#I could tolerate her much better in the manga
puranami · 11 months
✿ It's The Little Things ✿
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A/N: My first time writing! Admittedly I'm very nervous, but also so excited!! Kept it simple with a small headcanon list to start, but I tried to write a decent amount for each point, and I hope that everyone is in character :0 Posting at 4am because I have no control over my life...
Summary: Little relationship things with the Strawhats. Can be interpreted as the anime/manga or the live action version of the character.
Characters: Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji
Content: SFW, G/N reader, slightest hint of angst in Sanji's part, but otherwise, pure unadulterated fluff! ✿
(Part 2 - Buggy, Shanks, Mihawk) (Part 3 - Franky, Robin, Law, Kid, Killer) (Part 4 - Crocodile, Rosinante/Corazon, Doflamingo)
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✿ He absentmindedly draws shapes on your leg, back, or whatever part of you is there as you sit together, whether you are watching the waves, or listening to one of Usopp's stories. He is almost magnetic in the way he ends up attached to you. If you're not feeling it, he will do his best to keep his hands to himself, but as soon as his focus shifts onto anything else, they're back on you, drawing little clouds and hearts. He tried, he really did!
✿ This bottomless pit inhales food like it's going out of fashion, but, much to the bewilderment of the rest of the crew, he will actually feed you from his plate as he eats, even though you are eating your own food. It may be a case of "1 for you, 5 for me," but it's almost instinctive for him; he's sharing something he's passionate about with you, and making sure that, in his eyes, you are happy, healthy and strong. He values your wellbeing more than food; you are one of the most important things in his life.
✿ Despite how chaotic he is in every aspect of his life, his presence brings you to a state of complete peace, even when he's yelling about whatever currently has his attention. Just knowing he is there comforts you in a way that nothing, and no one else can. As long as Luffy is there, being the same old Luffy he always is, you know everything will be alright in the end, and if it isn't alright, well, it isn't the end yet.
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✿ He always places a comforting hand on your head when he passes by, or ends up in the same general space as you. It's his version of a hug, a reassuring touch that he is there, and that he's happy to see you. Zoro is very subtle with his affection, at least in public, but even when it's just the two of you, he automatically defaults to the head pat. It comforts him as much as it does you, and the simple action alone conveys his feelings far better than he ever could with words.
✿ You both love silently observing everything going on around you, and it's such a comfortable silence. You just enjoy each others company while watching the world go by, with Zoro also keeping an eye out for any threats, as he does. Sometimes you end up passing silent judgement on what you see, and you have both developed this uncanny ability to gossip without saying a single word. It's honestly unnerving at times, but you are just so familiar with each others micro-expressions that it's second nature.
✿ Insults are terms of endearment. If anyone else called either of you such things, all hell would break loose - swords drawn, blood spilt, bodies hit the floor, the whole song and dance. It actually started out as a form of deflection, with both of you being far too stubborn to admit any feelings were there, even to yourselves; "No, I don't like you, shitstain, I tolerate you." - "Whatever helps you sleep at night, arseface." As you connected though, it just became your thing, and you love seeing who can come up with the funniest insults. Zoro is surprisingly creative in this regard.
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✿ Nami has a habit of fixing your clothes and hair if something is out of place. It can seem overbearing to others, but she knows you appreciate the gesture. She spent years putting up walls to defend herself, and this is a safe way for her to have a little moment alone with you, giving you gentle little touches without revealing to the world just how important you are to her. It is a very grounding experience for both of you, and you end up doing the same for her on the rare occasion that she isn't completely flawless. She may purposely put things out of place so you have the opportunity to fix something too.
✿ She has an eye for the finer things, and loves getting you little trinkets, and especially pieces of jewellery, which often match or pair with hers, like pendants that fit together to make a whole shape, and such. Just don't ask her where she got them; "Shhh, you don't need to worry about that." All that matters is that you now have a tangible connection to each other, no matter how close, or far apart you are.
✿ Another person who relishes in comfortable silence. Of course you love chatting with each other, and often do so later into the night than you intended. Nami is very quick-witted and your shared snark is always so enjoyable! But it's the moments when you are doing your own thing together, basking in the warmth of that closeness that brings the most joy. Every so often, you will share something interesting or amusing, depending on what you're doing, but you always return to that silence. It's very domestic.
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✿ You both end up in regular fits of giggles, that grow into raucous laughter, before devolving into the sounds of various suffocating wildlife, which only fuels the hilarious fire. He doesn't even have to say anything at times; he just has a look, and as soon as he catches your eye with it, you absolutely lose it. The amount of nonsensical inside jokes you have is absurd in itself.
✿ Ever the storyteller, Usopp will wind down the day with you relaxing under the stars, telling you fantastical stories about the impossible feats of the great 'Captain Usopp.' His creativity and imagination are something you greatly admire, and as much as you try to stay awake to appreciate those qualities, the comfort he brings has you dropping off every time. He'll carry you to bed most nights, but sometimes he can only manage to drag you around like a corpse he's trying to hide, and he'll end up waking you up laughing about it.
✿ You automatically link your little fingers whenever you are close enough to. It doesn't even register half of the time, only realising when you need that hand or try to go your separate ways. When this happens, providing there isn't anything that needs your urgent attention, you like to dramatize your parting, playing up that this is the most painful moment of your lives! "Don't you dare let go, Usopp! We can both make it out of this alive!" - "I'm so sorry, I can't hold on any longer, and I refuse to drag you down with me." - "No! Don't say that!" - "I love you so much, but you need to let me go..." Leading to you unlinking your fingers, and exaggerated fake cries of anguish. It annoys everyone around you immensely.
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✿ You shamelessly flirt with each other, making everyone around you uncomfortable, groaning at how painful it is. You weren't together when you started playing this romantic game of chicken, giving back everything Sanji threw at you, and then some, but once you figured your feelings out, you actually developed it into a legitimate game where you attempt to be as sickening and obnoxious as possible. If there is no one grimacing, angrily telling you both to pack it in, or simply leaving the room; you aren't flirting enough. There is a points system, and you're currently in the lead. Sanji ends up caving over the things you say, and his brain loses the ability to form words, let alone string them together in a coherent sentence.
✿ Sanji always leaves a drink and a bite to eat for you to wake up to, since he isn't there in person, having to wake up much earlier to prepare the food for the day. Growing up in a restaurant, early starts are just part of his natural rhythm, so it doesn't bother him, but sometimes you try to wake up with him to at least watch the sunrise together, before going back to bed for a couple more hours. He cherishes those mornings, and there is always an extra spring in his step on those days.
✿ He takes every opportunity he can to share a glance and a warm smile, a gentle touch of your hands, or a chaste kiss with you. They are agonisingly brief moments, but Sanji needs them to get him through the day, otherwise he would just cling to you, and neither of you would get anything done! Unknown to you, these moments are also his way of reminding himself that you chose him over everyone else, that he is loved unconditionally, and that he is enough, without having to, in his opinion, burden you with his insecurities. He'll open up to you one day, and you will be able to give him verbal affirmations along with everything else~
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yup-thats-me · 3 months
—little things • I. Obanai
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pairing: husband!Iguro x wife!reader summary: some days can be tough but Obanai is grateful to have his wife right by his side warning: negative self-image, self-hatred, manga spoilers. be warned
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“What does she see in me?”
Iguro touched his reflection in the mirror, his eyes glossed over with tears. It's almost been three years since the serpent Hashira married his sweetheart, Y/n. Although their marriage was a strategy devised by their families to strengthen the clans, Obanai is grateful that he does not have to suffer an unhappy marriage like most arranged couples do.
It must be for of his good deed in his previous life that he got a wife like Y/n. She is kind, supportive, understanding and loving. She showed him love and affection, something he could only dream of when he was a child. She understood that when he would distance himself when his past weighed him down, she would give him space but if it got out of hand, she would slowly push her way through and embrace Obanai. An embrace so warm that made all his worries go away, be that a physical one or an embrace through words. She knew how to calm him down.
Iguro knew Y/n loved him, she could never betray him, not even in his dreams. But there are days. Days that his mind tells him that he is not deserving of the love he receives from his darling wife. Days where he hates his heterochrome eyes, days when he wishes those vile women had slashed through his cheeks completely so that he would have been dead. Dying is better than being ashamed of his face. If he were to die, he would not need to bandage his face at present.
But, somewhere deep down in his heart, he knows that it would not have been better had he died. Had he died in his childhood, he would have never met Y/n, would have never known how warm her hand feels against his cheek, how affection feels. He would have died without knowing any of that; something he did not want.
His eyes were closed shut, jaw clenched. Fingers closed in a tight fist. What exactly hurt him, he did not know. But it hurt, oh it hurts so much. It is days like this that he wishes for Y/n’s presence. Sure, he can call her right now. Maybe she is in the bath, getting ready for bed and would be by his side in a minute, but he did not have the heart to busy her with such a trivial matter. It's better not to worry her about his mood swings, she tolerates enough of him already.
“I hate my face, I hate the way my eyes look, hate how weak I am,” he said through gritted teeth. He continued on his list of the things that he hates about himself, immersed in his thoughts so deep that he did not hear Y/n entering the room.
Smiling softly, Y/n stood beside him in front of the mirror.
“I love the cute expressions you make when surprised.”
Her sudden voice made Iguro step back in surprise. He quickly composed himself, turning his face to the side to wipe his tears from her view. There’s no way a man should let his wife see him crying.
Y/n gently put her hands on his cheek, making the man look at her eyes. “I love the way your cheeks get flushed red when I compliment you,” she coaxed, her fingers slowly making their way to the back of his head.
“Love the way you look away when you hand me a present.” Her fingers found the beginning of the white cloth; the bandage. Iguro stared at her. He felt the bandage around his mouth loose a bit but he did not want to push her hand away, not when she felt so warm, so comforting.
His wife pecked him on the cheek, his heart skipping a beat when he felt her lips on his cheek. No matter how many times she kissed him, it still felt like a fever dream. She caressed his face lovingly, her touch almost making him forget that the bandage came off his face; his face was bare, bare for her to see.
“And,” She stroked the scars as lightly as a feather. “I adore your scars.”
He could not force the tears from blocking his vision.
“How can you say you hate these when I absolutely love them?’’
“My love, when will you see yourself the way I do?”
She gently shook his head making him open his eyes to face her. “Your eyes, my love. They hold kindness in them. How can anybody not love this magnificent piece of art?” Her own orbs glossed over with tears.
