#I feel like I’ve been left behind slightly. Which sucks bc it has happened too many times irl
astral-catastrophe · 2 years
Anywho. I have to actually go to bed early bc I have stuff to do tomorrow
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falcqns · 3 years
Hiiii! Long rant ahead 😅-
Can I please request a Bucky x civilian!fem!reader (Avengers au! Endgame never happened au! Bucky joined the Avengers au!) where Sam & Steve are friends with a civilian girl who Bucky starts to really like (but Bucky being Bucky, he’d be worried she would be scared of him, & he thinks he’s a monster 🥺 so he wouldn’t admit he likes her), she really likes him too, & one day when she’s spending the night at the Avengers HQ, he has another nightmare & she calms him down & goes to sleep on the floor with him & they cuddle & he kisses her 🥺 The next morning, Sam & Steve would go up to Bucky’s floor & see them cuddling on the floor of Bucky’s living room🥺 The rest of the Avengers would come up there out of curiosity & Tony would tease them so much & try to take pictures lol. Steve & Sam would be smug but also really happy for Bucky because she’d be good for him 🥺🥺🥺 Sam would annoy Bucky so much about it 😂😂💜🥰
you could never hurt me
pairing: Bucky Barnes x civilian!fem!reader
warnings: angst, fluff, soft!Bucky, almost sub!Bucky which I love and wanna write more of but im scared too bc idk if people want that, Tony being a dumb ass as usual, Sam and Steve are good friends
a/n: this got wayyy more fluffier than I planned on bc I've been diving into the little!Bucky tag on AO3 too much and he’s always such a sweetheart and I wanna write some but im too scared I’ll get hated on eep. Hope you enjoy and thank you for the request!
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God, you adored Bucky.
Despite everything he had been through, he was such a sweetheart. He had a softness to him, a softness he didn’t show most people. 
You really didn’t expect to fall for him when you started running with Sam and Steve a few months prior, but you definitely weren’t complaining. However, despite the softness you saw, he seemed to hate you. 
You didn’t know why. He was never verbally rude, he’d often leave a room as soon as you’d enter it, and avoid you as much as possible. 
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You’d been over to the compound plenty of times, but you had never spent the night. Tonight was Tony’s birthday party, and you wanted to talk to Bucky about why he hated you so much, but you didn’t see him at the party, or after. According to Steve, he hated parties, and tended to lock himself in his bedroom  until the party was over, when he would venture out and eat some of the left over food.
Once the party was over, you and the rest of the avengers, except Bucky, were sat in one of the many common areas drinking a few more beers before everyone retired for the night. 
You heard Bucky’s door shut behind him, and watched as he walked into the kitchen. The team seemed to completely ignore his presence, and that stung a little bit. Did they not see the sweet and innocent Bucky that you, Sam and Steve saw? You shook the thought out of your head as Bucky trudged back to his room with some food and a drink in his hand, completely ignoring his teammates. 
You sighed internally, and decided to bring it up another time. 
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You had just settled into your bed for the night, when you heard noises from Bucky’s room, which was right beside yours. You ignored them at first, thinking they were just him moving around and getting ready for bed, just like you had moments before. But, soon you started to hear different noises. 
You stood up from the bed, and pressed your ear against the wall that separated the two rooms. It sounded like he was trying to call out for someone, and couldn't. Like he wanted to talk so badly, but his words were catching in his throat. You feared that he could be severely hurt, so you ran out of your room and knocked on his door. 
“Bucky, you okay?” You said, and the sounds only continued. As they got louder, you knocked again, but there was still no answer. You tried the door knob, but it was locked. You looked down the hallways and was tempted to knock on Steve’s door. You wanted to make sure he was okay and you were definitely not strong enough to kick the door in.  
Just as you were reaching Steve’s door, you heard a low shout, and sobs rip through the air. You ran back to the room and tried the door handle, which was still locked. You breathed deeply, as you tried to figure out what to do. Suddenly, an idea popped into his head. 
“F.R.I.D.A.Y.?” You asked hesitantly, and she answered right away. 
“What can I assist you with Ms Y/L/N?” 
You breathed in relief. “Can you unlock Bucky’s door for me?” 
“Sergeant Barnes has restricted access to his room. The only one who was access is Captain Rogers.” You groaned. 
“I just want to make sure he’s okay. He can get mad at me all he wants for breaking into the room but he doesn't sound okay,” You reasoned.
F.R.I.D.A.Y. responded instantly. “I agree. His heart rate and blood pressure are rising. I will unlock the door.” A second later, a low click was heard, and this time when you tried the door, it unlocked and you stepped into Bucky’s room. 
The sight of him broke your heart. 
He had abandoned his blankets on the floor and crawled into one of the corners. His knees were pulled up to his chest, and his forehead was resting on his knees as he cried his poor heart out. You rushed over, and crouched in front of him. 
“Bucky? Are you okay?” You asked, and he shook his head, trembling slightly. You heard his teeth chattering, so you grabbed the comforter from behind you, and wrapped it around his shoulders. His cries slowed slightly, and he looked up at you.
“W-why are you helping me?” He asked, stuttering slightly. 
You furrowed your brows. “You’re obviously not doing well, and I want to help you. Why wouldn't I help you?” 
Bucky choked out a laugh. “I thought you'd be scared of me. Of what I can do. Of what I've done.” 
You sat criss cross apple sauce in front of him, and took his metal hand into your flesh one. You held it up, and intertwined your fingers with his. “I’m not scared of you.” You said simply, and Bucky nodded, a faint blush appearing on his cheeks. 
He looked down at his lap. “I could hurt you.”
You scoffed and moved closer. Without letting go of his hand, you manoeuvred to your knees, and pushed his legs down flat. You straddled his lap, you free hand rising and tangling in his locks that were wet from both his shower and sweat. “You could never hurt me.” You stated, your hand in his hair sliding down to cup his jaw, your thumb rubbing against his soft and kissable cheek. 
You watched as a tear slipped from his eye, and danced like a rain drop in a carwash down his soft but still stubbly cheek and jaw. 
“Why are you so nice to me? I don’t deserve it.” He whispered, his chin trembling. You smiled sadly and wiped the tear away. 
“You are is deserving of everything sweetheart. You’re such a sweetie pie and it sucks that the rest of your team doesn't see it, because you deserve all the loves and cuddles you could get. What you did, that wasn’t you. It may have been your body, but it wasn't you. You have been treated so harshly by so many people, including those who were supposed to protect you from those who did hurt you, when all you deserve is such kindness.” You said, and smiled when Bucky practically melted into your embrace, his head burying itself in your neck. He unraveled your fingers, and wrapped his arms around your waist, his face nuzzling in your neck. 
“Thank you. No ones ever said something that nice to me,” He said, and you felt his eyes flutter closed against the skin of your neck, finally at peace. 
“You deserve it.” You said, and you pulled away slightly. He let out a whine, but then his eyes widened, almost expecting you to hurt him. Your heart melted and you pressed a kiss to his forehead. 
“It’s okay if you’re feeling vulnerable, baby. I’m right here. I won't leave, and I won't hurt you. Let’s lay down okay?” You said, and he sniffled as he nodded and followed you groggily over to where his blankets were on the floor. You laid down, and opened your arms, inviting him in. 
He laid down in your arms, and his face found your neck again. He breathed in slightly, and sat up on his elbow suddenly. You furrowed your brow, but all the questions that were swirling in your head were answered when he pressed his lips against yours. You smiled into the kiss, and cupped his jaw again as your lips moved together slowly and sensually. 
The kiss broke a few moments later, and you ran a hand through Bucky’s hair, a dopy smile spreading on his face. 
You opened your arms again. “Come lay down, love.” You said, and he instantly complied, his body finding its previous position. You heard his breathing even out seconds later, and knew he was finally getting the sleep he deserved.
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The next morning, Steve and Sam went looking all over the compound for you, and couldn’t find you anywhere. They walked past Bucky’s room once more, and made eye contact. 
“You don’t think-”
“Theres no way-” They said at the same time, and decided to look.
 A smile cracked on both their faces when they saw you and Bucky, still curled up on the floor. 
A flash went off, and they turned to face Tony. “Fuckin’ finally. Been waiting for Tin Man to make a move for months.” He said, and Steve smacked him upside the head. 
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@kpopgirlbtssvt @@nerdypinupcrystal @@sohoseb @@bieberhoodforever @crazy-avengers-gal @colicovision @est19xxshit
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kookiesjoonies · 4 years
first & last | jjk.
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↠ main pairing: best friend!jungkook x virgin!reader
↠ fic type: one shot, friends to lovers
↠ genre: smut
↠ word count: 4.2k
↠ warnings: alcohol consumption (they aren’t drunk, just a lil tipsy), explicit language, dry humping, finger sucking, light dirty talk, hand job, cum play
↠ summary: during a game of never have i ever, jungkook finds out that you haven’t had your first kiss yet and decides to show you how it’s done. 
a/n: eeeeep! i’m so happy to finally have smth up for jk again bc it’s been awhile n we all know i’m whipped for this man. enjoy! feedback is always appreciated. xo
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Drunken sleepovers with your best friend were your favorite. You were lying on the floor of Jungkook’s living room, the world’s thinnest blanket underneath you to act as a barrier between your back and the hard surface of the floor. 
He laid to your left, nursing a bottle of cheap beer while you sipped red wine from your glass. When the two of you were buzzed, the urge to play drinking games always hit hard. You were thankful he seemed to enjoy them as much as you did, because you were always able to be your genuine, goofy self around him without fear of being judged. 
Tonight’s game of choice was never have I ever— a classic, one that you wish you’d played more. Hearing all of Jungkook’s embarrassing tales always made you laugh to the point of tears, big belly laughs that caused you to wheeze. 
“Alright, alright. I’ve got one,” he spoke up, causing you to tilt your head to look over at him, “never have I ever told someone they were a good kisser and didn’t mean it.” 
You watched as your friend brought the bottle up to his lips and took a swig, insinuating that he had, in fact, done just that. 
When you didn’t drink from your wine glass, his eyebrow cocked and he stared down at you in disbelief. 
“Come on, Y/n. Sure you have!” 
You shrugged, giving him a quick shake of your head. 
“Nope.” Your answer was simple— too simple, which left Jungkook even more intrigued than he was to begin with. 
He didn’t believe you, not by a long shot. But he should’ve. Seeing as how you’d never even kissed anyone, let alone lied about whether they were a good kisser. 
Being in your twenties and having never been on a real date, or held anyone’s hand (other than your friends’, but of course, that was different), or had your first kiss wasn’t exactly the coolest thing. 
You’d wanted to experience such things, but no one that had come into your life so far had been worthy enough. 
Except for one person— the man that was currently staring at you with his round, beautiful doe eyes. You wanted to kick your own ass for thinking of Jungkook in such a way. He was your best friend, nothing more. And you weren’t about to ruin all of that and everything that the two of you had because of your feelings.
“So, what? Everyone that you’ve ever kissed has been exceptional?” His tone let you know that he thought you were full of shit. 
“Kind of have to be kissed in order to confirm or deny that.” You mumbled, voice barely even audible. 
The wine was making you brave, it seemed. You weren’t drunk enough to not realize what you’d said, but you weren’t sober enough to care. 
Jungkook noticeably choked on his beer he’d been drinking, bringing the back of his hand up to wipe at the liquid gathering on the corners of his mouth. 
“What did you just say?” 
You sighed, sitting up and leaning your back to rest against the bottom of the sofa behind you. 
“It’s not that big of a deal, Kook.” 
“Uhm, yeah it is!” He exclaimed, and your eyes rolled in response. 
“No, it isn’t.” You snapped back, wishing the conversation was done and over with already. 
“Can I ask why you’ve never been kissed? I mean— has the opportunity never presented itself, or have you just been waiting for the right person or something?” 
He wasn’t going to let it go, it seemed. So, you twirled around the red liquid in your cup, staring down at it to avoid eye contact with your best friend. Though, you could feel his chocolate eyes burning into you, and you were sure if you glanced over at him he’d be staring at you with wide eyes. 
“I’ve had a few opportunities, but I just… I don’t know? I don’t want just anyone to kiss me. I want it to mean something, to be from someone special.” 
You felt your cheeks begin to heat up, and you were internally cursing yourself. 
“Plus,” you said, after a few seconds of awkward silence had passed, “I don’t even know how to kiss, so, I’ve always been nervous.” 
Without skipping a beat, Jungkook’s voice was filling your ears again. 
“I’ll teach you.” 
Your eyes shot up to meet his, and you were sure the shock was apparent all over your features. Jungkook, however, seemed oddly calm. 
“Uhm, thank you? But we’re best friends, it could make things weird—“ 
He cut you off with a shake of his head, “Nope, our friendship is solid. A little kiss isn’t going to ruin it.” 
You worried at your lower lip, pondering the thought and weighing out the pros and cons. 
You’d always dreamed about what his lips would feel like against yours, you were sure he’d be a skilled kisser. The thought of his hands being in your hair while your mouths moved together in heated passion, or better yet, his hands on your ass— yeah, maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea. 
Or maybe it was the worst idea. Either way, you were about to find out. 
“Okay.” You nodded, setting your nearly empty glass to the side. 
“Really?” His eyes widened, and you couldn’t stop yourself from giggling.
“Yeah, but I’d hurry before I change my mind.” 
Jungkook didn’t need to be told twice. He’d been hoping and praying that one day this day would come, and now that it finally had, he was determined to give you the best damn kiss of your life. 
And it made it even better knowing that he was going to be the first person to ever touch your lips with their own. Maybe he wanted to be the first and the only. No, he definitely wanted to be the first and the only. 
“Come here.” He patted his lap, and you quickly caught on. 
Maybe straddling your best friend should’ve felt awkward, but this didn’t. This felt… right.
His large hands found their way onto the sides of your face, effectively cupping your cheeks. Your arms instinctively wrapped around his neck, and you prayed that he wouldn’t be able to hear how loudly your heart was thumping against your chest. 
“Is this okay?” You whispered, referring to the way your arms were resting atop his shoulders. 
He nodded, flashing you that gorgeous bunny-like smile of his. Suddenly, you felt a sense of calm. All of your nerves were now replaced with adrenaline and excitement. It was amazing how quickly he was able to calm you down just with one toothy grin. 
“Yeah, it’s perfect.” he assured you, rubbing the pads of his thumbs along the apples of your cheeks, “just follow my lead, yeah?” 
“Yes, sir.” You teased, and he chuckled. 
His eyes fell shut, and so did yours. Before you knew it, and before your brain could completely process what was happening, you were kissing Jeon Jungkook. 
Fireworks went off all around you, and you could no longer hear the whirring of the AC, or the sound of the television. All you could hear were his lips smacking against yours, and the way his breath hitched as your fingers pulled at the hair at the nape of his neck. 
His lips moved slowly, allowing you to get used to the whole process. He was gentle, and you were thankful for that. 
You could savor his taste for the rest of your life, you were sure of it. He tasted heavily of beer mixed with the fried rice you’d shared for dinner. Perhaps it wasn’t the best combination, but it was Jungkook, so none of it mattered. You didn’t want to taste anything, or anyone else, for as long as you lived. 
His tongue ran along your lower lip, and you didn’t hesitate to open up your mouth for him. His tongue slid easily inside, twisting and curling around yours as he explored every last crevice— memorizing what seemed to get a reaction out of you. 
One particular move of his wet muscle against yours had you keening and moaning into his mouth, and you quickly broke the kiss, bringing your hands up and over your mouth. 
“Oh, my god! I’m sorry, Kook, I—“ 
“Sorry for what?” He was out of breath, and his pupils were blown out. 
His hair had become slightly disheveled from the way you’d been tugging at it mindlessly, and his mouth was covered in your red lipstick. He’d never looked hotter, and you were suddenly very aware of the arousal pooling in between your thighs. 
“For— for making that noise, I’m—“ 
His fingers pushed a piece of your hair behind your ear, and his voice was soothing as he spoke. 
“Why are you sorry? That was the hottest shit I’ve ever heard in my life.” 
His words shocked you, “But we’re best friends! I shouldn’t be… we shouldn’t be—“ 
For the third time in a matter of minutes, he was cutting off your rambling. 
“Friends don’t kiss like that, Y/n.” 
“So, are you saying you don’t… want to be friends anymore?” 
You feared his answer, ready to run away in a fit of tears if he confirmed your scariest thoughts. You couldn’t lose him, not like this. 
“No, I don’t want to be friends,” your eyes began to well up, but he was quick to stop your tears from flowing with his next words, “I want to be more than that. I want to kiss you all the time, take you out on dates, among other things… whenever you’re ready for that. There’s no pressure here, because even if you don’t want this, I’m not going anywhere.” 
There he goes with that damn calming smile again, the one that caused your heart to stop, yet was its very reason for beating all the same. 
“I’d like that.” You grinned, shuffling your weight above him slightly to make yourself a bit more comfortable. 
When he groaned and tossed his head back, you were sure you’d hurt him. But before you could offer him your string of apologies, his hands were falling to your hips to hold you in place. 
“Fuck,” he sighed, “do that again. Please.” 
You arched a perfectly filled in brow, “What, this?”
Your hips rolled in a similar way that they’d done before, this time with more aim and purpose. And the man below you was making the most sinful, most beautiful sounds you’d ever heard. 
His length was hardening underneath you, and your eyes enlarged at the recollection. This definitely wasn’t doing your already seeping pussy any favors. 
“I understand if you don’t want to jump into anything sexual right now,” he breathed, heavy and uneven, “but if you don’t, you’re going to have to get off of me because all I want to do right now is grind into you until you’re cumming in your clothes.” 
“How did we go from being best friends an hour ago, to doing this?” You couldn’t stop the giggle that made its way through your lips, your hips pushing down and rolling into his once more— letting him know that you had no intentions of stopping. 
“I don’t know— Jesus!,” he bit down on his bottom lip as he tightened his grip on your hips and guided their movements, “but I’m so goddamn glad you’re on top of me right now.” 
“Me too.” You were quick to agree, hands bracing on his shoulders to hold yourself up. 
Both of you were gasping now, reveling in the feeling of your sexes grinding against one another. Every graze of his cock against your clothed clit sent fire through your veins, and your vision was beginning to black out. 
You had no idea dry humping could feel this damn good. But you were sure that it had a lot to do with the way Jungkook looked underneath you. 
He was completely wrecked and fucked out already, offering you slews of curses and praises every time you came down on his dick just right. 
“Fuck, I wanna be inside of you so bad,” you were bouncing against his length with fervor, no intentions of slowing down or stopping until you both reached your highs, “can’t wait to see that pretty little pussy, fill you up with my cum and mark you as mine.” 
You moaned at the thought, his filthy words moving you further and further to your desired state of euphoria. 
One of his hands gripped tightly on your ass, while the other rested over your clothed core. He looked up at you, silently asking for permission. He knew you’d never done anything like this with anyone before, and he wasn’t about to try and make you do anything that you were uncomfortable with. 
“Go ahead,” you gasped, barely having time to register what he was doing until his fingers were circling over your clit. 
You were very thankful that you’d decided to wear cloth pajama shorts, and thin ones at that. He could feel everything— and so could you. Your hips bucked up and into his hand as you rode his cock, begging for him to make you cum.
“You’re so fucking soaked, babe. It’s leaking through your shorts.” He smirked at the sight, gathering up a bit of the dampness on the tips of his fingers. 
The way he inserted the two digits into his mouth had you crying out, nearly on the verge of tears from the sight alone. 
“Wanna taste?” He asked, and you eagerly nodded. 
He collected more of your wetness onto his fingertips, and you made a show of sucking on them lewdly once they entered into your mouth. 
“Nasty little girl, aren’t you?” 
As if to prove his point, you used your own fingers to reach into your panties, gathering your arousal straight from the source. 
His was practically salivating, eyes begging for you to let him clean your fingers off with his tongue. 
As if reading his mind, you nodded. And he wasted no time before suckling your fingertips into his mouth. He moaned around them, savoring your sweet taste. He wished like hell he could pin you down and clean you up with his tongue, but he knew you weren’t ready for that, and he was respectful. 
Still, he was determined to make you cum. He wanted desperately to see what you looked like when you came undone. 
“No more games.” He growled, his hands returning to your hips to hold you steady above him. 
He fucked up against you, the outline of his cock hitting your sensitive bundle of nerves each time. 
Soon, you were crying out and squirming— a poor attempt at trying to get away. 
“F-fuck! Oh, my god!” you couldn’t stop the way your hips rolled, or the way your thighs began to shake, “Kook! Holy shit, I’m gonna—“ 
Before you could even finish your sentence, your orgasm washed over you and you came harder than you ever had before in your life. Your body felt hot, and every single one of your limbs were shaking. The only thing you were able to say or remember was Jungkook’s name, chanting it like a prayer as you slowly came back down to earth. 
“That was fucking beautiful,” He was quick to compliment you, staring down at the apparent dark spot on your light pink shorts, “just wanna clean that all up, then do it all over again.” 
Your face was flushed, and you weren’t sure whether it was from the mind blowing orgasm you’d just had or his words. You couldn’t be bothered to care, your body falling limp against his as he held your delicate frame close to him. 
“You’re going to be the death of me.” You huffed, and you felt the rumble of Jungkook’s chest as he chuckled. 
