#I could go ON AND ON about them OH MY GOSH LOL
mintytealfox · 11 months
HI HI HI HI! For starters, i love your norton and nortalice art! It is the reason i started following you because i had just recently back into IDV and those two were on my mind.
Mainly thanks to a weird dream i had, but not the time and place for dream discussion dhdh. But i just wanna yapper in her about headcanons or what, mainly just the idea of Norton coming off as very cold and assholeish because that is what he is used too, and Alice slowly breaking that away with kindness, melting the ice on Norton’s heart. So by himself, Norton can and will be a dick, beats being used. But with Alice, he comes off as more tired but warm. He speaks in a warm low voice reserved solely for her. He’s not charamstic in what he aays but he is truthful and whispers all the love be can into each syllable. Alice is his Golden Canary. She led him from the darkness and dangers into the dazzling sun, it is only right he treats her with the tenderness she gave him
B'aaaaawwwWWWW Thank youu 🥹🥹 👏👏👏👏👏👏 -applauds, applauds A LOT- THIS ALL OF THIS 10000000% and the 'Golden Canary' -writes that down- PERFECTION 🤌🤌
He absolutely would come off as such a prick and honestly rightly so, he has been through so much and having to survive on his own at such a young age. Then according to the most recent trailer about him, was abused as well from stronger coworkers. Likely just because he was working so hard to change his life, that can really piss off people who are not willing to do the same and just want drag people down with them to make themselves feel better. He would learn pretty quick how to survive in any situation including on a conversational level, since he is so good at getting people to open up to him and tell him things.
By the time we see him in the mansion is is definitely jaded/numb even, closed off, and has that 10000 mile long far off stare. It would be difficult to get into that head of his and figure out what he is thinking. His sentences would be short and vague to an irritating degree lol
Alice has her work cut out for her for SURE. But she is so gentle, direct, and interesting with how she goes about things and that is exactly what he needs, patience and kindness. He might take advantage at first cause that is how he is programmed by this point, but eventually the sincerity from Alice would chip at his rock solid heart.
I imagine his love languages are gifts, acts of service and, after a long while: physical touch. With all the physical violence of where he used to work, marks still visible from his time there, I bet touch is something reserved for the highest tier of trust and love. And why it would mean so much to feel soft gentle touch.
I think Alice would be similar in that regard to physical touch, with how her life went with the experiments and such. She would require that gentle care which Norton would know how to do from his time studying rocks and gems and having to handle some with care as to not mess with the integrity of gently formed ones.
The love language, I believe, they would both not be overly fond of is 'words of affirmation' since they both know how words can get them anywhere when used correctly so words would be useless to them if not backed by action. BUT when they are at the highest level of trust between them, those words they share with each other would mean the world ;;
I also think they would work GREAT together 👏👏Norton knows people, he could get her interviews with just about anyone in the lower class (at least with those he hadn't double crossed. srry Benny). With him vouching for her she wouldn't be viewed as this outsider rich girl, but welcomed. Then Alice would be able to get him in places and get clients he wouldn't have gotten before. And also showing him the finer way of living. and to not spend all his money so quickly. Oh my gosh, my mind just reminded me of Titanic a bit with this tangent 🤣 shows her his way of life and she shows him her way of life.
oh my GOSH I went on and ON LOL I will hold back now so this doesn't become an ACTUAL NOVEL 🤣
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sysig · 1 year
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@vernors tags are so incredibly correct (Patreon)
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mariasont · 4 months
They Think I'm Pregnant - A.H
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a/n: i feel like this is kind of shitty but alas here we are!
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pairings: aaron hotchner x fem!reader
summary: the team thinks you're pregnant and you decide to have a little fun with it
warnings: reader is not preggers promise!, honestly the team gossiping is so lol, suggestive content per usual
wc: 1.3k
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"I mean she has been kind of moody lately."
The gasp that rose in your surprise was quickly smothered as you pressed yourself against the wall, pushing into it as if that would make you invisible somehow.
"Well, interestingly enough, there has been considerable growth in her chest area. It's due to elevated levels of estrogen and progesterone, which I've noticed with her." Spencer stopped abruptly, the sound of Morgan's muffled laughter in the background. "I'm not saying I make a habit of such observations. Okay, um, don't tell Hotch I said that."
Casting a skeptical eye down your shirt, your frown deepened. Sure, your boobs had grown, but that was a testament to a little happy relationship weight, not the fodder of their theories. 
"Nice one, kid," came Rossi's voice, and you could almost see the smirk on his face.
"Oh my gosh, guys, this is like, the best news ever! A mini-agent in the making! Can you imagine how cute she's going to be? I'm going to get her the cutest  outfits!"
"Garcia, how do you know it's going to be a girl? Did the baby send you a text?"
The baby? Was rational thought absent among them? It must be. You crossed your arms defensively.
"Okay, maybe we should pump the breaks everyone. Why do we even think she's pregnant in the first place?"
JJ—your voice of reason. You could kiss the ground she walked on.
"I'm just putting two and two together. She walked out, and there was a pregnancy test in the trash that wasn't there before."
Your eyebrows drew down, and the increasing shuffle from the room prompted you to make a beeline for Hotch's office before anyone saw you snooping. But in your defense, Emily snooped first.
The moment the door clicked shut, you lunged for the blinds, bypassing any attempt at a greeting with Aaron. The blinds clattered shut, so fast you nearly gave yourself whiplash.
"Honey, what are you—?"
His words hung unfinished as you whirled around, pressing your pointer finger to your lips as if he were a kindergartner about to walk down the hall.
"They think I'm pregnant!" you hissed indignantly, jabbing a finger toward the door as if it were a portal to the rumor mill itself.
His face drained of color as his eyes darted from your face, down to your stomach, and finally rested on your tits. "Are you?"
You slapped his shoulder. "No!"
"Then why do they think that?"
You recounted every piece of evidence  they had collected, giving special attention to Spencer's bodily hypothesis as a subtle form of retaliation.
"He said what?"
You laughed, draping your arms around his neck as you made yourself at home on his lap. He leaned back in his chair, arranging you so your legs were stretched out across his lap.
"Focus," you said desperately. "They think I'm pregnant."
"Sweetheart," he chuckled, his hands finding their way to your waist. "Does it really matter what they're assuming?"
Your lower lip jutted out, fingers threading through your hair as you mulled it over.
"You're a genius." Your arms were around him in an instant once again, leaving a big, messy kiss on his cheek as you hopped down from his lap and strode towards the door.
Who cares if that's what they think?
So, you devoted your day to your greatest talent: stirring the pot. If they were set on believing you were pregnant, why should you interfere? Better yet, why not enjoy their theories and have some fun along the way?
You pulled every trick in the book.
In the morning, you bolted from the briefing room with a hand clamped over your mouth, you later reappeared, ginger ale and crackers in tow--which you knew JJ would understand. No one said a word.
In the afternoon, you turned up your nose when Emily offered you coffee, which in turn caused her eyes to bulge out of her head, but still she said nothing.
In the evening, you staged a sudden craving for the strangest of snacks, convincing Spencer of your dire need for pickles dipped in peanut butter. You sent him on a wild goose chase for it, and he did it, no questions asked.
All of these, as some would say--childish antics, lead to a big pile of nothing because no one was brave enough to just ask you.
So now that you were all gathered around Rossi's living room, with the day's efforts in vain, you were forced to drastic measures. 
The wine glass was mere inches from your lips when the whole lot of them were up in arms--a blabbering, spiraling mess.
Garcia, her mouth a perfect 'o' of scandalized red, was quick to wrestle it from your grasp, hoisting it just beyond reach as Morgan promptly confiscated it, placing it atop the tallest bookshelf, as if you were a child meddling with contraband.
"What are you thinking?"
"Are you crazy?"
"What are you doing?"
"Hotch, do you see this?"
Their words bombarded you all at once, a rapid-fire of overlapping sentences that was impossible to decipher. A giggle escaped you, hand instinctively rising to your lips. Sure, you had braced for a reaction, but this was beyond anything you had imagined.
You played dumb, your head canting to one side as your brows contracted. "What?"
You basked in Aaron's exasperated eye roll, his hands coming together as if in prayer while he let you revel in the moment. He was a good man.
"What do you mean what? I love you so much, but you have to be out of your mind," Garcia probed, her hands clutching on to her necklace as she looked side to side at the others.
You opened your mouth, ready to provoke her further, but Spencer beat you to it.
"Given the potential impact on blood volume and plasma osmolality, it's really not advised to drink alcohol, considering your condition," he said, fidgeting with his tie while nodding to your belly.
"What condition?"
"Oh, come on! We found your pregnancy test in the trash today!" This time it was Emily speaking, her hands on her hips as she gave you a knowing glance. She quickly muffled her exclamation. "Hold on, you've told Hotch, right? If not, I'm prepared to get on my hands and knees and beg for your forgiveness if necessary."
"You all are ridiculous!" you declared, rising from the couch and moving toward your abandoned wine. Aaron was quicker, offering the glass to you. "I'm not pregnant, and if you nosy nellies had bothered to ask rather than speculate, you'd know that.”
You took a large gulp of your wine. For emphasis. Your colleagues' mouth hung agape, all but Rossi, who smirked and toasted to the absurdity with his whiskey.
"You heard us?"
"Reid, let's just say, I'd appreciate if you would reserve those observational talents for the case files, not on my girlfriend's anatomy," Hotch suggested, the warmth of his hand seeping through the fabric at your back as he casually sipped his scotch.
You watched Reid's complexion turn a spectrum of pink hues, his apology barely above a whisper as laughter bubbled around us. 
"Wait so then whose pregnancy test did I find?" Emily's words caused a collective breath to catch, glances shifting suspiciously around the room.
JJ's hand shot up, laughing as Garcia barreled into her side, arms wrapping around her before she could even get the admittance out. The room buzzed with congratulatory cheers, everyone sharing hugs and kisses as JJ told the story.
Aaron chose that instant to lift his hand to his neck, his lips meeting yours in a kiss so gentle it turned your insides to jelly. He eased back, his breath mingling with yours as he mumbled, "you know, the idea of you pregnant...it's not something I'm opposed to."
You let out a soft giggle, nestling your head against his chest, the steady beat of his heart bleeding into your ear. Your gaze drifted to your friends, toasting with raised glasses--minus JJ--with laughter and chatter filling the air.
"Is that so? Cravings, mood, boobs and all?"
You felt the rumble of his chuckle through his chest, the sensation tingling against your cheek. "All of it."
Rising onto your toes, you reached up to cradle his ear, lips grazing lightly against it. "How about we head home and practice? And then if you put a ring on it, I’ll consider it.”
That was the first time you had Irish goodbye-d a party.
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penkura · 5 months
OP Men Holding Their Firstborn for the First Time
Note: This is in relation to my post of headcanons for these five men and their children. I just started thinking of which ones of them will cry, who will freak out over holding a tiny baby, who may reject the thought at first. And it came to this lol. I think the next one in this series will be names for the kids or babies taking their first steps! The baby fever is strong help. For now, please enjoy these men being soft about their offspring!
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Ace almost has a heart attack when you try to pass your daughter to him, he swears he felt his heart jump into his throat when you ask if he wants to hold her, saying no that he's fine for now, but you insist he should. He doesn't do so for several hours, instead watching you with her as he works up the courage to have her in his arms.
What if my powers activate and I burn her? What if she cries and kicks? Oh lord, what I drop her??
"Ace, please. You need to hold her."
The look on your face, like you're begging him to hold her, finally makes Ace agree, sitting on the edge of your hospital bed to take your hours old daughter from you. You remind him to be careful of her head, make sure to support her, and smile when you finally get to see the two loves of your life together at last.
She doesn't fuss or cry or kick, instead staying fast asleep and seeming like she's snuggling into the warmth Ace radiates thanks to his Devil Fruit powers. He's just amazed by her, her tiny little nose and the beautiful, dark eyelashes that brush her chubby little cheeks. She's the most beautiful thing he's ever seen after you of course.
Ace fights not to cry but can't help the few tears that sneak out, wiping them away on his sleeve quickly, the one time he wears a shirt and it's the day you give birth to the newest love of his life.
Gosh, he always knew you were amazing. Now you've given him a family of his own, how could he ever repay you?
"Thank you for her...she's so perfect."
Ace can't seem to tear his eyes away from your daughter's little face, and that's okay with you. She's his baby too, he needs to have some time with her.
"What do you think we should name her, Ace?"
Oh. Oh crap, she does need a name huh?
Law doesn't even have a chance to think about it, he's holding your son immediately after birth since he was the one to help you deliver obviously. Once your baby boy is wrapped in a towel Law hands him right to you before checking to make sure you're doing all right. Your vitals are all normal and stable, he's relived that you're both fine, while he watches you talk to your crying newborn.
You tell him that it doesn't count that he held your son right away since he's your and the boy's doctor, eventually getting Law to sit down and actually hold him as his father instead. Your son kept fussing and crying until Law finally got to hold him, the newborn quieting after a few moments but keeping his eyes shut tight and his little hands in fists as he kept whining.
Once he finally opens his eyes to stare up at Law, it's probably the cutest thing you've ever seen in your life apart from Bepo.
Especially once you catch sight of a few tears in Law’s eyes, making you smile softly as you lean back to just watch them. He's quick to rub at his eyes and make them stop, but the few sniffles you hear every bit tell you he's trying to stop himself from looking like a bigger baby than your literal baby he's holding.
He's never actually held a baby so tiny, not since Lammy was born. And to know this is his son, it's crazy to think about while he watches your baby boy start to fall asleep.
He really does wish his parents, sister, and Cora-san were there. They'd all love to meet your son, and you know he's thinking that, but you hope realizes that all the Heart Pirates are going to love your little boy just as much as his family would have.
And that eases the sting a bit, especially when they all do get to meet your son, and not a single one of them is without tears, beyond happy for you and their beloved captain.
Penguin almost begs to hold your daughter once she's born and you're both stable. Law tries to push him away while he takes your daughter's vitals and measurements, asking how on earth you dealt with Penguin being so clingy the last nine months, which just makes you laugh.
