#I have the two of them as funko pops :D
c00kietin · 6 months
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vilnmelling · 4 months
do you have any more richie tidbits :D
Trust me, I have a LOT to say about Richard Lipschitz. As he's my current hyperfixation character, I have made it my mission to find out everything there is to know about him, and of course also to make as many headcanons as possible about him. Now LET'S GO, ALL SORTS OF RICHIE STUFF!
Canon/half canon facts and trivia (AKA things said/done either in NPMD, in track commentaries or in streams)
As he says a couple of times in NPMD, he has overactive sweat glands, meaning he sweats more than the average person, and that he doesn't smell very good.
He also has asthma, as Bury the Bully confirms.
Shapiro asks the nerds if they're sure they didn't see Richie in their AP calculus class, so we can assume Richie's good at math.
Richie's quite skilled with a camera, and he knows how to photoshop (whether or not he's good at it is up for debate *glances at Ruth's playbill headshot*).
His favorite anime is Attack on Titan.
He would absolutely dye his hair blue.
He cosplays, and if he could afford to, he would make ELABORATE cosplays.
Richie's bedroom: his walls are absolutely decked out in anime posters, he has tons and tons of plushes, and he has a glass case of Funko Pops. Then he also has his anime love pillows, of course.
He did some Twitch streaming in 2020.
Once, he tried to organize a Pokemon Go meet-up, but no one showed up.
He's not as brave as he would like to be.
He doesn't seem to be a big fan of parties.
Out of the nerds, he was the one who felt the worst about what they did to Max.
My personal observations and headcanons
Richie's a shorts guy, all year around. He only has one or two pairs of long pants in his closet. It doesn't matter how cold it gets during the winter; he still wears shorts. He would've worn shorts to Homecoming. He'd be one questionable decision away from wearing shorts at his own wedding.
He and Trevor are identical twins, and Trevor is eleven minutes older. Even though Trevor's barely interested in anime and Richie's hardly at all interested in musicals, they watch them together. It's a weekly thing that they sit down in the living room, argue for five minutes about whether to watch an anime or a musical ("We watched Newsies last time." "Bullshit, that was like a month ago, we've watched anime the last two times at least!" "And what pray tell may those animes be, Trevor?"), then settle on one but talk over it the entire time. One of them always gets annoyed at the other for not keeping up with the storyline, but if you think they're gonna stop talking over them, you're wrong.
Daniel's their younger brother by five years. Neither of them know about Daniel's abilities nor about the fact that he's part of a magical fighting ring. (Their uncle, Gary, takes Daniel in secret, and they've told the rest of the family that Gary's taking Daniel to some sports practice. Trevor and Richie have ongoing bets about where Daniel keeps getting loads and loads of money from, and they constantly make deals with him to earn some money for themselves (doing Daniel's chores, watching stupid superhero movies with him, etc..))
His full name is Richard Jonathan _____ Lipschitz. Jonathan as a middle name is a family name for all the men in the Matthews-Goldstein-Lipschitz-McNeil family, and then they all have their own second middle name.
Trevor and Richie's birthday is somewhere in June. Richie was just so fucking clearly born in June.
When they were kids (8-12), they would make shitty movies and movie trailers on iMovie on their iPad. Most often, Richie would film and Trevor would play all the roles. Sometimes they'd involve Daniel and their cousins from their father's side of the family, then they'd force all the adults to watch their movies. Their greatest hit films include 'The Children in the Drawers', 'The Green Plant', 'The Murderer in the Barn' and 'The Boy Who Went to the Bathroom and Disappeared' (definitely not named after the shitty iMovie trailers and movies my sister, cousins and I made when we were kids).
Richie and Ruth met for the first time on a playground the summer before their first year of school. They played together for an hour or two before Ruth had to go home, and parted as typical six-year-old strangers who played pirates on a playground once. When they started school a month and a half later, they ended up in the same class, and they immediately recognized each other, and since then they've been besties. (Ruth met Pete at tap class, and that was how Pete completed the trio).
Based on a whole fuck ton of things in both the proshot and the digital ticket, I have no choice but to think Richie's down bad for Ruth, and that she's equally whipped. Richie's 110% oblivious to how he's feeling. He's not in denial or anything, he just has no idea. I'm talking, "Seeing her smile makes my stomach do cartwheels, but that doesn't mean anything." "That dress she wore once made me speechless, but that's just because she's such a good friend." "Yes, I could imagine myself kissing her, but that doesn't have to mean anything." He gives her an almost Paul-level heart-eyes look, she's fucking constantly looking at him, he fully checks her out in the digital ticket (involving nodding and hand gestures), she giggles at every lame joke he makes like it's the funniest thing she's heard, how angry he is that Pete wouldn't want to be with her, she beelines for him after "arguing" with Steph, he hypes her up when Max compliments her skeleton bit, and they're pretty much incapable of standing more than three millimeters away from each other. I mean, come on.
Analyses are on the way!
I've spent a lot of my time delving into story analysis, and I'm about to make an analysis video focusing mainly on Max and Richie (Richie's death, in particular). The script is done, I just have to film and edit it, but then it'll be up on Youtube!
Another analysis video idea I have is to make a video purely dedicated to breaking down each of the main characters and unearthing their internal conflicts, goals, desires, fears and misbeliefs. I've already got a pretty good idea of Richie's motivations and fears, so I'm quite excited about this one...
And there ya go, a bunch of Richie stuff!
