#I got it just for the Riddler but they’re all so cute
r0nni3 · 2 years
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skye707 · 1 year
Okay. So now we all now how the Ruddler boys react to smooches. But the real question remains. How do the Riddlers smooch? 😉
How indeed…
Unburied - He waits to be kissed. By that I mean he's not going to be the one to lean in for the kiss. Partly because he wants to make sure the other person actually wants to and partly because he thinks it's a very cute visual.
ZY - Way too much tongue. It's like a high school dude in the worst way possible. He's read about it way too much with way too little practice. Of course, he thinks he's doing amazing.
Dano - Very very softly at first. He's waiting to be pushed away and told that it was either a mistake or a joke. Once he realizes that neither is the case, he's throwing his arms around them. They're not going anywhere until he runs out of breath.
YJ - It's just a little peck. Again, he's scared he's gonna do it wrong. If he gets reassured that he's not going to 'mess it up', he'll be a little more willing to put some heart behind it. It's a very very sweet kiss.
Gotham - In public, it's very quick. I don't think he's one for PDA. He's got appearances to keep up. If in private, he's one for kisses while dancing. He likes to sway and hold onto his partner with hands and lips together.
BTAA - Is it weird for me to think he kisses like Gomez Addams? Like he already worships the ground that his love walks on, so when given the opportunity to bestow a kiss, he’s taking it to the next level. Praise in Latin, Italian, Spanish, etc. the whole time.
Arkham - He’s a very grabby kisser. It’s not enough that he’s kissing; he’s gotta be completely surrounding them. Making sure that if he’s giving them his complete and undivided attention, they’re gonna give him theirs.
BTAS - Kisses like a gentleman. Very gentle very slow. He’s enjoying the moment for as long as it lasts, committing every detail to memory. Who knows when he’ll get the opportunity again.
Telltale - Alright, y’all. I could just say “he doesn’t give kisses” and that might be true, BUT if he were so inclined as to give someone a smooch, it’s rough. Not sweet or careful at all, just him making damn sure that they knew they weren’t kissing Edward Nygma. They’re kissing the Riddler.
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artfromsaturn · 2 years
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 Previous Dresses: Scarecrow | Riddler, Ra’s, Two-face, & Penguin
I think this will be the last of my Batman Villain Lolita Post for now, with a few of the more challenging villains.  Again, feel free to make your own designs or use these in some way, the more the merrier. :D  
A few thoughts underneath the read more + alt colors for Zsazs & Killer Moth
Black version for Zsazs to keep with his pants & classic Killer Moth:
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Pyg: I think he’s one of the most Devianart Edgelord of the Batman villains, but his portrayal in Arkham Knight was done well enough that I warmed up to him.  His plastic surgery nightmare face design is fun and the reactions of the victims & other people worked well, and showed Lazlo as terribly messed up instead of cool edgelordsona.  Like, you know, a person who’d exist.  Good job Batwriters. 
Anyway I leaned towards the guro lolita + simple butcher look his comic and his game designs went for.  There are extra additions of frills for both a more “doll”ish look and a touch of ita, since tacky feels part of his character.  I didn’t want to just make a mask so I framed the hair as “pigtails” (what else?).  I think some make up would add to the look to make the doll idea and the pig idea go farther.  The pattern on the bottom of the skirt and boots is supposed to be those chain link people you can cut from a piece of paper that all hold hands, all perfect, like Pyg declares his dollitrons.  I’m not sure how successful the transparent apron is but at the end oft the day I like it and that’s what counts.
Freeze: This design might lean too much towards literal costume and less into a more practical interpretation of the design, but I can’t help it, I like the Tron and glowy stuff aesthetic.  Doing a retro futuristic lolita look was too fun of an idea to pass up.  Not much has changed outside of converting it to a dress and turning the gauntlets into Miku bell sleeves.  Snowflake earrings & delicate hair for Fries’ one true love & because they’re pretty.
Black Mask: I didn’t want to do all skulls since there’s enough dresses out there that do that, so I ended up with the mask part of his name.  Made sure to give the rich colors of a mobster along with the swag of the suit as well.  I think this one could be designed to be better and less busy (to fit in with the sleekness of Black Mask’s look more) but I wanted to go a bit over the top because why not, Lolita’s very theatrical.  
Ventriloquist: Ok, this is a silly one.  This is nice and casual lolita that doesn’t look too close to Wesker, but that’s because Wesker’s design is supposed to be intentionally plain and meek.  Without the (badly drawn, sorry) Tommy gun purse & Scarface, I don’t think he’s recognizable.  That’s not a bad thing - him and Scarface complement each other perfectly and make a memorable design.  So I did my best to make a cute casual coord and add the few touches to make it look more like Wesker, & drew a teeny Scarface to show such.  I wish I could have done more to reference Peyton Riley/the second Ventriloquist but all I could capture was the color since her design is also very simple. 
Scarface himself only got colors that were closer to the outfit.  I didn’t fancy him up too much since I think it would mess with the gangster look he has, which is already close to aristocrat fashion in the lolita world.  He was lucky not to get extra frills at the ends of his sleeves!
Zsazs: another mainly Arkham Design.  Most of mine are based partially on Arkham since that’s where I get most of my Batman fix, apologies!  Anyway, I just liked the idea of a skin-flesh dress with the locks and buckles of the Arkham prisoner jacket/uniform.  The bell sleeves already being on him made this a lot easier.  I left a spot open where I was going to draw the bat symbol, but I decided against it.
Killer Moth: Top are his Arkham Asylum Artwork colors since I think they’re very nice.  Went for a cute little 1960s inspired fur coat & bob, as his design is already psychedelic. Gave a fun flower crown to round out the colors & hold up some cute moth antenna.
Firefly: His The Batman design was the most unique to pull from and a good starting point to make an outfit.  I took some inspiration of the warning stripes, junk around the belt, & burnt skin tights from the Arkham version too.  *ellis voice* I ever tell you about the time Keith and I made fireworks? Otherwise, his design would have been much harder to work with considering it’s mostly a solid suit with not many features in his apperances.  It would have had to be more abstract if I went for one of those.  
But yeah his The Batman design and designs spinning off from it kick ass, so I did a sporty-ish look.  I hope the bonnet doesn’t look too silly, I just wanted headware that differed the outfit from Killer Moth better.
Strange: Another design that had to go with the Arkham look.  Strange is a classic villain with his face being one of his big, defining features.  This is a great thing in character design, it just means it’s harder to make an outfit around it! 
I love the classic mad scientist look so I didn’t stray too far from it, it looks fun medical Lolita already. All I really did was add the medical book brain pattern (thank you British Library) + little bats, because of course he’d have bats on his brain.  It’s also a nod to his habit of Batman Cosplay & impersonation.
A few people I thought of but didn’t make dresses for:
Joker - He’s fabulous, I just didn’t feel jokery & wanted to focus on others more.
Catwoman, Harley, & Ivy - All three ladies have so many designs it’s hard to choose.  They have so much more freedom with their designs than most of the male crooks.  I’d have to make like... 4+ outfits for each just like I did with Scarecrow if I was to ever be satisifed. ;w;
Mad Hatter, White Rabbit - All the Alice themed supervillains have been done as Lolita Coords by Lolita fashion already since, well, Alice was a big inspiration for the fashion in general. I’d be down for them but I just felt bad because I couldn’t think of how to separate them from others as well as I could, like how I made Black Mask’s design more elaborate as to make sure the themes and connections to the villain was clear rather than just a skull design.
Killer Croc & Man-bat: Also hard to differ between a general animal-themed coord and them.  
Thanks, hope you guys are enjoying your new year so far. :D
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ihavenosoul12 · 2 years
OKAY SO i haven't written for gotham/riddler for a few months and i've never written an x reader fic but i wanted to write a thankyou present for @finniestoncrane!! it's a bit late for christmas but i hope you enjoy it.
just got some good old one-sided pining, revenge theft and a brief near murder. the perfect recipe for a reader x riddler oneshot
word count: 2081
also btw i'm doing comms sorry for posting on a christmas present but i really need some cash check out my carrd in my bio ty for even just perceiving it
When you’d dropped out of Metropolis-U and wondered what the hell you were gonna do with the next five years of your life, the one thing you hadn’t considered was whatever the hell Gotham is, or whatever the hell this heist is.
The night sky is briefly littered with green sparkles and that’s your cue. You’d gotten a hell of a lecture from the brains of the operation - that’s what he called himself and glared as you giggled about it - and could probably recite the plan ten times fast to the GCPD if they caught you. If. They kind of suck at their job. After all, they’re too busy chasing down the brains to even notice you sneaking into the club they’re supposed to guard.
Penguin was always a shitty hire; that’s why you’re working with his ex instead. You slink in through an open window (summer in this city was brutal but seriously? It’s like Penguin wants to get robbed) and duck underneath the familiar bar. Ooh, Belvedere, don’t mind if I do, you barely keep yourself from saying out loud as you sneak it into your bag, scanning the rest of the bar for anything else worth taking. The fancy martini glasses are a bit out of your way and you doubt they’ll survive the journey you have to endure before getting to clink them together with your partner. Partner in crime, that is. Though it would be nice-
Shit, a camera, you spot its red glare as it swivels around. Selina needs to be better at her job. Your frustration comes out as flared nostrils and a slump against the bar. Your earpiece wiggles in the flesh of your, well, ear, as Mr Brains speaks: “Where are you?” It’s not concern, it never is with him, but impatience. It’s been maybe a minute but since his bird boyfriend turned archnemesis’ lounge hasn’t exploded yet, he’s sure something’s gone wrong and he’s absolutely fucking certain it’s all your fault. 
“Bar- yes-” you add before he can even think to assume you mean a different bar, “-in the lounge. Cat didn’t do a good job getting rid of the cameras.”
“Oh.” Then he chortles, breaking out into a mad laugh that makes you mad at and for him. “I asked her to leave one.” He has the privilege of an outburst against you but you can’t exactly scream back at him, not without alerting the underpaid security. He also has to be loud otherwise you’d never hear him over the sirens closing in. 
“What?” You hiss, keeping your voice low. “Why the hell-”
“To test you, of course! What’s the point of having a thief who can’t sneak past a itty bitty camera?”
Okay, now you’re just mad at him. “What’s the point of having a thief who can’t steal the thing you’re looking for because you got them in jail?!” He has the audacity to shush you as the sirens on his end get louder and louder, then your other ear picks up on distant sirens closing in and several cars whoosh past the club before the sirens fade out. “Why are you bringing them here?!”
“It’s not by choice, you imbecile.” Such cute pet names he gives you. Truly, what did Penguin see in him? “Lucky you, you have me to make choices- I’ll deactivate the camera from here.”
“I’m not playing into your mind games, Riddler,” you grumble as the red eye glaring around the room begins to blink, trying to keep itself awake- alive. Its last words are a beep dipping down into the lower octaves and the lens drops to face the floor, staring at nothing. You poke your head above the bar - nothing, no one, but you still hesitate on standing straight, checking the rest of the cameras. No red glares, not even the humming whirs of them turning their heads to stare. “That camera probably saw me come in thanks to your little stunt.”
“And? Just means Oswald will definitely notice he’s been robbed.” There’s that laugh again, satisfied at almost jeopardising his mission just to play with his meal. You can imagine with excruciating detail the way his jaw hangs near lopsided and loose, how he’ll eye himself in the rearview mirror and lick his teeth and he won’t even consider how he could have gotten you in trouble. Anything to spite Penguin. “Just get the diamond.”
Rolling your eyes, you vault over the bar - shorter than average to make Penguin less insecure so you barely have to expend effort - and dart across the room to a corner to duck around, maybe pocketing the little things you find along the way. The sirens fade in and fade out again and his manic laughter begins to hurt your ear. “Be quiet or I’m muting you.”
“You will not!” He barks and you almost laugh yourself. Men and their tantrums. He stammers for a reason to keep listening to him - you know the way around the club pretty well, you know where the diamond is, and you can hear the sirens your-goddamn-self. “I’ll activate the cameras!” 
“Then I won’t get the diamond,” you respond coolly. “Or I will and then I’ll sell it.” An evil idea crosses your mind. “Or-”
“No,” he gapes.
“I’ll give it to-”
“Don’t you dare even say it-”
“That little brat wouldn’t know what to do with it!”
“Maybe Jim Gordon would appreciate it-”
“I hate that goody-two-shoes.”
“Or maybe even back to Penguin.”
“HOW DARE YOU!” It’s not just him screeching, it’s the goddamn tyres too.
“Then don’t turn the cameras on, handsome, and let me have some quiet to think.”
He grumbles like a kid told no cookies before dinner and you’re blessed with some silence as he mutes himself. You sigh, maybe too loud, and from the corner, you scamper to the stairs leading up to where Penguin ‘hides’ the diamond. A generous way to put it; he doesn’t hide the damn thing, he has it in the centre of his room so he can coo over it and brag about it and show it to every poor soul who has the misfortune of talking to him.
“Hiii.” And the other star of the show - Zsasz. Of course he couldn’t take one day off, he’s not even sipping a milkshake. Nope, just a gun in his hand, which you are currently lacking. “Here for the diamond? That’s not yours.”
You cough to the speaker to get Riddler’s attention - these days it’s noticeably sparse but thank God it works, he groans at you but you speak over him. “Well, Zsasz, it will be mine soon enough. When I steal it.”
“Zsasz is there?” Panic begins to lace his tone and you can hear the squeaking leather of 'his' car. “That bastard…”
Zsasz raises his gun toward your ear. “Cute earring, I’ll have that.”
“Tradesies?” You try. “Diamond for the earpiece.”
“Haha,” he doesn’t actually laugh. “No.” His eyes flicker to his empty hand, he's noticed the lack of milkshake and he clearly wants one. You, on the other hand, want to live so you take his lapse in focus as an opportunity to run. Not into a safe corner, that'd be smart, but you near tackle the diamond, smashing its casing on the floor but catching the jewel in your hand, all in the blink of an eye. 
Your stunt startles Zsasz; his finger too as it tugs prematurely at the trigger and even he, skilled marksman as he is, can't aim quick to redirect it. It fires into a wall and he swears. Definitely coming out of his pay. He won't make that mistake again, his eyes stiffen and this time he swivels around to you. You're still on the ground from your tackle, glass shards crunch below your clothes and definitely cut into it so it's an easy shot for him. You're staring right down the barrel of his gun. 
"Wait, wait, don't shoot!" You plea, holding your hands - and the diamond - up in surrender. "Come on, Victor, we used to work together! You like me! We're friends!" Yeah it's all total bullshit but it's total bullshit that's stalling for time - Zsasz can't help but humour you; he tilts his head back and forth, his eyes look up at the ceiling, puckering his lips in pretend thought, he even waves the gun slightly, only returning it into position when the glass shifts under you. 
"I've worked with a lot of people," he shuts you down. Your terrified gulp is for show but he cracks a little smile at it. "Sorry."
"You will be." It's not you saying it, you're really not in position to make threats, but it isn't a new voice either. In fact, he's been here all along in your ear - but now he's getting his hands dirty. The Riddler stands in the doorway, his own gun in his hand pointed at Zsasz who slowly turns his gaze. Too slow to fire back against the gunshot but quick enough to notice it and lurch out the way enough that it only hits his shoulder. Riddler uses his long legs to both of your benefits as he makes it to you in half the amount of steps you had to take, then he yanks you to just about on your feet before he runs out the room with you in tow. 
"You saved me!" You gape. 
Of course he has to correct you and ruin the moment: "I saved the diamond." Nevertheless, he doesn't do the much simpler task of prying it from your fingers and leaving you to die but you already know he'll blame that on Zsasz definitely targeting him. ("I'm Oswald's rivalllll," he'll say, though you add the whiny tone in your head. "He'll be under strict orders to capture meeee. He doesn't care about some nobody who worked on his bar!") Whatever excuse he gives later, you'll currently take as a kind gesture and only that. Don't go getting your hopes up - that's how you became a dropout.