“So, you wanna go on a date tomorrow?” His hand caressed your back, and your eyes fell shut at the soothing feeling. 
“Mhm.” You were dozing off, barely aware of what he’d said at all. 
He just simply smiled at you, pressing his lips to kiss the top of your head. 
“Come on, let’s get you cleaned up and get you to sleep.” 
You nodded as he stood up from the floor, cradling you in his arms. 
“Good idea.” You mumbled, nuzzling your cheek against his chest. 
He carried you down the short hallway to his master bedroom, kicking the door open with his foot. You were already nearly asleep as he laid you down on the right side of his bed. 
Jungkook kissed at your temple before making his way over to his dresser, pulling out a pair of his boxers for you to change into. He disappeared into the en-suite bathroom for a moment, carrying a damp cloth in his hand when he returned. 
You smiled at him, eyes half open. 
“This feels like a dream.” 
The weight of the mattress shifted as he sat down beside you, holding out the fresh change of undergarments and the towel for you. 
“Tell me about it.” He grinned, turning his head away from you to give you some privacy as you changed out of your soiled shorts. 
You were thankful for that— for how respectful he was. 
As you pulled your shorts down along with your panties, a realization hit you and your eyes widened. 
“Kook!” you shrieked, startling the man, “you didn’t cum!” 
He barked out a laugh at your outburst. Just when he thought you couldn’t get any cuter, you were quick to prove him wrong. 
“I know, it’s okay.” 
“No, it’s not!” You insisted, quickly wiping your thighs clean and pulling on the plaid boxers he’d given you. 
“Babe, I promise, it’s okay. Tonight was all about you, I wanted to make you feel good.” 
Your lower lip pushed out and into a pout, your hands reaching forward to grab his face so that you could make him look at you. 
“But, I wanted to make you cum.” 
He hissed at your words, willing his cock not to rise. He knew you were tired, and there’d be plenty of time for you to get him off later. 
“Let’s get some sleep, yeah? We can fool around tomorrow if you want to.” 
You sighed, a tiny frown present on your face now. 
“Can I just… give you a hand job, or something?” 
You didn’t miss the way he groaned at your words, or the way his eyes quickly screwed shut. 
“If you want to, you can. But don’t feel like you have to, I promise, it’s okay.”
“I want to,” you didn’t hesitate in replying, “but I’ve never done it before, so…” 
Before you knew it, he was moving to lie down beside you on the other side of the bed. He was already sporting a tent in his athletic shorts, which had you nearly drooling. Based on the outline, he was sure to be huge. You prayed that you were right. 
Jungkook looked relaxed, large eyes staring up at you and waiting for you to make a move. He flashed you an encouraging smile, his hands resting behind his head. 
“Go ahead, do whatever you want. No need for you to be shy, it’s just me.” 
Just him. 
If anything, those words did little to calm your nerves. You’d only ever dreamed about being in similar predicaments with your best friend. And now that it was real and happening, you were petrified that you’d do something wrong and send him running in the opposite direction. 
Taking a mental deep breath, you sat up in the bed and crossed your legs as you turned your body to sit right beside his lower half. 
You reached a shaky hand forward, brushing your fingertips over the outline of his rock hard length. As your fingertips danced and teased over his covered cock, Jungkook’s breath caught in his throat. 
Carefully studying his face to watch his reactions, you pulled his shorts down and he lifted his hips to help you out. 
The tight, grey briefs he was wearing left little to the imagination. You could see every ridge and curve of his thick length, and drool was collecting on the corners of your mouth as you admired it. 
“Like what you see?” His voice was teasing, and he wiggled his hips. 
You laughed, rolling your eyes at his actions. 
Yeah, it was just Jungkook. Your best friend. The one person you trusted and loved most in this world. It was okay. This was okay. 
With your newfound confidence, you tugged his underwear down, his impressive dick springing free in the process. 
You moaned quietly at the sight. 
Sure, you were a virgin and didn’t have much to compare it to, but you were positive he had the prettiest cock you’d ever seen— and would ever see in your life. The head was perfectly pink and already dripping with precum, long veins running from base to tip. You couldn’t wait for the day it would be buried inside of you, and your cunt clenched around nothing at the thought alone. 
Your hand instinctively found itself wrapped around his length as best it could, fingers unable to connect to your palm due to his size. Jungkook let out a breathy sigh at the sudden contact, his eyes glued to the way your hand began to do a few test pumps. 
“Yeah,” he sighed, tilting his head back, “just like that. A little faster.” 
With his guidance, you did as he suggested and picked up the speed of your hand. You watched the way his face contorted, the way his eyes screwed shut and pulled together as you ran your thumb over his slit, collecting the moisture leaking from it to use as makeshift lube. 
Deciding to take a risk, you collect a bit of saliva in your mouth before allowing it to drip down and onto his cock. 
“Hoooooly fuck, that’s hot.” You smirked at Jungkook’s praise and approval, working your hand up and down his shaft at a quicker and easier pace now thanks to the slick your spit had created. 
The faster your hand pumped, the harder it became for Jungkook to properly breathe. He was panting, curses and praises of your name leaving his lips every so often. 
You brought your free hand up to work at his balls, rolling and caressing them in a way that seemed to drive the man halfway to insanity. 
“Fuck, you sure this is your first time doing this?” He breathed out the words, his arm falling to rest over his eyes as he attempted to keep himself composed. 
“Swear.” You responded, eyes glued to the way his bottom lip was now rested between his teeth. 
One final twist of your palm had him reeling, gripping at the sheets underneath him with one hand— his other coming to wrap around your wrist as you continued to work him toward his end. 
He was moaning shamelessly, not the least bit shy in letting you know how amazing you were making him feel. Maybe it was the way you were fondling him, or maybe it was the fact that it was you giving him the best hand job he was sure he’d ever had. 
He decided it was probably a combination of both as his hips thrust up wildly, effectively fucking his dick into your grasp. The way his cock seemed to twitch let you know he was close, and you brought your hand up and then back down as fast as you could. 
He came with a loud moan of your name, his sperm coating his lower stomach and your hand all at the same time. You watched in awe as he lost himself, pride settling in as you realized that you were the one responsible for his orgasm. 
As Jungkook’s body slowly stopped writhing, you removed your hand from his member. You waited for him to make eye contact with you again before you dipped your fingertips into the cum on the back of your other hand and brought them up and into your mouth. 
“Goddamn.” He groaned, marveling at your erotic behavior. 
You effectively cleaned his seed from your fingers, swallowing it and showing him your tongue along with your empty mouth. 
“That was amazing.” His compliments sent butterflies straight to your stomach, and he was pulling your mouth down to crash on his before you could respond. 
“I love you.” You were mumbling the words against his lips before you even realized what you were saying. 
You were panicking instantly, kicking your own ass for blurting it out. Sure, you’d said you loved each other before, but not like this. 
The feeling of Jungkook grinning against your mouth is what calmed you, and you matched his smile with one of your own. 
His forehead rested against yours as he pulled away, and the two of you let out a sigh of content. 
“I love you too, you know.” His hand caressed your lower back as he spoke, your thumb running over his cheek. 
“I was hoping.” You giggled, and he simply shook his head at you. 
This was it, you thought. 
You never wanted to kiss anyone else, or do anything remotely sexual with anyone else. He was going to be your first everything, you were sure of it. And you hoped that he’d be your last.
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© kookiesjoonies 2020.
*do NOT reupload/repost on any site, translate without my permission, or claim as your own.
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ifmywishescametrue · 3 years
Hi!!! First of all, I am like🥺 such a fan of everything you write! And so I saw that you’re taking prompts and thought I’d try my luck. So, if you’re inspired of course, maybe you would do “I’m not leaving” or “I’m glad you’re here” (or literally any prompt from that list bc they’re all just🥺🥺) for Steve/Tony? Oh, and as a fellow Swiftie, I hope you’re ready for the Fearless re-release tomorrow !!!🤯 bc I’m looking forward to crying my way through this weekend🥲🥰🥺💖💞
hi!!! thank you so much, and I’m so sorry this took so long! but i also managed to put both prompts into it so hopefully that makes up for it lol. also the fearless re-recordings are so insanely good and the vault songs are god tier!!
Tony has a vision in his mind for the day he graduates from college. It’s been there since he was just a kid and the furthest ahead he could imagine for himself was that day. At the time it seemed like a hundred years away, and it carried an allure of freedom that was nearly unfathomable back then. 
He always thought Ana and Jarvis would be there, sitting next to his mom. Howard came and went from the vision, because sometimes Tony would dream that it would be the day he was finally proud of him and sometimes he would be out of Tony’s life completely by then. When Steve comes into his life in middle school, new to California from Brooklyn, he gets added to that vision, too. 
The reality ends up disappointing. 
It’s been a few months since Jarvis passed, a couple of years since his parents died, and even longer since Ana’s death, but it hurts a little more today. All of the empty seats make Tony’s chest ache. Steve’s absence makes it even worse, even if he understands it. It’s not the first time the army made him miss something big, and Tony knows it won’t be the last. At least he’d been apologetic on the phone. A little sad, even, which made Tony feel worse for it. 
After the ceremony ends, Rhodey slings his arm around his shoulder and Pepper walks on his other side. 
“Just once I wish they’d pick someone actually good to speak at these things,” Rhodey complains. “That was so cheesy.”
“You mean you aren’t excited for the first day of the rest of our lives?” Pepper teases. 
Tony laughs, “I thought the real low point was that joke he tried to make in the middle. Not too inspiring to imply that our degrees are essentially useless.”
“No, I love knowing that I’ve wasted the last four years.”
Rhodey hums, “Also wish he was a little more wrong about that.”
Rhodey’s family starts to call his name, waving enthusiastically from where the large group of them is huddled together. Pepper’s parents stand with them, looking so clearly like the odd ones out that it makes Tony grin. 
“I see your families are getting along just fine,” Tony says, watching Pepper’s mom bounce one of Rhodey’s cousins in her arms. 
“They’ve joined forces to nag us to death about getting married,” Pepper sighs, but there’s a fond smile on her face that betrays her. 
“Trying to get you to set a date?”
Rhodey grins, “Trying to get me to propose, actually.”
“You proposed last month,” Tony frowns and looks down at her left hand, which is surprisingly bare. “I didn’t hallucinate that, did I?”
Pepper pulls her necklace out from where it was hidden beneath her collar. The ring sits on a delicate silver chain, diamond glittering in the sunlight for just a moment before she tucks it away again. She puts her index finger to her lips to tell him to keep it quiet, and Tony laughs. 
“What did your innocent families do to deserve this?”
“There are no innocents in our families,” Rhodey says seriously. “We’re just buying ourselves some time until nagging me into proposing turns into everybody trying to plan our wedding for us.”
“My mother has terrible taste,” Pepper adds.
Waving from their families has turned into walking their way, and Tony gets sucked into the fold along with the two of them. He means to slip away after a few minutes, but no one lets that happen. Rhodey’s mom hugs him tightly and tells him he needs to eat more, followed immediately by how proud she is, and his cheeks turn pink under her attention. Somehow she wrangles him into joining them for the celebration dinner, but he can’t say that he minds much when he’s sitting with all of them. The laughter and stories take his mind off the melancholy feeling that’s been following him around lately, and it isn’t until he’s back in his quiet apartment much later in the day that he thinks about it again. 
His hand twists into the chain around his neck, dog tags clinking together. They’re the first ones Steve got, back when he was newly enlisted after high school, and the letters are worn down beneath Tony’s thumb as he traces the shape of Steve’s name. He remembers that first time Steve put them around his neck and told him to keep them safe while he was gone. It was a promise to come back, and on the worst nights they’re both a comfort and a curse. 
Leaning back against the closed door, he looks at the messy room in front of him. Finals week left him with little time for anything other than studying, and that coupled with his existing propensity for disorder, it looks a bit like a smaller tornado crossed through the apartment. Mugs stained with brown rings on the inside litter the coffee table, accompanied by pages of notes, pens, and uncapped highlighters. The blanket has fallen into a crumpled pile on the floor, and Tony is contemplating if he has the will to clean it all up when there’s a knock right behind his head. 
He assumes it’s Rhodey and Pepper, here to decompress after finally untangling themselves from their families, and he turns around to open the door with a light-hearted remark already on his lips. Whatever it was leaves his mind immediately at what he finds instead.
“Hey, baby,” Steve smiles. “I’m sorry I’m late.”
Tony means to say something in return, but all that he actually manages is a choked out sob. He doesn’t fully realize he’s crying until Steve’s hands are on his cheeks to brush away the tears. 
“Don’t cry, sweetheart,” Steve murmurs, and Tony clutches at every part of him that he can reach. He grips the rough fabric of the fatigues, clings to his arms and shoulders and back, and he can’t possibly get close enough. 
“You’re here,” Tony whispers when he eventually finds his breath again. “You’re here, you’re actually here.”
Steve’s hand strokes through his hair, and his other hand is holding on to Tony just as tight as Tony is holding on to him. “I’m here, baby.”
He isn’t sure how long they stand there like that, swaying slightly as they hang on to each other, but it must be quite a long while before he can let go again. Even then, though, he doesn’t let Steve go very far. They fall onto the couch in one tangled mess of limbs. Tony puts his chin on Steve’s chest to look at him, and Steve looks back with a soft smile that almost makes him want to cry again. There’s a small, faded scratch on Steve’s cheek that wasn’t there before, and Tony reaches out to trace it with the tip of his finger. 
“I’m glad you’re here,” Tony says quietly, like if he speaks any louder, the lovely little bubble they’re in will break. 
“I’m sorry I couldn’t be here earlier,” Steve says again. “I really tried, but -”
Tony interrupts him with a shake of his head, “It’s okay. You’re here now.”
“I’ll be here for a while, I promise.”
Tony smiles, but there’s a dull, familiar ache in his chest at the thought that it will eventually come to end anyway. “How long do I have you for?”
Instead of answering, Steve shuffles a bit beneath him, hand worming its way into his pocket. He pulls out a folded paper and hands it to Tony, expression unreadable. Tony sits up a little to read it, and by the time he’s finished reading every single line to make sure it’s real, his hand is shaking. 
“You - you’re - discharged?” Tony stammers out. “You’re done?”
Steve nods, grin slowly forming as he watches Tony process it. “Was sort of hoping that might make up for missing the ceremony this morning.”
Tony laughs, light and carefree in a way that he hasn’t felt in four years. He kisses Steve with everything he has, paper crinkling between them, and between one kiss and the next, Steve reassures, “I’m not leaving, sweetheart. Never leaving again.”
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youngbloodlisk · 4 years
Kitten // Kim Younghoon
"Your dirty, slutty dream came true, babygirl."
- hard rough dom younghoon
- smut with no plot whatsoever
- thank you to my subconscious for giving me dreams about this
- and thank you 🌙 anon for giving me more and more ideas relating to this and coaxing me on with this whole scenario and getting me super needy and inspired to actually write this out. you're a real one
- "accidental" miniature voyeurism w jacob
- choking
- oral (fem rec)
- unprotected sex WRAP IT BEFORE YOU TAP IT
- filthy
- degradation
- fluff near the end if you turn your head and squint
- usually i leave the first line before the cut, but since this one jumps right in with the smut i don't think i'm gonna leave the first line lmao
- the title is rlly just bc this is the first time i've properly used the pet name "kitten" in my writing lol
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He presses on my back, arching it further, before returning his hand to my hip.
Younghoon is slamming his body against mine at a rapid pace, hitting extremely deep every time. With my back arched more, he can now reach even further inside me.
Explicits roll off my tongue and I press my face into the sheets to muffle my sounds. My hands are grabbing and clawing at the sheets like my life depends on it.
My his sweatshirt is still on my body, but bunched up. The only part of me that isn't exposed is my chest, a bit of my back, and my arms. Meanwhile, he's still fully clothed, with his pants just low enough to have his cock out.
He actually likes to use the excuse that he's self-conscious, but I know full well that he isn't insecure at all around me or any of the guys anymore. I can also just tell when he's lying. I think he doesn't wanna admit that he finds it super hot to fuck me with as many clothes left on as possible. I'm not gonna complain though. It is pretty hot.
My vision is starting to get blurry, and my body almost feels numb to my mind. All I can think about is how good he's making me feel.
He's mostly silent, letting out a few low grunts and growls, unless he's talking to me.
He digs his fingers into me, clearly starting to lose himself in the feeling.
My body jolts with each thrust from him, but only slightly, thanks to his ever-tightening grip on my hips.
I stare at the door, which is wide open, as I have been almost the entire time Younghoon's been drilling into me like this.
I've been waiting and waiting for someone to walk by and see way more than they bargained for.
I'm sure they've been avoiding walking this way though, as the sounds have definitely given away what's taking place.
My whining, my muffled moaning and screaming, his grunting, and skin against skin...
So, I'm not sure why Jacob ends up walking by the door... or why he stands there and watches for a moment, frozen, locking into my tear-filled eyes.
I struggle as I try to prop myself up on my elbows, trying to at least be in a position that wasn't so humiliating.
Younghoon is quick to notice this, and notice why I'm doing it.
"Your dirty, slutty dream came true, babygirl. Someone caught you." He says in the most condescending way possible before going even harder and faster (which I didn't think was even possible).
My arms go entirely weak and my face falls back onto the mattress with an embarrassing, involuntary cry of pleasure.
Jacob quickly realizes he's been watching, and turns to leave, but not before accidentally letting his smirk show.
"Did you notice how hard he was getting, kitten? I bet he's going to his room to jerk off thinking about you getting ruined like this..." I clench around Younghoon at his words. "Oh, you like that, you slut?" His hands leave my hips, one of them wrapping around my stomach and the other wrapping around my neck. He tightens both grips and pulls my body up to be as far against his as possible without pulling out.
Younghoon's sweet, yet (in this context) demonic voice whispers in my ear.
"I hope you always remember that you're only mine to ruin." He emphasizes words with hard thrusts. "You know I'm the only one who can make you feel like this, don't you, kitten?"
All I can force out of my mouth is mumblings and whispered moaning, my brain entirely going haywire as his hold on my neck tightens again and he thrusts up into me.
My legs feel like gelatin.
"I've got you speechless, huh?" He lets go of me, let's my almost limp body fall back onto the mattress before grabbing my hips again, and drills into me.
He's truly showing no mercy.
"Tell me, kitten... do you think Jacob would fuck you like this?"
"N...No-" I barely squeeze out.
"Who fucks you like this, huh? Say his name."
"Y-Younghoon..." It comes out like a whisper.
He digs his fingers into me again, on purpose this time.
"Say it loud, you slut. Who?"
"Younghoon!" It would have taken all of my energy to scream his name the way I did, but it didn't. He started to rub circles on my clit while still pounding into me, causing me to scream his name naturally.
I can feel his ego rise by the second.
He gives me no warning, besides his thrusts becoming jerky and inconsistent, before he coats my insides with his cum.
He pulls out once he's done and I whine, being so close to my own release and suddenly having nothing.
My hand reaches down to touch myself, but he grabs my wrist and pushes my arm away. Younghoon flips me over and within seconds has his mouth attached to my pussy.
I swear that we're gonna get a noise complaint because my hand is doing a really shitty job at covering my screams and moans as Younghoon licks and sucks on me, pulling me closer and closer to the orgasm of a lifetime.
My toes are curled tight and my chest rises and falls intensely.
He's told me a million times when he's being this rough that I'm not allowed to touch any of him without permission, so no matter how badly I wanna tug on his hair, I resist.
One hand holds tightly to the sheet while the other one covers my mouth.
Younghoon glances up at me and grabs my hand, pulling it away from my mouth and holding me by the wrist.
He stops just long enough to say:
"Be loud, kitten. I love hearing your voice."
His lips wrap around my clit and he sucks hard, finally allowing my orgasm to wash over my exhausted body hard, and I moan his name loudly.
There's no way that a single person in the house isn't aware of what's just happened.
He licks between my folds to help me come down from my high, careful to avoid my clit so he doesn't overstimulate me too much.
"Younghoon!" Sangyeon's voice yells from across the house. "Did you forget about the Love Revolution cast event tonight? Jihoon's outside with his car to pick you up!"
"Oh shit..." Younghoon's eyes go wide and he quickly starts taking off his casual clothes. "Tell him I'll be there in just a minute!"
I laugh when he falls over trying to pull his sweatpants off, and he remembers my presence. "Babygirl, I'm so sorry I have to just leave you like this." He rambles as he gets dressed in some nice clothes as fast as possible. "Don't go home, stay here tonight. I promise when I get back I'll cuddle you and give you kisses and talk to you as long as you want. I'm so sorry, I know it's just terrible of me to be that rough and then immediately leave you. You know I wanna be here to care for you-"
"Younghoon, shut up." I chuckle, sitting up on the bed. "I do know you wanna stay, but you have responsibilities. It's okay, really. I'll be here when you get back, baby. Just have a fun night with your cast-mates, okay?"
He finished tying his shoe and sighs, coming over to me and landing a sweet kiss on my lips. I can still taste myself on him.
"I love you." He says with the most thankful and gratitude, as if to imply a "what did I do to deserve you?".
"I love you, too."
"Kim Younghoon!" This time it's Jihoon's voice, clearly coming from the front door.
