#I feel like everyone views me as a child compared to them
mollificen · 2 years
I turn 18 at 10:56 am tomorrow.
I don’t feel anything. I’ve done NOTHING with my life. Like it’s no wonder I’m not super excited for it.
I’m so tired. I can’t keep doing this.
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howcouldmuffin · 1 month
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You know that falling in love makes you feel like a fool, but what if it’s him?
PAIRING : Jacearys Velaryon x Fem!Reader
WARNING : SFW, Targaryen incest, Non-canon
AN : I was inspired by the song “Kingston” by Faye Webster. Her music is amazing, and the way she describes falling in love is so lovely to me. Although it may not perfectly match the song, I hope you like it.
please be kind to me English is not my first language.
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Everyone in Westeros is aware of the long-standing conflict between the Greens and the Blacks. The king is well aware of this issue too, but he hasn’t been able to resolve it, so the problem continues to persist.
You know the Velaryon siblings very well, having grown up under the same roof as them. While your mother’s influence might have made many think that you were not close, children often don’t see things the same way as adults. They, along with your siblings, were raised to constantly compete with each other, enemies by birth. But after they moved to Dragonstone, everything seemed to calm down.
As the years passed, you grew into a princess of great honor, more graceful than anyone in the Seven Kingdoms. You possess every desirable quality, and people often compare you to a combination of Visenya and Rhaenys in a single woman. Such praise could easily lead to vanity, but you know well that these words are nothing more than the desires of those who speak them.
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“I’ve heard that Rhaenyra has arrived.” you say as you open the door to Helaena’s chamber. “Will you join me? Mother is likely busy in the small council.” She is preoccupied with your nieces and nephews, and at their age, they are quite a handful.
“I’m sorry, but my children are being quite a handful right now.” she says, confirming the scene before you. The children are getting ready for their bath, and it looks like it will take a while. You decide to help your sister manage her lively brood.
“Who here is being a good child?” you ask as you lift up one of the boys. “Is it you, Jaehaerys, or is it you, Jaehaera?” The children are usually well-behaved around you, and they listen to you quite obediently.
“I am!” the boy answers.
“Well, good children don’t make their mother tired, okay? That goes for you too, young lady.” Both nod in agreement and follow their maid to go take their bath.
“Thank you so much, sister.” Helaena says as she walks over to you. “It would have been even more chaotic without you.”
“You’re welcome, but I should be going now.” you reply, kissing her cheek before leaving the room and making your way down the corridors of the Red Keep.
The decorations here have likely changed since your eldest sister last saw them. Religious symbols now adorn the walls of the building. At times, you don’t agree with what your mother has done, filling the place with the beliefs of your family’s old traditions.
“Your Grace.” you curtsy to the pair as you approach.
“I apologize for not being there to welcome you. I only just heard that you arrived, and Mother is likely preoccupied with the small council meeting,” you explain. Rhaenyra immediately embraces you. Despite your mother’s dislike for her, you are not your mother. Her attempts to separate you have no effect if you refuse to adopt her views.
“I have already received a warm welcome from you.” Rhaenyra smiles as she releases you from her embrace and takes your hand.
“Only from you, niece.” Daemon adds.
“You must be tired from your journey. I think you should rest first.” you suggest.
“My husband and I will visit Father first.” she responds. “and I have someone I want you to meet.” She lifts up a young Targaryen boy while another child is carried by a maid.
“This is Aegon, and this is Viserys.”
“So these are my nephews, my little princes.” you say, taking Viserys from the maid. “They have grown so well.” Both boys have the silvery-golden hair of dragons and possess the regal presence of true princes of Westeros.
“Jace and Luke mentioned they would be heading to the practice yard if you wish to see them.” she adds. Your dear nephews, you wonder how much they’ve grown. You hand Viserys back to the maid after kissing his cheek, then turn to your sister.
“In that case, I’ll take my leave, Your Grace.” They both nod in acknowledgment.
You leave the area and head straight to the practice yard. You and Jacaerys are the same age, while Lucerys is a year younger than you. You Daeron and Jacaerys were all nursed by the same wet nurse, which is why you and your twin brother are closer to them than to others in the family.
After a short walk, you find the stairs leading to the training yard. You catch a glimpse of your brother Aemond, who is also there. Over the years, you have tried to encourage him to let go of his grudge, knowing that he once experienced the same mistreatment as our nephews. You hope he may have come to some understanding.
“Welcome, dear nephews.” you say as Jace and Luke turn to see you, their faces showing a mix of nostalgia as they remember the place where they once lived.
They have grown so much, the boys you once knew have become handsome young men, true princes. As soon as they see you, they rush to embrace you, and you return the gesture. They are still as endearing as ever.
“How was your journey?” you ask them.
As you pull away from the hug, you notice how their handsomeness has only increased. Jacaerys, in particular, possesses a beauty that seems straight out of the fairytales you once read. Your heart races, pounding in your chest.
“It went smoothly.” Jace replies. “You’ve grown so much.”
“And even more beautiful.” Luke adds, making you all laugh together. The moment brings back memories of when you were all young and oblivious to the complexities of the world.
“I wish you the best in the judgment, Luke.” you say, taking your younger nephew’s hand. “I will speak with my mother and my grandfather on your behalf.”
“Thank you so much, Princess.” he smiles back at you.
“It seems there’s a family gathering I wasn’t invited to.” your brother Aemond’s raspy voice breaks in. He walks over, and you notice Lucerys’s discomfort. To prevent any tension, you step in front of him, silently urging Aemond not to start anything.
“Are you here to train, nephews?” Aemond asks.
Before anyone can respond, Vaemond Velaryon, another claimant to Driftmark, appears. His presence is intimidating, and he seems to harbor little fondness for your two nephews. You silently pray that the gods favor your nephews over him.
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“I apologize for being late, Your Grace.” you said, curtsying before taking your seat. Before dinner, you had so many things on your mind that you lost track of time in the bath, and by the time Nora came to fetch you, it was already late.
“A princess should know the importance of being punctual.” Alicent scolded you.
“It’s alright. Children always have many things on their minds.” your father said. “Go ahead, take your seat.” You nodded at your father and made your way to the empty seat beside Aemond. Helaena smiled at you, and you noticed Jacaerys watching you as well. He had been the reason you had been thinking about him all day.
“This is an occasion for celebration, it seems.” Viserys continued. “I announce here that my youngest daughter will marry my grandson, Jace. I have made my decision, and I ask you all to accept it.” Your father's declaration left the entire room in silence, including you.
You could hardly believe what you had just heard. You looked over at Jacaerys, who was already looking at you. Although you felt a small twinge of joy, the suddenness of the announcement left you stunned. Your mother's displeasure was immediately evident on her face. Viserys slowly stood and shared his thoughts.
People began to rise and speak, but you couldn’t focus on anything else. You were at a loss for words, unsure of how to feel.
“Sister.” your brother called. “Congratulations on your engagement.” Aemond spoke with a hint of amusement, knowing well that you never saw yourself ending up as a wife solely meant to bear children. But if it was Jacaerys...
“How should I feel?” you asked him.
“Be happy, at least he’s not like our eldest brother, sister.” he replied, surprising you. You expected him to mock or tease you, but instead, he offered you encouragement.
“Do you not resent them anymore?”
“I promised you before they arrived that I wouldn’t do anything to stir up trouble between us.” he replied. “I’m trying.” You raised your glass to toast to your brother's words, appreciating his sincerity.
The music played beautifully, and your mother seemed to have composed herself, while others engaged in lively conversation with those seated around them. Before long, Jacaerys stood and invited Helaena to dance with him. You felt a pang of envy as you watched them together—wasn’t he your betrothed?
“Has Daeron sent any news?” your brother beside you asked.
“He’s been training as usual, more diligently than ever.” you replied. “He asked me to thank you for the new book you sent him.” Although you were speaking to your brother, your eyes remained fixed on your newly betrothed. He was handsome, and the sudden betrothal your father had arranged had left your mind unsettled.
“Are you jealous?” your brother interrupted again. “Shall we dance together like they are?”
Your brother had been acting strange lately, starting from yesterday, today, and even now. Although he had promised, his behavior was beyond what you had expected.
“What do you want, brother?” you asked him seriously. “Are you planning to use me as a tool to hurt them?”
“You’re overthinking, sister.” he replied. “Wouldn’t it be better if I were to make friends with another heir to the Iron Throne?”
“Let’s hope that’s true.” you said, offering him your hand. “Don’t leave me behind. My feet are sore.”
The dinner proceeded smoothly, with everyone seeming to be one big happy family. You hoped this friendship would endure and not be shattered.
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You closed the door to your room and hurried over to your writing desk. There were so many things from today that you wanted to record and reflect upon. You thought about the conversation you had with Jace today, your heart pounding at the memory. You hoped he hadn’t noticed. Your face had flushed, and you couldn’t meet his eyes. You knew what this feeling was—you were falling in love with him. How could it be so simple?
Should you write to your twin about this? What advice would he give you? Or perhaps you should share this with Helaena, though she was likely busy with your nieces and nephews. In the end, you decided to jot it down in your personal journal, a simple and safe choice.
After trying to fall asleep in the darkness of your room, you realized it was no use. You couldn’t sleep. Perhaps a walk, like you often did, would help calm your thoughts. Before you knew it, you found yourself in the corridors of the Red Keep. The moon tonight was beautiful, and you stopped to gaze at it from a window, its light bright and close.
“Princess.” Jacaerys' voice startled you, nearly causing you to gasp out loud.
“Prince.” you curtsied, and he bowed in return.
“Are you unable to sleep?” he asked.
“Yes, I couldn’t sleep.”
“You must be worried about our betrothal.” he replied. “I swear on my honor, I will not dishonor you, Princess.”
“I will do the same.” you replied. The two of you stood there, looking at each other, and you found yourself at a loss for words. If it had been anyone else, you would have no trouble striking up a conversation, but with him, you were suddenly too anxious.
“I think we should both return to our rooms, Princess.” he said finally. “If you don’t mind, I’ll escort you back.” You nodded in agreement, and as you led the way, he followed at a slow pace.
When you reached your door, you realized it was time to bid him goodnight. You stopped, turned to face him, and gathered the courage to meet his gaze. His eyes were so beautiful, and you wondered if he could see how red your face was.
“Goodnight, my Prince.”
“Goodnight.” He remained where he stood, not turning to leave. You opened the door to your room and closed it slowly. He would leave after you shut the door, you assumed. Your hand clutched at your chest, feeling your heart hammering as if it would burst out of your body. Your hands were trembling. This must be the beginning of that foolishness you had always heard about.
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You were overjoyed when your sister said she would be staying here longer. It meant you could spend more time getting to know your betrothed and spending time with him. The activities you often did alone now had him joining you. You talked about matters of the kingdom, the families allied with yours, the histories of different dragons, or even trivial things.
For you, it was wonderful to spend time with him. There were days when the two of you talked until you fell asleep together. When your mother found out about this, she scolded you intensely, speaking about propriety and how others might perceive it. You were confined to your room for an entire week.
But Jacearys surprised you with the secret passage in your room. You wondered if there were passages like this all over the castle. He used that secret passage to visit you while you were locked in your room. You thought about how much effort he must have put in just to talk to you, and it made you think about him even more, falling in love with him all over again.
“So, how was practice today?” you asked him. “Did Ser Criston bother you again?” You were lying on the bed reading a book while he leaned against the headboard, staring at you.
“He seems to have stopped. Aemond kept him away from us.” he replied. You knew well that Criston didn’t seem to like Rhaenyra or her children, but it wasn’t good to pass that dislike onto others.
You closed your book and slowly sat up, crawling to sit beside him. Jace shifted slightly to give you more room. You rested your head on his shoulder, holding hands. One of his arms draped over your shoulder. Life here must have been hard for him—the stares from everyone, the words he often heard.
“I want to go to Dragonstone.”
“Then you’ll have to marry me and go live there with me.” you said, turning to look at the prince. He smiled slightly.
“And if I don’t marry you? Can’t I just go?”
“Wouldn’t you want us to go together, just the two of us?” Jacaerys leaned closer. You looked at him without blinking, and finally, your lips met slowly. He gently slipped his tongue into your mouth, teasing yours as if to savor every bit of sweetness from you.
After a while, the two of you pulled away, gazing into each other’s eyes before laughing together. Jace leaned in again to kiss your cheek.
Now you know what your desire is from here on out. No longer will you need to sleep to recall your dreams, because now your life feels like a dream, and you’ll be living in it forever.
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prideprejudce · 1 month
I think alot more people would enjoy the show if they learned to see Rhaenyra and Alicent as Unreliable Narrators, and characters who are supposed to have glaring flaws and weaknesses.
Mandatory preface- There are Issues™️ with season 2 that are its own other ask- but the complaints ive seen about character assassination on both women kind of tells me ppl just wanted to see the two just GirlBossing around, not being tragic characters trapped in their own circumstances.
For Alicent specifically- she just isn't written to be Cersei 2.0, and while it was really interesting to see motherhood from cersei's point of view, its already been done!! I actually prefer seeing Alicent's mercurial clinging to and abandoning motherhood- its interesting!! She was made a mother at what- 15? An age where you truly arent mentally developed enough to raise 3 kids, AND be a child bride, AND be a queen, (AND be a lesbian).
Alicent is interesting to me because she's stunted at 15 years old, she's an adult woman who talks to and sometimes bullies her kids as if they are her peers, and is obsessed with her childhood crush(es). She hasn't built any new relationships* past the ones she was entangled with as a teenager, she's obsessed with both acting out to make SOMEONE see that shes suffering, (she's honestly pretty blatant for someone who prides themselves on being the Temperate Voice of Reason) but also to erase herself and reset to before she had to marry the king, before aemma died.
I think most of her 'bad out of character' decisions are just these two impulses winning out, her trying to force a reset, go back to a time where none of this had happened yet, when things were simpler and she had love and every day wasn't the worst day of her life™️.
She sleeps with cole, the man she thought was pretty at 15 (her last uncomplicated attraction just before it all went wrong and aemma died) -she doesnt seem to like it that much, but she does seem compelled to seek him out, esp when upset- shes obsessed with, and desperate to reconnect with Rhaenyra, her childhood best friend (and first love) and get back to where they were as kids, AND she still treats and asks her father for absolution as if he's still the only authority that matters to her just like she did at 15. Alot of her 'victim complex/bewildered they took it so far' behaviour in the plotting of rhaenyra's usurption reads to me like a teenager in over her head, she talked big game and now its real and shes panicking!! She's tragic BECAUSE she's still a teenager- so stunted shes unable to meaningfully grow up and learn to make healthier choices for herself, or move on and stop trying to grasp at the 'if i could just go back' urge.