He doesn't stop running until he gets back to 'his' car. Sleek, black, new and understandable why it was his target. Probably a Wayne make, you haven't lived in Gotham long enough to know the ins and outs of Wayne and you're definitely not in his marketing team's demographic. Maybe, in another life, Riddler could have been, because the car suits him as he sits down behind the wheel and drives. 
One hand on the wheel, he plucks the diamond from your hands. "Keep us on the road," he commands as he inspects it instead of driving, taking his one hand off. You lean over him, only briefly able to glower at him before having to watch the road. His legs awkwardly shift under your stomach and chest, almost anxiously but you're probably making that up in your head. When he presses his thighs (not that there's much of them) together however you reconsider calling yourself delusional. 
Suddenly the diamond is thrown at the window, then the window is rolled down and the diamond is finally thrown out of it. You let go of the wheel immediately and he lurches forward to take it, steaming angrily. So are you. "What the hell?! I almost died for that!" 
"It's a fake," he mumbles bitterly. "Oswald's hidden the real one. He wanted my attention and he got it. He thinks he's so smart."
"I almost died for a fake diamond! You're supposed to be the brains here!" You put your hand on his skinny thigh and squeezed tight in frustration like he was a stress ball. He didn't bat your hand away. He did however roll his eyes and ignore you. "Just forget Penguin, you're just toying with each other to no end. You make schemes, he outwits them, he makes schemes, you outwit them." You desperately wanted to squeeze his thigh, touch his cheek, and be a comfort to him, to run your hand down further and not have a gun in your face. You wanted him to meet your eyes, never mind if there was oncoming traffic, and want for you. 
"I'm not giving up. I won't back down- won't give him that satisfaction. I'll get him. One day I'll really get him." 
Removing your hand from his thigh, you set it in your lap and gaze out the window to force yourself to an understanding: you'll never really get him. 
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imagine--if · 2 years
Heyyy, I love your blog and writing so much! Can I request an imagine with Ed Nashton/Riddler who falls in love with the reader and kind of goes soft yandere on them, eventually kidnapping them because he’s scared they’ll reject him. But they find it really cute and secretly liked him too… ashfdnsds I don’t know I just really love this idea 😍
A/N: Hai, thank youu! This idea’s awesome, I’ve been wanting to write some soft yandere Eddie stuff 💚 it’s pretty long lol, maybe my longest imagine yet?? I got really into this 😂 so enjoy!! As always, request away if you don’t mind joining the queue hehe
Pairing: Dano!Riddler x reader (The Batman 2022)
Warnings: Obsessive behaviour and mild stalking - soft!yandere Riddler – the reader isn’t spooked by this loveable killer boi
Words: 2277
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You just recently started turning up at that diner, where it all started, for a place to work in. Grab a coffee in a takeaway cup even though you aren’t really taking it away, set it down on a table beside the long glass window where the gloomy streets of Gotham act as your view, and get out your laptop, where you type endlessly. You’re friends with the waitress, and she’s happy to let you do your thing while others come and go. The apartment you live in is decent enough – well, as decent as it can really get for Gotham buildings and their rent prices – but the neighbours are pretty loud during the afternoons, blasting music until they’re bored of whatever the hell they’re doing. So, you go to the diner to concentrate.
Just to think, if you’d have chosen a place like the library or practically anywhere else, you’d never have met the odd man whose room you’ve woken up to find yourself trapped inside.
Never saw that one coming.
He’d already started going to the diner before you, but you arrived half an hour or so earlier to begin with. You hadn’t noticed him when he first came in, mumbling to the waitress for a tea and slice of pumpkin pie, but he’d stopped in his tracks as soon as he absentmindedly glanced behind him. His eyes widened behind his clear frames, and he sat down slowly at his spot at the bar as the waitress set down his order, staring, entranced. His intent gaze looked as if he was devouring you with awe and endearment, every inch of you; the tones of your hair, the shade of your eyes, your bottom lip that you bit as you focused on the screen in front of you.
Angelic. Purely angelic.
What were you doing in this cesspool they call a city?
Edward didn’t have the confidence to go up to you, to sit opposite you and ask what you were working on. God, no. He couldn’t do that. It looks easy, sure, but not for him. It could be easier with the mask, as the Riddler, but the last thing he wanted to do was to scare you off. He stayed the whole time you did that starting day, three hours of choosing to plan his next moves and the tiresome work he’d need for the accounting job he has, all in that diner. His attention kept drifting to you though, almost instinctively, lovestruck dazes he had to try to snap himself out of before you noticed. Then, when you decided to pack up and get going, he followed thirty seconds later, as casually as he could, staying in the shadowy areas of the streets and roads as he followed you home.
You only live a few streets away from where he stays. A smile crept onto his face as he watched you go inside, craning his neck to peer up through your window, hidden by the natural darkness of the area. You’re so beautiful. You’re ethereal. You’re…
Who are you?
He kept on turning up at the diner after that, as soon as he could, almost straight after you walked in. Ed didn’t want to look suspicious, didn’t need that kind of attention right now. But he needed your attention, craved it. He’d scoured the internet until he found your social media, most of it being private.
Clever. Another thing he loves about you. You keep yourself to yourself, don’t get hurt. Please don’t get hurt.
He whispered your name to himself when it came up after his searching, then again and again, like a chant. Edward loves the sound of it on his tongue, especially when it’s yours and his name together, one after the other, fitting perfectly. It’s obvious that you’re just meant to be.
It drove him mad for days, until he finally managed to swipe your phone from your pocket while you were on your way out on a late afternoon.
He hesitated, the lenses of his glasses lighting up as the screen displayed the time and a lock screen of you and your friends. He bit back a fond smile, before timidly tapping your shoulder.
You turned around, and his cheeks flushed instantly as he tried to form the words.
“You… um, I think- is this…?”
He offered the phone to you, and you frown, patting your pocket and rolling your eyes at yourself.
“Crap, thanks,” you said gratefully, taking the phone with a smile, before your head tilted to the side slightly in curiosity. “Do I know you or something? You go to the diner a lot too, right?”
You noticed? Really? Wow… you…
Edward forced himself to speak again. “I, yeah, I do…”
“Well, thank you, uh- sorry, I don’t know your name-“
“Edward,” he said quickly.
“Edward,” you repeated, and he nearly swooned at the sound of it from you and not just him this time. You replied with your name, and a smile tugged at his lips.
I already know your name, sweet thing.
“Thanks again, then. Um, I guess I’ll see you around?”
He nodded, and you nodded back with another smile before advancing down the street, making your way back home. He watched after you for a long moment, then turned the other way, going to his home.
This would be a slow process. It had been at least a week by this point. Edward Nashton didn’t want to have friendly conversations with you, he wanted to hold you tight, shield you from the dirty, disgusting people of Gotham, protect you with his life. He’ll do anything for you, just name it. He’ll worship you if you let him. He realised as you walked off that all he was doing is for you, and he’ll live for you.
Ed just knows that you need him too, that you’d love being embraced every day after you’ve finished working on your papers and everything for your job. That apartment you live in looks so lonely when it’s just you in it. He should be there too, showing you off to his stream, cuddling you tightly, kissing every inch of your skin. His heart fluttered whenever he thought of those scenarios, those scenarios that should be reality. And on those weekends when you don’t have to sit in front of a computer for hours, you could stay in bed with him, watch old movies and talk about anything, everything. Start from the beginning, every little detail about you, and if you want, he’ll do the same.
It always looked too good to be true, though, and that was the thing. How could you love him? Did he deserve it? Would you want it as much as he did?
He started giggling as soon as he entered his room, the giggles turning into laughter, manic laughter.
There was only one way to find out.
He didn’t have the patience for waiting. He needed this, he needed you, now, now, now.
You feel groggy as you come to. The place you’re in isn’t brightened by sunlight, but the navy streak of sky above the city has cast shadows over the chair you’re tied to, the duct tape that covers your mouth. It’s not covering it too tightly, though, as if he doesn’t want to go too far, whatever limit that could be. He doesn’t want it to hurt when he takes it off, but the very possible screams of protest and terror and loathing you might make would hurt him even more.
You’d gone to the diner again today, as usual. That sweet man had been there, kind, shy green eyes behind his glasses, the nerdy look he had as he scribbled in his notebooks. You had felt eyes on you, to be honest, quite a few times when you and he were sitting, working peacefully, but you kind of hoped it was him. There’s just something about him, something mysterious and captivating. He’s cute. Decent guy – he gave you your phone when you’d misplaced or dropped it before. Any other person in Gotham would’ve stolen it, sold it, because that’s what they’re like.
Apparently not him.
You blink several times, your head not banging like it would be if you were properly knocked out. No, no, you weren’t knocked out, you remember now. There was a sudden hand that clamped over your mouth and nose when you left the café and rounded a dark street to your apartment. You gasped, accidentally inhaling the fumes, and the struggle you tried to put up didn’t last long. Faux tiredness, weakness, and the surprisingly strong grip the person had when they grabbed you before you could fall, an arm hooking under your legs as you were lifted into what must’ve been a car.
You’re not in a car anymore. This is a room; maybe a studio apartment, or a hotel room? The windows are firmly closed, the view blocked by lengthy, depressing grey buildings. It’s messy here, with books and random notes and scribbles lying on the floor and piled on tables. The bookshelves are cluttered, and the faint sound of little scampering feet from a sort of cage comes from the kitchen area.
You tug the ropes that dig uncomfortably into the skin of your arms, starting to panic now. Where the hell are you? Your phone’s not on you, so there’s no way of getting anyone to help, unless you can get free of the binds.
“Ssh, ssh, ssh…”
A soft voice comes from the doorway, and your eyes go round in absolute shock as you take in the man in front of you. It can’t be… Edward, from the diner?! Why would he bring you here? Did he kidnap you? What did he want from you? What on earth’s happening?!
“It’s okay,” he tries to reassure you, his voice laced with concern and gentleness as he approaches you, kneeling in front of you.
You flinch, ready for whatever violence or threats are going to come your way, but instead, he frowns, the concern growing in his expression, mixed with upset.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” he breathes, “I… I don’t want to scare you, angel, I’m so sorry-”
You want to say something, but you can’t. He seems to realise this, and reaches for the tape, dithering for a moment.
“Try not to scream for me, okay? I didn’t really want to put that on you, but if you start screaming, it’ll cause problems. Do you see? I’ll do it quickly, alright?”
He’s as good as his word, hastily taking it off your skin, and you let out a shaky sigh, eyeing him in confusion, anxious for what he’s planning.
“Are you…” you start, then pause, rethinking your words. But he nods attentively, silently encouraging you to go on. “Are you going to hurt me?”
He exhales sharply, lip trembling at the mere thought of it.
“N-no, no! No! Why would I do that?”
You almost laugh at that, stunned by what’s going on. “You kidnapped me?”
A look of guilt passes through his eyes. “It was the only way. If I hadn’t done this, it would have taken ages, or wouldn’t have happened at all. And I can’t live like that, I can’t…”
You stare at him, perplexed. “What do you mean? Why am I here?”
His expression morphs into one of adoration, and he smiles, the widest you’ve seen it yet. “Because I love you,” he responds with your name. “And I can’t deal with the torture of watching and waiting anymore. I don’t want to scare you, I really don’t. You’ll find out I’m the Riddler at some point anyw-“
“You’re the Riddler?” you exclaim. You shake your head, bewildered by the two confessions… and then burst out laughing.
Edward watches in uncertainty, almost laughing himself. He loves the sound of yours, he’s never heard it before.
“…What’s so funny?”
“Edward,” you sputter, “untie me, okay?”
His uncertainty grows, and he hesitates, though he’s compelled to do it, just because you asked him to.
“You won’t run-”
“No,” you answer between giggles, “just untie me, okay?”
So he does, slowly, cautiously, and you almost knock him off his feet when you hug him, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him close. He feels as if he’s dreaming – you’re not really hugging him, this isn’t really happening, is it?
You pull away before he gets a chance to return it, grabbing him by his shoulders. “You didn’t have to kidnap me to get my attention, Eddie, what the hell?”
“W-wha-” he stutters, before starting to laugh, beyond himself. “What else could I do?! I don’t know- aren’t you upset?”
“Well, I would’ve preferred if you had just asked me out or something a little less worrying,” you admit, “but not really. I like you too, Edward.”
His mouth is agape as he stares at you in astonishment, trembling hands reaching up to hold yours on top of his shoulders.
“R- really?”
You nod. “Sure. I mean, I don’t really know you, but we’ve got time, I suppose. It’s… sweet, what you said.”
Edward nods slowly, not entirely sure if that means you love him back, but it doesn’t matter. He can wait this time, he can be patient in this case. It’ll be worth the wait, he’s sure of it.
“But you’re the Riddler? Seriously?”
He nods again, a smile on his face as he cups your face, his thumbs grazing your cheeks lovingly as he stares into your eyes.
“I… yeah, do you want to see?”
It’d be a lie if you said no.
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peppersonironi · 4 years
So, I have seen so many people writing Duke incorrectly, and I wanted to do something about it. In fanon, he is described as the sane bat, who would rather stay home and safe, and absolutely never join in shenanigans. Now, I know there are a lot of things wrong with canon, but Duke is one of the better parts! He is an interesting character who is actually just as chaotic as the rest of the gotham vigilantes. And so it it is quite unfair to his character to say he is the 'Arnold from the Magic Schoolbus' of the group. He's really not.
So I decided to make a list of ten instances in the comics where he disobeys Bruce, acts reckless, or is just a bat! (also for a Batfam Group Chat I’m a part of, someone asked for these) I hope this helps people understand his character better, and maybe even inspire them to write more about him? Seriously, Tag me if you do. I'm starved for good Duke content!
Feel free to add more in the comments, these are just what I could think of off the top of my head! (Hence the kinda weird order, sry)
1. He's a vigilante
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Okay, so this is a bit obvious, but I still think it needs saying. You think that a guy who dresses in bright yellow and patrols the most crime-ridden city in the world during the day is 100% sane?
2. We Are Robin
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Also obvious, but still. This guy joins a group of untrained teenage robins who just want to make a difference. And they do! It's still pretty reckless, though. 
3. He tried to take on the Riddler
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In case you didn't know, in the beginning of New 52 (Zero year, specifically) the Riddler essentially held Gotham Hostage. He had some spiel about someone giving him a riddle he couldn't solve, and letting the city go. You know who decided he would be that person? Duke Thomas! He trained in brain-teasers, and puzzles, tirelessly worked. He became quite the adept riddler (not the villain). The kick? He was a child! (Look at the above panels, isn't he cute?) Duke was young, yet determined. And if that's not a bat quality, I don't know what is.
4. He escaped the cops by jumping off a bridge.
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Oh no! Duke is in a police car! Oh no! He's on a bridge! What's he going to do?! Why, jump out and off the bridge while proclaiming "I am Robin" of course! Seriously, look at that panel and try to argue that he is the responsible goody-two-shoes of the family.
5. He talked down an enraged Damian
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Basically, Damian was manipulated into joining the court of owls. Duke, who refused to believe that Robin genuinely joined them, fought him and talked him down. Now, this is Damian we're talking about. Sure, the kid is absolutely adorable and can be incredibly caring (Fight me on this, I dare you. Also, frick you DC), but when he's on a rampage, there is little that can stop him. So of course Duke decides to take care of it!
6. He actively tries to have a relationship with Damian.
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Okay, so this one is a little weak, but I wanted an excuse to share those panels. Aren't those two great?! But seriously, Duke ignores that this tiny child could kill him in more ways than he could count, and even invites him to a movie! He also isn't afraid to tease the kid, unlike other members of the family. Knowing Damian can honestly be hard sometimes.