Younghoon hurries out of the room and I notice he left so fast that his phone is still sitting the bedside table.
I grab it and follow after him, silently thanking this sweatshirt for being long enough to fully cover my bare body. My legs are still pretty much fully exposed, but as long as no one sees me walking around with my ass hanging out, that's fine by me.
"Younghoon! Phone." He turns and I toss his phone to him, which he catches swiftly.
"Thanks, baby. See you later."
"Have fun!"
I feel a few pairs of eyes on me and look around to notice Kevin, Chanhee, Sangyeon, and Jihoon all staring at my legs.
"Park Jihoon!" Younghoon mocks Jihoon's tone from before.
"S-Sorry!" Jihoon follows Younghoon out the door, but Younghoon quickly peeks his head back in before the door shuts.
"No one touches my girlfriend or they're dead, got it? But look at her all you want." He tosses me a teasing look and a wink, finally closing the door behind him.
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mrskurono · 3 years
ok i’ve been having this thought for the longest time and since we’re talking about nanami and gojou (kinda?) now i’ll just say it. the people who think nanami is daddy are the same people who think gojou is daddy too. like firstly, there’s not a single “daddy” bone in gojou’s body. like that man gives me slinky vibes he’s so tall and long and a full fledged b r a t. other than that he’s literally like that weird uncle that brings back trinkets from his trips around the world and then one day he suddenly disappears which leads u and ur dad to have to go on a journey to find him and uncover secrets- im definitely describing a movie here idk what movie tho. moving on nanami. this mf is literally so fucking tired of life u think he wanna come home and have to be in control again???? nah he prolly into some kinky bdsm shit that forces him to surrender control and have him admit his deepest desire or smth. prolly loves getting pegged too i sense it.
- 🪢 this is just a rant because i’m tired of seeing daddy dom gojou and nanami. also pls tell me u received an ask from me a bit ago about some sappy shit i guess idk :/ because i sent it the same time my wifi was acting up so i don’t know if it actually sent ;(
BC IM NICE AND I HAVE SOME CHOICE WORDS ON THE MATTER (I mean not like rude or anything, this is just something that bothers me about the fandom) I’LL PUT IT UNDER THE CUT BC HUN DO I GOT A LOT TO SAY ABOUT SLINKY MAN OK
If you don’t like sub!Gojo or sub!Nanami don’t read
Gojo is such a fluid, fuck anything unless it fucks me first kind of character that it’s like no one sees that and all they see is “uwu tall” Which, ok he isn’t even that tall. Everyone in my family is bare minimum of 6 ft. He’s a scrawny shit that the moment I sit on him he’s gonna break. (If my size kink is gonna be activated the “conventional way” then my god they gotta be 6′4 at least and stocky, looking at you Kindaichi jfc he makes me feel small asdfghjkl panties moistened) But like Gojo is so fruity and snarky you choke him once and guarantee he’s gonna cream in his pants. Geto was clearly the dom in that dynamic (Geto, though I am mad at him, has slightly dom points. That I cannot budge on he is one of the few jjk characters I will allow dom points for) 
Gojo literally looks to get yelled at by Nanami on a daily basis. And take it from someone who’s kink it is to irritate people and get them to make that “Im gonna kill you face” (my poor wife) Gojo has brat written all over his face. Given yeah he could top. Man would stick his dick in anything and get stuck with anything like that’s just his character. But daddy vibes? No. God so much no. Gojo has that freaky sex dungeon energy that he goes to on friday nights and comes home sunday not knowing what the fuck happened but his ass kinda hurts but he’s gonna do it again next weekend too.
And Nanami. Ok I get the suit thing and I get the caring dom part. Like, I’d marry him and wouldn’t mind taking care of him. Nanami deserves the world these are facts. But a hard daddy dom? No. Nanami is so fucking soft his literal character arc is about how hard things have affected him emotionally in the work force that is Jujutsu crap. He’s not gonna hurt someone. He’s not gonna be that “dom that slaps you and degrades you” Man is so fucking tired and probably wants you to hold him with his head in your lap and just like- let him suck on your fingers and play with his hair. Don’t make Nanami do hard shit he’s tired and wants to have a calm nice peaceful. He’d be totally good with scheduled sex on saturdays and then breakfast on sunday. Don’t make him some weird kinky office fantasy bc your dad worked long hours and then left your mom. Nanami is gentle and tired and sweet and sometimes too up tight so he needs to be pegged and reminded how wonderful he is. Yeah you can probably ask him to be dom, that’s what good partners do. But he’s not gonna choke you behind a fucking jamba juice and spit in your mouth. He just wants to go get bread and get a hug
Ok I think I got my ranting over. I gotta go cut down a fucking grape arbor today like fml. I can’t even make this shit up XD
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aizawasthot · 4 years
Aizawa's crush (the reader) walks in on Aizawa masturbating? 😳 Maybe include him thinking bout the reader and saying their name if you want ;p (I was also wondering if it could end with a smutty smutsmut? If that's too much, I'm fine with just the masturbating part uwu)
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after hours | aizawa s.
✦pairing: aizawa x fem!reader
✦warnings: 18+, smut, unprotected sex (wrap it before u tap it folks), creampie, dirty talk, kitten kink, zawa calls you lewd, needy reader
✦note: uhhh this is my first smut?????? I know it ain’t much,,, but it’s honest work. but honestly this took too long to post bc im not confident on my smut skills but here u go
✯ ¸ . • ´ * ¨ ` * • ✿  ✿ • * ` ¨ * ` • . ¸ ✯
All you wanted to do was go home after what felt like the most stressful day in your life. It was moving day for the students and you had to fill in paperwork for the day. The day felt so long and exhausting that all you could think off was going home and going straight to bed.
That was until you realized you left your phone— of all things— in your office. Rushing back into the building, you go into your office door and quickly grab your phone from your desk. As you’re about to leave, you hear a quiet whimper from the office next to you— Aizawa’s office. Your curiosity gets the best of you, deciding to check on him to see if he’s alright.
The sight that greets you is heavenly.
Aizawa’s door was slightly ajar, his dimly lit office showing through at the small crack. His head was facing the ceiling with his eyes clenched shut, his Adam's apple bobs as he swallows dryly. His dress shirt was untucked, a few buttons undone, showing just enough of his skin to get you hot. The light from his desk lamp hitting his toned chest just right, covered in a sheen of sweat. Your eyes travel down, his pants unzipped and lowered just around his thighs— fuck. Aizawa’s hands were on his member, stroking at a painfully slow pace, the head of his cock was red and dripping with pre-cum, glistening under the dim light—
“Fuck, Y/N,” he grunts, a little louder this time, his voice raspy. “Shit, oh yeah baby, please— fuck.” He bucks his hips up, you feel your cunt throb at the sight of him pleading, thinking of you as he ruts into his hand.
You couldn’t stop yourself as a small whimper left your throat— shit.
His head whipped in your direction, eyes snapping open as he stares at you, mouth open.
Oh no.
“I’m— I didn’t mean to— I just wanted to check on you, I’m sorry!” you blurt out, face reddening as you turn to look away. “I thought you were hurt, I didn’t mean to…. watch… Anyway, ha yeah I think you look… fine. Have a good night, sorry again—“ You try to turn and leave but he was faster than you, his hand already grabbing your wrist as he leads you into his office. You’re about to have a goddamn heart attack and it’s because he’s so fucking fine.
“Were you enjoying the show, princess?” Aizawa purred, gesturing for you to sit on his desk while he sits across from you on his chair.
“M-maybe,” you breathe out, not caring that you were obviously eye-fucking him at this point. He looked captivating, erotic, beautiful.
“Did you like it?” He moves his hands, gently caressing your thigh through your skirt as he massages your thigh; calloused hands moving tenderly, moving closer and closer to your heat.
A small moan was your answer. He chuckles, still gently pressing his hands on you; a finger unexpectedly brushing against your panties. “Use your words, baby. I want to hear you,” he breathes out behind your ear. He presses a kiss against the sensitive skin and he dips his head lower, nipping on your neck. “Cat got your tongue?” He smirks against your skin, his hands now moving to untuck your shirt, fingers fumbling with the buttons. Aizawa continues his assault on your skin, moving lower to the junction of your neck and shoulder, taking his sweet time sucking and licking, which would definitely leave marks.
“Ai— ah, Aizawa,” you moan softly. You felt lightheaded; it felt too hot and he was too close and it’s all too much. It was no secret that you liked Aizawa, even your students seem to notice. You certainly wanted this. You didn’t exactly dislike what’s happening, in fact you’ve taken a little more than a liking to Aizawa, but this— it’s all too overwhelming and too fast.  Still, you wanted more, more of him.
“What, baby? Want me to stop?” Aizawa whispers, his hands going under your shirt as he places them at your hips, gently squeezing. Your body shudders under his heavy gaze; taking in how beautiful you looked, appreciating every dip and curve.
“No— oh god, please no,” you whimper. Realizing that your hands have been idle the whole time, you let them wander his exposed chest; he was too covered, you thought, and you start to unbutton the rest, sliding the shirt completely off. “God, you’re beautiful,” you breathe out, your own eyes taking him in; all muscle and angles, glowing in the dim light.
“That’s all you,” he chuckles, mirroring your movements as he helps you out of your shirt. His hands travel to your covered chest, letting his fingers wander at the edge of your bra, teasing. This little shit, you thought, arching your back while he continues to remove your bra at a maddeningly slow pace, clearly having too much fun watching you squirm.
“I swear, Aizawa— fuck, stop teasing,” you pant, gripping his neck as he kisses between your breasts; you can feel just the slightest press of his lips, that fucking tease. You can feel his smirk, his hands moving up to your breasts as he massages them; his thumbs brushing against your hardening nipples. Oh, that felt good.
“Patience, babe,” he orders under his breath, moving up to give you a kiss. Tender lips capturing your own as he kisses you so gentle you feel like you’re going to faint— and then something in him snapped; suddenly he’s kissing you harder, his tongue swiping on your bottom lip as if asking for permission. His hands are exploring your body; on your breasts, fondling and kneading, moving to grab on your ass, Aizawa grinding your clothed cunt on his crotch that got you so wet.
“A-Aizawa I need more,” you break the kiss, panting. You could feel the mess in your panties as Aizawa chuckles, seeing the need in your eyes. He lays you down on his desk, pushing up your skirt as he did so. He starts to trail kisses on your legs up to your inner thigh, he’s so damn close you could feel his breath on your covered cunt.
“Fuck, you’re so wet. Is this all for me, huh? You enjoy watching me get off at the thought of you?” He taunts, a smirk adorns his face as he removes your panties, taking a second to admire just how excited you were for him. “What a beautiful cunt,” he says, looking up to stare at your needy, desperate eyes.
“Please, Aizawa. I need you,” you whine, bucking your hips up. You were getting wetter by the second— you needed him.
“Don’t worry, babe, I’ve got you,” he coos, moving closer to your heat, so close you could almost feel him. He licks a stripe up your cunt and you almost came right there and then. His tongue assaults your cunt mercilessly, lapping up your essence like a starved man; his mouth sucking on your clit so damn good you feel like you’re about to pass out.
“Aihhh- Aizawa, fuck,” you moan, hands landing on his head to push your cunt closer to his face, relishing on how fucking perfect he makes you feel. You feel him smirk against you as he complies and pulls you closer to him. Jesus fuck, this man is driving you crazy.
“Who knew this kitten was so lewd?” AIzawa pulls away for a second, making sure to let you see him licking your juices off his lips. “Such a good kitten,” he says lowly, his index finger teasing your entrance.
“Please,” you whine, writhing on the table, desperate for more, desperate for him. He chuckles, giving in and pushing his finger into you. He pumps his finger slowly, watching you sigh in relief to get what you wanted.
“You’re so warm and tight, kitten. So excited for me,” he mumbles, his mouth latching onto your pussy again, licking and sucking on your bud, sending tingles up your spine. Your eyes roll as his movements become more erratic, he adds another finger in your cunt and curls them, hitting that sweet spot. He keeps at it, lapping up your juices and fucking you with his fingers, making you moan louder and louder.
“Aizawa… ngh,” you whine, feeling yourself come closer to the edge.
“Shouta,” he mumbles against your clit, “Call me Shouta.” His tongue continues to circle on your clit, eating you out like a starved man. The pleasure was too much, and you knew you weren’t going to last.
“Shouta, I’m— ohh, I’m going to c-cum,” you moan fingers deep in his hair as you chase your high. Every little flick of his tongue was sending you, every centimeter that his hand moves makes you shiver in pleasure.
Aizawa chuckles against your cunt, sending another wave of pleasure. “I’ve got you, yeah? Cum on my fingers babe, let it go,” he mumbles. His fingers and tongue not stopping for a second until you saw white.
“F-fuck! I’m coming, Shou— ahhh don’tstopdon’tstopdon’tstop,” you chant through broken breaths, your whole body shaking from all the pleasure and stimulation.
“You look fuckin’ hot cumming on my fingers, kitten,” he whispers, making sure to show you how he sucks on his fingers, lapping up your essence. “Now you’re nice and ready for me,” he smirks, flipping you around and bending you over the desk, one of his hands cupping your breast while the other lovingly strokes your ass.
“Fuck, Shouta I need you,” you whine, pushing your ass up and grinding it on his crotch, letting your juices spread on his hard cock. “Need you so bad,” you murmur. Jesus fuck you were so damn hot for him.
“Mmm, so damn wet,” he hums, gripping your hips as he turns you around on the desk; ass up, face down. “So fuckin’ hot,” he bends down, softly kissing the spot behind your ear as he slowly rolls his hips against your cunt.
“Shouta,” you moan, pushing against him. “I need you, please,” you almost cry out, shivering with how sensitive you still were from your recent high.
“So impatient,” he says, stroking his cock. “What do you want, kitten?”
“I need you, Shou,” you whine, craving to feel his dick inside you. “Need you to fuck me, fuck me so hard that I forget my own name, fuck me so deep I lose—“ you gasp, Aizawa pushing his cock inside you before you could finish “—my minddd~.”
“Such a dirty, dirty mouth,” he tuts, gripping your hips as he pulls out and slams harder into you.
“Only for you~,” you tease as you arch your back, slowly losing your mind at how big he feels inside you. “Jesus, fuck, you’re so big,” you moan out, gripping the edge of the table.
“Fuck, kitten,” he breathes out, hands on your hips; his pace not slowing down. “You’re so fucking tight, shit— your pussy is sucking me in,” Aizawa was going crazy, his head spinning at just how perfect you felt.
With his comment, you felt compelled to clench around his length. “So good,” you whine, pleasure building back up again as he ruts into you. “Faster,” you command, trying to meet his thrusts, eager to chase your high.
“You, shit— close?” Aizawa groans, ignoring you and doing the exact opposite of what you wanted, his pace slowing only to pull out of you completely to flip you around; your eyes meet and you notice the longing and appreciative way his eyes rake over you, taking in every inch of your body, burning the image on his brain. “Need to see your face as you cum around my dick,” he hums, not wasting any more time as he thrusts back into you. His pace was unrelenting as he fucked you on the desk, and you could feel yourself getting closer and closer.
“I’m gonna cum, Shouta,” you whimper, nails raking down his back. Shouta thrusts deeper into you and captures your lips in a bruising kiss as you reach your climax. You clench around his cock, and that was what tipped him over the edge, groaning as he came inside you. You bit into the meat of his shoulder, your body convulsing from the pleasure tingling all over your body.
“Fuck,” he breathes out as he pulls out, watching his cum drip out of your pussy. He props you up and carries you as he sits on his chair, letting you straddle him. “You’re gonna fuckin’ kill me, kitten,” he chuckles, leaning on the chair.
You hum in response, nuzzling into his chest, feeling more than content to stay like this forever. “We should get cleaned up,” you murmur, fingers finding their way into his hair, scratching his scalp gently.
“My place is near,” he says, smirking. “You up for another round?”
Screw sleeping, this was way better.
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tomsrebeleyebrow · 4 years
Bad timing part.2 | tom holland x fem!reader
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Summary: Tom stake to his words. In fact, since the viagra incident, your life was in a constant loop of teasing and frustration. But the torture ended when the boy finally asked you to marry him. Joy and happiness overwhelmed you, but you couldn’t help asking yourself a single question: what will happen during your honeymoon?
Warnings: language, sexual teasing/tension, SMUT including romantic first time sex fingering, oral (f receiving), unprotected sex (wrap it up kids) and sooo much more, oh and fluff too obviously!
Word Count: 5228
A/N: you cheeky beauts 😏... so many of you asked for a part2 whaaaat!! I think I’ve left you guys a bit frustrated, am I right? 😜 so I tried to please everyone bc you all gave me ideas and stuff, so it’s a mix of everything I guess? 👀 as originally requested by @photoshopart15 but also as a general demand, here it is! hope you will enjoy it as much as the first one, you cheeky beasts 😉✨ did I enjoy writing it too much? judging by the word count... HECK YES 🙈
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Tom is a kind and well-mannered man, always putting the others before himself. You knew that since day one. And when he had a precise idea in mind, boy does he keeps his words until he goes fully through it.
After the viagra incident Tom was teasing you any time he had the chance, to the point you would have to lock yourself into a room or just go out by yourself to calm down. You have never been so fuzzy, your whole face starting to keep the blushing aspect. Any occasion was an excuse to push you at your limits. And he loved it. But you kind of got used to it by the time and well, and learnt to live with it.
Then came the day Tom proposed to you. 
And later came the weeding.
"I do."
You remember saying these two special words during the ceremony. Exchanging vows with your loved one surrounded by the people who are precious to you both is just how you imagined that day. Beautiful yet intimate, with little extravaganza touches from Tom. 
The best day of your life.
The sun begins to set little by little, letting behind it an orange-reddish sky before it disappears below the horizon. Some rays still light the bedroom you actually are. The peaceful roll of the waves running aground the shore livens up the surrounding, sometimes followed by tropical birds’ cries. Calm. Total serenity. And relaxing, just what you needed.
For your honeymoon, Tom booked a villa on stilts in the Maldives for three weeks. You arrived a few hours ago, slightly bitten up by the jet lag but more than happy to be finally there. No one around but you and the beach of the island at five minutes by boat. You are totally living the dream.
As the weather has nothing to do with London at the moment, you just wear a simple top and some sport shorts. Your hair put into a messy bun, you lay on your stomach on the king size bed that is at the perfect place to watch the sunset. Right in front of it, the patio door widely open to this magnificent scenery and the last ray warming up your exposed skin. Phone in hands, you scroll through it as Harry already sent you the first pictures he took of the wedding.
You couldn’t suppress the smile on your face. Both you and Tom had bright smiles on the photographs, sometimes with teary eyes due to emotion but still radiating happiness and love for each other. 
A new chapter of your life just started and you can’t wait to see where it will take you with the man you love.
Speak of the devil, you notice now that the running water coming from the bathroom stops. Just like the humming from inside. Another two minutes later, the wooden door opens to reveal your newly husband freshly exiting the bathroom, only wearing a boxer tight around everything his hips and hair still wet. And to think that he can look hot with and without clothes... and that he is now officially yours.
You hear his steps on the creaking parquet as he approaches your shared bed and look over your shoulder. Then the bed dips from the weight of his body next to you.
"Looks like Harry did a great job with the pictures, right?"
Tom’s hot breath is next to your ear as he speaks, sending you chills over your body. When you turn slightly your head towards him, his face is close to yours that you can feel the heat coming from him. His eyes look lovingly at the picture you stopped on: both of you sharing a kiss after your vows.
“The pictures are beautiful, indeed” you reply in a whisper, eyes back on your phone.
You feel him leave a kiss on top of your exposed shoulder, his lips warm from his previous shower. He then put his chin on the nap of your neck, getting closer as if searching for more closeness, his still wet torso against half your back.
“I want to frame that one when we go back home” Tom adds while putting one hand over yours which holds the phone.
Your heart is thumping from many emotions rushing through your mind and body. You sure feel blessed to be now married to this young man you knew since your young age, not to forget how attracted you are to each other. Yet the incident of “that day” still remains fresh in the back of your head. 
But you were a newly married couple now so why would you be frighten or self-conscious about... what has to come? That is right, you have no reason to be scared. Not at all.
You lock your phone and let it fall on the soft sheets. Your hands still linked, you now intertwine your fingers with his as you kiss his cheek then repeat the action a few times, a bit slower and lips never leaving his skin. Tom slightly pulls away turning his head to look at your face, admiring the gleam in your eyes that are like an open book to him. 
In a light motion Tom pushes your upper body to make you turn on your back. After biting his lips to hide a smirk, he slides closer to you and both of you roll on the bed followed by giggles. Now wrapping his strong arms around your frame, Tom hugs you tightly against his chest.
“My beautiful wife...” he mumbled, pressing the tip of his nose into the tresses of your hair. “... Mrs. Holland.”
The last statement makes you heart thump heavily, cheeks starting to redden. 
“I love you, Tom, so much” you whisper, answering the unspoken way his heart relayed just how much he loves you as well. 
A giggle escapes your lips when he huffs a hot breath against the rim of your ear squeezing you even tighter in his arms before finally relaxing into a soft cuddle. Sliding one of your arms around his back, you snuggle into his frame trying to be as close to his body as possible so he can be enveloped by your warmth and body heat.