As a mother, I think this creates an interesting dynamic as well, and I do like that in the casting even, she seems closer in age to her kids than rhaenyra does to hers. I think the contrast ppl are drawing with Alicent Protecting Her Kids in season1 compared to her giving them up in season two isn't bad writing to me, just massive differences in context. Sure she protected Aemond in driftmark, but we cant ignore that she probably felt humiliated by her husband choosing rhaenyra's side over hers in front of everyone, did it seem like a grown woman fighting for her son?? or a teenager furious with her ex winning one over her again? or both!! both sides twisted together is still interesting! When she protected Aegon from Rhaenys, is stepping in front of her son the king to protect him from the enemies dragon fire not the most romantic daydream of a deserving death a child bride could come up with?? Was it the impulse to protect the son she couldnt decide if she loved or hated, or was it to have the most heroic death possible to escape the reality that she sees coming. And if Rhaenyra hears about how Brave she was in the face of a dragons maw, and cries about it forever and feels sooo bad and regrets it til the day she dies, thats an added bonus. I think Alicent loves her kids, but is teenager selfish about HOW she loves and protects her kids, and is unable to be a mature, consistant, protective mother to them when she also sees them as having ruined her life. I think in season 2 when she 'gives them up' shes relieved, and once again following the compulsion of 'if i reset to when Rhaenyra was heir, i had no sons, and i wasn't married or queen, everything will be better'. I think theres complexity to it, i think she does love her sons and feels insane about it, but I think Alicent has been trying to Go Back in more and more Intense ways ever since she got married, and we might be giving her sanity more credit than it deserves when it comes to the need to wipe the board clean and go back to being 15.
hey anon are you trying to get married to me or what
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andy-wm · 3 months
I have thoughts on Jimin's SGMB
It's the gayest thing I've ever seen.
And by that I mean it's joyous, light-hearted, bright, and fun.
We can all agree, I think, that this is a happy and totally harmless song. Who could criticise Jimin for declaring his love in such a sweet and innocent way?
Of course not everyone will like it, and that's fine. You don't have to like everything he does - or everything BTS does - you are an individual with thoughts and feelings of your own - I hope. But putting that aside you'd have to be a troubled person indeed to take offence at anything here.
So, it is definitely a fan song, right? Jimin is singing to his fans... isn't he?
But if it is (I and I'm not convinced) it's not just a fan song.
It's sweet, so sweet, but....
Maybe it's a little too sweet?
We know Jimin is CUTIE SEXY LOVELY and LOVELY LOVELY LOVELY, but let's be honest, he's also a grown man. And Army are not children (mostly). In fact we have had many many conversations about how ARMY are not children.
But this whole production is pushing the sweet and innocent barrow so hard that I can't help wanting to look underneath and behind and inside to see what's really going on because it's so sweet it's hurting my teeth.
Compare the sophistication and self awareness of FACE to the bouncy, bright and child-like song-and-dance in the SGMB music video. They are WORLDS apart and we were told very specifically that the albums were linked.
"Following his first solo album, “FACE,” where he sought to explore his true identity, “MUSE” documents his journey in search of the source of his inspiration." said the Weverse notification.
So what's really going on here?
What are you doing Jiminie?
And more importantly, why are you doing it?
You could call it a pageant, or a carnival, or a circus - with Jimin as the ringmaster.
But my view is:
This a pantomime. And it's very clever.
According to the Oxford Dictionary, a pantomime is "A dramatic entertainment,  originating in Roman mime, in which  performers express meaning through  gestures  accompanied by music." Yes, that describes it.
Merriam-Webster tells us "[A pantomime] is an ancient Roman dramatic performance featuring a solo dancer and a narrative chorus" That also makes sense.
Oxford also specified that it's a modern BRITISH tradition. "a theatrical entertainment, mainly for children, which involves music, topical jokes, and slapstick comedy." It's a perfect fit.
The British link is already there - Jimin clearly told us he's influenced by The Beatles' Sergeant Peppers Album. There's also the styling of his suit. The stovepipe pants, narrow tie, and fitted jacket are very 1960s (and 1980s) British pop.
There's something old-school about a pantomime. It harks back to childhood, and to the nostalgia of holidays. And the styling of the MV is in keeping with that nostalgic feel too - from the Mountain scene with the vintage film title, to the intertitles - or title cards , to the circular frame of the opening scene.
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But back to the Pantomime itself...
A quick google search told me the following are important elements of pantomime. And we have most, if not all of them in this production.
Gender role reversal - TICK
Slapstick comedy - TICK
Colourful costumes - TICK
Audience participation - TICK (the children ARE the audience)
Exaggerated facial expressions - TICK
Take another look at the music video - it's all there.
Wikipedia tells us that pantomimes traditional told fairy tales or folk tales - often love stories - and that the primary role in a Pantomime was:
The 'Principal boy', a hero or charismatic rogue, traditionally played by a young woman in men's clothing.
Smart, very smart. With all the other conversations we've been having a round gender this is totally on the money.
Wikipedia goes on to say "Another pantomime tradition is to engage celebrity guest stars... Contemporary pantomime productions are often adapted to allow the star to showcase their well-known act.... If the star enters into the spirit of the entertainment, he or she likely adds to its overall effect"
Welcome, Loco.
(yes, I know collabs are de rigueur, but that doesn't change the fact that it fits - celeb guests are an established practice in Panto.)
So if this IS a Pantomime (and I'm not saying it definitely is but it looks like one to me), then it's intended to be a sung-story, told as much through dance and gestures as through words.
If it's a pantomime, what is it about?
I'm glad you asked! This little charade is the story of a young person called Jimin who is looking for love. He finds romance easily enough...
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but real love takes a little longer.
Fortunately for our hero, he's brave (he will confess to his lover) and he is patient (he encourages them to do so too).
In between, there are shenanigans and goofing...
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But our Charismatic Rogue is charming (if devilish) and wins the hearts of the audience - and his lover.
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Let's take a closer look at how the story unfolds...
At the start of the MV, as the initial credits appear, Jimin is on stage vibing with his band. Loco is chilling on a rock like a lizard in the sun.
We get the ye olde intertitles, welcoming the audience and introducing.... SMERALDO Garden Marching Band
It's not Smeraldo Garden - Marching Band. It's Smeraldo *pause* Garden Marching Band. Smeraldo (secrets) has the emphasis.
After the intertitles, the scene opens on a group of children - they are ostensibly the audience of the band. They're playing paper-scissors-rock to see who will call for Jimin's attention.
The children run over to him and the tale begins.
Jimin, the main character of this story, immediately launches into song.
He starts off singing about Bangtan - mentioning their harmony (song and personal I think), he shows the Bangtan hand gesture we all know so well, and he sings "we gift happiness every day".
But he mentions June 12th.
Why June 12th?
Why not 13th, their debut day?
BECAUSE THIS IS NOT A SONG for ARMY. He's making it clear that at this point he's referring to Bangtan specifically, not the whole juggernaut of the fandom and fame. June 12th precedes ARMY.
He's made it clear from the start - this is NOT ABOUT ARMY.
Then he leans in and whispers to the children - and the camera -"lets talk about us".
Look at the kids' faces - they're miming shock. Ooooohhh! This is a big secret he's about to tell them - and us.
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Look at Jimin's expression - he's just a tad smug. This is not a shocking secret to him, this is a fun secret.
Yes, he is indeed the charismatic rogue of this story.
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He sings:
"All the things we couldn't say before
And your hidden feelings too (just for you)
Don't you worry anymore
Since we're together now**
Let's be a little more honest."
So it seems our main character has a LOVER. Someone who couldn't be revealed and who hid their feelings.
<Wow, I have no idea who this could be...>
Hang on, what's happening in the MV??
On his journey, it seems our young hero has a few short-lived romances. And if you look carefully, they are all with men.
He accepts the rose from a man, and plants himself on the bench right up close to .... a man. He jumps up unperturbed, and gifts the rose to (you guessed it) another man.
Jimin manages to sidestep (or completely ignore) all the women except one, who he sends graciously into the arms of a random man before continuing on his journey.
Wait one moment... his romantic partners were ALL MEN??
ALL MEN?!!!!!
Yes darling, all men. Let's continue.
So, it seems none of Jimin's previous romances grew into anything more, but he takes his own advice with his mysterious lover and confesses first.
He smirks. He flicks his jacket with pizzazz. He's ready.
He sings:
"Ooooh I love you babe,
I'll come closer to you
I want to hold your hand,
I want you babe (yessir)
Please note the hand gesture in this choreo - it's another one we've seen many times.
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The dance ends and Jimin scans the surroundings and spots his old friend...
[Enter stage left: Loco]
Oh look, the friend is a rapper a few years older than Jimin. They seem to have a lot of fun together, Jimin and his rapper friend. There are ZERO romantic overtones here. This guy happily goes along with all the goofing and silliness even though he looks a tiny bit mortified. Either they are both very good actors, or a lot of the time, Loco was holding in his laughter. And Jimin seems incredibly amused by that.
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They hang out together until.... something in the atmosphere changes:
The colours become richer, light become warmer, and oh look....
It's *The Golden Hour*
Jimin leaves Loco, chasing the golden light as he sings about "the dazzling sky." Golden confetti (champagne, anyone?) falls all around him and then ...
fucking sunflowers bloom.
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<I need to lie down and process this>
Remind me again what sunflowers are known for? Oh yes, they are symbolic of the sun. Guess what else? They turn to face the sun.
Yup, the sunflowers all turn their faces toward the camera. I'm not crazy, okay?! I'm not.
SMH... let's move on.
Jimin re-joins his band, and the sunflowers do their sunflower thing, and Jimin sings:
"So tell me how you feel,
let whatever you feel
wash over you"
Then he sings
"I love you babe, (yessir)
I'll come closer to you
I want to hold your hand,
I want you babe (yessir)
Please note the hand gesture again
👉 👈
The bridge is next, and Jimin takes us back to Bangtan. As all the stars appear (that ocean of purple light that surrounds them at concerts) and everyone takes their place on stage, they turn up the music. <Are my eyes watering? Perhaps>
"I think we're ready now
<NGL I may have shed a tear here>
Lets begin 1, 2
<Ok fuck, I bawled at this point. Goddammit Jimin!>
Put your hands up"
*cute wiggle-dance commences* and Jimin spots his good friend the rapper again, hiding on the sidelines. He pulls him into the chorus line and they do more silliness and everyone is having a great time.
Confetti- flower petals fall, there's laughter and happiness all around, and they bow and bid us good bye.
The show is over.
But wait, I am not done.
A few more things bear mentioning here:
I saw quite a few comments saying this song is for ARMY.
It is categorically NOT for ARMY. Besides the fact that we already have Closer Than This - a fan song - on this album, Jimin specifically chose a date before debut - before ARMY existed - to place in this song. No mention of ARMY at all. Accept it graciously, this is not for you.
I wanna hold your hand
This lyric is a reference not only to the Beatles song "I Want to Hold Your Hand", It's also a common theme with Jimin and Jungkook. We see them finding any feeble excuse to hold hands, shake hands, touch hands. Yes, we see you two...
I am you, You are me
The gesture used in the choreo when Jimin is singing his confession - I failed miserably to catch it in my screengrab but there's no doubt it's their "I am you, You are me" gesture. Take a look for yourself.
All Jimin's romantic moments happened with men.
I'm not saying in his life, I am saying in this MV. All of them. The only interaction he has with a woman is one brief moment where he grabs her wrist as she passes by and he swings her into the path of a guy behind him. He even scoots around the women and sidesteps them. That can't be accidental. He's making a point.
The addition of 'yessir' in the lyrics makes it clear that he's confessing to a man.
I cannot see any reasonable way to refute this. The BH subtitles include it even though you have to listen carefully to catch it. THAT IS A CHOICE, NOT AN ACCIDENT.
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"Even though we're together now"
These lyrics could mean theyre an established, committed couple. But if we think a little broader than that, and a little more literally, who is he together with right now?
It's strategically brilliant.
This is his 'tell all expose' but he has built in a rock solid escape clause by using the panto format. Staging the whole love story - including the prior boyfriends and the man he's now in love with - as an over the top comedy show makes it easily dismissible as pure fiction. By including the fantasy/magical elements he just makes it more so. Deniers will be able to come up with a dozen reasons to reject this... 'It's a fantasy story', 'not all songs are autobiographical', 'he's making a point', 'he's raising LGBTQIA+ awareness'... all true maybe, but that doesn't change the fact that this is HIS song, about HIS muse. If you've been paying attention (and even if you haven't) you will know this is certainly not pure fiction.
The most important one, I left till last. I actually want to scream this, in all caps, in the biggest font possible. But I will restrain myself.
The song is bookended by references to BTS.
That is hugely important. For those who may not be aware, this is a literary device. Bookending a story provides a start and end reference point. Here, the Bangtan bookends provide context for the rest of the lyrics - they frame the lyrics within them. That means the events happening in the song, happen within the context of Bangtan. Reading between the lines, the person he is singing to/about is within Bangtan.
This is not reaching. This is like mixing blue paint and yellow paint together. You will get green paint.
So yes, this song is the gayest thing I've ever seen.
And I DO mean it's joyous, light-hearted, bright, and fun.
