#I can't remember if I worked out his gems.
maxladcomics · 1 year
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Gemknight version of Gravel
He’s a very chaotic evil- so far his lore is that he throws any invading humans into random portals to other universes. He doesn’t care where they end up, but he might check the world he threw them into later to see if the human destroyed it or not.
Gemknight concept and AU belongs to @fluo-skeletons
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thegnomelord · 5 months
Ok, so I loved your dragon reader/ dragon price fic. The detailed courting rituals got me thinking about how different members of TF 141 react to a s/o who has different courting rituals than them.
The one rolling around in my mind rn is Gaz (which I'm pretty sure is a harpy or bird hybrid of some kind) with a dragon reader.
So Gaz tries to court reader through a more fancy version of pebbling. But, instead of giving cool rocks and sticks, it's gemstones and weapons. Yknow, expensive/fancy things that Gaz thinks the reader might want to add to his hoard.
Btw do you have an anon list? If so, is 👑 anon available?
I don't have an anon list yet but you're welcome to be 👑anon!
It's cool to think how they'd try to court you. I hc that werewolves, and Johnny by extension, are really straightforward. Like sitting way too close, hands roaming over your body, trying to lick into your mouth and going "Hey wanna make more of us?"
Ghost, the poor thing, is completely fucked bc he was human before becoming a wraith, how the Hell is he supposed to know? Que him going through Wikipedia articles and watching documentaries of your species courting and mating (having to rub one out imaging you and him in that position ofc) and just stumbling through the whole courting thing.
But Gaz? Oooh Gaz—
Safe to say he's fallen ass over tits for you.
It's the way you take care of them, of him, of the monstrous strength used to defend them turning velvet soft when Gaz needs emotional support that has his harpy hindmind demanding to lock you down before a competitor snatches you away.
Only problem — you're not a harpy. And Gaz has no idea how courtship works, as when he asks Price about it (under the guise of just being curious) the old fart just gives him an amused look and tells him to figure it out.
Though harpies and dragons are two different species, he figures there must be some similarities, so he figures to listen to the old fairy tales about your kind and looks for the shiniest thing he can find, because Harpies court by giving gifts and dragons like to hoard and both of them like shiny stuff right?
You're confused like Hell when one day you wake up to find a silver ring with a shiny amethyst sitting on your windowsill. You know for a fact it's not yours as the instinct to catalogue every item in your hoard is as old as the draconic blood running through your veins and you'd remember if you had it.
When you make sure it's not stolen and no owner can be found, (because who'd wear that type of ring in a military base?) you decide to keep it, failing to notice how the way Gaz's pupils get bigger when you put the ring in your pocket.
It is a nice ring, the shine of the gemstone tickling your brain in a pleasant way. The military doesn't allow dragons to have large hoards, most of the items you've gathered over the decades and centuries safely hidden in vaults, but it feels good to have a small hoard in your den.
You expect this to be a one off event. But. No. Every few weeks you find a new thing on your windowsill, from gems to guns to additions to weapons you've expressed you'd like to get. Each new thing leaves you scratching your head, annoyance growing bit by bit as there's never enough scent on the items to track the culprit down and it's not like you can turn the base upside down looking for them (again).
You're unsure how to feel; it's obvious someone is trying to court you, but it definitely can't be Price because no dragon would go about it like this. But you have to admit it's nice to be desired, regardless how odd the method may be.
Then you notice how Gaz has started acting. . . different. He'll ruffle his feathers and flutter his wings more than usual when you two are alone, purposely stretch more often to make your eyes naturally draw to him, sticking to your side as he talks about everything and anything under the sun.
You're also not a fool. You can figure out it's a harpy's way of trying to show off, but without any open hostility you can only assume he's trying to court you. And you let him, you like his presence and the sound of his voice, the way he gives you a lopsided smile and the way his dark feathers shine like onyx gems when the light hits them juuust right and the way he flushes and stutters when your tail wraps around his leg.
Then one late evening when you're doing paperwork you catch sight of something behind your window in the corner of your eye. Like a flash you're opening the window, your clawed hand gripping Gaz's hand before he can scatter.
Gaz's wings spread out wide, a surprised squawk leaving him as he looks into your slitted eyes. "Uh-, I, eh- Hi?" He says, gulping, his newest gift, a very shiny ruby, held in his hand. But what draws your eye are his dark feathers.
You let out an amused snort, "Hello." You purr, leaning in so your faces are close, enjoying the way he flushes from the proximity. "So you're the little thief that's been visiting me."
Gaz's feather puff up to make his silhouette twice as big, his eyes narrowing, a hurt and angry look spreading across his features. "I'm no thief!" He says, insulted that you'd suggest he can't get you gifts on his own. "I-"
"You are," You hum, reaching out your other hand to hold his jaw, and even with his anger he feels his mind croon at how softly you touch him. "You're in the process of stealing my heart."
"Oh." Is the most intelligent thing he can come up with, his pupils blowing wide like he'd just seen the shiniest thing in his life. "Oh."
"Yes," You shrug and pull your hand back to yank one of your scales out of your shoulder, giving it to him as you take the ruby. "Keep this safe for me, yeah?" You hum and then you let him go, going back to your work while he's left dumbstruck, clutching the scale close to his chest.
When it finally settles in his head that you'd just given him a gift, that you'd reciprocated, and given him a shiny gift, oh he's treating that scale like it's the most precious thing in his world. He keeps it close to him, cooing to it in the privacy of his room, keeping it on his pillow so he can fall asleep with your scent in his nose.
He also doubles down on the gifts, but now he's very open about it, to the point you'll have him randomly come into your office to give you something shiny or another weapon, preening so prettily when you praise the thing he's brought back, nuzzling into your neck and fluffing up his feathers. His heart swoons when you show him the small hoard you've made with all the things he's brought you, and you end up spending the entire evening with him cuddled up to you, chirping happily.
"Hey, can I see that scale I gave you?" You ask after a couple of weeks, curious to see how he's treated it.
"Uh, sure." Gaz can swear his heart's beating like a war drum as he watches you inspect your scale, checking for scratches or cracks.
But you find none, it's still as shiny as the day you'd given it to him. Maybe even shinier.
You smile and before he can do anything you pull him close to you by a hand on his hip. "Very well done, little thief." You hum, kissing him. Gaz melts against you, not even your lips able to muffle the happy chirps and croons that escape his chest.
You spend the next few months getting familiar with each other's bodies, lazy evenings spent with your clawed hands preening his wings, Gaz steadily melting into the bed with every brush of your fingers. Kyle taking a few extra minutes in the morning to rub his face between your wing, chirping and crooning.
Harpy mating season comes around and you're caught off guard when you come to your room to find your covers and pillows and entire wardrobe on the ground, turned into a makeshift nest with a very naked, and very horny, Gaz sitting in the middle of it.
His eyes are hazy but he knows you're there the second your scent hits his nose, the most desperate sound you've ever heard leaving his lips, bruised from how hard he'd been biting them to reign his noises in, to keep them only for you.
"Mate-" Kyle whines, shuffles in the nest that has the pretty gems he'd gifted you strewn amongst the fabric, "-need you, please- I-"
One more needy sound is all it takes to have you tumbling naked into the nest in record time, deep guttural purrs answering his pleased coos. He presses flush against you, seeking out your mouth, whole body burning up and his thighs shaking, his cock rock hard.
"I got you, pretty thief." You rumble, pulling him into your lap, his wings spreading out and feathers puffing up, as if he needs to make himself look even more desirable. "What do you need Kyle?"
"Need you," Kyle whines, pawing at your own erection, desperate fingers shaking as he strokes you, "Please- hurts, I need- mate."
You shush him with sweet kisses, your hand sliding down to very carefully stretch him open while avoiding injuring him with your claws, your mind purring at how willingly he opens up for you, wings and limbs shaking as he whimpers against your lips, his mind steadily leaking from his cock.
"You're alright," You calm him when you pull your fingers out, positioning him so your cock head rests against his entrance, not missing how Kyle preens at your strength. "Going to breed you right, gonna take care of you."
"Yes, yes, yes!" Kyle moans are loud as you steadily push your cock into him, his walls clamping down on every inch of your length. "Oh, thank you, thank you, thank- mate." His claws dig into your shoulders, clutching you tight as you bottom out in him, his hole clenching you in sync with his ragged breathing.
"I'm here," You hum, barely able to think, "Just relax, let me take care of you." You say, feeling him relax into you, and with deep purrs and lots of praise you begin to fuck him, moving him like a fleshlight on your cock, letting him moan and groan and scream his heart out uncaring who hears it, your ancient blood singing at the thought of his noises being a testament to your abilities as a mate.
Then the tight heat and the scent and just Kyle has your mind forgetting how to think, your body moving on it's own to show Kyle he'd picked a good mate.
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undiscovered-horizon · 7 months
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[Mihawk prefers to keep work and his private life separate. On one rare occasion when these two have to comingle, Mihawk is rather upset at the attention you attract.]
Enjoying my work? You can leave me a tip on Ko-Fi | Have a request?
When Mihawk said "It will be just a moment, my dear", you didn't think the issue would take more than half an hour. Yet here you are, two hours after he had left you in a fussy lounge in the back of Midnight Grove...
...and not a Dracule Mihawk in sight.
You let out an exasperated sigh and take another sip of your mai tai. The band is playing yet another song that sounds vaguely identical to the previous one. Similarly, the mob of other patrons seems to be merging into one, murky background of blurry figures in your eyes. Being used to the peaceful yet refined companionship of Mihawk, the aura of Midnight Grove is beyond unbearable.
