#this is probably just me being over dramatic because I’m hungry
mollificen · 1 year
I turn 18 at 10:56 am tomorrow.
I don’t feel anything. I’ve done NOTHING with my life. Like it’s no wonder I’m not super excited for it.
I’m so tired. I can’t keep doing this.
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Hello hello !!!
I hope you are doing fantastic <3
Could I request a poly!marauders x reader where reader randomly faints in the middle of class after complaining that she felt a little dizzy and the boys comforts her ? (I have no idea if you already wrote for this, if so, I apologize !!)
Lots of love <33
Hi lovely! This isn't super saccharine with the comfort, I hope that's okay! poly!marauders x fem!reader, mondern!au
cw: fainting, swearing
724 words
You sat on the bench outside of your classroom, a half-eaten granola bar crumbling onto your lap when James all but fee-fi-fo-fummed down the hallway towards you, still flushed after rushing here in the middle of practice. 
“Jamie! Be quiet.” You scolded, cutting your eyes towards the open classroom door, the lecture still in progress. 
“Are you okay? Did you fall? Did you hurt yourself?” He knelt in from of you, checking for injury. 
“I’m fine. I was by my chair, my deskmate caught me.” He didn’t look very relieved. 
“What happened, sweetheart?” He pulled his phone out, typing in a number. 
“I just felt a bit dizzy, I have since this morning.” You started. James put his phone down when Remus and Sirius walked through the glass doors. 
“We’ve got the car pulled around.” Sirius scrambled his words out, rushing to you. 
“Remus! Don’t you have work today?” You whisper-scolded. He just rolled his eyes. You went to stand up but all the boys flinched. 
“Careful!” James’ hands shot out to gently push you back down. “Don’t get up too fast.” He beckoned Sirius to cage you on the other side. 
“I was able to walk out of the classroom just fine on my own.” You still took hold of James’ arm and allowed him to walk you out. 
“You’re feeling okay now though, right?” Sirius’ tone was laced with anxiety. 
“I’m perfectly fine.” You reached for him with your free hand.
“Do you know why you fainted?” Remus asked as he pushed the heavy door open, leading you straight to the car. You and James climbed into the backseat, Sirius in the front (it was just like him to never give up his shotgun seat), and Remus driving.
“No.” You could sense the downturn of his mouth without even having to see. “But I’m sure it’s nothing major.” 
“Um, babe.” Sirius was half concern and half sass. “I’m pretty sure that fainting without an apparent reason is very fucking concerning.” You were about to respond but James got there first.
“Why don’t we just backtrack.” He turned to you. “Did you sleep all right last night, angel?” You nodded. “Did you eat today?” You nodded again. “What did you have?” 
“Toast.” You responded. 
“Just toast?” Remus asked severely. 
“It was two pieces. And it’s only just past noon.” You reasoned. He looked displeased but didn’t argue more. James took that as permission to continue his gentle interrogation. 
“Did you have water with that, lovely?” He looked at you, an air of knowingness in his gaze. You rolled your lips in shame. Sirius turned around in his chair to look at you aghast. You knew that Remus was preoccupied with you, since he did not lecture him on seat belt safety. 
“Baby! We literally talked about this yesterday.” 
“Oh like you’re any better.” You scoffed. “If I remember correctly you were also being lectured yesterday.”
“Oi! My water bottle is half empty right now I’ll have you know.” He huffed and turned back around dramatically. You could see Remus rolling his eyes in the rearview mirror. 
“Back on topic please.” He scolded. James took the mantle back. 
“Angel, I think you probably fainted because you were dehydrated.” He said gently. 
“And because you didn’t have a proper breakfast.” Remus scolded. James gave him a look begging for patience and dug through his gym bag. He fished out a full bottle of water and a protein bar. 
“This isn’t much but it will do until we can get some decent food in you.” He handed them over, squeezing your shoulder affectionately. You rolled your eyes, pretending that you weren’t actually very hungry and thirsty. You drank the water in just a few large gulps. 
“Someone’s thirsty.” Sirius deadpanned. 
“Yeah, you. For attention.” You sassed. He turned around, squawking indignantly and swiping at you like a cat. You tried to kick him from your seat but Remus caught your foot. 
“Can you please refrain from fist fighting until we are out of the moving vehicle?” He was trying (and failing) to sound reprimanding. You grumbled. 
“You shouldn’t be fist fighting with the sick and injured anyway, pads.” James said, placing a hand on your thigh. It was Sirius’ turn to grumble. 
“Alright, fine.” Sirius said, faux indigent. “But the minute you’re better, it’s on dolly.”
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eveningepiphany · 11 months
welcome to the final show | H.S oneshot
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my masterlist!
summary: you take a beautiful sign to the final show and have the sweetest interaction with harry. then somehow bump into him in italy 2 days later.
warnings: nothing but fluff, and a few little mentions of how he saved your life!
a/n: i am so fucking proud of h. i want to give him a hug more than anything. this is for all my lovelies who love hslot so fckn much it makes them ill.
also this is such an unrealistic oneshot but like that’s just the way for it ig
There’s a certain type of atmosphere that comes around once and a while. It’s rare.
It’s one that no matter how many photos or videos you take, you can’t capture it. One that no word has enough emotional range behind it to convey the feeling it opens up in you.
That is the only way to get close to even describe standing where you are.
You can’t lie, you had waited hours upon hours in the Italian sun just to feel the warm metal of the barricade underneath your palms.
You’d waited years just to get here in general.
When you turn your head to look behind you, you see tens of thousands of people there. Going from visible, overwhelmingly happy faces to a sea of tiny dots.
But you’re here. At the front.
You smile because you made it. This has, albeit dramatic, been a home to you over the past 2 years.
A creature comfort. One you followed every step of the way. And somehow you can’t believe you made it here, and neither would the girl back 18 months ago watching a pixelated Instagram livestream.
Standing in your outift, which took more rhinestones and glitter than you could ever have kept track of.
But you shined under the sun like a mirrorball, so it all felt worth it. Even though you swear there’s still glue stuck under your nails.
Your friends around you shared water, staying hydrated as the show starting neared. Wetleg had already preformed their final set. And tears had been randomly springing on you all day.
You heard the power in the crowd as they sung the prelude songs, goosebumps dotting over your body as you realise he’s probably able to hear it now.
Soon enough he’ll be looking at it. In all of its 100,000 people glory.
“You okay lovely?” Sofia, an Italian girl you’d met in the line checked in on you.
You nodded with a heartfelt smile. The whole experience was so bittersweet. Full of lasts.
“I’m okay. Just so so proud.” You nodded and she softly chuckles.
Her outfit was an electric blue that contrasted her tan skin, “I have some granola bars in my bag if you’re hungry? You should eat, we’ve been standing in the heat all day.”
Your best friend from your other side peered over, drawn back into conversation after being lost in the magic of the crowd surrounding her.
“On cry number— let me guess— 24 of the day?” She said it teasingly.
“Saying that as if you don’t already have mascara stains half down your face.” You grumble back jokingly, leaning your head back to look at the pastel blue sky.
You turned back to Sofia, “We’ll save them for after, maybe lay down on the ground and eat them or something.”
You only said no because you felt like you could probably be sick right now.
“Amore sciocco, troppo testardo il tuo bene, mio dio.” She mutters under her breath with a laugh, shaking her head at you disapprovingly.
“Trash talking her again in Spanish. God I wish I knew how to speak it.” You elbow your best friend at her quip.
You could stay in this moment forever.
As Bohemian Rhapsody begins playing you watch the sun go down, and in this very moment, It is your forever.
You live and breathe every second of it. All the way into peace piece, and as you’re gripping the girls around you for dear life as the lights start to dim along with the setting sun.
Harry coming has the arena screaming so loud it would have been heard for miles. He looks beautiful.
Like a shiny star up on stage. Blowing kisses and sending thank you’s to as many areas of the crowd be possibly could.
Mouthing words in Italian, causing Sofia to almost pass out beside you she screeched that hard the first time he did it.
And him counting in Golden with their language, speaking proudly into the mic— “Uno, due— uno, due, tres!”
“HES— WHAT THE FUCK!!” You’re laughing, holding her hand as she shouts frantically.
Songs bleed into one after another, going on your part from embarrassing screaming and dancing onto equally embarrassing crying.
The overwhelming feeling of seeing him so close— so damn close you can see each individual sequin on his silver outfit when his on the main stage at his mic stand in the centre.
You don’t even realise he’s doing a sign reading interlude until Sofia hands you yours from where it leant on the bottom of the barricade at your feet.
You were enamoured by him.
Taking the sign, your hands shook a little as he was on the main stage. Right in front of you.
His eyes are scanning the crowd, glancing over some signs and smiling.
“We have a choice tonight,” he begins, voice echoing through the speakers.
“we can either move quickly through signs, in which case, we’ll be able to give you some more songs!” An array of screams come from everyone, and you feel sick just at the prospect he was suggesting. The fact he could pull out any song.
He chuckles, walking further towards the area of the pit where you are, “Just an idea, just an idea!”
You’re pretty sure the girls are yelling something about him walking over, but you’re stunned at what’s happening overall, and you can’t even process what they’re saying.
But contradictory to what he’d just said. He stops a moment.
From his perspective, he saw a handful of very bright colours in the front of the crowd. One holding up an equally eye catching sign.
But he takes a moment to blink, focus in on the person holding it.
This girl has her eyes locked dead onto him, like as if he moves an inch— something could implode at any moment. Yet it somehow comes across in a flattering way.
And then he reads the sign.
‘you saved me. i cant thank you enough for that. BTW…’
His heart immediately pangs. Already too emotional at this whole event to be reading a sign like that.
You are in shock. Because he certainly just made eye contact with you and he’s been staring at your sign for a few good seconds.
“Can— wait can you turn that for me, love?” His voice falters a little.
As if Harry Styles just asked you to do something, you move with a haste you never had.
However you misinterpreted his question, turning the sign clockwise like as if it was upside down. Feeling a little embarrassed in yourself that it was around the wrong way.
He chuckles into the mic, causing a small uproar at the softness of it.
“Wrong way, it has B-T-W on it so I’m assuming there’s more on the back.”
“Oh, god— sorry!” You shout out to him, it sounding a little shaky, and you can’t lie that tears were threatening to spill from your eyes.
You had waited so fucking long to have a chance to tell him that he genuinely saved your life. And you’re finally doing it.
Also spinning the sign so the back of it is facing him, and his eyes flit gently over it too.
‘you have by far the prettiest smile ever.’ It reads, with a few large red hearts around it, decorated with glitter and rhinestones.
A dimple pops out on his cheek and he covers his mouth with a hand, flattered as ever.
“Why thank you.” He does a little bow as well, and you’re laughing out of shock. You’re interacting with him right now.
He straightens up, “I’m flattered as ever.” Prodding one of his dimples as he shows off just how pretty his smile is.
“And thank you for coming, it means everything to me.” He flushes a little, laughing at himself and your still starstruck reaction.
“You are stronger than you probably think. What’s your name?”
A tear breaks past your waterline, and you call out, “Y/N!”
Both girls at your side are clutching you like no tomorrow, and Harry takes his in-ear out to hear you better.
You call it out again, he makes only one off guess before he gets it. And your name rolling off his accent tongue makes your stomach flip.
“Y/N? That’s right— well that was a pretty good record for name guessing—“ he laughs, walking over as close as he can to the edge of the stage.
He holds the mic up to his mouth, “make some noise for Y/N everyone!”
You are in complete shock as you hear the whole arena cheer and holler for you, and Harry has this wholesome feeling of adoration wash over him as he sees your reaction.
The tears slipping down your pink cheeks. If he could, he honestly would go down there and wipe them off.
Not something he often find himself thinking. Yet here he is.
“Thank you for coming Y/N. What do you say we do some more songs?” He asks, smiling at the shocked raise of your brows.
“Yes, please.” You enthusiastically reply.
“Alright, you heard her. More songs it is!”
And so the show continues on. The second he breaks eye contact and moves away, a sob tears out of you.
You can’t believe that just happened. And the fact the rest of the show— unless you’re delusional, and making this up in your head— he lingers anytime he’s going past where you are. Catching your eyes, and smiling a little wider.
And you’re absolutely a wreck at the speech he makes, even though Sofia has to translate every word that leaves his mouth.
But if that nearly killed you, the piano ballad was honestly your final straw.
You cried so hard you couldn’t see the fucking stage at one point. And you wish you could say you were embarrassed for him to see you as he did one last round of goodbyes. But you couldn’t.
It was all your love and appreciation for him, poured out of you through the tears streaming down your face.
To your disbelief, he stops in front of you again, blowing a kiss to your friends and then one to you.
Bending down a little further to look at you, lips starting to move— from what your could hardly hear, and mostly got from reading his lips, he said ‘thank you, I love you.”
You blow a kiss back.
And before you know it, the show has ended. And there’s this full, yet hollow feeling inside of you.
Like you’re not sure how to feel. You miss him already, but that was by far the most amazing experience of your life.
You’re overwhelmed, with love and gratitude. And you, Sofia and your best friend end up doing what you’d proposed earlier before the show.
Eating chocolate granola bars with your back up against the barricade, tears still falling from your eyes.
Post love on tour depression is a real thing.
There is no normal explanation for having to force yourself to get up to have an amazing brunch in Italy of all places.
But 2 days after the show day, you’re doing just that. Dressing in a nice summer outfit at the very least, and taking your LOT bag with you.
The streets aren’t too busy considering it’s midday, and you make your way through them peacefully. Stoping to peak into stores, or take photos of little things you like every now and again.
And all your adventuring leads you to a beautiful little corner-cafe. One that the second you step foot into, you are comforted by its cozy feel & strong aroma of coffee.
The building itself had all its historic bones, but had been modernised. Fitted with sleek wooden floors and new furniture. Walls painted a crisp white to brighten up the already light filled room.
You find the menu hanging above where the counter is, on large pretty chalkboards.
You’re mulling over what to get when you hear a voice from beside you.
It causes you to jump a little at it’s unexpectedness, “I like your bag.”
It’s said with the tone that you can tell someone is smiling. And you turn to greet the person who had just spoken to you.
That’s when you’re met with a sight that knocks the wind from you.
Beside you— standing tall, with his tousled brown curls and rolled up linen long-sleeve is quite literally the man you saw on stage 2 nights ago.
“Oh my god—“ you jump a little at the realisation, it hitting you like a train within seconds. But you’re trying to keep you voice down, as to not cause some kind of scene.
He laughs at your stunned reaction, the way your ringed hand goes over your mouth. It’s a reaction he’s accustomed to. But the way your pretty features portray the expression has him all the more intrigued.
He does his classic introduction, “Hi, love. I’m harry.” Sticking his hand out, smiling. Like as if you didn’t know.
“I— well I did notice that.” You rush out in a nervous laugh. Glancing around looking for some kind of film camera, gauging if this is a set up and not a coincidence.
You’re left realising it’s just the two of you, and some older guy with a newspaper a few metres away at a window seat.
But no one with a camera or phone out filming this interaction.
You shake his hand after a moment of hesitation, telling yourself mentally you’re not going to cry as your relish the feeling of his calloused fingertips against the base of your wrist.
“Hi…” You flush profusely.
“What are you ordering?” He smiles at you, and your eyes are so obviously darting over his every feature.
Which you feel like you couldn’t stop from happening when he’s this close, and you’re able to fully see the plains of his beautiful face.
The structure of his jawline— that’s dotted with a light stubble—his cupids bow lips, the definition in his cheekbones. And fuck his eyes.
That are very intensely locked onto yours…
“Oh. I’m sorry. I…” you fumble for words a little, “probably like a tea. That’s usually my go to.”
He nods, “let me get it for you, please. How do you have it?”
“No, no. It’s okay, you don’t need to do that.” You insist immediately, because even though the gestures small, it feels like too much.
“Y/N.” He tuts gently.
“Weird that you remember that.” You think aloud, unable to filter the shock at the fact he just said your name. Even though the show was only 2 days ago, when he learnt it.
“Of course I do. You had quite the sign. I won’t lie, it made me tear up a bit.” He laughs, pushing a stray lock of hair out of his eyes.
“Well, It was true. Not to be cheesy or anything, but your music genuinely means everything to me.” You say carefully. Not wanting to come across as weird.
“And love on tour was one of the best experiences of my life. So… thank you for that.”
“Thank you.” He smiled at your shyness. And you recall the fact you told him he had a pretty smile.
Prettiest smile. The fact he knows you think that?
You wonder if he’s thought the same thing at all in the last 5 minutes.
“Your support means as much to me. Wouldn’t be able t’do what I do if it weren’t for people like you.”
“Now, how you have your tea?” He reiterates, asking for an answer, not for another polite declination.
“I— okay. Since it’s clear you’re not going to take no for an answer.” You sigh. Corners of your mouth upturning anyway at his stubborn ways.
You rattle off how you have it, and he nods, mentally noting it down like this is going to be a regular occurrence.
