#I guess? this was legit horrifying though
kalims · 1 year
flushed — when you fluster them and how they act.
do you want a 'kiss' — not an actual kiss, the chocolate.
falling (asleep) — you fall asleep on their shoulder.
w/ malleus draconia
commissioned by paru !
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flushed — when you fluster them and how they act.
typically if it was anyone else, they'd have a really hard time to gauge out a reaction from malleus when the most they'll get is probably a barely evident crease, or raise in his brows.
in this case tis our very lovely mc who malleus is very much already on the ground from how fast he fell. you could do just about anything, give him a rock or something, and he’ll thank you eternally and keep it in a room above the most eccentric gifts he's ever gotten.
(god forbid if sebek ever enters, and sees some random rock on a pedestal meanwhile his gifts for the master is just.. there on some table like malleus didn't even think twice to leave it there then worship that rock!)
^ well thankfully, out of respect. sebek believes that someone like him simply is not privileged enough to enter the room of his esteemed master.
anything remotely affectionate from you would definitely send malleus to cloud nine for the whole day, he's practically emitting comical hearts every second you're together. they're trailing after him as he's following you around.
so you have a variety of choices! a heartfelt compliment, a hug, maybe even a kiss. whatever you choose will only feed on the overflowing glass that's called; 'malleus' love for mc'. trust me if you think he's like 67% in love with you, you're WRONG.
it's actually 101% and it's still increasing I swear 😭 
well the glass I was talking about is probably overflowing right now, and it's also probably going to start drowning everyone.
as in… everyone's just stuck to witness malleus' insanely endearing reactions to your shenanigans. should they be scared that malleus would probably do it in a heartbeat if you asked to take over the world??
yeah they should tbh.
in this case, I believe a close hug then a whisper in his ears would really make that arrow hit straight to his heart. you can't just whisper 'doritos' though! /j but you shall instead proclaim your love for him instead with a single 'I love you'.
it's funny to see his face completely freeze. you can practically hear his brain absolutely blowing up. there's a wobbly grin stretching across his face, the tip of his ears turn a shade of pink.
he looks… shy, but oddly pleased.
hellour congratulations malleus will not stop till you're both bound for life 💀 trust me he won't take anyone else if it isn't you anymore. he loves you THAT much.
malleus is not aware of the feeling blooming in his chest, it's foreign. he could even describe it as addictive. he's clueless really, but what he's sure of is that he wonders if you'd feel that too if he did the same to you.
oh well.. you've exposed him to such a euphoric feeling. it's only natural for him to return the favor. 
so honestly just expect him to be the rizzlord for the rest of your existence, he's rizzing you up every chance he can get. and the fact that most of it is just him not trying at all, and just being himself.
which is also funny cause when he does try to 'charm' you it ends up in fail.
like who let him bring you the 'rewards of his hunt' as a courting offering.
and when he tries to recite a letter he wrote for you, it's very endearing, and flattering but he's been talking for quite a long time now and you're concerned.
do you want a 'kiss' — not an actual kiss, the chocolate.
*malleus holding a big ass bowl* yes pls
^ but that's if he knows it's chocolate, and still wants the legit kiss. in a way that's the amount he'd want if it was the real deal.
not that he does know! cause malleus isn't exactly educated in the chocolate culture. as horrifying as it sounds, i doubt he snacks on chocolate in his free time.
I guess he didn't have much time to be a child :(.
he's tasted it before though! but knowing specific brands doesn't really cross his mind. for malleus chocolate is just chocolate. 
so he definitely doesn't know that there's a brand of chocolate called kisses.
so when you ask him if he wants a kiss he's like: yes. IMMEDIATELY. 
ok maybe not immediately but he gives you this certain look, and when he registers your silence at his face he realizes that you're being serious. 
malleus rn: well I mean ur offering so 
jokes aside it's almost sad to think how he'll react when it's in fact, not a kiss.
when you pull out some kind of thing wrapped around in some kind of foil and place it inside malleus' palm he's just confused. where are his kisses?? why are you giving him this thing??
malleus spots the 'kisses' label on it and blanks.
oh.. so that's what you meant.
okay he's happy to receive anything from you but that's foul play!
but he really likes you so he won't comment on it 😞 you didn't even elaborate so it's partially his fault for jumping into conclusions.
no one can explain, not even you when there's a visible aura radiating off malleus. something gloomy, and he won't tell you even if you point out that you've noticed him constantly glancing at your face.
well your lips but you also don't know that.
falling (asleep) — you fall asleep on their shoulder.
would refuse to move at all.
first of all, he's honored that you trust him this much to lower your guard, and fall asleep on him. malleus is aware, sorta. he doesn't stop talking but instead slows down his words.
he doesn't want to wake you up, does he?
so he just settles on rambling in hopes that even in your dreams, his voice would reach you. you'd dream of him day, and night.
but when he's done malleus makes very little movement, hyper aware that you've fallen asleep on him. so when he finally assumes a position most comfortable for you, (plus one where he wouldn't crane his neck too much to peer at you) and he just stares.
he's done this plenty of times when you were awake so he doesn't know why he's doing it now. maybe it's because he sees you awake every time, and when you were, he could see the slightest bit of exhaustion present in your eyes.
this way he can be at peace knowing you are.
he recalls your certain features, he'd love to just gaze into your eyes right now and see himself in it but the fact that he can feel all your weight on him is better than anything he's ever felt before. 
cold, rainy days in nrc are just a blessing from grace.
but you now just discover that rain here is a lot stronger than your local pour back at home. to make everything worse, you had no idea it was gonna rain this hard, and if you did you wouldn't have taken the time to visit the city on a sunday.
now you're stuck waiting under a cover outside a shop. your patience honestly starting to run thin. from your legs sincerely, you're immensely thankful for the random bench under it cause you're sure they would have been quaking from the amount of time you spent waiting.
but you do like the weather, cold weather is rare to see when the sunny days reign over many.
you should have brought a jacket or something.
"child of man?"
you blink when malleus tilts his head at you, a thin smile playing upon his lips. his shoulders seem to ease up at the sight of you. your eyes fly above him, weirdly enough it's like there's some invisible force protecting malleus from the weather so he's completely dry.
albeit weakly, you still make an effort to give him a half hearted wave. 
of which he notes.
malleus makes his way over to you, and your beloved bench you had started acquainting yourself with. "may I?" he gestures beside you, and you take that as an initiative to move over.
he takes a seat next to you right after.
"how are you faring?" his eyes crinkle, he stares deeply into you. 
you chuckle. "well I'm stuck here for a while I guess. I already miss my bed,"
the man beside you raises his brow before lightly raising his shoulder, leaning towards you a little for emphasis but you're sure that's just another excuse to take up more of your space.
you get what he's implying in a second. "oh no, no," you shake your head. that would be… embarrassing. 
but your yawn betrays you, and malleus easily coaxes you into using his shoulder. with or without your will, you can't even remember what happened until you blearily open your eyes, and realize the rain has passed by.
when you wake up you feel like you've had the best sleep in your life. but you're sure you would have frozen to death by now.
your hands feel the fabric between your fingers, previously taken over your shoulders. ah.
… as well as a pair of eyes staining into your existence.
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wc. 1.5k
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raybyanothername · 4 months
out of curiosity (and feel free to ignore me!) why do you like aegon? his book character is super interesting to me jut his show version is just the worst.. so what do you base your aegon off of? bc i absolutely love your version lmao
I find aspects of his character quite relatable, specifically from the book. The show certainly emphasized his worst qualities in ways I dislike, but their take on younger Aegon amused me greatly. His relationship with Jace and Luke is what intrigued me, which was not at all explored in Fire and Blood.
