#I got to talk about hoodie and masky and Alex
st0ne-wasps · 1 year
got to tell someone all about the ending of marble hornets :3
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lizzy-luvbot · 1 month
Hiya! I was wondering if you could general relationship headcanons for the marble hornet guys? Thank you!
YIPPIE FIRST REQUEST!! And ofc I can! I hope it’s as good as you expected!
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Character’s- Tim Wright/masky, Brian Thomas/hoodie, jay Merrick, Alex Kralie + bonus character!
I tried my best to make it as gender neutral as possible!
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Tim Wright/masky:
Would be like INSANELY AWKWARD at first
You met through Brian, him being your siblings best friend
Your sibling invited you to explore an abandoned building with him, Brian and Tim(who at the time you didn’t know)
I don’t know if it’s just me but he would definitely call you his wife/husband when you come up in conversation
“How many people are your party?” The hostess of your favorite restaurant asks, “just me and my wife/husband” Tim says without thinking.
He will be slightly embarrassed but you think it’s so fucking cute
Not big on PDA👎 but literally ALWAYS has to be holding your hand no matter‼️
I picture him to be kind of traditional, like you walk on the inside of the sidewalk away from the road, he holds doors open for you, pulls out your chair for you and pushes it in.
A MASSIVE cheek(the ones on your face…) kisser.
Like boom just got home? He’s grabbing your chin and kissing both of your cheeks then asking you how your day was.
You probably won’t see him much but he always seems to be there when you need him…
Brian Thomas/hoodie:
Y’all knew eachother all through your school years, elementary, middle, and high school.
So you basically knew anything and everything about eachother.
He’s like the bestest friend you could ever have
And yes Tim is a third wheel… but not the severely excluded one, the one that you’d probably kill your self if you even got the smallest hint he felt left out.
I feel like he’s not a hater nor a huge fan of PDA, it’s like he will have a arm around your shoulders, and while your talking to your friends/strangers you decided to strike up conversation with, he will randomly lean down and kiss the top of your head
Or when your holding hands he will kiss the back of your hand.
When I say you two can’t go anywhere I mean it.
You’ve been kicked out of Walmart so many times for thinking you can jump over the cardboard crate’s of Powerade.
And don’t think he’s stopping you, in fact he eggs you on by saying he doesn’t believe you can’t and your gonna have to prove it too him.
“Fuck yeah I can.” You said irritation radiating of you, “no you literally can’t.” “Yes I ‘literally’ can.” You two go back and forth for like three minutes until he smirks and says prove it. And prove it you do.
You cleared the Powerade’s no problem but too bad a Karen with a fuck ass bob saw it and snitched on you.
(Like masky) you don’t see him a lot…but he sure see’s you…
Jay Merrick:
The absolute sweetest boyfriend you could ever ask for… but very sassy.
Ask him for some water?
“Baby, can you get me some water?” “No” NO?!?!
Then 30 seconds later he walks around the corner with a glass of water.
Now unlike the other two he loves PDA, it’s like the fact he knows he bagged a baddie and he’s about to make it known to everyone.
Loves having his hair played with and vise versa, you definitely teach him how to use a hair straightener/curler just so you don’t have to do it yourself.
You two play just dance. And definitely do karaoke using the instrumental music videos on YouTube.
You gotta pee during the Friday movie night session at home? So does he.
You don’t want to cuddle because it’s 80 degrees?? Do you not love him?? You guys cuddle anyway.(you turned down the air conditioning because you didn’t want him to be sad)
He calls you anything but your name. Once you started dating you were no longer [name] you were baby, babe, honey, girlfriend/boyfriend when he’s feeling extra sassy.
He loves to be a hater with you. You don’t like one of your coworkers, he gives them the most DIRTY look when he sees them when he’s visiting you.
Alex Kralie:
He’s such a nonchalant dreadhead.(please don’t kill me) joking but fr he acts like he doesn’t care as much as he does(which is SOOOOO much btw)
A member of the sassy man apocalypse.
He’s a play fighter, like “body slam”s you into the bed.
Has a gun collection in the garage. And gives you pop quizzes about them. He will never say it but he thinks the dumbfounded look on your face when asks you a question about a gun that is the cutest thing ever.
You called him snookum cake one time. ONE TIME. And now he never calls you anything else but snookum cake.
Out in public? He doesn’t give a fuck.
“Alex. Please don’t.” Your terror clear on your face. He smirks, tilting his head down, the dim blue lights from the aquarium In front of you causing shadows on his face, he takes a deep breath, “are you liking the aquarium SNOOKUM CAKE.” His voice raised from a 3 to a 7 at the nickname. Causing people too shoot you and him dirty and confused looks.
You never called him that again.
(Bonus character)
Jessica Locke(my cutie patootie):
She doesn’t care if y’all are eating at McDonald’s or a 5-star restaurant. If she wants to kiss your entire face, she will damnit and fuck what everyone else as to say.
She’s your biggest supporter, literally doesn’t care what it is she’s on your side 10000%.
Y’all definitely slow dance to Lana del Rey In the kitchen while the frozen pizza cooks.
I feel like she’s such a alpha male😜
Like she’s willing to fight for you, fist fight and her comebacks are like the best you’ve ever heard.
Y’all definitely wear matching socks and ugly Christmas sweaters during the holiday season.
She slaps the fuck out of your butt. You live in fear of her surprisingly powerful butt smacks.
You guys wear matching Clair’s bff necklaces.
Im sorry is this is Probably so bad😭😬 anyway I actually bought a Jay plushy not too long ago and it’s finally shipped so I’m super excited for that🔥‼️ NOT EDITED‼️‼️ as soon as I saw the request I got so excited so I wrote it ever tho I should be asleep right now so I’ll have to edit another time😓
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uhmm something something, hornet character pride headcanons
Jay Merrick- trans gay man. this pretty much never changes. i love him so much. also polyamorous
Tim Wright- sometimes trans sometimes not, but pretty much always gay. he really identifies with the bear subcategory. also probably demisexual. also polyamorous
Alex Kralie- i like to mix it up with him. hes intersex. hes cis. hes a transman. shes a transwoman. shes nonbinary. hes literally just there. he doesnt have time for this bc hes got a movie to film. he doesnt have a label on his sexuality, kind of fluid between being gay and bi. just depends on his mood. also polyamorous
Brian Thomas- bisexual, i think its nice when hes trans as well. also polyamorous
Jessica Locke- this is the biggest trans lesbian woman i have ever fucking seen. shes autistic about her gender in the most femcel woman way ever. she acts like she gets no play but femmes flock to her like birds to seed. also polyamorous
Seth Wilson- queer and probably nonbinary. he thought he was a transwoman for a while but then realized he just likes being in between both. also polyamorous
Amy Walters- bi transwoman. its shrimple as that. also polyamorous
Sarah Reid- bisexual and polyamorous.
Taylor (comics)- trans lesbian woman. also polyamorous (shes the only comic character i really know about. sorry i dont have anything on those boys she and jess hang out with)
Masky- strictly demisexual. doesnt know what gender fucking means. if he gets attached to someone and feels safe with them, then he'll be comfortable enough to be affectionate with them. they need to prove that they can protect him and keep him safe first though.
Hoody- hes just brian so. bisexual
Skully- nonbinary and fluid sexuality. jay fronts the most so typically they have an attraction mainly aimed at men. but theres like five people inside them so yk it changes. gender wise, they tend to use mirrorred pronouns and just reflect back whoever theyre talking to
The Operator- aroace. its a creature. it doesnt care about sex or romance. it wants to kill these fuckin film students
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zestydistress · 3 months
-Had to learn how to do basic things from his friends ever since he got to college. i.e. tying his shoes(the mental hospital definitely took away his shoelaces and he eventually forgot how to do it), swimming(makes entry #65 worse mentally and physically), doing laundry(bro got admitted when he was like 7 and was confined into his room for almost the entire time, he was not learning how to do laundry), sewing(no sharp objects in the ward), cooking(can't be in the kitchen as the nurses worried about the children hurting themselve), etc.
-Has a deep-rooted fear of drowning.(I like to think that ever since he was a kid he was experiencing those time warp torture sessions from the operator where he'd end up submerged underwater for unknown amounts of time)
-Fantastic at navigating. He can navigate the entirety of Rosswood forest. He can navigate any forest. I like to think that he led the guys to places in rosswood during the student film days since he was the only one to navigate the forest to get to film sites(and to get back to the parking lot)
-Has big issues with food textures, cannot stand mushy food.
-Is so sensitive when it comes to spices, bro cannot even handle a bell pepper./hj
-Cannot drink alcohol when on his medicine, was the designated driver every time he went out with friends.
-has a hard time falling asleep and staying asleep, but no one really noticed as he just lays completely still on his back with his arms pressed against his side and eyes closed until he drifts off. When he's asleep he'll move around a lot. He's a flailer. He will scream in his sleep too. Also talks in his sleep a lot and sleep walks.
-Disassociates frequently and often.
-When off his meds he cries when watching Disney movies
-Used to absolutely despise his meds because they made him feel so numb. He knew he was supposed to feel more than that and it made him even more reactive when off of them. Eventually he just grew to forget what it felt like to be off of them, he can't remember what it felt like when he could fully process emotions other than the comfortably numbed ones. He'd still get aggressive, happy, sad, etc. but he could only feel them strongly when they were in the extremes. Any other time it was just dulled from what he usually felt.
-Ever since Marble Hornets ended he's been taking care of his mom.
-Loses stuff so easily it's insane. Mostly loses his keys though.
-Has a terrible fashion sense since he was never able to choose his own clothes. Usually goes for vibrant clothes at first since he never had the option to wear anything that colorful before(this is my reasoning behind that horrendous monkey shirt he wore LOL)
-Has a kinda weak immune system. He was sick so much when he was a kid. His immune system isn't as bad as it could have been. Considering he regularly ran away and disappeared into the forest or further. His immune system got stronger when in college though.
-Picked up smoking like a month after he got out of the hospital, one of his only friends in there was an old man with a smoking problem and would always ask the staff for a smoke which they denied. He also kept calling Tim by the name of his deceased son.
-Basing him off of Night Mind's interpretation of marble hornets. So Masky isn't another personality or anything, it's just Tim trying to get to the bottom of this like Jay is. Except he's using much more... Violent methods. And he loses his memory of when he chooses to become Masky, so ToTheArk and Hoodie help him remember what their goal is(stopping Alex).
(also group headcanons:
I don't like the names masky and hoodie but I do realize they're the most recognized names for them. I love the name Techy for ToTheArk to match the theme, but I prefer calling them:
Tim = The Source
Brian = The Advocate
Jay = The Messenger
Alex = The Instigator
ToTheArk = The Projectionist
I have yet to come up with good ones for Jessica, Amy and Sarah. I have also yet to read the comics)
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boneyardbob · 4 days
Whoops I said I’d post this like three days ago my bad. Head canons for the masks in Marble Hornets! I may post a bunch of shorter stuff that are general headcanons soon. Also if you want more details on this lmk I’d love to dive deeper @forgottenporkbun @monszsterz
Here's my headcanons for the masks. Honestly I could go on like a huge, rambling essay about why I think these things, my inspo for these ideas, down to the details of what they feel like and how they work but Imma try and keep this short. I plan to put all that other stuff in my fics anyway and if you're reading this you'll probably wanna read my MH fics so you'll figure it out eventually. The idea that Tim and Brian made their mask with stuff from Hobby Lobby is REALLY funny but I have to stick with the idea the masks are gifts from The Operator (TO). Tim got his in college because if he was given it at any point while in the hospital, it would probably be found and taken away. TO waited until Tim was free before gifting it. Its when their "relationship" begun. TO switched from this unfamiliar, constantly looming monster into this warped guardian angel. This is obviously very fleeting because by the time Jay runs into Tim in MH, he's forgotten this entirely, or repressed it, and is back to viewing TO how he did his entire childhood.
During the tail end of college, while filming Alex's project, is when this Masked Era began and it ended for an unknown reason a quarter of the way into MH. My timeline isn't great but roughly that's the situation we're talking about. This is when we get all those videos of Masky and Hoody stalking Jay and Alex. I don't think I could fully call Tim and TO's relationship that of worship but that's the closest I can get. Tim knew what he was dealing with was some kind of unimaginable creature, but it could feel human emotions FOR HIM. At least if he listened. If Tim did what TO wanted, then in return he got benefits. At some point he understood TO needed him-either to keep living or to stay grounded to earth, and things got a little extra toxic. I imagine its a LOT like the Fears and their respective Avatars in TMA. I use you to get food, I give you powers that make it easier for you to get food, win win.
These benefits were really only accessed when wearing his mask. The more he wore it and the more work he put in for TO, the better things got. At the very least it instantly cleared up his lungs so he could breathe easily, he no longer suffered from migraines, he didn't have any hallucinations that weren't purposeful messages from TO, and most debilitating affects from mental disorders were gone so he wouldn't feel depressed or anxious. Fuck if I had a magical mask that made me neurotypical and took away my chronic illness I'd kill people in the woods too/j. More benefits were added on with time like growing stronger, healing faster, its kinda giving the vampires from Twilight ngl. My RP partner and I make a LOT of Twilight vampire jokes about them. It also spiraled Tim into a euphoric mania, giving him the energy and desire to sprint around the woods all hours of the night. This was an addictive sensation that had him craving his mask. He had to share it with someone.
His closest (and really only) friend at the time was Brian so he opened up to him about it and eventually got him involved. Because of Tim's medication and natural resilience to TO he eventually got OUT of this cult-like situation but Brian couldn't. He got to the point he was constantly under that mask and if he took it off for long enough, he'd probably suffocate and die. This explains why he ends up homeless, constantly in his mask state, and seems to have uncanny abilities. He just disappears into thin air, he seems to be doing physically GREAT despite living on a mattress in the woods with no source of food or money, and we only ever hear him cough. That ties back into my idea their vocal cords melt due to the TO disease. He can take the mask off for short bits of time. Its not like an astronauts helmet, more so an oxygen tank while hiking a tall mountain.