He walks over to the counter and you shuffle over to the side that you’ll pick up the order from. Watching carefully as he goes up, you take in his much more causal appearance to the usual extravagance of the outfits he adorns on stage.
Hes got a pair of denim shorts on—strong legs on display— paired with a white longsleeve that’s rolled up his fore arms.
You avert your gaze to the older Italian man at the register, clueless to who he is serving.
Until a younger girl, say 15, walks from the back room and does the biggest double take youve ever witnessed.
Harry has to be used to it, because there was no way anyone could miss that.
You’re feeling like you’re in a parallel universe. Because Harry is just casually strolling back over to you, like you’ve known each other for more than a total of two, 5 minute interactions.
You take a breath, reminding yourself simply that he is a human. Just like you are. He wakes up in the morning, has bad days and good days, has habits and routines he follows— just like anyone else.
You keep this in consideration as you open your mouth to speak, “Thank you for doing that. How have you been?”
He smiles at your shy tone, a tiny wholesome feeling bubbling up at your question.
“I’m good, honestly. It’s been a big start to the year. I’m excited to take some time off even though wrapping it up the other night was really hard.” He nods, eyes casually trailing the man who was making the drinks.
“If it makes any difference, I was sobbing like a baby at pretty much every point of the show.” You laughed.
“I did see your very tear stained cheeks.” He shocks himself little with his continuation,
“Would’ve jumped down and given you a hug if I had the bloody time.” And he smiles with gratification as you mask your shocked reaction as much as possible. However, tiny little micro-movements in your face were still popping through. “I went a little overtime with the speech.”
Just human to human. You drew a tiny breath through your nose, “Which was great by the way. I mean my friend had to translate the whole thing, but was also another tear jerker.”
He goes to say something else, interrupted by the call of his name from the counter.
In which he collects the drinks from the lovely man, smiling at him with a warm thank you before turning to come back to you.
“Here you go, darling.” He hands over yours, and his green eyes look bright as ever.
The darling makes your stomach flip. He’s British, they use pet names like this in passing conversation often. But fuck if you didn’t know any better you’d think there was a chance he was flirting with you.
“Thank you. You really didn’t have to, but I appreciate it.” You repeat.
“You have a different accent, you’re not from Italy no?” He interjects and you’re a little confused at the sudden change of topic.
“No I’m not from here…?” you laugh.
“So you’ve travelled all this way to come see me I’m assuming, the least I can do is buy you a tea. Think of it as a thank you.”
He tests the waters a little further, “i don’t usually stay in cafes for overly long but, if you have time to sit for a bit…”
“You continue to amaze me.” You chuckle, slowly following behind him as he pulls up a chair, back to the window.
“You also made me a very flattering sign. So im just being courteous, as a way to return the favour.” He smirks almost. And you’re honestly not strong enough to endure this.
“And that little piano thing you did? Is this compensation for my mental health?” You hold the cup up and he lets out a surprised laugh at your gentle quip.
“Yes, I’ve heard word that it came across as emotional as I’d intended.”
“You could hear a pin drop in the whole arena.” You nodded, taking a sip of the tea he’d bought you.
“I was so worried I was gonna fuck it up somehow.” He shakes his head, hand running through his hair as though he was anxious just at the thought.
“It sounded amazing, Harry. Made me feel a lot how fine line did when I first listened to it.”
He looks sincere with gratitude as you talk. And it stays that way as he continues on conversation with you.
You know heaps about him— you’re a fangirl that’s practically your job— yet he doesn’t know anything about you. Leaving him curious about many aspects of your life, and also with plenty of questions. Ones he really can’t believe he is even asking given you’re a fan, and he’s never actually done this before.
Whatever this is, because it felt a lot like a first date. With the way he asked where you were from, who you came to Italy with, where you grew up.
The whole lot. Your drinks both long since finished, but the questions still flowing between you two. Like there was never enough information to be learned.
He was interrupted by a call, and it almost popped this little bubble you’d made around yourselves.
Which possibly wasn’t a bad thing for him. But it served as a reality check for you.
You’re still just a fan at the end of the day. Even though your not sure how that term stands after he knows about your favourite foods, or childhood stories from your younger years. Because you feel like now that he knows that, the dynamic feels different to you.
But most of all you dreaded the fact you had to say goodbye again. But now you have to say it knowing that he walks away from this knowing things personal to you.
You realise he’s on the phone to his mum as he talks, “Yea, tell Gem to grab them anyway… I’ll be back soonish.”
He glances up at your after a moment of brief silence, “I’m just out with a friend of mine I… bumped into. So I’ll see you soon, okay?”
A friend of his?
“Alright, bye, I love you.”
And just like that the phone hung up.
“I’m feeling very special at my label. A friend of yours.” You laugh, but not lying whatsoever.
“Was m’mum. We’re having a late lunch at her BNB.” He explained, and the fact he didn’t object his choice of wording meant even more to you than anything.
You stare at him a moment, both mutually realising that this moment was seemingly going to have to end at some point.
“I don’t often do things like this.” He shrugs, watching your eyes train on random objects around the room as you get lost in thought.
“What do you mean?” You ask.
“Never sat down with a fan and just had a drink. It was lovely, thank you for being so polite.” He smiles again at you.
It surprised him just how far he went with it. But you had this gentle aura about you. He knew of all people, you were safe to share this private slice of himself with.
“Thank you for buying my drink… to have spent this time talking, it— well it meant a lot to me.”
“I would give you my number if my manager wouldn’t kill me.”
As stated, he continues to surprise himself just how far he’s going.
Your brain stalls at his comment.
“You could just have mine? Buy a burner phone and text me off it.” You make the first suggestion that comes to mind and he barks out a laugh.
“Could just reaffirm that you weren’t going to sell my number off to fans on Twitter?”
“Ah, that could also work too.” You nod, raising your brows.
He pulls his phone from his pocket, and your heart genuinely palpitates. Because how the fuck had you managed this.
“Gimmie yours, if you’d like?” He slides it over, and you feel like you’re picking up something with more value than just a phone. I mean it’s Harry Styles’ phone of all things.
You begin to type it in, glancing up as his gaze is trained on you, “how many numbers of fans do you have banked up in here?”
He rolls his eyes at your tease, still smiling, “I’ll have you know you’ll be the first. If my mums counts though, then only two.”
“I just…” he pauses, pursing his lips as he looks for the right words, “knew I’d regret it if I didn’t have a way to get in touch with you. I’d say we’ve got a lot in common and it’s always nice to meet new people. And I don’t want to be thinking later ‘wow, she was lovely, wish I could have kept in touch’. Y’know?”
You send yourself a text, just a simple ‘:)’ so it saves in his recent messages. “Well, I suppose I’d be a little sad too. Probably start sending emails to your manager trying to find a way to get in touch again.”
He laughs at this, standing up from his chair and pocketing his phone in his shorts once you hand it back to him.
You also rise from the table, watching his movements keenly.
“Makes this part less sad.” He says, in reference to the impending goodbye, “I’m not leaving Italy for a little bit though, and if you’re sticking around as well, maybe I can buy your more cups of tea— to make you feel even more guilty about it, of course.”
You let out a soft chuckle, “Yea, I’m not leaving for a little while…”
He walks to your side of the table, not hesitating to pull you into a hug that leaves you winded.
You freeze a millisecond before jumping to embrace it. Enjoying the gentle yet strong feeling of his body holding yours. And the way his hands are ever-so-slightly caressing your lower back.
“Thanks for hanging out, alright? Don’t be shy to message me.” He murmurs into your hair.
“I— okay. I won’t. Thank you, Harry.” You smile into the crook of his neck.
He gives a final squeeze before pulling back. Fighting the internal urge to press a little kiss to your temple.
“I’ll see you around, hopefully. Bye Y/N.” He gives you a final smile before waving goodbye, and heading out the cafe.
Your head is reeling as he exits. Unsure if you just imagined that whole thing. You needed someone to pinch you, because as far as your concerned that whole interaction was something you dreamed up.
You check your phone to see the time.
1 new notification
Unknown Number | :)
So that actually did just happen.
To reaffirm that you weren’t the only person in the world to witness what happened today, you see a tweet reposted on an update account that reads,
so, i just saw harry styles in the cafe i work at, and he sat down and drank a tea with someone he talked to at a show. not naming the interaction for privacy but like… what the fuck?
And secretly you smile. Maybe this is something you’ll keep to yourself for a bit. Like he’s a new secret friend of yours.
part two!!
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thatgirlstrawberry · 1 year
The Professor’s Wife
In which Y/N shows up at Spencer’s job to drop off lunch but he was hungry for something else
Warnings: smut!!!, oral sex(f rec), unprotected penetrative sex, bruising?? A single spank 🫣, dirty talk, soft dom!spencer, praise kink??, names (good girl, baby), semi-public sex, lmk if I missed anything!!
Spencer Reid x fem!reader
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All the girls who took Professor Reid’s class were angry that they put it on their schedule once they found out that he was married. And that his wife was hot.
He had pictures of her around his desk and they were all of this beautiful woman. The first day of school, he made a little ‘about me’ slideshow and he introduced his wife.
Now, just because he was married didn’t mean that the girls in his classes didn’t try to make passes at him. Every week he had a girl coming up to him and asking for help and then ‘accidentally’ dropping something and bending over to pick it up. He’d always roll his eyes and look up at the ceiling, not even a little bit interested.
Anyway, this was his second class of the day and it was around 12:00. He was pacing around talking about the student’s final when he recognized a face in the audience.
She was standing all the way in the back, holding a dark blue and brown lunchbox, and her bottom lip was caught between her teeth.
His wife.
He smiled and looked at his watch, thanking God that it was time for the college kids to leave. “Okay, everyone. Your final is coming up. Make sure you study! Have a nice day!” He called as they began to clear the rows of chairs.
He saw one girl coming up to him and sighed, rolling his eyes. Y/N made her up to the front and sat there becoming amused.
“Um hi doctor Reid.” She spoke, he voice soft. Spencer raised his eyebrows.
He glanced at Y/N. “Hello, Erica. What can I do for you.”
The girl let out a dramatic sigh. “I guess— ugh his is so embarrassing—“ She pressed her hands to her face before dropping them and looking back up at him. “I’m just not really understanding the material and I’d really like you to go over it with me. In depth. Say… over coffee later?”
Y/N scoffed with a smile quietly and crossed one leg over the other.
Spencer clicked his tongue. “Sorry, Erica. If you can’t get it now, you probably won’t get it at all. My advice is to take this semester’s final and then drop the class.” He shrugged.
The girl sighed in frustration. “But Dr. Reid, being a behavioral… person is like— my dream. Please, just help me. I really want this to work out for me.” The girl felt a tap on her shoulder and she spun around facing a smiling woman. Dr. Reid’s wife.
“Then get a tutor, sweetie.” She nodded.
Erica groaned and walked away quickly, leaving the large room. Once she was gone, Y/N turned to her husband and laughed. “Are all the girls like this?” She asked, setting his lunchbox behihim on his desk.
Spencer chuckled and pulled her into him. “Unfortunately yes.” He nodded, kissing her softly. “You look beautiful today.” He didn’t get to see her before he left for work because she was still in the shower when he left their house.
She smiled against his lips. “Thank you. And you looked awfully sexy standing up here, teaching.” She whispered, pulling away to nip at his neck.
His hands gripped her waist and she pulled away completely. “I brought you dinner from last night.” She smiled, walking past him and unzipping the lunchbox.
She pulled out a thermos full of the spaghetti that they made the night before and a ziplock of two breadsticks. He hummed. “You’re the best wife ever.”
She sighed dramatically. “So don’t throw all of this away for some college girl!” She joked. Spencer rolled his eyes and walked over to her taking the food from her hands and setting it on the desk.
“I’m free for another hour, eat with me?” He asked, grabbing her hips and pulling her body into him.
She gasped quietly and placed her hand on his chest. “I didn’t bring enough for two people, babe.” She smiled.
“You can have the food. I want something else.” He told her. The woman furrowed her eyebrows and began to speak before she was cut off by Spencer picking her up and setting her on the desk. Her lips were immediately caught by his.
“Mm! Spencer—“ She pulled away with a giggle and looked up at him. “Baby, we’re in you class room!” Spencer began to kiss her neck. “What if someone walks in?”
“Then they’ll see how fucking good you come all over my cock.” Her legs felt weak at that sentence and she sucked in a breath. “Are you gonna be a good girl and let me make you feel like one?”
Y/N bit her lip and nodded. “Yes.”
“I’m glad you wore this pretty little dress today.” He smirked against her neck. He grabbed her knees and hiked her legs up around his waist as he nipped at her neck. “Made it real easy f’me.”
Y/N smiled and tried to pull his head towards her lips so she could kiss him again. His hands pulled her hips forward so half of her ass was hanging off the table. He kissed her lips before trailing them down again. He pulled the neckline of her dress down under her tits and cupped them as he kissed her collar bone.
“Fuck, Spence.” She whispered, holding the back of his head.
“What baby?” He asked, squeezing her breasts.
A whine left her parted lips. “I need you to do something.” She whispered. “Please, please, please.”
Spencer smiled. “What do you need? Tell me what you want, baby.”
She bit her lip and felt her desire grow hotter and her panties growing wetter. “I n-need your mouth.” His hands moved from her breasts gripped her hips, pulling her even closer to the edge of the desk.
He dropped down to his knees without a word, his hands snaking underneath her dress and pulling at the sides of her underwear. Her legs spread and he tugged them down.
He kept eye contact with her until his head disappeared underneath her dress. Her hands flew to the edge of the desk, holding on for dear life when she felt his breath fanning against her wet core.
Then, she felt his tongue. She gasped quietly when it flattened out against her and started to slide up and down through her folds. Her mouth fell open and one hand came up and pressed against her torso, pushing her to lay back. She moaned loudly and pushed all of the cups of pens and the papers. Anything she could get her hands on ended up on the floor.
He groaned against her and pulled away. “Taste so good, baby.” He muttered before, licking her clit softly. He sucked it into his mouth and she bit her lip, trying to hold in a loud moan.
Her body felt as if it was on fire. It felt like too much and not enough at the same time. She whimpered and her chest heaved. She shut her eyes and tilted her head back as his tongue ran over her pussy over and over again.
“Fuck! Spencer that feels so good.” She gasped out. She could feel his smile against her and his stubble giving giving her a tickle in the inside of her thighs.
His hands wrapped around her thighs, pulling them impossibly farther apart. His fingers dig in, inevitably bruising her. There seemed to be something tightening in her stomach and she tapped his head over the skirt of her dress.
“I’m gonna fucking— oh I’m gonna come…” She mumbled, her thighs tightening around her head.
He hummed and continued to suck and lick her. She whimpered quietly and dug the heel of her shoes into his back. “Fuck!” Her hot release came sooner than she’d hoped and she panted as he pulled his head from underneath her dress.
“Such a good fucking girl.” He shook his head with a smile, his lips and chin glistening with her wetness. He went back in for a kiss and placed his hand on her waist. She moaned into the kiss, tasting herself on his lips.
He pulled away and pulled her off of the desk completely. She made a noise in surprise as he spun her around quickly and bent her over the desk. He flipped the skirt of her dress up and over so it laid over her back, giving him a full view of her dripping core.
“You ready for more?” She jolted when he laid a hard smack on her ass.
“Please. I’m so fucking ready.” She nodded, shutting her eyes. She heard his belt unbuckle and his zipper go down and smiled excitedly.
He chuckled. “Fuck, baby. You got me so hard, eating you like that.” He spoke. He grabbed her right hip roughly in one hand and used his other to guide the head of his cock through her wet folds.
She bit her lip hard and hummed. “Please, Spence. Please.” He stopped moving his dick and pressed it against her entrance. Her mouth dropped open and he pushed in slowly.
“Fuck…” He panted, his hand sliding from her hip to her shoulder. “Always feel so good for me.”
She grabbed the edge of the desk and swallowed. “Please, move move move.” She whispered.
He began to rock his hips slowly, her tiny moans making him drop his mouth open. His eyes rolled back in his head with pure pleasure. Y/N opened her mouth but tried to be quiet.
“Taking me so fucking well, baby.” He mumbled, starting to move a bit faster. He looked down, cursing at how hot it was watching himself disappear inside of her.
She gasped and moaned. “Fa-faster— oh fuck!” He didn’t wait another second to speed up when he heard her pleas.
Skin slapping and echoey moans were the only thing to be heard in the lecture hall.
Soon, Spencer was ready and he could tell she was too by the way she was clenching around him, desperately grabbing on to the sides of the desk and mumbling incoherent words.
“Come for me, good girl. Come on my cock.” He panted out.
She let out one last loud moan and her body froze, feeling the tight ball in her stomach releasing. She hummed, feeling Spencer come inside her and inhaled with a smile on her lips.
