#I definitely water my flowers and garden
magistralucis · 2 years
6 notes · View notes
youreverydayfangirl · 3 months
Death By A Thousand Cuts
pairing: lando norris x fretwell! reader
summary: y/n y/ln has always been in love with lando, or in which lando brushed y/n off until its too late
warning: angsty tbh, attempted sa, roofie, swearing
a/n: i like this one tbh, also this takes places over a couple years tbh
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Y/n wasn't entirely sure when it happened, whether it was love at first sight or something more gradual, all she knew was she was entirely and irrevocably in love with Lando Norris.
Y/n first met Lando when she was 10 and he was 11. To him she was his best mates little sister. He found her childish and annoying. She found him kind and attractive, although she barely saw him because he was always off karting.
The moment that solidified her crush on the boy was when their families went on their first family vacation together. They had booked a holiday house at the beach for a week during summer. Both families had made there way done the beach.
Max and Lando were playing catch on the beach, chatting about random things, there parents were busy gossiping and sunbaking and Flo and Y/n were swimming in the ocean.
"Y/n sweetie, don't swim out too far please." Her mother called out to her and she nodded back.
"I'm gonna give this to my mom so I don't lose it." Flo said, gesturing to the bracelet her grandmother had given her for her birthday. Y/n nodded in response and watched as Flo ran back ashore, heading over to her mom.
Y/n watched everyone, feeling peaceful. Lando was currently watching Max strike out with a girl who was definitely to old for him and Flo was talking to their parents.
Suddenly she was dragged underwater, getting completely disoriented. Her lungs screamed for air, a burning sensation spreading through her chest. She tried to swim to the top, splashing above the water for a split second before being pulled back down.
Her legs were powerless no matter how hard she tried to kick. Her vision was spotty, she struggled to fight off the black spots dancing in her vision when she felt herself being pulled up above the water and dragged onto the beach.
She fell to her hands and knees and began coughing up salt water, someone holding her hair behind her head. She looked up to see Lando looking down at her worried and annoyed.
"Are you crazy? He asked the girl. Before she could answer her parents came over to her wrapping her around in a towel and fussing over her. She felt the blood rush to her cheeks at how she had embarrassed herself but also at the fact that Lando had come to save her.
Y/n looked at the diy grave she had made. Her pet hamster had died and she was holding a full funeral. The Norris' had come aswell, paying there respects.
"I'm sorry about fluffy Y/n." Lando said, moving to stand next to her. She looked up sending him a small, sad smile and he held out a bouquet of flowers for her. They were scrappy, definitely picked from his moms garden which he would get in trouble for later but the thought counted. She gave him large smile and took them from him before wrapping her arms around him.
"Thanks Lan." She said.
"Its alright to cry you know, you don't have to be strong." He said, whispering into the top of her head before planting a kiss on it.
She began crying into the boys chest and he let her until she felt better.
By the time she was 14 Y/n felt so out of place in their little group. Flo, Max and Lando had all become quite close due to their closeness in age and interests. She didn't feel out of place in the social sense, it was more out of place in life. The boys had karting, Flo had riding but what exactly did Y/n have. She had no clue what she wanted to be, a doctor? A journalist? Something in fashion? She just had no clue.
She felt a nudge in her side and turned to look at Lando whos eyes were trained to the TV. He looked at her, "Are you okay?" He whispered to her. She nodded. "Y/n, tell me the truth." She sighed, Lando could always see straight through her.
"No. Yes. I don't know. Its just, I feel so out of place, all of you guys know what you wanna do and I - I just don't know." Lando snorted and Y/ns eyes shot to him.
"What? What's wrong?" She asked, suddenly feeling very self conscious. Lando felt bad seeing the panicked look on her face.
"Sorry, Its just you shouldn't be worried over something like that. Whatever you end up doing is going to be amazing just like you, don't stress Y/n." He said, sincerity in his tone.
She smiled, thankful that he couldn't see how red her face had gotten and turned to face the tv.
Once she had turned 15 two things were pretty obvious. Y/n was head over heels in love with Lando Norris and Lando wasn't interested, shutting her affections down a million times with the excuse of her being Max's little sister.
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yourusername summer 2015 so far
tagged: yourbsfusername, maxfretwell, landonorris, flonorris
maxfretwelll get off instagram your a baby
yourbsfusername LITERALLY SO FUN
→ yourusername I KNOWWWWW
Y/n found herself drunkenly dancing with Y/bsf, the girls opting to go to a party instead of staying in. She started dancing with the random guy when she felt herself get pulled away. "Hey." She stuttered out, not coping well with how much she had already had to drink.
"What the fuck are you doing here Y/n."
Still, she defiantly crossed her arms, glaring at him. "I'm having fun, what are you the fun police."
Lando faltered at the attitude he got, before glaring at her. "Your too young to be drinking, and your definitely too young to be at Thomas Bakers party." She just rolled her eyes, "I'm sixteen, not a baby anymore."
"Yes you are."
"No I'm not." She said again.
"You sure are acting like one right now, now come on." He said grabbing at her wrist but she refused to move. "Where are we going." She asked him, not wanting to move.
"Home, Max is literally going to kill me." Lando responded, trying to grab at the girl but she refused to budge.
"Lando." She said back to him, "You know I'm not going to move." She stated, Lando raising his eyebrows at this, as if it were a challenge.
"Really?" Lando asked, challenging her right back, she faltered for a second before nodding firmly. He smirked a little, before grabbing at her waist and tossing her over his shoulder.
"Lando? What the fuck! Put me down." She said, people at the party watching but being to drunk to properly care.
"Nope, your going home Y/n." The girl sighed defeatedly, letting it happen. Lando walked over to his car, putting the girl down and helping her into his front seat.
He hopped in and began to drive back to her house. Y/n looked at the window, resting her head against the glass. Once they got home, Y/n saw a familiar figure standing on the front porch. "Really? You had to call Max?"
"Goodnight Y/n." He said, she rolled her eyes, about to exit the car before she decided to plant a cheeky kiss on his cheek before hopping out of the car.
"Y/n get inside now." Max said sternly.
"But I-"
"Inside." He raised his voice, not shouting but Y/n could tell he was mad. She went inside and watched from her bedroom window as Max and Lando talked about something before Lando drove off. She sighed and fell back on her bed, just wanting the day to be over.
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tagged: yourbsfusername, maxfretwell, landonorris, flonorris
yourbsfusername oh heyyyy
→ yourusername heyyy
→ yourusername I MISS YOUUU
maxfretwell cringe tbh
→ yourusername loser tbh
"Maxiieee." Y/n stumbled out of the kitchen onto the back porch looking around for her older brother. They host was a mutual friend of theirs which is why they had both been invited. The girl was about the fall down the porch steps when an arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her back firmly onto the porch.
"Woah, be careful there little Max." She heard that familiar voice say. She turned around to face him still slightly dazed and confused, a pout on her lips when his words registered in her head. "Landoo." She drunkenly whined, "I told you to stop calling me that, 'm no little. "
The boy laughed, smiling down at her "Yes you are little max," he teased, smiling before noticing the faint tear tracks on her face. Landos body language changed, worry seeping into his gaze. "Y/n whats wrong?" He asked, brushing her hair out of her face so he could see her more clearly.
"Tom." She said shakily, ready to burst into tears. Lando tensed at the mention of the girls boyfriend , a million different things running through his mind, if she was hurt, if he had hurt her. Lando began checking her up and down, making sure she wasn't injured, once he was certain that she was alright he looked back at her.
"What did he do love?" The nickname slipped out, Lando hadn't meant to say it, it just felt so natural. Luckily for him, she didn't catch onto what he said, her brain to scattered to pick up on it.
"He cheated on me. I walked in on him and some chick." She wailed out, throwing herself into Landos arms, a gesture that Lando was not against. Lando wrapped his arms around her waist, rubbing small circles on her back.
"Oh dove, its gonna be okay." Lando rested his head on her hers, squeezing her tightly before pulling away. "I'm gonna take you to the car, can you wait there for me and Max to come out." He spoke softly, waiting for a nod before heading towards the car. Once he walked her to the car he instructed her to wait there while he went back inside to look for Max.
Max came out of the party, far less drunk than the other two and immediately went to his sister, forcing her to look up at him. "Are you okay." He asked her, Y/n just nodded and quietly mumbled something about wanting to go home.
On the car ride back, with Max driving, Lando opted to sit in the back seat next to Y/n who nearly fell asleep on his shoulder. The drive back was silent, no one feeling up to making conversation. When the car stopped Lando looked down at the girl sleeping on his shoulder, "Feeling better?" He croaked out, Y/n turned to look up at him. She paused for a second, absorbing the moment when she felt bile rise up her throat. She paused, trying to undo her seatbelt, before opening the doer landing on the grass, puking. "Ah shit moms gonna kill me." Max groaned while a pair of hands grabbed her hair in a makeshift pony tail, rubbing her back. "Lets get you inside." Lando said, helping the girl up.
When they got to her room, Lando grabbed her a change of clothes passing them to her. "Put these on, I'll be right back."
Lando came back up the stairs, opening the door to Y/ns room. "Look I need you to - oh shit." Lando said, closing his eyes tightly. The drunk girl turned around to look at him, clad in her bra and underwear. "Landoo, can you please help mee get these offf." She said, still clearly drunk. Lando swallowed hard, cursing whatever God was out there. "You can't get it off yourself." The girl shook her head.
He swallowed, putting the things in his hands down before moving the girl towards him. He ran his fingers up her back, definitely slower than he should have, goosebumps forming on her back at the touch. He reached her bra and unbuttoned it slowly, eyes looking at all of her bare skin. He shook his head spinning around. "Now put you shirt on." She did without a fuss.
He then took her to the bathroom, stating that she would regret not taking it off in the morning and while that was true, he really just wanted more time to hang around the girl.
He grabbed a cotton pad and makeup cleaner, instructing her to sit on the bench as he walked between her legs. He gently wiped her makeup off, Y/n looking up at him, admiring his features. "Your pretty you know that." She mumbled, not entirely meaning to say it out loud.
"Oh am I." Lando said teasingly, a grin making its way across his face. "Mhm." She nodded, Lando wiped the last bit of mascara off before looking down into her eyes. The pair stayed their, Y/n could have sworn he leaned in slightly but the jingle of the front door was heard, Max having returned from dropping his girlfriend off. Lando pulled away quickly, throwing the cotton pad in the bin. "Done." He mumbled, ready to walk out the room and never return.
Y/n followed him out of her conjoining bathroom into her room. "Goodnight Y/n." He said, making his way to her bedroom door as she climbed into bed. "Goodnight Lan." She said, the duvet pulled up to her chin at this point. Lando paused at the door to looked at her, "And Y/n?" She hummed in response, "Next time pick someone who isn't a complete dick okay." He continued before closing his door gently.
Y/n felt her hear shatter all over again, it was just a reminder that no matter how much she wanted to, Y/n and Lando were never going to be together.
The next day when Y/n went to pick up her stuff from Toms she noticed a huge black eye but Tom refused to tell her how it got there.
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yourusername officially the big 17
tagged: landonorris, yourbsfusername, maxfretwell, flo_norris_showjumping
landonorris happy birthday little max
→ yourusername your the worst
yourbsfusername besties legal nowww
→ yourusername yayayaya
→ maxfretwell nononono
maxfretwell happy birthday little sis
→ yourusername thanks loser
flo_norris_showjumping YAYYY
→ yourusername YAYAYYAYAYAY
friend1 happy birthday
→ yourusername thank you
friend2 hope you had a fun birthday
→ yourusername i did thanks
Y/n sat watching the fire. Her family and Landos were having a bonfire and celebrating Y/ns seventeenth and Lando who was doing really well in his Formula 3 season.
She felt the bench she was sitting on dip and looked to see Lando sitting next to her. "So the big seventeen huh?"
Y/n sent him a warm smile, "Yeah actually, its funny though cause I don't feel older even though I am." She said.
"That's what happens, any big plans for the future." He asked her, staring at the fire. Y/n glanced at him confused for a bit, Lando never really was willing to have proper conversations with her if he could escape it.
"Um yeah actually. I signed a campaign with Louis Vuitton so next month I'm flying out to Paris." She said excitedly, a fond smile crossed Landos face.
"Thats great Y/n, I'm really happy for you." He said, giving her a small nudge which she giggled at.
"How are you holding up Lan." He rolled his eyes slightly at the nickname, it had been something that she had never stopped calling him, despite his protests against him.
"Um alright, everything is going so well at the moment, but I'm kinda scared I guess, like I'm worried its all gonna go wrong and I'm gonna fuck everything up." He said, slightly shaky, Y/n turned to look at him and that was the first time she truly saw him, she could see how broken and scared he was. She smiled.
"The last thing your gonna do is fuck this up Lando, this is your dream, this is what your good at. I know you well enough to know that your not gonna fuck it up." She said, seriously and wholeheartedly which mad Lando believe her.
It was silent for a moment and then Lando spoke up, "Thank you."
"Always Lan."
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yourusername sometimes you need a little break
tagged: landonorris, maxfretwell, flo_norris_showjumping
landonorris no pic creds????
→ yourusername SORRY guys ill just repost this because lando needs creds
yourbsfusername miss you so much
→ yourusername I MISS YOU MOREE
flo_norris_showjumping y/ns everything and landos just there
→ yourusername don't speak to loudly hell hear you
→ landonorris HEY rude much
user2 whos the man
→ user3 Lando hes y/ns brothers best
It had been nearly a year since Y/n had last seen Lando, things had gotten busy with her modeling. The families had decided to go on a beach vacation together, forcing Y/n and Lando to spend the next two weeks together.
Flo had decided that the four of them should go clubbing together, a group catch up or something like that. After not seeing her brother and one of her best friends for so long it was necessary.
"Drink up Y/n." Flo said, passing a shot to her. Y/n downed the shot quickly scrunching her nose slightly.
"Slow down there sis." Max said whilst Lando bit back a grin, snorting slightly.
A while later Max had left the booth to go dance with his girlfriend whilst Flo had wondered off to get more shots. "Hey Lan." Y/n said giggling drunkly, Lando smiled back at her.
"You might wanna slow down on the drinks there Little max." Lando said, acting nonchalant but eyeing the drink in her hand.
"Oh come off it Lan, were here to have fun." She said raising her eyebrows slightly before downing the whole drink in front of him, acting as if it were a competition.
His face changed, into awe and an expression that she couldn't quite place. She smiled slightly before getting more serious, "Lan I-"
"Oh my god Lando?" They both turned to face the girl standing on the outside of the booth, Lando scooting away from her as if he had been burned.
"Alyssa what are you doing here?" Lando asked, shock taking over his face. Alyssa. Y/n felt the bile come up her throat, the burning hot jealousy. The pair started talking but she tuned out what they were saying until Lando turned to face her. She quickly fixed her expression into a smile when he faced her.
"Do you mind if I?" He paused, she shook her head. "No go ahead." She said, moving to leave the booth.
"Y/n you don't have to leave." She smiled, falsely and it was something Lando saw right through.
"Its fine really I just need to go to the toilet." She said, moving to leave again.
"Y/n, wait what were you going to ask me?" He asked her, she smiled at him, heart fluttering at the fact he was paying attention.
"Oh um- just if you wanted another drink." She said, lying through her teeth.
"I'm alright thanks." He said before turning to face Alyssa. Y/n headed straight to the bar, her plan to go to the toilets long forgotten.
"Two shots please." She asked, leaning against the bar.
"Rough night?" Y/n turned to look at a man standing next to her, he wasn't ugly in any sense, but definitely wasn't her type, he wasn't Lando.
She just smiled, muttering something under her breathe before turning back to the counter praying for the bar tender to hurry up.
"What's your name gorgeous." The guy asked, stepping closer, obviously not being very happy with the way he was being ignored. Before she could answer the bar tender came back and she quickly downed the two shots.
"Can I buy you a drink?" The guy asked, clearly annoyed at this point from the lack of response. She turned to him, about to tell him to fuck off when her eyes locked on something, Lando and the blonde. He was smiling at her, looking at her in a way Y/n could only dream of being looked at. She turned back around to face the man, unaware of the eyes that had clocked her and the guy. "Sure." She said with a forced smile and a shaky voice.
Once she had gotten a drink from the bar tender she moved with the guy onto the dance floor. As she danced Y/n noticed a pair of eyes staring daggers at the guy behind him, Lando. She decided to test the waters a little, grinding up against him. Her eyes clocked the way Landos grip tightened around his glass, knuckles going white. She smiled a little and drank the last of her drink. As she took a sip she noticed that she had begun to feel hazy, out of place.
She pulled away from the guy, "I'm gonna go to the bathroom." She slurred out, shaking the black spots from her vision.
She stumbled into the corridor when she felt someone's hand grab her and pin her against the wall. "What are you doing? Stop." She got out, trying to fight the urge to slip unconscious.
"Don't act like you didn't want it slut. The way you were acting, Grinding against me." Her wrapped his hand around her throat and placed sloppy, drunken kissed down it.
"Stop get off me." She said, to weak to push him off. He didn't.
She kept muttering at him to get off when someone ripped him off of her. She sunk to the floor, trying to pick up on her surrounds.
"Lando get off him you've already done enough damage." She heard someone say. Lando. Her eyes locked in on the head of curly brunette hair, punching the guy over and over again, rage present on his face.
"Lando." She called out to him, he stopped instantly throwing the guy down. Two hands came to cup her cheeks. "Y/n hey. Can you hear me." He asked her softly to which she nodded.
"Were going home alright, woah hey stake awake for me love." He said, grabbing onto her as she fought off the spots.
"Your okay." He muttered, more to reassure himself than her.
"Flo hey." Lando said, grabbing onto his sister who was dancing. The girl spun around, face dropping at the barely conscious girl Lando was gripping onto like a lifeline. "I need you to find Max now okay? I'm bringing her to the car."
She nodded and walked off, "I'm just gonna have one word with the bar tender okay? Then we can go home."
He walked over to the bar, "Hey were you the prick who served her." Lando asked one of the bar tenders who spun around to face her.
"I uh-"
"I suggest you keep a better eye out, my girlfriend got drugged because of you." Lando spat out, anger filling him. The bar tender nodded shakily, unsure of what else to do. Lando exchange a couple more heated words before heading over to the car.
His phone rung in his back pocket. "Hey Flo whats up?"
"I can't find Max, do you just wanna take Y/n back to the hotel and we can uber back." Flo said, worried for her friend.
"Okay sure." Lando said before chucking the phone in the back seat. Once he was sure that Y/n had gotten in the car safely he started driving back to the Hotel and Y/n blacked out.
"Y/n" Lando asked softly. "Y/n." He called out more loudly this time, no response. Shit, he muttered to himself, changing the route he was headed.
After sending a quick text to Flo, he sped up taking her to the hospital. When he carried her to the hospital a nurse immediately came over. "My girlfriend was drugged." Was all he could seem to say.
