I just wake up when I hear something sexy.”
 Charles laughed as he combed his fingers through the wild mess of curls. “Why does that not surprise me, mon cher.”
“Well you can go back to sleep,” you said as you passed the empty plate back to Charles. “I feel disgusting, probably look worse, and don’t even try to tell me otherwise or I will cry.”
“Agree to disagree,” they said at the same time, sharing a small laugh. 
“I still think you are the most beautiful woman in the world, love.” 
“I can see that,” you teased as you looked down at the thin sheet that covered Lando’s lap. “You know what would make me feel better? You did promise me anything.”
Charles shifted beside you and his cheeks flushed pink as his mind ran wild with tempting thoughts. “Anything at all.”
Your tongue rolled across your bottom lip at the thought and their eyes darkened with each passing second. “I want to watch you two.”
“You sure you don’t want to join us?” Lando asked as his fingertip drew small circles on your thighs.
“Isn’t that gross?” you asked as you crinkled your nose and your legs closed tighter.
“It’s just blood,” Lando chuckled. “And red is Charles' favourite colour.”
You rolled your eyes but had to give him a little laugh as he eased the tension and Charles kissed his way down to your collarbone. “There’s nothing about you I would ever call gross. And you never have to be embarrassed with us, mi amor. We just want you to be comfortable.”
You swallowed at the sincerity in his voice but still shook your head. “I’m not brave enough today.”
“Okay, love,” Lando said with a kiss to your thigh before he sat up. “Then we will have to put on a show just for you, a late Christmas present.”
Click here for the next part.
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hana-no-seiiki · 1 year
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“Athanaxious. We are going back right this instant!” An adult male siren called out to his brother. His beautiful gradient tail of obsidian to violet shimmered underneath the water filtered sunlight.
“Oh stop being a prickly pufferfish for once, Vasileios. We’ll be in the deep once again in a moment. I just have to—“ ‘Athanaxious’ replied with a huff. No matter the uncountable times he had come to the shoreline, it was still difficult navigating through shallow water on such a rocky beach. His tail, an exact opposite of his companion with its sandy ivories and gold, flicked in all directions as it tried to propel him away from harsh terrain.
His hands gripped tightly to a leather sling bag across his exposed chest.
“Have to wh—“ The albino creature attempted to ask but was thwarted by a hash tug on his arm, “Hey!” He stretched out his arm to slap Athanaxious in retaliation only to pause at the sound of singing.
“All I ever wanted was the open sea and sky; freedom from the life I always knew.”
Both men froze. A chilly delight crawled through their spine, their limbs and eventually the tips of their fingers and fin. Vasileious had never heard of a voice that entrancing. He has heard several of his fellow sirens luring humans to their demise, but none of them could even hope to compare to this sound. It echoed within the chambers of his heart, the matter in his brain, and the longing that lied dormant within.
But then he saw it’s source and the features on his face soured.
A human.
“Now all I am is haunted as days and hours roll by…” You continued with your song, and then you abruptly halt. The next line wouldn’t come out properly. Your eyes run over the words, slowly getting frustrated with how it wouldn’t fit in.
Athanaxious doesn’t waste a beat. He knew that adorably annoyed sneer you’d make and what would fix it. “All I ever think about is you.”
Vasileious gasped. Athanaxious never sang. Always going on and on about the safety of the sailors on sea and how he didn’t want their blood on his hands. Yet here he was freely providing his — quite literally — magical voice to this human.
“Athanaxious, what are you—“
“Than! You’re back! I was just thinking on ways to improve that verse. Thank you.” You ran, the ruffles on your chiffon blouse flowed through the wind. You flinched and stumbled as the pebbles scraped the sole of your bare feet. Your luxurious leather heels long forgotten.
“Of course, your highness. I wouldn’t miss our reunions here for anything.” Athanaxious winked, just like how you taught him a while back.
You chuckled. The siren had noticed how the clothes you wore contrasted to those he’d usually spot at sea. ‘Couture’ you called it. But all he could think of was those pictures of human prince and princesses, and thus the little inside joke started. “I told you I’m not . . . “
Your eyes trailed from your raven haired companion to the albino. Athanaxious’ tail always fascinated you, but the new siren’s looked out of this world. Further reminding you of how different the worlds you lived in actually were. “Who’s your friend?”
“Oh, him?” Athanaxious rolled his eyes, another mannerism he learnt from you, “Just one of my older brothers.”
“You didn’t tell me you have an older brother.”
“Y-you didn’t tell me you were fraternizing with a- a- human! What would father think about this?Not to mention mother . . .” Vasileious’ fins shivered at the thought.
“Father knows.” Athanaxious shrugged whilst looking throw the bag he’d wrapped around him. You have gifted him many things, tangible or not, throughout your friendship. So he thought of bringing something back to you.
A pearl necklace. He was actually going to give you the clam it came from but judging from what fishermen looked for and spoke about, he thought giving you the biggest, shiniest pearl he could find would have been more appropriate.
As soon as you received the gift, you swiftly embraced him in an attempt to hide the empty look on your eyes before mustering the most sincere ‘Thank you.’ you could do.
“In any case, don’t humans have siblings as well? I just didn’t think it would be interesting enough to mention in our conversations. Our time together is often far too brief.”
“Far too brief it is.” You stared at the iridescent pearl. A sigh escaped your lips. “Than, I have an event scheduled on a beach—“
Vasileios attempted to cover his little brother’s mouth but it was too late.
“Magnificent! We’ll be there!”
“Excuse me, I didn’t agree to this—“
“—across the continent.” Your cheerful temperament dissipated.
Athanaxious asked, confused at why you seemed so upset about such a fact. Didn’t more events meant you get paid more in those currencies you spoke about? He shook his head, perhaps you were forgetting he wasn’t human like you always did and said, “Your highness, do I like I wouldn’t be able to swim there?”
“No, of course not. You seem quite capable.”
Athanaxious’ cheeks turned a dark shade of blue at your words.
“Besides you must have plenty of royal duties to accomplish.”
“I have no such thing—“
“Thank you for reminding me, human.” Vasileios’ patience had ran out. He loved his brother to pieces — he really, truly did — but feared the wrath of his parents much more. “Mother asked us to survey the reefs. If we come back without a proper report. . .”
“Oh fine.” Athanaxious slapped the other siren’s hand away, and then faced you with his sharp teeth. “Fare thee well, your highness.”
“You too, Than. Twas a pleasure to meet your brother.”
You sighed one last time. Annoyed at your lack of confidence in conveying the message you wanted to.
Athanaxious will find out sooner or later that it was your very own wedding he would attend by himself,
and the nickname he gave you? Might have some truth to it soon.
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[ AUTHOR’S NOTE ] - status: unedited
Have an old ass draft that has collected dust atp.
If this gets idk, 1000 notes I’ll make artworks of our siren brothers and switch out the one I have featured on the header.
This fic will have three-five acts in total. Of which the story I’ve already planned out. It’s pretty much just a twist on the classic little mermaid story to end our pride month with a bang. We love our historic gays as much as our contemporary ones 🏳️‍🌈
reader is amab and will have more stuff alluding to their masculinity in later acts.
©️ hana.no.seiiki - yun | 2023
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jyoongim · 3 months
Hi, I would like to ask Adam x female reader, him having sex with the reader, his best exterminator
🙏🏽Note: I am not an Adam fan so i dont know how if this is good.
I HATE THIS SO BAD. YALL I CANT I CANT DO IT *sobbing into pillow* you’ll never get another Adam fic from me
Title: His Best
You smiled as another extermination went successful. No mishaps and everyone was in one piece. The ladies were calling for a celebration and you nodded, there was no need to soil their fun with plans for next year.
A hand was on your shoulder, pulling you from your chatter, Lute. She nodded her head off to the distance, grinning “Report due”
You nodded and flew to where Adam was to give the annual report.
You were THE top exorcist in Adam’s little angelic harem.
You thought Lute was a bad bitch? Ha! She had nothing on you.
Your skills and strategy on demon extermination was always praise worthy, making you rise in rank rather quickly.
The number of kills you racked in every year? 
You tried to clean yourself up slightly, wanting to portray some sort of elegance, but knocked at his office door regardless.
”Lute said you wanted the report sir?” You asked as you approached your commander.
Adam smiled at you, leaning his head on his hand ”yea lay it on me Danger Tits”
You stood like a soldier as you gave the report. You reported the number of hellspawns killed, who made the most kills and who needed to improve their combat training. 
You must have been rambling too much because you didn’t even notice you had started to pace and Adam had wrapped his arms around your waist to pull you into him
“Whoa whoa babes! Hey! Relaaaax. Chill out for a bit” he laughed as you frowned, but relaxed against him.
”you know I LOVE when you talk violence babe but for now…”he started to press kisses to your neck
”I thought i should honor my baddest bitch” you hummed as he removed your mask, smiling when he finally saw your beautiful face.
You pulled away to remove your bloody uniform and burst into giggles as Adam pounced on you, picking you up and sitting you on the desk.
Adam wasted no time in slamming his lips on yours as his hands roamed your body.
You moaned into his mouth as one of his hands tweaked your nipples, pinching and tugging at the sensitive nubs.
The other slipped between your legs, softly brushing against your slit.
You tugged at his heavenly robes as he toyed with you.
”ha! But i promised to celebrate with the girls”you faked concern as his lips trailed down your chest to suck a tit into his mouth sighing as his tongue swirled around a nipple.
He let out a low growl, dipping a finger into your warm heat. ”Oh fuck ‘em. They’ll be fine. Lute can handle them”
Your back arched as another finger sunk into you, pulling a shaky moan from your lips.
Your hips grinded against his hand, riding his fingers as you threw your head back “f-fuck!” You cried, the sensation from both his mouth and fingers had your body tingling. 
