#I feel like I have to say that he's happy and otherwise healthy (the vet was really pleased with his bloodwork last visit)
eastberlin · 1 year
I am so tired of being stressed/anxious/worried.
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koffing-time · 1 year
So, update time on the UDs, as well as Flit and Ampersand. I don't have the greatest news, but i want to get this post out there before the babyshower starts so i don't carry that the whole day with me.
Caramel the Beedrill (formerly Flit): Beedrill had two known issues before he came to me:
a history of abuse, mainly by being pushed too far all the time. Like, being forced to fight more than he could take, trying to be faster than he actually is and stuff like that. I'll have to be patient with him, and work with him at his own pace (even if he doesn't know what his own pace is). It will require time and work, but we'll get there
The second issue is a chipped drill. This is basically a non-issue. He gets hurt if he overuses it, but he is aware of it and uses the other drill for most things. The bad thing is that he won't ask for help. We will also just have to work on this.
We found a third issue: his carapace has a kind of soft spot on his back side, a little bit above his stinger. Lia (my vet btw, I don't wanna say "the vet all the time) wasn't sure what exactly could have caused it, but we sadly have to assume physical abuse. We will have to keep an eye on that. If it gets worse or causes issues, we might have to think about surgery.
And, well, going with the abuse, he seems distressed every time someone asks something of him. We have decided to just try giving him a new name, and see if this helps with the issue. I really hope it does. I have decided on "Caramel".
Tofu the Sliggoo (formerly Ampersand): He is overall quite healthy, (except and despite) his chronic issue with the half formed shell. I'm very happy about this. However, he still doesn't like to go near my other Pokémon, except when explicitly called. This is very odd, Rosie and the Shelter described him as outgoing and friendly. We think it might be, because he is the only non-poison type (except cracker). He might just feel not included. We have decided to try and give him a new name as well. Especially with Beedrill getting a new name, he might feel even more excluded otherwise. I've settled on "Tofu". I hope he warms up to us.
Bun the Trubbish: well, she had a lot of issues, I'll not go into detail, just a few things that are important: she won't say no to anything i ask of her, so i have to make double and triple sure she wants something. The only exception being water. She still hates it. Drinking is an issue. We've made a plan to give her more moist food, so she gets the necessary water. Otherwise she's as healthy as it could get.
Roll the Trubbish: he has me worrying. A lot. He is very small and doesn't have a lot of energy. The worst part: he got splashed by accident yesterday and hasn't quite recovered yet. He's become kinda... Quiet. He was similarly outgoing as Bun, but now he doesn't interact with us as much anymore. He also refuses to go anywhere near something that is liquid. He refuses to drink outright and getting him to eat something even remotely moist is... challenging to say the least. I just hope it gets better.
Appleslice the Mareanie: She doesn't have any acute things. Well, except for her outburst, but that is part of a bigger issue. One of the things that make her an UD is the lack of "dangerous characteristics", like the spikes a typical Mareanie has. She is still a poison type though, and produces venom. She can't use it though, because she has no spikes. This makes her build up all these toxins in her body, which hurts after a while. Imagine if you had to pee, but you just couldn't, and your bladder got fuller and fuller and you're feeling like you'd burst. Luckily, the place where Mareanie store their venom is sort of easy to reach, so Lia could "just" extract it. We're gonna have to do this procedure for the rest of her life. (or maybe just until she evolves, we don't know how a UD toxapex is gonna be).
So, yeah. A lot of stuff. But what we can do has been done, and the rest is something we have to address in time.
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agape-bakery · 3 years
Satan as your Roommate
Summary: Set in a time where Satan and you live in the same apartment together instead of the House of Lamentation.
Contains: fluff, mentions of you being the mom parent for the cat once but you remain gender-neutral
Note: Let's see if I can complete the rest of the brothers in less than a week :'D
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While most of the brothers complained about leaving, Satan was quite happy with the decision and was the first to leave home (much to Lucifer's dismay)
Satan is an independent man and much preferred to live alone anyway, until he found out the apartment he lives in was for two and not for himself. He was quite disgruntled but so long as you knew your boundaries and responsibilities then he was fine with it.
A blossoming friendship occurs as time goes by, and he now enjoys your company.
Adopting a stray kitty
Satan was ELATED when he found out you can have pets in your apartment
The House of Lamentation wasn't a house made for pets so Satan had to stick to taking care of strays when he can
Talks to you about adopting one because your approval matters, had a soft smile on his face for a whole day when you agreed
Comes back home on a rainy day and shows you a poor kitty who was wet and you two hastily went and made sure the little guy was healthy and warm
Satan is mostly responsible for them but whenever he's simply too busy, you go and take care of them to remove the load off of your roommate
Satan is grateful for that and takes you out to a cafe as thanks
This man strangely knows what the kitty wants with a single meow, trains them a lot too
One time when you got home from school/work, you saw Satan praising the cat and cooing softly at them
Satan told you to never speak of that ever again
Going to the vet was a breeze! Mr. Cat (you proudly named him that) is a quiet and relaxed thing, the both of you make sure to give him treats and massages after
You also let him go out, Mr. Cat nearly had the both of you toppling over each other when he was first let out
Mr. Cat, while mostly being taken care of by Satan, took a great liking to you and sleeps on your chest
Satan took a picture of it and sent it to you with the caption saying: It seems Mr. Cat chose you as his mom
You replied after you woke up: No u
Satan agreed
Studies and Cafes
Even if the both of you are in different majors and schools, Satan takes the time to make sure you do well in your class, and takes care of you whenever you're stressed
Satan's seen the worst in you and knows when you feel bad or not
He took care of you when you got sick from too much stress and anxiety and made the best soup to get you back up again
After that, he personally tutors you and the both of you study at home or at cafes
When you get good grades or your project/presentation went well, Satan takes you to cat cafes to celebrate
The both of you have each other's coffee memorized by now
Satan makes sure to take his time teaching you, while his anger issues may emerge when doing this with other people, it doesn't happen with you, he's seen how hard you've been working and makes sure to be patient and simple with his teaching
Satan secretly likes how happy and bright you look when you get a subject right, and keeps it in his memory forever
Mentions his family from time to time
Satan enjoys his moment of peace and freedom but usually chats in the GCs with his brothers, of course clowning Mammon, and Lucifer in another GC as per usual
Doesn't talk to you about his brothers but if you ask, he won't mind answering
Says he doesn't miss them but by his long rants about each of them and how he smiles without knowing during that, you think otherwise
Might invite you to go and celebrate with his brothers
You met Belphie and after a drunk night and a fuzzy memory of laughing at Lucifer's face, you were in a GC with him and Satan
+ BONUS: Picnics!
On the rare chance the both of you are free, you two prepare a basket of food and a small cooler of drinks, wear a comfortable and simple outfit, put Mr. Cat on a cozy leash, and the three of you go out to the park for a picnic. Satan wears round glasses with hanging chains along with a sweater, while you wore a sweater similar to his (it was on sale, you insist to the man)
While Mr. Cat naps beside the basket, you and he clink your respective drinks and enjoy some savory sandwiches while chatting about your day.
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royalswille · 4 years
@ace-bookworm said Button House gets a cat and I said yes and then I wrote this, enjoy.
Buttons’ House
Alison and Mike Cooper had never intended to adopt a cat. After all, Button House was already full to bursting, what with the both of them, eight ghosts living in the main house, an entire village of plague victims in the basement, and the ghost of a pesky pigeon courtesy of their neighbour’s dog. Simply put, there was not enough space to add any more family members to Button House.
So the cat had taken it upon itself to move in.
It had started one morning while Button House was going through its usual morning routine. Alison had woken up, checked the bathroom for ghosts so that Mike could use it without fear, then started the stopwatch for the Captain’s run before putting on a record for Thomas to do his morning dance to. She had filled in a few words on Robin’s crossword, set up Pong for Julian, and put on a classic football match for Pat. In the next room, she had helped Mary with her phonics work, turned to the next page in Kitty and Fanny’s book, and then done the same for Humphrey (or rather, Humphrey’s head – god only knew where his body was). She had arrived downstairs in two minutes and thirty seconds to open the door for the Captain to run in, perfectly timed.
Everything was the same as usual.
“Two minutes thirty, Cap,” Alison said, stopping the timer. “Same as always.”
“Blast,” the Captain said frustratedly. “Are you quite certain of it, Alison? I could have sworn I shaved off a second or two, I really pushed myself on that last corner.”
She shrugged apologetically. “Sorry. I’m just going by what the timer says.”
The Captain harrumphed and peered out the door, beckoning Alison to join him. She did, looking out across the driveway to where he pointed at the gate.
“That’s my problem,” he said, waggling his finger. “The terrain switches from concrete to gravel. If you could just pave over the driveway then I’m quite sure I c– hello.”
The Captain’s tone changed abruptly and Alison raised an eyebrow. “Hello?” she replied, bewildered.
“No, no, not you,” Cap replied, pointing down the driveway again. “Look, over there. It’s a cat.”
Alison squinted and saw that the Captain was quite right. Trotting up the driveway towards the open door, mewing quietly, was a little cat. It was jet black with bright yellow eyes and looked a little tatty with its scraggly fur. As it got closer, Alison could see that its ribs jutted out from under its skin slightly. The cat looked happy enough, but it was very clearly a stray, or badly neglected at the very least.
It stopped just in front of the Captain and sat primly, looking up at him with its eyes squinted serenely.
“Can cats see ghosts?” Alison asked him.
“It would appear so,” he returned. With a painful-sounding cracking of his knees, the Captain crouched down in front of the cat and regarded it. The cat stared back, blinking happily up into the Captain’s face. It attempted to bat at the Captain’s swagger stick, which was hanging from his hands, but its paw went straight through.
“Yep,” Alison said, “it can see you.”
It didn’t appear the Captain was listening to her, because a moment later he pointed his stick at the cat and said, “Now you listen here. It is improper to try and touch a Commanding Officer’s person or belongings. Had you been a soldier – or indeed able to touch me – I should have you punished.”
“Captain, it’s a cat, it can’t understand you,” Alison told him.
He stood up again, knees creaking audibly. “Yes, well. That hardly matters – I am a senior officer and I– oh dear, good Lord, what is it doing now?”
The cat was purring, attempting to rub itself against the Captain’s legs lovingly, but simply passing right through, which only seemed to make it more determined to show the Captain its love. The Captain began to gag, reminding Alison of the ghosts’ inability to touch living things without feeling sick. Quickly, she scooped the cat into her arms and held it close – the Captain stopped his gagging, but the cat continued to purr, nuzzling at Alison’s face.
“It’s very affectionate,” she said through all the fur blocking her face.
“Quite,” returned the Captain, voice a touch more gentle than usual. “Do you think it has a home of its own?”
Alison stroked the cat and frowned. “If it does then it’s not a very good one. Look, you can see all its bones, the poor thing hasn’t eaten in ages. And look at its fur, it’s disgusting. And it stinks.” The cat stopped purring momentarily as if offended. “Sorry.”
“Well,” the Captain said, assuming his usual military-man stance, bouncing once on the balls of his feet, back straight, stick tucked under his arm. “If this creature is in need then perhaps we should provide a home for it.”
“What? No, we can’t do that. Captain, the house is more than full already, we can’t add a cat to the mix.”
“During the war we never left a soldier behind!”
“This is a cat, not a soldier. I’m sure it’ll find a home eventually, just not here.”
As she said it, the cat laid its head upon her shoulder, purring again, eyes closed. It appeared it had decided that in Alison’s arms was the perfect place to go to sleep. Alison had always been a cat person and wanted nothing more than to cuddle the cat, even though it was probably riddled with disease and it stank like rot, but she knew if she did that then the cat would start thinking that Button House was its home. It would start coming back and they couldn’t have that. So with a heavy heart, she gently placed it down on the floor.
“Sorry,” she said to it as it looked up at her sadly. “I’ll feed you just this once because you look like you need it, but that’s it. Right, Captain?”
The Captain muttered something under his breath as he often did when he felt put out, then turned on his heel and left, stretching the way he liked to after his morning run. Alison went the opposite direction, leading the cat to the kitchen to find it something to eat.
It was halfway through the plate of tuna she had laid down for it when Mike came in. He looked down at it, then to Alison, then back at the cat before saying bewilderedly, “I don’t remember getting one of those.”
“That’s because we don’t have one,” Alison told him. She watched fondly as it ate its food – it clearly hadn’t eaten in months judging by the way it wolfed the fish down. “This is a stray, it followed the Captain in this morning after his run.”
“Uh huh,” Mike said slowly, sitting down to watch the cat too. “So why is it in our kitchen?”
“I’m feeding it.”
“Yes, I can see that. Why though?”
“Because,” Alison said emphatically, picking the cat up as it wandered absently towards her, then turning it to face Mike. She held its paws in her hands and wiggled them back and forth like a bad puppeteer. “Look at it! It needed some sort of food otherwise the poor thing would probably die. It’s not like we’re going to keep it, I just wanted to make sure it lived.”
“You remember what happened to my Auntie Barbara,” Mike replied. “She accidentally adopted so many neighbourhood strays that her house was practically overrun with them. And then what happened to her? She died. Because she was allergic to cats and there was so many that it killed her.”
“I never understood why she fed them and stroked them in the first place if she was so allergic,” Alison returned, to which Mike shrugged. “But it doesn’t matter anyway. We aren’t keeping it.”
“We don’t get to decide that,” Mike said, “the cat does.”
The cat, from its place nestled on Alison’s lap, meowed in agreement.
“Well, if it shows up again, we just won’t let it in. Agreed?”
“Agreed. We can’t afford another mouth to feed. It is cute though,” he admitted.
“It is, isn’t it?”
Despite how adorable the cat was, Alison let it out the front door. She watched as it obediently walked away, tail a little higher than it had been before, looking healthier and perkier. She knew she shouldn’t have been hoping it would come back, but a little part of her didn’t want to say goodbye.
Luckily, she didn’t have to. The very next morning, she opened the door to let the Captain in from his run (“Two minutes and thirty seconds, Captain, but I think you knew that already.”) and hot on his tail came the cat, smiling as obviously as a cat could.
In spite of her better judgement, Alison took the cat into the kitchen again and fed it once more. She knew she shouldn’t have been, but she was already growing very attached to it. Despite its awful smell and awful condition, she felt a soft spot for it. Absently, she wondered if she should take it to a vet, just to get it checked over and see if it had a home. But she was snapped out of her thoughts by one of the loudest things known to mankind – Lady Fanny Button.
“What on Earth is that disgusting creature doing in my house?!” she shrieked, pointing wildly at the cat, which kept eating its food just as peacefully as before.
“Relax, Fanny, I’m just feeding it,” Alison explained.
“Whyever are you doing that? That creature is clearly a stray, probably riddled with fleas, and you’ve brought it into this house like it’s nothing! It’s going to defile this beautiful house and you shall be the one to blame for it, Alison. I want it gone at once!”
“Fanny, it’s not doing anything, okay? Calm down, look, it’s just having something to eat, it needs it.”
“It is a very small step from eating to… to defecating, young lady!” Lady Button retorted. “I shall not have that thing in my house, ruining everything! Take it away.”
“I thought you liked animals,” Alison tried. “You had Dante when you were alive.”
“Dante was a well-behaved, loving, healthy, clean dog. He was not some stray we just picked up off the street one day because we felt like it!”
“Well,” Alison said, “to be fair, we haven’t picked up the cat because we feel like it, it kind of invited itself in.”
“If anything that makes it worse,” Fanny yelled, sounding appalled. “Not only does it smell ghastly and look unseemly, but it is rude as well. It clearly has no manners. I will not ask again, Alison, take the cat out of this house!”
At that moment, the cat finished eating and turned around to try and bat at the hem of Lady Button’s dress. Though it couldn’t touch it (for obvious ghostly reasons), Fanny screamed and took a few paces back. She started yelling more nonsense at Alison, something along the lines of ‘get it out’ and then ran straight through the wall, out of the kitchen.
Sighing, Alison heaved the cat into her arms, took it through the house again and let it out through the front door just like the previous day. She watched it wander away once more, though this time it stopped in the middle of the driveway to wash its leg briefly. She shut the door behind it and got on with the rest of her day.