While I know fandom is often horrified by how young Helaena was forced to marry and produce children, I am equally horrified for Aegon, given he's only 2 years older and there's little sympathy for his forced sexualization at a young age. (He's a legit stereotype for the abuse victim who becomes hypersexual as a coping mechanism.) He's a character who is pressured and forced to perform specific behavior to prove himself - to consummate a marriage arranged by his father, to seize a throne he never wanted by his mother and Cole. Just how Rhaenyra eventually cracks and goes a bit mad, so does Aegon. He's younger though, and I think he cracked much earlier, with Jaehaerys. He can put on a good show, and be quite cruel (he is Targaryen after all), but he also loves his family. Exceptionally so, I think.
So... I guess I like Aegon because I like exploring his psyche? Considering all the ways that duty and love and grief tear at him. How they rip him apart. I enjoy writing Rhaenyra for similar reasons. Ironically, I think they'd have both been much happier in the expectations of the opposite gender, if not in the physical expression of said gender. (Rhaenyra loves her gowns!) Exploring their relationships and experiences is my favorite part of any fic.
I do end up writing Aegon more, but that's entirely because of my own difficulties writing AFAB characters in certain situations right now. I go through phases with that. I like to use writing to explore my own relationship with gender. Aegon is particularly useful in that respect at the moment.
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fitzrove · 8 months
For the choose violence asks: 9, 16, 19?
9. worst part of canon
KKOG. Conspiracy. Elisabeth Schönbrunn 2022 as a whole (😂😭). Productions that remove Hass or end with a kiss-and-carry in DSF. Productions that remove the Mayerling kiss. Split young and older Elisabeth. Hungarian nationalism (sorry Hungarians I just think it's icky and sus considering the current political situation 😭), mostly when implying Rudolf was a Hungarian nationalist (it's more complicated than that). When actors who clearly don't understand the point of the role are cast as Rudolf...
For TdV: the cuts at the end of Vor dem Schloss. Just remove the best and most central part of the show will you ajjdkdkd... you come into my house and rob me...
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
Broadly in all fandoms - genderbends to make a ship straight (the fuck 😭 there are so many straight ships out there, why is this necessary).
Nurturing Todolf with no implicit ill intentions (I mean I guess I understand it, hurt/comfort is big in all fandoms, but for me it can easily be too much and I'll start getting bored and thinking about them scratching and gnawing at each other AJJDKDH).
Herbfr*d (I mean I think I understand it psychologically since I liked it as a teenager, it's mostly based on fanon anyway, but legit. Y'all need to go to church and start writing todolf fanfic AJDKKDKFKF, at least there they both like it. Though idk if it would be good considering common h*rbfred tropes and the reductiveness/OOCness of how Alfred is written in those fics 😭).
You thought I would mention el*satod and kr*lah here, didn't you 😂😂😂🤣😌 Well, I do understand them, I just don't myself tend to like them.
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
KKOG (melodically - levay how dare you). Nautilus das Abenteuermusical... there is no excuse...
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babymorte · 3 months
I've never played Resident Evil, what about it makes it so good for you? Is it mainly a nostalgia thing or themes/story are just something you're really into? Which one would you suggest someone play for their first one?
that’s honestly a really good question. i do think part of it is nostalgia because i watched my parents play the first two when i was little and they were some of the first games i ever played. i just thought the setting was cool and i loved killing the ‘monsters’. but when i was a little older and the first remake came out it just kind of captivated me. i got into horror really young so this was the first horror thing my parents actually let me have when i got it for my birthday that year. i guess it has a special place in my heart to an extent.
but like i could legitimately write a thesis on why i love these games there’s so much for me to talk about. like they’re just fun games. i just did a village run last night farming crystal skulls in village of shadows and just running around with the s.t.a.k.e and lining up headshots is SO satisfying. or doing an all rockets run. i just really love the process of unlocking the extra content. like with the old games you had to complete the game in a certain amount of time and not being able to use too many heals or saves if you wanted a high rank so i was always draw to the grind of working towards the s ranks cuz im a perfectionist 😅 but like learning the layouts and the muscle memory it kind of just made the games a part of me in a sense. like i feel at home when im playing resi.
the story’s kinda goofy but it’s in the best way possible and i just love the whole b.o.w bioterrorism thing because it technically could happen. like we’re not getting bandersnatches or hunters but like if there’s a fungus that can turn ants into zombies im sure someone can turn it into something dangerous 😅 but the locations are always top notch. like i remember the first time i played code veronica and when it panned to the ashford house for the first time my mouth dropped cuz it was so pretty and so cool (i mean i was a kid so easily impressed but you know 😅) capcom just knows how to make great settings. every resi game has an iconic location in it even the shitty ones. like dead aim’s cruise ship is a mix between the titanic and the ship from the cruise level in goldeneye like it’s so good. or rockfort island in code veronica like the mad doctor/eyeball section is actually horrifying. that shit sticks with you so tough BUT ITS SO GOOD. i mean even now with house beneviento and the giant fetus like that fetus is more iconic than lady d i think. which then leads into how iconic the enemies are like i was just saying yesterday that even though i have played resi games for literally as long as i can remember hunters and lickers STILL get to me. they give me such anxiety and once you hear their noises you know you’re in for a bad time. especially as someone who doesn’t usually kill things when playing and just runs trying to outrun either of them is legit horrifying. same with crimson heads like i don’t kill any zombies in the mansion of REmake because i never carry the fuel and i hate dealing with crimson heads 😂
i don’t know i could go on forever why i love these games honestly 😅
so as far as suggesting goes it depends on what your plays your is. i think the definitive experience is re4 remake because it blends new and old so perfectly. if you wanted just to try the old style tank controls then the original REmake is hands down the only one you really need to play if you don’t wanna get into the lore of it all. if you wanna play from the original trilogy i was say re2 because the og resi just doesn’t hold up like at all. but also re2 fixed everything wrong with the first one and brought on new innovations in videogames still utilised today. plus with the two interlocking storylines it’s so cool to see the paths cross and find out each character was doing while you were off doing your thing and how your choices affect your second play through. they did kind of the same thing when switching from clair to chris in code veronica where all items left in the chest at the end of you run as claire could be utilised by chris during his campaign like that’s so freaking cool and not enough games do that now. but yea it definitely depends on which type of resi you’re going for honestly but those are always my options for people wanting to get into them 🤩
also sorry it’s so long i don’t know how to be concise when it comes to resi 🤣
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mj-iza-writer · 1 year
Caretaker looked up in shock when Leader came into his clinic office, they were horrified when they saw Leader carrying something body shaped and wrapped in blankets.
They stood fast and rushed to prep the medical table, "who got injured?"
"No one on our team atleast", Leader carried the body to the table and laid it down, "we came across this injured soul, and no one remembers fighting them, so I have a feeling these injuries happened before we got there, I don't know by who though", Leader started to unravel the blankets, "I was hoping you could heal them since you are the best."
Caretaker instantly saw the uniform and turned their nose up at it, "I'm not touching that, that rat", he yelled.
"You have too, he's too weak to answer any of my questions for interrogation", Leader argued, "he doesn't seem to be a fighter, I've not had any issues with him yet."
Caretaker grumbled, "I can't believe you bring an enemy back here, and expect me to heal them. You should just go kill them and be done with it. That would be best thing for the world."
Leader looked down at the body, the boy's eyes were open. Fear was etched across his face.
"If you want to be that way fine. I'm not asking you anymore. I'm telling you.... heal him.... please", Leader winced, watching Caretaker's face grow angrier. "They look like a legit child."
"Fine, but he's getting strapped down to the table. I'm not taking any chances", Caretaker grumbled and pulled out some straps, "turn around and get stabbed all because you think this is a good idea "
Leader hid a smirk while they left, looking back one last time to the boy on the table, while Caretaker finished strapping him down. The boy seemed to be begging them to stay.
"I'll check back in after a while", Leader said as they left.
Caretaker started to assess the injuries, "you have definitely seen better days, this will take a while", Caretaker paused, "I want you to understand something, I don't care for you or your people, I don't want to know your name, you will be called 'It' in my presence. I'm only helping you because Leader had a moment of courage to talk to me like that. Do I make myself clear?"