“I cannot thank you enough for being alive, today,” a choked sob rippled through her chest. “So please, please love yourself.”
Iguro’s arms wrapped around her neck as he pushed his face into the crook of her neck, his tears wetting the skin.
“And if you can’t,” she whispered.
“Let me love you enough for the both of us.”
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do not copy, steal or translate my work to any other site. all rights reserved to yup-thats-me on tumblr
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nkhrdstyvskrrtskrrt · 3 months
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WC. 4,000
DISCLAIMER: I am no historian or literary expert I am just obsessed and mentally unwell, if u cannot tell, teehee <333 If this will ignite any hate or hostility (not this post’s intention), please set your sights elsewhere and just scroll. I made this because I love her character and BSD in general to a bone-shattering degree. I hope you have as much fun as I did while researching and writing this, enjoy!! (also English is not my first language forgive me for any grammatical errors ty)
There might be a part two for this, but for now, this is all my tiny brain could offer >:))
IMPORTANT NOTE: There will be a lot of omitted, summarized information that has been subjectively extracted or abridged. This is not a complete, rich historical account but research done to make connections and parallels to better understand and theorize about BSD Yosano’s character. I did not finish reading the entire biography, which is why this is only the first section of a bigger whole.
However, if you desire to dig deeper about her in an unabridged manner please kindly refer to the source I will list below. One last thing, please don’t hesitate to add your own thoughts, I am encouraging you to do so, I will appreciate it so much actually!
My primary source;; Janine Beichman - Embracing the Firebird_ Yosano Akiko and the Birth of the Female Voice in Modern Japanese Poetry-University of Hawaii Press (2002). [pdf can be downloaded for free @/libgen]
Allow me to initiate this observation with a passage directly extracted from her biography (the one named above): 
“Yosano’s father Òtori Sòshichi (1847–1903), was the second-generation owner of the Surugaya, a well-known confectioner that specialized in yòkan (sweet bean paste) and sweet dumplings.”
With this passage in mind, I’d like to remind you of this scene in the manga that hinted at BSD Yosano’s circumstances and background prior to being selected as Mori’s assistant at the fortress. In this panel, she mentioned that she was tending to a candy store before getting drafted. 
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Now, drawing from the passage we read regarding the real Yosano Akiko and applying this to BSD Yosano—it’s not far-fetched to assume that the candy shop she was tending to was run and owned by her family. Normally, we could say that familial separation, especially at such an early stage of childhood would be quite hard on the child. However, if we consider the following facts from the real Yosano Akiko’s childhood and parallel it to BSD Yosano again, we could conclude that the separation wasn’t as difficult nor emotional for her when Mori selected her, because she was called in this book an ‘infant exile.’
Starting from the very birth of the real Yosano, her father was severely appalled by her because she was a girl. Moreover, he deserted their home for a week without even looking at his daughter’s face. Her mother became distressed because of the week-long absence of her father, (fainted, even) and couldn’t breastfeed her properly, resulting in the infant Yosano being sent to a maternal aunt accompanied by a wet nurse.
Two years later, due to convenience rather than the will to come back, Yosano returned to her familial house because her aunt had a new baby of her own to look after and raise. Though at this time, a new baby was born, too, at the Otoris. And this baby grew up to be the brother to whom the adult Yosano dedicated her poem ‘Thou Shalt Not Die.’ 
Since the arrival of this baby boy, Yosano’s existence has become easier to tolerate—see this actual snapshot from the passage I am referencing:
‘ while at the Òtori home a baby boy had finally arrived, making it easier to tolerate the unwelcome girl.’
As if to rub in the author’s title for the real Yosano Akiko (infant exile) even their servants and relatives had a distaste for her and her personality, viewing her as the ‘difficult’ child in the family. Here’s another direct quote from the biography book:
‘The relatives chimed in disapprovingly: “‘The younger brother is better behaved; his older sister is a little much.’ From the apprentices to the little uncle on my mother’s side all predicted better things for my younger brother than for me. Having to listen to all that didn’t feel very good.” Even the servants rubbed it in.’
Additionally, Yosano Akiko herself wrote that she never knew the warmth of a mother or father’s lap and that her parents had an inherent antipathy towards her that was not inflicted on her siblings. She wrote, that other women are troubled concerning their in-laws, and how to operate as human beings alongside them but this same worry is her very reality in her own family’s household—blood and flesh—she served her parents as if they were her in-laws and endured hardships by their hand and in their name. Here’s a snippet from the biography:
‘“Other women become brides and struggle to manage a household, but for me it was the reverse: from the time I was a young girl I served my parents as if they were my in-laws, and endured emotional and physical hardships.”’
Another possible factor that enriched an equal sentiment of apathy within Yosano was despite the extremely young age of three she was coerced into attending school—which, as made clear in the biography, was something she disliked. What gave her parents this idea? Well, her father was quite the ardent enthusiast of the science of producing superior human beings. With this belief in mind, it’s no surprise that when he mistook the large forehead of the young Yosano as a sign of intelligence, he sent her to study immediately. 
But Yosano was too young, too passionate, and excited still to engage in play with other children, to have fun with her friends because she was hardly above infancy, only three years old. Despite the awareness of the adults around her that she’s not of school age yet, she was shamed for her disagreement—as said to her by one of her maids: “See what a good girl Miss Takenaka is. Aren’t you ashamed of skipping school?” 
Are you seeing a parallel? BSD Yosano, although just 11 years old, was chosen by Mori to be the core of his immortal regiment plan, because similar to the real Yosano’s situation somebody (her father) saw something urgent and, perhaps special or advantageous in her which is why she was pushed into studying—in BSD Yosano’s case Mori saw this potential within her and incorporated her into his plans, and drafted her from what seems to be her family’s candy shop.
One thing I’d like to emphasize again is that in this drafting of BSD Yosano, the fact that she agreed or at the very least went along with Mori even if it meant being separated from her family, is because she (if we parallel it once again to the poet Yosano) was never really seen as important or someone capable in her family, they did not have faith in what she can do or her future, they did not have confidence in her character. Regarding this sentiment here are two excerpts from the biography: 
‘The restrictions themselves (which were not uncommon then, at least in Sakai) did not hurt as much as the misjudgment of her character and what she might do were she free: “It goes without saying that in a house with many employees, and particularly in a morally lax city like Sakai, a daughter had to be strictly supervised. But there was no need to go that far with a woman who took as many pains to protect herself as I did. I thought the lack of understanding of my feelings that my parents’ attitude showed was outrageous and when alone I often wept over it.”’
‘Like her parents, the teacher hurt her pride by assuming that she was less intellectually and morally advanced than she actually was, but politeness kept her from objecting. 
And as stated by the creature in Frankenstein (see how I always find a way to mention it haha): “And tell me why I should pity man more than he pities me?” 
Why should she nurture deep affection for her family—relatives and servants too, even her teacher—when they will not reciprocate even a pittance of the same love and care? Or even respect. Take a look at this paragraph from the document:
‘But the results of this parental coldness were not entirely negative. Just as 
ignorance of her ancestry liberated Akiko from the weight of family tradition, 
so multiple caretakers and the lack of parental affection weakened her sense of 
filial obligation. 
‘What gave her the strength to defy her family’s expectations 
and flee to Tokyo in her early twenties? Surely, the intensity of her love for 
Yosano Tekkan and her own literary ambition were most important; but would 
a more cherished daughter have been able to make the break so decisively? The 
seeds of the later revolt were planted in the infant exile.’
For this very reason, I conclude that if anything, being drafted by Mori was, in the 11-year-old Yosano’s eyes, an opportunity to prove her competence and worth and realize her goal—saving people’s lives (although in this, she has been failed). As a matter of fact there is a compelling possibility that this conviction to save lives was another element of the real Yosano’s personality and beliefs. It has been written in the biography that Yosano Akiko’s father was a fan of stories of heroism, stories that involved the act of protecting and saving, and what makes this relevant is that he also loved sharing these stories with his children.
From a young age, her mind was fed with these noble stories, and children are impressionable. That said, the young Yosano Akiko inherently possessed a special empathy and protectiveness over life, in support of this let us read through another snippet from a passage;
‘One summer when Akiko was around eight she was sitting up there in the evening cool with her siblings and some cousins, when one of the older children remarked, “A night when the moon and the stars are close means fire.” When the others had left, Akiko gazed up at the vastness of the sky. Feeling sorry for the children in any house that might burn and worried that the fire might reach her own house, “I tried to think of some way to increase the distance between the little star and the moon.”’
As additional support, kindly read this excerpt as well:
‘In the morning, Akiko’s parents returned from her sister’s house. As their own manager politely expressed his relief that the Takemura home was unharmed, Akiko thought sadly to herself, “I wouldn’t mind having the Take-muras’ storehouse burn down if only the Gusei girl had not turned into a charred corpse.”’
And the last addition to further highlight this:
‘So much in this story of the great Sakai fire is typical of Akiko’s view of the society in which she grew up. She shows us all the negatives of the situation: People turned out in force either because they wanted to keep the fire from spreading to their own houses or because they enjoyed a good disaster as long as it was someone else’s. Even her own family thought it natural to rejoice that their daughter’s storehouse had been spared rather than grieve for the dead Gusei girl.’
The young poet Yosano Akiko, even compared to the adults in her environment bore within her a deeper reverence for life, the actions of the adults and their selfish concerns did not amuse her, she thought very negatively of them. The grief and pity she felt for the single casualty, the girl, meant that the loss of life be it a loss of what people consider an insignificant person, mattered to her. For her, every death is worth grieving. And should never be a source of entertainment or material for gossip (the villagers made festivals and dances inspired by the incident). Taking all this into account, it’s not much of a shock that BSD Yosano was so driven to save lives, why it mattered to her so strongly, why, she was also so severely devastated about what her ability has been used for. 
A brief interlude before further digging into the real poet’s early history, I’d like to draw more emphasis on the previous points made—specifically how she’d rather have the storehouse burn (despite having a mother who’s from a lineage of merchants, and Yosano running the candy shop business as well) if it meant seeing a girl she didn’t know too deeply, live—leaping to the future, the poet’s adulthood, for a moment, to affirm further BSD Yosano’s principles regarding the preciousness of life above all else.
In her most, as called in one article, ‘inflammatory’ poem which is ‘Thou Shalt Not Die’ I want us to focus on this particular line in the poem:
For you, what does it matter if Port Arthur Fortress falls or not?
