#I have a few more asks to send out still! don't think I've forgotten any of you <3
a-earthssprout · 2 years
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🌻🍯 OOC. spent the last few precious moments at home sending some more Halloween asks … & it was a wonderful choice to make 🍃 it certainly made my morning enjoyable !
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yelenasdiary · 4 months
How about the story of Nat realizing she's pregnant and dealing with it all. Then the day to day life of Nat and her babygirl
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Daughter! Reader
Summary: With help from her best friend, Clint, Natasha escapes the control of the Red Room and prepares for a whole new life.
Angst, Comfort.
Warnings: Mentions of Red Room, Pregnancy, Pregnancy Talk, Childbirth | 1.7K
Translations: милый (darling), я люблю тебя, солнышко (I love you, sunshine)
AC: I think this is the perfect request for the first fic of the AU! Thank you for sending this x I hope this helps set a little backstory for Nat.
A Widow’s Sunshine Masterlist
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Natasha had been nothing but quiet for the last four days since staying with Clint at his farmhouse. It was a big house for a man who lived alone, Clint assumed that his friend was worried that the widows of the Red Room would find her and take her back but the look in Natasha's eyes told him that was far from her worries.
"Alright, tell me what's going on" Clint spoke as he sat down next to Nat on the sofa. His friend looked at him and sighed lightly, "Nat, come on, you can tell me" he added. Natasha knew the time would come and she would have to talk somewhat about her time in the Red Room. She and Clint have been on the run since she met him, although this was not the first time, she was able to escape, this time was the only time they haven't found her and brought her back. 
"Remember how I was telling you about the graduation ceremony?" Natasha replied, Clint nodded. "Well, I didn't tell you all the stages before it. Before the graduation and after you've completed the program, you're to hav-" Natasha paused, the trauma of her life catching up to her, although she was still young, in her early 20s, she felt she had already lived a lifetime of trauma. Clint placed his hand on top of hers for comfort, "whatever it is Nat, we'll get through it" he assured her. 
"I'm pregnant" the words spewed out. Nat could see the questions flying around Clint's mind and deserved to answer them before he asked. "It's Dreykov's way of getting more widows without getting caught, they inseminate you, you give birth, they take the baby, and you go to what they call recovery which is just them brainwashing you until you have completely forgotten the last 9 months. After that, you go through the graduation ceremony and…well the rest is what you already know" she explained. 
Clint took a moment to process the news he was just told, "do you" He paused unsure if his question would offend his best friend, but it was something he needed to know to be able to help, "do you want to keep the baby?" He asked. Natasha nodded as a soft smile tugged at her lips, "I've done enough bad in the world, and I'll be damned if I let them do the same to my baby. I know this isn't what you expected so I don't expect you keep me here, but I do need a little time to work something out" she replied. 
"Don't be stupid Nat. You can stay here as long as you and the baby need, you're safe here, I promise" Clint spoke sternly, assuring his words got through to his best friend. Natasha hugged him tightly, thanking him for his understanding and kindness and for a moment any worries she currently had were no more. 
Pregnancy for Natasha was a whole new chapter that she wasn't prepared for, but she loved every single moment of it. It gave her a sense of normality; she spent her days learning new things that would help her for when her baby would enter the world. Clint helped her along the way, he even began building a small homestead for Natasha to have a little more privacy when her baby was born. It was only a few months into her pregnancy that Clint met Laura. 
Each night Natasha would read you stories from a children's book she would buy from the thrift shop, even though you weren't born yet, the little actions she did while pregnant gave her great comfort and made her even more excited to finally hold you in her arms. She would talk to you about anything she was doing, baking cookies for Clint and Laura? She would be talking you through each step and even asking you questions as if you could actually answer her, sometimes you would kick, and she would take that as an answer. 
Even through all the happiness, joy and excitement there was still worries and fears growing with each day. She was suspicious as to why she'd gone almost her entire pregnancy without even a sighting or feeling that Dreykov was after her. Clint assured her that his farm was a safe place and even offered for Natasha to join the Avengers after you were born, and she felt ready. It was an idea that she spent time thinking about but at the end of the day all she wanted to do was make sure you were happy, healthy and safe.
"Woah there милый" Natasha chuckled, rubbing her hand over her bump, "this isn't the world cup" she added. 
"Kicking a lot today?" Clint asked, taking a sip of his afternoon coffee.
"She hasn't stopped" Nat replied. Clint looked up at her with wide eyes, "she? When did you find out" he asked with a hint of excitement in his voice. Natasha couldn't help the smile that tugged at her lips while her hand naturally rubbed her seven-month pregnant stomach, "I didn't need to find out" she replied, "She was always going to be a little girl" she added but she didn't let the faint memory of the Red Room bring out the happiness she had been having with each day you grew. 
Clint got up and hugged Natasha and congratulated her, he could see the sparkle in her eyes for the first time ever, he'd never seen her so happy in the few short years that he had known her. "I wanna show you something" he said, taking her by the hand and walking her out to the small homestead that he had just finished and was waiting until the next day to give her the key. 
"I was going to wait until tomorrow but given the news, maybe you want to start planning out the nursery" Clint smiled. Tears built up in Nat's eyes, "what do you think baby girl?" Natasha whispered as she looked around the empty room, "you can paint it, do whatever you like with it, this is all yours" Clint said.
"You've done so much for us, I can't thank you enough" Natasha turned on her heels and hugged him, "thank you" she whispered. 
Over the last couple months of pregnancy, Natasha was preparing for you to enter this world. She and Clint painted the nursery in a soft pastel green color, she hung a photo from her first ultrasound on the wall above your changing table, baby animal décor stickers were also put on the walls. Clint helped up together all the future and placed it wherever Natasha thought would be best and once the nursery was complete, she couldn't wait to rock you to sleep in her arms in the rocking chair or watch you play with your toys on the purple rug when you would get a little older. 
You entered the big wide world at 5:23am on a Thursday morning, healthy and a little smile that made everybody melt. Natasha didn't want to let you go, she could barely take her eyes off you, even when Clint and Laura came to bring the two of you home, she was nervous as anything when Clint held you. 
"Do we have a name yet for the little one?" a nurse asked, "we really need to get the birth certificate done today" she added. 
Natasha nodded, "Y/n Melina Romanoff" she replied with a soft smile. 
"Melina?" Clint questioned, "I'll tell you later, now give me my baby" the red head replied with a soft smile and arms wide open. 
"A beautiful name, I'll finalise the certificate" the nurse smiled, writing your name on a piece of paper. 
Natasha was loving every moment of motherhood, even when she felt like she was going to fall asleep while feeding you and when sometimes she thought it was going to be another sleepless night on the cards but being your mother was the only thing she wanted to do every single day. When you slept, she slept and often Clint would find her asleep in the rocking chair by your crib when he came to check on things. Clint and Laura helped as much as they could, but of course, your mother was head strong and said she was fine with looking after you on her own.
"You look exhausted" Clint said as he placed a small bag of groceries on the counter for Nat. "She just didn't want to sleep last night" she replied, pouring herself a mug of hot coffee and sitting down at the small table in her kitchen. "Why don't Laura and I take her for the night so you can get a decent sleep for once" Clint offered but Natasha shook her head, "it's not that I don't want that, I just hate the idea of not being with her" Nat admitted.
"She'll just be up at house, you need some sleep Nat, you can't keep being supermom on coffee and 3 hours of sleep each day" Clint spoke, worried for his best friend. "Besides, how else am I going to show her how great of an uncle I am if you don't let me do that" he added to lighten the mood. Natasha cocked a brow as she took a sip of her coffee, deep down she knew she had to eventually let her guard down just a little and allow others to help. She just wanted the best for you.
"One night" Natasha replied. 
Clint smiled, "you've got it" 
As the weeks turned to months, things got easier for the new mother, each day you had her in awe. Nat eventually did allow for Clint and Laura to spend more time with you while she had a little me time and caught up on sleep. She loved taking you for walks around the property in your pusher, she loved bath time and hearing your little giggles and of course capturing your sweet smile whenever she played peek-a-boo. 
At night when she would pop her head into your room to check on you, she found herself watching you for minutes on end. Her mind wondering about what life was going to bring for the two of you, what tomorrow would bring. She often wondered what your first words would be, when you would take your first steps and what all your favorite things would be but for now, she wanted nothing more than to just enjoy these early years and learn everything she possibly could about you.
"я люблю тебя, солнышко" your mother whispered as she placed the soft kiss on your forehead.
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Taglist: @koinsss | @liloandstitchstan | @marcia-maximoff | @skittlebum | @katethewritersblog | @taliiiaasteria | @nova-kyle | 
If you want to be on the taglist for this series, please see the masterlist. It's linked at the top of this post.
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Not fluent in English. 
Please tell me I’m not the the only who noticed that team green characters in the show aren’t allowed to hate team black characters. 
Like Aemond can’t even hate Lucerys for cutting his eye and disabled him for life. 
And Alicent can’t hate Viserys for marrying and gr*ping her and forcing pregnancies on her, even though he have no intention to name any of their sons his heir, and treating her mostly like a caretaker and concubine rather than his lawful wife and the mother of his legitimate children. 
Aegon and Helaena aren’t even allowed to hate Daemon the man who ordered the death of their Son.
Like why??? Why aren’t they allowed to hate them???
Hi aleksandra! You make a good point! I think there are a few things going on here.
For one, I think the writing is incredibly inconsistent across the board this season, and there are a lot of dropped plot threads. Some of it is intentional (like, I do think B&C was deliberately downplayed and undermined so that Alicent could have that Dragonstone scene, more on that in a bit), some of it I think is just bad writing and a kind of ... well, look, I can't speculate as to what goes down in the writer's room and have no idea what their workflow looks like or what processes they follow, but a problem going back to S1 is that characters and dialogue vary a lot from episode to episode. I don't think it's all that normal for a fandom to be concerned ahead of time about which writers will be writing which scenes and which episodes, but with HotD there seem to be huge differences in how each writer interprets the characters. Having worked on OFCIR collaboratively with @aifsaath, we work really hard to make sure the chapters are relatively consistent. I gave our first few chapters to my critique partner for original fiction, a guy who knows my writing inside and out, someone I've worked with for about 6 years now, @theravenpiper, and he could not actually tell which scenes were written by me, and which were written by Aife, which I took as a big complement to our collaborative process, and to our ability to edit to a uniform standard. Now I'm not saying we do it better than the HotD writers, but I do think that there is something missing from their collaborative process that makes the entire thing seem disjointed.
I do not think it is entirely that the whole of team green is not allowed to be angry at team black, although that is part of it, some of it is part of an overall bigger problem where major events are not allowed to resonate across the story, and I chalk some of it up to simple bad writing. Rhaenyra is apparently over Luke's death enough by E3 that she can seek out Alicent for some kind of vague "let's stop this madness" ploy, but still conveniently needs "a son for a son" in E8. Although Rhaenyra is negotiating from a position of power in E8, there was no reason for her to feel so desperate as of E3, when Rook's Rest hasn't even happened yet, that she would set aside her grief and anger and go seek peace. Peace was offered in E10 of season 1 and Rhaenyra turned it down after Luke died, so what has changed besides Rhaenyra's own husband beheading a toddler? Other events happen too and have little or no consequence. Rhaenyra and Mysaria kiss in E6 and it's entirely forgotten by E8, with zero follow up. Criston Cole is brought to his knees by the sight of Aegon lying injured by his dragon, but never even visits his bedside. Gwayne never interacts with anyone aside from Alicent and Criston. Rhaenyra sends her younger children to the Vale and never mentions them again (she is shown looking wistfully at a box of toys), nor does Jace. Laena in a vision berates Daemon for not looking after their girls, but does he ask after them when Broome shows up directly from Dragonstone? I could go on. Events just happening and then never really mattering again is a consistent problem throughout the season, which makes it hard to tell when it is happening deliberately and when it is happening because the writers can't get on the same page.