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jester-lover · 2 years
SLENDERVERSE CHARACTERS: giving you a hug!! (Marble Hornets ver.)
Warnings: fluff, comfy, lore spoilers, mentions of violence, the author is new to this, not proofread, some can be taken as platonic, others not
Characters featured: Alex, Brian, Tim, Jessica, hoodie, masky, skully, the operator
Alex Kralie
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Alex isn’t a big fan of touching anyone
He often avoids being close to anyone he doesn’t know
Even after the two of you are together for a while, Alex tends to share his feelings in a verbal way
Words of affirmation!!!
But if he sees that you are under stress or breaking down, and you ask nicely, he will give you a hug
It’s very brief, and a little awkward, but since he’s so thoughtful about physical affection, you are really thankful
“I hope you feel better.”
Brian Thomas
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Will give you a hug before leaving the house
Will give you a hug after coming home
This man is so sweet it hurts
He’s so warm too
his head is on your shoulder
He smells like the woods, 🧐 I wonder why?
Will sigh every time he hugs you bc he literally melts into you
Tim Wright
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Whenever one of you is tired, you tend to collapse onto the other person
He’s so dramatic
Tim, I love you but you smell like death rn
Lots of hugs from behind, but if you try it on him he will screech
Smells like cigarettes and musk
He’s also very awkward with affection, unless he’s disoriented, he’ll want to know if you’re real
He tends to hold you closer if he’s paranoid
“I don’t want you to end up like me.”
Jessica Locke
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She is so good at giving hugs
Like, patting your back, head on your shoulder, legs slightly tangled
Loves hugs in the morning, before you venture off on your way
Absolutely gives forehead kisses, canon in my heart
A hug and a lil smooch on the forehead!
If you do makeup, she will hug you from behind to startle you
“Hey sweetheart.”
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Lil freak
How can a hug be so terrifying
Probably runs away after the hug
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Hates touching ppl
If he’s hugging you, it’s probably for a reason
(He enjoys your company but he would die before he’ll let you figure it out)
It’s probably you who breaks off the hug
Cigarettes, blood and no showering doesn’t make a good scent
*heavy breathing*
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(I know very little about this character)
Probably doesn’t ever want to hug you
But, hey it’s been a long day, and even creepy forest people need loving
It’s a very shaky hug, and leads to a lot of weird hair stroking
The Operator
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Honestly you have to have some kind of god level sweet talking to get an eldrich abomination to hug you
Long, long arms
This is ideal for hugging because he literally can wrap around you like a snake
His skin is cold like ice, and you swear you can hear some muttering
It’s all cool until you pass out and wake up in a whole different town
He got shy!!:(
Thank you for reading! I will be doing a emh version!!
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willowbee367 · 2 months
Ok so since some people want to see my au here it is. Also I read the comics. This isn't accurate to how the comics are since it is an au. This is mostly focused on Brian. I kinda project onto him so just a small warning for future things.
The stuff with Tim was mostly @/krispawwxx ideas. With some of my own mixed into it
This au is called Lost memories.
Trigger warning: mention of Suicide but like once
Updated on July 21
I headcanon that Hoodie/Brian purposefully fell out of the window. Since I believe Tim didn't push him.(If it's been confirmed that Tim did in fact push him please tell me)
Brian had survived the fall. He woke up in the hospital after a few weeks. Similar to Jessica he doesn't remember anything. He doesn't remember Tim or anyone else. He doesn't know how he even got in the hospital. After a while he was released from the hospital. Unfortunately he wasn't able to walk very well so he used a crutch. He later gets a service/emotional support dog named Izzy who's a poodle(I just like poodles).
Brian has nightmares about the ark as well as all of the victims(So Jay, Alex, Seth, Sarah, Amy, and Chris aka the tunnel guy). He doesn't know who they are. He has dreams about two masks. Which is his mask when he used to be Hoodie as well as Tim's mask. He is very freaked out about this.
He does go to therapy. He takes medication for depression, anxiety, as well as for his hallucinations. He hasn't seen the Operator yet. He doesn't remember what the operator is.
He MIGHT be able to become Hoodie still. I haven't decided on that yet so we'll see.
Him and Tim have met again. Ofc he doesn't remember him
So after everything Tim mostly stays as Masky. He thinks Brian had died since he saw him fall out of the window. But he soon found out Brian survived. He visited him everyday in the hospital. But Brian was in a coma for those few weeks. He'd leave Brian flowers. But once Brian woke up he stopped visiting.
It didn't take long for the two to run into each other. Tim looked like he saw a ghost. He was crushed when Brian asked who he was. He realized Brian didn't remember him so he just dropped it. The two have run into each other a few other times since it's kind of a small town. They didn't talk very much. But Tim ended up giving Brian his phone number in case something happens.
He can become Masky. It's becoming a lot more frequent though. His medication doesn't work.
Nothing really changes with her. She still doesn't remember anything from Marble Hornets. She still encounters Skully and blah blah
She and Brian will end up meeting since Skully will need both of their help killing the Operator. They obviously don't remember each other.
Jessica is slowly getting her memory back though. She does remember Amy(since in the comics she sees her in a hallucination). She ofc still remembers Tim. Since he did help her. I imagine they kept in touch.
End note: Everything is still a WIP so things will be added and changed. I already have two things written down which I'll post soon. If you guys have ideas let me know! I'm open to ideas. This is kind of a mess so I do apologize. I just kinda ramble. Also if you guys have questions feel free to ask.
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chaoticgalaxycats · 2 months
First post and random rant but regardless I shall continue. Okay so I like I was thinking back on the progression of my ongoing Internet horror phase and how my relationship to it has changed over the years specifically the Creepypasta/Slenderverse aspect of it. Running down the timeline would be interesting in and of itself at least from my perspective but it would be way too lengthy so I'm just going to talk about one of my favorite tidbits on it. Specifically how I got into Marble Hornets.
So I guess the best place to start is by the point I even heard of Marble Hornets I had already been into Creepypasta for a bit at that point and I only was aware of the fanon versions of Hoody and Masky. Basically fanon versions in a nutshell are the quiet shy uwu soft boy who is best friends with the blue eyed cheesecake obsessed twink looking ass who is essentially Dwight Schrute but lame and they work for Slenderman willingly and they're totally loyal to him (this is not at all accurate fuck the fanon versions).
Basically one day when I was doing character research and checked the wikis for them it turns out they were from a series called Marble Hornets and Marble Hornets kept being referenced when I was consuming content. So eventually I stumbled upon a video compiling the full series and I watched the first few entries without any context to the story and then I immediately dipped out because I was too scared. I had a very low fear tolerance at the time hence the reason why I dipped out.
Essentially from then on I kept ignoring the existence of Marble Hornets until I would like to say 2 or 3 years later I started reading headcanons of characters and one of them was a mixture of Creepypasta and Marble Hornets this caused me to slowly incorporate stuff into my characters and universe is also an entire other rant that I'm not going into detail on. This is what caused me to learn of Jay's and Alex's existence as I really did not pay attention to the first few entries I watched of the series. Over time as I used characters from Marble Hornets without actually watching it. It became more and more apparent to me that I actually needed to eventually get into it.
I remembered how long it was from when I was a kid and I didn't want to spend 9 hours of my time on it so instead I looked up and explained the series and lo and behold I found Night Minds explained. So late one night I watched all of it and I was enthralled this was one of the best pieces of Internet horror that I have consumed to date. The story was cohesive, The characters were compelling, and The horror was good even while watching the summarized version I was able to be disturbed. but this is also how I realized two things how really different Masky/Tim and Hoody/Brian were from there fanon counterparts and I had been portraying them incredibly inaccurately this entire time and that Jay had been completely fucking ignored by anyone who was not watched Marble Hornets that was a shame because I love his character.
This revelation was huge for me at the time and this caused a giant hyperfixation on Marble Hornets. And it entirely shifted how I created my stories and how I had characters interact. It also introduced me to the existence of ARGs. Like I had watched videos on horror series before but I had never heard of an ARG up to this point so I was intrigued. That is an entire other can of worms so I will just stop it there and continue on talking about my experience with my Marble Hornets.
Regardless after that point I would introduce Marble Hornets whoever I could I used the Night Mind explained series to show people it rather than watching the actual series though I have to embarrassingly admit that I did not actually watch the entire series on the original channel. In fact I had not watched Marble Hornets in its full until recently.
For a long time while doing research on marble Hornets I had heard about news of follow-Ups such as Clear Lakes 44 which by this point is now canceled and I have not watched at all. About a year after this I heard about ECKVA as well, but I haven't bothered watching it because it was on pause and I don't want to get into something that I know is not going to have a continuation for a while if ever. But who knows, maybe I'll watch it eventually.
Soon after I heard about the comics I just couldn't find anywhere to read them. And there were three times I would do searches before I finally got my hands on the comics. My first search started with searching for comic dubs at the comics on YouTube but then I did not find any so I soon gave up and didn't revisit the search. The second time I tried I eventually found the comics actually existed through searches on Amazon but I wasn't able to find listings for the physical copies just copies through Amazon Kindle. It wasn't until the third time looking into this that I finally found the website and due to having the financial means to purchase the first comic I soon purchased it and waited for its arrival. By the time I had purchased the comics I had watched the summarized series from Night Mind on YouTube about three times. I read the comics over the course of a few months and had finally finished reading them around February of this year.
So very recently a few weeks ago I was showing another one of my friends Marble Hornets. I again used The Night Mind summarized series but slowly over the course of rewatching the series I had another realization. I owned all the comics, was incredibly into the series, and talked about it all the time but I had never watched the original in it's full which gave me a crisis and made me feel like a fake fan. So after I had that entire crisis a week later I finally bit the bullet and decided to watch the full series in its entirety for the first time.
I sat down and was preparing myself for a long 9-hour binge and expected it to be a lot to get through. It turned out not to be though I got through it over the course of a week. Watched season 1 in one day, Season 2 in about 2 days, and watched season 3 over the course of 4 days. Now I'm here. I can confidently say I have watched Marble hornets in its entirety. Honestly Night Mind was right. The best experience is watching it on your own and not using his as a substitute like I did. I was intimidated by how there were tweets to follow along with and codes but If you watch the series on YouTube with all the entries and To The Ark videos it's a pretty easy and comprehensible story to follow without the tweets.
So yeah that's my experience getting into Marble Hornets I have watched the series either five times or One time and four times on the abbreviated one. For anyone reading this thank you for taking interest in my shitty ramblings on the experience of how I got into Marble Hornets I hope this was interesting at the very least.
A lot of me watching Marble Hornets was also me doing research on how to accurately portray characters in like personal AU/Story I have on Creepypasta and Marble Hornets. I doubt anyone would want to hear about that but if people do I guess I might talk about it if there's enough interest. But I doubt this post will get any attention since it's Tumblr.
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dax-enfinity · 2 years
Toby’s family Headcanons: (Connie’s side ofc)
- Toby’s grandparents are named Paul and Heidi they are both German immigrants
- Connie has two sisters Marie who’s the eldest and has two kids that are a bit older than Toby (25 and 27)
- Connie’s other sister is the youngest and her name is Emma, she has two kids also whom are way younger than Toby (13 and 15)
- Marie’s kids are named Max who’s 25 and Otto who’s 27
- Emma’s kids are named Alex who’s 13 and Millie who’s 15
- Besides his grandparents, his mom, and his two aunts, Toby is also fluent in German thanks to his mom
- Surprisingly Toby is the tallest out of the family standing at 6ft (he had a growth spurt thanks to the whole “being a proxy” thing)
- After Toby went missing Connie started looking into the Marble Hornets case and into Slenderman and on ghosts too
- Toby’s cousins didn’t find out until a few months later about Toby killing his dad and running away but Alex and Millie eventually forgot about it since they were very young back then
- Toby was pretty dumb and didn’t realize that after running away and becoming a proxy since the age of 17 he got ripped but not as bulky as Masky
- Connie was fucking feral after the two or three years had passed and no signs of her son so she got into the forest and found Toby
- Toby eventually broke down after seeing his mom for the first time in years not caring he was covered in blood
- Connie also eventually met Nico and was so happy seeing that her son found someone
- Then Connie told the rest of the family that Toby was alive
- Slender gave Toby and also Nico permission to leave for around a week and a half before going back to their missions
- Connie was surprised seeing her little boy with a growth spurt and muscles since the last time she saw him was when he was 17 and now he’s 19
- Then during the break Slender gave him Toby went to the family reunion
- The family reunion started out as slightly awkward since Toby didn’t know how the rest of the family would react along with his possible in-laws
- Toby met his grandparents first and it went better than expected
- Then Toby met his aunt Marie, and Max and Otto which was awkward at first but then Toby spurt out randomly “Holy shit, you guys are shorter than me now”
- And finally Toby met Emma and Alex and Millie which went great
- “Whoa, how did you get so ripped?” Alex asked Toby
- “Work, smart ass.” Toby replied
- “Uh, where do you work?” Millie asked Toby with precaution
- “I kill people.” Toby replied bluntly
- “So, you’re an assassin? That’s so cool!” Alex beamed
- And then to relieve the awkward tension Toby introduced Nico to his family and started telling random stories about his job
- While Toby was talking about his job he referred to Slenderman as “Boss” Sally as “The Boss’s daughter who I babysit” Eyeless Jack as “The Veteran who’s really cool” Masky as “My coworker who I like to annoy a lot” Hoodie as “My coworkers husband” BEN as “My friend who keeps pirating stuff online” Jane as “My other coworker who’s wife is really nice” and Jeff as “The guy who will give you nightmares”
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
The Ends of Hallways (Proxies X F!Reader)
The Ends of Hallways
[Proxies X F!Reader]
[Warnings: slight language]
[AN: Y'all are just gonna have to thank Eris for always sending me the best requests. I don't have favorites,,, but Reader, I have favorites. Also no Kate sorry :( ]
Your face was practically squished against the glass of the car Hoodie had stolen as the four of you pull into the parking lot of woods that brim with the Operator’s energy. You’ve never seen these woods in person - only in dreams. You’ve never even really seen your master in person, once again, like these woods, he too has been confined to your dreams. But you hear him, and often. His voice falls down on your ears like gentle rains that fall from the heavens. He is everything and more. That is why it is so exciting for you to finally be here, so close to him, and to his presence.