But yes, it's also absolutely and totally really really GAY
Thank you Jiminie
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sukifoof · 1 year
hii i was talking about this on twitter so i think i will just copy paste it here cuz i’ll probably delete it there at some point <3 twitter frightens me but i love my mutuals here we are all insane about flowey in the same way
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 i think saying “you’re the type of friend i wish i always had” is a really important thing for asriel to admit... this whole time asriel has dealt with so much grief and guilt about chara that it separated the actual person chara from the idealized version of them in his head who he has never stopped grieving. its a huge part of his character that hes unable to view them as they were because that’s just how his ptsd and guilt affects him. as someone who went through a similar thing that kind of grief can mess with your head and how you view yourself and the person who’s gone really badly. the pacifist route, for flowey’s character specifically, is a really good example of how grief and ptsd can make you feel disconnected from yourself, everyone around you, and like if only the person you lost was back everything would be perfectly fine again. the fact that he can admit they weren’t perfect and that he made the right decision is a huge character development that we don’t get to see in the no mercy route because he’s still convinced that this idealized version of them birthed from bereavement will make everything okay. similarly to how he believed toriel might have been able to fix him, he wants to believe there’s someone out there that could somehow return him to who he was before being traumatized, but the reality of it is this is just who he is.
his grief and trauma is a huge part of who he is like it is with real people, but it doesn’t have to be all of him. i think the emphasis the fandom puts on whether chara was Good Or Bad completely misses the point that it doesn’t really. matter i guess?? they were a kid people loved and now they’re gone. we're seeing people deal with the grief this brought and we know so little of who they are because there’s also a degree of separation about who they are to the people they loved as well. idk i hope this makes sense i think a lot about how chara is a kid who hated humanity and calls themself a demon. to me that just shows an EXTREMELY traumatized child with self hatred. i don’t know why there was ever this huge moral argument about chara when they’re literally just a kid with issues. they weren’t taught how to deal with how they felt and likely held themself in lower regard compared to the dreemurrs. its the same thing with asriel, he feels responsible for them being gone and his own trauma. he just wants a friend who can teach him to understand his grief or someone who can at least let him view the situation for how it really is
i just think. flowey is so well written but not understood very well by the fandom because the type of thing he’s gone through is kind of hard to grasp. it’s a weird situation that doesn’t have a completely black or white Is He Or Chara At Fault kind of answer. they were children. people are complicated and want someone to blame when something goes wrong and flowey directed that at himself. hes such a fascinating and well written character i love him dearly i hope u guys understand how insane he makes me <3
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foxyaries · 1 month
My Shifting Story That Keeps Me Motivated To This Day
Well hello again! I think it is time I share my own "almost" success story. I know a lot of you might not be interested in reading about my ALMOST success. But trust me... the more I tink about my own story the more I realize how silly it was of me to procrastinate actually doing it for so long. It's almost funny. But let's get into it, shall we?
As I have already mentioned it in my previous posts (please do read them if you haven't already to fill in any blanks that you may or may not have). I have been at a very dark place at that time. And I didn't wanna live the way that I had for as long as I could remember, because I simply wasn't happy.. with my life or my family. And I felt like I was a good kid. And I was! So when I discovered the subliminal world.. I saw it as my escape and a way to finally become happy. And that's when the subliminal "Wake up in your desired family" came into picture.
Like I mentioned before, there were only a couple success stories under that subliminal, but at that time our community was even smaller compared to what it is now. And those 10 - 14k views was more than enough for me to believe that it was a real deal. It's a bit funny to think about it now because these days we tend to pick subliminals that has thousands and thousands and thousands of views? Am I right? :) That's how we decide whether the subliminal works or not.
Anyways.. back to my storytime. I have already mentioned in another post of mine that those success stories that I did see all said the same thing. That for them to start feeling the results it took them a couple months. And if you remember as well as I do. Back then everyone set a limiting belief that for a subliminal message to start working you need to listen to it for at least 21 days. Even tho that wasn't true, I didn't know much about shifting so I believed it. And I also wasn't desperate enough, so since the stories told me it took THEM 1 - 2 months, I figured it'd take me the exact amount of time. And I thought it was nothing compared to the future I was gonna have.
So all that I did for those couple months was listen to that subliminal at least 1 hour a day and sometimes if I could overnight with the idea that I could wake up in my desired family any given moment. Pay attention to that. I didn't set a deadline or put pressure on myself for doing anything wrong. I just listened and knew it was going to happen. When exactly? No idea. How exactly? Not a clue, but I didn't care. Because knowing less was actually more of a blessing than I thought. I had no limiting beliefs. All it did was awaken my inner child and that whole journey felt magical to me and I really looked foward to my results.
Probably a month passed by when I started getting tired around the same time, every single day so I'd take naps. At a time a half an hour nap was more than enough to make me feel rested and I'd get in the state of being awake yet asleep at the same time. You know what I am talking about. The state during which it feels like you are in and out of sleep. When the sounds feel like they are far far away and then they dissapear. It almost sounds like I was close to tapping in the void state, no? :)
So whenever I'd feel tired I'd just have one earbud in my ear and lay in whatever comfortable position I wanted to lay in. It usually was on my side. And I had no intention to shift because I KNEW it was gonna happen either way. So I'd lay down and just have myself doze off listening to my playlist (I had a couple boosters too but then I'd just loop the main subliminal). And then I started feeling unusual sensations and feelings I have never felt before. All I did was just lay there and day dream about how I was gonna wake up in my desired room and I tried imagining it in detail. How I was gonna walk out of my room and see my best friends that I was going to shift there with. And literally all I did was just loop that scene because it made me happy :')
I keep rambling haha I'm sorry. Back to what happened. I was probably a month in when I started to get tired and naking naps around the same time and suddenly my naps were different? I would just mind my own business, think about my future when suddenly I would feel this insanely strong sensation that I was being lifted off of my bed and that my body was turning and flying somewhere?? But because I didn't know exactly what it was it'd freak me out and my body would flinch. That's when I'd recover the feeling of my body back and it felt like I'd literally fall back into my bed. And I mean LITERALLY get slammed back into my body. And this wasn't a one time thing. Same thing kept happening every single day for like 2 weeks (until I got insecure and shifted my focus somehwere else as I've mentioned in another post). What's funny is that I didn't even realize what was happening. I was just like "Oh? That's a new feeling" I was just curious and wanted for it to keep happening so I could understand it better. I only realized what it was when it stopped happening all together and for that I blame myself.
But you know what? It's okay. I've learnt so much since then. And it's insane how all I did every day was look for other success stories to convince myself that this was real. When I had my own very real success story. I KNOW all fo this is real because I experienced it. And I am done looking for a confirmation from other people. I know the truth and that's enough. And you should too. You don't need any of these methods. All you need is to do whatever makes you feel comfortable and happy and that you know works for YOU. Cause what actually matters is that YOU KNOW is gonna work for you. That's all that ANY of us really need.
I know this is a lot, but if you actually read this I hope it helped and made you realize something... anything really. Be your own success story and make your dreams come true.
I believe soon you will hear about my own final success story:) Goodbye for now. Next post will be more about my fairy companion. Do look forward to that!
Much love,
Foxy ♡🦊
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brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
I'm so glad you like it and I love all your feed back. Tim would 100% have plenty of trauma that he just. Is *refusing* to address due to starting that identity when he was likely still a teen. Tim having the identity if Jane Doe is also 100% going to help him with coming to terms with all the shifty stuff his family did.
As for Jason, I think he would see Jane refusing to be near him as Jane being skittish, likely due to the many guns he is visibly wearing. He knows he has a reputation as a protector, but he also knows that part of that reputation is that people do fear him. He'll just. Need to give Jane time to relax around him, yeah?
Though I do have a version that ends much worse for everyone. The Bats aren't the first to find out who Jane Doe is. No, Tim makes a mistake. To calm down someone he's friends with after they almost got mugged and he saved them as Red Robin, without thinking he made a joke referencing an inside joke which made the two ladies laugh. Only one problem. Only they and Jane Doe understand that joke because no one else was there. It was just those three. Meaning Jane Doe is Red Robin. Which would logically put N as Nightwing, H as (Red) Hood, and R as Robin with B as Batman.
This also means these two now "know" how the Bats treat Red Robin and they spread word *fast*. Within a week all the Sex Workers who were worried about Jane know and help Jane sneak away whenever they know a Bat is going to be coming by. This also means that almost over night all of the Sex Workers, Bar Owners, and most of the homeless (at least the ones in Jane's area who know him) are refusing to work with any Bats but Red Robin.
They are full on *scared* of Robin because they know he carries a sword, they know he uses it on criminals, and if he's willing to use that sword to nearly kill his own older brother multiple times? Whats stopping him from hurting them if he thinks they're up to something? Batman? The guy who they now believe either used to or still does beat up his own kids? No, they saw what happened before Tim became Robin they *remember*. The ones who flirted with Nightwing are suddenly shunning him or full on sneering at him. They believe he stole his own younger brother's first time (Tim only said N stole something precious that he could never give back and that it hurt very badly. He meant Robin but he couldn't tell them it was Robin) after tricking his younger brother into falling in love with him (Tim told them that Dick was the first person to make him feel truly loved and adored, because this is 100% bad parents Jack and Janet who told him "do whatever it takes to succeed")
There is so much miscommunication in this AU. It's funny and devastating at the same time.
Them finding out before the Bats reminds me of the fics that explore the street kids finding out that Red Hood beat up Robin (a child) even though he promised to never harm kids and to protect them. This causes them to instantly distrust him, and Red Hood is never able to earn their trust again.
I imagine that the sex workers would probably react similarly to Red Hood. Instead of being greeted warmly, suddenly everyone is treating im with caution. That's so much fucking angst for Jason (especially if he finds comfort/support from sex workers due to them helping him when he was homeless).
Also, there might be a time when the sex workers are mad at Red Robin (and some probably stay mad). They see taking a persona of a sex worker as insulting and making light of their situation. Some of them would never do that work if they had choices, which RR obviously has.
Then they start to logic how old he was when he started (he was doing this when he was Robin), how he is actually still selling himself because he performs the work, and that he probably does view it as a necessity. I wonder if there's any misconceptions that Batman knew/knows about RR's activities and whether they would compare that to pimps.
But yeah. They would become almost hostile to all Bats and RH.
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mrmiserymushroom · 8 months
my “theory”/point of view about Blitzø and his feelings
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Recently, I made a post with some drawn panels where I kinda give my opinion about what the fuck is going on inside blitzø’s head. Yet, I still felt like posting the entire thing and explain it with more details. Not sure if this is qualified as a theory (since I feel like it’s too obvious/just a headcanon) but it’s still a speculation. No need to read this if you don't care, I just want to post it somewhere :]
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FIRST THINGS FIRST! I know Stolitz is made to be canon. And I know, at one point, it's expected that Blitzø will confess his feelings and all of that. Everyone knows that soon he will realize he may not dislike Stolas at all and find out he, actually, is in love.
this will be a post trying to prove that this is not entirely true. Blitzø already knows that he is in love with Stolas and that he dug himself a grave from the start of their relationship. I'll be trying to prove that, in every episode, he is trying to supress these feelings to himself and the others around him, and even perhaps fell in love in the very beginning, way before Stolas fell for him.
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About his personality, we know Blitzø always try to act kinda tough when it comes to himself, but with the ones he loves, he never hesited to show how much he cares and appreciates them, even going out of his way to protect them at all costs. And he does that since he was little. As shown in S2E1 - The Circus, he tries to act unbothered and confident with the lack of entushiasm from the audience, but follows every single one of his father's orders, even when he is not okay at all with the idea, to rob the Goetia castle, just so he can help his mom out.
Still in The Circus, we can pretty much assume his relationship with his father isn't very good from what we've been shown. On the flashback we get in S2E6 - OOPS, we can see Cash giving Fizzarolli a gift card with the phrase "Wish You Were My Son". Blitzø also lived being reminded, everytime he needed to perfom, of the fact he was far to be the circus favorite, never getting the crowd's love and applauses. Even so his dad did not care at all if he was going to be there to perform or not when Paimon asked to get him to spend time with Stolas on his birthday. All of this can give us the idea that he grew up to be insecure about himself, his self-worth and feeling love starved. that's when Fizzarolli enter the scene.
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Fizzarolli was his first love. They were best friends since they were little kids and always got along very well. Even though, it's safe to assume Blitzø was, somewhat, jealous from all the love and attention Fizz got from the audience. making him carry a hidden envy. However, he never failed to be supportive of Fizz. praising him, trying to boost his confidence, giving him support, etc. Being there for the ones he loves, despite of how he feels is just how he is. But, still, this envy was growing inside of him since he was a child. Reinforcing the feeling of being unworthy and inferior compared to others. It wasn't just about wanting to be loved by the spectators, but it turned into a feeling of "everyone loves him and everyone hates me. I'm inferior"
and that is something pretty evident on his character. He always thought that he was inferior to Fizz and that he probably didn't deserve him. that his best friend needed someone better. I guess they've already made out a few times but it never went beyond that (since in S2E6 - OOPS, Blitzø mentions something about having tied up Fizzarolli several times before), yet, it was still stuck with him. That's what held him back and made him change his mind about giving the love letter to Fizz's on his birthday.
After that, we all know what happened. The incident took place and he lost all the most important people in his life. His mother died, his sister now hates him and Fizz got severely injured, besides "not wanting to talk to him again". With all the past trauma worsen, now he got a new one: abandonment issues.
Also, there was a time he dated Verosika, but she claims that she was the only one putting effort in the relationship, and now she despises him as well. Blitzø was probably still very affected by everything and was afraid of being envolved with someone and being abandoned again. Verosika was also a pop star, maybe making Blitzø feel like the inferior one again (but I imagine Verosika wasn't such a perfect girlfriend either).
With the passing of time, Blitzø started looking for help, got (slightly) better and created his own business. He adopted Loona, met Millie and then Moxxie. We can see he considers them as his found family. He is grateful for them (even if he doesn't verbalize it) and never fails to show how he is affectionate, even being a little invasive and annoying. It only shows more and more that he's a very sensitive and loving person. Always trying his best to protect, prioritize and take care of his new "family". He can go and insult Moxxie as much as he wants, scream at them, invade their personal lives, but, on the end of the day, he can't help but show how he feels towards people who are dear to him. So much so, it's even hard sometimes to hide it.
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With all that in mind, now we can finally talk about how he feels about Stolas and why I think what I think.
Starting with the day he went to take the Grimoire from Stolas. His plan was to use spells to create portals to the living realm so he could get on his business with humans instead of demons. He was going to trick the prince and then get away with the book. Until Stolas let out how much he crave for that kind of passion and how much it means to him that the one that is making this happen is his only ever friend.
As i said before, Blitzø is a sensitive guy, So when the royal boy reveals all of that emotional stuff, Blitzø ends up feeling a bit of empathy and give in, telling himself that this is going to be quick.
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In the end, he liked it way more than he expected and spent the whole night with the prince, only leaving by the morning. And in that night, he felt something he never felt before. Maybe it was a deep connection or maybe they were a really good casual match, it does not really matter. What matters is that he felt something really strong.
He secretly enjoyed it everytime and tried to convince himself it was just business and wasn't attracted to Stolas whatsoever. He feels more like himself and "free" when by his presence, as later implied in Truth Seekers, yet he does not want to get this feeling ahold of him. But he is still love-starved and so very emotional, of course this is going to dominate him whole as he spends more and more time with Stolas. And it eventually hits him hard.
Now, in S1E6 - Truth Seekers, we get a glimpse of Blitzø 's mind. Seeing how messed up his head is. He sees himself as a dirty clown, still tied up with memories about his past at the circus. He's tormented by everyone who is/have been related to him in some way, and his surroundings keeps getting messier and crazier as this goes on. It also address his trauma of being abandoned and left behind, as well as we get to know he does not really knows what he's doing half of the time. It all takes another turn when Stolas appears. Suddenly, things are not messed up and haunting him anymore. His appearence goes from the circus clown to his currently form, the form after he got his shit together once again and is trying to make a new turn in his life. He is wearing his work clothes and is not dirty.