“Sera is gonna want my re-report so we have to make this quick” you keened as he kneeled down, trailing kisses from your chest to your slippery folds.
Adam ignored your comment, instead he focused on your puffy clit. He flicked his tongue against the bud, eyes watching as your mouth fell open in a soft gasp. You leaned back slightly, spreading your thighs for him as you jutted your hips against his mouth.
He watched your face contort with pleasure as he trailed his tongue from your clit to slit and back. Wrapping his lips around the bundle of nerves and softly sucking, using his tongue to coax more slick from you.
“Quick? Oh babe you deserve way more than a quickie buuut if you insist” he mumbled against your pussy.
He gave your cunt one last lick before standing and turning you over, your feet planted as you leaned over the desk. You wiggled your ass at him teasingly, giggling as he smacked your ass and rubbed the tip of his dick against you.
You swear your eyes sported heart eyes when he sunk his dick into you. “Ooh fuck! Yes!” You cried as he set a rough pace, dick hitting those spots that only he could reach.
Soft grunts and whines filled the room as Adam’s hips slammed against yours fap fap fap bounced on the walls as you trembled beneath the angel.
”Tch I never get tired of this pussy. Best pussy I’ve ever fucked” he huffed. You smirked, looking over your shoulder as you pushed your hips back to meet his thrusts  “better than your wives?”
His cock twitched and he growled, burying his hand in your hair, mushing your cheek into the glass. He angled his hips to dig into your gummy walls making you whine
”much better”
You clawed at the glass as he pounded into your pussy, your legs trembling as they tried to support his brute strength. Your thighs were sticky from your slick and you bristled as you felt the pricks of an orgasm approach.
Adam chuckled as your cunt fluttered, clenching as you grinded your hips against him. “Hehe you gonna cum? Already? I thought i trained you better than that baby” you could hear the grin that he wore on his face.
You didn’t get a chance to make a snarky remark, when he starting rubbing at your clit as he slowed his thrusts so you feel him wreck your walls.
You let out a whimper “p-please let me cum sir”, your wings unfurled from your back, curling around him. Adam used your wings as leverage to bounced you along his dick, making your tongue lull and eyes roll.
”I guess you deserve it after today. Go on baby. Cum all over my dick”
Your body tensed and a high-pitch cry left your lips as you slammed your hips against his, milking him of his own orgasm, grinding into him as your orgasm ripped through you.
You slumped against the desk, wings flapping to keep you up. Adam sighed happily as he pulled his dick out of you and watched as his cum dripped down your leg.
You hissed as he slapped your ass “asshole”
Adam chuckled, kissing your shoulder “I can fuck that too babe”
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mistress-amidala · 13 days
𝐏𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞
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Pairings: sub Sam Monroe x dom fem Reader
Summary: After calling Sam ‘puppy’ as a joke it leads to a newly discovered kink.
Requests: open
Warnings: Mommy kink, dry humping, oral (f receiving), shin riding, handjob, dick pic, titty sucking, scent kink…
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Sam had been antsy all day, his leg bouncing under his desk. He stared down at his textbook disinterestedly, the words blurring together.
He tried his hardest to concentrate he really did. He knew how proud you were of his grades improving thanks to your study sessions. He was proud too, it was the first time he could remember someone putting in the effort for him. He was actually proud of himself, and it was all thanks to you. You never tried to change him into someone else, you encouraged him and saw him as the person he is.
So when he flipped through his notebook, seeing your notes in the margins. He couldn’t help the grin that broke out on his face. His eyes glazing over as his mind ran rampant. The thoughts gradually escalating…
You’ve got this pretty boy x
The pink of your gel pen popped out against the black and white of his notes. He felt the heat rise to his cheeks, and more south. Down, down, to his cock. He squirmed in his seat, his hips shifting. As he tried to make himself more comfortable in the stupid plastic chair. He groaned frustrated, looking down he saw his cock pressing up against the fabric of his pants. He crossed his legs in a desperate attempt at trying to hide his boner.
He looked up at the clock on the wall above the whiteboard. His foot tapping rhythmically as the hand ticked in accordance to the seconds passing. ‘For fuck sake,’ he thought to himself.
Relax and breathe, you know what you’re doing gorgeous.
If he was standing up he knew his knees would buckle. He never was a fan of pet names till he met you. There was something about the way your warm voice met his ears, as if your honeyed words were caressing his very soul. Stirring something deep within him. He ran his pale, ring clad fingers over your written words. His heart fluttering and his cock throbbing with desire.
Before he knew it his hand shot up, “yes Sam?” Mister Matthew’s, his geometry teacher spoke.
“Can I be excused?” Sam asks politely, prepared to leave without his permission. His teacher nods, knowing there was no point in arguing. Sam immediately stood up, rushing for the door. Swinging it open and heading for the toilets. He pushes open the the door to the bathrooms, heading into a cubicle. He locks it behind him hastily before he tugs his erect cock from his pants. The blushed tip leaking beads of precum. Rolling down his shaft as he fished his phone out of his pocket. Unlocking it and pressing onto your contact, he wraps his hand around his length. Squeezing it as he pulls up the camera, taking a photo and sending it to you.
His knees buckle as he hears his phone ping.
Touching yourself without me pretty boy?
Your message comes through, making him blush even harder than he thought possible. As he slowly strokes his length up and down. “Ah fuck,” he whimpers. While his shaky hands struggle to type out his response.
He whines, wishing it was your hand fisting his cock instead. Or even better, your delicious pussy. He started jerking off to the mere thought, the phantom of your taste on his lips as he pumped his cock. Biting his soft plushy lips to try to quiet himself.
Naughty boy
Am I going to have to train you puppy?
As his eyes ran over the word puppy, his knees buckled and he creamed all over his hand. Falling to the tiled floor of the cubicle with a harsh thud he didn’t even register the pain in his knees as he panted. Trying to catch his breath and collect himself, to no avail. His warm seed continued to flow from the tip of his flush cock head. He could do nothing but stare in disbelief, his jaw slack from his wanton moans. He reached for the toilet roll, his hands trembling. He missed, sending it tumbling to the ground. Unrolling right to his lap, he scramble for it. Yanking off a long piece, desperately wiping at his hand. He made no effort to wipe his cock clean, to sensitive from his previous activities.
His shaky fingers struggle to type out his response…
Yes please Mommy
Rereading over his text, he whispered it to himself.
The ping made him jump, “oh shit.” He murmured to himself, scared he’d gone too far. Unbeknownst to him, you were having a fucking ball. Grinning at your phone at the back of your history class. The topic of the session long since forgotten.
Sorry I didn’t mean too
He hastily responds, much to your amusement.
Oh you will be…
He’s left flabbergasted at your response, ‘what does she mean by that?’ He looks down at his cock, that had gotten semi hard just from your teasing.
Meet me behind the bleachers next period.
Yes ma’am
Sam dipped out of his next class, heading to the bleachers where you’d told him to meet. The post support your weight as you leaned your back against it. Looking back at the dick pic Sam had sent you only a few minutes earlier. You could imagine how antsy he was, he never was very patient. Especially when it came to his sensitive cock. You glance up from your phone, hearing footsteps. Followed by the soft crunch of pebbles from the impact. Law and behold it was Sam Monroe, your pretty boy.
A shy smile tugged at his lips as he approached you. Running his tongue along his bottom lip, catching his piercing between his teeth. His eyes raking over your relaxed form. He wrapped his arms around your torso once he reached you, holding you tightly. While burying his face into the crook of your neck. Breathing you in, his sensitive cock hardening from your mere scent. “Well someone’s happy to see me,” you voice. Holding a taunting edge to your words.
He runs his tongue up along your jugular. Tasting the sweetness of your skin, “mmm… more than you can imagine.” He rasps, desperation dripping from his words. Your hands grasp his hips, tugging them to meet yours.
A whimper escaping his part lips, as he stared down at your cleavage pressing against his chest. You start grinding his hips against yours, “wanna tell me what got you so worked up puppy?” You feel his hips jolt forward as the word ‘puppy’ escapes your lips. And a knowing smile forms on your face, ‘ahh I see.’ You grab his hand, intertwining your fingers with his absentmindedly. While towing him along with you to the football field. Closing in on the side lined with trees. As he followed behind you like a lost puppy, how fitting.
“I saw your notes on my book and I just- it ahh-“ He mumbles, bringing his arm up. Scratching behind his neck, anxiously. The feel of butterflies fluttering in his stomach, only you ever brought out in him.
“Yes?” You raise a brow, prompting him to continue.
He looks down, trying to find the right words. “It uh- it made me… hard.”
You bite your bottom lip in an attempt to stop yourself from laughing. As you got close enough Sam pounced. He couldn’t take it any longer, he spun you around. Pushing you back till your back gently hit the tree. Your eyes widening slightly in surprise. “Oh puppy you really are horny aren’t you?” He grinds his clothed erection against the crotch of your pants.
He nods quickly, “yes- yes Mommy.” He babbles, his hands sliding under the hem of your shirt. Unhooking your bra before cupping your tits. Squeezing them, before rubbing his thumbs over your nipples. Watching them perk up. Before pushing your shirt and bra up over your head, tossing them to the floor. Before latching his mouth to your left nipple. Sucking harshly as he wrapped his arms around you tightly. Caging you against him.
His gaze meets yours as he tilts his head up. Reluctantly detaching his mouth from your nipple. “Can I?” He asks, his ring clad hand moving closer to the waistband of your pants.
You nod, amused by the clear desperation in his eyes. “Yes puppy.”
He whimpers in response to your words, bucking his clothed cock against your heat between your plush thighs. “Ahh ngh!” He moans, shoving his hand down your pants. Pushing under your panties, rubbing harsh and relentless circles on your sensitive nub. Making you let out a breathless moan, leaning your head back against the tree trunk. "Mmm Mommy," he whimpers under his breath.