It wasn’t until the next day, day three, that Alison realised that the cat situation was likely going to become permanent. When she opened the door for the Captain, he did not run in as usual, so she peered out of the door and saw him crouched in the middle of the driveway, attempting to pet the cat but failing miserably because each time his hand passed right through and he gagged.
She watched for a minute, stifling her laughs so that the Captain didn’t hear her and realise she was watching which would likely make him stop. Soon she was joined by someone else.
“Good morning, Alison,” Kitty said, bounding up to her, smiling as brightly as ever. “How are you today? Oh look – the Captain has made a friend!”
Alison chuckled. “He has. It looks like they’re getting on very well.”
Kitty gasped excitedly then said, “It’s a cat. That means it’s a kitty, just like me!” And without further ado, she skipped over to join the Captain and the cat. The Captain looked mildly disgruntled, their moment having been interrupted, but he smiled as soon as the cat started purring, trying to bat at his swagger stick again and jumping at the bows on Kitty’s dress.
A moment later, Mike joined Alison. He looked out at the cat, watching as it jumped and played with what would seem like nothing to him.
“Are there ghosts out there with it?” he asked Alison.
“Yep,” she returned, popping the ‘p’. “Cap and Kitty. They’ve really taken a shine to it.”
“Well, like I said,” Mike replied, “it is really cute, I don’t blame them. Have any of the others met it yet?”
“Only Lady B,” Alison told him. He raised an eyebrow and she continued, “She wasn’t a fan.”
Mike hummed and a silence fell between them. Alison had been thinking more frequently that they really should take it to a vet. Even though it was happy and eating properly when she fed it, getting it checked over wasn’t a bad idea. It didn’t mean they had to adopt it – it just meant that they could have peace of mind knowing it was alright.
She was just about to say this to Mike, but he got in first and said, “I think we should keep it.”
“What?” she replied, shocked. “Why? Two days ago you were worried it was going to kill you.”
“No,” he said, “I just suggested that it’s a possibility we can’t rule out. But you clearly like it, and I think it’s cute, and if the ghosts like it then maybe it’ll – I don’t know – like, placate them a little.”
“They’re not dangerous, they don’t need placating,” Alison said. “Is this just the same as when you said we should get Netflix to ‘appease’ them after they’d finished watching every DVD we own?”
“No,” he said, sounding too affronted to be telling the truth. “Plus, we won’t be caring for it on our own, will we? We’ve got eight extra pairs of eyes to keep a lookout for it. So we can all look after it, it won’t be just us.”
“Only one of those ghosts can touch anything,” Alison told him. “We’ll still have to clean up its poo and stuff like that. And you’re terrible with poo.”
“Yeah, that’s why you’ll be on poo duty.”
“No. If we’re adopting this cat then we’re sharing poo duty. That’s the price you have to pay.”
The both of them turned to watch the Captain and Kitty playing with the cat again. It jumped up to try and grab the feathers in Kitty’s hair and she giggled delightedly.
“Alison,” she called, “it’s so lovely! Come and play with us, please!”
She turned to Mike. “Okay. We’re keeping it then.”
He tore his gaze away from the cat and smiled. “Yeah. Why not? Let’s do it.”
“Great,” Alison said, clapping her hands. “I’ll call the vet, see if they can get us an appointment to make sure it’s all healthy and see if it’s microchipped. I hope it doesn’t already have a home.”
“If it does then we can just get another one,” Mike said, slipping an arm around Alison’s shoulders. “There’s a shelter not too far away.”
“I like this cat, though. I want this one.”
“Well, we’d better get that vet appointment to see if we can have it then, hm?”
And so, not four hours later, Alison and Mike made their way back to Button House from the vets, the kitten nestled comfortably in the back seat. Their appointment had gone very well – the cat was in surprisingly good health for a stray, they had got it up to date on its vaccinations, and they had determined the cat didn’t have a home. So, to the couple’s delight, it was allowed to stay at Button House.
The house was unusually quiet when they arrived back. That normally meant that all the ghosts were assembled upstairs partaking in one of Pat’s clubs or another. There was the faint sound of scattered applause as Alison walked through the front door – one of them had probably finished giving a speech.
She gently put the cat down on the floor as Mike shut the front door behind them.
“Right, missy,” she said. The vet had also confirmed that the cat was a girl and about six months old. “Welcome home!”
The cat meowed and trotted off down the hallway, seemingly in search of the source of the clapping. Alison wandered after it, and the cat led her upstairs to the common room. She found the ghosts all gathered around together, most of them on the sofa, Julian and Robin by the chess board, and Thomas in full view of all of them, bowing even though their half-hearted applause had long since ceased.
Lady Button was the first to notice the new arrival and she didn’t seem best pleased.
“Alison,” she shouted, standing up and pointing at the cat furiously. “I told you to get rid of that vermin, that vile creature, I do not want it in this house!”
“Now listen here,” interrupted the Captain, brandishing his swagger stick. “That cat happens to be in dire need of our assistance. I think it only right that Alison has brought it inside.”
“And it really is a sweetheart, too, Lady Button,” Kitty gushed.
“You’d probably think a grizzly bear was a sweetheart,” Fanny retorted.
Robin shook his head, saying, “Grizzly bear never sweetheart. Grizzly bear kill my uncle. Was very funny actually.”
“Excuse me,” interjected Thomas, “I still have four more poems I want to perform!”
As happened far too often to be endearing anymore, the ghosts all started yelling over each other, some insisting they get rid of the cat, some insisting it stayed, and Thomas insisting he be allowed to finish his recital. Alison watched them fight, the cat sat at her feet, watching bemusedly too, before finally stepping in after Julian and Thomas started squaring up to one another.
“Alright, alright, enough!” she shouted.
Shouting only worked about half the time, sometimes the ghosts’ arguing would be  so loud that Alison couldn’t even hear herself over it – luckily, this time around the ghosts fell silent and looked towards her expectantly.
“Okay,” she said, “everyone just listen to me. Mike and I decided that we’re going to adopt this cat–”
“Outrageous,” interrupted Lady Button. Alison ignored her.
“We’ve taken her to the vets. She’s in perfectly good shape and she doesn’t seem to have a home, so we’re taking her in. She might need a little TLC before she starts looking…”
“Less like a toilet brush?” suggested Julian, eyeing the cat.
Alison frowned. “Before she starts looking herself. But we’re keeping her, no objections. Okay? She really is lovely, I promise you all.”
“No, no, no,” shrieked Mary, standing up and joining Lady Button as far away from the cat as they could get. “Al’son, you can’t keeps the pussycat.”
“Why is that, Mary?” Alison asked, trying not to sigh.
“Because you’ll’s be branded a witch!” Mary explained, sounding as if it should have been obvious. “If a woman have a cat then she be a witch! They’ll burns you at the stake! I’d know.”
“Mary, lots of people have cats now and they don’t get burned to death. Alright? And you know I’m not a witch.”
“Oh,” Mary said. “Right. Okay then.”
Without further hesitation she crouched down and smiled at the little cat. It purred and tried to bat at her apron. But it appeared Mary took that as an attempt at attack, so she yelped and ran, hiding behind Kitty.
“You can keeps the pussycat, Al’son, but please keeps it aways from me.”
“If you’re quite finished with the witchcraft nonsense,” said the Captain, stepping forward, “then might I ask if this cat has a name?”
“Oh,” Alison said, “well, Mike and I were going to brainstorm later this evening–”
“That seems hardly fair,” Cap returned. “We all live here, we should all name it.”
“Yes,” said Kitty, bouncing up and down. “I think we should call her Princess Snuggles.”
The Captain laughed. “No, thank you, Katherine, that’s a silly name. I was thinking something more like Major Fuzzyboots.”
“And how, pray tell, is that any less silly than Princess Snuggles?” asked Thomas flatly.
“Well, I don’t see what’s wrong with any classic cat names,” Pat said, peering down at the cat. He stretched his hand out to scratch her head, then looked as if he had to hold back vomit, and withdrew his hand. “Something like Luna or Shadow. Something simple, like.”
“Boring,” Robin remarked. “Should call it Cat. Save trouble.”
“No offense, guys, but I think I’m just going to talk it over with Mike,” Alison decided – the ‘all these names are terrible’ wasn’t spoken aloud but was heavily implied and she was sure they got the picture. “We’ll come up with something. Come on, missy.”
Alison hoisted the cat into her arms and was about to head back downstairs with her, when Julian’s voice piped up from behind and said, “Why not call her Buttons?”
The other ghosts made noises of agreement, which was rare.
“Buttons?” Alison said, looking at the cat. “Well, I suppose she does look like a Buttons. And it’s like Button House! Oh, I love it, nice one, Julian.”
He straightened his tie and suit jacket. “Yes, well, if anyone was going to be the one to solve this – uh – cat naming crisis, well then, I suppose it only makes sense that it were me. It’s not the first crisis I’ve solved, not by any stretch of the imagination. Did I ever tell you all about the time, back in eighty-three, when I…”
Alison didn’t stick around to hear the rest of whatever godawful story Julian was planning on telling. She left the room and headed back downstairs to get Buttons some food and tell Mike they’d decided on a name.
Over the next few weeks, Buttons’ presence in Button House seemed to be almost completely accepted by everyone living there. There had been a few unfortunate incidents and teething problems, but nothing that wasn’t fixable.
The first real problem came two days after Buttons’ adoption. Nobody had been able to find Humphrey’s head, which was predictably detached from his body. Kitty remembered placing it down on the kitchen table, but all they found there was Buttons. Everyone had been searching the house (including Mike, though he couldn’t see Humphrey, and Humphrey’s body, which couldn’t see anything at all) but it hadn’t been until Alison had picked Buttons up that the head had been discovered.
It turned out that Buttons had taken quite a liking to Humphrey and decided to sit on him. The problems arose when Buttons obviously couldn’t sit on Humphrey and instead ended up in him, which obscured the head from view completely. And it didn’t help that Humphrey was allergic, something that apparently hadn’t changed in death. His face was red and his eyes were watering when Alison finally picked up Buttons and freed him.
“Oh, thank goodness for that,” Humphrey breathed. “I’ve been shouting for hours, couldn’t anyone hear me?”
“You must’ve been muffled by Buttons’ fur,” Alison suggested. “Sorry Humphrey, I’ll try to stop that from happening again.”
“Oh, don’t trouble yourself, Alison. It’s alright, really. Well, apart from the allergy, and the sick feeling from having something living touch me. But really, no need to go out of your way.”
Another issue was that Robin just didn’t seem to get on with Buttons. She loved him, clearly – in fact, Buttons seemed to adore everyone in Button House (except Mike, for reasons unknown to anybody) – but one day Alison had walked into the common room to see Robin yelling at the cat.
“Oh, you think you so big, so clever. I kill mammoth. I can easy kill little cat!”
“Woah, hey,” Alison said, approaching the two. Buttons was stood on the chess table, gazing up at Robin with nothing short of adoration in her eyes. “Why are you threatening to kill my cat?”
“Ruin chess game,” Robin huffed, jabbing a finger in Buttons’ direction. She tried to pat it and he grumbled, “Go away.”
“She’s just a cat, I’m sure she didn’t mean to.”
“She did. She jump on table and hit all pieces off. Little guy and horsey on floor, me no pick them up!”
Alison did it for him, picking up the chess pieces and placing them on the squares Robin instructed her to. Buttons quickly lost interest, hopped off the table and left the room.
“And stay out!” Robin called after her.
Thomas didn’t seem to be the cat’s biggest fan either. Alison had a sneaking suspicion that his hatred towards her stemmed from the fact that he had been trying to recite yet another unwarranted love poem to Alison but she’d not been paying attention, instead playing with Buttons. She had caught him seeking his revenge later that day, leaning over Buttons as she slept on the sofa, and whispering what sounded like a demand for her to duel him. Alison had decided to avoid that situation altogether and quickly backed out the room.
The only other ghost who wasn’t totally enamoured with Buttons was Julian, who seemed very indifferent on the whole subject. Though Alison did once catch him practising one of his speeches on the cat, who seemed surprisingly attentive.
But for the most part, Buttons was adored. Many a time, Alison came across the Captain or Pat pretending to stroke her or sitting by her as she slept. Kitty and Mary would play with her (though Mary was still a little wary and periodically asked Buttons if she was a witch in disguise). Even the plague ghosts adored her – she had managed to sneak down to the basement when Mike left the door open once, and the ghosts had tried their hardest to adopt her for themselves. They were happy with the agreement they reached with Alison though, that she would let Buttons down there once a week to visit them all.
The biggest surprise of all came one lazy evening when Alison had been on her way to bed, a sleepy Mike in tow. They had passed through the common room where a fire was dwindling in the fireplace. Buttons was curled up in front of it, sleeping soundly, and watching her with a fond expression on her face was Fanny.
Alison smiled and cleared her throat. Fanny looked round, looking a little startled and embarrassed to be caught gazing at the cat she had been so against.
“Alison,” she said, but didn’t seem to have any words to follow it up with.
“Is she growing on you, then, Fanny?” Alison asked, stifling a yawn.
Fanny turned away, facing Buttons again, and said, “Well. She’s certainly no Dante. But I can admit now that she is rather sweet. I suppose it’s alright that she stays here.”
Alison watched as a small smile grew on Fanny’s face, watching the gentle rise and fall of Buttons’ chest.
“Goodnight, Lady B,” she said.
“Goodnight, Alison.”
From then on, all the residents of Button House treated Buttons as if she were all that mattered, even Robin and Thomas, whose grudges quickly wore off. It seemed that despite the fact that Button House was already full to the brim, adding little Buttons made the house a home.
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maevesdarling · 3 years
Take me home tonight
Sooo, I decided to post chapter 1 of the story @unicorn-cloud and I have been cooking up for a while. This plays post series in an alternative universe. There’s mentions of gore and canon typical violence in both this and the second chapter, basically Walt is not dealing with things as good as he thought... I’m not sure how many chapters this story will have, probably around 3 to 4, also please be kind to me it’s been a long time since I uploaded my works to Tumblr, thx!  
Chapter 1: The Call
Later, after he put his gun and badge down and moves further away from the border, Walt gets a call from an unknown number. He contemplates not picking up. It's been years since Kiki's death and operation Leyenda. He thinks, for a moment, that it could be Miguel Angel, calling him from his jail cell to taunt him, but no, he's not important enough to that man and besides, Miguel Angel doesn't wield as much power as he used to.
There are others. New players in this fucked up game, Walt knows that. He saw them rising on the horizon like a looming thunderstorm, ready to destroy the earth in it's path. But for now, he decided to enjoy his peace. His back's been bothering him more as of lately and he's got a few more grey hairs. He quit smoking about a year ago, after his doctor told him to do so. He's had a few setbacks since then, a half finished pack is always hidden underneath his kitchen sink, just in case he needs a fix. But overall, he's trying to stay away from the cigarettes and eat more healthy, even though the microwavable dinners at the supermarket look damn tempting, especially since it's only himself he's cooking for.
He's up in Colorado these days. The DEA was kind enough to leave him with a nice sum of retirement money, probably to shut him up after all the shit he pulled of during his career and to be fair he doesn't blame them.
He buys a nice enough house on the outskirts of town, with some additional property, a rundown barn and an old apple tree orchard that he has no plan on using. The weather's less hot, and there's a few lakes where he can fish, but otherwise, it's pretty much like any other town he's lived in. The dark red sandstones dotting the farmland remind him of Mexico. Of sitting in the hot sun and watching a small airfield in the distance, with a pair of binoculars in his hand. Sal's voice next to him asking about their next move. It's nostalgic in a way.
The first day, after he finished dropping off his stuff in the small, rundown house, he sets off to drive around, get familiar with the place. He finds a shabby bar, a small supermarket, a post office, a family owned diner and a few farms, with cows and hundreds of chickens roaming the surrounding fields, that sell local products. Over time, he ventures out further and discovers some more bars, supermarkets and, to his surprise, a gay club.