Stolas is sitting in a throne at the top of a golden staircase, looking at him like he's just a plaything, representing how Blitzø feels inferior compared to Stolas (just like he felt with Fizzarolli). Then, he gets handcuffed of his wrists and neck, which Stolas is pulling by the chains. In the end, Blitzø make a expression like he is trying to endure something. Maybe the feeling that he likes Stolas, but can't do anything about that, since they are just business fuckbuddies and have to accept thing the way they are? Besides him being a inferior imp and a prince would never take him romantically? i dunno :P
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In my opinion, this shows how Blitzø sees the world before and after Stolas, how he feels like a new person and in his bestform when he's with him. nothing feels messed up anmore and he is, in a way, safe from what's tormenting him. However, this also shows how Blitzø believes this is all one-sided and he is being stupid for falling in Stolas game, that he clearly is just a toy and this feeling shouldn't get ahead of him. He is just an imp and is the only one who can be easily hurt. He should've known better than this. Stolas is a Goetia. Above overlords, he is unattainable.
Still in the same episode, before they are saved by Stolas, Blitzø get in front of his "family" to protect them. As stated before, he gives everything to protect who he loves and I imagine how out of his mind he would be if he couldn't be there to save them. This will come in handy later.
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When he comes to rescue him and his employees, he is surprised and admired about all of that. Thinking how amazing the prince is, reinforcing the image of a untouchable and powerful he has of the prince.
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On S1E7 - Ozzie's, at the ending of the episode, while he is deeply hurt, Blitzø starts pointing fingers and makes it clear that their relationship is just about sex, and then, he says:
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What gets me is that he doesn't say "it's about ME fucking YOU", he says "it's about YOU WANTING ME to fuck YOU", throwing all the situationship's wheight on Stolas side. Again, Blitzø thoughts Stolas only sees him as a sex toy and the emotional part is only Blitzø-sided. He is in love with Stolas already and reminding himself (and Stolas) what their relationship really is only hurts him more. He feels used and feels like at any time will be thrown away, that's why he tries his best to deny what he feels.
Then we have the picture on his phone. I don't think this is the latest pic on his gallery, I just think he had opened it before to find a random picture and came across this one. It might've got him right in the guts and he forgot to close the app.
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We are now on S2E4 - Western Energy, where Stolas get kidnaped and Blitzø can't be there to save him, since he needs to take care of his daughter first. When he realizes Stolas, someone already dear to him, even if it's is a secret, really is in danger and there's nothing he can do about, he loses it. His behavior/expression is very similar to the ones he had in Truth Seekers.
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In the end of the episode, he realizes Stolas maybe is not that unattainable as he thought so before.
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Finally, in S2E6 - OOPS, when he and Fizzarolli are stuck together, they start arguing until the subject lands on Stolas. Blitzø seems, again, to be visually upset reminding him and others that he and Stolas has nothing beyong business and casual encounters and that royal demons are far above dating imps like him or Fizz.
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He claims Stolas is only thrilled by the sex with a peasant, he trully believes all of the love and attention he is gave is merely manipulation. Even if he would like to believe otherwise, he can't risk being hurt and left behind because of a dumb choice. He would also be putting his job at risk with that. He tries to deny it to everyone, even to himself. Treating Stolas coldly or giving him the "I don't care" treatment would be a defense mechanism as well. harsh and kinda stupid, but that's just Blitzø.
He just doesn't wants to feel hurt and left in the cold again, so he just accepts his relationship with Stolas the way it is, but he also knows he was stupid for falling for him, all because the prince's sweet behavior is all just a fabricated "lie". If he decides speaks up, he fears he will be abandoned again. And even so, laughed at for falling in love when it's just "a silly roleplay". He wants to just throw this feeling away, but he can't help but feels what he feels.
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This is it! I may or may not have made any sense. Sorry for any grammar mistakes or if it looked like my brain melted in the middle of the paragraph. perhaps I'll just save this in drafts just so I can have it written down without having to show it to anyone. If you read it 'till this point, please feel free to tell me what you think or whatever :}
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kilarthmac · 4 months
Let's talk about Caelum.
I'm gonna preface this with saying that everyone is entitled to their opinions, and if once you're done reading this you decide you don't want to follow me or you want to block me, that's completely up to you. I'm not trying to change your opinion or attack anyone who has a different one than mine, I just wanted to put my two cents out there.
I also wanted to say that whatever your opinion on the matter is, it's yours and yours alone, and you should respect the opinions of other people even if they don't match up. I personally do not sexualize Caelum, but I do think he is an adult with childlike characteristics, and those two statements are not mutually exclusive. He can be an adult, but he also doesnt have to be put in adult situations.
It's okay to have strong feelings one way or the other about this topic, but it is not okay to harass people or go on a witch hunt for those with the opposite opinion to give them shit about what they think. If you disagree with someone and do not want to see their stuff on your timeline, just block them or scroll away. You alone are responsible for your own dash, you cannot make other people responsible for what you see on your timeline.
All that being said, I do not like how the fandom treats Caelum and Empathy Daemons in general.
My stance on the matter is that Empathy Daemons as a whole are adults, but because of how E'Laetum created them, they tend to have childlike characteristics. Those who say that Empathy Daemons are ALL children blatantly ignore the fact that Regulus is an Empathy Daemon as well, and that he has been shown to have adult tendancies (his BA, getting possessive over his charge, etc) while also maintaining his childlike characteristics (telling his charge a bedtime story to sleep, having a very one dimensional view of himself and his charge, etc). This is where I have a problem whenever I see people try to say that all Empathy Daemons are children. Regulus is clearly an adult. There is no "reading between the lines" about this.
Caelum is also an Empathy Daemon, but he is a very different character than Regulus. He is a lot more childlike compared to Regulus. He gets his words mixed up, he likes sweets, he likes hugs, etc. But in his most recent video (Your Bakadere Empathy Daemon Friend Visits You), even he says that he almost went down a path similar to Regulus' until Delphinus stepped in and assigned him to Freelancer, and that stopped him from falling (timestamps from 2:40 - 3:18, and 8:45 in that video). It may be uncomfortable for some people to think of Caelum as going down the same path that Regulus did, but this video clearly shows that he had the potential to. Caelum and Regulus are not as different as one may think.
Erik has also said himself that D(a)emons step out of the Elision Well as adults and they do not age. Of course they don't know everything so they still have to learn, but that's not the same as being a child. On top of the most recent Redacted 101 video, take this screenshot from Wonderworld (previously Redacted Records, when Erik was still in the server) from 2020, where Erik talks about how D(a)emons coalesce.
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He even mentions how in earlier Caelum videos he didn't know what he wanted the d(a)emon life cycle to be yet, and that's why he had Caelum state that he was a "kid daemon" at one point.
Not to mention the fact that in the official timeline, it shows that Caelum coalesced in 1999, and is even older than Damien.
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At the end of the day, Caelum is a fictional character. Whatever someone ends up deciding to make of him is their choice, this is a fandom after all. If it really bothers you to see what certain people make, block them and move on. DO NOT berate them for their headcanons or fanart or whatever else. People are allowed to have their own headcanons, make their own fics, and draw their own fanart. This is a fandom space, and people are allowed their creative liberties.
Anyways, that has been my two cents. Feel free to voice your opinions in the comments if u want to, but please please be respectful and don't attack anyone.
TLDR; I don't sexualize Caelum but I do think he and all Empathy Daemons are adults (ex: Regulus), everyone should respect everyone else's opinions and just block what they don't want to see on their timelines, and the fandom needs to chill out lol
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kandyzee · 3 months
The emotional incest aspect of Frank and Fionas relationship has been on my mind sm so imma talk about it.
I don't exclusively think that it's emotional. Frank makes a few creepy comments but I'm gonna talk about that after.
First here is a quick summary of what emotional incest is cause so far everyone I have tried to talk to about this didn't know what it was
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I think the most noticeable example of Frank going to fiona for emotional support is how he makes her raise her siblings. Throughout the whole show, Frank talks about how his kids are a consistent cause of stress for him, even goes as far to blame them for his drinking. Part of the reason he's so good with franny is because there isn't as much responsibility and grandchild 'don't expect anything' from him. He willingly unloads that work onto fiona even when she is a young child. The burden/stress should have been passed onto Monica. Since she isn't around, a lot of the time Fiona steps up. This is why I think this aspect of their relationship goes unnoticed. People accept that fiona had no choice when really Frank could have found an adult to help him like fiona goes to kev & Vee. Frank had brothers, for example, but he wanted fiona, his young daughter, instead.
Something I think is almost just as significant is Fionas' willingness to help Frank despite her obvious hate for him. In season one, Fiona is the most determined out of all her siblings to get Frank back from Canada. That, to me, shows that bringing Frank home is normal. It's part of her job as the caretaker of the house. She isn't just taking care of her siblings but also Frank. Not only does fiona get Frank back, but she trusts he will. We see this in S3 ep1 when fiona tells Debbie that 'He always comes back'. During that same scene, we find out that Frank had left fiona for almost a year when she was 9. Frank isn't dumb. He knows fiona will worry about him. By leaving her for so long, Frank doesn't just put her siblings' lives in her hands but also puts the worry of his wellbeing on her, too. Although I don't think this is him directly him leaning on her emotionally. we know Frank is happiest when he knows someone is careing/worrying for him. I find it odd that he decides to find that feeling with fiona of all people.
A scene I think about a lot is when fiona goes to comfort Frank about his mother.
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Frank doesn’t say anything. He leans into her slightly and accepts the comfort she is giving him. Typically, when Frank's parenting is criticised, he gets mad, especially if he is already emotional. Here tho when fiona says that her parents suck referring to him, he smiles. This is because it's fiona saying it to him. Frank knows he's being insulted, but there's a disconnect for him. Frank doesn't fully see himself as fionas dad. I also think it's interesting how he so easily let's fiona be motherly towards him (she's comforting in the same way she would with her younger siblings) when it's his real mum that has caused his pain to begin with. Fiona is a tool to fill different roles. In this example, it's the parental one.
A large part of what emotional incest is is the idea that the parents view the child as a like partner. This is 1000% Frank and Fiona. I've talked about how fiona takes the parental responsibility that should be Monica's, but it's Frank himself that compares the two in a different way.
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Thinking of Frank being attracted to Fiona makes me deeply uncomfortable, but I think it's a real possibility and shouldn't be pushed aside. The 'wild and dangerous' natural of monica is something Frank fell in love with. At Monica's funeral, Frank tells the story of when he fell for her. The story summed up is Monica acting 'crazy' and being naked. Saying his daughter looks like her mum isn't inherently creepy. It's normal until the 'stripper on a bender dangerous'. It's a description of the 'wild and dangerous' Frank finds so attractive. It almost sounds like a reference to how Frank and Monica fell in love if Monica was a stripper ofc. Even still then you could argue that he doesn't mean it like that. If you think about instances like in s1 ep8 where Frank tells his daughter to be 'skins' meaning she would take her top off ,it clicks as something much more unsettling.
I think the shift in their relationship started when fiona was 9 yrs old. She often brings up this age, probably because it was the most traumatic. This is the age where Frank is away for most of the year.
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The way I imagine it is that Frank comes home to find that Fiona has matured considerably. The fact that she says guys have been trying to sleep with her since she was 9 makes me think she was an early bloomer. Considering she had been solo raising her siblings for a large amount of time, she has developed emotionally, not just physically. This leads Frank to relying on her more than he would before. She's more capable, and her older appearance makes it's that little bit easier to start forming the previously mentioned disconnect with being her father.
The effects of covert incest (they could be caused by something else who knows) match up perfectly with Fiona. She has problems surrounding both physical and emotional intimacy, has a lack of self-esteem and identity, finds it hard to set and adhere to boundaries, and has a love/hate relationship with her parent. The way she leaves the show is a great example of these imo. It's her lack of identity that pushes her so deep into the caretaker role. Her desperation to look after everyone causes strain on her siblings' relationships because she can't handle boundaries. Her low self-esteem makes it easier for her to fall into alcoholism. When all these things come to a head, she leaves to find herself.
Another factor to why this lable fits their dynamic is Frank's favouritism towards Fiona. Fiona prefers Frank to Monica, and when Frank reveals he has a hidden daughter, she is upset. Nor just because Frank lied but also about that means her place is at risk of being taken. The special treatment she gets from being the favourite starts as something good but slowly fades into something more unpleasant. When she stops being daddies little girl like she's meant to Frank, he gets mad. He sabotages her relationships as if he's determined to be the only man in her life. The way Frank acts with Jimmy Steve feels more like a jealous ex than a concerned dad.
The last key thing i want to talk about is that Frank doesn't mention fiona at the end of the show. This might should be like a reach but stay with me. At the start of the show, Frank says,'Fiona, my rock, huge help. Has all the best qualities of her mother, except she's not a raging psycho bitch.' The first ever thing we find out about Fiona is that she is like her mother and has essentially taken her place. Its made to sound like they are a team. Fiona is the only one to be compared to someone else. When Frank gets over Monica's death, he gets over fiona, too. Frank has so deeply intertwined Monica and fiona that without fiona near him, she is simply forgettable. Even though fiona is Frank's favourite, he doesn't see her as her own person. She was a placeholder, and with no one to step in for, she isn't worth mentioning.
I still think I could say more about this, but I'm not risking getting everything deleted again, so I'm done. I do really fast wanna say that sometimes the parents don't realise they have such an unhealthy relationship with their kids, so for once, Frank might not know what he's doing wrong here.
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crazylittlejester · 1 month
I'd absolutely love to hear what you have to say about Time 🙃 /gen
And, I hope you are feeling well. I think you said you were dizzy? I hope that gets better 🫶
I’m feeling much better, thank you!! I hope you’re going good as well :)
Sorry this took me a whole day to type out, but I finished!! I got it!!