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snoopy-nerdio · 14 days
Ya'll they got me :/ 😔
I'm now on that MHA sigma alpha grindset mindset 🗣💪💪💪‼️‼️‼️
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My god- season seven just HURT! I'm not a big fan of Bakugo but I just wanted them happy :((((
I want more Hizashi- no, I NEED IT! Istg if Aizawa doesn't realise how much he means to Hizashi I WILL throw hands 😡💥
This took me... *checks watch* 12 hours :D! (not including the time it took to make the sketch on paper)
Sorry if it's rushed, had to post it now cus otherwise the perfectionist in me would work until my finger bleeds (yes, I use ibispaint on my 5 year old phone with my finger, don't Sue me, I need money for a Hizashi funko pop)
I would like to apologise to my followers for changing interests constantly- BUT DONT WORRY! I have some Ninjago and AU comics in mind that I mayyyyyy post here, unsure but we'll see! I'm gonna try and make atleast two more MHA posts in the future (though these will be Erasermic :3)
‼️Art advice/critique is fully welcome here as long as it's genuine in how I can improve my art skills (though please refrain from being rude)🫶‼️
Now, back to the mole hole with me
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headmates-4-you · 16 days
The embodiment of scene, like, js scene as a person!! :3333333 hope this isn't too hard T^T
We've been suuuppeerrr busy with back to school and stuff, and also new hyperfixations and new alters making it hard to focus on much else T^T
but this was an interesting request, so I tried my best ^^
PS: got some dividers for the blogs :3
PS (2): irl we got two Funko pop keychains of 2 of our MHA fictives and have them on our bag :D also new MHA book and guitar capo?! lemme know if there's any good songs you can play with capo, cause I couldn't find any ;-;
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(alt text: basic info)
Name(s): Carmen, Staci, Cathy, Jade/Jayden/Jaydee, Xo_Scen3St4ci
Pronouns: shxy/thxy. 3rr0r/3rr0r. 666/666. 2000/2000. 3ds/3d. :3/:3. ?!/!?. ay/aym. bark/bark. bi/bim. bite/bite. black/black. bling/blingee. blood/blood. bone/bone. bow/bow. brace/bracelet. bright/colour. byte/byte. cat/cat. cata/catatonic. ce/cer. check/checkered. chem/chem. cir/circut. cos/cos. cry/cry. cut/cut. dead/dead. death/death. die/die. dino/dino. e/e. emo/emo. epic/epic. ev/ev. exe/exe. ey/em. eye/strain. fang/fang. fringe/fringe. ghost/ghost. gir/gir. girr/girr. glit/glitter. glitter/glitter. gloom/gloom. glow/glow. glow/stick. gore/gore. grr/grr. gun/gun. gut/gut. h3/h1m. hor/horror. hx/hxm. it/it. ix/ix. kan/kandi. kand/kandi. kandi/kandi. kill/kill. kit/kit. knife/knife. lix/lix. luv/luv. mask/mask. meow/meow. mew/mew. mlp/mlp. mon/monster. music/music. neo/neon. neon/neon. net/net. nya/nya. nya/nyan. nyan/cat. pika/pikachu. pix/pix. pixel/pixel. plur/plur. pony/pony. pop/pop. pop/tart. queen/queen. quiet/quiet. rain/rain. rainbow/rainbow. rave/rave. rawr/rawr. raz/razor. red/red. rei/reina. scene/scene. scene/scenester. scream/scream. sh3/h3r. si/silent. skull/skull. slash/slash. slice/slice. spi/spider. spook/spook. stab/stab. stick/sticker. sticker/sticker. stud/stud. thxy/thxm. tutu/tutu. txt/txt. vamp/vamp. video/game. x3/x3. x]/x]. XD/XD. xe/xem. xey/xem. xy/xyr. ze/zem. ze/zer. ze/zero. zi/zim. zim/zim. zom/zombie. zomb/zomb.
(apologies, most of the pronouns are from a scene ID pack that I saw fitting to thxyr identity)
Age: conceptage, permateen (15)
Species: human
Gender(s): scenebodiment, 2000saesthetigender, 2000sscenic, demigirl
Sexuality: bisexual aromantic
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(alt text: system info)
Sources: the concept of scene, 2000's aesthetics
Role: protector
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(alt text: personality)
Interests/Likes: Monster, My Little Pony, cartoons, MySpace, the scene aesthetic, the 2000's
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(alt text: radqueer info)
TransIDS: transradioactiveblood, permateen, transharmed, transharmful, transselfharmscars, transabuse, transscars, transseverityabuse, transseveritytrauma, conceptage, transageless, perma2000's, 2000'sstuck
CisIDS: abused, s//xually assaulted, trauma, dark hair, dark humour, scene, silly
Paras: necrophilia
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Emoji signoff: -🦇
Kins: Marceline from adventure time
aesthetic/vibe: scene queen :3
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zokimaga · 1 year
I need to compile my thoughts about all the kinds of fight club action figures i have found because it just fascinates me soo much ??!! i am literally digging so deep and THERES SO MANY????
okay so THE FIRST ONES I’VE FOUND, are the ReAction figurines !
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I MEAN ?? THEYRE ALRIGHT I GUESS.  No idea why there’s like, two Tylers ToT ??  Marla looks so depressed and Narrator looks like he just smelt the stench of a dumpster. Tyler ?? completely emotionless?? THEY JUST ALL LOOK SO SO INSANE,,,,
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nooo, i dont, i dont like them the look so dumb :( but i mean atleast Narr has a lil penguin buddy thats cute
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TYLER "FIGHTER" DURDEN ??? idk his head looks a lil dumb but in a cute way i guess. his pants are just SO VIOLENTLY RED..
Fish bone toys Tyler
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He looks alright. i really love the detail on his clothes :D !
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With iminime i am NOT 100% sure if all of them are the same manufacturer but these images popped up and they seem to be similar quality. and i REALLY LOVE HOW ITS THE LYE SCENE SHIRT???
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HIM SMILING ?? i've only found promotional images of these </3 HES SMILING THOUGHT !!! WITH HIS SILLY CIG !!! ??
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THIS IS BY FAR LIKE THE BEST OF THE BEST TBH !?!?! AND THE FACT YOU CAN UNDRESS HIM ?? imagine him just sitting on ur shelf or smth in his little chair !!! WHY HE COMES W A SHOWER THOUGH i do not know.