It's well hidden, two cities over, wedged between an antique bookstore and a barbershop. It looks nothing like a club from outside, and from the inside, it's hardly distinguishable from any other bar Walt has ever set foot in. But he knows where to look, it's something you learn over time.
The first time he orders a drink, his eyes fall on a guy sitting on the other end of the bar. Dark hair and dark eyes, with a bristly moustache. He's wearing a black cowboy hat and a jeans jacket, it's not what he would have worn. Plus he only looks a slight bit like Sal, his face is much older, more weathered from years of hard work in the sun, but it's enough for Walt to give in to his yearning.
He buys Not-Sal a drink and they fall into an easy chatter. Two hours later, Walt is driving him back to his house. Not-Sal is more experienced than Walt had thought when he starts undressing him with steady hands, his fingers touching in all the right places, he's already prepared, as if he'd been expecting this to happen, and doesn't mind it when Walt accidentally let's Sal's name slip at the height of his pleasure.
They lie together afterwards, sharing a cigarette between them, neither of them ready to leave yet. Walt is slowly falling asleep to the feeling of another person combing their hands through his hair. When he wakes up the next morning, the house is empty. There's a note on his kitchen table, a short thank you message, that's it. Next time he's at the club, Not-Sal is gone. He finds someone else. A different man, with dark hair, dark eyes and a friendly face, and then another and another. Some of the men he brings over are kind, they'll stay the night and sometimes even the morning, to share a quick meal with him before they move on, others leave almost immediately after they finish. Some of them yell out Walt's name as they come, others don't. And some yell out another man's name, but that's okay because so is Walt.
He's careful with the company he keeps. Always making sure that no one sees him leaving the club with another man, driving different routes back home and of course he's always stocking up on enough condoms because he's not stupid, he knows how important protection is.
Even though he's had a few men over, none of them return for longer than a couple of times. Its fun, to fill the mornings with senseless chatter, and to fall asleep in another person's arms. But they're not Sal.
He's longing for him. Even after all those years he's still longing for him. It's been three, almost four years since he last heard from Sal. He was moving to San Francisco. The DEA wanted someone new up there and Sal was growing tired of the shit hole they had placed him in after Mexico. They had called each other almost everyday, sometimes they would even meet each other, for a quick chat and an even quicker fuck. There was never enough time.
Sal wanted to call him back, he promised, once he was in San Francisco, to call him every day. Write a postcard. But nothing came. The telephone was silent for two whole months and Walt was desperate. First, he checked the newspapers for any missing or recently deceased people, when that search came up empty, he started to search the phone book for Sal's new address but of course that came up empty as well. He kept buying new phone books, just in case and by now, there was a small bookcase filled with old phone books in his house, and not a single one held an address for Sal Orozco. It was almost like he never exited. Only Walt's memory kept him from going insane. The fading photos on his wall, the one he kept in his wallet, next to a picture of Greg and his family. One of Sal's shirts he forgot in Walt's apartment in Texas, it had long stopped smelling of him, but nevertheless, Walt would pick it up and inhale deeply, thinking that the ghost of Sal's smell was still there, etched into the fabric. He slept with the shirt, on those nights when he woke up drenched in sweat, screaming and with a thundering heart. He wrenched his eyes open but he saw them anyway, Amat, Ossie, Danilo, sometimes even Kiki. He saw them die, he saw their bodies, bruised, burned, riddled with bullets, standing in front of his bed, he could hear them calling out his name. "You killed us, Walt." They'd point at him, blood dripping from their fingertips onto his bedsheets. Those nights were the worst. Sometimes they could only be stopped with an entire bottle of whiskey.
The dreams had gotten better since he found the dog. The dog didn't have a name. He was a stray, with dark, golden fur and dirty white paws. He picked him up on his way home from an unsuccessful night at the club, the dog was covered in ticks and fleas, one eye had been badly bruised and he was tied to a tree by the side of the road. Clearly abandoned. He expected the dog to bark at him, or worse, bite him, when he kneeled down beside him to untie him, but instead, it sat down in front of Walt and started wagging it's tail, as if he'd known Walt all his life. He took the dog in and gave it a bath, making sure that no ticks or fleas survived, before driving him to the vet the next morning to check out his eye. The vet couldn't save it and so Walt decided to take him in, just another broken thing keeping his company.
He put a collar on the dog and called him his, they slept in the same bed and sat on the couch together, watching football games and stupid action movies. The dog went fishing on the lake with him, even though he was no big help in catching the fish, he also liked to run around the orchard and sit on the front porch to sleep, and Walt liked to sit beside him and think, scratching behind his fluffy ears. Sometimes he wondered if Sal liked dogs. What he'd say if he met his dog.
The other animals were intentional. Walt bought a couple of chickens to sell their eggs at the local farm, and to keep himself busy. Then he renovated the old barn as best as he could and bought three goats to sell their meat, but once he saw them in their pen, he decided they weren't going to the slaughter house and kept them for their milk instead. He also fixed up the orchard as best as he could and started collecting the apples. Soon the onslaught of apples was too much for him to handle and so he collected them in a few boxes, along with the chicken eggs and sold them to the nearest farm. Surprisingly, the people around town started knowing him once he started visiting the farm more frequently. He would have regular conversations with some of them and at some point, even started looking forward to see them. He didn't go to the town hall meetings, or to Sunday mass, and the people had been weary of him, but once they saw him with his dog and the boxes of apples in his trunk, they warmed up to him.
He enjoyed his new life. It wasn't luxurious, but that wasn't what he wanted for himself anyway. He was no Miguel Angel. He didn't need a fleet of private planes and a couple of hotels to be happy.
The phone rang again and reminded him of his current situation. The dog had stopped wagging it's tail on the couch beside him and was looking at him with his one eye, almost as if he was saying "what are you waiting for?"
And so Walt picked up the phone, fully expecting Jamie or Ed or someone else from the DEA to yell at him to get his ass back to Mexico.
"Hello... is this Walt Breslin?" The phone slipped from his grasp and fell, he caught it in his suddenly sweaty palms, pressing the shell back against his ear. Three years silence could not erase the memory of that voice. Hushed conversations between them, hiding behind a parked car as they watched over a suspect, a gasp and then a low moan, while Walt kept hitting that one spot inside him, that set Sal's body on fire, a chatty conversation over two mugs of steaming coffee in a diner that ended with both of them laughing hysterically. Walt had enough memories for an entire lifetime with that voice, he would recognize it anywhere.
"Sal-" He breathed, rearranging the phone against his ear.
"Is- Walt is that you? Oh my god- fuck- I found you!" There was a short pause on the other end of the phone and for a moment Walt thought he was imagining things, then Sal's voice returned. "I- I'm sorry, Walt. I'm so sorry-" He sobbed, apologizing over and over.
"Sal- How did you find me? Wh- Are you alright? Is- do you need help?"
"No, no, I'm fine, Walt. I am. I just- fuck- I missed you so much. Where are you? I called you're old address so many times- I thought something happened to you…"
"Shh, I'm okay. I'm in Colorado. Small town near Denver. I'll give you the address… That is… If you want me to…"
"Yes! I mean... yes I want- I want to see you. If that's okay. I need to- need to know you're okay."
He contemplated with himself wether to ask this or not, but in the end, Walt did it anyways. "It's been three years, Sal. Why did you never call? What's changed?" Another sobb from the other end of the line. "I'll tell you. In person. Friday? Is that okay for you?" Walt squinted at his calendar. Friday was in two days, he needed to clean the house, buy some groceries and pack the car for Sunday's apple delivery.
"Yeah, Friday works."
"Alright. I'll see you on Friday… Walt… I missed you."
"… Missed you too Sal."
He put the phone down slowly, feeling like he was still in a dream. The dog had noticed something was off about his behavior and was staring at him in concern. " 's alright bud, I'm just… surprised, is all. We'll meet a friend of mine on Friday. I hope you'll like him…"
Lost in his thoughts, Walt began his evening routine, closing the chicken pen, checking on the goats and refilling the dogs food in case he got hungry during the night, only when the brown cibbles hit the kitchen tiles did he notice his thoughts slipping off. The only thing on his mind was Sal. Sal with his kind face and the warm, dark brown eyes, Sal wrapping an arm around his hips and pulling him closer, Sal whispering into Walt's ear. A hushed love confession neither of them dared to talk about. So, so many memories they shared between them, how was he supposed to wait any longer to see him again?
Friday couldn't come soon enough.
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loyally-unfaithful · 4 years
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pairing: rengoku kyojuro x gn!reader
genre: fluff
a/n: henlo is me again, i’ve never owned cats and it shows i made this into headcanon format, but if you were looking for something feel free to resend a request c: alrighty hope you like it
edit: i know this is a super long time since this ask was actually sent to me?? and i honestly have no excuses to give. i’m really sorry to whoever sent the request: i was just procrastinating and then covid hit and my motivation plunged even lower. i know this is not much, and it’s probably ooc to all hell but i do hope you like it.
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so ok, here’s the premise: you just moved out of your old residence, whether it was a flat or a house—you’re outta there! you is gone !
and ur friend or flatmate had a litter of cats and u just couldn't help urself but adopt one. they were just that cute.
so u did.
got that bad boi for free too, what a bargain!
and anyway u love that bastard with all ur heart.
it's just a bastard but she’s your bastard so it's all good.
very adorable dainty catto, and you took her to the vets to get her checked up, vaccinated, dewormed, and all that good stuff to make sure she will have a long and healthy lifespan.
u recall that u need to bring her in within 6 months to get her spayed so that there wouldn’t be an accidental litter. the operation is postponed since rn she’s too small, and ur like.
ok, i'll see u in 6 months.
that was 3 months ago.
now u moved out into a new apartment, with ur precious catto in tow.
after u finished bringing in all your boxes and furnitures and such, you thought to yourself, “hey, why not start this new chapter in life with a good start by acquainting myself with my neighbours”.
and that's exactly what u did: u gathered like, a packet of strawberries, and went over to the flat directly in front of urs while rehearsing what you will say in your head.
as you reached the other side and pressed the doorbell, you wondered who lived behind those doors…
first you’ll introduce yourself by name.
maybe it was a married couple? maybe even with a family?
and after that, you’ll tell them that you just recently moved in.
or perhaps it would be some elderly gentleman or lady?
and then, you will hand the gifts over and express that you hoped that the two of you will get along—something like that.
worst case scenario, the person is some weirdo… you hoped not…
the door finally opens with a click and you begin to recite what you had practiced:
« hey my name is... » your voice tapers off as you fully took in the person greeting you.
your voice disappears, meeting someone you absolutely did not expect. out of all the possibilities, you did not think for a moment that your neighbour would be the handsome young man with piercing golden eyes, lustrous locks of bright yellow hair, and an even brighter smile, standing before you.
were you staring? you were staring weren’t you? you realised in embarrassment that you were staring at the man, who was probably confused to all hell as to why you appeared on his front doors.
fighting your urge to combust and run away, you introduced yourself following the script you made up (though with more stutters than originally intended) and brusquely handed the berries over.
he happily takes your gift, repeating your name, assuring you that he was listening. it’s so stupid, but the way he says your name makes your stomach do flips. « well, welcome! he says enthusiastically. i’m rengoku kyojuro! i hope you enjoy it here! »
and that was that.
you mechanically went back to your flat, face burning and nervousness still clawing at you.
you’d say that you got adjusted to this new life pretty quickly. you seldom visited kyojuro as you were too embarrassed to pop by and chit-chat as often as you would’ve preferred to—dreading the thought of crossing him on your way to your own flat whenever you went home—but otherwise everything had been good.
alas, your cat was now 5 months old and oh boy.
something tells you your cat was entering its heat cycle or something—you were a first time cat-owner, but you had an inkling.
if your cat’s sudden affectionate, or over-affectionate, streak and unexpected attention seeking behaviour was anything to go by. she would roll on the floor, rub herself all over you and leave fluff all over your clothes, and yells.
she screm!
most stressful of all was how she absolutely wanted to escape to the outside, but you were not having it. you did not want kittens. one cat is enough thank you.
but nope, your wishes were in vain as one day, she just fucking disappeared—god knows where she is , she’s just somewhere.
understandably, you lost your shit and panicked because holy hell your cat escaped!!!
you went around to look for her, with no luck, and you were absolutely heartbroken.
that was until like??? 2 months later and you went to open a drawer to get some socks and lo and behold!
and not just any cat! your cat! AND NOT JUST YOUR CAT! but also a bunch of other smaller cats, also known as kittens!
at this point, you weren’t even upset at the thought that you fucked up and ended up having kittens—you were just happy your cat is back and alive and well and back home. who knows how she entered back into the house.
who cares??
your cat is back!!
you’ll just have to spay her once she’s done nursing.
but as you watched over the litter, which looked like your cat but also another cat, you began to see a resemblance between their orange fur and caprisun, kyojuro’s ginger maine coon!!
and now everything makes sense…  
body working on autopilot, both because of how tired you were after watching over the cats and also because you were still dissociating from the realisation, you stiffly made your way to your neighbour and ringed the doorbell… ignoring the fact that this was now 2 in the morning.
you had to tell him, or confirm or do something with this new knowledge. his sleep can wait.
surprisingly, he answered the door without you having to ring him a second time. unsurprisingly, he looked tired and was ???? at you summoning him at such an odd time in the evening.
« i know that we don’t really talk, you started. but i need to show you something: i think your cat might have gotten my cat pregnant?? »
that caught the blond’s attention enough to wash the grogginess away from his face, and he followed you back to your flat.
normally the idea that a stranger, a good looking stranger no less, was going into your flat would fluster you, but right now you were a man with a plan, you had something to do and that was to show kyojuro the litter of cats.
he was surprised when he saw them, but confirmed that you were probably right, and that his male cat had probably gotten to your cat during her disappearance.
at this point you were a little bit (a lot) overwhelmed by the responsibility that came along with being a parent (and a grandparent), so you were about to ask him to help you coparent for the little buggers.
but he suggested it before you had the chance to, taking initiative:
« then! he expressed emphatically. we must raise this little kitty family together! kyojuro declared. »
and thus began your misadventures together as cat parents.
even though you both had work and a multitude of other things to do during the day (kyojuro still has his own cat to take care of, for that matter), you made it work—perhaps through sheer stubbornness and desire to make things right.
if anything, this whole ordeal cemented the fact that you were officially put off from having real children: if taking care of kittens was this demanding, imagine a whole actual human baby.
no way, no thanks.
you’re good.
hard pass.
funnily enough, after taking turns to take care of the cats and after the shifts to watch over them, you two had become fast friends. despite your reluctance with meeting him again after your disastrous greeting, you found yourself being very comfortable being in his presence and getting used to having him over in your flat (for the cats, of course).
but you would be lying if you said you didn’t enjoy spending time with kyojuro, conversing with him and learning more about each other as you both opened up to one another.
it was when he beamed at a joke you made, wearing his signature exuberant smile and laughing a laugh that you found so adorable, that you realised that you were in too deep. that you were definitely catching feels.
sometimes, you wished that you two would’ve been more than just friends. you wince at the thought that the two of you drift apart after this whole mess was over. but you pushed that inevitability away from your mind.
for the most part, nothing noteworthy ever happened as you took care of the kittens as the two of you fell into a comfortable rhythm.
one day, while you were both taking care of the cats, his exhaustion got the best of him and kyojuro fell asleep. you found him dozing off on the couch when you walked in, and you had to stop for a moment and tiptoe in the piece because of how peaceful he looked as he was resting. it was incredible how impeccable he looked, awake or asleep.
secretly, you took a picture, capturing this moment forever. he looks adorable. you’ll probably show the image later and tell him that he can take it easy for a while seeing as he was worn out and that you just received a few days off.
speaking of sleeping on duty, you’ve caught yourself passing out once or twice (ok a few times, more than just once or twice), but the weirdest part of all was that you would always wake up on your bed instead of wherever you fell asleep.
butterflies would go feral in ur stomach at the implication that kyojuro had been carrying your sleeping form to your bedroom.
but that was what has been happening right?
you think that at some point, you had fallen asleep on kyojuro… but to save yourself from the embarrassment, you chalk that up to your imagination running wild or a dream.
a few months into this ordeal, he pulled you over to another room to talk privately to you (ignoring the fact that there wasn’t anyone else in your apartment except for the cats).
he seemed to carry himself with a hesitance or shyness that was never there, and you found yourself dreading what he was about to tell you. what kind of bomb was he about to drop on you?
before starting, he paused for a moment, resolute… or was that a look of determination in his eyes? you didn’t know what to expect and it made you worried.
