#I am so concerned trek community
cloudwhisper23 · 1 year
Freddy’s trek to Parts and Service was interrupted briefly as Officer Vanessa tried to get his attention for the thirteenth time. “Freddy! Do you have a moment?”
“I was just on my way to Parts and Service, Officer Vanessa. Is there something you need help with?”
Frazzled, Vanessa nodded her head vigorously. “There’s two kids wandering around on their own.”
“I do not see how that concerns me. I believe you should communicate the issue to another member of staff-“
“No, you don’t understand. They’re not kids. Not human kids, anyway.”
“I don’t follow.”
“They’re…” Vanessa gestured vaguely. “Talking animals?”
Freddy frowned. “The suggestion you are making does not make any sense. I was under the impression that therianthropy was purely hypothetical, and it pertained specifically to cave drawings in France.”
“Glad to see you have an open mind,” Vanessa replied sarcastically.
“If you could just-“
“Come with me for a minute. You’ll believe it when you see it.” Vanessa turned and started walking.
The door to the security office flew open when Vanessa scanned her keycard. Freddy didn’t see much out of the ordinary, aside from the child-sized stuffed teddy bear on the floor. Or at least, he didn’t until the bear moved.
Freddy couldn’t help himself. He pressed himself down low, just in case the little bear was scared of him. Evidently, the bear cub was not afraid. He looked at Freddy, blinking sleepily.
“Are you…” he yawned. His little teeth poked out of his mouth, and Freddy felt a rush of affection surge over him. “Do I know you? Should I know you?” 
His amber eyes gleamed as they settled on Freddy’s face. Suddenly, the animatronic bear didn’t know what to do. “Officer Vanessa,” he started, but she had already quietly left the room. Off to worry about something else, he supposed.
Shaking his head, Freddy continued his focus on the bear cub. “My name is Freddy Fazbear. I am a performer slash entertainer for a company called Fazbear Entertainment. What is your name?”
The little bear blinked at him for a moment. “My name? I… I’m…” His ear twitched. “Gregory. My name is Gregory.”
“Well, Gregory, you seem to be a bit lost. I don’t see too many bears hanging around here normally.”
So, I did an art trade with @pixlokita here on tumblr. Since I've had block for several months now, I wrote a ficlet instead. Hope y'all enjoy it as much as they did!
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DS9 2x22 The Wire thoughts (I'm re-watching, so there may be future spoilers)
I'm so excited to watch this again!
I guess we don't know that Julian had the choice to "entertain one of his lady friends" the night before, but I certainly choose to believe he did, he wanted to finish Garak's book more :p
Garak's stammering in "Doctor, what do you think you're doing?" :3
"In my expert medical opinion, I'd say it's sick." XD
"Keiko would be proud of you." Hah - the thing is I can imagine the overly-excited Julian telling her about this at some point and her just sweetly saying "well done, I'm impressed" but in her teacher voice she uses for seven year olds
"It's not like you two are really friends." Julian is NOT being subtle here that at the very least he WANTS to be real friends 😅 this man and lying...
Okay and now he's stabbing the plant with the hypospray because he's so frustrated with not being able to help Garak
VERY dramatic entrance, doctor.
😬😂That looked suspiciously like Quark was miming giving Julian oomax while saying "maybe a late night session in a holosuite".
"Try not to yell at any more admirals for a while." "I wasn't yelling. I was just expressing my feelings. Loudly." Gotta love Sisko
Oh, his poor dejected face at the information recurring taking weeks :3
Love how Julian is called to take care of Garak - this isn't Dr Bashir being called, it's not a medical emergency. It's Julian being Garak's only known friend who's requested.
Is it just me or did Julian check Garak or when he said "We'll go to my quarters"?
That drink exchange was VERY smooth of Quark and Julian
"I routinely monitor all of Quark's subspace communications." "Is that legal?" XD
"I see your point"... That's actually the exact same phrase as altered!Julian uses in Dramatis Personae - only this time it's ihm agreeing to do something questionable with Odo, last time it was to do something reasonable with him.
" I hope you don't have one of those little bugs hidden in my quarters." "Should I?" What's the betting Julian's going to be paranoid about this for a few weeks?
Julian's "What?! *sigh*" after being told Garak had left the infirmary. Idk it gave me feels.
I'm here for his Angry Pacing
"Doctor, did anyone ever tell you that you are an infuriating pest" "Chief O'Brien all the time, and I don't pay any attention to him either." That answer came SO quickly, he didn't even have to think about it
"I'm a doctor. You're my patient. That's all I need to know" JULIAN I CANNOT WITH YOU
Ohh, his sad looking downness <3 <3
Endless endless compassion, I love you so much
"Right now I'm not concerned with what you did in the past. I'm simply not going to walk out of here and let you die. We need to turn that implant off and whatever withdrawal symptoms or side effects you may experience, I promise I'll help you through them." Is he really not in love with Garak?! Because this is some gay shit Julian Subatoi Bashir. GAY I tell you
"In that case I want to talk to him now. Wake him up." "I'll do no such thing." "Doctor, these are murder cases and Garak may be a suspect." "That may be so, but he's still my patient and I won't have him disturbed." I am WILD about calmly resolute Doctor Bashir
I love a sleepy Julian :3
Garak's manic speech is incredible. WHAT a performance. My word. I couldn't look away.
" I can't believe that I actually enjoyed ... staring into your smug, sanctimonious face." Staring into Julian's face sounds pretty gay to me, Garak. (Who wouldn't enjoy staring at it though?)
Ah yes, wrestling on the floor with your alien crush while he is out of his mind. Definitely never happened before in Trek. No parallels here to be drawn.........
"I don't want to hurt you." And presumably he actually could.
Julian whizzing through all the samples, brining one back having seen it for all of 2 seconds and immediately knowing which one to overlay it with. THAT SEEMS PRETTY GENETICALLY ENGINEERED TO ME. I swear I don't know how that crackpot retcon worked so well, but it DOES
"More than I deserve." Oooh, callback to earlier int he episode when he said "Has it ever occurred to you that I might be getting exactly what I deserve?" .... My HEART
"I've about given up on learning the truth from you, Garak."I The FONDNESS with which he SAYS this!
"We were closer than brothers...."Sons of Train" welp, that's the 'true' bit
Holding handsssss!!!
There's no way Sisko sanctioned this, right? Did Julian just steal the shuttle craft?!
Okay then, just beam into the house of someone you know to be extremely dangerous and start poking around?! Your curiosity, Julian, I swear...
*wide smile* "I always drink Tarkalian! ..." -suddenly realises that this is VERY personal information Tain has on him- "...Tea."
Did he just GIGGLE? *rewatches* Yep, it's definitely there - "Are all the Starfleet Lieutenants as brash as you are?" "I couldn't say - hehe - though I doubt it."
"I thought you were his friend." "I suppose I am." YES HE SAID IT that's the first step
"Information is your business." Julian you are bold as BRASS
"he'll never come home again" oof, knowing the double meaning of home as Cardassia and to Tain
The disappointment in Julian's face at the answer to his "Who was Elim?" question
Ohhh, that last conversation. Julian's so damn fond of him. That smile at the end. They ARE in love.
Well this was delightful. What a good episode. I had forgotten, and wasn't sure if it had just been hyped up. But no. Truly phenomenal. Thanks, DS9!
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thegeminisage · 8 months
oh boy IT'S tng update time. last night* we watched "imaginary friend" and "i, borg."
*tonight. it's 1am. whatever. it's posting tomorrow when i'll be awake but busy. anyway im gonna have to start splitting these up so tumblr will stop FUCKING me re my character count
imaginary friend:
what i like about this episode and indeed tng as a whole is that the little girl was fucking adorable. tng fans, your show has at least one point of validity. whenever there was a child on tos i wanted to throw them out of the airlock because they acted possessed. all the children on tng inspire within me motherly concern.
we've gone over this at length. we don't need to do it again. i am sick to death of hearing myself talk about it. i want to stop. and yet. every. and i mean EVERY. SINGLE. PROBLEM. in this episode. happened because there were children on a starship.
problem #1: child is making up a fake imaginary friend instead of making real ones = it's because her dad hops from starship to starship
problem #2 her imaginary friend is real now and wants to drown her in the pool like in that one episode of s*pernatural = this is because an alien, from space, read her mind, which it could not have done if she wasn't in space on a starship
problem #3: the alien HATES the grownups and thinks they should die = because she is seeing the ship from a child's pov, because there are children on this starship
and on and on and on.
aside from this huge and ongoing point of contention it was solidly watchable. i liked the little girl. i like guinan. i like worf being a big old softie when he found them out of bounds. i like people not undermining deanna's counseling work. i liked the horrifically unsettling imaginary friend with laser eyes who definitely absolutely inspired 2.11 playthings.