The poet Yosano Akiko was so adamant in stopping her brother, Port Arthur be damned, because it was common knowledge at that time, false or not, that serving the military was volunteering for your own death—there were rumors of the Japanese soldiers being sent to suicide missions—and for what cause, even? Well, that’s not the right question to ask, let’s correct it to what 11-year-old BSD Yosano expressed in her refusal against Mori’s command to continue healing: Should any cause matter over human life? 
Remember, she disagreed when he (Tachihara’s brother) told her that her ability could change the world. She hoped only to save those she could reach. She was aware, of her limits, of the consequences, and that she could not and should not aim for such causes.
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Alright, now that we can clearly see how the real Yosano Akiko’s qualities reflect onto BSD Yosano. Back to the early past.
As young as eight, Yosano Akiko tended and shouldered a huge portion of their business’s management, because, as said in the biography her mother was “sickly” while her father was “irresponsible” so she felt that she had to shoulder their responsibilities, here’s a direct quote: ‘ So Akiko felt that she “absolutely had to” stay home and help her parents, managing both the store and the household.’
But because of this, she earned a position of authority in the household, (additionally, by the age of eighteen, she has salvaged the losses from her father’s stock investments.) analogous to—as she stated herself—how a servant acting on behalf of the master can carve out his or her own sphere of autonomy. 
Our Yosano, if we again, try to see her in the real author’s light, must have been reminded of the corner she was driven into in her younger years. Reminded, of how the adults around her could so easily burden her with duties disproportionate to her age and how powerless she was after all amidst all of it.
This time though, she had hope; hope that she could start anew and could finally leave behind a life riddled with mistrust, and belittling, that she could choose for herself what she would labor for and dedicate her efforts to.
That—in the absence of her hometown and the people she grew with, the absence too, of admiration and belonging would change. 
For a brief moment, it did. 
The soldiers adored her, praised her as an angel, and treated her as someone capable—one made her good coffee, drew her a portrait, and Tachihara’s brother even created a present for her with his ability. She was needed not as some fallback for responsibilities nobody wanted. She was necessary, in a way she approved of. She was not a better-than-nothing exile anymore.
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Furthermore, quiet acceptance didn't shackle her speech and response to the adults surrounding her in the fortress. The author, Yosano Akiko during her time running the business, often had to put on a polite face and way of speaking to the customers and called out herself when she seemed childish; moreover, she had to endure the incredulity of the prominent figures in her life, and deal with its damages internally. Take this excerpt, for example:
‘Like her parents, the teacher hurt her pride by assuming that she was less intellectually and morally advanced than she actually was, but politeness kept her from objecting. Among her friends, Akiko could be open about her ambition and her pride, but with adults, she apparently felt she had to choose between a pained silence and outward disrespect, and the latter was impossible for her.’
Meanwhile, in the fortress, she could allow herself to be less restrictive with how she interacts with them. 
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Even with Mori, her superior, she let go of the hesitation to speak her mind. It’s no surprise then, that by the end of it, her spirit was broken.
This opportunity for change—to make a change, meant the entire world to her. At last, she was able to help in the way that matters to her and appeals to her heart, she did not choose to be there because there were no other options. She was there for a purpose she believed in. Her service was met with gratitude, they accepted her presence, not simply tolerated it.
Until things went south. 
And it did in ways that reignited the severity of an existing fear within our Yosano. How, and why is this the case? 
The poet, until about fifteen years old, nurtured within her as she wrote, an ‘irrational anxiety about death,’ which ‘shaped her inner life.’ As if to fuel her unease, rumors circulated in Sakai (her hometown) about a certain family’s daughter who died bathed in blood after suffering for three days straight. This rumor made the young Yosano Akiko weep, imagining such a kind of suffering. And with these thoughts haunting her, she came up with a specific way in which she would accept death:
‘“If I am to die, let it be at night, so no one will see. I don’t want my suffering exposed to the light of day. I want to breathe my last alone at night in a dark room, letting death’s cruel hands claim me with lips firmly sealed, not a hair of my 
head out of place.”’
She even contemplated suicide, since it is the only way for her to die on her own terms.
Oftentimes, though, she’d take what she could to stay distracted from her mortality, which is mostly done by reading:
‘So here, in addition to the intellectual curiosity, the pleasure, and the inner
rebellion that motivated Akiko’s early reading, is another motive: escape from 
anxiety about her own mortality.’
She attempted to pacify her thoughts and emotions about death, through religion. However, despite her consideration, she ended up rejecting it. From the age of three or four, she hated the scent of incense being burned, going as far as to rush past the many temples that burned them. She disliked, too, sitting beside her parents with her hands clasped in prayer. Affirming and elaborating more on this, allow me to show you this passage:
‘The Buddhist teachings and legends they told her seemed no more than “fairytales for grownups” that could be of  no help to her in “preparing for death.”
Once she “asked if Gautama Buddha had really existed and, if so, what country he had been a citizen of ” and was told that she “would receive divine retribution” for her impertinence.
Every month her mother and her friends heard a lecture by a priest, but as soon as 
the lecture was over, the priest would join them in “ordinary gossip, speaking ill of people behind their backs.”
Akiko “realized that these believers were not even one-tenth as serious as I was about... life and death and that even after twenty or thirty years of visiting temples and praying they were still not saved.” If they had no hope, she reasoned, how much less had she. And so she 
concluded that it was “useless” for her “to expect to be helped by Jòdo Shin-
What did encapture her, and attract her (as said in the biography) then?
Alongside the stories of heroic virgins in Japanese myths, she too was moved by Sokkyò Shijin which was the Japanese translation of The Improviser, translated by—guess who? Ougai Mori. Yes, him. Now I want you to witness this excerpt from the biography:
‘“I envied the pure, noble life of virgin empresses like the goddess Amaterasu. The imperial virgins of Ise and Kamo also filled me with longing. When I look back now on how I felt then, I think that, while squarely facing reality, I flew off and thought of my future in beautiful, idealistic terms, and wanted to stay a pure, undefiled virgin, like an angel, all my life.”’
Considering the new information, we can once again connect it to our Yosano and conclude that BSD Yosano also shared the poet’s fear of death and mortality. Besides her disconnect with her family, she wanted to prevent others from experiencing the fear of dying in a gruesome and undignified manner, which is why she allowed herself to be drafted for war. If you’ll allow me to speculate further, I’d say dying for her (at least she believed) should be a choice, or at the very least should be aligned with the personal preferences and ideals of the person dying—and this principle of hers, augmented the horror she has felt and has bestowed upon the soldiers because what exactly did the weaponizing of her ability bereave the soldiers of, exactly? The control they have over their own death. 
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She wanted to save them from death, and she did. Until they didn't want to—until, she didn't want to, anymore. But she, a child, never stood a chance against what she was actually there for. She was there as a tool to convey a new age of weaponry which were abilities.
The scene with Kaji must have allowed these memories to resurface, he called the train bombing incident an experiment, and in a sense she too was an experiment—like the soldiers, she was there to further the idea and be the evidence that abilities were the weapons of the future that will completely change the battlefield, without any guarantee that she or the soldiers would achieve success, or leave intact.
And they didn’t—not them, not her.
For now, this is all I have for our Yosano.
Or is it? Before we end this I’d like to speculate even more about the significance of Mori as a figure in our Yosano’s life—the poet was moved, her heart attached to the real Mori’s use of language in his translation, in how he wrote the nun—perhaps, BSD Yosano put an equal amount of trust and faith in Mori, his intentions, his treatment of her. Given the real Yosano’s experiences and applying the same to our Yosano, she has every reason to be distrustful and skeptical of suddenly being drafted out of all the older, more experienced people by another adult. So there must be something about BSD Mori’s language, too, that persuaded her and moved her the same way the real Yosano was affected by it. For the first time she believed—relied on him, despite experiencing so many disheartening memories dealt to her by older figures in her life.
Okay, I’m serious now, this is the end. I hope you enjoyed and most of all I hope you appreciate her more as a character, that would be the greatest achievement this post could make.
my main is @ice-devourer jic u wanna talk more abt this, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING OMG!
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sdr2lovemail · 1 year
Hello, could I request Mitsuri x reader headcanons?
A little backstory: It's a modern au where reader is the sister of the clones. She's dating Mitsuri and Zohakuten doesn't approve. Like that's his big sister get away from her! Zohakuten probably give Mitsuri such a hard time when he's around.
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Zohakuten wants Mitsuri out of your life (FEM Reader)
Synopsis: Zohakuten hates your girlfriend and is very open about it.
Notes: I love Mitsuri and I love Zohakuten, thank you for requesting this. Double posting, I felt inspired by this ask.
Requests are open!
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Mitsuri would be ecstatic. Pacing around, anticipating your younger brother getting home. She wants to make a good impression. She loves you so much and wants your brother to approve of her.
You try to get her to lower her expectations. “Uhh, I wouldn’t be too excited. Zohakuten isn’t the most… friendly.” 
As if summoned by his name, Zohakuten walks into the room. His usual scowl seems to deepen upon seeing Mitsuri. “Who is that.” It wasn’t a question. It was a demand.
Before you could introduce her, Mitsuri bounds up to the boy. She offers her hand with a wide smile. “I’m Mitsuri Kanroji, your sister’s girlfriend. You must be Zohakuten. I’ve heard so much about you.”
Ignoring her hand, Zohakuten is silent as he glares at her. His brow furrowed with anger. Though, his expression doesn’t daunt Mitsuri. She instead grabs something out of her bag.
“I brought you a gift! It’s the latest copy of Jump. My brother loves it.” She offers him the manga, hoping he will like it.
“I hate that magazine. Don’t think you can sway my judgment with pointless entertainment.” With that, Zohakuten stomps to his room, ignoring your reprimands, leaving you to comfort Mitsuri.
The two of you had a rather rough childhood. Your brothers moved out the second they could, and your father had the tendency to just up and leave, which left you to raise Zohakuten pretty much on your own.
He’s always been a closed-off kid, protective of those he loves and quick to anger. He hates others trying to get in his space. You were the only family member he had around. He didn’t want a stranger ruining his normalcy.
Zohakuten tells that to her face, of course. “You are just a shameless harlot trying to seduce my sister. You’ll never be a part of my family.”
No matter how much you reprimand him or put him on punishment, his feelings hardly change. Mitsuri would try everything to get him to like her. She’d offer gifts like sweets and games, try to bond with him, anything to try and get to know him. But her efforts are met with the presents being trashed and mean words.
He goes out of his way to make Mitsuri feel unwelcome.
