#I don't think anons get notified of their asks so I hope you see this whoever you are <3
leopardmask-ao3 · 1 year
What's legacysmp? I feel like ive heard u talk abt it but i dont actually know what it is
I definitely talk about it a fair bit, though there are some other peeps on here who talk about it more (@ndn-craft is the first to come to mind).
Legacy SMP was a Minecraft SMP with some at-the-time smaller creators - although you'd probably recognize a lot of the season 1 names, as it had people like Pearlescentmoon, GeminiTay, MythicalSausage, PythonGB, and I think Scott and Jimmy as well. I'm not as familiar with the season 1 shenanigans, although I have watched some and heard about others. LogicalGeekBoy and Sausage were in an ongoing rivalry about being the "one true king" (they both built castles. Logic's was built out of dirt); ChimneySwift started the Church of the Holy Bee.
They ended off season 1 by fighting a bunch of Withers in a specially built arena made by slicedlime (who you may note is also a Mojang developer)... and the Withers canonically destroyed the world. This is where I got more familiar with it, because I started with Skizzleman and ZloyXP, who joined in season 2. Legacy season 2 is one of my favorite mcrp things that I've ever watched. They escaped season 1 through a magical Rift they made (which I've referenced in every single fic I've done about the Hermitcraft/Empires Rift lol) and lived in a post-apocalyptic desert for months with the Withers hounding them in various ways. Uniquely, the viewers controlled what the Withers did! They had some magical plugin that let you vote for options on their website and then every two weeks the winning option was implemented in game. It was incredible.
Also slicedlime got possessed by the Withers at one point. Logic was playing a long-game ARG with his megabase. There was an advancement race using an advancement datapack and that suddenly became plot-relevant. The Church of the Holy Bee came back but only to the extent of being in a graveyard that signified that all the season 1ers were technically already dead. Late in the season cc!Logic had some IRL stuff come up so c!Logic got kidnapped by the Withers and never returned except as a ghost to warn the others to leave for season 3. A lot of the smaller creators drifted away and eventually the SMP officially shut down halfway through season 3, but it was an incredible journey.
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the-banana-0verlord · 11 months
hihihi how do you think azul would react to MC who clearly has a crush on him AND takes interest in business/studied it in their own world??
okay so first of all i'm very sorry for delaying this and my other requests for months. I was going through a massive writer's block, but it got a bit better recently so I took the opportunity to write a lot while i had the motivation to. If you see this (cause it's anon and i don't think it notifies when an anon ask is answered) i hope you like it!
How Azul would react to the Reader having a not-so-secret crush on him
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Notes: Gender-neutral reader
🐙Hrgnnn mutual pining he'S as in love with you as you are with him, he's just better at hiding it. 🐙You're the first person to be actually be invested in his business, not just using him to their advantages. 🐙He gladly goes to you for advice when he struggles with managing the Monstro Lounge. 🐙He might do it even if he doesn't need advice, he just wants to hear you explain something to him (and you're glad to do it, too.). 🐙Long nights where you discuss menus, seatings and budgets are the best parts of his weeks. 🐙Problem is, no matter the amount of pining there is, none of you can guess the feelings of the other, so you never confess. 🐙But the Tweels are getting real impatient. No one would blame them if they just accelerated things a bit, right? 🐙They're playing the good old trick of sending the both of you a (fake) letter coming from the other telling them to meet up, on the beach after school. 🐙When you get there, there's no one. After school is pretty vague, though, so you decide to wait a little. you take off your shoes and you dig your toes in the sand. 🐙Then, Azul arrives. All goes well, and you both confess. That is, until you mention the letter "he" sent you. 🐙"Letter? I have written no such things, he says. I believe it is rather you that has left me this note. -I didn't? But then, who did..." 🐙Suddenly, the sea beside you starts getting troubled and a huge slippery teal tail comes out and pushes you in the merman's arms. 🐙When you look, you realize that the origin of this incident was Floyd in his merform, accompanied by a chuckling jade. 🐙Azul goes after them, cussing them out, while you laugh. You'll probably have to get used to this if you were going to date Azul.
I hope you enjoyed! Have a good day/night!
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genericpuff · 1 month
I'm curious - how many unanswered asks do you have in your inbox? Or do you just delete the ones you don't plan on answering?
do you feel good anon
do you feel good about yourself with this question
targeting me like that
ok but more seriously LMAO i have an embarrassingly large amount of unanswered asks but i do read all of them <3 a lot of them honestly are just from folks like, sharing their anonymous opinions about either LO and LR, with the odd one about comic advice, sharing webtoon recommendations, and other things of that nature!
In the case of the LO asks, it's stuff that often has already been spoken about at length before so I don't really have anything to add (but trust me, I'm usually in total agreement, if I heavily disagree with a take I'll usually try to respond to it but it's rare that that's the case because most of the takes are just things like "wow the art in this panel sucks" like yep it sure do LOL) and often it just feels like my inbox is just like, a comment box for people to get their feelings out anonymously and honestly that's fine, I just also can't really respond to every single one unfortunately, but I do read them and I love y'all's takes!
With LR asks, y'all are way too sweet to me and send me just the kindest things about LR, and I hope y'all know that even if I wind up not getting back to your ask about it, I do read everything you send and appreciate so much the amount of support you've all shown for this project since I took it on <3 A lot of those asks are literally my version of "do it for her" where I read them and it reminds me of why it's so worth doing what I do :') <3
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Whenever people recommend me other works to read, I add them to a list and I am currently trying to tackle it :) (honestly that list isn't as big as you'd think, a lot of the recommendations are for the same stuff, like other Greek myth retelling comics or otherwise just bad webtoons that people want me to suffer thru LOL) I just recently finally got a physical copy of Song of Achilles and while it's slow going, I'm gonna be sharing my extended thoughts about it, either in a big Tumblr post or maybe a video if I can motivate myself to do it 🤔
And of course, the comic advice asks... these ones admittedly I do tend to actually move into my drafts because I really, REALLY do want to respond to them, but I'm also not someone to half-ass responses to questions like that. That is a bit of a bad habit on my end because it often means I'm spending crazy amounts of time going over topics that can be researched, but I also just really love talking about comics so it doesn't feel good to get a comic advice ask and just leave it at "idk just start" like yeah, do that, but also I want to pass on all the things I WISH I had known when I was first starting out and I'm glad people see me as someone to learn those things from! So when it comes to those asks, don't worry, I'm picking away at them <3 (but also man, I should probably just like... put together some kind of hitchhiker's guide to comic making or something huh LOL)
Anyways! I do have a lot of unanswered asks and honestly, I'm not really one to delete them, even if I don't get back to some of them it is still nice to read them in their own little curated space separate from my main blog, it's kind of like a personal comment section between myself and those of you who took the time to write <3 The only asks I tend to outright delete are ones that are just like, way too bad faith to even want to give any attention to, or bot spam lmao But for the majority of y'all who have sent genuine asks to my inbox and never saw a response and worry that I might have ignored it or deleted it, I hope you can have reassurance in knowing that they are all still there and even if I can't make time every day to respond to them, receiving all your personal takes about LO and your amazing feedback and kind words about LR is something I'm always excited to see whenever that little notification pops up in my Inbox tab. I see you and appreciate you <3
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 11 months
L0v3 M3
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Summary: You're both each other's escape but he can't tell you who he really is... Pairing: y/n x idol Yeonjun Word Count: 4.2k~ Warnings: Like one or two curse words lmao... that's it a/n: Requested by a lovely anon <3 I hope you like it :)
🟢  y/n is online
🟢 Yejun is online
Yejun: How's your day been? I haven't heard from you today :/
y/n: I am so sorry Yejun! Things have been pretty hectic at work and I wasn't even able to eat lunch today :(
Yejun: Oh my gosh that's horrible! How are you feeling? You must be exhausted! Have you eaten yet?
y/n: *send picture of your favorite food* Yup! I figured I would treat myself today!
Yejun: You definitely deserve it after the crazy day you had!
y/n: Enough about me though, how have you been? Did you do anything fun today? I know you said it was your day off so I hope you did :)
Yejun: Not really, I hung out with one of my roommates since we both ended up having today off so we just played some video games.
y/n: Oh did you guys try out that new game you said was coming out soon?