“You excited?” You hear your group leader ask.
You nod and press harder up against the glass. “Are we going now?” You’re ready to bounce out of the car and everyone can see that.
He chuckles in response. “What do you think Hood? Time to go?”
The hazel eyed man behind him shoots the driver a look. “Masky, just look at her, she’s gonna break the window if we don’t.” There’s a slight playfulness in his tone that tells you the right hand really isn’t annoyed with you.
“Fair enough,” Masky smiles. He then reaches behind his seat, hand slapping at who used to be the runt’s knee. “Tobes? Tob-Tobes, get up.”
Toby’s eyes shoot open as he lurches forward. “I’m u-u-up, I-I’m u-up,” he yawns as his hands rub tiredly at his eyes. “Are w-w-we here a-alaready?” He asks, the exhaustion still clear in his tone.
Both of the men in the front seats nod. “C’mon, let’s get going,” Hoodie says as he pulls up the lock on his car door before sliding out.
You wait impatiently for Masky to unlock the car then zip out like a bat from hell. You’re immediately at the edge of one of the forest’s many trails and taking in the sights and sounds of your boss’s woods. They’re beautiful, really. The autumn colors bathe the woods in fiery oranges and passionate reds with threads of gold to interlock it all together. The sky is just the slightest shade of blue as clouds cover the sun. There weren’t any people here either - not under the little structures, not exploring, not anyone but you and your comrades.
“Wrong one,” Hoodie says as he closes the trunk to the car before tossing a backpack to Toby, who catches it like second nature.
You whip your head around to see that Masky, Hoodie and Toby are smiling at how excited you are before silently asking you to follow them. “Where are we going?” You ask, eyes wide as you jog up to them.
“Across the field. There’s this cool tunnel of trees we think you’ll appreciate,” Masky replies as he leads his group across the grass. It crunches slightly as the four of you move, like it hasn’t been watered in a long time.
“R-Really?” Toby hums as he puts his hands in his pockets. “You s-s-sure we’re n-not gonna be l-late?” The young proxy gives a slight look to his group leader, eyebrow raised as if he’s sure the Operator is okay with them possibly being tardy.
Masky shakes his head before tapping his temple with his free hand, “he told me it’s okay.”
“He did?” You ask as stars cloud your eyes. The Operator, as you’ve heard so far, is to be feared and respected. He’s like a father you can look at but never touch. He seems so out of your range, like he’s not even visible - not even if you squint your eyes. You wonder what makes you so… interesting… in his eyes. You really don’t think you’re worth all the fuss. Clearly he does.
Masky chuckles before ruffling your hair with his hand, “yeah. I think he finds your enthusiasm endearing.” Masky’s not entirely incorrect. When they first got Toby, the Operator was strangely favorable towards the young proxy as well - maybe because he was hand plucked, special, and therefore deemed worthy of his time. You were similar to Toby, albeit, you accidentally got involved with the Operator. He liked you, chose you, then kept you.
Hoodie whistles slightly as the four of you step into the trees, his gloved hand reaching up to tear off a branch from one of the low hanging trees then swing it aimlessly as his side. “Seems pretty obvious in my opinion,” he whacks Toby lightly with the stick making said proxy laugh. “Looks like Toby isn’t the only golden child anymore.”
“P-Probably not,” Toby hums, a slight melancholy coming into his tone. “Think I-I’ve been losing f-f-favor with h-hin for a w-while.” He glances over his shoulder and smiles at you.
You frown slightly and place your hand on his shoulder, “I don’t think so,” you say. “Just means he has two golden child-s now.”
Toby beams.
You do too.
The group continues to move through the trees, mostly silent save for Masky and Hoodie pointing out little memories from time to time. Things such as some guy named ‘Alex’ chasing them through here, Masky’s waking up with no memory, Hoodie’s nature shots, and everything in between. You learn a lot about the hands of your group from when they were just scared film students to the things they’ve done as proxies here. It’s kind of nice as you’ve never really spoken to them this way before.
When you first came into this life and were placed in this group, the hazing process kicked in like wildfire. Almost every day was a mentally or physically, sometimes both, a draining task and a bonding agent. Authority was not to be questioned and they made that more than clear. Eventually, the hazing grew lighter and lighter until it just… didn’t exist. That was how it went - you were no longer considered naive and starry eyed. Still, authority was not to be questioned, and it’s why you and your comrades have never really talked on this specific level before.
It’s why it’s such a treat that you get to talk to them like this now.
Eventually, the four of you make it to an odd stretch of trees. They tunnel over each other, a lot like a thorny funnel, but they frame the sky so well.
“If the sun was setting,” Masky starts. “It would look like a cradle.”
You take a step back and observe the tunnel of trees, trying to imagine the setting sun. The mental image is pretty. “Will we ever be back here to see it?”
“Oh definitely,” Masky continues. “But uh, the business we’re here for today? Don’t know if that’s meant for anyone but me and maybe Hoodie.”
You look on instinct to Hoodie who nods. “Is that normal?”
“Sure is,” Hoodie says as he takes in the scent of the cooling autumn woods. He knows the group is almost to the limits of the Operator’s realm. “Tell me what you feel right now, Reader,” he says in passing as he flicks the stick somewhere off the given trail.
With a glance around at your surroundings, you attempt to get a feel for the area you’re in. It’s cold, much colder, but the atmosphere still feels a little thick. The further you go into the woods (and by extension the Operator’s bounds to which you don’t even know exist yet), you get that odd feeling in your legs that feels like they’ve fallen asleep. It’s like the physical sensation of static. You try to explain it in words, but they fail. Instead, you allow Hoodie into your thoughts.
“Nice,” he smiles. “Alright, try to ask for permission in.”
“I need to ask for permission?”
“E-Everytime,” Toby begins as he and the others pause. They’re right on the edge of the bubble and can feel it so much stronger than you can. “It’s t-to ensure n-normal humans c-can’t come in,” Toby begins to explain as you gaze around your surroundings, wondering how you’ll even begin to ask. “T-Though, their f-feelings sometimes k-kick into o-overdrive and they e-end up p-piercing through the v-veil on a-a-accident.” He chuckles softly and you know exactly what he’s referring to - you’ve heard tales of the people who get stuck wandering where they shouldn’t: always ends in someone strung up in the pines. “W-We’ve all learned t-to ask p-permission like b-breathing.”
You shoot your comrade a confused glance, wondering what that will mean for you. “I just ask?”
“Kind o-of,” Toby says. “Just l-let your f-f-feelings guide you. She’ll t-t-tell you whether you’re a-a-allowed in or not.”
You close your eyes and begin to hone in on whatever your heart is telling you. It’s a cold feeling, mostly like vines that slip up and down your limbs as they grow upwards and then inwards towards your heart. It’s an odd feeling. Once the static vines pierce through your heart, you physically see a fog roll into the forest around you. It consumes you and your comrades before you remember Toby mentioned ‘she.’ The fog thickens. “Wait, she?” You say as the static begins to leave your system. It feels like you’re tearing through roots as you walk forward.
“He didn’t mean it,” Masky quickly replies as he begins to pull you through the fog. “Good job on asking though. Strong response,” he says as gestures to the fog, his hand swimming through the billowy clouds. “Wives’ tale is the stronger the fog, the more genuine you were in response.”
You wade your fingers through the thick fog as you and the others walk forward, deeper and deeper into the darkness where there was none. “Must’ve had a really genuine response, huh?” You mumble to yourself. The fog doesn’t even feel like normal fog - it feels thick and heavy and leaves slight dew on your clothing as you walk. How interesting.
‘Head talk from here on out,’ Hoodie says as the four of you reach a stretch of woods that feels slightly dangerous.
‘Did you feel it too?’ Toby asks, his hand at his hatchet.
Hoodie nods slightly, his eyes narrowing as he slows his pace so he’s guarding the back. He gives you a slightly concerned look as the fog evens out. Everyone but you knows that they’re in perhaps one of the most dangerous parts of the veil. The Operator’s mere presence is usually enough to deter the things like the Rake from his grounds, but that often means they get trapped here - in the in-between - and lash out on the first thing they sense. The sooner the four of you get out of this dangerous spot, the better.
‘What do you sense?’ You ask, cutting mentally through the rough silence, your own hand moving to your blade.
Hoodie looks like he’s about to answer you before he holds his fist up and the other three of you duck down instantly, dipping below the fog. Just then, some deer begin walking past.
‘Deer?’ You say in a questioning tone.
‘Not just any deer,’ Hoodie begins as the deer slowly nibbles on the leaves and other things. ‘Take a good look at their bodies. They look normal to you?’
You narrow your eyes slightly and get used to peering through the fog as the deer pass. Eventually, you’re able to look at their coats. There’s something off about them, something wrong. Something you can’t quite place. The longer you watch them as they move in front of you, the stronger that off feeling gets. They have every physical part of the deer down but it’s just not right. It’s like their joints don’t fit well beneath their skin. And their eyes… Their eyes are completely hollow.
‘You see it?’ Masky asks as the last of the deer passes by. He glances over his shoulder briefly to see you nod. ‘We’re lucky they didn’t change this time,’ he mumbles, slowly inching forward while crouched against the earth.
‘What would’ve happened if they changed?’ You inquire, moving quietly alongside your comrades.
‘Nightmare fuel,’ Toby finally pipes in. ‘Nothing about them looks right. Big mouths full of sharp teeth, black eyes, too many limbs, like a messed up centipede,’ he finishes, a slight shudder coming into his mental tone.
You notice the other two of your group members nodding in agreement before finally deeming it safe enough to stand up and finally exit the in-between of the veil.
You’re greeted to the sight of a beautiful, rustic looking Germanic mansion surrounded by iron gates that hold honeycomb patterns that trail skywards only to end on sharp peaks that you’re almost certain your boss has spiked people on plenty of times. There’s also flowers of every kind in the front gardens that catch your eyes the moment you step through the grand gates. There’s fountains and topiaires, statues and benches that tell you the Operator drips with style and elegance.
“Pretty, isn’t it?” Masky smiles.
You nod, “it’s gorgeous.” The air smells slightly expensive, but mostly sweet. How is it that a place like this can even possibly exist? Around the mansion are autumnal trees, mostly maple, some sycamore and other birch. Scattered on the front lawn are other proxies and some independents, mostly catching up and talking before leaving through the same gates you entered from. Some of them smile and wave as they pass you, others grunt and turn their nose up at you upon realizing you’re the youngest. This place sings with the Operator’s overwhelming presence.
Your comrades continue to watch your amused expression as they lead you to the front doors of the mansion. They’re large and stained glass, slightly gothic in woodwork and tower over you.
“Go ahead,” Hoodie chuckles as he nods for you to open the doors.
You glance back to him, then at the large doors before tentatively placing your hands on their surface. With a small breath, you push them open and find yourself greeted to the most exquisite foyer you’ve ever seen. Large chandeliers hang from the ceiling, sapphires and rubies drip from the fixtures and shine the light beautifully across the marble floors. Gold leaf adorns almost everything that juts out while the huge staircase in front of you beckons you forward.
“Doesn’t seem like he needs us yet,” Masky says as he checks his watch. “Got here earlier than expected, huh?” He lightly ribs Hoodie who rolls his eyes in response. “C’mon, let’s go to the sun room. Don’t wanna wait around in here.” He nods for the three of you to follow.
Toby clears his throat slightly as if to remind the two in charge that you’re still very much here and new.
“Oh, right,” Masky says. “Reader, this is super important, so listen up,” your group leader begins as he turns on his heels to eventually rest his hands on your shoulders.
You raise a brow at his sudden contact. Masky normally didn’t touch you unless what he had to say was important - which really, really didn’t happen often.
“This mansion likes to play off your thoughts, feelings, and logic,” he says, his hand gesturing to the staircase that’s slowly moving directions. You didn’t even hear it begin to shift. “The Operator usually keeps things in line for when he summons you, it’s almost a guaranteed path you’ll make it to him, but,” his eyes go serious. “If it’s just you and you’re moving around, you need to have a place in mind or it’ll accidentally spit you out somewhere totally random. We’ve had people get lost in here because the mansion is slightly playful and weirdly baneful depending on the individual walking around.”
“The Operator has a playful side?”
Masky stifles a laugh before shaking you lightly. “I legitimately mean it, you need to have a place in mind or you’re gonna get lost and the Operator isn’t gonna be happy. By extension, I won’t be happy because I need to come get you.”
“Mhm,” Hoodie nods in agreement. “And you can’t have the thought in passing either, it’s gotta be on your mind until it’s in sight.” After Hoodie’s words leave his mouth, Masky lets you go.
You take all the information in and wonder just what makes the place run. It’s like it has its own personality - it’s playful and baneful? You have to ask it permission to even enter its grounds and it deems whether you’re worthy or not? What kind of power does the Operator even have and why on earth would he even care about that kind of stuff? If he truly wanted his proxies to access him, he’d do it with no hesitation. The humans that would wander into his rooms would just end up tasting someone’s blade.