Y/n woke up to a beeping sound, the light was very bright when she opened her eyes. The nurse turned around to look at the girl, "Oh great your up, your boyfriend was very worried about you."
Y/n furrowed her eyebrows in confusion now picking up on the sleeping boy beside her. Once she had finished talking with the nurse she turned to look at the boy beside her.
"Lando." She said nudging him with no response. "Lan." She called out more and the boy shot up awake confused, he quickly got out of his daze when he saw the girl who was staring back at him.
"Y/n." He said, standing up and cupping her face. He stayed there for a moment, but then realised what was happening, where he was and stepped back awkwardly.
"Where's Flo and Max?" Y/n asked, trying to break the awkward tension.
"Oh, um back at the hotel, they needed to sober up and everything." Lando said.
"Oh right. And you stayed because?"
"I wanted to." He said quickly, much to his embarrassment.
"Right." She said, nodding slowly, causing a flush to run through his body.
"How are you?" He asked, clearing his throat, worry taking over his face.
"I'm fine." She said, brushing him off.
"Do you want to-"
"No Lando I'm fine." She said more sternly, causing an awkward tension to rise up in the room. After a moment she spoke up again, wanting to keep a lighthearted conversation with him since they barely talked.
"So girlfriend hey?"
"Fuck off."
yourusername has posted
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liked by landonorris, yourbsfusername and 283, 686 others
yourusername couldn't be prouder of you landonorris i knew you could do it ✨🧡
tagged: landonorris
landonorris 🧡🧡
→ yourusername GO LANDO
→ user1 HELP shes too cute
maxfretwell Lando gets posted 3 times and i don't get 1 measly slide
→ yourusername sucks to suck
→ landonorris im juts better🤷
yourbsfusername GO ORANGE
→ yourusername actually its papaya
→ yourusername better fruit anyways
mclaren our fav papaya girl
→ yourusername my favourite papaya team
user2 EVERYONE SHUT UP!!! new y/lando lore just dropped
→ user3 no frfr they have to be a couple now just look at them
Y/n could hear the click of cameras following her as she headed towards the Mclaren garage. She had come to the Bahrain Grand Prix after missing Landos first due to scheduling conflicts.
"Y/n, its good to see you here." She heard a voice say and turned around to see her brother.
"Maxie." She screamed excitedly, jumping to wrap her arms around him, making him stumble back slightly.
"Easy there, how are you dove?" He asked his sister, pulling back to take her in.
"Pretty good, just exhausted." She said, rotating herself so could lean back against him and watch the track.
"Does Lando know your here?" He asked his sister, noting the familiar hue that still spread across her cheeks at the mention of the boy.
"No, I thought I'd surprise him." She responded, taking in the surroundings. Everything was so much bigger, a vast contrast to what she was used to watching Lando race at. She smiled slightly thinking about how far he had come.
"Hes gonna be really happy to see you, I'm really happy too see you." Y/n smiled up at her brother before looking at her watch.
"I'm gonna go surprise him now before things get to hectic." She said, patting her brothers arm before the siblings split off.
Y/ns eyes went everywhere, taking in her surroundings as she walked into the McLaren garage, eyes finding Lando instantly who was staring at something on his phone. She walked over to him, covering his eyes as she reached him.
"Guess who?" She whispered in the boys ear and he spun around immediately to face her.
"Y/n." He said excitedly, a huge smile spreading across his face as he took her in. Once he felt like he had fully looked over at her to make sure she was really there he pulled her into a tight huge. "What are you doing here?"
"Mf, thought I'd surprise you," She said her voice muffled in his chest, "I'm sorry I missed your first race."
Lando shook his head, "I don't care, as long as your hear now." He said, placing a small kiss on her head.
"Let the girl breathe Lando." Y/n heard someone with a thick accent say and the pair both turned to face Lando teammate, Carlos Sainz. "Carlos, pleasure to meet you." He said, sticking out his hand.
"Y/n." She said, shaking his hand, Landos arm draped protectively around her shoulders. A flicker of recognition crossed Carlos' face.
"Ah, So your the famous Y/n I've hear so much about."
"That would be me, all good things I hope." She said smiling.
"I don't think he could ever say bad things." Carlos said, giving Lando a pointed look. A confused look crossed her face for a second before she went back to smiling.
As she went to say something else someone called the two boys over. Carlos left but Lando lingered for a bit, "Stay here, please, I want to know you'll be here when I finish." He asked her, nearly begging.
"Of course." She said softly, up at him. A smile took over Landos face as he looked at her, quickly placing a kiss on his cheek and a quick goodbye as he was called for the fourteenth time.
"Y/n right?" She spun around to see a pretty girl looking at her, missing the way Carlos nudged Lando before whispering something to him.
"Yeah I am." The girl said blushing.
"I'm Isa, Carlos' girlfriend. Come sit, we can watch the race together."
The two girls sat together, watching the race and chatting although Y/n spent half the time forcing down her nerves. She watched in anticipation as the race came to a close, celebrating when Lando got sixth, his first points in Formula 1.
After everything came to a close, Lando came over to Y/n, wrapping her in a tight hug. She hugged him back tightly, disregarding how sweaty the boy was.
"I'm so so proud of you Lan, you did such a good job today." She said beaming from ear to ear, pulling back to look at him.
"Nothing without my good luck charm here." He said, making a rosy blush make its way across his cheeks.
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liked by maxfretwell, yourbsfusername and 967, 394 others
yourusername conragulations lando 🎉
tagged: landonorris, lilymhe
lilymhe i MISSED you so much
→ yourusername stop i wanna see you again alreadyyyy
yourbsfusername GORGEOUS GIRL OML
→ yourusername STOP I LOVE YOU
maxfretwell missed you by one weeked
→ yourusername I'll BE HOME SOOON TRUST
user1 no lando interaction
user2 something feels off about this one tbh
user3 this seems so forced
Y/n and Lily walked towards the bar when she felt an arm wrap around her wrist, pulling her to the.
"What the - Carlos?" She asked, confusion and shock present on her face. "What are you doing."
"Your over Lando aren't you?" Carlos asked her making the girl stop and stutter.
"I- How did you- why?" The girl started and stopped, not sure what to say.
"Come with me, we should go find Isa or-" Carlos said, pulling her away from Lily.
"Carlos what's going on." She asked confused, turning around to look back at the Lily, and thats when she saw them.
A gorgeous brunette had her arm wrapped around Landos. She was slim, tall and had a gorgeous smile and made Y/n want to hide in a corner and cry. Its not like Y/n was jealous, she knew she was gorgeous, she was a model after all but this girl ha d something Y/n didn't, Lando. And he seemed infatuated with her.
Lando couldn't take his eyes off her, he was beaming. Y/n watched as the girl grabbed onto his arm, playfully swatting at his chest. Y/n felt like she had been stabbed over and over and Lando was just watching as she slowly bled out. "Oh."
"I'm so sorry, I knew he was talking to someone but I never thought it was serious enough for him to bring her to a race." Carlos said, pity laced in his voice. Y/n shook it off. "No, its fine, I'm fine. I guess I just didn't really think." She said.
She turned around and headed off in a random direction, Lily following behind her. It was at that moment Lando looked up, eyes finding the head of hair that was making its way further and further away and Carlos looking at him disappointedly before shaking his head and following after the two girls.
Lily was rubbing a comforting hand on her back when Carlos caught up with them. "Y/n." He said softly before engulfing her in a hug. She finally broke down, all those years of built up hurt and frustration caused by Lando was all let out.
"I just don't understand why he can't love me, whats wrong with me?" She sobbed, Carlos hugged her tighter.
"Nothing is wrong with you, Nothing Y/n. He's the one with the problem." Lily said so her. Carlos knew that when he had the chance he was going to rip into Lando.
"Why can't I just be happy?"
It had made one thing crystal clear, something that Lando had seemed to be repeating to her for years, he didn't want her. It was time to move on.
Landos first podium felt bittersweet, she gave him a small half hearted hug, but it had become obvious that it was over. This was the last moment for a long while that Y/n knew she would share with Lando, she needed space.
On her way out she accidently walked into to something, someone.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry."
"No its completely my fault, I should have been paying more attention." Someone said to her. She looked up to see a rather attractive man. She recognised him from around the track but they had never spoken before. "I'll buy you a new coffee." He said again.
"You don't have to but if your offering a doughnut with that I might just have to accept." She said to him.
"Of course, wouldn't want you to miss out on a free doughnut now would I." He said, matching her tone.
She smiled up at him, "Y/n Y/ln by the way." She said, sticking out her hand to him.
"I know - I mean nice to meet you, George Russell." The boy stuttered out, blushing slightly.
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yourusername nothing like monaco grand prix guys. so excited to be here and enjoy with those closest to me. ✨
tagged: maxfretwell, yourbsfusername, lilymhe, carlossainz55
maxfretwell always fun with my sister around
→ yourusername RARE!!!! max showing love to his sister
yourbsfusername BESTEST TIME WITH YOU
→ yourusername agghffghhgfhfg
carlossainz55 my number 1 supporter
→ yourusername ferrari is legit my bae so...
mclaren 😢😢
→ yourusername IM SORRY
scuderiaferrari our favourite
→ mclaren back off she was ours first
user1 doesn't feel right without lando
user2 wheres lando
user3 i miss lando tbh
→ user4 so does everyone else in the comments tbh
user5 lando camping out in the likes frfr
user6 y/n here means a lando podium
→ user7 no cause shes his good luck charm fr
It was the first time Y/n had been to a Grand Prix since Austrias Grand Prix the year before. Monaco was a big deal in the Formula 1 world and she knew it, the glamour, the elegance, it was one of her favourite races for a reason.
The day also marked the first race that she would go to since she started dating George. The pair had decided to keep their relationship lowkey and away from the public eye until they figured out how they wanted to function as a couple.
After meeting at the Austrian Grand Prix, Y/n and George had become good friends. Y/n trying to give herself sometime before jumping straight into a relationship. George was patient, he knew that there was history between Lando and Y/n but didn't push it. He took her out on picnic dates, would make dinner for her and was overall a loving a respectful boyfriend, never pushing her boundaries, he had been the perfect candidate for Y/n to move on.
The pair had gone long distance for a while because of busy schedules, but Y/n had made an effort to come to the first Grand Prix back.
Y/n had organised to meet at the Paddock Club with Lily and begun to make her way over when she bumped into someone.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry." She said, bending down to pick her stuff up. The person helped her and she felt a spark touching his hand as they both went to pick something up. "Lando." She said in recognition.
The boy tilted his head as he looked at the girl, "Y/n? What are you doing here?" He asked confusion laced in his tone. It didn't make sense, Max wasn't there and she only ever went if Max went.
"I came here to watch the race." She said curtly, shooting a small smile, the tone in her voice sounding as though she was saying 'duh.' She began to walk away from him. Lando chased after her confused, grabbing at her arm to make her stop walking and face him.
"Yeah but like why, you never come if Max isn't, you don't like being in the garage alone." She rolled her eyes. Lando felt his heart clench in his chest, why was she acting like this.
"Have you stopped to think maybe I won't be alone, maybe I'm not here for you Lando." She said and Lando felt as if Y/n had personally stabbed him herself. He had never experienced this side before.
Y/n forced herself to look at his face, trying to distract herself from how hot he looked, and how hurt he looked. Lando opened his mouth to say something but a voice called over from the side.
"Y/n." They both turned to see George. He came over and planted a kiss on her cheek, wrapping an arm around her wait. Lando tensed up immediately. "Hey baby." She said, leaning into him slightly, although she felt very tense.
"Lando." George said, nodding towards the man. Lando ignored him, eyes focused on the arm wrapped around her waist, heart hammering in his chest and blood pumping in his ears. When he noticed the look that Y/n had given him he responded to George, venom laced in his tone. George didn't notice but he did sense the awkward tension.
"So you guys are-"
"Dating, its pretty new though." Y/n cut him off, wrapping her hand around Georges which was sitting on her waist. "We very happy."
Lando could pick up on her tone, one telling him to leave them alone. He excused himself, coming up with some bullshit reason to get away. Once he had gotten far enough away Lando turned to watch Y/n and George, she hugged him tightly and placed a kiss to his cheek before walking off.
Lando felt sick. That should be him. He hated George. He hated himself. He didn't understand why he was feeling like this, maybe he always had. He just knew if he cared for Y/n the way he claimed, his heart wouldn't be hurting so much to see her and George together.
Carlos watched the whole interaction painfully. Lando had been in love with her for a while now and Carlos knew it, but Lando had never admitted it. From day one Lando talked about Y/n. How she was caring, kind, one of Landos best friend. He liked her in a platonic way he argued, he just admired how she would always stop to pat random pets, would bring him food after each race, could tell when he was upset. He even admired the way she would bite off the heads of gummy snakes so they wouldn't feel the pain. After Lando had spotted her at the last grand prix he broke it off with his girlfriend. He had argued that it had nothing to do with her he just didn't feel the same way about his girlfriend anymore.
Lando should be relieved that Y/n had moved on, its what he wanted for years. So why did he feel so uneasy about the whole situation?
yourusername has posted
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liked by georgerussell, yourbsfusername and 1, 586, 986 others
yourusername brazil with my fav
tagged: georgerussell
georgerussell 💙
→ yourusername IM SO PROUD OF YOU
yourbsfusername your so sexy ml
→ yourusername I LOVE YOUUUU
francisca.cgomes my fav
→ yourusername STOP ILY SO MUCH
lilymhe CUTIE
→ yourusername YOUR A CUTIE
mercedesamgf1 OUR FAV
→ yourusername stopppppp
user1 missing the y/lando content so much
→ user2 grow up shes moved on
user3 idk something just feels wrong
user4 anyone find it so interesting that the two races Y/n came to was Landos only podium and a dnf
Y/n wasn't a hundred percent sure how she had ended up there. It was Christmas time and she had brought George home with her. Her family and Landos were doing there annual Christmas celebration and somehow Lando and George both had to be there.
Lando was unable to keep his eyes off of her the whole night, it was getting creepy and he knew it. Max had also noticed Landos borderline creepy staring. Lando had been rotating between pouting like a toddler and not subtle staring through the whole night and Max was sick of it.
"Come grab a beer with me." Max said standing up off the couch.
"What-" Lando started but Max forcibly grabbed him up, pulling him into the kitchen.
"You need to stop Lando, I'm sick of it. You either like my sister or you don't. She's happy and I don't want you ruining it." Max said in a threatening tone.
"What are you - How?" Lando stuttered.
"Its obvious." Max sighed, "Just answer me this and I'll be on your side."
"What is it?"
"Do you love her?" Before Lando could answer Max's question the girl in question walked in. Lando felt his heart jump, she looked gorgeous as ever.
"Interrupting boy time?" She asked teasingly, moving past them to pour herself a champagne.
"No, just grabbing a beer." Max said uncomfortably.
She nodded, "I see how it is." She said, heading back into the living room.
Lando turned back to face Max once she left, not giving Max a chance to speak before speaking up, "I'm so in love with her it hurts me. I need her more than the air I breathe, I need her more than the moon needs the sun. She's everything."
Max nodded, engulfing Lando in a tight hug, the boy bursting into tears. He wasn't a hundred percent sure why, but he was.
Y/n was frozen in her place in the door frame, there it was, the words she wanted to hear her whole life. It wasn't fucking fair. She left with George pretty soon after, making some excuse about not feeling well when really she couldn't be in the same vicinity as Lando.
She was done, she had decided. She was fucking done with Lando Norris.
yourusername has posted
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liked by yourbsfusername, maxfretwell and 1, 384, 734 others
yourusername life out and about
tagged: yourbsfusername, friend1, friend2
friend1 last night was WILD
→ yourusername not worth the hangover
yourbsfusername never again
→ yourusername NEVER I SAY
maxfretwell are you coming home soon???
→ yourusername if i have time
fransica.cgomes missing my baby
→ yourusername i miss you too
lilymhe HOT
→ yourusername HOTHOTHOT
user1 sorry but shes spiraling
user2 i miss the old y/n era
→ user3 nah this era is the best era
Y/n had lost track of how many drinks she'd had at this point. She was in Singapore for a modelling event, conveniently Lando was in Singapore for the Singapore Grand Prix.
She had convinced the other girls to go drinking with her, needing to get Lando out of her mind. She was spiraling and she knew it. Ever since Landos confession the year prior she had completely gone out of control. Her and George had a messy break up, not for the lack of trying from George to make things work out. He had finally called it quits when she cheated on him during one of her many drunken escapades.
He wasn't certain but George was pretty sure her completely 180 had something to do with Lando, after that Christmas she had started acting weird. After her breakup with George Y/n completely lost it, going out every night, a million different hookups, everyone close to her knew she was out of control.
They wanted to help but they didn't know how. She didn't listen no matter how much they tried to shut it down. They all just wanted her to get better, to feel better. This lead them to hear, at a random club in Singapore. With much reluctance she finally convinced her friends to go out with her.
Y/n swung her hips to the beat, leaning against some random guy. He was her prey for the night she had decided. She turned around to face him. "I'll be right back." She whispered in his ear, heading over to the bar, aware of his stare on her ass as she walked away.
"Another shot." She said the bartender when someone slide next to her.
"Can I get a whiskey please." A familiar gravely voice asked. It couldn't be. The girl turned to look at the guy standing next to her. Lando.
The boy felt someone's gaze on him and shot a glance to the side before double backing. "Y/n." He whispered her name out like a prayer, like something had saved him.
"Norris." She sent him a tight lipped smile. Lando could hear his heart shatter, the indifference was killing him.
"What are you doing hear." He asked her.
"Just a modelling gig. Thank you." She said to the bar tender before taking the shot, making Landos eyebrows raise in surprise. "Look I have to go but it was great seeing you."
Somehow Lando could tell that it was insensire.
Y/n had felt Landos eyes on her all night, she basked in it but also hated in. It was so conflicting. She had bumped into Carlos one her way back to the dancefloor and they had talked for a little while.
The dudes hands started to explore her body, running up her chest to cup at her boobs. She embraced the feeling, imagining it was Lando instead. The guy began to kiss down her neck and she lifted her hand to grab at his hair when all of a sudden he was pulled away.
"What the fuck." She turned around to see Lando holding the guy and yelling in his face. "Lando what are you doing." He ignored her. The dude pushed Lando off him.
"Fuck this shit, this pussy isn't worth it." The dude said, Lando went to chase after him but she held him back.
"What is your problem Norris." She yelled at him in his face, not caring who was watching.
"What's my problem? Whats your problem Y/n. And can you stop with the Norris, what happened to Lan or even Lando? When did you start hating me." He said, emotion thick in his voice.
"Hate you? I don't hate you I just really fucking sick of being treated like shit. I loved you Lando, and you just lead me on for years. I got sick of it, of you never doing anything." She screamed at him, Lando deflated slightly.
"Loved?" He asked her. She rolled her eyes, stepping away from him.