Yejun: Yeah we did! It came out on Friday but we didn't have time to check it out until now so it was fun trying to figure it out together. 
y/n: Did you win?
Yejun: Of course
y/n: As expected from my champion <3
I smile down at my phone after rereading your message for the 10th time before responding. "What are you smiling at?" Beomgyu says walking into the living room after waking up from his nap. "Nothing" I say locking and putting away my phone before another ding rings out notifying the both of us (unfortunately) of another one of your messages coming through.
"Doesn't look like it's nothing" Beomgyu says tilting his head trying to see my phone hidden behind my back. "Well either way it isn't any of your business I say defensively. "Yeonjun be honest, you're still talking to that girl aren't you?" he says, obviously disappointed in me. 
"So what? What's wrong with that?" I say continuing to defend myself. "She doesn't know who you are right? You know it could cause a huge scandal if-" "I'm being careful. But no, she doesn't know who I am. I know better than that" I say hoping the conversation is over and we can move onto something else. "You better..." he says trailing off.
"What's that supposed to mean? Last time I checked I was the hyung here. You really think you can talk to me like that?" I spit out getting fed up with him. "Okay I'm sorry I'll stop bugging you about it damn" he mumbles. "I'm sick of your disrespect Beomgyu. When are you gonna sto-" "Yeonjun that's enough" Soobin says walking into our dorm trying to defuse the situation. 
"You know what I'm done, I'm leaving" I say walking towards the door and heading outside. Luckily some of our staff are still hanging around outside since they had just dropped Soobin off. "Can you take me for a drive? I just need to get out of my head for a while" I ask knowing that taking a walk instead isn't really possible with my current idol status.
The staff nods and opens the car door for me before going over to the drivers side. "Do you have anywhere you would like to go or just somewhere away from the city?" he suggests and I'm happy to hear that he's able to read my mind. "Away from the city please, I need to get away from all the chaos" to which he nods and starts the car doing just as I had asked. 
I pull out my phone after our drive is underway and I remember that I had left you on read.
🟡 Yejun is busy → 🟢 Yejun is online
🟡 y/n is busy
The last message you had sent me was asking if I had any plans for the rest of the night. I'll be honest I downloaded this app with the intention of pretending to be someone else. I just wanted to be a normal guy, talking to normal people and having normal conversations. But when you're an idol that privilege gets ripped away from you and you don't realize how much you're going to miss it until it's too late. So my name on here is Yejun and he's basically me except with a new face and a new name.
Choi Yejun, Yes I know very creative but I did't want to lie too much
Age: 24
Birthday: September 12th which isn't a complete lie because it's the 12th in America but the 13th in Korea
Height: 6ft, yes I did add on an inch okay, sue me!
Blood Type: A
Education: Batchelor's degree in Music with a minor in dance. This one however is a lie laced with some truth okay, let me have this one. 
I got the pictures of "Yejun" off of instagram after looking through hundreds of accounts, trying to find one that fit my vibe. Luckily the account that I take the pictures from belongs to a very very narcissistic guy so I'm constantly getting new picture to send you if I need to. Do I feel bad lying to you? Yes of course.
I wasn't even planning on keeping this account for long. I just wanted to try and use it as some sort of escape. We met by chance and somehow along the way we just started messaging each other everyday and it's gotten to the point that I feel like there's something missing if I haven't heard from you that day. 
Some days are busier than others and I hate it. I wish I could just spend the day with you. Not just messaging you on my phone or computer but really spend time with you, in person. Somewhere along the way I started to fall for you. Don't ask me why or how, it kind of just, happened. I noticed it when I started to compare every woman I encountered to you, and none of them could live up to what you mean to me. Call me crazy but something in me is holding out the hope that someday we can be together, or at least meet. 
We've been talking to each other for months but I'm afraid that when I finally gain the courage to call you that you'll recognize my voice and that could be the beginning of the end for us. You're not even into Kpop like that, let alone my team (it hurt my ego a little bit but I got over it) but it still scares me. My attention is soon brought back to my phone as I see that you've come back online and responded to my message.
🟡 y/n is busy → 🟢 y/n is active
🟢 Yejun is active 
 Yejun: Hey sorry I got busy there for a second but no I'm free for the rest of the night. What about you? 
y/n: I'm free as well :)
Yejun: Good
y/n: Good?
Yejun: Yeah because you can pay attention to me after neglecting me all day :(
y/n: I already told you I was busyyyyyy 
Yejun: Yeah I know I was just teasing
y/n: If it makes you feel any better I really missed you <3
My breath hitches a bit at the confession. It's nothing big but for some reason it has my heart racing nonetheless.
Yejun: Yeah you better! But I missed you more ;)
y/n: Good, what are you up to?
Yejun: Nothing really, just relaxing, trying to clear my head.
y/n: Oh, is there something wrong?
Yejun: It's just that things have gotten really busy at work and I feel like I'm being stretched way too thin.
y/n: Could you maybe talk to your boss? See if there's anyways that someone could help you out?
Yejun: There's already four other people working with me so they can't really afford to spare anyone else. Plus it would throw us all off if someone else did join this late in the game. 
y/n: Oh okay that's understandable. You guys don't want to mess up the synergy you have going on right?
I smile happy that you're starting to understand me and my world without really knowing it. 
Yejun: Exactly! I couldn't have put it better myself :)
y/n: You know you can tell me anything right? I know that you like to keep things to yourself about you work and everything but if you're struggling with say your friends or you're feeling down then I'm always here <3
Yejun: Thank you y/n I really appreciate you and our friendship so much! You have no idea how much you've helped me since we first met. Life for me is just so fast paced so it's really nice to have someone who likes me for me and not for what I can do for them you know?
y/n: I totally understand, I feel the same way about you. Even though we haven't met in person I feel like you're the best friend I've ever had. Like a true friend, so thank you Yejun. You've made my days so much brighter and my nights so peaceful. I just don't know what I would do without you.
It's really me that needs you. Everything in my life from the age of 15 to 19 has been about debuting and now that I have it's just, well I don't know, things are just not the way I thought they would be. Seeing my Sunbaes debut before me just made me so excited at the prospects of someday following in their footsteps. I kept counting the days, waiting for that time to come when they would finally tell us we were going to debut. 
I was the first member of the team that would become Tomorrow x Together and the other guys trickled in bit by bit in 2016 and soon we were put together. It still took us about three years until we debuted but we worked hard every single day until we finally made it! 
A few months after we debuted though the pandemic hit, and everything about the way that idols and idol groups promoted their music and performed had completely changed. The day they told us that BTS had to postpone their world tour was the day that I knew everything was going to change.
It was hard being a new idol group and not being able to get the love, energy and support that most groups get. It just makes all of the hard work worth it when you get to see the look on people's faces and hear them cheering for you. Although my idol journey hasn't been the same as idol groups that debuted before me I wouldn't change it for the world.
The pandemic brought our team closer, but it also pushed us apart at times. Having to live together with the uncertainty of it all was nerve wrecking. It's all thanks to our Moa though, they really kept us going when times got tough. But even after the pandemic started to calm down I just couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing, that I had lost something and I wasn't sure how to find it. That's when I found you.
I had wanted to find some way I could escape from this whole idol world and just be me. Not Tomorrow x Together Yeonjun, just me Choi Yeonjun the kid who worked so hard for his dream and made it come true. I want people to like me for me, but things started to change with the people around me when I debuted. Some idols would try to befriend me, only to get closer to BTS and the friends that I had made before when I was still a trainee started to treat me differently now that I was "famous". 
The members of BTS and especially Namjoon hyung really helped me navigate this whole scene and always gave me the best advice. I watched them grow, from their tiny debut showcase and their even smaller fan meet, to their first win with I Need U. Everyday since the beginning I've seen what they're capable of and I want us to be that kind of group someday too.
Thanks to them they've opened up a lot of doors not only for us but for the whole industry. I'm always thinking of them and how much I've grown to love an support them, I always have and I always will. Plus they're all just so hilarious, they never fail to bring a smile to my face and I could never thank them enough. 
