#I don't know if my heart can take this show
ssahotchnerr · 2 days
Jack still sort of maintaining a relationship with Roy the first few years after Haley dies (Aaron thought it was important to maintain those connections for Jack even tho it hurt Aaron to do 😭 it was easy with Jess who he loves but SUCKED with Roy) but he gets extremely exclusionary once Ellie is born. Him being like “I will spend time with MY grandson who belonged to MY daughter but I will not be wasting my time, energy, and money on a child you’ve had with another woman. A child who – might I point out – would not have been born if you stayed married to my daughter and didn’t get her killed in the first place.”
Aaron being pissed on Ellie’s behalf (and his feelings are hurt tbh) and you being pissed on both of their behalfs. But, unexpectedly, Hc that Jack overheard this conversation and basically says to Aaron the next time Roy wants to take him somewhere (Aaron didn’t want to make HIM feel bad on top of everything else by banning him from seeing his grandfather, so he was gonna let him go), “I don’t want to spend time with grandpa Roy if he’s gonna be mean to Ellie. Thank you, but I’ll stay here.” SUCH A GOOD BIG BROTHERRRRR you and Aaron are so proud 🥺❤️
roy just completely refuses to acknowledge that ellie exists 😭
it happened right from the start: when aaron shared the two of you were expecting, roy brushed it off, muttering something incoherently in response. after she's born, aaron invites him over for family dinners, he refuses to come. he's invited to ellie's first, second, third birthday party, doesn't come. every time he comes over, he acts like he's never seen her before. disregarding her completely.
it becomes very clear very fast that he wants to spend time with jack and jack only. as much as aaron hates to admit it, in a way, he understands. roy's bitter about what happened to haley, so this was somewhat expected. it's a different situation that's hard to navigate - ellie isn't related to him, so if roy doesn't want to bring her along to places, whatever, aaron's not going to force roy to do anything. the issue is what an issue it is. how ellie is being treated.
it's more of a problem when ellie is a bit older, and wants to tag along with jack wherever he goes. she just wants to be included 🥺 sweet ellie simply says hi when roy comes over to pick up jack, he ignores her. the next time, she draws him a picture, and he doesn't accept it.
aaron gently confronts him, and that's when roy brings up haley and how this child is a disgrace to her. imagine he full-on admits he wishes she never existed?? 😭 ellie's a product of what happened to haley, he'll never forgive aaron for getting her killed, so he'll never accept this child's existence. she shouldn't exist.
that angers aaron and he starts going off - ellie is a part of this family, whether you like it or not. and fine, you don't have to love her (saying that SHATTERS aaron's heart) but do not treat her like she's nothing. aaron won't let that stand.
it starts a huge argument 🥺 roy refuses speak to aaron, except when it comes to arranging his time with jack, and the conversation is very short at that. he doesn't speak much to you either (never has). again in his eyes - you're haley's replacement. jack's new "mom"
and it's especially sad because ellie knows about haley too :( - not the story, but the simple, good things: jack has another mommy, she's not here with us anymore but you can talk to her with a candle. haley has never been a avoided topic in the house, she's encouraged. and so ellie loves haley in her own way :( so to call her a disgrace in haley's name?? when she's also keeping haley's memory alive? :((((
you feel awful. you know how hurt aaron is but he doesn't allow himself to show it. he hates talking about it, and he's always in a mood whenever roy's with jack. you feel awful for your daughter who doesn't know what's going on. you feel awful for jack who's taking an unnecessary weight on his shoulders in terms of this too.
ellie's confused and upset, this is the first person who's ever shown her unkindness. aaron gently tries to explain, but also, how do you explain this to a toddler? so he simply apologizes and scoops her up into his arms and holds her close :( he feels awful, and as if he's failing her in someway. this is "his fault", isn't it? 😭
so if roy's taking jack out, aaron or you, or both combined, take ellie out for the day to do something fun. or try to keep jack heading out on the down-low. it sucks, you still both encourage jack to spend time with his grandfather - maintaining that important relationship - even though it's exceedingly complicated behind the scenes.
and jack, being the sweet sensitive kid he is, picks up on the tension immediately. and he's torn 🥺 he wants to appease his grandfather, knows what he's doing isn't right, but also doesn't want to betray his little sister, letting behavior like this continue. he feels guilty :( he takes the initiative and brings it up to roy himself, asking if ellie can come with them someday, like to the zoo or to a movie. but roy's pretty level-headed and his mind is made up - absolutely no ellie.
so jack gets really upset :( he gets home one day and cries about it :((( you're trying to console him, as is aaron (who's close to tears himself), and ellie wanders over :( she gets sad whenever jack is sad :( and while she has no idea what's going on exactly, she just buries herself right up into jack's side as he's crying. to comfort him too 🥺🫶🏻
overall it's a reallyyyy messy situation, one that you can only hope resolves with time :(
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ghouljams · 2 days
@rat1537 got in first here's some Soap angst.
Soap can't take himself or you seriously, you begin to wonder what that means for your relationship.
You pause the show you'd been watching, held close against Soap's side with his thumb stroking your shoulder. It's perfectly comfortable, and absolutely suffocating. If this were any other time you'd be happy to sit and shut out the rest of the world with a man who made you happy. The only problem is you can't shut out the world right now. It's almost impossible to shut it out when you've had such a horrible day. All you really wanted to do was cry to your boyfriend, but when he'd parroted back you, "how was your day" you'd told him what you always told him.
Never mind that you'd just spent the last twenty minutes listening to him bitch about his job and how hard things have been: how he got into a row with Gaz and got put on janitorial, how someone stole his last snack from the barrack's kitchen, how his mum is bothering him about this and that. Just complaint upon complaint. You'd given the right "that's awful" and "I'm so sorry baby" and you'd coached yourself on giving him the same thing, but when it had really come to it you'd faltered. Fine. You're always fine.
You're low maintenance, you're easy, you're the partner that doesn't take any more work than they deserve. Johnny never pushes further, and even when you say you had a rough day he barrels right past you. There's something black behind your ribs, something resentful that makes you wonder if he sees you as a partner or as a therapist he can fuck. So you sit on the couch cuddled close and pause the telly. He glances down at you, and raises a brow at your serious face before grinning.
"You want something pet?" He asks, and you struggle to get the words out. You worry your lip, eyes darting over his face to try and get a read on whether he'd actually be receptive to a serious conversation.
"Can we talk?" You ask, hoping that might bring him to your level.
"Talkin' right now," He says, but his face falls a little. Your heart hurts seeing him sad, a response he's so deftly honed after months of dating. You want to tell him it's nothing, that you're fine, brush your emotions aside like you always do. You shouldn't, but you want to.
"I had a bad day," you start. You want to get your bearings first, find where you stand. Johnny's a good guy, you can give him the benefit of the doubt. He's a good boyfriend, he loves you. You don't know why you have to convince yourself of that.
"Ahm sorry to hear that," He coos. His hand cups your cheek and tips your head forwards to kiss your forehead. You feel a weight lift off your shoulders. "You know what would make ya feel better?" He asks, his voice comforting, soft, you shake your head, "A blowie."
You pull back to look at him. He's smiling like he's the funniest motherfucker in the room. You stare, your stomach churning and tears pushing at the back of your eyes. The last thing you want is his dick in your mouth.
"I'm being serious," You tell him, "I- I had a really bad day, and I want some- some fucking-" you growl at your inability to get the words out, your tears starting to feel insistent and you emotions hysteric, "-sympathy, or comfort from my boyfriend."
Johnny's face falls again, like you've hurt him. "Just a joke," He grumbles, his eyes leave you to look back at the television.
"I listen to you," You remind him.
"I'm listening." But he isn't, he's not even looking at you. You may as well spill your heart to a brick wall. Why do you have to carry his baggage but he won't even look at yours? How are you supposed to maintain a relationship with a man who doesn't take you seriously? Who doesn't see you as an equal partner?
"Do you even care about me?" You feel your heart clench, your lip wobbling. You have to sniff to keep the tears on your lashes from pouring out your nose. Johnny's head snaps to you.
"Of course I do," He placates, "I love you."
"I just, I had a bad day and you won't even look at me." The tears start to fall, your throat as tight as your chest. You hate crying, hate the mess and the way it makes Johnny look at you, like he'd rather be anywhere but here.
"You're just better at the emotional stuff," He tries, "I'm doin' mah best."
"Well then your best isn't good enough," You realize it as you say it. Things are never fine with Johnny. His moods impact yours, the irritation he brings home bleeds into you. You wonder when that started to happen. When the man that seemed so carefree, the one the swept you off your feet on the first date, that bought you flowers and rubbed your feet, became so comfortable in dismissing you. When did he realize he didn't have to try anymore? When did you start thinking you deserved that?
"Come on baby," Johnny huffs. You stare at him, the realization settling in. You don't love him anymore, not like you did. He's a chore, a man you do everything for and expect nothing in return from, because expecting something only leads to disappointment. "I love you," He repeats the words, they sting to hear.
"I think you should go," You can hear the tightness in your voice as your vision starts to swim.
"Ahm not gonna leave while you're upset." It's too little too late, but moving Johnny when he's convinced himself is nearly impossible.
You stand up and walk to the door of your apartment. He doesn't follow you, but why would he? He knows from practice that you'll cave to his wishes if he just chips at it long enough. You grab your phone, wallet, keys, and lock the door behind you.
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ashwhowrites · 2 days
Hi! Can you please write something abt Eddie x Cheerleader! Reader? Like they met at detention and Eddie was surprised bc “Hawkins High Princess” was at detention, maybe they started to sneak out and went to the bench at the woods, and after some time, they fell in love?
I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it! Thank you for requesting 🫶🏻
Hawkins princess
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Eddie knew the route to detention like the back of his hand. It was a routine he did almost daily. Walking down the hallway to the small classroom filled with the other delinquents.
He took the chair in the back corner, as always, and propped his dirty sneakers on the table. He crossed his arms and slanted his head down, preparing for an afternoon nap.
He looked up when people gasped as the doors opened. He was shocked to see Y/N shuffling inside.
She sat near the front, and Eddie was already picking up his stuff. He slammed his body right next to her spot, a dazzling smirk on his face.
She eyed him but didn't say the first word.
"What the hell did the Hawkins princess do to land in here?" He asked, his voice was loud. She sat in her cheerleading uniform, growing uncomfortable from the eyes on her.
"Punched Jason in the jaw," she said as she rolled her eyes. She'd do it again with no regrets.
Eddie's smirk grew as he looked impressed
"Well damn, I think you deserve an award for that." Eddie joked
"Yeah well, no one else thought so." She shrugged. She was a bit annoyed she got called into dentition for it. He practically asked for it.
"Eddie Munson right?" She asked, turning her body to face him. A look in her eyes.
"The one and only" he smiled
"You know how to get out of here?" She whispered, leaning closer
"Oh baby, I do." He said, grabbing her hand and racing out the doors.
She laughed as they ran to his van, she could hear teachers yelling but she loved that Eddie kept going.
He peeled off on two tires as she held on to the door. She didn't ask where they were going to go, she weirdly trusted him.
And that's where their adventure began.
She didn't get a dentition after that, but that didn't mean she stopped seeing him. She'd skip out of practice and knock on the door, once he saw her he was taking off. Then they'd run and run.
Their destination changed how they felt. Sometimes they cruised on the roads until they found a beach, or they went down the street for burgers and fries. Sometimes they went to Eddie's or she snuck him in her bedroom.
She loved how fun he was and how spontaneous he could be.
"Wanna go smoke?" He asked, they reached his van but he didn't open the doors.
