#I can't fight the brainrot anymore I really like him
tamyonmyonmyon · 2 months
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novalizinpeace · 3 months
It interests me that in your smiling critters au that mommy long legs and catnap have essentially switched personalities and roles with each other. In canon Marie is emotionally unstable and childish, killing the other toys when they fail her and flying into a murderous temper tantrum when we escape the games. While Theodore is relatively more well adjusted, being able to negotiate with ms delight and hunt us using intelligent tactics. In your au however Theo is the emotionally unstable one, flying into a rage and attacking the critters when his VHS breaks, even though they cannot possibly be blamed for it, and not understanding why he’s unable to kill Nell. While Marie is stable enough to serve as one of the leaders of the heretics and make reasonable decisions such as allowing the flower festival. I kinda what to know more about what circumstances could lead to these differences from canon.
IDK it was just interesting and your au gave me brainrot, I hope I’m not too much of a bother
I really love when i get this type of ask 'cause they get me excited about my own character process in the story, love to see other catching this details!
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Now, let me answer you.
Yeah, Mommy and Catnap were switched here, and it was intentional.
The reason, you can already guess it: The gang.
Idk how close the critters were in canon, Dogday only tell us they were against the Prototype, but apart from that, nothing more. So we can guess the toys didn't really bonded.
In Canon, Mommy probably was all alone, or with toys that were afraid of her (like Bunzo and the mini huggies), so she lost her mind, the child inside of her fighting due a mix of trauma and insolation, and that how we get a Mommy so mentally unstable in game (she probably was better in dealing with her outburst before, but 10 years alone can mess with anybody's mind).
On the other side, Catnap has the prototype to practically raise him, so he ''turned out fine'' in a sense of, buring/killing completly the child inside him, there's no Theodore anymore, just a loyal soldier of the prototype, and since he didn't have attachment to the other critters, the idea of hunt them and kill them wasn't that bad, he only needed the prototype, so there was nothing to break him mentally.
Now in my Au, The gang changed everything.
Mommy wasn't left alone after the hour of Joy, she has someone more mentally clear (Alba) to help her keep her mind in check, she cared for them before and after the massacre, she was able to grown as a person without the constant pressure of Play.Co, so the outburst were less big after a time, to the point of been a really caring leader when needed. In a way, the gang save her.
On the other side, Catnap hasn't been able to kill Theodore from inside him, 'cause there's something that keep Theodore's presence in this world: Nell. Doesn't matter how much the prototype try to help catnap ignore the annoying voice in his mind, Theodore keep a strong hold in Catnap's actions, and forcing him to act like the cartoon version in a way to fake a reality to make himself feels better: Theodore wants to be happy like cartoon catnap, wants to have his brother care like him, wants to be loved like him... But he can't, 'cause he's a monster, his brother hate him, he was taking away by the other critters, nobody like him..... All that jazz, Catnap's outbursts are actually a way to reflect the internal conflict he has with the kid inside him, a conflict he had been leave alone to deal with.
there's more i could say about it, but let leave that for other posts.
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shayrose5494 · 2 months
Valentino Must Die
So I have Hazbin Hotel brainrot and hate Valentino with a fiery passion. So I decided to compile a list of who I'd like to see be the one to off him when his time comes and how I think it would go down. This list is essentially from least exciting (but no less satisfying) to most exciting:
6. Husk
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Now Husk is so low on this list because let's be honest, he's one of the most predictable ones to do it. It's been established by Vivziepop that apparently his and Angel's relationship will be a slow burn, but it's been hinted HuskerDust is endgame, so it would make sense for Husk to be the one to take Val out.
I imagine that one day, Angel returns to the hotel seriously hurt because of Val. This would be the tipping point for Husk. So he tracks down Val. Now this part could go one of two ways visually:
Scenario 1: We see Husk track down Val, and after a bit of a confrontation (and veiled threat on Husk's end), the screen cuts to black. Cut back to the Hotel, where Angel is finding out Husk went after Val. Angel, despite being in pain, has to go find Husk. But before he can leave, a bloodied Husk returns. He tells Angel he never has to worry about Val hurting him again and that he'll keep him safe. Insert HuskerDust first kiss.
Scenario 2: Husk still tracks down Val, but Angel arrives before the fight really begins. Val tries to hurt (or even kill) Angel. This send Husk into a rage and for the first time we get to see Husk's full demon appearance. The fight ensues and Husk comes out on top. Insert HuskerDust first kiss (I kinda sort ship it lol)
5. Angel
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Angel is the one that has the most motivation to kill Val, which is why he's also so low on this list. Like Husk, this is quite predictable.
I imagine something along the lines of Husk's Scenario 2. But instead of Husk going full demon (maybe because he's lost his overlord status he can't go full demon anymore) he still fights as is. Unfortunately, this gives Val the upperhand.
So when it seems Val is going to win this fight, and possibly kill Husk, Angel shoots Val. We know Angel has the guns to do it. But he's always been too afraid of Val to follow through. But seeing Husk, someone he loves, facing Val's wrath, this would be the motivation Angel needs. (We know Angel is protective about those he cares about, like he was with Charlie when she came to the studio). Angel kills Val and HuskerDust kiss. (I'm trying to manifest it into existence ok).
4. Charlie
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Now, I don't actually think Charlie would kill Val. However, I'm not gonna rule it out or be mad about it if it happens.
After all, we all saw how she went full demon after Sir Pentious' death. I wouldn't put it past Charlie to go full demon on Val after learning the extent of his abuse towards Angel (she nearly did in the studio). She's already lost one friend, she's not about to loose another. But we all know, that if Charlie got into a fight with Val, there would be no option of sparing him. And not even Angel would be able to talk her out of it this time.
3. Cherri
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I feel like Cherri's motivation would be similar to Charlie's. She also lost Sir Pentious and there is no way in hell (pun 10000% intended) she's going to loose Angel to moth boy.
I'd love nothing more than to see her shove one of her bombs down his throat then walk away as he explodes in the background like in an action movie.
2. Niffty
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Nothing would bring me more joy than watching Niffty pull an Adam2.0 with Val. And since we know that she enjoys killing bugs, watching her kill the giant pest would be so satisfying.
I imagine that Angel would finally tell Val, he's done, contract be damned. So Val shows up to the hotel. A fight between Val and the gang ensues. Val, like Adam, starts monologuing, until a knife pops through his chest.
Bonus points if Niffty does it because a tiny moth came flying through the lobby, so her thinking it's the same principle as with mother roaches and their children, kills Val to send a message to the moths lol.
Finally, last but never least, and my personal favorite because it's so out of left field:
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Now, hear me out, this one's a bit strange, but let me explain:
Imagine the Husk/Angel scenario where Husk goes after Val, but Val gets the upper hand. Husk is seriously injured (not killed mind you, just injured). While Alastor doesn't consider Husk a friend, he does own Husk's soul. And if you think anyone but Alastor can hurt Husk and get away with it, you'd be sorely mistaken.
Alastor would rip Val limb from limb (and we love that for Val). Plus this would reinforce the rivalry between Alastor and Vox, especially of Vox and Val are still in their dating phase of their on/off relationship. This could even bump Vox up to a serious antagonist for the hotel.
I know that some of these were a bit far-fetched, but I love twists and turns like that in movies and TV. Going in one direction for so long before taking an unexpected turn. If anyone else has any other ideas let me know. I want to hear all of the fun ways we could kill Val. In the meantime:
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Piggy kisses for your troubles.
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mrsnancywheeler · 1 month
dude my billy brainrot is so bad rn!
anyways, ok so the band and muse go to a party, and this time billy is in a good mood and is obsessed with her. hes being really clingy and is just so in love with her. but then eddie starts flirting with her and says "you could do so much better than him". billy finds out and him and eddie almost get in a fist fight. but after eddie and billy almost fight billy goes to his muse and is all like "im sorry baby, i couldnt handle what he was saying, i really hope you know that i love you" and they fuck. but then the next day he is avoiding her a bunch and getting touchy with the other groupies and she is like "should i have listened to eddie?" i feel like this would happen earlier in their relationship before muse knows the cycle her and billy always go through
billy dunne is literally my life
you're basically wrapped around billy the entire night, you both do a line off of each other, share drinks, it's like he's in a haze of just being entranced by you. he cannot stop kissing you, his arms wrapped securely around you, you're basically on his lap all night.