He pulled out of her, watching how her body shook. He wrapped his arms around her torso and lifted her up off the desk, pulling her dress down back over her body before pulling the stretched out neckline back over her boobs.
“Thanks for lunch, baby.” He smiled, kissing just underneath her ear.
She sighed and hummed. “Shit, any time.”
Yuhhhhhh smut 🤪
I went feral over this and idk— there’s just something about professor!Spencer… also I may or may have not just watch don’t worry darling and based the first bit off of that scene when Jack came home and ate Alice out on the table— let me stop.
Thanks for reading!
Love ya bunches ❤️❤️❤️
Taglist: @mrsgweasley
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
Steve very rarely gets sick. He prides himself on it.
But when Eddie spent three days in a row in bed with a fever, puking every time he got up, and coughing everywhere he could reach, Steve had no choice but to stay and take care of him. Which meant he spent three days in direct contact with whatever virus decided to leave Eddie bedridden.
Halfway through his shift at Family Video, he turned to Robin and said he was going to pass out.
She didn’t believe him, laughed it off like he was being dramatic. “You’ve been hanging around Eddie too much lately.”
So when he passed out five seconds later, she panicked. He opened his eyes to her frantically trying to move him onto his side.
“Robs, ‘s not a seizure.”
“Right, but what if you puke?”
“I’m just dehydrated.”
He wasn’t just dehydrated.
He was dehydrated and feverish and exhausted.
He was sick.
Robin called Eddie to come pick him up, rambling nervously over the phone about his symptoms. Steve couldn’t hear the other side of the conversation, but he knew Eddie was probably laughing at the situation.
“He’ll be here to get you in 10 minutes. Can you please not pass out again because I don’t think I can handle it.”
“Sure, I’ll just tell my brain to hold off until Eddie’s here.”
Steve rolled his eyes as he settled on the floor behind the counter. Robin wouldn’t let him stand up again in case he fell and hit his head, which was actually probably a smart move.
When Eddie arrived, he took one look at Steve on the floor and sighed, shaking his head in disappointment.
“I warned you, Stevie! I said ‘you’re gonna get sick, you shouldn’t stay’ and what did you do? Mommed yourself right into the flu.”
Steve didn’t dignify that with an answer, mostly because it would take too much energy to give one. He stood on shaking legs and made his way to the door.
He felt so weak, he barely registered when his knees started to buckle. Strong arms wrapped around him from behind and held him up.
“Jesus, Steve. Were you feeling this bad when you left home?”
Steve shook his head and let out an embarrassing whine. His head was throbbing, a dull ache set in shortly after he got to work, and only got worse after he passed out.
“Can you make it to the van or do you need me to carry you?”
“I can make it, just…help?”
Eddie kept an arm wrapped around Steve’s waist, supporting most of his weight as they walked to his van. He opened the passenger side door and helped Steve get seated and as comfortable as possible.
Steve let out another small whine when he realized he would have to move to buckle himself in.
“What’s wrong?”
Eddie was so nice. Maybe he could buckle him.
Eddie wordlessly reached for the belt and buckled Steve in, his hair brushing along Steve’s cheek and chest as he pulled away.
Steve repressed another whine, though for a different reason, when Eddie’s hand brushed against his thigh.
His thighs were sensitive, even in jeans. Sue him.
Steve nodded off during the drive to his house, barely aware of Eddie singing along to something on the radio.
When they arrived, Eddie unbuckled Steve’s seatbelt and helped him out of the van. He was saying something to Steve, but his brain wasn’t processing any of it.
He could barely keep his eyes open while Eddie got him upstairs and into bed.
He could feel Eddie’s rough hands gently pulling off his jeans and shirt, but couldn’t offer much help.
Passing out really did a number on him.
“Yeah, I think it did.”
Oh. Steve said that out loud. Interesting.
“You don’t do anything halfway, do you? Get sick and it’s like your brain’s melted out your ears.”
Steve let out a giggle before relaxing against his pillow.
Eddie started to tuck him in, pulling his covers up to his chin and brushing a piece of hair away from his face.
“I’m gonna get you some water. You hungry?”
Steve felt his stomach turn at just the thought of food touching his mouth. He used all of his remaining energy to shake his head.
“Be right back, Stevie.”
When Steve opened his eyes again, it was too dark to even recognize his own bed. It’s been so long since he slept with no light, he felt disoriented and scared that the power had gone out.
Just as he was struggling to sit up, he heard a grumble from the floor followed by a groan.
“It’s okay, Stevie. I’ll get the light.”
Before Steve could process who the voice belonged to, his bedside lamp turned on and covered him in a golden glow.
The room started spinning around him before he could say anything. He closed his eyes to avoid the disorientation, but it only made it worse.
“Open your eyes, sweetheart. I’ve got ya.”
And he did. Eddie’s arms were wrapping around Steve and pulling him against his chest, solidifying his presence in one place despite everything else in the room moving.
Steve melted into Eddie, breathing in the faint leather and smoke smell that never failed to make him feel safe.
“You just have no filter when you’re sick, huh?”
Eddie laughed softly, brushing his lips against the top of Steve’s head.
Steve didn’t give a response, not able to actually produce words when he wants to, apparently.
“You’re burning up. I got some Tylenol for you while you slept. You should take some now and try to rest.”
Eddie didn’t respond, just moved to grab the water from the table and hand it to Steve. He watched as he took the Tylenol, telling him he did a good job before putting the water back on the table.
Just as Steve settled against Eddie’s chest again, he was moved away by strong hands.
The whimper he let out stopped Eddie in his tracks.
“Are you in pain? Robin said your migraines get so bad sometimes you can’t move. Is that happening?”
Steve shook his head, immediately regretting doing so when the room started spinning again.
It only took a moment for Eddie to adjust them both so they could lay down together. Steve wasted no time in curling into Eddie’s side, and Eddie’s hand found it’s way to Steve’s hair.
His fingers gently pulled through some of the tangles, smiling to himself when Steve couldn’t hold back a shiver.
“Feel okay?”
“Can’t believe you let me get you sick.”
“‘S worth it.”
“You’re ridiculous. Go to sleep. I’ll be here when you wake up.”
Eddie only hesitated a moment before dropping a kiss to Steve’s forehead.
They hadn’t acknowledged the way Steve had acted when taking care of Eddie. They hadn’t talked about the cuddling and small kisses to his hair or cheek or nose. They hadn’t even been around each other since Eddie was feeling better.
But this felt like a turning point - no more ignoring the way they felt about each other. If Eddie was reading things right, Steve wasn’t just like this because he was sick and slightly delusional.
They’d have a talk when he was better, but for now, Eddie let Steve suction himself to his side and take the comfort he needed.
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k1ngdom-of-thieves · 1 year
how would the first years react to finding out reader is a girl?
You guys really like these types of requests! Thank you so much for supporting me.
Here’s it with the dorm leaders and vice dorm leaders
First years + Finding out reader is a girl!
Ace Trappola
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Despite being one of your closest friends, Ace is probably one of the last people to find out. He doesn’t really pay the best attention to his surroundings.
How he found out was by complete accident. He was walk by Sam’s shop when the man himself called out to him to bring you a package.
Luckily he was already on the way to Ramshackle, so this wasn’t that big of a deal. He was still grumbling about doing “your chores” though. And Ace being Ace, was hungry and decided to check your package to see if there was food in it.
What he found wasn’t food, but an entire box of clothes with women’s sizing. Needless to say, you had an extremely confused Ace knocking on the door.
“Hey!! Are you really a girl?! I was looking at this box-I was hungry- Ugh, I’m making myself look like a huge jerk, aren’t I?”
Deuce Spade
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Deuce is another who wouldn’t notice for a very long time. I think the only way he’ll realize is if either you tell him, or someone else does.
It’ll be a lot easier if you tell him straight up. If someone else does, he’s just going to think that they’re lying to get a reaction out of him for a while.
He’s gonna be so confused for a while after he finds out. Please give him a minute before telling him anything else. He’s doing the shinji pose lmaoo
The poor guy feels so guilty over making a simple mistake. Expect him to randomly apologize for the next week or so.
“W-WHAT?? I’m so sorry! I thought this whole time- ugh, I can’t believe I made such a big mistake. Huh? You’re not mad? Oh..ok.”
Jack Howl
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Jack knew you smelt different from the others in the school, he just couldn’t tell if was because you were magic-less, from a different world, or just because you were around Grim for too long. The idea of you being a girl briefly crossed his mind, but he didn’t give it too much thought.
He found out when you were complaining to Grim about Crowley only giving you clothes in men’s sizing. Now he didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but with his huge ears, he managed to accidentally overhear.
Jack felt incredibly guilty over listening in on a private conversation, but his surprise ultimately overpowered his guilt. He accidentally lets out a loud “Huh?” before covering his mouth with his hand.
When you called out to whoever was listening, Jack awkwardly shuffled out for you to see, lowered ears and all. He immediately started apologizing as his tail stood limp by his side.
*Sigh* “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but be honest with me, is the fact that you’re a girl supposed to be a secret? Or am I just the last person to realize?”
Epel Felmier
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Epel didn’t think much of you more feminine appearance. I mean, he’s almost in the exact same boat as you, so he doesn’t have much room to judge.
This is also what led to him finding out. He was complaining about Vil putting him under a strict diet again and how he was glad there was at least one other “pretty boy” at NRC.
Which led to you correcting him. “You know I’m not actually a guy, right?” Poor guy froze up immediately.
This country boy feels the slight pang of betrayal in his heart; he thought you two were in this together! But it turns out he must bare the curse of “cute” alone. He’s so dramatic lmao.
“Wait, but then how did you- nevermind. Guess I’ll have to deal with Vil’s stupid anti-aging exercises on my own then!” He doesn’t realize that this doesn’t change much of anything, you guys aren’t even in the same dorm.
Sebek Zigvolt
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Sebek never considered you to actually be a girl. Mostly because he was always paying more attention to Malleus’s “great deeds of the day”. He literally just helped someone with their homework.
He’s also another person that will only believe it if you tell him straight up. He’ll think that everyone else is just trying to make a fool out of an esteemed guard of Malleus!
If this is supposed to be a secret, why tell Sebek, first of all make sure you tell him in an empty room. He’s gonna be so loud about the entire ordeal.
If it’s not a secret, that just makes things easier for you. Either you can tell him straight up, or someone else will end up doing for you. He’s gonna feel terrible about it regardless though, so prepare yourself for a very loud apology.
“I HUMBLY APOLOGIZE FOR MY TRANSGRESSIONS! I-oh, I don’t need to yell? Alright, I am still deeply sorry though.”
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redrose10 · 4 months
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Chapter 15!
This one has a lot of ups and downs. I really hope you guys like this chapter. We are getting closer to the end. As always I appreciate all the comments and messages.
Yoongi X Female Reader. CEO/Arranged Marriage AU
Summary: You were selected to marry the wayward CEO/Billionaire/Heir, Min Yoongi. You went into it with an open mind and heart determined to try and make it work. Yoongi on the other hand had no intention of ever letting you in let alone allowing himself to fall in love with you. Slowly you start to associate the smell of cinnamon and vanilla with the feelings of hurt and sorrow.
Word count: 4, 806
Warnings: (May get updated as chapters progress): Arranged marriage, cheating/infidelity, hints of smut (Probably won’t get very explicit but we’ll see how it goes), Sexual Assault, Brief mentions of death, Reader grew up an orphan, General Angst, Swearing
Tag list: @gimeow @kam9404 @viankiss @baechugff @gaby-93 @kayleefriedchicken @igot7fairlyoddparents @jalexad @drrookie
Entering the passcode into Jimins door lock was harder than you expected in your current state. You weren’t sure what was worse, the pounding headache from the hangover, the pain in your chest from having Yoongi break your heart again, or the nausea in your stomach from the guilt of sleeping with Woo-Sung.
It seemed like a great idea last night. You were upset and hurt and you knew Yoongi really didn’t like him so it seemed like the perfect way to get back at him. But when you woke up in his bed with your dress still half off of your body you felt an immediate sense of regret. You felt like you stooped down to Yoongi’s level. You knew you were better than that.
Dropping your bag by the front door all you wanted to do was take a hot shower and sleep off all of the feelings you were having. To make it worse you were supposed to go over to Yoongi’s later with Woo-Sung, neither men you wanted to see right now.
You felt like the universe was out to get you when you turned the corner finding Jimin and Yoongi sitting at the table talking and sipping on some coffee. Yoongi noticed you first eyeing you up and down with a smirk clearly liking your outfit.
Jimin noticed you next but he didn’t have the same reaction. Instead he snorted at your appearance.
“Rough night?”, he asked.
“Don’t want to talk about it.”, you mumbled beginning to walk away.
“And here I thought I had a terrible time being stuck at the office with your husband for eighteen hours straight, but seems you got me beat.”, he continued.
You stopped suddenly turning to face the two men.
“Wait you both were at the office all day yesterday?”
“Yeah we got there yesterday morning and found out we were about to lose the JYP deal so we spent all day and night in negotiations trying to save it. This tyrant over here wouldn’t even let me leave to go eat. Y/N, I had to starve.”, Jimin dramatically pointed over at Yoongi.
“I really hope you get an Oscar for that performance. I told you that you couldn’t go get lunch because Han from JYP was supposed to contact us back at any minute for a conference call. Did you forget that afterwards I ordered you a very nice steak dinner AND then got you late night pizza when you were still hungry?”, Yoongi rolled his eyes.
He then turned his attention over to you, “I’m sorry I didn’t call Y/N. I was just so stressed about this whole thing. That would’ve been a multimillion dollar loss so I had to stay really focused until we were able to save it.”
You nodded which only made your headache and nausea even worse. Suddenly you weren’t in the sleeping mood.
“Jimin can I talk to you about something please. Like right now. In private.”
The two men gave you a questioning look before Jimin pushed himself away from the table and followed you to your current room.
“What’s going on? You seem really off.”, he asked while you shut the door.
“Jimin I need you to be 100% completely honest with me. Did Yoongi leave the office at any point yesterday?”
You checked your phone to see what time Mrs. Chan had called as she said she’d seen Yoongi ten minutes beforehand.
“Were you with him at around three in the afternoon?”
He looked at you with a confused look.
“Yoongi got there at his normal time in the morning and that’s when he got the message that the JYP deal was falling apart. We spent the entire day in his office. Luckily he has that in suite bathroom or he probably would’ve just handed me an empty bottle. We were on a call with someone from JYP around 3. We finally left at about 2am and he wanted to come here and see you and then you weren’t here so we just stayed awake to wait for you. I was with him the entire time and he never left the room.”
You sat on the edge of the bed and pulled your knees up to your chest. “Oh no oh no oh no. I can’t believe this. Jimin what did I do? Why did I believe that crazy old woman?”
“Y/N what’s going on? What did you do?”
You shook your head, “I fucked up. I just ruined everything.”
“Hey hey just calm down. What happened?”
“Our neighbor called me yesterday to complain about Yoongi and Suri making out in the hallway of the apartment building. I asked her if she was sure it was Yoongi and she said yes. She could even smell his cologne. So I got really upset and did something so stupid. I went over to Woo-Sungs and got pretty drunk and ended up sleeping with him. I’m so awful. I’m not that kind of person. And Yoongi has been trying so hard to fix everything and change and I just went and blew it in one night.”
You expected your best friend to hug you, maybe wipe your tears, and offer some comforting words. You didn’t expect him to double over in laugher right in front of you though.
“What the hell Jimin? It’s not funny.”
“Yes it is Y/N. It really is. You really don’t remember anything do you?”
You shook your head. He took a seat next to you and continued, “Woo-Sung called Yoongi last night while we were at the office. He said you showed up to his place already pretty tipsy complaining about how your neighbor told you about Yoongi and Suri making out in the hallway. Before he could stop you, you grabbed a bottle of whiskey off the counter and took a few big swigs. You got pretty drunk off of it and then moments later you tried removing your dress, but only got the straps off when you tripped because your shoes were too big and then you started crying. Woo-Sung said he was waiting for his mom to stop by to drop off some stuff so he couldn’t leave and was just gonna let you sleep it off in his bed and then bring you home in the morning, but he wanted Yoongi to know about it. He even sent Yoongi a text later saying he owed him for having to sleep on the couch in his own home.”
“What?! So I didn’t actually sleep with him? And you guys knew about all of this? Then how did Mrs. Chan smell his cologne in the hallway?”
He continued to laugh at your expense, “Do you really think Yoongi would be so calmly sitting at the table if he came home at 2am to find you missing and he didn’t know where you were? Remember that one time you took too much cold medicine and were completely passed out? Well when you didn’t answer Yoongi’s call in the middle of the night he sent Jungkook to check on you.”
“What?! I knew I saw someone in my room that night, but I kept telling myself it was just the fever making me see things. I am gonna kill them both.”
Jimin laughed even harder, “He was just really worried because he knew how sick you were and then you weren’t answering him which was unlike you. In his defense Jungkook was only supposed to knock on the door to see if you answered. Jungkook’s the one that went rouge and broke in like he was James Bond or something.”