I know I'm rambling but those are the thoughts that go through my head when I try to process my life these days. There are days I want to say "Fuck this" and just leave, but there are other days that I just couldn't imagine myself doing anything else. It's come to a point where I don't think I could go on without being a part of this team, and that's gotten really unhealthy for me. This whole mindset I've found myself trapped in for these past few weeks has been utterly exhausting and the only thing that's kept me going has been you. 
I know I have my members and Moa and the company to rely on but I just want to be seen as a person, not an idol or an asset, just me. You've really brought me back down and helped me embrace my humanity again, as dramatic as that sounds it really is true. It's easy getting wrapped up in the glitz and the glamor of it all but having you really reminded me that I'm still my own person apart from all of this. It's just, I don't know...freeing I guess? Being able to just be myself, but I hate that I can't be my true self with you. 
I've adopted this persona that I have to stick to, for both of our safety. It's not that I don't trust you, it's just that I want to keep you away from all of this and keep your view of me as the same guy you've known this whole time. Yes with a new face and some tweaked physical traits but it's still me. I hope that someday if we get to meet that you won't hold it against me. I hope you'll realize that It was safer this way because I really want to keep you in my life but only for as long as you let me. 
y/n: Are you still there?
Yejun: Yeah I'm sorry I've got my head stuck in the clouds but I really do feel the same way :)
y/n: What's got you so distracted?
Yejun: Just life I just can't seem to separate myself from work you know? My work life balance isn't the best but unfortunately with the kind of job I have it's pretty much impossible to do so. 
y/n: I swear you get more and more cryptic everyday 
Yejun: I'm sorry I'll stop talking about it. What are you up to?
y/n: Nothing really, I just put on a show that I've seen before as background noise but I really have kept my night clear to talk to you and I'm glad it worked out :)
Yejun: Me too, but hey I have a question for you. Well more of a proposition...
y/n: You're scaring me but I'm all ears
Yejun: Would you maybe be free to talk right now? I just really need to hear your voice.
I've told you time and time again that I didn't feel comfortable talking on the phone but I think I need to make an exception for this time.
y/n: Are you sure? I mean yes I would love to talk to you but I just know you've been uncomfortable with the idea of calling but yes! Call whenever :)
I ask the staff to pull over into a pretty much abandoned parking lot hoping this will provide me with enough privacy. I step out of the car and let him know that I'm going to take a call and it might take a while, to which he nods and tells me not to wander off too far. 
My thumb hovers over the call button for a few moments before I finally take a deep breath and press it to start a call. It rings a few times and I can feel the anxiety build with every ring that plays until I hear a click telling me you've picked up. 
"Yejun?" I hear your voice resounds melodically.
"Um yeah hi" I say in english. Us living in different countries has also proved to be an obstacle in our relationship but it's honestly for the best. 
"Oh my gosh is it really you? I can't believe I'm actually hearing your voice!" you say clearly excited which releases so much tension I've been holding in my body all day. 
You've sent me voice notes before and if I'm honest I listen to them about twice a day but who knew that something as simple as actually speaking to you could make me feel so at peace. 
"Me neither, I don't know why I was so scared to call you but I'm so happy we are finally doing it" I say feeling like a new layer has been added onto our relationship.
"Me too, you've been sounding really down today though. I know you've already told me about it but is there anything I can do to help?" you ask.
"No it's okay love, why don't you tell me about your day instead?" I let out and start looking up at the stars. 
"Love?" you repeat, clearly surprised.
"Shit I mean-"
"No it's okay, I like it" you respond and I can hear how shy you've gotten from the accidental term of endearment.
"Really?" I ask now feeling embarrassed but also happy that you don't mind if I call you that. 
I've gotta try out other pet names to see how they will make you react because even if I can't see you I can clearly tell you're blushing. 
"Really" you say and the line goes silent for a while, neither of us knowing what we should say next. 
"So are you gonna tell me about your day silly?" I resort to, amused by your shyness. 
"Oh right, well when I got there this morning we..." you say telling me every little thing you could think about that had happened you today, and I mean it when I say that you tell me every detail but I can't help but find it incredibly endearing. 
"Yejun?" you say catching me off guard, I'm not really used to responding to that name when it's said aloud so it took me a second. 
"Hmm?" I hum in acknowledgement having lost track of your story.
"Were you even listening to me?" you laugh, clearly knowing the answer already.
I list off a few things that I had thought I had heard but unfortunately had gotten wrong.
"Yeah you said something about spilling your tea on yourself while you were at home and had to change again before you left right?"
"It was actually coffee and I spilled it on my coworker and they had to send it out for dry cleaning but luckily he keeps a spare set of clothes at his desk"
"Oh yeah and he said that you had to give him the money to pay for the dry cleaning"
"No he was really chill about it and I offered to buy him lunch as an apology so I went to go pick something up for us on our break so it would be ready for us during lunch"
"Right right and you went to go get fried chicken and they took forever" 
"I swear your mind is something else because it sounds like you know the plot but somewhere along the way lost all the details of the story" you say laughing at me and I know know now that I got it bad. I know it might seem foolish to say that I'm in love with someone that I haven't even met but there's just something about you.
"I'm sorry love, I just really love the sound of your voice so I kind of got lost in it. I'm not ignoring you I promise I guess that I'm just getting a little tired"
"Oh so I'm boring you to sleep?" you say sternly
"No y/n that's not what I meant I-"
"I know, I just wanted to hear how you would sound when you were panicked" 
"You're mean" I pout, really feeling scared that I already messed things up between us.
"Aw you love me" you say so simply that I choke on air before my mind can even fully process what she had just said.
"You okay over there?" you laugh clearly amused at my reactions to your teasing. 
"Yep *cough cough* all good" I say trying to calm myself down, this is so embarrassing, I don't even know how to respond to subtle flirting from you. It's come so easily to me when I'm with my members and even Moas but I guess since I don't have feelings for any of them like I do with you it's just a little more nerve wracking.
"Maybe I should let you go so you can get some sleep. It's probably really late over there right?" 
"Yeah I guess you're right. I just wish that the time difference didn't make things so difficult for us" I say taking a deep breath in and letting it out to calm myself. 
"Me too, but we finally spoke on the phone so at least that's something! We should do this more often!" you say trying to cheer me up. 
"Definitely! I'll let you know next time I'm free to call and you do the same for me okay? Maybe we could squeeze each other into our schedules a bit more" I say hopeful that something like that might work. 
"Sounds good. Goodnight Yejun" you let out in a melancholy tone.
"Have a good rest of your day love" I finish before hanging up. 
After finally getting back to the city and making our way to the dorm I'm reminded of the way I left in the middle of an argument. 
"Are you going to be okay Yeonjun?" the staff asks, clearly concerned knowing that something set off the need for this impromptu trip. "Yeah I just lost my temper but I'll be fine. Thank you for tonight, I know I kept you out for a lot longer than you're used to". "It's okay kid, I knew you needed it. Let me know if you need anymore late night drives again. Oh and Yeonjun" he calls out before I'm able to close the door. "I hope she's worth it" he says with a sad smile, clearly aware of what had just happened. "She is, don't worry" I say giving him a shy smile in return. "Have a good night, get home safe" I say and close the door after we finished saying our goodbyes. 
Walking in the door I'm greeted by the sight of Beomgyu sitting in the living room with a dim light providing us with a soft golden glow. "I really don't want to hear it tonight" I say starting to make my way to my room. "Please, I just want to apologize" he lets out, clearly remorseful. I stop in my tracks and think for a second before finally caving and sitting down on the seat opposite of him and wait for him to continue. 
"I'm sorry for the way I spoke to you today, it was uncalled for and I know that" he says pausing, giving me a chance to respond. "I know you're just concerned for the team and you're right, we have a duty to each other as a team but also we have a duty to each other as people. This has been going on for months and no one else has found out besides you because you're nosy" I say smiling at him, showing him a playful attitude rather than an accusatory one.