One time, Mitsuri had come over for dinner. Zohakuten had set the table with only two plates. When you asked him to set another out, he said you shouldn’t waste your money feeding her. After getting scolded, he would get a plate for Mitsuri, with as much attitude as possible.
Mitsuri will eventually learn that this is just how he is. No amount of presents, food, or small talk can get him to like her. Though, she’ll still offer him things.
I can see Zohakuten capitalizing on your love for him. You wanna hang out with Mitsuri? Well, his stomach hurts and he needs you to help him feel better. You and Mitsuri are snuggling in bed? Zohakuten had a nightmare and wants to sleep in your bed tonight. 
Your four other brothers might take him off your hands if they could be bothered to. It’s Aizetsu who watches him the most. He feels bad that Zohakuten keeps meddling in your love life.
Give him a few years, and he will grow to tolerate Mitsuri, nothing past that. He’ll start taking her presents and not try and lock her out of the house. Zohakuten will always carry a sense of resentment. You’ll be at your wedding and he’ll pull you aside to ask if this is really what you want. “The papers haven’t been signed you can still leave.”
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xjulixred45x · 2 months
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If it's okay can I please ask for a romantic yandere choso
With sister Rosa
And the rest is up to you
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Also you can find more information about her on my page here on Tumblr
Okay, thanks for the Request
Yandere Choso x Rosa! Reader
Genre: Headcanons
Reader: female
Warnings: YANDERE BEHAVIOR, OVERPROTECTION UNHEALTY MINDSET, STALKING, SPOILERS FROM THE MANGA, Reader has the past and caracteristics of Sister Rosa of @nunezs-stuff .
Let's say that Choso and reader know each other (and he becomes obsessed) when reader is with Demaryius.
The reader has a great loyalty towards Demarius that many cannot understand, even Choso himself at the beginning when they had to work together for the common good of defeating Sukuna.
Why would I have respect for someone so SOFT?
What they don't know is how Demaryius practically saved the reader's life, literally and figuratively.
Choso and reader interact relatively often because they are 1- the most responsible for their groups and 2- they are the only ones who can handle Demarius' young children/apprentices, which makes Choso interact more with her.
At first, Choso had only seen a very standard side of the reader, the way she treated everyone (the overcoat) with harshness and rigidity and even became strict and disciplined.
It reminded him a little of not very pleasant aspects of someone (Kenjaku).
However, when they had to take care of the youngest children (especially children with trauma), something changed in the reader.
All her intimidating aura disappeared and she became someone much more maternal, calm and friendly.
It was almost like seeing another person.
and in a way Choso rejected that type of treatment.
Not only because of his own lack of a mother figure, but because he genuinely wanted to get closer to the reader, but had no idea how.
(I may have even asked Yuki, Yuji and company about what to do, but they all give him answers that contradict each other and he is even more confused).
Even so, Choso begins to make a strategy (not at all creepy or worrying) on how to approach the reader.
First, know what things you both like or have in common, how? easy, FOLLOWING HER everywhere so I could make sure she was okay:D
He can't help it! Reader is not even a user of cursed energy, how are you supposed to defend yourself from the horrible beings that plague this world if you can't even see them?
Add to that that by now most of Choso's brothers are dead. Therefore, he clings very closely to the relationship with the reader and wants to have her approval.
Second step, have a better relationship with her, this one is not as worrying as the previous one, but it is definitely still a bit creepy because of the previous one.
Choso tries to talk as best he can with the reader and thus be closer, which works half-heartedly, since the reader does not enjoy when Choso is not clear with what he says (he stutters) or, in his words, says nonsense.
but at least he and the reader manage to understand each other better, since Choso manages to resolve one of his doubts, his relationship with Demaryius.
reader, seeing that Choso seems(heh) to be harmless, decides to tell him how she met Father Demaryius.
It turns out that reader (like Choso) was let down by humanity on many occasions, whether with her parents, the people of her town or "religion"... her fiancé.
Everything came to a point where the reader decided to flee without thinking about whether she would live or not, she simply wanted to escape from that nightmare.
and that was when he met Father Demaryius.
He was the one who saved her, who gave her a name, a purpose, a home...
and I would always be grateful for that.
but he wouldn't tolerate any nonsense when it came to him.
Choso opens up to the reader and realizes that they both really have a lot in common, more than he thought...perfect.
Thanks to this, the reader trusts Choso more and ends up unaware of several of his worst yandere tendencies.
precisely because after knowing everything the reader went through, Choso doesn't want to end up being like the people who hurt her before.
so there is no kidnapping, but there is a lot of manipulation.
what type? the kind that makes you feel guilty for not giving him attention, for leaving him alone.
Choso is also not above using the reader's trauma to keep her close, whether by mentioning her own trauma with an abusive father or after Yuki's death.
Possessive as shit, when they are already in a relationship, rest assured that he becomes a shadow reader. He even continues to stalk her! He just feels less guilty about it now that they're official.
I think the only person he wouldn't be jealous of is Yuji for OBVIOUS reasons, and maybe Father Demaryius, but even so he is "cautious" with him (mostly because of the level of power between the two).
He still respects and even loves Demaryius, but Choso will not let him take something so precious from him.
VERY LOVING, whether physical contact, words of affirmation, gifts, etc. Choso loves to pamper the reader and have her around in general, which is sometimes a disadvantage for the reader 😅 but don't worry, eventually you get used to it.
definitely overprotective to unimaginable levels. I already said it with his stalker tendencies, but he believes that if he takes his eyes off the reader for ONE SECOND something horrible could happen to him, and it terrifies him.
A large part of their yandere tendencies are related to fear, fear of being alone, fear of the reader dying, fear of abandonment, disappointment, etc.
so the reader can also easily manipulate it if she wants, so she can make it improve or FLEE.
because he's still a yandere.
He has killed, will kill and will continue to kill as a reader.
It doesn't matter who, if they get in the way of THEIR happiness, they will encounter death.
He deserves to be happy. No matter what.
He will be selfish. For ONCE
just...leave him and Reader ALONE....
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Shares, reblogs and comments are very welcome!
This is a little shorter than usual bc im not quite used to Sister Rosa😅 and honestly am not in the mood for JJK stuff but i wanted to make this for You! Hope this is of your liking and i didn't mischaracter Your oc😭
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My thoughts on Spy x Family Chapter 82
Needless to say, (some real serious) manga spoilers alert
Oh, boy, I'm gasping for air. I'm panicking, and I've not panicked this much about Spy x Family since Anya's last hijack incident (which my heart has not recovered yet). Mr. Endo, may you, please, pay my cardiologist bill? I'm not joking, I'm hyperventilating, and my chest is TU DUM, TU DUM.
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The mole was discovered! Poor guy (or not, who knows?). I wonder what SSS will do to him. How far will the organization go? I believe we won't even know.
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I'm seriously nervous for him. Twillight is used to things getting on his way, with minimum complications and this situation is definitely not it. Of course, he could figure things could go bad, since It's a really risky operation, however, I feel his frustration in not getting much time to secure the real wheeler.
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Damn, my heart is not surviving till the end of this chapter.
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Our man got ✨ The Skills ✨ Still, all this shooting is getting me pretty nervous. I'm immediately getting my anxiety meds. Endo, what the actual f-
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Yeah, Twilight is The Man! Still, my hands are trembling and so is my apprehensive cardiac organ. This is sure to be qualified as torture.
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He is quite wise disguising as Yuri. Haha, got it? I'm not okay, Christ.
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Damn, Yuri is very intelligent, as well. The brains had to go to one of the Briar's, am I right? (Poor Yor, I love you, It's not personal. Bad comedy is my coping mechanism when I'm nervous. I'm so sorry!)
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He is right about that. Twilight is nervous. And I wonder why. Maybe because there's more on this game than before? He is a father. A husband. He worries. He is not the same he was before, as much as he tries to convince himself that he is not attached to his fake family dynamics.
I can clearly imagine his thoughts racing. He's thinking about Anya, about Yor, about WISE, while trying to run and get these thoughts away from him in order to not commit mistakes, like leaving a footprint behind. Just saying.
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Oh Yuri, you are so sweet, in a way. And you know absolutely nothing.
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The panic™  on his face. Poor Yuri, I'm truly divided right here. See? I'm calmer, not panicking at all, this is certainly my clonazepam working.
Quick (but important) writer's note here, I'm actually diagnosed with intense anxiety and use prescribed medication, I joke about it, cause It's better to laugh than cry on the reality of my condition, however, never use anxiolytic/benzodiazepines drugs without valid prescription and conscience, it might cause long-term dependency and tolerance. My Pharmacy academic self felt the need to point this out. Moving on!
By the way, have you noticed the "waver"? Twilight is hesitating, deeply, which makes him more prone to aiming wrong. Haha, ha… I'm okay, I swear 😰
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Okay, two theories. I'm okay, I swear, my blood pressure is just fine.
Theory number 1. Twilight gets Yuri shot on some of his limbs, probably one of his legs, so our spy can buy time, run to encounter the others Wise's agents and hide. Gladly, he can aim just on the spot when no much damage is made to Yuri, even though the spy is extremely nervous. Twillight was totally not expecting to find him on that corner, and he knows that doing something so serious like UNALIVING HER WIFE'S BROTHER will tear her apart. Why else he would waver? He is the best spy of Westalis. He doesn't hesitate, but this is different.
Theory number 2. Which I believe is less likely, but still possible, Yuri gets our incredible Spy shot on some area of his body where the disguise falls off, and he realizes Twillight and Loid are the same person, but he does nothing about it, at least not for a while. Making him and the spy share this major secret for a while, due to numerous reasons, but mainly to protect Yor and take her out of her position as Loid's wife safely. But as I said, I find unlikely to Yuri shoot TwiTwi, even though the latter is quite nervous and might not dodge the shot. Besides the fact Loid has his arm aimed at Yuri first, while Yuri has his arm sideways, which gives Twilight an advantage in time.
Be sure to talk to me in the comments, I would love to hear what you guys think. Moving on to the last past of the chapter.
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Lady Yor! Our grownup baby! She is still with the same outfit and hair down, so I assume it's late at night or afternoon, maybe Anya is already home or at a sleepover with Becky? Not sure.
Our poor girl is nervous due to Yuri filling her thoughts with the possibility of Loid cheating (which is dumb as floof, because he is a loyal boy) but still, even sober, Yor is worried. She cares about this family so much it probably hurts and confuses her. Her face on the left gave me chills, so much is going through her mind, almost if she senses something is wrong.