There are two things I do think are deliberate, however, one of them being the scrubbing of Viserys' image. While audiences loved Paddy's performance, a lot of viewers did pick up on how Viserys played favorites and neglected his sons, and I think when the show decided to switch up Alicent's motivation from "she wants to protect her children and knows they will face the sword if Rhaenyra comes to power" to "she misheard Viserys' last words," they knew that the natural question is, "why should she care about Viserys' last words?" A lot of the immediate feedback about that episode involved how Alicent was stupid for not knowing Otto planned to have Aegon take the throne, and a lot of people didn't think that Alicent (or Aegon for that matter) really believed that Viserys changed his mind, but apparently that was the writers' intention, that Alicent truly believed it and managed to convince Aegon (there's a lot I could say about how they could have included this deathbed misunderstanding into the plot without having it replace all of Alicent's other motivations, but they did not do that). So in order to drive home the point that the whole entire war is being fought due to this misunderstanding, they have to make sure the audience is clear that all of these characters considered Viserys a good king. Even if he was Alicent's rapist. Even if he was a deadbeat dad. Even if he was a terrible husband. We are meant to believe he chose Rhaenyra not because he was playing mindgames or out of guilt over Aemma's death, no we must believe he chose Rhaenyra because he was good and wise and to convince us he was good and wise we have to have the green characters reminding us constantly that things were so much better when Viserys was around, that Aegon is inferior to Viserys, that Viserys' wishes are all that matter. Nevermind that it goes directly against the book, never mind that it's not even a particularly powerful or interesting change, it's what enables Rhaenyra and Alicent's relationship to continue. Because here's the thing-- if Alicent put Aegon on the throne because she felt it was the only way to keep her family safe, and because she feels that law and tradition ARE on her side, and because absolutism isn't good (!!!) then there's no chance for her and Rhaenyra to ever reconcile. These are irreconcilable differences, not misunderstandings. And so the show has to glaze Viserys otherwise the basic reasoning falls apart.
And the second is the events like Luke's death, Blood and Cheese and Rook's Rest come in, events in which the greens or the blacks harm and traumatize each other directly. It is not that the greens are not allowed to hate the blacks, it is that Alicent is not allowed to hate Rhaenyra, and by extension, the people who Alicent cares about are not allowed to hate her (I would argue that Aemond is allowed to hate Luke on screen, he literally murders him, and I don't think the scene with the brothel madame is an expression of true remorse, it's more "I'm kinda sorta sorry there were consequences for my actions."). Alicent cares about Helaena the innocent, and therefore Helaena cannot be allowed to hate Rhaenyra (note Phia Saban's many interviews about how apolotical and neutral Helaena is). Aegon, on the other hand, can be affected by B&C because he is allowed to hate Rhaenyra. In fact, his hate for Rhaenyra puts him at odds with his mother, which is what the show wants. Aegon is gravely injured at Rook's Rest, but good thing Rhaenyra's forces did not cause the injuries, Alicent herself drove him to battle with cruel words, and Aemond burned him, which puts him at odds with Alicent too (and Helaena is allowed to express ire at Aemond by extension). If you look at S2 as an exercise in driving a wedge between Alicent and her family and downplaying what happens to them in order to justify their decision to have Alicent seek out Rhaenyra and surrender Aegon's life, it makes a lot more sense.
The thing is, it still doesn't work. Their efforts are much too transparent and require characters to act in ways that are simply not within the realms of how normal human beings would react to these situations, much less the characters established in S1. There is a twitter user, and I'm so sorry that I can't remember their name at the moment, but I've seen them express the sentiment several times that Alicent's character this season made them aware, in a way that a viewer should never be aware, that these are scripted lines coming out of her mouth. That is, a lot of the characters in S2 do not feel like actual people. Aegon is such a fan favorite this season because he feels real. Alicent garnered legions of fans last season because her struggle felt real, even if we didn't agree with it. She felt like a character who inhabited a quasi-medieval world, bound by restraints we are not bound by, but nevertheless a human with human reactions who had to make difficult choices and persevere through them. And any human would be angry beyond comprehension at Blood and Cheese, would lose all faith in Rhaenyra, would know that there can be no peace if she is ruling with a man that ruthless at her side. If she thinks her sons are devils (and mind, so far as king Aegon's most egregious action is executing a handful of ratcatchers after one of their number murdered his son, whereas Rhaenyra burned about 65 peasants alive in a quasi religious ecstasy-- will Alicent ever find out about that, I wonder?), they are at least the devils she knows. Better they all die than end up in Daemon's hands, surely? And so OP, you're right, they are not allowed to hate each other when naturally you, and many others, feel like they should. That is because they are writer creations who would never do such things as what happen in the books in the first place, acting out plot points of entirely different characters (their book counterparts).
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daytaker · 5 months
Chat Log: A Human Child Arrives in the Devildom
Beelzebub: I don’t remember. Beelzebub: I don't remember that either. Mammon: Oi, Beel, what the hell are you saying? Satan: That isn’t Beel. It’s “the new human exchange student”. Mammon: Why are ya sayin’ that in quotes? Satan: You’ll see. Mammon: The hell does that mean?! Beelzebub: I fell. Beelzebub: I fell out a tree and then I was here. Lucifer: Satan, Asmo, Beel. I thought I said to look after the human child. Why is it sending nonsense in the chat? Asmo: It can’t talk, so we’re asking it questions out loud and having it answer like this! Lucifer: Why did you not create a new chat where you could interrogate it without annoying the rest of us? Satan: Convenience. This chat already existed. Mammon: Whoa whoa whoa, did you say human CHILD? Why the hell did you guys recruit a child? Lucifer: We didn’t. Something appears to have gone wrong in the summoning process. Barbatos is attempting to resolve the issue as we speak. Mammon: Is the kid still in the chat? Asmodeus: Yes, Beel loaned it his phone. Mammon: Hey kid, ya like ice cream? Beelzebub: Yes. Mammon: Well, I got a massive chocolate cone for any human kid who’s willing to come hang out around the central plaza for a few hours. Demons’ll pay good money to get a look at a genuine human child.  Mammon: Hey, Asmo, is it cute? Beelzebub: They want me to tell you I'm not going anywhere with you. Asmodeus: Yeah, leave the poor thing alone! It probably misses its parents! Asmodeus: And yes, it’s adorable! ♡ Mammon: Good, folks’ll pay more for that. Leviathan: Whaaaaaat? Sorry, just backread, but wow! You guys isekai’d a BABY to RAD? LOLOLOLOL Beelzebub: I’m not a baby. Lucifer: I apologize for the delay in sending this message. I was occupied with Diavolo and Barbatos. Lucifer: Mammon, if you take that child out in public and it gets eaten, I will flay you alive. Beelzebub: Do demons eat kids? Mammon: Yep. Mammon: They’re pretty freakin’ delicious too. Way better than old people. Mammon: ‘Cause they’re softer. Lucifer: Shut up and listen. Lucifer: Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem as if this issue is going to be resolved as quickly as I had hoped. Lucifer: Mammon, if I leave you in charge of the human until tomorrow, do you think you can keep it alive? Mammon: What? Why me? Ain’t Asmo and Satan there already? Lucifer: I hesitate to entrust a child to either Asmo or Satan for any extended period of time due to certain personality defects each of them possess. Asmodeus: Rude!!! Mammon: What about Beel? Lucifer: Beel would certainly eat it. Mammon: …Yeah, I guess that’s fair. Lucifer: Satan, Asmo, Beel. Please take the human to the school gates and wait for Mammon to retrieve it. In the meantime, Diavolo has graciously offered to lend it the D.D.D. he had prepared for the original transfer student, so stop by the dean’s office to pick it up. Asmodeus: Fine, we're going. Mammon: I really gotta do this, huh? Lucifer: Yes. Mammon: :( Leviathan: LOLOLOLOL!!! This is hilarious! Lucifer: Don't think I've forgotten about you, Levi. I'd like you to prepare a few dishes Barbatos says are in vogue with human children. Leviathan: Wait, are you making me its personal chef? Mammon: Ha! Serves ya right! Leviathan: Shut up, Mammon. Lucifer: Macaroni and cheese. Lucifer: Chicken tenders/nuggets (in the shape of dinosaurs, if possible) Leviathan: Dinosaurs? Lucifer: Apple juice. Lucifer: Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Lucifer: French fries. Lucifer: Cheese pizza. Leviathan: Do I have to make all of this right now? Lucifer: Chocolate chip cookies. Lucifer: Human-world grapes. Leviathan: Am I being trolled right now? Lucifer: Absolutely not. Prepare one dish immediately using whatever ingredients we already own. Lucifer: Human, if you are still here, I would like to extend my deepest apologies on behalf of the Royal Academy of Diavolo for this unfortunate mistake. Lucifer: I hope we are able to resolve this in a timely manner.
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thereticx · 6 months
♰Summary: Even after your confession, his life had to move forward and in order to do that his wife had to listen to everything that has happened after your first kiss.
♰Warnings: explicit sexual content, cheating, toxic relationships, mention of cigarettes etc.
♰Author's Note: Welcome back to part two of longest fic I've ever written.
The professor’s voice was faint in the background. As you continued to stare out the window — tiny raindrops hitting the large windows aggressively, you were more interested in the weather outside rather than any school work.
A few weeks after the incident, life was slowly retaking its course. At first there were angry calls, threatening messages and God knows what else — you've stopped checking after some time.
It was exhausting.
Each minute was spent in frustration, wondering if you did the right thing or was it just a carnal desire to hurt him? Maybe both. You still don't know for sure.
She was heartbroken. Betrayed and lied to for months on end. He could apologize hundreds of times and she still won't look at him the same again.
The look of pure adoration, of desire, of love she carried for her husband thinned out the second she heard your voice. An angelic and sensual sound but with the most venomous words.
She was right all along. You wanted to destroy something beautiful, something that would have lasted for many many years if it wasn't for you.
You were a poison, finding your way in the middle of their relationship, tearing it from the inside — like a disease and feeling no remorse.
“LIAR!!” She screamed, the tears flowing down her cheeks. She went pale only by thinking of the two of you together, on the same bed she shared with Geto for four years.
However, he didn't react. The man only looked down, ashamed of his own person. What he did was unforgivable and he deserved everything that was coming his way.
“Was it worth it?”
“Excuse me..?”
Your father cleared his throat. “Was it worth it — what you did?”
“No” You admitted, clenching your fist at your side “It wasn't worth it”
He tightened grip on the counter’s edge and gave you an ultimatum “I hope you're aware of the shit show you created. I don't care how you do it but you're gonna fix this. If not —”
“I know…”
As he walked out of the kitchen he glanced at you with pity “You're my daughter and I love you..but I must say I'm ashamed of you”
Somehow, that felt worse than your ‘break up’ with Geto. Which made you realize how far gone you actually were.