"I'm being careful don't worry okay? I wouldn't jeopardize the team like that. As much as it hurts me to have to keep my life a secret from her, she's very understanding about it all and isn't pushing me to tell her anything. Just please let me have this Gyu, I've got it under control" I say hoping we can leave it at that. "Okay, I trust you" he says and we sit in silence for a while until he speaks up. 
"You spoke to her on the phone tonight didn't you?" he asks with a sly smile. "No...yes...how do you know?" I ask confused as to how he could read me so quickly. "Because you looked so happy when you came in here verses how you left. A miracle had to have happened to curb that temper" he says clearly happy he was right. "Goodnight Beomgyu" I say and get up to make moves to go to bed, rolling my eyes at his cheekiness before I smack him upside the head and run off with him yelling and running after me. 
"Choi Yeonjun" I hear being yelled from inside of Soobin's room clearly having been woken up by our shenanigans. "Goodnight everyone" I yell back and close the door and lock it behind me providing me safety for the rest of the night. I let out and breath and shrug off the jacket I had been wearing and throw it on my desk chair and I soon hear a quite notification pop up and confused as to who it might be I pull out my phone right away and I smile instantly reading the message over and over and over again. 
y/n: Goodnight love talk to you tomorrow <3 
Read L0v3 y0u to see what happens next <3
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The person you have been supporting not only hates you but wishes for your death (ange and em) check ur notifys they wish to slit your throat
Ugh tbh wish they'd get on with it, fucking hate Mondays like
Also I swear that specific bit wasn't even said about me 🧐 imagine getting your own lie wrong
Right then
Hello YOU
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Assuming this is either Bel or whatever because I really can't think of who else it'd be on the back of all that's happened lately, it's interesting how you want to bring these doctored ass screenshots to my attention and yet, and YET, BLOCKED ME when I was reblogging support for what was going on with Ange and everything else.
Just seems a bit sus to me can't lie.
I'm a notorious 'stay out of shit' person, so I'd like to say it takes a lot for someone to go out of their way to block me. That is, unless they felt threatened. Or unless they don't like me. Which is fine. If you want to block me, that's totally fine.
What I don't get, is trying to circulate doctored screenshots that aren't even on your normal account (cos you panic blocked everyone) and trying to spin them as legitimate.
As a British person it is SO clear as day that this is how YOU speak Bel. It's just so obvious I don't even know where to start with it. There are things you're claiming Ange and Em have said which they wouldn't in a *million* years say. And you're obviously trying to drag in blogs who have so far been unaffected, which just makes it easier to spot your desperation.
For what? I'm not sure.
Now if you want to come off anon, and talk to me about this like grown women then feel free to do so. The offer is there. But I have a feeling you won't.
All I ask is that you stop badgering other blogs with this desperate 'look what mean fake ass things thingy said about you', cos for me anyway, it's not going to work and I only hope other people see through you like so many have the last few days.
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adaesc · 11 months
Dick Grayson helps you through a breakdown and I think it would be cute if reader and dick danced together after
ty for request anon! <3 I'll try my best!
warnings/content: tooth rotting fluff, anxiety, panic attacks, nightmare, hella angsty
pairing: Dick Grayson x civilian!gf!reader
word count: 1.6k!
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He's never went radio silent like this. Dick had his fair share of missions and adventures where he wouldn't be able to speak, this time he didn't even warn you before he left. This time was different.
You knew sometimes he would go on missions, the vigilante life wasn't for the faint of heart. Being his civilian girlfriend added an unneeded blanket of worry onto the mix. This time was different.
You hadn't had the best day, it was full of stressors. People from work, work itself, and a plethora of other issues had been piling up for a while and it was overwhelming. Looming over you drearily. Not only had life been incredibly difficult as-of-late, but also Dick hadn't been answering his phone. You thought he might have just been busy, trying your hardest not to make assumptions out of nothing.
"This mailbox is full and cannot accept any messages at this time. Goodbye."
It was the 39th missed call. It had been 4 days. You started thinking irrationally, blowing up his phone with texts, calls, facetimes, anything you could do to notify his phone you would do. He never replied to anything.
You were overflowing with stress, anxiety, and worry. You couldn't get yourself to go into work, eat anything, you weren't answering anyone's calls. You mirrored the same thing Dick had been doing for so long. It felt like an eternity waiting for him to say something, for anyone to tell you Dick was okay. Daydreaming of the moment he would come home and you could run into his arms, holding onto him so, so tight. Daydreaming of the moment where he would explain where he had been.
What if he had found someone better? What if he had found the girl of his dreams? Maybe he went back to Babs or Kory?
You knew he wouldn't but what if he did?
You were wallowing in self pity and wailing in anguish. It was so tiring wondering where Dick had gone, wondering about
Having enough of waiting hopelessly to come back, you called his father, Bruce Wayne. Bruce, unsurprisingly, picked up the phone immediately. You had always been the favorite of his sons partners.
"Hello. You've reached Bruce Wayne."
"Hi, Bruce. Excuse me when I ask this, I don't mean to rear my head in where it's not needed but, where the fuck is your son."
"I have multiple, which son are you looking for?" He questioned, puzzled.
"Dick. Where is Dick. He's been radio silent for about a week and I'm worried. He didn't tell me where he would be, and all of a sudden he's just gone."
"I can't confirm his location as of now. I'm sorry, Y/N."
"Fuck.." You could feel the tears threatening to pour out of your eyes. Your face was hot, you felt like you were going to melt. Eyes on fire, you let the tears fall for the faintest hope of soothing the pain.
"What do you mean you don't know where he is..? You have all of that fancy tech shit in your cave but can't track your fucking son? This is such bullshit.." You brimmed with despair and anguish, wanting to get off the phone as soon as possible. You didn't think you could handle another word from Bruce. Pulling the phone away from your ear, you went to hang up, before hanging up you heard,
"I'm sorry Y/N."
Lies. There was no way Bruce didn't know where Dick was. He was hiding something from you and you knew it.
All of the stress had towered over you. It was not the second week of Dick's disappearance, every night you would stay up late and hope he would swing through the window. He never did.
You came home and Dick wasn't there. Again. It was now the fourteenth day of Dick being gone. You were so exhausted of staying up late, you walked through the door after getting off work and didn't see him. Immediately you started crying hot tears, it felt like hot lava streamed down your face. You didn't bother doing anything but slamming the door shut and walking to your room. Dropping face down on the pillow, sleep immediately took you. Coddling you in it's arms, you embraced it.
You woke up, stale-faced from tears, immediately rubbing your face to get rid of the evidence of your sorrow. Checking the alarm clock you saw the time. 3:37 A.M. The spot next to you on the bed empty. You couldn't help but weep. You balled up, knees to your chest in fetal position, you took a tight clutch onto your arms, digging your nails into the warm flesh. You bawled for what felt like forever.
Your mind was running faster then a freight train, all of your thoughts and doubts and overthinking ran by in a whirlwind. You didn't know what to make of yourself. You knew you were a mess, you knew your hair wasn't brushed and shaggy, you knew your eyes had bags under them and your makeup was ruined, you knew you had let this mess swallow you whole, transforming you. You knew all of this yet, what could you do? Dick had left you. No doubts about it, you knew he went back to Babs, Kory, maybe someone even better. The doubts you had since you and Dick got together were rearing their ugly heads.
You let go of your arms and went to tug on your hair, balling your fists up into the strands. Nothing felt real. Dick leaving didn't feel real. Bruce not knowing where he was, didn't feel real. You didn't feel real. You needed some confirmation that you were there and you were real, so you grabbed your hair and pulled it, bawling, crying, screaming. You didn't think Dick would come back. He was gone, and you wouldn't lay your eyes upon him unless it was with another.
Your head slowly turned to your bedroom window.
You stared blankly at him, you didn't have the energy to hug him, how could you after what happened?
You didn't need to say anything for him to know what you wanted. He walked over to you, sitting on the bed, and pulled you into his chest. He laid your head onto his chest and put his head on top of yours, petting your back with one of his hands and playing with your hair in the other.
You said nothing. Dick knew you were mad, but that was for you and him to talk about later. He just kept on petting your back and playing with your hair. He whispered sweet nothings and "I'm sorry" over and over to you.
