#I blame the lack of sleep!!!
wortverlust · 2 years
jesus i just saw your answer to my last ask why oh WHY am i like this hhhhhhhhhh this two blog thing messes me up SO BAD
ANYWAY, it wasn’t really anything important, just that one of your pieces was such incredible visual inspiration for a specific scene in the next chapter of my series hehehehehehehehe
but yeah, just like, a giant thank you for that, and how great it is seeing you on the dash again. i really hope you’re looking after yourself. actually no i don’t hope, you BETTER be looking after yourself or i will pour cement between your toes /threat.
i’m cat-sitting for my flatmate this week, so Autumn says hi, and ALSO that you better be looking after yourself or death upon you <3
love you bb 💙
Essa….I can't even handle one account soooo… YOU have my fullest respect. Amen. BUT that also means… I may have to take care of my inbox. Maybe that's the reason why asks disappear?
And…your latest serie? That means The Ackerbond? PLEASE IT'S ON MY READING LIST AND and and I just saw YOU ALREADY POSTED 5 CHAPTERS?! AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!
And…your latest serie? That means The Ackerbond? PLEASE IT'S ON MY READING LIST AND and and I just saw YOU ALREADY POSTED 5 CHAPTERS?! AAAAAAAHHHHH!!! (actually everything from you is on my reading list…hehe)
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Merlin and Mordred’s friendship is just grumpy older brother and peppy kid the older brother found one day and decided to adopt. Merlin may hate him, but if anyone else does, they’re done. Like cancelling life subscriptions or forcefully expediting character development, or both depending on the situation. Anyway. Merlin is an older brother/caretaker figure to Mordred and I cannot be convinced otherwise.
Merlin, staring at a camera like in The Office: I can bully him relentlessly but if anyone else even thinks about him funny, imma end their entire bloodline.
Mordred: I know Emrys says he hates me. Did you know he created a more potent medicine when I got sick? He said it was because it’d taste worse, but he added honey so it wasn’t too bad. It was actually nicer than Gaius’. I should get him something to say thank you.
—in the woods or something—
Mordred: Emrys! I found this flower!
Merlin: *snorts* okay?
Mordred: oh… I’ll just… *goes to take it back while looking sad*
Merlin: Piss off. It’s mine now. *magics it so it won’t die and keeps it on his desk*
Mordred: :D
Merlin: He’s stupid. Also this flower is my favourite kind. That’s why I’m keeping it. Not for Mordred. My brother- nemesis is so stupid.
Mordred: Do you think he liked the flower? I couldn’t find any of his favourites but it was in the same family. … he said it was his favourite? … *smiles*
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trashcanqueerie · 7 months
Dead? I was dead once. They locked me in a coffin. A buried coffin! A buried coffin with bats, and bats left me dead.
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inventedfangirling · 9 months
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SandRay textposts cos i'm normal about them
Bonus : this might seem like a leap at first glance rn but think about it
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5mcsinatrenchcoat · 9 months
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a faulty heart
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holofizz · 11 days
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Here, have a shitty 3am doodle. With any luck I'll actually make this into something and then everyone will see the wild difference in first drafts vs finished work. Big gap. How to draw body? who knows, not me. My art will never be consistent
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skyward-floored · 2 months
Wips. Please. Please. Work with me here, come on pleeeeaaaasssssseeee.
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randomfangirl976 · 1 year
🎶does it ever drive you crazy🎶
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🎶just how fast the night, changes🎶
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butchniqabi · 2 years
the sentiment "if youre dissatisfied with ~representation~ in media, make youre own content" (both in the negative and "postive" way) is so fucking annoying like! i dont want to be in a position where i HAVE to make everything myself! whats worse is that there Are people out there who have these ideas and stories fleshed out and if its a book they may be able to get published or self publish, but visual media? a movie? a show? a play? like fuck man i dont doubt that someone out there has already written the black scifi epic of my dreams but maybe theyve been rejected over a dozen times and gave up. maybe they couldnt afford to self publish. maybe they couldnt find or pay for an editor. maybe no producers would back them. maybe they dont have enough connections to even know where to begin. or maybe they dont have any fucking time or energy because of work and the everpresent racism of society. who knows! but the bottom line is goddamn! i dont want to do everything "myself" because 1.) i shouldnt be guilted into thinking that its somehow my fault or my community's fault for "not caring enough" to write about ourselves and 2.) there are no doubt hundreds upon hundreds of people who did make the content they wanted to see and it didnt ever go beyond their circle bc no one in Any indutry would consider supporting it. like fuck man.