“Okay whatever. I’ll take that up with Jungkook another day.”, you huffed.
“So Yoongi knows everything and is okay with it?”, you asked.
“I mean sure he was kind of pissed off you ran to Woo-Sung right away, but I think he gets it. Yoongi is well aware of his past with you. And as far as Mrs. Chan is concerned, Suri wears the feminine version of Yoongi’s cologne. Some bullshit about it reminding her of him. I told Taehyung to discontinue it, but it’s a best seller and I think he’s a little scared of Suri to be honest. That old bat Mrs. Chan just probably didn’t notice the difference and assumed it was Yoongi. Suri also has a type so there’s a high probability that this guy she was with did look like Yoongi especially from behind.”
You stared at the ground somehow feeling better, but worse at the same time.
You definitely owe Woo-Sung an apology for your behavior. You wondered if your famous cookies would be enough.
A knock at the door interrupted Jimins giggle fit and when he opened it Yoongi appeared holding a hot cup of coffee and a bagel sandwich. Jimin got the hint and left to finally get some sleep while Yoongi took his place sitting down next to you on the bed offering the coffee.
“Here drink this. I’m sure you feel even worse than you look right now.”
Taking the cup you took a sip of the hot liquid. The caffeine instantly taking the edge off of your headache.
“I’m sorry Yoongi. I shouldn’t have acted out like that especially without talking to you first. I was just so upset and hurt and not thinking straight.”
He smiled, “No need to be sorry. I understand why you did it. Honestly, I’m mostly upset that he got to see you in this dress before I did.”
Playfully you shoved his shoulder.
“I feel a little hurt honestly. I went over there looking like this and he just put me to sleep without even touching me.”
“Well I mean I’m like one of the biggest assholes on the planet and even I wouldn’t take advantage of a drunk woman no matter what she was wearing.”
You nodded, “True, true. I guess that is a good thing. There should be more people like that.”
“Yeah there really should AND it might also have a little something to do with the fact that when he agreed to go along with this whole plan, I might have, kind of, told him that if he ever touched you I’d take his guitar and shove it down his throat.”
“Yoongi that wasn’t very nice.”, you scolded somewhat playfully somewhat seriously.
Feeling a sudden rush of dizziness you rested your head on his shoulder taking in the smell of his cologne which had pretty much all worn off at that point besides a faint touch of cinnamon.
“We really need to get you a new cologne by the way. You’re like a billionaire, but you only have one bottle. It doesn’t make sense.”
“You should pick one out for me. Something that you like.”
“Really? Can I?”
“Yeah, but maybe don’t get this one customized.”
He chuckled while you cringed at the memory.
“If you weren’t with Suri then who was she making out with in the hallway?”, you asked taking a bite of the bagel he was offering you.
He shrugged his shoulders, “Don’t know and don’t care. Hopefully she found some other poor soul to suck the life out of. But it does worry me that she might have something up her sleeve and this was all part of a bigger plan of hers. So we should definitely be on the watch for that.”
You finished off the bagel with some help from Yoongi before deciding that it was time for a shower and to get some sleep before Woo-Sung would pick you up to head over and put the rest of the plan in motion.
As you stood up you glanced over at the dresser where you had placed your ring the day before noticing an empty spot.
“Oh no! Where did it go?”, you said in between tears that instantly started falling. You dropped down on the ground feeling around hoping to find it.
“Y/N what’s wrong?”
“I lost it Yoongi.”
“Lost what? Your mind?”, he chuckled.
“Not funny. I lost my ring. I put it right here on the dresser before I left last night. I have no idea how it could be lost.”
Still crawling around on the floor you didn’t even notice that Yoongi had walked over and was now crouching down next to you. When he finally cleared his throat you turned around so fast almost knocking him over. He was holding up the ring you were currently crying over.
“I saw it when I came to look for you in here after getting back from the office. I didn’t want it to get lost so I put it in my pocket.”
“Oh thank goodness.”, you said trying to grab the ring, but he took it just out of your reach.
“Yoongi can I please have my ring back?”
“I think you should go ringless for now. It’ll be more believable to Suri if you’re not wearing it. Every little detail counts.”
You couldn’t stop the pout that formed on your lips and Yoongi couldn’t stop himself from finding it to be the cutest thing ever.
“Plus I thought maybe when this whole thing is over I’d propose to you again. You know like actually propose, like you deserve.”, he said helping you off the floor.
“Alright, but it better include a song you wrote for me or I might just say no this time.”, you chuckled which Yoongi met with a gummy smile and blushed cheeks.
“I wish you could stay here with me.”, you said watching him put on his jacket.
“I know. Me too, but I don’t want the she demon to get suspicious.”
You laughed at the new nickname for Suri before wrapping your arms around him.
“Just a little more time and then we can put this all behind us.”, he gave you a kiss and you watched him walk out the door.
When you woke up a few hours later your headache had disappeared and you were feeling much better. After getting ready you walked out to find the living room already packed. Yoongi and Jin were sat at the table arguing over what restaurant they should order chicken from. Jimin was at the stove making a large pot of coffee knowing it’ll be needed. You heard someone clear their throat and then you saw Woo-Sung sitting in the armchair in the corner of the room. Your cheeks instantly heated up with embarrassment.
Slowly you walked over to stand next to him.
“Listen Woo-Sung I am so sorry about last night. I was just upset and not thinking straight. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable and I’m sorry that you had to sleep on the couch.”
He chuckled before shaking his head, “It’s okay Y/N. I’m just glad you came to me instead of going some place where you could’ve been taken advantage of. Cause I mean you did look really really good last night. If your husband wasn’t so scary I’d definitely say we should try that again, but sober.”
Before you could reply someone grabbed your hand and started pulling you away. Without looking you already knew it was Yoongi.
He glared at Woo-Sung before mouthing at him to watch it.
“How are you feeling?”, he asked once you were comfortably sitting at the table next to him.
“Better I guess. How about you?”
“Exhausted. I think I only got like two hours of sleep.”
“Was Suri there when you got back?”
He chuckled, “Yeah unfortunately. I found out who her hallway friend was.”
“Seriously? How? Who was it?”, you gasped with wide eyes.
“Suri left her phone out on the table while she was showering and luckily I guessed her passcode in only two tries. I saw these text messages between her and some guy that goes by Woozi. There was a photo of him as the contact and he looks a lot like me. I could see how Mrs. Chan would get confused. They went back and forth about planning a meet up and making out in the hall as the neighbors were walking around. It seems she knew that one of the neighbors would end up calling you to tell you what they saw. I have a feeling that she’s still not 100% satisfied with the situation and wants to make sure that there’s absolutely no chance that you and I reconcile.”
“She’s crazy Yoongi. There’s no nice way to put it. What did you ever see in her?”
“She was an easy hookup. I thought she felt the same way that I did. I swear I never thought she’d get like this.”
Before you could speak Jin cleared his throat indicating it was time to get things started.
Jimin and Jin helped attach the hidden recording device to Woo-Sungs chest using some tape. His shirt hid it nicely and they ran some quick tests to make sure everything was in order. Yoongi texted Suri to let her know that he was stuck at the office again, but that you would be stopping by to grab more of your things. Yoongi was going to stay there with Jimin and Jin so that Suri would feel more comfortable talking to Woo-Sung.
Yoongi met you at the dork to help you with your coat and Jin met you not long after.
“So everyone has their story straight? Remember Woo-Sung, just try and get her to do most of the talking. Try and guide her into revealing that Namjoon is the father and that she’s been blackmailing Yoongi with it.”, Jin spoke as Woo-Sung nodded in understanding.
You gave Yoongi a quick kiss goodbye before heading out the door.
Standing outside the penthouse door you were confused whether you should knock or just go in or maybe have Yoongi call her. Woo-Sung gave your hand a light squeeze, “We got this.”Opting for option number two you entered in the passcode which thankfully still worked. Just as you were taking off your shoes you could hear a loud sigh come from the entrance way.
“Don’t you know how to knock? You don’t live here any more remember? Or is that too much for your little brain to handle.”
“Fuck off Suri. Yoongi said he told you I was coming over. I just have to grab a few things and then we’ll leave.”
“Well hello to you too you little bitc-. Kim Woo-Sung? What are you doing here?”
Turning around you saw that Woo-Sung had made an appearance which quickly got the attention of Suri.
He smiled and outstretched his hand, “Nice to meet you. I’m just here with Y/N.”
“With Y/N? What is someone like you doing with a poor waste of space like her?”
He awkwardly cleared his throat, “She’s actually quite lovely.”
You felt your cheeks heat up at the compliment as you walked back towards your old room. You really didn’t need anything so you grabbed a small bag and started filling it with random articles of clothing to make it seem like you took something.
“Come sit with me. Would you like any bring to drink?”, Suri asked flirtatiously.
He shook his head taking the seat next to her on the couch.
Back at Jimins apartment him, Jin, and Yoongi were all listening to the conversation in real time.
“This is so cool. I feel like a secret agent.”, Jimin quipped.
The two older men quickly gave him a look to silence him.
“I really hope this works.”, Yoongi replied. “It’ll be fine. We just have to get what we need.”, Jin said trying to calm his friend.
“So how did the two of you meet?”, Suri asked twirling a strand of hair around her pointer finger.
“Ummm we met a while ago at a party. You know, friend of a friend type stuff. ”
“Oh and are you two just now getting to know each other?”
“Yeah Y/N has been pretty upset lately. She has been going through a lot of stuff so we’ve really connected.”
“Mmhm I see.”
“Yeah so what about you? I heard from Y/N you’re pregnant with Yoongi’s baby?”
She giggled,”Yes I sure am. See the little bump? We are so excited. Yoongi’s been picking out names already and we’re going to start on the nursery once Y/N gets the rest of her crap out of there.”
Yoongi rolled his eyes so hard he gave himself a headache while Jimin and Jin couldn’t contain their laughter next to him.
“Congratulations. I’m sure Yoongi is super excited. He’ll have a little farmhand to give him some help.”
“I’m sorry what?”, she asked coughing on her sip of water.
“Yeah Yoongi told me a while ago that if he ever had children he wouldn’t want them to grow up in an apartment in the city with a dad who was never around because all he did was work. So he said he’d leave the company and move out to the countryside and buy a sheep farm for his family to live on.”
“Oh my God, Yoongi and these fucking sheep.”, you whispered to yourself after eavesdropping on the conversation the best you could from your room.
“No I don’t think Yoongi would do that. I mean why would he give all this up?”, she asked gesturing around the very large penthouse.
He shrugged, “Dont know. I just heard Jin complaining that he was going to have to drive his Mercedes in the mud to go visit Yoongi since he was was looking at farmland for sale the other day.”
“Well we are not going to live like that so I’ll have to say something to him.”
“Yeah probably should bring that up to him. Especially before he wastes the time and money to order the DNA test.”, he chuckled.
“What DNA test?”
“Oh well I just assumed that someone with as much power and money as Yoongi would require a DNA test for any kid being claimed as his. You know, just to protect his assets and stuff.”
“No Yoongi wouldn’t do that. He knows this baby is his. There’s no way he’d put me or the baby through that. And even if he did for some reason I’d never agree to it.”, she nervously chuckled.
“I mean I’m pretty sure he could get it court ordered if he really wanted to.”
“Wow, she went through all this scheming and conniving and never even thought about what would happen if Yoongi asked for a DNA test. What an idiot.”, Jimin chuckled.
“I mean we never thought about that either. We could’ve just requested that she get a DNA test and when it showed Yoongi wasn’t the father we could’ve just used that. We didn’t even have to go through this whole extravagant thing.”, Jin responded. The three men sat staring at each other in realization.
Yoongi cleared his throat, “This is a good thing though. Now we will have this recording as well to make sure she can’t twist it around.”
Suri was beginning to panic. She hadn’t even thought about the possibility of Yoongi requesting his own DNA test because she honestly believed Yoongi would just bow down and give in to her.
“Why do you care so much about a DNA test? It doesn’t matter to you anyway.”, she spat.
Woo-Sung put his hands up in defense, “I really don’t care. I was just asking since Yoongi is an acquaintance of mine and I care about his well-being. You’re the one that’s getting so defensive about it.”
“Sorry, it’s just the hormones or something.”, she said trying to calm herself down.
You had quietly moved to the hallway just out of sight of the two of them in the living room. This was taking a lot longer than you had thought it would and you weren’t sure that Suri was going to break. You weren’t sure where he was going with this, but you were done leaving it up to the men and decided to take matters into your own hands. You made your presence known by greeting the two of them.
Yoongi, Jin, and Jimin looked at each other in panic as they heard your voice through the speaker. They hadn’t gotten what they needed so you weren’t supposed to be there yet.
As you sat down on the chair opposite Suri and Woo-Sung she scoffed at your audacity to make yourself comfortable.
“What are you doing? You don’t live here any more remember. Don’t be rude.”, she glared at you.
“Yes Suri, I am aware of that. I left on my own. I just wanted to talk things out with you. Like adults.”
“There’s nothing to talk about. Things were great between Yoongi and I and then you showed up. But now we finally get to be a happy family. Me, him, and our baby.”
You fought back an eye roll, “I am happy for you and I hope you guys have a long happy life together. If you ever need anything just let me know. I am always here.”
Suri looked at you with suspicion, “Why would I ever need anything from you?”
“I don’t know. I mean one day when Yoongi decides he’s had enough and leaves and you’re left all alone you might need some help.”, you shrugged.
“That will never happen. Especially now that I’m pregnant.”
“Mmhm. I mean he already hardly comes home now that you’re living here. Who knows how many women he’s hooking up with just to get away from you.”
“You’re just saying that because you’re mad he left you.”
“Am I? Do you really think I care? I still get the benefits of being his wife without the emotional baggage that comes with it. You on the other hand? You’re just the other woman that he accidentally got pregnant. If that baby really is his.”
Suri scoffed, “Of course this baby is his. Who else’s would it be?”
“I don’t know. Could be the guy you were making out with in the hallway the other day. Woozi I think his name is? Could be any other guy in this country. I mean I was having a few drinks with Namjoon the other day and he said some interesting stuff that makes me think the baby could even be his.”
You could see Suri’s body tense up at the mention of Namjoon.
You continued, “He mentioned something about the two of you hooking up and now you’re suddenly pregnant. Seems a little suspicious to me.”
“So what? I hooked up with him. I’m an adult and can sleep with whoever I want.”, she crossed her arms.
“No no you’re right. You can sleep with anyone you want. Just like Namjoon can take you to court over the custody of this baby if he wants to and it sounds like he does.”
“He doesn’t have the guts to do that. He’s way too passive.“
“I don’t know. He seemed pretty set on it the other day. Said he was already contacting lawyers and everything.”
Suri was visibly upset. You were starting to feel kind of bad because you didn’t want the innocent baby getting stressed out. You just needed that final push to send her overboard.
“Namjoon showed me all the proof he has while we were drinking. It all looked pretty believable to me, but then again I’m not a lawyer.”
“What proof?! I destroyed the DNA test that verified him as the father. I deleted every conversation we had about it. Namjoon has nothing confirming he is the father other than word of mouth and that means nothing! Yoongi is going to be seen as the father of this baby no matter what and that’s that.”
“You’re right Suri. Guess you have nothing to worry about then. Come on Woo-Sung, let’s go. I want to get out of here before Yoongi gets home.”
Suri jumped up to follow the two of you,
“I know what you’re up to Y/N. You think you just got dirt on me, but no one will believe you. It’s your word against mine. And if you try anything I will make your life miserable. I’ve blackmailed Yoongi for years and I won’t even think twice about doing the same to you.”
“Okay Suri. Have a good night.”, you smirked as you walked to the door with Woo-Sung following closely behind.
“Well that didn’t go exactly to plan.”, he chuckled awkwardly once safely in the elevator.
You heard your phone go off from your pocket. Taking it out the screen illuminated with a message from Yoongi.
“Good job baby. We got exactly what we needed. Now hurry up and get back here. I have a special reward waiting for you.”
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sam24 · 5 months
String Beans and Goldfish
Summary: Defending someone who everyone hates is hard. Especially when you're standing in front of a bunch of gang members and Mr. Serpent Hottie won't stop staring at you.
Pairing: Sweet Pea x fem!reader
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As soon as you walked through the door, you felt the piercing gaze of 20 something pairs of eyes on you. There was only one that truly mattered, but you pushed down your weird volatile feelings and cleared your throat, stepping up to Jughead.
“What are you doing here?” He raised an eyebrow. “I didn’t know you were into gaming.”
You rolled your eyes with a scoff. “Sorry Jughead, I’m not here to join this fun little club you’ve got going on here. I’m here to talk to you guys.”
“See Jughead, she’s probably here to tell us how stupid our club sounds. Literally who’s going to believe this.” Fangs whined.
You avoided looking at Fangs, because you knew exactly who would be standing right next to him.