I have a lot more thoughts, I had to cut a lot for the sake of making it readable and not obnoxiously long so I really hope I still get my points across well 😭 , but here we go:
An Abridged Version of My Thoughts on Time (I’m Insane I’m Sorry):
Okay so I’m starting off this whole thing by saying that 100% of this is my opinion and the research I did was done specifically to back my stance (which does not make it canonical fact. You can do research to back any point. You can do research to argue against my point, even). This doesn’t make my perspective or interpretation of a character the correct one by any means, and this definitely leans towards how I personally characterize and view him and is biased in that way because I’m the one who wrote it. All of you are entitled to your own opinions, you don’t have to agree with or listen to a single thing I say. In fact if you do disagree I encourage you to reblog and share your OWN thoughts so I can read YOUR perspective! I like seeing opinions people have and I love to see how differently all of us can view the same character /gen. I just that ask if you do do this, that you be kind and respectful to myself and others :)
This entire yap, analysis, whatever you wanna call it, is my perspective on Time and my thoughts behind why I believe he acts the way he does. At some point in all this I’m specifically going to focus on how he’s acting at the end of the Dawn arc and in the more recent updates. However in order to talk about that I wanna go to the beginning and talk about his past, the environment he grew up in, his relationships with others, and how I believe that has shaped the way he functions as an adult. My apologies now for being insane, unfortunately I have no life and also a lot of thoughts, and full access to a college library full of case studies- My professors would be so proud… Hope y’all enjoy lmao
Loneliness and Isolation:
One of the first things I noticed when I started playing OOT was this divide between Link and the Kokiri. Despite the fact that none of them know he’s actually a hylian, the bullying and teasing and the way they treat him for not having a fairy feels as though they’re making him to be different from them. Even Saria and the Great Deku Tree speak to/about him in ways that make it seem that, even though they care about him, they do see him as different from the others. (Granted, Saria’s treatment of Link is likely fully an unintentional thing. She doesn’t mean to be cruel when she makes her comment about how after Link got his fairy he could be a real Kokiri because she is a child and probably didn’t think about how that would come off to a kid who’s been arguably treated as less than for not having a fairy this entire time. She’s probably aware of how upset he’s been, but they’re children and I doubt she realized her attempt at comfort potentially made Time feel worse. The Great Deku Tree, on the other hand, referring to him as ‘the boy without a fairy’ immediately makes it clear to us as the player that Link is different from the Kokiri. He knows Link is hylian, which is something the player, Link, and the Kokiri do not know at this point)
Not having a fairy like the others certainly separates Time from the Kokiri because having a fairy companion appears to be a huge deal, something everyone has in common except for him. While it isn’t really on the same scale, I imagine this feeling of not having something your friends do could be, to an extent, comparable to how it would feel if all your peers had cell phones or social media access and you did not. (BAD EXAMPLE I KNOW BUT HEAR ME OUT.) The ability to consume media at such a fast pace and share jokes and trends with peers has become something to bond over, and being outside of that ‘world’ would leave someone to feel like they’re missing out on something they couldn’t possibly understand unless they get it for themselves. When your friends all have phones and you don’t, you have to sit there awkwardly when they all pull them out to text people or look things up, even if you’re doing something that doesn’t even require being on your phone, like going to the mall or hanging out. Sure they might show you a meme or two, but you can’t show them your memes, or share things and exist in the online world the way they do. Time could see and interact with the others’ fairies but he didn’t have that for himself, and I imagine it was probably hard for him to bond with the Kokiri because of it. Even if they were just playing a game or messing around and he wasn’t even being teased for not having a fairy of his own, those other fairies were right there as a constant reminder that Time didn’t have his own companion because he was, for a reason he couldn’t understand, different
Having played Skyward Sword and the beginning of Twilight Princess and seeing how both of those Links are treated by the people around them in comparison to how the Kokiri interact with Time, it feels safe to say there’s a good possibility he felt out of place and a little isolated by his own community. The way he was seemingly blamed for the death of the Great Deku Tree after finding out the life altering information that he is different probably did nothing but cause further divide between himself and the Kokiri in his mind, if not completely sever the connection he had between himself and that community
Do I think the Kokiri completely excluded him and intentionally tried to isolate him? No, I do not. However it’s clear that Saria was his best friend and the others weren’t always the nicest to him. It’s not too far a stretch to say he probably felt very lonely at times in his childhood, more so than the average kid
The theme of isolation and loneliness continues when the timeline shenanigans happen at the end of OOT and Time is now the only one who knows what happened to him. He has absolutely nothing to show for what he physically just went through and he can tell people about it all he wants but they’ll never understand because for them it simply never happened. Once again Time is isolated from this community he finds himself a part of because he’s different from them in a way they cannot relate to, driving a wedge between him and the rest of society. And Malon and Zelda are not people who would intentionally drive him further from feeling like he can belong, but they will forever be different from him in a way none of them now have the power to control. He formed relationships with them and with other people that were then erased. He knows a version of them that doesn’t exist anymore (in the timeline he continued to live in), and he’s alone in that. There IS no fix to that problem
Attachment Styles and Development
Relationships are crucial to child development and the connections formed when we’re young impact the way we create and view our relationships in adulthood. Peer relationships are just as important as parental ones because they play a different role. While your friends are the ones who have more of an impact on things like your music tastes, interests, and sense of identity/role within your group of peers, it’s your parents/caregivers who teach you right from wrong (often religion plays a part in that as well though not always), are responsible for feeding you and helping you learn new skills as a young child. Having a secure attachment and good relationship to caregivers when you’re young really impacts how you seek comfort as an adult and how you form relationships with others. Children whose parents or caregivers responded to their distress in unpredictable ways (by offering comfort sometimes and being unable to other at times, for an example) are less likely to seek out those figures for comfort or be soothed by them when the comfort is offered. I have no idea exactly how old Time was when he was placed with the Kokiri or what his mother was like, but I feel it’s fair to say the Great Deku Tree was probably the closest thing to a parental figure/caregiver (while he was living with the Kokiri) that he has any memory of. And I also feel it’s fair to say that as the stationary tree guardian of a bunch of immortal children, it was pretty impossible for him to support all of those kids’ emotional needs
Making this assumption based solely on Navi’s role in the story and what she does for us as players of the game: I feel like the fairy companions might almost be more of a parental/caregiver like figure to the Kokiri children than the Great Deku Tree is, simply because they’re able to be around them more. Navi helps Time (and the player) find things, gives clues, and helps the player with the game controls, so inside the actual game I think it’d be fair to say she (and other fairies) have more of a hands on role in guiding these children than the Great Deku Tree. And again, Time didn’t have that, not until his adventure started. He didn’t have a fairy companion while his friends and peers did, he was on his own. He wasn’t getting that potential comfort from a reliable caregiver the others were, which I believe can be partly responsible for how determined he is to solve his own issues. (Of course personality also has a play in things like this, and as we all know the hero’s spirit is incredibly fucking stubborn.) He was taught through the failures of the ‘adult’ figures in his life that the only one who’d be there to really comfort him was him
Identity and Relationships
Apart from feeling alone and not having the same types of companionship his peers did, I firmly believe Time seriously struggled with identity issues as well. Being told he wasn’t enough for the Master Sword yet, just to then be suddenly physically several years older and expected to operate as an adult despite having less than a decade of life experience, back to being shoved into the body of a child after living through horrors and accumulating scars that are now just gone doesn’t real make for the most confident, mentally stable of people. The message he most likely took from that was “You’re not enough as you are.”
He was a hero who saved a kingdom, then forgotten when everything was set back, and then abandoned by the one person (fairy) who went through it all with him after it was all done. If he’d felt alone or isolated in his youth before all that happened, I can’t imagine how overwhelming all those emotions were after all that. He needed Navi because she’s the only one who can really validate what he went through, she was the only one who could have understood him. She was a guardian and a friend and he couldn’t figure out why she left him, which must’ve just been absolutely devastating.
He was still just a kid, with no one to talk to about these issues. (Though he sort of works through some of them on his own through helping others in Majora’s Mask. Granted that left him with new issues even if it may have helped him work through a few old ones. I think there are quite a lot of similarities between Link and Skull Kid, but that’s a yap for another day.) I can imagine that both his identity and what he was supposed to do with himself were things he questioned constantly, and building relationships with people was probably very difficult for him when he hadn’t fully worked out himself. And he didn’t really have someone to comfort him or help him figure all that out
At a certain point, I think the feeling of being alone became almost a comfort to him. It was the most reliable thing he had, he could handle things on his own and that was something he knew for fact. He learned how to deal with his emotions and issues (maybe not in the healthiest of ways in his youth), and instead of being so suffocating, the isolation became something he could CONTROL. With all the instability throughout his childhood, the fact that he could reliably be on his own without dealing with the unpredictability of others was probably a relief. He didn’t have to worry about people leaving or getting hurt because he couldn’t protect them, but that didn’t really replace the feeling of loneliness so much as sloppily cover it up
Malon and the ranch are things that have been able to give him something he hadn’t had in years, which was stability and companionship. He’s been alone and isolated or dealing with loss his entire life, but she’s able to provide him with something steady, something safe to come back to. That’s been absolutely huge for him in regards to the healing process, because not only is it said in LU that she believes him completely, she’s literally his biggest supporter. And having a sturdy location and person to come back to at the end of whatever little trips he probably continued to go off to gave him comfort while still allowing him to keep that feeling of control over himself and his life. Sure not everything is perfect all the time and relationships are things that you have to put time, effort, and patience into, but he’s allowed to have his support and his much needed feeling of control over his life at the same time while living in that scenario. She loves him, she loves him very much and I have no doubt they worked together to get him to the place of comfort he’s at now. The panels from any of the ‘Malon’ posts are really the most relaxed we’ve seen Time for long stretches of time, it’s clear he’s been able to make a safe space for himself there
And now here’s the part where I actually talk about the recent comic update(s)!!!!!!!! (Yippee!!!)
Time is a very quiet, stoic character in LU especially when compared to the others, which are qualities that pull a lot from the hero’s shade. He’s the unofficial official leader, and he’s at a point in his life where he’s been able to work on himself and form healthy relationships (not perfect ones, but healthy ones built on communication which is clearly a struggle for him still but I cannot afford to get into that this post because that’s way too much. If y’all want a yap about that, ask me later). He puts a lot of stress and pressure onto himself, because he feels as though he’s responsible for these younger heroes, even though some of them have far more experience than he does
But in addition to this, he’s absolutely terrified of caring about people, and he’s not used to working with other people in this area of his life. Because no one sticks around, and if they do, what’s stopping the timeline from resetting somehow and taking their memory of him away? He no longer has the stability and comfort that comes with being alone because he’s forced to work with other people, other heroes who are equal to him in that regard, and people are unpredictable. And with unpredictability comes loss of control
Anger is an easier emotion for a child to process, and express themself through. This is why depression in children often manifests itself as anger. Children dealing with depression have a harder time managing and controlling their anger and can come off as snappier, inattentive, and reckless (obviously this is not the same case for every single child). While he certainly isn’t a child anymore in LU, I think Time is still someone who when overwhelmed is quick to anger, but this does not mean that he’s not kind. He’s incredibly kind and caring, and you can tell he loves everyone around him so deeply even though he’s probably a bit angry at himself for letting them all worm their way into his heart because he’s going to have to let them go some day. But still, some of that snappiness comes through even in his adult years and he’s a lot harsher with the others than I believe he intends to be. He’s not genuinely angry at them, he’s mad at the situation they’re in right now because he’s no longer responsible for just himself. He doesn’t have control anymore, and he’s probably back to feeling like a scared child who might be about to lose everyone again and he hates that
Twilight got hurt and he blames himself for it. He’s in an unfamiliar situation with people he cares a lot about who are all just as reckless and determined as he is, and he has absolutely no idea what to do with himself because in his mind if he lets something happen to one of these boys, that’s on him and he should’ve done better
Ough (A Continuation of ‘Isolation’)
In a way Time exists on a different level of the timeline. He retained memories of things that no longer exist, and he’s witnessed the rewritting of time over and over again. The timeline he was born in may no longer be the one he exists in, though it certainly branched from that original one. He has knowledge and memories of relationships that are real to only him in the timeline where he lives, and I would argue that because of this, he lives outside of society
Now this genuinely has nothing to do with anything I just wanna yap about something because The Voices, and it’s gonna be a fucking reach but if you’ve stayed this long you must find something appealing about my incoherent rambling so allow me to draw a genuinely insane comparison between Time and his existence in society and ‘The Lady of Shallot’, written in 1832 by a poet by the name of Alfred Tennyson. If you have no idea what this is, it’s incredibly short and easy to find with a quick google search, and I encourage you to read it. But for those of you who didn’t sign up for a poetry assignment today I’ll summarize
The Lady of Shallot is cursed to stay in a tower away from the rest of society and she’s unable to look upon Camelot with her own eyes, because something bad will happen if she does though she has no idea what. Day after day she creates these tapestries of what she sees of the society behind her through a mirror. She’s unable to look at it with her own eyes so what she creates is unable to perfectly reflect what it is the world has to offer. And she’s absolutely sick of it, she sees happy people wandering down below, knights riding through, she sees through her mirror what life is like for those within society and she wants to join them. She sees a beautiful man one day (Lancelot) and decides the curse is worth it, just for a chance to leave her tower, so she turns around and sees Camelot with her own eyes. She leaves her tower and goes to join society but by the time she gets there she’s dead
Now one of the meanings hidden within this is how artists are almost outside of society and that is how they are able to so accurately depict it, and that joining society and being ‘normal’ would make them unable to keep their unique perspective that isolation provides. But I’m going to be crazy here and draw parallels to a video game character because I CAN
Time exists outside of society and is isolated from every community he tries to be a part of because the differences between him and the Kokiri/normal hylian are so significant he feels like he doesn’t belong there. Despite having built his sense of identity back up, he still, to an extent, feels like an outsider. The things he’s been through separate him from being able to just be a normal guy, and he craves so badly to be part of a community he’s almost convinced himself he CANNOT join. The chain (and Malon, but mainly the other heroes) help him have something to connect to, because while they may not have the exact same experience they understand him more than anyone else ever could. He then tries to join society, something happens, and he dies a warrior full of regrets
Is it a reach? Yeah. But I like the poem and I can’t stop thinking about the parallels (that I’ve probably completely fucking made up at this point) every time I think too long about Time and it makes me claw at the dry wall and scream. I’m so normal…
Anyways, *weak cough* thanks for reading, if you did. It means a lot that you’ve supported my insanity. I hope this is coherent-
Thanks Emmie for reading through this for me 😭, and special shoutout to every single one of you who sent me asks yesterday to remind me to write this I love you all sm actually:
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@trash-aged-like-fine-wine @rebornofstars @blueskybehindtheclouds @captainn-hook @ghosttoasts
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starcurtain · 27 days
Hii!! I saw your fact checking myths about aventurine and the ipc and I agree with your takes definitely. One thing I want to add is that I do believe Aventurine is owned by the ipc (under a legal binding contract) and even if he gets "kicked" out of Stonehearts, the ipc has some form of ownership over him. Especially since in the jade scene he seems to be willing to lay down his life to the ipc for his goals and the ipc are known for lifetime contracts mentioned by some npc and topaz. I've seen a lot of people compare him to a sugar daddy or with the genshin character childe as both being "rich" . This might be my lawyer brain coming in but I'm pretty sure anything aventurine owns is not actually his but belongs to the ipc. For example aventurine could buy himself an apartment under his name and he could be the sole owner of that said apartment but if ipc had a contract where aventurine's life is essentially theirs then that apartment actually belongs to them. Obviously it is down to specifc terms and conditions, he is more so a corporate slave than what he was before but I think the contract is very detrimenting to him. They provide aventurine with money and goods but it's a false sense of wealth he never actually truly owns. I think when aventurine mentions many times he has nothing left he means it metaphorically and literally as well. If the ipc wish they could strip him bare of any goods he "owns' because he is their property just as much as whatever he buys for himself is. This is one of the reasons why I think leaving the ipc is something he doesn't want yet because essentially he would have nothing and no one to turn to (there is ratio obviously but we know how self destructive and insecure aventurine is so he would never want to be a burden to the doctor). But anyway these are my thoughts on this i wanted to share.