“Sun room?” Hoodie reminds Masky.
Your entire walk to the sun room you try to conjure a mental image in your head. They say it’s doubtful you’ll get lost so long as you’re with them, but you consider it good practice. When you finally make it to the sun room, you’re pleased to see it’s relatively empty save for a few groups interspersed in the large, window adorned room overlooking a silver lake. There’s a few independents walking around with carts holding different tea time finger-foods and waiting tea sets on every table. Maasky leads you over to one of the tables nearest to the view of the lake.
“So, what business exactly are we here for today?” You ask as you waste no time in pouring yourself some tea.
Masky shrugs, “no idea. He said he just wanted us to come.”
“T-Think he r-really only n-needs an audience w-with them though,” Toby adds before silently thanking you for pouring him some tea as well. “L-Leaves us some t-t-time to chat. Y’know, t-the thing H-Hood hates us d-doing,” he lightly jokes.
Hoodie scoffs and feigns being annoyed, “I only hate you two chatting when we’re in the middle of tearing out some guy’s entrails.”
“Y-Yeah, which is a-all the time,” Toby giggles.
You laugh as well.
The four of you are in a heated argument about something relatively stupid when static overtakes Masky and Hoodie’s hearing. They visibly pause, as if they’re trying to key into something you can’t understand when it suddenly stops.
“Have t-to go?” Toby inquires before taking a strawberry tart and popping it into his mouth.
Both Masky and Hoodie nod.
“Yeah. Keep an eye on Reader, please? We won’t be too long,” Masky replies with a small, tired smile.
Toby flashes the two a thumbs up before the both of you watch them leave, a clear destination on their minds.
It’s not long until Toby gets distracted by some other independents that stroll into the mansion. You recognize the two of them as relatively minor legends - well, maybe not the one with the smile. His name is Jeff.
“So, this is your fresh meat, huh?” Jeff chuckles as he lightly pushes Toby’s shoulder. “She looks a little scrawny. Are you feeding her right?”
Toby laughs and nods, “Masky w-w-would lose his m-mind if you s-s-said that.”
Jeff’s chest rumbles as he laughs. “I’m joking,” he holds his hand up as a sign of truce. “Hope you know you’re running with one of the only decent groups out there, Reader,” he says before picking up his tea cup. It looks slightly comical as he brings it to his lips.
You offer him a smile and nod, “yeah, I know.”
The man to Jeff’s left nods in agreement, “Masky’s really good at what he does. Got one of the best.”
Toby immediately fights the notion (playfully) and the three engage in conversation that’s lively and vibrant all the same. You listen to the three verbally duke it out before you find yourself bored. You can’t just leave though, but you want to move at the same time.
“Can I excuse myself?”
“W-Where to?”
“Washroom,” you reply.
“Do y-you need m-me to a-accompany y-y-you?”
Both Eyeless Jack and Jeff scoff.
“She’s a big girl, let her go,” Jeff says as he nods his own approval for you to go. “You told her about the mindset thing?”
Toby nods.
“Yeah, then she’s good to go,” Eyeless Jack agrees.
You flash the men at your table a smile before getting up. You push in your chair and then make it to the entrance of the sunroom, leading into the halls. You don’t have a set destination in mind. The moment you step out of the sunroom, you feel the air change. It’s not unpleasant, but it’s different. On instinct, you turn your gaze over your shoulder to see the sunroom is gone. It’s just hall and lining the hall are doors upon doors.
Alright, you can work with that! A small smile comes to your face as you begin to walk forwards, allowing your curiosity to bloom. The first door you decide to open is one that’s honestly not that exciting. It was just a storage unit. Another was a study. Then it was someone’s room. Another room. And another. How many residence rooms are there?
You close yet another door and then feel a thought come into your head, taking a seat on your train of thought like a butterfly sunbathes on a flower. She - Toby had mentioned it. And you wondered. You let the thought stay. Before you know it, you’re walking through the halls guided by forces you don’t quite understand, and the further you get into the mansion, the stranger the atmosphere becomes. It’s not unpleasant, but it’s not a normal feeling either. You watch as the light fixtures change from something relatively modern and regress into something more vintage. The dust begins to kick up. Irish lace begins to pepper the ceiling. You notice how the doors change style as well. How strange.
Eventually, you reach a dead end stretch of hall. At the very end of this hall is a singular door that looks weathered, as if it was sunbleached and painted over in oils. There’s an elegance to it you can’t quite place, and like a siren song, you find yourself being beckoned to it. Your proxy instincts kick in like second nature the closer you draw to it. You feel your breathing lighten, your steps as well, and you move towards it with a silence that is unmatched - as if you’re floating on air. You draw closer and closer to the door. It’s so magnetic, and you can’t quite explain why/ But closer still you must be to it.
Your hand tenderly grasps the doorknob - it feels like ice - and you twist it open. You wonder if you should be doing this. A part of you feels like you shouldn’t be doing this, but another part of you says this is what you were meant to see. You push the door open ever so slightly, just enough to be able to see inside, but the door is heavy, almost as if it doesn’t want you to. Like it’s trying to protect you from something further. You wonder if it just wishes to keep its secrets.
It’s gorgeous, it truly is. It puts the rest of the mansion to shame. It looks old - perhaps from 16th century Germany and fit for royalty. Plants of all kinds line the walls. They look like emeralds as light shines through their leaves. The sunlight kisses the flowers that sprout from the stalks. Beautiful woodwork surrounds the windows that are covered in fairytale-esque stained glass pieces. The scent is of something much, much sweeter and warmer than the rest of the mansion. Your eyes then draw to the center of the room, where an ornate table sits. There’s gold leaf decorating its legs followed by symbols you can’t really pin down. A tablecloth that looks like it was weaved from the stars above is the only thing that separates a delicate tea set from the precious mahogany table. The tea smells heavenly from where you stand.
Before you can press into the room, you pause upon seeing slender, pale hands take hold of the tea pot. Your eyes follow upwards to the owner of the hands only to see a woman so much more beautiful than the moon in twilight and the sun in the morning. Falling from her shoulders was golden hair that looked like a sea of amber as it cascaded down near the floor. Flowers were woven into it - mostly snowdrops, baby’s breath and queen Anne’s lace. She’s dressed in something from medieval Europe, and never once does her sleeve touch the table. She begins to pour herself some tea, a honey like hum coming from her being as she pours the sweet liquid. Her eyes flick upwards for but a moment when she hears a bird chirping outside. Her eyes are so dark, there exists no white sclera. They’re so dark, like black holes that hide in the depths of space, but you feel as if she holds the universe inside of them. She’s so beautiful, you’re not sure she’s real. A cat has jumped up onto the table, purring at her. When she smiles, your heart sings.
You want to say hello to her and spend time in her presence when you attempt to open the door some more. It creaks slightly. The hinges are ancient. Before you can say anything, the door is slammed shut, sending you flying backwards. You let out a sound of shock before seeing Toby reaching down to get you.
“What t-the hell a-a-are you thinking?” He hisses as he picks you up, grabbing your bicep and beginning to drag you away from the door that still holds your attention. “You r-really just w-wandered off l-like that?”
You furrowed your eyebrows, attempting to get free of his grasp as he continues to pull you along. No matter how hard you smack at him, he doesn’t let go.
“M-Masky said it’s not s-safe for y-y-you to wander o-off. A-And without m-me? D-D-Did you have a-any cognitive t-t-thought when you w-went out on a l-limb like t-that?” He sounds so heated.
You find he’s bringing you back to the sunroom, undoubtedly going to tell Masky and Hoodie about your misbehavior. “Why are you being so weird?” You retort as you attempt to wriggle out of his grasp. “It’s just a room!” You cry out in an exasperated tone.
Toby only reprimands you louder. It’s a losing game.
You eventually find yourself back in the sunroom. Only, instead of Eyeless Jack and Jeff, you see the deeply concerned and slightly pissed off faces of Masky and Hoodie. They’re not happy to see you, and you’re not exactly thrilled to see you either.
“Take a s-s-seat,” Toby says in a harsh tone as he thrusts you back into your seat.
“What the fuck were you thinking?” Masky asks, not even attempting to mask his voice because that’s the privilege of being a proxy. You’re able to reprimand your proxies without anyone giving a care.
“You can’t just go off like that,” Hoodie continues as he furrows his brows. “You could’ve gotten-”
“Hurt? This is the Operator’s mansion, what the fuck is gonna hurt me in here other than himself or you two?”
“That’s it,” Masky points out. “He can seriously hurt you if you snoop where you shouldn’t!” His hands grips at your wrist, tightening to a point of pain.
When you feel tears prick your eyes, Hoodie sighs and puts his hand on Masky’s shoulder, “stop it.”
Masky hesitantly lets you go.
“What did you see?” Hoodie asks with a deep sigh, his posture tensing. He’s really hoping you didn’t see the Operator’s trophy room.
You give your comrades a concerned look, not sure whether you should answer or not when Hoodie raises a slight brow. Damn it. You’re emotionally compromised. He’s seeing what he needs to without your permission.
“That’s… Odd…” He says.
Masky glances to Hoodie. “No.”
“Unfortunately, I think yeah,” Hoodie says with a growing frown. He glances to Toby for confirmation, and upon seeing Toby’s nod, says “yeah,” again.
Masky groans and puts his face into his hands, finding comfort in being buried into himself.
You hold your wrist in your hand and lean back in your chair. “Just… What is it you guys aren’t telling me?” You question, hoping they’d just bite the bullet and tell you.
The group shares a look, debating whether they should even say it or not. When no one says anything, you press them again.
“Come on,” you sigh. “It can’t be that bad.”
“It really could be,” Masky says as he finally releases his face from his hands. “No one knows what seeing it does.”
Your eyes widen before you bark a laugh. “What?”
“No, he’s serious,” Hoodie picks up. “Seeing that door is rare, like, rainbow pikachu rare. Proxies think it’s an omen or a bad luck thing. To see it means a group’s eventual demise.”
You briefly scoff at the thought of proxies being superstitious before you remember some of you can actually cast portals. It’s really not that out of pocket.
“N-No one has e-e-ever found o-out though,” Toby shrugs. “W-We just know t-that the g-groups that h-h-have n-normally e-end in death.” He looks a little uncomfortable as he says the words, like there’s a legitimate truth to what he’s saying even though he’d rather it be utter BS.
“To be fair, we thought it was a rumor prior to you sneaking off,” Hoodie says as he tries to calm down his group.
You take in this information with a small frown. How could something that beautiful be that evil or a harbinger of doom? The thought of it left you perplexed as your comrades continued to lecture you on not wandering off until Masky and Hoodie were called away.
“I don’t know if I feel comfortable leaving Reader here with-”
Toby rolls his eyes, “you c-cant just s-say you want m-me to come with i-instead. N-Not need to insult m-my competence a-a-as a babysitter,” he mumbles before glancing down to his hatchets.
Masky sighs and nods for Toby to follow him out. Looks like it’s just you and Hoodie.
“So,” you awkwardly begin, not really sure what to do or what to say.
“So,” Hoodie hums back. “Anywhere you wanted to go?” When he sees the glint in your eyes, he shakes his head. “Like, a normal place. We’re gonna be here for a while while those two are out,” he chuckles, watching as you visibly deflate.
You allow the question to bang around in your head until you nod with a thought in mind. “The library. I’d like to go to the library.”
Hoodie smiles at that suggestion and finishes the rest of his tea before standing up. He stretches for a moment, then leads you to the hallway your original snooping began. You noticed as his thoughts immediately became clouded with the word and vision of ‘library’ as the two of you trekked the halls. As you walked, you barely recognized any of the doors you passed. They weren’t on your radar, which was odd in your opinion as you had opened a lot of door you probably shouldn’t have.
Eventually, you reach two large oak doors. Hoodie pushes them open and you’re greeted to the sight of a beautiful library. It’s impossibly huge - how could such a place exist in the mansion? You’re well aware it’s a huge place, but the fact that all of this is here… It’s bigger than a downtown city library you visited when passing through Chicago a few months ago. The Operator’s influence is beautiful, isn’t it?
“I’m gonna be in the sci-fi section,” Hoodie says as he nods over to the right wing of the library. “It’s on the second floor.” You notice the spiral staircase that leads to what appears to be a balcony - it must stretch backwards forever. “Check in with me in about 15 minutes. Don’t do anything stupid.” It’s surprising how relaxed he’s being with you. You would have expected someone like Hoodie to be a lot angerier and more observational.
Not wanting to look a gift horse in the mouth, you nod and flash him a thumb’s up before bounding over to the left wing of the library. Nothing is properly labeled, but you get a strong bout of intuition where everything is. Right now, you’re on the hunt for history.
The aisle that holds the history books looks just as old as you would have expected it to. The books here aren’t any you’ve ever seen in stores either - they’re largely from the time period they’re to be representing. Some are more modern, but you get the feeling that they don’t exist anywhere else but under the Operator’s influence. You find a few books that talk about the early history of proxies, some on independents, but nothing to inform you on what you had found.
It’s honestly a little maddening. You check in with Hoodie when you have to - he asks you to list the spines of the books you’re currently looking at - and then you’re back to your fruitless search. You run up and down the halls of the history section looking for anything when you hear static begin to buzz in your heads. The feeling travels upwards like the vines you felt earlier from your heels to your chest. When they claw deep into your heart, you feel a pull. And once again, like a sailor beckoned to the rocks due to a siren’s song, you follow it.
It twists and turns you through the shelves, making you zip past the few proxies and independents that are currently visiting this wing of the library before you’re drawn to a rotunda. You look backwards and see in the distance the front doors of the library. When did this place get a middle wing? It was just straight shelves and a wall with large windows overlooking the rolling hills of the woods. You turn your attention upwards to the ceiling of the rotunda. There’s a large skylight that allows sunlight to cascade down. Around that are gems you don’t even know the name of that weave a mosaic of something positively divine. You allow your gaze to follow the shaft of warm sunlight down, and there, sitting at a table with a book in hand (it looks like a journal) is the Operator himself.