"Go sit with your wife, damn it, I'll bring her over in a minute."
"But, captain--"
"Penguin, just come over here for now."
Penguin sits beside your bed and pouts until Law finally brings your daughter over, about to hand her to you before you direct him to your husband. Both ask if you're absolutely sure you want Penguin to hold her first, until you confirm it, and Law hands your daughter to her father, showing him the right away to hold her, before he leaves the three of you alone for a few minutes.
Penguin is absolutely enthralled with her. She's still fussy from being born, stretching out her little arms and legs, making cute little sounds, and he just can't believe she's finally here. He feels like you two waited an eternity for her to be born, now she has been! She's so small, she fits perfectly in his arms and it makes him want to cry so much.
"She's so tiny."
"And she looks just like you, Peng."
Due to you having twins, you hold your son while Sanji holds your daughter, blubbering like the baby girl was because he's just so happy to have these babies with you. It makes you want to laugh hearing him cry, watching him kiss your daughter's forehead to try and calm her down while he dotes on her and you give your son attention.
"You're an angel, a perfect little gift from heaven!"
When you finally swap which baby you're each holding, Sanji still cries, happy to have a son too! He never really thought you'd have twins, or that they'd be fraternal on top of it! Both are so precious to him, you're precious to him, this little family you've now built together.
Your daughter has his hair, but your son looks just like you to Sanji. He kisses your son's forehead before looking at you and your newborn daughter, still unable to believe this is going to be his life from now on. You, and him, and your two tiny blessings.
"I love you so, so much."
He can't wait to call Zeff and let him know the good news.
Zoro has no worries or qualms or tears when holding your son for the first time. Actually, it doesn't hit him for a few hours that he has a child now.
Your son is so quiet most of his first day outside the womb, sleeping and eating, only fussing when he needs something, but you're able to calm him down quickly. The way you're able to do that when this is your first baby impresses Zoro more than anything today.
It's only once you're asleep and he's holding your son again that it really gets to him. There's another person depending on him now, this one being his own flesh and blood, his newborn son that already looks just like him. His hands are so tiny, he's not even able to fully get his little fingers around one of Zoro's fingers.
Chopper made sure you both were left alone for the day, Zoro taking a bed next to yours and laying back with your son on his chest that night. That's when he realized just how small your baby is. His hand covered the newborn's back completely, his tiny hand fisting Zoro's shirt as he slept, small coos and whines coming from him every now and then. Zoro looks at you for a moment, before back to your son with a smile.
Your son may not have been planned, but Zoro's more than accepting of how his life is turning out.
Note 2: I am absolutely willing to elaborate on these men and their children. If anyone wants to see something specific, just send me a message! I'll be posting more of my own thoughts too!
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euthymiaaa · 9 months
— taking a bath with a lover *ੈ✩‧₊˚
non-sexual & a bit silly lol, enjoy!!
✧ after an exhausting day, what other way to relax your partner than preparing them a warm, blissful bath?
✧ dousing the bathtub with their favorite aromatic flowers and oils
✧ “honey, what’s with all of this in the bathroom?” “you came back early? the surprise got ruined!”
✧ aiding them undress, yet it takes longer than usual because you keep getting their clothes tangled
✧ lending a hand to cautiously help them get into the pool of water
✧ "gosh it's the perfect temperature" "oh thank god, i thought it would still be too hot"
✧ blowing soap bubbles into their face to briefly annoy them
✧ "aren't you going to join me darling?" "if you insist"
✧ relaxing them by delicately massaging their hair in circles with shampoo
✧ “careful! you’re going to get shampoo in my eyes!” “oh quit being so dramatic”
✧ listening about their day whilst lightly massaging the knots in their back
✧ peppering tender kisses along their exposed shoulder
✧ “i never realized you have so many moles around here”
✧ tracing their scars with the tips of your fingers
✧ them burying their head into your neck, eyelids getting heavy out of tiredness
✧ “you better clean up after” "yes, your highness"
✧ "even though this was a mess, i'm glad i could spend time with you like this"
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lemoncrushh · 3 months
Kinda Perfect
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Summary: It's a girls' night out and Harry shows up, but you decide not to let your new friend Tiffany know that Harry is your boyfriend.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1230
A/N: Real Harry x y/n, written in 2017. Originally an oc, edited to be a reader fic. Thanks for voting for me to repost all these silly little fics lol. I used to refer to these as blurbs or drabbles, but I think the definitions have changed over the years. They will still be listed under one shots on my masterlist, but they are shorter than most of my other one shots, around 1200-1600 words.
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"Oh my God!" Tiffany shouted before immediately covering her mouth with her hand.
"What is it?" you asked, swirling your straw around your glass.
"Is that..." she leaned closer to you in the booth and whispered loudly, "Harry Styles?"
Your eyes followed her gaze across the room where indeed you spotted the tall, handsome man.
"Oh. Yeah," you smirked.
"Wow. Have you seen him here before?"
You nodded. "A few times."
Tiffany sighed, sitting back. "He's so..."
You raised a brow. "So what?"
You jutted out your bottom lip as you pretended to consider her comment. "You think?"
"God, yes. Don't you?"
You chuckled lightly. "I suppose so."
Just then, your best friend Linda returned from the restroom with Jan. Scooting into the booth across from you, Linda grinned at you.
"He's here, did you see?" she cocked her head toward the front of the room where Harry stood.
"Yes," you eyed her.
She bit her lip as she acknowledged your intent.
"Are you talking about Harry?" asked Tiffany, your new oblivious friend.
"Yeah," Linda said quickly before lifting her beer.
"Do you guys know him or something?"
"Oh, yeah, he's Y/N's-" Jan began before you kicked her under the table. "Ouch!"
You watched Tiffany's eyes widen as she gasped. "He's your what?"
"Friend," Linda finished.
"Yeah, friend," Jan grimaced as she rubbed her shin.
"Oh! How lucky. Does that mean...I get to meet him?"
Your gaze shifted between your two other friends who just looked at you dumbfounded. Then you addressed Tiffany nonchalantly.
"Oh gosh! Um...maybe I should go to-"
Tiffany's words stopped abruptly when she saw the tall figure walking toward you. You bit your tongue and held my breath as Harry stepped up to your table, an easy grin on his face.
"Hello, ladies," he greeted.
"Hi, Harry," Jan and Linda said in unison.
He raised his brows at you, noticing my silence. You lifted your hand and wiggled your fingers in a poor attempt of a wave. You could practically feel the nerves emitting from Tiffany as she stared up at him.
"Harry, this is our friend, Tiffany," you said.
With typical Harry Styles charm, his smile widened to reveal his perfect teeth as he held out his hand.
"Hello, Tiffany."
"Lovely to meet you," she replied in a slightly shaky voice.
You giggled to yourself as Harry's eyes locked on Tiffany's, and you saw her blush. You could feel Linda and Jan looking at you, but you knew if you turned my head you'd lose your cool.
"Are we having drinks?" asked Harry when he let go of Tiffany's hand.
"Yep," answered Jan, lifting her nearly empty glass.
"Need another one, I see. I'll be right back."
Harry patted his hand against the table, his rings clicking, before turning in the direction of the bar. However, he was stopped mid-way by a couple other people that he knew, and because he was always so polite, he engaged them in conversation.
"I should probably just get my own drink," remarked Jan with a smirk.
"He's kind of a dork," scoffed Linda.
"Are you kidding me?" asked Tiffany incredulously. "He's kinda perfect."
You dropped your head to keep from laughing as you heard Linda snicker.
"What? What did I say?"
"No guy is perfect," Linda answered. "Even Harry Styles."
"Well, I beg to differ." Tiffany sat back and crossed her arms. "Of course I could never be so lucky to get a guy like that."
"Oh c'mon, Tiff, yes you could," said Jan.
"No way," Tiffany shook her blonde curls. "He's way out of my league."
"Eh, he's not so great," you commented. "He's just like any other guy. He curses and smells sometimes."
Tiffany's jaw dropped as she glared at you. "But you're friends with him. Surely you know how amazing he is."
You shrugged. "I mean, he's cute, I'll admit. And he's funny. But he's...kind of overrated. He's annoying as fuck."
"I have a hard time believing that," Tiffany laughed.
"It's true," you rolled your eyes. "And he's not even a good kisser."
The collective gasp at the table was audible as you realized what you'd just said.
"You've kissed him?" Tiffany whined.
"Um...whoops," you mumbled.
Your eyes met Linda's as she shook her head, silently telling you you'd gone too far. You sucked in your lips and looked up, hoping to God Harry hadn't decided on that moment to stroll back to your table. You were relieved when you saw he was still chatting with a small group of people.
"Did...did you guys date?"
"Um..." you grabbed you cocktail and took a hesitant sip, prolonging your reply. Fortunately Jan took the liberty of replying for you.
"You could say that."
"Oh," Tiffany sighed. "What hap- I mean...why aren't you...um...never mind. It's none of my business."
Before you could say anything else and let her know it was okay, Harry returned to your booth with a glass in each hand. He set them in front of Jan and Tiffany who both smiled and said thank you. Then with a smirk, he beckoned you. Sliding out of the booth, you followed him to the bar where he handed you a drink. As you took a sip, he slipped his hands around your waist.
"I missed you," he whispered in your ear.
"Me too," you said softly before planting a soft kiss on his jaw.
"Mmm," he sounded at the touch. "What time can we leave?"
You chuckled, looking down at your cocktail. "I told you it's a girls' night tonight."
"All night?"
"Mmhmm," you nodded.
"So when do we get a Harry and Y/N night?"
"Maybe when you stop following me everywhere," you teased.
"'m not following you," he laughed with a hint of a pout.
Blinking slowly, you looked up at him. "Do you wanna be with me, H?"
Lifting his brows, he nodded. "Yeah."
Tilting your head slightly, you raised your hand to brush his cheek before kissing his lips. "Then be with me."
Turning for the booth, you made your way to the other side and sat down next to Tiffany. You saw that she was fiddling with a napkin, folding the corners until they met in the middle, then opening it up only to do it over again. Your heart sank in your chest. You felt horrible.
"I'm sorry," you murmured.
"It's okay," she blinked, not taking her focus from the napkin.
"No, that was cruel of me. I thought I'd have a little laugh, playing a little trick to see if you'd catch on. But it backfired. I'm really sorry."
You felt Harry sit down on the other side of you as he reached across the table to give Linda her glass. You heard her say thanks as Tiffany shrugged and looked at you.
"It really is okay," she smiled. "So you are together?"
A hand touched your back then, and you felt a warmth surge through your body. Swallowing hard, you nodded. "It's still really new...but yeah."
"I'm happy for you," Tiffany said. "I just hope you know how lucky you are."
You sighed as Harry's fingers traveled up your back and then down your arm until his hand found yours.
"I think I do," you grinned as you squeezed his hand. "And you're right. He is kinda perfect."
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If you enjoyed, please like, comment, reblog or send me a msg!
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homestylehughes · 5 months
boyfriend quinn headcanons
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pairing(s): quinn hughes x fem!reader
summary: headcanons of bf!quinn!
warnings: fluff, cute soft quinn, smut 18+!
authors note: hi guys!! i randomly had this idea this morning so i thought id write about quinn and how i think he'd be as a boyfriend! hes been taking up too much of my mind recently LOL. i hope you guys enjoy!! more fics are coming up later this week! like and reblog if you like <3. as always much love <3
happy reading <3
Bf!quinn: quinn would be the type of boyfriend to wake you up with kisses all over your body, tracing his hands all over your back. Quinn would love looking at you while you're sleeping, not in a creepy way, in a loving way, that he couldn't believe that you're his.
Bf!quinn: he would give you one on one skating lesions, holding your hand whenever you feel like you're going to fall. He'd insist that he put on your skates, tying them extra tight and patting your leg to make sure you're okay. Quinn would laugh at you when you get excited about skating on your own finally, giving you a forehead kiss, saying he's proud of you. 
Bf!quinn: After a long day at work, when he knows you've had a bad day, he'll cook you your favorite meal. Even drawing you a bath, that you then insisted that he had to get in with you. He would ask you about your day, you would tell him as you lean comfortably into his touch as he runs his hands all over your body to help you relax. 
Bf!quinn: quinn lovesssss when you wear his jersey to a game, he loves seeing you in the stands in his jersey, cheering for him and the rest of the team. He loves the support that you always give him. Waiting for him by the locker room, giving him the sweetest hug and kiss. Always letting him know that you're proud of him, win or lose. 
Bf!quinn: quinn loves how you are around his family, how you think of them as your family. How you laugh and joke with his brothers, talk hockey with his dad, how you embarrass him and smile with his mom. He loves the relationship that you have with them. His family jokes that if you guys ever broke up, his family would be more hurt than you or quinn. 
Bf!quinn: quinn would definitely get baby fever when seeing you around children. Imagining if they were your kids, wanting nothing more than to pull you home, and make his dreams come true. 
Bf!quinn: quinn loves to be babied, he loves when you let him be the little spoon. His favorite way of being babied is when he comes home after a long road trip is throwing himself into your arms, dragging you to the bedroom, quickly getting changed and laying down on top of you. His face finding its way to your neck, nuzzling himself in your body breathing in your scent. He'd quickly fall asleep as you play with his hair, and rub your hands up and down his back.
nsfw 18+ below: 
Bf!quinn: quinn is definitely a munch. He could spend hours in between your legs, even when you try to push him away he always comes back. He could never get enough of your cunt.  
Bf!quinn: He loves marking you up, showing everyone that you're his. He can't help but feel a sense of pride when he looks over the marks. Smirking to himself, knowing you'll yell at him when you see how dark they are the following day. 
Bf!quinn: quinn is obsessed with your boobs, he considers himself a lover of both ass and boobs equally but his downfall is your boobs. Any chance he has to kiss, bite, lick them he takes advantage of it. You can't even count on your fingers how many times you guys have been late to dinners because your boobs are “calling his name.”