"I'm gonna write you a whole album, baby." and the feeling of his voice so near your neck makes you giggle which just makes him smile, "what?"
you shake your head smiling, "nothing." he keeps looking at you expectantly which makes you laugh again, "nothing! billy, I just-"
"you don't believe me? oh, that's what this is, you don't think I'm telling the truth!" somehow he's holding you tighter, his smile, the way he jokes makes your head fuzzy, well so does the drinks, but he does a number on you. the way he laughs, smiles, it's addictive.
"no, no, no, I do, I swear, scout's honor!"
"I think that only applies to actual boy scouts, baby."
"shut up" you kiss him and his lips make you dizzy, just as yours make him. when you finally pull apart he's just holding your face for a while.
"god, you're stunning, do I tell you that a lot? because you're so pretty. can I do another line off of you?"
you just rasp out a, "yes" and you've forgotten how public you are really at a party when you let him adjust you enough to do a line of your cleavage.
"let me go get us another drink, baby, I'll be right back."
"okay." you're smiling, adjusting your shirt as he squeezes your hand before he's off. no sooner is he gone then eddie is appearing
"he's only being that way for now, you know" he's drunk, you know he is to be so openly digging at billy like that.
"two weeks ago he was doing lines off of some other chick's rack-"
"he didn't mean that eddie."
"he didn't mean what he did?"
"he fucked up, it was a mistake, eddie, it doesn't change anything."
"you don't deserve that." eddie is leaning closer over the couch rest, "you deserve better than him, the first guy you saw at the concert."
you stare back at him for a while, "eddie, if you think you could treat me so much better, you'd let me enjoy my night. which I was."
"one night is all he'll give you before he decides you're not that special anymore-"
"what the hell are you talking about, man?" billy is making his reappearance and you know eddie must be even more drunk when you thought when he doesn't even really try to cover.
"use your imagination." and eddie's words have barely escaped his mouth when billy's punched him in the face. eddie stumbles back for a second, but punches billy back and you've leapt up to get between them. and eddie's looking at you, shaking his head like he's done, and walking out. "whatever, man"
"eddie!" you're shouting, but he's gone, and you have other things to worry about. "billy, oh my god are you okay?"
"I'm fine, god, we need to find a new fucking bassist"
"don't do that, gimme your hand." you're looking at his knuckles and he's entranced by the way your brows furrow. "you can't just punch someone everytime they bruise your ego." his hand is suddenly moving to tilt your chin up, where he's smiling in disbelief.
"baby, that's not why I punched him." you're unamused by this. "I'm serious! baby, I did it because he was talking about you. acting like I didn't care about my girl. the girl I love."
"you love me?"
he looks dumbfounded by the question, "I just write all my songs about you, you basically live with me, I need you like air, so yeah, I do."
"that's good because I am so in love with you."
"this would be pretty awkward if you didn't." and next thing you know he's got you back at the house, laying on his bed as he proves it to you, it's really not fucking, it's raw, it's love making, and he makes you feel so appreciated.
that's until you wake up, and he pulls himself away just when you try to put an arm on him when you've woken up. he gets up, showers without a word, gets dressed, only says morning back when you say it, and walks out of the room. suddenly you feel like a one night stand, someone he never wants to see again, and there's a pit in your stomach. he knows it's because saying love has scared him, but he can't communicate that, he's just got to be destructive.
breakfast is him laying out instructions for everyone, moving away every time you try to get close, at some point you try to take a drag off his cigarette and he looks unbelievably annoyed which just shuts you down. and the ride to the studio is unbearably quiet, it makes you want to cry the way he doesn't acknowledge you.
it's gets worse at the studio when he doesn't acknowledge you at all and during a break is talking to the groupies, laughing, doing lines, having a drink, hands on them, and you do a line to deal with it before sitting back in the emoti studio so you don't have to deal with it. it's so fucking confusing. you're laying on the studio carpet when eddie walks in, looks at you, and lays down too.
you feel the energy of 'i told you so' radiating off of him, "eddie-"
"are you okay?"
there's a beat, "he told me loved me last night." another beat, "is this what it feels like to be loved?"
and he's rolling onto his side to look at you, "no."
you wish you didn't start crying, "then what did I do wrong since then? why is he doing this to me, I don't know why I'm not good enough."
"you are, he's too fucking stupid to notice what he's got right if front of him." and he's lighting a cigarette, handing it to you, "let's go to the record store, find something to listen to later. we can use my record player, you know it sounds better on mine."
and you do exactly that and wonder if maybe this is what it feels like to be loved, but it doesn't take away the desire your soul has for billy dunne. even if it makes you think that eddie could love you better.
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gerudoevernight · 21 days
I've been thinking about the Fallen Timeline Hero of Time. Like, this kid had it rough. First, I'm pretty sure he was picked on by the Kokiri for not being Kokiri. Then his Tree Dad suddenly was not able to Dad, and he had to fight a big scary monster, but he was too late and his Tree Dad died. Then he had to leave the forest that he'd called home his whole life, found out that the rest of the world was not so great, then had to fight an unknown amount of monsters (we don't actually know when he died), and may or may not have died because of a big scary guy who was also the one responsible for him losing his Tree Dad.
He was a child. An. Actual. Child.
Therefore, I present to you:
The Linked Universe Chain goes to the Master Sword pedestal in Legend's or Hyrule's era (or Wild's, he's after the timeline merge) to discover a ghost child who has been there a Very Long Time. They immediately adopt this ghost child who doesn't really believe them when they say that Ganondorf is gone.
So Wind tells him the story of Ganondorf's defeat. Twilight adds his own.
But this kid isn't stupid, he knows that two conflicting stories of the same person's defeat is not how things are supposed to go.
And that's how the Hero of Time and a ghost child end up playing hide-and-seek storytime after dark in the Lost Woods. They end up back at the campsite.
Time sits down by a sleeping Warriors and rolls his shoulder. Link floats cross-legged a few inches above the ground. "So it's like a tree." Time hummed.
"I suppose so."
"Well then that's good. Dorfie can't poison the tree if he's gone."
Time chuckled at the little nickname. "No, he can't."
He didn't mention that Ganondorf could be revived, had been in the past.
"The saplings will be strong, then."
Time quirked a brow and looked at the kid. Gesturing, Link explained.
"When a branch from a tree falls, a little tree grows there. But sometimes the big tree is too big, and the little tree dies because it can't get enough light." Link pointed to the other Links. "There's plenty light for all the trees. Except that one," Link points at Twilight, "but you know that." No he doesn't actually, but Link keeps going. "The little trees will become big trees because there's enough light and they're not being crowded out and left behind."
It occurred to Time that they weren't talking about timelines anymore.
In short: This kid has no idea how to process everything that happened. Also I love him already. This has been a brief brainrot.
Also the kid calls Ganondorf, Dorfie because it makes him less scary.
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maochira · 1 year
hi hii! i LOVE ur siblings fics!! i once requested an older brother nagi fic ANS I LOVE IT SO MUCH THANK YOUU!! if its okay, can i request older brother nagi, bachira, rin, and isagi and younger sibling reader with parents who is always out for work?? so the reader gets lonely all by themself since their parents is out and they only have time with their brother after their brother go home from school? SO SORRY IF ITS TOO SPECIFIC OR IF THERES TOO MUCH CHARACTER!! you can just write nagi and bachira if its too much! (or you can add more if u want to!) sorry if this request is too long, you can ignore this if you want! anyways i love ur works a lot so thank you so much! i hope you keep enjoying writing :D
Honestly, I love long and specific requests especially with multiple characters because it's just fun to interpret the same situation in different ways, so I've decided to add Barou as well because the big bro Barou brainrot is strong rn <3 also, thank you very much!! I'm glad you enjoyed the big bro Nagi headcanons!!