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I've also found some images with (iminime?) narrator figurine too !!
In conclusion i do not have any money to buy any of these. Also the manufacturer names get thrown around so often here and there that i am kind of unsure which figurines are which actually. Not that it would matter because they're all out of production and WAY TOO PRICY.
There might be mistakes on this post because info is very hard to gather :( !! The higher quality ones i assume were limited run or custom made ?
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tinukis · 7 months
FINALLY SHOWING OFF MY COLLECTION !!! i finally reorganized a little bit buuut it still feels incomplete... anyway!! it's a mix of one piece and pokemon... ft other things but mostly one piece
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again, mostly pokemon and one piece. i've been collecting pokemon plushies/merch in general since 2018. and to be completely honest with you, i feel like my life didnt start until 2018. i have no recollection of anything at least irl before 2018... i have a bunch of pokemon plushies still that arent even on here or theyre just hiding from sight! (like behind gladion is a steven stone plushie nfmshd) OH AND I HAD MY GLADION AND MIKO PLUSHIE MADE !! i just drew it and then gave the designs to a manufacturer :3 my next goal is to make another two but with their alt outfits this time :D
also on the top shelf, other than the action figures and plushies, are artbooks! for original sun/moon, usum, scarlet/violet, and it's hard to see but artbooks for the great ace attorney/dai gyakuten saiban as well !! also the gladion acrylic standee blends in well with wano zoro jfkdhjd omg do yall think gladion could do a closet cosplay of zoro (miko got him to do it <3)
also im not rlly big on pop funkos, theyre just gifts <3
AND TWO BINDERS OF POKEMON CARDS... i dont play i just collect them bc i like pretty art
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SO UM. SECOND SHELF. one shelf dedicated to zolu, asl, and ace and sabo :3 behind the zolu figures are tiny plushies of them and rubber straps but well, its hard to see em </3
i got into one piece since like. early september and now i have an entire display dedicated to one piece 😭 + other things like persona lol
feat my pokemon boxes and unboxed one piece figures. ofc, this isnt Everything i have but it's Mostly everything
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the last two things i'll show and the second post wont be posted until i update my stuff more
so heres my poorly made luffy cutout that was literally made with sweat and tears... in fact i startwd this project like a WEEK after starting one piece 😭😭😭 thats how you know i was strapped in for life
and my corkboard!! some cool one piece works and the wano zolu sc :3 it's really cool to have these things hfmhdjd
the ace print, frobin charms, rubber pins, and stickers i just pinned on are stuff i got from a con. everything else from jp mercari !!
tbh, the sealed gladion acrylic standee is like my most prized treasure... not that i dropped hundreds on it but i got it for a lot cheaper compared to the other sealed ones online :'D + his postcards too are one of my most prized possessions... i wonder who my favorite pokemon character is
honestly idk what to fill the empty space in with but i wanna balance out this corkboard with pkmn and OP so maybe i'll try to hunt for more pkmn stuff
this is all i'll share for now but the next post will show my two ita bags that i have :0 !!! and my comically large arcanine plushie that i named ace 😁🫶
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invisibleraven · 6 months
Imagine your OTP where Person A works in retail and Person B keeps coming into the shop and asks for help with the most ridiculous things. + if Person A loses it one day and confronts Person B about their motive feels like Willex to me, please and thank you.
Willie pressed himself up on his toes and down again, as if that would relieve the pressure of his uncomfortable dress shoes. He wished he could just wear his beat up kicks, but that wouldn't mesh well with the image Caleb wanted to convey with his store.
And since Willie worked there as a way to earn a bit of cash and avoid having to work at the club, he had to deal with the shoes. At least he didn't have to cut his hair and got to choose his shirt and tie.
The other bonus was that he had direct view of the nerd store across the hall in the mall where his jib at the suit store was.
Now Willie did appreciate the odd nerdy thing, but his main focus in that store was just under six foot, had golden blond hair, and an affinity for pink.
Willie had tried every way to talk to Alex in hopes that he would manifest the courage to ask him out.
The first time he had just gone over to introduce himself, welcome them to the mall, and ask if they wanted to hear the gossip about the other stores there. The next time was to ask if he could use their microwave in return for letting them use the private bathroom attached to his work.
But those interactions would only get him so far.
The next time he went over, holding up two ties, and asked Aled which one he should wear. Totally noticing on how his eyes were glued to the line of his throat and top of his chest exposed where he hadn't buttoned up his shirt. Points for him, and he loved how Alex stuttered through choosing the goldenrod coloured tie.
The next time he went over asking Alex for a good started Pokemon since he had just started playing the game. Unfortunately, Alex directed him towards Reggie for that since he was hopeless at video games, and Reggie could talk your ear off about anything. But it did get Willie interested in catching a Bidoof, if only because the name made him giggle.
After that it was a game of finding out exactly what Alex's area of interest and nerdiness lay. So every time they were working the same shift, Willie would come over and ask about something different.
"What class would you recommend for a beginning D&D player?"
"What's the conversion rate of sheep to wood in Catan?"
"What's the best version of Monopoly?"
"Do you guys have any idea how Magic the Gathering works?"
On and on, but every time, Alex would direct him to one of the other guys working though he did always smile and blush whenever he looked at Willie-and usually convinced him to add to his sock collection at least once a week, all while throwing his own employee discount on it for him.
Then one day, Willie moseyed into the store on his break, veering right towards Alex. "So did you get a cavalcade of Funko pops based on the new anime adaptation yet?"
Alex whirled around, glaring at him. "What is your deal?"
"Every day, or almost, you come in here, and it's always something inane or weird or I dunno... do you get some sick joy of making fun of the nerds or something?" Alex exploded.
"No!" Willie exclaimed. "I'm a nerd! Or well, kind of one, given the love of cartoons from my childhood and obsessive sock buying."