« i have something i need to tell you, convey to you! he started, confidence not lost in his voice. there is a burning passion in my heart, and it was about time that i listened to it! i know we’ve only met just recently, but after our time together i realised that i have feelings for you! he uttered your name again, with such gentleness and softness that it made your heart tighten. i like you! »
« i like you too!! you responded quickly, too quickly. you winced at how loud you unintentionally were, but he didn't seem to pay attention. »
instead, a radiant smile graced his features as he realised that you shared the same sentiment. and the same smile spread on your face, happy that he returned your feelings.
slowly, he moved closer to you and like a magnet, you mirrored him.
perhaps a bit hesitant, you could feel the ghost of a kiss over your lips as he leaned towards you, inching ever closer to each other.
but as your lips were about to connect, you hear crying from the other room…
the cats!
you two jerked away from each other, alerted by the sound, before looking back at each other, dumbfounded.
after what felt like an eternity but also an instant, a chuckle escaped you as you began to laugh uncontrollably—overwhelmed by giddiness and the sheer absurdity of this entire situation—and the blond followed suit, laughing along with you.
as you calmed down, your eyes found each other and the two of you just smiled.
the both of you wore brilliant smiles, and you were floored by the tenderness he held for you.
you look like a mess.
and he looks like a mess.
and you're both tired beyond belief.
but you’re both really happy.
and really happy to have each other.
(and your cats of course).
you’ll have to thank your cat later for helping you meet this wonderful person.
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erisbaek · 4 years
Stucky Fic Rec [Part One]
So I decided to split the fic recs up into parts because they will be too long otherwise. In each part I will link the Google Doc that I am typing them up in, which is where I will constantly update as I read.  Within these fic recs, they’re mostly my preferences, so very few (if any) Shrinkyclinks, and ABO fics will be within them, as well as shorter fics, since I actively seek fics out that are longer than 10k (and completed)!!
The Google Doc Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10wqr5s-CzkFzLidQgt-y4-cjudHWwVeVPWCedMjK7t0/edit?usp=sharing
The first part is formatted under the cut, if you’d prefer to stay out of the doc!
Lightning in a Bottle 
    Word Count: 63k     Rating: Explicit     Notable Tags: Shrunkyclunks, Road Trip!AU, Angst with Happy Ending     Warnings: Smut, Smoking     Synopsis: The problem, Steve thinks, isn’t so much his motorcycle giving up the ghost on a lonely stretch of highway through a lonely stretch of the country. He doesn’t mind stretching his legs or the prospect of hitchhiking. The problem is the roiling black blanket of storm clouds slowly spreading itself over the landscape headed his direction… Steve Rogers is looking to hitch on a highway abandoned by everyone smart enough to avoid a looming storm. Bucky Barnes is the professional storm chaser who offers him a ride.
It gets more complicated from there.
Perspective and Truth
        Word Count: 16.7k          Rating: Teen and Up         Notable Tags: Bodyswap!AU, Emotional Hurt/Comfort        Warnings: None        Synopsis: Bucky and Steve end up swapping bodies and learning a lot more about each other in the process
Carbs and Conversations
         Word Count: 48k          Rating: Teen and Up          Notable Tags: Hockey!AU, No Powers          Warnings: None          Synopsis: Bucky was just looking for a chance. A chance to get on the ice and play. A chance to escape from Hydra. A chance to redeem himself. He didn't include 'A chance to be friends with Steve Rogers' on the list. That would be ridiculous. Lucky for him, Steve seemed determined to be ridiculous.
So Loud and So Clear
           Word Count: 26.6k            Rating: Mature            Notable Tags: Get Together, Slow Build            Warnings: None           Synopsis: Bucky had been careful, after all, leaving no trace of his comings and goings. It was horrendously disappointing to know that Rogers had found him. Bucky was a lot better than getting caught by a guy who wore the American flag as a onesie. He just really was. “Don’t you – Bucky – Bucky,” Rogers started, and to Bucky’s growing horror, it looked like Rogers was on the verge of some type of emotional eclipse. Anger, sadness, something, and Bucky wanted nothing to do with it. “Hate to break it to you, bud, but I don’t remember ever living here and I don’t remember you.”
A Loyal Viewer 
           Word Count: 36.1k            Rating: Explicit             Notable Tags: Camboy!Steve, Punk!Bucky, No Powers, Long Distance            Relationship            Warnings: Smut            Synopsis: At almost exactly eight thirty in the evening, Steve settles on the bed before his camera and the computer. He signs into his account on Chaturbate and clicks the button that starts his stream.
In My Conditions, Love’s the Best Physician
             Word Count: 9.1k              Rating: Not Rated              Notable Tags: Shrunkyclunks, Pharmacist!Bucky, Russian!Bucky              Warnings: None              Synopsis: ”This situation is a little more delicate because I don't even know if he speaks English and I'm tired of going down to the pharmacy for constipation medication and allergy pills when I haven't sneezed since 1941.” Steve shouts. The room falls silent, and he turns back around to find four pairs of stunned eyes watching him. Tony, as always, speaks first. “He?” - Or the one where Bucky is a hot pharmacist and Steve keeps making up bullshit reasons to go see him.
Rare Is This Love (Keep It Covered) 
               Word Count: 66.7k                Rating: Explicit                 Notable Tags: Shrunkyclunks, Mechanic!Bucky, Slow Burn                Warnings: Smut, Canonical Character Death                Synopsis: It's 2014. Captain America has been out of the ice for three years and is trudging along, saving the world and trying to get used to living in the future. Steve thinks he knows how the rest of his life is going to pan out – a life of duty, which he chose when he signed up to be Erskine’s science experiment. But then, he meets Bucky Barnes: the out-of-this-world-gorgeous mechanic and war vet, who turns Steve’s life upside down and makes him question everything he thought he knew. Slowly, Steve comes to realize there is more to life than duty and punching Nazis. Just one problem though: how on earth does a 96-year-old virgin who only just realized he may not be entirely straight make the transition from crush to relationship? Cue healthy amounts of self-doubt, awkward flirting, pretty blushing, existential crises, emotional growth, and maybe, possibly, a sexual awakening.
Looking For A Place To Hide
                Word Count: 33.3k                 Rating: Explicit                 Notable Tags: Endgame Fix-It, 2012!Steve                 Warnings: Smut                 Synopsis:  It's 2012 and all Steve knows is that another version of himself said Bucky is alive. Steve will do anything to get his friend back, even if it means time traveling to 2023. He expects Bucky to be happy to see him, but instead he's wary, hurt. Turns out his Steve had left him for Peggy. How? Why? Steve can't believe it. Now he'll have to find a way to make sense of it all, and convince Bucky that it's the two of them to the end of the line.
The Wolf and the Sheep
               Word Count: 50.5k                Rating: Teen and Up                Notable Tags: Shield Agent!Steve, Winter Soldier!Bucky                 Warnings: None                Synopsis: Steve Rogers is a SHIELD agent who is recruited for a secret project: Becoming a handler for the Asset. Steve’s world is thrown for a loop when he discovers the Asset is an actual person and he needs to figure out who he is and what he’s going to do.
All Those Little Pieces
                 Word Count: 40.5k                  Rating: Mature                  Notable Tags: Alternating POV, Post CATW                  Warnings: Smut, Panic Attacks                  Synopsis: Steve has never forgotten Bucky Barnes. Not their childhood together, not the horror of the moment Bucky fell too far for him to reach, and not the way he's loved him all the while. Bucky has forgotten everything about Steve, at least at first. But there's still a feeling there, warm in his chest—and maybe now that he's found his way back to Steve Rogers and his sunny apartment, there's a chance it might turn into something more.
My Dear
                   Word Count: 29.9k                    Rating: Explicit                     Notable Tags: Post CATWS, Recovery                    Warnings: Smut                    Synopsis: The Soldier stares down at the floor, breathing hard through his nose. “And you still wanna fix me,” he says. Steve shakes his head. “There’s nothing to fix, Buck. I just want to bring you home.”
Living On My Own
                    Word Count: 26.1k                     Rating: Mature                     Notable Tags: Vigilante!Bucky                      Warnings: Blood and Gore                     Synopsis: James Barnes is back in the world and finds that not only has there been 1) an alien invasion, but 2) Howard Stark had a kid. One that dispenses unsolicited life advice, no less. Oh, and 3) Captain America is alive again, after getting himself killed by his own recklessness in a move so stupid only Steve could have come up with it. In which James learns to do laundry, turns into an accidental neighborhood vigilante and makes Tony Stark a happy grease monkey, all while he figures out where to stake his claim.
Chase the Lighting From the Sky
                      Word Count: 39.4k                       Rating: Explicit                        Notable Tags: No Powers, Age Gap, Farm!AU                        Warnings: Smut, Past Character Death, Animal Death                       Synopsis: If Bucky has to be stuck doing this ridiculous summer work program before his senior year of college, on a ranch in the middle of nowhere, then at least he’s got a hot as hell cowboy for a boss and host. Steve Rogers, owner of the Truth & Justice Ranch, is what Bucky’s completely theoretical but very imaginative bisexual fantasies are made of. Steve’s a widower though, and a nice guy in need of help, and no doubt 100% straight… so Bucky’s gonna work his ass off and keep his head down. But neither Bucky nor Steve are prepared for the friendship that forms between them as they work side by side. And they certainly aren’t expecting the budding feelings, confessions, and passions that summer heat and the loneliness of the great open plains stirs in each of them. What rages to life between them will shake each man to his core and will linger long after the storms and the summer have passed.
Cinder and Smoke
                       Word Count: 51.7k                        Rating: Explicit                        Notable Tags: Sheriff!Steve, Blacksmith!Bucky, Old Western                        Warnings: Smut, Period-Typical Homophobia, OC Death                        Synopsis: “They say there’s no law in Parasapa. Is that true?”
Art Thief, Heart Thief
                       Word Count: 58.8k                        Rating: Mature                        Notable Tags: FBI!Steve, Thief!Bucky Barnes                        Warnings: Smut                        Synopsis: Agent Steve Rogers is facing a series of art thefts that has him stumped, and looking for a break in the case. Convicted art thief and general high end criminal Bucky Barnes wants to make parole and happens to know all of the right people who could make Steve's job easier. So they strike a deal, mutually beneficial and entirely business. But a few days undercover, an undeniable growing chemistry, and some ill-timed Feelings entering the mix, and all bets are off.
Laws of Thermodynamics 
                       Word Count: 14.6k                        Rating: Explicit                         Notable Tags: Post CATWS, Recovery                         Warnings: Smut                        Synopsis: He never had to relearn how to love Steve Rogers. It might be the one thing he never forgot.
Abstract Art
                       Word Count: 26.6k                        Rating: Teen and Up                        Notable Tags: Friends to Lovers, Artist!Steve, Ex Sniper!Bucky                        Warnings: None                        Synopsis: They survive almost a year of torture together, cells side by side, banter and teasing and stories. They keep each other alive. Then everything changes. They tell Bucky that Rogers's been killed. He tries to piece his life together, to move on. Steve owns an art store. He's given up looking. It's over. Except it's really not.
We Discovered Gold
                       Word Count: 18.7k                        Rating: Explicit                        Notable Tags: Post CACW, Fix-It, Wakanda                         Warnings: Smut                        Synopsis: “So you got these safe houses scattered all over Russia?” Steve jokes into the soft hair over Bucky's temple, not pulling away, “Or did we just get lucky?” Bucky shakes his head and then replies, “Got myself a few. It’s been a long two years.” “Yeah pal,” Steve nods, burrowing further, “I hear that.”
Never Mind to Hold 
                      Word Count: 21.6k                       Rating: Mature                       Notable Tags: Soulmate!AU, Not CACW Compliant, Soulmarks                       Warnings: Brief Suicidal Ideation                       Synopsis: Steve didn't know the name of Bucky's soulmate. He wasn't even sure when it had appeared across Bucky's heart. But Steve knew it wasn't his name hidden under that patch.
Where There’s Smoke 
                      Word Count: 95.1k                       Rating: Explicit                        Notable Tags: Firefighter!AU                       Warnings: Smut                       Synopsis: Steve is a Brooklyn firefighter who is about to be saddled with a new, rookie crewmate. James Barnes is that rookie, just looking for a fresh start at a new station. Steve's friends think they know what's best for him...start dating his new crewmate. Steve thinks they're crazy...or possibly right. But events from James's recent past may pose a threat to any designs they have on each other.
Let Them Eat Cake
                    Word Count: 31k                     Rating: Explicit                      Notable Tags: Shrunkyclunks, Pastry Chef!Steve, Sommelier!Bucky                     Warnings: Smut, Drug Use                     Synopsis: Steve picked up the piping bag and returned to the ramekins. Bucky left, though not without shooting one last look at Steve's wide back. Bucky could already tell Steve Rogers was trouble, not even counting the near-religious experiences he inspired among the staff. It wasn’t that Bucky didn’t appreciate him as well; he did. He just tended to appreciate people he found attractive from afar, because explaining the metal arm was hard, and because he didn’t really know how to handle letting someone in close. But that wasn’t why Steve was trouble, not really. Bucky wanted to know why their new pastry chef had gun calluses on his right hand.
Adrenalize Me 
                  Word Count: 58.5k                   Rating: Explicit                    Notable Tags: Vampire!Steve                   Warnings: Smut, Blood                   Synopsis: Leaning against the side of a wall, taking an indolent drag of a cigarette, there he stood. Watching Bucky with an inscrutable gaze. Staring at Bucky for long seconds, the blond seemed to consider him before breaking the silence. “You know, nice guy like you walking alone at this hour – people might think you were looking for trouble.” Trying not to shudder at the sound of that voice, which wrapped around him like smoke, Bucky managed a smirk, lifted a brow. “Well, if I was, it looks like I found it.” Two strangers meet in a dark club. One just happens to be a vampire.
The Change in Us 
                 Word Count: 23.4k                  Rating: Explicit                  Notable Tags: N/A                  Warnings: Smut                  Synopsis: “I’ve found your BFF,” Stark says without preamble. “My… what?” “James Barnes. Winter Soldier. Bucky. I don’t know, I don’t care, but right now he’s perched on the roof of the next building with a gun on me, and it’s not so much my idea of a relaxing afternoon, so could you get down here?” Steve hangs up and starts running.
Things That Go Bump in the Night
                  Word Count: 38.2k                   Rating: Explicit                   Notable Tags: Shrunkyclunks, Ex Army!Bucky                   Warnings: Minor Smut                    Synopsis: Many an odd critter and item have ended up on the front porch of the property Bucky house-sits in the Middle Of Nowhere, but a bleeding blond man is a first. A short inspection reveals the man to be none other than Steve Rogers; ex-Captain America, vigilante, and a wanted fugitive. Steve’s stay of a few days of recovery is prolonged, under instructions for him to lie low until the Avengers can sort out the mess that has become the Sokovia Accords. Bucky is pretty sure that he’s committing an act of treason by providing Steve a place to stay. He is also pretty sure that lengthy interaction with Steve makes one prone to impending headaches and possibly ulcers. And he is certain that he is, very assuredly, in danger of falling in love with Steve.
The Soldier’s Revenge
                 Word Count: 76.4k                  Rating: Explicit                   Notable Tags: Canon Divergence, Enemies To Lovers, Slow Burn                  Warnings: Smut                  Synopsis: Bucky Barnes turns himself in to SHIELD two years after dragging Captain America out of the Potomac River. He was deprogrammed in Wakanda and has been hunting down Hydra ever since, but he needs help if he wants to take proper revenge on his captors. He turns to his old enemies: SHIELD and the Avengers, but it'll take more than a few words to win their trust after the Winter Soldier brought SHIELD to its knees not long before. Now at SHIELD's mercy, the only thing that stands between Bucky and his revenge is the approval of Captain Rogers: a self-righteous asshole that Bucky barely knows.