Cigarette smoke escaped his pierced lips, the strong scent getting lost in the air. He could barely concentrate on his work – on anything for the matter. Geto had a painful headache that started in the early hours of the morning, shortly after his wife left for the appointment. Although they still lived together in the same luxurious apartment, their paths never crossed.
He sipped on his coffee, the cigarette later forgotten in the ashtray — still lit. The man typed fast on the keyboard, checking his recent emails, his recent messages, hoping none of them to be from your father ”Fuck me–”.
His eyes read each word at least two times before moving on to the next sentence. Everything seemed a bit too formal, not at all like the messages your father used to send.
He apologized on your behalf for the chaos provoked and asked to meet again, at dinner.
Geto massaged his temples, the headache more unbearable than before. How could he possibly respond to this? Having dinner and drinks at your house, the same house where the two of you first bonded. It would be wrong for him to accept and it would be wrong for him to decline.
”You seem lost” His wife stood there, with her arms crossed, her weight supported by the glass door. She was dressed in a white dress that was hiding her growing belly.
He closed his laptop. Before shifting his body to face her better. His eyes widened. ”What?” She asked, her piercing gaze raising goosebumps on his skin ”Nothing. Just surprised you're talking to me” Geto admitted, clasping his hands together. He was nervous and she could tell.
”Yeah..don't get used to it. I'm still furious but I have been thinking and I'm willing to listen. No screams, no fights…just a talk” She said, motioning for him to make her room to sit next to him. She rested her arms behind her body, sneaking a glance at the man she loves.
Geto felt his heartbeat uncontrollably. Fuck, where can he begin?
Your laugh was contagious. A sound so melodic to his ears — beautiful. Seeing you there, in his arms, naked and vulnerable — he could die from just looking at you.
He supported his weight on his right arm, the other tracing the apple of your cheeks, down to your lips, your chin — that he slightly tilted up so his lips could reach yours.
Geto could feel you smiling between the kisses, your happiness radiating off your lips, and body, your hands gathering as much of his dark hair as possible, forcing him to deepen the kiss.
It was impossible to stop at just one kiss when it was you. He couldn't remember the last he felt as much desire, a rollercoaster of mixed feelings that all centered around your whole person.
“ I want you” Geto whispered, his fingers finding the warmth of your cunt . His digits spread your folds, then circled your clit, the wetness already dripping down.
You let out a whimper, grinding on his hand for some friction, everything to make you feel satisfied. “I want you too” The words made the man above you completely unguarded.
He sank two of his digits into your hole, fingering you slowly, eager to hear you beg — like the very first time.
“Feels good?” He asked, already sure of your answer.
You nodded your head before lowering your own hand to play with the puffy clit between your legs “You know it does…f-fuck”
“Careful with that”
“Shut up and trust me” You chuckled, taking another strand of hair and wrapping it around the curling iron.
You'd never seen such beautiful hair on anyone — and healthy. You almost felt jealous. After a few seconds you let go of the strand and curled it again with your finger then let it fall softly around his face.
Geto was surprisingly patient while you styled his hair, each strand made individually ”Are you finished?” He asked, tugging at his bangs only for the curls to bounce back ”I'm almost done” You said.
”Hurry. My butt is hurting”Laughing softly, you let go of the last piece of hair and reached for the expensive hair oil he always uses. A few pumps should be enough. You massaged your palms together before applying it ”Please let me take a few pics”
He turned his head to look at you ”Fuck no”
”Why–I promise I won't show them to anyone”
Geto, as much as he wanted to deny you, those pouty lips of yours could not be resisted. He sighed ”Fine, but only if I get something in return”
You smiled and immediately unlocked your phone ”Anything”
The man waited until you photographed his hair and grabbed your waist for you to settle on his lap. He pulled the bangs out of his face, the shorter strands resting on his naked shoulders ”Open the camera” Geto said, his hands pulling you closer, your chest smashing against his.
You did as you were told. ”Now angle it to your face” Again, following his command ”Press the video button”.
Clicking on the red dot the camera started recording and with that the fun began.
Geto angled you chin down, his lips touching yours in a soft, almost featherly kiss. With his eyes half lidded, he smirked before licking your bottom lip, asking for entrance.
You struggled to hold the phone at face angle and not drop it on the floor. The kiss grew more passionate, more rough, his tongue tasting yours. Never in your life were you kissed like that.
The boys you have been with were impatient and restless. They wanted one thing only – sex.
Geto was different. Patient, careful and so fucking passionate. Maybe because he was older, more aware and experienced. He always played his cards right, a single kiss from him getting more reactions out of you than needed.
He guided your hips to feel his growing erection, squeezing the fat of your ass, his hands tracing your back, tugging at your breasts ”Geto–”
”Is something bothering you?” The man chuckled, playing with the hem of your shirt ”Want to stop?”
You wanted so badly to feel him inside you now, if only a faded image of his wife hadn't shown up ”N-no but we have to”
He kissed down your neck before ripping the shirt and getting rid of your bra. Geto cupped your breasts and traced your nipples with his tongue ”No we don't”
You tugged at the roots of his hair as he continued to suck on your breasts. His face was basically mushed in your chest but he could hardly care. Nothing was better than the feeling of you.
”Please stop–” You begged, depriving yourself of the euphoric feeling of your orgasm.
Geto pulled away, his face resting now on your shoulder ”What's wrong?Tell me”
You shook your head and got off of him. You didn't bother to pick up your bra and you just went straight to the bathroom.
While you were aggressively washing your face, wishing for the horrible person to just disappear, Geto stayed unmoved on the floor – wishing for the first time in years to be unmarried.
Something was terribly wrong. Why was he shutting her out? His own fucking wife.
She watched her husband leave the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his hips. His hair was dripping wet, making him shiver. “Do you need help drying your hair?” She asked, closing her book for a mere second.
He seemed lost, pacing around the room in search of something — anything “You're acting weird. Did something happen at work?”
“I skipped today” He muttered, tying his wet locks into a bun, his bangs falling out in an instant. With his hair now up, his wife had a perfect view of his muscular back.
She set her book aside and crawled behind him, her lips kissing up his shoulder blade all the way to his neck “You're in a bad mood.
“I'm not”
She lowered her hand so she could feel him through the material “Yes you are. Luckily I know exactly how to help you”
He grabbed her wrist, preventing her from removing the towel “I'm not feeling it tonight”
She placed her chin on his shoulder, pouting her lips, hoping that this method would convince him to give in.
Unfortunately, a man like Geto, when he decided on something, it should stay that way “Cut it off–” He turned to her, shrugging her off of him “I said I'm not feeling it”
She was shocked. That was the first time her husband denied her needs. On top of that, he was being rude, inconsiderate and resentful. What happened to the Geto she knew and loved? Because at that moment, a totally different person was sitting in front of her.
“Fine. I'm sorry” She mumbled, before turning around and falling asleep on the other side of the bed — which was cold and lonely.
The next morning however, he was behaving like nothing happened. Geto was smiling, throwing compliments at her, offering to give her a massage which inevitably ended up with him eating her out, making up for the asshole behavior he displayed the night before.
He forced her legs open, his tongue fucking into her cunt repeatedly, his fingers abusing her clit at the same time.
God, your pussy was just the best.
The way you were moaning, arching your back, playing with your tits “F-fuck ohh fuck–”
He loved you. He truly loved you.
“I can't get enough of you. God, I love you” Geto admitted, kissing the inside of your thighs.
Tangling your fingers in his hair you replied “I know you do. I love you too, my husband”
Snapping out of his fantasy, he looked up at the image of his naked wife. She was panting, her cheeks were flushed and her skin was glistening with sweat.
Clearing his throat, Geto unconsciously played with his lip piercing. He was quiet, a wave of concern hitting him abruptly. What was he thinking?
This is not happening….
“My love, what's wrong?” His wife asked, wrapping her legs around his waist, forcing him down.
He didn't resist, entering her with no problem. Her walls tightened around his length right after he started moving.
Thank the lord, for his long hair. The messy dark strands hiding away his embarrassment. Geto forced his eyes shut, biting his tongue, terrified of having your name escape his lips when the erotic feeling of his release would wash over him.
Oh fuck, Y/N….
“You have a beautiful smile” He was taken by surprise, but flashing you a big smile nonetheless. The man experienced butterflies in his stomach, the mere presence of you with him, making him feel young again.
Giggling you poked his side, continuing with the teasing “You're getting flustered quite easily. That's good to know”
Geto scrunched his nose before flipping you on your back, his arms caging you down “I'm glad you enjoy seeing me embarrassed” He joked, tugging your hair behind your ear.
“What a beautiful smile you have”
Your cheeks grew warm, hearing how effortlessly he spoke, how gentle.
Ever since you knew him, way before your affair, Geto Suguru has always been a well spoken person. His gentle personality paired with his breathing looks — it might seem like you actually won the lottery. If only….right?
You knew who was in all truth lucky….his wife. The woman that he swore to love endlessly, the woman who wore a custom made wedding band and who was being treated literal heaven every day.
And that woman was not you. You were just a mistress, someone who was there to only pleasure him, nothing more.
You cursed yourself internally for everything. Why'd you have to start this? Why couldn't you stay away and not get involved with him? Why…why?
“Y/N…get back here” He said, kissing your forehead.
You turned your head away, the feeling of his lips burning on your skin. Or was it shame?
Geto clasped your hands together right before speaking “I'll have to go on a trip for a few days. A business trip”
“And…I want you to come with me”
“Why don't you take your wife?”
He raised his brows, taken back when hearing your words “Excuse me?”
“You've heard me. Why don't you take her?”
Geto scoffed before pulling away from you “Because I don't want her there with me”
You sat on your knees on the couch, angry at him, at you, at this whole mess “And you want to take me?! What a wonderful idea"
He massaged his temples before pursuing “Yes. What's so wrong about that? About wanting to spend time with you”
“Just look at your ring. That's what's wrong”
You couldn't help it. You couldn't be the only one who suffered, who had demons praying on your sanity as payback for fucking a married man.
“Can't believe you…” He whispered, stretching forward to the glass table where his pack of cigarettes rested. He pulled one out and lit it, taking a fat drag right after.
“Oh really? Then let me ask you this. What would your poor wife think if she saw you fucking with me?”
Geto exhaled through his nose, the smoke disappearing into thin air. He licked his lips before taking another drag.
What has gotten into you? Don't you see how happy you make him? What's his wife have to do with all this? This is just you and him — no one else.
“You mean ex wife”
“Whatever…as long as you wear that ring and she has your name she is your wife and I'm your side chick” The tears were flowing down your face uncontrollably. Not even realizing you were crying, you continued to pour out your heart “I hate to break it to you but I'm not gonna sneak around any longer. I can't do it”
Geto put out his cigarette, rushing to take you into his arms. He held your weak self close to him, trying to comfort you at the best of his abilities.
He hated the sound of your cries. It was heartbreaking. Geto felt like someone just stabbed him and ripped out his heart and then stabbed him again.
“I hate this…and only because I wanted to prove her what I'm actually capable of”
He stopped breathing, his soul leaving his body “What did you say? What you're capable of?! Meaning what?”