Mindlessly playing with a coaster featuring a howling wolf, you don't notice a Marine cadet approaching you.
"I'm afraid I have to arrest you, my lady."
The unexpected and, frankly, unwelcome comment makes you look up from the devilishly fascinating coaster. Your eyes fall on a well-built man with long hair and a smug expression. The glint in his brown eyes makes you tense up in discomfort.
"Excuse me?" you ask him, not understanding the meaning behind his words.
The cadet gives you a bad parody of a flirtatious smile. "You look too beautiful," he purrs out.
You can't help but laugh. Somehow, you're undecided whether his pick-up disgusts or amuses you or maybe both. Perhaps his audacity forced a laugh out of you - the ring on your fourth finger is neither modest nor simple. Considering how the large gem in the golden band shone in the low light of the Midnight Grove, even a blind man could tell from a mile away that you are anything but single.
"Anyone waiting for you at home?" he continues his rather poor attempt at flirting.
With a casual flick of your wrist, you toss the coaster on the table. Feeling both curious and entertained, you decide to play along - for now, at least. "Why are you asking, sailor boy?" you question before taking another sip of your drink. The ice has melted and the diluted drink now tastes mostly of old freezer.
"He must be mighty jealous about you. And considering the gold you're wearing," he makes a point of staring at your cleavage, "a millionaire, too."
"Oh, this?" You look down at the necklace of jewels and pearls. A memory flashes before your eyes, suddenly remembering Mihawk's face, barely visible in candlelight as he clasps the jewellery around your neck, telling you sweet things only men in romance novels tend to say. "Yes, it's a gift from someone. I'm sure you know him," you tell the Marine cadet in a casual tone, already imagining how hilarious his face of terror will be when he realizes whose spouse he's been trying to woo. "Tall, yellow eyes, a rather large sword and...
"Awfully annoyed at your impertinence, boy."
The low, guttural voice laced with withheld anger makes both of you look away. There, standing right behind the cadet, is Mihawk himself. Part of his large physique blocks the scarce lighting, making him look significantly more insidious. In the twilight of the Midnight Grove, with fury burning in his eyes, Mihawk appears closer to a demon than a man.
Although the room is dark, you can clearly see the way the cadet's blood draws from his face and the way his eyes are suddenly bigger than an owl's. He scrambles to his feet, almost falling off his chair. Then, muttering apologies and promises of better behaviour, the young Marine runs off only to disappear in the crowd of Midnight Grove's patrons.
Mihawk's eyes follow the youngling for a moment.
"I should have him strung up and killed," he says more to himself than you.
"Or," you speak up, a playful smile curling your lips, "you could sit down, have a drink with your beautiful wife and gloat about the fact that you're the only man to undress her."
You might just be a witch because the change in his demeanour is instant. There is still something wild in his bright, yellow eyes but it's not bloodthirst or anger anymore. You notice how he glances at the ring and the necklace, admiring his own signs of "ownership". One would think they're big enough to send the message. Alas, some people just refuse to receive it.
"You have me convinced," Mihawk says as he sits down next to you.
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astonmartinii · 9 months
big time rush | lando norris social media au
pairing: lando norris x albon!reader so how is alex albon and sorority rush connected? how is lando involved? and will the grid ever understand the greek system? [so, it's rush season, also known as my favourite time to be judgemental on social media (after the met gala of course), but like i have been bombarded with so much rush content and made a couple friends in the summer who go to alabama that my english ass needed to write something about it]
masterlist tips x
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liked by landonorris, alexalbon and 301,774 others
yourusername: it's the most wonderful time of the year !!! first year as president of theta 🩷
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user1: i get whiplash every time she posts back in america
user2: like??? how is that alex albon's sister
yourusername: we have the same mum and dad, hope this helps 👍
user3: okay yeah her and alex are the same people
alexalbon: posting this like you didn't BALL UR EYES OUT AT THE AIRPORT AGAIN
yourusername: i didn't cry because i was gonna miss ur ugly ass, i miss horsey and otto :(
albon_pets: we miss you too 🐈
user4: i personally love watching y/n's two personalities usa v uk she's like my batman
lilymunhe: don't have too much fun babe, remember to study too
yourusername: have some faith in me PLEASE
lilymunhe: i sat with you for a whole week individually rhinestoning shirts for work week i think i understand your priorities
yourusername: work week is very important lily and at least i know we'll all slay the diamonds are a girls best friend theme !!!!!
alexalbon: i'm still finding gems in all of my shoes and bags so they better
user5: i don't really understand sororities but you can bet i CHECK IN when it's y/n
user6: the way her brother is a whole ass f1 driver but she's more famous to me being the fucking PRESIDENT of theta at ALABAMA the girlies just don't get how big a deal that is
georgerussel63: any way we can get this rhinestone treatment for some merc merch
yourusername: if you wanted rhinestone merch you shouldn't have jumped ship from williams but thanks for the seat xoxo
georgerussell63: crikey can't a guy ask for sequins without being attacked these days
yourusername: all jokes georgie, but if you want rhinestones you'll have to rep theta
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liked by landonorris, yourusername and 603,450 others
tagged: yourusername
alexalbon: enjoy your semester president, you're lucky i didn't get any photos of you ugly crying with horsey before you left. always love summer with you, even if you kept ditching us for your super secret boyfriend you thought we didn't know about ;)
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user7: the albons are so insane i love them
lilymunhe: you said we weren't gonna tell her to see how far she goes to cover it up !!!
alexalbon: this is so much more fun though i heard her scream from the other side of departures
yourusername: so i could've just used the front door rather than doing parkour out my window?
alexalbon: you going to fess up to who it is yet?
yourusername: no i don't think i will
lilymunhe: not even to me :(
yourusername: clearly you can't be trusted
lilymunhe: no babe it's not like that i swear
yourusername: i can't hear you i have a 12 hour flight
user8: the state of this comment section
user9: wait so y/n has a bf? i think i just heard the entirety of greek row fall to their knees
user10: like they had a chance babe
liked by yourusername and landonorris
landonorris: i've seen you cry your eyes out on face time to your cat
alexalbon: his name is horsey and it was a very emotional day
yourusername: you also face timed me crying with the pets that you missed me
alexalbon: stop ganging up on me this is my post and LANDO THIS IS FAMILY BUSINESS
landonorris: hmmmmm 🤨
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liked by user13, user14 and 3,205 others
f1wagsupdates: lando norris has flown into america a week early for the austin grand prix. lando flew into alabama and was reportedly picked up by a girl. is he off the market?
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user15: i’m sorry my little heart can’t take y/n and lando getting into relationships this year
user16: call me crazy but maybe lando and y/n are together?
user17: how did you come to this conclusion?
user16: so like when alex revealed he knew about y/n’s bf lando was weirdly all up in that comment section and now he's early to austin but flew into alabama where y/n goes to college and a brunette girl picked him up (also a healthy dose of delusion)
user18: no but why does this make sense though
user19: i once again implore you guys to understand that men and women can be friends, not all women in a 5 miles radius of a man is in love with him
user20: i would love for this to be y/n simply for the alex meltdown that'll follow
user21: he already said he's not overprotective just annoyed that he couldn't figure out who it is, so if it's one of his best friends i think he'll lose his mind
user22: imagine being a pledge and walking into the house to see LANDO NORRIS?
user23: trying to imagine lando of all people in sweet home alabama is killing me someone save my guy
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liked by landonorris, alexalbon and 359,0344 others
yourusername: first week of classes and i'm missing my cats
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user24: A MAN? i knew she had a man but that's. A MAN
albon_pets: we miss you too big sis, can't wait for thanksgiving
yourusername: have a nandos on me tonight babes xx
albon_pets: this is why you're our favourite sibling
alexalbon: i'm right here guys
user25: we've lost her to the soft launch
user26: literally like show me his face so i can stalk him
alexalbon: agreed
lilymunhe: pretty girl, we miss youuuuuu !! can't wait to see you in austin
yourusername: literally counting down the days
lilymunhe: will the mystery man be there?
yourusername: he may ...
alexalbon: i hope he's ready for the interrogation
landonorris: alex mate you're about as intimidating as a tumbleweed
alexalbon: you're in albon business an awful lot lately norris 🤨
user27: the alex meltdown is starting
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liked by alexalbon, yourusername and 1,302,778 others
tagged: yourusername
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landonorris: two dummies, one car, and an attempt to get into the cota paddock
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user28: OMFG
yourusername: i can only drive stick, this is known. and so many fans, i didn't want to run anyone over
user29: it was a close call but you did nearly hit me, i appreciate the swerve
yourusername: MY BAD OMG as you can all tell, alex got all of the good driving genes in the family
landonorris: don't worry babe, i won't make you drive again
yourusername: thank you baby, i was born to be a passenger princess
yourusername: surprise?
alexalbon: you were doing parkour to see LANDO?
landonorris: i don't appreciate your tone alex i am a catch
yourusername: you are a catch
alexalbon: can a man not have a breakdown in peace anymore without you people flirting underneath it
lilymunhe: you guys are kinda cute, i'm seeing the vision
alexalbon: am i joke to you?