"Then why do you keep coming over here and asking me about all this other stuff?" alex asked, shoulders still stiff as he looked at Willie.
"Because I like you dummy!" Willie said with a laugh. "I've been looking for any excuse to come talk to you in hopes you might engage in conversation with me and then maybe we could go out sometime."
"Oh... oh!" Alex replied. "I like you too!"
"Then how about we get an Orange Julius and you can tell what nerdy stuff you are into?" Willie asked, offering his arm.
"Through in a soft pretzel and it's a date," Alex replied, looping their arms together.
It turned out that Alex wasn't much of a nerd, but Reggie needed staff, Alex needed money, and he did like dancing games and Trivial Pursuit.
"Sounds like a fun idea for our next date," Willie said with a grin.
"Only if you're in the mood to get your butt whipped," Alex teased back.
"Oh it's like that is it?" Willie stated. "Challenge accepted."
Alex beamed, but then looked at his watch and scowled. "My break is almost up."
"Well then let me bring you back and on the way I can catch you up on the latest happenings with th jewellery store guys."
"Man, fuck those guys," Alex said as they walked back hand in hand to their hallway.
"I know right?"
From then on, Willie didn't have to find excuses to come talk to Alex any more. But he did come by with gossip, kisses, and a choice of tie. Because there was nothing better than making his boyfriend blush-even more than a discount on funky socks.
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brits4gerardway · 2 months
i'm never on anon :3 hello!!
okay so here are my 3 questions
1: fav movie ?
2: best mcr album in your opinion ?
3: ever read homestuck ?
(this will probably be a long post because the first two questions evoke massive ramble urges within me)
1: FAVE MOVIE AHHHHGGH I really like The Shining 😭 I have a jack torrance funko pop :33 but also One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest crushes my soul in a good way (i like watching old movies) BUT WHEN I WAS YOUNGER I RLLY LOVED SUICIDE SQUAD THAT WAS SUCH A SILLY TIME FOR ME (not a fan of jared's joker though sorry guys) margot robbie's harley quinn you will always be famous🫶🫶
tbh now that I think of it I have a lot of favourite movies and i'm a nerd for this kinda stuff which doesn't really help my case (has took BTEC media and is also going to do A-level film studies) ,,, FUCK,,, I'll just name some more favs!!!!!
Joker 2019, The Dark Knight, Birds Of Prey, Melanie Martinez K-12, American Psycho, The Crow, Girl Interrupted, MCR Life On The Murder Scene ((IF THAT EVEN COUNTS)), Pearl (I'M A STAAAAARRR!! D:), La La Land, Corpse Bride, Coraline and also Studio Ghibli films like Spirited Away and Howl's Moving Castle :D there are probably some i've missed but for everyone's sake i'll stop there
2: this will always be the most difficult question ever to me because I love all of them so much equally and they're all great fucking albums that mean the WORLD to me,, statistically it's The Black Parade which is the best and it's sososososo good 🤤🤤🤤 but ngl I'm a massive Conventional Weapons lover even if it's not technically an album . BURN BRIGHT SAVE US BURN BRIGHT WE SAY IN UNISON🔥🔥🔥 but ACTUALLY albumwise I'm stuck between Bullets and Three Cheers I LOVE CONCEPTY ALBUMS AND DEEP LYRICS SO MUCHJSJDJD AND THEN THE UNDERRATED OVERHATED DELECTABLE MASTERPIECE OF DANGER DAYS EXISTS TOO WITH THAT SILLY CONCEPT AND SHIT I'VE SAID THEM ALL.
but bullets. i think. for now. yeah❤️ (I change my mind every time I think about it)
3: I read a teeny bit of homestuck back in 2020 but I never continued for some reason I totally forgot why 😭 I REMEMBER THE KARKALICIOUS SONG THOUGH THAT SHIT GOES HARD
I loved doing this instead of sleeping<33 take this pretty yet blurred swarm gerard image as a cheers to anyone who read all that
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xadenviolct · 3 months
Some people might suggest you have a problem when you need to buy a couple more bookcases and move things around to make room in your library.
I, however, just say that when it comes to my books, it should be like the TARDIS.
Bigger on the inside, never running out of space, etc.
Anyway, I did some moving around (after trying to put the two new cases together while little Xaden and little Sasha helped) and here's a mini-tour of the (mostly?) finished library, book storage, etc.
So enter the room and turn to the left and you have bookish pins and candles and whatnot:
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Going around the room clockwise, you next have a sort of "fandom" shelf--YA books, SPN, OUAT, etc.
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Next is one of the new cases, lovingly deemed my "Maas-verse bookcase" :D
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Then there's the second new bookcase, mostly empty right now (because let's be honest, I needed space!) :
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Then the first corner of the room in our tour; I have had that OUAT!Captain Hook cutout for years, a gift from a good friend. And of course, all my "special" little TY beanie baby bears ;) What? I'm a millennial! Necklaces and some book decor on the wall as well.
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In front of the window is most of my Funko POPs, stacked up (ranging from some Star Wars, some OUAT, and some Lion King) along with just a few storage things and a bed for the kitty cats that you can pay no attention to. A little more decor on the wall as well.
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At the other corner, I call it my "nonfiction/non-fantasy AND random paperback case" Because the majority of my books are fantasy, in some way; I have a small collection that aren't (and an even smaller area for nonfiction) and I have ASOIAF here because... I haven't read them all yet. :(
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Next, there is the initial white case (when I first had just the white ones) that is now my "JLA, Zodiac, and spicy books" case, for the most part.
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Then the middle white case, the only "theme(ish)" aspect is Grishaverse/Bardugo on the top shelf. The rest of the case tends to be a mix of different books, mostly special editions in one way or another.
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At the final white case, again, the top is currently the only "theme" shelf, with Empyrean taking the space. At the rate I keep getting multiple Special Editions of those books, however, those dragons may end up taking up a lot more than one shelf ;)
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And then, before we leave the room-- The little space on the wall when it turns in has a collection of some bookish decor:
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And right when you enter the door, if you look at the wall immediately there to your left, you'll see my collection of bookish daggers/swords bookmarks because I wanted to display them (they're so pretty!)