7. Comes back to the city when Bruce told him to get out.
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During the I Am Bane arc of Tom King's Batman (I'm shuddering. So sorry for invoking his name!) Bruce tells the batboys to get out of Gotham and STAY out. the others are like 'we're not gonna listen, right?' and Duke is all 'you can't ignore BATMAN!' and walks off saying he's gonna listen to Bruce. This seems like pretty damning evidence, right? He's actually sane? The others got attacked by Bane and hung, but Duke didn't. Well, then you look at the next panel! (it takes place later in the volume) There he is, disobeying Bruce, and hanging out in Gotham. Not just that, he's out in costume! No, Duke couldn't just hunker down in an apartment, he had to go out and take down crooks, and warn Jim Gordon. I think that's pretty self-explanatory
8. Goes out while Injured
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Those two panels are back-to-back in The Cursed Wheel (originally printed in All-Star Batman, later put into Batman and the Signal). As you can see, Bruce tells Duke to get rest. Duke was just attacked by Zsasz, and suffered multiple injuries. He wakes up, and the thing that would make the most sense would be for him to go to sleep, right? Well, he instead gets suited up and goes out to work on a case. Pretty much every bat has done this at some point. Not quite the smartest move, right? A touch reckless, wouldn’t you say?
9. That whole thing with Green Lantern
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(sry for the weird sizing, I don’t have the comic to take screenshots) 
So there are two parts to this. First of, you have Green Lantern flying into the batcave, looking around, and there’s no Batman present. So what does Duke Do? Well, he certainly doesn’t stay back and contact Bruce! Nope, instead he attacks a member of the Justice League, a member of the Green Lantern Corp. Later on, you know what he says? He thought he would be fine because his suit is bright yellow. That’s it. A bit crazy, right?
Secondly, he gets roped into exploring the cave with Hal (I thinks it’s Hal, been a bit since I read this though). The Lantern has some thing going on about stuff in the cave, but that’s not important. What’s important is that Duke went along with it. He was curious enough to ignore what Bruce would say (Call him, yet anything remotely green out of the cave), and joins in! He does’t say “this is a bad idea” or “we shouldn’t be doing this” nope!
9. When he ran off with Cass to test his powers
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Oh no, Duke got shadow powers! What’s he gonna go? Why, go off and have fun experiment of course! Duke and Cass head out to test and work on Duke’s newly presented abilities, and specifically don’t tell Bruce! This is information he would like to know, of course. It’s important to know if your newest protege gets more powers. But no, they go out of their way to sneakily test the extent of his powers. They get caught, of course, and then get chewed out (They get caught in costume, but the next panel they’re in civvies. I find that outrageously funny!). And here’s the kicker: they don’t really apologize! Sure, Duke gives a half-heart apology, but he doesn’t really mean it. Not even under the full extent of the Batglare™.
10. Rescuing Bruce with practically no training
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I’ll skip all the plotty stuff, so just know that Bruce was out alone and in some deep doo-doo. Duke was back at the cave, working stuff out with Alfred. He realizes that what Bruce is doing is a trap. Now, just so you know, this is back when Duke was JUST taken in by Bruce. He doesn’t even have a codename yet! Barely any training. So you know what he does? He heads out anyway, and rescues Bruce. Now, check out that music he’s playing. Later on, it’s revealed to be Duke’s fave band. You know the name of that band? “Batman’s @^$&@” I’m not even joking. (I’m not sure what bleeped out, though later on it’s referred to as “Batman’s #$%” So I assume it’s ass?). So on top of being reckless, he plays a heavy metal band with a name that’s … special to say the least. He has guts, you gotta admit (Oh, and he seemed so gleeful when he told Bruce the name of the band!).
And there you have it! This list is far from complete, but I think it’s a good start. Feel free to reblog with your own, or any questions/comments! I absolutely love to talk about Duke, so don’’t be afraid to message me! Also, correct me if I wrote anything incorrect here. It’s been a while since I’ve read some of these, so I may have gotten some stuff wrong.
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genevievemd · 3 years
The Newlywed Game: Halloween Edition
A/N: Not me dropping all my wips to do this template and the questions... I love spooky season!!! A huge thank you to our host, my favorite bean, @jamespotterthefirst​ 
(tagging seperately)
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Favorite Song?
Genevieve: “I Put a Spell on You.”  Ethan: Let it be known, that my wife is not referring to the original, by Jay Hawkins, but rather the Hocus Pocus version.  Gen: Correct. Alright, holiday hater, what’s yours? Ethan: *rolls his eyes* Le veau d’or est toujours debout, or in English, “Song of the Golden Calf.” From the opera, Faust.  Gen: That’s not a Halloween song!  Ethan: Sure it is. Gen: Fine. But just know, I’m only letting it slide because it’s super hot when you speak French. 
Favorite Movie?
Gen: Hocus Pocus. I watch it at least three times during spooky season, and I know every word.  Ethan: She does. Mine, if I’m being forced to pick one, would be Psycho. Gen: Of course. A classic, like the old man you are. Although, I’m surprised you didn’t say of the many horror movies you’ve made me watch with you.  Ethan: Sweetheart, I don’t make you watch them because they’re a favorite of mine, but because it’s incredibly cute to watch you cower in fear at every jump scare. And flinch whenever there’s a particularly gory scene.  Gen: And also for the cuddling. Ethan: Obviously. 
Favorite Candy?
Gen: It’s a tie between Gushers and Reese’s. Although, you could argue that Gushers are fruit snacks and not candy. My husband is boring and just likes plain chocolate.  Ethan: Depending on the day, it’s varies between milk and dark.  Gen: And always from the vending machine.  Ethan: That’s mostly for sentimental purposes now. Gen: *heart eyes*  You totally fell in love with me when I got you the chocolate, didn’t you? Ethan: Perhaps. 
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*couple photo for Gen is from @estellaelysian​*
What is your favorite funny costume on your spouse?
Gen: *giggles* Ethan: It was your idea.  Gen: I didn’t think you’d do it! *laughs* I jokingly told him that if he was going to go to the hospital’s Halloween party, during my second year, that he should dress up as the Riddler. And then he did and I never laughed so hard in my life, I also never felt more powerful. He just did what I said.  Ethan: *sighs* You’re hard to say no to. It also doesn’t help that we’d just kissed for the first time in months and the party was two days after your birthday.  Gen: And now look, you always do what I want or ask.  Ethan: *takes her hand* As the old saying goes; happy wife, happy life.  Gen: Your turn  Ethan: This is from before we were together, in any way. The costume night at Donahue's your intern year. It was some godawful 80’s get up.  Gen: *hides her face* Oh... yeah, that was a bad idea. Never again.
What is your favorite hot costume on your spouse?
Gen: I already know your answer. You destroyed that dress the next time I wore it.  Ethan: I’m not sorry at all. Her second year, she dressed up as a vampire. Though one could argue that the only thing that made that ensemble qualify as a costume was the fake fangs you had.  Gen: I’m gonna tell you a secret, it was on purpose. I was dressed in the tightest black dress I owned, made sure I looked seductive, just in case you did show up. So I could remind you what you were missing. Since you were taking your sweet time getting to the talk about the kiss. I fully intended on torturing you and it worked.  Ethan: *looks at her, with mild shock and a little impressed* You’re terrible.  Gen: Only when I want to be. *whispers* Or when you want me to be.  Ethan: *clears his throat* Your turn, Rookie. Gen: I’ve only seen a picture, but that like Greatest Showman-esque costume from when you were first an attending. I’m mad I never got to see it in person. Also a little mad that you dressed up with Harper in a full on costume but not with me.   Ethan: I didn’t do it willingly, G. I was forced.  Gen: Whatever. *pouts* Ethan: *laughing* You’re adorable when you’re jealous, love. Gen: Stop it. Don’t laugh. Ethan: I’m sorry, I’ll stop. *kisses her cheek* Remember who I married, love. You. Gen: That’s true.
What is your favorite couple’s costume that you have worn with your spouse?
Gen: Oh, that’s easy. I had a costume party for my 28th birthday, since it’s 15 days before Halloween, and we’d only been officially dating for about four months, but I went as modern Cinderella and my amazing husband agreed to be my prince charming. In reality, he only wore a suit he already owned, but it was the fact that he even agreed at all that makes it my favorite. He hates parties, especially costume parties, but he did it for me. And it just made me love him more.  Ethan: Mine is this past halloween, our first as an engaged couple. We went to Lahela’s party as Bonnie and Clyde.  Gen: Again, barely a costume for you. Ethan: Which is what I liked about it. I also enjoyed the skirt and knee high stockings you had on. Gen: I remember. *winks*
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Monster Mash or Thriller?
Gen: I don’t really care for one over the other.  Ethan: I’ll lean more towards “Thriller”, but only because it’s marginally less annoying than “Monster Mash”
Apple or Pumpkin Treats?
Gen: Apple. Pumpkin is gross. Hard Pass.  Ethan: Either.
Fruit Candy or Chocolate?
Ethan: Chocolate, obviously. Gen: Both. All the sugar. 
Trick-or-Treat or Handing out candy?
Ethan: Handing out candy. I can stay in the comfort of my own home.  Gen: But, you’ll go out when we have kids right?  Ethan: *smiles softly, heart eyes™️* Of course, I’d never miss that. Gen: Good. Also, my answer is both.
Horror movies or kid-friendly movies?
Gen: Kid-friendly, or only slightly scary. Ethan: Horror.
Halloween party or Haunted House?
Ethan: Haunted house. I hate parties. Gen: Both. All the spooky season activities!  Ethan: I don’t know why you torture yourself with Haunted Houses every year, or haunted corn mazes. You hate them. Gen: It’s part of the Halloween fun! I’ll suffer, plus I have you, my very tall and protective husband, to hide behind. 
Creepy or cute costumes?
Gen: Depends. Some years I’ll lean more towards creepy, other’s towards cute.  Ethan: Neither. 
On your partner: Sexy or funny costume?
Ethan: Sexy. Have you seen her? She’s stunning.  Gen: I just want him in a damn costume. Ethan: If I promise to wear a costume, will you wear a sexy one? Gen: Couple’s costume? Ethan: Whatever you want. Gen: I always win. Ethan: *leans over and whispers in her ear* Seeing you in something sinful is a win for me, too, sweetheart. 
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A/N: Have a safe and fun Halloween, peanuts! 
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faakeid · 3 years
fab nygmobblepot moments that remind you of kd uwu
I want to use this moment to be sorry to everyone that follows me but keeps seeing my blog full of Nygmobs/Smaylor instead of kaisoo. I usually don’t get attached to otps like this and it happened in an unexpected way for me. But it’s here and I need to compensate for all the years I didn’t watch Gotham and had no idea about Nygmobs spamming everyone and making my heart warm.
But in general, nygmobblepot isn’t a vision of ideal relationship. Both Edward and Oswald (their surnames Cobblepot and Nygma were the ones who originated this name) are stupid and do stupid shit to each other during most of the series. So, a lot of moments related with the actors counterpart (Robin is the actor who plays Oswald and Cory who plays Ed) reminds me of kaisoo more. But a warning here! Although they have a HUGE chemistry on and off screen, they’re mostly friends. Robin is married for almost ten years so it doesn’t mean their closeness is romantic or sexual. But still, some details remind me of kd.
Similarities with nygmobs:
Height difference: it applies to Smaylor as well because it’s their height but it’s really visible in the series. Cory is a bit taller than JI I think and Robin is like 1.65 but KS is not that taller (I can’t believe he’s 1.73 at all, sorry). But, again, this factor is evident during the series and in some moments and it’s cute.
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(the way he moves his feet to reach Ed’s head ;_;)
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(when they hug, Oswald barely reaches his shoulders [their hugs are the equivalent to kisses in Gotham])
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the closest gif I could find where we can see kd’s height difference without me stealing other people’s gifs.
Penguin reference? That’s pretty obvious. Of course I didn’t start shipping nygmobs because one of them is small and has the Penguin nickname but it made so much easier for me to read some of their fics with kd as characters because they fit the profile so much! And also, I believe KD would totally fit the “murder husbands” couple if someone did a fanfic where they just kill everyone. The closest I remember of a fanfic with this criteria is Juice Pouche where Kyungsoo is a vampire and he protects Jongin and Jongin is kind of badass as well. But the kd fandom needs more fics like this. There’s also “(Before the night is over) come see me” where KS is also a vampire and JI a young werewolf but it focuses more on their relationship than a murder husbands idea Gotham shows so well. 
How they met: Gotham’s history has a lot of differences if you compare with other universes, so keep that in mind. In Gotham, Ed works with GCPD but doesn’t feel like himself with the good side. Oswald is the character that spices things up and is a rage of death and destruction and manipulation. But Oswald is infatuated with Jim Gordon (so isn’t the first time it’s implied Penguin is gay) but he goes to the police department to see him. Ed sees him and wants to talk to him no matter the cost. And he does that... And things don’t end that friendly for him because Oswald thinks he’s a weirdo and asks him to fuck off, basically. It reminded me of kd’s first meeting where KS was the one admiring JI all along but JI get frightned. But, during their second meeting, they bond and become friends. For Nygmobs it takes more time for their second meeting but they end up developing and being in good terms :’)
Their personas, sort of: Ed is the tall one, younger and logic. Oswald is the oldest, smaller and that thinks with his heart. I love how JI could show the more logic side of himself during the last few years and, again, while reading Nygmobs fics using kd names, it was easy to fit the profile for me (that was during the time I wasn’t too deep into nygmobs and I didn’t knok them that well. KS looks cold and deatached and that’s why many people got impressed when he said, during Knowing Bros that he would choose love over friendship. He doesn’t play the part but, considering all the context, it fits him pretty well and reading this description of Oswald made me so familiar because it fits KD well. Ofc I don’t know their private lives and whatever but it’s just the impression I had as a viewer and random person;
Drama issue: when I say drama here, it’s related with how people percieve the two OTPs and how different people visualize LGBT relationship in media. Nygmobblepot had a lot of drama involved because they’re the fucking Riddler and Penguin, two of the most famous Batman villains. People saw them in different sorts of media before and others idolize those characters because of videogames and comics. So, when Oswald mentioned expressedly that he was in love with Edward, it caused an uproar in the fandom. People accused the producers and Robin of messing with the comic canon because the fucking Penguin became gay??? Robin was outspoken about the homophobia behind those statements since he’s a gay man himself but yeah, the drama existed. Part of the people invovled with the series rooted for Nygmobblepot, including some writers and the actors (Cory was the one with ambiguous messages about the nature of their relationship but it’s not even close what happened with other series like Supergirl, Supernatural and Sherlock). But it was aired by FOX, a right wing channel and, as you may imagine, they didn’t become canon per se. Actually, after Oswald said he was in love with Ed and planned on confessing to him, the writers presented a clone of Ed’s ex girlfriend with no explanation and purpose, only to separate them for most part of the series future. After that, some people seemed to have FORGOTTEN Oswald was once in love with Edward, rationalizing many things that are hard to explain with a “bro explanation”, they had a scene where the characters would have evolved even more but it was CUTTED and CHANGED and execs added the sentence “we’re brothers” to make EXPLICIT that Nygmobblepot’s relationship wouldn’t be interpreted as a romance at the end of the series (but, honestly, the actors went for the romance path anyway, the deleted scenes and the final episode can’t convince me otherwise).
What’s related with KD, may you ask? I think you’re familiar with all the drama KD faced since 2016 and how many stuff exploded during that time. How many parts are involved into creating a certain image and shifting it to be appealing and “friendly” is similar with what happens with idols. It’s no secret now about many scandals of bullying and other issues that are considered problematic and how they need to be pushed under the rug for companies so idols can make money and be profitable. Especially for male idols, it’s important that they are viewed as desirable and an object of the fans affections. That’s why he needs to be handsome and kind and look like a person that doesn’t exist. If an idol is openly gay, this person isn’t viewed by the major public with the same interest because they can’t fit the fantasy. That’s why scandals involving idols being gay need to be forgotten and deleted from people’s minds, otherwise that celebrity is ostracized. Although we tend to see the Ocident as “progressive”, there’s similar things happening in that industry. If a celebrity is openly LGBT, they don’t receive certain roles or opportunities because of it. There’s still a huge stigma that needs to be broken and we, as a society, are so far way from it. But recognizing those differences exist it’s a step forward.
Similarities with Smaylor
For me, one of the reasons Nygmobblepot works so well is because of the actors. They portrait a good chemistry because of their friendship off screen and some non verbal signs they display around each other are amazing. Those are things that remind me more of KD as we see them in a lot of moments. So, I wanted space to show those comparisons below:
Mutual admiration: it’s something both Smaylor and KD display a LOT and is extrememly outspoken. I really love watching their old interviews because the affection and admiration is so genuine it makes me drawn to them despite not being romantically involved.