The Best Way to Wake
                  Word Count: 42.2k                   Rating: Explicit                   Notable Tags: Canon Divergence, Slow Burn                   Warnings: Smut                   Synopsis: James Buchanan Barnes lay in a glass pod in the middle of the table, frozen since he fell. Steve’s hands were on the glass before he realized he’d moved. “Wait, Captain!” “Get him out,” Steve whispered, his hands searching for a clasp, a keypad, something. “Captain, we need to keep him in stasis—“ “I said get him out!” In which Bucky Barnes lay frozen in the Alps for seventy years only to be woken up a year after Steve Rogers was uncovered from the Arctic.
Latte Art and Slow Dancing in the Dark
                    Word Count: 89.5k                     Rating: Explicit                      Notable Tags: Age Difference, CIA!Steve, Barista!Bucky, Sugar                            Daddy!Steve                     Warnings: Smut                     Synopsis: Bucky is a somewhat well-adjusted former army sniper that got his shoulder blown out. He took his discharge and went home to finish school and is working on his international relations masters. His best friends and roommates (Nat & Clint) are CIA agents and tip him off that their local Sbux is hiring. He gets a job there and meets none other than the hottest guy on earth. So how does one get a date in the most top secret government location in the US? What happens when that guy is more than just a hot dorito and wants to give Bucky everything he wants? Bucky is going to have to figure out his shit and fast. That's what's up.
Laughter Lines
                   Word Count: 100.2k                    Rating: Mature                    Notable Tags: Bodyguard!AU, Slow Burn                    Warnings: None                    Synopsis: Bucky Barnes is a rising Hollywood star with a tragic past and a reputation for driving his bodyguards away. Steve Rogers is a veteran with the same tragic past and the need to get back out in the world. The two of them have been estranged since they were teenagers, so when Steve joins SHIELD as a bodyguard, he is less than thrilled when he finds out that Bucky is his first assignment. But how bad can it be? They're both professional adults, right?Wrong.
From Hydra with Love
                   Word Count: 21.2k                    Rating: Mature                    Notable Tags: Spies!Steve and Bucky                    Warnings: Smut                    Synopsis: Captain Steve Rogers is one of the best spies in the world - a marksman, a martial artist, an expert in strategy and tactics. There's not a lot he can't handle. Heck, he's even saved the world once or twice. So why does every run in with the mysterious Winter Soldier leave him feeling like the Bond Girl?
Goddamn Electric
                Word Count: 67.8k                 Rating: Explicit                 Notable Tags: Bodyguard!Steve, Musician!Bucky                 Warnings: Drug Use, Alcohol Use, Smut                 Synopsis: Steve Rogers works for a discreet private security company and gets assigned to James Barnes, a musician who takes the idea of 'sex, drugs & rock 'n roll' just a little too seriously.
There Was Something About Steve Rogers
                Word Count: 46.7k                 Rating: Explicit                 Notable Tags: Post CATWS                 Warnings: Smut, Panic Attacks                 Synopsis: The Winter Soldier knows Steve Rogers has deep feelings for Bucky Barnes, and decides that he can use that to his advantage to gain protection from the Hydra agents still trying to find him. What he didn't bargain for was actually starting to care about the man they call Captain America, or the strength of Bucky Barnes' memories as they begin to resurface.
Through the Mist
                Word Count: 14.5k                 Rating: Teen and Up                 Notable Tags: Soulmate!AU, Post CATWS                 Warnings: None                 Synopsis: He usually kept it covered. Whether it be with long sleeves, a cuff of some sort, or make up Natasha skillfully showed him how to apply. He didn’t cover it up because he was ashamed or because he was one of those people who didn’t like others knowing who his soulmate was- no. He covered it up out of respect. Respect for his fallen partner, and respect for himself because he knew looking at those swoopy lines of James B. Barnes on his wrist always made him crumble like his legs were kicked down. When he crashed into the ice all those years ago he thought he was going to see Bucky again- he thought he was finally going to be with Bucky without people giving them ugly looks and throwing slurs their way. He thought he was going to be happy again.
Take Me Home 
              Word Count: 78.1k               Rating: Mature               Notable Tags: Shrunkyclunks, Veteran!Bucky               Warnings: Smut, Torture, Referenced Suicide               Synopsis: “I’m so sorry, I’m gonna help you I promise, just don’t move, fuck, I ran over Captain America–” the man apologized, over and over, and all Steve managed to say was, “You’re really attractive,” before passing out on the guy’s lap in the middle of the road.
Where the Circle Ends
               Word Count: 29.8k                Rating: Mature                Notable Tags: Zombie Apocalypse!AU                 Warnings: Smut, Gore                Synopsis: In which the world has gone to hell in a zombie apocalypse handbasket and, in the middle of it all, Steve finds the one person he never thought he'd see again. Angst and feelings (amongst other things) ensue.
Our Souls (They Were Made to Last) 
               Word Count: 53.8k                Rating: Mature                Notable Tags: No Powers, Veteran!Steve, Doctor!Bucky, Ghost!Bucky                Warnings: None                Synopsis: Dr. James Barnes is too busy saving lives to actually have one of his own. When he finally agrees to go on a blind date, he gets into an accident that will change his life forever. Retired Army Captain Steve Rogers is depressed, and when he moves into his new apartment he finds it already occupied....with the ghost of its last tenant. To make matters worse, the ghost is adamant that he's not dead. As they navigate their way through their new living arrangements, can they save each other, before it’s too late? Or have they missed their one shot at a happy ending?
By Any Other Name
                 Word Count: 36.9k                  Rating: Explicit                  Notable Tags: Assassins and Hitmen!AU, Spies and Agents!AU                  Warning: Smut                 Synopsis: Steve was a good spy. It turned out one good spy didn't stand a chance against a rival security firm, a contract killer, and his own heart.
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insipid-drivel · 3 years
besides the energy burnout, glad to hear things are otherwise going well for you :) sending good vibes!!
Thank you. I need them. The cat I've been fostering and rehabilitating is ready to go to a sanctuary to await his forever-home, and it's hard to say goodbye. I originally wanted to keep him permanently, but he came from a very neglectful background where he spent many years pretty much living feral, and I can't in good conscience let him run loose around the property I live on. There are so many apex predators and a road nearby that even part-time outside cats are in a lot of danger when they're let out in my area. He's also very big, and therefore very capable of causing a lot of destruction to the smaller animal species that we like having around.
Fortunately, things are going surprisingly easily. I returned to the sanctuary I initially got him from and explained that he's not adapting well to being an inside cat and is becoming aggressive and defensive to the point that he attacked my face for trying to gently brush him, and I no longer feel like I can provide him with the lifestyle that's right for us both. I believe in keeping him in a collar with his vaccination tags and ID prominently displayed for extra security if he gets out and nobody bothers to check for a microchip if he's found, but he completely loses his marbles at having anything even remotely wrapped around his neck and can easily hurt himself, and me in the process of trying to help.
Ideally, I think he would do well on a small family farm where he can have the outdoor life he wants in a domesticated setting where there are fewer predators and dangers to his safety. The sanctuary I got him from has space to take him in and properly care for him now (they initially fostered him out to me from the owners themselves because they were at full capacity and had no other way of helping him), and the adoption coordinator I initially worked with is extremely understanding of the situation. It's happened before, they're more than happy to help get him to the right home, and they're happy to take him in now that they have room. I did the hard work in rehabilitating him and getting him healthy and active. I'm just waiting to hear back from an urgent care vet clinic with specialized equipment to safely sedate him for one more checkup and his last few booster shots so he goes to the sanctuary in top condition with new vaccination tags.
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Name: Mizuki Tsuruga Ishino  Alias: Hiddenite ( yes like kunzite this is part of the spodumene mineral varieties. I also love the play on words. ‘hidden’. ) Age: same as rin, twins ayy Occupation / Role: student attending school, smuggler / errand boy / runner for the Shitennou gang, more tbd / being worked out
- Twin sister: @withagentleheart - Adoptive father: @kingadcnis - Parents deceased - hopeful boxing / pupil of inu senpai @kizusedai  accepting: friends and more surrogate ‘rentals for my traumatized baby boy
At the age of 5 Mizuki’s parents were brutally murdered. He was separated from his mother and twin sister to watch in horror as one by one they killed his father, brothers, then moved on to him. He heard the sounds of his mother’s frantic cries as they took her, used her and killed her. His sister hearing him scream fought back but upon seeming him on the floor , his chest slashed to hell , eyes wide open and not moving assumed he was dead like the rest of the family. 
As the paramedics arrived as social services took Rin they realized upon seeing his pinky finger twitch and taking his vitals that somehow he still clung to life and they had to get him into urgent care. They managed to stop the internal bleeding but the boy never woke. Through an online gofund me by a detective that worked on his case , he was kept on life support indefinitely with the hope that someday he would wake up. Years passed and as he slept his once brown hair turned stark white. Something the nurses thought , with their pitying glances that was probably a result of the horrors he witnessed. 
More years passed and then, one day. He just ... woke up. Years lost and disoriented , doctors and nurses piled in to study him turning his hospital room into something of a circus. But out of this chaos came a good thing. Kanjo Ishino, otherwise reffered to as Kunzite within the Shitennou Gang’s circle and their current leader, happened to catch some gossip about what had happened. And took his time to get to know and talk to him for three weeks before formally inquiring about adoption. After being thoroughly vetted , social services released Mizuki into his care and he’s been with him ever since.
Due to the trauma he suffered, Mizuki struggles with PTSD and a severe social anxiety disorder. His brain has blocked out what happened to him. He’s been triggered sometimes by people and media. He’s trying to get better at that but it’s like trying to paddle your way upstream in a broken canoe with a shoe as a paddle. It’s hard to sometimes distinguish whether to block the hole in the boat or try to make more headway in hopes that he’ll get where he needs to go before he sinks. It’s ... a process. 
He’s a very sweet , quiet boy. He’s surprised easily and is very inquisitive, taking his time to decide whether or not to like things. He’s very happy with his small victories and just wants to learn how to live in control of his emotions, his thoughts and fears and his life. I think he longs for connection but is scared to reach out. 
- kunzite recovered his mother’s fan from the police evidence locker. paid off a cop to get it so that mizuki could have something to remember her by. he couldn’t look at it or touch it for months until one day kunzite came into his room to find him holding it to him and sobbing and he hasn’t let go of it since.
- he goes to weekly therapy sessions as per requirement by social services for the first year of his adoption. if they feel he’s comfortable and living a healthy, happy home life then they will lift the probationary period. 
- mizuki wants a tropical fish aquarium. he and his therapist think it’d be a good first step for him to care for something that relies on him.
- he’s attending school again and likes his english lit studies
- while helping kunzite one day, they stopped at ninja food for ramen and mizuki over heard inuyasha boast he was the best fighter around. as they were getting ready to leave he asked him real quiet if learning how to defend himself would make him feel better inside. the man gave mizuki his hat and promised he’d teach him to fight good. mizuki’s worn that hat whenever he’s visit him since. one, in case he wants it back. but two, because he likes it. it makes him feel empowered and brave.
- he sleeps alone but from time to time has to sleep in kunzite’s room. kunzite’s almost tripped over him once or twice to get up and go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, because he never climbs into bed with him. he just brings a blanket and pillow and sleeps on the floor.
- he is beginning to feel a great deal of affection and gratitude towards kunzite but can’t bring himself to call him father yet. he knows that word won’t be so hard to say one day. and he wants to be able to say it, he’s just .... it’s hard to put what happened to his family behind him. I don’t think he ever will entirely, but he’ll learn to manage it better. and when he does, he’ll thank his adoptive father properly. and tell him he loves him.
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irwinkitten · 5 years
new kitten | poly!kayshton
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request from anon:  mom listen!!!! secretly getting a kitten you found in the rain and hiding it from poly! kayshton because you think they'll be mad but they're sold to the idea of the tiny fluffer becase shes so fucking tiny and you LOOK so cute singing to it in the night ya thats all notes: so are we surprised??? no. don’t like it? don’t read it. it’s all soft i promise.  warnings: none word count: 2.7k will i ever not go overboard with them?? the answer is no
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It had been a long day. The wind had been howling and then the rain followed. 
You’d been stuck at work, finishing up and sighing at the fact that you were going to get soaked. 
Normally it wouldn’t have bothered you, you could’ve just ordered an Uber. But with your phone on minimum battery and only a jacket to protect you, you knew that you were going to have to walk. So you fortified yourself and began the thirty minute journey home, the cold water seeping through your jacket. 
You were halfway home when you heard a noise of distress, making you pause. You heard the noise again and began to move towards it, only pausing to judge where it was coming from. 
And then you came across the most heartbreaking sight. It was a black kitten, clinging to the body of its mother and crying out as their cardboard shelter became decimated by the rain. 
Without even thinking, you reached out to pet the small thing and it moved closer to the little warmth your hand emitted. Part of you wondered how long the kitten had been out there, crying. 
It was easy to see that the kittens mom hadn’t survived, so you plucked it up and tucked the small protesting animal into your jacket. The protests stopped once it realised that it was being sheltered in warmth. 
You hesitated for only a moment before making the decision and continuing your journey home. 
Ashton and Kaykay were both away on business trips. So you decided to house this kitten for a couple of nights and see if you could find a new home for it. 
Once you were inside, ditching your jacket to rest over the radiator, you headed upstairs, kitten still clutched to your chest to raid the airing cupboard for warm towels. 
The purr you got in response made your heart soft. You were quick to grab your laptop and phone charger heading downstairs and settling on the sofa. The laptop was perched on the coffee table and your phone plugged in and charging. 
Immediately you began to google, reaching out to the various animal rescuers you followed on Instagram. They were sympathetic and kind, offering tips for the night. You immediately texted your assistant manager and asked her to cover your next few shifts.
You noticed that there was an emergency vet, so once you had enough charge on your phone, you took one of the rescuers advice and made your way over. 
The vet on call was kind to your practically clueless state. 
“It happens more than people think. But I’ll give you a quick crash course once we’ve checked over our furry little patient.” The kitten let out a meow as the vet petted it. 
“My partners and I, we discussed getting a pet but I don’t think they envisioned it to be like this.” You murmured wryly and the vet laughed. 
“Oh it never is. If you need any help to find foster families if your partners aren’t up for handling this little fluffy monster, I can always pass on your details.” You nodded in understanding. 
“So you’ve got a beautiful female here. It looks like she may have been there a day, maybe two at a push. Otherwise she’s healthy. She’s vocal, which is good.” Almost as if to support the vets words, she meowed again, followed by a series of chirps. 
Your resolve to find her a family was diminishing. 
The vet instructed you on the best way to feed her, and when she would need to get her vaccinations. Nodding in thanks, you paid before taking the small bundle home, her purring loud yet already comforting. 
“Man, Ash and Kaykay may or may not be pissed about this.” You murmured to the small kitten. “And we need to give you a new name.” 
On the journey home, you stopped for supplies, thankful that stores were open late and by the time you got home, you could see that Ash was FaceTiming you. 
You hit the decline button, the regret almost instant as you made your way to the living room and began to set things out for the kitten. 
For now, she was happy to snooze in your lap, her purring loud and amusing. 
Ash called a second time and you hit accept. 
“Catch you at a bad time, little one?” The screen was split into two and you felt your chest grow heavy. 
“Just a bit. You mused, wondering if they could hear the purring kitten. If they did, they didn’t comment on it. 
“Want us to call back later, angel?” Kaykay’s eyes were concerned, but you shook your head. You’d lost enough time with them as it was. The different time zones made it difficult. With Kaykay the other side of the country and Ashton in Europe, you could see his tired eyes clearly. 
“How’d your days go?” You belatedly realised that your hair was still soaked and wondered if they were going to ask. 
“It wasn’t so bad. We’ve started shooting over here but there’s been a few changes. I might not be home by the end of the week.” Kaykay admitted and you poured, earning a chuckle from Ashton. 
“None of that now. We knew it was possibly going to happen.” Ashton chided and you stuck your tongue out almost childishly. Kaykay grinned. 
“What about you, Ash?” She asked after a beat. You refocused on him and he smiled. 