"I don't smoke but I'll sit with you." She offered. She would sit and do nothing with him, his presence was enough to entertain her.
"Sweet. I got a place" he winked and took her hand again.
She felt her heart racing as they walked through the woods, his hand tight as it held hers.
She never thought she'd find herself crushing on Eddie, but boy was she fucked. It was weeks of sneaking out to be alone with him, and she was captivated by his persona. He was just as crazy, loud, and obnoxious as he was in school, and she found herself loving it.
"Here she is!" He said, letting go of her hand to proudly show off the tiny wooden bunch. "My second favorite girl," he said as he knocked on the wood and took a seat.
"Who's number one?" Y/N asked as she sat on the bench across from him, secretly hoping he'd grab her and place her right next to him.
"You," he said with another wink, making her body heat up as she tried to play it off
He got busy working on his joint as she watched. She squirmed at the way his fingers perfectly rolled the paper. And she held back a moan as his tongue swiped across the paper to seal it. She never knew how attractive Eddie could be.
He lit the end and the smoke filled the air. She silently watched as he puffed on the joint, the way his lips wrapped around the end. The way he inhaled and his neck stretched.
The smell filled her nose and knocked her into reality.
"Wanna try?" He asked
"No, thanks. Chrissy would kill me." Y/N laughed
"Didn't you punch her boyfriend then skip out on multiple practices?" Eddie laughed
"Eh all worth it." She laughed with him.
Eddie held the joint with his mouth as he reached for her hand. "Healed nice." He said, muffled by the joint but she knew what he said.
She felt her face blush as he softly traced her skin.
"Can I ask you something?" She asked
He nodded and returned his hand to smoke the joint the correct way.
"Wanna go to my place? My parents are out for the weekend." She asked, and she asked in a way that Eddie knew what she meant.
He coughed the smoke out of his lungs. He tried to keep his cool but inside his brain was cheering and patting himself on the back.
"Oh hell yes"
That night they went further than ever before. They kissed, made out, and had sex. All weekend long. They barely left the sheets, just soaking in each other from sunrise to sunset.
That weekend she realized she was falling for him.
"I can't keep covering your ass for the coach. She's pissed you ditched out on weekend practice." Chrissy said, sitting next to Y/N as the cafeteria filled.
"It's the weekend. I'm not spending it with her." Y/N scoffed
"Well, I have an idea who you spent it with" Chrissy smirked, flicking the dark spot on Y/N's neck.
"Ow!" Y/N flinched
"Spill," Chrissy said, somehow getting closer to Y/N.
Y/N sighed and looked over at Eddie, Chrissy followed her eyes and gasped. Causing the table to look at her.
"What?" Jason asked, his black eye now returning to a normal color.
"Nothing. Mind your business." Y/N snapped. Once the table went back to their conversations, Chrissy silently squealed.
"Bad boy of Hawkins? Oh I know he's dirty." Chrissy teased, she looked back at Eddie and then back to her.
"Oh you are gross" Y/N laughed as she shoved Chrissy's shoulder.
"Oh come on! Give me some details. I tell you mine!" Chrissy begged
"Yeah and it makes me sick," Y/N said with a mocking smile. But she knew she'd give in.
"It is dirty but that's all I'm gonna say!" Y/N laughed, Chrissy fanned herself as she acted out.
"Next sleepover you are telling me everything!"
"One problem though," Y/N sighed, "I really like him"
"So? Ask him out" Chrissy shrugged, like it was the easiest thing to do.
"Ask who out?" Jason but in
Y/N rolled her eyes and kept her attention on Chrissy
"Trust me, I've thought about it. But what if he isn't interested? He doesn't look like the relationship type." She sighed and her eyes trailed over to Eddie once more. He laughed with Dustin, shaking the boy's body.
"You wanna date the freak?" Jason scoffed
"He's not a freak." She said annoyed. Already tired of giving him her time. "But yes, I wanna ask Eddie out."
"That's social suicide and might lead to actual suicide," Jason argued
"Jason shut it." Chrissy snapped
"You know what Jason? I should have blackened your other eye. Save you from having to watch this." Y/N snapped. She grabbed her backpack and walked straight over to Eddie's table.
"incoming!" Mike said as Y/N marched over to their table.
Eddie looked at Mike and followed his eyes. Eddie straightened in his chair and quickly fluffed his hair.
"You look good, don't worry," Dustin whispered as he patted Eddie's shoulder.
"Y/N?" Eddie asked once she made it over. He looked over her shoulder and saw her table staring at him
"Stand up," she demanded and he quickly obeyed
He stood up, very confused about what was happening
Then she wrapped her arms around his neck and smashed her lips on his. She didn't keep it little, she shoved her tongue down his throat and tangled her hands in his hair.
He felt his breath being taken away but made sure to kiss her back. His hands slipped down to her ass as he proudly groped her in the middle of the cafeteria.
The hellfire table stared at them with shock and amusement
Chrissy watched proudly
And the rest of the table watched with disgust
They pulled away, and Y/N smiled at Eddie's dazed face.
"Wanna go out, Munson? Try a real date?" Her arms were still hooked around his neck as she smiled
"Fuck yes" he breathed out as he caught his breath back
"Pick me up 7" she winked as she walked back to her table
Eddie blinked a thousand times, watching her walk away with her hips swaying.
"Dude! Nice!" Gareth cheered as he slammed his hands on Eddie's shoulders.
Did that really just happen?
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@bmunson86 @mxcheese @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93 @gretavankleep37 @bellaisswagger @arlx @ineedmentalhelp123
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berryz-writes · 2 days
You are divine
Azriel x reader
Summary: You haven't seen Azriel for ages after a mission has kept him busy and you decide to wait for his return. Will you finally reveal your feelings or is it just not the right time?
idk what this is or where the idea came from but hope u enjoy xx ofc it's not checked either so pretend there are no mistakes
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I lounged on the sofa, my book next to me but not actually reading it. It's not that I didn't like it, I actually found the romance in the book once of the best things I had read in a while but I couldn't settle down to enjoy it.
I was waiting for Azriel to come back from a mission he had been on for two weeks now. I had recently figured out the slight ache I felt whenever I remembered him was because I missed him and not because I had some sort of heart disease. Although I don't exactly know why seen as though our conversations consisted of "Good mornings'" "Good nights" and small smiles here and there.
"What are you doing?" Nesta asked, as she swept into the living room ,a cup of tea in her hand. I could smell the slight hint of lemon and honey and it was not a smell I particularly enjoyed. She sat down on the armchair opposite me as if she was going to start interviewing me. She probably was.
I sat up slightly and showed her the book I was reading. "I'm reading. Why?" She was definitely up to something.
She took a sip of her tea before continuing "I didn't know you could read without actually looking inside the book. Do you just absorb the words?" Her sarcasm was there but so was her teasing. I stuck my tongue out at her and put the book to the side. There was no point lying anymore.
"I'm waiting for Azriel. I haven't seen him in a while" I tried to keep my expression neutral like I was waiting for a friend and not because I may like him.
Nesta it seemed found something funny as a smirk made it's way onto her face "Waiting for Azriel? Do you miss him?"
If I replied no, she would ask why I was waiting and if I said yes I would never hear the end of her teasing. So I decided to take the safer route "Don't we all miss him when he leaves? It's been two weeks now"
Putting her cup of tea down she sighed "I suppose. Although it's getting late now. You can always see him in the morning."
She knew exactly what she was doing. Her plan to trap me in her questioning had worked because she was smiling now and I didn't know what to say. I narrowed my eyes at her "Isn't it your bed time?"
I asked, redirecting the conversation even though we both knew by now why I was waiting for him.
She shrugged slightly but stood up "It is. Sweet dreams" The house vanished the cup for her as she stood up and made her way to the door before looking back "You know, I don't think I've ever met anyone as oblivious as you or Azriel. It's excruciating to watch"
So she knew. Well I suppose it was pretty obvious how I always wanted to spend time with Azriel and how I was always waiting for him to return from missions. But I don't know why she called Azriel oblivious. It was probably the fact that he never noticed how much I liked him.
I crossed my arms in defiance to her words "I don't know what your talking about" I was never about to admit I liked someone and they didn't like me back. My pride wouldn't let me.
"Hmm. Okay." She left and it was silent once again. It was dark outside, the fae lights of Velaris could be seen twinkling in the distance as the people went from bar to bar, partying the night away. It was getting late, she was right. Maybe I should wait for a few more minutes? Just in case. I watched the balcony, waiting for him to land but I never saw it because soon my eyes became heavier and harder to keep open. The constant sound of the clock in the room added to the sleepiness I was feeling as if it was ticking away the time until I fell asleep.
I decided to rest my eyes for a while. Just so I could be awake for when Azriel would arrive. Resting my eyes turned into me falling asleep on the sofa and missing the whole point of my I was sat there in the first place.
I was woken up by someone whispering my name in the dark. I pushed the voice away and turned my face away trying to get to sleep again, not bothering to open my eyes to see who it was.
"Aren't you uncomfortable on the sofa?" It was Azriel. He repeated my name again and this time I finally woke up. I rubbed my eyes to see in the mostly dark room and saw hazel eyes full of warmth looking down at me. His wings were folded in and he was still in his Illyrian armour. There wasn't a speck of blood on him as if he had changed just before coming home. He shouldn't have had to take a detour just so he looked presentable coming home. He should have felt comfortable enough to come home and clean up instead of probably going to a shabby hotel in which he must have used the cramped bathrooms not big enough for wings. I hoped it wasn't me that made him so cautious around his own home.
He looked gorgeous as ever, even though he looked tired as hell too. I shook my head and sat up, stretching so I could hear the satisfactory crack from my back.
"I'm fine. How long have you been back for?" I asked, slightly annoyed at myself for having waited for so long and not even seen him come in. Azriel sat down next to me and even from the small distance between us I could feel his heat. I was glad he was back. The dull pain in my heart had receded now and I pushed back the desire to hug him. His shadows weren't as lively or moving about as they usually were as if they were tired too, just resting on his shoulders instead.
"A few minutes. What are you doing on the sofa?" He asked, looking at me like I was doing something odd. Well, I suppose I was but what was I supposed to say? The truth?
"I was reading and I fell asleep." The lie came easily off my tongue. It was helpful in situations where telling the truth would result in a painful death but sometimes lying was just easier than telling the truth. For fear of what the other person would say or how they would react. I'd rather not embarrass myself like that.
Azriel merely nodded his head, looking down at the wooden floorboards and not saying anything. The clock seemed louder now as if it were waiting for our conversation to start again.
"How was your mission?" I asked, looking at his reaction. His wings twitched slightly but otherwise his expression remained the same.
"Shit" He replied after clearing his throat. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Why was it shit? The reports Rhys was getting all proved of the successful discoveries Azriel had made and not once was it mentioned something had failed.
"Why was it shit? I thought you found out everything you needed to? Did something happen? Were your spies found? Did you get hurt?" With every question it seemed Azriel's jaw clenched even more than before, leaving him to look slightly angry at this point. I scanned him for any injuries but physically he seemed fine. Well, more like fucking gorgeous and hot as hell but that wasn't the point.
"It was shit because I was away from home for two weeks. I am capable of missing people you know. I don't always want to be out on missions"
I paused at his words. He was right. I had dismissed it, just because he was good at his job, didn't mean he always wanted to do it or that he didn't miss people when he left. The air around us had thickened into something awkward and I hated the slight feeling of guilt growing in me. It was unusual for Azriel to open up like this but I was glad he wasn't answering in one word answers and actually wanted my company. Even if it was him slightly snapping at me.