It nodded in agreement, fear still etched on their face.
"What you can't talk, cat got your tongue", Caretaker reached for It's jaw and wiggled it to see if it was dislocated.
"No, not that", Caretaker muttered, then paused when It opened it's mouth. Shaken to the core, Caretaker took a flashlight and looked closer into It's mouth, "yo-you really don't have a tongue."
It shook it's head in agreement.
"Well alright then, I need to ask was that removed out of medical necessity or did it get removed against your will", Caretaker looked into It's eyes.
Caretaker heard a snapping sound, they turned their attention to It's fingers. It held two fingers up like that was the answer.
"Removed against your will?", Caretaker questioned.
It nodded again.
"Okay well I'm guessing you can't talk then at all", Caretaker frowned, "can you even drink and eat."
Caretaker watched various snaps and head nods.
"So you can't talk, you can somewhat eat and drink", Caretaker tried to confirm.
It nodded in agreement and made a couple grunts.
"You can vocalize a little as well?", Caretaker looked over the rest of the body.
Caretaker started to work on It's body, the boy had definitely been through a lot. Caretaker noticed though he was being more gentle then he originally intended.
It patiently allowed Caretaker to do what needed to be done, only moaning when the pain had reached higher levels.
Caretaker even found himself undoing the straps near the end.
"Only because I need to see your back", Caretaker stopped and sighed, "although, knowing how the rest of you looked, I can only imagine how your back is."
It groaned as Caretaker shifted them to a sitting position, their breathing was ragged.
"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm sorry, I'm sure your broken ribs hate this", Caretaker muttered.
It nodded in agreement.
"Your back is covered in fresh lashings", Caretaker examined it, "how are you still alive?"
It shrugged.
When all was done, Caretaker fell into his chair, sighing in relief. They noticed It was watching them from the table. A strange look across their face.
"Are you trying to say thankyou before you clonk out on me", Caretaker gave a small grin, "you look like you're about done."
It nodded in agreement.
"You're welcome. Go ahead and get some rest", Caretaker watched as It pointed at the straps, "no I won't strap you down, I honestly don't think you could try something if you wanted to."
Leader peaked in an hour later.
"You", Caretaker frowned and stepped towards them, "you owe me big time, that was a nightmare."
Leader frowned and looked at the boy, "did you kill them?"
"No, but I'm surprised It's still alive", Caretaker handed them a sheet of paper, "I wrote down everything I had to do for It."
The boy glanced over in their direction and gave a quick smirk.
"Wow, they are no longer strapped to the table either. Did you two become friends", Leader walked over to the boy.
"Out of pitty", Caretaker sighed, "you'll have to rethink your interrogation methods they don't have a tongue."
"Huh", Leader paused.
Caretaker held a flashlight near It's mouth, as It opened.
"No tongue, It says it was removed by force", Caretaker looked down at It.
It agreed.
Leader looked at the paper then at It. They were working through some shock now.
"Are you calling them It?", Leader suddenly realized, "how are you still alive", they looked over the paper.
"I kind of started off calling them It out of annoyance, then it pretty much stuck", Caretaker grinned, "honestly I have no idea how they are alive still."
It grinned and made a movement like it was writing on paper.
Leader handed them the back of the paper Caretaker had had, and pulled out a pen.
Caretaker grabbed a clip board so It could write on it.
"My name is Morgan, you can continue calling me It though, I don't mind. I am 20 years old. I was captured from my own people, forced to wear this uniform, and fight on their front line. They removed my tongue and beat me mercilessly. When I saw your people coming I surrendered hoping for help or death", they wrote.
"When did all of this happen?", the leader questioned.
"I've been with them for almost 2 years now, my tongue was removed early on, that way I couldn't talk. I have been constantly beaten throughout those two years. I've learned to explain myself through writing, grunting, snaps, and head nods", they wrote on the paper.
"I see", Leader sighed, "I will interrogate you in a while, is there anything you need?"
"If it's not to much bother can I have something to eat and some water?", Morgan wrote, "they've never been good at feeding me, but I haven't eaten for a few days."
"Yes, we can do that, I'll be right back", Leader paused, "is there anything you can't eat, you know, without your tongue."
Morgan smiled, "I have gotten pretty good at eating and drinking without it, I just require your patience as I do so."
Caretaker frowned at Morgan, "why didn't you ask for a pen and paper earlier instead of being verbally abused by me?"
Morgan smiled up at Caretaker, then started to write, "I would have been too weak to write. Plus, I could see your disgust for the people this uniform represents, I didn't want to be a bother or make you even madder.'
"Well now I feel terrible for how I acted towards you", Caretaker looked at all of the wounds, "I definitely didn't help an already terrible situation."
Morgan shook their head no, and started to write, "from what I have suffered with those people I can understand your disgust with them. You helped me, even if you were forced to, you took care of everything, and I know there was a lot."
Caretaker read the note, "there was definitely a lot."
Leader came back with a tray of food, "I'm sorry that took a while, everyone had questions about you. The tongue thing is really getting people", Leader sighed, "you'll probably have everyone ask to see."
Morgan smiled and held their thumbs up.
They took the tray and started to eat.
Caretaker and Leader watched in amazement as they ate and drank without a tongue. Small bites, head tilt forward for chewing, then tilt back to swallow. Drinking same thing, small sips, tilt back to swallow.
"Honestly never something I've thought about, but I couldn't imagine", Leader stated.
Caretaker nodded in agreement.
Morgan began to write on the paper, then handed it to Leader.
"A lot of trial and error, you have to really build up your throat muscles. Also, almost drowning yourself several times teaches you small bites."
Leader and Caretaker grinned at the note. Morgan gave them a smile as well.
"Well I guess our prisoner is becoming a house guest until we figure out this war thing", Leader rubbed his head. "No since in taking him back, he could get stolen again and killed, I don't want that", Leader glanced at Morgan, "are you okay with staying here?"
Morgan nodded and reached for the paper, "yes sir, I can help as much as possible. Even once I've healed more, I can join your fight. I would be honored."
Caretaker sighed, "that might be a while, I guess It is going to be my problem for a while then."
Leader and Morgan grinned at each other, then at Caretaker.
"I think so, Caretaker", Leader sighed, "I think so."
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hopeymchope · 5 months
anon is misunderstanding or misinterpreting ym ask, I never at all expressed happiness over fuyuhiko's attempted suciide. In fact, it's the opposite. I was horrified at that scene and the mere idea or fact that saionji almost caused him to kill himself for real. fuyuhiko was a horrible person, but he did not deserve that. Besides, unlike hiyoko, he actually faced the consequences of his actions in a very brutal way and he chose to take a step back and realize how fucked up his murder was.
Note: This is a response to this other anon-sent ask.
Thank you kindly for responding to that other anon and clarifying your original ask.
Y'know, we've all kinda glossed over the fact that Fuyuhiko didn't actually kill Mahiru. He didn't even ask/order Peko to do so. Peko took that action on her own as part of her identity as his bodyguard (and someone who clearly loved him). And though I suppose that was because Fuyuhiko was about to do it just because he was pissed off that Mahiru dared to lecture him about revenge being wrong or whatever. Still, the fact remains that Hiyoko can't really scream at/blame the person most directly responsible.
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"...but like, lethally."
Let's dig deeper into the Hiyoko/Fuyuhiko/Peko/Mahiru drama with some additional asks, shall we?
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Did she have a right to be mad? Yeah, she does. Because Fuyuhiko was going to kill Mahiru for absolutely no good reason. So, sure. He was prepared to become a murderer for "revenge"... even though Fuyuhiko is apparently too stupid to realize that the Twilight Syndrome game clearly indicates he ALREADY got revenge on the person who killed his sister! That really makes his elaborate revenge plan look misguided from the jump. It's like he just wants to lash out at SOMEBODY because he saw that photo of dead Natsumi and had to learn for the first time — the second first time due to them losing their previous memories — that she'd been killed.