Raking your fingers through his hair, you yank his head back. His watery eyes staring up at you. "What was that puppy?”
“Mommy,” he repeats. His knees buckled as he came undone. His orgasm hitting him like a truck. As he clung to you tightly, falling to his knees. Unbuttoning your pants, slowly pulling them down. Revealing the skin of your juicy thighs. He nuzzles his face into your panty clad pussy. He takes a stiff, moaning at the smell. Licking a strip over the soft material. Before hooking his fingers under the waistband. Looking up at you for permission, you nod. Making his eyes light up, as he yanks your panties down to your ankles. Grabbing the back of your ankles and spreading your legs apart, exposing your glistening pussy to him.
His mouth waters at the sight. He leans forward, nudging his nose against your clit. Running his tongue through your folds, parting them. As your hands grabbed at his hair, tugging on his strands as his pretty lips sucked on your clit viciously. Feeling that pleasurable coil wind in your stomach. As he interchanges his mouth for his thumb, bringing his tongue to your entrance. Prodding his tongue into your hole, thrusting in and out. Feeling your slick gather on his tongue, as your knees buckle. He grips your hips, supporting your weight with his toned arms. As his tongue continued to lap at your pussy, rapidly. Your eyes squeezed shut as your legs trembled, moans tumbling from your parted lips. “That’s it puppy, doing so well for me. Gonna cum,” he whimpers at your words. The action sending vibrations through your core, he sits himself on your foot. His erect cock accidentally grazing along your shin making him jolt forward. Grinding his clothed length against your leg. Feeling a wet spot forming on his pants, as he continued to eat you out. Suffocating himself in your pussy and he felt as though he was dying from pleasure. As he continued his incessant humping and his tongues rough caresses against your velvety walls. He felt himself explode, his warm seed soaking his pants and his length. Which triggered your orgasm, cumming all over his pretty face. You both panted, catching your breath. “You did so well puppy…”
You reassure him as he nuzzles his face against your breasts. “Thanks Mommy,” he whispers breathlessly. His tone pitchier then usual. You bring a hand down to rub his back, comfortingly.
“No problem puppy.”
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(dividers by @chilumitos)
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Hello :) Can i request a mutually pining hero x villain piece where the hero finds out about the horrible treatment the villain goes through in prison (whenever the villain gets locked up) and they have an emotional confrontation where the hero apologizes and promises to fix the situation? a little bit of holding the villain's chin and asking them how much it hurts? just the heartwrenching stuff.
Whether you see this or not, I want to say thank you for everything you've shared with us. You are extremely talented, and an inspiration for people who want to improve their writing. Thank you, thank you. :') <3
"They hurt you."
The villain stilled. They kept their gaze fixed on the sky, their hands focused on the ember of a cigarette clutched between their fingers, their ears tracking the thump of music spilling out onto the street.
Inevitably, despite all of those efforts, their attention locked on the hero standing next to them.
Fury radiated from the hero, and something more. They didn't have to glance over to see it. They didn't have to glance over at all when the hero edged even closer to them, brow knitted, eyes liquid guilt in the pooling streetlight.
The villain took another drag of their cigarette to steady themselves, filthy habit though it was, before exhaling. "We're not doing this here."
The thin alley behind the club was empty except for the two of them, but that was hardly the point. The air was warm with the promise of summer and freedom. They didn't want to think about any else.
"Where are we doing it then?" the hero demanded.
The villain's jaw clenched. They stubbed out the smoke and began to turn away.
In an instant, the hero's hand was firm on their shoulder, pinning them in place. By all rights, if things in the world made sense, the villain should have flinched at the rough touch and the hero should have recoiled. The villain didn't flinch. The hero wouldn't hurt them, not like that. They knew it in their bones.
The hero didn't recoil. They ducked their head to try and catch the villain's eyes again.
The villains scoffed and slid their gaze away, throat tight.
"I want to fix it," the hero said. "This should never - if I'd known -"
"-You didn't know." It was forgiveness and accusation all at once.
"I should have."
"You didn't."
The hero had always been kind, in their interactions, in the complicated way that the two of them could be kind to each other. Not polite, not nice, not civil. But kind. Of course they hadn't known, and of course the villain hadn't told them. They would never have told them. Not in case, just in case, the hero had actually known all along. Not in case, just in case, the hero didn't care. Not in case, just in case, the hero thought they deserved it.
"You going to let me go free next time?" the villain asked.
The hero's jaw clenched too. "I'm not going to let them treat you like - like -"
"Like a criminal? You can say it. That's what I am."
"Like a monster."
The villain smiled. It didn't quite reach their eyes, but nor was it ungenuine. "Also what I am."
The hero's other hand shot out, seizing the villain's chin, forcing their gazes to lock. "No."
"Yes." The villain studied them. "Don't be obvious."
"You deserve better."
"Because you don't think I'm a monster?"
"Even if you are," the hero whispered. "And I'm sorry. I'm just - so sorry."
The villain didn't know what to say to that. The hero's sincerity, raw as an open wound, floored them utterly. They swallowed, pulse fluttering against the warm press of the hero's palm.
Contact. Firm, unflinching, not unkind contact.
"How much does it hurt?" the hero asked.
"This or the - before?"
The hero let go instantly, hand flying back to their side as if they'd been burnt.
The villain's hand rose to where the hero's hand had been, chasing the memory of it. The words 'you didn't hurt me' perched on the tip of their tongue. The villain swallowed them.
"I'm going to end up back there," the villain said. "You can't fix that, because you're the one that catches me. The only one who can."
"If you stopped..."
"If you stopped," the villain said.
The hero squeezed their eyes shut for a second, pained.
The villain reached out, despite themselves, to grip the hero's chin. Feather-light. "How much does it hurt?"
The hero laughed, a little raspy, a little not laughing at all. "This should never have happened."
"It happens to more than just me." I'm just the one you care about. The knowledge was as dizzying, as giddying and heady, as it was awful.
"If I asked you to tell me what they did to you, would you?" the hero asked.
"You already know."
The isolation. The power restraints that were always cinched a little too tight. The beatings. It was always better near the end of their sentence, to allow time for the bruises to heal, and it was never anything permanent. Nothing that could be used in a court of law. Nothing but words and hearsay.
"Yes." The hero watched them.
"But you want me to tell you anyway."
The villain dropped their hand and itched for another cigarette, and itched to continue touching even more. They turned their gaze away again and cleared their throat, because the hero's expression...
The villain had been hurt so many times before. The hero made it look new.
"I'll fix it," the hero said, less a wish or a want and more a promise. "This won't happen again. Not to you. Not to anyone."
The villain knew better than most that promises were easily-broken, fragile things. Still.
"What do you think I've been trying to do?"
The hero flinched.
The villain didn't recoil. Monsters didn't get to recoil from the worst that the world had to offer.
They started walking, and paused at the end of the alley where the shadows turned to light and life and the open world. They glanced back to where the hero stood, perfectly still and perfectly shattered, hands flexing like they were itching to touch again too.
Sometimes monsters got kind things too, even if it made no sense, even if what was theirs felt like it should belong to everyone else in a thousand different ways.
"We're not doing this here," the villain called out. "So. You coming?"
The hero followed.
The villain knew they always would.
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teamatsumu · 8 months
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kinktober 2023 -> day 23
voyeurism - kageyama tobio x reader x oikawa tooru
word count: 1167
warnings: smut, fingering, swearing, slight humiliation
kinktober masterlist
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Kageyama had known ever since Middle School that Oikawa was leagues above him in every sense.
He was a better volleyball player, and a better team player as well. He could work with people he didn’t like without letting it hinder the team play. He could set to anyone perfectly and make it seem effortless. His serves were miles above Kageyama’s in terms of power and control too. But none of that had ever upset Kageyama for too long. It was a motivator. Surpassing Oikawa had become his goal. And so he took Oikawa more as a teacher than as a rival.
Years later, it seemed Kageyama was still learning from his senpai, though now it was in fields other than volleyball.
“Pay attention, Tobio-chan.” Oikawa’s voice was as smooth and buttery as ever. “Don’t let your focus stray. I won’t help you over and over, y’know? My time is precious, after all.”
His words and tone were dismissive, but his actions stated otherwise. His posture was alert and present as he curled his torso over your back, one strong arm wrapped around your waist to hold you in place where you sat in his lap, caged by his legs, back to him. And his fingers were eager as they glided through the wetness between your legs, almost teasing as his fingertips tapped playfully at your clit, making you jump. Kageyama watched with interest at how you reacted to Oikawa’s touches, how any little brush on his hand would send your eyes rolling in your head or your mouth dropping open.
When Kageyama had mentioned over a regular dinner at your shared apartment that Oikawa would be coming over to show him how to properly have sex with you, you had choked on your bite and spent the next ten minutes wheezing and dry heaving over the sink while he patted your back, confused by how outrageous your reaction was. You had screamed at him in panic, asking him what the fuck was wrong with him, and had to sit him down and explain to him that this was not the way to improve your sex life.
“But Oikawa-san is better at it than me!” He had countered. “He always had a girlfriend in high school. And even now. He’s surrounded by girls-”
“Those are fangirls, Tobio!” You shrieked. “He’s not sleeping with all of them!”
“Regardless, I know he can help. He turned my life around with the advice he gave me in high school. I wouldn’t be the player I am without it.”
It had taken some convincing, and a few days of thinking on your part, but you had finally agreed after asking him a million times if he was sure he was okay with this. Kageyama was adamant he was, and he still stood by it. Watching this here, now, a small thrill ran down his torso and settled as a knot in his lower stomach. Made his dick twitch.