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(full gifset)
(there are more moments than these but I don’t want to steal gifs and there’s not much on the gif research and that sucks. Same with KD’s).
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Stares and touches: Robin was the responsible for the deep stares and Cory for the random touches. There’s so many gifs of it that is hilarious. It’s like JI divided himself in two cells because we know he’s more known for both >.<
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(Cory was touching Robin all the way during this interview rip)
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(the gifset!!!)
You’re pretty moment: Robin, like KS, is the one that mentions about Cory/JI’s physical attributes. They have a moment pretty similar and, for KD its famous among shippers:
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(gif link)
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(actually, Robin called Cory dashingly handsome but its okay)
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Cory lost it
There’s another series of gifsets with Robin calling Cory handsome LMAOO
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Synchronization: for specialists in body language, it’s a factor that shows two people are close. That’s because of the mirror neurons we have that makes us copy movements, actions or words that someone we have empathy/we are close with do or say. Both kd and smaylor do this and it’s really soft.
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(one of the classics)
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(classic 2)
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whole gifset (i love this interview so much)
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The fact the actors came up with their OTP names: people tend to forget that KD’s real otp name (according with Jongin) is dika. Cory also came up with Nygmobblepot name and Smaylor too <3
So, meanwhile Nygmobs has thropies that work a lot with KD AUs, Smaylor has healthy dynamics seen in public appearances KD made. Like I said above, there’s a huge polemic about shipping Smaylor romantically because Robin is married. On social media, is visible he loves his husband and it’s pretty cute to see. Cory himself mentioned that their relationship was sort of a platonic friendship (whatever that means) but it’s really genuine in terms of affections and display of admiration, something KD has as well.
Probably someone will question that it may changed the way I see KD or if now I ship them as bros. Nothing about that changed. With KD, although there are some similar details, there are internal AND external factors that made me support them in a romantic perspective in the first place. And it didn’t change. 
But both of them (Nygmobs too) make me feel that I’m testimoning something genuine, which is really hard in both kpop and media universes. In one side, we have a LOT of fanservice. And, in the other, it’s mostly a work interaction with lots of queerbating. Yes, Gotham has queerbating aspects in it but it’s not full of queerbating, if it makes sense. The message the actors and some writers wanted to convey are there and really display a romantic direction with character evolution and growth. And, considering the way media is nowadays, it’s nice to see.
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monster-bcrn · 4 years
Okay for real this is the fastest growing blog I’ve ever had hehehe. Never expected Grundy to get this popular this quickly!
Freaking love this zombaby and I’m so glad y’all love him too! As promised, gonna shout out some fantabulous bloggos that helped get Grundy to where he is today. XD
@akasupergirl/ @azombieme (I FREAKING ADORE GRUNDY AND KARA AND LIV. I swear Grundy’s loyal to Kara like he was to Shayera and Jade and Liv is totally his baby sister and is gonna protect her from.....everything. :P
Even pigeons, because they’re legion.)
@thecatgoddessbast (A blast from the past! Glad to see you again after I rampaged and caused chaos as a certain deranged pincushion of a mushroom way back in the time before present. XD
Now I get to do that as a zombie. :D Win/win!)
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@starcityvigilante (OLLIE. FFFFFF-okay for real I’m HYPED to plot wacky ideas with you. Grundy has a MASSIVE grudge against Green Arrow and I’m like......*push these two together* you both get along right now.)
@folcire (We literally just started talking and I’m loving your Ivy already! Can’t wait to see how Grundy grows to see her the more he talks to her because they’re both sassy plant people that way. XD)
@themartlans (FFFFFF-J’ONN. Everyone’s favorite green uncle :D I freaking adore him and I HATE how the most he ever interacted with Grundy was him being tossed into the bay. >_<
They really need to talk more, and MAN! That Injustice verse of yours is SICK. Definitely hyped for making Grundy into an insurgent and a good zombie instead of Supes’ lapdog.
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( Look at this face....LOOK AT IT.)
@blackwingsbluedings (One of the best Dick Grayson’s out there and definitely loving seeing Grundy be less smash and more “......hug?” They both need hugs I swear.)
@marvelousdamsels (We haven’t talked much but I adore your muses and I just hope Grundy doesn’t come off as too weird or clingy.......wait.......that’s......literally Grundy.....
@theirfirstexperiment (GRUNDY ON A RAMPAGE YOOOOOO! Better run fast. XD)
@amazonexile/ @gothamprens/ @captainstevertrevor ( Freaking love your muses and I love seeing Diana and Bruce actually WANT to help Grundy. It’s too easy just beating on Grundy and I love seeing them actually bother to try to get to the gentler side of the Hulk’s crazy cousin. XD)
@justiceebound / @nighttfight ( *slams fist on the table* YOU ARE AWESOME! Your Shayera is awesome, your Bruce is a national treasure and I can’t wait to throw Grundy at Supes and Diana, because these guys need a big reconciliation thing after all the chaos from literal years of slugging it out.
And I LOVE it. >:D)
@theamazondiana   (Both of you are AWESOME Wonder Women and MAN I love plotting ideas. I’m tired of seeing Diana being turned into too much of a warrior while negating her role as a peace-maker and y’all NAIL her kindness and wisdom and need to give everyone a chance. Freaking LOVE IT!)
@raininginkyxto (LOL I always love imagining Grundy in Marvel and now poor Weasel is kind of stuck with him. XD Man, if the Hulks meet Grundy then that poor bar is going to really get smashed.....)
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@notatomo (GIANT. Man I loved that movie as a kid and I LOVE the subsequent giant robot and tiny kid works inspired from it (example being the CRIMINALLY under-appreciated Sentinel series by UDON.) Can’t wait to see what happens when Grundy talks more to someone bigger than him. XD)
@liminalstctic (GRUNDY HEARTS TINY GIRL. XD Yeah he’s trying his hardest to help her. ;A;)
@yellowskinnedwackyman  (CREEPER! I’ll forever ADORE these two butts because they’re team Tree Lobsters.)
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@collidingxworlds/ @thecursedhellblazer (I. Love. Your. Constantine. I swear I have so much fun writing Grundy trying to get drunk (and failing) and learning to cuss up a storm while still being a mad lad ready to throw down with mega-zombies to protect his tiny friend.
DC, make this friendship canon or so help me Grodd...)
@chaosmultiverse (I love your Klarion so much! He’s so much fun! XD And Teekl for the epic win!)
@raichoose (Herbert West and Solomon Grundy? THAT aIN’T GOOD! D:>)
@gctjinxd (Freaking LOVE your Jinx! LOL how she manipulates Freeze and how Grundy isn’t even REMOTELY phased by her powers. Like he is TOUGH. Even bad luck won’t stop him.)
@killcrcroc (BIG BAD KILLER CROC! I love your Waylon and I adore how he has a collection of watches and that awesome suit. XD Croc definitely deserves more love since he’s much smarter than he looks, and tough enough to even get Grundy to back down in a serious fight.)
@babydxhl (Baby Doll is criminally underappreciated and I love how she’s the opposite to Grundy. She looks child-like but is very crafty, mature and knows how to get what she wants, while Grundy is physically strong and big enough to bully his way into anything he wants, but is very simple and child-like and would rather watch the birds. XD)
@theednygma (An awesome Ed Nygma and I love how Grundy is so unsure of everything yet still goes along for the ride as a support. XD)
@sleightlyoffhand (BUNNY MAN! Okay the idea of Josiah monching on carrots in Grundy’s pocket makes me smile so much. XD)
@thanagrian (BIRD-NOSE! Honestly every time I think of Grundy and Shayera I get the feels big time. These two definitely deserved more than just two episides to give them a unique friendship.
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(I love that STAR Labs mission so much in Injustice. XD)
@the-arkham-librarian ( I love Eliza so much! She’s crafty, stubborn, sweet and kind and just cares about everyone so much when few don’t. Grundy grew so attached to her I swear she’s like his little sister at this point. XD And he’s totes the best uncle along with Eddie.)
@fatherdamned ( I LOVE YOUR RIDDLER OMG! He’s so snarky but man he is SO DAMN FUN to write with! Grundy is there for his green friend, no matter what!)
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( I freaking LOVE Artemis and Grundy, especially in the Injustice Society stuff. Yeah Grundy’s been a butt before but he genuinely likes and cares about her and the rest of the team and I’m like....
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Look at these bunch of a-holes. Yeah they’re a family and even if they’re bad.....they’ve got each other. And that’s what counts. C:)
@powerhours/ @lastofmars (Green dad? Green dad. I love your J’onn so much and I’m like *throws Grundy at green dad* Here give this disaster some love. XD)
@redsleuthed (TIM! I love Tim and I swear these two should talk more because Grundy doesn’t WANT to fight and I think just letting someone hear him out would help him immensely.
Plus that stuff with Freeze? Poetic cinema.)
@12thlevel​ (On this blog we stan socially awkward green boi with angery grandpa genius mastermind. XD)
@seekthedarknesswithin (SHADE! I love Shade in Justice League where he constantly throws Shade at everyone so you can imagine how excited I was to see Shade on Tumblr! We haven’t done much but man.....even Grundy was excited to see an old friend from the Injustice Society/ Injustice Gang.)
@youstolemycoat (Okay, hands down, Nick Necro is so much fun to plot with. His Robin verse is so fun too and poor Grundy tries to help but a certain birdy won’t let him. XD)
@ufotm (Tiny alien baby. :3)
@partcfyouruniverse/ @diamondcladclown ( An awesome mun and my goodness her Harley is EPIC! I love the metas about Harley too and you just GET HER. And that????? Is the sign of an excellent writer and mun.)
@bigbadkillercroc ( I love your Croc and the brotherly bond he has with Grundy! It’s so refreshing to see these two bonding instead of Grundy tearing off Waylon’s face like he did in the Solomon Grundy mini-series. :C)
@blizzardmuses (I LOVE YOUR MUSES OMG. Your Batgirl?????? I ADORE HER. I love Freeze as a member of the Birds of Prey and I love tossing Grundy at your muses because the guy needs love and an excuse to smash.....and I really love both lol.)
@starfirechan (You’re Starfire is so freaking CUTE! I love how she and Grundy get along so well since they’re kind of two misfits that aren’t very well-versed in city life. XD)
@gotham-crusader/ @maximummuses (One of the best Batman and Damian Wayne RPers out there! I have a lot of fun with our threads and even if they fizzle out there is so much heart to them that they’re some of my absolute favorites no matter what muse I put on. C:)
@teufortsquidman (PRAWN! Okay, a giant mega-zombie and an Eldritch abomination? Yeah they’re gonna be good pals lol. XD)
@tragedybcrn (Hands down one of the BEST Batman RPers I’ve talked to and plotted with. I love how Bruce helps Freeze and even Grundy try to be better than just crooks. Grundy though has had so many bad experiences that he can’t trust anyone anymore unless there is some SERIOUS help. But he’ll learn to at least try to trust Batman.....because Batman was genuinely nice to him.)
@krygothite ( I freaking LOVE your Bane! We haven’t written much but FFFFF0yeah he’s epic. XD And Grundy is kind of nervous about bringing Bane to Slaughter Swamp because Bane is tough but not kaiju-sized gators and snakes tough....
Or....maybe he is.....let’s test him. >:D)
@redwinefangs (VAmpire Batman? Vampire Batman. We have an epic trifecta of vampire Bats, Freezy-wolf and zombaby Grundy and I LOVE it. These three are so much fun to plit ideas around. XD)
@titanicscionofthestars ( I freaking LOVE Sara! All across my blogs I love her and the way you write her! And I swear her reaction to Grundy being impaled????? MY HEART. ;A;)
@jcinthedance  (JERVIS! Okat for real I love the image of Hatter and Grundy just enjoying a tea party at the asylum and being weird dorks. XD)
@adventurepunks (I absolutelky LOVE your Zatanna! She’s so fun and I’d love to plot more with her! :D)
@laughter-in-white (YOU????? Are??? Like the BEST Joker. Hands down. Your Croptop J is so much fun to plot with and he’s funny and being dramatic for Bats. And Grundy is like ‘yeah he’s crazy but he’s my crazy.’)
@smartvulpix (* glomps on you for being epic*)
@thehouseofivo (Your Freeze and Julian are AWESOME! Love throwing my guys at them both lol)
64 notes · View notes
thebookwormfairy · 5 years
Captain The Retired Police Dog Part 6 (Final)
BookwormFairy: Sorry for taking so long, but I'm here with the final part of Captain the Retired Police Dog. I just wanted to thank everyone who've read, like, reblogged, commented, and wrote their own stuff with Captain. When I first started this I had no idea how big ot would get. I will be doing more stuff with Captain, but this is the end of this story. Thank y'all so much for accepting both me and Captain into the fandom.
The rest of the trip was like a dream for Marinette
Every chance they got Marinette and Damian would spend time with eachother
And after Ace met Captain she would come along on all of their outings as well
Damian would take Marinette every where in Gotham
From the fashion district to the zoo Damian made sure Marinette didn't miss out on anything
They couldn't explain it, but something just clicked with them
It was like they were meant to be
Damian even met Marinette's parents
He video chatted with them and was actually invited over during the summer
Which he whole heartedly accepted but warned the bakers that his family might "unexpectedly" show up with him.
Only to be told that they would be more then happy to meet them as well
Basically Damian took up all of Marinette's free time
Though sometimes, much to Damian's annoyance, the other batboys would come and "kidnap" Marinette and Captain and take them back to the manor.
Marinette didn't mind it so much, except when they didn't even wait for her to get back to the hotel
When the class was done touring Luxcorp, Jason rode up on his motorcycle and took Marinette and Captain
Jason picking up Marinette and grabbing Captain's leash: Hey French people I'm taking her and her dog. Bye
Ms. Bustier: Are you okay with that Marinette?
Marinette: Yeah I know him
Ms. Bustier: Okay have fun
Jason was less then impressed with the teacher's response but took the duo anyway
Another time Tim hacked into the schedule and change the bus route to drop Marinette off at Wayne Tower
Then Dick feeling left out did the responsible (and legal) way and called Marinette's parents to get their permission to take Marinette back to the manor.
Damian was not impressed with his brothers
Neither was Bruce
On the outside at least
On the inside he was so happy to see Marinette and Captain again
Captain wasn't sure how to respond to these strange new people in his and his girl's lives
After a couple of days they did grow on him
But he still didn't let Jason pet him
Mostly because Captain found the older boy's attempts hilarious
And his girl seemed to blossom in this new pack
Captain could see that the spark that he brought back into his girl's eye turn into a whole galaxy
She was almost always smiling and laughing now
To top it all off Alix and Kim finally pulled up their big kid briches and tried to reconnect with Marinette
At first Marinette was very weary of them
And Captain out right growled at them
But slowly they were able to earn Marinette's trust back
Not enough to be able to come on Marinette's adventures with her, but enough so that Marinette would seek them out when stuck with the class
And they would seek her out
Not even Lila could bring her down
And she tried
On this trip alone Lila has stolen several of Marinette's projects, tried to get her sent home with no success, has tried to get Captain detained, and has even tried to lock Marinette in several closets throughout the city, but Marinette somehow always got out.
All in all Lila was harmless
Until the last night of the trip when Lila went too far
Damian had tagged along with the class on their finally outing in Gotham
They went to a teens club somewhere near crime alley
Which is why Damian was with them
They made sure to leave the dogs with Alfred so he could take them back to the manor.
The night was going great
Marinette spent the night dancing with Damian, Alix, and Kim
But mostly Damian
Everything was perfect
So of course Lila had to open her big fat mouth
Lila: Oh yeah I've helped super heroes all over the world. I've even helped Batman put away a few rogues.
Villian kid (Edwin) near by: Oh really who?
Lila: You know all the big guys the Riddler, the Penguin, Two-Face,
Edwin: Hm, the Riddler.....
Lila: Yeah he's not so tough.