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"'Because if so, I'll 'E' you next... wait."
Fuyuhiko was still in full acting-like-a-little-shit mode at this point in the story, so I guess him constantly lashing out and being quick to anger is pretty par for the course. But his anger at Mahiru for daring to suggest that maybe murder is bad is pretty much what got Mahiru murdered. That's plenty of reason to be pissed at him. And it's not like Peko is around for Hiyoko to blame anymore... so yeah, I get why she's pissed at Fuyuhiko.
Do I think the fact that she's an awful bully somehow strips her of the right to be upset that someone else was murdered? No, I don't think that way. I think they're separate issues. Just because Hiyoko doesn't have much moral high ground to stand on doesn't mean she can't still be upset over someone getting killed. Although I'm not necessarily defending telling someone else to kill themselves, either... that shit is pretty extreme. I would agree that she doesn't have the right to be saying that, because damn near nobody should be saying shit like that.
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That's up to interpretation, but I think when he charged in to try and protect Peko, he was already willing to die to save her. And then he fails... which naturally fills him with a big dose of despair. Since sacrificing himself was already on his mind AND his body was already pretty fucked up from his failed protection effort, I suspect it wasn't too big a leap for him to go from there to "fuck it, maybe I should just die for inspiring Peko's actions, getting her and Mahiru killed, etc."
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And yet? I personally think most people who commit or try to commit suicide are likely to feel a screaming desire to stop it once they truly start dying. Because we all have inherent self-preservation instincts. So I bet there legit was a horrifying realization moment that accompanied the moment he felt himself slicing into his own side.
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I'd like to think that if Fuyuhiko truly died, she'd definitely have a mental break over it. I don't believe Hiyoko's actually a full-on sociopath, y'know? Actually causing a death with her words would probably (hopefully?) put her through the mental wringer and hopefully generate some kind of self-reflection. I'm sure she'd struggle and try to deny any culpability at first, getting pissed at the suggestion that it was her fault. But I don't think she'd be able to run from the guilt forever. It might not be easy for her to change, but I imagine she'd come out the other side of her breakdown acting at least somewhat better on some level.
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imagine-darksiders · 2 years
I'm now realizing I don't think I actually ever commented on your fics, but I also am Lazy and don't want to go and comment on every chapter of each of your fics [today. I'll do it someday, but I am small and tired today.], so imma just do one big rant. Fics in order of as I remember it lol
Old Timer: I read this fic a while after reading Displaced, and it's what kicked me into reading all your stories lol. The whole concept is so interesting, and I love how you portray Eidard and the other Makers. [Also bear supremacy thank you for your service.]
Displaced: This is the fic that introduced me to you. I had No Fucking Clue what Darksiders was, but I loved your story so much that I kept looking into it and ended up buying the game when I happened to see Strife on a cover a few months later. I love this fic sm. It hits all the perfect spots and I kept thinking about what would happen after the fic, even now.
Exposure Therapy: This one's solidly up there as one of my favorites. The tension you build in it is immaculate, and it feels so grounded. Like, yes! This is a city and people recovering from a world-altering apocalypse! Every bit of this fic is amazing, but the scene where Y/n overcomes her fear to be kind and extend her friendship to Strife is just,, perfect. [IT DELETED THIS AND I HAD A WHOLE THING IM PISSED. >:(]
Hollow: This fic was so cute and so sweet that I physically couldn't stop reading. The dialouge felt so natural but also comfortable, in a way. And as someone who works with kids, yeah the kid was Fuckin Cute. And them leaving was so bittersweet and I loved it.
Haven: AAAAHHH THIS ONE. THIS ONE MADE ME AN ULTHANE SIMP. Every moment of this fic is just,, MWAH. The beginning feels so horrifying, and I legit was terrified for the kids, even if I knew you wouldn't kill them off like that. I actually ended up taking the extra safety course at my work because of this fic, I kept thinking about all the kids that come through, and kept linking it back to that scenario. Ulthane is,, the Best in this fic istg. From protecting them on the way to the tree, to fixing the glasses, just,,, WAAHHH I LOVE HIM
A Mortals Coil: Ok, I didn't feel good after this one, but in a good way. The scenario is perfectly grounded, and even though I knew it was coming, I choked up a little when the kid finally died. The grief, the desperation, and even the anger was so wonderfully conveyed that I had to go read fluff fics so I could sleep without feeling that weight on my chest. Just, fucking kudos on that one.
Guardian: I desperately need to reread this one, but I remember loving all the character dynamics and fluff, and tension at the climax when I first read it. May not remember details, but I get a fuzzy happy feeling whenever I think about it, so it must be good lol
I genuinely squeal like a little kid getting a Mega Sundae and a puppy whenever I see this update. The tension when they first meet, the slow acceptance, the Holy Shit Friendship??, everything. I love their first meeting, and how strong y/n is for holding their ground, but also how sweet the scene where he let's her clean him up is. And these past few chapters had me SCREAMING to my siblings about it. Every character, every moment, every SCENE feels simultaneously so amazing and beautiful, yet somehow perfectly grounded in reality. Whenever I read it, I feel like I'm going to get a news article on whatever happened that chapter. It's just,, AMAZING.
Dude, you just made me go back and re-read most of these, and I wrote them! I can't believe someone would like them that much! Thank you so much for commenting about all of them, omg!! <3
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cryptidofthekeys · 1 year
Pizza Tower, huh? I don’t know anything about it, but the characters seem really cool. I like that The Noise character is based of the Domino’s Noid. The Noid is a big favorite, so it made me smile when I found out about this. Still don’t know much about Fake Peppino though. Would you mind telling me more about him?
I think The Noise is very scrunkly, I've seen images bout Domino's Noid but other than that I have,, no idea anything about the creacher (my first reaction to him was O H... WH...WHAT IS THAT... B E A S T?)
Also honestly,, I saw a bit of Pizza Tower before, didn't expect to get into it at all,, but then I saw Fake Peppino and just INSTANTANEOUSLY b o o m- bc of course,, my dumbass would grow attached to that
fjgkdlgfjdfls I gotta put a read more on this
Honestly? I'll spare you from me gushing about Feppino (I call him Fakey, Feppi, or Feppino) ...if I don't do this and I start gushing about- I'm sorry in advance but all I know in his canon is just that,, he's a clone of Peppino
He VERY much seems to wanna act like him in every way possible, copying him as much as he can ...But also VERY much failing to copy any sorta humanity, I mean considering he speaks backwards and just what kind of amalgamation he CAN turn into (via the chase sequence)
he's not... The best at imitating humans ...Although I do love the irony in the motto one of his signs has 'Nothing Compares' gotta love the irony of that being attached to a clone
Honestly,, I see two different sides of Feppi's portrayal fgjkdjfds I've seen people make him the most fucking terrifying thing you've ever seen or could see, body horror galore, abomination that by all means SHOULD N O T exist but does
and then, hehehe b-big froggie <3 just a silly goofy funky guy who honestly doesn't seem to mean any genuine harm, he's just happy to be here tbh
me personally I am BOTH sides- I think he can be both the most horrifying abomination and also just a silly big guy- SOMETIMES he just gets in a silly goofy mood! fgkdjgdkfs I fucking adore Feppino thoughu v much,, he uh... actually He's one of my comfort characters ngl gfkdjgdfls
I have noticed some interesting things about ''his'' restaurant in the canon game- I remember the sign saying 'Bruno's Pizza' which honestly makes me curious,, was it just a clone that was made to resemble Peppino's likeness in the first place?
Was Bruno just some dude who owned the restaurant and Feppino kinda... ya know, came and took over
. . .