Then Tom shifts just a bit placing his hand on your cheek, getting you to tilt your head up where he admires the shade and gleam of your beautiful eyes before pulling you to meet his lips. Instantly your body melts under the gentle and warm sway of his kiss, that feels soft and sweet like the perfect flavour of ice cream. 
The moment Tom pulls away your eyes flutter hazily, telling him you want another with the soft way you whisper his name. 
"Someone’s needy..." 
Not trying to hide his smirk anymore, the man is more than happy to give you all the kisses you could ever want as he leans down again meeting your lips in the middle. One more kiss turns into many, as one of your hands glide into his wild brown hair. Your eyes soften, parting your lips when his tongue slides over your top lip wanting to make the kisses more steamy.
The heated sway of his slick muscle laps around your own slowly and sensually coating it with his saliva, letting you become enthralled and overwhelmed so much by his passion that a small murmur of a moan hazes into his lips.
"Mmh, I can never get enough of the way you taste" Tom mutters the moment he pulls away licking his lips, noting the thin trail of saliva connecting you together.
He then trails the edge of his lips down your neck while placing soft enticing feather-like kisses.
“What do you say about me marking this gorgeous body of yours?” he rasps, letting the heat of his breath haze against your skin and picks a soft patch to suck on. 
It takes you a moment to realise he is indeed leaving you a hickey. Such a mark would not be the first one he has given you, but you always remind him to not make them too big and somewhere easy to hide. But today, you don’t want to impose him any restriction. 
And that is when you feel some kind of pressure... between your legs. More precisely against your core. You let out a high pitch squeal when the steady pressure evolves into back and forth moves. You can’t stop a few moans escaping from your mouth at the feeling, Tom’s hips in total rythme with his sucking.
Your body arches more into his, letting him have complete access to your neck. Tom slides his tongue up and down, sucking and swirling his muscle till a deep purple love bite is forming against your skin, right on the side of your collarbone. Only then does he pull away to admire his handy work.
A tingle slides through your body as he uses a few of his fingers to caress over your love bruise, as if he could feel how warm and pulsating your skin and heart are. Short-winded and almost sweating, your eyes still blurry with what just happened, and definitely wet down there. A total reminder of the “incident”.
Then you see it. His huge deadly smirk, staring at you so deep as he perfectly knows what he is doing to you. 
And without a word Tom stands up from over you and the bed, passing his finger through his now dry curls as he starts walking towards his luggage on the other side of the room.
“Alright, a boat’s gonna take us to the restaurant of the island for 7pm so let’s get ready.”
And the man just leaves you still on the bed to go change into the bathroom. You roll onto your side, breath still short while squeezing your thighs together to find some relieve.
That. Fucking. Bastard.
* * * * 
Fortunately, the delicious food and tasty cocktails appeased your infuriated more like frustrated state from earlier. You were not THAT mad at Tom... but still. Since you left the villa to have dinner on the beach, you never felt so tensed. You tried your best to not show your husband bad attitude because first, he doesn’t deserve any of it and two... There is no other reason, actually. 
You racked your brains all evening. You knew you were ready, and that is why you mostly welcomed Tom into your shared steamy embrace. And it all stopped abruptly like he did every times since the viagra incident. But now, you were married so why does he keep playing that hell of a teasing game? 
So you kept your composure as much as you could, even when Tom tried to be touchy-feely. Each time both your skins made contact, it surprised you to the point Tom started wondering if you were alright. But you still managed to conceal your weird behaviour to him.
But he still noticed something was on.
* * * *
You are finally back to the villa. Tom gentlemanly helps you to get out of the little boat, not without nearly falling into the sea as doing so. At least, his usual goofy self always brings a smile on your face. Tom opens the door to let you in first, and you thank him as you do.
Entering the house you stop when you notice the inside plunged into complete darkness, but with candles lighten up here and there. In the air flutters a calming perfume of tropical flower, just enough to mix with the salty perfume of the sea. And at your feet are spread flowers petals as if creating a path to lead you somewhere.
“You like it?” Tom whispers in you ears, giving you the chills.
“T-That’s really pretty, but why-”
“Shh, you will see, princess.”
Before you can finish your sentence, Tom’s hands gently press onto your hips and he slowly pushes you to make you walk. As he walks you through the dark villa - and banging into some furnitures on the way which makes you laugh again, you now are able to guess where he takes you. 
Tom then stops you in front of the familiar wooden door to open it, and before your eyes is a nicely arranged the big bathroom with the same lighted candles around the bathtub already filled up with water and petals. But what takes your breath away may for sure be the beautiful view from the patio window on which the bathtub is placed against. You can still hear and see the sea waves in the darkness of the night, but in the distance you can make out some lights coming from the next door island. There are actually curtains on both sides of the window, slightly closed to keep some intimacy but still a bit see-through.
A bright blush decorates your cheeks at all the display as suddenly tones of intimate thoughts crosse your mind. 
“As cliché as it sounds, I always wanted to take a bath together. And now that we are married...” Tom interrupts himself to slide his arms around your hips, as you take a breath and lean back against his chest. 
“Well now that we are married, I wanted to try it with you. Do you want too?” He murmures with his suave voice, placing a soft kiss against your slender neck as you nod your head. 
“Y-You also brought some champagne, as I see” you notice, still overwhelmed in the warm embrace of your lover. 
The bottle in an ice bucket and two flutes glasses are nicely presented on a wooden coffee table next to the bath. Tom nods against your cheek, leaving another kiss there. With a pounding heart you nuzzle your face against his, feeling his smooth face on your lips and his natural scent filling your nostrils. 
"Can I undress you? Or we can undress each other? Piece... by... piece..." Tom places a kiss after each word, making you feel all warm and tingly as he then trails his hands down your hips and massages your thighs under the summer dress you decided to wear tonight.
"Ah... I like the sound of that. Can I go first, please?" you shyly ask, looking at him through your long eyelashes.
After moving you to the center of the bathroom, Tom turns your body around to face him and agrees to your demand. He is unsurprised when you start unbuttoning his stripped white and lavender shirt. Letting it fall at his feet, he takes his cue and bends down to his knees, running his hands up and down both your legs up under your dress. 
You can't take your eyes off his sleek and sculptured chest muscles. Your fingers wander along his neck to then stop on his broad shoulders. 
Smirking at your focused eyes Tom takes the edge of your dress to pull it up your hips, your thighs finally at his mercy. As he purposefully has a gander at your black coloured panties, he gives both your thighs a nice warm kiss and then stands up while tugging your dress upend off your entire body.
A pant full of desire escapes your lips so Tom takes a little initiative and grabs your hand to place it on the front of his darted white pants, encouraging you to unbutton and slide the zipper down. Which you do after a few seconds of looking into his lustful brown eyes, pushing at the waistband before the material gladly slips down his long legs and pools around his ankles.
He kicks his pants away before encouraging you to approach him closer. But you stop him and with trembling hands, you slowly unclasp your bra, not daring to look directly at Tom as your cheeks keep flushing.
His tongue licks his bottom lip admiring the outline of your breasts coming into view. Tom thought you would be a little reluctant to completely undress in front of each other, even if he has seen your gorgeous curves before but you surprise him by taking the first step yourself.
With blushy cheeks, you still hide your almost exposed tits with an arm. Tom can't help himself when he steps up to your body and presses your bare chests together, meeting you in the middle for a kiss. The feeling of your soft breasts is a complete and utter turn on for him, as his hands began to gently explore your body a little by caressing around your hips and down your back before dipping one into the back of your panties to give your bottom a nice squeeze.
A moan of his name hazes into his mouth as you wrap both your hands around his rippling back muscles, while you can feel him greedily wanting to pull down your last remaining article of clothing. 
But you feel he doesn’t want to force you into anything you don’t want to. Or maybe... will Tom actually interrupt everything like before dinner? That would be even worse, just by analysing the current situation you are in. Despite being a little jittery with tones of questions in mind, your own hands slide down his hips and push at his boxers, blushing at the way they easily slide down his legs lower on his v-line.
"Adventurous, little missy?” Tom teasingly rasps when you can't help but fully eye his now well endowed manhood for the first time. 
It is not surprising that you stutter out an answer and tilt your face away, but it gives him a moment to caress down your stomach and grip the waistband of your panties and lower them leaving you both equally naked.
Your hands shake with embarrassment but since Tom is not hiding himself, you try to adapt some of his courage and allow the man you love to have an unhindered view of your body that he has desired for so long. And he takes full advantage of bouncing his eyes up and down with zero shame.
"Dammit baby, have I ever told you how beautiful I think you are?" he groans softly in defeat, nestling his face in your neck.
A smile slides up your lips as you whisper you feel the exact same way, causing him to face you again and cup both of your cheeks for a nice warm kiss. Once you part, he leads the way into the tub which is delightfully warm enough and encourages you to sit between his legs. 
At first you are still a bit shy about that but don't really have a choice as you both slide down and sit in the water. Your heartbeat is thundering, which doesn’t help the fact you can properly feel the shape of his cock against the bottom of your ass. It is way too late to shy away now. Tom is indeed hard, clearly turned on from having his naked wife in his arms for the first time. Leaning forward, he gives the nape of your neck a warm and sensual kiss while both of his hands caress up and down your now soaked legs.
"Mhm, Tom... Y-you can touch me..." you murmur to him leaning back and allowing him more access to your neck, which he takes advantage of with many more kisses and several gentle nibbles, enjoying your flavour.
"Where would you like me to touch you, gorgeous?"
Taking a breath, your hands slide under the water and grab both his, placing them against your breasts. Your matching golden rings make contact and instantly, Tom starts slowly and sensually groping them, earning some very satisfying skin tingling moans of his name from your perfectly pink lips.
"You make my mind so hazy, Tom... All the damn time" you whisper between light moans, his large hands making wonders.
Deciding to explore another part of your body, his fingers pet down your stomach and edge your legs further apart before gliding down the womanly outline of your slit. 
"A-ah, Tom...!" you whimper out of surprise, but his touch is slow and sensual and it assures you he just wants to make you feel good.
When your body starts to relax, Tom continues his soft pleasuring of your lower lips, while still squeezing one of your breasts and kissing both your neck and shoulder several times. The moment he curls one digit between your warm folds, your entire body spasms with waves of foreign pleasure.
You begin panting, as if showcasing how unprepared you were for this sensation. But he calms you down using his free hand to push your cheek to meet his lips while he works a slow rhythm of back and forth. Quickly, the curl and sway of his slender digit starts to feel utterly amazing so he slowly adds a second one, making you moan of pleasure.
 “O-oh, Tom! I-It feels so good!”
Tom grins as he nips at your neck to feel the vibrations of your mewls of delight, while he notes the subtle difference between the sticky sensation starting to warm his fingers and the water around. However after pleasuring you for awhile he pulls away and whispers into the rim of your ear, his desires to continue this in bed.
“(Y/n), I want you so fucking bad and I want to thoroughly enjoy you” Tom growls as he nibbles your lobe between his teeth, slightly tugging it.
It sounds almost desperate and what can you say? You were as much desperate as he is right now, so you have no intention of denying him after coming this far. You prove your husband how deeply in love you are with him by turning in his lap, wrapping both hands around his neck and deeply kissing him.
Using his amazing upper body strength to pick you up bridal style, he lets the water thoroughly drip from both your bodies before taking careful steps out of the tub. Thankfully, there is a rug on the floor so he doesn't slip or slide as he rests your butt down against the sink. 
You smile at him with soft pink cheeks as he tries to dry you off a bit. But it is pretty much a lost cause since Tom just admires your body for the most part. He uses another towel to dry himself off a little before being very direct with the way he pushes apart your knees and picks you back up, forcing you to wrap your legs around his back and making you blush brightly as your hands cling to his broad shoulders.
The next thing you know, your back is laying against the soft mattress where he instantly starts some very sensual kisses. Starting with your lips and working down to your neck, eventually claiming one of your soft nipples. 
"Mhm Tom, I love your kisses so much" you practically purr to him, unable to do much but run your hands through his brown locks and down just a bit of his smooth back muscles. Honestly, you are kind of grateful for his hungry desire to take the lead, as the way he is sucking and licking between both of your breasts just feels sensational.
His coffee orbs glance up as he lets go of one of your tits with a juicy pop and notes your closed eyes and relaxed features, finding it a nice time to go further south. He places soft kisses down your bellybutton, which let you know where he is going but you assure yourself you are okay as long as it is him.
With a lift of your leg, his eyes graze over the intimate pink outline of your womanhood, but he doesn't go towards your sex right away. His lips kiss softy at your inner thigh, bringing tingles up your spine as you find his slowness and need to appreciate all your body romantic and endearing.
"Your skin is so damn soft... And your smell is driving me crazy" Tom growls again, gliding his tongue up as he eases apart your knees until the tip of his wet muscle laps over the middle of your slit before instantaneously turning it into the most intimate French kiss you could ever imagine.
"O-oh! K-kissing me right there... i-is strange...!" you shyly murmur, gripping both of your hands against the sheets. But soon all you can think of is the enthralling sensation of his tongue as he thoroughly slides between your folds and thrusts back and forth, turning you into a moaning and mewling mess.
One of your hands finds its way into the back of his hair, where you give a few tugs in the throws of your pleasure. In turn both of his hand glide up your hips to keep you in place, while he continued to eat you out like one of the best meals he ever had in ages.
At this point, you are not sure if you are being loud or too quiet anymore, but the answer doesn’t really matter as the passionate sway of his tongue is talented enough to have the oddest sensation warming the pit of your stomach. But you don’t have the time to ask him because you are experiencing your very first orgasm.
"H-hah, fuck... You taste amazing, baby" Tom husks as he pulls back to lick the slick sweet essence of your arousal from his lips. He then wipes off the bottom of his chin before rising above your body to caress one of his hands against your cheek and give you a hasty kiss that lets you taste yourself.
“Oh Tom, I love you so much" you mutter during his flavourful kisses when suddenly, you can clearly feel the tip of his cock poking against your inner thigh.
"I love you too, so much” Tom kisses your lips a last time. “Ready to enjoy the ride, my beautiful wife?”
And as words are about to leave your mouth, Tom moves his face closer to you ear.
“And no need for me to take any blue pill, right?”
He for sure means it to sound like a tease. At a time like that. Well, it wouldn’t be Tom if he didn't remind you of the day you non-naturally made him excited because he was being such a brat. And remembering it right now is even worse, judging by the redness of your cheeks.
“S-Stop with that- aah!”
Yet again he does’t let you speak fully as his hips slide up to press the tip of his cock at your entrance. Griping both hands against your own, he fills you to the brim with his girth in a slow but smooth thrust.
"Ah-mhm... Ooh, Tom" you mumble of slight discomfort but you quickly assure your husband it doesn’t specially hurt too much, just feels sensational and unbearably tight at the same time. 
He kisses your neck and lets you know you could claw or squeeze him as necessary if you feel any pain, which has you smiling and returning a peck to his cheek and another to his neck nuzzling him like a kitten.
"You can move Tommy, I'm okay..." you whisper into his ear, pulling back to meet his eyes where he most certainly doesn’t need to be told twice as hearing you use that particular nickname makes his stomach flip.
So he eases his hips backwards only to slap forward hard enough for you to toss your head and yelp out his name in a moan. 
“Ah! Tommy!”
You feel him rock the most dizzying rhythm into your body that it has you squeezing his shoulders and moaning his name on harmonious repeat. That was the sexiest tune he has heard in his entire life. The sound of your voice and the pleasured look in your eyes feeding his desire all the more, as he thrusts his hips back and forth and then growls like an animal about how tight you are squeezing him.
"S-shit, I can feel how wet you are baby... Practically dripping all over my cock" he rasps while biting warmly at the side of your neck, to give you a mixture of possessive teeth marks and bright purple hickey.
You can’t even muster a reply as he picks up your legs and slides his warm strong hands under your ass to ensure he could pick up his pace to fuck you faster and deeper. Which you doesn’t seem to mind because your hand squeeze his sweaty back, and get off on both the pleasure and the sweet smell coming from his body.
He smirks before sharply claiming your lips, thrashing his hips back and forth and sloshing your juices that lets you know he wasn’t lying before when he said you were wet. That along with the accompanying smell of raunchy sex has your mind become so overly dizzy and hazy that you can barely concentrate.
His hips become sloppy with his desperation and you completely understand that feeling as you cling to him, even dragging a few of your nails down his back not really out of any pain but more so the intense sensation tightening in the pit of your stomach. With a few more hard and deep thrusts that rock both your bodies in perfect unison, Tom presses deeply into your tight pulsating folds allowing you both to achieve release simultaneously.
One hell of scream leaps from your vocal chords as the most vision blurring orgasm of the night sways through your system. Slowly Tom eases your bottom back down to the mattress since he has sort of propped up your lower body for those few aggressive minutes. 
When coming back to his senses, Tom pulls out of your core causing you to hiss from the loss of being so full. He pants almost as heavily as you and after proudly and hungrily admiring both your mixed juices coming out from your core, the man slides down tiredly next to your side.
"How... do you feel, gorgeous?" he huffs, taking a few deep breaths as lazily bringing an arm around your frame to keep you close to his sweaty frame.
"I... f-feel a bit tired... but also good, really good..." you smile to him, cuddling closer and placing a kiss against the middle of his chest before snuggling your cheek against his soft and warm skin. 
He sighs in relief, not voicing how he thought he was being a bit rougher than he meant to be, but instead runs one of his hands down the middle of your back in a soft soothing petting motion.
“Damn, the champagne!” Tom suddenly shouts out of nowhere, startling you a bit.
Tom reluctantly detaches from you, not without a sloppy kiss and stil butt naked, he runs back into the bathroom and comes back with the bottle in one hand and the flutes on the other. You also notice a small towel hanging on his shoulder, probably to clean you both from your previous activity.
You giggle at him, smiling warmly letting the thumping of his heart lull you as you finally share a glass of champagne, still naked and bodies tangled together and into the soft sheets. Both of you hold each other tightly, letting each other’s heat warm your bodies and just keep chatting until your eyelids feel too heavy  to stay open.
Life sure feels great.
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ruzek-halstead · 4 years
plus one
part three
pairing: jay halstead x hailey upton
hailey is invited to her exes wedding and there is no way in hell she’s showing up solo. luckily, jay is eager to show off how successful he’s become. unfortunately, hailey spitefully tells everyone he’s her boyfriend, so there’s that.
"i mean, he’s clearly a dumbass if he invited you and just ‘forgot’ about your temper.”
(alternate universe/fake relationship bc i’m a sucker for these)
part one || part two || masterlist
warnings: swearing, fluffery, hailey upton’s badassery
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all it takes is one look at luke's face and jay's spine straightens and he immediately flinches away from hailey's touch.
this isn't what he wants. it is what he wants; he wants to kiss her and he's wanted that for as long as he can remember, but not like this. not at her ex-boyfriend's wedding, while the said ex-boyfriend glares daggers.
jay sighs when he sees the flash of hurt in her eyes and his chest constricts. it was almost like he could feel the physical pain he was causing her and it sucked.
"i—i should get another drink," she stammers, doing her best to avoid his eyes.
hailey turns on her heels and makes a beeline for the bar. she bumps into adam on her way, but hardly even notices.
"what the hell?" adam frowns, when he reaches jay. "did luke do something again? i swear to g—"
jay shakes his head. "no, it was me."
"dude, what?" adam exclaims, his eyes mirroring his disappointment. "she looked really upset."
jay rubs a hand over his face and drops back into his chair. "fuck. i fucked it all up."
"what did you do?" adam asks curiously.
"i think we had a moment," jay mutters, his hands still covering his face. "and i don't know, she looked at me and i think she wanted me to kiss her. and it felt right," he can't stop talking now that he's started. "but then i saw luke right behind her and he looked pissed and i just couldn't."
adam shakes his head, snickering. "how does he manage to ruin everyone else's day on what's supposed to be the happiest day of his life?"
"and it's his wedding, right?" jay adds nervously; his eyes are searching for hailey but he can't spot her. "i shouldn't do anything dickish? like go for his ex?"
adam smirks, clapping jay on the back. "bro, fuck that. i swear, if you don't get your shit together and go find her right now, i'm going to punch you in the throat."
jay's eyes widen slightly. "dude, it's his wedding day."
"exactly, his wedding. which means he married someone else and he shouldn't be doing that unless he's completely over hailey," adam explains, shooting luke a nasty side eye. "and hailey is not just his ex, she's so much more than that, you know that. she's our best friend and she deserves happiness more than anyone i've ever known."
jay cracks a smile, "damn, ruzek. keep talking like that and i'm going to shed a tear."
adam rolls his eyes. "shut up and go find hailey, or else i actually will punch you in the throat."
"couldn't even if you tr—" jay is not proud of the violent flinch he displays as adam's fist nears his face, and how he nearly trips over his own feet trying to get away. he sees adam laugh and stop to talk to another member of their graduating class.
jay is halfway to the bar, but he still doesn't spot hailey. not that it matters because he is quickly intercepted by the groom.
"oh, for the love of god," jay mutters. "do you not have guests to greet or something?"
luke smirks at him. "all in due time, jay."