can anyone tell me if the other star trek shows just let them have kids on the ships? ds9 i get because that's a space station but are there kids on the ship in enterprise? voyager? discovery? genuinely please write in i can't take living like this
i, borg:
ooooooh. ooh i am twirling my hair and kicking my feet and giggling about it. OHHH finally we get a good tng episode. and not just a good episode a GREAT episode. the liz community has forgiven tng. oh baby where do i even begin
okay, firstly, beverly. she so instantly sees someone injured and HAS to help, i mean HAS to, it's so good. it's very bonescore in a way that doesn't feel like they're trying to make her a cheap bones knockoff but rather a spiritual successor. he would have also helped his enemy rather than watching him die. hell, he DID do that and got quite literally mind-raped for his trouble, and he'd probably do it again. i was really really lukewarm on poor bev at first but she's come into her own so well and i'm proud of her
the borg himself - third of five, aw, just like seven of nine - but no, hugh - the name is dumb but whatever i'm glad he has one - was well-cast. it would have been easy to make him uncanny and an unpleasant presence onscreen (this was my biggest issue with data's daughter even though the ep DID make me cry, deeply sorry to data whomst i love the most). his "you will be assimilated resistance is futile" song and dance was actually really funny when played off of geordi's wry indifference. "ok, but before we get assimilated, can we please finish x test?" so true king
geordi's a natural choice to pair with this guy because when he's not being the creepiest person on earth to holodeck girls he's sociable, outgoing, and patient. PLUS he has experience befriending machines because of data. hugh actually reminded me of data in some ways because of his general lack of understanding re: humanity but - and this is critical to me - HE IS HUMAN
like, i feel like the episode didn't quite nail the point home hard enough possibly because they were afraid of the implications but the cold hard truth of the matter is that each and every person on the borg cube IS A PERSON. they have been assimilated, but we've twice now seen that it's possible to unassimilate them with only a few days of effort. picard (and guinan!) consider the entire collective their enemy but the collective is comprised of brainwashed prisoners. those fucked up little borg babies they found in the cube were assimilated as INFANTS - i assume they weren't born on the cube bc if the borg could reproduce on its own it wouldn't need to assimilate - but even if they were born on the cube, they had no choice but to be this. you know.
which is whyyyy it's so fucked picard was like yeah give hugh some digital poison let him carry it back to his cube and we'll kill them like ants <3 like, oh my god his lingering borg trauma or whatever. MWAH. when he told deanna he didn't wanna talk. when he and guinan had to trauma-bond while fencing. when he told geordi that he needed to unattach himself because it was nothing more than animal experimentation. STONE FUCKING COLD BY THE WAY. he is fighting in the war on animal experimentation on the side of animal experimentation. he was going to let his cre heal and feed that kid and then send him back laced with poison. diabolical <3
and, of course, when he didn't want to speak or associate that borg kid at all because that's who he used to be AND WHO HE STILL IS in some corner of his brain (!!!)
LIKE. WHEN HE WAS FINALLY CONVINCED TO INTERROGATE THIS KID. and IMMEDIATELY broke out the locutus voice. he still remembered all the protocol! the way of speaking! everything! i was so shocked and thrilled.
i love also how everyone who spoke to hugh came away extremely unsettled but also totally convinced of his humanity. even guinan, which was so fun, because she was even more anti-borg than picard at first and they were bonding over trauma and fantasy racism. that bit where hugh, who had only known about the concept of loneliness for like an hour, immediately pegged her as lonely after like three lines of dialogue. oh my GOD???
i was decently satisfied with the ending - obviously they couldn't send him back with poison nor could they protect him from the borg, but i wish they had informed him of the inevitable memory wipe before he made his choice. (a selfless choice! he loves geordi!!) still i think he mostly walked into it with eyes open. very sad but very proud of him.
my one tiny nitpick with this episode is that for all beverly's genuine and justified concern about hugh, i don't think theyre ever gonna address the fact that she shot and possibly killed some of the borg in the episode where picard got assimilated. i feel like after realizing they are all people, like hugh, she should also realize she's broken the hippocratic oath, and have a little crisis about it. i have no idea why we had the DOCTOR shooting and killing anybody but let alone if we aren't gonna get into that. i don't think anyone cares/cared except me though.
but tbh, for me this is one of the main draws of the borg. they're ALL brainwashed cyber-assassins and they're ALL prisoners and in theory ALL of them could be saved if only they would stop attacking first. sure, yeah, in fights you gotta do what you gotta do because your own life has gotta come first, but the unique scifi horror aspect of all of those guys being perfectly innocent people fucks and they should utilize it a little more!!!
NEXT TIME: "the next phase" and "the inner light."
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storiesfromvenus · 20 days
A Talk in U.S.S. Cassiopeia - Day 3: Starships
day 3 for Scifi September, prompt by @thepromptfoundry :]
this is inspired by Star Trek! a favorite of mine <3
Captain’s log. 
 Today's date is 8.13.2114, we’ve done enough exploring on our ongoing voyage with the U.S.S Cassiopeia. The crew is headed for bed, the night shift will soon commence for the time being.
 As for myself, I’ve decided to stay up a little late. As captain, I have a specific duty to fulfill, even if that means sacrificing some shut eye. There is a reason for this however, a new recruit we have on our ship. 
 We found her on a desolate planet during our searches. She has the form of a little girl, roughly around the ages between twelve and fourteen., and seemed extremely traumatized by the way we could see her visibly tremble whilst she tried to hide from us behind broken wood.
 Luckily, my operations and communications officer had helped her in her comfort and brought her on board. We do not know what specifically happened, but something tells me it had something to do with the folks that once inhabited this planet and another ship that visited here. 
 I’ve decided to keep a close eye on her, as she may have trouble adjusting to something unfamiliar, but she has seemed to take a liking to one of our young members - Julian Baccuay.
 And to me as well, following me around the ship and what have you. This, I am not sure why, but it has made me want to look after her for the time being.
 This is Captain Apollo Herrera signing off.
It’s quiet in the halls of the U.S.S. Cassiopeia, Apollo looks outside the windows of the ship, nothing but stars, galaxies, and thousands of planets fill the inky black canvas of space.
 It’s a beautiful sight, Apollo thinks to himself, how an entire universe is like a painting to him. Like the Renaissance that has been splattered across a void that engulfs him. 
 He stands for what seems like an hour, his hands behind his back as he keeps his gaze into the neverending twinkling abyss, until a voice of course snaps him back into reality.
 “Captain, admiring the cosmos once again, I see.” 
 Dr. Clive chuckles when Apollo looks at him, startled like a deer in the headlights.
 “Clive, what are you doing up so late?” he asks, but not as a demand but rather… concern.
 “I should ask the same thing for you, Apollo.” Dr. Clive leans against the window and stares out into space, “I can tell there’s possibly something on your mind. Or, rather someone.”
 Apollo looks back into the distance in the window, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
 “You know exactly who, Apollo.” Clive mutters, side eyeing Apollo, “don’t hide behind that stoic captainism now, it’s about her, isn’t it?”
 Apollo doesn’t reply.
 Clive sighs, “I get it. Of course, I get it. I can tell you care an awful lot about this child, I do too. But…”
 Clive’s voice trails off, his brow furrowing, Apollo doesn’t look at him, just staring into the star-filled sea. Clive leans forward, his voice soft yet firm.
 “Apollo… she’s… she’s not Celeste okay? Celeste has been dead for years now.”
  Clive can see the way Apollo’s eyes water at the mention of Celeste.
 His daughter. His flesh and blood.
 “I know.”
 “Then why do you look at her as though she is your own?”
 Apollo shrugs, albeit miserably. “That, I'm not sure why.” 
 Clive places a hand on his shoulder, feeling Apollo unconsciously freeze at his touch.
 “I’m not a psychologist, but grief is an entrapping thing. Apollo, you need to try your best to handle this, or you’ll end up hurt again if something were to happen. You cannot afford to get attached.”
 Apollo turns to Clive, staring at him face to face, an unreadable but arguably somber expression on his face, his voice, light as a feather, whispering as if he was afraid to wake someone up.
 “I know.”
  Clive watched as Captain Apollo disappeared into the darkness of the hallway, hearing his footsteps against the fabric of metal carpet.
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monarchtonone · 5 months
@keeper-of-magic @restart-the-cycle
Lucky came back with some . . . distressing news, to say the least. As I requested, he asked Iron about the lizard Cycles sent and the Rainmaker (he did warn what would happen if it died)
Again, Lucky wrote out a transcript for us, since Iron is still refusing to answer broadcasts. At this rate, I may have to use my seniority and force him to answer, especially after this.
-Begin Transcript-
NDI: You again?
LE: Me again. Look, something's up with the things we sent to you. Cycles is concerned with her lizard and Keeper has an explosive failsafe if the Rainmaker dies.
NDI: I knew there was something off about it. I still don't want it leaving. It's far too interesting.
LE: You can't keep it forever. Anyway, that's besides the point. What happened? I see the lizard is gone now.
NDI: Yes, but it was well worth it. Though I am short again.
LE: Short on what? I swear, if you send out another fake water broadcast I'll have all of my scavengers stab you to death.
NDI: Don't be so violent. But, you have scavengers? May I have one?
LE: Absolutely not! These are my best guys!
The transcript cuts off here, but there's more. It just says 'Drops proceeded to argue about me giving him a scavenger for nearly half a cycle'. Wow.
NDI: If you won't give me a scavenger, can you fetch me a random lizard?
LE: Sure. You, Pearl, go get it.
NDI: Thank you. Now, about the other things . . . their fates were beyond my control, I'm afraid.
LE: You admitted to keeping the Rainmaker here. So here's what going to happen. You're going to be crystal clear about what's happening here, or you're going to find void fluid at the base of your legs.
NDI: Yeesh, fine. See, I'm rather curious about creatures. Especially ones outside my region. Looking at the way they work, their unique bodies and organs, the structure . . . it's all so very fascinating.
LE: So why the fake water call?
NDI: Well, creatures were coming in slow. I was getting frustrated and bored. I knew that would be responded to with urgency, but I wasn't expecting chaos. I didn't know something actually happened, I've been intentionally cut off ever since the mass ascensions!
LE: I see. Well, stop dissecting stuff. It's weird. Is that what-
NDI: Yes. The lizard was an interesting case. I suspect it has some slugcat in it, but I'm not sure what lizard was the base. Maybe a Strawberry or a Caramel. It was rather sweet.
NDI: Sweet-smelling, of course. And moist. Sweet, stale water.
LE: You're not dissecting any of my scavengers. Speaking of, Pearl's back. Here's your lizard.
NDI: Ah, thank you! . . . A white one. Disappointing.
LE: I can take it back.
NDI: No, no, it's fine! You can go now. Since dissections weird you out.