You whined when Oikawa put just the tip of his middle finger into your hole, swirling it a bit teasingly before pulling out again. Your legs were shaking with the effort of keeping them open, making sure Kageyama got a good view of what was happening between them. It was an order Oikawa had given you at the very start (‘Don’t you let those legs close, Y/N-chan. How can Tobio-chan learn when he can’t see what he’s supposed to be doing?’), and Kageyama marveled at the fact that you had yet to disobey him, no matter how hard it may seem for you to comply. You had submitted to Oikawa, in a way you had never submitted to him.
Kageyama didn’t take offense to it. As with volleyball, he shouldered responsibility for your reactions. If you were reacting this way to his senior but not him, he was obviously doing something wrong. And here he was, seated before you, watching your naked figure lean back on Oikawa, covered in a thin layer of sweat, eyes glistening with unshed tears as Oikawa teased you relentlessly, playing your body as if it were a string instrument. Kageyama licked his lips as he watched your juice wet his senpai’s fingers, wetter than he had ever seen you.
Your legs twitched and tensed when Oikawa finally slid a finger into your heat, a relieved sigh escaping you, hips pushing down on his hand insistently. Kageyama’s sharp eyes tracked every movement, comparing it to how you were with him, noting every difference and feeling amazed by the results.
“Oikawa-san,” you breathed, your tone pleading. “Please, more.”
You sounded so greedy. Kageyama’s dick gave a painful throb.
Oikawa hummed as if in thought. He had a sharp little smirk playing on his face, eyes moving from your heaving chest up to meet Kageyama’s, making him sit up a bit.
“What do you think, Tobio-chan? Should I give her more?”
Kageyama gulped. “Yes?”
Oikawa tutted. “Wrong answer.”
You let out a little sob at his words, one hand reaching to circle around Oikawa’s wrist. Oikawa made a warning sound.
“Hands off, princess. You know the rules.”
Your hands immediately shot away, twisting in the bedsheets under you instead. Your breaths were heavy, broken moans leaving your lips as Oikawa’s one finger worked inside you. Kageyama watched on with intrigue. One finger and you were already a mess. It usually took Kageyama much more. You had also obeyed Oikawa with little to no resistance when he had told you to keep your hands off him.
So much information. So much he could work with in the future.
Oikawa was watching him with sharp eyes, smirking as if he knew exactly what had clicked inside Kageyama. His arm around your waist tightened.
“It seems our little genius has made a mental breakthrough, Y/N-chan.” He drawled. “Which means you get to have a reward.”
You gasped when Oikawa sank another finger into your cunt and immediately started pumping them into you at a fast pace. Your back arched, legs separating more as if inviting him further in, eyes screwing shut as you cried through it. Kageyama watched with wide eyes, not blinking, not wanting to miss even a single thing. His breath seemed to be suspended in his throat, his mouth dry, dick so hard and throbbing it nearly made him black out, and when you screamed through your orgasm, gushing over his senpai’s fingers and shaking in his tight hold, Kageyama felt like one single touch on his own cock would make him cum on the spot too.
Your legs trembled and shook as you slumped back on Oikawa’s body, sighing in bliss as he cooed over you, careful hands running over your bare inner thighs as if to calm you down. Oikawa held up one finger, grinning over to where Kageyama sat, looking so wrecked it looked like he was the one doing all the work.
“That was lesson one. Let’s move on to the next one, shall we?”
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A/N: For those whose tags arent working, im sorry! I tried and for some reason, your names wont show up in the mentions :( another way of being notified is to turn on my blog notifs for @teamatsumufics . I only reblog my fics there so it serves almost like being in a taglist!
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haechanskins · 5 months
Lose Somebody - Winter
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☆ note: this is my first wlw writting ever, if you think I can improve in something or want to advice me, I'm all ears! I would really appreciate if you let a comment with your thoughts ♡
☆ genre: f!reader, smut;
☆ warnings:  kinda hate sex, toxic ex gf/fiancée, reconciliation through sex, teasing, choking, swear words, fingering, oral receiving;
☆ wc: 2.3k
click here to see the pool. ☆
It was the 30th missed call Minjeong left on your phone. You knew she was drunk again and would say things she shouldn't, just like last time. "I messed up, multiple times. You need to understand that you have to come back to me. Who will love you like I do? Who will wreck you in bed like I do? Who will even care about you? Your destiny is with me". There's no mental readiness to answer the phone; no valid reason to relive it all. You know the calls will only stop when she passes out or sleeps, so you decide to turn it off and lie down. The night seems much longer when your mind refuses to let go, surrounded by worry and dreams returning to the day it all happened...
"How many more times is this damn woman going to show up?" Minjeong shouts as your friend Giselle visits your house again. Your fiancée spent the night away without explanations, and Giselle stayed to calm you. "All that bitch wants is to take you away from me, can't you see?" Anger makes the beer bottle in Minjeong's hands fly towards the wall near you. In that moment, Minjeong realizes her mistake, even though she's far from sober, and rushes toward you. She always had jealousy issues, and you usually let it pass, but this time, the shock and fear were too much. Her touch alone was enough to make you scream and cry.
"Please, forgive me!" she says amidst tears, trying to hold your face. "Babe, please forgive me!" she continues, trying to hold your hands while you throw the ring away. She kneels, holds your arms - the last place you need to be - the last face you want to see is hers. Thursday morning, 8 am, was when it all happened. The last words you heard after walking through the door were "Slut, go be with your bitch Giselle and then tell me if she's better than me! I know I can find someone better than you.". These words echo in your mind during what should be a peaceful sleep, but you're awakened by your own voice calling your ex-fiancée's name incessantly. Should you call her? But why? To hear mockery and provocations?
A hot shower should bring some calmness. All you can think about now is a bit of tranquility. The water flowing down your body makes this feeling seem true for a moment. Walking through the apartment, you realize there's garbage to take out, and your little dog starts jumping on your legs as if asking for fresh air. "Just because I need to take out the trash, okay?" putting the small one under your arm and heading to the elevator. "Do you think I should call her, Kima?" you ask, touching the tip of the small pet's nose, and her head turns around. "She can't even answer and would disapprove" but does she miss her other mom? Thoughts consume you again until Kima gets restless and starts barking while leaving the building. You search for reasons, put her down, and check if there's something on her tiny body. Then she escapes to the automatic gate. Minjeong is leaning against it, at first, you think it might be your sleep playing tricks on you or the lack of glasses, so you start shouting for Kima to come back.
"She misses me too" the redhead shouts. "Please, let me in. I just want one last conversation." You sigh and think for a moment before opening the gate. "I'm doing this for Kima. You have 15 minutes at most!" you say, approaching the gate and opening it.
Keeping with the usual, as you reach your floor, you make coffee for both while Minjeong plays with Kima in the living room. As you sweeten the drink, your mind begins to question the decision to let her into your home, into your comfort. In a moment of distraction and vulnerability, you grab the hot iron kettle without realizing it, screaming in pain and alerting your ex, who was in the other room. "Here..." she guided you to the sink, letting cold running water flow over your hand. "Do you have burn ointment?". "In the bedroom, second door on the corridor" you answer without much thought. When you hear the doorknob turning, you scream at Minjeong to go back, but it's too late. You still have photos with her on the desk, and your steps after the unresolved breakup have been slow. Seeing her still confuses you, and your heart, whether you like it or not, beats faster.
"I found it" showing the ointment in her hands while smiling slightly. She extends her hand, waiting for yours, and applies gently. Pointing to the sofa, she asks you to sit and grabs the cups, placing them on the small coffee table. "You still have..." she begins, but you cut her off instantly, asking what she wants to talk about and why she's there. Minjeong sighs and stares at the ceiling for a few seconds, as if waiting for the words to fall from the sky into her head. "I miss you…" you continue looking while her eyes seem to search for another focus and her mouth more words. "Is that it?" she remains silent. "Then you can leave!" the girl watches you walk towards the door to send her away, but she doesn't move. "I said you can go, Minjeong." The last thing your ex-fiancée would do is leave. She managed to contact you after months, entered your house, and was in your presence. She won't leave.
"Okay" as you open the door, Minjeong closes it again, leaning over you. Not much taller, but already causing some intimidation due to the angle and proximity, she continues "Do you prefer to hear me here or in bed?" Silence hangs in the air, and the atmosphere is palpable. You want her to leave while simultaneously wanting her to touch you any way she pleases. "Sorry, didn't mean to cross boundaries. I thought we could..." she backs away from the door, trying to explain her recent behavior. But you’re faster and more eager. It's impossible to lie to your own body. A fervent and quick kiss begins, lasting for a few minutes until you both need air.
"I thought you wouldn't want to see me ever again!" "This is the last time, Kim Minjeong. This is the last time." Everything around you seems to vanish until you touch and fall, fortunately, nothing breaks on the way to the bed. "Whatever you want," you say, watching her eyes darken. Supported by your knees, facing each other, you feel your neck being squeezed. Minjeong's laughter resonates in your ears, sending a shiver down your entire body.
"If this is the last time, then I'll fuck you like the slut you are" she almost spits out each word, pushing you onto the bed and lightly biting every exposed inch of your skin. You don't resist for a minute; her words only make you crave more, yet at the same time, they ignite a sense of anger, uncertain if it's just a fetish or something serious.
"I'm the slut, and you come crawling to my door?" you move on top of her. "Not going to answer?" you question, slapping her face, and she smirks, attempting to put her hands on your waist. However, you pull them up, leaning on them, just inches away from Minjeong's mouth. "I'm not the one missing you," spreading kisses on her face. "I'm not the one begging every day to come back. Or am I?" you mock, a statement mixed with truth, both with hearts pounding and panties soaked.
"You..." she starts.
"I don't want you to speak. I want you to beg," you interrupt.
"I like your attempt to take control. It's cute. But it doesn't work with me" she retorts "but since you're here, you'll make it easier for me," she continues smiling, and your head knots for a few seconds. How did she manage to flip the situation like this?
"I won't do anything you want," running your hands through Minjeong's red hair. "Why should I?"
"Because you've always obeyed me, like a good girl." she teases.