Bf!quinn: quinn loves when you take control during sex, it's a side of you that he doesn't get to see a lot but he loves it when he does. The view of you on top of him riding him, never fails to take his breath away. 
Bf!quinn: Your moans? Oh gosh your moans. They make his knees weak, He loves hearing how responsive you are. His favorite is when you moan lowly in his ear, feeling your warm breath fan his face. When you drop your head back and your mouth is hanging open as your body shakes in pleasure. 
Bf!quinn: loves everything about you.
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hotpinkstars · 5 months
GIRL DAD OR BOY DAD? - sunday, boothill x reader
- or more clearly, to what gender would they want to have more, and general headcannons of them as papas ☺️
- brainrot brainrot brainrot BRAINROT AHHH... i love these guys and i can do a part 2 for others later but godd theres absolutely not enough dad stuff for these men (especially sunday... if there is its all yandere) so never fear novas here! ahem anyways enjoy
- warnings none! pure fluff!!! wc 711
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Sunday is so a girl and boy dad.
Reason why I say this is because he likely needs an heir to take over his position when he gets too old to do so, but he also wants a baby girl he can spoil as well.
Don’t worry! He loves both of his kids the same! They’re the greatest things that have probably ever happened to him and he cherishes them with his whole life. He thanks the stars above every single day for the opportunity he received to be a father to multiple beautiful children, and thanks you for granting him the chance. 
Dunno, but I could see this man wanting a handful of kids. He wants at least one girl and at least one boy, but I could see him shooting for 3-4. Will he be around to care for them? Not all the time, but he tries his hardest (and he definitely has the resources to care for that many).
Considering they’re half halovian and half human, they look pretty much just like their father! Some have your eyes, but they all have his hair. His hair and his gorgeous wings. They have your features though, such as your face, body type, etc.
His favorite part of the day is when he gets to collapse on your shared bed, his kiddos following behind him to cuddle their dad, and most of the time you all fall asleep together. Normally, you wake up just you and him because he’s good about putting them in their own bed once they fall asleep.
Once his kids get older, he’ll teach his son(s) combat and good form. He wants them to protect, and wants to raise them to be strong and independent. With his daughter(s), if they ask to be taught combat, then he won’t see much of an issue with it. He also wants to teach them independence, but in a more subtle form. 
Just expect that his children as teenagers are going to be the prettiest kids around holy shit. They’re obviously enrolled in a private school due to their fathers high status but they always come home and list the compliments they’ve received that day. Thankfully you two have raised them well enough for them to realize that it’ll be bad if all of these get to their head and stroke their ego too hard…
Supportive father asf! All I’ve gotta say here
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Don’t play Boothill is SO a girl dad hello have you met the man
He’s so excited when his little girl is born ahh he’s always dreamed of being a father to a girl and his dream has officially come true!!
Obviously, if you had a boy, he’d love him the same. He just wants children of his own tbh lol
His daughter knows western culture fresh out of the womb my friend. It’s like she was born for little cowboy boots and the cutest little cowboy hat. She’s even got a western name, he brought it up and you liked it, so the name you two settled on was Cassidy.
She has his hair! It’s absolutely gorgeous once it starts coming in- a pearly white color with little black streaks stemming from the roots. She has your eyes and your face, and his slimmer body type (before he was turned into a cyborg. This isn’t canon I actually have no clue what he looked like pre cyborgification lmao).
Oh lord, your daughter is so spoiled. On every mission he goes on he’s always bringing something back for her. It could be a super fancy necklace or even just a little trinket he picked up from a street vendor, but she has a whole shelf full of the things her daddy gives her.
She thinks it’s so cool he has a metal body. She asks about it alot but she’s really fascinated with it tbh. She likes to call it “daddy’s special feature!” and he always melts to that sentence gosh
He probably teaches his daughter how to use a gun when she gets older. He, similar to Sunday, wants his daughter to learn self defense tactics and learn how to fend for herself when necessary.
She totally has his accent. Change my mind period.
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solarmorrigan · 9 months
Hello! So I saw you were doing “angsty-ish prompts” and was wondering if you could do “you don’t have to stay” with Steve angst and the typical complex from his parents making him think he doesn’t deserve to be cared for. Or smth of the sort lol
If not that’s totally fine! Feel free to ignore
You want me to write about Steve's abandonment issues and insecurity?? Gosh, anon, twist my arm, why don't you. (But seriously, I loved writing this, thank you for the prompt! I'm afraid the "parents" part didn't quite make it in, but I hope this is okay, anyway!)
[Warning for vague mentions of sex? Nothing explicit]
This is the part Steve has been dreading.
He lies on his belly, arms folded beneath his head, and listens as Eddie’s breath evens out beside him. He knows that as soon as the effects of the exertion wear off, Eddie will have no reason to stay, and he’ll pick his clothes up off the floor, get dressed, and go.
Steve had known that’s what would follow if he slept with Eddie. He’d known that if he finally acted on the weeks upon weeks of flirting and dancing around each other, the only possible outcome would be Eddie walking away when they’d finished.
He’d known it would happen, and it was worth it, but that doesn’t mean he wants to watch.
Steve keeps his head firmly turned away as he hears Eddie sit up with a rustle of sheets. He tries to keep his body relaxed, his cheek pillowed on his arms – the picture of lazy disinterest. He doesn’t want to make Eddie feel guilty by appearing upset; Steve’s feelings aren’t his problem.
Instead of listening for the sounds of Eddie getting up and hunting for his clothes, Steve tries to focus on the signs that he’d been there. He concentrates on the residual burn in his thighs and the slightly over-stretched feeling in his hips, where Eddie had made space for himself (where Steve had gladly opened up for him); he concentrates on the ache in his wrists, where Eddie had gripped him tightly, somehow making Steve feel safe and held, rather than trapped; he concentrates on the slight sting of the bruising bitemarks Eddie’s left on his neck and chest (and belly and thighs and elsewhere, probably). He focuses on all the ways Eddie had worshipped and pleasured him before their time together was up.
He's focusing so hard, in fact, that he jumps at the feeling of lips pressing to his lower back.
Eddie lets out a low chuckle and kisses him again, just above his tailbone. “Alright?” he asks, the warmth of his breath raising goosebumps across Steve’s skin.
“Fine,” Steve says, twisting to look over his shoulder; Eddie has situated himself near Steve’s hip and is leaning over him, pressing slow kisses up the length of his spine. Steve suppresses a shiver. “Just… wasn’t expecting you.”
Eddie hums, fitting his fingers in the dip of Steve���s waist as his lips reach Steve’s shoulder. “Not ready to take my hands off you just yet,” he says, and – oh.
Steve hadn’t been expecting this, but he’s definitely willing to work with it.
“Looking for round two already?” he asks, letting a flirtatious lilt warm his voice.
But then Eddie shakes his head, and Steve’s confused all over again.
“Just want to be able to feel you,” Eddie says, before he nuzzles his way into the crook of Steve’s neck and heaves a contented sigh.
He runs his hands up from Steve’s waist, over his ribs, up to his armpits, and then slides them back down again, the drag of his touch just heavy enough to keep from tickling.
Finally, Eddie settles, lying half on top of Steve, chest to back, one leg crooked over the backs of his thighs, his arm cradling his ribs with his hand tucked between his chest and the mattress. His bangs tickle Steve’s cheek and his nose is pressed so firmly to his neck that Steve’s not even sure how he’s breathing, but he seems happy there, and Steve doesn’t know what to do.
People don’t do this – not with him. Usually, he’s the one who has to initiate cuddles, has to find a sort of sideways method of accomplishing it because he knows he’s not supposed to ask. It’s not something he’s allowed to want out loud.
This is the most skin-to-skin contact he’s had in ages. It’s the most he’s been touched in ages, and it’s so much; it feels so good it hurts, but–
Steve doesn’t understand why it’s happening. Eddie doesn’t want to have sex again, and Steve isn’t sure what else could be keeping here, and so, like an idiot, Steve just says what he’s thinking.
“You don’t have to stay.”
“Mm?” Eddie rouses, pulling his face from the crook of Steve’s neck. “What?”
“You can go,” Steve says, before realizing that sounds a little too much like a dismissal. “If you want to, I mean.”
For a long moment, Eddie is quiet.
“What do you want?” he finally asks.
Steve can’t help the bitter huff of a laugh that escapes him. “What I want doesn’t matter,” he says; maybe it’s a childish sort of answer, but it’s been proven true, time and time again, and Steve is tired of asking for things—for affection, for love—only to be denied.
Eddie sits up, and the colds sets in immediately, every part of Steve that he’d been touching now crying out for him to come back.
“Of course it matters,” Eddie says, sounding nearly affronted, before his tone gentles. “Steve… sweetheart, can you look at me?”
Maybe it’s the pet name, or the hand resting softly in the middle of his back, but even though he’s not entirely sure he wants to, Steve rolls onto his side to face Eddie.
There’s something lost and sad in Eddie’s expression that makes Steve want to turn away again, but he stays where he is.
“Did you really think I would just leave after this?” Eddie asks, and Steve shrugs, the muscles of his shoulders screaming after being held folded beneath his head for so long. Eddie’s face twists into a frown. “Why?”
“That’s… how it works,” Steve says. “People don’t want to stay. And they don’t have to – you don’t have to. It’s fine, I understand.”
“No, baby, I don’t think you do,” Eddie says, and while Steve’s brain is still fuzzing to static over the second sweet name in as many minutes, Eddie slides back down to lie in front of Steve and presses a soft kiss to his unresisting mouth. “I want to stay.”
Steve stares at him. Blinks. Finds that Eddie is still there, still offering him a gentle version of his usual infectious grin, and Steve has no idea what to do.
“Why?” he asks.
“Because I want to fall asleep with you,” Eddie says, pressing a kiss to Steve’s cheek. “I want to wake up with you.” A kiss to his other cheek. “I want to fuck you again in the morning.” A kiss to his chin. “Or we can just shower,” a kiss to his forehead, “and I’ll make you breakfast.” A kiss to the tip of his nose, and Steve finally breaks, letting out a short laugh.
“This is my house,” he says. “And you don’t even cook.”
“I’ll have you know I fry a mean egg, and I am a master at making toast,” Eddie says with a grin.
“What if I like my eggs scrambled?” Steve asks, a little more quietly.
Eddie’s smile softens again. “Then I’ll learn,” he says simply. “Do you want any of that, Steve?”
And somehow, in the small, warm space between them, it feels almost safe, almost easy to nod and say, “I want all of that. I want you to stay.”
The only reply he gets is Eddie’s arms wrapping around him, pulling him close, and Eddie’s warm, soft mouth against his; but for Steve, that’s answer enough.
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samandcolbyownme · 2 months
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Full fanfic based on this snippet
Warnings: kissing, fluff
Word Count: 1.3k | unedited
You stretch over, grabbing your phone off the night stand to silence your raging alarm. You sigh as you rest your head down on the bed, before feeling hands slide over your hips and pull you back across the bed.
You giggle as you feel Colby nuzzle his face into your neck as he whines, “Don’t go yet.” He slides his arm over your waist, “Please.”
“I need a shower, plus-“ He wines at your words but you keep talking, “-I told them yesterday I’d be in early.” You pout, running your hand over his arm, “Todsy’s y/n hates yesterday’s y/n.”
He sighs dramatically against your neck, chuckles as he presses kisses to it, “You’re just so soft, and warm.” He pulls you against him more, “Please stay with me. All day.” He whines, “Please.”
The begging was getting to you. Seeing Colby all soft and sleepy made you want to do almost anything he wanted you to do.
You groan as you roll over to face him, hands lying flat on his chest, “I would love nothing more than to stay here all day with you, but I have to be there today, baby.”
He pouts, eyes still closed, “Fine.” He tightens his grip, smirking at what he’s about to say next, “But, If I’m correct, I believe you have another twenty minutes, or so to spare..”
Colby knew you always set an alarm a little before you actually needed to get up, you called that the ‘time to contemplate on whether or not you really needed this job’.
You smile, giving him a nod before laying your head under his chin, “You would be correct.”
He wraps his arms around you, holding you tight as he lets out a quiet sigh, “Do they really need you today?”
You stay silent for a few seconds before pushing yourself away from him, “I’ll be right back.” He lets out a while, stretching his body across the bed as if he’s trying to contain the warmth from your body, “No, don’t go anywhere.”
You smirk, grabbing your phone, “I’ll be right back, okay. I promise, baby.”
You go to the bathroom, pulling up your assistant’s number. The line rings a few times before she answers, “Are you already at the office? Am I late? Oh gosh, I’m sorry I-“
“No, no. I’m still home. I’m calling to tell you that you have the day off, something came up and I won’t be in today.”
“Oh.” She lets out a sigh of relief, “Don’t scare me like that.” She laughs and you sighs, laughing slightly, “Go back to bed. See you tomorrow.”
You hang up and make your way back to Colby, who is again, sound asleep.
You set your phone down after silencing every alarm you have on, and crawl back into bed with him, “I took off.”
“You didn’t have to.” He says as he pulls you closer to his body, “But I appreciate it.”
“I wanted to.” You reach up, laying a hand on his cheek, “I could really use a day just lounging around with you.”
“Now you get it.” He laughs and presses a kiss to your cheek, “Now go back to sleep, baby.” He lays on his back, his arm pulling you with him.
You lay against him, head on his chest as you slowly drift back to sleep.
You wake up, about two hours later, and Colby is gone.
“Colby?” You call out, and right as you go to get up, Colby’s pushing the door open, “Sorry. I thought you’d still be sleeping.”
He walks a tray over, setting it down over your legs and he quickly runs around and gets in on his side, “I thought you’d be hungry, so I made breakfast.”
“You’re so sweet.” You pout and look at him and he reaches over, “Not as sweet at this strawberry, try this.” (I’m sorry if you’re allergic to strawberry, just change it to your fav fruit lol ily)
“Mm.” You nod, “That is good.”
He smirks and tilts his head as he stares at you. You glance over at him, “What?”
He shakes his head, “Just admiring how pretty my girlfriend looks.”