LE: Works for me. Just . . . don't dissect the Rainmaker.
NDI: Like I said, something was off about it anyway. I've just been watching it, wondering what's on the inside . . .
LE: Until Monarch sends me to check on you again, Drops. Really, open your communications so I can stop making this trek.
NDI: No. Not yet.
-End Transcript-
. . . So he is dissecting them. That explains why Lucky mentioned a knife collection and bloodstains earlier. Lucky automatically assumed the worst, as he tends to do (I swear his gambling addiction will get us all killed).
At least he knows not to kill the Rainmaker. But I think I'm rightfully mad that he straight-up lied about a lack of water. That's far more serious than just boredom.
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whatiwillsay · 1 year
Good morning WIWS Nation, I'm excited to announce today is the launch of our second annual listener appreciation week!
"What is listener appreciation week?" you might ask. As a sign of my undying appreciation to the listeners of this podcast and members of the WIWS community, I like to do a surprise week once a year or so to flood you guys with TONS of extra content and other fun promotions during the week! I am so immensely grateful that you guys have enabled me to foster such a wonderful space for nosy gays that sometimes I just have to show you guys with a big bang! Here are some details you need to know!
First things first! I am opening up the Secret Sessions Discord to Ashley Avignone Patrons and up for the week! We have had to close it due to some trolling for the past six months and it's getting so big keeping it safely modded has become a bit of a concern. But we're going to open it to Ashley+ Patrons for the next week and let you guys get grandfathered into it before we close it for a while to keep the size of it under control. It *will* probably be opened up again sometime in the future but it may be only open to higher tiers to again keep the population under control and able to be safely modded. If you want to join it during this special open period simply link your Patreon account to Discord by following these directions.
Secondly HUGE FUCKING ANNOUNCEMENT! Not to bury the lead sorry I didn't want anyone to miss the discord announcement BUT ME AND MY GIRLFRIEND GABRIELLA ARE STARTING A PODCAST AND IT LAUNCHES TODAY! It's called Stay at Home Girlfriends and it's a podcast where you can listen in to get advice from your cool gay aunties! Episode 1 is up NOW and you can listen on Spotify! (More apps coming soon)
and follow our socials here:
Sunday, August 27th (LIVE NOW!) - Cara joins me on the Patreon for a State of the Gaylor Union. We catch up on all the latest Taylor news including some more convo about Karlie at the Eras Tour, the latest Toe gossip we've heard, and go through all the ships with a brief update on how we feel about them.
Monday, August 28th (LIVE NOW!) - Gabriella joins me on the main pod to go through my original Swiftgron master post! That's right! All this week and into the next couple weeks we'll be covering the best timeline of them all!
AND (LIVE NOW!) Gabriella also joins me on Patreon to do a juicy oversharing Q&A about our relationship!
Tuesday, August 29th - Torry from Ready to be Petty joins me on the Patreon to deep dive into the dark world of Jon & Kate Plus 8!
Wednesday, August 30th - Gabbie joins me again on the main pod to continue our trek through the Swiftgron Timeline!
Thursday, August 31st - Jenna from Date Card Pod joins me on Patreon to catch up on pop culture and check in and see how we're doing with our 2023 pop culture predictions and 2023 resolutions!
Friday, September 1st - Gabbie joins me again on the main pod for more Swiftgron Timeline goodness!
Saturday, September 2nd - Shannon from Fluently Forward joins me on Patreon to catch up on Taylor, Gaylor, and pop culture hot takes!
Sunday, September 3rd - The discord community will remain linked to the Patreon until midnight on this day!
I hope y'all are as excited as I am for THREE main pod episodes and FIVE Patreon episodes this week!!! And I genuinely, truly hope you guys feel the love from me! We have our ups and downs and nobody is perfect, certainly not me. But that doesn't stop me from being SO HUGELY AND IRREVOCABLY GRATEFUL, THANKFUL, AND APPRECIATIVE to all of you for being a part of this weird but amazing little Evidence Based Gossip community!
Remember! You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection. 💙
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perlukafarinn · 1 year
Rating Star Trek TOS costumes because why not! (part 4)
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This Side of Paradise (1x24). Even in post-scarcity utopian space communes, it seems we can't escape traditional gender roles (or date rape). Pretty boring but I am fond of the lavender/forest green color combo of Leila's outfit and the ubiquitous black boots that TOS loves so much. 5/10.
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The Devil in the Dark (1x25). Maybe I'm playing it fast and loose with the term "costume" here but I couldn't leave her out! The Horta is the peak of TOS's arts-and-crafts practical effects - it's clearly just a repurposed old rug, like I'm not even sure they're trying to hide it. And she's an icon, the realest bitch there is, love her, 100/10
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Errand of Mercy (1x26). They look like they're going to a renaissance fair but Kirk's doing the bare minimum because he's really just there to support his boyfriend. Love Spock's little cape and matching tights and tunic. 8/10 for him, 4/10 for Kirk (do better, Captain).
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Remember when the Klingons were barely-disguised yellow peril caricatures? 😐 Not even the golden sash with the sloppy fringe can save this hot mess, 0/10.
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The City on the Edge of Forever (1x28). Every time TOS puts Spock in a hat, I cheer and clap my hands. Kirk is also pulling his weight in that cute butch flannel, I am a fan of everything that is going on here, 9/10.
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This outfit is not very accurate to the period but it is cute, fashionably monochromatic, and as far as I'm concerned Edith Keeler can do no wrong. 8/10.
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Operation -- Annihilate! (1x29). I had a hard time getting a proper shot of this outfit because Aurelan spends most of her limited screentime freaking out about her dead family (seen on the left) but that patterned blouse/coveralls combo is pretty adorable and her hair looks so good! 7/10.
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aniketsanimationblog · 2 months
The Fallen TV Animation Empire
Chapter 1: The Rise of Television Animation with Saturday Morning Block
On August 18th, 2023 - I made a Post titled "The Summary of this whole current Debacles of Animation Industry" on this very Tumblr Page, @aniketsanimationblog, and you, animation fans, have expressed the concerns about What is Going on in The Global Animation Industry as a Whole, I am glad by that!! I am so thankful to those who expressed this concerns and realised that Animation is in Danger. Because, what happened in the Last Year, When Nickelodeon and Paramount+ Canceled and Removed Star Trek: Prodigy from their platforms at that time, until Netflix saved it to stream the entire Season 2 in one-go, just paint a big picture in the Animation Community. Last Year, Star Trek: Prodigy's Cancelation and Removal was not just the omission or abandonment of a Star Trek Show set in their universe or the best Star Trek Show in the Alex Kurtzman's Era of New Star Trek Shows, but also a big Massive Shocker of a Serialised Animated Kids' Show, that had a chance to become Nickelodeon's Next Avatar: The Last Airbender, betrayed by their own original Network, is like committing a Seppuku.
And it happened at the same time or before that incident, when most of the great Animated Series at the same time were Canceled/Canceled + Removed/Sabotaged by their respective Broadcasters, showing the Dismays of Fandoms of their respective shows. Now either only a handful of Good shows are left or there is nothing to watch at all, because of Kids TV Broadcasters' Greed and most notably Animation Community's Biasness towards Shows that, nowadays, have become a Money Generator, and no longer serving any good quality things to the fans, whatsoever, once they had in their prime, in the first place.
Now depending on who you may ask, "How did this Happen? What Happened to the Kids Television, once we used to love since our Childhoods, have gone in their Worst Phases now?"
Well, to understand why this happened, we need to go to the history of how this Kids TV Animation had started to build its Large Empire.
To understand the history of Kids TV Animation, we need to go back to where it all started. Since, it's a long history, and for context, The Kids TV Animation first started in the United States of America, as Hollywood were the only film industry to create Animation Renaissance from the big screens, they are also responsible for creating Majority of their Animations in the Small screens, we have to go back all the way to 1928. This is the year, when Walter Elias Disney, as we all know him as the legendary Pioneer and The Father of Animation, released his iconic Cartoon Character, Mickey Mouse's First Short film, "Steamboat Willie". At that time, "Steamboat Willie" was released over on Hollywood Theatres. But at the same time, there was an experiment happened at the small screens, aka The Television, with some limited animation cartoons appeared on TV with one of the images of "Felix The Cat". And remember, at that time, TV was available to some people who could afford TV, when majority of people weren't ready to switch from Traditional Radio. So, a handful of People watched that experiment going on.
Then some Animated TV movies happened like, "Willie The Worm" by Chad Grothkopf. It was an Eight-minute experimental TV Movie in Animated form.
But all changed in 1950s when, TV Animation started to broadcast like, "Crusader Rabbit" and "Colonel Bleep" etc.
But the First TV Animated Series came along, consisting of Animated Shorts, "Captain Kangaroo", by the Terrytoons, which is often referred to as, "One of the Finest Cartoons to ever produce on TV".
But the Cartoons, at that time, was seen primarily as "Children's Entertainment" by some Movie Exhibitors.
In 1954, Walt Disney capitalized on the Medium of Animation to Showcase on TV, with his weekly show, "Disneyland", which was broadcasted by US Terrestrial Channel, ABC, which expanded later to "Walt Disney's Wonderful World of Color".
But as soon as Television popularized in the US, the people were slowly moving away from their traditional Radios and Movie Theatres, to the Compact form of Entertainment, Television. And thus, a new format was started to develop for TV Animation for Children, "The Saturday Morning Blocks", as the name suggests, the TV Animation would only be broadcasted on Saturday Mornings, because on Weekdays, The Kids are at their Schools, and on Sunday, With the American Football games clogging up the Sunday Schedules. At that time, there were no Cable systems, people were relying on Terrestrial Channels like ABC, CBS and NBC. And thus, American Children of that era were having a Ritual of watching Cartoons on Saturday Mornings.