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And then, finally, we have the two cases that ended up being moved into the living room (because I simply CANNOT fit it all in one room, who are we kidding?!)
First up is the "I was a teenage girl and obsessed with Harry Potter and Twilight" era case.
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And lastly, is the case that is like "oh yeah, I've read these classic books and love them and look how intelligent I am" case. ;)
In all honesty, however, I've probably actually read ... 65% of the books on this case. Ah well. I'll get to them one day... maybe.
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And there you have it!
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q-gorgeous · 1 year
What Will It Be?
some art i drew for this fic. credit for the idea goes to berry kjjbhgf
wooooo :D this is my newest longest fic. very excited for this
prompt (way back from phic phight): Dash sees something he shouldn't have and ends up making a deal. @kinglazrus
Dash watches as the GIW kidnap Danny. They make a deal with him to keep him silent but he is wracked with guilt. What will it take for him to spill this secret?
Dash walked into the front doors of the school. Today would be a good day. It was Thursday, which meant it was almost Friday, which meant it was almost the weekend. He just had to get through these next two days. He was looking forward to relaxing this weekend. He’d been so busy lately. 
He looked up and down the hallway and smiled when he saw someone standing by their locker. 
“Hey, Fentonowski!” 
Dash strode over to where Danny and his friends stood by his locker. 
Danny looked at him and rolled his eyes. “Dash.”
“What are you nerds up to?” Dash leaned forward to look inside Danny’s locker and only got a glimpse of a Fenton thermos sitting inside it before Danny shut the locker in his face. 
“What?” Dash looked down at him. “Got secrets to hide in there or something?”
“Maybe I have a stash of pictures of every embarrassing thing you’ve ever done.” Danny smiled up at him. 
“You better watch yourself, you’ll get what’s coming to you one of these days.”
Danny looked up at Dash with a glint in his eyes. “Oh yeah, what are you going to do?”
“Barf.” Sam faked a gag. “Get a room.” 
Danny’s face turned red. “We don’t need a room, Sam. Why would we need a room?”
“You should see what your guy’s faces look like.” Sam rolled her eyes. “Maybe then you would finally believe me when I say-”
“Okay, well, bye Dash. We’re leaving for class!” 
Dash watched as Danny pushed Sam away from him and Tucker snickered at their antics. Sam was still rolling her eyes but she finally turned around to walk beside Danny instead of being pushed along in front of him. 
He turned and walked to his own locker. Normally he would go straight to his first class without stopping by his locker, but today he had two textbooks in his backpack and he did not want to be lugging them both all over the place. 
“Boo!” Kwan appeared behind Dash, clapping his hands on his shoulders. Dash jumped and spun around and was ready to bolt before he realized it was Kwan.
“Hey! I almost thought you were a ghost!” Dash pulled Kwan into a headlock and gave him a couple noogies. “One of these days you’re gonna get punched by going around and saying boo to scare people.”
“Aw, come on. Most people aren’t scared much by it anyways.” Kwan smiled at him. “The only ghost that says boo is the box ghost and nobody’s afraid of him anymore.”
“Speak for yourself.” Dash shut his locker door. “You don’t have a bunch of funko pops that he’s always trying to take out of their boxes.”
Kwan turned and started walking toward their first class. “Oh no, what ever will your toys do without their boxes?”
Dash wildly gestured with his hands, shooting Kwan a look. “They’re not toys! They’re collectible figures and they’re not worth as much if they’re taken out of their boxes!” 
Kwan laughed at him. “Okay, okay. You win.” He shot a look at Dash. “Have you told him yet?”
“What?” Dash gave him a confused look.
“Oh.” Dash shook his head. “No. I think Manson has been trying to tell him herself but he doesn’t want to hear it.” Dash frowned. “It makes me wonder if I should even tell him. If he doesn’t want to hear it from her, why would he want to hear it from me?”
Kwan shrugged. “I don’t know. You’re the one with the feelings. It’ll probably mean more coming from the person who has the feelings.”
“I guess.” Dash sighed. “What if he doesn’t feel the same way though?”
“Then you at least told him. You’ll never know if you never say anything. Besides, I don’t think you have anything to worry about. Everyone sees the way he looks at you. It’s only a matter of time. People have bets going around on how long it’ll take you guys to confess to each other.”
“What? Who?”
Kwan made a zipping motion over his mouth. “I’m sworn to secrecy.”
Dash snorted. “Yeah, okay. I’m now led to believe you’re the one running everything then.”
“What? No! It’s Tucker!” 
“Of course it is.” Dash rolled his eyes. “Why is there a betting pool anyways?”
“The same reason there was a betting pool when Sam and Danny had goo goo eyes for each other. It’s funny.” 
“It’s not so funny when you’re on the other end of it.” Dash grumbled, hunching his shoulders up towards his ears. 
“Lighten up, man.” Kwan clapped him on the back. “Everything’ll work out, you’ll see.”
They stopped in front of Dash’s classroom. “I hope you’re right.”
“I know I am.” Kwan nudged Dash’s shoulder. He nudged Kwan back and then headed into their classroom. 
Maybe it would be easier if he just never said anything about his feelings to Danny. What did it matter if his heart swelled at just the thought of him? He could go his whole life without saying anything. 
He sat down right as the bell rang and Mr. Lancer cleared his throat. 
“Today we’ll be starting our unit on Shakepearean dramas. Shakespeare has many well known plays, such as Romeo and Juliet and Macbeth. These are both tragedies.” 
Paulina raised her hand. “What’s a tragedy?” 
“A tragedy is a play that deals with tragic events, such as suffering, catastrophes, or death. They have unhappy endings and they follow the downfall of the main character.” 