You feel your cheeks heat up and you smile, “Oh stop it.” You shove a strawberry into his mouth and he smiles, “What? I’m just being honest.”
You roll your eyes, playfully, “Yeah, I know.” You lean in, pressing a kiss to his nose, “I love you.”
He smiles and kisses your nose, “I love you.”
After breakfast, you spent the rest of the morning sleeping on and off, small talk with Colby, and just overall relaxing.
You were glad you called off. You don’t really ever get to relax like this anymore, not unless Colby grabs you by the shoulders and forces you to, which is something you need sometimes.
Around lunch time, you moved to the living room, but you both agreed that the bed was more comfortable.
You had lunch and just laid together, tangled within each other as you listened to him talk about his upcoming investigations.
You were always fascinated by what he does. You admired him for putting himself through tough situations like he has.
“What are your plans for today?” You mumble, face buried in his neck. He chuckles, “You’re doing them with me.”
“We’re just going to stay in bed all day?” You tilt your head up and he nods, “Oh yeah.”
You smile, sliding your hand over his chest to trace over his tattoo, “I’m fine with that.”
“Good, because you don’t really have another choice.” He wraps his arms around you, “What do you want to drink?”
“Surprise me.” You smile as you watch him leave the room. You roll over, staring out the window as you wait for his return.
He’s gone a little longer than you expected, which kinda peaks your curiosity, so you get out of bed. You make your way over to the door and down the steps, stopping when you reach the kitchen, “I thought you got lost.”
Colby turns around, “No. I didn’t get lost. I was just-“ he sighs, walking over to you, “I had this.. idea.. but it’s not going the way I planned and I’m just-“
“Hey.” You look up at him, “What’s going on?”
Colby stares at you, reaching into his pocket as he gets down onto one knee. Your body relaxes and your eyes go wide, “Colby.”
He pulls out a ring box, revealing the most beautiful ring you had ever seen, “Y/n. You are the light to my dark. You’re always there to lift me up and you are just everything I could ever want in a person and it would be the utmost honor, if you marry me.”
Tears in your eyes, you drop down to the floor. Your arms wrap around his neck, “Yes, as many times as I can say it..” you lean back, pressing your lips to his, “Yes.”
He pulls you in, kissing you again before sliding the ring on your finger. Both of you stare down at it before looking at each other, “I love you.” You shake your head, “I love you so much.”
Colby smiles, hands gripping your hips, “I love you and I love that this actually went better than I thought.”
“You thought I’d say no?” You laugh slightly and Colby shakes his head, “No I just didn’t want my nervousness to ruin it.”
“You didn’t ruin anything.” You stand up, reaching out for his hand, “Now come on. We have to go celebrate.”
“Can’t it wait until tomorrow?” He whines as he stands up and you smirk, “I wasn’t talking about going out, baby.”
He smirks, lifting you up over his shoulder to whisk you away to the bedroom.
Hope you liked! Thanks for reading. I love you sooo much! See ya in the next one!
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated!
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formulawolff · 4 months
✧˖° a day in the life ✧˖°
pairing: female!driver x toto wolff
summary: as the season progresses, you decide to share some of your favorite snapshots to your instagram. however, as you post more and more photos, the fans are beginning to really starting to wonder who that mystery man may be.
a/n: these posts are set between chapters vii, viii, and ix of alkaline! they aren’t really super time specific. they’re just around the time golden girl was in brackley, her travels through england, and of course, the races!
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liked by williamsracing, alex_albon, lilymhe, and 800,004 others!
goldengirl: a day in the life :p
view 2,082 comments
lilymhe: oh my gosh!!! it’s me!!! ilysm!! 🥹
goldengirl: ofc!!! my bestie <3 ily more!!
goldengirlforever: these are so cute! 🤍
kikiayy: mother is mothering with the photo dumps lately
f1fanboy: i can feel her aura through the screen
alex_albon: who’s that cutie in the second photo? i need her number ASAP‼️
goldengirl: sorry but she doesn’t date nerds 🤓
alex_albon: if you keep bullying me, i’m going to go straight to james! i am not NOT messing around‼️👹😤
williamsracing: what’s 4 + 4? cause you ATE that! 💅🏻
goldengirlforever: i’m literally crying rn 😭 wtf
goldengirlstan: they really slayed with that comment though
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lewishamilton: why does it look like you’re in twilight in the first pic lol
mercedesgirly0420: ARIANA WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?
hastalavistababy: WHAT ON—
justaninchident: this is the weirdest crossover episode ever
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landonorris: can u send me the editing app u use you ur pics
goldengirl: idk can you use proper grammar first?
landonorris: can YOU send me the editing app that YOU use for YOUR photos? please and thank you mommy 🥺
landonorrisfan8383: MOMMY⁉️ 😳 HELLO⁉️
goldengirl: ahahaha no. that’s not my man. it’s just an inside joke. nothing more, i promise :p
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liked by lilymhe, mercedesamgf1, lewishamilton, and 736,283 others
goldengirl: recent travels ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
view 4,763 comments
lilymhe: you’re so cute i’m gonna throw up
goldengirl: i WISH a certain someone would flirt with me the way you do 😫
alex_albon: i’m still waiting on meeting the day you bring this mystery man to the paddock. 🤨
goldengirl: i will one day!
mercedesamgf1: hey! that looks familiar! 😎
goldengirl: thank you for showing me around! i had a great time! :)
hastalavistababy: THIS IS GETTING WEIRD.
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lewishamilton: why didn’t you tell me you were in brackley? 🧐
goldengirl: because it was for business and not hanging out 🙄🤚🏻
mercedesfan737: BUSINESS?
ilovef1: this is getting insane. where is drive to survive when you need them? 😩 i hope they’re covering this for the upcoming season
formulaonefan4life: wdym business? this is fishy af.
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goldengirl: guys…. i literally had a meeting with some sponsors in london & then i decided to take a trip to brackley to see the mercedes hq & campus. just because i drive for williams doesn’t mean that i can’t just go look at the place 😭
totosgirl73738: it’s just a bit sketch because toto was in brackley the same time you were.
justaninchident: @totosgirl73728 girl… that man owns 33% of the company.. i think he works there.
totoswife1988: she’s just not making herself look good rn with all the affair rumors going around. that’s all. going out of her way to brackley to just “see” the mercedes is weird.
justaninchident: speculating about someone’s personal life is weird. 🥱
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landonorris: was the mercedes campus cool at least? sorry ppl are being nosy af
goldengirl: yeah! i got to meet a ton of their staff & saw a lot of behind the scenes stuff! come with me next time. we can try fish and chips!
landonorris: omg!! the boys and golden girl take a field trip!! we can visit george and eat beans on toast!
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alexandrasaintmleux: where can i fill out the application to be you? is there like a tutorial or something i can follow?
goldengirl: brb i’ll post one to tik tok right now! 🤭
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madamechrissy · 2 months
Up in The Air
♡ ♡ Pairings ♡ ♡ Suguru Geto x Fem Reader
♡ ♡ Warnings ♡ ♡ MDNI- Cunnilingus and fingering, and a lot of Suguru eating reader out bc... it's headcanon Sugu loves to eat it lol.
♡ ♡ Word Count ♡ ♡ 7,657
♡ ♡ Summary ♡ ♡ You have been jilted at the altar by your groom, Mahito, who has led you on for years. Your best friends, Maki and Yuta, suggest to go on this Honeymoon alone, to get away and find yourself again. On the plane ride, you run into a gorgeous man on a business trip, who holds your hand when you say that you're terrified of planes, Suguru Geto. You all fall into easy conversation, and there's chemistry, he makes you feel better than you had in a long time. You think to ask his number, when he realizes that his room has fallen through. Well, you have a big honeymoon suite, and you suggest he stays with you. What can go wrong?
Chapter 2
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Chapter 3
You stretch, waking up with the most beautiful view, sunlight streaming in, you sit up and see the ocean outside, the bright sun, the breeze swaying the trees. It is absolutely stunning… and you’re here… With Suguru Geto, at the thought of that alone you hop up, checking your reflection in the mirror, adjusting your top.
You smooth out your hair, brushing your teeth and washing your face in the bathroom mirror, and your eyes… they’re glittering. There’s life in them, life you had not seen in so long. You feel better, you feel so hopeful, and it’s such a new and foreign feeling that it’s hard to take.
You peek out, and don’t see him, your heart falters a moment, but all his things are there, so you breathe easy. Your fear of abandonment is hard to handle. You go and find your phone, checking on texts from Maki and your mom, updating them and snapping pictures. You tell Maki about Suguru, she demands a picture, you muse on how you’ll do that later…
There’s a message from him.
Your stomach flip flops.
Suguru: Headed to do work things… wish I could just lounge by the beach. You totally should. Dinner at 7?
You squeal, you fucking squeal. Are you fifteen again?
You: That sounds perfect! Where should we go?
He’s typing!
You nibble your lower lip.
Suguru: There's this little restaurant by the marina that is supposed to have the best seafood. Do you like seafood?
You: I am down for that! Yummy!
Suguru: You are.
You’re flushing, sitting down for this, so nervous… was he flirting with you? Fuck, what even was this? Someone desiring you, someone complimenting you, and he happens to be gorgeous. And his fingers…
Your own tremble as you type.
You: You don’t know if I am yet.
Did you just say that? You nibble on your nail nervously, watching the three dots wiggling, freaking out. You take a shaky breath, wondering if that was too far, if it was too suggestive, if…
Suguru: I have a feeling you are. Taste yourself and tell me. If you remember those lessons.
You fall backwards on the couch, covering your face, you’re dying. “Fuck, I need advice.” You call Maki. “Maki, I need you!”
“Oh my god, tell me!”
“Okay… you alone?”
“Just with Yuta. What’s up?”
“Oh god, he can’t hear this, take me off speaker!”
“Okay let me walk out… alright, what is it?”
“Maki… okay… this guy is the dude you said was hot at the airport.”
“Yes and… okay… he got me off.” Maki is squealing now too, you laugh, breathlessly. “Nothing went too far. He just touched me…”
“Oh my god. I’m so happy for you! Just marry him?”
“Maki it’s been two days, chill. Okay, so, he wrote me this.” You screenshot the message, and Maki gasps.
“Ooh, he’s fucking sexy too. Bitch! Okay, snap him a pic of your-”
“Maki, no!”
“Trust me.”
“I can’t!”
“Oh gosh… then, finger yourself and taste yourself? We are really being super close right now, you know.”
“No kidding.” You’re shaking nervously, thighs pressing together. “Okay, just tell him I taste… good? The fuck.”
“Yep, if you won’t do the pic. Hmm, wear a cute bikini and take a sexy pic!”
“I don’t know how!”
“Oh gosh. Video chat.” You get on with her now, flushed as can be, Maki is grinning. “You look like you got off.”
“Oh god.” You cover your mouth, laughing, but then you ease your hand down, his words getting you. “Maki, I really like him, and this is stupid fast.”
“Just roll with it. Okay, put me down somewhere.” You do so. “Now, get on your knees. Perfect, arch those tits out. Now, pick me up, hold me up high. Not that high, yep there. Push em together. That’s the shot!”
“How do you know all this?” You ask, giggling again.
“Don’t ask.” She rolls her eyes with a smirk. “Get to it, girl scout.”
“Wait, what do I say with it?”
“Say… that you wanna know if it’s cute.”
“Okay, bet. I love you!”
“Love you too. Kisses!” She ends the call, and you nervously run to get on a bathing suit, finding the pretty pink one she had packed for you. You slide it on, and get another text.
Suguru: Fuck, was that too forward?
You go take a bunch of photos, sliding through each one, you end up sending three you like to Maki, asking her to pick. She sends back her favorite, and you flush at how your breasts are on full display. You take several breaths, before sending it to him then.
You: I was getting in my bikini, oh my gosh no, not too forward. I totally kissed you on a plane? So I think there’s no such thing.
You: What do you think? Is it cute?
Suguru: Fuck.
You’re giggling now, and then you go to the bed, sitting nervously, leaning back and cautiously running a hand down your tummy, into the waistband of the bikini bottoms, finding your clit, pressing up. You gasp at it, at something that used to feel so wrong, but now, with Suguru’s help it felt good. So good. Not as good as his fingers, of course, but…
You nervously taste yourself, and it’s sweet and tangy, you are surprised by it, and feel yourself heat up, imagining him tasting you. Now you’re stupidly wet again, something that has been going on since you met him. You struggle to compose yourself, picking back up the phone.
Suguru: You look so good.
You smile.
You: Thank you!! Okay… um, I taste good.
“Fuck… I just did that?” You cover your face, sinking back into the pillows, your cunt is slick, aching, just from the thought of him. You’re having fun, for the first time in so long.
The phone blings, and you eagerly pick it up, rolling on your tummy and nibbling on your nail, swiping it open to read it.
Suguru: I am now hard in a meeting with a bunch of dudes. This is awkward.
You snort in laughter.
You: That’s your own fault! You wouldn’t let me take care of that.
Suguru: I’ll be fine. Okay, I’ll see you tonight… and maybe I will find out if you’re telling the truth.
You: Maybe you will. Okay see you soon!
Your entire body is overheated at this point, the cool water sounds more and more inviting. You throw on a cover up and some shades, grab your sunblock and your things, and go to nibble on something downstairs. You notice some men there are looking at you, some have flirted, and it’s flattering maybe, that you’re getting noticed, but you already have no eyes for anyone.
You may be foolish, but you are too eager to see Suguru again than anything, and even if it led to nothing, for the moment he would be all you would focus on. You were a one person girl, even if the last person was total trash, it did not change that for you.
The sand is warm beneath your feet as you stroll along the shore, your pretty room visible as you turn back to see. The waves are crashing rhythmically against the shore, the prettiest bright blue waters, warm against your feet. You find a quiet spot under a palm tree, spread out your towel, and begin to slather on the sunblock, turning on your little bluetooth speaker.
You pop on music, then lay back, letting the sun bathe your skin, it feels so nice and warm, so comfortable. The salty air carries the scent of the ocean, you inhale it, feeling so peaceful, hearing the sounds of the waves and the birds mixing with your favorite music. You had forgotten what it felt like to be so relaxed, to feel so excited about something.