After some deliberating I decided to tell the truth. I could always pretend we were just friends and I wasn't harbouring feelings for him "I missed you while you were gone. You went for ages, almost two weeks. It would have been exactly fourteen days if you arrived tomorrow" I informed him. I don't know why I said that but I did and now he was looking at me and his piercing gaze made me feel like I had been caught doing something I shouldn't have.
"You missed me?" He asked, sounding like he was holding his breath and waiting for my next words.
I nodded slowly "Of course I did" I don't know what he was expecting but he let out a sigh and looked down again. Was my answer not what he wanted to hear?
"You should get some sleep now...on your bed and not the sofa" Azriel interrupted my thoughts and stood up, his wings flaring slightly before folding again. What if I touched his wings? What would happen? I knew perfectly well what would happen so I banished the thought from my mind and stood up.
"You should sleep too. You must be tired" I said, covering a yawn with my hand. Really, this welcome wasn't what it was supposed to be. Although I don't really know what it was supposed to be. I was acting like I would hug and kiss him and tell him how I'd missed him but instead we'd had a conversation for two minutes and decided to call it a night. Not the most amazing thing in the world.
He nodded his head "I will. Once I have a shower and try to wash away the death on my hands" He said it so casually as if the death made no difference to him. Even if it was something he did quiet often how used to death could a person really get? You couldn't become immune to it. His shadows had gathered near his hands and his neck as if they were comforting him or hiding him from my stare.
"The death on your hands is part of your job. Not who you are" I replied quietly. I hoped he knew that.
"You always know what to say don't you? I suppose that's why everyone says you have a silver tongue" His lips had turned up in a small smile and his shadows had receded slightly. I smiled back, glad he wasn't taking my words as offensive and instead found humour in them.
I shrugged slightly and before I knew what I was saying I had let my thoughts spill out "This tongue can do other things, y'know" I clapped a hand over my mouth, my eyes widening in horror. I was stupid. So fucking stupid.
Azriel had paused. His eyes widened slightly, signalling his surprise at my words but other than that he looked like a statue. Nothing moved. Until I heard a slight chuckle escape from his perfect lips and then an actual laugh that made my heart ache and feel bright with happiness at the same time. Ache because I hadn't heard such a beautiful sound in ages and happiness because it was me making him laugh. It was so infectious that I lowered my hands and smiled at his reaction.
"Who knew you could flirt? I wouldn't mind if you showed me what other things you could do"
Now it was my turn to stand in shock as Azriel's laughter came to an abrupt halt and he eyed me warily.
"I didn't mean that" He added quietly, all of the lightness around us gone.
I tilted my head slightly "I meant what I said though" I waited for what he would say. I had finally let it out. The fact that I wanted him and I didn't feel any better. I didn't feel lighter or as if I had hope within me. Instead nerves gathered in my stomach waiting for his rejection.
Azriel moved closer to me, his boots silent on the floorboard until there was an inch of space between us and if I wanted to, I could reach up and brush a stray curl away from his forehead.
"If I were to kiss you right now what would you do? Would you run? Push me away in disgust? " His questions were said one after another, his voice soft and his eyes locked onto mine. I had to strain my ears to make out the exact words he was saying but they went straight to my heart. As if I would ever have disgust and Azriel in the same sentence.
I swallowed. It was now or never. I wrapped my arms around his neck and moved closer until we were a hairs width apart. I waited for him to push me away but instead he watched me with intrigue and full intensity. I tilted my face up so our lips touched slightly, a jolt of electricity running through my entire body. His hands immediately came to rest on my hips, tugging my closer until I was pressed up against him and his lips were on mine and were were kissing and it felt like I was in heaven, and I never wanted it to end.
"This is what I would do" I murmured. His eyes were closed as he breathed in deeply before opening them again "You are divine" He whispered to me, before leaning in and kissing me as if his life depended on it.
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silassinclair · 2 days
Hello! Wondering if I can request a Maddox with a very Dense darling? Just all in general doesn’t realize that Maddox grew to love her? It’s just going back and forth on Maddox trying to show his love while Darling is just thinking that he’s trying to manipulate her or something of the sort..Just all in all love silly and weird things happening with the two.
Hope you have a great day as always, remember to always take care! :)
This is such a cute request. Thank you for this one!! And you have a greater day :) Masterlist Here!!
Yandere Wild West Outlaw x Dense Reader
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You noticed something odd about your outlaw captor lately. Usually he would force you to do chores around the house while he would either watch and insult you; or go out in town to drink while you were chained to the table so you wouldn’t run off. But for the past few weeks the chores have become less and less and Maddox kept a closer eye on you. No longer did he go out in town while leaving you chained up. Instead he watched you in silence. It was weird and honestly uncomfortable. Why was he always looking at you and not saying anything?
“Did you run out of crude words to call me?” You ask while hanging some clothes outside to dry. Maddox sits on the porch step watching you.
“Huh?” He utters.
“You’ve been watching me in silence lately. It’s… odd.”
The shirt you hang up is one of his. Even though it's clean it still has his cedarwood and smokey scent on it. Maddox has invaded all of your senses lately. You see him watch you, you smell him when he's near, you hear his grunts when he chops wood, and you feel his featherlight touch on your cheek when he thinks you're asleep. You can't go anywhere without sensing him nearby. No, the masked outlaw has you on an invisible leash.
Maddox stands up from where he was sat on the porch step. Walking past the hung clothes blowing in the wind he strides towards you. His brown eyes are locked on you. It makes you nervous. Did you slip up? Say something you shouldn't have? Will he punish you again?
"What is it princess? Am I makin' you uncomfy?" You can pretty much hear him smirking from behind that bandana. You don't even need to see his face to know what it looks like.
"No." You reply. "It's just weird. You're always watching me now. What are you scheming huh?"
The outlaw chuckles and reaches a hand out to your face. You flinch and his hand freezes. Maddox's eyes soften for a moment and he moves his hand slowly to put a strand of lose hair behind your ear. His hand brushes against the shell of your ear. It's warm.
"I ain't scheming anythin' sweet heart. Just like to watch you is all. Is that a crime?"
Your eyebrows furrow. "I don't believe you for a second."
Taking another article of clothing out of the basket you hang it up on the clothesline.
"You don't believe me?" He whines jokingly. "Why would I lie? Who wouldn't wanna watch a pretty girl like you go about her days? It's more entertaining than going to any boring ol' show."
That one causes an eyeroll. "Now you're trying too hard. If you think I'm going to run away then relax because I'm not. I learned my lesson when you shot me."
Maddox groans and wraps his arms around your waist. He leans down, resting his chin on your shoulder. Once again Maddox invades your senses. You smell the gun smoke, feel his heat, hear his breathing, and see his arms around you.
"What if I told ya' I loved you hm?" His husky voice whispers into your ear.
"Well then I wouldn't believe you." You shoot back imediatley. The outlaw whines and buries his face into the crook of your neck from behind.
"Why not princess?" He says as his finger toys with the ribbon that ties the front area of your dress together, the ribbon right over top your breasts.
"Because you're a lying criminal. Now shove off, I'm working on drying your stinky underwear."
Your elbow jabs Maddox in the ribs making him wince and let you go.
“Easy now princess.”
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"I'm home."
You turn to see Maddox standing under the entryway of the kitchen. In his hands is a bouquet of wildflowers varying in colors of white, green, yellow, and purple.
"Those are nice flowers. I'll grab a vase for them." You say and look for one under the sink cabinet. But all you find is an extra large empty can that once held baked beans. Well, it'll have to do. You take the can and fill it with water from the basin. Maddox watches you take the flowers from his hands with the utmost care. He watches how gently you put them in the can and set it on the table.
You'd make an amazing wife. The way you make this temporary house a home is admirable. Maddox never knew what he was missing until he met you. You were a thorn in his side, just a little play thing that annoyed him. You were only supposed to be a temporary pleasure but you soon turned into an irreplaceable companion. Whenever he was gone he'd miss you. When he was home he'd watch you. Every second of his life is all for you.
All because he loves you. And seeing you smile over some simple wildflowers proves that his love for you is no mistake. You're absolutely perfect, even if you don't feel the same way about him. Eventually he'll make you come around. Even if he has to use force.
"I saw em while I was out and I thought you'd like em." Maddox says, rubbing the back of his neck.
Smiling softly you adjust the flowers. "They're beautiful. Thank you."
You turn to Maddox and lock eyes with him. At the same time the both of you think to yourselves,
"Maybe he isn't too bad."
"Maybe love isn't too bad."
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streamer!ellie hcs
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(my first time writing so...🫣)
warnings: none, fem!reader
lowercase intended, pictures are from pinterest and they're not mine
credits to @/cafekitsune on tumblr for the divider
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♡ plays roblox sometimes and BEEFS with literal seven year olds on voice chat because they called her a noob.
♡ "there is no WAY you're calling me a noob when you have an invisible face you GOOFBALL ."
♡ both of yous live in a one bedroom apartment because yous live in a big city and rent and college is expensive.
♡ so sometimes you can be seen doing homework or studying on your bed or another desk in the background.
♡ "guys y/n is doing homework right now so she might say hi later."
♡ rages in minecraft survival mode and just quits the game after she dies for the millionth time.
♡ "i fr cannot do this like i can't bro this game is stupid as hell anyway....", eventhough she almost punched a hole through her monitor.
♡ you post cute little short, (and/or) faceless vlogs to document your travels or events and sometimes ellie is shown in them!!
♡ the comments are so 😭😭
♡ she absolutely would defend you straight away if you get any sort of hate though.
♡ wears the STUPIDEST t-shirts and you think they're funny but you refuse to let her wear them out.
♡ like that one shirt that says "lesbians eat what?!!" and it's a load of shocked looking cats on it.
♡ "ellie... can you please change your shirt? we're going to dinner 😥"
♡ fans also send them to her through a PO box if she has one and she unboxes them on stream too, so she has a whole collection.
♡ sometimes you join her stream when she's taking a break to eat dinner or something so you show the chat your sims 4 save file or another game you like.
♡ her mic is so bad but she refuses to change it because she thinks it sounds funny.
♡ speaking of sound she also spams that sound board she has to no return (i remember reading this from someone elses post help).
♡ "CHAT I WON LETS GO", *cue the crowd cheering sound effect and a load of blow horns*
♡ "what did i have for dinner? i had a cheeseburger....", *american national anthem plays*
♡ did a whole stream watching edits her fans made her and she was giggling the whole time. (she has a favourites folder on tiktok)
♡ she's totally a repost warrior.
♡ eventhough she does stream kinda often, she makes sure to spend a lot of time with you, even if it's pausing the stream to help you make dinner during a suuuuper long charity stream or something.
♡ if she posts a photo dump on instagram or something you're always in it somehow, and it's always faceless if you don't want your face shown to that many people online.
♡ always sosososo supportive of everything you do and tells the chat if you're comfortable, she's just such a cutie pie.
♡ "guys my pretty girlfriend is graduating soon can you believe that she's just such a genius".
♡ doesn't mention the fact that she is also in college like 😭😭.
♡ sometimes she just doesn't know what to do so she goes on google maps.
♡ "lemme show yous the block i live on.... wait nevermind woah".
♡ you heard that from the other room and your heart DROPPED.
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please don't buy tlou games as the creator is a zionist.
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teojira · 20 hours
HI FRIEND I SAW U WERE DOING $5 COMMISSIONS!?? what are your any and all hcs for wuthering waves any character?? especiallyJiyanaheehehehe ily thank you MWAH
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[General Jiyan headcanons] [x reader!]
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Summary: headcanons for Jiyan! And you, of course.
Warnings: None that I can think of!