Lila continue to bad mouth the Riddler as Edwin called his dad to tell him all about this little, french goody goody who helped but him in Jail.
Riddler over the phone: What an interesting development, I wonder if she would like to play a game? *evil laugh*
Marinette slow dancing with Damian: This has been a great night
Damian: I have to agree with you there Angel. *Damian nuzzles Marinette's hair* I don't know what I'm going to do when you leave.
Marinette: I don't either, but I know I never want this to end.
Damian: Even with my annoying brothers
Marinette: Partially because of your annoying brothers. You know I'm an only child, but I always wished I had siblings, so they're like the brothers I never had.
Damian chuckling: don't let them hear you say that. You'll never get rid of them.
Marinette: Who said I would want to. Especially with how close Captain, Ace, and Titus has become. We'll have to fly out to eachother just so they can see eachother again.
Damian smirking: oh most definitely we be terrible pet owners if we didn't
Marinette catching on: You are so right. You'll be coming to Paris during the summer so I guess I'll be coming back to Gotham during the winter.
Damian pulling Marinette closer even though it didn't seem possible: That's not soon enough.
Alix: Hey love birds you do realize that the slow song ended 2 songs ago right?
Damian glared at the pink hair girl as Marinette backed up slightly blushing
Kim: I don't think they did Alix. How cute?
Damian: Yeah yeah let's go get something to drink.
As the small group made their way towards the bar
But before they could reach it chaos erupted in the club
Teenagers were running towards the exit trying to get away from something the group couldn't see
Somehow in the made dash out Marinette was separated from Alix, Kim, and Damian as they got pushed out of the club, but Marinette was pushed further in the club and gets corralled by a group of minions dressed in green
She scanned around the group of teens that were left seeing that all her classmates made it out except for Lila who was standing in the front of the group, but was trying to get behind the frightened teens
Marinette ended up standing next to her facing on of the famous rogues of Gotham the Riddler
Riddler: Hello kitties so sorry to interrupt your night out, but I heard one of you tattletells are the reason I was thrown back in that hellhole we call a prison so I'll give the little pest a chance to step up and we'll play a little game if they win you will all be let go and the pest will die, if they lose, well you all die. Either way that person dies so come on speak up or should I just kill everybody right now.
Lila without a second thought: It was her Marinette!
Marinette: What?!?!
Lila: Yeah it is all her she was the one who was bad mouthing you.
Marinette whispering to Lila: I knew you were mean Lila, but this is just pure evil
Lila smirking at Marinette: Why so shocked Dupen-Cheng? I know you, you wouldn't put innocent lives in danger so there's no way you'll deny it and this way I can get rid of you for good.
Marinette continued to glare at the evil girl as she was pulled up towards the Riddler
Riddler: Well aren't you a little cutie. Is what the loud mouth said true are you to person who helped put me in jail?
Marinette through clenched teeth: Yes
Riddler: Well here's the game goody goody I'm going to tell you a riddle and if you answer correctly we're going to play a game of Russian rullet *Riddler holds up an old revolver* you might get killed, you might not, but if you get on wrong then you get shot with this *Riddler holds up a newer hand gun* instant death. Are you ready?
Marinette trying to hide her fear: Yes
Riddler: Oh what a brave little girl. What is full of holes. But still holds water?
Marinette a little surprised by how easy the riddle was: A spongue
Riddler holding the old gun to Marinette's forehead: Correct
Riddler pulls the trigger as Marinette flinches but only a click is heard
Riddler: Well you live for another riddle. What can you break without picking it up or touching it?
Marinette: A promise
Riddler : Correct again
Riddler repeated the process and got the same result
This process continued for another 10 minutes and both Marinette and the Riddler were starting to get annoyed
Marinette because the riddles were to easy and Riddler because she wasn't dead yet
It should be impossible for her to be still alive
The gun did not have this many rounds
Riddler growling: Okay, Jim and Kate go to the zoo and get eaten by the sea lions but nobody freaks out, why?
Marinette rolling her eyes: Now you just stealing riddles from TheOdd1sout. They're both fish.
As Marinette answers she hears a loud crashing sound
Riddler and his goons look up at the noice and Marinette takes the opportunity to escape
She swiftly pulls Riddler's belt off him causing his pants to fall
She then uses the belt to knock both the guns out of his hands the wrapping the belt around of one of his hands flips over his shoulder grabs his other arm and tie them behind his back using the belt
To add insult to injury she kicks him in the back of his knees bringing him completely down
As Marinette looks up she sees the goons being tied up by Batman and his sidekicks all with shocked looks on their faces
In fact everybody was completely shocked by what Marinette just did
Though unnoticed by her Robin's shocked faced soon turned into a lovesick smile
That's his girl
Batman walking up to Marinette: Good job civilian, we'll take it from here, there are some people waiting outside for you.
Marinette: Thank you Batman
Marinette and the rest of the captured teenagers ran out of the club as soon as possible
They were so busy trying to get away from the trauma they just experienced nobody notice Robin slipping away trying to meet his Angel up front
As Marinette made it out she was bombarded by police officers and camera flashes from reporters
Gordan: Okay boys break it up I'll take this one
Gordon wrapped his arm around the young girl who reminded him of his daughter
Gordon: I know you've been through a lot tonight but can you please tell me what happened?
Marinette nodded her head going over everything that happened including what Lila said to her
Gordon was shocked by what Marinette told him both about how she took down the Riddler and how Lila basically tried to kill her
Gordon: Okay thank you, you go over to your friends while me and my officers gather more information.
Gordon pointed her towards Alix and Kim
As she runs towards her friends she was engulfed in a group hug
Marinette pulling back from the hug: Are you guys okay? You're not hurt are you? Where's Damian? Is he okay?
Kim chuckling: Classic Marinette worrying about others instead of her self
Alix: We're fine Marinette. We got out pretty quickly but we got separated from Damian in the mad rush
Marinette got a worried look on her face as she started twisting around searching for the man she loved
Damian bursting through the crowd: ANGEL!
Marinette running towards Damian: DAMI!
The young lovers ran to eachother embracing eachother in a long hug
Marinette buried her head in his chest letting out a sob as everything caught up with her.
Damian burying his face in her hair: Shh Angel everything's okay now. I'm so sorry I couldn't be there for you. I should have never let go of you
Marinette sniffling into Damian's chest: It's not your fault Damian you had no control of our separation
Damian: I still should have tried harder to stay with you.
The two stayed together refusing to let eachother go afraid that if they did so the other would be lost
They stood there for 30 minutes just hugging eachother as Kim and Alix joined them trying to cheer Marinette up
Gordon walking up to the small group: Several other people collaborated with your story. Ms. Rossi will be takened to the French embassy to be held until your classes flight back to Paris tomorrow we just need to know if you want to press charges?
Damian angry: Of course she'll want to press charges! That girl tried to have her killed!
Marinette softly: I'll handle this Damian. *Marinette turns around to face Comissioner Gordon with Damian's arms still wrapped around her* I would like to press charges Mr. Gordon this has gone on too long, I would also like to look into getting a restraining order on her.
Gordon: of course, we'll make sure that Paris police force understand what happened and your request.
Marinette: Thank you
Ms. Bustier yelling: Okay everybody time to head back to the hotel.
Gordon: Wait one moment Miss but Ms. Rossi is going to be retained at the French embassy for attempted manslaughter of Ms. Dupen-Cheng
Alya: What? Is that what Marinette told you? You shouldn't listen to her she's nothing but a liar.
Gordon: Actually we're doing that not only on Ms. Dupen-Cheng's testimony of events but several other witnesses who heard and saw Ms. Rossi threaten and admit she was trying to get Marinette killed and we also have video from the security cameras showing the same thing. Boys take her away!
Lila most certainly did not go quietly she was yelling all the way to the police cruiser threatening that as soon as she was back in Paris she will be Akumatize and finish the job that Riddler couldn't
Marinette watched terrified as Lila was taken away knowing very well that she would keep her promise if given the chance
Damian tightened his hold on Marinette trying to comfort her: Dont worry Angel I won't let her do anything to you
Marinette pressed herself to Damian trying to get as much comfort from him as possible.
Ms. Bustier grabbing Marinette's arm: Come on Marinette it's time to go.
Marinette looked over at her classmates seeing the murderous glares directed towards her from some of Lila's more dedicated followers
Marinette: I don't want to go back to the hotel Ms. Bustier
Ms. Bustier sighing: Please don't be difficult Marinette. You've already caused enough trouble tonight just get on the bus before you ruin the night for everybody else
Marinette was huffing from her outburst finally letting everything out after such a long time.
Marinette could her some clapping throughout the crowd but ignored it turning her attention to Damian.
Marinette: Do you mind if I stay at the Manor tonight?
Damian: Of course Marinette let me call Alfred to come get us and I'll escort you to your hotel room so you can gather your stuff
Marinette: Thank you
After a couple of minutes not only did Alfred show up, but so does Tim, Jason, and Dick
All ready to to kick ass and take names of anybody who even dare look at her the wrong way.
When they got to the hotel they surrounded her like a wall blocking her from reporters and classmates
Marinette gathered her stuff as fast as she could thanking herself for being smart and packing ahead of time
Once they got back to the Manor Captain tackled Marinette
Licking and cuddling into her trying to comfort his girl
He couldn't believe he let her be put in so much danger
He should have never let her out of his sight while is such a dangerous city
Captain let out a whimper trying to convey how sorry he was
Marinette: It's okay Captain I'm fine, I'm safe and everything is going to be fine better than before even.
Captain still stayed close to her side
Titus and Ace did also sensing the distress rolling of the girl followed her
As Marinette slipped into the bathroom she was finally able to comfort and thank Tikki for saving her life by using her power to make sure the bullet never got shot
And also promised to slip some cookies to her as soon as she could
After getting a good hug from each of the Wayne's and Marinette grabbing some cookies for Tikki she made her way to her guest room just wanting this night to be over.
When the Batfam was sure Marinette was in for the night they made their way down to the batcave to discuss what happened
Damian: Father if you think I'm going to let Marinette out of my sight after what happened tonight you're crazy
Bruce: Think this through Damian smothering isn't going to make her any safer it's just going to make her resent you.
Jason: I dont like it anymore than you do Demon Spawn but he's right. You can't hover over Marinette her whole life, but we do need to look into what's going on in Paris more.
Dick: You're right Jason, Rossi was saying something about being Akumatized and killing Marinette that can't be good.
Bruce: Your right Dick. So when Damian goes to Paris in a couple of weeks we'll come along and assess the situation and see if we need to step in
Damian: If Marinette gets even a scratch on her I'm going to do more than just step in I'm going to find whoever responsible and dual them to the pain
Tim: Did you just quote Princess Bride
Damian: I watched it with Marinette a couple of days ago
The rest of the batfam: Awwww
Dick, Jason, and Tim giving Brice a weird look
Bruce: Don't judge me
Marinette tried her best to fall asleep that night cuddling up to Captain but she jus couldn't
When the clock showed it was 1am Marinette decided to seek out Damian
Marinette: Captain? *perked up and looked at his girl* Can you please help me find Damian?
Captain jumped off the bed and headed to the door
Before Marinette opened the door she turned towards Tikki
Marinette: Tikki I'm going to go see if I can sleep with Damian do you want to come with or stay here?
Tikki: I'll stay here Marinette. I don't want you stressing about keeping me hidden tonight
Marinette: Okay Tikki good night.
Marinette followed Captain down a couple of doors before they stopped in front of the door
Marinette knocked on the door and after a couple of minutes Damian opened the door looking a little ruffled from sleep
Marinette: Sorry to wake you Damian, but can I please sleep with you tonight
Damian: Of course Angel come on
Damian and Marinette settled into Damian's bed seeming to fit together perfectly as Marinette rested her head on Damian's chest and he wraps his arms around her keeping her close
Captain made himself comfortable next to Titus but also lays across the young couple's legs
The next day Lila was sent on a later flight back the Fance to a town outside of Paris so that she wouldn't be akumatized by Hawkmoth and she can face the consequences of her crimes
Marinette shared a long goodbye with the Wayne's in the airport
They were nice enough to upgrade Marinette's seat to first class and even got Captain a seat so he didn't have to stay in the cargo hold
And as Marinette said her goodbyes to the people who've became her second (or third is you count Jagged, Penny, and Clara) family Captain was saying goodbye to Titus and Ace
Captain: I'm going to miss you guys so much you have become my pack and I wish I could take you with me
Titus: And I wish you could stay, I love you
Titus gave Captain a big lick to the side of his face
Captain: Thanks Titus, I... love you too
Titus: I'm going to cry
Ace giggling: Thanks for that Titus
Ace nuzzling Captain's neck: I love you Captain I wish we can stay together.
Captain nuzzling her back: I wish I could to your my mate and I hate to be away from you for so long, but my girl needs me, but I heard our humans talking and they do plan to visit eachother again so we will be together again. One day permanently I can tell.
As the girl and her dog boarded the plane they may be leaving their loves behind today but it won't be forever
Thanks to this trip Marinette is a stronger person, and Captain learned to be a little softer
As Kim pass he tried to give Captain a pat on the head only for Captain to give him a little growl before he could
Like I said he learned to be a LITTLE softer
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2 weeks after returning from Paris Marinette recieved a very interesting call from Damian
Damian: Hey Angel weird question but is Captain fixed
Marinette: Oh no, after everything that happened to him it just seemed cruel to do that to him too. Why?
Damian: Because Ace is pregnant Captain is the only one who could be the father
Marinette shocked: What?
Marinette looking at Captain: You little hound dog.
Captain: What?
@felicityroth @northernbluetongue @mystery-5-5 @sidefrienda @tbehartoo @hypnosharkrebeldreamer @sonif50 @t-nikki10 @dawnwave16
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bookwyrminspiration · 3 years
thoughts on romantic fitz x linh ?
super cute, nonsie!!
again: I’m aromantic and everything I say regarding romance is through that lens. Now that that’s out of the way—
I’d want to see them interact more and form a more meaningful bond for me to base any potential romantic relationship on, but I think they’d be a very sweet couple. So far the majority of the interaction with Fitz and Linh seem to be him going “wow” when she does a cool water trick, which Dex(?) usually echoes.
as for shared background, they’re both siblings, and while technically Linh is a twin Tam has taken a very protective/older brother stance. I think they could find common ground over just being themselves with each other, no strings attached to family.
Another thing that I immediately thought of when thinking of the two of them is than Linh grew up with very little. She was forced to share a room with her brother and was banished at 10(?), living just wherever she could. There was no time/resources for luxury or just owning simple things. Fitz, however, loves to give gifts. (Just realized this may be him trying to make up for giving Sophie the riddler in book one but that’s completely unrelated)
So I think he could help her adjust to her new life in that regard, getting her things to fill the space and to have something to own. Something that belongs to her that she can enjoy. Possessions can be a luxury, and I could absolutely see Fitz wanting to spoil her and help her find material things with meaning to her.
As for reversed, I could see Linh helping Fitz get away from all the expectations put upon him as a Vacker. She was banished after flooding a city and she’s a twin, no one expects anything of her (excluding her friends. We’re talking about society right now). She would remind him that he’s a person, he doesn’t need to be anyone more than he is. She could give him a place to be comfortable, where she doesn’t expect him to be this wonderboy, this perfect kid.
Their romance feels soft to me, sweet and gentle. They cherish each other and it’s quiet but potent. They’d be the kind of couple to make pancakes in soft colors (like pinks and purples and blues) and make them in the shape of little bears and hearts. When I was little my dad would spell out my sister and my names with pancake batter, which is something I could see the two of them doing.
All their furniture is overly plush and you just sink into it. There’s photos of friends on the wall and a rabbit curled in their laps, the bookshelves are cluttered with knickknacks and the curtains are gossamer and light. Their love feels like home, a breath of fresh air.