"what the hell does that even mean?" jay replies, looking around for any reinforcements; unfortunately, no one is available. "also, where's your wife? shouldn't you be with her?"
luke frowns slightly. "i have the rest of my life to be with her."
"oh, what a great attitude to have a happy marriage. freaking fantastic," jay mumbles sarcastically. "anyway, i was just on my way to the bar, so if you don't mind…"
"i do mind, actually," luke replies and jay considers the multiple ways he can incapacitate him without getting in trouble with the law. "i'm just having trouble understand how you and hailey got together."
jay tried to hold his tongue for the sake that it's his wedding, but he can't any longer; the sass has been unleashed. "are you having trouble comprehending the fact that she got over your dumb ass?"
however, luke doesn't seem phased. "no jay, you're understanding this wrong," he is still smirking and jay has never wanted to hit someone so much in his life. "trust me, i'm looking out for you. i don't think you're understanding what a piece of work hailey is."
jay's eyes narrow, because he can't understand if luke is just that stupid or wants to earn a black eye on his wedding day. "are you forgetting that i've been friends for hailey for years? like i truly don't understand what you're trying to do right now."
"being her friend is not the same as being in a committed relationship," luke remarks and his smirk suddenly drops. "although, i'm not sure how much you would know about that. you were a regular in the friend zone."
jay clenches his teeth together so he can think of an appropriate response and get the hell out of luke's presence. "thanks so much for your concern, but i'm fine. and hailey's happy, which is more than she can say for the time she spent with you. so please, go find your wife and treat her better than you did hailey."
hailey cannot get out of there fast enough. the abrupt change in jay's face and body language hit her straight in the chest and she can't even breathe. she hadn't thought she was reading the mood wrong, but apparently, she was way off. jay looked uncomfortable, and she is just absolutely mortified.
"i—i should get another drink," she mumbles and turns away quickly. she bumps into someone on her way to the bar but she keeps walking. she doesn't want to risk looking at anyone for fear that she'll start crying right there and then.
she almost laughs. how is she crying, again?
hailey decides the bar is definitely not the place for her to be right now and turns to go to the washrooms instead. the one thing actually working in her favour today is that it's empty and she can wallow in peace.
however, that is short lived too.
"hey, hails, there you are!" she knows it's was kim's voice before she even sees her. "i was wondering where you'd gone off t—" kim stops abruptly as she sees hailey hastily wiping away tears from her face. "hailey, what happened?" she is about to rush to her best friend's side but a stony glare overtakes her face. "was it luke? did he do something? i knew i shouldn't of left my knives at home."
kim is halfway out the door of the washrooms, until hailey pleads for her to come back. "no!" she blubbers, way past the point of caring that her voice is cracking. "it wasn't him."
"oh honey," kim frowns, wrapping an arm around her friend. "what happened?"
hailey laughs because it sounds so ridiculous in her head, it's going to sound even worse out loud. "jay and i were having a moment. i thought—i thought he was going to kiss me," she laughs bitterly. "god, i'm an idiot."
"what? no, you're definitely not the idiot here."
hailey wipes the last of her tears away; she's literally cried more today than she had in the past two years. "i don't know why i was thinking anything was there. it's been years; if something was supposed to happen, it would have already."
"are you kidding me, hailey?" kim demands in a tone that has hailey looking at her in shock and silence. "god, for people as smart as you two, i don't understand how you guys are so dumb."
hailey is still looking at her, as if she has two heads. "what?"
"jay has been in love with you since i can remember!" kim exclaims exasperatedly, as if this is common knowledge. "he looks at you like you're his whole world and seriously, i don't understand how it's been so long and you two still aren't together. adam and i are honestly exhausted of scheming against you two."
hailey furrows her eyebrows. "what?" she finds herself saying, again.
"god, i swear hailey," kim mumbles, shooting her a murderous glare. "none of this matters. what matters is that we're at your ex-boyfriend's wedding, who inconveniently has been paying a lot of attention to you. of course jay doesn't want to make a move on you now, not when luke is constantly over your shoulder!"
hailey blinks.
"shit is right," kim grins, looking extremely self-satisfied. "now, let's go. you really need to talk to him and i really need a drink."
hailey nods numbly and allows kim to pull her out of the bathroom. "what do i say?" she asks in a panic. it's one thing thinking of this all in your head but having to actually articulate the words to his dumb, adorable face is completely different. he always gives her his full attention and it intimidates her.
"no, no," kim shakes her head, "i'm done. this is all you."
hailey nods, trying and failing to gather some confidence. she's a doctor for god's sake - this is nothing! yet, she still feels like she's going to throw up any second. it definitely doesn't help when she sees luke talking to an individual with their back towards her. and it certainly doesn't help when she realizes that individual is jay.
they are so engrossed in each other, luke doesn't even notice hailey approaching. "being her friend is not the same as being in a committed relationship. although, i'm not sure how much you would know about that. you were a regular in the friend zone."
hailey's jaw drops and she knows this is the final straw. fortunately, jay beats her to it.
"thanks so much for your concern, but i'm fine. and hailey's happy, which is more than she can say for the time she spent with you. so please, go find your wife and treat her better than you did hailey."
hailey's chest fills with affection for this man she should have given a chance ages ago. she knows, without a doubt, she loves him, and she has for longer than she cares to admit.
"alright," kim snaps, making both men turn around. jay has his jaw clenched but his eyes soften when he saw hailey; luke looks surprised, but keeps his eyes on kim. "this has gone on way too long and frankly, i'm pissed."
"i—" luke starts, but kim cuts him off.
"do not interrupt me! this is your wedding day, what the hell are you doing over here?" she asks in an accusatory tone, hands on her hips. "you and hailey didn't work out, and you have no right to get involved in her life now."
luke seems at a loss for words; there is nothing he could say. he takes one more final look at hailey and turns to make his way to the bar.
"god, finally," kim flipped her brown curls over her shoulder. "now, it's time for you two to have a talk." with that, she stalks off.
hailey can only hope she leaves to confess her love for adam because this confident, take charge attitude she has is really working for her.
jay grabs hailey's hand and leads her off to the side. "i'm so sorry, hails."
"god, don't be sorry," hailey shakes her head, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "it all makes sense now. it's my freaking ex's wedding, i'm sorry."
jay grins. "i tried so hard to be nice to him, i really did."
"jay, i don't want to talk about him anymore," she says slowly.
"well, we could talk about that," his smile widens as he points across the room, to where kim and adam are sharing a sweet kiss.
hailey smiles wide as the couple separates and glances in their direction. kim looks sheepish but adan is ecstatic. as hailey turns back to jay, he's giving adam the thumbs up.
"i don't want you to be my fake boyfriend anymore," hailey blurts out and she cringes. out of all the ways to phrase it, she has to say that?
jay's eyes look confused, "um, okay? i figured we were done playing pretend anyway, you know, considering…"
"no, that's not what i meant," hailey shakes her head and now she looks sheepish. "i want you," she whispers quietly; he moves closer. "you've been with me through every milestone, every important moment in my life. and the truth is, i love you," she is preparing for the worst but all she sees is his smile widen. "i've felt something for you since junior year but i've never felt something so intense; i didn't know what it was. but it's love and i love you, jay."
jay surges forward, capturing her face between his hands. this time, his eyes don't stray; he is completely and utterly consumed by her, and he kisses her. it's soft and slow and not nearly enough, but they have all the time in the world.
jay doesn't get the chance to say he loves her back, but she knows. it's in his eyes and in the way he holds her close to him.
adam and kim make their way over with gleeful smiles and glasses of champagne. "i think today deserves a toast," adam says, handing jay and hailey a glass.
"here's to our next chapter together," kim cheers, clinking her glass with the rest. for as long as she can remember, it has always been the four of them. they always defended each other, took care of each other, graduated together and moved away together. she can't imagine a greater group of friends than the ones she was blessed with, and this next chapter would only bring them closer together; it's how it should have always been. "god, i love you guys," she whispers, her eyes slightly watery as they cheer and huddle for a group hug.
this is a bit too emotional for their usual so it doesn't surprise anyone when jay makes his next comment.
"can you guys believe hailey used to date the groom? talk about an upgrade."
they all groan, but they can't deny it's the best damn wedding they've ever been to.
that is, until their own weddings, of course.
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petertingle-yipyip · 4 years
This Feeling - Thomas
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//Requested by rycbar-221b: heyyy! can i request a thomas (tmr) x reader fluff, where tommy and r were in love before the maze, and they meet again in the scorch and reader has a bunch of scars? so tommy asks what they were for and r reveals that jensen (aka ratface) tortured her after tommy’s betrayal bc they were in love, and lots of fluff anf angst and kisses plz thankyou//
//Tags: @rycbar-221b @writingsbychlo​ (bc i’ve decided to tag you in anything tommy that i post) // Warnings: Angst, brief language, alludes to violence, mentions and slight description of scars. Also, I did not edit this so please be nice//
Pairing: Thomas x Reader
Word Count: 2,800
Summary: She remembers, he doesn’t. When her story is too familiar to ignore, it’s hard for Thomas to place “This Feeling”. But something is different now. She’s different now.
He slammed his fist against the table, causing you to flinch. You clenched your fists, leaning your head against them for a moment before sitting tall and stretching your fingers. You stared down Janson, refusing to break first. You folded your hands neatly on the table, tilting your head slightly with a sly smirk climbing to your face.
“Did you really think I’d tell you anything?” You laughed. “What makes you think I knew anything about this?”
“You and Thomas were extremely close…” Janson said tensely. He quickly rubbed his mouth in frustration, leaning back in his chair with a sigh. “If you have nothing to say, maybe we need to jog your memory.”
“Do what you want.” You shrugged defiantly. “I don’t know anything.”
“We’ll see about that.” He said with finality.
As he stood, two guards came in and hauled you from your seat. They led you down hallway after hallway, down three sets of stairs to a level of the Compound you didn’t know existed. You were pushed into a dark room, pushed so suddenly you fell to your knees. A clattering came from beside you, and looking over you saw a long spear had been thrown at you.
The ground was slick with a thick substance, too thick to be water. Your feet slid as you stood. There was a faint blinking red light coming from the other side, the creek of a door opening. Suddenly, the room was full of a squelching sound mixed with the scrape of metal against concrete. There were screams, hollow monstrous noises that echoed. Quickly, you grabbed the spear and gripped it tightly. You weren’t prepared for what happened next.
“Y/N?” Harriet asked, shaking you gently. You jumped slightly, your head snapping up to see your friend. “You alright?”
“Yeah.” You nodded carefully, running your hand through your hair. “All good.”
“Found something you might wanna see.” She smiled mischievously as she led you out the building you and the rest of your friends had been camped out in. Most of your group stayed behind, feeling safe at WICKED’s compound. You saw through WICKED the moment you saw Janson.
You managed to break yourself out along with Harriet, Sonya, Aris, and a few others. Your group was small, which made it easier to hide. You found a building that was seemingly halted mid-construction, the tarps providing easy cover for you.
You came face to face with a group of about ten boys. Some were familiar, you had seen them at the Compound before you escaped with your friends. You scanned their faces, trying to remember names.
“WICKED?” You questioned simply.
“Group A.” Harriet replied with lifted brows.
“Ah.” You nodded, stepping closer to examine the boys. “Group A, huh? You don’t seem like a first group.”
“First the worst, second the best, maybe?” Harriet offered from behind you.
You laughed slightly before getting their attention.
“So which one of you are in charge?” You asked, nodding towards them. They looked between each other, seemingly having no chain of command. You stared with raised brows, waiting for an answer. “Do you speak English or…”
“Yeah, yeah sorry.” The brunette in front laughed nervously. You felt your heart slamming in your chest when he spoke. “I guess I’m in charge.”
“Alright.” You swallowed hard. “You got a name?”
“Thomas?” You questioned. “Do you, by any chance, remember anything before the Maze?”
You knew it wasn’t the question to ask right off the bat. Once it left your mouth, you instantly regretted it. But you had to know if there was a chance that he knew, a chance that your connection was strong enough.
“Things are coming back slowly but no, not really.” He studied your face as you stared at him. He watched your eyes shift from curiosity to disappointment. He could tell you were hoping to hear something else but he didn’t know what you were looking for. “Do you?”
“We’ll get to that later.” You waved a hand dismissively. “You boys can head inside. There’s not many of us but you’re more than welcome to stay.”
“Thanks.” Thomas offered a small but honest smile. 
As the boys filed in, Harriet pulled you to the side.
“That’s him, isn’t it?” She asked anxiously. “The one that you told us about?”
“Yeah, that’s him.” You shrugged. “Once he looked at me, I- I felt something, something I haven’t felt since I lost him… But it’s pointless if he doesn’t remember.”
“He will.” She comforted you. “Just give him a little time.”
“You’ve looked better, Y/N.” Janson said smugly from the other side of the table.
You glared at him, not offering any words. You felt your blood boiling in your veins, your muscles itching to act. Your jaw was tightly clenched, enough to give you a small headache. Your breathing was heavy, your anger hard to contain. But you bit back your cruel words.
“I have to say I am a bit surprised you made it.” Janson continued when you refused to speak. “Any recollection of why Thomas released classified files?”
“We all got expectations…” You said carefully. “Sometimes they go wrong. I have no information for you, Rat Man. Same as two days ago.”
“Hmm.” He sucked his teeth obnoxiously. “Fine. Let’s see how well you do in a second round.”
You stood suddenly, leaning onto the table. Your palms were flat against the cool metal, arms locked as you faced Janson. “If you really think whatever monster you have cooking down there will kill me, you’re gonna have to do better than that slime ball with the metal legs.”
“We can do much better, Y/N.” He threatened.
“You think that a scar on my face is going to break me?” You laughed slightly. A result from your fight was a long gash from your hairline to your chin, cutting through your left eyebrow and skipping over your eye. It picked up on your cheekbone and was a straight shot down. Every word from your mouth felt like it was reopening the fresh would, but you had a point to make. “In the end, it’s my decision. So it’s my fault when it ends.”
You woke that night in a cold sweat. Your hands were shaking, old scars pulsing. You let out a sigh, throwing your arm over your eyes. Sleep was harder to find, especially in the Scorch. It never felt safe, but you knew your friends were doing better than you. You were more concerned about them than yourself, so you kept your struggles to yourself.
You headed for the open space at the other side of the room. You didn’t know if it was supposed to be a window, or if it was just broken down when the world collapsed. You didn’t necessarily care either.
When you got there, one of the boys was already sitting near it. You sat opposite of him, offering a small smile in greeting.
“Need some company?” You said, leaning on the wall beside the opening.
He chuckled slightly. “Couldn’t sleep either?”
“I don’t know the last time I slept through the night, honestly.” You shrugged. “Different nightmare every night, always comes back to the same thing.”
“Need to talk about it?” He offered gently.
“You actually wanna listen?”
“I’d like to know your name first but yeah, I’ll listen.”
“Before the Mazes, there was this boy…” You started carefully. You decided to leave out the part about the boy being Thomas simply for the fact that he didn’t seem to recognize you. “He did something crazy that WICKED didn’t like, so they sent him off. They took their anger out on me and it kinda haunts me. I guess...”
“How bad was it?”
Thomas realized then who you were. He didn’t know if it was your story or your voice that triggered it for him, but something about you felt right. You were Y/N, the motivation for him to leave the Maze. The appeal of running into the Scorch. The deep, empty feeling in his chest when he was in the Maze. You were the name on the tip of his tongue, begging to be said out loud. You were the memory that danced on the edge of his mind, waiting for him to reach out and reclaim. And now you were sitting in front of him, admitting all your pain. Pain he put you through.
“Pretty bad.” You nodded slowly. “It was enough for WICKED to keep me in the Compound instead of sending me in.”
“You never went into a Maze?”
“Nah.” You shook your head. “Never had my memory wiped either. I remember everything about life before this.”
“That’s heavy.” He said sadly. “Is that how you got-” He gestured to his own face, mimicking the deep scar on your own. “That was probably not the right thing to say, sorry.”
“All your boys are curious, aren’t they?” You chuckled.
“Some more than others.”
“I’ll tell you a story before it tells itself.” You scooted closer to him, letting the moonlight illuminate your features. Thomas had forgotten how beautiful you were, and the hazy figure in his dreams didn’t do you justice. “WICKED needed someone to test their monsters. What did you guys call the creatures in the Maze?”
“Grievers.” Thomas said quietly. He was still trying to process the scars on your body, the permanent reminder of what WICKED did to you.
“I called them Skitters.” You continued. “Anyways, WICKED wanted them to be potentially deadly without being murderous, I guess. I never really understood why they needed them. But I guess they needed them to be able to fight and not just attack. Especially when you started to figure out the Maze.”
“You fought Grievers?” He asked in awe. “And you survived?”
“WICKED couldn’t let their favorite test dummy die so easily.” You laughed bleakly. When you saw the concerned expression Thomas wore, you had to quickly redirect the conversation. “So, Thomas. What was it like in your Maze?”
“Y/N, I- I’m sorry.” He said honestly, his eyebrows furrowed as he shook his head.
“Thomas?” You said to get his attention. He looked up quickly, apologetic eyes finding yours. “I never told you my name.”
“Yeah, you did.” He countered. “You said it…” He tried to remember, but he then realized you never did tell him. “Huh, guess not.” He smiled nervously.
“You know me, don’t you?” You pressed, inching forward.
“If I had known they were going to do that to you, I-”
“You couldn’t have.” You shook your head, planting yourself by his feet. “I didn’t even know they were going to do that. Once they shipped you off, they sent me into that fight within an hour. They told me think with my head, not that thing in my chest. They just wanted me to sell you out, to tell them the extent of what you did.”
“I don’t know what I did.”
“Nothing WICKED didn’t deserve.” You shrugged. “T, listen.”
“Thomas.” You corrected yourself. “Everything that happened after you left- this -” You gestured to your face. “-had nothing to do with you. This was WICKED getting back at me because I cared about you. And if they couldn’t punish you, they’d punish me.”
“My point, Y/N, is that they never should’ve put hands on you.”
“Technically, they didn’t.” You said with a devilish smirk as an idea came to you. “But you can.”
Thomas chuckled, placing hands on your hips so he could pull you closer. You swung your leg over his lap, moving to straddle him. Your hands slid up his chest slowly before finding their way into his hair. Thomas closed his eyes and hummed in delight at your gentle, purposeful touch.
He didn’t even realize what he was missing without you. He didn’t realize how relaxing your touch was, how sweet your voice was. He had forgotten how truly beautiful you were, from every angle. Thomas was quick to decide his favorite angle was when you were on top of him.
He leaned forward, pressing his lips to yours gently. You smiled against his lips, loving the contact you missed from him. His grip on your hips tightened slightly as he pulled you against him. Your fingers tugged gently on his hair, drawing a small groan from him. You chuckled slightly as his hands found their way up your shirt.
Thomas quickly jumped away, pulling his hands back after his fingers ghosted the deep circular scar on the center of your stomach. You stared in confusion, your feelings slightly hurt that he would pull away so suddenly. When you saw where his eyes were focused, you understood why he pulled away the way he did.
“You feel bad for me, don’t you?” You realized, your voice flattening. “Hold on to your opinions and stand by what you said.”
You knew what they had done to you was terrible and you hated WICKED for it. But the one thing you hated more than WICKED was pity. When Group B arrived at the Compound, a couple weeks after Thomas entered his Maze, you were littered with cuts and bruises you couldn’t hide. You didn’t want to hide your injuries, because  you weren’t ashamed of them. You always understood that they were purposeful, that you had fought and survived.
“I feel guilty, Y/N/N.” He sighed, casually using the nickname he had always used with you.
“Get up.” You said plainly, standing and heading outside. You heard the scuffling of Thomas following. You turned to face him once you were outside, pausing to admire him in the moonlight. “Why do you think I brought you out here?”
He shrugged slightly, his mouth open but failing to produce any sound.
“I brought you out here so you could actually see what happened to me.” You said simply. You pulled your shirt over your head, holding the fabric between tightly balled fists.
“Holy shit.” He sighed.
“Look at me, Thomas.” You said firmly when he tilted his eyes to the nightsky. “Look at me.”
“What do you want me to say, Y/N?” He snapped, throwing his hands forward dramatically. “You don’t want me to apologize. You don’t want me to feel bad for you. What do you want from me?”
“I want you to look.” You stood firm until his eyes finally met yours. “I am covered in scars and bruises. You felt this one-” You pointed to your stomach. “-and you bailed. Why?”
“I wasn’t expecting it.” He tried to explain.
“I was stung.” You began explaining. “WICKED knew they had to up the ante with the serum, but they needed to see the effects before they could send it in. Once they cut my face and I didn’t give them any info, they wanted to break my mind.”
“Y/N, I-”
“No, this is the part where you listen.” You said firmly. “Alright? You don’t need to explain anything or try to come to terms with what happened to me. This is my story.”
“Then what is it about?” He cut in. “You just said that they did this to you because of what I did. But I don’t even know what I did! I don’t know how hurting you was supposed to be some sort of punishment for me!”
“This was a punishment for you, you moron.” You rolled your eyes.
“How does hurting you-”
“Because obviously seeing me like this hurts you!” You interjected. “God, Thomas, how are you so oblivious? WICKED didn’t do this because they wanted to leave me scarred and fucked up. I mean, they probably did, but the main point was that you’d eventually have to see me like this. You’d see it and blame yourself.”