Thank you for your message; I'm glad you enjoyed the original post!
As I mentioned elsewhere, I definitely think everyone should hold tight to their headcanons and enjoy their own versions of the story to the fullest. There's no wrong way to enjoy a game's story!
For me, I just get a little obsessive over having evidence from canon. I'm just the type who reads too much into the tiny lore details in every readable in the game all the time. I love to take every detail we know from canon and weave it into my personal headcanons.
I definitely think it's fine and logical to feel like Aventurine might have a life-time contract with the IPC. I don't think he could just leave his job if he felt like it, definitely not!
But for me, I worry that people choosing to view Aventurine as a corporate slave might be... minimizing his active role in being an IPC employee? Like, I think that with Topaz and Aventurine in particular, people want them very much to be good guys. They don't want to think of Topaz or Aventurine willingly doing the things that we see other IPC members doing, like manipulating people, cheating people, or just in general being kind of awful (RIP Skott, I'll be your fan if no one else will!!).
If we say that Aventurine is a slave of the IPC and that he doesn't own the riches he's surrounded with, then we're creating a barrier between him and the IPC's behavior--he isn't like them, he's just doing these things because he has to. He's not a hedonist; that wealth doesn't even actually belong to him, it's just the IPC's tool to control him. This makes Aventurine out to be someone who is "forced to be bad" and morally separates him from the mindless money-hoarding mindset of the IPC. To me, I just don't personally think this is how the story intends Aventurine to be viewed.
As I see it, Aventurine is very much a morally grey character who, although initially setting out to do something virtuous, lost his noble motivation along the way when he discovered his people, who he was trying to save, had all been wiped out. Losing the central motivation that was driving his decision-making left him utterly adrift, with no reason to keep on living, to cling to his morals, or to even care about who was taking advantage of him.
Personally, I don't view Aventurine as a slave of the IPC. Instead, I would argue that he is a slave of destiny--the destiny that told him he was a "chosen one," that he would lead his people to safety, that proved time and again that he alone would always, always be the final victor... He chased that destiny by gambling his own life--only to be entirely too late, leaving him with absolutely no reason to keep living, something the IPC was merely happy to capitalize on. And Aventurine allowed that.
Pre-Penacony, Aventurine's connection to the IPC was a symbiotic relationship--the IPC gave Aventurine opportunities to try to kill himself (which is what he wanted, not them) and they gained from him when fate continually failed to let him die. He allowed himself to be knowingly exploited and took an active role in generating wealth for the IPC/furthering their agenda.
He's an IPC employee, not a slave. This is just my personal understanding of the character, but I think Aventurine's morally grey nature and his willingness to allow himself to be taken advantage of for evil means is an important aspect of his character. To me, that absolute despair with the world, that complete sense of purposeless that he felt, which made him no longer care who exploited him or what they used his power to do, is a central facet of his character arc.
Aventurine's arc in Penacony involved, very literally, being confronted by the "future" his own actions were hurtling him toward, and having to choose between the nihilism of that future and the true freedom represented by accepting his "past." And he chose the past--he chose to reaffirm his faith in Gaiathra, embrace the pain of what happened to his family, and seek new meaning by finally recognizing his own life's value.
It's important that the "enemy" Aventurine fought in his 2.1 character story was himself.
(Sorry that was mega-long. I am very passionate about Aventurine's self-destructive behavior, apparently.)
Just in general though, I think there might be some canon hints that sort of dispute the idea that Aventurine has a lifetime contract like Topaz's.
For one, Sigonia-IV didn't join the IPC in the same way Topaz's planet did. They maintained a clear "Sigonian Sovereignty" and are allowed to make decisions on their people's behalf. We're not told that anyone from Sigonia has been forced into contracts with the IPC like Topaz's planet was, and while Aventurine did brush up against the IPC queen of deals, Jade, I don't think his encounter with her counts as a formal "Bonajade Exchange" because his goal and hers were the same from the beginning. He wanted in to the IPC, and she wanted to get him in. There was no cost or soul contract to be signed because it was a win for everyone from the start.
There's also multiple hints throughout the game that Topaz's lifelong contract is odd and not something that most people--even from her own planet--actually signed on to. Other members of the IPC are surprised to hear about it and act as if it not a standard IPC thing.
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I definitely agree that Aventurine probably cannot just quit his job because he's part of one of the highest up teams in the shady evil mega-corporation, but I don't think he's in the same situation as Topaz, who the game tells us is pretty unique.
As for Aventurine's money and material possessions not being his... I'm sorryyyy, I just don't think this is the case. He a highly-ranked member of the richest corporation in the world. There's no way he doesn't get a well-earned, very high salary. He buys his jewels, fancy watches, and expensive perfume with his own paychecks, I can almost guarantee.
I don't disagree that money and material wealth is a way to manipulate people though! By giving him the cushy, comfortable life of luxury he never had before, the IPC is definitely creating a situation in which no one would want to leave and give up on all that money and power, for sure.
But I just don't think we have any evidence in-game that Aventurine doesn't have control of his own finances or doesn't own the items that he buys.
When he says "I have nothing," I do agree that he means this both metaphorically and literally, but I think the "literal" point is that wealth and material objects are completely pointless to him because he has no one to share them with. They can't benefit his family or his people because none of the Avgin are left. What is the point of having a beautiful home if you have no one left to live with? What is the point of being able to buy the most exquisite food in the universe if you have no one of value left to feed?
To me, the idea that Aventurine doesn't have any control of even his material items or money feels like a popular fanon take. People love to imagine their favorite in the scary or angsty situation of having everything taken away from him! (Which, hey, I don't mind this kind of angst either, to be honest! 😂)
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warriorofyapping · 2 months
Talking to everyone during the Shadowbringers quest killed me so I must talk about it
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Seeing the way Alisaie has come to depend on the Warrior of Light compared to how she was in the beginning genuinely makes me so emotional. She was so closed off, so cold, but as time passed, she began to open up more to them, to rely on them and hope for them to rely on her as well. Over their time together, they have formed such a strong bond, she depends on the WoL and wants nothing more than to be there for them, to save them, to stay with them. Whether you view their bond as parent & child or siblings, there is no doubt that they have formed a strong familial bond over their time together.
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This fucking kid...oh my god, man. I've talked about it before, his character development and such, but I love how often we get to see evidence of it through the story. His admiration for the WoL, the way he looks up to them for being able to do what he had tried to do, is sweet in a way. He trusts them so much, he's so confident in their abilities, he believes without a doubt that they can achieve the goals he had wanted to do himself, and he wants to experience it all at their side. He wants to stay with them, to travel with them, to watch them change the world for the better and reach even greater heights. Just like I said with his sister, whether you view their bond as parent & child or siblings, there is no doubt that they have formed a strong familial bond over their time together. It's nice to see how close they've gotten, how much he admires them.
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God, Urianger. It makes sense for the first thing for him to bring up being how they need to defeat Emet-Selch, that's just the kind of person he is. He then brings up the Exarch, G'raha, and speaks of how, even though he asked him to make the auracite, he had planned to make it no matter what, and that's telling in and of itself. Because of course he believe the Warrior of Light will win, he always has, he always will. He doesn't even have to second guess anything because he knows in his heart that they will succeed. They're strong enough, they will not fall, and he wants to experience their success at their side. No matter how many times he "messes up", he only wants to be able to stay by their side. He uses the fact that he wants to attain the Exarch's goal of the WoL achieving happiness as an excuse, but they both know he doesn't need an excuse. No matter what, the WoL always welcomes him by their side, and he is ever grateful for this, and I think that's fucking beautiful. (I genuinely think he's kinda in love with the WoL but that's not what this is about)
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Oh Y'shtola, how I love you. Maybe I'm just oblivious to it, but it never really seems like she's as open with her feelings and such as Alphinaud, Alisaie, and Urianger can be. She's not as bad as Thancred can be, but she still doesn't really open up despite the opportunities being there, so this felt like such a big thing to me. She admits to the WoL that they helped her stay true to herself despite all that has happened. She wants to help them do the same, to help them stay true to themself, to not allow anyone to skew them from their path, not even their fellow Scions. It's sweet, in a way, and it makes me happy to see. She doesn't want to influence their decision making, so she simply tells them to stay true to their heart, and then she just walks away. Sweet and funny, maybe.
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God I love this fucking dork and his jokes. It's only one, but it's so....him. And then, in a turn of events, he takes the initiative to be vulnerable with the WoL, to be "sentimental" as he puts it, something he almost never does. He always tries to be the cheerful one and when he doesn't have the energy for it, he's 'stoic' and quiet, so him taking the initiative like this is a big deal for him. Of course, he's still Thancred and so expressing his thanks for everything the WoL has done for him is hard, but that doesn't mean he doesn't still voice how grateful he is, even if it isn't in a lot of words. Instead, he promises to show his thanks by staying by their side, guarding their back and going with them wherever they go, protecting him as well as he possibly can. He's always been big on protecting the people around him, but he wants to do more for the WoL, to be right there by their side, and it's such a nice thing to see compared to how he would be in the past.
I'm reblogging for Ryne's portion of this post.
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inkyarcturus · 4 months
I headcanon that Harry feels bittersweet every time an adult in his life compares him to one of his parents.
It’s a constant reminder of what he is permanently missing in his life, a permanent haunting of everything everyone expects him to be. Imagine every other person in your life having this reference that they just constantly see imprinted on top of you that you have no frame of reference as to what it even looks like.
This poor boy knows nothing about his parents and then suddenly at age 11 he’s thrown into this new world where every other person screams, “YOU LOOK JUST LIKE YOUR FATHER!, “YOU HAVE YOUR MOTHERS EYES!” That would be bad enough but then he has adults just deciding to put more salt in the wound by comparing his personality and interests to them as well.
On one hand he’s grateful to finally be able to learn about his parents, on the other he is his own person dammit. His own person who, as a child, lost his parents!!! And will never!!! Talk to them!!! Every mention of them is just making him re-experience the grief of his parents and what his life could have been.
Connecting this to severitus (let me talk my shit again /ref) I see far too often in fanfics that once Severus comes to terms with the fact that Harry isn’t a direct replica of James, he turns to viewing Harry as a mirror of Lily.
Which while I love to see more Lily mentions especially in comparison to Harry as the canon books didn’t (and the fandom barely mentions her) at its core, taking this approach does not treat Harry as his own individual character. I just want one fanfic where Harry says “no, fuck you, I’m my own person dammit!”
Harry’s essentially had his entire life controlled by other people’s expectations on what he should do- and I just need him to go crazy and actually figure out what he wants to do- AND DO IT!!!
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tasteleeknow-remade · 2 years
— given
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pairing: jisung x fem!reader genre: smut, angst, succubus!reader, switch!jisung. content: 18+ minors dni. warnings below cut. word count: 4.5k
summary: you seduced them and took their souls, damning them to a tortured afterlife. you weren’t used to them begging for it. 
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a/n: my first jisung attempt. let me know what you think!
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afab!reader. unprotected intercourse. profanity. dark themes (reader uses supernatural abilities to seduce ppl). possessive behaviour. obsessive behaviour.
You only used one hunting ground for a few months at a time, not wanting to draw attention to yourself. Your newest—a small family owned cafe in a busy part of town—was different. You’d formed an attachment. Many of your kind preferred hunting at night, rotating through clubs and bars in each city they visited. You liked your prey sober. 
There was no moral code to what you were destined to do; no rule book guiding who should have their souls stolen and who should be allowed to continue on intact. You made your own rules. You could sense it, when they deserved it—when there was something rotten deep within them. You’d let them think you wanted them, that you liked when they fucked you. You did in a way—you liked feeling a small part of them transfer to you. The orgasms they desperately sought couldn't compare to the ecstasy you felt in that moment. They wouldn’t know it was gone, continuing on with their mundane little lives—unaware you owned them. When it was their time to pass on, they’d stumble into the darkness—yours to play with until you’d drained them completely. Then they were nothing.
Everyday you sat in your corner of the cafe and watched them rush about—always somewhere to be. Most days you left them alone. Most weren’t rotten enough. Many had something near the surface a little rancid, the potential to be cruel. But few were truly rotten at their core, unworthy of a chance to redeem themselves. You’d sense them as soon as they entered the door, the small bell ringing as it swung shut behind him. They often walked with their heads held high, many of them powerful in their own puny little human way. Their rotten cores would often be the tools they used to obtain that power—crushing everyone around them until they were standing on a pile of trodden souls. 
It wouldn’t take much to lure them, you had an easy job. You’d bump into them as you walked past, stumble a little and look into their eyes. You had an on and off switch, fortunately. It would be hard to camouflage into your corner otherwise. With it on they would succumb instantly, their eyes consumed with lust. Sometimes you’d see the confusion in the brighter ones, a second of suspicion at the unnatural urges that consumed them. They’d always give in. They couldn’t resist. You’d keep the part of them you stole tucked away, a little token to redeem when they died. They’d forget you until then. Once you’d turned the switch off you were invisible to them again—allowing you to resume your hunt without disturbance. 
Today was as ordinary as any other, no one worth your time entering all morning. You watch a small child pick at a muffin nearly as big as his face. He looks back at you, big eyes offering you a clear view into his unadulterated soul. They could all see you, the small ones. You press your finger to your lips, signalling the secret you both shared in the bustling cafe. 
The child picks up his muffin, opening his mouth as wide as he can to take a bite. “Excuse me?” You look up at a man standing at your small corner table. He looks directly into your eyes. He shouldn’t be able to do that. “I don’t want to disturb you, are you busy?” he asks, as if you weren’t a creature capable of consuming his soul. If he hadn’t walked up to you so casually you would hardly have noticed him. He was pretty, and if you were a human woman perhaps a boy as pretty as him approaching you in a cafe would make you blush—but you weren’t. So you keep a blank expression as you look into his eyes and gather everything you need to know: he isn’t your type. His soul was light and pure and you had no interest in dooming him to a tortured afterlife. 