The day drags on leisurely, and soon you head back, and peek in the mirror, you have a pretty glow from the sun, just a little red on your cheeks and nose. You have about an hour or so to get ready for your date with Suguru. You’re nervous, but the excitement is bubbling in your stomach, so you shower, then blow dry your hair, and start to put on makeup.
After getting dolled up, in your towel still, you go over to the dresser, heart fluttering as you peer through all the lingerie. Fuck. Which one?
He mentioned the white one, so you start putting it on, the white lace so delicate and pretty, and it reveals everything, the color of your nipples, the apex of your thighs, hugging your curves. There are little straps along your breasts, pushing them up, and garters attached. You have never seen yourself look so hot.
You decide to slide on a pretty, thin white dress, perfect for the weather, it gave Marilyn vibes, a halter, cinched in skirt, accentuating everything, and there is a hint of that lacy lingerie. You eagerly peek at the time, it’s a little before seven, and you hear him walk in now, closing the door behind him quietly.
“Hey!” You come out of the room to greet him, nervously fidgeting with your hands in front of you, his lips part, his chocolate eyes sliding down your body, caressing it as if it were his very hands. Goosebumps rise everywhere they touch.
“You look amazing.” He says softly, walking to you, holding out his hands. You take them and he makes you spin, whistling, you giggle. “Just gorgeous.”
“You’re too sweet to me. Thank you, Suguru.” You look down shyly, he tilts your chin up, you are breathless, the look on his face so entranced, mirroring your own.
“Let me get ready real quick? I already got reservations.” You nod, smiling, you can’t stop yourself from smiling actually, even if you try to come down to Earth, it’s not working well.
“Perfect! Go right ahead.” He dips into the room, then the bathroom, and you take a selfie for Maki, who replies back with a bunch of heart eye emojis.
After a few minutes, he comes out, dressed more casually than his three piece suit, he had a short sleeve button down, light blue, that revealed much of the corded muscles of his arms. He wore slacks that hung looser over his hips, and your eyes swallowed him in, until they got back up to his face, his hair was fully up, in some little knot, but some fell over his forehead.
“I’d like to see your hair down.” You tease, coming up to him and brushing his hair back. He smirks.
“So bold!”
“I am, huh?”
“I…” He clears his throat, a little pink on his cheeks. “I really liked that picture, I wish I was just on the beach with you.”
You’re blushing too. “That would have been lovely! Does this scare you, Suguru, how easy this feels?” You murmur, holding his hand. His tenses, and you meet his gaze, seeing his jaw clench a bit.
“Yeah. It’s scary as fuck. I’m trying not to look into it too much but, it’s pretty comfortable with you.” He exhales, picking your hand up, kissing it.
“Should I just enjoy it, not look too much into this either?” You ask softly, and he tilts his head a bit.
“You should feel whatever you feel. Don’t hold back just to not scare me away or something. I’m not easily frightened, mind you. If you knew my friends you would understand.” He smirks.
“Maybe I’ll meet them? Fuck, that’s stupid.” You ease back, turning, but he snatches your wrist, coming up behind you. Your pulse races.
“You never know. You might.” His voice is husky.
“You know how to make me feel better.” You smile sadly back at him, as his hard chest is pressed against your back, warmth emanating from him.
“You worry too much.” He kisses the side of your head, at your temple, your eyelashes flutter close in bliss.
“I really do. Sorry-”
“I wonder if I spanked you every time you say that if you’ll stop.”
Fuck you’re wet again.
“Or… if you’d do it to get spanked.” He snorts a bit in laughter, and you glare back at him now.
“You’re cheeky.” You poke at him, turning, he grins.
“A bit. Come on, we can actually just walk there, it’s across the beach just a bit.” You nod, sliding on some glittery sandals, snatching up your purse. “Oh and I’m buying remember?”
“I do! Buying me drinks too?” You wink at him, he grins, and you all step out, arm in arm, walking to the elevator.
“Of course, I’m a gentleman after all.” You’re alone in the elevator now, your mind goes awry, looking down at where your arms were joined up, your hand in the crook of his elbow. “You got color today.”
“I know, I got a little burnt on the face.” He gently touches your nose.
“Should have put aloe on it before we left. It’s cute though.”
“It is? The Rudolph look?”
He shakes his head, rolling his eyes. “You do not look like rudolph. But, you know, he’s cute so.”
“Well thank you.” The elevator dings, and you two walk out the doors, until you’re down on the sand, heading towards the boardwalk.
You walk side-by-side down the boardwalk now, taking in all the sights of the evening as the sun has set. There are stands everywhere, of jewelry, food, paintings, you name it. As you approach the marina, the sweet smell of seafood fills the air, making your stomach grumble.
He laughs at you.
“My tummy tells on itself.”
“Well perfect timing.”
The little restaurant is nestled amongst the colorful wooden boats, all lit up, as a hostess takes you all to your table. There are twinkling lights hanging from the thatch roof above, giving it the perfect beachy vibe. It’s so cozy, with a live band playing local music, everything is wide open and breezy.
Your table is overlooking the marina and the ocean beyond, so peaceful as the evening begins, casting a pretty purple and orange glow across the water. You look at Suguru across from you, sitting your chin in your hand, studying him as he speaks to the waitress, who was fawning over him.
Well, you were too.
The wind is flowing, blowing those little bangs of his, and you imagine him with his hair down, he’d look like some romance cover. Your own hair is in a loose bun with wispy tendrils, that flow, and his eyes seem to watch you then, his lips are moving, was he talking?
“What do you want to drink, Princess?” He asks softly, and the waitress swoons, holding her chest.
“Oh, you’re so lucky!” She tells you. “To have such a man.”
You blush furiously, he just grins, wiggling his brows. “He’s not my man… yet…” He raises his brows now. “But I am lucky, this is totally kind of a date?”
“Totally kind of.” He agrees, his broad shoulders shaking with humor.
“Ah, new love. And he’s so handsome.” She fans herself, her accent is thick, and you nod.
“He is.” You agree, winking at him.
“But, you are so pretty too!” You smile at that.
“Yes, she is.” Suguru agrees, leaning forward, his fingers together, that charming smile and his sexy eyes glowing in the soft lights.
“Thank you.” You murmur, and then peek at the menu. “Can you recommend a good drink?” You ask her.
“Absolutely.” She points out some tropical looking drink with a weird name. You shrug.
“Sounds good.” Suguru orders his drink, he is simple and gets a beer, as they bring the drinks soon you laugh at how wild yours looks, all different colors and a big umbrella and fruit on the top. “Okay, that looks good.”
“Let’s try it together!” You scooch it in the middle of the table, and pop two straws in the glass, leaning forward, his amused eyes narrow as they stare at your lips hovering above the drink.
“All right.” He stands up, hands on either side of the table, and you both sip the frozen drink at the same time. You pause as you two just stand there, hunched over, lips on your straws. He licks his lower lip, so full, now glossy and tempting you, and your tummy clenches in desire from the smallest act.
You were simping bad already, shit.
You clear your throat, licking your lips, and his eyes dart back down there, you wonder wildly if he thinks the same. The part of you that is damaged from Mahito and insecure screams that he couldn’t really, that he just feels sorry for you so he is nice, but this other part? The part that used to be you, the part that Geto brings out? It thinks that you’re pretty hot.
It’s fucking nice, to feel sexy, desired, by someone you would kiss right across this table. In fact, you are both staring at each other, paused, as if you both were in some sort of trance. You reach down to sip again, laying your elbows on the table, your breasts are pressed up, and you enjoy his quick look, lingering just a second.
“Are you teasing me?” He asks softly, tugging on one of your strands of hair that has come loose, sipping some again. You cover your face, nodding.
“I don’t know what I’m doing though.” You admit, sitting back, he sits back as well, legs wide you notice, an arm back over the back of the empty chair next to him.
“You’re doing a pretty good job of it.” You look at the seat, then get up your courage and hop up, sitting next to him. He grins. “A very good job.”
“It feels so formal across from each other, doesn’t it? This reminds me more of the airplane.” He brushes the backs of his fingers along your cheek, and you feel yourself aching for more.
“It does, hmm? Not just an excuse to be closer?” He’s teasing you now, and it works, you’re all red.
“I won’t say either way.” You pick up the menu, and you both start choosing different food, crab legs and shrimp, and all sorts of things. You fall into a comfortable conversation, it was always so easy with him, since you’d met, this whirlwind of meeting someone you could be yourself with.
It seemed quick when the food started coming out, but time just passed quickly around him. The moonlight was already rising along the sky, reflecting in the water, and it got a little chilly with the wind, making you shiver. His arm wrapped around your shoulders, big hand rubbing your upper arm, pulling you a little closer, scooching your chairs together.
You smile up at him, and when his eyes catch yours, your breath catches in your throat. “Thank you, Suguru.” You murmur. He just smiles, and you drink in the sight of him next to you, probably embarrassingly so.
“Of course. I should have brought a jacket with me.” His hand runs up your shoulder, then his eyes drop to your chest, where the lines of the lingerie below were just barely peeking out.
“It’s a beach, of course you wouldn’t think you’d need a jacket, silly. It’s just the breeze.” He hums, thumb playing with the strap on your shoulder now, sending desire through you, hot and heavy. Your hand gently goes to his thigh, and you feel the tense hard muscle underneath.
“Is this…” He breaks off as the waitress comes back, and you tense, but he does not take off his arm, as Mahito would. Mahito had not shown public affection towards you, deeming it embarrassing.
“Dessert?” She asks, and Suguru looks at you then, his hand still firm on your shoulder, reassuring you.
“Would you like any, love?” He purrs those words, they send a shiver through your body. You shake your head.
“I’m so full. But thank you!” You smile to the waitress, and she goes off to get cases for your food and the check. You turn back to look at Suguru then, his gaze is back to the straps of the lingerie.
“Everything okay?” He asks softly, you nod, scooching a little closer, he pulls you against him, so warm, you sink into his embrace.
“You’re not embarrassed of me?” You curse inwardly as the words slip out, as Suguru tenses, glaring down at you with those narrowed eyes now.
“What stupid question is that? Why would I be. Why would I ask you to come out with me?”
“I… because you feel obligated? Or sorry.” You feel tears prick the back of your eyes, blinking them back, and his grip grows tight on you.
“No to both.” He says through gritted teeth, and you immediately feel you have fucked something up. “Is this another thing that happened?”
“I don’t want to keep annoying you with those things. Please, forget I said anything, I don’t want to ruin the night.” You put your hand on his chest, looking at him pleadingly, he exhales, grip on you tight.
“You won’t ruin anything. It’s just a little ridiculous at this point, you’re sitting here looking fucking beautiful, breathtaking…” Your cheeks heat up, your tummy flipping as he studies you so intently. “And you think I’d be embarrassed?”
“It was just what I am used to.”
“I’m not him.”
“Not even close. You’re a man.” You murmur, and his jaw eases just a bit, grip easing as well, sighing. “I don’t think you’re anything like him. Just stupid thoughts, I’m so sorry.”
“I’m sorry that you think that way.” He eases away, and you feel the tears burning again, so worried that you’re so damaged you’re fucking up the one good thing you’ve ever really had happen. You look away, clearing your throat.
“I’m gonna go to the bathroom, be right back.”
You ignore him when he says your name, softly, and once you’re in the little bathroom you lock yourself in the stall, feeling the tears start to flow. You curse, yanking toilet paper down, struggling not to fuck up your carefully done makeup.
“Stupid, stupid.” You curse yourself, sighing tremulously, leaning your head into your hands. You’re fucking this up. But how could you just get over everything that’s happened to you?
You stay a few moments, going to the mirror, popping on some concealer to cover where your mascara had smudged from your tears. Suguru had called you beautiful. Breathtaking. And the way he looked to you, you felt that way, you just had to trust this, you had to move on.
Setting your shoulders straight, you walk back out, and Suguru is not at the table anymore, your heart falters a bit when you see him up towards the front, with numerous women gathered around him. You can’t feel anything about it, you barely knew him, and he wasn’t yours, but there was a little odd feeling there, as you see the beautiful women that giggled around him.
You stood there, before slowly walking up, and the women parted. Suguru smiled to you, holding his hand out, and it meant so much to you then, him acknowledging you, looking at you, smiling. You smile, placing your little hand in his own, comfortingly swallowing yours.
“Shall we head out?” You nod. “Perfect, thanks so much for dinner.” He says to the staff, and they all swooned and fawned over him as you all walked out, hand in hand, stepping fully out into the breeze, he looks at you then.
You turn your head, looking up at him, Suguru gently lifts your chin up, wrapping an arm around your waist. You feel yourself heat up at the contact, at feeling his hard, warm body against yours. You shyly look down a bit.
“Look at me.” He orders, silkenly, and you’d do anything he asked, anything he said, if it was like that. You do as he says, eyes meeting his now, your lips parting just a bit. “I’m not upset with you. Promise.”
“You’re not?” Your voice broke just a bit. He sighs, bending down lower, noses nearly touching.
“Not one bit. I just got mad someone made you feel that way. Fuck, I’d be mad that anyone feels this way. But never mad at you.” You exhale, gratefully, nodding and blinking back the stupid emotion.
“I’m so glad. I am having so much fun and I don’t want to ruin it.” He smiles, a little half turn of his lips, thumb tracing your jawline.
“No way, you’ve made everything better.”
“Me?” He nods. “You made everything better.” Your hands go up to his chest, feeling his hard muscles, his steady heartbeat on your palms.
“By what, being here with a beautiful girl? In her fancy fucking suite? While she wears lingerie that’s driving me insane thinking about?” You’re bright red now, and he laughs softly at you.
“I’ve never had so much fun. Please, stay the rest of the time? Even if a room opens up?”
“Of course. I’m having fun too.” He presses a little kiss on your lips, and you wonder if these things only mean so much to you, but for now you shove that thought down, and enjoy his full lips on yours. You moan softly, and he inhales, sharply, easing back.