I got a little distracted but I think they could make a really nice pairing, id just want them to interact more to get I know each other better. I swear y’all are making me want to do prompts now—
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Can we all just take a moment to appreciate how delightfully sassy Riddler/Edward Nigma was in “Batman: Arkham Origins?” I mean, he cracked me up in all four games with his comments, and in “Arkham Knight,” he was so fucking extra and an attention-starved diva (I adore “Arkham Knight” Riddler, by the way) 🤣🤣🤣
However, seeing as how Eddie was definitely at his most mentally stable in “Arkham Origins,” I think his witty commentary is abso-fucking-lutely GOLDEN 👌👏👍
“I mean, this one’s practically BEGGING to be taken offline and you still can’t hack it. Pun intended, of course.
“Congratulations are in order! Maybe you’re not as stupid as I’ve been led to believe.”
“Oh, boy! You sure showed that grate who’s in charge!”
“Another day, another door. They’re just no match for you!”
“Typical. I mean, why apply cognitive resources to a problem when you can just throw crap at it!”
“You know, if you’d asked nicely, I’d of opened [the door] for you.”
“Careful now! That’s public property you’re destroying!”
“I bet steering that thing requires a whole lot of concentration--” *sound of stuff falling* “OOPS! SORRY ABOUT THAT!”
“Oh, that poor door! You really should apologize.”
I would be terrible dealing with this little shit. I’d be too busy trying to flirt with him 🤣 I’d fail as a vigilante at this endeavor but, oh, what fun it would be:
Me: “Enigma, where are you?” Enigma: “I’m right here! Well, figuratively speaking anyway. Disappointed I didn’t choose to meet up in person?” Me: “Yes, actually....I was hoping to show you just how much I appreciate your wit.” Enigma: “Ha! Words of praise will suffice, My Dear. Go on...I’m all ears!” Me: “Well, you’re really cute and quite charming despite your smugness. I honestly want to blow you.” Enigma: “.....You didn’t just seriously...offer....?” Me: “Yes, I did. 😁” Enigma: “......Dear God, you’re a perverted idiot then.”
Enigma: “With everyone’s deepest, darkest secrets about to go on public display, I’ve got a feeling tomorrow’s going to be a very busy day for you.” Me: “I was hoping to be busy tomorrow with you.” Enigma: “Wait, what? With me? Are you suggesting you’ll actually be able to track me down and turn me in? Ha!” Me: “Actually, I was hoping to track you down and bring you home with me. I mean, I can’t blow you if you’re--” Enigma: “STOP IT!”
Enigma: “Ready for round three, then? Let’s see what you can do. Oh, right. There are also some things we should discuss--” Me: “Like kinks? Turn-ons and turn-offs?” Enigma: “NO, DAMMIT!”
Enigma: “I thought you had a city to save? So what are you doing, wasting time with me?” Me: “Well, I can multi-task, you know. And I don’t want to fuck the city. I want to fu--” Enigma: “Don’t! Don’t you dare finish that sentence!” Me: “......” Enigma: ..........” Me: “.....” Enigma: “......” Me: “I want to fuck you, is what I was going to say.” Enigma: “ARRGGH!”
Enigma: “Keep it up -- and you’re going to be very, very sorry.” Me: “Ooohh...my safe word is, ‘apple. 😉’” Enigma: “What? No--that’s not--I’m not talking about....ugh!”
Enigma: “Now don’t get too comfortable. You see, I learned something else tonight. The nastiest, dirtiest little secret you can imagine. It puts the rest of my collection to shame. But I’m going to wait to release it -- if only because it means I get to watch you squirm as you wonder what on earth it is...” Me: “Ok, ok, you got me.” Enigma: “Finally surrendering, huh?” Me: “I admit it: I have a collar kink, ok? There. I said it.” Enigma: “What?! Why--what are you--?! Why did you give me that information?!” Me: “Oh, so you didn’t check my browsing history?” Enigma: “NO!” Me: “Huh, I thought that was the big secret. Oh well!” Enigma: “I don’t want to be on this planet anymore....”
If you think that’s bad, then you don’t want to know how it’d go down with Telltale Riddler! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Telltale Riddler: “You’re ahead of schedule. I’m a little busy right now but I’ll see if I can fit you in.” Me: “I’d appreciate it, Daddy.” Telltale Riddler: “What?” Me: “What?”
Yes, I would probably be tempted to flirt with Telltale Riddler even though he’s sadistic af 😂
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archived-brokentoys · 3 years
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romantic headcanons.
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name: Edward Frank Nashton Nigma alias: (The) Riddler, The Prince of Puzzles, Eddie, Ed. gender: Cis-male. sexual orientation:  Bisexual. romantic orientation: Biromantic. preferred pet names: 'Eddie’ is one. But he also likes ‘Eddie-bear,’ and uh... even generic ones like ‘baby,’ ‘darling,’ and ‘angel,’ always makes him melt. relationship status: Single, but depends on verse. opinion on true love: Ed wants to believe in it. But he’s not really sure if it exists or not. It’s one of the many things he questions in life. opinion on love at first sight: Ed believes in attraction at first sight, but he doesn’t really believe in LOVE at first sight. Because well... how can you know if you love someone at first sight? lol! You don’t even know them! how ‘romantic’ are they?: Ed can be VERY romantic if he’s in a relationship! He likes giving physical and verbal affection, he loves giving his partner LOTS of gifts... and basically wants to be around them as much as his busy life can allow him to be. ideal physical traits:  tbh? Can’t even THINK of what ed’s ideal physical traits are. He may be a horn dog, but often times he’s more attracted to someone’s personality, especially their intelligence. Ed can find MANY physical traits to be attractive just depending on whatever. ideal personality traits: Intelligence, humorous, passionate, and honesty. After all, Eddie HATES liars, so yeah! But he loves a smart, fun person who is very passionate about what they believe in. he also enjoys people who, well... are just as affectionate as he can be! unattractive physical traits: Unhygienic is always the biggest turn off for Eddie. If you’re smelly, he’s definitely skipping out. unattractive personality traits: Liars, those without humor, STUPIDITY/IGNORANCE, and those who are pushovers. Eddie also cannot stand those who do not worship him. do they have a type?:  *looks at my ships* I guess fucking not. opinion of public affection: As long as nobody’s getting TOO sexual, Eddie doesn’t mind. In fact, Eddie WANTS to hold his partner’s hand, and cuddle, and kiss them at all times. This includes in public. favourite canon ship: Does Eddie even HAVE a canon ship? Outside of Got Ham, at least. Uh... unless Harvey and Eddie counts. But even then... despite having a soft spot for them, not really sure if they’d actually work in actuality. They’re personalities don’t feel TOO compatible. favourite non-canon ship: As I’ve made it obvious; Quiddler/Riddler x Harley is my favorite one. Just because? The moments they spent together in canon pre-new52 was pretty sweet. And I also think their personalities are VERY compatible. I think they’d make a cute ship! But other than them, I apparently have quite a few Riddler ships I like now, haha!
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TAGGED BY: Stole this! TAGGING: @qu-tipie​ @who-is-muses​ @the-arkham-librarian​ @hoopsheartthrob​ @dajokahhh​ @jcinthedance​ @lil-miss-romano​ @loverslanetm​ @laughter-in-white​ @dc-deathmetal​ @corvidamned​ @adrenalinesaint​ @nighttbound​ @maximummuses​ @liminalstctic​ @anemoiasity​ @squidmanalamort​ @sleightlyoffhand​
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sunriseverse · 4 years
rec listtttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
fair warning there’s a lot of different fandoms here—i have, uh. twenty-two pages of bookmarks. lots of newmann though, i promise. in no particular order, i give you a fic rec list
the future’s owned by you and me by kaiyen (Pacific Rim, Newton Geiszler/Hermann Gottlieb, 7k, Not Rated)
Years after they stopped writing each other, Newt and Hermann run into each other on the steps of Cambridge University Library. Quite literally.
 Newt stares at him, expecting more. He doesn’t get any. “Come on, man, who are you? Maybe I’ve read something.”
 I doubt it, Hermann barely catches himself from saying. “Gottlieb. Hermann Gottlieb.”
 And Newt looks like he’s struck oil. “Oh my god,” he says, and something flickers behind his eyes, like there’s more than just recognition there, and before he can wonder any more about what it is, Newt blurts, “Oh my god!” and Hermann flinches and makes a face like a disgruntled frog.
What you can expect: emotions, opprotunities missed, and opprotunities taken. I absolutely adore this fic, though I might be biased by the fact that it has Newt as bipolar, and that’s something I always crave (more bipolar Newt fic when???).
Survival is for Nerds by Annabeelee (Pacific Rim, Newton Geiszler/Hermann Gottlieb, 46k, Teen and Up)
It's three hundred and two years after humanity lost to the Kaiju and two hundred and twenty one since the Kaiju left. Not that it matters to Hermann. In relation to following a neurotic genetic experiment across whats left of the Northern American continent while dodging alien predators and hostile subgroups of humans, its possibly the least helpful thing to keep in mind.
What you can expect: scifi, tension, and a very intersting world. Post-apocalyptic, technically, but the way it’s written makes it almost hopeful. I love how the setting and writing makes it feel like a blend between victorian steampunk and futuristic in tone.
people can surprise you (or not) by pdameron (James Bond, James Bond/Q, 10k, Teen and Up)
“I’m not you, Bond. I don’t exactly have a technique for getting rich strangers to like me.”
“Just do your naive cute puppy thing, and they’ll be doting on you in no time,” Bond replies as he pulls up to the grand estate.
“My what?” Q asks incredulously. Bond doesn’t answer, simply giving him an indulgent smile. The fucker.
(or: 00q meets Gosford Park. Except not really.)
What you can expect: humour, murder, and some light espionage. Also, fake dating.
Infinite Distance by lachatblanche (X-Men, Erik Lensherr/Charles Xavier, 7k, Teen and Up)
When they encounter an unfamiliar and seemingly-abandoned ship in the middle of nowhere in space, Captain Charles Xavier of the spaceship Graymalkin heads out to investigate.
What you can expect: drama! Intruige! It’s set in space! I read this a while ago but I have memories of it being rather riveting despite the relatively short length.
Gertrude’s Goulash by lollzie (Gotham, Edward Nygma/Oswald Cobblepot, 7k, General Audiences)
Ed needs a new roommate. Oswald needs a room. Oswald may just be the most amazing person Ed has ever met. Shame he's not single. Cue wooing via the medium of cooking.
What you can expect: pining, misunderstandings, obliviousness, and a lot of goulash as a method of romancing.
Death Of The Author by happygolovely (Gotham, Edward Nygma/Oswald Cobblepot, 9k, Mature)
Edward Nygma was never intended to be anything more than a secondary character.
The Riddler demands otherwise.
What you can expect: a story within a story within a story. You think you have it figured out, and the next moment the carpet is yanked out from beneath you. Fairly dark, possibly disturbing, but my goodness if it’s not engaging.
we make our friends, we make our enemies by ORiley42 (Mission: Impossible, Benji Dunn/Ethan Hunt, 52k, Teen and Up)
Benji finds out he has a new neighbor. This new neighbor happens to be off-the-charts hot. Hijinks, friendship, more-than-friendship, and secret agent drama ensue.
What you can expect: pining. There’s spy stuff going on too, and it eventually gets brought up, but my gods, the pining. Also, it’s fucking hilarious, and, at just over fifty thousand words, the perfect read when you’ve got an hour or two and you want something that’ll make you both laugh and cry.
Self-Sabotage by EmilyweepsforPilfrey (James Bond, James Bond/Q, 2k, Teen and Up)
For some reason, whenever he's alone with Bond, the most ridiculous things come out of Q's mouth.
Or 'the one where Q accidentally invents a girlfriend'.
What you can expect: Q being an utter idiot. It’s hilarious. Nice quick bite of humour if you fancy it.
The Long Con by harleygirl2648 (Hannibal, Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter, 19k, Teen and Up)
There are two kinds of cons: long and short. Short cons mean short-term gain, with smaller rewards, mostly just everything you have in your pocket at that moment. Long cons mean lots of time, effort, costumes, masks, props, sets, and other characters all looking to set up the downfall of the mark and take them for all that they've got.
Con Artist/Thieves AU: Will Graham and Hannibal Lecter are both interested in acquiring a Botticelli, but both of them are quite fond of each other's short games. For both of them, it's the deception and thrill of the game that's worth more than the payout.
And well, after all, aren't the easiest people to scam are those who think they are smart enough to not get scammed?
What you can expect: no cannibalism, a lot of banter, and, of course, con artistry. Quite delightful if I do say so myself.
deus ex machina by coloredink (Hannibal, Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter, 26k, Teen and Up)
"What the hell?" said Katz.  "Is that--"
"Yeah, I know, it's kinda flashy."  Will shut the car door behind him and patted his pockets for the little fob to lock the car.
"Isn't that Hannibal Lecter's car?"
The car beeped to indicate it was locked.  "Yeah, I guess so."  Will walked away, toward the field, Katz on his heels.  "I needed a new car."
"So you bought the cannibal car?"
You asked for it: the one where Hannibal is a murderous self-driving car.
What you can expect: what it says on the tin. Quite funny, especially with the element of magical realism meaning Hanni-car is sentient. The Hannigram is more vaguely implied than an actual thing, owing, probably, to the fact that Hannibal is, well, a car.
adapt, evolve, become. by peupeugunn (Alex Rider, Gen, 3k, Not Rated)
“This is how you get out. You're slowly moving towards a desk job.” A pause, then, “you know, most people do it the other way around.” Alex chuckles softly and and shuffles towards him to lean against his shoulder, burrowing into the crook of his neck. Ben’s arm winds around him, shields him from the world, a solid weight on his back. “You're going to miss the adrenaline rushes, kid.” There's something almost sad in his voice. Alex doesn't want to understand why. Down that road lies madness. 
What you can expect: a character study, in a bit of a roundabout way.
A Sharp Dressed Man by Avelera (Pacific Rim, Newton Geiszler/Hermann Gottlieb, 12k, Teen and Up)
Hermann's latest book needs an author photo. However, when he's given a makeover and a suit that actually fits for the photo shoot, his appearance is so transformed that Newt mistakes him for his (much hotter) older brother, Dietrich.
Hermann decides to play along.
What you can expect: gods this fic is so good. It’s the first Newmann fic I ever read, and I’ve reread it a good six times since 2018. I would say more, but I think the fic speaks for itself.
Gestures by Actually_Crowley (Pacific Rim, Newton Geiszler/Hermann Gottlieb, 7k, Teen and Up)
Newton finds out what Hermann does with his rare free time, but the discovery leads him to believe that Hermann honestly and unequivocally hates him. 
What you can expect: the rituals are fucking intricate. I love this fic so so so much. And the eventual reveal/confession...scream.
Fate’s Horrifying Ways (also known as: CHRISTMAS GODZILLA) by linearoundmythoughts (Pacific Rim, Newton Geislzer/Hermann Gottlieb, 4k, Teen and Up)
Your name is Newton Geiszler and you’re going to have to break things off with your sort-of online boyfriend because you’re cheating on him. Sort of. [AKA the most dramatic summary of a humorous crackfic ever ok]
Originally written for the Pacrim Secret Santa back in 2014.
What you can expect: first off, it’s not second person, I promise. It is, though, really fucking funny, owing to the misunderstandings that ensue. There’s much pining, some angsting, and, of course, humour.
Letters From Berlin by spenshi (Pacific Rim, Newton Geiszler/Hermann Gottlieb, 12k, Teen and Up)
Newton keeps in touch with his family when he's shipped off to the Shatterdome. Jacob and Illia send care packages to the K-Science Lab. 
What you can expect: Geiszler-family feels. A lot of them. Also, Newt and Hermann slowly growing closer to until they can finally admit they’re into each other.
Wishbone by cypress_tree (Pacific Rim, Newton Geiszler/Hermann Gottlieb, 8k, Teen and Up)
Hermann doesn't have anywhere to go for Thanksgiving, so Newt invites him over for food, family, and a little bit of flirting.  Just a warm, fuzzy college AU to get you through the holidays. 