“S-Sir!” You manage to squeak out as you find yourself startled to be in his presence, Heat rises to your cheeks when he looks up from his book to turn his attention to you.
“How did you get here?” He asks, confusion etching his body as he curiously tilts his head.
Your breath hitches. “I’m so sorry,” you apologize, bowing your head almost immediately. “I don’t know how I got here. It just felt like a pull and suddenly I was here? I was in the left wing and looking over history books and I-” you continue to rattle off until the Operator holds up his hand, silently signaling you to stop. You do so as soon as he asks.
“I-. It’s no matter,” he waves off. “Come, sit down beside me.” An inky black tendril sprouts from his back as he pulls the chair in front of him out, allowing you to sit in his presence.
You will your stone-like legs forward and attempt to gracefully take a seat in front of him. It’s a slightly awkward silence before he speaks again.
“How have you been, Miss Reader?”
“I’m alright,” you reply, voice no higher than a whisper.
The Operator hums. “Good.”
Another pregnant pause.
“Child, where is your book?”
“I uh, didn’t grab one?” You answer softly. You can tell the Operator is looking at you with what he can convey to his fullest as confusion. “When I was pulled here I just.. Followed,” you attempt to explain. “I don’t know why I’m here.”
“And what have you done today?” He asks, giving his passing attention to you like a father would.
You bite your lip before steering the conversation towards the room you saw. “I think I met someone.”
“You did, did you?”There’s a passing interest as if he’s saying ‘that’s nice, honey.’
You nod. “She was in a tea room-”
He pauses.
“I found her by accident-”
He makes sure he’s hearing you correctly.
“Her hair was golden-”
He looks up.
“She had plants-”
He’s sitting upright now.
“She had a cat-”
He leans forward.
“Her smile rivaled the stars-”
He’s focusing so intently on you now.
“Her voice was like honey-”
He entirely focused on you.
“She was beautiful.”
The Operator’s ichor pauses for just a moment as he takes in the description of the woman you described. It makes a part of him sing and another part of him sob. He hasn’t heard of her in so, so long.
When you look up, you see the Operator practically leaned halfway over the table and entirely focused on you. It makes you jump. “I’m sorry,” you apologize sheepishly, thinking you saw something you shouldn’t have. “I wasn’t thinking and I uh, think the mansion led me to her?”
The Operator wordlessly nods. “Was she pouring tea?” He asked, voice so much gentler than anything you could ever expect him to conjure up.
You slowly nod. “She was.”
The Operator suddenly slumps down, making you jolt. You rise on instinct to help him when he waves you back down. “Do you realize who you’ve come into contact with?” He asks.
You shake your head. “I’m afraid not, Sir,” you say with slight remorse.
The Operator chuckles deeply - it rumbles his chest and in your head. “You found her.” He could smile, you were sure it would be from ear to ear if he had the correct facial features. “All these years later and you found her.” He emphasizes you like a bittersweet affirmation.
“Who is she?” You ask softly.
Your boss sits back up again. “Someone who loves me,” his tendril sprouts once again from his back and moves towards you. “Someone who loves you,” it taps your nose. “Someone who loves us.” The tendril makes a grand, sweeping gesture.
You take in the words and nod, still not knowing what they mean. Upon seeing your confusion, he decides to elaborate.
“A long, long time ago, in a realm you could not begin to fathom, there was light and there was dark,” he begins, his voice slipping into something akin to someone saying a bedtime story. “I was the light, and that cur we call Zalgo was the dark.”
You scrunch your nose at the sound of his name.
“The dark and the light were born from nothing, and she was beautiful.” His audible smile is actually endearing to hear. “Throughout the years, the light and the dark fought, constantly at each other's throats. It was woven in the threads of history, it had been our birthright. When we came to this place, this planet after being cast from our home - a palace amongst all palaces, a kingdom that rose far above any other, the nothingness came with us. She called herself Liebevolle Frau. She loved her children.” By this point in the story, the Operator has taken the liquids from the coffee cup he drinks from and animated them into the characters for this story.
You watch with stars in your eyes.
“But no guardian is without its favorites, and I happened to be hers.” Liebevolle Frau’s figure was shown sheltering the Operator’s much smaller one. “And this caused a rift that could not be mended through the light and dark. Eventually, the dark waged war on the light.”
It’s a war you’re still fighting to this day.
“In the 1500s, long after this mansion had been built and my power continued to grow, Zalgo had almost wiped us off the face of the earth to splatter out remains across all the five realms. Liebevolle Frau, thought caught off guard,” that would explain the tea, “sheltered me and protected this place and all who resided in it. At the time,” the Operator looks at you. “Independents and proxies had lived here much more commonly than they do now.”
You smile softly.
“Liebevolle Frau’s power had been pushed to its limit in holding back her first born son, and mind, as well as her heart, broke because of it. In her remaining moments of lucidity, she imbued herself, her soul,” the liquids take the form of something fluttering and soft, like a bird, “her everything, and became the place I hold jurisdiction over today.”
Your eyes widen as you think back to the odd feelings you’ve had coming here for today - and Toby’s slip-up.
“I have not been able to find her since the late 1500s,” The Operator explains as the liquids dance back into the coffee mug, the figure of Liebevolle Frau taking a hair longer than the rest. “She lives in everything.”
You’re honestly speechless over everything the Operator has said because it’s so… It’s strangely heartfelt. You’ve never even spoken face to face with your boss and when you do, it’s because some force is guiding you to do so. But if that force felt so alive, it must have meant she wanted you to know.
“Her physical form,” you finally manage to wisp out. “She wanted to be at peace, didn’t she?”
The Operator chuckles deeply. “I would assume so.”
Before you can respond to anything or even come up with another response, you hear both Masky AND Hoodie yelling for you in your head. The jarring difference between your boss’s gentle voice and Masky and Hoodie crying out for blood is enough to make you jump (once again).
Upon seeing your sudden switch in atmosphere, the Operator hushes the voices in your head and calls them to his side.
Toby is the first to show up though, and quickly trailing after him is Masky and Hoodie. They both look ready to reprimand you but upon seeing you sitting with the Operator, nothing but reverence crosses their minds and bodies.
“Good evening, Sir,” Masky says as he bows his head. “Are you well?”
“Thoughtful, aren't you, Timothy?” There’s no animosity or anger in the Operator’s tone, but it makes Masky blush all the same.
A pregnant pause passes.
“I was just speaking with your newest member, Miss Reader,” a pale hand gestures to you. “Come, join us. I could use the company.”
You watch as confused glances get shared between your three comrades before they take a seat beside you.
A pleasant silence passes through the air before a gentle humming that’s sweeter than honey overtakes it like a passing breeze.
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bigtittydemonwife · 4 years
How would Alex, Jay, tim/masky, and brian/hoodie react when they realized they've fallen deely in love with someone?
I’m quite proud of this,
Alex and Jay were a little hard since I’m not fully confident with writing them yet but I’m glad I’ve got a chance to gain more
Also this is written in an AU were they’re proxies because that’s eaiser (cause like two of them are canonicly dead I think?)
Also Jay is Skully (I’m not sure if that’s canon but it’s my theory)
Alex, Jay, Masky and Hoodie realising they’ve fallen deeply in love with someone
He’s panicky
Oh lord someone help this child
He cannot see himself loving someone at that point in his life
He thought his only goal was to take down the operator
Then he startled working for it and you walked in and his heart went BOOM
(Some please tell me they get that reference)
At first he’s gonna deny it, no way. He’s fooling no one and when he realises this He tries to avoid you for a while
It will take a while for him to confront himself on his feelings
You on the other hand? Buckle down honey it’s taking ages
He’s that guy that will always say he will but never does
He tries to act shauve and cool and somehow ends up just acting a little awkward
When he finally does talk to you he’s not gonna be able to look you in the eyes
Remember he used to be good with emotions then Slenderman ass-fucked his brain with no lube so he’s not who he used to be
Same goes with all the other boys
He’s a little oblivious to it at first
Then he just starts trying to ignore them hoping they’ll leave
He’s way more quiet around them unlike Alex
It takes ages for him to finally accept that he’s fallen in love
He goes though the five stages of loss to be honest
He thinks if he ignores it long enough it’ll leave
It isn’t till he sees them training with Hoodie and his chest starts to hurt like a bitch
Part of his reason of confessing to to spite Hoodie because he thinks he likes you to
He’s very impulsive so he Doesn’t think though his confession at all he just does it one day
If you accept he’s kind of going to panick
He’s happy but he’s nervous but he’s confused and his brain just short circuits
If you think Hoodie is quiet when you first meet him wait until he falls in love with you
It’s like talking to a stone wall
Partly because he hopes you’ll leave and find someone else and give him no choice but to get rid of his feelings
Partly because he wants to hear all about you and not about himself
It’s like having an owl in love with you he stares you a lot
Even if you don’t see him he’s looking at you
He’s confused as to why he’s feeling this way and is probably the second slowest at telling you how he feels
But now whenever he hears a love song on the radio he thinks of you
Feelings are something he likes but also hates
Part of him wants to slam his head into something
But if you love him back (you should he deserves all the love in the world) he’s still gonna he conflicted
Yes he loves you but you can do better
Just kiss the man already
He would rather die than fall in love and you could put that on his tombstone
He takes a while to fall in love
You must already form a bond with him as a friend and get him to trust you
Not an easy task at all
But if you manage to peel his layers back one by one you’ll find he’s actually pretty sweet
Once he realises how he feels he’s going to want to climb on top of the mansion And throw himself off
Yeah the chances of him handling it well are zero to none
He contemplates if ignoring you for the longest time but if you’ve bonded enough and he really trusts you he won’t
If you think this man will willingly confess it’s a cold day in hell
If he does he’s most likely drunk
Who I am kidding his most definitely drunk
If he wakes up and remembers he’s gonna pretend like he doesn’t
You can see though that bullshit though
Kiss this man he’s emotionally constipated but he needs love
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cardentist · 4 years
I’ve talked about how the misconception of hoodie and masky as proxies clashes with the plot of marble hornets before and how the implications of them being interpreted as proxies impacts the themes of tim’s characterization and storyline. (link)  that said, I’ve noticed that even people who Know they aren’t proxies still tend to interpret them as more violent or antagonistic than they really are, sometimes still interpreting them as working for or being controlled by the operator. 
so ! I wrote up a manifesto rambling on about my thoughts on why hoodie and masky come off as more threatening than they actually are, on what the operator’s influence actually is, and on masky’s role is as an alter. I’m putting it under a readmore for length ! so warning for major spoilers under the cut.
as a note, this is all based on my own understanding of the series, I don’t want to have to write “in my opinion” after everything I say so I’m saying it here fjlsdk
but to start with, I wanna address the idea of hoodie and masky (and even alex) being puppeted by the operator.
troy has gone out of his way to state multiple times that there are no proxies in marble hornets specifically to counter the notion that the operator has direct control of the characters’ actions at any point. the operator can affect people’s moods, their perception of reality, but it can’t puppet people’s actions. They’re in control of themselves even if they aren’t thinking clearly or rationally.
compare jay and alex. they were both unmedicated throughout the series (for the most part), and there’s evidence to suggest that jay was affected by the operator all the way back during the marble hornets shoot (he mentions how cold he feels just like tim, and he doesn’t remember alex’s change in behavior in the present at all), but they both were in Very different places mentally. it isn’t fair to just say that alex was more Violent than jay, we didn’t see much of him pre-operator but we were meant to get the idea that he was just a normal guy, but he had a very different reaction to the operator’s influence.
likewise, brian and tim were both taking medication throughout the series and Very Obviously had different reactions to the operator’s influence (brian self isolating and giving into paranoia while tim tried Very hard to live a normal life and get better despite his lack of support).  
if the operator could just control people’s actions then the differences in their personalities and environments wouldn’t have mattered. why bother creating an alter that’s less openly violent than alex was? why leave jay to be self destructive but ultimately harmless when he was vulnerable for so long? if the alters and changes in behavior were caused by a Direct influence by the operator, controlling what they Do rather than just how they feel, then they All should’ve been as murderous as alex was.
personally? I see masky as a protector that stemmed from tim’s childhood trauma. we don’t know exactly what happened for sure, like tim said we’ll never know if what he experienced was the operator or his own schizophrenia or both (or if the difference even matters), but we Do know that from his perspective he was locked in a room with a monster with nowhere to go and with no one to help him. the people who were Supposed to take care of him (his parents, his doctors) were the ones confining him there and he didn’t have anyone else in his life (brian was his first friend). that’s Plenty of reason for DID to occur naturally !
masky’s job as a protector would be to get tim (and the people important to him depending on the situation) away from danger by either fighting or running away, because tim didn’t Have the power to help himself when he needed it. moreover, that’d explain why masky tends to front in response to seizures and being Taken by the operator, it’d be to protect tim from whatever caused the pain (whether it can actually be protected against or not) And to deal with painful memories ! it’s a trauma response because masky exists in response To trauma and tim’s inability to cope with what happened to him on his own
so ! why does masky come off as so intimidating if he’s supposed to be a protector? because he was supposed to ! out of universe, the series was presented out of order with jay getting bits and pieces of what happened to slowly pull together a more complete narrative. hoodie and masky were written to Look like antagonists the first time through (in the same way that alex looked more sympathetic in the beginning), but slowly putting the pieces together makes their actual goals clearer as well as adds context to situations that made them look bad because of how they were presented in release order. this isn’t a failing of the storytelling by any means, we thought they were threatening because Jay thought they were threatening !