"That's over, Minjeong."
"Over?" she laughs. "And would you spread your legs if I commanded?" she asks, pulling your hand towards her mouth, licking and sucking on the two middle fingers. "Would you take off this blouse if I told you to?" continues. You feel your body shiver and yield to each word she says. You get up from the bed, and her eyes follow you as she sits there, glancing at you. You remove your blouse and the small pajama shorts, turning around to reveal just your panties. Minjeong observes every inch of your body, running her hands from your neck to your thighs.
"Is this what you want?" 
"I want much more!" she replies, pulling you by the waist. You look down at her and give her a slap. "I wished you'd never show up here again" her eyes search for whether it's the truth or just a game. "I wished you'd disappear from my life forever" another slap. "You could find someone better so easily, and yet, here you are, begging for me," you say, sitting on her lap while speaking. "Is it cute for me to try to boss you around?" You laugh mockingly and give another slap, moving your hand down to Minjeong's neck, squeezing it. She continues to look at you with doubt, but there's nothing in you that worries about responding at this moment.
Drawing her silhouette with your hands, she shivers with every touch and sighs with every scratch where her skin is exposed. Kneeling on the rug in your room, you put your hands on her waist to find the edge of her pants, starting to pull along with her panties. Once done, you move your hands up again to take off the remaining blouse and bra. For the first time, you observe the shaky breaths coming from your old partner instead of yourself.
"Look who's the slut now. So needy and alone that you're wet for so little" one hand squeezing Minjeong's neck, while the other is wandering across her intimacy. "How many fingers do you think I can fit without even touching you?" you ask, making a pout. "Three? Already?" you pretend to insert your fingers, and her eyes close, mouth opens with a slight moan. You laugh; she opens her eyes disappointed, and mumbles.
"I want you to sit on my face" you say, lying on the bed and waiting for her, but Minjeong laughs and doesn't follow. "As I said, it's cute," she says, leaning into the space between your legs "but it doesn't work with me" she concludes, placing kisses on the inner part of your thigh, causing shivers and a soft moan to escape. Minjeong laughs and moves closer to your pussy.
Positioning herself on top of your body, she confesses several times that she felt hatred towards you for ignoring her, that she wanted to have you all the time, but you were a complete slut. That's why she was there, to show you why she should be the only one to touch your body forever.
"You're going to cooperate with me now," she said, biting your thigh "properly" she continued, placing a kiss on your clitoris, then licking your entire intimate area from top to bottom twice, watching you squirm and moan. "Hmm... so you like this, don't you?" she laughed. "Want more?" She licked again and gave another kiss.
"Please," you responded with a trembling voice.
"Please, what, my love?" she licked once more.
"Please, I need you to go down on me."
"Good girl," she replied, doing what had been asked. Then, she inserted two fingers while alternating between slow and fast sucks, murmuring, "Delicious as always," and grumbling, "You're so tasty. I love the taste you have," making your entire pussy vibrate. When the redhead noticed that you were moaning too much and holding onto her hair tightly, she stopped abruptly.
"Did you stop?" you asked desperately. "I was almost there," you grumbled.
"I want to come with you" she said, kissing up your belly and breasts, sucking a few times. "I want to feel you" she continued, immediately kissing you. She gradually pulled your hair while one hand played with your clitoris and returned to your breasts without any warning or alert. Everything seemed to make you 100% more sensitive to her touch, more needy, and addicted to that touch.
Minjeong pulled you closer "We've never tried this. Do you want to?" She pulled one of your legs up onto her thigh. You knew what she was talking about and involuntarily smiled. The only answer you could give was your own body fitting perfectly with hers; pussy against pussy. You could hardly breathe with your hearts racing amid so many moans. The only sound besides them was the wet skin-on-skin noise. "It's unbelievable how beautiful you look when you're about to cum for me" Minjeong gasps. "You're mine," she continues, grinding against you even more.
"I'm yours. I'm only yours" you say as your voice falters amid whispers and almost tears. "I'm going to—" you say, almost shouting.
"Cum in my pussy" she replies "with me" she continues, holding onto your waist even tighter, giving more and more thrust. The moans get louder, and you both hardly know where to touch—lacking hands for hair, breasts, waist, thighs, lacking voice.
You climax together. It wasn't the last time you saw Minjeong or had sex with her, but on this specific day, after everything, she stayed with you, and you slept entwined. Minjeong still believes to this day that you were in a deep sleep when she whispered "I had to lose you to realize I can't live without you... what an idiot... I hope this never happens again. I love you, y/n."
tags: @minjeongswife
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oneecheri · 5 months
Late night confessions with Mattheo Riddle
Genre: Fluff, mild language. ( with a smoking problem )
Ship: Mattheo x Reader, no usage of name.
Word count: 884 words.
Song: Shameless
Notes: Please do provide me with feedback, how can I improve my writing and/or if you like the story or not. I originally wanted to post my writings on TikTok but at the end decided to open a tumblr page so I’m new. Pls give me some love babes. Also, the pictures are from Pinterest but the writing is mine. Enjoy!
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“I am sorry Y/N.” Mattheo breathed out a puff of smoke as his gaze was fixed on the stars. You were a little far from him, both leaning against the cold walls of the astronomy tower.
“I had no right to ruin your studies with that guy.” He then turned to you and met your cold gaze meant for him.
“Please don’t look at me like that… say something… your silence is killing me.” His searching gaze wandered between your eyes, nose and lips. He lowered his head, taking another deep puff from his smoke.
“Yes, you had no right to do that Riddle…you humiliated me….” you let out and got closer to him, your voice cold as ice sending him uncomfortable shivers.
“Under which title…for which reason?”
He let out a chuckle turning his body towards yours. “As a friend?”
You shook your head and put your manicured fingers on your hips, urging him to continue.
Your heart beat rapidly increased due to his warm brown orbs never leaving yours.
So you were glad that it was the night time.
He couldn’t see the blush creeping up your cheeks.
“Fuck… House mates?” He tried harshly itching his neck.
“But I, hell sure, am not regretting that.” He spat out while searching for some sort of feeling in your eyes. His gaze accidentally dropping to your pursed shiny lips.
“You got detention because of that…plus he had a girlfriend, so your jealousy was good for nothing, dear.” You smirked trying to get on his nerves.
He tsked and threw his finished cigarette down, crushing it with the tip of his shoe.
“I am - I was not…” He looked at you and felt his chest tighten from all the love within.
“Okay you win baby, I was jealous as hell.” He admitted tipping closer to where you were leaning towards the wall.
“I had no title and no right to punch that guy too, I know.” He continued getting closer to you his right hand fisted and a few veins popping on his neck.
“But he was too close, too close.” He stood tall over you, making you look up through your lashes.
“I am sorry that I made you mad, dear.” He gently touched your chin, slowly moving your head higher, and your bodies closer.
“Mattheo…” you whispered, closing your eyes.
Hearing your alluring whisper, he seemed to get out of the trance he had in your captivating eyes.
He whispered some curses, hardly pulling himself away from you. His fisted hand seemed to open by itself, trying to get himself a new cigarette from his jacket in a rush.
You gently stepped closer to where he had moved, and held his hand.
“Mattheo…” he looked at your hand holding his and gulped lowering his head.
“Don’t… it’s going to be too many for a day. You’ve had a lot…cigarettes… today.”
The thought of you paying attention to him, let alone counting the amount of cigarettes he had, made his heart flutter, suddenly butterflies erupting.
“Why?” He whispered.
“It’s gonna be too much.” He held your hand suddenly his eyes going wide. Your hands were freezing. He gently took both your hands into his large palms, puffing out hot air, trying to warm them up. You couldn’t stop the smile that found its way on your face and mouthed him a ‘thank you.’ Your eyes not leaving each other for a few seconds.
“I…” he started, suddenly feeling short on air.
“I’m not the best dude out there.” He tilted his head up, staring at the stars, not meeting your gaze. “I like fighting, cigarettes. I like cuts and bruises that show my victory on others. I like fast cars and parties…” he breathed out, his eyes closing in a flood of mixed feelings.
“Yet you…” he opened his eyes, directing them at you. “You’re the most gentle, calm and loving person I have ever seen in my entire life.” You smiled which made him smile in return. You noticed his hands stop shaking and mentally noted to hold his hands whenever he seemed to go overdose with his smoking.
“You hate fighting and you’re afraid of blood. You always put plasters on my victory medals…”
“I guess you mean cuts and bruises all over your face!” You scoffed making him let out a dry chuckle. “I guess.”
“Look I am sorry for everything.”
“I won’t ever do something like this and humiliate you…”
“I will keep myself away from you…” he gulped and stepped away from you. His eyes getting blurry and body almost loosing balance.
“You are so stupid!” You yell, tears suddenly settling on your eyes.
“What…” he whispered, stopping and turning back to face you again.
“Yeah…” He let his eyes close as you stepped closer to him, your hands landing on his chest and hit him.
“You’re so dumb!” You yelled again, a single tear escaping your eyes.
“You can’t feel my love.”
“No.” He whispered and held your wrists, pressing soft kisses on each.
“Really…” He cupped your face and brought his forehead against yours.
“I love you, Y/N”
“I love you too Mattheo.” And with that, he wiped your tears making you feel back alive that midnight.