"I'm done listening to this bullshit." She said, walking off, he pulled her back to him.
"You still love me. I know you do." He said, taking step closer.
"No I don't, I don't want you anymore Lando." She said, her resolve crumbling.
"If you didn't you wouldn't have been dancing with some other guy, trying to make me jealous." He said, pausing slightly. "Tell me, were you imaging my hands instead of his, wishing it was me." He whispered, Y/n felt a flush break over her because it was true, she felt like she had been caught red handed.
"Come on, baby, you miss me, I know you do." He said, pulling her chin up lips closing in on hers.
Y/n was in a daze, breathing in the familiar smell of his cologne after so long without him. All of a sudden she felt herself get pulled out of the trance she was in. She pushed him off, Landos gaze filtered in confusion.
"You know what I'm so done with you. Of course you want me now, I'm trying to get over you Lando, I need to get over you." She said, her voice breaking a little. He wanted to grab her, hold her, apologise.
"What if I don't want you to." He said.
She completely stepped back, tears in her eyes.
"Fuck you Lando Norris."
a/n: tbh did not spell check this so it might be completly shit also tell me why it took me a whole week to write this and also ignore if timeline is completely wrong - 8K words which is insane
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deadghosy · 7 months
How would (Separate) Hazbin hotel (Demons &Angel) react to a green thumb gardener whose elegant, classy and attractive and she went to hell by mistake but it was a happy one (She's not completely weak as she has her plant to protect her and everything)
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prompt: a common mistake made demons and angels swoon over a gardener who just wants to take care of her/his plants
cw! Sir Pentious is alive for this so he can witness your beauty in flowers💗
note! I listened to Lana Del Rey while making this lol.
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You didn’t know you were supposed to be in heaven as you started your own flower shop. It was the biggest know hell flower store with actual flowers.
You were practically poison ivy, but more kind and definitely calmer. Hell, even some of your regulars call you poison ivy. Mostly because if people touch you metaphorically the wrong way, then you technically show them a harsher side of you. Literally, a plant impaled a sinner trying to rob your store. 
What you didn’t except to get friends or even people interested into you as you just have a normal as shop you dreamed of before dying.
“Welcome to my flower shop, what can I help you with?” You said with a soft smile as a flower vine is watering other flowers in the background. Some imps, sinners, and hell borns go all the way to just see you and your flowers.
I can see you wearing a flower crown or just flowers in your hair. Like dead ass giving rapunzel. Possibly so, your alive flowers and vines had made that for you as you worked.
You most definitely wear those cute gardening outfits like overalls or those dresses if you prefer one of them or both.
See this is what I can imagine, I can imagine the whole damn hotel having a flower competition and you show up with a big ass plant with a neat pink bow on it 😭. You definitely had a smile as you drank tea with a secret smirk.
I can see you visiting the hotel Charlie has as she invited you to do some flower decor for a reopening of the hotel.
Imagine how pissed you were when a couple of sinners came in to make your shop look like shit. But you wasn’t gonna stand for it as you raised your hand grabbing the sinners by their necks with vines. “If you want flowers, I wouldn’t mind making you a funeral for you to have some.” You said with venom as the sinner practically shitted themselves as they were thrown out the windows of your shop.
A sinner had thrown a Molotov cocktail once in your shop all because he thought it was weird to have a “girly” flower shop in hell. As the fire spreads in your shop, you sighed having plant vines cover you in a big ball as one of the vine slither to find the culprit. After finding the culprit, you forced them to clean your shop since killing someone for such a petty crime like that in your opinion isn’t worth killing. You can always make a new shop and fix it.
Vaggie most definitely knows you as you hooked her up with flowers that Charlie might like. You told her Charlie seems like a simple girl would just like roses since they represent romance. And basically it was Vaggie and Charlie’s date night. And it was a success.
Angel dust loves how you don’t judge him for who he is by his work. But he definitely loves how you two gossip over some tea, well he drinks while you drink tea or water. You are like an older sister/brother figure to him. He loves resting in your bean bag you have in the back, he could just come in and and lay down straight.
I headcannon your whole palette to be like green, pink, yellow and white. Literally just spring ass colors to seem classy with your flower shop.
I can imagine you having the personality of applejack but more of a flower and gardening person as gardener! Reader were most definitely born in the south. Like I can imagine reader to be a mix of applejack, rarity, fluttershy but 100% of applejack’s honesty and a lot of Rarity’s elegance.
Niffty adores you! Literally she goes in your store to rant about she wants the hotel to smell fresh and ready. And you hook a sista up with how you give her scented plug in. She immediately starts worshipping you like Alastor which makes Alastor raise a brow seeing a shine of you in her room and drawings of you.
Charlie immediately loves how vaggie and angel ador you and find you as a loyal friend. She would love to have you at the hotel as a resident. She could even beg Alastor or her dad to make a flower shop for you to even stay longer by briding. She would also try to become your friend for her to succeed.
Sir Pentious went to your store to apologize again to Alastor as he felt that Alastor didn’t forgave him. He was scared you weren’t a kind “sinner” that only had a flower shop to scam people for their money. But when you spoke with kindness and care towards the snake demon. He felt calm in your presence, to the point when he got his flowers. He gave you one which made you smile at him and put it in your hair. He blushed and ran off.
The egg boiz love too appear in your store as their boss, penthouse is very nervous to talk to such an attractive person like you. You welcome the eggz to your humble store as you give them flowers to give back to the hotel staffs.
Angel and Cherri most definitely asked you to give them flowers to match their personality. You gave them both a Carnation flower which you thought was good for their personality. Or even a Lilly.
Husk kept seeing the crew leave the hotel to see them come back with flowers. He grumble confused at why they kept getting flowers. That is until he asked Charlie, and Charlie ranted about what a beauty and how kind you are. Husk raised a brow thinking you were putting up an act, so he went to see you. Let’s just say he got a rose coming back with a soft smile and a purr.
The Vee’s heard about you, Vox heard about you first and looked you up to see you are a popular florist and gardener with the power of Chlorokinesis. The power to mentally and physically control flowers. Vox smirked hearing about your 5 star rating shop. If it was that high ranked with people commenting it on yelp saying you were the best business to be at. You definitely got his attention at most.
Lucifer went to your store for some flowers to give to his daughter, and when he heard how amazing your store was. He went to se it himself. He definitely felt your pure spirit making him stumble into confusion on why you weren’t in heaven already. But he got his flowers and felt with a cup of tea you gave him. He shortly came back at the end of the day to give you his own flowers as he smiled with a snake smile and left leaving a note that says, “you’re welcome to come stay at the hotel! :)”
Alastor finally decided to meet you after hearing all the good things you did for the hotel and for the staff. He must say he was jealous how you won their hearts so damn quickly. He went to your store to see what’s all the fuss about and got hit with a lavender scent in his nose. He covered it as he wasn’t use to such sweet smell in hell as it’s filled with fire and blood. And there you were sitting there with a smile as warm plate of teas sat by you. You welcomed him as he made chat with you to find your heart pure with gold. He also left with a rose and a genuine smile.
I imagine how sweet you get your own flowers by regulars and your friends at the hotel as they love your passion about plants.
Headcannon on Gardner! Reader to be a Lana Del Rey fan as the song to match her/him is “born to die” 💗🦆
Vox was obviously the first Vee to meet you face to face as he had researched you so many times on the internet to get any scoop of you to only end up with an empty hand. So he decided to see you in person and smile with a charming one to see you greet him with a smile and show him the recommended flowers for loved one and family. He was not into the flowers as he watched the plant vines in the back work like hands. He smirks trying to use his hypnosis, but failed greatly as a flower in a vase covered his sighting of you. Thanks to your plant vines.
Velvette was the second one to come to your store as she was not impressed at how “boring and plain” it was in your shop. She was snarky about the decor and gave you tips on how to make it “pop” in here. You just smiled, and with a snap of your fingers, the decor changed to a more fashionable flower place. It made the female Vee almost drop her jaw and composure. But she can’t let some flower store shock her. So she left with one last snarky comment under her breath.
Valentino definitely came in last to see what was up with your whole popularity of your “business” of flowers as he was so busy working his porn industry. So when he walked in yo see you reaching for some flower seeds to get for a customer. He grabbed your waist, wanting to seem flirty only for it to backfire as a vine punches him away from you. You already knew who this bastard was, and you weren’t gonna let him get you like how he got angel. So during his entire visit at your shop, you made it a living hell. Literally.
I can see the Vee’s coming back every weekday to try and get you to be their little flower pet, but you ain’t buying it. 😘
You most definitely have a vine hammock in the corner of your store as you just sit there and nap during your breaks.
Imagine how cool and sweet you are to the imp and hell born children that come to visit your store for father day and mother day. Hell, even valentines days
I can headcannon that gardener! Reader has once in their hell life down there had to drag out a rude Karen ass bitch by their hair. You fuck with their plants, you fuck with them.
Imagine how chill you are just sipping tea as your plants and vines attack some dude trying to steal your sunflower seeds. Yeah, no one gets out without being traumatized by plants 😍
You came into the hotel once and immediately got love bombed by everyone. But not in a manipulate way, they just appreciate how amazing you are to people even the staff at most. They go as far to throw you a “welcoming” party 💗
Lucifer had most definitely sent ducks with mini flower crowns and a Gardner duck to you as he finds you very elegant and beautiful in your own way. He even accidentally tries to court you with his wings when he leans against at the front desk of your store staring into your eyes.
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Adam had eventually was sent to take you back into heaven as sera realized her mistake. You willingly went with Adam who smirked at your sweet smile and took you up by your hand. Like, let’s say whatever happened in the hell section didn’t happen as you just had a bad time in hell itself.
St. Peter immediately greets you, making feel welcome to your new home. He even baked you cookies with a smiley face. He tries to make chit chat with you when he isn’t on duty getting people into the gates. He literally visits your workplace in the flower store you own, bringing cookies, making sure you are okay. Hell-, I meannn heaven gods..he must be a househusband cause GYATT DAMN this man is making sure you are well and healthy in heaven’s care. 💗💗
Sera most definitely have showed you around heaven with a please smile to see a Gardner. You would’ve been great for the Garden of Eden, is what she says in her head as you smile at the trees and potted plants around. You even showed the seraphim your powers, and she must say that she was pleased and made you a gardener around heaven and even your own garden shop and house.
Emily most definitely tries to go visit you everyday to try and find flowers that match you so you can be surprise when she buys you flowers herself. You and Emily definitely have a sibling relationship at most because of how she looks up to you in a gardening way as she also wants to impress you by making her own garden and green house. She also makes sure you take breaks as she wants to help with the customers as you take a break in the back. Your friendship with her is so wholesome and lovely.
Adam likes how classy you are, you don’t even cuss him out when you are angry at him. You just put your hand in his face and walk away. Sassy, but classy enough to not curse someone the fuck out. Yeah sure that might’ve turned him on a bit at how hot and “bitchy” that was of you. Cause no one has ever rejected the “Dickmaster”. So it was his duty to make you his friend…sorta😨. But it’s all fun and games at how you guys are like frenemies at most since Adam actually can’t stand you, but still flirts at how attractive and kind you are. Hell even strong minded.
The angels absolutely love coming in your store! They find every single plant and flower you made incredible. You practically almost run out of business when it’s Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, and Father’s Day. But you can’t complain when they leave so much heaven bucks for you to get more plant seeds and such. The angels also love how pure of gold your heart is as you even give some off free for the heaven borns and winners.
Big headcannon on how your Gardner outfit in heaven, the palette is a soft green and pink pastel. But Adam and Sera had thought about you wearing a gold, white, and blue type of Gardner outfit. They want you to stay pure and mighty.
Since i headcannon that Gardner! Reader to be a damn Lana Del Rey fan, their song that matches them in heaven is “young and beautiful.” As you are young and beautiful and mostly, you’re in heaven.
Literally imagine Adam just shows up to just degrade you, but it doesn’t work as you just sit there reading your daily newspaper or on your phone to just see plant and gardening instagram from earth and heaven. Adam pouts or even scoffs before taking your phone and acting like a fussy cat wanting attention.
You really don’t give a fuck about Adam but he definitely gives a fuck about you.
The angels sometimes ships you with Adam, but they also ship you with st.peter at how he is basically the house husband and you are the girl boss who works their ass off😭
Lute and Adam are definitely the type to be those teens who visit their local market..dead ass when they are free they just come to your store and just start “window shopping”…but really they just either want to mess with you or actually know about your day.
I can see you literally just chilling, and Adam busts open the store door that has that jingle bell on it so harsh and all he says is. “Wassup bitch!” With his usual grin and a soda cup as you just groan annoyed.
St.peter literally tried to work beside you ok his days off to just see how “calming” your job is. Until rush hour comes😭 that’s when hell itself unleashes with people wanting to grab any scented flower candles and flowers for theirselves. Have mercy on Peter’s soul that he doesn’t get grabbed and clawed all because he said that the last product was in the back. 😭😭
Imagine how cute your damn angel wings must be. Cause I imagine them to be some god damn fairy wings to match a beautiful aesthetic with your flower and gardening store.
I headcannon you actually had thrown Adam like how vaggie thrown the staff like in the episode of “scramble eggs.”
lol I can see you just slapping Adam with your plant vine because of one misogynist joke he made. He had the most whip lashed mark on his face. He stopped making those fücking jokes like that as he just flinches as a vine comes near him. “WALK HIM LIKE A DOGGG!!” 😘😍
Sera loves gaining flowers from you as the angelic guards bring them in as she is doing her work.
Emily also feels the same way as she smiles and makes the guard send you flowers as well for a thank you. 💗🥺 please give this sweet baby a note back saying you appreciate her damn note so much..
Imagine having a whole tea and cookie station by your front desk where people pay. Like they get a nice drink and a snack in case they were hungry and thirsty from their trip to here. 😘☀️ you care about your customers and regulars deeply.
St. Peter had one time mistook the glass doors to be opened and fell back so dramatically onto his ass, he might as well confirm himself as dead 💀
Emily most definitely actually tried to grow a plant or flower to show you how much she learnt from you, only for the damn thing to fail. She wanted to cry and shrivel up in disappointment, but you taught her and help fixed her mistake on what she did at most.
Lute most definitely acts better without Adam, of course she could act better with Adam. It’s just that Adam is her home dog, and she is Adam’s homegirl. So of course they are besties. So with Adam not interfering with you and lute talking one on one for the first time. You two get quite long to the point she grabs your hands and smile. Leaving with a flower you gave her.
Your plants just causally changing into the liked flower of the customer or regular due to your plant magic on sensing what flowers they like supposedly💗
Headcannon on how short you are. Literally you are shorter than lute to Adam and Emily. It’s really funny but to you, it’s annoying asf since Adam picks you up like a stray cat found at the front porch ready to be taken in.
Emily and sera would have tea time with you definitely. Or coffee if they prefer. You don’t gossip of course but just lift each other up and talk about hanging out later in the days or weeks later. Heck even the day later maybe if Emily is very eager.
Lute most definitely had thrown flowers in your face as she isn’t use to showing affection towards a person she actually admires. Yeah she admires Adam, as a boss and best friend. But there is something about you that makes her stumble on her words.
You had to actually stay home once, forced by sera who got told by Adam you were overworking yourself. Adam and sera hated it as sera showed go to your job looking serious. Forcing you to stay in bed until you had a good sleep for the week.
Imagine just gardener! Reader literally accidentally making Adam spit out a four leaf clover as they were saying a spell in Latin to have four leaf clovers for St. Patrick’s day.
I headcannon Adam sometimes tries to court you with his wings, and you are confused as hell as you aren’t use to being courted by some fucking feathers.
I can see you having a potted plant pet beside you. It was practically a sapling as it smiled with heaven magic and told positive affirmations to waking customers. It’s so fuckin adorable
I imagine you just sleeping as your overworked at your store and Adam comes in pissed off you didn’t come home. So he literally picks you up over his shoulder and walks Home. He has the damn key to your house but he decides to just go to his house and lay you on his bed as he sleeps on the couch grumbling.
St.Peter, after that little incident with him walking into a glass door. This mofo literally puts his hands out towards any glass door 😭 like a little kid being traumatized after a glass maze. It’s so funny but so sad.
A young heaven born had brought you back a freaking flower crown in your most favorite flowers and you were so amazed. You gave the small little angel a flower crown of their own.
The visits are always welcomed to your store as Adam brings you his own set of flowers to try to impress you. 💗 you snickered seeing the note that says, “i hope you like it..bitch. *middle finger drawing* I heard this plant was your favorite.” Sweet, but sour ass motherfuker. 😭😭
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suguru-getos · 1 month
Kid Gojo goes to Kid!Fem-Reader's House
This is a part II to a drabble I wrote, Part I.
Satoru's footsteps matched hers, trailing towards an unknown path leading to a normal-looking house. It was beautiful though, bright colours, gardens had flower beds of roses, tulips, a ceramic pot with fresh water for the birds. Homely, the house looked and felt what the Gojo estate never did. For a ten year old, who wasn't accustomed to this new found feeling, Satoru didn't know what to say, how to react. He hums, "small, your house is small." kicking a piece of gravel from the pavement.
She was on her tippy-toes, reaching for the door-bell and ringing it. "Mean." She pouted, looking at Satoru with a disgusted face. Like he has shit his pants and she can smell it kind of disgusted.
"What is that face?" He fumbles, taken aback, eyes siren in offense. She shrugged, sticking her tongue out, "I make this face at meanie poopy people." She crossed her arms, always works. No matter who it is.
The faint echoes of footsteps carry from farther away in the kitchen to the hallway, becoming clearer as the door opens. "Oh hello Y/N! Welcome home sweetheart!" Her mother beams, bright and joyful. Her eyes scan the little kid next to her, from his clothes he definitely did not look homeless. Beautiful, all-knowing, almost frightening eyes. "Oh? You made a new friend?" Her mother inquires, looking at Satoru. Now, Satoru Gojo was used to people bending backwards for him, this bland reaction was refreshing.
"My name is Satoru Gojo." He hums, "She dragged me here." He scoffs. Of course not, but the heir of the Gojo clan can't look eager for some cookies?
"She did? Oh my" Her mother gasped a little, knowing the kid was just behaving of his age. "I just wanted him to taste your cookies mama, he protected my favourite water bottle tumbler from the poopie kids!" She grins, walking inside. For a moment, Satoru looks hesitant. What is he even doing, he has roles and responsibilities. Cookie-tasting is definitely not one of them. He can have cookies from any part of the world, Paris? Even London's bakeries- why even-
His trance is broken the moment his wrist is grabbed by her, cheerful eyes beaming and dragging him inside. The moment Satoru's footsteps get inside, and the delicious scent of cookie dough fills his nostrils, he decides to stay. Cookies are important. He could get cookies from anywhere but these are the best ones, yes. The girl herself, said so.
"Come sit," Her mother coos, "Satoru kun, Y/N." She hums, getting them both a chair in the dining table.