Was H E Bruno who got turned into a fucking horrifying amalgamation of a being that's now trying to impersonate Peppino? ...Me personally- ngl,, while I like everyone's theories n shit on Feppi about being Bruno
I kinda just like the thought of Feppino n o t being created by Pizzahead (...I think that was his name,, you'd think I could remember a clown themed character's name oofy) or anything like that- I like the thought of him just existing in general
like,, he was just a fucking creature who saw Peppino first more than likely and decided t h i s... This is the form I'll take <3 like he is just some weird,, monstrous creature (eldritch horror, alien, whatever) who is incredibly fascinated with humans (like with p much EVERYTHING they do) he found a form he liked, and now it wants to p much just imitate humans, specifically Peppino
But that's uh besides the point fgjdkjfsk the short version of this is just: hehe Fake Peppino is just a silly goofy big guy
I guess for my OWN cents added in,, I usually use He/It pronouns on Feppino, and also legit gfjkdhgdfks ngl I have like- well one: Crossover with Spooky Month bc I looked at this creachur and said hm,, CC would like this dude-
and 2: Literally have a fuckin,, Pizza Tower OC that I put with him (it's an AU branching off from the canon for said OC fjdkjghdfskd)
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Kotomine kirei for the ask meme
Hi anon, thank you for the ask! Whoa this is cool. I've never gotten a Kirei request before. This will make for a good challenge as I don't know quite so much about this guy.
Edit: This was so difficult. I am so satisfied with canon Kirei that I haven't got many headcanons for him at all...
Sexuality Headcanon: I have no clue to be honest, though he did attempt a happy(?) marriage with his now deceased wife Claudia Hortensia, had his interesting obsession with Kiritsugu- and whatever spicy shenanigans he had going on with Gilgamesh during the fourth to fifth grail wars.... I cannot determine a clear sexuality headcanon for Kotomine Kirei.
I admit, I did assume he was more on the asexual spectrum when I first saw him in Fate/Zero, but after seeing some more fate stuff I legit have no clue anymore. I feel like there is so many complex nuances to what draws Kirei to certain types that I am not quite sure what his sexuality could be headcanoned as.
Gender Headcanon: I don't have any gender headcanons for Kirei, I feel like Kirei is very much who he is; especially by the dawn of Fate Stay Night in which he seems very comfortable as to how he identifies himself.
A ship: oooh Kotogil that ship is evil men supreme, absolutely hedonistic and sadistic ship where all desires converge and meld together into a thrilling rhapsody of pleasure! ABSOLUTELY LOVE THAT DYNAMIC! Also I ship him with Kiritsugu mainly because I loved their final battle in Fate/Zero, as well as their contrasting ideals. That fight was incredible, one of my favorites of all time. Posts that call Kiritsugu Kirei's 'manic pixie dream bf' make me chuckle so hard because Kirei really was searching for something in that guy, and I feel like in a ship, that would be incredible to explore in further detail.
I don't have many Kirei ships, but I'm open to others as well! Like him and Kariya can be interesting to see just for the multilayered chaos that can be unleashed from such a pairing.
A NOTP: I have a few but mainly because I don't really like the massive age differences that are a feature of some Kirei ships. I think Kirei is a twisted guy. Ah, I also am not a fan of Bazett x Kirei solely because of how exactly their dynamic ended; it was shocking and heartbreaking what happened between them! (I see no issue with people liking Kirei x Bazett though, it's just not for me personally).
A BROTP: I feel like there are many possible exciting BROTP for Kirei, especially with FGO Rasputin now joining the team. Yeah I don't have any specific names in mind, I'm pretty neutral on this front. Would Angra and Kirei become friends? I am very curious about that.
A random headcanon: I don't really have any for Kirei, I am not sure why but I am so content with how he is in canon that I haven't got more to suggest for him. I guess he would love events like the 'geki kara (super spicy) food festival' mainly just to horrify others and cause a massive sense of unease as they watch him suffer over all of the sulfur level hot dishes and then derive pleasure from it.
General Opinion over said character: Kotomine Kirei is INCREDIBLE. What an amazing character. He is evil in nature yet tried so hard to exemplify 'good' and be something that he was not; even being able to understand the ins and outs of the concept of good; as a man with incredible moral understanding yet who packs a nature that juxtaposes so severely with his moral wisdom that he just leaves me SPEECHLESS. And then once Kirei adopts his true self, he truly flourishes (at the cost of everyone else's sense of safety and security). And then they make his magic of a HEALING TYPE and he recites PRAYERS whilst doing fucked up things I mean to me that's one of the coolest character archetypes EVER!!! Kirei is so terrible that he goes right back round to being a top-tier, brilliant character who never ceases to surprise, shock and amaze me.
HE IS ONE OF MY ALL TIME FAV ANTAGONISTS!!! His character arcs, development and personality are just so well written. I feel like Nasu and Takeuchi really popped off when they made this guy.
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claire-starsword · 1 year
The Guardiana Magic School Run - Part 8
Well, last time was tough, but at least now we get to chill on a little sea voyage.
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Except of course we don't. Let's go beat up some zombies instead I guess.
Sadly, the chapter ends as soon as we finish Shade Abbey, so this is our last chance to buy stuff. I still don't have enough money for the Zombie Charmer nor got to win it in yesterday's disaster bonus, but I don't care much. Everyone is hitting hard enough in this team by now, my worries for the next battle are all defense-wise. The Charm Ring will not help because none of the enemies use magic, but it's our last chance to buy them so I'll get a last one anyway. It goes to Gong because I'm still mad. I did check the deals section beforehand, there's nothing new.
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The bonus is just money so it's not that pressing, but (hubris incoming) eight turns does not sound like much in a tiny battlefield like this.
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Max being alone there worries me little because he's overpowered. Anri and Arthur starting in the front though is a horrifying sight. Thankfully we're all faster than the enemies.
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See, there's no need to worry.
Also I just remembered Max is already up for promotion, I honestly have no clue if it's better or not to delay his promotion or whatever, I tend to just promote people whenever they start finding weapons that require promotion. Spellcasters however have a problem in this version that I'll explain later when we aren't, you know, in the middle of battle.
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"Yes, we can always make time for a lesson."
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"But let's clean up the classroom first."
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I'm curious as to how much the Zombie Charmer would be doing, but as you can see the Power Staff is doing just fine.
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This guy however is hopeless. Jk, the skeletons do have greater defense. And he's only 3 exp away from his first level up, so any scratch counts. And he indeed gets it next turn, honestly there's not much else to talk about, this battle is super easy compared to the last one, Max isn't talking much damage even when poisoned, and the enemies are downright turning to avoid other characters sometimes, it's ridiculous.
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Arthur's level up gives him +0 attack and +0 defense.
sigh. we have a long way to go with this guy.
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In the meanwhile Tao continues to have so much fun. The skeletons only take 6 damage though, so there's definitely some resistance afoot despite the game not showing it. Usually that's the case for elemental resistances, but that's weird since fire is often advertised as the element good against undead.
We're at turn 5 and only the Ghoul is left.
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Max clearly won't have any trouble unless this thing has absurd attack or something. He also levels up, but gets very little stat increase. I feel Max should be promoted early because his epic level ups have chilled by now.
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Which feels weird, because you can see growth rates in this version and, aren't the attack/defense/speed ones implying they grow better at late levels? That's kinda the opposite of what's happening.
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Hey, that's more than I expected! Despite being the boss, the Ghoul still has less defense than Skeletons. Arthur gets another level up for his efforts, gaining +1 defense.
Like, just that. 1 stat point. Oh Arthur.
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Again his curves imply the opposite of a late bloomer to me, either I'm messing up badly at reading these or there's something wack here.
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Also I forgot the Ghoul could do this. This man can't catch a break, but I was actually gonna let others get the exp anyway. Sleep man. Dream of better boats.
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Hey, again with this! Stop lying to me about resistances! (Anri used Blaze 1 here).
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Because of this nonsense, it takes an extra turn for Anri and Arthur to finish off this guy, but we still get the clear bonus with a turn to spare, because we're that awesome.
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Anri also reclaims a relic of Guardiana from the undead forces. I'm legit wondering if he's the only one to drop this, in which case it's very interesting, is this guy supposed to be the real priest? I'd expect zombies to be made from older corpses. Though there was a whole line of Anri relatives buried here anyway. Why am I discussing lore in the middle of a challenge run, see this is what happens when the battle is too easy.