Resting your hands on his chest you contemplated whether to tell him the truth or not. It can't get worse than this right?
“Right before that dinner a few months ago…I talked with my friend. I told her about your wife and how she keeps looking at me like I'm the worst thing to ever walk on earth and–”
While sobbing, you gather your strength to continue with the story. That way you could actually feel something other than utter disgust — shame.
“I made a decision t-to give her something to truly worry about”
Geto bit his tongue so hard it started bleeding.
“It was my idea to get involved with you. Right from the start…it was my idea to make you cheat on her”
He couldn't listen to you anymore. Your words were all fading in the background.
Geto freaked out, rushing to get his jacket and phone and leaving your house as soon as possible. He didn't even hear you yelling after him to stop and listen. He just couldn't.
“That's quite a story” She said, unlocking her phone and clicking on the email from your dear father.
Geto nodded absently, before sneaking a glance at his wife's device “What are you doing?”
“I'm just making sure that little bitch would be there to properly apologize for ruining us”
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sharp-rosee · 2 months
Hey funny story: I haven't been around Tumblr at all for months, but today someone told me menalez had deactivated or something so I came on here and looked it up. First result was a post by you, i checked out your blog and wouldn't you know it your most recent post had you defending me post mortem lmfao. I sent an anon to the other woman too but it seems she won't post it so to clarify to you: when I supposedly said "studies showing violence suffered by bisexuals are cringe and useless" what I remember thinking about that is that those studies that I've seen are never used to try to understand why bisexuals suffer such insane rates of violence (more than homosexuals) and trying to stop it. I've only seen them be used as battering rams in discourse when homosexuals criticize bisexuals. Which is crazy for such a serious issue and totally trivializes it lol. Also that my explanation for it was that such studies show that many abused people incorrectly id as bi for a time. You can disagree or wtv just those were my points, she made it sound like I'm cheering on women beating if they're bi or something. Also your defense of me (thanks queen lol) is accurate if you were wondering. I used to be sorta pro strict separatism but I outgrew the anger/ denial phase of "most women will partner with men" and reached acceptance. Most people are built for romantic partnership, that's just human nature, I can't be hating het women just because their lot in life in that means they're more likely to be abused. Just because I'm not drawn to men, or even much to romance, doesn't mean I should act like that's everyone else too and judge them on that standard, I accept reality and want women to be safe within that rather than pointlessly hate on them and get all worked up because some women have boyfriends..
Well I'm also a mean asshole, I'm sure you noticed, and I definitely would give the bi girlies on radblr a hard time here at the time lol. I don't have the "one side" sort of takes on this divide on radblr. It was funny but I can't feel the energy to that anymore since leaving tumblr, way too few bis or gays irl to care about that stuff. But at the end of the day these are my actual takes on all that disk horse. Funny to see it immediately on such a causal stroll around here lol
QUEEN I used to follow you ♡ at least when I was crypto a few years back I did.
Also, I'm glad you clarified because the way some women on here seem to hallucinate things they read almost makes me feel insane as well. Like you sending an ask saying you never thought of a certain perspective is not indicative of you agreeing and obviously one can change their opinions over time.
I really have no opinion either way tbh, I myself am straight and in a relationship, and have had others on my last blog send some anons calling me a "dick worshipper" and other misogynistic BS, but they stopped once I didn't let it bother me much. It's so obviously a group of trolls that it's embarrassing that they still believe it enough to keep bringing back the same users, some like you who aren't even misogynistic, to further their persecution complex.
It even is more annoying because these are the women who made Mena/Moideater leave, the above drama is a big reason why. The way radblr will still reblog posts from very racist blogs and not bat an eye but then freak out over a clique of women who aren't even radfems really does show what demographic makes up this site.
I know it gets exhausting to be involved in arguments, but it's nice to know you're still somewhat around. I hope you, Mena and Moid come back someday. If not I understand. But I'll never forget any of them and I haven't forgotten you 😭😭😭
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jichanxo · 4 months
sooooo... *twirls her hair* how many asks should i send until kuwagami art. jk as well. the real question will be: does it happen often that someone else’s art inspires you? in fandom spaces specifically
well you see it’s like a loyalty card program, every 10 asks or so you get a complimentary kuwagami
just kidding you can just breathe in my direction and I’ll be tempted to draw them. kuwagami blast! (you've caught me on a... just okay art day lol)
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(people still like kabedons, right?)
anyway for my actual answer: in terms of direct inspiration, it doesn't really happen much? the last two times i did art directly based on someone else's work is probably this one from this fic, and also that time i drew art of someone else's judgment au. oh! and there's that moriohpsycho art based on this comic! (filthyguts' work is so very. hgngngghh. very good.) nothing else really comes to mind, and when i think of the other things i've been into recently there hasn't been as much opportunity for that to happen...
flex and herds = strong fixation but lmao. almost nobody else made stuff about them. nobody is surprised umineko = surprisingly i don't read much umineko fanfiction? and in terms of illustration, i certainly picked up imagery and indirect inspiration but nothing concrete enough for me to give an example... now that i think about it, i did once draw andromalius from redaction/sunny, but that was years ago, and also mostly because i was acquainted with the writer. ...i don't have that artwork on hand right now death note = didn't really get involved with the fandom + i enjoyed my own ideas well enough! ...i can't recall if i drew long-hair-L art before or after seeing other artists do it. and as for everything else the same kind of reasoning applies. didn't really get involved with the fandom or wasn't really compelled to make art in response to stuff i saw, or i just don't remember anymore.
buuuuuuut if we're opening this up to just... pulling ideas from other people? then yeah, all the time, though that kind of goes without saying when you have a creative hobby. ...it's probably going to be hard to come up with examples of this since it's more ambiguous.
there's uhhhhhh... kuwana listens to nickelback which was a @/four-white-trees invention, wasn't it? (EDIT: and @/overdevelopedglasses!) (not tagging in this post so he doesn't feel obligated to read my big ass ask responses 💀) as of writing this, it's not posted but i did end up making kuwagami art based on a nickelback song so. yknow. there's that LMAO
for sawashiro and arakawa, i do sometimes go reference @/todayisafridaynight 's art to help me with my own. ("how did he draw this part of the suit? oh, like that huh? hmm" <- this kind of thing)
and um. i'm not trying to pander to you (at least not this time), but genuinely it's one of the few examples that come to mind at this moment. but when i was writing my first kuwagami fic, i could feel the influence of the ever-changing on my brain... was turning over some of your ideas there...
you remember this? (you even pointed it out in your comment on my fic, and i should've said something then, but whatever i'm saying it now)
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that was absolutely because of this
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(obligatory poke at anybody else reading this post that you can read passthroughtime's fic here.)
so, um. yeah. not really sure what else to add to that. pretty self evident i think. (i'm always talking about the ever-changing but i don't think i can overstate the impression it left on me at the time)
anyhow there aren't really any other examples off the top of my head! these are all recent examples so they're not so difficult to recall, but there are probably others i've forgotten...
#jitxt#started writing this unsure if i could give many examples and i ended up with more than i expected. nice!#sunny is a very good piece of umineko writing and i should reread it with the author's notes toggled on. and also read redaction#“shouldn't you have read redaction first” n-no. shut up! (besides i think renall said it was fine)#nobody remind me of that 20k note post that's just an uncredited screenshot of sunny. it'll piss me off#as cosmic balance i ought to shill sunny as much as possible#anyway uhhhhhh. the everchanging.#i am awful about receiving compliments (i never know how to respond aside from a rehearsed “thank you”) but i sure am great at giving them!#apologies if i'm laying it on too thick but#1. i am being truthful and#2. i figure it's reparations for all the time i spent as a lurker on the kuwagami ao3 tag#the explosion in my brain when i realised that “the nice person who leaves lots of tags on my kuwagami art”#and “the person who wrote that REALLY FUCKING GOOD FIC” were one and the same. crazy. and now we are mutuals ❤#it is a little funny thinking of when i'd read your and four-white-trees' work before meeting you#real life foreshadowing for me meeting you both....#i still have these discord messages of me telling a friend about both your works#basically: (reading an update to the everchanging) wow that was depressing (reading a joke in four-white-trees' fic) nevermind i'm good now#i ought to reread the everchanging and take detailed notes on all the parts i like#just so you know your impact on my brain lol#kuwana calling yagami a pretty boy and meaning it sincerely oh my GOD. rewired my brain
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afth drabble 1: wedding plans
pairing: afth jungkook x f. reader
genre: fluffffff (it is fluffy, don’t say i didn’t warn you)
wc: 3k 
drabble masterlist
summary; in which you and jungkook are getting married in a few months and the boy is stressed af, also tae is a mood as always.
"Hey, where's ____?"
Jungkook looks up from the invitation in his hand that he's been inspecting for the past half hour. 
"She's shopping for wedding dresses," Jungkook says, "Yeona didn’t tell you?"
Tae shakes his head and shuts the front door as realization dawns on him. 
Jungkook shakes his head as he chuckles, watching Tae come over and sit next to him at the small table closest to the door. The sound of halmeoni in the kitchen drifts into the dining area, setting the comforting scene of familiarity. 
"I wonder why she didn't tell me. She just said she was going to get groceries for her mom today."
Jungkook raises a brow, "If she told you, would you have insisted on going?"
"Well of course! I-" Tae cuts himself off, "Huh..."
Jungkook laughs quietly as Tae frowns, "Well now, that's not fair. I wanted to go and see the dresses!"
"Well, what about me?" Jungkook asks incredulously, "I need help too!"
"With what?" Tae asks bitterly. 
The younger scoffs in disbelief at his tone, "With a lot of stuff. Just because I'm not buying a wedding dress doesn't mean I'm not stressed out," he snaps. 
Tae gives him a side eye as he thinks about that. 
"You told Yeona to lie to me, didn't you?"
Jungkook nods, not even denying it, "Yes."
"Because I knew you'd want to go and hang out with them and look at the dresses and I don't get to go and halmeoni has had to deal with me for weeks and now it's your turn," Jungkook grumbles, "And besides, have you forgotten who your best friend is?"
"Damn, chill out."
"Now, don't go fighting," halmeoni scolds gently as she hobbles into the dining area carrying a tray with a teapot and a few cups. 
Jungkook jumps up and takes the tray from her, then gently tells her to take a seat. She sits down on the softest cushion, the one they always leave for her, then she gestures for him to set the tray down. 
After the tray is settled on the table, Jungkook sits down again, looking over at Tae who now has the invitation in his hand, inspecting it carefully just as Jungkook had been doing minutes ago. 
"What's wrong with it?" He asks. 
Jungkook shrugs, "Nothing really, it's pretty. I just don't think it's what ____ and I wanted, it isn't clicking."
"The yellow and black are nice. The design looks a bit more like a graduation invite though," Tae muses. 
Jungkook nods and points at the small card, "Exactly! That's what I was thinking! I don't know why the company won't listen to our requests."
Halmeoni takes it from Tae and looks at it, deep in thought. 
After a moment of silence, she turns to the youngest, "Jungkook, why don't you just design it? You could get it closer to what you two want before any company can."
There's another beat of silence before Taehyung bursts into laughter and Jungkook's face turns bright red. 
"I didn't think of that," he says sheepishly. 
"You're an artist, dumbass!" Tae cackles before cutting himself off when the usually gentle old woman sends him a warning glare. 