What you can expect: fluff, softness, general feel-good fic. It’s really good, and it has Geiszler-family feels. Reading this fic is a bit like drinking hot cocoa on a cold day.
next days by catbeans (Pacific Rim, Newton Geiszler/Hermann Gottlieb, 5k, Teen and Up)
Hermann had never felt an ache quite like this one, and he had felt plenty. He had been running on adrenaline first, and then on the necessity to keep running, pain and bone-deep exhaustion falling to such a low priority that he couldn't even consider it one anymore, and then it had stopped.
(the 18 hour nap date these guys deserve)
What you can expect: Newt and Hermann cuddling. A lot. That’s really it, that’s the fic. It’s 100% indulgent and I love it for that.
Tebori by SkysongMA (Pacific Rim, Newton Geiszler/Hermann Gottlieb, 7k, Not Rated)
Newt squints. "It's really not a sex thing? 'Cause I'm not opposed to it being a sex thing, mind you. I just don't want to come in the lab tomorrow and not get to throw things at your stupid face."
Hermann lets out an endless, long-suffering sigh. "It's really not a sex thing, Newton, honestly. We hate each other. That's worked out very well for us so far, and it will continue to work out for us in the future." He doesn't mention that they haven't always hated each other and that, at one point in their long relationship, showing up unannounced at Newton's door for the purpose of sexual favors would not have been so far out of the realm of possibility. Had been, in fact, one of those things Hermann had considered late at night long ago, when he couldn't go a week without a fat envelope in the mail full of Newt's ramblings.
But that was quite some time ago, and he means it. They each get more work done than they would ever have separately, even if only because they like to rub their progress in the other's face.
Anyway, admitting anything different would just give Newt ammunition
What you can expect: Newt gives Hermann a tattoo. There’s a lot of feels.
Newt Inherits a Bar by orphan (Pacific Rim and It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Newton Geiszler/Hermann Gottlieb, 11k, Not Rated)
The scary part is the bar looks exactly like Newt remembers.
What you can expect: you’ll probably tear up a bit. This one hits pretty hard, honestly, but it’s so, so, so good.
First a Darling, Then a Marvel by isozyme (Pacific Rim, Newton Geiszler/Hermann Gottlieb, 20k, Mature)
Newt runs a simulation given three constraints:
1: Newt wants to clone a kaiju 2: Hermann does not want Newt to clone a kaiju 3: Newt is going to clone a kaiju anyway
What you can expect: a lot of sciencing, a lot of feels, and two repressed idiots. There’s like, a paragraph or two of smut but it’s pretty clear when it’s going to happen so it’s easy to skip, which is great. The tl;dr of this fic is Newt clones some kaiju, Hermann reminds him how fucking horrible of an idea that is, and everything more or less works out in the end.
Tea and Sympathy by osprey_archer (Torchwood, Owen Harper/Ianto Jones, 13k, Teen and Up)
Soon after Jack's disappearance, Owen takes sick. Ianto goes to check on him.
What you can expect: crabby doctors, put-upon Welshmen, and a fuckton of emotions that everyone is trying to ignore. Not particularly happy, but then, when is Torchwood ever? It’s good while it lasts, though.
Pareidolia by hal_incandenza (Pacific Rim and The Black Tapes Podcast, Newton Geiszler/Hermann Gottlieb, 102k, Mature)
It starts as a profile of paranormal investigator and professional skeptic Dr. Hermann Gottlieb. But it seems the further journalist Newt Geiszler delves into his cases, the more mysterious Dr. Gottlieb becomes. What is he hiding? What is he looking for? What is the truth? What is the difference between a journalist's idea of truth, and a scientist's?
Seeing is not believing. Believing is believing.
What you can expect: suspense, mystery, horror, pining, and apocalypse cults, with a dash of an ambiguous ending. I love this fic so much. I literally would stop what I was doing to read it when I got an alert that there was an update when it was still a work in progress.
Meet Me There Across The Water, And We’ll Start An Endless Storm by Skepticamoeba (Pacific Rim, Newton Geiszler/Hermann Gottlieb, 35k, Teen and Up)
Hermann, an honorably discharged veteran has retired to continue working as a Keeper at a Lighthouse. It is perfectly solitary, and with little in the way for incidents. Newton is the sailor that washes up on the seashore after a summer storm.
[Late 19th century Lighthouse Keeper AU--or the one where Hermann was an aspiring artist whose dreams got a bit derailed, and Newt is the sailor that needs to learn to take his time with things.]
What you can expect: the pining........the intricate rituals............the denial.........*chef’s kiss*
and I couldn’t whisper when you needed it shouted by Lvslie (Pacific Rim, Newton Geiszler/Hermann Gottlieb, 24k, Teen and Up)
He still smells like Newt; bears traces of his recent nearness. Clothes sleep-wrinkled from the proximity, from the way Newt’s ankle has during the night hooked around the calf of Hermann’s good leg and dragged his whole body seamlessly closer. Cheek half-flushed from the face unconsciously nuzzled his into the side of Hermann’s neck—evidence of his presence, fast asleep, as Hermann lay still and fretful for hours an end, staring at the ceiling and feeling sick with wanting.
[An early 20th century AU inspired loosely by Maurice and Age of Innocence.]
What you can expect: wistfulness, pining, repression, denial, lots of feelings. You’ll probably tear up. There’s an achingly happy ending for both of them. This is one of the fics I want a hard copy of so I can mark it up because, fuck, I love it so much.
leave the car running by Macremae (Pacific Rim, Newton Geiszler/Hermann Gottlieb, 1k, Teen and Up)
It is clear that, after everything, Newt doesn't like to be touched. 
What you can expect: touch starvation, mutual pining, Newt finally getting the human contact he deserves. I wrote my own version of this since it was initially a prompt, but quite frankly, I like Newton’s version better because it hits.
The Man Who Invented Sherlock Holmes by Calais_Reno (Sherlock Holmes - Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, 15k, Teen and Up)
John Watson, struggling young doctor, doomed to live an ordinary life, dreams of writing detective fiction. If he can just figure out his hero's name, the story will practically write itself.
What you can expect: Watson sort of, kind of, maybe invents a man into being. Oops. I haven’t read this one in a while but I remember it being quite a lot of fun. There’s elements of what I would say is probably magical realism, but it’s never quite clear.
Newton Isn’t Dead by Macremae (Pacific Rim, Newton Geiszler/Hermann Gottlieb and Vanessa Gottlieb/Karla Gottlieb, 32k, Mature)
Newton Geiszler is currently being possessed by a genocidal alien race known as the Precursors. They’ve taken over his body, leaving him a prisoner in his own mind. However, Newt has a totally awesome plan. He’s going to make a deal with them: let him prove that Earth is worth saving, and if he can’t do that, they can have his body. But convincing a hivemind full of mega-colonizers that one blue planet can be wonderful isn’t going to be easy. He’s going to need the help of his kind-of-ex Hermann, his best friend Vanessa, and one awesome Footloose remake to pull this off.
So, naturally, they go on a road trip.
What you can expect: pining, world-saving, eventual confessions and happy endings. I had the great honour of reading the chapters before they were published, and this fic is one of my top five favourite fics. There were multiple points where I yelled, both literally (quietly) and through text (slightly less quietly).
it takes time, but time moves slow by prettydizzeed (Pacific Rim, Newton Geiszler/Hermann Gottlieb, 2k, Teen and Up)
Hermann conducts a cost-benefit analysis every class period of sitting in the back of the lecture hall versus walking down the stairs to the front. He wishes he had hard data for this, to get some actual statistics, and perhaps after a while, if he records his pain level and his ability to read the board and pay attention after each class, he will be able to predict the outcomes given either choice on a particular day.
Two curves, traveling in opposite directions, inversely proportional: pain goes up, concentration goes down. It’s comforting, somewhat, to make it a numbers game. Impersonal. Absolute. Not a tragedy, and not his doing, only his to interpret, a smudged scrawl across his left knee in an unfamiliar handwriting, his to analyze, to decrypt.
What you can expect: the fic may only be 2k, but it will leave you feeling like you were punched. It’s fantastic.
I Could Be Jew-ish For You by Macremae (Pacific Rim, Newton Geiszler/Hermann Gottlieb, 10k, Teen and Up)
When Hermann agrees to spend Chanukah with his family in an attempt to wheedle some desperately-needed funding out of his father, Newt insists that he shouldn’t face Lars alone and tags along as his “emotional support family rage distraction”. What they fail to realize are two things: 1. When Hermann brings Newt with him to the festivities, assumptions will be made, and 2. Newt may be half-Jewish, but he sure wasn’t raised as one. 
What to expect: fake dating fake dating fake dating— (can you tell I have a favourite trope?) In which Newt is Jew-ish, Hermann is both exasperated and pining, Lars is disliked, and we all get the Jewish romcom we deserve.
It Was Love At Second Sight by rednights (Pacific Rim, Newton Geiszler/Hermann Gottlieb, 35k, Teen and Up)
Hermann receives the first letter when he is eighteen years old.
or: Kaiju don't attack the Earth, but Hermann and Newt still write letters, botch their first meeting, and fall in love, not necessarily in that order.
What you can expect: feels. So many fucking feels. There’s no kaiju but that doesn’t mean you won’t be on the edge of your seat.
hello my old heart by firebirdsuite (The Magnus Archives, Martin Blackwood/Jonathan Sims, 15k, Teen and Up)
Peter’s wrong, of course. When it’s all over, Martin does still want to tell Jon everything. It’s just—well, there’s a few things they need to work through first before they can get there.
Martin and Jon find each other again in Scotland.
What you can expect: tenderness, domesticity, and love. The perfect trifecta.
the truth about me (and the truth about me) by danimagus (Pacific Rim, Newton Geiszler/Hermann Gottlieb, 11k, Teen and Up)
Newton suffers from a bout of memory loss and is told Hermann is his fiancé.
Hermann plays along, to his endless shame.
What you can expect: two words: fake dating. Gods, I love this fic, as Mary can attest from how I unceremoniously started screaming at her about it in her tumblr messages the day of/after it was published. This fic is great because it subverts the trope a bit, and thus avoids issues of consent that may otherwise have occured.
speak right to my heart without saying a word by thekaidonovskys (Pacific Rim, Newton Geiszler/Hermann Gottlieb, 13k, General Audiences)
“Your eyes. Your expression. Your smile. I’ve worked with you for ten years, Hermann, and words have never been our primary method of communication.” 
What you can expect: to be knocked the fuck out emotionally. This one hits pretty hard, and that’s what makes it so good.
Transducer by hal_incandenza (Pacific Rim, Newton Geiszler/Hermann Gottlieb, 85k, Teen and Up)
“I need you to hide something for me.”
“Oh, excellent. Of course, Newton, please allow me to jeopardize my career. And yours as well. My pleasure. Do go on.”
“Yeesh, relax,” said Newton. “It’s a personal thing, not a work thing.”
“As if there is any division between the two,” Hermann snapped.
If only you knew, Newt thought.
What you can expect: intruigue, alien tech, light espionage. This fic will have your little nerd heart beating double-time. It’s very very good.
A Really Private Person by astolat (Person of Interest, Harold Finch/John Reese, 18k, Mature)
The end of the world started on a Wednesday in March. 
What you can expect: badassery on Finch’s part. One of the few fics I have bookmarked for this fandom, and it’s bookmarked for good reason.
Party For Two by ProblemWithTrouble (Pacific Rim, Newton Geiszler/Hermann Gottlieb, 18k, General Audiences)
 “My mother’s parents have a home in the Black Forest that has a guest house. They’ve often allowed me to stay there when I could spare the time.” Hermann looked distant as if he were remembering something; the warmth of a fire and a nice book and the smell of freshly made tea. “It will be quiet, and possibly too boring for you-”
 “It won’t be. I could use some quiet after the decade we’ve had. I could actually compile my research. And sleep. It sounds amazing.”
After the world doesn't end Newt and Hermann take a vacation together to live in a cabin and finally relax, as friends. Cue the pining, the longing, and the living together as best friends.
What you can expect: a fic that will wrap you up like a warm blanket. Mutual pining, vacationing together in a cabin, lots of feels—what more can you want?
Dream Drifting by MooseLane (Pacific Rim and Inception, Newton Geiszler/Hermann Gottlieb, 5k, General Audiences)
"You're running an extraction on that spastic PPDC biologist, is what I hear." Chau fixes him with a side-eye. "I know I wouldn't want to go poking around in that little bastard's head."
(There are not enough Inception x Pacific Rim crossover fics, so I decided to change that.)
What you can expect: Inception meets Pacific Rim. There’s no other way to say it, really.
I’ve Got Nothing To Do Today But Smile (The Only Living Boy In New York) by gyzym (Inception, Arthur/Eames, 19k, Teen and Up)
Arthur's a corporate lawyer, Eames owns the coffee shop across the street, and all good love stories start with a quadruple shot latte. 
What to expect: Arthur is stressed, Eames runs a coffee shop, and, through the power of friendship and a lot of stress-baking, everything works out happily for our intrepid protagonist.
Kalimat/كلمات  by rainbowagnes (The Old Guard, Yusuf Al-Kaysani/Nicolò di Genova, 3k, Teen and Up)
Yusuf translates medical texts for Niccolò from Greek and Persian into Arabic, and Niccolò spots the substratum of the ideas of the classical authors that he had once believed the basis of his own civilisation that he would go to the sword to defend, translated and passed down and sewn into a no longer foreign script. There are words Yusuf does not know how to translate. They will never, ever know all of the words. The prospect is thrilling. --- It takes Niccolò lifetimes to learn Arabic. 
What you can expect: if you, like me, are, especially natively, multilingual, this might hit the sweet spot of Language Feels. It did for me. Also, Joe calling Nicky hayati? Yeah.
i never liked that ending either by Macremae (Pacific Rim, Newton Geiszler/Hermann Gottlieb, 15k, Mature)
You want a better story. Who wouldn’t?    - Litany in Which Certain Things Are Crossed Out
Once upon a time Dr. Flick Tucker, K-Sci head of Biology, fought a bunch of highly scientific dragons to save the world. Then, they took over her life. It didn’t end well.
Once upon our time Dr. Newt Geiszler, marine biologist, sci-fi aficionado, and accidental discoverer of dimensional travel, got a chance to take her place. He has a couple of ideas.
In which Uprising is still a bad movie, musings on the nature of choice and personal autonomy are made, and somewhere, probably, a coin is showing heads every time.
What you can expect: everything’s fine this is a perfectly normal fic come here i want to cause you as much emotional damage as I can
Not Allowed by acedott (BBC Merlin, Gwen/Morgana, 1k, General Audiences)
Gwen has been dealing with self-imposed touch starvation since she was a child. Morgana sets out to challenge this. 
What you can expect: gays. Pining. Touch starvation. Need I say more?
Rocky Horror Pancake Show by ChuckleVoodoos (Daredevil, Matt Murdock/Franklin “Foggy” Nelson, 19k, Teen and Up)
Foggy falls asleep at exactly 12:00 AM, and he’s making a wish. He wakes up at 12:00 AM too—twenty-four hours before he fell asleep.
"Let's do the time warp again!"
What you can expect: Ground-hog Day style time-loop, lots of fluff, and a happy ending.
Ain’t No Nancy Kerrigan by cleverqueen (DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, Leonard Snart/Mick Rory, 13k, Teen and Up)
It's 1994, and young Lisa Snart's jumps aren't strong enough for an Olympic singles skater. Thankfully, her older brother has an athletic friend who can match her in pairs.
Mick Rory is hopelessly in love with Leonard Snart, though he'd never say anything about it, so he jumps at a chance to do Len's little sister a favor. If he's patient and works hard, maybe he'll even get to skate with her older brother.
What you can expect: pining, ice-skating, and general goodness. It’s fun, it’s funny, and it has a happy ending.
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entorri · 4 years
Insanity (Arkham!Riddler one-off)
Warnings: swearing, violence, murder, implied sexual content
Words: 2,538
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The hostages that Edward took in usually annoyed the shit out of him.
The pure idiocy of the people that screamed and shouted, pleading for their lives, asking what they did wrong proved that perhaps, his mind really was the greatest in Gotham.
However, there was one person who broke that trend. One person who truly tested his limits.
After getting kidnapped by a few of his thugs outside a bar one night, this woman woke up strapped to an asylum chair in a dark room, green hues reflecting off of the worn concrete surfaces of the warehouse she found herself in.