Thomas stopped, pausing to digest your words. He realized that you were right. WICKED knew him better than he knew himself. WICKED knew Thomas would see your scars, feel your scars, and blame himself. WICKED wanted to hurt Thomas by guilt, by forcing him to look at the pain they caused you. He could tell that the scars didn’t bother you, not anymore at least. Maybe they did at some point, but that was long gone. Now, Thomas could tell that you saw your scars as a personal victory. WICKED wanted to break you, but they didn’t.
“Guess you won after all, huh?” Thomas offered a lopsided smirk, closing the distance between you. His hand landed on your hip and pulled you against him.
“You’re the one that I want.” You said calmly, any anger or annoyance you felt had melted when he flashed that smirk. “And if that’s really so wrong…”
“Then they don’t know what this feeling is like.”
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zoryany · 4 years
@kaitodetective1412 sent me 45 -- You may technically be an adult, but you’re still my child.
(an anon did as well and I do plan to answer both in different ways and I will tag kaito in the anon answer as well bc I feel like this isn’t what either of you wanted but it’s what you’re gonna get, for now)
Imperial Royal Skywalker Family AU Pt 1 || Pt 2
send me ficlet prompts – optionally include characters
Dessert passed in relative silence, the atmosphere in the dining room having grown decidedly tense. Luke had really been hoping he could have delayed Han meeting his father until after he’d spoken to his parents, but the Force seemed to be set on toying with him. At least Mother had been able to placate Father before he’d done anything rash, but Luke wasn’t sure that had been entirely preferable, either.
When they’d all finished, Luke moved to usher Han back to his suite, but his mother raised her hand before he had the chance to even rise from his chair. “Leia? Sweetheart, can you please escort Captain Solo to his rooms while your father and I talk to Luke?”
“Yes, Mother.” Leia looked as though she would rather swallow a bantha whole, but she knew better than to argue with their mother, especially when she was already in a dangerous enough mood. She was also probably hoping she’d get to be in on the whole conversation that was to come, which added to her disappointment. Not that it mattered, anyways, because one way or another, she would know exactly what was said, but her expression and presence in the Force soured significantly as she turned her gaze to Han. “Let’s go, Captain. I don’t have all night.”
Han threw a final, withering look over his shoulder as Leia led him from the room, leaving Luke alone with his mother at last. With a severe expression, she turned to face him, and Luke felt his stomach drop out from under him. Out of the eyes of company, it was entirely clear just how upset she really was. All of the guilt that had been eating at him for the past weeks rose back up in him all at once.
“Come, dear,” said his mother as she stood. “Let’s not keep your father waiting.”
Hanging his head, Luke followed his mother with heavy steps to his father’s study. Unlike the rooms of the Palace occupied largely by the Empress, Darth Vader’s spaces, both planetside and on his flagship, tended to be dim and spartan, possessing little in the way of embellishments. He claimed it as practicality -- and, on most occasions, Luke would agree with that -- but right about now, he was convinced that it was meant to make facing him all that more intimidating.
Luke had never been afraid of his father. He understood why people were, and why they should be, and he was all too aware of what someone as powerful as Darth Vader was capable of, but he’d never feared him. His father would never hurt him or Leia, especially not with Mother around to rein in his temper, but there was always a certain anxiety that overtook him whenever his father was angry. He hated the feeling, the sudden urge to cower in submission before a man he’d idolized all his life and who loved him deeply. Leia had always been better than Luke at standing strong in the face of his emotions, perhaps because she had never felt the same level of hero-worship towards him, but Luke was finding himself longing for some of her strength right about now.
His father had been pacing the length of the room when they’d arrived, but the moment they crossed the threshold, he stopped in his tracks and whirled around. The movement was so abrupt that most would assume that kind of speed impossible from a man as large as Vader, but he moved quick enough to send his cape billowing behind him. “Sit,” he commanded, pointing to a chair in the centre of the room.
As he complied, his mother walked to stand to the right of her husband, both parents folding their arms across their chests. His cheeks burned in shame as he avoided looking directly at them. How was it that they could so easily make him feel like he was five years old again?
“You know why you are here, son.” The modulated voice carried a tranquil rage, one that affected him far more than being shouted at ever would. “Explain.”
‘You can do this, Luke,’ he thought silently, sucking in a shuddering breath in an attempt to steady himself. ‘You’ve been practicing this speech in your head since you left.’
"I -- I can’t apologize enough for leaving without warning like that. I know I put you through needless worry, and I’m sure that nothing I can do will make up for that. I just... needed to get away.” Stars, it sounded even lamer saying it out loud than it did in his head. Neither parent looked pleased. He pressed on. “You know I’ve never really liked -- never really been comfortable with any of... well, our status.” Once again, he was jealous of Leia. She wouldn’t be stumbling over her words like this. “I’ve never liked being the Prince, never really liked making public appearances. Never been good at them, either. Leia’s always been better suited for it. And after twenty years of it, I was feeling... claustrophobic. I needed some freedom.”
“Freedom?” It had always been a touchy subject for his father, Luke knew, but he had to hope he could use that to his advantage. “As the Imperial Prince, you have been granted every want, every desire you could hope for. Your mother and I fought tirelessly, made endless sacrifices to create this life for you and your sister. There has never been more freedom in the galaxy, and you stand at the head of it all.”
Was his father being serious? “You... actually expect me to believe that being rich and powerful is the same as being free?” But then, of course his father did. “Maybe you just don’t realize this gilded cage you’ve put me in, Father. I can’t go anywhere beyond our private quarters without an excessive number of guards accompanying me. You and mother have to be aware of my location at every given moment. I’m not allowed to fly or talk to people or do anything without express permission! It’s suffocating! It’s -- ”
“For your safety,” his father growled, hands falling from his chest to form clenched fists at his sides. Next to him, his mother tensed slightly, pursing her lips, but she did nothing more than focus on watching him just a bit more closely. “Everything I have ever done has been to keep you and your mother and your sister safe. The life we live has come at a great cost, and I will not see you throw it all away out of some foolish rebellion. If something would have happened to you -- ”
“But it didn’t!” Luke cried, his voice pitching upward. Any fear or anxiety he’d been feeling had evaporated, and he was prepared to staunchly defend himself. He was not an idiot. He knew exactly how his parents would feel and how they would react to his departure. The decision he made was conscious and purposeful, and he had every intention of justifying it. “I can take care of myself, you know. All that training hasn’t been for nothing. I was careful. I took every precaution. And I’m twenty years old, now, I’m not a little kid anymore.”
While his mother’s face had relaxed a bit, his father did not appear to be convinced. “You may technically be an adult,” he said, slowly, “but you are still my child -- our child. I have torn down the galaxy once to protect you, and I would do it a thousand times over if it keeps you from harm.”
Letting out a noise of frustration, Luke leapt up from his seat. “But that’s just it! I know you have and I know that you were trying to do it again! Don’t think I didn’t notice the swath of destruction you left in your wake when you tried to track me down this time. It’s too much! I love you both so much, but I don’t want the galaxy to grind to a halt just because I ask for some time alone. I can’t stand all the attention, the pomp and circumstance that surrounds everything I do, the formality I’m forced to endure just to attend dinner! I just -- ” His voice broke, and he was embarrassed to find his eyes stinging as he looked imploringly at his parents. “All I wanted was a little bit of normalcy.”
Slumping back in his chair, Luke realized he may not have processed all of this quite as successfully as he’d initially thought. Running away, it turned out, had only served as a distraction from genuinely confronting what was really bothering him.
“Normalcy?” The vocoder’s tone was dull and flat, and his father seemed to have relaxed his stance, somewhat, almost in disbelief. “You wish to be ordinary? Like every other being in this galaxy?” Disbelief was evident, now. His father’s fists had uncurled, his shoulders slackened, and though he could not see his face, Luke got the impression of wide eyes and raised brows. “That... is unacceptable. You are the furthest thing from ordinary, son. You are above those lesser beings, and I would not see you receive anything less than you deserve. ”
"No,” Luke said, quietly but firmly, “I am not above them.” He’d spent countless hours in the Coruscant underground, on treks both known and unknown to his parents, and he’d spent several weeks touring the galaxy. He had interacted with their citizens on a regular basis, and he knew who they really were. They were people, beings with dreams and aspirations and ideals, and they were magnificent. “My abilities and my status don’t make me any better than anyone else. Aren’t we supposed to be ruling the galaxy for them?”
A stubborn set worked its way through his father’s frame, unyielding as ever. “We do. The galaxy has never fared better.” And he could not be certain if that was a truth or a lie, but his father certainly believed it. “But I cannot allow you to stoop to the level of those below your status. The future of our benevolent Empire rests upon you and your sister. You must maintain a particular image if you wish for your control over them to endure.”
“Are you not listening to me?” But Luke already knew the answer to that. Of course his father wasn’t listening to him. Anything that contradicted his very specific view of the universe rarely made it through. “I don’t want that power to rest on me! I’m not interested in having people grovel at my feet or flinch away from me in fear. I don’t want people to worship me or treat me like... like -- ”
“Royalty?” His father’s arms were folded across his chest again. “That is what you are.”
Luke was prepared to cut in, and his father looked like he had more to say, but before either of them could speak up again, his mother stepped up and placed a gentle hand on his father’s shoulder.
“Ani, wait.” Even after twenty years, Luke could still not believe just how quickly his father seemed to settle when his mother intervened. “I think I know what this is about.” His mother’s expression grew tender as she stepped towards him, crouching down before his chair and cupping his face in her hands. “Dearest,” she said with unparalleled tenderness, “was this because of your birthday?”
Reading the sympathy and understanding in his mother’s deep brown eyes, Luke found himself leaning into her touch. She was radiating compassion, searching for understanding, and Luke knew that this was the reason he’d always intended to return home when he’d left. His parents loved him. They cared for him. They wanted what was best for him, even if they didn’t know how to go about it. All he’d wanted was to do something on his own terms.
Because his birthday had not been on his terms. It hadn’t been on Leia’s, either, but she could adapt to it much easier than her brother. He’d been overwhelmed, surrounded by sycophants who only wanted to know him because he was an heir, and his status meant that he could not enjoy even the smallest of pleasantries at a party that was meant to be for him and his twin. And then the scene during the speeches...
He’d never wanted to leave his family. Luke loved his mother, father and sister with his entire being. But their status had always weighed on him, and that night had been a breaking point.
“Oh, sweetheart...” His mother shifted her grip and pulled him close. Luke squeezed his eyes shut. Tears had been threatening to spring forth since he’d sat back down, and they ran freely down his cheeks when his mother’s arms enveloped him. “Why didn’t you say anything? We could have talked this out. You didn’t need to run away.”
At this point, his father had taken a single step forward, appearing somewhat hesitant but still refusing to relent. Luke chose to focus on his mother, and he found himself sinking in on himself even more. It felt nearly impossible to convey how he felt and what he wanted without hurting their feelings. His mother’s sympathetic gaze coupled with his father’s unyielding stance only served to elevate his guilt. 
But there was this sneaking feeling within him that the conversation his mother suggested wouldn’t have gone well regardless.
“I didn’t think you would listen to me,” he said quietly. “You’re still not really listening to me. I had to do something drastic. It felt like the only option, at the time, and I still feel like it’s not enough. Han makes me happy in a way that all that spectacle just - doesn’t. So I just - I need you to understand why - and I mean actually understand. Because I didn’t want to run. And I don’t want to do it again. But I can’t keep going like this...”
For a long moment, his mother looked at him with large, sad eyes before finally withdrawing her hands and stepping away. “Alright,” she said, a quiet resignation working its way into her voice. “I... don’t think we’ll get much further tonight. Why don’t you go wash up for bed, and your father and I will discuss what you’ve told us.” She pressed her lips together and gave him a long, steady look. “We want what’s best for you, Luke. Please know this.”
And he did. The trouble was, their idea of what was best for him didn’t always match up to his own.
“Luke.” His father seemed uncharacteristically hesitant. “Please do not resort to this again.”
There was more his father wanted to say - more they all wanted to say - but Luke felt satisfied that they had, at the very least, made some manner of progress tonight.
“I won’t, Father. I promise.”
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marvxlousqueen · 5 years
Warren Worthington- Laundry
word count: 1.8K
warnings: really soft smut like just sweet smut, no condom whoops, cussing, also! not proofread lmao
A/N: so i have two requests rn but i’m having a hard time writing them bc i don’t feel inspired but ! i’m inspired for this so let’s get it folks
also this is like a modern college!warren au 
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Finals week. Commonly referred to as hell week, which is a perfect description for it. College was hard enough without taking long, difficult exams. (Y/n) had been going through a quizlet for her macroeconomics class for the last 2 hours. She could feel her brain start to go numb. If she had to go over monetary policy one more time, she was going to literally punch herself in the face. She shifted in her desk chair, trying not to wake her dorm mate. (Y/n) grabbed her phone, going to check her notifications, but stopped herself when she saw the time. 
“2 am, holy shit.” 
(Y/n) didn’t want to pull an all nighter, knowing it would just make her feel like shit the next day. She figured she deserved sleep (if she was able to get any). After closing her laptop, she slowly creeped over to her bed.
“Damn it.”
Her dirty laundry was in a pile in front of her bed. She was supposed to do it earlier and study at the student laundry mat, but all the machines were taken. (Y/n) thought about her options, deciding that since she had just drank a red bull an hour ago and wouldn’t be able to sleep, she might as well throw her laundry in the wash instead of just laying in bed overthinking. She figured she could go over her biology notes as her clothes washed, giving her a break from economics. 
She quietly threw her laundry in her basket, placing her bio notebook on top. (Y/n) tiptoed out of the room, heading left to the student laundry mat. The dorms were extremely quiet. Everyone was probably either cramming for exams or passed out already. 
(Y/n) reached the laundry room that was at the end of the hall, but hesitated in walking in. She noticed a person sitting on top of one of the machines, but with her eyes still adjusting to the bright florescent lights she couldn’t tell who. 
“Oh, hey (Y/n).”
She squinted to see the figure as she stepped into the room.
Him and (Y/n) were somewhat close, having shared a class their sophomore year of college. She had always found him cute, especially early sophomore year, but now he had grown into himself more- he was a straight up hottie. She saw him more frequently now because he had taking the position of RA for their dorm hall. They never spoke too much, just exchanged smiles and the occasional small talk. 
Warren hummed, looking back down at his textbook. 
(Y/n) lugged her laundry basket on top of one of the machines, filling it with quarters before turning back to face Warren.
“Why are you in here at 2 am?” 
“Why are you?”
“I asked you first.”
He let out a sigh, “Just couldn’t sleep. Figured I’d get some chores done and some studying in. Was going pretty well too before someone distracted me.”
(Y/n) laughed, “Distracting? I’m not that loud, but fine I’ll be quiet.”
“It’s not you talking, it’s your clothes.”
(Y/n) looked down. All she was wearing was a big t-shirt over a pair of underwear, her feet clad in fuzzy socks.
“That’s against dress code, you know.”
(Y/n) could hear the smirk in his voice. She turned back around, loading her laundry into the washing machine. “Oh shut up, Mr. RA. And if you’re distracted, close your eyes.”
“Why would I want to do that?”
(Y/n) rolled her eyes and even though Warren couldn’t see her, it’s like he could feel her annoyance. 
“Oh, fuck me,” (Y/n) mumbled to herself.
She slammed her hand down on the washer, “Shut it! Why are you so horny right now? I’ve never seen you act like this.”
“Must be all the sleep deprivation. Really gets the hormones pumping. But no, really, what’s wrong?”
He hopped off his machine, checking the time and seeing it only had another 5 minutes before it needed to dry. He walked towards (Y/n), trying to keep his eyes from scanning her bare legs and looking creepy.
“I didn’t bring my detergent. Fuck me.”
“You can use mine!”
Warren happily ran to his basket, grabbing two big bottles, excited to be able to help her. 
“Fabric softener?” (Y/n) tried to hold in a laugh.
“What? It makes my clothes feel nice!”
“You’re such a softie!”
“Shut it!”
“Nope! If you get to make sex jokes, I get to bully you for being a softie.”
Warren groaned, hopping up on the machine next to (Y/n), leaving his textbook abandoned on the other side of the room. 
“It’s cute, seriously. Wanting soft clothes and all.”
He rolled his eyes, but wasn’t able to keep a smile from forming on his face after she indirectly called him cute.
“But, no, thank you. For the detergent and softener.” 
Warren hummed in response, watching (Y/n) add detergent and softener. Somehow she seemed to beautiful even under the bright laundry room lights at two in the morning. 
(Y/n) started the machine and shut the top of the washer, hopping up on it. She scooted closer to Warren, her legs dangling off the washer. 
He turned towards her, waiting for her to continue. 
(Y/n) was interrupted by the buzzing of Warren’s machine. He hopped off, going to toss them into a dryer. (Y/n) followed him across the room. Warren opened the washer top and started loading the clothes into a dryer. (Y/n) grabbed some clothes, wanting to help. 
“Nice boxers.”
Warren spun away from the dryer, turning to face her.
“What? Put those down!”
“Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles huh?”
Warren snatched them from her hand, “Don’t touch my underwear! That’s- that’s weird.”
“Says the boy who has made at least three sex jokes since I got in here.”
Warren rolled his eyes, focused on digging quarters out of his laundry basket for the dryer. 
“I liked them though. Pretty cute.”
He let out a scoff, “Sure, cartoon underwear is so cute.”
“Yeah, would look even cuter on my bedroom floor though.”
Warren whipped his head to look back at her. She was sitting up on the washer he had just used, absentmindedly flipping through his textbook.
“Did- did you just make a sex joke?”
“Did you like it?”
Warren turned back to the dryer, finishing with his quarters, “Not at all.”
“Fuck you.”
“Please do.”
“Damn it! You’re good at that.”
“That’s what she said.”
(Y/n) lightly kicked Warren in response to his never ending sexual humor. He patted her leg, making her scooch over so he could squeeze in next to her. 
“So statistics huh?” 
Warren patted his textbook cover with his other hand, “Yup.”
A moment of silence passed, Warren’s hand still resting on her thigh. 
“S-so, what did you want to say earlier?”
(Y/n) looked away from his hand, “What? When?”
“Over there,” he pointed lazily towards her machine.
“Oh! I, um, I just wanted to say you got taller. Since last year, you know?”
Warren laughed, eyes on her face. “Thanks.”
“You look good, Warren! Serious glow up.”
“So I was ugly last year?”
“What?,” (Y/n)’s eyes widened, “no! Not at all! You were different though.”
“Bad different I’m guessing.”
She shoved his shoulder, “Shut up! Good different. You were cuter, now you’re-”
“I’m what?”
(Y/n)’s tongue darted out to wet her dry lips, “Hot. I mean- you know, uh, hotter? You always looked good. But now you’re like- whew! You know?”
Warren’s eyebrows were raised in amusement, not used to seeing (Y/n) so flustered. It felt refreshing, like they were finally escaping the stress of school and just having fun again.
“You’re hotter too. Still hot last year, but like- whew!”
“Fuck you, okay. Don’t mock me.”
He poked her ribs, “I’m serious! You look great.”
(Y/n) rolled her eyes, trying to hold back her smile. 
“(Y/n),” Warren whispered, scooting closer to her, “C-can I kiss you?”
Instead of responding, (Y/n) smashed her lips into his, desperate for him. Warren’s hand moved from her thigh to cup her jaw, making her slow down. He wanted to savor this moment with her. 
The kiss became softer and lighter. Butterflies were going off in Warren’s stomach as she pulled herself onto his lap, accidentally shoving his basket off in the process. The loud bang made them pull apart.
“Fuck! Sorry! I was trying to be sexy and get on top, but-”
 “It’s okay.”
Warren shut her up by kissing her once more, slightly more feverish this time. His hands slipped under her shirt, slowly climbing higher. (Y/n) stopped to pull the shirt over her head. 
Warren’s jaw dropped when he noticed she wasn’t wearing anything underneath.
“I- um, wow-”
(Y/n)’s lips moved to his neck while her fingers began to slip behind the waist band of his sweatpants. She slowly tugged them off, leaving them hanging around his ankles. 
(Y/n) began to palm his obvious erection, her mouth sucking a mark onto his neck.
“Hey, (Y/n)?”
She pulled away, retracting her hands from his boxers, “Y-yeah, are you okay? Oh boy-”
Warren grabbed her hands, holding them between his, “I’m fine! Great actually, really really great. I just- I really want to say I actually like you. Like feelings- not just this. And yeah I want to do this too, but I would also want something to happen with feelings..”
(Y/n) moved her hands from his to cup his face, “I definitely want to date you, Warren. You’re so sweet.”
She could feel his face heat up in her hands, “Good! Yay- yes, okay. Cool-”
“Just stop talking.”
(Y/n)’s lips found their way back to Warren’s neck as her hips began to grind against Warren, making him whimper.
Warren slid down his boxers before moving his hands to her underwear, rubbing her folds through it. (Y/n)’s sleep deprived body responded quicker than it usually would, she was already soaked.
She pulled away to move her underwear to the side, too tired to take it off in their difficult position. She lined herself up with Warren and slid down, taking him all in at once. 