And thus, some Television Animation Production Studios came afloat at the time. Such as, Filmation, Depatie-Freleng Enterprises, UPA Studios, Warner Brothers with their Merry Melodies, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios (MGM) with their first classic iteration of Tom & Jerry until it's collapse in 1957, Disney Studios, and the leader of all Studios, Hanna-Barbera Studios, by the Creators of Tom & Jerry, William Hanna and Joseph Barbera.
For the Starters, 1960s era was the era, when TV Animation boomed with mostly H-B Studios, "The Ruff & Reddy Show", then "The Huckleberry Hound Show", "The Yogi Bear Show" and most notably, "The Flinstones", which was like an Half-an-hour Animated Sitcom series, aired on ABC, which was their biggest successful show on Studio History, running for 6 years, alongside The Jetsons and Top Cat.
Hanna-Barbera had the common Trope used in most of their series, featuring atleast an Anthropomorphic Animal and a Child Character, up until they created "Scooby-Doo! Where are you?" in 1969 for CBS. Many incarnations of Scooby-Doo spawned for 17 seasons on CBS and then ABC, uninterruptedly with their new formula of A Group of Teens solving Supernatural mysteries or Fighting Crime. And they are the ones, who started with their Limited Animation Technologies at that time for Artistic Reasons.
Disney Studios had their fair share of Animated Shows, showcased on TV, most notably The Mickey Mouse shorts including characters from the Mickey Mouse Universe, as we all know today, and also "Winnie The Pooh".
The Studio still had a decent amount of TV Animated Series, even after Walt Disney's Demise on 15th December 1966.
At the time of 1960s, there were several Animation Artists, mostly Animators, that are still called Legendary/Veteran Artists, like Walt Disney, William Hanna and Joseph Barbera, Tex Avery, Chuck Jones, Gene Deitch, David H. Depatie, Friz Freleng, Don Bluth, to name a few.
But as Time went on, the Kids TV Animation was changed for a new era, that is beyond just only for "Saturday Mornings".
To be continued...
Next Post, Chapter 2: The Fall of Saturday Morning Cartoons and Rise of American Cable Television for Kids TV Animation.
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sshbpodcast · 1 year
Character Spotlight: Spock
By Ames
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Last week we highlighted (and lowlighted) James T. Kirk here in our new blog collection, going character by character where no one has gone before. It’s going to be a bit of a trek in and of itself, so join us here on A Star the Steer Her By to learn what we think of all your Starfleet favorites: when are they at their most naughty and most nice. This week, we’re moving on to the best first officer in the fleet and one of our favorite Vulcans, the ever logical Mister Spock!
For the franchise’s first major alien character, he succeeded in teaching humanity to audiences throughout his far-reaching tenure, and that wasn’t always his human half! Credit to Leonard Nimoy for giving us such a well-rounded character even though he couldn’t display emotions in the same fashion as the others (but boy did he find a way!). Follow along below for our thoughts on Spock’s best and worst scenes, and listen to some bonus chatter over on this week’s podcast episode (discussion at 1:05:00). Fascinating.
[Images © CBS/Paramount
Best Moments
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Checkmate, Finney It’s been a minute since I released my blogpost about how bad I am at 3D chess (and all chess for that matter), but Spock’s so great at it that he uses his logic and big Vulcan brain to figure out the chess program is busted in “Court Martial” and save the day, which might be the Spockiest thing I’ve ever heard.
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Pain! Pain! Spock mind melds a lot of critters throughout the shows and movies, but one of our favorites is when he connects with the Horta in “The Devil in the Dark.” Like in our Kirk spotlight when the captain defended the old girl, we’ve gotta credit Spock with communicating with her and treating her like a sentient being. And Nimoy’s acting in this scene! Mwah!
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A man of integrity in both universes The Spock in “Mirror, Mirror” isn’t exactly our normal Spock, as his circumstances in the mirror universe have made him a different person in a lot of ways (mostly in the facial hair region). But in even more ways, he’s just like our Spock: someone who sees the illogical nature of the Terran Empire and who will take steps to make it better.
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I love you but I hate you I don’t know why, but I’m just thoroughly tickled when Spock outwits the androids in “I, Mudd” with a logical paradox that breaks their computer brains. Sure, he tries a neck pinch first (he is Spock, after all!), but it’s telling the Alice robots, identical in every way, that he loves one but hates the other that causes them to malfunction all over the place.
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Trademark Vulcan sass If Vulcans are allowed to express one emotion throughout all of Star Trek, it’s sass, and Leonard Nimoy can deadpan with the best of straightmen. In “The Trouble with Tribbles,” McCoy remarks that tribbles are “nice, they're soft, they're furry, and they make a pleasant sound,” to which Spock quips, “So would an ermine violin, Doctor, yet I see no advantage to having one.” Grade-A Vulcan sass right there.
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Gladiatorial mind games “Bread and Circuses” may not be a good episode, but it gets the Spock-McCoy dynamic right. Not only does Spock save McCoy in battle, but that scene in the prison cell… I could write essays about that scene as they’re both so vulnerable and desperate to connect, but Spock, ever the Vulcan, represses that emotion… just barely. And when Spock tells McCoy that they share concern over Kirk’s safety without actually telling him, it’s perfect.
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Vulcans are incapable of lying, he lied While we found Kirk’s behavior in “The Enterprise Incident” utterly baffling, Spock’s is thoroughly intriguing. He spends most of the episode seamlessly deceiving the Romulan Commander who’s thirsting after him so hard, and she plays right into his Vulcan-saluting hands because she didn’t anticipate so many loopholes allowing Vulcans to be duplicitous!
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The wonders of the universe Am I mostly bringing up Spock mind melding a giant cloud in “One of Our Planets Is Missing” so that I can bring up my TOS fanfiction “Sentient Life”? A little bit.
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I have been and always shall be your friend This list would not be complete without the beautiful sacrifice scene in The Wrath of Khan. The needs of the many do indeed outweigh the needs of the few in this perfectly poignant and amazingly acted character death. I can’t think of a better main character death in all of Star Trek and Nimoy crushed it.
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Rock out with your Spock out We’ve also got to give credit to Leonard Nimoy for the Vulcan neck pinch, a nonviolent, nonfatal deescalation tactic that is perfectly in character. It is a great inclusion for such a logical people to manage violent conflict in a mostly harmless way, and one of our favorites is neck pinching the punk on the bus since it’s also one of many great comedic moments in The Voyage Home.
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They are not the hell your whales Speaking of The Voyage Home, we’ve got more good Spock moments to choose from in that movie! It is such a smorgasbord of quippy, fun moments for our resident Vulcan because so much of the movie is that fish-out-of-water kind of humor, but everything Spock has to do with the whales, George and Gracie, is especially excellent.
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Cowboy diplomacy We even get to see a little Spock action in The Next Generation when his plan to reunite Vulcan and Romulus gets revealed in “Unification.” It is such a noble goal from our logical friend (perhaps spurred by his encounter with the Romulan Commander in “The Enterprise Incident”? Nudge nudge!) and we loved seeing his resolve and commitment to helping his square-shouldered cousins.
Worst Moments
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Beep twice for “NO!” I get that the studio wanted to save time and money by using the footage from “The Cage” in “The Menagerie,” but they had Spock acting fully out of character to make it happen. He kidnaps his disabled old captain against his will, he conspires to steal the ship, he puts the lives of everyone on the Enterprise in danger, he nearly gets Kirk killed in a shuttle, he creates an illusion of a flag officer! It’s a full-on mutiny that sees no consequences!
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Life-or-death decisions, but mostly death “Strange. Step by step, I've made the correct and logical decisions – and yet two men have died,” says Spock in “The Galileo Seven.” Somehow, every time we see Spock in charge, everyone has a really bad day. The show would make you believe it’s because Vulcans only act on logic with no emotion or intuition, but they really need to stop leaving the ship in his hands!
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Not even a grandfather paradox – just a father paradox Temporal shenanigans abound in “Tomorrow is Yesterday” when the Enterprise is forced to beam up Captain Christopher. Spock assures everyone that the displaced pilot will have no bearing on history, until he is forced to eat those words because this science officer neglected to check if Christopher’s son would be influential. Since when is Spock so careless?
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A need-to-know basis We joked throughout The Original Series that Vulcans seemed to attain a new superpower each week. And since Spock just doesn’t seem to tell people things they need to know until they really need to know it, we don’t learn about his inner eyelids until “Operation: Annihilate!”, his parents being onboard until “Journey to Babel,” or his having a half brother until Star Trek V!
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This has pon farr enough I’m frankly sick of everything about pon farr, and am dreading revisiting it in Enterprise. It’s yet another one of those Vulcan aspects they won’t tell you about until too late, and in “Amok Time,” it’s way too late. The whole biological circumstance is weird enough, but if Vulcans has told us any of their rituals ahead of time, Spock wouldn’t have had to kill his best friend in the kal-if-fee like a chump.
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Heil Spock While it’s mostly a gag on the podcast that Spock loves Nazis, there’s definitely a reason why we think that. In “Patterns of Force,” Spock agrees with Gill when he calls Nazi Germany the most efficient state Earth ever knew, saying: “Quite true, Captain. That tiny country, beaten, bankrupt, defeated, rose in a few years to stand only one step away from global domination.” Does that make Spock a Nazi? Not entirely, but it would explain some things, like how quick to wanting to kill Mitchell he was in “Where No Man Has Gone Before.”
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What a tangled web he weaves Like in “The Galileo Seven,” Spock ends up in command again when Kirk is presumed dead in “The Tholian Web,” and he borks it. The whole episode is about him and McCoy snipping at each other because of the effects of the area of space, but they’re both extremely out of character even without it, with Spock ignoring Doc’s warning about getting stuck in the web, making awful decisions, and generally being terrible at leading a crew.