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So. Much. Blood. I'm. Nervous. I. Can't. Breath. Properly. What. Was. This? Whose blood is this? (Not Yor's, I assume). I always count the days till the next chapter, but for this one, I'll be in severe mental pain until its release date. My mind racing like Yor's, wondering if Loid will come home late or come home at all.
I keep imagining scenarios where one of the boys gets shoot and the aftermath of that, Loid or Yuri at the hospital or being held by their organizations in order to get intel from them, Yor drying with worry, there are so many possibilities. This arc has been the most intense so far, for me, at least. I don't know how I will cope till June 26th.
What do you guys thinking? If my heart survived until now, yours will! Make sure to like, reblog and support my work here on Tumblr, I really appreciate it. Now I will rest, cause that chapter was (hell) difficult 🌹 (this post will be reviewed soon, so if you encounter any grammar or spelling mistakes, forgive my bilingual mess self)
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slightlymoldybread · 3 months
Prince Mush headcanons! Because he lives rent free in my head 24/7
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He's in his early 20s, 23 at the oldest. He started fighting in the Glitz Pit when he was still a teenager. Jolene is 3 years older than him.
He and Jolene are the Master's grandkids. He learned most of what he knows about fighting from his grandfather, and extensively trained with him before his career began.
He's pansexual, and particularly attracted to people physically stronger than him. If someone can lift him off the ground, he starts blushing. If they can lift him above their shoulders, he swoons and goes slack in their arms.
Despite his family being much better off now than they were when he started his career, he and Jolene still live with their parents; it's just more convenient for everyone. They do have a nice, big house in Glitzville now, though.
Hot dogs are his favorite food. He always visits Mr. Hoggle's stand if he needs a snack while he's at the Glitz Pit. Mr. Hoggle really likes him because he always leaves a good tip.
He loves to wear hoodies when he goes out, especially big baggy ones. They make up like 80% of his wardrobe when he's not in the ring.
He's a huge comic book/manga nerd. He grew up reading a lot of them, since they were the best form of entertainment his poor family could afford for him. He always keeps a few in with his gear, and unwinds after his training sessions by reading them.
He has recurring night terrors of being dragged to the power-draining machine, unable to move or call for help. He always wakes up screaming just as the machine starts up.
He takes really good care of his hair. That big banana-looking lock of hair he has? It smells amazing and feels like fine silk.
He likes to do a self-care day every now and then. Around once a month he'll skip training for a day, and instead spend that time taking a nice long bubble bath, doing a face mask, and lounging around in a fluffy bathrobe with a hot cup of tea.
He has a bad habit of bottling up his emotions, especially his trauma from what Grubba did to him. He thinks that by avoiding discussing it with anyone and hiding it behind a big smile, he can eventually push it out of his mind. Obviously this doesn't work, and he often ends up crying himself to sleep over it, or letting it all out in one big meltdown when something breaks his facade.
While he's by no means stupid, he is a rather naive person who's too nice for his own good, and is easily taken advantage of.
He generally has a preference for skimpy or loose-fitting clothing, as he likes to wear things that don't restrict his movement. For the same reason, he prefers to go barefoot whenever he's at home or training.
He has low alcohol tolerance, especially compared to Jolene. If he were to drink the amount it takes for her to start feeling buzzed, he'd wake up in the hospital.
He's autistic. Jolene mentions him saying that "there are some things that can only be understood by fighting", which I read as him finding a better understanding of the world around him when viewing it through the lens of his special interest. Maybe he has trouble getting what people are thinking or feeling normally, but he can pick up on things from seeing how they fight, and he feels more connected to and understanding of them overall if he has a spar with them. This is why he's so eager to fight Mario for the first match of his comeback; he has a lot of respect for Mario for saving his life and wants to feel closer to him, and he finds the best way to do that is through combat. Or something.
Another symptom of his autism is that he has a "comfort zone" of things he likes to eat or wear or do, which he doesn't typically step out of.
He loves listening to girly pop music, especially while working out.
He squeals and kicks his feet when he's excited.
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nagichi-boop · 7 months
I’m not sure if this is something anyone else has picked up on, but after watching reactions to Itsuomi’s confession to Yuki, a lot of people got confused as to why she kept asking why Itsuomi even wanted to date her. I want to offer my two cents, but please note that there’s a degree of projection in my opinion, so maybe y'all will have a different viewpoint. As another disclaimer, I haven’t read the manga (yet!!), so my assessment of the characters is based on episodes 1-9 of the anime.
Yuki, for the most part, is a somewhat self-assured character. She’s a little insecure, but she also isn’t afraid to take chances on developing her relationship with Itsuomi. But she has also never experienced a romantic relationship with anyone. On top of that, she has grown up only being able to talk to very few people. One of the only people she could talk to, Oushi, has only used sign language to be mean to her. Sure, maybe on the outside it doesn’t get to her. But if you hear negative thoughts over and over throughout your life, it can influence you subtly.
If you’ll indulge me for a moment, I’d like to share my experiences briefly so that hopefully my viewpoints on Yuki’s behaviour makes sense. I myself am disabled. I’m not deaf, but I am mentally and physically disabled. As it stands right now, I feel I am growing to accept myself more and I’m working on treating myself with more kindness. However, when I think about someone liking me romantically, my biggest fear is that they won’t be able to tolerate my disabilities. It affects my communication, my independence, my tolerance for activity, among other things. In my mind, there are so many better and easier options than me. Even before I watched this anime, I always imagined that if someone I liked confessed to me, I’d be compelled to ask them why, not because I doubted the person being genuine, but because I am clouded by my own negative self-perception.
Going back to Yuki, I can totally see her having a similar line of thought. She views Itsuomi as someone who is popular; she even makes a comment about how anyone would fall for him if they were treated the way he treated her, since she assumed his treatment of her wasn’t special. She also, multiple times, becomes insecure about his relationship with Emma, despite being assured by multiple people (including Itsuomi) that they aren’t romantically involved. And despite doing so much that would indicate his affection for Yuki - the gentle way he talks to her, the fact he repeatedly wraps his arm around her, pats her head, smiles at her (despite being an otherwise inexpressive person) and literally kisses her hand - she still doesn’t realise that maybe her feelings are reciprocated. Why? Because of her own self-doubt.
When she asks Itsuomi why he wants to date her, I don’t think she is confused by what he means. I think there’s a part of her that can’t believe why, out of everyone he has met, he would choose her specifically. She needed Itsuomi to convince her that he genuinely wanted to be with her. Even after they start dating, she still needs to clarify with Rin that it’s okay for her to call him her boyfriend. These things are perhaps givens, but she is an anxious person by nature, so of course she struggles a little to understand the ‘rules’ of being in a relationship are.
Anyways uhh, thanks for reading this ramble! Let me know what y'all think. There’s a chance this won’t be the last post about A Sign of Affection that I make. I want to talk about my thoughts on Itsuomi (and maybe Oushi) in more depth at some point, but I’d like to catch up on the manga first.
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funishment-time · 6 months
for the ask game, Toko Fukawa :D
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you got it! i'll include Syo as well. this is a bit Incoherent, but with any luck you all can Parse what i mean
Sexuality Headcanon: Toko's...tough, because she's got so much going on. regardless, i think if you strip everything away she's genuinely Bisexual, as is Syo. they lean towards Men, but Komaru is special. additionally, i say "comphet" for a lot of the girls, but in Toki's case it's a bit different: hers was less societal and more the abuse of her peers and parents. had she never met Komaru it may have never occurred to her that she could love and partner up with a Woman.
brief aside on this: i don't think Toko would ever identify as gay or queer or anything remotely accurate or healthy (ha). nor would Syo, but Syo would probably use a Slur as a label to get a rise out of people, avatar of rebellion and grunge that she is. Toki in particular is on my list of personal "what are you, gay or something?" characters while actively being married to a woman, next to Miu and a few others. good times
Gender Headcanon: okay, hear me out on this one, and sorry if this doesn't make sense, but...
the Fukawas are generally cis to me, though i've imagined a few scenarios where they're trans. when they're cis, however, i headcanon that, if they're with Komaru, only Toko ends up actually being cis. Syo becomes a sort of...genderweird she/her because she sees herself as the fantasy-masc Byakuya to Komaru's femininity. for lack of a better term: Syo thinks of herself as Komaru's husband (hersband...) a lot.
i have no idea how else to explain this without getting mildly NSFW. my thoughts on it aren't really pornographic so much as, like, Psychosexual? you know? and i want to keep the blog somewhat PG-13, so i'll leave it there!
A ship I have with said character: i am a diehard Tokomaru shipper and they're probably the one OTP i don't like splitting up in the whole franchise. they have a game together. they are the Girls of all time
A BROTP I have with said character: i've always loved the idea of Komaru being the entryway into Toko genuinely befriending (or at least earning the tolerance of) a lot of her fellow survivors in the main timeline. i do think Makoto would sincerely be Toko's pal, though, and i adore positioning him as the sweet bachelor brother-in-law in their nasty little family
A NOTP I have with said character: are there people out there who genuinely ship Fukawa System x Byakuya? if so...i'm sorry, but why? whyyyy. again, i try to Live and let Live in this fandom, but lorda mercy you chose poorly in this case, no offense
A random headcanon: to expand on my previous point...i will add, however, that my Fukawa Headcanons generally don't exclude Byakuya. i've said before that, for me, the Fukawas never really lose their crush on him, but it becomes purely, well, NSFW. if you excuse me being blunt for a moment: they still want to rail him, he figures in many of their fantasies, but they don't want to wake up next to him, and they certainly don't want to have his kids or make him breakfast.
Komaru, however, is the Fukawas' WIFE. she is Love, she is Healing, and she is their very best friend at her core beyond all the romance. she is pancakes and shitty manga and joy. Toko (and Syo) may not dream of Komaru kicking them around, but they do dream of creating a peaceful life with her. well...as peaceful as things can get in that timeline. some shit is always Happening
anyway: and Komaru just accepts this, because she knows she's got the girl(s) in the end!
General Opinion over said character: 10/10 i love my Toki so very much. Toki kinnie 4 life. stinky little insect creature. vile and perfect and lovable
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another-lost-mc · 3 months
I have a potentially sad question (and a silly afterwards) with all the effort ten-ten went through to get his father's approval, did the demon king love him? Like not in a he's my son so I'm obligated way but like do you think he really cared and worried about him? (Secondary how long is tens hair??? Like waist, ass, knees, floor? The correct answer in my heart is Rapunzel length lmao (Also demon king looks like the MC of a spicy manga he can get it))
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Did the Demon King love Tenebris? I think so. He loved his sons in different ways but he could've done a better job expressing that with both of them. You could argue that Tenebris had a better relationship with his father than Diavolo did, although each of them feels that their brother had it "better".