A/N: Jiyan,,,,belobed,,,, thank you for commissioning me!! I hope this is okay!
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Jiyan is a busy man, and it's hard for him to take the time away from his duties to spend quality time with you. But he does try.
He's the kind of lover who will make his way home to you in the dead of night, to find you curled up in bed. He makes sure to remove all his armor so the clanking doesn't wake you.
He rests his hand on your face, gently brushing the hair out of your face as he smiles warmly down at you. You're the reason why he fights so hard everyday, he has to protect you and the others, no matter what.
I don't think he'd be touchy, but let's you cling onto him as much as your little heart desires, it doesn't bother him, he only asks that you don't do it while he's on duty.
Hug him, squeeze him, kiss him all you want, he'll sit there and take it because while he may not show it in public, bro will kiss you breathlessly at home.
It's so bad that you gotta tap his shoulder to get him off, you're literally gonna suffocate.
He trains you to protect yourself, he is away alot. This is a no brainer, he worries about you every moment he's away even if he knows it may distract him from his job as a general. He shoves you out of his mind as much as possible, he really does try but it's still there.
Jiyan is a really good househusband, dare I say the better cook and housekeeper. There's something about taking care of you that fills him with joy. While he won't do every, he does every chore with you or you both split it equally.
He likes to playfully flick water off of his fingers at you, and then act as if nothing happened.
"Jiyan, did you just?" "No, what are you referring to?" "You flicked water on me!" "I think you're going a bit insane, my dear."
Oh my god can I say he's youe scary dog privilege? Very few people know you're his partner, so when it does come up, it's usually when you're at the market collecting fruits and vegetables and the like.
He trials behind you like a shadow, humming and nodding when you ask him his preference.
Let's say this is before marriage, he gets RED when people pass along their congratulations to the both of you, he doesn't deny it, just shaking his head behind you with a finger to his lips.
He does have a ring, but it's at the base, statched under his pillow where it'll sit until he's ready.
He doesn't think he'll ever be ready, but when you smile and blush like that, he knows the time will come soon.
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phoward89 · 2 days
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Stepcest, Stepson!Coryo x Stepmother!Reader, Sub!Coriolanus, Soft!Dom!Reader, Crassus Snow x Younger!Reader
WARNING ⚠️ Coriolanus Snow is a warning in and of itself. Crassus Snow is a cold hearted asshole, but he's a hot asshole... Stepcest, Cuckold, older man/younger woman, arranged marriage, cheating, affairs, secrets, cussing, secret love child
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Part 3:
Your first night home’s an experience, to say the least. The baby cries a lot and you're the only one tending to him. Crassus has no intentions of helping you. In fact, he already made it clear on the ride home that as his wife; as the mother of his son it's your job to take care of the newborn. That his job's to be the provider; not the nurturer.
Grandma'am gave you some advice on how often to feed baby Cassian and even showed you how to swaddle him, but other than that she wasn't going to be changing his diapers or soothing him in the middle of the night. Between her being a bit hard of hearing in one ear and old, well, she'd be out like a light once she went to bed.
And Coryo…
Ha, any help you thought you'd get from him on your first night home with the baby never happened.
In fact, Coryo wanted his ‘mommy’ to help him out with a very hard problem.
You had just managed to calm Cassian down after feeding and changing him whenever Coryo entered the nursery, which was actually Tigris' old room. You hear his footsteps and turn around, only to smile when you see him. You think he's here to help you.
But how could you know that's not the case?
“Coryo, I just put him down. But we can sit down in the rocker and watch him for a bit.” You tell Coriolanus as he shuts the door and locks it before making his way over to you.
But you don't see the slight flick of his wrist when he locks the door tho. No, you think he's in the nursery to genuinely see your son; not to get handsy with you.
Coryo comes up behind you, only to wrap his arms around you and press his bulge against your ass. “I'd like you to sit on my lap, mommy. But while you're riding my cock.” He tells you while pressing open mouth kisses up and down your neck.
What? It's your first night home with a newborn and he wants to fuck! Seriously?...
Breaking his hold around you and turning to face him, you sigh, “I'm not fucking you tonight, Coryo.”
“Why not? It's been a few days since we've been able to.” Your platinum blonde boy asks, a slight pout to his lush lips.
“I just had a baby, that's why not.” You replied with exhaustion in your voice.
“But, mommy, I’m so hard and need you.” Coriolanus says in his subby tone, batting his lashes at you in an attempt to manipulate you into riding him on the chair nestled in the corner.
“I'm sorry, but we can't do anything.” You apologize, although you truly have nothing to apologize for. “Plus, the doctor says I have to wait 6 weeks, til I'm healed, to have sex again.” You add in for good measure once you see Coryo furrowed brow.
“It's going to take you that long to heal?” Coriolanus asked in disbelief. Two months, he has to go two months without fucking you. Oh, that was quite a long time. An impossible task given that he's used to fucking you a lot.
Not even waiting for you to give him an answer, he pulls you to him and starts lightly humping against your leg. Pawing at your boobs, that are swollen and full with milk, he suggests, “Then I suppose you'll just have to help me out by giving me a hand, or better yet using your mouth on me.”
“I'm not jerking you off or blowing you tonight, Coriolanus.” You tell him while pushing him off of you.
“But mommy, I need you. Don't you want to make your baby boy feel good?” Coriolanus pressed, sounding like a needy brat, as he grabbed your wrist and placed your hand on the hardness straining his pants.
“Coryo, I'm tired and I've been taking care of the baby all day. I'm honestly not in the mood to make you cum.” You tell your lover while pulling your hand away from his crotch.
“I'm tired too, but I can't sleep until I cum. I need to cum and I need you so bad.” Coriolanus needily told you, his icy eyes flashing with desperation and lust.
“You have a hand, Coriolanus, so use it.” You tell him, feeling your patience start to wane. Shaking your head, you sigh, “I'm going back to bed, you should too.”
“Oh, so you'd rather go to bed with my hateful father, who doesn't give a damn about you, then spend time with me- touch me and make me cum?” Coriolanus asked, a sting to his voice, as you pushed past him and went over to the door.
You just shook your head, unlocked the door, and exited the nursery. You're too tired to argue with Coryo right now.
As you walk down the hall towards the master bedroom that you share with Crassus, you hear the sound of the nursery door open and shut paired with Coriolanus' footsteps heading into the direction of his room. A room that was on the opposite end of the hall then yours.
And when you reach the master bedroom, you walk inside only to see your husband sound asleep. You notice how the sliver of moonlight streaming in thru a crack in the window curtains illuminates your husband's features; cast a glow on him that makes his face seem at ease- at peace.
When you join him in bed, he stirs and groggily asks, “‘S the baby settled?”
“Yes.” You nod against your pillow.
While pulling the blankets up around your shoulder, you heard your husband’s sleep laden voice order, “Go back to sleep, Y/N. And don't wake me next time.”
Of course, Crassus doesn't want you waking him up next time you have to tend to the baby in the middle of the night. Well, isn't he such a great husband? But you don't expect anything else from him since your husband's a cold, unfeeling, stern man.
Why should he care about you being exhausted from taking care of a newborn for the very first time? You're nothing to Crassus, but a young pretty thing that warms his bed; gave him another son. A son he'll probably ignore and ridicule like he does to Coriolanus.
There's nothing you can do about Crassus’ cold attitude, so you just close your eyes and tell him okay before letting sleep take hold of you.
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It's been a few days since you brought Cassian home and you're starting to feel a bit overwhelmed by being a new mom. Especially since you had no help from either your husband or your baby daddy.
Crassus is a workaholic so he’s walking out of the door before breakfast gets served and coming home just in time for dinner to be served. Coriolanus, well…he wasn't as helpful as you thought he'd be. In fact, Coryo's cut from the same cloth as his father.
Coriolanus is very ambitious and that trait has him rushing off to the University; essentially ignoring your pathetic sniffles and cries as you begin to feel overwhelmed with everything. And if he’s not at the University then he’s at Dr. Gaul's lab, doing his apprenticeship.
Coryo loves being the intern of the mad scientist because he’s able to thrive; able to showcase his talents and wits for riddles and creating mechanisms of psychological control. Working and learning underneath Dr. Gaul honed Coriolanus’ natural born abilities of manipulation and cunning. It also helps him learn how to control things around him, how to view living things, including the human citizens of Panem, as animals ranked on the food chain.
Coriolanus Snow quite enjoys both his time at the University and his time studying under the mad scientist.
But you didn't enjoy it since it meant you didn't see him. It also meant that he’s too busy with his studies and securing a permanent job in Dr. Gaul's lab to do anything to help you with the baby.
Well, at least Grandma'am’s helping you and giving you advice about motherhood when she’s able to. But she's elderly and takes naps. Plus, she does like to visit the neighbor, Pluribus, to talk about the good old days before the war and you can't find it in your heart to ask her to stay home instead of taking her neighborly visits next door.
So, essentially it's just you and the baby.
And you're fine with that. Really, you are. So, then why are you so weepy and melancholy?
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It seems that you have the baby blues.
One day,after feeding and changing Cassian, you're in the sitting room having mid-morning tea with Grandma'am. You zone out as she's talking to you, staring into your tea cup while feeling the sudden urge to cry. And suddenly, the urge becomes a reality and you're a sniffling mess.
Wiping your tears, you apologize to her. “I'm sorry, Grandma'am. I don't know what's come over me all of a sudden.”
“Have you been feeling this way for a while, dear?” Your mother-in-law asks instead of accepting your apology.
“Yes,” You nod, starting to weep again. “And I don't know why.”
“Oh, my sweet dear, you have yourself a case of the baby blues.” Grandma'am tells you matter-of-factly. Patting your hand, she reveals, “I had them when I had your husband.” She gives you a sympathetic smile. “Don't you worry, it'll pass in time.”
You nod, sniffling and wiping your tears away with your free hand. At least now you know what's wrong with you.
“Thank you for telling me about why I'm feeling this way.” You gratefully smile, eyes sore and puffy from crying.
“Oh, Y/N, with your mother not being involved much it's my duty to tell you about the baby blues and other matters that relate to motherhood.”
As long as it wasn't spoken into existence, you could ignore your mother's lack of interaction when it came to you and your newborn son: Cassian. But now that your mother-in-law brought it up, well, you're feeling depressed and hollow at the reality that your mother doesn't care about you and your son enough to visit.
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It's late in the afternoon whenever Crassus walks thru the front door. He's not home early, but rather to grab an important document from his study that he needs for a meeting. A meeting that’s scheduled to start within a half hour. And he only realized that he forgot the document at home when he was going over his documents for the meeting; doing last minute preparations for speeches and presentations.
The house is quiet, given that his mother's asleep along with you and the baby; proving that all is well. Or at least he thinks all his well until he walks down the hall, towards his study, only to hear faint crying. Crassus can't help, but think that maybe the baby’s just woken up. So, he makes a mental note to check on the baby after retrieving his documents.
Crassus ignores the cries and enters his study. He shakes his head and chuckles to himself upon seeing the forgotten document on his desk. Oh, how foolish of him to have forgotten to place it in his briefcase the night before. He wasn't a forgetful or foolish person, so he figures his mind must've been too focused on making sure he had everything for today's meeting that he overlooked a single paper.
Once he places what he needs for his upcoming meeting in his leather briefcase, Crassus exits his office and goes to check on Cassian in the nursery. What he finds in his son's nursery is the baby sleeping in his crib, wrapped up like a little burrito in a swaddling blanket. Concluding that the crying’s not his son, he leaves the nursery.