“Honestly, I don’t give a shit about your club. I just need to talk to you guys about Reggie.”
You heard a collective groan among them at the name of Riverdale High’s star athlete, infamous among the Serpents for being a complete asshole.
“Why? You here to defend that dick? You his girlfriend or something?”
You looked to where the voice came from, although you knew exactly who it was. You made eye contact with him, his eyes, cold and proud, staring into you intently, waiting for an answer. There was an emotion rippling through his body that you couldn’t quite put your finger on.
Anger? Jealousy? Both?
Sweet Pea remembered the first time he saw you- the drag race. You were leaning against the truck Reggie was sitting on, your elbow resting on Kevin’s shoulder, looking annoyed as you squinted in the sun.
You had taken a sip out of Reggie’s red solo cup, making a disgusted scrunched up face before shoving the drink back into his hands.
Sweet Pea almost smirked from his place on his motorcycle next to Toni, but remembered he wouldn’t be caught dead smiling at a Northsider.
He couldn’t help but steal glances at you the whole time, and he for sure as hell could see you looking back at him.
The second time he saw you was on the Serpents’ disastrous first day at Riverdale High.
You were standing off to the side behind Kevin, trying your best not to cringe at Veronica’s enthusiasm and Archie’s uncomfiness. Sweet Pea wasn’t even listening to whatever Veronica was saying, instead eye-flirting with you the whole time.
You didn’t say anything when Cheryl and Reggie made their dramatic entrance down the stairs, apart from an audible groan and an eye roll. But, he did see you pull the sleeve of Reggie’s jacket back when he tried to storm up to Sweet Pea, a glint of warning in your eyes. Reggie immediately backed down, and Sweet Pea scowled at the sight, a string of jealousy pulling in his stomach.
He later learned you were in his World History fifth hour class. You and Cheryl walked in late, accompanied by Principal Weatherbee. Cheryl holding a rag to her bleeding nose, and a bruise forming on your knuckles, and your seat was coincidentally the one right next to the one he sat in.
”Damn you must be one hungry chick.” Sweet Pea watched as you pulled out yet another pack of goldfish.
“Thanks, string bean.” You smiled, trying your best to cover up the rapid beating of your heart. “It’s one of my best qualities.”
He raised his eyebrows with a smirk. “It’s actually Sweet Pea.”
“Well, Sweet Pea, maybe you should take me to Pop’s one time and I can show you much I can eat in one sitting.” You said with a wink, a playful smile tugging at your lips.
And before Sweet Pea could flirt back, Reggie stormed over, narrowing his eyes at Sweet Pea, threat clear in his eyes. Before he could throw out an insult, the teacher interrupted, loudly telling Reggie to sit down.
He grudgingly did, but he spent the rest of class glaring murderously at Sweet Pea. And of course, Sweet Pea flirted with you even more because of that.
And now you were here, at an undercover Serpent meeting trying to defend him.
That filled Sweet Pea with rage.
“Look, string- Sweet Pea. I’m not trying to make up excuses for him. I’m just trying to show you his side.”
“Those sound an awful lot like excuses, sweetheart.” Sweet Pea sneered.
You tried not to choke at the nickname.
“Look, Pea, I don’t want to get in the middle of whatever sexual tension is going on between you two, but how about we hear what she’s gotta say.” Toni tried to reason.
“Thank you.” You sent Toni a warm smile, ignoring the first part of her sentence, before facing the rest of them.
“Okay look. I know, Reggie is an asshole. But deep down . . . he’s actually still kind of an asshole- you know what, I have no clue where I’m going with this, lemme start over.” You said with the wave of your hand. “Reggie’s going through a lot right now. His dad- let’s just say he isn’t the best father.”
You paused, thinking how to phrase your thoughts. “He’s going through a lot of shit at home, and-”
“So? That gives him a right to treat us like shit? Tell Reggie to get over himself. Other kids get abused, doesn’t mean they go around acting like dickbags.” Sweet Pea snarled, venom dripping from his voice.
You narrowed your eyes at him, getting defensive. “No, that’s not what I’m saying. I’m just saying- honestly I don’t even know what I’m saying.”
You looked down at the floor, suddenly feeling stupid. You kicked at the tile, your converse skidding on the floor.
“I’ve known Reggie for a long time, and what I’ve accumulated over all this time is that Reggie is terrible with feelings. When he’s mad, he’s angry. When he’s sad, he’s angry. When he feels like shit, he’s angry. It may not seem like it, but he’s really hurting inside. So he thinks the solution is to take it out on other people. And you guys are the perfect target.” You got quieter, the previous anger in your voice turning into sadness.
Sweet Pea suddenly felt guilty for yelling, which was a feeling he rarely ever felt.
“Look, guys. If you want to beat him up, go for it, he honestly deserves it for being so terrible.” You took in a breath. “But try not to kill him, please. He’s my best friend.” Your voice went down to a whisper at the end.
The kid next to Sweet Pea rolled his eyes. “Please. Save the acting, bitc-”
He was quickly silenced by the thunderous slam of Sweet Pea’s palm onto the desk.
“Nevermind.” His jaw clenched.
Sweet Pea’s eyes stayed on the desk, but he caught the slight smile on your face. He was too proud to tell you that he’ll try to go easy on Reggie, just for you, but you understood.
And that was what made you special.
Before anyone could say anything, Reggie’s voice echoed in the hallway, calling your name.
“You should probably go before your boyfriend gets mad.” Sweet Pea muttered angrily, falling even deeper into the dark pit called jealousy.
You turned to walk out the door, but not before looking Sweet Pea dead in the eye.
”He’s not my boyfriend, string bean.”
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lou-struck · 11 months
Kei Tsukishima x reader College AU!
Prompt: study date +🍩
~Studying with Tsukki is hardcore, he always know just what to do to keep you motivated
WC: 2k
~This is one of the requested prompts for My Emoticon Expression’s Event; check out the masterlist on my welcome page
“You’re wrong; try it again.” Your boyfriend curtly says as he peers down at the study guide you have worked on for the last three hours. At times like this, you are thankful the two of you booked a private study room in the university’s library because you have not been watching your volume in the slightest. 
“Are you sure?” You sigh exasperatedly. “I really thought this one was gonna be right.”
“Well, it’s not; you need to go back and check your work.” He replies, sliding the paper back over to you; it is completely covered in angry red pen marks from his corrections. It’s a bit discouraging, but you know he is only being hard on you because he knows how badly you want to pass this class.
His features soften as he looks at you apologetically. “you’ve got this, just take your time and break down the problem into parts.”
“I’m just tired; my brain feels like it’s not working.” you sigh, rubbing your temples. “Maybe I should just accept that I’m going to fail and skip the other stages of grief.”
“Not going to happen,” he laughs, using his taped fingers to give your forehead a fick. It doesn’t hurt at all, but you and your dramatic self flinch and whine “Owww” just to get a rise out of him.
“Oh really?” he asks, looking down at you through his glasses, “if that hurts, just imagine how you will feel when you miss out on that internship you have been wanting due to your grades.”
You freeze; you have heard about the internship he had mentioned since freshman year of college. Not only is it a paid internship, but if you were to take it, you would get credit for about four classes that you need to graduate. If you miss out on this, you will probably regret it for the rest of your student life. “Why did you have to bring that up? Now I’m stressed, tired, and hungry.”
He looks at you with amusement; teasing you is one of the highlights of his day. “You’re hungry?”
You cross your arms over your stomach for effect, “Starved, haven’t you heard my stomach growling?”
“Over your whining?” he teases, raising a brow.
“I-it’s not funny,” you stammer, “this is a real predicament; I can’t study on an empty stomach; we may be here all day at this rate.”
He sighs, his golden brown eyes betraying a softness that tells you that you have won. “Fine, if you are sure this is the only way to get you to finish your worksheet, I guess I have no choice.” he relents, getting up from his seat at the table and grabbing his wallet out of his book bag. He turns and points at you strictly, “Stay right there, and If you are not done with that worksheet by the time I get back, I’ll just give it to someone else.” 
“Are you trying to bribe me to finish this worksheet?” you grin, giving him your best look of innocence that he doesn’t buy at all.
“Just get it done,” he says, turning towards the door and opening it quietly. 
“I love you,” you call after him. He smiles and turns to walk down the hallway; just before the door swings shut, you hear a chorus of sharps’ shhhhhhhh’s’ from the studying students from the other side of the library. It makes you chuckle to yourself as you stare down at your angry red-streaked paper and try to figure out what you did wrong in that last problem.
It’s only been about eight minutes since your boyfriend went to get you some fuel, and your stomach is busy grumbling the instrumentals of Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody. Your quiet study room is lonely, but you have managed to figure out what you had done wrong with the last problem, and to the best of your knowledge, it is correct this time. All you have to do is wait for Mr. Vanilla himself to come back and check over your work for you. 
Curiously you flip to the next page in your workbook; if you can bust through a few more problems before Kei gets back, it would mean that you can leave the library much sooner, and maybe the two of you can make it to the Jurassic Park movie marathon in the quad you had seen posters for. It would be such a great surprise to take him there after this is all said and done.
Buying him a large tub of popcorn is only one of the ways you are planning on thanking your Volleyball-playing s/o for taking so much time out of his busy day to help you study.
With sunset in about four hours from now, you return to your work; this deadline gives you a much-needed spring in your step as you begin to get back to work. 
The analog cock on the wall says that about another ten minutes have passed, and without your boyfriend’s presence, you haven’t been too motivated to finish any other problem other than the one he told you to do. They have been attempted, but you have only split the problems into smaller fragments so you can better understand them later, 
‘Maybe I should’ve taken better notes in class.’ you think to yourself when your boyfriend comes back into the study room. 
“Hey, you were gone for a while. Was the line at the cafe long?” you ask, tilting your head.
“In not heartless, you deserve something way better than the trash the cafe has to sell,” he says, stepping up to the table. The throw pillow-sized brown paper box in his hand just catches your eye when your nostrils are suddenly hit with a sweet and doughy smell that has your mouth watering. 
“I bet you’re wondering what is inside?” he smirks, placing the box on the table; you reach out for the strangely familiar scent only for him to push it further out of your reach. 
“Hey?” you whine. “Why did you have to do that?” 
“Ha, Let’s see your work first, then I’ll decide if you actually get to have any of this.”
“Jerk,” you huff, tearing your gaze away from the box to look at his face. A dark mole on the corner of his mouth catches your eye. Curiously, you lean in a bit closer and realize that it’s not a mole at all...
It’s chocolate!!!
“Wait,” you say softly, never taking your eyes off the little speck of fudge on his cheek, “is that frosting on your face?”
With his thumb, he wipes it quickly away; as he licks his thumb, he looks at you evilly, “What? Someone had to make sure they weren’t poisonous.”
You sigh and turn away from him, arms crossed and a pout on your lips. “Just look at my damn paper already.” 
“If you insist,” he grins, staring deep into your eyes. “Just know that if you take too long, your food will get cold.” The harmless threat shakes you down to the depths of your soul as he looks at you with gentle satisfaction. He slides the paper closet to him, and his eyes dart between your answer and your work before he looks up at you with a blank expression. 
You gulp nervously as you try and fail to read his expression. Mentally cursing the fact that Kei Tsukishima has one of the best poker faces you have ever seen. “So? What do you think?”
“I think,” he hums, reaching out towards the mysterious treat box with long arms. He rests his hand on top of it before sliding it across the table in front of you. “You got it right.”
Your chest heaves a deep sigh in relief. Unable to take the suspense any longer, you toss o[into the box to reveal dozens of little doughnut holes. 
Some look to be covered in glaze, chocolate, or frosting. While others look to be filled with various creams, jellies, or something else. 
“Doughnuts.” you cheer, picking a chocolate-covered sprinkle out of the box and plopping it into your mouth. The still-warm dough seems to melt on your tongue as the sugar makes you feel alive. 
As you savor the treat, he places some napkins in front of you. “Are you happy now?”
You nod and wipe your fingers with one of the napkins. “Extremely. What are all the flavors?”
“I dunno.” he says, “The shop was closing soon, so they just gave me a bit of everything for no charge.”
“That’s great; I can’t wait to find out,” you say, reaching for another donut hole only for it to be pushed out of your reach.
Upon seeing the look of confusion on your face, he laughs, “Did you really think it would be that easy? It’s a bribe.”
You look at the box longingly, “You don’t mean?”
“I do; every problem you get right, you get to have a piece. 
“You can be so cruel sometimes, Kei.” you sigh, earning a genuine smile from him, flipping to the next page; the little bits of work you had done earlier are starting to make more sense as you look flip between the notes Tsukki left on your other page and the fresh problems. 
“How are you doing?” he asks, looking over your shoulder,
“Does this look right so far?” you ask, pointing to the nearly complete problem. 
“It looks perfect.” he hums, glancing over it carefully. 
“Really?” you say with a light voice full of hope. Maybe the two of you will be able to make it to the Movie marathon after all. 
“Yep, just keep doing what you are doing.” he says, “I told you before that you know how to do this.”
Only because I have the best tutor in the world, “you hum cheesily, leaning in a bit closer to him. 
The tips of his ears turn pink at your world, and he looks at the box of donuts, “You’re not trying to get me to give you a donut early, are you?” he asks sarcastically.
“Nope, I want something else.” you hum, pushing yourself forward to catch his lips with your own. The kiss contains the lingering sweetness of the pastry you had just eaten, along with something a bit sweeter.
He kisses back far too eagerly for someone who had been relentlessly teasing you just a few moments ago. You pull back slightly and grin as he follows your lips stubbornly. 
“Do you think you’re being funny?” he asks, placing his hand on the back of your head to keep you close to him. 
“Just a bit; I have to tease you when I can since you are so good at teasing me.” you hum, giving him a devious smirk like the one he gave you earlier. 
“You’re such a pain,” he chuckles, gently retaking your lips. 
“But you love me,” you hum as he pulls away. A small smile tugs at his lips
“I do, which is why I can’t have you getting distracted,” he sighs, tapping your worksheet with his pen. “Let’s get back to work.
“You know, you could’ve just bribed me with kisses,” you tease, picking up your pencil. “They work just as well as the donuts.”
“Now you tell me,” he sighs. “If I knew earlier, I could’ve saved myself the effort of picking these up.”
“Nope, we need those too.” you laugh as you reach for the box. 
With a gently yet firm grip, he grabs your hand and shakes his head, “Not so fast; get that problem done, and then you can have one.”
“Come on, just one more?” you plead at him with big eyes, “I need all the help I can get if I want to finish in time.”
“Time for what?” he asks, raising a brow. “Did you really make plans after this?”
“Plans for us,” you say innocently. “Please?”
“Fine, just one more,” he sighs. “But then we have to get back to work.”
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gvfmarge · 5 months
My first fic????!!! Who am I??
Jakey blurb:
I’m so so nervous to post this. I don’t have many followers and I haven’t really interacted with many of you. But I just had this idea in my head and I had to write it down, it’s super duper short. I’m not a writer by any means and I didn’t really edit this, so please be kind. 🥺
This is loosely based off of my experience with my 2 babies and our first days at home. (It’s really not as beautiful as this makes it out to be and the exhaustion is REAL- in case you don’t have kiddos)
This is probably a flop and I doubt anyone will actually read but here it is. Also, I’m on mobile so I hope this posts okay and is readable. Again, please be kind and I would always love some type of feedback or critiques!!
Trigger warnings: Newborns and exhaustion. Really nothing but pure sickening fluff.
Jake (husband/dad) x Reader
“Are you just soooo hungry, is my sweet girl just starving to death?” He hums to her as he zips up the lilac colored floral footie pajamas. As he scoops her up from the changing table, he turns to you with his toothy grin. “Momma’s right here baby.” He hushes her cries with his whispered promises. Jake slips Nora into your arms and gently sinks down into the bed beside you.
You’ve always loved Jake. You’ve loved him since the first time you met eyes. He takes up every ounce of your heart. But there is just something in the way he rocks your daughter, something in the way he sings to her, the way he looks at you while you’re holding her that makes you realize you never knew how much you actually loved him. You never believed your heart could hold any more love for this man, but watching him love the child you created with him has made you feel like the world has stopped for only you and your new family.
Today is your second full day of being home from the hospital after giving birth. It’s nothing like you imagined, it’s harder than you ever imagined but Jake has been nothing short of amazing. You have never felt more taken care of and cherished before.
“I can’t believe she’s actually real.” He says looking down at her in awe while she nurses. You can see the love in his eyes, you can feel it radiating off of him. It has enveloped your entire life now. Every inch of your house is full of love because of this new life you have brought into it.
“I know, I still feel like it’s all a dream actually.” You whisper back, leaning your head on his shoulder. “It felt like she would never be here and here she is.” He hums in response and turns his head to kiss your forehead. You both sit tangled together while you feed Nora until she finally falls asleep in your arms.