“It’s all good. We’ve got those handful of shows tomorrow so I’m gonna most likely be performing when you guys are about.” You just smiled. 
“That’s what we get for having an international rockstar boyfriend Peach.” You sighed dramatically and she giggled. Ashton rolled his eyes. 
“You gonna try and act up little one?” The warning in his tone was clear and you beamed at the screen in return. 
“Nope. Gonna be good.” You knew that sneaking a kitten into the house without their knowledge wasn’t good but there was still a part of you that said the kitten would be gone before they got home. 
But that part was getting quieter with each time the kitten snuggled into your lap. 
You talked for another hour and you were partially wondering how long you could keep going until you needed to feed the kitten. 
Kaykay unintentionally granted you your escape. 
“Ashton it’s late. You need to rest for the shows tomorrow.” Her tone brokered no arguments and Ashton simply smirked in return. “And you, angel, need to eat. We’ll have time tomorrow night to call.” 
You pouted but didn’t voice your protest. 
“Alright Peach. Get some rest yourself sweetheart and text when you can. Same to you little one.” You felt the heaviness in your chest return and sighed. 
“I will. I love you both.” The words were quiet but they knew why. 
With another round of ‘I love you’s’ exchanges and the call cut, you tried to fight the heaviness off as you glanced down to the kitten in your lap who had woken up but was silent. 
And then it chirped before trying to climb up your top, making you laugh. 
The next few days were crucial as you continued your care for the kitten and she responded positively. You’d texted your assistant manager what was happening and she’s promised that the shop could run with just her and the other members of staff. 
You silently thanked whichever deity blesses you with them. 
By the end of the week, you returned to the vet with her and the vet had declared that she was healthy. The offer was made that the vet could find foster homes but you shook your head. 
“I think she was meant to be in my life. I can’t let Moonlight go now.” The vet didn’t hide the amused smile. They understood and talked about a care plan for the kitten. 
Once things were in place for the shots and checkups, it was time to let the cat out of the bag to your partners. 
When you returned home, you saw Kaykay’s car in the driveway and you felt your stomach drop. Moonlight, who was perched on your shoulders, seemed to sense the change in your mood and meowed softly, her face pushing against yours. 
“Can’t hide you forever, can we?” You murmured before making your way in. You could hear Kaykay clattering about and so you shut the door loud enough to hear her. 
“Angel, why are there cat-oh.” She’d stepped from the kitchen and spotted you with Moonlight resting on your shoulder. 
“Uh, I found her on the way home last week when it was storming and I had to walk home.” You admitted softly. Kaykay’s face gave nothing away as she stepped closer and held her hand out to Moonlight. 
You’d already let her roam through some of their things and you silently hoped that the scenting thing would work. 
To your relief, she purred and butted her head into Kaykay’s palm and you watched your girlfriend melt. 
“She’s so cute. Why didn’t you tell us?” You allowed her to pluck Moonlight from your shoulder and carry her into the lounge, with you trailing behind. 
“I guess I thought she would be gone by the end of the week so it didn’t matter. But, I can’t let her go. I was going to talk to you and Ash about it tonight.” You admitted and Kaykay smiled gently, kissing your lips gently. 
“Even though Ash is more of a dog person, you know this cute baby will win him over. Does she have a name?” 
“Moonlight.” You both settle on the floor, your body resting on Kaykay’s as she played with Moonlight. Unable to help yourself, you took a video of the two, your heart feeling like it was going to explode at the cute sight before you. 
“Ash won’t be able to say no to all three of us, especially when this one works her magic. Does this mean your title of kitten is going to someone else for the time being?” She teased and you gave her an outraged look before clocking the smirk. 
So you pouted at her instead. 
“No fair.” You muttered as she laughed and kissed you. 
When it got later in the evening, Kaykay disappeared for a shower, you made your way up with Moonlight singing softly as you got ready for bed. 
You missed the shower stopping and hadn’t paid any attention as you fussed with Moonlight, the smile on your lips impossible to stop as she seemingly settled in the spot on your pillow. You’d laughed the first time but now you were used to it. 
Kaykay sauntered in with a smirk and you felt yourself freeze before rolling your eyes at the giggle she gave off. You’d settled as close as possible to her, relishing in just having her next to you. 
Both of you were woken by Moonlight, determined to parade around the bed and find a new warm spot. You’d cozied yourself closer to Kaykay who in response had held onto you tighter. But then you knew you needed to feed the kitten, so you extracted yourself from Kaykay’s arms and scooped Moonlight up, heading downstairs to feed her. 
Once you had crawled back into bed with your girlfriend, she groaned. 
“It’s like taking care of a child.” She sighed and you grinned as you pressed your face into her neck. 
“Said child is being occupied by cat toys.” You breathed and she didn’t hesitate to roll over, pinning you down. Her eyes were tired, hair in disarray but she still looked stunning as her lips met yours. 
The following day, the both of you had been taking turns to look after Moonlight. You’d gone upstairs to nap, Moonlight in tow when Ashton had come home. 
“So, angel kind of ended up getting a surprise for us. One that you might need to adapt to.” Kaykay started off, her tone hesitant and Ashton gave her a curious look. 
She said nothing else but motioned for him to follow and curiosity pushed him to do so. 
The sight they came upon, melted his heart. 
You were fast asleep on top of the covers, a small black kitten nestled against you. 
“So we gained a pet?” His tone was teasing and Kaykays shoulders relaxed a little bit, a grin tugging on her lips. 
“Apparently. Angel was worried about telling us because, well it had been assumed that the kitten would be gone before we both got home.” And Ashton held back a laugh. 
He was well aware of the heart that resides in your chest, how it was so big that you would not deny any kind of love to a willing creature. 
“How about we let them wake up. I’ll be fine with the kitten in the house.” He murmured, pulling Kaykay away from the cute scene, but not before taking a photo. 
When you’d woken up, you could feel the heavy sleep pulling at you, but a paw that kept tapping your face kept you awake before you finally giggled. 
Moonlight seemed to take that cue and jumped, making you laugh tiredly as you scooped up the kitten, unable to resist singing ‘soft kitty’ at her after having rewatched The Big Bang Theory, as you made your way downstairs. 
When you went into the lounge, you froze at the sight of the TV paused and Ashton lounging around, Kaykay resting against him, both of them wearing fond smiles. 
“So we have an interloper?” His voice was gentle and you shyly made your way to the open spot next to him, giggling as he pulled you in, his lips finding your neck which made you giggle. 
Moonlight protested being jolted and he chuckled as she squirmed free to investigate the new person. You happily rested against him as Moonlight sniffed and explored, clambering over Ashton before spotting Kaykay and ambling over time her, making you laugh. 
“You’re not mad?” You finally whispered and he shook his head. 
“I wish you would’ve spoken to us, but Peach explained that you hadn’t expected the kitten to be staying?” You shook your head at his question.  
“I thought I’d be able to find a home for her, but she just grew on me and I couldn’t let her go. I was going to call you both about her yesterday but Peachy got home and she said about waiting till you were back today.” The words were shy but he shifted you, pulling you so that you were straddling his lap. 
“I’m almost certain that she’s found her home here.” The two of you glanced to Kaykay where she was cradling the kitten with a grin on her face, shifting herself so that she was pressed against Ashton. 
“Not to mention, you two are stupidly adorable together. Honestly I think I turned to mush just hearing you sing to her.” Kaykay pointed out and you ducked your head in embarrassment. 
“It’s nothing to be embarrassed about sweetheart.” Ashton murmured and pressed a kiss to your lips. You responded with ease and he smiled into the kiss. 
“So we’re a family of four now?” Kaykay questioned innocently and you laughed, arms tightening around Ashton as Moonlight began to explore once more. 
“And anyway, she’ll be good company for me when you two have to leave.” You murmured and Ashton nodded. 
“Oh absolutely. Duke is gonna be unimpressed with you though when we next go around.” And you grinned unrepentantly. 
“I’ll still be his favourite next to Cal.” You retorted childishly as you slid from his lap and Moonlight took residence. 
“So you’re officially a cat dad now. How does that feel?” He realised an eyebrow at you and Kaykay snickered. 
“I thought I already was one, kitten.” His tone was a warning and you grinned in return. 
“Officially. I don’t count.” You hummed and he laughed as he pressed a kiss to your forehead, an easy smile on his lips
“Well looks like we’re starting parenthood easy then.” And both you and Kaykay laughed as you settled down to watch, feeling a level of contentment that you didn’t think was possible as Moonlight settled in his lap, purring. 
if you wanna be tagged in a poly!kayshton specfic stuff, hmu! 
@sexgodashton​, @loveroflrh​, @sc0ttish-wildfl0wer​, @iovehemmings​, @cashtonasfuck​, @tobefalling​, @wokeupinjapanisabop​, @converse-luke​, @itjustkindahappenedreally​, @cal-puddies​, @hemmingsmendess​,
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feedmecookiesnow · 4 years
...I need more of Clint Barton’s Home for Wayward Puppies. Please 🥺
Clint Barton’s Home for Wayward Puppies (original)
Part 2:
Finding a house is relatively easy, all things considered. Bucky suspects that Stark greases a few palms for them, and throwing around things like old war hero and Avengers certainly doesn’t hurt matters any. Bucky feels a little guilty about this, but Clint tells him to just roll with it. “We need more space,” he says, picking up Winter and patting his soft ears. They’re down to just the three dogs now---Winter, Lucky, and Ollie 2.0---but Bucky is highly aware that’s not going to last long.
They end up settling with a little house over on Staten Island. It’s three bedrooms, which Bucky feels is slightly overkill for just the two of them. But it’s in their price range, and it’s cute, and there’s a dog park nearby. So when Clint says, “I think this one would work,” and turns to him with pleading eyes, Bucky says, “Okay.”
They move in shortly before the summer starts. Other than Clint’s books and a few other things, neither of them really has much in the way of stuff. Or furniture. Or anything else. Both of them are fine with this, all things considered. Clint’s happy as long as he’s got his archery stuff, coffee pot and books, and Bucky just likes seeing him that way. So Nat’s the one who ends up taking them to buy furniture when she comes to visit the first time. She walks in the door, takes one look at the lawn chairs they’re using, and says, “Absolutely not.” She grabs her keys in one hand, Clint’s arm in the other, and drags him out the door. Bucky, who’d suspected this was coming, stays behind with the dogs.
Clint whines at him over texts the whole time, which Bucky finds inherently amusing. But they do end up picking some things, and a day or so later a large truck delivers an enormous couch, a kitchen table, and some chairs.
“Much better,” Natasha says approvingly as she sits on the couch. “See? Plenty of room for you and the dogs.”
“You have a point,” Clint says, surveying the couch. “But this is a classic case of too much couch space and not enough dogs to fill it.” He turns to Bucky. “We need more.”
“Clint Barton’s Home for Wayward Puppies,” Bucky sighs, but he knows there’s no point in fighting it. And to be honest, he doesn’t really want to. He’ll adopt every damn dog in the world just to see Clint smile.  
“Exactly,” Clint says, kissing him. “I’ll get right on it. Gotta get us some new friends.”
But surprisingly, Bucky’s the one who finds a new friend first. And it’s not a dog at all.
It’s a few weeks after move-in day, and Bucky’s making a quick stop after work. Clint’s been sick the past few days---like really, actually sick, and so Bucky’s picking up some donuts from his favorite shop in Brooklyn. He’s walking out with his box when he hears a little mewing sound from the alley next to the shop.
He investigates, following the noise deeper into the alley. He moves aside a trash bag with one hand, digs under a couple cardboard boxes, and finds a kitten. It’s small and grey, and a little dirty. One of its ears is missing, but otherwise it looks relatively healthy.
“Hi,” he says, setting the donut box on the ground. “What are you doing out here?”
The kitten mews at him and starts to move away, but it’s not moving quite right. It’s...wobbling, almost, like it’s going to fall over. Like it can’t quite figure out how to walk properly. Bucky watches it for a moment, then reaches out and gently picks it up with his metal hand. The kitten struggles for a moment, then goes totally limp and allows Bucky to tuck it into his jacket. He zips it up safely and grabs the donut box with his free hand.
Clint is still on the couch where Bucky left him. He perks up at the sight of the donuts. “I love you,” he says. “You’re the...” His voice trails off, and he narrows his eyes at the lump in Bucky’s jacket. “What’s in your coat?”
The cat meows, and Bucky grins at Clint. “Drugs?”
Clint snorts, which then turns into a coughing fit. “Seriously,” he says, propping himself up on the couch once it’s over. “Is it a dog? Let me see.”
“Actually,” Bucky says, unzipping his jacket, “it’s a kitten. I found it by the shop. Watch.” He sets the kitten on the floor. It looks around with vague interest before spying the water bowl and doing its little wobble-walk over to it.
“Aww,” Clint says, putting a hand on his heart. “It’s so cute, holy shit.”
Ollie 2.0 sniffs at the kitten with interest. Bucky watches, ready to interfere, but Ollie 2.0 just pads away after a moment. The kitten meows again and starts lapping at the water.
“So is this this plan?” Clint asks, scratching at Lucky’s ear. “I bring home dogs, you bring home cats?”
“Bucky Barnes’s Home for Wayward Kittens,” Bucky says with a smile, bringing him a donut. “I’m good with it if you are.”
“You kidding me? Look how adorable he is. He can stay.” Clint takes the donut. “What are you naming him?”
Bucky studies the kitten, who’s now stumbling around the room and meowing at things. “I feel like Wobbles is a little too on the nose.”
“Yeah.” Clint coughs again. “What about Weebles?”
“You know, like the commercial. ‘Weebles wobble, but they don’t fall down.’” Bucky gives him a blank look, and Clint waves a hand. “I’ll show you later. Trust me, he’s a Weebles.”
Winter sniffs at the kitten, who meows back. Bucky snickers at the confused tilt of Winter’s head and nods. “Okay. Sure. Weebles.” He puts a hand on Clint’s forehead, checking his temperature. “I’ll take him to a vet tomorrow. Get him checked out.”
“Sounds good.” Clint takes Bucky’s hand and squeezes it. “You’re the best boyfriend ever, by the way. You brought me donuts and a kitten.”
Lucky licks their joined hands. Bucky laughs and settles on the floor by Clint’s head, patting his lap for Winter to crawl into. After a moment, Weebles makes his way over, curling up against Bucky’s other leg. Bucky lays a hand on him, petting the soft fur, and Weebles starts to purr.
Yeah, Bucky thinks, looking around at their little family of imperfect people and pets. He closes his eyes as Clint’s hand settles in his hair, gently scritching through it. Definitely nowhere else I’d rather be.
“Love you,” he says to the room in general. “All you guys.”
Clint chuckles and presses a kiss to his head. “We love you too.”