Satoru's eyes linger around, the house is cute, not too vast. The distance between him and Y/N is also minimal, because the dining table is not so big. It's perfect actually. He grins, he feels happy, the spacing makes him feel included.
"So? What is your job?" Satoru asked, crossing his arms, looking at the girl.
"My job? I dunno- mama's daughter? Though when I play Police with my friends I am never the thief!" She grins. Satoru is… jealous. Satoru is… enamoured.
"No like, okay leave it- what is your dream?" He asks again, surely there can be some similarity where he can link his life to hers.
"I am gonna be an Astronaut!" She grins wide, "Gonna see the pretty moon, the pretty stars!"
Satoru Gojo pouts, he's ten, and his birth shackled him to one role. He wants to be a sorcerer because he doesn't know any other thing. He thought being a sorcerer was his decision, training was his decision. An eerie bewilderment presses his soul, hollowing it like a cavity. Why couldn't he think about becoming someone like an Astronaut?
"When you come here next time- we should play together." Y/N hums, feet shaking in boredom.
Next time… why would there be a next time? Her mother comes in the room, freshly baked cookies with a glass of milk, a slice of the cake she just made.
"Oh drooling!" Y/N whines, watching her mom place them on the table.
Satoru acts, sophisticated, there is no way some cookies would make him say that, he's not a dog! But they smell so good- NO WAY!
Y/N quickly takes the first bite, happy shakes and wiggles follow with whines. "Oh my god mama this is the best!" Satoru looks flustered, hesitantly taking a bite as well. The flavours melt in his mouth, it was perfect. Wow… "This is good." He announces, watching her mother grin and leave the two alone. He gets headpats, Y/N gets headpats. Satoru doesn't get headpats, the flustered expression on his face is evidence enough.
"Y-you were saying?" He asked, taking another bite.
"Oh yeah! I was saying, when you c'mere next time, we should play House." "House?" What is that game?
"Like, house? Or we could play Police too…" She grins, so excited, so thoughtless.
"I don't play kid's games. I am ten years old." Satoru scoffed.
"Aw- okay." She looked down, taking another bite, interest and excitement killed. Satoru's eyes glare at her, stop doing that! "Maybe just once." Satoru Gojo was kind, he knew he was… just didn't want to show it to others especially in a scathing world like the Jujutsu community where he is worshipped. "Okay! Let's play House then!" She grins, perking right back up.
Ten year old Satoru Gojo had already promised a second meet to play House. Is this how you make friends, he wonders…
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bratzforchris · 5 months
Inked Daisies (Chapter 1)
A series
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Summary: For the past year, you've been running the flower shop that's next door to your friend, Matt's, tattoo studio. But what happens when the feelings start to get more than friendly?
Pairing: Tattoo artist!Matt x floristfem!reader
Warnings: There will be individual warnings for each chapter. No warnings in this one!
Word Count: 1.6k
A/N: Soooo...my first series on here ♡ In this universe, Matt has a nose ring and his usual tattoos, plus some other tats and piercings that'll be added later hehe<3 Let me know how you like it!! 💐💐
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“Nope,” Matt shook his head as you stepped inside the shop, looking at you from behind the counter. “You can’t bring those in here.”
You rolled your eyes playfully, setting the small Mason jar of flowers down on the glass case that held a variety of glittering body jewelry. “They’re flowers, Matt. Not a bomb.”
“Don’t care, didn’t ask. Plus, they ruin the look.” Matt kept his eyes trained on whatever he was looking at on his laptop, but you could see a small smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth. 
“You’re so grumpy,” You tsked, maneuvering yourself behind the counter and peering over his shoulder. “Whatcha doin’?”
Matt sighed, running his hands through his hair and spinning himself around in his chair to look at you. “This dude keeps changing his fucking design even though he’s put his deposit down. And guess what? His appointment’s tomorrow,” he sighed again, brushing a hand across his nose. “Fuck, I forgot that’s a new piercing.” 
Your face dropped into a pout at Matt’s stress. You had known him since freshman year when you had become friends with Chris and the other two triplets by extension. Although you didn’t see all the inner workings of Matt’s mind, you knew that he struggled with anxiety and stress. A particular instance at Six Flags during your sophomore year had told you that much. 
“Let’s see the design,” You offered, filling up a paper cup from the water jug behind the counter. “I’m sure there’s something we can do to make him happy.”
“What? Give him the tattoo for free and then change once it’s already on his body?” Matt raised a brow at you as you poured the water into the jar of flowers. 
“You’re such a pessimist, Matt,” You shook your head, placing the now-full jar of flowers next to his computer. “If it helps take away the awful, vile sight of big, scary flowers, these are the outcasts. Their stems were too short and a few of them are missing some petals. They’re the rejects.”
Owning a florist’s shop had been your dream ever since you were a little girl. You had been captivated by flowers since the day your granny had taken you into her expertly tended garden, leading you around and telling you all the meanings for the different plants. In a way, it almost felt like you were carrying on her legacy by owning such a dainty, girly shop that sold her favorite things. Maybe she wouldn’t have liked the fact that your shop was directly across the street from an all black tattoo and piercing parlor that just so happened to be owned by your best friend’s brother, but she definitely would’ve liked the aesthetic of your business. 
You drew yourself out of your thoughts, pulling up the chair of another piercer who had left earlier in the day. “Let’s see what we’re working with.”
Matt moved a few things around on his laptop, opening up Procreate and clicking onto a design. In your opinion, it was absolutely gorgeous. The tall oak tree in the drawing had large branches that extended outwards, but instead of leaves, the tree held clocks that were all stuck at midnight. Underneath the actual drawing was the carefully lettered sentence ‘Until Time Stops’ in swirly letters that matched the chains of the clocks. 
“That’s beautiful,” You said softly, your eyes entranced by the drawing. “It’s…wow, it’s gorgeous.”
“I think so too.” Matt mumbled, clearly more lost in his artistic mind than here with you. 
This reminded you of the nights during high school sleepovers. Chris and Nick would pass out early, leaving just you and Matt. You both struggled with insomnia, so some nights you would both stay up, pouring over the brunette’s sketchbook together while Matt explained each and every drawing in great detail to you. You had noticed that, similar to you, Matt had an eye for the natural world. You’d never brought this notice up to him of course, but you often thought about it during the early morning hours when you were doing opening duties in the shop while waiting for your employees to arrive.
“But he doesn’t like it, so it’s a scrap,” Matt shrugged, closing out the application and leaning back in his chair, eyes closed. “God, I’m fucking tired.”
You sighed sympathetically, hopping out of the chair. “I understand. I guess I’d want something I really like if it’s going on my body permanently. Doesn’t mean it isn’t annoying, though.” You acknowledged, bustling around behind the counter as you stacked papers up, put pens back in their cups, and locked the jewelry case. 
“I get that you like flowers and animals and shit, but you don’t have to do that. You’re not Cinderella. I’ll do it later.” he sighed. 
“Later? Matt, it’s almost nine,” the only reason you had come into the shop in the first place was because you had finished cleaning and locking your own store rather early and had seen Matt sitting behind the counter. “You need to go home and eat and sleep. A) You gotta be hungry and B) No offense, but I wouldn’t want someone who’s sleep deprived to be giving me a tattoo or piercing.” You joked, bumping his shoulder lightly. 
As if on cue, Matt’s stomach growled audibly, making him fidget with embarrassment, but not so much that he couldn’t open one blue eye to glare at you. “Says you. How many times have you gotten Astrids and Hydrangeas mixed up because you stayed up all night reading.” the brunette chuckled to himself, remembering the time that you had employed the triplets’ help to create a brand new bouquet less than an hour before a certain bridezilla’s wedding. 
“Now that’s not fair and you know it.” You huffed. 
“Is too.”
“Is not.” 
“Is too.” Matt insisted, smirking triumphantly once he saw you sigh in defeat. 
“You’re annoying,” You grumbled. “I like Chris much better.”
“Sure ya do, sweetheart.” Matt didn’t even look in your direction as he closed his laptop, shoving it into his black tote bag.
Something about the way Matt said such a simple sentence had you fighting your blush, grabbing your own bag that you had sat down earlier. You tried to ignore the funny feeling in your stomach, fiddling with your phone while Matt finished the tasks you hadn’t completed. “You think Nick and Chris would kill me if I brought pizza over instead of their elaborate orders from five different restaurants?” You asked, eager to move your mind away from the implication of his words. 
“You’re coming over?” Matt turned to look at you, an expression you couldn’t read on his face. 
“Nick invited me. You know we don’t see each other as much as we did when we were kids. I miss our sleepovers.” You smiled softly. 
Matt’s eyes crinkled with nostalgia. “Yeah, I remember that. They were kind of nice, I guess.”
“You guess? Wow, way to treat us like chumps. You got a girlfriend you’d rather be hanging out with or something?”
“No.” it was a single word, yet the boy’s tone changed from one of fondness to something much deeper and almost angrier. 
“I’m sorry, I…” You trailed off, studying him as he picked up his bag, trying not to focus on the tattoos that snaked down his muscular arms and connected to the chunky, silver rings on his fingers. “I didn’t mean to hit a sore subject.” Even though you two were close, you knew Matt didn’t tell you everything about his life. 
“Let’s just go, okay? I’m sure the ruffians are hungry.” he grumbled, walking towards the door. 
You scrambled after your friend, each of his broad steps equaling four of yours. “They’re not so bad.”
“That’s because you don’t live with them,” Once you were both outside, Matt turned and locked the door to the shop behind him. “Trust me, when Chris burps in your face for the fiftieth time that day, it gets less funny and more annoying. Do you have a ride?”
“...no…” You admitted. 
“Can no one in my life get their license?” Matt sighed, not even waiting for you as he started the trek to his car. 
“Actually,” You corrected him, practically jogging to keep up. “I have my license. I’m just saving for a car.”
You believed city transportation was a perfectly valid form for getting from point A to point B, but as you slid into the passenger seat of Matt’s car, you couldn’t help but to admit that having your own personal vehicle was a much nicer alternative. Matt pulled out of the parking space without speaking, but you could feel his warm presence beside you in the car. As he migrated the car through the narrow city streets, you found yourself wondering what your life would be like if this is how every single day went for you. You knew Matt would drive you home in the evenings if you asked, but a part of you wanted to keep the rare occasion of rides together just that. Rare, special, something seemingly so mundane that it was almost silly you were even thinking about this. 
Time spent alone with Matt was rare, despite working across the street from each other. Between being a triplet and your friendship with Chris, the one-on-one actions were few and far between. But for some reason, on nights like tonight, when you thought about how he interacted with you, you wished that you could make them happen over and over and over again.  
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tags ♡:  @jake-and-johnnies-slut @chrissfavwh3re @suyqa @chrissturnswife @mbsbaby @herxysc-blog @lovingchrissposts @caffeinatedscorpio @spencereidenthusiast @crazychrisl0v3r @sturnioloxlver @whicked-hazlatwhore @blahbel668 @sturncakez @junnniiieee07 @biggesthat3r @sturniolowhore @patscorner @julesgrl @0strawberrysorbet0 @strombolilovr @matt444nixi @remussbitch @devthepoet1221 @mattyblover07 @loisnotaa @mollyquinnxoxo @graysturns @pepsicolapussy333 @ginswife @emmagirouard @athaliahxoxo @bitchydragonparadise @ilydeaky @soggyslugg169 @m00n-0n-paws @books0fever @stingerayyy2 @sunsetsturniolos @mimi-luvzyu @raysmayhem-72 @faygo-frog @oobleoob @billsslutt @aemrsy
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leossmoonn · 10 months
neighborly welcome | mike schmidt
summary - burnt cookies aren’t the only thing mike gives you
warnings / includes - reader is fem, natural time skips. lowk stalker/pervert mike, f oral, brief handjob, intercourse, after he worked at freddy’s, porn w/ plot
18+ below the cut
“you should get her a housewarming gift,” vanessa suggests.
mike’s body whips around from his perch at the window. “give who a housewarming gift?”
vanessa rolls her eyes and gets up off the couch. “the girl you’ve been stalking and are obviously in love with.”
he scoffs, the tips of his ears burning. “i’m not stalking, and i am definitely not in love with her.”
“fine. a crush then. still, you should get her something. welcome her to the neighborhood.”
“that’s not normal.”
“what? of course it is.”
“it’s not normal for me,” mike explains. he glances back out the window, spotting you in the same spot you were since he turned away. you’re gardening, your white tank top clinging to your body thanks to sweat. you’re wearing a visor to protect your face from the sun as well as sunglasses to shield your eyes. you bend down to pick up a pot, unknowingly giving mike a nice view down your shirt.
vanessa scoffs in disbelief. “you’re practically drooling.”
“what, i’m not,” mike denies. he brings his hand to his lips, wiping the corners and feeling a small amount of saliva that’s collected. he blushes and looks down at the floor, knowing he’s stared at you enough today.
“you should introduce yourself before she calls the cops” vanessa quips. “you don’t want a restraining order from someone you don’t know.”
“what do you suggest i get her then?” he asks. “bake some cookies or something. i don’t know,” she shrugs.
“so helpful,” mike deadpans. vanessa chuckles and stands up from the couch. “my grandma has this killer chocolate chip cookie recipe. i’ll send it to you,”
“is this grandma from your mom or dad’s side?” he asks. she rolls her eyes, “do you want my help or not?”
“yes, yes,” he nods. “i’ll send it to you when i get home,” she says. she walks to abby’s room, knocking on her door and biding ber goodbye.
“don’t get yourself arrested, mike,” vanessa warns him as she walks out. mike glares at her, but he knows she’s right. he looks back out the window once her car leaves his driveway. now you’re sitting on your porch steps drinking some water. as you take a sip, you manage to spill some on yourself, making part of your top see-through. mike knows he should look away, but it’s almost painful to tear his eyes away. his jeans are suddenly tight and he looks away in shame. he knows what he needs to do.
“can i have one?” abby’s eyes light up as she sees the cookies on the stove.
“only one,” mike says. “two?” abby changes her mind. mike sighs and nods, handing her two cookies. she grimaces at them, but still takes them. “did you make these?”
“yeah,” mike nods. “you should ask vanessa to make them next time. she’s an expert!” abby grins. she takes a big bite of one, slowly chewing and swallowing. “these aren’t terrible.”
mike’s eyes light up. when they first came out of the oven, he thought they were inedible.
“are you going to give these to the girl next door?” she asks. “i was thinking about it,” mike admits.
“get her something else to make up for the cookies,” abby says. she takes another bite, turning around and walking back to her room.
he takes her advice and goes back to the store. he picks out a bouquet of flowers that matched one of the types on your lawn. he takes a shower and tries on every outfit in his closet, which are all clones of each other. he goes out of his room, being met by abby at the table.
“you look like a robber,” she states. mike looks down at his outfit and back at her. “i do not.”
“you should buy more bright colors! like yellow!” abby grins. “i am not buying yellow,” mike shakes his head. she shrugs, “she’s going to think you’ll kidnap her with the cookies.”
“isn’t josie’s mom supposed to pick you up soon?” mike asks. as he said so, a minivan pulls up in his driveway. “call me if you need anything and behave!” mike reminds her as she rushes out the door. he watches as she gets into the van, making sure it’s josie’s mom who’s picking her up. once the car leaves, you come into view.
you’re chatting with one of the neighbors down the street. mike squints and looks closer, seeing a container of some type of food in your hands. he groans and rubs his hands down his face, his skin dragging along. of course everyone and their mother wanted to come and talk to you. you were the only thing interesting happening in this neighborhood since mike and abby moved in.
but he has to see you, to meet you.
he waits a little while, not wanting to overwhelm you. after an hour of waiting, he can’t sit still anymore. he grabs the container of cookies and flowers and makes his way towards your house.
his hand shakes as he presses your doorbell. he can hear the jingle from inside the house. he glances through your window, seeing boxes still sitting out, some opened and still sealed. he spots you walking towards the door and he steps a quick step back, his heart beginning to race.
you open the door, cool air hitting mike’s face. he can’t help but gawk at you. you’re much more beautiful up close.
you stand there, leaning against your doorframe and wait for him to speak first. he gulps, feeling his throat tightening and becoming dry. he’s parched all the sudden.
“hi, i’m mike,” he manages to say. you smile sweetly at him. “hi, mike.” you say his name slowly, making the ‘k’ sharp. he lets out a breath in response, looking down and remembering why he’s really here
“these are, uh, for you. to welcome you to the neighborhood,” he says, holding out the gifts. he’s never felt more out of place in his life. he feels stupid and uncomfortable, telling himself that this was a terrible idea and he should’ve left you alone. but as you take his gifts, you invite him inside. the offer makes his eyes go wide and jaw almost drop.
“i… are you sure? i wouldn’t want to intrude.” he says this, but he would be lying if he denied having any thoughts about going into your house and spending time getting to know you.
“yeah, i’m sure. you can help me eat some of the desserts other neighbors have given me.” you turn around and leave the door open. mike doesn’t know if his imagination, but your hips sway almost intentionally. you take slow strides, the sides of your body curving in. mike’s jeans get tight once again and he’s thankfully he’s wearing a t-shirt that can cover the tent forming.
his head perks up as you turn to face him, setting his cookies on the counter and putting his flowers in a vase. he’s astounded by how many other containers of sweets you have sitting around.
“wow. you’re popular,” mike chuckles. you sigh and nod, “unfortunately. don’t get me wrong, i appreciate knowing my new neighbors like me, but there’s no way i can finish all of these before they go bad. well, maybe i could, but i live alone and would rather not have pie and brownies for every meal.”
“i could take some home if that would help,” mike offers. “sure,” you say. “i assume they’ll be for your daughter?”
mike shakes his head quickly, wanting to erase any thought of him being with someone from your head. “no, no. i bet you’re referring to abby. she’s my little sister.”
“ah,” you say. he might be mistaken, but you look relieved. “she looks like a sweet kid.”
“she is,” mike nods. he looks around your house, seeing you’ve already started to decorate. his eyes catch a photo of you with a man and a little boy at a carnival. his heart sinks as he looks closer. the man’s arm is around you and you both are holding the child’s hand.
“that’s my brother and his son,” you say. you stand next mike, crossing your arms as you admire the picture. “that was my nephew’s sixth birthday. i won him a toy elephant.”
mike smiles a little. “i take it that picture was taken before you won him the toy?”
“yeah, but trust me, i did. and it was huge. he could barely carry it.”
“he’s a cute kid.”
“yeah, he got all the good genes from my side of the family.”
mike’s head turns to you and he stares at you again. you aren’t wrong. you’re gorgeous. you’re charming and funny, and your smile’s infectious. mike feels unworthy to be in your vicinity.
“do you like banana bread?” you bring him out of his daze. there’s a coy smile on your lips, like you know something about him. hear creeps up his neck and he makes a point to look away from you. “y-yeah, i do.”
you walk back to your kitchen counter, grabbing a couple plates and putting a slice on each. you walk to your living room and sit on the loveseat. you pat the space next to you for mike to join. it takes everything in him not to run over. he takes a small bite of the baked good after you do, lowly moaning at the taste.