"Y/N, baby, I'm so fuckin' sorry. You have no idea how sorry I am." He pulled your head out of his chest and made eye contact with you, "Please, I know I fucked up, I'm so, so, so sorry. Please say something, I'll explain just please talk to me"
You spoke up.
"...I was worried sick for you Dick. I called you so many times and I didn't get a voicemail or anything, Bruce didn't even know where you were. You just went ghost. Gone. Completely silent." You knew you were crying and sniffling, but it didn't matter.
"I know, trust me I feel like shit." He sighed, he knew how disappointed you were in him, "Cobblepot has been sneaking gun shipments in from Blüdhaven. I had to do a mission completely radio silent so we could pinpoint the origin of the guns and take down the manufacturer or whoever was selling them to Cobblepot under the table. I would never have left you like that on purpose, I promise. Bruce knew where I was going but couldn't tell you. I wanted to keep you safe, Y/N. I wouldn't have just left you like that, I love you. Please forgive me, I know I worried you and I can't apologize enough, if you want to leave or need a few days I won't blame you. Just please know I would never do anything on purpose to hurt you." He was starting to cry, you could see the tears in his glassy, blue eyes.
You let out a slight, awkward-yet-approving laugh. You forgave him but couldn't find the words to say. So you grabbed him cheek with your hand and pulled his face close, angling it to kiss him. Kissing him lovingly, the worry still prevalent yet faded, he kissed back. He knew this was a sign you forgave him and went along with it. It was caring and loving, a way of showing you accepted his apology.
"Yeah, I forgive you. You're still a dick, Dick. But I forgive you." Both of you giggled.
He stood up and grabbed your hands, bringing you to your feet. Pulling you into a short hug, you were shocked when he put one hand on your waist and put yours on his shoulder, connecting your shared remaining hands in a tight hold. Securing Waltz formation.
"Dick you can't be serious." The tears in both of your eyes still drying, you both let out a stifled laugh
"As serious as ever." He started to sway both of your bodies and dragging his feet on the floor, copying the footwork you two knew oh so well from the annual Wayne gala's or charity events.
You both danced to no music, the only sound filling the room was the shared laughter you both exclaimed brightly. You kept on dancing in Waltz formation for what felt like forever. There was no music to ensure you're rhythm, but you didn't need any. With Dick, you two could just connect to the music, it was a way to spice up the Gala's that you both shared. It was a burst of sunshine, a glimmer of hope in the abyss you had been in recently.
Dick was home.
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jayteacups · 8 days
Hi Jay how are you? If you don't mind I was going to ask you if I could consult you about an idea I wanted to add to my oc because you are an ocxcanon writer so I thought it would be better to consult you about my idea. I'm thinking of adding a flaw to my oc that is insensitive to pain and ache. This rare disease (or is it appropriate to call it a congenital trait?) is called marsili syndrome, and as far as I've researched, people who have it are alien to pain, so they are alien to emotions such as anxiety and fear.
As someone who is trying to make my oc look canon, I wonder if it would be ridiculous and unnecessary to add this and at the same time, most importantly, I am worried that it will look too much like mary sue. And right now her story is not complete, but one of the scenarios I'm thinking about is the possibility of her getting titan shifter powers in the future, and if so, I can't help but wonder if she would be ultra mary sue, insensitive to pain but regenerating herself.
Here, what do you think about all this? I also want to say that you don't have to answer this. I won't be offended.
Hi anon! I've been alright, could be better could be worse 😂 I hope you're doing okay too anon! I'm flattered that you came to me for OC x Canon advice haha I'm definitely no writing expert but I love hearing about other people's ideas for their AOT OCs!
Disclaimer I'm definitely no expert on this topic, but I think the idea of someone having Marsili syndrome or some other type of congenital insensitivity to pain is a very unique and interesting idea especially pre-powers! There's a lot you could do with that, since these types of conditions are known to be very dangerous since pain is supposed to keep you alive and let you know if something is wrong. If somebody physically could not feel pain, especially in the Survey Corps' line of work, where severe injuries are common... there could be several scenarios where, for example, your OC could be very injured on the battlefield, but not feel pain and so she keeps trying to fight, but she doesn't realise she's bleeding internally, or that any limbs are broken, so she could end up doing further harm to herself by trying to fight, and this could lead to some interesting interactions with other characters. Or even - she could accidentally burn herself or get some kind of infection and not feel any pain from that, so she has to actively remind herself to be careful whilst injured as to not worsen it, because most people when they're injured are always reminded that something is wrong because of the pain, and so they automatically try to be careful to not worsen the pain.
Idk if I'm really making sense but yes I'm agreeing with you that I think that could be interesting to explore! Though I don't think she'd be completely void of anxiety or fear - but yes, baseline fear (and reflexes such as drawing your hand away from a hot pan you touched accidentally) would definitely be affected.
After getting titan-shifter powers, I see your worries about your OC being a Mary Sue, but to be honest, I don't think that would automatically make her a Mary Sue. There are still many other ways you could give your OC flaws and limitations as well - maybe a personality/behaviour flaw, or her struggling to get along with teammates because they experience pain and therefore a lot of their instinctual behaviours are surrounded around that, and she can't really understand it because she doesn't feel physical pain. E.g., maybe she's the reckless type, because again, injuries don't mean as much to her because she can't feel pain from them and her body doesn't notify her of its limitations really, but her recklessness could put her teammates at risk, who aren't titan shifters, who do very much feel pain and therefore are a lot more aware of the limitations of their bodies' capabilities, and therefore wouldn't be as reckless. There's a lot of interesting conversations to be had there, I think.
At the end of the day though, please don't worry about Mary Sues - write whatever makes you feel happy, write the fic plot that you want to write! It's all for fun :)) Have a nice day!
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Each time I tell u anything via asking I never get to see if u answered me
Since I use anon I think it doesn't notify me???
Maybe I confuse u with other blogs...or maybe I never actually send the ask bcuz I shy away...awful memory. Actually forget the 1st one, I'm too scared to speak to anyone else. Meanwhile the second option....
And I don't rlly check tumblr every day so my ask probs gets lost with all your posts, and I'm too lazy to find it
So...if I go off anon will it notify me when u answer me?? hmm bright thoughts
And...it's likely I won't know if you answered THIS ask...
Sorry for saying so much uhh.
Almost didn't send this one outta embarrassment lol
anyways mwa 🩷 love ur writing :3
Hi anon friend!
I'm so sorry, I have no idea tbh -
I answer quite a few anons every day, so it could be that you haven't been getting notified? There's a lot of people who will sign off with a specific emoji so that it's easier to keep track of which anon sent something, but if you have one attached here it's not one that shows up in this browser ...
Hope this helps!!
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d-dalladalla · 2 years
Hiiiiiii! :) I'm going through a Red Velvet phase at the moment and I'm seriously in love with all of them. Mostly Irene and Seulgi. There's just something about cold and distant women that does something to me 🥴💦. Especially when they're older.
Can I please request a gip!Irene x innocent!reader scenario? 🥺 Irene is cold, distant and mean towards the reader even though the reader just tries to get her attention. Eventually Irene says something hurtful and the reader tries to move on to gip!Seulgi. Irene eventually gets so possessive over the reader when she hears Seulgi talk about her (the reader) to her friends and its insinuated that they slept together. With jealous smut, pleaseeee? 🥺
Btw, I'm notified whenever you post something and I like your posts almost instantly, so I think if you looked hard enough you'd probably know who I am 🤣🙈. I hope you don't get burnout from all these requests though. It would be devastating if you stopped posting, you're literally one of the few blogs that does gip scenarios for female idols 😔.
Thank u so much bestie <3!!!! I'm not getting burnout, thank god the requests are so good that it's kinda impossible to get burnout lol. Also I legit smile whenever i see the anon asked thing it's like the best thing ever :)
And it's was kinda hard finding a lot of female reader fics and I've found more now but i wanted to add my own so others can enjoy !! Also, I can't remember the author (I'll post it if i can find it) but someone wrote a jennie / chaeyoung x fem reader fic where Chae kept rejecting the reader who eventually got with Jennie and it's genuinely the best thing I've ever read!