and well, in universe obviously part of it is that hoodie and masky are, you know,   running around wearing masks and acting shady, especially when you have no idea who they are or what they want. But a lot of times their actions Seem threatening but can either be explained by them purposefully appearing threatening to try to scare jay away from danger/into helping someone Or can be explained by them being affected by the operator in the same way that jay and alex were (more on that later :3c)
this distinction is important because hoodie and masky’s whole goal is to combat   alex and the operator ! the operator can make them more aggressive/act out in ways that they otherwise wouldn’t, but it isn’t making them do it’s bidding !
tbh the only thing holding me back from explaining every single instance where hoodie or masky come off as threatening is my own thinning self control, but the fact that I haven’t yet means that I have limited examples jlksfd. that said ! I can think of a couple!
the most obvious example of them being threatening on purpose was entry ####, when hoodie and masky stopped speaking in codes for the first time and made an overtly threatening video saying in no uncertain terms that they were coming to “get” jay just before the season 1 finale. They even posted it on His channel so he couldn’t ignore it. they Knew alex was going to go after jay, but they also knew that alex was watching him and watching them. if they warned him that alex was the one coming for him then alex wouldn’t make his move and would wait until jay was vulnerable again (plus the risk of him just not Believing them since at this point he had no reason to think that alex was truly dangerous). so they made Themselves the threat and scared jay out of his apartment before alex could burn him alive in it.
an example of them appearing threatening because of Circumstance and how the story was told is actually one series of events split up into several parts ! chronologically it starts with entry 52. alex invites jay and jessica into the woods, holds them at gunpoint, and tries to shoot them only to be tackled by masky. jessica and jay manage to run away and meet up at a hotel only to be tracked down by the operator. jay tackles it and he and jessica are knocked out and  have their memories wiped.
then jay wakes up in entry 27 with no idea what’s happened, and posts about exactly that to his youtube channel. both alex and totheark have been paying attention to jay’s channel and they both find out that jay and jessica are vulnerable at the same time. they don’t know exactly where jay and jessica are right off the bat, but jay made it clear that he wasn’t going anywhere. so it’s a race against the clock to see who can get to them first while not drawing any unwanted attention.
finally it’s jessica’s disappearance, split between entry 33 and 76! jay has Just posted about how he’s gonna leave with jessica to try to figure things out, and hoodie and masky both know that if alex had already found the hotel then that would’ve push him into action. So that’s what leads to 76 with hoodie and masky grabbing jessica to try to get her out of danger. masky carries her down the stairs and then sets her down outside before heading back into the hotel.
Cutting to entry 33, that’s when he confronts jay in his hotel room. At the time it Looked like he was attacking jay because we didn’t have the context, but this was Immediately following him trying to save jessica and him Successfully saving them from alex shooting them. Moreover, he didn’t actually try to hit or overpower jay (and considering he just finished carrying a grown unconscious woman over his shoulders down the stairs he definitely could’ve).
What’s more likely is that hoodie was going to carry jessica to safety while masky carried jay, and he only Didn’t because jay was conscious to fight him off. (why jessica was unconscious probably has to do with why jay and jessica lost their memories in the first place and why jessica didn’t seem to think anything was off at the end of the series, that’s to say that slenderman wanted alex to get to them and was likely thrown by hoodie and masky’s presence). masky was hauling ass because he was trying to get to jay before alex did and he was taken off guard by the fact that jay wasn’t out like jessica was !
so then back to 76! jessica wakes up and hoodie tries to help her through the woods only to get shot at by alex, alex tricks her into trusting him and tries to convince her that they’re both hoodie’s victims. when alex tries to take his second chance to kill her she grabs his gun and hoodie comes to beat his ass ! hoodie stayed close when he ran off so he could catch alex off guard ! Unfortunately the operator gets to her while they’re fighting each other off. it’s unclear exactly what happens but jessica gets taken and we see alex put his gun away. personally I think jessica was knocked out rather than shot and he was just retrieving it from her before she got taken (seeing as she’s still alive by the end of the series) though what happened to hoodie isn’t exactly clear beyond the fact that he lived.
so ! to put all of that shorter fjdksl hoodie and masky’s goal here was to protect jay and jessica from alex. masky came to stop alex from shooting them the first time and they both tracked jessica and jay down after they lost their memories because they knew alex would take the opportunity to try to kill them again. masky not being able to grab jay (or more accurately, getting throttled by jay jldsf) meant that he wasn’t there to help hoodie defend jessica against alex leading to her getting taken anyways. but it scared jay into escaping the hotel without having to encounter alex himself. That’s why jay said he understood. it isn’t just that tim had no control over his alter’s actions, it was that masky and hoodie Looked threatening but were actually trying to help. It’s just that tim had no way to know that when he found the tape originally.
and finally ! what I think is an example of masky coming off as threatening because of the operator’s influence, but specifically on Mood rather than action! This being the events of entry 61 and 62!
Hoodie wants to force jay and tim to team up, and he does so by acting as the villain to get jay to move again (while he had masky pose in front of the camera before it’s more likely that he planned and edited entry ####). He takes tim’s pills, tim goes into a seizure, the video cuts out, and hoodie tells jay to go find him. this is followed by masky attacking jay in the woods and them both waking up in the abandoned house in rosswood.
now before I say anything else, let's contrast this with jay in entry 82 and 77. jay tries to stake out the rosswood tunnel (the last place jessica was seen in the tape before she disappeared), and after not finding anything he calls tim to apologize, tell him that he understood, and to say he wanted to work with him again. He’s scared and he says that he thinks he’s seeing things, he Specifically sees the same abandoned building that they woke up in during 62 Moving Closer to him. Jay then has a seizure, the video cuts out, and tim never gets the phone call. the next time we see jay chronologically is 77, where he comes to tim with zip ties and his (piddly) pocket knife to try to “interrogate” him about jessica.
we don’t see exactly what happened to him after the video cuts out, but we know whatever it was affected his memory, made him far more aggressive and paranoid, and played into his anxiety and fears notching them up to 11 (like him shouting that it “wouldn’t have been (his) fault” when tim says that jessica is gone playing into the fact that jay blames himself for losing jessica when she was one room over).
it’s the exact same situation with masky. 61 and 62 follows tim and jay’s blowout in the parking lot and jay sharing tim’s medical records online. at this point tim had a lot of anxiety and frustration surrounding jay. so when masky woke up after tim’s seizure, shaken up by the operator, he saw jay as a threat to tim’s safety in the same way that jay saw Tim as a threat keeping him from finding jessica. the operator is Most Likely responsible for teleporting them both to the abandoned house and teleporting masky specifically to the woods !
the operator causing aggression is pretty much a constant ! though how much a specific person reacts to it depends on the situation, the amount of exposure they’ve had and how recent it was, and how much Help the person has access to (like medication, support, and solidarity). alex became an Extremely aggressive person, and it wasn’t just because of the stress of the situation. he self isolated and didn’t have access to medication. he fell into paranoia and catastrophizing, deciding that everyone around him either deserved to be mercy killed to save them from the operator or saw them as a threat spreading the sickness to other people.
That’s why he went easier on jay at first. He was trying to kill him from the beginning, but he tolerated more from him because he saw jay as someone that needed to be saved from his fate. It isn’t until his mental health declined even further and jay continued to get in his way that his attitude changed, giving us who he was at the very end.
we also know that audio/visual glitches are signs of the operator, and you’ll notice the audio glitching when people yell Throughout the series. the three standouts for me being alex yelling “I’ll kill you” after hoodie and masky try to smash his head in with a rock, tim yelling “but what if I’m right” while he’s spiraling thinking about how he could’ve been the cause of all of this while telling jay about his backstory, and jay yelling “I need it” after tim refuses to leave the camera for him when jay is zip tied on the floor.
the operator causes paranoia and aggression as a baseline, it just affects everyone to different degrees at different times depending on their access to help and how direct the operator is being with its influence, hoodie and masky are no different !
that doesn’t make their actions Okay, alex isn’t off the hook for Murder, but it does make them all Victims and it does mean that they deserved help (think back to tim offering to help alex during their final confrontation, even after everything).
All of that to say ! while hoodie and masky come off as threatening, their overall goals are to be helpful, they just tend to act extremely because of the situation they’re in on top of dealing with the same operator-influenced aggression and paranoia that everyone else is trying to manage. This is only emphasized by the method of storytelling deliberately obscuring the order of events to make them appear more threatening than they really are on top of their own attempts to scare jay out of harm's way.
I’ve gone on just, frankly way too long. so ! if you’re interested in more meta about how mental illness ties into the core Themes of marble hornets as well as misconceptions in the fandom (and specifically some dunking on night mind’s masky theory jlkfsd) I have a google doc where I’ve been just, chewing on it here (link)
it’s written like it’s laying out points for a response video that I’m frankly never gonna make, but I’ve been putting off making a post about it instead for This Exact Reason (this post is just over 5 pages in google docs jlkfds). and if you’d like to do more research on DID and OSDD there’s an Excellent playlist with resources ! the uploader has OSDD and they have other playlists as well that are worth checking out too ^^ (link)
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eldritchcryptids · 4 years
Where is He?
A pained groan escaped from Masky’s slumped figure. Head pounding and heart beating in his ears, he slowly raised his head. He was cramped between the foot of a bed and front of a desk. He blinked a few times, trying to get the black dots which filled his vision to go away. Using the bed and desk chair for support, he unsteadily rose to his feet. He stumbled a bit, trying to get used to moving around Tim’s body again.
Masky looked around again, examining the room, Tim must’ve moved. This wasn’t the house Masky remembered waking up in many times before. The male shrugged it off, Tim had moved before. Not that big of a deal. Now...Where was his mask? He shuffled around the messy room, trying to find his signature white mask. He searched under the piles of clothes which littered the room, under the bed, in the closet, desk drawers...But he couldn’t find it. Masky frowned. 
Maybe his partner had taken it again? But usually, if he does that, he’ll always be there to give it back the next time Masky takes control. Hoodie must be around here somewhere then...He scouted around this new house, searching for any place his hooded partner could be hiding. The last place Masky decided to check for his friend was in the bathroom. He flicked on the light and blinked, seeing his own reflection. 
The first thing which stuck out to him was the beard. Tim never had a full beard before, he always shaved. The closest thing to a beard Masky could recall Tim having was stubble from a bad, or rushed, shave job. The other thing was that he looked older, maybe it was due to the beard, but Masky swears that he looked more mature now. Surely, he couldn’t have been locked away for that long. Hoodie would never allow that… Masky shook his head quickly leaving the bathroom to continue his search.
Once Masky was sure that Hoodie was not in the house, he ventured outside. Maybe he was in Rosswood. The brunet looked around, but failed to recognize where he was. He wasn’t in a city, it seemed more like a smaller town. It definitely wasn’t the same place where Rosswood Park is, he would know as he had fairly decent geographical knowledge about that whole city. Masky sighed, watching from the porch as a neighbour walked past the lawn, dog alongside them. They noticed Masky, and greeted him with a wave as they walked, “Morning, Tim!” 
Masky grunted at the greeting, turning and fleeing back inside. He shut the door and sat down in the living room. He didn’t know where he was, so he decided to wait. Hoodie watched Tim nearly everyday, so surely, he’ll arrive eventually and help Masky figure out where he was.
So he sat there, waiting.
And waiting…
And waiting…
With every hour which passed as Masky waited, he assured himself that Hoodie will arrive soon.
So he continued waiting.
The hours passed painfully slow, and Masky watched as the daylight outside dimmed with each hour. Until it was completely dark out, leaving the male to sit alone in a dark home. Masky frowned, standing up and going to the window, peering out. No one was outside. Hoodie hadn’t come.
Why wasn’t he here? Where was he? 
Masky grumbled, deciding to search around for a computer. Maybe one of Jay’s recent entries could help him figure out what was going on. After 15 minutes, he found a laptop hidden under a few pieces of clothes. Sitting on Tim’s bed, he turned on the laptop and went to Youtube, searching up ‘Marble Hornets’. He frowned, squinting at the words on screen. 
‘Entry 87
2 years ago’
2 years? Why hadn’t the channel been updated in 2 years?
Masky shifted in his seat, clicking the video, beginning to watch it. It consisted of Tim and Jessica talking, Masky didn’t care to listen to it, but at least he found out where his mask went and that Jay had apparently moved away.
So then he went to the video before that one. Entry 86. 
It mainly consisted of Tim and Alex fighting and yelling at one another…
But then, the scenery changed once again.
And there Hoodie was…
Leaned up against a wall, completely limp. 
Alex entered the frame, “You killed him-” He began to talk but Masky quickly slammed shut the laptop, and tossed it away from him as if it had suddenly burned him. Masky ran a hand through his hair, eyes wide.
Tim killed Hoodie. Masky stood up, beginning to pace around the cramped bedroom. 
He killed him. He’s dead. He’s not coming back.
The grief and confusion which Masky felt as he paced was soon replaced by rage. With an angered yell, Masky swiped his arms a cross Tim’s desk, flinging everything off of it. White noise filled his ears, which blocked out the shattering noises which came from glass cups and a lamp that had been flung off the desk.
His hands soon found their way back up to his hair, tugging at the roots as he muttered out ‘why’s to himself and continued to pace. The muttering progressively got louder until he shouted out a ‘why’ before he sent a punch flying at the wall, which easily broke through the drywall. He tugged his fist back and slid down the wall, underwhere he had punched. Masky wiped at his eyes and squeezed them shut tightly, wrapping his arms around himself.
What was he supposed to do now?
He was all alone, just like he was before he met Hoodie.
When Tim woke back up in control, he was in pain. Pain from busted knuckles, his scalp hurt from all the tugging done from Masky and pain from his feet where glass had been embedded as Masky walked over broken shards of it without realizing. Tim sighed, noticing a paper on the desk. He limped over, trying not to cut up his feet even further.