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hoofpeet · 1 year
was the razor with emmet for protection of for s/h?
Protection probably; he gets increasingly paranoid about sugar over time thinking that she's going to straight up kill him at some point so . Sometimes if it's esp bad he locks himself in the bathroom with a pair of scissors or smthn
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predestinatos · 8 months
he has the ferrari yard stare
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nerdy-talks · 1 year
Obey Me! Scenario : Human World Adventures with Barbatos
Imagine going to the human world with Barbatos.
You can visit a fun establishment or theme park :
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Have a nice meal and refreshing beverage :
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Watch a few wholesome movies :
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Listen to some catchy music :
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Or even play a board game :
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And of course, no trip is complete without some souvenirs to bring back to the Devildom. A perfect human world gift for Levi in particular :
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Ah yes. I can just picture Barbatos now :
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nueska · 1 year
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shiho and shinichi catching up after a long day at the death factory
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pixiemage · 2 years
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I’m just sitting here at 4am about to go to bed (hush I’m in convention prep mode don’t judge), and checking Tango’s recent likes on Twitter has me giggling like a fool.
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tcfactory · 8 days
Hi TC!! I got really sick these past few days so I wasn't able to say, but I loved the in tune chapter as always, and I can't wait for the daemon au!! Having daemons would probably make it easier to reconcile tbh, cause yqy's would hound (badum tss) sqq with concern and protectiveness so he can't assume it's guilt or fear over shared past. The damn thing freaks out if he sneezes for crying out loud, so what gives qi-ge?
Oh no, I hope you are better now. Get well soon!
Since in this AU the original PIDW has daemons too I imagine the original state of things was much of the same - Calamity (YQY's lion) is a goddamn pushover when it comes to SQQ or Harbor (SQQ's wolf), so he backed off to give them space every time they so much as looked at him sideways - but it took just the tiniest push to make him run over and spill everything.
Also they are like. Stupid about each other in so many ways??? YQY and Calamity are super doting, but SQQ is protective of his idiot big brother to the point of self destruction; every time YQY has to leave the sect for diplomacy or business he sends Harbor after them to keep them out of trouble and protect them and then doesn't fucking sleep until they get back because he doesn't feel safe enough to rest without his daemon there.
Like, I'm not sure it will fit in the fic, but I imagine Ming Fan parking his own daemon in front of the bamboo house (he has a ill-tempered big chow chow) to scare people off so SQQ can rest even a little bit because YQY has been gone for like three weeks on a conference and SQQ is on the edge of breaking down.
Dysfunctional idiots, all of them.
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observers-journal · 9 months
Maya Zapata is Tenoch's best friend. They have been friends for over 12+ years. The fact that people try and bully Maya is totally wrong. All of Tenoch's friends have kept quiet about this whole drama, and that is not a coincidence. Tenoch can fight his own battle. Seeing the comments on that Maya post was very disheartening. People demand Maya speak, but so many of the fans here have never written one post to support Tenoch. They only post gifs and never retweet the evidence. The hypocrisy is very loud
I can see you support Maya, nonnie and I won't do anything to change your opinion.
Sure, I agree other friends of his have not posted, but how do we know they're not supporting him in-person?
Number of years in any relationship doesn't matter. At all. If. The. Relationship. Is. Toxic. No matter what relationship it is.
How am I expected to react when Maya bullied Luz Valdez online (on Twitter), let the whole rebozo fiasco blow up, say nothing to support Tenoch, instead make faces and show arrogance and mock him without saying his name in the video below?
She didn't say anything then, she didn't say anything when these allegations came out. She is speaking now, when there's no evidence, when MER is too deep in her own shit, when Tenoch probably has something coming up in his own career and is doing fine. Coincidence? I think not.
EDIT: "Maya Zapata is Tenoch's best friend" is the funniest joke I have heard the whole day 🤣
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