Let's move on, not that there's much else here, we say hi to Amon and Balbaroy and head to Bustoke, ending the chapter. I find it kinda weird that Balbaroy says "let us know when you're ready" but you're not given a chance to get back to town. Feels bad.
But in the end it's good that the post is short so far. We have business elsewhere after all.
And that business deserve it's own post actually. See you soon :)
Losses: 0 Deaths: 2 The expected deaths on Narsha interludes: 0/3
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Let's Rewind! Toast watches Voltron: Defender of The Universe (1984)
Season 1, Episode 5: The Princess Joins Up
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Just from the episode title alone, I know my boy Sven is about to be tossed out like TRASH
I wonder what Zarkon wants with Allura, Lotor hasn't been introduced yet so maybe just a political prisoner or something
All the guards and prisoners are like ??? because haggar swears she'll upgrade the winner of this next gladiator fight so they can go against voltron if they didn't push the "all the soldiers were robots not people" narrative so much I'd agree but one of them asked how she could improve robots,, many ways sir and it's worse because she uses magic
Again some of these robeast and alien designs are so cool, very creative and reminds me biology is a suggestion when it comes to making a new species
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A look into haggar lab, interesting actually it's just being used as a torture chamber where she infuses magic into them while they're still awake to feel the pain, horrifying
On Arus again, now it's the team calling out to the remaining Arusians into the tunnel to give them safety in the castle AND LANCE ALMOST FALLS OFF A CLIFF, GREAT START It's ok Keith grabs him before he dies
Pidge and Hunk are also trying to convince some people to come by, too bad their main selling point is wanting their cooking because it doesn't work with them either
I couldn't find a gif of the team sitting on this brick wall which I thought was super cute, and I don't want to screenshot that rn, so now it's up to imagination but fr trust me the team are all cuties
"I hate to give [Allura] the bad news :(" to "Sorry! No one wants to help!" PIDGE A LITTLE MORE TACT PLEASE LMAO
Something interesting, Hunk points out that they can't use Voltron to outright attack Zarkon and Allura agrees because he's a defender Knowing that they defeat everyone at the end after outright attacking castle doom, it seems kind of ironic BUT ALSO in Voltron Force (2011) we get an episode that revisits this legit subject and answers why or why not that would change That'll be a fun episode to review when I get to it
Again why would he want Princess Allura so bad, political prisoner is my best idea here This is probably where the Keith/Allura shipping started because after Coran mentions that Keith is super quick to threaten violence against the guy if he tries to touch her I mean ignoring the fact that it's one of the more obvious pairings lol
An attack! And they destroyed that satellite dish thing that Sven and Allura just finished building, rip
They routinely call the lions "space lions" which I guess makes sense but if Earth or at least the GG have been in contact with aliens for god knows how long it feels like it's kind of redundant to specifically say they're from space
Again with the GoLion references, I don't remember it being this abundant it's just them saying the name GoLion btw, nothing subtle LMAO
This week's robeast is called the Dieklops! They named this one pretty well, so there's some hope for the future, This one is heavier than the last one at only 4100 short tons!
I like to think that the team fights in the lions first before forming Voltron because they're trying to see what it can do, and it's a lot easier to annoy a robeast into showing its cards when there's more of you
Activate interlocks, dynotherms connected, infracells up, mega thrusters are go! They finally did the chant this time! Maybe it's because I religiously rewatch Voltron Force (2011) but I expected them to say "Let's go voltron force!" but instead they just shouted Voltron that's ok too I guess
I didn't comment on the transformation sequence last time, but it's pretty cool because it reminds me of some frankenstein's monster type stuff especially because there are a lot of electricity crackles and zaps seen and heard when voltron forms
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Ok but actually though that's a really interesting landscape near the castle, pretty secure in case of ground attacks but what about when natural disasters hit? It probably isn't that safe
I know the show just pulls phrases out of its ass to sound futuristic but "nucleonic circut" is wild
Alfor CREATED voltron?? Again I'm twisting it to my own version because I can't trust them telling a linear story here, but my thinking is that after Voltron was officially split into five, Alfor later discovered them and had them slowly rebuilt as mechs which is why they form like this now
Man these guys suck at dodging
oh shit now the castle is getting taken apart I know what happens next but it's still wild
I think it's a nice touch that Voltron has expressions whenever he fights, kind of hints at his magical nature even though in this show they're just treated as machines and nothing more
Alfor ex machina returns and confirmation that Zarkon is the one who killed Alfor
Goodbye decrepit old castle of Arus, hellooo new futuristic version!
OH SHIT WATCH OUT ALLURA STAYS STRAPPED ok maybe I was wrong about this episode being the one where Sven gets nerfed
Robeast is defeated but as Allura monologues they show a slide show of all the lions with their pilots on top, except the first one we see is blue and Allura on top lol that must've been weird for kids who saw it air
Episode end! Another short one it feels like, or is it because it was such a simple premise This is the last one for tonight, and hopefully I'll be able to do one tomorrow, but it's my busiest day of the week :/
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atopearth · 1 year
Diabolik Lovers: Haunted Dark Bridal Part 1 - Sakamaki Ayato Route
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Just to start off, I watched a bit of the Diabolik Lovers anime and kinda liked it but also felt it was a bit weird, so I thought I would try out the game instead! I really love the art, so I just had to try the story again, especially since all the guys are hot haha. Btw, since the game is in Japanese, I have been reading it with a translation on the side haha. I try to read it with my own skills but some things are just too hard haha. Anyway, man, this feels like a horror game for the poor girl lmao. Not only does Yui get abandoned by her father for "her sake" but she's told to go to a haunted house to see some relatives that will take care of her?? I wonder if the dad is on this, like why couldn't he take her along and why is she being sent to these suspicious vampire men? OMG, I was like is Ayato's VA who I think it is, and of course it is Midorikawa Hikaru!! I love him already. Lmao I was wondering what "chichinashi" was when Ayato referred to her as that but it actually means titless🤣 He's such an ass to keep repeating that she has no breasts lol. Laito just licked Yui?? Omggg lol. Anyway, I forgot about Laito always referring to her as bitch-chan, so now I'm annoyed with him but also dead at how silly it sounds😂 Omg Kanato's appearance is legit terrifying. His eyes look so soulless, I am scared.