He picked up the note, and it simply read, in messy writing,
“I hate you” on the front, and on the back, “All alone”
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purplecatghostposts · 4 years
SB’s AUs and Writing Masterlist
Hello! If you’re reading this then welcome to my own personal guide on the stuff I create!
Since I do a lot of talking and writing, I decided it might be easier to create a lil masterpost on it all so it’s a lot easier to find if you look at something I make and go, “Huh, that’s cool, wonder if they got more.”
Fandoms Included (In Order) Are:
- MH (Marble Hornets)
- TOH (The Owl House)
- HLVRAI (Half Life VR But The AI Is Self Aware)
So, without further ado, here we go!
Last Updated: April 16th, 2023
Marble Hornets
No Masky AU
Summary: Brian knows that technically, this started with Tim. That for whatever reason, that eldritch monstrosity that has taken a liking to Alex once relentlessly tormented Tim to the point of stripping him from a childhood. To the point of him having a sickness that will never leave. He knows Tim passed it onto him, and that he passed it onto everyone else. He knows.
But Tim has suffered enough. He will get a chance at a normal life if Brian has anything to say about it, and believe him, he does. So if Jay, Alex, ToTheArk, or anyone else thinks they’re gonna drag him into this again, they’ve got another thing coming. Namely, him. Because he won’t allow it.
- If You Even LOOK At Tim
- He Don’t Bite :)
Take The Help Action (D&D AU)
Summary: Tim needs help getting across the country. Brian is looking to pay off a few debts. They might just be able to help each other, and if they pick up a few extra people along the way? So be it.
The trip would be a lot smoother if they didn’t all have baggage, but baggage is a lot easier to carry when you have other people helping you.
Ramblings And Silly Posting:
- Rogue Brian And The Knife Cat Meme
- Tim Is A Very Polite Warlock
Marble Hornets Concepts And Ramblings:
- Eldritch Tim Concept
- MH Time Travel AU Where (Part One) Everyone But Alex Remembers (Part Two)
- MH Comic Operator Appreciation
- Top Ten Marble Hornets Fucked Up Moments: Number One
- Polyhornets And Streaming Services
- I’m Going To Write Marble Hornets Fics With Good Endings AND NOBODY CAN STOP ME
- After Everything, Tim Still Tried For Peace
Marble Hornets Silly Postings
- Brian’s Interference
- Brian Is Attached, Unfortunately
- Introducing Your Boyfriends Like Dogs
- The Bram Dynamic (With Hoody!Brian)
- Why Does The Hooded Guy Call You Babygirl
- Join The Polycule
- Jam Writers
- Brian is So Gay
- The Brian Is Touch Starved Agenda
- Season 3 Hoody With A Masky Plush, What Will He Do?
(AO3 Stuff Can Be Found Here!)
On Tumblr:
Save Him (+Part Two)- Canon Divergence from Entry 80 where Brian saves Jay from getting shot at the cost of getting shot himself. Jay finds out not only that the Hooded Guy is willing to sacrifice himself to save him, but that he’s Brian of all people. It’s a lot to take in.
It’s Not A Bad Thing To Be Taken Care Of- Tim gets sick. Jay wants to help. A few things are revealed in the process.
Brian And A Series Of Hugs- Brian’s love language is physical touch, and what goes around, comes around.
Get It Over With- Brian is haunted by the Operator and realizes what needs to be done. A Roleswap AU In which Brian takes Alex’s place, and nothing gets better.
It’s Dangerous To Do It Alone- Seth lives. Seth not only joins Jay’s investigation but tells Tim what’s going on too, causing him to join the fray as well. A lot changes because of it.
— — —
- Darius’ Concern For Biting
- My Love For The Rebels
- Hunter’s Predecessor Lives AU Concept
- Gustholomule Is Very Funny To Me
- Darius And Hunter Are Messes, Your Honor
(All on AO3)
Little Bird Who Fell From The Nest: (Current One Shot) Within the woods, Darius can finally hear a loud rustling getting closer and rapidly approaching their location. Eberwolf shifts, sharp teeth outgrowing their mouth and sticking out in different directions. Darius morphs one of his arms into a sickle, keeping it at the ready in case of a fight.
The moment it finally bursts from the trees and into their clearing, they’re all ready to strike. The unknown variable however, trips over a stray root just before and ends up stumbling and falling to the ground. Darius catches sight of an all too familiar yellow outfit with blonde hair and immediately reverses his transformation. His hand shoots out— warning Raine and Eberwolf not to strike— and they both freeze in place.
The Golden Guard lays before them, shaking violently and struggling to so much as sit up with how badly his arms tremble. However upon realizing he’s not alone, he nearly throws himself on his back and scrambles, head wildly snapping to each and every one of them. His eyes are filled with absolute terror and it pains Darius to see it.
(Or Post-Hollow Mind, Darius, Raine, and Eberwolf find Hunter in the woods. They deal with the aftermath of Hunter finding out the truth about his so-called uncle.)
- Status: While the One Shot itself is completed, it will be turned into a series that will be continued where it left off. Said sequel is in progress.
- Author’s Notes: Hunter needed a hug Post-Hollow Mind so I gave him three new parents. Rebel Shenanigans included because these three are such an interesting mix. I loved writing this and plan on continuing it!
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Pokémon Mystery Dungeon AU (PMD AU)
Summary: Gordon wakes up as a Cubone and in a world of Pokémon with little idea of who he is other than two facts: One, his name is Gordon, and Two, he used to be human. Luckily he’s got Tommy by his side, Benrey aiding from the shadows, and experienced explorer team Bubby and Coomer to help him adjust, and hopefully, find answers.
Everyone’s got secrets, Gordon. You’re not the only human turned into a Pokémon, and that information is very valuable and dangerous if it gets into the wrong hands.
- Initial Information
- Bubby Time
- Enter: Darnold, Forzen, Joshua, & G-Man
- L O R E
- Darnold Changes
- Finished Informational
- Miscellaneous Facts Feat. Relationships
- Miscellaneous Facts Feat. Reasonings
- Bubby’s Secret
On To Do List:
- Winds of Change (Drabble; Bubby and Coomer deal with the aftermath when the bounty for a human turned Pokémon is set)
- Like Driftwood (Drabble; Tommy finds Gordon & The Beginning)
- Fun House Mirror (Drabble; Benrey is acting weird and Gordon doesn’t know why)
- Totodile Or Drilbur (Drabble; Joshua is saved but Benrey is not. Weird... Why does this Luxray seem to hate Benrey so much if he’s never even met him before?)
- The Shift (Drabble; Gordon’s supposed to be sticking to the shadows but... He can’t just leave this blue Ditto here- they look hurt!)
Jumbled AU
Summary: When Forzen is caught up in trying to escape Black Mesa after a Resonance Cascade, he gets caught up in alien family relations, experiments both by Black Mesa and the military, mildly evil clones, and someone communicating through the VOX as they make their escape.
(Or in other words, this is another Roleswap AU but where the roles are mostly jumbled around to create a story that goes a bit differently.)
- (OLD&OUTDATED) Character Summaries
- Fleshed Out Character Summaries
- Forzen Named His Kid After A Bayblade And That’s My Proudest Part About This AU.jpg
- Short Summerization Of This AU
On To Do List:
- Bubby, Coomer, And A Prototype (Drabble; Self explanatory title)
- Gordon Loses An Arm And Makes A Friend (Drabble; Self explanatory title)
- Lucky Charm (Drabble; Forzen has a lucky beyblade that as long as he keeps on him, everything will turn out okay in the end)
- Adventures In VOX (Drabble; Hey... When did the VOX start talking so weird?)
- The Effects Of Evil Powerade (Drabble; One of Darnold’s clones gets ahold on the Evil Powerade but calling him an “Evil” Clone makes it sound a lot worse than it is)
- Stranded (Drabble; Sometimes Bubby gets stranded due to his powers and sometimes he makes a new ally because of it)
- Some Sunny Day (Drabble; Tommy will see his dad again. No matter what)
- Project Goodman (Drabble; G-Man Vs. His time in Black Mesa)
- There’s No Longer An ‘i’ In Guardian (Drabble; Forzen protects his team until he can’t)
Roleswap AU
Summary: Benrey’s just trying to make it out alive. Gordon was just trying to do his job and follow the guy who didn’t have his ID and passport. Things get... Complicated along the way.
(Or a Classic Roleswap AU)
- Initial Ideas
- Betrayal Details
- More Details About The Characters
- Tommy And Darnold Swap Time
- Darnold Going Ham
- Beginnings And Ends (Drabble)
On To Do List:
- The Trolly Problem (Drabble; Coomer and Gordon have a talk about betrayal)
- >Try Again? (Drabble; Benrey post-betrayal)
- Bitter Is The Heart (Drabble; Growing up in Black Mesa sucks and Coomer knows that’s better than anyone)
- The General Man (Drabble; The most dangerous man in the army is the one who doesn’t pick up a gun)
- Shattered Glass (Drabble; Dr. Bubby isn’t terribly close to Benrey but... The guy’s on the verge of a mental breakdown, what else is he supposed to do?)
- Following Orders (Drabble; His name is Forzen and there’s something very wrong about him)
Fucked Up SAO AU
(Man this needs a better title but at the same time I’m slightly attached-)
Summary: Five streamers all beta test the new game with updated AIs, only to find that they’ve been sucked into the game. With the beating the game being the only way out, they need to work together. Problem is that this is the first time they’ve ever met each other so there’s a bit of... Trial and Error.
Not to mention the worst part is if they die in the game, they die in real life.
- Here’s The Post Where I Started Thinking About It (Thanks Simpson Stream)
- And Then I Made It: Initial Ideas
- Andddd I Kept Going Feat. Game Mechanics
- Team Bonding Because This Is Absolutely A Found Family Trope AU
- G-Man And Tommy Time
- Final Boss Talk
- Final Boss Talk 2: But Now There’s Hopes And Dreams Playing In The Background
On To Do List:
- Wave Of Realization (Drabble; The Team all individuality realizes that they’re in a game)
- All Together Now (Drabble; Team meets up)
- Mortality And Other Fun Getting To Know You Topics (Drabble; Team realizes they have limited lives and will die for real if they lose them all)
- Grief That Goes Both Ways (Drabble; Bubby is the first to lose a life)
Promare AU
Summary: Firefighter Coomer and the rest of the team on Search and Rescue are used to putting out fires from the Burnish, people who are born with the ability to create fire. However, what should’ve been the usual job turns into a fight to save the world when Coomer faces off the leaders of the Mad Burnish, Bubby, Benrey, and Forzen.
(Based on the movie Promare! There are spoilers to the movie in said AU so heads up)
- First Thoughts
- Thoughts Expanded
- Bubby Dear, Could You Say That Again?
On To Do List:
- First Impressions (Drabble; Search and Rescue Vs. The Mad Burnish, who will win?)
- The Fire That Protects (Drabble; One tiny spark from Bubby’s flame is all it takes)
- What Goes Around (Drabble; Bubby has saved Benrey and Forzen a dozen times. Now it’s time they return the favor)
To Love A Security Guard AU
Summary: Things go a bit differently when you realize early on that you may or may not be in love with a certain security guard.
(Or when a small Drabble turns into something else entirely)
- Part One: Court Jester
- Part Two: Lights Out
On To Do List:
- Part Three: Home Sweet Home...
Abandoned But Not Alone (ABNA) AU
Summary: Bubby’s first contact with space finally comes: Black Mesa is sending him on a solo mission to collect some samples from Xen. It’s a dream come true until Bubby gets left behind and knows Black Mesa has no intention to rescue him. He’ll have to survive on his own.
Meanwhile, Dr. Harold Coomer learns of this and takes fate into his own hands.
- Main Idea
- Bubby And A Certain Not-Human Fella
- What The Fuck? Touch Starved Lil Alien
- Local Summer Intern Learns A Lot More Than He’s Supposed To
Mini AU: Teen Joshua
- Initial Idea
- Some Other Thoughts
- Not Mine: That Tall Child Looks Terrible
- Also Not Mine: You Can’t Keep Burning The Candle From Both Ends
(Both shorts are by E-Bubby and they’re so good, I recommend giving them a read!)
Miscellaneous AUs
AUs that have been talked about but don’t quite have enough to have their own section. Yet.
A Spectrum of Benreys in different AUs
HLVRAI Haunted & Claws And Fangs
(HLVRAI Haunted is also mentioned here)
Xen Bound & CYWO AUs
Stage Crew AU
Double Stasis AU
On Tumblr: 
Safe And Sound: For better or for worse, Tommy can see the future. Usually it’s for worse. (Frenmy; Hurt/Comfort)
Weakness? Pet Names: Gordon insistently tries to go to work, despite being sick. Luckily, Benrey has ways of stopping him. (Frenrey; Sick Fic; Hurt/Comfort)
Stay: Benrey has a fever and Gordon has no idea if he’s helping him correctly. (Frenrey; Sick Fic; Hurt/Comfort)
Don’t Lie To Me: Benrey takes the fall for Gordon and Gordon knows he’s not doing as well as he claims. (Frenrey; Hurt/Comfort)
The Looming Threat Of A Dinner Party: Gordon has a breakdown. Bubby is there to help. (Platonic; Hurt/Comfort)
There’s Nothing Out There But You’re Not Alone: Bubby isn’t going to fall apart on Coomer. (Boomer; Hurt/Comfort)
What Scares You The Most: Benrey has some things to work through and Gordon is there to help. (Frenrey; Hurt/Comfort)
Bubby vs Ice Cream Flavors: Making choices isn’t so easy for everyone, especially when you’re used to having repercussions. (Platonic; Hurt/Comfort)
Bubby v Bubby v Tommy: Bubby builds a time machine. Tommy is very concerned.