Jake eventually slides off the bed when he notices your eyes getting heavy. “Let me take her for a while baby, you need to nap.” He says stretching out his arms to lift her off of your chest. “Are you sure? I’m okay, I really don’t feel tired.” As you’re yawning, you realize just how exhausted you are. Jake has barely let you lift a finger since you’ve been home from the hospital. He’s changed almost every diaper, cooked every meal, woken up with Nora almost every hour at night to help you feed her. “Aren’t you tired too? You’ve done so much, lay down with me and we can cuddle while she naps.” You’re hoping he agrees, you really don’t want him to take her and you really don’t want him to leave either.
He places Nora in her bassinet beside the bed and places his hand on her chest and she settles back down into sleep. He slowly walks to turn off the lamps around the room and closes the curtains, stretching his arms above his head as he walks back to his side of the bed and almost crashes his body into the mattress. “I’m so glad you said that because I think I might die if I don’t sleep.” He says muffled into his pillow.
You giggle at his dramatics and curl into his side, pulling the blankets up over your shoulders. “I love you so much, Jake. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to show you just how much.”
“You already have baby, you’ve given me everything I could ever want and more. You’ve given me the perfect little family, that is all mine. I couldn’t ask for anything more.”
As you both drift off into your nap, you both can’t help but smile through the exhaustion. Understanding now just how much this is all you’ve ever wanted.
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kats-fic-recs · 5 months
My favorite Kuroken fics <3
In Another Castle
Kenma feels his face go hot. People have to be looking at them. They’re having a fight in front of a real estate agency. But he doesn’t look away, and musters the courage to say, “Kuro, I want you to live with me.”
The Whole Of The Moon
Tetsurou has never thought about it before, but right now, he is absolutely and thoroughly terrified.
Because he’s so, so in love, and he’s always known that Kenma is it for him, but what if he’s not it for Kenma?
Or: a Kuroken soulmate AU in which both of them suffer and there's communication in all the wrong ways
Not For Nothing
Kuroo-san never says no to you,” Shouyou says
Not Your Mother's Hot Toddy
Kuroo always knew he would eventually end up killing someone for Kozume Kenma, he just thought he would have a lot more time to prepare.
Or: Kenma's hungry, Kuroo's bad at thinking on his feet, and Shouyo just wants to make friends in the city.
Live From the Lonely Hearts Club♡
(Kodzuken lets out a sigh that cuts so deep, it nearly startles his cat off his lap.)
I think I’m being obvious. I probably don’t need to spell it out for you guys. It’s clear as day, isn’t it? I’m fucking in love with my best friend. And I have been for a very long time.
So it pains me to say that I think I’ve made the stupidest mistake of my entire life. Because a week ago, T asked me if I wanted him to be my fake boyfriend.
(Kodzuken drags his hands over his face.)
And I’m pretty sure I said yes.
Kenma is so stupid. When did he become so stupid? He’d always thought he was kind of smart, but maybe he’s been stupid this entire time.
five snapped heartstrings
“From the day you are born, you have a countless number of strings wrapped around the ring finger on your right hand. These strings extend out to all of your potential soulmates. As you grow and make choices in life, one by one the strings will slowly begin to fall away until you’re left with one. At that point, your one true soulmate will be waiting for you on the other side.”
Kenma was seven, and he was certain of one thing. He wanted Kuroo Tetsurou to be his soulmate.
it's like a summer shower
Kenma’s breath catches at the memory, and then he’s blurting out, “Do you still have it?”
“Have what?”
“…the recipe,” Kenma replies haltingly. A pause. “And maybe some pictures for how it looked all set up.”
“Kenma…” his mother says breathlessly, and he’s honestly not sure if she sounds awed or horrified. “Are you going to attempt to make it?”
It's Kuroo's and Kenma's anniversary and Kenma wants to do something different - cook him dinner. He regrets the decision pretty much immediately.
crushed little stars
When Kenma was 13, he swore to himself that he would never, ever get star tear disease.
Three years later, he met Hinata Shouyou.
A purrfect match
"Hi Uncle Tettsun!” Nozomi says without moving an inch. “There's a kitty cat under here."
Tetsurou sighs, adjusting the heavy bag on his shoulder. There's been a dramatic increase in the number of cats hiding under homes or dumpsters or in trees lately, ever since the Kozume family's latest announcement. People have been chasing them down, knowing that whoever takes the key from the royal cat's collar will be allowed to marry the crown prince.
[Five times Tetsurou meets a cat, and one time he meets a human instead].
The Space Between Thinking and Feeling
“She might have assumed that we were dating and I might not have corrected her, yes.”
Kenma’s eyes are caught in a frenzy. Tetsurou isn’t sure why he’s that upset about this specific part of the story. “Why?” Is all Kenma asks.
Tetsurou shrugs. “I don’t know. She invited you to the wedding. I want you to come. It just seemed easy.”
“Dating me seems easy?”
“Pretend dating.”
(OR Tetsurou doesn’t want to go to his mother’s wedding alone. Good thing he has fake-boyfriend Kenma to tag along.)
Wallpaper Heart
Tetsurou walks into their apartment, aware of his feelings for the first time. It’s a weird sensation, like remodeling a house, and finding out there was a hidden door to an extra room behind the old yellowed wallpaper in the hallway. Now that he knows it’s there, he wonders how he ever missed it – wonders when the wallpaper went up in the first place, when it started keeping him out.
(OR Tetsurou's adventures in pining)
even if you're ahead for a bit, i will catch up
Kuroo first confesses when they're sticky-fingered, wide-eyed kids, and subsequently every day after that. Kenma takes a while to come around.
The Ghost Of The Future Is Awake In The Attic
Sika stags have a whole repertoire of courting behaviour that does not overlap with a human’s flirting one bit.
This, perhaps, should not come as a surprise to Tetsurou.
Or: The one where Kenma is a sika deer shifter, Kuroo isn’t, and Kuroo decides the logical thing to do is to court Kenma. The deer way. Despite the fact that he has no idea how deer shifter courting works.
When the Stars Threw Down Their Spears
"It’s hard to understand the hierarchy when a school like Nekoma exists, putting them all together like they belong, but by the time Kenma enters high school he understands the difference. Kuroo is a black panther, rare and precious; a large predator stronger than most any other foe.
Kenma is a calico housecat. His coloring is uncommon, but he is not special."
Shapeshifter!AU. Kenma struggles with a culture and the rules of courtship.
Ad Astra Per Aspera
The important parts of his life aren’t stored in the cement where he bled out, or among the familiar backdrops of his hometown. Home is curled up on a secondhand couch a few cities away, probably bitterly cursing his guts but still waiting for him to walk through the door.
The city has long since forgotten what happened to Kuroo Tetsurou.
…But Kenma didn’t. Kenma never would.
Kenma’s soul recognizes Kuroo Tetusrou even when his eye does not.
He’s been waiting an eternity for him, after all.
route 51 to your heart has been delayed by 20 minutes
The hottest man Kenma has ever seen shares the bus with him regularly. Under no circumstance is he ever going to do anything about it.
Not intentionally, at least.
Speak Easy, Lie Gently
Kenma’s invited back home to celebrate Christmas. Unbeknownst to him, his parents had invited a guest: his ex-boyfriend.
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fanfic-scribbles · 4 months
Dinner Date Chapter 29
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Overall Story Facts:
Fandom: MCU Captain America/Avengers
Story Summary: Steve Rogers has a girlfriend. A prickly, generally asocial girlfriend, but they make it work. They have more in common than some people might think.
Quick Facts: Romance – Steve Rogers/Reader – Female Reader
Story Warnings: Reader-insert that verges on OFC, written in 1st person past tense
Chapter 29: Cold and Dark
Chapter Summary: Winter is stupid.
Chapter Word Count: 2166
Work was stupid. People were stupid. Wind was stupid. Snow was stupid. The sun going down before dinner was stupid.
Everything was stupid.
I looked around my cold apartment, lit only by the front light I bothered to turn on, and went over my priorities for the rest of the night. Those being: dinner, and bed. Dinner was also stupid. I could go out and get food. I could order food. I could try and scavenge through what I had. But I thought of how much work it was just to figure out dinner, and how tired I was, and decided, fuck it, fuck dinner, I was going to bed. Never mind it wasn’t even seven yet. I was an adult and it was Friday so who cared if I fucked up my sleep schedule a little. Steve was off at some super-secret training thing, (“It’s basically a work seminar, I don’t know why Fury has to be so dramatic about everything,” Steve had opined a week ago, with nary a glimmer of self-recognition), so I had no reason to stay up, and if I slept then I wouldn’t be hungry, and saving myself a few calories was probably a good thing, right?
My stomach grumbled but I ignored it and trudged to my room. Also, if I went to bed I could just curl up under the covers and save some money on heating, which was also good. Saving money, saving calories, saving energy. Good fucking job.
I briefly considered warming up first with a shower and washing away the week, but it too ended up seeming like way more work than I wanted. Instead, I dressed for bed and slid under cold sheets to distract me from getting even more negative and grouchy than I already was. When I did eventually warm up I didn’t really sleep, but I did get to doze a little. Enough that I had a dream of Steve coming home, walking into my apartment like he belonged there (which made me smile), kneeling next to my bed, putting his cold hand on my face–
I blinked open my eyes, because that felt– real. Wait. This was real. “Steve?” I asked and took his hand in both of mine to try and warm it up. I tried to lift my head but I felt groggy still, so I let it fall back on the pillow as I woke up fully. “What are you doing here?”
“I thought I’d surprise you,” he said and flicked on the bedside lamp so I could better see his worried frown. Or maybe so he could better see me, though he was definitely getting the bad end of that deal. “Are you sick?”
“No.” I sighed, and then immediately broke into a yawn. “It’s just…cold. And I’m gross. And kind of miserable.” I considered moving. “Give me a second and I’ll get up.”
“You don’t have to,” he said and kissed my cheek.
“Are you gonna crawl in too?” I asked hopefully. I was not up for anything resembling physical activity, but I was totally down to cling to Steve like a limpet and suck up all his heat.
“In a minute. I’m going to take care of a few things first,” he said and stood. “Did you have dinner yet?”
“It’s too much work,” I said and curled up again. “I’m fine without it.”
He stayed there for a moment. “You aren’t going to eat at all?”
“It’s one meal. It won’t kill me,” I said. My stomach grumbled and I pinched it. Traitor.
He hesitated longer but before I could reassure him that I was fine, I was fully stacked for the winter (as if he could forget), he said, “Okay. I’ll be right back,” and left.
While he was out in the living room doing who-knew-what, I flipped on the other bedside lamp and scooted over to try and warm his spot a little bit so he wouldn’t have the shock of discomfort that was cold sheets. Because I was the best girlfriend ever.
Steve came back in just his pants and tank top, carrying a couple of drinks and a…tray? A tray that was covered with the miscellaneous snacks I’d had floating around in my cupboard and fridge, apparently. Steve set it down next to me as he slipped off his jeans to change into his sweats, and I lifted the paper towels to see what he had used for this impromptu snack party. “Oh shit; I was wondering where my baking sheet went,” I said and picked up the tray to hold it steady as he slipped under the covers. “I can make cookies again.”
That felt like a stupid thing to say, considering I couldn’t even do the minimal work of ordering a dinner for someone else to cook, but Steve smiled at me and I forgot to be mad at myself. “I’m glad you came to see me,” I said and leaned over to give and receive a kiss. “I’m sorry it’s not a nice homecoming.”
“I think it’s great. I ordered some food for us, but right now, sitting in bed with snacks sounds like the best thing in the world,” he said, took the tray onto his lap, and handed me one of the bottles he’d carried in. He gave me his best pleading eyes and added, “Will you share with me?”
I held my stomach tighter. Mostly-unbroken chips, a fancy trail mix I’d bought on a whim, some budget cookies I was too cheap to throw out– he’d even pulled together some crackers, torn up some leftover lunchmeat, and added some cheese for a poor man’s charcuterie. “I’m sorry you had to do all this work when you just got home,” I said as I took one of the cookies.
“I’m the one mooching off your apartment and food,” he said, snagging a couple pieces of cheese.
“I’m glad you are though. I’m always happy to have you here.” I pressed my forehead to his shoulder. “But you put the snacks together, ordered dinner…” And all I had done was crawl into bed.
“I had a good idea for dinner. You know I don’t mind,” he said, briefly pressing his head to mine as he took a cracker and stacked it with some meat and cheese. “I know dinner is a lot to think of sometimes, but you still need to eat.”
“Hey.” He gently bonked his head to mine, almost making me drop the cracker and cheese I had just grabbed. “No skipping meals.”
“I didn’t want to,” I said. “But it’s not like it’d kill me. I’m not doing a whole lot that needs the calories.”
“Existing requires calories,” Steve said, like he was sharing an implacable truth.
Well…he kinda was. “Existing is stupid,” I said as a I munched and snuggled into him. After a moment, though, I reconsidered my words, and quickly swallowed my bite. “That came out sounding worse than I actually meant it.”
“Yeah, I got the meaning by your grumbling,” he chuckled and kissed my head. “Winter’s really getting to you, huh?”
“It’s stupid. And cold. And dark. And stupid.” I sighed as he rubbed my back. “And I’m going to miss it when summer is hot and bright and stupid. Seasons are terrible.”
“They’ve got their downsides,” Steve said. “But right now, winter is for warm blankets, and eating food. So we’ve got the right idea.”
“If you say so.” I kept sliding down though, until I was laying only slightly propped, and able to semi-burrow into his side. He slipped me another cracker, and I ate it. “I do like this,” I admitted and pushed my head closer into him. Laying down, resting my eyes and snacking with Steve felt…cozy. “How was your super-secret seminar?”
He sighed so dramatically, and then, without any further prompting, proceeded to tell me as much as he could, considering that the super-secret seminar was actually a super-secret mission, (“oops,” as Natasha had said), and he ended up being a decoy so Natasha and ‘someone else’ could do the real work–
He only stopped complaining to go get the food when it arrived, and though I would have been content to just eat crackers and listen to him bitch, I managed to pull myself up and eagerly take my container when he handed it to me. The tray was nearly empty at that point so it was easy enough for him to brush the crumbs aside so he could use it as a makeshift lap table for his multiple containers, and then he was right back to telling me how bad it was to have to mingle with rich people who were maybe doing something evil, how boring it all was (the number one sin when it came to Steve Rogers, if you listened close enough), and how at one point he’d dared Clint to attempt a trick shot off a fire alarm with a rubber band and a tartlet, but they’d gotten caught and yelled at about it.
“How was the food?” I asked, even as I shut the lid on my empty container.
“It was fine,” he said and flashed a smile at me. “Nothing like here.”
I snorted. “Yeah, I bet socialites have nothing on my store-brand crackers and cheese squares.”
“Well, they certainly don’t have anything on the company,” he said and pulled me in with one arm for a brief hug. Then he stuck the trash from dinner in the plastic delivery bag and picked up the tray. “I’ll be right back,” he promised and left.
I should have felt bad for making him clean up, but in actuality I felt better, even if truly tired for real now, and I dusted and picked up any stray crumbs before he returned. I lifted the blanket for him to get in, and finally, finally, I was able to attach myself to him like a strong current was threatening to wash me away.
“I’m glad you came home safe,” I said. However, one thing poked at the back of my brain still. A question I was too afraid to ask because of the potential for embarrassment. And yet, it would not leave, so I sighed, hid my face in the space between him and the pillow, and asked, “Did I leave the door unlocked again?”
He froze. “…No.”
I perked up, because my embarrassment potential was officially gone. “Did you break in?” I didn’t know whether I should laugh or be mad. I was…definitely leaning more towards the first, in all honesty.
He turned pink. Deep pink. “Natasha’s been teaching me a few tricks,” he mumbled. “I tried it on my place first. I swear I didn’t break anything.” He shrugged one shoulder and added, with a little half-smile, “Well…not literally, in any case.”
I stared at him a little longer, still torn between offense and hilarity. Then I reached back, snagged my phone, and opened up my texts with Natasha.
I expected the next message to ask me for clarification, if only because ‘which thing’ would be very Natasha. However, clairvoyancy was also, somehow, very Natasha.
Natasha: I’m putting ‘corrupting Captain America’ onto my résumé Natasha: Not because I can sell it, but because I find it funny
Well. She had a point. And I, actually, had a way to circumvent that issue.
Me: Well from now on he can only use that party trick on people who aren’t me Natasha: Spoilsport
I sent back a bunch of kissy-face emojis and hopped out of bed before Steve could ask about our conversation. He did protest for a moment but I went to my key dish, grabbed the spare, and zoomed right back into bed.
“Here,” I said and gave him the key, quashing down the butterflies in my stomach. “I probably should have given you this a while ago. Also don’t lose it because if I lose mine I’ll need it back.”
“You make this so romantic,” he chuckled, but he gripped the key firmly in his hand.