yourusername: alex please be happy for me, i'm so so happy with lando, he's the best for me
landonorris: i promise i love y/n, i won't hurt her
alexalbon: i know, but give me three business days to process and NO MCLAREN MERCH
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liked by alexalbon, landonorris and 502,300 others
tagged: landonorris, alexalbon
yourusername: lando on the podium and alex in the points, you know what that means? took my best boys to their first frat party (they didn't fare well)
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user32: the grid at a frat party is something i thought i'd never see
user33: waiting for old men to say that americans are ruining the sport
landonorris: why were people on the roof? why was i on the roof?
yourusername: lets not announce that baby, i don't want zak brown to sue me
landonorris: i'm never drinking again... you do this every weekend?
yourusername: you are literally an f1 driver, you have much harder weekends
landonorris: well at least after this i got cuddles
lilymunhe: based on how late you were to brunch, i guess it was a lot of cuddles
landonorris: i am clingy, let me live
yourusername: i like clingy lando don't worry baby
alexalbon: you need to drop out immediatelt that was terrifying
yourusername: LOL
alexalbon: why were they all so loud and why did they all insist on drinking upside down? this place is so unserious
yourusername: just say you miss me alex
alexalbon: fine, i miss you (also now we know about you and lando, he did nothing but complain about missing you the whole flight home)
user34: alex already sick of lando's shit they crack me up
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liked by georgerussell63, yourusername and 1,023,400 others
tagged: yourusername
landonorris: cosplayed as a theta sister for the week with the love of my life
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user35: this is the cross over i could never see coming but am not angry about
user36: so does someone on the grid finally get the greek system?
landonorris: no ❤️
yourusername: the prettiest sister ever (anyone from the house ready this, he doesn't count don't worry)
landonorris: i am the prettiest sister regardless sorry not sorry
yourusername: they just warmed up to you :(
landonorris: they warmed up to me the minute i doordashed chipotle for the whole house
yourusername: true
landonorris: also miss president, why is that a full time job? i really don't get greek life
user37: the image of a whole house of sorority sisters and then just lando is so funny to me
user38: he's the president's bf so i doubt anyone had a real problem
yourusername: he's also unbelievable levels of girlypop
landonorris: it's my greatest asset
yourusername: i can think of another one ;)
yourusername: HIS PERSONALITY
landonorris: and something else ;)
user38: i need a relationship like this stat
user39: omg when y/n graduates i can't wait for her to be back with alex and lando full time ... the chaos will be crazy
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note: please enjoy this little one!! gonna start going through any requests now xx
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hisui-dreamer · 3 months
omg omg !! HAPPY 2K RINNA <3 i’m so so proud of u and u deserve everything 💗 the event looks so fun hehe YOU ALRKEUADY JNIW WHI IN GONNANS ASK FOR
i really really love tulips so could i ask for lilia and tulips please? its meaning is perfect and deep love hehe CHEWS YOUR WALLS
good luck with your assignments and take all the time you need !! i love you and miss you mwahh
a crown befitting of you
Pairing: Lilia Vanrouge x gn!reader
Synopsis: his feelings had grown so subtly, so steadily, that he had not realised at all
Tags: fluff, developing relationship, reader eats lilia's food omg
Word count: 783
Notes: mil mil my favourite person ever!!💕💕💕 thank you so much ill work hard on my assignments 🫡 i hope you enjoy lilia hehehe >∪<
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flower of choice: tulip
tulips are commonly asosciated with perfect and deep love.
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Looking back, Lilia vividly remembers the day you arrived in Twisted Wonderland. Amidst the grand spectacle of the entrance ceremony, particularly with Grim's frantic attempts to avoid being captured, there was something about you that captured his attention. Maybe it was the distinct curiosity shining in your eyes, navigating through an entirely foreign world with a blend of composure and uncertainty. Whatever it was, he found himself wanting to reach out and make you feel welcome.
He started looking out for you without even realizing it. He began with small gestures, like offering help with your studies when he found you hunched over a book in the library or popping down from the ceiling to help you find a classroom. He enjoyed seeing your smile brighten whenever you grasped a new concept or conquered a challenge. It felt good to be there for you, to share his experiences and insights.
As time went on, your interactions blossomed into a regular occurrence. Hours seemed to melt away as you engaged in conversations about anything and everything, exchanging stories of your homeland and experiences while he eagerly recounted his adventures from various countries. Among the students, you were the only one to actively praise his cooking, willingly joining him in the kitchen. These shared moments became cherished moments for Lilia, feeling a connection forming between you that he couldn't quite explain.
But it wasn't until much later that he realized the true depth of his feelings. They had silently amassed over time, creeping up on him when he least expected it. Suddenly, he found myself thinking about you all the time, wondering how you were and yearning to see your smile once more.
Just as his thoughts drifted to you, a familiar laughter dances through the air, drawing his attention. Turning towards its source, he finds himself captivated by the scene unfolding before him. The sun bathes the school courtyard in a radiant golden hue, casting a warm, inviting glow upon everything it touches. There you are, seated on the grass with legs crossed, skillfully weaving delicate tulip flowers into a crown.
Curiosity piqued, he approaches quietly, not wanting to interrupt your moment of concentration. As he draws nearer, you glance up, your eyes shimmering with delight and a mischievous grin playing upon your lips.
"Lilia!" you exclaim, a hint of surprise colouring your tone. "What perfect timing! I've made something for you."
With a graceful flourish, you hold up the tulip flower crown, presenting it as if it were a priceless gem. Each vibrant petal seems to shimmer and sway in the sunlight, casting a spell of enchantment over the surroundings. The delicate blooms, ranging in hues from deep crimson to soft pastel pink, are meticulously arranged in a circular formation, creating a majestic crown fit for royalty.
"You made this for me?" he asks, a wry grin on his face. He can't help but think it suits you far better.
"Of course!" You reply, your grin widening. "Don’t you think it’ll enhance your cuteness?"
A huff of laughter escapes him as you delicately place the crown upon his head, adjusting it until it sits just right. He can't help but feel a rush of affection towards you, grateful for your kindness and the undeniable warmth you bring into his life.
As you step back to admire your handiwork, your gaze meets his, and time seems to stand still. He finds himself entranced by the sparkle in your eyes, the way your smile reaches all the way to your soul.
It is then, with the sun kissing your skin and the scent of tulips filling the air, that he realises just how deeply he cares for you. In your laughter, in your playful gestures, he found a love he hadn't known existed, a love that filled him with a warmth unlike anything he'd ever felt before. And as he looks into your eyes, his own heart overflowing with emotion, he knows that he has fallen completely, utterly in love.
"Rather than me," he begins, lifting the flower crown from his head and gently placing it upon yours. "I believe it enhances your cuteness far more effectively."
He watches with rapt attention as a delicate flush blossoms across your cheeks, like the soft petals of a rose responding to the morning sun. The warmth of embarrassment paints your features with a gentle hue, adding a touch of ethereal beauty to your already captivating presence. In that moment, your eyes widen slightly, reflecting a mixture of surprise and affection, like sparkling jewels illuminated by a ray of sunlight.
Truly, the deepest of loves.
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How they are Handling your Disappearance. Hello all, get ready for some more Nightbringer Angst! This is a little drabble (bullet point style) of how I think the "Present Day Demon Brothers" are handling your sudden disappearance. Honestly I hate thinking too deeply about NB, it brings me to tears. I can't even imagine the pain and anxiety the brothers are feeling without knowing where their beloved human went and why. Anyways, grab your tissues and I hope you enjoy! Feedback and reblogs are super appreciated!
Taglist: @delphi-dreamin @bite-sized-devil @sassykattery @amberrskiies @obey-me-posts @a-hidden-gem @otomefoxystar @siofrantic
Part 2 : Side Characters
Part 3: MC Returns
Rose divider by @/firefly-graphics
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They’ll always remember the exact day and time you disappeared. It was their day off from RAD, and you had been in the Devildom since Solomon had brought you by for some training sessions. You practically begged the sorcerer to allow you to visit the House of Lamentation, and Solomon happily obliged. You really didn't have to convince him too much, though. The brothers were so happy and surprised to see you again so soon, and they had planned on taking you out for dinner that evening. Except you never showed. They spent hours searching for you. Those hours easily turned into days. Then the days turned into weeks. There was no trace of you left behind. Where did you go?
He’s terrified. He doesn’t know why or how you disappeared, but he feels responsible.
He spends every waking moment looking for signs of you. Trying to piece together what or who took you from him.
Knows he has to be strong for the rest of their brothers.
But when he can no longer feel your bond with you through the pact, he feels the unbearable weight of despair crack through his usual stoic demeanor. 
He cries. He hasn’t cried like this since their fall.
Lucifer hardly sleeps. His brothers notice the bags under his eyes. How he no longer cares what he looks like in front of them. 
He becomes distant again, shutting himself in his room or study. 
If you thought his hatred for Solomon was strong before, it’s infinitely worse now. 
He doesn’t know who else to blame, so the silver haired sorcerer becomes his reasoning for your disappearance. 
The eldest demon has his hands around Solomon’s throat, Mammon and Beel having to pull him off. 
“Lucifer are ya nuts?! We gotta have him alive if we have any hope in finding MC!” Mammon had scolded him as he became limp in Beel’s strong grip.
Solomon promised he’d bring you back.
He better not dare to show his face back here until you are with him, safe and sound. 
The normally confident and self assured demon becomes silent. Angry. Afraid. 
 Aside from their initial searching for you, he doesn’t leave your room. 
He can’t feel your pact with him anymore, and it sends him spiraling. 
He buries himself into your pillows, inhaling your lingering scent.
It’s faint, but he takes what he can get
His eyes are puffy and red from crying, and he can’t stand sitting around doing nothing.