Lancer turned to face the chalkboard and started writing the definition on it. 
He remembered when they went over Romeo and Juliet as freshmen. It was a love story doomed to fail. Two kids from rival families that fell in love. They’d rather be dead than be without the other. 
Dash just had to pray he wasn’t living in a tragedy. That his love wasn’t doomed to fail. 
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rachreads · 1 year
y’all remember that adult job i said i was getting? well, i got it so the bruhl shrine has received a massive upgrade. >:)
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more pics and artist links below ;)))
The shelf itself is an IKEA Milsbow with four Mittled LED cabinet lights on the underside of every shelf to give it some light. I did have to drill a hole in the bottom self to feed some cords though, but other than that it was pretty simple to put together! :D
The framed The King's Man (2021) poster on the left was a freebie that I got for attending the opening night showing of the movie! I was the only person in the theater with my friend, so we nabbed about seven of 'em and handed them out to fellow Bruhl and Kingsman appreciators in our friend grounp.
The All the King's Men poster underneath isn't Bruhl related, but it was a gift from another friend who knows how much I like the Kingsman movie series. I also have a Kingsman shrine in my living room (and a Talking Heads shrine, and a Re-Animator shrine, and a Vladmir Nobokov shrine.... i am so completely normal).
Everything below reads left to right, I'll try to include links to artists where I can!
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Comic books in the back are issues 2-4 of Thunderbolts presents Zemo: Born Better (which isn't canon to the MCU, and honestly is not my favorite, but the cover art looks cool lol) and the first collected volume of the original Thunderbolts run.
The black picture frames on the left are a sticker set from @injureddreams on their Etsy store and can be found here! The keychain in the golden frame on the right is also from their store, and is sadly sold out :(, but the store page is here.
Speaking of keychains, I have two on order from Noble Demons that are currently getting bounced around in my campus mail system that will go in those empty spots in the frame. Those two can be found here and here.
The funko pop on the left is the limited edition dancing Zemo from the Collector Corps subscription box (although you can find them resold on Amazon and the like for ~20 bucks), and the funko pop on the right is the regular Zemo pop from the FATWS line from 2021. These are also on sale for around ~10 bucks on Amazon.
The figpin in the very middle is the MCU Zemo pin from the FATWS line that was released in 2021.
The plush in the very middle was actually made by me :D. You can find the pattern on Etsy here, but if you're curious about the specific yarns used, you can check out my ravelry posts about it here.
And finally, the enamel pins in the golden frame on the right are from ChingonPinz on Etsy, but unfortunately are not sold anymore.
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The DVD/Bluray collection on the left has German imports of Schule (2000) and Lessons of a Dream (2011), as well as American DVDs/Blurays of Deeply, The Edukators, Lila Lila, Inglourious Basterds, and The Cloverfield Paradox. Civil War bluray on the right is also a US release.
Special attention called to the Good Bye Lenin DVD on the left, which is the US Special Edition that has director's and actor's commentary tracks, including one with Daniel on it! Geez, if only someone were to rip those tracks and upload them to the internet. Maybe in a masterlist on a pinned post. Maybe at the top of their blog. That would be crazy hahahahahaha.
The magazine in the back is the European version of Issue 46 of The Rake, which contains the amazing and wonderful photoshoot that can be seen in this post here. (pinkie promise i did not spend $200 on that, I got it on eBay for like 20$)
The art board print in the middle is from rindelamater on Redbubble and can be found here.
The Good Bye Lenin Blu-Ray that is laying on the bottom of the shelf is an import from South Korea, and is actually the only region A blu-ray of GBL in existence since there has been no re-release in the US. I imported mine from eBay, although I think I have seen a few floating around on other sites.
Good Bye Lenin and Inglourious Basterds CD scores are pretty common, I don't think I need to explain those.
The plushie of Zeems on the right is from RedCapStore on etsy and can be found here. This was actually a gift from a friend and I hold it very dear to my heart. :)
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The Laszlo Brainrot begins.
Angel of Darkness and Surrender, New York on the left are US mass market paperbacks. Super easy to find. :)
The framed art print in the very middle is my very favorite drawing from @pannypunkpanda's 365 day art challenge from last year! You can find this specific one on their RedBubble shop here.
The rest of the items on this shelf (including the custom Leuchtturm1917 Journal on the left *drool*) are from a PR box that was released for TNT's version of The Alienist: Angel of Darkness in 2020. In anticipation for the season, an online murder mystery party was held and journalists recieved a box of props that acted as clues for the mystery. There's an article covering the online event linked here for those curious. I managed to snag a box from a reseller on eBay for around 60 bucks, although that was the first and only time I have ever seen it available. :(
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The box on the very bottom right is the mailing box that the murder mystery props from the shelf above all came in.
The board game on the left is a custom box and game that was only given out to the cast and crew of the first or second season of the Alienist iirc and is not easily available on the market. I, again, picked mine up from a reseller on eBay, but it's pretty hard to find.
The book in the middle is the tie-in edition of The Alienist by Caleb Carr, which is completely annotated and highlighted to shit by your's truly. :)
The picture frame on the right again has stickers from @pannypunkpanda's RedBubble shop linked here, and another sticker in the very middle from Elizabeth Ryan Shepard's RedBubble shop linked here.
And that's it! I may make another list with my holy grail items that I'm still on the lookout for but honestly I might just like to gatekeep those. It might make my chances of finding them better oops.
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poupeesdecirque · 10 days
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Travel Blog - Connichi 2024 - Part 2
Convention Friday or: "Is that true fear in your eyes or are you acting?"
Welcome to the actual first day of Connichi, the Friday. After we took photos of Bookman Jr. and a quick outfit change we finally got to the convention.
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A few words about Mana here... I did Nea last year and I joked about the fact Mana was overdue as I use the same name (for different reasons) as its a mash up of my two names and I got the wig for Mana last year at the convention. The Earl bag was an idea I had at the con and I am amazed I actually did the whole thing in time.