“Earlier, those texts… they really got me excited. And nervous?” You giggle thinking about it, he grins, easing away now, and you all start to walk. “I’ve never felt like that.”
“You give me too much credit, thanking me for having dinner with you, thanking me for staying, now you’re thanking me for sending horny texts?” You giggle into your hand, then think better, grinning up at him, he pauses on the boardwalk, smiling. “You’re listening huh?”
“You’re a good teacher, you know.” You tease, tapping his lips with your fingertip, he nips it, and your thighs clench together, heat pooling between them. “I think I need more lessons.”
“Oh do you?” His voice is husky, eyes going hooded, you can’t believe you have been so bold.
“Yes, I think I could use one tonight. If you don't need to go to sleep super early? I don’t want to interfere with anything.” You look away, but he stops you.
“Ah-ah.” You peek back up. “I’ll do another lesson, as long as you allow me to see this. It’s been driving me crazy all night.” He murmurs, sliding his fingers under the straps. You nip your lower lip, drawing his eyes to it, you’re growing wet under the lacy panties of the lingerie.
“It has?” He rolls his eyes, sighing, snatching up your hand, continuing your walk back to the resort.
“Yeah.” Was all he said, quietly, and you watch a faint color on his cheeks, making you flush more. “Very much. Is that why you wore it?”
You look down, giggling. “Maybe.”
“Maybe, hmm?” You grin up at him, and he grins back at you, soon you all are back up to the room, you’re taking off your shoes, and he is as well. “I am going to take a shower real quick? Is that fine?”
“Of course! I’ll just get you some towels, hang on.” You murmur, he pauses you then, a hand on your wrist as you are grabbing him towels. “Hmm?”
“Why don’t you…” He trails a hand gently down your straps again, straps he had been teasing all night, backs of his fingers trailing against your sensitive skin, making your pulse race, desire hitting hard. “Get more comfortable?”
You feel everything spinning then, at the deep voice, the suggestion, the look in his pretty eyes. You nervously run a hand along his where it met your skin, rubbing little circles along the back of his hands. “I can do that.”
“Perfect.” He gently kisses your forehead, something you like far, far too much, and heads into the bathroom.
You freak the fuck out.
You text Maki, asking for advice, and then you nervously peek in the mirror as you wait, looking in the mirror, your entire face is pink, a mix of sunburn and being flustered. You nervously take off your dress, revealing the pretty lacy number, snapping a pic and sending it to Maki.
Maki: Bitch you look perfect!
You: Thank you but how do I get… comfortable?
Maki: Get a drink and lounge on the couch, all sexy and shit, I totally believe in you!
You take a breath, doing as she suggested, walking over to the stocked mini bar, deciding to get some wine and pour two glasses. You didn’t know if Geto drank wine, but you wanted to have him something too. You go sit nervously on the couch, positioning your body this way and that, over analyzing everything, trying to look casual, to look sexy…
It ended up being you just leaning against the side of the arm of the couch, legs crossed, and you had thrown on the little sheer mesh cover that hung on your shoulders loosely, not covering anything but it looked so elegant. You hear the water shut off, and busy yourself looking at the phone, trying to control your heated breathing.
This was wild right?
Fuck it.
When Geto steps out, shirtless, your throat goes dry, your heart fucking hammering at the sight of him. It’s not something you could get used to, how perfect he looks, and as your eyes slide up, you see his hair is loose, and soft, fucking shiny and gorgeous. It’s softly falling around his face, making him look even more attractive, and his full lips are parted, staring at you.
You watch his eyes glide up and down your body, your legs, your breasts, until they get to your face finally, and he exhales. You are just sitting there nervously, palms sweaty, you bend over to grab his drink, standing and handing it to him, your fingers brush as you both pause.
“I didn’t know if you like wine?” You ask nervously, he clears his throat then, sitting both of your glasses down, and you frown. “There’s plenty of other drinks, or we could just have water?”
He cups your face gently, bending low, your breaths are mingling, his tasting like mint. “You look fucking…” He trails off, hands trailing down the lace of your lingerie, along your curves. “Yummy.”
You giggle. “Yummy hmm?”
He grins, stepping back and looking down your body. “That fucking describes you perfectly right now.”
You bravely kiss him, on your tip toes, eliciting a moan from him. “Do I taste yummy too?” You whisper, he moans then, and before you know it he’s snatched you up in his arms, you squeak in surprise, wrapping your arms around his neck. “Fuck, you’re super strong.”
“You don’t weigh much. But I do work out.” He teases, and you’ve never been grabbed like this, felt so excited and… safe.
“I see this.” You tease, kissing him again, he is grabbing your ass, moaning, as you wrap your thighs around him, and he’s just carrying you? Like it’s nothing. Until you feel your bed against your back.
“Even prettier on your back.” He whispers, you’re soaking wet now, arching your hips up and whining as he watches you.
“Mmm… Geto…”
“Suguru. Call me Suguru.” He whispers, and you bite your lip, he eases your teeth off it. “You bite it too much.”
“I do, hmm? Well… Suguru, bite it for me.” You whisper, he exhales, gently caressing your face, kissing your lower lip, running his tongue along it, before sucking it into his mouth and nipping it. “Mmnh!”
“Yummy.” He whispers, you moan as he runs his hands down your body, easing off the little mesh top, sliding it off you. His hand grazes the sides of your breasts, thumbs brushing your nipples through the lace. “I won’t go any further than you want to. I promise. You’re safe with me, okay?”
You feel emotion catch in your throat, and you nod, blinking rapidly, holding his strong shoulders in your hands. “I already knew that. I have a feeling you won’t go as far as I want.” You whisper with a smirk, and he laughs a bit, nodding.
“You’re probably right. But I want you to want this.”
“I do, I want this so fucking bad. Like anything you want to give me, or do, I want. Should I show you how much?” You raise a brow, and he nods, you take his hand then, sliding it to where you’re soaked, and he moans as he feels you over your lacy panties, you gasp as his finger grazes your clit over the material.
“Do you just stay drenched?” He murmurs, one hand grabbing your hair, the other stroking your clit, sticky through the fabric.
“This is a new development.” You admit, and he’s kissing you then, drinking in your cries as he tortures you over your fabric, leaving you wanting more, more.
“Hmm… before our next lesson, I should know if you paid attention to the first one.” He pulls back with a teasing grin. You cry out at the loss of contact.
“I did! Kinda.”
“Mmm, let’s see then.” Your mouth is wide open, and he has the biggest grin on his handsome face, picking you up and scooching you further on the bed. You gasp, and he takes your hand, kissing it, then sliding it in your panties. You gasp as your own finger finds your clit.
“Mnh!” You whine, and he eases back a bit, eyes full of desire, hands rubbing up and down your thighs, hooking in your panties.
“May I?” He asks, and you nod, trembling as he bares you to him, and his breath catches when he sees your pussy, slick and shimmering with desire for him, thighs wide open so he could see it all. “Fuck.”
You’re shaking, and feel your chest heaving as he sees you fully, it was something that had not really happened before. You grow nervous, trying to shut your legs a bit, but he spreads them, shaking his head, soft long black hair falling and flowing with the motion.
“Is it okay? I-”
“You’re perfect.” He murmurs, eyes flicking back up to yours, desire heavy in them, reflecting your own. “Fucking perfect little pussy.”
“Yeah?” He laughs a bit at you.
“Yes. You’re… perfect is the only word I can think. And it’s hard to think at the moment.” He takes your hand again, guiding your finger back to your clit, and you rub it, gasping at how good it feels. “You’re fucking beautiful.”
You feel beautiful.
“Th-thank you, Suguru.” You manage, head arching back, hips raising under his gaze, stuck on your cunt like a fucking hawk, flickering his eyes up your body to your face, then back down, his strong hands gripping your thighs.
“That’s it, you have this part down. Now what about sliding a finger in?” He suggests, fucking sexy voice of his like velvet, and you nervously do so, crying out when you slide your own finger in your slippery wet entrance. “Fuck…”
“It’s not as good as yours.” You whine, and he takes your fingers then, bringing them to his mouth, sucking them off, eyes closed, moaning. You gasp, and when his eyes open again, they’re fucking ravenous.
“You taste so good.” He murmurs, then he slides his finger up and down your slit, making you tense in desire, throbbing around him, he slides that finger out and into your mouth. You moan, licking yourself off, then he’s on you, kissing you, his weight pressed on top of your overheated body.
“Mmm! Suguru!” You cry out when he kisses down your throat, to your breasts, and he slides them out of the cups of the lingerie.
“You’re beautiful everywhere.” He whispers, eyes locking on yours when he lavishes a nipple with his tongue, you tense everywhere, the pleasure so good you can’t stand it. “Pretty, perfect breasts.”
“Fuck.” You manage, and he’s kissing lower, your tummy, and you grow even wetter if that’s possible, pulsing around nothing, his silky hair is tickling you, you gently grab it.
“I want to taste you fully.” He whispers, breath against the hood of your clit, you moan at it, hips raising up towards him. He spreads your thighs, and his gaze, seductive as fuck, meets yours. “Do you want me to, Princess, to taste you?”
“Oh please, yes. Please.” You’re begging and you don’t fucking care, he smiles, kissing the hood of your clit, teasing you, then he slides his tongue up your slit, tasting you, and it feels so fucking good you nearly scream. “Fuck! Fuck.”
“You taste so sweet.” He whispers, flicking his tongue up again, spreading your lips apart further, sliding his tongue in your entrance, you do scream now.
“Suguru! So good. So good.” You cry out, tears sliding from your eyes as pressure builds quick, like before, but so much more intense. Your hands grab his hair, pulling him to you, and he moans, vibrating your puffy little clit, and you’re panting, feeling every nerve ending on fire.
“So close already, Princess?” He murmurs, peeking up at you, a mischievous smirk on his face, which is glistening with your desire. You giggle, breathlessly, nodding to him.
“It feels too good.” You murmur, and he grins, kissing your clit again.
“I’m just getting started, love.” You’re surprised at this, but then he’s tilting his head, and holding the hood of your clit up, flicking his tongue on the sensitive bundle of nerves, faster and faster, and you cum hard, so hard, blinding you, gripping the sheets below you, as it rocks you like nothing you’ve know.
“Suguru!” You scream out his name, panting.
“Cum as many times on my face as you want.” He whispers, fingering you then, and you’re rocking your hips against his face, wanton.
“It’s okay?” You whisper. “It’s messy.”
He laughs at you, hot against your aching, oversensitive cunt, thrusting his finger up to that spot that makes you see stars. “I’ll drink it all up, don’t worry, Princess.”
He’s back down there again, using his finger in sync with his tongue, and you’re falling apart all over again, as another orgasm washes through you, hot sticky cum pulsing out onto his hands, onto his face. He’s moaning, and the obscene sounds of him literally slurping you up turn you on goddamn more.
“There you go. Good girl.” He whispers, and now his face is fucking soaked, he licks his lips, grinning.
“You’re really fucking good at this.” You whisper, voice hoarse from how hard you just came.
“I enjoy it. Especially with your pretty, yummy little cunt.” His words bring you up again, as when he slides another finger in you, stretching you out. “Can you take these two, love?”
“I can do it.” You nod, wincing a bit, and he laughs a bit at you, sweetly though, watching you as you adjust.
“You’re so stupid fucking tight.” He is knuckles deep, tilting his fingers up, hitting that spongy little spot over and over, and you’re cumming from just that, making his hand slick as he plays you like an instrument. “So beautiful when you cum.”
“Fucking so good. Mmm.” You lose words, you lose sense of self, and he’s going back down there, you’re not sure you can take anymore.
“Cum one more time for me, Princess. Would you?” He asks, and you whine, brushing back his hair.
“So sensitive. Ah!” He flicks his tongue on you again, you throw your head back in ecstasy.
“One more time, I’ll clean it all up with my tongue.”
“You’re too hot.”
He grins, shaking his head, and then dives back down between your thighs, and his tongue is ravenous, fast on your clit, sucking it in his mouth and humming, and you’re cumming so hard you can’t breathe. Everything fades, your ears are even ringing, your head fuzzy, as you feel so much pleasure it goddamn nearly hurts, cumming all over his face and hand.
He is drinking it all up, tongue lavishing every sensitive inch after you come, he eases up, sucking his fingers of, and licking his lips, as if he could not get enough. He’s so fucking attractive, you’re so sensitive, you sit up weakly, pulling him down, kissing him so deep, tasting yourself all over his soft, firm lips. He moans, returning the kiss, then he’s on you again.
You’re falling into each other as you try to piece yourself back together, your body heaving with the effort, legs trembling how hard you’d come, and he’s kissing you so passionately. His cock is hard and eager on your thigh, you run your hand up and down his abdomen, dying to see it, dying to touch it.
“Surugu, that’s the best goddamn thing that’s ever happened.” He chuckles against your lips, holding himself up on his arms, hand cupping your face.
“You are the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen, cumming, your little face…” He rubs your forehead. “Your brows tense.” He touches your nose. “It scrunches up all cute.” Now your lips. “And you bite the fuck out of this, leaving little teeth marks.” Now he rubs your cheeks. “They’re all flushed. And your eyes…”
“You make me feel so…” You gulp, feeling tears run down your eyes now, he softly swipes them away. “So pretty. Thank you, Suguru.”
“I’m just telling you what I see. It’s the truth.” He kisses your forehead, your eyes flutter shut.
“I’m dumb and feel things. And we barely know each other. Is that stupid?” He pauses, and your eyes meet, more serious now as he studies you.
“It’s not stupid to feel things. But, I just wore you out with orgasms.” You flush at that. “So maybe with a clearer mind we can talk about that.”
“Yeah. Yeah, it’s foggy at the moment. But I do know, you’re absolutely amazing, Suguru Geto. And I’ve never been happier.” You whisper, and watch him tense a bit, looking down at your lips.
“I’m pretty happy at this moment.” He admits, and you exhale, worries shoved back for now of what all this meant. “You didn’t try to reach for my dick hmm?” He is grinning now. You laugh.