He goes out every night, flying over the Devildom, searching.
When he can’t, Mammon sends his familiars out searching for you too, exploring the areas that he can’t reach. 
The ravens are good at finding things, and if they can’t find you, then he’s screwed. 
Each time they come back with nothing. 
Occasionally, they bring him Grimm they’ve found or a valuable piece of treasure. 
But you’re the only treasure he gives a shit about right now. 
When he goes to retreat back to his room, he runs into Lucifer. 
He looks terrible. 
But Mammon can’t blame him. He probably noticed his swollen face and unwashed hair, too. 
He sends you texts every day. Even if you don’t get them. 
Normally he’d be grossed out by his own sappiness, but he doesn’t care. 
He needs you.
MC, wherever you are, just know I love you. So goddamn much. Please come back.
I miss you.
I hope you’re thinking of me, too. 
Leviathan always told you he wouldn’t know what he’d do without you. 
But he really didn’t want to really experience what life would be without you!
Is this some cruel joke?!
It’s got to be! One of his alternate universe video games went wrong again right?
Except it isn’t. You’re actually gone, and he actually has no idea what to do with himself. 
He cries. Alot. 
To mask his tears from his brothers, he spends a lot of time in his fish tank with Henry 2.0. 
Don’t get him wrong, he loves Henry, but he longs for you. His soulmate.
He sends Lotan to search the Devildom seas, far and wide. He had asked him to listen for any information of sightings of you. 
 But so far, there’s been nothing. No word. No trace of you.
He lays curled up in his bathtub, a laptop balanced on his lap as he watches anime to try and distract himself from you.
But oh no, is this your favorite episode?! He turns it off, shoving the laptop away and fresh tears falling down his cheeks. 
I’m so useless, he thinks. The Grand Admiral of Hell’s Navy, and I can’t even find a human!
Levi’s self depreciative behavior gets worse.
He blames himself for not being with you when you disappeared.
He begins picking at his skin and nails, an old, nervous habit resurfacing from back when he first fell into the Devildom. 
His brothers do what they can to reassure him, but it’s no use. 
He needs you. Please come back home soon, MC.
Satan’s temper tantrums are back.
He didn’t ever think he’d revert back to this, but now that you’re gone….
Accidentally lost his temper and in a wrath filled frenzy blew through the wall in the living room. Lucifer threatened to tie him up. 
Normally the prideful demon would have just done it, but something about his older brother was different nowadays.
He feels it too, he thought. The pacts are gone.
Spends sleepless nights in the library reading any book he can find about curses.
Did you become invisible? He had no other explanation.
Was it the work of some demon on the street who decided they didn’t like you that day?
He’s frustrated because he feels like he doesn’t know anything.
He knows nothing of your sudden disappearance
Like Mammon, he sends his cats out looking for you. Any sign of you. 
But they also bring back nothing but a dead mouse here and there. 
Normally he’d be delighted by their gift to him, but it’s lost its appeal.
When he’s worried about you, nothing else matters. 
Lucifer did allow him to keep a cat in the house though. 
Also uses his personal connections from all three realms to look for you. 
But it’s no use. 
When he’s not in the library, he’s shut away in his room. 
His brothers think for a moment that he’s disappeared as well, but they find him asleep on his bed, his cheeks tear stained and a book on his chest. 
Please come home, MC. I need you.
Asmo’s love for you rivals the love he feels for himself. 
Now that you are gone, he feels he has no love left to give for anyone.
He feels empty. 
The Avatar of Lust takes pride in his appearance, always making sure he’s presentable and looking his best. 
But not knowing where you are and if you are safe or not is driving him mad. 
His brothers haven’t seen him this way in a long time. 
Asmo’s eyes are puffy and red, his cheeks and nose raw and swollen from the endless tears. 
He spends hours in the bath, thinking of anything he may have said or done to cause you to leave him like this. 
He takes up the habit of sleeping a lot. He wasn’t sure how Belphie could do it all the time. But now he understands. 
Asmo can also throw a good temper tantrum. 
The day he realized he could no longer feel your pact with him sent him over the edge.
But afterwards he felt embarrassed, even though his brothers will never blame him for expressing his feelings for you. 
When Solomon leaves to go find you, he feels hopeful, putting all the trust he has in your master to find you.
But it also hurts. He hasn’t left Solomon’s side since your disappearance, taking comfort in the bond he still has with him.
He’ll never take it for granted again. 
MC, I can’t take this! If you can hear me, please come home, my lost little lamb… I love you…
Beel is quiet. 
He’s another one that feels responsible for your disappearance.  
His heart is aching, and he doesn’t know what to do with himself. 
Thankfully, he has his twin by his side to reassure him. But it’s not enough. 
He needs to know where you’ve gone. 
He needs to save you. 
Beel’s appetite is all over the place. One minute, he can’t stop eating and the next, he’s not hungry at all. 
His brothers got really concerned when he didn’t eat for 2 whole days.
The only hunger he feels is the need to figure out where you went. 
Not only is he worried about you, he’s worried for his brothers. 
He knows they are suffering too, especially with the noticeable absence of your pact. 
Beel has always been protective of them, after all.
He stops going to the gym. He doesn’t feel like it. 
Instead, he cuddles up in bed with Belphie, holding him close with tears silently rolling down his cheeks. 
Beel you’re squeezing too hard, he hears his twin mumble. But he doesn’t care.
He’s almost lost his brother before, and now your disappearance has him terrified. 
Please, don’t take anyone else away from me. 
I love you, MC, please wherever you are, stay safe…
Belphie’s temper is a short fuse. More than usual, anyways. 
He doesn’t want to talk to anyone but Beel. 
He tries to retreat to the attic to get some peace and quiet from his brothers losing their collective shit. 
But he ends up drowning in a wave of memories as soon as he walks through the door. 
He collapses on the bed and hugs his cow pillow to his body as he sobs, his body curling in on itself. 
Dammit MC, look at what you do to me…you need to come home…
When he isn’t sleeping, he helps soothe the rest of his brothers to sleep. He sees their dreams, knows the thoughts that are keeping them awake.
He wants to help, but figures this could be the only way he knows how. 
He doesn’t feel your presence at all, though. 
That must mean you aren’t anywhere nearby, or even in the same Realm. He knows your pact with him is gone. 
He felt it break the day you disappeared. 
But sometimes he feels a flutter of something in the place where the mark used to be. 
He can’t explain why. 
Belphie often finds himself slipping into bed with his twin at night. 
They were inseparable before, but even more so now that you aren’t around. 
I can’t lose him too, I have to stay by his side, he thinks. He snuggles into Beel’s chest as his brother holds him close, afraid he might disappear too at any second.
He misses the days when you were nestled comfortably right between the two of them. 
You need to come back MC, you’re our missing piece. 
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vivianquill · 1 month
Tango couldn't remember the last time he slept.
He couldn't remember the last time he'd worked on a redstone project either.
That was irrelevant! He was perfectly fine. There was a reason he was down by Gem's docks. Right?
Speak of the devil and she shall appear! That was Gem herself, pulling Tango around. He didn't want to, there was something about the--
"Tango. Tango, hey." Gem forced him to meet her eyes, "Don't tell me you've been possessed again. After last time? C'mon man, you said you'd. . . do. . ."
Tango didn't know what Gem was talking about. He wasn't possessed. Tango knew what that felt like and that wasn't this.
Gem got an odd look in her eye, before latching her hand around his wrist and dragging him back up the path towards his house. But--
That wasn't home anymore.
Not when his place was down by the water-- in the water-- he was waiting for someone to come back--
"No-- Tango-! Ugh." Gem planted herself between Tango and the mists over the water-- the place where he had promised to be.
Tango found himself sitting at the edge of the dock. There was something tied around his wrist, but he didn't mind. The tips of his boots were dragging in the foam.
"Tango, homie-buddie. It's freezing out here, you should come inside." Skizz had rested a hand on Tango's shoulder.
"Can't you hear it?" Tango asked, breathless as it came back.
The song was promising him the answers to everything. He just had to be here to hear it. To decipher it's song.
"Hear what?"
Tango was fighting against the pull of hands, trying to take him away. His friends-- not friends anymore-- they wanted to take the music for themselves-- "I promised! I promised--"
His mouth was full of the taste of blood. Blood and cotton and he couldn't hear the rush of the waves anymore. He was too warm. There were voices nearby.
"How is he?" Oh, Tango recognized that voice, that was Xisuma.
"Still unresponsive. Is Ren-?" That sounded like Impulse.
"The same way."
Impulse sighed, "He's too quiet. Tango's never been this quiet."
"I'm listening." Tango had to listen otherwise he might miss the music.
He couldn't remember who the music went to, but-- It was someone he needed to be there for. How long had it been? He needed to get back to the water.
Tango was on his feet, trying to push past the arms holding him back. There was a snarl pooling on his tongue, frustration sparking deep in his bones. He needed to get back to the water.
He yelped as someone slammed into his back, knocking Tango off his feet and into the grass. He writhed, kicking, his tail lashing and sparking as he struggled to get free. There was nothing in his inventory. He had nothing but his hands and his fire and the grass around him and they were closing in--
Tango was floating in the bay, Gem's conduit letting him breathe like he should be able to. His heartbeat was pounding in his ears, his fire was sputtering, angry about being underwater.
Well too bad fire, cause Tango was right where he was supposed to be.
As evidenced by who was in front of him.
The someone, the who he'd promised to be there for when he returned.