I rolled my eyes, but I leaned over him, supporting myself partially with a hand on his chest, and kissed him gently; then I brushed my nose across his, once, and then again for good measure. “You’re always welcome here,” I said. I watched him turn soft and asked, “How was that?”
“Pretty damn good,” he said, set the key aside, and flicked off the last remaining light before he pulled me in closer. I snuggled in to rest my head against his chest, (maybe my actual favorite pillow), and let out a sigh as my body relaxed without me even having to try.
“Maybe winter isn’t as stupid as I thought,” I admitted as the dark settled around us.
“Only a little stupid?” Steve said.
“Only a little stupid,” I agreed, and fell asleep where the cold no longer touched me.
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lovekz · 1 year
french kiss (11)
syn ->  rindou has a crush on his older brother’s best friend. and literally doesn’t know how to express his feelings. but when ran isn’t available and you come to him for advice, he has an idea.  
beware of.. self-degrading, violence, depression, past suicidal thoughts
this chapter is going to be very heavy. if you are triggered towards these kind’s of topics, i do suggest skipping to towards the end.
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it was the next day. izana had left after he spoke with rindou, saying something about visiting that little bastard with the surname sano.
rindou had gone to buy a few new things for his dj set, despite the heavy rain happening outside.
two individuals, however, decided going outside wasn’t on the to do list today.
the rain made perfect weather for ran and kakucho to stay in bed not to mention having some sweet morning sex.
ran laid on kakucho’s arm comfortably as he scrolled through the numerous apps on his phone.
“we should make breakfast.” kakucho suggested, peeling his eyes away from his phone and looking at ran.
ran looked at him with a confused look, before sighing dramatically and leaning into kakucho.
“why not just order? i wanna stay in bed until rin gets back.” ran mumbled, speaking into his jaw.
kakucho rolled his eyes and pulled ran on top of him, smiling at him softly and ignoring ran’s complaints of it being cold. 
“nuh uh. i wanna cook for you.” kakucho said, squeezing his hips gently.
ran laid down and wrapped his arms around his lover’s neck, placing loving kisses along kakucho’s jawline.
“don’t gotta, yknow? could just stay with right here me.” ran hummed against his throat, looking up at him.
“yeah? why?” kakucho whispered, pulling him up properly and cupping his cheeks.
ran pretended to think, looking up at his lashes to be even more dramatic.
“i’m kinda hungry for something else.” ran cooed quietly, allowing kakucho to bring his face closer.
“excuse me?” a voice called out from the hallway, throwing the bedroom door open harshly.
ran grabbed kakucho’s hands and removed it from his face, sitting up with slight confusion.
the man that stood in the doorway was one that matched ran’s height, fiery violet eyes glaring into his own.
his father.
ran didn’t rush, only standing up and pulling a pair of sweats on. “kakucho. you should head out.” ran muttered, not taking his eyes off the man before him.
his father showing up was never a good sign.
rindou sighed as he looked at the pouring rain from inside of the store. it said it would stop around 11:30 and not begin again until 2.
it was currently 12:31 in the afternoon.
he couldn’t stay out in weather like this anymore. if he did, he would probably get sick.
rindou’s phone buzzed and he looked down at it, hoping it was the weather app to say rain was stopping soon.
but it wasn’t. the notification read ‘aniki -_-’ in bold letters. 
[12:32pm] aniki -_- : don’t come home.
rindou scoffed at the message and tucked his phone into his pocket, pulling his hood over his head before beginning to head out of the rain.
he hadn’t known if ran was still mad at him for trying to fight izana, eating his wings that were in the fridge, or he was doing a deep clean.
or well, kakucho was doing a deep clean. ran wouldn’t even try.
rindou put his brand new things for his dj set into the passenger seat and began to drive off.
“sorry ran, but it’s either rain or the flu.” rindou muttered, fixing his glasses and squinting.
he had to try and see through the rain in order to avoid getting into a serious car accident.
when rindou made it back home, he booked it into the house with his things in the shop’s bag.
he heard a few things stumble upstairs, before it’d gotten silent.
“rindou? is that you?” ran called out, more than likely muffled because of the door he was behind.
“yeah.” rindou called out, making his way upstairs after taking his soaked hood and shoes off.
before he can make it up the stairs, a door slammed and locked. rindou raised his eyebrow and placed his bag on the step.
“g-go out rindou! do something with your life!” ran yelled out in a panic, more shuffling happen behind the door.
rindou acknowledged the door as the bathroom door. the one aside from their own bathrooms.
“you got the stomach virus again?” rindou teased, continuing to make his way upstairs with his things.
why was ran in that bathroom? the only time that bathroom had been used was if one of them was hurt.
realization and curiosity struck rindou almost immediately.
did ran get hurt while he was gone?
rindou dropped his things near his door and walked over to the bathroom, tugging on the door knob.
it was locked, still no response from ran either.
rindou pulled out a bobby pin holding a strand of hair up and used it to pick the lock as silently as possible.
when it clicked, he tossed the door open and seen ran sitting on the floor. his head was hidden by his lap.
“oh my- go away rindou! fuck!” ran yelled out, sniffling harshly, and holding his hands over his head.
how bad was he hurt?
rindou rushed over to him with worry, forcing his brother to face him.
when he was able to face him, rindou had finally noticed all the missing inches from his hair.
“..ran.” rindou whispered, looking around the messy bathroom.
scissors stood out on the floor, messy chunks of hair scattered around on the tiled floor as well.
“does- does it look good? do i look uglier than i did?” ran whimpered, bottom lip wobbling as though he were a child once more.
one look in ran’s eyes and suddenly, rindou was 12 again.
he was a twelve year old chasing after his elder brother, who was diagnosed with severe depression.
in the middle of dinner that night ran had revealed to his family that he had romantic feelings for the same gender.
that also ended up being the night that he told his twelve year old little brother that he was going to ‘touch base with the stars’ soon.
when twelve year old rindou realized what that had meant, he chased him down the block barefoot, screaming to the top of his lungs.
“aniki please! don’t do this!” young rindou had sobbed, feet stinging and chest heaving.
ran had always been the fastest, and rindouhad asthma, but that never slowed him down. his brother was trying to leave him.
his only brother.
“go home and leave me alone rindou!” younger ran yelled out, turning into the alleyway.
rindou still chased after him, his feet beginning to throb with every step he took.
by now, rindou was in tears and he couldn’t see straight, leaving him to collapse on his knees and let out a loud wail for his aniki.
the boy prayed loudly, begging whatever god was out there to not take his brother away from him.
apologizing for all the times he’d snitched when they were younger. apologizing for ruining his homework. apologizing for making a mess and blaming it on him.
but most importantly.
apologizing for being the worst little brother he could be in this shitty family.
ran paused in his steps and turned back to his brother, gathering him in his arms and sobbing with him.
ran had took him home and stayed the entire night. rindou wouldn’t stop sobbing and wouldn’t leave his brother alone.
not even to use the bathroom or take a shower to freshen up.
not even when his father demanded he stopped and even raised a hand to him.
rindou hadn’t known this at the time, but he was what kept ran alive and pushing forward all these years.
but seeing him like this, he wasn’t so sure anymore.
rindou didn’t know what happened while he was gone, but he was gonna try to find out.
and he was painfully aware he couldn’t do it alone.
you sat on the counter looking at ran with a pitied smile, placing the hair scissors down onto the counter.
“do you like it?” you asked softly, showing him the hand mirror you brought over with you in a rush.
ran looked at himself, wiping his eyes and sniffling. “i look horrible.” ran muttered, pushing the mirror away.
no one knew if he was talking about the amount of hair he had on his head, or the state his face was in now.
you frowned, turning to rindou for a bit of advice. rindou didn’t even know how to respond to that.
“no you don’t. the prettiest boy i’ve seen.” you said to him, softly carding your hand through his now short hair. 
ran sniffled again, pulling away and looking at rindou with an unreadable expression.
he had let the two of you know what happened and why he looked so ‘horrible’.
their father had caught ran and kakucho in bed together, and it got a bit physical.
the father got really angry and ended up cutting ran’s hair in the middle of the fight while cursing at him.
letting him know that he was no longer apart of the family and he was going to die sooner or later.
rindou fixed his posture and walked over to his brother, wrapping his arm around him and turning to the bigger mirror.
“you look great.” rindou complimented quickly, looking up at him.
ran looked at himself in the mirror with a sorry expression. he looked empty.
“long hair or not. gay or straight. you are always my brother. always apart of the haitani brothers.” rindou spoke, letting him go.
“i’m proud to call you my aniki.” rindou chuckled, nudging him playfully.
that brought even a hint of a smile to ran’s face, nudging him back.
rindou looked up at ran, and then over to you who was still sitting on the counter. you were watching the two interact with a smile.
ran turned around and looked at you, before pulling you into a tight embrace.
“thank you.” ran muttered into your neck, not wanting to make eye contact with you even a little bit.
rindou could understand why he felt embarrassed.
especially when it came to you.
“i told you. even if we’re not on speaking terms. i’m here for you.” you whispered, hugging him back just as tight.
ran nodded, closing his eyes and taking a deep inhale of the perfume you were currently wearing, along with the smell of rain.
ran got you that perfume on one of your unnecessary shopping sprees.
“fuck I love you two. so much.” ran sighed, pulling you and rindou into a bone crushing hug.
he was still wearing that bittersweet smile.
something was on ran haitani’s mind, and rindou feared of what it was.
after everything calmed down, you had stayed the night and got a change of clothes as the weather got worse and worse.
it was 2:37 in the morning when you’d finally fallen asleep in Ran’s bed.
the owner of the comfy mattress, however, couldn’t find it in him to rest.
so he got up and made his way to his younger brother’s room.
thankfully, rindou was up playing some video game shion had lent him last time he was at the house.
“hey.” ran called from the crack of the door, before walking in.
rindou jerked his chin up as a greeting, eyes not leaving the game.
ran took a seat on rindou’s bed, laying back and sighing quietly.
“can we talk?” ran asked, tossing a hand over his eyes.
“if it’s about the old man, ion wanna talk about it.” rindou replied, chewing on a vanilla wafer.
it was a common topic.
the father of the haitani brothers would fuck over the eldest and leave him upset.
in return, ran would go on a hideous rant about what he needs to do.
it’s all forgotten by the next day though, so rindou didn’t pay too much attention to it.
but the next words that left ran’s mouth scared rindou entirely.
“I think it’s time we finally get out of here.” 
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(yall we almost at the end!)
tagsss ~ @sleeplessreader @haitani-bruv @cyborgciderman2 @jojxba @k3rrpii @rinrinfoxy @rinsie @m4ymay @eroscastle @thisbicc @leviandarminfavscout @mouse-teagreat @lollevi @awkwardaardvarkforever​ @shuujin @fairybimb0 @luvjiro​ @idktbhloley​ 
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
I come bearing a request! I need some wish fulfilment in my life, so Robin & Steve still meeting and becoming platonic soulmates even without all the Upside Down? Feel free to combine this with others or go wild with it in any direction you want. I love your writing, and I’m really looking forward to seeing all of these when they come out, I’m sure people have had so many good ideas!
THANK YOU!!!! I loved this idea. I love their friendship so much, it reminds me sooooo much of me and my person. Even though you said I could mix it in with another one, this felt like something I wanted to make the main focus. They're platonic soulmates, so they find each other no matter the circumstances or universe. I hope you like what I came up with! - Mickala ❤️
Steve was so lost. He followed the map, or tried to at least, but still ended up by the music building instead of the library.
He was certain there was a joke there about jocks not being able to find the library, but his head hurt, and he was hungry, and he was exhausted.
His first few days of classes had been overwhelming to say the least. He’d only registered for three classes, already knowing his work schedule would keep him too busy to handle more.
It would mean graduating later, but it would also mean more freedom from his parents.
That was more important.
But he carved out an entire afternoon to go to the library this week and so far, he’d wasted an hour walking to the wrong library, back to his car to get the campus map, and then, apparently, the wrong direction.
He was about two seconds away from crying.
He inhaled. He exhaled.
He leaned back against the wall of the music building and slid down until he was sitting on the ground.
It was his day off so nothing was stopping him from just sitting here until he found the energy to walk back to his car.
Except for the person currently tripping over his legs.
“Shit! Who sits on the ground outside? Who does that?”
The girl looked at him, eyes squinting as she took in his visibly pitiful appearance.
“Dingus! Why are you on the ground?”
She sounded annoyed, but also a little amused?
“Sorry. I’m just lost and tired.”
She searched his face, probably trying to figure out how someone like him could be this lost.
“Where are you trying to be?”
“That’s on the other side of campus.”
“I know that now, thanks.”
He really wasn’t in the mood to deal with people, especially not someone who already seemed to not like him because he was in the way.
But she wouldn’t go away, despite the fact that she was clearly in a rush before.
“Weren’t going inside?” He couldn’t help asking, hoping she’d forget about him and leave him to mope for a bit longer.
“I was. But you’re kind of depressing and I think it can wait.”
That’s awesome to hear. He kind of felt like the tears he’d been holding back on for ten minutes now were going to fall and he’d make a bigger fool out of himself and this girl would probably call campus security thinking he’s nuts.
“Dude. You’re kind of losing it. It’s only the first week.”
Yeah, well.
“I’ll be fine. Just go to class. You’re obviously running late.”
“First of all, it’s practice, not class. I’m in the marching band. Scholarship duties or whatever. Second of all, I’m not leaving you here. You look like you’re gonna throw up and die.”
Steve rolled his eyes. This girl was incredibly dramatic.
It was definitely entertaining at least.
“I’m not gonna die.”
“But you might throw up?” The girl looked disgusted. “Do it behind the building at least.”
He was a little nauseous, but that was probably just the anxiety and exhaustion mixed with not eating in a while.
Did he even have breakfast today?
Shit. He didn’t have breakfast.
“Okay. Here’s what’s gonna happen. I’m gonna go inside and tell them there’s an emergency and I can’t stay. The director is cool, he won’t even ask questions.” The girl was waving her hands around like that would help explain her plan. It didn’t. “Then, I walk you to the library. You buy me a snack at the cafe next to it so I can make the walk back here. We never see each other again, I pretend you’re not as pitiful as you look, and you learn where the library is.”
In theory, that sounded fine. But in practice, he wasn’t gonna waste her time.
The library closed in two hours and he wouldn’t have nearly enough time to do what he needed to by the time he got there, so why waste the energy walking all that way? Especially if it caused someone else to waste their time?
“It’s alright. Go to practice. I’m just gonna walk back to my car and head to the dorm.”
“You live on campus? Which dorm?”
“Grayson Hall. Why?”
There was only one co-ed dorm on campus, so the odds of her living in the same building as him were slim to none.
“Me too! Dude, do you think you could wait for me to be done with practice and drive us both back? It’s dark when I leave and my usual ride is sick.”
Steve should’ve said no. He didn’t even know this girl’s name. She seemed kind of crazy. Like, who asked a stranger for a ride and told them where they lived?
“You don’t have much stranger danger knowledge do you?”
“I think I can take you if I have to. You’re pale and you have bags under your eyes the size of the moon. I took a self defense class before I came here. My parents insisted.”
“Uh.” Well, he couldn’t really think of a reason not to at this point. “Okay.”
“Great! I’m Robin. You are…?”
“Cool. See you in two hours dingus!”
He didn’t get a chance to respond before she was in the building.
Alright then.
Robin was kind of insane. But in the best way.
Steve hadn’t really had friends since the first two years of high school.
He’d gotten the shit kicked out of him twice in a row and “fell from grace” by junior year.
He couldn’t even find a place with the nerds. He wasn’t enough of anything. Not enough of a jock. Not enough of a smart kid. Not enough of a nerd. Not enough of a bad boy.
Not enough.
But the more time he spent with Robin, the more he felt like he could be.
She teased him relentlessly, sure, but she let him tease her back.
She was patient with him when he didn’t understand something, taking time to explain an assignment that confused him.
She was a sophomore, didn’t have to take a gap year like he did. She got a scholarship right out of high school.
He cut himself off from his parents right out of high school. The moment he did, he was completely on his own.
He had very little savings, just enough to rent a room in a house with a few people he didn’t know outside of town. He worked two jobs for a while, making sure he was putting away anything extra, living “slim” as one of his roommates used to say.
He didn’t have time to make friends.
And when he got accepted into college, he knew it would be the same.
He was paying for school himself, and he wasn’t smart enough to get an academic scholarship, or good enough at any of the sports he played in high school to get a sports scholarship. That meant he had to work at least one full time job while he took classes.
But that didn’t deter Robin.
She showed up at his door every morning with a smile and some crazy story about what happened at band practice the day before.
Band kids were kind of crazy. Robin was a little crazy.
He loved her.
She brought so much to his life, so much he didn’t realize he’d been missing.
If he didn’t know any better, he’d swear he was in love.
But he did know better.
Before she even came out to him, he knew she was different. Not a bad different, just the kind that he wasn’t wanting to be involved with romantically. Something was telling him she wasn’t interested in him either.