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jaehyunspeachparty · 5 years
daddy jaehyun
It was Saturday morning. The first rays of the sun shone through the window and you feel how your husband's arm lies over your body. You smile and enjoy his warmth. When was the last time the sun woke you up? When was it the last time it was so quiet? STOP! Something was wrong, it was too quiet. "Jaehyun, we have to look after the kids. I think there is something not okay!" Something was not right here. Otherwise, it was always Miga or Sunoh who woke you up. "No, I'm sure everything is okay. Sunoh is sleeping and Miga is maybe playing." He put his hand under your shirt and gently strokes your bare skin. "Are you sure? It's so quiet." You sigh, but Jaehyun was with his thoughts somewhere else. He kissed your neck while his hands were already on your breasts. "Do you really want to do that now?" You were still worried about the kids. "Y/N, I've finally got your breasts to myself again since you stopped breastfeeding Sunoh. At least let me play with them a bit." He groaned in your ear and started playing with your nipples with his fingers. You feel the pressure of his body on your back and enjoy the quiet moaning of your husband. But as you thought, the calm didn't mean anything good. Because suddenly you hear that someone vomit. It couldn't be mean a good thing. Jaehyun knew that too. He pushed his hands out of your shirt again and the two of you got up immediately. "And I thought we had a quiet morning." Jaehyun was a little angry that he got disturbed. You first look into Sunoh's room. He was already awake but was babbling to himself. Jaehyun immediately picked him up and you go on when you hear further vomiting noises. It clearly came from the kitchen and when you looked around the corner you couldn't believe your eyes. "MIGA!" You start screaming in shock. The little girl was sitting on the floor with cookies and dog treats all around her. The chair from the dining table was also next to her, with whom she had apparently brought the cookies down. Cujo apparently had eaten too many of his dog treats and vomits because of that. "What are you doing there?" You ask your daughter desperately and she started laughing while she happily bit her cookie. Sunoh also started giggling and you are quickly trying to remove the treats from the dog. "You don't eat any more of it now." It was the first time that Miga was doing something that she shouldn't have done. You had blocked her from eating candy until she ate normally again. Every now and then she was allowed to get a cookie or candy. "Give me the cookies." You take the cookie jar and extend your hand to Miga. But she didn't even think about it. She held onto all of her cookies and shook her head. "NO!" She raised her nose and remained stubborn. "Miga!" You warn her when you hear Cujo vomit and you turn to him for a second. Miga took advantage of this moment and ran off to her room. "She'll hide it now for sure." You sigh and give up the fight. Jaehyun put Sunoh in the baby chair and helped you wipe up Cujo's puke. "I never thought she would get up there." Jaehyun was surprised at how quick his daughter got. "She's getting smarter and is starting to know how to outsmart us." You sigh and stroke Cujo's fur who whimpered. It seemed like he was having stomach aches. "Should we go to the vet?" You weren't sure if it was all good, but Jaehyun calmed you down. "No, he vomited everything out. We can still watch him." He smiled and you look at your dog. You knew Miga meant it well. But you're worried that she was eating too much sugar. You just wanted her to stay healthy. And suddenly you hear a giggle and see a head of dark hair behind Jaehyun. He also turns and looks into his daughter's dirty face. Chocolate was everywhere from the cookies and her hands were dirty too. You sigh desperately. What was wrong with the girl? "I bet the chocolate is all over her room." You hold your hand on your forehead and look desperately at your husband. "I'll wash Miga and you make her room, okay?" The suggestion sounded good and you took Sunoh and went to Miga's room. Chocolate was scattered all over her bed and it was clear that you had to recover everything. The day had started so well and you knew that you always wanted to have children, but on days as rare as this, you miss the time when only you and Jaehyun existed. There were only you and the only thing that woke you up was his cock. "Ad-da." You look at your son in amazement. He started to roll back and forth. Was that his first syllable? "What did you say there?" You bend over your baby and look into his happy face. "Dadadada." He reached for your nose and laughed. He was so cute at that moment and you wanted to show it to Jaehyun right away. You take your baby and run straight to the bathroom. Miga stood in front of her father who crouched in front of her and cleaned her up again. "Sunoh can speak syllables." You were totally excited and holding your son in front of him, but Sunoh just started laughing, which made Miga laugh too. She pinched his cheek and kept saying "mochi mochi". Sunoh continued to laugh and suddenly everyone was in a good mood again. You take your son back to you and stroke his head and then he continues to "chat". "Mamamama." Although he only put any syllables together, he was progressing. Jaehyun got up and stroked his head too. "He's starting to speak." He looked at you with great joy and the two of you started to smile. "We have to celebrate this." Jaehyun picked up his daughter and looked joyfully at you. "With cookies." Miga grinned and you two sigh desperately. "When will her obsession with cookies finally stopped?" Jaehyun looked desperately at his daughter. "Be glad it's still cookies. At some point, it will be boys." You wink and laugh because you knew exactly that Jaehyun hated the thought that Miga would start dating guys in the future. "Stop it!" He hissed this angrily and you only give him a kiss.
daddy jaehyun masterlist
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lushjewels · 3 years
This is Beau, the absolute light of my life and my fiancé's. We adopted him in February of 2020 as an emotional support kitty. We also adopted him because he was coming from a home that was not taking good care of him, and so he needed a home that could love and take care of him. From the moment the previous owner placed him into my arms he snuggled right into my neck like a baby and I knew he was meant to be ours. The past year has been full of love and laughter with this little cat. He has so much personality, and is the most loving and cuddly cat you could ask for. We have spoiled him rotten and he is the center of our little family. I even bought him a stroller to take him for walks. He was exactly what I needed during a very difficult time for my mental health. He brought me back. Gave me something to live for, to work for, to get up out of bed and try for. He just turned 2 on February 24th 2021. 
This past month our whole world was turned upside down. We noticed he was being very distant and didn't want to be held, which is not at all like him. At one point when I tried to pick him up he started coughing and gasping. I was absolutely distraught with panic. We rushed him to the pet ER and then to another ER, and it was determined he has pleural effusion due to chyle. Otherwise known as Chylothorax. Which has a very poor prognosis.  We were devastated. They removed the fluid and gave us a minimal chance with a supplement and low fat diet and instructions to come back in about a week. We followed the rules perfectly, but unfortunately learned a few days later that the fluid had come back very quickly and had come back in a large amount. The problem is that this illness is not well known or researched and there are very few options. His chest was continuing to fill with fluid, compressing his heart and lungs, and making it difficult for him to breathe. Unfortunately after several diagnostic tests it was determined that Beau's case was idiopathic meaning there was no definite cause. This meant we were extremely limited in what we could do. And beyond that, we could not just continue to drain the fluid as over time his heart and lungs would become scarred and struggle to function properly. The vet told us that we will need to discuss letting him go or discuss surgery. The vet made very clear to us that the chances for a positive outcome following surgery are very low, and we would be looking at a bill close to 10,000. With this in mind my Fiancé and I made the heart wrenching decision that it was not fair to put him through something like that, and that we simply cannot afford that steep of a bill, especially after what we have already paid. This absolutely broke us. I spent every day driving home from work in tears knowing that soon I would not be coming home to him anymore. We are getting married soon and Beau was supposed to be in our wedding photos, he was supposed to be the cat our children grew up with. He is our little baby, how are we supposed to let him go, especially when he is so young and so otherwise filled with life.
Despite all of those feelings we made the decision that humane euthanasia was the only option we could take. We would not continue to have his chest drained knowing it was hurtful and stressful to him, we could not continue to torture him. We planned to bring him for one more chest tap on a Thursday and had decided that on Saturday we would let him go. 
After bringing him to the vet Thursday for a final chest drainage to make him comfortable before Saturday, I received a call from a different vet that happened to be in charge of Beau for the day. She stated that with different techniques, he could live a full life, and she had seen this done many times at other hospitals. She also told me the price tag would be much lower. We were ecstatic. We were going to save him. It was as if a huge weight had been lifted. I was finally crying happy tears. I didn't have to say goodbye.
And then the surgery department called with the estimate. While the doctor may have been right about his better odds of success and a full life, she was not correct about the price. We were still looking at a minimum of 12,000 and possibly more. This tore our hearts wide open. We felt like we finally had a chance, and here it was being ripped away again. 
We tried every financing option under the sun but as a student in graduate school myself and my fiancé working as many hours as he can, we simply were not approved for any personal financing options, and the vet is unable to do any in-house financing. They did help us reduce some of the possible surgical costs to lower  the initial deposit to 6,000, but the total may still reach that 12,000 plus the 8,000 we have already paid.
So here we are, asking for help. We love this little cat more than words can describe. He has given us so much love, and we want to be able to do everything we can for him to live a full and happy life, because he deserves it.  This 2 year old cat is so sweet and innocent and it is so unfair for him to be taken so soon, especially when he could be fixed. 
Any money raised will go directly towards his vet bills he has already incurred as well as trying to pay for his surgery. The surgery would close off the duct leaking the fluid, remove the membrane from around his heart to prevent it from scarring and limiting his heart's ability to function, and would also have a chest tube placed, that would require us to drain it regularly until the fluid is stopped. With these interventions cats have a good quality of life, and if it is successful, after a few weeks or months, my little man can have the tube removed and live his full well deserved life.
Anyone who is able to help in any way I am so thankful to you, and I cannot emphasize enough how indebted we are to everyone who steps forward. Even if you are unable to donate if you could please spread this message and help us, you are still helping Beau
Beau is officially home following surgery to place a pleural port to aide in removing fluid from his chest with less risk to his heart and lungs. This measure allows us some more valuable time in order to get the funds together to get his complete surgery. We have Beau set up in a special play pen to keep him safe while he recovers. He will have to be in this for 2 weeks. He has to wear a surgical suit and a cone/donut as well and gets medications twice a day. He also has to be kept from his sister Pam who is absolutely distraught that she cannot see him. He goes for his first fluid drain from the port on Tuesday.
We had a bit of a scare when the vet called to tell me that the day after surgery he spontaneously stopped breathing and had to be revived. It is because this fluid build up is so hard on his little heart and lungs, he can only take so much. His situation is truly critical.
To quote the vet directly:
"Surgery Discharge Instructions Date: 05-21-2021
Case: 2355365 Diagnosis: Persistent chylothorax
Procedure: Pleuroport placement
Placement of a pleuroport allows for easier removal of fluid from Beau's chest. It does not prevent or treat the cause of the chylothorax. Beau will continue to produce fluid into his chest and continue to need periodic fluid removal from his chest. "
In order to truly attempt to cure his diagnosis we would have to start with a CT and angiogram and then a second surgery. I am including pictures of the costs for the surgery that was already done, and what still needs to be done. The second surgery estimate would likely be somewhat lower due to the pleural port placement already being done.
I want to personally thank each and every person who has stepped in to help in any way. Jake, myself and my family are so grateful, and are so blessed to have such a wonderful community.
If you have not already, please consider reading our story on our gofundme page and please consider sharing or donating. Every dollar and every share gets us closer to giving this guy the happy and healthy full life that he deserves. If anyone has any questions please feel free to reach out to me.
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puckle · 4 years
I apologize if this seems jumbled, I wanted to give myself a few days before I addressed this publicly but my heart hurts and.. i just hope I can put this into the right letters.
I just wanted to let everyone know what's happened, and what's going on, and why things are... this way.
It's.. hard right now, but my family lost our family pup, Bella, very suddenly in the early hours of Tuesday. It was.. really traumatic. A complete freak accident. It's something that just couldn't possibly happen twice.
I cancelled an app for dental I had that following day because obviously I.. didn't want to do that after being up all night, and because I had some time I ended up scheduling my pup, Mari, to go in to the vet because she seemed to be having some bowel issues, but she seemed otherwise fine, happy playful dumb potato Mar Mar. But I wanted to be sure. Since she was still having some issues that morning, I just decided to see if he would look at her- because I was worried, and with what had happened to our Bella, I just wanted to make sure Mari was okay. Call it a stupid feeling in the back of my head. He had an opening, so I took her in.
She went from perfectly healthy at her annual checkup last month, to being diagnosed advanced lymphoma. It's.. beyond terminal. She has weeks, more or less. Right now, she isn't in pain, she is still.. happy Mari, just sluggish. Our vet gave us some medicine to help with her symptoms, a weeks worth to give us time. I am focusing on spending time with her, she is going in Tuesday. We don't want her to get to the point where she is suffering. She is already having a hard time going up the stairs, and I had to have my brothers help me lift her into the bath yesterday. She would of been turning 4 in January. She is a bulldog mix, and they are prone to this type of cancer but.. she is very young, even for that. So it's. A lot. To have happen in the same day.
I just need time to process- and want to spend all the time I can with Mari because as of Tuesday, we will have lost two very important members of our family far too young, and it's not fair, it's not fair how much we have lost this year- Tahoe was hard enough, I still have a hard time making bacon, because he was always there to do his bacon dance and now it's just an empty space. I feel like all I have done is lost this year in some ways known, and others not, but.. But, even though there is so much hurt.. how wonderful it is to be able to have such a heavy heart, when you know that the weight is love.
I will likely be quiet till later next week. If you see things being blogged it’s probably just me trying to distract myself from thinking. If you have questions, concerns, or just want to talk to me, you are welcome to reach out to me privately. I just may be a bit slow.
If you would like to see what wonderful beans these beautiful doggos are, I welcome you to scroll through their tumblr tags: Mari, and Bella who, unfortunately, didn’t stand still for many photos, but we loved her folded towel face more than words can say.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Do any of your friends have children? Not my friends, but I know a couple of people from high school who have since had their own kid/s. If it happened to any one of my friends I’d kill to be a godmother.
What was the last thing you ate? We had very clumsy lasagna for dinner lmao. I say clumsy because my mom, who usually buys no-boil lasagna, unknowingly bought lasagna noodles that otherwise needed to be boiled. Anyway, she put it straight in the oven then when it was time to serve them, the noodles were hard as a rock lol. Luckily she also prepared rice, so we just took the meat and sauce from the lasagna and ate rice with them instead. It was one of our stranger dinners, but not gonna lie all of the lasagna save for the noodles still tasted good anyway.
Did any particular thing brighten up your day today? I wouldn’t say so.
Did your last outing involve the police? Nope, only my pup, the vet, and a few vet assistants.
Did you go outside for more than thirty minutes today? Sure did. I walked my dogs this afternoon. Needed that walk for myself, too.
How has the past week been for you? I don’t want to get into it.
Do you currently have a hickey? Nopes.
Did you sleep alone last night? I was the only one on my bed but Kimi is always in my room at night. He never liked the bed, though; he always preferred the flat, cold floor.
Is there anywhere else you would rather be? I wanna beeeeeeeeee...in a state of happiness, if that counts. Otherwise no, I’m happy to be home on a Sunday evening.
Pick a word that starts with the first letter of your first name: Robust.
In the past seventy-two hours, have you been under the influence? I haven’t, but I guess I’ve kinda desired for it with how melancholic I’ve been. Don’t see the point in it though and I especially don’t want to end up doing anything destructive, so I’ve stayed away from my alcohol.
Who is the first person in your contacts list in your phone? Gabie.
When was the last time something bothered you? Right now.
What song lyrics are stuck in your head? There aren’t any.
Do you have any jewelry on? Nope.
How has your health been lately? [trigger warning] Yeah uh not so great. So, depresion, right? I’ve lost a lot of weight in a single week, get only 2-3 hours of sleep every night, my hair has started falling off, and of course my mental health is at rock bottom. Got the surprise of my life when this pair of shorts I’d normally struggle to fit in just slid right up my legs, thighs, and hips today.
Do you consider yourself to be healthy? Not really. I’m naturally petite which usually makes people think I’m healthy or actively keep in shape, but I’ve never exercised (without it being a PE requirement) or watched what I eat, honestly.
Was someone else in your room when you woke up this morning? Kimi as usual.
Are you currently expecting a text message from someone? No.
Are you able to grab your cell phone without moving from where you are now? Yessir, it’s just right beside me on my bed.
What flavor ice cream did you last have? Chocolate chip cookie dough. It was my first time to have Ben & Jerry’s and it was fucking magical :(((((((
Is your hair short, medium or long? It’s medium-length. 
Do you use toothpicks? Haven’t used one in a long time, no. The only time I encounter them is if it’s used to hold my burgers or sandwiches together, lol.
What was the last television show you watched? I think it was an episode of The Big Bang Theory that I watched with my sister.
Did you eat breakfast today? Yeah. We eat breakfast as a family on weekends, so even though I had very little appetite and was actually crying in my room all morning I had to show up for breakfast.
Are you cold right now? I’m the complete opposite of cold and I am very bothered about it.
Do you sometimes sleep on the couch? Yes. I’ve been doing it a lot recently. Sometimes it just feels a lot cooler in the living room.
What are you listening to right now? Cooper’s barking over whatever downstairs, and I can also hear my electric fan loudly whirring since I’ve set it on the highest level.
Do you wear contacts? Nope. Terrified of them.
Do you think you’re too lazy? No. I allowed myself to chill for a short period after my grad, but I feel like it was a well-deserved lazy period lol if that makes any sense.
Have you ever actually seen someone fall on a banana peel? Nope.
Are you shy at first when it comes to meeting people? Definitely. I usually warm up, but I’m always shy in the beginning unless you met me while I was already drunk or something.
Overall, do you like the weather at where you live? No, I hate it here. 
Are you sick of relationships? No.