“these are amazing. so moist and still warm,” he comments.
“the couple down the street brought these to me. laura and um… peter, i think.”
“oh, yeah. they’re nice. they bought abby a barbie when we first moved in,” mike recounts.
“wow, aren’t you two special,” you tease. mike laughs softly. “that’s the only gift we’ve received, but i didn’t care. and abby was just happy that she got a new doll.”
“well, now abby will have some treats to enjoy over the next few days,” you say.
“it’ll probably be gone in a day,” mike chuckles. “as long as they’re eaten,” you shrug.
a comfortable silence settles over you two as you finish the food.
“thank you for inviting me inside. you didn’t have to,” mike says.
“it’s no problem. thanks for being willing to take some of my treats home.”
“always happy to help,” mike remarks. he stands up, beginning to walk towards the door, but you stop him. you put your plate down on the couch ledge, your hand gently wrapping around mike’s wrist. your hand is warm and soft, making him feel all fuzzy. he turns to you, raising a brow in question. you take a shaky deep breath in, your mind racing with all the words you want to say.
“i want you to know, mike, i didn’t invite you in just so you could eat some banana bread.”
his mind is spinning. he’s confused, but also excited. “w-what do you mean?”
“i noticed you’ve been watching me.”
his heart pounds against his ribcage. sweat starts to form near his hairline. “i… i can explain.”
“there’s no need to because i’ve been watching you, too,” you admit. you take a step closer to him, or maybe he leans forward. he can’t tell who makes what moves. all he can focus on is his heartbeat that’s thumping in his ears and dark look in your eyes. he catches the way your eyes flicker down to his parted lips.
you lean forward, your lips hovering over his ear. he takes a deep breath in, the smell of shea butter and laundry detergent. your warm breath tickles his skin, making all the hairs on his body stand up.
“you should really keep your curtains closed when walking around with a towel on.”
his heart stops and he forgets how to breath. your fingertips skimming along his forearm brings him back to reality. his body feels like it’s on fire. he’s thought about being in this situation with you so many times. wondering how to make it come to life. he’s dreamed about you coming over to watch abby and that’s how it starts, or him helping you move something into your house and things escalate from there. he always thought that he would have to be the one to initiate something. honestly, he was so nervous, always thinking of how to make you like him. but now that you’re standing here, so close to him he could just lean in and close the gap between you two, he feels less foolish and ashamed of his thoughts about you.
you press a hand against his chest, feeling the soft tissue under his black shirt. you step further into him, but not so much to where you’re against him. mike can almost feel your weight and he wants it to be real. he needs to feel you pressed up against his lower half. he needs to feel your skin on his. he needs to know what it feels like to kiss you, hold you, fuck you.
“i know how you think of me, mike.” you say his name lowly. “i know you dream about me. i know you look forward to admiring me from your window.”
he’s so painfully hard. it physically hurts the way his dick is trapped inside his pants. he can feel a wet spot already forming, his pre-cum bleeding into his underwear.
“i think about you while i’m in the shower. i think about your big hands on my body. i wonder how it would feel with be pressed up against the wall, your cock inside of me. fuck,” you gasp into his ear. “i’m already so wet just thinking about you.”
mike grabs you by the hips, your body colliding with his. mike groans just at the feeling of your lips against his. he’s been waiting for this moment for so long. it’s so much more amazing than he could’ve ever imagined.
you take him by the shirt, keeping your lips onto his. your kisses become impossibly more messy as you both walk up the stairs. mike’s kisses are wet and desperate. his tongue slides against yours. your teeth clash with his as you push your body into him in attempt to get closer.
you leave his lips for a moment to open your bedroom door. “sorry, i still have to unpack some things,” you say, kicking some boxes out of the way.
“maybe i can help after,” mike offers. you give him a teasing smile. “after what, exactly?”
“after this.” he grabs you again, sliding a hand under your shirt. his hands are warm against your already hot skin. you sit down on your bed as his hand continues to scale your body, feeling over the underwire of your bra. he can feel your heart pound against your ribcage as his hand ghosts across your skin. you shiver in response. his touch is so gentle, so light. he wants to take his time with you, not believing he’s finally with you. but he also wants to rip your clothes off and fuck you so hard you can feel when you wake up tomorrow.
you scoot back onto the bed and he follows, his lips detaching from yours and starting to wander. you moan softly as presses sloppy kisses along your jaw and down to your neck. he begins to softly suck multiple spots, listening for which one gets the most rise out of you. there’s a spot just under your ear, close to the nape of your neck that has you breathing harder. you feel wetness pool on your underwear and you squeeze your thighs together. between his hand teasing your nipple and his teeth scraping against your skin, you’re tempted to shove his other hand down your pants.
he seems to hear your thoughts, taking his hand out of your shirt. he takes ahold of the collar of your shirt, ripping it open, buttons flying everywhere. you watch as his bicep flexes as he pulls on the material. you’re embarrassingly turned on by this.
“I’ll buy you another one,” he promises. you hum in response, shrugging the shirt off. you unhook your bra, flinging it behind mike. he takes his shirt off and undoes the buckle on his belt. you take the liberty in taking all your clothes off. mike pauses as he’s unzipping his jeans, looking down at your naked body. you quite literally take his breath away. your glistening folds is what catches his eyes and his mouth starts to salivate. he needs to taste you. he need you to come on his mouth.
“better than you imagined?” you ask. his eyes flicker back up to yours and you watch his pupil swallow his iris. “so much better.” he spreads your legs apart harshly, the sheets causing a burning sensation on your skin. he spreads your pussy with his fingers, burying his face into your thighs. his tongue first enters you, collecting your juices with quick swirls. he trails up to your clit where he attaches his lips to. he can feel you throb against his mouth.
“oh, fuck.” you throw your head back and your eyes roll. his fingers enter you and he can’t help but groan at how wet you are. you grip his hair and your thighs clamp over his ears and you begin to buck your hips up.
his fingers pump inside of you, making your legs shake. he sucks your clit with the perfect amount of pressure, his tongue circling every couple of seconds. your legs are squeezing his head so hard, you’re afraid you might burst it open. but he plants a hand on your thigh, his fingertips digging into your skin as he keeps your leg there. your moans become erratic. your chest is heaving up and down, your eyes screwed shut as you focus on the immense pleasure flowing through your body. your pussy gushes around his fingers, the sound turning you on even more.
mike starts to moan into your skin as if he can feel how amazing it is. the scruff of his facial hair prickles your skin as he begins to move his head, burying himself flush against your skin.
“mike,” you whimper, feeling close. you can’t help but shout out his name, your fingers pulling on the back of his head. your thighs tighten once more then loosen as you come. he doesn’t stop until you push his head away.
you look down at him. his lips and chin are shining with your juices. his hair is all disheveled and his face is all flushed.
“tired?” you tease. he shakes his head, taking off his pants and underwear. “i could do this all day.” at first you think he’s just joking. you’ve had men say that to you before, but from the way mike is looking at you, you’re confident he actually means it.
you sit up on your knees, taking him by the neck and kissing him. you can taste yourself on his lips and on his tongue. it makes you moan in his mouth. his hands find your waist and he pulls you into him, groaning just at how your skin feels on his. his fingers move across your back, feeling every inch of you. his hands land on your ass, playfully squeezing and earning a small gasp from you. one of his hands settle on your waist, slowly leaning you back. you fall on the bed, looking up at him with expectant eyes.
“do you, uh, have any condoms?” he asks. “i’m on birth control,” you say.
he’s shocked, to say the least. he would’ve worn a condom without a second thought, but man, he was feeling like the luckiest guy in the world.
he moves down to kiss you again. he can’t get enough of the way they fit so perfectly with his, how in-sync you are with him. he wants to get accustomed to making you come with his mouth, to feel your legs shake around him. he can’t wait to know what it’s like to be inside of you.
he has one hand by your head to keep him stable. his other hand hooks under your thigh, pulling you down closer to him. without a second thought, he slowly pushes into you. the moan you elicit could’ve made him come right then and there if he didn’t have any self control. his girth stretches you out as he pushes deeper.
your walls hug him like they’ve been yearning for him. once he bottoms out, he pulls back out only to slam into you. your hands wrap around his shoulders as he falls into a rhythm. your eyes screw shut as he hits that spot. your little gasps and moans spur him on. he takes a look down, watching as his cock disappears into your cunt.
“fuck,” he mumbles. he looks back up to your face. your chin is titled up and he can see your eyes roll to the back of your head. your lips are swollen and parted, his name tumbling out of your mouth. he could just fall in with you.
“mike,” you say, a hint of desperation in your voice. your nails dig into his shoulders and he knows you’re close. he lets his mind flow free with you in it. he doesn’t even have to focus that hard. your hips push up against his, the angle causing him to go slightly deeper. you both mumble a string a curses as you come. he pants your name as you feel him fill you with hot spurts, quiet whimpers sounding from his throat.
all you can hear is your heartbeat in your ears. you close your eyes for a moment and try to catch your breath. you open them back up once you feel him pull out, his cum oozing down your thigh. you watch as he puts back on his briefs, walking into your bathroom and finding a washcloth.
you can’t help but grin from ear-to-ear at his sweet actions. you let him clean you up, his thumb rubbing circling long your hip. you tug back on your underwear and grab a t-shirt and shorts from your dresser. you walk him downstairs, grabbing a few containers of sweets and handing them to him.
“i’ll, uh, talk to you soon?” mike asks. you stifle a giggle at how shy he suddenly has become. “of course,” you nod. you open the door for him, planting a sweet kiss on his cheek.
the next day, mike swears what happened with you was a dream. he just can’t wrap his head around the fact that he was inside your house and you let him come inside of you. but as he grabs his mail and sees an envelope from you, he’s assured that it was real.
he opens the envelope as he walks up his driveway, choking on air as he sees a polaroid of you in black lingerie. he takes it out, holding it up close to his face to make sure he’s not imagining things. he flips it on the back, seeing a message from you.
take me out on a date and maybe you’ll get to take that off of me xx
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oneforthemunny · 25 days
🪡 🪄 🌙
janitor!eddie, smut, rain.
minors dni. smut. really sweet smut. a little voyeurism??
"I thought the weather man said it wasn't supposed to rain today?" You squinted towards the greying sky, a dark cloud rolling towards your home.
"Yeah, maybe it'll pass." Eddie shrugged, wiping the sweat from his brow with the back of his gloved hand. "Hope it does, anyway. I don't want the mulch to flood away."
It had been two weeks since you both had moved in together, bought a house, and spent every waking second unpacking and sprucing up the little fixer upper.
Well, almost every second.
The other time was spent pawing at each other, pulling the other close, shoving clothes off in every square inch of your new home. There was something so sexy about domesticity, Eddie decided.
The weather had promised clear skies for the next two days, which turned out to be false. You felt a wet glob fall on your shoulder as you were bent over the flower beds pulling overgrown weeds, and before you knew it, a furious rain storm was pouring relentlessly down on the two of you.
You scurried, trying to pick up your gloves, the gardening tools so they wouldn't rust, sprinting with Eddie to the small covered porch for shelter, dripping from the pelting rain.
"Shit," Eddie huffed, rain droplets running down his face, his neck. A single drop of rain tracing down the vein of his neck, the one you loved to nip at. "So much for clear skies, huh? No chance of rain my ass. That weather guy needs to find a new career, because this is the second time he's- oof!"
Eddie's rant was cut short, words stolen by your lips, feverishly pressing into his. It was his favorite interruption, one he'd never complain about.
Your hands pulled at his soaking shirt, the wet cotton heavy and tight against his skin, wringing the water out in your fists. The rain continued to drive, bouncing off the grass and the edge of the concrete slab you were on, sheltered by the covering.
"Sweetheart," Eddie groaned, rain droplets sliding down from his own soaking hair and skin to you. "What're you doin'?" He muttered, a teasing grin of a smile that told you he knew exactly what you were doing.
"Mm, you look really good wet." You muttered, hands knotted through the base of his neck, tugging him closer to you.
"And you said you wanted to do it in every room of the house." Your eyes lit with sparks of excitement, adrenaline running through Eddie's veins. "We haven't done it here."
"H-Here?" Eddie's voice cracked, eyes wide. His heart hammered with adrenaline, looking at the neighbors over the wood fence. His cock rushed with excitement, the thrill of it, leaving his head reeling and rushing.
"Baby, what if they see?" Eddie muttered, though his hips didn't move from your grasp, didn't wiggle aways when you reached for the button of his jeans.
"They won't, Eddie. The fence will cover us." You grinned, lips curling in a devious little smile.
And who was Eddie to deny you? He'd be a fool. A fool who would never know what it was like to feel you, wet chest to wet chest, rain running down the two of your bodies as you rocked slowly on top of him, the rain pouring over the two of you.
It felt entirely romantic, ethereal, like something out of the fantasy books he'd read, or the rom-coms you'd make him watch; having sex in the rain, getting soaked from the elements, clinging to the other, so vulnerable in the outdoors but hidden.
Eddie didn't care about the grass in his hair, or that the mulch had definitely washed away. Not when he got to hear your small whimpers of pleasure, drowned out by the steady stream of the rain, finishing with you, buried deep inside you.
There was a patch left in the grass for weeks after that. A rutted, soil exposed spot from Eddie's back. Every morning, Eddie would look at it, grinning smugly at the memory. He hoped it would never grow back, stay there forever as a reminder.
202 notes · View notes
cvtyvvitch · 4 months
💗💐✨Pick-A-Card: What Is Next for You in Love?✨💐
💕 Pick an emoji (⚡️, 🌸, or 🌊) for a reading on what is coming next for you in love.
✨ Focus your intention and remain open — if none of the images light up for you, there may not be a message for you in this reading! Alternatively, more than one image might connect with you. As always, trust your intuition and take what resonates, leaving the rest.
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#1 ⚡️ Lightning ⚡️
In French, love at first sight is called ‘coup de foudre’ — a lightning strike. This picture makes my eyes water, and I get a few different impressions off it. First, someone sees you and is completely taken back. This could be someone you have met already and they felt this, but for some it’s happening soon. Someone who literally stops in their tracks and is dazed by you. It’s a frenetic energy, hard to pin down. A bit of the madness that comes with a really intense new crush.
The second option I get is that someone reenters your life very suddenly, a bit of a Tower experience. It feels that things were left unresolved between you, and it’s a situation/feelings that still keeps you up some nights. It’s a feeling like horses straining under a harness and energy built up to the point of explosion. Not a bad feeling per se, but definitely volatile and shocking.
Key words: fire, volcano, out of control, thunder, chewed straws, bitten nails, knock on the door, feet on pavement, midnight, nokia cell phone, unknown caller ID, broken glass, be not afraid, late night gas/petrol station, buzzing silence
PS If you have any feedback, please let me know! Also if you save this reading and notice it being accurate for you, I’d love to hear about it!
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#2 🌸 Pink Flower 🌸
For this group, I get the image of someone picking flowers from the garden for their grandmother. Someone very sweet on the periphery of your life who you know or may get the opportunity to get to know soon. They feel like someone with a lot of responsibility with maybe their family or community, but always find the time for you. Sweet, somewhat shy or quiet energy. Feels like a neighbor, maybe, or a neighbor to someone in your family.
There’s hesitation here, maybe on both ends? I don’t feel major turmoil but just the uncertainty mixed with curiosity that comes with a new person who isn’t obviously mutually interested in you. Friendly without being over flirtatious. The type of person who gives you a bucket of lemons because they’ve had a bunch extra in their backyard.
Keywords: bicycle, farmer’s market, pharmacy, picket fence, down the hall, shy, hedge, grandmother, dahlias, peonies, tuna can, plum
PS If you have any feedback, please let me know! Also if you save this reading and notice it being accurate for you, I’d love to hear about it!
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#3 🌊 Waves 🌊
This connection coming in has a feeling of longing. It feels like a period of missing someone or a time in your life that you know you can’t return to. Grief that feels a little bit difficult to place because it feels like wanting something that even if you got it, things wouldn’t feel the same because you have also changed.
I know that’s not a super happy sounding message, but this is a period where you are asked to deeply reflect on what you loved and feel you’ve lost. Allow yourself to move past the surface of yearning to the deeper questions: why did I have this experience? Where did I learn what I wanted, and what does not truly help me grow and feel safe? It may feel very confusing right now in the face of perceived loss. It’s a murky time you must allow yourself to experience and pass through, but take care not to become trapped by the siren’s song of nostalgia. There is more for you to experience on the other side of this lesson, and a version of yourself waiting to embrace new joy based on a profound understanding of these past disappointing experiences.
Keywords: sighs, mirror, fingers along water, long hair, loneliness, emptiness, nostalgia, despair. Salt, tears, egg yolk, relearning, color, passion, glorious comeback and rebirth
246 notes · View notes
merakiui · 1 year
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yandere!rollo flamme x (female) reader cw: yandere, unhealthy behaviors/relationship, nsfw, non-con, captivity, obsession, menophilia/period sex, vague references to the story of adam & eve note - a self-indulgent paradise crafted by rollo's generous, gracious hand.
Silvery slivers of moonlight spill through the space in the curtains, illuminating the fluffy sheets you’re currently entangled in. A sharp sting in your abdomen rouses you from your dreamless slumber, so agonizing it causes you to slowly curl in on yourself. Miserable and defeated, you groan and bury your face in the neighboring pillow. Now muffled, the sound can only carry on for however much capacity your lungs possess. It eventually fizzles out into a solemn, silent resignation that forces you to accept the third day of the monthly curse that is the menstrual cycle.
It’s a natural facet of your biology, but that doesn’t stop you from moping when you register the slick sensation between your legs.
This wouldn’t be an issue if he got me pads or tampons, you think, bitter with resentment and worn to exhaustion even though you’ve only just woken.
Awkwardly, you attempt to sit up and pull the covers back to check the damage. Rollo’s sheets are always spotless and fresh; he washes them every two weeks on Sunday afternoons, dedicated to following his schedule down to the letter. But then the pain persists, stabbing through to your very organs, and you resume your pitiful fetal position in hopes that the severity may abate.
It does, but you think you’re just tricking yourself into believing so.
You can feel the blood soaking through your white nightgown, and the sodden fabric molds itself to your rear in a very unpleasant way. Shuddering, you blink back tears.
I wanna go home.
Home, as it happens, has felt less and less temporary with each passing month spent in Twisted Wonderland. You’ve come to associate the familiarity of Night Raven College and its student body with comfort and contentment. It’s your home away from home. A long, long way from home. But it’s all you’ve ever had since the Dark Mirror beckoned you forth, and it’s served as your solace for a while.
Initially, you felt trapped and alone, uncertain of your fate and what this could mean for your life. But now you realize that no amount of feeling stuck at school could ever compare to this—to real confinement.