“I didn’t know if this was another just my pleasure lesson?” He nods.
“It is. So, good girl.” You moan, and his eyes light up. “You like being called that, don’t you?” You nod, tucking your face into his chest. “I see you’ll be submissive.”
“You think?”
“We’ll find out.” He’s stroking your hair gently, it feels entirely too good.
“I really like you? I’m sorry if that’s weird to say.”
He pauses, it’s quiet for a moment, you tense. “No, that’s not weird at all. I did just have my face buried in your pussy.”
“Oh god!” You both laugh at that, and you look up to him shyly, he’s completely pleased with himself, clearly. “You’re way too good at that.”
“I’m good at a lot of things.” He grinds his cock against you, shocking you, it’s under his shorts but you feel it, huge as fuck and thick, hot and hard. You make a noise from the back of your throat.
“I bet you are.” You whisper, rising your hips up, eliciting a hiss from him. He holds your hips down.
“You tease me.”
“You tease me!” You both sigh, kissing again, and he eases back. “Listen, I’m down for this next lesson whenever.”
“I bet you are. Insatiable little thing.” He sighs, running his hands back down your body, admiring you again.
“Sleep in bed with me?” You flutter your lashes, pouting. He laughs.
“You’re giving me puppy dog eyes!”
“Are they working?”
“Not yet.”
“Well shit.” He shakes his head at you.
“Too hard still.”
“I could-”
“Not just yet.”
“Ugh.” He’s enjoying your torture, smirking down at you, and then he helps you up, on wobbly legs. “Fuck.”
“You okay there?” He winks, and you sigh.
“Fine, totally fine.” You stumble, he laughs as he catches you. “You’re enjoying me being gelatin!”
“Maybe a bit. Let’s get you dressed, you need some help.” You roll your eyes, sighing, and soon he’s exhausted, yawning.
“Need to get up early?” You ask softly, he nods, stretching.
“I’ll be back earlier tomorrow though. We can go to the beach together, if you want to.” He caresses your face gently.
“I would love that.” You cup his face, leaning up. “Thank you so much, that was… well… fucking amazing.”
“You’re very welcome, Princess. I loved it too, so you know.”
“Fuck yes. It’s still a whole problem.” He looks down, and you do too, finding him still rock hard, the outline of him making your sore cunt throb. “Don’t look at it so hungry, freaky little virgin.”
“Hey!” You shove at him, and then you end up giggling again, have you ever giggled so much? Ever?
“Good night, Princess.” He gives you a soft kiss, and you linger for a minute, not wanting to ever leave his embrace. “Sweet dreams.”
“Sweet dreams, Suguru.” You head to your own room, turning off all the lights, and you turn on your side in the bed, staring out at the beautiful waves crashing along the shore.
You feel sleep pulling you quick, those orgasms have sapped all the energy you had, and the thoughts of him between your thighs made you so hot you had to shove off the blankets. Suguru was quietly snoring in the next room, and all you can think is how bad you want his arms around you.
Your feelings are scary and confusing.
You’ve got it bad.
But you’ve never felt better.
Chapter 4
Ao3 chapter:
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twisted-king · 4 months
Hello! Since you also write genshin, I've thought about reader or F!S/O being from Teyvat. But that isnt really the main point. How 'bout their F!S/O is from Sumeru and is strictly bestfriends with Cyno and Alhaitham. How would Trey, Azul, Jade, Floyd, and Jamil feel about their F!S/O having boy bestfriends back at her world? Maybe if they're jealous, reader tries to comfort them by saying that Alhaitham is engaged(to Kaveh)XD Lol
You dont have to do this if its to much♡
Oddly specific but I like the cut of your jib!
Also can be read as genter neutral, I don't reall mention gender on this one?
Trey, Azul, Jade, Floyd, and Jamil X F!SO from Teyvat
who is also besties with Cyno and Alhaitham
Trey Clover
Well youre from a whole different world! Magic seems to exist in some capacity at least.
He doesn't know what a Zatyun peach or a Sunsettia is.
But he tries v hard to make you things that remind you of home sometimes!
He actually does a pretty good job at it too!
And thats where the issue arives.
Whenever he asks about your homeland he knows he is going to hear about your best friends
He's trying SO hard to be normal about this
Trey loves you so much but, he gets a little jealous!
You've done so much with these two!!!
"And Cyno's jokes are the absolute WORST! I swear some of the things he says are worse than Ace's!" "Oh that's... nice!"
but they're your best friends! He really shouldn't be jealous.
"I still don't understand why Alhaitham is so jacked, like all he does is read books all day!"
He really shouldn't be jealous
"And I'm kind of glad its never too hot around here! Like I know he works primarily in the desert but like put a shirt on sometimes! You know?"
But damm its hard.
He tries to be subtle (not really)
"So have you ever like... done anything with one of these guys?" "What do you mean?" "Like have you dated one of them..?"
oh.... OH!
You laugh at that, he's embrassed "Oh gosh NEVER! They both have boyfriends anyhow! Alhaitham is engaged!" "Oh."
You nod and give him a little kith
Wow he's relieved!
Azul Ashengrotto
He loves learning about you and your home world! Truly!!!
Azul thinks your mind is briliant, you're so smart and quick on your feet due to years of travel!
With travel comes a lot of experiences
a lot.
without him.
He's playing it cool though! suuuper cool
"Oh I remember Alhaitham would never answer anything that wasnt formatted or completed properly! maybe you could do the same? it would certainly free up some time, no?" "Of course it woudl free up some time, dear... But" "buut?" "Well it wouldn't be fitting of my benevolent nature now would it, my love?"
Azul keeps trying to prove he's a better boyfriend than your old friends
He needs you to know he's the best option for you <3
"And could this 'Cyno' make you a delightful seafood pasta like this?" "No, not really, he was more into rice." "I see..."
Oh hey he made you curry and rice
You know, by the way. He is NOT sneaky
After another bout of showing off, you finally say something.
"They have boyfriends, you know?" "huh?" "Cyno and Alhaitham? they have partners. You don't have to be jealous." "Why would I be jealous, dearest?"
Denies his jealous to this day but he gets happier after you reassure him.
Jade Leech
Yeah he's super cool about this!
for the most part...
He's extremely interested in learning about the flora in your world!
and he thinks those vishap creatures you compare him to sound rather interesting.
Jade being rather curious in nature comes in handy! since he doesnt seem to get jealous.
His questions are... odd, though. they kind of make sense?
"Cyno once took out like-- 10 guys in like a MINUTE! it was so cool! "Is he that fast in the depths of the sea?" "No-" "I see..."
Sometimes he's a little less slick though
"OH my gosh Alhaitham is so weird about soup! He hates the stuff because it could get on his books of all things!" "Does he consume beverages as he reads? tea perhaps?" "Yeah, sometimes." *Pleased eel noises*
He's just being careful :)
Jade often prefers to dicuss your best friends while in the kitchen. he likes spending this time with you!
And he has his knives and mushrooms at his disposal.
*chop chop chop* "And so Haitham and I used to skip out on akademiya meetings together-" *chopchopchop-* "But Cyno would ALWAYS 'catch' us just before the meeting would actually ends-" *ChopChopChopChop-* "So then he'd bring us to Kaveh, Alhaitham's fiance to-" "He has a fiance?" "yeah,why?" "no reason." *chop~ chop~ chop~*
He's still keeping the information from his... questioning in mind.
Can't be too careful, after all.
Floyd Leech
He loves his shrimpy's stories!!!
He hates his shrimpy's stories :((
Floyd is reaaal conflicted. He thinks you're so interesting! your world seems like fun!! he wants to go there with you.
But not with those men you keep talking about
"So sometimes there are these HUGE mushrooms that kind of act like a launchpad! they're super springy." "Eh? Jade might like soemthing like that... OOOH! do ya think if I throw someone (Ace) on one of those they'd still bounce?" "Yeah they would! one time while going after a criminal, Cyno had to-" "Eeeeh I'm bored. You coming to my next game?"
Subtlety? not THIS eel
He audibly groans when you bring them up sometimes.
But he still loves hearing you talk! so it really confusing sometimesz
"So genius invocation uses 8 elements, 7 from the nations, one is omni. Usually the cards are based off of vision users like Diluc of mondstadt, Arataki Itto, from Inazuma... OH! there is one of my best friend, Alhaitham, he's dendro and Cyno's is electro, its actually" Oh he's no longer looking at you.
You get an idea... "There is one of Haitham's fiance, Kaveh" "Oh really?"
You're his girlfriend, you know him best.
He's a little less weird about listening to your stories now, he's way more enaged.
He still tugs you closer to him when you mention other men, but thats kind of normal for him now.
Jamil Viper
A confident king? He's not really jealous. He knows he can be better than them.
Plus they're just friends to you.
But in all honestly he like... doesn't care too much about Teyvat.
You're here now, with him. not them.
Don't get him wrong, Jamil likes hearing about what your world!
There's only oneee little thing he doesnt love hearing.
"Sometimes I miss the food from Teyvat... Cyno always made the best Tahchin." "The best you say?" "Yeah! he shaped it like a pyramid every time he made it!" "Have you ever tried mine?" "You make tahchin!?"
He's smug, you'll love his cooking more than that Cyno's.
He serves you a plate of tahchin, golden brown, perfectly seasoned, barberries topping the rounded rice dish "So, what do you think?" "This is so good! I kind of miss the padisarah petals though.."
The hell is THAT?
"Is it... not up to your expectations, my flower?" "No its delicious! I think I just miss the way my friend would make it.."
He's a little grumpy about it!!
Jamil gets kind of huffy with you next time you're together.
He's not ignoring you but just don't bring up food for a while.
Snake man will just respond with "Why don't you ask Cyno." when it comes to cooking for the next day or two...
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fagm0m · 4 months
Mom who posts on a forum about how she feels guilty for taking advantage of her son being on antidepressants because he gets oh so sleepy during the day.
vrmom1970: Hello fellow moms! I'm a frequent viewer of this particular forum space, but today I make my first post! I did a bad thing today. But it felt so...good. So exhilarating! LOL! My transgender son (22) has been depressed for quite some time after his girlfriend broke up with him, and so he was prescribed some antidepressants to help him deal with it. However, the antidepressants make him terribly tired! Yesterday, he was asleep on the couch, looking so peaceful and cute. I went to put the blanket that was hanging off of him back over him, when I noticed he had on no panties! Along with that, his tits were spilling out of the only article of clothing he was wearing, a tank top. I've seen my son nude before, he practically is a nudist the way he's allergic to wearing clothing unless guests are over. Anyway, I don't know what came over me. I went to go and tuck his breasts back into shirt, they were very soft, areolas big and round (just like mine!) nipples hard and plump like gumdrops...something disgusting and nasty took over me, because without a second thought, I put his breast in my mouth! I started sucking and groping them, like a madwoman! I never knew I could be so perverted and taboo, but even as I write this my girldick is throbbing just thinking about it! Ugh! I think reading you ladies posts has turned me into a fully fledged pervert! Anyway, I think I was sucking too hard, because he started moaning! I quickly pulled away and he turned over, covering himself with the blanket. I let out a sigh of relief before I headed upstairs and instantly had to relieve myself! I came as hard as the first time I stumbled upon this forum two years ago, cum shooting all over my own face as I laid in bed thinking about how I sucked my son's breasts, and about what else I would've done had he not started stirring! My gosh, I think I'm gonna have to go pleasure myself again, so this ends this forum post! I will keep you guys updated on if I decide to do something like this again! xoxo :)
badmamabutchbitch: next time try and slide a finger in for me ;)
wildestdesiree: wow that was so hot! how big are his tits? i bet his t-dick is huge!
leatherfagmom: I just came reading this. I'd love to see you shoot ropes all over his face. >:)
[deleted user]: HORNY Local Moms are looking to fuck in your area! Sign up and get laid today! www.localmoms.com
auntrena: one of my favorite commenters finally makes a post! so exciting! First of all, WOW. I can't believe your first encounter already had you with a mouthful of your son's tits! Secondly, we need part two! I'm soaking wet right now as I sit in bed on my laptop! Imagining you were sucking my nipples was so hot! Next time try and see if you can suck his dick or even get him to suck yours! Eagerly awaiting your next post! xoxoxo!
[deleted user]: you have a dick? wtf
vrmom1970 reply: Kill yourself!
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starleska · 1 year
Hello again!! I'm the anon from before (and I'm glad to hear you had a nice time yesterday!!!), and here's what I wrote.. I've been thinking a lot about the 'Wally eats with his eyes' idea, as many have been !!! I'm not sure how to warn for what this exactly so feel free to tag it with whatever you deem necessary. Wally just. Likes you a lot lol. i guess this is a little silly but i had a good time writing it haha
You are having a staring contest with your friend Wally.
You can't quite remember who started this, or why. Just that Wally had wanted to draw somewhere outside and you tagged along with him, until you were sitting somewhere in a field of flowers around the Neighbourhood.
Wally simply returns your gaze, unblinking, his hands folded over on top of his sketchbook. You think this has lasted long enough. What you want to do is crack a smile or a joke, but you find that your muscles are frozen stiff, and your tongue is so, so heavy.
His pupils expand.
You're supposed to panic about being this frozen up. Moving shouldn't be so difficult. But it's like your body feels like even stressing out about this is too much effort. You feel warm. Your eyelids tremble with the effort to blink. There is no movement, though your eyes don't burn either. You've held them open for so long that the world starts to gray out around you.
His pupils expand.
Wally leans his head to the side, little by little. You mirror his movements without thinking. The tips of your fingers are tingling, your feet feel numb as if fallen asleep. He smiles at you even more than usual. You think that this makes you happy. His lips part slowly, as if to speak, and-
"Hiya, guys!" Eddie calls out from the path to your right.
Your body jolts in surprise, and the spell is broken. By the time you whip your head around to look, Eddie has already continued his delivery route without waiting for a response.
Your returned awareness feels like breaking the surface after almost drowning. A weight disappears from your body, and you practically double over, gasping for air. Your shoulders are shaking, your eyes wide. When you squeeze them shut, it burns. You feel tired like you never have before.