Characters: Nagi, Bachira, Rin, Isagi, Barou
Requests open - current writing event - masterlist
Tags: gn!younger sibling!reader, sibling fluff, reader is around 2 years younger than the older sibling
Seishirou Nagi (additionally: big bro Nagi after a fight headcanons/scenario)
-because your parents travel all the time, you and Seishirou live alone together
-he definitely takes better care of you than he does of himself. For example, he's too lazy to eat and he also doesn't do a lot of his homework on time because he procrastinates so much. But when it comes to you, he always checks if you've eaten enough and if you're meeting all your deadlines regarding school
-Seishirou doesn't like cooking. It takes too much effort. And because you don't want him to starve or order takeout all the time (it's expensive and leaves you with a lot of trash), you learn how to cook so you can make all the meals
-even though eating is too much of a hassle for your big brother, he always eats whatever you make for him, since he knows you put a lot of effort into it
Meguru Bachira
-Meguru is energetic all the time, no matter how much time he's spent in school or how much homework he had to do, if he gets to spend time with you, all his energy returns!
-the house never feels lonely, even if it's just the both of you. Meguru loves being around you and never runs out of things to talk about
-sometimes you're tired and don't feel like talking. That's when either Meguru does all the talking and you just listen, or you sit together in the living room in silence, watching some random movie
-it's very rare for you to be in separate rooms. You don't mind being alone, but Meguru always gets afraid of you getting sad, so he tries to be around you all the time. In case you really want to be alone, he will definitely let you have your private time and either play soccer outside or return to his own room
Rin Itoshi (additionally: Itoshi siblings masterlist)
-Rin doesn't like being around people, you're the only exception to that. He's not around you all the time, but he checks on you fairly often and asks if you need help with anything very often
-even if you don't need his help, you often pretend like you can't do your homework on your own, so he can help you with it
-since Sae left and because your parents are out of the house so much, you and Rin have a very close emotional bond
-Rin isn't the middle child anymore, he's the big brother now, so he definitely acts like it. He gets overprotective a lot. He always wants you to tell him about your day and if anyone in school was mean to you
-even though your parents are gone almost all of the time, you don't remember ever feeling lonely at home, thanks to Rin
-you know even when Rin isn't in the same room as you, you just have to call for him or knock on his door, and he'll be right with you
Yoichi Isagi
-Yoichi takes a lot of responsibility when it comes to you. He does more than he needs to, but it doesn't bother him at all
-your parents sometimes joke about him being almost motherly towards you. And actually, that's true
-even though you're only two years younger, Yoichi tends to treat you as if you were a lot younger. He's very stuck in his position as a big brother, especially since he's alone at home with you so much. To him, as soon as he gets home from school, making sure you're okay is his main responsibility
-you do a lot of things together, like sharing your chores and sitting at the dining table to do your homework. Being in each other's company makes the absence of your parents more bearable
-talking with Yoichi is a lot of fun! He talks a lot about soccer and you talk a lot about what you're into. But sometimes you talk so much, you forget the time and suddenly you hear your parents being back home, which means it's already late at night
Shouei Barou
-as soon as it's only you and him in the house, he goes full parent mode
-don't worry about your chores, Shouei will do them. That's actually because he thinks you don't clean well enough, but he makes you believe he doesn't want you to do extra work after an exhausting day in school
-sometimes you have to remind him he's your brother and not your parent. As soon as you get into trouble with something, he starts holding speeches about why what you did was wrong. One time he even tried to ground you, but him even attempting that made you laugh so hard he couldn't be serious about it anymore either
-you think you're too old for it, but Shouei insists on tucking you into bed every night. He wants to make sure you get into bed at a decent time to get enough sleep
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cosmic-d1ce · 8 months
"before Forever, before the island. Who was he and why is Etoiles so interested???"
oh my god ow the fucking shot through the chest this was omgggggggg not only asking about what happened from the source (phil) but who he was before- when he had an isolated identity AAAAAAAAAA THEMMMMM ETOILES THE FUCKING GOAT AS PER USUAL NOTHING LESS TO BE EXPECTED OMGGGG also the idea of him being his best friend in this au is so like emotional to me- to have phil be put through so much pain all the time at all angles, emotionally and physically to have at least Someone just One person to turn to who sees past the servers lies and rumors omg the agony this is amazing they're my roman empire too I literally brainrot abt them all the time
The song Milk by Jack Stauber is pretty much exactly what they have
The song is technically about death, thinking of a dead person you didn't know but I feel like it works so well because a part of Phil is dead. The part of him that really matters to Etoiles
Etoiles doesn't care about what Forever forced Phil to be. He cares that somewhere, there's a person who used to have friends and a family and a nice little house that he made with his own hands
What kind of life did you live through? Did you know love? Will you rest in peace? Did you have a family?
Who was Phil before Forever changed him?
That's all Etoiles cares about.
It's okay that Phil can't fight things! He used to!! He used to fight and laugh and help people, he used to explore and build and discover!! That's who he really is. Etoiles can see that, even when nobody else can
He even manages to get some of that back. Phil, finally, has a way to get back a part of himself that he lost through Etoiles. He can laugh and explore and make things again and he doesn't have to worry about what Forever will think because he's not here!! He's not here and Etoiles would risk everything for Phil because they're FRIENDS!!
Phil can't hold a weapon anymore but he can hold Pomme and tell her grand stories about the man he used to be, the empire he built, the world he created for himself, his friends and his family. He can hold Etoiles' daughter and tell her how to build things, how to properly shoot a bow and arrow or how she should always avoid ravines!
Etoiles sees this man for the first time and goes "I want to know you" and when he's told what happened through other people's perspectives he says "NO. Nonono I want to know YOU." and he ASKS and he CARES!!! He hears the rumors and says "There has to be more to Phil than Forever."
Cellbit pulls him aside to explain everything properly and Etoiles turns away and says he doesn't believe in secondary research and he's going straight to the source, thank you!! If this is not an invitation to kill Forever for what he did to Phil HE DOES NOT WANT TO KNOW!!
Etoiles knows that somewhere, in another world, where none of this happened, they're best friends. They're besties and they play fight and do dungeons together because that's what they like to do.
Etoiles will settle knowing it could have been.
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oniikabuto · 1 year
general hcs ☆ south park
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-- sfw --
characters: the main 4
a/n: it's literally midnight. i need to be up at 5am tomorrow. i'm writing about south park on tumblr.
synopsis: just headcanons of sp kids! their little quirks and habits and stuff
oh also aged up
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— ⛧ e. cartman
has all of the really good snacks in his pantry
had a phase where he really wanted to be a garbage truck driver as a kid
listens to ariana grande and lady gaga
sings his heart out in the shower
refuses to admit it if you ever overheard him
weirdly sharp canines it makes him look like an evil little rodent
allergic to picking up after himself. there's literally a trail of shoes all the way up to his bedroom
never takes stuff out of his pockets before his mom washes his clothes but then gets pissed when his earbuds and stuff go through the wash
smells like baby soap
bites his pencils and they look horrendous
one time kenny asked to borrow a pencil and he threw it back almost immediately after feeling the bumpy chewed-up wood
thinks that menstrual products shouldn't be free because "can't they just hold it in??"
kyle will fight him about it
loves chocolate milk to death
— ⛧ k. mccormick
gappy teeth
but it looks cute on him
likes cds even though he doesn't have a cd player
always packs his lunch in the morning and karen's
there's little holes on the insides of his pockets and he has a habit of sticking his fingers through them and wiggling them without realizing
which make the holes bigger
keeps a porn magazine in his school backpack and leafs through it on the bus or in the library as if he's casually reading the news
sex jokes just SLIP out. he doesn't even think before he makes a sex joke.