"No need to make him more stressed, Taehyung," She scolds, "He's got a lot on his plate."
Then she turns to Jungkook and rests a wrinkly hand on one of his fidgety ones, "You will be able to make it perfect and it'll help with the cost. I know you won't be making many invites anyway and you aren’t worried about money, but it will still save you some unnecessary stress."
"Do you think ____ will be okay with it?" He asks, unsure.
Tae looks at him in disbelief, "Dude, what? She's more in love with your work than anyone, and besides, she's been dropping hints about you making them."
"She has?" Jungkook's eyes bulge.
His best friend nods, "Yup."
"Gosh," Jungkook drops his head in his hands, "I've been so stressed out I didn't even realize."
"It's alright," Tae assures him, "You're not doing this by yourself. Everyone is doing their best to make this wedding amazing. You don't have to go at it alone, you know? We've got four months; we can get it done."
Jungkook nods, feeling silly for putting everything on his shoulders when you and all of your friends have been doing more than he realized. He just wanted it to be as stress free as he could make it for you. How did five months turn into four months already though?
"Ok, so I'm going to work on the invitations...Jimin and Yeona are with ____ dress shopping, Beomgyu already has the flower arrangements designed and is ready to start when the time comes..." He bites his lip in thought, "What else is there? Fuck, my brain is scrambled."
"I've already got the venue reserved," Tae says gently.
"Ah, yes! Thank you," Jungkook sighs in relief, pressing the heel of his hands into his eyes to ease his stress-induced headache. 
"And I will be making the cake," halmeoni reminds him sweetly, "Once you and ____ have decided on what design you like."
Jungkook gives her a grateful smile, beyond thankful for all her help during this, even when she just makes tea and talks him down from his panic attacks. 
"What else is there?" He mumbles to himself. 
"The wedding party is decided and in the process of getting attire, decorations have been ordered, the food needs to be finalized, and you need to take a drink of tea," Taehyung lists off quickly, handing Jungkook a cup. 
Jungkook takes it and takes a sip, a hand still to his head, "Why did we decide on the date so soon?" 
"Because the date you want to get married is important to you. It's already February and you don't want to have to wait more than a year to get married just to wait for June again, do you?" Tae reminds him.
Jungkook shakes his head. 
Halmeoni pats his hand, "You and ____ didn't want to wait very long anyway, remember? You were engaged for three months before deciding. I for one agreed with you, what's the use of being engaged for years and going through all this hullabaloo when you know you want to get married?" 
He nods slowly. 
It's true, the two of you didn't see the point in being engaged for a long time. Besides, it's not like it’s going to be some grand ceremony with hundreds of guests. It’s going to be smaller, something both of you prefer, but also very special. You don't need over a year to plan it. 
It's just a lot more than he thought, even for a small wedding. 
"It's gonna be okay," Tae says gently, "I promise."
Jungkook lifts his head to look at his best friend, "Thanks Tae, seriously. I've been so in my head that I didn't realize how much you've been helping. Shit, you're more up to date on this wedding than I am."
Taehyung smiles brightly, "I actually enjoy this, maybe wedding planning is what I should do instead of this police baloney."
"That would be iconic though," Jungkook chuckles, "Best homicide detective and wedding planner in all of Busan. You'd have clients climbing through your windows."
"To be fair, I'm not even a detective yet."
"Yet," Jungkook emphasizes as he shakes his head, "The irony." 
Who would imagine an ex-hitman going into the police force and becoming a homicide detective, of all things?
Halmeoni smiles at Taehyung's proud grin.
"Speaking of the cops," Tae says after a second, "Are you inviting Seokjin and Yoongi?"
Jungkook nods, "Hoseok said to send the invitations to him and he would deliver them by hand. I'm not expecting them to show up, but it's worth a try."
"Sounds reasonable, this is probably a first for them," Tae guffaws. 
"Probably," Jungkook tries to hold in a laugh himself. 
Halmeoni shakes her head at the two young men giggling in front of her like a couple of schoolboys crushing on someone. 
"I'm convinced the two of you have gone mad with all this wedding planning," she says as she sips her tea. 
That just makes them laugh harder.
"You look so beautiful," Jimin says tearfully as he looks at you, hands going over his mouth to contain his inevitable sobs.
You smile at him through the huge mirror, brushing at your own eyes when you see him struggling not to cry. 
"You're not s-supposed to cry y-yet!" You scold him while laughing tearfully. 
"Sorry!" He squeaks out, turning so he can fix himself up.
Yeona laughs and walks over to you, "You look absolutely stunning, love."
A bright smile lights up your face at her words. 
Over the past eight months of knowing her, she's grown to be one of your closest friends; spending girl nights together when Jimin, Tae, and Jungkook would hang out. 
You've lost count of the number of sleepovers the two of you have had. 
The most recent months have finally begun to ease the ache whenever you would be reminded of Mina. You aren't sure it will ever go away, but Yeona has helped you start to trust someone other than Jimin, Tae, and Jungkook again. 
She has never judged you or acted tired of your habits, like a lot of people do. Never questioned your desire to have dance parties and bake cookies to eat while watching cartoons and dramas on the TV with your stuffies. 
Not to mention how helpful she has been with the wedding planning. Part of you wonders if Yeona might actually convince Tae to open a wedding planning business of their own. 
They probably will. 
No wonder Taehyung fell in love with her, she really is the kindest person you've ever met.
You take Yeona's hand when she reaches out for you, "Jungkook is going to cry," she assures you, making you laugh. 
"He b-better," you joke, triggering a laugh from your best friend who has finally gotten himself together.
"If he doesn't, I'll kick his ass," he promises. 
You and Yeona giggle at his joking before you look back in the mirror and nod, "This is d-d-definitely the one."
A knock on your door makes you look up from where you were setting Pumpkin in her new castle-shaped bed. 
You walk over to the door and look through the peephole, a huge smile breaking out on your face. 
"Who is it? ~" you singsong playfully before looking through the peephole again to see your fiancé smiling. 
"Food delivery!" He calls out. 
You unlock the door and throw it open, "Really??"
He shakes his head, "Nope, just me."
You fake a pout, "I'm hungry though."
Jungkook frowns, "You'd rather have food than me?"
You nod seriously, not breaking character until he comes in and wraps you in his arms, lifting you into the air and making you squeal, "Too bad, you can't trade me."
A smile finds its way to his face when you start to laugh, the sound like music to his ears. 
He walks in and kicks the door shut before walking over to your couch. 
The whole set up of your apartment looks similar to your old one in Seoul since you have all the same furniture. This one is just a bit bigger than the previous apartment, with two bedrooms and a longer hallway. 
You moved to Busan in August of last year to start the school year at your new job and to be closer to Jungkook. The kindergarten in the small town doesn't have many students, but they were in desperate need of a teacher, perfect timing for you. 
Jimin ended up moving shortly after you, not needing to stay anywhere in particular because he can cover news stories wherever he is. He now happens to be your next-door neighbor. 
Jungkook carries you to the couch where he plops himself down, keeping you on his lap. 
"Missed you," he mumbles against your lips when you lean down and kiss him. 
You smile softly, "M-missed you t-too, Kook."
"Really?" He asks, big brown eyes shining like always, "You sure you didn't have too much fun without me?"
After giving his nose a quick peck, you shake your head, "Never."
You feel his hands caress your lower back gently before he pulls you closer, "Did you find a dress?"
Nodding, your eyes sparkle with excitement, and he chuckles. 
"I want to see you in it."
"You w-will~" You tease, "Just n-not yet."
You absentmindedly mess with the tattoos on his arms, running your fingers along the beautiful art as he watches you lovingly, his eyes landing on the pretty ring adorning your finger, the one his mother loved so much. 
Blinking back his tears, he focuses on your face again. 
"I l-like your t-tattoos," you mumble, attention solely on the dandelion etched into his skin. 
Jungkook chuckles, "You say that every time you see them, sweetpea."
"I do?"
"Mhm," he mumbles, reaching a hand up to move a piece of hair from your face and tuck it behind your ear, "I don't mind though."
"They're j-just so pretty," you whisper. 
He smiles softly, then he looks around while you entertain yourself by outlining his body art. 
The sight of his own artwork hanging around your apartment makes his heart melt. You've always been his number one fan and supporter, not to mention his muse. He wouldn't be where he is now without you. 
"Someday soon th-they will b-be worth millions," You whisper when you see him scanning the walls, "And n-no one can have the-them. I'm the o-only girl in the w-world with your original w-work, everyone else has c-copies," You snicker, making him laugh. 
After the art show last year, he began getting many offers and requests for his work, everything went so much quicker than he had hoped. 
None of it really mattered to him then, the only thing he cared about was you. You had remembered him that day, he’s never wanted anything more. 
"You're the only girl in the world that has the original artist himself," He whispers smugly, making goosebumps cover your skin when he nuzzles his nose just under your ear, “I can make you whatever you want.” 
"I c-can't believe how lucky I am, en-engaged to my f-favorite artist," You laugh, pulling back and bopping his nose with your finger. 
Jungkook shakes his head, "I'm the lucky one."
He stares into your eyes, getting lost in them as he moves closer, "I can't wait to marry you," he mutters as he pulls you against him, leading your lips right to his. You let him deepen the kiss, your hands finding their place on his shoulders as he pulls you even closer.
Pulling away for a breath after a minute, you catch his eye, “Was T-Tae mad he couldn’t come? I feel b-bad.”
A half smile spreads on Jungkook’s face, “He was disappointed at first, yeah, but halmeoni and I got him distracted with other wedding stuff.”
You cup his face with your hands, “Thank y-you, for ev-everything you’ve d-done planning this.”
He smiles, “Thank you for marrying me.”
You laugh at that, “W-Why wouldn’t I marry y-you?! You’re being s-silly.”
Jungkook leans forward and pecks your lips before leaning into the back of the couch with a tired groan, jostling you on his lap as he stretches. 
You lay down on his chest, cupping your hands under your chest as you listen to his heartbeat. A moment later, you feel his hand running through your hair. 
“W-we’re living here, r-right?”
“Hm?” Jungkook opens his eyes and glances down at you to see you looking up at him with huge eyes. 
“After w-we get married, y-you’re coming to l-live with me, right?” You ask again. 
“Is this where you want to live?” He asks softly. 
You nod, “Yes, p-please.”
Jungkook touches your cheek gently, stroking it with his thumb, “I don’t care where we live, as long as we’re together. If this is where you’re most comfortable, then this is where we’ll live.”
You smile and sit up, accidentally jabbing into his arm and thigh with your bony elbows. 
“Ouch,” he says flatly but you ignore him, instead choosing to bounce up and down even more.
“And then T-Tae can have the apartment y-you share to himself and m-m-maybe Yeona will move in wi-with him!”
Jungkook nods along with a smile, content just watching you ramble on about how he can decorate however he wants and how it doesn’t have to be pink if he doesn’t want it to be, but how you’ll have to compromise with the bed, because he can pick out the comforter and pillows and everything else, but your stuffies will always live on the bed and he’ll need to deal with that. At least until bedtime of course, then they can move to make room. 
Maybe you’ll need a bigger bed?
You’ll definitely need a bigger bed. 
Does he want to change the curtains?
He can change those, but the drawings from your ducklings really like the vanity and bedside table, so can they please stay there? 
You’ll need another bedside table for his side of course.