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queenofcoquette · 11 months
how i started to feel pretty
hey loves! i’ve struggled with feeling insecure over my looks, but recently i’ve made changes that have helped me be less insecure. little improvements with my lifestyle and mindset have already made a big difference. first i’m going to talk about my insecurities, then what i did and then general tips.
my insecurities:
hyperpigmentation. i have bad undereye bags due to genetics that landed my family to call all of our eyes “raccoon eyes.” then redness above my eyelids, then darkness above my upper lip no matter how much i shaved. 
facial asymmetry. we all have it, but i felt so bad anytime i took a selfie and i couldn’t bear to take any photos of myself. 
body dysmorphia. this one is weird. i don’t view my body the way others do, and honestly the way i view it changes all the time.
changes i’ve made:
first i started doing things that didn’t help. they were temporary solutions that did nothing. i used concealer and powder for the hyperpigmentation- but it looked cakey and a little ashy-kinda cuz i wasn’t using a color corrector. for my body i did these “abs in 2 weeks!” challenges during covid, and was restrictive, which is the worst thing you can do for yourself.
for my skin:
i started using the glycolic acid serum by the ordinary. this stuff is life changing! i’ve been going makeup free on my skin lately and my skin tone has gotten so much more even. plus it’s affordable and it’s a giant bottle.
for my face:
i started doing face massages for muscle tension
i also realized that my facial asymmetry is 1) normal (we all have it to a certain extent and 2) it’s probably not as bad as i think it is. 
for my body:
i’ve started to focus more on health than appearances, because that my view of my body is distorted. i don’t see it like other people do, so i need to prioritize my health. i started eating MORE- more foods that are healthy, more fruits and vegtables. instead of restricing i allowed myself to have more.
i developed a pilates plan that focused on building strength, and incorporated a little bit of weights. now that i play sports i’ve put an emphasis on strength which has actually helped me get more toned.
journaling. i began to write down about my feelings- the way i view other people vs. the way i view myself. it made me realize how social media gave me an unrealistic image, and how i wasn’t viewing myself the way i really am.
what are you insecure about? the first step is just writing down your biggest insecurities- aka why don’t you feel beautiful? what made you feel this way? no one is born feeling ugly- we’re all taught to feel this way, whether it’s comments that have been made to us or others.
find people with similar stories. this helped me in the past, watching videos about people who had the same insecurities as me, it opened my eyes to how harshly i treat myself. 
get to the root of it. for my skin i realized that covering up my hyperpigmentation with makeup wouldn’t solve the problem, so i put an emphasis on incorporating things into my skincare routine that could solve the problem, without makeup!
think in the long-term. think about what’s healthy for you, and the most natural way of doing so. for example, when it came to my body i had to think about what’s healthy for me overall, not a quick fix. quick fixes aren’t attainable!
prioritize mental and physical health. i think we should all embrace our natural beauty by focusing on our skincare and the health of our hair. additionally, mental health is equally important, especially when it comes to body image.
positive thinking. a lot of times we tend to vocalize our negative thoughts, ive heard ppl make horrible comments about their bodies and things like that. first of all, stop saying those things out loud- you’re only reaffirming them in your head, and furthering the bad feeling. when you get horrible thoughts about yourself, try to stop them and replace them with good ones. even if you don’t believe it at first, you soon will.
it sometimes takes a while for beautiful people to realize how gorgeous they are. i had friends who i thought were some of the prettiest girls in the world, but they didn’t even realize it. i bet there’s so many people in your life who look at you and see the beauty in you that you don’t see in yourself. just stay healthy and keep positive thoughts, and i hope in time you’ll see your inner and outer beauty.
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sefinaa · 5 months
❝𝐏𝐀𝐂: “𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐲 𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐛𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐈 𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠?”❞
How will the love of your life affect you?
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YouTube | Masterlist | Tips | Paid Readings
—18+ readings
Not a tarot card reading, only based on my intuition.
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Pile 1:
This person will expand your horizons, open you up to new opportunities that you believe were not possible. They will grab your hand and pull you up, they don’t care for your whines and complaints, they want to see you happy. Their happiness stems from you improving yourself and seeking a higher version of yourself. They want you to believe that you can have a better life and they want you to seek it in improvement.
“Because, I have been on the same road you have been, seeking adventures and a better life, but assuming I cannot do it. You already know you can do it, so why assume otherwise? I don’t understand why or what makes you afraid.”
As I channeled this message, the same imagery popped up in my head many times.
Imagine yourself on a tall rocky landscape, and the only way to escape is on a very thin line, not even a rope, a thin line to escape and walk on to make it to the other side. I can see and feel your fear upon this and you keep telling yourself, “I am scared,” or “I cannot do it.” Of course not, how will you do it if you have these assumptions? You cannot.
So what is the point of this imagery? Because this is how your lover’s feels, your lover is someone who will always pick up their feet when things go wrong and this will influence you to do the same. This person will make you whole once more and this person will make your life complete. They gave you advice and you change your life. Thank them, thank anyone, sure, but thank yourself the most.
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Pile 2:
This is a rocky pile. Is anyone dealing with a lover who treats them like crap but they keep going back to?
Why are you going back? You have this angel looking around for you, to marry, to love, to have kids, whatever, and you have the audacity to disrespect yourself, for what? To make them happy? To control you? To manipulate you? What are you doing with your life? Sweetheart, you have an angel waiting for you, to love and adore, to caress you when you’re sobbing and to make you feel safe. Why are you going back to that person?!
This person is going to change your whole existence!! I mean it, I feel such amazing an energy radiating from this person, I can feel it in my whole being as I type your reading. This person is going to love you so much where you cannot even fathom how the heck you went back to this so called lover. This person will make you believe that you can become a billionaire, that you are worthy, that you deserve so much better. They will change your mindset to the point where you will be financially stable. You want to have kids, right? So do they. They want children who will be treated with so much love, dignity and respect. How can you have children like that if you don’t show the same to yourself? You cannot.
Know your worth and leave them, heal yourself and your angel will come to you. You’ll see.
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g1rld1ary · 5 months
bloody genius ; anthony lockwood x fem!reader
➻ rushed to get this out before I go out tonight (wish me luck lols) but am pretty fond of it !!
➻ word count: 1686
➻ synopsis: after a long night of sifting through research for an impossible case with lockwood, you do something you didn't quite mean to
➻ warnings: light mentions of series typical murder/violence, kissing, idiots in love
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You groaned, tipping back in your chair and rubbing your eyes, trying to make them see straight. You and Lockwood had been pouring over photocopied newspaper articles, floor plans and assorted research for hours and you weren’t getting any closer to stringing any of it together. With Lockwood & Co steadily improving their reputation, the company was getting more and more cases with shorter and shorter timeframes. To combat this influx of cases and the consequent research that needed completing, you’d all decided to split the load where possible. This meant that currently George and Lucy were in the library researching one case whilst you and Lockwood had shut yourselves in the kitchen to struggle through another.
You supposed you had the better deal, though, supplied with easy access to tea, the thinking cloth, and, of course, Lockwood. He was your secret favourite out of your coworkers-turned-family, though if you asked Lucy she’d say it was no secret at all. Regardless, that brought you to the current moment where the thinking cloth was filled with nonsensical lines following trains of thought, all edges punctuated with a frankly ridiculous number of question marks.
Lockwood himself looked almost as frustrated as you felt, but you could tell he was trying to hide it and save face. He caught you staring and flashed a smile, but it lacked its usual charm when his eye bags were more pronounced than usual.
“Hey,” He said softly, putting his hand over yours to stop you drawing stress doodles — the latest one a crudely drawn murder scene, “We’ll get it soon, just gotta find the connection between it all.”
“Sure, Lockwood.” You tried for a smile but it came out as more of a grimace and Lockwood could see the exhaustion etched into your features. He frowned, more concerned for your wellbeing than the case at the moment.
“Maybe you’ve done enough for tonight? Go get some sleep and we can pick back up in the morning?”
“Are you going to go to bed?” You asked, already sure of the answer, “I’m not leaving you to do this on your own, not this time.” He opened his mouth to argue but you shut him up with a glare. He held up his hands in light-hearted surrender. As an alternative Lockwood suggested a break; only a few minutes, but enough for you to make two new mugs of steaming tea and him to crack open a new packet of biscuits. “I’ll even let you break the biscuit rule,” He stage whispered, ducking out of the kitchen to check on Lucy and George and refill their own stash of snacks.
You watched him go, smiling softly. You loved evenings like this — well not like this where trains of thought didn’t quite make it to the station and you had the infuriating feeling of knowledge being held just out of reach, but nights where you were all home and together. You liked them even more when it meant you got to spend time with Lockwood and he got like this; treating you just a little bit differently to George or Lucy, offering you extra biscuits and giving you that soft smile, the one that made your heart flutter in a way it probably shouldn’t when looking at your boss. It fed your delusions of one day telling him how you feel, sure, but the lightness of his attention overpowered the inevitable heartbreak you’d face when he got a date that wasn’t you.
He returned with a confident grin, snapping you out of your stupor. You buried yourself in a new file, scanning for anything that could make sense of the mess of a case you were given. Maybe a Type Two, could be a poltergeist or not, who knows who the ghost was — the whole thing was ridiculous and you had no idea why Lockwood would even take it, but he said he felt sorry for the poor old man who came to the doorstep of 35 Portland Row. The both of you sat in comfortable silence for what felt like hours, knee-deep in paper.
Your eyes were glazing in and out of focus until you caught a snippet of something that had you gasping and tumbling out of your chair, standing frenetically in front of Lockwood looking ready to perform.
“What if I told you,” You said grinning, “That your dear old man had a sealed criminal record until a few years ago? For being a suspect in a murder case no less!” Lockwood was solely focused on you now, dark eyes searching your face for more information. You were no less enthusiastic, eyes scanning the police report quickly for the relevant information. “He was a suspect in the murder of a Charlotte Black back in the 50s. Her sister alleged that the two were involved but the police found no evidence of his involvement, nor of their relationship at all, with the exception of two letters the sister sent during the time of the investigation. Officers on the case said his apartment was ‘severely lacking a female touch’ — ouch — and said to them he was definitely not in a relationship. The record was sealed because the allegations had a dire impact on his accounting firm!” You were buzzing despite the grim subject matter, as you’d finally found the link that could tie the case together.