his backpack is a mess and he uses the little pockets to store trash and edible wrappers and crumbs
has a disposable somewhere that he hits in the middle of class
kyle gives him a disapproving look when he stumbles into class high as balls
street smart but doesn't know how to do long division
favorite food is chicken nuggets with ranch
loves ranch (i fucking love ranch fight me)
will let you paint his nails
probably listens to tiktok music like mitski and radiohead and shit
also the smiths
— ⛧ k. broflovski
4.0 gpa all the way until that one A- in pe. junior year that dropped it to a 3.9
cried about it and sulked for weeks
stan almost left him because he got so sick of it (rockin that 2.9)
"dude it's not that big of a deal"
keeps really organized notes- not just for him, but for the sake of his friends who take shitty notes
he has freckles idc if they said he's a daywalker HE HAS FRECKLES.
has a 10-step hair care routine every night
spends longer in the bathroom doing his hair care thing than his mother
spends 30 minutes every day watching tv with ike no matter what
gets violently competetive over kahoot
listens to the cure and elliot smith
keeps a different notebook for each class
— ⛧ s. marsh
always has at least one earbud in
sometimes when there's a lot on his mind, he gets very easily distracted
will step in the shower with his socks still on by accident
has a little crush on kyle (sorry style brainrot....)
used to read a lot as a kid, not really much anymore
unconciously messes with little papers or napkins in his pcokets and tears them to bits
gets like no sleep ever because he can't ever get off his phone or whatever he's doing long enough to try and get some sleep
still gets nauseous whenever he's near someone he has a crush on
terrible at articulating himself through text
if you want to show him a video or post, you would have to show him irl because he won't see the tag.
smoked weed once and decided it was overrated, but will sometimes get high if kenny asks or something.
loves vanilla flavored things even though it's basic
constantly has random change and wads of cash in his backpack because he's too lazy to stuff his things back into his wallet
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itsonlyvegas · 7 months
Fang brainrot so real so true.
Fang would really have issues with someone taller than him only because he'd blush like crazy. Like... he'd be so dumbfounded when the new builder is actually taller and prettier than he imagined. It's like meeting your crush in real life. (He'd been crushing on the builder from their gifts, as embarrassing as that is).
He would be like: "Oh. Oh wow. Um. Hi." And his bird would literally out him so fast. But since you're the dense builder whom everyone loves, you don't notice his blush. He would probably make up a lame excuse to go to his bedroom. (And his bird would just be like "lol he likes you, he likes you.") And THAT would send you blushing as well. I mean... Fang blushing? Rare. Super rare. More rare than Andy behaving.
Well and then when you guys first kiss, he's actually really confident, but when he sees your blush, he'd blush himself and have issues speaking EVEN MORE. But he'd literally tell himself "im a man im a man" and he'd kiss you again. He'd kiss you more than you'd expect. He's like... a little thirsty for attention. I feel like he's a very touchy feely person. He probably hugs a lot. (If you like that kind of stuff). He'd be the one to hold your hand. And if you guys get together, he'd want to hold you at night and hug you.
He'd also love when you stroke his hair. He's such a fluffball. He needs cuddles. But he can't admit that to you.
But yes, if you were taller, he'd be so happy. He wouldn't need to bend down anymore to kiss you. You're perfect.
If you were shorter, he'd love it because he could tease you gently. He'd literally make fun of you for being so short, but also kiss your cheeks. (Like, imagine him carrying you around the house because you're too short for the counter and the stove lol) He'd also be able to easily cuddle you.
But I also feel like he would try to make you wear his clothes. Like he'd be so proud to show off that you're his and he's yours.
If you guys ever fight, he'd be very emotional. He'd pout and you'd pout and when you're alone, he'd just burst into tears and then hug you. "I'm sorry." And you'd both apologize. He wouldn't let go of you after that.
I feel like he'd be a really great father. I feel like he'd spoil his children a lot. But he'd also be very protective. He'd do anything for his kids.
And if you had a daughter, he'd be a little overprotective. Like if you named her after his mother Sarnai, he'd be very protective. (And also cry a lot because he feels very emotional). He'd be like: "Hey. No one will take my daughter from me. I will protect her." But if you had a son, he'd be like "no one will take my son away from me!" Like, he's literally the dad that's like "NO ONE WILL TAKE MY KIDS. DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT."
He'd be a very playful dad. Like he'd make silly faces with the kids and make them laugh. He'd tell them stories. He'd also be the dad who would let them get away with everything. He'd be like "well, my kids are perfect, they would never do anything bad. They're just like me."
He'd probably spoil his kids so much like ok in getting off track. Anyway. NSFW time.
Fang is not a dominant man. I feel like he'd be a switch, but mostly a submissive one. Like he'd love when you took control of him and he'd be really good at obeying your orders. He'd love when you were rough with him and he'd blush when you teased him.
He'd also love when you were gentle with him and praised him. He'd be so happy when you said he was good and called him a good boy.
He'd be so happy when you gave him compliments. He'd always blush when you said he was cute or pretty or handsome or gorgeous.
He'd be very flustered when you kissed his neck and his chest and even tweaked a nipple. He'd be a little embarrassed about how much he liked it though. (You'd have to reassure him that it was totally okay).
He'd be really embarrassed if you told him you liked his body. He never thought about someone actually liking him for his looks but when you started to touch him gently, he'd relax and melt. He'd start to relax and enjoy it more.
He'd be very flustered when you told him you were going to sit on him and ride. He'd be so embarrassed. He'd be so red. But he'd be very turned on. He'd be really embarrassed to admit it.
I feel like he'd really love to kiss you. He'd be very gentle and he'd hold you tight. And when you deepen the kiss, he'd be really shy and try to pull away but he'd give in and enjoy it.
He'd really love it when you played with his hair. It's so long and fluffy and omg it's silky and soft.
And when you guys first have sex, he'd be so gentle and loving. He'd make sure you were okay and he'd be so worried he hurt you. He's the one entering you and if you had a clit, he'd be really gentle when fingering you.
He'd be really flustered when you told him he felt good. He wouldn't know what to do with himself. He'd be so embarrassed to tell you that you felt good as well.
And after he comes, he'd be really worried about you. Like "I'm sorry.... I came... so fast." And you'd reassure him that it was okay like it happens especially since he's a virgin.
Yeah idk i think fang is neat.
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chromotps · 5 months
Do you have any favorite acelu headcanons/tropes/dynamics?? All your works of them are so gorgeous and amazing and wonderful that it’s got me curious on what other thoughts you might have for them. (●´∀`)ノ♡
AHHH thank you!! From you, it means a lot--I love so many of the details and backstories woven into your works for them!! TwT
I barely know where to begin with this bc like. Everything about acelu is my favorite. But I've also sort of been in a brainrot for them for so long now that my brain is entirely mush when I even think of them. Where do I start???
I guess, I love all the Ace-Lives-related headcanons. Anything about him finding more of a sense of self after Marineford, now that he's reckoned with the fact that he really is unconditionally loved... I personally adore any storyline where Ace kind of mellows out, like, his life isn't about proving he deserves to exist anymore, so he isn't as unforgiving with himself. I actually wanna link this comment thread between me & @to-a-merrier-world bc the headcanon of Ace getting a Stawhat tattoo makes me go wild. It just makes so much sense—his Whitebeard tattoo was on his back as a sign of worth and labor and duty, but the Stawhat tattoo over his heart would place more emphasis on his joys and dreams and jusT gosh. I need to lie down. This idea also ties into your to be deserving fic and Ace allowing himself more like, purely whimsical adornment?? Especially if it's gifts from Luffy??? I can't quite word it now, but the way it could symbolize him just loving the parts of himself that aren't just for fighting makes me. weak. I think it's why I like drawing post-timeskip Ace ideas so much (I already have another sketch I'm planning to post 😂)
hhhh okay that was a lot of Ace Talk. On Luffy's side... tbh Luffy is always harder for me to pin down. But I always love the idea that he needed Ace as a kid just as much as Ace needed him. Like this hc (from another comment 😂)—"Ace needs someone to prove unconditionally that he's lovable, and Luffy needs someone to prove that his love is important, and not easy to abandon." tbh acelu reminds me of my old D&D character, where basically, she was always pretty cheerful and resilient, but felt isolated—like she was always too alien to really relate to others. But then, this other character loved her as she is, and I think Ace did something similar for Luffy in the end? Like, in a world where Luffy never got Ace, I wonder if he'd still be as emotionally secure and kind. Probably! But... ahhh. This hc is more indulgent, but I really love the idea that Ace helps Luffy remember who he is beneath all the power and bravery. Where most of the One Piece world loves Luffy for being a liberator and a fearless captain, Ace loved him before all that—when he was just a kid who loved to laugh and share a meal and marvel at the world.