So it was about time to give Mana a few hours of attention.
As we had arrived we went through the park and were super quick found by other D.Gray-man cosplayers and invited to a meetup in like a few minutes later.
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While we waited for the others to be finished with their scheduled photoshooting I took over to lead a part of the group to the museum to take some photos there.
I have to say I was purely acting here, it was fun saying "Let the Earl manage that, follow the Earl!", but that is... not me. I just switch to be the extrovert when nobody takes a decision.
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We had a lot of fun, doing some roleplaying as the characters before the others arrived.
To be honest I was not included in that many photos but Alu did an amazing job to take photos of everyone, I had some moments with Clavis (Allen) and Loki (Cross).
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A bit shoutout to Clavis, Jesse and Ruka whom I had met the last year for the first time and I was so incredible anxious back then (you maybe remember the Nea debacle back then) and now we had so much fun and it was my highlight.
Also to Loki who traveled 8hrs just to attend the Connichi on friday to be my Cross (I'm glad you got the days off later on and that we were able to gift you the ticket we had left over due one of my friends not being able to attend).
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Loki also had to endure my sorry ass during the attempt of doing ManaxCross photos, as I am as sexual as a brick lol and was actually asked if the fear in my eyes was real or acting (tbh it was real because i had no idea what the f I had to expect). But if you are my friend and you ship certain characters I might do you the favor ( *eyes @zuyurio *) if possible. Call that fanservice :'D
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Just as the other 3 were about to leave the rest of the group arrived and we took some group photos together. I had meet Rhym at the Bookfair the first time and then at the Dokomi. I am still amazed by your group and I am super sad I missed your Miranda and Crowley. You all looked so amazing and I was just ... impressed. It must feel so wonderful to have a full group within your favorite series.
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After that it was super late already and we got inside to attend the actual convention. First we went into the artist alley and then the general vendor's hall.
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My purchase that day were those two Funko Pops, I am not much into Funkos but damn I love Furuta and Takizawa and had no idea they got Funkos each!
As it was already super late we headed out to a photo spot we had seen as we drove to the location for Nea on thursday, it was time for Mana to shine a bit.
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Have two previews as I am not through with editing them all, but those are my favs. Mana is kinda hard for me as there is so little known about him aside him being a crybaby T_T you can see I actually removed the hairband, it's part of the photoshoot. Somehow I went with the idea that he battled with his own sanity during the photos, I am not sure if it truly turned out but I like him more on me with open hair somehow??
The time passed quickly and the light got too dark for photos and we were super tired.
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So we headed out for dinner, as you can see we actually managed to eat at a restaurant this time. As we stumbled upon that one on our way back.
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We came across this giant clock on our way back.
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Also there was a street food festival that weekend! And as Allen is a little foodie we decided we needed to get some food there the next day.
This was the first convention day, the next one would be me premiering the Clown Cosplay and I was super excited.
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Brian must be heartbroken about some of these items Mary is auctioning off, particularly his acoustic guitar. There’s a photo in the Queen in 3-D book of him and Freddie sitting in a couch, just the two of them, with Freddie holding the guitar, and he wrote: “It’s Freddie and myself in a quiet moment. Freddie played the guitar pretty well… That’s the Humming Bird, probably my favorite acoustic guitar of all time. Freddie is giving it a workout!” 💔
Here’s the photo 🥺
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Yes, I remember this part. Brian always has such a wistful way of describing simple things, it makes my heart hurt.
I can't help but think Brian is upset to think that a lot of Freddie's things like that are going to go off to some random rich person, yeah. Brian has Freddie's touring piano, so I can definitely picture him wanting his acoustic guitar and--hello--the handwritten lyrics to "Bohemian Rhapsody." I really do wonder how he feels hearing the news, given that he's such a sentimental person, puts a lot of value into material objects (he was devastated when his house flooded and stuff got destroyed), and clearly tries to feel closer to Freddie in various ways that he can, such as having his Funko Pop on his nightstand, using a mug with Freddie's image on it, etc., and those are just cheap items that never belonged to Freddie. I'm sure Brian could afford to be the highest bidder at an auction if he really wants the guitar or something else that badly, but still, I doubt Mary asked if he (or any loved ones) wanted any of Freddie's stuff first, and it must suck if he had to find out all of Freddie's things are going to be sold the way we did.
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raid3r-r4bbit · 11 months
@fuzzydreamin thanks for the lol. ive been a little busy with life so sorry for the late response.
Favorite Color:
Green. Like Blindingly Neon almost yellow bile/acid toxic hazmat pukey green. Also black. I'm also a fan of earthy tones, warm greys and browns, rusty orangey reds, and i also unironically love that "some smoker lived here for 5+ years but i swear the walls are white" sepia color.
Last song:
Either Childish Flamingo or 1x1. I've been hopping in between really screamy and just goofy shit atm because i cant focus with anything else. 🤷 But (I also jsut got a new BMTH hoodie) BMTH's post human album has been feeding me. It's a really good (visual? no.) example of that like just angry and over it nihilist feeling and I just *MUNCH CRUNCH AAAA* like i feel like it could be just the tiniest bit angrier and louder but i think that's my headphones.
as for childish flamingo, its like that miseryxcpr thing imo. It's goofy and funny and it slaps. and it's so catchy. it's like right on the edge of aha funny and fuck you street and i love it. i hope any of that makes sense im sorry lol.
Last movie:
the Demon Slayer movie. I skipped all the way to the end to see the fight between Akaza and Rengoku because they're two of my favs ( in order from that show: Uzui (my mom calls yuzu (my cat) Uzui and its adorable) Akaza and Rengoku. I Found out the english dub is out (im way behind) and just needed to hear their english voice acting. all of it is amazing and Akaza's lil gigles during the fight make me incredibly happy. Guys who laugh/giggle mid combat? Ugh >\\x//<
Currently Watching:
Demon Slayer, Chainsaw man, Tokyo ghoul (im rewatching a bunch of animes) Steven universe. (i love all of these and full recommend them. I literally just yesterday(or the day before idk time is a blur) got a new funko pop, it's the half-kakuja kaneki and i love it.)