Oh, and there are baskets that can hold things like shampoo, because it might be a bit crowded, so you can sort things out like that, and it can still look pretty. And of course, he needs to use the extra bedroom for his art. You won’t budge on that one, insisting he needs an entire room to keep all of his work in. 
Can you come in and visit him while he paints?
Maybe he can teach you how to paint sometime.
It’ll be so much fun to go shopping together, you’ll try to cook him anything he wants if he can help teach you how to do it. 
His hands rest on your lower back, keeping you steady as you wiggle around in excitement, not noticing the way he looks at you as you blab on and on breathlessly. 
Jungkook could listen to you talking about your life together for the rest of eternity and never get bored.
Fuck, I love you so much.
He tilts his head as he watches you, all of his anxiety about the wedding planning melting away as he thinks about how lucky he is to be here with the person he loves the most, planning out your future together.
a/n: i warned you that it was fluffy -_- simps -_-
Tag list; @hopekookies ​ @moonchild1​ @barbellastyles98 ​ @teresaisla ​​ @ggukkieland ​ @scuzmunkie ​​​ @jaebeomsblackgf @sugaslittlekookies ​​​ @moon-asia ​​ @bangtannie7​​​ @yoonchrisgull ​​​ @njkbangtan @dlwrlmajaykay ​​​ @higashikatasgf ​​​ @sweetonkookieandtae @voidswan-recs ​​​ @sadxaries ​​​ @shadowmoon21 ​​​ @jinfused ​​​ @taehyungiev13 ​​​ @gaeguuliii ​​ @kimnamjoonluvbot ​​ @jungkooook @mutterseelenalleinn ​​​ @surilirani @patpus ​​​ @yukiehyukie ​​​ @crypticsabbat @ohyeahjk​​​ @steffiiirose @the-falling-star ​​​ @telepathytae ​​ @erenkook-blog ​​​ @rosiekoo​​​ @neverthefirstchoice ​​​ @bubbless-world ​​​ @yeow6n ​​​ @purpleunicorn051 ​​​ @canarystwin ​​​@sopikooo @kookxin
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sidekick-hero · 6 months
✨FrankenWIP game✨
@hotluncheddie came up with a fun new WIP game and tagged me, as well as @steviewashere - thank you both 💜🙏
post 3-6 sentences of your most recent WIP's, with titles, and people can send you asks for more 3-6 sentence snippets! tag as many people as you want or just use this as a reason to add a few new sentences to your projects!
no pressure tags: @steddieas-shegoes, @starryeyedjanai, @runninriot, @steveseddie, @hbyrde36, @eriquin and everybody else who wants to share what they're working on, please tag me 🫶
Take your time (I wanna cross some lines)
They smile at each other, the reason they’re here all but forgotten until Steve asks, “So, prep?” and the reality of what’s about to happen comes crashing down on him again. He takes a deep breath and reminds himself once again that he is here for Steve and everything else takes second place to making sure he drives Steve back home with a smile on his face.
"I have a few things to put away, prepare the bathroom for, uh, cleaning up and stuff," Eddie says without looking at Steve as he places one of the two bags he brought next to the bed. "I've got everything we need in here, lube, condoms, the silk rope and the spreader bar. Why don't you set up the bedroom while I take care of the bathroom, huh?"
It's the less crass way of saying, 'Why don't you finger yourself while I escape to the bathroom so I don't fall any deeper into this hole I've dug for myself?'
---- or: Steve asks Eddie for help to fulfill a fantasy of his. ---
Hold me like a grudge
Their eyes locked, Steve's dazed, marveling, and then he said in a hoarse voice that hardly sounded like his own, "Please, Eddie." And as if he needed to make sure Eddie knew exactly what he was begging for, "Please don't stop."
Out of the corner of his eye, Eddie saw Steve's hand twitch, as if Steve wanted to reach out and touch him, but didn't dare. Even now Eddie doesn't know where his courage came from, but he had grabbed Steve's hand and put it on his head. "Show me what you like, okay? I've never done this before," he had told Steve before taking him in his mouth again.
----- or: Final part of the "Steve asks Eddie to experiment with him" verse ----
I’ll keep you like an oath (may nothing but death do us part)
My secret summer exchange for @starryeyedjanai - so no snippet but you can still encourage me to write more for it (PLEASE DO!) and I'll send you the sentences in a DM (sorry Janai 😉)
End of Beginning
Eddie's eyes suddenly widen and Steve thinks he didn't mean to say that last part. He looks a lot like a deer caught in the headlights and Steve wants to make him feel better, to bring them back to equal footing.
"Well, if it was just about being really pretty, you'd be a great actor too."
The pink dusting on Eddie's cheeks darkens even more, and he hides a smile behind a lock of his dark curls.
Still got it, Harrington, Steve thinks.
---- or: Steve comes back to Chicago, back to where his acting career began, back to where he met the man he thought was the love of his life. He finds that the saying is true, though: you always meet twice in life.
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fractured-shield · 4 months
WIP wednesday tag
thanks for the tag @honeybewrites! it isn't wednesday here anymore but in my defense today was a lot and also i'm only like an hour late
Rules: Pick a WIP. Post something about it. On a Wednesday. Or whenever
Here's part of a scene from ch2. The Alliance council's visiting soldiers, politicians, and scholars are quartered in the Palfrey and Hearth. There's rumors and gossip to be discussed, even after the tiring opening day of council. Idhren is trying to overthink himself into another panic attack in peace. Hal wants his captain to eat some fucking food and maybe not do that. High-lord Tanril is...well, he's kind of a lot. I don't really have a handle on how to write him yet but he's sure a personality.
cw: mild fighting and rowdy drunks, briefly mentioned and off-screen
“The effectiveness of this Alliance aside, it’s less relevant than we think in these times of peace, may they continue. Trade would continue by decree of each kingdom’s rulers with or without councillors to get all the details in place.”
“A fact for which I’m quite thankful,” Idhren admitted. “It eases the stress, doesn’t it?”
“A far easier job than a war council,” Tanril agreed. “I couldn’t imagine it. Ilgost’s internal conflict in recent years was enough to contend with. —I’d like to find the innkeeper to see if I can get a bit of a nightcap. Would either of you like a drink?”
“Ah—thank you, but I’m alright,” Idhren said as Hal shook his head.
Tanril stood, sending the chair grating back across the floor again. “Very well, then. I’ll see both of you gentlemen in the morning, I assume?”
After a few exchanged pleasantries—Idhren could tell Hal's patience was wearing thin—Ilgost's high lord left them be, making his way through the common room into the entrance hall in search of the innkeeper.
No sooner was he out of sight than Hal let his cheerful expression fall. “Gods, was that awkward.”
“He seemed nice enough,” Idhren said, taking note that the two other representatives from Ilgost still sat in the corner of the room in shared silence “A bit...intense? That’s the most I’ve ever spoken to him.”
“Even if he was being genuine—I know you’re tired of being interrogated about Maithyr like that.”
Idhren shrugged. “I've had worse.”
“Oh, I'm sure you have,” Hal snickered behind clasped hands as he leaned forward conspiratorially. “What was it that noble's brat from Lauthein asked you once? How did he word it, 'if he was as—’”
“Hal,” he complained in pretended offense, running a hand over his eyes. “Don't remind me, please.”
“Did you give the kid an answer, at least?”
“No,” came the reply, muffled behind his hands. “Gods, I don't know how anyone can get used to all the gossip of this work. I swear some of them like it.”
Before he could say any more, the sound of the inn's main door opening caught their attention.
“I didn't think anyone would be getting back this late,” Hal turned towards the entrance hall, leaning his arm on the chair’s back. “Do you think Rosmorn decided to come back tonight? I was sure she was staying in the city.”
Idhren listened as the sound of raised voices started up in the other room, his body already on edge like a tight lyre-string out of habit. He couldn't make out any of it, but it sounded like a few men had just come in.
He stood, one hand on his sword, and Hal followed a moment behind.
“—because it's not a tavern, you drunken fools, the innkeeper's gone to bed already. Go home, or at least get yourselves back on the streets—I'm not asking, I'll throw you out myself if you like!” It was Tanril’s voice. It seemed he hadn’t found the innkeeper after all.
He looked quickly around the room. Pendreth’s book lay forgotten in her lap, and she looked up with wide, nervous eyes. Drambor was already standing, hand on their own sword’s hilt.
As Idhren approached the darkened room, he heard the sound of a scuffle coming from inside. Someone’s boot connected with what sounded like a leg.
As his eyes adjusted, he saw Tanril shove three stumbling men back onto the doorstep. He took the door, relieved that the skirmish was seemingly resolved, and closed it behind them. He slid the latch bolt into place as Tanril cracked his knuckles and adjusted his ring.
“...Everything alright?”
“It was hardly a fight,” Tanril insisted. Fair enough, as he’d already caught his breath. “Just some drunkards who couldn’t tell the Palfrey from a cheap tavern and were looking for another drink. What the hell’s going on in Durnthain this year?”
In the low light, the high lord's jovial expression looked more serious, but he seemed somehow rejuvenated by the fight.
“I couldn't say,” Idhren answered demurely, letting his hand fall from his sword. “I'm relieved to see you weren't hurt, though.”
Tanril scoffed. “Hurt? Did you see them fall out the door? They were too drunk to stand.”
A flicker of a smile, barely visible in the dark. “It's a shame, I'm sure that had the opposite effect of that nightcap you wanted.”
Tanril paused, set a hand on the taller man’s arm. “A moment—”
He waited until Idhren turned back to face him, met his eyes as clearly as he could in the dark. “I may be in favor of my country’s involvement in your Alliance, but I’m sure you’re aware that belief isn’t absolute in Ilgost. I can’t speak ill of my own, with only suspicions as evidence, but—Ilgost’s civil wars aren’t as resolved as you may think. The house of high lords is split, and I’m afraid they begin to look for allies elsewhere.”
“Why are you telling me?” Idhren spoke cautiously, eyeing the bright doorway to the common room.
“Someone of your credentials seems likely to treat my worries with concern for my kingdom as well as his. And—you’re more familiar with the friends they seek than I am.”
He took half a step back, thankful that Tanril couldn’t see how he paled in the dark of the entrance hall. “You think the high lords seek a bargain with the Lochieru?”
“I don’t know what I think, just yet. But we’ve been in here long enough.”
He heard Tanril laughing behind him like he’d said nothing at all as he reentered the common room, blinking a bit in the light. Hal was a few steps away, near both Pendreth and Drambor: the young woman with her heavy book held across her chest with one hand, and her colleague with their hand on their sword hilt. It seemed to him like they were both trying to stand in front of the other in preparation for any threat.
“It was nothing,” he reassured them. “Just some men looking for another ale they didn't need.”
tagging @runner-owen @kaylinalexanderbooks @just-emis-blog @kaylinalexanderbooks and anyone else who wants to join!