Still hearing the faint cries in the air, he realizes that it's coming from the master bedroom he shares with you. Before he can even think, his feet are leading him to his bedroom. The door's cracked open, so you can hear the baby when he wakes up and cries, so Crassus peeks inside the room.
The cold, stern man sees you curled up in the corner of the room, head buried in your hands while leaning against your knees, crying. Your body's slightly shaking from your sobs.
Your husband backs away from the door, wondering why you're crying instead of taking a nap. Isn't it a known rule amongst mothers that they sleep when their baby sleeps? But you're not sleeping, you're in the corner crying.
What could have you so upset that you're a sobbing mess, curled up in the corner of the bedroom?
Crassus looks between the bedroom door and the hallway leading out into the main room of the penthouse. He debates on whether or not he should go into the bedroom and comfort you. But then he reminds himself that you're his wife, albeit sad and sobbing, because of an arranged marriage. That there's no love between the two of you, that you're marriage is one of convenience; that he doesn't owe you anything in the spectrum of emotions.
Crassus turns his back on his bedroom door, on you in your weepy, overwhelmed state, and walks down the hall and out of the penthouse. He picks work and his upcoming meeting over you.
But that's not a surprise, work means more to Crassus than you do.
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Crassus is sitting in the meeting room, a folder of documents open in front of him. His secretary, Leo Davis, is sitting right next to him- taking notes and such for the imposing, cold man. The men seated at the large table in the conference room are the heads of various departments of the Ministry of War. The meeting’s being held to discuss the the fiscal Q2 that's nearing its end and what must be done to meet KPI’s before the fiscal Q3 begins.
Crassus has already said a few things about the matter, so now he's listening to the other men talk. But, he's actually spacing out instead of listening to the department heads give their speeches and suggestions.
In fact, his mind keeps wandering to the image of you curled up in the corner of the bedroom, shaking and sobbing. He just can't get that image out of his head. It's as if it's seared in his brain.
Your cold and unfeeling husband can't help, but wonder what's why with you. Why you're breaking down in the late afternoon? Did he do something to upset you, and if so then what was it? Crassus doesn't spend much time with you, so he couldn't have done anything to make you sad- could he?
“Crassus, do you have anything to add to the matter?” The head of the Ministry of War’s Commissariat Department asked the head of the ministry's National Security Department.
Crassus didn't even hear what the matter was, he was too lost in his own thoughts, but he couldn't let the men at the meeting know that. So, he just shakes his head and says no.
The meeting goes on much like this until it's over. Everyone piles out of the meeting and goes to the elevator banks or the stairs to get back to the floors their offices are in.
After a quick elevator ride, Crassus and his secretary arrive back on their floor. Leo gives him the notes he took before going to his desk, which is located a few yards away from Crassus' office.
It was nearing 5 o’clock, the normal time for people with office jobs to clock out and leave. But, your husband was far from normal. He didn't work 9 to 5, instead he arrived early and left late. Crassus sure did rack up a lot of overtime hours; he was also viewed as a highly devoted and dedicated employee.
But in reality he's just a work-a-holic, no dedication involved.
Crassus, like every day at 5 o’clock, emerged from his office only to go to his secretary’s desk to announce that they're working late. “Leo, I need you to work late tonight.”
Leo, who was greatly intimidated by his boss, is going to stand up to him for the very first time since becoming his secretary a few months back. The man looks at his boss and tells him, in a voice that's nearly shaking, “No, General Snow, I can't work tonight.”
A stony look crossed over Crassus' face as he barked out, “Why not?”
Crassus and Leo never talked about their personal lives at work, because the general always shut down any attempts. But both men knew that the other was married by the gold rings on their ring fingers. Leo, knowing that there's a Mrs. Snow in General Crassus Snow's life, hopes that his boss understands why he can't stay late.
Speaking as not just an employee, but as a husband, Leo answers your husband with, “It's my anniversary today and I promised to take my wife out for dinner to celebrate. Made reservations and everything; I don't want to disappoint her since she's been looking forward to it for weeks now.”
Crassus knows that most married couples in the Capitol, whether their unions be love matches or arranged marriages, celebrates wedding anniversaries. But, Crassus has never celebrated your anniversary.
He honestly saw no need to. It wasn't like you're close. Hell, you're more or less roommates that have vanilla sex and have a legal piece of paper stating that you're legally bound together as man and wife til death do you part.
But now, after hearing his secretary tell him he's got anniversary plans and can't stay late, well… Now he's wondering if you're upset and crying because he never took you out to celebrate your anniversary. Because he’s a bit indifferent towards you despite knowing you biblically.
Crassus doesn't even know what comes over him when he nods and tells his secretary, “Go enjoy your anniversary with your wife, Leo.”
Leo thanks his boss and leaves, excited to take his wife out for a nice dinner. But his boss doesn't realize that maybe he should leave and go home to his wife too.
Crassus goes back into his office to get a head start on some of tomorrow's work instead of going home to you, his wife that's suffering from the baby blues.
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Tags: @kuroosbby001 @purriteen @poppyflower-22 @meetmeatyourworst @whipwhoops @bxtchopolis @readingthingsonhere @savagenctzen @ryswritingrecord @erikasurfer @tulips2715 @universal-s1ut @thesmutconnoisseur @squidscottjeans @sudek4l @wearemadeofstardust0 @mashiromochi @gracieroxzy @belcalis9503 @shari-berri @aoi-targaryen @whiteoakoak @spear-bearing-bi-witch @gisellesprettylies @loverandqueenofdragons @qoopeeya @mfnqueen1 @permanentlyexhaustedpigeon88 @v-love @swiftieblyth @joyfulyouthlover @lady-harvey @chxrrybomb22 @marvel-hiddles-stark @xjinnix @devils-blackrose @zombicupcake3 @jacesvelaryons @tempt-ress @nayveetbhh
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peachhcs · 2 days
multi-million university of michigan soccer complex with samy hughes (speical guest star: will smith!)
hughes!sister x will smith au (samy + will)
samy shows mike around the umich women's soccer complex with will tagging along (i figured we needed some happy content between the breakup angst, so here’s some happy content before the breakup happened :))
2.7k words
another little lost in the drafts blurb. this was entirely inspired from will's video where he showed the conte forum with mike. i think that's my favorite video, so i recreated it with samy showing off umich's. (i don't know actual numbers for the umich women's soccer team so i made some up oops) i've never really used gifs for the pictures, but wowow take a look at him HAHA
au masterlist
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"alright everyone, this week i'm in the heart of michigan, the university of michigan in ann arbor. i'm here with a hughes legacy and also the youngest sibling, samy hughes," the brunette quickly waved at the camera with a smile. "just in her rookie season she's led the women's soccer team to the ncaa finals this past season and now she's here to give me and will smith a tour of the athletic complex," mike rounded off the intro and the camera panned into samy and will's faces. the two smiled.
"so, it's the first time i've had a young couple on before. i just interviewed you a few months back and now we're in michigan with your girlfriend," mike said to will and motioned to samy.
"yeah, thanks for having me back again on the channel," will chuckled.
"yeah, of course. i mean i was so excited when samy said she had time to do this with us and when i leaned you were in umich too i just had to get in on it. you guys have been like the talk of the internet for the past few months, so i'm excited to get my take in," mike laughed and so did samy and will.
"we have a bet going on who's gonna get more views on their video," samy said.
"oh really? who do you think is gonna win?" mike wondered.
"i said her because everyone always wants to know what she's doing," will chuckled.
"are you two really competitive with one another?" mike pointed between will and samy. the two exchanged a glance, shrugging.
"i mean..yeah kind of. sometimes we can get really competitive over the summer when we're playing street hockey or something," samy explained briefly.
"makes sense. so we're standing in the locker room, can we see your stall?" mike asked and samy nodded. she led the boys to her stall where her name was up on the outside door.
"wow, i like these doors. that's kind of fancy," mike said quickly opening and closing the door.
"yeah it's nice so like our stuff isn't out everywhere and it makes the room look more clean and put together so our stuff isn't everywhere," the brunette explained.
"so you're next to some of the older girls. shannon and carrie," mike read off the names on either side of samy's stall.
"yeah, it's nice having them next to me. they definitely spread out the freshman so we're by an older player and like can talk to them when we want."
"do they offer good advice?" mike raised his eyebrow.
"yeah, i'd say so. they treat us good." samy chuckled. the girl led the boys through the kitchen area and into the lounge.
"here's where we hang out a lot before games and sometimes on the weekends. we can watch tv, talk, play games, whatever."
"what do you think will? are these more comfier than the ones at bc?" mike asked and sat down in one of the chairs. will sat down, relaxing back into the cushions.
"they feel like the same to me?" will laughed.
"okay, same is good," mike nodded and stood back up.
"what's your favorite activity to do in here before games or on the weekends?" mike asked samy.
"probably just talking and getting to know everyone more. we like playing cards a lot," the girl chuckled.
"what kind of cards? poker? uno?"
"a lot of uno, sometimes we play bs," samy grinned.
"like bullshit?"
"i don't know if i've played that before.." mike scratched his head while samy and will's mouths dropped open in disbelief.
"you've never played bullshit before? you've had to," will exasperated.
"wait, explain it to me."
"it's like you have a certain amount of cards and you have to convince people you have however many cards of 1, 2s , aces, spades, whatever and if someone doesn't believe you they call bullshit," samy explained the game.
"oh, wait. that does sound familiar. maybe we don't call it bullshit where i'm from," mike laughed.
samy continued leading the boys through the facility. she showed them their gear room and recovery room where girls went to get treatment for something that was hurting.
"wow, here's a sign for you. 15 final fours. 5 national championships," mike nodded in approval.
"yeah, we walk by this sign going out to the field. it's great motivation for every game and i probably stand in front of it before every game just...you know taking it all in," samy nodded.
"that's pretty incredible. now it will be 16 final fours after this past season," mike nudged her shoulder making the brunette chuckle.
"it's definitely a really good achievement and something i'm very proud of for just being a freshman."
"i mean you should be proud. you basically led your team to the finals. that doesn't happen a lot. when you guys argue do you ever like bring up how many national titles your schools have to one up each other?" mike teased samy and will.
"not that we argue, but sometimes i bring up the fact that our hockey team has 9 national titles," samy laughed and will rolled his eyes.
"does that make you wanna get a national title to get closer to michigan?" mike also laughed.
"yeah, sometimes," everyone grinned while samy led the boys to the mini shooting room where girls could practice their goals.
"damn, this is nice," mike nodded.
"it's open pretty much all day. i mean if i can't sleep sometimes i come here and shoot goals to get my energy out," samy chuckled.
"really? i mean i would do if i had open access to something like this. do you have any superstitions before games?"
"yeah, i have a few. i've had a lot of them since high school, but i have to always wear the same pair of socks before every game. i need to eat exactly 2 apples and i have to always wear a braid in my hair," the girl chuckled.
"wow, those sound intense. have you ever forgotten to do one and it messed up the game?"
"one time in high school i only ate one apple and we lost the game by a point. i believed then that i needed to do all those things to lead us to victory," the three of them laughed.
"alright, i wanna do a quick 1v1 or 2v1 situation. loser runs the entire football field. i made will do this when i was with him in boston," mike said, eyes sliding towards the blonde.
"yeah, alright. let's go to 2 goals then," samy immediately agreed and picked a soccer ball out.
"you getting in this smitty?" mike asked the blonde standing to the side.
"i mean..i don't know. she's a good shooter, so..i'm not sure if i wanna run the entire football field," will laughed.
"oh, he sounds scared," mike looked at samy. the girl only shrugged.