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If only I could forget We found it weirdly nonconsensual when Spock decides to make Kirk forget about his romance with Rayna (and who knows what else?) in “Requiem for Methuselah.” McCoy jabs at Spock that he’ll never understand, and then Spock seems to act just naively when he takes Kirk’s memory in his sleep, as if Spock were taking him literally when Kirk said he’d rather forget.
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Behind every good woman… is Spock taking credit We’ll surely bring up “The Lorelei Signal” when we talk about Uhura’s best moments because it’s a rare moment for the women to get the spotlight, but there’s a moment in this episode in which, despite the lady crewmembers having already figured out the ploy themselves, they’ve hatched their plan “in accordance with Mister Spock’s request” and I vomit in my mouth a little.
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You have not achieved kolinahr It’s pretty clear that the production team didn’t know they’d have Leonard Nimoy back for The Motion Picture until late in the writing process because his motivation is spotty at best. Since he has not achieved kolinahr, he rather makes his presence in the movie about himself, and to make matters worse, he yeets off to mind meld with V’ger without telling anyone!
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I hear he's nutty as a fruitcake As beautiful as the death scene in The Wrath of Khan is, it’s also pretty messed up for Spock to cram his katra into McCoy with no warning and with dire effects. Think about it: none of the humans knew before The Search for Spock that katras were even a thing, and Bones could have gone insane just for the sake of bringing the character back to life, negating that great sacrifice!
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They flung their wooden shoes called sabots into the machines We love a good mind meld on Star Trek, but Spock just plain crosses a line in The Undiscovered Country when he mind rapes Valeris to expose her as the saboteur. Considering the mind meld was first created in order to give Spock an alternative to violent action to combat assailants, using it in a way that’s so violating is the most uncomfortable moment we could think of.
Keep your medical tricorders scanning here as we continue along through all the main characters from The Original Series! Next week, we’re scanning for Dr. Bones McCoy here on the blog, as well as continuing our watchthrough of Enterprise over on the podcast. You can also send a message over subspace on Facebook and Twitter, and keep your damn katra to yourself. Live long and prosper!
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widthofmytongue · 11 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers (ू•‧̫•ू⑅)♡
I have answered this several times before I think, but in order to keep up and spread the positivity, let's gooo.
1) Reconfiguring my outward aesthetic appearance to better reflect my true self. What I will say about having pink hair and wearing a keffiyeh and a jacket covered in queer and Jewish and leftist badges and carrying a trade union bag is that young people of colour with non-British accents smile at me and are comfortable approaching me to ask directions and stuff. Having spent the 2010s presenting as a white male hipster nerd, no one really approached me, and I did receive occasional comments that I looked like a middle class twat (usually from people who were more middle class and definitely more twat-ish than me). Returning to my roots as a visibly queer, Jewish, commie punk puts the right people at ease.
2) Working from bed. This is obviously not about working, especially as I don't think the work I'm actually paid to do is super meaningful, but the freedom to WFH (work from home!) three days a week is amazing. Awhile ago I watched the LOTR trilogy while running reports and updating spreadsheets.
3) Making delicious food for myself and eating it in massive quantities. During lockdown I got into the habit of living almost exclusively on ready meals, and aside from some (amazing restaurant-quality) omelettes, I only recently got back to cooking for myself. Also turns out that a lot of the food I think of as staples are very Jewish? I guess I kinda knew that, but like goyische potato salad sounds boring af y'all are missing out.
4) Deviant sex. I'm not sure I want to elaborate on this too much, but I am very glad of my engagement in d/s and how strongly I lean into T4T stuff.
5) Gotta say my animal buddies again. A couple of my avian neighbours were recently moulting, and when they grew their feathers back, they looked like dinosaurs armoured with spines. So cool. Also my feline housemates train me to do things in the dumbest but sweetest forms of symbiosis.
I'm gonna keep going.
6) Stimulating conversation on deep and complex topics. I've had lots of interesting and invigorating interactions lately with people on tumblr and in person about Palestine, Jewish values and identity, community organisation, gender, King Crimson, John Carpenter, Star Trek, London, the intersection of poststructuralism and historiography, and of course postcolonialism.
7) Union work. As mentioned above, I do not think the work I get paid for is especially meaningful. What I do think is meaningful is being a hard leftist (and yes, also queer, Jewish, immigrant, neurodiverse, erstwhile lumpenproletarian) voice in my professional environment. I think it's both important for me to represent union members, uniting their concerns with systemic initiatives, and also to provide a more outright Marxist approach on my union branch's Executive Committee.
@derdra @gucci-shinigami @comm1e-dyke @thottacelli @jewishdumbass @verticalceiling @deanorino161 @thewindstealsyourvoice @lizardbytheriver @xocomilxolo @oh-youprettythings @anyone else reading this who fancies taking part.
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pandoramsbox · 5 months
Sci-Fi Saturday: Loss of Sensation [AKA RUR: The Robots of Jim Ripl, et. al.]
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Week 16
Film(s): Loss of Sensation [AKA Gibel sensatsii, Loss of Feeling; The Death of Sensation; Jim Ripl's Robot; Robot of Jim Ripple, RUR: The Robots of Jim Ripl] (Гибель сенсации, Dir. Alexandr Andriyevsky, 1935, USSR)
Viewing Format: DVD
Date Watched: 2021-09-10
Rationale for Inclusion:
When it comes to science fiction, I am a sucker for the sub-genre that includes robots or androids. R2-D2 and C-3PO in the Star Wars movies, Data on Star Trek: The Next Generation, and Chip from the Not Quite Human TV-movies all were staples of my childhood. Discovering the existence of a 1935 Soviet film involving robots meant tracking down said film for this survey.
Finding a copy to watch proved a bit tricky though. Part of the reason is it has not fallen under distribution of companies that focus on distributing 20th century foreign cinema, like Janus Films or Kino Lorber, so a copy needed to be available via YouTube or small distributor of obscure films DVD-Rs. 
The other part of the problem is the film exists under multiple titles. On Wikipedia, the film in question is Loss of Sensation (Гибель сенсации, Dir. Alexandr Andriyevsky, 1935, USSR). The Internet Movie Database lists it under Loss of Feeling. The DVD-R transfer I wound up purchasing is titled RUR: The Robots of Jim Ripl. So what title is the most accurate to refer to this film as? I am going with "Loss of Sensation" as that seems to be the most widely used English language title for the film. 
Not surprisingly, like its comrade film Aelita: Queen of Mars (Аэли́та, Dir. Yakov Protazanov, 1924, USSR) and the only other film to include a robot in the survey thus far, Metropolis (Dir. Fritz Lang, 1927, Germany), Loss of Sensation concerns itself with the conflict between capitalists and workers. Unlike Aelita, which also provides a contemporary portrait of the early Soviet era in Russia, it takes place in an unnamed capitalist country that is presumably the United States. Atypical of most tales of automation and robots entering industry, inventor Jim Ripl (Sergei Vecheslov) altruistically believes his robots will lead to factory production becoming so cheap that capitalism will fail and die, resulting in better quality of life for humanity. Typical of these types of narratives, the workers are opposed to losing their livelihoods to machines, whilst the capitalists see the potential for increased profits and military use.
What keeps Loss of Sensation from becoming a stilted allegory is its sense of humor and whimsy. The robots are all remote controlled, and in a demonstration for his friends and neighbors of his Micron robot, Ripl has it operate a sewing machine. And since the remote mechanism to communicate with the robots can be done with a variety of radio and sound patterns, Ripl can cause his inventions to move via saxophone.
Yes, this movie features robots being controlled by a saxophone. This film deserves more attention for this fact alone.
Overall, Loss of Sensation is a middle-of-the-road cautionary tale, but has enough unique quirks to be worth the watch.
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ggsworldstory · 2 months
Chapter 3 Act 1: Maize madness
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Swiftly sliding across the landscape, the masked hunter had traveled far and wide,gliding across torrents worth of water that she commanded beneath her feet, the wind relentlessly whipping through her ginger hair,stopping only for a moment to speak into her wrist communicator, “he’s close, I can feel it…”
Meanwhile, GG and Terry were approaching the sight of their latest adventure, after all the excitement they’d been through not long ago, they were more than in need of some unwinding but as they trekked onwards, Terry couldn’t help but notice his dapperly dressed friend was looking rather glum, his head down, staring deep into the reflection of his gold crown
“Something up?” Terry raised concern
“Wha? oh it's nothing, just thinking… it’s been so long since I seen Jess last, and even longer outside of a dream while I was in a coma, I’m happy to be seeing the world and all, but it’s just not the same without her, I don’t know if she’s still stuck in that casino, dead or alive or… or….” GG spiraled, his mind racing with horrid possibilities 
“woah woah, calm down, gotta say, it’s not like you to be so worried”
“I’m sorry, it’s just different, I mean I’ve been doing good on her promise, at least I think I am but still, y’know?”
“Eh, can’t say I do, not like I've got any experience with relationships”
“Oh well, y’know, me n her, we weren't … officially, uhhhh, technically…”
“You never told her how you felt, did you?”
“I never told her”
“Yeesh, you really were a coward before I met you, huh?”
“I’m just messing with ya, still, it’s no use getting so worked up over past mistakes instead of moving forward, you of all people should know that well”
“Yeah, I guess…”
Soon enough, the delinquent duo had arrived at their destination,a small town pop-up fair. In an instant, GG could feel his spirits lifted, even if just a little as he was soaking in the cozy autumn atmosphere as the two approached the main event, the corn maze.
“It’s a lot bigger in person…” GG said in awe
“Yep” the person running the ticket counter remarked “just last week we had 5 separate search and rescue teams get called and half of them ended up getting lost too!” he smugly japed with a hearty guffaw “but sir, you are gonna have to leave that behind” he said, turning to Terry
“My Jetpack?” 