The song wrapped around him like a blanket, smothering the chill from the sea and guiding Tango close. He didn't quite remember where he'd met them before but he knew that this was the right thing.
Until he was out of the conduit's range.
Until the water that was so welcoming before now choked at his air and bit at his warmth.
Until the song that'd promised him everything suddenly disappeared.
A hand hauled Tango out of the water by the back of his shirt, dumping him in a sopping heap on the sand. He spit up half the ocean by the time he was able to breathe again.
He was hearing words, but he couldn't figure out what Skizz was saying. Or Impulse for that matter. The music was gone though.
It had abandoned him and now?
Tango didn't know what to do next.
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Hey gal just read rose tinted view and absolutely need more sweet wife and tangerine please but with more of tan in it can just imagine this stone cold hearted killer and this sweet gem of a woman with their newborn baby a nice sunny day in the park or something and tan is spotted by an ex enemy or something and all the ex enemy can think of is how someone so kind and sweet and doted on tan and their baby can be with someone like tangerine and tan being all protective of his wife and new born when she’s inviting this stranger ( his ex enemy maybe ladybug ) to join them and letting said stranger hold their newborn daughter 🥺🥺🥺
hi baby!! omg this is perfect and super cute!! thanks for requesting, hope you like it💌
link for rose-tinted view if anyone’s interested
dad tangerine x fem!reader — fluff
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word count. 651
Warm and sunny days naturally called for a quaint picnic in the park - you and your little family sat upon a blanket under a tree, containers of fresh fruit and snacks littered across. Your newborn baby girl, Mandy, on her back in the middle, surrounded by the pots.
Tangerine was on his side, head propped up on his elbow til he suddenly sits up - the motion almost abrupt.
"What?" you ask, following your husband's eyeline. "What is it?"
"Keep your head down," he mutters. "Don't look— oh, great. He's coming over."
"Who is he? Do you know him?" you question, turning away from the approaching man to meet the displeased look on Tangerine's face. 
"Met him on a job— right twat," he shakes his head, moving closer to his daughter as if he was trying to protect her. 
"Tokyo one?" you ask. 
He hums, the noise short, more like a 'humph'.
"Not interested," Tangerine grunts, holding his hand out to the man - not wanting him to come closer. 
"Abducting families now?" the man quips, looking between you and your baby. 
"No, now fuck off," Tangerine replies, eyes narrowing.
You flash him a soft, scolding glare before turning to look at the man. "Excuse my husband," you laugh faintly, patting the blanket for the man to sit. "You met on the Tokyo assignment, right? It's Ladybug?"
"Yeah," he nods, taking a seat on the blanket. "We worked together."
"No, we didn't. And what do you think you're doing?" Tangerine snarks, staring Ladybug down. 
You lightly tap your husband's knee, silently reassuring him. 
"Your husband has a terrible temper," Ladybug chuckles, helping himself to the bag of nuts. "Tried to kill me a couple times, too."
You cover your baby's ears and turn to face Tan. "You tried to kill him?" you whisper, scolding him.
"He tried to kill me too," he protests, glaring down his acquaintance. "The bastard shot me in the shoulder, remember?"
"I've forgiven him," Ladybug says, turning to look at you, holding a hand over his heart. "Resentment isn't good for the soul. I've moved on. I've put Tokyo behind me. Barry— my therapist, helped me process all—"
"Enough about your fuckin' therapist," Tangerine interrupts. He turns to look at you, eyes silently pleading you for help. "Seriously, I can't listen to him talk about Barry again. I will lose it. Darlin', I will lose it."
"Okay, okay," you coo, squeezing your lover's knee. "How about some sandwiches?" you ask, looking between the guys - trying to ease the apparent tension. 
And just as you're about to reach for the cooler, Mandy makes a soft, sniffled-like cry, both you and Tan immediately reaching to comfort her. Your daughter putting a hold on the animosity between old rivals.
"Do you mind?" Ladybug questions, reaching for your newborn. "I'm great with babies."
You feel Tangerine stiffen upon his questioning, his reluctance as clear as day. But you give him an assuring tap, softly smiling as you nod - trying to comfort him as you scoop up your baby. You place her into Ladybug's cradled arms, brushing over her soft cheek as you pull away.
"Oh, she's perfect," Ladybug whispers, looking down at your daughter. "She has this beautiful energy about her— I can feel it. It's incredible."
You lean into Tangerine's shoulder, slipping your hand into his and bringing it to your face - pressing a kiss into the back of it. He's hesitant, but finally, he gives in —even just a little bit— resting his head atop yours. He's still alert and protective of his daughter but retreats slightly as he watches his baby - keeping his mouth closed to soak in the moment. 
Ladybug looks up and glances between you and Tangerine. "You're blessed, man. I don't know how you pulled it off," he chuckles, looking back down to your daughter. "You have a beautiful family."
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I changed it so tan didn’t get shot in the throat, did the shoulder instead. im like god, holding the multiverse and alternate storylines in my hands
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aethelwyneleigh27 · 1 month
Writers confident challenge! list your 5 writings you love the most! Reread them and tell yourself you are a gem to this world! and if you want, send this to the writers you like let them know how awesome they are! 💌
Well I feel like almost every work of mine nowadays is less seen since I can't remember when, the only ever one of mine that went somewhat viral was "Your Husband Simon "Ghost" Riley (Scenario)"
Don't get me wrong, I do truly love it and it brought attention to my account but it's disappointing to think that I'll never do as well as smut accounts do. I put a lot of like effort into my work yet most of them don't even make it to 500 notes at least. So here's works that I'm proud of and spent a lot of time and effort on and some that I love:
Synopsis: How you and Simon, the parents of Ghostie met. (A part of the Ghostie Series)
Crinkled Polaroids
Synopsis: Simon find you again after a few years, however things weren't in his favor.
Synopsis: How does one go "You're Too Sweet For Me" to "My Baby's Sweet As Can Be"? Simon Riley finds himself stuck in a situation, growing feelings for his roommate who's so annoyingly caring, domestic, sweet and too good for him. What happens when he let's himself indulge in the sweetness rather than cage himself in the bitter life he's been told is the only one he's deserving of and the only life he's known?
Disclaimer: Details on sexual intercourse (NSFW???)
"Your girl?" "My girl.." (Part 1)
Synopsis: Your ex finds himself at your doorstep ready to beg you to take him back after he cheated on you, unfortunate for him, your "best friend" Simon was there on the look out for you..
"Your girl?" "My girl.." (Part 2 NSFW)
- Part two written by @blingblong55
Comfort Headcanons And Scenarios Of Cod Men With Your Kid
Synopsis: He has a romantic relationship/connection with you (Singleparent!Reader) and he comforts your little one, making you further realize how much he loves and cares about you and your little one.
Characters Included: John Price, Simon "Ghost" Riley, John "Soap" MacTavish, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra.
165 notes · View notes
pathetic-sapphic · 10 months
hi ^^ can i request how arcane milfs + vi will act when they have a crush on a fem reader ?? maybe how they court her and try to win her attention it would be so cute !!
love your work so much ! hope you’re having a great day, take care 💕
Arcane milfs + Vi when they have a crush on you
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I'll say this again and again, GRAYSON is a gentlewoman. She knows how to flirt while being extremely polite and flattering so she will gain your attention in no time. She will invite you for a fancy dinner and be an absolute delight. She will compliment your choice of clothing, pull out your chair for you, lightly hold your hand on the table and utter sweet praises by the soft glow of candle light. While the two of you are still in the courting phase, Grayson will send flowers to your apartment or your workplace which will have a sweet message attached to them. She is a bit old-fashioned and likes to formally ask you to be her partner after several successful dates and outings. She is over the moon when you return her feelings and cups your face while looking deep into your eyes and mutters out a gentle ''May I?'' before she kisses you once you give her an eager nod.
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At first, SEVIKA struggles a bit when thinking of ways to approach you. She can't remember the last time she was romantically interested in someone let alone tried to ask them out. At first, she'll try to get your attention by having drinks sent your way whenever she spots you sitting at the bar of the Last Drop. Almost dies after you turn around towards her and give her a shy wave and an appreciative smile. In order to get some alone time with you, she rents a separate booth so the two of you can get to know each other in peace. You cannot deny that she is an incredibly charming and attractive woman so you start falling for her quickly. Sevika isn't any better as she is smitten by your lovely laugh and pretty face, she tries so hard to listen to you but is distracted by your cute gestures half of the time. Eventually, she gathers up the courage to formally ask you out on a date and grins like she won the lottery once you agree. It'll take her a while to get a hang of the whole relationship thing but you think it's adorable how hard she tries to win you over.
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Prepare to be spoiled rotten, because the first tactic CASSANDRA has for gaining your attention is by showering you with gifts. Whether she gives them to you in person or sends them to you, you cannot help but always marvel at their quality and the thoughtfulness behind them. Prefers giving them to you in person as she greedily soaks up every little reaction you give her. Also takes you to lavish dinners and galas, making sure you are dressed in the most flattering and breath-taking clothing. She is also very sweet and polite towards you, she likes treating you like a lady and receiving the same treatment in return. Also invites you to her house and plans a lovely, relaxing evening for the two of you. After you finish the lovely dinner she had prepared for you, the two of you unwind on her expensive couch, sipping wine and talking about everything and nothing at the same time. She takes this opportunity to admit her feelings for you, telling you how much she admires you and how she'd love to have you as her partner, if you're willing. When you agree, she gently hugs you and presses a kiss to your forehead while telling you how happy you make her. Hearing her rushed heartbeat right next to your ear makes you think there's no other place you'd rather be at than in her loving arms.