Tenebris had more freedom to choose what he wanted to do with his life. There was no expectation that he'd ever sit on the throne and therefore he could do anything he wanted instead. He chose to pursue magical arts because he was talented and he enjoyed it. His father encouraged it by giving him better opportunities than low-ranking demons had without the responsibility of attending court or learning realm politics in order to keep the other nobles happy.
Tenebris has fond memories of Diavolo's mother helping raise him before her death. Demon children are chaotic little gremlins at the best of times, and she helped give him balance and direction when he felt lost or uncertain about who he was or his place in the world.
(Tenebris was angry that she died giving birth to Diavolo. Diavolo is jealous that Tenebris knew his mother like he never could.)
Even though Tenebris made a lot of questionable (aka bad) choices earlier in his life, his father never punished him the way he might have with other demons. Then again, he didn't need to - his disappointment was palpable and it was enough to give Tenebris a much-needed wake-up call when he started pushing the limits of what could be tolerated.
Tenebris was involved in the chain of events that led to Bathin's exorcism. The demon king shielded him from the potential consequences because he knew it wasn't really his fault, and Ten's own guilt over what happened was punishment enough.
As for your second question, I think SUPER long hair is so pretty but so impractical. (note: my hair is about mid-back length and it drives me nuts sometimes so my opinion is a little biased.)
I think if Tenebris had extremely long hair, like knee-length or longer, he'd wear it in thick braids or something since a simple ponytail would probably still be uncomfortably long for him to wear, especially in any kind of battle-situation.
I usually picture him having hair that's waist-length, so about the same or a bit longer than demon!Meta's hair is.
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vraisetzen · 18 days
Hiya V! How’re you? Hope you’re well! 💛
Out of curiosity, who are your top ten favorite ‘Demon Slayer’ characters and why? I’m really curious!
Thanks! Xxx
Hi Anon! I'm doing well, thank you!
This is a really good question! I've never really thought about my top ten KnY characters before because I love all of them, but if I absolutely have to single out ten of them, with a few underrated ones:
Kokushibo: Need I say more? Or rather, in the immortal words of Jane Austen, if I loved him less, I might be able to talk about him more. His unearthly beauty, his appreciation for talent and skill no matter who he fought, his envy for Yoriichi's gifts, his fear of his legacy being forgotten — all at odds with what is ultimately his all-too human desire to be seen and appreciated for his own skills. Kokushibo has done many unforgivable things in his long, long life — things which not even I can excuse nor downplay — but he is also an immensely complex and compelling individual fraught with at once the ugliest and most beautiful parts of humanity.
Muzan: I have read many manga series over the years, but seldom have I seen an antagonist as single-minded as Kibutsuji Muzan. Certainly, there are better written villains out there, with greater depth and harsher backstories, but the simplicity of Muzan's aims — to conquer the sun and become a perfect being — stands out in a sea of moustache-twiddling foes with schemes to take over the world. That he was born to comfort at a time of Japan's culture epoch, who saw nothing wrong with dirtying his aristocratic hands to kill a lowly doctor; that he did not mind subsisting on humans, but could not tolerate the idea of sitting in the shade whilst other languished in the sun; that he created demons as a tool for his objectives but ultimately saw them more as a hindrance — he is truly a man for himself. As he said in the final battle, was it not enough for the rest of you lot to still be alive? He is not trying to rule over the world, mind you — and even if one were to be so unlucky as to cross paths with him, it was, well, because they were down on their luck. He does not wish to play God, for he does not even care about these lowly mortals; this is truly his world, and we are all just living in it.
Douma: Douma IS brat, y'all. I have always loved unsympathetic villains as much as sympathetic ones, and the second Upper Moon is no exception. Make no mistake, there is nothing redeemable about Douma — he is a cult leader who takes pride in objectifying women as nothing but sustenance. I adore the moment when the light in his dazzling eyes shut off after Kanao calls him out his act. Yet, unlike other delightful sociopathic villains (Tsukiyama Shū from Tokyo Ghoul comes to mind), Douma never fully crosses the line into camp, as in the case of Gyokki; in his mind, he is as sincere as he can be, and he comes across as someone who truly enjoys being a demon and the benefits that come with it. In that sense, he is delightful to watch and even more delightful to hate, and I wished we saw him riling up the other Upper Moons more.
Nakime: In a different world, Nakime would be the perfect protagonist of a psychological thriller/slasher film a la Black Swan. Killing her husband was one thing, but finding the trembling of her fingers post-murder so musically inspiring that she did it again and again — this was a level of artistry that not even Gyokko could fathom in his wildest imaginations.
Rengoku Shinjurō: Reader, I can fix him — was the first thing I thought of when we saw Shinjurō properly for the first time. He is an interesting comparison against Uzui — both of them are retired Hashira, yet the former did not so much as leave a trailing blaze as he fell from grace. How useless must he have felt by the time of Rengoku Gaiden — losing his wife, disgracing his family's name? Likewise, he was no doubt feeling like a mutton dressed as a lamb when Uzui and Himejima joined the ranks of the Hashira. Though his abusive treatment of his children are reprehensible, they also stem from a deeply seated place of mid-life crisis, insecurity, and self-hatred.
Urokodaki Sakonji: There is a wonderful art from Chapter 90 which depicts Urokodaki carving two wooden dolls of Tanjiro and Nesuko — it moves me in a strange way that I cannot put properly into words, only that it encapsulates Urokodaki's compassion, empathy, and kindness in a manner that sets him apart from the typical elder mentor that we see in other shōnen works.
Kanroji Mitsuri: If we are talking about relatable characters, then there is no one I see myself in more than Mitsuri. Though I may not have her generous heart and endless capacity for kindness and love, I understand her struggle of not feeling like a good enough young lady of marriageable age. Her dyeing her hair, eating less and suppressing her naturally bubbly self in a bid to be more likeable — haven't we all been there? Truly, if there was someone in the entirety of KnY to whom I aspire, it would be Mitsuri.
Uzui Tengen: Though he may resent the Shrek comparison (or own it; it's tough to determine Uzui's actual taste when he brushes so close to being trailer trash), Uzui has layers — his flamboyant exterior belies a true concern for his wives and young charges, and if I may repeat myself once more: it is only when he is the most quiet (sneaking up on the shop owner to demand the whereabouts of Zenitsu, feeding Hinatsuru the antidote, giving Suma and Makio head pats) that he is the most himself. His inclination for all things shiny and extravagant is not merely an expression of himself after escaping from his family, it is also a way for him to cloak his true feelings of care — just as a true shinobi would.
Ubuyashiki Amane: There is so little we know of her besides that she was a shrine maiden, but her actions speak volumes. Her arranged marriage to Ubuyashiki could have left her resentful for it was tantamount to an arranged widowhood, but she nonetheless loved and took care of her young husband, and stayed firmly by his side till the very end. The anime does a stunning depiction of this through the eyecatch of her holding his bandaged, disease hand; and that close-up of her impassive face as the explosives set off around the estate, engulfing her and her husband in flames — she has always known what she was signing up for. A lesser person might have left, or ended their life, but Amane stayed true till the very last moment.
The magistrate who sentenced Hantengu: A true underrated favourite, so hear me out on this one; I think this man is easily one of the most righteous of the entire KnY series. He reminds me so much of the real-life historical figure, Ōoka Echizen (played to perfection by Katō Gō in the 1971 series of the same name, but this is a rabbit hole I shan't force on anyone...), who not only exposed Hantengu's lies, but also saw through that pitiful blind man act and gave him a proper sentence. In a kinder world, he could have adopted Daki and Gyutaro; or delivered justice for Akaza — but that is an AU for another time.
xoxo, V ♥️
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rewordthis · 1 year
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Ah, Kamo my boy.
I know you just wanted to be a good kid and a good leader for the Kamo clan but you should consider the chance that both Maki and Mai may never wanted to be married to you.
And especially considering Maki’s personality, if she indeed had inherited the Ten Shadows Technique, she would most definitely try to assert dominance on her clan instead of let herself get married into another clan!😗
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Also, why are Megumi’s eyes brown?! Who forgot to colour them??? 😂
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And featuring my biggest pet peeve in 2D Universe: Paper-dimensional teeth. I’m not going to tolerate this from MAPPA again! 😤😒
Points of focus that got my attention under the cut (spoilers obviously).
“It hurts…” Yuuji after killing Eso. 🤨
Gojo is more tanned than we all think. The only ones that have a darker complexion than him are Yuuji and Yaga! This came a bit as a shock to me because I usually notice these things pretty quickly but his white hair are quite misleading. Haha I only noticed after watching him interact with the other characters in back to back episodes in my rewatch. 👀
Why was Kamo thinking of reuniting with Miwa when they fought Hanami? Does Miwa have the potential to exorcise special grades? I highly doubt that… hm.🤨
Ever since I heard this when I first watched JJK, I’m having so many thoughts about what this truly meant; what exactly Gojo meant when he told Megumi that he ‘won’t even measure up to Nanami’? Is this because Nanami is extremely strong? Like he’s the second strongest after himself— THE Gojo Satoru? Or — like I always understood it — because Nanami is extraordinarily strong despite not being complete as a sorcerer? This is giving me headaches for a year now… ugh… 🫤😬 Of course, it could mean both senses… Nah, coming from Gojo, it really sounds like the later meaning, right?🧐
What really bothers me in the movie; did Gojo really said “I love you” to Geto? Ahaha, not so much that it bothers me but more like the manga had Gojo blushing the minute he sets eyes on Geto, but Geto doesn’t blush until after Gojo’s last words to him. Yet, the movie never shows them blushing at any moment. What version is accurate? Not to mention… Gojo really had to decapitate Geto. Geto himself is a reversed curse technique user, which is probably why Yuuta went after his head during their fight (this kid knows his subject!). Geto got momentarily lucky that the katana broke but… Well, did Gojo do his job properly? He better— 😒
I think this is an unpopular opinion and people will go bonkers if I say this out loud, but the only reason for Gojo to tell Geto that he loves him in that moment and Geto to reply — well, like he did — is that besides friendship there was really nothing more between them. Individually, Geto must have loved Gojo in the more ecumenical or platonic sense— more like how you love your family, your friends, the people in general. It’s a fairly broad range of love. That’s why he didn’t consider Gojo’s ‘love’ a curse. Or at least that’s what he was comfortable with… Poor Gojo, really. This was his last chance to confess to Geto and the guy is just as blockheaded and dense as a cementbrick. Because make no mistake, by the narrative, Gojo speaks of love in the same sense of how Yuuta loves Rika… erm, loved(?) Rika… He means it as romantic love. Again, poor Gojo. If he really said ‘l love you’ to Geto, then that means he finally found the courage to admit his feelings, but his feelings didn’t come across! I did say before that his existence is a joke, right? He deserves this pain because he’s Over Powered. He can take it. 🤭😗
And what really bothers the shit out of me: what was the bluff Geto pulled while at Jujutsu Tech that they all still believe??? What did his stupid ass did??? It can’t be that he was referring to the way he manipulates cursed spirits, right? That’s too simple! Though it may hold some truth, I don’t think it is — or rather, it shouldn’t be — something so simple. Grrr 🙄😤
Ah! Btw, because I forgot to say this earlier, what was that bubble Yuuta used to heal Maki, Toge and Panda? Was that a reverse cursed technique? It seemed to sooth Maki’s pain. And in the manga, it looked like she was more or less healed(?)… 🧐 Yes, I don’t know.