Oh my goddd I'm rambling. uuuuhhhh there's so much more, I love both when people write Ace as cool and suave, but also when he's a giant lovesick dork... The enemies/annoyance-to childhood friends-to lovers trope works in every world, I'd love to see it in AUs as like a bodyguard + celebrity/royalty plot, or arranged marriage—or pretty much, any story where Luffy wins Ace over with his terrifyingly stubborn love. I also love the fact that their dynamic is so playful!!! If an acelu fic/art doesn't imply that they can—and love—laughing together, then it's out of character to me. 😂
I don't know... they just have it all.... the depth and "I would die for you" level of devotion. But also the ridiculous "we're two feral gremlins who dare each other to eat doritos soaked in mountain dew" shenanigans. It's that mix of both.
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broken-clover · 17 days
Hi!! I seriously love your Guilty Gear writings! All of the characters are written so perfectly, I absolutely love your takes on everyone. One fic from you that really got me thinking was specifically one of your Goretober stories - the one for day 10 centered around Ky! It got me to wonder what would happen after the fic, and how the world and the people close to Ky would react. The struggles Ky goes through and the constant need to always act like he's alright is portrayed excellently in the story. How would Dizzy and Sin react in the aftermath? How would Sol react? Ky being seen as this seemingly infallible hope, which ends up killing him thinking he has to live up to that reputation. THIS HAS BEEN CAUSING ME SERIOUS BRAINROT <-- person who is insane about Ky Kiske's struggles and sometimes how little the narrative gives him time to just. process stuff. ALSO THANK YOU FOR TAKING YOUR TIME TO READ THIS!!!
HOO BOY. Whether intentional or not you've just unlocked something in me.
First of all, thank you! Thank you so much! I always love to hear when I made something people enjoyed or found interesting. I enjoy it even moreso when it's something old, because it means even after being up for so long there are still new people reading it and getting something out of it! It's such a touching sentiment and it gets to me every time.
So, funnily enough, at the time of writing it, I'd also conceptualized an extended ending/followup/some such or another because I thought it might be interesting to explore the concept more. It sorta died off because I have way too many concepts and plenty of them just don't make it past conceptualization, and in part because I wasn't sure if I'd be able to write and handle the matter tastefully, because I know something like this needs a good degree of tact as to not come off as gratuitous or accidentally idealizing that kind of behavior. 13 Reasons already did enough damage, I didn't want to contribute to that.
I'll put the rest of this under a readmore since it'll be covering a lot of suicide-related stuff and I don't want to accidentally make anyone uncomfortable.
I actually sorta retrofitted that concept into the Goretober prompt, because in the original draft, Ky was supposed to shoot himself. However, that wouldn't be made clear at first. Dizzy would be the one to find him dead, along with a note where he plainly discusses his 'weakness' in not being able to tolerate the weight of his burdens anymore. In her panic and grief, she hides it, convincing herself that something more sinister is at play. The majority of it was supposed to have been framed like a thriller mystery and largely consisting of investigations to try and make everything make sense (how did someone even get a black-tech firearm? How come nobody saw anyone leave Ky's office? Why was there no sign of a struggle?). The castle would be thrown into confused turmoil trying to figure out who the 'murderer' is and wondering if the other kings are at risk, with Sol taking the lead in the investigation as a way of venting his inability to process the fact that Ky is dead and not knowing what to do with himself with such a large fixture of his life suddenly gone, at one point even confronting the assassin's guild and losing his temper to physically fight Slayer. Sin would also have a sideplot in trying to process his loss and reconcile with his father, angry over the fact that any potential reconciliation after the events of Overture and his childhood can't happen anymore.
Eventually, after Sol does enough sleuthing, he reluctantly realizes that none of the events line up, and the only way that it makes sense is if Ky did it to himself, on purpose. It's not a truth anyone wants.
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Still suffering from OC/Saren brainrot, here's a ficlet
"...You're not hurting me." Her voice was quiet, with a trace of confusion. "And you're not thinking about hurting me."
Saren considered moving his hand off of her shoulder, but decided against it and kept touching her. As useful as her powers were, he never liked that she could peer into his head at any moment. If he had to choose though, he'd rather it be her than the Reapers--at least he had some control over her.
"You sound surprised."
"I am." She shifted underneath the blanket (a small comfort he'd given her after forcing her to share his quarters), but didn't move away from him as he absentmindedly read intel reports on his Omnitool. "You've never done this before."
"I've touched you without hurting you before," Saren objected flatly, still reading.
"But right now, you aren't thinking about what you'll do if I tried to fight back," ____ replied. "You're not thinking of the different holds you learned during your training. You're not thinking about adjusting the force needed to subdue a human compared to a Turian target, so you wouldn't accidentally break my arm." She was quiet for a moment. "You're not angry and thinking about using me, hurting me, as an outlet. That's what's new."
Saren turned to face her. Her expression was hard to place: not quite fear, but clearly under duress. A trace of resentment and defiance. And, to no surprise, a lot of melancholy. "That's good then," he said. His mandibles moved into a stiff pleased smile. "Your Indoctrination towards me must be working then. You're starting to influence me more. And with enough training you'll be able to help fight against Sovereign's influence on me, and keep my head clear."
"You're praising me too much." She hated when he felt genuine happiness and especially hated this new form of kindness towards her. It was easier to feel his resentment, his anger, and his attempts to manipulate her. If she really was able to influence him, she wanted to go through this hellish forced "training" just so he could let her go. She used to fantasize about making him feel everything he put her through, but what was the point? It wouldn't change anything he's done, everything he's made her do. "We're sleeping inside Sovereign, and it's been doing this for thousands of years. That's why it hasn't really bothered trying to stop you from training me. It took months of you keeping me here to get this far, and it just Indoctrinates people as easily as we breathe."
She felt Sovereign's presence creep up her spine and whisper to her.
You're trying to convince him to abandon hope. To make him realize that his goal of taking you, upgrading your software, to try and use you to resist us is pointless. You're correct, but you can't Indoctrinate him into freeing you. His psyche is linked to yours, and you've unconsciously made him dependent. He cannot abandon us, and now he cannot abandon you.
____ squeezed her eyes shut. Then show me how I CAN get him to let me go, she countered, Or fuck off and come back when I fall asleep and you feel like giving me nightmares again.
Your request cannot be fulfilled. As we said, he cannot abandon you anymore than he can abandon us. We are surprised that an organic has been able to Indoctrinate so effectively, even if your abilities are a fraction of what we are capable of.
So is he right? Can I somehow stop you or at least delay the Reapers? Then again...you probably wouldn't tell me, even if it was possible. If that were the case, you would have probably had him kill me early on.
We attempted this, but rescinded that order. We came to a consensus that you would be more useful to us.
____ froze. Then why haven't you Indoctrinated me yet? Why do I still have this much free will? That Asari Matriarch was turned to Saren's side, and she's one of the strongest Matriarchs in recent history, isn't she?
You misunderstand. A Reaper cannot, and does not have the need, to Indoctrinate another Reaper. You are an Organic, but your software is too compatible with our own. You are the only Organic we have been unable to Indoctrinate. We reached the consensus that after our arrival, we will integrate you into Synthetic hardware. Then you will be integrated into our network. In more simplistic terms, you will be made into a Reaper.