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AHHH, I heard about the binaural audio or dummy head microphone thing about this game so I've been trying it out with earphones and I felt so violated with the licking noises LOL. Kanato is so creepy, he makes me so scared lmao😂 The way he talked to his teddy bear? Legit horrifying🥲 Ummm, did Reiji just say it's okay to cook Yui? Plz. I mean, Reiji is hot and if he says he'll whip Yui for not explaining why she's here... I'm in for it😂 I'm sorry, I'm trash too😂 Anyway, Yui has some spunk even though she's even more terrified after discovering that they're vampires. I felt so bad for her when she tried to run away but got caught and then had her mobile phone broken by Subaru. I think the saddest thing is that her dad really meant to leave her here (according to Shuu). So...we have to pick who she'll give her blood to and that's the route we'll end up on? Well, Ayato it is! I am terrified of Kanato saying he'll cut Yui up if we don't pick him, and I don't know what we'll regret about not choosing Laito but from my perspective, Ayato seems the most normal. I hope he is anyway... Well, glad to see Shuu tell them that they're not allowed to kill Yui because of whoever in the church that is related to this?🥲 Lol at Ayato teasing Yui for being scared of the lights going out and thinking a ghost would come out. He refers to himself as Ayato-sama to her hahaha, I guess he does just view her as food.. On one hand, I feel very sorry for Yui because Ayato biting her must hurt, but on the other hand, I cannot resist Midorikawa Hikaru's voice so yes pls. Ooh I didn't realise that they're not proper routes but more like short events or scenarios? Interesting. I legit can't. The binaural audio with earphones really feels like Ayato is speaking straight into my head LOL, it's so good and so disturbing at the same time hahaha. Lmao when Yui was worried about Ayato getting poisoned as well when she thought a poisonous bat scratched her and Ayato sucked her blood. On the other hand, the sucking noises with binaural audio is a whole new experience, I recommend everyone to listen to it at least once in their lives🤣
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Well, I thought Ayato was just going to play a nice prank where he scares Yui with a wax doll but omg when he tried to drip wax on her body so she can become a wax doll too, like dude hold up please. LMAO when Ayato stole Yui's notebook to try and force her to go home so he can drink her blood, and she distracts him by saying there's a big breasts beauty in the hallway, and he even believes it enough that Yui gets her notebook back🤣🤣🤣 At least he's got the decency to take her back after sucking so much blood from her, but I'm seriously lowering my standards for Ayato aren't I?🤣 Ayato licking the wound on Yui's knee so that none of her blood gets wasted was nicee, lmao when he tried to move her skirt out of the way and lick her thighs because he was "bored" of her knee🤣 Omg, what did he use on Yui to make her burn up and feel light headed! Anyway, I guess I should be throwing all my morals out for this game because dang, when he kissed her cheeks and asked if it felt good, I swooned🤣 OMG BINAURAL AUDIO IS SO DANGEROUS. Ayato whispering in my ear saying he can't hold back is not what I was expecting, omg, my heart. Nice to know how interested he is in Yui now though haha. The kisses omgggg!! I mean yeah, this game is very iffy when it comes to consent and toxic men but I find it very refreshing hahaha. I mean, I can't resist Ayato saying he'll take all of Yui's first times and I love how unrelenting he was when it came to teasing her with kisses lol. Well, I was going to say Ayato's mother (Cordelia) looks hot, which she does but dang does she seem kinda crazy. But then again, who isn’t crazy in this game?
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Lmao when Yui said should she act like she dislikes him drinking her blood if that's what makes him happy🤣 Yui really is too sweet and naive lol. The moment Ayato took the dog collar off the dog, I knew he was going to put it on Yui and tell her to be his dog lmao. I lovee the kitchen scene!! It was so cute how he kept kissing her and kept wanting her attention when she was cooking lmao. One of the rare times he's actually cute and honest, and omgg Ayato's favourite food is takoyaki! I approve. Loll when he bit another girl just because he wanted to see Yui's reaction. Honestly, even though we know this relationship is toxic, I admit that the thought of Ayato going to another girl for blood made me sad too. OMG IT'S THE THING OF NIGHTMARES! Legit wanted to freak out with that sideways pose Kanato makes, it's so creepy omg. Okay, it's nuts but I love it. Binaural audio of Midorikawa Hikaru saying "you belong to me/you're mine" is just the besttt👌👌👌 My heart omg. Ohhh dangg, they actually did it omggg?! Lmao when he was holding himself back from drinking her blood because she's weak right now so he poured honey on her instead and started licking her lmao. Ayato was so mean when he handcuffed her and left her in a dark underground sewer all by herself for a while! She would be relieved and happy to see anyone after that! WOW, what a jerk LMAO, I legit laughed (I’m sorry) when Ayato pushed Yui into the lake because she was focused on looking for shooting stars and wasn't giving him enough attention, what a guy man. Honestly, it's pretty hilarious how jealous Ayato can get, I do feel bad for Yui but it is cute in its own way. Does Yui have Cordelia's heart or something? Is that why Ayato thinks their blood tastes the same? Just when you think Ayato is nice, he gets a bit more nuts and starts using a knife to slowly cut her for blood because biting her apparently isn't as exciting anymore lolll.
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Well, the first ending is rather tame. How interesting that Richter was the one who put Cordelia's heart into Yui. Whether he did that because he wanted Cordelia to live on somehow or because he wanted to spite Ayato's father, the vampire king or whatever, who knows I guess. Does Richter have a route though? I like him, well his face😅 Dang, that after story with Yui wanting Ayato to bite her everywhere and even wanting him to bite her ring finger so that his mark will always be there. Lmao that they were doing that in the lounge ignoring everyone around them haha! Lolll when she asked Laito for recommendations for presents to give to a guy and he's like their girlfriend's underwear, this wild man🤣 On the other hand, it's nice to see how concerned and worried Ayato is running around looking for Yui. Honestly, I'm sure Yui could just say she went shopping and he wouldn't even realise it's for his birthday lol, but I guess drama is drama. I can't even blame Ayato for getting annoyed considering his personality alongside Laito just constantly causing trouble lol. I wanted to tear up when Yui bit her own finger not wanting the mark of her being his to fade. OMG, Ayato actually apologised to Yui and kissed her finger for misunderstanding her when she was just trying her best to give him a surprise birthday present. That's so cute, really didn't expect the apology haha! It is illegal for Ayato to blush!! He's so cute when he blushes!! So adorable to see how he happy he was to receive the Ruby earring from Yui. Oh, and a man that's willing to eat a smashed up cake that fell on the floor for you is a 10/10! He may be toxic but he's such a sweet guy when it counts! Well transferring cake mouth-to-mouth certainly sounds hot! I approve. The cake probably won't really taste that good though haha. Okay, the sadistic ending was very not nice lol! He killed all the vampires and Yui has basically become his doll, yeah... I guess the other one isn't any better hahah. It broke my heart to see the guys try and take advantage of Yui and suck her blood when Ayato was gone, I felt so bad for her. I felt so relieved for her when Ayato came back, and I honestly loved how angry he was at the guys and how protective he was over her. Considering how he can be, him disinfecting her body with his kisses and then hugging her when she was scared was sweet.
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Overall, Ayato was better than I thought he would be! Yeah, he was crazy possessive at times (most of the time) and he doesn't listen to Yui when she says she's anemic and needs rest, but he's also very gentle when he wants to be. I loved it when he hugged her to reassure her that he's the one with her in the heaven scenario and when he apologised to her after misunderstanding her on his birthday?? Such improvement, I wanted to cry. But yeah, then there's times he'll push her into the lake because she's not giving him the attention he wants lmao. It's such a rollercoaster, I love it. It's even better that he's voiced by Midorikawa Hikaru because that instantly makes Ayato 1000x better hahaha, I just love how sensually he talks into your ear with the binaural audio haha! Anyway, Ayato was cuter than expected, and I guess you'll like him if you like men who are possessive and a bit childish in that aspect of you needing to give him all your attention all the time lol. I’m definitely all in on this ride of Diabolik Lovers. It’s so rare to find men so unapologetically toxic LOL. Every now and then I just need this toxicity injected into my veins HAHA.
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cosmicjoke · 2 years
Mappa really went “hell ya” with the new Aot episode. I really loved it. The rumbling animation and tone are exactly on point. I wasn’t ready to see Hange’s death. It was brutal. Hange really did the best they could and I am very proud of them. Some of the fans on Twitter are calling out Hange’s death as suicide and TikTok fans are legit defending Eren’s actions.? It’s really horrifying. And, the alliance landing on the founding titan? That animation is truly fantastic
I know, wasn't it amazing!? I'm still thinking about it three days later. It just blew me away, the way they nailed the bleak and horrifying tone of what Eren was doing. And then the heartbreak and heroism of Hange's sacrifice, Levi's loss of his last, close friend, and the finality of it all. I couldn't have been happier with MAPPA's work.
Man though, these people on twitter and other platforms are so stupid and obtuse. Hange didn't want to die. It's clear from their fear right before taking off that they didn't want to. Hange did what they did out of a sense of duty and responsibility, not because they wanted to end it. And I guess there's always going to be freak shows who defend Eren, though how in god's name you could after seeing the brutality and tragedy of the Rumbling, especially the horror of it with MAPPA's gorgeous and haunting animation, is beyond me. No one in their right mind could look at that and think it was anything but evil. And that was Isayama's intention. It's just sad that such a pertinent and sincere story as AoT has a certain faction of the fandom which is made up of idiots and lunatics. But luckily, they're in the minority. I think most fans of AoT understand what the story is about, and appreciate it and love it for that.