Other stuff i've watched this year:
Spy x Family, the Junji ito Collection, Yamishibai (if you like picture style art and horror this is great, its somewhat junji ito like, but shorter stories and ngl the zanbai ep scared me a bit) psychpass (some reccomended this to me cause im (obviously) a fan of darker more gruesome shows, and it is very dystopian, love the art work, but i just dont get it.) Given (if you havent watched this show please watch it its amazing) Yuri on ice, Banana Fish (also another fave)
(I work from home, and pretty much exist at my computer, and need to keep on music or tv to keep the bad thoughts out, so i have a lot of time and opportunity to watch stuff ok)
Shows I dropped this week:
Psycho pass. again, i just couldnt get into it. I know a lot of people seem to really like and it full seems like a show that would be up my alley. that first ep was kind of a lot though. I'm not ashamed to admit i love shows that are unafraid to show nudity and violence but the two together (ifykyk) make me uncomfortable. If this case had been a little further in the show i think it would have been fine, but it's litterally the first like ten minutes of the show. I also tried watching this a few week ago while at wasteland but we were pretty much just out the door.
Devil May Cry. I still love the games and the characters, and i remember loving the anime as a kid but its just... so different from the games lmao.
Currently Reading:
random internet stuff, fics and shit. I feel bad because i used to go to the library all the time but at the same time, i dont really have the room to store a whole bunch of books and despite being super dyslexic, i read insanely fast, so renting/buying books isnt worth it to me. (i've read entire full length series in the span of a day or two, while doing other stuff. I need longer, more conveniently packaged novels and that typically comes in the form of fanfiction. )
tagging: @snowmutant @ivanpahdrylakeracer @glaochormfitheach(idk if ur cool tagging you in this kinda stuff, if not just lmk i though it'd be fun :D) @the-soup-witch(im dragging you into tumblr culture whether you like it or not, welcome to tagging games)
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my-plastic-life · 1 year
Happy Turtle Tuesday!!! Kenleigh would like to show off her newly redecorated office. :D The old L-shaped desk has been replaced with a more modern, clear one, and the old office chair with a hollow back (both pieces were Gloria, and the former didn't like to stay together at all) has been replaced with a larger one for more comfort. (I actually used this desk/chair set in my Disney Princess room diorama lol).
In honor of Turtle Tuesday, I thought I'd showcase these adorable Ninja Turtle minis! Most of us are already aware of the World's Smallest Toys/Micro Figures, and of course I had to get the TMNT ones. Each figure comes out of its package and includes his weapons and a stand. To prevent losing all that stuff, they'll stay in their boxes. Why are they on a shelf on the wall and not in the bookshelf? Because the boxes are just a tad too tall LOL. I'd made that wall shelf many years ago but could never get it to stay on a wall... sticky tack wasn't holding it, and neither was velcro. You know what works great? Gorilla Glue sticky tack! Seriously, I've got ani-ME's kitchen cabinets hung up with that stuff, and they don't budge unless I intentionally move them. :D
The newest addition is the adorable Funko Bitty Pops! How adorable are those?! Funko has had this tiny line of Pop figures for a while, but only recently did they release ones I was interested in - TMNT and Disney Princess! Each figure can come out of its plastic box (remove it from the bottom, and it doubles as a stand for the figure), and each set (they come in sets of four) comes with a mini clear display case. Each set of four features three figures you can see and one mystery figure. Somehow, I wound up getting FOUR of the pixelated Michelangelo... I was hoping to at least get a Bebop to go with the rest of the bad guys (those two have the same chance percentage), but alas, it wasn't meant to be. So I'll be putting some random pixelated Mikeys in other houses LOL.
Of course, there are other goodies in the office. Micro Me (the tiny Barbie from the Dollar Tree career pack blind bags that I repainted) is there, along with my favorite Mini Bratz doll (Kumi in her kimono), Rosalina from Mario Kart (my fave character), Ariel (my fave Disney princess), and some dinosaurs (including Blue!). More may be added to the shelf later, but for now, this works!
So there you have it! Kenleigh's new and improved office! There is one empty wall where the gaming consoles were, which I've moved to the living room. I intend to make a little crafting table/area against that wall, but that will come later. :D
Showing off the office:
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The new shelf for the sole purpose of displaying collectibles:
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The Funko Bitty Pops can be removed from their boxes; the bottoms double as stands.
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There are more Pop figures to collect, but I got the main ones I wanted!!!
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Dolls for dolls! :D Got Micro Me, Bratz Kumi, Ariel, and Rosalina from Mario Kart:
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Showing off the World's Smallest TMNT figures (although my Micro Mutants from the 90s beg to differ lol; they're even smaller!):
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bylightofdawn · 1 year
Whelp, they are releasing an officially licensed D&D figure of Drizzt.
He's so hideous I need him in my life anyway.
That is a fucking untapped goldmine IMHO.
But I'm horrifically biased.
Also at this point, whenever I see anything Drizzt I immediately fall down the Artemis/Jarlaxle rabbithole on AO3. They really are a comfort duo for me but now it's become a bit of a Pavlovian reaction.
I'm also huh over the Drizzt & Guenhwyvar funko pop I bought last year now being valued at 70 bucks on amazon. Which isn't a very accurate place to price your Pop's mind you but still, that's interesting to see. I left them in their box because I have nowhere to display them so far.
There's also D&D HAT figures which are also hideous but NGL? I might buy the Xenk and Edgin pop's cause they are actually hella cute.
Seriously though, give us some hideous Artemis and Jarlaxle shit.
I personally would buy two of each and I'm sure there are other people out there who would do the same.
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