“So the imbecile is awake.” Edward snarked. The hostage struggled a bit before giving up, her steely blue eyes flashing him a annoyed glare.
“You’re the newest player in the little game I’ve put together for Batman. If that rodent-costumed thug does his job, you’ll get to live.”
The girl sighed, already put out by the whole situation. This made Edward a bit uneasy; frustrated, even. As much as he hated hearing people scream, he found that this hostage’s slight irritation was even worse. Does she know who’s presence she’s in? The absolute genius that stands before her?
“You always give him too much of a chance.” She said, causing Edward to tilt his head.
“What? What do you mean?”
“I mean, all your riddles are easy. They’re ones everyone’s heard before. ‘The more of me there is, the less you see?’ Come on, man.”
Edward stepped back, dumbfounded by this girl’s courage. He stammered, adjusting his glasses and stomping closer, leaning down to meet her face. “Well do you have something better?”
“Of course not. That’s your job. I’m just giving you some constructive criticism.”
Edward scoffed and stood up straight, turning around and shaking his head. “Just who do you think you are, anyway?”
“A very tired, very unafraid bartender. You?”
“You know damn well who I am!” He growled, leaning his arms and head on his cane soon after with a sigh. “Look... you can make this a lot easier for me and yourself if you just stopped talking.”
“You initiated it, genius. Besides, I find this quite enjoyable.” She stated with a sly smile.
“Really? Well the puzzle I have planned for Batman will be anything but. If he fails this challenge, and he will, the you’ll be the sorry little soul that has to pay for it. Does that sound enjoyable, smartass?”
She thought for a moment, contorting her face as she processed his words. Edward watched with an ever-growing smile, assuming that he finally got to her.
“Well... define ‘pay for it.’”
He lost it.
She adjusted herself in the squeaky asylum chair that she was strapped to and tilted her head with a chuckle. “You turn tomato red when you’re angry. It’s cute.”
Edward flinched, glaring at his hostage quizzically. He turned even redder. “You’re inconceivable.” He grumbled before turning away, disappearing back into the darkness. “You’ll be here for a few days, so get comfortable. Your end will come soon enough.”
As he trekked back to his control room, which was full of gadgets, gizmos, and many computer monitors containing all his plans, he felt a searing heat boiling in his chest.
The girl’s got nerve, I’ll give her that. He thought.
But “cute?” who does she think I am?
He plopped into his swivel chair, feeling his tense muscles relax into the cheap leather. There was something about this girl that struck a different chord in him. Perhaps her wittiness and carefree nature could be used to his advantage. Was she really the type that should be sacrificed in his fight against Batman, or could she help him in different ways?
As he contemplated this, he glanced out his window, looking down at the hostage, a dim green light shining on her like a spotlight in the middle of the dark warehouse.
Much to his surprise, she was staring right back.
Edward yawned, checking the green digital clock that sat to the right of his desk. It was 7 am, and he’d stayed up all night working on his masterpiece of a puzzle for Batman. He rubbed his eyes, muttering a curse under his breath as he loathed his disgraceful sleep schedule.
He looked down through his window, watching his hostage’s chest heave inwards and outwards as she rested. She looked wildly uncomfortable. A pang of guilt resonated through his chest before he swept it under the rug, reminding himself that she was merely a hostage, much like the hundreds of others before her.
However, his mind kept wandering.
How can someone manage to look so desirable in such an undesirable situation?
He felt his face heat up. This woman was proving to be a puzzle on-par with one of his own. Needless to say, it was... invigorating.
Feeling a sudden rush of curiosity, he made his way down the stairs of his office, making a hesitant beeline straight for her. He crept up slowly, grabbing a nearby wooden chair and pulling it up in front of her. He swung his legs and sat on it backwards, placing his forearms on the chair’s top rail and resting his head on them.
He simply watched.
He was fully aware of how creepy this must look, but he reassured himself that the judgement of others shouldn’t get to him. Their minds just aren’t able to comprehend his methods.
“Hey, boss, should I—“
Edward jumped, nearly falling out of his chair. One of his lesser-minded henchmen decided to drop in and ruin the moment.
“Shhhh! Shut up, you imbecile!” He whisper-screamed. “What did I tell you about letting yourself in uninvited?!”
The henchman frantically shuffled his feet before running off like a startled mouse.
“You mindless bovine...” Edward muttered.
“Well, that’s one way to wake up. You’ve really gotta work on your hospitality, Nygma.”
Edward turned, seeing his hostage wide awake, watching her roll her neck in a circle. Several cracks resonated through the warehouse.
He smiled. A devious, snarky smile. His glasses reflected the emerald light in the room, making his eyes look like those of a phantom. He pulled the chair back under himself, scooting closer to her with furrowed brows. “That’s ‘Riddler’ to you, my dear.”
“And I’m Mania.” She bluntly corrected.
“Mania...” Edward echoed. “Goddess of insanity. You live up to the name.”
“Hah! Like I haven’t heard that one before.”
Edward would normally get inpatient with people like her, always snapping back with something witty and arrogant, much like Selina Kyle. Mania, however, made him want more. His heart began beating faster and he took a moment to compose himself.
“Why aren’t you scared?” He questioned, one eyebrow raising along with his level of confusion. “You’re a hostage— my hostage— you’re as good as dead.”
“Well in that case...” she leaned closer, the leather straps that restrained her squeaking against each other. “Might as well live it up while I still can, right?”
Her voice was smooth, alluring. Her eyelashes fluttered to a half-lidded gaze, lips parting slightly as her warm breath tickled the peach fuzz on Edward’s nose. He didn’t flinch or move back, but held his ground, ensuring that Mania knows about the balance of power in this warehouse.
He was the genius— the hostage taker and determining factor of her fate.
She was merely a barkeep who didn’t know when to shut up.
However, despite these factors, Mania managed the unthinkable. Somehow freeing one arm from her bonds, she grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him forward, smashing her lips against his. He yelped into her mouth, eyes wide open as he struggled, mind contradicting with his heart as he found a part of himself enjoying the closeness.
He tore himself from his feelings, pushing himself away from her and wiping his lips vigorously with his wrist, panting hard. His glasses lay lopsided on his face and hair messed and frayed from Mania’s wandering hand as he stared at her in disbelief.
“You’re... you’re...!”
“Inconceivable, I know.”
“You’re going to pay for that!” He growled, pointing a skinny finger at her. “No one takes advantage of me. No one!”
“Yet, somehow, here we are.”
Edward opened his mouth to argue more, but immediately voted against it. She wasn’t worth his time.
She’ll be dead in a day anyway, right?
“Have you ever been with anyone, Eddie?”
Edward stopped typing, fingers frozen steadily on the keyboard as his body tensed up. Mania had been trying to talk to him all morning, but this was the question that finally riled him up. He swallowed hard before turning around. He composed himself and looked at her through his office window, trying his hardest to remain stoic.
“What are you implying, Mania?” He barked over his microphone.
“I’m not implying anything. I’m just curious.”
He was at odds with himself. Should he give her an answer? And if so, should he tell her the truth? What does it matter to her if he’s gotten physical with somebody before?
“I find the act to be quite futile.” He responded.
She paused. “So, I’ll take that as a ‘no’.”
“I never said that.”
“But you never gave me a real answer, either.”
He sighed, rubbing his temples. “I haven’t.” He mumbled, eyes flicking down towards hers fleetingly, waiting for the judgement he knew would soon arrive. “B-But it doesn’t matter. I’ve never had the desire to do such a thing anyway.”
Figuring that dismissal was the best course of action, he turned back towards his computer and began typing again.
“That’s awfully brave coming from a man who thinks about me so often.”
He stopped once again. “Excuse me?”
“There’s something I forgot to mention to you, Eddie. Remember that... exchange we had earlier?”
Edward shuddered at the thought of it. The ghost of her hands grasping his neck and the warmth of her soft lips against his— even the memory didn’t last nearly as long as he wished it had.
“I do. Regrettably.”
“I can see that.” She chuckled, adjusting herself in her chair. “What if I told you that it wasn’t just a kiss that you were sharing with me, but your mind as well?”
“I beg your pardon?”
“You see, I have abilities, Edward. Abilities that allow me to bind my mind to that of any person that I kiss. Now, whatever you think, I can see.
“That’s impossible. You’re just playing with my head, not using it. Regardless, it won’t happen again.”
“You need proof? I’ve got it.”
Edward scoffed, but he could feel anxious heat rise into his cheeks.
“Last night, you were working, as usual, but you couldn’t get the thought of our kiss out of your head.”
“False.” He barked, denying her claim instantly.
“It became so engrained in your mind that work became impossible, so you stopped, only to feel the heat in your chest getting hotter and hotter.”
“Stop. Stop it now!” Edward began pacing around his office angrily.
“You touched your lips— grazed your hand on the back of your neck to try and mimic the things you felt in the moment that our lips connected.”
“I’m warning you, I will kill you right here and now if you don’t stop.”
“Shuddering, you felt yourself crumble under your own touch, collapsing into your desk chair with a sense of guilt and defeat washing over you.”
He began to march down from his office and towards Mania with vigor.
“Having never been shown affection of any sort in your life, you craved more. However, you believed that could never be possible...”
He stood a few feet away, chest heaving with anger. “Enough.” He said.
Mania simply blinked in his direction. “...as nobody could ever love a reclusive, hotheaded, egotistical maniac like yourself.”
“I said ENOUGH!” Edward screamed, rushing towards Mania full-force, grabbing her by her neck and breathing heavily.
“You have NO RIGHT to be snooping around inside my head. I DEMAND you break the link right now, before I do the same to your neck!”
He watched the color slowly start to leave her face and gasped as he noticed her looking right back at him, smiling. Her eyes were like dark little voids. He loosened his grip and stepped away in fear, both of them catching their breath. He collapsed onto the floor, hands holding him up under the cold concrete as tears began to well up in his eyes. “Get... get out of my head.” He gasped. “Please...”
Mania stayed silent, watching Edward with a terrifying smirk.
Still shaking, Edward wills himself to get up, catching his breath. His cheeks red and damp from his tears, he shuffled his feet towards Mania. She stared at him with those same cocky eyes. That’s when Edward realized:
She wanted this to happen. This was her plan all along.
He began to unbuckle her restraints, watching her fall to the floor, hands wrapping around the bruises that had begun to form around her neck.
“You know, I’ll admit, I was starting to like you.” He said, his voice still shot from his emotional break earlier. He wiped the tears from his face and knelt down next to her on the floor, tilting his head and watching as her raspy, labored inhales echoed throughout the warehouse.
Mania chuckled, a sadistic smile creeping onto her face. “Cute,” she coughed.
That word made him twitch, but he retained his composure. “I thought, ‘finally, an intellectual— someone who’s cunning might match my own.’”
Mania listened, laughing once or twice during his pause.
“But you know what I realized?”
He stood up, his footsteps resonating off of the concrete floors as he disappeared into the darkness, the sharp noise of metal clanking before he returned, his old, rusty question mark cane in hand.
“You’re no better than the fuckin’ bat.”
And with that, he raised the cane high, nearly falling under it’s weight before smashing it down on Mania’s head, one of the sharp, blocky corners penetrating her skull flawlessly, killing her in an instant.
He panted; droplets of blood splattering on his glasses and face as he yanked the cane out, opening the fatal wound further before stumbling backwards, watching as the pool of blood grew around his victim’s head.
After a few moments— ones that seemed centuries longer than they were— he clapped his hands three times, summoning one of his goons to the scene.
“Jesus...” the goon whispered upon entering. “What happened, boss?”
“Natural selection.” He said before turning towards the goon. “Some people just don’t deserve to pass on their genes, now do they?”
The goon shook his head slowly, “I suppose not, sir.”
“Hm...” Edward took one last glance at her body, feeling a chill run up his back. He shivered, wiping blood from his face and looking away. “Very well. Dispose of her for me, and tell the others to find some other chump for this next riddle.”
The goon nodded, making his way towards Mania’s body before Edward lightly grabs his arm, stopping him and leaning towards his ear.
“And please— make sure this next hostage is a real idiot this time.”
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imagine--if · 2 years
Hello! May I request a Riddler x GN Reader where they're both in Arkham and Reader's cell in front of his? Like- them chatting and him developing a crush
A/N: You absolutely can 😁 idk why but Eddie with a partner in crime s/o like this is one of my favourite scenarios 👏🏼 it also reminds me of my first ever Riddler imagine that's got over 1K likes?!? I'm working on the next To My Hope chapter and some more matchups for you all too for soon 😍
Pairing: Dano!Riddler x reader (The Batman 2022)
Warnings: The reader's kinda crazy, fluff and stuff 💚
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•♡ Apart from the one ‘friend’ in Arkham near your cell, you kind of do your own thing and have fun creeping out guards and taking not of weak areas to help you and the friend to get out
•♡ Then comes The Riddler and the man with soft brown hair and clear-frame glasses who cries on his first night and rambles about nothing… right opposite your cell
•♡ You’re interested and kind of find it cute, so when you make the first move by introducing yourself you just watch as Edward jumps in shock and his green eyes go wide because he realises you’re talking to him in a sane kind of way??
•♡ And you’re pretty?!?!!! 😍
•♡ Expect a complete questioning from this man, he’s so curious about who you are and what you’ve done and everything about you - meanwhile, he doesn’t really find anything to brag about himself but is very proud of his riddling chaos
•♡ Of course, you’ve seen it all on the news from the guards’ office and he blushes really hard at your praise… until the Joker crashes the moment with a stupidly timed joke 🙃
•♡ If you’re an outright loud crazy person, Eddie admires and finds it funny and hot when you play up with the guards and try to manipulate them, flirting and stuff to get your way, but then finds himself jealous that they’re getting more attention than he could be lol
•♡ If you’re subtly crazy and are the type of person to give people long, wide-eyed stares and too-large smiles, he probably copies you and only really talks to you in Arkham- well, you and J
•♡ The three of you seem to be the only ones with a true ‘purpose’ in the nuthouse and Edward will hint at you being his future partner in crime because you’re smart and amazing and he can’t stop thinking about you even though it’s literally been two days
•♡ When he tells you stuff about the orphanage he can get really raw with his emotions, so you’ve learnt to do a thing where you press your hands against the glass as if you’re actually touching, and it comforts Ed and makes him focus on you again 🥰
•♡ You’re the only one he really confides in about future plans and likes hearing your voice and stuff like that; a lot of his visions have you with him in the same home and described as pretty close… which always makes him go red and avoid eye contact when you ask about it in amusement
•♡ Sometimes you’ll just catch him staring at you as he thinks about you crushing the corrupt together and being a double threat power couple for The Batman to deal with as payback for his cruel rejection, which gets Edward overexcited 😅
•♡ He gives you a lot of random compliments and love struck, longing gazes from across the hall, like “You’re really beautiful… like an angel… with the perfect edge to do what has to be done.”
•♡ Eddie’s saying it half to himself and half to you, so when you raise a brow and smile at him like “Um, thanks, Eddie,” he blushes and smiles and looks down, “Y-you’re welcome…”
•♡ At the end of the first week of knowing each other he wants you two to be a couple already and much closer than you’re restricted to be, and J’s getting the escape plans all timed out - and will end up being some weird version of a matchmaker 😏
.・ Taglist: ・.
@bimboanime @phoenixgurl030 @dangerouslittlefairy @katjourno @yoyoanaria @yaeyuuki @vinxlsketches @beenz-beenz @ghoulsgraveyard @birds-have-teeth @repostingmyfavs @r3ptiliaaa @for3v3rda1sy @glitterycheesecakegladiator @moonwritesblog @lilyevans1 @httpsunflowers @hxney-lemcn @confusedchildsstuff @callsigncrash @sugahbabieexo @bokksieu @skateb0red @wilburrrsworld @philiasoul @darthcringe @felicityofbakerstreet @bloodypantomime @deadlights-darling @tianotfound @mortem-muse @ireadandream @tinyryder @kpopgirlbtssvt @truecobblepot @jessicainhell
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