“I am,” you answer, maintaining a neutral expression on your face. You had no idea how he could see you. It had never happened before, but perhaps something had gone wrong—he’d never aged out of his childhood ability to perceive your kind. 
“Oh,” his expression drops at your blunt response, “I won’t bother you then. Have a nice day.” He offers you a small smile before taking a small step back and then turning to leave. You watch him until he’s out the door and well out of your line of sight. Strange. A blueberry bounces across your table. You look up to the small child with the large muffin. He grins at you. You pick the berry from the table and pop it in your mouth. You couldn’t remember the last time you ate. Not such an ordinary day, after all. 
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The man is back the next day. You watch as he glances your way while in line for his coffee, while he orders, and again on his way to the door. You're prepared for it when he pauses just before he exits the cafe and walks over to you instead, coffee cup in hand. 
“Hello, again,” he says, a nervous smile on his face. 
“Hello,” you answer, as blunt as you’d been the day before. He places the cup down on your small table then reaches into his pocket to fish out a phone. You hated those things, they gave you headaches. 
“I don’t think I introduced myself yesterday, I’m Jisung.” He says before pausing—clearly expecting a response. You say nothing. He clears his throat before continuing, “I was wondering…if maybe I could get your number? I know it’s strange, I really—I really have never seen anyone as beautiful as you before. I couldn’t get you out of my head. I was…I was hoping you’d be here again,” he stammers out, clearly not the type to approach strangers in this way. 
Beautiful? Your switch was off. He wasn’t even supposed to be able to see you. You look around the cafe. No one was looking at you. A man at the counter was stirring sugar into his coffee, briefcase under his arm. You stand, moving past the flustered man in front of you to the man at the counter. You brush against him, trying your usual routine. Nothing. You look back to the man still hovering at your table, eyes fixed on you across the cafe. You march over to him. 
“What are you?” 
“I’m sorry?” he asks, brows drawing together. 
“I don’t sense anything off about you; you seem human. Are you something I haven’t seen before?” 
“I—” You grab his hand, his mouth closing as your skin touches his. You close your eyes, contentrating. You didn’t usually have to touch them. Looking at them was enough. If you really wanted a good appraisal, their eyes were a window. 
This wasn’t something you were used to—not knowing. The light at his centre pulsed through you from where your hands touched. That was strange. You didn’t usually feel a physical sensation. Still, clearly there was something off about him that was outside your ability to detect because all you gathered was that he was good and he was human. That’s it. You drop his hand, opening your eyes again. His lips had parted slightly, brows raised. 
“Did you feel that?” he breathes, voice barely audible in the bustling cafe. 
“When you touched me,” he says, voice louder this time, “it was like…it went through my whole body—a spark…or something.” 
You take a small step back. God, you were going to have to leave the cafe behind—find a new hunting ground. Whatever this was, it couldn’t be good. You turn to leave, marching to the door and swinging it open. 
“Wait!” he shouts as the door swings shut behind you.
You keep walking, making your way down the street quickly. “Leave. You don’t want to know me,” you demand, speaking to the man keeping pace beside you. 
“I do,” he insists, “I really do. Please, just wait a second.” 
You stop abruptly, turning to face him. He’s panting a little. So delicate. “I just asked you if you’re human and told you to stay away from me for your own good—and you want to know me?” 
“Did you not feel it? The spark,” his eyes sparkle, a hint of excitement he can’t contain. His curiosity would get him in trouble. 
“If you knew who I am…what I've done—you’d be running as fast as you could. Do you hear me? You don’t want me. You want to run.” 
“Will you be here tomorrow?” 
You look to the heavens, collecting yourself before you lose your temper. He doesn’t deserve it. Even if he was a fool. “No. I won’t be here again,” you finally say, resigning yourself to the fact you’d have to be the one to stay away. 
“I’ll wait for you,” he says, eyes still sparkling.  
“Are you hearing anything I’m saying? I’m not coming here again.” 
“I’ll wait.” 
You turn with a huff, marching down the street until you’re out of his sight before disappartating—off to play with your tortured souls. 
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You’d spent the week searching for a place to compete with your cafe, your irritation rising as the days passed—nothing compared. You’d stumbled across a perfectly rotten soul on the street, offering you distraction for a few hours. By the time you’d released him—sliver of soul tucked away in your collection—you had calmed. The rain helped. The feeling of it against your skin soothed you. There was no rain where you were from. You wander the streets, satiated for the time being. It isn’t until you’re directly across the street from your cafe that you realise you’d been subconsciously heading in it’s direction. The rain had soaked you through, hair sticking to the sides of your face. The cafe door opens, a large yellow umbrella masking the human exiting. They cross the street, heading in your direction. When the umbrella lifts, revealing the man underneath, you roll your eyes. Gods. It was him. What was his name? Jisung.
‘You came back,” he says as he holds the umbrella over you—a wide smile on his face. 
You say nothing, looking into his eyes again. Still human. Still good. 
“You’re soaked,” he mutters, stating the obvious. 
“I want my cafe back.” 
He looks back across the street, then to you again. “You own it?” 
“Something like that,” you answer, unwilling to engage him in conversation for any longer than necessary. His brows furrow, head tilting a little in question. You sigh, he was lucky you’d stumbled upon the rotten soul earlier—if you were in a bad mood you might’ve decided to deal with him the easy way. “I would like you to leave my cafe and never come back. I don’t want to see you again.” 
“Because you’re getting in the way.”
“Of what?” 
He takes a small step closer to you, eyes flicking across your face. “You feel it too, don’t you? Don’t you want to know what it is—what we are?” He shuffles even closer, his bright yellow umbrella held up over you both. His hand lifts to hover over the hair stuck to your forehead—hesitating for a second. When you don’t react, he continues. The moment his fingers brush against your skin, a puff of air leaves him in a soft gasp. “There,” he whispers, “Did you feel it?” 
The brightness pouring from his eyes overwhelms you. You’re so used to only touching the ones with rotten cores. Even back when you didn’t discriminate, preying on whoever crossed your path, you’d never stumbled across a soul this light. 
“Does it feel good to you? Does it not feel like death?” you question curiosity getting the better of you as your eyes flick across his face—attempting to detect any discomfort. When you didn't flick the switch that made you irresistible to them, they wouldn’t merely ignore you—it was like they were slightly repulsed. Flickers of unease would appear in their expressions as you brushed past them. 
“It feels like life,” he corrects, voice breathy. 
You take a step back, the umbrella following you—sheltering you from the rain. It was an inconvenience to them, the rain. They took it for granted. “I’m not life. I am eternal death. Don’t come back here again,” you comand, pressing all your pent up frustration into your voice. His lips part, preparing to speak—argue. “This is your final warning,” you finish. 
You disapparate right there, leaving him alone under the yellow umbrella. 
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You avoid your cafe as long as you can stand. Months, it’d been months. Wandering the city was making you restless, unsettled. You missed your routine. Jisung was ever present in your mind, his shining eyes burned into your retinas—the final look on his face just before you’d left him standing under his umbrella alone. You could find him, if you wanted. Even if he’d stopped showing up at your cafe, once you’d had a taste of them—which you’d done when you’d taken his hand the first time—you could track them anywhere. Not that you wanted to. You wanted him gone. 
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You find yourself in his home that night, wandering through his darkened apartment—picking up and inspecting his belongings. Perhaps he’d come across an item that he shouldn’t have. They’d do that sometimes—humans. Come across an object that would affect them without their knowledge, influencing their weak minds. You’d let those ones go, the rot within them was easily cured with a sweep of their homes. Whatever item Jisung must’ve come across must be having some other strange effect on him. Instead of rotting his soul it was making him vulnerable to your kind, attracted to you when he shouldn’t be. 
You were thorough in your search—irritation building with each mundane item you’d inspect. There was only one room left. You could sense him in there, asleep you assumed. You should check…for objects. You disapparate and reappear in his bedroom, saving you from having to creak the door open. He was asleep, mouth slightly open. You wonder what he dreams about. Unfortunately your kind couldn’t visit them there. 
You lift a small notebook from his bedside table. It was mundane. You hesitate as you go to put it back, opting to flick through it briefly instead. It was full of scribbles—poems? lyrics? You liked human music. Music and rain. One of the reasons you’d become so attached to the cafe was the music that would play throughout the day. It was like whoever chose the songs were catering to your tastes specifically. 
“You’re here,” his sleepy voice startles you and you drop the small notebook to the floor. He pulls himself into a sitting position as you bend to collect it. He’s far too calm for someone who’d just woken in the night to find someone standing at his bedside. Someone inhuman at that. 
“I shouldn’t be,” you mutter as you place the book gently back where it belonged. He reaches over to flick on a lamp, the soft light making you feel exposed. You’re unused to being perceived in this form. “Aren’t you afraid? You haven’t even asked what I am.” 
“I told you, I feel you. I don’t know what you are but I feel you—and I’m not afraid.” 
“I collect souls,” you confess, keeping eye contact to monitor his reaction, “I seduce people, collect their souls by bringing them to their highs and when they die I consume them completely.” 
“Why do you humans eat? Why do you fuck?” 
“No, I mean why do you take the ones you do? Why haven’t you taken mine?” 
“You aren’t…right. You aren’t my type.” 
The corner of his mouth pulls up slightly, “That’s a shame.” 
“No, it’s not. You don’t want to be my type.” 
“What if I do?”
“Then you’re a fool.” 
He throws the blankets off himself, revealing his nakedness. You’re unfazed. “I think I am your type,” he says, apparently equally unfazed. “Appearing in my room in the middle of the night is a little suspicious.” 
“I was searching for something. I’m trying to get rid of you.” 
He reaches to take your hand, pulling you down to sit at the edge of the bed. He keeps a hold of you, a steady thrum pulsing between where your skin touched his. “You’re doing a terrible job,” he whispers through a smile.
“You don’t want me,” you insist. 
“I do,” he answers quickly, hand tightening where he grasps yours.  
“I don’t know if I can help it, dooming you. I’ve never fucked anyone without taking a part of them.” 
“That’s okay. I think you’re meant to have it, a part of me.” 
You look into his eyes again, desperate to understand. “What are you?” you whisper, knowing it was futile to ask. 
“Yours,” he whispers back before leaning forward to press his lips to yours. The thrum of energy between you heightens, overwhelming you. You gasp into his mouth. “Knew you felt it, too,” he mutters, “knew it.” 
You push him back onto the bed, straddling him with your hands on his bare chest. “Tell me you're sure. Tell me you understand what you’re giving me—that I can’t give it back.”
“Please,” he breathes, eyes locked on yours, “take it.” 
You lean down to attach your mouth to his again, pulling his full lower lip gently between your teeth. You tangle your fingers in his hair, holding him still so you can taste him as long as you want. He’s like nothing you’ve had before. Sweet and light, no rotten aftertaste. He whines into your mouth as you slip your tongue between his lips. The steady thrum between you makes you feel like your whole body is tingling slightly. You detach yourself briefly to rip your dress over your head, take the opportunity to take in his wet lips and blissed out expression. You roll your hips against him and then your mouth is on his again. 
“I’m dreaming…” he murmurs into your mouth, “dreaming…” 
“You’re awake,” you reassure him, your practised soothing, seductive tones making an appearance, “I’ve got you.” 
“D-Do you feel it?” he stammers, trembling beneath you. 
“Mm, I feel it. I feel you.” 
He wraps his arms around you, pulling you down onto him completely. His legs tangle with yours as he kisses you. With each new place your bodies touch, the tingling intensifies. You struggle to concentrate like you usually do—focused on getting them to their highs so you could get yours. That isn’t the goal here—to get to that high when you take a part of them. In fact, you want to avoid it. You’re out of your depth. 
You climb off him quickly, scrambling off the bed. He reaches for you as you stand, fingers brushing the inside of your wrist as you slip away—too fast for him to catch. “Where—where are you going?” he sputters, pulling himself up to follow you across the room. You rest your forehead against the wall, attempting to collect your thoughts. His hand brushes your arm and you quickly pull away—desperate for a clear head. “What’s wrong?” His soft voice makes it impossible. You turn to look at him. His lips are swollen, cheeks flushed—his hair falls into his eyes. You reach to brush it off his face a little, a shiver running through his whole body when your fingers brush his skin. 
“I don’t think I can do this.” 
His eyes widen a little, lightness pouring out of them. You hold your breath. “Please,” he begs, “don’t leave me again.” 
“You’re begging me to damn you.” 
“No, no. I’m—I’m begging you to let me have you.”
“I don’t give. I can’t let you have me. I only take. I’ll take something from you and I’ll keep it and then when you die I’ll own you for eternity. You get nothing.” 
“Okay. I said okay. I understand and I want you to have it. I need you to take it.” He falls to his knees. “Please.” He presses his lips to your thigh, leaving little wet patches on your skin as he peppers you with small kisses. He mutters as he goes, “please…want to be yours…please…” You tangle your fingers in his hair as his mouth makes a path towards your clothed centre. His hands grip the backs of your thighs as he works. When he reaches the hem of your underwear you expect him to stop, to pull back and look up at you with those eyes. He doesn’t. His hands move to spread your thighs gently and then he pulls your underwear aside. You suck in a breath, the cool air against your wet cunt combined with the tingling from his touch sends a shiver up your spine. He slides one curious finger through your folds then brings it to his lips. You watch him wrap his plump lips around his finger then he’s touching you again—finger stroking you gently until you’re struggling not to clamp your thighs together. You pull his head back by his hair, his eyes hooded as he gazes up at you. 
“On the bed,” you instruct, releasing him. You rest your head back against the wall, closing your eyes as he rushes to follow your order. You take a deep breath then lift your head, making your way over to him quickly—sliding your underwear down your legs as you go. He’s on his back, hand sliding slowly down his hard cock. You stop him, taking his wrist and guiding his hand to your breast as you settle yourself over him. Your wet cunt is pressed to his lower stomach as you hold most of your weight off him—rolling your hips to seek a little friction. “You want me to take, hm?” you mutter as you grind your cunt against him. “Want me to use you?” 
You watch his face as you roll your hips. He holds his bottom lip between his teeth, eyes hooded—chest rising and falling erratically. You lift yourself slightly and shuffle back a little before lowering yourself to grind against the underside of his cock—pressing it down onto his stomach. A whine escapes his lips. You don’t blame him. Everything is heightened with the constant thrum of energy that connects you both. You wet his cock as he slides through your folds, his hips jumping off the bed each time you slide up to the sensitive spot near his tip. 