Your capture and, subsequently, your captor’s inexplicable infatuation are the result of arbitrary observation. In his frigid, heavy-eyed stare, you fit the criteria for a definition of purity he has constructed for his own abstract conduct. Untouched by magic, unable to conjure even the simplest spell, you are the speck of hope within Pandora’s box—a blessing enshrouded in sin.
“It must be taxing to live amongst mages so often,” he had said, as if to extend sympathy.
Foolishly, not quite understanding where those words were coming from, you replied in jest, “Believe me, it is. The amount of times I’ve nearly been caught in the crossfire when my friends get into heated arguments… Yikes.”
Rollo Flamme is a righteous man, and thus it is his duty to build a pristine paradise for you. An Eden of his own creation, its sole purpose to safeguard you from the pollution that is magic and, by extension, mages.
But purity cannot be found here, for Rollo is a devil in this garden. Potted plants adorn the floor; it’s something of a floral jungle, filling the room with perfumed scents and pretty sights. You’ve made note of their habits—of every flower that wilts and rises once it’s watered, of every petal that pries itself open under the moon’s glow and closes come sunrise, of every stem that’s trimmed to prevent excess.
Rollo Flamme prefers tidy spaces, so this well-kept garden is sterile and peaceful. You’ve likened it to a morgue filled with dead things—or soon-to-be dead things, as most plants cannot thrive forever no matter how diligent the botanist.
He barked a humorless, monosyllabic laugh at your declaration. “Unless you’ve chosen to view yourself as a rotting corpse, which you are not, your comparison is both unwarranted and untrue,” he muttered, and that was the final utterance of that subject.
Conversations with Rollo are always impossible, which is why you’re dreading this next one when he turns the key in the lock. The sound is like a gunshot in an empty room: explosive. As if echoing your discomfort, your cramps worsen in their intensity and you suck in a shaky breath through grit teeth. You hear the door shut and lock, sentencing you to an exchange with an unwanted warden. He walks into a mostly serene scene, his glacial gaze sweeping across the room to pick apart any interruptions in this slice of Shangri-La.
“I’ve brought dinner,” he announces, and you lift your head to peer at the tray in his hands.
“I don’t want your grapes and croissants,” you spit. “I want something warm.”
“It is warm.” Stepping closer, he sets the tray on his desk. You spy wispy tendrils rising from a bowl of soup. “Sit up and eat before it goes cold.”
You attempt that, halfway up on your elbows, but then your abdomen tightens and you slump back into the sheets. “Hurts,” you whine, clutching your stomach.
Rollo sniffs at the air, brows furrowing. His shoes click out an even rhythm against the floorboards, stopping at your bedside. Without ceremony he yanks the duvet away and you hiss at him, humiliated even though it’s normal. Your skin prickles with a chill, and it’s made even worse when you see the fiery glint in his eyes—the perceptive sort of glaze that overtakes his pupils when he’s observing you. His eyes crawl down your figure, stopping at the stain sullying your satin nightgown.
“Ah, you’ve leaked.”
“Obviously,” you snap. “I did this yesterday, too. When are you going to get me pads? Or tampons? I’ll even take a towel at this point or toilet paper. Anything is better than this.”
Rollo shakes his head. “You’re perfectly fine as you are.”
“Free bleeding like this is filthy and unsanitary.”
“So I’ll simply clean you.”
You drag your hand down your face and groan. “Rollo, please. It hurts, and it’s wet and uncomfortable.”
“You’ve illustrated these points more than clearly.”
“So then… Then do something about it!”
He narrows his eyes at you, silently taking issue with your demand, before he hums his consideration. His face settles into something neutral while he removes his hat and shoes, dutifully setting them in their respective places.
Rollo surprises you when he climbs onto the bed, kneeling over you with the tiniest trace of a smile.
“Spread your legs. I’ll have a look.”
Fresh horror blooms on your already distraught countenance. You bickered with him over this yesterday when he’d brought a wet rag to your inner thigh, seething at you to stay still while he wiped you down. You’d wrestled with him for ownership of the rag, insisting in panicked huffs that you could do it yourself. Your slap had rung out in the silence, rendering Rollo stiff with stormy emotions. He’d relinquished the rag, scoffing at you for being ungrateful and resolving to scribble in his diary for the rest of the day—a prisoner to his own silent treatment.
Now, as his cold fingertips creep up your legs, you feel less hungry and more sick.
Weakly, you shake your head at him, sinking deeper into the pillows. “I… I can do it myself…”
“With what? The nightgown you’ve already dirtied?” He tilts his head at you and smiles an odd smile. You can’t place it, whether it’s smug or sweet, but it soon becomes the former when he throws your words right back at you: “That’s filthy and unsanitary.”
“You don’t have anything either,” you retort, only to grimace once more.
Rollo exhales through his nose, amusement flashing in his dreary eyes. “Because I’m not going to clean you. Not yet.”
Ice crystalizes within your veins, and the tension in your legs slackens enough for him to pull them apart. “What?”
His hands stray dangerously close. You stiffen, nerves tangling with panic. “There are ways to alleviate menstrual cramps. You should be aware of them, so I see no need to go into detail.”
“I know, yes, but—” You swallow thickly and push his reaching fingers away before they can curl around the hem of your nightgown. “Rollo, please don’t…”
“You’ll feel better,” he assures you matter-of-factly, whispering the words like that will change anything. “This is better than medicine and safer than magic.”
You shift beneath him, unsettled. “A… A hot compress will do. Y-You’ll get yourself dirty. Also! A-Also… If we don’t wash the sheets soon, it’ll stain.”
“Let it. It will serve as a reminder to both of us. A reminder that, though you may ruin these sheets with all manner of bodily fluids, they will still remain pure.” He lifts your nightgown, leaning close to your ear while palming at your stomach. You angle yourself away from him, eyes squeezed shut. “It’s because you’re perfect and clean, untainted by magic, that you are able to exist here. I envy you…”
His bare hand is cold against your warm belly and it travels lower, his fingers hooking around the waistband of your panties. You stifle a whine, tears welling up behind your eyelids.
“Even your voice…” He inhales deeply, high off the scent of you—metallic and pungent, a natural musk more enticing than any flowery perfume. “Everything about you is so clean, even the very blood that pools between your legs… Just a moment in your embrace is enough to wash away the layers of filth that accumulate on my person. Perhaps you might even manage to scrub beneath my skin, wash out every ounce of magic that rests within… Would that I could, I’d break myself into pieces so that you may reassemble me—build a better me. A me without magic. If only…”
His other hand slithers into yours, squeezing tight. You’re arrested by the strain in his tone when he speaks next, so full of yearning and desperation. Covetous. Shameless.
“If only.”
“R-Rollo, please stop…”
“Yes… Yes, of course,” he babbles, nodding to himself. “I’ve likened you to a concept—to purity alone—but you are more than that. The embodiment of it… An angel. Otherworldly, immune to the poisonous effects of magic… Yes, that is what you are. An angel bereft of flaws.”
He fishes his celestial-patterned handkerchief from his pocket and presses it to your lips next. Your eyes snap open to find him now much closer than before, and you have but a moment to brace yourself before he leans in. The kiss is indirect, the both of you separated by the cloth, but the intention is there. It sticks to you even after he’s lowered the handkerchief. You are too pure and he is too filthy, which is why your lips must never touch.
Contradictory because he’s kissed you before.
Rollo drags your blood-soaked panties down to your knees. You shudder like a frail leaf caught in autumn’s harsh breeze.
“I’ve saved you—freed you!—from those…those villains. So you must allow me to indulge.” He shakes his head, his licentious, lustful stare smoldering to such a scorching degree it brands impure, unhealthy love upon your bare flesh. “I will indulge because I have been nothing but agreeable. This—” his fingers brush your slick folds, testing the waters— “is a wonder no magic could ever hope to reproduce. This is just you. Perfect, pretty, pure you…”
Experimentally, his digits dip shallowly inside. You flinch and inhale a sharp, frantic breath, your stomach somersaulting and knotting itself all at once. Complicated feelings stir within you as you writhe under his invasive touch. Your effort to escape is halfhearted; it’s too painful to move, so instead you attempt to clamp your legs shut. He tuts at you and slips his hand out from your hold to pet along your thigh.
“There goes a certain tale,” Rollo says, breathless as he continues his patient exploration. His eyes rove over your pussy like he intends to imprint it in his memory, and he doesn’t shy away from the crimson rivulet that runs down his palm when he sinks his fingers in further. You grit your teeth, melting against the pillows like an angel stamped in snow, and your free hand strangles a fistful of sheets. “In which a pair lived together in paradise, but it was temptation that ultimately led to their downfall. It is a doomed narrative.”
You’re breathing heavily now, your eyes flicking from the ceiling to the many plants that surround you on all sides, each one in full bloom. It feels as if you’re on a bed-turned-boat in a sea of greenery.
A sea of divine fertility.
With a skillful curl the two fingers delve deeper, pressing up against your gummy walls. Against your better judgment, you whine, loud and bawdy. His touch soothes, but then it stings. It makes you want to peel yourself open and step out of your skin so that you may subject it to a vigorous washing. It makes you despise the scent of flowers. It makes you fear the sound of the bell as it tolls unfailingly every single day. It makes you wish you’d never opened your mouth to respond to his words all those weeks ago.
Tears slip from your lash line. “Stop… Please stop…”
“Perhaps this is that same story made modern. Perhaps you were sculpted specially for me and I for you.” A third finger joins the other two working you open. Paper-pale skin is coated in brilliant vermillion, the very color of ardent desire. “Perhaps we are destined to fall together, born anew in someplace purer…”
The slow, steady drag of his fingers is more tempting than the ripe redness between your thighs, and you force yourself to gaze sidelong at the soup sitting abandoned on his desk. He plucks at each of your tangled, dewy strings, unraveling them with graceful strokes, and you’re pulled along on the blissfully uncomfortable current, treading between someplace grounded in reality and fantasy.
From above, at the bird’s eye view, you have become a garden for Rollo’s twisted whimsy.
You return to yourself when he eases his fingers out, stalling for a silent beat, before he thrusts them back in in one fluid motion. It punches the air from your lungs, has you throwing your head back with a weepy howl. He watches this with fierce scrutiny, curious at a clinical level.
“You’re beautiful,” he admits, spreading his fingers inside you. “My world. My panacea. My angel.”
“No… No, no.” You sob, your chest heaving with every wail. You can smell yourself on the air, the sharp scents of iron and sweat. Your pussy weeps blood, devastated at the hands of a monster, and yet it can’t stop affixing itself to him. A mold meant to suit his design. “Please… Please take it out.”
A shadow of contemplation passes over Rollo’s flushed countenance and then he’s reaching over to dry your tears, dabbing at your face with his handkerchief. “You’re okay. It doesn’t hurt anymore, right?”
You shake your head in protest rather than respond, chewing your bottom lip to shreds. A feeble whine slips through and you arch into him when his thumb presses down into your clit and prods at your hood. It happens all too fast. You tighten and loosen all at once, your mouth dropping open and eyes rolling back. The sheets are soaked through and properly soiled now, but that fact doesn’t lessen the seismic ecstasy that drapes itself over you like a veil. Your vision whites out and you fall, fall, fall through the waning vestiges.
Your heart drops into your stomach at the realization.
It doesn’t hurt anymore.
“You’ve done well.” He slides his fingers out, and the gooey squelching wrings a shudder from you. This time he grants you one of his rare smiles—the authentic, sincere kind—while he presses the pads of his fingers to his upturned lips, dyeing himself in your essence. You blink through encroaching tears, an ocean that obscures your vision and fuzzies his figure.
His fingers dig into the plush pudge of your thighs, thumbs rubbing soothing circles along your adductors. You open yourself again, involuntarily blossoming in this garden of iniquity.
“Good,” he praises again, whisper-soft. “You’re only permitted to be this way with me. Anyone else would simply tarnish your sweetness. They’d take advantage of your ability to cleanse even the foulest of filth. But I…”
Rollo, still clothed and now libidinous in his impatience, fumbles to pull himself free. His throbbing erection presses against your stomach, the final piece to force this puzzle to completion.
“I will always lay myself at your altar.”
You beg him not to, but every objection goes unheard. His hips connect with yours; he’s holding back, if only just barely, pressing onwards slowly, his breath coming in huffs and grunts. To savor it. To know the feeling firsthand and engrave it into his very being, from his fingers to his toes. To immerse himself in the red rain of a shackled angel.
To color a picturesque paradise in cardinal sin.
Just beyond the windows of Eden, swathed in midnight luminescence, a glorious city set aflame burns bright, overtaken by fiery flowers.
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jammofsammichflip · 2 months
*°•_:JJK Headcanons:_•°*
!!!Fluff, ❌🍋(no smut)!!!
Featuring/Pairing: Itadori Yuji, Fushiguro Megumi, Kento Nanami, Inumaki Toge
(These are the (some) main people I absolutely know how to write for,
please give me ideas if you don't see someone/thing you'd like to see. <3)
*::*::*::*::*::*::*::*::*::*::*::*::*::*::*::*::*::*::*::*::*::* °×•×°×•×°×•×°First Date°×•×°×•×°×•×°
Itadori Yuji: ° Your first date and 1 month' aversarry (1 month' anniversary) is gonna take place at a cat/pet cafe.
° No exeptions
° Itadori is gonna have a ball with you regardless of where your first date is, but he know how much you like cats/(other animals).
° All of his attention is on you as you take pictures of the animals and eat the cute food.
° He can barely take his eyes off of you <3
° He fell first and fell harder.
° He is the type of guy to bring you a bunch of unnecessary gifts (like Gojo) at random times
° Except his gifts are cuter and personalized (unlike Gojo)
° Love language is definitely Acts of Service and Quality Time
° He just loves seeing you happy and safe and that's all that really matters to him at this point.
° Honest to God, brags about how cute you are to anybody who'd listen: his friends, his teachers, your pets, somebody's child, random pictures YOU NAME IT
° Takes you to the movies afterwards (he looked for good movies with the help of Junpei (😭💕))
° Somehow ate 3 (full size) plates of food at the cafe before you had to ask him, "HOW DID YOU EAT ALL THAT? ARE YOU OJAY??? YUJI ITS BEEN 15 MINUTES SINCE WE SAT DOWNNN!!??!??!!"
° Gives you a soft kiss on the hand and then cheek once you get home
° Your name is filled with hearts and stars on his contacts bc it's cute
Fushiguro Megumi:
° He didn't know how much was too much so he took you for a cute park-picnic date
° He makes sure to bring lots of water and fresh fruit because its midday.
° He also brought (favorite cake flavor) to share <3
° Likes to look at all the dogs he sees and tell you everything he knows about them
° He blushes so hard when you compliment/flirt with him (if you dyed his hair he'd look like a damn tomato)
° (my headcanon) He talks about how he'd like to be a veterinarian when he gets older because he doesn't want animals to live the same life he lived at one point
° His point blank resting glare scares off anyone who tries to talk to the both of you
° Keeps getting the sneaking suspicion that Itadori, Nobara and Gojo are talking about him (he got really irritated at one point, that's how he knows)
° Has the cutest giggles when a bee lands near your nose
° Brings butterfly/dinosaur charms for you because he thinks you look cute when you talk about them.
° Leaves the picnic area better than he found it because he's just responsible like that
° Takes you too a pretty garden area where he gifts you (favorite flower)
° Kisses your hand goodbye (I faint)
° Told his classmates and teacher that the date was nice and nothing else (💀)
° Your contact has a picture he secretly took of you and thought was cute
Kento Nanami
° The epitome of class
° I swear he just keeps raising the damn bar
° Picks you up in the late afternoon/ evening
° Dinner at a nice restaurant (I think it's French/Louisianan cuisine)
° He bought a present for you because he saw it on the way to his car to pick you up
° A nice walk to set up for a good conversation
° He made sure that everything was so perfect, found a great path (walkable in flats/heels) that you can see the stars when you look up
° Calls you - My Lady - (see that capitalization?)
° Wanted to bust out in his singing voice when he heard MCR playing from somewhere (he's a diehard fan at heart and we all know it)
° Very excited to tell you about how much he likes bread (he prefers fresh made over store bought and loves to laugh at the silly designs on his sourdough)
° Almost choked on his spit when he thought he saw Satoru somewhere but it turned out to be flowers or sum.
° It was Satoru, he wanted to be a nosy bat and see what Nanami was doing since the couldn't annoy him today
° Very attentive to little details when you describe things things you (dis)like so he can be ready for future dates
° In his bag he definitely has chapstick, a notepad (he's so orderly), some mints and he made sure to pack a pair of slippers for you just in case your feet hurt at any point
° He's such a gentleman and he's so nice and respectful to the servers during dinner
° Makes sure to walk you to your door once he gets you home safely
° Puts a 💕 next to your name in his contacts.
° (Gojo is called 'The Annoying One 🤞😒' in his contacts, the only other one with emojis)
Inumaki Toge
° This chronically online ass mfker.
° He challenged you to a Fortnite battle
° It's a gaming date.
° So much mogging. You hit him with a 🗿🔥🐺 and he got quiet
° SALMONNN!!! 😭😭🙏
° Rice 💕🥰😚😍
° MUSTARD LEAF¿¿‽‽!!¿??
° Then Super Smash Bros™
° Soon y'all we're laughing your asses off at the villager prisons on your newly created Minecraft server.
° The unhealthiest amount of junk food known to man kind
° I'm convinced he consumes Redbull and gummy bears like water and air.
° When a creep kept pressing you on the internet he took over as your big strong man (he's shorter than 5'9, I checked 💀😭)
° Legit kept calling himself The Skibidi Alpha Pack Leader™ and how much he want (the creep) to join his gang of Loners™
° Uses (🗿🙏🗣️🗿🌶️💬🥇📢🩼🎯🍃🐺🌘) religiously and unironically
° In all seriousness he does love you though. He's so glad he has someone he can laugh with and talk to (using text to speech- ofc it's set to Gigachad Voice)
° Absolutely the best at lifting you up when your sad because you humor has been marinated in the TikTok algorithm and is peak
° When he calls he uses facetime so you can see his reactions and his eyelashes that are always on fleek
° He passes little notes to you when he can't express his words through ingredients: "Your laugh is pretty <3",,, "That (game)skin is so cute, it goes well with your weapon",,, "Thank you for coming out with me, I like you a lot<333"
° Afterwards he gifts you little trinkets from when we was at the mall one time.
וװDid you like it?°×•× וװGot requests/recommendations?°×•×
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mrs-saturday · 2 months
♡ GR63 Smut Headcanons
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♥ my masterlist!
♥ pairing: george russell x reader
♥ synopsis: smutty GR63 headcanons for the soul x
♥ warnings: smut, mommy kink George is back, brief pregnancy mentions
♥ a/n: a response to this request from my angel <3 I hope they live up to your expectations ml!