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VI is a great flirt until she's given a taste of her own medicine. She will give you silly nicknames, initiate physical touch and always be near you, but her brain stops working when you return all those gestures and it's so endearing. She will give you tours around the Undercity, showing you its hidden gems and taking you to the most beautiful places. Takes advantage of your focus on the amazing views she shows you in order to admire your features and gaze at your reactions. She will also bring you pretty trinkets and pastries she steals from Piltover. Seeing the way your face lights up whenever she runs into you makes her heartbeat accelerate. Vi is also very protective and practically your guard dog, always standing by your side and making sure no one even looks at you wrong. She will always walk you home and lend you her jacket if you're cold. When she formally asks you to date her, she is so nervous and fumbles over her words constantly. But once she manages to get them out and you say yes, she picks you up and twirls you around, laughing happily. Once your feet find themselves on the ground, Vi kisses you and you can feel her lovesick smile on your lips and think to yourself how wonderful it would be if this moment would last forever.
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idanceuntilidie · 5 months
I hope it was okay!! it accidentally got long.. sorry pookie wookie woo damn this would make a good vn ngl
yan angel x gn reader x yan demon
tw: yandere themes and behaviours, mentions of killing
The light from the billboard always shinesBut it changed twelve times since you went away
Requests are open
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“An angel sat on one shoulder, a devil on the other. Both of them wore my face.” But you are not really sure they have your face. You are not a very religious person, so you didn’t understand why they decided to bother you exactly but at least you weren’t lonely anymore. Mirui appeared first, you remember the meeting very well, hell, it gave you a heart attack. You work in a small cafe, a gem hidden in the mud. You liked it very much, your boss was nice and you even made friends with some of the people you worked with.
Well you didn’t think it was so nice and fun now, working as the cashier reminded you about the thing you dreaded. Interactions with other beings that you do not know, see for the first time and could be really fucking mean at times. Homosapiens. A woman in her mid twenties stood in front of you, waving her hands and screaming her lungs out. Your polite smile tightens as your nails dig painfully into your forearm. She found out that what she ordered was really expensive, it’s weird because there are prices next to the stuff you guys make. The woman's face flushed deep beet red in anger, and you are pretty sure she spat on you. Ew. You heard a small chuckle followed by a loud snort and laughter from your right, it startled you, but when you looked there you saw no one. After another fit of laughter you noticed a small red thing sitting on your right shoulder. A small human-like creature. It looked back at you, eyes flickering with mischief and a small full of white sharp teeth. “You should spill that coffee on her, ya know? It’s still hot, it can’t go to waste” it said Your eyes slowly went back to the screaming woman, then on the hot coffee on the counter.
To be fired or not to be fired, that is the question. Before you even got a chance to fully think this through, your boss appeared behind you and shooed you away to deal with the customer. Your boss was a savage old lady, the customer stood no chance against her. Out of sight out of mind. The small demon muttered something, disappointed, it crossed its arms and pouted. You scurried away, to the kitchen to take your mind off of things and maybe help around a bit.
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Faith appeared a few weeks after Mirui did, successfully stopping you from chugging only energy drinks, spilling coffee and doing pranks on rude customers. “Do it, do it, do it, do it!” she giggled manically, clapping her hands happily. Today Mirui decided to be feminine, she sat on your right shoulder like she always did. You noticed every day she had new outfits, very revealing of course, it made you blush slightly. “Shut up, I can't focus.” “Dear child, they might fire you.” a new voice on your left stated calmly. God damn it another one. This time a painfully white angel sat on your left shoulder. He didn’t even look at you, his attention was focused on little stone tablets sitting on his lap.
“Ew who the fuck are you” Mirui spat pointing a very sharp manicured finger on the angel.
“The only rational one here” “It looks disgusting, Y/N quickly throw it off!” she grabbed your collar and shook it violently. The angel rolled its eyes and looked at her. “Stop it demon spawn, I was sent here to make sure this disgusting-” it started but when it looked at Mirui, a look of disgust appeared on its face. “Piece of work won’t do too much damage to such a pure soul, y/n leave that salt alone.” You and Mirui groaned, you will have revenge on that karen. “You suck” “Go suck dick and shut up” “Language both of you” “Ew, let’s call it Faith or Angelico or something, it’s basic- just like it” Mirui gagged. Faith went back to his stone tablets, not looking at you or the demon. Even though it wasn’t looking, you could feel how he judges you. In the end, they didn’t leave you alone. 
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You wake and fall asleep to their constant bickering. You figured it’s because Mirui is a demon, and Faith is an angel. Or maybe it’s because they are so different? It makes you tired honestly. Yet their different personalities and behaviors made your life a little bit more interesting.
Faith sat on the edge of the couch, watching as Mirui did a little fashion show. You were forced to watch too,  he wouldn’t leave you alone if you didn’t. Your eyesight got a little blurry, you were tired. Very very tired, so in the end you couldn’t help but just doze off. Mirui noticed it first, giddy as he returned to his normal size. Giggling and swinging his feet as he watched you slowly fall asleep. Carefully, he gets up to sit right next to you. He sighed dreamily as he played with you hair. Aren’t you just the cutest? Naive too, just perfect. He nuzzled against your cheek, smiling widely. He could feel how warm your body was, hell he could even smell you. Mirui covered his mouth with his hand to prevent the laughter that was slowly bubbling up.
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He heard a very loud scoff from Faith and when he looked at them, they had a very unpleasant look on their face.
“What’s up?” he smiled „Jealous?”
„It’s disgusting how you cling to them when they are asleep.” Faith hissed
“Oh is the baby mad because they don’t have the balls to actually get this close?” Mirui smiled proudly, cuddling up to you even closer than possible. You stirred a bit in your sleep, your pretty face scrunching in confusion before returning to a calm state. He closed his eyes and tried to fall asleep on your side, only to be yanked back by his hair by Faith. “Back off, you demon scum” “Oh oh careful now or I might start to like it” “I am serious Mirui” Faith hissed, grabbing the demon's throat as they squeezed it painfully. Their touch was painful, Mirui swore he heard a small sizzling which made him hiss. “leave, they are mine and you knew that.” “fuck off, I love them more than your sorry ass does.” he said as he tried to get away from the angel.
It happened a lot, especially when you slept. None of them wanted to give you up, let the other have your love and attention which resulted in fighting. Oh how surprised you would be if you found out that those arguments were about you, and they didn’t just appear out of thin air. Hell they have known you way before you even noticed their existence. Always there, in the background, watching, listening, admiring. Mirui was first to approach, thinking that Faith would eventually back off, and then he wouldn’t need to kill them, but they didn’t. 
And Faith, well, at first they didn’t know about Mirui, but when he eventually wanted to meet you he saw that little red slut sitting on your shoulder whispering sins. Oh their poor sweetheart, tainted and tortured by a monster. He decided to watch for a bit then appear as your savior.Now both of them are stuck being next to each other almost all the time, none of them would give up though. They will stay by your side.
Your eyes slowly open to see a white and red blob strangling each other. Your face twists into a frown, before sighing and going back to sleep.
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stiffyck · 1 month
Okay okay okay so I have THOUGHTS about elven duo.
Gem getting progressively more uncomfortable in her base. She doesn't know why. She doesn't know why it just feels so wrong.
There's something wrong with her base and she doesn't know what.
She can't sleep properly, she's been having trouble working on her base because it just feels like something is wrong and she can't figure out what.
She starts getting nightmares, she gets more and more paranoid as time goes on, she's tired and she's anxious all the time.
One night she wakes up from a nightmare. She can't remember anything but she can just feel the terror. She has a panic attack and goes to Scars base. She would go to grian but his base is too close to her own and his vibe is similar to hers and she just needs to get out. She just needs to be out of her base for a while. She needs someone to hold her and she needs someone to comfort her. She needs someone to watch her back because she feels like she constantly on edge, waiting for something to happen.
She comes into his train which wakes Scar up and he asks her what she's doing at his base in the middle of the night when he notices she's having a panic attack.
He tells her to come sit on his bed and he guides her through it. He helps her with a breathing exercise, he tries to ground her in the moment and he offers her a hand so she can squeeze it if she wants to.
Scar then asks Gem if she had a nightmare or if something happened and Gem just says she had a nightmare. When he asks if she wants to talk about it she says she doesn't actually remember what it was about.
She asks him if she could stay over for the night because the though of going back to her base makes her nauseous. Scar of course says yes and offers to give up his bed if Gem needs.
She instead asks if they could share the bed and Scar immediately says of course.
Anyway they end up cuddling and Gem finally sleeps well for the first time in weeks.
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tobiasdrake · 1 year
And then Steve's ending sucks and is bad.
Steve's ending infuriated a lot of Stucky shippers for obvious reasons. But. Like. Here's the thing: From a filmmaking standpoint, the Stuckies are right. Sending Steve back in time just doesn't work for multiple reasons, both in and out of universe.
This is going to be a longie.
#1 - Time Travel Doesn't Work That Way
The first problem is the in-universe one. This ending is so busted that the directors and writers actually have separate interpretations of what happened, and they're both wrong.
According to the directors, Steve created a parallel timeline where he's lived with his Peggy. He used the time machine to return to this timeline and go to that bench, but only once he was super old for, uh, some reason?
Problem is, according to this movie, you can't do that. You can't make a new timeline without removing an Infinity Gem from it, and also making new timelines is bad, remember? Further, the film gives no indication that Steve time traveled here. He doesn't appear on the Quantum platform. He's not wearing his time suit. He's just chilling on a bench, staring at the horizon.