"That was good," Wally says. For a moment, you are hesitant to turn your head back and look at him. You want to hide from his eyes. But you snuff that thought out as soon as it pops up, because that's just silly. You must've eaten something wrong, or have caught a cold. What else could explain this.
You look at Wally. He looks normal, and his eyes upon
"W-what did you say?"
"I asked: Are you feeling good?" Wally speaks even slower than he otherwise would, but his smile is as wide as ever. "You don't look good, friend."
"I don't… I'm a little out of it," you force out a laugh. "I think I'm getting sick."
Wally leans forward.
"You'll be okay," he says, and puts a hand on your knee. "Let's sit here until you feel better."
!!!!!! anon!!!! anon do you know how good this is?!?! oh my gosh!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭 honey, i cannot express how much i adore this fic. it's such a wonderful blend of terror and intimacy, so frightening and claustrophobic yet warm and safe in a way you can't understand...ugh, i'm in love 🥴 your descriptions are so vivid - i could really feel Your panic and nausea. some real Lovecraftian horror stuff going on in here. and oh my God the little detail of him saying, 'That was good' and then switching to 'Are you feeling good?' absolute chills!!! 😱😱 if you feel comfortable enough, you should absolutely post your writing somewhere!! you've got such a talent for writing, Wally in particular, and i'd love to read more of your stuff should you be inclined. i'll definitely be taking some tips from this awesome little fic going forward 😉 thank you so much for sharing 🥰
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pyramid-of-starrs · 11 months
12 for da kinks👀👀
Group date at a Haunted House
Tumblr media
Kinktober request: 12 Pervy boyfriend San, Public Sex
Pairing: Pervy San x Fem Reader
Summary: A haunted house trip with friends gives San the perfect idea.
Word Count: 2.7K
Kink: Public Sex
Warning: Public sex, protected sex, exhibitionism, perverted acts, voyeurism?
A/N: This maaaaaaay be the start to 15 lol
Minors dni
You loved your boyfriend San, He was sweet, considerate, kind to you and others, got along with everyone and a million other things, there was just one quirk about your boyfriend that you later found out. San was an absolute horndog, and he has no issue displaying that, no matter the circumstance or place, from fingering you while you were having a family dinner at your parents, to eating you out while you were on facetime with your friends. Even now while everyone was gathered at Seonghwa, San, and Mingis apartment to watch scary movies and plan the next group outing with everyone else, you went to San's room to plug in your phone and he swiftly followed you, now you're pinned against one of his walls.
"S-San we have to go back before people notice we are gone." you said in a whispered voice.
"I could smell your perfume when you walked by, and I couldn't help but get hard Y/N." He started to kiss your neck then switched to kitten licks, he lifted your leg to rut his very obvious erection against your thigh and core, small breathy whimpers fell from your lips, and you covered your mouth.
"No my cute little bunny, don't cover your mouth, I need them to hear your sweet little sounds." He said into your ear. "I had to watch you walk around in your cute little jeans and that sweater I let you borrow while trying not to cum in my pants just to not hear your pretty moans." He continued to dry hump you while the jean material rubbed against your clit, the feeling turned you on so much but you had to resist San so you wouldn't get caught, but a knock at the door saved you.
"Hey guys, everyone is coming back so come out as soon as possible." A whispered voice said, the voice belonging to Wooyoung, Sans best friend and always the look out. Whenever San couldn't control himself at the worse times Wooyoung would always be there to save him from getting in trouble. He noticed you go to Sans room then San immediately slip from the group and follow you, luckily, he suggested that everyone gather blankets and make snacks for the movie night so it looked like everyone was busy and it wouldn't seem odd that you and San were gone. He didn't do it for San, he lacked a shame gland, he did it for you, he knew you could be a bit shy and not as open sexually so he always looked out.
"Come on San, let’s go back to the others." you said looking at him with puppy eyes.
"...Fine, but-" he pinched your cheek. "I get to cover this cute little face in cum later, promise?" you rolled your eyes a bit.
"Promise, now let’s go." you replied, he pecked your lips and pulled you back into the living room by hand just in time for everyone else to be coming back, everyone got situated back on the couch in front of the TV with their blankets and food.
"San you didn't wanna grab a blanket for you and Y/N?" Seonghwa said looking over at you two being the only ones without one.
"What? Oh, yeah, my cover is dirty because it was covered in Y/Ns c-" your eyes got wide at Sans sentence, and you jumped in.
"CAMOMILE TEA! I spilled it earlier when I got here." You nodded and smiled hoping no one except Woo, whom was shaking his head as he sat on the floor with his arm on you and Sans laps.
"Oh gosh, Well here share me and Hongjoongs." He extended the blanket that covered him and Hongjoong who was eating his popcorn ready for the movie to start.
"Well before we start our movie." Jongho said as he got up from the floor where he sat with his "lady friend". "I finally picked my fall activity for us to do as a group." Each friend in the group was responsible for finding a fall activity for everyone to do since this was a break season for everyone. Jongho scrolled on his phone then turned it to the group. "It's a huge haunted house called, Hell's backyard, we can all go as a group and split up if we want. There is a huge haunted maze and everyone that gets through it wins a meal voucher for this awesome BBQ place. What do you guys say?"
A haunted house, something that doesn't scare you too bad but your scaredy cat boyfriend on the other hand-
"I'm in." San being the first to speak up, everyone looked at him. "What?" he looked around.
"Really? You of all people are willing to go to a haunted house with no hesitation?" Yunho said.
"Yeah dude, you get scared easier than me." Mingi said building off of Yunhos point.
"I think it'll be fun, it doesn't look that bad." San said, you were very skeptical at this point, anything scary San would reject immediately, he had to have an alternative motive.
The following Saturday night came, and everyone met at the haunted house, luckily the weather wasn't that cold, so you wore your cute tennis skirt and another one of Sans sweaters with your sneakers and scrunched up socks, prepared to be yanked around by your terrified boyfriend. You walked up and saw everyone waiting for you, Yunho, Jongho and Mingi also brought dates while Yeosang, Woo, Hwa and Hongjoong didn't, you Saw your boyfriend wearing his reading glasses with jeans and a sweater, you greeted everyone and walked over to your boyfriend. Since it was planned San didn't talk much about the haunted house, he didn't mention being scared or anything, he even said he was excited.
"Alright guys, let’s go through the three houses then end with the maze!" Jongho said excitedly then leading the group on their way through the outdoor haunted houses. They were actually pretty scary you even had some jump scares, by the time everyone got to the end of the third house Mingi was tired from running and Sans Golden skin was pal, in fact everyone was pretty scared except Jongho who was like a kid in a candy store while his poor date was shaking.
"Sannie are you okay?" you asked your boyfriend that refused to release your hand.
"Huh? Yeah! I'm totally fine, Hey Jongho lets hustle to the maze." He said, you knew something was definitely up now. The group continued over to the maze, Jongho suggested everyone split up so everyone could get one ticket since he heard that if you leave as a group you only get one plus, he knew everyone would start arguing. Once in the maze San encouraged wooyoung to leave Yeosang and come with you two, confused Woo made eye contact with San, sighed and shook his head then agreed, you wondered what that was about. The three of you walked through the maze, people dressed up jumped out occasionally and scared you three and other animatronics, surprisingly enough San was leading with woo and you in the back, you couldn't see much but knew to trust the two ahead of you.
As you continue you noticed that you hadn't seen anyone in a bit and then San and Wooyoung both stopped.
"Okay Woo, you got us?" San asked the other male.
"Yeah man, just be fast." Wooyoung replied.
You stood there confused then suddenly you were yanked to a corner hedge, you were slightly covered by a bush and Wooyoung stood covering the entrance to the small area you were in. San backed you into a bush, the small branches and leaves poked your back and you were still confused.
"San what are you doing?" You question, before answering you San lifted your sweater revealing your black lace bra then gripped both your breast, he placed his face into your chest then took a deep inhale while mushing your boobs.
"What are you doing San?!" You demanded an answer.
"Your sweat smells so sweet Y/N, I couldn't help myself." He said as he continued to push your chest around. "I had to go to the bathroom just to jack off after the first stupid house because I couldn't think straight with you wearing this little skirt and my sweater, which explains his lengthy bathroom trip earlier.
"San... we shouldn't, not here and Woo is here too..." you said, San moved up to your neck to start peppering kisses from your neck to your jaw, one hand went under and lifted your bra while his other hand cupped the side of your face. San ignored your words and kissed your lips repeatedly, you felt your body start to heat up, though the kisses weren't long they were hungry and lustful.
"Wait, San, really we, shouldn't." You said between each kiss, eventually San stopped.
"I've trained you too well beautiful be honest with yourself." He continued to kiss you then stopped again. "My precious innocent little bunny loves when I treat her like a little fuck toy, when I touch her in public and when I'm being a total pervert over her and her outfits." His words caught you off guard but as much as you hated to admit it, it was true, though you did get embarrassed by San and his impulses, his constant need for you drove you crazy in the best way. Coming home to your panties covered in his cum or catching him masturbating to you behind the bathroom door while you shower was such a turn on. You started to find your becoming a bit of a perv as well, touching yourself with his balled up gym shirt in hand or even now, you knew to wear a skimpy skirt and his sweater, you knew it would turn him on, though you didn't expect him to act on it.
"That's not true San..." you replied, trying to fight the truth. San looked you in your eyes then removed his glasses and folded them onto his shirt. He brought his hand down to your core and he immediately placed his two fingers on your wet and uncovered folds, rubbing them until he found your nub you yelped at the feeling of his cold fingers connecting to your hot pussy.
"Then why aren't you wearing panties Y/N?" he said, so focused on his fingers brushing your clit you couldn't even fabricate a proper lie.
"S-still, we shouldn't do it here." you said between moans, that’s when his two fingers slid into your pussy with ease, he fucked his fingers into you with no remorse as his sped up, your moans grew louder, and you bit your lip to try to your noises. He took his fingers out of you just as you were reaching your peak, before you could whine he turned you around and prompted you to bend over by pushing your lower back down, you bent over and gripped the bush in front of you, your tennis skirt immediately revealing your wet cunt and putting it on display for San, he didn't fuck you immediately and you wondered why, but that's when you saw a flash of light and a small panic hit you.
"San!" you looked back and yelled at him, he put his phone away.
"Sorry bunny I couldn't help it." He took a condom out of his pocket then slid his pants down enough for his dick to spring out. He ripped open the condom with his teeth and discarded the wrapper on the ground, you watched as you anticipated feeling him inside of you. He rolled the condom down his girth, and you recalled the time he told you you and him can only have sex with a condom on because he knew he couldn't handle feeling you raw and would spend the rest of his days and nights fucking you relentlessly. While you were mid thought San lined his dick up to your sex and pushed into you. Your eyes rolled back as you felt him entering you and small moans started to fall out your mouth. He gripped both sides of your hips as he slid in slowly, he bit his lips and hissed, your walls already squeezing around him.
"Fuck I love how this bunnies tight little cunt feels." he bottomed out in you and started to speed up his pace, he didn't ask if you were ready because he knew you were, he knew you loved being his personal pocket pussy, ready to be fucked any way he liked and wanted. You tried to keep your voice down but just couldn't, Sans dick was pounding into you deeply and his pace made it no better but then you heard footsteps and your heart dropped.
A couple walked up toward Wooyoung and Wooyoung stopped them.
"Oh, excuse us." the man said.
"Oh uh, sorry this way is closed off right now." Wooyoung replied, hearing them so close both terrified you and made your pussy wetter, it obviously excited San because he sped up his pace even more, you reached your arm back to try to slow him down and even lowered your voice. San wasn't having any of that and grabbed your wrist with one hand and gripped your hair with the other, he pulled your arm back more and yanked your hair back as well, the position causing him to dig deeper into you.
"I'll make it fucking worse if you try to stop me again, I don't give a fuck if they see us, I want them to watch me destroy my little bunnies pretty pussy." He said gritting his teeth, he then kissed you deeply while his hips never stopped driving into you. He caught your moans in the kiss but with your climax speeding toward you, you couldn't help but drool.
Wooyoung was able to shoo the couple away by telling them one of the actors was hurt and was changing and that’s what the moaning and groaning was. He walked over to where you were and stood a bit away while San continued, when San released you from the kiss saliva fell from both your mouths, Wooyoung watched with a blushed face.
"Can you guys hurry up, people are coming by and Jongho said half the group is already done." Wooyoung said as he adverted his eyes away from you two and looked at the ground after noticing your chest and ass was out, he occasionally glanced up to wait for a response, this unfortunately wasn't his first time having to confront you two like this.
San looked him dead in the eyes with a smile, he was still fucking you deeply and fast with your arm pulled back and your hair in hand he turned your head to woo as well. "Baby Woo wants us to hurry up, can you hurry up and cum for him please?" Wooyoungs face got just as hot as yours, though you couldn't deny you did love the extra eyes on you.
"Y-yes San." you replied as drool continued to leak out of your mouth.
San pounded deeply into you a few more times than your orgasm hit you like a truck, it was powerful and made your entire body shake uncontrollably, San pulled out then took off the condom and tossed it in the grass, he chose to not let himself cum because he knew he wouldn't be able to stop if he came. You couldn't help but fall forward but San caught you by the waist.
"Hold her for a second Woo so I can pull up my pants." San said, Wooyoung walked over hesitantly and grabbed you by the shoulders.
"Are you okay Y/N?" He asked.
You were dazed and half-awake but nodded your head in your fucked out state. You fixed your bra and shirt and skirt while San fixed his pants and put his glasses back on. The three of you met the group and got your ticket then everyone headed straight to the BBQ place, everyone was drinking while Woo and Seonghwa cooked the meat, you however were slumped on Sans shoulder asleep.
"Hey is Y/N, okay?" Yunhos date asked.
"Oh yeah that maze just tuckered her out." San replied.
Wooyoung shook his head as he flipped the meat and grumbled under his breath. "I need new friends."
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