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poppibranchlover · 5 years
Nine Lives, One Fight - Part 7
The story: Deep in the forest of Troll Town, there lies a mysterious tiny purple mushroom that has a secret magical ability. King Peppy calls this mushroom forbidden for all Trolls to go near it. One day, while Branch is out in the woods doing his survival research studying, he encounters it and, not knowing it is a regular mushroom, decides to harvest it and bring it home. But in the next morning, its magic effects transform him into a small blue cat! After being sent to the animal pound, his girlfriend, Poppy, finds him and decides to adopt him, although not recognizing it is Branch. Desperate to finish his research project due for a special event invented by Poppy, Branch is forced to learn how to behave like a pet cat and must figure out what caused him to become one.
You already seen what had happened in Part 6. Now get ready for Part 7!:
In Troll Village’s local animal shelter, Poppy and Biggie have brought Mr. Dinkles to the shelter’s veterinarian, Dr. Calmplop. The yellow Troll with blue hair checked the worm’s heartbeat with his stethoscope, and turned to look at Biggie.
“So you’re telling me that your worm needs vaccination to prevent illness from rain?” he asked him.
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“Yes, sir,” Biggie explained. “I’m worried that his health may worsen if he gets too cold.”
“Well, that’s basically the problem, Biggie,” the vet said. “The temperature on his body is starting to decrease when he stays in wet weather for too long.”
“So how are you going to cure him, Doc?” asked Poppy.
“Not to worry, fellas! I can fix this problem!” Dr. Calmplop reached for his vest and pulled out a syringe. It is a medical tool that is used during the vaccination process.
“Don’t you worry, Mr. Dinkles,” he said calmly. “I hope this won’t just hurt you!”
“Mew?!” Mr. Dinkles mewed in shock.
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Poppy gasped with astonishment and Biggie placed his hands to his mouth in horror at the sight of the pointed tool. “Oh my! Is he gonna be alright?!” cried Biggie, his face turning pale.
“Oh, you’re overreacting! He’ll be fine!” Dr. Calmplop told the two surprised Trolls. “Just watch this.”
“Mew!” Mr. Dinkles curled himself up into a circle and braced for the impact of the doctor’s syringe.
“I hope he’s going to be okay, Poppy!” Biggie whimpered, hugging Poppy in order for him to take cover.
“Oh, calm down, Biggie,” she told him gently as she hugged her friend back. “Mr. Dinkles will be all better soon after this checkup. I promise.”
A few minutes later, Poppy and Biggie, proudly cradling Mr. Dinkles in his hands, are now in the animal shelter’s waiting room. They were feeling very happy that Mr. Dinkles had survived his first veterinarian appointment today.
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“Thank you for accompanying me to comfort Mr. Dinkles in his flu treatment, Poppy!” Biggie said happily. “I think he’ll be able to be the most healthy pet ever!”
“Mew!” Mr. Dinkles replied with a smile. Thanks to the injection given for him, he was not shivering from the sickness anymore.
“The pleasure is mine, Biggie!” Poppy said gratefully, as Biggie hugged his worm close. “Remember to always keep your pet in a very good healthy hygiene, even when on stormy weather!”
“Oh, I will!” said Biggie, nodding eagerly. “I promise Mr. Dinkles will be just as fine as he should be!”
When he looked at him, Mr. Dinkles let out a yawn to show that he is feeling sleepy, but what came out of his mouth looked a lot like a very out-of-place sound of a cat’s distressing moan.
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Startled by the sound, Poppy and Biggie stared at Mr. Dinkles in shock. Biggie leaned down and looked into his pet worm’s eyes.
“Uh, Biggie?” asked Poppy cautiously. “Is that sound coming from Mr. Dinkles?”
“What are you talking about?” said Biggie, shrugging. “That meowing sound is not coming from him!”
“Mew!” Mr. Dinkles mewed, as if nothing unusual had happened.
But the distressing cat moaning sound kept going across the room:
“Meeeeooooooowwww, meoooooooowwwww!!!”
Poppy looked at Mr. Dinkles again to see if the sound was still coming from him, but the worm just shrugged.
“Where is that terrible moaning sound coming from?” she asked as a chill ran down her spine. Whoever made that awful meowing sound made her feel uncomfortably afraid.
Biggie pointed to a door in the distance. “I think the sound is actually coming from over there! You better take a closer look for yourself. I’m going to take Mr. Dinkles home.”
“Okay, Biggie!” said Poppy cheerfully. “See you tomorrow!”
After Biggie and Mr. Dinkles left the animal shelter, Poppy remained inside to investigate the sad meowing sounds. She cautiously crept towards the door, hopefully not to disturb anyone in this silent and scary room.
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“Hello?” she called out quietly. “Who’s in there?”
The meowing continued, and Poppy shuddered. She would have been convinced that the animal shelter looked more like a haunted house on Trolloween, but she loved how bright and busy this place is in the daytime rather than on nighttime. When the sun went down and the sky turns dark, everything feels eerily quiet and all that can be heard were the sounds of trapped sad animals.
Taking a deep breath, Poppy pushed the door open and went inside. After closing the door quietly, she looked around the room and gasped when she discovers hundreds of cages that held a lot of stray animals. They are making sounds of despair and plea as they hoped for their freedom.
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Poppy walked around the room, helplessly watching how sad these creatures have been. “Oh no. Poor defenseless animals,” she whispered as she looked at the cage of a scared little dog. “I hope you are all going to be okay, and one day you might be adopted.”
She stroked the dog’s cage, and it whimpered close to her face from the metal bars. Deep in her heart, Poppy disliked the feeling of the animals being trapped in the animal shelter’s pound. This place is more like a prison for strays, especially for pets that never wore a collar or run off by themselves. What’s worse is that they may get euthanized if they were kept in this place forever.
While Poppy is checking around the cages, all the animals trapped were going about their usual routine of being depressed and calling out for adoption. Two young ferrets snuggled close in their cage cell together and whimpered, tears rolling down their cheeks.
An orange spotted dog held the bars of the cage and cried out with agony, feeling famished with no other food in the pound to eat.
What had haunted Poppy’s thoughts was the repeated loud distressing sounds of a cat, and the noises were actually coming from Branch’s cage.
“Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeowwww!!! Meeeeeeeowww!!!”
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From his cage, Branch was trying to sleep, staring at the piece of meat in front of him. His stomach kept complaining about something else to eat for a few hours, and a tear rolled down his cheek before he closed his eyes. Poppy didn’t even notice that she was starting to approach his cage while she is still exploring.
“I wonder what has happened here?” Poppy wondered aloud.
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This immediately caught Branch’s attention. His cat ears twisted back and forth as he heard the sound of her voice, making a shiver go all the way down his spine to his tail.
“Poppy?” he gasped in disbelief as he saw her walking away from his cage. This was now his chance to escape! If Poppy managed to set him free, she can be able to bring him home. He quickly thought of a solution and placed his claws near the cage bars, yelling for her to come closer to him.
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“Poppy! I’m over here!” Branch shouted desperately. “Help me get out of here! Help me, Poppy! Please hear me out! HELP!!!”
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Meanwhile, Poppy stopped in her tracks to hear the same meowing sound from before. She listened closely to where the sound is supposed to be. After two seconds of observation, she finally approached Branch’s cage, certain to find out that he was the one making those noises. When she was at a reasonable distance, she watched him as he shyly crouched back and shivered.
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“Awwww!! What a cute little cat!” Poppy cooed happily when she saw Branch in the form of a small cat. “Hi there! My name is Queen Poppy!”
“Meow!” Branch tried to say something, but Poppy didn’t understand his voice and can only hear him meowing. He rested his head between his front paws and folded his tail around his back legs, closing his eyes and ignoring the complaints of his tiny cat tummy.
The heart of the pink Troll squeezed with affection. He looked very sad. Was she the only Troll to notice? Poppy placed her hand on the bars and asked him calmly “You’re hungry, huh?”
Still crouching back, Branch nodded feebly and uttered a long complaint. He was completely starving, and he felt his heart failing a beat when he saw Poppy staring at him. He must have something else to eat, otherwise he would starve. That was his chance!
“You look very sad when you are trapped in here for a long time,” Poppy told him gently. “I promise I will definitely keep you!”
Branch couldn’t believe his ears! Poppy was very naive, and she was not afraid of cats at all. He groaned and pointed at the steak in front of him. The Queen seemed to feel disgusted.
“You don’t like that?” she asked.
“No seriously.” Branch shook his head and spoke in his own language. “Would you even eat raw mice?”
“I don’t think I like eating meat either,” Poppy said, seeming to understand Branch’s meowing sounds. “Cats prefer eating some tuna. Do you like some tuna?” She pulled out a piece of raw tuna out of her pink hair and waved it in front of Branch, who lifted his head and sniffed at the sweet smell that filled his nostrils. He knew this smell! It was that same scent of his tuna-flavored sandwiches that he have eaten during his days as a Troll!
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As he continued sniffing, Branch looked up at Poppy with wide eyes. “WHOA!! I would have thought you would have needed more time to realize! I AM A TROLL!!!”
All he was saying was some noisy excited meowing, but Poppy seemed to find it too comical. She moved the tuna closer to the square-shaped hole of the cage, and Branch hungrily bit into it. CHOMP!!!
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But the piece of tuna was too big to fit into the hole, and Branch kept pulling and gnawing it. Finally, Poppy forcefully pushed the tuna into the cage, where it is left dangling in Branch’s mouth. Happy to have a mouthful of tuna, he began to devour his meal as Poppy watched with glee.
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After a few seconds of eating, Branch licked his mouth and returned his attention to his savior. He meowed gratefully as if to say “Wow! This tuna tasted so good and now I felt a lot better! Thank you, Poppy!”
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Poppy laughed lightly. “Awwwww! I like you!”
Branch stared up at her, touched by her words. His long tail swayed from side to side with excitement.
“Hey!!!” shouted a voice. It was Garth, coming into the room to see that Poppy was comforting the poor animal.
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Branch crept back to his hiding place when the animal control officer went closer to the cage. “Who dares going near this cage?” the Troll demanded.
Poppy tried to explain. “I’m sorry, sir. He was just hungry. Can you at least release him into the wild? He feels so sad in the animal shelter all by himself.”
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But Garth clearly didn’t like how sad it made the little cat to see him explain sternly to Poppy, and this Troll also clearly knew what he had to do. “Ma’am, I am truly sorry. But we need those little animals kept here until they are asked for adoption. Perhaps you must stay outside for a while until I try to think of what to do with him.”
Garth pushed Poppy away from the cage, and Branch watched helplessly as he ushered her to the door.
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This couldn’t be happening! Poppy was his one chance to get out of here! Branch banged his cage and frantically meowed for her to come back, but she couldn’t hear him because she is now further away from him, heading for the door. Tears ran down his cheeks as Branch continued calling out for her.
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“Meeeeoww!! Meeeeeeoww!!! Meeeeeeeeeeowwww!!! Meeeeeeeeeeowww!!!”
Poppy grunted in frustration before she can place her hand on the door knob. She ran back to where she first found the sad dog, looking for Branch and growled firmly “What do you want? He decided I should not keep you!”
She soon caught herself on what she have just said. Her sentence made Branch even more upset. He sat in his cage with his ears drooping and his tail barely resting on the floor, staring at her with his massive sad pleading eyes.
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“Meow!” Branch meowed very sadly. He was scared to live in the pound for the rest of his life, and without Poppy feeding her more tuna, there was nothing for him to eat. He had finally decided to be adopted by her rather than escaping by himself. Poppy watched as he continued meowing with plea, her heart going out to this poor creature.
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She sighed and stared into space for a moment, knowing that she needed to make a tough decision. If she left the pound, Branch will be upset and become euthanized by the officers. But Poppy thinks if she really did adopt him, he will be safe and she will have nothing else to worry about. She liked that cat, and he looked cute! He was way more Branch-cute, as she can see that the face of the cat looked like Branch’s.
Poppy ran back to Branch’s cage, feeling sorry for him to be gotten rid of. She could not leave him there. That cat was very innocent. Why did not anyone notice it like her?
When she was near the cage, Branch abruptly stood up and began to scrape at the metal bars as if he already knew what she was going to do.
Poppy placed her hand next to Branch’s paw and told him gently “Don’t worry. I’ll get you out of here.”
To her astonishment, Branch uttered a kind of grunt that she had never heard; he was purring. Poppy turned to Garth and asked him very clearly “Can I keep that cat? He is very miserable here.”
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At first, the green Troll was surprised by her answer. Then he looked down at Branch and narrowed his eyes on Poppy, trying to clarify what she really wanted. “Listen. If you need to keep these animals, you’re gonna have to make sure to handle them properly. Can you promise me you can be responsible to adopt this cat?”
“Yes,” Poppy said firmly, nodding eagerly. “I will.”
To Branch’s surprise, Garth pulled out his key and unlocked the cage, making the transformed Troll-cat crouch back a bit.
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After the lock was opened, Garth swung the cage door to the right. When Poppy carefully approached Branch, he kept himself in his resting position and looked up at her, shivering nervously. She was so big and tall, in contrast to his small size.
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“Come,” Garth urged. “Come on out now.”
“Awwwww! Here kitty kitty,” Poppy said gently, smiling at him. “I won’t hurt you. You’re going to be safe with me, all warm and cozy!”
But Branch shuffled backwards, shaking uncontrollably and feeling shy on the thought of being adopted by a Troll. But he knew being kept by Poppy was the only way to escape since Garth will never allow him to release him into the forest, where he might soon encounter another big black dog.
Poppy reached out her hand for Branch to lean in, whispering to him “Come over here. Don’t be shy. I’m very responsible for these poor pathetic creatures just like you.”
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When her hand went closer to him, Branch rested his head on his front paws and continued shivering. He was frightened now. He didn’t like this idea at all. All he just wanted was to get back home to his bunker. But he knew he would never find another way, so he forced himself to give in and cautiously approach Poppy before he felt the smell of her hand.
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Poppy thought it looked cute to see Branch crawling to her with his eyes widening. As soon as he was nearly close to her hand, he sniffed at it in wariness, his nose twitching like an animal. It was so adorable.
Branch shuddered and winced when he felt Poppy’s cold fingers running down his forehead. He grunted, trying to resist but he can’t seem to escape that much.
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"Oh, you are so cute!” Poppy marveled, stroking his head more comfortably. “I never thought you had such fluffy fur!” She reached out her other hand to stroke Branch’s back, feeling the softness of his blue fur. While she continued petting him, Branch was frowning and groaning. That is what she wanted from the beginning...to know if his fur was such fluffy? He was being bewildered at the comfortable feeling of being touched by a Troll that he purred quietly to himself.
Finally, Poppy took him in her arms and gave him a big cuddly hug. Branch wheezed with discomfort and struggled to break out of the hug, but Poppy held him so tightly like a happy little girl hugging a plushie.
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“Oh, you look so soft and cuddly!” she said sweetly. “What should I name you?” She ran her fingers to Branch’s fur to give him a gentle tickle, but that didn’t really made him laugh. “How about I call you “Mr. Tickle”! After all, your fur feels so “ticklish” to me!” She giggled and hugged Branch close, while stroking his fur. At the thought of being called one of the weirdest pet names Poppy can really pick, Branch groaned, knowing that this idea he made was definitely a disaster.
When Garth approached Poppy, Branch pulled back to the right side of Poppy’s shoulder, frightened. She cradled the little cat, comforting him, as Garth kindly told her “I will let you keep this cat. But you must make sure to take good responsible care of it. If he ends up running away like before, we’ll bring him back here once again for confinement.”
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Branch cowered at this sentence. He wanted to be better off from the pound rather than get caught by a net again and come back here. He kept himself secured in Poppy’s arms as she said confidently “Don’t worry about that, sir! I promise I’ll try to take really good care of this cute little kitty!”
Once again, she stroked Branch’s fur, making him purr and feel very relaxed. Thanks to this plan, he got nothing else to worry. Poppy will definitely keep him, and he hoped not to break her promise to the officers.
Finally, Poppy said goodbye to Garth and headed out to the door to exit the animal shelter, happy to bring a frail little cat home.
                                                   To Be Continued...
                                                Stay tuned for Part 8!
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