Lockwood was similarly ecstatic. “Obviously the relationship had to be a secret for whatever reason which was why there’s no marriage certificate or record of letters between them. The letter I was looking at before must’ve been from this sister, it detailed her desire for independence and her interest in his business. She found out about his shady numbers—” He jumped up to grab a letter of complaint over botched figures from a client, “He got mad and killed her! Y/n you’re a bloody genius!” You flushed at the compliment.
“And she’s here now because he’s coming out of retirement, he bragged about it when you were hearing his case! God, it would just be great if we had, like, one more piece of evidence, just to confirm they knew each other,” You sighed, clenching your fingers at the single hole in the puzzle.
The door opened suddenly and George appeared, holding a small folded piece of paper.
“I think this might be from your case, not ours — odd looking couple,” George said, popping the photo on the edge of the dining table, giving a quizzical look at the two of you standing in the middle of the kitchen before heading back to the library. You and Lockwood exchanged a look, almost too scared to take a peek, it was too perfect. You grabbed the photo of Charlotte Black her sister had attached to the letter, plus the one of the man that you’d found in a local newspaper in the archives and laid them both out on the table for comparison.
Lockwood sucked in a nervous breath before slowly peeling open the photo. You couldn’t contain your joy, it was them! The whole night was suddenly worth it, the two of you jumping around the kitchen like little kids on Christmas. One second you were doing a stupid victory dance and the next your lips had pressed themselves to Lockwood’s. The moment you’d become cognisant of what had happened you stepped back, feeling your heart plummet to your toes. This was not how you’d imagined that would happen. Plus, Lockwood’s unusually stoic face was igniting your anxiety, cold spreading through every branch of your veins.
“Oh my God,” You breathed, willing your legs to work, “I am so sorry, Anthony.” Your body caught up to your brain and you headed to the door until you were pulled back, a hand on your waist twisting you to face him again. And then his lips were on yours with purpose this time, the hand not on your waist finding its way to cup your jaw. When your brain was done short circuiting you matched his fervour tenfold, bringing your hands up to rest on his chest, gripping the collar of his shirt to bring him impossibly closer.
You only pulled away when you were at genuine risk of passing out, unable to conjure a single word. Lockwood gazed at you with glossy, blown out pupils. That, mixed with the pink blush on his cheeks and swollen lips created your favourite ever version of Anthony Lockwood — an image you hoped would be privately yours from now on.
“So, is this where I ask to take you on a proper date, love?” He asked, his smile melting your heart into a puddle in his hand. You couldn’t let him have all the fun, though, and willed yourself to produce a teasing grin.
“Seems appropriate, doesn’t it?” Your eyes strayed to the clock on the wall that showed an inappropriately early hour of the morning, “I think we both ought to get some sleep, tomorrow’ll be a big job. Goodnight, Anthony.” You punctuated it with a soft kiss to his cheek before slipping out of the room to silently scream as you bound up the stairs, victory dance making a reappearance behind your safely closed door.
Anthony was left standing in the kitchen like a fool, hand sitting softly where you’d kissed him. A lovesick smile passed his face, thoughts of the impending case long gone from his brain, and in their place sat pictures of you and a looping memory of you slotting your lips between his. He wasn’t sure how long he was standing there basking in your light, but Lucy walked past to drop her mug in the sink, shooting Lockwood a knowing look before heading up to the attic. Lockwood found himself giggling uncharacteristically, giddy with the glee of finally telling you how he’d felt since you first walked through the door of 35 Portland Row.
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writeforfandoms · 5 months
Run Wild 5
Find the series masterlist
Your pack insists on making your life both easier and harder, and you're not entirely sure how to feel about things. The situation doesn't improve when you and Horangi go on an op together.
Warnings: Swearing, allusions to animal cruelty, Mink is having a hard time with her emotions, pack dynamics, shifter dynamics, flirting.
Word count: 2.8k
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The next few days passed in a blur. You couldn't have recited what you did if someone held you at gunpoint. 
But you didn't spend a lot of time with your pack. The two men. 
You weren't avoiding them, really. Not intentionally. Not really. 
You just…
Your cheeks puffed out as you dropped to the dirt, going through a training exercise with a squad. No König today. No Horangi today. 
Just training exercises.
You just needed to clear your head, that was all. 
Breathing slowly, you focused on your task. Just a little longer and you'd be done for the day. 
At least, that was the plan. 
Until Horangi met you at the end of your exercise, arms crossed loosely over his chest, sunglasses as impenetrable as ever. You blinked at him. 
“Come with me.” He uncrossed his arms, fingers twitching briefly. You nodded, falling in behind him, absently brushing yourself off. 
He led you inside to the offices, though he didn't slow down even as your nose twitched in curiosity. You hadn't been in here often, and you wanted to explore. But Horangi didn't give you any time, just turning down a hallway, expecting you to follow him. 
Which you did. Of course. 
He stepped into a conference room and shut the door after you. König was already there waiting, leaned back against a wall, gaze fixed on the two of you. 
“How are your recon skills?” Horangi turned to you as he asked, removing his sunglasses. The better to watch you, eyes dark and just a little narrowed. 
“Good,” you said slowly, gaze darting between your two packmates. “Better if I can shift.” 
Horangi nodded once, holding your gaze for a long moment before you blinked and looked away. “Good. We'll be going out on recon.” 
“When?” You stood up a little straighter. 
“Tomorrow. Briefing is officially in half an hour.” Horangi took one step closer to you, fingers closing around your wrist gently. “We will be the only two going in.”
“Two?” Your eyebrows shot up in surprise. 
“I am not as skilled at recon,” König rumbled, faintly embarrassed. “I am too loud.” 
Horangi chuffed, amused and fond. “Two,” he confirmed, still watching you closely. “Will that be a problem?”
“No, sir.” You refocused on your alpha, head tipping slowly to one side. “I can do it.” 
His eyes crinkled the smallest amount, like he was smiling under the mask. “You don't even know what it is yet,” he teased. 
You shrugged. “I can still do it,” you asserted with a brief flash of teeth. “I can do quiet.” 
“Hm.” Horangi nodded again and released your wrist. “Get cleaned up, meet back here in twenty-five.”
You nodded, though for a moment you stood still, just looking at him. His eyes would be covered again for the briefing, you knew. So you soaked in the trust he showed for a moment longer before you stepped around him and left.
You had to clean up, after all. 
But you made it back with two minutes to spare, sinking down into the seat next to Horangi. König was gone, though you didn't have a chance to do more than shoot Horangi a questioning look. 
The briefing was, well, brief. Shorter than you'd expected, actually. You were being sent in to find some information, very quiet. Just you and Horangi, as he'd warned you before. 
You didn't mind. You were good at recon. 
The building was isolated, meaning a trip in a helo, then a drive. The two of you had a few hours before you'd leave, which gave you time to grab a few necessities. 
The knock at your door startled you, and you paused with your hoodie in your hands. But you opened the door after a moment, curiosity winning. 
König stood in the doorway, filling the entire thing, looking even broader than normal. He shifted his weight from foot to foot, seeming uncertain. 
“König?” You blinked up at him. “Can I help you with something?” 
He shook his head, hood shifting with the movement. “Here.” He thrust one hand at you, gloved fingers curled around a piece of fabric. 
You took the fabric carefully, surprised at how soft it was. An old bandana, blue and black. Curious, you lifted your gaze to König again. 
He shrugged, now-empty hand reaching back to rub the back of his neck. “Just in case,” he mumbled, gaze dropping. 
“Thank you.” You pulled it closer, rubbing your thumb against it. “I'll bring it back.”
He shook his head again. “It's yours,” he said, speaking faster now. “A gift.” 
Your lips parted, because that? Was very different from something borrowed. 
“You will be late,” König fussed, taking a step back from the doorway. “Don't keep Horangi waiting.” 
Before you could gather your thoughts to say anything, he was gone, long strides carrying him down the corridor and away from you. 
You blew out a breath, letting your cheeks puff out. Well then. 
He'd given you a gift. Something personal, given how soft the bandana was. And judging by the fact his scent had permeated the fabric entirely, as proven when you lifted it to your nose. 
This was… unexpected. 
But he was right, you didn't want to make Horangi wait. You hurried through getting ready, throwing your hoodie on last. Since this was a recon op, you were dressed down, no longer in uniform. Which suited you just fine. 
Horangi was waiting for you at the helo, dark eyes giving you a swift once-over before he nodded his approval. He motioned you in first, settling next to you for the ride. 
It felt odd to see him without his sunglasses - he wore them constantly, even sometimes in the pack room. 
You only realized you'd been looking too long when one dark eyebrow arched at you. 
“Something on your mind?” The words were almost teasing. 
“Eh. Sort of.” You shrugged, forcing yourself to look away. “Just not used to seeing, y'know, that much of your face.” 
He snorted softly, one hand landing on your knee. “If you spent more time in the pack room you'd see more,” he murmured, definitely amused now. 
You huffed, playing at being indignant. “Yeah, sure.”
He eyed you but didn't push. For once. Instead he kept his hand on your knee for the rest of the flight. 
The drive was a couple hours, and he wordlessly got in the driver's seat, leaving the passenger side for you. You briefly debated laying down for a nap in the back… but gave up on that immediately. You'd rather spend the time with Horangi.
“König gave me a gift,” you blurted, without really meaning to. 
Horangi nodded. “I know.” 
“He told you?” 
“He didn't need to.” 
You eyed him but he didn't look at you, hands steady on the wheel. “Did you talk about it before?”
Horangi hummed softly, gaze flitting to you. “Briefly, yes.” 
You weren't quite sure how to feel about that, and so simply huffed softly. 
“If you came into the pack room more often…” He trailed off.
“You've mentioned.” You blew out a breath. “I guess I'll have to.” 
You almost missed the flicker of his lips into the barest smile. Almost. 