♡ George is such a switch. A good race result and all he wants is to fuck his pretty princess silly, but after a bad race, he just wants to have his girl tell him how much of a good boy he is
୨୧ whenever he’s feeling a little more on the dom side, he likes to cover your neck in little bruises and love bites
“All mine, darling” he sighs into the purple flesh of your neck, looking up into the mirror in front of you both, fingers tracing the bruises that litter your skin. “Like I’ve planted a flower garden here, all for you Princess”
♡ speaking of, G loves mirror sex, and not JUST to look at himself shirtless. He just likes to see how easily you fall apart for him 
୨୧ but when he’s in subspace, boy is he the whiniest little boy. He’s so vocal about how desperate he is for you and your touch
♡ and it definitely gets him in trouble sometimes, especially if Lewis can hear it through the walls of the Mercedes driver rooms
‘G, man, the whole paddock can hear that shit.” Lewis groans, tossing his head back “Good to hear you and Y/N are so open to less conventional sex” George is sat with a bright red face, stuttering, which elicits a laugh from both Lewis and yourself 
୨୧ he has a bit of a mommy kink, he just loves loves loves when you dote on his, hands roaming all over his body, looking after his needs
♡ he really REALLY wants to put a baby in you. He loves the feeling of finishing inside you, then using himself as lube for round two.
୨୧ as well as that, he loves going down on you after sex, after all, what sort of gentleman would he be if he didn’t clean you up?
♡ the second he finds out you’re pregnant, however, he puts a stop to any kinky rough sex for the foreseeable, he would be SUPER worried about hurting the baby
୨୧ he’s generally very careful during sex, always whispering little “is this okay, my love?” and “does it hurt, darling?”
♡ an aftercare GOD. this man has water in the fridge, towels being warmed and a hot bath running for you the second you’re both done with a post-sex cuddle
୨୧ and he loves your aftercare too, he enjoys that you look after him after a particularly intense bout in subspace
♡ G’s favourite thing about you is your legs, he could spend all day kissing up them, kissing your thighs and telling you what a goddess you are
୨୧ despite having a mommy kink’, he’d prefer sir to daddy
♡ Ties as bondages always turn him on୨୧ or as a gag, tied in a pretty bow at the back for his pretty girl, just to keep you hush-hush
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w3irdo666 · 8 months
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Lucifer Morningstar x Fem!reader
Letter count:2666
Warnings: mention of depression, i dont think anything more.
Notes:I slightly changed the course of events to make it more convenient to write, sorry!!!
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Two angels were sitting on a bench in a small garden filled with different types of flowers. In front of the bench there was a fountain with clear, almost mirror-like water, giving the air a slightly damp taste. “I...I’m not sure if I can...you don’t have to be on my side, my idea is stupid-” Lucifer didn’t have time to finish when his words were interrupted by the girl’s soft laugh. She smiled and took Lucifer’s hands in hers, soft as plushie, warm hands, making Lucifer's heart beat a little faster. "Don't worry Luci, I will always be by your side, no matter what happens. It's my decision and your idea is not stupid. If they don't hear you... It will only show their stupidity." Her calm, kind voice added confidence to Lucifer. He smiled and looked away for a few seconds, but then moved his gaze back to the girl next to him. "Yes, you're right.. Thank you." His eyes looked into yours, radiating warmth.Moving closer, the girl hugged Lucifer. It was a warm, encouraging hug. “I will always support you, no matter what. I will always be by your side.”
Lucifer's sad gaze was directed at the new rubber duck he had just made. He sighed and leaned back in his chair. Small, clear as glass, tears formed in the corners of his eyes, remembering his last moments in heaven, before his expulsion. Y/n. This girl was his friend, always supported his idea, was ready to give every part of herself to support Lucifer. Where are she now? How is her life? Is she happy? He does not know. "I will always be by your side, no matter what." Lucifer sobbed, wiping his tears with the sleeve of his suit.These words are ingrained in his head. He no longer really remembers her face, but he definitely remembers how soft her hands were. Her radiant smile.. He almost forgot what her laughter sounds like.Her beautiful, plump scarlet lips, which he always wanted to know what they tasted like. She was a ray of light in the darkness. How beautiful her wings were when she flew with him...Years of suffering, loneliness, depression.. during all this time he tried forget about her, because thoughts about her hurt him even more....
Trying to distract himself, he started making rubber ducks, "how pathetic". He thought.
Somehow finding the strength to get up from his chair, the King of Hell headed to his bed. The bed cracked slightly, feeling the weight of his body when Lucifer fell onto the soft mattress of the bed.
"You can't just go ahead and banish him! How dare you!" Tears flowed down the girl’s cheeks, burning her skin. Her voice almost broke from screaming. But no one wanted to hear her. No one cared.
Lucifer turned over on his back, his gaze staring at the ceiling. He would have continued to lie in deathly silence if the silence had not been broken by the unexpected ringing of the phone, causing Lucifer to flinch. With a quick movement, he rose from the bed and grabbed the phone.
"Daughter..?.... Daughter! Daughter calling!" Seeing the contact's name, Lucifer's sad face burst into a joyful smile and he almost dropped his phone. Charlie, his daughter is calling him! After a slightly awkward conversation, he said that he would be at Charlie’s hotel in an hour. After hanging up, he took a deep breath and smiled. The sadness that had been gnawing at him a few minutes ago was put on the back burner...
Taking a deep breath, he gathered his strength. He would finally see his daughter, after a long time. He couldn't screw it up.
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Part 2 in progress!! Hope you enjoyed!! :D
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cheapshrimpysheep · 3 months
Romantic Experiment
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SUMMARY: They want you to assist them with a simple experiment. They'll show you how it's done, maybe try to convince you to join the science club and definitely flirt along the way.
CHARACTERS: Science Club (Trey Clover / Rook Hunt)
TAGS: Fluff; GN Reader; Dating; Romantic Relationship; Flirting
WARNING: Do Not try Rook's experiment at home! Mercury is very Toxic! Trey's experiment is safe, tho.
WORD COUNT: An average of 1.330 words per character.
COMMENTS: If you follow me, you know that if I write more than 1k it's because I got excited and had more ideas than I expected. I relied on this page to learn about and describe the experiments. If I made a mistake somewhere, I studied arts, not science, ok? I’m sorry. 😅
I hope you enjoy 🧪
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CONTEXT: Either you two are dating or already at the beginning of your relationship, so you're still in that flirting phase.
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Trey and you were talking about the school clubs because you were wondering if you should join one. So, Trey suggests that you go with him to the science club one day to see if you like it and are interested in joining. But thinking about how demanding Professor Crewel can be, you comment that perhaps it is too difficult for you.
“Too difficult?” He smiled, that smile the other Heartslabyul students usually described as a protective older brother smile. “Don't worry, it's just a visit. And even if you want to join the club, no one will force you to do anything you can't do. We are free to do the experiences that interest us most. And of course, if you need help I will always be there for you.”
You met Trey at the classroom door just before the science club meeting started. Like you, he was already wearing his lab coat too.
“We're not going in yet.” He tells you. “I had an idea for a simple experiment that you might like. And I wanted you to participate in all the steps, or as many as possible, so I need you to come with me to get the components. Shall we?”
First you two go to Sam's Mystery Shop to buy yellow, cyan and magenta professional floral dyes and tonic water. You ask if the experiment is to make colorful flowers.
“I can't make that part a surprise, can I?” He says with a smile and his eyebrows arched in pity. “Let's say we're going to paint the roses but not just red. And speaking of which, they are the ones we are going to get now before going back to the classroom.”
Then he takes you to the botanical garden and leads you to a corner where white rose buds are growing.
“I took the liberty of planting them beforehand so we could start the experiment straight away.” He explains. “What you see are three different rose cultivars. Vendela, La Belle and Avalanche.” He indicates each one while saying the name. “They are said to be the best for absorbing dye. The dyeing process can take a few days, so an open bloom won’t last long enough. That's why we're going to use buds that have not fully opened. Could you help me pick them?” he asks rhetorically, just being the well-mannered man that he is.
If you take a moment to look at him concentrating on cutting the stems of the roses, he will smile at you, without taking his eyes off the flowers, and say: “As flattered as I am with you admiring me, I would really prefer it if you were more worried about not cutting yourself.” You were wearing gloves, so the rose thorns weren't as much of a concern as the scissors you were using to cut them.
He will finish picking his share of the roses faster than you pick yours, and he will stop to look at you. If you notice and look at him, he will say with a smirk: “I've already finished my part. Now it's my turn to admire you at work. You really are more attractive when you're focused.” and he will laugh at your reaction to that sudden comment. “Fine, I'll help you.” He says with his calm smile “Like I said, I don't want you to cut yourself.”
You only took the rose buds, but some of the other roses were already open. He picks one, hands it to you and in front of your eyes "Doodle Suit" the rose petals turn into your favorite color(s) with a soft whisper. You take the flower with a smile and he kisses your cheek.
He gets up, picks up the shopping bag with one hand and the dozen roses that you two picked with the other. “We can go back now. Everything else we need is already in the classroom.”
You were in the classroom with other science club members, but there was room for everyone. Trey was right, it was a simple and kind of relaxing experiment. You used a sharp blade to cut the stem of the roses into 3 sections. If you didn't feel confident using it, Trey would have no problem cutting the stems for you. You added dye and tonic water to three plastic bags. If you ask if you couldn't use regular water, he’ll say:
“Yes, regular water is commonly used, but tonic water creates a special effect that I want to be a surprise when I show it to you. So be patient okay?” he winks.
You carefully separated each section of stem and place it in its own bag of dyed water, used a rubber band to secure the bags to the roses and placed the flowers in a bud vase to keep them upright. You needed to place the flowers in a cool place, away from direct sunlight, so Trey suggested placing them under the table and making a sign warning other students to be careful.
“The petals will begin to change color within a couple of hours, but it may take a few days to achieve the best color.” He explains. “During this time, we need to make certain the roses don’t run out of liquid. Therefore, we may need to add more dyed water from time to time.”
For a couple of days you and Trey texted each other to arrange shifts to check the flowers and add more dye water. You saw the roses opening slowly and the the white petals turning into increasingly more vivid colors. The mixture of yellow, cyan and magenta made them a perfect rainbow color. You would often also find a small note written by Trey, usually inviting you to have tea and try some sweet treat that he made or was going to make for you.
And then one night, the two of you agreed to meet in the classroom because Trey thought the roses were ready. It was just the two of you. He turned on the lights and went to get the bouquet of rainbow roses. They were absolutely beautiful! He took out a flashlight and handed it to you.
“Do you want to find out what tonic water does?” He asked you with a quite excited smile. He takes his magic pen, points it at the lights in the room and turns them off. “Turn on the flashlight and point it at the roses.”
You do it. It was a black light that when pointed at the roses made them glow. The more amazed you are, the happier he will be. He hands you the bouquet and holds the lantern himself.
“I know this is going to sound a lot like Cater, but can I take a photo of you holding the roses? After all this was an experiment and I need to record the experiments I do.” You agree and he takes a photo with his cell phone while pointing the black light at the flowers. He looks at the photo with a smug smile.
“I can't wait to see Rook's face when he sees this photo.” You ask why. After all, this was a simple experiment. “It's not because of the experiment, it's because of the photo itself. It's a beautiful photo and he won't be able to deny it. And I'm not just talking about the roses.” He smirks.
You ask if it wouldn't be a good idea to take a photo with him too, after all he was the main scientist. He laughs, and agrees, and the two of you take a selfie with the flowers, the black light on the table and pointed at the two of you. He looked even more attractive with the rainbow glow of the roses pointing at him. And in the middle of the night. He looked at you with the same thought.
“So what you say? You'll join me at the science club. There are more exciting experiments we can do together.” He smirks, takes the bouquet and places it carefully on the table without taking his eyes off you, and breaking the distance that the roses were causing between the two of you. “What do you think about being my assistant? Tempting? Or is that just my lips?” You were indied looking at them, the same way he was looking at yours.
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“My Dear Trickster!” Rook appeared out of nowhere, as he does so often, and with his lab coat on. He held your hand with one of his, your waist with the other and lovingly pulled you closer to him. “Fate is so generous in making me meet you at this moment!” He kisses your cheek.
“I was just now heading to the classroom where the science club meets and thinking about all the possibilities of new experiments I could do when I saw one on my list that would be merveilleuse to do with you of all people! S'il te plaît, come with me mon amour. I'll show you how much my heart beats for you!”
Instead of taking you to the classroom, he first took you to Mr. S's Mystery Shop, as you needed to buy the main component for that experiment.
“Welcome, little imps! Looking for a last-minute forgotten item perhaps?” Sam assumed from Rook's lab coat. And maybe he also knew about the science club meeting.
“A specific ingredient for a last-minute decided to be done experiment, would be more accurate.” Rook smiled. “As far as I know, such things are not an enemy to your stock, correct?”
“On the contrary! Name it and I'll tell you where and how much it is.” Sam winked.
“Liquid Mercury.” Rook responds naturally.
“Mercury?!” Sam was surprised but not shocked. “You know it's toxic right? And relatively expensive.”
“I am very aware of that, oui.” He was still smiling, but with that sly half-closed look of his. “It's for the science club. I had already informed Professor Crewel and he authorized me to purchase it.”
“He did... without a paper...” Sam whispered to himself, before talking to Rook again. “You are of age then?”
“Oui je suis.” He handed Sam his ID. “You would have enough for a simple experiment, non?”
“How many grams do you need?” Sam asked, handing back the ID and smiling like the helpful salesman he is.
On the way back to the classroom, you expressed your concerns and apprehension regarding Rook's experiment. You weren't a member of the science club, how could you help? And about the toxic mercury?
“Worry not, Trickster.” He smiled confidently. “The amount of mercury we will be using is safe, especially while wearing coats, gloves and glasses. The only ingredient I will ever intoxicate you with is love, mon cher.” He puts his hand on your waist and gently pulls you to kiss your cheek. “And as for why I want you to be with me when I do the experiment... he he... you'll find out when you see it.”
“Bon après-midi!” He greets, as soon as he enter the classroom. He didn't explain why you were with him, but no one asked either. The other club members asked each other, but it seemed like no one had much courage to ask Rook directly. Except one person.
“Hi Rook, (Y/N).” Trey greeted you. “You had never come to a club meeting before. Are you thinking about joining or did you just come to assist Rook?”
You say you came because Rook asked you, but now that he was talking about it, you could also see what the club was like and think about whether you would like to join.
“You will always be welcome!” Rook says. “Oh, but Chevalier des Roses you are very cruel to me.”
“Why? What did I say?”
“Now you've put the merveilleuse image of (Y/N) and I here, doing experiments together. How heartbreaking it will be now to have that fantasy destroyed. You truly underestimate the thorns in your words.”
Trey smiled like he was thinking that Rook was just being dramatic again. “Well, I apologize, but aren't you putting (Y/N) in a position where it will now be difficult to refuse the invitation?”
“Non. There is nothing more charming than the free will of one's heart. I will be happy with whatever my dear Trickster decides.” his usual smile became sly. “Are you perhaps trying to pass the blame for your words onto someone else?”
“Of course not. Don't distort my intentions.” Trey adjusts his glasses, still smiling politely. “I'll leave you to your experiment. I also have something I want to test.” He walked away.
He puts what you bought on a table and goes to get the rest of the materials that were already in the room. A petri dish, pipettes, a new nail and a small bottle with a transparent liquid.
When he went to get the second bottle, the glass was dark, so he had to read the label. He picked up one that made several heads turn and a collective sigh of concern was heard. “Potassium chlorate...” He read to himself, but with the silence in the classroom, the others could also hear him. “Ups... not chlorate, dichromate.” He put the bottle back in the cabinet and took out another like it with the label: Potassium dichromate. A sigh of relief was heard in the room and the students returned to focusing on their projects.
Rook returned to the table laughing. You ask him why the other members reacted that way to the first bottle.
“Potassium Chlorate.” he explains. “Is a strong oxidizing agent that has a wide variety of uses. It is or has been a component of explosives, fireworks, safety matches, and disinfectants. I think they were afraid I was going to make explosives.” he leans in and whispers in your ear. “Don't tell them that it is a possibility for another day.”
You begin the experiment. He place a drop of mercury in the petri dish. Then he pour transparent liquid over the drop to cover it. He explains to you that it is sulfuric acid. He then add a small amount of what is on the second bottle. They look like little red crystals, almost as small as dust. That was potassium dichromate. He waits some time before giving you the new nail.
He stands behind you and holds your hand that is holding the nail with his. “Now let's see if it works. Shall we?” He practically whispered that in your ear. He makes you slowly bring the tip of the nail closer to the drop of mercury. And before you touch it, the drop starts to move and... beat like a heart. The mercury drop will beat for about 20 seconds before stopping.
“Mercury Beating Heart.” He explains sweetly. “Is a popular chemistry demonstration based on an an electrochemical redox reaction that causes a blob of mercury to oscillate, resembling a beating heart. Simple, dangerous, and beautiful.”
He frees your hand and lets you continue the experiment on your own if you want. The tip of the nail never touches the mercury and the heart will always beat for a few seconds before you try again.
“The club wants to hold a small fair to demonstrate some experiments. I thought this would be a simple but interesting demo to show potential new members. So, you tell me, what do you think?”
You can tell him it's an excellent idea, but if you're concentrating on the mercury heart, making it beat gently, he won't need any verbal response.
He laughs. “Beauté! I could watch your fascinated look all day. However...” He brings his face closer to yours. You move the nail away from the mercury, and he places a finger under your chin, moving your head slightly. Your lips very close. “I would hunt to have that look on me instead.”
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If you want to know more, here are the links to the experiments:
Trey -> Rainbow Roses
Rook -> Mercury Beating Heart
And if you would like to read more from me, you can find it in my pinned post: INDEX
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borathae · 1 year
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“Yoongi joins you in your bath and you talk about your days.” 
Pairing: Vampire!Yoongi x f.Reader 
Genre: established relationship!AU, Fluff 
Warnings: casual & intimate nudity, Yoongi being the cutest bean in love 
Wordcount: 1.3k
a/n: I lose a lil bit of my sanity each time I write fluff. I can handle anything, but fluff always ruins me 😔 i love them so much 😔
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You spent the day working in the gardens. It was a very rewarding day and left you feeling utterly content.
Content, but also very exhausted and very dirty. So you hopped into the shower for a quick rinse off and while you did, let the bathtub fill with the hottest water. You used  some of the lavender oil you made with your flowers and then lit some candles to set the mood. Ten minutes later, you were boiling in your little lavender soup, getting rid of all the tension in your muscles.
It is another ten minutes later when a faint knock on your door rips you out of your relaxation.
“It’s me”, Yoongi says.
“It’s open.”
The door opens and in steps Yoongi. 
“Oh? Sorry”, he gasps, turning around, “why didn’t you say something?”
“Why are you turning away? You’ve seen me naked a million times before.”
“I don’t know, just don’t wanna be rude.”
You laugh, “you’re so weird”, you chuckle, “what’s up? Do you need help with something?” 