____ clung to Saren, and he looked down at her in surprise. "What is Sovereign saying?"
She refused to answer and cried quietly with her eyes still squeezed shut. You've shown me images of the Protheans being turned into your slaves. You're going to do that to me!? That's why you're keeping me alive?
Your upgrades will be different. The Collectors are Organics integrated into Synthetic hardware, but we can assume direct control through their bodies. Collectors are also incapable of Indoctrination. Therefore, we will construct an appropriate form for you using organic and synthetic components, and you will be integrated into it. In simpler terms, your mind will be this Reaper body's central processing unit. Once you've been integrated, you will understand the universe as a Reaper does.
She started to sob, burying herself against Saren as the only form of comfort she had. I'll find a way to die before that happens. I'm not letting you control me like that. I'll run to the airlock when Saren falls asleep and vent myself into fucking space if that's what it takes.
If you do this, your corpse will simply be collected and your consciousness will be integrated into the Reaper body once construction is complete.
Then I'll set myself on fire. Or use a particle rifle, or something that can just turn me into an ash pile. My brain won't be intact.
Invalid. Your consciousness is contained in every atom of your body, like that of a Reaper. A Reaper that is destroyed can still be integrated into a new body. Your remains, no matter how decayed or destroyed, will be integrated. The Prothean scientists who experimented on your bloodline deserve commendation for their ability to imitate our mechanisms so effectively in an organic.
Saren moved his hand to rest on her head as she trembled. "You're letting it win," he chastised. "Make a barrier between yourself and its words. Find a way to ground yourself." He set down his Omnitool and placed another hand on her back to pull her closer. "Focus on my voice."
____ sniffled and did her best to follow his commands. She was used to this basic grounding exercise after being forced to do it multiple times a day.
"3 things you can hear."
"Your voice, the ship's ventilation system, and...my breathing."
"3 things you're touching."
"The blanket, your fingers, and your chest armor."
"Open your eyes. 3 things you see."
____ hesitantly opened her eyes and found herself facing his armor. "Your chest plate." She blinked and glanced out the corner of her eye at the soft glow of the stars in the window across the room. "The nebula outside." She moved her head up to stare up at her captor's face. He already had quite a few synthetic components, and she tried not to imagine what she would look like with that kind of "hardware" forced onto and into her body. His eyes were still entirely organic, though. "Your face."
It shouldn't have brought her so much comfort to look at and be held by someone who'd brutalized her. But as nauseating as it was to think about, he was the only one she had to rely on now.
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that-wildwolf · 8 months
Get to know your fanfic writer!
Thank you @callista-curations for tagging me!
When did you post your first ever fanfic?
Circa 2008 I think. Let me tell you those were the wild days. FF.n wasn't really that popular and AO3 straight up didn't exist yet. You would make a whole ass entire blog. And you would post your fic on that blog. And people actually found that shit???? Wouldn't work now.
First Character(s) you wrote?
OCs actually, in the PJO fandom. I don't really enjoy writing OCs now but that's what was cool back then 😅 The first canon characters I wrote were Sarah Jane and the Doctor from Doctor Who.
Main Character(s) you're currently writing?
Well I've always got that Shakarian brainrot, don't I? Also like. Saren and Nihlus I guess.
Character(s) you haven't written about before but plan to soon?
Jolyne and Jotaro Kujo! I've still lowkey got that Eyes of Heaven brainrot, and isn't it cool to write characters that are biologically parent and child as having a sibling relationship, but I'm aware that the target audience of that fic would be uh. me. so I'm not in a rush.
Fandom(s) you're currently writing?
It's mostly mass effect. Even the WIPs I have of other fandoms are scarce among my mass effectses.
Platonic Pairing(s) you're currently writing?
Jotaro and Jolyne, definitely. Shepard and Saren is always a lot of fun to write, though my Kryterius fic mostly focuses on Shepard and Nihlus. Also fun, but not as much.
Romantic Pairing(s) you're currently writing?
Shakarian and Kryterius. I mean what did you expect? a magic trick?
Your top AO3 tags?
Interspecies Relationship(s) absolutely sweeping at 32 fics. Followed by Fluff (19 fics) and Post-Canon (18 fics). Like I said I have no idea where this idea that I'm an angst writer came from, I'm all about the fluff--
Current platform you use for posting?
I guess I might as well officially say that since finishing up my first contact Shakarian AU two years ago, I am no longer posting my fics on FF.n anymore. It's all AO3 now.
Snippet of the WIP you are currently working on?
"Saren." Nihlus is immediately at his side, one hand on his cowl and another grabbing his good arm. "Saren, you're not going to die. I'm getting you out of here. I swear."
"Shepard will never allow that."
"She doesn't have a say in this. You're my responsibility." Nihlus nearly growls at the thought of anyone getting in the middle of that. After everything he's done, the Council will have to agree if he asks. Damn what Shepard thinks. "She doesn't have the authority."
"Nihlus..." Saren shakes his head at him. His subvocals, as always, remain infuriatingly silent, but Nihlus has learned to read his body language to make up for that. He doesn't like what he's seeing: Saren's eyes are completely vacant of any emotion and his shoulders drooped. There's nothing left in him, no fight, no hope. He's given up already.
And that's something Nihlus can't accept.
“I’m getting you out of here,” he promises again. This time, he receives absolutely no reaction.
It nearly breaks his heart to leave now, but he has to. He has to get Saren out of this as quickly as possible, he can’t allow this to go on. So he quietly slips out, silently hoping that Saren isn’t looking. He wouldn’t bear to have that hopeless gaze on himself right now.
Shepard is waiting for him just outside the holding cells. Of course she is. Nihlus doubts she would ever allow anyone to make a decision about Saren that she didn't approve, or at least know, of.
Which is probably going to make things very difficult for him from now on.
"You can release him," he says simply.
Shepard, to her credit, doesn’t say a word. She just looks at him like he's just done the worst thing she could imagine. In all honesty, the flicker of rage, disappointment, and disapproval that lit up her eyes almost made him pause.
She slowly shakes her head and walks away without as much as a single look back. Nihlus isn’t sure how he feels about that.
He just hopes he hasn't just made an enemy he won’t be able to deal with later on.
Tagging (but you guys know my tags are no pressure. I won't be upset if you don't do it.) @whiskynorocks @milkywayes and @nicolasadrabbles
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tricoufamily · 4 months
I'm so curious about your personal Bob x Diego lore. Like, I can't stop thinking about it. Their dynamics, sexualities, and what they end up doing in the future. Ahhhhhh!! It's giving me sims brainrot. Do you have anymore crumbs of lore for them you'd be willing to share? If not that's okay too. I just love how you world build your sims.
yaa!!!! storytime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bob went to college because of his mom. she wanted him to, and he didn't know what he wanted to do w his life so he just went. he was an undecided major until he became a business major just because. shrug. he was also in a co-ed dorm where he met eliza, but they didn't start dating until the year after college. they were friends though
diego was an art history major and he was doing all kinds of odd jobs. he had really good grades, so he got in to college free, and his biggest goal in life was to move to nyc. he hated his small shitty town, he hated his college, he hated everyone there, and so on.
but yes, diego's gay, he was in drag when they met, he was coming home from a bar and just went to the dining hall late at night still in drag whatever he was hungry. and bob was there, he'd been doing an all-nighter, and he hit on him. diego thought it was funny but he also thought bob was hot so. long story short, bob is bisexual, and he had to figure that out in a small town in the early 2000s rip buddy
they started dating for real eventually, and it was a good relationship. for the most part. by this is the fall standards, they're the best couple (the bar is in hell). diego does have some...manic pixie dream boy tendencies though, and he's hot-headed, so they would have arguments, and diego's mood could change at the drop of a hat, but they did love each other.
graduation was getting closer, and diego was trying to convince bob that the city will be great and they don't need to get married or have kids and they'll be young forever. and bob just wasn't budging. they knew the end was approaching long before it came.
they were fighting a lot leading up to the break up, but when it finally was time, it was very quiet. and sad. and defeated. they kissed one more time, and diego packed a suitcase that night and left for the city with barely anything.