On AO3:
Existential Existence: (Series) Gordon thought his biggest problem would be the game ending. Now his biggest problem is that it didn’t and he has to figure out how to live normally.
- Status: Ongoing, Part Five Pending . . .
- Next Part: fix it all up before it grows too late
- Author’s Notes: Post-Game AU in which the gang is still healing in a seemingly perfect world. First Fic I ever created for HLVRAI and my metaphorical baby.
- Extra: Through Bubby’s Eyes
sweet poison that i keep drinking: (Two Shot) Ever since he was a kid, they've always been around. Benrey no longer questions the skeleton or their Sweet Voice's influence in his life. Until Gordon Freeman of all people makes one comment about it and suddenly everything feels wrong.
- Status: Ongoing, Part Two Pending . . .
- Next Part: The Mongoose
- Author’s Notes: A ‘What If The Skeletons Were Controlling Benrey’ Fic except I put way too much lore into the skeletons and oh boy it got dark. Happy ending is promised, I’m a sucker for those. Warnings for lots of manipulation involved.
in this part of the woods: (Series) Gordon is Lost. All the trees look exactly the same and he's scared to stop driving. Gordon is Found, but not by anyone he knows. The being who calls himself Benrey definitely isn't human but Benrey tells him if he wants to get out of this alive, Gordon will need to trust him. And frankly, Gordon doesn't see any other options.
- Status: Ongoing, Part Four Pending . . .
- Next Part: let’s take this outside
- Author’s Notes: A weird fantasy-horror-esk Fic series I’m just recently starting up in which I’m literally making up a lot of it as I go and it’s one of the most self indulgent things I’ve ever written.
- Extra: Facts About Benrey
- Extra: Tommy’s Internal Screaming
- Extra: On The Name ‘False Security’
back in the day, you were all i had: (Series) Dr. Harold Coomer is upbeat, weirdly nice, and Bubby's newest lab partner. Bubby expects this to end messily as it always does and he'll be gone soon enough. What he doesn't know is that Dr. Coomer is stubborn as hell and is here to stay. And maybe Bubby's life will improve because of it. Only time will tell.
- Status: Ongoing But On Pause
- Next Part: Heart Palpitations
- Author’s Notes: A Boomer Backstory Fic Series in which I explore and build up how Bubby and Coomer met, gained each other’s trust, and fell in love. Warning for the fact that Black Mesa itself is manipulative and just not a good place to grow up in.
- Extra: Was Originally Going To Be A SongFic For This Song
a different story, a different flame: (Series) Bubby Mesa has always loved video games. Getting early access to the new game 'Half Life' which is said to have impressive AIs is the best birthday wish he could've ever dreamed of. No two playthroughs have been the same so far. However, Bubby finds that his actions take the game in a wildly different direction than he or anyone else could've imagined, and that this will not be an experience he will ever forget. (Or in which Bubby is the Player, not Gordon)
- Status: Ongoing, Part Four Pending
- Next Part: Warm Heart, Cold Hands
- Author’s Notes: A ‘What If Bubby Was The Player’ Fic in which Bubby has no idea he’s playing with AIs who are real and he may or may not screw with the narrative heavily and piss off a certain Government Man.
frozen and watching as the world passes by: (One shot) Your name is Forzen and you have decided to enlist in the military. Your name is Forzen and Benrey is your new best friend. Your name is Forzen and you're having trouble remembering why you're supposed to attack a guy in an HEV suit. Your... Your name is... You don't remember. And you don't know why you just kidnapped a dog.
- Status: Completed
- Author’s Notes: A Forzen Character Study told in second person in which being an NPC is not fun and screws with you.
you’ll come home eventually, i know you will: (One Shot) If there's one constant in Gordon's life, it's that Benrey always finds his way back to him. It doesn't matter if he's supposed to be dead- he's come back from that before. Gordon knows Benrey. This won't stop him. He's coming back. And if he doesn't...
- Status: Completed
- Author’s Notes: The second most indulgent Fic I’ve written for HLVRAI in which Gordon painfully misses Benrey but takes a while to realize that.
because you’re like a fever dream but twice as sweet: (One Shot) Xen has always adapted to kill the unkillable. Thicker skin to combat bullets, heat seeking attacks from those who try to hide, and ranging in all sorts of shapes and sizes for different mobility and strength. The entity who calls himself Benrey has made himself a threat to the beings of Xen by aiding the human known as Gordon Freeman in killing many of their kind. So, the beings of Xen must do what they do best and find a way to kill him as well.(Or in other words, Benrey takes a hit and can’t get back up from it. At least, not on his own)
- Status: Completed
- Author’s Notes: The longest one shot I’ve written for HLVRAI (14k), in which Benrey and Gordon have issues communicating post betrayal and it takes Benrey almost dying for them to talk. This could be considered a dark sick fic and it’s one of my proudest fics.
Other Cool Ramblings:
Two Sides Of The Same Coin: Coomer and Benrey thoughts.
A Proposal: Frenrey Proposal Thoughts
A Strange Rhythm: Bubby and Benrey thoughts.
Other Ways To Show You Care: Frenrey other ways to say I Love You.
Fight And Make Up: Frenrey fight and make up thoughts.
On Competition: Frenrey competition thoughts.
Post-Escape Bubby: Bubby deserves to be happy post game thoughts.
Tommy Thoughts: T...Tommy Thoughts...
G-Man thoughts: Funky Alien Dad Moments
On Tommy/Darnold/Forzen: My #3
Andddd that should be all of it! If you made it this far, congrats! That’s a lotta stuff to scroll through, even if you don’t click the links.
I’ll try to keep this as updated as possible! If I missed anything, feel free to tell me and I’ll get it fixed up in no time!
This took a veryyy long time to make oh boy-
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fimawari · 4 years
Thoughts on the comic and Skully's Identity. [Slight Spoiler Warning? Not really any plot spoilers just details and characters.]
So a lot of people accept that Jay is probably Skully, either surviving or something else. However there's also speculation that it could be Alex, Jessica, or even Seth Wilson, a few thinking about Tim. (Though I would rule him out as the artist drew what he looked like in the Comic on another post) So I raked out every detail I can. Of course it can all just be a stylistic choice but whatever - make of it what you will.
It could just be some new random asshole, but It's a given they know Jessica, so it is very likely to be Jay. He presumed she was gone, unless he watched the last Entry. That would also explain "It's you" sort of "oh shit" moment. Jay was also set on looking for Jessica, so if he did survive, you could assume that would still be one of his motives. Tim wouldn't likely have that "it's you" moment because he knows Jessica is alive. Alex might have that reaction though. I believe he presumed that she was gone.
It also takes two things from Brian and Tim. The hoodie and the plastic mask. So this person has likely seen both of them and came to imitate their appearance.
Coat Buttons
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The Jacket appears to have snap on metal buttons. It's typical for this style of jacket (similar to a utility jacket, which would be useful and warm to run all over the goddamn woods at night) to have the buttons placed on top of the left side for a men's jacket. (Of course it could just be any person in a men's styled jacket, but still.)
I picked this out because it's paid attention to very carefully as a detail. Of course that's good for continuity, but I know for filming Marble Hornets they were very careful with detail and hinting at things.
2. Height
They're only seen crouching up to a door with Jessica on the other side, but if they both stood straight, they'd come to be about the same height, which was true for Jay and Jessica in the series.
3. You are broken but you CAN be fixed
This is what the masked figure says to Jessica. Similar to ToTheArks video saying Alex was broken, but couldn't be fixed. That might line up with Jay's motives because he continued to think he could solve the situation. It could be argued he also believed Alex could be saved from the Operator. It it were Alex, it could be his own changed perspective in whatever "form" this is now. That would be quite interesting to see why he would go from wanting to destroy the tapes to actively giving someone the tapes.
4. Not a point but something I noticed.
On the Rosswood bulletin, there is a blurry poster that looks like it could be a "Missing" sign. Who for - I don't know, but it does kind of appear they have glasses, so it could be Alex? This could also just be meaningless background illustration.
In the same frame, Adam also talks about people getting lost in the woods and says, "The Majority of them were recovered safely but," and he stops. That's a pretty cliffhanger "but" there Adam.
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Closer inspection of the Rosswood Map shows Rosswood Rd, mentioned in the series, and was supposed to be the road off the usual parking lot they stopped in when meeting up, and an X location to hard to read atm, but it is off the beaten path.
5. In a silly doodle drawing in the comic files, I did notice this poster with a skull on it. It may just be nothing but could also be implying that whoever is in the skull mask died and came back.
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Also I appreciate that the soda is Conk.
6. It's Fall about 10 years later after the first incidents in Rosswood began, in the timeline 2019 ish, but that is apparent from the trees outside and the time the comic was created at.
7. Jessica has a "Sarah" in her phone. Could he literally the millions of Sarah's but I'll point it out anyway. But more interesting barely covered is Tim's contact.
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8. I was thinking about why their seems to be Blue Lenses in Skully's mask, they're even visible from a distance. Now this is really digging at the bottom of barrel but when Jessica grabs the pipe to defend herself, it's highlighted by red for emphasis. Red and Blue have often been a scheme for duelity and such.
This repeats again in the second title page:
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A lot could be discerned from it. Maybe she is Skully, like a second half of her, as one of her nightmares is fighting against herself. May also not mean that and be another symbol of duelity, red vs blue.
I don't think the blue is styling choice because you can quite clearly see eyes in Masky's drawing. I believe there is definitely something covering their eyes - like lenses. Their "fashion choices" are also leaning towards the expensive side I noticed. Unless they just stole it went to a goodwill and got lucky. A utility jacket like that would cost somewhere beyond a $100 unless you're lucky. I'd pay to see a cryptid running around in Gucci in butt-fuck-nowhere Alabama in the middle of the night. Or who knows maybe Alex got some prescription lenses put in that shit.
9. Do I even have to explain the symbolism of a Jay.
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10. I can say with good certainty this probably symbolises Jessica's memory of Alex.
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11. Some damning evidence, whoever is in the mask has access to the original entry files, not just downloaded YouTube stuff. Jay, Tim, Totheark would likely have access to that. Alex was pretty dead-set on having all the traces deleted, I'd doubt he'd have them all uploaded to a computer.
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12. No idea what this might represent besides some metaphor for life being a merry go round, but in the postcard Skully is chilling on a horse lmao. "Stuck in a loop of unhappiness." Ring a bell?
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13. Can't attach another photo but the abandoned house Jessica goes to has "Bones" written on it, much like the Hospital did. In the original series they said that graffiti was just there, so maybe they decided to work with it? Who knows maybe it's some kind of new group? Maybe ToTheArk vs "Bones?" You CAN'T be fixed vs You CAN be fixed.
14. I also can't speculate what it exactly means, but it's obvious Skully can talk, not seen previously with the others. Whether out of an inability or just not wanting to. Could be argued it's a person behind the mask by choice, not volition. We also don't really know if Brian chose his path or became that. But he became a masked cryptid after supposedly "dying". We also never see people "die" just assume they have died or are dead and they disappear. Tim implies that it's just feeding off them, physically or mentally. They always die off camera or get fucked off somewhere by the egg head. They appear dead afterwords, with Jay and Brian, but still missing. All of their bodies were taken by the monster and are god knows where in some seperate dimension. This is borderline r/im14andthisisdeep but what is "death" in this series. Does it mean gone permanently or just "gone" ... For an unknown amount of time. People die, but do they stay that way? Or do they die ... In one sense, but not the other, Losing something of themselves from before, and becoming something new. That would awfully explain Brian's behavior after Alex "killed" him. It's also implied there are others apart of ToTheArk that were never shown in the series, suspected to be other members of the original cast who maybe had "died" and come back as someone else. Something broken.
Tim seems to be an outlier. It's presumed he has avoided death, and essentially kept his mentality. But still slips into another form out of his control, usually in response to the monster or the hooded man being near and stealing his pills and shit. Is he between death? Is that why doucheslender follows him? "The one that got away." Istg I don't take drugs.
That was Michael from Vsauce thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
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Marble Hornets Youtuber AU
Because I ended up liking this idea way more than I thought I would
So everything’s the same except set in the 2010′s instead of the 2000′s, and instead of starting a film project Alex decided to make a youtube channel
He, Jay, Brian, and Tim are all roommates, and Jay started the channel with him, doing the camera work and editing
After a couple months Alex got busy with school, so he handed channel over to Jay completely- he’s still in vids sometimes but he doesn’t do it full time
Jay, on the other hand, really loves making videos. He does vlogs, sketches, tech videos, tutorials, gaming, anything- he even streams some, once youtube implements the feature.
The guys are all regularly in vids
Even though Tim is the most frequent personality on the channel besides Jay, he doesn’t actually know much of anything about how youtube or social media in general work, since he spent most of his life in hospitals without regular internet access and doesn’t watch much youtube in his own time
Jay for sure does a “Doing My Boyfriend’s Makeup Challenge” and Tim almost kills him for it
Brian filmed that one and directed Jay to absolutely clown him
Slenderman, Hoodie, and Masky are still There but they don’t do anything??? They’re just kind of Part of the household
Masky regularly just appears in Jay’s room during vids and streams. Jay became desensitized to it pretty early on. Masky will crawl through his window or out of a vent while he’s doing something and he barely looks up
Hoodie is more commonly seen around the house in Jay’s vlogs, but he also has the unique habit of sometimes filming his Own videos and uploading them onto the channel. They’re all strange, like vlogs except he doesn’t talk at all. They’re not sure he totally understands the concept
Slenderman is not quite as constant as the other two but every few vids he’ll pop up somewhere, distort the camera or something. He is just vibing
Jay has a pretty good-sized fanbase after a while. A handful probably think the slenderman stuff is real, while most of them just think the whole house is really dedicated to this bit and love it
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