“Sorry, Corn maze policy” he said pointing to a sign of guidelines which GG approached to inspect more closely 
“Yup, says right here, no cacti, no camouflage, no jetpacks… no robots?”
“87’ Don’t ask.”
“Well, meet ya on the other side!” GG exclaimed as he immediately bolted headfirst into the maze, moving up and down and all around, making every sharp turn with focus and agility until he was outta the maze before so much as a goal post could even get there
“Ha ha! Now that was fun!” he said with a chuckle
“Tell me about it” Terry said as he stood there
“How did-?!” GG was taken aback before he took another look at his surroundings and found he’d just ran back to the start of the maze
“All this time and you still can’t stop yourself running headlong into everything, huh?” the cowboy lightheartedly snarked
“You should really be used to it by now”
The two gave their tickets and made their way inside the harrowing heaps of hedges, unbeknownst to them however, the masked hunter had arrived, spotting her target entering the maze, she wasted no time marching in after him
“Ticket please” the ticket collector interrupted, she stopped for a moment, only to raise her arm, raising a powerful geyser of water from the ground, launching him high into the air
 And with that, she took her first steps into the maze to finally claim her targets…
Only to immediately lose them in the first turn
What followed was many, many hours of hopelessly lost, mindless meandering akin to that of a sock tumbling in a drier only slip through an unattended hole into the ventilation, perfectly fall through the machinery, into a stray sewer grate, and ultimately end up in the laundry basket of a ninja turtle
They were twisted, turned around put through enough dead ends to fill a cemetery, and beared witness to so many of the same pieces of corn for so long, they could have seen them grow from saplings to full grown stalks
“Ok…” Terry grumbled, all the time the duo had spent wandering and staring at ever so homogeneous walls of corn, clearly taking a toll on him “after all this time, the exit should be… here!” he said as the two emerged from another pathway, only to find themselves at the same dead end they’d gotten to know well enough to consider marrying
“OH COME ON!” Terry shouted in unbelievable frustration
“What is it?” GG exhaustedly reacted as he followed Terry in
“We’ve taken every path in this place and ended up at this scarecrow EIGHT TIMES!”
“Wait, how do we know it’s really the same one?”
“Because it still has the bullet holes I put into it the last four times!” Terry snapped in anger as he unloaded yet another clip into the poor straw and twine man”
“Surprised they let ya keep that”
And with that, the two could only lay in the abyss of vegetables surrounding them in a desperate bid to recharge their psyches and figure out their next move, soon enough, GG would perk up with a plan
“What if-”
“I didn’t even say anything yet”
“Lemme guess, you were gonna rocket jump to get a higher viewpoint and attract a bunch of attention, again”
“...lucky guess”
“Have you really learned nothing from last time?”
“I don’t see what’s the big deal, last time was in a massive bustling city, what kinda bounty hunter’s gonna be in some pop-up fair in the middle of nowhere?”
“It’s just too risky!”
“Oh, so you’d rather walk in circles for another 3 hours?”
“. . . Just make it quick”
As this was happening, the masked hunter continued her search, her largely stoic nature broken by the sheer confusion and frustration that came with meandering about the amber-teal labyrinth for what felt like an eternity, even despite remaining completely silent and her face completely concealed behind the large literal poker faced facade, anyone could tell she was thinking that this was absolutely ridiculous, hopeless even
When all of a sudden she heard a distinct jet-like “fwoosh” she looked up, low and behold there was her hat and crown sporting target, prompting her to spring into action,digging her fists into the ground before launching herself with a powerful geyser
GG scanned the landscape as he was suspended in the air “I think I see the exit this-” abruptly he found himself tackled right out of the sky! “GG!” Terry cried out in express, he thought to come running to his aid but he still had no means of escaping the maze
Meanwhile GG found himself disoriented as he was thrusted into the ground just outside the maze, but he quickly came to as he opened his eyes to the masked figure winding up a punch with a rock encased fist!
Reacting fast, GG rolled out of the way of the blow, standing up with just as much to continually sidestep her stone swings “Jeez! I know I tend to rush into things, but this is ridiculous!”
This flurry of blows continued until GG grabbed the masked agresor’s stone fist, abruptly halting the fight “at least take a moment to introduce yourself, hi, George ‘GG’ Maxwell, you probably already knew that, and you are?”
Not bothering for a moment to humor the boy’s japes, the hunter thrusted her arm behind her, launching her stone fist with GG still holding on until he slammed
“I did NOT miss these silent types…” the boy groaned, he wouldn't stay still for long as he saw a torrent of water blasting towards him, prompting him to dash away, and keep on dashing as his hunter moved her arms to and fro, conducting geyser after geyser to burst from the ground below, barely being able to zig and zag to evade them
As this continued, GG couldn’t help but feel a strange sense of familiarity, “but why?” he briefly wondered, but he had no time to dwell on these thoughts as he swiftly drifted to make a beeline towards his opponent
But the masked aggressor stood her ground as she reeled her hands back before forcefully whipping them back, directing every geyser that’d risen to blast at the toppat
This had no effect in slowing GG down as he continued charging full speed ahead before unleashing a mighty fiery punch at the river bank’s worth of water cascading at him
But this would only cause a massive cloud of steam to appear from the blow, rendering him all but completely blind, GG looked around frantically as he stopped in a vain attempt to anticipate the hunter’s next move, but she wasn’t to his front, sides, or behind
Then he noticed the area got just a bit darker, then he looked up
In an instant, GG found himself trapped under a massive hollow block of stone, with the hunter standing atop, she took this moment to have a breather after such a hard fought battle before getting ready to bring the bounty back…
But all of a sudden, she felt the subtlest rumbling beneath her feet, the slightest crackling could be heard until abruptly
Blam! GG rose like a phoenix through the stone uppercutting the aggressor far off the stone enclosure, victorious against yet another hunter, GG took a moment to boast to his foe
“Hah, underestimated me there, didn’t you…” his voice would gradually trail off as he saw that the hunter had gotten back up, yet her mask remained on the ground
“Jess?!” GG stood there, stunned, he couldn’t believe what was happening, she gave little to no reply, only muttering under her breath “Stronger than I thought…” before making her retreat
This prompted the boy to snap out of his shock, “wait Jess! Come back! I didn’t know- I never would’ve-!” he stuttered and stammered as he tried to catch up, readying to run as fast as he could to get to her, but just as he could begin to build a charge, she tapped some buttons on her wrist communicator and was gone in a flash, leaving GG to just stand there and process the events he just lived through
As he did so, Terry finally emerged from the maze, whacking at the hedges with the scarecrow he was left with, dropping it as he ran to check up on his friend “GG! Are you ok? Who was that?!”
GG stood still, staring in awe and slowly spoke out, “She’s… still alive…”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of Act 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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Watching Star Trek in Chronological Order: Just as Gene Roddenberry Intended
A few years ago, someone in the comments section of a podcast that would be impossible to find now suggested an idea, and that idea has been stuck in my head ever since. It's like a worm, burrowing through my brain. I couldn't let it go. I even tried to do this as a podcast, but it turns out podcasts are time consuming to make, so here we are.
The idea is, as the title suggests, to watch all of Star Trek in chronological order, by stardate. This means starting with a few episodes featuring time travel (not all), then going into Enterprise and continuing on from there. The last thing in the current timeline is the Short Treks episode Calypso, though at the time of writing it remains to be seen how canon that is.
I am inviting you all to join me on this journey. Star Trek as a work of collaborative media that has spanned over 60 years has always fascinated me. Can so many people and so many creative visions all come together to create one coherent narrative? Well, no, but I want to treat it like one anyway.
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So this means watching everything. Well, almost everything. I will be following a spreadsheet that I have been working on and been actively updating as new episodes release. The bulk of the work was copied from the Star Trek Chronology Project, weaving together many of the live action shows. All of the animated shows were fairly easy to figure out, so I have added them in as well (minus Very Short Treks).
Most time travel will be ignored, taking place where they would normally from the time traveler's perspectives rather than from the universe's. The two exceptions to this rule are DS9's Past Tense, and the TNG movie First Contact. The former takes place in 2024 and is as much about a historical event as it is about the time travelers, and the latter shows the birth of the federation and seeds some Enterprise storylines later on. Beyond that, you'll have to wait till DS9 to watch Little Green Men. Also, we will be revisiting these time travel episodes in their normal places as well. Finally, if time travel happens WITHIN the series (eg Trials and Tribbalations), we'll watch those episodes twice as well.
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As far as I am concerned, most animated content is canon. This means the three main animated shows: TAS, LRD, and PRD, plus all animated Short Treks.
The Kelvin Timeline is also canon, though I don't group it with TOS. It is the result in a time travel event that occurs after the destruction of Romulus, so I have put it between the Short Trek Children of Mars and the start of Star Trek Picard.
If you're curious about the watch order, here is the spreadsheet in all its glory:
I'll be reviewing episodes as I watch them. If enough people are interested in making this a community thing, I will come up with a schedule and even maybe make a discord, but for now I'll just be posting reviews at whatever pace I happen to watch things in.
So my friends, please join me as we embark on a journey that Zefram Cochrane so succinctly calls "Some kind of Star Trek". We will strive to avoid the notice of Temporal Investigations, and adhere as much as we can to the Temporal Prime Directive.
Let's watch all of Star Trek in order, just as Roddenberry intended.
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echoes-lighthouse · 8 months
Bananas and Lychees for the general selfship asks please!
Haha YES thank you Emile <3 ^-^
Here's the ask game if other people want to reblog it but I THINK I've actually gotten every single thing asked to me already!! I just have to make my way through my inbox!
lychees ✦ do you use self-shipping to explore dynamics that you otherwise wouldn't in real life? if so, what dynamics (if you're willing to tell)? do you use self-shipping to imagine things you do want to experience in real life?