now, diego is a successful art critic and knows a lot of artists and influencer types like penny pizzazz and even established celebrities. he's kind of like a socialite. when we reach the tiktok era, i'm sure he'll start doing stuff there and get a following. he gets sad and lonely sometimes.
bob and eliza own a catering company together that does pretty well. their marriage is. well it's bob and eliza. she'll get pregnant w iggy soon.
i think sometime after iggy is born they'd go on vacation and bob and diego would meet again. you all know the christmas song same old lang syne? yeah that
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giggly-squiggily · 7 months
*me double checking that Fire Force is still on your fandoms list bc it's been a minute and a half*
YEEET REQUESTS!! I'm so excited to see them open again! Also I really hope you're hanging in there. I've been thinking of you as you go through this difficult time, my friend. 💖
*drumroll* OK OK so I've been having serious Fire Force brainrot this past week (I really gotta rewatch it, I love that show 🔥), so I come to you with a humble request for lee!shinra and ler!tamaki (the lucky lecher lure gal, bc I always get her and maki mixed up 😅)
I don't have a ton of specifics but the general idea is that Shinra absolutely cannot function when she tickles him; he gets so flustered he doesn't know whether to fight back or just let it happen 😂 (though I do hc that he would at least be coherent enough to cover his eyes in case her lure kicks in to protect her modesty, which only makes him more vulnerable to tickles and - you get the idea 😈)
Only if you want, as always, my friend! Can't wait to see what you do with this prompt if you decide to take it!! AND HAPPY FALLLLL I'M SO EXCITED FOR COOLER WEATHER!! 🍂🍂🍂
AHH NYM! *running jump hug* I'm so glad to hear from you! :D And with a Fire Force request HELLO? *squeals* God I haven't written for these guys in so long; this was so refreshing and lovely! (And girl SAME!!! It's their hair I swear- they both have the same dark put up look and face akljrekarjkejrj)
Oh my god Lee!Shinra my BELOVED! I've gotcha covered, girl! (got a little shippy at the end whoops! My hopeless romantic side; it gets the best of me lols) This was so fun to write, and I hope you like it! :D (AND YES LETS GO FALL!!!!)
In Shinra’s defense- it was a total accident.
“AH!” Tamaki screamed, arms shooting up to cover herself as she was splashed with water. She had been leaving her prayer session with Iris when she crashed into Shinra carrying a water pitcher.
“I’m so sorry! Here!” Facing away, Shinra yanked off his shirt, offering it to Tamaki.
“Why are you stripping?” She squealed, flushing as red as he did.
“I’m not! I’m trying to be a hero!” He cried back, still refusing to look. When he felt his shirt being taken and heard the sound of her pulling it on, he dared a peek. “Sorry, Tamaki…”
“It’s fine- I’m covered.” She sighed, pulling at the hem of his shirt. It was so big on her- falling mid thigh. At least the bottom of her prayer robes were dry. “Thank you. That would have been an awkward walk back.”
“Hm!” Shinra nodded, still looking rather flustered. A tense silence passed over them both, both too awkward to say anything. “Well- I better go! Um- keep the shirt! Bye!”
“Huh-Wait, Shinra-!” But he was already booking it away, leaving Tamaki standing on her own.
“And now he won’t even talk to me! It’s not like he really saw anything!” Tamaki groaned at the desk, poking at her lunch. It had been a few days since the lecher incident, and Shinra had been avoiding her like the plague. Anytime they crossed paths, he’d go bright red and give her a wide girth of space-avoiding her eyes.
It reminded her of the kids back at school. The old wound ached in painful memory.
“Hm…that is strange. Shinra never acted like that before.” Iris nodded around her spoonful of pudding, looking thoughtful. “Did he say anything else before running off?”
“Nothing I haven’t told you already.” Tamaki sank further, drooping with gloom. “I just want things to go back to normal. And to give him back his shirt.” It was tucked away in her room, folded and pressed. “He probably got tired of being polite and doesn’t want to take a chance with me anymore.”
“That’s not true! You know he’s not that kind of guy.” Maki reassured, reaching out and taking Tamaki’s hand. “You two just need to talk, that’s all. Put your guards down and just come out with how you’re feeling about each other!”
“Come out with…” Tamaki blinked, then she flushed bright pink, dropping her chopsticks. “What-wait, wait- Huh?”
“Too soon?” Maki shared a look with Iris, smiling a tad sheepishly.
“They’ll figure it out.” Iris stole Tamaki’s chopsticks before nipping a bite of her lunch.
“Feeling about each other?” Tamaki mused on her walk back to the bunks, shaking her head. Maki was in la la land again- she had to be! Why else would she ask such a question…
As if sensing her thoughts, Shinra appeared before her, eyes downcast in his own thoughts. He looked up just as she did. “Ah! Tamaki! Eh- hey!” He yelped, face red as he looked anywhere but her for an escape.
That’s it. Enough is ENOUGH.
“Oh no- you’re not running away from me!” Tamaki declared, more pissed off than flustered. Without really thinking about it, she charged at him, tackling him into the ground. “Talk to me! Why are you being so weird?”
“T-Tamaki! Let me up!” Shinra had his head turned all the way up, refusing to look back down. “I can’t-”
“What? You can’t be my friend anymore?” Anger curled into hurt, her voice cracking some halfway. “You’re done with me because of the lecher lure?”
“What? No- Not at all!” Shinra looked back at her, panic replacing his nerves. “Tamaki, that’s not it-”
“Then tell me!” She cried, returning to anger. “Tell me what the problem is!”
Shinra opened his mouth, but nothing came out. He looked like a fish out of water, the words stuck in his throat as he helplessly looked anywhere and everywhere but her. “I….I can’t say.”
“Why not?” She glared.
“Cause…cause it’s embarrassing!” He covered his face with both hands, flopping back into the ground. “You’ll hate me.”
“....” Tamaki stared at him. Then- without warning, she grabbed his sides, squeezing.
“AH! Ahehehehehhehe!” Shinra arched at the touch, giggling. “T-Tahahahamki!”
“I don’t hate you- I don’t think I could ever hate you.” She nodded, feeling rather ruffled. “And I don’t care how embarrassing it is- I want to know! It’s the least you can do after all that time ignoring me!”
“I’m sohoohooohhrry! I prohohohohmise it’s nohohohot you!” He cackled, hands covering his face as he kicked and squirmed. “Whehehehell it kihihiihihinda ihiihiihihs? Ahehahahahahha Tahahahhamahahahahki!”
“Which one is it? Is it me or is it not me?” Normally she’d be more irritated by such mixed signals, but Shinra was talking to her again- well; laughing with her anyway. She scritched her nails along his belly and waist, giggling when he squealed. “For a hero, you’re sure bad at talking about yourself. Out with it!”
“AHehahahahahhahhahaha! Noohohohooho, dohoohohohohn’t tihihihihihickle me thehehehehhere!” Shinra’s hands shot to hers, stopping midway. “Nohohoohooho fhahahhahahhair!”
“Too scared to touch me? Afraid you’re gonna get burned?” She teased, squeezing along the underside of his ribs and making him scream. “Fine by me- I get to keep tickling you! Now- TALK!”
“Iihiihihihiihi cahahahhahahn’t! He squealed, face flushed a pretty pink. “TahahhamakIHIHIHIIHII!”
“I’m waiting~” She had switched over to his legs, squeezing his knees with both hands. “You know- cats do this.” She began kneading his upper thighs, further driving him wild. “Talk to me or I’m going for your feet!”
“TAHAHHAHAMKI NOHOHOOHOHOHOOOO!” He howled, punching the ground repeatedly as he thrashed about. Tamaki wasn’t bluffing- she’d absolutely go for his worst spot. “PLEAHHAHAHHASE MEHEHEHEHRCY!”
“Are you gonna talk?” She gave him a small break, stretching out until she was pinning his legs with her body, flicking off a sandal. “Or are we gonna have to get serious?” To further her point, she shaped her hand into a cat paw with her pyrokinesis. Her trademark trick- Shinra was gonna DIE. “Last chance.”