“Angel,” he mutters, hooded eyes locked on your face. A breathy laugh escapes you at the term of endearment. He couldn’t be more off the mark. You don’t correct him, leaning down to press your lips to his instead. “Mine,” he murmurs into your mouth. 
“That’s not how this works,” you correct him as you resume your grinding, “you belong to me, remember? Forever.” He groans as he throws his head back, eyes squeezed shut. 
“Fuck, please….please.” 
“Look at me. Look at me while I fuck you.” 
He takes a few shallow breaths then his glassy eyes meet yours. His lips are swollen from your gentle nibbling. You maintain eye contact as you lift yourself enough to guide his tip to your opening, pressing yourself down onto him as slowly as you can. You get half way down before a shiver spreads through your whole body, taking any remaining strength from your thighs. You fall down onto him completely—his cock stuffing you full. Jisung mumbles something underneath you, too quiet for you to make out.
“Hm?” you prompt, hips still as you relish in the feeling of him filling you—the constant thrum between you more intense than it’s ever been. 
“Warm,” he mumbles again, just clear enough for you to understand, “so warm…and tight.” You clench around him, prompting another pretty whine from his full lips. “Wet,” he continues again, muttering to himself as you begin rising and lowering yourself—rolling your hips a little as you go. You’re transfixed by the expression on his face as you fuck him, totally fucking blissed out. You were used to expressions of lust and bliss—but on him? He looked like he’d never recover—like his brain was being wiped of everything but this moment.
“Is that nice?” you ask, wanting to hear him say it. 
His eyes flicker open, unfocused for a moment before they find yours. “Angel,” is all he says, like he hadn’t processed your question at all. You lift yourself off him, laying yourself down on your stomach beside him. His head turns to watch you, his breathing heavy. 
“Fuck me,” you whisper, lifting your hips off the bed as you offer yourself to him. He blinks twice slowly then he's moving quickly, clambering to position himself above you. He pushes himself into you from behind—body pressing you down into the mattress. He pants into your shoulder, already so worked up that he immediately begins to rut into you desperately. “Give it to me,” you encourage—referencing his soul, “gonna keep you.” 
He groans as he speeds up, hand coming to grip you around your throat. “Tell me you’re mine,” he grunts, mouth pressing to your skin. 
“I told you, I don’t give.” 
“Please,” he pleads, his thrusts erratic, “please just say it.” 
You focus on the feeling of him inside you, the warmth both from his cock and from the thrum of his light core spreading through you. You want to keep him. You want to keep him in a way unlike the others. You don’t want to consume him, you want to tuck him away and keep him with you forever. 
“Yours,” you breathe, just loud enough for him to hear. His low groan fills your ear as he stills, burying himself deep inside you. You see light. Buzzing fills your head as you hit a high. You were expecting to feel what you usually did when they finished, when you took that small piece of them. This was more than that. Your mind blanks completely as you feel something come apart deep within you, replaced with the little piece you take from the man inside you. When your mind clears, his heavy weight presses you into the mattress—his hot breath tickling your skin as he breathes heavily. He took something from you…or—you gave something? You felt it leave you. He rolls off you and you turn to lie on your side, your faces a breath apart on the pillow you share. 
“Did you feel it?” he says quickly, attempting to catch his breath.
“I—” you stop yourself, struggling for words for the first time in your long, long life. His lips brush yours as he closes the gap between you. “What are you?” you breathe, another futile attempt to decipher him. 
“Yours,” he whispers, smiling against your lips. 
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daffodildelight · 2 years
Animagus (Part One) | Ominis Gaunt x Reader
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Title: Animagus (Part One)
Pairing: Ominis Gaunt x fem!reader
Summary: The end of year ball is coming up and you have hidden feelings for Ominis
Themes/Warnings: fluff, mutual pining, insecurities
Word count: 2450sh
A/N: No spoilers for Hogwarts Legacy. The story line for Hogwarts Legacy doesn’t really exist in this one-shot.  
Growing up in a pure-blooded family is quite challenging when you have different political views compared to everyone else. Especially when it comes to blood status, having different beliefs and voicing them in front of a pureblooded family will give you a one-way ticket to abuse. Mentally and physically. I’ve seen it happen to my cousin first-hand, left for dead on an abandoned street corner then endlessly stalked and ridiculed for the rest of her life.
Luckily I learnt my lesson quickly after my parents used the crustaceous curse on me when I was 5 after I tried to make friends with the muggle kids at the end of the culdesac. Even with the worst pain of my life, I never changed my beliefs.
For the first 11 years of my life, I was completely alone. Anyone who comes into the Crouch house was of pure blood with the same ideologies as everyone else. The only friends I was allowed to make were ones from a prestigious line. Unfortunately for me, every child was stuck up so making friends was very hard. But once I had received my letter from Hogwarts I knew my life would change.
Along with everyone else in my family, I was sorted into Slytherin. I received a letter of praise from my parents after they found out about the news. But the only thoughts running through my head were ones of solemn because if I had to deal with blood ideologies at home I'd have to deal with them a whole lot more at school seeing as Slytherin house was mainly for pureblood students.
Heading to your new doom room you were introduced to your new roommates including your future best friend Anne Sallow. The two of you were like a house on fire, getting along so well. It surprised you to find out that Anne also held the same values as you and was also pureblooded. You and Anne got on so well that she introduced you to her twin brother Sebastian and his friend Ominis.
When you first met Ominis you fell for him, he was so handsome. Doesn’t matter that he couldn’t see all that mattered was the presence you felt from him. It looked like he could carry himself and wouldn’t let anything get in his way. You knew you had to be his friend at least.
But Ominis took a while to open up to you, Sebastian on the other hand took to you just as well as his sister did. It took months for you to connect with Ominis, you tried everything. But every time you tried to connect with him he would either walk away or look in another direction. It was only when you found out that Ominis was a Gaunt (descendant from Slytherin himself) and that you both hated your families for their views he began to trust you and consider you a friend. And just like that, you guys became a closed group.
7 years have passed and instead of liking Ominis, you have come to describe it closer to love. You would sit next to each other in classes, study together, and hang out every day how could you not? Sebastian and Anne both know I have a crush on Ominis and try push me to tell him my feelings but your overwhelming anxiety won’t let you. Because if you do tell him and he rejects you things will never be the same again. Plus he’s never given you any indication that he likes you in that way so you just leave it how it is. But Sebastian and Anne will not let it go.
“Come on (Y/N), he totally likes you back” Anne groans walking down the staircase with her book bag strung across her body she gives you a death glare “You’ll have to tell him sooner or later” she states with the same scowl on her face.
You speak up loudly so both Sebastian and Anne could hear “Over my dead body Anne, why ruin something when it’s already perfect?” colliding shoulders with Sebastian who is on your left. “Because (Y/N) we want to see both you and Ominis happy” Sebastian chimes in with his signature smile.
“But I am happy” you laughed. Swinging your arms around and jumping from the last few steps of stairs into the hallway of the great hall. “Okay now be quiet, Ominous is up ahead and he can hear very well” you whisper to both of them.
You walk up to him and touch his shoulder to grab his attention, he turns around to give you that winning smile that you love so much. “Good morning (Y/N) how was your sleep last night?” Ominis asks while making his way towards the potions classroom making sure to have his wand out and leave room for you to walk next to him. “Very good Ominis, I had a dream about animals last night” you replied with a jump in my step. You love it when Ominis talks to you about your dreams, it makes it seem like he cares about me. Sebastian and Anne follow us closely behind making small talk about the up coming N.E.W.T for charms class.
“That's good (Y/N), I’m happy that your finally getting sleep” Ominis states but before I could ask a question back Sebastian speaks from behind your shoulder. “I could’ve guessed that miles away (Y/N) you’re so predictable” Sebastian laughs before knocking your shoulder with his. You give a sinister giggle back before making your way down another long corridor and turning your head to face the twins, “I am not predictable Sebastian”.
Anne lets out a huge laugh before sliding in between you and Ominis “Oh yes you are (Y/N)! We know you so well, we could probably predict what your gonna have for dinner tonight and what results you’ll get for your N.E.W.T.s”.
You can’t help but think about all the things your best friends don't know about you. Starting off with the biggest secret which is that you're an illegal animagus. Yes, you became an illegal animagus for many reasons the main one being to get away from your crazy family during the Christmas holiday. The second is to explore my surroundings around Hogwarts without being caught and the third is to obviously spy on other people which is easy because your animagus is a tabby cat, which is a common house pet choice amongst others.
You decided to become an animagus after having a transfiguration lesson in your third year about it and became curious, So you read up on how to do it in the library every night for 3 months before you were sure how to do it. The process was painful to complete but in the end, it was worth it because I finally had my own freedom.
Now the reason I haven’t told anyone is that I wanted to keep it to myself. Yes I know if the Ministry of Magic finds out that I’m an illegal animagus I could be expelled or worse go to Azkaban but, to be frank, I couldn’t give a shit. That’s a lie I would care a little bit especially if I couldn’t meet up with my friends anymore.
Focusing back on the conversation you respond to Sebastian with a groan and a “whatever” muttered under your breath. Quickly look towards Ominis he has a small smirk showing and you can’t help but wonder if you could ever be able to have him more as a friend.
The day slowly finishes with you and the group eating dinner at the great hall. Sebastian and Anne sitting next to each other bickering about who gets the last chicken wing and opposite them are you and Ominis. Anne lets out a loud groan when Sebastian ends up taking the last wing into his mouth, which soon turns into glee when she remembers an important event happening in the upcoming month.
“Are you guys excited for the end-of-year ball after N.E.W.Ts?” she exclaims in her seat. Anne couldn’t contain her excitement which was proven when she starts pestering Sebastian on who he’s gonna take as a date. You can’t help but feel dread about the upcoming ball, because all you want is for Ominis to ask you but that’s not gonna happen because he doesn’t see you that way. It would hurt too much to see him with someone else on his arm as well and Anne isn’t making this any easier.
‘’Who are you gonna take to the ball Ominis? I know you have a few ladies eyeing you up!” Anne gives you a look and wiggles her eyebrows. You know she’s up to something. Ominis speaks up from his spot next to you “Well the person I want to ask will say no so I’m just gonna go by myself.”
Your heart breaks, of course, the person Ominis likes wouldn’t be you but the fact that he likes someone and thinks he doesn’t have a chance is ridiculous. All you want is for Ominis to be happy so the next set of words is like venom to say. “Don’t be stupid Ominis, anyone would be lucky to have you. I say just grit your teeth and ask them. If they decline tell me who they are and I’ll punch their lights out” you give a forced laugh.
You don’t want to know who this lucky person is because you’ll just end up self-deprecating and end up going into a deep depression. So to save yourself you decided to have a walk in the forbidden forest in your animagus. Just so you can take your mind off things. Before Ominis or the twins could say something you stand up from the table and announce yourself. “I’ve got some extra studying I gotta do before the charms N.E.W.Ts comes, I'll be in the library.” you sigh collecting your things from under the table. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow?” you give the best tone you possibly could before bolting out the doors without looking back.
Heading towards the edge of the forest was a bit difficult because you have to avoid all the teachers and prefects patrolling the castle but never the less you made it towards a clearing. Taking off your shoes and hiding them behind a familiar tree you were ready to transform. During the first times of transforming it was very painful but now you have grown accustomed to it, and there you were a brown tabby heading into the woods for a walk to keep your mind off things.
Minutes turned into an hour and slowly you started making your way back towards the castle. Taking long lonely stairs and corridors back towards the Slytherin common room until you come across the very thing that’s keeping your mind racing. Ominis sneaks around with his wand held high to avoid objects. My guess is he was just at the undercroft with Sebastian.
Now you know you shouldn’t have done this but every bit of your instinct told you to because you were feeling down and Ominis loves cats. Slyly you walk up to his right ankle you give him a bit of a nudge. This gains his attention and reaches down to scratch behind your ear perfectly, Ominis was actually the most perfect person ever. It felt like heaven and before you know it you rolled onto your back to let him give you some much-needed belly rubs. All of a sudden gravity changes and now Ominis is holding you in his arms with your head slotted into his neck. He smells so good and you never want to leave this moment but with all good things, it must come to an end when Sebastian is quietly yelling at Ominis.
“Hurry up Ominis! Professor Weasley is just around the corner!” Sebastian then runs past us down the last corridor door towards the Slytherin common rooms. Ominis follows him with me still in his arms and we make our way into his and Sebastian's door room. You’ve never once seen their dorm room before because of the protective enchantments from the professors but it was basically the same set-up.
“Ominis! Why are you still carrying the cat!” Sebastian stated loudly while Ominis puts me on his bed. “I don’t know, I panicked and just went straight for the dorms like you told me to?” Ominis replies nonchalantly while giving me more pats. I couldn’t be happier. “You know that’s someone's cat right? You’ll have to give them back” Sebastian ruins the mood.
“I know” Ominis sighs in defeat. “I'll keep them for another 5 minutes before I kick them out” he states in a sarcastic tone. Ominis moves his way around onto the bed to give me some more pats.
“I know who your gonna ask to the ball Ominis, she will say yes if you ask. I don’t understand why you won’t.” Sebastian brings up the topic. The one I didn’t want to be brought up while I was here, now I have to listen to Ominis talk about the girl of his dreams while I'm right here unable to leave. A dream turned into a nightmare.
“She’s never given me any indication that she likes me, I don’t want to ask and be rejected because it’ll ruin the flow of our friendship and I can’t risk that” Ominis states in a sad tone. Friendship? Ominis only has 3 friends, unless he’s made a friend without me knowing. Or worse he has feelings for Anne. Your heart struck a nerve just even thinking about it. You wouldn’t blame him for liking her, she’s so carefree and her personality is so attractive. How could he ever like me when she was right there?
“Ominis I know that you’re blind but how can you not see that she’s practically in love with you?” Sebastian sighs. The feeling of heartbreak is what’s going through you right now, you just feel like leaving. Hopping off of Ominis's bed you walk towards the door but not before a life-changing comment was made by Ominis.
“Gotta love those blind jokes Sebastian but (Y/N) could never see me in that way. She could have any witch or wizard she wanted. I mean why would she want a blind boyfriend when she could have anyone? Even then, she doesn’t see me in that context” Silence. Absolute silence. Silence from Ominis because he thinks he’ll never get a chance. Silence from Sebastian because I swore him to secrecy not to tell Ominis I have feelings for him. Silence from me because I think my heart stop.
You knew the one thing you had to do and nothing will get in your way this time.
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