Bonus Favourite juju strolls:
Gojo asking Nanami out just to break his nerves.
Gojo, Nobara and Yuuji ruining Megumi’s ‘pick up’ time.
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quirkwizard · 2 years
Remember how you gave 1-A quirks from AFO? Can you do that with 1-B?
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Kosei-Muscle Augmentation: Since none of the Quirks synergize with Kosei that well, might as well giving him a little extra bulk to help him out.
Kamakiri- Rivet: While Kamakiri has some good offense and mobility, he is seriously lacking in the defense department. Plus it could give his blades a non-lethal option.
Manga-Wings: Unrestricted flight could give Manga a lot more opportunities too apply "Comic", like dropping giant stones on someone, and gives him a good getaway option.
Hiryu-Springlike Limbs: While this could offer him some extra mobility, I think that the main drawback would be how well it works with "Scale", giving his scales extra puncturing power.
Reiko-Storage: As Reiko needs items around to control, why not let her carry around whatever she wants inside of herself to control later? You start fighting her and suddenly get hit by a sink.
Kendo-Air Walk: I think that this could have some fun applications with her martial arts skill, giving herself footholds to attack from wherever she wants and some much needed mobility.
Pony-Spearlike Bones: This could have some potential interactions with "Horn Cannon", like giving Pony's horns more cutting power, or giving her smaller horns for her to control.
Jurota-Absorb and Release: Since he already has a lot that bulk and a high pain tolerance, why not give him a Quirk that relies on both of those things and gives him some unique offensive options.
Sen-Shoulder Mounted Jets: Extra mobility is good and all, but I mostly picked this to turn Sen into a human missile. He could just launch himself at whatever he wants for maximum damage if he wanted.
Ibara: Shock Absorption: Not only could this protect Ibara from anyone who gets close to her, but it could help enhance her vines as well, giving them a greater resistance to attempts to break or cut them.
Awase-Hypertrophy: While any contact based Quirk user would benefit from this Quirk, I think it works with Awase the best since "Weld" release on making as much contact as possible, letting him apply it to larger targets.
Kodai-Overclock: Now that she can move at high speeds, she can rapidly change the size of whatever she wants without worry if she got too close. You wouldn't even knew if she touched something until she release the affect.
Komori-Air Cannon: Considering that you can shape the air blasts and their long range, this could give Komori a great way to spread and focus how and where her spores move, countering some of her biggest weaknesses.
Bondo-Hardflame Fan: This does help his role in defense and gives him some extra offense, but I'm mostly giving this too him because of how it could combine with "Cemendine". Imagine a massive wave of burning, sticky glue.
Tetsutetsu: Tool Arms: This could give Tetstetsu a better range and greater suite of options in a fight while the normally vulnerable arms are protected in his steel coating. Plus it would make him look like a killer robot.
Shoda-Impact Recoil: As these are both based around kinetic attacks, there could be a lot of synergy between the two and how they can work around attacks, like empowering any attack he happens to counter. If nothing else, it can work to shore up Shoda's defenses.
Tokage: Super Regeneration: This has the most obvious interact. If Tokage can heal herself faster, it makes sending out the parts less of a risk, lets them stay away from her for longer periods, and would let her develop body parts at a extremely rapid rate for greater coverage.
Kuroiro-Rivet Stab: This could have a lot of synergy with "Black", letting Kuroiro sneak around and attack whomever he wishes from the safety of shadows. What's more is that it could work to give him a dark spot anywhere, sending them out to travel along them.
Juzo-Transforming Arms: I did consider giving him "Infrared" to see through his own mud, but I think giving him something more varied like “Transforming Arms” could make up for the one note nature of his Quirk and would be more useful for him given his intelligence.
Monoma-Warping: While I was tempted to give him "Overclock", I think this works better. By letting him teleport his allies and enemies, it could let him flex his strategic skills by moving people around, but it could bring people close to him to copy their Quirks if he needs to.
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inukag · 2 years
Hey Cynthia! This is kind of an ask but mainly a rant because I find this INCREDIBLY annoying, because it's clear these people don't understand the story AT ALL.
I don't think all KogKag shippers are annoying, but I'm surprised that there are so many fans who say that Kagome should've ended up with Koga because Inuyasha was aLWaYS going after Kikyo or that Koga would've TrEAtED her better. I feel like people who say this are just self-inserting onto Kagome. Reason number one: KogKag has little to no substance in canon, with her just humoring him every time he flirts with her. Number two: if they were paying attention, they would know WHY and WHEN Inuyasha went after Kikyo and that for him, there was only Kagome.
TLDR; Do you think people who say "Kagome should've chosen Koga because Inuyasha bad" are self-inserting? I know the anime changes are a huge factor, is that why people say this? I like your analyses so I'd like to know what you think.
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Hello! First of all thank you for the love 🥺
(I know I have mutuals & followers who love Koga & Kogkag so warning: this post is very critical of both!)
I’m going to start off by saying “self-inserting” exists in a lot of ships. There’s plenty of people who love Inuyasha and self-insert into Kagome with inukag. That’s not something I have a big issue with, we all have our favorite characters and there’s nothing wrong with self-indulgence. But if we analyze the canon story, I think you definitely need make Kagome OOC in order to ship her Koga. I mean, if canon!Kagome had any interest in him she wouldn't have wasted her time with Inuyasha, lol. I've said this before but the main reason why Kagome loves Inuyasha and not men like Koga and Sesshomaru is because Inuyasha has a good heart. He might have a harsh personality (that he is improving) due to his past trauma but he has never killed & eaten innocent people the way the other two did.
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Also, the racism. Kagome's defining personality trait is that she is open and welcoming with everyone. Why would she date Koga who calls people slurs unprovoked? Why would she date Sesshomaru who bullied his half-brother for being mixed? Sure these two somewhat improved their behavior over the course of the series but 1- There's no indication that Koga and his wolves changed their diet. Koga never showed any remorse for his actions and never said he wouldn't do it again. 2- Sesshomaru tolerates/respects a few people by the end of the series but he very much still sees human life as expendable (see his “Who cares?” line when he hears his action could kill everyone in Kaede’s village). That is simply not compatible with Kagome Higurashi. 
The second anon brought up some good points about the misogyny in the fandom, and how male characters like Koga are praised while Kikyo is villainized for less. I constantly see Koga fans criticizing Inuyasha for “being nice to Kikyo despite what she’s done to Kagome” yet these people seemingly have no problems with Kagome being nice to Koga despite what he has done to Inuyasha. I think both Koga and Kikyo have poorly written “redemption arcs”, I think the inukag fandom just talk more about Kikyo/Inukik because Inuyasha did have feelings for Kikyo while Kagome never had any for Koga, so usually it isn’t worth talking about. 
As for Koga being "nicer" to her, I think a lot of it is definitely anime-only. There's that one filler episode where Inuyasha insults Kagome and Koga brings her flowers later (if I remember correctly) which is obviously meant to make Koga look like the better choice. I’ve talked about this a LOT on my blog but Sunrise went out of their way to make sure Inuyasha would almost never be kind and honest with Kagome compared to the manga, and they added a bunch of scenes where he insults her. Honestly with all the things that Sunrise changed I don’t blame anime-only fans for having issues with anime!inukag. Kagome has self-esteem issues because of Inuyasha’s ex (who is her pre-incarnation) and on top of that the boy she loves insults her himself? I know a lot of inukag shippers just see it as a joke, but since Kagome’s self-worth is a real issue in the series I don’t find it particularly funny. But if we’re focusing on the manga, Inuyasha is not mean to her, he’s only rude when he’s angry (calls her ‘bakaa’ or uses ‘temee’). 
Also, what does Koga even do for Kagome beyond giving her superficial compliments? He saved her a few times, which is what Inuyasha does on a daily basis. Koga said Kagome is “pretty” and “has guts”, which in my opinion pales in comparison to what Inuyasha said about Kagome: 
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Inuyasha genuinely KNOWS Kagome. She’s his friend. He spends all his time with her. He has seen the best and worst of her. Koga is just a guy who tries to woo her when he bumps into her once in a while. Inuyasha doesn’t compliment her all the time to score points, he says these things when he can tell Kagome is feeling down and truly needs to hear it. 
Koga really is just putting on a front to look good in front of Kagome. The things he says to her are not necessarily true, as Ginta and Hakkaku point out. 
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If he did manage to win over Kagome, who’s to say he would keep up this act? Would they work out in a long-term relationship? What does Koga and Kagome have in common? Like I said, he barely knows Kagome. Unlike Inuyasha, who share Kagome’s values, and share a group of friends with her. Inuyasha knows Kagome’s world, her modern friends and her family (and they love him!). Inuyasha has a demon slaying business with Miroku and lives in a human village where Kagome can thrive as a miko. Koga rarely shows respect for what Kagome wants (he claimed her as his mate and spent the entire series touching her & calling her his “mutual lover” without her consent). Even when Kagome was crying in Inuyasha’s arms after he almost died, Koga still said he “refused to give up on her”. Like the second anon said, the guy really just can’t take a hint (until the very end), and as someone who dealt with men like this in real life I think it’s a pretty big red flag.
Inuyasha literally said he owes everything he has in his life to Kagome. That he was born for her. He continuously chose to live with her instead of dying with Kikyo, risked his life to protect her by giving her the fire rat robe, ditched Tessaiga to save her, jumped into the well every 3 days ready to abandon his world for her. The fact that some people think he’s not the biggest Kagome simp out there and think he’s not “worthy” of Kagome is insane to me. 