The reason the film gives no indication for how Steve arrived here is because of the writers' interpretation: Steve arrived in the past of this, the main timeline. Steve himself was Peggy's mystery husband back in Winter Soldier. Old Steve has always been here, waiting for this moment.
That's actually worse than the directors' explanation. The movie has been very clear on the point that you can't directly change the past. Even after they prune the timelines, Loki didn't actually escape in 2012. That never happened. The events of the Time Heist never happened, from a historical perspective.
The internal logic of Steve's jaunt doesn't work out, no matter which way you slice it.
#2 - The Future is Scary and You Should Run Away
The second problem is what it does to Steve as a Man Out of Time. The white-hot core of this character direction is that he is an old man living in a world he doesn't recognize, and having to adapt to changing times. That's something we all have to deal with eventually.
So what is Endgame's final statement on Steve's efforts to fit into society? It's that he can't. Trying to live in this world he doesn't know is a futile gesture. In the end, Steve gives up, sinks his head in the sand, and rejects modernity. He embraces the shallow image of a woman he once loved was attracted to and lives out the rest of his days in a reactionary fantasy world.
I guess there is no value in changing and growing to adapt to the new world around you. What a shitty ending.
#3 - To the End of the Line
And finally... yeah. I'm sorry to tell you this, but the Stucky shippers were right. Not necessarily about Steve and Bucky's relationship being canonically romantic. But about Steve and Bucky's relationship being the driving emotional throughline of the entire Captain America trilogy.
In the end, this ending is the epitome of the problem with the way writers write platonic relationships versus romantic ones. Throughout the trilogy, Bucky is the most valuable and important person in Steve's life.
Steve defied orders and officially joined World War II, venturing deep into enemy territory alone, for Bucky. He was ready to die for this man. He laid down his shield and accepted the Winter Soldier's violence out of love for the man behind his eyes, and that sheer unrelenting loyalty brought him back from the monster he was programmed to be. Steve went to war with the Avengers out of love for Bucky.
And whether you take that love to be romantic or platonic, it doesn't change the fact that this is what drives the films. Not Peggy. Never Peggy. The films occasionally pay some attention to Peggy and Sharon, but they aren't actually interested in using these characters as characters.
(In fact, they're so disinterested in Sharon that she drops off the face of the universe in Infinity War and Endgame. Not even a namedrop. The moment the filmmakers decided to send Steve back to Peggy, Sharon ceased to have any value as a character and was consequently erased. They do not care about these women and their stories. The Carters are just the obligatory love interests.)
Instead, Peggy is merely the symbol of what could have been. She represents the life Steve lost, but is barely treated as a person in her own right. She's just a picture in his wallet that he can pine after. She doesn't move the story along, and his feelings for her rarely amount to more than Steve being sad for a little bit and then continuing along with what he was doing.
And this is how it always is. The best friend is the diehard series-defining relationship that moves mountains and saves the universe. And the girlfriend is just there, getting little focus or development. Steve and Bucky prove their importance to each other again and again, but no attention is paid to why Peggy is important. "She's a woman. He's a man. What more do you need?"
I'm not, personally, a Stucky shipper. But "I'm with you to the end of the line," still meant so much to me. This was the emotional core of the Captain America trilogy, right up there with "I can do this all day." Steve suddenly quitting on the future, quitting on Bucky, and running off to bury his face in Peggy's bosom felt like a betrayal of everything the films have ever told us about these characters. Peggy just wins. Because we need to marry him off somehow if we're going to tie up his journey!
It is neither a joke nor an exaggeration to say that the trajectory of Captain America throughout the MCU was ruined at the very last possible second by the straight agenda.
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blicketdabest33 · 5 months
Y'all remember that MCYT PJO au I asked for help with awhile ago? WELL HERE'S THE CABINS AND MY EXPLINATIONS BEHIND THEM!!
#1 Zeus Cabin: Jimmy, Joel Jimmy: He's a Zeus kid, but everyone somehow forgets about it. Joel: He's competitive and strong. Also, because Jimmy is his half brother through godly parent, i get to make a fun bit about him dating Lizzie. And one of his origins in Afterlife SMP was a thunderborn
#2 Hera Cabin: Scott Scott: Scott's whole thing is loyalty. Hera is the goddess of marriage and is insanely loyal to Zeus. However, I feel like Hera should get at least one affair. So now Scott can use peacocks as weapons.
#3 Poseidon Cabin: Skizz Skizz: Poseidon kids tend to be really, really loyal to a fault and heroic, both qualities I think Skizz possesses.
#4 Demeter Cabin: Sausage, Shelby, Bdubs, Stress Sausage: This man built Sanctuary in a jungle and has flowers in his hair. He sells wood. There is no other place to put him. Shelby: Mushroom gnome, spooky mangrove witch, powerful storm witch, i need not continue. Bdubs: Moss man. Stress: SHE HAS FLOWERS
#5 Ares Cabin: Martyn, False Martyn: His planet is Mars, which is the roman version of Ares. He ended Limited Life in such a violent way, i can't help it. He was also red for the majority of Secret Life. False: I just feel like False should get to kill people more often.
#6 Athena Cabin: Grian, Pix, Owen, Xisuma Grian: This sums it up pretty well
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Pix: Smart man. Archeologist and definitely a nerd. I wanna see him skipping out on training just so he can read history books. Owen: He likes to explore and discover new things in Pirates. In Rats, he's a tinkerer. In New Life, he's an explorer who wants to study hybrids. In Empires, he's a Llama who's curious about how humans work. Just a very curious character overall. Xisuma: Admin. I'm not elaborating.
#7 Apollo Cabin: Gem, Oli, Lyarrah Gem: She is an Apollo kid because of her Empire in S2. She's the sunlight princess. Apollo kid. Oli: MUSIC. MAN. Lyarrah: She writes the captions for the hermitcraft recap.
#8 Artemis Cabin: Pearl Pearl: Y'know, Artemis could've just like... had a kid, even though she took that oath. It wouldn't even have to be with a guy. Gods can change to whatever gender they want. Anyway, Pearl gets to be an Artemis kid because her symbolism is moon, she loves dogs, and will commit murder and hunt at night.
#9 Hephaestus Cabin: Doc, Mumbo, Tango, Impulse, Cub, Zedaph, Fwhip, Iskall Doc: Redstone Mumbo: Redstone Tango: Redstone Impulse: Redstone Cub: Redstone Zedaph: Redstone Fwhip: Redstone AND has a red scarf (don't ask me how that's relevant) Iskall: Redstone
#10 Aphrodite Cabin: Keralis Keralis: Okay, I don't know why, but Keralis gives me the vibes of a very charming person. His voice is nice to listen to, so imagine how useful it'd be if I gave him charm speak.
#11 Hermes Cabin: Scar, Etho, Joe Scar: Trader Scar, scammer extraordinar. Etho: All i must say is Shady-E's. I get "jack-of-all-trades, master of none, often better than master of one" vibes from him. He's funny, he's mischievous, it just works. Joe: Comedy man. Excellent delivery. And, yet again, i look at this man and go "That right there is a multi-talented man with a habit for mischief."
#12 Dionysus Cabin: Joey, Beef Joey: *points at his season one empires theme* i need not say more Beef: Idk, food. I don't really have a reason. I don't know too much about Beef.
#13 Hades Cabin: Zloy Zloy: Zombie man. He writes the Hermitcraft recaps in the dark at 2am with nothing but pure spite.
#14 Iris Cabin: Katherine Katherine: SHE. HAS. COLORS. and also I couldn't put her in Demeter cabin because Shelby is already there and i am NOT excluding Nature Wives from this au
#15 Hypnos Cabin: Bigb, XB, Wels Bigb: Sleepy stuff, right? WRONG. Gaslight. Go in everyones dreams, make fake prophecies, peace out, and cause chaos. XB: I look at his fanon design, I see an alien, and I go "aha he sleeps" Wels: This guy (@dingdinghq) said so and i completely agree. Something about sleeping in S6.
#16 Nemesis Cabin: Edit: wels not here no more
#17 Nike Cabin: Ren Ren: VICTORY. I don't know much about Ren's story in the Life Series, but I look at this man and see someone who has won a lot.
#18 Hebe Cabin: 
#19 Tyche Cabin: TFC TFC: Man goes mining and gets really lucky. That's it.
#20 Hecate Cabin: Lizzie, Cleo, Jevin Lizzie: Witchy vibes. Also, Arson. Cleo: Arson. She uses her magic for Arson. Jevin: He's a magic slime. Also, Arson. All Hecate kids love Arson.
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rewh0re · 6 months
- wc: 1.1k, aged up characters (like 19-20) doesn't dive into explicit/hardcore smut but is definitely suggestive in some parts so I'd say readers 16 and above may read this, indirect mentions of sexual activities, fluff, reader is called a minx (affectionate), a little bit of that one old greek myth about soulmates, it's true that once you use em dash you can't stop.
a/n: literally got the idea at the doctor's office don't even. REBLOGS + FEEDBACKS ARE APPRECIATED!! also tagging: @chigirizzz (this is that one reo fic I was telling you about where you asked me to tag you)
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The room was dark. The only source of light—though bright but not enough to light up the whole room—was from the digital clock on the bedside table. '12:42,’ it read in bright neon red numbers. It was also quiet, so much so that two pairs of steady breathings could be heard.