But that humor was nowhere to be found when the two of you reached your destination. Horangi parked the car, and you took a moment to stretch. Dawn was still a few hours off yet, giving the two of you plenty of time to get this op done. As long as things didn't go totally sideways. 
The last section of the journey was on foot, Horangi taking the lead. When he glanced back at you, you could just see the reflection in his eyes, undeniably green. Your lips twitched. What a cat, indeed. 
The smell hit you first, and your nose wrinkled against your will. Filth and waste left to sit too long, the faint tang of rusted metal overlaying it. The animal musk seemed out of place, but then again, this far out from a city any number of critters could be living around the building. The building was long and squat, single story, no lights on. 
“Here.” Horangi stopped at a window that had been left open a crack. “This will be the bathroom.” 
You nodded, recalling the map the two of you had gone over hours earlier. “Ten minutes,” you agreed. 
No more words passed between you as he boosted you up, and you pushed the window the rest of the way open to twist through. It was easier without gear in the way, but also left your shoulders and back tingling with the knowledge that you had nothing but fabric between you and any potential attack. 
But you were good at being quiet and sneaky, as proven when you made your way through the building. Nothing moved around you as you crept down the hallway, checking your doors and corners as you went. 
The smell got worse the further into the building you went. You opened the door at the end of the hallway and paused for a long moment, swallowing hard. 
The big empty room you'd seen in the plans was not empty. Instead it held a dozen or so metal cages, each one housing a small furry critter. A few of them moved as you did, eyes opening and feet shifting. 
Intel had been wrong about this room, and you wished you'd never seen it. But you had to push through to finish your task. 
You swallowed hard and crept around the outside of the room, focusing only on being quiet and avoiding any cameras. You couldn't worry about the animals, not right now. 
The office, at least, was exactly where it was supposed to be. It took moments to find and grab the documents you needed, lips curling. Well. At least Horangi would be pleased with you. 
Doing one more check of the room to be sure you had everything, you turned to go. 
Soft chittering made you stop. 
You couldn't understand the animals in the cages, no more than any human versed in body language could. But you could feel more empathy towards them. 
They didn't deserve this. But you needed to get out without leaving any sign of your passage. 
As much as you wanted to, you couldn't loose the animals in the cages. 
Jaw clenching, you forced your feet to move. Maybe you'd see if Horangi would let you come back and take care of the animals later. That was the best you could do, right now. 
The trip back through the dark building was silent, and you hoisted yourself up to the window, hanging half-out to hand the documents to Horangi. He looked amused when you slithered the rest of the way out. 
“Well done,” he murmured with an approving nod to you. Warmth filled your chest at the simple praise, and you basked in it for a moment. 
“Seemed pretty easy,” you murmured cautiously as the two of you snuck away again. “I mean, for us.” 
Horangi chuckled, dark eyes glancing at you. “Sometimes things are easy,” he murmured. “We're not paying for it.” 
You shrugged. Something still seemed wrong, but if he wasn't concerned, you weren't going to make a fuss about it. 
“You could sleep,” Horangi offered, even as he turned on the car to drive the two of you away. 
“Nah. I'll wait.” You stretched out a little in the seat, head leaning back against the headrest. The sky was just beginning to lighten with the first hints of sunrise, promising more. “Where are we stopping?”
“Safehouse,” Horangi answered, even though you were pretty sure you were supposed to remember that from the briefing. “In case we need to go back.” 
You hummed acknowledgement of that, glancing at him. Time alone with your pack alpha. You weren't entirely sure how to feel about that. 
“Promise I won't bite.” He flashed you a grin with teeth. 
You laughed, quiet but amused. “Ah yes, very reassuring.” 
He smirked, fingers flexing on the wheel. “Nervous?”
“Not particularly.” You grinned. “You had your chance to murder me in the middle of nowhere.”
He chuffed at you, briefly letting go of the wheel to pat your knee. “Won't be my only chance.” 
You laughed as his touch retreated again, leaving you warm and more relaxed than you should be. But you were learning to trust him, to give him bits of yourself. 
It was a heady feeling. 
The safehouse was boring, as most safehouses in your experience were. But it was warmer than outside and had blackout curtains, which would come in handy since the sun was up. 
You left Horangi in the main room to scout the rest of the place. Not that there was much to see - a single bedroom, a bathroom that König would have been absolutely squished in, and a hall closet with spare supplies. Nothing glamorous. But it would do. 
“Get some rest,” Horangi told you, sprawled along the length of the couch like a, well, cat. “I'll be up for a while.” 
You eyed him for a moment, debating how much you could push. “You'll rest soon?”
“Yes.” Far from appearing offended, Horangi smiled, just a little. 
You blinked at him, startled, warmth building in your chest at the sight of that smile. And promptly fled back to the bedroom. 
You absolutely should not like the sight of his smile that much. It wasn't that big a deal. It really wasn't. 
You were still trying to convince yourself of that when you dropped off to sleep. 
You woke before Horangi, sneaking past him to get some water. He'd managed to fall asleep on the couch, legs dangling over one arm, head tipped at an angle and torso twisted into some weird position that only a cat could enjoy. Shaking your head, you twisted the top off a water bottle, guzzling half of it in one go. 
Hopefully the two of you would get to head back to base today. Not that you minded being in a safehouse with him, but… it felt weird. Just the two of you, and no König. 
It was odd to leave a pack member out. 
Which was weird for you - it had been a long time since you'd been part of a pack, and longer since leaving someone out was even an option. All these realizations made you antsy, eager to do something, just so you weren't trapped in your own head. 
“You think too loudly.” 
You absolutely didn't jump at Horangi's voice behind you. You definitely didn't drop your water. “When did you wake up?” You asked him, eyeing him over the back of the couch. He hadn't moved at all. 
“I've been awake.”
His lips twitched into another smile, small but very much there. You had to look away as heat suffused your face. 
“Any updates this morning?” You cleared your throat, picking up your water bottle and tossing it from hand to hand. 
“Not yet.” Horangi swung his legs around the side, sitting up and cracking his neck. “We'll hang tight a little longer.” 
You shrugged, wandering around the room aimlessly, too restless to settle. 
“Sit.” Horangi patted the couch next to him. “You can answer a few questions for me.” 
Well. That wasn't ominous at all. But you sat anyway. 
“What do you need in the pack room?”
You blinked at him, mouth dropping open a little. That… was not what you'd expected. “What?”
“You heard me.” His lips twitched again, eyes warm with amusement. 
Surprised, you leaned back against the couch, watching him. But he didn't change the question, didn't restate it. Just waited. 
“Not sure,” you settled on, a little cautious. “I don't need much.” 
Horangi made a short, dismissive noise at that. “Everyone needs something,” he insisted, head tipping to one side, gaze fixed on you. 
You blew out a noisy breath. You'd never given it any thought, if you needed anything in the pack room. “I don't… really know,” you admitted slowly. 
Horangi nodded slowly, never looking away from you. “Then we will figure it out.” 
You swallowed hard, the implication that he wasn't going anywhere, that he and König would help, bringing both a rush of joy and trepidation. You honestly weren't sure how to feel, now. 
Fortunately, you didn't have to figure it out. The phone rang. 
You moved away as Horangi made a face, reaching over the couch to grab his pack and the phone. You went back to the window to look outside, only half paying attention to the phone conversation. 
You needed to get your head on straight. Or move. 
“Time to go.” Horangi stood, shouldering his bag. 
You followed him silently back to the car, looking out the window without really seeing anything.
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ao3commentoftheday · 7 months
Hi! I'm asking for advice, please. I'm in a small ship fandom, it's so small that most of us know each other here. Having a small, unpopular ship is not an issue in itself and most of us are okay with that, but the ship gets a lot of hate from the bigger ship fandom. I won't say much about the fandom situation, but I'd love to get more people to write for our ship. It's hard because our authors get a lot of hate reviews and our AO3 tag is a mess because the big ship shippers put their hate stories there all the time. I know there are tools to filter this unwanted content, like OTP:true, but people who don't know AO3 very well have a hard time finding the stories written by the few active authors that we still have. Our stories are not lacking in quality, but they're so scarce that readers get discouraged after a while. A similar thing happens to writers because of this situation with the hate comments and lack of interaction. I know that I can't do much about the hate the ship gets, but I would like some advice to motivate people in our fandom to write and support our writers more. I read, comment, and create as much as I can, but it'd be nice to get fresh ideas about improving this situation, maybe planning fan events and similar stuff. I will gladly welcome any helpful tips if you have them, please! I am aware that creating more content would expose our writers to more hate. I know that, but I also think that it's unfair that people have to refrain from enjoying the things they love just because other people hate it. That's why I'm trying to change things for the better, but I need help.
I'm so sorry your fandom is so awful to your group, anon ❤️ No ship is worth being mean to others over, and especially not worth making an entire group feel unwelcome in a communal space.
I strongly recommend that the authors of your ship restrict comments to logged-in registered users only (you can find this setting in Post a New Work form) and block any commenters who post hate. If anyone circumvents the block, report them to PAC for block evasion. To do so, visit the comment itself (by clicking on the thread button or following the link from the email) and choose Policy Questions & Abuse Reports from the AO3 footer. Don't delete the comment until after PAC have had a chance to read it and investigate.
Now, as for how to encourage more people to create!
It's always worthwhile to celebrate the folks who are already doing the thing. Create recommendation lists and share them around. Write a ship manifesto to encourage people to take a look at the ship if they haven't already. Reach out to fanartists who take requests or commissions and see if they'll make ship art. Get a group of writers together for an exchange.
Bring in new writers by messaging an author who is open to other ships and seeing if they'd be willing to write a oneshot. Post a list of ship-centric prompts and encourage folks to reblog it and fill the prompts. You could even create a prompt meme on AO3.
That's all I can think of off the top of my head, but I'm sure the blog will be able to suggest even more. We're here to support you, anon!
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