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You had been infatuated with Irene the moment you saw her, being introduced through Seulgi and immediately trying to get on her good side. She was a sweetheart, she just wasn't very open about it you learned later, she was shy and introverted.
You hadn't felt this way about anyone ever, she was just so perfect that it hurt. But no matter what you did, you had tried everything. Genuine compliments constantly to her face, about how pretty she was, or how nice her laugh is, or how she always makes you laugh...nothing from her.
You opted to show your love with gifts, bringing her flowers, and chocolates, paying for her meals whenever the two of you were out...nothing.
You were sure that this gift would win her over, you had found out from Sooyoung that she was talking about how pretty the flowers were at this little cafe in a flower shop they had been to the previous day so you sped down there, and paid the very hefty price.
You let yourself into their dorm, Seungwan and Yeri giving you soft smiles as they knew what was coming, Sooyoung remaining quiet as she watched Seulgi watch you. Sooyoung always sensed Seulgi's feelings for you, her smile was different when you were around, she was more herself.
Seulgi leant against the kitchen island as she watched you approach Irene's room at the bottom of the corridor, you nervously shuffled as you knocked on her door. You really wanted this to be it, you liked her so so much and you really couldn't take another rejection.
Irene opened the door, she was in the sweatpants you bought her months ago, my god they left you broke for a month, so your smile got wider seeing she actually liked your gifts.
"Yes? what is it I'm busy right now," her tone was cold but you tried to convince yourself that that's just how she spoke, she didn't mean for her words to come out as cold.
"Hi! Jo-Joohyun! I got these for you!" you beamed, holding the bouquet out to her as she peered down at them, taking in the beautiful display and recognising them from yesterday.
"Right...thanks y/n," she took them hesitantly and set them down on the table just out of your sight beside her door. She looked back to you, her expression quizzical as you stood there.
"That it?" she shook her head as she spoke, you could feel that bubble in your throat start to rise and bite back a breath.
"Actually, I-I was wondering if you would maybe l-like to go out tonight? l-like a date?" you tried to sound confident but it came out like a plead.
"No, y/n," she hushed out, she looked so annoyed as she raised a hand to pinch the bridge of her nose, "Just- just leave me alone okay? I really don't like you, you're fucking weird, okay?" she closed the door in your face and you, fortunately, didn't hear the gasps coming from her bandmates.
They tried to make themselves look busy, going on their phones, straight up leaving the room or staring at the wall as you walked back into the living room and out the door.
Seulgi didn't know what to do, she kept looking between Irene's door and the front door you just closed. She was so angry, she wanted to yell, scream, hit, anything. She wanted you to herself, but she hated the way Irene treated you. You were so much more than what Irene thought of you. You needed to be treated right and she was going to be the one to do it.
a month later
Irene tried her best to avoid you, she regretted what she said, she really did. But she would rather be caught dead than admit she was wrong. She was just stressed, she had so much going on and was overwhelmed you just unfortunately pushed her over the edge.
Her whole avoiding plan was going well, You hadn't been to the dorm since, the girls being especially quiet when Irene would join them to eat or watch a movie. They wanted to scream at her for breaking your heart but she was their leader.
What Irene didn't mean to do was eavesdrop on the girls' conversations, she wanted to know why they were so distant lately, so she left her bedroom, closing the door silently and sneaking to the end of the corridor and loitering there as she listened in on the girls.
She could sort of gather what they were talking about, you, they were talking about you. Well, more speciality Seulgi was and the girls were chiming in every now and again.
"When was this?!?" Yeri gasped, Irene could tell that something big had been dropped and from Yeri's surprised tone, she wanted to know if you were okay.
"two days ago, why?" Seulgi answered back, her voice was louder to Irene so she must have been just around the corner. She could hear the shuffling on the couch and now Yeri's voice was louder, she must've gotten closer to listen to Seulgi.
"Was it good?" Yeri teased and Irene's tried her best to not assume things, you surely didn't hook up with Seulgi. You were in love with her, for years and there was no way you would've moved on so quickly, right?
"I mean..." Seulgi's voice trailed off, the girls giggling and egging her on to continue the story, a roar of 'go on's.
"Okay! fine, yes she was very good." Seulgi laughed out, there was some shuffling and Irene took a step back in order to not be caught listening in.
"I'm gonna hit her up again, you have no idea how tight she was oh my godd," the girls erupted into giggles and begged for more details as Seulgi shushed them.
Irene could feel her entire body heat up, you just moved on? just like that, huh? she was going to show you that you don't just move on from Irene. She liked you but she knew how hard it was to date idols, you would just be heartbroken and so would she. She snuck back into her room, got her car keys and stormed out of her room and past the girls who immediately went silent, Irene slamming the front door behind her.
She doesn't know what she was thinking, she stood outside your front door and knocked, she didn't really think this through, you were probably going to slam the door in her face as soon as you saw her, she was about to walk away when you opened the door.
It was late, she forgot that so judging from your state, she probably just woke you up. You stood in a tiny tank top and as her eyes trailed down your body she saw you were wearing boxers and she knew from doing the group's laundry that they were Seulgi's.
"I-Irene? what are you-" she cut you off as she came forward and crashed her lips against yours, kicking the door closed behind her and pushing you down against your couch.
You didn't kiss back, you were so confused and this was just so overwhelming, but she didn't give you time to think it through, grabbing at your shirt and pulling it up to bunch up at the top of your chest. Groping your tit with her right hand as her left one started to peel off those fucking boxers.
You started to kiss back, this was everything you had dreamt of but why now? what happened to make her want you too? you really didn't care about what the reason was right now.
You groaned whenever she let her fingers glide through your folds, teasing your entrance with her fingertips, dipping in and pulling out over and over again until she plunged them in, mumbling into your neck about how tight you were.
You didn't have time to enjoy the feeling of her long fingers inside you before she pulled down her sweatpants along with her boxers and lined herself up.
Pushing her tip in and groaning, biting down on your neck as your brought your legs up to lock her in place, arms splayed on her back as you dug your nails in. It felt like she was never going to end, inch by inch and it just kept going. But when she did fully push in you had never felt so full. She began to thrust, using her hands to slam your hips to meet her own thrusts.
Mouthing at your neck, she saw the marks Seulgi had left and she was going to cover you in her own. She was going to show Seulgi you were hers. You belonged to her and only her.
The couch under you beginning to scratch the floorboards with each thrust, your downstairs neighbours were gonna be so mad. She pounded into you, her precum begging to spill into you and leak out onto the couch cushions. You could barely get a moan out, resulting in gasps and half moans as you felt your high coming.
She sensed it too and started to pick up her pace, groaning as you clenched down on her cock, releasing and leaking down your thighs. Her orgasm followed yours as she emptied into you, thank god for birth control.
She didn't pull out, letting herself relax on top of you and leaving one last bruising kiss on your lips as you both caught your breath.
"I'm sorry for being a dick," she mumbled against your neck, "I didn't mean it, I was- I was scared of losing you in the end." she hesitated. You let your hand meet her hair, stroking and playing her her hair as you thought of an answer.
"I want to go out, with you, tomorrow," she interrupted your thoughts, relaxing further into your touch.
"You better give me the best first date ever," you chuckled out but she sensed the seriousness in your tone and her mind was racing with all the ways she was going to spoil you
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
I won't be replying to any (or at least most) asks about JKs vlive until after I can rewatch it with subs. And I won't be replying to any exit speeches either. But I hope yall feel better for getting it off your chest. Sorry for only skimming before deleting but I don't have the time or energy today, nor do i really care that much. 🥰 I don't know how often I have to repeat that I don't care if you ship, if you don't or if you ship someone else, you are welcome here as long as you are respectful and that I never care for your exit speech. Lol
I also have been highly amused lately with the knowledge that when I block an anon.... they can still send asks, tumblr just never delivers them and never notifies them that they've been blocked or that their message doesn't get delivered. Lmfao so I'm just imagining, with great joy the amount of people screaming into the void rn thinking they are talking to me when.... I don't even have to see it 😂🤣 I've blocked so many anons lmfaooo
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idolish7imagines · 9 months
I adore your blog ^^ thank you for keeping the i7 fandom alive! May I request a scenario of how Banri would care for a sick S/O still pushing herself to work despite likely not even able to think in coherent sentences due to a high fever among other flu-like symptoms? Some type of flu just ripped through my household, taking down roommates left and right and I'm hoping it won't take me out 'cuz I can't afford 3-4 days off from work -_- Currently wondering if Banri would be the stern type to order a sick S/O to rest or if he'd be out of his element or figuring out ways to help her complete her work-day despite the sickness.