Little bit of both! I use my selfshipping 90% as escapism: usually that's higher-energy dynamics that I just don't have energy for in real life. Me and my IRL partner are very homebound due to mental and physical disabilities so even a lot of my positive selfships are like... not things that I currently want because I know they would just exhaust and hurt me lol
And then of course I do have darker ships where I specifically explore dynamics I would never want in real life, where communication is shut down and one person has all the power, or it's a constant struggle between us for domination. None of which I would ever want: I am very concerned about comfort in my real relationships (both my own and my partners') and I literally have never skipped a chance to over-communicate.
The only place in my selfships where I feel like I really am exploring something that I want is in some of the specific non-sexual kink dynamics that I have with some of my f/os: it's something that I haven't had for a while and I would really like to have again with a platonic partner in kink.
bananas ✦ do you have any ships unrelated to self-ship?
Shipping is literally soooo important to me as a person and has been for a lot of years: I recently made a top 100 ships list (and I'm almost done moodboards for each one) and I'm going to expand it to a top 200 ships list as well!!!
If anyone wants to hear about MORE of my ships or why I ship them or anything like that then you can so totally hit me up, but here is my top ten list!!! (under a readmore for people who don't like canon shipping)
I made this list based on the idea of 'what dynamic I'll never be tired of: if I was going to read a new AU or fic idea, which pairing would I like to read it about?'
10: Spock/Kirk (Star Trek)
9. Jack/Bitty (Check Please!)
8. Holmes/Watson (Every Source)
7. Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens, book version)
6. Rey/Kylo (Star Wars)
5. Lan Zhan/Wei Ying (The Untamed/MDZS)
4. Charles/Erik (X-Men Movies)
3. L/Light (Death Note)
2. Skulduggery/Valkyrie (Skulduggery Pleasant)
Dean/Castiel (Supernatural)
(yes, my shipping taste in my top-tier tends to be very basic and match AO3 trends, because the more content I consume about a ship, the more I ship it! So it's rare for rarepairs to get up in those high brackets for me, but you can tell how much I LOVE them when they do get up there: looking at you, Valduggery)
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horseforeplay · 1 year
tumblr feels like the place to share my recent social finding. if i have an autistic accommodation request/concern/question (especially in the moment - ie “are the lights on their regular settings?” “can we move to a quieter train car?” “i think you’re waiting for me to ask questions and i’d prefer if you volunteered the information you want to share”) i am finding that people are weirdly more receptive when i pitch it completely flatly. stay with me cuz my habitual speaking style is to over-inflect and emote. my manner typically is, like, exaggeratedly conversational. this works fucking great for banter, but less well for trickier interactions. so when i ask an innocuous question it will sometimes be misconstrued as me expressing annoyance or entitlement or some personal hard feelings. then i have to do the double duty of reassuring everyone i am both normal and not pissed off. BUT i accidentally dropped my regular “normal funny guy” speaking style while asking a question recently and i was met with zero resistance or suspicion or weird feelings. so now, when i’m aware what i’m doing is an autistic behavior and i need to communicate it outside the bounds of friendly banter, i go Data Mode. i become data from star trek. friendly and open as usual but completely neutral. no laughter or excessive smiling. i’ve done it a few times now and people (ranging from friends to work connections) generally take a second to respond but when they DO respond they do so thoughtfully and in a straightforward manner. now i don’t think this would be the case if my affect was flat 100% of the time but i wanted to share this neat trick for any other wild surfers on the high seas of autism masking
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twistsandtwizzles · 1 year
Stars on Mars: Episode 9
Previously, on Stars on Mars: Porsha put herself up for Base Commander, only to lose the vote to Cat; a challenge that left the crew wearing blackout face shields, and their inability to see resulted in Lance accidentally directing Marshawn to lightly bump into a parked rover and Marshawn was disproportionately angry about it; Andy was sent home by a vengeful Cat.
And since Adam is still on Mars, I am still here writing these recaps. Let’s do this.
It’s the morning of Sol Day 14. Ariel is the first one up and about, and she wanders into the kitchen, where the pantry door is open. She shuts it, only for it to swing open again. She closes it, then wanders to the sink . . . and the door opens again. 
“What the fuck is going on?” she asks, looking around. “Who is opening this door? Absolutely not!” She checks inside the pantry to make sure nothing is in the way of keeping it latched, closes the door again, and steps back uneasily. After a beat, the door opens again.
She jumps. Honestly, I would also be unsettled. “What the fuck is going on here? No, no, no. Absolutely not.” She pulls a chair over from the island and sets it in front of the door. “Now you can’t open,” she tells the door. “No.”
Ariel exits the kitchen, and the camera holds on the pantry door as it attempts to open one final time, bouncing against the chair.
In the bunkroom, Porsha is getting ready for the day. You may remember that she removed her wig at the end of last week’s episode - to Lance’s confusion - and is now rocking her short natural hair, which is stunning. She tells us that everyone's spirits need to be brought up and we do quick check-ins on the rest of the crew: Adam is apparently giving himself a Tarot reading (and I’m going to need to summon @tripleaxelrose here to see what the card he has already turned over in front of him means); Lance and Ariel awkwardly and silently eat breakfast on opposite ends of the kitchen; Tinashe is playing dominoes by herself. 
Tinasha has just knocked all her dominoes over and is setting them back up when she hears some banging in the ceiling. “I think there’s a bird in the vent,” she says, as Adam also looks up, a bit concerned.
In the other bunkroom, Marshawn wanders by as Lance is getting ready for his workout. “Beast mode!” Lance greets him. Marshawn flips him off. 
“You had one job,” Marshawn tells Lance, who seems genuinely confused, until it hits him: Marshawn is still mad about the rover. We see the “incident” again in flashback, and it is truly so funny that Marshawn is pissed about this: he was walking so slowly, and just barely bumped the rover. It barely slowed the team down, and they still completed the mission! The fact that this is what has severed the Marshawn/Lance alliance is so silly and also so perfectly fitting.
“You done now, brah,” Marshawn tells Lance.
“Okay, now, slow your roll,” Lance says. “I’m not going anywhere.”
“I’m tired of you,” Marshawn replies, before leaving the room.
In his talking head, Lance is a bit perplexed: “It’s frustrating. And frankly, I was a bit surprised. I thought Marshawn and I were going to be friends forever.”
Porsha has on the black sports bra she wore for the last Base Commander vote, and tells us that leadership is one of her strengths and that she really wants to be Base Commander. She also says today she is going to play it a little more cool
“Good morning,” she greets Adam and Ariel, giving Adam a hug as she enters the kitchen.
“Are you in your Base Commander Hopeful bra again?” Adam asks.
“Maybe, maybe not,” Porsha says, as Adam laughs. “I have my own strategy.”
Porsha tells the camera that the competition is fierce so she wanted to have a fierce look. “Plus, I am channeling Uhura from Star Trek,” she says (though she says “Uhuru” but I’m just gonna give it to her), explaining that Uhura was the communications specialist on the Enterprise - which is basically what the Base Commander does.
Back in the kitchen, Adam tells Porsha, “Well you have my vote.”
“I’m not asking for it.”
“No, you’re begging for it,” Adam says, making everyone laugh. Adam tells us that he thinks it’s Porsha’s time to get the role.
Adam also takes this opportunity to ask Porsha for advice, because he’s tired of being in the bottom three. 
“It’s kind of like . . . you don’t do anything outside of what you’re told to do,” Porsha tells him, as Tinashe joins the group in the kitchen. She says that Adam needs to take more of an initiative to find another task when he finishes something, to go out of his way to ask his fellow crew members if he can assist them. 
“Because of Porsha and because of Tinashe, I have grown so much,” Adam says in his talking head. “I think that Porsha also sees that I’m a critical member to this team as a whole.”
Back in the kitchen, Adam says, “Remember when I said I wasn’t competitive?”
“LOL,” Tinashe replies, as she, Ariel, and Porsha giggle. 
Lance is using the foam roller in Cat’s base commander suite as she sits on the bed. These two have formed a fast and firm alliance. Another thump from the ceiling. “There’s the birds,” Lance says, explaining to Cat that the rest of the crew has been talking about noises all morning.
He and Cat get into a discussion about her knowing Oprah; she launches into a story about a time that Oprah called her and asked her to make dinner for Harry and Meghan with like two day’s notice. Lance seems weirdly surprised when Cat says that Harry and Meghan were nice.
Time for the Base Commander vote. Porsha greets everyone as they enter the command center and Adam teases, “Look at her campaigning.”
“No, I’m not!” Porsha protests. “I’m chilling.”
“Are you chilling, Stacey Abrams?” Adam asks. 
Laby AI tells them it’s time to choose a new base commander. “Choose a new Base Commander?!” Adam says, feigning shock.
“We’ve never had to do that before,” Ariel agrees. Everyone is looking at Porsha and grinning. 
“Oh, is it that time already?” she asks, faux-casually.
“Okay, who wants to be Base Commander?” Paul asks.
“I wonder!” says the group, almost at once, as every head turns back to Porsha.
“I mean, if you guys are wanting to put me up for it . . .” she says.
“I nominate Porsha,” Tinashe says. Adam seconds.
“I nominate Porsha too,” Marshawn says from his corner. (Growth!) 
“We all think it’s Porsha,” Cat says. “Porsha, you’ve got it.”
Porsha squeals with delight as everyone claps. “I wasn’t expecting this!”
We rotate through a series of talking heads as everyone says how glad they are to see Porsha as Base Commander. Lance points out what a good player she is: “Be careful with Porsha, she plays all sides. She’s sweet, but she knows the game.” He also notes that Ariel is tight with Porsha, and that is probably not a good thing when it comes to his safety this go-round.