Inuyasha learned to give Kagome space when she needs to be alone so she can study. He respects her desire to finish school, respects the fact that she loves her world and didn’t pressure her to choose him over it. 
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Also people argue that Koga’s redeeming quality is that he cares about his pack and getting revenge for the ones that Naraku killed. Well, funny how he completely gave up on that once he lost his shikon jewel shards uh? Koga is a FULL yokai and he abandoned his vow to avenge his friends as soon as he lost his power boost, meanwhile my boy Inuyasha stays true to his promise to protect Kagome even in his WEAKEST form! 
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Rip to Koga but Inuyasha is simply built different 🤷‍♀️
Anyway, the last point is Inuyasha and his feelings for Kikyo. At this point I’m convinced some people watched/read a completely different series than I did. I mean, the other day I saw a Tik Tok that was like “When Inuyasha runs off to kiss Kikyo for the 100th time” like... what? Inuyasha initiated like 3 romantic interactions with Kikyo in the entire time he has known her. One hug when she was first revived to calm her down, one hug when he told her she could call him when she’s in danger, and the final kiss goodbye to put her soul at peace. Inuyasha is NOT a “two-timer” who “keeps going back to his ex”. He’s a 15 years old boy whose first love got brutally murdered, he started to move on and fall in love with someone else then his “ex” was revived as a vengeful revenant and guilt tripped him into thinking he should die with her. He cares for her and refused to let her get killed by her murderer again, but his real desire was to LIVE and move on and be with KAGOME. At this point anyone who doesn’t understand that probably doesn’t have the emotional maturity to understand the story. I’m not saying that Inuyasha handled the situation perfectly, because of course not, the situation is insane and the boy has no social skills from being ostracized his whole life, but the way some people think he’s a bad person for loving more than one person in his life is insane to me. And you know what sucks? Inuyasha can’t win. If he didn’t care about what happens to Kikyo because he has a new girlfriend, people would call him heartless and would criticize him for treating women like objects that can easily be replaced. And that is one of the main reasons why comparing Inuyasha to other men like Koga, Sesshomaru or even Hojo annoys me a lot: Inuyasha did NOT choose to be in the situation he’s in. He did not intend to be with both at the same time (the anime line “why can’t have a both” is NOT canon). 
I think one other issue is people projecting their personal romantic fantasies on the situation. So many people dream of being someone’s “one and only”, of having their partner tell them that they’ve “never felt like this before”, and the fact that Kagome is not the only women Inuyasha ever loved somehow makes his feelings for her less “pure” or less “intense” to them. Which never made any sense to me because 1- Why would you be less “pure” for loving many people in your life? The fact that Inuyasha fell in love & stayed with Kagome despite the fact that his “ex” was revived and wanted him should actually be proof of how much he loves Kagome 2- Kagome IS Inuyasha’s “first” in SO many ways! The first person to make him happy, the first to cry for him and to make him cry, the first to give him a home, the first person he will be intimate with, the first (and only) person he MARRIES. His past feelings for Kikyo does not take away from that. I think the worst is when people argue that Inuyasha “still thinks about Kikyo after her death” like yeah, he’s still fighting Kikyo’s murderer until the last chapter/episode and his guilt got progressively worse as he repeatedly failed to protect Kikyo, remembering her does not mean he’s still in love with her. He can’t exactly wipe out his memories. Some people even argue that he ”shows sign that he loves her” in the bonus epilogue chapter?? Never mind the fact that the epilogue chapter just kind of sucks, Inuyasha didn’t have any reaction when Kikyo was mentioned, he said he didn’t care and he was only worried that Kikyo being mentioned would hurt Kagome’s feelings. 
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When both Kagome and Kikyo were gone from his life, who did he miss? Did he go to Kikyo’s grave every 3 days wishing she hadn’t died? Did Inuyasha ever think about using the shikon jewel or Tenseiga to bring her back properly so he could be with her? No he never did, because Kagome is the one he was born for and the one he wanted to spend his life with, not Kikyo. 
Tl;dr: From what I’ve seen the popularity of kogkag seems to be from people who just like Koga better than Inuyasha and are willing to ignore (or they don’t remember) all the atrocities he committed because they find him hotter and more “charming”, which is fine to me until people actually claim that Kagome should have been with Koga in canon. People who say that are usually just mad about the love triangle because 1- they only watched the anime and haven’t read the manga (and they also misremember the anime) 2- they idealize this idea of being someone’s “first and only love” and they think Inuyasha’s feelings for Kikyo “tarnish” that and 3- they usually lack the emotional maturity to understand the situation Inuyasha was forced in and don’t realize that Inuyasha did the best he could. Inuyasha is a hanyo who was alone all his life and is just starting to open up and trust others while Koga is a full yokai who never had to struggle in his life, and despite that Inuyasha consistently proved that he is a better person. Just because Koga is loud and straight forward with his advances doesn’t make him more loving than Inuyasha, who actually knows Kagome and is romantic and kind to her when it matters the most. 
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thoughtsbyharu · 2 years
Webtoon Review: Operation: True Love
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It’s hard dating someone who won’t give you the time of day. Su-ae Shim knows that better than anyone, having dated her indifferent boyfriend, Minu Kang, for years. She sometimes wishes she could be more like her charismatic stepsister, Ra-im, who seems to have it all. But life takes a turn for the weird when Su-ae discovers Jellypop, a sentient flip phone, in her locker. Jellypop has a lot to say about her love life, especially as Su-ae drifts further away from Minu and finds herself running into Minu’s friend, Eunhyeok. Add to the mix a growing suspicion that Minu and Ra-im might be more than friends, and Su-ae might need a miracle to navigate the ups and downs of high school romance!
Source: Webtoon
Status: Ongoing
Genre: Drama, Supernatural, Romance, Slice Of Life
CHAPTER 1-27 Review
I first stumbled upon this web comic on Webtoon. My interest was piqued the moment I laid my eyes upon the cover art because the artstyle is totally my type.
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Source: Pinterest
The story starts off in quite an interesting note. The female lead, Su-ae, is in possession of a device where she can see how much love a person will receive and give in their lifetime. If you watched Death Note, she kinda has shinigami eyes but with a cupid filter.
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Source: anigliscans
The problem is, she can also see her own love meters but to her shock and confusion, both the love she will receive and give in her lifetime is 0.
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Source: anigliscans.com
The premise is very intriguing and promising and the art is absolutely, a solid 10/10, however, the characters are very unlikeable and the story telling is a bit all over the place.
This comic is full of tea, like, there's cheating, jealousy, betrayal, scheming.  The drama in its tag is that kind of drama.
The characters just do a lot of questionable and dumb things that make either my blood boil, my head hurt or make me go "wtf?"
Spoiler warning, the female lead is very frustrating because she tolerates her emotionally abusive boyfriend too much. I mean yes I get it, they've been in a long-term relationship and it is hard to let that go but girl, think twice if everyone around you is saying your boyfriend is shit and you need to break up with him. Literally the whole school is aware of their toxic relationship and she still refuses to listeeeen.
It's such a headache when she still manages to forgive him even though he's a straight up asshole. SHE EVEN FORGAVE HIM DESPITE CHEATING ON HER WITH HER OWN BEST FRIEND/SISTER.
I---I am just loss with words.
When she FINALLY broke it up with his boyfriend (now ex), this is where she and the other male lead (EunHyuk) got closer to each other. He is a sweetheart but he's quite rude to her sometimes so I'm a bit neutral about him. Then when it seems like Eunhyuk is developing feelings for her, do you know what Su-ae does?? SHE GOT BACK WITH HER EX.
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She got back with him because her then 0 heart stats suddenly increased because her ex got jealous of her and Eunhyuk's closeness. She then realized that whenever her ex gets jealous, her hearts increases AND THEREFORE, she cooked up a plan to have an affair with Eunhyuk to make her ex more jealous and thus, increase her hearts.
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Source:coffee manga
And at this point in the story I was SO done with her. WHY 👏 ARE 👏 YOU 👏USING 👏EUNHYUK. I am just so mad and frustrated that I gave up reading this comic and went on to rant about it to my boyfriend.
The supernatural stuff was interesting but it was overshadowed by the drama that its introduction was kinda awkward and out of place. Latest chapters were very confusing that it felt like I skipped some chapters when I didn't.
Overall, first few chapters were okay but it gets more and more annoying as you read it. It's an ongoing series but will I continue reading it? Probably not.
Overall Rating: 2.5/5
Reading Status: Dropped
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guesst · 8 months
Gonna give you a ship ik you hate for enrichment purposes teehee :)
Iruma and Ameri
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1. mandatory disclaimer that although i hate this ship with all my heart im not gonna bully people about liking it cus im not an ass
2. if you like iruma/ameri you should probably scroll away now
3. thabk you for the enrichment i thrive off hating heeheehee
4. rant incoming
HOLY FUCK AMERI IS SUCH A GOOD CHARACTER but the romance bits popped into the manga make me so so mad like. shes a nicely built character with motivations and flaws and different facets of her personality but the way she pushes a "my boyfriend iruma who i will seduce using the tricks and tips i find in shoujo manga" is so deeply annyoing to me because its all the thinks about around iruma like. if they didnt interact id find it a lot more tolerable, even just funny -- shes a lot like the warden from nanbaka except that she actually interacrs with the crush which sends everythibg downhill for me -- as it is its just downright painful to read. that and the fact that she gets so jealous about iruma interacting with other girls like... girl..... he is not your bf.... calm.... maybe thats just person-with-crush behaviour but holy shit it annoys the heck out of me fr
ALSO the fact that she gets sm screentime when she spends the majority of it fantasising makes me so so frsutrated when we have so many good side characters that nishi could -- and is willing to, but hasnt yet -- focussed on!! like give me more agares backstory!!! ix!!! caim!!!! i want to know more about them, not read more of ameri's reader inseet fantasies with iruma!!!!!
like i know in my brain that thats meant to be part of the appeal for the ship like the gap moe and the cute little crush but it falls so short for me and i feel like its a waste of time especially when iruma has such brilliant chemistry with the love trio already. i think it would function so much better as a friendship purely because they have so much to offer each other. but im also aware that a lot of this ship lets ameris other personality traits shine. its just that i really fucking hate the ship so i wish there could be another way to do that without taking up so much screentime. she is just so so irritating to me and by extension so is the ship. thank you for listeninf to my ted talk
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