Ogami Banri x Reader :: Fever
A\N: i hope you're better now anon! I do enjoy writing for banri ^^
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"Let me feel your forehead." Your boyfriend asks before proceeding to do so without really waiting for a response. The bed slightly shifts at his weight as he presses a knee onto it, leaning over to get a better look at you.
You honestly hadn't even gotten enough sleep through the night, yet you were adamant on getting to your shift at the usual time. Banri had spent the night (he does so at least once a month despite his also busy schedule) and was ready to start his commute to work as well before seeing the state you were in.
Despite the room being at a decent temperature, beads of sweat still piled up on your face, a noticeable glisten on your cheeks and forehead that you wouldn't have been able to hide even if you tried.
A bit of nervousness wells up in you spotting the subtle furrow of his brows after feeling your temp, expression nearly unreadable as he stood back up straight.
"Do you think you can stomach some breakfast?" He asks.
You hardly process the question before running it through your head a couple more times, before giving a slower than usual nod.
"Just something light, before I go to work." You mutter, a slight crack in your voice coupled with your throat sounding dry.
Ban stares at you for a moment, before letting out a short sigh. "I'm not sure if you'll be able to make it to work like this, but we'll see after breakfast."
"Whaat...but..work...have to be there." Unintentionally, you sounded like whining more than an assertive statement.
"I know..let's just see after breakfast okay?" His tone was gentle. Ban was no stranger to tough love when it was necessary, but he didn't want you to be upset when you're already like this. Not like it was your fault anyway.
He disappears into the kitchen, leaving you by yourself for a while to attempt to get ready for your shift.
Needless to say, getting ready didn't go well.
Once Banri had returned, to his absolute shock, you were on your knees on the bedroom floor in front of your closet. A bin was toppled over, probably from your trying to grab some clothes before you fell, he assumed.
He exclaimed your name before going to help you up and back onto the bed, checking to make sure you hadn't accidentally bruised yourself.
"Ban..I just tripped..not a big deal.." You sniffle, tiredly looking in his eyes as his arms cautiously held yours.
"(Y/N)..you fell because you're weak." He tries to explain. "And you're weak because you're sick."
Your lips purse at that word, staying silent for now. Sick is the last thing you needed to be, especially to this extent.
Your boyfriend hoists you up and places you further back on the bed to properly sit on it.
"I don't think you're making it to work like this." He states.
"But Banri-"
"No buts." He was far too used to these kinds of conversations after becoming MEZZO's manager. He didn't like shooting other people down, but their health and wellbeing comes first. "I'm going to get your phone so you can call in."
Your eyes follow him going for your phone and unlocking it. Again, you were weak so you couldn't grab it from him or anything similar. And protesting against it wasn't going to work either.
The man had you to ask if there was anyone to cover your shift and notify them in advance you may have to take off for a few days (or thats what he wanted you to say at least, but instead you said you should be fine by tomorrow).
After that, he goes back to the kitchen to prepare something a bit lighter for you to handle in your current state after tucking you back in.
As much as you wanted to cuddle him as thanks, you were afraid he might get some of your symptoms, and that would make matters even worse.
The food he brings back is vegetable soup and crackers, with water. He offers to feed it to you, but you insist you're not nearly frail enough for him to have to do that.
The two of you eat together in your bedroom, and after finishing your soup, your heart nearly leaps out of your chest at a sudden realization, whipping your head to him.
"B-BAN! WORK!" You exclaim with wide eyes, words still slightly slurring.
"Eh? We already took care of it.." He blinks, startled by the outburst.
"No, your work!" You clarify.
Your partner stares at you for a beat of a moment, before chuckling and patting your head.
"Even your sense of time is off. I still have quite a bit of time to make it there." He gives a smile you can't be mad at.
Letting out a quiet 'ah...', your head hits the pillow once more.
"I should get going though, you're right." Banri stands up, taking the dishes. "I wish I could stay. Just don't push yourself alright? I'll call on my breaks, and help you figure out some plans to catch up on your work once you're feeling better."
His lips press against your temple. It was quick, but you cherished it, giving a slow wave of your hand as Banri headed out for work.
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dreaminghour · 1 year
burned out but still posting
a little state-of-the-author blog post
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i was thinking i'd write something in depth on dreamwidth and then cross-post, but at the moment i don't have anything profound to say
a couple weeks ago i realized i was burned out and probably had been for a while. possibly months. writing has been hard except for short bursts, and i realized i often sit down to write without any desire to write
it makes me sad
i'm hoping that this will end sooner rather than later. i kind of had a period like this last year (or so Keeper tells me) and i revised my plans going into events (like only doing ship-specific exchanges and doing ships i love for FFC). this is also how i fell in love with QuiAni as a ship which is, apparently, the only thing i still occasionally have drive to write and think about ♡ I'm very grateful for this
however, i have an insane amount of mostly finished and unposted fic. so i'll still be posting. i'd also love to keep talking, so if you see this because you're wondering what's up with a certain series or fandom... this is up: i'm burned out and writing anyway wasn't doing me favors
i have about 500k of unposted stuff and about 100k is either publishable right now or very nearly so...
so you'll still be seeing updates
if you want to be notified when something gets published, the 'subscribe' button on my ao3 will send you an email whenever I post a fic, but you can also subscribe to a specific fic or series. i don't get that info, it's anonymous ♡
you can also check out my fic log for snippets, updates, and some writing-related ask replies → @dreaminghour-archive. if you wanted to turn on notifications there you'd find out pretty soon after something gets updated
i'm also open for asks (anon is on). i appreciate kind words but talking to me about my stories or AUs, telling me what you're writing and thinking about, asking me for recs or my thoughts about anything is always welcome ( ^◡^)っ ♡
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genderfuckpirate · 8 months
hey, i don't know if you're like are open to questions and all that here, no worries or anything if not, but i was wondering about, in your experience, if being genderqueer/nonbinary made it harder to get testosterone? i've been thinking a ton about t but something im kind of concerned about the doctors/conservative medical system in my area and maybe if just letting them assume im a binary trans man would be easier? yeah if you have any like insight on that or anything that'd be really really great
(hi!! firstly sorry for never responding to this >_> I mostly use tumblr on my phone and i swear it doesn't actually notify you when someone sends an ask... i hope this finds you!)
OK, the short answer: I basically had no issues with getting on Testosterone as a genderqueer person ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The long answer: where I live has informed consent and I purposely chose a trans friendly medical clinic and doctor that's known to approve HRT. I had been seeing the doctor for quite a while, so they already knew that: I had socially transitioned, that I was seeing a psychologist, and that I don't have any health conditions that would clash with T. I basically asked about it during a check up and left with a form to get bloodwork done and an info pack. I got the bloodwork done and by the next appointment I was given a script.
My advice: Obviously the process is going to be super different for different places, but I did a fuck ton of research before I even asked about HRT and I think it helped. Here's what I would recommend:
Get recommendations for specific doctors / clinics from local trans people. Whether it's people you know or just from asking on your local subreddit - you should be hearing first hand experiences about these places. Places might advertise themselves as "queer friendly" but might not actually be trans friendly. Similarly, your state / country might have informed consent but that doesn't mean that every doctor is going to have experience with approving HRT. Also, if you're in an area where it's going to be best to just pretend your a binary trans man, here's where you're going to hear it.
Have some sort of clear goal for why you're going on HRT. I think this one's really important for genderqueer folks because your goal might not be to simply 'pass' as a different gender. I didn't fully know what I wanted out of T but I showed up to the appointment saying that I was specifically seeking a deeper voice and more body hair, which helped the doctor to understand my overall gender goals and see that T was right for me.