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taegularities · 6 months
i mean this in the nicest way possible because i truly love you, but i wish writers in general wouldnt try to force reader engagement. i often reply with feedback, but at the end of the day, you should be writing because you want to, not because you want validation. i dont know if its just me who feels this way, but when writers constantly mention needing feedback or they wont write/will stop writing a popular series, it feels like a threat. i dont want reading to feel like a chore, where i need to constantly be validating my favorites so they dont get taken away from me. i love you and your writing and i wish my likes were enough. sometimes i, as a reader, dont feel like engaging/leaving notes. sometimes i just want to read and move forward. i feel like many writers have turned appreciative comments from readers into an obligation.
again in no way is this meant to be hateful towards you, i feel like this can apply to many of my favs. i just needed to get it off my chest and hopefully assure you that we like your writing, even if there's less engagement. if you disagree with any of my points, please tell me/ask me to clarify. i dont want to hurt your feelings and i would love to hear from the writer's side!
hiii! no worries, thank you so much for being respectful and wanting to hear my opinion, as well. i know some people let these things out in the rudest manner possible, so i appreciate that <3
so, the reason i haven't been writing atm is because i lack the time and energy to write :') this year has been crazyyyy busy, so i just don't get to it anymore – and since i've been away/less present for a while, i guess i also drifted away from tumblr, too, and then felt like people might've forgotten about taegularities, and then i wasn't sure if the effort would still be worth it (i get insecure at times, but that's a me-problem). now, the reason i (and many other writers) have this worry is bc writing requires an insane amount of energy and brainpower – when i tell you that so many of us actually slave over just a scene or even a paragraph for ages 😭 (example: the last cmi update was far shorter than what i usually drop, but it took me days to just edit one scene). we ache to write all the time, but life also gets in our way – i barely get time to sit down and work on my fics these days… so when i do get time, i want to put it out there into the world and then see the reactions, too… i write for myself, ofc, but for you guys, too, so i can share that joy; or else i'd keep the fics in my docs, right?
and in that sense, when we write something in the rare free time that we get and that we hope others will love just as much as we do, we do seek some sense of validation, even if that sounds odd. it's like – imagine you studied for a test for like 2 weeks, but then don't get the results you hoped for (which might be a weird example, but effort-wise, it's similar, even if fics don't affect writers' lives in that sense). i know there are many who just write and don't care for feedback (even tho i've seen even those who say this be sad about reader engagement which – very valid), but i think that most who expose their soul and heart like this, do want to see people enjoying it/speaking about it/hyping it up. every creator, be it in the movie, music or art industry, loves to see reactions! and think about it – most writers get so genuinely excited when someone sends an ask that doesn't say more than "i loved this so much!! you're such a good writer!!" which is insane?! like, i know that i do – i get so happy and remember these comments 5ever, and it's a 2 sentence review as opposed to thousands of words. the effort here is unbalanced, but we still love it so much. and you don't need to write an essay, you never never do!! i swear, it's always enough to even get a few words or sentences <3 which, in the end, isn't a lot to ask for, you know?
i'm not saying i will stop writing my series. i would stop if it got 0 reactions OR if my life stood in its way too much; i'll keep loving what i write and write out of joy, no doubt. and tbh, i don't care about notes either. like, i remember "ruin you" getting way less notes than cmi but GOSH we had so much fun back then bc of the interaction and the craze made me so happy hahaha and yeah that's what it's essentially about – community. does that make sense? it's tumblr where likes don't make a post circulate – reblogs do, so yeah, unfortunately, likes are not enough :( i wish they were. i totally get what you mean, though. even feedback shouldn't be an obligation, but if you truly like somebody's work, it never hurts to send a tiny message. it really means the world to us when something we adore and are so proud of – creating art, sharing our heart, wanting everybody to see this love – is met with so much joy. and it's fics, you know – we love love love writing, but it's something that can be read. and we want people to read it and we're legit sitting there like "👀 and?? aaaand?" lol it's so nice to know when someone truly appreciates something… ofc you don't have to comment on my stuff, but i promise feedback makes a difference. it's why so many do leave :/ i hope that made sense!! once again, thank you for being respectful!! i love you, too, and am truly grateful that you're here and enjoying my stuff!! <3
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miasmaghoul · 12 days
Miasma, may I ask for advice? Two of my best friends are getting married to each other in a few months, and have been planning it for a couple of years. They told me the date two years ago to make sure I'd be able to take time off for work, which I've done and told them. Despite me reaching out and trying to keep our friendship active like I normally would (mental health sucks for us all), I haven't heard from them since Feb. The one time they asked if I wanted to hang out I wad so excited and said yes and asked when, and then when I followed up a couple of weeks later asking if they still wanted to, I got brushed off. Am I in the wrong to give up on trying to reach out, especially with a wedding coming up? I haven't been told any info beyond the date and at this point I'm getting pissed at the idea that I'm going to be left scrambling to find something to wear in the right colour and to help with the setting up last minute because they haven't communicated anything. I've done all I can to try support them from afar, and keep my burdens and struggles from them both so that they aren't bitten by empathy, but I'm hurt badly. I don't think they've even sent me a text to say they're thinking of me since June. I'd really like an outside perspective on things, and if I'm being petty and childish if you're willing 🦨
Hi friend.
First off, I'm sorry you're stuck in this position. It's an awful one to be in, and I do understand why you're upset. Navigating adult friendships can be a tumultuous thing, especially when big life events happen, and it can be very easy to feel ignored or forgotten. I, personally, don't think it's petty or childish to be hurt by it. Distance is painful, and unfortunately that usually gets worse before it gets better.
However, I also think it's hard to give an outside perspective on situations like this. I can tell you what I would do, but there's no guarantee that what works for me would work for you. It's entirely possible that your friends simply got caught up in their own lives - wedding planning and the like - to have much time for anyone else. It may not be a personal thing at all, even if it's easy to take it that way. It's possible they've only been focused on each other and yours isn't the only friendship that's suffered for it. Is the alternative possible too? Of course. But ultimately how you react to and handle this depends on you.
Believe me when I say that I understand the mental heath struggles make things like this infinitely harder. It's so easy to fall into the trap of "everyone hates me, I'm the problem", and once you do that's a pit that hard to climb out of. I also understand wanting to keep all of this you yourself so as not to burden others, but here's the thing: your needs are never a burden. This is a lesson I'm still teaching myself, one that is not easy to learn, but it's so, so important. How is anyone supposed to help or support you if they don't know what you're struggling with? I'm not saying to treat your friends like they're therapists, that's not a good solution, but I don't think there is any harm in asking someone who cares for you "hey, I'm having a rough time, can I talk to you about (whatever you're struggling with)?" As a rule, people care more about you than you think. It's just harder to see it when your own brain is trying to trick you into self-hatred.
Anyway, my very meandering point is that you are the only one responsible for your reaction to this situation. If you choose to distance yourself from your friends, it's understandable despite how painful that choice may be. If you choose to send them a message explaining your feelings and asking if there's a reason for their distance, that's also a valid choice. I think the important thing is to try your best to not view yourself as a "problem" here - if you've been trying to reach out and not getting responses, that's not your fault.
But I do encourage you to try and be patient when you don't know what they have going on. I realize this isn't easy, especially if you're someone who struggles with rejection sensitivity (relatable, I promise), but I urge you to try to give them the benefit of the doubt. In most cases, good friendships don't just end. They may fluctuate, especially at times like this, but there's always a chance that they don't even realize they're hurting you. Communication is something that's so important, as is honesty, and both are required for a solid friendship to be maintained.
I'm sorry if this isn't helpful, but it's the advice I have. Be open, be honest, and trust that your friends do care about you. If you doubt that, there's no harm in asking for reassurance. Be as kind to yourself as you would be to them - you deserve it. ♡
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greenhousethree · 10 months
Asked and Answered (Chasing chapters 2-3!)
These asks have been making my day since I posted chapter two, and life was unexpectedly a lot last month but we're back and ready to rumble, baby. Chapter four is getting a bunch of final edits, but in the meantime I've been getting a KICK out of your questions...
Spoilers, sneak peeks, and theories below!
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I'm sorry it took me so long to get to this one, anon! But rest assured I have not forgotten about Kreacher, and we haven't heard the last about selling Grimmauld Place (more on that in chapter 5). From Harry's letters, though, we're learning that George and Ron think they could use a slave someone to do the washing up, which would be a level of such bougie dichotomy in a shitty London flat that I, for one, would love to see.
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Dean In Paris is a little arc that I've been so excited to reveal, and starting with chapter 4 we'll definitely be hearing more about it. We still have a lot to learn about his year on the run, too, and what it was like to come out of the woods and reintegrate with both Muggles and wizards... our poor boy's really been through it.
As far as Luna goes, we'll be getting more of their interactions next chapter too (wouldn't be a party without a little inter-house mingling)! We know she's fresh out of a relationship with his old roommate, so we'll see if Dean will go two for two with DA girls 👀
Cheers, anon!
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Thank you so much for this question, anon! I promise we'll get some Charlie moments that have to do with Quidditch, but at this point it would be giving away too much to reveal the role (if any) he might have at her first match. Instead here's something a little out of context:
"What the hell," she snorted, turning a stone over in her left hand before pitching it low over the waves. "You sound like Mum, asking me shit like that. Or Bill." Charlie shrugged, sending his throw so far he must've charmed the rock. "I dunno. Bloke seems moody is all. Not that I blame him... I just wanted to be sure everything was good, I guess." "It's sort of cute, you checking up on me." "Shut up. You think this is the first time?"
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Anon I could kiss you for this question because I don't really write A/Ns for these chapters, but now I get to point out one of my favorite self-indulgent little details from chapter three:
“We’re just going to keep him still until someone gets here.” And she took Kirke’s head between both hands, sliding her fingers underneath to gingerly probe through the back of his hair. “Help’s coming, Andrew. You’re okay. We’re going to get you inside.”
I took that last line directly from the text with the intention of thrusting Ginny back into a moment at the end of DH that doesn't really get resolved or explained. More on that to come, but in this moment Ginny is really triggered by this burden of someone else's safety— of caring for the injured— and the helplessness that accompanies it. I'm really looking forward to tying this in with her ambition to be a Healer, which we learn she discussed with Professor McGonagall months after witnessing her father's hospitalization, her brother and friends' injuries, and Sirius's death. As the youngest Weasley she's been barred from so much of the action, so those moments of powerlessness were made more bitter by the fact that she was trying to do the only thing she felt she could. The panic comes from knowing the only thing she could do wasn't always enough...
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Gushing over this question! A theory! About my fic!
I've gotten a few different versions of "where's Binns?", and I really don't want to give too much away because it'll come into play in later chapters, but I will say that the situation is a little more complicated than education reform. The only hint I can offer is that it's been really hard to convey everything that hasn't been around at Hogwarts without drawing too much attention to it, especially through Ginny's limited narration...
Priscus, though! Shame that Ginny would (imo) never canonically take a History of Magic N.E.W.T., so we'll have to settle for hearing more about him from Hermione.
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thanks for this prompt, anon! without further ado, here's a peek at two character debuts for this fic:
Demelza grinned over the rim of her mug, eyes narrowed. "Could've told me sooner." "I know." "You know Romilda still doesn't believe you either, right?" "Doesn't matter," Ginny mumbled before tipping her head back to empty her cup, blood thudding sluggishly in her ears as she thought of his jumper and his letters— solace and evidence, tucked away in the same place. "She can't prove anything. Didn't believe me last year either, did they?" Demelza shrugged. "Just thought you'd want to know. She brought it up first thing on the train 'cause she knows we're friends. Can't imagine she's wasting too much brainpower on it right now, though..." At the table by Dean's bed, Dennis was refilling two cups with wine, cracking a grin as Romilda bumped a playful shoulder against his.