"come on, get in here. it's two of us and a pretty small area.," mike urged will to get in. the blonde gave in and got in next to the older man.
they got into position to block samy's shots, but the girl was good. they could hardly keep up with the ball as she passed it through her feet and dodged will's advances to make her first goal.
"damn," mike said.
"i told you she was good," will said and mike waved him off. they set up again and samy went in from a different side. she managed a small hat trick and kicked the ball over their heads.
"wow, you are good," mike nodded.
"i mean she goes to a d1 school," will pointed out and samy chuckled.
"is this what happens every time she makes you play with her back home?" mike looked at will.
"yeah, pretty much. i can't ever get past her if we're on different teams," will admitted almost shyly.
"i mean you have to at least be better on the ice then?" mike wondered. will grimaced, looking at samy and slowly shaking his head.
"not..not always. maybe now because she hasn't played in awhile, but before..she had me," will said with a small blush.
"oh right, i forgot you dominated on the ice for a good sixteen years. you're just better at everything then," mike said and samy nodded.
"yeah, pretty much. my brothers taught me everything i needed to know on the ice. soccer was all me," the girl smiled.
"so tell me, what was your decision and commitment process? i mean..did growing up in ann arbor play a big role in that?" miked asked as the three walked back out into the hallway.
"yeah, pretty much. quinn and luke both came here and i really loved the campus because i was at every home game. it's also super close to home and i love the idea of being close to home and my parents. plus, knowing i was continuing my brothers' michigan legacy was really special to me and i wanted to follow in their footsteps because i look up to them a lot," samy explained.
"that's really special that you and your brothers have such a close bond. were they excited when they found out you were going to umich?"
"yeah, they definitely were. they showed up to my high school signing day and i had no idea they were coming so they found out i chose michigan there and that was a really special moment," samy nodded.
"there wasn't any way smitty could convince you to go to bc with him?" mike teased a little.
"i toured the campus with him and i mean, it was absolutely beautiful and i actually was torn between bc and umich for the longest time, but ultimately, michigan is always where my heart will be in the end."
samy led the boys into the workout room where they had training and lifting every morning.
"your trainer here is insane, i heard," mike commented and the girl nodded.
"yeah, he's one of the best. he's been with women's soccer for years and he knows how to push us the right amount to get us to our full potentials."
"alright, i wanna see you two do a pull-up contest. smitty, if you get more than her, you redeem us and we don't have to run the football field," mike proposed with samy and will exchanged a laugh.
"okay, deal. we see how many we can do in like 30 seconds?" the hockey player looked over at his girlfriend.
"yeah, sure," she chuckled.
the two grabbed onto the pull-up bars side by side and started their pull-ups. they made it look easy with how smoothly they went through each pull-up. mike had the timer going, making impressive faces at the camera at how easily samy and will did their pull-ups.
"okay, that's 30," mike stopped them.
"i did like 43," samy breathed out, hands on her hips.
"i got 47.," will said and pumped his fist in the air. the girl rolled her eyes as mike and will high five.
"looks like you're doing a football length sprint," will taunted and samy just shook her head.
"so, as we walk out to the field, i wanna know what got you two together because i know you grew up together and are childhood best friends," mike redirected the conversation.
"basically we just got our shit together and finally realized we have feelings for one another. i think we realized it at the draft this past summer and then at my draft party we had a bit of a..a confession," will explained.
"that's very classy. that awkward like..i think i like you thing," mike nodded with a laugh.
"it's funny because so many people knew we had feelings for one another before we even did. like a bunch of our friends and family always looked at us like: you're for real not together?" samy added.
"that's really funny. you guys are a really great pair i think and you bounce off one another really well. do you guys find it hard sometimes to navigate this new relationship being in different states?"
"it's been a little hard at times because we're so busy and don't get a lot of time to see one another. like..this is the first time we've seen each other probably since new years, but we're definitely making it work. it's easy because we already know one another so well so we know how we work and we skip the awkward phase," samy said and will nodded in agreement.
"wow, first time since new years? i guess that makes sense though because will's pretty busy with hockey," mike said and the two nodded.
"we call and text everyday so we're still talking. we try to facetime every night too and just debrief on our days and try to make it as normal as possible," will added.
"well, i know boston's looking good for a possible national title and you're looking really good for a national titles as well next season, so i hope when i talk to you guys again that will be true," mike said and the two grinned.
"yeah, let's hope so," samy chuckled.
the three made it out to the football field where they graciously turned the lights on for them.
"how about i do it with you and we see who can make it back the fastest," will offered.
"oh, look who's being a good boyfriend and not making his girlfriend run the field alone," mike chuckled.
"you're making these bets like you're gonna win," samy laughed.
"what does that mean?" will looked shocked.
"uh oh. don't tell me she beats you in sprints too."
"she's..she's pretty fast on the field. on the ice sometimes i beat her," will defended himself.
"alright, if you beat him and get under..let's say a minute, i'll give you a prize," mike told samy.
"easy. deal," she said and threw her sweatshirt off. will threw his hat off and rolled his sleeves up.
"on three okay?"
when mike said go, the two were off. samy already had a significant lead, proving that she was faster than will on the field. she started racing back down towards mike who showed the camera that they were at exactly 30 seconds.
samy came in first, high fiving mike's hand and then doubling her to catch her breath. will came in a few seconds later, also panting from how fast he ran.
"damn, that was..that was fast," the blonde panted.
"she's definitely got some speed on you," mike nodded and samy laughed.
"i told you. she's..she's fast," will chuckled.
"well, as promised, here is your prize. custom nike sneakers in michigan colors with your name across the side," mike presented his prize for samy.
"oh my god, that's awesome. thank you so much," the girl beamed, showing off the shoes to the camera.
"alright, i'm hungry. how do you guys feel about jersey mikes?" mike asked and the two nodded.
view all comments
user2 jesus samy's so good at scoring no wonder why she led the team to the ncaa finals
user4 god they're so in love it's so cute i love them sm
user5 literally the best d1 couple
user6 i understand why will is dating her. i'd fold so fast for her
user8 god big10 schools are insane. i get the hype now
user9 this girl has a big future ahead of her for sure. i see an ncaa title in her near future
user11 will admitting how better she is at him in everything biggest green flag ever we love a man who gives his woman the credit she deserves
user12 god i just know if she stuck with hockey she'd be insane like her brothers but soccer's such a good fit for her too
user13 samy explains bs to mike is hilarious i can't
user14 they're so well spoken. i'm sure samy's learned from her brother's interviews
user15 golden retriever and golden retriever fr
user16 they KNEWW what they were doing putting will in this video too
user17 to be samy hughes ugh i can't anymore
user18 god they're both so lucky
user20 the fact that she's also a poli sci major and has a 4.0 is incredible to me like DAMN WILL he pulled a good one
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A humble request
I'm reaching out to the community for what may seem like a selfish reason, but something in my heart says that I gotta try. Asking for help is better than wallowing in sorrow.
My birthday is coming up next month, July 15. With the way things are going, this will probably be my first birthday spent alone, or at least, without mom (Unless things change radically, she won't be home by then or likely any time within the next few months) Now you gotta understand, I was born a year after my mom lost a child due to a deformity that is so severe and so rare, the baby never survives or makes it to birth. She wanted me badly, and while I struggle with that some days....I know I mean a lot to her.
Mom cared so much that she ALWAYS made Christmas and birthday special. She would fulfill my lists if she had the money (as I got older I grew guilty, and would often ask for less as years went on) and she always made sure I got something I wanted. Many times she would surprise me with gifts I didn't even know I wanted. Last Christmas, it was a beautiful coyote pelt. Do ya'll remember the btas scarecrow cake, or the handmade cupcakes with the fear symbol? She made those happen. She even paid to fly my brother (my hero) from Seattle to Kansas City for an event while I was taking classes at KCAI
I...don't think, unless dad gets me something, which he hinted he would but....I wont have that "special" surprise gift from mom. I could live without my amazon wish list, that's whatever. it's the way she always made that day matter that I'm going to miss. I'm crying typing this...
So, that's why I'd like to ask something of the rogues fandom
Could the artists, writers, crafters, creatives....come together and make sure that day isn't miserable? I'm not lying when I say I can count on my finger the days I've gone without crying or breaking down in someway since March. To put it bluntly and selfishly, I'm asking for some art, maybe a doodle of jon (or dm me for other characters I like!) or a little drabble about a headcanon I like. I wanna wake up on the 15th with my inbox full of love. I'm not asking for you to slave over photoshop for hours, but just something simple to make the day less depressing. When I told ya'll about my bad day and asked for positive messages, I woke up the next day with 20+ of them. That meant so much.
And all I want is to spend my birthday happy, and not in tears.
I'm sorry to sound so greedy....but y'all have shown me many times over, that internet strangers can show the most amazing amount love and care. And honestly, gift art would matter way more than physical things. Every single time you guys make me something, I save it to a gift art folder on my computer. I save every single thing.
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mysticheathenn · 16 hours
Why Are You Still Single?
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Hi, Hexlings!
This pick-a-card reading is for my Patreon All Tiers. This pick-a-card reading is all about why you are not in a relationship and how to invite more love into your life.
This is a general reading, remember to take what resonates and leave what does not. This reading does not supplement your need to seek professional help. Tarot should be used as entertainment and not a for sure answer to your problems but as a guide, a sense of hope, and amusement.
Take your time when choosing your pile. Ask yourself the question and choose the picture that you can’t stop looking at. Listen to your intuition.
Extended Patreon Includes:
How can I invite more love in?