Warren let out a breathy moan as her heat wrapped around him.
“Fuck, (Y/n).”
(Y/n)’s nails went to scratch against his head as she slowly moved her hips on him. 
It was soft and slow, but exactly what they needed to relax and unwind. 
(Y/n) felt herself grow closer to her edge and she began to move slightly faster, lips smashed against Warren’s.
She tightened around him as she came, making Warren follow. 
“Fuck- I’m so tired.”
(Y/n) laughed, climbing off of him and pulling her shirt back over her head. 
“Me too.”
Warren hopped off the machine, almost tripping over his pants around his ankles.
“You could come sleep at my place. I-um, I have a room to myself you know? Since I’m an RA. Y-you don’t have to, but-”
“No, that’d be nice. Except I’ve still got a load in. But you can just go ahead, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Warren shook his head, “I’ll stay.”
“Really? It’s like 3 am.”
Warren walked over to her machine, “I need to stay, you still have my laundry detergent.”
“Oh fuck you!”
“You just did!”
taglist: @chocolatealmondmilkshake @thoughtlesspace @billyhargovesgurl @babebenhardy @rexorangecouny @cyndagoaway @killcomet @mcrmarvelloki @queen-turtle-boiii @hardlylo @ziggymay @jacqueline1916 @onceuponadetectivedemigod @ixchel-9275 @queen-baelin 
hmu to be added!
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levi-inthesun · 5 years
Two Can Play At That Game, Part 2
A/N: OKAY HERE IS PART 2! There will be at least one more part, and I apologize in advanced for 2 reasons: 1. I had a nerve ablation done on my cervical spine (c 3-5) and am in pain and 2. this is the closest thing to smut I have even written. (Oh, and 3 bc I BaRlEy edited this).. Last, the Ace of Diamonds is the reader’s super-spy name (that I came up with as a last-ditch effort, sue me)
Warnings: SexuAL TENSION, swearing, some angst.bc I’m a hoe for confronting difficult emotions.
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Panic began to build in your chest, at least you were pretty sure that’s what it was., you couldn’t breathe and normally you only felt that when you were panicking and right now, you couldn’t breathe.
“Uh,” you started, words not coming, “I uh, I’m sorry Bucky, I only see you as a friend.”
Bucky watched your mouth open and close like a fish out of water for a second before smiling, He leaned in close so that is lips were practically touching your ear. “And who says friends can’t fuck? You can’t deny the tension here.”
You could feel a coil begin to tighten in your stomach and you were suddenly aware that you couldn’t breathe for a completely different reason. Then Bucky pushed off the wall and walked away. 
“Anyways, I’ll see ya later!”
It took a second for your breathing to get back to normal, but when it did you yelled down the hall after him, “I did not like that! Not one bit! I dare you to try that shit on me again, Barnes!”
The only sound you were met with was laughter.
You slammed the door to your room and locked it behind you.
“Aaaahh!” you screamed into your hands. “What the actual hell. I am so not equipped for this.” 
Ignoring the tension you felt in your body you plopped down on your bed and grabbed your laptop, opening up tumblr. Front and center was an update by theactualfalcon.
Hello, my falconettes, I am writing this post just in case I am murdered by my friends, our number one OTP, the Ace of Diamonds and the Winter Soldier. They came across my blog and read yours and my favorite story I wrote, Star Crossed Lovers and I walked in just as she read out the name of my blog. Unfortunately, my face was too telling and they automatically knew it was me. No matter my fate, please understand that I regret nothing. Although, I think I  underestimated their power together; they’re too strong, too powerful and I hope and pray to any god who is listening (except Thor or Loki) that they only stay a ship in our dreams.
Sam Wilson, the actual Falcon.
You had to cover your face with a pillow to stop you from screaming and laughing too loud. Sam had been serious! He actually wanted you and old man Barnes to bang, at least, he used to. That is when the plan began to form and you send a quick text from your phone. After that, you hopped off your bed and booked it to your large closet and tore open the doors. After rifling through your belongings you found what you were looking for and changed your clothes.
You were working on your hair when you heard your phone ping.
Pepper: I’ll spread the word, is there a reason we should all avoid the compound?
You: Yes. Sam has a tumblr and is apparently the number 1 fan of Barnes and I getting together, at least he was until this morning. I am going to get back at him by making him think we ARE getting together. Figured I would spare everyone else.
Pepper: You’ve got to be kidding me. Of course, it’s for a prank. However, thank you for sparing us. I don’t think the team would survive.
Pepper: Just… don’t catch any actual feelings unless you’re ready for the consequences.
You: Yeah, yeah. Are we still down for a girl's night next weekend?
At that, you put your phone back down and finished getting ready before standing up and smoothing the slinky nightdress over your form.
“Check fucking mate, Banky Burnes.”
Using your skills as a spy, you creep through the hallways of the compound until you found yourself in the empty living room. Quickly, you light the fireplace and pull out the numerous candles you had on hand in essentially every room of the compound you had access too- and you had access to just about every room, even the ones you didn’t have a key too. Once the last one was lit, you quietly asked FRIDAY to play the playlist you had created (named *Seduce Barnes, Fool Wilson*) and skillfully lay your body across the very appropriately placed chaise lounge, which you were incredibly glad you had talked Tony, the drama queen into purchasing. 
Just on cue, you heard Bucky clunking through the compound hallways towards you.
“Hey, is everything alright, I smell-” Bucky halted at the entrance to the living room, eyes wide. You could tell he wasn’t sure if he should be concerned with the sheer amount of fire in the room or keep his eyes on your form.
“Hello, James,” you called out to him, voice low. 
“H-hey,” Bucky swallowed, pulling his collar away from his neck. “A-are you sure this is safe?” 
You smiled slowly, looking up at him from below your lashes, “The fire? Or the spark between us?”
You could have sworn you saw Bucky mouth the words ‘fuck yes’ to himself, but you weren’t positive because the moment he began to step in your direction you began to question your own sanity. Sure, you had seduced hundreds of men for missions and just for the fun of it, of course. And yes, every single time you managed to get them in whatever position you needed them to be in to extract pertinent information or simply to bang someone because you were bored, but that's besides the point. The point was, you were always successful and this was BANKY BURNES FOR FUCKS SAke. 
Now, Bucky was standing over you not sure what to do with himself and your face did not even twitch from the mental emotional turmoil you had just gone through. 
“So, Barnes,” you purred. “You gonna come down here, or am I gonna have to climb you like the tree you are?” 
Internally, you were wheezing at the line you had just used… did you really call BANKY BURNES A TREE?
Bucky didn’t move, so you moved into a kneeling position and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. “Sam will be here in precisely a minute and a half and if you do not kiss me like you mean to have me, we cannot get back at him like I’ve been planning all damn afternoon,” you tugged harshly on his shirt so he was now nose to nose with you. “Are you in or out?”
You saw all of heaven and hell pass through Bucky’s face as he grit his teeth, “You got me horny to get back at Sam, what the fuck?” 
“And you, for earlier, not fun, huh?” You did your best to smile mischievously but you weren’t really sure how well that turned out. 
Bucky huffed, “Shit, he’s coming. Yeah, I’m in.”
The second his soft, plump lips made contact with yours, you knew you were maybe fucked.
At first, you simply relaxed into the kiss, although not a part of your elaborate plan. In your head though, you were counting out the seconds before Sam walked through the door. 
Then Bucky’s entirely too large hands firmly grabbed your hips, spurring your forwards. You hooked your leg over his hip before flipping him over. Now that he was lying on the dramatic chaise lounge, you planted your knees on either side of his strong hips and attached your lips to the spot just below his jaw and ear and threaded your fingers in his too soft hair, tugging a little too roughly.
And just as Sam walked through the door, Bucky growled in your ear and that dumb coil in your stomach began to grow tighter and this was becoming too real but you couldn’t didn’t want to stop yourself.
Bucky managed to rotate positions so that you were on your back and he was hovering above you, you head hanging over the end of the lounge, ever so slightly, Bucky began to suck wet kisses on your neck and chest as his hands gripped your hips, rucking your nightgown up ever so slightly and you had the perfect view of Sam standing in the middle of the open kitchen, too many bags of groceries falling out of his hands, eyes, and mouth open wide. 
“Bucky,” you purred, “We have company.” 
Unfortunately Bucky stopped his ministrations and looked up.
“WHaT THE ActuAL FUCK,” Sam began yelling. “I diD NOT WANT THIS TO HAPPEN!”
Sam began pacing furiously, mumbling to himself, then stopped suddenly pointing at the two of you who haven’t moved a single inch except for Bucky’s stupid metal right hand which had moved approximately 2 inches up, further moving your nightgown, but you weren’t focusing on that, no that was simply the spy in you paying attention. 
“YOU SET THIS UP!” He finally yelled, an ‘aha’ in his voice. “This isn’t real,” he stated matter of factly, then picked up his groceries and began putting them away. 
You rolled your eyes and pushed the massive man away from you and began blowing out candles, forcing tears to your eyes. 
“Sam Wilson,” you said, voice watery, “You ruined a perfect night.”
Then you ran off towards your room, slowing once you were out of sight. 
You heard Bucky huff with annoyance once the last candle was out, “You had to make my girl upset?” he ground out before following you. 
By the time Bucky made his way to you, you were leaning up against his door, pouting (for effect, and just in case redwing followed). 
By the look in your eyes, Bucky knew redwing was peeking around the corner. 
“‘M sorry baby,” he said softly, running a finger down your cheek, tracing your jaw. “I promise I’ll make it up to you.”
You allowed a small smile to form on your lips and suddenly felt very warm in the pit of your stomach, “Oh? How so?” 
“Well,” he started, settling one of his thick legs between yours while running his stupid metal hand down your left arm, “How about we head into my room and you can find out?” 
You willed you fucking head to nod and felt Bucky’s arm wrap around your waist just as he opened the door.
Once the door to his room was closed, however, and to your surprise, Bucky had you pinned to the wall,
“Please let me fucking kiss you,” Bucky growled.
“Do it,” you replied, voice hushed.
Bucky’s lips were not at all the same against yours as they were when you were in the living room. Compared to this, that was practiced and calculated. This was searing. The way his hot lips burned across your was made your heart constrict you and your toes curl and you kissed back with equal force.
You tore your hands from where they were gripping his shoulders to push at his abdomen with enough strength that he knew to move (you knew from enough missions and training sessions that that man wouldn’t move if he didn’t need to). Bucky let you push him back towards his bed but turned before the backs of his legs made contact and instead picked you up and chucked you onto it unceremoniously.
“You,” he started, voice husky, “are going to be,” he said as he climbed onto the bed and pulled on your leg so that you met him halfway, “the fucking death of me.” 
From the ferocity in this voice and intensity of his eyes, you expected this kiss to be as the last one, hot and burning.  Instead, it was gentle, almost, dare you say loving as his stupid long fingers brushed against your cheek and his body settled over yours, tongues exploring.
“You’ve been really closed off since, well,” Bucky paused, brushing some hair behind your ear, “Since Steve left. And I know you don’t like talking about that, I just wanted you to know that I noticed. That Sam and I noticed.”
“Uh-uh,” you shake your head, “We aren’t talking about him.”
“I know, and I mentioned that I know that,” Bucky’s brow was arched quizzically. 
“No,” you laughed, “I mean Sam.” 
Bucky relaxed back into the bed and rolled his eyes, turning back to you, giving you space to talk about Steve if you wanted.
“You,” you started, poking at Bucky’s ridiculously toned chest, “You didn’t see Steve and I before he left. He was like, well, the brother I always wished I had and I thought it had been the same for him. He was open with me about his past, about Peggy, about you, but he seemed, I dunno, “ you shrugged,”like he knew it was all in the past. I mean, with Peggy at least.”
Bucky nodded and interlaced his fingers with yours.
“I just wish he had told me,” you admitted. “I don’t think I would have been- well, no I still am, incredibly angry with him, I don’t think I would have been had he even discussed the possibility with me, even if he hadn’t come to any conclusion until he was on the platform. I would have been okay.” You felt a tear betray you and slip down your cheek, but at this point, you were well past caring. “I just-” you hiccupped, “I just wish he’d have talked to me.”
Bucky pulled you into his bare chest and wrapped his arms around you. It was in that perfect balance of warmth and weight that you finally cried, six months later.
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theskyexists · 4 years
I've only seen one Christmas movie before in truth - and that was AWFUL - like, the second hand embarrassment was insane - and in the end she....kinda swapped her boyfriend for his brother? Lol. I enjoyed it for how awful it felt to watch and how the whole family bullied the main character because she was so socially inept/insecure. The escalation was incredible and the catharsis was uh....death. That has given me the impression that Christmas movies are all about dealing with family and relationship and personal problems and the way those three interact this movie really seems to be in that tradition - and I like it.
It's amazing how fucked up Harper's family is and it's amazing how much rejection and disdain and indifference and being left behind Abby is having to take. Like - damn. She's gonna have to express that soon or things will BLOW. Harper is being very stupid and selfish but I understand completely how it might come to this.
I love the chemistry between Abby and Riley - it's such a breath of fresh air - it's a GREAT contrast with the suffocating toxicity of Harper's family and their circles and etc.
Oh Harper - you fuckin dick
It would be funny if she lost her second girlfriend whom she's hiding from her family and throwing under the bus to her first girlfriend who she hid and threw under the bus.
I mean tragic of course. But I'm feeling slightly spiteful.
Kstew has SUCH great hair in this my god!
Harper you fuckin dick
I know exactly how this feels and it feels AWFUL
Harper you IDIOT you're risking your relationship you're risking it alllll
Also Abby is kinda an idiot' for lying the whole time. She's either a great liar or really Harper is wanting to believe her lies
Harper is clearly so stupid and scared all the time and also an asshole because of it. She has no space in her brain beyond : gotta make sure I make my parents proud & gotta make sure nobody finds out im gay
No band width
If I was Abby I'd be like - ok BYYYYEEEEE
Just to make her feel what she's breaking
Oh! She's actually trying to do that. Sucks u came here in your gf's car
Yes!!!! Go to her ex the only one who's treated you decently!!! HAHAHAHAHA
Jezus christ this mother....
AND hypocrisy about exes from Harper too.
Oh how the fuck could this turn out well for them ever???
LOVE how them being buddies is eating her. What has she told Abby???
Oh my god that break up HURT like HELL - so quick, so deserved, so tragic, so stupid, so awful. What a great shot. Great director.
Yeah Harper I get the shitty situation you're in but you haven't done enough I'm afraid. I mean, what the fuck was that with the friends and with Connor and letting her family and friends dismiss her roommate which means FRIEND. Yeah cos she's been trained to, yes bc she's working on 2 % brain power and the rest is spent on being afraid. BUT WHO WAS HURT IN THIS SITUATION
Yeah but it's hard not to offer comfort to a person you love when they're in pain
Ofc the fuckin sister comes in
The way they never have any privacy is really the problem
Oh god John - WHY. No no no I can't get through THIS part
'no one's supposed to know yet - we had an agreement' ???????
This is going to be........... Disastrous. Isn't it. Oh I am preparing myself in order to ENJOY these shitty parents' downfall and not feel the second hand lash of the whip
Do love how them being such shit parents sure is finally blowing up in their faces. HOORAY.
Wow Sloane. Harper get her back. Just rip it all to shreds
Oh no. Nope. Harper fuckin hell. Please don't do denial. Just tell them that uhhhh her husband is cheating (is that what was happening?)
*office gif I can't find* NO!!!!! NO!!!
I can't seem to continue the video. Ok harden my heart. Just . Good practice. Harden heart.
Oh it keeps going. Oh fuck.
Welp. Guess you've lost it all. After all. Idiot.
Ah she was trying to go there but she never got there because she went denial first and that unexpectedly sounded really terrible. Yeah that's realistic. So in character so far. Thinks things will be simple and doesn't even imagine the hurt it causes others.
Liked the little shot of Sloane being like hmmm.....that didn't feel as good as I thought it would.
Damn these children are all horrifically stunted. Except Jane.
Jane is really wonderful and my heart hurts so much for her and she made me laugh about joining the fight. And I'm glad Harper looked stricken about what she'd done. (Once again, very in character). The thing is, I would have just pushed Sloane to the floor and screamed in her face as I shook her very violently. Pretty sure anyone untrained in martial arts would do that. But this is a film.
I like how they've basically made all these sisters equal in their parents' eyes - and destroyed their dads career in one fell swoop. Welll done! Finally some breathing room.
Oh god....that's so heartbreaking. Abby.....her parents. Christmas.... They really didn't tell each other enough at all huh
I know that John is right but it's still really hurtful though! Like goddamn
'I wanna be with someone who is ready' THAT'S AN AMAZING THING - BECAUSE THAT'S ALSO PERFECTLY VALID.
'you ok' from Riley. Wow
Harper now's the time to apologise for what you did. YES
god that was her best friend. She lost so much to this SHIT
I'm fucking crying
Your career ruined your family's well-being! Greatttt!
I'd have just left
I guess its a good thing they didnt
Ok I guess - the - uh - I guess its cos the stress is gone but like - this also very much reads like - if you're a romantic partner you get to be important and otherwise not. Also I get why it's gotta be Mother, but this is Harper once again dropping the ball and not inviting Abby herself lol.
I knew Jane's book was gonna do well just from her brief plot description lol. So Happy John was so interested. Oh MY GOD I FORGOT HE WAS A PROFESSIONAL EDITOR. sneaky sneaky writing
I thought the height difference was gonna be awkward but so far it's actually been really cute
That was a great ending shot
OH MY GOD RILEY IS WITH THEM AT PRIDE AND SEEMS TO HAVE A GF! Those insta posts are actually a great epilogue.
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an-avid-reader · 4 years
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Prodigy (Legend #2) - Marie Lu
my rating: 4/5 stars
Synopsis of book 1 -
In a world where the Patriots, Colonies, and the Republic are at odds and there’s a plague in the poorer parts of the US, Day is an unstoppable street criminal with good intentions. When his family’s house gets marked by Republic soldiers, Day’s only thought is to steal a cure before his family member dies. June is a top student at Drake University—a prodigy. When her brother, Metias, gets caught in a cross-fire during a mission, June is fast-tracked to becoming a soldier. Her first mission: track down Day. As Day and June come from such opposite backgrounds, is it possible that their paths would’ve crossed otherwise? 
Link to Goodreads // Link to review book 1 // Spoilers (book 1+book2) in review below!
I haven’t read a trilogy in what feels like a really long time lmao; I think it’s because I’ve noticed that sometimes, the second book acts like a bridge book aka nothing really happens except for the last 50ish pages, which tbh just sets up book 3 (It’s like that one useless episode in a tv show that literally has nothing to do with the plotline). I’m VERY happy this wasn’t the case for Prodigy - if anything, there was even more action and more character (and world building) than Legend, which I much appreciated. That means that I also have a lot to unpack; buckle up!
I feel like the most natural place to start is from the stuff I didn’t really enjoy from the first book, specifically the world building and all the questions. It was finally explained that the Republic is essentially nonsense propaganda and the civilians are being fed false information--they aren’t winning the war, in fact they are losing! We also learned that the Colonies and the Patriots are two separate uh ‘groups’? And the Colonies fund the Patriots, but the Colonies are straight up left in the dark (and the Patriots were also hired by the Republic, but more on that later). I wanted to also briefly mention that when June and Day crossed into the Colonies territory, it was like a completely different world--maybe not better, just different. We also kind of get a glimpse into the history of the world--how climate change just absolutely obliterated the whole world. Which, tbh, I feel like if an ice cap near Antarctica (or Antarctica itself) were to melt, it would be more than just the edges of the US that would be underwater--it would go up to the Statue of Liberty’s torch :)))))))). Nevertheless, I really appreciated these explanations as it added more depth and also provided context for the setting, which I found was lacking in the first book (which, I get, you don’t want to overwhelm readers, esp in YA, with all the world building right away).
The other thing is that I wanted to know more about the plague, and Lu came through!!! So the plague is being used to try to create people as bioweapons, which makes me wonder if they were trying to clone those who were infected (or maybe just wanted to collect everyone who has a similar profile to Eden). I still have a few questions of the virus--like why did Eden and that other boy on the train go blind? Does the virus affect them on a genomic level?! I also find it hilarious that in LA they were quarantined for rioting--I feel like that pretty much just showed how weak the Republic is and how their power is no longer ominous (idk if that makes sense??).
Next, I want to touch on the characters and the character building (specifically June and Day, but others too!). I wanted to start off by prefacing that I’m not a fan of the love triangle vibes that we got throughout the books (and to be honest, the ending sort of pushed that narrative a bit further, which is not cool :///). So I’m not sure if it was Razor’s plan to cut communication between Day and June (on purpose) to prevent them from messing up the Patriot’s plans/to prevent Anden from becoming suspicious of June, but I found it so FRUSTRATING that they couldn’t communicate at least once before the assination (and I mean talk, not the signal bc that stirred up a lot of confusion with Day). Their separation really tested their relationship, but I also feel like there was a permanent wedge placed due to the lack of trust, and again, the ending just hammered that home. I will say, I really appreciate June and Day being completely transparent with each other when they escaped from the Patriots and got in the cave. It was like a necessary evil, but at least they shared relevant information with each other, which I believe strengthened their partnership, even if it took a toll on their relationship. Part of me hopes that they end up back together in Champion, but I know that it may not be ‘what’s best for them’, especially with that huge piece of information we learned about Day--that’s the one thing I’m mad about. They spill the beans in the cave but he can’t even tell June that he’s dying, instead he breaks up with her and then they end up kissing?? AH!