Do you research and show that you've done your research. Being informed is a huge part of informed consent. I asked my doctor about low dose Testosterone immediately and I brought a list of specific questions and concerns (things like "I know Testosterone can raise blood pressure and I already take X, would that be problem?" and "I see that it can affect Y and I have a family history of Z, how would impact me?"). I think this really helped to reassure my doctor that I knew what I was getting myself into.
I am super, super lucky that I live in a country that has informed consent, affordable doctors, free bloodwork and government subsided medication so obviously experience is NOT universal in any way but I hope that this still helps! :) Good luck with your journey anon!
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akai-anna · 8 months
Hiya! I'm sure you're already aware, but since your DCMK gift giver dropped out, your gift giver has been switched to me :D How are you doing today?
I have to say, all the platonic relationships you listed out on your form really called to my heart (like the sakura trio, detective boys, mouri family unit, etc etc)! All of those characters are super near and dear to me, and I love seeing them interact ^_^ I noticed you seemed to especially like Vermouth as well--- what do you think of her character? I just think she's like, really cool whenever she appears on screen hehe
Also, I just saw your recent post about the new spy x family chapter--- I'm glad that other people were getting major Detective Conan vibes too, it was so cute! I'm not sure if you're interested in detco fanfiction, but it really reminded me of this really good SpyFam x Detco crossover fic on AO3 called 'Forged', by HikariAA. If Anya was a detective, murder cases would get solved much quicker, wouldn't they?
(In addition, forgive me for snooping through your blog, but I just wanted to ask about how your darling dog is doing now--- the one you mentioned in your other DCMK anon ask. You don't have to answer, of course! Regardless, all the best wishes to you and her.)
Hope you have a great day, and I'm looking forward to working on your gift ^_^ !
Yes, I've been notified of the change, and thus welcome thee, with great enthusiasm! Thank you so much for accepting to be my gift giver so late in the event. *bows*
Thank you, I'm doing well today so far. A bit apprehensive, since I have an interview today, but I'll try to make the most of it. And once I get home I hope to get a few things done that I've been meaning to (but got distracted from gkjnfjkbn). And let me throw back the question at you: how are you doing yourself, lovely? Also, I would like to hear more about what you like about DCMK! Pehaps you could tell me something that you cherish a lot yet feel you don't see enough appreciation for?
A PLATONIC RELATIONSHIP ENTHUSIAST!!! And gosh, I agree so much, THEY ARE SO PRECIOUS, and they are the reason I'm stuck in DCMK. (I am digging myself deeper and deeper into this hole, and enjoying it.) I live for their interactions, be it in fanworks or canon. And you are 100% right: I adore Vermouth! (As I gushed about that in this particular ask, gosh.) But in short: I love how she is a morally grey. The way she can kill and deceive without batting an eye, being very competent too, only to have her 2 little treasures whom she would protect with everything she has, meaning her own life too? I love her. I love her SO MUCH. It's such a shame she appears so little, NOW THAT IS THE CRIME!!! I'd love to see more of her (WHERE IS MY VERMOUTH BACKSTORY- *GETS HIT*)
SPY X FAMILY IS ALSO PRECIOUS TO ME (THE MOST ADORABLE FAKE/FOUND FAMILY EVER, MY HEART), and to see the reference to DetCo in the most recent chapter? My heart absolutely MELTED, to witness two of my eternal favourites fused together. AND I'M VERY INTERESTED IN FANFICTION (in general and for DetCo too), YES, YES, YES. In fact, no day passes without reading a bit of fanfiction, since I tend to read between the time I go to bed and fall asleep. AND I HAVEN'T HEARD OF THAT FIC BUT I'M VERY EXCITED TO CHECK IT OUT NOW!!! (I love recs, I ADORE RECS.) THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! And yes *laughs* Anya would be a great help for sure!
And snooping is more than welcome, feel free to do so in the future, if you want to! AND THANK YOU, fortunately she is doing SO MUCH BETTER, she is not yet fully healed (liver needs lots of time to regenerate), but she is eating with gusto (very good sign) and is more enthusiastic and active (also very good sign)! We are due for a check up in a few weeks, to see if all the medication worked as it should. I forgot to take pictures of her, but have these fairly recent ones (right after she started feeling better) as a treat, of my lil darling. (You have no idea how happy I am to still have her with me, BABY DARLING.)
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psychedelic-meats · 1 year
I don't know how I'm going to make it to October.
It may be hard to see the future, sometimes we see it as dark, that we won't be able to make it until there, that we won't be strong enough for long, but we need to make it day by day
I don't know you, nor your story, but I know you had difficult days, everyone has, I am sure that many times you thought that you wouldn't be able to get through this, to go past some hardship, that it was going to destroy you, break your will and body
Yet, here you are, still standing
Wounded perhaps mentally, emotionally and physically? Yes, but you are still standing
You went through it all, you survived it all, despite your fear, despite any lack or motivation and maybe despite you not believing in yourself, you are still here
I hope that you see this, that you keep those words to you for whenever you think that you won't be able to continue, and know that you are more than welcome to ever DM me if you want a friendly ear or maybe even a friend
Since tumblr don't notify answered anon asks and I can't send this post privately to you, I won't post or reblog anything for a while, so you can see it if you ever enter my blog again
Until there, whoever you are, keep going on and keep fighting, you are stronger than you think, friend.
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captainaikus · 2 years
hi belle !!! i felt like i had to come in and clear things up since the lil discourse started in my ask box lol and now i feel bad :,( in no way do i feel like there was any sort of even the slightest inspiration taken from the asks on my acc ! we've even talked abt it a bit here on ur blog lol (and i still need to reply 2 u, too 😭) so i'd also be thankful if the discourse stopped altogether cuz i strongly believe coincidents happen and i do not even feel like the idea was mine in any way so !
i hope what i said makes sense :// even i myself dont see any issue with this situation and i am absolutely frothing at the mouth to read interrupted lol SO with that being said, i hope the whole discussion dies down <3 im so sorry it ruined ur mood, sending u the biggest hugs rn ! :(
Thanks for dropping in and clearing the air, Zari
And yes, it does make sense. There are so many times when i see people literally paraphrasing my work and making plot lines with a similar synopsis as mine; like the other day i was going to call this author out in the bllk fandom and i spoke to my friend about it with screenshots and everything. And after thinking about it realized that erotica and romance are not unique genres and that includes dark content as well so themes can overlap and at the end of the day- it is not literally published work.
I'm not a fan of discourse myself tbh. and i don't understand why most people don't take it with a sense of rationality?
I've been on tumblr for over 4 years now, yes I started here when i was 16 and began posting last year. When i was at 250 followers, i released a fic and the idea was stolen by an author who had over 10,000 follows+ than me (who i had interacted with) and it went at a very fast pace of gaining over 170 likes in two hours or maybe less. I know what it feels like to have your work taken away from you and used by someone else for the purpose of their content. Why would i wish that on anyone else? Most of my followers follow blogs apart from mine that have blue lock content. so if i did copy someone's idea, they would notify me about it; and even if i knew that you had an idea like this in your blog i would have never used it as we're both writers for the same fandom. It would literally give me nothing but backlash from readers and ruin a reputation i've spent time building here -causing me emotional instability which is the last thing i want for myself (since i have already got a lot going irl) given the fact that hate spreads more faster than being liked; speaking from experience since i have seen enough number of discourses take place here and also on how bad it can get.
And even late last year, i had a whole wip list out for different fandoms including haikyuu and other animes that i watched, explaining what the fic was about and everything. But even that got taken away from me (one of the anons dropped a word for word title in the inbox of a famous author/ writer here + it turned up in the 'x reader' tags) so i rarely discuss what fic i'm going to write next and just decide to keep it a secret and release it when its done.
Thanks again for dropping in Zari (hope you enjoy reading 0^^0 *sending hugs back*); and since the discourse has been settled by both of us, on further notice any ask regarding 'interrupted' will be deleted.
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