Extra Messages (If applicable)
Patreon Link
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Pile l:
Why are you still single? Tarot: The Magician, The Empress, The Star, 8 of Cups, 6 of Swords (reversed), 5 of Swords
You don't see the beauty in yourself pile l. You are always giving away your power to someone else who does not see the beauty in you and you use their lack of love not only for others and themselves but their lack of love for you as facts to tell you about yourself. Who you are? If you are beautiful, kind, or generous? Are you worthy of love? Some of you most likely have dealt with abusive relationships or narcissistic people. This could be mental, physical, or emotional abuse, and could also be family and not a romantic relationship who like to tell you that you aren't good enough. Either way, for some strange reason you don't know how to release the same stories you keep entertaining from others and yourself. It's as if you have given up on yourself and refuse to see anything good about you because of your past history. You are the star. You are the Empress, pile l. You are loving, giving, kind, abundant, and beautiful. You do not need permission from others to exist or to feel worthy of anything or loved. Why must you torture yourself with the same stories that have led you nowhere but with depression, anxiety, and self-doubt? Look in the mirror and do affirmations about the kind of person you truly believe you are or if you still can't see what kind of person you are say affirmations about the kind of person you wish you could be. You don't need to believe it at first, and it may feel silly but it will help you look in the mirror and see what those with kind and beautiful hearts see when they look at you. Patreon Link
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Pile l:
Why are you still single? Tarot: The Tower, 6 of Cups, 4 of Swords (reversed), The Emperor (reversed), 9 of Wands
This is for some of you but you may have grown up in a household where your dad or a father figure wasn't around. If he was around he wasn't the best example of what you should look for in a partner and it has led you to carry beliefs that may hold some truths but in reality, most of it is just a way to keep you safe from getting hurt romantically. For others of you, these beliefs have led you down a path where you have had nothing but hardship in your dating life. Some people may have called you picky, unrealistic, or even called you the crazy one for not allowing people to play in your face. But some of you cut people out of your life just for breathing wrong and that is somewhat part of the problem. You are so concerned about not getting hurt or having people play in your face that you don't give people a chance to show who they really are. You take any and everything you see whether from social media, friends past relationships, or what you feel is intuition when really it's paranoia as a red flag. People are human and are allowed to make mistakes and it's okay to make a mistake here or there. I can already hear some of you say "Well they can make a mistake over there because over here you come correct." Here's the thing pile ll if someone isn't consistent with their words matching their actions it's to the left to the left, but if someone forgets to call but has done nothing wrong beforehand (meaning they are consistent but this one time forgets) that isn't a red flag nor does it always mean things are going downhill from there. It's okay to give people grace and still hold your standards and not deal with heartbreak or your time being wasted. It's called communication and not seeing everything that is more anxiety and paranoia as a sign of intuition. Patreon Link
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Pile lll:
Why are you still single? Tarot: 5 of Wands (reversed), 4 of Cups (reversed), 2 of Pentacles, 5 of Swords, 10 of Wands (reversed)
You're not really looking for anything pile lll. I am hearing the quote "You're not in competition with other suitors. You're in competition with my peace. Does your presence make me not want to be single anymore? What do you bring to the table?" I hear that pile lll and I stand with you in this decision. When and if you are looking for someone you are looking for someone who can bring balance to your life and not chaos, stress, and drama. You want someone who can bring things to the relationship that you either can not bring on your own or help provide peace and stabilize it as well. You don't want to bring just anyone to your table just for the sake of not being alone and loneliness. People need to offer some sort of significance to you for you to give anyone the time of day let alone look their way. For some of you, you're questioning if this is the right decision. You may have been single or even celibate for a while now and I am confirming to you to stay strong and hold out for that person who offers you what you deserve in a relationship. You will be fine and there is someone out there who will see your requirements as "That's all while others told you, you were asking for too much." You have gone through too much and did so much work on yourself to get to the level of peace that you are experiencing in your life to second guess yourself or lower your standards just to appease others or have someone in your life. Remember "You would rather adjust your life to the absence of someone than lower yours to appease disrespect." That is exactly what you will be allowing in your life if you lower your standards now. You will also be disrespecting yourself in the process too. Patreon Link
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Pile lV:
Why are you still single? Tarot: The Moon, 4 of Pentacles, The Hermit, The Chariot, The Star (reversed)
Pile lV you may have been somewhat drawn to pile l but not completely drawn to it. This energy somewhat mirrors them but instead of you giving away your power to others and letting them tell you about your worth. Your pile is if pile l decided to do the work it takes to not have that energy anymore. Most of you are single by choice and others of you are single because God (universe, Allah, source, etc) has placed you in solitude so you can focus on yourself. There is something that you are being called to do pile lV. You are on your path of walking into your purpose. If not your purpose you are walking into a path that aligns more with where you need and should be in life whether it's something you have been desiring and it requires isolation from you or something spirit has said you need but you are confused as to what that is. Either way during this time you are doing the work that it takes to bring in this new love for you. Some of you may be doing shadow work with the Moon card here. You are working on the parts of yourself that you find either unattractive, unlovable, or even toxic for some of you. This doesn't have to be physical a lot of the work I am seeing for you have to deal with emotional and mental health and for a few of you this could be you working out and becoming a healthier version of yourself. You are wanting to come out on top unrecognizable with the star card in reverse. You want to operate as your highest self and to bring in healthy and loving relationships that match the frequency you are trying to attain. I'm hearing Hot GIrl Summer, That Girl, etc anything where you are doing something with yourself instead of falling into victim mentality or even allowing your thoughts to deceive you into thinking you are unworthy of a beautiful life or relationship. Patreon Link
Thank you for liking and reblogging my readings. I always appreciate you guys on here and on Patreon.
Stay safe and be blessed
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b0r3dtod3ath · 3 days
Hiay so read the one you did for sebastian vettel the one where they break up??
What if xoz did a part two??
Where maybe it is rumoured that reader has started dating mark or jenson? But not really casue he did to show that seb still loves her
Shenanigans happens and in the end seb and reader are back together?
Thank you ❤️❤️
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a/n: Thank you for requesting! Part two takes place around five years later. Sebastian drives for Ferrari. 
Part 1
Couple of years have passed since your breakup. You thought you moved on but you couldn’t bring yourself to get in a relationship with anyone other than Sebastian. You had no idea how he was doing. Anything you knew came from a tabloid or scant information provided by your mutual friends. He seemed more mature and calm than before which made your heart ache as the lack in those aspects caused your splitting. 
Sebastian leaned back in his chair, the hum of the paddock a distant murmur as he scrolled through his phone. His eyes widened as he stumbled upon the latest headline: "Mark Webber's New Flame: Sebastian Vettel's Ex?" He clicked on the article, his heart pounding as he saw pictures of you and his now ex-coworker at a charity event, laughing and appearing close. The rumors spread like wildfire, and his mind raced with a mix of jealousy and sadness.
He tossed his phone onto the table, frustration bubbling up inside him. The thought of you with Mark stirred something deep within - a realization of how much he still cared about you. The memory of your breakup, the harsh words exchanged, and the lingering pain of your absence came rushing back. He had been trying to move on, he changed a lot during the last couple of years, but seeing you with someone else, especially Mark, made it impossible to ignore his true feelings.
A few days later, after a practice session, Sebastian found himself pacing in his hotel room. His mind was a cluster of thoughts, and he couldn't shake the image of you and Mark together. He knew he had to talk to you, to clear the air. He couldn’t believe it was true. You two hadn’t spoken for a long time but dating Mark was unlike you. 
He picked up his phone and hesitated for a moment before typing a message: "Can we meet? I need to talk to you”. He still had your number saved on his phone, hoping for a moment like this one where with a rush of adrenaline he would text you.
The reply came quicker than he expected: "What happened to “hi, how are you”? Sure. How about that cafe near the circuit tomorrow at 3?"
The next afternoon, Sebastian arrived at the cafe, his heart pounding with nerves. He spotted you sitting at a corner table, looking even more beautiful than the day you two broke up and certainly more beautiful than in the pictures alongside Mark. As he approached, you glanced up, your eyes meeting his with a mixture of surprise and anxiety.
"Hi, Seb," you greeted him softly, a hesitant smile on your lips.
"Hi," he replied, taking a seat across from you. For a moment, there was an awkward silence as you both gathered your thoughts.
"I saw the article," he finally said, breaking the tension. "About you and Mark".
You sighed, shaking your head and smirking. "It's not what you think. Mark and I are just friends. The media blew it out of proportion, as usual. You know I wouldn’t break up with you and just go date your enemy”.
Relief washed over him, but he still felt the need to explain. "When I saw those pictures, it hit me hard. Not because I don't trust you or I'm not a fan of his, but because it made me realize how much I still care about you. Even after all those years".
You looked at him, your eyes searching his face. He took a deep breath, gathering his courage. "I never stopped thinking about you. I know I messed up, and I've spent every day regretting it. The partying, the distractions - I let them come between us, and it was the worst mistake of my life."
"Seb..." you started, but he cut you off gently. "Please, let me finish. I've changed. I’ve had to face some hard truths about myself, and I realize now what I lost. Seeing those rumors made me confront the fact that I still love you. I never stopped loving you. I have changed a lot, you know it".
You were silent for a moment, processing his words. Then, you reached out and took his hand, your touch sending a jolt of warmth through him. "I never stopped loving you either, Seb. But things can't just go back to the way they were. We have both evolved".
He nodded, squeezing your hand. "I understand. I’m willing to do whatever it takes. I just want a chance to make things right”.
A small smile spread across your lips. "Then let's take it slow, one step at a time. We'll see where this goes".
Sebastian's heart swelled with hope. "I'd like that. More than anything. So, how have you been? What were you up to for those past years?”.
As you both sat there, hand in hand, the world outside the cafe seemed to fade away. For the first time in a long while, Sebastian felt a sense of peace and excitement thinking about your relationship. You spent hours catching up, getting to know each other and rebuilding broken bridges between you. 
Not even half a year later the two of you were spotted walking hand in hand and giggling. This time the headlines weren’t lying. 
June 9, 2024
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perfectlyoongi · 17 hours
BOYFRIEND!JIMIN who asked you to draw a star for him to tattoo on his ring finger. you and Jimin met on a starry night, your first meeting was under the stars, the beginning of your relationship was blessed by the various celestial stars; it was obvious that Jimin thought of you in every shining light in the sky, in every ancient constellation — and who better to carve your eternal love than you? “it’s a promise, you know? a promise that we will love each other forever.”
BOYFRIEND!JIMIN who likes it when you comb his hair on slow winter mornings. still cuddling in gentle sleep, Jimin sat in your bathroom as he lazily watched you in the mirror; your hands moved delicately, your fingers already knew every strand of Jimin's hair, wrapping themselves in his hair with expertise and precision, always leaving him satisfied with your work. “do whatever, i trust you. just let me sleep for a moment.”
BOYFRIEND!JIMIN who buys matching onesies for your home movie dates. an extensive and colorful collection filled your wardrobe, tails and ears and hoods filling as much space as they could; in the comfort of the warm fabric, in each other's arms, with your snacks, your night went on for hours, only stopping when your eyes decided to create their own fantastic movies. “today we can use the stitch one and watch a disney movie. oh! a new one came out recently. come, lie down beside me.”
BOYFRIEND!JIMIN who gives you a bouquet of lego flowers on your first anniversary. why buy real flowers that would be consumed by time, taking with them the proof of Jimin's love for you? the lego flowers were eternal, resistant but endowed with a delicacy that made them always beautiful — just like your relationship with Jimin. “and when a new flower comes out, i will buy it and make it and give it to you because our love is always growing and will never wither.”
BOYFRIEND!JIMIN who jumps and screams and hugs you and kisses you every time his photocard appears in the album he gifted you. whenever Jimin gave you a new album, his heart fluttered with anticipation, while his eyes searched for reactions on your features to the photocard you hid from him; and, oh, when he saw himself, it was as if your love was confirmed by the universe, as if that photograph was proof of the veracity of your love. “i knew my photocard was going to come out! it’s destiny to be with me forever, seriously!”
BOYFRIEND!JIMIN who likes to run around the house chasing you, listening to your excited screams and threatening a tickle attack. Jimin felt like a child by your side, always pure and safe, and so his most playful side came out in a small and fun tickle fight. “come here! don't run away from me! i just want to show my love for you.”
BOYFRIEND!JIMIN who said he loved you when you arrived home after a sudden rain soaked you from head to toe. the rain had caught you by surprise when you were getting home and now, in the comfort of your walls, with water still dripping from your hair, and clothes and laughter filling the room, Jimin just looked at you and as soon as he saw how happiness illuminated you, he just confessed. “liking you is so easy when you are simply divine. i love you.”
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cxffecoupx · 23 hours
when jihoon comes home in the evening, he finds wonwoo sitting in their shared apartment, idly shuffling through the programs on television, trying to appear unbothered. maybe it's the 3 years of being roommates, but jihoon sees clearly through the guise.
just as his friend is about to greet him, the phone rings and wonwoo almost flies across the room to get the call.
simp behaviour, jihoon thinks to himself.
wonwoo perks up at your name displayed on your phone. the sound of your sniffles the next minute worries him almost instantly.
"can you come pick me up?"
all things that could probably have gone wrong rushed into his mind. did your date not go well? was he an asshole? did you have a malfunction? was he not the type of guy you expected? but he pushed them aside as he ran to where you said you were.
and he found you sitting on the sidewalk in front of a store. hugging yourself, because of the cold or because you were... lonely?
as soon as he tapped your shoulder, you turned to him and wonwoo's heart shatters. tears pooled in your eyes, some rolling down your cheeks. nose red. lips chapped as if you had been biting on it. he knew you were; he knew you do that when you were anxious.
he doesn't say anything, simply wrapping you in his arms as you start to break down against him. those walking past look at you both weirdly, but you don't notice and wonwoo doesn't care. all his thoughts right now were concerning you.
you pull away after a while, and wonwoo wipes away any stray tears.