Shinra gasped for air, hands covering his face as he tried to compose himself. The words rattled his ribs, desperate to be heard, but it was just too, too much! “Tamaki…”
“Hm.” Was all she said at his tone. Then her cat paw attacked.
“AH!” Shinra couldn’t speak- he couldn’t think. He couldn’t really do anything at that moment. The second those fiery claws touched- warm and fluffy despite what they were made of- he was racked with ticklishness all throughout his body. It was like she’d found the one bundle of nerves that activated the rest- making every tickle spot on him burst to life. “AHEHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!”
“Wow- and I thought you were bad without the claws.” Tamaki mused with an impish grin, delighted. Shinra was a mess, flailing behind her like a fish out of water as he guffawed. His face was getting redder- and his smile; normally a nervous tick- looked so real and genuine it made her stop breathing for a moment.
Stop breathing…Oh sh- “Shinra! You okay?” She stopped, remembering that air was kinda necessary to live. Upon ending her tickles, Shinra curled into himself, hiccups breaking up his giggle fits as he twitched in tickly residue. 
“Ahehehehe…hehehhee…I’m ohohokay. Nothing to wohohorry about..” He reassured her, easing her worry. When he could breathe normally again, he rolled onto his back, covering his face with a hand. “Sorry…”
“Huh? Why are you apologizing? I was the one tickling you to near death.” Tamaki shook her head- then paused. “Oh wait- this is the earlier thing, right?”
“Yeah. I…” Shinra dropped his hand as he willed himself to look at her. “I’m about to tell you something…and I don’t know how you’re gonna react, but please hear me out.”
“Right. So…erm.” Shinra seemed to shake, mouth pressed into a thin line as he willed the words front and center. To her surprise, he seemed rather flushed- a new shade of pink coloring his already hot cheeks. “The reason I’ve been avoiding you…it’s erm..my shirt.”
“....huh?” That was it? “But- you lent it to me! If you just wanted it back-”
“No! No- that’s not- that’s not it.” Shinra quickly cut in, flushing even more. “God, why is this so hard to say? I…I don’t know what happened, but when I saw you standing there in it…something kinda clicked.” Shinra sat up, looking at his hands as he spoke. “I erm…I…”
Tamaki blinked at him, taking it in. Then her eyes grew wide, cheeks warming as the realization hit her. “Shinra…are you confessing?”
Shinra seemed to flush more, but then he nodded.
Put your guards down and just come out with how you’re feeling about each other!
She internally apologized to Maki for doubting her intuition.
“I guess I am…I’ve er- kinda liked you for a while now. I figured at first it was just us bonding, but then I started seeing, you know? How you light up when we decide to get something good to eat, or how you never give up on your ambitions and goals to get stronger. How you sing to yourself when you’re cleaning up or cooking, and how you always play with your hair when you’re in mid-thought. I just…” Shinra shook his head, smiling a small but real smile. “I realized when I looked at you in my T-Shirt: ‘Wow. I’m falling for this girl.’
But then I panicked and ran cause…yeah.” Shinra chuckled sheepishly, finally looking her in the eye. “I’m not…entirely sure what I’m doing here. I’m probably gonna mess up a hundred times over before I get it right, and I’m sorry if I do. But…if you’d have me, I’d like to be more than friends, Tamaki.”
More than friends…Be still, her beating heart. Looking at Shinra, hearing him speak in that soft voice- the voice he seemed only to reserve for her she realized now, her vision grew blurred. Shinra’s nervous smile grew panicked at her tears, but before he could do anything, Tamaki threw herself into his arms, knocking them both over once more.
“You’re so stupid, Shinra.” She said against his chest, no malice in her voice. “Of course I’d have you.” She sat up, gathering her own courage. “You’re the first real person that didn’t shy away or avoided me- not with the lure, and not when everything was said and done. You saved me more times than you’ve realized. You’re my hero, Shinra. If you’d have me…I’d like that too.”
Shinra seemed to stop breathing. Then he was smiling, really- truly smiling. “Tamaki…” He brushed his thumb over her cheek, cupping her face as his other fingers played with the loose strands of her hair. She leaned down to kiss him-
“Devil! Lady Tamaki- what are you two doing at this hour?” Arthur’s cry of surprise sent Tamaki stumbling, crashing into Shinra’s chest. Amazingly enough, her lure didn’t kick in. A small blessing in a mess of flustered moments.
“Arthur, could you PLEASE not shout? You’ll wake the Lieutenant!” Shinra growled, helping Tamaki up before turning to his roommate.
“Apologies- a knight king as myself must always make sure his kingdom is safe.” If he caught on, Arthur didn’t say- but there was something a bit knowing in that smile of his. “My energy bar is running low- I must recharge. Good evening.” With that, he turned on his heels, disappearing back into the room.
“Odd as ever.” Shinra laughed, shaking his head. Tamaki snorted in her hand, just as amused. “Still- we better call it a night here; who knows who we’ve woken up with our antics.” Shinra swung their hands together before leaning in, pressing a kiss against Tamaki’s cheek. “I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Sounds good. Goodnight, hero.” Tamaki squeezed his hand in return before letting him go, making her way back to her own room. Shinra signed in content, leaning into the wall beside him.
“So the devil does have a weakness.” Arthur’s voice broke him out of his thoughts, startling him. “Two weaknesses. Good to know.”
“Why you- GET OVER HERE!”
Thanks for reading! :D
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zombu7 · 1 year
imagine omegaverse pottercest ...
harry being a cute omega (he and ginny, an alpha, divorced years ago) that works, he's either a professor or head of the auror division, and takes care of the home. james and albus are alphas and are both panting after harry, and get into fights over it all the time. but only when they're at harry's house, since his scent, which is everywhere, gets them riled up. whenever harry intervenes, they have to lie about the cause of the fight because they can't just say 'we both wanna breed your hole' LMAO
and imagine that they get increasingly more daring with their dad. one of them steals a piece of his clothing (maybe something from his heat👀) and uses it to wank.
they get really horny over the idea of harry doing household chores too. just watching him cook while they sit down at the dining table, thinking 'this is where he should be', while also imagining bending him over the counter and railing him.
and when harry's in heat, or even pre-heat, they literally lose their minds. can't be anywhere near harry because they'll probably take and mate him
they're both uber territorial over harry, like to an obnoxious degree. they chase away all of harry's suitors and complain that 'aren't we enough dad? why do you always have to go looking for some weak alpha when we can take care of you😢?'. so when harry brings home draco or someone else one time to meet them, they act super hostile, and the man lowkey suspects they're jealous. but when he tells harry, harry insists that he's letting his own jealousy cloud his perception. harry also tells him they can't go out anymore, as he can't date someone his children don't approve of, as they're the top priority in his life. when the man leaves, james and albus are just glaring smugly over harry's head and hugging harry. harry is none-the-wiser
I have so many ideas for this pairing, you are a godsend for picking it up as well! your art is gorgeous <3
I’d read this so bad pls I neeeeed it omggg single omega dilf hp being Gatekept by his sons and hawwy being none the wiser is so hot fuck 😭🫶
Al and James having some sort of shaky truce whenever there’s someone else besides Just then that are after their dad 🤭 each other they can totally handle as much as it annoys the alpha inside them but the moment an Outsider tries to claim whats theirs they will not have Any of it!!
Also I think itd be soo funny if Lily luna (beta) is the only sane one in their family watching all this unfold rolling her eyes meanwhile ginny is watching how obsessed they are with HP every time she visits like ���huh. They really ARE my sons 🥰… but that’s concerning 😦”
Just… Albus and James guilt tripping their dad is sooo good and Harry knows that sometimes he can be harsh, he’s never had a proper dad before so he wouldn’t know, and he just wants what’s best so he really will let his sons do whatever to him 🤭🤭🤭
Thank you so much for bringing this brainrot back to me JFBFBDV I LOVE ALL OF THIS I’ll call u the a/b/o pottercest anon haha
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