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liopleurodean · 5 months
Season 12, Episode 15: Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell
Demons and hellhounds today
And Lucifer
Sheridan is WAY up in the panhandle. Near Carhenge!
Get off your phone, man
Aaand... BAM! Death
Aw, cute
No, now I don't want them to die 😭
Don't split up
Classic sock
Run away. Run away right now
Hellhound gone rogue?
HAH Lucille 😂
Dude, seriously, what happened to the germophobia?
I didn't want to know that
I'm pretty sure it does
Make art, apparently
Dean, please, be true to your character
Bobo Berens save me
Dagon, probably
Are they playing Christmas music?
Conspiracy nut
A lot of things could get through that
The Queen...
Poor Cas
Dude is seriously out of touch
Kelly Kline
Angel blades
He saw plenty
No, demonic
More like a hellhound
She's probably right
Poor girl
Sounds legit
I guess
Except for the fact that the hellhound is still around
Ginger Baker and Eric Clapton were members of British rock band Cream, known for songs like 'Crossroads' and 'Born Under a Bad Sign'. Eric Clapton (yes, *that* Eric Clapton) was part of the Yardbirds with Jimmy Page before he formed Led Zeppelin.
Bad idea, Sam
And they let the dog in
That's horrifying
Poor girl
Well, he got it
Ah, yes, the dog symbolism
Unfortunately, I don't think so
A muzzle?
Dang it, I was gonna say that
Maybe not hard to explain
Nice, Dean
Sounds like Crowley needs a competent assistant
"not Moose"
This is great
Oh boy
Of course not
Dean's over it
His name is Kelvin?
Probably not
That might do it
Yeah, I guess
They're stupid
Huh. Slightly smarter than anticipated
Sounds like a plan
He's talking about the car
Wait oh my gosh you're saying that MY INCORRECT QUOTE IS REAL 😭😭😭
Nice, Crowley
This is really funny
Jesus style
For who?
That's actually believable
A family that hates him? I don't know
He does not care
Called it
He's weird
Dean in glasses you will always be famous to me <3
Keep telling yourself that
He does that all the time
Same, Dean 😂
You don't have anything to be sorry about
Or maybe she does
There's Marcus
Aw, girl...
There she is
Aw, Baby!!!
Oh boy
Nice, Sam
Knew it
Aw, cute
Hah, yeah
I think she'll be okay
What just happened?
Maybe not that last bit
Aw, Cas
Frodo. Code for MoL?
Oh boy
They didn't do that, though!
Kind of right.
That's... true
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bisluthq · 9 months
I don’t really intend to fuck my friend again and technically it’s not an option because of his whole celibacy thing, but then I kind of see that as a challenge RIP It most likely won’t happen though and I legit really like him as a friend even if we can never have sex again like wouldn’t wanna lose that, but also our friendship is inherently rly flirtatious and we’re both undeniably attracted to each other
idk man then just chill. I think those flirtatious friendships do tend to go away when you find someone (I’m not telling you to actively look in this case).
I find my flirty friendships go on the back burner when I’m serious about someone (tbf it took that one girl moving to another country and I guess it wasn’t a friendship it was yk a FWB affair thing but I didn’t talk to her for ages when I did get serious about someone and then I did for a lil bit again online in the pandemic when I was v sad and now I wouldn’t either lol). I’m even less close to my male bestie rn because we’re both in mf relationships with other people. Neither his gf nor my bf have a problem with anything or anyone, because we lived together lol and saw each other naked and whatnot and aside from that one threesome time we didn’t get intimate and obvi don’t want to but like we’re not that keen on couple dating because that’s not our dynamic - him and my ex gf was fine but the dynamic was different gender wise like idk it just was - and we’re both busy with our respective lives rn so we’ll talk every two weeks or so and see each other rarer but it’s fine we still love each other.
My bf is the same like I was one of a number of close platonic female friends he had before we hooked up and the only ones we’re still actively close to are the lesbian couple and tbf I’m a bit flirty with the one girl in that couple but it’s her and I taking the piss because she’s married and I like her wife a lot too and she’s a close friend of my bf and I’m very partnered so when we make fun of stuff or get a bit crude (because we have the same sense of humor and it embarrasses our partners a bit sometimes and we both like that about them) or get a bit like 🙃🙃🌝 it’s yk not real and so liiiiterally no harm no foul. We also would never do anything just us two tho fwiw now I think about it like he can hang out with her and we do couple things but I’d never ring her up and ask her to go have a beer with me lol because it’s v platonic and safe but it’s a bit flirtatious and I don’t think it’d be fun or cool for us to like sit in a bar discussing hot women’s tits unless like our partners are looking at each other absolutely horrified by it lol.
Like idk - yours is not a “go on the apps” situation. This is a maybe invite your friend to an Ayahausca retreat and see how many other weirdo cute dudes u meet there. You’ll meet someone eventually and it won’t matter that much. And the friendship probably will peter out a bit (not entirely) but that’s okay. That’s life.
you’re not in that bad of a pickle compared to most of my agony aunats or even stuff I’ve done lol idk. You’re just being early 20s and crushing on a guy who looks good and says smart sounding things and has good drugs like fair enough queen 🤷🏻‍♀️
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ria-the-camel · 2 years
Negative thoughts on tlovm under the read more, i just wanted to get them out where i know where to find them later, pls don't yell at me
I guess i feel the same as season 1, it's a bit better but the same problems persist
Mostly, the dialogue feels stunted and forced (whenever the twins call each other sister/brother i just cringe, i admit i can't remember if they did it in the broadcast but it doesn't matter that much, it's just one example anyway)
Most of the jokes don't land at all with me (pedobear? Seriously? You dont have to bring that stuff in, leave it in 2015 lol) I think the only legit chuckle i let out was when percy absolutely read zahra about being jealous Osysa told vm instead of them, her reaction had good timing for me lol
I think the biggest issue tho is it really doesn't feel like the team like each other. And it's inevitable with condensing such a large amount of content, but it's really missing the bonds between them, the only ones i really see working are pike and grog, who are adorable. The twins feels forced to me. "Look at them being traumatized together" I see it, but i don't feel it.
Kash and Zahra feel so aggro the whole time and it's a shame this is the path they chose to go on, I'd rather have maybe kash gets friendly faster and drag zahra along, just so they're not assholes the whole time. I guess from the ending it is the path they're choosing but we'll see next ep. Also wonder if pike will do the rez 🤔
And also am not a fan of dropping the back story ON the episode shit goes down, like where's my build up? It's really not as impactful, i really didn't feel anything as vax held his dead sister in his arms (when i watched liam O'Brien describe doing that exact same thing i couldn't stop crying instead)
Aaaand since im being nit picky, the sobbing sounded bad. Sorry, dry sobbing really ain't doing much for me. Would have had way more impactful if the ep ended with him just staring horrified and maybe the classic single tear down his cheek.
The flights were alright, pretty fun, didn't love vex and zahra bitching and everyone getting a chance at almost drowning, it lost meaning sorta. But ep 1 had some pretty neat devastation not gonna lie. Probably my fave ep in the show so far.
The animation issss... Not the best, but it feels a bit better that season 1. I really dont like how they make the dragons. Okay they're 3d i get it. But they mesh so bad with the other characters, they should have animated them with a lower frame rate at least imo, if doing cell shading really didn't work for them (which i can understand). Same with osysa of course.
This is the least of the problems, but i still have trouble with some gods remembering who the fuck they are lmao Do get distinct from wotc im just gonna take some time to remember who the lawbearer fuckin is lmao
Anyway it still feels surreal to see this show brought to animation though, and ill continue watching and hoping it gets so much better! Especially cos id love to see both mighty nein and bells hells get animated, and i want the team to have way more solid ground and writing skills under their feet/belt lol
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