"cmon, let's get you out of here," he says and pulls you up, side-hugging you as he leads you.
you end up in a park, and sit on nearby swings in silence. you clear your throat to speak.
"he didn't show up."
the swing squeaks as you swing it lightly. you let out a laugh, but wonwoo doesn't have to look to know it's to mask your cry.
"he's... i've had a crush on him for what, two years now? i was so looking forward to this and... he never showed up."
wonwoo doesn't say anything. his heart is aching but he continues to draw on the ground with his feet.
"go ahead. tell me. tell me that you told me so."
"i should have listened to you. i shouldn't have come. I shouldn't even have worn a dress, or dolled up. i shouldn't even have accepted it," you start crying again and he sighs before standing up and hugging you once again.
wonwoo starts, "you never knew. it's okay, dear. you didn't know all this could happen." he takes your face in his hands and wipes your tears away. you have a slight pout on your soft, red lips, and wonwoo has to control every cell in his body to not kiss it away right now.
"let me tell you something. he doesn't deserve your tears. you know what? let's go back to my house, and we can eat some spicy ramen and bitch about him with jihoon. you know he loves a good gossip."
the thought makes you chuckle and you stand up.
"okay, let's go... i don't know what I'd have done if I didn't have you as my best friend."
wonwoo just laughs.
he just laughs because he doesn't want to let you know that he wants to scream right now.
because that's what he'll ever be. just a 'best friend'.
but he tells himself it's okay. he knows he'll never break your heart, but until that day comes, he'll always be there to pick up your pieces.
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im so sorry I ghosted yall😭 i have an exam this weekend and absolutely zero urge to do anything BUT I will get back to posting after the exam please forgive me😭🙇‍♀️
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ava451 · 1 day
writing prompt
venture accidentally drills into a helium gas reserve and gives themself a squeaky voice
I come here to thirst and y'all stay pure like this - Bless your hearts. And yes, this would absolutely happen to them lmao.
Venture was not always exactly careful when drilling through the ground; how could they? Especially when they were in a hurry or escaping - or just really wanted to get somewhere. Like to you. You agreed to meet them at a specific point on the deserted industrial area you were conducting your research on, so could rejoin the others together. And perhaps their joy to see you again, see you safe, made them especially careless.
Some old rusty tank wouldn't separate them from you! The inbuilt radar of their goggles signalled chemical hazard, but you were on the other side! They did brace themselves for some sort of unpleasant sensation as they drilled through the tank, but they felt nothing - smelt nothing - and so they guessed that whatever substance was in there had deteriorated long ago.
They drilled out and into the open, landing on their feet and rolling onto their knees to break the momentum. Goggles pushed up into their hair, they looked left, looked right - and saw you leaning against a pillar, waving over at them.
"You really wanna wreck this place, don't you?" you laughed, strolling over to greet your partner after being separated for an eternity of a whole hour. How cruel.
"Hi Y/N!" they called out - and immediately slapped a hand over their mouth. That wasn't their voice - that wasn't your voice - but it was their words. You stopped dead in your tracks, staring at their shocked face.
When realization dawned, you frantically started fumbling for your phone.
"Hey! What are you doing!" they yelled - no, actually, they squealed - and lurched after you who dashed behind the decrepit steel pillars, holding up your phone to record them as they were running after you. But you've already broken into wild laughter yourself, couldn't catch your breath anymore quite soon, and it was mere seconds before Venture had tackled you down, straddling you as they pried your phone from your hands.
"Nooo- no, no, no, please, don't delete the recording-" you wheezed, tears in your eyes from laughing so hard. "What? No. I'm sending it to myself-" they said, but the last bit of their words was drowned out by you howling with laughter, thrashing beneath them in an effort to hold your stomach.
"Oh man- it's like getting- getting chased by a s-... squeaky toy-" you sobbed, rubbing the tears from your eyes. "Like a horror movie- like some mutated dog toy."
They pouted on top of you. The effect of the helium had already started to fade, so your laughter too died down gradually. They weren't really mad.
When you've calmed, you grabbed their hands. "Hey Sloan. Glad to see you made it back safe." you smile, rubbing dirt off their cheeks. "You, uh... there's something I need to tell you."
Worry clouded their face immediately. "What's that??" You pointed behind them. "There's a helium reserve over there. Might not wanna-"
The look they give you was indefinable. But when you are on your bullshit you really are ON it. "Might not wanna accidentally drill through there-" and you convulsed in wild laughter once more.
"Ugh, yeah. Thanks for letting me know just in time." They rolled their eyes, their voice back to normal again. But there was an amused twinkle in their eyes, and you know you were in for payback when they slung you over their shoulder.
"What are you doing?"
"Going back to rejoin the others."
"But I can walk!"
"I'm gonna tell them you were afraid to get your socks wet out here. 'Please, Venture, carry meee, my socks!'" they mocked your voice. "Bullshit! I'll show them the recording if you do!" "I'll say that you edited that to get out of the embarrassment!" "I'm gonna take you back to that damn helium tank-"
What wonderful bickering as you walk off into the sunset.
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twst-kumi · 2 days
Weeping Maiden [ACT I] CHAPTER 11
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[Act I] CHAPTER 11
[Name] woke up in her room in Royal Dawn Dormitory. Flora was dozing off on the armchair by her bed. The fairy’s eyes looked puffy from crying. Flora woke up startled by the young girl snorting. The old woman looked at her for a minute before bawling. She was so loud that she could hear running in the mini castle. 
Ambrose barged in the room holding his robe up. He looked disheveled while panting. His eyes darted everywhere before he saw [Name] smiling awkwardly. It was his turn to cry.
“_Oh my sweet child! I was so worried.”
Alerted by the commotion, the other came to see what was happening. Aurelius also teared up as he saw the young girl. She was alive and well. 
“_ Don't scare us like that ever again. 
_ Yes, I'm sorry. I swear I didn't mean to worry.
_ It's not about you worrying us, my dear child. It was dangerous. You could have died.” 
The director said glaring at her worriedly. He wanted to protect her. Not only was she his most delicate student, but she was first and foremost his daughter blood related or not. [Name]’s heart fluttered in front of his sincere eyes.
“_ It's a parent's job to take care and worry about their child. And a father's job to protect their daughter.”
The young girl couldn't say anything. Her heart felt heavy with unknown emotions. She didn't know how to react to it, but it felt good somehow. Like she was waiting for such words, she couldn't stop her tears trailing down her cheek. The old man held her in her arms and [Name] broke down wailing like a little kid. She couldn't help but cry as he hugged her tightly. It was warm. Ambrose’s embrace felt so warm around her. 
A few minutes after, her eyes were puffy and red gaining her some teasing laugh from Vil and the rest. 
“_You look like a baby chick who hatched with your eyes like that.
_Nooo, baby chick are ugly when they hatch.”
[Name] whined still sniffing here and there. The group laughed relieved everyone was alright. They got out with only a few scratch and bruise nothing to heavy. The most worrying peoples were Neige and her who were unconscious for two days. Neige woke up yesterday.
“_About Neige…” 
[Name] started to explain what she saw in his memories as they listened calmly. There was a silence for a moment until Alexis talked.
“_Like I give a fuck! He drugged you! Don't expect me to go easy on him because of his sob story.” 
Aurelius winced at his colorful language but agreed with him nonetheless. [Name] smiled gently at them.
“_ I'm not asking you to forgive him. I'm just stating the core reason for Neige's Overblot. Neige is incapable of valuing himself for what he is. For him, his worth can only be equated to his usefulness.” 
She understood this feeling better than anyone. As a former child actor and having grown up in a toxic family, she understood what Neige had gone through. Unlike her, Neige was probably not aware of his own abuse. 
“_ I see… Well, you may want to know. I decided to exclude Neige for a week.
_ Only a week? Don't tell me you are planning to let him go scoff free!”
[Name] looked at Vil who frowned at Ambrose’s words. She wanted to comments on how Crowley is letting every Overblotted students off the hook without any repercussions. Aside from Leona who almost got disqualified for Magicshift. The RSA director only laughed.
“_ Of course not. But I think that everyone can get a second chance, if they do show determination and sincerity. The same could be said for you. When I call for you as a primary suspect, I wanted to give you a chance to defend yourself. And if you were the culprit, a chance to redeem yourself.”
Vil couldn’t say if he was unconfortable or just jealous. The director knew Neige longer than him, so it was normal to trust him more than the actor. On the opposite, Crowley didn’t hesitate to send Vil the moment the school reputation was brought up. It left a bitter taste in his mouth.
Thanks to Ambrose, Vil was able to return to school. He covered it as a flu, he and [Name] caught that. The young girl coming from a different and closeted “land”, her immunity system was a bit weaker than them. It was the excuse they gave everyone to explain their absences. 
“_Where is Neige? I would like to talk to him before he leave.”
There was another silence. 
“_Hey! You heard her? So, are you going to hide behind that wall longer?”
Alexis growled looking toward the open door. They could see a shoulder flinching but no other mouvement. Seeing that he wasn’t going to move, the gentle-looking boy felt even more pissed.
“_ COME IN!!! YOU PIECE OF S…. syrup! I was going to say syrup.”
Everyone looked at him unconvinced and Aurelius couldn’t help but stifle a chuckle. He was going to be in trouble if he continued to swear like a sailor. Vil on other side was wondering if it was a normal for small and delicate looking boys to have a foul mouth. This was the second one after Epel. That being said hearing Neige getting insulted didn’t felt bad. He will acknowledge that Neige’s situation was sad, but it didnt mean he would like him. If anything, he had even more resentment toward him. 
Neige walked inside, his eyes darted to the floor unable to confront their stare. Taking on the cue, Ambrose made everyone leave. Aurelius and Alexis couldn’t help but glare at Neige. 
“_Scream if he try to do anything suspicious. 
_ Yeah, we will beat him for you if he try anything so don’t worry.”
Aurelius and Alexis said while burning hole with their glare on Neige. Vil felt refreshed in a way. Look like RSA too could be a little violent. 
Alone, Neige and [Name] looked at each other for moment. The boy looked devastated, remorse was obvious on his face. 
“_ I’m sorry… I… 
_ I never liked you more than a friend, Neige.”
Neige flinched a little. He could feel a lump forming in his throat. He looked at her before smiling at her. He tried to push back on his need to cry. He was  aware, she didn’t share his feeling.He was going to use this week to reflect on it. Deep down he felt like he didn’t have any right on loving her or coveting her affection.
“_ I know… I’m quite aware of it now. I just want to say it at least once. I love you, [Name].”
[Name] was speechless for a moment. His eyes shined with a resolve she never saw in him before. Something changed in him, he looked a little bit more like a man rather than a delicate boy. Both exchanged a small laugh before Neige stood up to leave. She rejected his confession but at least she acknowledged it. 
Neige was walking down the stair under the two freshmen’s glare. It was understandable for them to hate him. Remembering something, he stopped in his tracks and looked at them. 
“_Please, take care of her.
_We don’t need you to tell us that. 
_Just leave already!”
Neige chuckled a little looking at the two. What a duo of  brave little knight they were. 
“_Right, before I forgot. Don’t trust Henry that much.”
Aurelius frowned a little. What does his dormleader have to do with all this? The young man felt his stomach churn. Pushing his worry aside, he walked back inside the bedroom once he was sure Neige left the dorm. 
Act I: Poison of Delusion. (END)
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