“No it was…no it’s fine, it was dumb”, he dismisses you. 
“No, it’s okay. Tell me.”
“It’s nothing, I’m dumb, just wanted to ask for, you know…”, he lowers his voice to a whisper, making it unable to understand him. 
“I didn’t get the last part.”
“I just wanted to…”
“Yoongi, you are talking too quietly. I can’t understand you.”
Yoongi whips around, “I just wanted to ask for cuddles!” he blurts out and pouts, “it’s dumb, okay?” he adds in a shy mumble and his eyes flitting to his feet.
“Aww my love, it’s not dumb. You’re so cute”, you coo, resting your chin on the edge of the bathtub, “do you wanna hop in here? The water’s so nice.”
He rubs his tummy, inspecting you with his head tilted to the side. 
“I guess”, he mumbles, “if you’re asking.”
“Yeah? That’s so awesome. Hop on in here then.”
“Look away.”
“I’m even closing my eyes. See?” you say, closing your eyes with a faint smile on your lips.
You listen to him get undressed. Silence follows where he walks to you. You are aware that his nature helps him stay quiet. A soft knock against the tub makes you open your eyes. 
Yoongi is looking down at you with his hands gripping the edge of the bathtub and one leg pulled up. 
“Don’t look”, he whines.
“I’m not, I’m looking at your eyes.”
He mumbles something, which is most definitely a shy complaint. Then he finally steps inside. 
“Oh geez", he gasps, lowering himself slowly, "what the fuck’s wrong with you? Why would you wanna boil yourself like that?”
“What do you mean? It’s not even that hot”, you say in a laugh. 
He lowers his butt into the water and tenses up.
“Yes it is”, he complains, “you’re gonna get cooked ballsack for dinner, like fuck.”
He cracks you up to the point where you snort ungracefully. In the time you spend laughing your ass off, Yoongi lowers his own ass into the water, submerging himself in the lavender warmth. 
“Don’t laugh”, he nudges you with his foot, “if I knew Imma get boiled, I’d have declined.”
“Oh you dramatic baby”, you snicker, closing the distance between you and him, “and yet here you are. You just like to complain”, you say, cupping his cheeks even if your hands are wet. 
Yoongi doesn’t mind, leaning into your touch.
“I guess. I’m getting used to it”, he smiles boyishly, “and I thought that I take hot baths.”
“You gotta admit though, once you’re used to it, it feels amazing.”
“Yeah, it’s nice. Relaxing. That’s nice.”
“Yeah right? And your ballsack isn’t boiled either, is it?” you tease.
Yoongi snorts and chuckles. 
“No, it’s good. It just expanded twice its size.”
“Oh you”, you laugh. Yoongi does too. “Don’t talk like this, it’s nasty.”
“Why? It’s natural”, he laughs. 
“I guess, but it’s so weird", you tease.
“You regularly tell me about your shits. I don’t ask for these kinda updates either, but you tell me”, he throws back, making you laugh.
“I guess, yeah”, you snicker and then lean in to peck his cheek, “you’re wonderful.”
Yoongi leans in for another kiss. One you give him gladly. He returns the favour afterwards. Two kisses on each cheek. He ends all of them with a soft kissing sound. It borders the sound of “mwuah”, just shorter and tinier. It feels so good to receive.
“Did you scrub yourself already?” he asks afterwards, massaging your waist gently.
“Yeah in the shower. I took a shower to wash off the day. I wanted the bath to be solely for relaxation.”
“Mhm, I see. That’s good.”
“Why? Did you wanna scrub me?”
“No, it’s fine. Just thought you needed help.”
“You can still touch me, you know? I like it when you do.”
“You do?”
“Of course I do. Your touch is gentle and loving. I stopped being touch starved because of you.” 
Yoongi lowers his eyes shyly.
“Me too”, he confesses, “yeah. Your touch is nice too. I like it. It feels good. Yeah.”
“Yeah? Should we touch each other, my love?” you suggest.
He nods his head and opens his arms, scooting closer. You understand. You close the distance and allow your bodies to connect in an intimate hug. No barriers of clothing between your skins, hot water to warm you up and the relaxing scent of lavender in your noses. The hug feels especially wonderful like this.
Yoongi hides his nose in your neck while you nuzzle your cheek against his shoulder. His arms cradle you just as much as yours cradle him. Your middles are touching, your chests are melted together and your legs are never breaking contact. It’s so utterly vulnerable and yet healing. To be able to hold him like this is medicine to your heart. You don’t even need to be sad for him to heal you. His hug is so powerful that it will heal even the parts which were never broken. 
“This is so nice”, you whisper, having your eyes closed. 
“Yeah”, he sighs, enjoying your hug with closed eyes.
“Did you have a good day, my love?” 
“It was okay”, he says.
“Yeah? Did you manage to finish the song?” 
“Not yet. I got stuck on the bridge. I don’t know what to do. So I stopped and did something else.”
“Mhm I see. I bet you’ll get it soon.”
“I guess. Can you help me with it tomorrow? Can you listen to it?”
“Of course my love, I’d love to do that”, you say, rubbing circles into his back, “can you help me with the garden? I need to carry the palm trees to the terrace, but they’re too heavy.”
“Of course, I’ll help”, he says, drawing senseless patterns on your back. 
“Thank you, my prince.”
“It’s fine yeah”, he says and nods his head. Then he nuzzles closer, kissing your neck gently, “you smell so good.”
“It’s the lavender oil.”
“No, not the oil. You smell nice. Happy.”
“I am happy”, you say, “and you? How are you feeling?”
“I’m happy too”, he says. 
You shimmy back so you can look at him, but he whines and pulls you back. 
“Don’t do that, it makes me sad.”
You snicker, “forgive me for wanting to kiss you.”
“You can do that later. I wanna hug.”
“Okay, fine. I can very gladly live with this deal.” 
“Good. I wouldn’t have let you leave either way.” 
You laugh, “oh wow okay, I see how it is.”
He snickers and nods his head, kissing your neck afterwards. 
“My love?” he whispers.
“Yes, my love?”
“Can I keep going?”
“Can I keep kissing your neck?”
“Of course you can. You don’t have to ask.”
“Okay. Mhm, you’re so perfect”, he whispers and begins kissing you, purring quietly as he does. 
You watch a movie once you finish the bath, relaxing on the couch with cups of tea and your bodies snuggled close. Yoongi falls asleep with his head on your chest, but denies it once you wake him up. Then later in bed you kiss his face until he falls asleep and you follow him seconds later.
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vminizzle · 2 years
pairing : husband!jungkook x f.reader
genre : SMUT, fluff
warnings : marking, praising, pet names, they’re in love huh, penetration, unprotected sex, love making, mirror sex, creampie
words count : 1.7k
A/N : hello lovely people, well husband!jungkook is such a thing gosh, I had to write this. ngl, I got turned on while writing this. The idea was prob better in my head? !POOR ENGLISH! anyways, I hope you guys will like it. Have a nice day everyone. -sunny
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“here we are!” Jungkook exclaimed happily as he opened the big doors.
You both entered the beautiful villa you booked for the week-end. Jungkook walked beside you, holding his suitcase in one hand, his other hand on your lower back as you walked further through the villa.
You looked around you, admiring the decorations adorning the living room’s tables and walls. It looked so expensive. You had a good view of the pool situated in the garden from the sliding glazed door. The water seemed so clear as the bright sun reflected into it. The water was probably warm, comfortable to swim. Flowers, transats were arranged on the beige tiled floor around the pool. It was just so beautiful. Dream house perhaps?
“what about a midnight bath later, huh?” your husband said teasingly making you roll your eyes.
You walked towards the stairs and went upstairs, Jungkook helping you with your suitcase carrying it for you.
As you opened the bedroom’s doors you were welcomed by the type of large well-decorated and modern bedroom you only see on the internet or in rich people’s in movies. Your eyes sparkled as you approched the floor to ceiling windows, looking outside you could have a great view of the big backyard.
You turned to Jungkook, this one already looking at you smiling softly. You smiled widely as you walked back to him to hug him tightly. “thank you!”
He pecked your forehead gently “everything for my wife."
You smiled before sitting on the edge of the bed.
“You know you look really good in that black shirt.” you smirked as he approached you.
“and y’know you look so so good in that dress.” he smirked before separating your crossed legs so he can stand in-between them.
“you’d look even better without it.” he caressed your warm cheeks softly before kneeling down in front of you, letting his hands rest on your exposed thighs.
You looked down at him, the way he stared straight into your eyes made you avert his gaze.
“look at me love.” he ordered with a gentle voice.
You shook your head, too shy to face him.
Jungkook chuckled before grabbing your chin gently turning your head but you closed your eyes before making eye contact.
This time, he laughed making you smiled “open your eyes pretty please don’t be shy."
You opened your eyes “happy?” you mumbled a little pout making its appearance on your lips.
Jungkook placed his hand on your hip as he lowered his head a bit to place a little kiss on your thigh making you shiver at the sudden contact. His lips looked so soft against your skin.
You bit your bottom lip as he started kissing higher pushing your dress up slowly. He hummed satisfied against your skin as you tangled your fingers into his soft hair.
“Jungkook.” you whispered making him lift his head to look at you “kiss me."
You lowered your body enough to be face to face with him. You put your hand on his cheek before connecting your lips together. His lips were definitively the softest thing on earth. You moaned softly into the kiss as he sucked on your bottom lips gently. He got up not breaking the kiss, making you back up on the bed, laying you down gently before hovering over you.
“you look so pretty like that under me.” he licked his lip admiring your flustered face, placing one of his hand on your waist but he noticed how distracted you were, something else grabbed your attention.
Jungkook tilted his head on the side curiously before finally looking up to the ceiling. There it was..
The infamous mirror ceiling. just. above. the. bed.
“damn.” he whistled rolling on his back next to you.
"that’s a pretty big mirror.” he said before smirking.
You knew he had something not-so-holy in mind, you cursed internally ready to hear what he had to say.
“you know mirrors are so cool.” he started making you sigh.
“and also really useful in many ways. You know what can be cool right now?” he pursed his lips.
You played with your fingers nervously, humming so he could continue.
He turned on his side, placing one hand on your belly before talking again.
“how about I make love to you while you watch us huh? see how pretty you look when you’re under me as I pleasure you. Would you love that, my love?” he whispered into your ear before nibbling on your earlobe making goosebumps raised on your skin, your body heating up at his words making you close your legs as you felt this familiar sensation down there.
Your lips parted, no words ready to escaped from your mouth. Just the thought made your heartbeats picked up the pace, picturing the scene in your head made you feel dizzy. Jungkook smirked at your current state, knowing the effect his words had on you.
“close your mouth, you’re literally drooling honey.” he laughed.
You rolled your eyes. “don’t say non-sense.”
“I guess it’s a yes?” he asked to be sure you were consented. You nodded shyly making him smile at how cute you were.
He sat up on the bed pulling you up with him, his hands finding their places on your sides “can I?” he gestured pulling on the hem of you dress.
“yes.” you answered lifting your arms up so he could easily pull it off of you.
He threw the clothe on the floor, his eyes now wandered on your lace-covered body “so beautiful.” He bit his bottom lip, his pants getting uncomfortably tight as his fingertips were sliding slowly over the lacy bra. You wearing lingerie being one of his weakness and biggest turn on.
You timidly reached up to unbutton his shirt, popping a button one by one slowly.
You got rid of his shirt discarding it on the floor as you kept your eyes on his well built body "you staring“ Jungkook said teasingly.
You closed your eyes embarrassed, not wanting to look at him anymore.
He came closer, you could felt his presence, he was so close. He finally kissed you, his lips envelopping yours into a loving kiss. You placed your arms around his neck pulling him closer to you.
Your husband gently pushed you on your back as he hovered above you, his strong arms on each sides of your head "i love you.” he whispered looking down at you with so much love.
"i love you Jungkook” you caressed his cheek.
He lowered himself, burying his face into the crook of your neck as he started leaving little wet kisses making you turned your head to the side giving him more access. His tattooed hand started cascading down your body, caressing your side as he reached your panties pulling it down your legs.
Making out while undressing each other, you suddenly thought about what he said earlier, making you glance at mirror above you. Your bare bodies coming into your vision making you gulp.
You moaned softly as you felt him pressing against you.
“Jungkook” you whined as he teased your entrance with the tip of his cock.
He kissed you as you pulled him on you, his chest against yours. He placed one your leg over his waist, ruting foward against your core making you moan loudly “stop teasing!”
He rubbed his erection between your glistening lips. “you ready baby?”
You nodded eagerly. He entered you slowly making sure to not hurt you. You threw your head back in the pillows gripping on his shoulders as he bottomed out.
“don’t forget what i told you baby. Look up and watch.” he licked your jawline before sucking softly on the skin leaving loving marks.
You rolled your eyes as the pleasure started consuming you. You tried to look up, the view makimg you clench around him.
“f-fuck baby! do you like what you see? huh? you like the way I take you?” he groaned into your neck.
His grip on your thigh tightened as he adjusted it higher on his hip the new position helping him hit deeper. “you feel so good princess.”
Your nails started forming little crescents on his back as you held him close. The way his back muscles flexed everytime he moved made you weak. 
You arched your back off the bed as he hit deeper “Ah Jungkook! I’m so close!” you cried out.
Jungkook suddenly rolled on his back placing you on top of him “ride me my love."
He looked up at you as he placed his arm behind him to support his head and one hand resting on top of your thigh.
You planted your hands on his chest to keep your balance as you started moving. “fuck yea that’s it! keep going baby!” he moaned deeply.
He looked up at the ceiling smirking, the reflection of you on top of him making him growled “you look so hot like that."
You whimpered as he gripped your hips making you move faster.
“I’m so fucking close!” he bit his bottom lip the flesh turning white as you picked up the pace, your climax getting closer and closer.
His fingernails were digging into your sides as he helped you moving. “I’m coming!” you moaned loudly making Jungkook groaned as you kept on clenching around him pushing him over the edge of his own orgasm.
He came inside you, his warm cum filling you up to the brim, your name sweetly passing by his lips as he closed his eyes shut enjoying your warmth around him.
You let your body collapsed on top of him, burying your head into his neck as you left a soft kiss on the sweaty skin. He caressed your sides before capturing you in a hug “you were so good my love”.
He pulled out as you roll next to him letting one of your leg rest on his thin waist. He laid his hand there, stroking the smooth skin “look at how hot you are” he pointed up to the mirror.
You whined embarrassed, hiding your face onto his sweaty chest. Jungkook’s eyes stayed on your bodies, admiring how you completed each other. He was staring at your figure lovingly.
After a few minutes, he whispered an" i love you“ and kissed your forehead gently realizing that you fell asleep into his arms.
A/N : guys, i think it’s definitely one of my fav writings. I mean, I feel like it’s not that bad!! And gosh, I have feelings for Jungkook. I need to marry him! ahah.. thanks for reading ~
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barbiiecams · 5 months
Hiii angel 💓💓 you have to do more of sugar daddy rafe plss 🙏 how they meet?
i feel like you were already a kook. a rich, spoiled one at that. then because of your behaviors towards other people (both pogues and kooks you didn’t like) your parents had really had enough. like to the point where they cut down your allowance, yet that still didn’t seem to work on you.
one day your father told you “you need to get a job. no more funds from us.” which completely broke you down. you had been so dependent on them you’re entire life, because now you were 19 about to turn 20 with no real experience of having a job. in all your years, you grew up so wealthy. there wasn’t a need to have one. but here you were, begging your dad to keep you in his good graces.
“eventually you’ll need to work. where do you think i got all my money from?” he reasons, and now it’s starting to click.
“where would i even work?” you’d ask, almost on the verge of tears.
“a friend of mine named ward needs a gardener. he pays pretty well too. just start from there.” he says. this really blew you. who did you look like being someone’s maid?
“you’re joking right?” you stared at him blankly.
“it’s that or nothing.” your father gets up and walks away. now you really could cry, but you were more angry than anything.
you’d spend days holding off on actually contacting the cameron’s, but when the allowance money started to run out after a major shopping spree, you were ultimately left with no choice.
you called ward and asked if he still needed a gardener, and he most definitely did since he gave you the job on the spot. “you can start tomorrow at 8, if you’d like.” he said. money is money.
“of course, see you then.” when you hung up, you let out a breath of air, fully accepting your place and status now. you were the entitled kook princess, now turning into someone working for the cameron’s.
when the next morning came, you introduced yourself to ward, rose and wheezie. rose had instructed you on what to do, and ward explained the payment plan which was good enough. sooner than later, you’d started working in their front yard planting all kinds of flowers.
that’s pretty much how it looked for weeks. on top of that, not many people knew, which was a good thing.
you’d show up at 8, rose would make you something if you were hungry, then you’d get to work. but one day, it seemed like the angels were on your side.
you were working on figuring out how to keep that damn rosemary alive when you heard a voice behind you. and it didn’t belong to ward.
“who are you?” the man said. you turned around to see who was asking, and it was no other than rafe cameron.
“why?” you questioned. rafe recognized you too. everyone knew who you were, and it was embarrassing enough that the son of the richest person on the island knew you were working for his family. y/n y/l/n was supposed to be immune to working.
he smirks. “i know you.”
there was no refraining from the eye roll that crept up. “yea i bet you do.”
“why are you working here? don’t you just get what you want?” you were surprised he knew all this about you, aware of how much older he was.
“my dad cut my allowance.” you explained while working on the rosemary again.
“ouch.” he said while walking inside, abruptly ending the conversation. this kind of pissed you off but you paid no mind. moments later, he came back out with a glass of water.
“here,” he hands it to you, “it’s scorching out here.”
“thanks,” you accepted it, and took a long sip. for the rest of the time you were working, the two of you made small talk. even though the age gap was there, you still found enough to talk about.
an easy few hours later with rafe talking to you, and occasionally helping, your shift was over. and now suddenly you were perched on the bathroom sink, sundress bunched up and panties pulled to the side. rafe was balls deep, hitting that good spot and ready to bust one at any moment.
his hand covered your mouth to keep your moans quiet, and had the door locked so not a single soul could interrupt.
“fuckk,” he groans. “best pussy i’ve felt in a while, i’ll tell you that.”
a few more thrusts and you were done. your head falling onto his shoulder and ragged breaths for air.
your release sent his off, him quickly pulling out then sending you to your knees.
he jerked himself a few times, “open.”
doing exactly what he said, your mouth opened and you had your tongue stuck out. he finally cums, aiming for your mouth but some ended right below your eye.
when he was done, he wiped the remains from your face with his thumb, and had you suck on it. you stood up from the floor, wobbly and really hoping that no one heard anything.
rafe gathers himself, “a tight cunt like that doesn’t need to be working.”
you let out a laugh. “well here i am.”
“nah, not with me.” he zips his shorts back up. “i’ll take real good care of you. no more gardening.”
and ever since then, you were back to being the spoiled princess you were destined to be.
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