(Neither of today's sneak peeks passes the Harry Bechdel test, and for that I apologize.)
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I also received a few more questions about Ginny's shoulder, especially after her conversation with Dean this chapter... I answered something similar in this post (if you scroll down a bit) and linked to postwar fics that occur before this story. Cheers! 🌱
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hussyknee · 11 months
Israel is fucking abhorrent but how can you think the solution is supporting Putin—who is also engaging in genocide right now?? I followed you here because of your support for Ukranian bloggers against disinformation, saying the west is gonna “make you” support another genocidal maniac and that you’re down with other people who’ve been cheering just that and other genocides on now is horrible. What the fuck.
You cannot trust people who are cool with one genocide to seriously oppose others! That’s true of anti-tankie pro-Israel types too! Get a grip!
At first I was baffled by this because I was ripping into a Tankie just yesterday for their moral posturing over Palestine because the same people have no problem erasing and denying the rest of the Global South's genocides when it suits them. I haven't forgotten Ukraine and never will.
Then I realized this was about my infuriated post about liberals harrassing people to vote for Biden while we're watching the extent of not just his own administration's but the entire Western political establishment's utter moral depravity and commitment to genocide. I said I now will support not just Hamas but also Houthis and Hezbollah and literally any motherfucker who will do something to help Gaza, even Putin, even though I'll probably want to kill myself for having to support another genocider.
I was going to talk to you about betrayal, in the context of your country's treatment of Black and brown students, and talk about how every fuckstick with a Ukrainian flag pinned to their bio, nearly all white Europeans, are out defending Israel's rights underneath videos of dead and maimed and screaming Palestinian children. I've started reacting viscerally to the very sight of your flag did you know that??
I wanted to ask you to contrast the West's mobilization and outcry for you, with the way they're funding and manufacturing consent for Israel cutting off all food, water and electricity for two million people in a concentration camp while carpet bombing them for a solid month. To imagine the level of concerted dehumanization, repression, persecution, and psychological brutalism they're subjecting Arabs and Muslims to, and by extension the rest of the Global South. To understand that within one month far more Gazans have been murdered than you have lost in 20. That they no longer have water or anything to eat, and Israel is still bombing as many fishing boats and solar panels and food stores still remaining so that they are now slowly dying of dehydration, starvation and sepsis. And that none of the governments have any intention of so much as calling a "humanitarian pause" let alone a ceasefire while raising money for "humanitarian aid" they won't send. THAT HALF OF GAZA MIGHT WELL DIE IN THE NEXT FEW DAYS AND SO FAR THE ONLY PEOPLE HELPING FIGHT ISRAEL ARE HAMAS'S ALLIES.
I was going to ask you to imagine why, under these circumstances, I might now feel slightly more appreciative of the same people who protested the US's military support for Ukraine now getting themselves bodily thrown out of Congress hearings protesting the US sending Israel billions more for their bombs and weapons.
But you know what? I don't actually want to ask you for any of that. Because I want nothing to do with this level of selfish, self-involved, entitled, white sociopathy.
My care and compassion for oppressed and suffering human beings are not contingent on their moral behaviour. I'm always going to care about Ukraine even if every single one of you turn out be the same kind of racist colonial cunt that's migrated to Israel. Despite everything I'm still deeply sad that any hope of the US divesting from Israel might have to come at the expense of their support for y'all as well, although as of now them divesting from Israel is far less likely than y'all ever losing out. And I'm not a fucking idiot, I know exactly what kind of self-interested imperialist bootlickers Tankies are.
But understand that Black and brown people owe you nothing. We are intimately familiar with the fact that we're barely human to any of you white chucklefucks, irrespective of region or religion or ethnicity. And still the vast majority of us don't want you to lose your homes and families, because our moral compasses and humanity have always outstripped yours.
Get off my blog and go fuck yourself.
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raw-law · 3 months
rahhhhhhhgghhgg ive been less active since the servers creation bc now i just talk to you directly more often. but, i still like to send asks because its fun. its like mail, i send a little message, you guyz read it. then i get a notification with a reply like a day or so later and its so thrilling to me. i love mail so much. i love buying thingz online and then getting a little treat in the mail. it makes me lowkey ecstatic! i actually just bought an mcr shirt because they released merch for the 20th anniversary of their sophomore album, Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge. i'll forget i ordered it and then in a few weeks, a little treat for moi!!!! j'adore les petits cadeaux pour moi!!!!
what is your opinion on the shift from sending letters to just calling or texting people instead? do you think instant forms of communication are a betterment for society or do they ruin the fun?
Good to see you again, Deer Anon!
And I'm glad you like sending asks; I like reading them as well, even though sometimes I mightn't have time to answer. It's good you got a little treat for yourself, you deserve it.
Anyways, to answer your question.
I think instant forms of communication is wonderful. Without it, after all, we wouldn't have the chance to be running this blog, and I wouldn't be able to meet Ryuzaki. It's also convenient when people want to get in touch with us, and without it, we wouldn't be so developed and safe.
However, it is rather regretful that not a lot of people write letters any longer because of this. Letters are a sincere, heartfelt form of communication, and in my opinion, so much more worth treasuring than messages on a phone screen. Through a handwritten, decorated letter, you can find out so much more about the letter's writer, and I find that a very beautiful thing. I still write letters to my ex-teachers, though not as often as I used to when I was a kid and not yet with a phone. And that's a little sad.
Honestly, both have their pros and cons. But my view is that, at the same time when texting friends and calling family, we could write a simple letter to them, asking about their day, and maybe draw little doodles on it. I'm sure that'll make their day, and maybe also the days after that. :]
Thanks for the question, Deer Anon. I loved answering this one.
ahh... i had a feeling that might happen with the addition of a discord server.. eh, what can you do. the server's fun anyways.
but i am glad you enjoy the asks so much. i'm also glad there's people who still have an appreciation for mail in general. i too quite enjoy the simple act of getting a box i've forgotten about and tearing it open, though it is a little ironic considering i'm not really fond of physical gifts, unless they're practical or edible. i just like the unboxing bit. i hope you have fun opening up that mcr shirt of yours. it certainly sounds special. rock on, you hopelessly reactive romantic.
as for my opinion on instant communication... it's all rather conflicting..
i appreciate the advancement of technology. it's played a large part in improving our daily lives, and like light has said, it's given me the opportunity to meet him, along with other people close to me and the askers on this blog.
... but it all feels a bit much to me, at times.
people having the capability to simply.. question me whenever they please feels too weirdly personal.. i know it's irrational, but i just don't like it. i don't like that pressure. nor do i like the way the formatting of words has changed because of it. it's just not something for me. i'm only really alright with it when it comes to people i consider special, but even then i feel like i'd enjoy it more if we communicated through things like letters or even emails. have you seen Simon VS. The Homo Sapiens Agenda? it's a favorite of mine. sometimes i catch myself yearning to be somebody's blue. it really is irrational..
thank you for the ask, it was a pleasure to ponder. always fun to see the tidbits you share. :)
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syn4k · 1 year
Open mic night
Requests are closed. Please do not send any in.
One warm spring night, all of the emperors were invited around Oli's campfire on the Olipelago.
"Now," he said, leaning towards the flames, "we have an evening of storytelling and music, drama and mystique!" He leaned back and raised his arms. "Welcome to the Olipelago's Open Mic Campfire Night!"
There was polite clapping from all sides. "Ooh, it rhymes," said Joel to Jimmy, who was sitting next to him and nodded.
"As your host, I'll go first," said Oli, taking out his lute and experimentally strumming a few chords. "I've been practicing this one for a while, and I think you'll all like it." He grinned, and couldn't keep a small snicker out of his voice as he went on. "Anyways, here's Wonderwall."
Jimmy had to be physically restrained from jumping over the fire and beating the lute into the ground, but otherwise, the performance went as smoothly as could be expected. Fwhip kept his head in his hands, Gem looked anywhere but her neighbor, and Pix kept a neutral expression on his face, trading marshmallows to roast with Sausage nearby and quietly showing him how to get them onto s'mores. A couple people clapped halfheartedly when Oli finished his performance.
"I'll go next," announced Jimmy loudly as soon as the last note had wavered out of the air. He stood up on the log he was sitting on. "In the mesa, we have a long tradition of telling scary stories at night to keep ourselves busy while out at outposts," he said, voice lowering. "One of the most popular tales, and the one that I'll be sharing with everyone here tonight, is that of the Forgotten Horseman."
A few people around the fire gasped, but quieted down as Jimmy went on. The Forgotten Horseman, he explained, was a long-lost fifth spirit of the mesa that had been separated from her brothers when she forsook her station to do good for mortals upon the world. She had once been known as Fate, but she stayed entirely neutral. Legend had it that she was still wandering around the mesas at night, keeping guard over the town. But if you ever said a bad thing about her, she would hear and cause misfortune and havoc in your household.
The campfire was very quiet when he finished. "You're right," said Oli. "That was scary."
"Thank you," said Jimmy in a cheerful tone much different than the more solemn one he had used for the stories. "Anyone else?"
"Uhhhhh, I might have something," mumbled Joel. Everyone looked at him, and he shifted in his seat. "It's not a very long story," he said quickly. "I don't think many people would be interested in-"
"Any stories are worth sharing," said Pix. Several people nodded, and Joel sighed and went on haltingly.
"It's about the ocean," he said. "Some people say that because the rivers go into the ocean and because it drips into the caves and goes into the air and all that, the ocean knows everything. That's why sometimes people sail across it to other places and learn things."
"Oh, that's a thing I've heard too!" exclaimed Joey. "At my seaside town, we have a saying. It goes something like 'the sea is a knowledgeable mistress, but her tempers are dangerous.' Out on the open ocean, things can change like that." He snapped his fingers.
"Well, that's not ominous at all," said Lizzie.
"Anyone else?" asked Oli. Everyone but Pix shook their heads.
"I was going to go last," he said. "I have a yarn to spin, if anyone would like to hear it."
"The history man tells a history story?" asked Oli. "How surprising!"
"Well, I wouldn't say it's history," said Pix. "More of a legend."
"Pix tells the best stories," whispered Jimmy to Sausage, who nodded. "Go on."
"Well," said Pix, voice taking on a mysterious and solemn quality, "it's been said that in another land long ago, there was a man who tangled with a Creator.
"Back then, the gods and the more common players mingled freely and shared space more often than they did now. The world was smaller back then, you see. But this man was so powerful that eventually one of the gods decided that something had to be done to stop him."
Everyone leaned in, and Pix laughed a little. "Oh, yeah. Apparently, this guy was so powerful that one of the Creators decided he had to do something about it himself.
"So he walked up to this guy like normal, but instead of talking like they usually did, the god took out an axe and chopped off his arm."
Everyone around the fire gasped. "Is he alright?" asked Oli.
"Oh, yeah," said Pixl. "Apparently he just made himself an arm out of metal and wire to replace the old one and became even more powerful."
Gem squinted at him. "This sounds familiar," she said.
Pix shrugged and gave her a smile. "You might have heard it somewhere before," he said. "It's an old legend, but not a very popular one, and as time goes on I'm seeing that it's fading into obscurity."
"Thank goodness you're here for that, then, Pix," said Fwhip. He lifted his small glass of water. "Three cheers to the story man!"
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