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Now for those…...love triangles…. .-. Let’s start off with Anden and June. I’m not sure how I feel about Anden; Lu paints him to be this kind of heartthrob and well-intentioned guy but he’s also sort of naive? Like I get that his whole plan is to reform the Republic with the help of June and Day so that the civilians are on board, but I hope he realizes that there will always be people who are going to 1) resist him and 2) betray him. I really hope he isn’t as quick to trust people as he was with June (which maybe that was because his judgement was clouded). As for being naive...how did he not see June’s paperclip ring???? And to add onto that - how did the Colonies not realize that ‘Sarah’ is actually June???
I don’t know it just seems very unlikely that he didn’t see it considering that June was fiddling with it during their nice little dinner. And also the fact that he was always itching to see her. I didn’t realize, however, that Anden is only in his early twenties—he also lacks the edge that June and Day have, you can tell that he’s a poised person. While it’s great that he stands his ground on the Republic, I find it hard to believe that he isn’t a pushover (even just a tiny bit). Thus, I don’t really see how Anden and June could be a good match; I also don’t think class should play a role into whether or not you should or shouldn’t be with someone.
That sort of brings me to another point, which is the idea of the Priceps and the Elector itself. I have so many questions about Anden's plans, and they mainly involve him. For example, would there still be an Elector (and Senate) after the Republic is reformed? If so, would his powers be minimized, or would he have the status of President? For Priceps, it wasn’t very clear in the book that she doesn’t have to be married to the Elector, but it almost seemed that it was implied; could Anden have chosen to be married and have a separate Priceps? What if the Elector wasn’t straight? So. Many. Questions!! That whole Priceps thing is one of the reasons I couldn’t give this book a full 5 stars, again, it sort of has to do with the lack of information (or the amount of assumptions I have to make).
The next love triangle I have major issues with is Tess and Day, which Day is mostly uh turned off by the whole thing (which I can get behind) but Tess is just so stubborn and tbh pretty jealous, which isn’t cute. I really hope that in Champion they end up reconnecting, especially since Day is practically on his deathbed, but as friends. Maybe Tess will understand where Day is coming from with his feelings about June. Part of me wants Tess to end up with Baxter but I also really don’t like him?????? Agh this really sucks! I wish their relationship didn’t end on such a sour note. Like yes Tess, you were always there for Day (especially when he needed medical care) and ever since they got into contact with June (or rather, when June was sent on her mission), everything went downhill—but I mean, at some point Anden’s father would’ve passed, and maybe things would turn out to be in a similar circumstance, except instead of June it could be a different girl? The fact that Day still calls Tess ‘cousin’ and she still went ahead and kissed him just made me feel slightly uncomfortable?? No, they’re not biologically related, but given the amount of time they spent together, they almost could’ve been. To some extent, I feel like Tess had a huge crush on Day, but she never wanted to admit it until they were separated bc she maybe didn’t realize how much he means to her/she wanted that cheesy movie-like feeling where the two best friends realize that they are perfect together but beyond friends?? I do believe that Tess deserves someone great though, I just don’t think that Day is the guy for that :///
The last relationship-thing I want to briefly mention is Thomas and Metias’ relationship. I’m glad that we have some LGBT+ representation here, but at the same time, I can’t help but wonder if it was forced or not (like a checkbox Lu wanted to tick). I don’t remember in Legend when Thomas kissed June, if there was a kind of repulsion/it didn’t feel authentic. To be honest, I really thought that Thomas was into June, but when we learn he is gay (or maybe bi), it just didn’t seem to fit the story at all??? Upon this revelation, June racked her brain for memories of Thomas and Metias when they were young and oh it just happens that Metias never ‘brought back’ anyone/any girls home. Listen, I’m all for diversity, whether that be the character’s race, gender identity and/or sexual preference, I just don’t want it to come off as the author just ‘checking off a box’; I’d rather it be genuine (even though it’s a fictional story!) For all I know, Lu may have planned this, but to me it just came off as an afterthought, that’s all :/ (and @ Thomas, just because you love someone and it shouldn’t be allowed bc of your ranks, it doesn’t mean you have to kill them even if CoMmAnDeR JaMeSoN said to).
I wanted to also talk about characters—more specifically Razor, Commander Jameson, Baxter, and Kaede (rip). So um I guess we’ll start with Razor aka the biggest con man there ever was. Well tbh I kind of found him fishy, just like June did from the get-go, I just didn’t think it was going to be that…bad??? This goes back to Lu’s foreshadowing—which I would say it improved as I wasn’t able to fully guess what was going to happen—she drops p obvious hints left, right, and centre, you just don’t see them until the events unfold; what may seem like a small detail (i.e. Commander Jameson in Razor’s room on the ship and Day (as a disguise) bumping into her) will end up being part of a bigger plan, so to speak. Part of me wishes we had a peek into his mind to see what he thinks like, and if he has more motives, besides just being “hired” by the Senate to assassinate Anden, maybe Razor has a personal vendetta?? I also definitely suspect that Razor and Commander Jameson may or may not be a thing *side eyes*. I’m excited to read Champion to see how he will stand up against the Elector / the Republic, and whether the other Patriots will stand by his side or if they will turn against Razor--especially because right now he’s in jail, but I doubt he will stay there for long! (which can someone explain why Razor and Commander Jameson only got charged with treason??? They almost flipped the Republic on its head). 
Speaking of Patriots...there’s Baxter, which I don’t know where he stands. I think he’s definitely jealous of Day / the fact that Tess has feelings for Day even though he doesn’t reciprocate them. Just a dash of jealousy. But he did predict that Day would betray the Patriots, which makes me think that Baxter may have a part in an uprising, but maybe there’s a chance that he’ll see the whole story. Part of me also highly doubts that he’ll be rational; he seems to be someone with a heavy confirmation bias--I wonder if he knew that Razor was hired by the Senate or if it just went over his head. What if he’s the main villain in Champion o.O him + Tess would be interesting, especially Day does a last hurrah. But anyways, Baxter was just so arrogant, and I could feel Day’s own disappointment when he did exactly what Baxter had predicted. Yeap, there’s definitely going to be some tension that needs to be revisited. 
Last and certainly not least, Kaede :( I’m a bit annoyed that she’s dead. It’s yet again another thing that could be used against Day (specifically his relationship with June; anything that comes near them dies). We got to learn so much from Kaede, and before we knew it, she got shot. It sucks because I think she seemed like a reasonable person and she always remained level-headed. She’s not one to judge quickly *cough cough Baxter cough cough*. Even in Legend she had her kick-ass moments, but she really saved them from the Colonies and how June and Day can’t really repay her unless they keep on going with their mission. Not cool to just kill her off like that though. 
What I loved from this book, besides the character growth and the depth of their relationships with each other (especially on trust, or the therelackof), I liked how this book is just action-packed. I find with the second book in trilogies, we have a plan with a clear end goal (in this case, assassinate the Elector), and that plan just gets adjusted over time as we uncover information until it gets to the end of the book. Here, that main event ended up being smack bang in the middle, which isn’t something we see very often. It left more room for the story to develop and to allow us to really dig deep into the story, which I much appreciated. At some parts, it almost felt like a rush, especially as the story unfolds and with so many characters to consider--it was a page turner! I’m not really sure if I enjoyed Prodigy more than book 1, as I mentioned, I didn’t really like the love triangles and then Anden is just too naive for me to take him seriously. There were also some cliches (I let go of the breath I didn’t know I was holding), and honestly, I was not a fan of the ending! I think that’s the main reason why I can’t rate this higher than Legend to be honest. At least with the first book, there was enough closure that could give us a starting point for book 2. Here is was...let’s break up lmao jk also I’m not going to let June know that I’m dying, peace out. 
This review is getting a bit too long lol, and I’m sure there’s something I forgot to mention, but overall I really enjoyed this book. The action, the intensity, the revelation of information and Lu’s foreshadowing make Prodigy a book that’s hard to put down. The characters’ dynamics are all over the place, which just adds to the chaos, but in a good way--it makes the story that much more interesting. I’m patiently waiting for book 3 from overdrive, so I’m not sure if I’ll be able to read and review it by next week--I’m itching to know what happens next! [Please, let both of our main characters live  p l e a s e]
I’d love to know your thoughts and opinions on Prodigy! Did you enjoy this book, how would you compare it with the rest of the trilogy? Let’s chat =D
Thank you for reading my review, I hope you are having a good day, wherever you are in the world!
~ Cassandra / an-avid-reader
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mss4msu · 5 years
I Don’t Care
Summary: Bucky doesn’t care what kind of social event tortures he must go through, so long as he has you by his side.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Words: 2536
Timeline: This takes place after the events of Winter Soldier, but ignores the team fighting bits of Civil War and everything else that happened after it bc I want a happy Bucky.
Warnings: Language
A/N: Every time I listen to “I Don’t Care” by Ed Sheeran w/ Justin Bieber I think of how well it would work as a Bucky fic, so I had to write it so I can listen to the song without thinking up stories and can actually get to the two 15 page papers I have due in like a week. 
(I incorporated the lyrics of the song into the story in the order they appear in the song. They’re noted in bold. If you dig it, check out my other story We Never Go Out of Style)
Another successful mission, another elaborate Stark party. The first party had been casual, everyone showed up freshly showered from the mission. The second party had a buffet, rather than bowls of chips everywhere. Next came the waiters passing drinks. Now every party required cocktail attire and they seemed more like galas than opportunities to unwind. Bucky loathed them. He almost wished he could just go back into the ice after every mission if it meant not having to make small talk with people he didn’t even know.
“Why the long face, Buck? You look like you just fought a whole slew of Hydra agents and hardly got time to shower,” Steve laughed, hitting Bucky on the shoulder.
Of course what Steve had described was exactly what had happened.
“Funny, Steve. I’m a party I don’t wanna be at. And the fact we have to dress up is ridiculous. I don’t ever wear a suit and tie unless it’s at one of these dumbass things. It’s not like I finish a mission and think, ‘yeah, I’d love to go surround myself with strangers.’  I’m just wonderin’ if I could sneak out the back. Aside from you, nobody’s even lookin’ me in my eyes.”
Steve gave Bucky a knowing look. If he was being honest with himself, he would also rather be able to just relax after a mission and decompress in silence. Steve snapped out of it when he saw one of his WWII veteran friends wave him over.
“Sorry, Bucky. Stan looks like he needs me. Just chill in the corner like usual, you’ll be fine.”
“Yeah, right,” Bucky muttered under his breath as Steve walked away.
“Enjoying yourself, James?” you asked as you walked up to the super soldier.
Whenever you called him by his name, he felt his heart flutter, “You know I’m not.”
“Looks like it,” you smiled at him.
When you had joined the Avengers 5 years ago, you hadn’t even known about the Winter Soldier. After proving yourself to Steve during the fall of SHIELD, he had brought you onto his small team to go searching for the other super soldier, who you soon learned was James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes. You knew their whole history, and it became almost a mantra during your searches for him, “Best friends since childhood, Bucky Barnes and Steven Rogers were inseparable on both schoolyard and battlefield.” You had been behind the scenes when Steve found Bucky after the Accords disaster, but you were on the frontlines of his “de-programming” in Wakanda. You had been with him through all the pain of unlearning the trigger words and had helped him adjust to a domestic life. It hadn’t taken you long to fall in love with him; it had been even easier for him to fall in love with you. After Bucky was officially cleared of the Winter Soldier programming, you were charged to help him get settled back in New York. Tony had offered him a room in Stark Tower, but he wanted to have an escape from the Avengers. You offered to get an apartment with him and he immediately agreed. You shared a small, 1 bedroom apartment, just across the street from where Steve lived.
“Alright, enough moping then,” you demanded, putting your left hand in his right.
“Oh, you think you can come over here, take my hand, and I’ll suddenly feel better?” He did feel better, but he wasn’t going to tell you that.
You grabbed his drink and chugged what was left of it.
“And you finish my drink to top it all off?” he raised an eyebrow at you.
“Say, shall we dance?” you looked up into his eyes and saw the wrinkles of his furrowed brow dissipate.
Bucky took a deep breath, “Hell, yeah,” as much as he hated the parties, he could never disappoint you.
You pulled him onto the dance floor, his grip tightening as you maneuvered your way around other couples. You finally found a space large enough to dance and turned to face him. He was red in the face, and you knew just the walk to the dance floor had been enough to re-stress him out. You pulled your left hand apart from his and placed it on his shoulder. You then went to take his left hand in your right, but he had hidden it behind his back.
“Mr. Barnes,” you said sternly, “Give me it.”
Red crept into his cheeks as he slowly placed his metal hand in your small, flesh one.
“I hate when you do that,” you said, pulling him closer to you, glad that you had put heels on so you could whisper into his ear.
“I….I...just…” He stammered.
“It’s been how many years and you’re still pulling this bullshit?” you pulled back slightly so you could look into his eyes, “Cut the crap, soldier.”
A slight smile broke through his lips, “You know I love you, did I ever tell ya?”
“You may have mentioned it once or twice,” you smiled back.
“You make it all better like that,” he snapped his metal fingers before wrapping them around yours.
You danced for a few songs, but when the band finished, Bucky basically dragged you back against the wall. He looked around the room, taking in all of the conversations between different groups around the room. Most of the Avengers were speaking with large hand gestures and gaining big laughs.
Bucky turned to you, “You know, I don’t think I fit in at this party. Everyone’s got so much to say.”
“Yeah? And you don’t? You’ve got plenty of stories to share,” you replied.
“Those are the Winter Soldier’s stories, they aren’t mine. Most of my life isn’t mine. I always feel like I’m nobody.”
“Mmm,” you hummed, thinking, “But who wants to fit in anyway?”
“’Cause...” he began but trailed off. He then shrugged his shoulders, “That’s true I guess, it helps that I don’t care when I’m with my baby,” he put his hand around your waist and pulled you into him.
“Oh?” you looked up into his eyes, seeing them looking softer than you had seen all night.
“Yeah, you make all the bad things disappear. And you’re making me feel like maybe I am somebody.”
“Good,” you moved in front of him and grabbed his face, pulling him into a deep kiss.
“You truly are the best, you know that?”
“I do, but tell me more,” you mused at him.
“I don’t have as many nightmares sleeping with you. I can deal with the bad nights much better now.”
“I’ve noticed,” you smiled.
“Everything's better when I’m with my baby,” he pulled you in for another kiss.
“Yeah?” you asked.
“Oh yeah, cause I don’t care about anything else as long as you just hold me near you. You can take me anywhere, the dance floor, a mission, anywhere, and I’ll follow happily. You’re making me feel like I’m loved by somebody.”
You grinned at him, “You know, I’ve had some bad nights too in the past, and I can deal with the bad nights when I’m with you too. My own nightmares fade away when I wake up next to you.”
“I love you, baby,” he kissed you again.  
Weeks went by without a mission that required all of the Avengers. Bucky had become more calm, knowing it meant that he could return home to you and not have to socialize at another party. Just as he was finally getting comfortable hanging out in small groups after missions, a 2 week op that required the whole team was called. Bucky wanted you to go with, but you had other assignments now.
“Babe, I’m not your handler anymore. Yeah it sucks, but you’ve got Steve and Sam. You’ll be ok,” you had reassured him before he left. Of course it pained you to be away from him that long with no communication, but one of you had to put on the brave face for the both of you.
The mission dragged on and you had no word from anyone. Maria Hill tried to reassure you, but with Fury gone on the mission too, she was just as nervous as you. Two weeks turned into three and you became overwhelmed with worry. Sitting in your and Bucky’s apartment as the third week came to a close, you were trying to calm yourself down by watching movies when you heard the front door open. You grabbed your gun out of caution and hid behind a wall, prepared to attack.
“You home, doll?” you heard Bucky call to you.
You ran to the front door and threw your arms around him.
“Oh thank god,” you couldn’t help the tears welling up in your eyes, “I thought something had gone horribly wrong.”
“It did, I wasn’t with you,” he smiled, you could see tears forming.
“That was so cheesy, but I love it,” you held him tighter, not wanting to let go.
You only broke apart when you heard your phone ringing from the other room, playing the ringtone reserved for Tony.
“Tony? Everything ok?” you asked with a sense of urgency.
“No, it isn’t. Where are you two? Post-mission party starts in 15 minutes.” Tony yelled into the phone.
Your heart sank, while you didn’t hate the celebration parties like Bucky did, you hadn’t seen him in 3 weeks and there were other things you wanted to do with him then stand in the corner of a room.
“Oh, shit, we’ll be there soon,” you replied, quickly hanging up before Tony could answer.
“Who was that?” Bucky asked, coming into the room and immediately flopping down on the couch.
“Tony. We have a party to be at,” you said, to which Bucky let out a long moan.
“I know babe, but it’s part of the job,” you sighed, trying to pull him up from the couch so he could get ready.
Bucky wouldn’t budge, so you went to get yourself ready and threw a suit at him. 10 minutes later, you were out the door and on your way to Stark Tower. You showed your badges to get past security and got into the elevator.
“I’m sorry, doll, but I really don’t want to be here,” Bucky said as you ascended.
“I know, Bucky, but we really don’t have a choice and we don’t have to stay long,” you replied as the elevator doors opened.
As you exited the elevator, you saw that the room was already full. A couch along the wall was open and Bucky led you to it. The music seemed louder than usual, and you both spent a few minutes looking around the room to see who was there. Nat seemed to be missing.
“Where’s Nat?” you asked Bucky.
“What?” he yelled back.
“Where is Nat?” you said louder.
“What?” he yelled again.
“Nevermind,” you yelled to him.
Bucky moved closer to you, speaking directly into your ear, “We’re at a party we don’t wanna be at. And it’s so loud in here, keep tryna talk, but we can’t hear ourselves. When can we leave?”
“I don’t know, Buck. Read my lips instead?”
“Read your lips? I’d rather kiss ‘em,” he pulled away slightly so you could see him smirking at you.
“If you did that, I’d be force to kiss yours right back.”
Bucky looked away from you for a second and instantly tensed up.
“James, are you ok?”
“This room really filled up.”
You scanned the room. There seemed to be even more people in attendance than last time. While Bucky had gotten comfortable around the Avengers, he still had trouble in large groups of strangers after having a manhunt called on him years ago.
“But with all these people all around, I’m crippled with anxiety. All I wanted was to come home and be with you, but no. I’m sick of these parties. I’m so tired of being told it’s where I’m s’posed to be.”
You slowly ran your hand up and down his back, trying to calm him down. Sometimes your touch worked better than your words, “I know James, but after this is over we can go home and just lay on the couch and watch a movie and fall asleep in each other’s arms and it’ll all be fine.”
“You know what?” he looked back at you, and gave you a small smile, “It’s kinda crazy how you can talk me down.”
“Yeah, ‘cause I really don’t mind when you make it better like that.”
“Everything,” he leaned over and kissed your forehead.
“You know, I don’t think we fit in at this party,” you laughed, looking around again.
Everyone was either dancing, yelling to each other, or heavily drinking while you and Bucky were cozied up together on a couch just taking it all in.
“Yeah, everyone’s got so much to say over there,” Bucky motioned to where Tony and Rhodey were trying, once again, to lift Thor’s hammer.
“Oh yeah,” you laughed. “Yeah, I doubt anyone on this team can lift that hammer, except maybe Steve,” your eyes wandered to the other super soldier in the room who was laughing with his veteran friends.
“You know, when we walked in, I said I’m sorry, because I didn’t want to be here.”
“Mmm?” you questioned.
“But now I think that we should stay?”
“Oh? What made you change your mind.”
“Cause I don’t care when I’m with my baby,” Bucky said, reaching into his jacket pocket.
“Yeah?” you asked, your heart starting to race.
“You make all the bad things disappear, and yeah, I’m a handful, I know it, but you’re making me feel like maybe I am somebody. I can deal with the bad nights when I’m with you. I’d never want anyone else in my life but my baby. Yeah, things won’t always be easy, but that’s ok, ‘cause I don’t care as long as you just hold me near. And I’m working towards being better and no I don’t like these massive parties, but you can take me anywhere, because as long as you’re with me I’m happy. I don’t like nobody but you, and when we’re at these stupid things, it’s like you’re the only one here with me. You just get me and I get you,” Bucky took a small box from his pocket and got down on one knee.
“I don’t like nobody but you, and I’ll never love anybody but you. Will you marry me?” Bucky opened the box, revealing a ring.
Tears were welled up in your eyes, “Yes, James. Of course, always, yes!”
He put the ring on your finger and you kissed him harder than you ever had before. You looked around the room and it didn’t seem as though anyone had even noticed a major life-changing event occurring right before them.
“You know, I hate everyone here. They didn’t even notice this,” you flashed your new ring at Bucky, “Let’s get out of here?”
“Thank god, yes. I was lying before. I did want to leave,” he grabbed your hand, rushed you out of the party, and took you home to celebrate.  
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