So one month into the semester, while they were studying together on Steve’s lunch break at work, she told him.
“I’m gonna say something that will either make you hate me or make us closer than ever.”
“Just promise me no matter how you take it, you won’t tell anyone else. It would be dangerous for me.”
Dangerous? Was she in the mafia or something?
“I won’t tell anyone.”
He wouldn’t. But he was a little scared he’d end up in a ditch somewhere.
“I’m. Okay so. You know how you’re into women?”
This is not what Steve expected.
“Okay. I’m. Also into women?”
Steve sat silently. Waiting for her to say more.
Robin just stared at him, nervously biting her nails.
“And?” Steve asked when she didn’t continue on her own.
“And…that’s it? I’m a lesbian.”
Oh, that’s it? Nothing mafia related? Cool.
“Yeah. I mean I expected something bad.”
“You don’t think that’s bad?”
“No? Should I?”
Robin looked like she was going to cry and that couldn’t happen because they were in public and Steve still didn’t know what to do to comfort people when they cried.
“Don’t cry. Please. I think you’re amazing, Robin. It doesn’t matter if you like women. I like women so, like, I get it.”
“You do?”
“Of course I do! I mean, boobs. Am I right?”
Robin let out a bark of a laugh.
“Yeah, boobs. Hard to resist.”
They smiled at each other, then looked back at their books.
He got lucky with Robin.
He got lucky that she’d found him when he was lost and kept him going the right way since.
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candyheartedchy · 1 year
A Muse (Part 1)
Summary: When a artist down on her luck shows up in Gravity Falls, she soon finds herself awaking what she believes to be a muse.
Word Count: 2,686
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Leaves rustled in the autumn air as a RV rode down a dirt path, snapping branches and sticks underneath it’s tires as it pulled off into a little clear opening. The vehicle soon came to a stop before the door opened and a auburn haired woman stepped out, carrying a large, crinkled road map. The cold breeze nipped at the woman’s skin, causing her to shiver in her sweater as she stood before a wooden shack, looking lost.
Inside the Mystery Shack, a wavy, sandy brown haired woman hummed to herself as she stocked the clothing rack with shirts. A large, heavyweight man wearing a suit soon walked over.
“Oh, color coordinated! Nice!”
“I thought it would catch the customer’s attention more.”
The man smiled, “It makes me want to get one of every color, and I already do!” he then paused, “You know, speaking catching customers’ attention, we haven’t had a single person come in today.”
“It’s probably just a slow day. We get those sometimes.”
“I know. I’m just hope people aren’t growing tired of this place, you know? Like what if I’m not cut out for this and I can’t bring in people anymore. And lose the shack because I can’t pay the rent? What if I let Stan down!?” the man began to panic until his face was grabbed, being forced to stop and look down at the woman.
“Soos, you been doing a wonderful job running this place. You would never let Stan down. Why do you think he put you in charged? He believed in you, just as much as I do. You just have to believe in yourself.” she smiled, squishing Soos’ face a bit.
Soos sighs before smiling back, “You’re right Melody. Stan trusted me with the shack for a reason. I’m just being a glummy-gus.“
Melody then pulled Soos down and kissed him on the forehead before returning back to her work. Soos smiled at her, brows lowered as he stared off, still uncertain.
Just then, the shack’s door open. Stepping inside was the RV driver.
“Hey, um, do you know the way into town, I’m kinda lost?” the woman asked, alerting the two.
“To get into town? Absolutely! Here, let me get you a map.”
Following the man over to the front desk, the woman kept getting distracted by the shop’s decorations. Her eyes keep meeting strange and unfamiliar creatures and items. From regular gift shop merchandise to messily put together taxidermy creatures and statues. All feeling like they were watching her.
Grabbing a map of the town, Soos handed it over, “So, what brings you to Gravity Falls? Taking a detour?”
The woman looked off in the distance, almost dramatically, “Artistic inspiration.”
“Oh, your an artist? That’s cool. What kind of stuff do you make?”
“Anything really. Though I dealing artist block right now... Been traveling all over to find something to kickstart my creative juices, but nothing worked so far.” the woman frowned, “And I feel like I’m running out of places.”
“Luckily for you, Gravity Falls is filled with a lot of inspiring people and landmarks! I recommend stopping by Greasy’s Diner first if you’re hungry. Best pancakes around!“
“Well, I do have to get some supplies in town anyway, so maybe I’ll stop by.”
“Great! Oh, and once you see the water tower, you’ll know you made it.”
“Thank you. You both have a lovely day.” The woman waved before exiting the shack.
“No problem, dude!” Soos waved back.
Diving into town, the woman glanced around, looking for a diner of some sort until she spotted a log shaped building. She peeked at the town map, seeing it as one of the town’s popular landmarks. She looked back out the window.
“This must be it.”
Stepping inside the diner, the woman glanced around, noticing how crowded the place was as talking and chattering filled the air.
“Maybe I’ll come back later…” she told herself, turning before a manicured hand grabbed her shoulder.
“If you’re worried about seating, there’s a booth in the back if you want it.” a older woman with a lazy eye smiled warmly at her.
“Oh, that’s okay, uh,” the woman glanced at the name tag, “Susan, I was just curious.” she stated before her stomach growled.
“Sounds like you could use something to eat, come, sit and relax! I’ll get you a menu!” Susan walked the woman over to the back, motioning her to sit, “Here you go, sweetie, what would you like to drink while you look over the specials?”
“Do you have coffee?
“Sure we do! Dark or regular.”
“Dark is fine.”
“So, what brings you here?”
“I was told by… Soos, that this place have the best pancakes around.”
“He did!? I’m guessing you want pancakes then?”
“Yes, if that’s okay?”
Susan laughs, “So polite! Of course it’s okay! Let me get you that coffee while you wait for those pancakes.”
“Thank you.”
After getting her coffee, adding a few packets of sugar into it, her pancakes finally arrived. As the woman began to eat, she couldn’t help but watched the other customers in the diner. They were all a butch of unusual looking folks, but they seem happy. She then stared out the window, taking a sip of her coffee, deep in thought.
“So, how are you liking everything so far?” Susan asked, “Need more coffee?”
“I’m good thank you. I do however have a question though.”
“Ask away!”
“Do you know any places around her that, well, inspires a person?”
“Inspire, like how?”
“To make someone want to paint or something?“
“I’m not much of a painter, but I do find the woods to be peaceful this time of the year. With all those fall colors and all.” Susan smiles, “I do however scrapbook about my cats, they’re are my inspirations. You just need to find something that’s yours.”
“Trust me Susan, I been trying.” the artist said before feeling the older woman pat her shoulder.
“I’m sure it’ll come to you when you least expect it.”
The woman sighs, “I hope so.”
Inside the RV, back in the woods, a few bags sat on a dinette table as the woman began unpacking them from her trip into town. Stacking a few cans into her small pantry, the artist dropped one of the cans as it rolled across the floor. Following after the can to pick it up, the woman mindlessly looks out her window, spotting a small face pressed against the glass. Frighten by this, the woman screamed. Grabbing a skillet, the woman rushed outside, scanning the area.
“What do you want?!” she screamed, stepping around, not realizing a group of gnomes were sneaking into her RV, walking out with random items.
Before they could finish their theft, one of the gnomes got hit with the pan, getting knocked out as they all began to scatter, dropping the woman’s stuff to the dirt.
“That’s right, y’all better run, you little thieves!”
The gnomes ran off, screaming as they left the woman alone. Picking up her stuff, the woman stiffen as she heard a groan. The gnome, who she hit before started to sit up, rubbing his head in pain from the impact of the skillet until yelping at the sight of the woman towering over him with the pan in her hand.
“You’re not gonna hit me with that again, are you!”
“Maybe.” the woman glared.
“Look, I can explain! Winter is coming soon. We saw you show up and figured you had food. We were desperate!”
“By also stealing my toaster and radio?”
“Hey, we have to jam out while heating up the food!”
Mixed with emotions, the woman sighed before speaking, “Look, if y’all need some food, I guess I could spare some. But only the food!”
The gnome’s eyes widen hearing this, causing a few more little men to walk out, “Really? You’ll do that for us? Even though we try to steal from you?”
“I know about being short on food... I live in a RV… Just tell me what y’all need.”
Making up a few bags full of food, the woman watched as the gnomes walked off into the forest, happily.
“Thank you kindly, friend.” the younger, brown haired gnome tipped his pointy hat.
“No problem. Sorry about the pan in the face.”
“It’s okay. I think I only lost one tooth.” he stated, smiling as he revealed a gap.
The artist laughs, watching the gnome then walk way with his group, waving goodbye.
“Thanks again.”
The woman waved back before throwing her hands on her hips, “No one is gonna to believe this… but this could make a great painting!”
Setting up her easel and paint, the woman stared at the canvass, determined.
“Okay, there’s no way I can’t paint anything now after all of that.” she smiled.
A hour past as the setting sun soon made its way across the land. The woman tapped her paintbrush along the side of the easel, frustrated before she angrily threw her brush.
“I CAN’T STAND THIS! I literally just meet mystical creatures and I still can’t get inspired!” the artist screamed before kicking her easel over and walked off into the woods.
Walking down a path, the woman stared at the ground, heartbroken, “It’s been months. What if I never create again? Can I even call myself a artist anymore?” she asked before a raindrop hit her nose.
Out of nowhere, it began to downpour, causing the woman to panic, looking for shelter. She started to run, glancing around for a familiar path, trying to get back to her RV. But it got darker. And she was lost.
“Where’s the RV?!”
Lightning started to flash across the sky, causing the woman to jump as thunder followed. She kept running, barely seeing where she was going until she slipped, tumbling down a cliffside, getting covered in mud. Hitting the bottom, hard, the woman laid there in pain, dizzy and confused before pushing herself up. Drenched, the woman looked up before spotting a cave nearby. The artist quickly got to her feet, almost struggling to stand as she ran toward it. Once inside, safe from the storm, the woman started shivering from the cold, dripping wet as she watched lightning light up the sky a few times. Walking further into the cave, the woman pulled out her phone and turned on the flashlight before realizing how much deeper the cave was. She stared off into the darkness before her, feeling almost pulled in by it. Without thinking, the woman began to towards it, making her way deeper into the cave.
The further she walked, the further the sound of the storm faded behind her as the new sound of water dripping filled her ears as it echoed. Glancing around, the woman was hoping to find something, anything, until she soon found herself surrounded by cave drawings. Amazed by this, the woman began to take pictures of them on her phone, light flashings a few times after each click.
“Theses are incredible! So much symbolism!” the woman smiled, panning the camera phone around before freezing.
Spread out on the cave wall was a mural of some sort, paintings of what appeared to look like people worshiping a triangle.
“Wow!” she snapped a picture.
Water dripped from the trees above as the sky cleared and stars were now shown above. It finally stopped raining. Sloshing through the wet ground, the woman finally made it to her RV, cold and dirty. After washing herself and getting in her pajamas for the night, the woman laid in her bed, scrolling through the images off the cave drawings from before.
“I can’t believe these were just hidden down there?” she said, scrolling some more before her heart skipped a beat at the image of the triangle again.
Something about it intrigued her. She never seen anything like it. The woman then squinted at her phone, zooming in the image a bit as she realized there was also some words taken along with it as well. A inscription of some sort. Unknowingly, the woman read them out loud.
The woman then yawned, placing her phone down before nuzzling up under the covers, laying on her side.
“Maybe those cave drawings will inspire me.” she mumbled, closing her eyes, feeling herself drift off to sleep.
The sounds of leaves rustled as the woman ran, being chased by the darkness engulfing her surroundings. Ducking between a few trees, the woman shed silent tears, terrified as millions of hands reached out, grabbing at her. Dodging a few of the hands, the woman tripped, hitting the dirt before looking over her shoulder and screamed until a bright light blinded her. Shielding her eyes, the woman peeked over to see the darkness fading away, almost in pain. Relieved, the woman clenched at her chest, catching her breath before turning back to the light. It was yellow and shaped as a triangle.
Eyes slowly adjusting to the glowing being before her, the woman lightly gasped. It was a triangle all right, but with one eye. She also noticed the top hat and bow tie it was wearing.
“That was close, huh?” it’s voice rang, almost alluring her.
The woman was stunned silent, staring up at the stranger in awe.
“You’re from the painting.”
“And you’re an artist down on her luck! The name’s Bill.”
Confused by the being, the woman raised an heavy brow, “What are you?”
“I’m a muse!”
The artist looked up and down at the floating triangle, almost questioning this, “A muse?“
“Yep and I’m here to help!” Bill threw out his arms.
“Of course! Don’t want that creative mind of yours going to waste, now do we?“
The artist brushed back her loose hair, almost overwhelmed, “You’re really going to help me?” she laughs a little in pain, “You don’t know how long it’s been since I created something. I don’t even know if I’m a artist anymore.”
“Of course your an artist, Chy, you just need to find that spark again.”
The woman froze at the name, “You called me Chy?”
“That is your nickname, right?”
“Yeah, but… I haven’t told anyone about it… at least not here.”
“That’s because I know everything about you. Your the youngest out of six. You’re scared to death of wasting your true potential. And your first crush was a cartoon character.”
The woman waved at the triangle in panic, shushing him, “Shhhh!”
“What, you don’t think other artist haven’t as well?”
“Look, Bill, you said you could help me? How?”
Bill paused for a second, his eye almost scanning the woman, “I could make your artist block disappear forever, just like that,” he snapped his fingers, “Give you endless creativity and inspiration to your heart’s desires. And you give me something in return.”
“Like what?”
“I’m looking for someone to expand my vision. A person who is can see the big picture and eager to learn. And I think that’s person is you.”
“Me, why?”
“You seem like a pretty interesting person. Traveling all over just to get inspiration? Seems you know what you want and determined to get it no matter what.“
The artist rubbed at her arm, “I guess so.”
Bill wrapped his arm around the woman, sly almost, “I wouldn’t have reveal myself to you if you weren’t, would I? So, lets make a deal?”
The triangle held out and hand as it was suddenly engulfed if blue fire.
Seeing this, the woman stiffen, almost entranced by the flame.
“Will it hurt?” the woman winced a little.
“Only if you want it too.”
Looking up to met Bill’s eye, the woman gulps, hesitate.
“I don’t know… We just met and…”
“Look, toots, I’m not asking for your soul or anything,” Bill chuckled saying this, “I just need a helping hand. I help you, you help me. Seems like a solid deal if you ask me.”
Chy inhaled, nervously reaching out and grabbed Bill’s hand as the fire engulfed her hand as well.
“It’s a deal.”
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justhere4thevibez · 11 months
Somehow (probably lil sheepies) Eddie winds up with gum in his hair and Chrissy helps him get it out. 
I love this idea! Sorry it took so long, it's been A Week, if you know what I mean.
I'm convinced Eddie would be sooo dramatic in this situation lol. His hair is everything to him. Please enjoy!
“Don’t look at me.”
Chrissy tugged at Eddie’s hands, trying her best not to laugh. “It can’t be that bad.”
“It is,” Eddie moaned, covering the side of his head. “I’m going to have to shave my head, and before you know it I’ll be wearing polo shirts and talking to Steve Harrington about fucking football. I can’t lose my hair, Chrissy.”
“Eddie, sweetheart.” Chrissy put her hands gently over his. “You’re not going to lose your hair just because there’s some gum in it.”
“Yes I am.” He stuck his lower lip out in a pout.
Eddie didn’t get upset like this often, but he was just so cute when he did that Chrissy couldn’t resist giving his pouty lip a little kiss. Immediately distracted, Eddie lowered his hands to her waist to pull her closer and deepen the kiss, and she chose that moment to pull away and examine his hair for herself.
“Trickster,” Eddie howled as she tilted his head to get a better look. “Nymph. Seductress.”
“Love of your life,” she corrected as she carefully separated the sticky section of his hair from the rest. “You don’t have to be so dramatic, Eddie. This isn’t that bad.”
“I’m not being dramatic,” he grumbled as she led him over to the kitchen. “I’m being realistic.”
A few minutes later, Chrissy had removed the last remnants of gum by using some cooking oil. And though Eddie had squirmed and complained all throughout the process, once he realized she was successful, he scooped her into his arms and twirled her all around the trailer
“You are a sorceress,” he said, kissing all over her face and neck. “A benevolent goddess to your humble subject. I never doubted you for a second.”
“Sure you didn’t,” she said, hiding her giggle with a disapproving frown. “I seem to recall you calling me a trickster-nymph-seductress.”
“Lies and slander,” Eddie declared as he tossed her on the bed. He leaned over her, something hungry in his gaze. “But if you insist, I can make it up to you.”
He tucked his hand into the front of her shorts, but Chrissy squirmed away.
“First, wash your hair,” she said as she firmly removed his hand. “Then we can talk about making it up to me.”
“Promise?” he asked, licking his lips.
Chrissy grinned. “Hurry up and you’ll find out.”
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