Porsha - now sporting a zip up over her Base Commander Hopeful sports bra - informs the group that space command has issued a directive that today is “Mental Health Day.” People can either go outside and toss around a football, or stay inside and have a spa day. Porsha lets the group know that she will happily give anyone who wants one a face mask but she is not giving anyone a pedicure.
Marshawn and Paul throw the football around and Paul asks Marshawn what he can do to get out of the bottom three. Marshawn says that Paul needs to be mission specialist and that will take care of the problem. 
Inside, the noises in the air vents continue. Lance and Cat are working out, and Lance tells her that he thinks he’s going to go home today. He complains to her that decisions are beginning to be made not according to who does the best, but according to who is best liked on a personal level. Cat tells him that she agrees that this sucks, but in her confessional she notes that alliances are important to survival on Mars. She also predicts to Lance that Porsha’s mission specialist is either going to be Tinashe or Adam.
“We’ve got to ride or die together,” Cat tells Lance, as they leave the gym.
Ariel, Tinashe, Adam, and Porsha are getting the supplies ready for the spa. “Can I paint your face?” Tinashe asks Adam. 
“PLEASE!” he replies. Tinashe applies a facemask to Adam’s face. While she’s working, Adam asks Ariel how she’s doing.
Ariel admits that the social part of the game has been a challenge, and that she’s really struggling with the lingering animosity between her and Lance. Porsha assures her that she is among people who have her back and support her.
Lance wanders in. “Am I too late?” The group assures him that he is not, and Porsha gets to work applying his mask. “Am I going to look younger?” he asks. She tells him that his skin will never feel better than it will after he washes the mask off. He tells us in voiceover that he is bad at relaxing.
When Marshawn and Paul come inside, they immediately seek out Porsha. “So, we’ve decided that Paul’s going to be your mission specialist,” Marshawn says.
Porsha frowns, hands on her hips. “Paul, you want to step up?” She tells the camera that mission specialist is a very serious position, especially at this point in the game. 
“Absolutely,” Paul says. “I’m ready for it.” 
“I haven’t chosen yet,” Porsha tells them.
“If you don’t,” Marshawn says, “We’re going to get overthrown.”
Porsha asks, “What do you mean, ‘overthrown’? Is this an alliance?” She shakes her head and reiterates that she has not made any decisions yet.
The next morning, Marshawn discovers that the peanut butter has vanished. As he’s searching, another loud noise in the vents.
Tinashe hears it too, and points it out to Porsha, saying again that she thinks it is a bird. These people seem to be forgetting that there are not birds on Mars. But there would probably also not be cell phone service, and this also does not seem to bother them. 
Porsha notes that the noises are only coming from a particular part of the vents, and then tells Tinashe that she needs a mission specialist. “I mean, I’d be down,” Tinashe says. “I’m also good in the field. But I have experience so if that’s what you need . . .” Porsha doesn’t make any promises, but she seems much more receptive to this possibility than to the idea of Paul in the role.
Emergency! Shatner is here with this week’s mission. The radar systems have picked up someone - or something - in the hab with them. Their mission: locate and neutralize it, and if they can’t do so in the allotted time, they may be asked to vacate the hab. If they’re successful, they’ll get an “Adaptability” patch. Shatner also warns them to not let any aliens burst out of their chest, because he’s not sure that FOX has insurance for that. (Then, pretending to get a note from offscreen: “Oh, insurance does cover that!”) With that, Shatner’s out. 
Seriously, though, how much do we think Shatner is getting paid for his 60 seconds of screen time a week? 
Porsha picks Tinashe as her mission specialist. Paul is not thrilled. “But the thing is, I’m a newbie,” he says. “And a lot of things play a part in these decisions, including how long you’ve been here.” 
The mission parameters: the group will split up into three teams. Two pairs will enter the ducts and crawl through them until they find a fan that is blocking their path. There they will have to press a button that stops the fan, continue crawling, and locate the intruder. The remaining pair will be on the opposite end of the vent system, clearing out the exit path which is apparently full of “debris.” They have fifteen minutes.
Porsha decides on the teams: Marshawn and Paul, Cat and Adam, and Lance and Ariel. Porsha tells us she is doing this deliberately: “Lance and Ariel don’t really like each other, and I just want to bring people together.”
Tinashe informs the crew of their teams, and Marshawn can’t stop laughing about Ariel and Lance being paired up. “Damn I wish I could be a fly on that wall!”
Both Lance and Ariel’s talking heads basically are the same: there is a job to do, and they are going to do it, regardless of their feelings about the other person.
The clock starts, and the first step is to undo all the screws on the vents. The teams get to work, with Lance and Ariel the first ones to open their vents and crawl inside. Paul and Marshawn are next, and their vent is full of a bunch of cables, which they begin clearing out. Paul notes that he is too big to fit in the vents, so Marshawn has to do most of the work - you can tell Paul is already anticipating being in the bottom again.
Ariel and Lance reach their fan with 11:30 remaining on the clock, but they cannot find the button they are supposed to press anywhere.
With ten minutes remaining, Adam and Cat finally get their vent open. Ariel and Lance still haven’t found their button and Ariel is starting to freak out. With eight minutes on the clock, they discover a button that says “Fan” . . . on the other side of the fan, that they can’t reach.
Lady Hab Voice comes on and reminds the teams that this mission is about adaptability. “To stop your fan you must locate a second button found behind you.”
The group all scurries back from the way they came. There are now less than five minutes left. Finally, Adam decides to pull himself up to another set of vents - where he discovers the button. “I found it!” he yells into the comms. “Go up, go up!” He hits the button, and the fan he and Cat are responsible for stops.
“It was Mission: Impossible,” Adam says to us. “Only I made it Mission: Possible.” Followed by a patented Adam Rippon eyebrow raise.
Cat is able to run through and hit the button that stops Lance and Ariel’s fan. All four of them are now able to move toward the “intruder’s chamber.” Marshawn is waiting on the other side for them, ready to let them out. 
With two minutes left, they reach the chamber and discover nothing. Marshawn, watching them from the exit path, suggests they check the space above them. Lance does so with one minute on the clock, and discovers . . . another robot dog. I admit that I found this very anticlimactic, and so does the crew. Is it so wrong to hope for an actual alien?? Or even a bird?? For there to be real stakes to this game just once???
Marshawn opens the exit and they all scramble for it, and with three seconds left, the entire crew and the robot dog have made it out of the vents. Mission success!
As the crew catches their breath, Tinashe and Porsha deliberate, noting that Lance did some good work but has struggled socially since Ronda left. They also say that Ariel struggled to stay calm and was “very loud on the comms.” Adam tells us that being in the bottom three sucks but that he thinks he did very crucial work today, so he hopes that he won’t find himself in that spot again. 
Then it’s time to call in the Mission Critical crew. Porsha calls in the MVP first - Marshawn. “I just get shit done,” he says.
Adam is called in next. “I love Adam,” Porsha says to the camera. “Of course he wasn’t going to go.”
“I think I’m actually starting to believe that I can be really good on these missions,” Adam says in his confessional. He celebrates with Tinashe and Porsha.
Before calling in the next person, Porsha acknowledges that it was a very hard choice, especially since the size of the crew is getting so small. “So I’m just going to call in the next person . . . Cat.”
That leaves Ariel, Lance, and Paul in our bottom three. Ariel is upset and in her confessional she seems to blame Lance, for some reason; Paul seems resigned to his fate. “I probably had the lesser role of everybody,” he tells Porsha and Tinashe. “I did everything I could, but these two were phenomenal.” 
And I think maybe it was likely that Paul would have gone home - after all, we already know Tinashe is not a huge fan of what he brings to the table - but Lance throws a curveball. “Life on Mars is not easy,” he says. “You can’t throw twelve strangers in a room and expect everyone to get along. And that’s what I’m struggling with, and going forward that would be a liability not just for myself but for the team. And so, it’s been a hell of an honor, but I have decided to exit the project.”
Cat looks stunned and devastated. Paul is also surprised: “Lance, why’d you do that?” he asks, taking his comm out of his ear so that he can talk directly to Lance. “You’ve invested so much time.”
“Are you sure?” Ariel asks softly. “Do you really want to go?”
“Yeah,” Lance says. “I’m sure.”
Tinashe says in voiceover that she had been sure that the game was going to come down to her and Lance. “So the fact that he actually wants to leave . . . yeah, I’m surprised.”
No long goodbyes for Lance - he waves to everyone and books it out of the hab. Only Cat seems genuinely sad for him to go; the rest of the cast appears mostly dumbfounded. Cat notes that she had really been depending on partnering with Lance through this game, and you can already see her scrambling to reformulate her gameplan. 
“I know that from Lance’s point of view, it is the fourteenth day here,” Adam says to the group back in the command center. “And it’s really tough, emotionally and physically, to get to this point.”
In his exit interview, Lance says that he’s not a social person: “I didn’t have any expectations about being popular. But every minute or every day that I’ve been here, I’ve given one hundred percent.”
Adam finds Ariel and gives her a big hug. “That was crazy,” he says. 
Cat tells us that Lance leaving was a reminder that this is a social game. “I’m going to really have to adjust myself and start thinking about what I’m going to do to survive.”
She walks up to Paul. “If you want to be Base Commander tomorrow, I’ll nominate you,” she tells him. “And I’m gonna be your mission specialist.”
And I am fascinated by the way Lance’s departure has just shook up these hab dynamics. Technically, the Tinashe/Porsha/Adam/Ariel faction is now in the majority, but if Paul and Cat are calling the shots next week, that almost guarantees that one of those four will be headed home. Personally, I think Ariel might be the most vulnerable person in the hab right now . . . we’ll see what happens next week!
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