One belonged to Reo and the other, to you.
"Are you asleep?" You whisper—soft and delicate—careful as to not wake your lover up if he indeed was asleep but loud enough to let him know of your own sleepless state.
Your eyes have been long adjusted to the darkness and you can make out the silhouette of his face. The length of his nose and his eyelashes, the slight part of his lush lips, his sharp and angular jaw—truly—he was majestic.
"No," his eyes fluttered open and his lips turned upward. His smile, the gentleness of which never failed to make your heart beat ten times faster, which never failed to make your stomach feel all giddy with the butterflies that erupted.
"I was thinking about your face from earlier and the various sounds you made too actually. Sweet as honey to me but I'm afraid Mrs. Tanaka might complain come morning," gentle tone was overruled by mischief. That was Mikage Reo, a gem of a person for a second and a force to be reckoned with the next.
"Please don't oh my god," you covered your face—now tinted with embarrassment—with the comforter you and Reo shared as you whined in protest.
The activities from an hour back rushing into your brain, playing like a movie sequence. As foggy as your mind was earlier, you were surprised that you remembered everything so vividly. You could still feel his rough, calloused and much larger hands tracing every curve of your body as if to memorise its shape. You could feel the lingering kisses on your neck, your shoulder, your chest, the now purple marks left with pride. You would have to cover them before work in the morning. You could hear your own sounds of pleasure and his groans as if to say more, more, more. You could feel it all. You could feel him. Your face flushed a deeper shade of fuchsia as you gulped, trying to get the images out of your head.
"You act like we haven't done this a million times before my love," he laughed slowly, bringing a hand to cover his mouth.
"Come on, look at me. Don't shy away now," he pulled the blanket off of you, removing your hands from your face as he hugged you.
"You're incorrigible, you know that right?" You huffed out in faux annoyance, snuggling against his chest, his arms a veil for your figure.
He laughed then, a laugh full of mischief and adoration and something akin to acknowledgement for your previous statement.
You laid like that, in silence. There was peace that came with the soft lub-dub of your synchronised heartbeats and your gentle breaths.
You were the one to break it first.
"Have you ever heard about that one Greek mythology? about soulmates?" You spoke, your cool fingers tracing gentle and soothing shapes on Reo's bare back which was painted with scratches from your nails.
"Can't say I have. Care to tell me?" He looked for your eyes as he pulled up the slipping comforter before pulling you closer to his chest. His warmth engulfed you whole, a comfortable shield from the much cooler surroundings.
"Well there is this theory," you started, face softening into affection as you laid against Reo's—albeit hard—but comfortable chest.
"It says that when Zeus created humans, he originally created them with two of everything. So two heads, two pairs of both the limbs, you get it. Their souls were one too. Fearing the power that these humans could possess, Zeus split them, including their souls, in half and scattered them around the world. The humans—as we now know them to be—would search far and wide, across oceans and lands to look for their other half. It is said that this other half is your soulmate and you search for them throughout your life," you smiled as you looked up at him, engrossed in your little story.
"Well that's just cruel of Zeus now, isn't it? I mean, what if someone doesn't find their soulmate?" Reo pouted and that made you chuckle a little.
"Maybe. Maybe not. It is just a story at the end of the day and how you decide to perceive a story totally depends on you," you jabbed his chest with your finger.
"I think I've found my other half," he stated with pride.
"Oh? Is that so? I wonder who it could be," you made a face as if you were thinking, tapping your chin with your forefinger.
"Oh I bet you do," in an instant your boyfriend was hugging you tighter than ever, his face buried in the crook between your neck and your shoulder.
His soft kisses were ticklish and they made you giggle. Your fingers further messed up his already tousled hair.
"You want me to say it out loud so bad don't you, you little minx," he whispered in your neck as you hummed in response.
"I think I've found my soulmate in you."
"I also think I've found mine in you Reo," your gentle voice was like ambrosia to his ears. He could drown in it, a bit was never enough.
He trailed kisses down the side of your face, starting from your ear, going down your jaw and finally a little bite on your neck. He licked on it in order to soothe the area. A new addition to the marks he had left earlier.
"Ow Reo!" You playfully smacked his head which forced him to separate from your neck.
"I already have enough marks to cover!" You puffed your cheek, barely hiding the smile that was begging to come up to the surface.
"You'll beg for them again tomorrow," he winked at you.
You could only roll your eyes. What would you even say? Deep in your heart, even you knew that he was right. "What is wrong with you?"
"Just that I'm irrevocably in love with you," he tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear, shutting his eyes.
"Unfortunately, I happen to love you too."
Teasing glances from your coworkers and friends due to the remnants from the events of the night would be a concern for later. For now, sleep would come easy to you because here you were, with Reo, in his arms. He was your safe haven and you were his and truly, whatever in the world could ever change that?
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monicahar · 2 years
wanderer x reader, short oneshot, suggestive near the end although nothing truly explicit, scaramouche's insecurities about his vision, that's all.
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the wanderer liked to think he deserved his vision.
much like a puzzle fitting in its respective place, it's only right for him to gain the recognition of celestia. after all, he did become an all-knowing god himself from nothing but the ugly being known as the discarded puppet—kunikuzushi. even if it was but a momentary lapse, he had achieved an admirable feat unheard of since the archon war. receiving a vision in place of the gnosis that didn't belong to him was nothing to get worked up about. he constantly tells himself that it's expected from someone ambitious like him—he shouldn't be surprised.
he takes the teal gem into his hands with careful movement.
it's nothing to be happy about at all.
yet as he clutches the glowing anemo vision in his grasp, he cannot help but let a small smile grow on his face, feeling a swell of emotions stir inside him.
he doesn't know what this feeling is, but he's certain he's felt this before during his time as a kabukimono.
much absorbed in admiring the way it fits just right in his hands, he doesn't notice you approaching him, eyes softening at the way he stared in awe at his own vision.
“i remember you always scoffing at the notion of freedom,” you start with a smile of your own, effectively taking him out of his trance as he snaps his gaze towards you, immediately letting go of the vision as it hangs on a blue sash over his shoulder, “now you're here admiring your anemo vision like how you'd admire me.”
ignoring your flirtatious comment, he quickly retorts. “don't jump into conclusions.” he clicks his tongue as he crosses his arms, side eyeing you from his peripherals. “i was just checking if it was some type of sick fraud. celestia has to be testing me if they granted me a vision after i became god out of immoral means.”
you blink at his cautious statement. “give yourself a break. gods don't just hand out visions to anyone,” tugging playfully at his tucked-in kimono, you grin as you reach up to pinch his cheek with your other hand. “i, for one, think that the power of anemo is perfect for you. the clash of teal and blue do wonders for this pretty face of yours.” you laugh at the way his face burns.
“you're insufferable.” he complains, but doesn't make a move to remove your hand from his cheek.
“look who's talking.” you reply nonchalantly as you ignore the way his eye twitches in annoyance, removing your hands as you take a step back to stare at him properly. “look, i know you're hesitant about your vision. no matter how many times you tell me that you do deserve it—i know that's not what you actually think deep down inside.”
you sigh at his silence. it's just confirmation that you hit the bullseye. gently taking his hand in yours, you speak up once more—“does it feel that much unreal to have something you'd finally call your own?”
he doesn't reply again, but the answer is evident in the way his eyes narrow at the ground. after having so many things taken away from me, i'm not sure if i could trust this just yet. it still feels like a dream.
“we eternally owe buer for this. any other archon probably wouldn't have tolerated your actions, so do everyone a favor and just believe in yourself.” your grasp on his hand tightens. “if you can't do it for anyone, then atleast do it for yourself. you're quite the selfish one after all.” you giggle at your own comment, causing him to pursue his lips as to stop himself from smiling like an idiot.
right. he'd never forget the amount of help nahida and the traveler provided just for him to finally be himself—free from the exhausting hatred and bitterness he held against his creator.
he sharply inhales. “okay. i'll try. for both of us.” his voice comes out small, much akin to a whisper that you probably would've missed if it weren't for your close proximity.
he shuts his eyes when you lift his hat to press a chaste kiss on his forehead, further reminding him that he wasn't alone in this world anymore. that he has someone to rely on once again.
he inwardly scoffs. he's selfish. incredibly selfish.
to think that he can have you and his vision in one seating—it's only a matter of time before fate takes it toll and takes one of his cherished possessions away once again in the name of karma.
he has sinned so much that even he's unsure if he deserves the peace bestowed by the god of wisdom. he could get you in more danger now that the fatui is in his trail—it'd really be better if you cut ties with him but he really doesn't want to.
simply because he's selfish.
and if it's his selfishness that's keeping you anchored by his side, then he doesn't mind it at all.
he'll stay selfish till the ends of time, as long as it means to have what he wants right where he wanted it.
the wanderer gazes at his vision once more, bringing it up to the moonlight pouring in from an open window, blinking his eyes at the way it reflects on the luminous glow of the moon.
glancing at the sleeping figure beside him, his eyes soften at the way your chest heaves back up and down, before he trails up on your neck—covered with the blotches of his bites. his eyes narrow at the sight.
you encouraged him to be selfish even after everything he's done.
after putting his precious vision atop the bedside table, the wanderer gently brings your head to tuck under his chin, a satisfied sigh leaving his lips as he caresses your back in comforting circles. his own eyelids fluttering to a close at the comforting beat of your chest, quietly inhaling the scent of your hair affectionately.
so he'll oblige.
he'll bask in this selfish peace, and he'll prolong it—no matter what it takes.
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